The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 03, 1867, Image 1

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• mrEar Noilirtact.
P2X1.9331/LN REED acCO.,
• T. T. noCPTON
• Editors.
r. .
ormt. xes.zrni nunximi.
sm. Ri AND 86 rurrit wrizEr.
• trgelineal 'Nez 91 lidera Temilvais.
4 . 'auxenwr
Vilniartgreitig 11t
. =ma Oz as Dana%
1114FiraViiisTry,.. WOO.
aSisbe".. GAZEM,
gittshrgil elaytte
AOCOIMODATION or rzosozo Isar
' the city, during the rammer months
nut hire the GA. 71.3 mailed to their
aollyels, by ordering tbo nano at the offices
ail tit teen Matte oer wook for one week or
roOrk, "• •
'Tan= have already arrived in W - -
Ington_enough members-of Coogress to
ensure a quorum to-day. The session
will be very brief unless the impeach
ment of the President is decided upon.
Ale stated that the Judiciary... Commi
ttee will report to favor of impeachment
and urgettrogreas to proceed at once
'with. that business.,.
Tuts cOnviction of Surratt may be
Tooted for with certainty, as the cri•
dcnce against him bas been of a very
poeltivecbnreeter. Tbo ev• mivallon of
rciumed 'yesterday,
mad much . more Important te,stimony
was obtained by the prosecution' The
hum; vill.probably close to-day , and the
ilefenee open.;
Tut rePort'of thi , prescnce of cholera
as an epidemic in Sicily ban been con
ti nned la-,-adviCen received atWitsblng
. ton. From tjkirty to forty death.; are re.
ported daily lii.gorgantl, town of only
two thousand Inhabitants, while in other
section{ ;lac dliease prey-ails to an alarm
Wu blivo received at.thls office a Priv
tate letter from Leavenworth; Minns,
in.yeldeli It la slated. that the rumo?.ot
Gen. Custar'i defeat and death prciailed
that city; and was fully credited.
IN the approiching Short Reston of
Congress the Itepdblians,notwithstand•
in; the absence of msny members, will
haven Maar two•thlras Vote . both
Houses. _ _ _
Trts. Soatbern mail • e' vice has bcon
restored, and the Rune facilities for cote- •
munication with' all parts -Of•tbe'South
now exist as previous to the rebellion.
Sccxr-sysz Ikea occurred in Chicago
AaYune,-Involring a loss on insurance
comiltides or $llB,OOO.
Mawr of the streets of New Orleans
are lxiittg iepate4 * with .tlio Nice!son
' Opsx air preaching has been hump
rated . ln:New Toi-rap4.Chicagb.
BALTIMIIII£ h Aunt to adopt the
Nieobon pavement.
.—Cltittagn b2.11*. lawyer k,
Al etml. par tiugrt In \ea•
—%tetor Emanuel'
—Fare, Patties—We houses built by
railroad Conductors. . •
--Jenny • Lind V) sing In tier • hus
laind'o oratorio.
Sakai_ Sala TIII9 recent
ly n New York. ballet girl..
—The' State Constables in Portland
watch the sacramental wine.
Mayor Hoffman's moustache is the
'admiration of alt Sew York.
The Czaris generotni at n pineli—he
p%,4•9 away. lout Manua' boxes. ,
. troubled with worm. ,—.
nrniy warms—ghat atrtp the tniea.
L-Citunt.lffiduttreklhati gone to drink
'Ttelty-water to retiorn betilth. -
—The Sultan 1 onnwe4l ten milliotis
lane off Us, Greeks to go to Thugs.
rJn-Imptidead correspondent seq.
\l'lCtorta's tote grows redder antl redder.
—Change for n - Sovereign in 1867
Going to Terts to ace the F.:x.1111,1[10h.,
—No legs than bight dui lots.° .been
fought In the neighborhood oT Memphis,
—A matrimonial brakes in New' York
ineoitibr 1e2.30 brokOrtge for effecting a
—A month Jersey City Was recently
confronted by Onto ol hiswedded wives.
- Ile still sitivlrett. •
—The strike in the Shamokin region,
ataatat the coal minent, still eontinnig,
and All the works arc Idle:
'Fullerton. aged 152, le the beet
ithareplayer In Vermont. , Ilbs!tton.
hid aged tat, is the next beat..
—Berko Erna - 3- detigno making an ef
'fort to tecure the location Of the 7iaetern
Model Pnrm within Its birders.
—Governor - Worth, of ,North Carolina,
wore "CentedeMte gray" atthc reception
' • of Pretideill Johnson, In Raleigh.
- —The jell nt - Hagerstown, AU,' does
npi contain a prisOner. -Tbe populationof the county to Harty-five thoutend.
—A 'newspaper diminution Ort- the TV
, onetime nitwits of two school rending
hooke, is choking Louisville to the centre.
• —A Richmond paper says that a son of
General - Grant attended court In that cite
the other day, and mot honoretbwith a
mat betide the Justice.'
—General Rope has den't'ed an Invita
tion from the Savannah municipal au
thorities to visit that city, because of the
premure of itillcial duties- --
-Wattli..Langley. a suspended flour
merchant. of G.iltipntiv; Ohio, is repotted
- to hays. the :nnimt.tife intunmee of nny
Man Hi the eciuntry-4400,000.
—The colored cltileat of Baltimore
have pretented Dire. HAury Winter DurA
With a portrait of her deceased husband,
, - piuntwi by ma artist of their own_nice.
.., ...The A tratlaliforaton,referrlng to the
gold preiluet of that State, says there is
ii steady development Of ore in the mines
cc. obey progreo, nt great depths.
old lady In 'Maine died Imatweek,
OW ago ofoglitysine, leaving fourtoen
,Thud,-en Pt lament her. How many
grande_bildren there were It not !Stated.
. •
ydlen put pensive.' into the hoe I
limo at g sratrberry testival in Cindy- '
p r ovied Imurioay .elTectt. The
weep, were no; (Wombats, but ludicrout,
iciiinnetb toekmaa died at
itethei - Pa it few day": ugu el
vinthuthired.and••nye ye. '•rti.• :site was a
• ,
ibidate-aged. woman durieg, Inc I rest- -
2 • •loney of .Washlngton. •
-The American lair's in Venetuela
have teltated for mule !Ant achoistopot,
'thrco, miler. up . the Orinoco
rivmanit expect to engage In thoeulture
of finger. They have been hospitably
tentarksible-beiug hat just diet' in
Page rountv, - Though up.
vaults of thirty ywas oq he wash Mara
site, never leitti s cradle except
Mlles he Wet emitted, reeeived Ids Tood
front a Vpoll, niul tom unable to
- -
—The Salt 'l.:llse Ve•tritc tells a fishy
'dory' or fishing In Port vleinltY,roncitl•
log es follows: ".t abort distance sonth
• , ; r ciee:Lnilionwosd time!: trout are so
lam:nerd Puntboobs and lines are untie
, egssary. 'All that_ is needed on. a pole of
'laths rnbbet owns and ashore! to throw
• - the fish inthore:'
—.The parting between tbe }Popovers
• -titltuvoin and Prance to said to have bent
• most olVeiallig. - It wilot' a cold and
'lemma hand-stuiklug, e
bu n t two .bcarty,
- brotherly hugs,- for on the continent
, • lienrded men hug and kLx - enetr Other
, Iliac orb. “Juntice and Pence Lavabos'.
each other... The bullet aimed at the
' • bli—oPthe Dim.Velmttered the name-blood
7 over them _
—The 'Dittos 'of Munition has sold hie
-residence lu Arlington, etroet, London, to
setitr. Naylor, sod tbo , 3farquis of Hast
ings has (imposed of a matte in Ayslthe
to the Marquis of Bute. 'Both tho sellers
lost heavily, on pm Derby ntims„whica,
it 4wrifithnated, account& Ibribil 'finnan
ostensive transmalons in rim( Mitate. It
i. not suiteciwnetherthe purchasers were
'—The town of Napoleon, Arkeissex, Le
slinuted on a tongue of a land ate Junc
tion of Pm Arkennes and bilasholippi
'rivers. I,rtst year the :Pam cut deeply
into thug point, and now it largo portion
of the town tins dlsappistred. The water
the wassixteen feet deep in
the otreets, nod the chances aro that an
other .mown will see hammer, r u nning
over Pm city. r •
—A pamphlet recently issued' in the ott
raider. ur Ponnaylvania speak.' of the
louses eusbarramment and dePrvebwion,
which succeed to the( eiteltement of for
crier.ypets, Aral givee SleteMODt cot the
oil praduct, tie follows: ..Dibing the
pans;lLl yea rs there have beeaeunu,_up
j nnu nz 1, 1.157, 7,930 wells in ths Uni
ted s m ut., t ere hahve.been produced
a tout or cruee;', oil equal to Ora 11,
p0,67° barrels"
i-- - ,
, . 1
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VOLUME :LXXX i.-"NO,! 151
The Paris Exposition
Detailed Account of the Dis
tribution of Prizes. '
Emperor's Speech in Full.
. .
English Payl!ametar-rp Seats
Br IttortOh to the rltharargh Bette tte.3
12213 EM
, DECLIVITII 1101[01163.-.
'Pews. July L—The 'American Commiss
shiner, lle.•lleiktrith, has been made an
Mecca of tho' Legion of 'tenor. -
'Pr.T.lff, July 1.-Thorn was a very grand
meant= at the distribetion of the Bahr
baton prima today. Seventeen thousand
persons, Including representatives of every
nation rem premd.. In front of the throne
were the in. - _,thers of the theloguilicOorpe•
dressed in em. , orm.Thesalleries were filled.
In the oast end of the building was placed
lit orchestra of twelve hundred musicians,
with us - °igen and bells on the mot.
'The bedding was bright with streamers of
every color. The nave Ss surrounded with
en ample parterre of natural flowers; grow.
hog 'Miniseries,. The gall. ries were hang
with gags, showing the nations which con
tributed to the exhialtion. In the centre,
on ten pedostale,tbere were shown the best
specimens Of ten groups, in whirls all the
`articles were divided. •
The French Minister of State ...present,
with the Legislative Chambers, centred near
-the throne: The Lord Mayor of Loudon
and several /thlermest were present.
Nirpoleoit , e throne was guarded by a de.
taehmeet of 000010.
At ten minutes before tee o'clock Lathe
afternoon a roil of drums r nuouncel the
approach Of the imperial emits., PMMeed
by squadrons of dragoims and cent garden
and trummters. The Imperial parry were
conveyed in els carriages, doe drawn by
sour hone, tinsel outriders came on l
advance of the earriarro In whim the gm- I
peter w. seated. This carriage, drawn by ;
eight bonen, contained the Emperor. Leo.
preen, Prince - Imperial, Prince Napoleon,
and his sons.
There were thonsauris assembled around
Um Exhibition enlisting: and the approach
of the royal amity was homily cheered.
The Sultan. of Turku+ w. present.
Ills etirtegewaShereided by three carriages.
cementing Turkish onlmals of great dis
tinction. His vontcle wee drawn by eight•
norms, each led by sevcral to livery. All
the earylage g s wore literally covered with
Wgold. havin been Drought ist from the
e Versaille s . where they have lain tinge %l.
she time Of LOtila .X/V. On the nultates
right handset his no tact and hole to the
throne. in front at Ills diejesT was his
son and seeond nephew. 'reef received a
warm welcome from the crowd. The sultan
sainted thepopple by passing his hand from
his month to tits tem. The ladles attscheit
to the }Teeth Court were erdsed lu mug
nificent costumes. The elticeve of -Napo
-Iron's household, in toll matorm, catered
the building,and toot Tanen. _ behind
the throne. - .ext came. Napoledn, haying
the finite= on his right. Empress Youenis
came 0001, followed ray the Printed Weise,
prince Imperial of franec Princees goys,
of Prune's. Prince ilarnbcit. of Italy Prin.
cam Mathilde. Prieto Napoleon, Piincess t
Clotilde,i Ductless Dorm, Brother of the
Tycoon, Prince Von Tech, and Da to of Cana.
bridge. Napoleon took is seater the throne
in the cents° of the group, baying tpg ;5,1,
tan on his right and Empress On Isle left.
