- DAILY GAZETTE. /71:08L1711E17 577.11.7 1f01171130, (77.197.14 LlClerrin-) PENNETCAN,REED & CO., 3Pz - crzarletorms, r- nrK7lO:. r Ilnelves• ) 1 477rete s • vyncr., dAZETTE BUILDINu, son. 6i AND BBFIITU. STREET. Leafs; Tefihiini Paper if Vestal Peasqlruia. ornan PAPEB OMITTSBURGH AYD ALLEGEFINY CITY. : 5 . c n u e „. ,•1: tit a 1 . 1 r i g FAMILY 7771711 07 7= DAIL7: f i Zente n ;[ . .; 7 i;; 7 7 . P . _;Wli 1g 'l7" ma. IP:been ben, per re.......-118.00. GAZETTE, PI TTSCORUH, rxxrn. pittsburgh Gairtte -1 4 . Tdc. Wool; Gnowzns of the ;Calton Stat 4 at a National Convention held in Cleveland some months ago, announced theirileterndiation to support no man far piddle ofliee who - is identified With the Frei Trade party. re is charged that the Re mblican candidate for Goreinor of Olikcileneral R. B. Rua, , ti oPpos ed to protection and in favor of free .trade. His nomination is consequently In a large measure distasteful to .the wool growers of that State, • and it is highly piobabln they will eive him no support. A convention . of the growers • has been called. to assemble in Cleve land, to determine a line . or policy to pursuein the promises -of the case. Ecirrie of the. prominent wool growers favor the project or withdrawing all support from Getteral Haye,andconcen, _ trating the strength 'or the agricultural element on Mr. Galloway, tlut candidate fez : Lieutenant Governor. By so oolng, they Maim thattbey. will develop their own Impartauce. at , •the ballot box, and allow the lieaders of the party how far the wool gTowers can be . ignored in state polities, , • Vtcron Hue.o, - one of the greatest cf Prench citizens, is the most illustrious of French exiles. When he heard, in his retreat, that English Courts ba(l con demned the Fenian to death, he wrote an-exceedingf; eloquent letter against the execution of the sentence. Take a sample: "They tell us 'the ser.ffold is ready. We reply that is rot possible. No; the political scaffold is not possible in Eng- I laud. When England hailed Kossuth it was not teat she might. imitate the gib, bets of RtirigarY; it was not for the•ptir pare of renewing thnhaegings of Sicily that England glorified Garibaldi. Else what°would signify the hurrahs of Loa ;Aar& and of Southaniptour Put an cad, if it was so, to all your Polish, Greek and Italian coMmittees. No; England, .in 1867, will not execute Ireland. That Ellrabeth. will not behead that Mary Stuart. The nineteenth century eiists. v v Whit! on a May or dune morn lag, today, to-murrow-, a man, because he. had a political or national faith; be cause he has struggled foe that faith; be cause he Las been vanquished, shall be bound with Fords, shall have a black cap drawn over his face, end be hanged and - strangled until death ensued. • No! you are not Ens land for that. You have at present this advantage over France, that you are a free nation. France, us great as England, Is not mistress of herself, and that is a sad diminution. You pride • yourself upon it. Bolted. But beware. It is Possible to go back a century la one day. To recede even to the political ' gallows! You, Eagland! Then erect a statue to Jetferya Meanwhile we will erect a statue to Voltaire. Do •you give . it a thotightl" • IS IS . OESLRALLY undersinoc may siaild lc* near an object to -view it in its proper proporth duly estimate its Character ant rpn..nces. • Mr. John Bright recent • to a company of dinermins : ".Nothing in hisry equals ous te.iimph of humanity ROI your 'country. Tr will Ihn much changed for the better Britain.. The orert our if 'yin sal home has .rrounded rur friend, abroad. The trcniderfc ramify uuth which you Aare t; Rebel, (Cohn tcould hiire routs hung Lg hundreds if Ow" had _ 7i • irar arms afiainst a loollarej , g) h.. .I t ei the o d nltn.l:3l7o t r lrritt by ai tali a r y's. gu'reatt. o ft terrible contrast to the cruelty of these bad to thought timeless Ise sae. hod lorddr men, and an admonition and cr./oink to tUt o n , e4i. , :tx s al , s s o s tr ii e s 7 ., ii is ho s cx; the tyrants of the earn." wan, and i Harold took recognised aby the LPECLIRO , Standing apart from the strife that has try or tie : . .reirt 'teb.'rat!erbeti asp raged ay here, and looking on as a diets- the.cartEl i dge box sin. It was to not away Wrested ,speetator, the great ,English °Y .lft li e r r a rt;ores Lloyd war cross-examined Commoneris enabled to : anticipate the ; at as t i rieti szs ite s , s le h ign ti=t i l:igri s ghlial nr; judgment of posterity. . I arinklag and was forgetful. and. had for. at bad transpired. a Jr it t ins ' n 'y elregt i 'ss to show that the Gooowtx Smart lima written memory of witness nes not to be relied letter . on- the mania for gambling in I u nt . E. England, and . partiCtderly as crammed- ! inaUen deferred natal to-morrotr. Court Mg in the Derby races.. Ho says the horses are no. mom . than two straws FR O M NEW YORK. • drawn from a hay stack, or than two drops of water, chasing each other down tsr - reteirsra LO tha Yattheras, u•sette.i a window - pane; that the motive is not - , Now Yost,, June recreation orannsement, but the 50100551. .5050550 1 Thiswary sissphr. est infatuation for games of hazard; and ding stNo.C• Cootor Market place, attempted that many anstoOratic houses are Coming caddis by cutting der throat with table swiftly to ruin, through Indulgence in kalfe. 'Elm is paltered to be fatally injured. the debasing-pleasure. o.oo.tvoh. 'Throe thailland naves hundred and eight F immlgrante have arrived Were Sameday. A scrims of a horribly sickening nature is rePorted from Springfield, large breweries have, hoen sourer MOSS.. An old lady, with it single bladed fo r m : k ,, :::. d 0 e .. Ad n t L", , e .." . • 717:: knife, cut s terrible gaah in her abdomen it Is alleged that the brother of Lord NO :Lad tore out her bowels, placing them, FZe:Lh a VlttrgrAg . :2;rt , ,, :tc With her , own hands, in a MIL O!' water. ; ter being nailed and Is said to have gone to. She suriived the operaticin four hours.: Eth:sl ' • • This refined cruelty will hardly ho The bog. Gi la Olorlt Enterprise of Clark, Web lowed by those contemplating self.des. star m co., or rather henry c £ulaw, ear traction, as easier and mole expeditious day. ay. was arreste washatrim, d. methods of cutting life's thread will Brig. la.CerTioo raoronro. .- gear themselves.it is eciataandatea by the itaionle frater . nity of this City and 'Brooklyn LO live . grand remti auto ident...lo6n - on . ALItt.A.DY enough members of Con. Letarn ii fro m .ro grass have signified. their intention of risons.lo full regatta, Run banners o arrtn et f the being in Washington, to insure a quorum node[,wai ptra.le.• • for a short session In July. Some p ro- about sizti rest : IN A. EallOOL. or ceiling. fell in the im pose only to elneidate the Reconstruction den.srtro, Thn chords? worn act, and to engage In no other beanies, I iriglaanet rson lltitit oracle et rush for the door. while others arc anxious , to organize for . Q •n• • number " re beet ' . ' ler ''' . the regular routine of COngretudonal he' Lair. A • feeling pointing to impeachment ,me --- : : conr; - ei r o;i - C ' Eci ill ie7soine non . —.--- i chance. A portion of heir-Moo= they et hall Of laturapidly developed itself among l An Axed Lidy Deliberately Drowns- , nem [Month Toth° oretame of palatial our member . , i . h , i , hen hitherto t i pleime. , ~_ , beanie flareelf. and Pinretsam Four' I Inure bock, the prtv7reeldencea ‘ lentllng ome i and • Ralf Loan . - , ,at once a pal:Rill? at ration to th ew bob Int/Yemeni. ~ My Telegraph fp dm rinsbargh Gazette.) . j nos house. anti ern ne their homes like . ' _ 1 rrehiorme, Masa, J une si.—Ono of tan .' gr,=l l :4 l =a r° " ""br arn'- - __from the possibility of A COTMESPOSIMNT Of the Charleston ; post horrible mimics ceer_licarti of wee ' embarrassment. , .Ifereury speaks of ' President Johnson ea I committeillts this city as Saturday morn.: it's a notable fact that Cincieneti ' at co lds in their city, and to ' ggl ' ld 4 : • 1 Mg. A widow named Mary Gilmore who ' • ,,,, 4 „7,. - ,.. i - "the great conalinational breakwater to ! lived alone, took a simile bale knlf.;, out : ' •i - nj -rmsalrt the ilraVq% " onol ' i l i r ertrlaiily T rs the angry tide that Is now sweeping crrer •.,iggirsill:,ritieFnshrtotgro.ediVeiTga had are . "ilav ' e you tan our bridge" propounded th 3 Sollth.” That. is decidedly good, : from her body In a pail of wa i ter. Tl ' ut . t . ir - 1:11: ' 14. L E U1,..1 1 P. 1 1 1 4. " „ g 11.1 1 2 u :07g: 1 0 7 1 g considering whet the Mercury and lie l c7fuel`tlttltragr=,!:`.llll;'l4,l;_T pot of I I" 1 "e't own ' " y l.' or set did toirtrds dennitshing break•ws ter • she. had sharpenar the knife. She lived .any :structure , o ,u,,,i,w, ,cl. P i gp oi .-= , four imd hallbours after being disembo- ,as a ommactine link to your Wainer, iter., COingittniOn Mid all. • - - • • ! Wed, 'lcing at nine o'clock. During that ests,.ed I d e ar s m., pomm . m r.„... --------0•41.00,, —•- , -. , time she :was attended by a priest, and . a revenue, altheugh having the misfortune ItertIMICAW zones meetings are now l m e dh • win heanenthoor considered. Pml , - + not Le be stilted cm huge plies oftuasoury or . . 1 arty. The now of the euteldc ts auppoaed I built witn a single open—there la not a ' SS common at the South as irustancea. of ,to be inanity. Ida. ullinorwa .aco was : tithe, If in.leed any of the fulsome vanity 1 'mob violence were jest before the war. - ; "Ity-iise ' _ • extdeitol in their praise. Of the bridge ii - .self Imo soy It to worthy the honest pride no th ese m eetingS, and the results they • CONDENSED NEWS. . .alkoorth. peop lento laclnnati and Coy- again, in width ranee Its builder rts . ! foresba , low; constitute the real objection - : anion. . . of the President ' to the Congreesionai ' i ily T. VIP .,• i° th e 1 . 711,,,,,,,, r;.,„,„,, , .. • .Lx. , :fr . ,,t trmi T o r . rxi i .lry between Cie. Plan' . . _ ! ' ; —Lettere and telegram. lave aeon received . teen in pmtirem noose titut.ti'inErcts:74lt E by the Chinn Congressional Executive Com- : long range. between t he respective nonana mitten at wasnloacoo from enough mem- I,:,,,F.iar,F.l.;Ty...ii°,rav,Lroe say ,loy 1.!..:::0?,,„1..: bers of coegress •to Insure a ittuirotti In 'tut boys. gooth one, “1 ou hues n tab July, so II short simmer session is a Dre.l um le. and I have." To which the och e erl.l - 1- fact. A. number of letter' received from , :211=?..k7, P p ° ,, n r 1 ; r k, 1 ' E tre r :, ‘ .,..:,; • ,j1; • ...7, - . ~ Republican members state that they will mother." That wo a parr. t o of vaunt. come on condition that the session shall log their respective ulalins to superior- • Ity In polet ot else and population, not lamb ever two or three weeks at the they fill heck to in•ldlons compari. farthest!. They do net wish to proceed with , seas. Cincinnati exclaims, °What have you the resit'ar beanies, of Congrinia, but mere- i triEgtipag w e r lt , l tg . r , great d 4 . r ,,,, : i.. ',tong definitely the reconstruction act, SO r. ' i take tunnel , Ito tineen City Enlarges gr oat teat ProMent Jammu sad Ex. ousneorrr , harden ,City wait. oandlting her tenant iin r x .,..