II II ,11:_:74'EUR9L'Z; BANKER IND BROKER 118 Wood . St., Dear corner of Fifth. Gbvernmeett Securitice,-, 1 Gold, Silver, • • • And Coupons, llmiltht se4 rOd or liberal teraml DWI, red CS oat tlurrnothial eltte• - ILI' SUBS 7 3-10 BONDS Convertla into 5.20'5,1865, BONDS Dam= noiroutsay. JAS. T. BRADY & Bankers, ear. Iroorth k. Wood Illtreets. • a gar HOLDERS OF . 730'8. I 01 V L aving le.Alo , sp•clAa Irrlarems•Au with army 000013.0 eitt 043.. . ! , I ,, , r . vativv , i A . r. 5r. z 0 r ...4 —O. Moods oe Hese ler pollees'''. iltAl. McVAT & CO.,L • - s349‘33.lkmatisk, --- MINNA POCI BNB AND SNIT RhDLD NM SELL. YOUR 7-30's L • 1 • AND Buy Ird t Uer.. o f iEVEN TH'ETIVB flod ork sA • vanwe -of OW Elf 5( or ONE TEN CENT. by oontYOnsm W. prom. IRA IB:McVAT A. CO., =ln tn OOlL 4111& SVITHPIELD STREET& ro_ 7-30 BALE\ XIS OONVIITCLO INTO 5-20 BON "D 1865, I=l3 newts henislst nod wt• en avatolsslast In . Tara, . bliadelob 1. a.d &Num. . • ROBINSON BROS , Re. 7111 , ..011TH PITIRRET fI!E Gayttf. FINANCE. AND TRADE OPPICIC OP TOO PITTPIOIPOO Gazerri. rtursoiv. J tine va, 1581 I The New York stock _quotation@ 1-day. ar 'received by Mr. P. IL Merit, were as follows 0 , 41. 117%.3i27%; Eightr.ons bouds, 1131 Firs Twenties, Om, 110%; Fite Twenties. 1584 107%1 Five Twenties. 100 a 1073; ISM COY- Pol., 11 S Ten Thirties. loe!at Ten Fatties. It 0 1 4: blierdaso Sowharn Rail road. Cur Ireland Pittsburith. 29%; MI.- . buigb, Fat '0 erne and • Cider.. M.N.. - ' rot. ap3s; Ilhteeqq , and Northwestern, i... chicsgo and rroriberestenl littered 6 Nell' York thadral. I , 4%4Lfteadink. 10;%; Chicar. and Rook 1111 SC: stern rnion Tel.. graph. 4.3; Orrairy, •16,51; CorrOon, kod • (jowl; Uri... Lie; Smith a Parrneriee. Saw? Quick :6'4:Ohl° std bliestsmppi Merit hearts. IP; hsa Paul, at; do Preferred. is: /Olsson Maury...loS. U...aing quotations. received by Jmnes T. Bruit: U.S. . 1861 111 " owls. 160. . w a 15..4 1675. -11 or 101'. 10-60 a leak • • 1:01.0 • A tigilet 74,18 J0a0:404 Soloy ....... ..•.. D. Coop J Ado, 1.4 w• Stoat. gold Yttearny treaty, Juin :Mb, .the Unautraeliti Bales Rows., 105tintlibtlail ;Street, by A. airlarabre, Auctioseerr . Bank of Pittsburiti • Written 'notaries Coopeny .3115/ ...The ...Fates., Journals are hennaing to dm' ewe tha passible abailtton, ear at lent proba ble cm: balite:l of the rate of interest allowedrin depo.m. by the New Yre k beaks, nod a Ohl- eacojouroa. , e . Tba the Nat:anti Park Bank of Few y a rn In e n doctor the rate at latereatrin ael, bor. era to tares rpm- rent.. to take et fret err .1 el, ha created a coneieer ablatesk is humeral er. 4 co here. and to rem. • quarters. we trait retaon. It la Ptommed to no nen with the ayetem . 461 . 