The Empress was dressed Ina robe of white
satin, trimmed with 'Wirer, 'efhl wore a
heavy diamond necklace." : ' • ' . _
as the Imperial cortege entered the
Indultne, the orchestra, with full chorus
gave the ittosedm Slims to the Emperor,
and accompanitnents wets heat robot Igo e
cannon and Joy bells. The eyed was ex
ceedingly thrthing. The music - was meg-,
useeent. -
The Minister of Staxo read to tee Iltopte.
ror the rwporaof the Jades on the sucema
fel elldblfors and the production! and so-'
jeers exhibited by them:
At its coneluidon. Napoleon 1 . 060 from the
throalsand Ina Mod, ether veimsnalds Um ,
Heinen—After an interval of tw.ave years,
I coomider-tbarrecand t ime to (lir tratane re.
wards to these Who most distinguish.
theenelvess In the. WOr Xs w den enrich
nationsembellish life. and soften manners
The pot. of au ilquity mine Prefacer their
great games, mWhich Ilarlntld Lathwin as:
waned to contend with Greece for pests
in rates and other sports. What would
Ohey may to-day were they present et Mese
lympic games of - Use whole world, In
which the patios* of Europe coutend by
three of intellect otiose, mid lamseh them.
selvniorth simultaneously on an Infinite
meter °trustees towards an Meet whirls
has been itexamently approached without
aver being attained. From all pares or the
earth have come reprerrittatiete of scleno,
, arta and industay,w he nave hastened to vie
with each Other, and we may ear. peoP l4,,
and kings hare both come to do honor to
the sheets rat lance and crown them by
their preeenee With ideas of coocilletien
and peen% from thailpdltlon or-intelli
gence and eentlment of accord, the nations,
utdraveing near, learn to tome and esteem
men other. Marais are extingulthed, and
the truth becomes more evident that th,
prosperity of earn country contributes to
the prosperity of all. The extublitoo
of 11407 way jusity be termed universal, for
it ninths elements of all riches bide b.)
side with -the , latest improvements .in
ages. e products of the ie.
rtiotest S o r
ts y reprerent at One
and the come time the, gol. of oh ages
and .untions. It ts universal, for in addition
to tbe marvels which luxury brings for a
few, It displays also that demand. by tin
of the laboring Hennes were never aroused
to mere lively sollettede. Tim morel and
andertal want., condition, ot lire, *then ,
rate of living, by the meet prOdectivecom
bilations of associatioe,have been objects of
Delimit Inquiries red serious study. Tito,
all improvemmts march forward. If sci
ence, by turning matters to account liber
ates; labor, to the cultivation of the toted,
and the subduing of the vices which pre. -
earl over the venom pardons and liberal
uumanity, let es congratulate ourselves,
seaUemen, on having received among MI
the ntidoMtp ef the berierbigne and Prince.
of ECIMPO, 11.1)d so many other tilltln pi tab.
visitors. Lot no be proud of melon shims
Prance as, ere ii. (Trent, PrlhWerdell nod
free. Oae most be destitute of unpatriotic
Win who doubts her greatness. and must
chicle lifs,eres to centrum. he who de•
Mother prosperity Leapt have hatrilndef
stmetour InstittillOne, tolerant area to li
caned, not to behold la- them liberty. For
eigners have boon able to appreClate this
', n og, formerly disquieted, and Canting
uneasiness beyond nor frontlet - A, is lot.
nriona and calm: Array* fertile mim,
rem ideas, she is terrimx hornets'se to most
diverse DI Vela, [sever allowing hemell to
burner. Iby resthrial eiijoyment. at.
Motive ads will Luxe devinve,notWith
standlegy au davelopnithts W . V.:Wins and
, daimon is towards prosperity, the o a .
' Um to al nye ready to vibrate an aeon to
the yam ein of honor arises. But this no
ble en [Minty could not be tho-eubjed
for Liar . , for repose would let those who
. Bred n ' ort time among not carry home
tre a d °I .
' Netts ilm t i gt:reTee ll liVen e t r ec:
min i wards foreign nations, and Our lan.
earls mire to live at Peace. will he thethree
cat • I thank tile Imperial Commission.
teembots of tun to rye and thiTerent com
mittee., for intellbotet reel In the accent.
ellahmeat of their tasks, and it truing, also.
s . name. this Prince lm pedal, wen, net -
Athgisneing lila tender ae. I becalm.
happy to essmiste lit tell e re at .tderissa.
leg, of which, he will reale a remem.
hr ..,,, , • 1., hope. the CM:MALMO of Igo
will mug a.• -new - era Of harmony }
sod Progrese,Wend 1 1 n:widened blesses
the efforts of ill Who, Bee 0., demo, 4, 0 d o
I believe to t i fe ,i t t ligi , rg.go , ,,loow,
Zet t s„ h Pert r it ,L'2llViLtreirinz . I. 4cVsnl ft;
dottrel, are alone able 10 earmolldate
throe., /Orate nollrem, and Conolde thi-
Manit ;Wad ebeerthaf
An,a,,ch the exhibitors who were l,
to receive grind prima arched to the .
front of the throne, each group separately, i
thg Prat being duos As each Wiese a. I
called, ode' recipient ascended the steps or .
the threne, d Wain t 9 9 "r Pc r u i.lit a
EmPreall, tartlet - 4d fsvid • Natio me a 1
gold medals. 'These ,' - ere petered, Pile
e, to Napoleon by Marshal alliant, hilt
,ell the medals were given. Many r o t - t tie re.
ministate wore called npfunde. Mod reetive 4
decorations of the Legion Of Honor, the
aathts ceremony Whig gone
with as
In the cage of the delivery of t hem odale.
Gold medal ozly were distributed by the
Empeor. -... •
Altogether there rib lie. 1!...0 0 recompen
ses to
exhibitora. Icon, ere eistY
Vend prism. lane thousand gold. thlrhY•
etc. heads.. Wear arid des thormand
in.. medals and nine thousand !senora
. . . .
In ortnipoleht the Emperor rehears wan
awerded raid medal for fine homes. in
Venn ten. Napoleon wee awarded r geld
medal for model /edging house. Marshal
Valliant wan about handful/At 10 him when
the Mower beckoned to the Prltice%info .
rile!, who game forward, took It front the
illandialia hand, and placed It In, Napo.
loon% meld loud cheers. '
The Oats , one with whom the, Emperor .
shook hands was 'Mr. fleghica tho leventar
of tne printing tniagr,,g, -
Upon all Me medals and decorations being
dine:Meld. 1110 reolpiente 1413•11MEl 1.1201[
mats. The luTerial +cortege thee left Me_
throne and_mdeed around the entire build- •
mg, pueblo the various ground sod ocea.
slonaLlistopplogtoeratiOne trophies, Em.
tress meanie evidently eatwo the Sni .
en whisid offer We- arm, but hadd
There were no load Cheers until the
nal party teightee; the American depart
ment...ghee-the American Commissioners
resealed eave tbrielOed /146111.1e1. hurrah.
There was also omen Cheering when tee
iletrartMentWall Melt The Sul
tan wore hla tea during the einentooy..
seemed OCRailailNL-Tas -Yawns' &PPM!"
The lemerlarnortege left the eiblbltlCKL
(MUMS In tan was winner, It arrived ,
with yip e7Wertiee Met 105 Stilton's car.
Maga rasa:l4od Nepolnon , S. Altogether IL
Irseyrobnely teefoeet pageant Paste ever
• -
• Sr. Yrresszcao, July I—The Czar enter
ed the Capitol at noon to-day. There. w
an Immense popular durtiOnstratloll. t
one le the afternoon his Majesty attend
T. Dram in liasonceinirch, which was
with the highest dignitaries of the Karp
the dlplemsec carmen:leers of the ar y
and nary &Welty functionsries. hits Majes
ty afterwards received the cengratols.-
tions of the dlploniatic corps at his winter
Senator Doolittle, of the United States,
was presented to Czar. '
Tito CondoDaimlers of the Hosslan-Amer
lcso telek.taph are hen.. Their' prospects
ISOUTA *C14.1 . 4,0 MAST.It...ZINO 07S0.
"ven SO ABDICAT. •
13entt n.. 1017 22—The Berle
.oc4efle of this
evening 011,115 •
irrlved. et In . Pane betlroen the Trueslan
and French Governments in regard te North
Seitionelg.end that Flan/bar& Duppol sod
Alecu aro to continuo .Prtonnan territory.
• The name lutper says negotiations are still
Mending for the reatoratlonorEbur 000000.
Lianover. Prussia maim it a Mae quo
non ha 'Olin publicly abdicate.
AG:T.I,IOW II ainrtl
Pastli,Jaly I.—Nowe of a groat paper'
agitation .at earloratz and Vakot,,r baa
beat received. Stratmesorttz ..bnd beat
proclaimed Manta' by tho fterelan popula
tion. Gateral Cobleatz. Anatrir. baa
been ordered to tlreatia. • •
I 2=2
LOW - I.ll ' Julyl.—Midnight.—ln the radii
trinutlon of ParIII6I.I3LITT seats, the I:em
olument concedes one additional member
onset to Liverpool, Birmingham, Manatee.
ter and Leeds.
7.11,111•73.IIVATIID1011. C1131.1,14r,
• Dcreta. July 2.-11lauy lel:dues found
aniline . at %Vicklow, were arrested. •
[By Sumner.)
- Saw . Tenn. /My 2.—The stingier Ville Se
Part., from Donut, on the L 1 f. has arrived.
The geeen of Preside len.Coblents on the
Vella for .England.
In the Ileum of Lords., On the P.lst. Earl
Bossed eulogized the conductor Lore Stan
ley in the Luxemburg affair. Lo - rd Derby
thanked hue, and stated England hesitated
to tale part in the conference natal D. be.
came evident her participatioon mu neces
sary to prevent tar.
Lord Clarendon also arpreseml his. sp,
ordeal of Stanley , pellet.
Ala tho came day. la the Dome of Com
mons, Li vote was taken on section 19th of
the Hareem bill. Riving electors the right In
vote by ballot, end the section was rejected
by 2:2 against _IL
Daring the absence of the Sultan, Grand
l'irier Alt Pomba le mooned nice the re
stoney er Turkey. . •
The Viceroy of Egypt toe mesoLged iti vis
' Wog all elec.. , of interest in Paris. Elea.
• present at itaelolork Of the Corp. rs . gnindolff,
end received a visit from the Emperor..
The 7.olverein was to Meet on the nab at •
gorge. to. perfect Ito reorgantrattou. So
eubjecte were to be illseassod, ex
cept art additional tax On tobacco. •
• PI.. Bartell:mean awl Coma. Dekhmater:ht
I.busorer. had arrived. at Perlin; to hold
oommultation nab Buorkarck on the organi-
VOLISOO Of a Government for Hanover:
Loam., July Lt.—Coseing.--Cormola closed
elLd; American Sec neitieselciemt buoyant;
11%; Illinois Ventral. 713 i; Hock Island
• 0 , 4.
Ltraerook., Jut) . 2.—Erening. —Cotton
rimed meakx mid. Ulna . uplands nallO, sales
reached MU bales. Tim - Manchester above
e downward tendency. Breadstuff. drna
Corn firm; white Callforrna lit CM. Barley
Is leo. Outs advanced Id. Provisions octet
throughout the day. Bacon 41e 641 Tort:am.
cerise.] cut middles. Pork and Beef nu•
changed. Lard tt_
_s. Tallow geed for Amer.
Iron. Petttllollllllkl. •
Lownos. July I—euger used firm el Vs
id. loin neatly. OtiaMemdY.
„ .
Sr. Louis, July C.—Denver papers publish
dispatch from General Sherman to Goa.
flariooelcon kultan matters, in which be
says we must not tomato on the defenslre,
bat follow them op andattack them on 101,
possibto occasions.. We must clean - out all
Lae Indium, between the rbilne auftancr - ler ,
imams and th en - more against the toeittle.
trines In toren beyond those mom '
au Omaha dlimakia otYs that Colonel
ratrick„age at for the Northern Cheyennes.
arrapahocaand Ocrellallas 01000, has Juel
arrleed from tlie Smell P/10.10, where he
net npotted Tall, 5 wlft Bear, arid several
ether 001016, to 0000011, with the 'new Cl
fathering ell peaceable Indians at oar
point to be snintistod by the tiovernment.
abet:o.l,lW Indians ware representod, and
um arm camped near :North Platte, They
arofess trlendship.and mime to remain la
mine, subject to the tiorerameat, during
the present tinetilltlea. - Big Mouth, a ita
nIF band of Oarollallits; Pawn° Killer, with
May lola . , of Sioun„ and other bands,
circling Bed Cup mid Doe fluid, who. with
their band. participated la .10e -Fort Phil
tient - nay massacre. arc all Marten to lOW, which will number about Mir
thousand. Col. Fatrlek thinks thearrance
locate will lo carried out la good faith, bat
that the public may not be totaled,
110011. the blgKest Sioux Chief, and all the
Campo:toes ou limony lila,are clamorous
ler war, so taut hopes for early peace ern
out to be Indulged..
IttWar, Teloltrarna;
Br Telegreph to the Idusoar.h tiaertte.)
Maurole,Jedy Weather
: Lo oar hod Idemont.
to utAtioa sly, trit e
of tiro feet= the canal. Thermometer 94.
. . Serra relies 111 Noblie.
