THE DAILY -1162 th-E 'M , rusubluED LIMEY . OIIIIDIU (SUNDA:a XXCltab.) REED & CO., Z' Z'CIIZOTZbiCIII . IIIII, N. r. Kim, Cu Itaansen. 1. a. ratiancdir.—:. T. r• ruitradori ' Editor*. uaz.ETTr. BU/LTINU 111 . ASD fib 1•11.711 AYRES?. Paw or Talent tennihuis. AwricaiL RAPER OP pilmmusen ALLEGHENY CITY. taailicsr, .4 acsx lA COILIiEr:CIAL PArain use isisfnA:slll.7 = Akkik MPS' k 1 ir" U till= b gr,i47 . l.lZ*" 15.00.. =3 - GAZETIM, .PITTNETTRUH, M.ou. etcAittAntrgiT Oitytt FOII rge ACcOMMICIDA.SION or Priimrs Isom- Inn the city during the summer months they can have the G.zatTs Matted to their atlarees, hy,orderhig the same at the oaten, tore •a ciente per Week for. one Week or more., ' : THE EGATII or, MIL,DEIittON, (Dem ocrat) ember or Congress for. the La. zerne « strict., was announced some days ego. The last time Mr: D. was a candi date, his competitor was Mr. James .kitcrium.o; the 'first time, Mr. W. W. Knrcncsr, IV'S stated, and doubtless correctly, that Mr. G. W. itOODWARD, who is now in.Etunpe, and v;hose.plue as . Suprenie Judge will expire next 'ter, is desirous of Congressional honors, and win . receive the.Deme,cratic nomina- tiOIL ITo is confessedly' a man of sopa abllities.and:persoind worth, but of seceision politics. On the Re. publican side, Mt. lirmcnum is proposed _as n candidate; r‘i, also, Mr. GAIIIILICK H4ninno. no fort:act is generally known and esteemed throughout the State. The batter was the law partner, some years ago, of the late Mr. I.lminr Frta.r.n, and has earned a good rep- Madan in the professlo.. We think it • probable he will be-the Republican txn &late. The Republicans w..t a special elec tion to fill the 'yncancy and the Demo crats do mit.. As the me is coinpara lively short, it may be cashiered doubt. fel if a special election ill be ilea Dannse the Franc occupation ,of Mexico the United 5 4 tea extended a P9werfifi patronage to he Liberals of that country. It was i conseqUence of remonstrances from. Vasbington that the French troops were withdrawn and Maximilian left to his fide: Upon the capture of that personage his life was requcated by Mr. Seward, as. Secretary of State, and thin request is reputed to have been the cause of his execution. The air of. superiority. which our Goy eminent exhibited had become as. of. fazaire as to be intolerable. • After the reported capture of Santa 'Anna it was Stated that the Secretary of the Navy had dispatched a war vessel demari'd his release, on the ground that he was takes from under the Ame, rican flag. It is now denied that the vessel has been dispatched, and that Santa Anna was taken from an Ameri. Can ship. Moat sensible men are COIITIELCCa that tilli sooner our; Government washes Its hands of the: 'Mexican muddle, the better! • fast town of Chicano scams de termined to ruin the bustness prospects of its old fashioned neighbor, St. Louis. Tbi journals of the former are constant ly Inventing :gross falsehoods whereby to worry and! torture the press of the latter. ' First; cruel Chicago strips SL 'Louis of all its merit as . a trade point and scouts at the idea of its aiming to . become ia great manufacturing centre. Then Clucagci visits . St. Louis with the cholera,. and :releatlesq kills hundreds of persons daily with the dread disease In order . to show country folks hOw dan. Rerens n is to vait the town dtuing the _ piefaleneo of tho Imaginary epldemic. And to crown all, Chicago develops a master spirit of wickedness in-filling the water reservoir& of St. Louis 'with hundreds of dead infants of all ages, alma and colqrs.. Of course a-country gentlemen accestomed•to drinking pore aarinrwater, could not visit a city where he should be compelled io swallow such a mixture of decomposed' buliSm flesh aid filth. Pear St. Louis! wicked Chl cag°l _ _ I.T . ttSERTF.S consideration that mostbf the newspaperi which pitched into Kr. OttEEIXT most savagely for going bail for Mr. Pavia, join in condemning the execution of liaanntlar: by the Meal. cans. They protest that whatever be the `deserrings of the as..emperor his taking oft is against the bat Impulses of the age, und_temls to beget new trdnbles in that A few of them, how. ever, are floundering about, as . contradicting to-day what they said yes- Lesley, and endeavoring to prove that while the political scaffold would prove intost beneficent hisiliution here; It t2t, unspeakably horrible inside the territo: rial boundaries of our neighbor._ Even the airion of the Hours at Washington In refusing to unction the atrocities of Jarsvi sextdsno ray of lightto the man - agent of them journals. We do not blame them. When nature denies com mon Sense to people, tt is useless to blarite them for the defillency. /at THADDBI7S STETILICEI recently in dnlgeltp correspondent of the New York 1 1,grel4 with - e free talk about men and matters in .Pennsibraula. The corres pondent dressed the conversa , .ion 'up, 'and gave it to the public without delay. :When Mr. BiEvEse read the talk in print he telt constrained to deny, in his rdsen - in the House of Representattves, the perfect accuracy, of the version. The public; however., will be apt to think the report substsintially correct, and that the °rest Commoner, in an hoer of con fidence, discoursed more freelythan he afteisfaris found it convenient to con ' fees. It Is not unlikely he will repent the indiscretion upon the Nat temple .-;-tion. It "is a way he has." - Tax Fenian leadeisare said to Balch peoullar Significance to the reported note - item the Russian government relative to Ireltutd. If this Is a tact, we al:lancet their eteltatlon will be7brlet. It Ritssia his sent such a note, it mutt be taken eta an :Intimation* to the British to stop. meddling with the affairs of Poland, ' " I ' rather than the indication of a purpose Ito undertake the rextilicalon of what is Ig-wrung, in Ireland. . A. lil7llllllll gentlemen are dcairou of the appointmcni as Ili:kilter to Am!. It hi most desirable that a_man stuauld be,aelected whom the. CO:I%TM • Meat lists need or—one who bits sense, cOntiga and promptttade. Ledger derotra -C:Ohlicitt to discussing the, anastion."Do we lira ma long as we !nightly A goon - many people, as matters go, lire much i ongo i th in it is worth relate le have • • Them. Ir Cor.. 014581 r did not start off with hie Euroriean letters is brilliantly as was antielpited, be is making ample amends by lath - easing in quality as be settles down to the;work. , _ ru Demoeride of lowa have nOmi rutted: as' their amdidAto for Supreme Judge, Mr. John IL Craig, formerly of Washington county, Penasylronln. „ Raymoad Coßtelosa—lfstat illy:Telegraph to the Yittibargli CISICA00; .Inly IS—A collision &mitred last ...ins MI the Clatmao and ht. Loma road, two tulles north of Gude er in Urns. ay county, between the nanresi 'passenger train solos south and trelant train corn ing north. One brneesdain rtes killed, and s nasalise mat fatally „The baggage car. express ear.. itb MOWRY. guisene coach were horned. Tile two es: were demolished nod several. pease.- , ppm slightly =fared. .Tbe frealMt end tot. Mg lint of its regales time , end ~bogidbgeg..- t alted at Gardner until the seetrager Van had Weed, , : a • ' 1 ‘,..• ~ , ,- ,i , - - i li . ''••: - . :,...Y. , ,•; . ',-1-i',.:- . - , ^ , -Ars-• •-_ ,, . - - z-g -, tie. ,- ,...a....:„.•••, - . 5::-•-:. - -,,:,=2.- . 1.7. . 46 1 1:30, - 41 ~i7. - #; - rp--, - ,•!i ..., . , o4,3 111:4 "' : :,....f.! .. ,..i f :%-- • ..-1 - / . - . . . . . . ~..• t •• " ,04 7 .'" -. 7' ,, , . 4 .: ? • . ' - ', ;- -/?? ---41"--rit..... 3.c. ~ _) • i _ i _!__. x ~....,,..::‘,7.7..a...„.1.5,,:......„„.....„4,...L,_....1*,..:.,...,....,..,t . ,,,..,,.?„,„...,,..;.,.::,...,: ;. ,_,," r. 1 ? ci,..... " ( ..- i ~.--, .2/ I , 1 , I Ii 1 5 . - r- -. ),--- , i 1 - _At - t- -- •---- ---.. , •,- i ls '. l A -- 0:4e. - ' ' ~-.1 -- -- - i I 1 1 ' 1 --,,......- - -, -- . --. A .•• 1 ------ '1 , ?..!,?;„... ..v :4.. ---- .. - 1 z- :--- -- \ 4 — Z . r : ---16 r ..„ ..., A ., ~4 04 •) j '),... ' ),, 1 ), ,' . , . . 7-T-f---? : .?i ll i ; -'4 : 7; 7;.Sf '-'74*-' 7 - ;:eii244 -;;,7 ss i-7 -. 7 4 . % Si 4 - 1- : : : :' 1.. - ! . , -...„7:-.4-,_,-.,.:T;:-.._---,.....,_-_;,-;.. 49 A i (s ______-_-_.../_-_,"- - ... , . , 1:;...... , ._ . .._--, . • --- : . _ ri . 241: . • —l. . VQLUME LXML--No. 159 HST MIDNIGHT. CONGRESS n Extraordinary Session. SENATE - RECONSTIIIII;TIoN DILL IN ME HOIfIE. Maximilian's Fate Discussed HIS EXECUTION JUSTIFIED CONFERENCE ON RECONSTRUCTION (By Telegraph to tee PLOP:meal Casette I Wasmeorost, Jell . IX, I 'lz7i SENATE. natiATITE VOTE ton, _. Mr. DINOI; stated that he was nears:dd. I A vote on the ensnension of the rules was bly absent yesterday when thrift.. the , .. f Ai,. taken-yeas thirtywieven, nays forty. If eemalitrootion bill was taken. If peel. i So the riles were not suspended. eat be should have voted against it. TheJuint resolution, by uneelmoet con oo.teee e „ eret _ e .,„, e „,. te , r rrerormo rent. was then introduced and referred to , 0„ , , ,,,,,,,,, 00. the J ail salary VOtotrattee. Mr. CRANI)LEIZ. tall. up his resolution of the A rest: forma lea:he M ir prim ten thousand copies On Mexican affairs, and Me n allettell JO. an. Mid en the tablproceedings in bankrep MY Drying the execution of Minh:alien. lin Mr. PAINE lutrmluccd a militia bill. Re hoped Congress would not salience witheut (erred. r expressions, not only of es fellatio% bet MO. Mr. MORGAN presented a memorial et at 'med. be, to Mexico. It any European thi, Arkenme Amely for the ePP.Pfler monerche determineil to light Mexlco. it i lion of two and a it lab millions, tonal ln the cant eget the United Rates eiso.mtit when i eon... Mien Of levees on the lll.lnippl the whole world could whip the Uniteal river. Statoron Arnerlean soil. Mr. INGERSOLL objected to ha rerCP -I,oliTicr. rieralt. Lion. Mr. WILSON asked that the resoluarin be Considerable debate ensued. lad mere to albite him to if it bill ett. A mee''''.,e was received e'eneee'eU'g that 16011E113z the Secretory of War to mire the henna, bed disireed to tee House teet . reeheuets of ereentorr ter r , ettoo tonendidents to the ti ceonstradtion .11 • detenee, and appropriating {l,ell.oD6to pray 1 and asked ta conference. A Conference Com• tamps already celled cut for Milt tirp.o. rottloo nu" nerved to. Messrs. e rk.ENS, Mr. TIPTON obtained leave to otter a hill f 1.101.1TW ELI. and DOLMAN were !spectated for &similar Demote. on tic Committee. Both bills were entered to he printed• , --i Tito discussion on tee loyal states of A.r- Inn,. w. resummi by Messrs. KELLY, stesteats Awaits 0060200. NIELACE and Others. , The consideration o , ' the nnoletien Of Mr. 1 Witeout net lee on the question of the CHANDLER was resumed. . memorLil, at tell the H.... ad}crarned. his. FOWLER . ..rote against the ftEct* of __ this gor.rament toward Mexico orie l% I ll ' ieteWPli 'r [Ml,.. ' s tro " =el, ° ;ol THE SURRATT TRIAL ~.,...,,Im erreution of Maximilian. ' I Mr. JOIINSON maid sae s e prectical Sr. mit likely to flow from tei tesolutloa. It we. mere to w any lattalatire.l Important Testimony for ['Meuse. salon. As he understood the tams, they i were not as Oct forth. the resoletion. The ' decree of 1.963 wan edly Intended to apply I - to brigands and guerrillas. Maximilian • , SUREATT AT ELNIIIA, ~ Y.. ON AS .