4 Mt ens, iv done. te ',duce the lit. In that 1 , . be paid by the Na leant Park. tray .1 the 'old city raeln rat 'Wm York what* paMe have been a •oirer el otteuvis In the Ihiabetal Wotlu In, the prat tile. n t twenty years, refuse to pay tlaternt en dermart• lad ye t do *gond tut Inc.. end declare Molt dividend. It our lam- le ttttt Winn. aild scree ter do literal.- _ mat we too., clone In.r. nee where ...eh le us, hesttstidgly advocated-aunt env. would It mews an eau to • option that Is op.miarl to all wind prludpiert of bauktret• ..aßloany to trifle evader. and abundant at per, nt. on the hew eallaternm. and o. Goyhyttoarat• le large •time at 5 per cant. The. le a mil ha tiuMnesiatuLeetwequeueis .4 the num bee ef rie,son 'wind • non tarni. a' d hallal. ht• amearan of theear, no •reat amount ut eissiorretal paper n u n the unmet: Such la • t dimourand by toe ho.. and hada it. way no the .tae:, If, out lea long time, and fete credit, can he pinaw at • to lc pee no de Tn.. Is however, raw at ilmpamt lon on t r z a .. .l of oanitaltata.oerral lo each thaper.e./! per Arla • -Ala Asnetited Pena dlapaich nettled from New Yo'k Mannar ifteterwa says: The tlonold's Lotlaville .Keehn gam New York NaMmill Banking Houma recenilr eroat out circulars, anemia. all the Nation. It..nk• I-leper coat. their capital to loom a tun,, to buy up t 'mitten and defeat the °prem. Mr on Inn annanwil. .6eould all hanks ' speed, t .11 be find will amount to am O we cultt ea, tra, de1.... I ••e seen t t tond• erttlajnotitryt Lao this mess 'at 01,15. c. 40 and ad. 52. ret Lost'. C 106113,•• Oh sellers at tbestaretations. Deaf aro with an up. 'ward Ontlathif. (Mt meats neatly and In )22.ti ...bride demand. Ilsoon Mot, at Il 101.(0 :or ustmt , ertetna mu 1 , 40 , and 111,20 for ,5.000 PD. Lod basay, ist 14`5115a tur fair to prime sits...ll o Cox kettle ma. Jared. . -'._Ciwelionatiarlitel. Tylertspli t the rtir Mush rbasette.3 timmassm, 4000 93 —9lonr Arm and In , 1 100 0222u01 num the city trade at full prime; family all 79(913,c0i fancy $11819: the lower grade. are nut reused. Woes!. Aim. et lOW for No., and 42,73 fur No. I winter I red; no demand for spring- Corn dull and nominal at the close, at Idei demand. Oat+ held at 'adc, and 110112 at this In the morning, bet would not bring over Mb at close. fivedull, SIX Cotton dull end prims fi b and nominal; muldllesi Mni market very doll. Wnielry Ann and. in linaiel. Atli, Oft bond. M e a t s ork Am, At mil; none Scrimp Milk°mittens. I elf and quiet, at 7y,e fur shoulders . Dye for sod.llo for clear sides. Bacon in Arm deniand,• with a Arm market. at 90 for vhothilerS, Ile forrides, 11340 for clear rib •Ides,antlll l / 4 0 for ,clear. loud In demand •elesof, filii tierces, lit Ilya for udyi not moan offering at thin rate. Better steady_ idarps. 