THE • DAILY G=TE, rususazo IVLEY . XOIIIIING• • liC116•T8 XictiTlGD•) P ENNIIIAIt, REED proparietcbris, )OFIII/IING. r utn. BOz.-a Ti r. n. YflN r. eocwiv:.. ndlinn. • 11== I. !au. 81 AND I.6FIrTII tell;2- CertiTim raper of lain resulltui. CITTNIAL PAPER OF PITTABUROR AID ALLEGHEN r: CITY. :LA RC/VIT. CnIATZST zed BEIM YAWL! avS COX/a:WAAL PAPZit In 111.11 State., 07 1313 DAILY ..... 3 ants. PelvetelibrUsrtierl. per wet*. 13 .• 31s11 enanicr3.3ol r.. $ O.OO . Aadl3.llB, ' GAZETTE. =! ..:14p#51my0 . 1Saitte, I! COME RETURNA We lain hitherto set forth the relative prosperity'of the Dispute , and GAZETTE newspapers by figuresoompiled from the United States Assessor's office.' The ,city editot i of the Dispafrh yesterday• makes knew:lupe and chosen to, publish! his own incomP 'return, together with those of other, jounallste of the city. • .#e quotes the returns of the junior pro pnetors ot, the bizirrnt by a _group of Conspicuous ciphers, and triumphantly remark's that with all their prosperity the &izirrss owners cannot rattni single dollar of income. The simple facts are these. The two senior mem - hers of the GAZETTE drat hold their rest dence in otfier Districts, where they hive 'complied with the revenue laws. Each -of their returns are . respectable .enough when comihired with The eMill arnount given' in by the city editor of the Ms _ 'As for the junior members of the GA 7.CTTE firm , they_ have fast started into the busincsaworld on their own account, and have 'not any formidable array of liguree . to proseni. Dearly six months • of the year; which the returnscover, they both labored diligently on comparatively, steal ! salaries in the i.Dispardi oQlco and novi that they' are 'prospering, osx their, former employers charitably en--; dertvors to create a different impression: : For the rculinuingsax months the junioro had not much return from their littrest aunt, (being the first six mouths in busi ness,) but shuvr ligtfres as followa, exr * chive of the , allowed deduction N. P 'Reed • • T. P. -Houston tin justice to the latter gentlemen we inlcht say that the returns were necessa rily delayed till a subject matter of doubt, 'of no interest to the public, was satlefac. , United decided, Indeed, yes , erday the United States Assessor, Hon. H. A. Ws.a: :vett, assured them they need not be in a hurry in making out their returnsuntil thoroughly satisfied. The gestation in dispute being settled, the above returns wore made and, we think, will compare favorably with those teturned bv con temporary journalists: Our readers will pardon us for making" public this statement of private affairs. All are aware of the unceasing labors of the city editor of the Thspatchlo create false impressions regarding the GazErri in the nubile mind, and we must mos ' atonally award him some attention. Tun Rjading Di patch make; the fol lowing remarks ou the approaching nomination for Supreme Judge: We ore of the opinion that Judge Wil- Routs, of Allegheuy, will be the choice of the convention, as the Western coon • ties have in many instances instructed. their delegates' to support him to the I mat, while there are many intlueaces to be brought to bear in his favor on. account _or locality. The Western counties have been complaining most bitterly for two or three years that they have not received their proportion of -the offices which ' , they have done so much towards helpiug . to elect. The "Westempress arc anent.' mons In their support of him and . some even ge so far as to demand the office fOr that seetion of -the Siam We believe 'Weir demand is hot just and. proper if there is any disposition , on the. part ot . the Republican party to ewardthecoun ties that roll,* the Republican mayori ties. 'Not that we believe Judge \ Huila better qualified for the office than many ottera, - Mit because we think it ex pedient at this time for the better_secu rityof. the old fashioned western major itlecthis fall to give our friends to that direction an opportunity to swell the - ranks and - give us a precedent majority. with which we may enterinto the hem denial campaign of without a shad ow or doubt upon our political banners. • 'With; the Premdeat bad the 3131Itary Government hill in his betide, awaiting his action, he tnund this fault with it.: - "It reduces the. Whole population of the tan Suites—all persons, of every col or, sex, and condition, and every stun- . gar within their limits—to the most alp ject and degrading slavery. No Master ever hid n control so absolute .over . his slaves as this bill gives to the military `officers over both white and colored per sons. It wipes away earl tegige if re. publican gorernment in ten Stateii, and puts the life, liberty and hoaor of all the people in , each of them under thridomi nation or a single person, ,clothed with unlimited authotitY." _ Through the Attorney. General he now says he was utterly mistaken.' Nothing of the sort .was, there.- Re simply thought lie iaw what was not to be sem. fizz leading mercantile &mot' Louis ville have taken - concerted action to 11 pig down ertrbitantrents for hardness bosses. .Is a circular addressed to land lords they assert that rents now paid are thirty -theca per cent. too high; and - Teat. 'business '-cannot be prosperously con ducted unless a reduction is Made. They niv• notice that they will 'matte.; close up shop or move .l.sqwhere, If property annere do not comply with their request for reduction, „ L w. ;, ruimred that - Maximilian has been pardoned on condition that he re turns, so coon as possible for Lao to do so, to the country from which he came. If be gains his Imedouttheilmperor.will -hardly again aspire to's seat on a Mexi can throne.* • is'annelineed by cable that the credit- of the English government has been much impro y ed and strengthened 'ln bleat- Eritain and ..oct the continent r through'incent reform); and the interns/ pMicy iccently adopted. Trngentstitution of the. North get - - I:Fib. - Confederation has : received- King William's sionstare and goes into 'effect on the let aroximo. ' Thant have ligen several eases of - :/diatte clialen In' ailvestim. .Texaa ITN city Isin poor astlekr7 condition. Tnn IZow York State Workingmen's Asscinbly Is in somii9n'at Albany _ Stratum/1h of grefOld i 419 lately published Ibo lath part of his "Dolton, ary,of the English Language of llie,Thir tistntb, Fount /mat undlFilleeuth Centst- TIMI .. extending over nearly seven let ters, or" more exactly from monselpe to sehade. Ile fills up, siiys on of his re viewers, the gap in lenteographV be- It.siwortif s Anglo-Saxon Diatom .97 nod , lliehardSuo'sjEnglisnonel and it /sin tbli trio/station'psl u., : of ao-rig? that it., history of the [lon of -Eng lish 6m to Incsouseht, handsome to be giv•tt to the Dupree» Eugene' by the Staten Ott the oevasioneif hW vialt to Vertu It is a solid gold Medal of the Imperial the sweet mums of Europe, with the cur rounding trots in green enamel, and the rive flowing past In brilliants, istaing prepared as a rodeos for the innpiese. The value of the river. and of th e 4 tofu,,, whit* Is to surmount thoeutraneentt the lltlla=. in rubies; will be werth nearlyhelf ' —Madame Ilistori,lo , lliiiniquletlY' in pads; Kim risilized•_A-Ttnarter:ef a mil lion of dollam ht--e • gdrit tront - lwr Acneri trlp. wae.-wao to appear thine times . in 'Zia. Theatre Italica. tiers first per- ! • ' Inmates , in the eliaractor of “Eliralsitit" , mum advertised (or Janel 2. 'the King of Prussia, who is one of the most fervent admirers of the talent and genius of thin actrien, , had taken. a box inwlealicc.rdi• the fhlit evening.. - • Ithliand ("Timothy b u i finished. his new _Team "Katrititt,': • -which' will publisned the early ") Fall. .1111 re-enter the lecture Sold next ' Winter; andAdready balm fatties of Meet' ,ijeirtnresi engaged - in the 'Wait far *Low. •••ILlniittair ronr. i!!,,opeli to gonh•am..7.lth . . • , . ...._ z _ 777 ., ‘ ~ • •;, - 6 - i sTABLIS . 1 --- _. : , *.- • ',, ',. ', , A.,, Ifill ; , ':pi , ' ,. ;:.'- dt,D.178 . .'1 , ....‘',, ~...,,,•.„;;.4 :::: : E'''''.• - - -- - , 1;:r. , .•,, , 7,..,:- - -•-", - J - - __• -.,.. --,-,-,-- - .- • - .. • , • I . '.... „..„ -m• - -.97. - ;i;''''' . /_ ~,.-„--_j,„e,:„ , Le.,;-7.- - - :it.-..§ , :,_,,. --- ",- i. • 7 -'? -c ''''!"4"'' -''' i ' ---- --:" ''''''' 7-'- ' 1 1 \ T I T \' ' 1 '" ' • ....1 4 .4 3 2 ic -t o -1, -_,_ ; L, • , - ,1.-1.-1 . , , •I , . -,..a. ~---- 1 1 - VOLUME LXXXII. --- NO. 145 VIM EDITION. I~ZIDNIGH'I'. THE SURRATT TRIAL &lance f r Preseculion Continued.{ • COT Tsiegrap to the Pittsenotti tisiette. WASUTALITOR. Juni 25, 1.017. RIIRRATT TRIAL. John M. Garrett testified that Booth and Harold were at his lathers house, In Caro. line epunty,V.trginle, two days before the fernier*. killed. Booth had a Pair of pistols, bowie knife and field glass. Har- old had - a c.a.. A field glans RSA extant lted, and witness recognized It . one shad ier to that In Booth's posSension. Could not ewe. It wan tiles... fCarblues were ex hibited.) Witness never examined them. Don't know if they aro. the * same Harold brought. Booth was killed in a barn on Elder Garrett's plane, and wane. gave eel. deuce Misfire thereto. • • 1 , .. Colonel looser testified to dile capture and death of Booth. Its described the arti cles taken.from Alm, which were, besides therarblues, two raven shooting revolvers, • lergb new bowie knife, a bbx compass, inns of cam:tango on a Canada bank, and a diary. The diary was for 1,01, and many of G 10115.1.1 were cut from lb. and from up. peafeness they Vero cutout at 4.IIrETRUL Limos. They may Lave been eat out at the same time, but. it was by different etas. me the stumps of the leares , wero uneven. Gave.= the door recently, when 1 0. summoned before Cat Judiciary Committee, and It was then In the same condition as whorl talon from Booth's . The diary was stenultted to the juror'. Who tassels.' It. -The Clerk then, at the request of .thetloksse, WOO ordered to tsar uharze of e's -eel" article" put lu 0.1 001- glence. kV/finals manned and Identified other an tlelee takentrom Booth, which worn +aeon= In evidence. . . 