11111 DR,Y r-43ou'i Tal — r - 7'•" , INVISIBLE EMPRESS TR& SKIB2T, =I Spraig, 1867, MEI J. W: BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (01 DOUBLE SKERT - S, The bondsomott and most rearm: able MTM Tel iltrodomA. BEE ALL YAS.IOI.I mAttA- N Mi. Alto. the Now Isltes In PARIS THAI Ltt ; AIDA UT VIA weatau, T/P-Tut LICA Fon SALE EVERYWHERE. AT WDDLESALE,by al Pie leadlne Notion and Dry Oak. Houses to trbarsb. Afro. oy BoloOrmen of Potent sad /At halve MAlndao- Wren. WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 91 Chattiben Street, XZW YOBS 123111= WILL OPEN On Monday, June 10th, LUCE sir OP NEW GOODS! =SI Good Darli:Prluts at lac. Merriniack Prints at I 2 1-2 c. Plain flack Sillu;, Grosgrain Silks'. Lawns, percales; Tale paper.% Tickings; white Counterpanes; BannLs, Hats, Siutdowns; Ribbons, Flowers, etc., etc: Wholesale and Retail, at WM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., ...iLLEGumExr crTr. ) 10 BUTTON!) I BUTTONS IMM EATON'S. Fancy Meow, for Sacques and IL= Pearl Buttons, all sizes; Cube' Buttons, ebolee lines; Colored Silk Battons,ornamented; Bead Ornament% all sizes; Frog Buttons Plain, Braided and 41Crotchet; s and Tassels, all colors; Faint. Linen, Silk & Cedar Fans; rzt;ncy . Patel Fans; .1 JUST OPENED, AT 9 • 17 Fifth Street. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS 1. .` MI J4EPH HOMES &'C S onto o antic made second odattlon to Cror alroody, SPRING GOODS, Toutd to oger ladocesnoots, how to prim and assortment, la imbindelarlet. tlandkeretleft, • thieves. llostem, Bogle Trisraplnggi and Mattes, Bre blyles Mess TFinunlagn. ()colored a m I.g i vet Ribbon.. Ttini ' md a:r Teta talons. 8.tt0.11. all *Bias end nnina. Omens. Belting. Buckles . and Delta. flue lintra Lana. • /M 1 . ,. Blanc and Benu. Bating Bader IWeer. Alaneedre Enttikme.. 10.151414 Zmoreas Trail /ABU. la Eagle and IkM • •aibuiii.ex scalt• and Sat& easpeolien• Mast Froats. Morrison's nu . sblria. • BEzrailtst. Bo= /.1.2. 211mmtzrnIalmns,.Botrnet •Plain and width. • 0111114 - 11OLZELLZ BOOM. , rin - M fetnuf emu:date lapel Deparcu , s. Deal- Z . KI7 id 77 and 79 Market treet. rITIM RECEIVED THIS DAT. - , Alteßlll,,-GLYDE & 78-and 0 dlarket Street, A snixDuriAssougsf 01 THIEIII6S. , . Jet - Dead anOtagle Gimps and Fringea t Crystal Bead Chapin:3d Drop Trbandage, Jet andiCrystal Ornaments. • Wang MIS and Jet Drop Button; Wino 40•Orttnent of Parasols and Sun timbre Um. • lingUsh Banner and Trimming IRlbbOns, on widths hid shaded. • Colored Veiret.Ritibena. • faegint - Assortment !teal Point im4 Ap plAque MC2II and .1111indierchicfr. FOLL LINE ALEUNORE'S RIO GLOVES The Jobbing Trade mill end. coo , Pluin rtdck of the Afore tooth to our Wboterilo Depart , atent.:togotbar with. Breit rarletfat Fancy Goods & Rations Geneially, 407` F.413TER.4" PRICES.' 4 DENN/bON & HECKERT, Ito. 27 'Fifth Strpet,l Are mm 1411117 reeelvtei 'liked and Bugle Dram Trimming. litanbraidertim, Ideider7. and newer.; limp anlra. end Cora.4l Paramila mid Mari Ombrallm; Xarrisenia •Ylar • • Lau alad Pepe. Coll . rti higiganders and MetklTlUl iri.tiono, al. DRY GOODS, TRIMMTINTag. TIIE NEW ROM .IryT OPENED. AT W. U. MILLER'S NEW TRIMENG SITU; No. 04 Market St., r0m.....11, J. W. Itattyr. Dry A :11.,[111.1 Vrt tele etc.! Lt,,,c, or Trim 11l i l Lace Goods, EMBROIDERIES, . Geues Far►iishiug Goods. J 11E.N.EEALL WHITE Goops J. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, No. 87 Masai"lzot MIT - ROB IA THE EIGI Or TBB BIG BART. WHITE SWISS EXISLINti. Fa E NCII MUSLIM. NAT.' SI PINE Striped and Plaid. PLAIN NeiNSOO.K. PI RIPE') SWISS SHERD /lUSLIN, for Ladles' Nasquts WHITE P. K.'S. LINEN CAMBRIC. LINEN LAWNS.. TUCKED MIIPLINS, for .`.Elms. I=1!1 Goods for Ladles , Dresses, MEE@ fletne:too t mber the plzee, 87 lIAMET 6111EET jet 2 JUST OPENED, RACRUM & CARLISLE, Xo. 19 Fifth Sircet, An elegant aasortaant of Sian Shades ' and Parasols, SEW BITTTOHD AND TRIMMINGS, IN6IIII BONNET ASD 11111059. I=l TIIE BEST KID GLOVES ZLTL' BEST PAPE:: COLLARS AND CUFFS Re hare Jest Dotard a fell Hee of all sista and colon of the celobrattd "SS" Hid Glove, at sl.lo' per Pair, We aro authorleed to guarantee leery pair of the gloves col, Chould thee tip putting on, they can he exchanged (or anothet pale. MM RUM & canLisLr, No. 19 Ii 12th 113troot C ARn IZW D IRt ‘ CO" ( lAC ) WHIPLE,DILE DEALERS ps FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. =2 Third house übore Dlimond aey, PITTUBUROII. Pe OIL WORKS 61 COMPANIES EUREKA OIL WORKS, =I Eureka Carbon Oil, =I Sperm Lubricating Oils,- CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, F=l Crude, Actined and Eubricatlnk Ofla • Lard, Pperso, %%bale and FLU Oils. Q. C. NOBLE; Sgt, 49 it ti Street, 1 . 171,28U11..H. Oxir-ass: OS gat cz,mr_occ: SOHO pI WORKS. MIN I UM 11 & ' no.. XA-ti C !ACTT] UM. UP TUE CELEBRATED F. SPERM .LUBRICATOR. 'Petroleum Lubrleatio; 0113 Sperm, Lard ;and Wba.e,Oils, PlD•ll6ll7,ll3lfiS' 416 t TIM GRUM STANO.IIID WHITE BL'RISING OIL, No. 1 St.. Clair Street, • PITTSBITEGH, PA. BEND FOR A cinctr,T.A It. de. • TACK BROTHERS, CO3I3IIBSEIiCILINTS, = Petroleum and its Products, 'PITTSBURGH OFlOCE—Dalaell, Beildt corner oanaineana WAY and Irwin Wan , . IfILADELPHLA. (Tile W alnnt aplman lENDRICK'S-lUBRICITOR. =MI WHITE, MOS. !=. cO., N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, 80,1 Eli. ILlaletllseetb'plttaborgb, Pa. ==l Iu r :ZJIL O " . I = E.ginvol, '-u° , 7 0 ,4 111., .11 .. ill - . ~ . fe7LIOa s d . • . H . " -,''' ' Fig do n one "r hsr Wren rt ' : th.ti''sl' ' WA RI N G & KI NG ! method In the rove ..... I ..ttr.ronr: I , .. . 