The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 06, 1867, Image 1

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, IclnuTs Excerre.e.) .
• Water,.
- ...................
Orncs, uizirrr lc BUILDING:
Eau $4 AND Se flirt E rSZEL •
vruut Repatil Piper of #iiteri ?MON&
oriprrisauaos AID
Amapa: UM. .
I =l4ci:rn..6 perw.k
MAU nub.trlnan. ynn , '
Addross. GsErrE,
sburgll Gaifttt
Tat marl
inetabiutracently celebrated at Rome may
be Wiwn ea conclusive evidence of a
talyi which prei j edloo has tried to ignore
butwhich letii been stainable to all die,
{materiel, observers. Nothing short of
a formal 'Council bait ever congregated.
in the Capital of the 'Christian world or
elsewhere, so many 'distingtdebed eccler
elastics and eminent laymen. It would
`tit to take a superficial view of the case
to so pose that the nominal object °filth
convocation was the only or
. primary
one, The Catholic Church Las fallen
upon a transitionary epoch. Arran
mentalrell suited to.the Middle Ages are
now anachronistic, and most necessarily
be pot away. The Italian government
and people feel this, Mid are 'resolved to
.adapt their political institutions to the
gimlets of modern progress and enlighten
ment.- The Italian priesthood lookup=
these formidable popular movements al
ternately With indignatien and contempt.
Adhering, to the , Contervativc maxim
that what is must remain, they corm
. eel resistance to all changes,, no mat
ter Arm beneficial, as t , mischievous
innovation". It is fair to infer
that .' enlightened churchmen from
this and other liberal nations are
imbued with vbetter sentiments,: and
see that the chinch, in order to main.
bat its poWer, must yield to that which,
111 the course of events, has become in
evitable. If the informal private con
ferences, held in oonnection with the!
current nubile cermtonles, shall not lead
.lo,an adjusune.nt of the existing compli
cations, It is not improbable that a gen
eralcouncil will result therefrom. flume
the adjotninmat of the Cour cil of Trent,
which settled -the disputes growing out
of "Protestant Reformation, no exi
gency has arisen in which the highest
wisdom: of the Church was required, or
in wide/its display was likely to be at
tended by larger or more salutary con.
sc.:l2=cm' to
,Europe, and, indeed, to all
Chrietendom. Already there are rumors
that a council be held, and that one
of the important points it will consider.
will be the temporal dominion of the
. , ,flope,which stands in the way of the ant.
;fication of Italy and has become a most
perplexing' problem isoEuropean Dipl6-
macY, and threatens the Holy,
with'the lore of his Italian adherents.
This . question adjusted to meet the rune
• coaditiOn of -political idCCUS, the Cinrch
'will enter upon a fresh deyelopment, in
which its power will be vastly wig
' menies.
to:scams re-assembled yesterday. In
the' Hotta the Committed on-Redon
strimilen'wes announced with Mr. STE
use. so 0411rmsai: It was announced
through thtl proper committee that the
Yresident . has decided upon sending in
no address, preferring to let congress go
it alone. Much of the time was occupied
in debate on the contested seats of the
Kektecky 'members who are charged
with disloyalty. The subject WAS left
with thin committee. ' •
In Tax Senate W. Edell:nub& introdm ,
ced an explanatory. Reconstruction bill
which wan oniered to be printed. Mr.
,Anthony offered a 'resolutiOn. limiting
the tatainesanfaho *Salon to an elucida
lion of the Reconstruction act. W.
134(ner offered a reinstitute providing
15z tl e transaction of all public liminess
which might come tip. Alter debate the
oxiginalteaotution of 'W. Anthony was
OrnAntricEs tritest Ittaxico this morn
ing , are highly important., Vera Cruz
' kis capitulated, the soldiers getrisoning
the place being 'permitted to - leave the
country oiiboard a Maxima National Tee
, eels. The city surrendered quietly arid
withcmt any'„ bloodshed. - It is also re
ported that Santa Anna has found his
republic rnin ignornini6mideath, having
biten' abet at 81is1. Tha litter is hied) ,
pithildt, Is 'it was stated in previous
diipatches thathe wns, held a prisoner
at,Punpeachy, where his trial was pro.
«6:tie.' Moreover it vat; telegraphed
that highly important documents were
found in his possession Al the Liberals.
Tht. felt anxious, to test his popularity in
Maxie*); trough'ltapindenos has
brought his eventful life to a close. .
MSF Bcnwsca: was very. properly re
buked in Ciongremi yesterdaY, by the
Home refacing to suspend ,the rules to
Tote upon his resolution applouding and
endorsing - Mexico. for. the execution, of
Maximilian. It world appear refresh-
Joey cool tor Congress to praise the Lib- I
eralanf Mulco for the perpetration of a
cruel set which excites 'the indignation
of the world at Jorge, and to. prevent
which, our own Government labored
gently. It Is talc to: presume that Mr.
Schenck was In a humorous mood when 1
be offered the .resolution t iWishing it to
rank with. his Petroleum' Ntusbfloke
a ~ d winch followed.'
, \
.Tmic nrecnntOn of Maximilian by the
liberals of Malice...was in accordance
with ancient usage among all natiol:l6'
,ind answered the demands of a sort of.
vUdjustice. It has yielded to the clam
or of the majority the people., not
.diciatecrby the wisdom of the leaden.
' That it will impart additional security
to the new orderof political affairs In
that country, may well tre questioned.
That It will furnish motives for further
eapiations, whenever the royalists shall
have the upper hind, does not admit of
dispute. ,
thISCASIO fully maintains its high repu
tation sa alast city. Ale report of the
Superintendent of Police for the last
time months 'eveatho follownig
Total value of property reported
stolen, 63f 1 070; total valtre of stolen
property recovered, $31.031.55; total
amount of lines, 035,833; total number
of a rrests, 0,056. Among the charges
mind in the report are, arson, 21; assault
with intent to kill, 21; burglary, 40; for
gery, 82; highway robbery, 1; riot, 130;
-larcenT,'4so: rape, 4.
• TES death of Hon. Lazarus W. Powell,
of Kentrcky, to announced. He was
born in 1812, graduated at flt. Joseph's
College, Bardstown, in 1822, and was
admitted to practice law in In
11338 he _was. elected to, the Kentucky
Legislature, and , frem 1911.•• to 1855 was
Governor. of his nativo • State, In Is . tu
he Was chosen Senator In Congress for
the long temp., serving on the committees
on .tudidery,' Pensions s and Printing.
wee attached to the Democratic
Wednesday last there was .bild s
State' Conientlon at Columba■, by the
colored sun of . Ohio. , A set of resole•
.bone were adopted, urging Spots the
'voters of the State of Ohio the duty of
striking from the Canatitution the word
ntldta, and placing all her clarnra l / 2 1 ?Poll
_lt platform of political equality-
nmetinnn of manmilitee Legion
of HOISOS mired yistaclny at, Mobile
from Vera Cis's. It is said gat they
will be mastered oat' of reivloo in that
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Prosecution Drawing to a Case
My Telegraph to the retislairak
• 51Fluntrwevear, els?* I[a.'
Mr. Cextingten said the preeeration pro
poem to chew Mete use by edkr , W ,
dance the recta of the conviction. by nalla•
tary epoithieston,ef ths other aaasealkation
•ktr. prepared t° put in °chit:moo
Abe almanac rot 1961 for the purpose ot
showing when the moon rose on the night
of the 14th Of April, and the condition of
the mom about that tithe In Washington.
lierrtelrobitkte d •
J o b e 1.,,,,,5eeen, Wm. B. ThOtapeoll and
Andrew Ealdenbrlck, testified to Dome
Judge 011 co a wax
nnected wi Mornth t he te box at atified the
some facts
Theatre where the sesaasinatlon occurred.
Walter B. Colemth, bind or a division In
the wilco of the Secretary of the TraattUry,
Umtata,' to being in company with George
W. cashing a ft er dinner en the day of the
seessablatlon. We saw llootli on hOreeback
tattt.g earnestly to a man vr ho stood ot, the
curb stone. This wan at six o'clock, and On
renneylvania avenue. between Tenth and I
Eleventh street.. Beoth's face was no very
pallid ea to /Mita remark. Thu maxi who
was conecrslng With Death was • young
tam dressed in gray. °lathes, and with a
Retell felt hat on hie head.
Quaatoll—Have you ever seen that man
aince until to.daYl • '
reltnena—No arr. •
, Quentall,Do you see a man like him
n owt
Witness—t would like the prisoner to
dead aide ways. [Prisoner did so) I think
that le the man 1 saw with Basta. Us U
like him m hie appearance. I am not sure
this issthenum. 1 have doubts yet, but I
think he Ins the man.
, tkorge W.Cnshing gave similar teatime..
ay. bat wee unable to Identify the prisoner.
WON Mary —.residing in Baltimore=
1963, testified Payne boarded at her Imam
six week. No one ever visited him.
Goma. S. Koontz, General Agent of the
Baltimore end Ohio Rillroad. In Waehing
ton, testified to the time the trams left on
the morning after the assassination, and to
searching taticars.
Thomas Lincoln, son of the late - Pres
b it ent,
tmullisd • man resembilus the pr nm
tried twice to see the President to Starch,
less; on the steamer at City Pont. 1
Tne Duell loiter, in cipher ant„ translated,
was handed to the Court, who read it+
Frederick IL Rail was sworn ise an e ft
to testify to it. .
Defence objected to its being read teithe
Jury until its connection with some Mitt=
condiratOrs was proved. -
Sometime was spent in waiting for Bir.
Dual. Flintily ttio Court ruled the letter
could not go . the Jury till after it was
brought borne to the prisoner.
Witness was catechised eotnewhet.bY the
defence as to bin ability to make and trans.
late ciphers. and the Corart took recess until .
tomorrow. .
CBI Telerrapb to the Plttalmrill ciazetto.7
.888 OP stazatattares 71.62.
Paws, Jolt 3 r. a.—The news or the sue
fate of 3Laztalian, of Mexico, has reached
this city. In comeiptence of . the traged Y
the grand military review ordered for to
morrow, has been postponed.
68. raw .112168 aitsi66arel.
PA.1113, dray 4—Erening.—Lord LYOn6 has'
entered upon the duties of Ids office as Em.
bissadpr of Biz British Ilijastyto the faun'
of itanolecn.
282 COURT IX 110CILIII110.
V=la, July 4.—Ercning.—Tha Imperial
°OWL Of AWITSIS /MS goae Jato Moe.lair
forthe death of Idarimlllah.
L 071001; July 4.-Preeing.-'lhe English
Government anthoritleatiamportooned the
graced- neaten' which was to take place at
Hyde Park, cm &coolant of the aecnUon of
Maximillen. The conduct of the Mexican
Government in condemning Maultrdlian to
deathaand hie subsequent faxeculion. csusa
great indlivottion bore and on the G. 1.1-
111•121..rlexUs • ••
IIiYORD /ROY 1411../Mll.,
LOSOOS, July 4-2 r. Y.--The geelan one
men b u nks, Doran. McCafferty, McCltire
and other., have been brought from Ire
land te. ganglandi •- -
Surrender of Sera Crns 'Srlntent
Bloodsned—Cave Soldiers tones.
'to Stabile by a french Vessel—Santa
Anna Shot at Steal. .
New Oataaws, July s.—The Trench tor
Tette Phllequerton, eight guns, four days
from Vera Cruz, with dispatches to the Con- '
ard General of Frame, arrived id South
west Pus this morning. She hes on board
General Genera and other Mexican Wa
imea She brings news Of the fall of Ver.
Cost on the 17th. The city surrendered
without bloodshed and le quiet. Toe cap.
cured soldier". were sent to Monde lor the
French aloop of war Totaseo. The foreign
men of warm port were the - United States
steandhlp Tammy. English steamer Jason
and Sparah 11door.