013, CIVILIKISC..M.inatIOI2" ti.lowitueea stated the marks by which he identified each of the l , tir.les. w Af r recess, Lientembit ' Lather B. Baker, patron the stand, and made a MU state inerils.of hts part. to the capture of Booth, Lte tenant Baker tootifityl to :lading a leaf f BMWs's diary ...tanning the name of Dr: Stewart, in possession of mid Stew art; also, to finding the remainsof a cart ridge box among the ashes of the barn, and a field glass. Ile was not:criminal at the C0123P.11C.V Samuel K. Cheater, an actor, of Now York, was ;called to prove Booth's presence lu .Now York April 700,150. EZZI lifEl Lywooll.. Senora°, clerk at the Kirkwood hump la Xdodentilled tricker' torn from the fesisier Of-eald house dated April 111.11, =Warning Atzarort's 110910 Court Tiojourned at e:l5 r. a. Among the tinitora at the' trial to-tiny were 110 n. N. B. Judd and llo.rt FROM KANSAS Eienestou over lb. , Eaten Paddle V== mecca l'itt:6tir.lloszwite. Somas, liexsas, JuMs It The river continues to rise, and is wen. Meg to overflow the flats. It Is imposeible, ' while this eta. of Miters continu., to rut. trains Diocese. I ern ocrawariendy detained longer than I expected. Butt need not be Idle, for' I bare already. seen enough to.. copy me kir eome days in writing out my impressions of this met beautiful of all the regional have ever seen. About the meridian of this place the Char ' actor Ol Kanneschanges-nuese much in con furnodion and general appearance es in ge ology smiths comporatiotruf the so/l. East of this, that is below this; the only stone Is a meanestet limestone. of thin, and of Its excellence as &building stone I have spoken fully In former letters. Here the sandstone region commenc.-of the varieties Of which I have also spoken. Below this the son In almost blank, and extremely fertile. Here, on this extensiverriver flat, It is Quite dark °Mond: but as On mount upon the higher grounds to the iamb 511.9 a rich dere brown-in come tow places rasher thin. but generally several feet in tbicktiess. It is eel. dandy money intinegilated with iron, and to the nye u setter than any uphold soil I ever saw In Pentisylvenie. In our State It would be flrebesta wheat land; but whether wheat can ever be eunrese fully grown on tile plains eest of the, Is a ijoesnou 1 owitiol- answer. Colonel lisher, Who lists wore that-thin miles west of this , In a phone wheretee brown am., of which I have be. i Lora' spoken, atone!,, told me that It pro- , dead root cro. admtrabsy, enpecuate i event pOtatoes. Trio land of welch he spokh .., is law from the river and teirly snide ebb -t 'n the 11 . 0.i .„,... 1 , 1 0ar,, ,,. mi, }..;‘,.. buffalo grass region. nem a. setae. thebenao ore. boar.; a evil of Jelin Stevens, Is prominent mar. but it is evidently yielding to the seer err ehnut of Hint plum, sited of hydrophobie. and etmeter grasses Of the prairie tip Ile was I.llt;in I. ii ibrg live weeks bolero about 101,. Mutter it predominates. The his d en t,. -.. ' idea th at as the buffaloes are driven tack i i i the buffalo greets ceases: Is a 000tait for -Douglso Jerrold calls a onien's an. which I think teem Ls no foundation. That ° Lito,eerlsenta that wind about a niall'i, 11 le romiediete .4. 11 I have no reliable evl, neck, killing his hes: resolutions." The dense We talkie tee Easter prairie grass o olci.t whithitant ' se3s he don't obfeet .if it were . a distince variety; but there are severa varieties. In no place did I see "«, them Ol so n 0* ecePeetk. eo mime end lasi...WM newer. tie ' iti ill° ..The anon cutout. author a the cism e ighborhood of Fort 'tarter. 1 saw . two ~,,,.., d r ,,,,,,, or .. Flui n m erea ~ „ l i t, n ...,3 0 •Ismatlesrat eactio--bno the common think . . , . . lobed canna *latch we often see in gerdees a Nannette° in Imgitont, n year or two en oar State; the other Is very cartons and since, is uhout to publish a second work Tarr. pretty, oosunsting generally ot a cal- of the genie toner •, nit lien, of which is goring of globular masses, each made up of Orestes. many ponds. all stfpasently connected by a . net work of delleme external fibres and -On 1 hoodoo afternoon- M.. John S. I pricks. They are said to bear pretty flow• ernvoirr, of itin.lby s.ounly, E m t o ,,k, i•eme but they are not yet In Moons. , had theY.Of Les lingers ant off by a strut,. I '' U‘ma th""rgh" the areau UP ''' cutter ti hile trying to use host , lose he that pert of the country there boald• 1 0 . go o . omi, of ~IO Moms of ~00 1 100, could put lin. hunk to the blade n hen quality. Colonel Fisher told me tint lie in motion. could toad wagons with theist Ladies use _• foe date Of Bishop Porev's femms them largely for Preserves, 1 far lw he buffric bJoaine! . e gsoo. Pleo„-.l, i i o t o Mime , o •r htahe r is b brought i • d - d emi from t o m Wild grapes and gynaber ss a., piaus,” a this emit. ogra uco g t on nta from le suppoeed aniqu s y bein d dm-t n o long hens called. lea beautiful and steer- . 1 Sollh., ^ of 11 . i"Clae00. which It ...none. fel looking country - ImouT .." - Pm . g , stud v. hick, r:i.m.intermaevldenci..s.lsol,l 1 and, here and there presenting hills or : amrm that partake or the character of r... not Mi. heed written before Idi I. godliest. In some pieces, distant Irma - The Colby Universitinictnorial 1.1, water countess. it tool. Meow ocean, and. at Waterville, Me., IS going up quite like the sea, It h. Its a recka; for look over raphlly. The material hi schistose elate it when and where you will, you so, the I stark remains of its monarchs. tee buffs, very abundant in that neighborhood, toes. bleaching rn the sun and wind. Waste I which is pheosi with the smooth tarns and , a rilts ,r tht th ritlsigi i regif , Ar a t o lr i ik o eez verse surlt , ee dine urd,giv , n• i i o t. l e t t atrial - awaits the band of enlightimed industry I" ' ".°c" . 01 .1 pru. -..- ', C:i and taste to make it be tutatul and bonne impregnate , ' nit ron. . like-more beautiful than Illinois, tor It is --A happy ennui° gilt married la Log. not so monotonous. • it trio other . day. und the editor ra t • Of the Meteorology of this country lof fl u. ~,,„,,,,, or ShA oiy inako.,. coot.. cannot speak with condemn.. It hi -said by . 0. „ .. ~,. i„,,,, err for ..,.,es notice of the even l, and adds the folios.- aipicultore. Perhaps It IS; but surely 1 in: couplet: • , saw rain enough. Almost constantly there elnd you ever see th e devil, with his wood. I lea fresh andinvieoretuilt hermse. oft.. ers Iron shovel. rung Into a stgraale. Tble is the cleanest Digging up gravel with his bag toe nail 5 , atmosphere 1 oversaw; and I most boo What stn idea of nantrimone Ilset ern- healthy climate. Chills and oters, lem for must hat r.; told, net or originate berg , and t was a Ira- , . • ~,,,,,, remar k ... 3 ,, , our ~,. .40.1.{..,1. V, Lill,' Hes. Mr. Ankle, pselt of a 1 German church in Aehlund County, thin, I -Row healthy the people trwic . The Cure , Kee and the nocturnal hear as are tar was hdlinig service an SUnday - of last I m00t... then they are wl c ... , week, his hon e was broken open nod Tea tneetserious want of ado country . • timber, which hammers no r and more n 1 urly two tbou.suld dolltim, ishou ' t one ' same as we go west , go far w : for (net, half in gold, nod the Ind nee In amp- I lime et Celle.. is worth eight oilers per backs, tukou froth the think in which it i and; but nom more can bag no it .°' wits kept. Su s picion led to the pursuit I .. r o p t o b . u , t,bs o co . m x. e ... reor i aAtd vo in ri oje . t u rce .i, s h ir .. 4 ni one ~;em„,.o Wiley,-rho wee armeirsi, yet. bcon ed with!. onnoychr, state; but - A T riter reil.e; "the parent of one it ellstsi lea b.dsnee ia several loadthes , neet of yOnlig birds have ix.. calculated near too I° ‘‘ ° ' ..° °: thls roc" , '°' ''''" Ito de , many thousands of insects 10 southern part of the State and la chlorado. • ", • . I . , e, m, ar m u nt ,th of pik„i e r a m,. nu t h e li ne 1 One row, ant, di ns at the eminence. rat of this road. la this actichborlicsat e can , of n norm sentew, one darn havoc pre ot lignite calms, oomts Osa or ven (cut 1 cane the existence cf millions of those trdr.x. I have a amen sample mi ll ; but of ' b e ing., whos e natenshc dry-natation lA, W value as fuel,' am not able to spout co.. , ildeetly. Thu time will come, however, i sent a barrier so tllleonraging to Ihe on when there Will be no dtfticulty &emit fuei, . ertlons at the egrieialturbit, Wr Lre°° grow vig""°°Y "PI ' U P PU7 _• le Troy, New . fork , it terrible case' wherever I Lase Peen Uncle plaited; dalan _, , rail:Olds are multiplied, as lheyWill bo, and ~ " c ".I.A . A. Id rollorIcd• A liialnu' Mid • 1 other depoisits of coal Ellectivorod-of .1110, ,lt 11l rl' Ilildren were Moan - erect who had r there vie Indications In many places-that ; lit ed in the open air, n ithetit food oTitny difficulty will be overcome. . kind, from .tiondny until ' Thurielny to pnxtared , AIII . iihrhs. It. is the old ate ' 'The father her for Winding bare and at Chicago rind et, Loots, mail • „ , . Y• somettnice at Clficlueett. and .11. et.this ' ire a nruntant stud had been sent. to ; place at abOnt the following pries i I kill for intemmiranen. The fondly Was Perm. then ejected front their con:telex! howl Pine-clear'sicif, pined, No. 1. m I smut ter sort- rent of rent. • " . int/ I OS ' Cote.. ' - • • ... . ... 75 4k.r.., ' resr - ried t f' ; ' ,..t 'i ta ' n o v g io " i. ' l s er " ' ' N 'r ti kg' llit g ie " 4f folk pme flooring. worked Fe, (55 A , ' , , hiding, (w.therboanilniti 4tfein neon:" ion , ii, triVo • is Is., the C. It , I. .v_7'. l Mangles. DIEM-Per in Foga i hail.. i 'oni pant Is John A. Stewart I ,•nb....awn atom , ' (scantilna) 110. I and l‘ IMAM .11. (islet., a N . ,-, York i Pine 5 ,,,,Y? ; r city, with a consideration Of nine i Cottonwood hoards Cottonwood shingles • ‘" • 1 melon" a dollar.. 'rho into atm 1 e 40 4 vt 1 ' Prom these figures the coder building up I nue stamps ode th e instrument nMOUnted I here can be proxlinatsly atimaled• Rent. Whine lineloind dollen , - tv.pdr son fort,. are high. The etextdard Howe,. , tolerably 1 five two hundroi dollar ebonies. large, but Messy .4 rougble Ile/died heild• , - , ,„.,,,,,,.A of il .., log, almost entirety hunt et cottonwood, i• .velars _ assure, late- ' rears forc er 4V a year. A smeller but isoif L e- , siding In _Hermon°, May, lies 01,,nover what bet Dabbed house, where I ra'. ' ..1 a method of aellotestruellon us stearin . , brings, 1 am told, lit•Leto a year. . , Ntrance ito file now. fro 'mole a bet that Flour la selling. Cola tempi, end tiotatoot . ~,, ~„,,,, ~.. ~,,.. r w Several bandied plena WS.' Tho soli 'Wide aster ousts a. st Fee- • ...,,..:”- ~,, .. did nO i , Ina !lOU l i sle end thing, end farming Is o remunerative i w !ol ii . nee ail 110 Les[ on returning Wine tins fie 7.