II 11 ,;'):IRY GOODS, TininaNc4s. , DRY goons, TRIXISTINGR. g i tt i ntr o e raytte ItRY. GOODS! II Wholesale and:/tetail, at WNE. SEMPLtS, Na. 180 t. 182 Federal St., AIJLSGEIXIIY 177. Black bilks Flite Lawns; Plain and Printed Per cake; plato,axad Printed Man enles; Checks and Tickinp; ' Cott °Emden & Farmers , Linen; Fine and Heavy Flannels; Bleached k Brown Shirtingcl Corsets and Hoop Skirts; ;Nagalto Netting; Hosiery and Illations; ' • ICI . AT WEST . SET PRI CES, AT 1 4, 1 Wilt. SENIPLE 9 S 9 r tBO aa4 1112 Federal St„ i.apearimrr CITY. trOrderisyrom payle4. NEW DRY GOODS SIRE 4 1:WEIXIS ,;')gonday, , June 17th, *lin A:LAX:AZ STOCK Or NEW DRY GOODS, 11.13SIJEIECY NOTIONS, SHAWLS ! Cassimeres and Cloths, waive WILL U sou, Wholesale and Retail, AT LOWEST CASH PEIOES I S. C. HESS, No.loo Ohio street, .(Ciiiicrof ObW and Cotcano.4) ALLE6IIIcaY =5 015,,1N STOCK, MEI EATON'S. A. Large Assortment of s Mblfe Marseilles; 1: Ur aadlitfte Brilliants; • Vndreased Cambriet Striped and Barred Jaeinel; Do: di, Nainsook: likkops Lawn t ladian NO; -.Med Bye Linen, Dimity; - • lit& Linens: Clpyded fkirtimg Malin; HM Ithylln; AT MIST CASH FECES; AT 16`.."13. EATON'S, 17 Fifth Street. JUST OPENED, - 11ItCRII31 k CABLLSLE, Xo r 19 14119.11rset, I= Pun Shades and Parasols, REV 13IITIVE:11 AND TR1X11:13133, lOW. 113 BOMB EMI& !IMMO !HA RD 0/ Tinvßter KID GLOVES. “irrAixe.” ,pEr PAYER COLIARB AHD CUPS is -We brn.llst. 0946,.. 6 Milts. of all gulled 'iebten Of tta eeletniaa 'ail!' Kid Glove, at eta per Pair, lire are hothorlaso to Neenah...Wray paty of the Morn eel , Shoals they elp be mar heti/oh of, New elorbe eseleashe YOU. pair. MACIIIIM /V CARLISLE, No. ‘3.9 -11Mtrcmert. .RECEIRED TFIS DAY. MICIA & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. anl t 1113! It MIMS, Jet Dead and Eagle Chaps and Fringes Crystal lieseiGiness and Drop Trimaringi. Jet and Crptal Onrunenta. One, Sat and Jet prop Ituttons; 'Fine Awn:ma of Parasols and Inn- ituttllati Bonnet and Trtmtniutt ■lbbotw, all widths ail diodes. Colored Velvet. Itlbbono. imeont Aisortincot %Leal Polar and Ap. pliete Laces and liangliereAlclk. FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES. .lh.i.bbt.t Tr.d. swill lad • easplets stock above /rod. us our Irlsolusslo Depout ,4o, tusuUsUrvitls &great MINS of .. • Fuel Gorda & !lotions Generally, dT JEASTERJP PRICER. - ...Tu..se DENNISON & lIECKEILT,I ' No. 27 Fifth Street, • LUZ CaLLINO • lUD 4111.0 vie; KID IMOVIte. 0.:y..• XID 1tt.t.7145. :mum h►TS f0r.... TIILW OATS rm..... IfINCRIITIM7r LIAM for. 'IIIMIL STRAW EATS tea. 110 f 154 i, per pair . . T T ., 0 p ., T for 25 o•ltta • . LIDIEV.IiOOP St ULM l 9 Yo 90 Is. anII .1400. • - DESSISON 11, HEtEE T. NI NEILSON & co I ' C AII 6..,:stita. cur i c 0..) snitiLtalux DILLLAIRS tai , . 'SORDID 00 DOMESTIC DRY (moos. WOOD sTRDIrt. , Var.! boue *boys Disseona 1111.1. irrrlDol6ll, GIIZAT BALE OF DRY GOODSI I=l3 ,Ilonday, July Stk. and Contin uing to August Slit, After wide] the bile:l,e of the Bock 11( .6.. After be dleposed of et ' PUBLIC AUCTION ! TICKINGS .• ............ • - HOU, biLtlati • At.v1c0...5. toe Plat. Ilits;.: cH l• nt.Rea 0001)0 o WOOL ......... ROONEY & DICENNAN, N 0.50 Federal Street Sir Mug tgli with fou •nd 1.0 ELATE YOU BEEN IN TILE New Trimming Store! IF NOT, CALL AT W. K. MILLER'S , Nu. 64 Market Street, (Oppoatia J. W..BiBEIB•H.> N. B.—A fol cf Aleiandies Kid _Gloves, last reaped this Waoi.r.sALE:bmt 600r09.. AIWIRIINOT;SHANNON it. CO., •• N 0.11.5 Wood Street, /ianJuit Opened • Inro4 new :toot of sensonst ., l4 DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS, 1.1111 , 111:4= L . :5 , 72x. ,- ; 1i.r.,. No. 1443 Slircacici. Ritz owed C. /...11TIM6T.Nr.T. 611.62nnOw..103:ninMiNSON • ' CLOSING OUT . SALE,' 4 SUMMER DRESS - DOODS - :! THE fittiMßOY J. N. BURCHFIELD No. 8711farket Street. NO OLD GOODS. STOCK ENTIRELY NEW, Bought M.. , the decline. gad selßoß Cheaper than any Stock in the City. Booming. THE PLACI:, No. 87 210184.161 ~.cot NEltsoot. DESIRABLE GOODS ! El= JOSEPH HORN & CO'S. PolritedTtimattog Ribbons: ' PLW Trimming Ribbons, all diadem Jet and Crystal Gimps and Prlo-ges; Colored Ball Trimmings; White Cotton and Ball Fringes; A fall lineo! Alexandre*a Kid Grcireim lade, oxrail, Neapolitan, Bilk and KB . Pinl.h Moves: 'Lisle and Cotton Lace 'Gent's, Ladles*, BMX.* and Infants* •Boslery; Ban Umbrellas and Parasols; gosbrolderim, Handkerchiefs, Lace Goods die:; Ihspiezasseeptims Skirt; Corsets, Belting and Buchles; Palm, Linen and Kit Fans; Gauze Underwear,. for Ladles, Cents and Ltilldren; Bead ColLus'Ar Belts, something nth: And a I.ge atock or NOTIONS, or all It Inas, at law Yr..: Call aad . 77 and 79 Market Street. sayNita9o LEA Orra PERIIENSP CHEELAZEEINIL.A.TiiI a . `WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE 780.YOUNCen sT ' EXTRACT of • LET.. 11 1 0E1 11 1 CONNOISSEURS 3111rICA L GEN. 1 • .71.Xlit AN at EAR. ; • TOYS TUB ' 7:Ar tobto Brother at WOIWEITER., 41513100181Gri" nu: rliV i rti l .4 r lS A. thi t t e7t., Stir SAUCE It gritly termed Is 'nun TAZILTY ; op; a tX = ' palatable saPell Or 011 most EWA, ti.aucE that 7:27J1:13Er—. • . The noes. &this most Pet Ir.E. sag partras. .1 eopdtmeat having caused many a spfletelpletl grab,* ply-to name to ' , rumpus Low PoCADA tbs. euut.u.: rAarscrruLLY and PAL 1... Mr reauteated ut see tbat the name Of LEA PIaRRISeI are apob the WBA PFEIL LABEL, .ST.Pltalt and 8./ ITLE blanaraetterog by LEA A raltliTNS. tromes• • JOIEILDUNCAIPS SONS, NEW YORK, AGENTS NOR TIIE U. 15. • . __ . tltßfrttr CHEAPEST PASSAGE TO TIIE OLD COUNTRY. Staa i rge Passage to LIVIGWOOL A QUEENS. TWENTY-TWO DOLLIRS, CURRENCY. AITLY TO WM. BINCMAM, JR, Adams Jensen Co., W 711 R ELerll4 l l , lsett Sans= to 13:21 IRON CITY CUTLIIIIY CO., . Pio, 3 St.,,Clair street. . ' Hwang poronated of ANDREW BEMIS the entire melt of Hardware, arid Varlet) tow de. at tow above . Cutlery , It It MO , FLoolloo to km, on nand • dry ass. stoce of • - - " HAkDWARE:' CUTLERY. Guns, Rites lievorref. ?Mots, , qatting Taal. :I% . e "" rt i' gralg:riTn ' alnha T talgc; Urlatdorisasors.bdirsom Se.. C.ttl fig Steeell• 554 rfamps, and ma.king. Iseal Caneellllls Stamps. at iberttst W. H. DOWN, asztager. 