r : • e'er, at',l6st Gs. I y c •-• c}:svacA,`,lcaelzi DRY GOODS! IN Wttode and ftetaii, at WM. SEMPLE'S,. flo. ISO r: 182 Federal St., ,A4,EGOZNY QTY Black Mks. • 'Flee &MIN; • Assn and rnnted Percales.; Pbtin and Printed ittarieliles; • ecks and Tickings; iesttonadelia Farmers!Linen; Fine anelleayy Flannels; Bleached & Brown Eihyttup; cnnets and Hoop ticirts; Niimulto Netqleg; iloilory . and Notions; AT - LOWEST NET PRICE:, AT *Ds. 13=PLE'S t 2'l3o ' W 14 Fe,deral St., ft• 4,rzzarLExr CITY. ter*derspiomptly filled. ABA DRY GOODS STORE! cax•i=• Monday; June 17th wire j LAntas arum or. NEW DRY GOODS 13.0SZEIrrY tionois, suns, Cassimeres and Cloths, WWIOR WILL 8Z SOLD, .Wholesale and Betakl, AT LOWEST CASH ma 1 Si C. HESS, No.loo Ohio Street, = F PIEM NOW IN STOCK, EMI EATON'S.- .A. 1.; , , - arge,Assortment of *Stilts Marseilles; • Buff and White Brilliants; Indrassed Cambric; ' Striped and Barred /atonal; De. do. Naiisoolt; Bishops Lawn, Indian Mull; a . Bird Eye Linen, Dimity; eiek Linens; • • Corded Skirting illasiht; Stirred ilinslln; :* dT LIMN CASH PEELS, AT V. EL EATON'6, 17 Fifth street. • jcwonmm, wail= a' CARLISLE, Ma. .19 Alt elanat sasortmmat of Nan Shades and Paraaobs, Azw imiToaa urn vuximea, DIU ions on TIMM MOIL mega ISEULDIX Olf , . Ir.E/Le KID GLOVES. usimaLys.” mrmccivro. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND OHS VI bus tut cluttu 1 AM line of all slam, led Solon of Ile oolobtolott KM Glove, at $l.lO per Pair. 1.4 salbarbeeto jr.usatas even, actual MO Slava sela. ISboala 1.1.511, co.war (pit Wafcu M az c Lauw r uott. pair. 210111111 At CARLISLE, 3:2;?. 19 'Wirth 11!twelve. RECEIVED THIS DAY. ECM, CLYDE & CO., 78 and SO Market Sired. QIfIII MUM 01 1111111313. Jet Bead and Ingle Gimps and Fringes Clyatidlleid Gimes andlirap Trimmings. 'Jet and Crystal Oilitantenia. 'Taney . and Jet thop mutbrun rim Armament of Pamela and Ban Umbrellas.• Bonnet and' Teaming Rlblions. , atl widths and Wades &oral :Velvet Ribbons. ' Elegant. Assintinent Real Point 'sin! Ap. plique.Lact. and Ilandlerebletin . • . FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES. TOO J obbing 1114.• End a toe:mists stoa ggpoobrro goods is oar' Wholassis Degork• . met. lotetaee . tttaa itissi ssuistoof . • Fpacy Golds &lotions Generally, s.onr.eredr rsszczn. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS'. 3. R. BURCHFIELD d. CU., ,z 460. 57 .56401xlmiet alitarewat. last °posed lin 'took of iood..t I GREATLY REDUCED ram I 01r.AEDIS LA.W1.15. for . Z. worth 71E1 . AD for Me. worth fd. (12111.ADIINS2f, for WM. worth 11.• :--, GOO LUX tor 11,0. worth • 111.2.10•111.1) MMUS& for 12..f0. worth* , • WHITE NAINBOOK. WHITE WW/141.; • t ItUtazontrxr. P. ' , AID W1T41,11.15., WEITZ tLiallf Lawxn. pima Luna's. 7714 Y 9. ISE ll= LSD OfLEAPEST, STOOK 'OF GOODS, 11:13311ill : Izabal w. pune; sr xiiurrr oar= N EW UP DESIRABLE GOODS ! JEST RECEIVED AT JOSEPH HOME & CO'S. ' Peeked Trtanning Ribbonc: Plain Trimming sUblmns, all thadem Jet and Crystal Gimps and Pringem Colored Mill Trhomlngs; White Cotton and Ball Fringes A Palliator Alexindre's Kid Gloves; Oxford, 'Neapolitan, Milk and NH PlnienClasm;,: Lisle and Cotton Lace Hamm Cent's, ladies , , Mapes ) 'and Infants , Hosiery; : Umbrrllasand Parasols; Embroideries, Ilandkembleils, Lace Goods. dm.; 1 • . Duplex Reeeption Skirt; Comets, Belting and Rockier. Palm, 1.1n4 and PIM Fang • Cause Underwear, for Ladles, Galli and Cbildreeni Bead Collini & Belts, something new; /Lod loop .toot: of NOTLONB, of - all Ilwdo. at low Mom' a.lt aid examine, 77 and , !79 Idattet Street. airr.:o9o WHOLESALE DST GOODS. ARBUTHNOT, MINION & CO., NO. 115 Wood Street, klave4usaapeaiela Isms nee Walk of seasonable BY GOON - MO NOTIONS; Which thw error at LAZTIPN Ness chants assarthaf LD e6ocld cnit LL Z. 7.. 33.8 Wood street. C • ALCSSNOT•if.T.IIII.4.ItIION.S.O. SSZIFISMSOX ,a 0 DENNISON & HECKERT, No. 27 . Fifth Street, KID OLOVIS . i SID OLdP7-1, only. 111.00. E=! ... ItNY 81514.7 f EATS for. STRAW Mal for LADIXV 1/061.. 6.6e. — parpalr, or bro pair /or $6 cools. . _ LAD! , SOOP 58ESIT6, 560, 606.. 75.. 90*. and MOO, DEKIHBON & HECKERT. Car 011121,_BiticaNDLEis & tallaan, r ' vnitnauzat DE___+ly. FORMON AND DOMESTIC DRY DODDS. 7e. WOODATIAZIT, Third house above Diamond PITTSBURGH. P. UNIONIACIF/C RAILROAD C°. ♦re sow oosstrvellas a Ballreetd hots (MUM N.RASS t. west:S . 4lrd towards the Past& Ocean, making, Willi its osanseAlose,Art asbreAta ttae pxyzleizizsqnslteri)lolol3qw4 l TM Compara sow Orel. •llmlt*d satostittOr their • FIRST MORTGAGE BONDSI abthar thtlty vests to atm. and beartaY &venal batereet, payable en the Ent der of laaaary .4 Yale. la the City or New - York, at tae rata of SIX - PER CENT. IN GOLD, At Ninety Cents en Man This roW wu covipleto4. from cm.tHa om mlln west on the lot of .huraary. MC. and 10 11117 wiaPPed: and trisms ate regularly mean ora It. The Oompay boo now on band saltiest lour. Sta, eth.. to lash the 1000132100 portion to the eelsaw hue of tbe Bahr KoadehM. ro aka. 00100 Is attar mania to a dope Sep lather Ist at tar year, uld It I. expected tat' the =Ws real all be ta maths order train Omaha to Ito western eoanealia with the Cen tral 'Patine, now being madly built 042.1.24 [rant Sacramento, Cal., during . • • Means of the Company. tette.Unit the distance to be ballt lar the re boa Pacific to be 1.166 miles. the Vaned Stele, hovered:meet laws 11 Ella par cent. Thlrtriltdd Bonds to the Company as the road le aniseed at the average rate Of about =MC per mile. wee alias to $44.1M1.001). The Company Ls also permitted to Wee Its own Pint Mortgage Bonds to an ebnel amonht. red 'at the same time. Which ay erected; ACT Or CiOnnables au bans • neer IllowrilatlllOW urn Mayrral. Llaw...the beads of the Untled States be. IngrehorcUitate to thew. • The Government makes a 'donation of !Z acres of tend to the mile. eximentlag sew. estimated to be worth 410.0:0.0 0 04 =Mint' the lota resocre. arlwiee of the capital, SUL 418.1:03; bat e fell a:lunge the lands cannot now be realise ' The toitborisiel Clayltel Mock, of Ma Coaqi.T I. esti hundred Clanton dollars. Of tibia. are Mllltents have Lir bun paid Me and of which OM. not 'almond that more then twentroltre mil{ ■lOllll. ba rebind. : The eeet of tae road la erthastad by competent engineers to be about one hundred =Moe dol. Mrs. breathe Of equipment. Prowerbi tbr Buainess. The railroad connestion between Omaha end the Rat le now eemplete. end tie unds the Union ?seine en the semi.