El ..i. Lire ll,ltt,sl.turgtr eilytY. ow:mew:m ariur 17, 71467. REPEBLICIN No - TOII JrIDGE Or SCPRESIE COCUT: .HON. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, Of AU County FREE TRADE I ENGLAND Some years ago, upon &careful survey, . the ilateamen and manufacturers of Eng land came to the coritlusion thatthe ad vantages existing in that country for the • prOduction of most kinds of goods were unequalled by those of any competing =ion. Accumulated capital, vast sup plies of machinery, and a crowded pop ulation, seemed to promise continued fa cilities for cheap production, doping ritiafrY. It waathis that Induced them, in profession, to relinquish the train- Votary policy of Protection, and avow the intentbin of establishing Free Tmde... The Corn Lawa were abridged, and im post ditties abated on -certain articles of manufacture; but the ettemal revenue system was maintabed, on the whole, as vigorously sis ever. Ender pretense of lievenue duties, as large a degree of Preitection has been kept up as varying : exigencies have seemed to require. Latterly, however, the same classes have become• satisfied they made mis takes in their calculation, or else that the relative condition of a number of the European nations has essantially changed within the last few years. One of the leading organs of British opinion uowwrites: "Dow shall Great Britain. continue to ' hold her present high place in the *cold if, in consequence of the demands of her workingmen for more wages , and fess labor, she loses the manufacturing su premacy that makes her rich and power ful in a degree disproportiened to the apace which she occupied on the globe. . If the Eoglish workinsman must not. only bate tile daily bread, bet hts daily beet - gas daily beer, his daily gin, end his daily tobacco; if he must systemat ically keep "saint Monday," he mill Virtu fly do but fur and a half days week out of the six; and if, altogether, • it requires to support him at least twice as much as antirlies the Belgian, the Frenchman, or German; three times as mochas contents the Spaniard, the line Klan or the Italian; ten times as mochas serves the needs of the Chinaman, sod twenty limas as much as makes the Ilia doe "IlillYtow are the British employ era of tabor to compete successlully with the employers of other countries, aided as they are by steam power and all those appliances of modern science, combined with cheapir labor?" Does any one demand why these con siderations are urged upon the ... atten tion . of the British people jest now? Two muses conspire to constrain both manufacturers and statesmen to review this whole subject. The first of these is the prevalence of strikes on the part of workingmen for more wages or 'less hours of toil, or both. But these strikes are not peculiar to Great Britain. They prevail throughout most of the conntries of continental Europe in which manu facturing industry has become a prlnci t pal source of individual wealth and 'na tional greatness. - If the pressure for tes' work and more pay was confined to the British islands, it would subject em ployerslthere to peculiar hardships and would eventuate in national decadence . Menufiseturing could not he continued there. The fact Is the workiagmen :of France, ,Belgium and Holland, are just as intent on bettering their conditionas those ofjEngland, and press as viblentl7 for larger compensation and fewer hours of ( labor. The real' cause of "alarm, therefore, in Great Britain lathe discov ery thatthet cost of production Is actu • ally less in some other countries than there. Notwithstanding the existing. Impost duties, French, Belgian and Dutch manufacturers are competing sue- ' cesalulY wolf British manufacturers. In in British markets; nay. are driving there to the Wall. All who have °biers, ea the piogress of this competition are convinced that English imposts *ill be • mate:hay raised as a break-water :: 'thereto. The citation-made above from'au Eng lish 'writer, discloses the actual ten dency of Free Trade, which Is to bring down bask to the lowest rate of remun eration prevailing anywhere. Those who will work cheapest, and have ade quate machinery to help them, can con trol the market. If workingmen in tbe_ Tittitod States were only content to lie in u eimpli and meat a way se the-la- • boren of China or India, they could put wares on the general minket of tee world at lower pm...vs than the laborers of any other nation, because they have certain special advantages. But this degrada. tion of the workingmeo would be the degradation of the nation itself. Fortu nately, under republican institutions, the great body of workingmen `possess the means of m eelfprotecuon, and are not Glow in availing themselves thereof. v .1 1=2}221 lIIMEI We have great respect -for the dledi dl Be . who has a heart to feel for the ills of men, "and shill and a dispositiOn to relieve them, is one of the noblest o6nett.. Ve were, therefore, sem to notice the manner In which the resolnthin QQf Dr. 3lowity, advocated so ably by Dr 'ATLEE. of Philadelphia, was disposed of, at the recent meeting of the State Medical Society in this rity. We . hoped those. who know so well as pby_ 'ideas do, women's capacity to endure and ability to perform, would be willing to give her Claims, if "regularly educe ted'l as a physician, and if observant "of the code of ethics," to be recognized and consulted with, a free disetission s We know that 'elem - 16c men have ever been sIOW.IO allow. innovations. But the establishment of medical schools for women In our largest cities—the three hundred female physicians already hav ing extensive practice in our country— the very respectable votc--50 for and CS against her—in the At:lei:can Institute of Homeopathy—the liberal character of the new charter of the London Univerai. ty admitting women togeneral examina tions to test their qualidostions not-only as gireernesses and teachers, bat also to spacial examination for degrees in medl eine and law,—the inning, after much agitation, in Holland, of a decree ad mitting females to the - examinations for the position of . Apothecaries, an occupa tion hitherto restricted eiclueively to men, are 'shadows of coming events, too plainly seen to be disregarded, Actium NO manifestly just as the extending of women's field of labor, in which there are 110 many of her own sex, and so many man of the finest minda and the most extensive acquirements enlisted, - will not fall to succeed. Making shins for six . and a loaner cents, and paper bags • for one-half 01 one mill apiece, are not to be the sole means of "Import for herself and her children. •:Ber ability as a practitioner bee already been demonstrated, and whenphysielans are allowed without expulsion from the . State Medical Society, .to consult will men,whose..want of knowledge, jadgi zest and skill is evident, we can see no. ?gluon Why they should be forbidden to consult with female physicians "regu larly educated." Some of the objection urged by the :County Societies, in i their reports, were exceedingly weak, not to say ridiculous, se indelicacy, physical inability, and duty to take care of her children. The practice may be limited to her own sex and to childres, and if not we should like to have it •sbdwn why thegeneral practice would be more ladellcate for her than for man. The oppoilte may be shown. Men here- are blinded by cos tom--notinfinenced by what Is proper and tight. Ailerwhat we have wen the past Jew - years of her endurance, in oar mops and hospitals, ingloriously and without