II EMI DAILY %WM% 'mamma.° wetly Koame. tecava , ..x.xcani.D. ) • •PE-111141HititiVi REED & CO.; m'rcbrairtiptok-. 4 • • , remtwAr, MU A °".,,kGAZILre EINLDINU. _Nos. Al AND 86 TIME STNNNT. /tag :4111111/433 hper er Trikvs Penn 'OI7IOiAL PAPER °F73rt - 12E011GB ME .ALLECIEMNr. CITY. • NCEZZA 1111111 rlias Or Tar D/r/..r: e% rg. p M M ali Sob. beer yur Address, ' GAZETTE, PlrreStratiii. k.The. ' Tbittrnir et iuittr - - 111 Mil TAIL Vann RZCEIPTII . for Adver et•leir of the Gement. Pam birett la ad Mimeo of each and every contempo rary 16 lb. city, Inee thelneemdelf of the prevent Proprietor*. We coal /entre dental from entY or on, 0010" Dore, believing Mat flgureo non.* Ile. WIVE MCC!! ARSE% and Wend Jett.- ment the Commercial I‘ . " not accepted the challenge of denial urted by the above,,bnt the Dirpatch, 60 aecostotned of late'"to deny everything and call for proof," accepts the hone. It gOet; so far • In Its brazen • effrontery an to produce a carefully arranged table of figures by which It hopes to blind iti readers,lnto the belief that it alone enjoys unequaled prosperity. The trick is cunning, but figures won't Ile," even if they are given birth In the tainted atmosphere of the .Dirparch'ollice. The table goes back to a quarter anterior to the first fall one made by •the GaZtETTE proprietors; to a Period when this journal wan conducted b y a Stack CO MP: III 97 On: first ' Morn from our own bus - local was made for the quarter ending September nOth, 1868. Hero are. Sad figures.; from that time, which shots , the GAZETTE to - have been largely in -advance of each and every contemporary: . . . Quarter ending September 30th, 1666 i Gazette -. $1513 Dispatch - - - 7 •'1!4 ,1 ;12222 - Quarter ottding'Deember 31st, 1866: Dispatelt - - $17,990 Gazette - .. .. 17,989 Two-third gearter•endinilluch 1667: Gazrtte ... .. r $12,484 Dtapatch - - 12,031 Total Gazette for,the eight months ending March Ist, 1667, and the only returns of tho present pm ' prietors - .-I -•-$43,400 Dispatch for name period - - 44,163 t Balance - in lhvor of - Gazette si,r47 Inside - of those eight months we ele . rated -the Gasarrn• from the lowest In the . financial scale ie . the highest, today enjoy a much larger share of Inial.; neas patronage than any one of Our con ilemponnies, not excepting the IYroafrilf As a glance at our advertising columna will sufficiently attest. Having shown our patronage to be gresterilan that of the Commercial or Diepatc.4, we now rest the controversy. Any person still doubt ful on the subject may obtain all the necessary figures from ifel3. ICA; Weat , ver, at tbe United States Assessor's mike, Se our space is much robjaluable to_keep them standing. XLAZLI O TWO 111005ajno lattilOttANTS day arrive at New York. In the main - they are not media:ales': or Intuttifietur ens; but 'farmers or common laborers • By far the greater part of them. push on with little idelay to the Great West, where they' find places to settle and go to work. AC once they become consumers of. commodities Which are.. fabricated . here. Th r ey, plow and sow seed, or else lied employment in building railroads. Each one ladda, by iso much as his mime ' ities may !be rated it.: to the wealth and strength of .ttiC Republic. Cavils aip sOmetimas uttered at the id coming-of the least desirable class of im ralgranta--&at claim which .Itas . thalow. 4 eat mentOievelcipment.. •Yet -ai m these, is seems to us, have per:ormed see. 'vices of iimnense,valw.:',. which could her:NY have been Itttinnellslied without . them. The humble toilers are they who lap- the foundations of empire. After wards, or simultaneously, the men of greater idyll rest the superatructure„ and embellish it with all tile d'rnaments.of the ripest arts. • SOME REZIti.AI3O Mr. 4d31Z5 Mcfigar ,Tcy And others made a public stemmed respecting the managemeit Of the At lantic and Great Western Railroad Com- , At a meeting of the stockholders, 10 London,. this statement was consider. tel and a meeting called at Meadiille. At that meeting a committee of five was appointed, of which mir: Joaa Dice, of Meadville, wan Chairman, to examine and report upon Mr. MclEL:rwur's char ges. The result has been a report which disposes of most, if - not all of those char ges In a thorough manner. • thin of The most startling reversions rs . of poPular. judgment la that just now Ij A transpiring in France In respect to Vol slim. For many years his reputation rested under a crushing load of accuse tion and reproach: Now, Ida statue is is to be erected In the heart of Paris, as ti ' . benefactor of hls fallen and race: The chief sensation of the French metropolis canters in thla enterprise, though half the monarchs of Europe have been there 1 ` on exhildtion, and ono of them was near . being assassinated. vitir. President evidently attilhatea the refusal Of certaincitiei to withhold from him public Weleonies, to a belle[ that be eatmon appriciate such honors. To guard against any future mistakes of the sort, he has given out In New York that Le "thinks Do knows.how to appreciate welcomes," Tn); crops in Georgia and the Carol' nu; Which pp#mlwd so well, have been ! . : 5 • greatly damnied by incessant rain alarms.. This unfaiOrable news caused-the price 1 . of floor to rally some In the Eastern mei , Rata. The crop reports from all other sections continue very favorable. -- IT 3 thollgllt that'Archhishop Spauld ing, Of Baltimore, will be honored with a' Cardinal's hat while In E 133; on the occaaion of the eighteen hundredth an % - nlyersary of the martyrdom of St. Peter. If PO honored he will be the first' Cardi nal In America. TIM rumor reaches the New York Iterata that Secretary Stanton intendeto resign his position as member of the Cabinet. The announcement of hie res. ignation under existing circtunstances would not prove surprising. Ism -mania tot prim lighting seems again to have assailed the "reunite'. and "plug ugliaa" of society. An exhibition of, Ills character took place in Philadel phia on Sunday. The princlpeliesesped / arrest: • THE Onion Pacific /ta Iway exctuaion ists are seetng more of the grand Went Phan the . ) , may... relish. One of their number has, been woundod in an encoun ter *ith _the Indiana, • Tux announcement is made that the relations existing between Napoleon and the King ot Prussia are not of the most cordlal , natnre. Buell has been the fact for mittie thee - . • eralnrctuis comsrr primary election _returns show a majority of several hun. dred for Morrow B. Lowryfor Senator. Erie Will vote square against him, it is thought. - • IT is announced that the Utdoll Pacific Railroad is now open to Julesburg, three, hundred and wrenty•atz tulles weal or , Tine Btrtanghant, Enghind, rlotahave aided, sad all Is repotted,qedet there. Noramoimportantornairoasedwxd at the Barran zrr7el on eatt4day. v.. •'^•••r+aua Um; "*iii;g;sPa'ul`m%'. . _ , I tanshavepower a 3' reinforced , j Il` in .REL be L e EßsT f or that the Cr i l l il I from time to time, both from the main. I 10 EDITION. land and islands. It C2ll. hardly be I doubted that nestle has largely contrib. 1 , . • tired means to the insurgents to keep the ' MIDNIGHT. f i eld , On no other assumption can their ! =-- ' recent snosess beexPlaiiiid. The Turks 1 RECOISTRUCTION TROUBLE. bare had military force enough in,Crete I to crush out all the actual Inhabitants:, I provided they had been left to struggle ; SecrO _ tary Stanton to Resign. alone'. • I . • ' This contest in Crete has been thus i DEN. HERIDAN REFUSES TO EXTEND fomented In order to draw the East- , ' TH 'TIME FORIEGISTRATION. ern question to a head. Whether or r not it Will have that result will depend large.' 0 ': _____ ly on the obstinacy of the Sultan and I ass,, Siok ll3Bl• RegfillStill4lollFundo the urgency of the great powers of Eu- 1 • Exhausted, rope in preventing: the designs of Rue- / . ids.; The Behan nitay briwilling er:ough 1 to OUTR AGE I.:PON A UNiON MAN. avoid the. preset - alien of the war by ! . acknowledging the independence of the !la y megraph to the -- Pittsburgh Ramp.: island, but ba knows, and so do his sub- Nan. Tong, dgna ..—Etis negoirpsapeentl Jets, , 3 lattameten ' and Christian, that f says It I. asserted In Washington, that see. the trouble theme is only an incident of I rotary Stanton intends to resign. • the main question. If the final issue isl oral Grant, klectining Minxtend the time General Floridan hag teligraphed to Gan. likely to come up for arbitrament he and f or mgistrati on in Lonatot, in vitalise ills faithful Moslems may better face the with the Trealdent's conditional Mateo. inevitable without making concessions, Lions, be the ground teat registration has been completed, and ha did eot,tem like as to make them and then find their com keeping tin expemiro boards to suit new pliances unavailing. - , ieeuea cointnig in at the eleventh hoar. Ile' IT IS ALREADY CERTAIN that Congress 1 characterises the Atterney General's opin• 1 101 l agepeultig the broad raid Rd' Perjury *ill reassemble in July. The President and fraud , to trav i tt on, mai %marts upon has endeavored to prevent this by giving t.ernett.Teljaariel:v.' bitter eVe ' r g tTda Terson o ttie out that he would convoke the Houses a time is ron " fdlolt d ,:t i o n it .4' hz, riz . ,v: -month later. No intimations cd . poettive dent's teleeratgram wan conditional. aisuranees from him on that subject can lik:lron tb atifit,l7l,proc boa Tla l ii7, fto Itrrnr . nave any wilEibt, boynnVo nobody Inds U.are attordireTterdTireittintliVie= any confidence- in them. He dote not atiosay absorbed. The Navy and Tinaanry I want -Congrese should come together. , wprPtri=ts have f gir ilitin d ' ls p t =tts ' N : I half a ' million ti. u. is . P rod f I That is about the last thing he does want. 1 ri,',:c.r0u,,,,,,, at o n e. ,an r.aia ' - -- or Hut CO/IgreSS haS I (kik laid on it, which ! Captain D m .. U. Bingham, of •labama, a it cannot escape from if it would. For - i ,,t ra n ataYred Priit t e ate bed itt'br.l%4lllrad. taken to the woods and beaten by a number innately, it has no aiSpOaltfoll to. evade , of ex-robelf, any Just responsibility. In the present f . _ attitude of public sentiment, it may well be anticipated-that whets 'Song - rue shall be assembled, it will do its work Meekly and with the plainness demanded by the situation. PROM WILLIAMSPORT, imenticm. Pawnee , meant mad Sinrrotto•lngs,--Xeo Court liollob—lMlted States conm—yne om I'Mat Allegheny County Ana Con , %Igloos Coalmen—Judges Ilerand• le. mod Grler—Remnlon or Plate- Insrollro-atarehel nettle,. and Dlo- Mitt ta At t irunham—Repnoll- n flabe •Coneentlon—lnentneon Plemlnary, Pte. iSpeelat Correspondence rittstsreh Wit.tiatteroar, June-M, But very few Of the dentreasOf yiturgreat manMacturing community ire ' imam of picittreeque beauty of this valley.. Its pore brar.ing to, Infuses now Ilfe Into visitors. The beauties of natant, In Its WILMS& form as well a. by cultivation, may be coloyal to the fullest extent. • Fishing groneds of of the roost Inviting !diameter and access, ble withotit.much trouble. This beautaled oily' or twenty. thousand Itibabliarda—no longer the insignificant town, with Its an. uquated betiding. In existence In termer years—ls located. on A level plateau of ground, of considemble length and tine breadth. The hematite! West Branch of the Susquehanna elver, ripples along 'ono side of this loug leeel, while the other is triaged with riantit ground. almost swelling Into theyroportions of op Within • few yew, ibis place lies mown With wonderful - rapidity, so muck to, • that it Is dielealtto nd the land Mtge, ea marked mdprouttlitedt a decade of role ago. The imptovemmts are of the Mon enbetantial order. Old bialldbas n..1t0 been malundoeCl fe keepleir WIDL. ine - dew Ones of th e most •PProvee Mfr . .... 'Much of the tie- 1 of nr/teo stein th e ~..t.aerie, of railroads In vets^Ktlowlth ll,..lllDoiets.Famt. Wm, Y.Ort2i. and area with_the bomb, j BertlMertu /Jeep; • gmareentre for ittMlnik ofenlttlette., and contigiOna to the molt weitivanite noel hod. Peeteg Crete Mem ormoectionwi t h river ma canal commagication trade has enlargrd .into magnificent proportion., CO that Ito commercial pourer is greatly =lemma tea. With the opening of railway cnnnectloo, and followmg the maim power Mild. great leveler, the West Era of tills plain hes sod. denly been changed from a .. wilderuess west.. Into. sort of • Eden,” by the erec tion of belatbil reeldenese, with surround- ings of the most charming character. Near the extreme point of the West- Eud exten sion, le the railroad depot for the different companies, where an elegant hotel Of in is profcrtions. lorger thee itey in Pittsburgh, is located in plot of ground of two or three acres.' It eras built mainly by Mr. lierdic, an extrnelro limber merchant, sad IS celled the n uertlle Roma" it coat- 1 shoat two btudirt-1 thousand dollar.. The houeeLeo .t. well rernisheal, and conducted In istYsre' M:itry'ettotrl:gsmt- milwair Ma gone into th e he ar, which I renders the Matti:Me tO Ito neart of the - City but a few Meanies clOn. The new Court House erected about five year. ago, 18 MO of Medium to the state;' indeed Ile claimed to be the beet. 14 1.8 an elegantpelled ntructure of brick, with cut. tone onsomenta. The style of arch!. Lecture is of the most Improved character. ' and the budding outsid and Inside Is of the lateet modere finl.ll f o r such edifice. The C, b. Circuit. and Dletrict, (Mart hos been in sessum for several day.. Jorge Grier is In feeble beAlth.nod be. boon en the benc bet Ilttle. Judge McCandima m AYsoblAte h , It preelding In' his usual grace. I.MI manner. The'nettergentlemen estimumes. great eeavlty or address, and though omit ylng a high place, he is neeerthelem Refl. tientonly aetl• frank - IMM all who have in tercourse with him. /knee the time the Madge has been appointed the duties have ' been eteadily IncreAtlng, , lntolvlng much mental and physleal labor. Congress so well apprecisted Ids valuable condom by largely H inson, creasing his salary at Its late sta men. Miskon, Mr. S. C. McCandless. Clerk of the Ihstrlet Court, is smite a favorite here. Hepburn McClure, Em., is the gen tlemenlY Clerk at thin poled bf the District. The Grand and Traverse Jimy Is well re. presented from Allegheny. county. We note the Seams as far as wu can learn Mon. J. Sterrett, C. W. 11dUp. S. tregelvy, J. 11: Ernsh, J. MoClanian,,W.M. McCallum, D. Fitsslotons S. Ir. Moss. A. Kerr; •J. t/Oblunm.. W. damptena, G. W. Murphy, W. •r.Robb, W. J. Moorhead, L N. Coomm, A. Colville, H. C; G. Sproul, Gall Patterson, W. IL Mart, W. D. Moore, W.S. Paxton, J. ' N. btoClowry, J. D. Duncan, of Pitteburgh ; 18.a.gri.e,14b,i1.4r I n g,..«"lt.°V.' ° G7l,l;en! . A ll 7 McCuteheen Dirmingham; D. nn.... H. B ' Lawrenceville; non. T. J. DI ghemt. Wmhingi on; Simnel ! ter, he f mealy of Lawrenceville, is also K nox, he Jury . ; Eon, S. . Purslane,. and .1. ' Esq.. are also here. Several of the a a ntors are om we n itecomparneLt by their wives, mong whem; Mrs. tilf bb and Moo. Captain W. J. Moorhead. Mims I ateCandiess, daughter of the Judge, ;Is among_ the.. 1 .43 - 'mations. Among the Jurers from sdloming counties we ob. . serve Bon. G. V. Lawrence. lint. W. Mop. Irina and T. B. 'Legated, Fop., of Meshing. Too county; Hen. A. W. Toyer. of Boater: l'litcCalmont, of venaege; ter,Grier C. Om of Armstrong; It. p. Crawford, of Westmoreland; Juno Al. Thompson. and Dr. A. W. Crawford, of Better. I R.. D. Carnahan. Esq., Coiled Stamm Die. trot A t is nf course - hero represent ' lug the Government In the prosecution. Ills largo experlencoandebillty entitle him to du the dittleult position with great efficien cy and Mena! ability. Being a man of cor reot imbit. and Of moral ' depostment, he exert. mach Influence. iles. Carnahan, his mtlemble lady, in:companies him. Laid ' evening; a aellgtaful reunion of Pittalmrghers, and a few other., took place at the hoepitahle mansion of Henry sprout, Eel.• the well known and tor many years, Clerk of the Cooed State. Cironit Court, of Western Penio.ylvanla, who , hen recently moved from Allegheny City to thin plate. He lives 'ln an elegant streMure,junt, at the ;Wirt. of the city, on an • elervatlon which commands the valley for aoomdderable dis tance In either direction; after an boar Dent In social chit-abut, the toldiug doors of the dining room soddenly Opened, re. venting a tante of ample dimenelon., groan.. leg with trabstanthela, ice cretin. strawber• ries, end other rich things, too numerous to • M . .. ckinnon gem limy is Incision he re,juat at the rim of the city. on a oommanding ale 'akin, In a camp. of live acre.. The Com. mencement Exercises took place leaterder• t During ram year, over three hundred MU f dents, of both seam, hive been in attend. ante. Thu Inatitution la presided over by Mc,. Dr. allionell, a brothavan-law of John 1 Moorhead, Esq., a rinltehant of your city. Tht ApprOteLMlZ MLOOrt MepUtOlollo 9 4gte Convention. to he held here next week, la causing gaite a but: amour politicians and =emboss of the liar generally. Moth Irmo. llMtiOth Of COtltte, M.OOMO t , ,r • ..I ~. who will Dkely be nom In .•' .. :,. ~ ..,,ti ul.. MM. has many warn , 'tic ~,, .-....0. me! who Iyid EMI grout eller. to Mottlfellit comma , is . . m worthy of mention, th it the corp. of Jurors in ILMOLIOSZOO Sr. with few Paean. Gone men Of good character and inseifl. CAT r egdli I , l7.7 ' t e se ' l t .r J.' !tr.:, ' 'rig Rowley, Dotted Biases ilaratial, for using hie Mike so discreetly. The General to admirably adapted Loth° position, arid hie correct do- partment and Mid =minim gt.Mhentithit eminently 111 =al ffir .Me discharge of Its duties. Then the General's services during i the late war have not been overlooken, 1 Which entitle. him to the oonsideration the . I Poe' armament bu Invented him with. Your correspondent le indebted for many ontirteslea from Mauro. George Murray and 1 If, Btorderant, in the olbee of the Herdic House, who are Justly popular.: . , " FROM NASHVILLE. Mee st. lea Panstentutri-The Weak • Dwa imakea , -Imea $60.000. [By TOWN* to Os Pittsburgh assalkl ' _Nasnotu.s. June are (mama at eight, deler.Ji thistmenlng at the remelt. tlary. destroying the -stork shops on the stet aide. Mare was in them a tares Qualm utii of eabitut was*, cedar mme. yrual taral implements. machinery stock. sc.,al of which waa Winn. It la not known how the are oriensted, though Moommeneed fa the angina room, The /OM •la 'esilosated at lanko3,4ha greater portion aryl:itch tau= the lassese-laatuaulao M OO % • !' . . .......,,.--8...„,„Li5.---------,-,,,,,,:„..,-,...„...-,,:,,,,,8----,,...•,,,,, t ,t,. ..•„,..: 7.. . ) .., if • t , . , \ 1 ......._!,,:. ~„.=_4_,.,!„.•.:5• ~,,,i4.../.:....1,.., , ~,...„:„.,..,;,• ~..,, •171 -- .), ..,..;;„ . ':--.7. , -;;'; .. 7 1 .- 1".... - .;z 4... . p -,' p . ::,•! ' z-i-__,..._, ,, L "., P.-. - . ~,,' .... z !.:. - __- -I , 4 zi . - . r Qirda - 04<- - - - ) ~......-1 ' ..,,„.. . I ''' •.. - .--•."......>. ----., -..---, ~!"7"., c :P. " 4 13..- ', ;.•.;•_=',. , r, ' • C)..".;.C.Y,VeS. i" . ,:i.zi.",.i i N. b. ..,.. - 1 'T-- ,, , 4 ._ - ''...- - ' ej.„7. -.-,.:::'.•-:, .. 7. ' ..,_I-L ., ..,- .-..' .- —-'.... - L •. . ~.t '_,,,__ !-- - .'""kk:' \" . W .‘, ' *::1:1 4 . . •i • , • . . , M r "A.:2.44,7 __,_..-z_• , -. - _•_, A .-:.,..'• ..,,.. . /'-'-'--"---: ,:.. 'j : ".. - 7,7 ,- .. 7' -:-..--; -t."7777...--;_j_-_-----• -,--,_„ ..._ _ . _ ._,._-__-_-... • .. /:_ - r- ' - _ , ;;; --"---/- '''''' ,7 : -.,- '.._= ,-, -• i -... : - -''--- '''''..-- THE PRESIDENTIAL TRIP -• Depatinro of the President from belt Vera-111 a Reception in, Cooneell eut and Raasaenonette—Arriral of the Party in Heaton. • .f Oy Teerraoh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] , New Yost; June . .12.