- 'mild have given Alerico a better genre. i ' In at then elm eves had. 1 SINITION DAY. Mr. NT V. spoke In favor of the resell:Don. Herenew]. Mexico. I:enmity bele:mine 1 ---. to the United States. He euteglmd Juarez.. Cal Tele Ile w. Wgretst and good man• who, though vapti to the Plisseorge Gazette. I not a warrior. had, like Minion, lead ere a, I WoolturaTen, July 13 lail. armies to victory. Ito (Mr. Nye) bud Ott 1 , Detective Claret Seale. to facts colt tympathy with those Imported monarchs, i the, acme to . r 00,,,. te ta m net to tertror : I earning the artist of Mn: Surrett and a ate a country. The enlightened world I convex:talon with hero which she said *he would bey amen to the tata et Meximlllea. I eats Booth at two o'clock that day, had not America, while it regretted his deetti and j to tenred Ids brarerY. =talnet dene e , i seen John Surma tor two weeks, Ito was le tate w m a jest Wm - 1. rainerared e {clarity Emends., .1 she got a letter from him; that .4 • fratenfal policy towards Mexico, end. I a colored women In her boons else said oho - •Pabstan tint aid if nmessery. ) m r. taageita thought ttfeh , r , preretee I had not seen Surrett for two weeks; also tae Court Martial before white Matimilien I tmteded to sating Lloyd at Surrattrille the was condemned acted lairly, In emordane , next day, who denied that any men pa.. with the laws Myer. Re spoke et the tie. ' there. for lie heal been no all night, nod erre of October, IW,S. as most Inhuman wall mated God to witue. he did net know the pe ra rtly baarous, the murderous deer. of a Isms . men. War.. went to Welehreaul, room, a seeeemtel tilgeway tubby. In his ; ID. nod Mend two himdkerchiefs with care opinWin Maxlmillan meta...tan desereed l mit's name, and told Weleamen to take rate. As tho friends of Slextro a 1 the In. i n e at t o .he might n.i [hem. Wltaltion dependent. ot nialoas. St batman the Seer neat to Cana. wan to i he with ate orthe United States to stand Margo , him about the e.dgerelatel , acid he said , In her struggl.agehist Imperial m, u bleb jhe lest It In coUle &TOL. one has jest eves thrown. 1 JO n. A. McDevitt else testified so,tee ar. Mr. TATES Monger. this sub) deserved I rest ot lies herratt. She an.. she had not more dlte.slon than it bad red, laud I seen her son since the fall of Itienmen , it therefore m o ve th e itirther emblidetatlon , the coored sofa. said she bee not roan , be poetponed, and Senate Co into rxecutive I him f il e two weeks. Witness told Welch. , sesaion. i men to report at his office next morning, LYDIAN ntremettna. a nt to consider himself under arrest. Wit. Sir. ROSS Offered a Jolla resolution for I nes:nook Weichenie to Cauede. the sem:real!on of leaden diMeuttle.s. Or- Lleetreee: hberita Kent.. corroborated dered lobe printed. i I thin ',simony. The colored woman told i she had not seen Jeßatt for se regal ally. g g.n.g. ‘ ...... gn....C.5. .."....E." .. j Dr. C. it. Wyatt, readies In Prince Mr. FOWLER offered a reset Rion In- t tioorge'r county . , Mil., testified net never structintr the JoiliciaDy. Commit to tr.' drove any Mines home from Mn. Surrets d port a bill tor the enforcement ofd the pro- i boom; was neaer ut her holm: lit Ins lite, vtotrut or the Constitution, amulet!. Corp I Alin llonorn Fitzpatrick tecalled- Wit :trees to g.rentre a liepublicart M. - at et 1 ton occupied Ilta. hurrettn Tome) slaps government, an. . . I elm her; rotate:ler the night of the a.- Obtseted to, enclies Over. : , a.stext len; did not see John &moat at the' _ , , . eons. or inset rein. I hecm Colt ,lay; ha was Some taunt two ~. ,„, 1 t.onkti inners mu John was not at the `After the Lereotire aeett,,,:y.ila7. ...u. - • I hou, a on the night of the akbattilealkelt irked that the Hume bill , log that. tee , er ,,,,,.. ae t t cr es ge ... t t a t seal. ra. merneholett the um after the,=ndor r,rot at the bonnet lie Ina a good de le of the rebels should net ha deem vet-,, , n e ,,,,,,,, a ,. e remora , i h. e se d to gear Orll.loo tag Jilt v wmadearps Moon.. attee. knew a Mr. EDMII_PII:3 obleeted. • • ' i mon who eons LO come there enured R A KE at ..i.t.XCS Snit. V. I.lolli LW never patentl at the boons Ille. DRAKE moral to take op the resole- , et p es . er , „ tato ., c „, g ees , hen er tine eat he re eistollmentot the hill tor the . t ,.,. tr , et t h e ate . torar y tr t a h ..... P.ment of the ItlovOiirt militia. This hill : intreduad to while. by Weletimen w as missed tloogrem, hut felted to Minh the i Wood. Daring supper on toe nicht of the President to time ter his signature.. ' ...satiation witness heard footsteps going Cesuilderable s eerdiseinst aned OA pole.. eo rte , a; they am net eo lulu the ~,,,flo r, e ighteen. calor when, by tootle to nays I en, ,,, ..„o Cr , ut tree, tale the parlor ex- e the See.. rettard lo iathe tiro` 1 rept Anna, alto was not well, bet snot to meal:Mien no. ' bed. In the tortoise t4lio progent talked !teem from 4to 7=. ' , e,neraiiy. Wmetim." remained some zezatne seamen. I thee, ultimo, ales Miss donnas woman.. The =UM of the Route on the 11..- I Mg him:atter about an bone lie retired, ...mien witness, Miss Jenkins end Lea structten hill was Iterceinced. • Mr. SULKER naked tot - all op his bill far t Serrett is tie Pe e ter. Widec. old _,...: neirersal an t e . ktuffruga the butes. I leave the toren derleit that titne. airs. Leave was 1:10t paned , berratt tll.ltnt appear exalted; didnt seam The Reeentit netion hill wen taken an. ', up wad down with tier beads le her hand', Mr. TRUMBULL moved to rater It te the I mid es' , We:elm:ea m P.M :Ur her let.- riatiletary . Continittee. ' • • i tans, neither dtil lie reply he did not Disagreed siiil3 against 3). i, prey . tor peoples intentions unless he knew Mr. EDMDS snored a umeiconeurrenco I what they went Wituses and SU...atlas , rafterali forConferen.tionalttee. I did nut hid him good night - at Ms room AO. lon w debate, it sees agreed tit ~ I 9m, ltd w1t. , :...... 1,1 r, t h 0 e.•. , .% e0 e .. /ellta , t Mesers. TRUMBULL and I.D.NDLOCES ;no had t . 9: + a o , a, °Q... . , le ase .. we''' me m. thw C*Pk.r"'w'' G''''''' ' .. I tXrTI re IT; i ' t ° .\!rs " r sew lest ' i . o the me on me pert of tee eat_ Mr. WILSON introJticmt a hill approprl- yea AL:rebel . . Capt. MIME canto aoOnt 10 o ttoy 41,6txygn too gerrytagato u.,,a,.,,,,,,, 1 'clock arid tsedt line tar . a 2 y . M . Da ne d . e , sitt . e , s z lion bill to effect. that beteg the rim et. ! MI. Aume. ,4t!. an.: . ! , ....1 . ‘ . ~ _ umcted by the War Department for the. I Premet doe t hoc? , : e Y: toet meePan .keti tire. Ward to tot /1/131 btle a Wavy one purr... • &Injection was made, and that:llllles orer ...I 11l I T ~... .7 ,,... r.;•,; : r:t .t .t,...b2;!, , v,t....ri rb. ..: . - egirseaah ahrats.e ethh• I team of being taken down there for each a Mr. 51731 N Lit called up ha Universal wit:. crime .'' 114 m a hear Mrs.. . et „. , floeth !rage hill. and on minion of Mr. CONE- , Wo., only on Instrument In the bands of LING, It sne , rend et I , mall.. I n 1 .,141,./.e to puntsit toe mond and lion. , Mr. EOSIPSOS rats. a pilot Of Meer , It „„ ta o a t en; dm not recognize Pay. till , that/an t:U.IIN Eire Intl Will OUL of order. i tee ;night they were arrested and reached Mr. SUMNER. defended has LAU et some I ho-,..,-r, Augur. length. cinema It Etetrart.Merclient tailor at Li nn Senate voted the blll Ont of eater. 1 mirs,terr in, d-On the root nth.; of thelgth of Attempts were then made to tnko up see- ,a ,, r o . t„c,,,,,, m ai t came te a ith e otre u e rty eta: ll eeee et". but et 'd ee. "' nee we ' ”"" 'e ' I , cut vast-o ;skeleton emit-Miele without 1 -, acr e the Llerk ot the House annex:toe ol I 1111511F13 IlDliplu,todst the belt. a t'(trireme. the rentent. of that brely to thereof... fro ,. too , 0 ,,,,,, ',anat.. seltaimO t nem called tor by the Senate On the Itccen: , . o , ...,,, loo , ue . i . oy oraon to him. , struction MIL 1 . IV itrirm has lean the; Ulan %rain, te.tltly, at The Senate then adjourned. , tt.e Jul. end the e per at th e bar witne. , better veto be th man. 110IIIIE OF REPRESENTATIVES. i i frth: o f:x, l teru iv t inzte ki L ep iTint,.eld . ra g .ere m r . T . ' La.° ''' a ' ree ' ,le ISO; on tee ISM of A il mime to wit 51r. JULIAN asked leave to intred a , i n store ups asked fora peculiar kind of nwelution deelerinitrOrreft ed to the 1: 1 t 1 " .4 ! shirt. Witness did act have tbo laud 'Pates all lands granted . by Coegresr, in ; wented. Wane. remarked that we have 4,3,1, to btat. la the • South for miltond , reeelrell collie Very gal iteWit 111. morning. purposes. which grants• .Ptred by limit.. I This mon replied. . • witness at drat I th.euebt, Olsrecoe. et billy. Witness b. seen Me. WOOD objected. the man aneent jell here. The prisoner at. Mr. JULIAN mined 10 rintueoll the rules. , u m ', we t s t h e me , nnd seld there were n0wid,000,344 of eons of h, Frank R. Atkinsen,Alderman at, Elm's., the beatlond In the South tion up le the tend Leith k.per tor damen t testified 111. ben. of rebel corpomtione, at the 54...- 1 . . theldlit or 14th ot .ap 'ad, flea eared WM/of Peer Mem whites end hieks, win : la the spire with xi dark grey coat on Welted should have some for their homestead , _ b e the waist, and be aretttill with a Mr. CHAN ILL.EII, mi a. inember or the Se. I belt; nave Ito doubt tbe prisoner lathe men. !pet Committee op Southein Itallreitils, Ctn. I It o ro , n otnoo s ame, tea teteetre . Le o tree tad that, the question Or tbe relation of , ta ihme e tweet . etter. those TOutlEjto ello tlorctionitut wos still I• Joseph Cerro, rerridlny, at Elatirei and d argued the.t. the I cutter In Stewart .3 (Moan store. tratieed under Inset stet e h . cid be' I in the store mo both action propos. by tblareatol l l.4on we i that the pr sonerwee emu:Were., the Nth sad itth of 'April, telling about Mr. JULIAN exile...ALM williardets to , e h t dh,„, we distant Ito ," eine of g 0,,,, modify his resolutiOn lii at tO Make Iv 011.3 ! he thootro d s o y. 4111 r morolT. ! Coin t teak n re.. un tit tom:arrow. ''' hi n :. dit r ANDLEIL argued that It W. a peetsd qaestion, end uhould be referrod to the special COuittilttet , having that. Matter , FROM NEW YORK. i • in charge; ' • The rolisi Were sitopefidca—ninety.noin to _ _ thirty.throor-and I.lm romiution. totio Li, Um o [Rwo .3 lb confirm Its upon:Moll to - 111atisstphl. At. I , ALLliooti TINTON/I: ACRESTOO. hams, FlortdaAnd f,oulsintm,and reterriog Now Y000..1017 Margaret Groh; thee theSetecteommitteifennonthota-gall-.; Fervent in tho of J. IC Joesup, on made, adopted. :" • t Staten Island. hos bean arrested, Worked Sow oshrthe FOTO:a. with peironont two farm hands named 11r. DITTLEIt. arke4 'leave otfor,an el eh- I , t , ' - ' l, Y Uovh"rtitt l ed hotY, all of who& imbed: • • • otlite preamble and rwmiutititig, that the iptoteruMent of Louisiana Mut been I . 