By 2ele(F pa to tee. Pittiearah tiaaatte.l
13onma, July I.—Ylve Freedsoch were to.
lay appointed an the pollee . and sworn In
y Stayer llortoo, • '
Colloogoim of Awoken Coto,
A writer in- the 'Boston Tretnyrrip.,
spraking of convections of American
,ulllB, save: l'Cleme time: urluir the ad
ministntOon of President 'Jackson, ' a
present was received from the. I mama ot
Mutest, and our Government, wishing
to make a proper return to that fling
natercuused, amongst other . things, a net
of coins to be made for hitn, and the only
dollar Mee existing beinglhose of Pal, a
few pieces were struck front them, one of
wilicti was used 04 Intended, one retain
ed in the mint, nod one fimnd 'tin way
into a private cabinet. ItL'mny Interest
nundsmaties to know that the one sent
to' fastest Is no _longer to be found. The
,talimlasm wit li which 00111 collecting Is
pursued may' by atoung
the hal that a gentleman of few 'York
city caused iut investigation to be made
to limo paled. of thelimonn In 1 115,. anti
learned that the tiollaywas'notthere,and
had not been Cor a long time: Of the two
others known, OM ism the pOsiesolon of
Colonel ill .1. Cohen, of Belffinore, and
the other Is to the hell known Mickley
collection. The betrivas 'Obtained many
yews ago from the Bank. Of Pounsylva.
uia, mid is, uti doubt, one of the genuhui
issues of Pal. Tho dollar of ISts Is rare,
but instead of only cigidnen, l" ere must
bo et least. ono hundred, and probably
many more, M cabinets et the • present
time:. The dellarof 1,91'2 hint:owls° rare,
but instead of licing'reted nt t 131 . 10 to idi,
every coin collector•knowe that 1 !" is a
pace; and the last ono sold,' which
WWI not in fine condition, only bromrlit
• it may be safely affirmed that
no single *Collodion 'contains a complete
ad of American coins, or even of the
coins of the tolusi States. A gentleman
in Cambridge rOSS11.10!S the only perfect
set of all the know" dates and types of
the United Steles god coins, aid the
Mickley collection before alluded to,
which I' now In possimion of the writer,
probably winkling tlic only perfect net on
United Status sliver to he found together,
and even this 10 - ffis the • bolt dollar of
ISO I, Several collection comprise all the
dines and loading types of United States
copper multi hut 119 one eau by any pits
hltillity contain all the varloncs; oeverui
of the half cents--those of 1796, and
11 ,, 17-AnsvO loNdi sold by auction for up.
wards of 01151 each, oial come varieties of
the cents are vary valuable. Several
' eollectlona of the regular niint qtallageln
'Mf'Per multi be, men:loud!, whit* are
Isteliably• . worth more than f 2 .000
red. 51..11, of our early coins ore of the
: rudest •keniiition, while others. In Ot ,
ofatdiess snd Cppropriateneas. of design,
Mal erteffic cz.Contioli, ore grout
ly oUpellid b, onyddill . ddid Ilan WiitGlttls
vet.prodtwed; if we were to judge
'cnido that di" ans of designing
by the routine , slate, maid hut mo
und die
sinking arii;nart have boon, ratrogindlng
every daY ninee ti) , establishment of the •
. • Om priidut.
Dr. Nu Irovis says: Timm tea ' Mork
tua co ff ee, chocolate, milk, cold wstur
yellow skins, "Oil ip3wo *foram:6,
shaky' nerves ,'. irltabia..lemper. All
women tiny years old,whe hare hshit s .
ullY .i.lrank strong tea; ,Ithiny the, „,,,,,,,
elan, • teeth and nerves.. maim tea is
butter, but, chargeable with ;the ssts„ , .
effects. Inn milder [firm; CAffeegroduout i .i 'reburies role.
congestion of the bisln, hitipitatiott and I (Di Taleirspa to Os rittssursh esssual
indigestion; but in the long run is has `, sr. Lome July a—Another tobacco lair
mischievous limn either green or Musk :. Wok piano to.lay, at Oa cay tuba.° wa!s.
tea, Choculata Is betler, but tends to ! t z ".„ where talretat wend:m . B a d os . rn .... trtr . ta r, -
, nish ess of -stomach . and liver. i r iir Ina alraantna earn. Y ... a c ne 1,
i l i t t i l lk Is . n u tfll hotter, but 'most be used in 11rIngsbir,„g: „11%,.1,1"%.:,,,, 111.4,
9r general thallium, %id,' me - Vin,figa, - West Vagin Teo
' liver torpidity, will ermine.. Milk de k• ; :=,Keuttelek t. gti l ft, gig t Zt y :T,i,
ur p,,Tho e ooLn.turubmn
bath se ine ,
f e ai ld i water
t. 's ,
tbe au pp ma. /. . .
. 0 : ; :p
4 1" ..zal ti d e ... 11:: tho u .tb. rumi t u . m p.r. :::: : : 6 • 41 To o:
iP e n : a ce cti ll wee eu itr: t ildollrurlnli°l7nr.°°dleltecornb*nad ca na liamtliPs"" l a" t -- f " or n I I
111 :11! url w "L r lf a ." Spe gPr r :1 ;!I l d r: ::7 7 111d krY.' t 12.W. : 71 : 41 :i f : 1:
sink and Well, for th e weak and strong. s r‘sr y i , j4 . o .- 06. a es: os wan!,
tam Nok , lnael Celn•tiery—Auulbe.
FOUR O'CLOCK, A. ,IM• [B y T iir,asph tLi-C 4 1.440r d h lisMette,
WitlertstiTOlf, J illy 2, feel
THE SURRATT TRIAL. i • T.6,...„:. - gwf,e:p7rl7:::;e i re ntorml..
. . - I whit thrinder, lightning and hell, did much
- . tint:nog, blowing down walls of bullitinge,
PRISONER; MOVEInieTS IN CANADA 1 uprooting trees., unmoor/nix vow mid
damagin seine of them connideruble•
-- ssrotkoir Mem." d/WerT IisZIWILLast.
cable in. the Emperor Napoleon. Kaki.
1.14111,e_ , 0T th e
‘. lianjitlrhit .. f . a: R.
Corn ! A dispatch ire. Men - received over the
rwiamit q .r:freTTNIIIIICi's nit 1191 ;vane ' .t ths news of hiaLl.lll.'T Omen has be.
Before Isedis; in Ireland. coufirmod. O tillirmatlve reply wits ti'-
1 , Curbed. A ' .
I AsTITTSW .. If •TIONSL ClnicTrar. j
• The GranMetee of Are mge insets for the
BENCOUNTER .13'ETIVEEN JUDGE FIBECER I d e ,,,,,„,„ „, 2,„,,,,,,.. N .,,,,,.., ~,o ,
AND COURBELLOR BRADLEY. I held a alerting rarently. Among other nev
i loess trummeted was Me adoption ot n rum
• oim 1. eorilially Inching Ito Prelddent bf
(Br Teltessub to the Piltsbureb Gazette.; I the United et .tee anti leibtnel.ane membein
~,,,,,,,,,,e tm. ,,,,, 1,, l of Lwth Ilause*, to vetoed th le al weathe.
soil co °ltertion In tit...ceremony oroesll
- Pwitiding, though atilt un- cotton. Tee Committee also made um no
well: I ceetary arrangements to cranial an Myles-
Dr. Alclllll. Wig re-called. m t Inn in duo Onto to tho artily, arid
Gsvcroors and of the respees.
Mr. Ilrattley called tee attention of the ,eil Some, anti ottroni. Tito deilleetton
'Court to some Moulting remarks of the alt. I seam site°, ineleall of Detecting a parneu•
neeiTenterday to Mr. Merrick. tar a M., Of a principal poem nip the ova.
Mo, bavo coact beel4.llrOw Open is theme
The Court said that while More could lO ~, ~,,,,,,,,,, , J ,,, ~,,,,,,,.,.y , ~,,,., Li . ~,,,,
MVO been' TO provocation or Pi:stillest.? 1 gates that tbtly flentell peon. of out Iles
forth* reinarke of settee., be reminder the ' I .1° 05 " "I°l-'1 11'''''' bath. "00 . 14 ' th l
,_ pee. , sO ernistico, except too aute.isio
counsel of tne remark of 01100. 11,01 e''' i nnt., wlll be made pneile , without the wo
lfed never been ereeteeramined a. 11l this I ..,,,,, of the a.m., . !
case, and admontithest counsel to [Where I "mane, teveuttstmx. -
mere 01010)1 to tile rules of mettle° and [ The Mbar... Of Siete learns (rat:11111e
I.* nitre •Ateee Immolate at. Palermo June
avoid ells reentries, or directing any re a, • , 1
lot ti, that tue statatte •coolera lt. pane
Murk. LO thOpiry. • molten out On Olin .00111. 01,10 or fecelf.
Or. Mcildillou testified that Sidra.. told Tsetse acre thirty to forty deaths dolly'at
elm ha 'wail at Illontreal on the lit. day of M. nee., inn PePetution or SwW. several
- - . . ____ • other pl.. where theetiolore . prevalent
the weak of the assassinates. Imo .as som ~,.,, ~„,,,,.
1111100 to W.b. g lll° . b y 11.11 n• by loiter- .I roxoness-s stCOACY WILL an PitltarsT.
' Surma aloe told mo teat a day.: Loll Twenty. . n . ~,..,.. have
.t 1
v.,1 1.
. the essaaelnatlon hew. at ha Aroma, and Wsehlugton.
the train being late. he, Surma, .polled only for. more fire Titillate to secure a
I' thrOueb the town. nod wont to a betel losquorum. 1110 said they . will be forthenallniC
emaktaid; that 011110 sitting td. MI
a table or oy pernotrow, not moulting the Pembervitte.
saw nateat dealer excite...3...g thew' ' hrootha:ol. members Lime of the MOO.e say
sultriest it; asked Ins neighlmr treat 1.111 1 1 1 , 10 t o no ...ors Wittenut in, that body
tee etesteMent eat a 1... Lod h., 1111141. dl ti,,,,,,0; ..,,,, a 1 0n ,,,. ,
Don% you know President Lincoln lose
on veasoe or nessl,4 ...CICA,
Dews anesalnatedie • The pri.onnr said,
...The storyin. ten good to W ~,,,,,,.“ Tn, It IS repelled tbe Prealeent hos tendered
man seoned him a impor.tml pmsoner .aw the tovernorehip et Ms reccut purchase
• Ills own. IMO. InCntiOlsett. Inat was the In. itt.sta to Sim, ifehjussin Mork. or
:net or h
momen t a brenuit. moss
left tho tablermli New Loudon, LOnneol.l.l., lately Demo.
St the man moss tnund mild snr. vest. Sett stOr ann. Leetion.
rstt's handketeniet had been tonna. ells- ii Lees. TO SoLDIS..
once then felt Mt hie heedimmillef no I I General tiro. Meet. an inymtigation
found Ito bad lest la M
and mode inseit , ivi tollitmy order Our the 11.1.eged offitnse of
%Oar.a tie want CO Cane.. and mopped .suing 11.4000 to eoliths.. tort Smiewick.
St the 110010 or Mr. Porterfield, Confeiter. intru 11 the remit of the enquiry warrent it.
ate agent, lath the detectives seotched for s Court Martial will beordared for the trim
blin, and adrooniebed blot to leave. I , 1 1,0 00 0 0 , : ,1 0 ,..
tilartatt atterw.da desert...l to i „.,,,,...,,,,
~,,,.. WAYS
It. h.. n. . s .r n nn ', ~. ' l ' l ' • diviee 'Wm ite, of Um supreme Court, la
Mr. Port o •.. ne r ej° int „ n _ n , ° ' .I.lsllaogerittisly ill, but wan a probability.
brought to the
Ott,tenis...e. Barret]
,', of ....very.
g l itZ 4 In
if ' I tn 1111- TOT TOT wrct. •
ervintc'ety!s'..M.S'rrr'isl7.'w's.*erlvrrt'f's the 'hasi „.4_,lr,7.ter.Y.l,;Lii,,,a,n,leghte,n,Zaewtteeitentine,n3.34ll,t
of tee Island, where be stows
the ssint '' 1
tea l.oincy, ill Mr thol ell,' titterer Monitor
1 Lawrence. and w. piloted bY e bor - est. . "
small Wan Coiled St. Leman. Ho kohl lt, '
___ . „ ,
V .i ptirn "' sere m d tti " Z.L ..e u:n .. .. l . ' Ho 'e t h olr ;:e g 1 Tb e quelitlons ' ts . l7h . o .‘ po ' s:e r' s r s " o n i lt rn 11 if srY
one day. tan priSel.lus absent, he was 11 , len ton wolors .., as di...see in Listener
Ogee *sofa in' tee ta Met.. Malronm, and I se'etiag to-Miv.. .
between the room and tun mtting room W. tetra.. ev a
a Oa. for a etove, anti under tho stews sea,: . Tim rceoutit. cd lilt4figal ttecenuo yes.