—The President and suite !eft hero at eight o'clock thin morn. log, General Gordon Granger, Collector Smythe, the Boston Committee, and others had Joined the party. The President, in re j ply to an eddiess preeento,i by a Committee of the Constitutional Convention, last even. lair, said: Gentlemen,. I return you tity sin , cum Menke for the cordial welcome. I think t I know how to anpreciato a welcome of HIM kind from my fellow citizens, and I.would . be doing Injustbm to myself tO say that 1 I could be Indifferent to the cordial reception given moon this occasion. Accepting the allottion to myeelfi twill say that I think that In my past consort, both in my acts • and measures, 1 have reciprocated and an. zwered to everyprinciple Ton have put • forth. I Seward— „ That Is the true way to so , It one The ePcemar y residen temult ned. , And this mates 1 n, It Seems to me, to assent farther to this now than by 4 .Y I , past conduct shows that I as se nt io n s k" very- thing. It woold seem that, through my whole life, I have made It an object to pur e. theec principles and to act up to theM,•. and In Pe edam I could not do wrong. • Sraftrottn, J une 4 pe e r o.—At this point the various partleeed the Pres. dent, and nern a largo crowd assembled. "Lich enthusiasm prevailed, Nolwait, CORO. Jane ...2.—Cbeen for the • President and Secretary Seward.. hat bae - roar, .Itme ic—The Pres- Ident, standing on the plitforui, received the cheer, Or the People. A salute was ! ITz's• Harlot, .tone 22, 11:10 A. o.—Taa Preeelent.,appeared on the platform nod I was cheered I, the crowd. Corm..Joite 22, 1233 r. 3g.—The crowd cheer.' the President as the care Raavro an, June Mir I r. 31.—Demonstra tions eirellar to New Haven . The Mayor of Springfield, With Reception Committee of the latter clty, got cm board. hrtitsoviate, Jane 22,2 r. ir.—Th.e party arrived and woe received with etieera and title of cannon. The Precedent irmAie • oriel addrva, Mauer partaken of, the train proceeded. Dosrox, June 'l2.—Le the Presidential train passed. eprlngfleld armory , a salute wan fired from that establishment. At Pal_ leer, Worcester and all places on the route, crowds gathered around the State car and cheered the President, who shook bands with many citizens. The - tram arrived at Longwood station three miles. from , Heston, at nve o'clock. , The party was received by the military ese corn nod delegations of the city autheritt.. Salutes were deed,' and the thousands of person...semi:dad cheered' repeatedly. The party were conducted In 'carriages anvhn through IhooklYri thd Roxbury. amid the cheensof the residents. Three regiment. of Infantry and a battery Of cav alry, and a tall company of United States Marines, were In line waiting to receive the President. The streets thd windows were densel ` crowded with spectators, and there was wving of hanakerchtefs from tow., anu welcome., and occasional cheer ing ail the President passed up Washington street. At the line dividing Roxbury from Dos• ton, the President was met by Mayor Nor. cross, Boated 1,1 a baronet. °raven Iry six horsey. The Mayor extended to the Pres I- OoMlial welcome In beballof the mu aimed authorities, for which honor the mtter returned thank., and accepted the ehehltelity so generously' tendered. Thu Preeident was then invited to take a Bent I watt the Mayo ,r which he did. 'while the band played "Mail to the Chief," many in the Inn naeolhtte viabsity atmeeteg, the ml.l. Itury formed to column, and the procession moved op Washington street, thence into B t ylston, Arlington, Benson. and ran sreets, and next to the Tremont Rouse. .161 thong the route the streets were throng. mi with thousands of citizens. The Presi• dent entered the Tremont Bowe while the band played "Bari to the Chief." "Stem Spangled Banner," and "Yankee Doodle." The party were conducted to a parlor, and the Mayor and other prominent citizens mod their respems to the President and Secretary Seward. • litrivon. June ti.—The Free Went wasae seeded so.night. Sad math, a brief speech. Secreutry Seward also responded to the call. of the assemblage. In the course of his remarks he mod: Niles me the user ance that in twenty, thing, or forty years there shall not be an unlawful resisutnce by an armed force, against the President 'bearing the authority of the United States. Ad I will give you the contract of the mericancontinent and control of the world: , Roth the - president anti 11r. Seward were vociferously applauded. fiascos, June nl.—The President and par ty this morning, accompanied by a coin mate° of the municipal authoriti. i the +State behool Ship, having been con v oyed thither from the wharf lu a tug. Other gentlemen and a number of lull. reached the vessel in Medlar way. The boys were ranged at their decks In tee lower cabin. The President was es corted to the head of the room, In company with Postmaster-Omieral Randall, (Repre sentative Goober General flanks, es-Goy . •rnor Andrews, Jedge Olin, of the I supreme Court of the District of Columbia,nd • Collector of Customs Religious eervices were con deleted according to the Episcopal form, rTge=',7`4l:l7 b.7.7V""ver'one Igloos songs. Ez.Gov. Banks, one of the founders of the reforming lustantion of this Schoolalitp system, was called upon to aildnate the youths before him . Ills remarks were Of a Wag ratulatory character, and earnest erc comairement and INIVICO as to their Present Irld J u dge coduct. Jud utu ge M e ans n ell, Postmaster General Ban dad, and others, also addressed the heft gt.game pampa, who was present by in citatioa, tang a song, °Ave Marla.. Sev eral bourn were guessed on Or& the IN Sev eral the party returned to th• at tam past unri. • 1 , fiascos, June W.,•-if to:serous Eomman ers of Knights Temp la r hr - • :ampler have alintely to take part to theinew Temple dedication ooroMonitir to-morrow. garerta giggly traine will arrive tonight •and each Le, morr morohig, with es 'and del eel. liens of the brotherhood- A beautiful end Imposing demonetraUon may be &allot. paced. PEON THE PLAINS • • Trio Velma Porido Railroad nom"! Sitiata—irleriss of dame —Two of Ma Zara/slow hum la a Fish& with lee Telegram, to the Pittsburgh tialtette.) Torres, lian., June . l2,—John D. Pere*, ”reeldent of the Delon Pantile hallway, er. , tlVed here Co-day to advance of the exclife elotalsta, oho accompanied hint to York Wallace. General Hancock him gone on to Denver, In consequence of the Indian troubles. The excursionists left Fort Wallace last Temlay, with a strong escort under lien. [Morrison, and will reach Fort Barker to. morrow. All Mr. Terry them, at White he ! Rock, ninety mile. west lett of Harker. The party had several hurrah) hunts and found plenty of gain* on the Maths. ins fight between %besiege pamengers and the Indians. near Mg Timber, on the fifteenth. previously renqrted, George W. Brownell, of Galena, Illinois, was•killed; 11. Blake, of Philadelphia:. wounded; B. •J. Harrison, of Boston. escaped unhurt." Two a idlers with the party were killed and ono ...minded; slao one drr. Blake and - rison were midi th e ' exeuralonisfs. Thu k ln i d fiaannds ire l w p ev eryone the y c o a ned , L ' ad Hared that General llancook will keep the route open and afford protection to travel, bet more troop. are required, and It is hoped that a regiment or two Of Kennel . men will be called into service. • • The Recast noel I tihnelestest I. (t— -all eke Parties lamJetta. (By Telegraph to the fleabane Ossatte.l• Cathurstot, Jane. 12:—The Grand Jar, today, after reeet. 'pedal Min JoChe Moses, intlaW th the • e le con cerned to the meat fatal deal =raw. .The - trial la expected tO MO &AO 21613 Week. CONDENSED NEWS ft. Telegram, to the Pito be •st, dm, ! 0 Prom New Orleans epeeist to New York states that General ileauregard, to conical. l i Lion with the First National ]tank ring : _ Now Orleans, and a few of Ida persorud FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. friends, has been uttemotlng is little game 7 of lamp prtletlo4l on the litivernment which ] haa tbromately "1"K: t° I" " 0- 1 lIIPOIITANT 11031 EUllOl'l. lance of the °Moors of the Treasury Depert. merit. Among the amu tranSierred to the ! Government to secure It neatest loss tram , the Mav•Whttakar Sub-Treasury detains.. The Birmingham Riot.. tlon, wu the New Orleans and Carrolton • ttallroad, of which May held a large amount I • of Moak, and which le now under the coon $_ , STRUNG POLICE FORCE ON intenConee of Demoregard. Has frier,. oger ed $140.009 to the Government Mr it,. hot to : it was reined at OtiSLO,O the bid Was refused, Further Trouble Ealiecicd. in the meantime the Graphs Gineral wrote tome Department...op.:steals., depreciating . the value of the road, end stating that the bid wan too high. Fortnuntely n eneme.l agent an Now Orleans new throUgh the game Sod tlctelted Mower, Freedmen's Duman Commiseloner m Loulalana. has -ordered, The civil attlihritles having In many In st.:Mee failed to arrest parties who have octal:netted °booties on the Darlene of freed men, all Sub - Commissioders and Asobst.ent Commissioners of this Mire.] in this dl. trlet, aro hereby ordered to arrest all such °Vender., Lo all CMOS. where She civil au thorium have neglect.] to perform their duty, and upon the nearest milita ry commander for train. to enforce the prompt elocution of thls order. .In cams of murder, the narueakd Murderers anal names and affidavits of wltneases, wlh to lmmcdl ate)? forwarded to headquarter.. —The fresident has requested General Sheridan by telegraph to extend the time for registration In Louleilma to the. lama :Ingest. General Sherid,an proem,. 