Ell 39 1 13L..-14‘1010EIELTZ, BININ AN11„BROIB, 118 Wood St., near /orner of Fifth. Governinent Securitice, , pold;Silver, And Coupons, Saga ••••• • Id 89 Itheral scrag. Dr•-11• roN • os &lithe ertaciosl elates oclliarnoe. ILL SERIES 7 3-1() BONDS ConTerted into 5-(4o's„ 1865, nouns DELIVMD JAS: T: BRADY &CO., Ba.nkers, omrth h Wood litrlpetp. TO ILOLVERS OF 7-30'S. Haring erena epeelal Srangethento with • aypy C7c.ca3s-c". ' o u ,,,,, rem on.ject is. we are prepared to convert 7-ie4 loto 14.1 . • of IBM. • floods as Rau for Delivery IRA.B. & CO., 00111rEB 1 4 0152. TH KAM 01IITRAIILD ITS Ea 7-30 :E() •Itif , WNW:LIED INTO 5-20 BONDS,IBSS, VIIIIOUT CHAII2Ii StOttA bounbt til• vu- Aol d A e Mllbealp liostun. ROBINSON BROS-, No. - 714 VOIIRTII STILFITT "61js — tittsintrAlj FINANCE AND TR...iIDE . . i . 01/111Cia cie Vos Privenr min Claverre, / Oa roomer. July 10, ISM I The New 'York Stock quotations ti-daY, as recelyed by Mr. Y. It. Merin, were sa follows: . . l ik? 4, Malii .Bielety.ol49 bends, lialift Five Tweetiee. ism. 1113;; - Five Istel.l.tletf, .1017 lelg; Five Tventles. 1805, lot; ditto mg, t06!4: Sevin Thirties, 1e6,711, , N, Ten Fortes, 1121. Stocker- Ede Ifoltioad, :E.:, Glevelmul if • Pittsburgh. Sillit"Cbitiage. end , %Reek Island, AV Chleago and Nimtionesteno. 14Xt Chleawi mot Northwestern prererreilotNt PUTSaUY"`" I "LI I WL F AU ,SYLABIit, Fort Wayne Vallroad,lol74; Michigan Southern Oevlog Or Toe Prevent' Can G Leferre, 1 B annord, :MG New Trick Canttral, ILIG n. 11 Read- - Save o. July la, 1167. lug s 10.13,, . . . CHI:DC-Tim market ans. =live to.day . , Gold Intend, stiOng 'at 1.16%, and doled at but nem. wltlitto ellsposltiou insnifested on the. ir34 bid.. The lecremed demand of specie for part of holders tomato ...Mona lo order to shipment to Europe Midthe ttfett of foreign effect veer, and prites are firm cod well sus . , ' Molten to eciver / Altelr draftsitemedistely.have tslueda We can ecpart sales of too Mils, on the a tendsocT to keep the premium Up do got; sped, et ?; 150 at 9'..1; 110 at Oli'l Po "Stunt. . ' Whiehle likely lib continue WWII thealdponnts Forry,” nt 9; nod 2030 able to be delivered be , cottoeiromminee eeLlooports are reduced. It [weep August owl Beeember, settee. option, 'is reamkable tome the etheatity 'needed with at 9. For all the"year 1067, buyar . a optlein Torene goads at • A...ea When nothing but quatations moy he fairly glree at jelggfloli, the guides( economy tea env, cm from bank. aria for 011 103 0 , name option, at 13. Alum. the P ruptey. 'Government ...idel hate declined. latter delivery, a. yet,tl reported slow at the e r,..tr ee4 ea p e eMilly 50 0 currency mnds; the price. Be will be seen abovn, - pot on Is miller • demons Is light to the Interior where money 00141333. mcbrilley to gravity. Within the ' commands from l: l 5 per mot for very good, 1 -pawl two weeks erode, on the spot, us well for „ sad even choice basin... paper. Beamed 1 future delivery, has advanced from 533 to W shun are umettled, and the beginning Of next Pir sailer, Oil City tete:rams received to-day . week may aert same violent dualuatleirs; the quote et 14, per bbl. . • tone of the Market As however CV on upward REFINED-The markot '' for bonded oil was nt moveeat. Mining ehares ore lover. elm e little quiet but finateeday, and el Mk .(:110glannatatlana - rewired by James T. the opera... In the ageregoW were compere , Brady t . , tiaiely small, there Is a ateady and rood/eel D. B. Sloes, tddi 1104 feeling, apparently ea tbe part of" holder., mid w 11../s, 1602 , ' 10139. price. me foily.e.lutalutd. We can report: . w lase 10 '0 lOW bhie at andard white. IMO nth afoul h from w 1196 • leiaN, lei September. to December, at tn, ;delivered In w 1040 s PAIII rlttladelpitiat Iwo for August 4 bdyer's option, w Console . -. AngUatlal. . . i . 101 _54;::30) bolt, too each month, from August Juno 7.300 . ~:y. s . to December, at 05, ea board eaten works; and Julytnits • 104 i mar lib's prime light straw to white, for all • Dee. Oompottuds, ISM. i in Dodd . t i this tututh .13 n: elgilvered, le Philadelphia. Di ner , • " _ tor, i , The ..tea:. tering the week haVa been large in Wafer." ,U 51,02 Trak° . I.lt C lie 0• i n ''''' .74 ;'''t m. ' "" wi t h i. th.t. P .i. ' Fr ick. this i have advanced materially, end holden, mew. ' ttee that at'. the annual. election held tip . . comp...T. _ ~..., ri ,,.. ~.t. th .. e h . tm ,.. , roily, feel pretty atom.. of °Malting atilt " ."" • """ . lettanderkia• of the old se of elltectorr. With. knher tiOnni. . . -01 rice th e shovel. e put la type, we hove out pretending tiaknene why Certain members a tale teporte4 of 5000 Itlia - at ond or d white. 10.0 at the old board have been left out of the now, each month Crom October, 17.37., to February. . • end without iLtanding any disparagement to ' . then,, woven it to the motturrclal comma. 1 '''''''' ' a 21° !"". 2 ' o ' 4 `... al mock. "Idly; with who.' the Hoes of the Weetcre I RV, l',“ *e P . ' ''' r th. ' ...'"- .tertioti last weru • . talon are. deft - Belly. and moot of whom are . Total eseccipt.locc leo. 1-.. r• - eh...ha:dem, to qmiere caropieloe,that a bet. 1 Total Receipts am. 1100 1b..... ..... _ , i • ter Set of man thin those Who coaperie t h e nev i , ,/ ott. morreo LAST et a. v.. a. A s board eopyitl not lisve hem cooed In the whote bioetabetatar, Emhier h'Oo. Mb Idris refined. • country. Fm the oily o f New Torn, sloth: , V . lt rr i f4 s l ,` l i , i . k' s : V 5. ‘,, , , , ,, P , , 1',!. 4 1 ,1 : 5 t i .i. f '. . ney..7.4. Di .E. LA 711.10ren, (ex . oorY,I ',twiny OA ...MAI do do, to Breiver.norke . E. S. Sinford, Moe. Taylor,. Lttivonsi Lark -',; k ln ii,,UsiVii.T:j;'...„ rip il so w . ri • wood, sod o era knows throughout the land ii 3, Co, I. 7 lllladelphlii. ''' - ' '*:‘ Rte: ' for their we th, witerprlte , and pruilcom.li Sot. Denney, Jr.. ra do do, ta F. A. illievartie Tema Roches er , the veteran, telegraphets H . & Co., Phila.:pin:a. 4 . me.* n""" t."' ".. L.. D*42', D N. 1.1" , i, Br Loc '. P bart h" or. th' lV ;'7‘a": ter,tat do . do . ...t r i ' .ilidefind 'l a . . Sibley, G. H. almer. 1,500 Butts and cia t s,.g a seneeer, 431 do do, to' P. Wright a. . MeAlplee . b m pikesn selected, an illesm..l.ll So., rhflititelpata. flgtig,lgagi of 'U c,,,, : ,,n, o f . 1 1 1,i,,,, , 4 _Braun & Wagner, 30) do do, to 1.0 ming, lilc g i It Si. Co. Philadelphia. Gm.Walker.lelSprintleld. Maws. , AA Gaither. Sorsyth, Itro. h Co. 3,3 do do, to Waring, Of Gluckman, and N. Green, of . Louisville. ' Rio: Alt Co. Ithilaffelphla. This new boaA4 has Area maurance t Ital.. .., J i X, ~er,eL.,O.,L?". Ise do do. to W0r103,./f•log & for their Deport.: elutl. by elevating to the `'''' .2 " " ‘"' F ' 4** . on. alarm. trona anon Pllgletltli rare. , Lkkkidk....T.l; the C " wm pi''''' 3" " ".""" C".* ;, Brooks, Darien:4e & Cn. tao Obis relined. .. ton, ate United Stater Oonoialerloocr of 10%A tc , tr. 0 . ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,p h, ' - ' tern Beveoue, a sentleclau of sterling in- A D Mliter,nAli do 110, tu s' abating, FA. & Co, It and •of remarkable adinteistrative r.1,!!!!? 