THE,.DAILY GAZETTE funasatn mar yOlts MG. (Str kn . Iscurr.b.) PENNIL I AN, SEED & cfprietcrral, • T. P. SWOP x P rdltOrx. Business .11.. ire.. ornez, uszrrrz surcnuro. 261:144 AND 66 FIFTH STAXET. !tali; :Ceiticia Pars gluten Pentpuis. OFFICIAL 1./PER OnnIn2BUROR AHD • ALLEGHENY CCITT. , LAHR INT. CHEAPEST and HKS FAMILY ♦ed CLIMAJLEC/AIL PAPER in the Iltete. moos or wiz DAILY: 3 "*"''Mw Sudiorrbisi, " TrePett w"l sLag. Address. - 641ZEM, I•r:raA. tjrt Rittslntrgij Gayttt Conrinclistox nen been suspended in tremely dull in the itsto Contention will sport an .Wecinesday next, June 27t13._ 7 - Fnnn were but nine deaths In Pitts burgh daring the week ending June 16th, and mien the week previous. FRANcit evidently anticipates no war in th . e. near future.. tier army in to be still etiither decreteed, by - order of the Emperor. • AT TIM RACE which took place yes terday between "Dexter" and "Ethan Allen" at Jerome Park, New York, the latter won the three hemp. malting the best time on record. Tun death of Ex-Gov. Henry. Dodge, of Wisconsin, and formerly United States Senator from that State, is .an. nounced. He had . attained the ripe old age of elghty.tive years. .Tus Cincinnati C'vminercial •has been advocating the .nominattort to Congress of Mr. Richard Smith, of the Gaz.etti, of that city. The motion is numerously seconded, and it is L not improbable pat be nominated. TIM 81:nt.'s's Powrz,ot Turkey refut sea to suspend hostilities in ,Candla, but is Willing Ilia the Great Powers inquire into the alleged grievances of the Chris. thins, the Porto to be represented in the commission of inVestigation. TRH SCIIRATT TRIAL drags! slowly. Icsterday the only important Point es _tablished by• the prasepution was that prisoner and. Booth were drinking to gether in a low saloon in Washington, "an the Clay of Lincoln's assassination. • Fronus B. Pustrrow, Esq., now. in Frwee t la "supplying• the Cincinnati . Commercial with a series of letters ex. 'ceedingly clever and well written. For eign correspondence tests the abilities of most journalists, and but few succeed in adding to.their reputation as Writers by sketches from abroad. Ten CABLE announces a aingular at tenfpt of two hundred aimed men' to 'take possessiim of Rome, and then and there to proclaim sr Republican form' of government: The attempt was too rash to be accomplished with anything like success: Forty of :the revolutionists have been cast into prison. Mn., WADE'S suggestion forfora redis tributibn of property *me to lugie yieldedrio other result, than 'damage to his character as a statesman. The same is true of 31r.: CIIANDLYLIt'A proposition to seize the . Canadas In settlement of the Alabama claims. Both theseantlemcn, doubtless, realize by this time that it is ( ) Rey to ssy mischievous things, but dif ficult to escape the consenuenccs of the 'indiscretion. Tna Padadeinbia-Lager building was lesteiTtaty taken possession of by the pro prietors of that prosperous • journal. It is doubtless the finest and most complete structure devoted to newspaper purposes in the world. The occupation of-the premises was celebrated by a grand din ner at the Continental Hotel, at Which some eight hundred persons were in at tendance. The feast post the trifling sum of. $15,000 to Mr. Chiles and lus partners, LEADING =mans of New Orleans have united in bearing. testimony to the worth and integrity of Collector Kellog, against whom serious charges were pro. ferred to the President. The main fault of the Collector appears to have been his sympaihy with the Republican party. The document impugning hie character for honesty, mentioned thirty citizens of New .Orleans, who would attest the truth of the charges when called upon. Twenty-six of the gentlemen named have signed a paper endorsing Mr. Kellog and denouncing his accusers, while the remaining four are unknown. Tng Avernus Earranon Szcludes Fosauth in his general amnesty Prods; motion to all political prisoner& 'The latter but recently 4 protested against the regeneration of Hungary by the crown ing 'of frauds Joseph u her Emperor, cueing the following language: . "If I may not carry to my grave the satisfaction of success, let me kt least take with me thither a hopelor the fu ture of M country!. Lead bee not to such sacriticea as may rob me even of this last bopel "I know that CLSBAIWILL'S role 1110 unthankful one. Weigh thou, however, the remembrance that CASSANDIA teal fight r.. Twit arciage daily attendanco at the peella Schools of Cincinnati is 16,Etegi out o, 9:1,544 youths of school age in the city,, The salaries paid teachers aro as follows: Principals of ihe Intermediate Schools receive for their first year $1,809, which is increased ;MO each year , until it reaches the- maximum 0,100; First Male Assistants, $1,200, increasing to ' #1,500; Female Assistants, $BOO, in • creasing to $800; Male .Teachets In poci - lions of Female, $7OO, increasing to $9OO. In the Illetrlct Schools, Principe!! got $i,600, increasing to $1,000; First ,Male 'Assistants, $l,OOO, increasing to $1,300; • Female 'Assistants, $4OO, increasing to $700; or Male Teachers in their places, $5OO, increasing to $7OO- - Music Teachers receive each not sr rending $l,BOO Ar annum; braving ! Teachers, $BOO, increasing' to $900; Gymnastic. Teachers. Male, $1,500; Fe male Assistants, $BOO. The Superintendent has $2,500; Clerk of the Board, $2,500; Superintendent of Buildings, $2,500; Librarian ' $1,200; First Assistant, $650; Eccpnd Assigint, t 35 0- ' —The North Carolina gold mines, which were worked before.tne war, it is announced,areagain coming into notice. About eighteen or twenty stamp milli ate op and Wing erected, tour or live of which aro nowin lull operation; • and at one of tho mines. known- as the Huey Mines they have a tematateP mill•whith is now producing g,lOO in bullion per day. The North Carolina papers 11 49 that timetable minors froM California,. • with Lugo experience in gold reining, having examined the mince of the State, hive pronounced them equal to the rich valley' and mountain gorges of that fa mous State. .! • FROM ,ndenee }lnd.:fib Gentle.) btannuut. lane 19. MI. .The Filmy Judges met in Convention Isere Yellenlo.. to anutt the. vetesreat at the late Republican t o ril l " it4 the ration.. candidates. . P. Uon lIEMEZE ' lin. formerly of UM 4th Pan:Wg? . . • - aim wee notolmited dearth...! oter all ' 4 mmpetltorkby • large oraMeity. 'ant rouser bravely all tbroueh the war, woo a good aohller .4 the Itepubll-. cane will reward els hismirm by elentlag Llm to the. urt Lrittelature, with an over ,helmlub .1.1. % Connelly melt , - ell the nomleation for Aloe/elate Judge) . T. J. Morrison tor County Trouurer. and one wagon Darla for County Cceerpleelork• , er. The la a strong React and will be Imo. ceeatul. - - The County Committee wee re-organised .t iny_ for Chalrinan. The non. watt. adopt. a resolution . (avert/1 aft. Railroad Law. . • - Y. 0. geelm, formerly a member' of the 15111M11 4 0121 Ude county, wee ono., ... , 'Wtte to tbe State Cementite. at Wil. mammon, and, - although ne, instroetione were even,. he .111. you for Judge llama f or Juan Of OUNCateFOuth • - - SZE= STARLIS/T, . _. - .f • t t ' 4 ` .... ''''' -- . 