jDRY atIODS, UMV=t,TC/S DRY GOODS! Wholesale and Retail, at . SEITPL'EI, 111 11a, 180 e, 282 Federal St., asauxasix.r: urry Black slum. I Fine Lavval; Plain and Printed, Per calve; Plain and prLnied-Marteilles; ebeckst aa 4 'Fick ingli Cott mad es & Fanners , Linen; • Ffne and Ilettxy Elanneh; Bleached & Brown Skirtings; Cortets andlloop gleiquito Netting; limitary and Notions; `AT LOWEST NET PRICES, AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., aLimaaluedrr rfros6 ; e j rs Promptly tilled. NEW DRY GOODS &TORO! Monday, June 17th, wirrn A Aricuicau)m or MT DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SIIAWLS, I Cassimeres and Cloths; =3 ;. 1 Wholesale and Retail, AT LOWEST OASH PRICES I HESS, No.loo Ohio Street, (Corner it Ohio and Comsuona,) =Cali rEM3 SOW IN STOCK, OM EATON'S. A Large Assortment of Willie Marseilles; Bull and li bite 'Brilliants; Undressed Cambric; Striped and Barred Jacenet; do, Nalosook; Bishops Lawn:Winn Mull; sued Bie Linen, fonniii4 Irish Linens; Corded kkirtlngMuslhi; Shirred Muslin; •AT LOWEST CASH PRICES, AT V. H. ]EATON'S, 17 Fifth Street. lIMEZI flats, Ist Dl ibis 7ear t and it le espeeted Abet Abe attire road will be In reenter ceder from ethotbs to its western thrice Ilea with the Cen• , Aral Paciee, note beteg tapldle hunt e at t..,d t from Itherathuto, Cal.. durtug IN. -• . t Means of the Company. . 1 'E. ti iriliti Pg , the 4 I.ta . . to lac-Inclit ht . the laloa Paelde to bertaiiiinlith. the welted Stored GOreriemerit /seats It Ms per cent. Thin. Tear 1 Bands LA tift Cozens. as the road It On Whirl at . tha _atm. nil of About dth,ltte per mile, i 1 ananuellsitiO SHOWY*. i I ' • The Coseithar testae permitted to Is the Its.* teuu alortaaire Sonde to au equal arnoaut, and I. the 4•1122, nine. which 11.0 mrsci. ACT or A:loather. Int WADI, eIIo6TSIORTO ACTON THY I amotos torts the Iw - 4.i:tribe Celled btatcs be. Ana sabordloots hi then. : ' The Government seats • donation of 7:.50 ISave of Led to the mile, saithentler to SO,(AC,OO lath., eatlmated tube wortb s3o.tho.ota. teethes. the tent rethereea• wa-le9re of the capital, j Slid tlf.tratbet tee fell Tame of .0 bode =mot now be realized. •. • - i. Tile au (named Cepit•l Sleek el the Company la 4.-• bothered million 'dello*, of white Are tallithes base already bate paid le.; and.' welch tell nut suspend that more than twentythlre millions as moth will be toclothe4. The cant of ten road is einbeeted leseenthetent 4i,.. 4 . assiswees to be about one herdrild million del ,. •". ' • • lan, exelestre of leilethniettht . . . . . afir Jild , tilooti'et $l4O, per Pai -• - pr ospec ts for Ittisinese. we are entientred to easiest. every Path Of I ' The , railroad eonne;tban tetween Omaha and . the gerrego . t . t..l3bouldr a tvireteeisrhtith/ i t b. E ... 0. ..., ...w.f.. .d the eeente. of \ ' W.' 7 " b i'''' ; the Vol= Pities an theseetlons thres4r ankh: . ' ..' ' • ' eA t for Mete-oath at hter. were irel,7th. Tbeee —nun* & . c&IJABLE, ... i secltiousl earnings. as the rose PtOTMeree, *ill . : teeth; zere th. pay the interest on the Coupe. . . • ' ' C ' .- ' ' ' ny• be.: 'and the thorn.b trustees, over the blirCeo . 31.8 21,103:11. ' likera.t. \ ouls line of filmed belt earl lho Atielitte and met Paella must be itothrese. • - - , REuErVED THIS DAY.. i Value and Seetalty of the Bonds. , —.•- ...._ jcisT oPENE.9, nr4wittni & CARLISLE, Jro. 19 /Pitta's atrast, An some miles above Junction City - how far exactly I cannot say -the stns Of the rel. ley ch.gra from lime to sand, and there is alba n perceptible Change In the- 0011, al thOrlgh It continues to he equally rich. At bairn/4 WV Mika above Jruiction theyCity, have abun.tance of excellent building atone -0 110.-kranted, consenct sandstone. Ltme stone alt. exists In ab.d.ce on the high* er grenade. About twenty miles ynd Salina, where run 'topped for nil booror two on our way down, I saw on the opposite ends of "mall creek, nernit bella :olio south of the road, a hold rocky bunt I walked screws the Intervening prairie, which was like a flower careen, 'lls uenr to the bluff m I could get for Chu stmam. I found It to be a eolid Mara of rock-1 Ihlnk It was und-ef etralght.d bilantlftil clear. alibi thirty Or forty feet tblek. It west:mild. log atone of excellent quality. Beyond tbat meths brown mndstono of : which I spoke in a former letter, and which abOtantla about Fort Barker' and Eileworth. Professor Mudge: of the KJ' in..na State Agricultural College, and /hate ticologlet for MU, sp.k leg of tell beautiful stone, told nle that It belonged to toe came geolocleal era as the i rod eaudato a of tilt:mm(lo., Co largely mad for a chltectural I hurpmes in New York, and like that Stone often found warted. art the tracira/of la rgo birds of a former pe . j LiMOOOll IS found In many Place , . far „ tr lbeyond,Fo Wake , and Is probably shun. dn. Wall parte • f toe State. Tea lime made or tli Sof w ich I bare 'pot. more particularly is . net and of excellent a Va li glO, white, b ack and variegated... l Isla In many places and It o boundless , moo, My In the southern parts f tee State. • Tee : whlte Is eald to be pore, of an excellent : qualtly ...I susceptible 01 fine pollen. I! VAR' no specimen.; but I sew at Lawrence a I polish specimen ot black Marble d tenon nom a quarry near Fort Scott, near the Southisamern canner of the mate, welch for Metro and Ilmonesit of grain In, nave butler neon oil:Wadi IC s ls somewhat harder than any other-A