5 i1t?... , . tile . Sa ito do, Lo ;Swim, His; .3. • rabidly. With such a Ilat of ea:ducat cititern ta ," i.. r,,,,,,,,,,, - • 111 the b?arg and an ...att.. bead .so ills- 1 &irked:Wiz At 1:0.13.3 do 45, to `X .I.. , •Logan live for spite.. Wen y 'bid admialatooli ik 1 1 + 0 . Pallmtelphi.. , L a -a n & Br., 1.1 Obis 'clued. to W. r. fn. live genie., it is safe to predict, cut mil cum. i ~...; 1 ,... I , , ~,,, p , I , pasted . are the affairs of this [trot corpora-I • • — 5100,11tet they will be matt/iced wisely and I „Xaw Took product, Mark.. well. ' ' . . .107 TelPerapb en the liar:seer. tlate.a. I is•Ae to the effects of the entstlng plethora of) ' Now Tu.., SttLY ht-Lifttila unehangedi. *the loan market,. great c00t... se. In the Leal. I,PIO lutes; uplands, th.ifT23!... Flour: Week enthrones In -Rurope sad lia thie muti• . 1 ... 0 , me pt., ...,,.S arr,s and 11,119 Dane; the Here the tnimetary e”er tiss ~.plated, , specuistioa, gime an Impulse to the ;Adle ' market Woe -.`Crr better for high grade. eanadmace, sad, together with we prorprct• of 1 others uneimenteil, at 01,:ii; superfine. Stale goal crop., ham cowed the Flees of railroad 1 ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,a . 0 7 .1 03,, , /a,,,yr eg westMe, SAM aecurttles to recover to moue c.c.s fr. ea their g ir o, : g i to t, sit nin rat .ton p Inn Onto, , ki ,,,,,,,,,,, e e. In Ragland, although trfoil.fo, i rs io oroioti, e11,./313,10; the rate of interest la flown to 3 per cent., yet, , . 00100 5 ,.. ~.0 „ . 81001 ., 7 ,., ~1 0, 0 , 5 , 0 , 10 , , ' •In samarium. of bad mmenemeoton tbe part thilifornia Mom 'l3e.titofZir• sal. Of a.O bor. 0f ,,,,...,7,,, r. 1T.1 is . f i , i 1 iai1 ,,, 1 ,1 1. ..',."-,,,, °° ,, th ,, 1 ,.. i. ,, i1 ,1 - rel. at elt,3L/313.33. Ilse Hour Demur; sales w.- ^ .-- ---w .• -wr-.-- -- --- -n- of AM barrole. at 4.7,95n0nt. Whbity 'quirt Ltlykri* w l it .. e 1 ' ... lf .. "F ' k, ''' .. . ”'... i and moody. Wheat: recel le •• PO tiosit•ti e mane Premed and priter falling heavily.. i 0 , 0 w ....., Pi -, •• I s edit }lnner but quiet: es . "-On the lolk protium , compound notes to lof 19,400 80.44 et 02,2nryt . - z for So. 'I 2.111 wain the extent of guntior.O. fall. doe atail their o f 4 90 tor the new crop of. red New jot• mode of pay at [feel.. of totereat An bur.. y e , 5„.1,70 to, ember M,hy,,,,,, 43.15 f o r ~,,,, rowers. It the Tresorry pacs tham, It will i arbiter Virgiulet AM for white, California probably put Itself la teeth; by aelizne cold. I Bye quiet; 0400 CI 1,002 bum. wketorn at California end 4 .." .0 R . b.iww. "l whh the National i SAC, and 9.200 habil. CennilC, at 91,W. Liar , Book. elmell, two ofieraLiew. Lot favora b le tu 'toy quiet; reties of a 10.1 bosh: Can' de West Illeapant alweidalkin. Phourd the Depart- I 10 1 8,41, aLta, Malt dull, Coro; from., ' ce ept, imwever, tame the a there cent. cerllll. ~ 3.3.ethieh; the market woo dull and favor. ' crania uchange for them. wad tra. rio I tonere; eel., 41.100 itroiht 11,u5G1,07 fort.. With In the money marketer cantequenee. i mired smatem•aLo.,,,,,. a i .,,,,,,r,y,air.,,, Witt nee Twmties At leilg fir Ilse sew 1.3 e, r for roting: pi' for-New Orleoor. sical 01,13 It is the platen duty of Air . MCCLIIICeII Iff ply i Ql,lO l il t ea Pito western. Oaten rhailo,llr [n inety Mall. Of orrabound. a. they mature. i Cri eel. posh 00 eilo for wertern, and The wee edvieee Dom all swalnestof the coo.. 'V_ ,P:e for 00 W. Cool quiot mad hu=lled. n. try oo f Ott moot farOraele ehatketer , sad it I Leirtheri•Olo to fair req nest at 3"/ilOl 4a for re now almost certain that the h • of 186; 0050 ,,, Aare„ 11018 „,,,,,,s. Wool ~,,,,,,,, will exceed in etlft.lltyand quality anythlog heavy; awes %AM a Pa et nitiajo for domeotle nee know. This bright oft:omen may hill p,,,,,, pi, foe ~,,,,,,„,,i 01,1050 i i .. 0 „,,5110,1s Meltatted, bat inch le the mi..... it ..tel. Itfee nominally taliClutogett. Coffee dull thinsAt persent, taking, she mecurreot testi. 1 and t ,,,b,,„ gir .i. 0,,,,,r, quiet. met swain: amoy of catefal sad exiterienc.Mit 4 Sti. -5 i ri t Cuba Wallilit. etole•deff IlintVyf rialts len nittante. . • bola Coot et 31,47014,5 r. Petroleum; crude -honeyte w eenies eerier. redly from a eiottunal at 171 . mooed In i3Ond fpflee Ut better eupply of inertneey, partly Paco tile tiro. .:••.2441kw0. 11 0 11. 1 1 0 itt. Pork otiotsd firmer Deem.. el a moderate dew eel 104 partly hot closertheaVV; selomAt: l l bets eit 1.1.100 ,frem tr generally Improved feelme In damelsl Lea So for new telefle. elating at MOS ease, wad eimeteretal drew People have coo. to 1 f or :".1 for oirl flu, 911.01 tor prime, id 431. 1 . 0 the oostiotioo twit soi baler mark hos veto W.f.! too-s. Boof dime *Wee 1 7) Ohio. h o g rached. the Uric of pep/y.om, sad ore took. , Iltof llamenotninal..Diaiou intermitted liebl o preparations for the filttire, accenting!". aliam the views of IdeverA.' Cut elem.: tine; The tote of trusieess is tinter.. In marked sale% en, bk. et e,t;(010n for shounterst I W with that st ook worevatled fell weeks and Lo i s rot limo.. Lard II root 0.1.1 aim When the tors t place to a., at,ork 1,041 lois at llf . ;05135 tor on.. Bettor gain, market we retawked Wet the buoyancy there , et MigG o for 0010. Cheviot heavy tit 76110Aiii. elhibited fareahadoweit psodingebseses in the I Trelnew Lo Liverpool quiet and tor general markets. It Is not to tie 00.0.1 1 eh.ffred• .• s. speenintion will take hald of the Latter till h is . 1,40.7, 3 V., a.-Flour cloned firm, with of the former, bat the Indications ore that we an uplearil tut:many for choice Med., and shall have a revival Of badness that will is I von qentri...in. ll l , ...banked Mr "'her flee Mel mtive fait turd& Dame. of teteteet. kinds. 'Wnott quiet, but. very droll No. a (bare le no change, out the hearten 1s to les spring, 42/07.20; O. I 9Pr1eg.. 02 OMF O . 17 . Imide exams en goo. name& We quote SYyle Rye steady.. OM 000 Wowern. Wat.ll 111 et ai the range.-Cans UareaC., i . end arm at or es for Western, and kkikle ' for Ohio, Coro rioll mil locavyt 91,01%1,07 ' for Hood to etrlelly prime new Illtitel Went i en.. Pork Move mel lower. sal. IMO hots .ffar moue,. 44.0....1, and FAO) runnier, Ll'Ltturf wale imitate at goolatior..s. Berl quiet, end measly. Cut licata in fair de mand at ay tulcuner, tlt pile.. Beene very nr... whit ooie s limited .apply offerthe. Lard FA ly stettro and a shade bin bort 1931 ti Lk tar fair to prim. lofttlo tendered. I= Wm em Ae.rofhoueue ehan. ...tit a, Kalamazoo, where wool sold more readily at better - prima on Sisturlay Hi. readfoa time pout . Sosseroftlis drat quality brought 41 eta. The medium rake. is shout Me. At Mies yea. teed.? 4100 lee wen taken ax an average of tinut 44e. At lonia. kruderdiry the'price went foWn to tte. .ta r the second ;Ise sod fall In Lonia. Ttur pricetsdrat exie, ran up ko IV ft MN teen. down to a., afterward up to MM. .4 down to sic. At Ann Arbor, Hack IL Schmid bars taken 16,00 114, at an acetone of 41340 At Cesisea.4.la the highest. At Sr A te,ll the nag , 40fillae. wftti once dole!. osso, 40ftate Is Tdd. Hillssod fled irms.,loo4sm—befrolf Pose :tuft/ 10. • • erwlm In Europe. • i yr•••• etuney of tbe Tartans grain counttles In Europa. the conch:aloft is arrived et that the .peet for future supplies le cheering. 