9 i chsfr, the husband. •hn coma home et dye i o'clock in th e tLorldelf. +Weed • rumpus, C4E[BSIOS mums OD 'ram n t T t r p d ro th CZ:f r lT t LY Arle.. h" ' f t . ' t it drook, th at ate had never seen c hLos bef ore, Pet'ialeam and Its Products, i :11 4 . 1 Pgt,Igl i rt7:2 r irgt i"b."I' seellm got op i (tom ft. PrOopontrtx adisdtted she “draok Baleen's Block, Duquesne Way, ia, uluo ..m.ugu., •e bee n The Coort a V r lst tk.Ore Might have tom • priTszuß , o.74. i er , stishoilt t o the . Mae., Teo Attlog Lim I.:ra t i.,iii i ,,, , „ 0 ,,.., , ,,,,. : :• .elrouglatatte, but. It Id ndf.2 L= ..A , t le snallto•Uoig lily The jury 1.. WARINC. Kt.C3C 4. go nad gonad 4,lOrdlet. of guilty:sad the prtsaner .. se gm senexped to Dena flee Of dye dollars 1 • 125 iyeinut:st.. Phila. 'lend:C.9M WOOLDRIDI OTS,Wsprug — LNG coctneop.a...±a - sr. OF PETTSEURCH. PENNA. 4010 WATT_ . /limn W. LONG. &l , and nu':. WORKS IN /lOWA lIVIONCEVELLE. DagitEn.3 Wag, ttexualWiZirti fi kViglewans BU" RNIN G Brand—vLuoifor.n . isiidoa • BUY HEST. PETROLIA EIL,UE LEAD. Jou out nrsimrata Icancu'aetared Gab . ' and loin:err . T. JEM , 4 krialr l r ;CO.: PIONEga. PAINT;: WOE. N. W. CAor. 3d and Market ME=N;2I m:1 EAGLE 4.1. a. X.a...-aceraxtootilTio. v Derneg, liefiners as.i D2Wiers in PETROLEI7I4. ornbr. senown Emory , CoUNICHHAR- CtKlli •bri• DIKATICSOir, WAY. BREWER, BERKE & CO r COMMISSION RIERCLIANT% .AOILETS FUR THE Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works Ample diarome for Crude .4 Erfiord 011. Lib eral oathadvancer mode on ono/don:omM or Crud* or Hoene, Petroleum. , Tants for sump mid onlpmeot of Credo Oil nt Lsyrrenm•lllr. 01ler slid Wareno.n. corm.° f Llociocone Nro7 owl limn otrrot. Pltraborrh. wororpAl COLGATE & CO.!O rivC4ll/4. .GERMArt. i &CO 1.1 ERASIVE SOAP *4c Is rasisfactµrol from Prim v Q s * * ;L A ;V:rtr . tiritTrf.•:3l " l: ur " RaciLCi. s'or ty time sArSm. 12773:W1 • THOSE WHO DEMME Han" wttaasta Iztourr or tuotor.oaAAA ton. Nam dool. Ask tor MAMAOIotr • a. Tots NO ftlitt "4"" 6asitte THE COURTS • . , tenet of quarter Ness/ one. This Court:l:net Tomday at tea. o'clock, lion. Thomas Mellon on the beach, Col, I, It Pun, instoct Attormy! • roc in nsurron au wear Casa The easo or Jacob ling, botcher, of Mr a, ingest:l, Intll,ted for the larceny of a ~,,,,,,cy of beer, Lai property Of Frederick Tortel. &so a Birmingham betcher, was proo,etled with. There Was a great deal of testimony offered nu both aides, and by the time the Case get tattle jury . It was hard to cenjecturewhat the, verdict might ho. The Courts hold that good character cm lie taken Into Consideration in doubtful cams. TIM Is equivalent to saying that good char. eater amounts to nothing. For in a clear ease of Volta previous spotless character 'Win not save a defendant, while In a doubt ful case, a jury is bound to ipso the pals.- nor th e benefit of the uncertainty, Indepeoti eat of the fact of character. The evi dence in the ease, while It differed very ementially on the question of the identity Of the Cleat stolen, did ant hare the srppear fume of being atrained, or of being wilfully false. A butcher In swearing to meat of hie own butchering, is guided as a shoemaker. or a tailor, or other t nidestuan, 'ln Identifying goat. ot • their own maculae. tore. They swear canteen, without any reservation, to a pair ot boots, a coat, or other article, and when asked how they do m, tholr orpiment:in fa not, apparent ly,very satlefactory, and attorcejaey asthm are quick to Lake advantage of what tha to be nut - enable identitication. If cordea of each ..of the daily newspapers of the city were torn into w pieces, ma the places mixed to. Futter, e risk nothing in the assertion that any city printer would be able to ars sort the pieces belonging to each pmtacular paper and swear to their Identity. So, in , this meat cam, we believe It to hare been • possible for the prosecutor to identify his "rib roast"hich he alleged was taken • from as stall w and found in the posseselon ofthe defendant; and we also believe there o w e ' L n e * tt n tglnli i ro U b ° ll== the tl e LI T.°.% sold a •Ittidell to the prosocuteir, t the oroasto was • portion of that "side. , The fact was established. that tho del Merit bore mirth -a character for honesty n the i community where he lived as wool pro , elude the Idea of Ms committing • 1 ceny. I I hither this testimony, or the nremonabi a doubt" of guilt on the gnestion of Monet t gelation, matted the insider, the jury end ing a verdict of not gaily, k f it riaooAT ASSAULT Alt ' halt . T Cast.. Thomas inli, a colored man, who had been employed as firerum on the steamer .. Morigal." appeared no prosecutor of Pat rick McCollister, main of the steamer "Coal City," for assault and battery, swear. beg that on the Wth of April be was attack ed by him on a steamboat at the wharf, struck by him a violent blow on• the bead god then peplos,' into the river. The Injury he received as very Severe. it did not appear from what muse the defendant re- sorted to thin violence, .nor was this ages. nary to be elicited, inasmuch as the blow am pin Ching could not offend angler the law. The tostioiony In c aefense wet of a negative character. several testify lug that they were about at the time,' but did not see any blows struck. One sald he thought the . eiggers" were drunk, at least other had a bout... Some °vide.. waa off ered that the prosecutor and his witness had made motratiktory statements as to the ...the StrikinfitOrdi_pfaiie. One witness raw the prosecutor attacked and get • blow over :the head, not (rem derendant, and saw a lump of coal thrown at lino, but could not any whether it