The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 10, 1867, Image 1

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•••....... , ORATI
Urvirm, OA.ZIESTK.BUILDrziii
• .111 e. LL AND se nwrtx PTurxr.
kihq &pawn .Pardx or lesten rettglratk.
LAN.Gter. CHL4PLST And ItscsT
CVAtErectsi.. ekrza
=Me 07 VIZ DAILY: •
!VZ=- 1 rent.
Mat 5b•<=1.111..."'4 13
Attoress. 6AirrrEs°".
Ely gittsintrglitiairtte
Ton Tax ACcoloten Arm% or l'esoowe lesv
tug that'll) , Oaring the snmmer months
the, aen hove the tierrxre =Well tei.thelr
uttered., by ordering the came el the other,
tot Altman tent, per week for one Areok or
Noritiio traporttut W 34 °belted for
the defence In tbu Surratt trial yester-
TITS 13/0111CP PNGIA:iIi is burdened
with over one brindred.million dollars in
is iranlis. - _
. ..
tun SOLT4 OF TCILKEF tai spend a
Irqek with the . . genperor of Lnstrta, pre
vious to retaining to Constantinople:
Ix the English House of Lords last
evening, Earl Derby denounced the
Mexican Government fox,exectiting Max
imilian. '
- 1M 'sow stated that Gen. Santa
AUDI . was
not forcibly
taken from the
*mei Virginia, but was .captured while
in Elise is the guest of Gen. Perago.
TIIE csnr.e. nsscrrts Tor the first yea
will bnmore than seventy-Live - per cent.
or the drighni cost or the laitlaid cable.
The stockholtlF.FB may safely espec
large dividends after while. •
Tsa mail ativlons from .I.. 7 u'rope seem to
Contradict the statement that Franco was
dhearrning. Adrlc z es state that great ae
tlyitFls- slirplaynd throughout that
. country, ths land and naval forces being
nudOrladly strengthened, producing the
I=l)re:salon of pending difficulties.
" elected principal or the Central High
School pf thls city. He has been recog.
• nized with that plarss of cdtication since
its commencetient, and deservedly oc
cupies a high position among the educa
tors or the State and country.
D62iT KEiNEDOV, of NeN l l l
York.eity, has published an edict against
the hauling of ale, wine, beer and other
(!ignore through the streets on Sunday,
on the ground that it has been 'decided
i by statute law not a work of necessity to
transport such articles front point to
polar on that day.
Louis rnipprs are indignant
over the Timor that the cholera has made
! its appearance in that city. Tliey say
-I N that not a single case has yet appeared,
and that t.11:3 city enjoys unusually good
health. Chicago is charged with setting
the rumor afloat in order to detract from
the prosperity of St. Louis.
Gan. B. Br •rnEn seems determined
to raise doubt es to. whether Mrs. Surrstt
Was guilty or the -crime for which she
entered with her life. Ainiese he issog
-Inlasnt of fuqte which- no .one else pos
., see es, ho sell - occupy a foolish position,
as the trial of , John Surratt has fully-de
-1 seloped the guilt of his mother. .
, Tar. Supplementary Reconstruction
reported an Monday, by Mr. Ste-
vens, , from the tipeciai Committee, was
yesterday made the enbject of debate
3a thellonse. It was finally passed by
atzusknitY of eighty-eight. In the Ben
t ate Itir. Trambull'a bill from the .Itltel-
mu Committee was fully debated but a
,Tote was not reached.
Sr. Lours lashad a romantic wedding.
A beautiful young lady was courted and
I • . Iron by a gentleman of standing and
wealth. A 'wedding was arranged and
the happy intended bride was promptly
-Atha church, but her lover failed to put
- do an appearance, basing "backed out"
ot lus part of the The lady
was in perplexity, syben n young me
change stepped (*.ward and offered to
awry inr, 'was promptly accepted,_ the
ceremony which made them man ark,'
wife was performed, and both left the
church u happy as might be expected.
Tni GENUINE caw of cholera re.
ported in this city last week should occa•
don no alarm, but should Incite our cid.
seas into taking 120MQ Lanitzry precut- I
lions against the advance of the dread
disease.- It is generally believed that.
%hi) cholera will Koran as an epidemic I
in the leading cities of the country this
simmer, and we can see no good reason
why Pittsburgh should escape. The
• city is en a filthy condition, and as we
escaped a :visitation last year, Abe au.
thorides are contented to inn the risk of
escaping again, making no special pro
' - against the cholera or any, other
disease. -
Judge Jones, Inc Murderer. rUeus
nes Potion Jail ter &ale Steepled—
anetteer Charge Unmet , ' Agate.
the let.n.d. to /be Pittsburgh Gazette.)
New Tong; July 9.—The Trtheees New
Orleans special nays: Judge E. B. Joues,
the nephew of Walls, arrested for the mar
dor of the Unionist Martini . . has been
Tug New York World ittributda the' . . brought to this city by the military, and
placed in the police Doll of this parish for
high prices now ruling for the cojumodi-, safe keeping, whore be to now coullued cr,
TIP of life to rings of speculators Who
.4114,Pearll'rer::rehrsiseuire=t;nd from
re combined to p rac ti ce ex...tie.
Pantos, of New York. a regains.
°on for the same - h./1. Jones. upon the
the people. Or rents it says; ~ob arse of having obtelned goods tinder falso•
pretences In the State of Now York. The
"AO general statement It may be reaxation of tiovemer Now
13 TAG lte,
acid that building inutcrials Lave fallen hurt ci
Judge Ames escape
r"' the neeeltY
about so per cent. In mime cost; ironbare " 6 "" " 007
and coal are also cheaper, coal notori. I 7,s spe aehence ;laisays: The Treasury De.
tingly so, having fallenfrom nut to V.:.11:11 panthent. bas Closed the invadisalton
labor Lea Increased In price, but not ID i the
aaha Int•YrYh'irriti"..
to equal ratio, on that the builders hart ' ' o :,, a a n fo - o ' o a t jariitast Iloi l o the ':;t:iived Per.
the beet of it. The public, however, 20 w a s
which eill be tried at the coming
far, have not been materially benefited, *lon of tho I;,,lthli suites COnrUptieo Er . ;
as the old prices for bolding prevail• rr7siril,PrZVOn'tht,?,=reaTi' tfaul.
Rents On Broadway art destined to fall; ten a sum amonoting to dx hu'be ndred than.
wholesale bonus do not need a fashion- 000 d ohs
ti. or 0b..; one - belt 1 . 4 . 000 f
able location, and a sorely retall,house
cannot stand the present rentals, ao that
prices Mint decline; but rents will pro- t G. EN. SICICL
bably rise on the aide streets near Broad . "tteglatracten siaspended to Await he
way, where the cheap wholesale estab- action of CONS...
/lehMente are located. brat-class real- " fay Telmvseeto the Iltisbarsta Hustle.
OCIICIDI will probably remain -at their I CUAILLERTON. July S.—The following aeon.
present figures, hot the cheaper class of I omelet sonnuncentent to published this
Muses will be rented at diminished 1 morning ,
Ilgarea," - General Sickles has directed his anbordi , I
rtale{ not to '
Ia concluding It seta forth that the day
,7:,?,n,"z eirlsulttion thie
snail Wore determined ,
?2 , 01: rrett= whole mused to register.
or helm figures and high prices over, un tress will extend the
and spite of capitalists and speculators, I time , for the compinlon ot reglatration in
Mmth Carol= o n
all varieties of merchandise most find a i ' mfo il ttsillili i ii " vemb ,
cheaper market. ca.ncesvos, .S. C., Jell o.—lien. tackles
hos addressed a long letter to senates Trilinbnii. In -Which be Maier he aria den.
dad nOt to begirt regliftfation in his district
until deterristues who shall be
reit Isteron, and express. the hoPethat Con.
WINIII4 will exacta] the time for registration
illl uotober or Novetriner. • Gee. /Sickles
details many objectionable features of the
Present Instmalansundar which continued.
trig vetoers art, now obliged US act, and
sedan. certain mulattos.
Jansen nod Maximal&
City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh °asst..)
New Yong. Jai y 9.—Men Lula Potosi panen
cantata the correspondence between Maxi
milian and Doors. The drat is a letter
Mom ILmiuilliao, doted 0101 DM, asking,
la emu his cermet Ohl not arrive in tune s
Wet be be allowed those necessary for Id
eleffltllin, and to arrange his private affairs.
To 11118,M:eons orvnuptly replied that the
time mould be allowed. The neattter
from Maximilian is dated itay IP .leg
that the Supremo lieverre. , ,_ .
der allowing hisme,‘ltY
of Mexico. which Iv dad, Ideas. go d de.
strng to “P&OttlereenallY* ltbineZeg OPO the
c rave aff a irs and very impel rtant YO
m M nntry. learn save ton order for the
Co tram the oily or the puttee maned, hut
WI to toe interview, that meld, nrit be grunt.
rib, co:Maarten the db... :bird...7" .
;ilir d ulanNtra r re'LlitirTfo n o l 2l, tft:wevla,O;
iloadalt ha Kansas— Recorder Kilted
- OX a "Lawyer, •
fearful tragedy occurred nt Melton,
Jackition county, on "A lnuaday, the2lnlt
little after four o'clock. r. at.
Jithn Idelntotth, a lawyer, and Gem-go ;
Ramm Moe-artier of the enuntv, hod a I ,
lawsuit a '
1w the morning. The former :
• claimed to 4190 the te,nrflA of t h e oniel:
• the latter denied lb About anon, utter •
• • . the law suit, Mutual hit ?Ichatosh. a se
vere blow in the taw, knocking hint
nearly over. After that Niclutosn went,
•- , over LO the hotel kept by David Stanley. ,
. While them Mclntosh woe jeered,
back," sold one, ..“1:11i then. no OR,
disturb you.". "I don't tight woo tho no l
For some time ?Icintosh aver this ;
jeered, when ho :replied, "If 1 fight, .
• II fight to kill, and T don't want to tel
. 1 kill George Matruti:' After dlnat
ner. Mr. litunin emne over to, the . 1
• ' hotel. and there the quarrei woo
renewed. Melittonu &duel a navy pis
tol lying on, the desk in the "sitting
room," and fioloted it at Hamm.
said. "If you ore going to lite at 1110 take
good aim, or kill you." 3lclntoeth
then droll, the shot taking effect In the
- abdomen, and as Humus turned around,
- •be fired another 'llllOl, the Mill etriking
babas. , the shoulder blade and rtinging
• throtigh site body. M . ' Ilasnuit tenith •
her three children were soon on the spot,
and the citizens Futhered, own struck at
the fearful calamity. Manua lived untll
seven r..n. The trial of ?felon:sit took
plane yesterday; we have not hairri the
result; but he was ironed, and dui indig
nation against him is most intense. TllO
Sheritlhad to guanl rho Jail by is strong
parse, es fears wore entertained that he
would be taken out and hung..--Inazven
trorfA node. •
1 •
—By the death of tter father,_ .. fis . Bath e
'maw:4, the vile of Coiu L.
of Macon, Supen r
uteudeu. oa r
. Schools In Georgia, has fallen h eir to
' • cattalo valued ar-oTer $1.00b.11004
/ be allvltlrd betwaral herself, et brother
sari utro suitors.
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Further Evidence in Defense
• Weal:there', Slily 9, IM7.
E. L. Eastman, DroTe.sor of the National
Obeemutory, testified the moon tom, on the
night of the itsassination at two minutes
past tee; at 'eleven St was cloudy; the mo'
ar4;1111d no hire Ilitiminated the noith sloe
s ef cup building that night.
4. B . F or d was swoin, but testineel to
nottabg of finT , Minnee•
'William 11l Cop. chief of lee Goreimment
Fire Department in Washington, testlflod
it IRS very dark en the night of the aaths
A. Knocker lestitied—Uesbled on
April Ilan iFstl. heat libese to No. .541 II
sired. 1 wall at Imam trout about ten till
eleven o'clock, before theedoor, smoking,
either sittine on the lower step, or walking
up end down; the night ens cloudy; I heard
no converention that night proccedum
frornSP (lire. Surratt's liouseli had there
been a convetvntion I would have heard it.
On that side, of the street I might have
soon a mail forty or fifty feet.
James Lamb, secule artist. at Ford's them.
fre m ISt; testiPod—On April 14th there
was a rehenesal lasting from ten to two
o'clock, and the curuiln was up all the
Lieut. Chtitica Shippen, of the pollee
force, testified there was lase d
oyster house
on the south side of F.street, betsreen Ninth
and Tenth Greco.; there wastaan eating
house On th e rouare, kept by Gilbert; he
might hove scimal oysters; the Tontine
is on D suet% between Ninth and Tenth. .
Wm. A. Bose, sworn-14.mM. No. 4..9 14th
street: .knows John Lee; never heard his
o il fur truth and veracity questiOn
oil until atter he untitled at this trlaL Lee
toldwitness he did nOt-know Joan 11.5.-
Mr. Carrington' objected to witness pro
ceeding, on Use ground that the oundation
to contradict Lee' had net be n. 110
had hot been Questioned as to the convey.
The Court sustained the °ejection, and
directed that the evidence already given by
na to uconversitlon with Leo be
stricken out.
11r. Bradley wilted to barn Lee enrolled as
to thin conversation.
Thu Court refusedt motion, it would
open the door to sniffless dlicttssiOn and a
ottestinsony, to sethan extent
that there would -be no ttlllinf then the
case w
that Stow Ins.
B. Ford, who tesullad rests:rely, wishing to
explain not answer made by him.
Mr. Ford wax placed on the stand, and
said be was always a loyal man, in sym
pathy with the North.
David IL Dues, telegraph operator. testi
fied to a telegram beim;sent. by District
Attorney Carrington to Ur. Vthderpools for
the latter to enure on Ile had testified that
tie came onvolunterlly. The ?elegy= was
ruled out.
S. in'. Owens, ti. Clayton Joshua Lloyd,
Chorine Kimball, Fred. K. Calvert, Samuel
16 Drown, and Coleesi Otarlen, all testified
teese want of conddenee
v in the truthful
n mad disbelief ln tho aracity of John
Idr. Merrick offered the record of the trial
and conviction of Cithver.
Ur. Carrington objected, • saving • new
trial bad been granted in that ease. A din.
cession owl. pending which , ow ing to
the sicknees of Mr. Bradley, the Court ad
loOrneel tit to.ntOrrew.
The Execution of Maximilian, Mir
• anion and Mejia,
Masintilian's• Last Words.
L By Totegreph to we Ph:Oar& Gazette.]
New Oimeara, July, 9.—The 71nier Iles a
epeeist dispatch from Houston, Tor.. ale
lag a detailed amount of the execution'
by the Liberals, of 31akimfitan, Miramon
and Eats: ' 0 •
None .11 the prisoners were !boun‘l or
blindfolded, or wee any Indignity offered.
finglintlinn, before Iv, Inas Shot, recepltulas
toil the canses that brought him to Mexico.
lie denied the authority Or the Wan . thst
tried idol, and honed leis blood ...paidmop
thekforthereg Mexico
of blood in Mexi. Jest
before be was led out he called the fietlLeitnt
of 'the tittard, gave him his hand. arid re
quested cis is fsvortlint the soldiers would
elm at his heart. 'fits last' word. were,
"Poop esnicil,.." rive bails entered! bb,
'breast, but these did not kill blur leiteedi.
ately, so two other soldiers were ordered
no shoot him In the eine. In tide manner
he w. dispatched. Hoch diermtlelseilon ,
and grief was manifested by tease who wit
nessed the ehoofing.
Stiramon read from a paper which be had
written, that the, bnly regret he felt in ely
-1 Aug yr. thst the Liberals ShOuld rem ale In
:edicts, and should have the poorer to rant
u his cLI 1111 ren as tne children or . traitor.
tie 111611 e no aderces, and Met his fate
Imi by and bravely.
T ‘e sword of finzitelllan aims presented
1 , t uarez by fiseubedo in the government
1 p Mee. „ •
Prams right. ' My Telvirattle to the Pittsburgh Gesettla)
Cs-goal-ave. July 9 —Fogarty and SesratCl
fought at Black river Mlle morning. posers
WOO in the eleventh round try a /O
tlarty4lve =leaves. lie was wimpy
posilsbetlL Ible light as arranged fon the
' name time 'etch tee Eloott„-4,1.14sher azyt,
"Mich foiled to come Oft., •
. Registration la. 'Worsted*. -
IBS Telegram, to the ,Pittabarch OSJA Ito.'
UItIXOSD, J 1217 9.—Tho colored majority
tad jtegistMUCOL gala to-day 1.5 too lint
ad Lon
Atoonnts frau the ocrotherostern parts Of
the Mate and valley diew ionfo majOrttfas
for the whites.
nr• ablarta. -
t•BY'rraicapb to tborittanrin nadatual
Catonoo. Jd7 O.—P. ff. Brown b Cda
planing ml/1, corner of Frlnikllll and Vao
Baron streets, was deutroyal by Are Lac
night Lou from glitnen to twenty thou
sand dollars. Insured. -
tilylump) , to the rltuburgh
Loyort, July B.—The Government an
nounces tbta the slx penny system of post
age.t.etween America and England, wilt be
put Into operation about the first of 3.1 m.
nary next.
Loam's, Jell e—rireninu—ln the Itonre of
Lords, this evening, Earl Derby denounced
the action of the Mexican Government' In
putting Maximilian to death, bet made no
disclosures so to what measures the
Government intends to adopt In regard to
7111101 617111131V01D
Lie2uroot...toly9.—Two firm. to this
Mame. Bond d 'Umber and Miller d Sosth
slL ier.rolr engaged la the Erulllgui trade,
tit Lye suspended psymomt.
roe et Liu or re intim.
LOTION, July 9.—Dullitiesty Abdul Alto.
'Sultan of Turkey, has accepted the Vivito
non or the Emptror ot burins to ♦lstt him
to Vlaona, sod teturn to Coontentloople by
war of Vlenno,..where , tte,wltl remain one
week an the guest of the Emperor.
000211IIIIS 032,111•11 MISS,
Diana.. July O.—Arrangements have been
perfected 'for a conference between the
King of Presets and tee Soveretgne of the
South iiermen States to take placeat an
early day. _ .
/ . /1111, J •ald that the Emperor
Napoleon charges the Church party with
tho death of liamlmtllnn.
qui:morrows, July U.—The steamship City
or Boston. (torn New lora, lies arrived.
Losoos, July 9—Enedna—Consols 913 i;
iF.°D. 2 . 7 44: Minot• ry,y,;
-- Irnavaront. July 9—Frre.tsrentics
Las . alumni, July 9 -r. renOw.—Cottork vary
dull. Sales to-day amounted to 702 U hales.
3111.111110 uplikod• I9Xd: do / 0 42
15% , t. Brendstarx—Curri 7. 34. Wheat 13,
94 Oats 3.3 9,1. Barley 54. Peas lks
Prot - Intone—Port 735. Duet 1334. Bacon t2s
, 31. Lard 471 34. Cheese 34. ad. Produce—
, Potatoes 311. Petroleum Sprelti ticid; ram
do 119,41: tts. lls.
Losoom, duly 3—Evening—No 11 Dutch
Standard Supsr :54 61. too‘oh rig Iron
.tOdentta Lloseed GSs ed. Linee.l Ott
I zit 133. , W hale Oil .C 33. Spotlit Oil SILO.
[]fai/ Adriecs.l
New Toes. July 9.—Zuropean mall ad- '
vices state that all the mole of the lend and
naval service of Trance are being strength.
eued, and the activity all through gninee
produCee the loapresslon of ',mellow ditti
A debate of considerable lenuth took
place 2n the Corps Legisietlf on the fine
Mal part of the Mexican question, the ilm-
Lster declining to speak on the wittiest
portion of the etteetlol3, en now It would be
I Thu SU:faulty between Denmark and
Prussia, as to the poeseeslou of North
nelileewlg, continues, and it ls stated that
France synapathlsea with the Dann.
The Dank of England, on the Nth, neld
over twenty-two million 100043 sterling ol
Vrleeliglater Timed.
fly islekraph to the rttutergh Damao.)
Eiveta. 0., tl.—Seward• who lout the fight
at Block :loot tat, MOrnlnk. was arrested
nor° and fined thirty dollars. lie paid the
dneand lilt for Cleveland.
Leonelain bowels are a feature in
the Exposition.
--General Tom Thumb has acquired a
slight moustache since ho went abroad.
—lt Is mid the Indians in the west are
busy re:Meting their poll tax. They take
it out In hair.
—A collectiorrof rare books and man
uscripts sold in Paris, recently, produced
the enormnua aunt of d 200,000.
-General Schofield is at rostra= Mon
roe, on a visit to his family at Chesapeake
Senduary.• elenerril Grant and family
are expected at the Seminary noon.
.--lf At is true that the Englishsporrows
have exterminated the maker worms to
the New York . Parks, we hope they
will ho introduced into our suburbou
—The number of children In Connec
ticut between the ages of four and sixteen
is Ile,olx. nod the number of public
schools Uhl. The school fund amounts
to t2,043,M5.
—The Wisconsin farmers are paying
greet attention this roar to the tosittm
lion of hops. It Is moimatol that nine
thousand acres more will be planted this
year than lost.
—The lost instance of communication
with spirits throligh a medium le that of
gentleman, lately deceased, who sent
word to his wife. "I now believe. Please
send me my thin clothes." .
=ln Ballston, N. Y., they bored a GM
feet well for oil, hot struck n medicinal
spring of grunt virtues Instead. They
Teemed the situation.. and have opened
a doctor's shop at the place.
—it is reported thot the young Duke of
'lomat= bet the Abtrquis of Ilaraings
-CALM° that tho latter would not win
rJo,OOO at Ascot. The foolish young
bake. who in far on the road to rola,
lose the wager.
—The Prince of Wide" has called upon
the editor of the Paisc4 request tog Min to
;Kobe from cariotturing Inn mother, sav
ing that he eansideredsomethintot whlka
had appeorml in Punch as highly disre- '
epochal to Iler Majesty.
—They tell of one of the unterrilled at
Bridgeport, Conn.._ who was especially
eager to •itee Prtoldential party, ex
cloiming, no he rushed up to the cars, "1
NUS, shocks shoot Johnson; It's
Person Nitsby ULM I. want to me." •
—At Newmarket, England, otter
„nue, it Marchioness, who is as devoted
to 'Wiling as her husband, danowl In the
evening with the jockey who rode the
winning horse, allowing him to clasp
her Irma and waltz at the lop of his
—.Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stevens, of Her
token N. J., gave a strowberry. festival,
at which 2,400 children were present. ,
Five thousand brotkete of strawberries,
live thousand rakes, and one hundred ,
anti twenty gallons of ice cream were
—Honesty is prized In the Hebrides. A
remarkable case of honesty Is recorded
in a reoent report on education in those I
islands, the statement being that u teak
of whisky, driven sabers from a wreck,
was carefully returned unopened to the
distillo - y of which it bore the brand. -
-There is a greet gold plethora in 1
England, and the Bank of England has
P 0,000,000 coin on howl that there in no
call ta
for, notwhsnding the low rate of
interest. Thi it s Is owing to dullness in I
bminem and the falling off In the' for
citron-ode which has been len per cent.
sloop &Timber.
—The New York hullo, amOrding to 1
the Hems .fearogi (their organ,) have
adopted the French Mahlon of withing
in wine, which Is said to hove a paw& I
orgy ;softening effect uport the akin. One
young lady , uses two or-three bottles; of 1
"green wet' every morning while par
folmlug her ablutions.. Poor papal
—Tim Crown which the Empress' of
Alizarin Wore during te ceremony Alt ,
Peath was mile for idar h la The Ong, but
never used by thatprlncesa. Trio of ell.
ver, but so studded with Monteith% nhd
mauls that LIM metal is scarcely visible.
tine ofthe diamonds is valued at 70,000
dories, and ono of the pearls at O,OM. •
—lt Is proposed to creole 'a Nahanni
Cemetery between'Fortress Monroe and
Bampah, In which will he removed the
bodice in the small eetneturlco on the
irminsulo. on the south aide, and In the
vletnlty of Norfolk. The cemetery coin
' Plided lost yenrwill Am the nuelens of the
' great one.. is two MOLTS frOMIIIO fort
—With regard to capital ..puntoliment,
in the Connecticut Legislature, a bill hoe
lan inmost providing that
~.111101, Ito hanged in less then twels
months, nor upon a day beyond eighteen
mouths alter the time of his conviction.
SO that It will molly not with the Gov
ernor to okereliw. Or sot, official clem
ency in such COMO. Splatotiltbeformallty
of a pardon.
• —llte strawberry Growers; of Vino
lend, New Jerseys, during the SetlSoll
just ended, ridaed nearly 270,000 quarts
of strawberries, valued at. 628,000. Of
these, 68,000 quarto Were Consumed or
canned home, • and the Wants, were
shipped to Philadelphia, New York and
other points. On the Vineland tract
some 10,000 people tit -and barer - mined
Itvoluable fruit, which has produced,
it is eetimated, on,ayera4M:.of loon $2O
ready money for each fartilll's-,
—An Enghohmaifuil t eritl.
rises with much point en good reason
an order • issued
hem the Bores Guards
Aar tt running drill, as It la celled.. We
are to understand by this -that the Mi
dler, fully accoutred and armed, is to
add a run to the exercise of the or dinary
march. The double-quick. in oar army
is nearly tho came thing. It la a well
known fact that even with the ordmary.
drilling and marching, heart disease 11
very common In every army. Bow
much gr then; Ls the strain and
damage done'to the soldier's bone by
oublecting hint la a dally rate. •
wore snooty thn scans 0.1 6onstrent Ifn i
1 1 i :' o l 1 1 n ienl i rit t adr s t ir " . l l;.\ ' i l ift l i : 7 " liP l' e) i is tr t gi n 'h l i kC• t n i o 7 .l:7p li :
apply to t o rritorles, yncitlyl ,, t ot eo , r . to o t t r , tuLt i lug
FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. irrrunrYhterr.r.7lliLle"Lrbtil; icritury, whether
-- - - ----- ' -= s - =- - ----- = T t!n e rl ' lt tn'Z.'WelsnYs'intOrpoooanol."ooonl tOtrtrlSl,
CONGRESS extent uongresty that tt“ti right to se)
a sold or intorlero on the rubject. lb in
It' ted to tit, release of Jclr. Davis, •ed
mld he and Ids vehinm warn sap...
In Extraordinary Session.
elide for tun murders at anderoonvillo
d Ssilthurj, „depot ao markers to tro
' inch A tun. na such a crime. Go
........-. tmdlnited,Ne to th , f nnealion of ormlleention
ME. STEVENS' RECONiTRUCTION i.ntivi0.,2j:::.,:nu.,,w4."b.,,,,,,T1T,•L0n.,,,i,,,,,,i
BILL PISSEP. ww.. - . ayil orphans, who has burned doom
• thousantin of house., agap. well I. enter ,
a •hualred Dmestic% ihillern, bp le tined
- • , frost es it pnairtlmetit to Impale hit nay.
'Ehe Subject in the Senate.' ' lt ' ;73; n i t IL ' a d en ' lnlV p,
" 11.2:
1 In cal log that I will gut be moaned to
---- 1 condoms when that are neree4ttyj n l;O , r ,
MR. TRUMBULL ' S BILL CONSIDERED, I L"..'r"7';,l!:"Nr'..Tn"r...b:'ooooi.-(.L. i:.
11, role ex , Leta. Qt tuardore. and pirate,
in one eporsum ami diatom': of Muds ny
lay Telegraph is the rittoorth Wattle.) , l n, " m ' °'• t " ru• • d I ' V "'” —r. i cil," ,-
~... m
an favor. with, Me ttorilt t id
Hastimoros, July %Dm, calm he 11 a gone ter enottiol, tiloLaa
not ',All to for as ty• Might te , podded in
St NAT},,
h., gong, jet time . no law, no coder, under
mnist.tcrs iteholtirritUOYlON SILL. ell, er , / no ' el.'. 0 . 1 1 1 . 1, .. ,b. t
Immedierni t . after the reading of the I eett,,l, inn 111 MI real berme, notocoomilyrinti
Journal. the benate took it . Dm Item, ct o'22: a r r ° ,l%!, l jd ' aV2l ll : ', i, b l;o 7 . ' n t i. t t :tn
struction Hill reported by Mr. TILUMBGLI.,
I l l lan our and of Ms tottPtre .lo another. lth•
yeitterday: lhe nom lee oath border. Timor Is no
parallel le Itudory that 1 knew of, eserpt
•Deltasa or N. voliamt.t., It be William of Ormru. who wan
Mr. TIILI3IHUI,L &Waimea the Senate at I dris no
t fron nt t s hu nt
land to Inlpnd, Jr
rt. r
length In suppo of the bill. He bald i 1 d eh ieo, Iq
oat Wenn no bloody a permentor
think all Will admit that for some portal of i a,sno to on found In Nosiraillth, when he
time, some make It shorter than others, drove every man erarrang again,t, him lo be
but for some period Of time, whether a toy, u s u Met filrater trod, lam Lot
1 7.::01g 1 1.071171 ' n ' a trout baying that I think
week, a .... b . or • year. roe military had roch ponahment ;cope, Ido not am, nor
authority to preserve perm., and govern the do l ark stet lmdy amnia, be esmytod In thin
country, tis.. Lara, neeessary for that purr `: • lr r ' r.3 • I ''' r° h• li, goi l " :t ern be n ,
pose, until civil government could be Men- , L ,'„.% 13 . , n t . ??‘fp " , , ,.,,T, for fg,kar I might catch It ' .
gyrated. Now how 1000 thin m Mary ' i Lth n ho j it 0 now held ti} coo of th.
government could he ...Douai to I•m a[ Wand gentlemen In the Country. I
man to•rritt Molt., that we should
a question lett in tho dlscretton or too., 1 ;.,. n pay a portom of We dartagee
madam power. or the Volt d States, emir. ,,,,,,,,,, „,, ~,„ r eb. 1,. .„,t ory
elsing lie authority In the Spirit t h enr In 0 ,.,,,,,,,, ~,, 1 ,,,, ~,, ~, 1 1 . , a ,,,,,may I
:dilations road in theordloatton to 1,11- ' i ~,, , :,... .„.. .1., 1,, ~,,,, .“,
laitlltta. I agree, elr, that, title Malta* I ~,,..„, n .,,,,, 1,,,,,, trendy nin„
P °o•-r " °•l4 °°' b.. . 'od•ued • 4 " I•n • er . t tat, thusofore, I I cal not my an% thing
then In romorthit7 In eelMoltottlrOtt sn its ; Dirt her I t «neve i have mid ebough le es.
civil government In term rebel elate, ,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, u. ,,, ~,,,,j,,,, . m 1 n .,,. I
uhleh are lapel to the Liman and true to I en ,. in , nv ,„ j .
the Constitutiouj hat how long that is to tcr, ~,„ nt ,. n r ,,, ~..,,,,i,,,,,,,, b i.,,,,,,,,,..,
I. to be decided try circalarm., of short t there wan tommtisrahlo applause oa uo ' ,
the rovereign Government, the Cougrcoo 04 „„, the tn , ;n h np ,„
the United States, 16 to judge, not the
' ''' Ttor amernin. era to the bill ogeral yeotra
motive, nor Jralteial tribunals. IL 10 a i ~,, be h ...,WIL.I.Oh of J0a0... awl 'gr. illaN
-0.1100 over relilet the Jildleloi tel. • ',sulk, worn enverally moats} to.
Inmate can have no Hteledlctioo. They m q °on, -
teal. •,,, leg the pia ea the
cannot try political questions. TOM 110M0. ' , ego:teal.
cul be bound by the declaim. of other The to i ~,,,, nnon g e d n un the an dinpn.
pep...manta of the Government. The calls • •
nary authority wits cadtmed or tlon sr,,,ta by Lira 'Wren. to the 11110 are^
tdent of the trnital Mates for athtlemPe'.:7 '
d Lt :.,.,,' ' 1n t ,, ,, , , ,, , ; ; ;; - ,;„ - ,,,, , b t t ~.r , ;, . .-„,, .. , —t""
the ahem. of my leghlation by Congrem, ;
and rlchtfolly anatitined The rmul. nt I vet oh Montt:. mynas.
of the Unita! mated, then, a ittle 111. mill- ' 01 tnotthe of Mr. KELLY. the Secretary ,
tary power was In althitenee,MMertool. to I of th. Tie wiry ...., Mrected to mart the
Inaugurate cl government in tat
1 amount of reamer temloed from Dm on
States. riled the melt government he un- t Hottited sofa. from meet Vollernion D sr
dertook to inaugurate been Managed h 7 , Ina 10 tee 'et,. atataf,loll In Me ivied
Men true to the lentary and level to the I ...Wee , derlng the U.+l port nudist June
Keg, they trOhld have born recognised. and t oh. DC
t ids whole qumtlort milled long eV , WA. I On rnotlOn of Mr. DCLIUDD. the Mere
unfortunately. the COMMA of the onuntry, tary of the Ta weary coo 41(Veleti lo for
um Very men whO net op a how.. Rev. float env rel.". no 11 0 reibmilmr °fro' .
t o cwt root to urn dill
fraud. on il, Int. real 1.1..a.u. to Me klflb
and Moat to Overt/MO., took pea District of s. o•th I....dirie.
00 or Roo new govern monde, and ton mom nof Olt Vao Orin. the smarten
the We're. of the United •taten, when it • of war cud Secretur, • ot the Creamier were
WeeMbled, finding tits to no th e coerlitioft i dtrectal to intoryi the Ronan whet further
of thluga, and that the Prealdent Dad with- I lectelatioo wan nmesonry to facilitate the
dawn the milltery power and telt them 1
yo tooment of the additional bounty granted
governments in the hands of tee Very men bye et or Jo. Li M, ig.l •
whO hap flentrolleol theta donee the .ar. I _tiljouthud.
dandal that they were tint toy al KIWI rm. I .
moot*. Mot pros/Weald mendy, and not Mr •
tolutely null and void, bat exual
oee tor 11 - rut- ,
r d ' er '''
r:ll.,]i:Teg reea
belrle oc o t ' l:gal ‘7.Z t ri ' l '.
meats in Melee SWAN, the military power 1 Mr Tellembe M tb. VltOthurTh 0 .. 310 I
should be reetored,thol should bn esendmd W .6.ll3o3rUS.Jilly 0,15gY.
over Maim Mate* tintli the civil govern- .33 . ..inteTION tesilaablea •agra Gag.
menta Mold note MI there.
Mr. TRUMBL LL then ads erred to the The Mexican Legation Day rareival of°
opinlon of the Ail
tee General, which Co del Information from Dm Government art
olOth••••rtma Mt le reen7 resneete nrePos• • it..., ate of Toosten, to the ea Yet that Sara
teal., and In penetrator:l explained the , ,
vsions of tee bill before t hr. nonato. `. ....1,.,..3.4.,t0.p0ri.-4 Meals M GOO.
pros. WILSON lollowail klr. Inommll, acl Permit , . I.selmoon, and whtle In ha vas
mmting inigate of the *mood ...on of , notate. Vie otateeleht that bn was tor.
the hill • prollsion to vacate all civil einem . 0 e taken from thu seratour Tutted+, seems
in The aontb • I eofoutided.
I iir. WILSON called attentOn to the fact 1 Tretle LOOS MATTI,.
that the Judiciary Col2ll3littee bad., In Me The (Nimmlrelonew of tee. gooteral Land
1 fourth th e
or the lath,
mauled and mu- om e n me e.tlystpd no amount Mtwara tb.
tinned the ante Of the millarymamtheme Ueda% State. and the Mete of Oregon tor
I slresdr dorm In emulating C lvil °atoms en.l ; n in , nnnt .„ fund np nentnn to o n l etts ,
spoon:ding other attest. In their Head • span net orn.aats ot 00,00 Of Wain actds
TM bill said General Siteridm In. rlw s I within her Moll 0 dorlitig they m.. IMO end
in removing tomornor Wells and app.... I and 1.. and thole f ntim, en. dile to the
Log Governor Flanders. If so, no would 10 i , •••te an the 5.0. of l) miter. MA, lea
right in removieg tkertintor Torootooof - ! , the. Itaosutra Ella hundred and Maly
ton and appointing sawn other chicon In I eta dollar. and twen Ovate. . I
hie plebe , i trusesnity tillealtYl. , lasticsvross.
Ilr C
a p
gree t said II 'was Iron there
was an appareetimandstemy bere.but tbs The followtog gnstroMlon• here Men la
tourtis settled wax redraws!. only. and If I Ste . ' by tae T". /I b r Y IbI l Ibl I rP. ” 4 ' Vb. ''' .
I not oonstitutional, it Meld at any ram do anillinir tom nl'y p trt• or Place le c.o.d.s
no harm ta the future. Mr. WllsolVe prop I mos , Morn at the place cf arrival in
mitten was proepentive in its Oproatton. , 'he Unttal hmore, boomml•It Loth. Conte
00 11 " adopted, and afterwards food to b. 'or or on. , Marna'mithertcci ntteec er
they... Move, the whole aroma mutt tithed t.catam4 a inasillyet of th e make on tear..
=der it werold fait rrent slat no.", or • O.- .athirst.
Mr , re.r.LlNtiturrAts - opposed the' ma . 11 , 1. 10 1. Or Pam , le the UttllefU s ate e
armudment of Mc %lima. , uorrito deal apeolfTleg that Mee. I. ol
After further debate, Mr. A 1L50014 I •ehm memetiemee tm homd lb*. ^twit er
Dm h er dragribed in such Mtnatui. and
amendment was lOstennevea agalrtel twen- I
tyrone w • sonetnesdleno. Bald , *mar man. malt•
Mr. DUCKALEW presented an mend- nath Worn the Collector of Custom. It
eet, vs Loch be waked to b° printed for ceY Portant Ot the methheadter On the
Mutate thtion, that on the electton ot mem• maettem Is ders•ltLed D• be two 4"
Donor the Monte of limpresentstivm, the st. the not Pert or ...11.1 TD=
elector ellen beentlted toe 15.121,.. of notea I.ollector or met% port will 0 00 ~,a1 It 1,
equal to the whole umber ot representa- ma' , and moire ...UAW e of .000 tend-
to which the St ale. bit Mtitled, and .0 .I , W , ..d.., soil Want , the emal
that be malt:mg theta all Forint° , andlilitte 10 pr.'s.' on tn. +0,..., to the heat port
or divide them among enteral candidates. +t abash , r manual show • one hem I.ll'l .
Ordered to tee printed. enandow p. l+ •t. Itinlimodow Omerthed
Mr, WILSON moved to amend the tarred On On msertatt m deetitnal ter
...lop by e p tm jete. on,
the neennennine I .ther then Iho float port of .ontrY.. Mae. li
General may spooled costliest]; to au °woo. ~, or Me °boom Mer e. % " 1 ... ° ' . '
Veritted muter that section , and en,r1. 0 9 W 1.0., IL{ any seeks port. and thn
Mt. EDMONDS spoke against this amend. Yantis et most. In smeltmare, v , tre corr. - Mc.
and ermined to by th e Collett, or other
Mr. TATES ske In YlfOr. The whole prtnetP•l eflimr al Leta... ei trwO Port.
Diller. Lased o n "
the idea th at there wore no. (slgnal,i II lerLettoc •
*eget goVernments In the South, Wlther. _ Smeelary of Treasury.
Mold be no objection whatever to tele pm- ---m-
ttular part of It. Ha Wanted Military men FROM NEW YORK.
tor litary work. but Were were loyal
menu the south folly equal to Upon 110.
tire, sad wanted
the than aplelletetl
Mr. WILSON swot PeoPle w oo Md. , .
protected In ilfe, liberty and property In r
the south, end. thomiLitary dill, than ever i
helbrot Dal be wanted to encommta the
loyal men of the math be placing them In
omit lons everywhere in the tabol hist..
YOrther debate angled. pending winch
UM senate 4,lJectroa/.
1101300 anmeS.ENTATI YES.
111Crlarlitir.ter •112000reerCTI0A eat.
Botin after meeting, the now., returned
the 0011.1 , 1erittiO0 of the bupplomenum .
Itecrmatrectlou hill.
Mr 3hOORBof New York; spoke at length
lu Opposition to the bill, en, to tithe, viola.
don or
to natural and national law l
'There asa no passibil In history, except
th oondect of the Dokeof Alva.
Mr. C.4I4YIELD, referring to Mr. Brooks ,
reminded him and the Mon. that that hen.
ator had disclaimed the sentiments lulled.
ed to ben.
Mr. WUOD spoke In opposition to the hill
at unconstuutlonal, generally uol In detail.
Mr. ElTEVENAlntitnatest his Intontloe to
move the dual question, nest moditying the
lifth motion hr stnking out the word.' Or
tulle. he shall consent to be r011er...1,u and
insert instead the words 'or o 0 arrest tot
an offs.* puoishable by dismiaitel from the
arm. or dasonalthed by sack.. from ton
Pril y orteauce of hie duty..
Several amendments are worm.' M !leases. eClifttsCß. BAKER, BC
110110, and 0 • lIFIELU, out Mr. ri IT.VCSO
declind / l ouse Wind ed f them to be otture.L
The toe previa. dn.-
don by • vote of elghty-aine to forlyauven
sad Mr. aTEVENIS being entltbAl to one
hour to close the debate, yielded- twenty
tamll, who addressed
the 11 00,0 In. favor of the bill.
Mr:STEVENS allowed ten inmates to Mr.
ELDRIDUE. who claimed there bad been
uo obstruction to the lAw by tee President.
season Or 7000 seeds..
Mr. lITUVENEI then closed the deledu,Say.
Aug he confesskl a small port , nn of tile
- blame for the acts of the Presiderd 'Mee
Congress aditiumed. , There was no abuse
or Improper language In the bill. If we
had ail named as we have glees agreed,th al. -
the States lately to rehellims were 0013q1lie
ed territory, subject to tee natten es
Muth, and if we bad only treated
them socordlogle, we should boon had but
tvery little trouble In the reconstruetton of
he government on the motel,ie of the ad.
mask. of new States, bet we were tot all
Prerrtir proem* - for It. hi otth under
standlog of the lows of nation., ear Is It
wonderful that we Omuta have bean thus
'wandering In our own view. 1 will
state What 1 sappMPi to have . been
our real cOndlttoe. The 01111011
afflicted by a civil war, which tor a
tiles wag an ineuncetten, which o r
its sway. We, et the pedal when we
declared the blockadeouhnitted them lo be
not an hadefeedent. tuition. Ind an Inde
pendent belllgeden. raising them
abOVe inaarrwation, and entitled to
all the Privileges of en Lehman- ,
dent, belligerent. - The nation/ of .. Ett
rope so treated them. We 50 trio-awl ,
them.. ln short, there can be on doubt., of
the Mot that we were then at war se tw o In.
dependent nation.. It depended on the
°mintier. whet ar he
le r • Vanquis he wools treathed ono too.
conned after O,
or whether he should punish him (manatl .
tattoo u( the eovereign rights of the nation
lii addition. We oonduered. What 111,1 we
erW‘e c W ou e g uecno a n l q uhreedC oualoderate
States forming the Confederate goo
men. We conquered government
1.1 ItO Own YMClaratlOhe,
VY ' VO U :to
the United Mater That tliey ehould pro•
ten 4 after that they had h a dnt under
the Constitution which theyhus repu
diated end attempted to destroy . , and were
still States within the Union, look. to me
like bola aceurdtty. Yet it was the doc
trine of the President, the doctrine which
.the gentlemen are lighting. about.
We deolared thent to be eon.
querea province. We were treating
them military law. Now what
la the .win reference to prOV/Mtee COO.
geared !sm.& foreign Independent oellig
erentl When you oOnglier iron a. foreign
nation, or an independent baldaeroett,, tau
territory eonquered isgoverned by military
poWer, by the commander-in-thief of the
army, who in this calm sea the President,
until the lefPMietive. power of the nation
shall have spoken and directed what
laws sball gOvorn. Bat. ' tbo moment
the legislative power of the 'nation utter
pole. the Military authorities, cease to ea
ist, and the oommanderdn.ehlef of the army
hoe no more to lay toff than a corporal in
the ranks.. Be has to say pst what the lug.
Watts* power orders to MY. lie 000
10 dojust what that power orders him to
do, sea heean do nothing else. •
Mr. STEVENS charged the President with
not, only ezerobinig his authority as. Com-
Manderdadabier of the army, but else with
endeavoring tele/estate the totes of the
.11011th blahs.* the Union on the baths Of
, the old COnstatutlons, without the sanction
of COogreal. Me Maimed that Conran
h&d the power to make rubs and taws
for the governinent el the lam. duet b o o
Della end MI/lharyocerimanders ileht (3.05 th
UV Telegrar h en the Pheetnrgh t.e.11.5.1
NSW Tuac, July D. Ikcl
•SvIr.SO. ItinrOTIOX.
The Intnrnnt /111,0tIlln collection* In this
pity for 15 r terndba,to JuVlat, sin six and
a ball adldnnale... than U Toar•
giva.lart roll usi. 1..1.11106
‘4llltA s noniborof trlth °Moon of the silo
toor army luksemttled te41.1 is trite
up,tfootro. toot:Ong thyir Tospoct
too memory of (intend Atetto her.
Thr Ylfth General Stu.).ly of the Even
bcoheat ttetittlethe from , alt perta of thr
nrl.l lv,ll he hold St rtild.rdatri; from the
13111 to the 28th of Atm llet.
Stephen W. Smyth",a oline - man, 0511 w
answer - tug roll call, lasnlalit at the •tetton
Comic, Madinat a random . at the filtirxir In
It bond - Of , Ito was ca./tic/ion. )
bold for trial. /to uncrts tits Mho
• npitOta.
Tho thros borate. who enteral Übe , bond
ed earehous" on Cowley night, sitil roloUsil
of Inn thousand idullars w o rt h of bilk,
core today committal fit: alai withont
call. - I
TP[lllOO5O aulo actions.
Ephraim Patton...l, chant.' with bring
nnopornml In tea roliim i T Of bandit front Itir
noutaoP loiloryneo Company, o troo i „,„ 5 1,
coolly redo) bimetal, that ho Conant said
ocniia of a stranacr, rho farther exam
ination was cuelponcd!
The Itlota • Frieseibillotra alb Freaks
Mattes Trope awe Male al iiiii a.
ay Tel. arson ,o the ilwourgh Gaud...3 •
Naanytaar,Joik, 0.-The Mayor 01 Nash
ville had an Interview lcsday With Colonel
Duncan, Commander of tna Foot. touching
the riotous conduct of the nekr% military
botbOhtil. Cent •to Franklin ley the elate
uthoritlea, Bre efo their ileharture /Who
this place; Colonel Dunoen Ostendd
with the Mayor that it was reprehoUsible.
and &Alerted they Ought to have been
actuated. Ile Oar maid be had deinanded
of !State Inspector 1it111.41 float his rrawme
Camerading said trams to Fraiikli after he
had tient tme rn enklolent, force of eeirolur
MTh's to Prover. wean, and announced
birth he annid protect the people and would
nutpermit any buterioreare with bin no.
thority by thertstate mlliUa it is oarnentis
hoped that tlenetal Thotnas will detail .0
pf. troops GO take the piano of this local
Death of an Old relater and Yob.
Ear Telearaid , to to r"bara''
Borrow. July o.—Samuci tillbert Med to
day. nasally ulnely ynaro of pup.
11• riu
formerly gipttater .0141 roblllll3llf. 110 Ow.
tabitiOnol the first priblio inecairolon In Doe•
anti latioroncolly became a broker.,
At six o'clock to-night l'rof. King asonntl.
from the W 61030 11 in bin inittomotb
loon . ~ccornitilled by 'omen Roo
tlet:00i, SeVer2lllholll.l4l3d utopia altricgrool
the aaocitatOra . .
gwpr *
tllyTelooaph to 04 rltotbur o b tisretts.]
00, C1,,.101y 0,-olvor raloo , l one loth
lan nigh , . and 10 now 014,13 " 1111 TY 1010..
nOllO. Woother 0001 . and olOndy. 011
Lovo.vlla.s... July 11.-110= 011100; TIGh
101.10 1000 in the 04011. •
(ay.etea+whto Wl' rittsbugh vazetta.)
BY., Lou's, July 9:•-Virlisrati rul.llttotlas
Yew York ,Istu sauobte of Lverutt'u The..
[re, welt shot thrOußb 188 h.Ort by btu rats
tteue. Lnttla 5UuO O OOO. tble InOrril.R. salt
=Manly kUtRA.. 2 os
?be Verrill Murder . .. Tee..
Lny Tdrenph to the litteheratt Uuette.)
Lawler°. X.. July 3.—The molten to
tie; the euro let sante In the Verrill worth,
cum WAS oVelnlied, ntt- etto ease stunt t
the Let tarm tor argument on exceptlent.
Tee negro Marl. wrieunteu.d.
Bad Wrath.: on alba Paedeedes.
Lily Telegraph the rldeleergh daaeldel.)
BOBTOX, Jale.Tha Tisch!, ...7i.etyrowl
from c o . 0 , 4 ay Sat h. added, Sat lad Ned
Bedford Yesterday, bad bad weather dating
all the palled&
On . lamp Enigmatic',
tag Teisysph MIAs Phut:arab Garstus.3
EsmiusarOx. 0. W.. July L—Mies Monne
was berried by the explosion of a cosi o 1
lamp and died thi. morning. Fire other
ore severely burned. -
v ,
The r.lnlonton Idorglory-One of the
Port tea Arrested-. 1 Portion of Ike
. I.'min Pocono.
- '
.Our 1 , • 'bows 0111 remember an actiount of
fOtiii.Tll PADIS.- +7'+v foll,t. ond wort ho- : ' '-'"
, a daring burglary putillattett in Oar lateen(
jr'''''' ' ''' Ott
''''''''''' 3'''''''''' Re. I Jaen lith, 10 evldalt Wo stated that the Jew.
ports glom 15,, drip penes tri l/,-clip, fah be, °try *loth or John IV. Simonton, on i ' lthnl Y '
feu. on OUT Paurth Pale. i street. had hem, burglarlously entered and I
- --- J-J--n.----- . mole Le the voluo of tote thousand dollars,
forotolldnltott -Sr 111 It incretrie Tna... obstructed. Tito robbery wiitn .. committed ,
The thleatlllal Of COnaoll.lo.t , On li nee 01 '-.- ‘ 1 ' ft „...,„,„ „„,,,„„ elan te the h erhetylie 1
stria. 1 rmtlid morning of the %th, cind notaftir. I
too: sr it , • police and deter-Infos hove all ,
con:ldershte to portent,. and any In forum- ;7l .' 'Of hie flarlrg 00rd could be obtatuft I. I
ties In reimr , l 0 its ado, mita:fro , dhoti- however, tn . s , Vol gr,iwitt,l4l,o7.l.l.To.4tarr 1
oituo. is road with intsre. by ell con i ' i •
~.,',l,TP.:.J.gletneer.!of the , officer/ felled to
0501,11. Thu 011.17. e n, of Ihttobutgl!tire goo dr, vet Croy generously done by the bur-
orally In favor Of tie -- n eusuro, but lhdro ,gi or himself . It appears that one Ronett
rid nd a resdent a ft. hitt,. tho fe - '
towers to be dude an oppoeitioa 1.0 It ht
, - .d .
: ' i " !nni 4 hon , ~,n b. n .u . 000 it
b. b, b f . ,
A"'"l'"Y ` '" "d'd 01 10 some ft Ibe r bee!3 "".! fichted lay ntruself for the situation he tells
loon districts ph/tooted tone Incorporated. I Ithoself le ot orottont. 2,loorhesd visited a 1
! of 01 fotnin iioniley ight end replete.
The only
"n ' '''"" 7l "'d.'4 "M"' " "1" 1" ! t e ' ;7.ll , ore until entomb:l thrust. fo.o'elaaa I
obey:mews . Is the e moot,' incresso of tax ,,,. .t. c „,„,,,,„,,, oboe he left, taking wan
emu. To inc..% dills objection, the friends , him a r • , ket belonging to one of the In.
to -c if . :Lomond to the Donee some
et inn Ine•l'cro tertarefulll c'clitc 'cud n..." ,,, . , ,. v
ia ,p, titer n bur. still having inn',
mod 11-tures who ti shoos , 3 1.1.C1u01 ,-1 1' o hol I . , tot te t 1 no-weesiOn, and took break. ,
Om i'atte and !c i vil, tor cite. tenon, p..or 1
. r....; a,t , the house, dsringowtrilonlk he mad e
n' i
""d '' "C33. P U 'i ! " ..n. l " th" cite d ! ! I'd"- ! .ft ‘ ; ' :::„. ' :; . 7 .: r ' r . tfre ' er.t : mu
cot e.
litre., ore less tlian thay :ore do _thelobsny , , t.e. :0,4 with him. after brook- I
cote. no tool es ill et... et the enlene•en ; , ~ he ~,,,,, p i , n i.,,10a. leaning the basket
dtotrieto.. Tito eel of ddrdool.b.h. 111.h1k . ... , „ . „,,, „ „,, ~,,
„„,...„,,,,,,„ ~,,,th.„
the lex rite,. to Ivo let -pot to , , I hos , Von , , , e o !... ode ~i ~,,„„ „ .- n e ie the room, who
dt,tricte, Olt: ail Ir.. g retit .oto the Sin- i tin tee llosrfy of looking Into it.,• anti
o noutuhela 1.1 .011,..,11,0,4 t/
to., r., I- ki,•, , ,, 1 ,„,,,,, „ in .. in n ni ,. 0 ,..„ 01
and' liver
el Pio Ct•ottre, .I , stetec: t . lit imoodo, o, tor oh df ~,,,,,, t io, woo on chains and venous other
the Alp soler.r Ihe Norirof ~, se , blls all oon , lo , r n.lte. ill Jewelry. The party making the
Of the 51,00dgeltel x 11, Ili Ito tile I ~,,,,,eere went itemeclottnly to.a.mormen
Sent hete. Ted d 131•1 nli Matte ( old ^try p,db. r , ef t ~,,,,f e ef , w e , 0, the tee , o ,b
[Jostle buo) tor I. porpoise or ov , ”:: inn r , - 1 ~ r , Ohms , and 1.15110 rnintlrod to the house
I fn.. , ol Ine luirliorY Torntmois,l to • o I , - I wet at regtecl Beiitheeflothoeueocanotual
I corrotott ed a retort:mete, ea tt. I , tie iry 1 h. , j • it t h e a cf,,,,i,0g.
tit. atu oinlltl 4 ,5 the vete. , pelted In oho. , !
flbtrott .0.1 1.1 11l :,70. nf con- I a --- ... ------- nnd sewn.
soltdation, to Orient the at monument i •
We think the Minh' s. appended, telt. f. Ow icbt's four./ of ifuatc, the higneat
co, In ertenee too with i tither facts. 1 n i, lth ‘ o ,, r e it t f ,, : i g ,,a Sl n ci:i l ci f :t l :l. m i a . tt e ... rs . l f n iu tit t e sn it r. d r _ .
manna the: n addition - tot he mnoy I
othor ativeutuet ic to be derived isnot, the
meas., that t see will tot , ohntoilloir - 11 1 In- Al ply. And yet It can be ha nein to oar
' ! ' d 'd !!‘"'" d ' T. ' !-°!'''' """ !"'"'" rrodere. Mr all Mutt base seen, tad reed
01 colt% huollY od Pltleborati ,
mon. to loth. .olno solllo, n htho t los I‘Vh- sifts 4 iy , I c en the .... P . P a. Ohs short ' 1
race In tiles:toot to portion of tn. Central atatiblicant tilebatch which came over
ottstridt. tel 110 Ott -aloe and one to nib milli. _ t
. tune he whoa this week , and which we,
111 Info Soak°. d e t.triet th aeore(.l I. lest „0,.,0,0, for ,1„.., ~,, v h.,,,,,,,p ors, I I
tlt pi that (I( PP t..ournh, tenor lett thhe.v. P s
dont soot niardnitrthoollt mots, Tooe Te.b. Foals. Jots , 1. 1567.
peranetviite be tt
of thOe - oloor Cr, end tar
71, c0,,,,,,;,,g ,E. Sane, Blows , ,
."'''''''"'''''''d moan( Pd‘'''''h'•ln i„ e.ho p. to Our 0.11 , 1 medal, I have to-
tne Northern odd, mt, whore [llia 00, ion !
...... led r, nenhot a Oen:mint/it of the Lotion of
is femet, ,cromtle urtsel, the 'rebel War , ...0. i „,,,,,,,,,. „,„„„,„„ pas U .., the h „, o , - of o yi
rr'elb°,'v"i''-.l'"fr„"rT,4..e"e";""erer‘L'l.",!.,'”l.;;;,'.".r. i l'l ' rtic , . 3 , sttletters. lt. F CuicasaMo.
mtib•, ane emronottift tee two. the tat. s ! We hod already had the nalclel listhf all ,
sirerd thost , of Pluabitrah 10..17 two I the to .r. o.uriltl at /hol i er. ECM:ninon I
tullht. • i:0 sonerleth entnntlanl. ( 1.1151 gold olds{ m
Too following table throws the thine, 11, ' h., oea h... by the names of our two
nil. fur city, butoatic, roo ~ 1 , 1,1 , 1 ,1 i. poOr, 'I. n•I•lig toleno mantifenturorst, equal
• and count, porpe ,, , in all the entrtel, tee( ; 1,,er1 nupoiently, the name Of eteltleraY ,
n(wed lo be tarot nerar , l, • .7.ea pt liel:a.hta. it en .i.b.ter plant. first. Bat noir 11. liP• '
et hic , Polon food ot: thstr lo , wtooolb., . , peers hoer., was 5 new dist/action .lo re- ,
which such *snail pot' 1.15 coons 011 hin the I •orve.o very grebefni one, which giVerlthe
I prove:tor coy lOnin, that it who , hon.:, i 11. toe t Clotkernig a .nonn their due ponc n .
i accercessary to triclinic them). t h e thaw. ; a
Slott':,, Ile ittort- TittellecOnition wee pMen
buiperor Ai person, on th grand'
g .:s I eon ot awards, bolero 17,000 petiole.
S . -- - ' 0. 1- W 5 . :• • `s tained a clonnt that
:I ..... c o 5 r_ I `iv. Pine° GlOckertns l , duerVett ati this.
, ,- .° S. , •„,, .. , ..0 , 1 we heartily oefogratialate these nonle
. i•,-
p - -- : . iI r -ne•cdoktreco of Autermto logenuity ol
' rtusitaria i., t., , ~, .... . art, as wed of auCtt AtentrlX Weltd Onattnen
, , ,•1I str,cow. on a -noncom so hoc:Wt.:Ay woo
l'-'r""`"'"l` ''',. I , ' , ' . '' , 4 i t ' ,. ‘ , .. i 4l ' j ito
10 edutdocuously certified.
rtu Townentp•.•- •• •.: '': . I - , : - e, 1j ..
i 1 f . tn " . 1 c..t .T T 1' 5:::::: . ...... t i n ' IS. . : I ' o ! 41 ' :. !
Larceny - Promp t Arrest.
lii a . E " ''' 3 ' °l ' ,. l!' 1_:: j l'eetorots7 morning, John Van Loutort,
I A.A.. Coo ... I.: lin ,! ln 0 , , !.. ~,b eber 10 itioratr.stOpylitir at the tbilou
141, odic-per 3 tP. -.., lo ro
.Ductocena Moo. a bi b•-4 1./', 1 Depot notel, a hen/snout ready to take the
1 (tharatonr3b • 5 I , --, ': It 4 ( •"(, • trnn, no:4A his travelling sachel,contain.
'.. ' ,/ '' ,„. " i r s., - f ‘ .l. - ;; '' "•-- ', l , g ,v, , ;,°, 4 .' ; ,' : ; ,•,..„. nine., coat and Over coat valued at fifty
- Vitt ,t re.... ....... 14 .....„1 (C 4 1.5 lil t , tehars: SneLlMlon atonesval sire. a msri
ILi riet,h IS S 30 I l l i !, wit, gore blo name u John Kenny, sod who
E.. 1 1l nom 19 C. 2s, lo 0 7 - , ; b e d •I ~ a Indio e a b out we beftel (Or lune
s ear. Pottoborgli. It it .!.., „el C , l t inn., Ann A 31.7ilocket, the comPattl'a do
: %town...hese Itor 5 Pi 3•, In.- (I , -, 1 Verne, having trOt teed, Or , heard of him
tr,,,t, i'llienorgh. C is C 4 le 3-t", holing t 0,,,,, tns nettle ens; want
de to
1 Torivieruonsalle_ 5 I] tt! I'' rst A:rent:rev Taylat's and made 'lnforms lan
iSt. It'..isniunten .In it C - 0 o' 0 : snott, him for larceny, got a warrant Imo
, •The et,rxe tan:, shows coly the 'erten f , ,r I ..o. ,I if, search of lam. lit the ineantitne
Dori...eta toae, sort, or. v., ,:t yivruse he !,ha f.elutt hut Mit a toan answering the
0 ,, , o ~,.„.. ch ,...„,., ~,,,,, 1 0 .. .. . 1 11 , hointic h ., • o.,wertottna of Kelley had been pot off the
purpowee,tothroriog phtli3O et - frond, tionatl I train at hold. StatlOn, byline go ...nion
at, ow , wito.ll arst only trtaiv den, tb.o but 1 1 . Kyles no ticket or money to pay 131• faro.
eohialier.4..._ , _ !: 1l e - accordinely stopped et Sinews , .
--- i toule rniren for tne turn who hs,l been pot
T ee d ee , 8„,,.,, 0 1 Ed .. .., etrahe Curt. tad toned DIM clidlOrttiletenen
tentn the ~ O n. lytenneloorP on the side of
The Craitrri I: }ail a 0 lucatiaa met , !,,,, ree d ! ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,,L eb e i ‘ ,,,,d,„ B t. ~,,,,I.
Ttnsittir sr:ening, Jul,, '"'irvereoet. abreact over : him. It
Freermt-flesors. cir•sty. 1..0w. Sta tater i 4i'''''"'''ii'rt,..r%i Krlelj. tied Ile 0 . 0 iteellet I
' - Ur 01. VII., OD mo d est train, and of-',
McCook,, nora , a 3 i. Was.' ....- her , „
seating before Alerman Taylor, who
M cCook,
President. - I Isserrl the warrant, we• onmmlited to ain
.w 0 . ~Our, The prouorly situ returned
Tlin otiuntean(ins last reset:T:4;ser. rand , ~„ ~,..,,,,, ,1,,, ....,, ~,,,, to,, ~,,,,.
tilt , o
null orpteree. ' toe. - tn., if ! there were twee. in s
The moollor reintrti of Ito 1 . 1:1, VII Of , , ',1n . ,. uteri, were a few WWI Ulan SA
the 111 4 0, echool. ....I 1 t o!id CC,: :red , 11,ertht to aratratoma tam:a
'l°l.'l '''''''''' ate ''''''" 'Y c ore ''l tat 1 An lacaloania Basin.. P;tolleatleet.
et acre.i. IA im rrontadt end Ilea.
~,,. g 00 00,,, f ,„ o _ o„., ~,,, no F , vi 0 have theolvolfrOss the pablisharel •, ~,,,0,,,th0 a teport a hien sou reed I (Mei Of I Wore. which we donna Of 'meatus
and ni - reP li ti• , ' , ' ' I blot brut th to the mete -rant, manltfacturer
Sir. nt.g..ant. trnip ,Ants Lamm Ittee on
reuniters end Sdlatte., ytaiete.thal she lea- . ; . • ' 4 ' 4. '•'.3r-K.U'''i Coital 6 ' l°4. It''''' ' '
o.lne : 1 WO 1: ;it later ler Ite - 7.8. li has hOola baneful.
ararirott, 'that the arporti•mMsarf iOarqo 1 ly complied, skillfully arrmsted and ad'
everlll the wai, high !ant . - no "n" a...- totruhly briutcd. It loo oorld of business
tor o:Lentil:WlN; reload year tre I/3 ,11101,
~,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, • 1 I•ll,,l,,,le,anixtpriatme all tbe Information
. •
,„„„.„,„, rrodoruil forulerence in the general Maine
"r ' '''. --- "-- 1 • f trelostottle Ilfe, and spreads out bake.
- Prterltrala.Tuann ' cr ' s.. l- Te l . "l,W er . s. i p r n eu ' i n n ' s r7 l . S. i w.• 3,: till nnA n.:- `"l' dd _ drnn ".... °fin . .. ann. '
, and crape Wpm{ et eVer, ...P. , '
tat Ward I 3 3 oe\ h I 1001. ti 7ln the country. It la *a alraria
31 o i 3 a r !' . l ll , +l c dud arraugal sato make the boot
si 1 lilth 1 9 I •it i 0e,11.01, . or:releasable in One State WI .-
A4l Wadi 1 . 3 - 3 - t0i. , .-In Mates as Te a ,. lodged the oat,
3,1 i o 1 3 e :
. ,11,..C,r; in font mind y le I.yr such a moons
h ' 3 I i 'I , j ctip et verurrinieved valeable facticoold bo
110 n 1 I r . . 3 • I heap..., to eater and sold In nook bola at
sib 0 I h - e l hoe -mad 11:thallee of three dolled per aopyl
0.45 n 1 .
- 1 ,e , ty e esnefot 0, ,I it y imagine how the Patine.
II ton acoonr. Oa, l(rtnr,p,d, one Profdi I e enctuney .o lung Managed 10 dO Wlthoul
aor 01 31a11,1010.11. 4, athe l't , 11,0101 . 0 i 401,1. - 0, 11 a. aft , ac. and .Inca 4 ha. been Publish.
otters, One Irctnaie hi... 10. WO. 11110 loather ..1 we are e4lll.oiy.puzzled to know how the
of /3c,olblooMlng bed Pecoutfoolop, to.r.onntloow,thoon will he COMplete without g
Tuaroor of thisering. - moyy. Br. W. D &akar, Ea 11l Diamond
tosoato ncnool.. Doe brincibst and two -10•05,1. life ottont , or its sale is Western
Awostenta 1 vezado otoula; Wu. { - hunts and Eutern
Sksotted, That the salmi , . torso. - pots to I (Woo, ro annul all orders shotild be ed
the teachers and widowers atoll be at Ito ail.artal. •
101105100 hat... Tv r itahlUm'
IV cue .Ichool..a-I . o , Cit , a , n. Cord; Gram- nations. Eiaiesprlie. -
mar Tio.utipra. 1ii....5, Ititenno.lls.o t.aluthere. We Intro that Prot. 0. - 11, Waved, the skill.
- kfin; POI., T. neer!, lie,.
111ae eCtlool.-P , 1ne1. ,,, t, gi.fiit brit(' acs or , . fn"•and aneinnicdishisl ballOdatennaltantgr.
of alat to bythe.o. 01.0 1 ; Prot. Or It(gies i s
I 1.1 Into an enterprlatt far • balloon drama
I for.. $1,451 rer/4910 Anntrl not, P , 15, Tet , e' r c ! Iv thie Thy, tn last Inc several weeks. Ile
of lloot keening anti Peu..a.nah.e, $.31.5, •
~,,.. ,
~,,, n ,„ ,„u y ..,.,,, ,L „, ,
D`ta. ol,. ot Dr.twltia., Vi n. . ./ .‘ -. II • ••••••..
Covosto eggoes-grinelbal, sIYA, i t Ji. t'y the ellmelthifeem e t or cltieomb to
s, is, Nat-, ! %loos by cable to the height
ferigbl, That the lettere of the Janitor , m'' ' '''UT'' '' ''
.it t no
scoot! att sit in . ei the in.., h f I Of one thousand fee in 10.111stammoth neW
1 OW pot mental., 11111 0031. 01 Dm Colortd cailoon,in which th marriage wim tateent, thin. f ty celebrated. tor th tocuutooderJon of all
Oh 1e0.... 11,0 report Col glean: d and . l'Oratalie deill leg the magolllcont trial of an
ltd. 1... dun.. ailodteol. ' - , 'eel no , co nolon and btrilseyo•telor 01 Ali.
tin tolotton of 11r. 51 ( 3.0 , 3, , the Prof,- I tn... nom:dye. notjeluing usighborboode.
v.,. and teachers In Um I.llsll acl - ohol a urn', lhot Wood het euesouted to deliver tickets
tn.-hinted. lilt 10.0 ucnooslous, whisk will take nimbi .
1•1 tnoloal-I'Lllnte• Dean., . I chic LOA nhibt, at very r•-aeortablet ortout,
Stettin in:time-11. W. Ban• I a. sill he to cicilly attendance at Jahn W.
ht eft. , • ! KIS et h': , lo tette n•.alee of thou ow hlng tO
Probethr of iklica Lettvea-C. A. Keens- I
m o te l. lie purpose. to wind op h ot flight
ton. i t nroteth foe„
atr current to Philattel•
.I.....natent-Itio• licnble nflintna Or. or Ner Tors. for selentitlo Port....
TeaCti, of It ooadtheping-J. C. "both , . ! 1/.1 till. trip a new unit...hobs will he
T eac he r
of Drwoloog -A. Nfooder Swlllon. ' oatevol at I. same pia.. lt le lb be hoped
intit.Or-nugh Bolen. that Ptut. W,toll will reeetreprOper enCotir•
----...-.---. we
111 110 re in bf., t nterprtne of •rmy unit
A Wholesisla lickslni,.. i ....o ti..consion in lan vale of his tickets
5.,,0 adooporlunit aloe oaolog upo hue
Boma unknown thlovho del la whale. I „„„„„‘ „,,,, H0ver . ,,,,, ~, ..w 0r ,,,,,,,,,
Joh of horse end eat 1111 ntettltott on fittleilny 1 oittc.nm, ,
and Cl:minty olcht, and from pretvmt ti-dt- i
cation. ere liktly to get eit'ely sear - little !
their blander. Promo eircutitatenern con
nected with that affair, IL in etlpteleed the
Caine pontes took 1,0111 holeon end nettle,
slthOtult the former were toren from Penn
township, In thin comb y, and the latter
from *Allegheny. townchip. Wectmorettotd
Fairly nn Sendai ( toncnlng two nnratot be.
lough, gto lir. Jdeopli P. tier., of lion
too twhip, broku 051 1,1 the pan, ore In 0'1:1:k
lb., Wore Yeti, Thio tin
11 q arie, teene.l„...
tee. 1001 e the trios,', hell 111.1 etriateleit of
the borers was 11.4 ulleert.4ol ,l until Oh,
heal beet; gotta ttotau toad,
g o tnon there
wee no tole at` tionto to go for them,
11r, Pettigrew being ticsav ante the 1000 111
the horcra to nn.t. dlrcovered. Pomo
nidalibere maw tho nolutala when the./ tilt
Orono ov a f 1130 hn1t1,.11.u41 at atted up the
toad. lt thereinto thole,. hint they
load moral, strayed panty, and bet ed i ern
tn oSorts to reCaptere thien were
imote as would olitorenso linen boot
Tloo prob./1111y I', he'e.eyer, that the
hOtale• wurn speed. , pfekell up (,nftrid.
.laa off he thieves. Tnn le. tte,. tortilla of
I them they were tenth„g toward leo-Atmore
lona comity. Oho won la fat hob Miron wan
black mane, anti the tatter tt sort el Mare
with a Intim on hih • Ride over 1101 hip: Teo
tan ettilnaUl4 Worn worth nbout 0001. .
On lint to daymlght tile 13.01. t. eirmtess, of
Allegheny townseip, Weornorelond ono , .
ty, had IVO bend of 051010 •tolett A rot
and her ollt woos ;then hunt the
Menlo. Tan red lunch fink',. one w Mt.
:Kent], and white bouttal. Good two waled
Totten cows, trogutylvlth two red:pier/10g
hollers sort One I 11 ) e.t/1 1, 12 athYrt onr.
taken frOm the li it knot. The uo - Lt tooth •
lug thu trace or li ra ettilan
tounti at Sandy Crock. nikl they Wont UM:VaI
to Bald thlusrly. Air, Olemuna visited
East Liberty i hoterday mot ovg. horn
ed that the esttle had becti driving tb• Mien
there at half-past sta. o'clock tit/ two en 0 on
horebback, ono riding. loaf Imo.° sod the
other a sorrel team •It to brobthin that
these are the Lorre* stolen fn. 41r. 1..111-
gthw. 310 further trove tine Inicu Nand of
tn., 010114 a tattletale, but the pont( C lion buss
deceit la the bands of the pOllOO.
A Damage llostler. •
Dr.• wan called ntrant two
O'clock yniterday morning townie n ['Mama!,
11.00 OM it wan . .Warne (111,10nee trout pin offlCe
to whore the patient inmate 1, he ea!t a. mt..
'nengerto atediay dt Itaget , o 0.1,1 ca, whe n
tie keeps in 103000; Y, hAVO TIP., 0110000
14 , 011 tataggit Imam diately. Arun Walling.
SOLIBCCIaIO 110 MOIL 10'1.00 04000 h 1013.11.
whets he (Muhl the bottler. J. W. Among.,
sound asleep, Mantle o 4" the 00 . 0110 oitha
messenger to annum bunt.. Dr. 11111th httu•
well 'mahatma 1,04.001/.011 tllO 1/mOW,,
110 sooner toad ha enn.kant him oy
e z no ptnd•
der, than k n
ockingklatta up nd attack
him ha tnn fawn,n him down, and at
Dm atoms
W a n threatening dire talpot la
00.103 ha Wan not panothrd to nardsh 131s,1100.•
Dr. Obitals Marled 11010001d1010 tar an rm.
cur, and met 011101 00010 and imPror lii rain
Ints at rent. Too two Orono". going tO
the stable, gonad kinton.un 1408:11 aerp.
They awoke lOW and locked 11110 up. Yes.
IM,MY Morning legman:lns tor mm.111041(1.
battery and surety or tau innate warn manta
elution him tar Dr. Chinas, nod Bo nal cum.
' lethal for •torther nearing on Thuradaiy,.
' - Chants al' Airener.• "I
,Novel'Oaa.../uly & lart.—P:p hereby n'ptity
the nubile of rlttebut R u and slciallY.' /hull
we have 'transferred too agency for the sale
of our Plano , from Masan.. Llefromenvilocua
.Co.. to Mr. C. C, Mellor.' Se. -81. Mood
street. Mr. Moller telll turntek
at the same pram limY are %obi et cu w '
Dorton d. Dace.
Bt the above the poetic .vOl nnnw
that he
reallor the Decker d. planet .
are only to be tonna at C.C. blellort ware.
rconza Vellums noilring Spoon:hue a dna
o t...pianosmoold nos to carmine the
rite Pit. Louis Water-Works ,
Mosses. kinitOnil :—Sour correspondent
"C " at St. Louis, In his communication of
the :Idlest., In ailed Ina to the new water•
works of that city, states that when prop..
sale were opened for furnishing them with
water pipes, be appears surorised (end just
ly, too.) that no bids were recclsmi.frota
Pittattergd, so Pittlintrgh is the great iron
city of America, and In the manufacture of
Iron she cannot be undersold, Al het
chants have ttoseaptial, energy, and e
Nine not to be outdone by any of her cern.
ir c i rs n r ' oe d :gig ' PT; r. t g e ti M bree r rtre ' W
extensive east Iron pipe manufactory
among o,—the National Foundry and Pipe
gerke.-owned by Hr. Writ. Menith. mewed
to nano In the United Stoles. Ile Is pregnred
to furnish (ices 10 an 11,1100114 nuittnitaM er.
, tent, of nil &kelt, At prin.. lunar then rata
] ern lint.lithlV toner,. But,
iteitars N IttOre, it appears to me that no
lkorlincil how ,oath enterprise and capital
our manufacturer. pot forth, ft la useless
er ran ,th n or
r our pivonni rrongemoutil for the
siu -
In reference to freights, I have under.
stood Shot the lowest rates that frelgnt
Mill be carrltsi from Pittsburgh` St.. Louis
is sit per ton by the oar -1. hare
imi.n pet, Oreilltnnly informed that part its
hate and are carrying freight Intm New
1 , 4 k to 9.. Loafs, all rail, tor taper t.m.
Now that at ones clearly shows teat Pitt.-
burgh le led by the nose . o hs a railroad
monnpolymmob to their dlsidvantagN and .
'II capitalists and men ofenterpttse desire
. to bare our city carry the blob honors she
has pone heretofore, something must' be
done La relined, this altel Wilt/all= tit laver
of ilmtern manufacturer., and If your ter.
retpennent "C" Will Only let us know when
the Si. I. els Water. Works bale propmals
ter caber pipet. I will venture to say that
Pittsburgh mennfacturers will be on band
, to ear. y cif Lim ID uthiStif ahr 11111 rihid . "W
' do thetn.lut-Ice. C.
. -____
Animals mud ilsiatorgea.
Vie fallowing eases of assault and liattiel
rafre , beioni Ahlerman attain ycstardayi.
Catharine Shaw made Information against
Illn~y dtlillgau tor Rauch% and battery, al-
Leal.: tont lir . beet tier in a shameful man.
r may then throw filthy water her. .
,Toeo im
,111.1100 to Ilardmabla.
was ret.ted and 1101,1 fns • liteadniti
w ii u n
)1 illiran also made information
moonlit Catharine Shaw, ollargitig her with
Thu ircuin. sod shag m g that she
:Mow cruel -o cry warn at LW head. Oaths
, r U . ...114.1,11(1r a nearing.
John 1.1.0 mode oath against itobt.
ti, coonul ng han with sansuit-and buttery:
in wham Liu antigen that the defundmit dud
xelll,ll , y nittl “b.. and
I albino ill treat Lim wltholit last, mesa
A warrant ea* issued,
and Flaberlv arrested soil held toe a hear.
mg, alt which Do made. an Information
Lac i charging himwith surety of
I in.. hcace, alleging that Lee threatened to
CIO him. Lee was also arrest./ and held
IN, b. Loafing.
Thn Enterprise Pose Fell Club. en Organ
isation in which our citizens tete much
t~rWO. hula an anima eitation last eventolt
for Ohio-re to serve during the ensuing
year. The following well known gent...
men wan ,ettc . ted: President. Dr. lt
Iltutataettor; Vice President, it. K, Jen
spin S-ervt•srv. 401111 • TreitsUr.r.
1.1,1 n Irwin. The club. is a' 11 ourtstdon
condi, fon,,raily finding Dew strenetn end,
bringing litunioniv,os tutu rerfoolon In the
pructlen of Ilin great nslionsf We
ondoiNtand that it is the introtion of the
fret eh ,a to hot lly, visit Detroit to pley sor.
of tin, West, with• ht.
moue censpenty or that city. •
titre Dreertioes.
Thiry Ann Preston wane inforMatneekba.
tore Aldnruinn Thoinahnieinst Malt rtes.
ton, her hnonnen•eh er tt le tt him with darer.
tied toot roluving W euPPOrn her, and •el
trhat he had amlnd manna no leas
conlinhr ad, In default or die hundred dui.
In‘n hntl, to nut nor at Court.
I,ohnua tnnon . ahreartel before Aldermanh, rot", Cud wade , intatutatlon agalnot bah.
Inhannnll,no Olney, °hua h i m with.
Cfroertion. Oho alionoo in her
Coy . worn Married on [no slab oar Ot
„ 1 , 1 15. sin., Which time Ms has atlnn•
*OO refitted to suPPorirbir me' her
riat i,j. a warrant, ire• Wood for the aroma:
ut ancUlal:
rfloih Ward ,enool Toffehors.—On
Mond evening the Baud of the Minh
want tie.tool oluctoil the tattooing toonhore
~.r tiot,..enantng I ne rt Prlnolual, IL G.
*0Mo; teratocrint . Department, • Eattlif
llourlettoltortiro Medium Denim
no,ot..Foinv itronko. Cornet& 11. Utoopy.
Agolu Al. Jack. noroh B. Itipaleyi Prlmaq
11”parrtnrnt, YAM. P. Wood, larryiffignon.
lo.ita.lPFE - 11, Annln D.ltectort.. MLitt* 8.
Ikqgs, Juniata. Do Aftnitt.
.Petitions In Bonimona.—The
lutrit natnal psnions have M 0 07.. petitions
Illider !Int briarruDßlV' how , In Ma United
Sint es District Court in ibis ott7l
Thom. 0. Mai:Wield, Po:mouton, Pa.
Don 01 o.ok, Williamsport, Lyoonsing
. .
It . mn & UrOthoia,lll•olUMlley eIetIMMA
A CulbortaOn Monongahela Oily.
Acm. F.Thomls, Pittsburgh. • .
Morel,' of me Proem—Taloa Rainsll7
Wade furor:Adam mottnttUatuartne Donal.
ono, ohitruing bar With surety of the peso.,
olloelng that the dolendaut to
ittod. tor Nato, out redtli a Magus. The Per.
Ito, renldo to the Boland mod. Cottkeldee
'was allotted odd hold fora basti.ll,
T.o.a.—kstein memorandum book. be ,
longing to the Liasert. °Mo., oontabang
email amount, of money. The dune' may
keen one•ber tho monat and Morn the
book pith peyote la ;
A 'reeling Word so ristsfrargif.
randirmilesta. July 8,1101.
goitrous rPreserrene Gassyys:—After a I
resilience of nearly forty Nils., as an In
@tractor of youth, in the city of Pitteburgh,
I edw leave it to lbtUtil nn more. Should
any not why I consider inn a matter of Mr
portance:l give this brief answer: That
having thilichld there so many yea.; hexing
had close intercourse with so large a rum
or of fateillem basing. received SO much
kindness and enuaiderattne from aluinst
avers linty with whom I had the pleasure of
twins aequsinted, and who expressed their
kindest slimes for my welfare at parties;
with every item of ludebtedrissa to .tue
piwmptly and cheerio ly paid, beside.
' many tittle gratuities bestowed as parting
remembrances from Ulcer whom. I had t o
.term &basins, witoout
cease fur a stogie unkind feeling towards
any Individual,. far from eppearing ego
, tistitrad. 1 should, cuhaider It legratltune
were I not to clims. my acknowledgments
fur the many favor thus reeeiral, arid
thrungb the rethaMder of fife cberLsh their
remembrance. • A. ni.TSllllllh.
. •
Corea of Deafness.
Thera are hundreds of macs of partial
deafness and hard.hearing that 000ld be
greatly areellorsted. and many of them .
eared.. may be tom by the two striking
CMOS published herewith by Dr. Keyser, 03
O. clip - •
• Das a pleasure in adding my
testimony to that of others in favor of Or.
ii.eyeet , e veer-mem of deafness. My 800
, deafness, proanced from scarlet fever. At
times he could not hear at all ; and could
only understand as we would motion to
him. not epeech had also 0000100 aff,eued.
tinting tried miler remedi
eed .ettbitut re
ccielniyee y berletit.,l app
lid to DrKeyser,
and undir tile treatment he nor entire/9
ri corezeil &MI Can now bear MI Well as ever
ho did. . 4000 11. Dauer,
- K eyser Beativtreet. allestmay.
To Dr, e, ID a Meet. -
I of
my mg druirm the last yea . .
Pert of toe Limo 1, w. totally neat In
aprirot Dd. your, 1 W. indeeed. Dom aa
.vertlevoeut,to mete application to Dr.
Reimer, in, Penn 000001. Pittaburgb — a f t e r
navlog tried variousmalleines and Doe
ton it bout any beact... I have been un
der D'i,..Ker see* treatment noir Mr nearly
two Mouth.. and any entirely restored to
I my hearing, so that 1.13 hear a pin drop.
Joss Scant/is,
Coal Blu ff , Wastdoaton couaty. Pa..
Dr. T eeter'. tbriranation rooms for on akin
and blued dim... and for bung murta.-
wow. Ls) ./k7.. &ma; M.. O A. Al ..“, t
~ . .
From Enuire A. B. 6te5e.5.;.4.11 , gr.if
.thrsam.9 hum. _
To vas atdo.—lcertify alai/ bad been
accords , afflicted for years idtb Catarrh ot
the 11eao, nronabille, fleavlsome fa Abe
Comb, anti tenzalilteil-trlog. alto de- .
otOrable state 1 ass wa 16
to aptly to Dr. -Abort , , 181 timitbfleld
weer. In tee days ',Kee COmMestelnK bit
treat raeo t„ lam most baPpYca.aarectodao
testi bare .1t13.01. entirely recovered from
every symptom from white I bad eo loam
orSered. fay unarms albo m aboortentbre
iy reatored to IN °rutted adoleaeaa as the
iron of hi* akilled and or-fend:la treatment
• • A. B. braYarosoar.
July 8, led.
A Woo ... .... and plesstug appearerins
is given to the skin. tusking It resemble
poilsttwt I ettry. by using the SPinthin
tu o oge nri teb o aufie r ten e d - t tet ft h . e . . u at
dies d..rtire their be•uttnnt compleMon on
other Cos.:netted being used. Impelled ' by
King stud Caswell, SI Charon stnret.. Now
York. hold by all Pittsburgh and Allestretty
droughts. Panuestook t a' Bans A Co..
wholestile sg.uts. Wood stre e ‘ ' •
atalletena 1111.4.1 - f gearns, a
hack men, haertios carriage partially demol
ished on the hill 11.A.14111, by Samuel Ward.
wagerer. rat , . carriage g on
the B we. ammtin rosneville wharf, and Ward Move hia
wagon against it, caumging "It to Inn
*mount taw:m.l4mo (holism Patrick mule
an taformarion before Aldermen alcitas•
tors, agelest Ward, charging him atith
malicious Wobble. ••A warrant is. laced
, tor Ward'. arrest.
reseessi.—Slr.dosothCOpley.Of Ude city,
who attendeS roe recent s tar .o over tile
Upton listless as as completed.
Oar returned home., Mi t txpes lamest
es Wetly dellshttd nee tilo..sed Is
ettibwassile. over tee `(ire►t WWl' swills
tutor, prospee s.
Veld Rparattai Nod• Water .t J. T -
Sample , . Meg More, O. U rederalWreet..
Alle.heay. ._
• .
We *ell Dry Guests both at wholesale
and retail, and are, as a consequence. en.
shied to keep a larger and much better no.
sorted sauce, to sell cheaper, and hive the
goods la more areammaletme quentitlm,
thee exclusive iobblue amuse. Retail mat ,
shunts a:elevate! to einallUO nor gitock.
J, W. II a co,
. as alarkat street.
ilaward Q easereil's Iva Liver, 011..
The Purest end Sweetest Cod Leer 011 in
trio world. ltanalbotored - frost fresh
tealti•y livers, Upon the seswebore. Is
nerlecUy ore Aelc tor "iissanl
aLIIINOWI I Cold Lover 011,winsoursetored
by Caswetc, Sisals s Co., New York.
bold hymn demoted.. ' anr•
Remember lbe biek.—X. treat may be
fatted to the bootee Idartastade, direct I rota
Dundee. The oaly ktrid that was awarded a
nrtze medal at the World , e ExhibiliOn of
lean. Van bw obtained at 112 Federal Weer,
Adealreny City. blab. "Eau".
• Pramtneat Wewtle• 'My Orton swim
nt•Il•ona Pillo are THIS ONLY CONBINa•
,coma e I have tver 'Wet mon fo my OM ,
com of practom that malty "...r"
thing earat , ve or •poeflle for tat:. /MAI ,
AWE." 1.11 the Orttgatsla Se ll them• •
Sae stelae tloactotte,—Tho PrMeese.
In the retry Tele. &opt pearls mom her
mouth when altO opened It. but Whoever
that tallifroon Of Setaftelf, Sozoomm
mouthful apearla that Will hey.
or drop out, dared nor nosy. amt.
The roaroxero ore ~tell oupplted with
0. DOIALtOOO. Ocans,rproo, and other ens.
eabo,vectdarneo. Prire• are. Doi. Very.
,gh, s goo dollar greenback procuring •
all Illiedlooket of all that to gotoir
Iror Revt.—i large front room
in .oconle.l hy the German Democrat halm in
matterth etory ot the Gager= Unthtles.
• on. f or rent. For partionless apply
t our Conottag•roons. • .
' We Place Mow to the Clty—/jan better
or Cheaper hoots, Shoe', 'Lao:localsd
overman IC else In this line, on found ch an n
at the tune honored store or James Bon,
Naps !Shot out. '
Deafness, Dlseharstos from the Ears,
Catarrh, Diseases of the Eve; and all affec
tion. ot a chronic and obstinate charaOter
aucceretolly treated by Dr. Abbr.: ni
81cIttillehl garret.
. Trade Is rests's./ oath . Smoos raudV inad
wholowsle Th lull which fo
lows slur fir's or 3 tourchastls.
,11 or '
OollsOLlOu OAS"!moot lasted louil LOW Ulu... • •
Thumb cot Off —AS the nitro rive
Works, in the: Ninth , srarri• Yokroolayroo
employ. in bisnatipg some Ono flasks Mid
right thumb but la.
The Westbeww.ltestardaymae delete..
ly peel. a. change mach eppnrciated 6ner
the sweltering weather we Dare Wen en.
1091.1 h •
The Wheeling Dl,—The name Of
the Orlin of the recent menhir nest Wheel.
log, ha been iltieovered to be AlOl9lllB
Uhl[loll. •
lo leo ally In Inn couhtf)', elnehilhg
oerUsp• Claesgo, ars then mare young
enerehanta and haleness men than Ut -Pitts
Go to trleamtna , • Drag Store, No N
Market AMA, for Um anent asenrtmrnt Of
Bruabee of all kinds and Toilet Oornba • ,
os to Flemming*. isms Mom Na
Itsrtetatrset, for OS but rot Ash sad bolo
♦sh la the shy, St lowest prloso •
The Tamg folks ace taking aeleauteEet
arab , beautiful weather letplueuto
elms to the woods. •
The Zoom{ Falminia reportod are sent
43 be try no meson so merlon/so Ann
eglasollAatts Is lust novr.bittzig that
melts ocszvassisl SS sllttate& •
Tb• 011 On eonta is loOldstx up, Prism vs:
Yea RUI and a Das& 'lWOMamma
Vaa rasa twat, Drs. 411 1 a inilearaa. •
, 1: . 'i ' .1C., ,,,,:,, 17i.t , : , A8
Sir k
or In generated Letters., my, W rear et out As&
AddreSS, . 1L1A1.161117,
rITIT.NPI . till. P,17.1.
DDI hay Larne TrAre
"'"4.....—A " mho rrsidet at
: 44. "'" n(
M " :"'C'r"'"ln. h d bp that
chart oft Duquelti- -e war.. . • iti et It
leo broken ‘everot:7. whit. , 'Ph. V
re-szor. Dr. W. 11.6.: 411 ." "... Canal. asa
' attended to the 14ory. ' ' . . wide matt be
fore Alderman !Mato cliatlthh: 3 ," l 2,„., n 'f' a
with fortdeatlim and hasiarny. .:" —3 "
radde at Veer Grunt. A trallatt: 9 t"
able liparatloa Y , .Ua Water at 7:
tr e s t r e l y l3 . rug Scare, st tt.
The Ten latest oty , eo of Wt., Cikrt•
ow Struve l Stru Goods, et Gl:Autos , • Louse's. No..NlSt. (fete etzoot.
Tan Can nuy fnan LaLlama of at. ,
01.010 et .1 %Hawn B. ts.
tealin, 143 an. 1313.
Go to 81.48G00 , U•p4 St... for •
Nitta remedy for tIVI cholera. No. 84 81At.
tee. street,. r . •
Good. cool and r nfTnebinß"Llarrb•MAm "
draught. st Frura Popularb4tal, ISO. 4 Dia
mond, Allaghun Y; - •
You Can si 406 , 11,b 8.
'lnch , • •
Additional Limai News on
Tbird raw..
- er.kmakkv,e, .tdetd.y tonnt,cri tend
• t.t. , C alla ctt.rN, e..teur
.lurk and • Isola C..llettlhe.Y
YU . . al tif ( efoleeklay,) aelkokOOK. aka'.
o'clock, 'rote the tealtleace et A. Oattlettd,"l l .
mote", CIL, • •
WIL--02 Tease, Jn'y •
, at ere '
o'c•oek 31' 4AA tO to , tlta
Ye. held ore'
rune,.) TO-DAY Id three o'clock, ”OallOe late •
•81 , ephs. No Yost Loot. diirph Ci•y.
f•cf-14• of the iandly and the Melba , . 0 , tit*
I Chrcmdt• Hoar
Idddar um an
eactfayi teel , ed to att.od
tug CIERT4 tiEll, •
No. 100 r.u: , t ,
;urn}, of Moth,: cicarrs, 9L ,1 91G: f.OO
de.rlmlon <f rate< lll IrsTralahl.f WWI.,
furnished. Hams oven.o.laY•ll4 night. FJOOZFI
And Carelage.• fundqbed.
Rzrimaxess—Rev. David . act:. D. D..
IL W. Jaeadna. Mate.
•• , .1, H. MIIRwr. no.
" • Rae a:mu EMBALMS% notetoor'.. the
Isle Samuel IL. &Ater. N. NO' Obto
three door* from Baster. AIIoNNeNY
Itommood. 11.0.007. N 70001 .6 No..
1,00 Imitation Cot Na. as the towtat
price. ROA. opeis at all hour. dal and Melt.
Hearse and , anistes for.N•ll.l on Short noUtoti
and on magi n.son•ble
2622122 11 . ode. 2 .4 1.4.4 af,r4r.
allegbeny. Igatal lr, Noveamod Sat weer Colt
das, wlta a POCallete atata of fairarat .nratialalt
Foal. on bind, and !Umlaut d at sbor.eataatite
at `waist prices; tale sad ‘ l.4aet7 atablta,
0fFt2611402.11041.2-1.32Te. eirttasrea.
.12241 at, astatte hotsea. an.. 4.4.
tot Mr*. A ' • .
pT. W111.7E & NOCK.
TA K.EI AND .71.18ILLIttlett, leassebes ,
ter. Wood's Sun and sr : , 11ty. ..otes Emus se
Usnebester,LlTers srabls, s•Orse slue.
taunters streets. liast. seiNl C.tisere nu-
p, sTEWART. ittnTN,
corner of MORTON and PeNt.
Ninth Wad. Comae of all kinds. Ha, ea and
Carrisres naraishal an the enonat en•le •
Fruit an
J. I.r.
'DX Ala=
Fine Watekes, Clocks, Jewelry
Seh uszsrr maw.,
Pittailtross334 osaisaw,
sr Putialu atent;c3 emu to sewnn~
Clooko .4 Jel.,/ , 7* an
r.rth.oolnevil,.•l'dr.n or
11.0PICeor•ob...1 %Or
' 4Vl73rft
rion...l..orcinnsvOn• Do ...Ammo so
tOoodlonol NJunb. Do. f I. CIAO
t ••1.
The Commtit,* ror oropo•Os a • ca.%
• ult restite rlaneu Ztl.t AO
,f bill.
(l ' irtßr; la.
JAR ai. !erere,R, . •
L' wort SALE TABSN. •
11.1111, D e1...101T.--tere.n.s to di. •
sled on the +est bane of the Alleibeiss rlier, Y ; . -
'elk. ewee to. rtes of Fitts.. dti. Ta. iota
are .eaaralls In Ole 50 het fionesnil k is its p ' •'
Ira meet to all-11 and shinlt eel e ealreC
near the ...evict. - NI. th.
adapied the country wideness. to Log rich '
ee I watered: and eosiu.illt . . • -
extensive view ,of elle elver in.
C.Liktry, renal• dal... of .t+i ,
estalillcßeonts, .1300 as 'rolf!.. ll rid '
n mob% ea.: .00,4• "
• ,
Tatter 0, nesr the river or vallqad. aoh.`!..
Inr rich Immo,. Gotta -lets 1.111 ,
.Rerchu-`O7 weltery or ems aistf •
It hi Inoeneal shot the earierinr '
advsauxn of Ihe plime—. en .PUIV •
.1 Water. coal. Wrest...awl relive/ .14
river faellities— shill •410ara1.7 affdried fror •
nsanofaistartsir • • .
' Trains Oa roe Western Penner eil
...La Railroad •
• rsaa Owe Tarentara, cart old .06 - t. ea,
al l ,tueee deity. Vor ammo- .any of 0. 1004
spoilt..Hon. R, 11. BiIAUSVNISIDOIL, at'
oiare ne. the Rode Works, or
the I.
bly sal
n EvLIN & SILL. Beat Estate
end Inomacre 4genta../latlei
retteenne. Fa. •
OUR SAlste—lthNtilattOTlMl2lo Sldt.—To
VAXITOACTUttaII 1, We tear I'4 We the beei
'sod most daelisble the foe Vontim SIR rod
Blast &unmade , or for ear , itage ountifeamMelei
porter.. mo the emtuty. This .Motenl.te Moo .
Led oa s c foot wrest sod the Alleohroy:tiver. -
sad within 100 het of toe A. V. EL H. Tao lot so
Mt by No Canons deentoithuCh . a lot tioold do
mon to • examine bet." Oolloit elloobord.
Cams Made to sun ourchaseth lemutre of
DiVt. & L. tool &Mate .aott le.ankrioe.
Ar•ots. Honor *nosh r toneuemono.
FOR SALE—Thor wry .
••••• • Ws • d dada : able wavered sd.nae ea Et:
Mora • . t add tbe Anagrieny Mar. er Atha.
ghat) , ;Ity I Ili 01 'GP met, on , ..l!ileb )a '
Brick Itsildtne, Oft alder*
web. adexlM fee: daranla , 4 d and well adapted
for torrent Oa stmi.i. 1111 . 1 briath of easeatte..'
metnt.lU Wield= a lat. the.. dlaanaleruie
.ttbL,o MY. can ba bad. and or. rree'd Wien
Ina a es etal • 'dation et Mood deer*. ondear:.
tar • plan fir nianneactonar to
toesi26. or Deward a orm., Hui sow.
Inaarsder Agents. Bane Arne. Lae'reeeeVll4,
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine,'
At the OltZia PeWL. IeXPOSFIVIr. :settle:
Urett . ll::rirlaSt n nirreribt z" V al,
o , .ternittet rf*ma b-Ink of O
vpoZa .
mots COmpetesteene Itspestt!) /edge.
, .
,114 t• MAIL TOO. weo.ileare • lantanifutt •
•114 &WM%
Illowerdlit.Livery Statile, •
nee: exam. nss arnonnneu Et.... •
cm . Bon n, e.o. .tl' eot
ma rood rtztelw, X UM',
ownto . Me wort Bala
o lllOboaltbt IMO WM ea ommlOolos.
trsctkl wiAlh re Mamilientren
ULM. Miss' at TOILVITtIii conotastVf •
HOUnial,1111614:,111. icAN,
ineborCotton Blill4l 6 ittsburat.
-4asll "Wil ITSPAVAIta.I:: / ":.
stiITACIIII.P4. • um
*T EIRI- 7 1Q now ismer.'
accaz • co.
4:24A \
. •