13.10.:ven 0010 AVENUE ••.• • DRUG. STORE , rootOPZNIEte, where Deer be round a, select of ' FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, American sod rorti. 14111.7MeM. TOIL= elemi.ms, end mery , tilon In the ilea or • Ant m Drier More. Physics. , Prom:Meadow compounded et alt boon, d• 7 or woe. r"UY - . qW"I7. AA nescr.s, • "comer vtao A and Lineoln tlimede. MIS:101 '• ALLCHDC'r erre. PA. FREFRIGEBATOBS, X'cati caralitarres, I Torry'e Ice Cream Freezers, VERT. OE MS, AT Grallorgs Ilouse-Furntsttleg Store, 66 Weeto-rial =I EM== I=E:l3 . COLGATE & COX/ 1z. N. 0 4), . GERMAN ° &CO • r m ERASIVE SOAP % • le maaohmtared from l'ou ..." a.. .lATINIALIS. aml may Im 'IVy 0' f,IIIII.7=I2TrIN by all Urocers. 41.1•41 SI.OO. . 1.00 0110. Q QATICPI D. r. IRON CITY BELT MOMS* BB CEO. 0. CLARK & CO. , Nainfaetafin of eoeilvtiori of Patent. throsched. Columned - and Itheted llak•Tanood Lowther .113oltizis. Re. 409 unnimir er., (d door., oppodut taloa Dowd. Ptuatruati. • leam77 EADQUARTERS FOR THE FOURTH. • ar. 3n. w li.it B, .n catomusncLSLSLr H. - . No.ifitalevid street, Mleg ray. FOR ASSEMBLY. WILUAM B. ROSS, i ~ Of Ailtilmait Clfr.mal b. t can4lldato for A., Usably. subteat to U. dvellsten of the Ibt, publi- WA Coaxal 001156110111 PP.%-.16 THE COURTS Court Of Quarter SO*lllooll [nine wrrcl TWA L:cart met Tintruhty at ten °WOOL ❑on. Thome. Mellon on the Manch,. Co!. L. It. DOll Dtstrict Attorney. Jr n.I OCT ALL trioser., The cry m the twee of d. B. llanshaw, E.liarehati and Vf.H. Botrmadttladletment aggravated sAaan7t and hatters , on Henry Ilonsher, remained Out all night. and not haying agreed dpon a verdleti standing eleven nation one, came a do Court and aswed 1-extinction, There Tat some differ- ToneofopinionO. tO the propriety of con victing all of the defendants, the ).ff desiring to know what nmount of portion.- Con in the antra was neoweary to be shown iworder to enable them to , to 3. Hawing beau "lnatrnebed.. tee ).r7 again retired. .1n a ahorttnue they returned uotit : veultet of "not entity." to "" show, and finding C. E. Hart.hay. and .H. Bowman wttiltr of assault and battery,l reocrmlnending them to the mercy of the Court. • Q• John Sheller, constant., of Reserve town. wasloilleted for on aseaultand.Outtery Ott Marys •t Molter, alleged to nave been COmmitted w bast the defendant was at the bongo of tile prosecntrtx melting a levy under an eat:ewe:in, in accordance With Lie day as an cincor. Verdict not gtilltY, grcoectitrig to OW the eoe•a. Thu next Ca. Wu") .0110 of LIUWILCO. 10- , rearing the enaracter of a dog. Patrick mol.dy =so the defendant, and It was al ieg,..l toot be kept or owned a ferocious dog. A. nowand, residing in Allegheny, the prossouter, =stifled that idefnutant kept. • sort of hull dog, not vety small; aoMething over aye= ago a son of witness was bitten by the dog very severely, requirlog medic= , attendance; thellog was senttotbecountry, and = !dumb lest was brought back; soon after fight took place between Cleland ant's 1 d.g ••Dean" and a dog bolongleg.lo n son of wittiest. In April defendant Informed the 6013 of =true= to lank onkfor hfmasff, u he (defendant) waa going to:let wDlikko prose, 000100 previously had hl lti tied np. It erni In consequence of Una slAtetnont th .t Sir. 'Bowand, datarlog tirOtoOtkin , agalmt the dog. prosecuted McNally/ It - appeared that the dog .I)=b' had a epltwaspunst how =Ws boy, and know his hiotatep. Uncross- WrMn4on Mr. it 3 criliVlc4 "l bit li. wax Ma boy; would not swear poealvely that It wan not "two years ago." Arthur Bowan, BOIL of the prosecutor. Midi= that be knew tho dog; that he did not know bow long aco. about two years he ... supposed, We dOg came out to him as he going up street; that he picked up a none. siren tiro dog ran back; that the nog mum out again, and witness, fid/Ing over a mortar box. was bitten by tam. In March last the of again raced out. Defendant keeps n store tlve doors from Mr. gcnrand , s house, on Sandusky meet, and the dog was • tuOstlV atnntbal he • stable: On erons-ax. =motion yo.g Rowan and that be met - kke dog, and persuaded by other burs he Would • got Out 010 ono dog to tight McNally% and a regular - • ht tookplace oo tbe :Jet of Aptillast, af terwards McNally offered Janet CO) Ws dog 'weld whip, bat the vaster was hot escupt oil. A number Of w Uneasy, for the defonce iesttiledthe character of the dog for poi. good. Verdict hot guilty . , defeaderd to t wodtdrde and thoprosnoutor one-ultra the 00143• I= Usury lle”hauser alias Dutch Henry, butcher or etookdouler, wen arraigned upon indimmeat, drawn under tile sieventY- Wreath section of the Penal Vona, chug. lug him with soiling the, Oosbe ot Obsessed hogvaud cattle, alleged to have bean pur chased at the stock yards. tkieb Martin Weaned,— guide at East Lib erty; am employed at the Mock yards; de. fendant Is In the stock humus; bayou:en him buying hogs, cattle and sheep; have saeu him bertha =looted with> and hog., taken - from the can, and stock that nns , not sneered ' bought the stock , mid Wog it away; eitutsl Jamul, how he dianeeed of It; sortln not • say that he bought. dineased Meek; he •' Would not mil' crippled Or toot mire hogs, giving oat from - travel, or , such having bro ken lege, - diseasaL Croamesandried— Have been at the stook yards li•r two years, having general supertutandeaCe. En.dirwg ~ - (roulai not may that hogs "giving ouv , were diseased, as he did not see them butchered. Cattle, from being crowded In the cars, were trampled mid bruised, and sometimes were swelled some, but could not. say they were diseased. The defendant manufectures grease, has a factory for the purpose. and 10 the horseman, of this busi ness ne bong ht dead hogs sad rattle, To MLA:min—flogs passed through said to have had the“etiOtera," but none at them were aced, except perhaps to thole who bought "dead stock." Deems Instilled—Knew the defand• anti, had seen him btIYME Oriented stock, but Chinn not say ILwu ntateuent be aim Dwight deed stock. He abutcher and has a. ~h "t slat t l. t riae W t a