1. =- --- '. = '-=',.'",, -. -;---_,..,--;"=" • .&,....-- k r --- , - , - • .._:_.* . . , - -\\ h ~'" - - _• 1 , , ....?? , ' ,1 _r__._._;/lifVi', ris ,: -. " : 441.77, X;i ----- :" --- 4- . 1: 74 , - . -. ..: r, : . __2,1;;,"!-at"":4,..1.! ./.1 1 . „ , , ; 1- 7 = 2 , .1 : 1 _7' 1 1 )1 I 1 , I -''''..- -I: 4•!-7 -- : : ]* . ,° l ":- --- 1: _ lll . ,-:- ._2..-.--7,_5.--.±':.t_'.'l.-- ' . , L 10 4 41: % j. j. '/ ' i i ` -I "*\ , / 1 ' ' -:--- 14 -7- '- • -,-..1=-I',lt-17-23.,:ti,,,,,..f1fig...___. _,...z.,,,_ _,____..-7 .E. 1 _:- , --_-- .- 4-- --------,!.. -.2_74-- t:. - 1 - * -- - - ----''------" .1 I - -----/ 1 I VOLUME VIRST MIDNIGHT. THE_ SURRATT TRIAL. An Important Witness Turns Up. HE IS SEEN WITH BOOTH ON ASSAS SINATION DAY. (By r Taltrespli t 4 the rittthar . gb ravthe• 1 WASIMOTON, el ur.e i%7. Judge Fisher decided the Court would follow, the common practice as to the mat ter of recalling witnesses, : That a witness should consider himself dmelmagod after his examination, .unless told to cc main. Brooks, stabler, recalled, testi:l.l-11as° seen Boolh.Atserett and Harold conversing with Berndt at my stable. Had a conies cation with..ataerott about the trip of - Sur. rail% lieshowed me the conclusion of a letter from hermit, and Atkorott mild be had a letter from Barrett, but be would not let me see It all. I read the concluding par- Atkerott said the letter was dated' In Itichutiend. . and Stirratt un derstood the -datectivmwee° alter blue 'and Was - =king his way , North as feat as be eduld. That was le the early part of Aprtl, led. Tie con versalum between us commenced by Atterott bail tag ma out on the taretueut and telling me about the /otter. I asked Atierott to let me sea the letter. I understood Serrate was making Ms way north from Iticlimoitd, aniline. the may dninculty demos was as that detectives were after him. I and ra. stood Size otL in WWI govltrnment tectbres. When thew men came to the eta. bias theywould go to the hack end and eh gage In consersation together in a low toes, at least ! could DU near what was said, roc they wore atileast one hundred and twenty lent from me. Jun. W. Purnphroy, John Fletcher and JohnF.JattlytosUlledlo ration." matUre related m the tomer trial. , Alter recess Miss tlonom Pitepatrlek, won lived at Mrs. Surratt'e, testified that Surratt wan intimate with Payee. Booth, Atserott and the other coneptratoret , and they had interviews at nire.Surratt's house, on D etteet. George F. Chatifn was exemined to car. rot/orate Myna and liobartle etatereent. and testified to seeing the han dkerchter marked J. U. hnrratt, found toy Blveri on de, Wed. nesday after thoaseamthation. Witness got the handkerchief from Wynn and gave it to one Of linker'' , detectives. named Grinnell. Benjamin W. Vanderpool, or :New York, testified he was in Washing , on, April 14th. 186.1. I saw Booth on that any and spoke to Mott I sate blip three - times on that day. Saw Booth first at WillinPe. sateen - aids on Pennsylvania Avenuoi bet ween; loth and 11th, or 11th and 11th street. . The pnaoher was called to sttoul up. day Qu t estloa—Did you too the ptl.uer that Ausursil sat him it She ranee tut men. Monett. Ire wee wltlVUtllkes Booth anti tern or three others. Tot,' were elt !Ins: around a table with glasses on It. I hod been tot!. psymilister's, and mutat g down:leant music at rho place refers,/ to and went In it, and a ballet dancer was perlormusg. The lute Booth was at was a round one, and he and hleeom were talking. I saw them / Was isltadu • few • feet Of. Chem. bo afar shiest th le. Cromsezamlned, by Mr. Bradley.—l did not speak to Booth 101001 eon him la the place. I saw Booth and his compan tone were engaged ltfronverautlou. I was only attracted tbgre by MUSIC. I norm . saw her. rate, before, ore until now. I took a gooailook at him thLe lnee, morning, and menu ' nlsed him a. the same man 1 our 'with Booth. /am •I to/:dent that I raw Soma/ as that I see you now.' This wan stime alma la the afternoon, and might hove been alter three o'clock. I cannot remember how they were dree.d. Tbing /Numb and Starrett hul then . bats MT. Mill think Surratt then wore a goat.; If he did It rag a very light one. I do not remember the hall, brit think It was at a ball called “Metropolltais Wlttrus was asked why „he did not eoutrounlcalsthese facts before, give us reason that It was known lie wag Intl. mate with Booth. and he was Jecroa ny brfrer alum and he then hastened to tits reg ment. Witness never mule intn state ment to any ono until now. Wee neVer summoned no a witness In this case, but f• baying bean that the. Street. trial was In progres sew-so se. If stir:att. vru env .f the men h o witl.flooth, and reenenl4,l laltnaki one of the party. lie then In formal Mr. Carrington of the 1.6 awl Was placed oa the •tan d si lenntss. 5 •. • - • • By Yr. • Plm•re.,ant—Vll.thera Lax a Cr ,,, t• faculty of recollecting laces be has one., seen, and bat been subjected to a test of the matter. ..4 neat:ion. By Mr. Merrick—Woubl you recollect the race of the woman 0110 free danclnal Ana.—Uld not pay much sttentlon to her Giza My attention was tlireetokk. to her hews. [Laughter.] The COOrtthen took a forum till to-mor row. THE PRESIDENTIAL TRIP Departure from Washinglon—thalle- Uwe flame—heeretary 11.11. Ilia Fiugar—irtrat Wood for Delta ware—Tiworath Philadelphia With out Ittappi mg. Qe•. th 7 Telegraph to Yltteberge tiesetic•l Was atworos, June 21. 447. The rreaddentlit party left at. 11 quarter to eight this morning. The Postmaster General left last night, nod Join. the party la New York. Secretary Seward and Gen eral Roman accompany the President. Alp Stoeckle. itneelan n lee thelmrrY as far es New York. The President was received at tho rail road station by Knights Templar with He lical° honors. The large crowd cheered as the party ramrod off. •- - • Aar/aroma Jiffs Tina. SZO a. r.—Govornor Swann of Maryland, here came on board and paid hie reepeeta to Lila Pre•ldont and secretary Seward, and acoatopanim them to Baltimore. . _ . . Governor Swann handed to the President a letter oonebedin conioltruentaly terms, and enclosing a revolution of the Maryland Constitutlonnl Convention, cernestly in. viting him W Melt Annapolis, - on his ro• turn. The President, in a riete;bensed the Gov armor to return his th v. anks to the Conven- OOP fOr WA mark of their confidence and en,pect, saying that if precticable ho ' writ visit Annapolis on the oth Inst. 8AL2111101.. .ag u A . X.—s the /Min re.ched here, IL e cro 11 wd was In attend. alma The President was received with cheer.. ' gatMenite, lone 21.-9:0 A. x.-or. arri ving at the Philadelphia and , Wilmington ..I=4„he c nh rzwehetroidr,stem.hledsooz tar? Seward. A delegation of the Baltimore Knights Templar here joined their brethren of Washington. Governor Swann Gofleeter of Gastonia. and ethers, took tho ' ir lease. Many wren. • came Into the elate carte welcome toe par. ty, and wish 'them s pleasant journey, Thermulelpal authorities of Math:core I and many prominent eltirens had esteinlat the hospitalities of the city tot netreildent, but the Invitation was necessarily declined. • Witstilewros, O Dot., Jena 21, 1.2:50 r. The Maiden?. wed through hero at It:30. I The train paused live minute.. Cheery were even, and President Johnson and Stem. ; tary Seward shook hands why, the people , lir.Seward had a flare, hurt, lieneclared I 'hie was the fleet blood idiom 10 ware. Putt anstrain, Jue2l.