5000 w? To GEN. 0100SER. (lodated uleglil anti 'vent, and therefore he t The surviving officers of the Irish Brigade 'efficient Moans eon be taken by the author- t hare 1 . eeolve.l to wear crape on the lett arm 11.1 a, for repairing traces, orilll , wlinif for Writ . (Nye, to mascot to the character for repairing the thaw; thocoforo raw:A:Mg • of ides: Meagher. that the district commanderettall 11000 t • power to issue endon bends lathe %menet of four million do llars. at 73.10 per omit., and that this sasucthilon of such debt shall he A cohditlon precedent lotto admission of the Slate. - Alr. WOOD objected. lir. IitITLEI: moved to. suspend the rules. • The rules were not !upended. there being bat twenty-four votes in theaffirmative. . •`aerate OIX/oIiSTOCCITOO DILL. • Mr. STEVS, of Ponasylvael.t, frau, the Cemeolttee no - reintrted • back Me besets Mcotrastruction hitt with several amendments, mostly verbal. no sutotituto lee the first settion. declaring the tree intent and meaning of tau aut of March 7,1, 1007,40 have been • that • the gat , erorecnte then existing In the rebut Agates% , were Mattel, end therefore each govern- Meats. if eentinoedovere le las continued I Lsusdeol In all rmpects to the, roditary rOrn•l Smolders end Wu anthem) , of CotirlO.. Among the Dew. section, reported Is one oireeting thm none of the phloem of reek. tmtiou stall pay any regard to the decis ions or dirt:awes of the Attorney litheral, or any other officer of the trovernment. ex cept as directed hp Congrene, 'rite bill was 110 b tell troll! half past I ORO olclooh, when Me. STEVENS moved the prevems goes. floe. calling for a vote Ott WO ratted. amenatoords. The asonournent sub:Mating the first siemum of the Ronne 5111 for that of the Senate was adopted. The exacollment retort - 10 kto the Attorney (ice mal t sdeclaim, was medico , ! to read Su ldettlet Commander or • offithr of One `Uuanf of .ILogist ratiou Wall be bound IA his action by myv 0111Olooilf any civil oricer of We t Uerl ULLA. end ave.' to. All tan Other wore agreed to, and the hill as amended gOlto back to the Senator van xv sicArtose The 231".EAliElt presented Executive mom. muelcatleiss..s follows: • prom th e necremt7 of the Treasury . In oompliance with rviiolo saran etb. SilltCLuellt Of %ILO nUnl. . V . r rof .mms of CU.. 0 - Ved ala 11 of the now - appOintees; also us to the nee' of the colleathal of nein.... during pa Ulu year, IeGS and 1e66. • yrp. ib o. or eviry Of WAri traeplittlng. engliplieleel Erb Mob:sums u s the 41.11 of J } a report of the ddStunt Apwitl.oll . a.d. natfuntstin. lio n of of the temouettatothsa nets. -Pom. the SeCraari 'P; the Tretenry, Unamaltanf, la ,complinnee 5,f , 114 [twin. Linn Of the gth.luly„ a communication f rom The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, as to the amount of revenue received from the tat on d min e d liquors. From tne Secretary of War, tranenotting, in cou,plience with a resolution of July 9th, 4 report of the Paymaster General relative to necessary further legislation to leen. liato the Parment of a lilittonal [mantle.. Laid on the table and ordered to DO At t ed u quarter peat four recess till eight cgcloTdr. F. U. ar/sPING spieten. Tlin hcerotncy of War Was testy:mien to Inform the 1 - 10050 What 10141010nel r.ppro. relation wan requisite 10 Carry out the pro vision., Of the reCllnstructiOn act. A Born', atm. • OA motion Of Mr. 110LILLN, the rules were suspendpl and the bill providing that the widow, minor Children or parents of any soldier who shall have died atter tieing houorably discharged, shall be entitled to receive um additional bounty. Road three I tlines aml pima., unanimously. I UM eaCTIOn TO 001rst nra. Mr. Et& moved to suspend the rules tol onnbie Min to introduce a Psfut resolntion construing . the tenth saltine of :he act of Marsh di, so no not to prevent- printing to' eininectlan with the Issue, trimmer or es- sip:intent of lioverument bonds, notes, olli- Clot envelopes, or Cordiduntlal Circrilnts need to the Executive Department,by their own employees. A vote token on suspending the miles re sulted yam thirty-roar, nays—eo q'L le r‘ Caltrifthe biome was made and ninety nine members answered—more thina quo 111M, A slllownlk In Fulton ntroot coxed In this slternoon from the weight of bulldlnn me tertal thuroon. TWO bro. wars burled, but were oxtrlcated bndly Irdurod. FROM PANAMA i • Colombia Atfolra—Acosta. laaagarat rd President—thotera all steleran. pent thy Ten:grata to the Pitabureb tiatePa.l New 'Yong. July- 12.—A Paha.. - eon ; retpondent elates tonttienmal /toasts was tom:tally Inaugurated Preablent of Colas.- and Cabinet formal. Mmetuera's gunboat Columbia ban with. I. drawn from the placard.,or .Banta that and In coma to Cartbagens captured tbo schooner Jot. Stetson, sailing under ,itritish colors. .V.he had scull on board and the colombinthuittter as a legal prize. Tana-cholera lmd again appeared -1n Nicaraugua. • • Attempt at Startler and hobbit!". IDs Telegtaph to the Plitaberra tiassite.) Foamless 910 nom, July 12-Bovaral blood thirsty attempts at murder . and tOhban bavo boon recently Penetrated In the vi cinity of NOrfolk, and Portationith Dr Par . tics of negro highwaymen. 'foe a farmer named Oakum. while .10 Mrway to Purammith. Ate nit e e retest e his lon was sumped, an d d he wet. sot at Upon by two Degrees. wee Simon him on the bead who s heavy Iron instrument, and after wards Inflicting similar wounds about the body. Thry than I . ollbna of• all his money and valnatdes and made thole es : mite Min the woods. Not long after tun I occurrecoo kir. Oakum yea picked too by penman in the neighborhood and carried to his home, winre be now lies in tt precarious condition. Thtratithorittes have started a poste in nor,fult, and - abs most energetic, measures have been taken to alfectthe cap. I tore Of tile villains. • • - Ire an Eireusinille. === Telegraitito tee rlataberallthaeette.3 • Lortertelt, July 11-Two furniture Ulan- Wanted°. and thVernt other Innellogn were .10sta-eyed by ere at. Evanevalle. Indiana. on IredneedaY. Aflame% McGinnis,- a work roan, was burned to death, and three Otte wee and a woman badly bonnet. Una • r PITTSBURGIL I SATURDAY. JULY 13, 1867. 800➢ U MEN, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. NI IMPORTANT FROM MOPE. The Turkish Sultan in London RAND BID IMPOSEIG RECENTW: Serious Disturbance in Oallicia TUE AUSTRIAN TRIOS BEATEN Financial and Commercial I= ENV LA !V D. TEIL 1.C.3110.71 Leech,. Only it—able' Ada, jult en of Turkey, who left Pant yesterday, after a pleasant onY YO across the channel, landed to-day on the aldiree of Gll4l u.nd. Hu wet received by the Prince of ovales, acting fox the 1 100 00 . and by 1110 hidentv inninel, Sovereign of Egypt, end r m It) teem en. cortnel w the City of London, I. time he met with an nautically brilliant and ludioning reception. Thu London and Dover Railway Station, la whiotk he alighted, wan richly ! and appropriately demoted, end the through widen ho wen to pest were covered with dn., and ntreamern and epode.' by ,111114113N1 arch., hoe fes toons of float re. Tee entire rode of pro catch. from the railway depot to ham Pales, oe g ann.' cil en 1011, newt by chlicuirun lines of troch, homed niece, vast toultitudes Of epeciatort packed dn I. solid hates on the Mile ams 4, and crowded every Window and' Monne top Wherit the Sultan, accoinceuica by the King of Egypt and Primo of Wale-, Passed between the linen of soldiers, the peep', struek'by the novelty of the epic , Melt, manifested the moot unbounded eu tbuntaam, and the edam. of welcome. cheering end waving of hatullaurchlote banners did not dose mall the Seltan Intl entered the gates of the Palace. The royal residence has been placed in a stets ot complete preparation for thettecommo M iami 011114 Ottorn en Majesty, and will tic tie cepieti by him during hie stay in Lon'iOlL AL TILIA 0111TOKISASur. In OACilruk. Lesbos, July 111.—Iteports removed Mire from Vienna sny a serious dletnrinmen 11ne broken out in Austrian troop• dispatched to out them .loon were beaten by the natives. It Is balloted ttleSe riot, are canoed hy Entslan milmi..sarbis. who worked upon the 'Outlaw.' oroydvities of the elavonto population and created by their intrigues this feellus of dlimonteut. I= • *0 VTITED Beutto: — July IL—Tue Fo;leral meat decided not to entol n Mot , r to wzattington. I= Qmoommorrs, July sloimer Ltd- US, from Boston. ha. .rired. 0..1600, duly 12.---The steamers nts. Irmo Now Yorkomd St, tolorge, from truebec,lors syrlsed. - . rug /I.2IICIAL AND COUNEACt al. Lott pow. July ta—Areatiny.--Couvott clonel as Vf..S, (or atoned , rive., tA;;; lid- net. centrot. KIN; Erte, F1,11[1106 . 7, Jilt? V.,-•E.:2lit,f.—Unlttui Stow. rawda doer.' at ft - a; Lev surtax., July Erent,.—Cotten clown! without Int tu pt we., tut' , dhow uplaudw telt; (Mee". le t two butt. Ereatletaiff. gencrotty nat.! Dt-ough tea day. Corn al. Al per onarter forllldied western. Wheat: Caltfotatla. AD ad. Earley Erin, at tta for at:ly lb.. Oa'. adrancod per fort,gra 1'011.4 04- winnow,. at the for Canada. The atancitevter market for goods and 3arir woe' dull ae,l teary. Prorlitone Irrettulue Pork: tt• for prime tuuDeru rueva. , ilveldrut, at 14/ 1,1 per Vol. Bacon; blood for Otto:wrath' rot middle.. Cheese Of GI. Preoot•e—Ottitw. Ott for pow, Erwin ,• ortmranti, :et flaw Amer. Man, ID. apirtla Turpentioc. axe per cwt. Tallow; D. for AatULta. • V 4,1 pnr gallon for spirits, .04 Is to fur stanutod white. Loanow.—luty Ll—r.tenbad —The 11,1411.111 i generally ancttangtel. ougar Coln, at att ad. FROM WASHINGTON. (By Teteroortt to the rlttouutoh t , atotto-1 Wat.lN•rn., July 11., - lUL7, Titr. toCIvTV •Trt.S. The Paymaster General, In respeose resolution of the Rouse, states that nn far ther legislation 1.1 necessary to facilitate the payment el the micittional bonntier , many rlo.ll.ter• and elsrks are now en gaged la that branch of the service ra be ntofitably and Judiciously ernylOYed• Al, orlimal .coortliom the Secretary of the Treasury shows the eirieniii . • Of .railer +Rt 1 revenue from Customs for the }ear end lee i, December 31. I°f., wee , ;iftitzl,h , t snit tor lim i year endleir with Derenimr, lou, i'L'-‘ 17 .51 , 1. Tile reeelptl trent CUSlOnili for the year en4loo December INA: *ern 41:1.,751,161, iinif few they.. end.trig liecesulnir,lnle. eliii i isi,. 631. The execs. ofexperidltores In enllrothiu raenne In INISOVer Oct. VIZ: frr . ..1•701. it at tributed illi a. great measure It> the rx-obru• of the southern ports, and the appointment of cams for rho same. At inane of theso ports the expenditures execnil.thereiNt sod th e oflicors are Weil principally Gu ide preventive service. TIM el et Is eat,. I alsOby tile inert:M4M( COMberillaU o ll. and by I the appointment of .filters iiteizsary co carry out the emungling set. The Secretary of the Treasury. in answer to It reinkatlon of the house, lurking far In i formation . in the attiOlint. Of recent., re volved trout the tax- ou distilled spirits during the last fiscal year.- says, In hie oilleial reply. that It is iiittite.siine now in tomtit unicsle the tuforinsvors, because Only a part ot the returns from linden:ors 11.4.0 e been recelyiel nt the Intern:llD ivenue 13n. roan. U. adds that no time will ha loot In olitattalog the necessary lu tor InallOn. •TeeroeartleeSlOS tarrattrarion. The Secretary of War aunt to the Loose tc.elly • Mess of papers, telugrains, relative to the exemat lon or the reeenst roe- Lion acts, moat of elaiell leave bona pub lished. One order, issued by eOrntary Stant., Mac 24 , 1, uthlreseed 10 bemire! t: rent, urging upon him the necessdy of keeping termite always yearly supprete riots. me.. which was promulgated by Unmoral Urant to %lithe district , cam mender. On the 20th Junn 000. Grant, leant the follewitig to Sla j. Geo: tlril: • General A copyof your deal Instrue. ' Oen. to the Itaarel of Iteglstratlnn, or lune 10,1%7, le Just received. 