merinn marlin I bare sour( except the Potomac vartety,,whion to Lath. er a conglomerate than 'markt.. For man tles, time'pleme 40., this Fort Loonar. hie 00010 be ativisatries There will sno a eau liectlOn by roll beta - elm Port beett and ilseiretimjscent region and the Union Pa. MU.. llut why, It maybe asked, here I dwelt em, loug upon the single subject of Memo., of ; thus country Unit theca la no MOM. In till, 1 letter for Um coat, the Salt, the it.7l ,4 turt I and the metaled I hare axle an, b..c50.0 , stone is now and must Ober both, Cr InCipal I Ituildlng material In Kan.. Tne entre or Leavenworth 11.0,1 Lawrence are mainly . built of brlot ; but beyond the-m . lolore Inoue becomes more excellent in quality, 00,1 ilia cilty less suitable for brick miLlang, but few l brick hntlillemeare seen.. Erma at tope" the low brick noose* to boll.. titteit tact Me business of brick mating la • fattens. At Sallee a leo brick bave been wade; bet adieu thoroughly burned they mere rem.... 1110 stone in color than Ordinary brtck. hut ne wood Le name and Stone plenty; not good, and easily quart led, the latter tniimt moon be tbe came. .0.2'1. Prams houses art costly, became much of tau ium•. her must he brought front St. ioniser Ohl. I cago. U. the groat Dleptomerof blaming* and becetits,lf be has withheld some tilinas deemed essential to /11.10.11 00001001 Ur. W.ll•beingt Us impelled with a lavish bend l otter [Mega even bettor. And When Eau aas shall be fully occUpicil,. no people In . this Inaltnt will hare 'more beantllul or i more comfortable dwellings. Of the whin mineral. reSeoree9 of thle titate-whiel, id the language 0,1 Prof...or Kedge'. llePort, centaurs . 78,{190 g o on Mlles, Is ton trans. abe Ores of btaiisarrati *mine. ono-;l2th larger ;ban Missenri. sad , About about one-trardLlrger them England -minerals, the Mont and Importance 01l which astontshed ma, L anal - spankmore tally In my newt letter. . J . C. P. 5.-Tne following hold document, which was handed to me - •esterday, proves, as nuthlug else can. th e =imagine el Ito trade wince has been created by and is 101. 10.•tne 1.1111 rood whieb Is so rapidly perm. crattng what was bt,..17 4 Intent end unoc• ... 1 . 1 . region, It telly 00.1rnis all I hare said of the country . ; for no country Dot one anrpaulibtly good MUM, In lut eestscst in. Mil... austeln suck • unmet - eater remelt. 1.1. , ,,Y. E. D., I s . AverrOiPsOreloe 7 lix:Locts, June susa. 5 Josiah Copley. lag -Doss blot The follow. mats an eiblitli 01 the earning* sod expert. theof the Union Pacific itallway,E. D., for the month of Mae, lief. Dr. 10 amount of eoraingh rlit Government Irelgta a MAKI ei 4olernment trisspe .--... lin) B U.S. miffs 'llllOOO Total Government..... • 4 51.x31 90 BlereoandtroanglPasaouger tratic Total earnings. Cr. Br working expenses sloo,Kli 23 By net proceed, to balance 71.ZA CO V.ry rapoctfally, 8. T. Skarn. Auditor, MERCHANT TAILORS HOUSTON Sc CO.; 1131tIONABLE KEIGHAST TAILDES, And Osier* In ME A O, O Loy, sod PESTs . Flllral3llllso GOODS. , 4. tot? lIYPIJ ATISEZT.Mmaer of Client' eller; trs tom Amt. made la the late. Atilt, end most aura? e maims. Prlito seri reasonable., EIRY CALPPEI.L., Ellerctant TAILOR. and dealer Gentlemen's Furnishing Guilds, • .t 144 AiIITLI FULL!) 3 YIINIFTV Three door belew BUM. ratt'Actityll. All the ,attst toltelar sun Bata=er sty4A of Clothe. atsslsseers sad V..ting• on band. cod cane an in prices. tste most fasl.lottatols style. At toe lusrest Insithzl6 8 018 , CLOI9I3EVG. • Metropolitan, Garibaldi, Grant, ItAHNEY AND CUTAWAY _ . SUITS 9" 111 MILS 10 el I`ol MUM IAIIIIO, A. largo rad cornplcle ancort.ent no. on bind GUAY & Lt)iiAlll, =I HENRY G. HALE latumr Ga 3 MI i3N 51. ais NEW SPRIT G GOODS, JUST OPENED, =I All the Novelties—of the" 'Season, dsch sis U old, ton.] Is k I:int-Chits Merchant Tailerin; Establishment. mbirog/ Great Reduction in Prices. SECOND ARRIVAL OF Spring Goods, Fresh from the Importers, • Which lad be wide up with care slid dispatch, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES OWEN. BYRNE, Merchant Tailor; No. 14 - WYLIE. ST., 0 ,4 0Z11. AISTILAVD ISALL ape:TV:I7S - AUCTION S ILE 3 AISSIGNEEM .11,14°,4zr..,11:1;;; • T::?..110,f.".11" mown% the Bth 1187 . of Jain. '1.187, At 10 &clock a. ,at the Wa•ebnuac, No. 11l Ina? tEal Cr. kitt,borah. th e cdtoretrg per. Ihonal properl f g ort The euct 000daln gold WarehOolie nonolr.- Ira 0: lasacnaltitta ' Elena. ar0tt...... lintohot tiro. H 0... Crow 31.4 will also .011 nt Pond , oil.. ra the IWO. In .11.14w0n I'll?. at No. .1 • t'Arri ttract. on thud., ofore,al4, at 7 n , elo•k p.' ;4 5 p 5 A1111 i ni n air. l l74 . , 5 0 5 !4 1 1 5 o r triP bomb's Tool. Untearte. Alto, ong Nuns: Hanel. tw.. Wagons Rod 0.5.1001. 4 tontorl•h. pentrall• or loin on, • 1,740/1. lea od aleolt it. Ilell re sod fora, A•rasou arr.. •rnr•onid tn.. thee with the E. tows Yact-ry nun Owe., And tn.' otachlaery and C10t.... cowslip .1 tetrelo, ry Otablo and /tea Crotn. bul-g lot oi • rootrl abn hOr o Nom wanton an/.•oo net and ttra h rl stl tt•t fur a All .7,11 tt.t the ro,ltlre of toe dlNlADASSarjonl'se rent. - 1 1 :47 ‘57 .V 55 55r1.571.5td51.5'4‘01117. !OfJ Y nontEA AT Aire' TI lbd raid =lbex lOU beer OWO 0, 0 1.. on cro p • tioittimion toen•len. , u,,01•A I. July I rtN 140, 000.1000 n • •10 01;0•11:.1cP;r44;. µl4-: dening amerce, tor o oundle lngot ibletr wee, diet ed In D 0140140111.4, • ...aloe It m on , . I • 14 , 48 •cm• dram , . Tue lot. a... diLtiaiwi on C44.l.