'to chain it On the 10th of .luly. Sixty,nine thousand black and white voters have been registered In the State at the latest advices. The total . number of voters registered In Leninism., op to the 19th 113TIAnt, the einem date received here, was mail. of which is,. re are colored and 1.99.5 are white. This number largply ezooods the vote polled In that State . at the Oreelliential election In 1010, —The Cincinnati Express, from Cleveland Saturday morntnn, collided with a . two horse wagon near (lailion Station, unlink William Sipes and wife, and sererely 111)er mg three children. The horses were al. killed. Mr. Sipes expected to cross the 'track before the train reached the creel. —At Chicago, on Friday night last, a Are at the corner of Lake and Clinton streets, destroyed nine buildings and loptred twenty others, canning a toes of about one hundred {hennaed dollars. A woman Lam ed Elsner was burned to death in endear ruing to save the Urea of others. FROM WASHINGTON, Letter of General Slade. Asking to be gallered —Orders to fffff . Commander. at um bomb. [B7 Teleltrityb la the Ptttsbarib Wasinagrroar, Jane 2- 4 ,' aItIZMAL 'IIIC - XL.' LETT., •11[{}e TO 1 , • 611.1iYin. CILLT.LiSTON, June It. Tbtils.4ll/starir General qf the Army. irruh ington: - I have the honor to request that may be relieved from the command In Mit Military district.. I respectfully demand • Coact of loqumy upon my official actions, that I may vindicate myself from the accu , entlons of the Attorney General, p.bil.hea, It ts presumed, with the appmval of the President. Congrere having declared those socanerl litangsoversiments Illegal, the de s claratlon of the Attorney General that mil itary authority has not summoned them, prevents the execution of the Lteconstruct lion act; disarms me of the meson to pm tent thglife, property or right!, of citizen., and menacee all with ruin. D M.J. Gen. Co maocul lt m.: 61CO}RTIltrclION CONATISCIED. .•. . • Went, hare norm issued by the Pre. Went, througe the Adjutant General's °Mee, to commanders of unlitery districts under ,the reconstruction act, for carrying tube ef fort toe AttoreeruetierePe terpretation thereof, as given In the nineteen points al toady Published. • CILYIKID AA ♦ 0111.015 MORT • The Merchants National Dana of Memphis has, on Its own Application, ceased to he n depoutory•of pohllo moneys and duancitil agent of the Malted States. ..11111.110 COMS•CT The Surveyor General of Dakotals bu transmitted to the eeneral Land 22111., 2.r appro val. a surieying dintra. and bond, for the survey of pnbite of lid and adjoining the Pembinaset tlemen tand the British boundary. FROM THE SOUTH Heavy Wine—OlLlMSerer to Coops—Far . mere /Uprooted—Bogle tr 011... [By Telegraph to the Plusterse Witatarrog, S. C., June at —11..7 rains continuo almost without interruption. The termer. are greatly depre,sal inethane• qualm, of the immense damage to the crops. (leery froehets take plane in the rivers, and large portions of the lowlands overflow. drtitet,, GA., June . 3.-1.1 is feared the heavy and continued rains during the aeon will seriously injure the wheat and other crops. Therein has been general through. out georgie and the Carolinas. The number of registered voters In four precincts In the outskirte of the city I. five handre4 and eighty colored and one hun dred and stxtvdttree whites. Registration In this city commence. on llonday next. Caset..ron,lnne 22.—Ple eters report In t:main heavy ruins daring the last flee days, materially injuring the cotton crop along the seaboard. Loam*, Jena W2.—The regletratlon taken le the First end Fourth wards Lets week, stands White, 400eeolored, 811, " • ' • asrsalsB, Jane M.—Reports from the comityy state the 'Crops were badly dama ged by thelate gale. A Queer Alfalr. , A St. Lous paper says Thu baby utentione.l yesterday 114 Inning bOPII found In a hagketfront of Mr. lian ker's house, on .;:ay street, was 'the In nocent mime crf a 'serious wrong being done ton young lady. Said young holy bud purchased a Mee basket from Warne Cheever'a to go to u picnic, and at tacked a card with her 010110 00 it to the , basket to prevent losing it. Returning from the picnic in the evening, she went into an tee cream aaloon, and sat the basket near the minter. she was partaking of the cream her basket was stolen,' the baby WAS put Into it and left at Mr. Bankeee, and when the name of the toting lady was seen on the basket, It Wan naturally Inferred she had some thing to do with the foundling. This is the explanation - given by the friends of the young lady, and we are bound to re twice it as true. —The papers are getting up evidence to show that Hendershod, who drummed himself Into the of of a silly girl and run away with her the other day, IN a humbug. A sensation correspondent of the New York Tribune, It will be re f membered, started the story Uinta drum mer boy of a Michigan 'regiment wasone of the dust persons over the river nt the the "crossing of the Rappahannock," having clung to the side nt the first mud and swam the stream. General Henry Baxter and C. A. tilmocks, hospital 'steward Of the regiment in question, no— tarn that there was no "drummer boy" ofithat name or description around there w n theAtappahannock was crewel.. hetrtestan well at the St. Louis In san Asylum has now reached a depth of S feet, and salt water of n tine tin ,,i Vorlssues (rem It. The calculation to that at tie depth of 3000`feet pure drinking wa r.will bo found. Ott has been struck wit. times in slating the well, but as , It w not intended for an oil well, this w not all well, and so th e boring has p lided toward the centre of gravity. it will be the deepest well on the coml. Aunt, if not the greatest bore in the world. —.I. A. lla Roche, F. Dubois, J. Becker and H. S. Dayton, partners In a fanny dry goods store in Now Orleans, , arreated a few days ago, charged with 'setting tire to the premises, for the purpose of defrauding the underwrite.. They were betrayed by a clerk. When the officers entered the building, they found boxes and paper, saturated - with coal oil, piled up behind the counter, with a can of 01l In the midst, to which was attached a burning slow-match, —One of the most intimate friends that Queen Victoria has ever had, was a Yan kee woman, the daughter of Mr; Bates, of Boston; the American partner of Borings, the bankers. It was directly to her influence that the kindly feelings of :the Queen toward the United States Gov ernment are to be traced. She married M. Van de Weyer, the senior member of , the diplomatic corps in London; and - the l_Beiglan minister who took such a prom inent part in the :Luzern burg Conference. Rev. J. L. Corning. the artaic cler gyman. of Ponghkeepsie ; saw York, reached Brattleborro' Wedneeday even ing, on his trip down the Connecticut, and left Tuesday moral g for Gree t = He arrived at the latter rt on Tit erten:mon, going in his up the Deer field and Green river cutlery works, at the lower nude!' the Maga.The Rev °nand oarsman rows a harry . thirty i t long, sad pale her" 7 the sidn. an te d grace of a, prokssio ~,,,i.,.• -,...---..F......---. MERE AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE, Relations Between Napoleon and Prussia. TILE POLITE GONE TO PAIIIN Turkey and the Great Power., PROPOSITIOI 101; A COiIITSSION, ACCEDIO TO, Financial and Commercial [IR Tologrgt : {ih to !berimn ll r.gb Ultsrtte. I TIIL CASUAL ,-- • II EAU,Juno retains' cshle eontinuen to work Perfectly, and may Ina el nslileald On rolliblo M though no thau• ago hod a:gnat:a. It wog found to On abso lutely crushed, notwithstanding Its heavy Trot, armor, for the length of ono hundred and twenty tent. 1193333 . • • . 111.11.611 AX. Juno ll.—Tha lOU which soma:Wed the riot of last Tuesday contin ues. The city pollee le atilt armed with 00110080.4. Five hundred spoolsl onnstabiee hare been sworn In, bnt of those two hand led hare born discharged: Ins yore, noun. coheir, Loannie, June 11.—Queen Victoria held Court In the drawing room of Buckingham Palace to-day. ',POL . .. ASO POOSST/1.1%70..1M01VP DOT Los Dos, June . I . l . — Etrmog.-,Ailslees from the Continent represent the feeling press.. lent In rem and Kerlin• that the relaticom nettreen the Emperor Napoleon and King of Penseht are not cordial. ISM=E! NORTH GZILIUN CO NIEITITCSIOY. June —Erming—The Conelt• mufti of the North Germatil*mitaleration, basing bten rithled by all the Mato. tom: oolong that body, :1911 bo 0211cially muldatcdTaeaday next. EC= ZEE C03TAx1 . 130r1.., .1111110 sultan tme lett for Pane. rum 6LLTAN Ai , C.1.111 TIM riproArnosi or lEC=I ',motor, June . 11.—.1 die etch, which reached here te-day from CatetetalOotOe. &exerts that tho Sultan has 140041 to tho proposittoo of the Ettropost,:powers feria Joint Commis/I:On to Inquire Otto the great. hooey sod tie/minds Of the people Of Cattofs. ACNTILIA. CROTI• AND ]C]p{t{r. ..,, • VII,. NA, .tunel.l.—accountlf received here !Mt° that the feeling to ,flrtfitia •hetie that the people of that province }in greatly op• PDODDI to union with Hann4. - • ! --- 51141 , 4 —. 11L. rtrrrxr or -.ix I hr. PLTICELAn ungi, J tut q 11.leaty tbo 1 . ... pe t -or lots .erlyett borne flout bin Ylelt to FRANCE. A 0 .OUGNICEN Or Tit{ 1.0181,T13.. Pa T 010, J ono 211.—The Corps Leotalatll ad /bunted the debate on reforms proposed by Napoleon to Nolomber next. = il•a Immo, June 22.—The steamer /torn. Ird.(o New Vert. arrived tOolay. GLAX4OII, Ju n e 22 —The steamship St. Patrick., from Quebec, arrived last evening. Iffy Stohnerf.j Nam Tong. Juno M.