B B CITY AND SUBURBAN: 0 • • • ..Pall.. Items. • 'Thigh Magma appeared before ' Alderman Vaylor, and charged Thom. Bradley_ With nathelt an4lbattery. The parties reside In ' the fifth ward, and the prosecutor, alleges that 'Bradley came to hi, house Lades/led Lim out, Week tam, knocking him down. sad beat hies-.without thy cause Or peeved,. tine whatever. and after thus ensuing hint , threatened to take his life. A warrant was • tithed. Anthony Patterson appeared befogs the sarne.nthalstrath and made letcumation ...Ann Loots Cella, for gored) of the peace. Me t r am defedat thnnatert drive h i m m [ the ci ty or a Cell kill him, Cells, was arreeted and held for a hearing " Michael fat? ett• reed Fred leenhart with • =reit' thre a tened lle says that the man Taylor feedtht to kill Alderman Taylor allowed then to settle the cue alter • E."." , hearing bypaytog the coots. The following cases were before Alder man Morrow Mary Ann Smith made f u n s formation against Frank %genie% lam with ththolt and batter), he Siltless that the defendant etrack her Lu the —lace with his flit. klablvit, thedeleadent, states that a party of three tees and' Mary Ann smith cam,, to his home. which In sit. noted to . flarpoembble," apiece noted for lwante and culetneth. and without eau. made an althea Ts himlt ervideno. Of whloh he eirerlea crab in the shape of black eye, btoloof nose and several cuts .on the head, Mcrilvit was arrested and held fora hearing. James Maarten charged John Brewerton with anault and battery. The parUes re. Side OU Mooed street, In the Eighth Ward, • and Immobotorallegele that the defendant may hi t e on the street and knocked him feezoe, wittmet apy proyecnUon whatever. .A warrant was Issued for has arrest, Alderman Lynch had the follOwlefreaSell ye o .terdayf T. J. (factor made ten &forma . Lth against P. Caveno. for misault and bat tery and foe enemy of the peace. Caveat. makes the same charges against Parker. barker, nonentity known as "Cheep Joke," 'keeps A store en Fifth street, and Caret., who is an Italian, keeps • trait Stand near Barker') establ lebmeut. The difficulty 00- carrot] from the nth of lire crecker. by Parker, Who was throwing them tattle fruit Man. A. fight was the result, In chink both had their clothes torn, hence a charge a tolPchiig. The before.prties were an nested and bantait tho Alderman. who allowed them to Bettie the :Ear by • ,eaCh party paying lila own costa, tos which - he Sala he would tend a tat 1.....• Mined not time to tar them just then. • .1. J. Parke B Cr and a aVeno M lir. lnfe .aagairult. T. rattottetragmg them with malicious Caveno Ls Meat segtity.ll re heart and badly eriPPted. he I. M. tftretite".l in the fruit stand ,and • alleged tbs . , the, defendants annoyed lian ,b 7 throtwae dre crackers =Wee tra chair. Manlne his clothe.. This seas also settled '- by earl, party paying their.own costa. Mlo'ratl Geraghty, a night Watchman In the 'Math word, mule information against co".sert 'fervor , a resident of that ward, for II ar battery. fle Mt er.. that the efendant mane to Ids house and attacked mm tore •hte %Met almost off and struck Kira , teffee whites be eald was more tliin eauld stan d, so he .rat gave Harrel • eeland • thrashing; Otto , saran Limvey threatened to km him, upon which he made an Infer. =WOO against him for Serety Of the peace. Warrants were issued in both cases. John.Divino chanteaT.C.Bentelthchwits . ambulating a melamine. The partite rt• side on Domaine alley In rear of UM Pith niond; where the defendant keeps • hotel. • Divine enema that the detralemt throws all his slop and waste nmatellead vegetables • ant In the alley, and eometaurs over Into ht. yard, end inst it lth become So ague atve he foals it will telOdltnuf sickness. A. warrant was Issued. ••• • • -The