El ett.,Et. Pitiat-LTZ, Booker mid Broker, 118 Weed St. Rear earner sr FM& • • A/1 aemortptlona of iiierernnient Dana. Douai and mild on liberal waa banana and Conlinembu bantis ao/c at new Turk rates. Gold, anew and 4cmpona waght ai hint. est rated end (iota Droll.. UMW Oa Nay York. ILL SINS 7 3-10 BOBS eon'tried Into 5.20'5,1865, BOHM DELIVERED DOCEDLITELY JAS. T. BRADY & CO„ Bankers, Cor. Fourth At Wood Firroots. TO HOLDERS'OF MOS z•do •twW•lal arraziotedinta with - jiih•sr 1112 Our dinvirgdev. ant wreini•ed tozonvert Twors into `sof lea , without wham,. • Boodkost Ilr.od for Delivery. IBA B. MeNAI & CO., 33.staau.eris. • CORNER YOURTIEf AND eifITHTIELD SELL YOUR 7-30's. BUY 5-20'3.1 EAdefs of olt'O.EN TAP MEI kb will find on ul tvontase of OVEN N , )ir ONE I•E.O. CENT. by convert-la on lb Watt. • ' IBA O. ZOWFAY & CO., DANKRWS, & SIaTHFIELH BTREHTB. 7:430 .13( =I 6- 2 ,0• 80ND! , i,1865, WITHUUT ROBINSON BROS., A F.ORTII PITIBItET tfir pitl - 5 1 x4r0. 6 ayttr nN&NCE AND TRADE Ilreme or in W . Prrrthroon Qkerrrt. j Toss DAT. Jute IS, mut s Tke Wow York stook qtiotstions Se received by Mr. P. Mertz, were as (Others 044 try; 'Eightyrone boads; Its; Five Twenties, 'sr., 110%; Fire Twenties, IS6I. thq%; Five Twenties 1861, 107%; ISGS Coe val, IosM; S Teti Thirties, 10p„ap,105;‘, Ten Forties, 100%1 Michthan Sow hern Ball road. 00%; elevetand a Pfttabureh. Sin; Pitts. batik. Fort W . l c strril sod enthuse, 01%; Ede. WS; Chic and Northwestern, I 1%; fib km. and North Western preferred iSkji; New York llektral,rj.,,'; Reading, 107.',41 (Thiene . sad Rork Island, Sj%; Western Union, siN; 0.1,1 7. 11,03 1e 0 rFi5e. 1 . , 44 Quartz 11111, I,sq; Smith k Parsrueriee, CIL Gold °Dents'. et. l3 l3it ...eclineal to 1117:4, ad. 'fluent to 139, and clt",eed apnarently atronc at „Lltn-,1. The tr . ..nsactions are light, and though the market Is firm, there Is more .. ellintrelltioe . to sell than to buy. fcir Muter prlss. The advance is the result cf manits _,_,,, malsrms by foreign banking houses, and s lis. m =Vat be of immen °benefit tD them. The Ir .odtts operandi Is ry simple, and takes nothing bat good cr on the basin.. conimunlty of new rk. el ty-dap bats see mold either for gold or c rrency, and Five-Twenty bonds chipped collaterals . before rho majority of the bill , sight hills, or .other valuables command ) g coin, are sent, and thus the drafts curer ;or, if the Bond market offers advan es in the meantime, a profit may he de on the bonds. On the other hand, six per cent. gold interest will accrue to th'e ahloper. It Is thm evident what Immense prone • there must be, since It Is reasonable to suppose that sixty days hence Gold will be st leant from 8 to 10 per cent. lows, than It is now. In the ( ordinary course of busineas the cycnance dealer rune but little risk, and oven should gold tempera. lb edam., much higher, his disadvantaces ' are tot light. The, bond market bas come to • halt, as people hesitate a moment to purchase setturltim at ft and Id per cent -Shope par when money Is scarce for any le. altimeter busies. purpose, and when a fur *her eentraetlon 61 currency meat cause n shrinkage of all vale* even Government emu:hies. ' TM stock market to very buoyant, 61 thorn le not much doing notable of thu on. eau Wall stint honeee. Luau titmice art dull and are saffron dallyln large Quantities Mining ohersW aro Improving. The foilowleg statement exhibit., the bust. es.. Of tue Pittsburgh Cleating house, fOr the week muting Satuniay, June loth: , _... . Ethane.... Balance.. 'June 10 —: I 4 ; aII $ ou.-95 44 s 7 4 oto 474...47 St aMlnto , 6 " it .. 2141.4 613 64.65,4 64 • " 13 _—_. ..... .. 100402 70 7a094 Mr ° .14 .... . ...... 30,T 2* " ..1.9 14 , " IS V.S., al. 44.26 u 49 Totals • $1,01.1,1 43 06,964 36 0,...ing qisotAtioim ,recetreg by Jame. T. Brady: a u. S. Sixes. 1881 "d,O•. " • IM4 " 4 . ' 10-10• con. • Augu•t 14 , • ' June ;40. . . Deo. Cumpou-de, ISAR fiord barer —necks d Tato:sr evening, June talk. on . eectond Moor . of Commercial Sties Rooms. Ito Smithfield street, by A Roll cola. , Auctioneer Shebtlett Mattoon Bank Su.gs • AnerAeoy *- fie ~B.V.k of Intsbur.h 01 estern lostarance Company Or " • to GO Peon o 254 0 e ooo esylvan.•Ctentral Ratko. 