—Tlin Presidential party passed through Irpat Ph Undid Mita at k . nail nut one o'clock this afternoon without stopping, going ever tile bow cum:Mellen of lb. railroad from Deltimore to Trenton. Tissues. June 01-040 r. —The Pres!. dent's salute was fired by Mb State author- Lies when the train reached this oily. The crowd reaturt to the mato oar, where the President wail Met. by Governor Worland the State officer.. Tbo Goveruorrucerted the l'resident to the platform and Intro domed him to a large number of persona Melodies Marty ladies The Governor end thou aCcompuylng him came into the cur andpiad their respects to Secretary Seward. NEW Lausewics, June 21-3,30 r. large crowd came to the car and the Pt...ol den& shook halide with many citizens. SeCratarr Seward also apneared on the plat; 'WM, and with the Prealdeet received the hurrahs of the people. Earaameru, Jana number of Persons assembled at the depot and paid their ru peera in the President. • Nswaritr, Juno 21-1:30 r. or--A large crowd was at the depot, 'she cheered the President. DD J... CITY, 5 y r. s.—The Prealdent and arty were met b Mayor a nd of Now Y a ork-city, and Admiral Ferment and staff. The cheering was anthem/tattered frequent ly repeated. Admiral Farragut'a tog was In waiting to convey the party to railway ahlo Franklikt. As the tog loft the pier the thou undo of person. Haag the dock cheered the visitor. while unites were fired from Governor'sisland. The flags of • f, wlrL>drapy math ittl e t" , ae " ti de and muter front /logo F•tritibui eoil ceot tided Otill sodier. Gneral_ rhartusai 11»am.: be •Ilsploarbil with the Colorado roontrers. mOsectentx Oct bele; iblllelently to otupt. Ile Is still at North Platte. FROM NEW- ,YORK tT Tel♦ to ill, Piosbureb ilatettp. SAW l 0nc..1 tn. Tb, dblullory or Hoginnut a Carr, Green wriuu et refq, OIL. burned thts morning. Loss slob,Unb In x'ured !or graOoo. t;eo. Wthlatt, has been arreetett charged with an attempt to OA. a foram! otieek on •he that's, 'Mad liana for .1,44 J, purporting to he etspoStl by Johnston st Co.,lnmber mut chants.. 11r+. Catherine they, nue.t sixty-four, wo; fount 1,0 In her he..., to Mott street, thin triornlng, with her throat altharenUT eat ry u broken tumbler. Mr. Allen Sthll.thon, An 11CCIIP.t or the room. wastarpht.,l On 1, , 1111111C1011. . • nt.ort - mega • necierTioa. Admiral Ferranti% gave a reeentlonitda •ittortirein on boatil hfa frigate, Franklin, to the celliere of the French rueneif•trar In Owl - h.:ate, the Wile." of tne Navy Yard artil, , rato titmolerberg, ands large - party of iirtVate KKKMS Alt6lr6o-71•W , ASTIICII,I,I, Tire etAantene City of Nev.- York anti N Ilr‘o.lin, from I.lrerp'.nl. heoremrtiv,l. Their hews 11M, beta nutlclpmtekl. CONGRESS—JULY SESSION. etre..Mr Lotter In Member, from the toftm Execs.lfe Coria - retolanai Committee. tOy Telegraph to ttial'lttsburgb Pasette. Wsenixdron. Jolly U. lent. The following circular letter lee been issued by lion. Itobart Schenck. Chairman of the Union Ilepubtitan Executive COU. grceeloual Committee : etYsfournrox. It. C.. Juno Olat.-7b II ra —. Dow slow, of the recent tie. clenni of the Attorney General of the Col lett lituttw, and notlou of tilt, ntliultilturat lion, I, am red:Jested by many Et:public:to nuoutors and noproventatives to remind von of the very great importance of being punctually Prniont ha your pia. to answer to your untou when the two Houses shall sundde at twelve o'clock on the :1:1 of Jniy. I t la thougnt ounentlitl to secure a l quorton, lf it should only reteuln In sou long eenuall to puss stone dealaratory acts on :out:lents of reconstruction. Very truly nod respectfully yours, Itousae 1.. beltenen t • Clor. I 'ult. Itnlottgleall Etentitlvo Com FROM ST. LOUIS. 'Governor iletither aaa e.. ion or /he Railroad Poreharod by Gen. Irrodottni non Ribero. for Nub•/'oln plllneu wind Con • . flit T*lzs spit todlse Pludstash (incite.] Sr. Lome, Juns , 2l.—Tlse Prmocroes streeist on;. Governor Fletcher tonify took posse P .Aitill of too Atlantis, and Foolgo Itzliroad, formorly knOwnros the !Motif west Itronell or tile ldlssourf Pacifie s winch woe PflTdfluod from the Sista by General Ernumnt and as sof:Mirk, the purchasers having neglected To pay tilts nr,t snnonl instalment, • dos, June Sil b, nod otherwise foiled to forlorn, their eontrntd. The roses has boon flamed In elinrcfs of General Clinton It. frisk, of St. bents. Th. GOVI,IIO3''S raltloo inlets with the (learnt soprornl Of Ito penplo of SOUI h• west Missouri, nod the pitizens of Colin hold w lousy meeting 10-n'ght, at Winch Goy. Fletcher spoke. - GEN. POPE'S DISTRICT Thn Ungluirnilinn Invents' lloontront loon no to :liana' cavil val. fors urn Ihniranchlnon. I 11l TrPenni. to the Pittat,rch intrette•3 June rOpo tolluy issued special instruction, so the Board of Regnant 1.1. it. Perm:mph .N :direct* the Clarke and reporters of the Soprano° Conn, oleo. of the euperiur and inferior courttl. gull' the . cl.rks to .nrdluury.. county trimsureri eniuty ■orreyo_s, receivers of Ma returns. tan Collectors, tar receivers, sherltfe, Justices of the pence, eoroucts, mayors, recorilorn, aldermen. councilmen, of any Incorporated city or We'll Who ore ct-nineers of the Colifedo, stay', and alai preen,. to Ise uter occupied Sheen offices' and liftimorarde ran [clouted to the rebellion, are all dlsqualitled am( nut Mallard to robbitrutlon., Drolly Astonistring.—We moan the en• trunnanary low prices that Dry Ornate are selling at on the west corner of fdatket and '. Fourth streets. at Gardner 4 litowartis great sum of Saw Deals At thin firm's etortis Isall pew, teelll)iiiteY le at 1/114. 1 I solemed, ers new goOdi can be bought at le.. than one boll the price that old stook.. bf ..0110l In tilt, city cOst. The emcee. bag een wonderful. Tile ladle. are setting to ..thintiiiad this, and they are constantly crowded with eager customers, and all's . unite 14 'eying theiris are the cheapest Mensometle Flume Nowstrenslowe—Pol. goods In the city. Teets Dress Goods paw ley of Conerswe Coodernoest. , rebeaper than before the war led In the hue d , ( try T,legreph to the Pitutasnee nueste ) I ordir;:;lo rt frge , , o ,thiLleg to tetZe t rkii , , ' Mae Femme/co, MUM Se..-.Tbe Democratie ' 11,.., or,,,,erriee, oar modem will also bear I Mate f,onventton tamanated H. 11. Haight for Governor. WlllimoM 3o ° for 11 In taTiti , se ' ntr ttnat r A s tw w ,,lP trritr of a .1 re Gan , L l °°loonot G°v•rO n ri n "" , L. °u.r. r 11l ether, amiffourtk p str w e i ets,./i , o. t. r e guava necreiary of Stale, Hobert Watson for ' oour e o mo log , Comptroller. A. F. Cornell for Treasurer, . bojootot. w o ootioo oar rood .. to too and John W. limit for Surveyor-U.I,NA. 1 to,„„_ •. 