t • dtil„Tr—ft-dTd . wan the "chop' clock" purchased by him. Stook crippled In Menus. and in ou tran:lug, are sold as seek, although they might be wand, so far as withal* knew, for butehering purposes. miasma il. Tumor tentlawl—Work In the stock yard, know defendant; wu never In hiss employ, Testimony the same as former witnesses. The term "crippled stock" la .applied ' to all (not dead) that cannot move about. Beery Connor teeth:led—Defendant bought crippled stock, nod good stock. freonentlY; took It tars, but witness knew nothing farther. Delatidant was a largo tram Unf it:ix lout winter.; W=14001410. tattled—Brieklaying Is my prinolind business dudes' the summer. and kill bogs lit the lamer; never was in the employ of the oefendanti never was In hW elaughterhousot have seen him hauling dead stock to his tank or (awry; hod seen tripped hogs, the meat of which he would not like to esti had killed crippled hors and we.. good MS any othervi old not know where defendant sold hie stock. th.olesekamtnell—Defendant has resided In Last Liberty for three Or filer ytarsi do not know of los hosing. toad tineolmil to Davi csin d Tomer testitted—Livbet Etat Lib erty; had been working at tic , stook yards for two or three years, op until within s mo d nth or two; ainorthen nave been doing m oath t ries have been a hatcher, never woo In • ePoulangs employ; bad been at his slnughter house, but 00.3 g when then W. any slaaghteringi never caw any ii.lppied animals there. Other testimony same as previous 1.3060.5.121111.-.De tendtled ha Ondnindllnnnt On Lim Frankstown Mad, on Ur. Kelley's place, whe.e be macentacturea gramme trete demi animals. •• nstnuel Holmes Untitled—Employed at the stock yards: had aeon defendant Dunne crlpplehl and end stock. Knew notning further. James L'•Gnbhm testlhed—Workpt blank tumbles at K•st Libertfl dote dant MU. all sorts of stock; be lea three stock dealer) oats him on one oceuton buy bee thousand eheem also nw him buy car Wads of hogs. Knew nothles further. • . Harry White testified—Live at East Übe, j Usty; know defendant; know of his buying ,• stock; do not know of his buying any other—am not mach &boa L2lO L 2006 yards; orrrer was at defendmiPs elatighter.house. Abraham tiney loathed—Am a carpenter; reside at Homewood Station; know defend. ant; weak/term him • general siockdealer, have passed his slaughter-house, but never was in it; never ear him buy any stock; have weighed fat and stock cattle for him. Oeorge latrine testified—Am night , watch- man at Ms stock yards; never taw defend- ' ant Idiv or nril, Pr slaughter any stock. ;. Jacob ' Batts tostitted-4.m a Catcher in the Ninth ward of Meetly; knowdefendant he wholesales hogs and beef; have per. charnel dressed meat from him this Spring. I wand ellt any one need Dave; can'tsav here be _sells; dealt know of Die offering for sale any 16011 L eXeepe 17110 t was sound; have teen fie - sling with blm for daycare; don't X noWoC his selling at retail. Frank Leffler Lein illed—Am rt butcher in Lawrencevitiil never purchased from de. !widen& or saw him sett; heard :Mtn other. he was a stock dealer. ' John eberllliol Leetleed—L.loo 16 Reserve townstdp,no W the devauth want. AllmitionY. Tale witness knew nothing more than that he went to hest Liberty with "soft SeetD,'' met defendant them and emrietimes "took soirink mit him.' Samuel Brandi—Am a Outcher;reslde to ' the Seventh ward, Allegheny. and sell in therittsbilrgh market. This witness knew nothing material. James - McAllister testined.-Am a stock dealer, and formerly kept • tavern in Best Linerry. This witness should have been palled for the dese. Ile never ew of defendant having any other than kn geed *leek. Patrick batman testided—dus a butcher, lq smell way, In Mcinure township. Oats soroi damaged bogs In the market, which he undUstred belonged to the defendan& Triis witne.se seemed know more Um tiny of three called se fur, fled bad. great deal to my, bat on erosseseinination It ;smeared his knowledge wag Wither ape:. ulative. Philip Berger, a bundler, .22s the next witness called, but for . what p.n.. did' not appear front his testimeny, waste Delp tne COMMenneelth not to ani mae 'km 6 cads. The same remark applied to Jacob Inartin "bone boiler,. of Jeeserle . towoship, andreter Testi, butcher, of Du quesne borough. Jame. limbo testified—Live In Allegheny: am a butcher; knew defendant only by si4d; he le a Mock dealer,but never saw him eleogblor, sell, or offer for sale any steno • Ernest Breese, botcher, residing In Lib erty township, gave testimony equally im p:Maxi& rinlip Dram tostlned—Live in Pitt town. ntilni de 10210626 s in the city an butcher:. know defendant; cave seen Dim Dave pork In tte market; saw ids wager; on meat , sion in the Ninth ward, with som It which witness would not like to sag; it was pretty lyebad braised, • and witness did not. esimaider -Itt for gale. Witness said a hogwills inj in ured in the foot might be bought safety, respect to inti•eounduess of the meat, bat otlmes njured inwdly, 1 1 ' g:blonde= twit; mesa mint Mr ar use; this Injury mild be discovered by a butch er but sometimethey were 41110ellred; witness could discover this ma of iniury In hogs' More readily before they were slaughtered, es there rue a caftai . position in which tboardirMie would /ay were be hart. • ' • The hour of three havitur arrived, Court Adjourned till ton o'clock, Friday morning. iTorelble Atriument. J.ll= phaithertgtOnstable or the Eighth ward. is charged by Patrick Soorianl with haring iasod a very forrlbleargnment topen• vim. him. Patriot, that no owed the rain Dougherty the sum of one' donor. The leers of the case as related by I,oobirg ere as follows: lie eels ho is a oarpenter by trade and that a few days since be had lame Wetness with Alderman Thomas, and went ID Ma • office to transact rte met ThingbertY them, who said that .00 op nerd) owed him one dollar. Ile, _(LOOtturd) L molod whereupon, tiesilegeSs DOUghurtr shut both doom ci the offing, and tweed them drew. • "billY" and eta berreltled re volver from his pocket. android him Guth° could not leave there alive' mime _ he . paid the dollar. Leonard. not being prepared to leave toundmte sphere on meltort notim, Paid thedollim. thee repaired 10the office of Alderman Mehisaters and median information against Dougherty, eltersins him with selOuioulauest. warrant was issued for Ida •LIMO. mi "Unevenefts* RIU WllW.