1 trap door. and s (emelt+ servant, being de- i ' , Mot' even ever two tritilloos.
canto Of seeing 01. Ole teiest was C.OOOl. I * 1 ___--
111 h. pot Itac bard above the trap door, awl
Surratt frightener:3 her oft. Tim rumor got
011 t that the pricat was keetilee e ...WI In I _
Ids Morn. . priest teld Muria. be could
.;;;,, no
surrey!, went to 1 elm lowthruratfoe or Lord mourn as
lirmunal and wt. cOnceale4 elite tele, I %beer., of
thestaleu-Anti ,
La hierho In a dark room, idol never left It 1 - f ai rt ...
a ltos at el•llfax .Armat toe At
• except late at nicnt to talc
a !droll on old d-
• board. Thu pnvonces °ottani, sod ase . ~.10 Id'stsst to iht P. ltsurgh 1 .;
peerance eras CeetlemeelY. I "'t ce .0 1 orma s.C. {:..July 2.-After lotink sworn
atune "'Y beti ' TMlTtlin 7r'l L ° l'll ''.... " ':: n . '' ''' ' ''nhl'. '' :.... " W • ilei ' . ' Llrl Y ind ' u t rk 'Y au ' i l lt ' sncgr n s l tt ' tPi f t
lam... at /...... 011 7 - net . ee n rint. ''' 1 q woo Lan Connowee till .f..t.. Mmlionala
and mato O ' clock ,.l 10110 called eat and , ~,,,, , b , ~,.,,,,,,,,,,.
01 11. . ,
50 .
passed the taller 1 1,-.° l °.: ‘,,n't, what ~,I I., ':4 l l3ougal, Cartier, Tilley and
called after square. sM ens Am ....-.., I rim. COMO .11,001,01" Itsto.
rosily tore .bore. 1 . 11 Pre"...b . .4 ' . I Tor inanguratinn took place In the coon
'OM Miel. etenet 1 ... 0 e n. ' ...I° .n lr " 1 11 chamber.. Alois Afty le:moue Worn
, Mtn no advloo. :lead he would got. toms. , ' ; resent, '
pea. I ... thenr.. l ... P en.° sir James A. Itcliounkt hit formed the
miry mninctl. wrimit 11. hem Immo 19. It
sce an apparent Intention of rending et .
Londonderr, After same minecreettoe . I ~, understood VI/ he cenatautod as au
told Mtn ba end been Lehner :sea good t/vn,/- . ...ned some dars as,
and lentil 1 eXpreeetel dime. Or 1.1. '...° " I lsw Voms, July 3.-A special from Gttowa
hog di:Meely Sorrectneme. Asked emit, 1 ~, „._ ~,,..„.„ .___ . .
,_,. ~,
KIVO Vie tits 011110 name. lie looked ermin 1 . 1 77. 0 '7,7,,, b e , zr,;, t • g ,,,, z4 , :nre . lor .
.....M.l.T.'d .. 3. n " , m Y nnm " '' - ' 1 - 1 tacive months onll. Anti he euareemed by
ratt. lie weitt rutiore twente.fivo or thirty I . h , , ~,,,,,, ~.,,,,,..
eulnut. afterward.. hoforo 00100 ashore, I ‘. O , li,,,,kri ~,,,, 6. 0 „ . „, , 0111 .... i..
• miaow.' asked tor a dank and lbw m: tts t , ~,, h ,,,,,,, ~..,,,,,,„ w,,,,,,,,,,,, wawa year
tzr oL kener f eed,,,.. &L.. , 1.1 , 1 ~'' :her, !sour ebsorve-4 bi' 0.7 • email lel.
. ___.". nt.. ` .o-1 , ~ ...,1e" ' WO. Mal COO ib. , pa Moll, Op.. SCOICh,
bold and on ... 1 ° e n .. . 1. 1.0 ".••• tie PM mot tristi eociet•ssrehmed to go In
keener. tObidir o enc.... . 11. 411 " I pont...ion.. Several veto et half
aaked for, and not to Mace the lie.ater b i ~,,,
f or o : r : e uti.. h b.u.... l% l 4 . 74: l9 : t h i te it ei. b i n 77., 1 kr. ,! p.1 t,, ,,,,, T : Li t y,. ..1',;: i. I I
wi.,, T 0 4 .,7 e ,, : . D, ,,..c. r .. /..1 . .. :1...., C . T .. 0 . : } 7 ,1. 1e 7 , 11.: u:,: e
n...a. t . 10t tfrr tt u b . 1 7 0 . 0 1 0 .,.. .
and Barrett al all tunes took the. moue . 1 . ...,,,
~ ‘ t ~ , , , ,...0 . D0. ...
• etimultlier..SlM 1ete...1 1 . 11 . J... , vv . ' ~oeo. re 1.1.6 10.1[11toirr UM/ UMW.. ,
tee ship Went on to Liver.. three, ~,,,, ~,r oj, 0,,,,,,r,,,,00 ts .lay was eel.
After the examination uf McMillan wm , .„...,. ~,,,,, yr ,,,,,,,.. 5 .,.., to .....,
concluded be waecrameexamtricel at /e.g. .
, o' tin , eonatry esliesl forth 5.411 Onlaerate
tly Mr. Merrick: 1 dome remember of an; t 00 „,,,,,,,,„ .
sato Barrett gave me exempt on two at,- , . a _ -
~lons, arson be sr. In it eholond s j
w. 12 be it relit tire/ ht. W.V II /vl , I FROM NEW ORLEANS.
ton on. the day of rho nmagolnetion. 1 ---.
lie merely told too the abduct:on elsti I_ , _„ . _ _ _ w
.. w
Mid lolled. There are no Olretinatesuees j , V. 40 In.:lf-law. of era ti le 1
that could I ILI the dims win mi the I erp-Tros• Bina mooed Amain.
olanolabduotlea failed. surratt told hie 1 Invetmexters-Yellow lever,
he Wee In Rdohmend and Was In Montreal t . hive's, swat Ihtbe Pew 1.4-cb Gantt,
the week or the ...gee... I .° 1 . ...- ..
Now OCLEILN., July 4.-A rout between
°dyed a letter trout Booth while in Montm- ,
al, directing hint to return to Waebburtem , Tom ging rum Kam Turner will take place
theta bad been iloccessrye) Chrinno their ~ a PI...Me. eleven meet rip the river,
plan, and act proraPtly. • Ile did net tell ese , n, tredrimolos, between six and eight
what centime of plan Um letter referred to i ~,,,..,,, ~,, ILt morn it, for cm .,
Me het Itteteselbrbah wrw. , ... ,14 - 6 ' o " I The ~ rood worouient beige of city merle,
fie reached elmirs Tbunoloy brio., , not. named In the Cum fern/lee* report, bes
eta aesimeleetlem tie ...ld h. , 1 ,,.. - I I/4,m ferreted On t, teough the amount et
graphed Mom blear. t...._. or,. Ite °ew i the 19111. cannot ha ateertamed. NO Ilettlet
YCOM. MI fie°. if lie ..... 1 1 r... ir.. / h. yet heed taken hy leer henhaOrt,Cciance,
to ton. He the not Say Wholbor he Indf n the Meant/TO Loo areneaillly
went further then Elmira or tea All I. re- . ~,,,„,,,,, , ,,,g ~,,,,,,,.„„,
member bleasiying Mont et- Albans was be I 0i15,,,,, rd. the ,i,,,,,,i 3 or , o f ,h o u n iw
...there • M. delt ern. the ...en. ' Y ates ihwrter. foe. tr. - bills against
Ron. The prlsoner told me all I Moo re r,„„,,,,,,,,, ~,,y, i.,...,,,,,„,,„, ~,,, r ..., 1 „ ..
lateiL but never told ran anetbing Cenecel- Immo B,,ie for tho• 0.. 5 01 0 ....
ad with Ma Ineldenta of the ."
COY 1 1 .,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,, snieTrea.nrer, the other alai
In elf.shineten, cor ad he versae y ho .. ~ mob. sill. 1103%0 .1.1 , 0111. d In bin hank.
et Washington on the day of (ha tatiotoolna• ; . fie property of the Unlted Sham, The ittry .
eon. Wane. was stimm.c.l boot 113 tlel j also elle. true 1.1110 nitalnst Wen M. Wlet-
Ma.hal_OL Mhl.lloi wee nit e11te...... I 'alter. one cherubs, liira with the ember.
twfore theuoinuttueo. / went to the isouse , ~,,,,,,,,,,,, of 4 ; 3...g,wg,, ;n o ~,,,,,,,,,,,. of t h o
of Repreeentasivee rum day with 0 trieme , I 1' nitell Slates; In...other with the unhea
ted wee Int.dee. to Oee Twit... , • clement if 41000, United States funds,
who toted me tts testify before the luilichs. i ~,„..,,,,, ~,. him ;„
,0. P. ih,„1,,,,,,.
ry Committee, and 1 ...anted. I have I ell ...or yellow Inver nate. been it - if any ono wet entitled to e, reward for I potted to the Word of Base.
innatt's arrott. I ors eiititi.d MB. 1 Mitt •
itateethat in this elly, - / ruiver Intend. ,
JO end. t . r n... ... r I°W nn y m. nnr * FROBI CHARLESTON. •
ratt *gold EiMirn nn tho morning of Aprli i
lath, mad did net knOW Ott., alleasilloistiou 1
until the morning Kt ere I never .111 Sur- l, Neve, Applies fee le Weer. Pales ea
ran Otst./esroed of the volumetnatlint to I detsuip-Itar itoOma C.loSed.
HOW York... , 1 ..." 41ku " 000 ' 10 C. "' :CIT Tel./ease to Wn Othadtrett Gamma
ad. Never sold Surratt ballets connection 1
~,,, ,
t'6 ask
. u . ,
1.1.0 i
shin the aseaaslnation. and 1 only recanted i % I 1... •J l %
elm as a polltlcaloffonder , non would then. k 4.' Olt applied us ten &wre
n... r r ..:. fo i.' ~,,,:tibtr, tt Whet roint
rort. old MM. 1 never Mated the plan so I r
eth a IF
p o 4 tt . Pr es i
contrary.aoo .1 d t e .b n ,
t t . w ti
l a ab levere. a i . n .1 .1 .,, 1 ,
od e 1 il l.n ti o n y,
; 1
l i 1:
. r i .":1 ,,,, ,
.I;t: g i ii 4 l ; l : ri , t : ii r 's ,• :F i t rf i o l T e ci t :4 P , f int S o hovo.
a u i ' ,
~i b lh ; ,.. c r .
o r ~, r1
r i a ltr i
deed. 1 have stud Om
an and 11. Th 1 can be ohtslited e eget at o .
0 teleelien, and eipendua
',41 . 11 . 1.4"4 „ ' 6 nerlon• etre mat Toted. Onto.
A rage., Pap:en/der unrvact, or the It oy Totes.. to the ElltabtestCl.loo..)
Malt. blittaa steamer hwarara.tustitted to I
1 . T r, le rr.. ,
. C , n , 0 i
. .14 , , V . 1
.-“ A ,
. 6
t i n e 1 . 41
c o
, g o e , out y
a , 1
H br ii n f t .
roots relative Mate voyage Of Surrutt from
Esipt to /Merto... .. .. ~, ~ ~ I Evaile.2l: Summit strati, *Meta tos other
Captain Wililem M. - .-- ,- I it/ the conieutionery establishment of S.
tied canter/ling the await Of Mee. nor.' . --how , and hard. aro Onto of la Belle.,
and Payne. I Atert, totally deatrov.l. II Meillok Ar CMS.
llienthel Coveting, 01 ten Dbitsict or ere wholocalo f0r..., 1:011.111. end Sleek
losable, testified to the recelpt of prisoner
,cto badly dont.. by tires:ld water. The
Inotit.lP ... 1..0.2 " th° X"'Y SRN.Kmen enreite to tbelll.. on the °trete
James Walker. Colored porter. et tin
~,duo. 0 . „,,,,,,,,, ley hs, Riol
Pennovlventa Bosh, identified tierratt ne a 1 ~,„,,,, ...ono ob. gar it, V.., ~,,,e,r,
frequent v tenor tO Atcorot a
bewneen.Anhtwlllptri i s o t urt e l . it , eLt i ll o tglls re.C , !. i ' 1 , , , , ,, ' , 1 .u . i n cim n 0 i 1 , 0 , : c 1 4 1r ,,, A ,, ...T r, , n ,.1.° ,.. ..e.,/ i ic, i i , i .r : T . , •: ,b o yo lle ,t,n ± u l i b i lr e n, e , p ee t.