(Ser4elvett torcband.one•balf bill•art city, in a fertile and IS abriovid and nd but • duet, cll.taned from ,be r, Iguana a, led brield. Tor. a, ma lmr trum fled by too Woiuld. Man vet r wad Yam , IlielSed.• booed, and ny I".CO £ t teu o soir lld ealiblae..4o4. y tea (Ambler, & wain , on Tograrrtlp Tut•rlda, Tee feidltlen Is ode of die soot jitaitlfol aod 4•41.1 ID atm toiletry. 444 bdil o i but • db.' , Id Save from itie airy. ter obbOttaaltd too , of. fermi DD. 11.4-14 i '4 a criaotry 14404 or ifatden do add•ir TY Ilr p-muo .1.01,0 to dud, tog Ptifildertu • dr re tbe•laa. can do.* bY 0 Ib 4 ,10 •," .11;11:1 1 17nt l i1 " 11;Pat . a * a?an ' f wn tI P nalar.te lo mid Imola.. Patti 101.7041 from debt er sale. • ' Jas ldeirUtifd &OLE. Auctkatter. ==l 11,11..E5;. Itolllnslll,llolld Pt..'opponne Pad Min& D 'r ' . 04 o•onint ninnn on Tnesnirr. Vann. 7)4! Queninear, 4.. In . rnonto .l.ionnw! . /nmir Inn klooln. .notion., Prlrona soars on 1116nnir ir teaenday nad Trlds._/pen . na Ara. wi... l lim v . ll: ii bod . Analontein. • - SPECIAL. NOTIMIS Ennio, I ",y re o d lorge yard an 4 tarnished It with the man epproved•banchlterv. we erntrre• pared to tovinsiscs rue ever/ deserlytton of Boil. cro In the best mint,. nha4ILIT."" 0,011 to any made in the cousin'. ChlatneYs.. Breech. Isle. Fire tied, Means Lien. Locomotive Boil- CnlnlenierS. Salt Pane, 'holm. Ott 81111, nrilniorr, seamy Peoo, 4ol:er Iron. 'Ertaget, Vent: Nos, ind solo ronnoineenrcro of BAB?. CATLST 801LY.11.1. • Itennirloe dour on the obortee t novice. SEii col. M - ""EOBINgOri. REA & . CO., Mecca nonamoa, alnrri a 111.1.a..5,) WASHINGTON WORKS, rounder 4 and Disci&lntatA, Pittsbarab, Manefactnrtre of Boat and qtatlonan . . Mc= EdeMee. Butt Engines, mu Machinery, tlnr- Int, Motilloc, Betting. of all deserlptionsi 011 Tanks and Stilts. Roller and !duct iron Work. - Utica: No. 12 ccriur Pint =a Smithfield BU. AlPeeente for GiPPLlttra PATENT IN JECTOR for frodinabotters. surrakoe - COPPER MILL & SMELTINO WORKS. PARK, ItIcCITRDY & CO.; Manors, corers or oOoo.bl.r• H'29.l;;Todggli ttnttam., Speller Boller. Silo ImM•rte Si r d he. Constantly on head St rtoort•_Kaallt T:g1;,,11. - 7P.31'rr4`,7k11."4117;.°1.'''" nrettl ottlert c.tmer cut, to tor desire. pono•tt. InVlCeatolver tOF'SONIFITHING NEW.--CALL and eas.lne the nen SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. . They Will were toleo ne long ne thou Without tip.: Kept Only by • W. E. POCUSILERTZ, • rovlA•ll.s at, Filth ht., Iltteboten. J--tteitzciine A. !TOT?, DENTIST, 2 . ifi PAWN' AJTREET, mns.vn PI7I,4I”UnH. p7Tt, MARRY OR NOT TO Wii r 110. RC - . 11,0011. f , t. Young 01..04r Enay I S the Eat.- ..taa.tel,l..n. .11 the ..byaloloa , e I E..on. Abu., a .4 la•!a^o4 by lanora . .ee or N.Larti a Laws. tohe UM ot ca•a :feet h. ,aaled 14.1.er kAI• fn.& of thaw So. .I,aa. Ur. 4.'•.11 H..U...111uti. 'toward rh , l•4.ipnla.•l•4. ea*l - maad • r Y. BLN G. GAS Pf'TTING C. W. uronata L. f. KILL.II. BEEILKLE & M LLER. !PLUM i ERS, . . CIS AND STEIII FITTERS, Door Aoki Me Paw, Clod. or Boor •nd Ale f•uca, um, ramp., -tat, %Vasa oat... Auto T.2.1:12-.11.4, 11. b .e Ware, to. MC.. 1d 430 Cokilc• **tweet, (Ut:iftra .s.t. I toe COOtoUt 84.) ALLEGUIZeirr ch Ir. Pa. Flange . Otto,' up *Lb k.as and arateent anon uuttc • _.101:••• C.TIi;;OLAII .Jan. Aaanfo4a SPAN GLEE 4? . BRADFORD, Ed..A.CPk2IO.A.Ia Plumbers and Gas Fitters, ..r0.17 Ohio Sit., =M:EIM tu4 up with W VrElt. AILS had pojl veo we to ca •13 r 7 wort..: OF a had I'u 111 V, I.tc.L sty t itt. Inv Int. as". JOHN M. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS,' Sic= and Gas Fitters, Vona:Wanes of rrollC. ANL. , cif trer7 u; dkalcts fn GAS YLX. TULLIS AND of All kloot.. corner of Pike and WalnntStreets, PITTSBURGH, PA. =cm MEE COLL, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, CIO AND STEW FITTER[, rro. arm .i=.c..13.21:& 1149*ft-coot, PiTTS6I:II4III, PA. Clslyrts and Wel Pumba ot.ol kinds_ licatics attc-lc, wittr on and Water. by the may{ &ip- On-b,11.1.y1t. by yxpertencyd r. rkman. my:by Zo•clat / at:button paid to cocotn work. In= i= ITItOOD & III'CIFFREY, ..TEA.II AND GAS FITTERS, for. of Sit nod Liberty Ntreels. &nowt Carry!, S !nyder'', eqtaffursb. Penns de nnd Casting, farnlatind nrznpuy dr, st.atlon a , 41 to ttle llttlog out and mratrlti, at trll2..az p erle. itteamboa , ... le.. £O. Agents for A, &Cameron & Co.'s '.3T1 . 43A.M PUMPS BLOWER ENG INE.4, Thol. VIM Cool. oottortor tolratattoreo r ove . oo; o.h•-r, Sod torry ono lo orOroant,l to 41_ l'uotro opot•tatal - no lowa. reOs. to =in== Plumbers, Gas - and Steam Fitters, VIM! wrnErr ILXIENSION. X ... r . rienErCrrikGlMC. Pw All man/ by bane boosted AnsfablOrtly no :nanny Ana uln to. • A In Ine of byth Tin t Minupb, Bulb/. Water louts. nnk.. Peninty • syol flu Shades f or Looniest Übe nut ramonbly n be O f hlyr• from colony patron/ by Mall prOMpl, ly sttuadefl lo BAILIFF 'BROWN & CO • , f 343 31Pc..-519er5.1.11111.. eiLLEarze.rr CITF. 1#.1„ pLEINDEIISI, GAR AND STEAM MSS rITTLHB, tcep •Hr•y• . baud • QC HYDBAATe. SH.ELT LEAUPWE. OATLI TUBS, WASH BA. A , BS. 100 4 i AND BRAES CHUMS. app all ma.. dm. 001 nuns op soh.. pit Tate baßSlngs 0,.. • NATKHor OTlc.Oll. 1•000,.. BREWERS. MALSTER&&c I)ITTSOVI2GLI.-1111EWILBIt. k. CARSON, DARLINGTON do CO., Califtgli, ',LSU A 9 HO? 1141119, HnooO..rt to • JOSHUA RHODES* CO.. PlMann. 