The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 18, 1867, Image 1

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f. 2..raxlciurt.x
T. r• unrsTor...
051 At:
• 1, col Letl'Altte.rl
ernci. tifakrrr. Et; 11.1)11:t4
84 AND AG rirrn Krazi.T.
kat; 691$1itu Par.t of halm NanylmiL
ormolu, rArkt . or iITTSTMECIII IND
. .
I . 4SI4 3L4T, AJ CHEAPZer attl t -sr PA7417,T
COMAXIICIL. PAritE to the nate.
11 .V.AVY •ni. per wect. cent.
Aditiewr, GAZETTE.
• rtrrenttumr. ncxxw
fry pitburgij etairttc
Fon vex ACCOmmerrenn or rex:Ross Mar-
Me the city during the summer months
they ran Dave the Garen et mailed to their
address, by oefderinethe ham.; at the omen,
for fifteen cents per - neck for one neck or
more. / •
LAST SEAL:ICC urged the relinquish
ment of the tax on wbisky; distinctly on
the ground that it was' not fairly en
forced, and - henCe its existence tended to
honorable dealers to the wall.
Congress insisted the evil could and
should he remedied, but tie, Care is worse
now than it was before.• The govern
ment is robbed of #100,000,000 annually,
a . vat amount of perjury is produced.
and: a .large number of government
officials are thoroughly corrupted. The
mischiefs resulting from the tax, alto
gether outweigh the .money the govern
ment gets by means of it, even resolving
the money into coppers'.
This case came under our observation
recently, but not lu either of .the dis
trict's covering 'portions of this county.
A. Deputy Collector -ascertained that a
. brewer had'a stiliat Work elicitly on his
premises, and seized The whole estab
liehment, notifying his superior.. In
duo Pale the case reaelle.l the Court_
The bre4er secured the help of a few
politicians, anti soon the Deputy Coiled
. tor reeeived notice that the complaint
had been adjusted, and that he was ex
pected to tarn beik to the brewer all the - I,
property seized, including thd still. The
brewer's friends stated that this dextrous
arrangement cost him only-12,00. This
is only hue instance, to be sate. lint in
this matter of the whisky tax, fraud is'
. The rule, and honesty the exception, all
• round. In 'European knuntrien . no such
`recta are developed, and in most of them
spirits are made to hear a large share of
all public bunlens. • Is the difficulty
here in the men selected for revenue oft
• cers, and •for officers of the federal
courts? Does culpability in these de
• partments induce a larger portion of dia.
honest men to engage in the Ihjuor busi
ness 'lmre than elseirierc It is full
time the enigina was solved and an nie.
made remedy provided.
3fft. Sat:Avon. Bum:atEw is ex,
ss to the importance of devising
whreby minorities can her repke
We beg to suggest that, before th ,
cats interfered with it, the Bliti
tern secured serum:eat:diem to ham
and did: the job More effectual'
any other that has bien devised.
" When the Democrats had whit they I
conceived" to be the permanent ;mitred I
•of this country, and of most of the States : I
therein, they scoffed at the isles of bar
ing minorities represented. In those
days Mr.'. Buckalew was •a' member of
the Pennsylvania Senate, and plumed
himself on his skill In tinkering Douai
' cations so as to adjust thnowers cf the
people most satisfactorily. Some of the
schemes which weir adopted, the people
would gladly be rid of. But Mr. Buck
slew did not then-think net a scheme by
_which the will of the majority,should be,
frustrated by allowing minorities to be
represented. Ile would not concoct.
such Is plan tow, if he did not believe he
and his were permanently banished from,
power. _ , _
Tat Republican party has become a
power in the Southern States. Every i
day.the disposition of the white people'
to act longer with the demotratic party
palpably: diminishes.' The Richmond
Whig, edited by ex-Confederates, says:
"Recently there was no organized Re.
publiesn party. , in the extended sense of
that term, in Virginia. Now there is;
and it is a p?werful and growing party,•
that has th e counterainee and confidence
of Congress, and is in sympathy and af.
filiation with the dominant party of the
North. Muchof the best material in the
State is co-operating with it. A la , rge
portion of the best intellect; as of the
Virtue of,the State, Is already pledged to
this co-operation, and every day new
asdone are made tent from the ranks of
the solid people' of -Virginia."
The Abingdon Kirginian says :
"The Democratic party - might to be
' disbanded, and never more named in the
South. It ought to be disbanded every
where." .
-------------- ' —III a creek. near Jonesboro, Illinois, a
—home, lhc spiritualist, who was' ...min man with tile suggustive nom,..if •
wine time ago adopted as a son by a L,...erlie, is said to !met• count an Maga-
Mrs. I.yon, who had been mule n [Auntie , tor fish nix r.,t ~,,e inch and is half long,
by the latest pretended religion; and :rod weighing eighty-tive putitids. The 1
who hadradYinged liohle i:24,000 as a gar was vangtit uan
in Mr. L.'s sh trap, d i
present, is in trouble. Mrs. Lyon has 'it is the first Of thiammeles ever entight
since thouelit better of,it, and isdisposed , i n ,' , / :'' ''' ell. , It h ,"'' ',1...." the lily
to rid herself of• her adopted son. She , ".„ . ,,, v ,j'7':,',„"e i ,":„ . ' i ! ,'Z ' o ' r ik i'e e " ,_l sh* , i s t e h t ", I
consulted another medium, a young girl, • „,„,gt, tided witt,',",: ‘ ,.„,:e ~,q,r'• ' '
who told her Home was attended-by a • __The e , _ O ,
of lion. John Dell is
"laminar spirit" wile had innuenced I - 1
.",, ,••
..... . gra, sa ll y ia..111::. .61 , 1 11/111.1 1.1 1,1111
Mr!. Lyon to make bith her SOLI. laa .1011 a, 1,1.11 Um exhaustion of his physti.
messenger from the Spheres, sneaking system is extreme. I le're.diles near the i
through the medium, recommended the' Cualls•riasal iron Works, in 'Tennessee,.
very worldly - proceed* of a suit for the I which were formerly a sour. of ito- j
recovery of the money advanced. Mrs.: cal,e toventie to him. tent the war I
Lyon accepted the advice and took
t h e ; wrecked his fortune, health, and ms - lai '
unspiritual Etep of hating Dome arrested : ."'l l'''' ,,, rr
, 'I r" • n
Patl"C. and ille.ld matt
nullain Jail - in Loudon. He getout s i X , ',:',?t, ,i . : v i lkY'':, ° ,'" i' , r"_ "
ei ireairtiltio that ne is, no
,speedily, but has since been quite ill, • s . 'i •
y moat tett
—Referring totbe inscription designed • , —"l t• L ,
, ie .me• It ... , Pondent of .
to perpetuate tlie name and illustrate the ,n. urrnlng Valve '''° il " : ''_-A r"rnii.. j
virtUes of Priebe Albert, the London 1 -
tVe i Wt t er C ili7a r a r l ' Z l in it r: l d '. ... ' f . ,„ '. i Y„ Ti ' l t
conespondent of Pm Beaton Adrertiser :
, down . 1 . w n stri ' mg.7lr.s..went Oat in a Imo;
says: It is Impassible To rend all these , togetior and (mule WI: elitsigtsi. .1 re-
snared attributes, thus lobe bonded down f 0,. , rkal.h. Mate of lisvh at first algid. The
to posterity in imperishable marble, as , holy i,... Noise York .heire,+, the tenth-- I
belonging to the Prince Consort, with 11111111 n inetnlier of the Illerory person:
out coming to the conclusion that the lot en." , Ve den's vilely,, the tmaikeha•
widowed Queen, evn at this distance of I jourrodisot of New York tuba...fist to the
time from her husband's' decease, is a i " °tering Pl."'" on. di! , strength or thin
Monomaniac on the subjtet of his char-! ''' i ' ' r Y '
atter, and that long and Solitary brood- , — A imr l C.l.. , miellrth,ement,•Polleier
, leg over one idea has narrowed her teem I 4:7 attributed to (iearite Lalanti, was
PliglirDENT Joilx.sqies attempt In , i i posted ot hnuilogn 111 ti. Union lintel,
, tal powers: It would not be at ail im. !
frighten Congress out of its Ilcconstnin• 1 passible if this were to result in insanity, u c olux i tl , style Mit c great u.
frighten t.i'i ' • ' l.ii t' i n iiive ' rLis " Pr, ' ;h" lii order to over.
tion . Polley' by representing that if it , which often follows in slather Oases." , eon," . mann,' prejudice aaalll.ll. the
shall fro fisted in the general govern-' ,
. Tot Si Louis 'Dr
isoerdi remark s: ". " '"Ii""I '' 'l'''' proprietor will on Nicol
dav place a two dollar and a half gold
scent will be answerable for the debts of 1 'Tr.. Robert Hunt, wSose death was , Ineini to it emtain .plautity 44 the hash;
the r ahast s t es, d oes n ot seem to meet , mentioned in our (Amigo special yes- ails Tuniday ono-litilf that annum in two
~,,,, micce , • The deeeeeret ! ie jeer _ i
sirs: teedny .. morning,morning, Was the
. -hustatnit of I 1.161,5; i W
oil ednesday foustlinil of that
,eit i,
i lt: ammo IN aril Hunt , 01 „ Kentucky.
~ 'hot it ill dir.. , placo
c,”' and so on tor n
rids endeavor , hi, reiterating the he st ' i Sallie Ward was a famous belle in: 111. ' I
dent's arguments; to - give them addition- i younger days. It will be zentembered - -It is related that Colonel I lake, Col
al force; hut all to no effect. . Congress , that her heat husband was T. Bigelow lectors the port or i'hiboolooh, the
he 01 Massaelm • .of Al,-• other lily re•ceived a note from ;Secretary
tormuly Minister to • MeTtilloch.
knows the government, lu a matter of ! Law? " I . re.t• -on • , • - - •
, ben Lswrcnecr, who atated• • that he had
tole sort, caul be bound Reno more than , h..ard with mingled surpri•a• and indig-
EMl:Land. Shortly ager the marring..
tho Legislative departmentshall see proPt , they separated and the country Wati bull : 'dies' thud !wale t'ulleelor) hail afi
er to assume; and when the . -Seceding •of the mandal ot t ie tese. Dr. Heat I 1""'"'l I " '"l"nrail"'" Pl'" in il'
, toot I lome, - men who bad abused
States shall be reorganized and restored, ; was a gentleman of inttunn sa d ar r .'' , i Pre-ideal Johnson." To this charge
lishtnelll.9 . but addicted to strong I I ',dotal rake raspall &al that he did not
they .will have all their (firmer debts to i 'd r i nk. " '
• know where to 1001, for anybody who
pay, the creditors having the same seen- ' had not slimed him. 'flue Denownsta
city they had before, and no more. 1 —The linosae tunnel, it is now nu-, ithesid iiiiiilrefore his eieetion, and the
flounced, in progressing favorably, and i It .. ! . utdieims shire that event, nil he bad
. there are - proSpecta of its COnliktion, i b:-..ii alin,4l a 1 around.
- _' . • .-
-... .^tv rebnliti nth:nib ' - --- -- •
These may be taken among the latest
inelinations of the singe that is going
on. •
Tux Philadelphia Mtlieiin sass:
"There wee a balloon marriages con-
„pie .of yeara.aio at the Central . Palk,
New York, and as there never was a !
simpleton Jack that could not Lod a
dunce of a Jill, or a fleet class fool of a
Roland that could not be matched with
au essential donkey of an Oliver, the
balloon marriage mania has been imita- I
led at Pittsburgh. Two simpletons of j
the City perpetrated matrimony ;
in a balloonen a recent occasion, taking
a knot-tying Aiderman aloft with them
In the metal car, and they plighted ORM I
troth to each other at the Weld. of a
hundred feet or E 0 above to-rd./in/to."
