a ME It: 1=21!! 1,103 RertlßLicur xoNitiTios. m ma el emu: tom SON, Ef. W Wu.tamicci, g, Allegheny o.u-RtA • TN* 'S•PECIAL• se.sioar of CON cxewe. , Congress will convene in specialise simeon-Wedneschiy next. Al is gener al& inde - fsiood, the 'immediate•reason for the useinbtiag of the Houses et this time the Interpretation pat open the Tteeoristrection Acts by the Attorney ' _ General, and the attempt by the Presi dent In give that interpretation the {bete oCliw "Thkeritivouelion-qeder fedi rig dim:unitarian, affords inconteatable • • proof that the Executive Deperlthent, • • under a . pretesse of cOnstrning the laws, • Is Ceally , Intent on' abrogating , them. - None Of the fienetora or Representative% • desireCts:lntd-stimmer meeting;" with' • • . perfect tinonimity they hoped to avoid it • Ben they knee-tihat they designed, and V. - blather actually expressed, when they (rained and passed the lawain question; and they now feel that the, President, falling to defeat the will of the represen tative tindies by the use of the veto pow iesolted arbitrarily to 'set the • laws aside, while merely claiming to ex pound them. inelleates . the immediate task to which Convent will address Itself. Its fret object will be, by a Supplementei . . Act, to veto the ereildet l and the Attor- ney General, and ins mariner that shell „.. constrain them, however reluctantly, to respect the will of the nation, as ell' / bodied in the lav;i. Care will, doubt .. le.s, .he taken to protect those district commanders whose seamier duty has led them to enforce the Reconstruction Acts in tbekr obvious meaning, and who have tbryeilly !alien under the displeasure of thtt•Priseident. An effort will most likely be made to I,(y new and harsher , conditions on the Southern - States and people. It seems to us übthing has transpired to warrant or excuse increased severity. In no prop. cr sense can the revolted States or their inhabitants be held answerable for the tamper and conduct of the President and his constitutional adviser% in. the matter that now ettrectsattention. While It cannot be denied that many Southern melt-would gladly' ave the laws intern atlas the Presitlent is pleased to under stanff them, rather than as Congress in tended, end which It Is palpable that menet:lf them have appealed to the Pyet , Idett to interpose with a high hand •to " • fraitrate the plain meaning of the laws, the great majority, including many of the moat foremost and influential, have exhibited on all occuudons a willingness to submit-to the prescribed conditions -- Thee, testimony is pretty uniform that, • riotlrithstanding some untoward indica . -; teens, which' demonstrate the wisdom of ' Congress sad show the necesslts of ad. • hMing to the existing laws, in the spirit in 'wh l / 4 b they were conceived, much Pi•otrees has been Made in the writ k of • .Iteconstruction, and that the conoomma ' time will transpire at an,early day if the Presider.t.,. shall he compelled to keep with) : a the line of his duty. no, um, it larva improbable the effort will be made to further the impeachment of. the president. Ile has certainly 'plitred into the hand* of those who lov,. hint not, and made It more apparent than - ever before that he is not a man fit to be trusted with large measures of an thority.. Bat he has not gone to the ex teems point at which he aimed in mak Ink the morement which aroused the • digestion of the natiou. - Instead of or. dering the military commanders to adore his Interpretation of the laws, be ha, storestatiort by simply requesting them -to perform particulat ems, which they feel to he in mintravention of the mean tag of Congress. It may be urged, and not williont pertinency, that ~'the re; quest of a king is equivalent to a corn mend." But for the attitude of the peo pie and 'the convocation of Congress, these presidential requests . would have the effect of positive orders. Sill, the President bas so far receded, as in the popular judgment—puttees in a techni cal muse likewise—not to have thrust himself into 'fisigrant and criminal an • unionise:l with Congress. Rig achitore meet has fallen shoreof his original par 'biome quarters, end those not alto geiher withoutittrinencettmon the course or afflire, it is urged that Con.' grey should revise orebrogate the Ne- , tionsl rdsoking Systeni, and even pro. ces!l so far as to remodel the whole Sean. cfal policy. The weak points of the 7danklug System are subjected to slash lug criticism, many of the Banks are de Oared to be insolvent, and a speedy crash is Oracularly predicted. That the Banks altogether the better of the Government' in the' bargain between theme's contracting part .a, hardly ad• =hoof debate. Every man °inflection I 'land judgment, Who has bestowed thought Upon BM- matter, knirtis this to be _Me fact. Dirre 'and there a Bank has given 'evidenee that its directors were incom petent or dishonest; perhaps 'mitten with hoth infirmities. But, on the whole, the system has so worked as not to cre. 