—Tred oriok s o t, i n eoemen, restates la the Firth ward, It appear s DIM tersotten hts by. mental vows to "lave. cbertsh and protest' his sponse, and threatetts to Mil nor. A vvry an fortunate prat:oodles for Frederick, by the way, as his site. Margaret fearing be *as in estalet, annie telorma. lion against atm before Alderman Taylor, who issued iv warrant for his arrest. and after a Wearies, oammltted le au. f.131t 01 Ica to flamer at tXnLCI. A beeaadeal.—Trimoss L.O hart..alsuulea. eared apprentice to U. Y..Knfinan. a Ger. not Darner, doing basin. on ratan dreet. net hewn., a hooy for the trade, QUieti7 packed by kit tad overawed the Itanobe , ! a few day. , elects, and has not Melee been ward of Yardman made information be. tore Alderman Taylor. A warrant era. W. coed and placed in the hands of Offlcerflell who awned in permit of the absconder. rITTSEURGII DAILY GAZETTE: FRIDAY, JULY 1867. iae invorlitalanobber.e.—.Tem..llrost olletited tripe vow • ti. Overholt no the aftafeCerl 'Of .dad of July. ty.C. h ecrich Yesterday Wore /his Llossor McCarthy. and in default of 6%. ,0 ' b un .r. 4 Committed ter Court. Earono w luxe wm were examined. and the testimon7 etlort ,. O, although not ors poolttrecnora , trz, 1 . 120 .4 Tiattra duttokfunt- The tearing was eon acted by Jottnon the of tno prowand T. ILliamillon, Earl appeared tor the doloone. Mr. ilauul• ton stated rim: be WO ny , dro.o to prune an alibi, hot that he would not present It until the caw Cason hp to Conrt. Woo I t Lamer., I . —l - este:day there name or McCarthy auoung man noosed W. u. McCarty who o hie oate charged one Cnarie. Clark w tho larceny DI cosi, tuAt .1 gold ring. Ottleers Cupples and messier arrested the accrued at Ate. larland's Grove, where he woo enjoying nimself at a yile-me. It appears that the young 01011 hoard togeteer a snort dls tariee Op the ricer, and the accused "lisit , rowed" a frill snit without perethetion from hie fellow boarders, ...re. to appear with credit and egret a the piranha. lie trot 104,1 In tho WILDS. The Eighth Ward Ftre.-1 esttrday John Little aopeareet before Alderman Taylor, and mud. an metrication for arena easiest toren men. lamed Tanapson. and Nicbotas Pionlger. They are suspected with having fired Hutchin son's stable,which was burned ut an early hour yesterday morning. There un posi tive evidence againei them, hosPloom wit+ directed tower thi then:. on account a sumo Ulthaulty having taken pia,' bcGwoco the ana 11r.lintelduson. A tearing will be mild tOduglit. Ftrec—An alarm was mmudoil from has Si, corner of Penn and Harrison struetc, yesterday., about twelve o'clock, occasioned oy the roof of the dwelling hon. No. la! Penn street, :akin; fire. Teo fire origina ted, It Ls supposed, [Cum sparks from the chimney, butms the steamers were prompt ly on the ground, the dampe were entle• gulahed before any material damage w. Pone. The bundled was ocdupicil by Alm. Shannon an a boarding honau. Data.—.A Ilttle girl aged eta Iyearn, daughter of Prof. T. E. Waltilhata. eery muldenty Wednekday, lomat tour o'clock. She had been playing on toe pave. ' meat and wan taken suddenly 111, when she iTt lOn ' Vernotlarery, r" a s a d d en tg . ..:ll N ce:i ald ummoned, hat the was beyond the to et of human skill, and expired is a few M tea. Additional Local Matters on First Page. ERGELSIIT TAILOR S . MIRD ARRIVAL OF. .. . SUMMER GOODS, . . . AT E, HOUSTON 84 CO,'S, ARFASIIION•6II.I CHANT TAILORS, AND DEALERS la . . . Men and Boys' Clothing and Gen tlemen's Furnishing Goods, No. 107 Fifth St., CORNER UV CHERRY ALLEY. All the Mast styles and nevi ales to CLOTUS. CAbSIDERILSaoII Viler/NUN. Prices eery reasonable and re slot the times. Piste HENRY G. HALE imam COS. ST MIR STS. NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, • COMPIII•11:0 All the - Novelties of the . Season, 8.1, 7 1..17 fanad in • Flrst.Class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. . 0a.M.1•87 • B oiLS , CLOTUDIG. Metropolitan, Garibaldi, Grant BARNET AND CIITARAT SUITS, 111 Still IA 01 MI MUM /URIC, ♦ large and complete assortment now on bead. GRAY & LOG ti No. tv eIL C1•11.1.4moot - 11 EFEIX CAPPELL, Merchant TAILOR. and dearer Io ' GenUemen's Furnishing Goods, Fto MITLIVIELD STEISST. • Three door below Stith, rrmotCnon, pg. All toe Isk.ut Hurl., and Summer st,le. Cloths. Caulk...sus nag ou hand. •110 6r,•11 C up In me most hatlonstike style, lowest In , h at s E . J. , - - MERCHANT TAILOR, I= ALLA()II EN If CITY. A large saaortmaut cf Yarnlabia', Iiio•lt al ways*. baud. &Oral elapa cutter rrtlt attend to caatotz Work. latl:aaO:TVra IN THE SPRING AM" , MUMMER ht . trlTHB. the ro SIM raterelly +leder..., • change, lath H.lolol.l,4lFittitui COXCZ, Tltt. ltsrli•ct or li•mco.r.sw.t.a of the eresteate.,.. TO BOLIDE BUILDERS AND 6ONTRACTORS. 'no, WW2 t of GRATE% all Sizes; Cooking Ranges & Stoves, Of the VERY EMT QOALITY,Tor ”le at YIRR 1' LOU PRICES, RI BISSELL '& CO., Je7.7,0 = CITY COLLECTEIG AGENCY. L. D. 61:1Tft A. S. ..o. G. PIA,. SE TON & SEATON, Local Collecting Agent; NO. 0 ST. CLUB. NTILLET, 211 t, Fkoon., P. 0. DUX, 541. 1 . 111111301it111. 11111 a °fall deaettutLant taken ter I leeuau• No eharata malt 'ohm 11111“1.5 Dal nonrated. ent.ak ILLIAMEIOS , B • DINING ROOMS, AV. as Xarket ht, Itietwera Serand aid Third Streeter) PIL IT:II3ORWL v&. The house la dratani with err rr this 'bat eoristitntrs a ems, Sating House. Tbr eh toceat at erstythlog Inc marks. allures be aersed °pat all boorsROOMY he day or nisht LAullail. DINH, we leer. J. U. WILLIASISON. Proprietor. or oru sarTonalhb Is istte ssame, t market price paid for all bin d. e 1e19.t: 1311111t;EIAlly TO 1101.1SEELEEP FRANCE'S TEA MART, No. 15 DLLNOND, PITTSI3IIIIOII, Taa eaabay the dne.l aligner of TSAR, ot , the price of au) fold In the elle. /deo, Sugars, Coffees and Groceries, VilltegAl.eqtaallare= 'gee P""' 11/1. 