—The utaamors tiam. moult ano Sew YU/ k, (tom Southampton on am 12[M'and City of Boston, from _pool on th e 12M amlgommatown on thefht, ' nave arrived. Mata=l A mysterious di Is repod to elarrateght Increameseasel the death rterate Inhave Ire land latterly, and crested some alarm and coneulmtnet of medical men In Dublin on tboaubject The order of the Garter Is to he conferred on the Emperool of kussla and Austria end missions to be sent from England (or the purpose. The name honor will be conferred on the Sultan, who comes to England to re ceive It in person. The rolo whoattempted to assatasluate the brae is still In prison. Ile makes no dleelmurtm motpemista In the. denial of halting bed names pliers. The Times Parte mnreeponftent says some influential persons are doing their utmost to pm-mttle the koveritmcntt to withdraw the bill on the liberty of the prose, sod on the right of writing,ln voloselluenoo of the late attempt on the hoar. The condition of the Trench ham - mite ni mlinfactoryt Yo soldier wearing the Crimean modal NMI allowed to boon duty at Etece, during the Cones Inst. Gen. Catonge. Spanish Zdtnieter !if State and Foreign AlShim. has resigned KIM is sucedd bboner Castro. A R om e to the T. hies esys that it is thought Archbishop Speulding will return to America a Certil.l. A natal remew will be held at Spltheed nn the arrival of the Sultan, on the MM. 16th and litn of JalY, and will ha wittiemed " thelll. members of both 'Rouses of Part 1.11. 3' rumored that Napoleon will visit Berlin in September. The Spanish government will detnaud of the Cc' frt. a lam of Ave hundred millions reels. . . thehe govement of Warsaw has alished problin r tl n on against people being bo in the Arians after midnight. , The Turkish government is arrestin ' many Important Turks belonging to ta e Egyptian Prince. hinstapha Pasha's party, on It e e l v as . oLr. nFie l . d o nosfp trNaew. Tork, had ad . dressed the General Assembly of the Pres. hyterlah Church in Lublin. The Jourunt Purer. the orga n n of the Ens. Clan party In Cretin, had bee seized (or an article declaring every Groat whowbonla attend the coronation of Ulu fling of Ilan gory, a traitor to blsconntry. The Paris Liberfr Asserted that the Co. asked Napoleon to spare the life of the at. tempted assassin. ' NA. Load, June XX.—ily the steamer Cite at hoeton, from qacenotown ou the Uth, one day's later news Is received. The London Globe sa Parliamentrally not the English will not be prMogued before trio middle of August, an. general election may be expected In tho ensuing spring.' , Omortlitill to A private : telegram from Athena, an incident had occurred which •111 probably came an addltiouel complicit ! 1 [lon In the Cvetan question. As the block tale runner Al•kation w. on her thirteenth Turkish to C.dia, site was Chased by four 1 Turkish steamers, and pursued to the pout of Cerrigotto, aladnign CerrnrottO is a nee , sewoon of Greece The Turks attacked and I Inflicted Close of one man killed and one • wounded. The Greek Governments ent the Hellas frigate to render her asidstanee, but she managed toner...We, and the Turks had retired. . . It is reported that tlie Ambassador of th e rowers had mot eevaral ships of war into the Candim waters. Atlviase from Catudantinopla etate that on the loth, Admiral racila Pasha, with two Iron clads, two steamers, mil SIM tnsops, sailed far Crete. A Madrid telegram Oftliollth SOPS that the statement that the (poen would visit Pane sad (tome In July le officially ocutarsurni. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Los PM ono R .- R.rning.-Coneols, 90.4; 3.39'5, 73; I.lllools Central, 73; Erie. 39:Atlan ticAnd Croat Westorn consolidated shares, ILavorrool,, June - Ecening.-Oottort closed dull. eltn .1.1 to-Jay of 10010 balm : .rolddllog urdande,lls3/311 , 41; roloorth g Breacotuffel corn. 39e for soutbern. Fleur. On. 00.,3311 Canforola - Wheat, 135 61. Oahe, Seed. Barley, fs 9d. Provitlonsi F0rk,75•.:• Beef, lay dd. Lard, 49s Ga. Baoon, Cs &hi Produce; Petroleum V . 111; 0 11..3: ' 4 74; 0 103 reined,, Is Id. Ashes, 31s. Lo3Do Jana 11LE 1.111333d. x cakes LIUSen 23. Whale 011, £3410., 14n$'34 *l4 L 33; = = Erening.—Petroletem, MI tr.. ❑at 100 kilogrammes. June I 22—Ercning.—IItated States boons, $, raawarear,rhne M—Sultrkry.—alteer States Bawls are Attmted to-day at 77%. . FROM HAVANA -• _ The Ocean Homo .11,110r-Ordwoo 110 r Moro Cootlo-Captoro of IlazotwAsma Confirmed. (iir Telegraph to tha Plttaborth t/aaatle.) anon t:L-1%0 atiamar Wath* from Havana Munch, reports that Cap tain General Yuman° had railhead. TDe Caen Goverdment had received an Invoice of Parrott mpg and ordnance for um on Morn tistle. Secretary Seward had requested nEaT Of procel ehe dnne In tim n the mud inVeisti of t4e bark,Ooean Home til he to e. • ' The capture of Banta Annie .hlaal Woos: b P d r mthd .p r T x h d e t a M o nhe gt s o e O m f mba. ootsate a prosooncement fa Ws favor. - • BEM MENEM F84Y31. PANAMA, mum Amnia AND AUSTRALIA. The Tax Matron' , In Panama—Xt.*. .landihnlen War—The It...feint mu In reset—Fire sled Flood In Montana. by Tier/nape to th• l i lltsheeth Ilarette.) Nita. Yotta,J ono ir.l.—The tecatmohiplicarin queen hits arrived from Aspleyrallti - en the Iran Intl., with $1,11.3,en tremor!, and two hundred and eighty-three passengers, The •Innin of thin principal merchant!! at Moreton, Which were clonal tor one work on arietortd. of the fifty percent. Increase In mi nano/tarta tat. hurl Neel otted' again. firs moron:e n on, warn merle !tithe merehantis lb theldlottl., rtediontling taXation for the premed, lean giving the onnattla en In for inetreetlo thno LO e•Onlntinlentn na 01111 tlintn CO'Yntn- M . Art American linseed Bradford had taken inniantnnel of I ht, Cnltloilds waratonntor, A noel' orteettilarat, of twenty ben I,•en tren•Or ovvy tiro IstinnOn fee the ion, sir Inn 11.114n1 leaden erultytanods lo the linrnor Of Pnnunia. Jnlntie C. A. NI ockonnv. one rof the oldent trrerrhatent in Contra! America, it antine trf trgln W , deal. . . Tnn reportoil blockailti iliolta Martha by llty Murmur Columbia, wax untrtlii: attrattler pen arrly .1 at P m anaa M OStub. umullbnalll.l.l for Nan Frau 'l' lit, Mon:tied ilaernmen wan, at 4'nein'ma. , Ilia' lit andenvarin idol kf olllnkun at Anwillert ins din. The nitrarla Mailed (Jr UM RAMO /If II •tn.evi•tr Iroin Vatparelno and I; nllon, rot the idth lilt, hail merited at Pah -1 ei rn n dein or di army lir ChM was tat. and IL wily thought the war with %nein on, la an coo, Oil,! bUilloran was re, log. The,. Pero rovnlntlon trio interior .11i vorittionel. Thorn hind laud Milne/Witt THIII4 and Arlen, lint ai they Pere ptreim wFittl ny rhond died P a •l at ent r li a ad n bad il It yet, obtain.. the ewe warty. had o. ,iteel the I .eatelatitie to adept:nil Inn w rit .I, , ens corr. In ennine Mon to put down the lint IL wan tholiehl. the 1 . 0- nd/int would noi lie granted. (lolled 1110100 Conant at Goa) le, till died on trld lilt. crituani 4.—Aileteee trout Ca1 . ..1.mM. to Win. reported (tattling Wax Knlng aloe. lilll River and all commie. Weal O between llogi.taiand the omit wan old. Orr M Thu had twain taken iotinennlost or till etendoer Mayer or It. IL 1 df lo • Al,ll.lllA—The ntentoor Mauna hail mi. rly••41 ALYeiniams (root Shlnpy Mour Ist, and Waal bl.y . Nth. A Intl tiro hail of Cu' ro /I flu ethloryi I.nver .14.1,090. noon. Ne* south %Vo.hda And canowt of proberty and W.f. THE SURRATT . TRIAL -...- 111'efed‘e Prowl. • ottiradlet And Ntmor Corruption OE W1..4.114-34. BT Telegt.plt to Itt4 Plttstmrith • 17f selneros. June =, • Mrs. Martha Murray. wife of the keeper of the Ilerudon llouse.gaveaorno testimony relative to Payne. She del not know Sur mitt. ,WM. L. Itellugored, and non. F. W. Be' wand, testified to the facts virtue - I:dog the attempt. by Payne on Um /tie of acerstary hos lard. 'airs. Frederick Seward abd Col. - A. H. be ard gore similar testimony. . witch Levitical to Preside od with the asaposlnatlon at Limnt lleorge R. Robinson gave evidence rea lly,' to Payne's assault on Secretary Howard. .J. Geor ge Ictyu .. y . , k M y a o y t l O a f n t d h , e es e taiceed in Prince to a Ono s'ersation with annual; about three months In fore the assassi nation Surratt said he wauted to ac awa to avo the Oral.; ' think ho said b e wa s g o ing going to id Canada; don't reniceorter whether ha wended money to mime his mother sate or not, or whether ba wonted money for the voyagel am not sore about the conversatton; tiller, he Wanted to Make his mother secure In ease of hI urn to return; I partly nrolerstOod be was to raise money and wautod to socurp his mother. fter recess a long argument aimed opon Sustition by the defense to he allowed to recall a witness for thepurpose of laying the I Liondation to discredit them by cross-ex- tooto•tiou. The object was to prove that I liye made statements didvrent from those mule on the stand, and that another nett s had acknowledged him corruption half antour ofter ho left the stand., 'Tile Court' resen - st Its decision, and at :till adjourned until Mouday.mornlng. FROM NEW YORK L By TotgraDh to th• Vittsbargtx Erazette.3 You=, Jute =,16t16. AQUATIC Y.TiZalf. The ocean sweepstaken of the New York Yacht flab takes Waco on the 1.1211 of July. Illtren vessels hate sdreatly entered. • - • • aTtut manual regatta or tha Jurody City Club occurs on Wednesttsy. mud that of the Itubuhuu Club oak - eh-tar acat. =I iTho corumonock worm of ro-pliVing. 13rootlivoy .bo A man named Annuli heck war su ff ocated g OF heavy ato.lll r loop well In Eras BTOOk• n. Simon litoontr.ct rut AUglitailllCLlOr• IClr, who a , totnatod to save him. worn aim uolrocud. Auother named Reuben Elarloy trouped With h. Ufa. lironanock and Illlchnclon each loran a Wife and 0111.1 d. • , Captain ratter. of .tho ship Caravan, charawl with nianstanabior ot ••111411.13, Min bo honorably.oncuarge,l. I..‘ommaw 11 1013.../011CAT01.1 thatthe lint mate was the Moak wile ought to have be.. Mot.. noted. ONION ',cum 6A11.6040 A tilapaie It front °Mahe gab!. Th. UM.. Pt ine Raiload la nw open Co JoleslihAl. those hundred antl o sevelaty•nli 'wiles w ins of this helot, Kid two daily trains will com mence running each way on blonder. There are hel, infilloun pounds of freight. which have been awaiting this event, acid will now be forwarded at once. VERMONT POLITICS Slate Dirincerasle floc —Noma. eat loon—lteaoliationa. (11) TOegrann to tee Pluanurgb liscitte.l • Moxvratasn, Juno 21.