Santa Anon was shot on the morning of
the IlSth Stud. r
Moeda. July. a—The steamer Tann.,
bearing the Berle= dig. arrived yesterday
morning wrill about Ore hundred of the
foreign legion from Alaximlllan , s com. 1
mend. The gerrlenn of Vera Cruz left that
city a¢ the 29111. of June: The mpltulation
was signed on the 17th. and they marched
out with onion gyhis. mud were saluted by
the Liberal form , Th were allowed to
retaint he were arms and were f nthished with
Saimaa) vessels to' leave Mexico. Lieut.
Col. J. thidey, of the French army coin•
l mantle them. and it id maid they will bonier..
out hero
/Mare in aeons American Magee.
thy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
New yorig„ jaw s.—The !steamer hieing
Star, with San Prancisesi dates of the 16011
ult . , arrived yesterday.
The IterataVs Panama correspondence, de
talon the TA ult.. cozen= Use report of
the capture of liesquera gad the a.oump
tine of supreme power by
The Columblars steamer Bolivia, which
slipped through the augers of the autheri.
.stea - at pans.. when they centemplated
imaging her, has returned to Panama ty Itos.
queral orders. and was delivered to the
ant torahs.. Affairs were greatly Onset.
tied, and the only remedy Menial to be to
wait until the Congress was convened.
Thu Farad's Santiago, Chill. correspond
ent says: The Presidtmt's mesmge to the
chn Congress gates that the mediation
of the Vetted Stated in the war with Spain
had hears aocepted with condition.
Lieutenants Creasman and Welghtman,
of the United States eteanter. Ossipee, bad
teen arrested in YalPamiho. by an
e Meet
of the steamer, for intending to fight a
The /freold's Liam. Peru. odereinchderm e
of the 14th nit., annotemes the fug that
Ctillo , s revolution to:
bthought e purrun to ie tenni. of de-
Posing Presto, had been r
esti= by Us edeath of Castillo himself. The
only body of rebels remaining In arms was
the, small command of hive. Prsdo had
succeeded In forming • nem Cabinet. Con
grem was te:Ley adopting new rsonatittition,
sod realms the new penal Code.
nthetorrittoTlON CenerresE.
The SPEAKER sanotinced the Committee
m lleeoustrustum, is Messrs. Stereo,
Houttvell. Bingham, Farnsworth, Maribort,
Nye, Darner, Paine, rine and Brooke
' • • *Wawa* csaviarr Farrago.
, The SPEAKER presented the memorial
Oran H. Adams against the admission o o f
Bann:see tative Berk, from the Seventh BiM
nia of Kentucky. Unfazed to the Com.
DSILLee on Elections:
• • saw num) DELEOATE. •
The firEANAIII. also presented s comma.
Illation from the Govan:or of New Mexico,
stating that asi the election for delegates
nom that Territory would not take place
Ha September next,' he Ma appointed
John S. Cattle as agent of the Tarritory• lo
represent Ito interests in the -Howe, and
skier that hobo atimnted to • seat with
the anal pay and mil d
eagal da -
erre Its referen te the
Mr. SCHENCK was opt:meal to such refer
ea*. as lanight seem to imply an andel
°sconce ln the exercise of an early,
tat on
unardliorld and Mega act on
the pert of the Golfe or 01 the Territory. '
Mr. UAW ES agreed that the action of the
Governor was rusatitharised and unarms.
dented. He 'dead the oommtusleation re
ferred, so that the Coati:aloe op Illections
ight hallo a Opportunity of presenting
revert wlnell would prevent each an at.
tempt In the future.
r. ASHLEY gOttio,) thought the Gover
nor of Califemis ad es good a right to ap
Ciltrt`..'"Z tta."dalli:g:MTlNVAtt:
After hW U' Fa l ire ' r o d n tate, the coMmuion ,
on motion of Mr.°IIILJAII, Wee don the
so wiellailla roan TOO rassomur.
Mr. FAMNSWOBTII, from ,the Joint
Committee to wan on the President, re.,
The Fourth to She booth. ported that tha t rest bad informed the
By Teleasth to the Pittsburgh Omens., I Constance he had no conimunicalan,
Rate s Yoas,July I male tOCOrVeOe at the Present time.
negro nod military demon/lira"! their I InnITOCET etterronv Coen%
threltY abardaa o with the idaYorle by Ptpers In the several contested election
lamation, and One of the coats did 1/0 by asses gastaky were presented
t en lm session on recelviegn lent- limsrs. PAINE, 0•11 FIELD and KELLEV,
:ten order from Gee. Schoield. in Charlet* t and,ttp the committee on Election.
UM. and the rest of the Southern ' motion Kr. OnIiFfELD. ell can.
though businem was mat anierally sal- testate were admitted Wants un thefloor.
heeded. the military Ind freolmmr alone •
eppenred to be jubilant over the return Of T 0....
the national anavereary. Mr. PAINE moved to the rote.
~ .”%ld l e , , the Vela . In th t .n ral k. uste of a goo .lote ff t em relso .t. l , u u t e ltn.:
cnertflan for Ms able and faithful pmfores
ance of dis tr ic t me a commander of the
military of Tema and Louteians. •
The rules were enspanned-9....C.a b"'
dred end tent ars. eighteen, lad the Jeint
reeolutJon. passed.
• CONTESTED cent irrinDb•ers..,
mr. yin LYS presented aeOtettnntleahtern
from James Steleprtarbo bed been Wang ,
Zi l t h lr (r ttle hei t Pl' illte )"4 r t " t• th kt e no W tes "M""d ttesOn ° l; '
he foud% well ,md
withdrew- from the contest. Iteterred to
the Committee fin Elections.
reamer oe MINTIICZT ,
?dr. MARSHALL prow:IMAM 16 m. 0.?. from
Messrs. Graver.- Johns and Beek, ltoprssen-
WivesoftheFifth,Sixthand Seventh di.-
trict% of lentacky, aimless th e Witten or the
wee. ea Wed...sten weaning they were
illegally elected, that their agate wet. not
• contested, sal that no -Wingate. Mk .be
made *mat their loyalty; declaring tam
action of the florae was IrMarteieterat with.
and Is - direct violation of All lairs, rules
orecedentst was • • a submit= of th e
nehte..of the an ti th eir
Kentucky and
thetaselree. and comdltuenta;
'clalmtnit their right to be admitted In
The paper birth/ Mon
!MALL Mated ha had learned tbaknet l oo
of the =Wet had been ',relented tO 4 K/T_
the case of /rates, and be tberefOre' mon.
that le regard to the ether two, VOWS.
Genre(' sad Beek, the Committee on t ie :
time be diseharged from far th er oonaldistv.
anon, and that they beauty aeons end ad
talited to mate. H e declared the !Witt fif
Itestitersioe 1. ter. Carolina—Her
stele Outrage b 7 Negro..
thy Teltatapla to the rlttsbarge tiasctUni
Fear.. Koeaora,. JnlY s,—AneoOo" or
des 74t°,4°° among the poor classes of the
conntlw ol gerth. Carolina are Constantly
being received, and leave no f
room for doubt
that thernOstan% o int...goring and sickness
to the w Mod e.t.a.; to a deplor
arblme enatant.
Three negroeb entered the house of Mr.
Itoevw Footer, a few dam share ,,
seared the
WWl,' n od .505 them In . nutim.e, then
robbed the house, end afterwards murdered
Mr. sad lira. Foster, their daughter and her,
Intent child, and fired (1000 a younger
daughter wbo was reCardeg with a chlid,
cwlian:M d. i llen
e th as e s es d s e ! o . t hOW_. 011ng the
• -
AM;Oser fen I•r• re,
tat Telegraph to the :I•tsienee Owlet.",
t e, jely 6.—Tbe Government tiay.
lag receive r d Inhermatioa, that the renisms
II:dandle:I mischief, today Wok preatultion
kr/ Maps . A g winos" est -sent W Ylineera.
LOW her was placed at IfOrt , rale and another
at Windsor. l3=Onatn on the Kt. Lsemenoe
mere also kept in readineiss.
. -
• =War Tegegiaiat
DT Telervspb to the Pltubangh °MIA./
OM UTZ, July s.—ria Inessirsit is weak;
there have been no wiles Imrebatter.
Tile river is gluiest lactose sod rLstng
gleverst showers today, but now clearings
o fL
Loutsritts„:„loly , —The river is falling
slowly ',lab 4 feet 5 Inchea in the canal.
nieNta." aid
l'Ethays Allem"
LBY TararnPb to Q. rittuenro clawtte.l
• Ns. yank. July s.—e. ram wail Douai
berlmioes LNLlWZ.—in_hantau, =4 Ethan
a ia
Azp.s,,,,ird Mg= Mate,
'sae seaman ozettinieonwat I; Ethan
anOtaa =WO. bat mite betas in 130
• -
1111111111.17116031 IteDIL
'l7 Talmud* to tee flUstufge Ossetial
artworcar,Julyt—The trammel Rev&
tee uotamisatoner decided thaturtuteetotee
ere sutdoet to* tax of die per emit.
Judge !Myna le not expoOtod to LtTli
through today..
In Extraordinary 1 ... on.
The Kentucky Contested. Se: e,
ilso to "Nosily , and Stanberry for
Expounding "fly Pettey.'
(Br Teithrsph to the Flilsbergh Garen.)
W sagretrow, July 0, 1001.
Aectasorr Or
Mr. PATTERSON, of New Elatupshlre and;
Mr. YAK WINKLE: appeared in their L auds.
rmodnearr ' traalo knoi.
Mr. ANTIIONT, from the Committee , to
wait on the Frosident, reported hs had Be,
communication to make:
• nizri.Arrarear ILCONainecTIO ,
Mr. EDMUNDS Introduced an eiplan
tory reconstrection bill, which pitindm,
first, that the Boards of Registration .8011
have power, and it shall he their duty, be.
doe allowing the reel/Mettles of any per
son. to thrertaln, upon such tags Cr Uttar -
elation 0,1007 can ot , Veßi, whether via
Person is entitled th be registered. under
melt acts, and the oath required by men
acts Moth not be ocuselusith ori :did question,
and no person shell be registere d
nnleas the said Both! n
he is entitled thereto; and such B sh al t
have power to examine under othh, IS be
'administered by any member of such
Board, any one tesechlha the outline.—
%lona any hereon claiming regletration.
Sec. IL That the word nofacer” in the bath
set forth In said. seta &Mill be bOnthrte
0.1 to include then , Pelion .n.
Mu taken an oath to support. the Con
alltmlon of the United Water, °Sher than
senators, members of. Congress and metre
beta of the Legislature of tho States, and
no hereon stall be entitled lobe legistered.
or entitled to vote under said fait.4.o width
said act •• 10 It 0. supplement,Vunlees
the requirement of said act aa here
in cOnStriled • and amended shall be ltd.
filled; and the superintendent.. 01 election
der said acts sbe.ll have the power, WI
Mall to their duty, upon the Cithlienge
of any registered voter summoned, to de
' tide upon meth foots and infonuttion unsay
be =Wet° . appear to them whether maid
person offering toroth, and so challenged,
is under provieloth of said acts and this
act entitled to vote, and Melee or sleet
his vote accordingly.
Ordered to be printed.
Tot anat.:. or TOO siaalo3.
Mr. ANTHONY offered' the following:
Roared, Stitt the besidess of tide retalon
should be confined to removing thews.
tithe which hate bean or ore likely to be
placed in the way of • Mix executions of the
acts of noomtruction heretofore adopted
by congrees. when the same were paced
and thithlurther legtslatbon at this swoon,
on the minim; Of reconstniction, bO ea
Other sotoete, II not expedient.
Mr. FE3BEN DEN suggested to Mr. ale
1110NT to strike out the-warn ethers ld.o
Mr. SUMNER. offered as a subiltitute the
Resolved, - That the. Senate will proceed
ender 110 role to Um-dispatch of the public
bueln um requiring attention, and to this
end ell petitions and bills will be referred
for co.b.lomUon to the appropriate com
mittees without undertaking in advance to
limit the action of Congress tO any especial
subject-• . .