The simpletons alluded to did not be- I
long to our city. The aronaut searched
the town in vale for a pair of Poole, and
rather than to ! hrive the novel entertain
: meat prove a failure, visited Philadel- -
phis, and with much ease procured a
man . Willing to go up, ..while Ohio bad
-to furnish the bride. The stock of
fools not so Jerre as elsewhere,
13111G111.&11 AND .101 ti W. Youxo,
heirs eit old Brigham, were in Philadel-
Ada on Monday making arrangements
for the transportation of twenty thous.
And converts to Mormonism expected
ohortlylrem; Europe, •
A lESl'Scrsn9r. young gentleman of
St. Lents made .a' third and Euccessfal
attempt at snlchle on Monday last. Be
cause he was respectable. the Journals of
that city refuse to publish his - name.
Tim FUSS= GO97IItIIXSXT yields to
.neeeseity. . It deniares It Is Indifferent as
to German natty. It Is a rare gilt to aci
ceOt an event with c anpiacency Ividett,
cannot be prevented. '
iLLvinn diamisial or Maximilian, the
11.3110.2ns are fulling coon each other.
Tamaulipas has been declared an rode
pendent goyernment, - and a similar fate
is awaiting Tampico.
SECELETAir SEWARD has addressed al
letter to Mr. Flanders, as Governor of j
-:- Louisiana, thus acknowledging his post- 1
stop "under appointment by Gen. Sheri
- clan.
Itivatque, lowa, is ewer to be sup
plied with horso railways, a number of
capitalists haring sUbseribod the neCfra•
ry amount of money for the enterprise,
S' , **l',.., - 1 _i
• ,
! 1 ,
Sr. Loris IS awakening to the de
dine In her business, and is looking
about to improve the system upon
"which it is Managed. The Dsnorrot
looks the question square In the face
and says:
"The plain 'truth is, that St. Louis has
the old fogy Southern notion of business.
To do a little beehiese anti make a big
profit on it, will answer when you have
Southern planters to deal with, and
when they cannot deal anywht re else.
To run a railroad so as to put all thei
money into the pockets of individuals.:
and keep the corporation heavily in:
debt, mar answer it there is no compettl!
tion. For, a quarter of a century, Sl.! !
Louis had a monopoly of the trade of o
vast 'region at the West. Tier merchants . !
learned to charge enormous prices, and
her buriness men generally were educa
ted to regard competition as an impossi
bility. We doubt it the) - will
up to the fact that a grarpiag ouhos!lion
is driving all trade away from this city
to its rivals. Perhaps another genera.
tion, with less to forget, may learn
Ihutliz - owtaj, the Pole, who tried to
kill the Czar of Russia in Paris, has
been tried and found "gaily, willt
boosting circumstances," and has been
sentenced to imprlionment at hard la
bor for life. Perhaps the "extenuat
ing c ircainstanees" consisted in the folly
of the man iu attempting to kill two
royal birds with one
AIaICLES of impeachment are to be
at once reported to the Philadelphia
Councils, by the Special Committee ap
pointed to examine into the conduct of
Assessor Ovnxe, the alleged murderer of
-.lostiati Barb,. me halm., was fio -
Verolv scoldtal by Rosa Epstein. it. New
York. that he sent a bullet ill”artly
throam .h
her Monne Mid- •bask. which
laterally mode her built . ale
was eructed. •
—The the. Schuyler Colfax, Si ether
of the lionse of itepresentmives,— has
Sometime last fall a man and his wife gre.e. While there, he will be the gie,t
=trona Bay City, Michigan. from Col. of Poa.tinaster Comrersliatil.
umbUS, St. Clair county; the man is a 1 —The Philadelphia l'au.eaa mays that the
laborer, and the lady who shared his for. I preliminary skeieh of the
tunes here,
is a second wire. Ti1e,021112 picture of the kettle of t;ettyahure wall a
found ready work and the family dour- ) read!' for the e.allnlmtlnn of the
ished. A month or two since a .nive , t
gs- islative committee. Tile r(111.1tillg
aa of an imumully laree a
looking bay, apparently about nineteen • I
years (wage, came into the family Mr- °- " er "‘ l
that rho c+csed a - a]ue
vie, chiming to he the son of the lord -of read egate in Philadelphia under the
i new sestet° of tieing rcal 01
the Louse by Lis former wife, and as, p„„uu;,,„.„,„ t° property will
such the lady of the house, wise knew !• so that ' CL:.;i rt r - ale 05 $1.;.0
nothing of her predecessor,' showered I toe glltia proance more revenue thou
her kind attentions and care upon the I the present rate of $1 on the Mai assess
visiting son. All went :well for n month I ment.
Or more, when, to the horror of the lady —A wontan named Nlarearet ••:rant is
in question, she discovered that her lats.!, under nr,st in New York, charms] with
hand had sold everything be could, and ' having - poisoned to death three persons.
had lell the country with Lis "son," I two young men and a girl. Ber Imshan.l
which person the with found nut only to is a/Tutu:Myr arrest iLs au accessory. She
he not her stepson, but indeed TM a boy, I ".'" dispute xvith the patrtie...., and
ibis said
. I:eye:need hersdf lav taking their
but a yowl:, lady, fond of her husband,
and romantic and unscrupulous enough
to live more than n month with hum, re-1 —A N C' . . V " r/ ' ast. the
thvoon "ay" the. b. nialerawly a
presenting, herself to hi. his Son, and I , • .- '
taunted Hug .in etiu gallons of LrbiLoir
finally to depart with him for ports as I „ re ' au d N,„:„
yet unknown. Tao wife of this . man is •: York and Brooklyn. The tax ma this
I left in destitute eireurostances and is would:amount 1....ta15,04.50,000 a year. The
nutit seeking moans with whirl to re- ; "am actually vollevtea in the Or,: ors
, turn to her horsier- Isome.—Dstrait Nat. months Of the present scar is handlY tine
!, --In consideration of distinguished
French artist ha-ctintrived a way M ti- Pnidicservices, A rtstarciti Bey, e r r.-tiov.
um or Sa a mou . s now a member of
king a number of successive photographs a :' r , „„d eara.-eStsf thieth
of the same Bitter, r.. 0 65 to reproduce
a :ran, 'runs distinction isthe dist. and
him when moving. 'rite camera is pro- las yvt only one. of its kind in the Turk
vided with a certain number of object- i ish hlcratglay, into the numenelature of, all corresponding with din.; which the bow title has Igen '1"." -hilly
phragtus of proper dimensions behind. tuloptea f o r the occasion.
Before the operation begins all the —ea English tayerti-kee,xr recamtly
ject.glasses are covered with a' thick I.H:us/rated Inan:ll4 in this wise.
curtain, which will roll up instanta- Silesklog m
line 0. its emltomers. he
'measly like those of a carriage window ! sail :the nerst rieVs'ar nem ln
by touc hi ng a i ug. but tug emotion! tv
iorii, ; ; l s ^ come. :01.1 c.. 01 •triinkl
may he regulated at will: As the cur- S " t " tt " 3 "' and .I."' for um Veo.l,. Wilt• 11 it. mother des!. and
taper rises it presents around hole — la n i ne „„„„ oe ranch).. each objechglass in succession, So that to b„,
each receives the -Mince at a different'' No„. \'ark t-Ithe
moment. Al! these latages, each repre
, ors" to the treasury annually at lint root - - I
seining somewhat different ' sent el Viso hmttttil million dot
are successively - thrown on the canto ten- ; jars ; mid says that it occurs in this way a
sitized Otte, whereby a whole series of lot the failure to collect the tax .m whin,
different Photographs of the EOM, Iter io.y, tobace.. anal petmleum. It situ MY
son are obtained. sett:, that the, is a, heavy drainage
through the 131“1,111:1i }Lint,. and the
—A farmer In the State of Connecti• I frauds aret incapacity of the revenue
cut has a pair of twin daughters. They ;
both attend the same school , and not ! —An eletmt monument to the memo-
I long since one of them, who is artiest I of Robert I looker tiillett, lion Just
to an:dying, was called up by the teacher : the t'arofinghlnCemll',Y.
to recite a !mama in geography, which • !l i ` rc? !" 1 rmcis ,-.„
she had learned very impertectly—in ' of 11 "" ss. '" .".
• by the explo.alun ,if a 111:11pl,ilIV at k ki
, fact; she could not go on a t all. The 1 Fisher, Just after Its rapture by our no ,
! teacher - was, getting out of patience. • 'pen , uouu m ea t is or pure white
a when he was called to another part of ; Marble, and consists of a he ken column
Bic room fora moment. No sooner was' over which is thrown the l'nited States
his back turned, when the twin sister a 'tag.
sprang to the floor, unobserved, and I —lathe case of Lawrence Ilarl. tried
; pushed the dellnqueht pupil to Ler MX. ;lea seek in Warsaw. Indiana, for the
The teacher returned and proceeded with t mord, of a tray-, a verdict of gatity was
I his questions, which acme unswered with 'crt'llocrell on SallnrdaY, otilloigtd, and
a degree of promptness and acentacy "="tterlee"r ,TlPrl•-`."n
-i which, at the close, drew from him a few • Al. '
, ten, was uniman.ced, the pra,,ner ro
words of commendation. The joke, that he the puiposelvt
, however, was discovered the neat day Mta he k :melted him down with a tartsiin
bat the teacher thought it too good and b au di e cud k j e k, s t ho„ ill rho until
successful to give occasion for offense., be was
I Rsdi•
h s
: titica,
owing to the oat roadie, attend
ing the new pueinnatic-drilla and mole Two Girls Mord, Their Stepmother to
of blasting by electricity. Thi total Taunt . ..ea.
length of Muffing opened Is six thousand !, The
live hundred
f r l e , fee t T tan h l:e ir ce n n o tr y a: shaft on I
the a s t
been sunk to the depth of five- hundred
new contractors pledged themselves to
as tl„
complete the tunnel two, thourand live 1.1 ustrieti • .
hundred feet further intrithe heart of the
Mountain, and to sink the central shaft l Mery
to grade, within two years. u n it ." I I eon, o
11:11111.06:11itiV tArr, Mt • •I • •
detertennol to atp tier out
g a h A n d g u o a d t h story, u
t told
in the or a a ro d q i , t r 'n e: ‘4',111,1111T wt v. de ceauiel!ccl
workable for a want of practical }wig- unfortunate
went, iometircea keen in other muthe• near by, anti enianneleel a series of lor
maticlans.• This racer was ordered to titres that omen the Vvrieet savage would
[Atlanta( a Widen Mier to Creek some- MST Shrank Imak rrom and grew.
'where the Southern country. lie a ,r t i - tv auch , trii , s i‘ ffie e, e . ll ,, ,z e‘ in M. of their
built it, worked . nut the arch by writhe-. firm
m at " ) inewnlen Wh en /t doer, , de n ' dll, l l, ' n ' to t
iti g that7th ' uy bcUnnu
the brldgeyvas found to be under water. if „ „ wcllg„_
hang nailed- to explain, said, "Oh, e apooniorum o odo muceompitubi„ g
. their
the work is all right, only I used the rut - object, wt.iru was In pour Wanted letei
'kw) laga iffinuad of the. plus l" into the ear of their helpless viVlan, and
i than 4. make aSSUranto doubly sure
these datorlanni struck the prostratemol
dying woman several blows or, the hotel
with us! axe. Supposingtho old lucly.dend
or dylug, theyien their mother weltering
in her blood and went to church.
Some of ..the neighbors soon utter
Muting lu found Urn. Hicks, tultuinito
torod restoratives, and retifed her serif;
cleutly to relate the above. detailed facie.
We learn that Mrs. hicks halt skim theft
of her injuries, and that the murderers
are still ut large, bairn secreted thern
selves en m to prevent the officers of the
jinx from arresting them.