—Tho Democrittie State Convention was held toelay. The Convention nominated Moroi:Lowing B•L•itto tickin; For Governor. J. C. Edna/slit; Lieu tenant Governor. Weide Brigham; Tree. starer, J. li . 11. Smith, /Neil' 11.ys. P. S Uunintlllo. and Isaac: W. Illelian• lel. were elected delegates to the National Convention. and Merrill G., Noyes, G. W. Adm.. N. Bingham and U. /1. 'Simmons alternates. deplorin t a xa t i o n irodetuning. the heavy bun:mii of ; also. con demning the establishment and °errant of Donor over a portion of the Union; and ark log the repeal of , lie preeenn liquor law weru adopted. The , tiOnYerillint Was well attended. ' • Lottery Concern Come to (icier. ley Tel. Erase to the ritts , sitsti llatette BS.LTIIIIOaIs, Juno Ti—. The menet:nod. Souther:, Orphans GM , Enterprise Relief AssOcialann, he which Jorge amounts tern raised, suddenly came to woof last night. A quarrel arose among the monagent about the funds Irbil% had been collected. and on the testimony lir. John L. ilammond, President of the Association, the tinted Jury yesterday found Co.. the item nt Palmer b Co.. for violating the laws of ilarylsaid PrOhlhiling lotteries. It Is stated that only.9o,otOont of 000.000 Octets bare beau soln, and the most Valuable prizes announced .bad bean tailored Item the uchomo. Jerome Part Rare. Naw Yoax. June 22.—Tb° hurdla reef, , mile and tbreesmarters, six hurdles. was won, after splendid race, by Blackbird, beating 'Lug, sho ...mood, by a peek. ,(hadi 3 ird, and General Williams fourth th 9%. The Jockey Club handicap, oille throe quartara, was won by Earring, by a neck, beating Climax, who was second, Gilroy followed liy 'Onward, llismoion Court, Intim, Idald of Honig., and FM. ohanrrees. Morisse) , won the cOnsolation handicap. The selling purse was won . by Redwine, beating Itipiey. angOng, Wad druila Work. men—time 2117%. The Slate Properas Thieves—Pl Iteco•or•ct al • Paper Molt. Illy Tclie,r.pb to the PI Ciltretta.7 Ilat*it ate, dune al—Four of the partici aranted' for stealing oroperty from the Stir° :Jae Pal, wore bonne over to appear at Coml. Yesterday evening that:bier of Pollee went to Si paper milt, near Carllelo, unit re turned to-eight with nearly a ton of the finnan rnfpurty, mailman' , eight hundred and' ftv volumes of the Adjutant Genet - AN /mist reports and' other public OroPerty. Your bags full of the Adjutant Genera l's re. Pert bad been cut up Into paper. River Telegrams. thy Telegraph to the Phtsharao U•5e1.4.3 higarms,dune 2 . 2.—The Itlehmend passed at about I o'clock p. 112.; and the EMU at l p. m. The Richmond made the run from New Odom* In two days and eighteen hours, having 111.1.11, 1.1.111tV-onn. landings , Marsala, Jtme 9).—The Raver still fall ing. Lotassztts, Jane 2D.—Elver falling, with I teed In the Caul.. P.p.. Flint to l b eiladelpittra CB) Teligraph to the bolo h oarattei ro Pnitnalpina. June 2.1.—Tw0 Philadelphia 1100137 i Dillon and Boyle, bad Price light in the ;foretokenth wood today. The affair was arrenged on Friday last and kept eeereL Mooted one hour and twenty minutes. - Dillon -was deleted, the winner. Both parties left the oily this afternoon to avoid the police. R•111r0•4 Accident. sa North Carolina. WV Telegraph to the Pittsburgh duettai Witaristrros, C., Jane Ss.—The mall train going west, over Wilmington and cheater. broke through the trestle work at. Peeper.* station last night. J. D. IT/arisen, °vendee. 11.11268. a eoetlein :tauter nam e Hired. were killed, and several others were Intend. The aCeldetit was rayed by the Leery thins. • : !wren, : Storm as Iburanab. CDT Te!orlon n. the elltabuint 1ivat1...3 • ,gavanican, June haul , storm bnd been raging bare alone morning. Veal have been uprooted in great numbers, U. Print° Property bully damaged. Eie•nrel vessels were bknan foam Moir mooring, but omonre4 with Wight damage. , • JAM* Mfrs at Cue., A. T. * Una, 74.1 Luna $3—A destructive lira canWatnit In Um vnlaße of Camden tads at. ternoaa:.Tb. Park Bata/. gamma mud Mothantot Womb's, and •nombae at Ma InUldtaga:araro burned. Zoo not lean than ==mm CITY AND SIIBURBLII. . - - rOURTEI PAGE.—The /West and most re liable M. antv,.ol.l and Produce Market Re ports giant by any paper in the city, will be found on bur Pburth Page. I =M2I2 The extant nod importance of the powder trade of this locality is not fully known to the ems.. tech day largo terraces are recelvmUin the city and 10 safe packages transmitted to the legion of coal alines and stone quarries of our own and adjoiniug nudes. The demand for the explosive h. Increased greatly of 11.4eanst in pmporlion to the Increased enterprise In mating and quarrying. The powder used li not-manu fut.:mired -here, lint elsewhere, and from ne cessity In brought by rail from neighboring litotes. /to handling has been carefeitY regulated end provided for Oct of the wis dom and foretholled, Of nor State Logitilm tarn and by ordinanoefl, carefully trained, passed 'by nor City - thitlnClis. For many ..ren. the trade has been ezelneirely tvot• need to a single firm In thin city, woo have oilniirobly conducted the business, but the demand for powder bee Increased on mono of into as to dlrectlnt.ntior_ from otherno. try n laisineno gentlemen. Mr Arthur Kirk, min of (borrow,. enterprising, active End hnoineell gentlemen or oar diner city, recently, In accordance with ton pro /rho. nit the bor. Mod a petition In the Commo qess ...court taking for the privi lege of erectteg a magazine for the average poordor on premiscear the Dearer road, In tectflere Townsbie p p at thr. and a bud miles distance front, the Court Booth. filo near neighbors, althont a Notizie creep Else, attached their olgoaterap to the poll. tion, knowing that under lira It, roan segment, there would result no harm, even were thorn an bensdrod rnamoolow onto, 11-hod in their nelanberbedef The applies. one was duly advertised, and the other • fOrtes of law made nee.sary gone tills:Mali With, and no Saturday the Detain:l W.:A pre, nsmted. singular to say, a [monstrance an handed the COM t at the same then, oigned porno.. not reslillset• of the Im mediate neighborhood of the proposed magazine, and who, possibly, were not an. 'lonintod with the growing Importance of inn powder trate, and hardly gave the re monstrance meet attention before riming. It lam ho hopi.d that they will reconolder their action, and withdraw their moron Internet,. of manufacturing and minted Internet,. ef the city large • roller doerion meat of the troll, or bleb canon!) , be brought about oug hy active rivalry. The Ablation to ono nested by mantled 1014 Pte. donee an the very beet for the puma, the county. The powder wilt be brought utbe Pittsburgh and Ens Itatiromi, nloaded at an untrequented point bele., the City, and Ohl be hauled in safe packages over streets On which there is but 'Otte t• steel. Indeed, now, every, day, powder Is 'heeled from the Colon Depot through the most wee!ar thorougbfard, over rough Dared street*, cod - to ellositui has ever occurred- On the other and the powder will ho Dulled over in ,beds. and rife danger of the loon wheels or bootee hoot melee ere -111 be entirely obviated. There are many other reasons which might Wonsan In favor elf the pew magazine. which vrerritat will be prOperly etodted by the Intelligent dtazens Illgniag the remon stranea •If the petitlonlerefuseaddr. kirk dill be forced to select • place beyond the. istance of eve miles, over which toe Coon hut no control. and in thateveni mutton will be but tittle Improved. It will necessitate handlingling, and if there mater ial , m the of tbe explosive it will certainly be Increased In the same ratio ea the etecaticte le made greater. We believe the powder busiti.s, as well u all others, should be encouraged, and we trust nor val ued followwltmon, Mt. Kirk, may imeeeed to his enterprise, sod that the remonstrator, will view the subject in its proper light. Mental Assartit.—A Maeda Mead /salon to • Jelly With a "MI I sly." A man eiving his rihme as Peter Wood, lately arrival In the city from: Beaton, a stonaentter and Monednasion by treat, was cruelly bested with a "billy," at the corner of Washington and Prospect streets, yes terday evening about fife edeleek. He el leave that he was sitting on the •tdpS at the , corner above referred to, when a man, whose name he did not know, ume rip and struck him eleven times with a billy., Ito was assisted to the Mayor's office, where be made the matter known, end gave a do vcriptionof the man Coppice,d the deed to• officers Drees'. and who =mall— ately started in puisne. of him. They went to the niece whore the difficulty occurred and Wade inquiry about the matter, found 1 het Woods" statement was correct, and also remelted information willeh hat to the uroal. of Thomas Sweeny, whom they feund.. at the house of one Dugan, on Webster strtel, near Washington. Sweeny was to bed. pro. tending to be Weep, be ems arousal byt he office. and taken to the Mayor's onire, where he was Identified by Wo the man . u man whO struck him. Waal'. DOM.. are very severe, but not of a aerial. nature. There ere six severe outs on the head, every one of them penetrating the scalp to r!in skull bone and one in the left ere, which appears.. be the most aria., as the eyn is ' . thatoly swollen that ir. is.lmpossible to tell to what extent It to minted. Dr. Rodgers w. called In and dress. the. Injured man, nl Wouta and to do so properly as cola• palled to shave nearly all _the hair off his bead, which was literally beaten into a jelly. Cicala is the same man we ...Weed ne day hat week kii having been arrested for the lareeny of a coat, on oath of Patrick tialleber, la hotel keeper In the Seventh word. We lost shot of the matter then, and slimmed It Was matted, as we could hoar running more of it. He states that ho is. at Gallaner's yesterday, a abort Mute before he was injarea, and got a drink of w his kr, and that be law Sweeny there when be 1011. Sweeny was held for uncaring ttils morning at nine o'clock. : Powder Marnsloo Cane. • Under an net of Lasserettiv of ISM parties desiring to erect powder magazines within aye nurse of the city are requlredto make a apechtl application to the Court, alter three weeks pub/Ication of the same, and to file with the potation a plan of the beildleg. Arthur Kirk, of Allegheny Jetty, mule such aPPllcation, to which •remonstrance wee Presented, and the matter was the mthjeet. of controversy to Court on Saturday. It' seems that alr.Klrk is dosirousof locating a tnegaransi, for noting powder. on an eh:Tea t Inn in McClure township. in the vicinity or 11111 left oDr awlein C d e of e t t h e e y e o v e e rhaad tulle to the within apoet three mute of the Court House. The parties remonstrating dye In the neighbor. hued where Om proporal tolocate the mag sine. Thomas Lt. klareholl and J. Rah petrlck. linos" represented the petitioner, and S. &Moyer, Esq., these remonstrating. It Was emigrated that a Commission he ap prime to take testimony' In the mter, but th in objected to, inuonech a. the rewas no probability of • conclusion being arrlired et in that way. The enemata as to danger front the location or too magazine was one of opinion, m winch there woola be great citiversity.. A Csnamlssioa of three Or more Ober.% men was sunken of ae a Meru prme• thud trey of settling the matter, not no, tong definite wee determined upon, and the cue was ordered on the - wrauMmat flat to comatip In regular course. Amosemeratc Ors.. Hosea—This popnlar establish meet opened on Saturday night antler the' management of W. 11. Leak, with John Durk° ea TrepArer. The company tom ! prise sevorakOld Pittsburgh favorites,prom. 'neat among whom Is the inimitable Joe 0. Sefton. The intention of the manager, we understand, Is t va cs hut • short season, merely to nil the um in the way of aueements - which now exists In the city. The opening on Saturday night was quite a mimeos, and wo anticipate • crowded bon. to-night, as the thrilling drama of •lßaccarat; or the Knave of Ilearts,” will ne nreesutal, to be followed by the laughable farce of •lfhe Dreadful Murder on Troy Hill" a• an elleavloce, with the inimitable Joe as Frighl. estahltaltheerit is having • big run Just, now, and the managers are nal tie g In their effort, to please their pat rone. To-night. Miss Emma Marsh, the greatest terpolehoream of the age, ault.ap pear for the first time In this city .• Sherthes met wi th universal success In all former en neTeTy:ell6".! The l ', :a d n ' tTf b ol ' U . U hl "' ' entitled "A Dream at Sea," will lote r' pet seated to.night, with Mr. McFarland in the I prinipal character. This is the tint time thin e piece hal bean Offered here, and wet.' confident that It wUI have • good run. The other non, performances will be given, In cludd ingan entire new collection of !lunge an 4.184.111. • The Female College. The commencement exercises of the l'ittebtugh Female College continue and thee far the pupil* have fully demonstra ted an appreciation of the rare education. al faoilltles which are afforded them tinder the present esmilent management of the elms rooms. This morning an exination alatherestices will be held. T hin isgen erally performed with much spirit, as the Bishop peril is awarded the Mrs. Illstiop Simpson endowment primp. This evening the exercises will be doubfW Inter. r.:n u al•Vt4eDn'frdi."Ttfl".s.l.`.lllll,Zmni annually draws lentil...re en d don &brilliant assemblage will gather to-night an the Chapel of the College. The clads of admission may be obtained at the meals Stores. Gll==! . - ntwlttistandlng the high cost of =Merl. ale and labor, and consequent expense of betiding—amounting to mars than donble the rates of IMO—the number Of houses exceedd to be bulit in lag will probably Mat of any formeryear Mont Mato ry. The esiOrtnous advance 1n rents, and the manifest deficiency of tenements for the grotto:lg population, as felt during tae renting season of the peat two or three pare, bate at list brOttatit owner. of Pa- . cantgroural and amltallsts to sea the poli cy of Improving their lota and providing ; Minim for the People. This. spirit of tOt. pr,.vement we are glad to ere J. Dot limited to this city. but la equally manifest In Lilt. enemy, Lawrenceville, Birmingham and all the adjacent parts. Let the goon work go Taken an the Penitentlery.—Dr. Molly Calmley, of Susquehanna oonntY, enostotel at the United Manta Dlattiet Court la Demon at 1 9 1111antapOrt, or na m ing Wm:aerielL United etates Treasery note., and sentenced tO Aye years , Intorno onmintt to the Penitentiary, arrived th e *My to custody or an *Moir. and taken Over Oa Saturday. . The Nese .Ifee• elecurday,. Over e Alleebent aouree, beiweea Joni* Kate .ed Dupla Jorden. for • pease of iwo nue. dsed .dollarsi was 110111 er- Tateby Over eve iengths.. *eye hi teetathe end will seeks his meek among theme/km barer* be 14 =ay Itato older. C. Importation of Stilled On Saturday morning , about throe O'clock a Special train of five cars, direct from New York, arrived at Moron Depot, with up w ,1 'erard. ol two Iron workers. where wagons were wetting to convey them and their effects to the pieces, or 'resi dence prepared for thorn by the Iron tin.n.• facture,• n( the city who Imported then% Many of the men were accompanied to their wives and children, and the wagons, loaded with Iron bound borne. made In efs, land." on lop of which were perched the women and children, and followed bv llln men formed a nodal cavalcade. We on. deretand that ono hundred of the imported. go to work to the mull of Jones S La ughline, thirty In rho mill of Una, liyere S Co.. thirty to thermlll of Spank, Chalfant S Co., and the remainder In *rime of the other mile. pore Old Otero ti•sody for 111rdlclool Purpose.. • r ewe DWI day In rewart of% fifty wise. of nurc Old ()lard )trendy (iirdl/./). a Pri ma • tide at thin Raman of the year. Tao*. winding Pore liquor* for medicinal ', :f r o P n7Ptir ' C i n o tenti t ga l l t ne an wlie e ferarl e atY a c re fl k . Went of sidling a butter article at lower noes ;than elsewhere In the city. .10aepb iJentlng, Draggled, No. 04 Markel etre., Cornerof the Diamond, nearlourth Area. Harlem Springs., Carrot fir, Ohlri— The. springs. In ounneetlon With the .11n. sal Seminary bending,. Will be opened for Motors and boarders on Ina first of July. it is noljnoss Inteutbal ass lilacs of fashion shin resort, but a plane tiro demands of those seeking a quint, healtbiul, retired and inespiinsise retreat, free from smoke nod dust. the srosss are dense, the scen ery petullarly beanuful, and' the locality And mineral waters, rimed for; their health imparting quid. les. Visitors from Pitts torah, Steudenvllle. Wheeltng ' and Chain net', Will COIOII Via Nets Market elation. en the P.C. fr. C. R. R, distant by hack from two to three home. For particular', aI. dress, D. Lon, Harlem Springs. Carrell County, or °all on E. M. Oa:ma, pag an' of the South rittsoursh M. E. Cuomo. Je2l4.* nen on Cool 111 , 1.—0 n Sunday ih rn eiO. about one o'cloe t, the stable of Timmer Campbell. a dalryutan. residing on steno Washington, waa conatuusd by Ore. TO , noble contained, four valretble henna, three of which were burned to dent h and the other est trolly burned that lot yr. shot. There wan an Piano.ca on ilia property, but the ninicy expired- no. Saturday, and had n or rota renewed. A. there wna no the abon. the pretn tow, It la no ppoaed lobate Wen the work of ail Pr,. Excursion Train to solo orlon.. —This morning at ten o'clock Ins tree en. ntnnn train to mile of lute at. Verner's Sta. lion, on the Vont Wayne and Chicago kali. war, near Wood. Eton, Will leave the Ally ebony. City depot. Tbl• property la not • quared by any other plan of lota for sale. Tuey are nlttlated In Immediate continua. two of Manchester,and lorniund..d by webtarsctortnst Intstreste, s•lthin Melva minute's ride or Federal Went. Cont nt*, 620.-4nbo Widmer Urea In the Yiltb ward. ani.l Wlte bm an &Mina niece in Decatur aucy. Firm srd. Thee doe', live together. tlailltday. John. from exceeelve d ringing orbeer, Vt wrong about tbe head, and went down aoJ called wlle bad names. Officer Drexler wait Plat for, be brought John to the lock rto. ne remained till yostenlay morning. No got clear by paying Into the city ez-' chequer. Foot Ram .e Oak...rm.—a match that may be expected to produce a close and ex. cterra contest milt be decided at Oakland Park, between four and Ave o'clock this afternoon. It will he ran by Jamey Newell, well known here an a came and rem.katily •nat pedestrian, and Frank Wunderlich. who halls Irani the eastern Fart Of the state. PanICI /nevelt Semety.—lt is a terrible shook to a charming woman—inneeti, to any a - cmm.—to, fled that her teeth are ••liegirs- Ina to Rote , Never will any barman being who neon the fragrant Soronowr discovery. teeth are still aoanct, make that Even when decay ha commenced, lilmmto diately mope Its progress. marl' 'Cold Sparkling ot J. - T Sarnilo'd Drug Moro, ho. Filderalotreet. Allegheny. To Wboiessate B of Dry 6100dI we offer targets. ln Jon lots of Dress Goods, Pantlugs Linen fasods and full lines of eht.tlngii, liturtings. PAnts, Tlok. Ins, Cheeks, an.. all of which tire will sell at tae very lowest eastern cub prices. J. UAISISIS a CO. al Market street. below Third a Poll.ll3lsts. At Ole Old Tricka—jack Brtdfnrd maila mother raid upon an. Italian mer chant. on Saturday Inset. no wed arrested by a combination of watchman, and piked In dormice. Yesterday morning ha was word OS for disorderly conduct, In default t whlcA he was sent to Intl for . thirty days. • Prints. the very bent Prints; the very hestPrints f 12.14 e, at the great closing Wt ale or Bother G., ao Market Street. g do h ', adoertito what we have not got; remember thLs folollog Our adlartl.e. meat. Ileserd dr. itamvie two T he Purest arid Sweetest tre Cod LverLives. 