005000 'declined to 1342 1 4 0 air Reserve, -Mowed WI dull. at ill 0 (I/ 46. Miser arm sad in greel dettivnil, 1112 ;4815e. for row and lap/ lite for hard ri fined. Coffee Arm. at r ' Gold cloned et 137%, buying Mooney marget , quiet and ,al. • • Buffalo Ilarket. (Sr Tale/lanai to the Pit; saarri. Gust 0.3 - Braraco, Jana 23. —Flour In batter do wand; sales of 000 bbis Spring at WOO 11.10 i Mt nests a, it 1.73; Whine Canada, •1410. Ilya Finns' VA. Wheat In morn "Irwin ; sale. of IVO; bath 1.1,1 at 01,9 0 ; I.oin bob Canada awing at . SO..J LOOP bosh Canada Ignite 52,500100. cona dull and moss.b. bird. Ornalna hoary, With On buyaral awes PAW mob at Wraiorn at Pln. but In bald non:dna/1y garr sta nominal: lite on . Pqr4 P0m1.0 1 .9 uncLuogw• Laid 4evuor. • - • Oaareign Marken. [By yfrieraph Loth. Pitt %In t r. 000ita.1 Ornaon. Jona RC— FLAW activei sales IEOO hbia at 411,50 rdr sprit... Vera fat Ted n0)- 109.411,00 for wOlO.. x 10161146 (or finabln es. fro. itte Floor 17.10.. ISO.at firm; NO.. tie hoob Milwauker clnb at 92411 Mao VOW bumf is blin Canada at 10.70. Ltd WOO and fof 00.11 e o o l‘o st a 2,91. tofu qulati Wen SW bulb Bo I at 970. Arala In .10rnaud I Sales of hold at $ ll I,oi. yrafght• 410111 koorn Cauadl Ott. 1 . 4.. York. Wm Ito porta—ROW 0010 osta, 400 truati rte. • . • Citrate IlLarltef.. t Br Tririmall ao Iltr,.., , Klt , stoatah Iltmettr.l emMaars, Jaen 2.5.2F10ur arm sod 1211128 e h tg belt 19, 1010.50 for 22 ,12 11 W 2. ! r • 11l mer and 3.t limber t.C.4o,yest.rilsy; ),. No. I at .2.1 2 012.Nl No. 2. ii.mai,fts. omt.g quiet at 41,83 for No. 1. Nate moderately no and 2.0 lower; 1 , 5015f1e fur NO. 2. UV. quiet wt 41.0201.26 for ..No. I. early Aurel ia I. Prorlelnne dull and banged. celple—.lo/1 glour; 4.71.4 ho.wheal; 142t210 tote morns 27,140 tam_ osm; 1.400 bog.. 421 2 - naeoLO-811N Übl. gall ;So oCil BOi Wbeatlirre. "Wm •arin bosous. allmaaket. Marks& . . ler Sdeirrapo to me rUla• twiti Umetle.l Nlftwaffails. bona 45 —7lcdtr firm; city triple ..stro 00,6061170; coostry do ofdA r o wn, $110.0101.75. Whast 121.114.1. at 03./0 for Ho 1. fa for No 2, 111.71. for No S. and 0130 Nd ra3o , olod. Oats standy at lloNtflo for SO 2. Corn dolt a: 10000 for No I old, and OM for 00 antolDn.-10 0 0010 Noir. ',11..000 pup pima, oUuatntob rata 010 rood, porn. llNlptaenlo-700 bOlO floor. 900 ouah oats. . Mina* icW111• learkee. COT TOlOO l l lO 10 105 ritueurict ussottle.3 . Gmeeao, June A.—Beef Cat/6001111511 ,75 ocs, /wry, geed 6101,01. /4mA set ve awl 1012150 We ter; 6.5.WeA 0 Prior re tra: tasolas, ,Shoop waLenliely 1104141 at llnt York b. 7 Geode Miarkee.l TeWwwww to stur Parsee I ire tilasstta , l .Too[, Jana, le—Tee glow bulb/en ratoraed 11011.111510 11011.11 a boa dam dope. ..P ,r 1510• wenerally were neeeeweed eAd quit* 1 .• • . Financial "tatters in New link I=l [B Y ieicgraph a the Plvstm Gum..; New Tone. Jane '23, Mono) . easier at a per cost on call loans. St..ltn¢ golet and firm, at SY . ,,f,iO4‘. cold non dads 131115 i. American gold Is firmer, ^Pcningia , 13P4, sAranning to 1.16 M, and diming at 116%11 1 a 4%. Clor W. EST Aro morn nctir n and firm. eln4ln nnni.