hit him. The assault and battery by McCollister was alleged to I have othurred on the *Vim Reese," and a witness testified that he saw some "coal heavers. beat the prolocutor on the "Wild Cat," hit him twice over the head with a clue, and alsostrike him with /amps of cud. The tiofernlmt was net placed by wit wnesses for the defeat, with the party who ere mmulting the prosecutor on the oWild Cat" and It seems the pfoseautor was the victim of moat brutal treatment. .ts to What occurred on the olim ithese.' . the prOcecutOr Was fully mroborated by one witqww. . _ R. Mown, Esq., counsel Um the pros. cation, thought tee defense a - batched up story," w hich should not have any weight with the jury. The alleged beating of the prosecutor on the “W lid fhtt,” however, at nothing to do with the violence be re: cowed at the band. or the delosatant on the eJim Reese." The jury found n verdict Of guilty. Sem tense was deferred until Saturday. the dm fondant tieing Doodad that unless be made It appear pretty clearly he had nothing to do with the rielmmludetted on the prose cutor, watt:staled Witte uulame, in hie sun- Aeon," the Court would take.that into con sitlmatioo. • William Ward,Sr., and William Ward. Jr., of the Sixth Went and John harry, cots 'm hie, mdleted (Cr forcible entry and detainer, on outh of Oliver B. Cornelius, were placed au trial. Prosecutor tenni.' that on the !hest of Aprtl last he was In peaceful pew , session ot tja, 'house, No. at Martin street, I Allegheny. On that day the defthdaine elms there, end the eider Mr. Ward de , mended the key; It was refused; then, by direction of his lather, the younger Ward burst upon the back door. which had been locked. Prosecutor went Immediately and , made Information borer. a magistrate. 1 When he returned the furniture had been taken.; t of the house and placed Ina heap ! yye Vie sidewalk - . On dromeaxamluation prosecutor stated he refused to give tip the key when it was Ormatided, fee the that be had rented the haute and proposed , ;a remain In it. Thu Wards removed the :urn:Lure, whilst Barry. the other defend ' ant, remained on the ealtrondk to .. keep the pram' For the defense. 13. O. Bruce, Cpl., offered to show that the house was laved to prosecutor for One rear, to exptre April Ist, ; lam, it oeing stipulated loins leather agree moot that imiemMlun was tel be given up at that time. and In addition to ehowthst for. ma notice bad been given to prosecutor to qui: the premise.. Judge Mellon said.•ed netting all to be, true that had-been offered, it .11,1 not amount ton dawn.. In pro ,co. onus or thin kind, the Conn had held , met the question of flue could ll.ol. be In-' 'Lobed Into. Whore a party was In posse. ales, and refused to relinquish 1t,t1.14 ;vault' not jetially forcible entry. Mr. Bruce amid the oilvarde toil probate In the case dal not It woo nen/79d the Indictment Out ` the Prosecutor hal a lure or the premises from April last until ' April next, and Oda being a terial alio- the' Commonwealth ' ba d not made out flint ,- MM., act linVlng glees, any est ; den., of the lease. FOIL or the *amour., I on a conviction for forcible entry and demtner, woo restitution of the premises itheibty Luken petulant= of. Judge Mellon said the matter of restltn ! Lion had not berm suggested 1nt1:10966m the testimony being couritied to the forcible entry, and the defence could not complain. lied tee evidence extended to t.thosture of the leme Of the prosetatior, the question ; mtthd would not Interfere With the C01:1910. than for forelble entry. Ills honor, In char- 1 gag the pary,eald they India reinaniber the Commonwealth -was Matoerned. • and tent the preservation of the nubile peens was the important consideration. If a party . • kept poescsalon ot priMitries fora longer . ! time than Ills lease atiptilattel, ha would he in unlawful prisacsalon, and could be pro.. seeded agenda under the law for forcible nethiner, the same ea, Inthisease, against a party for IPrond...U7. Thep* . found the Wards ifellty, and 69- quatfel John harry, theconstable. • 00000117 iipliblth.drugghlt, of the Sixth ward, I pwsd g eillty to three indigtmenui for seUing , ibitior without ithettse. Defendant numbs-' ram Mr. MiCkeltn7ll6 the drug store at I N0:213 Pennsylvania aVerare, and itseemed wail In ignoraune of the necessity for a Mud:niter of tberliththe to mil liqnor. he i therefore suffered for his ignore:um to the extent of ten dollars and the Wets on each ' tratietteent. I=== liary entered. reildlug in the Ser. math ward, appeared as prosecutrts ,against - Joseph 500011, also colored, for aasault and hatr.ery, committed m /feigner's:id Aprit, ic ki by kng her onto,' the house and etrl king her with a Club. Ilehak only 104/CtINI for the °dense in April. thdproof was confined to that o,:nulon, although the wife alleged seven Separate and diAltlitet assaults and batteried fin th e let day o i l April he struck - her with.. "great big alub...foroal her into the street s and tried to threw her under• -street car. Yrosecutrix sµd Choy bed been married about twoyears, that slushed Intl nee husband two or three times, but he would come after Ler, persuade her to so back to ham, arul sho would remain about • went when - he • would "commence •on her Mortoe roe' yrs; TRILL smarm There being no other case raadrier trial before. Jury, the motion ter a new trial in the ca. of C. linekler,convietal of larceny, Was argued by A. U. Cochran, Maw. The reasons assigned were that the Verdict was not according to law, and the evidence not of a character to cannot the Jury In con viatica. The NASA of the caw were