12AHCE olt SON, =I 11:=1IM=! JUST RECEIVED, AT ROBERTS & SHERRATT'S • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1111, Copper idid Shat Iron Taro lindutory, .f 1. 61 loorreurtELD PT., PITTSBURGH, A new moooly of Ice Cheat, Icor:ova and Mitch. 7:.4., '" ltTol r o ' rio, D ::: " eeTOYX4o. l :ok " r at derv, and fon line of Honaerforn Ming °moll, AI rail Iry PITA ' Vitteno7 l l:al . , a Wes, no:datum to fe soles DR, A. HEEZROIN HAS REMOVED His Office and Residence to 60, 14 SMITHFIELD ST., •Vearir olanoalte the llovenavhel. MANX •0 bum — Cal:r/MJIM JACOB XXV! ' • MORRISON BARE & CO., Yanufnetuvere or All kinds of 8008 AND PRINT PAPER, omen peemouT line ' d. • :• A:Barn”, EPANGI6I MILLE, Blair Ramat], Fenn.; firlilshert cub pald for me. MARKET STREET SEWER. 'ena aneenawastn for bulldlng the INIn PEET STREIT SEWS/taro now In Mtn touvls (My TMMltifel, A - 1 MCae tho.lng j Leta end for ”1. , Sower nee or re by Rota den to pant,. and L l i mt, the i ronwa re, 114:117. vs. quALnir. • 11.11dOLD•11 Erm....7JUASAPASIttIi. 'The don It mull. 'MOM doid... duo Isre , d!‘ . - ' • .IPoldedw • • St ng.Wow mums., SPL'CIAL UTICES ar SECOND BANKERS , AND m.,,cloorr ‘• GRA , D trSa.7. Tutu It. TERI . &Its. want po , tlm:y tstt Liam. Al th , ereoMe f 2.41 n.. and to.mt • tot, arol •nmerrl,c ever -I.mtgetal. A Pnemoo with esem Su ia Het war day. Toe dine n tia., Melte... as I 'toe • .t.gtater obal .119 c , mrct ne,rt. malting the grand dlattlbtaloo of ;01.... at tte tast Cot...cm on tut 71 13 of July 1 1110 with',. Oct..- Tot rand , vendts to flec!...bo'dere. Capital. •03 , , - 140. To,tro.s.lll canto. A present wltts tarry oteltt. A 5. fertnee 1 tbe nomber ot rmsests ano tbe f I omenral nian of diatTtbutl .n. croSt akeplle. theareal &den -0105 ace veto wLu parthttmte to ' Mm nntero and , bn C maitre!. aria dn., hen dl nettle.. antranme ot 7 tta lairnies sad Imp•r , pera Volt t y Imo water, eTarything enoneetino • It will nond• med. aod n• Int• .rst• of 1: dellSo will ne moat .erupo ens, w•tete4 orer fin Rua coed In fact It l• t , r dealre of toe nra - r• condlrt tran.3.l , n lot toe tan! ti -vont of n r et vu hose • aold ...-upniou•M to aVOlil any pito n .losllli In the dtgmeto. 073,utt1: oar e.ll td ,, nnat 1!,;!'oc8:;:! at 43 SC gra ra.l3 pragente fl I " Pour can o sOtet- 1, 0^ .015100 ; yenta st al fo lou .ed earl], pees rttl reTe'n't Las.n7litt aol. ev..nt : .•nve ca.. pretext, at CiarOite Istio.sl.l sod fur, .43 ',rt..," •• rat-Se Onto dred and arty preAnts .t an.... t. art nun prrwast toa .0; two Poo dred cut p cent at —afit pr.sen I. amoootlng to at-0 CO3. 1 ., •n44 — s oitclow y s gill ni , ons •t 51500; •1141ett,Mog's gnat' . ol ZS e ;may, are plans at im , n, •tng •7 platins at ri s ing l otioaao.• M 1,0 melodeons ta b a n:. ming hlarlitna•-7, tVnerier a WU... ease otew• Jog ...colons at .01 Woe. lar WiiMlithatf case a *leg mam,t o et at $0.3; MT Wheeler dt ll gun plain analog =mouth.. at 10.3; 73 bLugera . cr.. etas a•-wlog machines at 1113 n alnarers• Omit.. seal, Inn to, at 11. MI I3J li.ngere tight sewing mat. S 5 01l atm Olatoonu• 43.3,14. I. fall A.la .o^da M. 7.; lb diamond cinder 'laga at jASJt diamond eluster rpm. at 0., : 4 21 toond em,t. rMere 9150. Si olamond dust r t log• 11 4.7.. A dlorrond cluster pl. at ar.z. etel•,—is ..n , s• ro'd •01i05• nom' gold watt... IM l :43ltenta'au . id watch: 3: watch,. at 41,15, 92 laolai . r vas chat lid 'ldles' gold wall/ma/A Iltgl wsto"as tm —OO American sllvee w•letto. •t 675: .171.4.03er1can can atmer watches 53 , 34 FAO A torrlean sitar ...Long.>. lig: ......idetacuett titter watch,. Sit nttvucfwaoctset at tWI; plated ot. 'rotei.ll .41 ler. f anorke P{1.1..4.... ills oprescota.l2.TP il loottod“.4lS eter,lan grand .Istrib,cuis• nets, pros- alb, std ;Plti tie &tinted aa. tart it each tYleel trldAtbe of distn3Ottult yettal'med to Um, small. t., r.d .0.. y hay..c0.1.443 Maputo of Ild 7.=j'&114: rumlwar, 3tWifokr. whor Vitt angle. Mc- Of , . In t. ir UlliMl7 &pill the Aar of lon ad presentation rottortotinton.. ob. tot ms . o + l banded oaer to •romtottleo selected by . tbe addl. moot m•t..•o vartla dlstrlotttloa at one doaar tech Fat sate at the flat t lag /IMMO Of Cl. 51411., WE ttlit Etta t: 0 /.. An... r.os mar, Atw atilt mallon• receipt of rake .01 .tarn for roman pottage. trots; Teo Ina or Club &att.—A.7 party Urn caring a ...loan , dee or too,. samsatortickt. and ...pito g action money toe ilia Lame..lU see al , owod foollm.ang conpllalon send 5 tlete, cot .Pldreas fors[ 110,10 lick 10 one .0 1.1• e l, ut 10; ter teat addre• 1,415 7. an lIcl,t• to oar aid e•a f rCS 4/1 tickets ot on. whim. for 5$ Sul tick. to to Oaf address for ill au; ltel Vet.. to one address for vu rage or • r tuat every ant.serlote• oame ma, regls e.ed, and Slat LOst UM, &aortas. orlth to•mt. monty and•rtate n NIL ainonv ny draft, st 0 ,1 1..6 urt.tr, Oantialia. or In stal.leratl War be A... vor Halt. All 4v.lntotsotc., mu.t add.assed to U.... , NV altar Kit ou.a3 Broads . .., Saw Tort. .y9:,*l arIiELNIESOLDIS Concentrated Fluid Extract sarsaparilla trulicntr• L'CUPTIVE "and ULCERATIVE UthEEsFS of the THIMET, NONE, EYES, EYELIDS, NOALE sad _KIN, Which to diet.w the ahhearattre. LORDING the rll etreet. of mercury sad rerriostex Islet% the real. is of DlSEAxita. heroalltaXX . IW,- TABLE 1X. , 01x YU La o. the Extract of e o lii ell nal to a gall°, Of the Sarah or 9vupanila, of Mt ett1,11.34 as a•ostly made. . . W . . . A C. la 'YE', 4 . iNi/ Li:l7Kit Is published la the If eraco•Phiru , pl ,, sluPPle , y on tae et , the the Extrset. pf Pnesenstill. ?o Cer , en Ulna lions, by Pen mato T, S. &e. Speak. Inn of Shea • fIi!CASa, auri alsessen urbane trap In• exPess of p amyl' he steles that na re*/ is eat., tone Emma of Samaparalta: Os anew extra. ..n.1,1. morns° than any atiler dreg aranatakd mak. It I,t, in Ma •trietsat a raki,. trah this Inn° itwAte attribute. last (I IS appaar ,, le to .t strae 4f ata r/ Item an eaves - a. and ert frratable us rendsrmatNr. ketartanass of natte eines anarallable Cr InJartenu. ItELEBULTII9 . - COISCENTBATE 0 EITILSOT BAILSAPARILII Letabtlthed upward. or 13 prim Prepared by 11. T. .1111ELEBOLD, Druggist aril Chemist. WI Broadway. fr, 7. !.Way ail Druegis.. 