'ate* necessity for giving it precipitate .attention : it the adjourned session. -It Is better,ou all lICCOIIIIti, to let financial questions rest until the regular term.in December. This postponement will leave a good effect upon all sorts of business pi:milts during the •ummer and fall. It C" is of vital commitmace that the new crops shoulerbe harvested and reach the mar kets,- in good pan, before unnecessary Snaichd uncertainties are introduced to impede the process. We Ipobt not that, in atthatance, the ' views herein expressed will p rove , to b e Shoes of a majority of. the . temhers or the two Houses. Consequently a cession of only a few days may be anticipated. The immediate and pressing ,work will be dooe, and well done, and no More will be entered upon. TEE *fERID►Y LETTER The democratic journtla are deeply exercised over the contents of General leiter to Gen. GRAFT, and over the circumstances that it 'appeared - in print befoie reaching the table of the impeller calm. to whom it was +address ed. - The . contents they allege evince in. segoiliteation towards the President as -the co autauder.io,chief of the army; the publics . ..lles of it discourtesy towards Gen; ciltn ll l%,lllctent In military lark to the President. in thus letting op as critics tipon good manners in genemli and upon milithryntiquitte in apectal,the democratic. Journals have taken the coon. try by Aiseprlse. Bat this met be taken as aueither illustration of the ebestantll' recnrsitik fact, that peonle are prone to.. plume themselves in matters of taste, of palm; of - width they actually kpflw Soligeg.- • . Let us see bow the ease really stand in'resnect to the. President. That high iamb:mars, instead of ordering' Gen. Snearnan to extend the time for repa ir dion,almnly directed Dim to do so no. less, to his own judge:tent, good reasons existed for not doing e 0.,, Such reasons did exist in the mind •of the General, and.hei frankly stated what they were; 'bet added,that if the President,' after stensiderlng the resions, deemed them be,tionid, upon notification ticifie!ifeet, l*tmespetely Lime order' tot - jinni the time. - Sots; there is no reasonable preteit for the charge of tn. sahordliii. The Presidentleft the mat: Jeri* the discretion of, the ',general, and the Genezet did NI he though!: twas; bat' sUltderening to the Jadgweat or the Goa: Suitt,Atg , ontured to my that ho_hut beet& "Jr:dolma to .itoott . to • law to yflttch thi Protadtott hoi lien to bit- Ell ter. antagonism" Nobody will deny Lieu tuli•lon of Haters. NEW AD visit—LA.,— Thethu this statement to literally correct. The divinity that Shakeipeare affirms ' smi. EII2PG Jr, A s.o D.F. President pot his antagonism to the to hedge a king, is not much regarded in ' rtae,s4 ffiVrh Sulam i s sesonosseisso emu to liwon record in ids veto message, and this country, and the heads that wear : ZrWn."•":""Qt;,,,,, "•"%iue,=annd 1 has ` Made no concealment dace la it ' crowne must lie more uneasily than ever • can ........di.• an act obletonhordination to state a fact 1 in view of the following facts: Even ROBINSON BROYFIERS, wbfili all the world knows, and which i Queen Victoria has been four times at- ' , •no one presumes to deny? - tucked. There have been at least six ' ..lassalx.eires. pots tr o sassinate ;he , Emperor Napo— I se.xs return taxwerw, Pittsburgh. , • General SHZEIDAS might hive gone • farther, and Insisted that. . the President s'l2. when, N' l "l s °n ! curers aos eve of had, yon 00clert tritan-at 21stmeTi be eN r' an Interns] machine, i ntentaarins. Theibiern constantly on land all ; had no btudneu to interfere with his axe - formed by 250 gu n barrels, charged with 1 klnds or cotton of the law according to ht. bog, 1,500 belle, woo to have been discharged I , r r _ a is s. 33c:ore - nis i , judgment . He is at New Orleans to en- against the Prince and his songs; but , .* • title, deig a ri f e r vai l l i not carried out din July :regrar zra i . ii l i T, i p t li,E l ,l,,, R :VX 12:4! lforce the law as It stands; not as the I Preside t may see proper to construe tit .saaoinate brim a a s tt le mp w t a: "' g ' o r i u u s ir e t ,' ; ') t a h s t; ,7 4 ,. 7, ' ,Z4 ;' ,, 1 ,F,,k 1 ,7i... : ° T.. 4 . 2 • : :: ° ; " 7 3 i 7 ,1-- I The law id his guide, not the will of the Opera Comique. Oa April 2e, 1S:11, jean • ; i 4 t ' erieilela.l.e.loo virus 0.n.0., '" • Executires We doubt not, before many' Liverani fired two shots at Ihe Emperor - t ------- lu the Geand avenue of the thounos 1 ETTIIIIS OF a IItiIIINISTR 4. d 471 and &a t" , Ou 'ii r eal wil l mak e Elyseea. 1n.1857, Thibeldl, Ila tolotii, ' " s r .d " .. w s ,",•`71,..42HT.Nyd 4°,1b,rm,7„1.°P, • this point so plain that even the Presi- and Grilli, came from England to Paris 'l,'`',..,`„'n'•:„:`„:„.",,'Z'n;r4":ecSiTtel:4'`''::% lent will tee it, and comprehend that he to ssousinare the Emperor, but Were 'il ';r.lent tata. abtln thone ' l ' oclao,^% ' tll ‘ ke Is guilty of tmob on il oot t oo in attempt- i discovered, arrested, tried, and punished. . '''' Q `• `''' JOAFIII rice n.. 4; a. i On January 14 • IESQ Orsini Oomt. xi 4,-, ' , Wood ...net, 1,...,0. LDS to control the district commanders I plaid , o nd b„,,, , ;' the fl e x, • •-• o JUST PUBLI B IIIID e la the performance of this. particular I 'lle Emrieror. —ci_i'n th r ew December t 24, 184, duty. Greoa„Trabucco, lmountere, and Snag- - supplemeut to Pardon ' s Digest. It is not conceivable that Gen. Saint- hunt ' who bud gone from London with ''lto,• - car FRS' Etti -C. I • 0.!,.. C.. ILICMTLY. • ,• • the 'intention 0 killing the French Em- • ~,'• • r ash. b - DAN intended any disrespect to General pemr, Were arrested in Paris. The K IBC ' ' r i ce C. " y hal' A Ct.3IPANT. In In publishing the letter as soon of Protein was fired at by Oscar Becker, i tti,av itS.Woort Pt. et. itl 11. was di e patched. tinctriesiionably a lat. ' .tud ent , ei lielPsici ot 13 :den, on ! iciT,sw HOOK STOIIE, the 14th of " July, 1861. and hie Atinimer, • IN it was Important the determination not IlulunPabbath School Book siore. Ito extend the time for registration should 1 11 , , o ul to wnr e ck on ' n hid n an?, '''r• rr,e n rn7t,e 'v e t -07 '1 1 be known to the people, and the publi• Austria, on February ..i , „, - ,- ;, woo , B , 111.