„,,,,,,,,i ~,,riar,r from fleeing any. taut, to ta l ied on diseased meat, and Um ~„„_ ; latter retes with the declaration that. mere trouble, min hindering rm .. " ... -- 1 Clucinnatlans slake their thirst on putrid tion. IL Is evident also from the tone of water, inferentially showing the advantage the o th er letterr-rocolved, that an attempt ! fi, , ,..ithdAtrt g .l Me:e k e:To:kit" , 4:3 0 .1:43 1 .. win be made to have Speaker Colfax lin- 4 . g c „ — t u„ ' of L„,,,,,,,,,L0tt rut the owor mama the committers Inimediately; 00 as . . . "it carafe tone nt.arlir settled than 11. less at to ha able to Fro right. to work. This plan a . the is ginning. 1 ... r•T. .. 1• Y t.. ". • 0010.0 ii•r•'••• th e ! 're., Republican Convention of Ohio, erceloent, and b y Others who are Orirtin-- ' arblell hest Si. Columbus a few days since, to Secretary IdeCutiont's oreemit finunclai i has planted Itself firmiyaeo equagely upon galley, and mpecially in remect to nal the progressive Platform of manhood inif. provosts/Totem of a shtiould .11eaka; Thoso , r .go antermumd to o itvo or die, surrlye .h 0 " .• 1 . '• • •r °I 1. • ••.°•• ••7 ''• ••t ' l or oe ' rleti" •by the remit. Tina oirtocell a If a oubrum is once obtained the session , creditable - determinatiou, and Ohio has win be Impl. ap long enough to smiths des - ; th es eons one step further in radicalism nicely the question of Impeachmeat. I than Pennsylvania. It moms unfortunate. —A , secret Nola) Jim been started In , however, that clinging to the same amend- Memphis, Tenn.. Which is said to be one of 1 =eV a merle, studs t Mani hundred existing throughout th e I ff:lllefrs:l2lZgat. of dosertera. - On the Stet° among the ordered population. The i seer., of peliCy. the alefranehlelog el orgaicleation is ostensibly for benevolent' Omani have been Isatarackor l.: ,o lltteg alta . " WC." ' b" „.„_„," ' ,.., ' ° L.,,, 1t0 d ,„ ° .„ grb" ..„. 1"°- I r.:L:40.1.,n1 graliraz r...,andg,' „f. U AL qeiree the lelsoow o 5 , .. , ..... - -- to . 00 . • , all events, the qinialbari at Wee In this State fearful oath concluder those who abandon; will be an ethitingOlt•tli i the RitedlOf Its r" '''d echoer' l'r _: ".'d*Wi''. . . ' lt k irt=trgti rona°,l%,llt,.."4towpi!:. —lea. Thompson liu,stitten a taster, co-,' e „ th eie ti e 0, t h e ceereetthe lord phdfo,,:o dossing the imitimente of therferal Long .: barn rreeirsei the naqtralined endorse'. of street Concerning recOnStroatah General.' tie le a dhl g n• P" ti.L• P."' In "ntlf,'' Longetteet rays ho did Opt intend to ally: himself with the Radical 'party, but only . Operataves• Strlim. 11. , 0.b .. t bathougt4 wee the brat miviee -"By Telegraph 10 We Pltasbus.h flaxen./ no his Snufnhnk hootheno. 112 Int recent' notavaLral•, Juno 0.... fin Saturday the letter.. ' ..s , r , - WIWI. of UM workingmen employed in the cotton and , woolen mills at Manitytink Were - —No foundations exist for the tumors of , reduCed about twenty flee per amt._ Talay Itteineignatiort of 1300tOtary Stanton. 1 the men engsged, sell fifteen of the feMalea. frise4 to re to Wert at the now rates,oon '- —The yollOw fever has mole 141 appear. I ;:orentry operationa were itoPDed uall &anent Staiecolearie • . • tag dinionity is settled.- Tr 1s some What arousing to peruse the reports by cable from Prttssia and France. From the former we learn - of the war preparations of the latter. Both are die. trustful,- and appear to take but little Mock in the peace pretensions of each other. - - • IL coSt approximating an hundred Amsted dollars the Jewish element of et. Loafs are about to erect a magnificent temple or 'worship in that city, the cor ner AMC or which nu laid yesterday. Tun affairs of Candia arc to be exam. Seed Mtn by s commission to be appom ted by the, Oreat t Pearers in conjunction . 'with. the Sultan. of Turkey. Oar lady reader■ of the sewlng circle will be pleasaal to taro that the Queen of Prniala takes a to-day with Vie torte. Punsineny Jdnaaort la to have a grand lintel* reception In New York and Woolly!: on. Ma return from Boo tun. /. 3 1111.011.1.3T6 COatilll2o to arrive is largo iambus at New York. . —The Bankrupt Reporter is the title of, a periodical soon to- be mated at Waslifacton, which will chronicle all the prom clings under the Bankrupt act, which may transpire in the North and- South. --Ten thousaaa dl rereat "ankles mi roinarme taxa. - { ` `: x y~ 5 5 • E.' - 4 D .1781 ~ t . ~...4 .„ .., , ,,„: . . )...:,..? . , - • ....,,. ~. -,--._ A ., -,.7 , „7...7.-• - ,L- --- - .-....• , .--...,,..... _...„.......... ,- . - * 1.1t , . , ,,.. 1 . ,, ,,f.,. ~-....•2 1,‘,......,,,441. kA, .. __• ~., -- ' , Y.,...,, • - •• • •,•:' , . i :-- - ..*,' „..-...--.. ' 4 - ..:,'!:::' 1 4Y 'W .-.......•-'1• .1.,:, j . . A.;.:T5 ,.. !I ', .-„4-,,,, . tf.:' , -..;` ,i ' : ---• \•, , 11177 \ I ' 1 ''- -- - ''"-, 7 .'"' '''t..* '' ,: ,., , ; , ... 4 1 .4 . '',.'. i -.! •--:\ 4 1 - s - - - -, - • t :1 t I : 1 - ' ----- - - 7:2' -'-. - ••:--”: _1 - 11..... - - --- ----- ~.., ',-.- ''- \• A •.. '-. , ---_-,------,_,-_, -, . -----------,',.- ,:-=----,,--,, i_ , -=;... ,, k-_,....,/ -- . ___-_,--_- - 7 ---- ---..-- - - c ji I i, . ~.. , t"; 4:,, [ . . ' • ' '. - - .. '' ', I ' '-- 7 ' - ____ .-- 1-77 ' ---- " 7 --, :: : ' - __. - - - ifj_ . _____l' =_,_ 7 --- ._ 7 -7 37 - t----":7: _____-...-_- . - - -1.._ _ --', ------: - - ----''---.. • . .., .;' • ' ' 1 1 7 1- 1 j 1 . I .....'''. --s:_s-1--; '' ... -- . --1 ... ' ' " VOLUME- _LX_XXIL-NO. 144 FIN MON. MIDNIGHT. THE SURTT TRIAL notion me... ruled moo?—) tors at • 13T Telegt ;ff Defame to 80-eon wit or CrOso-rzoolloottot. Over -Withty Impowtomt Tenn. —31 ..1.Me11• of the Cooispilra. It tlarrninTllle. rapb tit rittsburek flaaette.l • WAiansatox. Stine . 21. JAG:, I=Eff II Judge Fisher read the opinion of the Court overruling the !notice submitted by the defence on Saturday. asking to re-call witnesses for the purpose - or cross-exams• nation. The defence noted an exception, and Mr. Merrick destrod.th file an allionvlt bearing upon the same matter: but counsel for the i prosecution objected, and the Conk said the affidavit a/m[4d have been tiled before the opinion was delivered. Dr,./..F. May teitifled to ids identification / of the hotly of BoOth nye scar on the neck, ommaloned by anursseal operation phifOrnis ed by himself. • John i reenwalf who kept the Penuertra t ere Howse, repeated his testimony given on the consplrueryi trial, concerniug Booth and Atzerett, also temp - nixed the prisoner , us a fniquent vlelior to his home. The dentine noted an Cacciltlolito the ten. theony of these vitt/ler:us as irrelevant. Juhri li. LlO5ll, Into kept tenure at nor tostilled that he rented the Louse foam Mrs. tharratit barn Been Harold and Atherott, sew both :A my house shout err Weeks before the raufwalllallon. -Harold stayed al/ night. heat day narrutt nod At zeroth Moth up. There were several per sona at the Louse inside them. They came In, Paoli a drink, Ohl placed earns. After a while Staratt me in tlteparlor. Thorn I Saw two gala and a rope on the sofa; there niece monkey wrench. Never exam teed the article,. !and cannot ear I rnnid identify them. lite prisoner asked mu to conceal the thing. I at first refused, until he insisted there z ., =& t e . no danger town. ti I 'consented. / . there wan no 4 place to Conceal, sac things, and he said he wool./ slum ins a place. He then concealed the ertielm to nu upper room , lead. the /gist& The prussocrsaldbe only ; anted mo to keep the things two or three ! days.. Alter the:settlings/is/I been conceal ed. tharraU, Atgennt and Harold remained Same time p1a3114 Cards. AWOL three 1 weeks after, as 1 was musing to Washing- 1 t0n,.1 - met Serrate going down. .%bout two I leeks tsfeerwardsots I was going down,' I et mediate coming up, and lIIIVOr eaw the three In company, (uncut the time stated. I Mr. Carrington asked the witness If he saw Mn. tinnatt before the assassination! Witness said he did not wish to no Into an examination about Um. Serrate, as she was 'not hem and would not answer notes , coa- Them h Instructed the witness to an swer. Witness resumed. end satil—kan Tuesday before the assassination be met. Mrs. Sur rift at Uniontown: bee was In a bagg y ollo a young man, whom I afterwards un denstood to be Weinman. airs. burratt told mew have the shooting irons ready, to they would be called fur *eon. I told her the house was golug to tie marched, and I dbi not want the throes therm The censer. tattoo turned tut John Sarratt. I said that I understoed Pau *Witten wets after him for going to Richmond. Mrs. hermit laughed heartily at the idea, and said the man menthe a smart one to go to Ittchmend and back to els days. Tout wail about all she mid tat that time. On April 1 41 h, leA I was at 3tarlearo, end when I re turned, home, at six o'clock, we, a nom ber of tenons there, among them Mrs. Star rett. , When I drove up.. Mrs. Serra" came to meet me, handed me a package and told too to have the guns ready, and two bottles of whisky. and give them to whoever should Cal/ foe them that night. Mre. Starrett EMI Woichman lett before desk. The pack - aTe handed MO contelned ..At twelve thetnight Harold louse and a Stetson with him. • the alw Of We person referr ran ad horseback. Herold re m he dame in, "ler Hattie sake, and; get those (binge." I up attars and got one neld . gless and cartridge LOS. I could bring, and 1 did not coolly not distinctly recollect, biota Booth to say either he or have kilted the President. Wu.- Seeretearji Seward's lialLlO wee OS. .TAti eurbinea referred to wheurnanded to witness_ The a uncovered by Harold; and ced something peculiar about .3,6.1 to retire temporarily. 3. 0. Toivreierel trot called to 01 pro:Melia a 101 l glitz- 0011 HORRIBLE SUICIDE ISM PROM KANSAS Exeuntloa Oyer the Colon Pacific Railway, Z. U. 'perlti Correspondence Pitttbltrzb tisaette. SAUNA. KANSAS, JUNO 11, 191. r. 02, IN TUN CANPAS. •The dcinge of rain,of which 1 spoke in ley letter Of yesterday, caused an neutron. dented rite m the river and Its tributaries. some of the latter of which carried away the culverts and eariged a ritarrenalon of the regular trains for tut or three days. To morrow they hope to have-all right again. I ate eonsequently detained bore another day. nut it le a pleasant place to stay. 1 hare made the acquaintance of many estl taable and Intelligent people Of bath sexes. and have leisure to bring up my Jottings of my observations and impressions. Thu Smoky UM at this place, end the be. line end Solomon widen mane la below from the North...wt. are all very high. Toe two latter began to fall ymterday; bet the smoky 11111 continued to swell up to ;ester ierdav evening. 