reward, laboring day and night foriesis to mitigate the intleriags and save the ilywi of Aka haroes'of our • land, 1.411 question of indelicacy and endurance dont, or disease, or stroke et death, no abound be dismissed. So lone as site wes -.1/n2'st:ilia-a against es palely selfish w simply an aid, not a competitor with cone, that belief heel! would have vitia ts ti and degraded man there were no objections. Chil- Palos -these r i-thene Unions , ,,their e minds. should rather t f this If dreg and home, for Which it is laid it . any, for several were linked in the open, Is her duty to cue, may noehe horn, and thine of Breed bend-h ad indeed believed even were - this so, w h y this field of in-' that a power worked for them from above, or front below-it little matters duntry shouel be elosed to her when ,;,_ • Its religion and its morality would have st ruggling for the support of children been worse, thou that el Thucs, or the and husband, it Inv Le, we atnnot see. , vilest known encase. Whoever believes, If she has taste and evident fitness for worships; and obeys it as his God; and if this profession in which her own sex, . h,,,, these men had ever fancied n deity work more than the other, le interested, then • rt t her them in the e: it fashion. they .. ' 11,5i i5l IgiVe been r...nta.itia Ihollch let her wield it. If her home , duties are ; , stiatifal ils , n , athn. Of , ourse they had sufficient to occupy all her time she can l en= ' ouch bole:. They only knew that confine herself to them. But if self-tle• ii. ` r " wee souse power or ether working pendent abo can at home veryanidom i to a why ten concurrent aeh th eir in terests and their passions. Whatever It : - have any remunerative employment, and at wsseit did as they wished; they rejoiced ''''' she should ,be allowed some freedom of : its crimes, and in heart and soul they choice, an to the e e „,,,, nr i n , with, th, ! teentlfisd them-el yea with it, they reaped , its deadly harvest, they divided its booty, Mans. support herself. Taste and ea. , 1 tiny - became i itl ens. peaty should Inc consulted. Woman inest gni Ity and hideous things ever din ' wisher, and justly in our opinion, th at . '•* ,,, d i n this itlin " her field of labor may be extended. Al. . -«..------ -- caul Tendert or a li unhand Under Tr 3'hog 'ready enough Have starred or been • a Ireimu , tsucea. t driven to vice by employments wholly' I t rote the eteresa isnot.) Time., duty al unremunerative and unsuited to her ed. The train from the west on a recent Oration. In different ages of the world , el:etymon brought to this city a Chit,go , she has graced different departments of t gentleman and his wife. They stopped industry. She bastaught in the highest et one of our hotels, and the next morn scheolseal learning, she has led armies I lug after their arrived, the gentleman ' and goorerned natious. In our own t announcing some busineett in the cola e land she has sent her husband or broth- ! Irv, intimAted iris intention -.I 1 i rig 10 transact it, and asked his wife to proceed- ern to the army and Inas cultivated the ; „ ; • 'ii • mc l a .reompany um. ut his s aam e- I soil. But a few years ago she was con. i alined to do so, pleading anon excuse a , sidered wholly unfit to Instruct youths. ; severe headache. Procuring a horse and I Now the larger part of our schools are t hutenT, the gentleman started for the taughtit character. by her, and many of the highest I ~s . : :i t ie u , l lll „ , od u e t s ie l g n , g t t r. ° neer,: frets nanthi the city, l character. Literature mid science she I red intending to be absent most of the 1 has adorned. In philanthropy the names i day. . , . Of a NIOLITINBALE and Dix will ever be t soon after the &patellae of her teed, l 'Medea so far recovered herself as to be remembered. - Jon', STCAnt MILL, °U° 5 olds to write nnote end dispatch it to a of the first men of his own or of any 1 „stein gentleman ,in this city, who is age, and one of woman's warmest alive- I sotneschet notorious for his gallantries. Was, in one of Lis works, pays a Most ; We suppress 11 . 11 ilea for obvious reasons. . • call on , The re, ildent soon foetid time to touching tribute to a departed Wile, in la i r wr i ter n aim lair writer nt her romn. nut now crediting her with all that is truly volt!, !,. ~n, ~, the startling denouement. • hle in his ninny very learned works, all Tie leshand or the invalid at the ho of which were reviewed by „„ r b r a,„ oh, stem after leaving the city, met the they were given te the press. tent lemon hu,was in seances of e thits pre• eluding the necessity of golit the whole ]inform is progressing, chnistianlty I distance to Lis house, and came hack ; and civilization are advancing, woman's ' some hours sooner than he expected. He I position i is becoming shore and more ) 'wen[ immediately to his room, being' l anxious alter his wife's health i I elevated, and her ryas more respected. I P f a li t e um s l ur wits locked, and the eel% etliel We live not in a heathen land. Here l of Lis kueek was a somewhat irregular ' I woman asks the right to earn a liven- ' and suepiciausCOMMOtiOn in the interior i I hood fur herself, and it may be for others, of the apartment. In a low tone, but , i oue that admitted o no list lat nd f n int t. sta - I iu her own honest and honorable way- ; • since- I suited to her genius. This she will have. ' ieut I' Ll i cl e , m ,bret l 2l t e t n,t, ' „ r , , - he re s, , The earnest and , talented twenty nine l e eit, as be had lets Ler, opened thedoor, will see their wambera 'increase and the ; end the husband release!. At the first fifty five will diminish. When lee have; ' althee there was no sign of any other in• mthe apdflnient. Bill 1.110 llllbleind peen a single man stand up for the thrht tome ' .., no , ,„ b e a,,,,,i, n cl b y apperaees, and the oppressed against an entire ea i- and soon from under the bed ne fished a lion and triumph, we despair not of t pen of boots-certainly not his, With -woman's success in this her 'clear right. I no signs et auger he inquired of Madam whence frau, they come, C 01.11,0 she Thinking men, who love justice and • e Of ; , did nfil. knew ; they Mont have teen lett virtue and who carefully consider this , there by some reinter occupant of the matter, will advocate her claims., ' l aPartment. Now gentlemen are not ac -----....-------- to:awned to leave good hoots in their ea• coed apartments, and this our Chicago Ransil Trades Sinionisse-hissw Murder ! t hushauti knew. A wardrobe caught his steasu Engines and Iron Turtling Lathes, la Reduced to a System . t'Se, sad eperting (lie do n - he discovered Atal One Iron Planer, l w Wm the Laudon limes June 2S-I -the owner of the boots our fellows 1 - The complete unraveling of the Shef- ' cozen,, . 1 s. I, BLACK LACE SACQUES I F 0 R S ..t.11., E. who, beside otung minus', -is field mystery suggests and compels a t 1 boots, was en deshabille In several other l . • ( toe Enid., 19 arson cyllndt, 4 feet stroke: question of - ninth grader importance ; important pares:Mart. A A•T Miff/ FOR SUMER Wi "'"""'""1"`',"""`1"0"1`"'""" '. venni, than the actual guilt of half s. dozen' Under such trying circumstances many 1 , T.