• Linnn were.: 'FI rnsnlar.l(l.%; dornupnn, 5 2. , ,,ntar, mpnna •W IuTN, 1074: dn nnn , I in.,• 10-40's regular. 1001%; cOnpons. 100%; 1004. Opened buoyant and excited; old - Southern advanced trona:Win with heavy dealings., Let. to 694. The market continued active througboutthe day, the transactions at the sedland regular board being the larg est for a long period. Edo cola at R2VIro3. At the last open board the prices were rather lower generally, but subsequently the market became steady and cloned firm. The present "hear movement allows much strength and has been lusegarated at a time when there Is a very large short Inter• eat oat, • • • ocesteo . etioers. Otdo Certlelented Z4:112.W. 443,1e4N4 Boston Water Power 23 24; Gumbartand Coal 348 4 0221; I.onek.ltrer gyp(, y;; ldarlpo .7oA; referred 19..08rkh Weetem tinkle Telegraph 42%0E43 1 % 5 ; Pastille 12*,Q1122%; Atlantic Ito 'test Now York Control. 1004 0103 ErIea2VESVE; Preferrao 14EITP/4; son 100lE; FE.evtlng lo7M1108; kit-sown COlt. tra/ 110.:ottrl nouthorn 7t 75!4; 1111001. Lentral 101E11204; Pitleburen 7040 704; Toledo 1104019 e Kock Island IhtEilhnSt orth 3/3,lelsele% Piefetredellieleleid Fort Warne 10051,6100%. Quiet. and nom; new Tenn...a-Ws 6754 old 61%. exeroupono Ill•Rouree9. COAL AND XISOZLLANZOC. Shares stead", and Cowl stocks (lull Higher; Amer - Icon Flig co; Corydon, 2.006 Qudri HilL 153015 g; Loco:owe, tg, Gregory, WO: Swath owl I'orMeleo,l3o; geo garolerter,lMO. . . . Amount. t • V.4.1m,373. In ^ludtag tot.; parnimt3, 47,t17,..4U1; Lnanuce, 623.4 LIC.OIO. 1:131=1 (By Te,e Crap It to the Iltb6l, , 17t1 11.etle.] Sr. Loins, June 2.5 —Trainee"; active at full pme,-o Cotton; dull iv ,JUI we mid. i dling Remy& 'linnet. Si 3 . 3 .3 1 ,W lu• al. drenond nod 31,50‘2,51 for oinsned. Flour; el nude; 1 9 St tor extra, 411 p for don do nu ll-31CW 312.5413.75 We choice. fanny. Wheat d, , ,+, , ,,• 31.5001.4 1 4,t0r No .l spring:4 l , 6 4J 11,7!4 for No. 1; 3143347.00 1.. e Crloloo fan; %bd. Or IS .m. , 1 int of host neer Of Ulu new wul llt 44 3 0. C0ra;....14.r at 3.41.4 u Ono.; lennend Cu 532/75. 13. e; dunliwnl br♦ ti". l .. the latter being forclioleu. I'r wt e; .1011 and unchanged. Lard dull.. Whlak dull and noth in g doing. .1 I= =I baa OacsAss, Jana '2s—Cotton lull anti easier; tale., 7ro bale.; tow toiddlina, 240 Win: mathts for tare, data, 1.455 hall.; ca poral. 11.51 , 5 bales. Sugar mat Ponca.. keld Crude, as tinlei. Pinar quiet and arra; su perfine. .10,25010.5 a: altoicarote., 51t1.50 Corn dm, larJ, 00095 et strtate, 51. Oats octave, at 77/IS2e. 111.011 liitgat rata,. 11 %c: clear. lac. Park dull, at In llnfx cuirisc. witteki antulual Still nach•nuad. 0 , 1,1 0.. 1, %11133t.; Starling 4.5 5414. Nan' Tort tigh , /: 11 1 11 taaan Pro. utlutn. icr!== Env 'Telegraph t ;the ;octants an ..saute.) Bahr; gotta, Jona ZS —ltlo cnifve dull. tie Bur; firm ILL 11.