011 Oh la the world. ilearifeetured from fresh healthy Mona; upon the serwehore. IL Is perfectly pure mil sweet. - Ask for onnserd CsswelPs Clod laver 011,” menututered by • Cabwas.‘, more a Co., New York. Sold by all druggists. am. 'Gneiss arraps.—ltaxyberry, Strawber ry, Orange, .I(auslia, Sarsaparilla; Gin aer, Catawba, Grape. Pine duple, Lemon, Black. b rry, ape itaapberry Vinegar, or very au. eerier quality. at tee 0.517 lowest pric•a, at fly Federal atieet, AllegtieuY Oily. George Beaver,. • • Church Dinaleation.—at, Joseph's Ger. man Catholic Chorea. on S litthchnitar, was deduathed yeltardlYr.u.n tr eet. tan nsoal solemn and imposing ceremonies. The service. nitro thoclodeii by' the CIOIX singing lineal's Twelfth bass, Foot Ilkart—L foot race will nOtne off et Oakland Park th!s afterooon,et tour O'clock Wwween Johnny Newell (and Frank Wen. nerllnk, for 1000 siZe and the Champion ship of short 11111M000.1. Teo headred garde Is the dietanne roe , • • taetlrtletfc b y th e Eine c ll ase, mei a iffe teat are 8o l te St eelfhe o r e _ tell, we mill sell for 124 a pro 3atd. We me. hut whet we my. Come and ...theta at J. W. Banns' it Un'4.153,1iel tot el-reete • raisnititz—The plaro of brogues, of Mr. C. C. tiarbAngb; h-tma, shin.desonatlyn and ornamental Painter, terd 179 /A at mok 1. Allegheny City. All orders lef t tha etre. ntmee plane, or at No. 43 redethl meet, wlll te nelto prompt attention. • Beautiful Fait Consent ILanrne, cheat, at We, we are mine g at 1 Ehe,and base teem in Larne quantjtles, and warrant the colon PNat, at J. W. Barker a co.,ren Xareet street. • • • PITO Doilar Usioca—Chint's hand-sawed custom-made Calf . Boma tor Floe dollar Oss pair—those are not old stela goody—at thii Emporium, CO and 87 Filth ' street. Smithson, Paltrier & Ca • Country gtnro-keepers vrlll go to the ne tore, N,lOO Oala street. Allegheny, who they .111 And ► large •ot or Dry Gond Ind the largest stook of Healer, and time In Ute clty, at ben York yroes. • Cold Rpm.llos Mad Waller et J. T. Sem plo's Drug Stops, 1t0.19-Yealerai street, Allegheny. • Tan lreiy Lataas acy , ca or Wats, Cain, and Straw Goods, at Courapy /*V..% No. to JL Clalr street. Ton bast buy roman LlquOri of all laud. at. Jokoopa a. Vlooll'a Distillery, No, 1440,91, 19a and • Hamlets Crash Towelling , at 6 wets wr yard. at the new store, No. 120 1.)/do street, -Weal:may. • The examination of applicants for so mamma CO the HUD Salami commences hut moralas. Te be Dediented.—The new Y. E. Church at alanebeater will be dedloated on nest C. 11. w i llA .pec,„l Councils be held Ws tenl ii or City • rOll CUI Bay x.. naps ,at Joseph 8 Plztoh.h. • You win 110,1 a Dental &Mat,bailment at .1e fc. menu Drs. eilli atililesple. • The Heat Indira for the least Motley, e Mumtogy . 31114 there, X.. ei Market at. Fresteh Sty/s st V) cant per peed. _Pro.loo Ohio street, Al/eghetlY• • imr Cam. laolabol at riracliiitiOcuil Local News on Third Page. r ELEETIM - - . i'O L . . OO E — COLLINd. —do the iftb Inst.. b 7 /L O. /tomtit. M. POLLOOK. of L 1.111.100 COT/IW e fa; and Illss NNIC CoLLIMIL of Etna. Alleabiny Coma. ty. NEW !8D VERTIBEnENTg. ALEX. AIREILENDELITAKER, No. 100 rotate street, rl immerge, ro. GOFFIIit of AU kinds; CRAM If LOVED, and ,„gtrg description of rimend lorniseing Moods tern istagt. Booms oneood der.nd night. Marge sod aarierglo furn4bea. Itaramoncis—Res. Meld:dem D.D. Net. At. W. Jsroleis;ll.D., T hostawltotar,l/4., Jr G„` ricKu .iummEn. • • usual'', zusAvues late , am.. l Rodgers. No. We mate Street,' Shred duo,, from BUM. Anegtigay glty. Ys. mule Ro m w oodlliabotroor, Walnut end Rose. road . Unltalton Ceitio. 'at trio Unrest reduced priceßomeo open at ell bones. der and MOM. Hearse Met ,n arrierim ter embed en atom smiles sad on Mad mesomble term. • it MI L MUTE & CO.. UNDER. T.& IIIS AND IMO aLKEIOI, Mabel:tea. tar. Wand , . Ban and 'totally. gado. Rama ai Malleassta, Livery Wan* corner W 14011.141 and Cbartlas ittaem. Hunw ana ourrtmur nu: p B. STE WART:linderlakirr, wino, or warps mid edais anus, math Wad. animal sII kidda;'" Man. 4 Qumlaseetaralateloid W aortas o.ue ti El le3 THE 11 - 73RIY GAZETTE. • Two InTrvms. ININDIII2IDAY AND,s•TICIWAY. • largo Cent. rratalnina ETURTY-Ell 96a.. E 11179 of InterNtlas readlar sme& latlnoing leadunr Editorial. Idtant °ewe by Snlearadt and Man. .valontdo Ratak , Nai1... 10, to Emil& .211 d fullast tad molt rellaoll rt. •,,•• cial&nd Cannmerelal Narltot R.cortn 01710 by any Paler In the c‘ty. No farmer. 31 .. 4°4 cr Enrebnet rbonld be El thnot It. , . • . 52111.16 rt. flit IrTSII.T 61A2111 - ITS . 6111fleSuiver11... 11.6.. Club. of Fire..., Club. of 1'0n....... 1.16. —Led Cue copy Cl An, the Demon Witt' CD the club. ir tine. can be matt• at ear time, et club rates. Norm.. To ticooOtiomtS.- 1 0 orderfte 'err paper. be tare nod specify what OVUM rt■ want, ee we Issue a Weinesdee Edltto. (Dr ewlw scribers Devitt: bet op e mall o week. • id' d 0... by Draft. if:press. Napery Ordrrr. or la Seetete red Le :tees, may be .eat et oar att. Addre.i, OAZIETTF, P1+13DITIt(111, P. Inca. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LOTS FOR SA LE IS TARIFR TUX. WEAlit Er.—Tarouttlid ta sloe ated on the watt ban:toe th e A11.a..4 rear, it ...pc. sn. Pitts or gh !The lots ue generally in 'tree 40 P. 0: eth' • 40 p. re mstreet to all), eel to adnear the liorouat, s and ir to..S9d `et& apted for - cottistiy restdenceth . Itno th eel orataied, and' cumulating a bra 4 ttitht and extensive vie. the suet ,prrlitlo4llltljr eouutry. Person: desirous of starting ma etethee wring oneself/Worsts. snob as .rolll4 mtgs.. wool. II factories: paper milts, cc. . .Cold d the location. near the river or ralltoad, adinthate bit salted for .36 panto.. Caoltalsts atl ba encouraged to purchase by modern- pr ees and • taly tem, as at le trped, , ed that the sapPrtor ad vainase• o lee pt.ae—sa to abon..•nt •upply walk,. coal. Ilmettone, an.. and ratitoad sad river facillties—shall be liberals) , offered cog M•111:1111CI011Eg purooseigenerally Trains on tuba Western Penutylv”la Itallsosst pass to and fn. 'ruentunt. east sad sost. e. tunes daily. For a tnap -uriey of the lots We. St. X. UNAUIi ;Milli/dig, St its rts.Ntsee near the Soda Works. or J. VIANCE, Tareutem. DEVLIN As SILL.; Beat Estate and lemma. Agent., Butler et., Law renceville. ta. roN. RA Lw--11.1:: U r.GOTDRING IST 11.taturACTraett6 We ugtr 0%.0 sale the brit most M l llOlOll- tillfa . Neilson Mlll rod BlattFarman, or foe any 'area msoureeterlog J01,..11. In the county. .Tsto Leo on • 40 foot e• rekt end the At..eltooo7 frrert old 'el thin 100 (tit of the A. V. 11.. R.. The lot le kw by bit rem irs nearing each• lot .1001 d " .e.ll to examine befare noting Plite lllll, lt. , erms road* 10'0011 Otrchsiera. ftno;ltie .e LIN 11- ml. L. Kest Estitte and 1ne07.00 40enta: Botier • •IT•I re•itte, `Olt BALE—That v.bry value- . Den and It •Iraeli nroverti it are on Ito.; eon , . street and Om Witte LwaY rn LOr - ay; le. by 027 .et, on whit b to err -led .•e., ote ...metal Beta Budd no. ava ateolio watt. 0.1101 feet. eainL ud and well .dtp.ed "reyenote atteout any Deanna of tenants.. owing. ft to se don a lot of et. Da dlonenoreno. witala elo day. can na had. mad Iron .1 Inrltl Ito dog del i WM" of Inoue deaolen. of team,. ion a Vacs for manutactnetor pnrootwo to Call at ate .12k. of Lelivi.lS d OILL..BaaI that. and canna.. AArrata ant ea lir, 1 a.rtnerr , lA. NEW STILES ICE PITC:EXERS. , Fruit and Berry DIEM* TEA SETS, CASTORS AND CABDIVIIIION BET?, JUST BECLTVED BT DUNSEATH & CO., 66 WIPER Prilevra aam ' , JOIS:24iBTON & scam,. pLLXIIB IA Fine Watchese 1 1 E10;Rs. Jewel* SILVER-PLATED VASE, erc., •Ao. fl 4 L.T.+TrIC STIZEVa. 1.11 - toollour, Pease. - 41r Partin! az •ttaatloe lima So Itemarlic Warmer. Gloats .04 invelry. All work war mntiel GOODS FOR TIIE MILLION! SIaTKSON:, PALIIER & CO.'S AUCTION MART, 55&57 FIFTH ST, PM/burgh. • Dally 000simaents of Bankroot ft.oeka of . z d ocarro...o P.M of tho 1:111100 oat.. to Do PRIVATE SALE. Wholesale and Retail, REGARDLESS OF VALUE. • MLH•R..' 41 , 111EIVR‘, CIIII.DEV , B LXU YoTITHr. , E,71.D. BHOILb, hiAITERS, H HAL, ANE DOMErortC WRY (MoDS. • CIJYTHM, CIBMIHLREM, .TEAWS. • con , :i•Dta, SHIETS IRU D... 547 61 14. 0 LC. Xs. 141 , 11ERY. HI.NDLLRCHIE•O. EUMPIVIVIE3. • CUTLERY, POCKET RI,R,EIL HATS, CARPET LULC/LIL f ' . also, ADM from m. mazufactarius, ' • ' ingrain, Rag and Linen CIB i=LP3E3rrIES. At Auction Prices; U roman! OLD MD. .1 1 NOS. 65 AND 57 FIFTH STREET. N. 13.—Tonnttnre .11 Nontobrold aeons tot tint at Auction on Vitali tinDAT. .• sarrasox. PALIZZR TBIE eIPEIIIOII 31ERITMI orthi WEIZELER a 'WILSON ex suctuN • alTer In for famtly use and [enema purposes, nit w W. U en tabilatoid and so generally admit.ed. Mat itt enumeration of thole rotative *seal leucite Is no longer conwidarod tams...' rt. They ate simple, datable .tad Ono Wtarays; •aZSQ7, 1N0..167 .1111116ZT, Q - Airrir. QUALITY. 'f liu..nours Ern.cr 9.okur.nlcu.. dose Is .seall. Too. who desire s large ens.ri s, see Tarr. MI. • ktil•lhrws . RUA& ,CLOSB & CO., Practical Furniture Hanufactoren COR, PENN AND WAYNE *Ti . Caton nolo* or IRTANITITET. eooriostit lIORPIES FOR 1pL1.4.4 ALT- Howard's Livery %tapir, 1111.32 wrazrr, aear Menomatipis One BOWE.eery mote to deem ent i net shoe at locomotive. One good ertOug MAIM. rut to trot. On Grasp 'rota IlAsalt, for sate lot, Honey bonder sod sole on unowesten. 1101.11168,, Bean, & lartitr (Vitas PlUsbuntoi7 hillan'f assitnAlitr e W k eifTllK A LIBEL( lIMISETIMM ITAVACI:', • CULEACEST PLACE tn pry t buy the TRIUMPH !DURING I. at ?la 146 pI&A T Briazzi. R. P. GETTTI PT. • Wholesale and Retail Grace!. irDenr. In IdICV,XIMOLI ii;.l:7mo,ld.keenrr oVals'r olidlidn. and lb " aloud. alleaten. luld,etvia FOR ABSEBIBILL„ or VV..% am i ttt , tit* sea pr. wit , •04..t0 IN TUC ti PHI:I,U A Nl.' Jfralarslly , Eugtento.l - Omar. an. nexamos.pia mummy ComcaS 21. II