0108 Allegheny Valley Ralboed 1.14 —lt is gran out from Waahlonon that the Secretary of the Treasury expresses entire coaddenee In Ills entity to meet ail demands on the Treasury without Increasing the public debt. This anaotlneement, lo contention with •the large din...entente few the Treasury, fagots the geoecalreeltrtLyof Continued cage In , the magary morket. Satuntay the interest On the •Inne States Seven Thirtle• matured, but the .r.tment• were not . Geary asuouni. It be log the lam doe of the week, sod the weather. Wt. wens, may have Istenered to cheek tha runt uanal ott such melanoma. The demand .11 probably h* larger toeday and to-mot . '—The ea. In toe tingigh mosey market, .d • the eery tote rate of 24 per cent. Interest at the Hook, It la antletiotted will create a de masd abruad for our dater: meat loans, and tinder the feeling border. are firm. One thing Earns eery sure, there will be no bonds e.- turned to Int market for sale while the Bank of. England le • legal tender of money at Ed percent. per annum. The firmoeve of cotton a...01nd the goad crop prospects At home, • with inudlsbussetn.ts front the Treasury, ail ' favor the man... Moo of an envy Utoncy oast. het nod buoyant pekoe of stocks. I Washl.too dispatch to the New York Tribum, ...date of June loth, hag the fol k:owing Interesting Monk toregesd to the Na . Sonia, flanks: The weenies held hy th,Treatiurer of the • Celted State., in trust for the National nooks, nehoned yestetday. ate folio.: Yoe tire°. latind mote. 88thr00; for deposits f pubde ann.. Ddl. TOt4l, 11/172 MONS. Due. 'lna the or. et .ding yesterday there has been recent. at the Venni,' from the Lethal., He ' 1.11,1126,428 in fractional currency. Owing . the game pen. lb. re lots been fomm , oded to the Aselatant Treasurer of New York glass coo. WA U :OEi l o S tr:li.t 7 gv u .2xl;lgt. " ts b . The sotount of Naito.. tutok currency maned dining,the week wee tog., tasking the total amount to date 4.10/1,411 From this there In to be deducted the eutavney returned. sew eluding w .ra out not., amounting Inhal e 1127, tearing In actual cltculation at thin dale 100ht.l..tts rhe amount of fractlOnal cur. sentry red•etned and destroyed at me Treasury Depart meat duel, g the week was $381.0 o The teetlid• fr. as Internal Revenue reaterday ware $000,380, and Tot theweek, •4,02,0411. The total amount for the Omni year to do I 22L0 cat too. The amount of gold lo the T or. .. I ury uf.the Unitedyesterday was din ; 000 00.. f stun gib.. 000 hae beeti de tpualtell or p•rtiee who hod gold co titicates. white *moo.° belong to the Gore nmet. The -Youlsia.• National link of New toles. has. I It. own application been dite.mtinued • depos.tory of pUbllll.oton•y Seta Of the Muted Settee. —The Macao redo., of 3100.10 e, ,eep tc t • sweet matters In toot city . The mercantile Stade of toe city show, le nettled activity, cod the business of the week egtatots ....tenet addition fn dome. Thin tt more noticeable in the Way of dry gored. and eiething, t•ut In other boo:lobes the Impr tn. Meat was light. Foe se. • haole eo d• the de. mood is gotta active, but generally speaking . the Ingo. r all lalatle o onln ne 011,00 foe f The c h rop dl proepett y e oe e tlnue to be extremely encouraging, and we One hen - Of no freaking. NeW wheat to ' Small guaantles, has mode Its appear.. to the Cincinnati and to urpe of taro weeks we may took . fur sample. tee (rou/the Soot bens an of this Sat... Vern is prove.. leg deny,. are also oats,rye and barley The fruit crop promises to. be tree of greatab.d , atm Notwittortandinj hat eeeee thing I • oks favontr• for the fall trade, our at animate twe not are sequoia-. ate Mulatto Is bring OttOatte.4l to each a manner that no oases will be rot.ed annuld the antelpatiOna of the country fin to be 10011144, S.W.*. ten be.. WA. rattunt nil tools; ' -nab the e was • belay settee demand foe os, limber teopeete there was nottunit ' • f.' notate. mid our mazitetaOf - .wet fat to-day.' . =.•lnes" Malaria Galatia, --Cotta steady; low sooolpto, Yi Da/010 ei. ME =I j " i' 1., _ • JAMES D4I2,ELL & SON,; ' Finalciai Matters - in New 'fork. - j PITTSBURGH _BOPS WORKS. 69 and 10 Water Street, Gold clo.ddl el 1317%. . 1 FULTON, BOLLMAN & CO., _ ... _ f ' LARD OTL MANDFACTU ;s T ' klanntscture die best velerrap b b. , tbf. / . 