Mlle Mileelmenliome. 0,,, n s oldier of ' you total Ims win probably 11.11.011 41.000,
o t o rabst, Arm,. and in . the . frith Comp. I , ~,,,,,,,,;,,. sjo,ssi, , ,
j p reim . T sr h o "Y rnTy r il r i rra l' t 4 t e l Aire 1 t L m o l o l 3o 7l ' . l 1 .• "10 '. Attempt to A ~,,,, ~,,, !. , 1:711% , e , 1 ern.
the dress at u re . sa th w o nrn . br
.t . t.... ,. E
on the Mb ett Ititb of filidie,lls. le. the 1 . .... limn. JOY '''-'7'n_nen rano'.9. t :l . '
prtionaer. Ile agate...l to Int eon.. e . fire tn.of melee l i ne eter. l 7 l .l l
w ith
tem Zin/vela nail. Lithart anti Lolmo, , then 1 im•ve, I rum I eko nno, ear see here
and velour took a walk. We took the roue tats mornthe. A 0 .0,011011 clere.le tbo von
to Naples. Med some emraeraetienntteat ' Pley et a Mono Ito p mot bliati4lial . leank,
time. and I. was exteasionally tmeaklog to , wee shot ot tor lietives while at dieter. and
my compaion! , llt /french end tiurratt in , °arrow ly ...led nreiStenntiOn.:nhvinh
English. 1
Mm low 110 got from ersisted in . ileted ontehlo et _aims
Loreig ti-
Washington. 010 swan ho not away on the.: 0 10' limit,
.......___ •
night of the assessUintton. Lod said lie soar'
se eidiftlisee no one Muhl renololl. hint no • I:enclosed or MUrdor-Ilmprlisontneet
cm Enguolroen. I then vein to Malta. Led far Life.
not eros him. but afterwards ILLW lent On the : .; or Toirnranh to has Mailmen GOetUal
Swat.. NOCTOS1.11.11110(0 Ohl.
~ Co man°, Jnly 1.--The timil of.Chron“Y
i.,,t, e r ti..d ... ifi ., l2:l l o r c e w : ll 4 ll , 4 n 1 , 1 1, 0 : 1 ,..,,,,...b . j,1 7 01 1 ,, ,.. , F. Vane, at Laperte. Ind.. :or the murder of
, M., wire and her mother, a VtiPElroilo , Ins
winter, wan oon..audot towlay. The Jury
him deepen atital: when the promoto...(lll ,“,........, . ....‘....„ ..,
would Moms their testimony. that. they t j,V,WiL, ^ 1 ,`,Mi',.;,,,,, , c ) . r„ . , , ;, , , , „ .
adept know what to do with the wltnesstA ,
for the def...
Mr.Carrlegtoe sold - they wea( probably ' Beßlarnele Reetho w e w l." In NOrtin enr
olee° tomorrow, but woe not certain. .
Adjourned till tietrierrow. :11v Telramob t 11.00 elitabrrfla Gazette 1
ISSIScOURT.I. afTWILIN 41:11.1 rimiest .4.00 N., Ynam. Icilli,A derlorable I:tem.:int
.• , entlabbl.r.oll 0.111.50. ' •le green of the deltitutiou In Woko tiontoyi
criTmetay.cifoutemr too
r. si n dir d u i rn .y in:Lt
p n .. l .l t u h ,l e , ; N r1: : , i 1 it i n 0, : , , ,, e hL r . .. 1 .. , ! ; , , ii i: :,7 ;
. 1 , ‘' ,: t erk 1 . 7 . F ; : ;,,, t .b 1 .; ,,, 1 , 77 , , ,r tEt t E r .1 .
oat of the COOrr - r r:l°. • n° mat s.l n"" n " . n nom. for menthe, and ley/nod Or celftle
lathe hall and Mums word+ puttied between for
thorn in Televettee Lo nettling of the Inds, y . . _ ,
.........._ , , .
The Washington •Reemno s epre.e, .21. 1 nd °id s ,. ~,,,,, e jgag /Strutted of Lenin ,
an iumentat of too kirreciniy, gg
'miners. that
haroallrmiautate.afiewiget,u,sbead v i tt i l. , Mr.
.1 , 1 0 ra 1 411.1 1 1 ~,,..t70 " , ..14 „ " 0 07 ,:;," '". bm 7 ,,* : 7„," ; :' . 1
would thraell 01111, 4111iff0 Fisher melte. N aw 1 0 , 1 0, July I-A Washington special
he did net yearn ImMunity from the threat% ' to the R./preys toy
I ..001010 wore issued
anti MettgedlOn on imennite of toelay to the eresident respecting the 10.
ilinCiet. The combatants ware'
to moral ut Um LOT. Commlealoners la
.a ,
e mte to sleet quarteria When BelletY --e , Lontslana.. .
shah Phillips placed 'blrasolt between them ....,--- .
and eaninavored t.O fOrise Cie./edge 'into the , ledge - tittles t melte len.
WOMBS' nom .._nen,,, 3.1 „ . P n ,, U „ 1°n° ,,,, 1 , ° 4. 1 1 Lty Teter... tome lettsbergh Must. 3
Jeo 1000 W a ll .11t.4 `°' .'" 0 ''''''''' '''. '.-- - Nate 00LTSTs. 3 . 1 T */ -.1. Ont. - eat. int
one., roOrn talking to &anti, liCarlog .
p, ..
..,..r., •- ,,,,,r.
the ditecuity, b,steneu , to the .roc
0 , ,
~ , i , .,
.. L.,,,,,5,,,,,,,,..,,,,
Diefutwelle, J Wig* ri.her tied, tr.:‘„ l ,,'' 741 w„. Eno:lse est eels: osimil and I:. Med°
totO the filerent" 1.°91 ' .- ' bP ... -'°' - -- , prefooded hne 01111 it itifitrt 1p cover hi.
door weep Deed Mir. Urrooy.oro nolo" 111, . _
..... 1.,.. .. .
jaalp /Leber tterted affil 1, Insav ,
SPl" r in rtip ed I:4'3Th° partial worn eisperamd ,
ag Sni- - and Jade° elebor . locked in the •
4.gew'll rfnm. Mr. Bredley, If r., re
turned to the COurt room and Judge
(*Mr, was Wee On the bunch, meld
the difficulty Most Ceara. . urscum
tried to captain Wands* Cartk Mr r, while the y
Marshal , wee attempting to ode. Judge
Pieter, who wee eventually Indneeti 10 go
to ble borne in Georgetewn. The altaaalty
crested' tan.; SAintetrient. and !Oita a
arced waif selliored_abent the Wert room.
Moller riploslor.
(By 'reMarren to the raltsuntei fierettel
itoetort, Sono 2—Yeeterdne afternoon a
Anton butler, IPSO an unknown/ amil from
, gemeggg , t g , at, (melt. Oton uotponpy !Mitt
oxplorlod, dinanroorlY injuring Wlll
Dolton mid lerlOtnntr erotmonag Ospiala
butherlangl. •
flogioitatlOn lal oloyouoindi.
[By yelecroot ludo , Pl...butyl> Umi. .j N
s A y A .yo.t.o, Jolt Twerti3 , illrhO 'width
and t t ,t, boolrod sad thirty ulna colored
pornono troy, et:0d0r...41 to day..
ArdsT4 from Larope
CUT Telegrapi to the Inttalnugh lissett..3
121.TONLlvnepol, . .
2The steamier Jaw, Cron
—The B9tr.harn rain sarrice V restored tie war. It want Into - oprratlin
on .Alowdayrouul includes aboak ona than.
ow. routskrurd la Wi oomplaraly. urdwr ,
cantrartirilh,rWrlaraalbla partloli as at arty
PAGE.—The funeu and mod re.
lOW Money. (XI and Produce Market Pa-
Portr air , n by any paper in the city k sbal be
found en our /burl/. Thge.
Some two weeks ranee it young woolen
giving her name asMargaret Taylor, about
sixteen years of MCC, Came to the house; Of
Edward Taylor, of Pitt township, stout
Caven liClOOk at night , stating that. Mtn
Canted tO go to the house of Henry 'rallor,
tier uncle. She sold she had been emotey
tvl the family of Mr. • Mona, of Perryopo.•
lia, Fayette county, and that the day twdbre
bar arrIVOI there her step-rnother Caine to
Sir. Moen and told her that bee Tittle elite,
was :yam very ill at. Mr. Henry Titylot l e
and requested her to gO and see her. On
this - representation air. knorard Taylor
took het In for the Maid, ant tan unit
morning Made Inquiry for. livery Taylor.
'hut Could hear of Ito WOW nail In the nein li•
borbood. However, as the girl had t ~,, dm,
ed herself very properly, nail appeared to
.tai respectable and honeet, he allowed her to
reutaul at his ones, thinking teethe, *mild
he able to e n d the ipetnike was look ieg tor.
Clio accordingly 'entente,' with hint until
sunday, haviok c thorn on Tuesday
..ntulit merlons, sti ame.
ll : eunday mortilug,
expressing desire to , return to
Perryopolls. Mr. Taylor •De ry kindly
tironght her to the depot of the
Plttaburgli and Connelievllm It aimed. and
arcurwl bur passage on tee °Lurch train lo
Kest Newton, from where oho 'sale she
could walk to Perryopolis. After seeing
her warty no board tne tram. Mr. levlor
teturne., home Ind limed tie wile search..
leg for some ^Welee of.- wearing apparel,
which dlie Intended using, lint the search
wYs In vain. tier 'failure to due the article
she was looking for aroused a suspicion
exalted thelr late 01.1104 and lnaucesl ter
to make an eaamluation of her seeds, east-
Iles, atm elfmais in general, upon allot she
discovered abet several tHticia Of valuable
Jewelry bad dlimppealol, and also two Or
titres valeanle dresses.
ells. &larval% Taylor ben not Moon been
,beard nr. and It le WIC at all probable ever
will be under that name.
Darren the martin of Jane the folkonng
homes. Tota transacted nt the: omen of
Joseph U. Gray.
Intin ...MOTT. To carolers.
E•1.1111.0r. 'Executor.
Mary B. Burger .1. Y. D. Beating.
Nancy Way .. ... :limbo'. Way.
Hugh Bund Uttille Bair •
John. Je=nd Wrn.
Matilda G0rm1y....7 Jamce Gormlf nod C.
Joeeph Diebold Magolalena Beck:
John elddon and Jon.
Mary Calvin Neely. •
James"o J. 5.
John eine ... glnalt Rowed and
J McGinn ...... W. Bonk.
Hoary G. Itatcht....
Win. Joen
U. eelf.r N th.
James A. Ne0x....1
Nvicy B Sinclair. -
Iteptam Want. Robert Woode.
j Lucinda W. [ladder I G Ll; d lr, n e " ' "4 J.
ilarilet. Chaplie,.....Alilhe Craig. ' •
Th•COdent... A4nlllll•tratOr. EntaL'a
Jona Braun ' lterkeret Brittin..Ll Ain
Thninivit Wee,— Ann treat..
Leonard Sens Itiniannah Boltz hol
Agtoni 11 . 1.:0rd....-Jallia J. INVCond '
Mark Kelso - .1. H. Itobb 1.4 e
-ti Me l VP...non--Sinn H. %Vete. LEA)
row" 'Stricken.... Price Kuncler 1.251
.1,155 Levaer Skr.ih Lerrer ...... IS)
nernuel Porttr.....P. IL bterenieni.... 100
H. B. Orinebea......fies Eicbtintim 1.54 ,
Relent P. H.
Edmund V. Tail.. James IMO
Huy Ann Ilkiley...Fianchrtr. 2...5uJ
L.llSlllSChislfuer.liarip6retso.o4lrtaur 61.0.1
Amstrinall'Elh.mAyviu , V. ikPlitibencY. 7311
Allterultou, Andre. Fu1t0n.....
Ammolt wed 85t1 , 4.17 Cases ,
Themes Barrett made information before
Alderman Leech, again. theconductor of }
car No:lt. Binh-Ingham raseenger Railway, ,
charging him with assault and battery- lie
allege, that he got on the oar for the par
ishse of miming ter.) the river, and that 1
he wee rudely soloed by the consluetor and
ejected from the car. and that he loot Ms
hat in the scuttle and w. ttnopelle , l to ito 1
home without It. A warrant sr. leshed fur
the arrant of the consinctob . . I
John Barre:4l appeared before. the sat.
°Meer cud made information neatest .1.
ITuohy foe tomtit and eattes7 which he al- I
leges was committed none him which
elthout cane or proem:adds. Ile says he
I seaman Toohysy beam amt was 'behaving to '
so orderly manner, what, Tooey came In
and pushed him out of the' door, catioing
I him to redeems tne pevement, nod that Ise ,
is kited bito sever. time. after he bad fell- '
en. The defendant wee' arrested and the
missaseilleektistlbstvayltea....fore the . hear
Joan Mclntyre charges Thomos Scott with
aossolt and battery. de alleees sa ills to.
lormation,berors Alderman Lyn.. that the
defer..., bee. careisessly
114 - 110.0
end eart otter me in. en who was in She ttreet.
f.ilr - ralL ." . ` : , ,.. s° ''',11 1 ."'t.',,:V71.;
the arrest ot ttoott. •
Martin denninse ail.. that C. E.m
committed an t he uland Isittery upon hlm,
an atriking him on t ht. set.h hle no
coedsdkrieeg him dean' Alderman Lynch,
fore whom he made the' informatioo, lo
co warrant fur Row.