—;Tho Committee on the Treatment of
Union prisoneis ill take evidence in
the Northern Stales during the summer,
milting the point st which some member
wlil be present and the time known,
that ali soldiers and others having in
formation on the subject in hand cad
communicate it, In the fall the whole
Commltteewilf go South to the various
prlion pens. The rebel archives, u at
ranjled and colleted by Dr. Lieber, will
1,1 seed ot the ,diertet of the Commit-
e 7,;
• .! 0 " • '-- " I
I• , 7 , , .5
t -
2: • `'T
- fA) ;I I 7...
I 1 ' - Nr.
„nriA• I
, -
' „:"'• I • •
I ;
• ...
. —Philndelphin hors , railroads declare
no .10.1,1, , 0d,, this your. I ['whom, drivers
eondueturs du tot or' the ',rents so!
—AIIIOI,OIIII 0,,(10 10:11er 11,1, 11.1{1-
(.1,1l 1,0 010 Frond' at
Purls, and goes
under Chu szulne of - neetur nr: the sever
-A death from yellow fever is said to
l ace o...erred In Jersey Illy. the ilereas
d beteg one of the crow. the steamer
,—There is an old man in Taunton, aged
,vents-three, who has listened to live
iflensand and seven sermons in his life.
Ile lilts survived them all.
—After finishing an exhortation in a
in fereneu meeting at Norwalk, Conn,
eu Nu nda v. Deacon Thomas Clark, of the
Baptist church, sat down and died in
—A dancing master. nil being ..ast
away on n desert island, lived nix months
withont any other Coral than *Kind he de
rtved.from "gutting Wings" and
stewing them.
—Anna Marcy, the great Barrington,
,The.saehusetts e ehild-whipper, was con
victed of manslaughter, at Lennox, on
Wednesday, and wino-need to fire years'
—The Connecticut says that
lit,. Bullock, of Massachusetts, would
make a successful and popular V WO-
Beedllellt, 1110 Sits first CUOlet , for a pew
iitc's mount:ohm ou thc tick, i with
—The lion. Ilehry i-lelden i.O ho p —
Ic , sAy ill at t:mn•ra, -in :Switzerland.
where ho wont some time abler, hoi.lott
to find relief from a oentraellan
thie:oles t h e throat shah :awl, r..
pine ion.
T 111LAL
: citizens on their civil Or Political Ora.. on
Illy Telegraph In tba.Pitoba rgh tisztt..: automat of race, color, or previous condo
I WAsff ill ffroN, Jo/Y ..7, IC. . ordered to be printed, and laid On the
Aft considerable argument on bolt bode.
sides, Judge Fisher rultil out the Matthews Mr. FUMILF.R., from the COMIn Moo On
taping "'"gb' barn he.' tho very , ra " t ' .W. j e ' ll ' tilTuntkZLl P l ' io r r ' i ' l, " l ' Ll s le "l lL " ,, ` ..J ` ,
Object of the conspirators to thus serene of I ..”..,,,,,. ,p,,..„5e11,
some of the parties to tile conspiracy by Mr. SUMNIie culled up the hill Intro-
gutting fly this effreement. tine e 1 by him eserday, provg that In
the LH, riot of CM umbra nO para. shall bu
' Lit " ... "a.' treaded an ., ero,. e.Talff ill' illsflatichised from luffiling office on ho
od, the witness explaining his testimony u(' Count of race or color. It pease.l—.yoa9 in;
yesterday. Some of the papers had stated . ‘,,, motion of Mr. POMEROY, the
he lied said Booth hail handed nitn.s the hui pi...epilog tor the appointment of cools
letter with an air of- great secrtst, Ito . t o to mairt•l 0
w a s en which
to locate Pores, tribe, was taken up.
...'"hrd to ' .3. aw a ' ....." th new . 1° ". Air. HAI:LAN did not heilevu Cogress'
air of secrecy riPout Ihn narreher la m:11111 ha.l pe, eereority lone point. aCOmmloalloti.
Booth handed wit:lo,f the p`l`•" .n
It tont, a treat, anti n1:011111 Wove at Doi
Ufla. ThOS. T. Fa•kett. I,lnn I itie.l Ita: Booth . o pas. t Time to at,nti tile
hy providing
diary and the 100se leaf cents. in.: a tett .4 .. 1 that I h.• i•resot eel Ol.ll aPpulat a Conlail.a
to Dr. hie wart , al/Waal to an In doutl.h. 1 ,oirtf to not,. aI I caty.
nand writing. i Mr. n 1 I ERMAN thought tau only tr , .e so
" Detect I, e Clares . to:tilled—Thor town' 111, 1 :of ton tor too lodine illftkoillies was re at...
transit from Alton,' o. Mo . oval o a , oo.e• ! ~..1- 1 , the Indio. , to Ito, geto•fat population.
tree limey, Mild froin yleareeat re let 1 oil: !11, 1 , 0,1 Eltl/1 111.1 tn. tainere It powashlo
twenty•tniee hours. . to rid nil 1' , ,• 11,1 ans Orl ono rorervation.
John T. Ford torattlfal—W,ohnfan I ',hi . r e, ta o. it noithi load Ifi futiltnlnallio
hint In Carroll Prif.fon that Ito 1,1.1 1,11.1 In.. waive bern,o, the tripe, me thought it
Secretary of \Vac w lair° John carrot, n li , " si - Otild do to select sevaal rererva . lofts and
It the Ulu*, of the nn,a,inettlon. Li., earl . locate .1111 , 1.nt. 1.1 Una. on Do CUlnel•
he had told him he was In Mouireal, ' 11,1 ,v : a NI, Nlierinao's vie. a
At the in" , . ove ol r Mr- rieviodsm Ii IL . ' . Mr. lOW .1110 favored theappointment
Coon 0113ertal the question and nos , ••E of Conflot.,Offoof I to venter aim the in
trovert Montreal strlekew out. ' .1131,s iiiL trlch.l,, an d 10111: aview to brlau•
Witness reaumed—Weich.uan told arm log limaltttirato a . vinni.. lied 411.1 not believe
Surratt wee la Canada on Ito .lay of tia. fot. It p. 1,1 tar to Lretiree the Italiana. HO did
i.iiiiiiiO 4 , bi'"iiii" iiii had ,refs a dild 4 ini MIL Is:Hoye the Senate muitit to attempt to
from Serra, t dated the 12th. se We the whole Italian gni:state. It ought
Jot Mudd.z eolleff — O anus' , 0 - as in . leg, hoe .in t eferenco to the hostile n
Carroll w i l eprr.o Wei.. hina It n .It 11.., it o
i,iiiii.ii 0,111,111111'0 to putting an end to the
oral w ith w oeb... In th , .. w 1 ,, k0r ~ I.c.- ;a,3c to On,: an,. It would he liver ctiongh
Ina whereat. C3.111/lillitillill Wile Lad. I I. al Irl-tar to otkeii6l4 tilts larder problem
liaestion — i l ld yOll hear an off . I . r tell ' oi the lon of nil the Indian,
Weigh... that) l li - 111 . 10.1 ... 111, to Miro . Id . . 311:0.1;1 1.1. condemned tho Indian
than he had ha would hung Lorn. pot, in the re.vornit vat 11, tiniest and OD-
Me. Carl InittOn-1 otlot., 1 oar Doti.. ift , ......,, I ttt.f toff Outs to roll the Ifaltall.of
has 'aft , f.ftY tuted 11. ota • I iwit . 10at,.. ~y 1 tot;
band. It wtralst ne Imp.,
Court—You Mu. "tit tt' , fi..l.ff ol 1 . , faf to ~01.3 to 0, fra I; t fit. 1101140. 11110 the white
molar It apply to the trial. , pouniat mu , that meant noildior. but eater
. Idr. Merrick stated lie Mad no f orthor, aa l ntfoo. if., quato“lutl town Senate to
IrktneifiCa 1.0 fliattatUn toaltty. Do loot Moll i ; 1 1,.,.. a law thatt mount not Lan repent sand,
I for a witness whorled tolograplo..l hn naall.l 1, 1 10 ;1 ka an afftraanotit 011,1 *tang tsy It.
Ibo here to-night. lie could now stare to . Mr. TUN, KR dol no: adrucat tho'exter
, counsel...o the other aide th at the itnlflf . , ' scion li• Inn 10 , 11011, ho matter who
! ...Pouted to 010,0 their lesoblehr todnor . ' ame ler the Onileultice valsong, it
one. The Court knew linw we detenco had , aa• tins duty of tanigreusto lafetlro peace, II
been embarraional to obtaining the presence pessitdo. It would Ire 11010, 10 rpenot a intl.
of their wttneases here. It was a .1 , 01/011 : 110 ~ 111111 1,11 fire i,,„,,,,,,, ~,,, , ,,,,,,,,,3 . ,,,, , ,.
matter to get Witt:Mile. here from 11. oink ! I„, r.. Tln ~,,,i,,,,, or li l t wronr v,.,.,,, ~,,,
domains. In tarot 114 war. Spoiklng In. behalf 01
The Court acunicreed fu the rctuartre. ~,
. g ,,, 0 1,, 111 t he ~,,,,,,,„,, ° a 0 0 ~,,,,
liccoss 00111 to-Morrow. , r, h,l 0.. 1 .111 , fity nt•taltlft was iio ethhorreot
: as en Indian , war. Lit" , thieves and ratts.
, ha.r• o'reatlefl all iiiiiiiill *St. Ile was sorry
FENIA.NISIYI. lit our Mi., wt.. 1 ht.", fa an d I,lohlarl .
: the rn , otl•r, but It in ain ioncauso thi.
or Cinlina.ll and b . , I.outs
Connell nt nutpeie —.Another Raid '
VP*" cvvatn ira s' r r '...e . ":lvr d. from the linos.
(Br ii to tilt announcon,/ lir unnaraacarivocu inn 11111
Sc.* loww.d.Y 1 1 .—The Herald's Buffalo to: , the rein•t or annum... anti ask Mk
special Park ColOnel Conceittne of Loilinrnone. Sennt• ad
/moo. 000 , or c o i ooo ,
non, Vice Prealdent end tioneral '
her" la. iicenrid or.oourionnot t•,a nPF.AI.I.I:
O'iinid hat bona in Co ma ultatei w i t" a •
I a /cp. it loon tin acrid:try of inn
tiundier of the milita.-y Moat, oi Int 111 too ngtne
it:y.lllon. gonniant A•ionlatmu. Lahl on
Tbo Untied States ateoutur
,t,ol uoterne. to orlittn4.
rlncil Mire yettunlov. Mr. ihidLitcOLl. 1111100.1 to 111111 , 0101 the
arn arriving irmn nytirY ! idiot be taiga 101,011111, 1.1011 L.O rcau.
1410 °rt. ] . eehutrY biagiattil tho neinctton of oillner.• /2$ Ile mtv ol
morrow. •
at n. /goat 0; It thee,
of the Slay-
The Canadian genbnat I..nerun ot Fort r00 , 0r 0, 00 ,
Eno, watching Lila gcnian mnenta 1 1 t cot venCton' on the first f&heter iu
II ark liock. • Andett, t and ...loci, by ballot, all onlcert
The Fenian Military Council. a ::It ann. • o,„,„ titr'
t ry, trout dllYnroot annum,. of tile ootrter, iir law, or °Minoan. The (01.0
try, were to wwaton In this thy nn .nurolo, .4.penUtd and Ito/ lulztxlL•ced and
to a Into hour. Prominent or inn
atria that dtspatnnes Ears• n:orvhltora coo',
"van rccciami wh ,, ^• : to eont,:e ha to intrag.e a 1.11 to radore
made public, agtolillsh Inc liritinh bon, $ ,„.. o„row „r ri
eminent. TIM circle/ to Cincinnat., b„ ror ,, or „.„, roo.
cog°, 51empt.13, New York and ii.nrio.vnr.
arc ic 00
r"iiimien" "" ir edi"r' . ..‘"Y• ' prioinntell a ,n o iraitage trona
A number Of (amigos re•Sillnd thy arnata,ooounc+o,l.llal teat tasty al
icmg arts'.• Hart m‘ m"."- ti:r• t0 , r,1 1 , , it. amenoinont. 1.0 the 411114 refer.