1 entirely dissent 1 from the views anatulnisi lo paresmell Ith. 1 our clews am to the duuea ol Itegistora to register every man Who will tel., the re quire.' oath, though they may know the applicant perlugus himself, Is sun loud I by the views of die Attorney Cienerel. My opinion Is It In the duty of the Ineard of ItegunratlOre In ace SI far ad It lays in their power that. mr nnetithortzed pertoti Is allowedregister. To secure, thin resisters should b allowed to edallulateroatbs and examine ad tneesce. mss law, however, Makes tile ll:strict 001 re naanders their Oleo Interprt.ra of their p,rwer and duty under lt, and an my 09111.. to the Attorney Oenerel or roysel: eta no meaningan give our upiniOn as to the Of the law, nolther 0:111 they force tiller TOMS strtanat tee jll.lPoret of those made relipreabllPlO for Oho faithful en. mutton of the latr, too dldtt let comuaenti.• ors. Very respuctfolly, Your obedient s tuVant, U. Uelleral. I= thereto:Mt poßtal treaty lnttwncn Great Britain anti the United States, the entrue tpoity,poolcagetorol outtornsoir ow:moles Of inorebontliZe. ShOttllt no; •to tot lust than three Cents In Ito United lanadom and SIX amt. In the United State. toe °Vent 1000 °nom+, and nut for ovory tort 3., M aarten:lY printed In 61:1m0 Of tile neon,. perm reaps to lIIR TREASURY VAULT:, The Committee aponlnte , i by smart tary Mcendocuh, tocount. ch., funds in tito vaults j ---- of UtE TECIISEtty. LEVU - 1a...1, LAVO Curn• I The ledeperideore 'lose Company. pieced the !investigation, and the count 1 The independence buys have Just remelt.. pieced i foie dollars It. the Treasury ovt.r , • - the amount that rho N.M. f mli Me. The 1 ea another,sripply of hose, and slimild, by .mount of, n limn have IrosiEl , 1.11 means, have a steamer. This company thronith the Tretoturee'ehanfla eke. llarch, 1 to located in a portion of the city who. 1%1, la aboutSII,LOPIO. 1 ii n .",. o .more frequent than In any other : cage or SANTA AREA., 1 iceallty, anti a steamer:is ne.led .at this Dr. Nanbgayer, alleged [moot of Pardo I punt morn thamulay other pls. in tins oitY. A. . 4. b, . o . ~ .,..,,a n be ,.„ „.„,,,,,,%_ The citizens of riot ward should take the' matter in hand ett on.. The eforMany la oral !Senators. lt m understood that q.v.,. dy e Johnson la engineering tile .f of Santa ?..”_ola 0...9 4 r1,1. von? .fuei.v au Ana betel . ° the Mate Department respect- I f u r lash' dr, fn....! eztond mad urn heel Ins his abduoilon from a Unttml. buttes , ...,doctor ......' ..Moe. of the Most cal• dent sump - AWES ill •IYIrrICEI it properly TM"-L , - I equipped. A few hundred dolls. expen-. MID cuointta M H A LT . ,.I in this way mightsavo thousands to the ORT consul at idalega roporus hat kli the ~.. blows of that ward. Lot trona 'MVO it ports of Mallard - declared ford with cholera, ! Steamer by'all 01005111. . I 11.11 d all vassals from those norm to ramie in I lipeln have tO perform ton !lays quarantine; , IR orgasty ii,r. t at MA Mahon: . - .- . • . ! The following ili % report from. Dr. .a. G. Lila ..., a 8 ....„, / ,1. , Idceandlcoo, l'hyololutt totho Board of , . (Hy Telegraph to th e glttsbarakOsattto.l t lloslth, of too Intotutonts la too clty of gratnoncti,, Allee. July ..ilt.—A I oil or, ' , I . ltto burg h, from Jane :Ali toJ nI7 7th, ISC: .. a mib t:d7 n s ci m „ istw o D ,L . l:om;l r te'r.tvl".ponlldtrild:o ro ld: " r oi r e rl l , :li ") ,l , 4 l , :o b :th ' r o t°, ,, l r l th. t i o:t: i i, ro:n7i . le m o w ....t1a G ‘ l V o:l ‘ . o i :id . ; ::: .3 ,11::: . : ... L . i lion fu ti oose° of hoort, ; affection f sal unt 01 .,6,14 n th u aad a sCoyntrol• - 1 organo, 1. cholera Intsututu, II; moolnattlo, (131.iolelgrs":":"ata.mtjo:Forttli-inter---tErtille.ltocti ... i . 1 1 :7? 1 : . T 're t'lli o u. 151 1;:v ; ; ,, 71 ':'4 7 0 ,7 0, .. 1 : :, 4 ;.•'":1. i.0 : ui 11 u ar r 7 , ;; ; , 0 , 0 :1 6 3 5 - 1 to the tforold sap. A Brillah Mau or WV • rrom 30 to o . l i tram 40'010 . • . woe dlopaCchod to Itelow lelsadei Ana her I . ------ onions beheaded - a natIVO 'Ong fOr having At the Perla .Expoeltioo. 1.,w, uh,,, put to death as Zugl.l3ll 01309 Cepteln Wet - I moo.. Jr-. did not the j ury not not log throu ell his territory. . .- Ue erllovetdOr, and the Jury could not so d _ dltt not *word lam a gold medal at otlell. not they dOt award hint • Gold Modal, for whau Ilia Bowlngldachinool I Tha ' , I - Iowa" lipoid 0 ell M - •ere, - 2 Additional Telegram.) on the Fourth Page, I", LI slab • SIIIIIIO,iIAN. i*M3Er—The and tanAt rr. tf g ,tpte JibTity, and Proel4ce Mrirket Bo pnrl4 vill,by any pow,. in the oily, wilt be unci on du r 14,1:rth An, 1 - t Playlet: . WOlleerann-11010 Attempt to I nvoi•lsta Voutag Lady Into a Monte f 111. 6.0.• • , Anattlipt was Made tat , night by n' meek Ilea ent entitle to intrigle • young lady , a stra nger , in the My, into 1, bottle of 111-fault. wttieh would have ttl Successful btu for theltlmely inte.rferou e of a friend. The youngghttly referred to tirrived In the City in thektine eclectic train, on the Penn- t aylmella Itialroad, and start d down Grant street to /sitcom! to vhilt afr end. 511,1 had Proceeded/1m far to 'Solvent street when elle W skensted hi , a nutuber of "night prowlor a4 all land Ineeltra. ithr she ! culled for toe police. •In answer to er Call a man stooped oh to tier, ssylng he welt Wynne°. moo, and askod hot; where lobe 'milted to 'so, stm Inform.' him MO Au A - auto:lLn ao to No,l — Sc cond streog and being' a ammo, ,* tits city She thd not know - eberts o tend 14 Ile othired tit conduct her I thlthor. mid as he hail represented hltuself an a pollmanan she liCeeptatl stout otter, not shartad with bth, hut, Itlitead n 1 lulitnd / „, tossa i ~ , ,,01.1 atreet, lie tool: lb., ops , tin dret ion, drat had promoded up (Iron( sir 't to the ,)roin Elevator, and ,ilt4 .1 1 inut tor, log en Wash:or:on saran's, when tm 0.40 oVraleMl ht a Irlsed 01 thn yonoc lady. and Ide 111.1 . . , Cip e before the trigod lied Moo 3 "ant, 'Mon. Till rescue Oat mere uaradent. and wan broognt about, it wootd see, proeutuatlotly. The gentles mon .alto tearted the ludy le a di-taut oda • two, and Immett Main at the 110010 at which Atio liltvilL Vialth , g, out Infora,ad may rile ..otllt b.: Otero test evening, nail that see wont' 0.00 la On the eleven oteloea train, Iftly,Upila Ito toltsntecnal 1 110 sat's' vices to meet ter at. ths train and escort her down; she tit , aline Moo 0•01nr 11 he atart mt for the de ,or tor that par pas, flu passed op leant trnet tO Sure:lllh 1 11 e Me ac a acre the lady A Lana nada:toil hr Ihn roll ma, and In I salog Altrnugh Inn CrOWII addelt hall eullltell than,. heard the atrord. and ;madam the house 'nice( be bud Mat lett maul Marl by out, of the patty. 00.1 Oil elnp• ping a t ...Out heard mune one say: she wilt taut, or On %Vast:dm:inn street, to No. - Cranford stre,4” Without waiting Si, gear anyl 5:1,e t.ottto, to, stertsd tip Grant I , mM...shim/tad, and ovortoosr the joirtlas as at hat HWY. ' . • - Tho orgeoln¢ 14 an ovtdonen of the defer. nesters 01 ottr twelve I,mo:relents. An lollelent and Wet) regulated holt.. torte is nn malt, of every eat , and It to tattoo bins' every elty. .timid have, tor far a/ IgOisthle. It In not may tatettniltal by our alltier4, 1011I , It safety, enettoot midwelfare} depend wholt, but by traveler.. ol strangers, rely on It, and o. elope. (Or plat...Clain and etatvrelenea In p taste. through our coy. lc Is ulnleult wetter, ern 041101 t, tO Artly., at pat tees nn to anyththr: 1 0 11 1 - •1,111,1 Latta laTta,tlo l l, WI Ito no as near Deflect. as we min. I, limn, not on ordl• ' fleece raqulrlfaX W 61,0110. I torte te wear n ' prelerth . ed .nuttortn dread,, - If thorn Is not, there eertAtnly snout. ton,. It told not only ..ath the nallce travel, out he a great eons eaten. Id strougurs. There 11 scareely a otelit or a day pa. 4014 that lame of our rotten do Oat esporlence .1111 I• catty from their not haring south oint g of Olsthtetlonl There are ant tole Ma, no ruattnt regale: es (hoe tu,,y who n wilt assattlt or interfere Oath An omeer In the at toe delft..., and on the other hand mere ere us few if nut a loss e 1311 1 ,2,14 111010 will allow a stranger to •te 10 bold Of thsnrthogttlY,ta toet , nt , - 10111 01 sown emcee., nitho ut mating some dlort. to prows theul,elves. Toe time has ,arrive.: lit init Alts, 110 na thy others, when orstne oeruutho L gionts In tuda illrthtlon are lows ray neaten day. i"ie~lv~~seA. James Ilnicaf y, or Lon larlite, Kentucky, was the 'Vieth* or tnichlsoril rantlilence" s vraturilay .or*lng, to the "ten." Jr .a hens 1 Its:band forty iollurs. flu arrtroa at Cho IS übott thiput i 4 thr la clen.o'clock Lialn i On. i the ran LlandllaltallsonA, eimompaule , l tn . a vita alto tot i'ou the train at Newark. Onto. Vac tato.' twit tteultivatsol" 11c- 1 iSchry's arqualinteincs to such an valeta aciing the tr.pliost by the lane tile) arrlv isl 'itt the Or wa r,l neve Sao st to much about his bushier. its e . ary .111 Samara, Dinh ts. statol In a this M * • :1r mat before a . Hsi vicsitsLievlli rel.. hita iesout • tor:Arca n nn lor IV dnn• In bin rota.. sod, It an imal, knew h Vu act , It out. llianng ir .toril that 3.lrarcary list a triesol in the ,ittr. and anon thaw." annum, to V ~,l this nista:Lou:al: coal, Ito giciersisoilv osle,sa to hh•ill bite 111 Ma tor him, 1,0 n.— S ii I i list thry shirstail c.a. hoard Inc intict net, t io a IL, it t i alapolsoioitutril, sod Was can- S I to cloy ti. it t.olt•t. 'to 'A ylle stiLvet.,Wit, , e they 1 our,. .hewn tins ro on sinilsi they we to I occupi- lottaty. roc +transit,: 11.X4:....1 to- , fltsiesir ths , It woul.l tri thist bonne tear. I ILog to siiit tosilr thh.k.iti thloha,..etei.”..l nit If hihtioAry whill4hiiio hits ills Wwitht 1 ruld tech tintit glehhh stilt ri and get l , ... coml. for t ac it-m. he pricart . Nark Was et rt.', op and the it.thilir,%.linil Seiwti lithitti . .ah tt. Ils ilia not :la ern inol no receipt it the urines Ott viveii. Alter waning nwnitn,b,:linag; ',turned 10100 •tennt Son Rtnted 1i .t ~,,,,,r. Lieutenant 11,111,11 cm or the eight hail .• wi,ll. its iwirr.putif With air vistim to search tor ths, ittettur art. hi. Ora, ln Unit If OM nnOleibbnt th n othe r' Ulan netbi that be Wnpante.l golng to Ailm. gitery or 111ruttnchatn. Ss molt Was ihn.ll .1 iii h ith places, but vutirelv vi It heel i dent. I attintry ilia not aoptisr Inman:taloa, li , ll. urhiectly "mini soliontan.l the matt., With him o Ile Wee scs. - elltrizty nrOWlly, also valid hurls isaisko only rithtlisrlsultri and rsorrsai,lthalxiilist that ha ° lrtstin ° lino i iir,,,ii him, nr pat. DIM partially under the tut/ octavo: chit' eria0M11•11 . Ii 111•4 la Ato.nspilas lo fa rape feu. an bairn, IVcitemoloy last l'atrlok eosnion, of 1. Shisrpsearg, tenigrephed IO Ilarrlsbure fort Uriest ;Ilene ['atria: 'Moore, who, tt wile stated. wouid reach Itutt city try the no. press [min of the Col.irul scat. Oho. which lii tale into wits accused of stealing tram iteaslon slaty dollam awl a 110111 stmt. Tan ataugml. recognised by the description given of Odin la the telegram. WAII arrested on the train, +Anil 111011114 rICO. perutely Macao was finally secured. Thursday morale, Oilier 11041, of Barri. Derail. started will. Min for cm. 1 ring him with: hanilenfts. the °Steer at-' t.:h trig Ono tit hit Oars itrOtt„ 0111 1110 nth, ro 1111. prisoner's. Moore heharmi ; , vort mill on the trtlll, evincing no j I 800 to ha trig:admen. Or to make fps 1 413 P. :1.111 permlitml (the handcuffs j I~Hng 10000 elf) seviiral tones to go tinat tended 11l 1.110 water closet, or sa loon. Friday nine, widen noes Blairsville Intersect Mn, lan again Wont to tee elmiet 1-y piiriniallon. 