Mr. SUMNE 'slammed tie',Senate at
length upon ttilmoolutlop.„ Ile contended
there were important subject/odemand ing
attention. Fi there were the Indian
dlfficenles, whichrst,
required great attention.
18 0 0 there •1000 two Important treader.
one with banal America and one with Itus.
at, which had recently been ooncludefl.
and which required spinvoinlidlora of
money tocarrYtham into effect: •
Iith.ANYIiONY sold the Safinitheteikil sot
engiusts an appropriation bill, and the
, Reuse had adopted a resolution not to olio
alder anything but reconstrucUon mesa.
Mr. SUMMER said the Senate could oriel , .
moo Inlet a bill as would , be required in
this, urea. It had often dime so. But more
tesportma twos any other subject was the
purnoltyecetelreudffmned egreyed
d end
Mr. POMEROY did - not. think It would be
wise to peal Mr. Antbony's resolution
Allbongh be was not ho favor of' entering
tOte general' it was nOt lumen
what emergency might arise while Coro
green wan to session. • •
Mr. YATES desired to - uy he did not
wish his-vote in favor of Mr. Antbony'•
resoution lobe manned an Indicating his
oppuntton to tinivernsl solllego or other
necessary legislation. bat ne did not think
it wouldbewell to proceed with that sub •
legit now. Cowmen met for a particular
object esd ne .as to
he is
atten n.
iir.oion to it at the
WILSON said he tials morning called
noon the Cemetery of War, and in censer
nation with that ordeal . Icemen there would
be ao neuissitv whatever for lerialaMon
Ott to effect the War Department,
except on single. mallet . •
would nend in on Monday;
and that was an approprlatiors
r te ditty
e n
the reconstruotton act In he dominant
Anthony's resolution. Be urged the tos•
sage of the suffrage hill to wry equal
rialto into Maryland, Ketucky, Connecti.
renneylvauta and Ohlo, and all otner
Rumen wns aimless to assert there was •
Republican form of tiovernment where rut
frage was denied to men on noooont. of
lir. 1T.059, While agreeing with the gen
eral proposition, that, nothing not absolute.
ly nroresary seantel bo taken up, be was op.
Dowd to yr. Anthony's resolution, Proms*
he believed It necessary some legislation
should be ituoguratall bond' the Indian
disturbances in the west.
yr. TIPTON spoke of we necessity for
legislation to put an end to frontier dis
turbances. If ho could control the legion,
I too of Congress tceelaribe would peeve nt
any army oilloers from going west of Ws
wart 'river. lin would atter a premium. for
serum Indian scalps, and would authorize
the fOnnation of voluoterS Yoroas on the
frontier. _
The quastion being taken on Mr. Antho
ny,s resolution, it woe ogreed to-23
per, 9
representaibre wire Retest nut Die &mart. I
ean people would not Molt with indigo rune°
On an sot of Bitch tii MO esti. to a State. I
Mr. Wass stated there were charge. of
disloyalty. agatnet the members named. i
They were smarted In the reeolution or.
fared chid t wokild be 'found Mr. I
Grove voted far en act of secession. I
It might be proper fidatde colleague to de. I
tt s
fend re la here, but rib was sorry to see a
geprege tire Dorn theprourt prairie State
take o n. Imeelf the defense of any man who
had atte pied tooootroy the .government,
other 11 act. word or deed. -
Mr. lid HALL mild he did not feel it
iteeelitary 10 001100 his colleague , . personal
alb:Mane to himself.. Ills own motive. 'for
Ms s=lides were AllsoMelent for bitA. This
mode dl traveling out of. question to tin.
pogo the &Mon Dr .motives, of members .
Might be deemed creditable by aortae mem
bers, but he did not propose to tallow such
example. Ills colleague had bone entirely
mistaken about Mr. Orator. lie had Miter
teen arrested for treason. Mr. Jones had
beci 00 Strested, es many ethers ban wen,
bat he bad been discbarged without any
enema being preferred &Vilest biol.
Mr DAWES moved the prount and motion
be referred to the Committee on Elections. I
He bad no hesitation In Baffler for blms 4 f ,
as a member of that tkimmittee, that. if be
found there we. 00101og,streCtinE the goal
ificattrale bratty Of .the Nentutdry mein Oen.
he avulsing:was back their credential. Lotto.
After tome finther debate, Mr. Dawes ,
motion was carried. .
iOIIEI ho BrItIfALS_SICIELI 3 , roes Awe
Joint resolutions of thanks worn ten
dered Generals Sickles, Pepe and tiehoheld,
Mr. SCHENCK offered a Resetntion ro ['or
ring to Mexico. Indorsing the meta 0000u
don of Maximilitan. •
Mo. WOOD denounced the eat 00 below-
MU. and the reeoltaions no dtsgmeful,
the Mouse refused to impend the ride. to
reeerre them
00.010 ro..sasar" SOD 81,11.3111 M
Mr. SURRSCK offered • resolution of
thanks Petroleum V. Nanny and attor
ney General etanberty, no exponents of tho
Prealdent' g a rK.110 ,- : (laughter.]
rendin the question on Its mention, the
00110 adjourned till Monday. -
By Telrtroola to tee rittgotratt Ourtta
Nzv Yultz, aly 5,1%7.
smorx or orDos AWAY".
_Judie heroine, of the bagmen. ,Coor,
died In Washington MI6 afternoon of ex
-0014 rivet.
atarez tnta PMlklial..
E.Goverskor ;am A. King had a emvero
ams,s4tto xst.r.arrma
United Slates Marshal Murray, Vol. Wood.
Deputy Margiela Nor. and Newcomb, er.d
four other officers, Were Iltreste , l tOdly on
chaise ..of ktdrispping,. taken befOro a
(11.01171cottuty court, and gave ball to ap
pear for a future hearing. • They recently
arrested eeveral persons on charges of bar.
Inn stolen property from. the Brooslyn
Navy Yard. The nlt ts geld, were taken
without w en, arrant. end *ere re moved .IrOto
.bettortsdictitta of the eentity and State.
Mantua claim they Were arrested on
a warrant tuned jt 1.0011 last by Commis
sioner Bette.
nesszo is • Cllll..
Edward Given was robbed in a P , ourtb
avenue ear, on Wednesday afternoon, En
stooks-and money suthed et irv.l3. 000 0.
the thieves was arrested, but none of the
money resteleorl- . •
~001.0000 flail 110000 0.
- 3cose9tiMims (colored) wu executed
to-dsy irs New Brunswick, New Jorrer. for
tics warier or soother colored man.
TfILOW 111111 JaleilCA.
A letter has been received by Collector
Smythe. from the American Comte at
Kmecterc Jemmies, MALIN; that the yellow
fever prevail... Que. It is tyrdiev Cello
toellgemit. At lt twenty-hr. ror cchl
ol the cases hero pnwred fetal go ter.
' lleal C•ipsised—Fane Men
Dr... 44— 111* Zeurth-zterdaeti os
'CET Teirgrapa to the Mittman Gazette]
Ctocsara drily 5.—A flahlog
Log to . St. Joseph, Wads., capstred ye,
oral miles from the shore doting o gale on
Tuesday arenlng, and to. men were
drowned. Names not learned.
TOO Mt? was nonanallY rioted To.tordel•
there bang no public demonstration, nod
all Moine. homey. e chwed.
soctdents occurred from wer tbe cerelms us e
drewrma but nose of a serious character.
The ion
Po ncaannou a rclue.
lion Supttoes llars y •
. . .
TOUZIAI as Lexistartom, K 7.
(By .TeLogreph to the Pittebereb Besets.)
Lerewcue, July 3.—The Fourth was cel
ebrated et Lesmirton with greet Pomp.. A
grew% plastic wth held. where ten Menthe , "
peewee were r esent peep).* warn made
be Gen. J. E. Uctsbin, Boa. V/. C. Boodle%
and Colonels Mute, Willard sad Dente.
Death of Won. L, W. renall.
toy Samna sons }linemen famettc..l
• Lkantrat.e., Jaly.L—Hoo. L. W. Poerall,
Mrinefly Gomm:int . of Kentucky, and sub..
momently United num Smatof. dted at
Du mekteruse t.. Baudersou,KentMlLL1 0 .
Wednesday alterno.ds.
_ ,
PAGZ.—The /West and mat re
iiabte Noisy, Oa and Produce Market lie-
Para planar/ an/ paper Ps the nay, seat be
Mandl on our /berth Page.
ItaW the Pogirlie era. Celebrated ,
• The 6 glorions fourth" was celebrated by' I
all dames of the omnitinnlty. Donne:se was I
ennnet entirely intspended, and th e streets
presented a lively: appearance nom early.
dawn till into at night. TO., day opened
with. bright aim, but about noon a iteavY
Mower Of short duration t essed over the
eity, quoly drenching e good folk. in
Woody:we at pia, oh. held in :suburbs.
Many of the people of the town embraced
the dey as an mcmion tor an excursion to
the octet villages and romantic woods md
wilds on thedifrarent sallwayslestlieg flow
the lefty: • The rentisrlvania. Con
nedlsvllle, Cleveland, Tort Wsyne, Panh an.
die and Allegheny Volley roads carried
MOnsande of laien, women nod children-oat
of town,' while sameat an equallitumber of
cantits7 folks Mate In for Mirage to pery
teaser the lettlettleS Of the elle. Pie aloe
ere held in every direction. There were
.hooch. school, annum company, social, art.
vete. basket, and free and easy plc nlcs
mattered at all points of the oomplas shoat
the town within a mime or twenty miles.
With she exception of arc or two distort.
edeea, noticed elsewhere, the A ay off
very pleasantly. In the edjoininu county
of Bomar homy rain storms prevailed at
tutervale during the entue afternoon. scat
tering pie nide and effectually anerrlng the
enloymente claw dal. fatly tb.u. I
,siterwpre:l4l=tir V nimlll n l i g e traj , lf s
balloon ascensiona
an nigh t parte of the
epos% ativerthled. at the tbestres
Isere well patrOulee4, and. the usual display
of firework. wee Inaulged In by both old
and Young. Upon the ',hole, Our great
Wilder Was art enloyabla anatr,•angl ape
tent; In a style which does credit to the
peaceable, o rderly , and intelligent charm.
ter Of oar citizens.
• • - ILlty Uartallty ,
Dr.A. O. YOCandliae; Pbyetelan of tb.
Board of Eteeltla, report. tbo followlug
terinentalls Ws cat! from June =I to J une
10th, leGl:. .
Aocldent, Softenb; g of Braln, 1; rarely.
Is. 1; Consumption, 11Dyspeptla,11 Cooloro,
I; Prtrr 'Stroke It idenfoglus,g=,l;
IMeedee - Of heart, I;
is ChOlenn Inforaum, 4. Tuberou
loots, 2; Marasmus. UnknOern:l; Olsosse
of liraUtesettll torn Is Congenital weak
lisitroillgtilereWtr.e: - Croder one
earl4;trOin One . to two, from two to
Avo,li from twenty to thirty. 2; (tom thirty
to forty, 2; from forty Vn Any, 31 from filly
to etzty,2l traps 11.2ty to Seventy, Is Iterm
seventy to ' eighty, 1; from eighty to
ntlety, 1. • •
Yft,tit.l s "s, ` 4 !" . I Total ' 22,
Oloisons Occasion
Among khe pleasant ocesslons ou tbo
Fourth wee the •pienb3 Of Knowlson Bab
bath Sationl, In Lower St. Clair township,
,The Otileers, tau:diem and acholars, and a i
boat of Invited leads, ~rural of whom ,
were from the elLy. assembled' about ten I
(Meek In ton pleasant grove of rklr. (Rome
s o
screams otin Miurti ti neriod . and after the must
routine of with such
affairs, the assembly partoot e n-
Leone repaid. gotten up by th e l ad le s, after
wbteh recreation and amusement was the
order of the day. Swinging, - font•racing,
to:retinal'. quoits. were the principal enter
tainments each engaging in tbat bc.t. malt.
cel In their lutes. TO. celetmation was
under the riperintendenee of the ottlearn of
the aehool;and was well Otinnucteil. It Will
long be a green spot lathe Memory Of thine
whose privilege it we. to be present.