% % a for tr nue; Porto taco. 11 4011t40 'or hor Co good refining, Flout: timer and rower. %lova druavr; Corn: advanCing; revel pot lth tit; adopt $1,11;01.0; hello. $1.1101.14; untged wardarn. allo Oats. FOtinc Bulb mrat• to arrive; nT,ic for strottldors Suit to,i'r tor rtb Pro; pork; Isle. 01 1(0 biAr. I. primate term. !larva steady. Lardi nominal. at 121,0170 F2= lay Teleartpn to tee !loaf:arch Ilaketle.3 Loometkak, June —Sales of 2Cot Tobacco, et akta2l6 for common Ingot toe. dlutp ktal 03 for. Start County. Flour ts dull at 110 fortiuttotCuto Wneel....noutluttl Corr{ 860allo for ettelled. 0•111. In hulk:74. Ye.s Pork. VI p. atie packed, clear . ,tea 12 , ic; woos, Witt for plain. nod 114013'9, tor sugar catty. erlme Lard let tierces, llNelk. =I IBJ Tetegrspo a • ate Iltn.eurts Plill..•Ottral .Jons —flour dull; nut., sowsoo. si.N. IC best dna; so's: of ISOO Cu. rod al 11 - 1,511 111,41. (sum so [lse sod sArsticeo; voles or Loss hos yellow at {l.lO. Osts In 010.1 delonual s 1 1.10. (w -ise unetuosnl. Sags• Orin: Cubs lAL Cambridge 1P...t011...net. (sr Telerrrpta e the lent.ern ~,, 3 - enrlntrann, Id nee V.—Heave.: ree celpt• et *Pa heiel; market -nnehnenpel: Oltne per 111. tneep and Inn i.e; recant. el I.tettienlee nt 4637c;Sprtng 1e12346—ea fntr I .apply at odis.uu. - ifosptsta Slarkel. av Teletrapb w tp• rittentr.ll xee•tte Idzairum, dme 3-dbtton;,dull at 1.1(j 2444 u; rre.uptt of % ut ports. t.!.t, Ilrus st 9341,V7. Po, k, ttatte; clout I•drU, 110.`"hrtrL,'.3;t.t!'!.- (131 Terl n. hlO.ar rt.tsouratr TOLD". —Flnur quiet. SYnmt 11...4 fur &tub llich tic au, 0,55 If, white. tutu tuut Mc for Fo. 1. Are do:: awl dce.lisalug trulglas spry qua. IMPOVIN UT WAIL/10SO. PIT arra . oa SORT Warat a etlic Aso lilt. Jolla 7.5 —di Da. abet,.. b Coop.; 10 4 • do. W 31U-orddry; Id do do, LIP le, holed a Prat. cr 15 4 do. E 11,11 Prowl. du do. W II Filtkpatrica A C :.s do W.11 ' 4 Wader. ; 'D . o a , • nla • • . ; ' :: . dt t ., Pl 4 l d o W ):::: , l7l ' c Pta as S ITe, P ' IV Ver, 3 ,1 , .; bat hooka, IL E Parker: Ida yws starrew• e. Dhlrlds la tlo;1 oa. Immo,/ I/ Dravo,7s ea .ea e ~,,, ~,,,, ~,,,,. aTi .. 41, _ ~. J It aro A Co; 4 plod Aloe's, Jones a Nl.log r, r -;;; L ,i.,;,.,-,, l c-- I 10.1 e & .1 steel a Dtoill *Ns raia. Oro, • grey A tilark; I ea.. dr 55. K EDellers A Co; 3 ' I Is D&Y, Jor 10 A. a. ha. I. trt...•nr. J B Plebe, eKe Chord.. DI ur Tr, ~,, „,. .„ ..,„„.. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , Dr Warbao .1 0 x &solar are, Da rsd & Etobrpc II , t.• I. Drt 11.