Yenions, Steen removed to 1,, interior, nt. ro, no 00,,,,rr0r.,.
twain , / soother raid Mi wmia , "'"F "" 4 "‘' . nation Si,, Acid f: ET. oyobin, the
The L•rltish Canon l has requested rho
Ca- •'
non., ',ended i t on t
natan,ololneil 1 •tmtion .1,1101.1.1
.h liourne.t.
0( raalllo.ll at Fort 1,/,..1.11 - 10.: the pia $
1101:,i1: OF iii.PRE.SENT.I.TI
Bur ruLo,July 17.—Tbc Itulon 41•11 nun out,-
Um/ rirru to-Jay u..:•.;cy 6.-14 ],nil.
rirtits. from
Na ulToc.. vv. ry ~ wrter n
erala ,puer wad V a .14 uLtzt,
. .
ay Trle‘rapti to VI. Yoratarin
1;3•14 - Aug July l;.—loin ,clitsxlee ularbln
laundry ....4.ll.truyed by Olen, 'r.oo;
Lunn On •hish tb.cre Is no lNara.
,e 1 1 . ;
v ;
1.0. a
Yator, July 17 —TO:. mornlnz n flru
broke out at. Xorth CI,. 11:
following are Inn cote( ',wen, WlMora
Dodge b Cu., 010 tnanutnetur,,,, roltl
Son, rouebine wort•; the 11...0n o ,l or
Went herby, Snow h tutu
nor yaroai Franiant t.tov
and pro,rtv were
The lot., la •hout laps.rutwe, lot-motto:, of 00141, inn Ftwanient
bap, quart, of that ataount., r,ono.te.: tn entona:calt• au
The 10...0s by the fire:;ltsy nt :no cut,-
day, west , half a 141111 on 001:ern. 10.1,1 , 11.5 11.0 11.,, .In, • pa7:l, tn• real
Dodge CO.', plalnlng and monnuon• low, or pr.denr,an,
n. 1,1 purpoie the
Idae. o ., meowed for Ifai. o oln neld S ioce , ol , Intnninso, nr Inlet farina 'l4
Iron foundry, loot 51,00, inourg.l 10, a...fp., nnß.lrx. and ...Lt.: her any tnea.uten
Dern . , Snow S Prentl,, lio. 5..711,011. full)
Imo r42.i uetonnt Work., tOn. , , I , n lion, or to•.aoltc cur.nt.h et peAltlon.
416,0fr0 T*oll,l9len wort 0114111... huro..l II r Eli I In won article In
'the 110.,010, .411 . beikrre..., 0: ytater,lay,
•I rant. wt.. entrned thla erenitrZ. rc.annent:ng rr, the f , t , ...trtlnent that tn..
1301.1.11 H wens (14.1.r.0 oil, tNtal r.. el I oudniottcoe, 01 I:sena:ran had
Ine..el l o, l wn •noraroal!. .11.111,0 up ..11110111 e•;111 . 01001
P. L. tt onpford t.ohttotth.,l .n•clac e.• two tvoleand 1 . 01 , 01 prlan , er. of ..a r.
ter,lay, lam Ildirou(n nutlias. In See li.,rk ano Inni been trta.ed,
airy. • diode° (he r hor tic( andanot
filaorfos, C. W., Jul'. /Ire : 1 . . 0 4 11 ,1 rrad of
destroyed 'the nor, of titibert A. honker, f , deiltan , a nte, Paewa on Inay
W. Li. Pease( lo Moore, and W Me o. ( e
Go. The Y n , y • tit U.lO Miill•
tyy 1,110. in 110 01 . 1.10;0. 0.13111/0 in lam. and
ett can of benzine. . • 0010.. In Iptorencl
Mr JULIAN tuned 100Ve to offer the (ol
o.' ino
Reaihed, Tile( thn dovlrtn.
of the Ott. hest.. that the abrogation area).
Vessel If et zed—Actor her Iftesolntlo.. ri State. lend, dentnd, I !of nation to pay theldent
The . aptnee of nnota Anon. loeurrod poor to tte Intaglio, it 00
i :0 0 ) Telegraph In the etttOrtogn tiarea..l war u jib inn prtvriolen or toternattonnl
Stow Ont... tot. July l',.—Tnn ttram.hlp :‘ " ,:::,;, '‘ ,; ' : ' ,7.; ' , ‘ ,!, " ,-;: ' , ' „,. ' :4:n.a7ri::% 1 1,.. '..''" , ,
Moline, ton antl a hall Jaya fro a. Tim, pI- nen to e.t.log On Iy 10 the vat -- ILn M./ V 1... a :1 1
. CO. arrived here ersterllay. She Wag P. 00,741 I. I.0. • I . wt.'''. 'M r . ,
r uins the govern. !
,r., the It n Owl Mersa antlotrltteso, and 11111,14 n. 11 , . or ,1 , 1 snit , " ofru urerthroutt and
or 'urn from the Treaanry DepartMent. Iter ..`''''',...
otneera report wet GOV., and Cannle. ' , i. 10 . 11 el l'u'ted. ,. .
: Onto rals Voope to rantmo Tampho ; . nr J ULl•t , ' ... ,..v ....P e tl tbn tutor,
' They Utterlyy ignore Just., and trill pro . • .lrlt nn• r n' , .. l-7` ' Agninntl` — and nutter
• claim tither Loon...tree or Ortega at the , .''' "P . ,rn'ont of I .t nrerlon. gnratton the
• bead of the governmunt; that Santa Anna ........,.., wt. adopted—l.. against tn—
. lad been taken out of the ettnuner N tr. : strict ..MY rote.
grunt bat 0010 Heilman emotevim made ( AMI .. ... ta k e. ....Terra tiriOnagee
inn almapineTol Ms sword under Ll+ /tall** J 000 ., I td, ' I ' I I n I II,
!lean flag and Irafkuo miler tt lonteml of T........ rtn'o eo n.. r to. l In the ...MI .
Over it. moot to the VILI - O,OIVO to reputed deeert
..”. nyel a•krtl tt 1:4111/ to Olen of Con tarsus.
. • .
It arrant U'llnao l'Uulrtaenetmntf. Thu Soweto bill f toe tut[ her 10,70/ . 1,y of
illy to the tot oborrn Amite In no lo..trirt of Columbia ) qu,tt amid:led nett retetrod to the
llama, oly IL.-Ton annual COllltnencr• but Cotentittee. e ' , too to roliori.
eet oz.:tele., of tho Ilnrrard f0i1.," took o y
I".n Teo literary Perforibmieu 0 1 0 no, evoker announced I tin lotion - big
Peat , lt WV , . Meet , ee , l l eeel lee , Teo " 4 .'li I Sour. Con - nit too on Fiditeati , 3ll lit 11111 lite.
Hoe for 15 e 1 t 4 Heerool". rl'oeitee letee' riot of; Mersre. Steroun, of ra,,
;oho!. Of Henry Leo .1050 Andrews.
ur.' Von :Leman, Williams. of bulimia. an.
Erect's., T. 0.0.10011. Soul c,
The cerlieratlne Anted to eetoblbth a,1..41 Additional ow tooere of .10101 Select Cont
eCitOre fe eteleteetloti with the tonego Melo ; nut teu ou Itutionclanonl. Joncto
°nay dearer, wore conferred 001 1 iko rLo ,„
abotor Of Aar. moron Woodbury itarnelt. Hr. nel:e4 loot, to lutrodeon
San Fret...tam Wm. 11 Wiuitmore, Boitoni g the Cpmmltter 0„
i Charier 11 Leland. t Cleary ,141.11 tutu
Natitecket. Wu, U. Ilowello, barn- Lmilioom nom eon. 10 . .11 el id.vrral points, for
' bridge. teeter of Lowe: Gonbio ; tho of Lakinc testimony.
of London; 1 • rof."1/..1. Pierce, objeetl..l.
• Mr. sELKI twited have to offer a pros
Nominal/ono hir thoProtlelent—l'olea ' nniula and resoluttoo rerittoft lb. report of
tit. , organisation of astaatitinns •gainat
I Itextco. and reiintinlttlf the Prosttlent to
thy Tewsrapti to the Pittsburgb
rhlxV e uutuu .„„ ou r ,. o „ nr
New 1 nits, July li,—Tho Tribune's spectal , the Cottuo
says: ninoni/ the nOtran.lo. Soot to 1 los
ennste tOdisy
11, 0.111 worn trio foilow log o.ear ln.m
-nvr, mll Subusloently 31r.. 11. US: w 0110 rrr Ids oh
••••J.•••-••'' "..•••••••• •). Mnw ••••• .Irotlors. slut tho trarn Introduced
WllilAssrcwr of the Twelfth irintrtet end It Sorrell to the Loom/Mice Futelgu
of l'unlitudvania; Wlllis It. “ el win, ,
e 1 rilhrsousitle. butte.: Andros. Mr. eTEV S.Scd leuvr. to itttrod uce
J. //skiff. rovittouitar of ,v (Dour. hill to allow nolayno to tienutory,
Mr. CY ' wh" ""1 0""th ".; rntlistlvelt and DVlCtortes prose. 0, 0
Caton League, anti Construudonal Canonic. I
the, reports tan thoustoot Union Leonora Air. ALI. nolecsou.
In thu eleven SnaUtern nth n wens- : Mr. ST i.V ENS toured to
e wfta thumbs
berehlp uf SOCJAY/ loyal votes.
re; nays, tr 2. Ito th 1.111 wdis not
The Canadian Admlnlatrallon.- Sir. LOOOlll/ offered, as a iinestlon ot
TWl•grsob to the Pltwburab onyette.) tho following praatublu nod rasa.
,site- tut
ce 4 uti t' esi '" Th. I lujruiluy 17—)1 Chnuvrott i
I Inn
, • y • n . „ A . ) 14 11 0 0 0 11 7,,
, •i a n a t• r a T l ',• lo l ;7 l ,:r
.1 7 11 ' 7 1
lows: Jar. Chanvean. Prowler,
111 ILeglaLrurl Hr. f
r ut the trullest of the sounnol of John
f f, 1 0. 1.. Cutter to 110 hound to el cohrn F.
-" "ui
°°"M. 6mfmMfM°"f. of
P°°°' W"'"; M' Cameron, of the renal xOlll7 ,1111 , 1 unit of the
Ilerobven. Conimtashoter I tooyt noon - Inns vlo u lcra ol itio trio, or war,
uf Croon Lund, a 1,111 yard,. tot ~ Ills Timex, In ardor
.t , u , , 1 , 1 , 1
s to i u
• tI I y lg
Of fold o
lore each, asstoot the Prowler. it Iles tour n "'rue front I/sr/laths , ut In the tourdur
tnnonantl &Mora, and Um 00110/101 t. vestal ••• ' •
on thy with the 1.4 who Ulltrdeted the
ten thousand &than,
, Posidanti therefore he It.
iyatvuo nristen
The Montt. Auserlanta Haftobiles. Itt b e
xtl d, That too J diciary
ti ni
•070 leeraP6 to 111" I'Mf r " 7 ° °'""' titurao atol forum the ovitiotteu to the
Nair roan, 301 7 11-1 ka nu Clot Unit work of the nest activino,
of tbu itlth ult. poldblive the 1101, WO month, with ailtho °videos, togon in inn
Hayti of the eliuunin ot Solnavo
Went of the flutiutilla. Tito term of ortleo After dounto lb w agr
in f our yowl, inteccd or for Ilfo . motor the , prwriso a
old ItitoOhN Orrturn rd On 11, it o r
The !Jerald's Host
1111 1 1 corronprinarneo LIMY lfackauay, contrail luau, &sving
asp. revolittlon had Ultimo out In tdtte- the . 1 . 1 . 111 ed 11. lirovloos
moron, ilunpos Ayres, in which troy. Li- I WW11... or. Suntel, welch ners roamed to
brooch° was th.p.c.l unit Attn.. Tule. tho Cotton:two on Lnicurius.