Rubber Imrprised
At galls anuirly hoed . Thursday morn
ing a burglar was sorpriud in Um ruldenoe
of Mr. Amos Stl6, assistant dour MisPectoc.
:M. f» iloberts strut, gasenth rani, A.per
lOri WU*. suspicions Were &Mused entored
the poeseandea how." going np stairs a.
Brawl bump. 'which he was awning, wu
b momout. Ile relighiod thn lamp, and so.
dtding amiliume. Main asceadell to Mese..
ono WIT. where tne burglar was discos.
omit- Us was secured. a policeman 0.0 10
boon and proved to he Edward
W. Plata. rWdirig on Prospect street. tie
had ap_ortridlotedAbotit seventpllse cents
in money, • pipe
and • knife when sur
prised m his - burglarious sot TOO Mayor
cornmittod him to Jail for trial.
The Fourth GI 11011907. ,
in emu. of the ram the residents of beaver,
managed to have trate • pleasant celehia.
tion on the Fourth. During the morning
several crouch pin nits wore held in the
beentiful venial saw the town, end et night
• timid feli, andfeatdofl took piece In the
largo amnia? Building. .`The occasion
vex eseeedingly gdereent. • large number
of the ledthe and gentlemen of the ;Leigh.
cahoot' attending. The tables were Wien
with the delitholet of the mason end the
roam In which it was held was bail somell
gestonned and decorated "with evergreens
and ilowen. The affair was wi e der the st.
at the ir s r=i m g Tregit on iti
The tonsils at Volontown—Soldless.
Monnosone—Lesinir of the. Verner
saione—Tiveceaston — Ceree ldrilea.Ten
Thousand Perseus. Tremens. .
On the mccialna of the ath, a large party
nt Pittehurghers took a special train on the
•14ttshergh and Connellsyllie Ilallrend, in
tent on witnessing the laying of the censer
inane of the Fayette County Soldiell .
ement. Arriving at their deadlnatdon et
Omit eleven o'clock, they found the an.
Meat town fairly alive with people who lad
flocked from the imrroundlng country.
Never before Maio idstory ei the Plkda wee
there it gathMing In Uniontown eXCleedlnif
to numbers the ono aseeniblaiL It 10 eats.
mated that ton thoesand parsons were pro.
sent. Among Me 'military 0100 them and
partiolpatieg were 'Garteml J.B.llweltser,
Colonels T. B. So...lgen and J. 8. Clark.
of Pltt.burehi General Harm White, of ire
mane county; Cheers. n. li. Oliphant. of.
Princeton', N. J., later of Unlontmeni Cons.
S. M. Belly and U. Swearlngen,Cola Ed
"bird Unto Piedl antl.ll.llo S. Kreps, and Mel.
P. A.. Johns. of Payette eounty-
Shortly . after 11 .0. 0. 10010 Prodossihn
cat. dot. Nato Urea, headed by the del'
obrated mounted land at oneHentddtactitell
to Geo. Comtarte cavalry dirlaion. The band
ender the joint leadership of hen..
Alexander lisnatn. of Wasbiniticoira.m td
George W. eater. of tills elms. •
Following the ttsed IMMO carriages cote
tairgeg the speakers for the ooraelon, and
three old matelots of 111 r. Next ,marehrd a
body of cavalry, then intantry=the nitt.
Penomytranta—conttottuded by Maj. Ahnuni.
Tem tutelar, was followed by • Pm= bf hi"
tier? properly eatnertal.
.0000 of theme... attrect lye restarts In e-
It e m' ems that preseeted by the sol
diers. orphans le attendee. at the State
setioal; recently . ...shed them They
numbered m bout °tatty, and were clad to
et 01410 uniforms.
. • .
Atter the trilliums , dune the Fire,• Depart
ment of the town consisting ol engines end
how carriages, drawn by. their Mapettive
members, numbering shoat kV es the smite.
g Thae.
merlons lalges of 01d. Fellows
thionirbont the codaty were net. nomber•
lea mem three or font hundred members.
The llasonictratereltr, in tell regalia, en.
der the dtteetiOn of Grand Marshal Jesse B.
Ramsey, were In the processicre. and, .
well on the 0.111 fellows, presented a nee
tarring., boggle* and wage., riontain•
log men, wanton end children, brought en
'the rear, sun drnede me the numb. tO abOnt
toothounsou persons.
to the order named the 'eel.. marched
to the Soldiers' Cemetery, a half.mile welt
of the town, Ix hero, after forming a hollow
square about theme...dal alte,the cor
ner stone yam lald with regular neremenit.
of the 31memit , order. The following Grand
Offleers officiated Grand Cuter, VI 11.
11010 Chatlane. of Brownsvlllei D. G. X.,
J. it. ne.m U an i s a t hl .
I ti c .
g W in . b G ot e b o ami W pt . . LTitm JanhnW.
040larap; s., Wm. R. liedrOllME amt.
, Res. 110. Stereniion•, Grantl Crater.
Bev. C. W. smith: Grand blushed, J. IL
.11112000 the. articles deposited In the stone
were goid,•llver and copper coins of the va
rlet. tienominationWfa copy of she Intent.
of the prommdings In the ldamoole Ledlte 10
pelation to the occation. There we
m re aisa
laced in the receptacle toptfis of amma,
pore onotelnleg articles , In .regard to the
monument. The First Natibual Bank, of
'hie glace, f o u r
is Quantity of paper
eirrnmey for th e Gone peep...
Ten add rem of Bev. L. W. 8.11, yr hleh
osed the CXoVdFell at the CeetteterYt the
elaquent msd highly npprofirlate to
Now that the foundation . laid, the Bowl
of Managers have determined' to dente a
considerable share of their time towards
the meonsellshmentof the tiltlehde olgeet.
the creepers of the hinnement, In slew of
thin the homd have oryienl.4 • grand gift
enterprise, In which scheme they Ober some
very valuable prima tO tiCtet holders.
Setae of them were displayed to ekmlring
crowds. the 4th. %V observed wrong I
LhdllriLVS which are on exhlbillou at We ,
houses of neveral citizens, a handmane
piano of the moot Improved numnfeettize.
an elegant melodeon, two raying oteehinee,
lan “Emelre e and • "Star." There are ma.
oy °dent prisen Alia li which will be .
prom:trod to .10 0 TACO. f or druwing,
which takes place on the fid Of beptemher
nest We can agonies the prattle that no
ttletery or unfair dealing will he ptroetleed_
towards ticket-holders. but that ell the die
tabs of the manatteniont are lesoo fide, and
holder of tickets will bavo a fair
chance. The tb1:0011 of the Board of 1/1410•
sere should be softicient gement. as to
the fecemc nl the scheme. They are: Col.
Bering Brownfield, President; COl. Ildwaat
SecretaryiC. 11. hemon, W. IL
Bally, D. E. tooocr, Peter Hook.
While engaged la the aatne enterprise ln
aur own city wo should not rat le assistant .
neighb enact-telly chose ot Fayette...
tv. between Whom and es there are such in
timate reartweer.
re weld lel relation., which
is.tett,...3o4,, Ulla time
At the conclusion:tot the ceremonies at the
Cemetery, the Immense ma again formed
in colt. u nett termed P b o to • beantaul
eroseutlatentwbetea meeting amerce.
ltied to listen to d
eb rehirms from CoL J. B.
Clark, of Plttahur.
giro In Reece - se Township.
' A lire occurred at Butcher's Run, is Ho-
serve townstap,onthe Fourth, by winehnev•
eral bulldbigs ems destroyed, and which
originated from a fire cracker. The burn;
leg paper fell among Some shavings to Mr.
Ileyerhosiferlatiarpentar shop. on Chestnut
street, near Butcher's nun. and In a
tow moments the shop was In dames. The
engines arrived promptly and did good ser
vice, Ont In salient them, the shop and, ail
Its contenta wore destroyed. The ahoy nor.
mined mach 'finished Work, and some choice
towbar. The board yard attached, belong
ing Jointly to Mr. Itleyerlimffer and Mr.
Adam Amleb, a neighboring .rporater,
deo pentads. destroyed.,, fir. Meyer.
borders loss will probably reach CIAO, and
Is only parthdly covered by insure non. The
Items dwelling belonging to Mr. Spell
mower. near. the shop, was conslderablY
damaged, the loss amontitinse probably to
shout Igigh partly inured. The botcher
shop of air. ChM/it. Darling, and the pens
attached, were nearly I.6wanilht The Idos
will,probably reach Ord; nuntrad• trite
dwelling of Dir. A 111431 Match, a two story
frame building. was constderablY damaSmi.
and . rmtne of his furniture deetroyed.
shed In the rear of the house was burned
doom Mr. Amtelfs loos Moodie to user
Orb. The lose On tea building 10 covered
tr? ,
i insurance. The dwelling of Sir. dobn
toac wal so sligtl dweil y dam log Oagf ed. li ds the.
1 0 as Tonh Jiggle°
Alma was damaged •to a considerable
client. hit wo could net learn theamomlt
of the Into.
rimely. rind Jadtelows.
. Notwittatanding the obserrtmee of every
precaution by.M.gineers and conductors Of I
the numerous passenger and freight trains I
constantly communicating with thin city
and Allehhany-.4eoideol frequently hap.
ram. To r provide for thisthis Ilailroad Qom.
bank.. aro eeleeting and &pet:cloths% rest.
dent physicians and surgeons, whose duty
it mill -be to attend promptly to sway case
accrirring nearthe city. As their Is nolegtd
or other ottitnellon resting on the railroad
authorities to provide for accidents or In
jarlee for shish they are_lnnoWlem tohlarno,
much credit is due fur an example so ton
mane and liberal.
Wo are glad to new that the Allegheny
Valley • Comnany hare appointed Doctor
Elliott and Lichee of Allegh.ny city to treat
oil cgs“ that any occur on their road, de.
musding their care. DOoLor Elliott 1. a
'Veteran practitioner et Dome and in the
sentyrt/r. Heston, his Anacleto, has earned.
high putation both for gellantry In the
11WM un itskill In the hospitals, having Added
tour settee of service as sure.. In the army
100:' , en year. of prat/lons prlVete practice.
On Several 0006910 00 of imminent peril, he
ass sheet° himself as ready to indict
wounds on the enemy as be was 51.1111.1 to
Deal those of his friends.
'ID enemy Bobber Arreeted ..arld Come
misted for Treat.. .
°facers SI blous and Gordon arrested. Man
tinder very suspicion. eireemeisaces on
Thursdayzight about twelve o'clock. They
were etnadlog at the corner of Liberty and
Canal etreets, when they. obsorimd a man
on COAL street stooping o'er the prostrate
body of another man on the pavement
They approached and demanded what - he
was doing. could give no good account
of himself, and the; arrested him at once.
The prostrate man was focus to he one
named Itmert Mitchell, 'and one of hie
pockets was turned wrong Ode oat and his.
pocket book taken. The prisoner gave bin
nae Goorge Walker, and morning yed
to m Vi e watch home , . This the
Mole. Pocket nook vas found near the olsco
of the outrage, whore Walker had imanattly.
thrown,`lt after hie arrest. Some key.
woro found In Ms possemion, which left to
W suanlelnu that he is a professional. Ito
lied a he/oleo voste.rdar evening, which rre
stilted m his
fore eommitted tepid, In Cle.
fault of bail, nis appearance nt (Mart
The summer messon at this popular place
of atonement will close out all
the old favOilins will leave us, having on
negemante elsewhere, We are pleased to
learn that the enterpriee has been • success,
,14 the managers bare been unusually liberal
In their endeaversto please the public. The
, •Nald Queen^ which hae been drawing good
1 houses all wok will be Presented again at
tee matinee this anernoon, the admission
to which will bat wenty-fire conic Joe Sef
ton will take a farewell benefit to-night,
when a rare bill will be presented. unix
teen ,strlen Jaak," a sparring match be.