° Engine/I. IS in•le eylln3rre. , g n feet stroke: have lost then' temper , end ance vain, etern-tene. I shaft.: tart.. Jinn men whose hands, it appear?, Lad Le. ' i n n , witisini , , , . ;tt lIYIIe scene In Ighleu pistols played a , rue BALL BY ear. - A feet long. with 0 wog. sea ee•llk a. I come used to blood, and who had ICU all prominent part misted have ensued_ But , One Docent Li Minn nigger add e•nunicto out i 111 ol aw. err or steamboat. Thu • egitos compunction for crime. It is a quention ;at long residence amid th e christisfezing : , Sad completednellt as oboe, i Vanden It (eel. • in which we have been anticipated by influences of tarsals° had rendered thin; WHITE, ORR & CO., !'r. 3, a.g:71":221 . ,Tii7 . ,;r4L„g1'a 1 e.: the fanatical yet anxious advocates of I injured husband nu error to such ebulli- t 1 one Wt.. lots one good :ilea Knelt, 10 In: , ••••• tinder, .11a. /Arnie: .. ce• boner. 40 In. Mtn, Trades Union, who at every stage of this t Sens of anger. "Drees yourself, sir ,•. l , _rut long-two Id I. eleof• matter have eagerly volunteered estrus- : said he to the gentleman in the wei;tl- I IS Fifth Street. And. seven...ll St rli • nenna..Eatlonary and I Portable Inner, nste and ,-tan, hOlll/1. all In agent defenses. The Unions, there , ro' e, "and we'll go and take a drink. • .I).' sleet:nut L.,. 11/1111 , 4/ • .I•l•te•Jor•f:•eca.b. tn,ire sun, in IeI,YYL AL. ei oaten. apologists averred, had nothing to do i Probably under the same circumstances i QTATI , or PENNSYLVANIA. 111C11111 Xt. HOLE & CO., with the Seaffie/d outrages. They were ': I should have acted us3ou have. Mary, 'io althr.,IENY Colleen, ••.-I • ths Or- ' Coe. NMI Ancy ant Du arena at's . the pris ate acts of •iutene men, no cool (to ins wife) pads your 'trunk, and he ' i ;„ . .! " , ` ,V,,!",1,": " ,t;;; . ",',, e i,,,, i ,t",..,F . 0 1.%,, ^ t .:;.,f; 'ma,. a F knew whom , upon some nrovoastion or I neatly to leave on the next train wen.. tins 0 ' tha awn., J a go. gltt. LW'. dee'd.' ~,,," ( another, no one could say wlmt. Tem- tCo home to your parents. I never wish i w.r,,;,;,,ta:=, wetp. John emeriti garsh 1 . Can PEOPLES . • , ;J7, '" ' r'2,',','' :jib . per sad pique would always show them- ,to see you again," 7 i. , ... ! ...1r ,' %. " 17retZa k . 3',1`..'`.2 . ....., ' TEA sToRE selves in the best of m e tes. The I- SO said, so dune , /1 , carried out the l iness ne.rewoesetnes °idea:es rtillieFte. Jee'd. : 9 Unions, it was exultingly pointed out, i programme to the letter. Many Man ; VI 0......1 i n eV. Jogs loin, snot, on no ion of had challenged immtry, demanded to be l are incapable of such sitherlative self- ' r ,,, , ,, r 1 t ",,, , " ,;:',,f.T'en . 1=„`",',”',",,Te; I Wilson & Underwood examined on oath, and even tifitred re- • routrol, . ,s- snits ton rent,' tn am ear m C o e ur, on wards, through their officers, fur the due , aa's' aßa T. IY• I 3dt onY , Angoat....s l. CROKE FAMILY GROCERIES. ~......a a. m... 1. , 5t . ....pt or refit. the eve coverer of the assassins. Even now, et t COE'd DYSPEPSIA CUBE reg- 4 11/...a.1.• at the tipprelseu mit e thereof, io emote , , 5 . ,N, ~.,„„.,„,,,,,,,, ~.,,,, „„,,,... late of the t•lwartest and but whoteiale and r. the very last, when It has been brought , uses and te net Ito. ~..,nneb. ' ''''. BY seta hotter. tan store, in the two antes. ant to the light of day that all these hor : co- ait ./,,//3, care . s sovereign remedy Item the necont. . roes were committed at the eoctieedon t,; at, cl„ee,.e. et d„..tce,t .ct ie.ear _ _A. tilLanDr. Clerk. l7Cley _. No. IN South Weal Diamond, telnd instigation of Union officers, - by ' r eset ItY•Mpsi• I'e me..., er and note. r'r'TIIF. PrriEM nEiViti IP •1 D ALL,CtiIiENT CITY. 11,500 agents and with Lesion money , Let Con. t Mecte..l • a lo e Ode matol t try it. , e'. i• Gel, 57.1tt, lir a :M i w 0 0 , et A. Cnt and aeons. our stoek Wan prices. SY r. i•mwr.. 1., In oven Ice ••• Pun ,ap rase-dl !___ it has hero asserted its a last resource, ' (-' ^' "M . 0 . ,. '''.. °'''tolds° , " 5a.,•• an n, Ly Ire• J W. ..AViNC, areal J., sal o f I - - . ----- - [bat the perpetrators and accomplices "" 4 ' i s , . b.. : '`' . ." • 7 . " . '.. '...°"^t- l ' i [ r . . ' n•Totra:s Pa . tl r t=f a i l 1,1• V rag, ''''''' jags B youNgsoN were only some half dozen Men, FLO . : -. r - , ` .,. r t .- 7 - , ;- : . _ ,-.= v! ',:".., “.),,,"" t ~.. ~.. .. co up. their ehuish.' pow ra a I Ibu a.pettte. (0-1. of e c.tlon, on th• corn, of trentkoh kept their villainies to themselves., who ~ e ;,. ~.,.t , '%:;, „,".,::Z . ; ':, ,, r , :7 ,,,,,. , ,... ,. , 40411411 e "nets, AI/PO/eel re/elll4l 55 li/e - crimes were only a miserable episode in ; ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,, ,e, ,e ,•,.,, a y . del .. ....n o " ° I • ,• ` Y . .t. n , .. , .... , .... , ...- No. 200 Wylie Sitreet, ..-Y ~ ei.a acorn of the. teembernoin, our Bun thaloth an otherwise inument and meritorious l mr Inanec p. pietas.. organization, and who had actually Mem. ! c ~. umetai. an, la an laminable earn: ' nee. 71. 1 1'..!'',: ,7 .‘1*.7...1.! '- .‘ '' ' . "." :so" . . r ?. ‘ ; ' ' ''4 ' ;' ' ' l .: l'f"a,7,lll.itttrlitr T575::.!'51::51"5:V5r00'5°,..'5r5: beetle the funds and tamper with the ne. to et •Itoll are ..at, ..enotatna .rid tea eta , ..%14%:: ` ,, ,• =1,7,7:;.. 4..5. 'Y" b 5 so. mat elan. . concha In order to procure men. for Liz- ,atste - sa normal ono" Ws wise •nd or Pea at or all Clarls• Ms.* vs/ether i • yeabetnelan, Bantle., inlee.o. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, ing Mordexera, y_nd to bend the eyes of asesala sirens tor Bittaleargb not elolnlty. , ains. or utbets. Thee• are esiongb eorpd their fellow Unionists. It was yet not • ; saor.la Me Lt.,- •el On nun its enetrone to 111 ~.,.,...r . „.,,,, ~..„,., 5. . ,„. ...„...., At the aeons rumba,. , lean Etc Cana Ca V, rd. only possible, but even Lennie, dud in j ''.,' JOSEP•I I amuses, Draw., ~.nrernes „e „ en„er e „,,,,,,, e 5,,.„,,, r•.- or all erection.", on hood, ain, vid5,555., this lease an immense number of people e • ,s er 15 um none ear alm We nun to baud a ' Au4 . -,-,!.3. ;;;;;;..-1.1,:,:riav,A,;,,,-;%,z -, „ ,„,„ ~,,, chercet tobereta •e nu e/01,1•11/ t/i/i 11,/./Rel g 1 ulna .'" a, I , at , 5 , t , were contributiog the means for the must; is-este, te our e wog/eines, and the Ilea[ which Hs ba.• I ~. :4 1 ..„.4%,..;: ,f, , W, :2,?;.!::,.74..' '.... recd nirocities, and derivthg a a, , 0n... h • DE , TOU Fq rlt4 V or ir4Dep , . - r 4 ..."..LL '''''' ."' ` A. '". • r•D " . "." Ai "cop 'flr'i"' "'"'D" ' _tale advantagefront them, without ewe, ' if. , ' ' ' ' , hot Is. one: a•o rerun. worher In atic .-' - - - - i 11. aaNd •la , • d , slias . e s'risa , 6, 9. ' , ritnel lainedam or the Y.• :.,. ..1n iug anythidg about them, or having the , e nee. ari a,. oyes 5,,,,,, ti..,,,...,.., ..all"", tar ..„ rr .. ..„... bore tam ...r , - , 2E-L 30, 32,LE 40 , -,or .4 1 , i .. ... least reasondo suspect the autLors. Hew . •. 5 rohts.. ' , twos.. o' the cusp. . tont with lettere whim eneo•ar Mr; ireeniC . it - .....1 -ntrbers. , .J. I.O.IIALT .111.1t.SAN Dal . e en, far apology kill go we know nee but the , , T ! ... " *. ', , P e .fe. , ~. ..r. , a, . e. o yer .. I . 1.! . ..z,V.T . .., ,, L4T , :t4 .. ~,,u, ...,,....„ preliminaries of ate questeidare new all : et.= te„,,;,7e . „,,, pet: -, , eae,"„;•1";:;;;',:e.,. catsenneor; 0r.. ,,,„„,, L7.4 , :t . 7....,„ ,„ ~.. , LOUGH.REY iti, FBEW , before us. There is au longer the least ;:=n• , .. 