about threw The proseentorin passing along /gar. Let Street wee induced to go 'lnto defend , ant , / store, and after considerable °teen's ' Mon .agreed to take a Ant, paying for IS et the, time two dollars. The prosecutor did not nut the hat be agreed tOnetntuuse,anoth. sr Awing enbetituted, which he effused to take, ml both bate were retained by defend. sal. ThoJy convicted at' the larceny ot the hat. Mr. Cochran thought the defersdartMe . coronae etude not ho larceny, might be false pretense, or the proptlr remedy , against I him a civil action. Th e parties; in other words, were to be regarded In the light Of vendee and vendor and: the trettssettoa I viewed os Contrailt. TO testate the COM. the Jere must h aye ' betteval it was the Intention of the skill:went to take the hat and fraudulently aporourinto It to ale earn ose, which intention could not be In. fermi from the testimony In the case. Judge Mellon said he would outs 'anon the ; mnt,Oe this mooing cat ten O'clock, to winch time (loon ad)ourned. . 1=3:1=121 tho information of WIUIam Atkin - son Alderman Donaldson yesterday held WWI Charles English, a reshlsmt of Allegheny . city, to answer a' charge of &tic:ankles to fifth the prosecutors pocket, Irbil. rldlng In gg.: of tho (htliers. Passenger Itellway. Ton defendazkavorred his-innocence, and said 10.4 10 the orowfled State Of tho car. In endeavoring to points hand. Into his own pocket, put It 1000 that of - Mr.4l.4rfaroo. On the other hand. Mr. Atkinson Is strong In the oonvletlem that there wu 'l3O aflame., *boat Dowd that It was the lotention of .g.ngllah to steel. Ole coninctlon to the mat ter will not, we Judge, be of an, swell: Un less be demonstrates that ltisetslma a good testa ln the way of circumstances attending the oecurrenoe. Dllltertosioen..—Rot only does Soso -I,OIIT impart the salient. of.the north por celain io Ma iiiatli but itspelise, too. Thor glisten, after being brushed with ii, like the inner 'Pram of all 000/UI shell. anti the erect or thts peerless dePtifnew le la , rea der the enammef as hard asul - trulestructl• b e . - ). mwt• be Dollar boots. -oent , a hand-sewed tom-mode Calf Boot. tor Floe Dollar* er as adamant. pair—these ore not old stria goode—et the Emporium lb .aod ST PUG% street. Smithson, Palmer:R. Do: .. Save YOU! /ea —We bare the bent n eortment end rioubvnaselled Its Pitchers, Gradate evil Waiters le Ott e V . • =i2= c•usgrir etani•keeperd Dille to DM DOW stem, No, IseM UD street. Allegany, wham they will rind a. Lair stork of Dry Goods shII the hintait VOW Of • MODU7 • and ED WWI In CO catr. St - 2101/rlOll4 • PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : li r EDIVESDAY, JUNE 19, 1867: ISseamboat Claris Drowned.—Edward Albert, clerk, of the steamer Lorena, tell orerbeard and was drowned on Saturday ! Irat whilst the boat was passing Parker*- burg. DeCewsed it. to hare been married upon the ran= ot . the boat to a yams 1a , 17 Or Clibrinrutti. . To Wholesale Buyers of Dry G,xxls we offer. bargains In job lots or Dress Cools, Pantings, Lin. (roods, sag hill hoes of Shootings, Starlings. Prints, Tick ing, Checks, gc., all of which we will sell at the very lowest eastern cash prices. IV. ISA ISEIt d Cs. Merkel street, below Third d Fourth eta. Merlin Ihrloon.—Alfrod Orden, colored, sent to the Penitentiary (torn Fayette coon ty, December 4th, 1,32, haring been nen teneed for a turn] of tour years aml, ten months, died In that institution • last week. Hamel d Caewell•l Cod Liver 011.— The Purest m 1 Sweetest Cod Leer 01l In Inc world. klanufakered from freala healthy llrere, upon the flea-shore. It Is perfectly pure and sweet. dab for "Hazard & CanwelPsCwd lacer 011," laulantactared by Carrebrz, Mecca Co., New York. Sold by all_yogglate. ow. Geld Pineal Piper Ming Ca limbs Wine, Bold in the lowest rates at riensla We Drug Store. No. 54 Market etreet. ur Additional Lboal Matters on First Page., NEW ADVERTISEZIENTS. NOTWITHSTANDING the Int -1 latz:p th o e r . t t igze . stber and the horrible W.B. CLAPP & CO ., ,46 and 25 Vlfth Street. Ti t.Vb r ihtr'irm l afilbathe Boots and ` Shoo. rn m ihty row., All Irbil tp4htcrae4i . r2ct.m.ra.M.V.tt7M,l , BT; Arid pliee or ehoe wore ,erry tirmaparho batterlob, Yob ban Get.' Other dealers Stood Nailer, with clear oot a few, ski But low prices win the day, 800., Sloes sod lialtera, AT Nos. 26 and 29 Fifth St. Jed:. W. B. CLAPP & CIO— MARSHAL'S SALE. Ity virtu the Writ of esedittpot croon'', Issued out C I)lstrlet l.ourt 0, the Unit , State.. for the Western Dlstitot ola, tad to Bale. at We t i gi F 11 i n t ' n the on the rum DAY OVJII C. •t to o'cloce ahab irelZr,lll—itT2'at.l;':.; garrets of Reeneo r WI; •tiltetort Twenty. eight Harrel, ofdrned 011, Twelve nare. of ' ltlit ' 4 4 re.:l 6 ll74efs .11:44X If i e,t e tla IlleCookthie &ore: one Hon; Twenty Coed , WZ* , 3!`i':,;ettr . ...T.`";lll"4,Tr.,: r Tanks, Iforthes, 'ftlehlrlArY. Tool. properly efMertathing to said 4 . 4 ar :Atte t (J11 ' ; '" , ed "'" r""" t TERM A. SOMME'S. • dwuu.v.•c Orrlcz. U. 6.. Marshal. —1 Illtsbar.n, Jane I, 1t67 1e13:476 MAIMS ILEVS BALE. br By virtuef ik oryit l,vetp Ut oloof Clafea f1 0 ,r11% •od to toe dire HOUSEiII ell Er bal of t•eooelle e, ,t the COURT ,lo MC City of Ede. on the rtlitsT OAT UT JULY. at to o'clock,, Oa., the hallowtog ytopolly, to wit: 27 Barrels of Bellnettoll, Seised at the Refinery of If ritbee c0.'...e, tuft fifth* U n ited mutes. THOS. A. HOWLEY, U. S. Marshal lo OIL nErmins. THOS. S. CALHOUN 167 Lacicit tiered, Allegheny City nVoltiMit 411M)1 , 1; ,` 13 ,t ir " " u " TANSS. AU /TATORN bath. oh the most improved .y . - tem. IRON TANK ROT eOllB and eI.W. and r..4l!mtv,7,rk gl'=';g3".