Swoon Johnny Newell and Patsy Kelly, end
the vSad Queen" are all on the hills, and
. Joe always "Alla thehillan The outaln
rise at precisely 7S. r. on aocorint of the
minimally long bill offered. This will be
, the last engem° and .bonld be imprOved.
Highway /iolsber Arre.ted
We have mentioned the fact of the rob.
Ater, of 1ir.,•11. o:Overholt, of WOMX , Ore , "
14d cianty, on Wednesday wrentng b`st.
near the Mansion Homo, of one thousand
dollars, taken from the breast pocket of his
coat try a pat sou whom he distinctly raw,
but who °scatted, notwithstanding rescind
persons were resale an the street at the
time. lir. Overho
10.1 as possession
asp°, rccelved at e too Lao an hour to de
posit. Of the unman t si PO was to 00005
In a mineral. pocket Stalin that taken, which
was to bank notes. From the desetip
tioa given of the robber, Chief or FOLIOS
BOOtt traced cut cuir James Brown sa the .
&Tr h P g t lLergaNittrlea PertAtrirTz
Agetdartt...llohert Enfilegtooh aOI4,TX to
grocery Otero at Bicornsellse, otreleuly
placed a Caudle at the Of oo
"* Uient! Mi aaVireVllTh ' ele tror
etuth force as 10 nectars the 10 , 2ni ZIA"
tan/U. sou Wt. OZPOCUIt la ,
Di aaaaa a fot Neel.. at Ile yarldltar_.e.
. useve—elorderoos Illanstialt—WOOl ...f
-it...sly and Perhape • Enema:
A public plena In was given at McFarlandis 1
Grove on the Fourth, ander the auspices Of l
a few individuals,. whom eotomMiuseCap. I
pears to have boon private pan.. Whisky
was sold to all who bad money to pay fat
It, sin' d Ito Inevitable comicquences wet*
apparent quite early In the day. During'
the afternoon tberd Wtrel Several fights,
but no serious dlsturb.ce resulted. 80.
tween three and
lour o'clock a genera' debt
was inangotaled among the roughs—es
many es fifty fighting at once. Thome were
many blackened eyes end broken heeds and
at least three men were cut, Oa. Slightly,
and !matter under circumstance* else.
where noted. John Robinson, Captain of
the Neptune Flue Company, was the one
most littered. tie received a terrible bleiw
.with a beer glees On the left eye, cutting
the flesh savamely. .d k.elsing [ man ner '
nearly nut, Mini - tea it In oursh a
that he will probably Insult: lII e nett was
more partic ul arly with a man named Madi
s. butt whether Plungen used tba boor
Vasa to toot I:newt, bliortl7 after this,
obtuse., who was still I. the tight, r ° .
caved attaviara auttwro.s the [ threat, Ate
Other across the che at, alt anoher, a t , datip
stab, in the left nude. Tn., knit° Is alleged
to hobo boon hood by O. Madison, and that
be cut Robinson coven nun, gnoiosen
as brought. le hl s home on ItNis street,qoil
his talent, attetebel to by Um. Roller nod
Pollack. Whorembved II portion of the left
amok hone, which V , 11 , 1 fractured hear the
I , ere. 'nein are tour sever :, cote Ou thn fan..
and li terrible gash eu Btu up of the bead.
It 10 statml that Robinson was assai
be it bl o
Jr wen. when entente appeared te t
'!tune his life., Tito 114rgoona soy Ma wounds
ant of a very sedans character and may
prove fatal. No sedans .
Imre tioen made,
het at Ithstatel log the parties who made the
assault ere known.
Before the commencement of the general
rna a right °Cohere i between Thomas
Burke and 1/0014 Menaces.. Richardson
quarreled with UM bar-seeper, sod Barks
interfered, witerenpon Richardson drew a
knife and attacked Ratko, eating at Dim
several times. and telictin 5f severe waned
In the able, arllloll,hotravelt, I t not cOnStd
areddengeron.. litchardeen bug not been
b$ lb. Moab wOid—Worksbopo
f th e PeniafylVUOlS R• 1111.01. OM.
pony lisroo4—L6.o% YotimAtod .1
slo,ooo—Yoll7 tovomil by LIMBUII4
estenelvegire Occurred lest evenMg,
by which avortion of the workshops of the
Pennsylvania liallroad Company were to
tally destroyed. Toe building burned S.&
three story brick, eetitlt NOV enq feet leltisire.
Irony which estearded two wings, one sterry
high and one hundred feet long, situated at
the oorner of Liberty and Morris streets, in
, which war:tits paint shop, earpenter 'Mop
1 . and ear shop. The Are originated is the
paint whop, which was in the third 'story,
unadorned everything Intiammenle to the
main building. The greater Portion of the
machinery being oath° ilnsOloorovu laved
by the employees of the eatehlterielniti
W bo o ns ISOM au the sixth] wee givers, went
to work with a will, awl eitholleh the' Are
lasted' but n short time, removed sten ,
movsule walliele of any great veins ma the
dolt floor. Quo story of the aid' fronting
on 1100010 street was stitrred down by the
falling of the roof hut the reniaining walls
are 1.1,24..1. roof.
loss 10 estimated at
mute, tunorund dollars, and is hdly cover.
. , ....
.01 be Inintrunce.
Thu ace companies were on the keened. In
a very ellorl limo rater the alarm as
Wended, and wked faithfully, hat the
scarcity of water inthat locality, and the
large amount of Nicely combustible matert.
al In the
ted, rend pa a in l t
I s t h l o p ,
o w m h ie o l r e e
f t o h r e i A ia u to g save
the beibitem Through their efforts, bow-
Over, the ere tens prevented from epreadielt
to the wings of the balldirm, and was kept
eorilleed to the main lintblinu. It Is not
known fib the fire originated, thtt 11, to
supposed to hare bototaccieental.
PehisSyIV•IIIIR liesitetAhrissy.,
Governor Geary, with the ffeseJ of De
partments, &mita the presence of S Mtge
number of ladles and gentlemen from dlt
fonfrnt, parts of the Stale and from the elty
of tfarrisbarg, formally opened MO new
- State Library room on Wednesday: • It to
conceded on all sloes that thus new depart.
meet of the Library presenui a matt mag
nificent spn-srsuct— ta m
the necorrimoda
tiOns for visitors and allidonts. and those
Who have a legal prwilems to use the books,
are sumptoour soil ample. For the p urpow:
of giving the d want reader an. Woe of
eatent of the I...brary, may, dun. ,
terms, tety that 11 la contained In a room . 111
Sr hi fact, with et• noUtog 21 'stet 4 Inchat
Malt A. gallery sustained by lkteen Corin
thian pillars ram/ arOund the entim room.
The one and and two 'idea Of Intl are amerce
feet 'chic, and the rear end seventeen feet.
elitwon pilluuerwresponding with Masson
the drat floor, run from the gallery to the
calling. The total length of we beadles
is tnree hundred and twelve feet. TOO
entire wall between um galleries and cell
bag. on:opted with caslen, whiletheloter•
MMus, bet•mia the ariniloora of the drat
floor lire filled up with sixteen caeca. The
asilsr7,contal. two thOusend elan bond.
red Mid eight Neer° feat of book shelves,
stale the SlAteels ease , on the drat floor
sieveoa thousand five hundred and sixty,
to era feet of ebelvfne. -
Gov, Geary made an interesting speech
TU. 0•11 ass. potter Works—Admit. ,
sawn of • Nowt Itemises to the
By solvertmement elsewhere 11. bee's ,
wised that the well known dem of Morrow
Bornhill, propnetore of the Boiler
Works,corner of Liberty and iiecond streets,
have taken Into partnership Mr. James
Male. T his gelatines:a has had large expo;
Ken. in the blettnesa, has In ectorled it on
coessfully some years since 111 flat city.
Ills connection with the firm w lithe gnaran.
tee of ts inconased po a Oiklitra
Boller l +Aortal , . long sustainedpularity.
high rep.
elation, gained through meritalorte. as the
drat arc careful sod experienced Onsinese
men who else especial attiOntioll tO all
orders entrusted to them. They desoto
notch care to the manufacture in the best
and most durable manner of steam boilers,
oil stills, abfinstom pans, gasom
eters. wrought Iran bridges wid general
sheet, lion wand. [king only tile best gnat.
ay or iron and employing first class me
ebonies. the manntsctures of this arta will
stead the el
scrutiny and examin
We beaapinik for tbo Oara Boiler Works a
continuance and increase of the large shore
of publio patronage hitherto awarded, as
Lbs proprietors are fair dealing and honor.
able business gentlemen. The tire. name
la will hereafter be tiorrow,llarnial:l A Co.
!grammar, Gax wed bloom Flatten'.
T. T. Remus, No. ISL Wood street. attend.
Wall plumbing work to the most satiate..
tory manner, and in a stylewhich Is sure of ,
affording satisfaction to all who neon:Phis
service. Ile attends to the erection of hy
drants on the pavement, the
of waa
Atm introd uction
u o
batheand r o ang we l fo a o and cold w p er f ,
putting up of wash steads of etyles,
water arrangements of sinks. An., do, In
the most perfect menace. A practiced and
experienced mechanic , hiniseif, he gi v es
personal euPervision to the execution 01 all
loblientrusted to hi. mre. Residents of the
country all be promptly served by order
ing through the mail, nal experienced first
clam mecnaulcs Will Dement teeny place to
attend - to plumbing or steam fitting. Yr.
Ewen.' ratio are very reasonable
OVAL'S' ca.! ,he guarantees satlidscUon. A
full line of chandeliers of modern style!,
pendants amalgam intings gencratiy, will be
found on hand together with. a tine assort
ment of all lamps and chandeliers for par
lors and bans. thm-tittion In all Its dotaim
Is Wert attended to by Mr. Rains; In con
clusion, we cheerfully commend him to
cur reminrom allot-shag practical Mechanic.
'etolnently,worthy of success and We be
speak for blur alarm , share oepUblio eaten
The American Tea Company.
It is with no little olettgUre that we a
nonnoe to our raisnOrn that, there has he
opened in this city, at No.?. St-Cleir street,
a. few feet from the Suspension Bridge, •
drat classastabllstimentdevoted exelniurew
ly to the tea;coffee nest spice trade. It ha.
long been a anklect of 00 plaint that It was
mach a matter of digloulty to 'procure fine
flavored and pore article of teas andeOffeca,
and to meet the expressed want the /Merl-.
Call Tea Cainpany, with a lame capital, was
started; and the store to a branch of that
notlestatlon, or rather paront of the enter
,prise. '• The teas suet eoffeeti ate regrilarly.
imported In largo cargoes, sedate sold at,
wholesale prices to retail customers, and as ,
espeolal esre Is taken•to keep nothing In
ferior, the public are afforded art opportun
ity of proeurlng at very cheer/ Priem Pure
and meturpassed &retells*: Thu banns only
ma a trial, Nelms Mal, the community will
award in their favorafter paint their teas
end ondlacs. There will arse be found at this
eatablithment tho purest of apiece, which
are guaranteed to be free from all aeultera.
sloe. We commend the American Tea
Ileum to oar readers,lrnowing the gentle
men connected with It to im Mutely boners-
Me and responaible, and that implielt Co
Silence can he placed to the
made curse stiptrior 'qualities 'Lot their
The lialteen iteddlog.To•dep. , ,
This afternoon the much talked of balloon
Wedding will Late place at 1.7e10n hiratinif
park; a young-gentleman (relit P Wade
phis, and ayoung lady from Ohio, being Quit
contracting manes. Alderman htraln
perform the ceremony. after which the
newly wedded
themil lunge an
voyage under anagement of Prof.