800 stows et... , " t '4.3.,,1U,L7 Mna:LIT . A l'4l 1:::4 " 1;( ' :1•I ' eV Her many,: to I.nonon Egad Heads 11• Ir e.aenr retlorer •• ~,, ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,r,:., 5,,,,,,,...,, 1 , 1 wr mystery. The executive of three great • ::1,,,t0i0n tl•ir , oter adaterer:: partlelann awl a timed Yon eminent tell to, ' .1...1 (D. 31 Market St,, oreantzationa-one of teem a society , 1:, eau Hoolo.had ',,..!,';',..dy.1 . = . ., un. oe Lb.. ito. os,ets. dth• : in Hines .. nu nbering slay thonsand-eOldefnes to: ••: - :sedan sr.e.tt an, t ~,,,,,..a:',..rer, 'rues, `..' i'. vested . the n• 7 went or en , I „ L e e - o " "cuNu " r'-'-'''‘l l ia" . Ito r Coto.' i' 41 i•er , , '"` .. " °° .bs• re , they are t :awed to inauttarsnre all a black - catal gueof murders and other ; ::en'te, se.,, u„ , eel, :,,,,„. ge,,,,j,,,,,. PAnK 66 era INCLI., L atlpls of outrages tapas person and property, COW- , • 5 -air ''s ^a. , •• ladt•! - ..k t'f do.t , a , godnsa non , . J. smot e Toln II smot, mitted with, the utmost deliberation, I 0iy,5,• , 0 sLt ,S,ll a 'a , laa- tt,..„•;e:Llajaal;trtallclt IMO. W. IMLY. , saddlco„ Harnexs, Trunks, much counsel, long wailing, and in the s.: hEl.V. c .lied. YL.EIIISO. A. Toned:NCß leithEti ;non AIM. 4..4oJ:tenor 1.74123/141Lai, .i.e. And all erne, In their Ilan usual! kr tto most husinesalike style. Aud now we' 11 - ,,h . . 11.1.'1 e . ,..a.- si.ai t ataks ltsote a . wrthett.,„ e„,...,„„ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e „ , n , - - . .. ._ _ _ oak-as it appears to hnvebeen El:liaised ly iin.:lowl• _ , - -I . , - - ; ' I UST UDE-LIVED. AT ' , The Highest Market Price long ago their we should have reason to , A TIMELY WARNING. ..., - ask-what is4he mental and moral atti- : , 1 - ILOBERTS it SHERRATT'S 1 CAW cos rude of the ny thoustmds of serene, • "" ^..- ••• 'ate 'ea'. as lion Stone ••ttast repeatedly hearing or the commission of : ape .araaw of the Vetted elan, are ildotted WIIOLEISAL• tILND IBILTAIL : hideous crimes hainter - n in supposed inter - watt the Wrest poiso, soder the namoui un- GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, ~.. eat, to bask up th ethaws of their Union, • crorho Innor• an I when clOtaelli, eon pl•non• "4 Capper isl SI" Ira [ Ore lueutull . and purtish "outlaws ). purpnr ear to be er...41c1n11, but not. whit lest SJ. 61 antra/LULU sT., PITTLIBLIKOII, ' GOLD , SILVER 9 They_ could not but perceive a won- i ~,n, rot., net , e . ..., et ~n e...r:. :,_ .. clerlul agreement in the character and" ' ---' " . • eon. - • new 'apply, tee rteow, no rhos sea rues- I et. Wefrotoratoer. Itter Cooler, Ice Ceram , 015vion• intention of these crimes, all Of ''=" "."`""''' ?..s" ' " '" `' ° ""' A D' '' ...; " Fr. esera. nest mare.. ...ter Coolars. etez Lsd. I carom ID DINUND IlilliSf Aorrit, them [icing as much in a aeries and on t , st 3:: tar e ..„ 1 , :s , ii. ,, 1t:5 . 5 , 1 , t . undli, n tr, 10 1 , er .. . , .. agIVLI , I 147 Z I! n .: i Var:Zg1 . t ., , , 00 „. ..a i ' one code as the illl.vesrive acts by which ~,„ " " "" " " '"' " ' ''""” r tel/K /' 0 A el..‘“cilL, for /11eAle. Vete.. -. - ~,,,,,. ~,,,, ~, , ,a, r.,„0-• esntsiatne .t"..- nes uddin • a renal. government rail ottens its hit. i ~, „,„ ~.L . ,,,„, , „,,, . ~,,,. .„,,,,„.„., . ° ... ° .-_,___________St_ thorny and perishes rebels or other of- taw., oecce or Ivy, ~ 1, , .m. rfai r -,tos, o-... A 31.EILICAN WATCHES. fenders - against its lawn. It was in the • Tar f LIE, cab ). intaTtia a intl., El ni r. ' e 'en general interest or the Union, and all its ; Tent et.tonn none of nine u , l - -at, but are a A 9 P1E141)111 aTtae• or m h em orbsee rws a t s h hata ma mrann cwas b a l t o w ev n e u r p, m a n t a ..1 k .. 1 ..1. e.e.s . rsoo' e a . r " s ..°.e.m or u .' s s . t . s u n. i s` Fine Gold and Silver Watches were shot, some killed,pthers cruelly in- a t . '" * "'" 1 . ." .tn ' been. .." ° D. '" ""° sites F INE COLD JEWELRY, I rapid fl /11 de for Bream, a nes lured that Louses, °epees and furnaces j .".",,!,,'. "`'`' a kind ed e/ n.ata la. lb • t.n.yar•llon . EILVICUWA.K.C. OLOC/LI. Ac. , were blown. up, with families in th eir • :',,,,,, h. swathe ~,,,,, .„,,,,.., .„„, 0 , ~... , . hods, or with abortive but still exemplary I e ,,,,,,,_ , , „ , e _ e e „ e . ~,,,, ~,,, ,, e , a dt : e ir: • e 'st s t =e t ,t ee 'r e tz e oeZt e tt e n n t “ .= u• ,censequeuees. Tuess vinitatin. were tr, es 4 sales ot .1 the other 1.11 . 41 aderellA/ tl In i ei.,..1.,.. ..4 not at random, and though myntenoue tme i.coseo ewes , sad ens e. ref:W.l. •high •, A ..... D On l i tg WOMPtIY inten s led In n In one sense were by no Melltn BO jin ' .nthr tic.. Its, carmine, are atenea 011505- ; W. WILSO%'S, another, for they were not inevitable in t thisikes of 50 . hien. , .tanainor in catty own... No. 34 tetlltTll , TIUSET, that vino which we intend when we a n !II Bin, eating and fact or elfe. stare a: Intl- I Tyro doors ahoy, linnet et5....1. '''' ek51•4.• lay describe the visiiedions of Providence I "' I-61a., k_e_Easles_S- I Ji/tll/1/1 ....tam - sa. lIVIr air Sian: This was not a poWer which amemerled , s AINCIS CANADENsIS. - the innocent with the guilty. he:aerie , ' s tree whlen Is strands:at In net., inns i IWMAITER, Boma £ BUTTERFIELD, ths the bon of heaven, that tells this day , Seelia, and the more northern none or no New on the murderer, 1.0-morrow On We E.:nand:lMM.. aud Is *lntoned le the eietated ' Attorneys& Counselors-at-) r aw, blameless peasant at his work, the day ; aste .oasesmoas 0rt0...r tits +lotuses... after on tbe bride o here wedding tour, ' .." .. ,.."...ie.. " vie. "' '''' 0 " ". AND SOLICITORS IN BANKRUPTCY, of Donn, ban Deenaro I a to.•llnlne !rota the or the village school girl turning lame, , t Inside bark at the pin• also, called PO.. PITTSIILI6IIII. PA. salami in band, Heaven may les inseru. l n t. o ;:in'S Ventre line table, not so the Sheffield power. It' it t '""-nage value an WI WWII/aI.:A states or LW/ hired agency, It displayed its system, ; ~,,,,... ~ a0 ,,,,,,,,,, L ,...., i ,, .., ~,,,,....,„, with all the emphasis and pretense of a , e ,„,„, ~,,,b„ ~,,,e , , h , ie present deity. To the understanding or i ~,, ~ tots tone and enersT. It wall tat round well the simplest 111110111 it In the merest Child 1 nalantea to all those diseases.; where 0 echo lass there was that WhiCII, Or there' were ;-been tried and Caned. It Is Ilk:twist well malted those who, singled out la In unerring i stscs e tt , o n egrn.trta au lernll/nle Narcltle for elscrimination and 'struck with terrible ' ' ass oho et ' age trots ' ra!erst Mint rail : lat . . effect all who refused to obey the edicts i can e, ••-• ,,,Sle i tn,.;:c.estis ai r s:att....L.. , a. , •I and law, of The Unions Whoever at- I Ouret?Ofdlrenieso . f ' a's bladder a ff n k " Scar k. Of tempted to break handle or touch its di ge t rt iVe,:,:g ai e . ,as e ,,, „ es ~,, b ee . ~,,,,„,, ono . silty Was smitten by Its Shafts Of fire. at sneer we Inyntrablea.l. Imenvtlateiir•llu-vao rho Canister of Powder burst under his 1 rtne i1e,,•) " n.V1,;,.7, ‘ ! "`" " f •""`"'"°' bed, -the bullet pierced his basin, or I "The' Oattel ghat. 2114tneator rp.akllng of the bludgeon rendered him a wreck for 'l:4,ll"di,Tl:W•il,',UtlZZlM'es•it'sig'-'sflrs't lite. There was nu la - m.141e mistake on In 5 , 11e0 and e.yriale Inthonnellon oe 14leeell1/113 to the id _ enti e l Y of the. seatem, of Which ;glt.;!=ilerre;PLlVe=7:V.,lft-g"::: thesewcre tool various fidguireol, mrioj. j +rantingly ealunbie In Alt gravolly affections, festatlons. Then came the tearful glee- l 1 :4,V1..N..ii N:11 r7:tat.'eni..titanrt'T4.:,4.74llo.% than that must have presented itself to It' so,e,„ne,l'atireTeitue.