• .4 T.l•Illefall. eabtmth School Libra. calico. of the letter see Med to be the beet wreck with a kritte iri, too neck by a • :Tutniti;lol,...reills?i•Otiq.iritlstr!,",'s method for making the condition of the il te m:yria: . :alill h o L n itx th •n o y ili ta ,, l Mot; 1 ,i=0gi0,,ed,,,,..e4.11.e.,,,e4.7.,im, A n rlott urdcra e ase ,Understood , General ihrEalnasi Vmmttsuel; m aded Queen of Spain has "I i r''"'s Qin littrlQP:l l l . 4l . 4h. ea. took one view of the requirement of mil- been twice awaited. Mete to something `VA Luhan LE 11 INK. Dili °GE, itary civility in the premises, while Gen. very remark .blo in the almost invariable • T ft An A• at i1t..011. NCI. CO x epee , „ eon , • OAT E V ENI NG . July 2.1, at n o'clock. ale ii GRANT is reported ttk take another. failure "nre of theee i nunmP"• `L •- ' . "4' caw be ." ne 'le ' " bee"'"e'At e't" Which of them would be adf edged right toes on l y two rulers have fallen victims 1 ILo.tna , les nethu.d we.: 1.0 aSensitlealinclit—the Duke of Parma. i , QQ .Q. , - etch-Tee Nalloo.l mom; by a Board of army officers it is not our who, ill 1854, was Stsbiett with a pingo- i lei:IL:1'r:: il',..4tiee:-14.1t'cr.;11.:1::"". Province to determine. In private mat. ard in um abdomen; ood Abraham L i n- , iii:ii=e'rtZino•';',l•NNiteVrrk• Mrs, however, we have always found it c" , in ." who woo eh " b y ileenb 00 .AP""4 ' I I,l:?,:et:',:iVi'i.l4;;,•:;nliel,'`Viidae 00. , 1 ha., a safe rule not to attribute an act to die I iiit tint,4=seiihsitett:!:no. , el ohar. Das.. sva eentrance Co. respect unless the attending circamqan to abarr• Ilo..orgt •• teas make it clear that disrespect is in; 10 attarea ?valeta' h l• tended. ter , AaIcII.WAPIX, Auction., • In his course at New Orleans, General Snanthen has the sympathies of most loyal men warmly enlisted in hie stit.- Or% and his removal because of the let ter m question will be popularly Judged an act of unpardonable severity. Ar Br. Loom Mr. Chandler, U. S. Senator for Michigan, reiterated, with larger &mobile...stimuli, his proposition for seizing Canada. This time, he was con. tent with nothing less than the whole continent. Helens for seizing territory at the South as well as at the North, un til the whole continent should be ate sorbed. however, fie seemed to have Mr. Webster's escapade in mind. That gentleman, in his cups, once proposed to seize Canada on the next fourth ofJuly. When he sobered, te discovered he had made a fool of hinisell, and betook him self to the task of explaining away his folly. Certainly, be would seize Can ada provided Great Britain did not do what was right,- and would make the seizure, hot on the next fourth of July, hot on some annivilxary of the national independence. Bo Mr. Chandler avows • his purpose to steal all the territory ho covets, on the right hand and on the left, 'hat does, not mean to consummate the villainy this year. Be is In no h'trry about it. One year, two years Or live yearn hence will do; or even more, if the pfoper time happens not to turn up. Elr. Chandler will find a strong senti ment of common honesty In the Repub-, fican ranks, standing in the way of his protect' of grand larceny, whenever he I • shall - undertake to put them Into execo. tioll. . , - Doubtless , the American people will sustain their Government in enforcing the Alatema claims; but they have little respect torn Senator who proposes that the negotiation shall be prosecuted with an uplifted bludgeon. Gentlemen do not attempt tie adjustment of diferences in that manner; nor" do they yield to threats of violence which only =Mans are capab'e of making. • LEGISLATIVE CAN lIMATES ED aTOIII GAZATTIG—Two • editorial leaders Lu •your paper of late have at• crected my attention with vouch force, "Legislative Conaptioa":and "Legiala •ive Candidates." I consider yoar urea timely dud just - _ - It is a burning shame and disgrace that a people as intelligent and moral as hose of this Commonwealth should hn so mls rably min represented in the halls if her Legislature. You have come good men end true, bat the majority are weak, immoral and sotally unfit for the places they occupy. It is high time the people should arise .rid take-the business of nominating and .electing candidates for the Legislature into their own handle Instead of leaving , t to office seekers, who are intent On oothing but to serve their own ambitious pmpeaes for filthy lucre's sake, or the same of holding an office. In our county . a nomination by the Republican party •Is equivalent to an election. With the ambitious office seeker, then, the chief end is to be flood natelL To accomplish this, his time, money and friends are taxed sufficiently to secure the end.