11,0 elnoir's at font attracted bye oat ha sought lortsiiner and ,lhienvereit him 14. the act .IlJanouleg nseirwarilit lUe cur win .low, having main the lcup es the cancer moues °red to grasp hold a 1 him. The Vale gas atopood, setae!, made, and the prisoner Mend I}l,lo alongside the track inseasede. The hock 01 hts head W. at-lob ed ti seen on extent I Ina he lived lista few odouere. The woruhrought toe city, ant rerrigelscil as Blom of the person wt. coin obi tee the ritilvv,. Thirty Hollers gold flog orio - nfotool in the poasesslon 'tai Iliotleceion it. Ileeemed AlN•tit thirty years of Ur.. Vita .0011 learn milli log con ecroble -him. The lardy w et conlocil and taken in cliarge ot• er Itoat to yiestuaorm load imitate, In Orilef that 1.11 11111g/11M dills tic Oclit. =I "Greenhorn" of the Pi,riitch yesterdoY got his "buck, up," and or Mt those whisked . 011011 tho picture to some ;login° of tho re duo croft.; he would tom U 9 secure to Realist oatura In supplying us 11th 0(1(0010 I emporia:um. Ito indulges In solf.pralso, (0 nekton - as with 111,00 and epenks dipper, ; aglncly of or, hot Mahe, the con fesOon that 00 "uirtilreleled and in.pvinliolinn to good amount," itis "resulanio a intend Item" about j Ate ex,rlE•nett un o "krona horn" to a cunt fir. nor porumal ot the saki adventoro of "go:ruble... In it cool pitaltarded or ; ion u,,u,nent. We roust now conellier Om a mph, of itip 019;;1100 "readaele 1 general limy," although we NIL charitable, ; and loft open for 11101 (ho cxoura of had proof fooling Or fililsindfiring Itarsre Our kindly dirpontion was nut approninted, ; Oreentioru l / 4 " blood Is up, and lin Would l'eltisrlf us for speaking aiu. Anti !nifty of wilat manic bitr supplied him yen deptictid to up to thin stazio of our mi l. !demo, In ploW of lbnSnooollon4 whluh ho so recently' et portioned nu Ills "newtons ; num through the chimer - not dorkows of a rrow, contracted cit.! int, nearly undo in length," be rhould toriel( a more Chririlan spirit. if wo doubled before, riti doubt no loogor that•re "ghorn's" nerren tiro weak. en ho gave of. nis porno's situation tithe "oh Ivied:in" dark. neer, en., will fall, wu think, to nortirifico any 0110 otherwise, notwithstontilog thOY tory 'liore on. , orfrectit through +coal phi.. Veering . wo urlicho got provoked, should greenhorn," attempt 0 reline donionstra• I don, go will not further dlrturb his I nuxdty, and ho contour. to regard the afore. 1 sold de...Option Of 0(0 pooloot adventure Ili a coal pit an a oomph, of the "rondablo I general twins" will, which he favors the . ' Journal to width be Is attached. ~;~ ~<" , Don, the result of which tans the indictment of Ile. llershatmer. The intestigatinn was entirely peeper, null the evidence midmost Court or quarter Nemilons. : showed that, so far as the defendant In this ' es,. ivy; concerned. be web to be held guilt. [toxin awn LAI, warr..l Floe. Thomas in hi o , t lio f n irl o tl n ay t 4b t i e k l c o l :c . leck, ity;;;F:r..xtg'ticor'allerw'rinlcTlt'ne'g'ielverr°lll7l°, co!. , h"rliffilsie mtmaging him In lila business. i Col. D., while ho might net seriously L. It Duff, District Attorney. . irs,let on the euntletton of the defendant. miser. MEAT CASE goat-gas 1 mid Unit It having been proved he bought u e The ,h e ‘ as u , n , r o f oi t i h u e , Co „n m ,, triz o h i i es ,, l r t , h ,, v , a , .. i l l i e c o w r ,, y 1 :::: , :: ,, , ,... : ,.. ,, , , „ :::::: 1 0, .. c 1 : I . c . l:::b o s t c0 .. a , .. , I stdored unsoiled, his explanation rot to for selling Flesh of diseased animals, waS 1, isfactery, or consistent a lth Innocence, If hp resumed, the prosecution contliming their I deed onythlngnmenntlng teen esplanatlon evidence. I had been °gored. Ile bought the crippled ?Samuel Bottler ro.ttood—tu.tdo ut East Week. whir. mw or Lou nitee“ees li.ted Liberty; know Mr. iienitu tour pilot mums. was betchered, La If for market, note ent-, ed in' touting oil "dead mock?” know of i away for greabil manufacture. Woolblsir hts agent, Mr..kiclntyre, pnrettastog bum; I sew damatied hogs at the depot in East tab: stoat never saw ilerehauser hi d b.. i eriv, null .bfficipmi them for defeudent to ing atookt never saw any amid an , Johnstown. Tons there was Jame evidence taken Dom the stockyard except these :Allot at lemt some of the damage.' or erne biked to be,etank," or to the teeters; do , tiled block was sold. The comrction of not know where hesells, or of ble !telling ; Patrice Bannon. yam not elleeessfel, roe the mote. alit remember of bila WIIPPInE 0.. ream. that iportunltY affordtol to do so ear lender dressed hogs east. last winter it t.expllcltly ham ot foot been med. Bonner, as made the remark that they were I while on the Mane, pointed out in Court aa doe leaking loofs 69 f had ever seen. I -oott of. defendant's employees, whom hit A. J. Wordslair tioditiod—Live at Its, •ald be saw haviug damaged hogs In the ' Liberty:had been tieket end freight elect , Dimmed Starke , Other...toms , had 00 the Penmylvanla itallrottl, there. Gamy ; been called as to the matter, but what Imp defendant; he Is a drover and butcher, Itos i non could he givien fOr the omission to cull a Alatigtorte hones; don't recollect of ever ; the portion wito knew best whether Bannon losing about it; have been' at the moth.. I. 100,1 the truth or not? Itannon's churacter yenta, and Onset - mat him towing good ...It: , hurlbeen attacked by the much... tot. the and crippled stock; know of his stunning, , i'.n wegld mato alutioranee tor this, re ?last whiter a year nom hour to Johnstown; b member - Mg that some of tile butchers who some were very nice, awl scene were, or., thus tested-iti were indicted as the dcfen• ed und not such 0.4 wittiest would 11. to dant. •. eat: is hog adds a broken leg he wind.' con, 1 Judge 1101100 referred to the ; manner In Miler feverlebt seine of the hogs we loom welch the ease canto before the Court, (by oiderealy braised; defendant ?append h• - v. Special presentilient,i thus accounting for to Johnstown several times, and noticed lbe tOillOtiseess eelbligth ofjome occupied this damagedstock 'among them. Croew Halloo trial, there being no partiCular pies xminntion—bleVer row any Celopher motor. and no person specially interested stock butchered by defendant; but now In hunting up ue ocleuce.TlM fact wao proven hogeafter they were butchered that had that • lie defendant purchasedeagle , . rind neenlcrlppled; could toll thin be the appear.' (Mud odolig, and also amid stock; nti there oncJ of the MOEen leg., the ideal baying was sonic; ertimnce, that ho butchered One settled amend the Minot blot It number. pled stoffic. It Wester the Wiry :Deny, ender Live. or throe, of ouch among these shlptied, trio evidence, Whether the meat of the cries to JohnsicwrVby liefoorpont. To Um Court-- plod Mock butchered 11,10 UnISCIUM4 Or OM- W hen 1 Was Mille boolny l ss, 1 never knowased. anti sold with tido knowle ige. Al: any crippled *lock Wong bought tor "took- t e bunsh Moro milght Mr different; opullons itog," except bath Re venire enn tittered entertained by butcher, on the set pot, the "dead," end knocked hi the bead is-tore law prevented Met In the conduct, of their placCit 111 tha WMPOO; "crippled" stook 14 of they s know the character sold for about eateihelf mere than "demi," et the meat sold byterm. It was opt hems. anti tiro mesh more valuable for tanking buy, If It was belinsed defendant sold,or -purpossa °land for sale, such moat, that It should John Jeffers testifial—Live at East LOY- to directly proved he bad knowledgende of Its relyl true the Western Exchange; know de• statute, but the jory wer to dof Irtalaut; be is a cattle debtler and ',Weber;' this teem el routastances; nor won It ORMIIO hove seen Mtn hey good stock: also Inferior eery, Ss to the betting, In prove that the stock, crippled or damaged in transports- mustmai eXtosad Inc mill embuYemlioeler Don; was at Ms blaniffiter house nom., low I place, or gnat Ito acid anything a. to thin: id d not . notion what Mod of elect was toeing that he held out -to the publics le e general sleughtered. slave seen defundunt take 1 way that he had such meat for Belo would i.e cripple I stock from the yard, but 11 , 1 not t sunk:fent, The testimony as tomtit'. Wan obsergeohers It was takino; saw one of his tura:see. • .ti; a rule of taw, where R def.- men bffil a crippled steer shout two yearn dant had 1010 his hosier to groduce witness. non; It wed taken down and abut to the es ite a matter of clefence,ad did not call "deed ho an g" feetory. nave not ..defend- I them, the forMeMPtiOn We• that ench ex? ant tel y St.': for. OVer a your. i planation would be aanield him. The fact Martin Dimly testified—ltimlde at Nee-,1 inst the defentiant had 'a grease factory, lea run, near East I.lbortyoknow defend.; and vetch.. crippled Mock, sell that ho -matte deal. In stock nod bombers: never-1 I lid not coil his employ et and others to y nth, s p s o s hterlog. m e re seen h. 1 prOne. is hat ?Deposition on made 0f crippled buying crippled nook; belt cannot soy'. or unbound Meek Imretthlod, welt a ter... -. wht ho dui will it. Was in his slaughter , •tanon In thee/me, of itself not sufgetent to boast a; year ago last. winter; saw . mina , esta'illsh guilt, Mid. to be; takeu to canoes• dtessesi beef there; aboutthe MIME time saw'l [ton With other eireemstancm. Mut have some drewed hogs et the rallrowi 4 Toe toy tuned a verdict of "not guilt!, depot for shipment. Cross-examined—ll ass I defendant to pay the costs." been a butcher since I was a boy; hail th-redi • . vaunters WENS, Mont anything wrong with boo; „,,,, g ,,, thig , l ggithi hove iggieng it l l tiortilels of not malty wore rendered 1.11 Pater eleMenti. testified—Also mended at” the following cat.: E g ,(, Li ger y i , i sigs g g ross , e ive y. e „ th siis q C.antriOnwoulth Os . Martin Fisher: indict .. In partnership with doterattiffit hada MC. , [ermine , ...oath Of Wm. DOE e. seen him within a year or two, bey stock, I thl.luell wealth Vit• •iti , iii , ii giiwiiiieriii I.' ?"effid• ert . PPled sal tie.; had sold to Inca .1 dictffieht ierceny of hogs? .Albert Young crippled stoma (4 Ith wore ( eg o goo , egg , o prosecutor. i „ r gni , gni, to roll ithwg ,i ppig ,i (thieth ,,,l Cotunionwoalth re. Lewis Elllkey; tntitc. , ett) on the cars-owe um_ fit us eat. c o g s ,' moot se...liquor without imenson Ile. atetnineal—Did net ituow.wherc tietendant ;I "IP. Drnsedow, probecutor, to Pay the sold Meat. - Co m monwea lth vs Frank J. Guth; h.. Thomas W". Lindsay testified—Dave been il In the eat?" busleessi know defender. very I glory; Wm. blettnedY itrtwectinw. . ~,,,ii ~, boy , „rigii of gii kinds; goy , 5 ,,,,..ii Wm. Marwick .d -Wm. iloblusent lar. , iiugi;;; gi ~,,,,i i g , igiiii i i ,, igiiss , nn,,,, cent; John Hamilton am, Lafayette Dickson do not know what kind of Mock he slough; ; rnmeuters• TOO neinintents ;had hOOO in toes; never maw him sell or offer to sell any ; stii ea .hnthe• ' meats; saw some hoes at the railroad depot; Wier DISCHAIMED. . 11... heitin Ceheetin" i i — C,W W " h i i .- , The District Attorney tomouncans.that wire from traveling would n. u" U.."... ; all the cows ready for trial at thls term had - for meal' - ~ islet? disposed of, the Day in attenoanee ; J. 11. anti testified—U..l4e In Wll . Eins. ii was gi,,eiirithd, with iiiiii tug" of the hots; In the toomulas of estilnif sloe. de. c o ort,,tc. fentlant was to tho untie business. IN 10 I' X' Liao weiS elves • that pal.. defendant . 