'WA. W. 4.1110551U.0.A, •11.40u50 The ettrt:nn 6/the claeloaltrlo the tvo Inca ❑ imullcultly halted to ,•V • ~ 'ALES AND PORTER. Which. theargb the Woeful renetion of Hutt hero ourezterolve maltleh GAHM. aneLltqhs from y.ry. gat sod Wewt., we rho gueraufee to bs ogre and astoftrOory to the ti ado. our OIDIAAL6 has ueon highly iteOrt.tedee he 0070101..5 for Welly Ile. "Emu oi .8 curthmereWllloleare he roTAZ l tS..l l ,llTAV.`4. l r.avar„t,t,2o:.° 3- ad - Ccnty a Dwane %nil sad tutu's Hey, noOttoo MUMMY STEAM BREWERY. . JAS. V`ltil. rcsissilige 16 Et & in - 0U v. MALSTERS AND BRIMIRS Ale, Porter andarown Btont, PITTSBURG :I, 'BOOTS A14:1) BEOEB. Worn 3.12L,V.F./ 401114 ZigtalllTC FIELDLNU et, 0110,. J. J. Ilaantvkarert and tiesicrslA , Chasstcoan. 111".:11.c. UOOTS, SHOEB & G Alums i v ) Ohio St, Allsbelty. • ~,•"!.••••• = W VfiS o,o B DINING ROOMS, • ' lb * 36 •Iliarkrt Al., - Wen %rand ••d Third meet. elJr • PI 1 . 1 . 4 a Oltill • Ps: • b,vt• MAW] .a , nl h.] Iv 1.1 or,' . 2.1 hat eons, Put.. •II nt I , •'7AS ......";,' Veit Vit . r•7,7l:l'o'ul'i them en.. Mr.... will a L• 011.0 , -1 4, .. -444° , 14 ;V:st i4 Likftuo t IN J. H. WILL IA Proprietor._ yr•ru. bishirtla•rirt poke told For all kl.a. ( nuon.ba S.lll, I.il DR. J. A. HE.KR.OII HAS REMOVED His omco and Residence to No. 14.8)11711FLELD ST., ' Stull oppolalla Stu Ilooangsbela Maws. toliOutS THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1867 POE SALE. • VOR CA 1..F.-.-Tnet beat Earth.. 111 1 YaMedd tommble, Wasmorelend 4 , nety. - pe., ...weir, met WM acres. eltnatal ela miles sonth of th e y n Isvlreul• Mai Mead. at Bolivar nthttun. The les remestmeta an • Srl haus•, else Mena., • old cePar 'alrLtAank * barn, math, . l h e ' mat of me . whole farm I. -e n r o :l - 711 . k mete of oilie~tlun~ the (savior le al. lio. It the soil 1s gnod. and Is we . t 1 watered: abent reo acres el...red. the re malnder In go whit e oak [Weer- I his wort arty Is eller.d as tee low prim of fifty moOms per acre. roasessine Immediately. • - . A - so. a sateen e Si mden farm. contethlne S 9 Isms. sltuat.6 Elizabeth unensblo. Alleghs• ny, eonety. . on ace Tot gblognsny river, and near Etrors *tattoo. on the llannetleville rust. *boat ntmteen milve from .be MM. The Imormements are • twowthrl ' , dee home . its Inv room. ranalngthronger the boll., wile Celar; a 0 0. I It= nod war eel etlldlnga - Abundauo bast frills. of all rarlatlea. Church. 6 0 1 0 01* ens hfllla-verg convenlert; Persons wishing to engage in gardening would do well to can nod pnrellam salckly. _ s., a imm of SP acres. th" Wtht Prbotttleld township. leglana COMM, Ea-, oho it IX Mlle. the c ae of thea Peensylvant • Rail roul. The Improttments are—Pl,ll., it two story geme house, w.th Iteerooms.•thrge [runt barn, 45070. corn erib, carriage none.. • zoo. cones Wm. end Wood home. Sec. , a twowrory lug house, &terse frame barn.lo2oo. a Its Inure Prem. Mlles house. end Other out.- bald nes. The fencing.. MI good, abandanee Of limestone ott the place, aml coal beta skiers dtstanowComenleat to Chu rch.s. Mins, 5.e. 1 ams, mitiorlsed to sell tbISPIWPeni `Also,eep md on may Senn. An mulles. Iran.. or lAD acres. Of welch ideates are ender cultivation, situate In CM/1- .o co conn a Improvements-it new Mame ow e uit ntalelug 5 room.: about CO choice fru ittrews. good fencing ie.. It Ilea within 0 Pr of 1.1, 11.thols ttentrel a. 8.1 will he wad reasonable terms. City PrOperTl taten io eichange If dcalred. Alert. a P alm er or 162 acme la Penn townshlll. Weatmoreland county. =acre* el eared and°. der cultreetlOn; C. news of not-rate whl.eof the other limber. :dwelling houses, I of then, nodes, t I army. with a tenant hoes, with a 14-reta Stearn rewmlll In anon reaping' order; mg ore/semi of /Vatted huh.. lan.. every acre tt Wit Ihne tons c a iil nil w¢tle out r! ' ardisalti:ONte r Ve n ga. a Ve i n t t ' Pal ualltoad; M miles MUM of glttabureh. and three miles welt of ()menthe's.. TOL. fat :Atm. sally n ev er, ng., situ ate. In waned evtgltbor boo.; sue Ls underlaid watt, 00•1. The le good, kiln, a twounsr• BrlCt. Wentse.•llo lb rooms• tta " ,IIOI:I.I6ItIh 6 INTILIgLV b•Vgtti.7:. o l; ' :;- 1 lownsolp, Westmotelang comm, 1 1 0.. on the bang of Us onemeupt Meer ImmeJletely op ,oatte the. Annuoth 'rhls prop ere,..l.7vre).l-Onirzof! I ce of In Rue Whale si enghln, thdl.lll meats. Peel,. roe ...foremen. are a hood name boat. tram. barn, and Meer outbulthll6l.l about are clee.e6 end soder good ten,. the . resldUe to -.the, The atoll gaol :400. 1 q40111., gratereS o , • oneenleni alhoMbes. price M. mills. Kid.l,l be "Me at Lim le. price, uf SR per Posseml Itentediatetr. tuna. mmacetars, :a...6re or 11. 11. TOWZ.II. =i= VALVAISLE CITE PHOPEUTV Three Erick Dwelling_ Houses, =I Ned tact ntrett. t. 24 felt tt' it. Will be .obi ors roaso.Abla us.e. Apply to =I = No. 66 kimaffelO otto . ot IMPROVED PROPERTY == =I Paulus. ninglng 111 vitas trout 111.00 . 0 %a Vaal. Will be cold on ream:able terms iesaylled Da woa Irsithroma ULU 0Pp.t..14, I tam .4 ram.. (Mee a! 6.9. BASICS, = FOR PALE-House and Lot on Locust Street. alenebasterf lot W o. VO feet. Price, d‘,llll. • • a so. ea° senall ROUSTS /OD LOTS on Medd edel.otreet. nes- norer depot of V. V. W. I C. IL W. Pr.. Ste. c.o. are, dwa LOIS on Western &manna. near Treat.% C. 0.. &Manna, CUT. Crier IMO f.. IMO.. /e *antral amnit houses and Lots to good kanttloas. InquirelttnAt Itaaise, near Cneenet Sta., Manenaater. frCr.r 11OUSE A.NID LOT FOR SALE. The hat. end tot at pretest oreupled .1 . the sahmlleer. ilte.te4 Ohtwell nrcot, Mae ea..ste, i•assettvr. • . 