1 The Convention adept.] reeoluttons con-. ow donating the reconstruetlon policy of Con. I _al Ur' f old, (mt.,. groin, approsing of Impartial sunrege.Yllll died ln liprtmpleld, Pa., last wont. Do bed 1 frteVN l' a ll ifon ' t ,I * :t l .l! "" ln i TavOr r Vtritt Y ci rn s 'n h ' t. 164 sense. rnr hie th o ht ereh Y"n" bed:ast ba d t co r Tr y o . rt " cit e b u onr i l:A g la i n=u:s 3 l7: the conatlon.._ Intelligently of occurrenon that transpired Flour and nose; 9entefloiiiii h." uouti..iii" i the day and week previous to has insamty, 1 I tusking Inquiries About a Felte of firen , --- - - -.. --- . - .:.which debut valued, Of Um Werelg far the -R.O , Shoimittioes isti Instlintet, . 4 farm nod of old neighboneWho Mai bean MT 're/errant& to tee Pittsburgh 1 deafer Team The intervening s tpece was PeTalreacito, dune 21.—negIstration to . ° l'ortO° ll4 allht o illsotemetT. two wards of this city Glow& teat evening. i _ . The-hat steed. whit., Mir amored, 1,..m, i . wamaillesig.*The place of business of All. i le the remsuning two wards, whore saws. C. C. Hartrafigh. house, slim. doooratwe and (ration Oat li• held-hereafter, 'the' Astute. ornamental Paltiter t is No. FA Lacocketreet t ere heiteseo.u, be i n ibt,..4.niy,.. , , , f .Ajlenhetly..ll.ll4Miefl WM at the airtWO At Dlnwhifile UoartflAtille 113 Whltristiad , litheM. Mr 1 1 3 NM 43 Neutral htfeet. will re• 1 2 / S DOPOW/Ifera Mighiteledt • 001111 prlnilt attanthier, ~ .- FROM CALIFORNIA. I!=M lINIZI THE TURF • Tne Irst.tess Mao en Siteiord—"Etti.. alien" B.sts Master." • al. , Tek u ....P.bY. PUl.burgh Olzette Vls rsalea Teternwh Compaq.] New Task, June 21, Ac the rued to-dAjl at Jerome Park, be tween "Dexter" end,"Ethan Allen," the latter won the 'three heats—Time 2:t5; 2:10 s and 2d7. This is the hest time on record. Nag Yong, June _i,—The` great match tor • thotisand ftellars,'betassen Dexter, in har ness, and Ethan Allan, with running mate, took place on Fadden Course today. Up wards el twenty thousand people were pre sent. Dexter was:the favorite. 11110 io Another rousing mate bertha. been Aob4li tut.o.l for Charing°, in ronseque.ce of her haring one lame, all bets were declared Off. Ethan Allen won in three straight heats. Time—a:lN lle.•and :de, the lastest trine on moons; -Dexter's time 'On the second heat, 2:10%. • FROM SOUTH 'AMERICA Benvll-Paragoayan lear—Tlio'elbolera —The Evaponor at Bewail. nod Val ved Stales aledlatloa. lily Telegraph ;ogee Ilttsbarsh Oaret W.) hew Your, June 21.—AdvIces_from.Itlo ,lanerlo to thee:4h oft.. show that the allies make no further Prolrreall In the' war with The contort has much abided In the allied camp. It lereported to have broken oat' among Lopee's troop.. L.. in his °laming. snares.. to tho nmalllnn Parllament air the ma, tbe Emperor add. that rocenUy the Liovernment of the Urinal States otter.] flu kindly mediation.' The allies were graietiel for theme offer,. They could not, however, epeeist them; am they were not cohabitant with the' national honor. FROM CHARLESTON, S. C The Recital • Final husl—Nurrlvor Charged with Felonious lionslelde -Freedmen holters.' • Caatitserox. June 2L—The coroner's Jury .in the esse of nue, who wen aided in the !mount loci, rendered a verthot of felon ious homicide spatted the surviving princi pal and second. d lienenti Scott, A•6llltijaCennotiaalbner of the Freedmen'. Duman, has Issued an or der enjoining on lolfoordlnate oftleer. 0,11 esfents the importance of the duty of keep ing the Veedmen folly informed as to their rights and privilege. under the recent act. of Congress. FROM RARRISBURG Return of the Ilowursuor from Getlyo bors—Copinal.Employeros az - nmad tor Mooting . Maio rYoPorl7. .jUy legma b tin rithentrith ti;,l Itantrsecno, June 21.-4/orernor Geary returned from Cntre-lung today. General Grant emme at tar an Tork,end tam went to Sevon ereplbyees In •the Capital were Sr. ted to-day. charged with •maling boots talisman. belonmen to the Mare. A large mount or the Stolen property ems rec.,- red at &jun Sabot , : intern it but been cold. be arrested pestles were held for a bear eg,. 1 • = Pr Telegraph to the YittaberghOssette 1 .1 Conenao, N. IL .lune :I.—Mille, therm. enn Is murderer, ...ay.' thin morning from flarertult Jail, but • was recaptured. tie PH.I out • atone fire feat long and two I feet whin, between the cello, ralsotl tip the dour a few Inches, end . erarrl.l Into the aPace way. When they were - carrying In ! hla breakfast, be pushed by and Hushed outs. I hut ws seen before hp got out of - the 'ard. l ie ran about throe-quarters of a y intl., and finding he wen punned, sat down and gave htmeelf uP , • , • . Ohio Wool Growers' Convention.' (fir Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (write.) • Ccavacann, June 21:—Tisp =Wagers of the Ohio WOOL Growers , Association here determined to call * Schur Convention of the friends of a protective fay, tote held at Cleveland on Meath of Joly, to consider the late nomtnaticm of cleneral glares for Governor of Ohio, Who le understool to ho es fres trade men. liiry TelOgrarrall. try'r , kgrlip6 to the Intssba rah liarettr•) j Locurral..S., Jane IL—juror ramp, 'ma J Mee tact Mara inches water by canal mark. st OIL i ~,,,onClr.;: Wencher Clear tai .n.u)) Alec ram, Jana 21.—FIlyar Warm. A Ileaatly Mum!item. i oy T.lto,sph to the Plat obitrOb Ofat11•:-] Goitre', Dune —Charter Lord man, sex ton of nor. Or. Garrott's tthurolt, was sr. {Wilel tills morrang. charged with noticing ioohritTr}rinlasUow them to licentious int=eil"- d It0111 " 1111fa on 110,000 tor trial. • nenhtnatieo of • lootteeter. • [fit Telegraph to the Plaalsargh tiasattal %%tan eurow, Y. C., June 21.--001. d. P. roster, collect/Sr of CUStotne him resigned. The Investigation of the affairs of the office hr the Special Agent, of the Tronsin7 De partment. zenith - Al eatielaotorlly and the charges preferred before the United States lumintselonar hare been withdrawn.' The Telma7apb Line le Cuba. Tairgraph I I Ply Vitt abergb Sarawarem.inne 2L—Contrunnicatlon was apessest by telegraph with take City. Fla., to-day, thence to ltunto and they are, hOW only awaiting the cable, OBIS] Is Nclro laid by the `th Wet., to open the lino to Cub. I= E=l te•eatito.rox...lunat.—Marc.Otteeborg, rsited Mates Con.rol to Mexico City, h,, lx:co apnoluted Mtuteter to Mexico, Vico CA1,10.14111 resigned. A Itorderiee Neetaisisod lo to Leung, (be Telegraph to the ritieheigh Gseeite.i . tinecuiNATl, Junen—glininel foliage, one of the tourilezets at Aileen Rawl, bee been eenteneed to be hengon at Georgetown, Unto, July lift. .The Billiard Clanmplotaibip. tlyiehtraph to the rlttaborgh Odd. Morton/a., Juno 11—The hart billiard match rot the Championahin of America will he botoredi Plea and S. Nelms, of rhiladalphia I=l Frequently depend on good dlgostion, at leelSt we arc 11.0 tint good health &Oil • good temper depend on good dlgestum; which soy of our readers coo have by a careful attention to ohow good rules of dle tetici, 000 the nve of r few bottles of DR. KEYSER'S 111.00 D SERREIIEIt, wham Ia• valuable .tordc.powenl have metered many • mental ae well as a physical valetudina • lima to his 'routed health and vigor. And nn worier, for It I. &compound of the most valtlattlu root. and TAWS known CI herbal medicine. It always does good, and has rend some of the most lombsoin and ja. tractable disease. of th e blood wh ch have over ILMIcto4 mankind.