°l2::`,7°`"*" notice. ta• maims MOBEIAND a MITCHELL, Livery and Sale Stables, I= 00;0014 rematTly.la Itallread Demt. PITTSBURGH. air Particular att.tion pll4 to bartllstilnig Bear. and Carrts.,es for fuotral.. SSunestekt Ilvcry. 33.1.714 IMPORTANT TO-110USEKEEP ruv AND UTLISE-4. DrirCAT 1 3 1 717/6. 1. euesll Tor, 11,Ing and PVVdrif nkTitt 7:11 Wringing Harbin, on Tan Cote /V s. Mork Tla sad Britt - manta Te• and Coete rot, Pocket and Table Cutlery. Trays and Walws, ...tors, wad Han eeeee Ong Goods In ractrai. at ROBERTS & SHEB.RATT"S WIAOL.T.SALT. Ceppes Yi Eked . lieu tun lualutory, S J. 61 3.IIITIITIELD BT.. TITTSIILTHein. /pedal Wesel= ateen le the maeafactelelse of Urotere. Tea wed Elplce Caale..ers. etc. TEII . GUTTER AND . SPOUTING, ,w hand and P• •• P °a". fin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, I=l GRA FTOili , s /louse Furnishing Store, ago. ciet Wodora,/lEftroart, Near lialinuail Allegheay Cite. bin et Lk. "Onion NOT A FEW of the wont dlpior +, den that allot pa the arlae from corrup tion of th• blood. Ilitiallgul e D, tars niallol atiLLA U• rentatty the Mount rain, • a F. MIISSKANN. Fifth Wort, bct ween run'nel sued 'Chatham Streets.' Qumran!' and Dealer di Hardware. /Vat atm. [ pod, of all atKrlptlotts always as Mud sod told al Its. I,frost C.I.A.'S SIOGEFiLir & to (Ito. F. oemelttean a C 0.,) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS,•• Tn. osi.y NINNY I,LII(O4IRAFILIc Evres- LlbltYlLbi WENT 4U7 TkIN IN/uNTAIMI, Buono. Cud, Lotter NoNI, NOntN, LotoOs, elloolors, /Moor G. 111olonsa, rorlrall, View, Canillostes of Pepostsa, 100110[1041 Cord, 10. N. fa 444 73 Ilatrd .t.. 1111.. woo. 11. R. kIIDECV.R., PRAZZE TY CEMENT . ..IIIIC ERICA TILE, ItTONE 1.114/.llTe W RITE LIMK, CIIIMN KY TOl+, and we.rxn 1 . 1.1°M. 151 VIISST ritZET. oorroalle Munnnrkhels, CHAS: A. !PILLER, • LITHOGRAPHER, No. SO' IPOCHTII NT., Apollo Building. C ir.M. K Zete rr .. etrintU F el . .tv.. 1..L.d LET _!*l4...Y • • PLACE IN TIIE CITY to bag Pm TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, In at Vo . . i. UM.A.NT P. DI -PPP i1L414011 AND OIIGAIIIB.—A ver y .IVj mock or )(MAKE /MO.'S rum's, IIA!!E8 VMS, / NOS, aid mason. AUTOMATIC 011 ARM At BLUME% MIMIC STORM. 22,1 s Mo. 43 nrrri STREET CHOICE BEDDING ALAI TN = Roses, Geraniums, Verbenas, In bloom, at the Oakland limonbooms. • • . JOLLII IL AA. MUSDOC'''. -15en,LArr • ontaluove. FOR BALE. COnTnocLin, Orro . s. Mlt7 of wilrobeny, Jul. Mk, PC. ( run usLit—lsx stngle IMMK., early now; Jost th e Wog Int • Cobol •Ccbuol nearly Pimp On the second floor or City Mall. 11. L. 111 , 1OCII, I.mM UM, t.ontrollor. EDI& ,opiE ,DOELAIi. A Can of good TE•O4EII. • atop of goad ISLAIJK HEIL go ' • 12on of good .WMUUTLgIII...I{II(ES. 7fit/T/12;i3119614:12;ValliarATTIOELT, TRY TSIDM. At II YEDLR•L IgrkErr, Allaggoug• City. I E. EDIAtfIiDSON & CO. Wind usblo:,ol7 "1"In141' ngA " lt ' ..... 11. .040N - TsiWii. 'rift PLACIC ro OVe ^" PURE LEMON SYRUP. Kanufaotorta from the 31414; of Lemon. Is st.' • LD. taxon CURI ftC1019 , .• iefsuil No. 267 LW, WrY BOTTLED; ALES. lEFIETT, WINTERTON. Arsd tai. 'broods of AIMS AND SODA WA bottled by • J. C. BUFFUNI & CO., • AAAAR AS SUREST STREET. litUbugp, W. WILTI,CII. .... W WOW. W-'0 St, BLEABON, I= . . Leakthcor Zlettlitag, Malan 111 HILT and LAUXLICa.2III2. - ' . 244 204 2111THEIZLI1 NT; , 5t , 17:10 Plttsbor.h. ELMBOILIPB EXTsmyr PAU: BAPAKILLA damns. nd rendrelmai bk.!. WU. the viper of health luta the eye te m, sea outman batmen that Ike al, ____Rqbiten, aim:lase bies — PlM;l4o,72 - eat, tennis lc** CM*. a9Y 04. uIO M tip' ikil V *YU El FWD) lit Oi Dtzil IarSTRAW BERRIES.-Our crotrof Strawberries this season i! Very large and superior. aryl includes .lIICUNL/A. OUR Not:Or e FILLMOSE. AtatIi,ULTUEIsT, tioLDEN SEEDEI.),IIU it it'S NEW PINE. Ttil; WITH LIE !OIL Wit.ilJi, ate. Fanshica. Betel, risatturaniq and Dealers fnenlahcal on themu^t lincranerss. Shipments mode to any polnts,deatn A, Ia neat and itslit boxes or ono- Set s W ILWYN . I. the tine,t desirable variety for cniaing. and the fierrlea ripening Erse are the r o , ,i,,,porpo e ,, oar Exhibition will on on Ins Vitt and rib of this nu.aro. All orders nit et diner of oar market stands. or 'No. 137 LISEICIT MEET, will receive prompt •ttention, arLIELMBOLD`g - Concentrated Fluid Extrac t marsapartUct • , Eradicates ERUPTIVE and ULCERATIVE DISEASES of the THROAT, MESE. EYE:I, EYELIDS, ECAlfr cud .ELY,, • Whirh ndlttgure the, addearanse. the oil effects ea' da.revy sad rem vine all I islets , the renstaets of lf WEASEL hereditary .4. lRinft " E i r;rll.4 l e i i . f/l a i TiKif TARLE SlNuffi SU. orThe kxtr.ot of ' g r gt ' irVlltorb e llt ' Lirlitt t equi to a ration of the Struts of Saresperllla, or the decoctions as intufdly trade. . • AN INTEREsIINCS LETTER!. published In Vrig' u ii=7 n ,7=l„ifgArin n r. 11oeP:,:°:=.! tldat, by Hen o Traver, ~ , dr. Scrub. log of those disteasce,u.nl dleesses arising from e excess or...relief he ettles that nn remedy su tonal to the Extract of thiroupartlta, at per is extraordinary, over or than any other drug I arFniatnted loath. It in, In the a:slides( nears, a lona,. With tide tunnifinebtr attribute, that it tit applkuble to a elate Va. rfirtein ra sunken, and tuni 3/4 eeluse u frritable a/treaders nana Clad to or kJu Whet.rlour. ruheanree of the lIELSITIOLD'S OONCIEHTBATED MUM' SAI/BiPAEILLA Establlabed ['infanta of le year.: Umpired by U. T. titxtruoLn, nraigi st and Chest. MI Bromtwat. Y. th b • all Umtata . alith.tmwrc Ell PTILFUIi: FOR TELE:IIA9Ki7I nil I ----- l'hnlenla "Night IlLlooming Green.] I'4nlou•e "Night Illoaiating CC2tn..i I =1 G=sl =9 I:=1 A vent exquisite. 21e1i....e. - 611.1 Fr,rant Pernamc Ilkti.ind (hem the rare and brautlful dower fru. &Art. it tiara Its mune. lasotaucturv4 only by PIIALON lk RON, New. Terk; BEWtRE OF COUF.TERFEITS. ASK FOR .RALON'S—TAKt 1O OTHEI2I «j'DD. LUDLUM'S BPEIpIFIC, The Gteat American Diuretic! Alrottls Immediate relief Mad effect.farroulent eurs• of lose) and Priest., D orates to n ale soil tamale, in shorter time than lay rents lir all ever disDrussi su. covers& Price $1.43 oar box. bold • JOU.% D.PJLINJE, (Amaral A4sent. aaNyllstors. CINCINNATI, U. rar WM. BAOSIIILL & CO., `BOILER MAKERS • ND - SHEET .1110 N. WORKERS. Noe. 20, 22, 21 and 26 petal SG Haring gemmed a tar, ;awl and furnished It with the most approved notellinerr. we are ore pared to manufacture every description onßoll en In no; best =acme-. and warranted event to am made to na countiT: Oldnancys, Breech ing. Fire Beds. .team POWs. Locomotire Condensers, Salt Pans, Tants. Oil Acltators, Bribing Pena, pollee Iron, Brian", .agar Pans, and sole roanatantarers of, BAPS LL•B PASPNT BOIL Pact lto6alrlne donogn she idiot., notice. Icti csl MEM rROBLRSON, AEA et. CO., Mk." onto Kouxsoir. Mn., • MlLLiall.) WASHINGTON WORKS, F ors wad Warritstals, Pt It *bandit, Itavoractorera of Boat .4 atalloar22 altam tjeaa., Bloat Loath.. Mill 111arbinerr. Gear- ; Ellairt!na. C. 111411 of all dearrlatloos:oll Tanks .4 :ABB. Boller sod 21 , r:it - Iron Wort. No• 12 farmer roam .0 Baal thrlel4 Str. 42 - /Lorents for 13171 . /LBIBB r.I.TENT IN. JECTULt for reading Dolma. lall:r11 • tar LIME SUPERICM COPPER MILL a r SMELTING WORKS. I PARE, McCITB.IIY & CO., V.s.tittfastufrn of ShestMler. Brasiers' .4 Bolt C Pressed Copper Botms. B.stsed NUB Bottoms; hprittr Odd sr. Al Imports. rod t 4 iekto C rs In Metals, Iltriste, Meet Iron. Wite a MlVa . relgse * :: I Vo " VI . S. * It:V 55.1 . 1;40 `1 ,, t 1 .: gr.?, no of ea 4,7 Ott to soy destLesl t•l•rt. mytt rx. d.rl" NEIV.—CALL. ant 19 0 .114 . SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. Tr U th"" wttbppt wn. E. hcIIMEII... .715 r , 3l l ,flttn.. rltUburi!, L i qrQUEliC IC A. SCOTT, - DENTIST,' .ro. 218 prdra• • STBEET, fa.thlner. ..... lap -TO M&RRT. OR NOT TO --- MAURY r• WIJ: NOT? tl.rloaf Pe. feel?.., foe YootaK Nero. In Rttt))a orthe How . arJ anoeclatlne. cer the rispeloicenl rite, atmen aed tllatana 1?: noorane. of Nature, Ling. la the ant •ge tu•a. nun la :ealt.l envelarLaa...ftro of that., £a. f :en. J...11.C.F.h linntat - daeoention. ruTl':.lNlh► LuritTEty- PARTNERSIIIP ass teen entered Ime s to cotunieure hens the 10Tt1 Ogg lir JUNE, Mg. and to ecnititue if.IDNE 30W. lure. between iIIL SCHALK. of thitilir of Pliteleursts; end CII•KLES LZ$. NIC, of the City of Philadelphia. istato of Peens triclinia the business to. be that of dealing In cod tbs. ea gain of getro'cum, Ceti er bhair Tie. and ths ..Ispoust, in,eahausili• tie, of the articles naesl In the reran, Peeress either by tale or farther seastota.tnisei to be conducted to ins name of LULL Sell SILK. the (Semiarid Part ner, la the Cite . of Vitiate...ch. ell•IILICS LEN 010 ti the Ppeeisl Pa• lave, who has con tributed lemma the Sara fifty Thous•nd •Liollsra la cub. . CEIME CLIARLEII LEX.N ti 51.0111, Partner 111.1..libiatgli. J ..110111. Isd7. oElefont to, A.l. MICIIIiLbON,. to Aiderpian r Um eft? of Tilttoblinigl. Cont., of AncnNeny i i Utnte of lunneylranln; t 00004 •iitunffil KIM fi1.3141.1i i nitil made anirmation tlet Litbilflti bee, cc opeitial Canner contributed In crib tint Ott of nOO.OOOlO the liartneninlo ePPIOti of .ehloh be; the said EMIL 401 1 / 1 .i.1f. Is the Unties.* Partner. _111tem1t12317.11.0, 3.7, Ca all HOPPER & CO., [itvccesn;,rs to/t. R DUO] rtt; leced4l I= FURNITURE Of Every Description. BCIIOOI. AM OFFICE FUENFFUSE. N. 45 Smithfield Street, PrlTlSßUntill. CrA tell titatltneut of tittahcrtb lilmtnfac lurtal rotator., tositl.tly on hand et LOWNtIT 11•1111 . . ♦. aIYISTO NEW - WILL PAPER AIID lIPROISTERY STORE, 12=1 NO. 36 13Mrrp:ITELD - ST., BELOW T3ll D. To arcalinnotlOS Palter-Log Pads. 37,0 km7 7 11.1a " : " , " 4;i " g 1% ". .,1w n ssnek WA"..:l• ' .rEtt . ITlma . o% tilt r alnot, ClltteAlt: 110011 1/I.OOOITAUL6 Oil. 2143111, 11.s.TTII,s131Er sh di and DZIJUINst ur AI! IRON CITY SPICII FIEPII STREET EXTENSION, Akar. Paismytranita avant, rnTsumunt. P 4. VIBE DIOS AND MUSTARD 11'•rnii*41111 , 1 oar name Is on the /LAM.. r r i fril , 4=lll . W A NYILL and 11411 00TVEZ:ilulip 'MOUND NUTS ROAETIIII n„., 7 poll • Insua u of all the DIFFERENT RINDS OF SPICES, Whict w• *lre, In rt.ole.ale and Retail Dalton tittirrhnem" . ("r. Ctopped Foe. Constantly on Hand. WIIYIO=LMSa MOKLEDIM • FIRE SCREENS , V/ ♦ 2111 W lITTLIC • aa , i+a , . 1 7 4 10 111 .* 1 and iota sad ye - .astr.suuswerirrasser. jrs ! is, istrsuise a silo t - c 3 COBIACISS'IN XIiIIICHANTS. N. Jana 'BANE & ANJEB, Commis - Bton Xls,..chants, Belden! is YUMA GRaIN anti PRotnier x.terallv, No. 111 IVATILII, ! Go re Pituburstk. c 3 J. L. DCteLTll. ..... F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, - end btanurtmerert of MN Jae Pt. 3Z, OIL: New. Bacon. Beet and Ton gues 00111 De le.d7 for dellverp en btoedaT. Mte Choice Sugar-Cured Ream Do do do Beef; Do do do Beef Totwoug , Do do do Breletfest Bacot: Plato Cured Bacon Shoulders; Do do do Sides. At reduced prima end of excellent enalltT. Prom Mb di. we aba/1 be regniarlr buppbee true' ell entries In Prorleloo mule. Jmetr4l3 1337.13 BREWER' BURKE & CO., COM2IIBBIOIjI NERCILIATS, AGENTS YOU 11.11 Pacide, Globe &liberty Oil Works, c s lovaan ler Credo and Banned OIL Lib eral asti advances made on consignments of Crude or &alined Petroleum. lards for.etorage and shipmene or Crude MI at Lawrenceville. OM* and Warehouse. Corner 011inqueetio Wa7 and Hancock street. Pleteborarti. . ROBERT KNOX, Jr., COMMISNION .11E1W13ANT. And dealer In FLOUR, GRAIN MD PRODUCE, Offics, 113 LIBA:RTY NT., Ylttabargh. L . J. nL&NcnAnii a. co., WHDLNALE AND IiETAIL Pl. CA I = l. , 396 Penn Street. 1,13.39 ISITCI.BI. OOMMESION Id:IIROHAETB, 4 , E D Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, ite, mr.ebv" e LIB " TY pratittlitl. PA. 10.117ZDT W Edirk. • lIENNEDY, PISODOCE COY ILISSION KEIII.IIANTIS awl Wholesale Deslars la YOILZIEIN AND MAILS. Ile TIMMY, SALT. LOU.FY. BUTTER, YUYATUYI, at., .41n Prallaloas 4 KDLRAL _101.1.04.00 lenvw~ alepot Agetit• for the sale o(.. Y. 111w , a, Donnell Ellinaws iweL J. Earn'. Salt. apl-41.1yd FETZER 8 ARINTRONG, I'OBWARILIG LII GOIIISSIOX NRCILNTS, • for the sale of Flour. Grain, Bogota. Lard; Bettor, Bo ried Fruits, and Produoa 'outran/. o. 10 Mar k st &rest. corner of First; Flue/ore, aosrt. nor • 'ELNOIC/s, 80N, Conimissioa AMMON AIITNIand Donlon In /2/A/02. 011./IN.• MILL 1112ZU and PUODUCE gon•1.1- 17, 210, 7V Dlntoond. opposlte City 21,11, All 2, SnISY CRT. Ist 7:221 liay. CRAWFORD. conunbi. SION IIIIII3IIANT NIPIONISTAL., /Anne UNE. WRUININT /WRAP IRON. TM/. BUICK sod CLAY. le, We'll.. nod ( felt. No.. del' and 36.1 rstrn Stoma thini.hed. Coos! gement. touched. Oel LITTLE, BIRD & PATTON, Wbolenalefiropm, Conuntaalon Illerthantn. Ann Oitiders, In rrodass. lineon. Chet.. enrlwn .4 UM 01.1, Iron, Nails, blues, Cut.= Yarnsant All Plllabnrigh mannfacturts eaterally lian a 114 Boman MIKA. litlaburgb. F. attrual—r. S. D. ItMU.. DECKER ec•ISUOS4 (Successors As to Bonner a Amt....) Whotoule /testers In Torelau hole, Data and Opium. ConfecUoo- T:4l l g4. ' gr,TAßk a i ; iatti.e tg,:a :t om CALNITELD,Cosuusis :t:gro:f d ta i r ° ,tr ai- bit . gr S Tned.,e,"Lt; ter. Lard, Perk, P.O.rt, Moor, /tea Pot sod Pearl /abet. and Ott.. Drid 7ratt, and Pro duct deaarialy, Not. Nan gl lalroat street. Ilttabarga.. 13111DLE,lio. 183 Liber4 St., , ml.sioardereburt,ual are,ol4V b = Demur" Prouce, Crocerlu oral Caubbrgballetures. Cub album.. Coutg.lants std pad for Ptartma beau .oo .108.1". 60176LNTMA1D 310Qa1..0a 50551 _I OIL I. HOUSE & BROS" c 5.0114 TO Joax I. Horn, • Co.. Vilml• cale Ureters 411.1 Commlo4lol Mr...tants, Cot sr, of 139.:121441(14+14 %rat...trans. Pltiabargb QCLIONAILER & LANG, Whole may dealtrs lad 'ovules. 71c1ir..6 rat. rru: dot*. ProwlAdou,,Plott, Chat.. Balt, Cub.. Oil. N 03.112 .41 , 0 Wood etrset, pearLlberll,lltrvet, Inttstrarg et. Ps. nco:at* JOllll 11,LLACIL RIFIIP'rON IF. WALL! ACE, SW hole- No.° Watt b 144 ,' sale ti ROCtrert. LYS AND PRODUCE DEALEM. Janine COAL. COKE, &c BEST FAMILY COAL Always On halt darkoleitr.r‘d promptly murder, A •WEST MARKET RATES, BY SCAR F. LAME & Co_, jouN D. BAILEY, STOCK:AND REAL:ESTATE BROKER Cnr.Lalliki itreet aid P. PC,. t E ALLEGU9 r ttrr. Az tiaraclto Cos! Ittrai•hv gl at the In+e•l. rate.. Curti 111"Cral. J. L. MiLLSC. WM. M. CLANEYA Co., Gas Coal Works, " t a. I P _ l e A R r LU CK °Mee eteress.l3l./s. aw - g, " lll.lourgo. a •taL l Uve 01 Alleabeny Clay. Si LN ILL 1.. UV PIC second story Plltsborgb !loving frank Budd Ina, turner Liberty street end Virgin alloy. MUNCH orri7k..6: No. S Liberty stn., under Penn'. K It.. oppo site Wed.... le street, Yllteleurgh. and corner An derson sere • lent I'. Y. It. B. Si), eheny. milrders In :•st..ltber of th e Marra places 14111 ee promos attectellon. ta1.02 pirrallunsa NATIONAL ;.• I=! COAL AND ceiE COMPANIi r r az o l. t r era and dealers, bald BEST. FAMILY COAL: Nus Oa /1.1 *goad Elliet.cols. DITICE AND YARD, corner /mirth .id Try DreetA Pittsburg., Pa. Ati orders tor delivery In the City; or Bhiptnent Wrat, will t e ron i bt nn.l InitneDate atten tion. it. A. mee n REL. nonerlncettGent. costa cosur COALIR DICRSOS, STEWART & CO., I=l No, WI LIBERTY STREET, (Lately CIO Moor SECI;ND 11.0011, Aye vow prepay dto tonlelt 0(04 YOvelapglleriy LEAP, ACT COAL On "MACK, Lithe lowest torte% peke. taire A rtl=l . ll l l t t.: l atfl? ° :(ll . ' teralgrl e t! protartlY. too; WA • VORT PITT COAL COMPANY —Shipper. arid deal Yrs llopertor Family I and Blom Coat. Nut Coal and Slut,. general of: ono to p Pittsburgh tl artome Hank Boll& I log, corag,Ll'lerty .tree{ and Virgin alley. ,Itriwelt odlee, corner Try sad Third streets, Pittston:a. Ord... left at Ott. of Cat above gratslallTlVVX 3l, OTalt " Pitlatt'igh. DIRICTOISIC . . . . I , J. J. 01%.1.zsris, H. • 1.. P.mrzeruce.. IS kIeCRICKAIrr. WK. 11.1Xnel•nT, 010.5 9. MUM, JAB. hoonrrooksztir, WALT. HIM\ ItT. cs sawn Somir . 1 . 1.11, Lc S. J.tituage a lr: t. lA. kl. u Voz ca. beey W. M. CLASS NT kV4l.,*anairems. ii1:01 . - CUARI,ES R. ARMSTRONG, tOOQUIOOUNIA. CONALLEIVILLE COAL Deal, plant, •nd saa •nfacturers or uod IlemlfbarlizestCoke Corns , cf fullerl ite! ' rront A o l 2:ye on Lib art, and Uttnner streets. Ntuth ward. and on anon„ street. near Loch No ts rttPhornh. Pa , raintlite and Wane., at with the best article of Cost or Cate at the lowest cash rates. Ordrra lertsit any of their WIMP. will ropetr• prompt %twill.. BREWERS, MALSTEFtSoko pITTIMUSIGH lIREWERY CARSON, D ARLINGTON IS; CO., DRIBS% SALMIS in • BOP DEAL , tlurcauott to SONHILL 6110711111 & 041.. Pittsburg_ WW. W. 4IIIIMMOURI, ...twesh& She le partloolmly attention Welled M oot of tbe customer.° the two Pools ALB AND PORTER, WOW, Mr ugh the motel mlootlon or Malt Rom Ohr e Vl: rl rre atoll, NFek.Z`g,'.- and from 1 por and p tlesolory to the Li mle. ltur IND A ALA het Pero elghly . rocommeoded • '' At T hir. Vhi71111111 7 8 0 eir;tom on lel, I rtes. be =NZ t 1 .1 IrtZ,V.P.e, z i r.1,1:1' F" Niet°,. oo, ad ' Corm 1 home illy iii o Narker'i &Her, • 000:070 - 11,1111.3 8 ITU. R.A. TOOOO, 'Pomp! um . . ' TtiChoml noolvir. ALL lIENYBREWERY. Elrii, lleelop ramrod the Old eslahltsbc4 Mowery lumen m e ALLEM HIP If 1111 SW CRY. tor. rg,%,°,..rvalta . zli.utsaitLehavg anate:ore of SPRING WATERAT,Eq, - Mmle Pon reM liPflus` Water. enetrom our 1 LT4',".11NL1°J,11411:174 I l l tie.,lT.;°,:in oath... mr.l.Me/loa 00 loon wile Zyheor es wile 1 their patomme. taiIItEXTMC sib Oa.. 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEG !WAY CITY. ar.sii order. 101 l et SHOWN • till/LRAM% WM LlOarty Mimi. elltsborgb. wdl Mpromptly Wended to. 1 001,111 PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY. Me. WILT & 31cKA.V, PLSTERS AND BROCIRS Ale, Porter andßrown Stout, ringlinino ?Li MMUS WALTSoll.Miukiiirs. FOR r FOR BALE bebest Farm In Falrffeld thrust:dn. Wesimortiand e , ogtyT, l's..conta , n.ng about 0* acre; eltuarao x miles loath Of the Pennayitenl• ttaiiroad. at Bolivar Meilen. The troprorements area late , ' hued log boner, with nineroe a. m good twdart • frame flash barn, 0.70: with the • ben of ail. taloa. Two attic and one peach orcnard. The whole farm Is It. er • blab State of co lirrattOn: feni.l.• is alf 1: the roll is 01.00, and is winwatered: &limit TO urea cleared. the re costmler In goad while oak timber. Tide prop erty le offend at the law prlce of fifty doilar• peAl a o r ea senenelon, meme F at rm. y. contelnine ED acre; eltuat.d to Fills•treth toernablo. ellegbw. ny county. es , . on Me Yonehlugneny Meer, and near Elrfal's nimb i en minds e mine road. abobt Mermen from ,he clty. The Proremen. are a two-story belch 1100.0 wltb fie rooms, hail running through the hoe, "run cellar; • No. barn and other outbuildings. Abundat:hurcbence of the best Irults. of all vadat.; hoola a r n elfa l g l e l , l 4s T g e a r rde ' n ' lt v g ' Vgla dowel) to call d Rae Weal t atileld r toweishlp, Indians county. abou a mato:ram the live of the Pennsylrenteßall • ro.d. The Impro•ementa ere—Flfst, • two story Pimp house. with fire monis.. barge freme Larry alire. corn crib, ea:11.4011one. • good tem. spring noose sod wood house. eecont a two-story log hob.,. • large frame nunun,4oa.:o. a store frame .rtug honfe,and other ma in:aiding...l The Notting la all good, abundance of kismet me on the place,eod u coal but a b sikori, . t .Il 101. t u ne r s, Niuy de. ; l am autboriaeJto ~ell able yreperty `' /ITaS. h AlrirtTen ' tlr l e=i ' lleitcres, ofwhich e are- nby und l e 2 r eult o:.. iandon e . ,Macaw in r aw " :17 r choice fruit tree., ood ' rencing. lt o IIn:t blo 2 miles of the Ihinola:(lentrel told euottable terms. Cate property taken In pert eachante if drilred. Also. • farm or Ilk acre. lir Penn tawnah IP. Wt 'in'ore , eofi ....Y. =acres cleared and ea der cult , ttlou • scree of drat-rate White oak and other Umber, 2 dwelling Imams, I of them 2 atorles, the billet Jewry. with tenant holm, with nrat•rate tltemis kawnilll In ...Tenoning I order; 70000 orchard of grafted holt. The land II .1111, evcrr acre le id:table, with lime-Lime : I.l t fl on ' Xiin i rlre • irr th ielolArt r terrfa.A "' air I/alined: 28 miles eaat aft andWre e st i ly . jorn lllll !y r Tcraie r fi . to T a Ruud ne!ltGboeo_ hood: every serels underletd with coal. The title Is goml, Also, a tArt.storYLlrlek House, with 10 roo000,• 0 feat float and (.et back. with two entail I lot; situated le the .mace or BaltdMown, Der ry lownahlp. Weltmoreland county. ra.. on the hank of •he i , onentango Mee, immediately op- Pcalte This prop 'Lt.% Armarof ' ' Ll o ar i ;rl. " :ll.ttnefi fn %eat Wheiddeid township. Indiana county. Penne. The improvements are a µowl frame boom, frame barn, and other oulloilidinget about cleared end under good mace, the residue to good timber. The solbltr,igorda,ioaljl.y;.well &"s"olrallaro •stoT:; acre . PoftebaJo immediately. • rorfortber Doructuara, enquire of 11001 11.t.e Arm; 4, o lVlT . Pourth street. intirgovED PROPERTI 0511.M.311. ..danata la Lawrenceville, and liptingeleld, .a; :Joining• ranKlog In pile. from st,coo s,ivo. Will be sold on reasonable terms U applied for soon. Embracoahlt opportunity Tor farlb!r lyormatlon, apply at. alla Hamm, tats and Inger.Ce Odioe of G. tl. BATZ.I. Butler straii. Lawrenceville. VOll BALE—llouse and Lot ou Locnst street, lialathester; lot SO be CO feet. Price, 44030. A.so. Coo small 110051iN AN L/ LOTS on tied!, rt. k a , ° " g - 4 , litlir:L.l;! °°` " F. w. Also. TWO' LUZ'S on Western avenue. near Tremont atnect, Alitettetty City. Pride 4..0 Terms easy. ic.tlntor r lf= s t!) Lo" ?. Igrin Bearer, near Chesnut Mts., Manchester. 110 USE AND LOT FOR SALE. • • • .The house and lot at preientoccupied by the aubscritxr, situated ou atreet, (Man chester ' , avenger hallway.) hy feet 1.!,, inches wide, and ruhroug through the same width MS feet le inches to Allegheny avenu AC e. Terms caoy. ISA CUM": jelltad: Bidwell street. Alleghen y, FOB SALE. • On NICTIO•STOEY oirguae !muss, 'grate.' within a tow yards or liewlekley Sta tion.on the, Pittsburgh, Yon Wayne and Chi cago lisa'way, contenting four rooms, eatit, cellar underneath. rossessiort given Immediately. F" "n" n ' ArELLY, Anetionenetr. lie. 4 ride at.. Allegheny. `OR SAUD 011 RENT, C REAP— A Yam at Carpenter's litacon, on the Cen tral flails°. 'conts•ltlng LZ acres; Improves menta. In° tons. and stables, gond orchard: In tasture and good for cultivation. Also, as, end mist, farms. In gold localities .d welt 7. ° Tl.` will ...7.:,