• 1, rworawd. r, J. . t' , ..iieri; fro. 4 well pomp& J. 517. LI•Iploe; Ic•t pl rw trers rut. 10 11,t1 . t . sair ,.., a resia , :s „.... h....D., J 0 akii•Pill I ,al. scrap /t,AI J 'L.,'„, ..... ha;ater & Hon .:: a. pearl sob. McKee A Leo; -/ ad:No.l 8 INIWoSIII A Cu/ 11 horma. tro &La pa. B REW 0d on a.bdl.yhaltrn.O.axw ktrO;lbaa .. R s . , FlALs .r i as . & a. per. J Li ardrile& . ' _ . -- L 511111.1•375 AND PlYrattlarall R•ILLU•D. 1 FATTsuculfiu isitEvi Lin. j arab"; M b. E/5 WrOthr.; roa ..lt& l MLlarl 1 ci • do, 11.11 a (Ur; I do; do. 7A raw; IV bids goad, fblee. Walker a tI .;9artraplg 'Sod. f(Palek a Cu, 132 WI cord. , ° A i l s \ 6 - ii o Aim:sums 4 CO., 11 ra allso% . btil• • -sr/4.1u. U L. Ent&o..ducl. A , Co; • .10 arf, 'MUDD. . Dlearaar, ado du. II ' -I M.4.1 7 1° ' ' 4 '° ' j "' V. ''' ' ' V "*. r.- siiiiit4,l 111,S110 ID BOP 0141.11. e, A ems, D flurry..or; 31r!.• dry ult., head A 31etzgar 0 rt. roe& J 11001..; I thi ego Menu. a Colll.l 7 do dry 7ppler, Mertoor & Cortcasoorirto Harlot; 10 Ora ye. J (Dean: 1 - e out, t bacco,4 If 0ra1,.; I ear. eta, .1 I Deader; I a •ka ware. JOS ILEA 111110115/4 At co.. Pittsburg tt.por lA. le Ido ~,,, LI Pattormror I do do. War IT. An L/K 1510751 kr AlloOrom JIL litirri 1.; 10 obt. 011, I Orteri 1 du du...1 Coal I cl r du. A laarrisoul I 0 . do. If P.' err UK •K• ' ....." I oast. 0 Itarlarty, TO bd. checr..ll Holdle, 4 h rt. 0.0,, - r.t. .. a co;.; .b. potato.., ph ,. „,.. , Tru. a*neloo of Ipe - ciamorrre, 0 one two need pie Ptifter,2 a . lard. Vango der a Phrpard, I '• 5• 77105154 IT 13 / 71 . door upl. eats. Claropbe.l a Jiro - a ; 37 irks orarr,l/ralL A Rear., 1.1.3. clreesd, 7 C Leo kid& ALES AND PORTER. P.F. , r..."..1- ,!,....c;.•,.1 •4 ' .. V .'.. W. f " '' , wnicn.tr-r,otn. ouvrestiectint . salt mom B .....e. - 7 bb d.. --...,...., krar valet. re tualt)air fatlliklea and Hood fro. E Megtaer • Co; 1 boa du, II Da. 0.7 , /73 stols ~,. ~,,,,,....,,,,, , h .„,..,„. ~,.; ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, d.. E Norm.en 40 slot oil la• al, .1 P. T utak.; pare and aatlskororr to tlo rir ad.. 2 ease. worm/. L 1 Haternaa; 0 Md. lard .11. .Dsr ID 111 . A I.N. has "eta blot", rourartualoded Orahraca a 1/h mane do.do. D Cheanor a. Co; I , It i a r lvl r clo i vv . .tzt 4 r:se... ..,,,,,..... • , 41 . rota meal Adele. Miler a, • r.rxe. &I paps D I; I aro Melt . o-a ID al OD atllo• ad .oo • '.. 4 . K U "' • ; I k g 1.14/ od° .. g . ' ' " ! rol''.. - 1' .1, .It .."..., 7 _, ,;, al oar oMnt rota Id. dried frror. 1 be roorp,l bol barroo,i - , 0 Jar olom 11 steps rags. I bed 4 astoe t. 1 low term or Priutte tsy lad Rlliefi q, 'en ' la d 7 brklaa butter, 01,01. erg,. Ural? la Heir 1 103151. t eti 3 Was G... S. Imam ont, Altactur a. inn , ---- r r !.. U. lj . '''.. ='"—. "''' ''''' ""' "' ; PROENII , STEAR BREWERY. ...., a --,...•• J. ri B e•rs at.. so, Taus 14 et Ule a Cu, radlry a 30v; ~ --- ALLatiuurr V•LLST 1iA11.60.1. ddoe 24 it. IF U...zt, g., etc& in, ii . ..., I ..I , hole.. 13.lortutott t ear Vim and . DOI., ••• .••• .., '.... 1. M•rlin. arittell Ji. Co: I pia MP. 3 3 r , butler, U }Odd.; x careatetal, U''.. "‘'7 "1" '' 111111111 N IA BRINIRS bail eggs, John Schwalm; I do syrup,' dome., , . I E Ile‘t. e•ou; 6 Idll • mallet oil 1$ :, yr sa..y A Col I 1. Md. butter. Janney a Andrews; I 4 eltd Imo,( OF . Wul Viscous a Suo,•lto Lt.. salt,Thos .31,febell, ! . . . . • 1t .Y. tr•U, 4.211 4 Wt.:tort, 47 do do, Stotts Glad. Ally . a w ll i tc k izT .h ittll i - A - E-."" a1f.23.0 fret lumber. John crue.l., "*"' LI 13 sell; 21 Heaths MD T.Lii 'l4 she. l Iron, SC Y MOW rung; 113 calls rom, rul t.... Iktllms• & COl4Olll oat, AJ Jl•gx, I sack coma yam, Nat. & 111 son. • •• Al.f.pdx nay yeaiOnn, Jun. bundle. L•ukb+ult b. I In: to ha. ebee.e. bloom 11. liarlarda, 3 do Kohen a 109% 9un do 599999 it rbocopom, 43 bd. corn, dr On rette. bids J pills paper, Palle Pepe. bbla dour, Stew., t Laugauttelcni 6 bola ifloegat, Lest., 11.11eil • tral.ell. lIEW CARPET STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF AL 1:1- xzw rirrixs IH Tapestry BrUsseß. Busty Brstswels, ' 3-,Ply nue 2-Ply. Tap Ingrains. A Full Line of Straw Mattinge, PLAIN. Oar Met 111.11, thanat soy pre.ro ,, :a qent drlZlTto l :lTraeletkft , " 110. BOVARD. ROSE & CO., P/71 . 11ATALLT. (Wand 1090,1 .61T211:7744/Aer over Neter • 11eIVA 10 OIL RE* MEWL THOS. S. EALHOU No. 167 Lac^ch Stret, Agegbeny City jeoooloetorer of oweey description of CHUlig IL,utebl LIS' 51 Me mud W ATEA .- TANKS. AGITATOR!IbdIO oh The In - oalrn roved so d .11 IRON TA NA itoT rovS Nip, sod .11 kled. went • I fist 51.11. door for K. lasts the me.% re uonaule term) and at ttttt notice. J. A. RE,E.RON HAS REMOVED - His Mho and Residence to No. It OfTHFIELDir.. Realty oppttim the yanoesa,ela Bonn trio an • EL J. LALNCE, Nos. SW and 187 Third Street, DYER AND SCOURER; Straw Goods 0.111104 or Dyed, icip °Lavin skaa alvia "" . ... • . PITTSBURGH: DAILY GAZETTE:'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1867 rirrsiluaGii ROPE WORKS. FULTON, BOEVAN & CO., I GOODS FOR TIIE 3111110 N! 1:=E1 CORDAGE, I oxuni, TWINES, ia erUI uriety. I=l PALMER .0111 or rend for Cireolar RIVER fIEWS The elver continues to recede slowly at this , point, with about twenty-seven Inches In the • channel by the Blonongsbein pier murk. last ' eveoing. The weather continues oppres.ively I hot,sod the M.P.." foe tote are not ver y "r " Peodsl at the landing "'"". U"'"" to 'moate" ''"- 1 AUCT 10 N MART, The LeefLro j ti, from Porkeraborg, was the t only arrival, and the Belle for Cincinnati, was • - I ; the only departure. The Belle had 'good trip , having all the freight oho could take on host J and Merge , and quite a number of pusengers. SS ;eg 5.17 . The St. Louis Democrat I. Is high glee lo j . consequence Of the Ruth tag pasted the 1.- j mous low-firmware Et chin d. We are of the FIFTH ST., Pitisibttrgli. opinion that there are quite a number of boat. , - i '. • irtte to do that very tidos, the ..ertlon. of the Loul.llle paper. to the contrary notwathy standing. ' I The Rata Putnam roared tit St. I.oula on .411 3 . r .,%T:1f1TA r “,a a r r , , Za` r a,,, r ,?g, r aT,l L N, f satunlay la. and the Beltevornon and Sher- told at m. reached there go Sunday. The Belie- • 1 • vernon t. a n d aa landing 70 tons of Trcieht on boat and barge. We tele° the fol. I PRIVATE SA]E. lowing Items from the St. Lout. Democrat of . . Monday: / The attempt to wreak the White Cloud and Wltolesule and Retail,. Bei. Memphis by means of gunpowder and /pirate° Watery is reported ouceesaful. The ' • first' trim w as matte on Thursday, by the m.o. I REGARDLESS OF VALUE. age. of the Jaen... J. U. lumen. This wa, render our hart. eater. We loom ~). tn.- , tentLhea to John li-Cop. lin, that the mountain ; • • steamer Aeacita Par will &rave here to-mos ! HEWS.- OTOILLES'S, CHILDREN'S AIND row. The stterewheel steamer J. 0 Illactiford : VoliTlit• 1100 k S.. SHOE, liATTEllif, BAL. woe sold yesterday, by the United Scant :dare , r 0 OA nr , E il• IPPEU., aMel, to Capt. II L. Lee tor the mum of 9% 90 0. DOOOO-rie ouy tiotius. Velitstp Lee,lll fit the Hmektold for the Red liver trade, and run; her in Coal:Sett). Wlth the CLOTHS, Cat MIIHRES. JEANS. 1.1:1Ie Tate.. CO r1 , ..N ADCs. hit Min AND DRAWERS. , • • The ferryboat Keokuk. built at Browneville,, U LU V I t H'" 1 "Y• . ern , ea at the clty af•er wench shell nate. on i II 4. y. olt ItSCOIS.V.s. SUSPENDERS. Thursday last, She made the trip In sane] CUTLERY. 1 . 1.0C1i Er iliktES. day.. I !laid, CARPET If ACES. • • Ihe Upper 311..issIppi aleamee Davenport, 1 last week made a trip, having - Or. tittedred .. • ' proaceger. en board. There must be con- I Also, dlr., fromthe mantf.e.rer., Lldetetne_treVc.leg Lute. on to that ...tn. 1 Cosi of excel... quelley •la being mined end I , ' • put on tee haul: at . the coat banks recently Ingl•ain, . Hag. rand Linen toned and worked fifty mil. below I- Ta c n a. nen tau. flits aupplle. a much needed went, as . other Wel is very - where. A curious imertmen a • Mean/boat celisl the , 40.211Fri.1 2 Uri T rie , 9 Little Jack. left St Louis .111 Seth:day for the Osage river. The Little Jae. I. a specimen of I ' whet men can do In the WaY of bolblt 9 l on .sleem -....gk t boala She be. a getbost hull, saw ¢llll . I ....u.i.o A - 11C Lis3ll. PriCes glut., aml • loft cabin. The painter'. skill' has toter. dbt'eloped by putting the Lame use Itt i chalk. The City Council of St. Louis here adopted 1 an asheanco autliorfrion the Harbo r blamer. 1 arrest at. Veneta Male or female, canal. cas t rghig netlele....l fthiWthe ie.'. w.f.. , 90. 1 KOS. r..'5 AND L 7 FIFTH bTREiff. t may, or dam ...the pack .e. c. mining luck mow,. The pee .Ity tit a ntie of hem 6. j . • to 111.0 and Impriponment. ; N. 11.-ieralturr L . -lath...told 0 00ds for sal.. The Etholonalt Caw. say. i The recent en.' at Atellon Lrt EVI-iik THUM:II,AV. pa:meets In tt e useof petroleum for Gee.. I boiler. have derei. ped one imports. test. that, op a