10 'Rend all limes en 4 debris trey to aided. The stock of flour In Perla le the Ippet ewer held: 4mm:intros to he us mart. in.hmeldemble shipmehtenrc =this': to Lowlemi ,•• dire.% hmel rrenee, but the malls dependence ' .of Use Britieb melee Is in the Bleck', See •perte, • The lest bervret in the ttouitter,lideel bevich • been wety ablindent. the exphrte from that cpserter ereexpected to truth two million coulee. Scrutiny 1., therefore. oot of the The4lst.: crop. Wiltaderstend that the new crop of nag Is nor, being east alone the Poe of the Bawds OMAN grvaliOild, AO d tt odd nor be loon before the new eeed will be in the toorkrt. Inc crop Shts meson Is •llnosy ODIN end V, OCT) t thee ft wilt he rectord In good order. grrnot bear Sit nay prices second for new seed; old crop sold toolsr. on , Chtutte st 12,25 • bush...—Celcopo Republican. . Phtlaidelppla Aarkit. Tetteravb tte rittsburau - .Patr..ttstrati, J uly Pet rnienn, nett ea. 9.S.nrquln,, Cub.. at 11 , 4CatiNu. currency. Flour dull anti nectiented. Whew—sales t el,Fl42en; Ere adwastaing u al.rtili.47. Corn quilt. at 61.41. Oat. iutaattalatt at at one . .1011....WAlskr quiet- • .. . .. Mosiopttls Market. - litrielegraolt to toe Pittebargh Gototto.3 ..liSttrma July 111.—Cotton 23623 . /.; re peipte 12 1161.41.; oznorti. 61 balm COITI.. 6:1to111.17e 1 . 1 K. Ono SITOPX., MY . Float—O.WaS for BO verfloe• P.rk Itae9l3—clear out... ittiMic• . lard 14614X 0 . • . • . • anemia tactic diarkot. • "rilert>pb Pl the PI Itetterrh eta,hroiml c— oe tti f o . . Vo Tu iet. 7 seoi*fol y onto H ch tC e a staetlott. tv o at Root thorly hotly/lit 111012'4c Igheruml es oh 035 foreXtr smooth: litteep dull o. VA ,D or good to choir*. - • Took Dr, ,Goodo Market. riMmopb Wth*rtto4mltS 4 Gmtitto.l ' =OWN Yogi. Jaltll.—Tbei Dry Goods mar ? m woes, mit, tout'', with a Modeocy to. words tormor ram loon MI tilde °Milts. ..);oostleas geurrnU so y unciiaavx4 J. IS D&LZELL & SON, C 0 ani.l '7O Water Street, TART 011 MANUFACTURERS, • 11.r.41 dtslers :n cr.ul)Y., LunZlCA.Tisti and CAttly , lr: Wt. usrrar, or r lend 0 11 ntlnta to the iol. Cincinnati. , nth., brand,. {a. l propose sell a. to. 2.4 l'lr.rlnonlS or cm...orates. carat N 0..; Lnri. Ott u • Lubricator cannot. be rr T. , l,rt,ttnit and standard brandi or Clrbrn rozriunly on hand. intretuttt rzeturere vill a ltd It to thr it ren In rive .1 a call berore onteslnr 1.P.r.10t. RCM Voe Virrt. telit:lW I=! Ore= or Tre PrreemenOlt Claa=n - rt F , SSTrr DAT,duipll, 1006. 'j The general =whets hare been somewhat I recited during the Dart week, cold medal's' '1 has this been the case In Flour, Provisions, Grata and retve,leute. S'ugar Cured linm• have advanced Cliffse - per pound; Flour, llryttlr. ' per Ural, and Oats s&te per bosh. It tenet protablc that this "flurry" spit continue 007 length of ltrae,and the chalices are to favor of a reartlon, so far at least as Flour and Grain are concerned,. the weather is all that could postedp be desired for securing the harvest le rptmdld mindltion, and the tt porta from crony every Part of the country 'are fscorable fur a heavy yield. ' 011.111:—Thote m a contlaned.good demand' for Oste, and the rootlet Easy be !voted firm nt IsSiltSe. on tines. slid 73t/S0 In store. 'Coro Is quirt het stendy. nod prin;e Yellow any' he quoted fine nt 43c, Rye Is in light supply, sad we esotsport.aslosat $1,25. prz thing doing to Barley or tl'hent, nod the supply in this woe. ket is almost ...IN:tutted, ex,yptton what is In the balsas of coneumen. ri.ouß—Teere sea continued fair Meal de. mend (or Ylalimn ur,. and while the market Is and fairly active, prices hare 'undergone ne ! a n n t e. .fonts at 111.500125ra 'sbr SPand Wheat;il3Wa for Winter Kneed; and 117(p 10,00 Tor lano - brands Dye Flour Is quoted at PROVISIONS-1M on Is firm and la Mir dee trawl, but without mattflesi eharree-1015310. roe Shouldete; 11)i7V= for Ribbed, ...It=):M toe fie lies Sides, and P) ! teirdle for Faded' Cured llama Lard dull at" Mlir. Blear Pork Is held Mohr., but - them is sr, dramed. . FUTATOES—There Is a enntlnued Mir des and for new molt, etel we can rem* regular rah. at. 14,51 per Mil. Old Fotatnes may be quoted at SI per bushel, and In limited Imp- Mil and anon...red— .sales in smhll loss st elqd per barrel... to; • quakty. - str.ls . ', with re;utsr jobbing sties .nt 13 , 05; necordlng to tvtollty—fency brnols. F;t; but ateedy, with • au:iply obout equal to the theeletod. Free , Peeked m , 3* rte quotri) BUTLER-1s dull. sod the szVply. altbeibrb light. seems to be to essessof the damned. Prime fresh may be quoted si oil is still quoted by memo's ciu rers of bdffud for No, _and .10=31.03 for No. I. ==! ===Ml . . c'attaa Art, Joie 13 —Flour dull but an. changed; Iv, b Cironcil l'Atntiy,.4neludiag Yew, aft N1(111.10. Wbellt 11 . 1,11thIP Ittia. ~,it , g tourr; there to "a , good drat of now ;..n r i o u at 41,7 . 4a , 2.1c; tutherg are holding hoick, autietbatttne lavier mtg.., c 0,.„ ‘,.... changed' Pairs or No. I at 7.t3lne. 0410 ePArell and arts; No. I was he'd at on: at the close, whit ' , care none. offering. hun ted ,µll and prices unchanged' 111.111'11g. ..1t)M1;e. 351/I..hy :nu In hood. Alet‘l'orit nrus at 01, and but fun . Fellers. bulk M 'Ate bunt•aut . nod holden" Ira 'asking hi ;qt....pp; b%gyll.o lall offered for hilogno,ra ...2 hors, tuna a untrtor higher 'Maid' an the bidet...to be had at lINe, ware tango.. Ban hider demand, at linya tor ghoubler, ' lor, lon fur , Ugur Ilia tilde*, 00.1 1.1:4e for Clear, but at the clot.' none Gault have been bought at *lowa rater. holder. whine 4 4.1.714 higher. florae bla her; Coin coon. 17!ibi auger Cured tbilric. Lard—dranand not large; 11.0 ttoreca efild at 1...4, but holdera Igenerally Wined Ise. Inc general !cellos 1a strong. hatint on a ballot that 1.1 prieelf Or 101 •tutlelet, watt further adeaueu matert idly. The onegnraptiret domain' from tho noufih In vary largo nail wetting for bacon I nail tutrzelill pork.' Butter Dein for fresh In good order. Istead. fur other Wads, Egiiii ! dull al /141.1 e.. I,tueecd 011 null at a1 . ,11. Huger firm. at Ittglit%e for .11:stv . and /7',40 1 tic for Itrifocil. Ceitrii ilrin, with a gaud i demand . . butt 1.1!;....; buying, /10.0 Y ..rkCi• ululate god. . . =I City T ele run/3 W, tr.erttuqurrh liaralln Sr. Lows, July, l'.l.—Tobtoco wait not ro nothing but nOt quotably 'Changed. Cotton; Hemp quiet *nu unchan and. Floor; Ulan unutee continuo krwroa and arm; low grader (Mot; double eaten. VOA 0131:6; °lunar, ak404,75; fancy, 613(010k0. Wnuut decnocilikbo,l vpring, I,,zny to prime 0ew . ,11, out,llyii 000104 fancy, /a.n.l. Cnrrna, mu ad goon tor prime autl oholio but low ra rlec a tango rat WiEt4l,o2. Onto; dr g ur bu t ll ilo o w at rovnoonal lending upward. blow pork, heron—Abouldr. 100143444 clear V 141.11. 