John Woo, the voteren moment. other at•
trutlone will he presented during the day.
in the evening, the weather perualttine.
the grand dimples ., of firework. will be up,
on. Owing to the shower on TburadaYAlld
the threatening Upset of the 010041 a. the
diplay wee not merle
the Met...hint.
wasp a much a low. to the mimegamdut as it
MA it di...appointment to the petal. it.
this Is the t a rt day of the folopnil. and the
attractlons are enuanally novel • Illw r "
esting, there should be a largeattenda ne•
Ohl afternoon end overdue.
lesperlenee Tenebeis
That the Chuncils of these cities and bor.
°sighs ehould at once prohibit by ordlothee,
the use of polder, fulminating creelters,
and all kinds of pyrotechnics to our strieLv.
There Le no eenUtnec111:01111.1 In their use,
'Adrita gt
esO :Ice p t lo o r t T: children,
andc use ale cools the
hot year of the IMpontaM city of Portlandt
t"..' 4 ,l.lerirtrATLl e ufigrght‘;:rg
city bygdiggs CO M. deatrOsal.Ott
e • same day 10010 the sante canoe,
sun su young lad deprived of both eyes.' We
thing every 0111:00 should demand the
total supplesslon of - • enstom so nudes.
end yet so terribly pernicious. We nopo
exists,lic willsee to thit authority already
e that it be Vigorously enforced. If
need be let the legislature prohibit, under
bettry penalties, the meteor use luau lacer
ated distaut4 izzoughottt du u,
Systematie Isolleening.-A Word aboot
apthea. -
Theie are II th9aysmi forms of disesses
whielt small the homes family with merid
iem rigor, the tame or Origin of which ba
de the wisest and Meat elperieneed phial.
Mane td &seiner , florae are trillin , in their
nature, and easily arrested; others swiftly
earn , their victim Into the gado , . el death.
Selectee has frilly denteinstrated the evils of
•IkeloSe or fainted atmOsphere 3 that certatn
satellanne vegetables are-prejudicial, in
Certain Magee of deoompoSition, to health,
and highly conducive to disease{ that all
articled ahleh More or less enter iota our
diet am seaeonablei end cannot be indeleed
In with impunity on every day of the year;
uric f ta which may.rove healthy thd
Critic f to-day on the mo'ro o • Met"'
productive of disease. What we should
eat, and the proper time for Its consume
'loci Is generally knosen, and few hare the
lisrlihood toaster defiance general roles
Clown for the preservation of health.
eon the most rigid ethitariaus, obey who
noceratemul a ads utly
to preesa•
winery diet, are easalled by disease. sed In,
to , plexity to &scorer muses' for their
nom, will readily attribute their !lichees* to,
thine reunite sod gainless agency. We
profess; 1,0 have illseovered a true - came
for the othjority .of diseases
which of late years have
the prienitleoer. While ., trod hail • Mee
justly regulated and surrounded with. , •
of of
roles, Ore prepsin-
Lion Of ft ha
f s been almost ent
nd irely over.
Ili‘gril'oplTe'gt AT t rnidlfil fear
fortuips everything which en.
tars Into IL tle amt o
et a healthy end nUtriCtOu•
CkliaStter hut let the coot throw in a few
grains of bleak lead arid Its charicter l•
chained. It rad remains very palatable,
[ but the poison bitrodneed will orove sad
clently potent. to disease all who partake'
‘ :r t i
p i n
thin of a Ofekt Or repast, hot every day the
majority of cooks sad bousevrivea unwit
tingly perform deeds for which whole
World execrated a Kra. (Mader- issounds
harsh to say that nor lovleg miens, mothers
or datighters actually, and day after d .: 32: 1
admit ttqq the family table,
wohfifch If
they do aos kill, will lease the germ of one
of those
wecine disorders or dis
eases to whieti have referred. It Is not
in the food where fens the secret of di,-
mums; it la la the ailed s need to. season it.
It In a startling fact that the m
kets , are literally dragged mite
dm preparations which are stilt out AO
ithoo.Peictlog to pare apiece, end in they
are heeled in flaming red and gold letters.
In We country no legal enactment has ever •
toed Matted to protect th e people from he.
mg poisoned try these spurione articles. al.
thomuch In England and other Condit. onte
tries the subject Ras excited aufilelent
tent ion, Kr eartee the creation of stringent
laws to punish the wicked Miamian, who,
out of mance. Would poison and . disease
lithium& on thornande Cif Innocent yin.
time. Here In America however, the trade
has gradielly ineremed till It hes meowed
an alarming traportance. Such Ingredients
eaten reene, Terra Albs, Black Load,
eaten crackers sad bend/oda oflothe r &se
mantics subset.. are admitted into the
manufacture .of sigma. The Object of the
solulterstion of Course is to secure larger
moats and le notCool:Med exelninvely to
dishaneet nienntserarere in the East. Teeth
employ gentlemanly agents Who succeed 10
foisting their nanny Meted Creek on the
markets througboutthe country, end the I
aisles Of poisoning .beeemes immortal
and is felt everywhere. But there Is a new ,
era draw Leif. Pittsburgh beads off in re- I
for. and &spline mfg has been ;Imeatehill
od operation
Vgol72s ' Tract%
booth of Arbuckles & C0...N0.1113 and tel
Liberty rarest. They having hill kneed..
edge of the dialteraslon premed. In the [
spice markets, resolved to enter into the
armies, of eoPPlYthg , the Wade with pure
article., such as were mod • century ago
before dishonesty wee a ruling Marton in
most branches of business. Tne reeponei -
Wily of this erns manot be questioned here
where Its imam" are so well and favora
bly knowni bat In Order to satisfy all be
yond any &Ala Of the rarity of their sPime
they eiTsr • reward of 1400,00 to atir Chemist
who shall discoveranything Maine pure
article represented. The yarn - elitem Pot
up Dr Obit= are strong aid fresh end for
ll yarrow one package
ew PI go a. fax
three'. ackages of the prepared *dean
them to which we have referreiL Oar
tail grOcers owe it to themselves, au
the eemmunitY et Mtge. to sell no o
than dime bearing the breed of
beetles& Co. Oar readers Otheld ask for
It and retains to mamas. nay other. We
• th ink th e mimeo • heinous one, that
of enulteretleg 5.1.. a law should. be ,
passed by oar ts slum requiring '
manufactirrare tot e • bond. and arab It •
•worn affidavit. that th ey will neither
manulacture nor offer for sale adulterated
ithods. Letlhe geretone State tithe the
limit in hottest dealing, and outer hod.
-"ay follow.
Dress Cameo and Dow Blade.
Dr. Neysoro Blood lloosollor w ta o=o
dlkestilin. • -
It will remora ootilvelless.
It will ears liter complaint.
It will restore We nerves to tranquility.
It will Invigorate tile week.
It will sure dropsy.
It willoure rhemiatiam. -
It will purityldi the golds of the body.
It will centralize acidity of the stomach.
It will promoteclt%action of the whin.
It will infanta lost sopethe. •
It will remove fffrom the blood all poison.
ens and hurtful materials. •
When the blood in theL veins becomes
sthgooted, and when the Inge. which
ought to ram out of the system -the worn
out matter which elms and impedes its air.
criterion, there is no medicine of power
equal to Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher, in ro
mans/ the equlltainta of the vital forces
tile. W 0 peek
of VEVE r ttritg
All the 00000 that we have published time
Imo again. have teen made by It, and any
thing else sold under the name of Blood
Searcher, upon the meets of these cures, is
a fated and • cheat. Bemired , of persons
aro deceived in this way by spurious trash.
which has no more afilolty for the blood ol
roan than the acrid poisons which it preen.
sea to remora A lady whose child we are
curing, told us recently that she had sent
to as many as half a dozen planes tn obtain
was met with the answer, "Ws Mbar was
just as good." Another lady, cur.
by fear - bottles of Dr. Keyser's, told us that
he Bed spent seventeen dollars for as Timmy
bottle* of sprirtorts, which had done no ,
good. No one who win redeetior a moment
can help but depict the tootle. which lead
to Audi imioxeition. One man told us boldly
that Le didn't care what merits were con
tained lu It, he would sell that on which he
oenald make the most moan as If human
life and health were -to be weighed in the
seeks with dollars and mita Reader. when
you want Blood Searcher. cut this out, and
rat for Dr..Keyser's, and take no other.
It was Dr. Keyeer's Blood Searcher that
cured Denial A. Boyd, t No. 11l Liberty
street, of wroth'.
It was Dr. Keyser's Blood Seamier that
n a n red e M a a r r sdu r a tion, a r r sdh ow a o o fu v l e a r e o d f
with sores. •
la David Keythrl Blood Scorch. that
cured Kinnolly. who was blind.
Dr. Keyeer's Mood Searcher le now cur
ing John TlttnU, of No.4Cliestant street,
Allegheny, after a handful 01 decayed bones
had worked out of his leg.
It was Dr. Koyeer's Blood Searcher that
cured Ann Morgan of cancer. otter it had
eaten caller nose and the gosh off her cheek
and neck.
It wee Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher that
cored Eliza Garth of tatter, of twenty-nye
years' Matadi's(' when the blotches were as
big as comer cent.
It was Dr. Keynes Blood Searcher that
mired liardson Bruner of palsy.
It was Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher that
=woo Elliott Davis, of Wilklusburig,Of piles
of eighteen yearostanffing..
• We could Ali a torwepsper with respects.
hie certlhestes of its efficacy, if need be. .
Dr. Keyser's consultation rooms, Iffi Penn
street. from s. x. until 4r. x.
. •
tier heir Wm filled in many a curious f ret,
Ruth like &rich and clarions coronet;
Upon whole archestwenty cupids ley,
And tremor tyl/41,
Bor lo
rown's ath to fly aral,ay—
Pas to
No eiTn.ainatlea bestowszolltapattou
tloa on the onitlvatlonand arrangement Of
the hair as the Atnerleatia. With Uto Oho
tomb{morally thought to corkscrew,.
emoottily,to taxi a La
and to twist up behind with meneexpensive
comb. W ith the others to dash through it
with a brush or dressing comb, lamb*
it w
arrange itself for the balance of tea
LitUo care Is taken In Purifying the h eed '''
there is an Indleciiminate use of hurtful
and too highly perfumed poneadm ono , re
everywhere me the consequences. Oar hair. ,
Dims grey grows lautu r r °l 4 .r, o lt i g r r.•
I . f:ont l'h'erio‘'efetiTti'gtrof dyes
and beauty haTr , lbal e t &% . ' d
' LT:4IIb of tligocrstrnescrvo compounds
need and sold In this country to Make ua
bald headed for ten generations. They man
. ego those things far patter in Europe. Thin
o r gre4h•li . ...r4r,..,°°°'"it',: l . irt'Vt=,M .
I readily arrcounted for. ° ...ropes. 7. rmen of
iflYr.creli=l riterirenattl'istrelitert3letwrsn,
I or experlenoodiel'ermlentrn
Z, :als do tins ofCleo for
:;71.7i,,,,,,p0r, and when their wealth
of hair la worm: Into a labyprintla ot glossy
braids, they Pauly consider themselves—
poor and simple their dress may be
—richly adorned for my "Immo al. There,
hair drawing is an art of taste end I
N o body riots the danger of Dung anything
for OA heed which dot* not come from
Jt= fWvirer4..,,rtlf,tner=ellbr=
of Muloging their coltiteur than their phyel.
elan; and thus the bimetal and seleoullo
bar amber sees in teeny a family group of
sisters , gmern up under his hands—whom
golden ringlets he droned In childhood,
and which cOlittnin with his care,
b vigorous
and luxuriant even when ailmrW Y age.
Bo much for the general snide; outwit
hare at lest bed a great want supplied. A
MLA Of genius and - teaming, not only In
ehemirtry and derestollo, brit one ao•
daunted with the whole art and science of
toodlobili, who has, above aU others, ono.
corded In supplying a preparation which
Is destined hitherto o ffered It irnown, to supplant
everything. 11.1 s so pea feat
on article, that Dr. Raiser, the asset, ottani
ter cfondtas wow to orars moreitemt , sobs to
nor watioted adder trial. We ram to •Dr.
