The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 12, 1867, Image 1

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• PtIBLIEZIT.D ZVL f7;Younre,
ust4oArs ixesrmso
narNtliViiii 'WED & CO.,
zthtor .. .
°r• GATKrrat BITTLD/M 4 3.
sOlh r ..►ND 86 ilvrig sTREET.
CiAlicas yap el Testa" Taargilin.
• Tnuen 01 Tfl DA.ILTe
11:1 1 1 1. 147IPT Y II•7;;;;;i:
MillSVibsErtht.l ac
Addire.s, . G&ZETTT
.tljt .. .Pi*blitr4 Gairt4
ro. TtrC AoCow.or-wrvor or Pease,e len,
lasr the city durl',g the auromer months
' 1.11C.7 Can 1161,1 lb( GaSYT.TE maned to their
Mamas, br. Ord Bata c at the Dale.,
toriltteea conic Der week for one week or
nrE buttberics which the Mexican
Ithernin are committing, in the name of
public Justice, are condemned In this
countr,y, even by those who have . most
lqud , ,y demanded that our goveinmcnt
F l Fald pursue the same - policy. When
th' a see the very thing they have culled
they stand appalled In the presence
Of it.
.]awPAlou -peer - the Onion Parllle
• •
.114.11.kvir. D.
ASptd.LiCerretpuadeo. littoarxh Gazelle.]
.Bs. tort!. July 3,1.641.
t. halo said that I should only speak of
vetch Oldie and towns In liansas as I have
<visited. ' I 1111 not 'visit. .etehison, a lively.
sad Pt'ogreadre city Of LOTOral thousand
lallabitanta, satiated on the west - hank Of
Abe Missouri, soino Omen miles below at.
- .Joseph, Mo.; and a like distance above
'Leavenworth. A railroad running directly
"oast for one hundred mtlex through a very
1100 obuntiy, 'star. here and Is already tin.
isliedandin operation fora distance of sixty
rules. A law of Congress grouts the cool
..paily a subsidy In lends and bonds fora db.
I.tnee of one hUndrooll =Oleo; and dnutalsss
the grant will be exieudal es moo as the
/Ong btlall he coOmilatoMl that thstanee.
lifhetlar it shall be continued on until It
reaches 0110 Union ?nett. ItollwaY Of the
Kansas, Or that of the r..hatte, re eon, 11a
vlunsam not yet cloternime,t, Should It be
continued in a south wen direction tO trio first
named roomy w,ll-PrOhably it et or
uear Manhattan, I'lO miles Wan of Kansas
I. In atacroserhollne dividing
, that" State freerit Is situated ea a
bedtha rvt n
ivaa or the Mmuouri,
Lunt a mils b Slew the mouth or the river.
mouth or the Kaunas the Missouri
maka it $r ea t bend, charming Its coons
frataa . ..T/9, Tooth to almost due east. It ts
a a;aa.a!a . ..vnt site for a city, whether re
g....." the light of its Immediate loco.
or JI Its commercial poselellitlett as a
eismt 'railroad centre. It is .now the, we,
lurb; terminus or the • Missouri Pacific
X..... sod the stern terininus or the
In..' A • line or the Union Pacific,
oertern Umiak,. boon It alll have a
Sweet, road to Catocrom on the Iluntilbal
and It. Joseph road, and era ling w [mane h
or the North Misoseri road—which begins
At St. LOUIS, crosses the Idieworl at St,
'Charles, and then runs up l through the .
umrthern part of tne Ssate—will lm made to
Kaunas City. Moth llama Important breech
Toe. are to cross the Mssouri at lisusas
City oaths same bridge.'.
Id addition to an these, Kazis. City IA to
ho one ~f the. termini of the great road
which In POOR to IM made bona eeveral
'points in Kansas to liaise...inon the Unit
of Atexino, wince le hut little over six hum
aired miles distant, through one of the roost
bewritlfutsind fertile region on the Cor w al.
• bent.' The central Atom oCtlits Mad ill
Watt" the listen Finite at, Lawrence; the
Eastern at. lianms City. and probably the
'western ;Mu terminate ai Junction City, at
• - the moron of Solomon river, three miles
beyona Fort Utley—the people of the embed
Mons little city last namedtalk
11 their
brunch was•sore thing: Teat to Lawrence
• is mate, fur they are pushing It on vigor.
ously, and expect to barn twenty.tour
Mlles of ItCOrtipleted and la operation by
January next. AA tor the - branch to Kaileal
tatty there creme to be no doubt.. An these
roads run through very. rich ngrieultural
lauds. and all tracer. good coat gelds be
t ...they come together at or near the
Southern herder of the State,
Mice are the prespective advantages of
Xi... City. Tower.. It mat• grow remains
'IA be ten. Shoubl its tutus be directed
by men or large, Liberal mid enligetened
Views, I man. see how It min lull to be
'testate moot the Chief cities et thls emceed
.xosainillectit region. But sttottiti Itn destiny
fall Into the nantls narroW unladen.
grio•dv and unscrupulous adventurers and
• should nand
elemeet collect ther e . and
glee It a bad moral lerte, t hen Leavenworth
• —whim, has rnry nearly enact! gmbrraphle•
advantogwymid superior local advent.
gas Malntwiti Its 1,0,410 a as the enlol
city of ibis important centre; The sire&
Ail. for Me ascendence between the.. two
cities soli be an interesting; one, and will
grobablr conduce to the prosperity - . and
well. being of bull. . L
14 - 1,1M01,Tr..
This town is annated at the mouth of , the
. • Ratisala and'. hounded by the Missouri on
The test and the Kansas on the South The
' location la neltner ample nor pretty. and
the Lanett of the place exhibits neither
- . taste nor thrift on tau part. of the Pcople•
Thin lu tha canna{ of the State. The 'alto
- soon to pretty; and islititigh• the oily t.
.01.0atewitat. attaggllne, and tie otreexis In
bad coo es there are malty handsome
reattleace. and annex.' .oat hotel... I i rah
there but a short time, sad can
of lc In general terms. I Melted the ground
- where theyam laying the Mendacious of
I the capitol. It is to be built of the fine sOft
reasineti. limestone trued arounu Juno.
lion City, of which I ip.,te he a former let.
• ter. aml wn7 donntless be a very handsome
edtgee. To he the seat of the , government
of !Mate. however, le In-inToPmices a Very
questionable advantage to a My. Topoka
Is on the South side of tbo liansas river,
twenty miles west of Lawrence.
_This Ise. pretty situated new town on the
railroad. some forty-ilye miles west of To.
leeks. I did not stop, tint I observed a floe
• large hotel, and a lair appearance of busc
new. The ontrronnaing moony to Mry
coed; and as it Is settled hp, PiatunagawlU
Leaving . Junction City on liondeY morn .
Ina the 17th, I ran down on the train twenty
and stopped off at this beautiful
little town at tin month rot Zinc,
hatondlag in remain one dry; but I was so
Innen pleased, and found" so maim objects
Of Internet, that I remained two clays.
had lottery welch introdtmed me at
once Willie social Jiro of the place and to
the most goner°. liCrepahlltY, and 1 hat ,
an opportunity to loot more clmely Into
the ehnntotor of the potpie generally than
tinny other town' vitited In Kansan. The
pOinnetiOn le only about ono thousand, but
there Is ample room on incor magnificent
. town site for a hundred thousand.
Nannette. was Originally Confided by a
little colony from Cincinnati, who migrated
trent that city in a smell steamer which
they purchased for the purpose. They
steamed down the Ohio, op the
tip 1110 klisenurl, and than up the Hammy to
the mouth of the Ilid That was their I
tleatination, and Mei r boat nit cur returned.
It was kept or et dwelling place until pro.
Vi.lon for the famllms cont.! no made on
Snore. got ;before they left the hunt, and
betide a single dwelling had been ereCied,
the slot fora school noose had Ceenaelect
ed. end measures taken for Its immediate
erection. tothat they might have at once a
ischoOl fur their Makin, and n place Of
vorshin for all. This was tome twelve
Tears ago, ami long before the railroad
Which One brought froth tire and nrOsperity
to their toe. vas ever thought of. - I
Tete It all In ell, 'think Nanhattan end
surronodinge the 'meet. itcauttful part Of ,
Kansas that I have tom., which it the swag
sa arming that ft Is the mod beautiful poet.
I.loa oasts erdtWeettrt.tee upon which my
elite ever rested, The Ito, itlerander Ste,
Tett, Of the Fleshy-tern. Church, who, by
hiandute which it wee net In me to reared,
' lea/tome hie gruel, toot rue In his buggy to
the aamtnit of Nine 31001, a conical mei.;
lemma, soma too hundred fort high,' about
• Mile from Wen. Such a enuminetion of
thegrand and the beautitni—the soil green j
of Um arsoefully undulatmg noorig, 110
dark nen foliage of rile tree* which elOrted
mad marked 11.0 winding onttrel of three
Streams, the Kansa., ten Onto and the Wild
Ott, for tulles north and west and out. toe
beautiful fOrme with which the broad land.
enmpe wag dotted ell over, With their coin.
Sortable lode log nod really pretty ane
homes and too- brb.ilit and evict 'looking
town to too valley beneath," With the Col
lege on the rfatng ground In the rear—la
rare Indeed. Saunter Wade. who with nth.
ere of the Senatorial party of stenrelontsta,
01011.1 this spot, weagreetlytiellabted.eml
ntrered Ina rather novel remark that the
*few Irma the high mnoutatu where. long
arto,the Lvii One eriresol ISIS Paha:von. of
teeptatlen before Ala eyes ltodoemer
Gould have been nothing to that-
I have *potent)! the intollfgence of this
onmutunity end of Ulric ytrlnes. Dir their
fruits we Only 110,w them. The Candlelit.
linnet, Toiecoptillan. 1 . .6 , 41g:ten and
ettaxibt denommet ions ereali roldeeent
ed, anti ouch Nivea nerd house of viontrip;
but the mostconlial inlatiOn! VOA among
theta All. The people are 100 intedlrent to
finrcrilt difftuence* of thir kind to divide
them. Of Ode loot I can speak from my
own observation. I was marred that no
better ivieltal free school wax to be found
In Easton than them. and certainty they
s eetv emelo and well-fin .1.41 edged
*mare, But asiugleoleGol,.ut. in thq town
whore IntaYltnting drinks are 0,111.14, and
e'en that ia likely to he cidecd. Some tdme
ago a man sot tip a [tabard table; but It
" would not pay, mad he wentoff with It. In
• fact, Idiom., The malrowdymmarealmost
unknown. , • • • .
Teenier , Many good atom le Ito' place,
and the principal street has some/Ideg of a
ally aspect. llnildl age aro going up rapt
1y nearly all of that beautiful Adonis of
which I anoint to a former latter, sod thn
gather the plane eppears to be busy said
• There Is a lies Water power at eineherta,
60510 three 51110 a 56000, rena, bat
more than thrttu times that illetance by
coarse of the stream. chore is a canny:crab= I
fall 1/11110 111 g Blon—whlchle a large, clear
and standing rit , T rn at the head of . which a
Bribiltalittal Mee e has been erected. A
race of three mile across the level ueck Of I
the p eninsu la , end down pest the base of 1
1100 hlont,will bring tbe water to town,
and glvn a tall, en l was informed, of - about
tinenty-four feet—enough to proptd a Very
largemount or Imachinery. The Kansas
am told, are else he made available
fora like porno.. 1 sea ho reason why
this may not become:an Important manu
facturing teen.
The Rev. Sir. Sterrett. of Wham I sitoke,
la a attire of WasbingUnt cettely, Pa., tad
retooled' ids ethic/item tn.2.anrionniareg end
at the Allegheny Theological iennluary. Ito i
has been there leas then ,r.Lay
hall a small but ,flOurts4lttg
Hail one or thOSe strong minded, earnest,
sellentertansing welt whom no uldlcultles
canal...time, and Into de lint rant exalt
sorely Yvan a feeble ntnigglioil deck, nor
upon the `teoulentiostical commissary.. to
use ittseen exprteslOo. A stock term and
eaw.mtil, which be held, La partnersitirs
atm a brother =lobster of the nail:went '
ungirth. rkelillain his chief support, while
he take:arts the boatel and leans haw,
opal hit; oceans. Itoth these peakra ere
oble-Iscarieti men—the right men for the
Larder.' • • for
c ' •
A.. sTAarsTa - , - - 6.:r ___ —
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Indian Trouble* la Miaow& Zama*.
lag—lllallagflalltera—apatto to New
ISTTelegragh to the Pittsburgh GutAtt.]
