C.#littsktrgb. Gaytti Essmir. aucir 2, um. bJHOY EMBLICAN NONINATION. YOB JIIKI or &nip torn: XtoN. H. W. 1174,talibtis , Of ..424A.Y ao.Oth Tnit gew York Firms declares that the Iteconstruaion bill ."Violates every cardinal principle of our Government, and 'ls . at variance. with. the clearest letter of the Constitution." - This . is true 'only in the narrow sense - In • which all use of military force is In contravention of . - the civil Whenlaw. Mr. Darts- and his as. sociatee were Preparing the say roi volt, they maintained with the ante .sort of logic, that the general morn:. meat could not righfully coerce It State. • - .Eveneorne loyal people were in ectienti doubt as to how far military force Might 'awl - ally be exhibit* Each of these eaten!' objectors found theca are eater . senates in which the civil laws , are al lent, in which military law is suprerue; and In which a repubjla becomesjusias absolute as a declared military despo. tient In the nature of the case, there is, end there can be, but one limit to the employ - meet Of military means; and that to necessity. Whatever It,' is needfulto . • do for the public defence, in time ofwar, -it is lawful to do - . In this broad Sense, ' therefore, the Military Government Act is no morein violation of the Constitn. tion than any use - of military force by. which the rebellion was suppressed. - to bow long after i rebellion has been. Overthrown military supervision shall be contirdied, is purely a matter of dis cretion with the - government. The de - cisiOn will depend on several considera tions: I. The formidableness of the re volt.. It would be absurd to Say that no „lenge: military supervision was needful sited' the surrender of. Lea's army, -than • otter the collapse of guar's rebellion or the Whisky Insurrection. 2. Upon the depth to which the loyalty of the °Risen was disturbed. If s revolt was purely epismodlc, the result of sonic powerful but transient cause, the military pbwer might safely be reduced to abeyance as soon .. as the_gusthad spent its force„ lint-lfthe_l revolt *Si the consequeoce of lon g tinned causes by which the passions of millions of people were stirred to the vet. .botiom, it would be a species of - reckless infatuation immediately to withdraw the strong hand of coercive Polar. 8.; Upon the extent to, which the revelt had dish:tested the civil ma. chincry. For four yettre civil functions tbioughout the insurgent States were thrown 'into en 4inotanal . condition. - The old and consiXtional • re mit:ma 'were dissolved, not, indeed, in, theory, but in fact and truth, and new relations -established. With the failure of the re Denton These new relation* were sunder - ed, and none remained, It wee eases -1141 to reestablish the old convictions, but on terms comporting with the great t -changes wrought by the'vrar. When a . city has been shaken by an earthquake, no man Ia so Irrational as to suppose all the edifices, or iven the mirface of the land, can be restored at once, or at all, Us the original state.- It is just as insane _to imagine that after a gigantic rebellion Which baa shaken the foundations of a government, n is within the compass of possibilitiesto restore the nation to the condition it was in before. The 'forces that burst out lit vast insurrections in. here in the very society. Thr outburst comes because, maim to hoped. inents, institutions are not altered so as to ixitilirin to the progress of the age. The revolt cads in an' adjustment of the decrepancy, Who Shell judge of llie amount and duration of allowable military stmervis. lon after the. sirpprculon of a revolt t eel citizen Will doubtless Judge for himself, and will censure or applaud the Government according as it accepts or rejecte his judgment. But the judgment *of individual citizens goes for nothing In cues of this sort. The Government Must judge for itself, and its judgment must stand. By . over,caution .it may .pratract military rule beyond the poke of absolute necessity; but this is erring CM the side of prudence, " Lawyers 'Amy growl at this 'view of the taise; - but It is the Onlyinicticalview that can be taken. Legal niceties did not save the Union.. They were utterly powerlestlto deal - with the problem ash was presented. The 'Word put down the revolt;; and is • the only instrument which its sup on can he made per =anent. The ,sword has not yet corn. pleteTypenforreed its appropriate work It will be time to lay it aside when there is no use for it. - This use of force Ia constitutional, for that document pro. vide! for both army and navy, teat they maybe Imre/dinette when needed. As nothing could have been more ridich Irma than a lanryer standing on the Sale of Gettysburg endeavoring to demon. * strata to General Lea that he had no right to In arms against the Gov. ernment, so nothing is more unreason& hie than an attorney's argument to show that Conirresa has no right to continue the use or force tuitil satisfied that it is mfe, owing to a radical change in. the OpitiMns and purposes of the Eouthert lmtogie, to restore to them the privilege of aelitgoveinment. POO GOTOMATIONS the Emperors of litistria have striven to reduce Hungary to the position of a conquered province. I This, attempt, flagitious In Alton; ha° - produced a number of fierce insurrec• . tions, 'and his been a source of constant peril to the empire. The Hungarians • have constantly searched for opportunity to' reinetata. tie:motives in their former' ~... position, end have thought to dud it, in' , everyierlollll emharrassment of the mon .: ~ After tbe war vrith Prosaic last-sum mer, Austria was reduced to the - greatest lithuts, Beaten in the field, her terri. tory diminished, her ascendancy in Ger. • '-- many broken, her treasury empty, it "'seemed that nothing was wonting to complete her ruin but for the non•Cier. 