1 have not even it - slits morning. So damage whatever was done here, tlinough the river rose over its high langs. Great quantities ofilritt wood, inclu ding hundreds of saw logn and some Sawed lumber, floated down OR Sunday and Mon day. Thu lOrfn in this way,has been I/O.M -erable. . In former letter, yOU remmnber, I spoke I 01 Wu pretty little new town of Ellsworth, on the yank of the Smoky 11111, two or three ' Mllen beyond Fort Harker, which was the extreme point of our excursion. We mere there on E may morning. On Friday night , Wu ruin commenceelhoon after. We second barricade of which t spoke. About- ten cieltsltf uu Saturday they had a very heavy loutpouring of nanny Ellsworth. sue at three in Um afternoon the river had overtlowol tall the heautlrul little plains epos which he town is built, and soon covered it to a depth or four to five feet. The currant area ; strong. :soma buildings were swepruway eettrely, others were mortal from their pplaced, std alt were Boors Or Ices dnlauged. amount of nercluteilieo g ie the Wave_ much o( which wee damaged, I am told that the water rose ten feet In three houses. Soak a vEltatiou to a town In too first half year of its existence is very discouraging, and It is Most probable that tbo.iow ground will be abandoned and the town rebuilt upon a bi-/taloa Wale above the bluff, which Is not over thirty er forty feet high. The road bed et the Union Vacate I:silts - ay had lust been Completed to the low ground, hut it sue -121001 no damage; nun It ts moat likely that it will now tle coquetted op the river above the bluff for Bomb distanee. I regret tills flooding of Idlisorth, both on account of the loss it commonest to many enterDrlsiug wed worthy men, anti belmuse It was one of in most ch.ralng spots I have seen In this beautiful country. I hear of no serious damage having been done bolus . . The railway hoe sustained bet slight 1.0, of which 1 have already spoken. int far as ascertained by telegraph the river le au place overflow ed the road. Thu only damage was done by small lateral tan:ales. =I There ire some religion. organizations b h e e e re e b r u e t c te a d y S vneor ah ample fl o w ts o h rs a h v p e h e a n s set off by the proprietors for this earnest,, and soon, It Is hoped, 1 here will he several churches erected. Lan Sunday the streets were In ouch it condition that few woold venture out for any purpose; but It was an nounced In the , paper pan taut the hero the Rev—li_mn French. Superintendent 01 Western Baptist Minions, wouldpreacti the forenoon and aiternoon at a saw mill Just Inlthe rear ot the 'town. OO Phillip.. AL whose hospitable mansion IC have passed some pleasant lieu., and myself, walked over In the me:rang. We Pound a very small congregation, bat we hwl a monescollent sermon. afternoon, thenvolking having ire provi.d, twoen back, accomparded by Mrs. Pelllips, young ladies of the family, I and Airs. Micturillite, alaily who nes earned for hornet( an enemble fame among the "woman. of i c e war" who labored In the comp and hospital for the sick and wor:W ed.! Another excellent discourse rewarded cut tor our rather long walk across the prat. rte. Seated on blocky and beams, with the deep rolling, flooded Smoky Rill, cov ered with drift woad. running close un side of the Grist rustic butlillog, and thu swallows, which had their foods on the ratters, twittering overhead, the scene was truly grand and autemn, and one that 1 shall not soot, forget. I made Mr. Vretich•ti no quaintance and shared with him that after. tuxat the boson...lay Went Phillips. 1 /nand him a genial and Interesting mem, one who Ihad traveled far and aeon much. 210 knows several if not all his . cloricel hr. Caren of Plusbargli. .There In renewal school bon. here. hot for some reason, dountliess setts factory to themoelves. the trustee. refused toupee It for Mr. French. two Is A age—titSil , IN A flodli. The hotels here are large, but the one at hich 1.'411,N:i 1 from Salem:ay mall Moe, which tying not Such as suited u q man like mu, It wanton much crowded. do not. like Lou to a bedd eight In room. Oub al.;nt was funough an . Lam now MI comfortable quarters In a house w not strictly a public house. / feel quite at tiorne, for we have a few Meat/set peddle. among whom I cannot farbear inentinn sp. Mr. James Slider and lady, to wham kind ness I fur much istannfort 1 Junco am Led entitle indebted detained here.ofth Mr. 1111 m It member of rho (Irmo( U. Newton Coy /orwatatnit and fdlint[lll•loi2 merchants. Thera Is very little roughneei and rowdy- Ism hure, but there la some. The Temideni population cannot be less than !twelve to liftmen hundred, and what might he tailed the goutinf population , some hundred. more. Large warehouses at, Pm railroad stationer*, crammed with goods in truniite, nod the Mores in town are numerous., Thin town IS tbwtineti to tor an important local FROM CINCINNATI. • . . lint Weather—A Cohtrase—ltueloisse Wealth of the ally— " Oar Brlldgeu— . Rivalry nth e literate Diseased sir,. vs. Putrid Waterkladleal Vets areinsloo. Cernaronepec Mosher's Gras., !, Crecntart, Ihn7. The hot weather is appreaching,rapully, . and the relay ...son Is well nleh over. I presume, alter having had a Surfeit of cool and Whilst wrather, waive now 10 be scorch . cd, Ili a Punishment for complaining Of the rain, and. like the rich mm who drove • laptop from Ida gate, petition In vain to: water. A denizen of t h e Iron Ctty who takes a wall' through the brattiest puritan of um elratati on a fine. eunahlny day. pm notice thu merited contrast between this city anti rlttehu,gh. One Is mannfacturing. and : the other n mercantile platy. Here the wealthy wholesale merchant endeavors to thanp more mostly and - superb building Ida neighbor. A man who dam not !litiTn ' U ' frOt t ir,llVere ' t!fraft " lr rg.t h ls h to the astegnry of small bueinces men, and [aural clot green grocer, end apple men , chants. lint In MOM:carat eauarugant architecture cannot certainly be laid to the ; charge of raptness men. Indeed, It would Ibe as absurd for o r al miners to sport J while gide and linens, the contaminatlng !necktie. of cool dust Only beteg mote 4p. parent. Cinch:mall is a city Of undoubted comma: , I Mal wealth, contributed In a great measure during the retrains:l, IL haring been the great appriy mart 10r) the Army of the Southwest Yerhapsln.no citir of the Colon ; brae army con tee tors 'calmed loch greet wealth, or yielded such manifest business ProMerity, as In the queen City. York and ! clothing match t o rev led lu fateontra.cts , and the latte Or t 0 meet part Or the Jewish perm:mei° --e.c radcolluesal for .. - th le- • 1 PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1867 SRN 01110 N, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M IMPORT INTFIIO3I EttOPE. The Eastern Question : UNG&RIAN REFORM MEisURES tknowledgment by Napoleon ItlIE PRUSSIAN DIET ULUSED. Continued Peace An.iurances FINANCIAL DISTRUST IN LONDON Financial and Commercial I=ll=llll Cul fiCEAT s AI Beat,,, Juno rowan I. is M vis asserted roa in m poi itl. cal circlet More that the Goverutoent of Inc Male has accepted the collect', proposal made by Prussia, France, Russia and Italy, nJonit commission of invevtitratlon Into the afloat'ou of affairs In Camila the Com mission to be appointed by Um tdirlstlan groatpowern and ton Sultan, and will it, semblu at :Constantinople. Narohina rtinceatoac POMO. , teat arrived from ticroptry re port that the Emperor Napoleon cootlnuee to purchase hones for the um of the French army on iPthrire scale in that eenotrY. OLAII,Orr ON A V 0.11.. Prime Minister, Count iilamnrckt hm left the city. and gone on a viii 0 rooter.... Re salddie had undertaken at ter the re cruitment of hit health. The Queettof Prussia leaves on it malt to Queen Victoria, anal will be tar Windaor Castle coat Tuccifar. DIET CLOSED—PEACE SW F USA. WI. Boutin, Juno '24 Von Der Ileyilt,lillniater Of Finance, WO Acting Prime Minister in the absence of nitruorek, Mescal the eession of the l'imslan Diet to. dec. In his speech to the members of the Upper and Lower Douses, on this OcCeitiloll. ho sold Dm cordial and int/mote relations now ezisting netween Lie Majcsiy, too hint oll`rusela, and his iwwerlul neighbors. wereon assurance of Testing nice. 11•1 . 0.1.1 PROI•01,0, Parra, Juno 1.1.—1 n the Imam. house of the LealSlatire Dint, NI. Derrath, member of the party of the left, demanded to anow when the government Weida 'wing In, or whether they would messutes In the shape al hills for the etormetpatron or the Jews, the exposition of tho civil oolivy of the conntry as regard. other toMitiger and Mitering dlsabLLltms , thn morganfro tlen of tee military system, about .the eon• OOrdat with Rome, and ieform narlgetton laws. /RANCE. Act:m...1..0nm." EST run I,IrIOLOIL Peat, June 'Z.—The Emperor Sspohqiiiit has forwarded an autograph. letter to Mu cha! Valliant, requesting him to transmit the (bertha of Ilrs Majesty to the harem.. Connell of the Paris 1:1111bItIon. for the tol • dress of c9ogritalatlon forwarded. to him by that twisty, with reference to the fall Oci curreems of the iith. test. and his happy ee• capesinric g the attempt mad, on the L l fs of the Cettr. AE,TIII I= NIPISA. June M. The Sunrise Govern trten,Pbs..loinod the Governments el Prance, PreSets. linty net Runes in [barmen:env the tottenne Porte, urging an in vcntiss nen of the ,11111eul[ies In the nine] et Caudle. clGLlklen. NLAIIINke, li I.I,ANrIAL P. Citl ankle tO.dBy..Y. e general feeling of uneendnear and .11. t mot Is noticeable In financial circle.. Et= gran:l6,mm, June 2.4.—The ale:neer* City at reds, Millubursi and Hecht. Irom Nem York. Lave arrived. Loran., Jame 21.—The steamer IlrctilcL land, from New lark, he arrived =I town...lona 21.—Erentny.—Consols cloned at A; 5-111.73; !Moots Centre I, 73; Erie, On, Ltvcaroot, June :11 • teeing.—Cotton Mooed q Met at a decline of rally Slid• Minx Liplund. 111 , 4 Orleano, 11? , ,„; nwlrs MAO balm. Elleadanutri quiet (Wrung heir the day. Corn elonad at W.:. en. rot now mixed Western. reati-3+31. ed. for Canadian. Wheat, Earley and Oats show no Mimeo..lo Priors. Provisions generally 1112011tIllied. Par VISVRIICC4 ashlllinii.and prime modern at to-day at re. per Mil. Beef newly at ELL, 04. Lard 01. ad. flacon 41,,. Cd. ner ewL Ennio., and Petroleum Mandy. NM . . Its, ItE; reilnerl, In. a. Tallow 40e. red, for American. L0a..., June 24.—Ereninn.