SAS Palacier*, July 10 Late Arlsons ad•
vices remanent that the Indians are troubla
Some at Prawn and blayamburg, Idol:Mktg
malls and running Otr ',emir, and. burning
mistreats. ' The Indians attacked . Neale
apneas Stalker, kinks one man and run.
fling off Mock. They were .pursued by a
company 0/cavalry and Infantry. Tim In
dians attacked thesoldiers and caused them
to retreat. They were tottered all night and
tr . t4E cdconstant firing.
_Vermont, weed
ed to kill what risoner. they bad
taken; and also part ot their stock, 1,0 pro.
vent them falling into the band , of the
General lieDowelPs rebuke or General
Gregg for vigorons 11.1119.0/1 of
indium created indignation throughout the
La Peon letters say the iluakapids end Ta.
reilars Maeda 'were murdering seem.%
and churns There is no saletr.ora the
Prescott road. beyond the Grua Mine.
Tin steamship Saeramanto sailed to-day
iriW ono million One hundred and thirty.
three thouoend Ms hundred and slatpelgot
dopers In treasure; one million two bun.
drod and eighty.two thousand, three bun.
deed and forty-seven for New York.
The Hall A lioreross Mining Company
declared a dividend of one hundred and
twonty.nve dollars por loot, Choll. twenty.
tire. Imperial tee.
Flour dull and unchanged Todara
steamer carries nve Mmared barrels to
New York, Wheat quiet and unchanged;
[mum:Clone unimportant. Barley active at
.I,IU. Legal Tenders 7154.
Movement. of Jonrez—Myoterion•
nte.paten Rearero—nonts ann. Batt
in Prloon.
Neu . Tonic, Jay 11.—An ogling report
transmitted to the Mexican Consul here,
states that President Juarez anti hie Cabi
net left San Lute yoton I, on the let Inst., for
the Capital, iherti he would be received
with great pomp and eclat, as the deliverer
of his country, amt the defender of republl.
can principles in Mexico.
Mr. Robinson. Of the New Orleans Beasts-
Ilan,: sad Emile Lacer°, an ex•Confenewate,
tL ono time an agent of Idasimillw. and of
he Tebituntepecitatlroat grant notoriety,
were the "carers of the 'United States dis
depatches, so often and so mysteriously allu
d so. Lasers, It is ondarstood. is still In
the interest of Me railway settems,loid rep.
.resents Mamba) O . itoberta, •of New York,
, in securing that-which Santa Anna failed
to secure forwent of power to fultlil his oh'
The ollicerssndmen of the Imperial army,
recently landed at. Robile,hava arrived Dere
and win bn furnished transportation to New
York, If desired.
The Herald's liawana eorrespornlent sayer
Santa Anna le still in pitwn.' lie bad rola
nett food for three days, and was continual
ly inquiring if they were going to shoot
Wm. lie Oslo* fors confessor. '
City SarlA=.l747zZipsty:ffitles
New Tong, July 11.—The
..Efrrohl`s New
Orleans special says There has been=
unnsual depression In .c.ity scrip to-day.
BrOkCII refuting to take it at any price,
sad an obscure rumor is attest that city
notes, once redeemed to be burned, have
been eauttonsly given oat again.
Under the new order of General Sheridan,
registration is progreasais feebly and with
no .1113.2100. More whites are being erg.
lateral to proportion to the blacks at pre.
sent than 1113.240f0r. An order will be pro•
mulg aced to-morrow directing the Board nf
Itegtetraton to proceed to select suitable
persons far Commissioners of Election, and
make other provialons for the holding
thereof. A generalization Of reports at
headquarters shows that out of U 1,311, per.
eons registered in Louisiana, there have
been only 37.1di written against , Mlle blacks.
From a row autßdietricte .no reports have
been filed Mom July, but nothing to come
will materially change the abase genres.
The blacks stand to the whites nearly two
to one, and will so continuo.
EDT Teicirap4 tOpleyttahurib ti.stttc.i
ST. Loots, July llel-T4e reported attack
on Fort 'Celiac°, Kamm, by Chrycano Lu
dlam, and toss of fifteen solillerff Is an
old affair, trition occurred Jane 11th, and
was reported at the time. No new attack
Lae been made, and no disturbance has oc
eurrod on the Smoky Hill route for some
time. General Sherman is at. Fort Harker,
' and it Ls presumed General Hancock. has
reached Mat point from Lennox.
II Teleirrams,
Car Tvirgrilith Loth., rltt.toorgh timotte 3
Lortglvtx.t.S., July IL—ltiver three feet, aro
Inehee in canal. •
--Brocnnow's health in tenor .Lau it
has been for a year.
" —Parties ore hunting for diamonds In
(hiorgla 21:1(.1 Virginia.
• —Disappointed love and u dose of
opium killed &Cincinnati bar-keeper.
1 —A woman In None York hawked her
dead child through the streets for money
to bury it.
—The works of the late Daniel ' Dick
insou are to lie published . In two octavo
—The estimatea for the Indian war as
DOW prteeented are fully our dot
u week.
- •
' Florida, Is rlotmg lu
watermelon% at ten cents, and peaohea by
the cart load. , - • .
—A. ehtizolh to nolomeniontte Undola
nod the abolition of alavory, will ho
taint In Loudon.
—The Mayor of Fall Elver amneed
Lionel( on the ith by dlstriblning pen
Wien among poor children.
Montgomery gentleman proposes
to pass round the
for gold dollar e,tn
tributitmsju aid of Jeff Davin.
—The importations of dry goods at
New York were Uttle over three Millions'
In Juno ; a year ago they. were seven.
—The heir to a largo. estate In the South
Is Magnate,' at finding that the admini.
miter had invested 'etkl,o , Xl in Confederate
—to reply to the question whether the
Z•ltcholson pavement is healthy, a.wiet
em paper nays that all the contractor,
have got , fat on It.
—The' number of employes in the
Springfield Armory has been Increased
to anti will probably be further in
creased during the summer.
—A Boston idergynum mommenda
putting pictures into churehes - asking
townh to adorn. them as they 'do their
o dwellings, and theu open them to
, all.
--Connecticut halt a severe attack of
haw ball. Every town and village in
the State is reported to 'Lave int club,
while New,liaven hag fifteen and I lart
ford eleven.
" •
—The New York iferord, haring notl
thO Assorlated. Preto that It will
witlulrair front it January Ist; 0,0 mana
gers hove luvited ikklttett to with
tirnw at 011 Ce.
—Five hundred tons of new iron will
be lald down on the Louisville; New Al
bany and Chlwere railroad the present
newton.. The road will be put in drat-
Own eandltlon from New Albany. •
—The College ht Oberlin, Ohio, bt in no.
unusually flourishing condition. Presi
dent Finney'a pro...clang, It is said, has
induced a large nutnbor of young men to
apply us mndidates in the theohrAltml de
—ilte limps eiss Eugenie is said to too
worried by ts prcSentlinctit that the fate
of Marie Antoinette Is to be heri. al..
:311e. is collecting, at Versailles, an knee
l...Ong museum of articles which 011,0
belonged to the unhappy Queen.
—A norrmpendent of the BoSton Tran
script, writing from Ann Arbor,Mehl
, gas, says that the phew owes Its ame to
! the circumstance of two gentlemen cora
-1 ing there thirty or forty years ago, each
t having u wife whose Christian name Was
• • •. .
Mr, thieeln la re , • ie,'tioird
mg at Cunttroo Anal. She ix - simply
apending the bummer there. tOte drawn
In deep utottrolug, door. not revolve cow,
pony, nor appear at the common table.
it is net - trne that she intewL4 making her
home there.
--The death is annoutntal near Drams.
vine, Prince William inunty, Va., of '
William Washington, aged iseventy-four
years, nephew of Col. Weshington, of the
Devolutionary army, and third cousin of
tienend George Wis;shington. file broth
er, Colonel Henry Washington, of the
District of Columbia., survivee.. The do.
ceased served with distinction through
out the war of 141`2.
—At Terre Haute, Indiana, a few days
sine*, three little children tunic to an tor
'timely death tinder the following air ,
cumatelleeeS A woman rus t ling floor
Center Point went to on udjaccird meek
:- to do the. family welshing, taking with
hoe three smell children. The two elder,
while playing about the woods, wore bit-
, test by a canolnoua snake, and' their
screams, attracting the attention of the
mother, she 'hastened to 'their relief,
thoughtlessly leaving-the smelled child,
which, during her abeenft. fell Into the
creek and wee drowned. The other chit
dren died the same night ream the tired%
of the make bite,: :
In Extraordinary Session.
By Teleireph to the l'lß‘lntegh
Wheumesoe, Ju1y.141807.
The Iteconatructma bill was taken no. •
hIr.IIOWMID withdrew Its amendment
to the sixth section, In the course ot his re
marks on the collect Winn he might im
well leave tne Nettie, Commanders to de
termine the matter contained,ln hta amend.
Eir.lloWt moved to emend the fourth
section, by adding a DrOVISO that "any per
am heretofore %etolated by the District
Commander+ to exercise the (Unctions of .a
clvll officer, may be removed by the °lstria,
Commanders or by the Commanding Gen
eral:of the army.. tie eel! that without
This proviso It might be thought Ve
trio! Commanders had no power toremove
a man once summed.
Mr. EDMUNDS moved to amend by adding
the words "heretofore and heruatter."
DEAKE moved to au end by adding
an additional eention,lo the effect that no
rebel Mato shall bo entitled to rapresenth
Lion in Consort& unless It' shalt, to its Con
stitution, have 1 provision Cionlarlng that
each State ehail former.remata a member
of the American Union, that every citizen
nem a paramount allegiance to the United
Maine, and that no lee shall be pawed by
said State In comae antion of tho, authority
of the United States, or in onboard°. to It.
TOM, Or Otten. •
I'IIIIIII3ULI. made a want of order,
that muter the resolution of,„Yrlday, Donut.
Ject could be Introduced not atrial) . per.
mining th the reconstruction hill, as penned
at the Isom waton. This was a new subject.
Mr. DRAKE was addressing the Senate,
when several Senators objected that a point
of artier was not debatable. .
r. T121.1.1101.7LL ropeatett ble point, that.
co-operation to toting a DOW DDLEI. of Ep
construction ti not adoilastole.
. - . .
Btr.DICAKI: said this was no new plan.
It was simply to provide that no new State
shall he admitted unsil .its Constitution
awl be mails to oonform to the American
systeu .
hi.r..TItUMBULL raid that was not In
the original bilL If the gestate shall declare
this amendment in order(by an aftirmative
vote. do not let no go away and leave this
miserable foolery mad hidsons monatrosity
or autos Maids, to retorts again to plague
BUCKALEW, though opposed to the
amendment, betleycd in the point of order
that It we. edmiemble.
• •• • -.
T00C11.1.10. decided the smelt:drown. was
oat of order under the resolution of Friday.
"M. DKAXI appealed from the decision
of toe Gear, sad addrealled the Senate to
show teas amendment ems to order.
.. • . . .
Mr. POMEROY thought that this beet way
to reach It was throluOl a
rule of P Way;
Mr. DRAM. Bald he shouldS make the
motion, It unrested ou hie appeal from the
SUMNER contended the amendment
Was In order. In the corms, of his remarks
no sold he reserved to himself the right to
requite such gusruntece us he thouget no.
cc/wary to secure et Iteptanteun forth of got•
• •• • -
Mr. POMROY did not believe Congress
could sun nut additional guaranttuni.
Mr. SUMNER—It was annomoed In the
I nn bill thattbe constitution. , ot
too renal States should beslanaLLLOCltoCoo
grlirn.Malt Pligitaid that
to th e ri g ht
torn vise no GonltlintlOns. to see if tory
worn In accordance with trio Meconstructlon
The rosastlon was then taken on Mr.
DRAK% appeal from the Chair and toe
Chair was sazdatnixL
to the amendment of Mx. [MAKE was de•
clored ont of order.
••• • • .