— Time, he gener haa, far politics is his business. Be may be short of money, but that can be made up if he gets the nomination. As to friends, he finds them by promising to do a' aid turn when he gets through. These primary meetings, as generally conducte..,, are a farce. Delegates are selected bithe candidates for office be fore the people assemble. Then the Whole of tir of election of delegates is usually Irregular, and without doe them, as required in a • regular else. tion. ;Then comes the regular legal electioe and confirms what this NOlllina- , ring Convention has done, got up in this irregular way. I will.not now attempt to reconstruct the poling conventioneer the meth od by whi they are brought together,_ but I may permitted to .suggest that it would be a great improvement to the machinery, if the people could so far control these primary meetings as to re fuse to send into a convention a dele gatiwho had already pedged himself to vote for any office seeker, who had. al ready advertised himself as being a can -1 dfdate for public favor, or who was in a more private way importuning the pub tic or delegates in convention for their 'votes. I would fay, the people or their delegates, seek the candidate and not the candidate the face. If Is alien said, that good, canable men will not serve if elected to office. This Is an assertion that requires proof. I have resided in Allegheny county for more than a third of a century, and in • business more or lees public, and tune some acquaintance with good, caps ule them I could name to you, more than a score, whom, if I were to name to ypu, you would say they are every way without reproach--men of high order, every way capable. of rep resenting the county in' her State Legis lature. These men, if it were slgnltied to them, that a majority of their fellow cit isms desired their services as legislator', or in almost aby other office, they would not dare to refuse taking their turn In the service of their fellow citizens. Bat they will not advertise themselves, nor solicit others to do 50... Their Services, to be obtained, must be, sought, just as the Pennsylyania Railroad Company would seek an officer or agent to man age the most intricate sad important part of their corporation. Enscroa. Pirranuamr, Jane 24th. Barbara Fried'.le., of Frederick. As socn as we left the carriage we walked to our stopping place, polite Mr. • Hotel, to see the house m , •c Immortalized by Whit. th . As his • • • are come to piss: ~.ebera Trleebje,a an Nee on'er maths Hotel ave an ha nima ,, no mom' , so we could not learn the trith frozen,: —but it the thing is a milli, as some my of John Burns' lighting at Gettysburg, then one of the most charming episodes of the rebellion Is • fable. A dear old relative, one th the staunchest. and Uzi. eat and most trusting women of the North:died glorying In thc•bravery and patrio ism of that representative woman, Barbara, and it would be sad if any ruthlesefien should deprive the public of their belief ln a glorious deed so nobly commemorated in verse. Barbant's home le emulou but prett old fashioned structure. I i is a One y story high roofed little dwelling, with two attic windows on the street, (from onset which the owner waived the ea donel flag in Jackson'e face,) and with strange back building' Immediately on Carroll Run, It is attractive not only in shape, but appearance,- to Its fresh coat of bright red paint, standing at the city end of the bridge lactose the run.— —Prom a .Fladeriek, ofd, Letter to the —The aield ander. am troubled with a maugolug about the strew u there with but one leg, and, that drawn up so that be has todo minter hia walking with him bands. The 'Reit 42 says he is worth 1310,000,bis being IA New York. Biwa Heath Prague. The horrors of the Black llath, which. ;wept ail Europe in its terrible course, are tire centuries old, and ext only in legendary history and tradition. The Plague came somewhat nearer one day ' and lett a spore definite record of itself: Bur it lea long unto abate the Western nations have been smitten by the scourge of God with' the severity of former days. The cholera has been reg ular in its visitation, but Its ravages have been comparatively light. It appears, however, that a strange and terribly fatal disease exists in Ireland, and has existed there for some seventeen months, which has a striking similarity to that King of Plagues, the Black Death. The peculiar distinction - of this - unknown malady, which, in other respects, resem- , hies a wonderfully. active fever, consists in the appesrarice of pimple spots-upon the body of. the patient, which spread over his person nod Increase in depth 'of i color until death. The rapidity with which the disease progresses to a Iota! conclusion, is remarkable; in some in- , SWIM not more than four hours slaps- Mg between the attack sod the death of the indKrer. In other cases the patient has liegered for several days, and in a ' teas violent phase of the malady - a sick- neas of several weeks has been billowed by recovery, The average is shout eigh- teen bows from the lire; indications of illness. In some cases the patients pre- , served their senses up to the very hour 1 of collapse; others became Incoherent, and others died in the greatest agony. ; The disease is plainly contagious. A soldier engaged in the Fenian Maumee- 1 lion died of the' dimes°, and slimly ! oiler his washerwoman and her children , were prostrated