136/,,“ clear RI), Mc; now Ou-c.lbuasy,lSWV:.. a=E=E2 =I 1313wAsuor, July 13.-I , lnur I. Oro, Cdy double es , r 0,.. 011Joatt3,0u; Country, no, 1110.609410,76,eitn.,3100(f/1110,00. Wheat to /i nn , L t 0,5 rot No 1; .3X tor N 0.2, 61,115 k, N 0.3; and 3143 rlorted. Outs 1. Oro. at 1310 Der f,o, for No. 1: 61(103 for No. 1: Cora is gUlet at 14e55e for Tho modulo were 8.000 bbla. Flour: %VW. bu. - Whout; 1.400 to. Outs; 6,1X0 Du. Corn. The ahl_putuoto were 12,000 hhl.. 7101.11 11,M 00: Who3l; NO Dn. 01351 00 30 . 00,31 . ' • Financial Matters in New York .1;1•4 Closed at 129..40139- :. IBy Telegraph to th l'ltttburgki Case. NFIT Tons, July 13 1.467. „Money continues easy at tail per cent, for call loam. Sterling le quiet at Ileallo% gold for Drat dace. Gold is litttbout dceleled change., opegliarot 135'4, advancing to 111%,!, and. ettritne at The total ex pOrts of specie today try, ielisla.77l• linvernment ntoekit ure shuilo firmer. The are thu elle...eft, 0,1 Coupon.; 1110 do. of 'Wait W.:: ft of offal. new 10-10, 1112a11e , r 4 % Aueffst 747 e. .Ifmc met July 107...R1(.7,f4. steels, arc strong. The market hal been largely ova:nicht on extravagant rumors of the pact two nays, and the tendency now la vtrouttly upwards. The contest between the Bolls and Rears on Erie continue, The reports of a Ilene failure arc unrolled citt.ti malicious. a toorough comittnetion at the bands Cl the Rank L.xtuutnefe Proven It perfectly 4ountt. 521 r. , prlees Cestilicutpx, 26.4: Camborland. Qateksilcor. 33!.;03% 1013/10,.; nu:item Union Tele grapn,lii4s49l, I'deltlo,ll:spicl4l, Atlantic, .00 n0;4,• u. lort, Cent rid, loSnitldc4; I i dd. son. 1 ,061 1 0), Ildudirdr. 10141plo‘Cid id 11.1..d02 Sont.her, MY ash 913'; .„Tole3d, .1.d , ..451115.10 N.d , ..wentern, In. progencti, tt205.; Fort Wayne, lalltillloll. .•. . . . hay cholla noose ralLonao. Moon;.the 111 the dry eoratt trade are Falrchild S ranehate, Luesehlgh, lard a Rhodos, and %h m ate, co. The snorted tenure of. Tracy, Irdin ,t Co. la mroancled. •••• - • EIANK STATF.3I.T• Thn Eton . .. nays th,re" Jul inoryane td,ndip.lo loans, SIVOtoo en Yll. 0. 0 . 1 .. de noOts, und 41.,00.100 1en . ..1 tenders ern-races° wk . ItCVLIPT , Itecelpt. II.M=1" 0 ; balmoc, 4173,b91.caL - • 3$1,0:10 snAnr. , st.m.ly; Go:goy 15,414 Smith ST. Pal-tat:le.:A ==2 Trinerrah. ten elttemrsti duet. 3 C113,,60, .lal3- 13.-11falt In moderate de !! t o bidher. WhCat• tv.glcated de mon!! 1 a Ildlo More than hOlattlidt Nu. 2 In favor:to hote.dm, .32,1zia2,11. COM dud at koa. lower; 9ade,. Not 1:W3,; Nn.: Nl6ar; Clothe: null nt OP; for No 1. Oats Mort, o , aCtiv hrldwr. at 64054 for \o. :. eloma ideally. nee firm mot %tie Maher. nt $1,1341.ts for No. 1., Barley dull mei ',om. Provision., firm and active. hteli Pork sv,ooa_,- so. Law 1.2.,,xm1. noooloro, 2.70 a) of flour; Kid Utd.baLl3 . o) wheat; lateeen do corm 11,001) do melt; I.too Ilona fits pmen to-0000 human of flour; .01 , 1.1,10 k wheat;l77,ON/ do corn; 4;1,0d) . do oat, liftlllnaorb Ziarket. By 'Telegraph to , the rittelw,g, UAL,Nona, July Is—Coffee oche[ and Inn tor Rio. Flour search and In stunt its mond for good gratin, which shit rt,tllly at full prltlett• Witold—new come, In slowly; prime tirtogs rill tricusi damp lots arm wiIItOSUM2,O O ; red 11'2,500:L11w 14sttitt for forth.. Corn steady; wait, 61,11i11,1.t; Yhatiw hi etn Ilriticir,sthoo. Bacon act.lviStin.l ...acre hief•hotllLit,s; with So sdvsnotni; tuttileury; shoulacrs, Mitt: no IZti. Clear ski., tart; tms, tiltSl.lc. Lard held tree, hunt, iiittot, stitnds yotl uncltanund. Whltlay ut baud 11.. i -,17 tor wasters. =1 My Tstsarina to the rtltabarzu llatstte.l 1.1113.1.V1LZ.F., July 11.-1'00:luso; talus 177 ,lalls ut no gilvanuo; lugs, at V,Salr.2s. and common to medium lam'. at 114.7310K7j. Flour, at SIA too due choice nes, ST.Sotarold suporilas. WOent, at SI 7661 far mos. CO., sbolus/1 null deltrerail, at U. Oats In bulk, at We. Mess Pork, at 113. Bunco shoulders at loNu, yacl,e , l; clear aides, at ltlic; sugar f in bal.. at 194. Lard, at 11;:c. %V Ills izy ! hi blensd, at $2OO. E=3 aio ere+ to the lltoteireb us:tette.; 1.01,,10 1 JTh..Y 13 —Floor gullet and stewly. tVbeetdull; males suitor et .4'47512 LSO. Corn doll and nom nal et ticvs9..; for awl 030 tor No data 71e. LoOn Yrelgt re; notettlit doing. • Sietimbostmen, ea!, Tondo) . * Memphis ; //plena. report considerable coonaltij at vort. ott• imams woo, toe neer Isom • dlitemet re- gemming choices, which a rses olf vlctiros I.IIPOWIK sr.A.lbt.o&rp. he health of the city, howaeste, is u:operatively toed, there have Peru fear to. fofiww6haww an Plrfa. oo6o nai.r.bwar , Dieted curs of ep, radio' dieter., but uotritug to July 13- Watt Or Whoop, tot ehe , do do. It Ileogleton; 4 this pearl ash. :Ickre .7c , wtuleter fur atom. St Bib; pkgs lobat+, .ti. - 51.11wver 13 du da, t • 11 Jiff; lee;1 do do, II Baseman; 10 do do, Beg. Thera ig dark taloned, Cavern; Individual green .t. Pelmet- odo dlo 17,11itiggerty; 174 Gigs easkpat to.tmle, t o epr”enstor patentee, th unto Ipee'clicese.bralf e rg: ;n u ears • " 1 Lit,, , eoa. Cops ~, /Democrat, sod ealis blowiest' Hyland. Ile 34u do, 'McKnight, Potter .11. o). Ce; 13 bnirebrewc 6 kw ' 16 •° • •• t ir ta•• a • tomrablr > cult topper ore. wed, sod has &tongue which troika e pivot, tllowcge, terry ept mine leather W r 7[c o, Las cwa 6 . 06 . 0270 1 d the two hour. he cheese, Arbitrat 10ui.s es th Co V! du do, Knox at cm; , •1••1. to A *hot , time Aro he Lee " m e , i vherroved money here. since wow. be not Henry llood; On er of e oimuo. Ido stet, Thai h •W° ' °6 - r. '„ A ' 66 . 4 ..y . 66. tie hittebell; 1 1,01 baron. 7.7 ti; Ilabletni. Ohl.. Wp 6W`.{.". to " 6 `cr. flour. ye,,„ Cp. the mitt/mee of the Litv,hrer. but 110,11. ti , tp ; ; lixtk out tor Lim, tor Lc tit bue cunaurleit l en d , 1.6 du 011, IL Clinic; 01 keys v all. — C° 6 lend. Bred h. 17to;:LO team. paper, Sbumaker .The tote oh-am:Lel death aloe; the lower Ohio d Lang hole eiCe. Klthysinen Cr; 63 ace Is lull; sit teeter more, bat the tuts hale not owts. hacker A td.; I ear oats, .1 W Simpson; am:, nut . thoroughly as yet, and ere no, as tb nits do ,W deck: 37 al, CO4o, 10 dim Wooer, ; well deicedthey will to Ott octane: week. Scott h. (Baal; pkgs produce, Campbell As the titer trcedes, end It. Omits Iv came Brown; Id has cheese, JS Newnyer. molt C1.C.021.1.4 Sod confined to the nair.or PlTr.V.Fl•FoirrWwrXid CHICAWO it. R., : W . V .." • ca a r July 11.—doo btl* flour, .owacr; ICU do do, it • • ....boss •Ld • tool rilot. nem , I pattick 17. Ilerroic 100 SO do. Li Elaid•al a Coi www. , 066 et.. • 6 ettec etaohel daldh do J. Shepard; 7 etre Polk meat, i www , 6. e ..•:•° t W. ' '." : Tie 11.1.7.nri0 boo tomes., owner; e nose* to. t ' 6„. 761 of ; ttem, Atwell. Lee h Co, It Vils gistawate, ..tal report mule In Beemnbey last by /rat been ! Cunelndtoun Itonnoi puhilthed rib brat time. .by atnnur Liiit •hutteis. Soil,; taxiet; id has cacaos, .105, Sepetinteding klnsLem of the Uhio ri. et lb du 'OSP. XCKII7II% li t, 19 keg pearl Curley, . impnwasueots on the trio ttrer. It a a Wm Uwwiet h0er...M1.. 