St WILKE moved a mispermicsa of the "
rules- Not agreed to
Mr. 111JCKALEW offered the amendment,
of which be gave notice a few days slime se
toilets. Section first That in the election
of Itepre.entatives in Congress from the
said States mentioned in tho at of the sec
ond of March. MI, each chimer shall be en.
titled to give as many votes as thorn are
reoreseatatives assigned to Ste State by ale
porttonmenttiflaw.andbe may CiV.BOI2IO vote
to each of - the requisite numeer of person.
Id be chosen, or may 60.113:1131104 his votes
and Omen them at his discretion upon one
or more candidate. less in number than the
whole number of lioprese.ntsUres to be
chosen from the State.
Mr. TRUMBULL raked the point that the
amendment WAS JIIt or oroor.
•••-• • • • • .
Considerable debate ensued by MUSTS.
and others. sad Mr. lIIICKA_LEW'S amend
ment was decided out of order.
his. PUCKALEW then visioned his speech
on the subject of ceraulative suffrage, con
tending that the majority principle now in
segue worked unjustly and outstrip. and
left the mantes of the people without a
voice and practically disfranchised. Ile
cited Illustrations of the princlpins sa, ap
pica to Congressional represoutatioe. and
claimed that his amendment =reeled theee
Mr. JOHNSON favored lie. itnekalaw's
amendmencand made a defence of the At
torney Gene ral, ,
Mr.Bl;3llV Eft delivered a written speech,
reviewing the different stages Of rerun.
sttaction from February, leCd. to the pres
ent time, and o ff ered en goldittonel section,
requg the establishment of schools in
the rebel Suttee free to ail, =Karel.s of
2dr. Taff 51.1111 LL claimed the amendment
was out of older and the Senate refused
torccetve It.
TAM 001.061 W tIVICATIO}
1f r. SUMNER°trete,lu amendment,
a proviso, that no diterlininatton as to rime
er oolor be made in the appointment of
register.. Le stated In reply to a rinastion
as to the nu:merits . of this proviso, that
there was no single eniored reenter In the
whole of 'Virginia, and repeated what Ise
said In his written speech, that It would to
the duty of, the Senate, In a few monthi, to
welcome ordered Senators on this floor.
11r. CONKLING argued that Hr. Sandices
amendment woad accomplish nothing. as
the BMW aro already forbidden to make
any diumminatlon en account of color.
The sunendroont of Air. Sumner was !oat.
ANOTone oteommetv
Wr. SUILWEIt offered on amendm eat, that
I Shreobel be no elections held In rebel,
atest for State or (edema orneem until thou
. state commitutioris shall have bean SenreV .
el by Congress.' ..
This was decided out of coley. Mr. BUM '
NEIL offered an additional seetlon,..that 11l l
the provisions of this act, and the acts te l
which this Is supplementary, shall be eon •
trued liberally. to the limd that the Intent:
thereof may be fully and perfectly carried I
out." -
Mr. SUIIINEII. offered an arneadinent,mit
an additional section, "lust for the purpose.
et this act, allcadets, midshipmen, and act..
tog nildabipmen, shall be deemed Macon'
of the Veiled States from the date of their•
spaceman. on the areir or eery retinae."
Ltemeted—thirteen against twenty-one.
Mr. fill MN Ell offered au amendeset, mak. '
leg Its misdemeanor to attOMPt to Inert=
the eereetieo of this aut. Rejected.
11,1101.VAIID offered an amendment to
the fifth seed.. .Mat In every oseeotrefri•
sal by Baud. to register an - applicant, sad
la every case In which they strike a same
from the list, the Board she') make a mesa-:
mandato of tbeease, setting forth their fae+
sons for the anion, and send the seine to
the District Commander_" Agreed to.
Mr. IikUiDEILION no ameadment,
which was agreed to, extending the time fee
the revision of registration from Ain . = to
or/lINZOTICIIt ordleane *WORN.
rastiont, appealed &sellout the oath.
Mr. ROBINSON' Moved to suspend the
rules, to enable Mr. Barnum to repord his
vote on the passnin of the reconstruction
b l . l 0 0 Toesd.Y , and tne Bretagne euggestal
there was no precedent Mr a member VOL II IB
before be bed teen qualified. • '
Mr:RUBIN SON withdraw the Motion.
Mr. rilELPel asked leave to offer It revels.
time to instruct the Committee on Com
merce to inquire into the causes of the pre•
sant collapse It ob jected.g in ntemrlen.
tut Mr. ALLMON • • • • •
1100rflr X6TTtita. -
On motion of Mr. /400 RUE AD, the Conf
ronter, on ltilitar, Affairs Was directed to
Inquire Into the expediency of amending
the bounty sot of July s NO, I/0 TO to provide
that fn case of the death of It eOldter after
Ida discharge, and before receiving tenuity,
It ehall be paid to his nobs.
Mr. SOX asked : me obtained penalise=
to nes= Els voto an the hononstruction
11r. MAIM presented a - pennon of Mine
bundred annum" ot Maryland, aaktag,nots•
gtem to pus a Ismabolishing an &aline.
nen In suffrage on a ccount of color throuate
out tho tinned state,. Iteferred to the Ju
dd:lUP committee, :
_ . . .
: • 4,tootravneter TILL OGTOlial. ' —
The 1100,0 resumed the consideration of
the concurrent resolution, offensi 9 onuf .
day by !dr. lIOUTW ELL., providing for ao
adjournment till October. .
yea 121PRA01111611:T. •
lift HOUTW ELL said es the action of Cot,
neonate the proptieed itupenohment of the
Presidentprecedent... would Wand either tot good or
evil, se a It Weida, to the !
enter of the Houle, audio the nigh position
ut the pers on oestmed, that thin great pro.
cow Ina, which meet remain In history after
N had all parsed yea, that they should
command eh the time neeinniary,fer p fair,
Met and Indlehilennalderation of the 9.01-
tine. They should not let the matter be
involved in manures ,ot • party welfare,
which w ouin exist during the mat twelve
months. They should WYE that the time
was free from all tiontroversy Sheet other
Ur. P/Kli asked Mr. Boutwoll to let the
' amendment he offered for adjournment
t r ti ' Unlit I . °ll,l:,lZ,`Tr. b er. • •
ldr. PIKE side he proposed the einem&
meet witbOut Menem* to the ipsestion or
impeachment. Ile did not believe the
Bowie should hasten its eesetnn one dity
re...p..1w that question. Ile did not tn.
liner that the country dmired to be g
ved in that question. Thu country' wanted
peace. it time to recover hem the
W 0.140 of War. So far - am It concerned the
. . . .. .• . . .. . ..
panishment of th e person in the Whlzu :
Mouse. Hummed to him that after berme I
destroyed him politically, the onlyquestion
now was whether they should mangle the
corpse. He (Mr. Pike) should not watt for
impeach rsent. _ •
Mr. nTEVENS said, In his opinion the
whole country believed the articles of tm•
peachment Omuta have beer, reports,"
longue. He wished the Hoomeirould or
der the Jealousy Committee to report at
this sesame, at least partially. with leave to
that-0 further reports at the next session, so
that the country might understand whether
there was anything Irt toe conduct of the
President that deserved Impeachmeot.
Mr. SPAULDING coca If the
uterine, question wore votd down, he
thoeld offer aa an amendment a resolution
*miler to that endev witteh the present
stamen was held, for Congress torneet on
tee 10th of October, If Couto • were goornms
It both houses. • ' , '
It was one queation
whether the President had thy discharged
to duties of Me office, and it was quite
Mother question whether Congress should
mar on this game of President making,
Ht wee entirely 'Militia to leave that to the
camention teat would be selected In a pro
pm way, trusteed Of endeavoring to mealy,.
tale a movement here In favor of one man,
aril it was that which hie judgment
underlies this most Intense tenon on the
question of impeethethet.
Mr. BlititniALL,of Illinois, ensured the
Roam that it could not °Maine Mien wile
the reflectlon that thin 'subject could be
tensed ever. It had gone too fine for the
Roseate Ignore the proceedings of the Ja
dbistery Committee. The House had not to
sift the evidence aud take imam action, for
or against Impeachment. He know of no
one district of country Where Um
temple considered th e. matter dead
or gunwortity the attention of the
/louse. The people had Chafed tinder do
' ley. They were angry that the Ileum had
mot shown sufficient energy In Inquiring
.Into the manta of the controversy. They
Viiwere weary with the delay In binding up
specialities and Ulnas, when the glaring
fact stared them in the hoc that the Polan
d.; at the last Congress, at Pa first
awn, was charged with the assumution of
complete legialanyo , power; and of every
attribute of a, Despot. Pe could not eon.
crave in what community • the gentleman
from Maine bad lived, that he mold draw
the conclusion thanthopeople would be eat-'
ithed with the ignoring of the quisition of
tatheighment. The Home could not Ignore
It. It inust teen with the matter now. or in
°Mehemet January. and the question bad to
bedeolded. lleomild certainly speak teethe
entire West, when he said the people iin-
mthded this netion from the 11011.10. He
did not know, and did not pretend to know,
what itoluere;aii the Jaillelery Committ er,
but the people had began to think that If I
the Committee had been finding anything
In the .00nne of Its Ineestlgation, It was
time tr should be made known.
Mr PARESPIORTEI mid It memo,' that
the drat duty of the Rouse was to rectum
the Jufildtanalhantuittee to report the tee
th:mony already taken, that it might he
printed,' and that the llonse and contrY
natant form it Jefigment in Mind u
• ie •
The newt duty of the Rodeo was ro estputri
Until members bad en opportunity of ex
amining the thatiretray, notin' might come
together duly Informed in ruletion to the
Mots. Redid not. know whether alr.Johnson
should be impe netted Or not. He had sOnto
lemon the snidest no general prinelples,
but did not know what the testimony was.
He wanted to It now that. Ile would there.
fore givegioUce_that he would offer a rem.
lotion Instructing the Committee to report
the testimony art thorn
hir..iIksWILENCE, of Otto, proloste.l
against the rem arka of the monotone from
mama longest! du that tin PniTemitlon of
latheachment vas simply a echeine for
President making, and repudiated the
char ge ltr. US'S wail If the opinion thM the time
hmi come wheat the quemith should be
brought before 1 he /louse and the country
for &MUM,
Mr. B AITWELa. Insisted on the previous
question. '
The House rote sod to second the preview,
Mr. PIKE that offered his amendment.
set:antenna the,' 13th of November for the
16ttk of October. • • • •
Mr. SP eLLIUSIS moved a enbatitute toe
the co:murrain imeolution, Similar to that
miner which Oft mission Is held.
Mr. SCHENCK route the point of order
that Mr. Speldle es motion was out of or.
The SPEAKER. overruled Mr. Schenck's
tetra of cyder. -
Mr.SCIIENCK annealed and the appeal
was not mat line el.
air. PIPE'S amendment wan adopted.
Mr. SPALOUit PS substitute being erne-
The coneurron t resolution, LS amended
was adopted,
sat.scrco: gurrnix asnlimratow.
'The SPE AKEll:annonneea the tollowlne
Select Gommlt tee on - the treatmt
Union nrmoners r Meson. Schenck,ent o
.0( N. )t.) and kttmeor.-
an.t. p or 00113:000
The Louse tee Mawr the oonalderatlon of
the bill for the r let of repenter t deserters,
which was op y ft:volley. It provider that
no wither Or . :sa il or shall be taken to
be a desert , Cr - from the army or
navy who faith fully serve 1 the P...1 1 .. 4
Me h oa I
'without nr otp rI n au tl
th A o r n ty l.
quit bin comets ad after the surrender of
Lee and JOtinat m. The toll passed.
Mr. STENS!: B, of Penna.. ,otfured a reset
lotion direettn B the Judiciary -Committee
to report at thl a session the evidence rein
tiro to Mom dintent mad moved the pre.
vious question
The Honse n trusted to .send the previous
question, and :Kr. WILSON me a gab.
Istituto., that be Judiciary Committee Deer
nnthonlt tO h aye rinted th usual number
of contes t
:of illmo p ny In time e
to be laid en
the d“ks of II to members the drat et
the next semi , 70. and then ma
moved Om da
p y
Mous catmint 3.
The prosiest *question was avionded. and
the math cue Won wee ordered—yeas. PA;
Mr.STEVE:IS remarked, after the cote
t oot take n, In was willing to abandon the
matter, and moved to lay, the resolution
on the table- Agreed to.-
Mr. ROIIINISON altered At nisobition for
the appointment Of • standing Committee
of Moe, to be known as the Committee on
internal Moreau. Referred to the Com
=Mee on Rules.