'manic portions of _the Empire to renew their' straggle. for independence. The ;condition of Hungary was the chief menace. The new Prime Minister adopted the .bold and wise policy of restoring Hun. - . gait to • her ancient rights. In Turn- 1 once of this policy the Emperor of Ans. 1 iris WU recently, and with grand . and imposing ceremonks, crowned Eing of Huogery. The promise is given thaiall the. safeguards of the former liberties' , ahall be restored. , ' If ads promise shall be kept, the Eli-; icrors of Austria will have no farther serious difficulty to a • p rebend from their I . :Naga:ism subjects. Indeed, as hi for. _zrier ekes, Hungary may again prove theti,beit defence w n all other help Midi fall. - - - . ; • • There are men, claiming to be states ' men, who seek to make the Southern' . States ai formidable a Monaca to the i - Hai en as Hungary has halt to Attstria. Instead' Onion/ending 'amply security for the fatureothey want to 'reduce the Elates lately In revolt to a condition of I abject. vasialsge. Conscious .of the ! . , power of the , government, thoy do not see the danger of Wag it without wis dem and moderation. , Insisting, truly 1 • ,- ' etiOngb, that by rebellion those Mates --. forfeded their rights and became sutlect to the will of she conqueror, they fall to - - '>'hee that it doei not consist 'with the Idea of Popular institutions that vast teal.' ' titles and millitme of inhabitants shall he held eithcr permanently or for (valid . arable periods nodal military mile, or tnder - disiddlitleo of any;.sort; They. I Who hive considered ' the motottoo. to ..:: which; ill nations; aq . !nosed. nt!dir; . ' .f..iitti/OitithOitt whi.. are on the of ,-- thetivAisel;o44 may be at the bettor ,~~~, OM of it to-morrow, and the measures la the dash of power they enforce antiort others may in turn be had on them or theidescendanta miterial.feterests of the United Statei require that the* gaps opened by the war shall be closed without mute unitary delay. The politicaltuacertitude that hangs over the South anises many branches eldtheiness to languish. The depression will be likely to last until the relations 'of the seceding States to the Union shall be finally determined. This is not a matter that touches those States alone. One member of the body cannot auger without. all feeling the injury. Yl'ith gee indtustrisl activities of the South restortal,the comparatineporerty in. dosed by the war replaced by fresh pros. periti, all parts of the country will lie ben. edited: - Interchange of mutually benefi cial commerchd transactions will go far towards restoring genuine amity and creating bonds otaympathy that shall so bind together the two alienated - sections of the Union as to make of the twaln one happy and prosperous nation. FARM, GARDEN AID HOUSEHOLD. GRAPE CULTURE IRAMERICA Enrrons Gancyvv.—Mach has' been said and wetter Open this important • subject, troth in Europe and America. Bet I do not . Rimini that out of all the reasons set forth to elneadate.thematter, the most important has been touched. I mean the preparation of the tfotind. - In France; for instance, the grape raiser applies himself to render the soil fit for receiving the young plants, in doing first what an intelligent husbandman does when he intends to raise a crop; A year before the planting he ploughs the ground, if it is possible to be ploughed, or, if the ground be hilly, he applies the hoe, trying to destroy as much weeds as he can, This is done in the fall. The next spring, when everything Is green And Fading, 'be digs deep ditches in a Vertical "line down the top of the hills, so leaving, a chance for rain to run. along the trenches. As a grape vine has perpendicular roots, it should be proper to give those branches as meet/Abell/ as the ground will allow. This work done, a compost, in which lime, brine dust, manure of any kind, enter lot a large part; if the soil is sandy and rocky, Is mixed-to the ground and thrown into the trenches; till they are filled up. , The ground remains in that eondllton-tlllthe pert fall. tVhen the trimming is over, he caret/11y commen ces the gist/ration of his young plants, - leaving-two...feel space between them. Ha speciall y prevents-the. grass from growing around the foot onto stock; for there is an herb very dangerous to the roots of young cuttings: We observed that fibres of some of the worst kind had made'tbeir way to the very roots of the vine, enveloping them as If they: had , enwrapped with them.. This, of course, deprives the tender tree of assuming a basis, and that is the reason why somany ' young grape plants die after transplan •tation. The grape raiser should then carefully prevent any weed from grow ing in the vicinity of the vine, especially when it is young. - • LAMBERT. • Timely seine for July, (remit' tan American agriennerist.t Howings.—lf grass lodges badly, cut It without reference to fitness. Tithothy is fittest when it is just out of bloom; Orchard grass and clover bloom at the same time, and should be cut when the latter. is iti (finest :flower. Cut all grasses before the reed wtll Adl after curing. 'The best time to manure grass yt Just alter mowing; the beet manure, doe muck compost with - a Modicum of ashes, bone duet and plaster. Spread with a shovel from the cart, and go over the land with an itym toothed horse rake,. to spread and knock the lumps to pieces, and work them into the sward. Grain Sarresting.—Bariey should be— come nearly ripe- before it is cut, and it ought to be bound and shocked the same day, and protected from dews and rains as much as possible. Thus the brightest ' and most marketable grain is obtained. Oats ripen so unevenly that it is often nest to cut them while many are hardly out of the milk, to uve those that are getting too ripe. The best time ra when the kernel la in the dough statt What islost by -early • cutting, In the grain, Is gained In the straw. Wheat ought to get nearly ripe,• according to the latest docuine,lTo give the greatest weight of grain and the best quality. The happy medium between suffint ripeness and liability to. shell out Is e the point to be sought tc determining when to cut. The older, anchperhaps eater theory, favored cutting while the grain was In the dough. Rahn all preparations early, engage ex tra hands to be ready to cm, and harvest at the right time; have sharp and good tools. Ilay and Grain Caps.—The cheapness of fabrics will now permit the economi c:alum of caps for hay cocks * and shocks of grain. Four feet square is a good tize;and loops for pins at the cor••ers are the best fastening. Oaut using sometimes pays the cost. S:htep are distressed by the mul•llythis month and next, and should be protect ed by tarring their growl. Daub the tar on their noses, extending up, where they will not rob It of in feeding: The Hy lays eggs ut the nostrils, Which hatch, end, the worms ascending, cause the "grub In the head." . , HogL—Provide twine with roomy pegs, to work over all the litter and weeds that tan be gathered, besides sods, ma i : etc: The amount' of excellent man re made Is enormous. Treerk—Stder none to go to seed, is bilinriffittert, but very hard to carry out. Still, the nearer we live up to this .olunction, the easier will it be to carry it out, year after year. Many weeds, pulled or cat Up in blossom, will ripen seed while dying, but few,. th e seeds of which are hot fullymatute, will survive the hog pen; In rota or seed, It Is never too talc to pull dodks in the moisten. Carted& thistles, cut a few times below the surface, will disappear. Carrots are biennial, and, perhaps, In a few cases, will live a third year, If they cannot blossom the second; and we have strong faith, though not positive assurance, that the seeds will not germinate after the third year. So, two years' cultivation willalmost clean them out. Young Grape Vints.—The great trop• his with inexperienced cultivators Is, tint they will . allow a young vibe to have its own way. It is the Inexorable law, tliata vine cannot yield both fruit and wood. If the vine is grown for present satisfiable only, then let it fruit if it will, but if future crops are regarded, then remove all the fruit that acts the first year after planting, and pinch the laterals to get a good wood growth. CaWgea.—bet out cabbages' on land left vacant by early potatoes and pew, or on fallow ground well Worked; timed and dented. Keep well hoed. !Bolling Oropc—COrn, sorghum, peas and oats, etc., may be sowed, Tor soiling, any time this month. • Butter.—lf the feed is good, the butter may be equal to thin made last month, nrovided the dairy Is cool, or; rather, of the right temperature, which la about 58 to do degrees Fahrenheit. If the pea tares are Wort and dry, • feed green fod der freely—corn, sorghum, etc. It may, busecessary to incresse the soil In the ter a little la the hottest weather. • , Dilehtny.—Times of unusual, or even of usual, summer dryness, may mien be most profitably employed in ditchin and draining swamps, cutting tha bogs, and drying and burning the same. Buckwheat. . This-crop occupies a position in our farming width it would bo very dif ficult to Supply: Common millet is In some respects very much like It, especially as it may bo sown in July, and a crop of bay or grain hardested, and' s it also does well upon sandy soils. Buckwheat Is a plant which makes the most of few privileges—a sort of self made crop. If it has to struggle !soder. sully, it does well. But if it has all its needs repotted, and especially If on freshly manned land, it ill very likely to fail. ltdoes sot bear fermenting manure well at all, as It runs to tope and the seed blasts. It affores one of the most valuable green manure crops to be used on light leach, lands, for with 100 to 150 prude of good guano, or 8 to 6 cwt. of Woodson. a hairy crop of manure may be produced on almost any soil. When sowed for the grain, It is not advisable to sow.too earlu the first flowers are apt to blight In hot, dry weather. In cool weather, reasonably moist, the grain dire best, but frost is fatal. It is usual, in order to avoid extremes, to sow frottt the 6th to the 211,11 of July, according to latitude: The last of the month being I preferred, where frosts hold off well. It is sown on sod Without manure, at .the rate of a bushed to a bushel and4-ball to the acre. it L best to prepare the land well by -plowing some weeks, before. hand, and harrowing to get a Uniform surface,' -.We have no idea how long the plant will continue to grow and blossom If froaut:bold off.' It is customary to cut, and cure in small, Isolated gavels, as tom aa the grit seeds are ripe, before they will shell oat in handling, The straw Is u Rood sheep fodder as need be and the grain nutrition/ and fattening. BERT SUGAR—Recent Illinois news papers speak with confidence of the re sults of the efforts making in that State to manufacture sugar from beets after the plan adopted in France a few years a.. 0, and since_ prosecuted with much success. , The subject IS again brought up prominently by the consignment of 'about thirty thousand pounds of sucar to Chicago from the manufacturing es tabldthment at Chatsworth. This sugar, is said to have been made in 3larch, and Is a tart of the product of last lesson's business, the beets having been preserv ed in pits through the winter. -Experi ence seems to be conclusive in regard to the good saccharine properties of beets i grown in this country as yen:Tared with i those of France. Tan Ilonan_--Examine the trunk of every fruit tree jhat below the surface of the ground for. the borer. This can be done on a wet filly, when the soil is too moist to be worked. The borer Is mak ing fearful havoc,' in almost every sec tion of the corintry, among the append peach trees; and there is no other way to save fruit trees .than to examine them often, and cut out the aggremrs with a gouge or a knife. There is little, if any efficacy In the numerous nostrums that • ate recommended for repelling the borer. An active man or boy, or a female term. Er, can examine an orchard and destroy all the borers, in this summary resumer, m leen time than one w- ' ' bo required to apply somethian'•" prevent the ravages of the ' killing the trees. SELF Font new mode of getting wt 'tscovercd at Charleston, bunk:. The whole pouf lying a ph ce of gas-pipe at If in diame ter, down int vith a baud mallet; tho wa ter a common cistern pump is applied 1 and worked. At first mad and miter are lifted up, then lees sand, until finally beautiful clear water .flows. rt is used lior all purposes. Aroug Broad street ahoy are so common as to be.used, with hose pipe attached, for watering the street; and are pt - erred to the water cart amingetrienL The expense of put ting down the pipe, the pump, and the platform is only about ten or twelve dcd. 1 'lars-for a well of eight feet. Every house and cabin should have one. Any peraen can Make that. ' LI Niagara couuty, Wetitern New York, the army worm is committing dreadful ravages among the orchards. Ih places, the Whole population turn out to do battle to save their fruit and gar dens. Ttuiworma attack a tree in such' numbers est° cover the leaves and fruit, which they utterly destroy. If the trunk of a tree - 13'.covered with tarred paper ihoY cannot ascend it, end they start for another orchard. It is doubtful whether tills is the real army worm of the South, but it is probably the caterpillar of 'New England. If it is the army worm its progress can be stopped by plowing hit'. rows and then digging ditches eight' inches deep, with straight skies. Into this they will crawl, and only with great dralculty can they got out; then strew straw over them, set it on are, and their day is done. . •DisTRECTION or IVEEVIL AND °Tina Neiscrs.-1u Belggim sulphas gas liaa bees found the moot effectual remedy for destroying the weevil and alucite Infest ing cereals. Since lha the derreda, tiona or these insects irr-toot country have been alarming, and 'the BCDUrEe threatens to become even greater In the future. The mode of destroying these yarn• sites as noticed by 2.1_ Gaud, Agricultural Engineer, of Be!gium, is to deposit tbe grain in barrele smoked witt burning sulphur. Coarse thread's are &siva through melted brimstone and these are burned in the barrel. Tbo grain is then thrown *among the fumes slid kept there under cover for fifteen minutes, when the operation is complete. CURE PON Lice ON CATTLE—Inane Schanber, Saratoga county, N. Y., says,: "A. fete applications of good cider vine gar along the back bone, on the hood, and other places where 'the lice gather, will soon flniab Ahem." It will give them a check, which cleanliness and good keeping will make more or lees per manent. It td, however, a safe and con venient application. • SILT .I.,ND ASEICIP FOIL HOZIM:S.—A. correspondent of the Prairie Farmer says he never knew a horse to hare the colic, bets, or worm's, nor become a "cribber," when a box or salt and ashes was ever in reachof his stall. • A Goon cunc.—Pay a band if be is a poor baud, {all yuu promise him; it be in a good band pay hlm a little more; it will encourage him to do better.. WASTEFCt..—Tho Ito Mon Poll sa y s Vero•out farmers wiete manure enough every year to pay for the breadstuff; that the butte Bete from 'the Wiait. .PIIDE OLD crrAno DIRANDY. FUJI MIWIC/N•L PultetMElL tat am Leta day in receipt at afty of pare Old anent Brandy. (mut...too pram. erttal, dad. 1l ant seta rt.er, to thy to the atty. No lam ly sbomd to without thi y entre et QM tetsao id the I au'. Teo.e vlst toe pare Ile 40141[4l lend par. pores, mould mll and clam.. my et-rat Wore perdu stag eleewhe, .1 am e:rueal, at of aell • fee bat./ aft! le. .t 10*ei retie; Mao aloe. ',harsh the ally. JOSEPH FIXBITNCi'S Drug and Patent liedioine Depo No, It& MAILIirT VITECIET. =IM pm= ITCH. TETTEII, ALL BHLS ULni6rVa. Salt Rheum, Weald fiend. Snap/lane. 'BWAYNE'B _OINTMENT.' *lntroit etsztgates 1.1.110 i 1091.4.0026 cum. • Swop's.ls .All-floating Olntmont "Ciu es Itch In trout to P;lta t :Strpla in! 1 "7 . Bala try II'CLARHAN IIIISENA, Bel Market atm*. UtO. A. ItZIALY. 37 Wood s.. JOT , . VLEMINN, MI Market Agate. A. TOI, IeNC/L. one. 01. and Market .t... Pillsbury/1: BANS A DEIIIVIT. Allegheny. lealallerres • BEAU nipAsux t iTHENVIIIEN nix or.rsxmcs When a fratelsoo • PPeekead. Llt ittoek Rom as Onside el max, ' , ghat sloes It do? It Beni:MTh. noon The homee sestet% at tale Peeled Of the rear. It belesr scrod by Morbid batman. The atmosphere le fall 'of them. Leery change of weather lay, Ms epee to their attacks. *hat Is to be done In older. to bittle these esteem, Mat ever settee, roma,. enteXOTBISITII•DirANCJM. Do yon ask boat Ilia shiner Is aleeu'o—the means Within Ma reach at all: lielatorce the vital erases lad the sere.. ayetem alto 1103 TE ITER1:1111TY/hltd. Tone the stomach. reaulite the bowel. rouse the shishistilteer, chew . theaolrits. en lob and peril) the vital 'current with sit SMUTTED It DiTTEhlf. That.* the WIT to Ifllit/riT.N . Ton UserACES, andreuder the capital of health leiprevuoie. Jr you wish to ellahe Moat totereAtuset fever, todigesitotie mid nervous VlSltathenr—to scily in al/ tato. the h ♦erini of sound mind in a shoe , body... use this liinesepstabln preteaUre and restorative. It peeanr”. bealoh is the Orall.y. and ream/ It Is the weak and althey. PINCH CILIVADENSIS. A. tree witted, le abeedeat to Clenads, Noon deolle, and the more northern torte or the. New lenstand Mete/. and is also found In the elevated And menotoinota regions of the Middle dt ~,,, sad shone& le medicine/ Mmes. Ur. evretr, of soema n 4 oreo•re , • no rilii•• from th e LA~most Inside here o mple,- trre. enhoo ta. PINS , MURK/Ma% meleh Mile'l4l.o Tali. in El de nilitstad 11141.110 f ns, 11 sele like • einem In MI Mee.. of amerms eirminmorm ...WWI Mums to their eel lobe end ceeray. M. will Re found Well adapted to all throw ti/.rues. when Beetle has eeee tiled end failed. It Is Illimmso well oohed to ehreele ootetm. wad lelollibleomelet for 011 nail debt nested test( autumn. Many Dery mm leo at Ilrej=lt4 bie ol raw (dosen, odd di%ur147.7 care. ertlUe of the tdedder eed tides/ of i' =rell . souteretat Ilea been looked avow as moon, the Ines tables.l« Immedlamo7 relieved 07 it. Notice the oelliacelo Of 414 pa tithed mom utile tioCKIOON aro. - Tbe v. ouven.thol,..r..,l"g of gm Me. `'lt Is erermabed iu leueorrhine. it pmeacsm or ' the bowel.. le :glee etrAiel alrlgtl7. end le earloos foßns of rd, /I le ere bloodyßlr ro'4 ;tg'ent'4l7Mr. 1.", 1 7.1 e moilmont it Can tette elchnit Mtarie w irtl i eg one's emu! 6 , oelltitalet end instead of Mainl ine. tiroleues • bremr e, Molter po.er of etido- Au niorhariV;l:Aliten!litz i riatat Or it MOM!,edWine More, MO NS - nod street. sebl NEW AD valiflliiii-ENTS. WM. BINGHAM: A n Aaron. Ann...i op Oft. lIAA eirest, is 42,10W/wow Agent to oosoo. Adaertnomervo for Vie GABZITA. m o 0o,” ampughOut Vo Uroliod egates‘ Gar IbiKute. ROBINSON •• .lEles.73l.T.•erse. • • 8r0.711 TOITSTII STREJIMPIstsbunk ClOnVeri 7.3M0. free or charge. upon %yarn. Llano moat o ne.. Tile,' hare connautly on nand an rat.- scowrom La d uaproo.ron Wirmulft mililitallto4l/londs Ineek.i,titar e Oust.. !,:irot. Son "ifirkhu.— ritt;.;tnr tneTati..t?i• ma im B ...... x•Irer•BB W.BBOBB.:* • Interco,. onowod on Time' opposing. j VEIT PUBLINEIED. Supplement to hitten's Digest. Uff co Ixi By PRSLEILIOIC 21BIOISTLY. 'doe fa. for .10 by KAT* oumrAsY. cs WOOIS urea. EMEI PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE TOES A'.ll/0111.4,Vi 34 lig rMriLtTIFICATIOY OF 2,11 E NOXIVATION or Hon. BENET W. WILLIAMS, EMBED SUPREME COURT OF PTINSYLVIBIL The Committee of Arranfe..Or for Ifvo , feettne..ppoleteo ty the Xchab , le. County ComVLa LV " " "r:erd";ro. II meetar tee *- . 7 SATURDAY, July 6th, 1867, =l3 The rolll,olwg Marmon Pomp.. tee C om _ =1 7. •' 11. COLLICD,Shirrs ' r:D • Va t E ('. . H l 6' ll entilsa l• benS. Dr. rulcu.l,lll. l TE Allephowy: s, 0 0.0c11.11,11.00 111,31. Santa. * Et, Mr• rr/LCIP. ltozney. St . !f. . P • l./IA 3I Lawneneetttle. It. 11. cA.III, wiles/Pou Piar. anurgb. weice W. C .I.lo.l[,lo%o.et e e. ee d. P.k j ,;164 1' .6 •1 11 . 1;74 (7.1z10 4 1, I , ll .l% n tt e .4neutt township. rp . .01-I • GE YlbHrn . t etweeetp. ViITI IIO'N dr., 3I ;,S4 ` .A Ca t. JUHR WAo ll : l .4l , OnCe,iitC. 1 ' 4 13 31 p"ion.l kt" h ' UA.A . I.I . W . spVII. s4lsCny .p. • u. 11. X. CM AIRY.. FRUIT JABS r FRUIT JAM: We are manutactutere of tle DALBEY & LYMAN . SELF-NLILING IRVIf JIBE, • • Also, .1 *RA YOU CORK,. and haunt a he.oi stock on band. are prepared to MI ad orders pr.. add call t attentfott of deal sr. and evasion. to these facts. -- - SYN. MoCULLY & CO., 00144, 14 end 20 Wood NI.. Plitsboroo. P. P.—. /ur IrALAvy JAN. f t cheap]nc r, almond 7 sod rellrAnll,7. surpara s Others In Ulna/m[7,7. - • 111-rd, ST. CLAIR BILLIARD 1100,v9m. A PLEASANT PLACE TO SPEND AN COVE. The large and eolornodloos - roome on the loatbrelt Caner at SL Citir and Likes Sir, blare been nenly lilted op for First Class Billiard Booms. tretrildnfr fe now, e'enu and neat, and 1112. der tie 15,-ritneodeocy of 31 . 'ItIA •N U. II y t,'lL:!'?;?"`"e"tit:`l"l,%•`VZ:,""'" .4•lness. ! a end try our es. w . J. MYERS, =1 Having sold his Interest to W. U. WILT, on April IsLibb7. retires from the Ann. and Mr. WILT elvers ss A names from thatdti•. !be ;lament the firm Intl remain MI usual, mul eon. %Into:Ion at their old sigma. IV.. 43 REITIEFIELDSTBELT Jittog' STATE OF PENNISV LV.4‘14.. • Ar.... 1.1, OUSlT.Orptirpe C 113 • o (Jr C al, r.sc No. .1 on. To rin, IW. to tile am..? Cr lb. bons accomot of Ju slab Alva. autr.loor: k n.cawr of th• +tale •I Atria d.r•cot ,lato of the Cat Y of rittaburgb. T., the and- Left Itrpretentallrea of Alerxedpr t1en.114.. dee. aredl—lne and ..arb TOO *VI tale mode* snat Jost an Klee. ant , tr , nr tzecuter, tine etr , l bl. Ina. prawn.. 0, exteu.o to 1 • 501 .morello ' duly I. maid extent r, and 15.1 I t alwe ' brr vrtia eo t . rbafrirod horn 11. .... , n Int II et Salop.. day.r Au‘Ort., unleaa eacnie toe ',bone to the' I contrary., A. lIILAXIDA, Alert: PlirnriOn..late :Vb. lit. J.Z, ST. LAUNCH HOTEL tON THE =toe ZAN PLAN. N. E. Cor. Penn & Ca4al &to., I= JAMB JOHNSON, Proprietor. . This hone hat hen thOressely stetted sod W, latonsed throe:host, nail is Low open he psbile. `VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Three Brick Dwelling Douses, ON PLJ , SITINNIL ►VENUE. Neat Nese tuart: , :.ota 34 we PI. WIII.be .040 UD rea/Nmable tcrm.. ♦Doly 'maxi* W/111101. Brotan and Beal gnus As .S.. = LMSEI ORO VE.ItE.OPENED flu .141 caa.n .oa toopunkr Oro.. ann m. 4.4..44 ...A.. to nut ut144.. It Lem lorated Juts. the UAn L•lt, RAILWAY OTATIIN, 111 be r•-apeaed lathe peolle t wlllta ere - plat form. sad ererylletne maple. far rime r.r. Um. en THE 4TH OF JULY, exttlttlre itrloads adJottllort Mato') ttu WA -lotto 101:1111.14 'OM .uutti 00 VI. As Ale , t Ms to flue Ito. Chart. 7ta pArtle , l .1, it gain, at Me OsELA RAILWAY 'STATION. Os s.c. COAL! COAL! SEALED PROPCDIALIII • FOB T- ErY TUolleAlitt 11 1 / 1 4HZ411 OF NUS AND LIOAP COAL. to be aeltereeo la the pad of the o.se of Waage. Coal to be tablet% to oetstol and cat Into the bloc itaelas duly and .. riopouls to be left at the OOce of the tool tat•ea, a lOOIIru efrittitt, ea or berate July 11th. at twos. 87 ord.r of the purr PIM IN THE ORPRANN COURT OF ALL/WISEST CdONTIf..- No. tele. Term, +W. la the [state of ZACREIIS PATTERSON, de ceased. The and...allied. 'eppedoted Auditor by the Coors to dtataltiate the itiods In the used* °cab e Adotintetrelor of the above a etsta, to bed in:ford thecradt ors, wilt Mind for that Denote at Lie Ohre, pt.. sr 4... a lariat I. Oft Wednesday. July 1114 zany et: o'eloel,..r.u:, wart, wid abed of tat evened mar • Iktfonta. u. =elms:new, fa. *mow, Ezz=o GET THE BEST. JVLT IST..ISa7 NUR imam. lOU DELIVERY. THE MERCIAMME AGENOY REFERENCE BOOK, VOLUKIC 94. R. G. DUN & CD., Cot. /01111111 . 4. WOoD .PITIMEIVUG N.B.BIDDLE Ss - JIRO., --- Prglical Plumbers, GAS AND STEAM A'ITTERS, SIAM Sl3lll, kt, 'mall led Child, 111•211 WAILL), ALLICGIIZN Y. • Bros on band Ch.:oolm, Pendent,. 1 3 rOrlo. <,• awl NI kola Or Una Uri..., LOW P:po. e n ,;•Fo!r n tlotTo! You. an role Ono+ liyaroollo User, Varian., Drain Moo tor thAr..fr. All Work warr.a,.., t- SIGN--ENGINE IN THE WINDOW. FIRST ARRIVAL OF 'RSV CROP JIPII PZR , ISIII? BANDA • _r0 , 1•7 nti •1,51. IA V. . 7.3 rTr,..ty A n..• mix,,,,, .•• 4.-24 .1.. per vent. rend A--:iil ... :.i . .. r. 2. ' 13111. 140c1•04e. , lAA on hand ' TTU.E L T ruanPuLCrVN .tCu tn•utte d a • h S p lt o uad r u of t+e I.stux sr-c at Ouvetr.m. nt Tax, p.a e f tthwltb. It nu: drown, will !sear In. are.r trom itt =EntißEß=l:l The s , lerstgn.l, At. Corrrniitt e. re topertrnl'y report tn. Lace bare •.2,01.....0 ,a.an-en • tra,ttt It, the S. nt eet•linr lase et I lia% as bare also ex. 1015. • 0,6e13 0 , bt• .mult. et, letter nt an 4 i t Kt•tft, Certtrica.e. of .501 btu.. 1011.• bee• 5i.!,,,• lot rtale. *ote a' per c,r.t. • on., I 4,0 I era • trete. Atli Cl•let 00 used. •u 4 Cad ths same to to, e,roct. 504 to evtralpood 5,140 UP. ••14 Ucport. 0. lIACZOVVV, /SA. • C 11, II LIEU.. Pll , lnryou. J 11 Ita'3i.n""a (jaws mumuousz. RIMED BREED & CO., IM "' F• GIRT2IFiB, No. 100 Wood Street. 111EIDJI: Lz "tAiml.'4.ll‘.°,l • CHINA TUILETtIGTq 11 1Z KL AN WA I ' lOll t tC ofaree7 deo/I,lasLaV a ven, U es% aa - 33. LAVA • KNUL I eat 1511),. E. WARE of all Tarletle., lc .31Nreno ea•Le and roall emle. th lllegrsat i ted,molf.cgtasleta .I.Dek evcry Prfces msd flAtma a l aMo IS ID tilt - iastrrs• cid". • WHOLESALF, DUI' GOODS. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON& CO„ No:115 Wood Btroot, LIM P..topentd • luza try stock of ...oast:. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Wblttt tbpy Otre? at IiAt..TET Ist /tar cu•ut. •pontut up weak: cait •L No. 118 VWTacad. Btzoot. C. )11.1.111N0T.M.T. ERAYAUN•J.O. , I.IIIXNE ox- TO HOUSE BOLLDI4IIS • AND CONTRACTORS. TLS larqestutortaeot of G4ATES, all Sizes; Cooking Bangles &Slues, Of the TIME DEBT QUALITY, for .ale at PERT LOW. pit ICES. B!' BISSELL & CO., la"' be • • Yo. 23 3. 1.12E2TV 2T. JOHN SWEENEY Will Open, on the let ofJuli t a First Class Dining Room, At 43 Washington St CHOICE ALE AND FINE CIGARS j,Th, , ,7 W , 31 be nand at tie Counttr IMPORTANT NOTICE. TO 0W206113 or HORSES. • WEsi , beg. to 1nf0re1 ,, h17 . 11. 0 17 . d: 1 , 1 , 1 "rire l ;V:.‘lt ed h,e l4*,:grlo tI AKA Ire Ol tee taar . e'la and alropruvly goped,- £ mpsterate N, Pre enema Lora., ni :nfvett - us dts.aeau POI iadapted, butchery averitlpa Raid them at ha overte , a atdhla. era PAIT a eta bra ted 11.1JHE dia ry %tither. aa mad be ell the Peturtrist Ved* yo4pßea IrD p a chu r l ; heir t it laightund eduutr)ea,.. promptly a ttend ildmeatad. the adders., dt • Ch•r!i, Ptah ,ea. THINE, &MIMI'. ODPuelte Cl. Caul.. le7-ahe CHEAPEST PASSAGE TO THE OLD 'COUNTRY.j; ,A . 3 47 . 1P , to LIVERPOOL & QUEENS. TWENTY-TWO DOLLARS, CURRENCY. MEM WM. BINGHAM. JR., •davi rrproas Co., Ol Vllll. 51.. NU tbu,gll FOR DALE—That DESIRABLE 11011E0 and Lot at 62 Sixth 'St" Between Smithfield l.ue Sieet etreet • contain 41ilere tte ' i l l 7 7.A " ? d h ' ;' 2 Iww stoty Ormeo , u NIT. •it • • tie Demise imeltmeire at leAnde .TFIE PREMISES: PouILENT. , TNardi iiuse 'trat B4, Betweaa Woos sad Nalkettits. Zmoura'at ME _l2 - • • • N P/CCI) P41,111111V. the •••• Pat.( thr IMO. Put rector vi tram /305ta...0il ta...oil far Stir by toe th • Flabby bra. Call etuta of JOELN A. EZNAHAW, z;a==f;z! SURARN7 MUGAu.' .tivG Anis: ty JOO Ohl. A and l{ ••• tat' tle • ••• •. • Crubbea, Puved W Aulgirsnulttydt insit!Aattiell AAA tOr ime by altl an! a uvei, Jyt • • us. tra•ml IS d f rEflllEsmEE *Lilt bbls. Yrs Payntly . 4... 4. LA Amy. bY bY 113A/Ali DLEY (AA DAY. :1 JITLY 1, 1$ DRY GOODS! Wholesale and Retail, at SEXPLE'S, No. ISO t. IS2 Federal St., I= Black finks. Fine Limivree Plain and Printed Percales; Plain and Printed Mar:eines Cheeks and Tickings; Cott onad es & Farmers' Linen; rill° and Ifeavy Flanneh;.ll Bleached & Brown Shirtlop; Corsets and Iloop Skirts; , loggnito ;Vetting; Hosiery and Notions; AT LOWEST NET PRICES, AT WTI. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., ,iLLEGnE.rr CITY. ;,'''rOrders promptly filled solluso .'noxual suax.e. BURKE & BARNES, Fire Proof Salaniatider Safe, • VAULT D3Ol, STEIL MED IFEULIIPSOOY IRON WINDOW SHUTTER MANUFACTURERS, 1296;.131 Third Ht., . William Wood and Smithfield, STSBUIL6II, I 2 &the fololoodditbootrorotrooortiStlOO or 0 . 6 Or! P.. , qualttles of our saes ero Of & J. 1,°1:4X0. Toutrityro, Vide, Jona 17,11,15 T. ' Yarn. /Ark*. Fore, TWA... 44 Pm. We ship TM to-d.y. by . rail road, a tare of Your make, for a few retain. The rare went throlliti the &trusts.. ire that oc curred herd on the lib or Marcie last. twirlitit oorstore ar°llrareltoute. arid ire are 11.0 tote. top you that the impure taken out of the tee after the Ere erre lint 0 5111100. le the lee.. 'We did not suppole any late, rituality. =tat sire, cold posality stood such a Ire, and whet Co dlr...trod Ite partnall sale and sou ed. we Writ ihtrreatirtlaappalliud. .Ve Will tiro nu art Onitr fora large Ore care when WC jet Into Our new atom Truly Toe., j°'....:411. & LaKAR D. U . R. ECTEILNAL BEIVENCE, 23d DISTRICT Collector's Notice. • Orrice rollmop 01•1;11 . iCTaI . AL s ra t 1"'" / 1 1 . . ' N ' Vt:tt . late :Attu intr. Nettle It betel!Wen that the •nneal Liata or OVECI aL teraterly tanned Lie Ceti 1011 n. Tat., ottt.ttaleletl. OAR. tr Ah MILVY.R Arci. are new 11 111. °lnce. ate re payment will be received ttoraon V Me t'atle• b tr. on • liana , 1.0 let •as .1131.0. ta , :. Tim tebe• bailee Nicene due. ann.lbe .be on day or Ja y. IC. otherwise ettddroual vaned, will be Ineurrco by um 1,, • iirriva; Mu,0. 1 .. Depute Chitlector tor tha C.lll.tV of arrastroan. tad EDWIN LYON. K -It . trchelyra,i.ctor f r toe County of Bore, a., ••• terse to receive, atter lb.. est pr they. ter she , / rerpective 'aunties. sod vt1:1 tor • its 3 detle r.I nv t hart and pilots wain aid where y alb to orepartil to V.eall a the Lazes co.l-etablr Sy the.. ascoetnada.e. , aiitlyere in the vicinity oV 1117 cairn will .1411 ware olae.a 10 ree.irtt tile faze, ll= M •ucll s. eloct p. m., of Asia dm., .1t:" f • Ik.otsmon. Tuns Day, 101 4 .rure aIS Bole, 6VDV . tore • ft‘7..a 2,2/EpLAT, July PIMP, at E , • AI 0ak...0w...an ItilDly. July 1 1 1th. at Whoa'. /Joie . Cartericy., ae,atabla oat/ ta Braenbt cat 01 Natlaaal JOUR XL NiLLIININ, Couscron. ITEM GENTLEMEN'S - FORMS MG GOODS, No. 72 Flt/h2treet, biZAILLY OPMPAIIT TEM POST OF7IOB. The unnt, ext.:sat...flat), the lawn novel tles, Ws largest Ind.:me:l4 west of 2ialor Perfect Flu:ng French Yoke Bhlrtai MADE. TO OUDZB. PUTNAM & HOUSE, =1 3il7lllDOrE a PETNIIIIL REMOVAL. J. LOVOSiLY sz:==2 LOUGHRBY & FREW, Hare removed to No, 31 Illarket St., (coaNze tlr diCION D,l rrrrsßunuti. ntedhey Are rr,Dwd.to mash.thelnre . Saddles, Harness, Trunks, And 0 amen to their line osnally 6111 , to tlist-equos oplabllfthmeole. • . SHEPHARD'S cwicimnE; 317 Liberty Sireet, m. .PITTSBMIGH, PA. C. -40..AIOL.Gr3EICZP. DEALER IN Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, E5 . F1CA173311 , 1 1217.4%,..Va116 French Clocks dgroc • 22er.1.1 use 2Vou even w the 01 RINE WATCULI. .Irb. 22 Flab Street. Mgr, PROF. N. P. D yrs% Y. VETERINARY SURGEON AND HORSE TRAINER, ' , bank.) for the patina see heretofore receive. , r•eceturril'y au... on ..us that he can c clod an 1106. - 12 AL nTAIIL • at the e.ntr o f LI wily TlLAlNolonltihanit r.1 . 1114:4119f a Vo ' nlZ cer " hette ' e . r.7- r1nri,..1 . 4.7,?: ' former ,11.4. Epedlia_aStop , ou v•tt to- buy• re!..;tTl ' ftit "l ll l .r..3MMltio.DS: l O o k ' d , IT , I 1 t.ro„1; lie.ion• In Col 10. •o ulth•clutdie• or Hen. Iron. en,. by , tier/o.oon, to It. Int . oldne rear .i ' a e lra ' al l b n ' t 17f u• 0; T. I.I.IENT S WZAIALNOZN..•.I7III. G. M'CANDLIeS GENERAL INSIIIINTE AGENCY SWEARINGEN & WCANOLESS, no. tit Fouirrn innonoirsh, Pa. se n ts for Western Penoqtraula of Continental Life insurance Co., INZI.ZEM! TIRE, LIVE BTOCK apE ilt deastiptinns of Insurance client sal reapoasitle Companies, at lonset_r•tes. • J.M1.73 rmt CITY_ COLLECTING AGENCY. lIXEMI .A. 11. tcwtor....a: O. 611Jaall SMITH, SEITON& SEITON Local Collecting Agents, Na. 8 1114: CLAII2 CTRtET , 2.5. !'Loos, = PIITSBUEOII N3 ' 3:!j 1:1? " ; gm d j Ut: 41:02.11Z° BUSINESS SUMS COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos, 8 and 8 at. Clair Street. Um • roovoloal Charter. - Haok.gorolng. P. 144240.04 401:1A214000104, time .. . ........ 440 00 ArtUnattlo and Poortawirtily wit gook, *ten& 410 00 easnotarldp, tot moutb... . . ... . Co For Otroolars Ot Opectroote, addtroo 11110116.6. or J. 7. Nocuaxoxin, a0.111W7 QUALIrrEKIA lIMON NATIONAL = ME=BZE U. Um. Ulgioilsup U. and uto .. • . Nem Itt' Ores Roo Nerepte ct•cop. Chem. Na•loo. Currency. ttrirbiTil LIAIittITIE3. Canlit! Stock robot Food toil Proa et Eg re..tun Dleldenda UntgatO Lau Banks and Ilankor. I.ILo to Depositor cent fy that the alwreEtatemeht Is correct I= I)= .FIFTEENTU =I FIItST NATIONAL BASK Or PI /215111;111,II aKsoc(acts Lo/ns 113 a Dlss^ents...... Valve Enetea rends Dee Inns Nasky aLd Staneers..... speeleand begod Tender Notes... Astin•As. Current/ Caen Items sneetennttanees.,.... Rest /nu. /Expense 11302=51 Captial AlocL' 00 111. indlTldual UOMILOTS • s l,g2r 3 ya 8... Kanto uld Itant.re one Treatnr. r lied !late. 1 N 144 ctreotia of • auo.ta 00 ContlisteUt Yunda and proms.—. =tad 4 7 6 Os I berehe eartior that the foresail!. is alma se tsa^t from tad quarterly Repeat to the. Vomp• [toast or the extiester. J. D. SCULL(, Cashier = QUAIITEBLY REPORT 51:CONLI NATIONAL BANK 07 P 1111(11-.6. LOS,. and Di BERM! RCM. - mas:. . WO 571 1: 1.703t0.1 State* 1100.72 300.070 00 Has from•banoo and lisoksts.. ..... :.00799 Steele sub /04111 I end, 0..70 311 cumpotteLd Isier.oot Notts tes 8,000 Nations) Curreoey - 5 760 00 Calted atAtts libuds ~1 1 5.22 IV. CO Cub Items sad Ittatittancts........ 4'42..1 •N t ttrac !VI at .'" ' • - 10, 10.700 S 7 OM 00 Zspes•es 2/14- Taxes 2 _al 13 LIABILITIES. Capital StackIABILITI. Hueltauken Circulatlun Cnpaidl Mend • onLlogard.lll44 s. *WI rrolSts.... Tutal. • thler4r:lrt;riTtAte above pon to S SA a true abstract from cv. the 1117,10) . Asalatabt Casaler. QUARTERLY BTATEZIENT THY CITIZZES9 Y.A.TIONAL BASIL Eirrsacmca. Jalri;l667 I=M3 arotn•nd 'Unman tad 91,999.4 , 3 011 U. S. anon to 110, re el rnt inUon..... 811,00)Vt et u. 0. to 71000 t l iV:l .r. renoer Not. Nation I Sank% tot, •' l6 00 4,990 10 nate Enna .. . ....... 04 td 10.511 ma. Corto.ey nit Con • ..... . s . 9,.71 1 ttaa...lttaosts and o nee Una Doan... 19.84 :0 11.0 110, Inn 011lergnMrtiiristi-Ca.... 11 1711 11 . az.. • !OZaps tows lien inn.. and Bond net atortagre. 1 x. 07 Dt Lunti,rnrs. *4%4°2 ‘4. Cannel Stock meat nuctnetlan.. .. S•eteovelatlon ucerci g tor• nue 11.. Ltd lateniks • I cartlff that Ma .bore Is a true abstract from thethe tlaartarly Hobart mode to Ina Ifooptroiler of 12 , orenC/• .149 m=lmml QUARTERLY. REPORT • ALLEOBEN't NATIONAL NANK, TlTTsulmon, Jalrlot. zar. =2 lint. and Bina Plaroonted 11633.1. II United nat. Bonds Depotited to So -600.0(0 Co Specie Cod 011 tel Lawful ..,Iforary • tooxj Circulating Not. aaks. atioaal B. Me to (grad lt ating Notes of Judo Hanks Sit: to tgwiti items. Cl eel. Ea • nas Ca Poe by Banff and Bank. ...... :7,48 .n Ural tstste LI., 6 St 2.xpeatera sag Tan "11 760 xi •—•--•••• $1 • 0116 013 13 EIZEMEM! Capital Monks 41F0.1F0 CO National (Mogi* 4.2LCou 00 titate Clrtulatata"" ntota CO Individual Deposita 39.1.013 ti 7 Itiirldends nupald 3,701 Ott Surplus Fund ant, 'Carvings... Dot to Banta and tlisaFeini ''''''' "3%0'7 5 17 I certify that madehore la a trn bs c o t r 7e sta m t , ela . eat to the Compirotler t' of Its! "' 11. V. MACKEY. Cashier. QUARTERLY STATEMENT ITECIIAN/CB' NATIONAL DANS Or PITT& DIIRGYT. INEZT2 MEMO! I..pns and D4 count. 11 1.k,1". "4 aotr 1. n. &Tarn]. Due by Banks and Bankers .. C.. V.11010 ( 0 ° Tanea and tealil=er limes 1.55 ani 03 o=ll MIME! capital Stock ' 4 6 . 1 .160 0) Hurons, Fun 1 •IA t ruing* niallunal Clreislatlon .6.112 11.3 State Circulation 446 He 00 . Via a CO I.PU:i 1111714111iT 141.53 11 1 11 vlarnilatipA l it 'k!" . 1. "'l ' 50 co) =MEI I Mitry that the above is a tree abstract from rr th r e ,i rliort made to the Comptroller or the Car. JUII. 31.&11.T1et. Cashier. QUARTERLY STATEMEAFT 120 N CITY NATIONAL MANX Or rrirs- ItUlailL Pt itsiunall.J.l7. l kt. 1567. AS3L7EL Leans and Discounts •U. ireurithro • " Dna Now Haut. and Hanker". LT! s p • o n u dit. el d i:x t I,e•gal ennt,••and Totteroltod Notes 01110 Cheeks of other Lank,.... ' o 0 01 L=M EIMEME! stspitel BtOek . Caronlntl., lestsonsl Yank P .0. MO OD nitlino /0 1 . 111+:11.• P.. Wats Ilant. Co Dividends Unpaid ...sponse ..S.. 5..21 I bullet nal /Isiesslts. I/no In Hank Sand Banters 514.101 m taralogs 4.46 es puns It 49.1,1,, , L*Araorris. MMI DARTERLY S'iATEMENT TBADE.9J=)i..S NATIO)ZAL BANIE. PIIT 6 DUE.OII,.JiIy Ist, M. Laramield Discounts, 111•...2 :3 UnIMI Malts Llftort • al 1, -Sa'reb(cr a Ettak , cm....:' ''''' ''''''" 4'C ' M ' YAW.. mud T.,.. -- ..' ',-... Com, ta., WACO 91 D Fru fr otareatorklitigm. • • it MS A' Due om Banta suAl Banters 1'.1r4 44 ' " • ' 41,001.7.01:1 /4".Btyrrtas. FCaplUaStock..a''l....... . ... in - Mallon I i larllepoaltoer• Burßlui Vuotl mitid sum 0 . 0 03 ~613 0> MN° 93 DEZIZEI Tlie - above .t . s' toment Is correct, to the beat of: kuow/e4r...4 GEORGE T. VAN DOREN. cza OEM it(Zia GE .OEAVEN, CANDY', M ANUFACTURER, . A F sl:4*cr In PAnlgn anaAnterkas / 1 / 1 71211, PICKL.I.S.IRITIIa . a.. 1151 TIMERAY. BTIIJ6/1 4 . agoonel door Lteln tba prat Waltham Bank; Allechany oLy. jets INDIA RIIIIREIR —BELTING. 'P.thsf: Bu. Wsinhale t rassaritr a ri . s a ege .k ) Mpal47 . sell asul Pt. OM? areal. 11:AT240r-1 ll'e:tv z..)Z 'i:M - a UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. 'Sr.. vow constr.e let Lltallrnad from OWAHA: ot, wet:ward towards the reel de Dee., meting. with Its connection, on eat, ken Ithe ACROSS THE CONTINENT The Company now oTtr a limited amount of melt FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, srlog thirty putts to run. and bearing annual rost. payable on the brat nay of January .4 , La the City of New York, at Inc rate of SIX PER ORNT. . GOLD, At Ninety Cents on the Dolan 110 rout wee comilleted from Omaha 'hl toilet ..n .‘ 0 0 VI! Ist of taa-rry, tar. And Is fatly ' W dened. and (W oo we tre,l-rif t- lee Company has now ou .oa .ndletent Iron. Lea. e t c.. to ettbh the roomful, g. portion te ...era • has. of the Cocit IioRR O..• 201 eat., eott It Under contract to he done Rot (ember ht yt Oh te a r, and tt tc eSpOOlO,l that 'be entire la, Wu, ore t. eaaatog order from • , 01(b. (0 it! it6 , 00 11.920 616.421 6.1 113:21133 The Contrand la also permitted mune Its ow. Met Mortgage Ponds to an *foal a.. daat, and at the lilne Time, which AT ATECI, ACT or 00000000 ART ,LASA n.STMAITG.Mr.oriITFIE Emile mgr, the to da of Metalled Mtn,. t aa . ins raitordinate to Meta; The tiovernmeut snakes a donation of rim acres of land to the mile. emoinatlog to Xt032,t0 acres estimated to be worth sM.oo:4olo..utekto, the tots' serourees. ezolossre of the eapttal, 418..CC0: hot the fell.vetue of the Medi cannot now be crellsed. . . JOLT Ist, mr. The avcc oriled ceplt•l Stock of the ComPallY Is o e hundred milliou dollars. of whim. nee millions have ahvady b,sn pald In. and of irbleh It Is not euvposed that more than mrenty.nve telllloeo et meet ►lll be required. 7lse cost of the rasp IS estlepatel LT competent entinieerivo be about one hundred million dot• tars. exclustveof equipment. • ♦ tiro In GA WO 0 snl %56'0 Z 1.015 40.4 IR ii.VO 10 S •7.1 IZEM Prospects for Business. The railroad connection between Omaha and :he East Is now complete, and the earnings of the Onion Paellas on the sections atireadr firdahe cst for the month of blay, were 10 15 ,7t , Thee. seethe:lei earelnas. as the road progresres, wilt anti ...than Day the interest on the Cowper.. nra hoods, and the through boa.nese oregthe only line of ea trend between the Atlantic and radar. must he immense. .Value and . Eleeniity of the Bonds. The Company resoecifhlie anbrult that Um above sts eincut of facts fully d monstrates the security or their Bonds. and as additional i,rooff 'hi Y would suggest that the Bonds' now offered are Iras then dare on $l7 relies of road, on which over In:laq a Minn dollars Moo already Men . receded; on 3.0 miles of W. road the ears are now running, and the remaining lay rules are nearly completed. =lll et the meent rata of prenaltna on sold these ands Pay an annual interest on the present cast of • • NEW CARPET STORE,. FRESH mum, OF CI M "X" IS NEW PATTERN IN . Tapestry Brussels, Body Brussels, 8-Ply and Tapestry Ingrains, A Full Line of Straw Matt:kin (. PLAIN, CHINNED AND FANCY. th ° l: r " : 21. " rt "" :121:: ==it ". t will do well to 6116 us • WI. BOVARD, HOSE & CO., • 41 FIFTH f/TRZET. oecoul ANTAnitlkvrT over Rates B Rail% JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, I CARPETS. Nine 'Per Cent., It Is he Ilevedttat oet the complelloti of the road. like the Government Benda, they wit, go above par. The Comps, y Intend to sell Kota Malted t mount at tee weever low rata, and raw tato the Haat to advance the prim at their • ootloh. • DMZ I 3C0.033 00 2.1 4 51, CU 03 MEE Subscriptions will be rocclycrl In dew yorN 111113 COMINISTIL 1111(11113131, !fa 7 Sam St. CCM, DODOS I; CO., laaktn, 51 Will Et. • JOEY J. CliTO k SCI, Bakers, 33 Wall St, • Aa bY &NEB ANY., RANKERS generally Theorgbour the United States, of about may Ind descriptive pamphlets mry be obtained. bey wits al so be lint by mail item The Compe re trdlos. No. m Norman street, New York. on epollentroo. Subscribers will select their own Pivots, In "Thom thee Nava Confidence: , who alone veil be restionsible to them tor The we delivery of Use bonds. • Balmierlptlein • received le Pittsburgh Or =CHANGE NATIONAL BANN. prizEss NATIONAL 'BANN. ONILUAN NATIONAL DANK. JAMES T. EWALT CO., Ilaglers B. LCL VAN & CO., Banters. ida.a.,:rTs a A' 14 10 51 111 101 74 LOUISVILLE TOBACCO. MEW JUST RECEIVED, I LADE 6T981 011 D BET BRAD 01 LOUISVILLE. NAVY QUARTERS AND TENS, inuol 6E OM& It linictrukr plug, R. & Al'. JEIThINSON, Excelsior Tobacco Works, \0.6 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, 12193=1 HERBST ORDINARY. DISING, iIJNCD; COFFER ED ICE CHER ROOMS, • ros LADIES AND OElrliEna, ' No. 64 Fouith St air to EIORNING 'LUNCHES meet:Wally. from 4 toll a. DINNEIt toned now it se bljo,cloer, d 4.71-43.0) for Melee, of . IV eeata /deal• blener. u rru.ut..et.nuon si,en ta the trpt t a o r oaL l at . tte d enfiggl ' Aa ' reTdlet gro ' i any of the handles of the Come; elbe, tq.th i e ittZet tLin i al:i . i "n i:Ttrl o tto o reTOr `''" WEDDING. ponD ASD spoirotvans Wise Ho. rltbiat wont:bent Of basket and YFences Cake li Create tad,. tterle i r, Medium. anitt , br i jfll:4 l" .a r lo o :L e t PnyfattroT, .t/tre: ,N7:l 4 t le A T 4li3 . ll ' Ll ' irli=l i ff;l:rte and pal. Ogle , Glasswared Table Lteetk toe b.. !Ma tt TEAS': TEAS! TEAS! OF ALL YRICZN AND QUALITY. AT mr.23:Etiar.yB. GREEN ?EA. 10.50 per goo Q. 1.40 0.4 • hood 1.41 1:W 11404 lILACIN TEAS—Oolongs.. Ren VI? DernlouL .• nova •• TEAM—Poerebens% 8041elooni coact 101Mgrneir. XS,FIne /age ?lord End. .. „ Oanro• * 1.40 JAPAN Uncolored J. very plrnmg WO , Japan. lowan ifyronacro /AO MIXED TEAS. T 4 24.3i4 . e l.l 41 i sq. r tom th e above.nv roir "br. an7Vl:ts! p o r4 l . l otlapani., veep .r...,.. t u twlx . i T‘lf,VT4'"roth. • pun sad NUN 0 4.10-1. iftden . e.socur rot Variatt. iuramo, 1:2 IN Yrjeral AllepbollT. • 4 9 7.1 4770 A a,.90 VI 79 1,7 54 MECO al 4.241 L LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP A hat been entered IMO. to cowmen. hero the torn 04LY GP JUNK. IEO7. and topcoat!me . Li JONG wont. MO, between YAM; KIGALI!, of the City of Pitts bench. and CHARLES LEA. GIG. 01 the My of 1%114484418...5tate of Pea. ertranla. the basliess to be that of dealing ha and the meting of Panama, Coat ar Male Oils. 'and the. Googol, In exhanelte ;Net of thY arida need In me rehateg pm.., either by see or further naholl-tore: to be eendneted In the name of EXIL SCR ILK, the Gmend Part,. ner, to the Cite of /Ittthergh. CHARLES LLGIVIEI tithe Special Pap tam. who ban cm. tethered thereto the mm of fifty Tw0...4 tMIL " ?C 94II . L EL II ? . I rI t ar " ta ' er. tattaburgl. Jute 10t11. Etta. ' • • -Before we, 8. I , 4ta , Lit/I.BOX, en nidernialk of the City or Ilitehurgh. County at .thea.onY. dealer of Pontokylventn. Pereetten7 'enp,;and nut, e3CLI sea made. animation [let CLLUILES LINNIO u hpenutt Partner untallanad In ce•h the note . of 050,000 to the Partnership Capital of which be. the geld =ILL WHALE, 10 the daunt Putaer. Pitteherlto: June Wt. "•' CCM • • _ 311881: -. YOUNGSON, 1110: XOO 'Wylie Street, Rosheetf o th olly Infoto4 all thooo who no waat &stelae of anlo• La hie 1.1•49 thou b. Dos *Moot • HOMY MD' COEFECTIONEET, At tbe abonmamba. rfte, Enfak • 04x va, lit. tVir 31 i r t"1-ison tithe- t a a d inlMlM u D lko 10. Met ltliNlgAlarand - Hen to raiAdro CLtos " • - WANTEL- AViiity a young Lad W of-experleam I A BITUATIOA IA A TIMM° STORE. - aeneed, P. IL, O.IST ltrracc. Jriarlf JULY rE :OLD COUPON*, And And Compound tnteresi Notts. /AIM T. BR *DTA COy Corns Poo nh arta Wood RU. CUM WAirrico--oniy R3O Ca eh it l ' ebtirVe. f : r ginfVegZ i rw MO Twos leave both the A it. llegheny Venal . Weitern veer . /ovate. teethe M11e..% Set on hat eay. free ter all. WANTFD--lllen In , Stalest: - Ap ,, T =Z, ot?r ndionai M0C.1,1 B. O. CUBBAN, • rre.ldwat Of 110 Illamond Wee, PlltsburA CON CARMTS. OIL CLOTHS. dEc' BABGALIS IN CARPET!, • ALT ALL-WOOL MG'S:LAU:NIS, iREDCCED 230. PER YARD. BRIJNSELS CA.RPBTS, REDUCED 2 . 50. PER YARD. flood IVltlte and Ned Merited CHINA MATTINGS, • REDUCED TO 3.545. PEA YAZD. HeaYy Redneiton is Lace curtains,/ .11. ad mew otter spode. McFABIA3O) . \ & COLLINS, Nos: 71 and 13, Fifth Ntlieet. Next to U.S. Custom Heise Sod Pon Ottloe, me mo rotor. over Henry llltteVe Boot state. JR13V1,1111: NOWT. HAVE REMOVED. I'CALLUH BROTHERS, mt ... 1 . 4 , 11 , 4r4117.:15m f, sled ant and mom. • No. 51 Fifth Street, A . MIIIV line at all new and dositabla patterns MEDALLION VELVETS. Velvets, Brussels, 741PESTil r BR Pa6ELB, A large end chola, assortment of Piano and Table Covere,,o 11001111 CODA 108110 MS OD le 'cosi asieszetem. • TIME PLY, AND TWG • Ingrains, And only sarlety of law priced Carpeting ' . .MoCALTITIe BROTHERS, OM SLIM= 11.treot. mb.lo :Yew rork. OLIVER, M'CLINTOCH & COMPANY, HAVE MIT OPENED For the Springtracie, Mal: 'Splendid Anortmeni or \ NEW CARPETS Oil Cloths, Shades, ae. Lttutlon is called to oar 14to stink or • USIODIED Mil AD DUO aim Glantat Devlin* in Priem DEE STRAW GOODS, FOR SUMMER:BALES ALL THE ItEW STYLE HATS, - YOE 4ALZ CHEAP, AT . McCORD &,CO.'S, D.tc. 181 Wood Mitineet: .3 114 TS EIA_TS I - - .orm MS; I= OM! 8 BYRNE, At No. 02 St. Clair Street, Have en* of the len: Den retail stocks of BATS, UN AND qßew GOODS la the city. MI oonstaittlf In teeelpt of all abet is new, soon as hot •c to • avemen '• ivotA aa ttootlon Rlten to ob •g, exeladrenr. • optima • HEM. FOU 'pay, Carson 81,, th Ward, near d. V.R.R. • lIANCIIACIMILIS OP Hammer Dies; Steel Moulds„ 144 Mill uS 'itthide Cosilso sturdily, JOBBING WON ➢romrdl attended to. Or. do o „ o li o n o d owl corofolly too aoltsbotortly aioctmed. - Jett CREIBBY SEEDER! , CHERRY SEEDER! . gear, family wing Cberrian arbetterfor Wm eatulnir or drying .hn4 hive one of theme watilabh ...thin , . It not son time alt Dino, b hitt more Yes_ nay for icaelf In seed. Log one Weitzel of enemies. The inaeldue is elhap, aimaolh durable and bandiiontal the hop- LI Pitin tbileetreUirdli="bkyi'. E=IM asa VILANCIU MAX% WIWICI.L.S. & B:FMANCIES, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Contriets taken fat Rhlldlesa. Prod.. reiry"gat riaZZatienioli:tf datonyth.... " Ui Nos ?.66 aid !,e4 edam St, Eltsbety 1:117. Pa Masi J. W. 114. 81 LI.IIESTY 118111Ern 18salefin alt klude of Candies, Cakes, Anis and Fruit& lapderligliteint, IttrAisitnit - . MICS sad yrne SUNDAY SUDOOL CULEBRA. I, TWAS. PIONICS.LINNE3 PAAnrA le.. •linatied ttl Lb the ben ' CZ "CM . tONYECTIO.4 e /11XL At the latent pricenull ' ln the allorr= l ., ari7Xgri:r PiaM ligalL ONO X /(0. I Je2nme ' • . • RASOLITTION OF PARTNER.. i . e ' a l g r a 7 . 7 ; llP— arl h rts: o 4; • bltr,la Gm 111 be t i tiltQ D7M'b•r ely j. CiEtolt4st T'erT LT` LLDZ". . :2•75 1b. a1k"."716 GOOD,NEWS. CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR TIMES Unalre lin WARD'S 8D;L1.% Tba Wait and boot. Tna •.11. Wo. on nary War. Nona.l.4o wy. Ilona .1.40 . a:maim ALT! MALT DIALT 1.000 RUSH. UROICE BAHIA"! MA .T. Iro, sale b 7 ' O,llOlllll*T I (1/01/tiET t I bm. hist mend ii.ewrauortoott et.!aus taatutar to Dna. trot. Si to Ca Ift nt; the IbMillllaCqvaelan la tM eJry. /or tau 47 JAMES DOWM, =EMI