‘"Lernos Iree'lds•"o-Es7- every mind and that must have ! harritas- I girie;antrii;e - r: kelea". ea Ofzhhotth,,,:ei.irA. odeorne with the :more pained mingle. I as s iac "'LAND'S ‘.."" A '." "'- logs. What wed this lower! Was It t r, !' il . ?tel s F ridit i giititicrat tat Titan simply the wild ilia of revenee breaking I is•-w.e. " sses ' soli here and there, ne occasinnlgave it vent, or as Menton gafo out thelspark or lire? Was it an evil organization that hid in truded, as a parasite into oho runt war more healthy as a disease ika the Upton, like an usurpation in a free Statek? It mast have taxed everyt reasonable Unionist to know.whats ltsl , p power was -as Sere, as prompt, an ' as go= Ps. ful in its vengeance as any cLivage ever wished the cruelest fetish to . The ev idence given before the couirulestou thrown some light on the surmises pre valent in this .community'lt was 1 imolai there were men Toady to do any t evil deed, without cyan -- the apology of a motive, Tor tooneavand with the excuse of obedience to a sovereign authority. It was rumored that this or that desper- ado hid done it, at a command from above. Whatever that blether power, it waked with the Union, usurped the government, and possessed .the whole body. -- . .. ... _ But the plain truth is, that it matters not what the power be, whether a con- spiracy within the Unice or a spirit of vengeance pervading its` members, or whether the governors of the Union were themselves - the actual murderers; uto fact tiny are now proved to have been; it is all the same as regards the mass of Unionists. They bad come to ugnince In a system of so.calie pro. lit.loll,enforced by outrage. They had ' come to feel tbetr monopoly of employ ment dependent en the ready we of criminal and atrocious means. They had come to sympathize with the assassin, and exult over 'his victim. Why, even If in their. Ignorance they bad believed soma preternatural power the doalor of itiousia r y yeapazoe by seeming acct nvmmw=wm. 1111701141.11. jr, Ad.'" Vffm . 1 4 AIM &treat, fa an atalsorfs AgenlS re etri - Ths,trifranent4 for Ma GAZETTE. and . ai wouohdrut As United &ales and oh. ROBMEON BROTErPRN, 3 34 , ..zam0rn, • no. :s rcruitTzt arnrsr,Plttsbana• g.ercrurlFT;."lltcc'Lliefc.Zl‘.:igi,m: trurLi kinds or lErn 41::701V:I:11S,. And ore to,,T.nn .eilamirosdltoodA or Tyne .. "an an., b‘ock Sc. s• Mon gyn... on k.oiEat... Land Wag', WANT/ED.—On no :Ida or the coirott . ,, of Bat -Ipr. Interr... &llama! on MOP 1,4“.•,, Ve"NOTICE.-01r ARI) pirEn . sm. rm. Matti truth, untie," int':rr;i f or ro1 1 131,T" for coming rrom om taturdu by °eller to uoard " . 1717 T. DE A •X.Ptc....ary. BUTTE ft ANn EGGS. • D u nai' sitlt times hash erre r; l_ store sett for 1;44 SETZ , II irrlte •r l•oo _)72 . 1 Corer to .et and Fir st DUY = 0 ,20.'1117 resnbes• awl 11olOrt. ae - l ow o ppf e i. e at.lril 114,1 111 KIM 00 pOTATOP.o—OS bb , s.Potatoes, tuber Croy.) reyely.d and for by TriZeb • aab T 000, 1117 candy ...bet ae4)lntnr.la. APPLE?-3 1) bbla. Green Ap. 01F4""'""itialAT:aranx0. .PITTSBURGE. DAILY GAZETTE: WEDN ADVERTISEMENTS., W . S. HIMELTON. M. D., =I No. 67 Federal SI., Allegheny city. , L , fll4t . . ho . ots trout Bto 10 m. and 3.3 and 1717:e TAE QUEEN OF TUE WASH. TUO.—Ch, tate Itiobthit esrriari, with or noinurixtur. of a PATENT WASHINC FLUID, R bleb, •herceer I ntrodnied. 1 4 : 1 • T m m e t t:::::1- lersal specs.", will be sol j d . oz . r=al . 34e3nui. 1117:c:: FIT RLIc %077 CE HEREBY V EN that ms .U,. ELLEN SULLIVAN. bask., b:Tbotit oast brosocattun, mv t•ozr, I EIN nos be srabOosllce (••r mai,- dem • oa sdstractUs., sbd yenoos " "'"' JW.NVUTLt.fTIr.4.. Peebles Towbabls TO GLASS I.IIA.NIU I' AI:T.1111E st S. 7O ?ALE —LII the 1 • ItE 4 8E.4. MOULD - 4, MJ utifur ,•/111,..it tools formerly heed by, he Istourl tilff” f °moan, ,f, m o. W'r27,l"Vh,'.r Louts. ' _Jyl7a, • IIiLLDALE All ti1.11:1Ts• 7t3l.,y.Tutipfg::•TlFl.7l:4ltl,l4; ti t fl ' ..;; "' ; §: 1 1, iylnetl M== ADDEN SPOT `WANTED.— Vrout twelve to it acre. goal land. hultablt tor sa. den purposes, wore traits au,house re• yowl , ' on It burgh fur sa . le. lianchester,•' Allegheny and Pitts st. a nd ' country .p le residences. H estate Lands, art)l,a.prorod and unin , prored. tot sale or trade for property. hems, Hills and Claims collected with the ut wor P. 1511 A le.t. t , r atat Pstste . Aeent. I ' , federal St., .!.Ilfetteuy. ir !IRON EITIr CUTLIIIITCO• 100. 3 M. Clair - Street. • Haying purchased of A NiIIICAV HEOG3 the entire stock of Hardware, Cutlery aP , I Variety c.o.d.s. at the shore stand, It Is their Intention to Iteco on band a tlra , clasa stoets or HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Gana, Mlles. Havoarert, Pistols, ighth q k a ie. ? " p"r ITrf r 'ea `j Grinding n l Huors.idesors. ea., cum,/ Stencils and etamps, an.l waking Oral and avoellth. ,tamp., at aborttat notice. W. fl. ROWN, • ,' neg., -4.'0"rz.1 CITY' 1,417.11' All kiwi* or wasbl rye done Willi promblneas an I dl.natelt. The Lotantirr. Vap•ww. will call 11, or a I clothe. tree co rikra co aro e. I,ave u. d fun, oen u . clort We morbibr Ito Lave 114 , m at 0,0 aarne day. Order. lan. the toliowlbor places wilt be promptly attend ! ea Unlit. ,i. ea, virh and Grant it.. elp's ',lsere. al Varlet it. tom .t C.anes. 0.l sr. Veeral s quo, A ilrahsy llr"trA 3 Federal and Lareca at nets. AIWA., ay. a . I Office No. 4 hr. CLAIR NT. 111:sestre bILDIvANCE requiring [terries to le , .i he ip Cu non I. tt orAtinel reacted by ter en Vey rr rn orc t . e err r• p .a or p rions.e7tstua"e!erps itK Halle °t .m. 1u be 1.:. lean ,o. uir mere t:s . e o a , 12 , er &IST. to be r..esnereo suraipartle terdelard l =4na-tril Into a lase this the 1110 dap ur July. A., D. /as:. , . rroolAt a o t Mf tt W e . C H eoc 1. , j Attent: It. adacr...f., Clerk of oe.tvt CIAVIcII. 111,0. D. PII)1 , 1 1 1 . 1 ...Ode.% of Uotomo • . i. Atiegt: N.M., Di. WOniff. ' "°""th. _ Clerk ~ Common Council. /II ()nice, 94 GRA.IST RTUEET, th . rvsrm Tilt eITUEDIPAS. BUSINESS MANI) COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos, 6 and 8 61. Clair Street, Has • leaortnal Charter. Book-Keeping, rennianshlp ad Arithmetic, Ilia unlimited .10 00 Arithmetic and Penman.hip per quarter of three months t i enmaalp, per month /or Otreolara or dpeemene, .dare.. 1111A/Fitil, or .Mtn a . J 'SicOLAVIIIiiNnit. Fry"? lIWELeING IN SENFICK ,,':,r. i;abriern room., cemprlsin parlor. l'brery. 7.174 erdara. slate root marble mantles, speak. Hie tube, ens pl., Yridich glass. le. Ground the too. b....aural in the Psrana atta in. to ourehae • • o• . and esmollt• {im 11.m.;;O•er:O., mOnar• II al 4 from Odalrof v•Ory MOM o , P. P•• Orrr• tosti. tirmialey s P. O. JAMES B. JONES, MEM Scrap Iron,: Light Iron, CAST AND INDOUtiIIT IRON. glbdOe Comer Anderson Street and Mime A•enne. Allegheny City. BOTTLED ALES. KENNETT I WINTEETON, And It beat brands nl ALYCS'ArID SODA IVATJ‘I4I. bottled by J. C. BUFFUM A CO., 92 A/1n Wa 31A9. - KET WIREST. Ylltabnrgh. Lnl3l3,ll..sster JOSEPG WIGGINS. Collecting Agent, Otago St the Boatel of Trod. Room., PITT6IMIUIII. of all kinds salttlted promplh tellat.4 to. Be., of rarreaces riven. AIL NEW BOOK STORE, Union Sabbath School Book. Store. Albles ../ITastamesta. Sabbath *ball Libra. _thato and liequhlust Theolairtml. r og intlrit ' ol i r=a sTd . .11 . 7n2Vg "PLY l Pi". " "U V rareat&ll HI-Ttw. 111 Taw rittitehlrad. GEORGE azavEN, CARRY MANUFACTURER, And eleakripoltrawg vtia 7711:71211. Iv o %Uzi ass . cr. -ourcomma NEW ADVER MESSRS. DORY RALE ac CO.. npktinfaetarers of the ••Onion Ilower.•.