On motion Of Mr. DAWES, It wee ordered
that the Cossonittee on Nkomo*, in . the
larmtigstion referred to it, mar altnerreit
Mr. MTINtiltA asked leave to offer a reso
lution honnetttlns the Select Committee on
the Treatnnont of Union Priserters to In
quire also into Me treatment
ate Drlontern In the camps and Priem. 01
the United elates, and why the motel was
dtseontinued. ; out Mr. VAN ALUM! id ob
jected. and then, on motion of Mr. DING.
11AM, the Douse. at 340, took a recess mail
Sotemock this oVerilne.
Thy Telegraph to the Mushursh omen .%)
Waetrusurgs, July IL—Thomiw W. Wil
liams testified the reputation 01 Wm. Cies.
Ter was bad, would not believe him under
J. Humphrey teidided ly. •
Lambert was examined by air. Her.
risk. Ilisteetimourrelatod to the location
of hi, reektonee WIN on /1 street, be.
MN. Fourth end Fif th streets, toing one
and threoiloartele leptons from Mrs. Our.
rattis htiose.o the west, of the house was
Mrs.lot, and to the mode
Frederick Y. Lambert sworn and
examined by Mr. Merrick-1 live In Wash
In link 11054 on II street, between
Fourth and Fifth streets, In th e home de
scribed by the last witness, remember the
night of the President's siumealnatiopt swim
in the house above mentioned between
eleven and twelve o'cloot that night.
SolliirnOymen Piostareer , CO ..... lou.
1137 Telegraph to the Pittebursh iletelre./
Batmoreas, July 11.—The • National Oon•
reunion of Journeymen Plasterers has W.
ambled here. Delegates are present from
New rerirtNew Jere*Y. Allehigan,
allasouri, unto, elesseenneetul, Penneytt a
nia end the District of Columbia. Tile
Convention organisation le as follow,:
President, !Sheridan Williams, of einem
natl. Vice President. Jarsti, of Phila.
OIL.. fteeording f3eeretary,
of New York; Treasurer, A . Kane, of .itronk
11T.7 8 Commit tee
r• tate o f
ia , Trade: t
Boston, Mr. Roberts. of Detroit,
of New York, anti Mr. AVlriuto.
t o.orDrOogir
tiler . transacting business of no general n.
Wrest the Vonventiort aeljotirnott nutil to
, morrow.
thy Telegrapitte the rittsearge liamtte.l
Lorisviata July 11.—A horrible crime oc
curred In Liarritton conntY. indlett
b100d...Y. -A mso `named Kemper, wise.s
two slaughters and three eonut, murdered
John Dem , oy hurling stones nt 11101. The
murder war brought on by taw-eult re
garding the wane, whinh resulted adversely
twoemper. All have been arrested, except
of thu eons and tho two glrlitollact are
atilt at large. . - .
At Laconia, lu6,lwa, tirdirrothera named
Kingoley fought etch other with an lees and
other weapons' until , bothlrete Melly In
folios Mallon.. •AlleillsiSion-Deeeess
' stOrt in O Tltuuder bloomer.
INV ?firemen to the Pittsburgh liatette.l .
Norrow,Jelyll.—Trsbalhem"Nypertmt ,o
which ascended from the Common te, Tueu.
day aftoroOon, came down in New Salem,
seventy-f IG mhos from this city, at ten
o'clock the Dame evening, Into h" a meadow,
',boron remained all night. Mu occupants
bohng enatda to flnd say aeon& On werriont
of tho dense datkueas, canted by a thunder
shower, winch lasted nest rooming. Thor
enbsequennir muleanotber sacenslon, land.
log nar FOrreiter, and returned to Boston
by . - •
-5 largo delegation of white and meat
Cridoeisis, howl North Carolina and Ala
barna, are to Washingten for the purge. of
urging noon Congress the necessity of
*Wishing the preened , State governments
In the Month. Tl7olt petitions SOL forth that
the Union men of the South will haven beb
tar opportunity of controlling the regtetra
Lion Or rosin, etc., U the present OrgAlllilin
Ilona are utterly abolished. The Keith
Carolina delegation la beaded by satinet ,
113*ot colored man nailed Harris, who 10 .
President. Of the 'Chad:MOW Lag UN Of
that State, and in behalf of that organiza
tier ha will predawn to Congrem a 'petition
for tbe relief of Gov. Holden fromt t.
he poU
1001 disstaums Imposed
on him Aphis ac
tive plulleipstion in the retention.
—Ur. Geld. fete Confederate Gemmelloner
for the ozobange of prisoners, has been bow
fore the Dialer Conretraey eon:matzos, and
was dumbed • with . reference 'to tte ro•
sponslbllity' of various federal alms re
garding the exatesno of prisoners. Ile was
alo•ely examined' by Cenral Butler ea to
the meta of General Grant.
—steeernor Planners. of Los 117,1aii. fa
Wastnenton to COMO . witty Congress le re.
nerd W reneging the knees of the Atisstr
shiSql slechlo regard to rooonatruothnit.
1/001:Tri PAGE.—The fullest and most re..
/table 'Money, C/U and Produeo Markel R.
ports gin , n by unit paver in the dfYs will
found on our nurth Raga
Completionof Improvemest.—De
We believe that nothing contributes more
to the character and reputation •of a
city abroad than a well conducted and en
ergetic press. The stranger forme his Im
pression of the importance, Industry and .
enterprise Of a town or city, from the para.
eat of anowspeper wine/01pda !tawny into
his possession. Next to the public press
collie the hotels. A traveler or &visitor
entering the city le impressed favorably , or
otherwise Inst In proportion tette charac
ter and style of the hotels It contains. if
,managed and iecond. class In
style. ho heeomes disgusted with 'the place
nd neither 'argument nor eloquence c
dumb.° ids toad of the prejudice ho tea
foretell against the place flint If to the'
contrary. the hotel. be well mana
ged and amoplete, be entertains a
ills long respect and admiration for the city
in which lot has received hospitable treat
dent,and will ho prepared to grant any
eems of exciellenee' to winch the elutena
may lay plena. The press has long fitly
represented the great enterprise of oar edit
and folic shadowed the goabeedativenees of
oar neeple, while the hotels have held high
rank ameng these of our country, perform.
leg well their snare of representation.
While some nave sot held the rank which
might have proved fl suet Moe our peopie,
ether. have swarthy kept pace with theatre
and In their management ern general excel
lence have given great satisfaction to our
community at home and the traveling pub
he at large. Among these prominently
stands the - '
which was entabllsheol by the present pro-
Prletor, J. McDonald ercosarl,Ewle In Itt«
In lalS, the year of the great cOntlagratlon.
whicn destroyed thu larger portion of our
city, for one etty's good, the Ingot was
horned to the ground.. 11 was not rebuilt
toil two yosrahad alumal.when the: present
11111.1VO thlll , llllg was emoted at wont was'
Yam, to. cheap tames, an enormous Oust.
Otrlng tolts licamittil location 00 tbe
northern bank Of the Monoogtthalo..l
and: Ito 001.120:10AIOU0 ellarMiter, eOrn
blood with lb, oaeollant management,
11,0 house rapidly galoOd a rent/Melon as
IM lira[ class holm wont of the mooutains,
and year after year enjoyed an nneroltan
onanon of prosperaly. Tounsts and travel
ers ever Intend m general praise of the
boom and ranted It as second 10 120 other
In Amorist. It was a source Of plouelya to
our eltiacns, that, while shrewd Otelervers
took no to vela for the many' faults of our
homely old city and ortllchael mercilo”ly
utmet • our myttans and Institutions,
they 'would • soften theft stela/arcs
no pleasant allualons to the first
chats hotel -.Matt wo nossessed,
In the Monongahela llottah Of late yeare
notch: hart, UndergOno vast Improvement,
and :lotto be 0014000. It was resolved In
lain tail the old house shoold be mins
:ormed Into nob. one. and made a fonald
:able rival to ono palaCes devolosl 16 the 00-
mm:stair:von of the traveling wortd re
cently erected in tho mrtropontan cltlea of
the country. The idea woo hardly concolv
ed 1111 active 1901.0.511100 were at Once taken
for the
Plana. mud speolneations were. at once
Made out. and the work promptly corm
menced. For two loud Tears the f rang .
form lag 0: the okli luto the neer, the Cons
parulAvely ancient intn the daolera,
dressed antler the direction of that masa
to nrchitect and builder, Charles Plarther
ger, .Erd. Mangler to ray, the business.
ur the house woe not one ategle hour later-
rooted by the great changes going on in
the Interior; but t on the oantrary, during
that thee thousands of guests were provid•
•al for who hattllf gnaw that the 0110000
was being wrought.
At an Immense omit thelmlldieg has been
0010ev0 and today will gnmillnrn with mp
40[01 on .hts continent. 1t ban bee. rent -
slot thmnohOnts and lilted and farldahed
In the need larteh elite Imaginable. The
"." 011 . W. IL LYllue.Ese.., one of our wealth.
mat and Most Waterprliong °Weems and
martulaclurers, had performed' it deal 01
MealeMahle ...roast to the city in placleg
the Sionuutadstols. Moose On tt level with the
'mat of American hotel., While elms]
CrutPt Is duo ;the urbane and gentle
menly emerge/Or, J. Dial , . Croesen, Esq..
ter the megoldttent manner In which
he has retitled the hotel over which,
no km, ao surenagully presided during
t long torm „of veers. Teeterday .we
looked through the hotel, and Made a few
ntrervationa of the inthrovententa, which
re endeavor to pre •t to our renders, feel.
log the. Ire luckingahm to Ott foil IMAMS tO
Mu subject, the powers ot dnerip
. tun to properly red farm the many bean.
des and aOrOlnalalatlons of tho ocome.
The principal entrance to the house is
rum a bail leading Into the rotneda from
Water street, Is a broad. cheerful look
ing Paratral with martde dooring, the wall.
[wank.lo auto White and ornamented with
imide :S stucco moulding. As WO eater. On,
the right.ia the en i hurin,idfl tfuria.g
•ou tenter and Boxit g
tifielo lareete, and errik.,
Mandate a inagatileent'rtion. The floor in
with marble then, chequered, blank
and white alternateir. The furniture to of
hinck *ninth, plate and slob, there being
no tawdriness to annoy the night of the
lineal& haven large windows. miming al
most from ceiling to door, flood the Diane
with light during We 4119, while at night
two chwtdnlidtu of niagettleent proportion.
nerve the same purpose. in the centre of
the room is an immense mirror of pore
French plate, which, in &plain frame of wet
nut, la In keeping with the furniture, and
Adds much to the general attraction of the
TRIVATI anurnalten 70.8 lAD:tat
Iletween the gentlemen , e parlor and reeds
Ink room Is tins orivato entrance for Indira
It is • bendsome bail, lending from Smith
dela street, and ladlea maw to. the eeoond
illor withal:do:mink In any manner to owe
tart watt tilt, gnotlernen's Or Drumm des
uartment. The hall is richly carpeted, and
the wall and ceiling chthorately adorn.
Int, while • beautiful chandelier depends
(tom the ceiling. Tele trance is excite.
eIPWy dealatteO ler th e la dy ' kneels nod Is
et all times locked and alarmed by •
porter, no that no ono can pass 111 Or 001
er (theist 41.5 knowledge. . •
nesnino noon.
The next on the richt Is the gentlemen's
reading room, which Mum on Smithfield
street., and is of the same oommodiens sine
as the pantnr we linen described.-lt la fur.
nisho in elegant style, containing Mann
nee sow', chairs, reading tables, paper
racks and ererything conducive tothe nom
fort of reading rOem. Here will be
on me sll.the leading newspapers of the
Costa and country,' together with other
uholcui reading matter. Tile door is laid
with white and blue marble thee and thn
walls WO petered b pure whlte'auti orne.
Anent.' with unat moulding in stone. It is
is model rending room, and is far ahead in
'Joint of design and finish orally la Amer.
• 111/leel. 1.2111 SATRE. ;•
Immediately to the left of the Water
Gtr et entrance are mtnatedthe barber's/a.
loon and bathrooms. The former re moot,
sonarior In finish to many elegant bank
ing otecos, and is attention by the yore best
of the knights or the razor. The baths' are
tenood In the form otan Land.° contra
toi in rumlarn style. Tho tubs are largo
and supploal with hat and cola water. and
showers. Each compartroont le furnished
neatly with mirrors, midge and =Ors, and
the ticalre aro carpre.t.