with the same malady. its nature is unknown, and its remedy of course impossible to be round. Mean- I while tho death-rate ire Dublinis steadily i and rapidly increasing from this mya- t terious complaint Ara we to have a i Black Death in the sinteenth century! i Another Curious Case of 7 ranre At Danville, N. Y., a little girl named Robinson, aged about 13 year!, was sein ed, after dinner, with a tort of fit, her muscles becoming as stiff as a board. Eler jaws were firmly locked, the abdo, Mina! muscles hard, the toes drawn to. the bottoms of the feet, the fingers tight ly clenched and drawn • into the *ins of the hands, aid the entire form CO rigid that she, could be relied on end by the head or feet like a stick. At the same time her forearms were revolving around each other with a rapidity that no well person could imitate. Tills mo tion continued for about half a day. Her respiration and the circulation of the blood continued normal. In this strange condition she. continued about seven weeks without taking a particle of nourishment, although every ohm ism, made to ihtroauce food, in a liquid form, through on opening made by extracting a tooth, or by injections. The only meal lcal agent that could soften the muscles was chloroform, and the Miens of 'an applkatlon lasted only four or five min- MEL Once she domed her eyes and re plied to a gum too from her father: "Are you mck, Susan?" "hes, father, . I am very sick, and eying to• die." A lini ment composed ofelporoform, ammonia, camphor and turpentine was finally re sorted to, and the entire skin made zed with the friction, the use of which, alter a few days, seemed to relax the muscu lar rigidity, and the at last became able to make signs for food. About seven days after sheopened her eyes she re covered tin full use of her faculties, and is now as well and as hearty as ever. —The fruit of the Chinese soap tree, which forms an lineortunt article of coin metre in the northern pant of' China, Is becoming more and more valuable, and the vet bus been planted • in thousands on. Government plantations in appropri. ate patis of the East Indies. The seed furnishes a. soap-like product, with which trials, is to its applicability as a greasing material, Sieve been made on the Pundyaliailroad. 'rids soap Is well adapted for burning, and give' a bright smell and smokeless flame. • PURE. OLD OTARD BRANDY. lug Ilflilcilif 11L PUlLlNactLb.—ini am tide day In receipt of fifiy. cue, of pare ()Id cdard Brandy, (botiledas prime article, iloud, If .not 1 , ann. Mot, to Amy In e oily. Zio lam ly should be arttlaaat tits ante at this imams of th e year. Teem. wishing pare lotion, for medicinal per pole% anoald call an mottle, toy stock aeore pureliasleg thiewbeie, ea 1 am , aaildeat of tell• log a boiler ani.le, at lower rate.; than all. whore In the ally. JOSEPH FLEXING'S Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, No. St MARKET STURM 131:22:121 RIE 4 TOUEN . 171 R V or r lIDED HAIR. sod u s d•eulue leestohlie. !hops bale Rpm fat trig care* D.rpßoy. uss.s.Ss and - sil ZropUse Wrap., or the demo. . . The Maul Portent ilalr itratenror "London nver Holy Color Bendrer" •• London Introduced. HaHColor Warder" "Lndon Hair Color Wolter."'" "Losooo Bald Heads Hear Color Nevorer" *Loudon Hoar Color Restorer" sion nrelothsd halt Color Restorer" I •London • Holr Color Restore,. , " London ' H air "olor 0 r...0re," otwon • Hior Color killii.ver* ••Loodon Hew linan. Halt Color Hemmer" • et/v 71 OM* • b 0... N. Address order. to Ur. MAYA lC A SON. PhllsoelpolA. L %!£.", U. IL. MiaLli ; at co.. • Istonerwl.; BANG IF O.IIIT r. 'lO5Ol nv. orbrassele A41011(11. U. L. drocHls OUN U. NO NAME. near. many People'. gaff. nom ii,., taint an weal. •bty are not •lek—thsr ere not moll. here Le no name fur It. 1 Ingopl. wee a braintag down or, Mt tlial When., er fu c in...lmM they • nr Ina umerable.lll.. nom- Lana In It tat m• In the same. /manna themes,. prom aaaaa are extreme lassitude. lon of sopa. the ion, ut flesh and great Men , al depression. ledge thin end a !dom.& Coegh ere ago fre. innerly coneoellt,u.• or tots dlstogglug stale or dy and I 4. Tag cwumno remsre In 7.11\ - It. to Personsga suCh a coed m n Is, that thty are rossuMet.se Pon.mba,lotai upfortoestes newly watt I. Vigor. 01,11 bud as tette sly se dgen once/tide nracess, they tin re apt ate thdr .7.1 ems and regale p ring neMitt•hl ...ring to o•Unry l, lg, (MIA. rieTEn MITI . . 1 , 1.. clear the. a Me nnen, tonic Is sad I m , la mgr rang. as lb-I ht d. sag dime or au ern ty !sop .ed etre* to b. relrTta with • new iIaPP r of oil. rerGetly p and Incognito, tottalalng nu Mug bat tat m rental notable rinuta. tomMent the three dread e.egatnts at ant unable, an al teratne, and a ge.ni iengtralis. 1 1 0$ ST- Igenbi CITTSJP3 .a .111118 to ml dla tiii and •la •••pidli enl.n W.l. e sad liggarthe resole antes togbon errata. • IFlNtribantAamp l is . • ire, which le shatedeet In Cslsle, Soya Scotts. and the lOW* northern cart, or be New Zeeland Mate.. and la also retied In uie elevated eau tomintalooos ri-glone of the lattice dint., and al:emit& In medicine/ 'blue., Ir, , eibitt• or boeloa, , has timber, • or Maine fro, the Meet 1011146 ear. of Uterine tree..li labralPll WM! PIN It COMPOUND O . +w eb le on orrarewelee an debillteted atar littneya../INte AM, of Ma n oat tabooed energy. it will bet tio . titri Mantel to all Maass.. whtre 'radio hes been tried and felle d ,elled Itis Ukelele. well salted to Wiroolo ameba: sad an loralltote awry.. old Loa deblitiettaid tame of annum. Sant Mt. doe who el Oral only teak • bottle of. tee Oredl. del. 10 try, _afterwards rime beet and rot • nom, or Dart &wan.erbleh abated radical cores of Mimeses Of the bladder abd Of ye... ' D" oz b i " Ag :tahtl l =tiffztlittrd D e i In, wale. the reAliCiatia of Las etliWillipe a the Weem . 