• • • If the great ouren made by DE. REI- S RIC'S 111.00 D SEARCHER could be exhib ited In their proper light, and brought to tno entice of the aftlieted, tt wepid be n o.. (erring a boon nu the world. Anil, besides, Dr. Repter.. Maid Dr . Searcher to no secret remedy. There Is not • plant or root need that will net be illl.lll known to any one who will solicit the In. formation in ei proper manner. its loam, !louts are perfecto.. appl icable In all non lebrlle and hilst - the Mood' Searcher eradicates all Old and stubbern diseases, It at the same time takes away the &Mit IMO (0 moot contagion. and malar , ions 41.essee of an acute character, and It logs so by fortifying the COUStltlattOtlla ..trength and adding tolls power of rraist tome. .• Ask for Dr. Keyser's Bloat Sekreher,l4o Weal street, and take no other. One dollar por bottle, els for kf... Consultation rooms 19 , Vann street, from' k. tt. until 4 r. n, A neat C/ats Barber Shop. tVo direct the attention of our readers to a really Stretch.s barber shop hi odelster city Allegheny, at No. 1151 Federal street, et which Mn. 11. B.. Williamson Is the enter- Miami( and accommaletang proprietor. It contains sit chairs; and In addition to the parpriotor. dye gentlemanly barbers, who arnrecogniced amongst the very best In the protrusion, ern constantly in attendance to wait upon patrons, In connection with the elliOnn Is a well kept sod orderly until house with five of the most improved baths for hot, oold or shqwer bathing. Mr. William son has been twenty years In the business, and knows how to condo. It In geed Style and 111 a =UMW . ealUtlikted to 010 him friends ahtl customers, Ile attends prompt. ly and la the most solentitlo manner to cup. Ding and leeching. We commend Ale. WII- Ilatustin Inoue Allegheny friends as %clever and honorablehnetness gentletnan. Sham penning allow ul to. and a lady will attend to ladles at their reddences. ~,_ . PRICE THREE CENTS. CITY AD SUBURB/Li. • FOURTH PAGE.-7Ae Attlee moat re. liable Honey, Oil and Itoduee Markel Be. porle glum by anypaper India etly, seal be found on our Fburb's Pagn• PM...rah Central Ilfab • (reheat— Meet' ***** tie Mutant Atmeclatlon. The Plymouth Congregational Church,,on Bond street, Was well filled with a Mitten able and appreciative :audience last even ing, to witness the reunion of the alumni of the Central High School. Many lemiller fat-ea scholarein days gone by were notice able throughepit the audience. The mouton was of a phrtneant character throughout. and the exercises of such a nature, . to show that non of the alumni him re t e rograded some leaving Aleut Mater. The excereises were commenced with the Vai n .. tlietory of the retiring Pnaldent, W. LI. Moore, follow..m by the Marmara' Addrem of the President elect, J. G. Bryant.' Roth addresses were well writton,...ed dolivered• 1a good style. • . . „• , 'Neat follrneedthe poem by Mhas Jennie , E. limentrup, read In a clear and forcible' manner and well received. The address to the assoeintlcer.W.thrm nollvered by Jahn• lit Kerr. Of timeless of IBM. Mr-Kerr If 0110 o f the promising young men at our Bar, sod his addreas I.tevenseawns a Very happy alert, replete throughout with goal 001:100.0.114110.0.0.00d to attentively by the au. Men.. The pea...menet, Mated with an remit - Julie Demurer, written In 1 1710 mid- well read. Altogether the onurcisee were very good end reflect crailt thoSepartietpatleg In them Bechnesett logs serve to bind closer the Machntents formed in our earlier yenrs, and should be well attended by. all wba wish to cherish the friendship of sehool.boy days. . A First CW a Eatabllehment. • From Lime to time we have directed the attention of our reader. to • the plumtleg ens and steam flitting establishment of Thome.. T. Elats, Ito ltd WoMI street, soar Sloth. Air. Ewen. um long held a front rank in his businesA and ha) been fevered with a large obete of the public patronage. A earoul and practien) metillude himself mad devoting his entire attention ,Mite work entrusted to his earn, be boa ever proven worthy of the nubile trade. lie has nu band In his sal. teem n fine roisortment of t hat firings, which embrace everythrng in that line. The stock of. pumps, an/table for the mentry trade. will des found untme ially large and well ...octal, comprising all nn improved styles introduced. Those Mr. Ewe. will * erect at the most reasona ble terms In any part of the country. Ile likewise attends to ail order. ter work in the rural districts ln. the promptest and most faithful. manner. Maim ailing le Made a aecialtyteend all worker this eller actor per fo rmed W14r111010,110 prose. Sat- Istnotory. For any and everything In his way, either In materials or work, We can cueerfully, commend Mr. Ewe. to our reader.. e==l! • The third annual cont.& between the tr ving and l'olloutathean Literary yoctollee of the University, took place last oveuing at /Wool° Hall, wiumssed by &Asia° and enthusiastic . audience. A fine orchestra wars In attendance, discoursing sweet movie, which added mach to alCiONOyment of the occasion. The exercises consisted of select orations, essays, original Orations and donator, in all or which too performers fiequtited themselves very cretlitshly. At 'the ChPie of the tletrato,• after .I.l4lnrable deliberation, the judges rendered their de cision as follow. &1 of Oration—William U. AlcUrak, rm. lomatnexo; Essay—Robert C. Moore. , ma; Orielnat oration—Bobert G. Taunts, 'reins; Debate—question ••Do Animals Zeason." llislaam, Irving Society, who had the negative. The announcement was received Intb Immense applause. The forty-third analversary of the West ern Uol•Ottilty Alumni Association will be held In University Gall, Thunelay evening, Juno 07m, lot?. Orator, Gas. Herrn:a John atm; Poet, Course J. IS Janney. Assault With a Hatchet. Edward Duncan is a tenant of Robert Franklin, In the Seventh ward, arid pester= day lamming Duncan, tainting the fence ►round his int needed repairing, toot his hatchet and some nails and started to make the repairs Oa his pinking tip a piano of board. with which be intended to mend the ranee, lir. Franklin, his landlord, seeing him pick It up; ordered Lim to lay it down, inreatcolng to cane 11)01 It hu dm not dodo. Duncan refuted to compty, whereupon Franklin came at him with the cane, and -Putman 141113.1 on him with the hatchet, but strlicirighlus, but threatening to, and taking hold of his coat. Franklin, re- Memberint that "better part of valor," rdiscreetly beat a may retreat. (earths Allop, /011 On man with the hatchet was ear. Ile finally "palled op" at. Alderman otters MTh. and' made an information hist Macao, cliargiug him with assault d bititere„,:A *errata was 1.000, Dm- PM arrested ...timid for II bearieg at Rine 'civet a. mtoclay.. " . , .. irreavatation. \ ' .A number . or the friends of Conductor O. . Torrence, of ths Pat/burgh