11 .4.) "onto 100..41,d nil:ming. through the uele wadtb le tuelteetuAllegUrta . Tem. v.,. street. AlleihehY. COM FO Lt SALE.: „ • 1511111 1)16.6111Y 111111151 gOESI, roosted ; .11th . few pull* Of Sesirkler Sta no g ori tee eltiebarets, Von Inkier sod cage Nei *sr. am...mk t rear re ear. s sel useertle•trs Peuersleo Vero Lomedtattly. for WM* oppl s KELLY, AlSetlollle4r. esyst No. 4 Iseecrsl a.— Allemresy. 1.4'0H SALE ort BENT, CHEAP— . s Tam at C....voter's eta an. on W. /1111e0,1 c0n..1•15 125 scree; thaprove meeta. Miele% 5 , 00 orehard: •11 . easteme•od rood tat C 11.11151•15. Also, 5, e rn,/ o th er t wma. to good 1...11.5.• End •.511150- rove.l. *LOW I will sell enoap sad o • rues... lee tern.. LI., a rumbet at iloplbeWll.ss lose to We env End ...sob.. Ifor further particulars Inquire of WlLlL°gaWtaßrDe, t. oProstic sbo atbsurat _.11±:02 FOR SALE, A Beautiful Building Fite, outy IN miles from tne city. coutslulag t. KES, ..11 uatued by tuu 0. spring, You •Umuf the fiver. ft puty to • Jouit D. scirms.r. Flan National ant, ETU 1=;;1== WELL. . HE. LOOSE. eight mows: l o ot with swear eariettet.at lar the stint rto a; el , gl .y axed la wl.w or a‘ a al New 11 .gaugl...lth ta ens a' gee uty. utm eegewle 4 hg eagr.s.l• . .1. D. IeuIENN. . agattla WieLta... Pe VOKMALLE —A nine yeas s , lease s 0. • Lot situate on 11..tler etre., Fla tb ward. itl by IM feet, on welch le ereeleel • frame .lettllng, now restate ter *Ape month. a bract e t r amp, whlen lOU tent tor In. en , t. Vs ' to S orlr " r•coT; _ po o. d .. "On t,r tenet ie. apply of: P au e..t•ta t and /nen. ranee Iyille• of • 0. BAT 04 lee direct. (.••••roevytile. V I LIVABLE CO IL PIIOPENTIi .7-kt e, • Lis attested la Vat. n the p.ena men. too .11.• non, the ferry, edl .intag p eperte of nob et nerftit rm., heel./ • e. in or ••41 photo Qualify. •• 7 Of tecea• .1 at et r.d extent.. pelt le Je B. IleLeirl a • EMInIt TWO FINE LOTS OF GittliVrlD • In MA. a•l•ed's Uttar?. Itoutlng on Mato at. Prier •SXI seen. •piell to J. 71 . n. •1•1.•11 IN U ki,&N 4.; .5. peorLve INSURANCE .CO 01110E.5 GVII. WOOD ADD rxrra ail A HOAX 21.2L1N0 ►IHE AND WHINE HUM • . . . 1 . Nre. 11111155, Cape. J 0551" LL .02 lota Watie. - " 54.20 P. 'Quiver ° -. lota' IL Puke, - 115luirs 4rtraelle.. Capt. !es. *Met,' .150.5 I. Kirxp.uta. wm. Van 5.104 .- Prank 5. 54001 /move D. 'Verner. C. 1155 a Love: WY. 'iltLLl . l s ll ' , Presl4lso.• • JOIIN WIL . PT. 5101 Presider, W. P. tie 1 0/1.1115, Secretary Jullav .0.01. JAS 00)00 05. Oen') Ao. _.... ILLEGILIENIF INSUILCIICE CO. tales, No. A MI 4treak flank Bleak • waxes swanst 41 kind. of /In sad Marine 0 12 PeaMimi. : 1 60 . 8 . N.4VALMIN Via Pe . llAent UN A. lliht, Ocieral Jigss 1 John Imam Jr.. Cot. W. DMA, John U. mutton; ~ B. Ta. Mummall. It o. e.T U ra. . 20 . b1 , ,' ri!Urt. 1 . ..1 vosktomm. 'Twat • Vellum Mutes Hay* . . ,Geo. D. Molars.. pummel:cum cristsescr. COMPANY..: OF PITTSBURIIII, PA. = TEla 6 nnO tnsureo malui 7127AWITNLII, enahlont. • HUliki hi' HI Y, notrotarl. lonneffnuo Leonard Walter. tiotoVeson, , 2,0,,,k u ' 11 a1ia., Jhooh rd. a. u. lora r, Joolob 'Ling, • John Votottioy, Jo. Li. Hooting; A. Aaron. • , AP?F_I 1.0119 irroursraTir AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF puiLADFLptig Mee, 433•343 437 CatENtHOT RT., Naar /lab. • DIDSCRORM etklllo W. Hwei.e. Yankee H. Loa., Toess•Wev.e. Vseld ts. 1,11,11n t WWWeI thane; Inez Jteob month, kdwerdv.,Tha.. 6 ""' W ''‘`,ll°ATti. ick"i , -. lde.t, /COW I!, IPALK, Vice Preeta... WII, C. STILI.Lt, Secret.), P ,. . 1 " , A. IL ALIONEFI CUFI IN. Agent, mblewle North We. ter. Tbird a wood no. WtripTRILRIoNiIti,UHANCE CO., .. . , LR lANDAULVI Lirest.lobt. WU. P. AN CK. . OAPT. uculius NIMCLI), tionersi Agent . HUlruretWalT.'l=. Will leisure mtateet tbm " uda of coo anti Mantic. Mete. • Dome InctltnUon numeged by Utrectoy who are WOO Cotta to the eommunity. and WllO, are determined by. litomptuma theybtttl. to malotala eym enaramer libidolize• t ae. ZiFeb_ . aLs . sutimtic . b e st protection tb Mom alas.lre.M, es auler. Andrew... Andrew...mei. 1.4 . 91 A LI. Lin t 1111.., dolt N . . f I It 11 , 11.L11:11. nu7,l*.r. t.tv...) 1 ., •A . •od ALE oirros 6•. MO rt rdithfOli 11 , ..10r1at• . •O If to. of Coidoll. , iko, ot Ihr t 0... rot s. hoot...toot', , ut hang . clAftot.d 1.1 do. T ...ref. f Inaohr an ID. PM . omr•Os dirmloono . Hum.. earrltiet a. 4.. 4 ..F. ok• fur niva..• 'llatoot oat ItafrOureo oluot • . fury the ..• Or F0t0... itors.• trot at 1.1..1 too uay. tot Ilk or roar. • •od atom. rd to in .1 :10 Tit n.,, ii.r".••:,r4rn°4 9 ;11.!`":"P"4 5 .„. 1 , 2 ,„bi., .. I1 opt. all ' Ooors ul:li.:it, . R YIROL OHIO ALITie DRUGSTORE, JOST OPMCD. stars mo I. 0 ~. .. 4 4 AOKI stoat Dr FRESH OBOES AM) 'MEDICINES, .• . - Atoorloaa .4 Forel. POI , mm. TOILET oSTIOLCS, arery . M 4 4 tt4 'MO Orot un „, voToto •• Frooorlotoo. tampon...a 141 boors. JOT !Lien, 13. trail Ohio .L.o. aid Lisooto .ita• otO, i e u d , ot.IIXMFISOI s CITV, Po. TENNElitilea “ A Run 1 , 71,41'y !” 1.11, ix ule 01' 4114.4 1/30/2rittlb. .LiERCHAIvia CD:LTIai IirBANE & einiamisslins Merchants, Dealers Da 1i07311. GRAIN asid PRODUCE gen e etall, No. 141. I,l=l WATER. strove thattbflold •Det, C. F. SELLERS'' & CO., PORILPACKERV =9 I=l. T, GO New Bacon. Beef and Tongues -, WM be reedy or delivery on !louden Nth tees., Choice sugar-Cared agate: Do do do Beef Do do do' Beerrougaer; T)o do do Breakfast BISCOPI Pisan Cured Baton ElboulderE Do do . do Sides, At mbar d prises dof excellent scant). From thls OW, we shal an l be regularly supplied with all article. Is the Prortslop trade. "lalthrss MEW= BintßE & CO., (*EMISSION ffiE➢fal TS, Fa. 71111. Pacific, Globe & Liberty 011 Works, Ample Storage for Crude sod Itadrool Oil: e!nd cosh 1.4N...0r. ioadis 02 cal./run...tr. ot nolo or Waned PetrolooM. lards for rsorago tad ddrordon of Crude tot at Lavroaeorlll*. trdlce Lad Worehous , . Corner or Duottoaao W al and Hancock woos.. L'lrtobarott. 