folloeleit c a m tray b e foreo Alderman Ilollastersi A. , 2itcalrn, of the firm of Pit cairn & Smith% livery stable keepers, made thfermatlon ilzelnst Joseph Zeigler, °burg. log Wm &ire abusing ahem he bud, hired from the tiros. They allege that Zeigler hired tlaehrrsis on the First day of July, for a half coy, and that he abused the bone and lo • shavrieful manner, broke the buggy, tlins. left both horse and buggy stand ing to du erd, In Allegheny city, P I CA ' ti . y w is%T d Pelh ig eg I f oliTe e . •• Was offence Is nevem! bye cou nt yt 01 trio Legielature tor AlleghenyLOS 1f lb., ehr:le of this ease are as represented, 11r. gler u have the full heneitt of the .c; . tenan t was issued for his o r . rest. bew Tinter Berke et St: Leafs. • "Sr. Lome, Jab' It ice, Massas..Eurrolut—The authorities of this - silty Are engaged in the preliminary work of erecting new arid greatly enlarged waters .• work. They are touch heeded, fOr thesup ply Is now hardly edeqbate to the wants of the city. go much mud hto deposited to the prevent reservoirs that the , water can not be properly settled and is still so Im on withlnral aslardly to be flt - for use. Moreover 1 41. era so low that the water esoodit be dledillated higher parts of the atty. 000 large contract for PM e . ha been saranleti, b., the, are still larger to come. Otte or toe water commlosionors asked me why it was that Whets the Posisgale were ma. for the And lot, not a stogie bid was 110001VO4 fresh Pittsburgh. I asked him If -they in, .overused In the e Pittsburgh wer . .i„lki.:*l.L.beid—r. , p.b" th e . ic4h.blet that accounted forth. atatenonof rads from Pittsburgh. I knew not when She next ernoo.als will be lorded. nOr • would It o If I did.know; but Pittsburgh Ought to font lab a large share of the pipe tend muhinery for these works, wlttat will • cost en the segregate not leas %luta three Tpo , calculattons art based upon the wants of - half a million 2, people. V. Ts Nave Ino from atettloau—A German chhanst puallshe4-r: ce methodor Pmservlng small guaranies of Pe, n't/Ch. hals foactleed 'nth moms. Pot the leo Inn: a deep dteb, corer it olth place the Mao upon • Pillow stowed whit. leathers, and cover the top wan .ot her ph in n carefully, by thla means %Wallah the external .1!. Feathers are well known nots.eond actors of beat, and to eouseq um:lca:A:mica is preserved Iron melt. lug. • —Tie rreierta en oil bare &dreamt afiS Ver., from Corry tnNete York. Tbla .111 prarrowly reamed attlpmeo la to that paint trait& 'Atm tariff. is rearmed, and. will. Of oar rae t mato a dlreralon fa favor of Pitts. dedicate Antietam Ctelgiie;a.de to DADV.'/V3ol , 43Vvizl3,)iwytA TO 'Hitou.E I BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. :11!1, fames,. iNortscient or GRATES, all Sizes; Cooking Ranges & Stoves, Of one VERT BEST Ql7/A,ITT, far We PER I' - LOIN PRICER. BY BISSELL & CO., Fe. 936 LIOLIITT ST Jes.tai OTT. COLLECTING AGENCY. c. D. Mtn 4.. S. burcrs....c. 0. SSATON. !,SMITII, SEXTON & SEITON Local ,Collecting Agents, ST. CLAM PSTBAT, Zorn Fumps., k. P.O. Box. 511. PIITHIIIM4II Pill. of take, for collection No , h,grge IZlAitt. where 11111 a are not collected. CHEAPEST PASSAGE EOM _OLD COUNTRY. gamut Pausie io LIVZIIINXILAUJILT.Ii. Twltimnve DOLL9S, CURRENCY I • WM. BINGHAM. JR., Adeit le. Ex press Co.. Ss ELSE EL. Eittslorgis ss2 art VOUR loss SWIM ions. PITTSBURGIi LAMP away, JOHN FLOSS & NC 23 wood Et.. 1.1WW2% Pao fisonfocnorfro of UMPS, LAMP EASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS. ETC - L IVILV:" ev•uthhkr oorsobthse so Oa TU BLO.N. TAMA WAHL. WINDOW ffflLoll, awl evorylltln• • ILEADQUAUTLIIS FOR THE FOURTH. w 6 0 R. Sid. Of all dHm7ptlwU,.t - • UEOMGE biDLELEIS.X. xO.lO recent meet, 411.404 a CHEAPEST PLACE U THE I=l==l TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, = LEMON 141111 UP. • • TEM rt....crow OCT PURE LEMON SYRUP, IloanfoosereA from the lob* of Lemon. Is ot • L. D. ICIIIIII CINDI J• 41 : 01 9OI'LIRI,•T T!TELL!. P un . ° AND ORGANS.