and Erie 1 tallroad. yesterday honored Ulm with a enema tial token of their regard fof hlin as gentleman and courteous Officer. ..i. sump moue wino dinner, to which Mr. Torrence nut been Melted, at Um Si. Charles Hotel. was made the occasion of the presentation - . Colonel .). T. P.Wricht, to • few appropriate words, delivered to the recipient an ele gantly wrought:um' magnificent gold shield or badge. which born an applopriate Inscriptlon, expressive of the high regard In which he ems hold by his friends. dir. Torrence responded appropristely, and several other gentlemen Indulged In oemarke. We have long regarded kr. To tu one of the most faithful and accommodattng conductors of the Erie Itani, and with much pleasure record Ibis tribute of concert from his fnulds. ,I.; ME= ;scellent roads to Perrysville." IS the expression On the lips of every lover of de. llghtfurevening drives. • Tele is the only din:el:lon we advise oar readers to 'take If ru quest of pleasure behind•spankingLeSlll or four In hand. The terminus of the toed —The White House, In keeping of Itr. Thos. Costamagnir Is not the least attractive fea ture of the drive. He tins all the enterprise and administrative abilities to render his resort even more popular and famous than It has ever been. All guests will re ceive the carcfulest attention. The tables are always spread with the choicest viands, end Itk not saying too much when we as. sort that no where else In the country can r better meal be procured at slight notice. Enjoy the pleasant weetherand good rued. by a trip to Perrysyllis,and fall not to stop for rest end refreshment at Costainagoa , s White House. An Information was made before Alder man Butler. by a very respectable citizen, who refit:mate that lila name should not be used, against one Marks.. butcher In the Seventh ward, charging film with selling impure' and unaaleable meat. The gentle. man alleges that be want a iittle girl after the meat yeaterdav morning, and that Marks gars her me. that was tainted. We cannot see why the gentleman object+ to the use of lii name in a cam of this kind, for If there Is one re n who deserves pen ishment more than another, it is the ono who, for the make of a few dollars, would run the risk of taking the life 01 Ms friends and patrons.. If the Innis in this cam are es al leged, this cramp should be marked by all who;ttave an liseralen to diabonmt men and spoiled meat. Death of Mr. James Meegh• We regret to announce the death of Mr. James Keogh. of Port Parrs, which resulted yesterday from the tOrtble apcideat record ed in our last lane. Mr. Haigh RIM an es teemed and worthy citizen. The possessor of many noble and endearing thirds of head and heart, be had won for himself a host of friends who will learn of his demise with no ordinary narrow. lie had been extensive. ly engaged la the coal baldness, and has long been reganiml as ono of the meet pros. purees and well doing citizens of Port Per ry. He leaves no family, his wife and enild having died some time ago. Coroner Claw. and will probably hold en Inquest on do ceased to-day, and Inquire rally 1111.0 the Consent the accident. C3=l:l On Monday even leg nestthe tunnel read- Ingeoutest tar the 'gleeMann Prise," be. teem thaptiplls of the Pittsburgh Yore,' de College, takes place at the chapel. A hem. bet of the young ladled have entered the contest., rind very spirited emulation Meg he rupected. The following gentlemen haeo been selected to act as Judges on the eeesalon: Ile, J. 8. Dickerson, Be?, W.L. Locke and .1 11. Bookuts, Esq. Doubtless there will be a tar& attendmlett. as the reeding contests of the LMllege have been hitherto egocottlegig selertainthit and in structive. The ftleude of the College ars respectfully Invited to attend. ENEM No one of Um Ice Cheats to the market stands deservedly so high ov the Z. L. All. It in scarcely possible to obtain therein= •,1,13 . 0 manufacturer as fast as wanted. 1:4c1 preserve the leo well and are provided with a perforated atone hotter =OW, water cooler, to., and are sold herons they arrive. The Patent Ice Pleat clot pl rash with '• Van Combined, are thes Weld of 'the Groom devices. Water CoOlors, loci Groom , greenere, with all varieties, kinds, mem and styles, Pratt Jars and Cans, Jmt In season, St Hublers Moose Porandttng More, No. ad Federal street, Allegheny, [Mar the Maar°. Depot. • swa.S..• Mortuary Repedi , Dr. A. AL MeCalidless, Physic'an to the Board of Utelth, reports the following n. torments tor the reek ending/Una lath: Cenentoptlon,t; Peas:monll4l; Dysentery, li Meat* I; timitro Entwrltut, It lentallkon. It Cones:LA.lone. I; Cholera Ltifentote, Of the abore tpwre inder.oneyear, from two to ay.', f, from twenty to thlricrn, itramle to ON., sti r g i o u nr ! to only Females: , .41 iColotaid ,6 , •. You. gantitsupa was thrown from • -hootlaat - imaging in Doquesue Borough, 44a sallouty anpareo. was Waked up Amenable nog conical to hla resldunCe In Libegbony irhertr medical lilt Imo ratnatoood. - 114 horn that, lbjarloa, that:pie:s*l., w it - at-bris . , . •I• : . Ee4 Abatodonissent.—Thomas "1116,e- is charged before Alderman Strata with haw, Mg abandoned his wife; orcoatt, of Cella G 1711120.11, a sister of the abandoned I.wlfe. She alleges that Thom. does nothing to. ward+ temporting.tus ' wife and children, who aro in great want. Wl3low . was. arrested and held for a hearing at one Cella udrman alto charges Catherine Ito- Glow, a Oster of Thomas, with assault and battery. Alderman ,Straln. bafore whom the charge was made, homed a - warrant, on which Catherine was arrostedand hold tor, a hearing to-day at three o'clock. • Narrowr lteespe.—Yesterday morning • I Rife girl, about four years of see, daugh ter of htr. Pahl, on Grant 'Crest, narrowly mteaped being too over bY- a bread wag.. The wagon wee down the street, and the Math' *Um:ante* to arose. In front Of It, when she was street by Um horse and knocked down, fortunately fall ing tar enough from the horse to naelso the wheel, as the trent ono ban passed her before rho horse could he.eheeked. The' child wea nicked rep end' carried Into the hones by , Dr: De Itoletts., almost insensible from fright, but not in the least Injured. . Atarety.f Pesee.—A .mvaterleme affair' , occurred ye/don - lay on Grant. street, Dartlen7ars or which we wens unable to eather. resulting In George IL. Cochran be ing arrested 'and held for a Nering, on a charm] at aermy.or the peace - ' preferred be doneph E. Robinson, , lluiceterions , l .Indt victual, forthetie.ennnected with the Alto- KlienY 'linter. Lie - allege. that. Cochran threatened to ebooT, him the trit tinn he Met lam. but Cochran hannot,kept hie wool, it tin made such a threat, for ho wiLer eon in , Alnermen .tdcliaster l a dirme, where the hatotmaidon was made, atiddld aotahatt CO3lllO tied for Cowire-1 eter Berger, arrested on oath of ;Ibr;aa,L before Jus tice .Thomas Dumb', of tiolline'townehly; on a Charge of keeping a ferocious dog. Woe committed ln•uefault of ball to answer at Conn. Berger keeps a vary cross doll,and a few des, since,. when , Mrs. Joyce IVIIM Missing his barn, the dog ma out and caught nor by the arm, lacerating it to dreadfui manner, and would probably kayo killed her had It not been for a gentleman who was near at the time. Maple, Dean, lone, cherry. walnut and onttonwood . base hall bat%Bite. use., gad.. trtc.. B Goa ,55c. and 8.., and dim Eng lish walnut, curled militia, elm eye maple, cherry. rosewood. mahogany and -walnut bats, torprints. Orders for umuntlutrprise hats with gold, silver, or German sliver hands and Ornaments, promptly attended to at lowest rates. Pittockls Bane Ball Ilead. quarters, 0. P. P. 0., the only 'place In the West. where a complete and railed snort meat of flue Ball floods Can be Mond. • The Beat linown 2onle-Caewell. Mack n.tto..e Combthatton of Iron - Phosphor. not Calleaya; knoWn. as Yorro‘Pbomphor. tott Eltzlr of CaUsayk The tron restores color to the blood; the Pito-Thorns •ronews 'mete of the nervekles. kud the Caltsaya given a natural, hoalthfuftone to the Olga. tire Enka.. Otte mkt metal. the virtue of one ounce of Calleaya and one teaspoonful a grain of Iron and rbosottorns..'llaculactured by Caveats, MAIM.% Co., New York. For sale. all druggist.. s• Greatly , Rediced Prices..;-11. J. Lynch, the woll.knOwn dry goods dealer, No. Oil liarket cram • Mtge and finely se lectod stock of dry goo], just porches.] in the Eastern markets at greatly reduced Prices. .10 embraces summer dress goods, shawls and mecum cloaking Coins, easel. mere.• end piece goods of every descrip tion. flaring been purchased for cash, en. pester Inducements an, offered to the retail traria Remember the place, Lynch's, No. US .llnrket street. Borough of Ite N .—The Grand Jtu ry„ yesterday, earth:fed that... Ger a full - in 'eestlgallon of the coact presented by the petition for tee Ineorporatlen of the bor ough of Bellevue, G ln oes tignablu,•.‘ ma jority of said Jury do and that the .teed!. Gnus preserlbed by the set of Assembly re. hiding thereto hare been comphed .11b, and believe that It le expedient to grant tb. prayer of the petttloners.” finical °penallam'. Br. WllUsui B. Childs performed a illfileolt 'surgical opera. Lion on Thursday lout, taking s thumb and forefinger from the. bond of Thomas A. Broelln, who had pin hand eevernly Injured in e p inning mill several months tante. The operation wan aneeessfolly performed, and the patient biking well. No Blowsud,lllear. or bloc beer served up at the Continental Dining 'Rooms, next door to the Posh:Mite. Nothing hot the Try - healthiest kept, as Mr. Holm homer, attends mnsonally to Ids marketing and Is an ernerieneed Judge of qualltles or beef, as In ererythtog sose to ills way of cams hies. To Wholsmilo bri.Yers of Dry flicode rc oller bargittria Joe lots of Drees Goods, Parktings. Linen Goods, sou full luxes of hbectlnirm, hhirtirigs. Prlats, Tick. iou. Check, ac.. all of which we will 'fell at the very Jewett canton, cash price*. J. W. Iteirocce & D Merket street, below mad & Fourth mts. • 7110 Special AnamoassoCuteat of valuai bla anstraraltooka,olfered /or map by CoL gagilVtb&Oreoliricara •• • •• • \ and. praorbtal binder, blitti snorer. below' 'Southfield, In \ =ado la another column. Readers &pairing of procuring an decant ansortlogrit oUlderaturo aro requested to gall. • The Beat Mince tonere a fine photo. Graph taken teat Van Pelf S Webber'• ant class /sae,. corner of Frith and Market streets; entrance from Fifth. Experienced insnd.an4 Pieter. takers sn any kind of weather, at very reasonable pri ces. Special care taken with children's photographs. • Fro= Moon. rittahmmise-Mary Miller made information before Justice Marker, of South Pittaburgb, against Thomas - B. {Stol len, charging him with assault and indoeent program!. Whalen svm arrestor yesterday and committed in default ox one thousand dollars ball, torn licarrnron Monday next. On Its Travele.—Local Items of a gen e.] nature tritrvl extinlstvely. Nearly twO years aeo en article on the "counting room end woe - ' " ‘ppeared oritenally the Level. , yeeterthr - -oe the rounds and ;Seen place In that lournal coterrivrary. we: Al an Invitation to la. prmera a Pedal:tr . Filth Annual Excursion at Olensrood firove, tube held Thursday, July limb. Theo occasions hare ever been the most enjoyable, and the coning on nee promises ht loans respects to surpass lhom of other years. T. M. C A.—The:regular monthly meet ing of the Young Menet Christian Associa tion of l'iltabusgb, will be held' at the Smithfield street. M. E. Church, corner or StuithUald and Seventh street,. thla even ing at 0' o'eloult.. A LOLL attendatiee li muueMed. ThoSSIIIROOSDESS LOIS Endow Manche.. tar. at Wombs Ittin, betold on the prem ise. at 10 o'clock Monday morning, by A. Bicllwalne. Nona dotlling it tame of their own. conconlant to the City, tboulti fail to attend. -Term. emy and sale positive, • Itkie Great Bastin Match between Dick. McGowan. of Pittneurgh, and Chnri. How ard. of iew York,for the chainpionehip and tiponte of font hundred dollar., came - of loot night t i til ea the Varieties Theatre, and was decided clioroan'a fay.. Left fort Ettrope.—lter. C. A. I.llnkeY and wife, Cbaries Arbuthnot end daughter, and N,.. Mary glm, of Allegheny City, left on and will mil for Yew York to.clay. They interullulaiting the princl pnl citing In Europe and on toe. Continent. ! r f"4"Vt""•Bhh4ni I Ginger,tatathdr, beipDuslll%, b Itesiarr,nTf'r'aY.u: rtof;l4y. nt thu saiV UAl l ;e"l Alleor "arg. Igto. Mann In and examine the large and ex cellent arsortnieui re_ due solid and lasted silverware, fashlornible - walla gold jewelry, prmions gems, end ll the a:11cl. In the tine, kept for Went v i ry reasouable prices, Heineman, bleyran A aledle's, No. 29 Fifth street. • . Fire Dollar lloorm,—rientra hanii-howeir custom-mail° Calf Boole for Flee Dollars per pair—tlasea mono. old atria goods—at Smithson, Emporium, SI and Si Fifth street. Smithson, Palmer 3. Co. fount ey Buiro4feepert will go to the no store, No. In) Ohio etreet. Allegheny, , she they wdl find u largo stack of Dry lio , ul. and the lurgeet atonic of Hosiery and No Yon. In the city, at flew 'York prince. • - Takeo to 'loose of Zhu* moral., convicted at toe late term of court of burglary and sentencull to the House of Uetuge, co w taken there, yesterduy, by Deputy' tibertll W. G. Stubbs. Feat Inavr, of beat En arab btaillnai eolored and nix etripea, red and white, blue and yralce., blue anti red,, white and blnet end 13.50. at Plttock , a hue ball boadquarterf,o.l', P.O. • Tb Young hien% Union prayer meeting will be bold Llt ovenlng nod Bah." , day craning, until ferther notice, at the rooms of time Young hum'. Christian , Antu. 'elation, NO. =girth recent. The July numbers of 4 .llarporPs rarer anicornr) llontbly" and, • , Onr Tonna Yollta,a an I i lootrated monthly for boys and {clrle, am already Oa gals at Ir. te.ltlen fenny,. I't•keit to Vonilmtlar.s.—Peter stew. 4r t, co.'? 10u.4 of robbery at this term of iv e t; Tratr Tileeryey'e'sltrti„"yr'in; - can Mute treaminwtho Pee eneolmens of photographs tut exhibition at Van Pelt It WohboVe popular and woll conducted gal lery, came? at Plan age Market etreed, trance from Ptah. Colottry Clubs will And It to their 10. veatago to send their order s for hese Bail quarte ZeulPthts, 0. P. P. O. ettla to Pittocks Base Bell Head. • Am, 1011. Pltzoori. Ouo Wlbew q.arters- O. P. P. 0. All prtoes.-lea, tt.s4a, 400.; 730., $1.04 ,k 99. $1.10; 4, 1 . 60 . V4l ‘4O 10.04. .• • •• htreerbtoortehend ell the ¬elet of the teatime, leaved up delle et Itoltsbelmere Continental Baloou, nest door to the Toot. dew, Plfth street. , • • •-• • • •• • • . XOll lattl .12ad a Dunaj X4tabbsantent at US Pena street. Drb. 11/11 R tlitleavie. • TM Best Indtra Ibr tha lust toaney, Pleralnra kittle Stare, No. EA 1 4zketst, •• * • visic-I.4tart "Ws *A fkestiti .103 Clifla amt. 4 / 1 4 0 110 ,* nix I 6555..53500 055, OM 5 per St MIEIM EEM THE vvi;Em,Y GAZETTE NW" 11:011T.4r. • . 111 .191rDNEADA* AND NAINDIDA A large *floe; e.n.Witing TRI!ITY•Sll LIMNS Of .terootl,res,lng matter. InCIO .. I^K, Editorials. latynt "eves by To l .lYbY l ' 0.4 Itsll. volosole Res.l‘o. VaVer t, Ito yixolly. rod NOM: and most 1..11•Me ,- ,•1 and eotmerel.l bt.T.A 1144.6:1:' ON et IT ntre! Into eTty. .I(..,**nte:onlA lirl•bnot - rpm osiscrloer . Clung of rive, 11.L3. entbs of Ten..., ........ . . 1.15. —and one et.OT of TO* , to. the Deenen Wang no,the ehtb. Additions .to Nob Cali be souk lit any time, itenub rites. • ..; Sortcs To Strosconnuls.,la "edeentS your • te.Pes. De irooe nod etwetti what edition Son .grant, at wn Issue b Wednenday Rditton tor sot tsribers bating bat one mall •weeta Jar Mouo7 bY the; ;son" ' /1011111 Orden, or In 174.ilstmd Letters, tosylosja: at our risk. . Addrosic - GIAZSTIIIr, eimimitum, PIUrNA. • atairrney se Is with pleasure( that we aim mend to those of our readers needing the Services of ea experienced and careful attorney, Sone Harry Sullivan Esq.. °Mee le'o. 116 nab street. H He attends In the most faithful Amebaer to all batistess en trusted to his care, and will be found own.' petrol and thoroughly versed;iivery de partment or branch of his pro t on. fielll.ltwett—Tbe ?atilt* 'notch botweoo ScomondJaakoott, tor • parse ot two Ms ef of the Ilionougabol• COLLM, and ITU ISOCided , Ia Jackson's favor. T. T. Tare... No. 163. Wood Ilireet, tends promptly funtin the best ineehaeleal style, to all,orders in the elty. Or .Stool the country, for plumbing, gas or again fit ting. Priori very relutenable. :Glee him". call- • Disorderlyti r oduct.—lgini.elis'Salorodl byabreured yen Miry n °renting beto May or Morriorko. ohm Ina T. 811wIrtarritb din orderly conduct. Dcfondant Irs.s.arrestol and hold for in hciartuff.: ~ r t .. . As eine Mower the little Philialelphia er,pemled more mimes than was taken In nay-Pittsburgh Journal the two months ending March/m.IIAM .) , . T. T. tsrens, ICS Wood street, attends to all kinds inning stOrlr, ass and steam Ming, at tau shortest notlw and on the most ressonabletarins: -. co.ol Jewoh.7 of tali:lethal:ideas, to bo . t0[113.1 at the:lliat-dasa aatablighalont Of golntaaaa, mayr„. h 510 4 10 ...N1. "ftu , r°". cheat. and ourmalo 'altseasom gattaruly cepa ally treeo4l by Dr ,tibprn /SI sl m. a Clad Hparltlng Suds Nester' at J. T. Sample's Drug Biore,hto.lB Pedal*: Mery Allegheny. Yairraaley.—.7. W. Pratt, charged on oath or Andrew Young, With ~,a r.neT, wu mtitual by Justice -Atnsnon for thirty dal • Walter emire toui not yet been beard from In reply to ilansmill , s amnesia. lite ad ens° is winning Leaf Jimmy's friends. Cburisell•ea; pendants, bracket., globes nod lamp. for mule on the most reasonable terms, at T. T. gaols, 166 Weed Mast. Trade haS bright:aced op with our what.. sale and mall merchants dozing a woe's - Mat closed. .The Ve7y Latest styles or flats. Caw, and Straw Goods, at Gourley d Logan's, - • N 0.66 St. Clalr street. • Too Coo Bay foreign 'Liquors - of all itlndsat.biosepu S. Moles Dlettilery,'No. UM, WI, und lee.• litaaatam Ones Towelling .t 6 cents per Sitrd. at ate now store. No. 100 01i10 street. Allegheny.. Cold Sparkling. Soda Water at T Sample's Driet Store, No. 38 Federal street' Allegheny. • Tbestreets. of lie* Cable are Mawr paved with boulders. Tenterday waa a warm sad • 11gagrseable dgy. . 'You eau Boy Now. 5 FinelVo. Criminal .Court Report and Lloot of Indictments Returned, on Fourth Page. • MARRIED. ELLLE - 1 11 8 0 N. — Ohnorstlayerrealog, nth toot., at the realdeneo of the bride , . parrots, A'fieheny City, 'by Itaa. , oho Doostae, 11. J 0. 'ELLIS and Mum MAtiettr. A. 01BOON. both otalleahery. Wo tares. 31ELLO6-116/NHART —On Thursday even !uy, Sete ZIA by the Nay. 's. F. PCOTosi, CHAVIAS C. YLLLOII and LAURA. daughter of the late A. G. Nab:than, Esq. No cards. DIED.. . PATION.—Po lretday. at 7WreeloOkia.. CEGELIA. JANE, dasibter of Nary J. and Root. ?anus. aged ye.r. 3 mos. sad la ys. Farterst r om the resNeaos slake parants. No. 31 Palo Alto Street: Allegb.y 131t7. Tdl•l3Ak. o , alorda7,) A 1.2 o'clock p.m. NEW ALIVEI3.TII3IIIII, ALES. AIKEN. UNDERTAKER. No. Iflo Toortla street. rittabOrah, OOPYINSI of all Mode . . 6RAPKEI. GLOVES. and crerl,deddrptlon of, losekt Yorolealart Goods fonathesL lioaretoonenea dayalttl nista. Healy. tea Cair - lkeee tarnished. Harratxxca...--Dev. David Kw; D. D.. Da, 'U. W. Jacobus, D.D.. Thom. twin'. Kw.. Ja eO. Ff. Minor. JI G. RODGERS. EN DERTA. . MLR AND EIIIIaI.2LEB, ineeeseor to no .late dunned L /Wade" No. 99 Ohio Street. ethreeeloota from Beaver, Alinement' tatp. Mee tattle. BosietoodOtelopany t 'Walnut and Wood !natation t:otdos. at the town[ re.dnee4 Delete, ;Lomas open at all bourn e tht7 and night. Hearee and Carriages tarulabed ei abort notice and on =est reasoneble term. ft, T. IVEITTE & CO.; ENDER. TAKILIIS AND EhIBALILIES, thumb.. ter. Wood tßun and vicinity. Conic Booms at hianeleater Cher) Stab... corner Kat Chattier. etreeL, BRumana Cantlenu far. huned. E . P. STEWART, undertakei. eorneieLMOliTOS and Mann alltnltTn, Meth Ward. Canna of an Itada. Deana and Carriages dendsbeifon the atudvret wet, -...plrd FOR SALE: IN TAKEN.. TUN. Aka/ wEel/ IT. = -Farentene O eau tied on the west bank of the Allelhenfilver. 31 miles above the City of PUtioutigh. The lota are generally In Mee 60 feet front and ISOdeop, (rem meet to they: and tact of St to 8 acres acne the Borough wee the Soda 'Work.. wall adapted for cousitt7 !wideness, being rich non. erea wstersel, and comatendlng a beaelltel and. extensive flew of the river and mileometer country. Femme desire.. of nastier suture/- tering establishments, sash a. rotting =Ms. wooka factOrlea, paper mllla. We., would Bed the loottlo n, near the river or rallroad.Wlmlra. bey sated for each purposes. Capltallets will bis encouraged to parches. by Woderate prices sad easy terms. at It Is Intended thee the Iloptaittr advantages of We placw-saio abonessa supply of watez. coal, lltoottope, at., and rallioad and river facilltleirshall . be Ilbaswhy !,gored for manatecterleg purpose. senerelly. Trains on the Western Pennsfersele lielboad OW to and from Taxentom. east Lad•vrest, real tones deny. For a sup r stirTlty of the lota apply to lion. A. IL BKACICINIIIDELE, at his residesce near the bode Worts, Or J. N. Flitto FIANCE, Tarentaw. • • nuvLiN &Jou!, Beat Estate sai Insurance Agents, Butler BL, Lw• ra,.