3 UV ...NE bow reptant and vastly the beano:so or Coe :drew a ell, pi) du , 20.31taibuil & Megrim;,' matt ha. lac aaaa notie:theratoling the .110.1 t. do do, Smith, jOtrilll. t.76lvis: 15 do d slam cd a taros amount al toes. Coo twit ei 11 0 hinto° & Wallace; to nod J I Ilan., lion; t Tots la acebunied lot oy the large .o no do, .1 IS rine then: t 0 du do, IClt‘ir,:soo I.lt,C3ess. of papule son In the Mates basdatielt tr. Bern.; 13 los lard, do hem, l' Seiterg oh the neer. la lahi. was Into° • trLevh lit Co , 4r rewire mschinet. to Sumner J. tie; eV MO, the entire populamon nest of Peony, talls paper. A. II 80n11517 Cian god chi. flour, 1 vertu, eset.alv• to Loutslana, trout end ,Nl.!. shoo:utter. Lunt; Windy de, Jew tlrttniont etwitypt, wag tort 1,71., Out. Ten omit 5a..a.1,7- . 17o; 12 bee cheese. S Cooper & L.17;31 do do, Li tut Increase. Perhalw• bus home to the coal limey:coo; it, bola spokes, Bare ato,lllll. le 1011 the shipments of Pitrithurdtt I oats, Kell Rltchert. , cost were Ow3bushele. This now stazuoto tu,. PPreeilorown, VoLOwnin. awo Cortansav: , to 616 er .ao T. tats IL di n July 13-3 bblg errs, dlalcury ra ; ..•• added the ...Pm... aLdo na et real 0 11, W hankie; len bbla flout,] (Baratta, , tart .. 64 ' 61 '"" a " ,63 . Cin 10 at barn C. 12: meet, Park . Ilto 6 sualawdollatl kw Leen tbe ckpaninoo vi t Co; BB hlitce, Luppe Write;: Abdo tobacco. '6'. bu Ji •.`1.6.6 e,,„„ur. double 10 :eta years. les loud 11 Ididincott: tee bow Cook. 1, to I Thu C age (1ar......rcial Erhlay, , aacei S. Lan w !lug, 11 /in kti attick I. Co; as Theo eorge WAlrsham Yellon stove hit, n. do do, Culp Shepard; 100 do do, 1 cit . cora, It ed at oL I.7mis ou Wednesday olcht. were in- IS allaer ; 1.0 Lhls flour, Shomeker h Larm; lew mated in Cincinnati ..111cee rue Venn each," Loa , flab. 1: Bev. eihn; 10 do do W Comer lows Yellowstone for 17.01 each to the Boat. , u; du 40, 1,11 elplptltrr Cot .car race' s Lod Eineke 4,olces, sail the Greyer sultlrceil,Schiteltiock A scLotto 1.0 to. hams, J for rear. In each of the foliewinc ot. rottertlehl; ludo .10.71 w. Freed: 31 tale. hemp. I, ricer. Beitimprise, Velem awl tscptrst, Fulton, Bolan. 04; bun. , no , Capt. John W. Tobin the contracts on Yo , e l hafwl ,01 . o . o a , do ~s 7 l aT. t Wednesday. at Looilivillt. lot 11,, P ,, Vette r) t tr. 46 She 111 tote trot hog bbl.tg:e, Head A itlettdrall 3 Jo W 7160. forty feet beam, Mae feet detillt of held,ern klh. . emulated to carry eotton. andvary st ame.ah; ' AL1.00113,7 av AVOW. Jolt 13-12 1 talt• bore high preseuretontoes, each tidily luchea I per• l`ttteruirpah rano+ Cu; 700 la diameter. with ulna feet &trot. mbrelt kt O Y 1. K A t: ' ,6 " e ' t l i b e b et t ,le 47, 4 ft e ., : h rt,j4.111„% t C.‘.7 J 5l Herolltitll t‘''' b 6 .6 qi p.er, Bernie I,:mir lc to build the collier it t cocklosers In Ji. wore, S lacier; lot h• yroils, osedla ; ' ,dhoti, the 1/0.1 4311. ne.l no ; Or Aul.eco, Li Lit,11.2; 1 lAA do, 11 Co cp.; ter J Elton. width Is tDe completed by Vac Mtil.llc GI 11,1 615,561 : V 111 vActxl Jrilf la -1 La butter, J t: N111555,h;.15 bsits yawl, ..so=l4 ; otek Orso3y, 31 31,1.51110tur1s A.!o; s't e‘re 'etas. 31 Kier 3t Ca; csr 71lamb dt. Co; I ob/ Soar, I. J I:laocIlAdi s aka ret. 31 Inultey. YEW AD V ERTISEMENTS. K CO., 'inzitor Pittfro.ff IteactallnrenortinnvT, sistritlx s A_NCII,I4 .i2lllsl.athol.t• os fIE.ETIYOu A V 1. otArrrNa. HOMES FOR SALE, AT Steward's Livery si:able, TIT= STREET, nr, Ooa 110P, , E, yrry re,Ut to orivo, t•ot r,,t Incan.rdir.. Oze Kona oesng 1411:1:. ro rot. our cheap vrtat S/A.4):. for imir tr , o.rtm 041.,14 rogn,ls:1011. RI A p ollo Building,F°l2lll 'Street ' Fractical Fareifuto. 6l.Suracti rers rum' . .°". WI STS '11411,34 GOVIINILI? 11):1E1ICIPAL L';151 1 3 mus as: t of Ff. *". ~I:.3E! - T PILE 71J( COLD r.rif::-:.DAL =I Ichzeltr & if Uson Sewing AI the OFf.VAT PARS ICXIOMITION. June S. 19.7 %, t eeV , V{hate.. exemlo.t,on =2ll the ptloutpAl 114,4 a o. I, of the rrorl4—toe llostmlltee owe,/ to-lux co =polled or the most compete= sII, fm Vo.tm , Nast.. WM. $O.1 1 1NEU al. CO., zt nrrutitLlEET. nitsbaro 374.0 A LIMITED IPA tins been totted Into, to CMIXIVI2C.I from the 1011, JAY .IM:I% ti..:. .11. 000 Cuiltirlt. Jij g 301 . 7. 1670, b•lnfe,n of the City of Vlththeroh, sett d NW, el the (LILY of l'hilsnalpttht.Ennte of Venn,. allventh. the Intattres to be tlet of ic/Ilen In and the rotting of 1 ettole:nn. Ewan or ellve 010. and the ‘Lsoniel, Ib C - 3.1149 INC 050. GT the ar•ltlet evil In the rennin,: vot,..e, either by eats et' further ithunfe-tc re; to CO conducted In tin ..tar. Of 6011 E Ft:311%1.1C. the General l'art her, In the tllt7 of 1 Itt.bneel. eIIAILLIte L,If.NSIO I. the Speclat.rart,cr. who hoe eon. teltn“.4l thereto . the can of 10(17 Thontend Votive In each. • $llll. Ilf/nALIC. fleterel CEOIMES 1.Z!! tptelul l'uctuer. l'lttsbu tut. Jcuu lUtt. 147. Ilerere mo, A.H. AIta!OLSON, en Alderson or the City of I'llttlorgb, Cot ray or Allrgonel, blolo or rennsylvaulo. ptr....ily MM. GCLIAIX. std aledeootllrreatlon Viet elle ltt.bn I.SJYIU Lae, no marmot L'artner coots/sued In caqt the On to the rorseranln Copllolot orbit:Abe. On sold TAttL b(7llAlat, to tto tlenerol Farmers Als.bern...lnoe Stn. 1361. InuStalt CU ISEDDING PLAN'rd. vcry hrgc .lock Hosts, Geraniums, Verbepa9, do 1.10 , ., aI t.la WA:land Urernhpaakt. .101111 11. 4 A . VGIIOOCI4 Stni rot A tetainrac. VITISMO CVESPE6T PLACEVI TILE CITY traY the TRIUMPH CICKItia 1,10,110. 144 MUNI' STREET. raurrx. T Obis ohow bra roaches: Co goo , tors do; do sot sod. do; IS) Ladoga 0004 Iffy App.!: SO do prime dor Jost reerrlved on tOsorolsrlort and for sale low W SAO rsOc. ACIIOSIAKEIS A ckso. JitiEA CV.— fol V* xe boa, 40 fh., rat) Mich; • • Mb— do. M •• March. FOS UCO le low the undo by t be apents. .UW. SCIIEENir • UT A PIP enLy. ths einvos, w7tb 01l paintings and sold end vet Remo• • ... 107 IrAIIIKEr trrazrr. 0. g•uuss • ow,. I ' : I AMY GAZETTE : MONDAY, JULY la. 1867! 11117011, - 1101TiAN & CO., Mc:Law:me the belt CORDAGE. QAX" TWIN ES, is every nriet4. 