11.11.11,1 YLIV•20111.
The largest end meet complete baggage
elevator In the country is en the right Of the
Water street Mal near the rotunda. h has
liven constructed en mealsrti ormolu'ea and
Is capable of hoisting almost any give.
weight or quantity ot. Itaggago le the sto
ries above. This Prevent. the labortose
work generally performed by porters in
loggleg bitemige up and down Matra, and of
course ecevirea the better handling of
trunks and mantes. The Pltelfer room ad-
Joins,the 11101,441 r, where the temp.:lmmo
'beverage of lee water it kept aotileat to the
call of trio occupants of the reams through
out the house. • • •
tee now encroach what we elan call, in
the Monne., of any • better name, the Itotan
d e, although it le almost a perfect square In
tee Interior, but nearly circular on the out
vide, This Is sixty feet long by litty.two
feet wide, and Is approached from three
directione by balls centerloir or leading tete
it, vie: from Water. street, from Smith-.
hold street, foul, First street. The eta
armee of this department Is a faithful Index
of the style of grundeur which Peeved , /
throughout the entire house. The door Is
tam with chequered marble tile, the wells
and ceilings are painted virgin white, and
the wood 'work throughout is in wa lnut,
ash and yellow pits. be ono can
ter (behoove through env of the halls with.
Out pmeilog bolero tholdorks onduty as
thatmtraneve all lean to the rotund.- Thu
bileiness °Meets bountlfully fitt,land tem.
blues all the improvements I.! the
nay. TM, counters and desks are of polish
tal OlaCk Walnut wood. sod preeeet a very
hmhisome epee...enc.. Directly opposite
the uleritslollice Is the Porte. , lodge, where
are In waiting a score of saithrul
entered htiondsots. AtroYa the (MUMS of
the rotunda Is n dome soe sixty feet In
eimurnforence. It Is quite lofty, and la far-
niched with Seoure at van-Colored panes of
glees withal • form skylights.-Frew
the centre of the drone Is anspended
magoilleent bronze chandelier, bearing a
terse number ofJets, a n d cells
bre of brilliantly Illuminating the rotund.
Over the Smittideld end between the water
and Ftra , , street entrances ts • the emir way
which Inane to the liPPer departments of
the house. to the be lot that no
ilder epeelmen of workmanship of this ohm,
enter can be found to the country. It Is
oonstreeted In the form Of nn arCh, the
'stairs, cows Merle= feet. rlds, ascending
gradually from each able. an I on a level
with the eimend deer teradnata
broad platform. - Thu wood of widen ICU
oonstructedui rob. ornsmeatvwl with carved
a nd panes of black walnut."
Prom the pl.llol'm en haillmeo Of Oise =on.
sand persons wee addressed during the lath'
deldlers.Courention in this city, he the to „
rend. it caßable Of accommentiting Seth a
• T m. I. • 1.11 an/War In every rupeat tn
m oon . from Water streaL It le proved/nth
marble, and 1 In point at ilniso oral tO
o n / n,u7. This on‘ranon Will, par- 7
Imps, be more Wad than nor other, so /t .
ii. / imediy Um most convenient.
A hap Kn.... foam with marble door la
locatod tramodAmlY to tho ht of the ro
tunda. It I. 10 Ile wi g havlog a
range of contlnuOue marble-waah stands
with ample - Convene:aorta, end • the noose
, rake Or towels. Beyond large ralr.:
rare rake the room. Tho coat room an&
„ awe mar d, In char of our traltual friend,
et rs ward, stands d rectlyoppoattethe
room. 15 to neatly =red and adMirably
a d a pted uff,flo patineles applted:
' Loran Of the crofts. game; of Millard.,
triastar r.'!PfrOod so ono of our no,:
&lomat pngs: 'WM ffod one alto mostoos.
pinto halls . America devoted to the
hall and One In the large room fronting •un
First street. 101. some thin - 5 , 4.40 feet wide
by eighty In length. Six nest. rosewood tn.-
Oise, Welch Continue all the novelties land I
Improvements adopted, will be found, with
tile truest of bells and best of cues. Tills
may ho entered through the TOttlatht Or bar
roam or from Firststreet. The bar room •
adletna the billiard (t '
all, and it, too, m
worthy of spools) attention. It Is in the
corner room fronting un -Smithfield and
First streets. In is a perfect Name In' ts
tray, being fitted no in them oat luthrlant
manner Unnamable. It 14 nearly folly feet
square, and ail Me appointment la a the
very best and grandest style. The ceilings
and walls are beautifully painted In °tun
mental dealers In brlsht ell eolors, and the
bar is brilllent with the finest of cut glass
decanters, and other ornament. A range
Or French plate mirrors oCcupy tne
ngalust ',lnch the bar la erected . -
-ltetnrntng to the remade. we [Wound the
brow ins Ire and arrive Ina promenade hWi
On the second floor, which is laid with an
n./Ostia ornamental tiles. in the most beau.
Wald/mire, This is seVenty.five feet long
by thirOptlve fent wide, and Is finished
a style of art which could not well he nor
passed. Tiler° ism high; broad window. or
rathera nulatnar Of Wlntlowannouldt. with
panes of elaborately stained glass, ott the
right ride, through which the romenair ,
abundantly lighted by tiny,and at nada
elegant bivrtge' chandeliers with a number
ot ganient are toed. 'Me promenade hall
Is iteniediately at the bend or Olin stairs
leading fro the cowme for Moles
the right. In m a
largo and
room desig
nated as the //Ladles` Reception imam;'
Into which newly arrived tot/mightiest+ It •
first ugierod to await the usnlignment of
moms. Tula apartment is furnished in
luxurious manner. any description of
which wit might give would .Lardly entiVeY
to the reader a proper idea of Its grandeur.
The holiest parlors, atilt more beautiful, ere
en the sago, bingo, frantiny Weser /greet.
These are papered, pointed. and ornaontint
tat beautifully,
modern furniture is ofthe
most elegent style. idairellicent
mirrors of unusnany largo proportrms
grace the Mantles met walls, pianos occupy
tHair places, and everything la of the cc silt.
est character. Indeed, no where else In the
United States enn berter furnished, or
more elegant end comfortable parlors he
The male Dining Han In located In the
corner of the hotel fronting. on First and
Smithfield Street,, and to lit) foot long to , :10
Met tilde. Tee ceiling Is In Met bleb and Is
neatly adorned with etucco mouldlnimand
'ornamental work.. So far as our observe.
tints have entreated, East 'and West, we are
Prepared to tote the palm-of bumintorliy
of thle dining art eeery -
Or m the country.believer y
It Is ;neatl and y famished,
contains a noon of tables, Is lighted by a
great needier Of-windewa by -day u.nat by
night with nearly one bemired goo jets. Ity
LPatent ohitedelleri lingerer, Elm unser the
atter 10 In steroid. Meaner° dens awe; with
In warm weather, sumclent light bring
afforded from a few earners to whschare at
tached powerlat reflectors. '1 he windows
are hung with Men broutethicertatuo briar
eernled. seal the femoral appearSimo
ot the roan Is magnificent. It to approach
ed by several halls and In convenient to all
pans of the bee., Another large dining
room fronts on Water street, which
completed will equal the one now in' use to
point of elegance.
Pawner Ann stunner, et
The Pantry, a large, cleat nod well voutl- I
atecl room, Is Immediately In the rear of I
the dining Meet, it Is veil supplied
with steam tables, carving desks and nil"
the appurtenances pertaining tn thin Im
portant apartment of a hoteL It Is kept
to the to ry Oust of order.' To the rear of
Ulla we fled the Kitchen. Tito to u very
large square room, Wlth brick door, told
iron girder, and otherwise perfectlY tire
proof. The roasting is done to an inclos, al
oven„ In whleh the, meat, Dieted on large
spits, in Mineola revolve. by Moselle!
Cants little chosen engine. Tne voohing is
nearly alt done by incase, and we Albsern • fel
all ulna or annehanienlapplllices and ar
rangement, for the preperstton tat the
good, square meals for which the house is
famous. The greatest eleantlueas prevails
here, and ono has Ms' appetitetestsiply
strengthened by naming through or pawn,:
it a vl.lll The Laundry. Is neosrato f loin
the hotel nuilding, occults lug n. large three
otory brick, house ne the opposite - elate of
First street. It la. Ilkowlso complete to
o.vary department.
Tho rooms. and thorn are a whole host of
them, nn the sewed. third. fourth and fifth
storles.derrated togarete, are very neatly
finished and Intmlabed. SOMe of the larger
rooms for married couples are verp tic.
rant. being MOS up. In the
The doors, passagee and stairs lu upper
fartions of 100 hotel aro covered with
Brud•els, lvet Other Met, styled of
...streets. 'rho pattitlntr.Jhroligbollt the
hortse will strike,the vleitor as riuhriblng
extra, RS ranch time and mtro were teetto to
mato that part an attramlvo feature. It
was done lip ther well known Pittsburgu
painters, J. P. Harty & Oro.
The henna oonti his two hundred and
tafelvo sleeping rooms. which will comfort
ably noctanm °unto name tour hundred her
eon, lu emergonciOn, that numboi; dou•
mod can Int accoultnnrlated. ds 110NOV". 1 ..
the fdonnognbeln !tonsil warms among tho
Oral Whole of our country In pout of Canoe
lty and general eacellon en and rittnOurgh
era CUMIC4 no too proud la Its poomashau,
The superb eerier andchamber furniture
.11W purchased from J. W. Wnodwolt tt Co.,
Fackiner Irwin,• Plcisbarkh,and from
dealers In Boston, New York and Philadel
phia. The elegant. sad rich earpecltdis
impelled hi' McFarland, Colnevi& Le.,
Oliver 51C1:1101.010 1.10.. of thin elly, and
James Li. Ono CO.. Philadelphia. The
1005100 kiss., anti 1005111500111 01100005
were lroinJ. J.J3llleirdn Co, riffiik.f/Oft
nriO.K.ll. Purdy t co.. ?jaw . Turk.
Lost night, theme...ton of the comjnetion
of the Improvements, Was *parcel 'lately
colobrattal by a grand bacquet 'rem Del.' ,
tary to the niemhere of tile city imvsn. The
copper spread out wan all that ooplu :be
Loomed, having been prepared anger the
direction of Demme NV. Alden, the einelent'
Superintendenta relic doe
caterer thl ,Uouse.
Xvrry paper In Mu city. hotly oe and
secular. was fully represented, whtie Many ,
prominent citlzero won, pr sent LVlluvita-
Don. ;
. After. blessing from on high yogi Invok
ed by Rev. Dr. Donglan, the . gull.
lichee nate-
chel some fifty persons. took tb.' places
at the table, nod partook of the Nene ful
repent spread baton, there. Whentitacioths
were rerubsal chounnallims. 'Petalled' ;
seas, and 'sherry wore inteedured
Toe - martleg °motive! by I 3 milling
belch King pie., of the Stara - m.
to the chair, cud th., designation
of several gentlemen es Stcratorhs. Seat
byd appropriate allarresee were elailrenel
tae Chairmen, Joseph snotreen,
It. Biddle Itoberte. Mello yid Ore..
son. Km., Ker. Dr. Douala:.Bn yr. Nes
math, lice. Mr. Allisou, N. P. Sawter,
George U. Thorson. Esq.. T. .i t ilieenan,
Gsu../itr.Neeni Messrs. W,lllam ffopoyer, E.
If. iners,Joneph A. letre. 11. 1110zoien.
oartpergar, Joseph Oxen , , ThoFrael Arm
weep, and (i. D. Ware. • 2 1
The folinwing mare attain, offe4ei by; Ms.
James B. Allison, D. D.. Wore itea s temouslY
adoptml . - , • !
..firsolordi 1: That thle'companit in highly
=staled 101.11 1110 Improvemoa Inro
duced iota UAW rlotel, so well ~tioten sent
patronized la pant years, so tnak - iu Its ar
ras:memento tor the comfort of lgattems It
la out excelled by may establish et Of the
kind In the country. '
Restated. 0. That the thanksVacom
pasty are 'dna 10 Ma. Crosson I *pipn.
did.entertainment , gismo US %It evening,
and that we most earnestly bolg that this
house boa wUI recelse • Petrooette tlesetnld .
lug to Ito high merit, - 1 . •
At late hoer the party ed;witit
renewed admiration for the eon:Alicia
110010 sod Its over popular. arm mcoomMo•
dating phopriator, J. lielJouiti l Droesen,
Moot to the gloom, of Waage.