((treed to accent the Gubernstorlal Attionrocd.
Itirso Unlit as 1...1a5i/le.
(Fly Telesropla lath, Pittsburgh tissett...]
LociaviLLg, July 17.—A haws lotll match
WILLUO was played title arterll4l.on, ttt till Ct.-
thar 11111 Park, between tbo Nations/ Club,
of 4ViuhlngLon, U. (.1., and the Loulsvlllo
Cloit. Tbe r.alt wa, a victory for the
National Chin. 'lllll tenro Mood eighty-
throe to The game wee wit,.
eossed by n very lerge number of persons.
Oppontott Reconstruction.
ref Telegraph is the rittelearb thrzarrs.l
Anovvva, GA., July 17.—E.Secntor B. W.
Halt, to:livered t ormeeb at Atlanta yestert
Mt) , Ho totes decided ground.. 11.1,nialit rut
Onostruetiou under tie military WO, ultd the people to reject Ito firms.
liegiriration isa Virginia
Lclooraph to tee lontsburch Unsettc.l
T 0 0 ,..• Mousses, VA., July Is.—The recc
lallstl. rotors,. Its Ps Incase Aon Cutanty
oyes the Watt., • InnjocltY or 2 1 100 .
Plnte relMm•m Wnrwlnk County, whltec,
lii Extraordinary session.
NV A 4111N6TOV,
• Ale. WI fisUN introduced a lolnt resole,
tlon prelim:Leg tlie following ame❑dm❑nt
to the Constitution of t•di United Slates :
Art lele—No insides:Lion shall ho made by
We oitou smt..e, nor by any state, among
)))) err • !viler from
t!)—)--cr,),r) of eto. Pavy,let reply Ina re..
vita , . .•01 artn oal/7
re., r .$( Mr wavy on pitta
11.1, woe
»» eetinetv. longer to oer•
en. r.r.• AProlpril rate/peer atol — lrear AO)
pr.' 44 4,01,1.1r/woe:pi, .I.l•Alieller It 114.
taw° •,•YntiOn • ble• bat eelvl•rs rl»e to
o)rr,epoutlene..). Too communleollon weep
re)tert),) and Up) teer..frery coll..) on tor
of theeotro,ot.ov"ro
tu.,lon of Mr. V. IV:, of Wt.
r0,.•0t. t Court of hint. w•a coked tor •
Starai 30,
lir. 11/1.111.:11, antmouce.l n tut: to
. It.: eq.ctor• tor Vreo.lenr innt.r.
Pr. •I.lont of 14., l'ott ,, ,i,i•t«, In the 5.t•t.,.•
tortneo out of the trrritory
• t.rin the Int. , :ALPO, x.e.o Pt
itPlvrtval tote U0u1tr.11.4...e Ort.
Mr 4,111.1 Yamlte,l irwre to ottrodnu,
hArn put on etv p k.e.tge. • 1,111 Provll-
rt:tere.o..; of then Diane:
I...atrt of the 101,41 ,tatt• t tor the Norttotrn
F 0, ,10. 'On 11+4.1 unno.ll,
in t:to:retan.l 4.1 one. tlt .10Jtclaul
to 'l.O bitt not Intro4u”-o.
EDI Tirkrurspli to the Pittsburgh Ossetic]
Bitorrongy, July I 7.-11.1 were. Ciortleritnil
Gott n,tvaSiPPYtiil lltr ItitJtisty to by ollowetl
to doellnii rho 11110 or Companion of Bath.
2.1.J0r General pitcher, Superintendent of
the L tilted aisles hl;lll.nrs Aesitiony at West
Point, Is stopping et the et: Lawrence Hotel.
Crintale, nt the Paris kayo/talon. carried
oil three gold mots's, thirteen ellver, and
twerayedne bronze, beside. to r ipth r ,.
honorable Mallow,.
Virginia Itanentional Convention.
rut Tr:egrsoh to n.711%14 0 .4 gh tlgtuttg.
litennoan, VA , ]sly 17.—A largo ment l ng
of tun woYI. prominent °alt.., (or the OP
,,olutteent of delegates to thu August Mate
titinceolonal ' Com, Mien at Lynchburg.
..Iceted Professor 'lemma B. Moor, Presl
denl pr. Coma, agent of tbePoatuuty end,
dell• red an ad:ltess before the Convention
to-n 1 bl, on the itoportAnceut popular edu
cating. no afterwards held an Informal
conference with memhen, of the conietettee
with Sefton:agate the Peabody fund, •
kaors to theTurkistl Sultan.
Nlnst Magnificent-800:1:1de.
Kaman a Candidate for Parliament
By Ttlrgrsplt to Ili., 1'“tzt.0r541.,..e:t0.3
a al.:. a nrti tar Ix rtoxon or THC
• 2'13 t.r,N. •
Isnissios, .
117.—Ewiting.—The glut
Nava! Meilen . . inlionor of tn., amt or Inn
Majesty, adidel 4 via, Sultan of Turkey,
Wok place Spithead. It woe the
no;; melintileienPspeClacie ever witnessed
in Engltsli maters. A high wind, whick
prevailed frositithe Northwest, tended to
tuerease the Interest suit excitement of the
Occasion, though interfering ante the com
fort of spectistore. The English Squadron
nucatiered nighty vessels, thins. ye..o and
tenders. The vcisels of war proper. 'but!
owed Wu fallowing ships: troll elatis
-liluntour,2l guns; Achilles, 01 guns; Lord
cisdc, .21 gent; liallerephon, li gnus; War .
rte., Ti gun.; Black Prince, 41 guns;
knida., 2t gent; Pallas. gun,;
Royal Sovereign, Turret chip 5 guns;
Prince Albert,,turrett .11111, t gun.; Miters,
turret!. Wlp, 4 gone; Research, I goon; %
twin renew. 2 tuns, Vixen, twin serer.
I raw, and Wa.lerwitch, hydraulic pro
pellor, 4 gene. Unermored squadron: The
Victoria. 101 guns; Mencuni;, vi gent;
Sounit h. Us, vim; Noouge, 73 genet
loyal George,. :1 Run. Irresistible,
CO gnus; Lion, leo guns; Princess.
1205'10,72 gm.; AleracT. 3 7 Cu , " •
gunn; Liverpuol. 15 gung; Pats.,
gone; tyila s 21 guns . ; Terrinie, paddle, I,
guest ti imitator, paddle, 0 guns; Nymph, 4
cunt; Daphne, I gun. Unarmed GUilbOs Is, stork. Fancy._ Peglori, Red wing, Cloak
er, Ueli frog, lerveire, Orwell, Pheasant. ,
boll Upm., each mounting two guns. The.'
iltustonr bore Abe Dag of rear Admiral
Warden, am'seconti in command,' and held
the ettutheart boat of the line Of the sAin‘tred
uiumtroot, which occupied a position near.
eon the late et Wight. foe Nticto:la screw,
t Imeell errirerho re thee's:of Arlustrairssieg y
tiorninahler-ln.Ctilef, nail hold the south
east moth of the uhortund equeuron line,
••1:1100 held thither; pi - mitten he nreet Ports
mouth. TOO - INtooltort moo Weil MOO Sent.
nod the naval portion Woe.. represented a
rapacit; of IOG,ISO thus, and the power Of
engines rf,oo horses. A thousand resseht,
diled . 110 spectators. s ere 011010 seating
.11.1OCZC0 uf the grand pageant- Queen
ierorts . was present In the Royal Yacht.
The Oul L ino ar:d suite went on boast the
hood „yacht Osborne. Ismail Peslisa..nov
iitvorti Of Egypt. and suite went on board
the Hells. TOO Prince el Wale., both
lions., ra.ritatnen S. Lord. of AtIMIMIty,
sad mentle,a of the Government. were also
present. The shore. of Onsport and Isle Of
Wight werelined with regrinds of people,
who witnessed with carer cascara tile eve.
Moons of the fleets, Including a monk hat.
tie. A royal - salute was 0 fed :n hotter or the
Queen and Loyal vision., and the Yaratinf
.11 the snips were menneq, To-night, no o'clock, the entire squadron
Presentturh very' tgclairesilti
Lavracroon,July 17.—Evening.—Tbortes-r•
'nip England. obieb was to bore •ollod for
Tlf lurk, erns detained In coneequ.onee of
an obzldent to Ler machinery.
rrr.kt. rryinturxr NOT •nolasilio.
July 17.—The 'rllrt, of
Austria. tf...Jsy r. , Jected the bill for the
abolt4hrpeut of °Await punlehMeut through.
Out the limit, or the Empire.
1121 , 111.1.1.'111 YOT.II. rigNANIC.
LON PON I ,: nly —Errapip —V.lert ha loti,a
state that the Arcl.l) -She's Sophia, mother
of the Ersperoi of Auxtria mod Staab:all
tan , slaw evidence of iniahlty. •
.0.1:M A CASOIVATZ MR raw... Lutz,
Pc , co. 101 Y V.—Louie litee , uth In an.
.nOunced MO a cendulate for the Itongartan
Parliecuent, trout the town of WILiLLM, In
Oho county of restal
gnue., June I 7.—Ther Mendes, onnoupeen
that Chid end Pere gala arOepted. 41tIrs
eertnin revery:Won, the proffered media
dlon of the government of the United
'datas to teed! Tyrol With "Hd.,
1.0,0,0vi,J1117 17:—lteports boot Madrid
say the Spostith government lin declared
martini law In the province of Caledonia,
where Maim previously reported lieneral
Print bud landed.
July l7.—A telegram Mom My
mouth toporte the irrissit of the Unties'
maws sloop of Per illscmiodon. with a
Flarno number ofAmerican midshipmen
I on Minot. Toe Itacrdonion would 'named-
I lately proceed Hpittiend to witneas the
j great naval review.
gccsnoroan, • July 17.—Tho esononntip
Ilveni, trout yew l urn, toothed Pore slits
I.7 , uns. July 17-37rensag.--Consols Slay;
Flvu.l , 3uott,u 7314; I;limns Cluorwl
lirir Gll4'; At lantau anal Grout WrSteru Cult.
eKuidutt;l7.2 , 4.
Fuus uruur, July 37-6 t enlng.—t7. S. bon,/•
Ecroot., July 17—rsentng,—tIotton erns
souittattnt !lemur tfuttag Lim 11114. without
change. In priuss: mass of lAN., miss 11,1,1.
duns Uplatti at. U. N.', (..), luaus 10tyl. Cos u
We for 111,101 wised wualrrn IChual .13e GI
n,r C.slitornts, wi11, , . Morley. a7stot • aud .
Yeas ittlebaugcsi. Choeso Sit lor Au:wriest,
Putruittiun blunts I'd; railited ttor
lasm tam. July 11—Erening.—NO quolnblo
cliaagu lu the 11lantuls. ancluly at
Illy Telegraph to the r utabergh Gareth...l
Wasmaurox. July 17. Pra7.
'fission.. corium
Tilers is not the slightest foundation for
tile stateinent tint a war stextner tios been
soot from the Navy 'tarp to - watch the
, Austrian flout. expected litAlegican Waters
to ilinuand the body of htaohntllna, No VCS.
rein lotto been ordered to tbo coast of 51eX
leo for any such plirPOW.
TIII4ATMCNT or reosoione, Lc.
The Commit/so on the treatment or Ws
outwit or war cud Union eltixons, thee 11.