50r16.1.31 ROBERT KNOB, Jr., -COMMUNION MERCHANT, =I • FLOM, GRAIN AND PRODIIIE I • oak, 412 LIBEUTY 8311,' IPlttabwritt L . ,. BLANcusan a. co., WIROLALE . A.ND . IitTAII. ar . R6 CO 396 Penn Street. P. ■.I7OWIT COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LED MULLIS LI Flour, Grain, Saul% Fred, am. 34t) LJDEIiTY WriSMST, ILTSIstvI2 PlTTallUltroil. PA. • r OWL.. cAlramß2 IWENS RENAME/li, •-• v aunuqs COM 51.1guilON AND WbolesAla Balers In lINNUCIUN AND DUNE, 11A EktUSTR BALT, VANN:, BUTTER, .ENtii.A• 4 1 7n6fEkrzttqft n ngli r tarVItt a lt4.011 ''. IL. mu ' waft, IRpon,,ALLinneart,l'A. - P* Agent, [bribe sale of T. NM% 1,0001114 808... and J. Kam's WIL arattlyol FETZEIii & AIine.TIIONG, YOBILIDING A3l COMSAdg) 111011513, fla =mule as floor, 0,110, Dawn, Ls* , Bustis, it Matk i ntro V eratztfror 11=It e jab...A. F . :: 612 WI 1.? KNOX & SON, Commission ILEXCH &71TBa¢G Malmo to FLOM Ullll5. KILL FEED an. PUODUCY [mond /4. 19 1.111711•11. Illa- Raa¢7 1.1 7:111 D egr 4.t utus l : f.i o n iam, COMMEN. BORAPIUN. CRI Bain lOd .04 aes LlP 'Hue ATM' t" thl"Z" . 366 Conativments sollelced. KT. im.". Ru olhetl. LITTLE, • BAIRD & PATTON, Wtolimalatisooess. Commission Membssia, Pd dmisre ' la Prod.., tiscon. Gloom . ala, cr. and Land lion. Nails. Wass, Wis. aro. 'so.l all Elltuleorris ms.assurea day.") II and in /demist qtroct. rittalmsett. I 1.1101.8.......1. 8. 1%.10trt....Wi1. D.. 17101.. DEYMER & BROS., (succeison ti`.°Z. 7 llo..itt - Zl . 4l' ° ' l l,== Tam. te."o7FA.6Biqui=". IPIISI. JOHN Et.ANFlELlNConaunia alon and Porttardlng bleotbant sod +bola eale daess In Western ResestaCbasos, Bat ter. Lard. Pork. Seal, /lons, fiat, Pot and Pearl salttaL• ad Ulla, D . V .L aI Trutt, and Pro duce orentrally, Nos. 114 d tar treat Street, Pittsburgh. EtIDDLE,No. IS3 Liberty St., rituteneo,l"..,Cammtsalov letcrotta-ut.a.od WbolmJet De.er Coaunry Produce, klrocarles au! rlttaborgh ranatcr-Varu. advancrid Colulsnsepta.a.no cold fur rrodua gene, - snit roue kruta.glawkiti; if.. not:. OHN L, HOUSE i unos., CIMORS JOH7r 1. HOC. & CO.. Wlmkt•- sald ...14:ocemtSalort nare.b.U. 'cra nia Vielltlifield Wad Water... Ws. Plttsbargh (MP CHOMAILEII b. LANG, Whole .l.l.e &calm Win...ries. Flour, Grata. Pro: dose, Provisloaz, Plot, Cheese, Sall, Cartmx 011, Noe. It and 174 LI.VST plual•aria. acaul43 • • • - - • izazirToNaL WALE ACE, % hole.. ORME/LS I) , PRAMJCICX Ka. stvtu titt o.mret, Joirt..g COAL, COK-N, &o BEST FAMILY COAL Alt.ay. on 4,ldl.l,delmical Drwapuy t.trader, AT LOWEST ALSEXET RATES, BY OSCAR F. LLM & CO., Car. S2hakj Wed nd P. FL W. & C. Sailny, • thracito Coal narldsb..l at tba lowvat Tate. ... . . W•61.11./t Url7 WM. 11 CLA.NET,& CO.. Gas Coal Works, • P23FraIt t .I" . .J.TTI&M r .:`,IVAIV f",:f q p . BOX 351. rlttauargb. aedl.4 . otn ' tan UT r 1 Stein. nanY Httildive. corner lanert,.,,et at. ellt4bargb. URANCeI :11 ' * ! ' • l tt ;'ll etrcdL IVV:sI P ,:r " derv,. stet . an , FW.U. It ZAll•gbeily . All 0.,51e • 'll titer of ma above plac,s+ nevi?. taTant at.ptloa. COAL! COALS! COAL!!! STELUIT & CO., Hitter removed %brit. OM. to NO. 567 LIDERTT STREET' Matelyeltvlani RHO dECOND MOD% ' Are ay. preparedly larelab dyed Voyanluatiaal LOUP.. NUT (MAL OR !MICK. nnthi Iceit market prloe. sire orders lea agmheir onion. or .sanded to Mein lannuali tan mall. rill be attended in promptly. . my:so= . 1441/11T -PI FT COAL CO,PAArt —tlhintnon and doll,. In investor ta.mtly o.nd Ream Cool, Not Coal sad black. minarsa on. nen aneond awry Pittsburgh wen.* liana Build ing, corny, I.l , erty ntreet non Virgin alley. branch onlee. , eorner,VO loon Third i 3 OnvO , Vilionargh. .noon led as either of We shoot places will empire prompt ' , mention. roatoOes Adore.. Hai GM. iritt•b•gia. . . DIAIICTutta: J.J. 01,.15/15, U. 1.. VANSULAIWW. 5 liaUni San i. • WK. . Hls qsunaf ~ Ht.. JAs.box ao les• 5, I. W.rs. UrrANT, 'JOKE HAT.. J. I. 1111lan LCa l t . IA .D INOISN, Beal, S. NiTlata. Treanta, W. 111. CLARET! CO. agkwyre.... .151:01 . CIU4KLEN 111, Diatom IM YOUGHIOGIENV ooliNsusynax 00A). • •od a ofraturerro Ood Donut pelnetzed Coke talfsee Mo rton: Y• 110. ' Corneal - Nuber and lnt nand on Lab att, and O . Lolet Orval, NoLb ward. aod op drool Wert, neat Loot No 1, VW thumb, P . tae te r sr=l:Vttrr ro d ir . gt cash • ••• ••••-, , - Unit, left at. my Or their tihieteldll } !Chive omelet .ttsellOp., SEWING ttiACHINES.•). DON'T BE JAC:LIVED BY VV" KIWIS Mu teen Tenn m n i ll . y y U s SW m e fO m r - gea • flounced t v , No. Loashtu' sit:root, Derma GROVER & HAJLiEWI,I ELASTIC STITCH AriD LOCILSTITCH Sewing Maabines Lee rus HEST toe lerniT .4 14.4114testet poweree, end eel, them .+lro. 105 rifils Street. GET NONE BUT A GROVER & BAKER Tor a NOllday UM. It be rell•ble.l•Nlidt"' tberefate the beet. tlnet.t All 41.11 wad eee lt NU. 1.111 81%. Owen 15mhbilehl. BOC, HARNESS & CARRIAGE a- , MAKER!! shoald see the aeW GLOVE!. I BAIN NO, 1 SITING liCaLit II is Um ben tot that aerate b9TI.R cue. tor sale at „.0 : r , rru sTairr, mr7toiti THE H um,.EH ' BAJIMIR sEwiNC MACHINE • 1. the Ultima 11110.3 Of itectonom. Ela,..toy .. "' 11 " " " NO 106 nrrirent.Pr. Tbenati, YOZ . l..at k t . . - 4ame.P. lil'Arg"`k !JZ'a;:. • 4 LE} ~.1111EVIV CibltTiTY, es 4 " — la/ be o, Ptlll' 4' • e• 11.3 tett 0. 