81,15. AMP :It3l - nun NE EON VIE ELMIKENEMIS l'hnlooN •, Night Blooming Coma., =9 Phalan, -"Night Blooming Cerema? PholoeN Blearaion Pkala6•+ ••`li Rh* Bloomlnk Ccresm, rung urani4te. aaie.•e. and t•nr.at Purfu-uf gal 1441 Ones Um fun and beautiful flower tun, 41Jc:1U:stet it. num, E=l =I nrwAke OP COUNTIMPEITS. nmc FOR ‘ , ,g A LON'R—T kKE NO OTURI► BA RNHILL & BOILER MAKERS SIM= IRON WORKERS, Non. .20. 3.2, 24 and 36 Penn St. Haring nerored aurae p.d and Inadebed It elth tot wort approved ...nen. we are pro pan, to ma.f.ture every d.orlraton of 24011. en In the bett manna, and warranted wanal 19 tar ntade In the conntry..Chintuay, Wretch .ng. Fire Led, VW.. now, Loooraotlva Doll. Zr,. tlondenter, Pall P. 0.. Tank, lid !trills, trltator, Pottllner., Holler iron. ' , learn., and Cole ra.afaetarerr of HAMS. fIlL.l,d PAT IttoPp BOLLltitn. nenalrlna dont on tlw snot - nut entire. grfIOOLNSON, REA. & CO., or. cn 1101117 K., Alm. A .512.r.A.F.1..1 WASHINGTON WORKS, rounUers etmll diushinills, Pittsburgh, Baaufacprcra or Boat and Math/nary Stearn vdrinta. Blast Ravara, 31111 Mithlnerr. dean. a. anaftlns, Cartinaa or all daDarlattocs:oll ranks and &B ill:, Iridlar tad rine.. Iron Work. Na. 13 corner Tint and 81311030.114 017. Ariragrata fur CIIPTaItIPS PATBStiT IN /Ern/IL tar reedlne ' lalßrad LUDLUM'S SPECIFIC, The great American Diuretic! Atro , ds lame/lett rellef and a tre , t. perm.eft C... of .11 Pr'vate • Ili.eases' In ale and faragd., lo shot. r th• any rem edy ever dlecnvir red. re.. 111 , 0 per box.' null by all Drair,lns. tCI;V D. PARK, =al Agent. Ap•a•yll-Itpe ' CINCINNATI, 0 OrLARE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL & SMELTINO WORKS. PITTNSCHIREI. PARS tiIeCTIEDY & CO.. Ilsnufal turati of oneatnlng, Wantons , and Colt ?lott l O o l;is, r tZelia i r C b o otVg. n' .:ll2 ' llll , 2 " Tt: d p,Vs i si I/colors .n Tin Plat. 11noto. ,on s c./e, to. Constantly on hand Tippers: Mach lora and Warehoome. No. 140 FINIT I; 1 KE.III . sod mod 1111. , ND STREET. Cittsnorla•• - us.l Orion of Cooper cot to soy delayed natters. tnylt:c.344./T "r:0311F,T1111VG NEIV.—CALL and the pew SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. Tit,. swill wear tirSce saIOSIX iss stsose vsltlionb tips. Kept only by • WM. E. 6CIIMEATL, Nn. 31 1 , 111.4 lt.. klllaburg4 SCOTT, DENTIST, XO. 21S PEJrJr STREET, 1177151M11011. lectien*, OR NOT. TO MARILY Wllr NOT? 8 rlo. 118. tie onions far Young Meg- .1 !be now.' ant W.toct.tBBl. on the ,l'ltTeloioetvi Znors, Abuses ad Insesgas 18.18 , ..1 , 888 r. ..C8 0 e 1 "Yr".'";l:'Z'.!`clf:n4fmebn . i tr.'"A i n. j e 'N. ZILLEN 04.1831112/fif HonaAl A ssoclintlan, rh8•11cIpb88 211yraChi*l TO . 01.8138 111AM1! . 1141TUREES. THE UNDEBsIWIED having secured am sale Agency for the gale of the celebrated COPLEY POI" 'CLAY. Are now id. pared In fortr.rh it to soy nasality banns sr 1.. g to procure' this superior arid, nitre., of horrid of this el. we have rived at lamb ni as mart. It abetter r las for puts rim, end in the market, Ce having spinet , ' a 0 4trrara sued of Ka ente. for seen trt...l ere lasting as long ari and ...otitis. We *I 1 rural. iresipts fer the p •oporuon of •11.3 in attire of this Clay to Toe Silas ie ground Ana' mount:in in app. Mr delivery. DiTaktiouz a SON. irortl•iti ill.. Wont.. WhihMetrinnt Piltsburgh. Pa.. TOE PEOPLE'S TEA STORE, Wilson & Underwood (HONE FAINILY GROLERIES. 0 , or th, o boanest and best wholesale and re tall mores In Inc two tale. No. 13 South West ID iamond. . • ALLEGIIIN• CITY 'Call and exaadne our .lack and ap 7.31-41, BUSINESS MAN'S COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos. Band 8 st. Clair Street. Haa a Petoetual eiterter. B oo k,„ p w, rentearship and Arlthmeria. Arithmetic and Psi Slrimi.c, or three mouth. ...... ..... 00 00 rsetnasghlo. Per ...M.... N 00 r or m r ,,d...r. or Xxxelakcias, aerm N. SHAPFEEL, ar X. mMI.AII4OXDS. THOME WII . O ahn I gtiYt Y n• O totrig . P= " 6 . oksrmArkk ZATAACT or okkkarksia..l. , • nal, doe.. Ask for nriaikkoLlre, Oats, rzsz3m - _ FOR.sAII-E--The best Faint In , tontsnlo. Wm. moreland c. ant P.. ...Mama shoot sere. situaltat mites m.o. of Us- rmatyleaula stallesm.d. at . 12 .. '1'1 4 ' it "°*. Th. l i '" We ' ut ' V ' e . sIZ beet '!" ehe ohne. Two muds .1.. pea. oronerd. The •nole lam M ut. er a hlsh mate or coarsen.: tt.11";11...,La'.?.g00d. Istainder mom wt.'te oak Umber. 1 Loa mop m, otdr et tee lo• pr., of OMlars Preenl rnswaslun trumedissely. m. ealosb e Gsrden fao, contslulie ls lerm. situmsd Illsabeth towently. /Weed.- . ..s l L ' a l. ;tCti ' ist ' ol ' LLs 'b =elLv r ;lfjiltt, ' .! ra4.o4=Vat%L'lt°'''''"tidri,Ti; fps wlth drlllire " itst 4 l " l= g att=e 4. ...l%% .. l.l Abundance of the dm% trona. of all vertstlri. churches. lichools an i rerf Persolst wishing so wagers gerdanlng would du well to eau .4 po•cla.. golchlf. .lso. a farm Of e 44 Lore. situated in West Whenteelel tommehlp, latilstmeogitrts 4 2.tl mats mom tn. Wm or see peurgerltatme A. Tim improrstments ere—ri•st. to. flare. Mu li ne noose, sr.. eve r00n..• large frame I tare' furlrott lumen. a good . ton- synod noose an wood bou.6. • I twe-stow bri, eons. a large frame Data, Wife.. It ' :grd of . ton Um Otte: twat 'd. but • short allree. ConVtalent to CoChurn... nebouL. Sr. lam autimulaed t sell dila proper[} earlheep and onto) terms. Also, An excellent germ ot Macre, Cor ersf at area me under coltleatlo, situate in ts- Mline mum. 1111 mote. • Iteprovemmeta—e now ama dwelling eontutmLog 6 rooms: atdon.W. choice fruit tree. INod renelng, se.. is Ile. wisely :miles of tee thine. ()mama E.: will .:‘144 , ? . 1 „ 0tt re;veable terms. Ctrs property bazar If desires?. 41 ' M:rel . = g0 .r ., C 17, -. .5?,1%;:ir Terd t' t!it ' s der miltivallon, 112. acres of ant-rate white oat and Other timber, 2 dwelling houses. 