Trouble Issas. Mpa.s meetly. •
Wm. Emma lloyal ramie before 4.ldernian
• liehleaterst yesterday, and made informs.-
Mon against Ja.ob'ltoral, her bush mat
charginehins with alumna and battery
The Oartles4weVie at No. y$ Taonell. street.
him says they hams beets marring ohout two
years, and alleges that ebe has boon elmate•
tally trsattwt by her husband over singe
that time. and reports* seri. of ontryttia
the moat infamous WOUili masonry gdpty
nf.ennaittol n bitheelf and her tor detatriof
• .1. gnulation tar beneath anytblnat the Ott
man mind Mtn mamas, If her state•
menthe tree—and we hare no reason to
doubt It, only from the enormity of the
ehargets-he la unworthy to be called a man,
Tf7t ' l i f r "b
OnV"sarttsOralia ikissd:
Wrsld pll as pd.,oftsr
0 atm,.
- osestr pth. r lbw. frutt1.W1,r1 . 4.111, 1 1, ••
The &Seger: assault and battery was cam s
milted on Saturday last, end was so tavern
that. the deponent was oonettal to her
bed untilsvetenlay. Monday, as she stmt.,
the husband Ina rage. beams.. she wee still
disabled, broke op the furniture of the
(lone. The accused was arrested, and in
oefanlt. Of five hundred dollars bail • was
committed fur a costlier hearing on Friday.
It happens sornettmea that persons take
others nate by mistajias,and. we believe
these misiakee.are occasicaally made "on'
purpose! , kl,peclally do we believe this to
have been the ewe yesterday, when some
loOdy took our hat float the lark's desk in
the Quarter hessiOns Court Mtn. ./adants '
from the size 'o%lot a hat left, which did
not seem to be claimed by any one, the In
dividuat who made the "mistake," dodinT
himself efituid.” ' (our% beiniti7.sii ''to maths.
tied with the "exchange" Orin inferior for
superior article, and bee concluded to
the. uppropriato 'VS himself property not
his own. Title it torrent, in the salon sense
as in the case of a purism dotting a pocket
book and forestilnir to make the fact
known, or to Lei/etre for the owner. The
"Olen 101 l in 'exchange we intend placing.
on eshibition im , balenging- to ono of tun
fraternity who makes,actice of exchang
ing their own !Or Otter ba pr te.. ' ..
. ... .. . ..
4:vMm , enpablo.
The snorts orMarilipeni Leak and action:,
nrthu ()pare liOn•e,vo reader thetr enter , '" '
tainmunts Interiestiutz' .peclally in the
representation of t•Nalati Queen,"' ..
lire • highly liteltiblit", and ',of A probe.
worthy character;'
. not; - litralit.
deans ot which to thhtiheria OrdrOnags they
nranatindair. Clue gorgeouestientahle was
piesuuted last eh:lnto it very. commturidiu
tory,stdleoce.. with err a ndchin llnct,Atitt
wo aro Informed will be pethis eveui
log, and in the &Pontoon and evening - or
the "Fourth." Thu scenery Is truly mac
. nineoat, and the Closter: atone superbly
wand. and like the greed mason or .the
"Naluls," should be seen to be appreciated.
deals and Joe Soften take their farewell
temente on Friday and Saturday, TilgaUt re.
reactively, wean We may •expest-Halo s
trout, IA Something ..Sare, riCh one racy" Is
prOp.r9flou f9r the occasions,
./•riesday. Morning, In Elute%Vali-pattern;
whilst some man wereengaged In repairing
a sewer on -Tann street, the watertnain
buret, injuring several of the workmen and
damaging the Street. 'iho Mirth had been
- exenvateqfrom Inn nips. pud when It gave
way, the Water burst out with great forte
calming the sewer to cave 10 and Gooding
the attest. Three menengegea In working
at the sewer were unable to escape in time,
were caught by theta - wetted earth. and one
ottbem, covered to the sock,
in which pealtio.t hit remained tor a wined
erablp thee. When extricated, he was
bundle be quite severely lejurell in inn
back and leg. The. thers sustained '
pot 1.- h . borers. :he datrusgt °ans.!
; to Inc street and icwrr by the 'buret" is
rather extenelve, and Until rtgIIIIV MYTQW
day labor to repair -
Election olEnthslit Ward Teachers.
The Eughth Word School 13oartl met hug
evening end re-olectiel their corps of teach•
era for t.tie year COMMITIAMIUDIaIinbar Joy
Sall State? Ilomoilio.-Pneeipot-Leoc
ant Omenner Department-Kt poi ,
Mary oren, Ellis. Lc.Pre.
D. Nano°, internlechareDrportessot-Illesce'
I.Thelooses 3. Untadou, Mtg. J. Jeckson,
Mettle S. _a ones.Or, Acorns Witherte.
.hiniary DeporCssoi-iLleees Carona. M.
tierth.y, Elazig lloelaren. AmeneSW-
A m.. Emma L. Keely,Jimpla .11.8 1 .1X00,
6.001ND ,111044. trays? 1117i1:017.1.-Graramar
par:latent-4111k. Mary 1 Proudb.pot. Alarm.
Deparnneng -.Mts. Verb.). Bathe. ',pl.
maryDeparpm4l.4.4nlll IL
pea tuataagoarta—pantalaiatbettuadi of
ouf calicos ell% vied Unloutown to-otor.
row, too* preaeat at tat, la4Ort of ts,,,
our stone of the soldiers' Umnututotof
tsystte aattaty, %VIM Owasalandanin fiber
silty, the Pittsburgh and Contudissille
bag dotailisland rotator
clear/lon tan 0 017 - Au Matt 4,4,
bat tO ail point. OS their ;our: ^
tU. g ig ITgAt- 1 1,11 1.. •
Proceedings of a fleottag Bold to
s . ll , are Townielllp $0 floanonst row
Air Mani toe Prop 0•0111 r Nag-
ideates. EOM.: we you .did•not have
reporter In attendance at the important
meeting held In Mot:lure township on Mon.
day netting. A fernlyb you who a
faithful report of,the conclave:. fly actual
count, made with but little iliffloulty,l found
that the large number of etx pecan., with •
powder on the brain, hail snipe:aided. The
"resointlonixer" 11.11. Kerr, wa. an hand
and nominated 11. S. Fleming, knit., sorry..
Went. On tat:Mirth° Chair the Prealdent
bassi fOrth in a neat and exprestMeo speech
. .
in which he said as follow," "The next
thing In order la the election of Secretary."
The tnevgable ICerr on, ready to nominate,
and onbis motion Mr.. 1. Oyatte was oho.
scn, bat he declined, a. he hail promised
Me wife hot to May long at. the meeting.
Mr. Kerr, sr hint that things
were all cut and d ry for an early adjonna
, t o
lie t :and Mr. Platt reluctantly assumed
umor. The mee e
ting watt no ready
tur ttnottestg,and Mr. Kerr - read the w
call tIIS
eiddieheri by 'all the people.. and wmely •
remarked that as ' , tit thillpeOple,nWeru not
present (there being 'Only tux in'. the
ro, three of whom ad signed Mr.
Kirk om '. Petition,' It would be advisable
10 adjourn to meet nett Thuraday evening
at the same place, end that dun buttes! in•
reby h ln the
gltY P. ,eed
lie hilly
made each a motion, Which
W. carried unanitnou•ly. it win after
ward. discovered 1.," tlio time. Ispecided
for the adjourned meet°, eve the °Yea..
Ink' of the "gloriosa lib,' but Kr. It Mr, with
1110 ['seal sagacity, • oinntoereil to ant over
the dlilloalty and call the meeting at • Prid.•
er time.
When wn finer in Mind the fact that thin
meeting been noted for Immo time by
the Hsi!, Still wes aCtleisi in three of Oar
daily paper., and that goat. P.mtmai dam'
ttOns worn put forth 'by inirrestul
nal. to have a large meeting, we Ms. , ...VI
that in v low: of all these, Wig it redacts
great Credit an the citizen. of hictitcre
. township, that they conld not be glt
getber to do the ditty work Of an Ogor•
grown menottlYt • t
We themfore congratulate all interested
In powder on the pro em ofcompetiture
and coneeettent reduction of prices far be
low the pp sent rate of blasting perirder.
too bencht of which will: no doubt. *one be
felt by every consumer of coal. Crldgen.
Division "ii" floneof Temperance -
Masses Demo.; Yesterday's Dept&lle
contained a ecurrilione and wrotebeil at
tack on the 'member. of Pittsburgh Divis
ion 'No di, boos of Temperance, a social
association that will compare favorably
with sup other society in the city In re—
spent to the standing, respeetabtlity, lln2 tt
once, and moral worth of the ladles and
gentlemen COMpOiltriff Ito ttionaherehlO•
The article is no malignant and utspid,
that t ha t wol,' *itch. no reply ff'f.m
feet we desire to defend the anther's
nearest and dearest kindred from the pats
his amtempt. sod ridicule,which On at.
[emote to holy upon their voted heads..
It trill appear ammo telling tont any weal
editor would no foully Ilnel. a
ll m a
slander en and. dear relatives, all mem.
here of No. 42, end whose high social and
moral stenciler, In the commanity, not ever
her ran doubt.
It le not mysessery to notes out his wilful
rulsreofegentatlong. for all INIT.. are
tally sow" of the noble and high aim of
DiviellOn rn. 41, end of the intelligence ,it
r.llo42^lntgitcv of It. members. Thu writer
of the Republic Only towers his os n term
tat ion by ...Mos mien a PrWsworthy and
prosperous temper...Tice 111.021111[100.
- N 0.41 Son or Tsaranasca
Tomorrow will be independence day.
Aside from the rare Milo offered at our the
atrat and the grand balloon alenuslons and
other novel attraeltnis at the Palma Skating
Park, in .:11e‘beny city, the day will not be
observed in any special manner. We have
nut a single military organic/41On' In the
nelghborluxtd, although nearly evervt.dy
has been a soldier In the rants of the Union
Army, and °ammo neatly canna...a tarnish
ed trite a display of '-neatly trimmed mu.
ketry.l , Them le, however, enottatt pitriet-
MM In On r eltlz en• to approprlst-Iyobseeve
' the greateat of all holidays, and we presume
there wlll,bn no end to the powder spor“ut
seem; Annel en, and at niht Mtn att.!
pyrotechnic dis
plays by the h ead, of fatal
, Mut. At the Arnenal nsh
in tou of
tire work• may be looked for the oven
! ing. We have not yet notified the custom..
ry proclatnotiou of the Mayor forhidding
tno powder inattifeitatlons en mast on the
j "Fourth," and presnum his Honor minuet°
,thew the youtbbtl portion of the commute
oily full stray en the occasion. . •
I Plit.bargq Grain Eievator Company.
1 We are pleased to learn I hot this romps
! try hnssleclared a cash dividend of thews (9)
per cent, from the net earnings of the last
ale months. We Congratulate the stock.
holders, as well as the managers, upon the
1 success this Enterprise has met with.
notwithstanding the donbte and fear. fro.
sitsturptlS.EsPressed as to Us ever becoming a
I ,aying institution. It la nowtietnottatnneo
beyond, we believe, a petadventnre, that
the Investors may reasonably expect fair
dlvidtgotte on their shares from this titer
forward. Ills one of the best, and by far
I the 01.31 imposing buildings of the kind in
I the totted States, and the consumers of
very description of grain in and anent our
thO Cities are greatly hooedtted by inserter.
tlon. We ttherefoto chronicle tie See,.
wilt. pleasure, and ootagratulate the friends
I of the enterprise upon the encouragement
t width . opened upon the,.
It =l=
.1 little boy of nine years, named Andrew
thalami, residing on taterry alley, between
Third and Yourrh.streets, having probably
heard *Clink great feats performed by the
Japeneen, undertook yeatertlay afternoon
to perform what he cOneelval to be a rival
of the' great &MU perform'ed by little "Ali
Right," nut met with a dioastrous failure.
In the allay there are two trick houses close
togeter, with about two feet &peon between
them h
and the boy attempted to Climb them
by putting a bond and foot &getout each
wall. the succeeded In elevating bluisear In
Cale mann. ea far ea the emend story win
dow when he dwipped, striking his head
against a Inlet end cutting a Covens gash
autoss big forehead. The probability Is that
he won't attempt to Clime that wall again,
mr u abort thoo at least.
The I)egree Of A. B. was WM . erred upon
the following students at the recent mim
menpeosent exerelses Of the Western Val- .
varsity : •
Wm. McGrew Mashburn. Charles C. Mon.'
tooth. Juno Belem, or. Robert 'C. Moore,
John 0. Petty. Wilting Utelyke, Tenants B
Kerr, halbert G. Young.. The degree of B.
Pn.. on lloward Duhlap.E. D. GralfeCyrus
G. Batch. The degree Of In course,
en OvOrgrip Wenney, John A. Witsen,
Thee. T. Alerehall, John IL McCandless
The degree of L 1,. D. was conferred on
lion. Moons Hampton. President Judge of
the DlstriCLCO , lrt. of Allegheny county.
Attempt to boom. Olt
Yortilay night J.' Iv. Rltreick,. arrested
tor drunkenness on the street, while con
fined In trio tombs attempted . to end its
Mortal ItAbitoUCO by butting bin head
against the iron bare of the lie. was
discovered Icing upon the floor bleeding
freely from a cut on the heck part oft he
heed. aft received proper attention, but
renewed the ettemllt. rtnaliy,
week from Ins, of bleed, and recovering
from his int (isle ite ! state, be became .met
and airpt. and In the morning departed.
having, aPParentfy, 4b*AdOkioil his suicidal
Intentions. . •
The Mock or arc works found at the store
of L. D. Domett, No. DU Liberty strout;witl
lon found equal in wait of quality and se
lection toany found in the eastern
Too pyrotechnics are of tho most famous
minuteman,, and embrace . every thing
known in aleph, from the Ugly croaker UP
tO the Immithea Raman candle, pin wheel-or.
rocket. The prices are very 1,14110[101e. A
full stook of the rarest coofectlounr lee, for.
tWail. Dnas and noun will al. On found at
his establishment. We berpeak ter Itr.
Dun:mutt a large share of the public pat.
- -.lllOleitea Mateo nod Recovered.
On Satorday'Morning last, between one
and two o'clock, tiro Mimes, rallied at elliqt
hundred dogma. were stolen from the ere.
We of Joseph McKinley, In Bloomfield. Lib
erty township. °Meer Ilawden,"of
AlieglienY. obtained trace ot the animal.,
thd about len o`oloolt Saturday nightiound
em ex Um Maine or Meyers Wild, AMe.
has Morn sol
bed • colored inna
te kir. Wild t oilhree d and seventy.
Ore dollars. .The Immo were returned to
Mc. McKinley, but the calomel Man le.'un
known gsl,l seems likely to canape arrest.
Tefteberw Eltoroo.—The School btrae
tor. of the First word oj the My have rlec•
-tad rho following to,cROTII for Ma itvzt or. -
aulaz sobool Jo.r P , MHdPal—Coorrro M.
Moor°. Grammar Departra,,,,wri F.
Etou, Elms Mae= sad Alice rattersoo.
latarmodtato Izapartioarn—(tanmah J. 11111,
Amanclallosl olo 7 and Bella Untrat. Pri-
Ea:lr Drparr , orat—t:Arrlo A. Carpentor,
mma J. m=dgP..Mattlo Carter and Mary
1. Cooper. • , ,
Ta•Fiele Tltreatic.—Ctutrlca Welly made
reek before alderman Lynch, charging' Ann
moi.tra wife Imre:) , of the peace. He. C.
Wort Mat the defendant tereateur4 to take
Matte, and the liana of bin cark*iy, and Pale
aua wolikt tear bla dituabtor. limb from
Mae. sod Would bunt Inc holmr none of
weirh Otehaa noneyet. However the Alder.'
man Weed • warrant for bet atract. The
patties reside at rout Stile Ann. .
Xallelowe Lewis, JOhn
Balton and William Rooms, were charged,
on oath of John Sancho% before Alderman
Lynch, wlth Mello:dons mischief. It appears
that Wschell, hasps • groorry and ftwu
Store on Wyliest.reef. Ind that the defend.
ants destroyed • _tott of doer Mod wheat
planed In front of hm store, by
Mann/ open the Seek., nod scattering It
awned toe 'trend. Toe PeStlet 11 , 11/4111X-
Maid MAI hold (Ma hearthe. ,
. - -
The Stoat' Pox prevail' to a sontershat
ulartntrog extent - In tome portutos-ot the
city awl .tu several of the suburban as
Tbo litspftre of the And Ito. oftbe North
TsYetta township boulny food Is poollsb•
Isl on our esoottd pars. • •
To Sad leui.—We cannot publish your'
r , ....lubloatiosi • sinless roue swab ls • Nn.
Sate tor Sae.-A. tap4ap •W a 011,104,
foe sato sr.So.lo Wood•tnea,
tom'. (yr NeW "r7,G..P
Read oar prices'. the lOreft tn,..the eity;7
can be found on the west - corner oratirket
end Fourth etrout, So. 1 Itemeiniketho
number otPuikilneeinew snit oni l y 0 - 5 - 6 e of
, • •
At lee—t.tentltte Bald last "reek for 12,t4C.
'VV. " • t•
At Itica Chtnt " • " 1• telot,
tt 010th 1100 tett. 'week !for
• Xi -,
tb At
At t 4 /a. Szlre Fine sbllotlog4 sold lost
week for Tun.
At 12114 best Printssold fostwbolifor
At 111.4. Glantz Striped IPI . IIIIII siold bum
IsCele for IF•lic.'•
At l'S+i^. cl•mtblo wldtli Glughatils sold lest
sock tor •lf,lo. • •• .
Al 11 , 0. Twklngs sold lAst n eck for .y.,,0•
At I rs and Vtlo.llclrlrots Sold lost rook
f0r:17.4.nd We. At :TN tad sat. 44 and 10-15tiosiatms sold
ii.ovk for 424 and 75c. •
__At 37lie, best • Ltilnts told not week. for
et baianCiof our Law - . cots lur
week ltraV4o... . L ac
At Wand 62 , 4 c. Table Mee. 801 a
week tor 7.. c act] 41,00. r .
At aJ.SO Llamburi
week . for 410.
At 64.00 Itstmoral• Sktrte sold last week
for 6.1.50.
A!.61: 1 0 Do e isn't
At i2l;;;:?iig,7ix:: - irislc; 7 1u:I 61.);;, Dreu
bond.. minced one-.ttatt. • ", .. •
At me, "so. 75c, Black Alapacius, rodueod
from l'bo and sl..^. •' ,
AL57, , ,,0 ylald rapllna. sold last week at 76c.
AL 87 , 4 c awl Eal, rain Stain, 80141 lat, 11440
SOO 75c Illat wca. ,
At We, 02 , 4c, - 75c, F 1734,43, WhLte Marseilles—
greatly nalucel• ..: ._ .
At aNeOrganda. Dawn!, B ol d /eat weak
at tr7 , 4e . •
At 111.G.0, DAVE French Corectts, cold bat
Cambric, sicieges,Nansooks url sll vrbitil
50 , 5121 cheat,. . La 00: 1ia11t.113.4 . Cloaks and
-retain—ono half prnse—Black Silks. never
•ateuperlhan now.. Oar entire P TOOL has
noes rya wed for no el ily sale. of Nest Good,
itrlerttlits along sad en will. MI thebill.
Wear corner Biarkrt rat Fourth rent, No
"O. Our Dress flood cheap an tercets the
„• _ •
Cold daikaralloa nods Water at I. T.
°mmple•s Drag StorT.Z . io.llB Toilers. street.,
.ttioghenF. - ,
Powell. of .1a l• waren). Yt-Hyitioybody
and his wife, and I be rout 01toltualnd, seem
tni provided for Jana expected te mar.
It Minor exhlinlyna to aalgatelata L t -
S:atiting Park, Allegheny, ott. the fourth.
an, eons of unique and artnenque comedy
mettracied lit the programme, to say
nothing or the (aunty ed Balloon+ to he. that
, lay rampage, or the nuptial pasty
itaheayenwited mlasicin. All of tba }alma
star., end. clam . el toe niderttlta, ,,, Clll tx•
tioNI toa...What an Institution the fauna
of J sly 'mine to he la %Dean lattet day..
mpuoto,hwatin. are the hilmirktion
Of every visitor to hivi rot, thug . skin byline
+iv smooth end whitens potivbed iVnry. no
otner coonvitic being' used eiZotipt the Plop
IMO. of Ivy. TWA. una ...LW% "a..
soft and, white it Nave+ the chit 1" "Nov
quick It riminvys ail elliptic , . r' Imported
oo; toy 'Kw Calveli. 24 Church street.
Ne n w York. Cold by all Pittsourgb and Al.
lug "ny Droooisl-s. Wholeaula Agents, D.
A. uhnnat. IVA Sun ACo Pittsburgh: •
Al the I nap° lions Of Sraltb•
.on, Palmer .1 Co., 55 and b 7 F fl It it rent,ean
Ire found tie larneat and moat varied aiori,
1111012! of boon. and Aloes, gaiter., bah:pore's.
ylippery, base ball, rind bon nail Omen, snot
inentlo, rat and stab . carpets and Matting
fancy window anadre, etrarr nooda, dame.
tin dry ;rood.. brx,p skirts, entlerY and al
Pons, at private sale, day and eventog, a
win ton prima. , • , , •_
.• • Kell n r7 fienbda both at, erboleast
and retell, and are, a. a ermangaenee, en
anl.,,t to'keep a laraerand much better aa
eort.d Mace, to Fell cheaper, and give lb
goods In more , areommtalatine ryeanittl •
than exehmbrejohnintr booms.. [Leah mar
ch... are Invited to VS4OIIIIO OtIrMLOCIr.
J. W. BARK. b Go
' GO 11.1 cat etteet.
Domed...ell..h.—The Mammoth E op.
rhaul of Smithson, Palmer .1,C0., 53 an, tt•
Filth sued, 1. thronged every day by vager
laastnelers. The large Stock of Imo' 1...ah0e1,
dry goodwatraw hotbww.
how arriving Irvin E.t.rn auction 4.1
ShrThlrla hhould reeelin toe 011000 W
el these who Would eednomise. "A word
to the wela,"
U.* rd de Canewellni Cod Liver . oll.--
The Iharet add enevtvit Cod Over Oil. In
the world. Manufactured; front ',freak
bean , Ilvere, mama the ana.ahore. It In
warfeegy porn and sweet. ask tor vllantrO
Caawnire Cod .latrar 011," m.tditeteren
by Caewatt, black A Co., New York.
SOld by all Ornament taw*
Test Qnsorttles of Ivory Destroyee
—Tboasen.l9 of 'teeth that mfghtient a lift
gam ere loet every year; simply Worthr
the parties , coneerned either forget or eh
not sporto late the Sozoooxy. Duly applied
renklere thettentel fobelfoloerfe.f satnn
Early Closing.—From July Sth until
September Ist, the store of tY tl lam Semple,
lib stet .181 Federal street, Allculleur, till
be elb-ed sty r /Ceendept Satur
day's pi resiveltl. The stare winner; boom.
012 July 4th,' • tart
Dyspepsia, lusts Worst forms, Nervous
Doi Moss 11.olsche, and Other Oisetos,
srt•lnir from derangement or. Um stratms,
sad bowels, are spoodil urinal ODr.
sosi.s PILLS. Every Cr y
ugglst L 6r6aghou
the land keeps them • •• •
uotli.ett,—ln our notlch of, the eelebre.
tl'lll,lllL Unlnh town . . we omit:v.lth state that
,tn extra train would leave the. Patebtle•h
And Connellsetlle.dePer. 'nee teehOett
• 6ontlemenocmtetoplatlnentaions their
wife nr lady Mead a Blew •Pt tot for the
Founb, could not .10 totter. than call at
*waft's, an d gets Cloak for itch.. It • paid
ow the present that they would like, at .No.
73 Market, street.
Neo,lbo La gg • aa Alec of 'b00tt1. 5 b ,50 5.
balloons's and clippers, lor.llll , eshgehts.
taloscs. boys and children, tat prints to son
the tricot, sr hum [icon, PcirD.
& VW. Emporium.. .Mond 57 Fifth strost,'•
. .
HA. N • II asul Ili•aa Bail—Stione.
for • ork and sta., for PIM , . Evar).itt.aa
la Um boot anti anon nue, a largo' MAO:WV
r.iaortabla prices, at the anti
47 Finn la Mai. '
Deafneca, Die.chare. from. the Ears,
Catarrh, Deleeuam of the Eye, stocl all laraC
twos of r ehrotete- reel olettleate 'obarmete
Kueonne.tolly treeetud .by. Dr. ADarn,
timlektfluld etfent:', ' .
The railElb of .ul).-0«. pony 911•
pure eml - 13.1tatentTe et the Emporium .o
eroltbson, Pelmet a c..,.as anA. Si tom
.treet. Ty.- traest
. beit sleet In Lb
ta .
w ket to eat from ' •
—. . .
. .
Aquartnana.,,Gold F 1.12. Canary Birds.
• 11oraIngf" fltran. and a flao Iota: coat. 01.
.111130014 uaso, a ar.a larr. Canary Aquari
um. for saln aroma, at -al *Ha% Ira
.Ilarltol. wear. ' , trawl floor.. • ' .11 . •
• i • stud. Whatmerhe
nyhttd and ta .t se/rand nook nary ntfor.d
by limit harm. Palmer d Co, at their Entoo
vim, 55 and 57 Fifth au-mt. Now on hand
ovary deatraolo 153111 and tirlon. , •
Marnethins (pi the Fourth of
Ouus wad plsoda„powderund cep., , rers
endO at 11. Itotomon'e Utast \Fret...