04 dish.? Urthvirenr_l,"% l " - I. et . _ h ., " would lito required to renew their rectos. With.. eenbinestrlYsmeti tee factory from honeys, and that Incases where there would where he lived. This witness lumber doe he no then. in the ettretles. the Clerk of n?".ir.te i t the welsh... the C.F.... the Court was direct. to take the ball. . . THE. COURTS weaith's sae. Jabot:again testlecA—Live In Allegheny; was a :1000011 called 11 , 1enelmt. ono also; nee know that o• wsa`A botcher, or acy thin g else twwtain leg to the ca n. John alley cescllleil—bug aecnl' bog , know tlatenthmt bays Crippled stock, and slaughtura It at bit slaughter liollle.l dIS this during last ...Uttar. COnl , l hot. ray *Sat he did altti Uleat. Crosseersal nod—W hat I .nw kltiwi wore twtr holOrul to scald oseht theta; ono was "spilt.' , MIA Iho owes Lad Its leg 11,011., . That is all I know, wan at 4.ll.dendaut,welaughter Lona. but one. Cr ln a lab reeee e rille lenthhn teettned, Am a butcher ; Ana, delenlatn., but nothing about bin busman.. 1:01. Due WA be tl•alrott b null too or three other entnetoe alum an °Meer *ea tearels. Tn. CoGoort .al.l they tulght be called 11 Ito, ohne before the elnle tithe cue. TVs usr.ros. A Si. Brown, flog., for tine. deform, sill I(lM...bile the ebonite 1u the Inollernmet hod not Moen sufficiently. tondo out, he would mill n few wttnosoes to contr.-err sow. of the enstiainny prolueed. rn order to destroy ail owe:anion of auleitoin y. The oldenee chrouroorl wso thus tklythlsot know in end cleoeltfolly hold Impure moot. Toe Commo n ...kir but foiled to prone tido rotrlck tionnon tmlineo that during the first months of the losonnt seer the detCUdsnt einniest for e+lo owomot becks In Site diamond Thorkoli his testimony mon not yoottoor, but he en.rearottot gres,e . the finprer.son of the 5 0111 or the dereod , shr. ihro n0...11.mM would he shown no drunken, irottninss folios . , unworthy or • mint. trutted. Secomily. the••cosiratlon ;dr the • 31r. Douala*, veotgranorter at the, Inns 1 . onset museranes derreases the diameters mood Market. ti lost wird., • ; or these tubes, Inn thus obstructs the - pup .)sondes" h a d h " 00.1 at ' hd j h tt h ,..l . ,,!," . sego or alr to the lungs, and the egress of my Mariesive. MY bemuses st'l• - ' ; caroon from them , lu this tray the blood I.l ' . . "' d • '' ' ' ;;Wh. ehl;a4h Dacron; — !LY leaded deem wi th waste matter for want heard Ms charaelar for truth diseutawl; of oirgen, the Treat blood purlder, and for would' not tiltore elm under oath. e 111... ~,,,,- or .. of flat for %b .. ; ~,,.... tthuttuh t " —Wt "S h h d dth ' " . 14 , h) ' ' . ..h i /Ann, pOISMIS. Nor is this all- The mrio in the smoked; ten city 0 d•eaee" ..- , taste Is blunted, food is net eel noires o ton to bas P.M. hhh"h's h ` h;h " . ; :shed, eau.... becomes scanty, and the art st e - Shed or not, Do ;imam,. pulite . ..„,,,,,,,yst,. 1),C0”,,, ~,,,,,,, . Anti , holy as to in. dontttY of m'l'd- 11."" boor.- ; we showed in our Cornier ovary that deull ioi,„ a number wired. ine last se r •'- .penk I its - 14 a prolific amerce - of turberele. If t. I d , ''' hh,; " h " .., n itwi t ""'" dim. Pity costume, matters become rapid. ;mu on entitle.) a nitwit the mat kos pretty ;. , wen s. ...._ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~.,..., th . ; .y mss must all tan time. , mucus Inemerann 'moat down, natal W h dlt re " .; th"lhhd- 1000w I. "' ldh • , etbeoome involved. The ...mutations Daemon Its hod n stall in the Diamond liar- I o b.P nutUlent'lliatter gives out an odor I- nett new;' say ne to •drnokett !Mimi, mid • i fist,,,., d ,,,,,,,,,,.. 0,,,,r this p0,,,,d Irani wrest- Is said about. his tharoet, • ~,,,,,,. ~,,,. ~,,,,,,. Into - the 1., corm ould nol s bellere him under oath; M. was 1 I;t; Into L. lungs the re.t. lumbwomt and Ida reputation stout the market, and sine 1 eterropting smock, while the corruption In the Detniiry, . ) i i., Di . .., D ip,,,;_yi.i..., i . Di.. Meal( trlekles down tho larYilMand trachea, egeorrathig and Intl teeing the whole pa , m o ue slat hot for %brim years; Of:until Jan. tage, mud involving penny 'ballrooms.. and sorry, February end Marsh lam Hers/mow I 1 .,,, , ,,, , ,,,,, m , 01v ., ~,,,,0 , , . „ cu . „,.. ~.,.. " hh not ' h ..;;;h"' ;an h " h "" th " ;. " len • pr. to comAintruumloMthroeftit the know rstriek llannon; ne Is ulnae. about ;molting eau. of it cold to the head pro. toe In:irked; 1)6 dote not speak the Irmo, I I tracted won chronic; catarrh. Tat many I too bettehera generally tom. badly of bun.. . l , ;w t mandato of catarrh for year*, uncon. P Vl ‘ ;; ' .. 1...h. ' , Ihhh. gal far 0°1.) se Ou Or 1120 yard that threatens them. teg impure meat 1 ~,„... ~,. - 0 ,... ; Crery Might If Itatlonot the Mr patatage. ..' hh " h • hhi - ""' lhd—h--- Pat-- """- I ;of then .le should receive prompt amen nou by sight; beard warmal &overt and L.,.... ~y I), ~,,,,, fur. ,r. was V i r t, b lv . lt b. rn t. tt ,a s . IT: ~l k o t a i t i h n r . n se. e trge ' y of ' not Veer Moult never h hhhd hhlthihg• vary I the Profession, and tormented the . .MiYeses good about rum. ; rill couromptiort taus closed the scne. Tee Conetable Them. teetilled—]lave Item, word. cases aced not despair, for Dr. keen, lon fluty at the Market for two ye a rs; theist h. discovered . a legal-and conmitutionol touch defendant told nny hog. there Ism ~,,,,,,„0 „ ,,...,,,,,,,, i . . 0 ,, ~,,,... 10 .,„,,, r , ) , whitest might have told some; know Ilan- ~,,,c , ,,,,,,,. „- .. non; his reoutntlou for truth It pretty I- . . . ,--. bed; don't th ink. I would believe him under blevntinl•lLLe,.N. Y. July 3,LVM. oath. Crosaimmalued—Sate defendant et I De. C. S Alf... 111 Smith/lad 011001, PIM.. the market frequently lest Winter; tart , , burgh, Ifni' ..., . I know that he had his men I horn seat., ; Its* 1., bra : It Is wltlf n grateful hettrt that Adam Itellinan teamed—have atteudell l I awe teran bumble laws, for the purpose the toarketas butcher for eight yen.; did of Informing you tont our daughter 13. not sun defendant there last winter with been eared from a premature grave at the hogs, If ho had been them wool.) h.o sego result of voursoperlor skill.- You wit! re him. ,Ilannen was a 01 the market all the 'twiner, no doom, that when ere visited you tune; would not belt M m him ou oath. 1 Tani last tender for the ourp se of having your 1:1) witness la Mao one of he indicted] amend opinion in her case. elm was given Jacob Martin If 'tor —Atterut msrket, bat up to tile by all our ablest physielans with- Mil em a gut...oth r boner; ...Oat mar. in screwy-dm; Miles or on. country . village. het 'wetly meth all le.l time lost winter; indeed, neither my Istru.),ner myself had dill fiat Inn) defendant there with hogs (or. any Mme arbor recovery, 611 her eOnelltrls gale. Also knew rat ,lek linguini, and from Lioll had sunken low from the fearful rave• my knowledge of Isltit 'wooer not believe gill of her loathsome disease, which .you .th e , gra tee'eath; helped very Well sunken I will renrember S' pa catarrh or the head. or In the mirkethoesei but drunk and Dot. she hod beard and read ao much Caine. disturbance with tile belabors. Mieut year euerobeftiltreatnlent In so many Ithilllp kerne,. lectilled—diso 110 a mail estes utter all other intifilblu means had In Diamond Market; ,11t1 not reculleet of /tiled, coo explerstal her desire tortlycyour defendant 1110100 hone there • last winter; treatment a thorough trial before she could might hare •konwo if he hod. nil cot( think of gly lug tip tu MI an untimely grave. knove anything good about Patrick ItonnOu. Alteenginilnel no hope myself, but as seas Amin: sr Caltlmiler testtdmi—Outcber; to committee., el a loment f s sympathY had a Stall In Diamond Merl: did not ter their Only daughter, we readily cumuli. I koner of - defendant hayloft - old 1,000 ad with her te011.0.11,1 uoth what results nod gunny-lost-winter. lost - winter. Mad le wt Dan- our *ghee of grattrudoio you] have already I 'ton ler about two years; would not belle. 1i5155.96,1. 0.1 IleallilLo ImproVe Initnedi• ) on oath. tlrokeessuileed—Ani , Millet- ) ntely after commencing your ;Thal debt. , elm to other butch.s. Ilinuon had ' The discharge from the head and the Ofron• , [meld° Stith the Untehersi In the 'market; I 111Vene. 0) lie Indere Were not only trying nun time n' Mass went to ;nnearand mantion , awl almost unhearuhle by heeself. NM el sold a hug for mogulnd whim the man mime ; Meat annoyance et.. to her mottintlemoi Weirs Ban eon wonot give up the money. I friends. Moe lungs were so much diseased 'John W lekholn temillmt—Dateher for de. f an the sequence of this catarrhal a ff ection, remlaut cattle, hoop hod ,, umi calves; ; that all who knew her thought that tieS so- hilted no. but goal sleek..., goml as uoy I hot, lunch less a cure. was impossible. Site butcher dare ht dO all the Willow myself; but quite recoreteu nod is still gutting Mt rower raw any Litol• etockiin or about the 1 welgut utitil ;be no nwt; presents that nes slaughterhouse; had ally ;bad stock motile 1 staidly , state or 0m,,,010tm0. aye cermtuly the^ would have tent it to the buttery; ' feel grateful to yin,. the InstromentalLy have been butchering lee Mr. ilershaustr of .smug mete life snore 'oleo no one for Mgmt three months. • - knows except a fond pareet,..l we Ind you _. daCeb AM reealled—Defentlatil t s slough• tior;•3 tommt in yournmtkl of Itlhr. Y . - thr . housentllttlus my Premises. line boon Yours, respectfolll. T. D. Corr, In it off soul on fur two yeast user saw trash y001)16. any had Or ntiM"lnd kh;;Oh 1 .' 10 .. 4 ' .. h .rh • From Evinfre 4 IL SferessMn, .Mandstrafa at nothing 'nut whet was Mound and could • . L .,,..,,,,,,,num. walk. . John Cnltholler testiliNl—Tho reputation ' To run Pont. certify that I had been of remelt hounou fur truth Is had; would severely *libeled for years with Catarrh Of the U sed, dronchltis, ilearluess In the not ttelleve hie- Oath. (This wit.. Is sits ~- • i trod Hearing-4u this de other of the Imitated] Om.. nod nips if elite l ISM orneldeuttaile Induced Ilere that avid.. In the case closed. Plo-pil i „ . ~,,,,,,,,,, ~ 134 rnii ,„,, ,,id 11.1quc Drown, In et 'brief address to t. 1 jury'. gaol It was essential to establish the 1.1 7te. 132 . - L T, ... d .!.."2.... a r' r .:_ °°m.. .... C1 NC,: al ctlarge against illettefetidant to prove the I tecla o ter_hji I :,,;7. l ;a:AT l r re g. :,.......; sole (or offer to .11) of Impure or Urlsound e.h . to. Watt as fond, with utility knowledge. It fro what I hag oolong sulfured. Sly hetes MOS Scarcely necessery to say that tots boor t. Id hhh " , hhdll ol 3 - reatored to k Oa notbeesi rroreu, titter tome thirty or forty , lon DO tmotenris, . the fault el ids sill witnesong nod bent called.. The odend ants undo bust.. was one in oluelt the count el I Cu l and sclentilic treatment. ./dIY , I 'I . . • ' e A. D. ST crags.. or any of the Jury Might net "nee t. ea - ; S Duke, but yet IL Das • lawful butineas, fin - the carrying on of n, which some of the finest and matt delleam .of todet articles worn monoculture& Of all the witnesses called. not one prettolded lo ens' tba, rillaer had ever nobler o ff ered M one pound of unsound meat. I'lolllo Drum, Whose lesions a botcher was exclu- truly Ins the sheep Una. did say Olathe salt in the deka • dantta wagon. standing in Knot of Jacob, Kartbla litdcber IMOD. I. the tit e t""" tr ‘ - ' ) ...I bentted beef, which he cotmidered um gonad: Thla itelannted to nothing. not even LO a anspleion. Bat Mr. Kurtz was called, nn,Mated that he dealt with the defends and bought of hlm dressed metA Of oh,. nOcomplelnt could 113 1111110 11 lb ourdity. The cage was of great Import.. 