1 of them :erg t i e=e 7 i " ft:snu b d o n o tti order; young oratter4 of gs a/fed it. The la o tanning; evert bre Is 01 table, weep lime loos soli soil su b-- or. with nerer falling spnnes• within one unwired rods of 000 Penn. teams] Millroad; ninths elan of eltuburgh. end three miles weet of Greensburg. This Dam is mass. Gale secby Guested In • good neighbor. hOod;ry acre Is lindeflitid wt. coal. The trite Is good. AI., • two-noro fee t Nouse, with 10 rooms: 10feet hoot and 14 t back. alto two go. usta, ettuatesl in the Tillage al Balsdnono.Lior aqqrstaeP:th=..TVl.ele7ol.eteTithcitieT;4T 00011..jhe Borough at Bialrarlile. Thie prop er.). L sell for ;below y. lee of 41.2 A. Al.. a Fula of =I scr. Situated n o un wh.ta-In toensalo. Indlasta eon.), . The anyrovements ems a rood frame house frame barn, .4 other outtmlidl ohm also. 11l 'Peered and under good idle. tile' nuldoe to geodalmbar. The sou blot • good quality. well watered. ,01/TOZIIIIIII. ulagmeebes. erao.ds, mLlh ate. es lsl be sold at the low pries of lern per term - 1 . /metal/a immediately. .I¢neelencleg Dartatulareshosintee of ' ~a rowL . 1.4 , 011 SALE.—dou.o and Lot on Mee.,t. Mane...tater; .pot lie by 170 het. frame. contain. ate rooms. watws nto g ire and Lot on corner ttedg«lck and 11..10s str,ts. Alleatieny City. within three • te walk Id esa.kuneril.l••• I.oi 41 by bred elate,brick. commute nine 31,06114 and On. • • . One tot a nd (100 e Oulining, 0 . 0,11,wer siren; Olartchessar. Lot Of 110 lent. Yee^ 41 10/. A - to. ...se hl alO.ll Houses and Lots Its goal locations. /aquae of .1. Ruin st Bearer, neat Chellllll6 Street. Manchester. Js.://s1 VAJLUAJJLE CITY YROPEILTIC Three Erick Threßing Houses„ OF P.EnNITLVA.N4 AVENUE. Near Et.. street. iota 11. feet Dr al. Win be lona on rearousOln corms. Apply to • 1:=1Z=1 Broken and Real lawn Aienl; 66 . 8na1tliffel4 street. IMPROVED PROPERTY WCIIII. t.tuato m Lawreneorlit, r d yr! ng11.14, loinutg. ranging la Pito.,Rom µ,cco to $10:00. WIII Da sollionraUonable terms LI implied for soon. Embrace LW. opportziolty: for fusilier lufornietlen, apply at the &AIM.- tate wid Insurance Ilillceof U. tl. BATIO, Butler wee . a. I..rrelloertlle 110 USE AND LOT FOR SALE. • • The hone and lot' at present wenpled ny the subsoner, stented on Hinny nine:, ( . 1t1; t.i7le 2 ne P tl " . Ar e n o ng gp laetn Loons orAnitteny avle ic Tr:m:By. jettan Bidwells t reet. Alltlenyr. FOR SALT. 9XI NMI !INMOST ➢RRLLISG Loosted within • few ytirds of ikarickleo OM nu, on the Pittsburgh. tort Wayne and Chi. EMMitMMi L. AMLLY, Auctioneer. No. federal on.. Allogbeor POR SALE OR RENT. CHEAP— ..A gam at Ci^penter•• dtat•oa. au the Can. ral dallroad contd.:age IZ agree; Improve = eau, Iwo ton... and Cables. gond orchard: all mart and good for enitivadun, Also. ersa -1 other Warm.. In gaalladallttee and well ha pnrred. which I odd wed cheap Lod o rouons• ole tense. •leo, • roods.. ot rood bellding VggllbTrp="l%l24lnre of W &RI), 110 limn street. ' opposite the t.nthedral. _ arg sta FOB SALE, A Beautiful Building Site, (mll y!f males from the city, euntalpleß 3S view or the slyer. Apply to • Full' t./ C0D,../.. AND SLACK. JOHN D. PICULLY. Fu „ oe . i , V u ttlce and Yard—C . :ro i e!. YOULVID AND TRI. C. ' lt:llclT,eiyltl the city, or oblptnent .at, 111 theet pr Iss.4 and Instnestato tten• llos. it A dlonotttr. rat r. I • BEST I'AMILY COAL Always on hand andylsitst rad promptly Is order, COE FOR 1141.E—.A convenient, nemioevatanvo n o vae, room.; lot Allan IMO many 'a/Waco of lamb noOnnall o mint ni I it / cocated la 111. kali Yin, commas Of Nom !Smolt ton:wiLtb. IS on* L.or Wm nay. ham boom.. alml by letoom. amldrem, • • J. D. IA LYNN.. m FOR SALE—That DESIRABLE 1144L4 and Lot.at 82 Sixth St" Between Sad ill field end. urant .trect, tontadn jag lan teen ro *HO ad ma modern COW. Inn... enemy Teed. and too- story strata In Me Sc • or particuisto tuna Ira at • THE PRrAltalia. 14`011 SAJLE --A ntneyearm , let ,e ov Lot situate on llettar wain, •• nth ward. Or =lead, on wnicti la erected a ante thralldom tiow rautips garb/ape month. rive , a brio!, of 5 remits , tablet will rent (or $OO. nadar Inms total orbit., or SLIM per year, and +lli be d:r LI VIT 1 a dbp liberal l If Barad, fad • Boller Street. Lawrenceville. ATALIIIA W.E COA L PROPERTY 3 , •11 tf t LE, ettattekt to Upton A toomehlo, Oh the boblestoon went load, Iwo nines from the Ivory. edJolettng froperte or Itobort oterfett. Om Frew a. oher., lutelog • ert or coal of cbutee_coottlly. O ea y Of heee.a. ro..es.tou at once le ofta..o cheeP• AP, to M ,. lieldati b CV.. Koorth Two FII LO'I'N OF GROUND In McFarland's Grove. I routing on Math at. Prins , eon encl... Apply to yedd P. Itots/Lll d Co. JIM BAILLY & BBL), Stook and Beal Estate Broke's, I HAVE THIS DAY ISSOCIA. 61.1 , 01.11 me tp boiluess. Fit •NVIS G. HAI- ===i . .• LET Jr. 1.4. 107. JOHN D. BAILEY be BRO., ITOCK AND REAL ESTATE SRUKERS AND AIOCTIONEEIin Are prepared seller Auction, Mar s Bond.. and a lain., or aeourlttas, HAW data, Botha hold Vura4are. altber on t➢s Breathes or as the Board so Trade Boom.. • Pertient. attention paint aa beTetoA/re,tette t o of Real at pneateaa/P. Oates 01421 P In S TREE Try attendee. ritt • 374 M==! PEOPLE=S INSUILiNCE CO. rOOD 1171) fIJ till IMPART, XJoll2ir. a 3 K2l. MMEA " Capt.. John L.llCogegi Fm. T t rI ; a Wa n ta V , eate r nel_ . l. A., .tlexi buct er. Jobs E. C.a.. . 07371. Kickpetnas Capt. Ju. Aillter. „..„.6 N. }6...„,. .11Wm. Van Kirk. 73. L. Vernet. Wll . i1i,it=1.,..r.1114,..t. Stititt WAX?, Vice Ctealden.. W. r. O. k, "• ' h. ' "'" jt3N thing AV. Jolla? Capt. JAB keite , . A LLEGUEIII vastrukiTiTii: 4. 07 rI7TSOU N.- &Moo. No. 71 ruin wort Vaal Block Wens agalasa all Limas Of 71.1 a WI Marini Md. JOHN IIiWITI. :nt., MaN.:OB.l), esnorti'lsen / I , 62OTWAV s. W. ta. Evgrion, sown H 9 . Da rzuka oseihn, U.httilre•. John Irwin. Jr., - Jobn D. T. a - , Hone H y H s A s da. ChJrlesHAT. OF PITFSBUROK, PA. ofac ,81 PIRG alizaa2, Bank Black, I TWA h alltnee DeethattY, WA lames mates% lau zngt,lll%., Vt&W l PA l ?Mt, e 7galgar. ta , F.LttliN Y. Secretary. M 112.7081. Lonotat6 Welter. thtorl O. C. Salle, lies ; . Swens. Sober , Yet t, Jacob i.ateleth rVSP, Johan Slug, Jean Voeray. Jae. It. oahes, A. AMMO. - - Howl Sltroal• ' TR/OEIII3IITV AGAINST LOSS BY - FIBL. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF I.IIIIADELPI/1 1 . 011 ten. 483 and 137 CUES NUT IT., Neat - Manua W. Bon6w, tomcat H. Loma. T0...W.K.M. • Dairld Runnel (haat, Jacob N =My • litwar•lV. Dab. ibmnini W. 11.1almrds. Wog, Fales ‘ CH.!. ti. 11.1.211:10M, Fr•sidamt. e fit 0 . ( k . Da1.N.: , rrestatta. I.GARDNEFt COFFIN. Agent, steNtonll Nonb Wen co, Third • Wood no. W A:STERN INN VIIANCIE CO., OP PITTOBUMeit.. ALLIANDIttt NLVICE. rmidest. l i tNarr Ai dtr i rg,.... l ntlittt. &Pug * Hum. so Maim tlttebarrti.. yfUlltsats assiont sh Mods of Itne okkilattait MOM • boom lostltottoo otaltscod tr/ Ulfeetgry Who aro well Immo to community. goi wao ti Kra petomiood by Tonnoptse. sad liborallty, toantato the ehorectot ottle , tber amiss UN. bast orrotottacal th e.. .40 &HMI to b. litsarod.• 01. ,- .7 23 alsc. HlsiliN• I ... "I".af& Jr. Non., James . " J , Aur.- 11, trec Atersalutor ALVEr.V. riljgr a WILLA 4.1 r, XIMIST, smsuri, Caildilithsr; 7 4 14-221.CARAii7.8.1 .11'133NE & ANJER, Commission Merchants, Dnalen la 71.0171:. GRAIN Abel PIZODUCE weaeritly. So. 141 WATER, fleoltJan•la otreet, Clasaugt. jeJ 01. EN6 J. L. DUNsnaru.' F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, • end Ilanatanureta of • Jr> OILo New Bacon. Beef nun Tongues Will he reedy - for daltrery on Mendel . . 24Ltt Choice Elninr-(,'[atil Mama: Do. do do Been Do do 4o Beerrouguen Do do do BrmiLleat Roman; Plain Cured Bacon Shoulders; Do do do Shies, At rm tacati Wiens and of eiveltant, doaltIl• Fromlll,.aat e shall be reentarrs ropplleo win all arltetes In roe rIOTIS:Op tr... • Jalo:na BREWER. BURKE & CO., 0/ MISSION MERMAN IS, JLEMNTS FOIL TUN. Pacific, Globe .& Liberty 011 Works, . • can tor draer, far Orono arta an:low:IOU. Lib eral ranoor [nano rourignmenr. of 011110 or 6.00.1 Vetrulanin. Yarns (or rrorant owl Ufsrnel pnorde W o r r e l t : o od r o - , Crne L r a o r t runneovnle. and Hancnok ratter. Pittshorxh. ROBERT KNOt, Jr comusBi9N ZIERCIIANT• 129=121 FLOUR, GRAIN. AND PRODUCE, isTY NT. Y• • _ll L . BLANCHARD Li. CO., wnouietz elm 116 Tel/. I=l. 30 7EL , 398 Penn Street riZin - iiii;r:ziLiiif; ''"""'' commsion MEROFLANTS, Flour, Grain, Seeds, HIM Feed. st,c, " v laI " xY AH T " i i r ~,thbv dLun. .J. CattrtA°l IWENS & KENNEDY, A , PAODUCEP O II II . I .IODMARD/1.1.5°111 spa Wbolosale Dealers to BULDLION AND 001111:4- 11t ILUITII, SALT, FLOUR. bUTTRIA MAPS rtrrATor.o, Ake., and Iv Prorate°. wol Produza loarrant i tto. le PSDZILAL artIGAT. orlao alto De Lath.° DapotuAL.fmaar,PA. Agents far the sale of .. Y. DIN% Doane It I Iran's and J. Karel. Salt. aol4S, d Id'ETZER & AREDITIIONG, FORWARDING AD COIEIESEIDD =MRS, for Ste tab. 01 Floar t °Ma. /31100?, Lagrltll'. 5e0.10, 11110 d /ra1tt,103.4 Producoblup , No. 16 Market ot.mt. conioar of Tint, 1 4 11101.0111 M, Pa.• Ce=oo3. aunt - pp lESPIOX b. HON, Commission /12.110 R axa Dagen In 7L01714 filt.LIU, MILL; 71ED ancl 17 ODIIOI mond- IT. F. 19 Dlareoad, oripostte City Hall. A. 11•- stianY OSVT.. • • • .01 7.u/P TILV. CIL&WFOEID, Commix ailtitUlLaNT In PIO 11KTAL, BLOOMS OUZ, tIUItAP IRON . I= BalCal and may. de. Warenons• aad Ilfaaktina. bee and 968 1•99191 EMMET. Mono =Waned. Oanalandoanla rollotted. oc3 .nvidu. BAIRD 'a. PATTON, WhoinualsGrocerra. Councaluslon Merahants, and dental In Produce. flout. Bacon, C0,..0 Pah. Carbon end Lard MI. Iron. Naito. Ulnas, Corson Tara. and Plttsbuldh unannhetorcu Murano If and 111 &round nom. Plltabaren. T. latTNl/1.—.1. & D.11.12....1111. D. 1111 X EN. DEYMER & MOS., (Succesum Rem. 41Anderoon,) IVWleaoloDeolon Sc Foreign rnatta. Natal= Spines, Conlecgon. 7,4,11/=`!!;,7,"Abakal,o tALT JOHN B. • CANTLE:ILI), Commis goo and Ponrardlog tiara:wet mid. whole- Ws &alto in Wettarn' Reserve Cheese, Bat ter. Lard, Part. flocanc_nonr, nab. Pot and Pevl Jletlea, and utls, /Mod Fruit, and rev do. 1t0...44. Not. IN uel 116 /root etraot, Plttabard u. . . 14 ItIDDLE,No. IS3 Liberty St., ttV;s9lW:g2frPtrur:, asol kltts.rsb staastasitires. Casa advanced Cusal.suarsats. ars:trait] for i'mtuer. gener a . • salt /CHM I. 001a.a.1t1.48D sIOCI. JOHN I. HOUSE & BROIL, atm ., Canada. To Jona L. Horan co.. Salt Grocers and Coamlsalon Ifetonantd. an , oar ot . Saatrdlad and Water Amin, Pittitnarirb QiuUlo.ll.&h.Ell & L.A014.7, Whole sale dealer, Inereeertee. floor Aral., Pro: deed Prorlatone, Irtah, Caeeete tial r t. Cub. 00. Hot. 10 sod lit Wcad Street. Sear Item Street: Plttabarqb . Pe. neo,:nat • • • • • •• • SU sa l le P U r LLOOCI4C A W LA L R 0 ACE Vbolt N 0.6 Wrtti Ittbur:b, lat9tr. Oa_ ; CO : is • prrrseuniuu COAL & COKE COMPANY. shippers 0;0E111. 'Thole! .te %sl. In tun BEST FAMILY COAL, .4.T LOWEST SLESZTT:BAYLO, BY • OSCAR F. LAMM & CO., Cur. Slant, Street atiA-P. FL L t C. Isi AI.I.T.GIIENY CITY. Anthracite Coal tartilsbeil at the lomat rates. lees Iral.ll. CLAN.. RAPPING CUMMING. R. !MOT.ll.‘" J. L. MILL.. WM*ni: CLANEi; & CO.. • Gas Coal Works, Phl r duller.d AVIII7 . I. ? OiIITWIPEati " d i nt. " CN A . Yos t. Orace Mares, six one, gittmargo. A ahil LUCK g 0.% by Aliegtieoy toy. i'ti KN EitAL OFFICE, second mom rlttaborm elaalus beuik Um:db.. comer Liberty street and n . .greil t izi r t l gtsbunib. lititAbpl urnchz: alle Media n le striT . .l l gtaillr atteotgr P rb demo sire van. P. C . C. It. U. Alb atieny. All ordi rs le •m• Ither of she above Mama *ill rteolve prompt mroullart.l- loltoM COAL! CURL!! , 1 I COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWHIT & CO., Liming rimoved their Ogles/ to No. 4567 LIBERTY STREET, fLatelyOlty Moor ISZCONII Los tow pregved to foralshoOMl Yonsdaloghmr7 LUMP, Ltvir COAL OR BLACki, Lithe lowest market prier. orders left at their elbow, or addressed to Meta througo the mall , will irs attended to promptifi myriad:. • FORT PITT COAL CORPANV —llblldwra ad drain in Buyerlay jramlly sad Steam Coal,Nat Coal w d 'Bizet. general 01- On aceond story Yitiabergli owl.* Rant BMW. WY. corner laaerty street and Vlrgln alley. Branch are, corner try and Third tenet., Pltiabargh. Ord.. a bit at either of the abate lace. will ree ds proMpt ottrOMML. PootorgeolOUrnoo Box 687. ritiotegh. DISZCAMMI I , J. J. Cill. %WWI; B. 1,. garcnisOC/4.' B /deem