116 Watoillt. = RIVER NEWS 'The towboat Wild Deck left St. 1.0u.s for Pittib.urgh on Friday last. . We extract the following ileum from the Cln ebana: Roblc a mm o. forrTyrinl St. Louts, s y ,, rdir: The d inn Leonl s, Itir Mew Orleans, lenre to-day, sure. Capt. J. C. Dowry, in company with Admiral David 1./Moon, and others. doe St. Louis In train. We suppose they will be perc ent. at the ride of the steamers of the Atlantic and Steam s hip Company on Mon. day. The blotter Norton will be sold by the Voited Marohall on Monday. A public, meeting was brig at Chattanooga on Wed.. day to take nerion relative to the Improvement of the Tennessee licit . , and the eriabilihment of a unity line of steamers betwecn Citritn amtga and ilstoxyllie. The Westniolvituoi lett tor Louisville last night with over two hun t dred pleaoure- excurtiontets, who will put In the time la muse, dancing, refuting, die. They , expert to arrive here early:on Monday morn ing. The Deer Lodge, which broke her shaft near Denitur, has returned to Sc. Louis. A new *haft will be Wontedlately placed on board, and the Leone will make another start far Fort Benton on the nth lost. - The Guidon, Captain Bissell. lose reached Beaton. and will lay there until the latteepart of Anew. The Paragon has mode the eon front Yel low Stone to St. Louis to eight days and ale hours. The tlonersl term of the New York Court n 1 Coon:non Pleaehaa deeldmi Mint II steamboat le : liable (or ...petty stolen from the 03.40013 Ui petesencer. the litter having the key 01 I Ole tooth I/I hie the theft. pos 4 e ..leo at the the time of The to ll blagnolin, belonging to CO., of Calla, left there Sunday morning lot Ilycn rule, Tenn.. wltn 401 barrels of salt. `i% hen within seven tislice of her destination, she struck a eons anti sunk In tenty feet of ater. The cart(' Wits insured. suit the tug ea.., • be raised. We clip the following from the Lottleyille Muria, In the month of Septeml er. the steamer Kenton put on on the Loutavtile wharf n boo of household goody, co...geed to N. k W.. 1. Salth, and • nlued at ymo, o h e . Um boa was put or, the clerk of the Km. I. took the 4111 of MM.; himacif to ]lesser. aid notified harm that the hoz wee ar the levelb. Itrfore the boot left the some elute I notated tnem the second ttme. 'l4t , boat led and the boo had not been tailed for. bid tho third dap Meseta. Smith sent do. tz for the lib but 11 teas calsstog. to few day. liner they 1/.• slanted suit 1,,•111.3l • Moorhead .0 Co.. the agents of the Renton, Inc the eel. of the t meg property. The ease was to the toilet of Commou Pleas, Juege, r. li. Mute. whollevidoti for the &deeds., and lurther lewd that cut goods hawing been put on shore, the deli, ely , of the bill of lading, constituted a 1,..t1.1..w. livery ge , ueesl Interest to the . ;is enrrentir reported on the 'Upper Mienle• I Mold Mat Captain 14 C. liras., tine Preabh, ' of the Northern Lire of steamers, and an i... 1 Ilittsburgher, Is soon to take 3 plunge into lb: set T of matmcoony. he mat, Thu.. Payner, of the Northord Belie, who sal recently killed by toe lalltue, et n boat at Ihthoye. hod Oa 111 e [muted for This amount el money has been 1,41.1 over to hie widow, reeldlog at Als.lisoo, Wtoconey. The Ilawkeye Stale. mealy run 111 lone_ down .dram In to hours. The Paducah... seem to think that c.pClta !olohn Cannon ellghted them ey not tepalriog the ... Y. Lee and flatten. at that pdint, tut stead of !found City. The berekeeper of the Wisconsin had his trout ..Iturglartecer• to the amount of ki,t, lopoW Memphis, while Co route for flint Tuult embee. The DoLuque lirrulalatisnatee that Copt.ln It. C. lisay, Viee-yreestdent of Ito Nerthetn I.lna Packet t7orneatty, tad President the A. 1. M. Boitsen's Cub of umbrae City, in to be mottled to a lady In 3litutototo. the En ,r 4 ransty. Capt. U. ve 311enetots ottener thou thootlnt: pOt • Steer Talc gram.. ttly Telegroph to the Pittaaoesh lea artt....i I.oull:va.r.s. July 13.—GiverorIth four tent one loch In the canal. ffiIfiCELLANEOUS S . 8. BILICAN, @ME BONDS, STOOKS LED. REAL ESTATE, Saul:, Railway, Insurance, Mining & other Stocks Orders exr.ted et the N. , . Von, ELllekr! Dhia sad diott. Nov. tOr the turahu re:ilia Commission etkere. 1D01.44 UPER;OII OAR TANNED,PAT r.sr AND ItIVIETUD LESTEM BEITEM &ND ME, Ilanufacture4 at No. OR ISMITHYIIII.O uT.. Irl lIARTLEY. PRE - L.rs it Co. *lin..A.okinJ 10? NOw York BON, On G-uin 3Be I tin cr. /awns' gm hands 1 raporlnt.jyklpv LAt!r GREAT REVOLUTION IN TIIE FtaN P.TRADKIIP Tllit Uri ITS , UTATEK —PUKE CA 14.11)}1NIA VitAMPAOSK, msee Kee prnpsted sell se It Irratee, tem pelt e. loth t ad tahlut the 'Kee. el . D.P. , ' non tronte call the *Welton of Vits• Dealers atd Betel Keepers to the %Hews lax letter. whler. may be • correct Plea or the quality of hole Wine, r n;;.,'N.1.7" 4 `..;`,NA. R -=ista . %%lee we Wave ovvr shelf at ohcc pttca It on our 1.111 of rank. ogr, roe J. IN. KIN lh-LAY 0!o, nail n Tl t ~iu'naiiiieih o-e"" af, V''" " v, • H . J. LANCE, Not. 185 . and IS7 Third Street, DYEIt AND,SCOUI7..ER. Straw . Goods Cleaned or Dyed. et HID GL 4 irita.and rLUMES elean t or .1,, silou•sit - Cfniu..•7ll, 11911ELA1FD t MITCHELL, Livery and Sale Stables, el= meant: NTUEET, MN= 0p , 040 pc..nly.ocumiro.a Depot, PITTSBURGH, • ai•Partleular...itttso IWO P.M to fartkioduk Irearee *nil Carriages fOr foucrala, tiers. WA St liner. QOOD NEWS. CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR TIMES. Enquire to: WARD'S lIIIISAIL Tha I.7ten 110 toot. The . W'• 00 ctcrf boob w *r. 1. ... Vona .1.4. tnhe't•MTT Built u mosmn, zurecamxtrincumis. I R .T. T .=l7llllMulkAitntli, l Pl° dpttlel attaatlon given to 'no dasionlag and hung Ot Ovart Holm, 0434 Inlollo I.ll4lnda I OIL WORKS& gOZEPAIMM j UM T. REDICK, M. L., , r.mow•e , l his oats to tl; t • COR. OF BEAVER 4ID FAYETTE STREETS, tontl , l4 Fifth Wud. ALLVILITISY CITY, • EurOka Carbon Oil A CANEBON, • EUBBTA OIL WORKS, Nl.filfa,.ftfl of Tkt L' CF;pI'.IIP.A.TZU Sperm Lubricating Oils, CHIZICAL MIMEO OIL; Mil Mole:tie, Dealer,. lc Crude, Iletinml fud Lubricating Oil, Lard, taperer, Whale and ltiatt 011 n, j. C. NOBLE, Akt II? Erwin Strict, osx s: c=xmats 6x-r-6: SOHO OIL iiv(?RKs. 1111Frilli 110.. lINSUVACTTIIiti CELE3RATED IUa4ICATO% Petroleum Lubrleatlug 0114 Sperm, Lard :113 !&ID•LIGHT, TIME' 1;11, it WHIZ 6111101. BERNINE,' OIL, No. Clair stieor, PITTSBURGH, PA Vott A 0111CULAtt. dt.7.1 TACK BROTHERS, corro:tiL;li.igN KIJ.IItIIINTF. •L.;? It ri.J111!..-'4 Pciraicau ;rad is l'aveluas, :e,” WAY .. 4 1-. , 1i.1.0tin0tT11:E-1117 .tiu.Lud:gt. V.i Ft 71 r‘; ; K i t cArtilZillll utaits Produc:Ls. I,:ttk.;:vs Uuque, lIMI= itl:4(`... et CO.. 1:11%; Ptk ILI IM.11.: 4:IP. z:5t'5.37:1:916 w01t,1114 LILA:VC I..A' IL LH. trj.:•tt, " T a 2. 7`,l` ; I,7.INI7I , ACTLitt.9 Or rULA BURNING OIL F57Z11 d-"Lll'.3i 1:•?. )1•1::r. B'Coi "NUL' !MST, PETraOLIA BLUE LA:AD. =I =I T. Lt. PIONEER PAINT WO 'y? t;or. 34 anti Tiarkt t vis rnL wc3-24f-,, 7,16 rt..cc - = Trtll. IVtil.N.T7V3iti ANillnll34)E.l. 7en.94.t.4 i u 11; '' ROLE TT 1M 3 t ;',/, er , • • ...2•••• sizEvi E cu.:lir. ze. C.IIIP.:!SSION 11E2( U.AF.TtI, i; Tit E Ott lEorns • .4-, t•ct• 1:?...• • ERE VIERS. MALSTERS..kc 1 . 3 urre. n 4: GI El ICLIT DA .Z DARLINGTON& CO., saints, fue.b. , 2 ACA 34IMICA trltetn-^4 4 (4.. PVll.lbutig rEfft. .:).11e.itien • Tn•st,nt, - , 0 the :le, toots AND POTITER.• rs.r,islctlertlnt of Malt:7.o owuttn,:r : 4.1)11 11 , 1 1 .• 111.5 ysAl ;Ulu: rsf X. , . wo 11,1, ar 'Alf 11,1 1 1,11 a: 1:14 urt 61r or,,a a, 01,u!, ui , l urtu,r) . :!, it mr M=M=ME t)llivalx tea ,n BIIEWEitY. CEI.I Ett.ek V, tit ril) PR Ei1171) 111 c, rortox anaßzown Stout, :'1 , r . .1 . 581'. - 3Cil, - .Vl. === l' ANY , lasun rat ttLrf ra of P n FM Wra,P:l2:l PAPERS 01171:3: Ara) U.s..nr..ffiitlvg, NA. S2-I:Nri) 'Mr; rt. EiMigirgb, 0....AV1A, WM , 1,.*1 Foul] , It. 15:a1....1ca, a I. B. 1 st. 1 / 4 1" c. (Awn L , A.1.1 f..sr titnch. WRY. Z1591Z1)6:12 a CO., =I BROOMS, Crush and Broom Eluding -1 laeor, cid Warta...rasa. In ttio ir.r eI9cG users MEMIMO SAMEFAL S 3. mcanastam.t Iron Eroker, 124 First Street. V4TT:4gI.ILIGII. PAL . • Apenl tut On ssln ord.mwall. D. 1.1 1,1 1 .0 10.. tlmerhln, 15.tatcroino, 131nn 1 101 1 01 otl.er n; an.:. orAult.ra^ll, 111111- law 31•11 1 11W.:70. 