!MIN'. circulars reoeating all persons who
poSwess important Information to forward
ire same io,iohn shooks, It. C., Wiwining .
ton; Win. A. pliu. tit. Look; Abner C. Mato
lag, FI. O. hinntininth, Illinois; Aaron F.
Moven.. Natisua. N. ii.t or William
Mongol, M. C., Lieneock county, Ohio.
110. lit The macs Val'.
• •
The ntnonnt of Rohl In the taaltant the
Tot:usury .Departincut ta-deY, .1
of which twenty-ono Intlllons ware in 110 1
L nevi:Nur.
The reel eta of internal Ileverkee t04.18.)%1
vier° flZ.hea.
Report Concerning Epidemic DI
—Calineation of VOillred thititren—
Cll7 ncrlp, 4e,
LOT Tairgrapn to the Pittsburgh lusty]
Now (means, Jtily 17.—The American
Consul at Santhao tie Cuba united to Colt
leas. EnCairo there le no ephlomlo there
nor any contualMa or infectious diseases
In any part of na Consular district.
Generale ltueseau and Ord are In tho oily,
the former en n Visit to hie friends. •
Thu Common Council have adopted an
ordinance; providing for the .Common
School Education of allured children. and
thi'aiihriberiatlOn Si pogo ror_ Moir main
A Joint meettott of Oro city Commit to to
lat held to-morrow night, It le sup pored to
take stops for the withdrawal from circulas
ilia or the.. lower donomloatiOn Of Oily
uutoa. •
New York Moathallooed Con7tlon
- —hultroste Queetson.
IRV Telegraph to We Plthearett owette.7
ALwalv,..lulpl7.—ln -the Coostltutloral
Convention to dos, Mt. DlUrphy'e amend
ment to the soffratte May., Mooning Um
property qualification twit three yearn. ret.
Monce on the tiegrewe,,wite rejeotod.
Mg Telegraph to the Tlttahurgh Ometts.l
Logo,,,Laa, July 17.—The 'Meer ig at •
stand, with four feet TWO menu in NUMMI
by mark,
FOURTII PM; i..— The fullesi and r,olf
hi. ir.t , Y. rnr and Prod,ce Market le , norte
111 t•h nny paper In the edy, will be found
on our Yourt.'o FPpe.
lou liepubl!envi - Executive Coto
Thomas 7 11. I. 4 lnrvhall, Chairman Of the
Union Republican Convention. .tine ap
pointed the following,
4..T1V 6 COMMITS . ..
JACOB U. NILLI.R. Chainnan, Pittsblirgh.
tir. h. PC EVlANCE,liwtorny City. •
Davin 11qt:hes. Collin. township
gongs, Ctrosaa. tton township;
Flith Ward. Fit
At. 1.11‘ht0.1.111, Plum tnernshin.
It n covvmthin.
It B. F sant:Son Mt. Washington. •
:1A.., Tarts a limb Ward. • Pow? rgh.
Waal: titans, Findlay to wroth
Jaya, .1111.2.1i1t,Zinctlest.r.
A D. Aar:raw:a. Lawronce •
.inns C Moans. Ihrhboni township.
W. 11. Banana, South Pittsburgh. •
.I ants G. silt
A,II.ALL Pine tan:l:With.
N p gran, sgssnio Want, PittsUnrgti.
I: W. Tneinsa,•l , LitiortV.
111,1.1 W. It. N nargn. Third Ward. Plttaibg.
g vs, Ps La dR, AlleghttllV Uty.
o. P. Tlrt•att, Tarentatn.
NrsraMlV.L.. A.:107.,t1,11 , 7 City.
A roc, flOri Els, Birmingham.
ell 1i011.,,A11.11.a5s township. '
Ilunn Motai tow nrblp• Flats, uallins township.
DA,113. rims, Ward, Potabip•gh.
Coploll, or ![alai rates.
Yes !crony we cove the particulars fay
represented to leg) 0140. •••share practice'
ny an Alderman and pollee ofecern
tioilectlng a clad dent, In which those con.
curned have rendered themselves liable to
the Charge of extortion. oar etatement of
the matter was from information received,
which we ...Wetal reliable, else wo
would not have written whet we dui. If
the ends of j wale° are served, those parties
should be made to answer foitheis offend
um. and that they have Offended the law In
some shape, fur the proper tribunal to do.
termlne, motet lin doubted. It isnot an
ce-sary taut we should revert further to
this particular ease at °res it ent, having ful•
our proviso lo nmhot the
matter . Mr no 11, perhaps, proper.
" It requires no argument. to make manifest
the atonal:. of poise!. who se far viniam
theirntillgstious to. bold posttlout of re
ittionsfnitity, such as Alit eiman or Constable;
nend Moor reptitatton. eyes for co
ost at 111,1 expression expressn moot his
otherwise regarded than at not first class
TO say teat all of coroner. Aldermen are
unfitted for the pinees they hold, that they
aluima Moly do moms In the Person".
their budness aj which honest men walla
tewll. would be unjord, nor do we enter
ain any ench belief ; out we do a. and be
common with other eitimins Miser,
.101 the style of police P.M., that who ,
01 cur Aldermen disgraee themselves and
the office. It Is Inn inclargo eapeoere with the
, unfortunate that they have to deal. Wile, e
motley Is the sole cootrolllng idea, and op
ortunity allure, we have matitstraloe who
tore ple pat to prentltUte thole oftice,and on•
der rotor thereof takp of the means of the
unfortnnate to satisfy a greed ter gain ' the
toltniroltentiOn of justice the while licing
lost sight of, nll.lllOO nippier himself ren.
em himself amenable to the law which
I lie hits seen. to regard. The lOW.. class of
I annually are .to, tnltell PO Vantage Of, bail
t . l l ' O e ff , rirg o e enrlenlog hom e
whilst they aro rendertgerioorer , mid-more
•• . •
n • ••
Recetly, within it let weeks. Cates
were brought to light of magistrate,
living unlawful • Mims, They woes
prosecuted for intidemitanor, and in One
Amato:me, we bailey, the Court, from (level.
optminta made In the trial of a Winos . phi. ,
for entorMon. ordered be indictment of un
Aldermen. If we remtituoer rtsinUy, there
were two cares or this kind. llut the It.
vest's, ion thu, detnnudrd etOPPed there
It dike not appear the Grand Jury wore
rvllen 0110,1 to net la the cases; yet that
Mly. In their lust prmaintmeut. talked
T o n l e u i t n ed fe l r e e nocf
e U w m e u u, l p lu d that tf
he ah r k u tr p it t . io • n
',vended In: the hingie•ta . kkt hot, wh
hesitate [lnman that the vary seat Of AS
tire could be c Imam mated.'
Vie wilt not, nor should we. be asked to
partmulairiss, utter haying thus spoken Of
oar magistrates. We hare asserted 'Matt,
patent ton large portion of It. communi
ty. and morn particularly the chief °Meer
ot Momns. ow mean thu Distrial Attor
ney atot Asmstaitt, and ex.:reed - section
nu their num, coupled wits more caro In
the (111.12, on the p.m: of the Citizen, as to
w Otto they select far tringist (Web; 0011111 go
hat tos era runes an null tong ,perm died to
exist, the norl opting inflating.t eta/loch has
been greatly detrimental to sociuty. •
Have Too a Souratt Body: .
Tito Ills of the human family are burtther.
tit by the tbou.amis, and 'lt Is no wonder
that so many languish and decay before
they have lived etc tile time cannily allot
ted to human existence. It Is the email
beginnings of disnass that usually over
throw health and sal/ the foundations of
life. eometdotruction of any ono• cf the
charireis that ought bv carry from' the sys.
tow the worn out debris or toed 09 P•ro
cies, no lodger to (JAM omen oce la the
system: 1s aeon folio ed by a general pros.
iratiou of the whole J ody, and becomes in
some plane or- meth
it navound Perhaps
the liver. the lungs.[ it spleen, the kidneys,
or tn.. akin taken on - •••lseased action.
and then ;tots hare 1 p alms and achre
only in th e lonolity of these. unlace
attemselsea, hilt the nt round syetetn. with a
tslittinin.s peculiar to that maser with
e hien It was muleiceil by the Author ot Na
tare. signals .:barest:. the meet distant
peoe of ire Irving h canon, The gem t
tenty thatCl-waSen t e stomach, Inv out,
airs the liver, prom is t
the kidneys to fetal.
oil action.
oil th skin to Ito .ppn,
ortolan tunetren. y..k 'CLEASSEi POE
ittooll or ALI
is int KEY.
sLPe BLOM , akiAltli alt. euwim du
ton pellet,: In the are i. i urilying uroper
taou of I/11. KEYSK Ire BLOOD SEAlli'LlEit
Imo! cloned meta . 01,.. end ..ere to ' tile
moo Indraldiablo evidence, watcli wculd
It. removed on ' oily community • s
me r it s.
It I..tocony as to its unbounded
merits. Ire Challenge to the contest any.
medicine that ham mad as man, import/4m
mires as bayn ts,a , max 0 here ill Pitmourgh
ha lt. KKl'nEft'S 1.001) SEaIiCLIEIC.
if halt it.. rutin. we re Known, the Doctor
would hate to enlarge Os manufactory to
ten tomes its present extent, although we
U. ellibly itifortned . that US .10, on.
even how as many as ONE /IENDIIED
' . It lello, Immo; one Class Of the commun
ity alone tint this great remedy is knows,
suit appreclaod; but It la used alike by the
Isla hest unn tenet nristocrutio Mc - cleans well
iss the ponr and those cif modetate means
j and pretensions. In fact, novo:roc disease
and pato ealet•, Dr. Keyser's Wood:Marcher
• Is a prnuipt remedy to banish It forever,
I &lel by the glees. thcrsu 'Sr single bottle,
I at the buctor's great Medicine Depot. Oh
I Wdret st met.
In. linvenu . ii enntnitatlon moms (or
triUailenolue curouin Penn
ntruct. trout u 0. x. until t r. x.
/missal/ and Battery enare
- Michael Slater made In'ormstlon before
Alderman 'Bu-rain against Henry Martin,
charging hie) with rautauelt and battery.
The prgotniutor alleges that he went to the
residence of the defendant to punches° a
calf which higheard the'defondant had for
axle, and that after Seeing Um calf they
(ill nut shout the' prleufto be paid for it,
when bard words passed, and tinnily blows,
onset which knocked tne proses for down.
Martin was arrested and held for a Mam
dOhn ItneT appeared Word the name of
and uandul information age test IYlllialn
us charging himarlth it anti
butter). The pal-ilia reside um lloyul l s II dr,
In the Eighth ward. Thu prosecutor alleges
that it.. detendant borrowed mane pinks
Mune tatun to 1115 a cellar, and Mut. whert On
returned .111001 they were Public battered
and dull, whereopno no complained, aud
an-dated that Ihey should lines been repair.
ed before they were mturned, but the-de
fendant rillnot thlna ma and they Oda,
relied, and finally came to blows. when the
prosecutor aim Idsocko.l (lowa. Slchuriggle
was arrested and 110111 for a bearing. ' •
Henry Lee Ix fares Masao. charge against
Itubitoson. These parties um or the
Tolered stperseasion” and reside In IllaYM
ee s ittutut alleges that he wont to Nor
dan' store to, purchase tutu conic , worth of
ootatoes, and that assn he asked for the
I potatoes the Ilefrullunt, who owns creek, t,
mid Met sir be could nut boy morn than
he would not
keep house. m Len ell nut tank due
it In Ihe mutter, and n quarrel ensued
wh Mil resulted le a daht, la Mob Lou was
considerably brulaed. ..11 warrant was In.
seed and the deleudant arreated and held
• for a nearlng•
Jaunts Lyons appeared before Aldermen
!Alien and nude Itifordsatisii naainat Jelin
William and nary Ann Illegasci.ea.igboi
tided with astimult and hatt. y. The partied
rclltlo in "I,uNo Ito," The eays wu.a.tlis.
missed, thu defendants paling Mits.
Novel Pos.logo Bank
Mrs. Callan's, residing on Webs tor Cruet,
hse for scrotal years past been keeping a
novel savings Beek, on her own boot, by
stowing away all the gold and sliver coin
she could got bold of hi rho bed tick upon
which sho slopt,atid had succeoded in do
og about three !`untlreil dollars of rho
...filthy lucre" In the aforesaid biding place.
The money nsuined there for 09 long
s time that t he r lady hat almost forgotten
10,00111. ring ocession (moo it. About two
weeks ago she co .eluded to empty the Old
straw out of her bed and replace It with
i.e., and without tr. thought of tole money
'counted It out on n Tenant lot Yesterday.
Having OeColsion to visit hoe "bank:. either
fir the purpose of making is dersoelt or
dree Int: on, It. me are not intormod which,
elm discovered Out the money wee not
there, and at once remembered having
oroptied It nut. She repaired to the spot
sodotteccected In [Manic 'about a hun
dred dollars. and /earned that a boy by the
mune of Carpenter, who trebles on the
tame strout, bad boon thorn hofore . her and
found ogre:der portion of the mmlol , oololl
he had teen lavishly epondink tor several
~ O Y3 host. wo suppose she .111 be unable
to recover any great amount of that found
by young Carpenter.
Fair. n. 410,10117,
First premium: Woad hewing - Maclaine;
no porfectly adapted to all klude of work.
Such Is tho capacity of the Wood Sewing
Machine that ire claim It to be the butt In
use. Not that roicrY family requires no
wide a range of worktpanettlp. certainly
there can be no objection If the machine
will sow all kinds of work, and nee thread
from No.B up to 150. silk from IVO op to F,
and linen and wax thread. Call and exam.
Lne It at No. /12 Grant 'street. It le en sun.
TOY oanstrUCted that any parson can learn
on tit
I -
Messrs. Errett.lAnllcr , on ft Co.. proprie
tors of the lL rine, steam lon Priming
alike. hayejniot andert a new feature totheir
busmen. to the kmy of a German denart
ment. Ilarlirri ifurchussd, In the east, all
the type unit material necessary for every
description of Jog printinu In the
arm are now niflrp , re. l to take orders in
that lino. They live yncured the seryfecs
of on czperleneefl Airman scholar to super
intend that br.Ocli of their business. who
will carefully uttarind to [rat:Slating Into the
nitre German iiinginign till Enotiah eiren•
tors, cards. Ac.. :entrusted for printing to
it.. , firm. The allyantago of thisdepart
ment will he fully appreciated by the Dust.
erris corrennnity4dis a large slihre of trade
of tb IA city la from an el raw nt which - can
not well be ranched by Enulisti advertise
send. Toe Jett Oleo of E:retr, Anderson
Co. may nose no regraded MS one Of
thealoes complete In the State.
end toe trieronottlecoinmunity can
depend upon hating their orders ter any
liescrildlon of priming executed In the best
style id art at the troA .mable prices.
Cards. circulars, hand util poster% pant
Pttiets, books. impure. 'lit beads. blank
bent.; manifestk, Invitations. ar
promptly awl neatly On 111401.1 In citric, the e
lineman or Ensben ittrifitatoi- WO bespeak
for the firm ant - ngroasa at tho largo Linde
already awaritertlntnil trust that with ths
hew facilities lOM •Ifueloo,f, Messrs. hirrett,
Anderson A Co bray c eaten:, to enjoy the
mina ence and patronage of the general
business Man lentil.. Their bra-louse office
Is In the (Iszsyrit • Ilnibliug. No. Si Filth
etreot, next dour to oar own counting
Attempted illgresray ILA:herr.
A bold attempt crits made last nlghtabOut
twelve o'clock, It Loa men, to rob a Man
itamud It them litilloy, who resides at No. - 49
s vent: , strect,:iiin city. Kelley repo:Rents
that he we , on lec wity to Allegheny city,
to Fee a tack tell-1.1. out .tapped a motpent
nt (ho end or the Su Li - ertica Erldge. on
Iheinteme War, tillten he nig clinched try
tan men, one M i te:tom tom bon c Ito
..ome n•mry lesirtauctd. knocked hon
flown, caught taro ity the throat nod
choked blan.whilit .c other "gent Montan"
his Pockets, 'tie ., eon to, -born
lug h u e a menet/random book and
some pagtere, tett flll they I. 1: hint: on tile
grounti. After tleurentar hia Make. the
Utica. 0 left blot Cod ran no the Over, wet
he called for the watch, tint before the
watchmen arrived. the parties who eau,
mated the act were me of Oren. Ila came
to the snatCli-11OUna il . 1. 0 the policeman.
related bin story, and hi...pirated the prlv 11.
ege ge t t at Ward,. be could
nut ge to wnere from at ottani no
hoar. Jim eye cm looly :molten, and !MATS
evidence of berth g tecchel .1. SeVere blow.
te —cc--
TOO timillueittel Saloon.
.Among the teeny well emotneted first
elms restaurante'mal eet.lng it:nouns In the
city none stand Inglicr ln the rat lamtlott
. 01
the publaE then the -Continental:. situated
next door to the finstonle-e, on Fifth street-
It Leas for a song Mete past been under the
Mmonument of Me Wm. Italtraelmer, the
worthicet and meet skilled of proprietor,
and has erta,munitael end reeeived a Mtge
ohs re of public tiatroonge. The saloon m
arranged Mr the °Milne:. to 00100
It le adnp.ed, bUnalterge. airy mitt neatly
fitted. las tureen unt to of dent etteas .tale,
while the utmentc eaOlllll,S prevails. All
the cooking to due. In the rear of the saloon
—tegreatmenventence in this warm weather
widen other plece.t for .1101101 might profit
ed, teapot. T.:Labor. me_kethetmetteallia
sum:tied with the enoleme elt 0101.0. and
delicacies thing the markets taunt,
and tip la tho cry loot 110
tiolo Of the
Mary n rt. Toe her II liberally Sngliell
with nice, wet blol neer., tiO btrOnger
herertegm het in tool. -To tnose desirous of
grommog a flint /.Ig.nel men! all Call tel
recommend r. 11l mr.toatutd, Minato.
l e . —e,—
. Irn;., Japanese
The Opera nonne eras tilled to itti olmnot
rapacity last utillt with re estelect and lash
tonaole audience. to witness the Japanese
to their man . elera performances. The en.
tertatiement If OM.: of more thin motel inter
rat, being of en entarety'dillernat character
from anything slier Wine:geed In tai. Oily..
and es sonatinas, It is novel. The won.
derfell (eats Itets or erring by Ring Kee Chch
or little ',II 'ltem," are oerlortord area
rently wi th out rcenhel to the laws of gram.
I tatlon, and yet et oh conk ether adbereme
.0 tnent on to ,forar . Innen .1 10 hiS ele
ment, at. the lop 01 a enmity 10 , 0 bamboo
rote, as when ...ailing 00 the Lamm 'I he
manager. Mere tiCetamt toren:du In the city
emit Weonemay nrallt next, -blob wall
monarele . be their test exhibition hero.
1 They will glee X 01010.1 au neturday af
ternoon, and nernets desiring to tettaenti
cannot beeero4ol,l, grata early, en neat. are
already engeged 1 ohm Or four nights In
itg,tine. and *irate Informed that nearly
all the . e. ..g e pi tx. par - donne havebeent no
aoatal for toh MAI. .
Surety of the Pence eases.
Thomas Powisr made information before.
Ald.,Strain yesterday against Patrick Welsh,
charging him With surety of the pence.
The parties reside at bubo, and a few days
since Welsh °bole informattort against
(towbar lor stimuli and watery, whereupon
Poe lsr retaliatiiji Witt. a charm , Of surety of I
the peace, alleging that the daft...dant
threatened to kilt hint. Welsh,ds arrested
and held tar u
8.11141.10 imply kiwis:to:it before Alderman
La.,/ end cllartiL.d.r. li. Laud atm atirety
4of the peace.. 21 t that the defendant
threatened in mho lui lila. Curd was held
tor his appearaiiim ut Grua,
E. E. nacitrYi . l charged with the
oll,n+e, before ill , magistrate,
and by ills amen brosecutor, and wan alas
held for Court. I
L 322
A 7.9 g boy Mone.l 1, ward tisss roma.
Inn to Pilo Alin d Is.
appeared yesterday Ibis mother.
as we undarstool, sent him to Pltaburdtt
on an errand, nett I 03 to the or:lntuit tie:ha ,
not returned. ill.ruitbsr presnming that
she could perhani oto some Information
anout herson: ead...l at too Mayotte.
ones at abolia It .11 p Ist nine u'eloes
and Care ltd o mg Illsertiodon:
Lie Iste oco n years', col: a light padts;
11001 brown oo,o; oa. Lail sntrt;
liant comp.ema..; sioy: attenoed to his
business. Too n . oy she, must nave
wet will; 500... sesl.ldos. Ally tutormation
maseetnlocihn Soto 11.1. tarn Ous:, will be
chreriutiy reeel.ttst at I toil.lliyot's ninon, by
bit dlstressnd topther.--
_ . Leap Car I.:berry;
The itOtOriOnu Stl' , Ar ililanl3 WrL9 on
a "spree" yetneedly, tool touncinusly brake
a window In Met ••Ilsri'u Cement" 511101111
The.proprittor pr the ',Lion mode lap:-
motion einairtst Wet for to ,lirlons roloottinl,
bolero Mayor Metiar: hy, is eb sent Wm 0;1-
,n. In oonnAc ,SI tho ollt:o•Srr. They ono•
ceeLkul In do lion Nut lit 4. nol,lo on to Ml
- to “0 ,- fl P. so eireot and itu,
noesno troy Oki; 1 . 4110 te.ta not to flu token
without wo k"' et.. tr.'•,lt to escupo, nod
when rho °lll e's wt. ot ti ts COO boo. he
000 our
of it 01 :1 le, !.3 Lim" . window,
Jutoolnic to the vo' - ..,..0. ~. u. dietetic., of
ro.. ta outy leo. rnO ,r{eq car at It ran,
bur ot the pul,co , IL., 41 Unit took
alto to the V.., 1,11 have u beating
title morainal
The i lbscupluL gue• Present
r ' • • • •
We resixtice. Art O. ix's. the seeney of
Mews. Decker, Bro.te pinto, flatting the
honor Of that rectory put, to the ;retro
:nests manularixtrud hour., Widen se had
Phe greatest rlOt td odi really excellent.
revious to ;hat Irate, Xl-,tra. De.lter
gave their trochod. .1 atz....dlot. to the mono,
lecture of plan , * tut.. se ;ut -Ince tneY ear
.ry On another lutpurlation of
slue; end the laut ; 11'..el I t lee rOOll ap
peared. Auto Our.; to iitir 1114100, to keep
us our telecom! , Inane 13,1 y Clio Vert/till!,
h,,v„ id MO Morsholl
Pomo, nfticb tnn unouipina plialat of, the
prereitt, nail, su tiortiN. for a long 'Mom
linking a CO.,
:a Filth' attest.
CHI Seprern Est-bans..
The Oil asurclfaid iii cof LF Oily that In the
parintaof tile lent lion,. corner Of Irwin •
street and Da!'incine Way, On Tuesday
morning lust, :dial argon', it an Oil ttrn'a
Excbando, and', elected ii. W. Burke, Erg.,
lica,,iiient.• audill It. Loa;:, s..eretair Al.
ter the ronelurion of locioters, an lien:
lunch Wits semil by the s. earthy ro tutor .
01 the doutt Ilia,. to which all reennt did
amyl... Justice. ;Thu InciniArs I toe urea..
niaction will to, rcicuiarly dpery morn•
lug, bet weetrtbe Itouniiit eleveldand Orrice
o'elcmilt, for, 01 transoining biog.