4 .tt preeeribeint leotiorrbile• eleatoind otherdlaueeeof the o r . peewe; la phew utt earoxibt tollestuwattoo o. sioerallos at the bowel*, In hurzb. C. RI. GEAALNG, Planing DIM, Saab I Door FactOry, qt . T." , [l6;utinctlraaksts.'lllook Loiters tad Sh...ed and dtraft noontime door to Orden AU blade of Mork udoaantla on hand. Order, from one eau n try D 1 1 ,1 9 SLUellelPd to. Inal,•• '1:14 13. .1_;3(40.1N, Sealer of Weight's and Measium. No. 6 WOUI6III 41114,6 LT. Bet.. Libar. b 4 P.. .t.eta um.r. promptly stiosioled so. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE FOURTH, UfLLI x mo tar cb nr. deseriptioni„ 11;1801104 SCLEILSIBI'n. 3/. 40 elil creel, 811.ste.y. TN TUE swims AND smarm girrlig s the mt.> satantlly altdeftoes • entag4.lll.7Hrounte.! itzerarscmcip...., ottle gsvateat_Tia - 47" " ".47,74 NEW ADITNNTISENEN CAPE ISLAND. 'TS..TED • — 7 - 7 -- ----- ;E HOUSTON & CO, • , • 051.13 LE NERCHAN'T TAIL, ns - LD 048,i 13Altd . And &eel, In NCH A.D ClArrh - ' ona Poulald ll' inkiest . Not hint, the elf... of 13W moth anten,rlse has , and 111:N1h' Flathlt/lINJ No. 1. - JAIEES T. RIOT t. .t thla eelg.rated sea-snore re- iIFTH hTitr.LT, career of Cherry alley . . Cu. • sort. APR and ntsanttleent cotoc. have been : too work node In the la,. 11‘91.1 aid roost ern.. 0a _ OO • reeted: the Hotels have bate on. deled: a di, .turan, =sailer. rrldes verr, Part, with*. well made on.. site delve. has been BIZ 'voyeur...l: .0 to thr ewe:lmi. of • pop alsr summer resort. • spirit 0f liarovrrOaent 1,017-01.1f..041. • ,Z,711,74itt taWition of Lame Island la In 0 0 , 00 ,h d e .. t.e,14i.,. r. t . re ' et e n e Xtrfs ' e r Xe d u e o r e; Owing neea of I en at the ‘i g h.,.. ozo!see m awer•Day with the Ati•ne •aarrounded be front the sea. d y napalm:al areeses The bluff It:enigm a a banned Ocean, Delaware Day e , or t^, ckoL Derv/one bac', a distance of a ate ..I',`„ u ' ° 4'n to surpass •ny olbr botch t. Atlantic enaD. he.. of a Mot anon to. which decline*. 'featly a, Tr., Pa et mod I Child ran bathe with YYcYnt7. -- ;:;::::::::: Added t . these alarm:Dena la effect of the Oust eveant the water comparatleell nData-arender. reeLeaked by persons senate '''' .. tbt to he Thebathing. - • ' b.. " fr The distance from Philadetphiases..„ Island Is el erd'ea all. and about tee sate hy Demo, dr ten the ay. and b 7 t rn - i the fee:titles fn. travel promise to satisfactory cbareeter. 1110 Island taa knr! And la.ardirophouae e,cernmodations e t.ostintrsand iaertons. The leading 11,1..7; , tol.m his House. with tinoHOn.l• proorletor Hall with J ~a HY oyoorlet. r: - sad United . es, J. We. lill.l.Eleas oroorletora. 'II under the an..d. I &gement of gentlemen who Luce wall WWI., • r-nerstions as hotel nvo. 110 .N 71 :.b 0110 J t: a4o MTH j, O. TILTON'S 1 1 ; aj CARBON SOAP. WARRANTED &way. uniform In ritollty. and nt•de from the pure.t matt, tlig. If not eat .I.e tory. the purchase tunnel- lln .111 ch-erfuly be Wended. Try It and be con- T. . he it altiothl 00/11 . , Is made ahollar to that of most at otbor Moot Elltexxxclearci Hcosal:), Hut In addltlOn there lias nerd) a new and valua ble cnemleal tampon. Ittlkes In the trash. trY wok. h all tnat hardneaa so olscallar to otver son; Is antirvly removed. The covical as 00(1 as the naval fabric eau be washed tit It and remain .nn. and glues,. ma near tlno on rd l• equal to tiaras, rvuln.lsol ord wary And barn Ilea Ili dart exectlence over all other soap: II 1. alvs , la. reoul•lng no evict., or cotoplicated alrecilnn tor'oalng. For hat hint ner,o.es It Is certainly a loin 3 - , leaving toe tall raft and healthy. and c.r.rra rat...ly tae.l In are ping the tenderest Inc fret. Vor all atratang •adelcauslng purpoees Is 'boot to thtlerlng It to be 4tIPERII)11. and Unit It will tar dart appreciated by a disk rlminatlng lrto 7 talnNo"Vt.:Trii7l,lll ' ;,l%! gabatanes,notblng Of the land. Manufacture., and for sale ;wholesale, by T. 0: TILTON, lOS ST. CLUB. ST., Pltt•burgh clayMeu:sa., , 111E.LABGEST AND SHOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, AND BEST STYLES AND QUALITY, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS, 13XJ2=M! CLEM CM EIXEM AND AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES' TO BE FOUND IN TUE CITT, Li AT 31 FIFTH STREEt W. E. FCLIMERTZ & CO 19311:072:11.1, HERBST ORDINARY. DISING, LUCE, COFFEE IND ICE CHO ROOMS, 011 ALL PRIM AND QUALITT, AT .a.. X3.11=1.33.'!9. GREEN TEA Prime Young• ' 5t• 30 1 444 1r0i• Extra good • • L6O east • 1,40 •• st ' •• •• 0004 ELAM TEAS—Oolongs. Ben .41:1 . pCr )wand. g.tra •• BLACii TEAPS—Powebeing, tionchong and tnniotes. • 9.. r; JAPAIVTLES. Uncolored Japan. very ylrasaat Imam Hyena. Leaf L 43 . • MIXED TEMP. :. Y :. 11.111.66 MUT:ft% trw'obrzz,dbg.,.., N 1 Mot .v . inn wi; Freovai„.-...g,-..g.' any a[ grrp‘t:,a t l;y4°,..,,YYo ! ,,r m 'Y'r- 4 E7 4 cicaa article waletta.4.4 . j tar lam td tnal I r taste. an d _ys:.ld 172 174 Itedaralt. K . Allernes7. lOYla 1. £TEC[Li11...,........... Y. YODLSDOI IRON CITY SPICK MILLS, FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, Aritar . l envervirainta .4evssage, kriTanuaing. PA. PURE anus AIM MUSTARD Warranted when our name la on the A.rtirde. P1E513 GROOM) CORNMEAL atul RYZ runlei constantly on baud. COPTE6 AND GROUND NUTS IRALSTXI) MTlr= wallows the manufacture of all the DIFFERENT liINDB.OF SPIVEs ; • Whist we offer b Wboleule and Retail Dealer. at the lowest market mice. Aniline to deal fair. two *RAM the pat roast. of the nubile, Chopped Fees Constantly on LRand. arzA7/1 ISTRICELLER oft MORLEDGE. Orup.ll..lant.XXE.TlL Etlig..W.L.ltrJansa BARR. ILNAIEB & BIIETTLER, Bowman to . WAXYLINX i B IJIB. No.I St. Clair Bt., Pittsburg". =ll3 C)r g E L llB , laQYnaleal Uoain genemUy frt.. Agents tbr .43 Caleb... BRAUDE° ItY, New York. .4 13CLIOILMJIEZIL '46 CO. Pl4l.elrbia, ISTICY a co.'s •. 00rrees. , : inn D. a H. IV. SItITH'S "AMZUICjIC• , GANS. sadTILTON'S PATENT OUITAIL Tbe ben Italian .4 German Molls sad Oul. um/Crimes n.annv 111.1110. • r n7:r7s A. YOUNG & CO., WHOLESLLX RZALERS JaID Commission Merchants in FLOUR, PEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 555 -Penn St., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON P. H. INI'CUIRE. No. ,N) FIFFIT 131 . (SZT. .Dare I,lmlth!leld,op- Mit IP'Pjii*ik‘i, t&RW 't 'Ott rear lON .11t Stn. arPargle. art 4 privve farnlll,c Implie4 Own notice wad rc!.nable t . 11131,. , fem. LEMON 81.111 UP. TUE PLJLUZ TO 0E1" PURE LEMON SYRUP. Manatattordll,22 the h k 0ry.007. 17 77 L. D. Dumas NDIT IDANVDICTOBT, 4.311. 20. 207 1.1212 TY 1771127:7. 7 . 0.. C PERT .PLACE IN THE to imy um - • • ... NIUNIPH .COOKING STOVE, Lau l4B GILINT STATXT. .. Ntli w =! SI . Or ISILINDA.—.IOIIIN ' Z 41 . 07 tat,..g..:47,11Nra1,7 n o 21 7 , I llet e r.17 . 4,:v:;2.121117,:g...m,11tywt 1 ; giii,Thnkk,etz? Was. •nd nature Cord. an. nisi..., Also th• same State. on baba or mate to omer • le. Meek of Watt. asd Calloodhlrt. mbanto - - • Fltaroring_Xxtracts Thu beet 454 punot nude; p. fill siturnonn rot AnnWarta( le• C1•11e16 it., mot tanned aid tor by JOH A. w as weer /AbairNladlailitnlistlfak - 7 - cA ll jetwfreg, SOBS. HENR V C lIPPELL, rerct.aiAi TAILOR...O dealer to Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 142 surrarizu, STREET. Three door below 111xth, , 1 . 17;11021,44 . . •il the iat..s nrrlug and BttuiroL. stales or Clothe. Cuntmerre and V. ellue4.o hand. - sed road, tto In too own retittoosOle . ttyle, et the Iveest orlea:s. Intleale B° 8' CLOTHLNG. o.letrolialitan, Garibaldi, Grant, HARNEY AND curiivAT ALL SIMS AND OP TIE HIM 1115155, ==!! Gitity it RAMAN, RENRY G. HALE IMITL4I C4B Pui 131) St. CEAIG 8i& NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, All the Novelties of the - Season Suck u II oninc,„„,, First-Chum Merchant r a n n e ing FAtablishniept mtel.uB7 PLUMBING. GAE! Fri , rftd. C: L r..quan. BUERKLE & MILLER, .' • PLUMBERS, GIS IND STEIII FITTERS lies and Ale l'amra, all kinds or Beer and Al . 11,..trants. Pump.. winks. WastVlS‘anflia Tubs, Gin-n Hose, Martve Ware, St. 2150 C:I3I.I.E.ItE , N.Got, Masi I ana ted Cheatnut St.,) ALLEGHENY CITY. PA.' ]loose. 5 5 ,0 up with than and Water at abort none., jell:an4 OW. C. brANCII.t. ,I JAN. V. 11706: SPANGLER et BRADFORD, Plumbers and Cas Fitters, X°.47 Ohio St., - ALLEGEIZA T CITY Houten ilLtrdup rrlth wersr., 6.11 and STU 54 experlruced workmen. ParPlcular Am...1.1,0,4m to err ntry wO , k• r N sad dII6ZU MPS, law" style, turl7.r. JOUR a. covss.. : .aoo. JOHN: M. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas. Fitters, 11sanfsetarerf of Praia AND 8 8 / 1 &9 WORK, of every cletscriptUft: deal.fs In 0.88 PLS. TUBBB TUB18.(1, of an 818.. Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, , PITTSSURCR, PA.' raylrium NIMBI:M. and CIIILDR6II. COLL 42 MILLS, PRACTICAL PLUDIRWRS, OAS AND STEAM FITTERS, :Biro. OGG Posaas ISt:root, primer/Rau, PA. ,Clatern and Wen Pumps of all kinds. Homes mud op with des and Water. In the moat sp. erred MT! , b 1 enmelenced workmen. ' limns, ;Mention bald to country work. ' .y3rrta 1. n. Arwocia.,szNscrs wcArnunr ITWOOD & 'BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND GC3 • FiTTERS, Caro[ gni and.Libeeiv.streets. • la. or I Above Carroll Snyder' , L I . lrabneAlL Penn. - " Licht - and Haan Outing. SablnUtOd prm*PU. Piano and Table Co oars, • n {webs.) attention pald to the ntrtn,l Tit AVI • ""S 1041711 l .01110, um Ins CATD gm. Agents [or A. &Cameron At Cn.h; .fripts. aitaidasems, • STEAM PUMPS -THREE PLY ADD TWO PLY i ANSI • BLOWER ENGINES, These Peon solemn enpertor advantages overall orb,. ono every one ts reertenuto Sloe toll.- (sotto. PllmPaeosteuntly on hand. teZ:“10 wv. K. SOWS= HEIU,EHT JoinsoN, PRBaTICAL Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, 7LPTB BTFLEZT EXTENSION z=x•r.rozomrrxt.cf,s. z,a;. Alfordera by mall executed satisfactorily sea promptly atte Idtd b. A fall tins of Bath' Tuba. Amps. Saalas. Water Closets, ISMS., Caw:Weers, resoluta, sad Gas Shades for Sale St 155 most 111.14012.6041 . . Orders from country paLiOns by mull proppt lysuo Humor - Gum every dessrtunion. --je=lGlll BAILIFF, BROWN & CO, N co. ea Nbclorsal 1115t..1 .ILLEazirair Pdt” .pLEßneEtra, GAS AND STEAM I'ArE4ITTEHS keep alwitts on tumid largo Asoctrisocat dt terDRANTIS. HEMET LEAD. LEADPIPL, BATH TIM ; WASH HA MM, TRUE AND BEARS COCKA..a all magi :tato far fitting no public or DrIVR R builditin with IOAS, WATER or STEAM. horny. S . 