—There was a tali bull:less in the Corn market to-day, hut no change In tne prices of Organ/doers. hu ger unchanged.' Olin—Sperm .00 per ton; Linseed and Wid. uncnanged. Lennox. one cal sy.—Atlani lc and Great Western consolidated •hara,2. , :. ,Fusaiiroirr, Junp• 21.—Etr•dsa—r: J. bonds 77%. FROM MEXICO. Warques, .at City Cr allootoo, Delores flora,liodo Emperor—Lib...filo Not, loda. Itliottagos—ltosoors Coneerisitilt tautmtLLaut. relerretat to the Pittsburgh Garotte.] Now Ottasse, June 11.—Ily mimes to. calved 'from Queretaro to June Lots Potosi to the 1110 and Monterey to inn 11th. via. Galveston, It Is repotted that .as noon OS Marquez was assured of the betray al of Queretaro by Lopez, he proceed ed to open certain olocumente which had neon lett iwita him by Maximilian. Among them be bawl one containing a written ab dicatton.Vlgned by Maximilian In favored young !turbine.. Ma lure thernimea 101- tocillately proclatmed Iturbble Emperor pr . ed...oonase the reeener 01 Eaten.. Gar. lett. Ire also arrested thirty of Use MOM notable Liberals In the capital und Stied thorn ae floatage.; for the lineal , of the Jives of 'Maximilian end his eouounlons.• S. yet there has been no authurative de ntal of the uhthentlelty of alusluallun's and It is Oe rochanattob, ,p lleved to laahthed be .areek b uine.efore laid, a g - It le elated tho counsel tor n 31.1frallen had been refitted a request for the pontoon... trWea of the trial for Witty day., that they might have wee to prepare a defenee. lid, ale* reported the Emperor tool been eun tenced, end a rtoner grovelled thal be had been exueuted,but they eon be traced to no good authority. The Imports! lieroirul would only stirree• dot at Queretaro on honorable Loma el Tinge/ton, and It' is Matted the nurreadiw Wan made in amordanee , with thu eaten. eed law. and [immune( nations. illertmes, the t.lberldj.ieue ur ral, who agreed to these terms, wits placed under rvid, end themes. and monitions of War romored to Abler.. Maximo Cameo was not nhot,o., hes been reported, but brutally murdered wLilo lying dangerously wounded to the hospital at Queretaro. The lest report received Irmo the city 'of Mexico, e Memos:: tool eminent.' ere outing Me liCsateicen. two of e we Lora alreedy been shot; their name, were nut given. The derth of Me Is 'cooltroml. ors All foreign Trianon. taken by Q. 1,1, ritordwring four or live thonadod, Aostrlmf. and Yrenchnieri , were on their e4ty to Monterer• INDIAN TROUBLES Pacific Rollos,' ILobore. Allarke4l • outs Drleon Orr—Reiter Protector. Dooneooloo—tiotorn or 'Exoorrlop, Ingo. • (11y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6.'01, hr. boute, Juno 11.—. A dispeich from the end of the Kansas Psedhu Batlway mays the Indians here driven the grading - Parties Into Fort Barker; also that. two railroad men and two mucous were killed near Bunker 11111, about twenty ' mike welt ot Fort Barker. on EatordeY, and considerable biota drievr. off. EtPute aro being mode to preen", arm, for the railroad em ploye...any of whom hays already felt their work, and it Is leered all 'will leave unlean they ere bettor protected. The eicursion party } from Fort Wallace arrived at Salina to-da. All well. Lansintolt, Kamm& June 24.--The ing pestle. of the Pacido Railroad fur twee. .ty Sallee not Of Bunker 11111 were attacked by MOW& /adieu§ nu Saturday. Three men were killed and the remainder drimin off. Work on the road In etalrely suspended he- Pima Wilson's Umek, and unless prompt =emerge are taken by the military, the progress of the road must he greatly retar ded. As Malian now stand the liens and properly of the people on the ,border are totally no • tiosernor Crawford is making an effort to obtain arms and ammunition from the mill tary 10 arta railroad employeea and eitirens In disturbed district& - . Itlver 'Telegrams. • • tn i;a T eil;VZl ' s rani ' s ' : 'n;;tecttvg; 7; tilt City, Juno a—River tott Inchcar falling fast. Woatnor cloudy and warn:i -t/1Y ClTY . ..lune 34.—Peirolenint Vary du I. at 41:8431.10; with no transactions. Weald,er vary warm and cloudy. Slyer abOut a foot high. . • Lovuovima Jane IL—River falling with ars tog by canal marks.. , • .- . S4-111rerr talLlng. THE PRESIDENTIAL TRIP Piotement• of the Pcetyllltlcolcb ed Inning Yeety—Pieworil won nteee gm—Grand lhopiny In 11totton-4 General /inuan,—lmpo•lnr na.un• le Cerent.tntett at - ace 'Protection of the :.en' 'temple. - ~.01) 're/Pi:m:1110 I lie r Ittobuten Curette.) gesvost. June :h.—Secretary Seward and gonssone spent Suoilay at dainty. atEemling, church In the morning, Mei vis iting the old Adams' mansion In -the alter anon. Mr. Seward dined with the line. Samuel Hooper, lit 'lotion, in tile evening, in cone pane with Senator and Mrs. hianDer, pro. re or Aleuv•lx.M.r. Longfellow anti an others. Mr. Seward yesterday reeelyed a tele tgram from Admiral Farragut. inquiring if the President would hire to take a tripdown to New York . , in tho Frauklie. Med previ ous to her departure. If not, she would sail on Wednesday morning. Ile replied Do not detain the ship; CO on Wednesday, on you prows, and no tie in epecial Ege t-olive orders from here are concerned, oand not en the order of your going. Do not glide too often_ to the inalitte.d, but keep a firm Mottos:on deck, to the end that volt may coule back. from your voyage at Die appointed Mine. In concord health anti vigor. to rPeeir , l the additional thanks of your conntrytnen. I [stun.) W.ll.Srav•en. weird morning the stave. were ; et Vlied Mire., end etrangera from i the rurrottualng country, It wan with the grunt dullealty themany m.t/roade tunhl ulteirtl uttcotemmluttonn. Theory was ttealtod with lings alond rho route of proentedon. itrorr wmteet and door way and buleeny tied haute top, from aloof, aloof, the 0 ilplay coultl aften, topes, oven. pled at art .04 hour. Tito schools, State and Municipal Oft., amt nearly all plates of trade and labor wero eltet7l, the people tin It i tat in a general I.lfdaY. The - Grand L , lgn of eta.aeltusatta 111. .11/ibled 11l their vegeta. 11.1 , 11,1.1.1011, In tonuoar ttrepat. whit. pett tea. ("nerd, and untlor the ...rt. ac of the Ltostoo of IthighttiT,quithfr 1...1td .:11 to flu. [wry rtgllpie, u tteutteful and Itn po.log edifice, ...aeon stories In leak( ' with 11 CLIg01210,Vor CO thll is it 31.111 g iVO fret, and It atimilur and In forty tower tit the north corner. . . The 11...lichtery eerenlonlos commence.' at nine °Mimi.,and in them none exceptiN; Mumma nartleleeted. Preiditent of the lint. net Stat., l'ionma4ter •lienorat .11aj. Gen. itmeeme and Ottnomu h alt;ilbrrle wen, present, twins: ruimil,aro of the fritter atty. tif rdtllte?er the ceremonies clewed. the Pints- Went e remelt the elneere ad profound e L o experienced at to ning prese nt with. the Grand Lod:teen this MOM intermit- At 'the conclusion of the Preabiontis re. tearks', the e1,41,,11 of the (fraud I.miac sr. rminated. By the times the private cere monies were concluded, the Masons, who bail been forming at the Common, were ready to move to the procesamii. They those Abu hail now engage.l in the temple exercises, awl now In an unbroken limi they nroraeded through a 'number of thd principal strects awl :minims. The pro...moon consb,teil ofeighteen divisions, and was, commanded by William P. btrem en, Grand Aldratial. . addition to tan' Encampments of this were Enna:lwo:len. trots Rhode Wand, New Fork, New Hampshire, Maine, Pennsylvania, New Jersey nod the: Illmrict of Columbia, together '-oh if nights Holm other States. at Juan's I.ulge Ot New bOett. Instituted Sc 1751, carried Untold Washington Rude, upon *high Wa!thlngton took his first milk of ot os,: 0. President, of the United State, Lotitu ea from Sluice, Ilflnmis, Now York, Wash mg. ton and other cities and States were In line, with • at itanarepre9entatlnn of various organtgations In England awl British Prot - - tev. It to thought upwards of ten thousand Mason, worn In proeefaittif. Many decora tains &mitt heron. w,rit got - Keens char outer. The Prealtiont stood much Mille time, oat In hand, Innalcantiri ilgetnent of the LO CO pitmen. pal 4. Moque. Were oecation ly thrown Into the carriedu. There was touch enthuslaom everywhere,and tho only allusion Sc, poi tiler heard was tte °seising ion, -No impeachment. - Rams: mother. presented Emir y tnidrms to the notice of the President, was neon kind word sod. more than otter, a M... Lott'. little ones. ~. • . lt,tonlans any never before w. there !true when juhltics were no•rneees,httly to. clod. from uubuleclemonvlrwl.naln honor &public loan; and tn.y are glad to have Inc' Pre:Went nrnomr them In order Mal Icy Chief tepee., their moped for him or • he Chief Mucirtrate a+ ha t fellow clilivenr, ..votivcot the. Is.. Which distort, thy country. OlA'lttlitAtiollir the Ita%oun eocuicienc,l vb.embilest at tight tilt mornlbg, It we.. Ire o'clock Shen they ctroplatod Wu r marehlng brOgraruine and teat-MA !Unton ater uNtial prullml nrle,.•iota the tlenee a.blltors, uhtzratioo wan ileilViired by IZAV. lc. nin.ll§lr, pre., et,inLiiii of in, t.rani, Liligo 01 ent Ili, Origin. rt-n al lire Mn.nnry. otto wst.. and Ott , ci.re• Citl,4 nith .104,01.0. .rc.ned Ter rm.:dent, with Malor bonerat ...au and ettranon Morris, weru then e-h0rt ...1 to Me roryntian x; .n • In the now rtl.n •onta IFtn‘le. in parte-hoot a banquet. Ihrote its eicee; tirond /taster Inttno maid hatto, to the I, tietne 05 the ‘laY. antrtn onter that the President might withdraw. of he ho Would now P.n.. , •t•Ttre Prealdent of the Vatted - • Till, W., rf . e•-i.1.1 *Min ff.fuf,ral , bqfnitf kr of If ands by Ufa Imago er.tUfflftgfi, vocecelliff aloe eliffcrs. . . . The t're•llent. In rtanottleaglnit the ctoupllttiorat, mrt4to a (ex restutrl.. ❑e iv., i.:17,4e14e41 .1411 tll2 - 4,44 t•Aeern At tterloae. . . Grnera Ito,o.eaci pr.moLeda. reareL from brenaary aaward anal ha coned not. la: pnramt, a family paring' for anale mor.ttla raw:rated Ids attending tpunlic alarserr, or ermir occasion. Tat. rrl,ttietit WAN Marmly 'Laken av trio band , by I:rotifer: ..11,amr, an rnquontly enr.l lib flit hotel. wriere Et•Prawldept' Pierre pa/.1 1; to rtalicatr. FROM WASHINGTON El Teler'cib In Mr ABIIINOTON, '21.1[6. TITS, r AL:4 , 01 , 1TION axn clratcr/ era rcx The Department of State ban Information Item Comu,lvlooor , beekwetn. that of lieu tinthlrml not teentT.four United Staten Eillltiltorn or Patin there- have been awants In favor of two hundred and RI ity•tv. Among these fear bane, b.f. awarded arand preen, yevehteen gold, Nit)-two nil. nor, and one hundred and three bronze medal+. noventv.titen American exhalant - a were Le/numbly :tient ion ed. Fourteen thoumintl two hundred and utzty-nisin cirri, of nubile lands were die on.ied of at the land eine,. of lows. anti Mlehtusu i dinning Mae. beventy-lour pat ents..ein bracing cieved tho.and font hun tdan delay-one net . , of baud In Kan'. on the rettowittnuile reserves; also. eight' bulimia fOr Winnebago trust mantle in Mitintiosila i embracing one thou sand three hundred and twenty acre., were sold to purchasers for the lament of the Ins illans. • Itt.rENING 07 g . OUTTI6StS POSTOrrteLli ' The Poetoinee,Department to-day order. rd the re-opening of fourteen melodic.... In fhu lAmthern Stutea. The Work le p rogrelow log ateadlly rani order, tor Mu re,openlng of poeteNces In that .eoctlon aro Issued nearly every day.. • 11411. 