Niles Letter,a young girl between
teen and alsteen year of ago, avlonot pa
renta road° about illneen miles 1101 n. the .
. .
eltyi . was seat to the Manse of Insfuge yes
torday, by Mayor Morrison, of 'Allegheny
City, for larceny.' TOO facto of the case
are as fellows: The girt come to Alio
ero. City atal.nt two *meta Mace, and so.
o Ot ared boarding at Canitait's hotel, at Onto
eon Beaver streets. where she remained
over night, and on the nest slay nandenly
disappeared. • lier departure Wan attended
with the 1010 0f a contidarablo quid:lllly 01
wearing apparel bolooKteg ho dontevs
.I.lal about ton house, some twenty-five or
thirty dollars worth of _cloOttng_, Using
mimed.. &nee days after t he larceaVAnnto
bbassu, stuOrtyas tat be hotel, msols tare,
motion before Mayor aiorosou, charging -
Min Matter with toe lateeny..aull a War
orant for her arrest was P0...1 tho bands
f n O ll lO O O Josenll Uumpecii. Wednesday
the balder visited the mettle/ace 01 1110
and Ilndtug Our at 00010, arrldited
hor and brought pa- to the my. , Aft.e.t her
strreat It was ascertained that on too night
10110011ra her disappearance from Varson , s,
also stopped at the White Meuse, in Perry
ville,ot 00100 Mr. T- Cosiness ennis
etor. When she lett there the toot .with
her some valuable trilelos Of westing al.
pivot belenstanto Mrs. Cosmoses...
Compllm aaaaaa to 'the - On Alen.
Yesterday the Petroleum Amomation of
this city wee honored with a compd..-
tarp dinner et the favorably known and
popular Revere House Dining Rooms,'
Opera House, Firth Went. A large number
of the Membere iccepted the Invitation of
the gentlemanly proprietors, Ilesars:
Weigh 4 /McCafferty, mid eat down to aria
of the most emulate°. (Honore ever pre
pared ln Uttar/My, Th; tables relay groaned
hameath the weight of the choicest viands
and dellcalstee of the stemma, eurved up to
the high aryls of - art tor which the prn tors of that. hest clas. hones are so In si de,
fatuous. Wo need not soy that gib.. tour
teem kelghte of the oil trade aid felt credit
to the atithritUOtts meal, nor that they retied
to do justice to the aoarkilek elmnousitee
and camel)a which so iteeerdhslY noun.
after the cloths had sheen removed. Port
Speeches worn made, and a hoed time gort-
UlVPfd w iNOteliVeific w W ,ch hl U oll= y rO O:
prielhhh, and departed ' isharing" manta tae
t o rennet or the tample.that no ma
ter meal eau ho' Obtained then dally
ser sda tip at the Covent noose. hy /Wu/
aces of lamplialny, Mews, Wendt n
settled. , I
Johit cam am/mated •to answer
at Court, .'Alderman Strain , eu Oath of
Ellen guilts/to, for surety of the El;
ten Mire. that John, who la her ill/b li nd,
threatened to take her ltfo. ,
'... 11.1ta/MOrganvnia,couseatited tor 6„i f ,
.nrePhealllt and battery, made
before Jtihtthe Kerr, df hide/ard. taw/WIMP.
Anne r atiriade htfrmmia/ 10 4 rigninet
hacheidmod, hoedY FahthOPtellierlrine to
wttls dew/ll:Wand rafrielng
to herself and eaud. Justice
9tenrideina. Of Alanohestor, Ombra/wheat the
inrogreation was trade; 40thedtted hire-to
Jail lo default or three hundred dollars OSA
lOr Wm:mean:tee at Court.
Connell lleellsr.
A regular semi-monthly meeting of Alla
uhrey City COnuells was held Thursday
evening, July llth
"1511.1eCT naLltat.
Bomber. Wrosentt—Bessre. Brown, Bag
11.11,11ali,IrIWn, Mothers]. My ter. NoCor
mid:, Pace; Patterson J. C., Patterson A..
Stn , til A. D., Smith C. C.,. Smith Wm.,
Thomas end !deader, President
bi mate. or preceding 'meeting read aid
adopted. •
Mr.Myler,♦lllllllllOl for the grading of
Jefferson etre* , &mewl Federal !areal.
and Mayer atreet. Referred to Committee
On titre, te„,oo •
• Mr. Theirs. a con:m=ll..llon from the
tyestern Pennsylvania a. R. Co.. complain
ing of the scarcity of water owing to • rs•
riots of cense% and reqnretlee teat • pipe
be laid.. Reim street. from Laconic to the
railroad. Referred to the Committee on
Water, with power to do the work, provi
ded the company do the work and deduct
tau cost from their water taxes.
Mr. Mothers.' presented a petition for
water on Fayette nod Mani:dots , ' streets.
Itefrrred to the Committee on Water.
Mr. Myler, a rentunstrance against the
paving of Ridge street at this time. Re
ferred to the Committee on Streets.
Mr. Myler, a petition, numerously signed.
remonstrating against the use Of the public
ermines ny circus commutes for ex
tions. Referred tothe Counnittee ma 0011.
31 nce, •
r. tlyler, a petitten Imm a large number
or eft Men., with a resolution attached,
me thu Committee on Markets to
contract tor the erection of the maim, for
wela it INC Coal, one to be placed oa Or neat .
Chestnut street, In the Fourth ward, and
the other on Chortler. Street, to the filth
• • •
Mead. D. Smith, on behalf of the' Finance
Commit rem ai ns
teeresented a report
ee of water
the Fifth' and Steth wards. The Com.
mittee Mate that the bonds proposed to he
issued cannot be negotiated at a better rate
than eight per cent., involving a leas to the
taxpayer. of abot VO,00). The Onnimittee
advise that a apeolal u effort be made to nay
for the improvement in cash instead of
bonds, and to this end offer the following,
That the FloariceCominittai be
and they aro hereby authorised to borrow ,
serene year the sum of .30.000, ate rate of
interest not exceeding eight rier cent. per
annum, to pay for the extension of water
mains. The report was accepted and the
resolution adoted.
ler. A. D. Smith presented the repOrt of I
the City Controller, certifying a number Cl
bilis and accompanied • with a resolution
anthorming their payment. The bills foot
au e. total of e1f02171. Report accepted and
flied and reenimion adopted.
A resonation to pay lir FmairaCr, Super
intendent of Sewers, amount of salary to
.to,r let, was read three times and passel.
lie. Myler submitted the report of the
Street triestnittee, with resolution for the
ruction of iron culverts in front of the
Colombia Engine house, sod on Irwin ave
nue near the railroad.' Report wins accept
ed and the resolution adopted.
The Committee report adversely to the
paving of Ohio and North avenues, with
the lilealson pavement. They oleo re•
port adversely to changing the grade on
.effereon street.
T an he Vmm widen Washi ngtttee alsoton presendoyenneted au Ordi
n fro
theßailroad to Pasture Lane. Read and
Also, an ordinance to widen Spruce street,
In the Fifth Ward. Referred to the Com
mittee to reports draft of the etreet.
An ordinance authorising the
and paving of Ward , . Alley and Frasier's
Alley, Raul and adopted.
Also, a resolution to open Mortonis'Alley.
Laid over until gent meeting. ,
An ordinance autnorising the paving
Jefferson street. to Shields alley. Adopted.
Also, an ordinance 11sIng the width of ,
Franklin street. Adopted.
Also, a resolution to open Rebecca street
Laid Craig to Federal street. and from ire
',OSUMI termination to Beaver avenue.
Laid over.
Mr. al ot heral presented a remits Hon pro
viding fora gas lamp at the corner of Fre
ida aria Walnut street , Referred to the
G 11.5 COLLO:MM. to rep qt.
Mr. A. Patterson, • 'deletion authOrising
the Committee on Street. not, to proceed
with the paving of street. until the water
pipes were laid. Referred to ,the Commit.
tee on Streets. •
. Mr. Ilyler, • 'resolution providing tor the
erection of a temporary foot bridge over the
gutter in West Commons. Re:erred LO
OLIOOL COMM Mee with power te set.
Members present.:-.Biesue. Brehm. Cut
ler, Dunham, Drennan, DDd, Fanlheber,
Harper, Kirkpatrick, Negras . , Mearis,h(e.
NntU, McDonald, Recd. Smith. Vrnitbar,
Windsor Zollerthd PrestidentAl dale. '
On motion ot 11r.Cutler. the reading of
the minutes of the previous meeting was
L dinwnsedwith.
Mr. Cutler presented a petition from the
Rope Fire Company, ask* g fort he appro
priation of a new hoe.' carriage to that
compeer, as the carriage POW WU. PI Worn
out and unfit for service. Accompaoying
the petition win the 'following resolution:
Re.olred, By the Select and Common Coon.
cii, of the City of Allegheny. that the ""-
i too of the member, of th Mope .tmon
Fire Engine and Rom Company for an ap e
tprom - lotion of- seven hundred tor
he purchase of chose carriage, be te
hereby granted
Mr. Paul haulier moved that the matter he
referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Cutler moved to amend ray referring
It to the Committee on glee Engines and
Ruse, with toner- to mt. The sear and
nays were called not motion, which re
sidual in its adoption by sOnte of nine yeas
to eight nay,.
coneurred„With the action of C, C.,
prom toed "peweelo mad bestricium out.
Thu Chair made petivan from the red
dorms of Sheffield *treat. praying that a Ca.
ter pipe be pieced on that street before It le
;meal anti oared. Itsfairsa to the Com.
j mitten on Water In coniencUou with the
Committee on Streets. •
hir. Smith pro mined a petition from the
rmlocete of Tomato street, in the Third
ward, !taking that the acm e of mid street
he changed to Linden street. acrximpany.
ing the petition. ag monition instruct
leg the Itmording Regulator to change the
name of the street m prayed for. Thepid. l
[lon wee accepted and the resolution Setup-';
Mr. Drennan presented ,petition from
the residents of Long Lane,' Moth of Perry
street, In the Third Ward, praying for the
lay Lug of s, water pitmen mid street.
furred to th h e
Commutes cut er Wat.
Mr. Smiesented fro the
chiming of the pr Seventh w ar d, praying nt
Union street ho extended from Us present
terminus' to North Avenue. A. resolution
' accompanied thettetition, that the prayer
of um petitioners hereunto& The petition
was accepted, 16114 the resolution adopted.
Mr.Marper, from a special committee ap
pointed to Investigate a case of charity,
that of Mrs. Greninger. presented the re
portal the committee. accompanying which
W. the following:
Ermierd, That the Controller he and is
hereby ant/melted to certify, each week, a
warrant on the Travauxrer in favor of Mr..
Mitry tireningor for the sum of four doller .
during her natural life, and charge the Con
tingent Fund—Appropriation No. O.
The report we. accepted and the resole.
thin adopted.
Mr:Denham presented to report of the
Committee on Markets, showing the follow.
Pm statement or the Welgtimasters and
.l'iera.of Markets for the month of June:
Duncan Dallas, Clark of Simkins.... $ 047 St
.11013. Rumor, almond ward scales. in to
John *.Edgar, Diamondemlea lit :a
Accompanying the report waa the follow.
ins l used talun;
Rarotted, Teat the CotarnitLue Ott hiarketa
bc and ihuy are hereby authorised to con.
trust with the lownat axid twat bidder, for
putting I the ventil the northeaat
tx,runr or Market Howes
. .
The Committee 6110 submitted an ore'.
LIELOCC provlLLmg Olt hereafter amy person
or purearm aelllng berries in the =treat
°therein° thee by measure, shall be liable
to a fine of not lets than one nor more than
• . • .
On motion, the report was attempted, and
the resolution and ordinance adopted.
Mr. hoed presented the report. of the
Committee on Fire Enginesand Dose. The
Comma.° reported that they had before
teem the rmoinuon toparchatie a lot to
the .41.1. th Ward, ea which to erect an en
woo boogie, ,vrtnelt was referred to th em,'
end fit the suggestiou of a hasionty of the
n.11'040111 of Moonoll from the Manchester
dtstrict, they wouldreport in favor of de
barrios action ha the natter until the water
aloe Is laid ie said Megrim Toe Committee
oPProved of the action of the Mope Fire
Coro cony In making stmt-annual returns
ot toe tires la which they DertMlPated , end
hoped the system wonl4 be adopted by alt
the lire companies in the city.
The Committee also submitted the follow.
lug resolutions:
Relotred, That the Committee on Englens
he notion red to pnehase an 'additional
Elm Marta Don and accessary telegraph
Vrth, nod pOles from' Game cell, Rennexl d
Co . red red teed they be !nostrums: to locate
Bahl FOX In the neighborhood or Soyder's
Motto, , •
Remend..Thed the ()animate. O
ita rt Eogittell
Ix...imbedded employ votos
son to take charge of the bastarim comma
od sett the Fire Alarm TeleirePh eta sal.
try recto escoodtlares hundred deilare per ,
motion. the refer , OdtOPtell and
the resolution dopted. . • ,
Mr. McDonald orate anssolatlim provid.
al l g for Inn grad/sit eed Wl.* 010 rshem's
aley, In t urd. Second Ward. The reeoPatlon
won yttOP • •
Sir. Drennan °deem the following nimbi-
• Roared That the Committee on Geste
mated to .coVe. tamp - poets - tad /amps
pieced st the fotiowlottplaties In the Third
WAN; Career of ilomloos area Esplanade
stree t
corner of .liernlnek - and James
streets; corner of North Avenue end Middle
adreo4 cornier of _North Avenue -end East
~,r e et; corner of Third nod Middle streets;
t h e of st street and the Ilnedlrldloe
1 the 'into
and Seventh Wards; corner of
Third street and fast Lane; comer of Thrill
street and =We •llCYtnertte, at Chestnut
Weser and Long alley; corner of Cheatorit'
nod Pike etrestat earner of. Perry street
and •Itorlog alley; ommer of Crean ate et
end Spring alley; corner Cf Eitat Lane and
Perry streets; corner Of West and !lest
After 6n =estrus discussion, the numbs
non was donily rsfacredto the Couimine
•-• • . .
a• .
-Mr. Dill offered resolution Instructing
the, Watur Committee to erna•watarjolpu
oa Sadao lok street, from Franklin • to Hall.
road-atteete, a dlrtaace of three hundred
Tno revolution Was taloned to the
Committee an Water.
Kr. Harper offered the tollainng. width
was adoptsrh
W miss... There is • dlilltmlty in. cowls
cIUMMOID at ftveral s treets In the city having
Wallas names; therellar%
iteroired. That the longest street& retatit
their present name, end th at. the shortest
streets shell have theft menu changed.
e: C. non.oooeurred. sad. , appointed
Sifters. Sigler and Jgotheral as a Catenates
on Conferenee. •
~,,,•. or
4b.CT.l;;ed — e — d - lusa onnatizsed In 'action u.
LI., .Ad appointed /lama Toad and
2d d t Paired - the folloTtnt. "Wet it
Ratared, That tha Stzeaa Goelmlita
Instructed to oval an ordlauoto casams
the name of Chestnut stress; In the Filth
ward, to Janiate sinew.
Mr. South odbred the following rcsolu.
Linn, w inch was adopted.
&wired, That when the laying of water
Ode In Ohio Avenue be completed. that the
Oommittee on Water be Inetructe4 to sub
mit a report of the actual expense per lineal
foot of laying the said pipe
The chair announced the following Stand.
inc Committees for th e Seventh ward:
Cl reei ip P
Nts and be we S rst,ifertrY Jr.
roperty—imon ftialum.
Poor Farm--Conrad
Surveys—Henry Fuller, Jr. •
Appeals—Conrad Roller.
Fire Englevi—llenrs Let LOOS.
Wooden UMW Inas—Henry Letsittis.
Common Gronnda—Simoix Brehm.
On motion. Connell adjourned
The Plano Coot Ended—A
. relesnipme Istap•terti from Messrs.
Chilemerang• de woo, • •
. Borrow, dell 5, HL
C.' C. dialer, Pittsburgh: •
Five (5) gold medals. each exactly equal.
wore distributed among all natios for the
beet Mimes at the Farts Eillibition. All the
Juries, by unanimous vote, recommended
It gold medal to the Calekering piano,
which the Imperial Commission granted at
once, and further recommended an addition
al award of the Grand Coin of the Legion
of Honor, mek eg the medal awarded to
Chlekering A Sons the first end highest over
all competitor ' s. Huth Medand cross were
presented by the Empere In person:: The
Juries were Mt annulate s in awarding to
mut Prone competitors, and th e Imperial
Commission 'granted these with some best.
The nd Gra Cross of the Legion of Honor
WWI not awarded to sot piano moonrise ,
sorer IliCept M.
(8 timed.) , Catcalling° A foss.
Cointeanting On the above award, Hat.
son , s Art Joernolnf Sat sinew, JolY etti,SaYsi
It Wild+ rource of gratification to a ll, that
1 during the whole porton ' between the day
of this opening of tee Exposition, and the
day at the presentation of awards these
1 rat been no attempt by the Cinekeri ngs to
delude toe by advance pu ff ., or by
false Matemente w orl d . medals won over I
all the rest of the The only MAMA.
cry used being the republication of Critical I
articles taken front the Mailing of
1 journals •of ral . ill and elsewhere. The,',
raised no flaga'to commemorate a triumph
teat had nut been achieved, and therefore
had noocemlon to pull them down in tight
of Jeering obmrvers. In short. they treat
ed in the merits of their magnificent plan.,
din the discrimination and impartiall , y
of the Jerles'ldld verily. they have got their
reward .
Thlllt code tho.lcreat Plano competition
of 1107, which °Zama the Meet abmrbing
interest, not only in this country, hot In
Europe. The competitors were emine could
claimhe who came out beetle the fight; could
claim without controversy the high honor
of superior excellence over all others. The
struggle wan close and earnest, bet an
American firm finally won, to the chagrin
and dlenprainttnent of an:
TheChickerings have got a Gold Medal
of honor, and• trom the mane royal hands
which presented ,It, and in order to more
pointedly mark h appreelation of the
eminent services r u ndered by the Chicker
logs In develooluguid perfecting the piano
forte, their representattve. in Faris, Ith. C.
F. Chickadees, received the unexampled
tribute to genius and practical atilt. the
&munition of the ILegton of Honor. They
may now- raise their flag without fear of
being questioned, and
viithouttlie necessity
of timing IL down - again. limy have won
the right, and their banner ehonld Volum
inscribed .•' •
•imerle Exposition,' July let, 1861. The
gold uiedal of honor ! The decoration of
the Legion at Honor. Ottoman. a loss..
rant If east 4r the haprethe Jerry,
e.m..,,,t,g,erfection in Grand, Square,
and Upright with the sip:weal en..
rforsentent of the Jury.
This Is the verbatim report of the award
of the First Gold Medal to the Memo. &tin
tory te Sons, by. the Supreme Jury io Parts.
and which please them at the hewrof their
prat:salon, dace they are the only Piano
makers whose Square and Upright - PL.os
were eonsidered equally.. perfect Ile char
grand 1/.1013. It appears thns, that while
the square and nprltebt Plea. of Messrs.
I:blithe:lns have not been deemed worthy
of npecha metittoo, the sett medal wns re
served by them for excellence on the OLD
man of reconstrtion In smalls and the
medal to the hewn. Steinway for ,
saw and
thrnoven onstrne ion and matchless per.
matron In all the TAUB different styles of
• •
Fbr, greatest petleeltott'and novelty of eon.
strucucas. thwitd, Steenwt and Uprtghl
P.oncs. A grand testi:mental medal award.
d by the S elate des Beaux Arts (armlets
of the Finn • Arts.. In Parls,) to the Messrs.
Steinway d bons. A literal translation of
the award. .
The 31.srs. Stelae.) , are the only piano
makers tates signatly honored by tow Seale
ty of Fine Arts, and :ha two most 'denude
bodies of France have than conanined to
Proclaim wStelosrays the Plancklitort, or
the worid." As to the decorations at the
Legion of Linear, the vrlbtronw redeate no
more %menthe, me-its of fabrics alePlaY
than our hut war ...Ph England did upon
the quality of the elf •retweent beverage
Once col , l to Cent., Dined under the t.t.k
O lin of vSals Water, by a veteran of Infl tt
The action of tee Mien:9[l°nel lanes in
tile award decide ant clearly deal, and
alone could the cool:Lenin. claims of
xbibitors. If, atthe sollettation of 1111100 e.
flat Mende. BOOM of those who to off
second hest in the trial of skill for the in
tersedional chanimonshtp were presented
cite souvenirs of the occasfon by their In.
la portal host, soot tokens of esteem were also
ot lotions 'defeat, and plainly
meant to moduli, rather thanset aside, the
Gsrufally prep teed deeletOna of the several
Pirlrs.—Aclo Ihrk World. •
Vary - J. hiraliarn, of Baldwin township,
made two informal-tone egideet a Jew
elOthier on Liberty street, by the name of
Kahn, charging film yrith missed, and else.
with surety of the race. abe alleges that
the is a poor woman, with • large family
and that her. .daulthturs do hoose-work;
that she came to toWn a few dayseince with
one of , her daughters and neared her e
situation In the house of Kahn. and loft ber.
That the next morning her daughter wait
set to washitig at three o'clock. and kept at
it note eleven o'clock as nlght, and the
next morning was railed at afx and put to
Ironing the clothe. ehe had washed the day '
adore, at which ehe was kept we. king until
. she fainted from oVer.xertkin and the ex
leselve heat. As sn as she was sole see
left the city ret urn ed hams, - and told
her motherhow see bad been need, sabers.
open she (toe mother) came to town to
craw the wages doe tor the two day. her
daughter ban worked. Ohs nays that on'
milling on Kahn for the money he shooed
her and and that If she wee a man he would
kick her out of the bowie, and that he eon
Sober face. We 410 not publish the shove
-as taste, hot only as the statement of the
promouthr, which -In all probability is a
little extravagant. Kahn was. arrested and
held la three hundred dollars for a hearing
ou Wednesday next.
Brewsals Airtime Meshedlet Epthe,elynl
41.3inireb. •
The ordered people of Al'milieu]; City are
erection' a ChM' hat the corner of. Hancock.
and Doyle streeta In that city. and in order
to obtain the means necessary to complete
'lt, they: have appointed Prof 13. J!... Neale
agent to aoltelt sobecriotions to that end.
They - also announce a grand celebration at
Union Park. to take place on the first of
LL which all the colored military
and civic societies eine two titles will be
pres and grandtournament will
onesf the principal t features of the
entertainment (The Draceede el the exhi.
Minn are to be devoted to the payment of
the church debt. The building In which
the people formerly worshipped. situated
on Scat Commons, was destroyed by an In.
ovaciary, several yvenf ego, BUM when
they nave had no regular Matelot worship,
and their raria to to Id another are
pea,,,,eorthy, and stionid receive every en.
emanate... We hope all, and especially
nue wirlotion friends, will remember this
enterprise, In bestow is g their charities.
alstegbier el alastrolitna.
This the ulneteenth mutant of the Chris
pan em !s one destined to all a poshloa to
tea tature hlatory of the world, which fn.
tare generations will look. on with horror
and astonishment: Horror, that la an en
lightened age like the present, which
stands pre•emlanat, not only for its dove.
tees of religion, but of art sod seiesibe, •
punishment, eo horrible and point should
be meted oat to a bravo and worthy. but
misguided Prlooo.. Astonishment., that to
our midst wo bad one et the molt stereo.
dons ware toe world ever saw—lns. Oar,.
4ariea of life to be obtained only at fabolona
pelves—clothing scarcely at all. Poch we
aca happy to elate IA not any looser caw;
sad In Mahone°, of whatwo
would refer 013 r readers to the list of prioes
it dry go-ode adrertliadol3 our arteralla page
by ldrsmer 4 Droonan, 00inderga. anat.
Oa\lsm/ Railway Company..—lt wlSl
be aeon Of advertisement to another cot.
u.o. that the Oakland ram:miter Itattray
company will nta oars ovary UM lalnatOO
from eaktaad to Ptturborgb, .flundal.,
th.o.ronoppiog at and 'Winning the loot
Of Wylleatrool. TWO Ls a oonvonlout ar
nttgoot.t. for Demon. winnow to attend
church, aa a aolllolent number or cars will
be provided to roooramoaiwa all. •
Gans ersinted.—lts.J. FL Johnston, the
proprietor% the well known Sirens West
aro Workw, corner of Wayne and Fenn
streets. adrerthies for sides, carbinne, rr
solvers sod all other description of Pm
arms, for 'rhino be 'Wilsey the vary lihshesb
Par.. G 00.% pistols may be sent by em.
Pone, for which the money will be promptly
mottled. nee advertisement.
A Bralento' conspiraton la dealnul by
evorylarly. .1 !be ispardsb lanles rob° are
nmed for that marble like appearance of
tbe akin, cue no other coranetto than lb*
nonmal elf Iw , tulparted by Ring d Caa. Church aurora, New Tort. bold
pi all Pltiaburett and lllesttany drtlentlra
a W co. llalr iv al .xt e dican aree, la Fannes took.
We molt Dry tioods 'both at. Indwele
and lotall.sad tartar consequence. orb
&gob to boob earl moos bettor U.
Boned does, to seal cheaper. std Ore the
ILTV.Irt more artstatoodatirts quantities
~ exclusive jobbing bolted. Retell mar
cheats &returned to sundae our stock.
J. W. Smuts& a vo4.
• EC blarkst-street.
• •
• •
airo.—Mtan Cornet* Rowe. of Boston..
will give readings la Neville Ha l l,l NO. 7
Pounti &treat. tlaturday oventom $: :714
o ' oloo k. Te.ahen, patoour and oiliOre
; m muted to Nlocution, aro oorobAly
ot •.t. la.1 a.
THE YVtit ,► sl,Y, GaME.
TWO znrnola.
11E11111111111.111" AND SATIIIIIIAT ,
I .n! tb. I. MnLiainß'run:Ty-vim 0414
0 ANIS of Intenentinireading matter. Innbdi.d
lendinn lidttortals, Inteet Nova, by Teletnddn
and 'Alma Bennoe atter for un
1 . .. WY. end fancyt and nloet naafi.
end and Compere-1g Marken Rep. , . br
any !Aver In the nay. tk , Farther , .IleetntOi , nr
Merennat ebould be witbont IL
Tim. Mlt Tun warttl MTMa:
slngta sneertler.—.•... Tdo•
CMes or nye
Club of Ten
aneboyy . at taper to !be etertron iret , rs'
up the clots tv CO, \an m ren•T
547 MO.. atelob rate..
SOTICa To 8171514151.445.-14 oraertut 1 ,5 s
paper, be sore and strellT what adleton 7.
ertnt, aa we time a Wednesday =Won YOr'anbe
wytbers baying bat one stall %week.
_ gar ,i.e•T by Draft. Eareram ItmeT wto t " . •
Olin RagllteMdinsbers. ¢.7 be tent it oar del.
nemememr the Mrh.—A treat may ix
found In the Scotch Marmalade, 411,0 (MIX
Dundee. The only kind that gran.orxrdpi
mita medal at tho Woridm Exhibition of
brit. than be obtamod at 112 F.daratatraot•
Atimrheay City. • GED. BraVitir.
jynaw. ' •
rota Rparltllskir !kW& W.Ver xt T. T.
Drag Moro, fio. Fdd.ral street.'.
The TOLVi4e• ocitdowo.--Tbei Priberies,
in a Yalu Tub, dropt tiouris from bet
month when opened. it, but .wehni.wwr
ww.s that Lotion. of Wont, Snanoorr.
ill haven mouthful of polaris that wPI nor,
or drop out. dark.. or 41,C1.9.•
Na Piece ••••• CIS 'WM . .:
tr Chepper BOOLN ..b[10,14 II almOnall aatt
oVerylblne else In this line, TM /nand than
Nt tee time bonore(l ;stare ot.Jaales /LPN
0.59 Market accent . •
Dentate.. Dt.oljutues • !zeta. the Ear*.
Catarrh, Diereses of the Eye, andl,ll
Cons ot ehronte and obattneet Character
euceteedully Dr. Ahern, 16f antithlteld street., • ,
rel. J. D. titan. of tho TorttktrirA.4lll.
ho the Rep thlekt u and Working Diem; tan•
ditlute for the Starnr.a.v. •
caul tiparallus 83. J. T.
stroplu's Drug Store, No. SS Vedarai Meet,
6.lsegberty. ,
Fierolsmea !MTN Were, NM , Si
street, tar all Genuine Patent 11.4.
ths 'swops. tales • .•
fat; to
feints, a
On to rirmimex Prow .110., No. e 4
Markas en.r.ret, for Um bens Tank; Ott In lA.I
' •
Go to 'nem tiro[ More, Ha. 8$
Storket Greet. for thn Not naeortmant of
Paro.Wines fortundlett port mho.
falr.Add ;Atonal Local Nevi's of
Third Page.
AL/MEd-0U IF Y. —Um tbamilay sysntaib
jbly 'bib 11, h• ts.tb, ritisbytarlan Chialch•
by riot. tl. I. Wthitn. !U. THOMAS
Au I.IJIL sad Ills. JULIA E. tinarr. both or
this city. ,
T110511 . 301 , , , LL1 Thu , liday. Jear . rit e l.LL
el[hUeth srsr ot-Lt.rf •gr, Ars.
L. LIU L^SLLN, edict orthe la LaILLO L.
Her funeral will tete p've trot th residents
other damtder, Mrs. John') Hemp, Hereon . /
Mtnermllle. on rascal) T, et 2 crateek
p. m. 'tangle. will Short from Taliman''t
eameaMe, helmet's metal. at 2o Moet.
pg.pmg—ma T he••••• Jalv 11th, MT. at
Teter . tn., 21,12 • .2.2”. the b 4
of r
flmee, fe.n.. In the 11fM yem coee of her am.
712Prill WI 1 tete place on )3•217a Pale Song.
VW, the 13th Inst., at 10 cieleen, from the is.,.
dense of her bustled, on Ohio ammo, 'nna
wept. Allegheny CM y. The friends of Pm fan.l l 7
Ore respectfully Molted to attend
Tbumlay, Jolt 11. h. •Pmen
:;elock: et a 1 , 111.i.1% • 1.8211 r. yoanga ma
Ihre " e . m.:mlos and el{htiyt.~' yslona Tear.
' Mmerel Tott (Prldsy.) AY , 21.00A. at two
o'clock from the residence of his parents, So.
101 Wylie street. 'she Irlends Of Oa f•M111. 2, •
respernhely Melted to attend.
I take mem lanto, said fle, •
•od lay Mt en mMY "an't , ' •
Plot elms she. .hole dud in Ma. • •
so Men. •,var tees;
HAWORT/I—,oadenly, en Th 77. 1 7 777. 7 .71 711,..
in ']tilt. 167 M• lo .1161101er Of I).vid an t
Y1art...71177,77b. el Usk.and.
13-e smtlee of (so-Dot-;o this etching sad tc7
mom'. mo,lnic • woo,. i" =
W -8.0 i/ tat Tit:it:KEN TS,
No. INB ' , porta Mach lattaborlo. Po.
.00111 Na of on Md.; CKAPIZZ 01AWKR, and
avert deautptlon of funeral Furolatano (roods
asrolabowL Boom °venal Joy 064 nizat. Roane
and Carriage. frualshaL
• IraraoasCar—lter. Darla Kerr, D. D., Mtn.
K. WI Jacob.. Taorao• E iO6. Zaa.. Jr
n. Maier. zoo. •
• K RAND EKBALKCIs, meeesser to tam
Tate damsel K. Itedsers. No. B 9 Ohio Banal,
throe doors from BtaVer. Anejbelli. ltl. Ma.
tallie, Itememied, Ilaborany. Walnut •ad Soma
good lutitattan Ceding, at the !moral redeem!
priors, Ite.inis open at alt hours, dal and 01101.
Hearse and ^arstartei furnished an short maim
sad on mast maaon.ble terms.. • .
DERTAKEIIa Wane. 11 a 4 1.111.0
ellenheny. Mnnl.lh Ifofewood one 0104? Cot.
Eon. situ a enneolete stock of !Upend Mashing
goads on baud. aid bar:nation nt 'honest notice
at 'caul. bateee. bale and Uteri atablbs, Go,
raf r, KIDTILS ..Tenalle. Catalan , .
Babooebela Bungle% Laden, blonee. /Lea ale.
for airs.
ter.'Wood , a Etum.aad ammo• Limn Rooms •t
tl•ac➢eeter Liver, tlt•Ale, coner;tl➢emeld and
(Aviles, street•. kinsalle (Urrlzzeo ms
-011004. • .
RS. STEWART. Undertake -Ir,
corner of MORTON .0 PEN r• isilteaTS,
amen Wan& C4l Ellna oralt kladß: khans sad _
carri•oes furnish. , on en. pnarte.a limbs •
etfl.Y 11.0. 067. until (men, netle..
:vrt he ,111 .1 .t7 1,
Lour. Ho .0 .10e. . Oat and
pot 0. vey wen
tornoer et Carr will t. bruebted tot %be erratu
m d ton of parries p lag b• .00 toning florin
Aburch. by ord.r tn. nOsnr.
Y. DC Iln•Tl.reoretmyr.
Fruit and Beiry Dishes,
11761 . 11.108141 D BY
411. It • ,0121A01011..•••••••................JA5. =Tr
JOHNSTON ic sqvrT,
FS" Watches, Clocks, - Jewelry
lto. ST4 LEpzarr
3E.IttIInZEUSII.I24 2,0=1.11:11.11%.
4ar rutiatuaz astentum licilkoairins
Wnasem, awls and Arnim AU lent war
DEVLIN & 611 L, Real. Estatie
and Isamu= Ban' Bt., "W.
VOlt.ll/1.0.-71114 t1f.1CT1311.1370 SITE.-To
IttatOraCtoacaSt ViColfer tor. the •.tOst
:ad most Sostanblo ono for Vollltot 11111
mit furnace, or for .7 lotto mwahete; fat
PorPosts. to tio, toioty. Tblo ;not+, it 7 to loot.
tad out 40 to-Os itraot aad led 111tilroof otter.
sad 'Attila 100 ran or tao Tao tot,/
140 DT 10 rano. &Arlo, oath blot Imola 010
.all to aratoltio • tiahtro Onto( obey:mt.
. rano. toad. to volt purctiaocra. topalro of
DEO LLN Bt. 4.. Sea rotator and tosanotoo
errata. natio, street. J aw•eaceoiii. • •
hie an 4 estimate priferril at sate ea. B."
burs ouet ao& the Allegbaey• river, , te &!:11.
gluey Ity ; tat by If& •cet. oa .bleb Wei&ctet.
a very au.nantial - &rick Beddow, Ilverleolee
blab. MUM feet, oelcolatad ead tretl adapted
Mr rerulog OA about as, brut& of owlanio.
lute/. 7th asbloaa lot of these Oteesailou.
.ithala tb. altr. eau ba told, sad ti we'd lutte
Oa flutist a fetal. of those &calyces of lefael ,
leg a place for maufactuebor para..a 10 ull
the Ulu of UZYLibI & aIL4 beet Saute and
tuarsect A unto, Hula -treat. taarretturrill".
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Thuldne,
katbe 0 %tam "'MU , 6SP7BITION. -
7617 of ete Ten lowg Wad 1,1k01.1•1‘ 4/2,attu.Volt
01 all the ptiooll,ll **Atha{ or UM_
-C.lptnltter •1 , 1,7 b..7,11r 'r
mots carapeteut tma Imparttal ;atty.& ' •
, . .
17,L0 No.nrrit BTBSZT.
. • .
Eunno ups colvcrwr s•
zuumarAgu....A ‘t„,
DIM. CLOS & C 0.,,
I'ractical Fandrare flanufatinreit
Lst t states a TrENITURIC
11 . 0tViEl FOR 'BALE, AT
Howard% Livery Stable!.
inaT DTBEST.I2tir Em amts EMU 6;
ftsr:s i t.= cm.
.1. NA. WM Atar. wart MAW ra 6 n. s. l ;
imr. b o nes 0.001 cad sow on teelmtv.
tio!umucs, BELL
Anchor CostailalB itlsbarSsi
' 6 "`AN . tafSMD atiluutt LI TF r
asincerslego ARO
ilrimnours IEXTB ACT AA
ses 111_,
BIPLUILIA emu.; and rern..
rtwo, Molt. Lhe 'lgo , or health hhOtha 010.0
SU. 01parittO oat /a. basun. $O4l mato 010.