— Re oluerved COST cbalLeoze to a MOWING . MATCH, To be held on tne firm of Mr. WM. Meet/WEN, on or before the o.lleo IlsetT . In eeverat of the daily papers. and It should bare been replied to lkooter, but the scarcity or Maehtnes led Ile to fesr that we should be unc.le to accept. Bet Lavine made the neetessey merges:mut, WE ACCEPT YOUR CHALLES'E And will meet you as above elated, on you. own /sound, eu TUESDAY. Ju.y 23d. the trial to take pt., at ti o•eloclia. m. J. Klok, Dpre,niatts , 16thio, MIMI 1 lON, " I'll tE Bgo3. =I BAILEY, FARBELL & CO., Eit= LEAD PIPE it SHEET LEAD, Watt r, Gas and Steam Goods, Or over, ar.4ript.on PUMPS, VALVES, HOSE, 5114.11 GIliE3 AND liflustus, 167 Smithfield St... Pittsburgh NS' HMI order, prcrtiptlY filkd MEZZO DISSOLUTION NOTICE.-'kil-E arm of HAI LIY r. HHOWN CO. his day tllsitelved by limitation .ad mutual C31:16.g, JOHN H. WATSON allspostve of Cl. Int, rest to the ...aloft Part era. All persona /i Hwlni Illomse:rva 111,1..4 to sal , firm will please call and tuaLe Itumediale pat loins, and all i , ersoes having Oalla, win pro lLe same to JOHN WATOON. at oar 5.5 F.dcral .treet, C1:2=11!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!! Allegheny C I y, Jay Ist,: BAILIFF, BROWN & CARSON, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitt€ rs HOUSES FITTEIY UP in!! Water., Gas dc. Stearn Pipes N ca. co' 7Pacielcak.l6t.4 I= IMME ADAIR'S PATEAT SPIRAL., PEN RACK, Pnr sin by Ktllonera, IlooknOrrY and Malty. In Vatter (14 , 41.. d Notion, irl STEAM BOILERS, ARBUCKLE& & CO., (rem uJ Fropri , tan olive £pi;elilt 222 ant 221 Liberty Street, I'ITTSBITIIG et, iti r .7et aro.rt to be ho.ter flavored azol mote eco- It2llllM th±p no, Corte In the mark.cl. 011 J. F. 5T.11130, & CO., Banken, u, r .„,„ AND 11.111t1, riTHLE.T4. Mil IV CP3OI - C ) 3O. Mr . J. 31TER.97- fur /SY.EII.I, nurrEß A C 0..) lfavieas sell Las lAter•stY. A. WILT. no • April 141,1 , 47, retires tram tho Ortu. ad 31r. W (LT ewer.. • harmer in,. that dal.. 2he il===SE ==ZZ=! • Kn. .13 13 11711WEELD 3171LEET .1 Mt.. lIILLIAITO 1t00311,1 A I'OCANAFT PLACE TU MEND AN HOME. Vie large and commodious room. on the haihresl Cum et 54 (iris aal Lanny Sts., nave beta t .14 aura (by First 'Claes Billiard Rooms.. der stir lt,rslrl Nlrr...rilos, Inuond,ney Is Nrw,oranof DI .. , . an. Y lnent and un- . AN, ono or tNeo In !Ns huslorss.lde.t Nten to and Vl' our urleurrt. rue. I 01.. PROPOSALS FOU TEM ICONSTMUCTION OF A SCHOOL BUILDING. gor the Colo .4 Child.. of Pittsburgh, will hO r,relve,l at the Wiley of Ur. oat,. L. gicUt...K, Ao l'h Filth o ll noon e t=ot..lul .111. thVfA',:"Pir.:lll:ll=l". IgieT.TIX It CPA. tba Committee mak for Aropotals e Cash basis. !AL rename the right rale. all or au, ....a OICIL 1.. alci:ol.T. ii:sl6,3 "":10,11;4;05.4 Loot, ,f. ()HAULER UE/ZEMITEIN, 00 00 000 132 FEDEHAL Nr., ALLEGHENY. (Fourth dro.or atote Phenentl,l Glass, China ware & Table Cutlery E.ETEHN PRIOTA. Er,rytt,ln, reanlrell E. a and du. elm un Land. Vali awl ”atolue our gods. SUNDAY FIUDOOL. CELERDA- Tluht3. itlNZittlt num F.e. Ae., fornithed with the bent WE CREAM, CUNPEcTioN•IitIrS. KIN, FRUITN, , At the lowest price and on cA tee stettn.t notice, by a -- Er.r.• rues ra.x4::. Er-lawL No. 10 blAlLUND„Allexhaal• Jela: 11l 0 NEW FIEST CLASS GROCERY. No. 164 YZDZICATT., ALLRUHFaI Fresh sloe ,or cholee fflo*- t.'offic, &wars, dre., Cc., Which We after to the public At lowest prices. A. G. BRYANT. m~ ICE r l TC ll EllB,—Atiolher flue lee Filchers, IVaHers, Goblets, C 7l 73P'flp, bO., Just received by J. R. REED & (Xt., 6511 fl Li tf lieet. pRESERVING SUGARS. e.LAl:grurriii."4l7 :ll2 l V4:%!b r c't=ti barrel or at retail, at /coreat pricer, or JOHN A. REHM/JAW. eon.. Llhertr .4 Rand &Lily. DIPSOLUTION OF FAIITINER. w.:glP ilVtg/rVitigTVllL " Tryirjit! oolved by mutual comma.. oh. bu•me.Y b. of the Um will be imbued be ePti, of Mom harmers. UP , Ottate tetbee. PljtsT. LItttl)CLL. Pert 11:1fatulltoo a Co. the Attortiefs. June INA. tam—leo.lor. BAnn b. /1108 Eft, 11 . 3 EILOZZ , ITiClowai, 17,761 =1 , 1104SITIVItarti?Pl? ligArcZl f124•111417412a SPAY, JULY, 17, 1867. man NEW ADVER COIIPRESSED BUNGS., ARMSTRONG, PRO. & CO., I= MACHItIE CU Taps, fr:sh =I Nos. 1_• R 125 Third Si. PititstmllS A LLEGIIENY YAI.LEY RAlL nuiu. CIIANGE OP TIM& Um 41,1 .licr 1 7iL , ..1)A.5. Jnty latb, Ise; trout vyLI 'pave su.l arrive .YlltaLarKh Depot. coral r Pike an.112...1 'tree: •. vat . . :I. Kx Pres.: . se. liktan mow n ceuneu I.vo 1•. ar. 'lest coea Weeks .CC0511.... 7 11 eerend tieCs Wores Accom.. 5.11 e. sr 2:40 e • . 11.ulteo Leceeme.tallon.....lo Pu k 1/10 ....easy Church' Troth, from * • sod to Ws LA. . . 4. 10•00 A. v. Express North mates close con - neetton at Hs. booing wl , t, Hoe onpoceets (or Frossello sad •HI CH, Mall South...le wilt packets from MI Clty and .1),7 Zall CND bun.. 22101i&e. BURKE & BARNES) Fire Proof Salamander Safe, rArL7 DOOR, STEEL 111 ED Br TAR PiOOF SIM AND IRON WINDOW SHUTTER MANUFACTURERS, 129 1L 131 Third St., Between Wood and boatbfluld, rw. Bead the ruiloar additional reCommendation of the are proof q wallies of our afee uu.nao wen r!:L'. l l`t " I Touncsterrn, Ohio, June ILL, 1)67. Nerves. Bur4e ee earn.. Pitt.thtret. Pa. • 2, 161.21—We ship you, today. by rail road, a rare of veer make. fora few repair.. The safe went through the dtslatrous are that on. earn.] here on the 011. of March lava boning our store anti W relms, and }+t art• glad to in tone you that the tnkeh ...or the ree alter the are woe eat aartheJ in the least. We did not ...Pease any sate. especiall) so Small • she, eauld possibly stand such • are, and when we discovered the posers all safe and sound, we were agreeably dlserpoint.d. We will glee Thu an order for • large sloe Bate when we get Into our new sture. Truly yours. Je2...74 w. A A. .1. PACKARD. puessui, • EIDEM COEVINti, SEAL AND CANCELING WHITING FLUID. • LA:C4111!-!N k Pirt+lo . lll.lre. 1101,DEN'd au(' .11AYNAUD laOYlef•, CARMINE INNS, American &French. BLACK LEAD, 11E4) Ali 4 BLUE GOLD. STEEL AND AMALGAM PENS RUBBER GOODS. 1101.1, 3imiNrcr, rus Ii I.l)Ens AND =CC W. S. HAVEN, PRIXTER S ST.ITIOXER, Cor. Wood and Third St 11:5:c4 I)ATENT COPYING HOOK DAMPENERS. = Blank Books and Stationery. Writing Fluids & Copying Inks. Invoice and Letter Books, Copying Presses and Books, Receipt, Dray, Note and Draft Books: Time Books and Memorandums, Blank Books, of every descrip tion, on hand and made to order, MYERS, SCROYER Blank Book Makers and Stationers, 39 Fl ETU STREET. poisoNoud AND FILTUr I 10=!I 15 131 111'11E174 It ADE 111317!) SPICES. ( BUGS LT.an, WORMY ORLCUESI TLERI - TIOd, TOYERIC, Are •=lOll4 the Ada!Sessile.. Used. THE PURE SPICE MILLS, Itarmfuttire aooe t.al perAvtly POltt SYIDES 8500.00 REWARD rot an,. adulteration !road in 4 l . ... sok .0.1. tone pakagaorPortucsedagne r goL xa time an • MUSE UEN VINE UNLESS NEON= N. L.NTELLNALL REVENUE. 23d DISTRICT. Collector's. Notice. Jntn ISoil, Is boron). lien that tne •nnnal Lists rvf FrEel A L T•X an. tortOVlcy,7sml/d: I ' n...a11tt , . 4 :11.1;11 . i 1 i.TTC,2c. non now In I hid , ollsr.eto tot r n'•o t eOl be neettnol thomon b the V.:le-tom. Co s defter t.e tot . ill,' JULY. • Cii. Thee tot.. bovine Oecone One. melt be tell infers , he dal of Ju n. ed: , othOrwlse fOlttioual expel, oe ate be totally.eu by tee tea -1 ' TlittrriNi.TON, Dejnty Collet ter rot thr Cu' oty ot tol.llllo an.l !Clf WIN LYON. : 4! re ", Xio ". ;;l : elVe r ilit.t7:llVll7t o jrl , llf . UN r, tor t boo to.nectiou count.. and 1 , 13 po•t nu. 'loos dealguattor too. time. ltd plates erten 404 zrty,;l!otr ,n oreptred to t • taxes To necommul.e fllpay,re fa thevicinity of will tutted et those reedre the my on the dale cameo, bole.. inn bone. of o'eloot m. ahO no'olock 5. ta., of sold dot s. ff.: At Tarennon. nn TUEBDAT. July Uatton, 10th. at Seven • Sladle . fillote, A I,,,olotootorery. on ITSUUSDAY. Jnly Intb, at At lotknrotown. on VIIITtAY. July 10th, at Whoa'. Hots, ate-nayable only la Ureenbacte of National Curncy. Unic re e bouts from U•. 