- tautness. Cattle, I am Lehinovi, only re .t wager, quire from four to eft weekel foaling In the ,ed with 'sq. linnaing lover. Ills hivid winter. arid hay, cot ad fibitlin on too prem. I soVelled Win fr ghtfnl taro, and he-ex haw, le the cheapest thing le this cOneteY• in drill ,her , me h eues of , x ,, rotha , ng !have tons endeavor. to glee you fair , . , report, leaving the reader to ponder the 1 agony. .tote• pro's and eon's. 1 .1. V. , -.The iinat Eastern may ruhubly P.8.-The river fall Ibis morn• ~g , ii. v io tr o m Hailed stwx. t a u y,,,,.. log. We C. P .° " ° g " °a 1115 °ften°°" ' 1 The Liverpool Ati/ion euye.that negotia tion. are pooling for the forumtlon of a new and influential compour with a -.-- , hirge capital, to run the flinut node.. Ilieneral If lerAsson Telegraphs for the I, twecn New York and. Bred., In son-', sooo.rof of Ibloooral simartilaa-Tbe . neetlen with the Parte Ellpoisition,. as It N. 0 . Xtmen Itiontornal . 5 000- ff.'. 1 la believed, despite.' the fallow or the I first romphny, there aie elongate of mut fay Telegraph to the rlttfastree Gsserte.} u . n , n , in the uuderukhig, New Tong, Jane MI.-General Steadman, -.1. the duyl alba patriarch., a wo. , a special steam, telegraphed from New Or- man's oonduot was the littlex. of her I leans id the President at Boston. asking for heart. When,. fur example, the father of Ole removal of Ulmer. , Bb.r,°°. Kum... I Rebekah asked barlf she Would go vi ith I ConCerning the Genera the New Orleans, ihe retrained of-Isaac, she 'replied et 'ones, Times says editorially: I" I will got" and she been u daughter • et:either the history of this republic, nor or tho nineteenth story, she would of any molem government.. egerg. oacs have answered, 'Oh, petiew I go with en instance Of flageolist. ernkrao , gf g.l O mfl " i him l Why 31r. banal:must be Maki Go Ilea sad Inanlting totneordsostion and de. i ~ ~..a ., . ‘.,., Canoe try inferior to suirergrr ° Mende fie I ".. au. ' m ' this hitter errata*. lets not only defiant I tholl-alle Wand heap.. with him. co .00utts I won't I" And b"W"U°Z and °CWlnpeetrul* .i. t .,.. th ,:f c 2, - I -Burden-Arnett. Is sixty-live and a duct son busguege of this r°.°° '''''"'" -""" ' half ti I rge as id estaelmsetts, be ument. Is wnctloned by any considerable , nel go ll portion of the emerlaint people, the. wont. tweet might und Mini Howe.. large natal 1 intl. of our country had better be Oan. , Now England; Mare [lines as largo us signed at once to the flarees,and our Rs- St.. York;' nine ninon rot !ergo es potato delivered over to the awl • vilk,w; lisle : eirlargli lie Texas; twit,. *Deal thrOugh whlah pros bleXlLis hao Wen , Fallen Emigre . Or Ire true/sling tor tiw last forty year. from the , ..- 4 trgt all tau ~ ergo . , be sted.Uy. tee ambition • and toretuuota or Iwiten six and (wren th ese a s nannies oblately., and the ores throw of :Inland of GT.% Belot°. tee autnority et we civii law and Its eqn- ally hum. than, all the NOW kalgo:no Si ist on , nel . der , - stituted interpreters Arid stimintstnitoreo , mu t - i e . a. gm, York, pennegiverils, New 0,1u...5e, mina speech at new Ore '.' totn ii" sent be had not met &angle nue at I Jedgoi , D' llltwll i o t 1"----,'"'-huld• Virginia, the mirth who approved anemias.. emu., I boresand South Carolina, Florida , Ala end that raniesueln WOO ryvogly deed. 1,,,,,,,,,,,u.p mn.a.appi wallet., FROM NEW ORLEANS THE STATE CONVENTION !Supreme :Judge Comund Between WIl• Dame; of Alleghuh.T. hod Pearson, of Dauphin. bpccial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gasetbs. WlLLl...roar, Pa., Juno 9 . 5, um. The Allegheny oonnty delegation, with Silage Vaeeh, Thomas Ewing, Esq., and Pt.. thonotary Walters, arrived at 7a) A. IC.. and are at the Benito Rouse. SeVeral other Plustnirghere are 'here. But few. of the eastern delegalion have yot arrived, but are arriving on every train. The contest le an ranted to be between Williams and Pear. eon, with considerable show of !strength for Thayer and Use. Williams , chances are more than fair. Nothing has been said about, organization. The feeling is strongly In fa..- ! rot of sustaining Generals Sueridan and Stelae! in their position on Beconetruction. India= Troubles Its Arizona. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh timette. Sas Puageteco,juno .a.—.Atigons Orlon to Juno Sib say: The scooting party under Colonel Deyles has returned. They had emend engagements WWI Indian.% killing tno d troundintr oulto a number. Gen. Ginahad been through Santa Yana, end Will Witham Pork corium's, and tliscorerea no trams of Indians. Ito attributes the depredations committal to Indium from Colorado or the Fast. compmyrof the cavalry et 110104711 mutinied, and !alien the captain and hero Monet. • • . • General Gregg flays be would make abon work of therod=skins If he bag et.: or eight 0.11118.31109 01 cavalry. Two men were killed by Indians twenty mil., from Prescott, on the 0. • - • • - .. • . -• 'General tirceg Laptanning en eztensire expedition to Tonto Billll. flee Ca learategn. 3. T. Cur Telegraph to the gnu trurxit tlisettr..l New 1001, June g...* --The barns be:Onging to the Union Hotel, located on I-smitten Monday took Ore at a quarter to eight oYelect Monday evening, and were consumed. ' The Ere extended south and destroyed thanes, ly erected servante , quarters, also belong ing to the Union lintel. The Llareuden was not merchant, though suntamal to be in great danger at Umes, And was only saved through the great exertiturs of the are de. Part..., supplied with water from the two reservoirs on the grounds of the house. The Volumidun, which wee twice in lamas, was only slightly Injured. The Uresent Water uure astabliihment was not Injured. /Liver Telegrams. Cy Telegraph °Alm Plttalmsb 4 l.isseM. per Al .lantk., nod raclnc Ttnenraph Company. 1 OM ern'. Scam 23 —River eight Loeb. sad failing. Weather deadly and warm. Oil market continues very dull at $l.lO to By Telegraph to the littalotrgtt 0 turtle Locinvim.s, J. 1116 3. The river le felling with live tees three Inches water In the canal. There le only seven fret of water on the lower bars. The Richmond has strived from New Qrleans. and is lald up. . Nstrrnt, June s.—River falling slowly. Union Partite Railroad Earnings.. Telegraph to t h e Pltiabergh Ooze we.) Sr. Lou, Juno 21—The ear:an/pi of the Union Paelna Railroad, Kansas branch, for Slay, worn one hundred and euventy•two thousand dollar., Including fLfty-one Mons and dollars for the o ne Thr expeuxs were one hundred llovernm and one thous olollAn. and the net pronto seventy one thousand dollars. Gunboats for the Lek.. LB,. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.; llowrgwret., Day 24.--It is nuderstotual the threw gruabouts,,Cheruh. Huron sod Brit.. Pe Upper Lekes will hero. • sent., to the new Dominion, by ton Imps. rlal Government, on the dm or July. The Mule, with armeMeut, no. Tales, et $lOO,OOO The Canadian Oeverstor Statist By Telotrapd to the ti.cansc, June'!—She Governor General and family arrived the afternoon per the steamship Nentorian. A sidute wen tired from the garrison and war ectecla and a' guard of honor of Meant. Regiment escort ed him to his residence. Completed. i Br tclierardi to the Plitsbarab liars ite.l • IltlrAto, JohoM.—The conmlldsalne of the Buff*lo 'and elate Ithe and trier and North East ItaOmuta was completed to day. iteerl•lrsoll eta Ist Vt.% Issle. By Triegrabh to I.t.ePlttsbctritk Si assns.] VA..4anc OS—The reglatrqUon to ite trim' W.r.3g.txt 'Lamle LOU oolarea, .I.eo ennee. In Use ...sty, &V colored, ant-DS Rhin,. GENERAL NEWS PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, TUNE 26, 1867 SECOND EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK, MORTAR FROM EUROPE. British' Credit Improving THE POLISH ASSASSIEVS TRIAL. The. German Constitution Signed. FINANCIAL AN I) CO3IFIEItCI AI Mr Telegraph to Um Palsharsh Gazette., RISEAT BRITAIN. orloyeassorsr earner tor Ito, N.. Lorene", Juno 2.l.—Ervoing.LTne t , •rent reforms and also Internal policy auoplcd by the government, hare Umpired freab 000lidenoe In her Maenad nbititle4o.o.l the credit of the government I iummoving here and on the CC:Mina. ' MEE= • TetIAL 0, tat( rotten .../315.. Paws, June 16,4 The trial of Ilettnnekl, :heltl,. attempt upon the Tito lf the Cr... I.'lll commence on the Ittlt el July. Peluso Napoleon us to be rreoldept of the the Congress which Is to assemble for the Vorpose. of &slog a prillonto star:dant of gold soil silver eolnagolu iflorOpe. =ID IC [IV COMITITUTIO3 Ski Pi Ilettcos, June 21—Rucnifty.—Tne -Cohan• Lunch or the North Cormun Confodoration, having been adopted by the PlUMilal Dlet. recetral io-tlay the Royal slgnature .of King William. It cots Into offoct on the first of July. FIN AhltIAL Al!) COILIZEALCIAL. Ltvenrooz, June 2.5.1 L Keening.- cotton closed beery st the following quoustlonst Middling Uplands, lid middling orleans. II) d;tWea today bale. Breadstun- COrn clewed at &I higher; new mixed west. ern, Ms 9,1 per quarter. Wheat steady, Al 13, Csl for California white. Pe. Yeeitned 41; Canadian ouoted al DI Pertluarter. Oats d Marley michanged. Provisions active and closed strong. Ihsof advarmed 41, closing firm,lo Llas far nitro prison ma, Pork-prison mess steady at 70. flacon, Us for Cumberland middles. Lard decllneri ed 01.101 dull at 475. declined Is. el.. Mg at GU for tine American. Produce- Spirits Petroleum Id bettor: ,ales at NI per alAndard whtLo,ilL Is 3d. Tal low 40.11 for American, an lute..., Cl 3 pen.. Lennon. June 10-Elemna-sugar 15 un chaffed. Inman; 31 rwr ton ter scotch pl., Linseed Oil declined ins. ~luotel ac an 1W per tow Other arils!. unchanged. Los nos, June 21.-L‘ent ny -Cenral, nL osl.i for money; .Ic9 hon. 73; lihnots Central Erie 3 , 1 ; .; A. a O. W,conrolida. tad 10an03.4. I Fait SIVOAT. J mac - 1,-.k.“-run,-1 bond, THE PRESIDENTIAL TRIP • latrodoettaa• at the Mate kapllat In Beaton—Senator iinoets end Ma Pros/dent—The Rotors. - LE, Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garet., Bowie:. June Ti.