Um Works, corner at Penn and Wayne
Urteli- lL s' •
Poato. Rho.., batters. &A., received
daily, and home Meowed.. of at prica:ll,
dt thi, most econmalcal, et tee Mammoth
Emporium Of ' emithron, Palmer & E
mad $7 ruth etrwn...
To cleaeOrmalgnmenta. a large assortts
at leas than . lamlutiicturrr'e.
ntalths9n, Palmer A 00 , a.,65 and St 11
Carpet, alattinecs . 4ad Fancy Win
dow nniciiea at unction • One. to
connigionente, at the Auction Mart 66 sad
67 . F1ttlictreut. Smiths.. Panacea en, I._ •
'Straw &Linen
COO, a pair of Pimi Dollar Emile, aml Sou
uro „ it r i g , multiunitPalmer & Go, at
the Emporium. C 4 and 51 . 1 , 1fth street. •
•Csaytio•Sno..—Three etyles.
' or b..., bull clam. 0tt,.1146 Emporia. , at
112:0 1 1. Palmer 4 vo . , M omb SZ lifth
Ewen *Mow neetreble lo the Iloot no 4
etem Une, et pricee to. all, et the litatOmOth.
Emporium oldeutbsots, rennet 014 , 66
null 67 Plite street.
. nee Dollar No et.,=Haab• band sewed,
cement Towle, Calf Weld, 13.1. ON wet. at
tne Emporium of Setittnions Palmer 15,
53. d 37 Irtftls street. • • " •
Heavy et alumina anti, Corded Silk, Gro.
gram 11011011.NlIks; Sasqusa.... l lo
tat Y. and :Wet,' Tara styles, rt
MaTket strrk. • •
Goods 85. C. arollia Pr
Immoneto twortloeskt ut the EttepoCato•of
beoltbton, Palmer id Co 5 , 3 watt Wrath
A Very Floe Lot of Soinmer
me wo or Lae beet" material, 'at
" Sranawee, 'fi; Illarket meat, •
at A fe
ir sp ororttamo Summertp‘cqueS
bo. e tott
Market etrect. . , •
flornks.Nacqctoe. Cattalfil4B , lcu'‘lo,
of awry tle•scliitilon, et le CI • k'
Marju,tox,:otr... . • 1 Taft'di• No. 13
SUNDAY sunooL. eiGLEBR .
lerelthoetlL UtotLvs-lzEitunz- , --
..,,, CUISAIL. ctiDrzermi • 411.1 L
• wita..P.UITII, a•..
At tholowett prig 01141P05..690i0 . 111101.120. by
WlCrir...xcrief XViallavral.Na.
. , a.. ,e ..I•MONO.' Allegbenv.
liOod. cool mid W 7 - thing buier ti4ei no J .3.. .._ . '
dl"...ebt. at ZrortpOpubtx bowl, )16:4 DI. itEipqvAitTLfts
floe Lamorptee
awl bta4k, ' 3puncea, ;So. Xtaxcet.
Woe so 4 Peat's., lissome.
WSW) Bacc. 114 Spsuoshis r No. 75 Massa
Glad ISDart ieolll• Wale! at J. T
Sample.. Drug store, ha. 'SS ',lr4 . r . t.
. • •
Ileums Lae. Coat Wan Qum aver
Serithetors, Palmer "Ws porlum,,
nnet e 7 rqtz Wag.. ' .
la. Van , Wass styles Of Etats, Cipol,
Good% al. • Goal:ley 14:•044
Nn• Be St. hate suset.. • : • : • :
• ***Vas Bay • latoto. a4.lmrs .of .1 1
JboaspEr S. /1 0,
too Will fiat Dental leasadtataaactt
at WS Farm *treat.' ,Dra.lall tialaapta. •
vas vis war Item , ,4urt,fo AA
THE W.Etasia Gff=.
A lariarbaet, Given! ulna tilltrtl , Sll. °eta , .
VANN or intermittnir read!. matter. %aeons,
leading lbatioriblA Wert mimes by ifelesmat.
sod YaU. 'valuable &iodine liaise, for tit •
lhliolty. rod tallest and moot reliable
dal and Poona/dotal Market Venetia groat , te• -
any panarta one:nit, No Yonne:. Yetkaak or
Niarebint abould tie wltbout
r. misia.,,LX TICS WECEI.T oaserra:
Ply re Oonoeff,.
• Cleo. of 1 , 11... • lA%
1.1 N"
—hod one copy of al* to Um perm* trials,
up the club. Addttlool to elute can be sad , at
any Limo. otelfab tote*. • • . •
Nand To difIISCE.II3.II.- 1 0 ordering Toter
topper. be enre and Wolf/ nnot giltinrd Oct
arant..•ll W. WV* • WO•11•111•1• Edition fOr sato
win., burble bat one nail a ereet.
Ntearf Irr Draft. Norms. t tem
or In Her etetrol Lodges. ms Ono/rot or. oar rirg.
,Addrois. GAZETTIk
prrisan. wt. Ponta. ,
-- mat:RAE:Ix.
- .. • aper.-04). ti. ens.
IN( • 2. 5;...C4h.
sAAtt•EL. %MTH aN ' • 4 - 11 t 84C 8 al L.
)lelLWAPut..noe s Attlagroy •tr.
To..lay =truing. July U. at
..eieek. WI , LI!. It . 01312 ur w • la/Y.4
liogra, aged glom mouth... • •
'rue fatter= will late 1:..* ROM nOa rml.r.ner
of big psetatts. A0..1 fan =MU Alr="nlr.-
rud•ar. at 10 o clock a. m. •lb. frirlida Of thrt.
=e apeet•urr lt.ire•
No. MO Portril street.' l'lMOnrgly
COFFitte of all kind.; QUA PFY. CILMVII:I6.
mrory dtloalplion of Ptztzsalfsiffkl• Mu floods
formlabod. limas 000001.:ay.azdalilhi. Hearty
sad cazthiy.fsantshfaX.
Esseutiote-11....v. UavLl Xt.,. .0.
A. W. Jseal.r. 'Lwow Ep“,..
. . .
Isso Osmool a. !Wagon, No. SCrtiblea twos,
duos doom itomUsavor. ddloaherf UT , MO.
Itoasmoo4, Walnut
good Imitation Ceding. at Ms tosrtst roamed
priess. itiaa open u all lioura. day tad sista.
Hearse and , trrtotea tanishatt tOt stunt Soups
.ndon moat reason .ble terms.
EDIVALUD CZ 4111VIECKI. UN.' .01:Ice.. 2 • 4.'2.0 *7W?,
21451.1 r, hoinonal any pipes wF
ans. van Aro nislete suck of Liners! inn:assist
good • Cu &mud. and furnished £1 sborteit sulks
oer of PCLlii X.,,AMIDDLS t. XVIII.. Carr Loseh
sorooel.os, /It4Fiel, LO3Slis
eor vlro.
it L 0• T. Wllll'E is CO.. RIDES.
ter. Waad'a Maui wan:VlA:odt). t.ottla Rami si
11.thealer 1.14ry tltoWo, carusr tlhelleJ4 ma&
(thaillers stoats • i1e41111.16110 Csrnern for.
. •
p. S. tiTEWAßT, , VndertakrS.
!".. corner of 11011 TUN sad PENN
W•rd. Celan', of WA Hsu. 11.6* mad
0 vriarvi fornlshvd • n alp *Marton en.l6
TUII. AND DE IT.—Tsrentum to sits.
steal on inn Aid t bane of the Allegheny tdvae..2l
miles above the , Ity of Flttehn gh. The iota
are generally in else 52 Act hoot and IL p,
ledge eneet to ally; and alas 014 to 1 sem
near the etoronyb and the Werke. Mill
tdspred for country resblonoes, b- lug deb Ant.
we I *unused. and comiliteding &Beaming, sag
.I;enelvr visa , of the slyer and sortneedleg
country. bsrsAD dears. of Dented menthes
luring telanll4Dasnts. each ae rpinag able,
woolt n tartorle, raper EONq be.„ would •-.d
the locetlon, near the Duty or sall,oad, tour..
hly nuVed for e,bilorpo-re. Capita tat. *DI dal
onenureged to parched, by teodera'e riles* all 4
owl tenor,. It la Wended that the oupereat
adrauteses of the plsce—es to abasrant dappkg
. oat. r. coal. Ild.estone, Ste.. and ragsoad end
lbellttler-shall be liberal y afarad flyt
man lietant g boson.. AstlellalY
Trades on rho Western reon.yloante Railhead
music/ end fAdn'l arentom,dass and welt . msg.
-ral amps daily For • mai. f • erre) of - Mahal
,ppig 11l U. a, is, U. lidalllslbllttUdgs, at bin
Asdenee near the hods Woiks. or I. gi. rum
in/tot-E. Tensely:a. . '
and Insurance Agents. Millar at., Laps
rcacrviliii. kg.
%Inuring - truing i• We offer I,x• Oeal
sirs most gnsirable cite for Boiling NM sad
Mast Yortmcg. or (or any lane miututhetathig
awns, m timcounty. This proryily to leer
maim s El root wrest mud the Alingherly firth.
sag within 100Inct of the A. V.E.B. the long
.0 by 61s • kersoniCenirlog nob a lot sronl4 40
cell to examine before buying chisensls
reruns mule to suit ruketiosani. Enquire at
0r.v1..12: a NI. L. Emil Estate and bisuriiii*
Anne's. Butler mimes. (Aw•eurcrilie. •
1. 4 `011 SALE—That very valua
tile and ileilrsola property st art on Ita.
taarn evert and !Oa /Melberg 'her, Is Alla
i Deny 427 cat. on 'throb Is omit.
• very tireettnual Oriel Sogdian, Igor store.
moo. iooxl2o fret. ealenlit d and Walt adaynal
for corroiro on almost ant brand, of boaoallar
grind. It le addooir a lot of these dltarialdnalat
titlark the city. ran be bad, and w• you'd Invite
tba s oval al • rearluo of thato desirous of ging.
ins a place for m.alitorarg• P.M.. tarot/ at
the oft.. of L. 6 n 1,151 d 011.0.. Mal testa add
Agars:me Agents. Untie/ MO. Lim
Fruit and Hairy Dishes,
BS. Fll7lll wegurgy.
Or• /110011 .
Watches, Cloths, Jeweb)
rar . ennbitals %unman our: ta.matnartaa
N mums 01.1ra sal Jvirein. AZ wort, InIS
, T HE .s.PERIOR mclUTIr
lor.he WRELLT.II. WIL4ON dr.W.Vdei
; I tr&OHIN s mar 411 Omen, rol , alq
jives mut ourpos.s, art to II sr•
umbalshed and ea ienerstiv 44m A ... 4, diu
pm entmeratioo of. their rcl , etln 44 . 4 . w
(Jager .4.41,4 4 r. 4
or. rimpla e.arat44 awl Dna
wrzyclis Aosney,
21 errar.ire.
il immnourvg CONCE NTIIII.
Practical Furniture Maauraa-mera
Lttnat awl. or
novirard'itiLivery Stable,
inan STWAril f 111.14/ Art
• .
tlese P.:11r11t. way. inmate to tl•twei
-two at labobottvw. Obw nob Milting Milk.
ta lab
lobe rimy ;Wet& 111.1.11,Xxibb
low. Hon , . b sad sok* Os corn 1 .
41claor Colton Mills; teltiilientb.
Felt sALE—A convenient,
HO 171111.
.olgh; no4lot; lot Oiled rub mu, vatfolift• of
iarte oat smell arta. ;no at • O. Wloll
la , th e larl•log . . oral ta of Now fl•orailool..olib.
tr ,, C., 'Apr ot 'bp t.ty. beetin •14d
loass.. oodref J• WASS!.
7alflo ' /to 14 loaloo r".
CM to buy We
'! it ail. 110 1101.irii,14.1.1,T.
Tit mule r, Opr
Manilpikemeo &Own.. talni or f.:nto.
k D. DGIIEfIS 0311 Wlllefat.
im:wm sr. sot ma.: levakne,
~s•rsa'W 01Flt, M.
or .0 , lptlaat.
SOLULL110111: ,
wpwict.c . fizopi SALOON.," .
P=M. 611 , CUIR . -
pt. it , tvagili=t Orr<rda,
UAr rigiagnlitT..trit-tv
Siera. , l•• aott rival< rtsilloi
then soda- sad nalou3•l4.tern:
11 •
.? e.8.46‘, ,vu...., 7 i t - .
4.. t• IN tgall.,7l =Va .•
tT 4"..^. , --•••-
4"- piSIVE 51111 ,"
VW Nut"kr& matte • let ...
I ',MITA" woop