Tetilsi4 Hair ReormovWw. Bold by the
dozen or ainglebOttle, It Dr. Keyser% DC
Wood. street-
Strthis at Stowistlimons•
nt - stone masons st work outtruit StOne
for the peatteattars at manadsaue, Doa.
waving that thee were not reeelleos wisps
moue. Moak, on Tuesday last. for st pot,
clay. •• Thu was rarasen thaw, asd tbsi
marched off In a beefy. Tea work at 'norm
rtos stone kw the Inman ' , du Dot, ao..
eve , s top la ccoussomasa as stoat. dabs
tam w•nt7 ectottollogOed I=o =flunk
( 6r°
i *
wt "ariksr S.Nr sa,XFArket
letroist. •
• heal cOadrifrunT during the vela
few weeks harlissibritsted Abe rare oppor
tunity offered.for buying themselves rich
the extensive dry gode
establishment of
3. W. Barker d. to., NO. 93 liarket street.
Fashionable and isessOnable7goOde of all
descriptirms, from • the riot and: elegant
.. . .
satin or silk dress mittetn,dfoSn tOthe more
humble calico, check or ehintse,"liave beim
sold at price. deemed ruinotislY °bean, end
ft Inglun of purahaneristbardseXp eriencril
state dollar emit farther In baying graels
at the clrwleir oat sales • thantitild anterior
in the war. TOO Ornit.eilifertlired to* soil at
pooh Oorgains as hate rarelt bean
and folthfully adhered to that rloalaratkin.
It the commencement or 'the sales the
stook was eseendleitly late, the Wei the
drawers and cases befog weighed down and
111 Ind elm all- dencrunlones of dry lif , ssds ,
which were f the latest nod most I:silliest.
able styles. An Immense gallants wee of
course disposed or. as greatly minced
prices are as tempting here so oleo
heron' bat there still remains unsold a
very large portion ' of tin , originally
lumeno and citraordlnlary stock which
the firm bad been carrying. To dispose o
this and tern It into each at once,. tee firm
have decided to make still farther conc. it.
eion of prices to pnrchasers. and from
Monday neat °l:fur at eolts about One bun.
Arad and Pity thosanA dollars worth of
aTbairn goods,
hey or. determined tO sell at tete resen•-
ral sole every yard of goods embreced on
their stock inventor Y. and rea tors will not
be slow to embrace the chance' offered to
toy In a fall supply of moterials. A lathe
Force of polite and attentive salesmen are
in constant attendance to wait UpOn trade.
co show ood& and tell pric
soes to all who
all,weei g nor thcy aro des.rouf pi:lmbuing
or not. tyo predict on unusual rush during
too en.inn wisritat the. great d goads
lessor of listhor & Co.. 69 rket ry
ion all economical shoppers will eertalolY
carpe..... ' •
Theattentlem of our readers Ls directed
to the-advertisement. of Mr. Z. U. Palmer,
carpenter and home builder, mirner Of Bar
ter ahoy and Doquesne Way, above the
Suspension Bridge. We know Mr. Palmer
to be a superior practical mechanics, who
eyes his pereonal auperstslon to all eon
. tracts or jam entrusted to Ws ears, and eon.
streets Ms work i n a manner wrdch cannot
fall to more utlafactory. lie to Pre.Mred
to contract for all sorts ot work pertaining
to his business at the shortest notice and
upon tho ext reasonable of terms. Repair.
MR Will also be attended Loin the bestrews.
ncr. We know whereof was streak when we
sincerely recommend Mr. Palmer to any of
our readers deeming the serriom of a AM
class and cerefel carpenter.
Plttsburah ease Hen Headquarters.
rtttoetes Harman° Me resteMee.
111enrIelc, Yon. Horn. Champion. Conk of
the IValk, liounAmg Uncle, Hansom], Junim
Club. Star, Eclipse, Natick BrOlra. Bora.
man'a :fear York Itegulatlon young Amerl.
ea Base Bails. Bats, P aten ) prices from 15
emits la .2,00. 1111Pe t Spring Bata—
willow, Beach, .1013, Walnut., Cherry, Pine.
arid Baas a 00 , 1 nu.. :so to $1 58. Pyuels
celebrated AVMs= Plne sroal Bate. Foul
Flags. 14„:001.50 a pate. Patent Spliced
Spoes, st,ootp.uo 81 01 air. • Banls Canvas
2:21: 0 Z,1 1 :r V i lnd.t.'itltelfll:,
.at .5.OOllfAuD. Caps alpet.m. At the PM,-
burah Base Ball #es.dunarters, Pittockls,
0. P, P.O,
Diluter on coal 11111.
On the Yourtn C nubile' dinner was given
Loth° lot holders In BOrdtown and Allen.
town, on Coal 11111, In LOwer 81. Clair town
ship, by Benjamin Tillaln and Thomas ft -
Maple, real estate agenwand mole ounnot
the irlilaamn About ave hundred Der..
were present. and niter the dtinter Midtown
d tenoned of, a meeting was orgardsed, Benj.
1n In presiding. Bev. 11. D. WO."' read
the Declaration of Didependeeme, and 3.
Barry Stilliree, neuvered an address,
alwr which i.treiste^ were In order. The
occasion was en eSeeedingle plea.. One.
and folly enJoyed by thiamin...a
(blared Piembiteriana—lfang of our
colored people will be RIO to learn that
Excelsior that. corner Federal and Lomeli
ream. Allegheny. him been secured tar a
'time for the ace of timee colored people whet
may htIVO b.-oh connected with Proehro.
elan churches. or *Moe proferenco may Ito
In-that direction. Tide Ie one of the beet
Rails In tile two ogles, nod la most fairoos
hty located. ?hero will oo prenching to
that place to.morroir ofternoOri o'clock.
Colored people era baritod to attend. Seats
Spanish Beauties aro the ialmirathni
of every visitor to Madrid. their ilito beteg
us smooth sod ss poltsbsd loofy, 00
other cosmetic being seen excopt DOZ.-
I 03;4 of lry. Tilos, using IL excheich,..tiow
soft sad whits It leaves the skis
citt , ck It reuarve4 eruytiori Icopor: * 1
only by king a Cassell, U Vtnireti street,
New York. Sabi by all Pittsburgh .stud,al-
logheby Droirinsta Wholesale- Aseuts, B.
.Fshoestota l s Soh Pittsburgb.
Cut to el Beer Very:moo,
rtreeldent of Tarentum, repreennts that on
the afternoon of the Fourth. whilst !mated
In Alller , a beer hall, Federal street, Allege..
n 9. he wee attneked by home perm n un
known to him and eeverely rot
In revered
places on the bank of the head; and alto on
the forehead. to arrests were made.
Cold Rparkting skids Water at J. T
sample's Drug More, NO. Zd Federal Ozer'
Allegbeny: •
Ilse Bost h 1110•11.. gossto..-Caseroll, 'dock
d. Co.'s Combtontlon of Iron Phosphorus
and Whles, known as Yorro-PhosPhora•
ted Ellotr of Colliten. -Too unit restores
color to the blood; the Phosphors!. renews
smote of then erve tissue, and the Cottony.
glees a natural, healthful tone to the moot.
tire organs.
One mot contain. the virtue Of one onne
of a nd - and
tosterpoonfnl a grata o
iron and -Phosphorus, lionafocturod by
. suns a Co., Now Toe
YOT sale be all drUgglsio; •
, ,
At lbw 411.3:15510th Coup..dans of gia n t,-
son, Palmer a Co., 55 and 14 Fifth Stielet,s , •D
f 012134 tholariteas and most varied a.sort
went of boot s shme, palters, bat:corals.
al Ippon, tmodball, and hot, ran oboes, gaper
ingrain, rterfinti stair carpet/ and 11365515 g,
raoCy Intlaw Okada., sue.., goods, dome.
' Ito 0 , 7 g00d... hoop china, cutlery and na
tions, at priVatt , eale, day and evening, at
5.51012 prima • .
ttuslt.—The Mammoth Empr
num of Smithson, Palmer b Co., 55 end 67
Fifth street, is thronged 6•1137 day by now
customers: The large stock of boo: s, shoes,'
dry goods, BMW goods, esrf.ts and aotions,
now nrriving from Eastern' Settle.: and
Sheriff , . ales, should receive the custom
of those who would nwoomise. . 4 e word
to the wise: , ho.. • •
Cold Sparkling Pods Water
Sample's Drug ktore, No. SS Faders:, street,
we sell U. 7 Goada both at wholesale
and retall,and AM as a consequence. en
abled to beep • larger and Auer, better as
sorted stoat, to .11 oteatpar, and bleu Um
roods to morn vtooominodettnii onuttliles
tbeua exclusive jobbing boasts. Retail mer
chants axon:mm.l to nxataine ourstoOk.
J..W. haste• Va., ."
• • '56 Market street:
The auction sale or those beautiful Budd.
tog Lots at Itharpsburg comes otf on Stem.
day atternoon, Btu inst. Terms only thir
ty dollars cash and ten' dollars a taool.ll.
The she tor a manufactory fronts three
hundred feet on the railroad, and extends
to law,yrattr mirk on the :tier. 134:4 adv.r
ttheMallt, do.
Aquartataa. Gold Flab, Canary Birds.
Mooting and
all sLtele also; a One C a may Aet.r. -
um. for aale ehaar.. at Elliott al sow., s ins
DlArket f street. second tine, t•
Dame... Dlachaorns from the liars,
Catartbi_Dnataana andhe ye. and all area
tlons ot a chronic obstinate obantoter
anconsatully treated OS , Dr. AbOtn, .1.14
Smltattald street. • 'tuft' Of bOolo.lbOoll
baltsorsle guld slippers. mr geot.:
misses, boys au( adrom at prism to mut
tbe mast oosomicl, Smithsou, Pslmer
Co.'s Emporium. 6.snmi Ca Firth street •
Hoe 16•111 and Hass Ball etteesrSboee
forworkload 'boos for play. Evrirytb , pli
to t he boot. nod shoe line,q lone stook at .
refoonbblo prided, at tho Ealporikrs, 55 an d•
57 =lli street.
Massa and Cite
largest and best selected stock veer ogee.'
by brad bson. Palmer . at their E.po
num, ed and 67
strot. p ric eow On balld
every ductranle sty Is and
fleet., Shoes,,. received
daily, and. boung dieposed of at Tomes to
eons the mosteocoomimd. at the Mammoth
Emtorlum of Smithson, Falmer & CO., 0.
and 07 Felth street. • •
Varpet is. V IngtdOW MINOS; ea
T cl
at l
o osa coostgamenta, it large 111500111110. T.
efts Lana roanatactureea prices. .
amitheou. • Palmer d 1./a , •„, Uo and 57 data
Carpet.,lattial:a .71.007
dam tanatlea at auction - moos to el°.
onsiartscoute, at. Um Auction Marty aod
Boalth*on,l'almor b. Co. •
Keep C.A.—Boy a Straw .fiet. a Whirl
pair of Flve Dollar Boots, mat you
areal) rlua4 SaMbao.,-Palmer CO., at
We Emporium. OS lute 61 mu, putet. •
Canvass IStioas—Thrta.~ clitlnrent, areas,
Tor bus 0611 club," ht tho . Emporium of
Smithson. Pslome , a , C0...M., and 37 Filth
Eoorlithistr-iloOtiroPle In IWO:I.pp; sad
Sboo lino. at prtoo6 to all, at thillornaottt -
Emporium or Smttbson, 'Yolmar •(>24;11.6
uld 67 Fifth Went. .
Five Dollar Re•t eatsthand wee%
toe s
made Calf 130014, net old Melt; at
the Eca Donnie el BtaltillOO.. Retinal & LT,
teazel a7Fitth !train.