0 AV" . ne 1 1•Ib lh. ltt 0 Ilk eat line a t *tat or 14a- at. 11.AlrUtt a. 1.• of .1s st•qe telfoablp. 4004. It tt. el. ch Taros, be 1'015.111 Htpleit trt 'a..., 114.1. a. b`hl I ...an, la ' , matte Who lee f hie 4,11111,11 Ittainst. Sito - •••• Zerat due.*. Vaetlri bed ear ells earls. .1. L 'i d e ltll7l: " Tl4 - ircieiglt i t b i:;:t° d i z.„. 117;:.'.g."t.',Z•2:0"Catig;&17)t Del 'a HlTch st. d, c'd You as 4 set. ••• •os. Wlll Ist) 5 , 111. .1. 4.. b. Cates h•i. soled ere.o tee attics Mors t set in come Into ot t me Sited I).ir r And it Opt er tellse the *ll4 raw e tate. ti a an. re eavet. er shoe t W.. •hy tut Immo • no d •••:. •e d •ccetd . clot AAlttaelylll•llehress• =ode.. pm- •Id o. .d. 111 E QuUUT IPm.l l. Vemerd steett A 11114Itee, Vett. ;eh ttolltTO i :TOE RIATTEII OF THE ne 1' Boeo .."o"Mirree .hie. e. thst the heee.el cried. " 4; h ' " Zo t t:Z ‘ Pi...roweL Dir ' eh:T .' . sad Chet rate +en nut en I h lln ' _e h. e 4 0 • ' the an an th tip , PS Dar ~.lf * eat. 1/07. mare = . lll shawl. Why ."'"*PraliATainet./too,4lo.thOhjethee... .K.S AND B NIIRRS BART, EAUGHEY Bankers and Iknkera, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, (BUCRESSoaS TO LUBA, BART 000 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, a. - t 4 v! I:ti.=tnl t tel to gm yr GOVERN - MEWL BONDS wino D BAITS ON IRNDOIf. mylaW. N. HOLVIESie - 4: - SONS, .34.43.1011FC:1130E4.13. No. 57 Market Str.eett Deposits retched In roe Tends and Cnerenere Collections nude on slYtanstncloal pOintsot the United Bute. sed.Ltnad., Stocks, Bonds-a 9p9t urttles BOUGHT AND BOLD OD ObIEII6BIDN. rantehlar at.teuttos Date Lo the Dciohlee .ale of . U. S. Seewrtties, - • Including Q. 19. aim.of , U. a VIVO! U. red eU s and rIuAeTDusrteNrDO.ICIETD4 LA Jalo. PEOPLES' SAVINGS BAITS. OF PITTSBOTIGELO Capital, $lOO,OOO OITIOIL NO. NO FOORTN.BMETi I= •ales rratidegt.7 .:WILLIAJI RILL. Ouretaq ud hamar, BlDlll►,l'os 10131(0181, • Pr. B. —Time bap mu Mule LUls Dank — on or lattiv VIIILIT OP JOLT, WILL BUIL INTEREST THOM THAT DATE. jevioni UOAL 11EN,S TRUST COMPANY, No. 65 Smithfield St., BTOI/LHOLDEBB INDIVTDUALLT LIA3LE. Capital, - - - 8200.000. WITII PRIVLLEUE OP 11300,000. he po eita , vec stgred'asdlatrsst .flow_ . !special ntion•lon given to C 011... President—A. J. B %REM C.l.§v . c.A.—E, J. ROBERTS, , IISLECTO6B. • WA. J. PATTI - UO:1 Tliot - . ;Nita, n71414:111. A. J. BASAx.A. VeigrA,..ol.s. J. D. Jonto..er. - .P. IA PArizAboN. myte..l WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, •Xo. 59 Fourth Street. caEraAam37rtl3co xeee. t !Mid on Time Deposits. n ary sum received from One Dollar pward. ' Depanok enhjeet. fd Chick, without • DI/peon:lT DAILY. AT D Ott7LOCIL President - -ThO3IPdON BELL. - Vies President—A. 111.•111A111311ALI.. Trromrsox Mu.l., .1. J. tiLtt...Sn... ;pax 11..1.,1.2A.L., A. L.'YI..IBJLL. JOA =IAEA iStocisbolde.!o w!tntn wn make Wm. rovsyth, h er ,. , nlvroti. Wm. C.ld.etl, Bee. DaTI.I er W ICI Dalse , l, Retry lota Kea, K14'..12. Bidwell. ...,el—Bro.r. .R. !halm*, - Time. twieg. . rs. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN .1855 APISETS X242=.* on bt saner ca ' r atl o il i 2=llll;rf r k e:nrttal at N Tomb., lit. from •to o'clock' ate nom No vember Iglu May Ist, from 6 tea o'clock. - Deposits received of all sums.. not Irma Laza ne Sad a dividend of the 'profit* de clared twits • year, In Jane and December. In• teem has, nets declued semi-annually In June nod Iheettiber plot. Mt Dant was ornalsh.L at 'tee rate of six per rent • Ica , w' Inte_rest. 11 urawn ettl. Inplac be t a the r ' actie . t?gre b* 4Wo " r!, ' c ' he . ev i n i lalitll27/ December_compounding twlee a year wi th out i manilas the del:Welt!e to COIL pt l i t , simtsgtt , 4lo4l4l rate moue/T:11 doable to noels wuttalnlne the Charter. By-Lawn, Kele. Intl evi/Wows, futalsbed vett, on aPl4lCallon it the oft. === - • lolin d. 11.1wrien, as. Va.hotly N.D.. deft]. 1.. Vahoestoet. NOtert Iszpet Herdeta.s. lottn 11. Slumnberit. lames McAuley . , sl3ldie, Into. U. D. l.lexatvler 'Speer, Isaac X. Pennock, cbructia Yew., . • - Km. J. andersoi. • L•mmls, MmuN .13.1, • Reim ....Liu., lutm C. Wadley. roet limlctem icof~e Mack, . Jobs Marstaati, 410 Vono antes rot i rtl. P lepulgen, - Mag. A.. Ormsby CMlllps, fpba Penn.. • ligmr•LL. am J. UlUmple, Wm. E. Schrum..., WWII= H. Hamm, Me.michcr 110•16.. Peter 1i• Knott. . WlllMmrVmMutt. prlmm3 o. .. nyz. , Irm 14:MUM. r..tizikibilestaes A. totgrk IM====l ALLL GUILN Y • • SAVINGS B fLNK, • A LLEVHEN Y. PA. . • CrCO-glacd in 2 64 x. elToentol.bEtig ISIDIVIDULLI.7 LtaBLIL • Dapodtmtecalved espl air yar ctet. 110 w... I tat m •POO )1 . o /Atm to Cul tatt00..... ommed. promptly m ottled., Ditcommtosyr—Hoodayaadlltstra.l.T. Pumelma... B. Wttttta r -J T. Ptockdale. 00....Mit•-• loin.' • mlosamle, Mora., 1). othaverk. • • JOll4 W. Ill ' Ilit 1 1N,:(1 1 . " .0 ' 13 A . 14 L. 4 4., 1.1-41. HAMILTON it McKEE, Howie and Sign - Painters, I.I3 . TIURD STREET, Filuburgb. Graining, Biasing u h ..A lX .s. 7[D eß reltivs, VA6NISHYS, reTTY, t4u, HUTCHINION dAtPOURN, ROW, 11t1 1 OLNIIIITAL PALITIPS, • OTIAINNRS AND GLAZ‘HELP, No. e s 11.10idl'A AVF.1111.184 Pltoohnoiglti All Order. by m.ll Pr^td pill . te • dod to. • REHovAII. JOHN F. •CLULIET. House . and Mgt% Palmas**, No. 13* 311TEIVINLD NT.. Plnototo3o, M. 11,, .' 1 7.• I , l,min* toe 0I stand RODUIT It • CtOCILIf 2Xo.eXTint.r. Holum . Alli ISAVIDIEft, • „yo . l 2E.lgg o A li zatt A tm L E t ir Not 63. North aldoof Olomouc!. AltegliettY. Commercial anti - elms oleos made to Order. Onset. mectectlhor /whetted sod promptly retard. Mum. Valeta, Whmote Ulm, ari Potty coo stataly oo laand. omit go JOHN T. GR...L.1", P&INTER GRAINER AAP GLAZIEU, No. 64 Hand at,, Pittsburgh . MI MI and OrnamegiVikrnaOl entry damn, .mn Com to brat:: • Work 'dam mellaptly al ',namable far leinern W . COULTEJI3I ilousEANo surm:PAINTER, ''or. FOUliTli D ts ,Pati.eiTTni, ~E~oG All orders left 11ttliel akop, ,of tent by ziasil .111 eeeel.ro 13.,121PC.1teitei..11x.t1.1:03, WILLAAS B. BROWN, (Latoartha Slat at IS Owirr s scosno..) tWIDIOR A2(1?o . stag. PLIIITS/11% :iirthwe copier et 7.lllnitztp TOBACCO. MAUS, dto =M:MMJ . „ , ILsaatiatvrer at sad Witoloaaar sactXassU Daskr la all Wads of Tabun°, Snuff and Cigars, so ZIGALTIZZ3 orrEtzezrr. °MAUS? CIaALIO 1 _ One Million Cigars, R. & W. JENKIRSONIPs; No. 6 YNDESBI. MT.. AMAMI:UT. 4 FIOUSL , W. 11. . LEAK The Glorious Fointh of July TWO' fiREAT- PERFORMANCES! • - TICS APTIILXOO. ANT) MERIT. we tar- ReaUi .peotazniar rentuten of the , PITTSSIMItti, PA. NAIAD QUEEN; Or. Ttpt 313 steries of Unite Berg. rr'penh4, Ball, and * .nrat east. at.. AneNe .eftaet , lr hay," F.a.moNatlt.. Mao a lanlN Lune. ..1 Lost... .loN. Sanaa. .chna,ns. W. IN. Lost.. Asco-blbl I.l4Lentna.P. "tt7 "out r"" ILEIST:I 61,31111.tam. , t0 Bell.a Ametteon. tbat va.zs Lton.e. at 7ea ea. - Sell.4r aL ' igg:f r,hi%,"ntlthll_,Bagl,,,f male apare.na Match ret.aati it of to Jack tat•r Hell,. To earuelade atone Rl-417442..-- may 1 411e131F11 Great National lestiTal L. AND Pittsburgh anadeitieni:Oities ENIOII;riUTIiG PARK, ALLECHINY. Thursday,Vrlday iSaturda'y, Compuig a Sulu at Crud, Pali= sad Nod 7 ....T.0,..„. CHM AMONG W.10H117/LL BL Ilagultl, nt Balloon Asteaslonsf BILLO4MiIIB49 OX niall al = Greai Balloon Race ÜBAND TOPICAL AYI ' FVyIUNpI lIALLU,;WLU TRUILLI/0 WIIVI R OVA IK • BALL O ON PIKS EISLLUUSISI GREAT }/. III— HOW ,- LIFLAND AiSENICAN sP oern ala Uthifoutali • GondaUir °WM ttrA.T' YULE OR DONRRY RACK. Ur-CAT UISL•L AY Ur RAT Laneheble Whoelberreth Rue 011010111 l the three •part r..r rreseutst The show, 51•11: Buhl ...rt.. livdt ,ao-et L•ohlt- Awe V.. tarttr-rroveltlag • thg RT. or c the hOpptr7 . li.thre. Grip!, o r. Foot • GR.L.ND tOtiTING T0T311.1 &KEIT! (101.1. T TRIAL VT hTL&II 11 . IBC Terrific Charlet Ittatet Viand tirehrihne. Mu. querede, d Bariesqui Lndlw Cavalead, 4. a Vittlat/.83, IN PIS LJGHTNI/.11 . 11U -SAT DRIT.L! 1111/NOll OtIVA' Ll. 'And Eli 101 Lesroed Calm A 11 AUNIFI ,, E.T II•luN YOUN ratH. COmposall at C .puk It aalUZZillill,a W ltem of uer. IiBAND DISPLAi toe TUnOH LitinT •••• ONIILur OAS, AND Elevated &et. will be erected la scdoeueed.te %op-ren, 2eager r eTiert;r::. t c: T ritqr= ' " 4 Only Fifty Cents Each, • WILL azefivic A. MIX•MNT. • • • BIATTHItei & BOLA PEOPILIATUBA, • - • • JOliN M. KIMSEY, . theet and nullities!. Manager. error ftvaber north:elan see Crortatisoa or meta. ate !' $ ' L.7a:4=i~KiZ ! i L'InIEKA OIL WORKS, MIMEZSI Eureka Carbon Oil Sperm Lubricating 01 CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, Crude, Aethied and: Lubrlculnig ppr Late, ma l rile aad O. C. NOBLE, Agt., N. 19 Irwin Street, cormain: am ;wk.: ocsztAmsr. SOHO OITVVORKS, tun KBIII & et. CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR. Ppm°lava Labrlcatlvii 0114 Sperm, Laird and WWI.* Ons,, natio% TABUS 1111 /JIM 6111181. STLNDARD WRITE BERNIER 1111, PITTSBUFAR, PA. - suer° WOR 01111. 1 / I .aift. • aelsoilf T ACK BROT ) HERS, r 1121=1 COMMISSION muipars, Petroleum and Its Products, . PI.T3BUMBH OFIIIOIC-11.1•1=114 DoiPASS earner of'Lhtpuesn• Way sad tr.rto =vet PHIILsDICLPHut 1.)/ VIOR-1101 *alma r. twe • WADING, & KING, commas IBYcalSis ey sum a Y.EUNT:. - Id. • , MEI= Petroleum and lts Produets, Mazell's Bloik, thiquetit Way errres vice Es. PA: - PUILADALPMA apDAZlnit WARINC.kINC & 12.1-1 V slave pla).. W OOLDRIIIE On. u rd: rime =I OF F1TT 6 0.0,R 1 1411. MUMMA: foaN W& T ' ':' woman In .tramsaaaroavviaz. mace, ie. Y un4upiata way, wArai. l == Tun'w errs 1=2;13 RNING arsind—nmoirer.r MU= BUY TUE BEST. • , PETROLIA BLUE I.IIAD‘ Maaufnetared alai awl for aW t7l T. B. i;c PIONEER ''AINT 'WOREB. N. W. Cdi.Sdi and ll•Adurnet l oth, nr.rsoue,.. pA I +M. 1.201111..•••••••• EAGLE OIL nr7dBl[B,. Zamo r .crrfaximerolllik. WleATMAtia ANDERSON. Refiners and Dealers in , IP'tTROLEI7III.. =I Colnolll/111/4 . Blectorin crony crniwzatus. mur,t.,,em....t Way. comnissum IgREU NIBS. iourre pm ?R1 lilebe a Lamy Oil w ee k s e r= for ea:Z..41440 MAL UN. tt , lasei TVgbr,....e allpaimt of Crude kW 84 Otioa watt drarshowi!, cam./ wa, mitt Hanrottt ohm, "Utah...wt.. tonna . pITTAUrIII6III 114Xtr. If4PrillelbtiNUMPANY. rushcianuvae PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS gki:Dgmllitt.. s 7ESW.o4•l4o2 OFIFICE 41.1111) WaltEllollllllll. Re. 821104 mut. nuanna; ra, OPTICZWI—.4O6IUFT HAST.Mpreri.i.; • illwiaTNV•Thl4 Drascross—Avinnrt Nara. tun..., Jana K. Llvintsioll. Jalun. OZ. Iles. .H. Mana t Mali raid My API.yMW.- • _..- L.rlTrl'7Vl9 E 3 AM USEMENTS. ll= UNION JUBLIIB. IMI AIL! 4ib, 6W U 4 6tb, 4867. =l3=rl =1 Wblgesale I)eaen 1¢ KANO f 4CTIJILXB up 71t a No.l St. Clair Strool, win swim/ ta =MI E=Zl=3 BREWER, BURG. f f & CO. ;SIVA. II I P....a sal • la. 114