—A vary - LW. 44.1 of . .IC2I•Ki. • cv..ti pIANOSI, Af•IN 'ttOa. rtrlvos, uG PRINOCH , •OTOMATICIIII.O•Nik As 'lmams acme visions, wit 7... 43 TIP rit erTRSItT. G;riscams rANCY Dyeing and Scouring Establish:mut, .10. Cl III&IIOND .11.1•LLY. Gettenett Wood nee Itentloßeld oteeete, • PITIGBUYOII, Pat I pond, returned In tern tneeks. tte• kept • Son b ile Own., twelve months ..antes s= 41.EW FLOAT CLASS GROCERY, 11% 1 4 FEDERAL irr.. maaeitEar. /nob stook of cook.' n*, Coffee, Sugars, lc., Sc., Which we olar to the public, at Lowest oft.. A. G. lIREANT.- IMMIE3 CHOICE BEDDING PLANTS. = pHs, Geraniums, Verbenas, ace, ts Nees, at lb. Oakland 6rtellb[7l6lll. • JOHN IL 41C.14. NO:Doca. tad ter • issalorge.- w111:•0 CM=ll ZOSS•115; Vlb 00 pa1e10141.2.4 CON .Olt IM3MEM • BRER IND no no Wood St., near corner of Fifth. Government &mu:eines, Gold, Sliver, And Coupons, Somas sad fold as lava I. Drafts .01 on au the Drle4paj attlta O fZoo" ILL S ;I; MS 734 110 MIS Converted Into 5-20'13,1865, some Daman lIEIDIATzt.r. 148. T. BRADY* CO., Bankers, Cor. Fourth & Wood Streets. TO HOLDERS OF 7-80'8. special amagnarats 'nth Say. Ciewcamee 'OO4, . proareeltoooll.4l. ' Heads as Maid air IDathreay. IRA B. .141eVAY & CO.; 138examerts. • DONNER EOI7E4R AID IDEntEEPERLD ITS. 730 BON 33s COMMITZD INTO 5-20 0.N.136,1865, IhTBOUT 'HLEG . Stocks bout‘ sold on csausdislon Now Tan, k'lla4 sad EOM.. ROBINSON BROS, N.. 71 1/01M711 STUMM C;.te Eittstruitr etajittr FINANCE? AND, TRADE meince:oe tun Perrentraon Gas:errs,/ W Inunenar,' July 6,1807 Tim New York stock quotat4ons today, as retained by Mx. P. R.Werts, were as follows: 1.0.3 i; Eighty•one bonds, 100%; Five Twenties, 10011, 111%; Flee • Twenties, lam 100 Flee Twenties, MS, 1013%; UM ditto new, 1000 Seven =din, liberiC Tea Portia. 101%. Stooks--New York Central Railroad, 106.34; Erie Railroad, 69%; Beadles Railroad. 105%; Old Southern Railroad, 2014; •Cleveland & Pittabtugh, MX; Memo and Reek /amid, 0734. Mika and Northweatern, dei Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 0734; Fort Wayne Railroad, taiX. Mbilis Stock. Giesery;V,W; Corydon, 2,00, quarts 11111,1,03. In mild the market wk excited atim%, but It clewed at 1393401.111%. At these rates soldis • cremed freely, led tempona are exchanged at the government of by bolder, ansioue so rsallee the present high premium. • Govern. mkt km:aisles advanced with the price of gold, and there wk an advance of Spar cent. on Most of the bonds; Ten•Yortieuere now about as high as ever they Were daring am easy money market. Railroad shares are etill higher on all the fancy Mocks: the solid dividend peylno roads in the hands of real Investors are meady and do not Mare up awl down with specula. live shales bald mainly by Wall greet.. Mang akar dm wan light changes: The local money - market works veryelore anti bank notes are very scam for the dally transactione with the-bank. Tios crops require already some funds to more, and the large amount of bonds !old now and Metattad to ewe= Min maxim on unusual ataramt of greenback. Closing quotations received by James T. Brady s 0. S. Slat* lad teen. ' P.F 4 _ 100 MLA • 1044 e. 101% . 4 Comma. 101 der:tat e.h/a 107 .fmte 7.311. 106% July:4oe Gobi 1.3% CUM tr3 ly —Tha tiestal Treasury. stales:wets for July Ist, It le elated, will tee omitted. and no exhibit nude mall Austin let, le coestquenee of the elem. of the 00.1 year, which 0.1111 Jwie and which feeders not the mate and official compilation of .11 the seseente of cute tote °Elam an& when, Knee of width unmet tie received until toward the aloe. •*I July. The elhetall report. are hued on the ealahlt. (ude et the One of thellecal year. twee. the ceasity far othelal accuracy, and the none. trot delay In the atatomeat. Xothlan edictal forbe Elven of the movement of the Truitury for Jena. except' each prosnemens facia sa the Peritiest of large ea 004 cunt:ley Inter:ate ace metering 1:0212N4121al 00100 Jaye shatenal ly twloaul the current balance. The meioses reoript. for June 0110 probably reach 511.004 OW, while the ow for tetereal mune* for the apostle show footing of 110.E11.03a in retie. antitheft, an 'Lomas. of 11000,000 ea Nay. end but 44 0,00310 n ehea for the owns. GoOdteg mints to lee& The ellaterete receipt.. tOr the Deal year ending .1 sue soon; are 420,823,104,34, endineJen against e • 1303,1141,103,11 for the th ...1 V, Thl* dectaame of 1140,011e,000 for the year and to - Jew equal to the cotainlmoloner's oretied e emata. med. atter the reduction. In the Lao law were agreed epee. The Tmteury baluice Rill be largely reduced during July. The Internal remise receipts for that math are eat:anted et 1211,000.010, but, healdee.gll.o)4o:o of gold In terco. dm UP inatest, aod 431.teDJ0I of coin. Mend cot" with searend netertst. du. July It, there Witte heavy permeate mad* on ae. wont of army, Ott of the appropriations for Mg& ' More to onturual suliforralty about the character of the reports from all parte of the country reef:sailo r s the grata mope. Every. where the extent of wheat and tom planted is 0900000000 00 000.0117 large, and ;ha condi. Ocelot the am,. I. klfDly promising. kilo- Amber the prospect, eri or, appals to prorate. one of the moat annul:Mat harvests ever lumen to the country. The We high price of breedatura has naturally eacouraged lleeral preparations among the lumen, and, mom tor emal7, they pee; of •great warm Euroist has operated lo the mum direction. 11 1. of erpemat traportarme that all reports from the South repreeent the. probabWiy of a much hirr. ger 0009 of oom and irhut In that secuero thee last year. The pluton have found it • teet/y pelley to have to rely upon the Wed for their Med products, and are mot likely t gr his yearm ope. to repeat the sem of oeglectin the ain The grottos Lo g rton are very generally makMg It a emallitton of their advances to the planters that they raise eugteleut grata 'aad pork at ie.& for their oleo coomunyttou II is very math ovrin to the short mippliis of grain ma the South that Orearlistoks have ruled at such extraordinary prima dusLog the won . •Ms moothei and the obstacle of this or drain upon the Wooers market must tend very materially to tedium the Mee. of flour had —Slam the remit apeealaU. for • nee eons atemea. consider.. Lae.. b. hem taken lo the Northweetern etoeks,t. comm. taking the 1.04. Hamar has It thas /loots exlst as to 21.1,?1= 7 2"4,:t 0 .1** I' Pt"' as acute are entertained, if the trope are safely thered, of th e ability of th e 0.4 to earn at ..04t twot twat all of of lte hoods e hold.. ef the common etoek look to Its taking a higher relative peslttoa la the market, Oompetesa anthontlee nth.. thatthe mad 1.11 and sumo,on per month thin fall, .01.0 10 mon Shah ever hes be. ...I. the M.. Me. of Um try ery roast. Asserlea..,Neto York Tram.. eteeeral capitalist. et Bethestaf,N. Y.,have darted• • bank ender the Mete law. Thla feltetlon haa • mend of of 11104.000, end el the Bank of Monroe. It will team m motet for ciroaintlon...but will dant In Josef, db . musts mind &poen& eITiIIEORUMI PETIIOLZONNAIIILIM Oilman op TO Prrramto a Gums, rEIDNIN Julye, mt. ORIMG—The market wee octrandersbly ex cited Weis?, end with an Improved demand lostlight offluinge, prices have gill farthet ed. reseed. Bats of .1100 bale, ant weber, at 754; 2 " 010, Jai/ et 754; 1000 bbls . on spot , in teak, et Steal Idtki bbts in balk on prints terms. 86 . 1 . an advance of shoat two mate within M. Poet tees dam and es the foreign &dela* tontines favorable,holders aspect to i 5611.0 hillaor dente.. There bno ell to be had sow eseept west le In teak, and se some of the teak wen was astottunete le bayialt too ease, tby will &rallies. consider themseiree luck? if they get out deer; while *then can now realise o handsome monk A unne,,,,, I from Oil Olty quoted atppo at Vat posed. REFINED—The market for bonded oil was again ormaidsrably excited t0.i5y,164 in epos oU, then is noehange to price, Ltsi delimitie have advanced endsiderably, .41 upon the whole, there lea more active de. wend. Sale of 600 bbl. for July delivery o, PhUsdalphia, at 21110:0 on epot et W; 1000 for July, seUers option, at 2s; 600 for July at to, on can at work. here; 11706 for August at to, -delivered la Philadelphia: and we heard of di. keel older. for October at 1e54. It wloi eoojeo. talon on Wednesday that the market' would react to-day, but each has not beat the ease; nor is It bkely 1 do so Instil the foreign non tete take • tun. bark. 11 was reported today that lb. Antwerp quotations hod rote cep to tl frau. OIL .1113+1111,111481 . 11T S. T. S. le ltontshelmor. Kookier At Co. 400 Mr tallakt to Warta. Mak & Lockhart k /raw, SW do doto W. O. Ward= Phila. Cook s ituanar., pn do do to T. Wright & P 4>m" a (*is d.lo'.Warlog, Xing i Co. Pod. on Co, ZW do do to C. W. Atom, Philsdelohia. inghimaa 0 00, .100 da do to P. Wright O. Dos& DWI.. E & 00, 271 do do to Waring, Slog f t ;tang 0 Bro. SW* do to W. 0. ward., D. National lalial Ds.og Os litaring 00,140 do do to L. killer, Ph . anwino &art snow rontares 6000?. 00108 r Br qt._ Co. bbln railand to War- Inn, WWI 00 hil& J. mi uaa 00.178 4* do to Waring, Itiror.t. rk Waring 0 Kisol74 4.3 do to Warta& ming & 1.731/0 Droolia,-BallenUna 0 00, WI do do to W. G. Warden, Phil& Union Da and 10. Co. W 4 barn& ram& to 3. Worths', Stn[ Co. J.=la 00.1011 do do to Waring, gin wort.' & Eau 171 - do a. to Warta& Ring Book& Sallantintri Co. db do do to W. CF. Cilatea(leatile /Market. c Br TelagrarbtalpePtetabarab °WU.) ClllO.lO, ICOIL,BeiIt utile that. sad an. q . alat usahaap g1"1. • ' JAIIES•11 - 4IZELL 8180 N, 69 and 70 Water ittreet, LARD OIL BaIIINACTEIBEBEF f /Lad dealer. Ilt CRUDZ, LUBRICATING,. CARBON OILS We warrant a. ether Lard 011 equal to the beet ClsalmatA or brazes, .d DmPme to sell as low Lardeloastl or W.A. rat... Our No. I R Le a • Letretestoreennette eteelted. Deck Creek Latolcatlng and standard brands of Carbon CM and on bona. and mans beware will dad It to their Interest to eve . a call before ordering Lard 00 from the West. Mkt. - (rtrrentasta Autaifictra. • Orrrow o) Tau Prrrsotrawa CFerat-re, TSURISPAT, July 6, tile 6. The general markets were quiet to-day, the peat proportion of the terinwitlookbelng of au unturpoktant eriaraeter,•whilo So far ae relater to piea there are au change Worthy of aps cLal notice. GRAIN-gothlng doing In Wheat and Out. llule arriving• Oat. firm and In demand; Isles of SEC Inwbels on Week, at 6+, and two earloady wild tha other day at TO. Corn la quiet and unchangedorlsna yellow may bE quoted at IWO*. By. 'oda but unchanged at 114081145. No movement In Barley. Buck wheat Is selling at V. FLOUR - There seems to be • very rale lona demand, and while the market lea little weak nod shaky, prima him undergone tittle or e* ohm:p c - Mouth the tetdeucy is; downward. Wecoatleue to quote at 'Malta* for fair to good Spring wheat. and 811,15‘kikte for choke do; and 111 . 1017.50 for fancy brands. 1/Ie FTh*rt tha&M. PROVISIONS—There Is a motioned All' de mend for Ramo and prices are well entrained; Wee of 0000 /Os Shoulders at try: 0500 lb. Ribbed tildes at fly, and Mote lbs Sager Unied • llama at 1154. there is little or no4.22and for Led or Mere Pork. POTATOES—PrlmwPeseh Bowe see deedy with regular sales at 111,20 per puehet. New _Potatoes firm ends eked° higher; sales report• mi at Sad MAO per bairel. : EGGS—SaIe of IR tons Sport at g 1,15. The .14111 sales of Middling we had repOtted were st $2,22 2,30. BUTTER—There 1. some little inquiry for prime fresh Butter. Common tucked lalurd to eell at any once. EGGS—Quiet and unchanged at leo for flesh peeked. OlL—Rates of to bble No ..2 Lard Ott at Eln, sod 30 bble No.:1 at 11,04. • 114T--,Gontlntrea to come to from the coun try pretty freely, but prima remain unchaaked, Imaging from 14420, as to GREEN APPLES—Searee and to demand; may be quoted at CGS per hot. DRIED FRUlT—Continues exceedingly dull and 'lt look. sa Mina a good deal aft will have to be carried over until next amnia._ . , ETETEREROM METAL AND - BLOOM MARKET—WEEILLT REVIEW. Orrice oeear Prreentraon (forever, • ratonr July 0, MT. Tits market for metal was more active Ohio week, the reported sales in the aggregate being unusually large, but amide from thief, there are no new features worthy of epeeist notice. The demand, it would appear, L. restricted mainly to western Irene and, as will be seen below, there were sereral pretty snug round lot ow. , atmns consummated—mm aommission house reporting one sale of ooe thousand tons, and another of over moven hundred. Them, tale. would Indicate an apprehension on the part of some of the mill owners ofnprobable &thanes, and • disposition to taki - adventage of the low prices now prevailing and "etock•up•" There Is also a continued fair demand for Bloom, at litst week's peke.; COOL-9931va Ono 600 ton. Tougbloationy Vs 00—a moa 93 do do foonarr ..... .. 40 00--4 moa 20 do . doextro do 40 00— cub. 35 tons No.l Foundry 442 00— cub 20 do No. 3 do 46 CO— dash 200 do Mottled and Mao Notr't s 0 00-6 mos 30 do Duneansoo • 42 00— - cud 33 do N 0.2 /4.0ephen0....--..—. 44 00— cub ..„ . 0043.0041...; 231004 misod --HI 03-4 .oath It do Olipetant 64 00— oath arrrmotors COAL 3032.14n0 2.12022 0055 10 ratio: out. , 1000 Lou Illaboulog VaMy ions. r. r. • 731 do do do 41. µ0 OC-4 0001 pa do Open Clny.far: brand.— 61 00— 04412 to do co do 41 to-. ...n 40 do do do ' 10-1 0000 ' 40:ton Ho. 700 00-.4 mos 40 do do do 1 , 0 00-4 0004 10 do W40..h10gt0n..--- 100 Oa— cub . CiIRAAL LIVW...4TOCa. MANX It'T , , Onncs or "Int Provancreow t July 5, AV: The remageoce of the national holiday, as is always the case. bad • tendency to retard kid net tido mark; and while at best the cattle 'musket hae• bite. bard far mom week. Pt.., the week. tray et:MOUT*. bly [UMW Mau soy grenade week for wow* lima. Theta Is no apparent fatting citric% the demand, but ship peva appear detennined not to bug tucka they east don at a stilt further reduction. aadtcold. era are either obliged to aubatit or else ship on farther akaat, which is decidedly Ashy thin seen= of the year. As will ha seen by refer eace to the take, pitor ranged all the ony from etg to eyj, as to quality. and but very Imo 'old at abovea mot. Withln • the put taw a . Ore week. prime bare declined fully V otatO par pound and even at the reduction eastern bolt., ohmate ...MOO]. kens apprehensive of • mill further &due. oaf worm Or LIVIHIT,X. ' The !allowing *abut. , statement , sbowe the alltipmeats W tletaittoek from the Peaassi anal, Central rhoeliVerde daring the weak estling Jima 2, Ise Philedel • Cattle. Boa. Sheep. Hoff Sphle. tat t N. Y. eta Phlla Ile N. YeirlaAllentowaitan - =VIS.N ea Baltimore t WayAta110n........ Sl7 114 lace II .Ara lI=ZEI Prow. The market was quiet ae4 a little MAIL end eotattared wllh last week, erten ruled • ebeee lower. We now quote et 4to lkyie for Wetter to mime 6t, Mutton Sheep—laet week awe were Wee at 4. Lambe doll bot uttetuteged, recelag room $.2,W to el, B O Per h