10 the defendant, and ishlle ten IttrY COUM tint properly du otherwise thannetitilt, it was lm ',orient for the defendant to ; ;Mew his entire innocence, In the view that tiny ;suspicion canted by .hie fdtsmeettoo would be likely to greatly Mintage km hectudari. ly In his Lettuces. T. testthirY Of /./ Um proved nothing. Patrick D b, % tti u te= I drectly, be he D gibeeWn• new ins naworttur of 1.110. mid had 'calla admitted his guilt of the offense Charged agaluat dela:Want The only other witness, whose tostioun. wt. Many degree g t magiag, was A. .I'. Woodifittir, Uhl Ills observations' Were . Valerie's In the Way , of tustaloing the Charge as th.e of Mr. Drum. The MUM arose With others trona public clamor, canned by the Press, arid the lllrkhd 7. 1 1 MO entered PllO as torestio- PRICE TIIREI CENTS OTUSII. Caen. John Dug .n, movlcted of assault and bat tcrr; was sentenced to nay a tine of thirty Colic', and costa. corart, comlnlttucd against hr Catherine Forney lon surety of the peace ordered. to pay the cmos. Diseases, Tending to ainrch. Cetarrh Is storm u.eLl toden ohs an motion of the mums membrarie of lbe air passsges. When such Johns:S3lton to eons Snell to the Selstidertrn inetntswe, tt Is caned eoryss. If the tronttsinuses suffer, praluchssinktn to the forehead, the disease Is [suited sritsedo.' A chronic estearh, to. rotting the posterior nsrea, proslncintt mls eerlitlons and, esorettn. • of the, tone. serfece, Is lemegnated osedis. Now the slightest cold tends be consumption. Look ' at the comb:hal of things. The capillaries of the akin are tvetritetad t too noble of the spitent usually eliminated through the pore. of tile Skin. Is thrown back into' the circulation, poisoning the blood. , The boor. eel vascular armee. Irepitutereeterteled by the excess .of hlo al In the internal Organ. litre terili oaten'', nite the ucus reembriine ri of el the loan is th ic ke n ed, and the *Mauve. blood 00501110 are I eitrurbeili .one Wabash takes piece. sod s tillehartio twirler,. That discharge, finless ipoefiLly remote/tile , . ilegerierareelelo P.. Now mart the result 01 a simple gold so to Its twartnim en ttintunuotiou. First, one means perigeatiou by the sate to oil. Eapooliton Uri ...... Ile. Thin Weak , . Indepsn deal may* That moelti - rri wonder, the Attalla,' Cable. Beldam 'dsshea 'me/sages hetween the two Itemispherca fraught alth More plefialag ae well he importmt Intelligent") than was the announcement which it here on Thursday it.t: that a magnificent tributoofmerit had been awarded to ono of the moot caterer's lug firms, the Wheeler A Wilson alarmist , terlog tioasSpany. The following is arnpr of the telegram as transtriltt - d .by their reprommtatlits In Paris: Paris, June anit, 10il,-lixonsltion Untverealle. Wheeler A wilson, of New York, ism awarded the hip/irre prerninm—a modal-for per. Teatime In searing machine. This is the , max tame medal awarded for soviet ttm - Milne,. There wore eighty•two compotb I tore! , That which has long been charmed by the Wheeler. A WllOOO Company, and those who arc acqUlLWlted with the qualittra ot three 3.11111t1; 'machinessuperior have SIOVOr hesitated to acknowledge as right. fel claim. moat now he universe/1Y Cwaeo. ticd,gunnely, that the Wheeler ,t Wilma sewing machines ern par excellence the molt Iltritrehle. To the perfecters of these tellehlere their reward lain truth well do-. mechanical Ulu a Corepilareet to American mechanical Ingenuity' . nest the hMerlclut people, who are Included la the gOmpli. taunt, will of chum feel proud Of their 'moorland countrymen, • MI - * Dr. liryser's Great niece! MMMMM her. The we:teeth:Ll cents made in Pittahurgh anti eMewbcre,hy thia•mmt extraordinary medicine, in brainrrind to be generally ap• ptectate•l thrtinshoet the community. OR. KEYSER'S BLOOD &MAIER has work. ad its way Into pu Inc eateetti• by same of the most extraoruli s cures we bate ever been neon t .chronicle-cures that have hems soleiy ma c In [wincing the sys tem front a dejectatioespoodent'counitme. when ell the powers or Nature seenual to Rag anti refune their , ifunctionis-abure the blood loitered In tti ,vein a anti ethers tne symptom, of con mention menthe:tett themselves throngllOUL the whole hOur where decayed bones, rotten nicer. Meg standing totters, gave evidence that the whole system w telling to, decay; nu incur able, in an hour wben these e titheeses Seemed DR. liElfnE PLOWS Cr SE ARUIIER, coincident with that itical and formillanie exigency,' yr. , - brought to hear In relenting the lamp of r ilfe, anti glv log en Impact. to throw -elf dfitelec,. anti rettore the long lost vital energies to health end vigor. Dr. lirtyser'd Mead Searcher will invariable restore tine and vigor to oho stone:oh.' It will cure eostiveness. It will enrich the blood with nod plasma, anti drive It onward in its mission of renewal to the ov a tasked and overworked organs of tee body, tenth a .certnitsy and power not belong to any other medicine. Unlike most bitten: QUO eticuulants, that after Ober force is spout, leave the system week and prostrated, it invigorcles without an after prostration. and whilst It cannot make health without food, It will enable the stom ach to make use Of that food. and convert it into healthy and woeful - Mood [eater:int, M. to be absorbed into thescirculetion for UM uses of RP, • Ask (or Dr. Rayner's Blond Searcher and reject all otheYli. it per bottle. MI tor 9.5. at Lae great medicine stove, ISO Modal street. Medics. cOnsullation room. la) Penn street. Onlen boors from 9 A. Y. to 1 et U. New Goods at Bargain.. • yesterday while in Allegheny a r c called At the drat class dry vocals store of , ildsra Erwin, McConnell & Co.. No. 173 /Federal street. add had the pleesnre of. looking through a large Intel. , of new goodi Just received, from the leading importers anti muinfaisturcra of thy East. The Stock is ' unusually large and attractive, having been selected with great good mire and Judg_ meat, with a view to eatiplylnif the trade of this neighborhood. it embraces all tees latest styled and novelties of a anterior quality of deesi and oleos goads• and the prima have been pieced at tne lowed. mar ginal figures. Very good hierrimeek prints, yard gilds sheeltarranual ins, heavy domes fen gingham., en plaid dress goonaare of. d at the extr d emely low price of twelve and half cents par yard, wall« the same degree of eneapneiis preemie tteougliont the ea tire stmt. The Lattention tit equate; dealers and all others 'inn buy to sell again are esp.ctall , ilireeted to tile Itidae, meets offered for thelr patronage by thin enterprining dem of one slider city. Metall purchasers in this neighbrotioal need hardly ha reminded of the beritala. and ...teeth..a offered, exalt afoot shippers ere argeale trll with toe system .ofJore Progui and good good. which naa rendeffed• this house so popular. A large forte of attentive ages obliging saleslutni will b.,mond In wuluog at all times to show goods end tell prices to. ell who may mdl. hes the 'epeele/ adver , ttsement In to-day'. paper. EMIWZ!EiiMiIi The following 10 regard to the value of the Crone of the Imifieit of lionOr, conferred on idr. Chickerlng, at the Palls Exposition. by the Emperor Napoleon. toe the test Square nod 'Upright Plane's, and for perfection or tone and construction, and skill and genius in invention, in from the • Chicago - Rpubticon„ of liredoenesy . last: .Tho folio* log. lettei, kindly fcrniabed our dist toga:wed fehp a:mitt:ten. k i r. Edwin Careey. Vein Consulate de Fr mot.; will ex plain inn Cream of thtrLegion a ironer, and the high oomplimentoonlerred on its temp. tent: Cowan% Joty 9.—Gentlenten—At your re quest am happy to stain that the ileamm mon of the Legion of Honor dove not con. stet simply of a ribbon, hist cross and though conferred by the Emperor, 'ls al ways at thn request of vent of the depart ment... / will add that the deCuratit. o in the Man vIIT notsnr whirh the Gorernmorn arryes for 01104. Wen have ee , titetuittlod themselves. tether In civil or mit:boxy life. Inure, truly. gentile Caner, . vice conenhon de FranCe in Chicago. Thu beye 1s *ancient to inform the molt skeptical of tile great 11000 r eallierred Alevere.ellickerlter by the decorstrion of the eress of tile Legion oft:Loner. • A Lestans froustMew York. The loot report from the Metropolitan litalth Otani, York, by Dr. Ilarriss. calla pointed attention to the fact that tbe increment mortality of last week "was expe. moored pniy to those districts that are either overcrowd.ut, or unclean and badly drained t. From the City of Brooklyn same lee. sem and .waraingeitt come. and the Bee. trar add. that they should not be illsre warded. tteleinilness" and "mn Imrs' P destine throashout these clt4m," ho adds, "can forestall tins greater than all the arts of the vitt - meten Coil cure." All tots &p -ollee to Plitsbarge Jest as emphstically as it does to Saw York, anti our renders enOnnt at once eon to It that drains aroproperly kept In order and new mots laid where needed. T. T. E sem, the well-known pram Deal plumber, No. 16%1Vald. street. attends to all such work la tilt, best. mechanical manner. For cleaoll ess every well rem.. dated boarding home Minot.' cOnteln one or :more bathe,and so shookd private dwell togs, and Str.Ewerta likewise pays particu lar' attention to the patting up of all the modern etylee et tabs, either la the city or Country. Fever Wes WWI. The Continental Saloon. Among the many Well eondueted ant class reMaarants and eating saloons in the city nonestand higher In thnestimation of the public than the P(Pantinerital," altuated nest door to the Postal:a., on Fifth Streets It Om lot a Wag time past been under the man.emetit of Mr. Wm. lioltsheimer,.thif worthiest and Moat skilled of proprietors, • and hes aver merited and received a large sham of publle patronage. The saloon le well arranged for the 0119111009 to which it Is adapted, 'dog large, airy mid neatly Aced. Intl lorollnro As of Brat texas style, while the Menem c runtiness prevails. Au the conking is done in the rear of the saloon -a great cOnvenlence to this warm weather welc h other elseaa for dining might profit ably adopt The tables ate kept cOnVatO 1Y snootiest with the ghoicest of viands and delicacies which tote markets aerveit up in MI cat stole of the culinary an. a harks liberdlly swooned with ale wines and sms, no atronger hove ea being wild. T these desirous of tiring attest clam anyone can safely recommend Mr. Month. eV. salmi.. • • • etrantrlar. . • Charles Gutman, the yo rig naLla who some • limo aince w.arreated d confined In the Allegheny lockup, rim • eit with having burglarionsly entered MI jewelry. atoto of Sawyer d Co., Federal tree!, Allegheny and from where ho reespeti the nest 'day after he wax confined was subsequent ly arrested by Robert Grr rim and coollned In the lockup in this nit about ten date Mayorhad a hearing, sterility, before Mayor Morrison, rota an committed. He tas also' charged wit.-13 • lug entered the bacco more of C. C. in, Wood streets and %Dora bearing before tayor 'McCarthy .in default. of nee hundret deilars ball wan committed tojail to anst• rat Ciiurt. • Change el; NSW Yong, July O. lap. • 'obareby notify the goblin of rittsuurgii , 4 vicinity, that we have tranaderred the • ancy for the sale of our Pianos from Slept Mardian, Hoene & Co., to Mr. C. C. Mille, No. si typed • street. Dlr. MeliorwiUlo 1.1111.012 r planes ht the same print, they are . old at !bur we re bp„,.. • - Scans Boon. FR 0111 the above thn - pa me will know that hereafter the Decker Lc ltriPs., planos urn only to bo found et C. t. Mellor , * wares rooms. Pasoan dela( to prat lose yhmoanonid not fall to examine the Deckers. ' • MeowleVa -Japanese" Treope.