0. to 3 P. R. JOlllll N. SULLIVAN. Jr:J:b2l • o_ VOLL TEAS S TEAS TEAS I QV ALL IUIVE3 AND QU►LPTY, ♦T .a.. GREEN TEA. Prime Young llyeon El:r, Per pound. Extra good . •• Uwe 1.10 I re ' f=•• „ • 1.3) •• LW .• BLACK lEAK—Oolseen. I Beet Oolong • 111 • 10 per pound, j tided •• Extra• 1.33 •• BL TEA I A-4.owebinsig, Sovehong And tlotagetes. Ex. Fluent,. Flared leng• nreekfut 4!.12 tig° V;;',l,ll,l"irr. . LY JAPAN TEAR. Uncolored dapaa, roe ctrasant ""`" RIMED TEAR. tio. 1 Mixed Teas. Li beet Iltaelt, J./ do. T,11.41.111 N e ' ,dtri the al:eye o, oneJost wtat kind of Tea they went, and have them put op. * O 7 eleentllY. and forwarded by any of the E p.. Companies, who now carry goods at Tory low rat.. alut by dein. some. twenty .04 per pound In the price. brad. getting a pure .4 leap article Kaden exactly aunt the. taste. A. /LIMN, etil 177 • 171 Federal FL. Allegheny. M= t. soallm.m....n.iaowcza. r. CAUF3I,I JACOB .r. MORRISpN, 888 & CO., Ida ufacturara of all klaft BOOK AND PRINT PAPER, Orders promptly CM/ SPANWS Blatt County. rail.. airli Wiest nrlce raid far n.s. CHOICE BEDDING PLANTS. I=l Roses, Geraniums, Verbenas, &c,, In bloom, at tha Oakland °mahout.. Jolla a. a A.Latoanoom. lend for • ..Jaime. • tollim4l CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY so boy the TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, I. at No. 144 @BAST eralliT • TENNESSEE FLOIIII-76 1. , 1;71171TO 4r rW. trz A lri no i n, co TO THE HOLDERS" =1 CORKS, Pitch, LOAN OF TUE COMMONWEALTH or rxxxsvLveNu, =r~~,: Holders ril!. following 'MAN.,o. THE pO3IIIOSWELL fit or PENNoYLVANIA see requested to Present there for dome. , (Pried. Pal and kuterest.) 51 The Farmers' and Mechanics' Na tional Bank of Philadelphia, Loan of Much I£3o, thulium!, •• February IN, 1.,32, due July I, 1 01 l • • blarch li, foil, doe Ju1y1,1553. " January 74, 11Sl, 4ce July 1,1553. " June:, ISO, due Augusc I, 1859. " March 10, MU, due July L " Apollo, lerfolue July I. IWO. . Also, all LIANg. CHASTER LOANS due Mier to July it, All sr the above LOANS will cease to draw lo terest alter August 15, Joe:. ,JOIII F. lIARTRNFT, WILLIAM 11. KEMBLE, ECM= 6.c~ry y c.~.~ TO THE HOLDERS OVERDUE LOANS or THE CONIONWEALTII OF PENNSYLVANIA Holders of the following Luaus of the Coat anonwealth of Pennsylvania can recelve paymen lialtielpsland interest.) by preventing them • thu Yarmeta• and Mechanics' Nagonal dank , on and aver May 0, 1107: Loan of March :A lt.t9, due Dec : l. ISSI Loan of April= teyi : due Dec. 1,4,4. Loan or April It, ISt A due At,. 1, t sIZ.• Loan of March 2 tell, doe July I t WA. All of thu amen Loans will cease to draw In terest on August I t 1067. JOHN F. HARTHINFT 11. KEMBLE, =MEI BURG, JULY 1867. TO THE HOLDERS Loans of the Commonwealth PEICVSTILVANIA, Due July Ist, 1868. The Corenel.slorters or the tilvtlor Toad .111 rerelra Prop...vs until heptember 341.1./. for the Sedmatlork of One Mahon Dollars of the Lorna of 'al. Common+ralt L, due Juir Ist, Holders will address their proposals. to the Commissioners of the Mating land, Harris hors, Pros syleaals, and endorsed ••Proposals for the Redemption or Luaus or 1.., JOHN F, LIARTRINFL WILLIAM IL KEMBLE, IMICIM LOUISVILLE TOBACCO. JUST RECEIVED, A Large Stock of the BANNER BRAND. AIN, a lot of Mr colebratod Fine Cu c t :Navvy, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICE, AT L & W. JENKINSONS; \0.6 FEDERAL STREET, ~1 MYERS, HOPPER & CO., alaecessont to B. H. BULGER. Agent.) MANUJACITEIEZILS Ol FURNITURE Of Every Description. .BCDOOL AND OFFICE IFTENffITIE. No, 43 Smithfield Street, Mr% roll astorttnent or Pittsburgh Manaus. Wrest Purnlture eonstan Uy on bud at LOWWIT CASH PUICItas C. A...T1M...01V. C. norrzn....wm. P. WILT 01=34111 CULL WAREIZOUSE RIMRII IJRIID & CO., rairx.c.saaminque. No. 100 Wood Street. _ DRVITANII. AND SILVEU PLATA]) Tit ppi:NVAatit. TEA T6ATO and TA81.6 OUT. "! - '47,17V111T* CHINA DI ai N All ofiTNA • CHINA TOLLAT UETL ' tilE42. ZArNac.., 1. 1 0146111 AN WAKE otaTecy dovirivetioo P.M Valßx!T 2 . LAVA airlrria INN. Ittil/LISH aTtit. 6 WAAL of all 'viatica No null whcoesale and retail trade. - th •plir & Til l :: gmc g i l i ;o loto stook every 1 . 440.• sod tanaa NV 6.1111114 In the avian, elite.. 0T. , 0 SHEPHARD'S CRApEERS 317 - Liberty Street, .....PITTSBURGH, PA. JORX ROSS JOE EXA M...4OIIIM BUTT. prrresukai, LAMP COlliPAfir. JOHN EOM a:,;0., 110, 23 Wood 81., Pittsburgh, Pa., • Ratinfteturern of LAMPS, LAMP BASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC Opoilealers la erarittanX WW"'S tee TAB& Xe ( IISII7II N . DUW WEST eommos MACHINE w., V. ODmmOD A - Ultal ix grthweat. Corn. Of it. rimb•K •.1.1V•77.11 CU. ExAsninta or ETTNTeralrelo aumwika mirar V ULTS,_ &„4, iefficar. 9-00T--4547ezr,5?„.- "LEATHER BELTING.—Wee et "rt_irs_ V glit.l: "' 4l y. :aid ex. .. ear WO . J H. J. • kt Wan.t P . ILLIPe ". Jets U aad UM. Malt Mut. p• O. Daily „,,„...!„ ; ;.;1,4_‘:,4,-,. }. WANTEI)-,A SITUATION, BY DIVIDEND NOTICE .— The DI- ; • . 4 un.l , l{c,,,rd 'torpors:, either as chasm:ter ecotors of this Cant have .!..,!are,l • ;Uri- ' maid , it . ...rasa. °sit, do housework • plate dew] of FIV 27 PEI! CENT. oat of tau prod is of , whero bar Lit 'sod usn at accommodated with (tie 101 l sic mouths. vtraha Cl tad after the . board, would he prefo•Ted. Addle.., at THIS Mb Ins!. itor.r. J. Ult!Elt. , 0 F' , C.T. 0 .. .. A. kk C. IYl4:elt Jet:rat . '' . W .‘ NT E ID — C.4n ttiNEN, nit- DIVIDUND.—The Pittsburgh & : in C .,...La:1 5 1 , - . .? . ,/i , ~ ,, .i , f , e4 . , e , br o l A Tl;lLl rat! b., 42:f Z : V=f: 1 1 1, ;Via l l :: 2V . Vi r . ' • r :•'' ' ' u"""' : c i,l .'• •‘..-"° '°°"•."•)' "”' or Three ' , Oars - and 1 , 11 , y Coals nor shas,, oss t i ~ % .,, . .;,:"..., , , , gr,t.., , ....; Ott SOP/ fok oc: the p olits of lilt Is, iii 10.811, pat astle ... 7,, . 5 . 1 ,. o ' s Kr „, V. 1..........) nrthselto, st 11l tnttrous NatloJ.l Vank. .it toss or ... c no • • Hevolsers, st. 11,, t.i.. ststr„,,,N., T,,,,,,,,,,,,, .ur 6 savor , r , „I lentr rednettun mule on 'broken Pll:Sbu:kh, Jul,' Ist, 1,. 111.1:3 .,r,t.i.,7,rar1.' „h;.'gp.,f,n,,•.;;riz.b7,7„atto,„Ttoros! • Gras! ester, buts At arts. curlier p, n ...., Isrerunran lifint WAYNE a CiIS.VIO ItArr..l 01 . __„l . ,. ” 11. ....,, j. „ 2 „,. war Csa...reirr. or THll4{ - I,LSAGY. , ~'"' ''.• . ''' Pitt, orkh. Va.. Jun • to. . , THE BOARD ((OF DIRECTOR S : WASTED, f this Corn:tune hare declare r the mulls.' HALF ' '''''' . ' i- (''.. , or. " V. .N A JULY COLD COUPONS, HALF C,/ l'En CkNT.. free .I'llo:trout., a the Op 'tal Sto , L. arul the S..tolsannukt 1 ' ', , • !" ' s_.. ° 4.) or rilitme ..t. I, A HALF Cast l'Ess. ' And Compound Interest Notes. CE , T., less the tiorernment tos s on the Third I: 2. ' 4 ' 7E: it ''" 1 ". '' t !';'''' "" I ." .= "''' . j u 4. ' gi• ' ' - .1412118 T. BEADY & CA, w s;Low, " lirrietri?:74' . 4;; 7 1 t1Petal 1. ik , t 4 . C13 1 .111 I' Fourth and Rood Sta. Clre%e i. ( I ' f ' l7, 7fL: r 4 . ; i ' ,l i s i:L'7,.AITLITI :t : I'lltstrarkla ' • .1' . ..b17 roma, Boots . trlil dear on k kTUItItAIr. i •:,o3' . °, Prt ,t, ; - ; . :. b ‘% '- ii ' l t o ' N ' Zsill ' § ' , `‘ lt'; f. l' ie .12, of July, teat a. 10. lis:4l P. 11. iIsITVIIIN,S , N. :Secretary. NOTICE MEM er July 1,1858, and Before July 2,1860, ""'" or uro JP,', 5 ,11r1.T.`1 - '2,M'Z: DIFIDYND.