8. BRIAN, BEOILICIi BONDS , ,SI'OOIOEL ANTI MAE ESTATE, Apollo Building, Fourth Street. Purdtamm and Nils on wounladon lABVIL COVELIIIR AID ESICIPAI BOBS; Bank, Railway, Insurance, Mining g oiner Blocks. Orders es..anted.at the New York, Yhtladtd- Skis sed Boston Stock Boards br telerrsah, at the resatar rates of Owasdaston caveat to those sides. teen JAMBS B. YOUNGSON, Aro. 200 Wylie Street, 11Ipeettolly tateresall these Who ITS le welt llnselu .41n at. U. last ba_t_ass opent. BATiERY AND CONFECTIONERY, At the above number. Prelh Milt AD • CURLS, 0 411 Vefre " dtlel VD In VeZ yy ahrlaVatithr . at 1,17,114.° 'tette C it S tlte r is r aat-Va tasiatPitiarT. 6 - FltEtti 1111E/ateoretes and OHIO AVENUE • DRUG STORE agz o tpxxxv. where me be found • ieltet FRESH DEIIGS AND MEDICINES, m 'Faroe. lyinpfleS, TOIL CT eat ' ikel . zreln ,'" VeVeoVal,: ,° l=AlTZ: et eu . hone., Jay ar Wen, esseereue,- .. .ur. Taw, N. B. MERCER. Come Ohio Av.. and I.Mala fitre•Ue 1013 m ALLtOHEHo CITY.V.e. aoaN 068 SOON itrIABLIC...JOItE u. /1011 . 73. - nrrstußca , CAMP COMPANY. JOHN ROSS & No. 23 Wood 81., Pittsburgh, Pa., Momlle-toms of LAMPS, LAMP BASES, CIS WHEYS, LANTERNS, ETC Lama Also, den ers Ls evaune Pertaining in ilia Tra AM, U Ilfdael; I F. 4IISEIALIZIN. Pink Egmil, batsmen TOllinsa and amilikeiss Straits. Gunsantaid pear in liardwiire. ttat t rig"stketga l ltr friittZt.T.lrS das JOHN' PECK, - ORNAMENTAL AIR WORK An/ PZilitatlri. north stool. *ea float frog Wood; mistral di:lllr* Drag -CM:l ' 4=g Vlirs. Toper. Ideblra,ol.l.4 litramisWi. 1141,. D. Jrli.fOr. A. Ladles' am.l rentlansta.• kaAr-euttl:so.lll unatrel sv OP TX 017. ALL PERSONS ILII,VINGi cialms tte sore. flotow. work•tiouo or satorta f0nd.1.4 . 111 P. 1 4 . 1 .1 pest at cure, co' • 1L s . * 11, • '• lli Pon.cylvail• Annan. ritfsborth., Jana/ VANTE 1`) AL. Vir: z Jr* , • year.. ~ ...1) r.M.4.1 " -t .jai_ mukaux: Vincilli3O,Nverz. ,Igaz . Z .i. ,. ,: "''‘ ;7 trad7ll7Z.. r.'" .1.1.,b14 1" ..----z 3 _______________ :_ L WANTED. 7. ° 41.1; ,030 Cash alma Sol. month' ~ .. j e LZhaotttal HUlld.ns Lola at %Mart... , i . e., th•ar,"°b• ~y .."" w ''''''''• es "Ph. July , st. . h•anea on' on MOND,. Y 1,,,E.3.1..the Algob.',l. a %neural. gram. lea,. bOth . far t.,.., Vatic, and {Verdant henna-D. ,iir. ......,,,....k on that day. arcs lo —5...—........_____10:Dtb S TITANTED--,11. , TEI in • Say eanou 'II n Department of St "' . .a An . ......t.th. Apply atonce. to ~. B. crpi.ter,po rP ( Prat(, Witt A' •atoclatlc jelh . .l. 116.1.Samot :4 St_ rent. Pitt:lol3r SUITS, 'EIIVENCI • toOOn rs on Tat atl o Nl j r, Lthi,Yr 4 .7 r art it ."'` Oren IP Venn: 111 / 8 . 10.7 , 10Vn M ean ee,. from 10 in Cprt 12 F,07, pe. ge.. t. ~,4 , 27 evening. =! ,CARPETB. Or L CTLO 8, &or BIRGIINS LIWPETS ! Cumrni-tso WE HAVE JUST OPENED / 4. , , ,,,r4t.Au . e110n Sales la Y.eimr york, ReAucAion of 20 Per_ Cent, 'F r om price. of last month. We hare reduced A.L L-WOOL INGRAIEIS ,}3ll.vssELS CARPETS, `" 24 Cents Iker Yard. Bed, White and CheeNed Atattings, WHITE MATTINGS, New and beaotllllpatte'rn; Norrovensi LACE CUWTML At .3 to 111.0—soail . price 1110 1. o.9o—bch.lF A REDUCTION OF FIFTY RER CENT. 311,11i1A & COLLINS. 71 and 73 Fifth_ Street. s,, r t attlldtur Untied Stales Cast., tlou.. mn r %weft.. second floor. over Miner!. Boot ore. HA YE REMOVED. ircAmium BROTHELS, E.,enm. o usheir war, eLeitsat Ana coat moawnsiiicW - Wa.. sztioUsz• No: 51F:tfth Street, A .,„„„ ea , W esi dattrabla patters. MEDALLION VELVETS. TdPEBTRY• 11.111.785EZ /OW every varlety'of low pricedilannti.R MCCALLUM BROTHERS, mtua ,•3111Pittla. itEW CARPET STORE. C7BRP'E ? , Tapestry Brussels, " Body Brussels, 3-Piy and 3-Pll. To pestry Ingrains. A Full Line of straw Battings , CHLIS:LXD £ND 7A1,43T., Oar as. , Is taller 'ash l ar 12:17.._',14M thla teas., Thom 4 . P 442 wall ao well to arre na a Wt. • BOYAR Di ROSE- `CO., Ai Jar= stars-r, 04:00111404) arer =Z[l:3 CARPETS. OLIVER ErCLINTOCH & COMPANY, wawa soar orzszn For 'the Spring Trade, !Their Splendid AsporUnml. ot NEWCAIIP=S, 011 Goths, Shades, irk. ♦tuatton V tolled to Ott Alto Oink at , ll,ammun tau An fag COM Great Detiftwitn Prices. szt, HATs. CAPS, ezo. STRAW GOODS, FOR SUMER SALES ILL TO NEW STYLE HATS, .TUR BUM V £l'. AT AffCCOrtl) -. & CO.'S, 0:181 Wood ..trees. 1,4 13.A.'1 1 S GMM & BMA At Naas St. Clair Streit,' Hai. cm et th• gesti null cocas - BITS, CAPS ' /IM t3TBAW ‘ollfl antoosurtantly.l. I .t l all U l f liverr liven ' . attentloa i'grre i tro eXl= 7 . •Pl7:ra _ JOHN' RON.Pir UCLA FOUNDRY, tar sal gt,,gth Ward, sear A.T•11.1: aut./ACM=I Or Hammer Dies, Steel Makids; . . golrui Ell sad istkie Clamp gr.may. Or i T a r i ot 472 ...P . mfir..tru . agliAr; rtecated. Jrl4 gßa ' ken ' a . "' CC.'" (aseql•410111 to Ueo. f. ikttruchmank ON.) PRACTICAL I.I7IIOIIRAPHEIS • \' rt. urnor ertim Lrrliwita Zetriz. LletablEdit Wien OP watt lOU NW", some. Garda Latta, 11424.. Clrtaaars. C Maar Cu Digl rinha.• ruilleatas..VA WWI 1 , 34..111a. Aka Ho Mit 14 Tatra ota 1 .1 WholesaleaatlielaU Once t peelts-ts 7Z•lyuft,* %Ti: E=11.41 t 1051.114, s' I JUN - E, 1867. NEW STOCK, Ceti its Per Yard To 5.3 Cents Per Yard. S' To Sa cents Per Yard. Velvets, Brisk Ingvaiits, mall ARRIVAL OF = ==l I \.; arr II II