—Thu CoWIN - Med troupe of Japanese Jogai.% wilt glen rob n drat et a sem" of entertelements t the Opera 11013 , 0,0” Monday night. The astunisbing feria performed by this troupe aro oast all description, and they em ertudlog qportent furore of excitement throughout, the country. Their ataytu the City will be brief, and doubtless the house will be crowded at every antertale wont, us every body hat a desire to witness their Marvellous performances. • Fire.—The alarm or ere yesterday even. log wag manned by a slight fire in the Pacific Ott Rorke, In Vitt townenlP, almsrs. Brewer. Bicker aCo proprietors. The ere erl.l. rutted IO a email nuantity Of beecinewnicla by Fume Means mum ha. contact with the condomlng more. Through the prompt action of alto 'employes of the establish. meet, the ern: was extinguished. before at Ii done easy damage. At Pittocten, firutottople Views con. stonily on hand, embracing tho objects.or Interest in nearly the European Ines and cities. - Alen, the United States, Conadus, Erne. b America, and the West lodine. The now line• of the cartons Arnancon and European Steroseeptie An .I.lsts recolve‘l on [Sot AS produced, at rig tock,e, U. P. P. O. slate . Devolves. —Yesterday some visi tor at the (Alcoa the jail stole every Indio ulo revolver out of rho desk belonging to silo dbile. , The party who toots Is is strongly nsptoloned, and to avoid o xoo,. sure be bad better return It at °nee. lier harm the taking woe A “praotwal Jona" not much to be appreciated. The Negottaio, Ideas Carriage in going to the tiro yesterday bloke the hind its g Olin *noosing Liberty street fleet the Orate Me. eater. No lettber Injury was done to the brriage, aqui the axie, we underatand: wilt a repaired loumedlidely, Tile Neocene beya do net go out Ot aerates fur G. to Firmlag's , Omar liter.. Ne Market street, for the finest. IMOCIMeot of riavorletrEXtrecte In the city, at lue.n..t tiood. 000 l marl rotroahlog lima-beer on rogialt, oPrrur.t popular hotel, N 0.4 Dia. mond, Allithony. o to Fleuttutes otoir Marti:lumen; to eat Pura tiorth Corolla., at tba lowest prous. : - - C.ld Spar Ming likuda Wolof . Id T. Sample's Drug Store' Nu. $ Yudaria Almberty. ' • • Late Books sues t'toors, at Pltt,ock , l,olss petite %tie P, 0, 11100WINN:OWFICAUI TWEI ZOMON4 , WEDITESDAYAND 111ITILD/IT. & large Om& theatiMultis THIRST-= COL. URNS of lute/wetly: reading matter. - lac Min.& leading 'Editorials, latest lawn ~trf Telalti&Sß aad JUL. valuable Res:llhe Mauer tor the lemully. sad @nag rad:moat reliable Map. Mal and Commereal Match Relic.. Rl•wb OI ea,' paver to CO. city. No farmer, lembaule or &Meehan% Mould be without it. Tearl6 PC, Tilt wr.eit.T , Cl.l.Mems ... . ... .• e 1• 5 0. Club. of etre • Club. ot Tett. 1.15. oie copy 05ipaper to the woo. Letnee up the club. Mailloos to dubs eagle race it it, Mt.. at Club tales. - Nonce TO buescentia6—ln ordetTer year 6ePe/. be iter• sot tqtdry WM% et went, as ire lune Weaull.4.l =MI t . 02 ' =epees baring bet eel tram • vent. ' sr Many by Drell, intim., Money Orden. Or Us liteetstersd Les,ters,l3llfbe rant et oar rto , Adana% CIAZETTY, - ITCDIIII7I , I/H. Pe ewe. The Semi Know.* torria—Coarroll, brook co, , s Combinntion or logo etirogitioroo and Colinays, known la Theri3 , Phoophorn , tad Elixir of Tuo ,hiont ' reetarra color to the blood; the Phograinrui renew• of the narrating., and the Coil/tarn give, a nottiral„ hoalthful tote to the cLiger. [lye ono tint contains the virtue of ono ounce orCallotTa cud one tommoonful a ;rain ot iron and Phosphorus. Ilanufeaturad OT C/LYWKLI.., Mote & Co., New Yor e. For gals by all drought. • We sell ot7 woods both at wholesale and retail, andare as a oontadth•."S e e. ahlod to keep a han gar and much Setter as sorsod stmt. to sell cheaper, add give the goods in morn accommodating quanUtnta than cash:notch Jobbinc houses. natal] dun. chants ash Inched to .:amine our stook.. J. Go 40 • So Market saaset.. Rrimemblie the rblela...& treat may Da (Puna in the Sootco Marmelude,clirect troll , Vendee. Tim only kind that mu avinplant prize medal at um World , . Eglichltlon oN Can be obtained at IU V.disrai at rend, Allegheny City. Ulto. BRAT • • A ("ord.—Mee Carrie Le Wm.. M Borkiii; Fill give riseulintis In Hal, ourth street. nutorduv OVelling at o'clock, Tea Cher., p.m , s and other* 10. teruried In Elocution, are corulstly tn. • rtted. !L. •—Mr. J.mesMorgetts, clompal ttor In the 11/.7,ETTC toMpoettot ninon. I'S tette& s cinder in Ms eye which bathed or tthare Ingenuity to remove. Ito 'muted on Or. Abort the esiebrateil eargecim stai prnmotty , rehisveit him of the CA.! Of Stitrericlg. • I-formes,. thirty different Belle. Lints or ten different • age, Bens, Caps, Dues, score orerythlne *lee .In. the hose Itthalt , e, oppostte the P.O. Bose Ea makers of sr ads, Pool Books, and . II Illiae, at Lawry Slaekli own Lawyer liwei anol. ness Form Ilook: a Complete. 000lr In all matters of Law antl'Bottnoss Neaottatlnott Mi. tan Italian., at Putocks. °welts toe Poet Office. Age to wanted. it. • Ao Pisee XlseltstUe elly.=Cao or cheaper Boats, Baoes, itslmora And everything else to this Hoe, be (doe i liso at the thee honored store. of James' No. be Market Street. Cold 'sparkling Nod. Water at 3. T. Sample , * Drug elope, ho. Btl Tudep*liatrees* Allegheny,. . • . • Testae.. Disabuses from the Earl, - Catarrh, laitseeeat the Eva .wet .11 *ca. Gone of achrealell.llti obattaate charnotee• rocce.tully treated by Dr. Aborn, 111 eraltarteld etreet. (It •ndellor. talreaeto, at., or be that etylea, for row and oil, otforta at Tenured prier,. at T. T. Ewen.' tins. Steam mot Ws. ter Fitting E.tablishment, No. ICI Wood bleat. thee Vl:lug promptly &leaded. to to the be.t mreb.leel manner, at the meet yea• enn•ble of pro., by T. T. Nvreee, Mote Wood attain.., • • • gs.ans Iltilnx In edllts detallf protolnly attended to by T. T. Erensato.loo Want' street. Bankrupt law. with order. and loan.. ortee {WfilltV•fiCe cents, at Palma% oppft • slut the P. 0. Clob.en millet at. once with Bees and Belts, et Pleteet , s, opposite. the Go to Fleenor* Dreg Sumo. SO. el, traukot street, tor your Ono Tollot Soaps. •, lar Additional Lod flews on Third Page. =CO tBOBNLAND—LONO.—On Jilts Itt., M the St. (little, Hotel, In thts city. ST the ..• W. H. Stottslds, of Ohio. 11-. J. CUOStILLIID OlinilL LW:D.l,4lth of Stalnte.port. Ps. No told.. Ll" te—mcOliATTY.—Ort Sol) Ilth. 1147; al the 1./OM:floe of the hello's toothce. by tn. Bee. TOOL Gracious, D. 12... Mr..lAB. LYN*. of Coshocton Otto, ((or .4.117 of Pl•totetreh. Ps..) god flus BSCOIII J. Halle 6.11 i. of Allesloom) .Our. Ca. . UM IlAWOßTH—Prodelealy on norm/AY nrranil , Jn y Ilth. I' . at / o•coolt . p. b ot.. In the .M 1 /ear . J . l:vt,rA-.e a t...1 . 1 , 1! day tor of Ladd rod Patient on VXDAT •TYYJMOOIf, Ilth Inahinr. 014 o clock. from the orsldroso of her waits. near Oat:Ann. • • • PAHK I : — U 9 Tn"e.4 9 /. •ral Mb. allintAT It ae ei eol•n ad a rann • Satan r.rk.• at.d .em, 9 mouths sax 1911.15.. The friends or the Wags }re resneetfu:ly In vited to attend the fthere1;11111111181t1thi, nl4l tidoeek; truth the meld.oer ' ti els patents, Ma I.7.f.eitsoo strut. Alleehatv City. 11.01tis—vn1itandi• evening, ;Self 11th, 417, inthat sem of .nten..; S. .4 SLUT 4. Putteral Thu (9•taraata 'llolNlttp, at On trout tie rttpento of tars . j•o• lan, to Bela 'Veer, •Peaticita thy. .W—trek Vltaraday: July lttlo, BLUR 1101ti1tat. aa... 1 Y.." Th. Amaral +III t kg Dace !Ufa arOaaltroa. at lOu'altak. rpm tie at•tdeaca — u(A.. C•atra !TOD. 0. •• I •N—lla Tbursarr, )'li Itota-t, at • so l.alt p. . . It taattmati.'lli th e iih ',as of her at, TOD tuoccal all% tate Waco T 0441% at fen o'clock a. at, tom the residence Of bet atottar. Charttars street, near tlttelliald, alaccaatocr. the rued of the !Amur see nestatetfaly cited to vital. , Ttioursole.—On Tberodey. July' Pill, is tee elahtlean ,ear of car age, Mn. Mai KY gAltei. Talu relict °tabula.. iseannei To °taiga.. Her noeral will tale learn th , accidence eh, r den. trA r, ors. Jobe Dj Hemel, Henan'. Illners"Ille. oa PAPCIPaei, •t 3 o'clock p• et. Loins,ee will ss t from felrenan • tam”ells, termite street, et 10 block. • Tho•edso Jed! 11th, 1110`. at s O'eloes O. to., I. 1.2. Z • 11 ICTII., she Dedthed Of refer B thee, Sin...le the 47th Tier or her Funeral el 1 uka Wm. OD 0.1:111iDAT Illettlt thre. the 11:1, Intl. at 10 e mean the Teel. donee co her hothead, ne Ohio %thew. 01. th coy. The Mewls Otte* ra.117 are reeetelfolle Incited to Wend • . • NEW AL) vEIiTibEftLENTB, ALEX. AIKEN. 'UNDERTAKER. F. ISO Poldin wean. Mutual'. P. COPFINn of ad kinds; CHUM. GLOVE+. and ..acry dterrlPStr. of Puterai Tarnishing Gonna famished. Rootaaancated 4a7aad WO. Rearm and Cainlanto tandahod. iiitiruratera—ltev. David Serf, D. D•s Per. M. W. Jacabaa. D.D.. Mama. /wins. Rod.. la. .e it. wilier. Ran. . - J G. RODGERS. UNDEIRTAL.. • KIM AND EMBAI.NNIt. n0...a to atm late !funnel K. N•licra, No. SRI Ohio Street, three door. from &mom Alionnen7*4 It 7; rr caLlto. lionewood. Ilatoolnny. Walnut sad tom. rood Inatation Cogan.. at An Wray reduced price., open at 01 noun, day and night. Beam nod tOyntshad on abort noaloo and on moat rraton.bla teems. 14`DICIllt0 CZ 4.IIIIIIIIECKI. PICHTsifElt UM.. At 4 ~ .210 1112.22. Allrgheuf.'kommood IMO wheel:ar eal, Will n tozontuto neck of Amaral sotallofoll Rood. of band; and fors; oiled at ponestCobb. at 'Am. mnda, We 444 Livery "Cabin. Ooh. aerof FMB? woo Wont.% ./ num Cantu.: Horses, 1e..-424., lot ntre. It',T. WHITE &CO., lI If DEII. *SAICSICI AND Llta&Litated. WneCes - ter. Wood's No sad eh:astir. uotil. SWISS It Manchester Lberr ludas, corner ateMashl and Chatters streetA tlurae tad Oarrtaces ,ters E S. STEM/ART.:Undertaker, • tamer of MORTON mil rENt. Ninth W.N. Cafilus of ill khan. Wane slid Card.. famished ea, lb* snort.< lwle • J. 1,. sem JOILNISTON & SCOTT, DTALLIIII IN „.• Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewehl SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC.. iP• Inttimsbnarig32.. 2..exutsa. IT rartiro.lafattentlow 110 Watts.% Clocks skS Jewelry. can't mut DEVLIN & SILL, Real estate anClnanesnet Agents, Butler. 51.,Lner. renneetlis. es. • .011. BBLA—IdADIUTACrIMLINO 11...a . cmaCromalul WO - 0110t. for 'at. the .Ima I.oa .0.1 1 1 ..11mb% .11 12. an Valium MIU ma Blast lftrasee, or for my .orze filapotanafti purposes, In tb county. Vas Broperl74 bur "tad on. 40 root racat sa4 R. and 1.11.1110 100 het of toe A. V.B. B. SU lot 2.0 by fits fersonsdagrialt mols a kit insala de ...II to examine baton %14m idsambolp be.. smile 1.6 snit parelmeis. 10001010, 01 1110 V UN d 81. L,- 11801 Bit.te seta Brenta. Butler • ' . IrerY ble and da.iyanta pmprtni execs mart and the illeab9td.ttter; um Alla:. itkinnY COY; llb7 CO .ent. connehlettla erects: beery sunatnottal Brick Saddles. ten Karla at, leezin.) fact. cidnalatad mid wall adapted fur norm, on alone% hay bra:A of otansfac. tuning. I( tt seldom aidt ef•lanse dimension. outdo toe city. Can WIWI. mnd we woad tarifa the fended a !comsat lOW, destronCof sego. Inas place ro masemot.rtut puma.. Vi 11•1141, the WAD. of DinIAN A dtLL,Ltieet It.u.t. and lnaunnn aaentlnitotter. tenet. 1411.2011C;Till, WEDDING ItING 6, to KT.SoLID GOLD. NOR 8.11.1 C BY DIJNSEATH & co. a'ovveliarnr. ITRVEL• GO To H Ati-ETT & rnumr, nix 21:8715