1••• b•I Kb ii eve.: _ I', . RERS, n sw T. - m.34n,, 1.., 1847. CORDAGE, ~. v. • - Lad alien 'ln CRUDE. ,I,IIIIKICATINd ...... , 3jono, ~,,,„"m,,,nL,'„;‘,7.,,,,.:,, n...,11 on ballorlbh ' cA wpm: 4 .11. b. Ws vrarrant one do. I Lard nu ..i? , ' l h .'. 'gown , . G•ls es•••• -. ' -- - - best . 4 7.1ealunatl,e- - • •rch•ntr7 17.1 Ovr M. I dli4!!1 E! g eicin rid,r •ily. d ell L 4 . : Irante flarrr....lll rad It to 0 . 4 . -.• • rail bC(O, urderlrvg ro•V VJ rE=l °P)'. The,Fral markets present no new features notice. 1/ui. nuctel.nla rellon Liuslutse excerdlngli dull tad th.reased, tad am the demuatd - for .11 - of the leadang •rticlet of trade le I . ..flitted alekost entirety 16 aupplring leattediate wont., tte hive but very tew round lot .operatl mi. to re. cord, and pr/ ea, genetady, ate attil tendlng downward. ~,i, ,0,,,, IV 4:4r1'..;;;4'....1i:,',C1 .13 , .". I'l, o o ~,..! cool, e.O , ti,,,,b t Mee - neer, GRAlN—There It nbtlelnr ;loin; In Wheat. , 1......n4 ~, die, joa.oi. - 7' 070, p'‘..0.001,-.1; ;0;19'4. Oats dull. !rich 3 uroopi3g tendene, i sale of $ Wo-ts.rn Croon Tel.,rat,lt. rr.r..i:ollr,illro,-.11., ANS !Wolf, on wharf, nt 42c—atun.lanlea i., store, ' O !'"• 1111410 ° r r Ar l.o'''' n ; 1( ... ; ' - iiirW , d r : N r ' °- at ualue. c3kl3 t 333,1 hat u. 6,.;,.., —..a. :,','; -k C"""'' ' .:?'''''' '"". '''S-il'''''' 0 oreforeol. , 14,1 , 0 i Ilmlsnn, lottd,lrte;: lot prime Icillinv. Rt ela dull and norn,ool of . It en.litur, 1 . 7 ' , Q 1,4 i,:: rdrr , r' ,oo n ( 4,11,1 . 1 .1.1 si, - 3.01.z. Riney may be quoleLl it. 41.3.1,10 i 1- *""' '` "'',.??%"; --;,.".:"'" '94.'4'....1,1!".T., for 000 , 1 to thd.ce Spell:. . ' ''" '"I. L" -'''''' ' """'4'. ''' '.'" ' I Troo.le. I it , ,it• dt '..: II el; l•tarol; 90 , 05etae...,, FLOUR—l...Julia°. very dull Ana re- i Nortlt wee . eill, .V . 1 ... , ..i l it profetted," zd0„,,,,„ _ . elected, and Ptlers are 01111 tending downward. • ... , - 1 ! Fort W 0501 e, r , ;:ittr r .:o We maw quote nt .U. 6041.421 for goad to I 41 , 110c14 STATE 00300. chkk• I,Prlitll u hoot; IlLiSi.{ll.l.3 foe 013130 ! ii,l,';‘'r,',::,r Z'":"urr,',!:;lis,TlV,'r.'‘`.!;!;;',,';'.';,..!.': " v h , t.n. 4, 01 17 .1 ,, +0 for fancy brood, RI v. i iit C0.„ , ,,,,,11inaurt,, North l.hiroTlau :10; ' Flour Is dull and nominal at fa. IIII,EI.I.fIG, PROVISION:I—Them la a rer, rood dr- j abeartnal, 10 bthare. Ills ',flee Ifiaeella mond ar Raced, and Sue... Cured llama are 1 nevi:gen:tr....go, and et- ely. Oat? %took, bold it , Eled „,,„.„,, 17 , ) ,.., , ,,, for ~...,,,. , fl , oltor, but Lbußna and making prices willo yowl]. Slelauldres tertl3.P I.:14.02;041 nt 0.:,c, 1 "P''. M.,,arsti ...anon. and Sidra 3t 410,1 for 1t1.44ed„, nod !V ;.c fat I Mining sinne r , ~.,,i ~... neeshe doll drol .C. 11500. Lunt is dial: hitt unshansed Al 130. i 1 00 e: to nue. ()noire 11 ,, 1 41-10,01 ' O . lO Dried Beef. sner43. nitl;3 or 3, demsod for I 1' to " 3 n " C " r y" ' 0 21 "'" CO.l ' ' ' . "'U. i , ...0 1.;. ,;.. .: :ell to II:, , ulk ill Lee , ' ealtl at dlew York .rij.,44: 1., I irtieee. 00. iv, 0 roodeet and mow rOTATII£4:—The demand 'cent/nitro light, net rvo., nen, selling at 11,(8 _0; Gregory' dull Roil the market le dud, with .a doe-elog ten. 1 nt:isJadal deney. 0e nottlinue to quote rrhne Peach I suo-encaaitv reset:MT/. - Steer Int. trl.ntl ~.I. toottettne Coulnyna hair Blows in •t , re, et SIAS par lIIIEb. . I'n 4:1:40 4,1 g , •1.1 3 , 0, . 4 , 1a1.0a1; paymuute FAIGS--Ita tontiqui.nee of there/men Or , tt,02 . .00t, 1h5h0.0... 0,1 rea: eol. Heals, and an apparent (siting off lu the di. 1 and, lisle, have declined, 00000 the largeat 1 Ilttlhaln :RA • slot. it Inert PON:let:tem to Ale malty. , ur lel tern- 1, , 0 he rt 'sanest, , ialoe.: BUTTER—There la on' Ler more itaiai , y f, r , ft re ~,, Jen" b , —Flour li {I i ; nfigi lower; prime fresh Butter, and ea tt. Is sear,, it sells . -0 2 - , 0 1 . 0 0 , burr..:, or No. , ur 0 ,1 . Wt.** , .1 ' iron, G-oeu itav Chit, without 11111e1 thi*Alitr ell C., :,.. Common ;',:,'!;' ,1,' . ,', ' „1,',:j i .... 1 .',4,,,,,,,,, ke ,,. .., c „,.,,r, and I. restos 11 hunt 10 1111 RI 0111 . orl e„ 1 - ,, d0•1 Ii 01, 1111,0,11,11 i 11...00.11,..1, totteu,thts (1111-lEir b. -Continues did. atot :11.1Cilirlf.d. J nro- , . I ti, 0, . 1 104.11. 5 , ,.2 weeetern nt eta., small sale. at lie for Weatern Ite,rve, and Ide ! rr,d,'!„-::::',":,;".,' ' . ' , , ,„ 1 , - ,. ' ,, " ,,,', ' ,..!; . ' ,.,' ''''' ‘" !nr .00,0 lit 04 '/I6 for liamburc nod Factory. I n.o, 2 iii, 4,...., . r J. rte.. 11,1 at .e. 11A. kept B e hfoil PRINT—Very dui:, Rod 1,01 era nre , ott , t ,, • ma' ir-r, ert , eu 01 3 , 1;0. hoot , No. d maim" to elose out. We contin, tr quote at I :;:;0:0::,?, ',,',;.!r,,',,',Z;„,.4‘;',,T,11,',T."1L.,,ia'r,:',?, 01 :e foe:11.01.e, and to. , tor Peach., , a ~,, „ ~,„ „„,...„„,„,, 0...,,, u.in,„, g. HA Y—lrtim • Huy la lo mode. an .1.1000,1 0' i S , lplt:pit,—l:olll 2.1.1/ I, 0.31. ',2,tothl. previous paces, o'll , lo i moo and liderior Is : . untaleabli at may Price. ' New Orison hairnet. Dv T..lorrapti • New mr.t.r 311... --t gala, of IkLLEGREVIf t;AT-LE ,, barn,„,, . treolpte of 3 .1,1., 1.0111. :1., u:., - rportm, 2.101 Order 07 Tan l'sgv. ,On t ang,th ; hoot etothee. rot • Tr, OUST, June hula 'dune, lb 'd retalthor Cu., So, 12. t II e. to .1 at 471iv.50c. , Chloe; tioeotbed; nOt-V1 ootitdo oat,. The market Was Kenton Lan' one this ~., noluflthstemilol; mired g the supply wthr up to • bo.e, cLole., 91 tt1.13 that of lest week, ttrantt nltt'ru.tyni.tezr, st bl ihdlr; bye wrh Ima than tire hut.dmil Ile+,l o• Zorn sole, about seven car t acts were telt rr , La, ;Nua I k. e„,. , t•rcmluot. sold. Tzie secret , the 11 , t 144 m, co- I tirety too high. thauch they eanbot be re.luved - Chteuun Market. - here until there is n ninthrlat risinthe In the : Tele, wino be ,re t .mthis ithsette West, and besides, the demand for ffest d Cute e.l :m 1,-11,111r very doll; tansy Nays C‘"A na 'uq"c W(I!.;::' nsequence. a much ,;maker nun.ber cfn,r gin. rattle d are required by the butchers. rtig, lice. t o r 1, h cooing deo, compared with lest week u-dc, weld loth little change. ranging from Sbi to 0 . 9 c Iv prime 1 d 2 . 41.7, for NO II F00,,,,t0. Provis choice fat retatltng, cattle an 4 • persibly a few I M V, I.ard. IP4 eaten mop ,hei . e brought n treat.. more. 'ft Me",- '' '' Th.r. ...of., w*, here from Chicago this week. end our drovms 77.3u0 ou, r u; otod us oules tell us that they van buy a b,ther quo ity.of - - cattle for less money, lunch nears, home. It Itrtltlntoro Storliet. It out n 1 the qusstion to think of shlpteng eat- hr leg-ste, t • a—h , rtf dathlth• tie from Chicago nt present to this market, nod , Its tr. vo Jaaa — Pair., unit ' anti " °At I. " boo ". I. " ° ' burgh buyers In th costa:eel - or some flme to ~,,,t 0, rdt,,,ngt Penni ll ylvaola come. There seems to be lees turrory for neck t e.. 1 norrlrt - 4 Lon, cattle, and the market fel this pinkish, krt.:, nil.. ti i ns ; in. d e pa r Intre•l 4:2; pron.. 'ow th dull and unchanged. delleoroo ~• n.,1 , . s •• •L. en nm nO7ORTEn tut, 07 earrx.r. I eearce ;id% h... ....ft) hut prone. 'akar Rothehllds Byers sold Grecowthl k 'ltd ., a . d tho •• e k Pr. ,- thion. rt.., az,: tiro, Ii0b•• Bulk thouthero 15 head of prime Southern Ohio steam, at • r.- , t; ; ., r Ong 1510 poUnds,on titivate terms—understo,ht ,we rt.., n; aboa k stvatly. Whisky dull to about L!,l, 004 the arms rm rsinged 4-!..Oktt2, ull 3,1 head at 9en 9N. Oreenwshi fa litho tethlled I . St Loot. !Markel. 37 bead rit•lni to h-1 ma loads left over. I. ' . . . . . .. Toon:10111Jc 21 head nt 7to 9: .1. Shamtrete, 17 ' 1 ,, c r';: : ,7: : . ' . 1 , ' , ' , :e '.. ,.:1 . ., ‘, ":7 , ....%'; •,„ " ( 7 : i .. ' r , ,,..., head at 8.3 i lo 8. etino.f.:botnakt, Told ti,....n. , 0. • ;.„„,. 0 , 0 , . „,.. 0 . „.„.... 0 ..,7,.. 2 .„ 0 , 2 4 walla Kohn 18 head of turtoh Oho., utecto, 4/U1:1, 11r , 14111.11. ..„, g,lll, .n.l ntIMI. "' ! "'lng '''''' !''''' " 8.. MC.'"'"..' ' C‘" 7.‘,1':1i1(L.Z1?=::::..:;',/,.II:I;;TEXL7-InliZ: 60.4 10 head at 6,V,; .ar.dahout 41 t, ittl nt 0 to: .',. 0. ...... 00 ra „, , 03 . 0 2 ... „... 0 . 0•0 r ., 000200. . 9;3. lobo Knoell) old for Imanc Andcro.a 19' -.1,1 on i to, ~ 1, . t0 • .4n i , 1fu!,..,1, prime, ( 0.1 head of oalaell./111,, otoek.al Ito 0.0. E.:nut-id; ' i= 1, C 1 . 3, 1 el. - qr ., ' 'Of ~,1 .....7, . t'oro dull at. ~-.0. • ato dot! 0., Go.; ~to t o got, at a. Co.. 13head at 9.4 to 8. 1./..0l to Vero!, 17 ,,,,, (. 0 . 0 .,„,,,,,„ ~0 0 00 0 00002 0 0 , 0 4 . head at Bto 911. Marks ..t. Trourasp, 4.0 brad . Lard houalool et 12031 3, at B'4 to 9 , 4. lilts... 13,1., 11 head ni Vto 9.0). 1 Irttlesrood& 13.ackotolt. 13; .11yets a Nredy, : . • etnelntantl flatfoot. .. , 47; Stokely, 15; L.•ffcrty S. Glaro, O. I IS, Tete - root, a, to. evasuu 18 •••,...tt...) . - •. nu e, Ann U.ssPi. Jur, IS —Flour 41,211 emi • I 1.• , c• ~. Elm =raker 1.., Ilits Camel steel. was a hard . one, and Um-re were some very Or.,segc.l :••••. 4%. Shee r %cells Path. there we. a lalr fnr P ,, mr 'llO. N. fist mutton:theep, but emumo... am! lef..rme ' aml in lion ii 4:01.1 ham In sell mefot men m.sy •m , lthY ltheY t • in .1,1 outside figure 0e.17 for Prime fst commonerlrolr cannot be qtintr , i ru astir. Lner'ts temata about or Ins! oloted, 1.40,n) alltualltren'elarket ^ , r T.treeq,4 t the Pt.ustut•.t. Oaarttei: 7dt acer.u. Jour. I , —roue is tinul~rr a , Cora, OTT; 4#1.,41, TOO, .t. f • -70 P ti. , nor; .ettlnod, ad.to There Is llttic or noltunz d 01.,. In llout a, is t . ' 0• tht.„ eptiag la s, retailwny, (r.'.0n...111.w; irS.o lie a., No. d. Lord Is °retinue to ejti7dU beery ayernrrAnt%i u. , gte• •• 11;14 1,. ; ;Tn.editp jhe uiente ' 1,0 1 , •4 Kheut, OW do; errrseu4n rea . stut..l,A 31.111111 ET ."' ..... ' °erten Of Toe Tnenort “Tr Tl,TyrTt„ JOT, 'l5 1,61. the i , t .1 ors,..a,d, CRUDE—riete was ,ot atingle oprratiou , ro-;;IiTy; In etude co da !on land uo as les re- . Poibrd. Spot on Is °Poring at se, tett h f• ~„ hoar.. and Juipp and Jo.; nudd p ot+ sh be Out , •, r.orlp . •• 0_• , ...ke . t . :t01l and Mere hal at ac of one nedorlatlou yok:a.r- r • , Too . ;•.. • o ;OTT, there , hut a 1.-w a. ru ern dorttatot: log for 10,2 'bbl. Al ET, to be delis ere.: Settldn , rold tiutek at -_., rug. a abort time, and tre . belit re there 're I, rte. for all the Tear 15.0, nu fern outrun, a! ands I.naiarlita. Meek et. :Out few aellerabel w 13, L WAS rrp rtes Telr.erar.r. • ••szette. 1 'day that oil has dee ined tt per bbl at Oil •u 1 . . t.ou l:ltT—the lel." of IA ”Ycalt , dr Pt.!. • f r'..‘' ;.7.: """ :se t: rt.”l . ll: ' U r , ; ;;; orn, op. rioort. RE:PINED—There I. an In,trostorent t 11' port; vote: note to die mener tone o( the In•rlio o 821 d• . 0 . Pre loaded oil, thottOrt 4 .. Y. the. wr , :t o 64.ir;d2.1.0, for, COLT enttp.mor n ]buyer. than sidles., nod hut few , ' • .• •. elthdir. We can report a tale of EU, atandard. white, for do:tarry In l'huadelptila. at Vs; 11rai for Atutost. ai IMO for Septepator. at 2.3'j<, end sun. t.arr.da. 500 each from Soil. to Deer ni,r. at Ttli, last male Is the /rgret one reported t [us sesloo fer that dillvery, and frbot th .11 ruttot - 1,. eon. Slowledged that the Lottv=' has not yet been reacht Aftis 'ALS—The following anlrala of oil Were reported to-day: . Jai. Within( ...—. 1151 W. I'. Luz.. Flatter .t 8r0.,.,: 311 currlta O vacs. 1921:12 • Taal OIL SOIVPCLI stns I, A. V. X. - .Woattoop it A wir , rson, Pn htJIA Irlined to P Wagnl s :too.. P1.11,.1 C UIo v.. Ndo ,10 to Vi P it Cos. PLO," It It J,urf. Y2l do dote PL , Abuldln 1.,11 C do to 1.04, Qruf S Co. Phila. OIL eItItPLD tag? Snow 0000032 co.rn.r. Waring t Flo„ rdlnni to IV nti R. Flog . fa en. Poll.; I All and so, a. 1 , :wed. and then. minut. the agonles of death fOr m.tne s, quietly and., wallee'd with unfalterta, step, to the bar. And took a horn as big ne • init 4 'ite.f. tat the Logliehrost.`• Lows the. pouch. The St. 1..0u1e Delancey{ of ..11nntlay. says. Three busts arelve , l Indents, ream fort Plen• tub with Urines., hutralo robes. pe , trlies gratsengets, sad one bum Fort Wee r ressindtaif on, the immenas r•tousee C donee far went yet untlever:oped. The Clot, has!, left Sent.. June 415; tin. to M.. I,ruts eleven nod simle, (ay.. Ten el stet vlt ft fl.otos June II at to: time to St.l.ouis. thirteen sod a 4... I Well. ilky, The neer Latter (rum fiesloo; Mote,el.. from nine and flirtent alien nil ovule od time. The fart le, the .tire of the titer isf liie /ttOt condition for n•.hrst.r.. had tartly to dual.ue no for eon. time. floats will tr•lwe rhos[ dolly from the inoontnlto .or weeks tti c.das. nonfat,. Not b u rst was fares. but tonnage •Isrs,e In A .Itllt , ltt.Cil from J./..l•Ph doted Saturday, toys: lin the nth do. of Sue. the 11.15 rants re..untains, whlctt Ile sown and root of, Fort !Wolf., were entirely covere.l wan wt. ~ TI., nor Pew mow:toms which ll* north Cl neaten were 4160 ern, el WWI snow' The • Irr,u o bt dor., 13,M10 dolls.. In kohl Cl.;; helotte Ina to ;....enter. /MO a iam* Am ono , conefent.l to Leafy owl Rowell, fern.hrers or It. city. ste bat sot.. on trnara *Lwow re. P•ckeges of furs pelts. Jits. The Met Is highs, owlet to the ileoey rise In the Tel lowstuce mireu • smother of hoot. are •specteul shortly my.to . Thu afterntwn the Northerest Fur t bolt ?be nfri rod' mum rort hovt,g wit there Jug. 3 she ..roucht down 15 Noses/Errs nod Itto itock•gcs of tons{ hesoles a tante anvotet of told dust_ Thetrinon• Ritubiteon soya le. Sucker beythree Aware st ore with the Pelle, tr.l rhey struck their Iselh pulled In their oat. rata mot-backed outlet Ihn some Wm, The too to flocs:lore nor.. eery close one, but the •Iteire neat by thirteen minutes. Th. ratite run 111.111 :it. Paul to Wtnons—l6l mitre—was ma.l, hf the IselW In nlue ronto •n.rfort)..nre moan., b e ta eeeeee ern mile. per hour. !kr .rrlte,; at 3:13. The Sucker came In Juan one Lour later. BMAJMK)ATI3 oft ET4V+VII.II AND INTAVII2 , I4I ""."'"" H. nvaomv. I. M.Th./ Me o Vie d I. n. y 1111A4M , LY. the NM """' °WTI: 1, , 0rt CINCINNATI Midi ,: trUI,VILLX. RCLUY MATIIIII,AY. AT IA la.. [Th.. too ...ram rsownirer 11, (701111r.1. Cotonfarol.r t 1. W. b.mrd """" for "1{111.,.1!; . 17. or tri Atrei.U. n.l EVERY, WKl,NksHooc m. —The Bee, Sr ol eoutal,tiout A SlieMi LAta. LAwU VAADunnre. W. H. K.". Cfrrk. r.r fretß4t ot - 4ker I abovd JAbalf \p L ) fell 11•1 0, Dl' I DR. J. A. HEKRON • HAS REMOVED • Hia Office and Rosidenco to , ;No. 14 SMITHFIELD ST % Nearly occoalte lha linnoncshela 1100.0. • JAMES B. JONES, . • • DIALen IN • Scrap Iron. Light Iron, CAST AND wamnitur - inonr. rLCS.E.33, ONO. AmnOrman X .all likrtnr !arcane, Altnar.ll7. , City. OM CHEAP HAT AND SHOE GUNIIITIMAN. Itraetlen , !Mai! Dealer In 11 0 .76,and 1710 r& n and Alt, e,. 51 0,110 •Tltatlte, Al ettenY Cite, No w bete rim Ilithe two Mien Cho lin tnott, be oh , clated In 00. wny 07 11,0 i c, it•nott. titanic. and at, kV 10 of lis'innt ono Until:toms. 1 1, 1 i1,11/1111.2( i+ Medic der, eonteut with eel nnetun roots, at dote, tnine.l to 07.0 Mat barttal • In c.l who nl,, Wen with lh, le 10,00,001, 13 UIDGE FOIL N 4 LE. ennin •!I•1, .11. , toil., June illu. I o • 1t... , 0nA 11l ne rtcaly..llatiltle ofe, oath Tllllll DAY.IOtO at F •Vox. otou,oinoe .n r .d Iron conblnj.l in sliu lor.ge th e (Jana,on LvecOok • • !. • -•'... 11. II ion, N. 1.• • • 021X3 o== W E WILL IiEEP ON lIAND and make to ord r .1i MM. of 4P""t tVtrtt7iVa.,.. . • 111.51.:K.. F.0(.111•T And TII4N 61, MIK 65, 11.5 JtAKPII PAM. At DCgrilllrs WOow Won., pest Wit Pent "Vg2. *"n gIi.Virgt:IORRIWTT-11 A.OO. A/ lIIiDOW • • MT 1,4122, 42r12444.1.120f Shades wa•• tf,",U:"W:,`Org:= 4 . milli tat 222 tro 22221 In the city. A 1,., • new olio 01 ' , hided lull. 42224.41. lid and see them 5t: 4 411. 24 sod 2424- 1.4.1211.ttret.0. r . 7 , ; 7 4 ,,F,...14.-.:";;,.7::.ct iv , g:ivt: • , wia aA. s 'A t , • 47, BEE 114A44111D1 iffA4llln4 SIXTH LIST OF APPLIC rt— TIU\S.RUE MCC MMES to Eta LI, L.W.7.edd. the Clerk•v: i l‘;, up to June Edh. John r, tavern. lal wL!'3. " Plttsbargh. Da, Id Levert, •. isTW7) • ..lir Gustav 'Marg. P"n tav'e . ds. 5.1 ward, Pittsburgh. Valentine lehl, Jac, hall. 11. Mal. Eat`ey. .• learnt It. hde. John Ituff,r, LI ward, I.lltabargh. I•in el o rime g h. ve • Frtne, ' A. •• tla C 0. .. •• Mn cCull, gb. nti n. mecultoeali A Co.. • •• John 0,150nne51. tavern, sth ward. Pittsburgh. len..Greenawall. l•!r; raw.n. Joe. W.,trown, main boner •• •• o. NwpenT. •• eth ward. Pl...burgh. Time: Slattery. • " Raymond aner. tavern •• Mathew leoteon, *at. tee. 50. ward. Pt...burgh. n. /: ehit, h1.1.-eurga. Mary !tonnes...ACK thuse.ettl ward. I•lltaborgh. Chas. 'Jerold, tavern, tOth ward. Pltret.Fgn. Fred. 31111er. dol. Lode- lg. eating house. •• Adolph Itoedelbelga• it. good -5. •• Jame. tletiay. •• •• •• •• Jn KZ7V. C 0..• • lit tract. Allegheny. Llghteap, tavern, 511 ward,Alleghtdr• Theo. II eet.... .• ed ward, All.drttellY. And. Mag.. eatlrl house. E. Ile, • Adam t.larer, tavern, eth ward. C. M. .eoly. ottlull.Lnoker. eating bon." " •• Brote. • • Dalt ward. Allegheny. 1•ItIllip Wagoner. •• ••• Lewe t o, enure. Lawrenceville. Is Smith. talern, liorouglt of lllttalngnam. I=l . . ... acid . . Roth. ' •• •• Undolnn Bunk. other nth., ki. , nn lave n Duro. df E. Birmingham thr.nes ;Born tk , n take-rn Duro. of If efickaport Wm Connolly. tabor g'da. •• I rwlk nkli von Ed AI r. In. Ewing h use. 11111.. r ofTamnikm. ....lin Porch. entink ln to.rnahlh. Fred. Elk.toting hole Collin.. town.lo. .1„ S ey tstern Flntllry t0.rh.105. Alltife./ Miller. tarok, inilaus Chrlh %eke tOa ern. ' 3lcCiure It my I &chtnidt. eating. 0000 Ohio tp Jo.chli Henri .. • ' or ;, ,z r„. tavern. Rul.R.ton t0,!.515. • r welt, lillrh other g00d... • e rrtekley tp. Ellz hetlt tat, n..`thaler en•blp. rt Peter Kelly call.' house. •• •• r l rV 7 . tave ' rtt, L".'r ••• nn.d le tare , n. Irolon township. Jacob Ircht honor. Adam 31c!,ntetly, sting hon., , olt tp. 1/1V l! ' n ' A ' ,l 'd r; 1 /5E,.4, " a S tI E IZ E' ; N., fur hewing tn, :hove Anplzeottoni. " JOIIN U. BROWN. Clem. FOR SALE. P.EI:I= ,I MFLISI. LEOLL. FcOLSCAP. LETTER. COILVIERCIA.L !JUTE. POt.T OFFICE, MANILLA E WEAPPLNO WHITMAN'S DIM ISG PAPERS; • i• BLANK BOOKS. LF.DGERS.SL URN LIS, DUCK ETS, RECORD. CAR d, DAT, MINUTE. TIME, CHECK, nzeurr. STEARBOAT, DRAY, BILLS T., aDIND and MEMO ANIIUM BOOR!. TRACING LINEN & TRACING PAPERS W. S. HAVEN, PRIXTER IiTrITIONaII, ('or. Wood and Third Rs 'KIN mil • C BEAT SALE OF WATCHES •v_l ;1,4; toe .no Dollars, wituAat trns.4l to £O4 not to be yald tot Wale. p,lnel.lx_ "" 1V ,4 •117,n01d Inlnttlln.ntonn•••••.4.s o CV HO Mule ca.e.l told to zoo Mt Lunen' watc.n. enamealed—... 100 to anl IMO Paid hunting enrooometer . . . . . ..... .... . wtch,. . 2 ...,, " I.lgg , Gold hunting itngligh 1ever.......J.0 ' - 0..00 4;014 trump: guyign WlLleb• l' to .' 5.16 u ...old Runup., Atughtelux watch.... It t to n .1"' I,v, Sl•ggr Hunting levet. ~ - - - 0)0 1,1 0 WO :sliver bunting day, me. 173 tn "30 0.40) 11014 in.llge grat e o.ll. eto 1,1 10..... tgold hunting lepton 10 v 0 - 1 . g,(XXI .15igniellguJog•aliger ••• • 10 . . 23.170111untingslig,vggiehr. '".".... 10 0 ( go ' 40 ON Assorted ..arturs..lll,l tutu 75 beery patron °Mal. a watch by this a, one, at, ....Ilan bob 41u. while It may be 'worth yl,O. 00 pay:dant, shown. . tt , e.l h to Imatedlotoly dispose of the Oar,. ct stock. Certificates...ant an lel, are I.csol In .exlod rove:ones Malden •re en. tltted to the attkLe• nam..d on tht,lr.atee, noon paytnent , le.. 1 , 005?.. whether It met. wo,ge sth. or one worth Its. TI to• re turn of any rt.tlll - 5,..01 1 1.1t• you to the a rtlete n•tne.l them., upon Pay,hro , . trrsspeet)ve It. Sort,. sodas no art. eta •at0...1 at te.o thou 40 5. narat4 oa •ay eerttfl,ote, It rill at once he sera Ws! this Is to lottery. hut* a•rattht.for. ward lcPluste trans.oo.o. .te me: be par tie`p•ted In n ev..n the =ost fastOtous. A. slants ..,11neate .111 he tent , t, melt. po.t. 1.1 upon •ect Ito of ceuta. Iloa far $l. no.sen y.ols thtrty•three and eletouft premlton for 41, s.. and mu roloso.e romlum ono .x honors and mo , ot an,...rh the:. men;; In A.enta ut those .Luton empleiment W's Is rare opwit.lty.. St la al-all. nast.t y ne, 0o• dale aut... 111 toy th qt and 0p.,. to tn._ r•ror, act - alto, Try us i1r..10 or. An. 1t... s . a. Hur.vv. MCMI32I BO NIDS, STOCKS. AND REAL ESTATE, Apollo Hall'll34 - Fourth Street. =I riILIIIT, C6iILNIII7 iumattL ions; • I Rank, Railway; Insurance, Siiiing S other Stocks. tle./er• et•eated ei the Neve TOril. rb11•44- Phi. 404 HueUm Meek th , ents he legroph, et thetweeter eatee wt-mm oiefluicerrest Ile leo. tithe. mtn .61380 i. U TIOIV. THE P.% RTNIERSEIrr 11E11E- totn. , b:+.. WV.I. A. KELLY ..jgf?uy. M . k.Nr.twlll2+ols. lathe WbuLesale limo Beane., se. n Wood twwl. !W. xlwii . 4a7 byes muloW eou.c.W. CUBT. )11. rellrln■ from the UM. 11.4ca1.u5 . .4 comilemed ti DOUG E. A. =2 MMiSIMM GEORGE/ iELLY, Wholesale Druggist:. 87 flood Street, • , •0pp,11 , 11 I, St. (:panel /total.) 1: 1 1 1 11fleAT.I. PATI I ,IIT ,121 1 1111E11.1.,. PAINTS:I I ILS, IAYI. 1.1 , 13,1. Sc. I,:•itriptur ;.1 . tit. ,AILIMMT . 6 celnbra,ed 'Vow, I.IV I:4lthrift m. • n1.'1%7 At.. .711 Iga,n. SA 10,11, .1% 1.,..U.Trt..■ BASE. BNd.RE & BUriTLER, Iltiecompors to . AJLMILLN/I. • BARU. 1ff11: ___ Plaixo . k4, &Ir . a-12,nm, And Meelnd liervano revenant. 41.1100 Are a 4 Aar the Cane bemoan law:Linn Rya Nn lett, And BClloll4Ontlt CO. rtnedelplalv, rIA Also, ASTRA A . 00TAA06... D. k 11. W. SMITH'S .. AMEHICA.N`. OS. UA andTll4l/14.5 PAAANT UUITAff. THAN...I llsllaa sad Oersase Violin Add Old. IA• Mph.. Immo. WM. frIAIRDORIF & CO., I== BROOMS; Broom Brush and Broom Findings. • maker.aolory and Wifolottino, Stitt roar of 11oho- A Lu% No., 172 sod MI Wood M., Pittsburgh T ILE PEOPtil TEA TORE ,/ Wilson & Underwood., CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. On, of..tho ellespottOOd best whotetale mid re. tall stoic. In too two elttwo. So. 16 &with Wed D lamond. ALLIMIIarNY car Call and examine our stock and - prima. A. & CO., • WEIOLIGULIC DLALLIVI ♦YD Commission Merchants in FLOUR, -; PEED, AND PkODUCE GENERALLY. No. 555 Penn St;,• PA. F°" BALE. UNE a INCH ENOION , 91 Inch Woke, iLer. , oo Iron hen plate. • • • One rernonthatti 0*011.1./LT/I4G XllO/Ble, a loch, br Inchh stroll! ota aeroodthand ElCO , Dri, tea ltntte. botlanotal. on Iron Owl plate. • . Os- lON tech 10411.111 L, 4 /eat o.roto, oesmo.l. hand. Th; •Dm* will be *told ebony, An cuk, aziniar.wo a, tticmxt tstor, Cir,ser*doski , u3d . 764wlttnet . .4 1:!! SODA AIDI7IOO CAA. 1.0 ue 111 MON IciA' & . ~>iryi.' . ... PROFESSIONAL. R . BIDDLE BOBERTei. Attorney-at-Law. ONlce, No. 73 GRANT STREET, /411 - Sper_ha attention riven to uses la rt,gta. ea V~ot. • Inrn,al.l H . L. McCULLOUGH, Attorney-at-Law, No. 104 PIPTII STREET. PftlaitliTrab • t C . H. M. SMITH, I • Astonloy and Ciunsellor at Law, Airi-SOLICITOR TN SAIMBUTTIYI., - ostessil 03 DIAMOND STB.Eir. mypssi:rst EI)ti:TACE S. MORROW, ' ALDERMAN. Ex-Gin:lei°, Justice of the Peace, AND PJLICE MAOIeTILATE., 1 Officeoa. Fensilunia Atom Pitisbir* Ps. ~!';Vitot':,%s.lftw- , ft win" oromotuts. and 41)./vaten• trrl= A:Y/310N A. , 1121:1=1 Conveyancer, Veal Estate and Itisnranca Anent, Crat.SON tiVIIEET, East Birmingham. Col'ration of Banta solicited and nromptly atterwed to. SIIN3:01.1 WII.LIAB 11. BARKER, JUSTICE-OP THE PEACE, CONVES'ANCER, Lc. Melee. CAIMON STREe.T. nearly opposite the IM ll `mr Depot. rlooth rut' burgh. Business en truate.l to his ears Promptly attended to. 1)LINIE1. 7c.DEAL, M. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN E=l No. 150 Grant St. near IBM GEO. IL COCIiILAN, Attorney and Conneellorat-Law. O w I , R 7 nUaIoW.PRITI .N . . (4 0.1;:b? AII Legal busineas entrUaten an kin nute will in• naive prompt attention. J . S. FERGUSON, Attorney4t-Law, o. BD nrrn STREET. theawro FLOOR, FRONT ROOM D. mccoamics, . -- .4.6t - t4=m - xvinr-gat-x..emcr, 87 grant Street. Prompt ottontlan glten to all hods of My emlnem. ap3m69 Tll - 618. 111. DA NEB ATTORNEY AT LAW, Za"?. /37 .13.1111 x :131 - sNoc!lt, mb4,77 PITTRIIMIU H. PA. W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, mhlPn.9 PITTSBUIWIL PA. JOHN W. RIDDELJ, ATTOENEY AT LAW, OEPICZ. No, LIS FOURIII STREET. ===l H . C. DIACLUIELL, ArIORSET &COUNSELLOR AT LAW! No. 69 Grant Street, PIITSBURGII, PA. • B . F. BROWN, • Mats Loos Crla. 4.4ent, 11. A. M. 00m..1 etnce • No. 67 Fourth Si., second door, prrrsiosen, PA. PIiSIOE, BOLVIE3, Al) ARRIIEB or m Promptly Collected. Norhargo modetil Malmo aro fettled, sad at a {bra b =ode io tafro. otaltrtal 8100: BOV'.TY.I Si" RtDDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. Soldiers Who Ede lust their dlotharKe tertill- C• 1.00 .1 yr., an• otherwise •zk LI tied 45115 addi tional Mu bc,x44,, e e lti.ly eases at ica6,l to by .4144 an oz 64.4scs•tag W. J. & HALL PiTTERSON, ATTORNETB AT LAW AND MAIM AGENT& 01=1;= OILV A. STRAIN. ft-Officio, lintlee of the Pelee AND iOl IC. Y4)ItITIL&T; Offire, 112 NM St. oppoalte Cat-082ral, EITTABIPAIJAI, PA. =. 17.= Its ".. e:ll= Art}A r.Anyty•Aitaaddlrpateb. WILLIAM SANCEY, .*Ak B ITULKT, JUNTICIS .o1rTI(L 13, rZaU ir 4E4111 Allr .. T .4. o . o3e4 ? corsterol ( ttn o 1 14.1 Rttw. o ale 'uLlKUoe e of~BliU pd Ne .44 "... P.... sal tiotary I ,IILATtiA.II T. EKING, Attorney at Lan, - No. G 9 Grant Straat, Plttobarei. Pa. ar tkrataturleeisr for Ohle, ientotty. Iletn wa, gt la. Illatuurt LOU other MA... JOHN Mtliio2ll3B,. AT AND COUNSEU.OR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. Arrauslon4, lanattuaa, an 4 Arran 'or ray 14 amt.,' 4.4i.t4.4. 640,440 HOTELS. PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY - CO., PA. Newly rtilltlt4 atA forstlititil. Yid ittilT to rye only" ca cti. • inittertber nui spy - . Fll.lll. 10 , 93• tishdale ensioaters.• itipsit. w il l to amid tt any Mr . ". I. it. Art,ll:lnon. Tr ll,ll .T/41.1414‘. ST. JAMES. HOTEL; ON TUC ZURVPIAN PLAN Nos. MIN & 407 Liberty St., Uppoeite Shope:lonLemon e • -.The rrohtleter cawed niayeettully Inform the Deble that the Bakron and Melo. Monett ate how epen. Ibe alatutek apart/m.lde will be fr. a .: l ATif.° , .:i n tAthht:474:llt•thtSlZ,":