Oust In the interest CI la: oil trade.
- I
• Ttmperaner. Pie ale—That tilptetnned
anti lireinethottliv. organisation. Division
.1V Sufism Tem perbnee, pommel to have
a grand bargee pie rile, nc Slonitor Orme. •
on Wethiesme, July tint Too aroma.-
Merits have Mon mitres...A t it large coin.
14111 tan eI fouls' and ii' it lemon, mambnn
of the ltheislith, w Lean energy. /therall y
and eliti . ..rprithi give ample mrurence of
the stele of the airor contemplated. The
tickers of Invitation. are now ready for de.
ly, arm owe In. iirmarol from the nova
boleof rhe Cianniatee. anion mon. ova
to an advertisement, l a ~g, r .
Pia Nin —Tt day, ut olenwood °roe%
ode be hold to , annual tortinion plank, of
the Soil lily brow y bf !ids clot, Tho
rang.montrge hots bath on the most
liberal reale. and I tont the welbenuon'
Ohmmeter of to, emelt:men having the
ri m y ,. in mime On nee promise ft rplenillil
time to all wh. may attend. An excellent
bond of trouel trill 0011,1 !land to etford an
opportuulty t all Oho desire to trip the
°light Mutest a Loo"
Dank Ele
line hoe. lintel AS-latent earthier of
the Allegheny National I: it position for
which he It unilontiy wool:al, having
hail long ex erten. In that favorably
known bank, g Machu:lnn.
Our well kt own fell Ittethard
flaps, Eiri a h been bleated Viearrestilent
of the from O ty Satvonxi think, a selection
motel[ willyami eery general
PatittOn• Ilianliravptcy.—ln the
United' State District umi yesterday,
a t ril i rli ' A 79 t ll ' ilVaini: s ro4lVi l l " . cti ° l4
ongehola ...P.) Elmer Thompson and re W.
Crittenden. 0 Petah:at:h.
loore etiVertleod in panther !
r. nen to tlellotttfahy eitoateh
Pate' subarbO. Tete.* frith-'
non home at a moderate
lierolue Ito. property.
Dlithernen [root the Ears,
mete of the Eye, soil all urea
pate and otOrtente Oharletter
hreated by Dr, ANDA.
• The Iteet.Si
Column by Mc.
In the hame.ll purehl4
Chet ehomid un
Deafne•a. I
Catarrh, DIVA
Mon of aoh 2
TWO somoNs,
• lame nett, nannies TIMETT-811 COL.
lif ENE of Interesting reading Matter. Inludinn
teamne Editorials. latest main Try Teiegenb
and Mall, valuable Ending Matter tor u.
Esiolly. sod Callen anil most reliable ?luso.
list and Commereial - Martet Tteports titan by
arty yap, in the e.u. Ito Farmer, idoemnie or
Moment nand be .Ishout It.
Shade nobtorroor. 111.31 e.
I to, of !Iry
00th. of Ten. - I•I D.
— ..od one COOT Of Taper to the perfOn ter ban
Op [he dab. AdOlvlons tO Mons can Mt MLA et
2 0 7 0 I T; 0 " : lift.—la Th . —la isedePi Tear
papor, be ante and SIMMIT 0500 . 41,1 "
roant, 01 int lane 0 Weonisday IMl.lolllbr.syL .
partnere boring but one mall a Week. •
B MOneT by Drill, 020r000. Monti °Note.
or la Itetlatend Ite[ters, may De'eat at OM' del.
Adidres., • kIAXETTE,
Tete Belden Rape —Wiln6m Mo-
Mrner.ebola charerd ettb being one Of
Inn 1 , 4110 Is no perpetrated t DP alleged out
rsse on tar barn It +anon Sunday eruntne.
und who 14 now law/Mine s hPardla. b..
n.. 10 f nll sonforston of the OW, !mull
esthse spy prni othsrs bye•lne. As OP re
run. ot Ibis ernde-slon tho man Ahrens Bre
wton was arrests-1 on Tuesday, and the
001100 nro alter the m hers men tlnnutt In the
enn fo,sitnn., Tlsetr 'muses are [; h ee l - s
Edward Evreson„ con, McCoy tail George
Ilene e, aims Obey. Elm.
Cold w•ter st J. T.
Smple's Urng Store, No. SS Yederai meet;
Allegheny. •
- Wr .011 Dry Genes both at whnloaaln :
and retail. and are, at Con Neat en•
anloal to keep 0161'40r and amen totter •01.
.ortrd BLOOM, to Roll cheaper, and give Ike
COnda In morn annatntruniallna quanttLlCS
than exclualVejnbning houses.. Ratan met.
Obanta amis.lam! to eximilnanar stock. — ~—.
S. W. B
alazkut st
• t.ree
No Pines Zlsa to or; City—QM bettor
or cheaper Boots, shoes, Belmarsli and
verytome else in rtas as found Una
0% the :hoe honored shore of James Bohn,
No. 8D Market street. •
Coto sprkling Soda Mater ett J. 'r
SnnipioN Drug Jtora, NO. SEI reulung lagoon,
Cam' Additional Local News on
TL Ltd Pacr.
Ipalna Conivset Eseliemeet—Cbolenb
rat Teleafs b to the Pittsou• ea tbisette.l
Lawnceca, Kan July 17.—Great linnet
rtatlim to °tore-tad by the loyal people
here ut t he supposition that Cal worthato,
durtoriniontlentot S.noniero Indiana. la
about to guard the cataract for the reo
nti.aul of the Wheal's, to straw
Odder, II Is represeut tI by a
y Rector. who ass- • Brigadier .
Conerat In the rebel service. that
the bond, It.d not been approved by the
Unita.'Uotrlcit ittorne7, and pro.
leo a and rill Matte have boon I I wardad to
tna Searetary of the Interior, alleluia for •
now lotting. It Is charged that teem/lint of
Ltia %Viten dean and the tiepertn r odeater•
In ten "ring o
Steven deaths from cholera qtearued at
Fart It /rker on Monday. among them
,ternburti, wile of the Post gurgle: an
v %Ow 17 tn. 1./0 WILL ill A. NIL
la the 2:4 y.rot Lt. opt.
The uveral Sae LI. ea /rose 1111.4.0.1
ofds's father. Slrmael D. Nelson. Cull) .• LAM.
shit;, To DAY ( Thursday 13th) at I 0 , ..1nek. Lars.
01.00. anises's... %liras:l.% on r• UM, abdTa
.teret. nt one o e ock r. x. Tbe
frittlds or thu (=Ai are reeDee folly la.lted to
•a.f.beellne .... cam]
Sr vEWAD v EILTLIk; 'bud.
."... No. Idd Fourth stress, Pt frit, Pa.
COFFIN: of all kinds: (UPP& El HMS. sad
, very description of Funeral Tranlablnalloodi
forriseed. sloonisoornud dor and night. Hearse
.nn Carriages inridelled.
Itrutnadao—Her. David Kerr, D. D., UST.
16. V. 41,1351 . 11, 0.1).. Tatum, Cwt.. FAO, Fa.
e . H. Millet, V. 447.
'4' • KLK AND EY E1A1.29.11, nooe•ser to tin
late emote? K. 9.ooters. No. 29 Uhlo Stroot,
three doors from nester, Allegheny IlY•
kiln, Rosewood, Mahogany, •Waleott end eon.
•ood Itultatlon l'onlne. at the lowest nstleeod
prleesl Ho.hes open et ell bagmen, and night
Hearse end 'anis., Parnlshod on short noooll
sett on •ble .rota.
"-. mut:Feora. um«. 11.• "gm ft..,
4at,gh.r. Metal le, hooewood sot other Lot.
ear, Otto s•tomolote stock of thserel lorolaolpit
good. on hand, and foro , shed st shortest scales
et or
orteei. hale sod Livery etabirlit
oar of Fact, s.D MIDDLE •St•shiet. esertszett,
Daroochest BUZZ!,'. ...Idle ' HD... Sc..
, or .tre.
TAKZIIII LX IS LH6e Lttcltl. Slanottass
tar, Wood's Nan and nanny. aollin Boosts St
nanctisstar Liters atatde, caner dttatleld and
Chanters arse. Beats. aza Cantatas Cu•
N. STEWART, IludertaArr,
Snrnor at m , 11211./.4 and PION OTOS...TS.
Moth W.N. C.CIII. of all klada. Hogan end ern n•rnlshed an the •hone.t 06.10
vo. f. , 511T9 FIELD STB.ZZ' , TOM YOUR
F.mio a.c).i.ines.
JL ei COT I,
ra•Ll:o s Lockik d g , , at.e nou•tiven to ropaith
11. 13.
Sealer of Weights . and Measures.
Between Liberty .ad Ferry elleibitei
nob.. y,rosnotiv VIA nal. %et .11107• IR
DE♦LIV & SILL, Real Estate
and Insurance Agents, Butler SI.. Law•
trace... Me. ra. - •
stilt Sitt...—WhleUel.oll7l7.l4l.l
Id.o,mi...rear.: We ores fur *ale the beet
tad most desirable site lb. bellies Mill and
Blatt Funiese, or ter nor hire. biebbfebtbilef
purpowe, irt the routar. Tel. prop Oil Le leer
.ted on a 40 font erect end tee Allylbeny deer s
and within. hie fee tof tae A. V. H. 'Me lot to
140 try 344 reflect desirtne wieh a lot would do
weir to examine before buying ebutwharst.
Term• setae, to suit purchasers. Reeuln at
ince L.f.h d lii. L., Real lestete end theltreabe
Aeenta.areiimelemt. tww•eueeetile;
pun SALE—That sPry vat's*.
.;ble and daeleable properly It nate obit..
reerestrea end the filleeheny Meer. to Alla
corny ..ity lea by I= .net. me width is •reete.
• very substantial Brick . Buildate, Des morbee
sipt. io3zt9 fret. calculated . and • well adapted
* for termed on almost any breath of tolanfth.
Luring. It la seldom a of they dimension;
'Wan the City. cab be had, and we weird invite
the iv. elal alen Moo of Mime desirous Of swim
hide rime for althelsetimine 4 pathos.e to pill et
the billed of DENLIN t till+, Beal Lathe and
Instiranri , Aro... Cutler r 10.5. I •yrronseryl,,..
Wheeler & Wilson Sewin• machine,
'7ll,7lt;;;fiTo!':r.ll*.lielr3 Imla o.
fee wane—ine
o.ariattlev of • war twine ea ,poslea aVIM
=wit comptiolt saa Impttlo,l
No. 27 FIFTH liallpf.T, Ilitebnftb.
Mt. w 1011 T 11 . 1 .-.........4,41:04. Jiipi:11112111 $
Lavvo - risamocvcrillio.
Refiners and Dealer's in
wren. arcane nom oosssaassr-
COM. RT. ♦\U 1313001110irr VAT.
nousEs Fon, BALE, AT
130 is ard~s Liverr Stable,
BTRIXT. sear Mosousluis HMI"
HORSE. Tim weatio , o &two; .•11 1 oat
sea, at locomotive. W e mood OrtrlOß MAIM,
WA. Lo (got, mo away wont SU. 141. Ibr yy
low. Homo bolt irtiaapt loe roonolniow
Practical Pornßare Risaufacturers
arlse of Ftrafirrllnt amounly
RoutEh, BELL & CO„
Anchor Cotton IBM, Pittsburg",
g."4VtiegrUttitlrergiat IMET.
ingilritTllV€l4 AN% ISATTIIia. •
• •
Roses, Geraniums, Teraina!, Lc"
to bloom, at the Osklsa4 Uresabom,
Joust 4 & A, it! - Ago o ce.r
Send fee • eawora. se. Clew
oL A 4 N Hl ti fo lr e t . RE .7. l l : di r .
r asa, lele st the Cloth War.
asts, hl sa4Mht , , ow ,
/3. Maar%