—The President was int ,gortett to the Capitol thug morning. and imsetad by loud roil oft repeated hugs., by tad thoutsighlit of poteoos rrbo witmeond the scene. ' Proceeding to the Gall of the Houle of Repre.entiatvcs, the Prosldecti w wel oomed by Governor ItuLlork In a brief spewich, to which he replied. Lieutenant Governor Clailln extended Al Ginner welcome to Mr. Seward, who re epeodod. Hon. J. A. Vona, President of 'be Senate. introduced P.M:teeter ttetterel Senator 'effete, cliOnk band. with and <e terett Otto a brief renversetten et] t Pre•ldella, Tbv,pwrtv the. ennklucl,l In t -oa sts clistsibaruoretinar , 4.l3 uiSet parts Of the Capitol. • . . The P1 , 1.1(1.11. and ;OW slnttenl the ban ter mu Monument 1.1311 Cliarbnltoten Navy Yard In the , afternoon. On leavinc tht termer he wan met by eone nehool children. eke sung America unaa.u. Tan I're•i dent addremad them Mindy with Inman of o.loolllll4oMital. The Prwthlent rtheeyeently stanewl the iehool ship. There were many. tlhalngunn en men prey lowly. assembled. She wan towed down the harbor 1.7 the revert:mem eteamor The Borten Saeht cub. wlll.l eight Dealt, proceeded to the urea .11. teeth:tn. The eteantei . Romaineeo proceeded down the harbor, with al M 2.0"., in earn of the Deeteloy Encampment of 'tem ple.. Tee rreahlent returned tothe city In the afternoon. All petitea west aellghtat wilt the trip. Delegations or the I.loe/stun. of Yes ilempshlre and carton. Olt? corporstlens Invited the President to enjoy their !inept talithts. bot be was enrolielled denne The Preeldent ' , nevelt Boston to-morrow morning, going direct to ilartford, where he remains till the following morning, then visiting New listen. large number of eh:retie petit their respects to Ulm during the erciliclgn of the hotel. FROM NEW YORK [Fly T..legraph to the Fhttabargh t. &set Ir. Neer YORZ.Jcinett.s, left anti. trit,ilha . Mrs. Lizzie Morris Maynard and m►n Homed Ralph Moblbald have been or ;rested and bold to bail, ebarged with steal big an illeglUmate child boLougir, to Maria deceased. Iletropoiltau Board of lutornal Bore. nil°. of which Assistant Treasurer VIII. p.ek Is the bend. has o , can wormed in this city, underardors irons Washington. • . . rut DV111111•10.3. The Dunderberg. docked for repaint de part Ilan and Tams arts forint:ice nest week. eon repel by the ~ • 1 ...IDS 0/ A nitrionskY. Wm. Steele, a young merchant of Joricy City, committed dutch te last night by bleed. log. Cause, cmporary derangement. in the Court of Clslms to-des. tIM Lunn rendered Jungment In Inver of eharnent• In fOnttoets cotton cane*, Ittlmitollnit to •oect One hundred thommaddellir , ...nO tnen , ett It declaims to twolve slialhar manes. - FROM WASHINGTON, IBS ToleAnpn to Ma Ylttanuran ItsseltS.; •7 W Asmsoron, June 0,1%7. Tits IinitSSTS•D LAW IS Jaseutitt. April SOS Yap fire hundred And forty-Aro (Anna, comprising fortvoue thousand tight nundrod and Wooly-two acres, waro added to the productive forrA of Alabama, under thu act of Congress pro. vuling for the disposal of Toddle ninth. tor homesteads. Tho numbir of bore , . locittidl with Agri onitural Collogo horlii So hildsoud Is nregou atom nod Territory• urn Jocose 060 eztweit• 11,g ono million CONDENSED NEWS l.lllTelrgraph to the 1•11.141/orrh Usectle. I • —,htx. Lord, of Now Tech, oh Mondnv re. coined froth no unlmown loturno twelve thousand dollars worth of the tined. Melon from blot sole time niece. Ninety 0.- .101 dollars worth are yet missing, The tinted Jury at. Albany. ti, Monday tonna ft true bill agnlnet Ground Cole. for murder In the !fret tlegrun, lu kW -I.l3tAer. —The riles, Nan, Ern ,la loading newolup per to throne., tiolels the nemo or lionorol I I:r.t YeArrealdunt,bollevlng he In the only M. 1•110:0sn lead the notion out of its gloomy politleet FROM MEXICO I,,omorrOP a Th rana o t •Mt ra L i ea Oo In Country. CPT . T.tearana le the t•ttl.thurik tiaraUa•J „Zanrilatnaart,Jono,Vs,—A MaPotoh & r u m GalteitOn tape a n,lrietrlunpitialealitronii n there tAditx, 0147 North, iataln , " , / ^4 blineeit as an - officer of Itlexlnailsin'S. lie stated Mg tho Emperor hart hem patdontal, on condition - or leaving the eo on t ry anew.. an 00 port of Tom WOO or Vera urns. upau, bye bin flepixturo. 'WOrkinglißelp . • As 110.1341). tHy Telegraph to the riltlblargh *trier, June 9a.—The dude .Working. Assembly Met today. The Piesl dears address o.9lXwid no , Pkollis , or'' movement ha ornmeotion with the wight boor oyetern, and :favors a oorresponding tedlintion of wages In accordance with Ma reduction tabours. : • • resolution bad been Mtn:Mooed, calling upon the President and Congress to put I"."l,ll`getZ.T:frZg: 1 . 1 6" XX a::: meals:also, calling on the National Labor Colon at the awning mullein to rooogniro the Nstional-Workinginon's Part) , • Mateo Slate Convention. Car Telegraph to the Pi'taboret, °arena] PrreL•en, Mt. Jonsls.—Tee Democratic Mitto *Maven Lion erns held to-i/iy. Ulan. P. Klmbill President. ale epeech lb favor of taking the burden of taxation Irmo r h o poor 'and piecing It on Pro rich. where It be- Pregediarldno pinary leaglelation an , the State Cemistiellalsry, Vas otieered on. thualeatteally. The Convonttori; notolnated .11.1". Pitts teary for ti'oraroor, adopted rilsoluttons of the usual Democratic annum, •fle• nonnelog the present liquor law and tom etabolmx, °pawnor exemption or Minted' Mama bonds ttiMa taxation, to. • , CITY Ala) SUBURBAIi Tbsi - Alaimfaelore or Arlek—A. Great lovrestron—Tere People's Brick Ma. oblate. FOUltrit PAlit.LThe pairs( and Pion re- The Intel: bitelnessovuen properly eon, liuLle along, Oil arid .eredeee Markef Re. dueled, Is very profitable,. for well mode ports Mein by any goner in (1. city, Isar he brick there la at all times a gond demand boned on nor /born Pope. aid remnnemtive pricer'. Even the brick yard proprietors who WC perform all their work by hand, at the present high rates for labor. manage to grow rich. For many years Ingenious minds have devote , ' mind, study to the manufacture of brick by mu aillnery, and every onm and awhile new friventlone In the line are producid, only to fade Into obmurity afterbeing subjected to. 'rigid practical testa. True, there are many very valuable arrxlllarlm to labor In the 1 , way of patent brick Making machine.. I which Intro -summer' idly stood the totot pructice; but the grearuiajority have proven tailed.a. A machine has justheon invented j by a worthy and Ingenious practical rne monde of °arrester city, air. Johnson. The Invention was unexpectedly flashed on there interest.' .111 - brick making, and has won the warmest ftfibiattne from all who have examined It. It 16 certainly destined to make great' revolution in not only tun production, but prim of building materiel. , Tim inachlre in now in operation at W W.., Wallacife marble works. corner of Pinch and Cherry alley. Who maculae is desert.. eti by a conteinporary journalist as follows: It condos of it hopper, mould dim, and , hearing off table. The hopper contains the clay, which Is tempered therein, and from I thence drscharged Into the mould'''. There 777 la a targe . borinontal wheel, with open places Tor the reception of the - moulds. and as the wheel revolves these moulda pass under the hopper ha ritguldr order, are Mimi with , clay, antlimmeellately after disettarg.l by tun action of a plunger. UDOSI tee bearing. I OW table. We have never men a pima of mmhinery work with greater.ease, regu larly of motion. or freedom from rambling and jarring, showing at once the complete adaptabildy of all -parts, and proving, by Its own motion. that Mhasbeen constructed coon true mechanical -prlaelylm. It has been in oparration every afternoon, at the t work,abet e mentroner, for severat days past, and ha working hasbeen wltnemed I by a groat many practical brick makeni, ma elder,m and others letmrosted In the Omit buelners llnckkof an admirable quality por turned out at the rate of Party eight t minute. and Prelacy five or thirty thou. mud can be turned mitre ten hours mourns. I Another feature in braelbenaking am been " introduced with the People's machine, the patent drying apperatna. This titmice of house of any ilmirea dimensions, locsited immediately adjoining the Machine, and, by simple arrange r ment of pip heated by steam tram the, boiler. rucks, on which the [moldy moulded bricks are placed. are ; run into this buUding by radlwankr the doom,' dropped, and the bricks are ant/noted to an adumrable combination Of molst and dry beat far about mvan hours, when they are i ready for removal to the baking kilns. The drying - apparatus can be greatest at avert' small expense. and ls really Inahlpeneable to the aticonasful manufacture of perfect Wien. Ily its tiM the green bricks aro ex-' Pissed to my Modena decd. of doing a way heat mfore going into the Olin, thus doing away entirely with uneven shrinkage and conse iptent imperfect bricks. The right to me the patent drying apparatus aceonaperace the machine. • The machine Is la charge efldr. Chapman, Em II hit,. Clair garter, who is deposed - give all Information labia power regarding it. A. stock of to purchase the ex cimive right of the patent, is being formed. and large yielde mutt certainly result to the 'stockholders. Tne shares are placed atelOU each and, we learn, are tieing rapidly als o-m.l of to our Most ' onareftai capitalists. EC= in' Gin tot Neill-O'Neil: libel aces, soul that of John Stewart. It will likely be nor Province, at the present term of the Crimi. net Court, tel refrain, to a greater extent than onr experience has heretofore ex. tendeo, from mitering Into details unlit' for publication, ens almaklng to moral pro. I ple. The eaae of Stewart to of ntorc recent orcurtenee, and simtlar in numexespeets some of the O'Neil's. The Grand Jury, yes. larder, returned a true bill. etowart to livo mg oilert from ilk wife, ati application for • •11eorce is tonellug, and It mu he hos ben pursuing her with intent to en make her lite e as miserable as possible. The story of_ their troubles hos bean repeated In Court on several occasions nithitt the put nix onths. nernenelobly pp, tiring aa defunct.m • asit to her compinlm, for unlit, tut tarnolttet,. to niolenting and notklitg her artful by idsannoyance of her In bet sepa rate auldenee in Ilertislitgitant. • SO perms 'o7rne' P:;,%:.1 .- e"l',7,e'Z'g47, l l`."triue'ln g .7ll.7lo7lMhe"n i al length taken afermotouti I've lo nightly nt harm at his hands throngh his do 'six. open his wile. The prom:rotten for libel artses out of It Prattled Pultileationt widely cutout:oml, calleol "John Stewart's, sworn ststetnent,” to wench the author mainle ate experience with his wild, In elute. dancing Inane, prescottng eel only her but 111. littosolt In tile moot. odious light., and tic• koresleaglog Irinn,rtf a being srhou very presencehottest people could only look OR. Johnith ettraollltf, horror and dtsgost. The Si owart referred to la supposul 1.0 be the author of thin publicatiou, sad hence his indictment. = A. family, rveldent In the Seventh word, wove an 601. diatrese :Monday evening at ' the atoenee 01 oue of the meet°. a bright youth of ten [ . or twelvu yenta. It was not only hie absence that amend grant; but the belief that lel slept bin last sleep beneath the waters of the alonougabola. The hour was ten at night, the report that theac 1n,7 one 14.3 Inn seen no WWI rand ter r.ver. distressed, agnulehtl nnenn prettierttett in the fhlitalfkroup:The 13 , t1t01- ttortlnott was e xcited.. A crowd urchtus. vplaymates or the anseat toy, had cougro ..el at the door of Muttons° of 1.11011fillng: twrltterittr their quiet, tolelned tones Lo enuto antneatt,t, next follow descried ..carnner. Um absentee. wa in ' the distant,: leisurely non...hint, his home. was eel su.l, otoulebrod. and con. vt-yed ln trhmtpn into Coe presence of Ids 11,4os:toed parent.. He ltt.lll I.lllottered by staying 014 t MLA, it apt...mi, had contemplated dasertlate the pacental roof. having to alter a Joon:say To Ireland. ant 'had to.. leatting tan railroad depot to tow reteon watts whom he M.l engaxed. Z oaf able to say whether the int/. IF. .111.1.511 to this In.. Wentrrn lnoTonagy, Alamal Aflocla it... • Too annual mooting al this ationelatinci wax held in file halverlaty building. an Monday evening. 1n unusual number cif We .11innol ante preoeta, anti Um melding graved a very agrecatrle and Int...rooting ono. Garrirrouilentiou3 Were road (rpm err- era: nt ills older grednatexi. expressing an interest In the Institution. and a desire for t ion swims of evorrthitigaiuneeled with li. rite tclloytng othescretievre ennern for the oute. year; Prosildent. lame, W. Stormy. te l Vico Precluonts,lXoloTt Rodgers and John Gordon; Corrimponillag secretary. lobo It. it/twit:man; Secretary and Tress, an, hi tri..l. Cr. Goo David L Carttattall was ehotien tardier Ind John it Wightman runt tor tb axial. ot 'Too anniscoiary exereter. waif hold In University. Hall on Tnurnday J one rth, Etna will to of en enter. ithtning eh:doctor. [Lev. Derrick .Intioson is to tourer the rration in place of Hon... John Si. Kaknat. ice. tells oat ennitotted to ratogn. The ;cam will lie delivered by Georg. L R nit. A largo an.llcnc; I. expected Ca the Pectic clue. spa All xte Davit/A Peritten4L = A nrat clsitthltPanl etiLshlisbment hue heap acted up le Luc upper olorler of the large autldina at the corner of.St ghtle and Lob erty rtrcet.. A reloonitible pang Mu par. ehn set tee ot Let oftto! ttltltslt, and Las tit tea tdeni op la ttot,stiptent ?ogle. with .grro eta-tab. , . La Nat* nOtatae.antloell the to:meet. g *paraphernalia. An eatabliali timeat of tnts Land Mot been greatly deatral e ten more onterly clean of amateur till nun! Plervel. and IL L the irdentlon of the o.oertotor La make IL worthy at the patron ...te of that clets'orplavers. 11r. Morgan IL nry ae will net rt. turtarintentlent anti ball. ILMllll..tet, A fact, or ItLelf. enfllatent to warrant the preatry ellen of that order arld M* tally 3ontewtarr in IL &M . cies* b i ll i ard room. lir. !Wyatt le oldest and molt extterlencett mutt 141 the billiard etteinteel 111 the cite . , end hie well known' ettollemanly and courteous manner would seem 11l innore for the oembltehment snob A cereal:aloe st the , proptintordestre. The rooms were fonmel, o,tentel to toe public on Saturday, the :hl test. The en oxalate I, St. Übtle -treet IL ion pleaatset Place to spend a le hoer, and wont.l advise on' PMYeI , Lo etnp In and see for them:etre,. 611111asiareti—Pril Doorhargsol. eon the ease Of Ttatcan .11eVailarel, the eneug 211/111,11.31ttN1 fur trent en a charge of murdering James notilricii, to Alleghe ny.. the 11th moot., the GrAnil shin - Tea terday a:trivet:oh returnee the ladictUonit motion of his unan -4el, the prisoner lees brought In from, Jail 41.1 discharged, At the twice time the rand Jury return s.l true lilt aguinet Viv4lll . 0. Kellar, char. Ming hits with the murder. Tilt result was brought about, doubtless. br the (in . of the Unalusw of the point, with which the 1143,1 was commit ted. the particulars of which were givenen yesteritay'a Usenet The hintlng of the pistol In la place w ulcer It cannot but be coutosted fifeliarland hvl no opportunity to put 1; while the tame not be Paid temeeralog /.1.111 nitwit, J twee the tools ft! the action of the G raiol OU. I.llltabOrith retook. • aMloSe-ilouM t00.11.111..t Ezorriftto.—Clof -Lists)• of the llrotlool laF (1.00. In Lairlet', SlothMUM .I:pisoliplii: Church tnuigbe the drat section of the graduating clam of lAA. or Of the preaent term. will read their grachuoJeg e....,bi1. AS the clatiallit, large nod reword of young .14.11ra of no crones*. mental capacitivend acquire no moot*. the cartaloo tent will douUtleas prove UMmost intermitleg of the Com vencement excrete., 'rho onotiadl oxen ivre will 101 conducted by the penile of Vro• it t . moor. lionbrk,: •he (Inured to toe retie t or mid Instrumental conceal fur MO vie and McKee 1 . 717...,114) that thle p 1 the coterie:lt:meta will not prove A ram attractive. Ituobtlem the cherub II be crowded on th e tweadion, es mien:met, Mel. fretted redeto ate fully appniciated by our Intsillgeot conimeolly. Dealt. of to Fisleenied Miley, • it It with fueling, of deep eCtrow that we record the drain of 000 of Our owed oidoeui e(f tool valusilde citizen!. Alfred Dams, F.vd., who departed thin 1110 yesterday. at tau robsdcnco, Rio. it Co:lgnites street. Tilt tlecensed hod for years been conflotel to Ms 1110111 oy pariah -Ma. but burn lila sultornim mint true Christina rettentraucth itehnow• ;edging Inal's Med In Inv attIICLIOn. tie Cu! a devliut loot earneed moment of the Mello mind Clitooll. and a worthy broiler In the i lea itocapecitab will carry Ammow tout tante circle of (rlimils and eomstuto vets In tide any. The funeral will Lake tillsplacc otter. 00.11 at In al Vomit twit Weltiiin. Flour114b1111: w 11,141101 John l': bllaurs moon lurortuatlou bolore Aldurtnan Joh., or thn boventh ward, Pc. curing IParld Thom., 01 ormadttlog . ault and battery upon 11 1 111. Tho porr ass 000110 I,t Bror's 11110. nod Ttmoar, rep. rtNClltlWl,woe rirdaurrly Iloorlahl. n nIr•ol, bwoa frror to golfnt hi. for whit kindness hi. war maltroahri.• Om halal.. Wl l / l alur. iintortalnlou thwarli to larva Win lulu whod, consouted rttllo ca. by Thom. pan in 1.1/0 00118. Thoutan %riffled. 10d4r4 an Information namort limo 1,11010 party fw .1 bandorly col 'Mo whichd u w o a r toil poloda w of aw y l t r h o o o tsoloul ;. rollectless Argenry.—Thero Jinn icon en titillated an illetitution rt. So. all tit. Clair street, the me:eerily to which ban long 11000 telt by the general bitsluenn 1101121nual• ty. 10.. refer to tee City Cellectlng AireeeY of Smith, Seaten A itlealou. They ore ulat,W , l snit rerpinenitile •boolnees gentle. wen 101..0 [W.I . Intl h.lllltV alma shove dominion, and they moat W otantonatel In the 11 01,1 they have taten. Tory will at tend to tbo collection et hills of all derctip. then and cberge a reatonalile . Tato or con eta.l..lyio cno onnnly n o d n th h n o n A e g c ency e cto dt. he We ter. lion and indroengo Or our rontlere. An Ehrapivir.—Yostarilrly nicalrunon allhone att .:nMild to Is cArt, and driven by an 'teir, took fright on brulthilidil Street. near •Vlrtile_ alley. and ran at full spend up to the imruur et Stith, where the Care mandril pith • the iron lamp post .1111 such rtolence as to utterlY demolleh ono of the wheels, besides breaking the poet Mr short. Via boy KU lIIMWII out by the allock,and hie nett leg .tight ly lnjured. obithary;-IYo see Mailed to .nnullOn th.. demised' Wes Rubel Jetrrtua, it highly esteemed god Chrintlan ' , Mug lady. which took weapon gabbaCt , at her residence, at Irwlnit fitittion , tier Untlmely Wel l• ...tidy deplored by a large Ch eta Cif friends and urflMstnances in this OILY. who tied long Meal red reepeoted her for manyuohle virtuoua trantOr oheraetsr. The Collaced , P•oplu of Allegheny and vicinity, facet Able to the &contention of • colored Prctuctotion Church, urn Invited gOorOs Mali, in the went side of the Disinoilu. AlleglienY. on Uubfwth After . noun. nt 3 OA:lock, at which num a sermon -future se p rSrfee tcai•hed, sod announcements !or - fu nactillde. . A Flora canc—Usabol Inicketone, wife ot the nowt it aline Elarketoroa rteine In Belau =Jan Hut. otorintalne4 before Al dermen-010e, against Mary Harris, char& log ter _write `Aileirtler/y renduet. - After a at mule* the Weems illlaposed or by defend paying geptiete; ; blesses. liotro to G•mierrei—Cenffesarnt— For voice time back articles have eppeered almost daily in the Moen, pages of the Post, relating to my application to the Coort of quarter Sessions for permission to erect is powder Magazine. ho long no the mutter wm Connned to that shoot I did not [Mak if worth replying to. I • nut since the natio, of the matter In your I volitable aml widely read paper, a Proper ; regent to public Interest requires a few re- I marks from me, which I trust you will Moot. IT T ittsburgn he magnitudemay nob othe powder businms of be generally known to i I nor readers, who pass on from day to day inn rt fleeting that it is impossible to - 1 l e n er coorry the large quantal. of coal', mill etone around Ude remon without the I 1 i vii; of o 1er,,0 quantity cif powder. As tills ! ) ri b„ t hfromere, it m o ot . t must of naces- . stt tr.sp oted distance. Our Legislator° and Councils Jena since enacte•l laws and ordinances regniating the trans. I I{notation and storage, which have proved ~ I well adapted tot,nn end." i Tuu constant Increme of the mining io- term. around this region has rendered.., 1 I Nod nen., a largo amount of powder' I toomsary to their piecemeal operation. Fora long time tots has been in the hands of a monopoly: anti like all other Mono.- .. has.. very linarto. to the Interest affected by it. The poor man struggling to ;secure himself a nomoduatt: Theinail dia -1 arr shipping coal down the Ohio: hud by Iran rand to points whore they have to com pete with coal mined by powder, ensues two and it three dollars per keg ire, than in Pit tshorgn. The sportsman, zlshirt . gito en -1 t e i e t Ti ?n i g ' g a ottirt s't l a s Pt nottlt IV n e With :t: 1 ehmto from other places, all had In suffer for the benefit of tale minatund monopoly. For some time hack, oteurpri t sing Jester.. asalon to supply 'Weir customers with powdurat reasonable rates, and Ignorant of some of the lore relating to powder, have bombs the habit of bringing It here in lots of ten anti twenty kegs • and running the risk of storing It themselves mbar. .than exarbitmO pri A ss emblyed to the il t itt y ot n y P ery of which AM of. of tind of I April, 1650. Motet. Court or %/darter • Sessions the power to make Inch regale- I tions as they use proper, for the establishing of magazine. within aroma. of the Court House. Under this act the court long since order• eis thou any pentort wishing to establish a i magazine, shall give three weeks notice of the time of application la the legal Jour ...a, and ten days notice In ell resident. within &half mile of the prow:wed itteatlmi. 1 TIM every person will say is a verY genii regulattod. An) needed to unlct a magma. and my reslcence is shoot three miles from the L;(111rt noose on the Beaver Road, In Mc- Clure township, I comuited with my neer neighbont and ending that all were willing to sign my petition IA the Conn for pernais• I Eton to establish. Inch a bonding. I pre- I pared mmtition, which Cow ell stgool. As t soon as notice ay Tared In the Legal i Journal an rood,/ by fro Ad of A.montay, O squibs beg. InAppear In the Post, contatning lat. and exaggerated state- i molts; copies of each paper containing an i article on toe subjeot, wemmrefullY sent to I most of my neighbors. lon presenting m alication on Sider , day, a Poisons rane y e w pp as alto presented I I against the granting of my petition, signed , lby pen as not residents In the neigh., i hoot, not inter.ted la the pOwdne hest t. mos, and, cansminentle, not fain; with i the subject of the petition. or reasons for • I the appitcatiop These mays be Orlefly stip ' I ted thus: t•-• • i let. The mlifinif and mad &echoing Inter este of Put/Moran require a Dolor AmpoßL 1 of powder than Is safe or prudent to More i A ir ,, thr . e . e y r d ..,d Worthy poyaleiso. I In eat locality; ft also requires more tom- i Iv i totitiOn to the trade. Few physicians In America ouzel •Probs .,, - . •..• The IMAtion prayed for le the safest minis., In the hearts Or the people then and most convenient that mn be th eo. As Ni. E. , A b or t, e ;,, j , Is now ' .o;omining n[' the powder will be breve. by e Erie mid . VA Sualthflold tartlet.. upon a O rMemihh • I i P iLt tL e t l t t P y, tl it h wtt: P o t tg tti t t ' s d n P ee P ett P 4 d otti kt u t r. al visit. A phyinclan of. extraordinary ho. i tag tree, quarry street, beside the huge sight into the ills to which humanity Is L Colon Depot, where large quantities of j p ; powder •re new untege.A gel ; hauled heir. • s e rg e.. M era • MMrahttU r skt • - • through eat - most busy thoroughfares over uutek too Pero:lre, MPhil. relieve, sad! h. , °matte tootles, IlMie to strike drewany linie taln in Ids ludgmentt• mats poss.,. twit 0 t mont. Hy boating a metro.. as Ore). all Use enobling trait. ot anal In one I tt , o rt,M be i t ? , ,hi b i: e r e e l t ;:e r s d e r eg e t a hlLittiLle , Wi t -LI . who minister. to the afflicted. It Is not to ......,_ „_. . womiered that his Bowen h. ever been I .. ..,• . `7,17. Ta . la the .. w .. i . at. pd..- . brilli.t. Althrethigh a email world chow- .•. I der will be hauled in a properly constructed or their heartfelt MM. , Klee him tom. each kteg encloml Ina bag and ag in tribe. Of their Joy at bein g „f, e- jon covered win" canvass, along it route ' o ' er; I • thinlylnnahated and likely to continua BO 71 .t:1 0 rn rl ILI t Va11 1 : : 11: t r gril ''t e n c U o 6 ort l ee a I tt sßd tV : 4 ll. 04 '1 11 t ire'rria,,,,h.teg.T..l;aog.:j.h...f.,‘,,,,„er4eahewbe Comm, ÜBBAUsIntI abilities to cure. tie mom.. - - - i the pe t titinn. Very Isar no.d.ffsaturina P e t Z P O. 00 1 he mule.m mireeieet he " ... T ill he at i • lisnments ell of which have el nedthe a tempt Imposolbilitles, nor delude the con. i ~_. , • e_ t ... . _,..... _. __ g o dima inn" the MUM that he can cure them t . f e tr e ~,,,i;;;;rt•be-;;,-.1„-a-n- era= e mi.- •I , eblreee' i ir Meh h e Me... . he trertmd These and many otner reasons which ills roach of medical oaten. Pair denting I might be repotted loot me to tonere th t Le Mi• r•lce h lelles Ve n ee , ere vie re ,..._ ° " ttett • • nate. wilco I saw to the remonanm a •eei On ng".... , .... a ./ ....d . P" . ht " ' Pow been procerol it a corre t u Ptt o• '.M. to cut , lev ...MN 'r e m °he der...loot ot the ease. for some nam e . p t . I who ...Id h .' . . dn " nk. U.lO C....• pear Ono. sole n rove always been opposed i none., Rubin. by his hope LO Care. in inonnpoi ,„„ of .. , ,,, n ,,...,, un. slit... litsiceg lie "st , l tl r` t t . ‘ r r P . ''' . 4. Ag a :la t eselor nz'a t b' If tidal I Leneen. epee Teo suisent Into eV nede. a , ~,,, ~ vertu • ... rn ,.., i i , i n ' .'''' t few .0e.. , 11 , . `,.'.".••‘.". l'' h '''. fl g tto avitr•teer ;los% ib t e tfres ° llll ' .:. PP U l ilea and 101 . LO many a arantobtrul, W h ere-' „„„ co e thee ,. .... see .... m - In be had restored to health a dearly loved ' "". • I , Mit • refer ence to a long Mt of accident. by powder member of tee family Circle. Ile was sue. eee.eiet be beer ,,, even. single roan be cock 'shows many wch , lents In punkt, but none In In charge, and to-day a realms., of those • ;•,.....4 4 ,..11 • !; Ll. t ehet X .. ..tie...W 0 g. the e dill: whorn toßettred will S stn[ In this nolgia- ,•17.` e rif t , , 17.4,7, [6 .g r0 ,;.,n,,,,?,.....,g r. 11 A Irhe'tt'l al e eon. e• e 7h7 t neighbors, and If they had, not ' dr. TLII . Mans. surgeon. „..„ ~,, ogle Imy petition, I would never have re fer. Adorn is no stoat:lam' in our ee ••••••••• • witted I even et this late day II P Ile has held with mach credit to himself, ; them,.. t s rer ee ti b ler saner the position of Professor at the nye ~. •ti,„,,„„ knot , „,„„ert ii.Ver tee et - t'''' Ear Erna”' or San Yra „ n .,. ' P7 F tu ft e ritte ". r 7 w " Le. ° llm u sp e k '''' lmlllealn " co n :ln o t7- ' .Fir . t r e ls, s ee e a t , .. l ,::_ t in a . b w ra l e tr "aa e, e n n b e tl e r F re S.Snn e e e r if ee neer ee ke e d p , ht ,T n i n : ti le s t h e Caroller ; when Certain i advantages etid cal ..4 sundeal theeleethe „,, reebepth, eeth ,sa ere an ncouven entos. Experience nes bean the coatri•mor of much val. , . 2,, , m,..,.„,,, ,,, ,,L . . hand Mee t leer7 Ire menu , . ! know testae to the medical literature of Ills It z r - Te b ••;1 . rr.,....,........ we ww., also day. being the author of the excellent and i ..g,...„._ . r_i cant •l i, ettPolling. a e penman. work entitled, "Pathway to •,_ ~ ,••• ll mil colon. . Cotton factor'. tteetth end n s h7 heem- ” A. au hr•th• ' ittluTitnegePerityjd.trrecrP"tioT! dune we '' ha d v d e " sreirtin list and artist, sod hh7eMeen for c 1 1..... t e Ines for manufacturing mwhinery ; me t e i t_ th ,,... t t h e r r e t ree hr L d p, C e h• r V• er, h e ', d h e p he it , rr th r t t e 7 . 1 m P u g m al. irk... rho of tt exploding and .tio n e n : e l l e,eriee. Bee be re bere. b ., .. r , spreading timati ane demi - ono...crow nor ” . most .Inn travel. thorongo fame as I liletea shriek' ra i l ee me ht. "Meg het stay, i witness the ezul.lon of W. W Wellicebt Ilie swats all dLseasee of the eye and ear. • ben ,,,. - . thrre . mberry ...b. W. jne chmt end throat With athintrettin n lie . „. • , _ rePst 1... hire tumors mud kindred , ... i . 1... ... Khans been 1.... as le this nommunity, DE Abort has a bait of • *Weir... his na me roe. my AmtiLlort is largely engsted In a business requiring : moon. lie lie g e ht. ho t tiers close Macon the , w . a . rin , Ar z i .. e . n d i :r i d: to t' at h ir s t:m .l . m / , l u e po t Lli t e b p . a r • confidence, as U nto who have Motor. ten- . ' loot wale eh Lib ." ) "'reels. where trieho der tile treatment sea been wholly cored of ' i ;VP' FlV:._'aily‘,,!b.r.bY endangering the I disc,. and affigiti.s which baffled alt- • •,,. ins': ITtratT _ ,-. . , I nary treatmont, are pot few In number In c' t . e. " ..0 ' beta .,..1...n If la n good of I. community rooftree the establishing I this vicinity. I of . simil amount of powder, seven Or eight --.... - ' hundred feet from his residenoel , The Alleatkowileneeperssee Lehi.. • hot I must - close this &ready toe long met tut, evening In Noy. John IllektillatOs epistle, to soylitg.that the eSteltinlVO scale Church, Sandusky street. In the absencaof t t,•tertreetNrltterZ7b powder, bested.- has the President, Rov.ionn McMillan prestded. modelle the locality prayed for, will be h LIU moll. Of Edit. Raton, Nov. hir.Goct.t.' smell building to purply the retell trade • from anti a large one Out on the Pen...l - sou ' molded to the net er Vice Prerl ' as or some other ralirol, where lose dents. and Mr- WlLliwi Stewart to the Ex- h.n . Ung will h. ee.,....e. of Imp, lot.. neutlVetUotroxeCtee. Your., wren:irony, Alittitit lent. Dr. Dell, CliairMati Of the Committee, re- port., that they luta secured the pblica tion Of ono thousand Copies of t he new License Law, together with Judge Mellows! ch►rge minting to the e►NO, and they would . be distributed to the meeting, • Thome., T. Everett, Ere., thee delivered a M 0 01i . carnestgaml ettxonixt •addrea described, Stilt great. power, the fearful ef fects reettltlesr from the use' of liquor, and the crUutekrty of all men engaged In the • .liquor trarM.. The lecturewas acit In - !. wresting, and abounded In thrlitt frets '• illustrating the work of the liquor aler. Aar. Everett I. an excellent aposkar, end his address wu listened to with the deep est Intrraet. 4 • The choir of the hordes Lodge was prow. ant and sung reroral tamParaaa ado. at a EbarMltlif .Yrote of ' innate erns tendered both char ; Mt= .I,;h. imunlao. Doll, and . _ . Doxid Gray. Were appoluted a GOCOMittee Iboutro Into the aollitino mod oroopecta of the! Mope...lnce Bowser, and whottler arid PoPar ogrLtaitu. ould tocolro tho °anul s.pnor ‘hts Thu mooting Woo largo and ooforst. Ilona!, Piliro ww4 Onsameital Pala- In tbo bour..eign oru.rnesitga punting busintos stand us Dinh to the netunallon et tho ttenet►l communi ty, ngl stceirs. ilutobluton I.llauboru, No. r. t'rnunylvnnla avonue. WM a view of pureopor triatlimadi of !mamma fora life lime, thoy ever etudy, ,to perform pipit work or nontkots In snob s winner steno not ton of provlna satisfactory to their nat. rolls, and Will Mg at tao toot of limo mid moor, to demonstrate it, own sow • pertly. Thome gentlemen ion thoroughly Malted In all ciepartmentio of their butnueam, ~ m al attention to torte or email orders. They Übe nothing tik,t Ihe very beat of materials, and give ponioaal nuperetelon to all work entrusted to them. O rustmental painting of the moat czonlaito donlann, signs 0111104.10111 styles, Dittos Or in OM.- r.tely Winn, bowie painting and UonhiliV, 011110 painting, glazing, Su „Co tttended to at the not lee. Knowing hose natatorium's atitlttles, aro can aaftily command (hoe to thou. of our reniln , n du- Fir lug anything In the line of thn briciti and paint hucant. ===! °ruts liontia,—The Opera /louse, under the management o( Mr. Leak, is drawing largo and respectable houses to hear the Sefton, in their excellens perforinutette. Lest night thu ettractire plaY, rnUtiou "Flee but Men." Waspresentol, and the eu tertaiument eoncluded with the laughable farce of ellarder on Troy Luny The plebe.* wore wall cast, suit the Perh, was not only creditable to the performers, but Pmetable to the rotors. Tonight, Dottrel multi greusensational pier. ent itled "The Streets of Now Tork,w will be prementett, with the Batons Sod Loan lie the PelnolPal • . . Vaairritta Toeteras —Mina Marsh, the Cc. onmpllshed terpsichorean artiste, was the "neat attraction at the Varloties Theatre last night- Ohs will appear again this cran ing, ae gill also the azalea troupe, In a ideating cotertatiment. Thu Vartetlce •is tho Oleo to "laugh end grow fat:. and as notating spent thorn Wl2OOOl regretted. Assault and elail.e.ey WHIR Dalmatia tbasmalf 'Lope. Mary Clair, a chaMbeMnald at the Boot; noose, corner of Irwin atreetatidpueseesue Way, made before:dation barer° Alderman natter, yeeteril ty morning, against Peter McCabe, who to bar keeper at the Scott House, charging him with assault and bat tery With intent we rape. She al leges that while she wee in one of the chant. hors Monday mortifiesat her work, McCabe came in, looked the d ' ooi and put the key in his pocket; thet she remonstrated with ',inland asked him to open the door, which he rem.' to do, and that he then seised hold of her and attempted to throw buron the bed. and wee foiled In his perm. by lieracreaten mid cries for help, wherimpou he opened the door and too down stairs. A warrant was issued and McCabe erreated, and after a hearing was Wmmittud lot Court. .grielona.—ln Our report Of the p_roceed. Inge on:outwit last night, we WO Mr. At 3. libbon was allgOlated viewer On Virgin Riley p4oe argnmee u, Crit4 hatiould Wire read, laatc t wi l kifk=d In place arlir. Gribbe-a, aa .9414ttat 'fingor*V9F , ' PRICE THREE CENTS = I =2 Monona ttszavyst-1 enticed in your issue of Monday an artiole on the above subject, In which you ten fu certain statements, and in making which you have been evidently misinformed. , Poe instance, you say, that the petition presentml by Mr. Arthur Kirk, for the erection of a "Powder Magazine" In McClure WWI "signed by all his near nelablaust" while the remonstrance was signed by none to the Immediate vicin ity of the proposed locality. Permit me to say that Ina. who Mailed the renioustranee Doe _near neighbor* of Mr. kirk, and that undly of those who atoned the panties, have signified their intention of withdrawing their names, while some have already done so—lnning signed ender a " misapprehen. non. Ido not wish to be nnderatood as boring any oldOCtiOri to Mr. Kirk•aproposen "Powder Magazine," except net. the Incall. IN: het, on the contrary, ale desirous of see ing ail kind• of business inereued and ex tended. Yet I think thorn are many places where Mr. K. could erect his magazine equally etivantageon• W riith the One pen. posed. and- without. doterinrat , g the value of property. and jeopardizing the lives of so many people. - ANeleotlOo Wonier A pleasing and wonderful appearance Is given to the skin. making It recemble that uf Persian marble, by the um of Plorlmol of ivy.* proparatlod universally used by ton tlipatilsh 10.1100, whose beauty excited, the admiration of every visitor tel Madrid, and it Is as common there w the moun tain 1, suet •s tho eourt beauty. Ladles usina it ezelultu: "How soft and white It loaves tho ealww eAs long Mi east got It pll Olenlr use pow der!" oltorr delightful rooting In aummerlo Imported ooly by Rte ,t 24 'Church arder. New York. bold by Pltheburgh And Allegheny Drugglets. • • ---- An 01!leer Nertoasdy Injure& cpineerJaMes Irvin, of the special pollee In running after So.,' boy, on Monday afternoon, who hail bean been „bathing at the lined atreot bridge. and to jumplim over a 'tank. Lanced a serious rapture. lie was taken to his room, on Third street, and Dr. Dodgers Called to tee bite, who, after an ex , amimition, docide.lthatan operation would la neceasary. Yesterday morning Dm. lingers, tilled, and . Hamilton perlormed tildeperation successfully, and MO patient suing mall and to a fair way to recover. • The. Malaga name lembreatemmor.— The ettneattot , camped by trau threovery of the erabrantetotatt by littler, of the Dollar saving', Ilatticseittns to have been well nigh forgOlti . ,ll, and, Indeed, we nunpased the mat. ter. 1,5.1 been tonal/ed. This, however, 11011111/ not to WI the nose, so to none.' among the bills returned yesterday, by the deand jury, one against Ether, eharelag Mon with embeselemeet, George AIM'S°, Esd,, toeing deelanated as the Pmennuttlt• laurel& of the renee.—Ettse Wilbert hppearett before Al•turtuto. .Ttyloy, suel tootle Information attatnet.Ellza Breuer, for purety of the Dolma. The oertkeit mettle os Pena area, the fifth ward.Ehae [tnths defendent came to her Louse tout abused her by eallthg her lollultiog rma., had threatalog her life. A etertAut was Whet. lbe 7.lqweir - caret "%Wt.. Ikiitlabil thin Ellett keeps s house on the, Valley rood, 11l the ninth warn, to In the habit of ,slung eh elude of lutonto•Ung liquors end that Male 1100 oo licenee. she .ms,lu oath to, the facie and.A.ldemusu Ticylor tweet war rent fon Ellen'. armor. Ltbel.—A hearing' took pl.m yesterday before Alderman htraltt in the natio nf Commonwealth va. John Stewart, elearwett with lleuy Catharine flhlohall, pro. mugs, end in. default Of. two 00.4014 dollars. Stewart wt C0M1110.41 for trial.. The Gov rrrrr has appointed amen! .1.1. S. 5.00 , 01 Piliditurge, to reprnient Pennsylvania w Trustee of the Antietam National Cemetery Association, tee Gen. It. Brooke resigned. A better 'selection could ant hive been made. Intramhorry Feattral —ht the' Ply mouth , Cordrrentational Church, on : nau4 sum, Thursday and• PrWay mrsultigs, Jim Syth arid - Slab, .Yrtithe ' you will • Arid Pleat/ 'or Striorterriaa yunalo and: toe . . . MI C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DR ABORN HAS OPENED UMW/ AND S141(11114 ROOMS, No. 131 Smithfield St.. Where he can be consulted on the various diseases of the EYE,' EAR, THROAT, , AND ORG4N3 OF TILE CHEST, =1 BLINDMESS, DE4F.MESS, Discharges from t e Ear, CATARRH, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, LUNG DISEASES, I=l Heart and Digestive Organs., A CIRCULAR FREE TO ALL =I TMCMI XN7PX.FLIVE Deaf Klan's Guide to Restoration, I= A Treatise on Malignant Diseases. 13113=LOTIB =I Various Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Organs of the Chest, Linatnited with Humelnns. will be sent by mail on receipt id 50 cents. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, PROM GENTLEMEN OCCUPYING NIGH SOOLLT., POSITIONS. FROM A% FDITOR I hive witnessed the favorable re•olls of Pr. A.b.rxoe treat Bent of nil san. wbo tor right year. was p MIMI) at!soired of bit ...lox. and wbo experienced pfsitive +Liter atedd`, and will, 1 have every reudit to atilt for th. benefited. If nut h3lly re s t- r e d , as On f ruit of Dr. /Leona • Vett. Alt I ouheett•ttoglf r.c:rteo.end Dr. A^orn to the confidence end pat ronne of tbe C. 1,11,.10H/01. .ec.l l ; l'lttaborgh 1112, Bill.. ?era... ea . grtat art! by scour e of treatment. Her. Tenn.. catarrh it, new to, Mien years. ptr.ceLiy to bcalth. ye Mown.Jellemon county, Pa., dead)... and Lot.. to the care. rut rnly Or a few opol talons. Uwe John wa11... Msulaterof Presbytery. lotairr Jr af , ¢ rlgbt c.r, Or It sting 14,0..4 tf otke ope,atto, In ilia 'lOlO. or two mt.... Mn. boodriln. i'lttsburgh, Pe e drapepal for tikt se' n year, Otto palls , n lb? lat.*, back . awn. side; restless Welts, cu. rblli., rutin Ir cure by • r ..ur.e of treatment of two weeks' tlur all, Frank Cue. Tampers. , Übe, use eyes ed. two 'ears. unable to see ashen led into tie room er llr. , Aborn. sleet re.toied and reuluna bu.. lees three utrer eoumenuon treatment.. Hob. Aaa %%Mauer, member PC ito tier/real . A.rembly, N. thrill., Teazle.. a. *uttered eitth. Leen months front ehroole lose et, e. CO•ed by Me cl Dr. Abort, • V. K. Campbell, rn , Oheriff; NOsynct. burg, Pa. Unpaired busing ,srol co istant vol.alne c la the ears for dim you., en.lre cored by one ops.atien. In the spats or O. lion. F U. Kinnear,•Laar. a ret. !dent of Franklin. Pa.. anff toot Wen , lee hearing. tomato!, n 0.... In the heel, son ols• 'hat,. Chou the errs, for nearly' Urars, arm nowl-dars ry rneoYe to Metal:l of U &born. FROM REV..I. G. BREAM Ttie onderolvaed aeknowledr • Ws ale at ry from [Mil, of in obstiLate enarseter, to Mt +sill of lie. Abona, and tordis,ly r,commart him to the &Meted as s mentitte torgeoa. • J. 4 4. 8061111, Putor Luite ran Church afl Willa. Pa., J...., it. ac.• Oftl , tof Ito, [l: 4 J4olt. Proderc4r. and Inolival, venter Cm entati Nr.Swed Oil, Najlatn....bui asid Lime. . • T 11 1 .8.1.1,1, Pa., ]lamb L. Ise. •nottsr: [Lase hems- afaleted for years 1 . with Cata•rh, ready Mixes suffering very meet. I 1 have retylved tr•rnsociat from PuyalcLam of high 0r.... and a_me or wawa hare afford. ed temporary relief Li Is new only sums scree et eight dere alt e I emeroeseeel wets yearned. [eine. Sad from the rapid thing. :ad tweed*. airet , d , recited I mon eyed rally 0,11:00 It will • Item • pcnasseet tore. . . Your*, respectfully. IVILLIAM.o. ABItoTT, M. C. C FROM ♦ HANKER • MossoonTOWN W. VA., March In, 011. moonle—Dear tilr: I hereby, ce•llrl itat I was malco, with% disease In my head far Is ar k years. pirdaesus lysyseus,dl.cts,ram, inlets would coat,. Co oie or tiro wart. at s Joie, and sometimes longer, esu.lng yr aud mmellosts a• 111011 en• Ise dummas, , that I could not hut, my watch Slit 'whew hell cloka to my ear. At the tlmtl ulled on ton la l'ltlanurills.. to No. - Money Amt. I was saffersug wilts so, Salt ear, a Islas bad been dlselarslast Yu. soma time, sad 1 am oaskly to stars 'hat I was very much selleyed, after receiving tour ter. oat mttrolleu Pot two or three day.; and lb.' ca or C"mcdk• sot gave me. 'or tome In. ane• my return tome, has tlfmted, I think, an .note our, as I nose feel cry scumforlan.y. - Yount trily. . OVER. 41 , a derllotgautown Nattoval itaok FII OM M. il. i ENIVER, M. Dt A IMP,' fraiit M. M. Fenner. M. b.. Fetow. and Corresponding Tectetery of toe islet e Seel. o'sol los. Tom. IA aof too H. Navy. Uttar of the Jled(eal F rogrops, etc. It In right and proper to• o ant m•do. What it loads Ono. I therefore trot a nt In stating to thus- sttitetv,t • ICI 44 5•;5 of the ear. lhat I terrine s deaf tdono \ai r at to to on, tide AO t ear the Cek . ng to a isstrit when C1..17 .0011,41 to It: chat this de•fness was accompa nied es singing end sounds In the he. , ' postkle . el, petsfe; at cit.( 15111.4 upon Mn 4. •nom, ucntlat and Lariat, at. eat : Mir/II spirt, Tor t•eatme i, with, min hbotty .toot ref tutting besting pc raw.; ly restored. twos all the aeenmpanflog onvtiva-tat atmp.omacor. dim., wawa* from ie. than I entered hit olgia- each c.salts op.-ak for metnaelvet. and °Ceram 0.141 , 31:11.40. wertigt ened be an- 'trot dof comment. Dr. •lo n' One present clams to otto conenlewtion as an car snipe. M, M. F KNNE Well. It., ' Juno M. 1&7.. Jaineelown, O. T. Tyr rrad.od, Ps.,at e IS, D a / a Dv Daks OGYos—la isa eta Sitttml t ban'. ate month Or Ottatset. +Mt, yoa I tassb,r test • had atcaelto . to I at, kt year ald s li v ryes esd it t•tylbly Inaamea. and to spite st ALM Vora Dating abyalclsso la s t a yark,..herelasatto hada awls op. rose mem ant eat*. I was lWt aaaela. to ate my elala, and gnarl dosystrad of neeirint . ill realer. ate you esaisya Patabarab. I made a.m. In quirks as tO the antara or yOur itit mama, and I Immediately pladea 11 , 1(1. 1001 Ludo to be, id. Alter ONLY :yard '•aateatione of year tuned', 1 Masa to regsta the nor ot asy ayralgat very rapidly. In • Tidy few diys lee *mamma Lana, and U. a...main:lan a/matter. and too pato, welch at a Inate*st Omni amber's/le, had dasPOtaredd My ties began to crow •treayer and, attonger. and sow, atter army used them fur several Ileate anal alsal. hada. •alSosi Issalaht, tot upwards of halts year,/ and Um alai sa toad. beam Qty/wars* Is parta. To-as! I can look anon tlatt'eua In the lalontaa or 'Rabat assn as I Ma Lev say pain dolag ea. I men' male smut on anal. Isar. toalve yon an Idea or If street/01'M my ayes gap Indopred tads ..r,onitraialtent. Tan ksve pampa& lisadaerissartallyears4 Ma . sad lowa ton tansy Chutettt trh:2l/c,soamatita. 011 TEE ViIEEICLY GAZETTE. ' TWO fiVEDNENDAT AND 14 STITROAT A 'Aro c^ntrrifne " I . WS$ of tale,qtrz evs nor taltter. Ine`n log Etll,orif, Iste,el 01.11, .atier for II • I For'l!e nd fulltut Atlrl nn•: erlr&Uln r., rl,O •n.l , 0r.w.,r(1, 1 5.1‘0, 1:r port. onto IT In !•••• r‘ii. V.l Psrm, e, ecitaul+ Ve,,ant rtoU1.1 1 : •1111:011`1. . . . . 'Tun, ",.r.rl t Sk. lunanr 13. Clnln'otTh, • . • —And oricnpy n tort in the rem. An then:an. rl , lllnnet to clulo (AO be mad. ra, time. •t c nhrt., Nonce m Sr7tO , ..lltlnCß. —to or - 401111r loci V.N.T . , be ~ cre mid ok,etry . vellst .11c101 INC. siWolnesd., I,llttoo for .[O, bnt nue .rot,. • )1,,,ev to, .rrsr.— St 11...t!Prv. or In tm•010. o nor dal. .t. 1iA , 41 . 111 . 1% PIT1O11( 71 lilt: .Inrlem Sprint,. Carrel Co., unto. . fon the Rat opoloof tat o.itor, ow hontoor. 1. , 0 first of July. It I. vot n 1ni.010i•..1 n fblon.f. riblo roon, but plYet: y plev;..of doetAme...rla .4th,.. verklnfr 4111110. totilb•ul. rot:red nnel reirwt, freo mnk n rid .11111. Thu arm,. nre no tw o.- ury betl n'llui. and 1 .1...1.,ea11ty rid in , netajialkter,., b 0 1.3.1 tor their howl= itopnrtleu VI.IIIOI, True rats- Sleueen, ill, Wheeling 1,1 0 , Ekeela• null. 0111 romp rta Now Mnrkel. Stat ton. en be I'. C..t C. It. L E . ttlvll.4l, by buck frOnl ton to three bon: ,. bar purl 1, " 1 . r „ g • tlrePA. U. Lim. forlorn SPring.. , ..rr. , County. ~h lu.Or E 0. GnlreiN. for 01111 e loath rlttstnlrgli M. E. Ettore!, rI.1:51.• Cold Nr.r&;liug hot!. Vrwtor at T. T. ti.onple's brig Store, So. Z 3. Fetes. street, .I!.e,rheny, Belle, or Nor. tort., reern.—Under the atnwo head we orate. to our Innue of yean ethav, y gt.the cone It ale Benthor, ghat Meade., nt. tenni. nolgtgooa.ator. Thin us. wan n-ttionl en. terday be the partied, and Ault Slubo . ..n, wile of thlittatu, I.lrue:so Intortuathat nantant Bean for the .ettoutaro.. atm atter a nearing, was ettmlultted for Court, Ono 11Innaried null Oily v., Oleo I,oltian ec rauvral at itae Fiein. sue,. . P not nay that D.o« , u cum.. , be cured. I roce.tvo CA,TifICIII,I daily 'ruin bear.. V. 1.1.1 buy« !Awn r*d be I.bli vrontlur. luedielno. Sole rig...nt WeaLorti Pinan• avleanle—Jiieepti Fleming, Detiggie:i Null •Ilaratt Istrt,L. • re Wholpmale 1.10 , ••••• or DiTOodil Wu Minx 00rgulon 10 ion kat of •Ute“ 1 -- Lntiond, Llmm f.O - 0010, 0111 11000 of `thnotanant, Martings. rrinni, rick -1144. tincoo, 00., 00 of Irtoo.o no .020 Sell ea tun you 010004% imamt cast, prlces: .1..0. I.l.onen“ a rf Murk - u 1 oto,ot, below Toted a Fourtheta. .. L. Falark.atopir, tha• volt knniell Druggidt, No • C. 3 W,O O rco, PLtanneab. Pa., and Drop. temr of tilt. lyc,4,,nranni "11. L. Falu:atm - IVA reruadego, ,, lr nno; tn,c damoonnder of 11* al.s. , r .Plll3, an tynally vat dank, rpenille for . flyrpopris., *blot. why ne bad of ~very le..tlttig druggist, in tlzq United Slater.— • • C. 01114. Nyropy.-11...pberry, Strawber , ,S.Ontn.o. \Taro:la, Syr.partita, Ginger, Catawba, Grape. PhyrrAtrole, Leman. 11:.1. rry, woo tryyptterry Vinegar, or very ea. pprtor qu silty. at Cp. very torrent prior., at No. IV. Federal imteet, Alliutkeny BVILV.OII. Pa.nalne:—The or businenn,of Mr. C. C. Ilarb.nah. h , •net., slgn.fileconttsee and •ntal Painter, is Ni.. £7O [ rtre. Allegheny l:ltt•. All ortlerl left et the above 0,0, or at, No. 43 Foilerta area:, Will on. eelve prompt PMno, lon. Hama Dail —ln the Savant.% ward there has leeently lawn orgenDatl a that Class 11.. e 11.11 Ulan, to in, nailed the "Pitts. basalt." the following- young rensleenna hive lawn elected valuers: P.. 1. IClrk, Cap. tang; T.,llrt.ou,Treasuter;J. Donnelly, year. tart, The Yen and Pencil-11 , 1On a Chem. bern, Perind'nel end B ok healer, 74 rthh streer,Bove sent 11, “Thu Pt.n nod Bountl 3 " en Intern.. Ind inurnel Of light and enter tainind Wenner. Thr hours of recreation, putillatunl to Ncr York. Five Dollar thoota.—Dent's hanci-SeartAl. onstom-mono Calf Boots for Fire D 011.3 per Ir—the,e ern not old et, In gooJe-at Emp,roiro,, IV. .57 Filth Smithson. Palmer S. C 9. • Iteteember the mtrewherry fettloal tee morrow evening at at. Clair UhUrch, In Son/ lovronhip• The Very late.t mtvra of Hata ',Cam; sad Straw Cu. Gourley S /Iwo's, No. art St. Clair tamer. Ton 'Can tiny a •fvtgs. Liyaors of In %nn,. sloml,ol +l. • anct's Ln•Linnry, Rai le.o. 11 - 0 kr' , 105, • You COO Y.) N titAm . JOSeP). Y~nrh•- 'lnn Will Mel a hence! Eetahlietnnene at Inn Penn Arcot.' Drs. Sill Z titlleeple. • Cold Spark Hoc Soda. .Water nt J. T riampla'r Drug bture, ruclunstbtreet. AllegUuDy. • Torn Can 91119 9, Mu Gfot Alecto] ai IS S. c. .• or Ad d i ['tonal Local News ol* iril Yogi • MIMI 1/ 4 1 :1 , ..-11n Tho , i. , ai..tunu Ri.1.3...7. ALFA?* 11. 1 .14 n. awn.: 6: It a,. • s you ral t ( v. docs'no • rrm We Caen re gdentr. , -trcrt. Fu -cr .1.0- riots pr rts , y 2.16 1 ; o'.lore. 'I befriend. or 1.116 r.tml y arc tesprc•fu: y levltcd to .trend i t.. 6 C. .61 - t5.,1,. l ate "Eh. W .1.1:11.11 CI. L E II 6.e 41 , t. yaar • t ...Is a.... Fun vit 1Z 1.0 reald , tee I r 6 is n 1111611 No I'. Vie, 14nla Astp.., T/16.tral.a.Y , tht, Stn 1-tt-. • .:Z6.:4, 1 t r. at. .. , IFair: 4 3:4f.w.refrntrir. .tnnr :Ph. nir e.tu pt. • E166111..11..PL "HY, the R 1( Ittar vf 1 . • 7 • - 1 You, rolik, :YU .1 at, realderre. 61 .1 P. rip . 11,-.1., Ws N,:.., tNO .e'l' 0. al to 0'C',611.• Frlctuta are Itrl . 10.1.4. NT:Er: ,.. WI:* ERTI.S.ErCEN'r* Air k L*TIC. All EN. EN DEWTA liEfiv -'. 66. 106 iourth rtzret., • t•fttap,,‘ ... t .' OIF ?IN of all kinds: CV.I.PES, 0 L11 1 7E6, and ..orp: dere:l6l.l. or rtintrat rnrntstane 6600 reralst,6). NuotnsoPened day and plght, tn.... 00,1 Ca.rrlarea Otrntabed. tibrumcox.,llc, Uand Ebb, U. U., Yet. V. W. Jacobus, D. 1)., ewibe. BAH. 4111., Ran: • r G. ItOtOGEFIS. UNDER.TA: • SWAN() Welftkl.litH. evreeseor tee We +MS flannel K. ll.elgera, No. tetV'Utlo three duo:. trete hoover. Allegheny • Its. tIN ..sllle, 11 , 4e00n0, .11shoganY. Wsinnt •td .old Iroltatton Cerans. at On lower!. re./neil ;Ince*, HUAI. open at all 0r,,:., any sod Welt. Hearse and , arrlutes Nrulatoed tsa abort notlera and en mast r, asou•ble 'erste, pnyvAxtir ezinNiechl U 7 lEItTAK Odle, 2.4 • ino smsr. Allght.sry. Luta) 1, L0.e . ..n.,d Ea, Oit a ••C. n ete stock of fa 4,4 ...Willi good, uvhand, et^d 21:112h0 d at rhort cat uollee at 'One Nth, and T. l• cry Atablia, 42 , t. 1.:.• of F 227 A 21Dtd..' Tvkzm. earzlarti,, ayrou,,h, kta6tu i, tallle Hone,. T. AMITE CO., I Nr,tat.. TAKNini &NU ItSl ier, Wood's Hun tad vicinity. L.:ar, Manchester Users - cutest (;hotter? street?, Item. and 'Juin... nit. EA. STErvAlz.r. Undertakel', rnororll.llCTOS an,, bTftli.e.Td o Unto W•rdr, .C 4 M.^ of AI undo. warp and Arribreiti; 1.1,e4 m the, nor.e.. no IC DEPLIN do SILL. Iteul;Letalte and Insurance Agenio, Bullet et., Law. reacevllle. ea, PULL LIALa—LIALLUMAUTtiIdrA,G hirlr.— T A , MaserAult nous : Wc oder r gale the tore.. And tilo4 doalra . .lL rite (0• Holt,. LIM, rod Mart Furnace, or for nay Lorna L a sa ar , eatrllar ~ a rroito, lb %Ili: county. 71116 wort rty la taco tad on a is I . oot a re, t And U.' AdtAtwAnr and within 100 Seer of the A: V. It. H. The lot to .:10 by alt rerwoot Ocalrtng oath wlot would da , well to wooralue before Watsti aloo.rarow.. ;ergo* read, to salt ...the.... todalre or LIZVL,II4 a al, L., Heal totote and Inoaraarre Affetita. antler ortot.. Awlrnrrvulle, FOlt SALE—rout v..ry value. ble uid da•teatil . , prtnwrly 1111 C 013 Rn. st.fert and l'.e brat titer; la Allot • ; IN. by 4:7 • very au'•atanital Mirk Ilwld , tte. daaalotl'a• h lob. Ham I= Irct. raictla.a4 and well ulapladi rat. c. eri tag on almn.t. one branch of ECaIVANd.. • toting • it la re do, a hal of dlr.. a 1... .Itlact It. city, can ho bad, nod wa Woo 3lnatt,. Ito ac. dal a metal., of Mole de.irou. o r Ivaa place roe Tame', aettdi r pari.aa7,l to calla inn trlP.c.. of RICVI.I.:: $51.1., „ 4 iit! tr,t, • „awretaa•alotla, NEW bTILLEti ICE E'ITCHER,S. Fruit and Bei ry *Dishes, TEA SETS, CASTORS AND 13031 1 tUNION SEVi, J'IMT Imo EIVIENT ;DUNSEATH dt. CO., Crplavol-lozps, El XTII. V V l l l / 4 J OHNSTON ""' i.i Fine Watches. clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., NO. *74 x.resirry NTNN).s... . . I.o eraaram... ranam.. sawn.. NOONSI,4 N.Sams. Clueßs ..N1 All ram44l TS THE NoTRINER 11 , 1,4 TNII , Ott s"tellk wataylli enplera*. engage. taa Ittl.llol,l*r MUIII.X 041Ces lU. no ali.Cl or orrraiirolur t of the 0,14. 1101114E8 FOIL _ . lioward'st IfAterOatioleit gigsg man, moot. wks7 &Ives writ jog , to or looovortlll ono good delving Ag rut to trot- trooepordr 10W4 gorse. troggrt Otteoorostodos. .Q111.1711` Q,uat 311 .1r.......:. Lt.. la Install.: 7 lll=%, ty sasnanto diases SIM , , II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers