F 3 • ; • _whate_ver cornea within reach, in 4CLiE :1/1.51;111.all - a - rtfp wiltda with thoae who are hermit*.; Iwhose delaalona are of a desponding, melancholic character, wrapped ea r 11110 a 2' .111.7N11. 21, 1.47. tirely In their own thoughti, timid, rear- 1 ::::.----- --- - • -- - . - led, retiring and shrinking eta shadow 5 11111101 vie si cEs put, ells Ad,.,t., wh h• /. e-Azieirrnolleavw s reeo 11. ' ere sue cases are purely the resell. %woo, or en . .........,...... h .. a .,...„........„,_ ; .1. di-ease or misfortune, they may be veer so; so , ' .1.1. Itatoet• Cho toeissainw ; distinguished from those which occur in ,„r ,11e ter:.......•p... - tiel.i.e.r. we seat - individuals who bays led viciousieveg, I !wage. .1..0.1 . le WI! 00, tot our tt..1101- and .........,, a ~., .... n.,....., ...,,, it .... fo r whom the eatety of the lives and , property of the whole c ommunity re . OPlNinv 01 , Tell: AXTON NE.v quire that stronger walls aid more Wire ' ir.s...st It vii.. ',. tun] aufeguardfi i fi n AlJ • he provided. 'No • When the Military Government Bid ; hospital • for the 114eine should have Ito will p.llllO II Congress, the President I Mild and •Inodemte 'discipline interfered embodied his objections to it in a veto 1 with by the restraints and safeguards Menage. In that document, he constru. I, which tenet be provided for a Prison, 'ea the powers given to the District Corn- and all substitetion of additional guards Wanders in 'the tense intended by the I and preenutions only add to those un kafeli !louses,' anti in the ordinary seep p l e . u pnt features about a hospital which tattoo of .the language ' employed. A l i 1 e t: who have the true Interest of the In that cout 4 urged &Veined the bill on Sc- i sane at heart are anxious to dispense count of 'Urged . severities, or of 'der" - ; with as much as possible. tares from the principles and MeLboliS at Considerations such as these have led the establishment in other countries of to the civil law, be presented,land ebb the inniod perspicuity and fume. His ob institutions specially designed for the Jectlons were overruled by Congress, i criminal insane. Those with which we . and the bill was passed into a law. are best acquainted from their official re- The President, ~,,,„ a lt e r, signified I . frirtil are in Ireland, Scotland, England hls intention to Gr ay out the law, as the and in New York, no information rela- Chief E geen dre officer of the ration, toe to what has been done on the conti sad In the spirit in which it Ira; arta nest of Europe being within reach. The ally conceived and expressed. lo this ha only expressed his readiness to. lierfiwin his undeniable duty. The point Liaci ;wised in which he was enti. tied to propound his opinion 'as to the propriety of the law. Being statute books, in • a onnatitutional man ner, ha via made under obligation to en eCilta it al promptly and effiniently a though be approved of it most heartily. In selecting the olll..vra to carry the law tato effect., however, he hesitated lie was clearly disporast to give the tin.r. eretwo to tlooe wLo would, be likely to lesn,towirds Lis'ketleral policy, rather than towards the Cengretalonal plan. lie assigned to this duty ensh ollavra he anw Bt. 'lt so happens_thst watt one onisent thesnelmokacideris have coustru ed the law as was intended by Congress; as the President construed it in his sew tuestage; Si the nature of the circtini- slam:sit which the law wee designed at meet, actually tegnirJd. In a ime par ticulars, indeed, the commanders bare eobdted 113 Mt [MAO., but not so much becatuie they were Is doubt se to what ought thne dose, ur as to their right on. der tits law to do it, but from a duke to arrive at eabeetial unity of Bolen is variou4 districts, and to prevent npifeali to the President, wulull would tend u unsetile affairs and so hinder the pro greas . of Rto!nalruetion. Tho acid , n o. the commanders has , beau ad wise and efficient es to plea universsi sitisfeetion to the loyal people of the nation; to hush the spirit of Insubordination at the South, and to barmen mho period when the re rolted might be at fely readmitted to their old iMsitione in the - Union. A The President has been uneasy. The. Ceogreaviunal plan wasoperating so well an to draw commendation from man) of the, eminent rebel, Generals, .and iu eight or aloe months the process of re. boredom under that plea would be com plete. in consequence, he and. his ad 'risers have been meditating a schetne to emasculate the Military; Government Act by interpretation. Several weeka,htve been devoted to incubating this scheme, and at last Mr, STANBEILY, the Attorney General, 1198 dCVt'lOl.l it in the iJrm of an elaborate opinion upon the aetails pi the Isur. Thla 00111011 la drawn wig; comitlecable ability aiid adroitness; bat . . , It is simply lawyer's plea to defeat the thus far managed affairs in their own will of the unhurt. All men of sense nil. waY- Instant teat a skillful lawyer is reads , t The large* number of criminal - insane to make an argument on either side of a I in any one institution, except Broad question; and it nut unfrequentry:bap- ! moor, is in ineensed house; called Fish pens that a lawyer, on one day, before I erten House; In Westshire, where, -by the same Lotirt, makes a plea in one the last return, there were two hundred auk taking one - flew of the • law, and and rcreritYmia- • stank. r plea, In another case, taking err 1 The fact that many others are still achy the oppot-its view; and each, con. ! found in the county asylum, has been Bider.] separately and apart, ingenious frequently commented on by the Dem and calculated to mislead persons not I mlssioners in Lunacy, and they have dieciplieed in wisp. 411,..sritolssiloss. rksslr appculs nu - rrte 14- Toe Attorney General decides that I mnial of thin class to houses specially about &lithe District commanders have Provided for them. done—at least all that true men hive sp.. In Scotland a lunatic department of plauded them fur uping-,has been done t the_ general prison, at Perth, has been wrongfully, and consequently moat bel constructed for this claas,-"and was or undone. At the name time he admits copied at the date of the Jest officiel re they have acted honeitly, and with a' Port by thirty-one males and thirteen view to obtaining the best results. Than: ! femal es. Generals whom he censures kre known The only special provision in this wen • to the twople as thoroughly loyal, as truly !try has been made in New York, by national, an anxious for speedy ammo. ! the erection of with the State of wards for this class in 1 struction, as Intelligent to an unusual c immediate degree, and as abounding both in Prison,at Auburn, and by the last re cretlon and decision of character. They Mart (the Ith) we find the number there hove not acted without what seemed to confined was seventy. All these insti , tllOOl2ll are under the care of a medical them bn nutui-Me. cause; and they ! will lee sustained by the ptop i e, no matter man, who devotes himself to their special • what the President may propose. But the mil _issue is not between the President and the Generali, but between the. President and Congress. He clearly seeki to frastrade‘ the Intention of Con - grass; to Ave the opinions of his Veto moss - tee, which COQ irrelll an turn vetoed, the effect of law. • In this, be is treading upon ground dangerous to himself. Con gress is not in a homer to be baffled, or to he trilled witbk sad he may Dud him -4cl( levees:heti imp deposed. 'CARE Or THE CHIN.'" IL 'Since -..es specially .iii rente d t'• 11DI: (4 ; Parch,' Llll,Vriedge..4 ooriouo . o.,atreta for their ratioroctory dlr t.ooolon. Among thesethe prope't 'Won of thoos•who wore Insane at the time of - the commission of some grave off