—The Board of Di- rector.. o. tilt Coxpany bare U... dafikelared a DIVIDE:2a. of Yree or 'Y.., parable ea Ltd otter th 15(b MEM The Treader 13,)1,010 will be closest from I:, 1911.t0 the 0411 1344 ~1 DIVIDEND - JOHN W. GEIST, • UM " °Y. TUr "nis" liYl ° " " I rlii =;, , y. , 5. The Board or Dlrcaturs ut this CodmadY have this day declarad a DIVIDEND or 1217=1 I= Free of 0 overntoest TM; Put or the enrolee. of mg la.t els months, parable on coda kribe Nth 1 sat, as follows: Two Doll., per !share In risk. and Three Dollars per snare to be emllted on tltock Nutt.. WILLIAM F. ta.aDtiElt, =I MOM EATING, ICE CREAM, Eth: HERBS y"ORDINARY, IMi ICE ROOM, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEUEN, No. 64 Fourth St. wrOni MORN ENO LUNCHES served flatly. from 6 toll Cl, UlNh EM skroed, tramll to 1 :41'C.,M ,, •" 1 1 , Y — 5,.k.0 for twelvebr GO cent. Vaa:Oar attention given to the wants of I.edles and arntlemen desiring a th e meal. the enj trbat of • good di ah of e, or any of the !ozot)as nmah,.3 tis 501 a. pnrtle, 0001 31., to th , e I 'acct or elaewhve, with the heat of weer WEDDING, POUND AND SPONGE GASES With the rlebeet nmortmeat of Bamket and )11ToTLI.".A Cren bloom twee..Ora•mental Pyramid; 4.anle t .ood TurLor. LoSbe. Ctmmolme. ete. t'statirs and Shale furnlahed mita.: and puh- CM " /111rerware Col'erT. Glaamrare and Thole Linen tar hub'. miot. JOHN IV, GEIRY, NEW ICE CREAM SALOON. P. H. FiII'CUME. No. so Firru STREET, wove Stalthd.:d, op. ( le "PP I ' CV.: I NEW STORE: IMEEMEI = I= amc. w. smic:tare.as,:a_clax, Confectioner. Fruit Store & Bakery, ICE CREAM S.A.LOON. and LADIES'OILUINART.. STEEET. 1171.7::41,11T- STRAW GOToid, ( ALL THE NEW STYLE RATS, POE SALE CHEAP, AT • ,•McCORD & CO.'S, 0.181 Vl7caoci. Street. 1-6 HATS 2 HATS! GRAHAM & BYRNE, ( FRANCIS JORDAN, At No. 52 St. Clair Street, = line one of the I'M cest retell clocks of HATS, CAPS AND STBAW GOODS I:=! In the city, .ad coatrantla to receipt or all thlt tVal?l e ne, etggrgly: =1 IMPORTANT NOT/CIE TO TICKET HOLVERIS GRAND Sort!' American Gift Concert, rint ?remit ;50,900 in Gneduki. TIME FIXED FOR TILE CONCEDT TD TAKE PLACE AT COOPER INSTITUTE, NEW TORII CITY, Saturday, July 13111,1867, ONLY A FEW DAYd MORE Lariio NEMIOI:7MLIEI This Is In, mutest aistrlbotton of the 19th Century. solLthe =rat sueeessatl'enterp . Lse of the kind ever lualLtarated In the world: ROJO] vsloable girls, valued nt HALF A 111L..10N ntad,Axe s 'lncluding IMMO IN GRAEN RACKS, will be presented tstlckit. holders. KVA I: l' TICKET RECEIVES A GIFT. 77.1 DERLAND Fon TICKETS Is WITROITT A PARALLEL. ALLEGHENY, All orders ro [laws loaned to Ntor Inglsud ant Middle States op to dory prth, .111 hack us ID date t 3 be Ltd and marled tot fore ibe Conran ow:urn res. • , All ceders mailed the Waste, States up to Thursday ItIS bI, . July 111 b, vent be 10 time also. A gamma can contuse to militate ts until S p. m. Satyr( ay, ,July 131111, when all reports must at made with returns and paid for, or they will be cancelled. (, Axel:o4l'll.4th' tickets nrsold or contracted for, will please forward them to oar 'address, es hey are reenlred to Oil orders In Neer, York. - y ickete,en essh. 5 sorimid. It fsriid. for 1a..., tent ererywhero on receipt of pries. Money by draft, poet midge order, express. orln' rtßlstercd letters, moo be emit et our rise. 'rickets cold for Kelley's Grand North Ameri can Hilt Cc..ere, to tau place at KrabesleAre. pee Rink, Chicle, Illinois, are good for tale Concert, sot Cooper testi' ate, New Toes: Clip, • All communleations should be addressed to • PITTSBOAUH, PA. A. A. KELLEY - & CO., 691 9roadway, IV. Y. 11 6: LW JOHN HONEY ) ; ' FOUNDRY, Carson St, 91.6 Ward, near A. LLB, LANCI6LT=II or Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, Rolling Ell na Erebine Rulings generally. J ar.t 7 Nt i .Fl , ll l 'lll24'4 l ,l-:14=7; eZeCO4CII. Jen A. YOITIVG & CO., WHOLESALIC DEALER 3 Commission fferchants in FLOUR, FEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No: 555 F'orua St., PrITMIIIIEGit, Pa. crzan WALL . PAPER AT REDUCED PRICES : TO Sun THE TIMES! At No. Market Street.' JOS. R. MOORES AY ORO. 10 OIL 111E/Fi-lirEitS. THOS. S. CALHOUN' • CoaIMIV3EINT323I.II., No. , 07 4„,d, E,treet, legtietiy City, .ttreoiwgi . gr zAV " TlcßubE • • • TANICS. ..t"TtallY.s b nltg"ollV4r7 l .lV"4ll l ' all Muds o r on the . work id tIII 4 Vasa deoe to 0.-an ' tqa reasonatde tonna and at th!..12,1=.“ TUE CHEAP HAT AND'S/WE L. 11. 617111711LIIMAN. 1100110.1 Be In L'ElAltrlt I " h t:1417:, "tft.bt%Z . 3 .1 0 4: 0 - 1 , 1 z ".t.1 Bmiboo:s. twit is• .11: 1 :: Out r&OltiOr,:t f ly, igrerattli " therraCittat ith " Zit ° DIVIDENDS =I WILLIAM MrISSLEM. reernsry aid Treasurer rlveDollern per st4.Y., DINING, LUNCH, COFFEE PLATS CAPS, &c FOR SUMILER SALES 18=1=E1 • large uld choll osaortmeot of Piano and Table Covers, SOMIII cons% items sus (II 33 6 2 meni. THREE PLY AM TWO PLY And awry variety or low Drleed C.D.UNC REcCALLIIM BILCtTIIERS, 81.7114.W2 NSW a et. _mean NEW CARPET STORE. FL lEi NEW PATTERN LN Tapot ry Bronchi. ody Brussels, 3-Ply and 2-Ply., Tapestry Ingrains. A roll Line of Straw !Jottings, PLAIN. CfIEDUND AND P.14,1CT. rZLIV°::.`II,I: 4 , 111 do well to [lre... a =h. DOVARD. ROSE & CO., At FIFTH MIZE% (mood loofa ( ord. Oates& Bell i. CARPETS. I:=Z1:1 OLIVER M'CLINTOCR & COMPANY, For the Spring-Trade, .Thelriplvldl4 Asraisment NEW CARPETS, 011 Cloths, Shades, ac. Attenttoo l called to our Ono stook of. 111101111103 MILE .011, PLLII corns Great Decline fit Prien s 88 if•XwavEr SlTltzaerw rlrriTlnr§ v7Tiri.M USNTS',. DOM, YOUTH'S, ALVASIA' AND CRILDRZIPA BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAMMA to treat variety. au d . aeliliag at yeaatniable 31 FIFTH STREET. .187. E. BCIEIERTZ &ER. 172:umiren. LADIES , ENGLISH LASTING k • CONGRESS GAITERS, AND BALMORAL% Worth $3, selling at $1.50, at 31 FIFTH STREET. MMM .Iso. 72.4.3"C111.5 5... w/. nasals. J. &S. rasariciEs, • CARPE CTERB AHD BVILIDERS, .&°°=itr,"%fggiVdl,4l sad VietriPr M. rau p tw t n r.nunane. atop , , of ati lot 268 ui !CI Minn sr, 114* (rdy, 17:411 ' WANTS. WANTED-AN EXPERTENCED • to fat., claarre Of • gang of laborcrs on railroad toort. title .l..m bad be alren to ono so can work mon inlaantog , Appl weer . la. !id. .3S Fourth Street. Soo ecoroc allea and iiftat. "roe, from 10 to In o'clock. ur !roma tot In the oronlog. le.nntdOerie TrANTED—IIen In Salesmeia itepartroent of Nnt.ottal AnsOclattOn. • Apply at once, to' . ➢. U. CIIIMAN,. • President Of Assoc(Wort. Je2711. lid Diamond etraer, Pittsbargh FOR RENT Fon RENT; A LARGE ROOM, 4111 story, 11011.11 J7/0:00 FOR RENT, IlVarehoutie on Firs! 8!., Bc.ween ( Wood and dlatket tl N. Inquire , at Cl= =! WPET).OI,j, • :• • DEWS IN CIRPETS ! JUNE, '1867. WE HAVE JUST 'OPENED A NEW STOCK; Bought at re out Ituction Sales In Now Yuri union no offer at o' Reduction of 20 Per Cent., From prices of lee, month. We Gave re.loce4 ALL-WOOL INGRAINS 2.5 Cents Per:•Ynrd BRUSSELS CARPETS, 25 Cents Per Yard Bed, White and Checked Mailings, To 34 Cents Per Ward. WHITE MATTINGS, To 36 Cents Per Tard =I NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, At $.3 to PlP—venal price Hp to 4110—belut A REDUCTION OF FIFTY PER CENT. num & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Next botlittler to trotted State. Cosi.= House non Posunllce, second boor. over Miner's Book btore. HAVE REMOVED, M'CALLUM BROTHERS, mixoexar,mlL - tirkriz---*-444-• No. 51 Fifth Street, • be vr Ilea of al flewaad clearable ;mamas REDALLION VELVETS. Velvets, Brussels, TaPESTRr BRUSSELS, Ingrains, FRESH ARRIVAL OF HAVE JVffr OPEEED BOOTS BBOEs, tic W. E. BC93IERTZ & CO,