= already Vida. ed. for the month of May. .ere Them meth:ial earnings. as the road progresses, urlll idtmh temn than per the Interest on the Comps nrs bonds, and the through Dulness ores the only flee of reamed between the Atiantio aad Paetee um( be immense. . Valna and Seeuxity of the Bonds, The Onnyany rsopeettinly Alain. that the above straitens or fats ALT threonstraer i the secular a Aar Bona. Ad A adatleast proof they would Attest that the hands nor offend sa lees AA winning= !talus ea tnmtw of road. on which over Swear ulnas Allan hag Andy been expended; on AO Ally of ads rood the ears an aow rannlng, and the remaining la Was are aealr completed. At the present rate of pretnlani ae /old theta msda pay 'an ann.! Interest en the present eat of Nine Per Cen 'Ana It Is- belleyed thanes the map etlon oritte rood. like the Gorentesent Bonds, •e 7 will go' atone par. Tee Company Intend sett Iret • limited sweet att►. present toy t.. sod re tain the right, to advance the DM et Una, nabicrlpliknif wlll'bo ncelved . In beir Yo • . WRIUZTLL 111flSILL 11.1311, 1 10 . 7 11sual St tvam, Dill i CO., lam. 5 1 T 4l JOU J. t atjuken, d by MUMS AND IARILO tallorallY itbreegbotit the Malted btatee, or ohom map. and det.ndlTa h.oatedete may be obtain.. bar will .1 O b e w etpY mall M. theComes ye Oilleee /Rh 21 Naw York, as lddlcatlon. datoorlbeed willth.fr awe •geste. la mhom they hen easeadenoe, who alone will Oa resydetelbla to theta ber the ea. delivery et bonds. • • JOHN J. CISCO, Troainwer, xeso rerk. detverlrelons resolved In Pinot:etre, eo LiCl//LXOX )(Jammu! ',Aix. AAT/ONAL SISK. tiremAN lATIOII.LI. JAMES T. BSADTi CO., Banters. McLICAN i 00.. OHIO ATIENVE .DEUG STOR,II, .112115 T OrVAILD. whrre ma) 0,160 FRESH DREGS 111)_ VERKINES. Amelia.asA Torthrer rimy:min; TOIL= sirrlcLm, .d narytklas w. nag • a • Brat alma Drat dam. Pd. Nclue.• PraclarlDtlasa easeveasded at Wilma., day or ars., .refaCY, r'f"' 1°491: ' n marciat, Corner Otto Ans. and LI sada !treats, ALLIGHENT CITY, PA. WILLLIBIII9OIIPB DINING ROOMS, A11P.,843 Market St, ticaw•enbum.4.4 TNed titreets,) • rairrsztruen, rA. Tn./Muss Is nwely furnished with everytnter inst cOnstitutes 0 tut stems Sating How. Tbs rrzyes . .=g lA . : market what. WA be Lelia DOWSIAN.II):4IsVgig,.. :1. 11. WILLIAMSON, Prop/Mon arr.. me., mum orbr. paid 10a sit kinds of ...mane , Musa • knw, MALTS P!LALT; MAIM!' 1.000 Bann. usoicix saiu.sr MALT. - :vat. by nxiair ELF.. Jr.; =supra si*.maris au. Isis or istvaiski Gapttt LETTER LISTS PUblidied by Authority. List of trnefine4 Vor Letters Senialning in the rittabargh and Allegheny Yostemees, )fly nth, : . '11 . 1 . 961:111011. i st.EMISPH Isla.' 2,2 So the intlausgh Carole.] 11.2strIele tHe Itsa4lllAlletleriteD r a d r r D ] Gest,' ALA Seleeti l ier * ISUSuleee 010111., cp. S i oth tra C TS S. Se " te 1 . .. 1 ItHddeilgal armee A 0 Steeples Pled Epistle J J lOr I u ""1:51f igtV IC, lii rr: ;.':'%lrLj.. Ispme, g Megamsza - A 2 lOseto Allse Z. 51 ' ..n • V 1 , --:,—. : trate ‘; . Iflee le I . l' McQusalie J. tlsloutAllel me - alght Ed !mai oto J EtoAhos 11:21•11Vainres 'l;:euPn".3tA.. ii=,.. ,12. t 'L• l teholl . lsJ W in • decoct HI, . ft" : t i , , "" 4 II ammo/2 EII Om. 1 i ll: Y rra s j i :2 l'"" 3,11;4' ill= EF VrPfilw r , ..... A _ OA aleolan• EhuleY ADo Opeald 11 5 U.., W Overton KJ He 2 2 15 E (Paula's. St Ha nlos; 1 tpsyden IresGE Cor=l2ll W lIDS. Asts.sl Ott.ovor Jam Held Ds P /pon e ., o p HealesTlmolles P Hesly J J or TT p...... w g Hen J rtgiflr 1 . isemmealer L r 1.., er.,,,,, J B Herber 0 H nukes Joseph Henri C Pukes James Pslwd•LlE• Patterson I' It ..t... Pblthps James 1 Humbert' W E meth.. w n Ira% atelletrW Hut lienl 2 Pratt S W Elhdhas A Pratt A Ce Hlketack W 0 1....0 wm Hopsale wee Hassel Chu Rene t , ,, E.22.252hA Hess James Home Pat Hem, .r.. 110, mm 11 11 need Joseph Hoptlna rit Heed Al' Hasps Shos ..e. Ed A ID. Wm. um D w 1 rt:r•trls i lss ntglre e v el f 5 .2 11 . 5 Alteble James 1 hollsrpis Pm l J. Stem • 'l .e. oeSHao. A PIP .' les: 5 512 . 2 5222 , ,Iluttentls .1 IT Jackson 5 2 tlles.ll. ehnesl Jac°. ni l A Co 5 0110 51 Elwell Jobe . 5 .. 2 s itslutd Jells Jenklia W asapsi V ht lahu 5 Z IL Ewell lawn educe Leos 8 S 5 002 . 02.2 5 illeebel Nicholas JOS. , . Jame . 0.b....m.. K leareal W = b eg• Itr B I d °lna, H 0 9 § MEE CAM:I*ES Com, A Calm John Vaam bo. Canon ore Carter w J Carter J A Baana.•ll /cuter T B.; L • B CAnnopb.r 0 Lbannell John 1,11114 B B (Allis Juan Lola U•vid Closet John Bau° illex er John i larsel I lust.. Chia;John Bell, • boo e. Clash altars. Abbot 1 . 1111.10 -: Conk d B Kinn Is r . '4...4H 4, :rdri dBE ;:, Cooltarlp A is... nails U N p, ~.L .... . H , hair A h c: riai ZAht ;tills . or Csrr J ;1 ' Crone IL Attunes Nam! s Cfnlah Alfred , EI:W.IW 11 s Vuelues Jacolids &Lau Joh. Davis Ives 'I EIriWVA :.' a 3 $ Davidson Nat DITI.OII d N Larfent Chas ; I;t4 thos I. ' rolnt :' Devon, J B ilaville John 0 OCT.'. F Lamy John ... Ihsvlos hf Laney is& ielanyLavenla: Lane, nanspson D. Adieu, v At & Co a Dv Hod «sissy, Lanes D K 0 vender &Cord, Langtean Alt d Dear • Low& Ws P s Duman Pea , Lewis s r - Uleadon Henn, /Awls BSI s Dktvon&Elltels [sown, Joan own. • Lev. II v 11 Dlettrams J li: Leslie il 1 1 Dicks, W A : Lanes& U.. H. Is Dna & Cod B 11•00 psi; Downsalds • d • lisvensiore •2 I . Donnelly PatLlnisey rat I 1 Dorn Oen I Loom./ it 1 LW Irnes Peter, ,Lowvostrtn B 1 IhdrosiwY W il Len( von 0 t ' sgren• j"3 1 : 11;61:1 1% 3 Dobler/leo JB L 7004 ds',, • i, Dross Wm I - , la wind . : 4sise it 1 : Edwards Ant') it•lffstrni 3l:3 ' 14. , -.0..--,. m. 0.- . il ......r.t., • ta 311somtepThow• ' , AI . 