1 g Ch.cnal, 1 10 Vonebitt2.l24 Mad order.' respectfully 4,11 e.. 1r J. SCHOOITIGXZEIR cc SON, Tha renerlatto eattt4 eerprothdlTltttortit tba pdhllo that the Wotan and ulnlea N. M.. are nate prat Me Weaning alattetmnnth ton , 11 ady ior In a roe nthet Saint and par ca totalebett With annitart at the *hymn: no. tine. Privets intone mono tot Ladles, nil the lt, , l:men• tho methe Will be curved at an hoar+ of the t.my and a ght, tem.'s]. +unlade& histudant Nitnea, Liquors, Clint, cit., will On Cubed at the it.. • JAW. LALNA.ELAN." • I' A 0.7. Fat. 4110,99. 4 43.; stud • , ftt nsat 5 7 3 , 1, 1rt, az v e: I . NoPilvtr.r. of 'inn WhitcLoscl and Color Works, cr 4.01 , It rnt t TM% V.KIWITKIL I.IIIELN 110 cvl to.* .fry or In 011. tln. 17 roI.MTII STI:IST.T. 111,11,5, / 4 11,11111;t: , 111. June 14111, f NOTIC:EI 114- 116:3011Ii (OVEN t hie ul3se. 4u. 1-I k'un: tit toter ten fnUwwLla he allude up es sue led VAX OV AOC Ilea' Next., riz, • .31- rAs: Mit I Celt TAX. ' • te.:, Ts Xd el i• ti 1 Llll NO I, A•re .1 1:1:NT3. Th. Bleu, Alorrantle, Lewd, le Chew'. dee. sod must les ' , seism, or hu1 . 410 . JULY tat, to ore ce r e sec coo, de.r:e&l a tt. A T.l,ll:ll l. EJ.surrtr. 0C107151 OF OLINDS.--5 0 fru A ~ , B LOWN & CO. 110 tilatTledldho Amt. oPuosite Wale:Mee keep oft o. r t ru&raly to order. a darlide us dtwili . —7 l - 4 tath and power , s. Ass I. , ts e Wieder . thadse, 4I fond upward,. toasted Oh Cloths, Duff. eop•od, State, hate. Otto moo, 11.11e1 and dlcture CordsandTar Ala i , et Om. acme tors, au broil as made to a-de r, dne etect ef IS Ides sod CallCo &hitt, Caller e ,ur COM IVE lIVILL KEEP ON UAND T •. and rooko.tp ord., all tines or. bpring oo' Teal W 000tle, UI H A"u2I7PITIUT , 'P' • At IluotlVArm. h lyArzWOriltb. near the reel "l6ll74' a u queLuS:lftnrastifzu Lou. I'ItOM.SWNAL Attorney -at-Law, No. 98 Fifth Stied! I ODLE RODENTS, Attorney-at-Law = Spectxl attalCno given to M. in Bank S. 101-9:41.71 L. "EcCULLODIM, Attorney-at-Law, NO. 101 FIFTH STREET, Pletsbnrull I= EUSTACCE 8. inOittiovr, ALDERMAN. Ex-oMcio,Stsstice of the Peace, AND POLICE Nall, X. 72, Pnasylvanis Arepu, Pittsbargh, ?a. Deeds, Tondo. 111nrtaares, Aetnonindgments. ll,oiltlona and all I.egml Itnalnes. erltn nromntatas and dleoatclt. AMNON, El= Codsoyanenr, Bost Estate and Insaranne Agent; CAILSON biIiEET. Faun lindminalta. C doc Con of Bunts aolleltad. slut 0rr0n7 ,1 7 at ded 1 r. 13,10 . ILLIAM H. lidinliEtS. • JUSTIOE Or TILE PEACE, CoNvEvoicnr, AO. Itr. CAU&)N ETHEItT, ucnily opposa," the t tt ru t 4tw.a.l Den c t a t l3.n oh r m i p s t .. y • rv n . tf lt : u c to lc . ena ea v pro DVILEL 3:101.C.411., ..11. PEAdICING PHYSICIAN I= f;e.,150 Grant St., near High MEM COCEMLN, AiAoruo7 and Coalmellor-at-I4ox, Orleu-iIiIILT , N'S LAW 1113TLDINEL No. 60 I.IItAN • EIliF.lO . , corsair of 1 .11 1.••.',31. Luilwiss entrust. care , 7Ll'r e t.rempt. stti.utton. • . N. FEUGUa'ON, • Attorney-at-haw, no, 69 TUTU 61it.V.:7, F 7.1, BOOM H. MCCOWaXeIi, Ell= clttar~oy+at•=.aW. frompt LLle2 , ttuu Oven to. tit Itvs THOS. M. HAVICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No., 07 =x'iXth letroocit I- --- I `V. A. LEWIS, ATTORNEI7 AT LAW, 1 , No, 93 Diamond Street\ JOEIN RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Utricr.: No. O.3FOCRTU iiTftLET. ItC. Nut - it , Jetra , soes to ttcllrtan, Garrboxd Co. AriaalliEY 3 CIOUNAILLOR AT LLW FonnEls No. 89, Grant Eitrost, onc:nrca o[ EMESMI CEO B . F BROWN, = eftice, No, 67 Fourth SL, second floor, prrrNnuniau. re. PtSta.l3, UMW, BD SFIiiIJ2 Alt PAY Mn ihsrre made altli cialtes are acitltd. end I t.a., Galan tlata fee. 9u111:1".9 8100 ' . 8 OILSTV. • 1 100. 1 , _ : ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. ‘, LOST OiSCHAZOES. Soldiers tetto hne lots their anchors-, tor•.IC. cotes on stho are othnst Ise ent thst to the stlitts ttOosi 11 0 0. Isnot)", On Ono their us. st. tshael to n nhZIY tto or addressing W. J. & RILL piTrasoN, ATTOILEIBTB AT LAW AND MALI ACENTB, to,TS Ti UKA%T STIVErT. _-- JOCIN STFLAI3. A.MIX,M - 22btICALIS. Ex- Mei% Justice or lbg Pence AND 1 . 0.61C4' 5t225:K..47E. . • Or.ex, 112 1 , 141...% st, upprmlte Cathedral, 0" 0 ., flort.gb.tsa, Aclurerinlconcts. INapositlens at..l all Lent -Rii.t2asa vria pruimtnessarAtll,7ate.l. .71. k) jT ILLIALM 3.IIiCEI. 7iOT A JINTICT. AN:11:11kt. KL , TATI; Al/INT. 1./C,.:o.oGn:orra 0 - oonr orrvots, bet. - -oo loOctoollt of la tinily of Loco , Cortoo;000ss. W1.E.741 Am JANCIG V, Jolt:coot too Paso tlitiaCe CT/ATI:WI T. EVirreG. Mtnnicy aE Lim Wo. 60 GrarfStreet, Plt.taburg:3. Pa. JOHN C. McCOMES., ATTCANEY AND CNINSELLOA AT LAW. No.. 87 Fifth Street. /fir f....510n, Ilountloc. and An an of ray uruiTui, PEATSIOLLE, ALISGHEM CO., PA. , NI ratV . l.l And fornl.llo, awl rultlylon- The nutwetlp«olll not SVirt. V. 4313• to .eon. te-naLs hi. enttOna,a. vooporn 0111 4Cr , t , t at any now. In Inn •11.4 —onuo. annlwa4 Tipm. ST. WHEW HOTEL rue EineurEaN N. E. Cor. Fenn & Canal Ets., JAMES aomisoN, Propriotor. 77+It hnnw her AMP Val 17 ILV onl . the pubile. REVERE 11011. M. Messrs. WELS.II McCAFFERTY; would Sespeettn Inform then. friends .4 nu tatte. ~Herat that, 1311.41.4 d tho riL1314333210 inscrialsm, Ttni are prepared to furnish tIBAI9 AT ALL Itt/Itltn. dly and nlaht ntW beet Dreads of the etelseet 3tAta LIQUORS will be found et the b.. 17= ST. JAMES HOTEL, ON TUN zarearsibi KAN, NO9. 403 h 401.Libegy Binitig and Billiard ljaams, 400!_ 411 LIBERTY STREW., Meal, at • 3 hOurs of the day 1314 ntitht. au , - 11 , y. toolude.d. The host :hot tlen mud. uff Ode rtiMlll,o bo found ou the 041* tas. rte, and I e•t.lee uooll .104 with suputr at. shortest no. tleo• Choir LIQUOt., WINE, ALE and Cl. OLIO will he Immo at tho bar. Min BRIGILIN 110U$E ; ELEVEN TH 'AND MyRKET STS., Tl4to new and Copal. flnnl6L aoTeapim for the nceptiori <11 . 04.A. with 41 th 6 IPPOinin,"l44.4 • 1f.11itri. , 01,A213 #0"/XL. ~. • . OTT - g,I4S . aott7Ntin44 , L'T ANIIPACTUTLREtS 111 - EiIKN - 1110 7 WORK Jops& T Irs ~t°r~s~~a~~~. U 1 . 27 1 , 4 . :T7,31[11,1r ALMERICAN AR:D • 1 Dt.r, u 04 1 ,, ShevtPM rime Iron larillgo i,ron; Angle nrol %.^ Guard Lran; Coal Screon Iran; T nans,.l.6 s.2Glue, to the yarn Tram fasits,puneiled and (mum. tor sank • Etaiter,Thridge and 'runt 3ttret6 Cut Naas and Spates; Stl: d Boat Spates; Lail:or-ft Sptket; 112:11. - trad Fish Cart and Dolts; Eta iiroad Car Wffeele and Axles; i 63_ eat Citr vittrels:and "Wei; Coat-Pik C.,. ^.Vbeela and Ailea; Patent Co3d Roiled Sharing; t . Pateut 61dt - tolled i iStOSI Rada Iturger and praper Fart. TARE , W.) Watzr aati ITJA Vroat 111?..talta:110U-T" 1`;433, 22,24 and 26 River St., jcl :5 CHICAGO. 'ILL. STEEL WORKS. SP;O4-21 & CO lat HST EViiiall) CAST. STEEL 3q11A12, =IU Cana 11 MM1T.6.1r3 Ca oa ot, SA.Vi PLATES. RAILWAY SPRINGS, 3 at cud .Plow 61021, PLOW V LU36 ec.U.,LiWZiI ETRIES.3, LIMO AND tIEEL TraE, V.P.1.12r, TOL L ND :.1,`,11: ,AtITKITLFA. Ware1z•.. , 34t..3 Fittsl4Bh, WOZZA EC= • 71.7.03;11.F1 N.lll'LLLc7.l;Pragident. Tr.rao !rnrlol arc tPit en Wad 15Ci a. at. r 0 I Ctet, yr,- 4.6 to 1111 . 