7011 • 110\flCIl O REVI,EO. Judge Coylor. of the Circuit Court, this morning refused lo take nail in the 411.90 of henry Johnso who shot n [Tom named Srn(KII, 1110 312 n, 1), for itilniteroits int twines with Ills former trite. FROM TEXAS The Opinion of Genera! Stamberry llrlngine Forth E.ll Ertatt—lLlneartm Mg or Unmeant? Vill•May. ilir Thirtioal t ilie ratainirchurrene./ Noir Tone, Ante Trltnoirts tin. canton rot:vial rape: The opinion of Attor ney tioncral htunberry la' already bringing forth rep trout. The mint el revolt in litronglibming. LloJor linvilond, Who woo rrniorrri for rebel pro riivitle to recognize tin, military' oitiority. Tl.O unearthing of ad Iranian .° villainy here. permit the w . ar tho rebel Joegoslaturn ortlereol a sweeping and none photo onlbrantlnn of all property, real and e o r mm raedl , w it h r b ra yl n o ra a ol l enosw s n Ig . or T . h P roperty n valued at Dome Lean bitty million dollara . nay 0010011 and held. Jhraru Derail., jolt pardoned by ete tesent Johneon, loured more than I hie...thousand tralora.. Thu rebel records are I innoorfeet nod blind, rani do not whose 1.210 linueer of the purchaser° low brans. sums e ere an.troorasol toy the receiv e:ln. The connotations of Cromwell, In Ire. lawd o olonw equal thin In extent and ores tY• Unmoral lirlihn le urged to probe this lump em.MaLlon Intl. button, I= Auotcra, tin., Juno 11.--itiogistratinu primrsssing qulialy. Four hunFircil and 11111 y-biz. pore oos wens rogisteroil toslay. In vslioni WO hominid alit wooly-obi Worth blocks. - A party Of contemns attempt.' to eqenpu from tee neoltentlare nt 5111k:doer dm. too Nem ti tiled end several Wounded. Thu relrallnilol . Wen, re-captured. Harlem Mprinan, Carroll Co., Ohio.— Thema mprinns. In commotion with the Ito. tul *nninuty buildings, will bn °pencil tor innate wild bomilers mt tau Ilea! or July. It is not now Intended tut w plate or fashion al,berlimorln but spin*, or it snit Lim demands or those seeking a quiet, bealtbrul, rattail and oneXpvnsive retreat, Into train 101:104. nml Tlnturnets ere dense, trio Keen ry peetillarly benhtlful, wad' the locality Itlld minimal ...igen., noted for 1.111,1 r ht..,11,41 Unnnrtnig .011 i I. li.t. Vltitorn from Pitt s rittuocovill... Wheeling nail Clnol* nail. will coma v Z.. , Market -14.0100, on the a C. dlr.t.ntit, by hark tram two In Ihrtni bouts. For part loniat a, ad. Omni, d Li. Lan, Harlem Springs. Carrot County, .th it,. or call on E. Is. Gamins, pas -191. of t i e Mouth ritlabUrgb AL E.. Church. , . . 1.221,5 t• • wsrapseassew er.lialr.—Tho Allegheny, Temptranen Lena..., will wool tall evening In the lisv. John elobilllan`s 1:13111 . 014 . eau druky Street. An address will b. dolletwed by Minna, T. .EVcrt Eno. The blink . of the Leyden Lodge of 'Good Templar& will bu prtwoht end /flog soluf E temperance Choice lilyrogna—u,...obanT i 81,4*bor °moon, •Ea.aniparilliia tahllar. Latitolia, lr rap°. Pine Anplai Lemon, Blank ' h rry, 'and looloberry Vinegar. of very 114. Orrlor corahty, at this very loweat Prlnl'a, at 111 Yriloral /treat, Allognany city. Ileorgo /haven. - 'Print*. the, vrry best Printe, the vett. best Prints t 124 n, at' the greet singing We sale of Itsrkei.t. Oct, IA Market. etroet. j We don't advert,. what we have slot tot; remember &him when reading our advertise ments. Masslaik Crash Tovialitng at 6 Deno yet yard. at Lb* sow stare, lio. 100 Ohio street, IM=EM=E an AND FOUBTII PAGE.—The fullart and mast re: lb‘blr Od and Produce Market Re ports given by any paper in Use city, Yin br /maul an &aril:meth 112Pe. = The City Councils held a ragular monthly meeting on Monday evening, June 21th. menthem present : Masse. Armstrong, Urown.Codln, Crawford. Dickson, Whit:llan, Morrow, Phillips, Roos, Tanner, Thompson, Willie, Wilson, and McAuley, President, Minutes of last meeting rend and ap proved. , Tho President submitted a petition from Gotloth Hammier, owner of a brewery on Vickrov street, setting forth that he hall erected his establishment at considerable expense, and that recently a man - named. Hutchinson Sas erected a kiln for ovine brick immediately in front of the brewery, end directly across the public otreet. He asked that.Counclis take use proper steps to remove Ito same, Referred to MO Street Committee, frith Instructions to abate the nilisasco. C. C. non-oeicurred and referred to Street Committee. Select Council recede and con. • Mr. .MeAttley (Mr. Brown In the chair) submitted en ordinance remlattng thu elsarges of haokmen and drivels of vehicles for conveying passengers through the city, [lcing the rates at lute cents for each pas senger and twenty-five cents each for' trunks. Bead three time aumpiumed. C. C. amended by making the rates lilt} eeLta for 'stamina. - rand one trunk and twenly•five cents for each ailattlomit trunk. S. C. re. ceded unit minourred, • sir. Phißps presenwil a petition from the Monongahela Bridge Company and the Bir mingham Pamenger Hallway Company, asking rho privilege to alter the, grade of smithileld street near Sheet(onungalteist Bridge. Referred to Cho COMMitt. with power Loam. Tile chair submitted an ordinance tot the hinter government and regulation of the File Department. The Ordinance province that when on duty the companies of the De partment be under thestrict control of the Cola Engineer, or ' In his absence, the As sistant Engtmers in or 'er of rank ' s that In no case, except to attend fires, shall any of me voMpanim take their apparatus outside of the city limits; and Xhat no oompany• gaunt of service without glelegidne notice trt thd Chief Engineer, bird obtain ing tits approbat.On. Passed to a third read. tnionsd after considemble disensidoe, the yens and nays were called and the ordi nance passed by a•vote of Sloven for to ono • maim. The rrnetrierit read a communication from Msyor MeCaney, reiattng to Um nut. senne existing at the Point, io mmsequence of the defective errangemeuts for dimming from the cannel thu nlght.coders the con tents of the cess-pools throughout the city, anti asking that the name be remedied. Me. !erred to the Chairman of Allegheny and llonoegebela Wharf Committee, with power to take such settee In the premises as way be necessary to secure the abatement of the Hr. Dickson Presented the report of the tlas Light Committee, with a resolution au thorizing the erection or lour lamps on Washintstoostreet, between Webster and Crant, and Ibreo on Conirrips Street be tween Wylie street and Pennsylvania ay. :me. Iteport accepted, and the resod:dben passed to a third renting and adopted. tie 'sunoalttea a report of the' Viewers el Market, street Sewer. The en ure cost et the sower was 0,33537. The tro tal length 43 feet: Report eccuptaa attd spore red. Also s resolutinn appointing A.J. Gribbin As rinser on Virgin alley btlwer, In place at James S. tamte. The following ordinance., passed to a bowed reading May 27th, were taken up: Uroinanoes for grading and paring Car son anti Allegheny street, and for opening Greeting, street, were read three tunes and pave d. Too ordinance for the grading and par tog of Lumber street was postponed. air. Morro* submitted an Portllnanco changing the -grade of the lionougenela saberf, between Smithfield and leant wade, providing (or an appropriation of 4t2,1M0 (or regraolog and pavingt:e the same. Tile ordinance ese discussed on:shiera• tie length, and tbd yeas sod nays being called units paasage,rosnited—yeas.l; nay, II; so the online:me was lost. A resolution wan:adopted authorizing the controller to bertlly I. warrant In favor of rtillerton, fOr twenty-erten dollars In full of water rent colivered In error. Air. McMillan, an ordinance fur the open ing of Slim eimet from Bridge to Liberty •creets,..+ laid down lu Denny ., pine 01 lota.: Laid oaths table under the oral- Mr. Morrow submit...l an ortllnanco ro. rldnig that theMnllannee heretofore on an tiloattelx,nt 01 twenty-lire per I.rnt. on all . stextaboat, mating weeuly shOnld apply and he extertiled to Min .I.llegbeny wharf. CON KON • Members present—Messrs. heck, lirush,. fora, Hare, Hemphill. Weise, Jones, Marshlnney,Slelinewan..Meeleimnil, ReCosian. O'Neill, Rued, lisdierts. Robb, erEbert, Sloan, Tomlinson, Torley, Verner, Weldon, Welsh, and Presildsmt The minutes of the previous meeting were reed and approved. Mr. and presented a vonnunien- Lion lion John McOargo,lisq.,CityControil. er, covering sundry bills. The coin inu le/C.• 1100 was Retained and Warranta ordered to be drawn on the Treasurer far the several • ammonia. - - . thire.oftered an ordinance prorining tor toe branding of boxea lu which berries wld to xr 1/. Pub'le inarkore. Thn unit :mum was roan throo Limes dimity geneal. Mr. McGowan offered resolution direct.. log the Oily Controller to certify his war rant on the Treasurer In tutor of Mr. John Bau•s, lihr ten dolime.l be amount of water tax for IoA overpaid by him. Raferred to MlnAnco t,t.mmirtre with power to rm. Mr. lb:Mb, the folloy/Ing ordinance. It reacted, Sc., That In sewers now In proms. of construction, or which Shall hereafter be con•tructrol. It shall ho the duty of the litmording Regulator to cause to he Inserted on each side of sold twwere, at tee distal:ice of every thirty feet. Mat Iron ohms , . of that! diameter as •balf be directed by the Regulator, and that the cost Of raid sleeves be added to the costs of con at ruction and paid biros part Of the reWers.o The r.r4llnacien Iran read three .1111... and .111141.15 , parsed. • 11r. hard, from the ziaulteey Covoialttee, offered the folleiring reboluttonf *Men was adopted. knotted, Thatthe Sum at one - thousand dollars be and Whereby-appropriated, to he espootted by the Cannery for eccurlas the beet sanitary cotalltlon of the city, at occasion may requtry, and that the same be charged to the Contlmient Fund. Mr. Fora also Miert t an ordinance mak- Ina It the duty of ' , among awning lots front ing opou shay. to hoop said alleys properly cleansed, sell to have them scraped every Tuesday and Triday Thu ordirlanon also nroviceil for the I.tuutenahts of the Night Police to ate that its provisions weir car ried out, and allowed thorn each ton dollars, per month 'as compensation Cos their Ser vices. sir. Ford stated that the Street Committee had been laboring fora year past to devise same Mewls by which the alley, could be kept clean, but they had been tumble to do so. The Street Commirisioners appeared to think that they had no right to interfere, except In cases whore the allege an paved. IG WOO re cessary to the continued stood health of the city that the alleys 11110111,1 tie cleansed at once, and he hoped the (infl ame., would be passed.. Air. Welsh moved as an amendment that the Sanitary Committee be . empowered to employs Suitable person to carry out. the provisions ofthe ordinance. The littlellti• mane was acciepted. • The ordinance was amended by Mr. Reed, limlting the immpensvtlon of each person on employed toter++ dollars per day. The ordinance, no amended, wet read three times and nestle Penitml• Mr. ldeQuestan, a revolution authorg the Controller to minify a warrant on the Treasurer In favor of Mr. Edward - Allen for the sum of $1,603 W In payment for tViti , so meting the sewer ois Carson street, in the lianth ward. Mr. Robb offered an ordinance' prowl ling for uniform system of sewerage. heed nod alit Over Under Um roles. On motion, adjourned. litivardylam i.e the _Ninth Ward, Last night, 'between five and six John Chafman end Alfred Lestnn, brntheirs• in-law and residents'of the Ninth ward, went to the' house of Joseph lierbstor. at the corner Of Liberty and Carat. Streotn, and were Conducting Lhoimmlvm in an in decent manner, when ilerbstor niquestml them to-leave Ms bonne, whereupon they e.o.m..' him and atoned him shamefully. They were not satiblied with this, however, but abroad his honey-anti furniture, break ing obnlno, glassware, nrackerV. dv. Herb.