11 4 31 arstull A IA • Ellis JD2 I • ° imam tame • IT= ZPill : 11sydeldd it I I ,ilaillaws 14 sa &Janda r n Itlellgan 0 I 0717va Jacob hl-rcer Dr B 44: Hvfl 4 :Ass:mated E r . ~.r, h. .1,-T.Twr- ' Yarrne eril C loaned W 3' : Fahenstott P Miller duo H : vaulown X3l fiddler 1) ts Feeley Jae ,II liier D W : Vetzer Wns hislis. H • Folds 3 A :twiner 0 : Flwf vr Env d P Moss don risisido &COM •porplivadWHl rloekton J F 13% 0 , 00 ,0" 7 .410... : iaorrloon J ro•lar Br Illorphy r 4 rranett it W 1 ninsphs Fat P stink Win Et Ilsver &Co Jos, iwkLit infers,. H I fran mann Hu 1 . ,=.u.b. thininiakier 13y Paterr & Ens ,Y-Co b b. So* niflE 4 A ,ileCartnoll -• • No linv•-- O J 41•1 nbet 1•10,er aeCallottgb ou ,iarforth Joe I lielkuuten Jea ciurect U ,Ilevrtarr U•rnson ~ A lcersuun tlano !SteEotte Wag - LADIES' LINZ JULY 0. Fork ,INDS•O7 CI Jobs Bess-. Cbas irtter Bert Conklin Ysu Ms Amtahvi to the Pitt.e.res Geroite.l Ones Ada trolost Sarah arse, Jatla • 'Parte' Marla Osaves • 111 M , Prase( M Iln ' trlfaM 4 a L • rasa Mm 7 J s lEnimas J Mrs ' Msa Cuarlot a m l lantal rm !Han Ceram." Ray Jana !Vacation A 'Rasa Mama Mama. Cant Iltstalet Mas - YM 1112 g rain C iirgrwfv. rittgva'itra Heater ,ItabertsMatlllaa 'Emma !Jaitsara Lissle!ltots My. tJa.sost • !kismet tattle K Rottman .mmy IlEatehtley C liftsts c smetAi , i tt;idet tHatun 111. t!trams" imber talll Ja. aCt V :Ham m Clara t . Silas Tata • ttlaMersoitil . ; • L as t s. ar_garet :fatal:ale L••stolt ,ISlbta Battle • Let's !Kul. IlarY Itstatsda•• AI I !basun *Mt I P . 21 PA.- IL"L'f?, 44 &lea L l llO ;4 allee wen Mrs' 4 Arbuckle It I ;4 Aram Mary •.klll/ Chile .1 il Bath,. T Yr. SUM/. B.lllthiil I: Unman itavatem D rl t olailtaVr !Wee lt 1 , ibma Ana Itreeae uW ri= lt 4hi BRIM Ells. Itryan Mrs Arowa Mtn; ;,IfO t MAAS Late Arita a Little A Campbell l Km eaH: I malls Carter 111 II Mr. $ 4 : ....2.121.1* L . Clifton 14a Omer. • Mrs; Ooltlna W P.Mrst actually Myry (Mime. J W Kral Criorford Jan.; Critiwortituni• , Cromllo Belle I Culimri lira D ! Darla Liss% ; i M relatent Maud' astic. tforstell, Drumm MaryJ, tale.pMn VoiletourueVra T 121 4 1,1 4 .• I M ram % lawn. rs nowt Kitty BI Von Lisrte rialMber CionnUf Mstiti• MMus M.ttle o eest IL atmimin MancyK Ot Onto. 16,74 . mr•tiam J J. H. Ig.trr, J.. amts C Yrs idaslthiwe Y wort Kix , :re, Will latsderdhes ietebbix Eater) le.u.s, En. Annan lassurah ITaytortnala IT= 8 11:At I PrZr /VI! '" !Tamer allso'h V .Grbaa Marl W. i V . Vanharn Madre • W %Warm Aa A _ Ward !twill V IXW Weaver la Dr. W alt. X Il araler non W , Wawa liara Wterhad A at WHlluar d X Walt A C , 7.4 ;Louts Mrs 1 1...mrvisztal 15(510 Anal! ;IZ i t %VIVI Mnon D Miu eirla 13 if !Mrviman I ;Merriman 11. 11ffleril Mrs !Woriaa I..VMrs; M.rtah MTtar jM ata 5011 lie Mrknrß Mnl .eC54113% 3 Mrs. .21e0141. 8 Isletirew !Swab McLain Pbetro IMetrs Molll• 1 31c4IMMun I A Miesbitle Mrs .; 811888 Varne Molts ts ,jto o rlir Mate !Peale Jane reser. jratirnonJ . MrCLELLAND, • LIT. gh Gazette.] tigrierW i' D isiecidows.7 rigriag uoWlnualka 1101111 as Joo Veuasol. spins 11,1aulnea IleCleauxt 1-T 1!! CM ES3 aatma A /Let 1. am • AI q" I Ana. lion 11 Alt 4 ivy 11.11111.1/ atiteS W co Mary /Lat. Mm ;;..,1 , 1•111 0 , anutzake 0 L Iturlet ti nom A (Mot ige Hawaii Waters tl/46a1 Gloodfs . lo dosseo rm's) At L so Skim Jos 1==11:1 • 0 Oslo ?coltish tovermad. Neal 07 Irtlar. ratztek (/urea. Jan • 1 411110 T Aron riow. A.R.. rrLrl headers. E N 1 I !Wax • B Itranpa Hewers masts grat n taTr.to ? Mrs . , Ames rainEo X Entice llrrldl Sn o ots 125.51* BM. N a usea 21.11 A Yarns assab J 2 atilt. ea, 11°116401m grie M " gi ' Brook Ladelek Brow. y D. Vrt i nl ['Brace tr. 11 - Patter Asada kirr:ElMlrard Parts Ltuto Watt, Illsry Mutt Imo PoHoot Tao. B ,Basollassla Bass U W Hatc44ontl I tbe rpr Jos. it i rig V./ D Hal 2nci Ut- Hada' ',alto Marinas. E Hoffman Mary flangliloa Y B. Barisal yr Masa Patti , * IJaeObsJ P I.t"gl'irat7 ,3 Amon M ,ion aa assn.. Jackson .1.8 !MIAS Vi David EsnaJanao itraPsn .t ag t l7 I K IO laiCl 0 s ael li t tlest -IL Nelda •dide B Re ead Etlse edaed i i.. rm Yddist =Y i r Role J.sule l=t;=l • tßaonl•ahl.l =C ttl!'" • ex. Weller X Goo X buswitt ento art. I. Nt w ele.arJgDeph Itj ' cfrtt s BmitD J•ne dtake• Jura 'ft:Ls/v...1m0. 011totria0 Jame, 1,11111, um.! atone? Ill" g e l t V Cowed & Oro ! Cray! aunt 111 Clark Brinvet • Claridge E (Minnie!. Van Cboneer Geo Careei-John Caltreen.i.sa, • ndeloao L Co o rry L Canes Men caninnE.ll Cbase wza Caccry bona Conaedes Mb% taut Aimer loossoba A A LLAu Punk I..elagt (let en. tisatnel 1. lbowW !Lan ?butt t 1 ititTlab Luis Moult it obeli ll Luber Mar 7 Dangle,. D Held, Davidson A M t : Agrg 11t. Btv . k Davis carolled Dvis X "v a assal. Da foresa lf il. Dates ll 2 !ZEFIEF:I .16 lizgittasa Z I a.Dna tame zbee•uk I , l.lati Ao Rl t. T . 6l . iir HMIS Lneale ltalo 111 . 011141 Z /laliarill Jail I eII tilasw Alex i - - -3' 1.11...0•11 soul.l inionla Larti l o_2., t i f : n ' l l oclerool) 1 Miler harsh Moons John Z hh,orJoo Mono, T MINT limit I Mooney Magrle) litZilV"' lisokoy Wm ii Maws. na D Moors noebelL Melee Boon xt zt4 J ra f , Minn hi. , Coart of lloartor . • (717 T. carry TOL Court. mot Trial, Una. Tboman Mellon On tb B. MOT, District Attorney. The trial of Sandy Ifitzlonnensi heater in the fleck Diamond Steel Works, for an al. leged &emelt and battery Upon Ws. B.llen Cowley. wav,resnreed. .The puttee lira ander one roof In the ninth ward, eat clOoniVng the lower sad sin:mamma the upper part of the house: gra Coaley testified that sloshed a few frlend• mast. :441 B iliag=nitriZgvirsU L MInITA Rea Uses defendant invadlea room in which she bed her vpartYP 'twain Bet down twice, and loosened two of her teetb, "which were not false." Ohs called for the "watch," and had defendant 'arrested; this was about twelve ,peloolt Saturday night. aLsrgaret.Boeth. ode otthe.friende bulibend wee also them 000aaaNine1 drank, testified teat Iltsetuunoas came into the room and• said they .SrO knocking the plastering off the rolling be • , PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: SATURD.II 7 ., JULY 6, 1867 bit mann . helowf saw lira. Cowie,' felling down; afterwhiett she (If.. Cooler) went fbr • a 'entailment defenders drew a kale (Penknife) and Ussutened whi defense say two of the night Polk. 1.