016 langinesorEyiry De•c rtlon. Aciltre, Oil Tnnta, Sl' Grant Str2et. ==! PITT , Et r ":"H•r..A. CARP.ISON & PITTSISURGIV, P. r try Collected HOTELS MCC= Uponlte ipe Union Dn. = J. P. NN)DEU, Trimractor rztoxquvron. =I C:4 fi.;•)%7:a2 LI 014" S TRE la . Math 42,1 - 41, rittstrigh. Pima !rim Wert:, =1 .211tsoiling Eugine Casting!. Machine Ceuer 1 OM3E-13 SOLICrXED. MUM FRINIIRY.., on,. a. rqvcrsox CIIILLED aGLIERS, CF ALL SIZES, From.lnn,Fte I, Emn, Ztce, Copper. Su re bota. rune I,•tr.:s., 1494, A13 , 1134 . 04A !tn.% }Puri. A ISO, I,, , rott< ortil 541:50, Potent Pouble With ! .2010" i:T:#T art..ll rnln qtr'77.rs. , m7:.• t L 1!.: ".. ftrimsm 7:25 a m: Watt's No. T... 0:50 a • WaN's N. 1t... 0:13 a ml•Cloololu i n c h La. 9tio • tr,Walts No. 1...11•31 a 22 V: 1 ,2 I', 1' ';:11! I W in..L111.. o. 1:110 p 4,7 I W N . O. 0... 222.; pmt W 21 1 ,2 Na. 41 , 0 ts tr, 1 0 7 it11 . 4 3;l'o ' " Ir V a,tV tttTt!... 0 ......1!g p p su m 1 Altoor.n £12.22.1 . 9 5 Walps p I Larstr-mtstmet , 1 text. , The Cheese Trahms leave Wall' s S emi! n t"rem sehas7 ssiS a. at, rmstaing PILLS Sat 10.0 a m. Itetanalvje . avg . st. , lttsbUsr to sltffi;n:lS ' Esgss ". l - e ' fr:; . ,101fi.- t. .&11 02201 testes amly 2222,2 2 222221. - patitotelphta Exprma and the .2.1100125 A 22212- modattou and: ittalgrentLeraln arrive daily. (tlrt etnexti Axprets arrives dolt, except Monday. All other troloo dna, os oo oroodor. • For further IntOnaltlon sop)" • t • W. Si. aitunatint, The rennsrlvahLt ttatlrOad Colupeny iritt assns. rMx for Nolptm, ex pp ernt f9r . s7!..mt n Mg .2 222.26212 22122 too at ststt of 1 toe owner, 051103 eaten or nnool , l cootmet. oDWATR , H. w : Goteral Superletentret. Altoona. ea. FITISSUPZ, COLIiM4US di CNC!NNAT) R. a PAN RA.Nrio - ROUTE. ou sad arer SIINDLY, Artll trail. .111 luau tan at I.nton Int., . _ 1.1.0117aGn 1 . 1141. ' I • 4 Der...t . T.4. Ann.lol. i. YutLine................ ..... 5:13 /. al. 1600, Y. 11.. • Nail 2,e1/. U. 0:11 T. It. ; 111Sed . ' - 1:14 a. u. Cv4 P. le 'itenterrtll4 AEO , OO4OO'OO 1•. P. U. 1(01, , ./. Y. XeDnstelll •10 . .... 441 r. x. - 1,0 A. V . Waitera .lo ....11:00 a. 01. 3:44 1, . .. Thy MX 1. X 1:0410 arriv, In Cincinnati a j'• lor. n. 1103 wan 4 .1.A.,_ ltllloUlte 1N Al) VA. an , CI 1111,11 140'01. . 13 . -No etanio or aa re betneenlyttaburgs rad • C.naanaal. and 1,..a.0Nc. entr_ge so et. Leal. Cairo, and 111 a yrl4.lpal PO4ll. Wen and tooth west. Ir'hen nu:001410j Tlo el 4 be rure and Ond in eel. of 104 • ' PiTlSßUitilli COMIEBE3 ir C3CINNIII B. It Union Depot, (south Me.) ri.D:f.ll.rrlllW.ltriP.Stitzu,Tir.k., o.,epa X F. MCVL.I., tiesertral Tick. 0t31511. JOllllO. 111110411.14 U. U. , .4panz. 4 i ap:11 • i . , 1867:: 04-WZ'..T:4O • 1867.' -. ,r THIS PIT 1111 tILYNti It, UT. WAYNE 3011101:, IR E. E., AND ELIA 6EaND.2I I ErIdSAUItII 11 `..., 1 TrIL . ins .2125 52011110 al :as Unlon 1302:1, sa tonal.: t• . . ....vs 1. 1 Otleago lf.x .... 2:03 •a/..C.251,2 E. 5.... OASIS 0.221422 Ex.. Ma, 4 tr. ' C1e2.5.ral Ex , ! Fate & Yff O. ILI 3,./ a 3.111131W0 17.1....13. ana . ~• (.11.alrlag. 11:1. 6:lf a m , e!Paelit,!2; Ex.. 10... •rt , 9tlesgo . At 21... O:tA atr ! . 1. 4145 . g. Lx 21,39 vs e .. (Ai.," La.,. 1.1 a S. :1:1.2440.... 3... p ta i GI. a 24112. 2.2 2:14 1/ 5 :rte 41"22 Ex 4,J1 pm ..,• 0 411=1‘tE . Z . .. ILI ;t' 51$:. Er .21::Vp'; i il.9g.r;°"'At. ll tfir,! , ..,,:Nrr i ip4l - "d';1: , 7. 4 .; I i........ - ...., .5.11.•111.11.3 . . 1 4:05 am . 1 1 1 11:40 a m112c115•1112 1 , 1 0:14 am i Eortetter 4 . 1:2. , 11 as i Nerr 02.16 ••1:x:33 am W•l5 a2l Vea'e 1 0 , 0 p:a i Laet,tdale t: IA!. 5 m Ir. 1VII: A' :? 11 II MIN . . 112` tau .... 1 ..... 7 :1 r: ' a, ' 1 N. Ur 12 • I• fat p m Latatd.:: •• 4:12p m Lestmlll4 tt 10:,,p m • 1 11 . 7:01 pma 2:15 p. 22, Chtraco Ex- 512-15:43 a ra Laws. . p ate tom. dtll9. r ..."1, , ,35111. 1 ate. 40 . It. NaElla. - 155.2.21 itcket Ai: t. . / pm^. saunou AND OONNFLLS VILLT. B. R.— 'Spring .exrangement. IrY 0.. d after THU - BBL/I.T. IthTCll MTh BM The trttas the Ittaat, eons: at Maas sae Water West., a, ttelhae. Lwr.. Ar r littraurrk. PriterWra !Tanta anal:re:la Bulwarks . .. 7:ta ner3 rat 1 Batmen. Le/ r. 11. 10, S. its Wert Brakes kart:mm.oa C;t3 F. :kV., Y. r"" S2t. 7 4 Rash/ " Braddock's "r' " .t T. U.' .7,0 . r. ahoday Ghana Ttala to .6 tr.en Wert thrsoths..— I:ra r.tar. 15:C11 B. NorTleleta arly co T. 8.. v( 11 ° Akan . u t. trr ant. • A itactianENlE. vALLE7 ROAD:MFIIM4/ I . A , On ' and e l j atUA.T. May M . Itl7, train. sr, leave snd arrive Yltobargh Depot, Cornet ;.I.MMe and tacit streets, as follows: Moves. Anger* nest Etaatedectss Acc0ra0..5133 a..M...11:54A. st. MAIL to and Own dia10'ny..7,21.1..X. r. X. Tint posit Work; Anson, SSA A. V. 'Second Illsktodact.as Ace..l:= V. ts. 15:SCr. 31. Mrsteaa VIA ITO= Mann's adt r. sr. A. M. nernd MaZ.Vsltegllgg.o r 2:M r.. 16 d iess ' N l .Vh . te.4C.l 7 AP.Tsrfne ' :ale: 4 l. Pontos. With doe of packets for Franidln and Oil City: -Man nonth connects WWI packets tram I Oil City and Trankno. Ctrs 11. ut.ledsetrolle. rept., M..9MS.tiLet3 BALTIMORE ANDEIA.VANA STKATIMTLIP CO l'A-VY. • ALTS. ItioWN Ormerni ATente. 'YOU LIAVANA AND NEW 05.1.T.ANd, CAS IO INt.• TME UNIT - LP STATEN MAIL. Tha Irtert-Clscs iterstalsim of tide Una I anti ro follown ••111:51.1TD—LTOtenr, for New (Means vla Key West and fhtVllll, Alba. L. Bata, Commander. WES NE-11/ AY. Air 111751., "CUBA," 1413 WIS. for New Orten. and Havant., Command, onSATUILDAY, ir-asar. I met% atieo , elsek M. precisely. on tin days an -1 Tor ste. Or erga, having irmaryarae4 . 14 1" ,retgiirE.D00., Mel ts. ls irrAr.NlWsumr. 1.r.11.—N0 of tardtio'erls tiicbocruieco;a. ally ne signed. Veroatte for the freight L Ir trocured trorn , tola °Woe. No Co:tett received ao, Milord' Nth= at.,Roed on der of aril. tar, R,TE GV TO AND MORI TWIC O A W N TDE. GITTEriNNETIIOAWNW.K. rana EVERY EVERY WEDIESEAV CAEUYING B. MAMA. Mateo real to and n. Ireland, Sngtnnd Sao laud, lirrmany and Tremor. ADDIr it tat Compprea OM , 4 N. VALE, or. 15 Proadnar, al 1 Or. WM. HINGHAM, " Adono ErnreraoGen. Pltartaran. WORKS. CO., Ardeu, ar,L,A(4" rzczsa • OV I 4-1, 4 i ka 3 42' ,al - 14 ' • s 1 ?t fil "t . PENfiti._CALT VIANUFACTUR'O CO., X.'lttsibuvrrals. INA" ot: l tttl;' :144410m it PEaliA. FACT RIAMUFACTUWO C 3.•it'llasi=vaarscant2 . c• . pitIVATE DI9EOInE.9. oticsanas rEas ECIT.ZILT., near MO. For It, tart of Al allrates of a Dffv‘i•••t•ro. fn rivra t•ob roar day a m wakbaltely new sod care troatroeet. Alto, a laal Welkntet. se..l all Othel elreoviot Ida organsand their P AM "j". d n tn`;:ll4S %Qtr. I•tt.na Yonn atrro' GREEN . ALLEC--IVOTICE I' hereof gtern tbatlll44epwysf the Vleirre a o rut ' n oy, r a n f t o s it u rk l ..^i bt A 1t 0 7 . 1.11 ..' 4 " ,gga' . .": e pia , eruaeus to 001115 , ltrt.tt; • alltillre 01 IZ - feet.. Mtn been Med I Coon. al No. OD, Jtly Tena6 Ur. no will" cOtiansell. ante ObJecjZsre dtzagory. • - C. T - fl Ag t Tit :in-ENT BLUE 01 rtor snide just olentriretlittothc . ror.n intd . W4 rc t. 0111 r ots.t. U