- slur came to the Mayor's office and made an ormatinn against them, charging them with assault and hmtery. • warrant won Wiled. and oilleers Rivers, prowder. aerate and Couples alerted to pa,rnint, of the offend ers. Strain and Cupid. succeeded in ar esting Chatman and Leston between Sit and seven o'clock last evening. but Cha rnel:l managed tolilve them the slip and us cp.pod, bat only fora short titans Sa :he was picked uu nt his Pont, in the ormar'ond of the Ninth ward, • about twelve o'clock butt night, by °Meer* River. mid Dressier and lodged in the lock-up, whore tun worthy brotber.in-law hall preceded him, to await a bearing this morning. =1 The congregation of er, Clair' Church, Rev. J. C. Boyd. motor. In Scott township, have or - anged for o Strawberry geldival, to he given In the church edifice on Thursday afternoon and evening next, on which octet. elen n meet elebeent entonalereent will be of rd. Tlllietlerell le erA, A ['eau , - 0101.0:4 and Sits One weather and peel nettle, a ergo pothering of country folk vi ph a owl, number of rt.wn people are exported to assemble, for a day of health. Col recreation. Anion Taint refreabinento and floral ottroculons, iuldrewieo will be de- Ilveral by able clerical gentlemen. A Mootrean Amphitheatre. The semsters - or the Grand pitional Fes. whloh Vttl take plaabit Union Skitt les Park. coMmenetng July 4th. have had erected substantial mate around three sides of the minimum. and have made other •nit. sblelllll2MtMellta for the comibrt and coo venience of the thousands who will Darn. Ice* to the molebration. Ae the glorions entity...TY nCuroaches the racitereentrel• alnee to the 31 . 421 d Festival 111121,....*. and l who can are scouring their (1011.15(1110 office. 74 Fifth street, where the prism are on exhibition, Wives WeWe.—The steamer Belle will leave this dav at n r., tawitively. We ree ommend the belle to shippers and pae•en. ,sere as a dratedass boat, and we know that Om*. Lonahrey snd Jack Chambers will do the oonetealas of the oreee with thew win, al urtiartlty. This laths only - beat leering this port until s :Ise. 'Caps Lonaltrey wIR take with huh several• berm and thus In. Ru.re,c‘7 l ol , Petha , OlWlMCarcetib,.' Yy PRICE THREE CENTS The uoldrieh Homicide Case—A New Came on the Matter—The Pistol CB=3 The Circumstancea attendant Upon the kllimg by a pistol shot of James Goltirlch. of Allegheny • city, must be gresh in the minds of our tendon. On Monday evening. I June Pith, about four o'clock, McFarland and deceased, who went on intimate terms, I attended a plc We on Troy II 117, and when the pin ale bad ,broken up they visited sev eral beer garden a In that • locality, whore they remained until after eight o'clock, when they started for home. On - reauttlng the corner of 04Ia street and East Lane, I Goldrlch promo, to IleFarlarto that they ahould go to Kellar's, who keeps a whole sale and retail liquor and grocery store, on the corner of East Cole and Ohlo street, and grota drink. McFarland nceepteti the Invitation, and the two crossed the street and entered the stare, where Revert.' men were seated. tir. Kellar, the proprietor, as not In the stole when they came In, having gone to the cellar to get some wine for bin Itiends. anti McFarland, addrevelng himself to a mitheta of ldr. K's, sated for some liquor, which waa ' , snood him. At .this time Mr. K came up from the cellar. and seeing McFarland and the deceased in the room, asked them w at they wanted there, when McFarland replied teat It was none of his business; then Mr. Kellar atee red op to ham and toot hold Who mat and retitiested hies to leave the house. which McFarland retnsed to do, and a ditto OISIMM, raCetol.l,l striking Kellar on tee bead, and he wtns then strong by young Kellar, the nephew, two or three times • after which ho retreated to the door. Almut this time the decent." bad miught the elder Mr. K. by the bale and was pulling him down when a shut WWI do e, alit entered the' bead or the do censol,jusaback ng the left ear. passim; through In ashrect line with the right ear, lodging in the inside of the skull. Molar- I land then started to net and was pursued by Mr.Kellar and caught and brought buck in the house whore lioldrich was lying. lie was than o f In charge by °Muer Charles Wooell. of the night watch. lie refused to go with Wessell, when Me (Wesll) caUed tor usalstance, loud he was taken In the I.k. up. A•ehort timeafter the idiot was tired, Or. J. McOrn was called, and. upon mak ing en examinanon of the wound, he pro nounced It fatal. • Toe injured man was re. moved to the residence of Ills parents, where he illed.algtut two &clock ate next • morning. At the Coroner's investtgatlOn the jury were solely puzzled to discover who ad fired the fatal oboe; No pistol was Mend an McFatimad or about the .premises. and the matter was involved In deep mystery. Thu circums.rectia of the'esse pointed strongly towards Victor Kellar as the perinurator of . Lim murder, es be was aeon to go out of w hack door 'lmmediately alter the firing. Th e jury accordingly found a verdict to the effect that either Victor Seller or Jaw.. McFarland used tho death Of young tioldrleb. Both were arrested and are now In theist,. Yesterday the matter camp or , before the Grand Jury, and sr it was In no good sharer (Or. action, Assistant District Attorney Riddell gave orders to oMmlr John Manley and Coroner Clawson to make search for the missing p stol is the coos. pool attached to the w ellingdein of Dennis Kellar, • tu the Luck yard premises, where the murder was perpetral"l. These oftld= Mat night procured 'the services of night sailers and proceeded to their Important search. The, sailers had hardly beet, ten minute. at work till they, fauna a nearly new Smith t Vir.edima ate shooter, with five cartridges uthilsMarged and one missing. This certainly wan the weapon with which the homicide was CON. mated, and now the gnestiod' sates who put it treed It changes ten entire aspect of the case, but it is with a jury to determine who Is the guilty party, and wo do not choose to say anything now on the subject. If the owners= of the pistol can be established. tee entire mystery will be solved by its discovery. The Grand Jury will Loan actioa on the Mils earthen the arisen°. to-day. The rillstorargb Female Orsllege—Tbe ' , Reading lenient. Last night another largo and intelligent audience assembled at the Chapel of the Pittsburgh Female College, on. the occasion of the reading contest for 'the Davi leen Prise. SGPaurten yonnglndleapartielpated, each rendikg to very excellent manner choice poetical 'elections. The acholere gave emdenco of thorough knowledge of perfect elOcution. and rail with remarks. ble force and spirit. Oqe young lady—" No. 5' ag,tlie peomaMtneatylndtter--IS aMicted with readersous impediment lu her sph, led selection from ell lawatha" In a really artistic and beautiful manner, gollig to show the high order of training she hha recetved Is the College. The pdm w. borne MT by llias Lunt.. Pershing, of Johns. town. Pa. St.. the no.envor oh a Cube of a ht., Anna lilekitiftun would be proud, and has It nailer porfect control, reading with nary sr... and ItriCol9lllMl elocutionary flourish. 01 , 00 our sympateles were with "No. 11," we nelluve the prise was rightly awarded • o Miss Pershing. Toe //Maryut.. ladles wore equally worthy of miscifil men tions mit the programme only gave num bers, stel we cut. not/ 111,1 iv u Hey. J. •s. Dickerson, cnairman or the C.llll32ittne on Award, in a few eloquent and impressive remarks, . bestowed the prise, an elegant silver cup, on the fortunate oont.tant, after which tile audience was dismissed. Ice tandeml part of the- progiamme WO. very excellent, indeed, if possible, superior to that offered at the mulles' contest. • Tam evening, at Christ , . Church. Hie an 'maul address will be deliver.] by tee. 1/r. It. S. Poster. au eloquent pulpit orator. 01 New berg city. A rare intellectual treat many safety be anticipated , and doubt.. every seat of the commodious church will be occupied. • The -,Exwitilesitions .. for Admittaise• 0, 1. 10... toe - - c m cal Illlgh echoes. . The examint on of pupils of the Ward Pubitp Schools, tor adnilsilon Into She Cen tral High Soh I, commenced yesterday In the . glass rooms ot the High School on T - S ruithdeld street. One hundred and forty nine applicants mane their appearance, the majority of them girls. - The examination Is conducted Ina fair and Impartial man nornib by the F silty of the /Ugh School un der the doer Inn of Prof. Phllatus Dean. the accoinpl shed principal. Each spell. 4 cant Is furl. bed with • card bearing a number whir , i answers for the identity oh the tranvia thronghout the examination, as no *MI.% re given. Thin wise rule pre. vents the possibility of favor being shown to nay •Pulleant, and also relieves the ex aminer. from-.the susplethe of unfairness. The questions are selected wills great titre and or...leniently difficult to test the eebolarly nttattilol2l • of the applicants in the most effective manner. Tiny are pilot ed on. silos of cow and. distrltanol ammo* the scholar., and adequate time is allotted for neon study. Tho answers are written in fell by the applicant, and sigsed with his member and delivered .10 the examiner.. 'Of course, throogh fright and nerfousnets, many of the youtig folks tall to pass, bet an a general role the 'test' Of me-holarships is very fair and saitataetOrY, The examination will he continued trsslay.. and the anuouticethent or sticdissful candi dates will' be made public within a se w days. . , . • Killed by Fatting Out of• Windemor • oruner's Inquest. • William Eicher. Warding with his skis '''. . . Mrs. Speer, at 10. SO Third street. . . _ a violent death some time durlow'Scrubsy night, iwhleh wastli.3 subject of Unpin - be fore an Inquest held (In the ittientiOttpf - _ mum Clawson) by Alderman James3nrizi' on' Monday forenoon. Itlehey had.twee - In bad health for some days, the result Oli In temperance, and his mind was considered 'somewhat Impaired. About ten O'clock On Sunday evening, attar partakler of light fool be nuked to hut room In the tlidd story of the Loewe, At four o'clock Monday, morning, name of the family, on going. to Ms room, discricered he 1.111 1,106 there, whereupon search tea made, and abouean hour later he was diveovered lying dead • to I a book • yard or apart, alongside the house, In a position which Indicated that after leaving his roam he Went to a window nt the bend of the atalrWay, In the rear of the 0000111 r •terr, climbed tlirough it to a shed beneath, from which he fen, per,heps In attempting to descend. Toe Dank of his Went was crenated In by aiming In contact with • stone.. Persons hiving lu the vicinity heard meanings about half past two o'clock, and tole feat Indicated at Shout letst time Ito fell. Deceased w. about tor. ty-five years of ago. unmarried, and a paper hunger and plasterer by 0011111Mti1311. The Jury Mend that William Richey own. to Ida death. ,to,, "by &Oleg out of a window." Emman The art of diagnosing diseake by the elm , plu Inspection of the urine 'hue been prae- Geed by many medical men; hut the atten tion of rite medical worldluta lately been fffCalled to ,iba subject more b? the valnable scientific treatises of Prof,ol.lsbuo, 31, 1)., of Pittsburgh, 1 . 4. Lift has demotistraied neyoutt %doubt, that by °loin ocular en am ination, scientific chemical analysis, and cermet. llllCreeetiple observations ot urinary depoilm, a most Important aux.,. cry t 0 correct diet:oasis to to be/attained In j nearly eyury alsunau. And •so , well has he maintainedltila Thor, both.by theory and by its practical application In thenumerous eases that hove been presented to him, that his oMce one mmstant throng of pa- Goats. lie makmithe m ost eritlbal eSitml pollen of every ease, and however compil cated may be the disease. seldom or never failt to render eatisfaction, when arrasons j able hope can be entertained. hell yt.flo knowledre thus practicallyapplied. inns! render more us:mitts. and intellin,PLle Ibis peculiar branch, nett jtAtit what we at the man anti !GA extensive ' , notice. We ...n.wond theta otshing medical Si', ;Li call on him. • j Otilee and rusidenco, NO. 131 Grant street. Pittsburgh, PL. itawagite. A First' Clans Livery . The attention of our readers I. directed to the advertisement, in Anether of ill ' Eawar ' d " 0- n. , ftki,PrOprletor of the Popular (Snidest Horse List.," !gable, comer of Pleat and Middle attains, Allegheny, aud officieNo• 114 Ohlo street. Tame stables are .I.ll.k n a 0110 ne fiend horseflesh and himd home turnonta as can be fouml at any Simi.' Jar place in the elate. 'A foil number of quiet horses for racily _alms/an, which ens safely be deponal.l upon, alive) a ready for customers. Mr. Caarniecat 'tuts mug bean eaatecen In the bosom., emit,aa ever borne the hiebeet reputation. 115 attend. to all the solemn details of Innen...Jona In a that Mass manner. and vrillenpoly carriages awl hearse tar 'peen,' at the slightest notice. A rod and enrrtuly iiiilecied Mock at fantrld forniehlas gurste kept constantly cm hand, We cheerfully consmendlhts liven and en. dertakinn eatablishmeet to then patronage Occur madame, knowing DOA, branches of the bell newtscOngueteit - In, a lnauner which cannot fall proving eatlefoOtOrY• -Cold NpartitaN Nada Water at J. T Sample% Drug Otto., No. 36 Poderalstreet. C. Re Nosier that one fellow citizen C. I) Brigham...A.llbn . In chief of the Pittsburgh Commercial, pays a handsome tribute to the skill and ability of Dr. E. S. AbOrn, 134 S lal thll.id Street, the dletl n go I shed surgeon end pl.gslelan who Is now temporarily so journing In tilts city. Thu fleeter' has treat. end emmessfully arnembor of Er. Brlcharnle fanilly In it rase which bad resisted all or. 111netry treatment, and that gentleman le pleased to mate publ le the tact, and to corn. mend Dr. Acorn m the confidence of the general comm Unity. A Stabbing . AfTrar of quite a serious character occurred at a drinking house in Alleguany. on Sunday night. The mind ed man was broachi to the Mike of Dr. C. S. Aborn. the alstloguishiel surgeon who now briefly sojourning lb our city. And bad hn wounds carefully attended to. Unit, the excellent treatment recetved at the hands of Dr. Aisorn, the arm:mita! man will recover. No Informatipn has been made in the ease. Steol , lnk alateh.—We understand that a match torn "pull^ of three. Attlee boa been arranged between v nog-Kaye. ap,l Jack• eon. for a hers° or five - hundred donate, to roomed' aver the Ahegbony course. tial . ur. day. the bun! or Angelo. A Unfelt of Oft; dollar,. wax pat up yenterdhr ' and the bat men...ol be fortheouttoto Ouring the pros. cat week. The 'Fed...lan stenteas.—Tho font mon at Osk land Park yesterday afternoon. between Johnny Newell and Frank Wunder lick, for one Mantra° dollars a mute, result ed In furor of Newell. In the first one hundred yard. Wunderlich hod the_ mitten rage. but aff er that he broke dthru. and Newo/1/md it. all to himsell. ro Wholesale" 80r... of Dry Good. we oder bargains In Job lots of Greta Goods, Plantings, Linen Goods, and full !fees of dheettlegs,•Storaings. Prints, Tick. ing, Chocks, de., all ot which we will well at too very lowest eastern easkprimu. J. A. Ilennna & CO. . la Market street, below ,Tairel d Fourta 311e.eral WeglAne: Mineral Water I Ulu. trek, Oonarme and Saratoga waters, l Joseph m est received utrect from the borings, at Flein's Drug more. No. Si Marset street, where also may im had, pure prime old Liquors toe Medical purpoitea, at the lowest. mites. • flirting 1111.1.1.44. that are nelllhe rap. Idly at 140 by the, ease and at Me be 31/0 tall, we will sell for 1214oVer yard. We moan suet what we say. Came and see them at J. W..Beddrer & 4 1 0'8,89 llathetatrent. • Paletlem.—The 'pis, of business of Mr. U. C. Ilarbatmh, h.mae, sign. decorative and ornamental Painier,k , ir ( l:..l l 7l/ Lannek etre.-t. Alleglytny City. All on 101 l at the above place, or at No. 43 Feria. 'Millet, Will re.. calve prompt attention. • Beautiful Ira. Crorpa IlAwrmax. Cheap at tic , We are nulling at In ew Kc, and h° tiwni In large quantities, and Warrant the Colo. fast(st.J. W. Barker & Con, 59 dtarkrt tweet. 'Five Dollar Boona.—Gent's hand-sewed oomom-made Daly Hoot. for Five Dollar], par pair—these are not old style goals—at :he Emporium, 55 and 57 Pitch street. Stottlmoo. Palmer. rt. Go. C.fintry Store-keeper§ will go to the new More, Nn. l 0hi0...re% Allegheny, where they r.ll MOT to large eteck of Dry Gargle and the •largeat stook of Hosiery and No. tient In 1110 0111, at Ntt w York prices. • The Alumni eeetreteitoe of the Pitts. burgh lientral inch Stiboot hold a merting to-night at their the High 4clioui . • Good. cool and refreeblng lager hoer on drought, nt Frey'e popular howl, 'No. 4 and Diamond, Allegheny. • . • Cala laparallaa Seam Water at J. T._ Sample's Drug Stare. No. 8S Falun.. street. AL•rgfouy. The Very Leaser aty n irs of liata, Cana and Straw Goode, at Gourley & Loga'', a 56 St. Glair street. Ton Can !ley ,1200r9 Of all tilltlS at Sous'. 5. 'lmolai. Distillery, No. LA lel, lie snit I*. • Trouts Buy Yav nova sr. iiageDU • Yen Will find a Dental. Entntthehaient at. 1,46 Penn itract. Drs. WU Lilllesplu. • **much Lnerros.-I..straratyln at 20 6erib per yard. So.loo-ohen •trees, Allegheny. • You Nu am, Ye Val ca.. AlCobol at loath S. 5.31 , ..... Or Additional Local News.on Third PAC,-' GENERAL NEWS —Harvey Blanelwli, an old citizen and prominent manurao t hrer of . D.t'yton, died that city on Satarday, at the ago al - Wltty-e4ht. —The death isinunonneed, in Eeciarid, or Mr. J. LT. W2lll, the othzraver or “High land Drovers," . "Alay Has," and other popular print, • —The Nashville City Cnuneils have plunst,l an ordinance providing far the edneation of volorod children between the nizes of live and fifteen. —Niksigsippl sent 75" ipen to the Rebel army, loosing by 'battle and disease . 4%500. Her colored 'population 50,000 in exeens of the white: —Three young men went to the house of .a negro, nwir Neer Haven, Ky., a few lays since; and knocked at the door. Upon the negro coming to open it, they shot him dead. No arrests. hove been mode. Gov. Hunt, of Coloritdo, enticos volun teers to enlist for a 'campaign. on the Plains, by promisingdp let. them have their own way of killing Indians." The 000 l atrocity of his language would dis grace a Pawnee.. —The death of the last descendant of the femme+ Swiss reformer, in chronicled in the Swiss papers. 110 died at Dittlkon, at the ago of sixty, leaving behind many. prpaous relics that belong ed to his Illustrious unevitur. —Frank Thwack has been nominated as' delegate to the Now York Constitu tional Copvention by the.ltepublicans of Syracuse, to till the vacancy caused by the death of his brother L. liarris Hls cock, the victim of the Albany tragedy. • ..Tao accidents Occurred on the New York Central Railmodlnit week, nearly at the satnexi!ne, tanned by thS expan sion of the rails. In both mats the earn •were thrown from the track,' but no per son was killed, although several were . •— , Atlltinter's Point, L. L, a few days alum, a Hot took place between employ . ea of the Lang Inland ReArnold. and tt e South Bide Rai The pulled up mile laid he the latter, which lot to the trouble. 