---of a b-- in the room For the manned to bertha% been summoned to the noose by Mrs. Cow cameg oa the street; discover le, that she wan intonlcatea, and as tot y could not find the man she said knal koock -04 her down, they arrested her, ' , took her ;;‘, the tombs), where she clearnl heraeff . by making a charge &tenet Flta eitomoo,,; being Wooden the street, ..watch, d they accord her ot"dleorderly conduct: , in other words, they were bound to arrest somebody and .eke a case." and not (Inane the- person woo wen the recast= of Mrs. Co giving an alarm, they concluded to street her, and to mak er c her ag e n a s s t e d e h e e n da n n a t . ob T l h igd u y found averdict ot not guilty, proseautru to pay I/moons. • Dillon p laced Thomas was 0 on trial for the larceny of a hat from William Woodward. For the prosecution evidence was offered that Woodward With two friends while coming !rem their work at ',tenches:At, and in passing through the Math ward, they were accosted by Mr men, Dillon among them, - Woodward was Imocked down, and One of the party,, said to be DIII"n. picked Up Woodwerdn hat and ran away. info, 'Math= for assault and battt;., wal m.d. info_ Wood, ...I, itgclitlit rrillriti before Alderman L,lnons, whip,", erns kettle'', defendant paying. .AL thin, and agreeing to return the hat. At magat% office Dillon stated that Sf Woodward had called on hire for the hat nest morning it_Agould have Mem given him. The agrecmentld return the hat was not Guided net, and tWo weeks having elapsed without • the bat being returned. Woodward made information before Alder. man Thome, for larceny. The d creme was alibi, witnesses being produced to show that at the time of the alieged - esemult and bat tery Ind larceny. about half pad ten o'clock im the night of the 2Sth of Hay, Dillon was it his boarding house, In bed: The statement Of the defendant that If grjei ( d Vflu i rd e r.r morning, t - bog tit feedlot). aunt have given up the hat or paid for Irma bad feeble of ate ease, viewed cannectinn with the &ICJ, and the defemse IL was,of a grammatical nature. It being contended that the defendant need the word a hat, not the bat, and that this semi-acknowledgment was, made, not that he was guilty, but that he did not want to be put to any trouble, and in order to compromise the assault and battery cane promised to return the hat. The wit nesses brought to prove the GM, four In number, testified that they were present when the elemental . Was lintleeked down, that Dillon was not the man who struck the blow, and that he was not present at the time. The prosecutor, and a friend who was with him at the time, testified there were flee men In the Crowd Who assaulted teem. The Jury entertaining • "reasonable doubt,. round • verdict of not Sillily. Peter Sennett was tried for the larceny of skiff on the itth of April last, the proper ty of Kirkpatrick, Brother d Co., saw mai owners lo the Ninth ward. The skiff Is,s taken or found tabat. by defendant, in company with two others, and never return ed. Jury out at adjournment. TOO 10CrYDAILT platen . t. theAPl.ttininn. lIIILUOiO. mischief sma Wow- &MI battery cues. =lathe out 0! 1 dispute:beet bonnualy /Me in floss tOlraibip, tried on Wedneaday, the Joey rendered verdicts, as follows Common. wealth v. Bebeata Bishop, assault and beds mkioßannati Kuntz, proseentrin, not vr, prosecutris to pay the costs; Core• ill vs. Usenet, Kuntz, William Bettisv Susannah Hour, assault and bet. tory, Christina Bishop, thviaecutrrl, jot entity, prosecutrix to pay the ooeuu Com monwealth ea, Henry Kuntz and Hannah Kuntz, malicious =Lechler, Charles Bishop, pprosecutor, not guilty, the mots to be di vided detaita equally between the prosecutor and antL Henry J. Ballabery put In._ plea of guilty Of uttering a cheek the-. Meebenles Na tional Bank ot. Pittsburgh. parporttne to have been Weed and aligned by J. W. Tay lor, caning for mew- eye dollen and eighty cents, and-draw[ In favor of C. T. Beane, the. earns beer fob , . and (e.t.d. Thomas A. Cain was the prOsoeutor. Sen tence eras deferred. Wh en COurt there be adJoarnadtllltoda ury trtaly at eon o'clock, Je. • ItlrAdditional , Local Matters on First Page,. E . HoesToN & co. ' TABRIOILBLE MERCHANT TAILORS, And deafen In MIN 'AND BOTV currnixo and *MIMS` )7/124IBHING 00003. N0..07 iIFTII XTRLIT. toner or Chem - alley: Cu. tom work merle to the West atylee and moot durable manner. reinee very reasonable. Seli.a REEDY CAPPELL, 'Plerctant TAILOR. isd dealer to • Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 1411MlnifinELD State A... Wow MLA. Arrnrcaant. rA. All Me W.A. Surto' sad Pamper stylos or Cloths. CY/LiIIICITO wad Wain. ou loopL, made u p p In Pp. moot Itualltosalle su 10. ut the lows.l. rices. • mute:Ali R J. JIO6,IIIATTY, MERCHANT TAILOR, B. W. cocoa DIII4OIID and 01110 BTBEICT. ALLY:BM/AY CITY. Vazigrayomot of letnllllol 130.10 01- 01 Int C 1.411 thr Win attend td carlosorork. mics4Ornm 80111 CLOTIFIESIG. Metropolitan, Garibaldi, Giant, ILANXILY AID CriARALY SUITS , • ILL RIO ID It Bit! IlfllB, ♦ Wee sad mantels assortment now es hazd. GRAY & LOGAN, CrEl=l=2l HENRY G.. HALE mmui Ca MI ID ft MUM NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, All the Novelties of the Beason, =I First-Clan Merchant TaUoring Establishment. =taws Great Reduction In Prices. SECOND AIIitIVME. OF Spring Goods, Fresh from the Importers, FZlr= Webb WI be made etp sa4 as GREATLY REDUCED PRICE:. OWEN BYRNE, Merchant Tailor, No. 14 WYLIE ST., W , D1:11 ABULALDID LULL ==i AUCTION 8 ALE S._ ASSIGNEWS see n . LUZ:Mgr:N J : , ir,tztgovors noarnAT, D. 7 Bf J. 11 3 ,, 28670 At 10 o'clock a, a.. at (be Trarehnose. No. 116 11100 anal LT, littebargh. the following pee. The.Planoi The stock o r goods goods In eald Warebouse conslet leg ni 11I•ek•MittOil Tools. Ylee.. glatluks, Hatchet - , Grab Hone Crow Ran. at. Rod will also Sell st IRAN. We. or , the P.n. - lses. la All•gbeny elly. at No. 47 Noel street, on the day aferresatd, I o•clora p. m , the Stock of Iron sad Pl.Ol, and a largo quentltr of p.rtl•ll7 mayor...ma nods. to wit, 'anal, malthi, Tools. klatch., .firob line. de., to. Also, one Born. Harness, sod tin Wagon, and lawd000• d auterlels :reiterate of sale • am , • K. Ueda.). la sod about the Bellows Nanar) :if r tif is VitglZrialra rirrlet %TM: blachnery sad Metres *awaited C 7141101 1 , 17 Kiln. atable gad Real Rotate, being' • lot or extend about . ," feet trout on Janina street and extend's( han. lso feet to Lade *nen. wenn lag tae width of 7l We for a Algae. of 1,0 fret back, aad • width of If feet the reeldoe of the &Wane to Ladite neon. Terme made teat. at ogle. 1et70 , 10 110115117 MOODY. Resigned. TeslerAgnes Toler Joseph 11 =4 ". 'ramble Was 111F4117,76 . W7 VV Wllltsvuon Warms Cnas • tgit:VIPPCI WnCoale. 11, Waters v U 7 Victims IS If :MVP Wilson J 11 Well. limbs r/Leit 1 ,1 1 .1. Wll *ol l 4er c7 Paler 1.; IVivvl 010 C (10111NTBE EolllEll AT AEC. will offer at Public Wi t t/ :I n VA 9 . " •itilr onsioel p. m., • eplendid variety of L.A./MU birth. dot/able for oothitry bomes or for me doting parpotem the whr e thnsis•lng of thirty sores, Melded itho alththeri lot*, rouging from oth Se three seers sac • Teeth lots are eituated on Itharmeni erne, twrind.th•balf from ,frg=tretritr gm n gttNitn n d known as Molteths Boehm They ere semen. from the city by the Woods' nun Pawnee, thole war amid Terre to McKee'. theta,. and by Um Pitteburgh 6 bleu bourn le Hothead'se well as by the Maniere • Robinson Township Th. - evil. •The position le the of the most healthful and &emus vain the coven - Y. thd being Wit • sbdst • r hue. from the eity, the opthrtthtty thus th irsted for obtainlog a country home or garden t he &inn theorem • Any Person wield= NS rte the property before the bale. Band by cantor au the se beeriber, neer the preses. in C the towusbip. Trana—tinthihird Cash at time attain ;Smithee in one and Mthyttirs, with interest Prom date of WO. JAS. N CULL. MATTIIISW ..thetioneer. Voimuf semi§ el:Mr" 4 = AUCTION 8/I.EII. 110 liniltheeld •1.• anoints Past Drf .ad livantse sale. on Toeaday, Tbym do, aud Bstan2s7,_ 01 BooL, Woes, 107 (tootle, flostaa. klimbrim.. bra. W. 1.. erjr, " ?..jk "' 1 1". 18.1to a4.'"l t 4ml"ars i gil Illorday, o weael i rday ud inday. Opeclal .2100. U.. La Tsralture sal.g. fmte held an """."' ud ." !lrirrilliZEN a co., • apllmlivrensm Auelbueent. t tea iraloStk. Renck, Vol. L. DR. J. A. HERRON HAS REMOVED His Office and Residence to le. II SMITHFIELD • ' 3I .II.OIPOPta tie Illoaaargakels Reuse. SPEC AL ()AWES. aribUßJl'l7 11STITIJTE. rrrn s ENTITLING Now Can Compkul an Outline Catirbe HT TB E WITIII OP JETWE. And the pendent twill hnieranteesitn,tlas • till salsalee•arylnt " • PROM via TO $lOO PER XOBTK, To all Pu w ts,• 'laud a first-cljta•examtvatlon: D4RNIUVL & co., BOILER MAKERS 4SD SHEET IRON WORICEIII3, Nos: 20, 22,24 and 26 Penn It; H. " ..09ted a large yard and ferniabad It mltlt the mbat Zatiimert am bitten'. me Me t.r." Do.r.d to mennmeture every description of IMO- . en In the best mane - , and cremated moat to enrande In the conntgy. Obtainers. Breech ing, /Ire Lteds, Steam Pipe,. Locomotive Bolt" era, Connemara, Balt Pans Tanta, 011 Stills. Balletora, Bettina; Pans, Bo ileilron, 'Briefer, deg.+ Pei, end see manafsatarorg of BARN HILLII7 PATIaNTI.IOILIJIS. ftepalriar done on the shortest nottee,Jelltest tgrnpsnitioN. uk& N. co., 0u,.. on to Aomms, litund 1./RU."ls) WASHINGTON WORKS, rounders dad hischistfitN,VlttobiFtb, Manufactures at- Boat and btatlonali Stain Ndalar% Silt Englnea, 11111 Machinery. Bear. Ins. sballlno. easranda of all descriptions; Olt Toole and Stills. Roller and &mit Iron Work. 011cne No. iN corner Trrst and SmlsbneTd Sta. ifirAlrents for EIIF7ABLBS PATENT IN JECTO/1 for feeding boners. lall:rin rirLAILE summon • COPPER MILL a SMELTING WORKS. PErrssirimin. PARS, McCTIRDY & CO., V ldettorsetufees or libeistbin F 4 misters , 014 son moor. Pm.r.d r Coppor Bottoms, ualseet atm See Constantly on 0.4 Tlopeest Ilsoletnee_sos Tools. Worshooss. No. 140 rp.,11 , insaT and 120 SEl';) ?STREIT. PIttSOSTOS. fleets' oraers or Capper tot to Mr desu•s MO-WM. sayl4lc.34:derT arSOMETEIVIG MEAL-CALL sod eximino the new BIiNER-TIFI'VM SHOES. Won without waLs. sennEBTZ. No. 31 7111tt It.. Pittsburgh. ertalINCY A. SCOTT, DENTIST, pEdrdr. STREET, larTO MARRY OR NOT 10 HARRY! WHY NOTP &rial. Re flections for Young Men. Ir Essays of the flow. nt Assinialleu, ow the Pbyelological Essen. ) Abuses and Dist.. Induced by Ignorance of more . . Laws. In the neat Axe of mat. bent In sealed lettercuet. -es. free of charge. Ael. ro dss. Dr. J. eRILLEN oURIATON. Howard A eseeteiton. plom4ritible. Pa. myrised O PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. - B E ' • ELLE HULLER, PLUMBERS, (1S AND SHIM FITTERS, ions: - Hear Ale ramere, kind. of Leer and Coats itydnmea,_ romps, atlas. least eland. Ham Tuba. live. nu.. Marta. Ware. Ic, No. CiiCa Ohio. SMICICONeeIt, (Setae.. lan Lao. aad Cbeataat at.o ALLEUIIEST CITY, PA. Hons. tilted sty wi th tits sod Wit. at ahOrt {Kale, jellaN c. ..... .: 11.11,0114 SEABGLEB: & BRADFORD, Plumbers and Gas Fitters, X 0.41 Ohio SI., Hai... fitted ay of DI IV ATMS. OAS sAA STA ASI by toporbrObb4 workmen. Pozylcolor otttatiox oloce to apobbYY 11 ,, • Pt bad ALS 111.1 , ted. SOls• 1vV17.111 IOYX 1121. JORN M. COOPER & CO„ BRASS 'FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas 'Fitter's, Hasofsetaras of rumrp AND MASI RULE. nr every dr...lotion; dealer* la 043 711. Ttri L.D Tlll.llletf, of all Liam. • . Comer of Pike mid Want Streets, PITTSBURGH. , PA. orris: w _ _ COLD MILLTaS y PRACTICAL rurra:Bras, OAS AND STEAM FIRER; 0843 I..comaia . Of tweet, PITAINBITAGIR, PA. Clutata and Wult roam °fall Units. Emus lilted up ...I th Os. sad 'Wats, it Si. most alp iirov44l IRVIN by experleaued work.... • Itooclal anentloa paid to gamut ty Work. .71:t r. c. arlroon..xxxsox Joan. ii.c.L.rrasT ATWOOD & M'CIFFRBY, BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM ASH GAS FITTERS, Cor. of Srd sod Liberty Streets. Abo• 1.1. •• • matt 11. C•or.11 17 Ca• Iluyder., Uvit• Tr rttlebertb, uss. to rder. lecl.l &Watt°n lova to tb••sl4lng eat sad n ri trlp.of(lll3l•332.l•l. tite•mboa4, !tolling • Agents far A. S.Csaterea &Co.'s STEAM • P I:I3SEPS • BLOWER ENGINES, The. Maps Dim superior •4•lnataireamvirr asel ovary aot Is vstranted to /Ira 1141.• hetion. opststaltttr liand. =SM. WY. 111111.1311, JOHNSON HEILLEIIT & JOIEWSON, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Gas and steam Fitters, I , I7TAL ATAZZ2 KATII4ION, I.x.r.ar goal:rm. lois. mom,. All Arden M Avll ezKUUd ntlasetatrity awl V rgrltr TAI rrAmpt & Alular. clo.rts, Oinks, Clue Allem ads.alA. “d (lAA fitudAs tot üb.t Ys 0.0 " rdtrs from eollsitry patrons toy zatZ proml7t- Ilattadelt Onal Hose of ever! deurlytlos. Jeti:oll BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., DB ca. 00 ToiNerahlifit.4 4ILLEGME:rI ^ tiler, PaIF,, PLUMBERS, GAB AND STEAM MYR PITTNER, Imp HoH.yr h.d Sato - aHoroooot of HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD, LaLimerx. BATH TUBS, WASH BE. BINS. IRON AND BRASS ODORS. awl all Matt. Holm for SLUES oo publlo or Dr/rota IHRSIsEr with HAS. WATER. ITEAW. 11.10"111 TRIPORTANT TO 11010SEILEEP nu: -AL _ FRANCE% TEA MART, Dviatoarn. Too drt bey tbio erten qeelliy or TSAI'. at the price al api oold la tee city. Aec, sugars, Coffees and Groceries, wavrzro u tgl a msay,f i ogre peas. EUREI JUST lIECEIVED, AT ROBERTS & SHEER/in% WHOLIMALE AND ASSAIL ' lit, Copper tai ` Sliett Irel Tire Ilaufsdori, • ADAM BMITIIYEILLD IT., 1 . 17113P1p103. A sew aepply of Chang. lee Mete and nisi .llrtesßerTotrati'"nefee. .2."'estiClMoVelel"ntaU eram dere . , en a toll line of noon tartilatang Soot Alen, esenelnetzwers LIMAS/MAN% Mini( COOSA A .. r AHATLre. tor mete, Tete.. W... pudding A.. i 'Mina H. b LANCE. Nos. 185 and 131 Third Meet; D!l3 1i D scotraEa. Straw Coo& Cleaned or Dyed. 111 l OLOVIS LADEES , PLUMP:SO%n . dve.l. JAMES B. JONES, Scrap Iron, _ Light Iron, CAST Aso WM WHIT IRON. 'l l / 4 0 0 3P1. a. Corner Anderson litylet and RAT. • ,AllwUhe sity.- W r. arr. IRON CITY BELT WORKS. , CEO. 0. CLARK. & CO., gtvg , c 7V73.%:1477.d°10122:14:17A T-.08! 1 .1_4 0 x• 33oltlxis, utt . .147.1:111TZA .0.4 0-4 gra. Fon Ass Ensue. WIWAN e. lOU, Of Atlas Haw alty, lOU be a saalelata Tor ogably. mama to Um daclalaa the. aaagallanlY Vaimatt . OM= • - F OR Pat-F . —The bent -Farm In Tairgeld lownlilio 'Wes , morelend a unty, PA. e'letelrns bout ' VP acre., etteatod alz miles south of 100 Psetalls••lil ...med . " liellear dhotis,. The ImProseetents are • large heed log boss. with nine, relies, a good ced•r; •f rome nag. tient 40ate. wl•t/ lite lee , er sl - e' ohne. Two boob, and one. le orchard. The e 'bol• ellstAls en, er thigh este or emittretton; the fseet.zhe .0 t o ., i; tb. eoll ts goad. and Ls well Tea:meet az,. tel acres cleared. the re I asunder to to oi white oat Umber. This pew. emu la offer o t tee low WU • of fitly ..;. I .Y. per acre. Poe +soon Imm•dhuoly• b " . b 'et. b e 0 erden farm. rontaintes lterel, eke.. to Claebelli township, Alleghe ny co-only. et,. on tee yonghlognens Myer, and near Elrod , . elation. on lite Counellaetila Rail - re. l- lliel.t elneteen miles from .0e city. The Iroprosemenu are a two-stelT be l e . b "" " lth collar .....botdru:f;,°ll`r=,°:.haShZt- Abanutnee ef the best mitt. e• el l b " .1i 'L,." . .. • churches. detahis eat Mille Ten cebeerhze.,..... I P O witting to event In re_ehl•• yenta CIO Well to utt and Imminee en e 1 . ,. M.., a Yarm of Me acres. ;Masud In Wert. Whe•theld .43 . ,13,11 t0.taat‘0.c0mitY.r... 0 .." :If. u ln.l t '.;!l'°;ate p " . tarX XI 1,1 1 ,1: story Pante house, With lire roomtitltlg•li___ .".--"-. Dare. tIsTA lone non i carriase Gotta. • goo. Ito...Ptak OM.. UW- ...., MM. /St.. , • two-story log hoc.. a large fneou h‘fh. 0011,A 13,1 no, frtme eT„:"..ele hum.. and Other eat. buildlngs.' The :andel Is al:•_:ellel. bur n of liMwtone on tem blome, onticoarbott /- b en_ Mamas. tloovoulent .4 tli.urehes. hattoots. Mills. he.• I am authorised to sell tale liff/TrenT 00 A7nolec ' eft::11 7 agultiell acres, of ;stitch Nacres louder caltlvation. eltuete in CWlte flancounty, Inbuilt Imptovements--• toff frame dwolllns cont•lntug 0 roc -mat shout WI choke [butt tress, good feuelnit, SA IL 110 within 2 miles of the Thine. will tleutral 11. K.; be so.tiasonable • tem,. City properly taken In p a r tzehens• If desired. Also, • Yarns or Macros 11 Penn town:Stip, Welimorel.d county, o f cleared nod. der cultisation, Et acres of lirat-rate white ens and other timber, 2 dwelling bons.. ler them 2 Vfin,:kg.lTAT:44:,:l o J,;-72.:`,1`.V.1L.T,Wi . order; young orchard of grafted fruit. The laza Is rolling; every acre is 11 01110 1 1 wlth llmo toes soli and etits.ol`. with °ever atllug alirtage; wlthla one tato-lied rads of the Venue. Cntral oelitoa4; 11 relies eta of rittabursh. n od e three miles west of tercenaberg. to feria II pleat. antly end elligithy stretted In a good neighbor s. Were ls tuderield with Oat. The - i iirie l ls go od: • Alto, &two-store Brick Moan. with Id rooms; 23 feet front and 51 feet beet, with two good WS, situated 10 the village of 13411b110.111, Oct , beat totraship, Westmoreland county, Pa.. on the • of tee ,anctriengb river. Immediately ep ees. the Boy nth of BlaireyLlle. This prop. er.yl will sell for the low price of VW. Alm* Tusk of tel sere., situated In East Whcattdd town:teeth. Indians coven. Penna. The .proveunnta aro • goad frame Loam frame barn and other eutbuildlogat about tel E th olV s eTt'Vb7.sllrl7l7l , :v!,„ ° n ....Zd, , Ou VC lat. to amm... Ao•la• ....it etc. A 111 be sold It the loos price of tie per acre. reagent.. unmedittew. torten/Les pllitientare, envois of ' Lisp Asent?atrourri meat. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. Three Brick Dwelling llousee, ON PEN NiTLV.LNIA 'AVM OZ. ear Bons Street. terms. 24 Ap p lyy DI, Wtl.l Id on reasonable terms. STEEL & WILSON. Brokericld Sea Estate Mend. 14P1109ED.YROPEUT1C SOR 111.15.X.M. Iktuata UL Lawmueevllle, and Uprlnsted. .1.,k 'Ming. meat In prioe;ftom 111,0X114 == Walt* sold . rcuobable tan. U anylledfo won. 7.mbraco ttda oilpommttl. Tar Witter Informatlern, apply at am &WIN= tiktalaa lararsate Mee a G.& ZAMA • 1.14. • Bailer Me" Lawrenoeville. FOR PALV=lloose and Lot cin Lwow eireet. ALiechwter; knee by lib feet. 1• A so . Tao s an. well HMIS R 9 ANU LOTS on Neda srlet •treat. ma.-noer clown. of Y. P. W. t C. IL W. Yrow, slice eo n. Al" TWO LOIS Wes ayes" new Tremont Wow, 41.111.R.117 titty. trice COWL Terms ewe . Al" eeyeral honeys and low In "oil locallow.• Wanks of J. litrali It nearer, near litiesent eta., a...heater. fraiani AND LOT FOB SALT! The house and lot at present occupied by_tbe tubscrlber, _ffiltoeted on Da etreet. ttaan cowetar Peasouper eatleray.l id feet ati Inches nide, std tnemine Incense eke ewes erlditt 296 feet In teeters Alasecer ••mn.:wc tejleltrtie yu:sed Bidwell amen. Alienate!. FOlt. SALE. 030 UT 110-STOBT DWILIB; 1001. Localed ' wttnlo fe.• yard. or neollUni lion, on the littnnornll. Tort Ways,. as COI. csio Bat Ten, roccatialu g !nue tooso..,tn cellar underonath. roa•eulon gl7lO nansedutely. Con tern. apply 10 ' I= Vlllll. SALE 011 MAT, UtIEAIP Ifum at Carpenter's atha.on, an the Uth ttnl klaUreed contalthav 1.0 act.: thlarnan manta, tan abase, and s er übJ, goad oransxl: all in pasture and 'rood for eultlva , ton, Also, uv. end o th er earn., In good localities sad well M. proved. 'Wen !mkt cheap and 0.. reasona ble terms. and rowans . of good banding loth to the elle and sabarba. lur fattier partlealtha Inqnlredf * WILIS. WARD. • Fon tiACE, • A Beautiful Building Elle, °MI 34 W '. ire fr. the etty. eootolotog 3 4 tCIElth, et,ll eeliteed hy two hoe .pile P' Yell Clew of the rive. Apple' to JOHN D. ACVLI.T. Jell:CO • Flat liatlonst Hut. EM==;Ql . wzLL.rILfINHLO HOVEL, iij elltbt rooms; klt f fled with moo/ vorletlcO of loootacol mos. 0-arloo trot a: .141.17 on.sted tbe tor Mug' Oor.orn 2, , ex n too. with., to one Lint of the tlir. bolo boorostutt[d vi lame.. ...In*. J. D. lAJC.N.N. Jot olOrrre Wei ••• Ntlentoo. P a. 14111ia11.1.E.- - A aide year* , lease es • Lot a busk 05 0051.0 btsbet, Ninth ard. RI by =b., 55 •••Ith Iced • trams deunns. now r•nUbe tot pspee assts; Alxy • beet. of 5 room*, .124 bet will reactor $OO. mat. ,P;fins4 genLLd r tsrom. Re.: apply St the . neal boast,' and Jun. mad °Ewe of 0. es. 11•11[15. Vele Batley titres*, I.•••reneavllls. Vtt ALUABLE COAL I.UnionIIOPEIRTV Irtkltdkl.Z. titaitt.d in tovroshl•oa t• Noble•town plank toad. tarn tallca Front tn. tarry. artlatning roperty or Itot•rt fterfett.• Friar and otht, baring • vein of coal of choice qaality. et y of acres. roursalun st °foe. IS oirtrxd cheap. Apart to jell blet.•/N • tAr.. In Emil at. ViTO FINE 31 LOTS :panti OF ng GROUN D In Mer.4.4.llGrove. on Maat. n. *oda? , & cn. lem JOHN D. BATT,F,Y BRO., Stook and Beal Estate Brokers, T DAVE TUES DAT ABBOCIA rtu with me ca thutstaws, Ilt/INCIII.I. BAI - • Ss. JOlOl P. IMILIX. JOLT Ltt. 11C. • JOKY D. BAILEY & DUN STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS • At* metre* to sell at •Atetton t Mocks, Rands. aa4 ait Unto et Pecurittet. Heal Little. Hots. hold rtlnollltc. an.. *liner et the preittses or at the Hoard of Trade 11001.1. Parlttalar mention pats. J hettlehtie, to the We of Keel Usti* at private salt. valet primed 1.1.4 , 10 to. attends& Olt. I 01.1011014 *TREAT. . • J 74 pEoppets OS. orriusar. a. am. WOOD 11CPANT MAAINIL OOM Wm. hum., • • Cap,. John L. Shwa... JoPa Wm% flasasel ehrtser.. Joha • rules Ar r as Capt. Jas. MAW. York I. ripmx#l. Wm. Yam - rank S. MasalL imam 1). Valuer, O. Hamm Lost u.ii -: . JLOM4.Teilica riltdom. W. F. 0/mtiNsla, rocrstary.• Jailor Capt. JAB. 00 /DOLL Gaon Ad. • • ROSIE TAXINU 7111 Z AN A ILLEtiIIENY INSURANCE CO. MeatUT PlTTSBukuli.- tame, No. 11 , TIM Bank Bloat lamas against all tbkaa K 11n sod Marina • Wats. ;URN lUWItf Ja., head t. • JOHN U. liVt i g. NI. Pre.ldeal. O. U. DONZILL electretu, Oa WY, 1.1 • Amara Jhn Jr., J 0 *1444 D. Itethad. O. 41. Mum, War /loom MA; J klsaa. Usarle• Han, ptirm it i vAriu. it...NsuitcvoE OF PRTSBUROH, PL osiodon rem awns,, Sault =sea. 1W I=4l ay. Com i pain lad Mara eiralßet °"• Y11074/iiirolASit. ?oldesa. 0. U. 1:0111. Vles ?real lent • ILOBERDPAVRICH, Smelt:en . HUOII elee.o3O+l. ' Leone fl rdni:lter, ueoreuNleost. - • • Jaeoa lobe l . elte, J RP . B.lfirs% Jal 11. 1 1VOLo, t.th=oftl" lTem . Belay Omni. C=EB=M! INDEDIXITY AGAINST LOSS BY L ITRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPIII4. 01314 e. 435 mud 4.137 41331.3.5Thirr D 1111011.0115. Ctadolly. Bonita. liordecs A. Longo. TOW.. Wogoe /Avid frow n, licsool (bard!' Issoo Job H. biota, I..dmlnl,c,lhae4 Bowls W. CU, . George ralel, BOW t 1=24 W. O. STEELS, DeCX..I. Dr. tow. . J. GAISIDNEU. conk - IN. Agent, Li5.b.9.13 North West eor. Third • Wood au. WESTERN -. I2IBIOILINCE 00, TT OP ITTTSBIIIIBIL ALILIANDCJI 14111IOIL Frutdast. MILUBEET. Secreary. . (Mum]: IikILD, General t. Water rt..... 'Mouth a us... WY. 11;m. ap.talm lvenaittt earumburt Yattva d. muSeredbrareetort WOO are veil helpmate the commeolty. ead WOO to deteriateqd by promote.. sod bberellty, to inshatale the eheruter which the? hem ea. , tf,VP,ILZ b` . " l'""`u°' `s' - Pluarrdan. , 11eX.111X... • 'Mud. l'hoMU. Attller. Jr. Chu. a. CLerle, Jame Itertoley, 1000 IL McCaw., • Aleunder Omer, Ja.m.r. Haan. Joupo Ktrirpema Ilerto IL Lost u • rhililtituneer. dad WM. OnitaLUT. beentety, C=1:1 • B. MILLER. Bazaar . Livery A.ood BALE sTAI3I•ISt Ala 7..„, 5 m„. Unitartokert All Stan of CoMos. tlc., at %b. M toa rates. Emit coestotstly cm band. CASSON STIUS IT. Semmes Ormstri ati4 Detuittat arm.. HlSmisnitoss, Honest Curter. ono Bo, KW Mr Alm. omit.. Mitt kiwilll In remit...tot Ihnistitt. Hons. kept st Ittssit i tZs e" tUt i lis r i a ttlittgll l irit; ClNritlarik Witt Mot sstiMt norms sad most olonsat 51.sOMF [apt NMI all hosts of tits day and nllnt. . , CORW:t3S'N MKELCHANII3. & ANJEB, Commission Jlerchants, D.Altro lD TLOUIL GRAZE sad PRODUCE PeAGIIIT, No. 111 WATER. above BNOWINI4I Gam, ilttsiGTEN. F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, A. ro New Bacon. Beef and Tongues Wlll he ready ter &divert oa Monday. 24th Chace Moip.r.ClVett NM= Do do do Boort Do •do do Beerroadue; Do do do Breakfast Bacon: Plibi Cured Baton I,Pou"Acrid Sm. do do Bide,, At resab;L: bribes, end of excellent Mit COAL MEWS . • TRUST COMPANY No. 65 Smithfield St, BTOUKHOLDEBB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE: Capital, - - $200.000. wrru PRIVILEGE or saomoo. Depoeltereeetved:inadi edlow ed• :Special attention given to Celle • none. President—A. J. PIM Cashler—E. J. 11011138 • ••• .• • j.lgAjogA, War. J. TATT2IIIIOII. W. A. 1.Z1.1107. • .11 . 14 11101 . 111111,1.. TOOL 1 1 ..ne011 . .. JAB. H. 1:101 . 11. , 11. A. A. HAgor. A. Varer.l.l/.. • .1. U. .10115/141f. D. 1.. Parrill/102r. 3117,11 a IVESTERII BiirISGS - 1!411111 Jib. 59 Fourth Sired. cazE.sawrzoxuarcr .eee. Iva PaMon Dart& received saw recaod tram no Dollar upard. Depotlva subject to =malt. witimui laaatraat. DIaCVIINT DAILY. AT II CPCLOWL , President--TE9MPSON BELL. Vice f'resident—A. M. MARSHALL MALMO'S& "morn.. Has. J. J. IMIJOML. Job. Dsmssi. A. W. Stsssoss.s.. • Jos. ALsIITI. 6to&toieer.towhom we mate REF/1911.17,110E. Wm. Torwtbe, - 41.septk ceidweu„ Ben. David gem ICUS. Henry D. W. C. Bidwell, A. A. Brown, Fllll.Oll. Stun. Kving. e 79; ALLEGHENY SAVINGS HANG, AZILEGIAZAT, PA. argama_tased. in 1134145. STOCICHOLDESS - lIIDIVIDUALLY LIMB. J=Atg=tteNg4N7.Allig given to Pobectlons. sod proc.eds promptly re .10610.L Ducount Usyridonday and TF.o.rsdn. B. Weflub. . J.T. 1 . 1.e.ka.e. A. /1.1.7. jer.t. Alesand. Ma j rn . L. , 13... k u i e i bmx i .,.. d.m. me. JOHN W. RIIMLI. Ceslller. PAINTEII2. M==lZE= HAMILTON dr, WINS, House and Sign Painters, Is 3 MIND VlAZET,,,Pilliabarith. .6rgirstisg, Gissittg C 641 ding • Beatty este:elite!. GiiW pPi n s 'tiiaffr anoei . T ik. LEA'). ZLNII. An r. R.IIC2COISSON S. J. 11211,0• X. HUTCHINSON & HEPBURN. met ma AD inomma SEMIS, GDADOZYS AND IMAZULDE. iNe. MI PE N% AV6111(111, Pittlabtleati. Allmams by moil promptly Wooded to. REnovA.L.- • JOHN F. CLULEY. House And Sign Painter, nu removed to - N 0.134 21111THZILLD tir., Plttaberity Pa., 1.91•07 tVockette the old axed. Bonn ........ 5111133 L lACCOWAN . b. lINYDEB, HOTE fi npantli s M. No. 411;I:orth std•otPlamend.AlleshenT• Cainmerelal 004 /sta . . Mame made to cram ' Orden respeeplly wilclud and prampal ex. emited. 11112..e•Ints. WM:km.3lw ...n•rntt7 ontstantlf on hand. 001.:nn. JOHN T. CRAY, HODS* *IW WOK PAINTER, (alma AND GLAZIER' No. 64 Lind St., Pittsburgh. !lath and Ornameatal Mims of over / Mu done to ortler. All work do. pnempuy - ss nuaonablo 1.4:d17 W . COULTER, HOUSE AND SION PAINTER, Cot. )ousts ABM WIAJST rrrrawa. • All Order, left et the Stoop. or soota!lt. X4l moon. prompt eatertton. wit.i..Laa.xt . ll. nnowary TT_ _ (Later &be Am of Samara 110110 W.) 'loops AND RIGS PAIILII7IO , I, Nortbeattcoma 0t.12414 and ltarkat atroils. 1:los01,V0:;:lintrAF:1 1 4 2 4: 1 :VPI FIDXSBURGU IMEWEBIN, CARSON DAMINGTONdc CO :111131118: . 101 1 )11111)0, zomistrA ituotais a co.. Pstesbung wa. w.4l4ozalon, , . - Tpe attenti on oft. outman ttie tern gnats IS Darttantatly be.e6 to bar • . ALES AIMD PORTER. tbromb tbseamfulMleetion eirlfeltfrine ourmtaraimMattl. Inellittes and lions trots the lane last .4 Won. we eeer immune to be pm .0 ratiersetore to the touts. Our IN DUALS has been MOO rboomnicadeil ' 7 411:511:=11 7 . eiritinnereerrd pimentos bU Outer st omen ad. ,hitoupiriy t*Euitei El; noem7ll • PROVO MU BARWERY. 876 7 4 rac .7.111- d a 4r 7 : IST AND BOMBS Me, Poirter *zr,11 . 1#97. Stout, PITY I 3, I II)I‘I4' I UIIIICILT4VAT,II , I. IN • , : 6,0,11 t 8,&/3 JOHN 1 IVIEGRAW, • • altoottsetwex et sad Wholads and buU • pular la all WCs of . Tobacco, Snuff . and, ,Cigark 4M:g 3SLAIIM=),JiS. 4 4 . 1Tteral mortmeat Souiktins Toss."' BABE & Panve.V• ors. ONE . • Xi sad • ET, PITTS x ERNE, p i. Ig.tn,j<2.ll.+Ld..el.ll==i 14674PERA -HMS& Ivi.iess EMI= Illeetestattley.lA Tllo.ooole. Jolt VA. last Gram. Matinee.. Yoe verformanin. tbe bemallpt "DTPAS ahaZi Q1:71E110"1, With •he lanes... A Mulish.. ZS c.d. Tlt•biltilfe, best night. emu:lv-IT. Lan ne vem.... of ANNIE ezrre)2l. ANYI.II,In.ITX. .W it. 1:6•31...1 fareat.l Dement of Ur. t). BrITON. Tee nee d sltemt on: TIIK.NAIA I / QtlE6.la. Eperrtug Match between Johnny tt math enel Patsy Banc., Sp conclude WI. nIXTP Kai nIRIMS JArR. OEL WORKS & CO 61.1" A NIES viro Enreka Carbon Oil;. THE CXLEBBATED SPetiailanbricatipg CHEMICAL LINSEED, OIL. ineitrale Dealer. 11 Crude, Retitled and Lubeleit.4ll4 Lard, Sperm, Whale 0. 0. NoBLE-44,- r; ' • ' le Irwin gtiee4l ~ ~+woe. IVMM cosx..es: crizawcmc.umen SOHO OIL. WORKS. MN. KEN & CO.. " 14210 rACTURICO Or SUS CELEBRATED SPERM conical:it Petroleum Lubricating OM Sperm, Lard ;and What-a (WI, nausitiamisoittiii.ai MUM STANDARD MUTE BURNING OIL, Fo.l St. Clair Street, rrrrsßußcin, TA. lIJAIED FOR A CLUCTJLAR. denag TACK BROTHERS, : L COMBIIB§IOI . IMMCHANI93, Baoszas IP Petroleum and Its Products, PITTSBURGH oprxor.—. 4 .w.u . . BSIWIRB tenses of Duquesne Way and PHILADELPHIAUIIf ICL—IZI Walnut R. : • mama • WARING & KING, COllll3lO lIULM In 11,01111111 Petroleum and Its Products, Dalzell's Block, Daquesae Way, PITTSBURGH. PA. MULADILIIILL ADDESSSs WARINC. KINC it CON. ====rM W OOLDRI DGE OLL. REFIENViG Jo4:num.4macrin. OF. PITTSouRCW,-PENNA. - JOHN WAIT_Pr.IIIIICIL 'IZNIK! K. WYO. way sad WWI% *cams is mupikaasiTvais.. Nice, N 0.2 Imoesne Way, 1111117;11CrIt= 1 110. ) 1031TX BU' RNIN G um Brand—"Luolfer.v m BEY THE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD: 7U OIL ILETIN2B6, lilanobeured only and tor 5.10 bl.l , T. H. S. CD., • 'lOl , llll l- 411 PAINTWOIik3, W. vv.coro:Nanalsarket.Bt4, prrraBCBGEL Pa— arMaear EAGLE OIL WOEKe , Xammcrreozactercri- 11 °. WICHTMAN&ANDERZON; 'tanners and Dealers In PETROLEUM. 07,10 E. SZCO,I3 ETOBY, COW= W. 011CIs AND IMICIIIICHNIe WLV. BREWER, BIURKE & co.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AGENTS FOR THE PaelGeo Globe &Liberty 011 Works Ample Storage for Credo wie. Bedard OIL Lib eral cash advance. made on denalgtonenhe Of credo or Refined ?stream. Verde for Goren • Umee shipment of Credo GE at LaterTacevilie. •tigne end Warehouse. eornerof Duo:sone Wel and Hancock street, Pittanageb. maGedd BIERS, HOPPER & CO., ahiCCill•On to a R. BULGES. iiient.) • , • neaui/Langw3a or FURNITURE Of Every Description, SCHOOL AND OFFICE FIIHNITPE. No. IS Smitldleld Street, 1,, o'► fall aseortmene of Fittatennit - ldsatse. tuned Furniture eoutteiiiiirou land at LOWFIrr OeBll Palen. • C. 1. c. &INTL? 0.4 YU111ti5011....D. Y IIA1.1...14•AC• 30 . 11311 T. Catrnua NORRISON, 888 & CO., Yruntaetnners of sll ktnds of .. BOOS AND PM= PIiPED, Crain Pr.mPil7 amts, •'• awr ao•.ss. roam IT=l IRON ,CITY CIiTLRRY CO.. No. 3 St. Clair Street. , Havlest perebseed sf ANDREW leetlele the aittre stock of Han:Ware, Cutlery And Vastety btr ds, at to above staad, tate Weir lineation to keep or, eend ages - elite. stoat of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Bona, Mars letymaivers, Pistols, .lablnja Tack - and a nnuaa r la toss ■ animus. •0.. amnia, amanita and amps, and MAUI( MY and tlandalllng 1111.1npa. at 11441,r1S 110W2I, Masame. ITO GLASS PIANITIMINIERS. THE viinEnstatreo having iLreeere4 the onle.hirisel Mt Me sale of ih• COPLY POT CLAY. ate now pr. wed to fended It In aa7 querltity to the...ets/ to procure this superfoaer Dorms dftves yews , ewer We `butte weldwa v eined at such or parttime es •• seuseets • better -r lels fbr oots tams soy An the merest, we having secured se events eland of as la touts, for race ord. aa4 Some lastlaa as MIR. stsht sad Gs mouths. We wi I la i& receipts for the pi sportier. critic mixture Of We Clay tq Persons paroussius• Tna eley le prevail sa4 Matilda] In MID. for delivery. DITHILIDOE s soar . /art Pitt tiles& Works. Washlnn. tlt, titttoa.ie, Ps. 10 OIL BEIFIXERS. THOS. S. CALHOUN! CLALMILIPIOWTSIIII., 510.107 Lena, Street, Allegheny City, ifire=stritvenra of • TANKS. - ;7,l4triv4rgrie,m - Ail Mod. of work a Uhl- duo. dose (et ea.+. en the moat town:mots tams sad at the ehootoet aeuea volinein pwmtgari,P Ai t y r:Et PRINTING AND 1111 RAPPING 'PAPERS WE& mitt, ; I. WWWI L TtI?„ I #2.: , oITICIS'AIIIi - WAREIIOIIIIS, No. 82 Third iftiaet, Pittsburg% ra. ornoirEs-mmuni HAWITZ A Prordect. L i l a turd . .le JOn 11=11.., H. ',tarlatan. Zotak H. LITINIUM JanAt 4 r.z• Ida. C. H. Me:la. (*lib Paid for Myer atom.. ozovozne MKS LIIGEULT & (Blaccouots to Coo. r. I:Oboe/moo it C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOIMAPHEIS,. Tee OFILTHTICAM LISHOGRR i !IISTLYS. 1.11113.111. NT WEST OT Tit/. MO TAINS. Basun. Cards. Latter Head.. r pulars, Mow Catag,Dtpkaaah. orvrt i rl 0ri7:40.-'ol°Wal a4r 17ti4 12