•tt►a( Gaols at *sestet. 141aea.—Art
Immense astertmealt at the EttDortnm of
attith*ol; ral.e - a vol m ..4.1 :Mb
Arent. .•
Gouts UPON Coot+, i3bdiper than oi , er,
at Scott boon, Palmer' .EMportarn,
The YearlLatent W 1 l Of Seta. Caw.
and Straw Goode, at °Outlay a. LOP .%
No. 58 St. (lair "treat • •
TOO (U Buy rttredarl Wa in ' 011 .7 111 w 11t
tindsas Jalapa a. Ma's
Ton IfUS Loa a Desna Establishment
at 118 Deannueet. Drs. MU t amends. •
Tou 5.3 ver.o". ' 11 0 2, 0 1 .".
Joseph 13. Artr......
Ton Can Hai New /MP In
.J 0,091114
- _ ._ . . Tyro NOTTIONS.
• Wilbert, erstaleled TIIIRTY,NN CV{ .
VlM:hoe tededesths. reeding Issue*. leels4lee , 1 .
teenier idlterlils, latest dew/ WY liSlesdid, '1
sad Itell; veleshle Melee Ida.r..V. ler 4ho ,
ismlN. sed Mien end sodt Meshed noir- : i .
eta{ end Ocreasserdsl Market Report* isiere!he
eel' TAW . le the elty. No Farmer. dead* or
Nedeset *beide beldame Is.
• yzette rd. Me weed,' 41,...1: •
1 dwell, Pelderther. ...... - ........... ...4_,e •• .• •
i ( 81:t..... ,, v:: ....................................... tv,:,-,
.11: . 1,17.1 ; : a c... ctht; cui".";:::4l'il'.l. •
Bart To easecitsse-ie w e st
paper. be sere and toner west *du es V .
dim, es we Wan. Wednesday Settled for sews - •
scriber. heeler bet one stsil 1.1.11 Ct. ••'
r 00051lry liras. Steered; Itoner tholeS•
or in KONlll.o4Lettani, trAi be •eus 'door rid.
/Welded% le AL ZElrdi,
. PlTlisßey hoe,
.1 ,•„,,,,
Wood , dent —George
oo.tb.b. .IkOts of ;r: 174 , 11. 1 1 r.
gtVlAttriltAll2l4 ' l•l l lith 117 pOwd,r
itT. ' ll l :l2Zl M ttenrottll tilnWegiarb
thltv.and mtothar boy to tomold&ii re.
tightel eforker foto It. Tito Vwflot
explodiol toll.fri Ratter's fatntglastbni feel.
ho alit loco tkb.• eight from tip alretli Of
the burning.
nun hungry men to klub" ...IMO , ' M r ; o .
at way Mae. but it m u t e it. •
l~to the ContinUntal Saloon,
be batement—oest tb 01 0 1 00 °. , T, ir6r.
whe y
ts uu bun g. any %A PI t
,Z ir rit , :
Pa rTed up tu
city. IlubsbabgbirV.4lll2Auts
Lulus," th9:4.7 r t.Ttz , ..y , -
ddtti4insti 1.6,91,44601 of
Tuird and FourtaNeatlA:
0 teAuRT —Ore the *awningof the Nth nit..
a rous U emption. JOItEMIAti Leraßra la dm
,td year es. ...age. - ,
For mangye& s be bad tinted our Ufe,
With ma •falt. unroof.. omorao
nor bwarito a ca auutatd.e,
Wu !silks uktd c ur wan eh mum.
I. iir, eau 11,,,A, and th a the end?
10 " ; et0ft7......tait.." r.7.",:t;:::; . .'• ~,,- , 4 )
Our Janis boa grta.... or... Woken 01Zi ..„,
• 'IL Loot. Aminebitedr. and ikeo lll . foca.
teary Copy anu 0aa7.11 05..Y 13.)
. h
f f".:1121;741)2'Y el hot.e,k4l. VIZZIgn 1'A'7,117:? r%
.olua of Wm. 7, rhel a a 3sq . am .At Cot Pau ra.
sm. ue. Ws liourauer lima.. .
e. .
The fauns. ct I take plus from bE' /of. roll
nun. No. 60 Cnachierd Own. Artie ...yr. T
•6 71,1.;7. at 10 . e Oct. The friends of t h e .
family are requested t • ajtend waits: Ibt..bes
netted ,
WI'•LIT aqT e adder of
4.17 M a Ulf.
sae.. JAM% . no at Wows. au I ,
Dui 0.4 1140 • r. year. and 3 .60066', after •
Itn•erlur Moen •
The lunersl.lll take place 017131b1e fatter . .
residence. Chetanat street. LaareeteeTtilt. at
fan? 0.9 celt on 6.1.11-11 DAV Arrinert7. The i'
(O door the fatulli ere trApeetmlly 00 luelltd to _
Me .I.llllc.—On I.lllittasy..llll) 411. at 1,:301.0
.. •Dl`/111f.111.114T A. SioCUMIIm In tle* Serb e
rest o f 111 age.
The Noah; will take Oane f or. Vie resident..
of Ws faille... Yew Texaa, Allegh . ay county.
oft flp‘nalmy .r.V1112 , G. at 10 ..!Lila. 0111011.
'Bra sill leave rattcasuu.s Lltely Etat , • reg a
I at
NI, 7 . !!liir.ZiT Vl7ll.`.;":';' , 1i f A 1 04:,..
Toe funeral will
Wee Otto. ItOrd tro cuddeton .
' of hie mother, os ebster street. a9Pulte 0.-
Bridget *Zara, at 9 o'closit 9: 05 Oa or
d., i 50001 1, 4. The Wendt of the .....3`.1. sod_
. Its tormir.ra of die Tung Mao 004.qt:a de
f r.epeeuvity reques eel Women , the ,u 11.“ 'I.
No. 166 Tanta street. ElstsOuslou Fs.
(.17.FYINd of all kinds; 011 APES. OLOVT.S, sad
sscry demo-notion eT TanesslTFelatgailSoo ds
escalated. Booms °mood diy sad fill. Zest!.
sad Carctsiges turnisbed.
HErScnbdrOns—ltev. David KM. D. IS., Beet.
WH. .) Jacobus, 11.13.. Thomas Isslax. Lc., Joe
C.,T.H. _ , •
• KIM Ain D 14E1AL2021, theroasor to tae
'Ws 8..aal Na. 29 itl2o Street,
three doors from Barrer. Allegheny 4. Dr. gina
tantd. Bogewood. llanOguy Walnut wan Rena
*mod Imitation Cogan, At the Wrest nalrang
prim, Ronne open es all dram day and n VIA.;
lanthe and "'annual furnished en thorn no:the
end on tenth.
111C8T42213. lidice. 2 4 • 2i4. dram . y
Liosewand and of
dor, with a ,otsolets stock of [antral istrattals it
good. oti hood, and tarnished at'ationest node(
at 'aimit price. 120 and Livery atablwi, sat
der of FIOOT A O l3 121122.7r.2•2122 carrtues,
Bytotiatich Budgies, baddla Hones. 44, 4.4.
Mre• _
W../iTE &
Td.TC6IOI AltrD 2.slaLLlttlela •Itioebes.
to.. Woo d, Ron and elcantw. coma Boma ft Llaery WAN...earner tibattleid and
Martian Weida. /Wang and Cantatas far.
E . th EITEIVAUT tiodertnit.
• emperor YORTUS rad PVC. bTateill•
Santa Ward. Callas of all kind.. Nrowe
Caarlages rarnlaTed on tha'anortraa
TUIS, AND s ESN IT.—Tsrentem is OM.
sted Cu the mom beak of the AMMO..? Mrer. 4
...lieu shove tee pity of 'Pitts.. cot. The sett
et7t ccccc oily in Ore 50 fret Poet and 10 .10 p.
eee o 511.7: and eirr of g serve
semr me tioroush MLA tee hods Works, sreit •
.dsyted for <anew rerldenae, trine rich sor„,
cow= aeling a besutlfuo sod
esteem., elm, i L the river sad surrounding
munm. ,:ealeolim of surtleg mamas.
1 , 0 1,1„,,,,,m. sett. ai foaled =Ma.
.raoh, fectorteir Paper :01 1 s. se., Would dud
the locatton, suer Me rtvei or
els .0004 dos „ Caen.. 1.0 Wan In
enuomsged to parches. br 000th sad
I easy term., at .It 1s intended that the aaPerloi r
advantages of the plsee—t. to shun "e .PV O 7
!road and
of water. cost.liemstone,'Ne.„ and rm
rives facillUrs—aooll be 11bera1T otterd
man.fsatirlog sews. reem. ll 7 ' •--
Tralne ea the Western INmporlysels,Rall.l6l.l
ass to and from lareptOpi, em t salt out. srs•
cr. , tunes dall7. For sump f .urver of .t 01014
spray I Et. n. O. M. 13 ortil KIN ttIDUS, at Ma
resoieneo pear the soda Works Or J. N. /WK.
DEVLIN a, SILL. Bealel Estateff•
aed Inauraare Atlanta, Diar lit., 1.1 .
=tariffe , re.
rug lialiff-MANUFACTIMING strs.-7.0 .
Itractoffeas i ffire offer for mie the
md most A-affable elm for li °lliac Mill onif
lilast 10013100. or for sal Jorge meff ofeemniiff
prmpozre, in tho comity. Thle OroNn7 ie Mem
tad on • ei Oat - meet mid 111. Alleihmr river,
gud witbip itn:pet of the A. V. ft. 8. The lot is
'b/ Ml reread; dairies mei a loterealff eI 4 .
6 - examine i:afffii . o Ollffli 01 ffoo h. V .,
Terms ade to mit p:Volffinfh.•./oVoiff. of
USA ts. Na
Bt.'. elea 1..". t. s 0 10.0,10000
ASentg. Butler emaat. Vv. t:'...".a...----
poi' BALE—That v. 7 vain*
ble mid desirable pronerty M lode,on gm
beer. itniet and the Allegheny ttrar. u, Ws
Mien! OM ; ins by 47 'eel, on which is e."° ,,,,,.
a yeti 'suestinttlal Britt Headley. Ave... ".
Mgt, =MC) feet, calculated and men adisptad
Me cerr7ML on almost any Ismael of manqatee
luring. It. Is seldom • lot of dime dinteneedens..'
widths tae clef, can belted. and seie mired Melte
the special a tisanes of that desired. , of steers
Ism a piece for manufacturlun Purimme to mill at
Ma Mika of °SOWN a ALL. Mai [slabs mill
Insurasice.agmts. A aller ...rt. Laveranwl7l ,-
Fruit and Bury Dhhea,
Anrr ixotm:o IT
JOcPcroli.ormie ,
.11•31. 80077.
a. •e•
Fine Watebes, Clocks, Jewelry
No. 214 t1811=413.10...
Sr 'Partials, Mato, bass m. liciaboal
Nabobs...Maas gm Janes?. AA NO ,
611V1.11DO'D 723
Wheeler &Wilson Sewiog MOW"
the GMAT P Rl9 Tirrvemdfc.
tat? aPer •here Itner ette teorett.h es.thlweth•
nret Dr=clpsl ...blots ..f the e..a...
o,ntallstee wrest tor,* .easeit Of.tbe
trAPetcorspornt an. UhP.fUe.l.dit.he
WI TL SUMER 41000.,
AT, 1U U irraznv ritubarea.
ilii3Al4. CLUSIi fto.4 -
ot , rolototo of 11`1311AITIMI oanooostl7
gsisl FOR SALE, £l'
' -
g 0 1 ,1 31470 Livery !table,
'rim arum. act isomosaismns.o..,
0.. flows, iti of ,•tu yet
tr..a:Vgre'Fba Mirm " tg a L44
.01N WM. tor Ant stattlota at te...v.slors.
HOLMEIo, B L.L to. CO., s.
anchor Cotton Mills,Pittsbrirg4
. . .
Viaufactnrers orRILANT 'intrirair tabdt•
A.wcaua atilk,ka.uNowa
4 IS , . Rarrifta.
. .
P. H. fiI , CUIRE.
px it ° g ZT,LI°I:2
3.1 W 47
C t;
1N IL 0 SION UT. - /se.
.111P.Panlos wad prlvais Luslll4
aorta as 4 ressaasati Una. t44a,
' I