'Pollee now guard the road crib° latter. —There Is no change, and no prospect eta change, In :the war on the River Platte. President Lopez is ready .for maaing Peace, and has accepted the of fered mediation; but the Sillea reject both the mediation and all the •proposL n ova of peace, however reusounble, rued. by Paraguay. —Samuel Gregory, of Pelf riare county, Ohio, recently hung lila "warmus" on a ltah, %elide repairing o Worn' fauna. An old saw came along, and "chewed". the garment, lacerating u roll of greenbacks in one or the pocitent. COntilifillw /seven teen hundnxl dollara, which were ren dered worrttlem. ` - . . . -Hon. CoorgeC.Gorhant.whohas be6n nominated by the Republic ns for fine. ernor or California, way. twenty years ago, a even carrier In New London, Ct., e,ett log his schooling and paying his way by his own exertions_ Re bias been an editor and a lawyer, and in at ;resent Clerk atilt , Supreme Condo( California. . - The Late tamely lea. . .1163 a al., E 911.0... I; atarral—Tee late -.County Convention has made Its octets.. Will, and though the result is t'afia•rent 'Stun What some would have It, "yet the pee ! labs bare subsided Into their accustomed quietude. This le se It should be. This Lop _ beautiful characteristic of the Amerimin people, or rather of the people of the loyal I States. 110wover. Ugh political moose I 1 may run, or however Wide the chum that I may divide perste* prior. to an election. or nominating couventkm,Jciat so soon as the result Is annOunoed In a minter mad au . . thoritatiVo manner, Just so coon Petitlhel strife ceases. This was the greed mistake ! made by the 'late Confederate Slates. tell It 1 ila not of this we proPom to speak. W. note another ebargeterlstio of the people, I aud It Is this: Belem the late Couventif,,,,i I +, there Isom soldiers ae citirena bk.upes 1 ;Kelm for tee Wee h oneys. eell ire I r1 " 1, 4 , 4 1 a d " , t ; ,, n pli k til ` l ' llL ' 1 f '-' , .a ° , " u p " , Z74l ' n0,,,,r0d those who dared the blow and kraPPled with rebellion. Tole 111, also. shat I Should be, and by It . we are reminded that the people of p ia county are tree to them. I wry., and the photues they gars when tree f son and rebelliou alined a truth blow at toe irt ' itf' t h it o v f e T.% sTglAT4u,lif *relf 'al:3'ff 4 1Z; straggle for. national existence, and 011•10 agate returned toeirillae, son boner their atm compmaeo...he. bY , ldioursalada. BM. and wilt no more. ' I know there are those who say . the sold ter In played out But they are few and tat ' between. .1 know. too, 12, is said, there are those eat, Stab] st home—sr/OMo as much as those who ware In active seeros by ale. Ilia of ilielr mash encouraging enlistment. nth :Sow It to not our partateeto dist:urns um good,that any. may. have dove, for It was all 'needed, and contributed to the greed result We accord Meanly man his L." . .7.7dT,r011itin t r714,747211 tiT r a ' A d ' to say that no sacrifice at • home will coedoin. oessate for the hazards ot • war. 'ln 'the home iserrice there was nO hazard Of life or limb.. There was norms/Mink of the sweets of home end anclathliss for the rude life of the mimes, lin forsaking Of the chilirtui fireside and warm etlertlillelta for the cheer. lase eed gloomy blamed, an the bleak plaint of iihrprieus m raid 'Winter. Bat we will. , pane, this thought an further.. We know, the pople will sotto wt Mate who stood by them when armed trance threatened to . soak thdrclidasi-clestroy - this ' , module 'of uuir pada col cams the stmebsta., elf sebsk Isch/ ei.x. 1 40.4 1 . 1 .' - - •- ,*, VIVA. 1 q, THE WEEKLY inirvnts. ' WEDNIMIDAT MID 1111111711.11 AT ♦ forte *beet, orNotortalnr TaIRTY' O7 " U Bof Inlefaaktlag redallne matter, Isola I , lg %tadmg INN...dials, by T.IHrMII and Nall. valnanto Reatna Mgt.+ for I/ • ramify, end Adler. and meat fellable rid., Ole and randnerrlal 'Mara 'Rep.'' , Riven rT any P.L.O. In the Coq. No Farmer, Ileduadt or Meroaant should be wltboat mix 4 r,t.. rex ...am, nasarrect Moe .oeterlier Chios of ►Flee. • Oohs .tf Ten . 1-111. ..-Ligt one ecepy of t• met 10 the penes get 2 l.ll( Addition. to chili. Can tM Mid , it UT time, Li Club rotes. Noncs ard.ll4 pp d. be sue tad noddy lewd *anon nu .uis, u w. Us. • We...day NAM= dm v.* emtbem b... bed one mill alma. air Moo. by DWI. X.AT or to geo...olLe OM; triflf Denial stoat dab Addreas e GAZETTZ e PITISIITTIKOH, ....etas off too President& figatt. MOSS.. T.DITOI.IIUAZZTri.I.-EVery knave making or hoping to make °a good [(ling" nut of the Goverimaer, either witlflo the Democratic party. or waiting to go there on the drat Indleationbt making it a "ono rasa. , Is again bawling himself hoarse at the coming July mama Of congress, 'to Prenpete its, ” r u m s r a fo s l though f:l e g a odsihn g a of b f uthlle headed animal would - either be or stay hearted off by any tenon that Congress ran nut op. No man outside of the YD— family had soy confidenCe in the former nt rimen t to that line, but there were ro Cany distaat relatives of that family, in anary.. and not, that nothing short of • trial would satisfy oven the most intelli gent of them, and they ere air. ady painting to the thermometer as a res.on why Con are.sebould not prom.' to tool-mate thud( 1 tenet IL mill hare more self.respeet hereafter. /t moral/Kul to take the ustrafght chute" If tl'e President rano LW carry out lie Yreoonstructum Measures. in geed faith. It admitted that suaO unfaithfulness would ho good cease of Impeachment In mid of DWG FIJI it adhoret nr teal by tailors,' sdinit rim justnesa of the Stanhorre Quin. Weal Will Congreas and the people now, G hat 'S late hour. opals their eyes to the feet . o a/ o r ie beyond the nosh to Ileterutiaerl quibblers/ If not, then go on to the bitter end at the oast ot counflom Ilona lgattgast.o c=32 Thors4Ay ...mi. log ~Jung 11th. by the Rey. Allot' Z. rmltl, at O parsolege.. Me. UENOT IL. TOWILL W nAltall A. BNAIt.II IW, all gYADgegggy. (Harrisburg L.P.?. Oltmmi coq I 111E2 "•LRARI"—On Slnn.laievening. So0.14.11:Of Tear o 1 f ul• ption, r.IIK/11..110•L t SHY , la the 1134 are. - -run. ral Ir. ni Ib laid resldereit. 11:01 won eve.t, War. ri...42 Mo6lrd, at t4llo . otOCk• oda art lied to attend. fc4l4.nee of bet sralft. ' 471 ;:tr.f.l Taitizt: int' re. ;:".; f axe. • • . Tbm friends of dm family aeo reQuaated to mat at the truktk Da,,,ot. or. Oa tba tool. 'be r.w. Jb C. /I; IL. at a: 4O arisarano,beraearpagcatt ll be la raadlaaa, , o convey tern tot a Came WT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -A ' LEE. AIR EN.. UNDERTAKER. Yo. 100 'marsh street, , Titistnstrih, r.. ;UP ?Mr of all kinds: ORLPICS. Ot.4.IVCS. nud -very deserintron of /Funeral hinds Mar Hoods fo ro !shed. Booms opened day and nigbt. • Beam Carriages furnished. . fitrzaramsa-14w. Davl4 Kam. D. D.. Vat. W. W. Jwobne, D.D., Tboma. [whim, 41.- ..I.Tt. Wi11,,. V.. • j. G. RODGERS. UNDERTA. • KIM AND IthIBALWILB. nteeemor to the nuts gunnel Midden. No. 49 litho Stmt. three doors from Bowyer. Allegheny , itp. No- LAIN, itmewood. Naborany, Welitet and now 'cod Imitation comes. at the lowest 'educed ark.. 1t0... opens. all hoar., day and night. ItharaiYand e arthages (metalled on =tort natter mid on moat ri uon •Wo terms. RDWAIEIyy CZ.IRATIEchi DEICTAK9I3. Wee, 9 4'•n,o 92911941 I.lloe'uny. 11,1911 e, I oiewood co , totter to, re en, wit,.. omoletel neck of fee,e,l orols,lair good • on bona, sod 1199 , 5ec d et ,Ibor.ett 11 owes, price, bale Sod 1 . 1 try n 410., coro rof FIII.T,D MIDDLE T. 1500. Cattlyres. nor Battle,, toidle lioreet. &e., for Ire. WHITE - Ik. CO., 1 NDF:II. TARRIVI AND 1.1113 &LIMNS. Iliacite. dr, Wood's Ran and Tlainity.' todln Room at danchenerl.l!<,ry dtable, corder libel:dead and übarilord.direets. Beam and Curtained tor. maned. " gfl. STEWART, undertaker, • corner of MOUTON awl PIM. ISTIMINTIS. Sloth W•rd. came. of all kind. Hearse Mtn ~ errla fornlanen en the •henneet 1,0.10 LOTI FOll BALE IN TARFN. TUlf, AND WEAN. ?T.—Tarantula la Wu. ated on tue welt bent of the Allegheny river, it epee above Dm 1117 of Pittanta.gh. The rota are generally in the GO fret Dont and 13 do.p, fr m street to alloy; and ate , at M t 0.13 &crrs near the tiotoogh and the Pods Works, well. adapted for Connt7 residences, being rich me., wet watered. and commanding a beaetifor and ...Ire view of the elver and eurrotrodles eoehrty. rson• ttestrens of Mettles rehearse! . ertablirtonents, noel cc rolltug !rue!. n 'scuttle, paper ems he., would 'gad Um location, near the river or railroad: admire: biy wired for such pa mores. Capltg Lis will hi. once...aged porch... br moders . e Prtees eel , terra, as a ta toteeeee that the uvular ad rantues of inestioce—ea O ninucaut supply f tutu. coal, limestone, da, sad 'helm. and river facilities—shall be liberal.? offered for mon. generally Trains on me .Wrstern Fene.llraitlaltallroad oast to and from Tumult... east and west, osi ers. tomes dolly. For • map f surrey of .be tole apply to N. n. K. Y BoeUbsNKlDei. at his res , enee near the bode Works, or J. N. FUN. VIANcE; Tarentaw. nEILIN & SILL. Heal - Estate ` - ' r tad lanaince Agents. Sather it.. Law rencertlie, r.. . •OR 8i1.1...-.11/I.NUFAIWITRIEG sirs.-To 14,1111”.111, OrllB 1 We offer fur ;sale the beet sad most desirable elm for Polling Inn sad Blast rarnuqnr for any. tares Manntbeteriec OSITOANS. ID the county, This prop. XV Ls loos. ted on •10 foot s - xest and the Atte/Wear Menus lad within 100 feet ante n.lff. SZE. The lot. It 140 by 84.1 rersons OeSIIIIIO SOO • lot would do nail to examine , before i elseenso4 terms made to sett ma•eoanern require at OEVItIE t Off. Estate and Insuranme 70rots: Bombe"... t sow•ertet•lllx. . ; FOR BALE—That : v.ry volud ble atm dc.lrable protuiely al nabs on Be. beam meet and the Allegheny Myer, in gam/ • MT: Ma 07 ea mats 411 ' , bleb Is emeten veal . m^stmtsal atrial Band ne, Ova MM. hlgb. 100x1M feet. ealcalwad and ' , ton &Cayuga c rrrrr Imam altaml me brand. or mannfairs tartar. It I. seldom a lot of Mem dbnemlnun s -itbtn for eery, Can be had, add wit moot Mello the so.clal itentten of tame demos.e of amain. lux a place for manutaaturUm puma... a to call IM Ibeamea of DE aLtM alba.. Keel Emma gigs tummies Agent. but l er meet.. Lmeennoeylll, NEW kTILES ICE PITCHERS: Fruit awl Beiry Dishes, TEA SETS, CASTORS AND COAIDDNION Jtve nicErvn) Et DIINSEATH & CO. Zerwellorsi. 66 rirriii :maw I. JW. . MAIM ORNSTON . 117. - tiCOTTi A DIMIZIUSII_ Fine Walehe4,flock, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. loro. Ltuit.wcy Natrtarkrux.6l3.„ ZNELIXILda. air 1 . 4.-taulaz auantkag sm.* Bargrtga Waft.. Ma@ aacl .400121. 1.1.1 arra wa. W'V.1:1 0 1E10 3 1 , 104:•:1 tiougo 1.2T1L0 OP Wall Hot and Cold Water. &c., 8y experlescied and practical Wiwk..D., 'JOHN M. TATE, Plumber an* 6in a tiler , 227 Liberty Purest, Pittsburgh; aid 49 Federal Street, Allegeenr." kv•weam-Tgas a t PELUOR 'Stairs , 'Wag WHEISLILIt • WILIKM iIE Wink; Ita9lloi I over nil for featly ore and geom.l tiorpoooo, are ff.... II or• übtlotted nod ire generally odialt.ed, tpy onooserstloo of mall rilatrro extol= 1 =11,4181s mil Wager 00044orbd sessal. Tuiri4.llople, durable sad bow hint. WLIXTBN NOTII. SITINNNN.. I DAELBR. CLIMB & Practical Purl:dare Ilnufaatma . , CON. PENN AND WAYNE ill . • L.LIMV•tr. a - ►urrrrasiAsomaanly •lloslies iron NALL, alloward's Livery . VII ew num.. 0.. mum ..11.1•0% .11,,solty* mlayArtgra li gas ROM' 0.4-161:kgrez.z.4241,1mtvii- a;:,i t ^:lii: