!II De egittsburgtt Gaintr WEI , NESDAI JESE 39, V... 67 LATIVP: COKlWPritri The untoward course of events at the State Capital, particularly during the last few yeais, has crested a very gener- al feeling of distrust' as to the Weill , gence, and honesty of many members of the Legislature.' She state has been sit eulately deipoilcd. No public property later( that could he converted to private use. 'Laws have been notoriously pass. ed, not to promote the 'welfare. of the Commonwealth; but to stare: e the greed of memberiof the two II ' s, and the outside cormorants with V/ m they were associated. Bills of the, utmost eqnity, and the most pressing import ance, have been often defeated, because members found pecuniary advantage in opposing thezq We sae aware it Is said these things cannot be proved. By way otrejoinder, it is only needful to say, that hoWever Aliflicult, in the' present 'condition of the laws, It may be to make legal pritof sufficient to convict the guil ty, a moral consciousness of the Justice of Aheae incriminations is felt by every citizen of the Slate who is at all conver sant with Legislative proceedings. - This consciousness isbne of the highest forms of proof to those who feel it.' No amount of sophistry, al eclat pleading, or abuse, neoii against it. The basis of It Is circumstantial evidence.f A bowl zod nate ure and al Mart i rnpalp Ole things, considered seonrately and apart, combine to force a 'conclusion which .is irresis tible. . , .. Of late many plans have been pro posed for remedying tine evil. Among, these is this—that special plans be taken to send better men . to. the assembly; Not bet some of the most desirable sort git there every year, but that there is need of increasing their number, and corm, pondingly diminishing the other kind. Citizens who have never taken an active ' part in political management are apt to think'thts hard to do. In this conjecture • , they are mistaken. It is always easy . for the people of any county or district ' to have suitable nice nominated for brace, provided they set about it in the right way and with a determination not to be baffled. In each county or district, ordinarily, • comparatively a i t ew individuals are potential in thcrooatrol and direction of • either, political party. It may safely be assumed that the denser the population, the fewer relatively take an essential share In party arrangement. This hap pens In obedience to a law that pervades all civilized communities: When many thing's arc to be done, they are besi ac complished by a dlNision of. labor. In all departments of business this 'princi ple is recognized Mad respected, because of its undeniable conveniences. labial. popUlations this rule is allowed to run Soul political matters. .3lost men have their hands and heads full of their pri vate concerns, and let those who will take possession of the local political machinery and run it as they please. This is one of the main reasons why this machinery is frequently put to tel. fish and corrupt uses: "The bulk of the members of a party in. any ie.-alit): have two means of redress within their reach. If either of them alone is installment, the two appiled.con secutively will pretty certainly prevail The 'first of thead means" consists in • each citizen doing Ida duty'as such, and • aa a member of theOarty with which he . elects to act. Ito citizen kas a right to stay away from the primary meetings or to go and blindly ratify whatever lead— , 'era may propose, and they when the re, suit, proves unsatrsfactory, turn *away • • and grumble. Each citizen is bound to .iestst at the start all improver candidates ‘i mind instrumentalities. It is his daty to demand the nomination of competent ' and honest men for all places of honor • pmt trust. There are such men in every epmmunity. Einukere, mechanics,traders and manufs4tarers, have little difficulty in ffisding men whose intrffilgence is of the • honest: order, and whose probity is proof against all tempts lons. Here and there, 'indeed, a rascal turns up, and is forced to run the country or submit to be caged in the penitentiary. Bat these are ex ceptional instances. - There is a vast amount ? of sterling uprightness in the wofld. - . Nothing is stronker, after all, than Man's faith in Joan. If this was not so, society would disintegrate and cease to. exist. Commerce everywhere proclaims that there are plenty of men fit to be trusted. It Buds suitable agents on all sides Misanthropes and hypocon drias ,may prate as they will about modsi . n degeneracy; but •there are a ' hundred reliable men, at least, for each • salad. - There honest and capable men can be had for public as easily as for pri vate service; ens they will no more goal or defraud at Ilaniaburg than at home, . in the shop, in the hank' ~ o n the farm, In ..the factory, or in the stole. • Meant integrity.andlimse have weight • and lrdlnenee wherever they may be. - Get them in position' and they- can be counted On to a. certainty. Scamps know them by instinct and keep away • from,them. "Temptations are not laid.in their way; and even If - temptations - Amid be Presented, they could be pow. mesa. How is it that such men ausbe . found for partners, clerks,.foremen, so perintendents, maiden, and what not, sad cantina° had to go to Harrisburg? The, very . staternent shows there is a fal- laCy Ittrklng in It. Party Jeaders can be made to nominate gOod men for all pub lic placeb and there are. enough each men willing to be nominated' , under • proper circumstances. Sometimes this would interfere with the plans and am bitions of cliques, that wish. 10 consti tute their Seth cloth corporation's But ( It is. wen , useful occasionally to learn cliques that the masses constitute a power =ore therm • T:`tere is =other, initruraentality the. 'members of a party aiwayLbave at com mind, when other , agencies fall to Induce , party)eaders to nominate suitable can didates—and that Is what to commonly gaited t?olting. This _ls a harsh exile. then; in voiles analagous to rebellion in govefrnmenl, and should be resorted to only in extreme eases, when all other reeinkof Fedreaa have fella. But it is a legitimate agency. .A had man can d isvo no, valid eliding to support. If he has no !merit ill himself, he cannot be invested therewith by . a thirty caucus . An attempt by a caucus to foist such an one upon the people is an insult and an outrage, deittringof prompt and deci ded rebuke. Let us illustrate. Certain Republican members of the list Legislature were nomlnited 'and elected [ander the ciper tation that they would sustain a gel:allot" Frog Railroad Law, They did no inch thing; but violated either expressed or Implied pledges. Some of these .men want to go to the Legitlatore again, and may perhaps manage to bc re-nominated. If any of them shall succeed in worming th'emselves on the ticket, there'll bat one way for the friends of Freedom in jlatl . road Bundles to take with them,:and that la; to . vote square against them. Alt the fleptiblican members who voted . , against Senator Bionex's bill are not to ' this hoot. Some of them kept . their pledges, if they wide say, and fairly „ represented the views of their constits• eats. ' Our auagealkds do not apply to there. Neither tio tbe foregoing remaika 4ply to any member of the Allech,ny delegation. The cue we hare adduced : illustrates a principle; and for thitt object only we brought it forward. —The myiiterlous rids:don of the Dal. ted States at, lunar Gettysburg to the Wee Indite, has resulted la s aline!' Meaty of amity, commerce, &e., with the Dominican Republic. It Is nothing ee,,re dr hie then the stereotyped for pfallry we here gone thrr,gialth 'every Wile, big and little, la ,the ex.v.rt Or* of A=4llolll pOUrL 1 - Tee Mogi. or Well Merest, NEW ADVERTISE - WS - NTS Tlai. Nov, York I ..,,,,1 Of 0,,,,,n, , . . • .-- „- . ...—.....--.-- —Nearly all the battle fields around thus trie. to educate an I:l.mi:w.f . : HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINA- Richmondd are now sewn with grain. ' A stn:: int ire • orryo too lec t •,u1,.. an 3100 -Tro sus - mu-OS In sTr,IiN or ~,,,,,,„,,,,„„ „, ~,,. ~ ~ „, ~ ,„ „,,,,,,,,,, ...pure. i, felt snots... is the cirTeettlion —There tire one thousand acres a', ! ,_„,., ,„ ice, , ..,.i. ~‘ , I - , ti.. ,, , me... -m ”eee ,,,, r• strawhorrica on the line of the Illinois • " ' r '' ''" '- " " tndr'' tr . '. 5t.•.10 t V Yam 1 dog•X A. X Central Railroad, - stood that rho-, built. di phi aw-t are etie P‘ r"..1" or Ito Central lb '''' '." Er''''''''' — Wotermelonocan be bought et Cu- , p10y. , ) .•itteaj ler .e. '• •' . ..:1: of :he th_ ten °°'u st. sotto e ANT. ,n.f . re....ry. lambus. Georgia, for the refrigerating i man-. 1, o tio readily yet oprt bend theta. - L) A. CAMERON. . price of .c. 4 each. i :old 'de not thootottsl . .0, mi.ell:moo. XL. . Buffalo reitient ten,. tire 1........ interested in the ' • —A severe case of chew . in .„ quesitoo. it' espinotir,g, o. t. will throes. - Attorney-at-Lav, has been caused by i e deigence m • state A 1,, gqi,j on baud, kept fur it rise or sausage and sour beer . ' ' future use, and want, to torsos curn.ney 1 N o . 95 Fifth Stieet. —The Emperor of Russia has ordered 1 upon it to 'oak. il a t .atilableas capitol for ; lela:a ‘ that Italian ors:I title . t d without -""i". hl.. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON. re shall reappear ' at St. , present. poyment. i I to it. lie inn ereYsit the gold wish a .1. 1 peteraburgia Peptember. hank or other copitidist, awl hiwrow —The Prince of Wales is going to 1 money on it to about its market vale., P• H. IN'QUIRE. ,„ „„„„ , „„ ~ „, take hie Princess to the. Date Of Sucher. i at, say foyeiter , lent. per tin nti to interest. ;',':„.„•... run t,_,.,...".., -- , ,,,",,•,,,,',',7, 5 ,T i,r,,i'7.i . ,!'"`i'fiT, land's seat, in Staffordshire; on a visit. But if he nods gnu it hieytoirreticy to r t neoat, slots ' W 5'1•055. Fostie CARKs. pare and'wonts the money to use, he FRU,. • 01F t.O ili Cs nit% Re. —William Cullen Bryant and the ' maker an even trans:ethal. , That is, A, e •e'ricla • inti sir Irmo'', fenoil•t oitie'i•ii at ' BOIL Henry J. Dawes, Member of Con- I /ends It h s money for Ito iwiIDVDD,D in • "ST ' -• "" I 'r ''' '''''''' ''''. -1'9.. ' great, were born in the Same holm, ln ' paper money at the market rate of the . CITY of Ar Lgraißligy. Cummington, Mau.day, on the prontiso of It to return the Tae.,-rue. '. ols ice Jeer 10. u . T. i —Lord ' Brougham, who has been re- I gDIII for the paper tondo upon detnand, N OTICE' IS ; HI REIFF GIFF.N ported dying several times, has arrived ' ar'iiii•T P ".l3' " I . `"Y "..1. - . interest. This s. it iitt . : ttgfi r t5f.i 0 .: , 7,.;),..4 ' ::,, !. .1 • ::, 1 4,i in London from his villa c . a. H. czen l.tiClittlge is called • • not. • ' It makes o„ coo, os ~ tia pond: stn.'. nee Joie let, " .ditleronre whether the owner or tint 'A, at. he paid o 1 mid naT loss the Suds is in excellent health. ' A It k fPI e s ' h 'lt I pale's or the gold has a right to cull for a ' 1 - 4 • ‘ ';jet • ,,,, ` . k.: ' u i`' " ,71 -- .iatiettiA,' ° —lt is announced that the City Coon- I settlement, jr each party has the use of . isistsit L' Clay I ri ware, cil and the Gas Company of Elmira have ~ the tailor's money Until the call is aisle, - had w falling out. The Council have i t he rule in street Psflunfe isffof. 1 IN -HITE, OBR h. CO., abandoned gas for kerosene oil. i It - there is more Wild offering iltan pa- i per, the owner of the gold may have to . —A Washington paper says the Ron. I pay partial co tor the use of the John Morrhteey won forty thousand , currency, o'rej mie le emb.d a one ..,,,,. dollars on the late fi ght between I carrying"—that is, A borrows the cur /Laren and Collyer. We don't believe it. renry of B, giving the latter the use or OFFER FOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES his gold, and agreeing to pay him, Is -The following curious adiertisement irides, sop two, three, or four per cent. apgiears in a newspaper in Paris: ~r annum a__um i . nterest When the tronsiwtion t Agency general for ItTernational mar- ' is clotted. or cost... the DUO for Carry lieges. Happiness gUaranteed for a le tog, even at the highe s t, must lion I S UMMER DRESS GOODS. year. " than full rata's for it cull loan, las i :luso —ln the large cities of the British the owner of the gold can al w"IS b orr ow j,te, North American, Provinces extensive upon UM that anyo lien , to the street. Rohl I . , WILLIAMSON'S It sometiums httpitons roar preparations are being made to celebrate scarce and wanted. Thee the borrower • VT the birth of thc "Dominion of Canada " Jul Ist. rowin pays for I. use,and this i 4 rattled a. "bor.' DINING ROOMS, on y g" rule, :mdistinguished from the —Sojourner Truth was in Rochester •• carrying" rate. The , is always reckon. ' JP • o. 36 Jr/sr/tee St., last week, with a Brined of farm laborers ed by the day. A few weeks ego we ; . from Virginia. She soon found situa. , i were gum ngsrom 1.32 to I-lii as the Our- 1 I lietwuto Surtind mid Third Streets, i rate. This 11101111.1 that 9 le. A tions fur all of them , and received op- iii7ii‘i,vointi6 cu rrent } ' ,3 ”dd pay i iiii , iiii I PlTTailkitintill, PA. plications Mr many more, • ' ' . .I . • •' . TIIP Sintise 18 newts futulilied with eventide, traction a one per vent. a mit for Its , ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,„„ ~,,,,, ~ Tt,,, —Albert Pike has performed one great use. The Ott/ is too l ovn balanee between .. n,. ~., r et,thing tne nark , . attirils win be achievement. In a resent editorial he a tate to were', too a rate to carry, If •ur •edopat IN oust of the do or mph,. • 0 1,0 house, ticond floor. produced a single sentence of two hum- there is a Lorriart tog mile the owner of the , r r,... "1. tired and ten words without any other 1 gold rectives no worts Der day ret its use, ; - .1. H. WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. 1 out to. the currency townies. If th ere. I - stop than a few commas. . l/r - The hlehett rosrkrt mkt veld for alt kinds I a rarrvittg rate, the owner or tho en rren -Mr. Mayne, the owner of Demi% 1 ey rot Myer so much per seam for Si,, t ''' '°."'°"'' r''''' Irls.sfe u who Wen such enormous BUMS on the I tote of his paper money, and has the use 1 TO GLASS IIiftEPALTUREGS. Derby Mee, has subscribed 5.12,000 of or Clo weld lowlides. If the rate is fiat, Loa winnings to the fund Mr the restore. , each has tin use of the°niers. " ii "•. e * ' THE UNDEIisIONED haying t.on.of Lincoln Cathedral. i rind neither pays tmything. We Intuit i . .oeurwil tee sole Warner for the sew of Um —Edmund About, rho well-. 1„, own I this is Intelligilile to the iihnplest Under- eel..rated standiugs We quota dally the °potting I , , COPLY POT CLAY. author, says: " There arc tv thipgs in highest, lowest and closing rotes, mid - this world which a man - does not otter tbote terms e pt e t„ dii,de.oh„.a. The , t i :.i. i loz i i•=.7t i t o t: rur11 , 1:11 h 11.2 . 1 . 7 ., ,,AV1Y find away from home: the first ia good toxin •• trighest Wit" means that ite high- . Duna. Moen jean: . u ' of thls obir"Wedit” ....ri soup . the second disinterested love. " est price for Me nue of gold during the . =,!,! , 1;1!,t2r,.,:;11 . 11:4 7,4hu,nr etsei , te —queen Victoria is about to devote day vett. nn even exchange with cur- !wo Laving secured . ..... (6 IlllTOrt m ar t en s2,fitAl,lloo to the foundation of a conva- I rest f 3"." • Sts tor taco tad , an d s.. rne lasting se lons as _...... e _______ _ • te4t stol n.. months, We el I tun.. rt.att.. looeeot hospital. The money used is the - municipal Enterprise in Cincinnati. , (~r the propurldoraor the mixture c r mt. clay to • aorta. pnorphaotti.• Tao Clay Is papaw] sod accumulation of her p vy purse allow- . The Cincinnati Commercial accuses 1 i°"•°i ' -" " . " :". i" roe __ doisr. u• once during ' the year of. her widow- I Miss HIRAM & SON. the present government of that city of ' hood. Fort FM ulnas Works, profligate cmienditnre Of the public mon- i , ~ - • - •i ts Paris l ' i •- ' " GENERAL NEWS —About the Paris Exhibition, the latest report is that It is a failure pecuni arily. A daily attendance of forty thou sand is necessary to pay the running ex penses, and it has thus' far fallen short of that. I —The Winona (Minn) Democrat says that recently three gentlemen of that place returned from a tishing excursion In Wisconsin, with tlie hundred and ten average size trout—having been engaged mashing less Man a day. order to keep a thee fresh during a late ball at Paris the. Prince of Wales carried a phial of water under his vest, in which the stem of the rose was in serted: A new sensation for the Prince of Wales to carry water in a bottle. —The indulgent papa of a NC* York belle, presented her, on her last birth. day, with one valuable horse.. and coupe, j one pair of diamond ear - ridge, one In-' dia shawl, four boxes of Jouvin's best, and three different colored silk dresses. • I —A London letter writer says that when the - body of Axtemus Ward was I shipped, "the coffin was inclosed in a I case and shipped as a statue, to tumor the superstitions horror of English sail- ors, of sailing its Is vessel Which carries I a corpse." . I --Since ISA -England lets expended no less than $5,000,000 for special "Com missions of inquiry." Among thole now existing are the Children's Employ 'meat, Schools, Scottish Educatron, Mar riage Laws, Trades' Unions and Pollu tion of Rivers. . —A female, dressed as a bloomer, - ex. cited a sensation in the streets of Troy on Thursgay evening, and was followed by a crowd of ill-mannered boys, who went screaming through the streets after her. Sae was obliged to take reluge in the. Po- lice Lleadquarters. —The last sensation is contained in the Oswego Palladium which says that a serpent forty feet lung has been discov ered in Lake Ontario.- A party of ex. curstuf hos sailing-on the Lake, the other evenlig, are reported to have been scared nearl out of their wits. • —I has just been discovered that the 20-inch gnus will bear much more pow der than was supposed. The New York Times says one Was recently fired lour times at Fort Ratrulton, and the charges used were respectively 135, 150, 175 and 200 . pounds of powder. • —Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois—the States which term the great Ridlcid belt of our Country—hare all emerged from the crisis of war with di minished debts. The majority of the Mates Wore increased their liabilities from thous4-ds to millions minor 1060. —One of the beat oes to which the Atlantic cable to put Is the heading off of rogues. Heretofore European and American villains of every kind rushed on board the steamers and. were sate. Now thelightnlng stops this little game, and they are captured the moment they set foot nn land. —One of the - most disgraceful exhibi- done of religious fanatic..ism is the perse elation tit the Jews in the new State or , Roumania, instigated by a Ministry I whose Members heretofore lidd claim to 1 the name of Liberals. The gOvernments of France and England acted nobly In promptly and energetically - Interfering ' in behalf of the persecuted Jews. —The Great Eastern has a wild sort of a legend comiectet with it, to the effect that between the outer and Inner frames or cases, a smith end Ids riveter perished while at work, and their bodies have never been found. It is said by the sail ors and shipwright that the spectres of theie two victims haunt the dark space between the outer and inner cases of the vessel.' —The Board of Health of New York have organized a disinfecting corps, with a view of an Immediate and thorough purification of Wealthy tenement houses In all parts of the city.. Tile awful ravages of the cholera in South America bare given rise to apprehensions that it may visit New York before the summer is over, and the Board •15 detertiuned to place the city . in a condition to be pre. pared for thewent. —Among the passengers for Europe on Saturday were the lion. George Ban croft AIM wife, A. T. Stewart and wife, Blerstadt and wife, Mr. Simonton, Agent of the Associated Press, John: Austin Steyens, jr., Judge Henry Ili Iton, IL E. D. Sarruiento, Ilinister from the Argentine Repribllc, Mira. Simeon Dra per and family, G.. K. GIUTISOD and family, Miss Maggie -Mitchell , and mother, and Mu, Carl '*.ituir: and fatally. -There was amok execution in Wy andotte last. Wednesday night, at mid night. Two nogro men named Web askr and Van Buren, =need of murder ing McMarrow, were taken out by a par ty of about one hundred men, and an end put to all their earthly troubles. The unfortunate Wows plead tor mercy, but they begged in vain. A rope was put around Webster's neck, but It broke, and be wu diapatehed with the revolver. Van Buren attempted .to run, and was shot, two balls taking fatal effect. -One of tLe interesting knildings In the great gardens of the Exposition con. tains • collection of models illustrative of the aeries of works on the much-talked or Suez (final with Stuffed specimens of various creeping, crawling and dying things now existing in the vicinity, fop ails and curious exhumations of all sorts. It is now lincen years since the French began to seriously agitate this project, although they. hays been at 'work not q ua," eight, with a eapitsi of 340,000,000. It is at present about one-third finfihed• , , and one-half thalength is excavared;and l'bTE w ARSEII.IIBEDIEBTB, that only a little worn than a third of its ; W'B/171 , 821.21, Jr ado Aver ur tuture width, while the depth, which Ss ' Ilse, a s 7 2, 14 8 " ' i n .. .W.. 1 . 4 4 : ". ° ° to be twenty-six feet, ribw liVerarros only i new". A smote tor Me 0 4367T.C. mad seven; but all the preliminary works of j V...,t0tpr.,, =.l h* " 9ll " g "I tiogrd Lames survey', plane, estimates, itc., are of '. -in! 7-_. ______ __ course complete. . ( ROBINSON BROTHERS, -In 14 liquorealoon in the Nineteenth I ward, New York, on Thursday evening, , 31Eltsaalit.ex.a4, six largo tom rate were SeCnred, and a. 110.7 a FOURTH ISTAXlBT,Pletabarah. number of invited if'sportamen". wait bled st the saloon to witness anhhcoun 1=."::41: , Vall1114":: gaV`Z 4 ter. The first two cats were tied firmly ad. or together by the caudal Ott:emotes, and 1 VT 10-g_ Vitsgersibista-irusga , •en thrown over a sMut line tied to two ""- a ---....' .-..- ..."-• ...... '' ... - 7.-- " . upright posts in the yard in We rear of Alt_areemnvil u t'sbiirim„irvvii 5 °10.0a Smola the balooo , sod immediately a fierce con. i g i ,". -- ;,,, ir t grk.„,r,, - a,a ., irg.tt. k. i,.. won " . teat was commenced, In which the quad- , W ATXD .-° . °,°. °l° ... 14, . °Vat rapeda aendthed and hit at each othdr l'Llirwlrsiglir it i t i sn:::ll ° ."'' shockingly, meanwhile uttering the moat ' &Peeling cristawhich mingled hideously with the Jeers and oaths of the bystand en. Aiwa contest of ten minutes' du ration, one of the felines died, while the other hong motionless by its aide. They were then _taken from the cord and thrown into a, *hilt- Four other cam were then euaichel to the line,.-and the , coops araa reenacted to the evident de. • tiv..t - , ,t the observing, who oared small I betS Oh their favorite aus. PI'T'TSBURGH DAILY ey. The bonded 'debt of the city has' "" 4 W"hinn .- "'" ' rn"°"_ reached thasum of $0,2:9,000, find the 1 pITTSBURGII; LEAD PIPE city tax this year is more than two per ' ''' c AiN u cent. Adding the county and State tax- ; ; es, the people o( Cincinnati pay more ; SHEET vgAn WORKS, than three per cent., and the valuation , of property is constantly rising. Behind i mass to oroer and keep on baud t it .tee., this loom up the national taxes. lenotbs and toleknets. of Complaint Is made that the City Coon.' i Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, ell takes no account of these serious facts. The Gilbert avenue project, AT LOWSSS Al/LUKE - 1' II a:l'74, which it has adopted, involves an ez- I pence of $200,000. McLean avenue will cost at 19ast as much more. The line of PLEk !lel MATEPIAL, 5 , e latter, says the Commercial, is "not I ➢ B alke; I ftiV4l3 ° . 'C'Ea' ' unfrequently covered by the Ohio River. i nT.F.AbI PU. Pd. PLAIN AND OALVANIZen When the water is up 'we may passalong ' Iltati Pita, de.. de.. at. that avenue in gondolas, and we antici. I BAILEY, pate a proposition to send a committee t I FARRELL & CO., of the City eminent° Venice to taste a ' . study of municipal water craft." ter estituritu) STRT.F.T. ritesearsa. Mr. Englestoa's "boulevard" will , P•lSOnetedo probably cost $ 1 , 000 , 000 . The now so= w- ' ,i, - V A LIT A 111. E BUILIDING erage system, work house, and comnier. - LI c. 0., kr Vali, KU oral'. V. me. crab hospital, will cost about $500,000 .se , b , ,7 .....!h , x.,., r ror,Wapte a ca-. each. The new gag works may cost . f...rs ' , tt5 7 ,...• : ,., ', 1. " c4. - , l : L i - Lti:lt ` ..g.l i i•• " : . 1 anywhere from 111,000,000 10 t 3,000,000 41;rnrfa'et r f, , tinve woe i r obe a' - ffeefian d IThe renovation of the "Garden of 'Eiden," ' •trtTet...l,7oOl broo , a•VeTo . re ' a ' .. "l :4[ll ° :b7o ' , ' . ' . the Conynerrial thinks, may be safely. r.Z . "11.:* . :•.-1'•::,t rg , r . , sod a;esmeatal ...I debited with . atl additional owls . , of '. p.e.tantly ...este !trolera ' %ll: . ollVj ' firt”:l7l 152,000,000. What the projected water. , ';‘, , , ;,t, vg'se; ,. l • l , :.l , r, j:areis Llse e , nt N ten. I works would cost it is impossible to con• eto.ss -A. 1,.. .11,, ~ o ff ' .. tero ‘ ::oft,':, r ,'Tri bo .1...31.....t, Ina .foren 1 1ot - excelsior jeelllfko.: • ir .r. oo Ikt of Ltad. , ., tote. • Oeteolo. and t of sten Ire wort., the.llll..ooeau rover moo —Olt last Sunday, as some children too , c , osllfal• our s.w. ,, s.eurronzollnoe 00. Pr ;....1 f.‘.. - t vs.. b e se,,, too n is deelnob'o an • az lull were playing In the stable 01 Mr. Albert O. Johnson, at Palmyra, Missouri, his r i Tt. , * ,,,, r. , o , ha , r.....t .. t. eon offered, I little graeidaon, about four years old, was L:= ' :.1 . 4. ` ;..17d:Vri;,771, 1 .7,,, 1 Vi11gi ::t shot and instantly killed. An orphan , 50,r0,t0 r, t11,..T....1- , . ' boy, aged about thirteen years, whom eheot Deporat ;Orelfft . i a.V. I . 1 1%.V.1ip; AU.- &RAT I Mr. 'Johnson wail raising, had by Kane th.i..": . :, , or ~r.r.r._,ao,, nitre means got possession of a revolver, and three ease anon. osy;uonte. ' jet s o t rg n e7a ' sra threatened to shoot the little fellow It he .' e l ` 55 e s re'''....0 . ,.. 1 1it11 A or .. s. [ entered the stable, being at the time A. etLWAINI. Anctlonot7. ' * 115 1:4 „.7mounted on the back of a stallion47ol3 - 7 --- --_-- - - I the cblld entering the stable the pistol was fired, the ball penetrating eusleeiy through his beat. The boy ran away, ' but wee taken wale three miles ail, with I the pistol still in his ludid. Ile is how l lodged in our cormty jaiL P CUE LIQUOnS. Pore Liquors, Pura Liquor., Pore Liquors. Pore Liquor.. Pura Liquor, P., Liquors. /or medicinal rummer.. For medicinal k mpom, ' Fonmedirliial purpose.. Cognac Brady, Pon Wine. Cognac Brandy, Whm, nberrt Wins. IWad•lra :inert} Wine, Madeira Wine. C 0../ ba W Ws, Pure iloilandKilu, earamba Wina. Pur. Irallann eta, Pin Jo:calm 1111.21. Piro Jamaica nun. Pare Rye %Wake Pere etie wm.%y Pure Eve Plat 7, Pftre Rye a n.ky I= Cores of tbi Mot/toad sod kt•rikeL iereet. ear...of theilllocao d soft a. so !et .tree [. GOAT HAIR, BA L HYENA. DAINH iU F. ANY .4nEADE Dr THE ACALC..tbi DIECOVERY CAN ../HPLIDLWITH •Ltra DON 110111 COIADI It7HtT(tLit AND DNISSIN. .•• l•Loodon Our Ban Hair Color Honor no , "London Harr Color rtasterer• “LonlOn rhytitlaii Hair Color tl...storor • cLondon Hair Color Restorer , "London . trre and lantr.,.tor 'Hannon • H alr Color Enterer • "London inoommarol IL HAD Color ROStOter , Itstevor falls to Import no.ol, aod noor to Um woo...tan', futenand stop. flat ll.na, And son to prOolace •Kew growl.tiL of halt unto, It to grow MEI and atrun4. tally Yt onto • bOttha.4 , l the bet dos.. Sold by IarCLAKHA DI -HoIEZNNAN, PE Market Amt., GED. A..KELLY 37 Waal st., - and JUCt. PUGH' NH. P 4 Marlon mon, I Du ncan. ILA o • • DILUITT, Anna , nY. Walstlo:l•MV. AN . OLD FRIEND, . lot moor yenis the Frets of the country hae chronicled the beneficial enecte of LIOnTET TKIP8IITIlll1C11.1112T;lid• Editor, t J.3.2 phyttetene, mtratahte, °Beers er the army . AORAHANI LINCOI6IIII tavy, armisu conowors, faffutsten of the • • DOMESTIC LIFE. /101190; 41011. • great Mod ef witness. of , eve. profmlon. trade •ad .111., ha. WU. 11.1.010 es • lon. 00.1 rilcalatleg nep• len.. no aunts nod rtttitioents nt Mei. wit. REA L wit OF ABRAHAM:I.IIIOOLN." 0r.... have been pabilahed lo thapablle prlata. Illnetratad nttli a vplandbl for which , mgr. Mucous sat, at alr. la/ at° • •• oral requvt. Ilan, or theta are :ell known tO •hole Puns .1.. op Ile. Tart, testlnioav toot never been C1113 . .0 tt rZ41::•4'1'.1140":g or Imong.d. This AtT .. OLD ./lIIIL/113 Moois,rea ontain i cops, Pepe by by I ptice.lheititre to Vir.A.SIS ow f tme been tried and pronounced. on lbw authority Su Mole }knee • k . • • •r • sei2.s of the. Whole Ile,. and health it hae preservsd, spore. hartnime nod.. ietly saint., Prone. ! The Highest Market Price ration. Atoonote bore been envie to oval dhey base failed. 'here Is nolbien equal to the PAID. fU 3 enjoyment experttheed ley the •Stetted net% Minn telt tolueblenpecide. It. nand tone. Its are sad vidernus sena& epee a dlsordered .Winsch. and the eleaeolog of Ow etttlre ham. recotomcid I% the whole commmity , g OLD, SILVER ar ' • BELIABLIL RIIIESU. , ' ` VIM& CANADENSIS. A tree welch I. abundant to Canada, Nava aeon., and the man uorthern parte of the New Zealand /flat., and le also fothd In the elevated and esountalneell neon. of the Middle dial.., sod abound* In medieloal virtue.; Ur. *well, of flektan, baa - nrepare , a eledleln&Yrom the tweet Ithlile bath of the pine tree. *allot PO. LAND.% iikrti tit ru.r. COMPOUND. ...itch or attire vela. in all debilitated stake of the kidney.. II sew liken charm tit all elesascauf theirlllentbraece ceabllng them to ...win their ost Hamann energy. it will ho found +ell adapted to all Ito. disease. where Heck. noes tried and failed. It is likeirthe Well soiled to ebronle eott.• and en inieltthle epode. fur old and Mild dui.. oath. of townie. Meet per sona who at ant naly took • bottle a( tam moil. C 1,.. to try..afterwarda rana back awl got a decker,. or hell Skeen: whim casco., Mlles t earth of 01.ethes of th e bladder and kidney of 7 124eVel d , illiteate that has been looked anon Lenn= theloeurablee. I. Immediately relieved Of I. Noll.. the eerlidcate Of A.a Ithounue, pa 'liked twee Ulna •ro. The Manse Mew LOtherthatory, eloatlna of tth, one, any. i.lt is Dreserlted la leueorrlion. rbole sad otberdl.thesof the urinary puthgea; on Ihha 7=l; 17;C:iVnT ' and la earth. forme rbetnatlem." it 1. ex ...Maly vat In all greeelly effectlon.. bloody alin it sad one/. there is red and white riotTur It e aVo ' Ci:ties: r r aigla c' n! "'"'" . o'llo f . ;74.1144"!L0f"d -r•17,74'ParA,i04,-,...ii'iTit tif t ut. COI DN V. tr,r,titinlgmc.tt tha aneid street. apth INDIA avaasat • • DELTIND. Packing. Oaakatn; llsabata Maas. Nap.. (round sad naaarrn) Tablas. be, • f•u aorraiastly on low, at itte !arrant .1,741.41414:it7.%. T Itt , Aft Pp r • HEAT lILLE OIL tar araurisrrtil:rriVirantr". roma. aLa Let. UWE •tre.c. If 4. A H. PHi,LIPS. r vs. QUALITY. "cf, Iiimiso•••• =wt.? sl•le•P•ans•. Th• bon Is•viall. Time v. b• • Vir= IT 104 kap 4001111!alle 25 Fifth Street, =I Also. keep on hand EIAILLE TOBACCO. JUST RECEIVED. A LUIGI STOCI Of 161 BIM BRAID Of LOUISVILLE NAVY O,I7AILTiRS AND TENS, WHICH 111 OMR AT mAirriemaytticts, B. & M.. JEMiLNON, Excelsior Tobacco Works, No. 6 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. EIMa 101` Wood Sired, • Invite ehe attention of buyers to the!. large and octt aeig.et,d •lock of r A ilLnera - DINUIS, SCUM!. UN/K.. ER=M = OILICD 'WINDOW lII:HAUL% Complete Sunday School Llbrarlep, =II FRANZ. MOORZ. d eedtrne of Ma ••liabelllan Rez.ord,"• [LA. Issue • ILdilloa.' of lac az ezeellaut ••reoplaya GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, COUPONS AID COIPOCID BMUS? NOM, J. F. STARK & CO., Bankers, Cor. WOOD ♦ND TISIIID STILE DIN myINNNI:wr AMEWICAN syszenro. i , elqiXl , 4l)ll/ bTOCK?.? Fine aeld and Silver . Watches; FINE COLD JEWELRY, ~LLVEILWAKL OLOOEs,'ta, p :• 11 . ‘1 : 13 T:ra l uVtli e tur T AVIM;jr: re bu t ug eltesrotre. Water remitting promptly attended to. at • W. WILMA'S. NO. 54 /1.111,TH - PTRLIT. Two doors obboa Marlon Unmet. oka•lt •WO JOSUU L. M'MIASTER,OAIZAM & BUTTERFIELD, Attorneys & Counselors-at-Law, AND SOLIOITURS IN BANKRUPTCY • CITT4IIIIRUtf. 011 es. k Glum? arnsirr, Urro.tn vs. 0.11T11i.... COM 1400 -FEET OF 110-INCII HOSE. t CITY OP Ata.salloalY, 'Jvh HET, REALECT o in, isid.ti win no e m ir. st Into !Ince ohttl OAT. ItIIAY LA lost, t 4 teoluch o, K. toe rowan,' 141/I! root ot ‘lllO-INCII ,LE bin Alt flodE, *AI tint nt the llattle• to he lot oboe, With the T mhstne, Improvement, and all to be tenant to he mist/ sloe. sod In the' '7l::t.;alle c ierl'‘Ta"::M:cf:f4ti All bids. JeCcil • IMANt/1", Amy 1,311k0i A CLEAR, SMOOTH SKIN and LAITII. COMMLIIIIN followe the DI DPI. Dna t,l oroalounf ',tootle. • snlf . mor. 410. ZDADDISI— DA.11•1. rIt•DICIMT. 1 ) &S. FHANCIEN, CiRPENTERA A V ND BUILDERS. Contracts taken tor biers yroutla, 2'"'"°Attnic ro ' s ' v: ' l , 4 ""°, ll,logr 'az 411pu.n. " sa 11u.164 nod RA Behiuu B. Allegheny City, h 'l.l74sig CHARLES REIZENSTEIIV, TZEOZRAL IT.. AiLIIGHENIG • tr•Atilidoor alleva Dittata.4.l, Glee& Odes *are ,a Table finery At le • ATICAN PMIOR Itverythla• I.l* , tit! i• •am els. tune. tuna. esti and gum... OAr g 094. • AA to GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, JIM 19, 1567 , s ...d,wArei, ,g P ECE 7 T 511tICELLANEOES I . I:I3LII,ATIONS, f..r tri 33-41. - Ir Off C 0 12P8 :STY. or. Wood st, Lafayette Building. Etzbtl, ant i 4 ('Lott. NI .:4EVg..L—Furar Wont, Pt..... at. 7,. fl a 3 1 .4 1 , 1 .1., —A to T' , , alop• , coVard and A bl ece. ai.so. TINI,—T and Dn ,, lng IVitisKa—Tl - eCamo,ou le. CAOY—Tbe 131/14,,, Son. A Sovel. Prim. 01.71. • t•Attb:l4A. —Tbt. Jesuits In North Amtrlca th a , tl2ll . );:l h el ' fi'W;-14,71 . :„T0p10Ae A ten aso beantlful 00104,, p.10,041t7,• nand P VZ.P . MlitiLtUE—Netalinars NTISes. A Novel. Pelee. at to,- THIC.P.CII,II. C. -Stnalea In ate GoKpels. at. P ~OEngtand Is. ec , nere. art• and ta r 111.1 5111 K he tt nr ,j,-i. 41.4. Ilsnagemrmi of twei. A ~O, ra ttan. Pelee, . GNA 01.0n—The 0111 1.1n41 of Tlvir, -$ 2 - 1 YTT:I.fs • U ' LIV Ell— • ' Family 10. I I,lt roN—ram, -dtt n• n Ati, S erle N. ant of Ilerent Ti.nts at %INT.". —The 10,1,0 Decl•lve Baal., of th r.117;jr1A1 1 1:1:11—A - , onrn , -; to A, , Ladeo Land. Ertee • lACKLAND—Home-ron: or. Fire and . ] wen t; Yeats Ago. $1.75. The ..naginaPol country. Ey Ebbta.Tome•. ount re gli • Prßb stt Wl-tce.oollort Grange. A ~.I',ry• C . LIKLE ‘l,l...—.ltodlesEn•ellsb; ' 01 m1 , ••. of the tom, Life of or retie at ' IluN ELL, ,—'4' The l.lter.r. t eltrttan Lae. .047 Ad. "t^. blvd l'°" 1 1 .! .' 1,• ` „ "". 7; 0 z -'h Inierzo. TToll:t!Tt, ` , New -• menes• by William meparot h [axon. f•t , en 4175. lOO NEW PRY GOODS STORE! ca.v...vx.r Monday, June 17th, WITH A LARGE STOCK OF NEW DRY GOODS; - I NOTIONS SHAWLS Cassimeres and Cloths, WILL RE HOLD Wholesale aad Retail, AT LOWEST CASH PRICES I S. C. HESS, No. 100 Ohio Street, = I= SUAMER STOCK OF DOTS' YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S Ca—aClsil I * G. - sow axcnVl'O. • latge sad mmotev saaortment 01 FOLIEIUN and LO)IL3TIc Cassimere, Flannrl & Linen Suits, Prom the test Eastern honor.. Al: the vow opl TOWll sTt.y ALIa ge•a.t e a r ly t•rt a 4 ..1 PHICE3 No. 47 St. Clair St. GRAY A; LOGAN. $506:00 CIZEI A IFVONDEMEICL DISCOVERY BENV.FIM ONI: PDX OF THE TOBACCO TASTE DESTROYED It *1:1 iTtetrop the appetite for Pmoalcit Or 'CliewitiTionereo loatantiv.aao nonne will aver whale to ate it aikido. It • Igo eradicates the bad, tercet. of Itaineal, fire.. hoc... • strong apps• lite, strengthen. the stomach. calms tat terve, Clara it, ailed and linproiac the roomery. the cat awhile," f•4our one. man ferl ILLe Tit, anatbar porton. T, ed•r it t 1.,,,,, instance-e -ons. The proprietor Lao titre offered SAS for the recalpt. Seven Mic4red tames sold In one vitas. Pont CC mail. Frlea 111Piat We- =I ID= =I LOOK AT THIS! vicD4y scnom. SUPERIN. TEN PENTS, I.7 ,, MMITTtEi and It ,\ ?in nod a lain and well•eiveiretaasort want nt LIBRARY BOORS, Imbra , log the lotoot publlcettdca af sCgtrading mxictles ad doom at DAVIS, CLARE & CO.'S, OS Wood Street. N. lI.—NZW COTLLOGUII3, CODUIDIuj 1.2.11 bud orlon of th,ossatts of good Boom seat so say .14,50 aa spy.lestioa. . Liberal Illsoothao from ocialL priori whoortar proct , eoblo. A 101 l noply of all Boadoy oroool 1=2:121 GIENTLEMENtb FURNISHING GOODS, no. 12 nub street, =I The moat yertety, the Wen novel- At./. the Wetpt tnetweetents wen et New ligee. Perfect Filling French Yoke iirts, 13EXIIMMII PUTNAM ‘& HOUSE, =I = CV:i "Ir AILL,OIIENr. Turdanrsz's tirm. Jane ALLEGIIENT TAXES. • • • Nolte. •i/ hereby Alien that the Arms°. hare new use re.l In the Yel.atureef Ltelre the Dooll *awe of (;Ity, Poor, City Modern, noneol.behbot nottelloreatol iinuaty Tfit•and of Water ett t a foitha year WM, at ll tha. sold Tates 1011 now be received to purf•attre of she Acts of Anent hit of Yet. u. Mb. lbae. ano of April sublert to the fallowing reybtallous and allnwstooras " • /71,:. pee aut. . I/IWO on or before the !Intl ' Voe r r P i e 4 . l • 7 4ei., 11 pelf on or before the ern ,;,v7:11.. If pale .doe or before the Meet I •IT ;:171 1 11VgJe7 host clay itf ,e Au eel op Or before the Ord 1•1 of October, Au deduoneo 0111 he mob, Irrodo Loaf ibe tint day of Oetober. and cni' or before toe dot day Of November.. of Ihtlprr e.ot..our bolo/OW to sod peyablo 9tl the ome. After .1i• nret of liovember warrants will be Issa.l raturce the solo-eta. ot all tsars re stslaing unpaid. 10611tth r with the ner centime sheruhl thereon... , the t. . /atm D. alactlictillitti, Clt7 Treate Per. JAMES •111 - TOUSGSON, 1it0.200 Wylie Sired, Kropeelolly Interco& all Moho are le trout nrancrthlacc In hlo Doe Mat ho his 01.0.1 • first clot." • BAKERY- AND CONFECTIONERY, At the ecerce 000000.2 . re/1h 011E4D • CA KIM *4 OV.: 1n,"1, 1 47,1'.11'1 , °;ei1ke. 1 :4 0 1:(14.T%- 2:111:P:1 , :17. 1 ri r:lll2,nt:,;:g°."„igiaj Olin olle OHL 40, 0400. 404 ?AIM'. 41711,1 , BE clt II READ monttnA And et-ening. onlo Ayr Aiwa DRUG ;STORE tirESILLP. whero m.y .. round • relent stuck or FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, hermit. awl Fart!. PERTIMEN, TOILAT A la Ti ll iru C e S n or O . v er P r n,huigsno th e rHuea or p •i urns ecompound...rat all.nours,./ my or night, easefully, meanly, qulell7 , lIERCEL • Corner liblo JorenuAnd Lincoln Street., CITY. PA. IMPOUTANT 'NOTICE. TO uIHAERS OF DORMER. DR. WIGHT brat to Inform Mends *ad tht .thst he has taunted hit telex and ".b1.."...,••H•H LIDA yard to ht. CHAR! Ha B . l47 t W algtr D arn:A " ba, d s o lidettre taten In end •ktllrafty treated, st• otodttal4 tang* Burt.. co toy Intone. ditto.. sot rod (hilt Ata.ylT. att by at. we . toluelted battelanry Conte.. In Lme will tun all bout. WIOd Or baddio OW It. Here out Cit:Fgry ar r lt : :trln so tl ;gr. rt,,!°21.7.... ...„tv gnu= laTtula P4-13tvg.wa1.,,.. TH.IRD oTitHISH, opposite Ht. Chaska Hour!' • . FL IEI AGE CO NT La. = =I LOUOTIRRY & • 'Hari maned to • No. 31 Market St, maxis or llLCOSlD,femismmuli. h. an yrep.od s?sseae:nr• than Saddles,-Harness, Trunks, Meares is thet a Use lewdly kept IP &N ORDINANCE to authorize Al" , I S• f a ir th.e. I liat ttir • ••niu dirrel...l to 1011.. rcite ir r at i l i t ' E n y . :a 9 lierfgm " ttVc '' tn. lane, In tbr Y.rtnot ward: and a t r, y.lnt th thtllne , .Ctht\Ce-t. l' to contract thrrrOrl . wlyt . to:• pr.... a t r IC•T ' 4,VF ' O 't frat rout and ea pc.. of the told 1111l.ro. there be. and 1. herchl levied. eiyclat he equally ascr•ecit U the o.reeni WI a ing and abutting up o n the .old argil, In proportion to the reel from r•apective.y coutpritC.l. and hounding a. aforetaidt a. That .! toot, ae thr Nod lure pent., ot ealat Impedvetnent• shill be font ajoo• talortt, It shtli . the duty of the 'Meet Coin... otter to apportion the same am ne nos •ereral lots bounding awl ahuttnt nicin told alleva respect', cly, according to I. rule Indlcate.l. and thereupon proeord to a, demand arci mileci the tame, accotding prortitunt of the Act of thclituural of the Commonwealt i h of Prun ee aylt onto. in Cu a tliled e ;ite n n A te " .• and attry;of theCifr ti Ai r tegliene. awl for other purpuses.'• t o f day of larch'. haC. 4. That I.ft of •y or.tinance maY with. or be atipplied .the curtigOlp,, be and the tame it licrehr repealed. Ur dained and enacted Into • law thin the my , day of June, Anna idomlni. VAC • /110)..h MeltHlElf.• Proildent ol Select Council. em lettliC Y. D. eirDDT.E. • • Pretident of Common Council.' Atte": ItollauT IttLwOtalt. Clerk of Common Connell. Init A N ORDINANCE , to authorize' the llMtrad log and Ito-Pavilg of chonnot • c22on 1. Be O . ordained and the if the &lent n ot Corwin Counrilwvf the (My if Alk yheiy.miltr herthy aim. wit [nada( ea, authority of fie ion, That the tt •tnedttee on oe and they sr. e.rwbr kuthor.”'d ano ditected tp invite and rendre proipoiSle for the In-nradloht and tte,pa , l• F 0h... , Strati. rrom one al ey to locher'. un. In too 111 d .rd, tool to chtnteset therefor veal,. lowest and be t thd ler or bid p a s, at tto it dis cr etion. N.G. That 'or the purpose or defraylutt the r it end entrenne. of the tab). le.nrotreatenta. there fie.... le hereby , . led, • stieclal tin. to he equal), toteeseed .on toe teverai 'Ott boom!. Ind cue- .1, ttlua upon toe tail !nape, ttytlty. prop, ,lot to the feet front In tt.ein teetteetlveoy comprised, and bound and abutting naatoresalt. I , lto 3 That aa an it a. thr, coat 40,1 expenses 01141.1 Improvement. • hall b.. fully nseertal.,o. I.oa 1,, th..l ton otrct t Coma:lA.looer to asaereand appal t Um the same moon. lb. aer. oral 101 l bobotll. a an 1 abot , lrg 11.0 ash, street re•pevtive , y. ere,tclloz to the tole 00000 10,11 001,1. at,. tbereopou prco.o,l to make ,IPutabd ft,,clell.el the 1.10,11 . • aceaielvit a to the rr Wag of the .wet or the Oieur.rat baetut , y of toe eouttoonarraltb f Yeon.ylv•tcla, entitled - nn ts.linteg the manner •rt collertlog the plena.. gratllnt, •ott navlua of the atre. , lg and dr,, or toe g • 00 for . 111 .. Pbroo.cl.•. traottl the 3Uth Joy of March. 011 . O. TT...100.h of at y or4lmance as may 0000101 with. or he suptAleu by toe iorogoloo. be the aame It hereby reposal,..l. Urclalued .d 0000,0,1 Into. kale this the Mb clay of Jute, A.D./W. JAMES MCllltiElt, President of the nelcct Council Attest: 11. Since taindis, Clerk of the Select Council. 1 coup, President or to e Common ßl il Attest: Itoncirr M=== ORDINANCE. to authorize the racing of Ilanllla. Hope and Arbuckle, filets +(taunt slenua,k sal curbotone. nahrnoN I. Be it ordoined dad enadod by IS Sel•rt VneencllN 4 th, I:tr,or a /is City Code De and Om auto ien nersus rr . pr dud solar ad ink O•dx rel.. Manilla and, bop Alit,. and , tbuctle, ads) from Lacoca strert to the line of the West. Yenn•ylvanla Itallraad. anti the Cotroalltse on Silents art humpy lei to have said auks, parrul without wa Its or curbstone. . . . Ordklved nod enacted Into a law tide. 11/015th day of Jou, A. U. 1. J• 7. 117-S EH. r realdent of Select Connell. Allemt 3fACrlnnoN, Clerk of Select Council. grl'ti pl : i7 l'remtd. of Common ttest Cl ISOneser Ilts.wcie ou rts, erk of Connu 50.15 RESOLUTION to open Indwell . etre, ilvfolre.f. by ills &Ira tole , n+ 11+ yresent ter n d s to •ifo.•.... a elre ' t:,. Is Lew nfree a tO a d ß enT, a 4 . t 3re hereby a B. py minted rt....erre to T. r , • n4ees the °mosses_ A benefits to sr...dun . .Ma t he orurlel,us the Act of ArfOf As•toal..•so. , .:tler f.fer tst. , C.. f WI. and that k lurks notify Ih , to of ' :I ' = " t7VITS to s lan this the 13 II day Pf jaL'. 1 47. 355111 i 11,11111 ER, o uot of rk.11 , 3 Council. 'attest'rs Clerl of • IRII. it. Itllllll.E, Presi.lent of Coultoon Council. Attest: PoUnce .1iLunfol:11. Clerk of Cotstuon Council. jell HERBST ORDINARY. DINING, LUNCH, tOFFEE IND ICE CHEM ROOMS, TOE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 64 Fourth St lil^; , ur filtHlNttai LUNfillESserved from if to 1l ff. filNil Eft stirred Imo 11 to dAl.ti,liti.titi for twelre, or 110 cents hilt!. Dinner. litiftl attentfun ifirco to the wof Idles And wtntlemeit tuslrloir s otoraf ant,/ ona.U. fatal. esJoti meat of a g..od dish of et ear, .a aoy of the istitufleti of th e station; Also. to the fortiltitilos fssuillea. plat'. and ocher., at their reel ^etsresor eltirwherti. with Olio hest of WEDDING. POUND AND SPONCIE CASES With the rlehetit :.asoortinent of Itotikot and liaaey Cate. , l i i r r:stirtsf tn wistier lltringup .1171,;.N 4 q...•:11ns:.rnentll lime. ..noall r iarkeq. Coffee. l'hoemiltr. tite. • ' O W Alf u zand Music foreasheo ps Irate pa I !pit. li eZtva, &tremors, Cnticrr, Eflusware Lod 'hide Linen fur hire. I THE LAUGEST AND MOST I COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, AND BEST STYLES LSD QUALITY, or BOOTS, SHOES, AND .GAITERS; TOD LADLES, • GELIDS TOLTII. . • MISSES, mud 1 .CDILDRELI. AND AT MOST. REASONABLE PRICES 1 TO ➢E TOOND TUE CITY. /5 AT 31 FIFTH : STREET. W. E. SCHMERTZ & CO, PEAS! TEAS TEAS! or ALL imams Asp QUALITY, AT .A.. = MEM • Prime Toptag (11011 .• (o 4 BLACK TEAS-001.0gs. Beat Onloan *Loner pound. .• Kura " BLACK TEAM—pdded.,, MoachooE O Congdon. Iflne Bedd Flay.d Bost Breakfast sl.= HlALc &fe:, - ::: " " . do I. JAPAX TICAS. Uncolored lapse,. no, drelnot decor k1. , 0 Janata. Yonne Ilya°. 0.40 • ' MIXED TEAM.' - . • • •• 2 1111k,ed r i 4B o tlek. IA /a 1i,11.561n Prow the Above Ant andtllll select Jut wllitt kind of Tea they went here them put up la any, quatitilli And foreranuel by sty of the its peers Campania., who sot eve awe!. et Cir/ 10. ratts, Rod by dolna son eve Lonely cattis pee and In she price., borldea getting pure And Al antalii Which yitiwtly thelf,4lla. ; •A. KRUK. • wrdriylo 1174 'Pedant nt.. Alleenen7. . , biII:NAWAREHOUSE. • lIICIIIIIO BRFiED &- CO., XTIZEPC).I.I.ICHIPLIN. ThrO. 100 Wood Street. BRITTANII. AND • aILTZR PLATED TA WAWAUE. Tit...TRAM and TAtll.6 OUT. LZICT altrave os baud. ' - uigtlitienOK TOltA • nET T It tMVAliowelitiak """ F th" i..INA TAM, • • ilitlatt A ta VITi et all varieties. to en It whoossala a d retail 11•1412./ 1• ' The Ivrea, an • Moat 000Plete 0I0•16:7 thintmlo4tH In the . Meat and te the. we ID the Ca4try NEW ICE crtmem 8 &LOON AND CONFEMON9T. JULIUS' RICHTER wul open tan new ILint elnn. ice Cream Saloon & Coalectlimery, At NO. r Allegheny, 011 TUES.- Ifl, Orleod, .00 the Irtterally 000 re. 00.00010 favatlbe new estabil.bment wlb Melt. - 100011 IRON - CITY CUTLERY CO., • 11i0..1 St. Clair Street. • Harlan purchased of •111)111LW plops tee attire Honk of Hardware, Cutlery andNarletY troode. at His above stand. It is til Intention Sodden Oa nand a firs, data stood of er HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Chins, 711liaillarelvers, ristols,trlstilnw Tooth L .= Fr.grraux.L'eflx-x:thrAnlil Grin. lug Runts, 'duo's. de.. Collie lt Stencils and - etaraps, and •ttliall/ff deal Ind Cancelling Stamps, at sbortast notice. ' W. H. HOWN, Martnallir. ICE Lend rv il lri n no Ei rtlTl V ol h l ive on DOUBLE WALLED ICE PITCHERS. allt.R,',llXll. l ` 7. "'" 4 wA T"'"d J. E. HEED* 11 4 0., ..1. a. Infat Street. CI‘LLIRS 1 CWAII One Million Cigara, On Wad sad for sa`• ♦t & ELDISAL oz.. AILLPELIAT 310111911 1111.EW ADVEB.TLSEXENTS THE BAKERS' & MRCILINW ~ R.AIOTD PRESENTATION ENTERTAINMENT! Special, Important • and Last IVotice ! IT WILL POSITIVELY' TAKE PLACE AT 3EL'ALIaL, Tlctcu W,Tll,l,llll:°r'glLl'L',°°r4il4lllll.l •la eoa V.UNING OF JULY /TU. 1867 The Largest and the Greatest, and the most Success* tit Err ti rprise Ever 'lnaugura ted In the %ins lill A MIZE R 1 CB EWEILYTICXET! A out WITH i".VE ,, Y TICKET =I 111: 4 rend Inscribed. oLfrtz•s .031 be Coo deck,' en the kintuat Benefit erine , plc. .'ro rata bi.r1.1.1013 or flouts to Ticket lio'dert. Capital, - - $1,257,145. 'rnKrrN, Si EACH 4 Pesent with Every Tirket A reference to the number Of o+esent3 and the general plan of distributlat, given below, will convinCe den the most at,pt.cal of the great advan , aires which will arra , to al ell • partici nt and Managers apt oantets thereo, ill, oey ot, prov, ,osran,er . th., faunas and ll'ir:rn7r'll'et ‘rlcwltb 7tlCri'VAeend,Tegi;ietcl'f'tF.l.- tereats ot tleaet-holdera will moat attic:Alf ...tell , and guarded, In Met, MI. the °eat. of Me Managers to conduct every tranaactlun for the Inutual en neat •huesee shall purchase • I,,tet, •ne l sem:melons!, to avoid any and ev , rt thing whien eon d in - the slightest degree dimin ish the pia ti warn are to acetic to all who it, ir List er Prizes—Cash PriieS; Ono Gull prise at 075.030 07 3 030 Ortv eg,l orh.e at 50,000 60 00 Tw ne o ca sh C.ll,ii priA. at • 23 W.' 43,001 . - a t 000 .3 T . P 'Three ea prises a at 01 VO 2O 014 Vour cash Nita. at 3 Ofo 17 WO .. . . . . .. Five cal. arises et 2,0 a. 10.1.00 Ctgb t cash arse. at 1,0 ko n.• 19 ronrteru suds prl,a at,—e Om 7.000 Tweuty nun 041...5 at......,......... 301 400. 1 wen t.tra. rash PC, es at7t.o 6.0(0 Vent care prfaea at 100 4,000 ate•uty.llve caul r.rl/.• at 60 S:.'.o li Une.undred • NI ty caao prlaas at ...,, 'ASCU ope Itu . dre •.0 ally easu prls..• at DO ZAP) Oat 1144111 ml azd locveutp.ive cash prl/es at 10 1,30 Two hundred cash prizes al 6 1.01.0 tkli cub Twist . . amonntingto.... $274,000 Stt w litand a_ct 7.l.lctave 33ChIcherines do. 7L,G1.5 21.5 .lirlinlcuun MEWING MACHINES. NVltc. in A. Wilson's :Us of binges., I= Pt” 11..... Irma . .. Oars and I•Ind ? 9= Flue Citut islogs t 101.150 Cala ter Ow. . rise G 91.1) WATCHES. 443 Ladles• sua beets• 00ki Watcbee.. :1319 FILVEIi WATCHES. PG Ladles• and Gents SlWes Watches. .".).:11 Aasurten erwes. ess.ols =1 after Grand ',Willa:Win. a . LL o. o t ttt=it:r. .. w . will be priattd avo . .. • . Hai will be the fairest and most Impartial plan of ta llho yet t•firred .o the public. To end tel nate eonsi.reed the sale of Veleta and the re. Wering ut - the •arne. to aßithir. A CO.. Hankere.and Stan- a. cre,. he. ..t2 Broadway. hew sthio will =:.•VranVi t ; " e n nt= r n ' LlVl,MT.V.l.tl V71.7'1 1 : 4 1 TZTA`Vd; Vl= tion of rreathi.S. • Tickets, $1 EACH. Per sale at the nankin( House' of CL ABS. WEnnEBB A tn. , . NO. 6/ oalway, New York. re or bent Po hystme ge. on receipt of price and stamp for tai ls • !SPECIAL IBIOAS OR CLUB .11/P1E. , .. • Any arla procuring a Club of Pre or more thees ou r tickets and sendine um thy moue, for name, still De &Lowed Lb. following com mission 3 4141c:313 one .0114444 f0r..... 14 .0 ......... l ' ;12 40 so " 40 4. • • I To oratt that sorry flub...lanes aims may be nits el td, send tan F. th Adam., with town, out} awl - tate at NIL raft, t'krat Ontre order, exp r rem, or our L r."ll7 ` :4l '`""'`Y communications most to CLARK, WEBSTES & 82 Ere ,Sew Tort J•111:•6V PATENT - COMM BOOT!: DAMPENERS, Call and gsiusilne tbem. • Blank Books arid stationery. Writing Fluids lz Copying Inks. Invoice and Letter Books, Copying Presses and Books. Receipt, Dray, Note and traft Books. Time Books and Memorandums. Blank Books, of every descrip tion, on hand and made to order. HMS, SCHOYER & CO.. Blank Book Makers and MaHoner's, 39FIFTH STREET 1e12..-Cxw WALL PAPER ! AT REDUCED PRICES TO SUIT THE TINES! At No. 107 Market Street. JOS. n. nunnns .7 BRO. .11:11111 BOSS ) 011 1 1 1 1 11•1 1 1.11.....10111111. 1101 - re PITTSBDRGII LAMP COMPANY JOHN ROSS & CO., No, 23 Wood Et., P!ttsbargb, Pa., Martufactarva or LAMPS, LAMP BASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC Laa,iT, Malang Itt Cray/Met pertaining to the TU ail • a Red, LA4L. ilr,kr°W FIRST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, No. 110 Wood St., Plttsbutrgly 1 5 f 'MT if . m.railltrrallowl.ftil'ai PAM+ It vA AOTtia 4 Pittstrs.uttlal% DIZZIiArtIIXT.II tilirttV l i t n"xr) InarLDING <seemed to the rliibthtiMATE 04400101,1 30 , 0011 jOUNDS OF LEAD CONTEDLLIIIVII 01171C14 ellY of Allegheny, Job • eleu Prop.&le wall be recelwed at lbls olgee fur 3 . 111 ook, 11 AM. loth lost', at 3 o'cooelt 0. m I k e? loVfldelligr`Pd° tilt' with 0) iOOpenods of teed. tames es oh:Agate, Committee. may elect, es', manta will be insole velthlb teddy de ys alter de livering of Cecil lot • 11Lth e— .1. the wh e t, Peeled Propowals be no eelved furler.ltiolltAS may be re , our ulreolot oorleg the year. bidders wrillfstate prlee facto Mee.. The rabbi to receded to velvet niy and all bldg. IL /3. FRANCIN. jultolC • City Controller. TINE RAYAIII) &NSION, iota. ted en the ••sotsabo Over and the (lonnellt. Til te nallousal. soots. welieesport, sotto.. hoer. sonettale tone. 110 et Yltlaborah, ts • . .7PC:Ltrit. On entsit, ailWantsgeoes terms. The house b One snort hrMt. toorttow rooms. modem style. Must excel/sot outoollaloas all oew with Yet.RTY WINCES tit LA ND . hlultly tmo ' roMd. , fourteen r ents per dat"..mol tratul each day ss moles rlllll, without l aShiltlonal Wargo. Apply to str.tLa wiLsos; • • /Inters awl Ftal latate kie.l4 jej7.l • Ito. GO imlthileld anat. so n p. 0L51E.....;. If. WATt10.....0. r.//1" rnoN (Try BELT WORKS. CEO 0. CLARK & CO., ifononctororo of every C 1.4.101021 of rateot. Ouelcbod, Cosomed and Uttered oa/y , asmod Lowillaor 330.1tiza.s. ,No. fog LIOKUTT (d 11.4 J L or Mou ooto , t. rlttens7l3. a GEO. 6CEI.I..ELELN, Fancy Cake Baker & &Effie*loner. Aag.dAstar la rarely, and Me , amla WROITS I—Os WW, icx of 0.0 001 ; Joilmte NOTICES IIr•SVAILRFN AND 11 , ENANGO LIM Cia.—lrtio Annual Martin of this con:pane. f.r the rtattlon atCla•ere . far the epatane ac . wall! 1ta , 1.1 at the natlee.ta ~ txrl. an .11 , YNDAT. Jen, alith. MI, 1510 . . ' - REPUBLICAN STAT.t CONVENTION = STATk will me" at the ••llrntic ttoo.r.•• In \\IL• I LIA)111'VIIT, on ' iße4llleNday, 20th day or jarie Ne:t • • At 1110 . C1Oa A. ~. t,. horn • e•ndidate for I Judge of the Sooreme Court. and to inlttate Properesuret for the eernlng State canvas.. As heretofore, the Convention will he corn. posed of RepretentatJrr and eenatorlal Dele gates, chosen In the natcal way, and•,tnal In m number to the whole of the E, actors autl not seut-tlves Cu the General Assatehly. lip order or the State Central Committee. =I Urn. W. H1.a888.51.T. IicxRDICT. .1. Rom., DV Nrit.l,oS. x,,uwr MERCHANT TAILORS. E . ~oCyTOS S CO., FAMIONABLE MERCHANT,TAILORA, And den'ara In KEN ...Nu ciArrituqo and I.3E,STN . FURNISIIINief onaM, No. 107 FIFTH NTRECT. earner of Chcrry aheF. Ups tom wort made to the latml lav a , an d moie domb e manner. Prlcma-fre realanaMe. - II EMIT CAPPELL. Merchant ••-•• TAILOR., and dealer Id • . Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 142 IMITIIFIELI) STREET. • Three door below Sixth. .Pinwrenon, All the lat.. Spring and Otimmer style. of Moths. Caselmeres and Vesting. an hand. and Made up In toe moss fashionable style. wt the lowest price.. laTtoats B CLOTHEVG. Metropolitan, Garibaldi, Grant, DULANEY AND CUTAWAY SUITS , ALL SIZES AND OF HI RIFFS! FABRICS, A. Ini - Re and complete amornmeat now on hand GILLY & LOGAN, EZIET=7I HENRY G. HALE 10111111 D COL PDS AID Si. ME OM NEW SPRING. 4 GOODS, JUST OPENED, COMTIIL*LNEI All the Novelties of the Season, Suchas I. only found In a Flsi-Class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. FtITJEBING. GAS FITTING C. L. V. YILLYIt i BuEnKLE & wLLEn, • PLUMBERS, G4S IIND STEIII FITTERS, Beer and Ale Pumnr. all kinds of BBash eer and Ale Coats. Ilydrantr,_l4upw, Bath Tabs, 00" , Hose, al ulna Ware, to. No. SSC, Claaler street, (Beller= bast 1 ate and Chestnut St.,) • ALLECiIIEAY CITY, PA. ngi o ce i,, us . el fitted up with (lux and Wateragairt =MEI OSO. C. BPANGLIC .IA3. BRAMIOCD. SPANGLES & BRADFORD, Plumbers and Gas Fitters, .r0:47 Ohio SI., 10=Im: atm House. atei pvettb WierElt. HAS and ISTWAnt by experienced workmen. I...ltemise attention even it, cannery 'work. k it and ALB rUMYIS. latent atyle.. Jo. a1.;c00raa...a0n...•fr.......11iNnT JOHN H. COOPER & CO. . 1 BRASS FOUNDERS, - Steam and Gai Fitters, Ilaauractareen of lUMEO AND BEAU W011:1C, of carry desertyttt, dealers la GAB. TIMES LND TLIBOCI, of elkluas. i Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, • PITTSBURGH. PA milk= COLE O. MILLS, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, DAN AND STEAM' FITTERS, OGG . poaa 1811trocot, PITTSBURGH, PA. Cistern sad WO romps of all kinds. House. sued up with (ins And Water. in the most ap. ' Pro.ed Mk. by &Untalented workmen. Special attention paid to country work. • mySySt P. L. ATWOOD..II,EititO2I Seel/IMAM ATWOOD 4.4I'CIFFRIffiI BRASS FOIRSBERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, C r. of Srd and Liberty Streets. Mit A c .VA L .A, S OIIIII: =l7: .Z 1•. to order. Special attention paid to the fitting oat and ottlitot a til itelinetles, Steamboats, 4ents for A.S. Catneron & STEAM :-P ETIELPS I BLOWER ENGINES, • dove superior advantages others. and every one le warranted to givieutia. hello. rumps conetantl ir on band. &Z inn HERLEIVIE & ..10EINSON, 3EsIILB6CVIC/AX. Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, MITE( STREET EXT/iIOIION, PX.X.r133317F11.413-33. I.oesm' AU order* by l Water Pr rld i tt * :4 Batt Subs, Pump Bag.. ntt ent, MandeHers, Pendants, and Gat !Mutt for tale at We most reasonable prim*. °Men from ennntfT Patrons by mall prompt' ly summated to. • Gam lime of every deftription. Je.M:49l BAILIFF BROWN & CO,, M7cp.MDC ALLigazie.rr ernr. Pa n PLUMBERS, GAB AND STEAM PIPE EIYTERS, imp alwrys uo band lame assortmti of HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD. LEAD IPE,I3ATII TUBS, WASH BA BUYS, Inuit AND BRASS CUClis 1.10 all mita. rills for itiallik, 11, public or private buildthav with OAS. ,151r/dtli or !TRAIL tewHan, Bynames mangy COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos. 6 and i SlSt,Clair street. - Hu a rununal thartsr. . Book-Keeping. Penmanship and Arithmetic, . ' time unlimited .: S4O 00 Adithmetto and HenzaansUp ocr quarter . of three month.. Pendosounip. per mown lot ClUnars or Boa hoe.. addrus N.' nil A rPHIt. or 11041(0/7 .1. C. 11e01.41 WINDS. LI B. 11/ILLF4I. Bazaar. livery ft-ew and HALL OTAIILge. Ala • Yore/shine ?if era Aka:. tact caw:: waliateT. otetween Ormsby and Denman stmt.. gleintnehle. llama, Carriage. end new king. ele• for Olio. wean. mid (lagragea always In can for Yonera•s. Home kept , et Meaty illethtreadetaTgr? Vgait..f=trterniVatica: with the safest Hones nen loon elegant Cara . mgrs. Stank. kept Opeinall Donee ttie•day aad elebt. • • a:learnt GEAR - DIG, Planing DIM, Sash & Door Factory, I braek r l i gAT,Valt L i3ElfErMallls*.. tm.of Wart Copytaatly oa hand. a°Mora nom U....UT Dom ptly 0/100•1041 to: m 121!.. C 0. VISCIIEWB CM= Dyeing and Sconiing Establishment, ao. el DIAMOND dress:, - `atty.:az Wood •ed SznittalMze t r iaii u" 4 . k "' e l,..ALter e. TeelSteei I NEW FIRST CLASS GROCERY, 110. 154 71113T64L ST., ALtzumr,Nr. 70. b stock of chelp Teas. .Cop Tee, Alvaro, Ac" Ac., Watch we otter 10 the publlo e1301..10,1n5. enyl3,ol A. Q. BRYANT.. NEW sToRt. .lEr.. w. CentecUesier icz cturrx 13 1 = Fruit Rare k Bakal, L ' IDILW - ONDIZIAZT. WSO alk 17 WANTS ---- - A 11100 M, WITU BOARDINIi, • 'lnc wlratc faddir. 1, a nowlr reiriled don We drendedglTen and 1vd , d. ,1 1 - Addre6s 1101 h, owzcn s odr:cc. • ze."l :WANTED—Every ono to ut lend E•S firm. Aut.ltov Salr s n ' fi ` Hig:l7:in i r ! cfAi! , Vig, P l4i l7.l V;. '7,":4 Jtsrarol-n Trains to ; thr late Isave 1,0111 thwo,. Allegbet, pittaporgh.uttlit r.t - 10131579 WANTED, • A SALESMAN 'Who Is pear:Wally fatailtar SIN the =sacra.. to, or liretnOlasmare, and Ilan had .on vrn ,ln Address LOUli •4. Mi r t. v = r4h 1411,a6, WANTED—A SITUATION, TO ATTSNU IS A OWE!, By an American 010 sixteen years of au. o good address. and arirn rate aroonnunt. Address ••51.•' at THIS UT FICA. NVANiED-BOOMIC . benood.atorr -Front Boob, with ebamber aJP , lnbor.either Surnlabed or anfornlzbed. wltbotv board. afoot be within tentiliteS . walk of St. alr atrebt. A family wi th few or no other boarders preferred. Address, Ov I•4ine terms. So.. BOX at. elaaltrra °Falba. :•40 WANTED, 'A: Second-Hand Engine, Twelve to driven Inch evliniier, With ii.lontile the •roller. or einnelent rapacity', sod in good condition. B. net. & CO.. • 54 thenett, It. W.iNTED, ROADS AMR MORTGAGES Cilr. .IP-ISITTir,, MIA, and Neal !,tale Agent, lino GO 811 , TH VIL D oriurrr. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, &c BMWS ! JUNE, 1807. WE HAVE JUST OPENED I NEW STOCK, nought. at r.ifent Aactiot Sal., In NO.. York welch wo tater at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent., =I ALL-WOOL INGRAINS =! BRUSSELS CARPETS, 23 Cents Per Yard Red, White and Checked Mailings, To 35 Cents Per Yard WHITE MATTINGS, To 35 Cents Per Yard =1 CUR NOTTIEGIIAM LACE CURrfAINS, At $t to 610—usnal prlee ►IO to 4207b.inK A REDUCTION OF FIFTY PER CENT. 1111111 LAND & COLLINS. 71 and 73 Fifth Street. . NEW CARPET STORE. ' FRESH ARRIVAL OF CI ALM/ 3E 3 M 9E• fi3 NEW PATTZSN IN Tapestry Brusseh. Body Brussels, • 3-Ply and ri-1 2 1, - . ' ' . Tapeitry Ingrains, A Pull Line of Straw Mattinge r PLAIN. CHEC:LED AND NANCY. tbiirsgaUPTZ:lrbirbV: 7 4 / 8 11 1 7.iir t 1111 • do Well to gilt as stall. BOVARD. ROSE & CO., 9111.17 H. ISTUEZT. (*woad IlOor.) . nanitv7idkler over Ilium Ball% • HAVE 'REMOVED.,I , WCALLU.II BROI'HEWS,I -, 51 Fifth Street, • row ltaaoc ...Iv fled deslm4e D.ttern.) MEDAL/610;1iVELVETS. : Velvets,iliressels, 74PESTRE BRUSSELS, • large and elaolee assortment of 'Piano and Table Covers, lOOUirn COW, RC63 .19 C • THREE PLY AND. TWO PLY • .Ingrains, lnd evel , ruulecy *flow priced Caroettail • iIioCALLIIN: IMOTICIpm, mnm 81 359.rix . taitre 424, okuplori. OLIVER 31'CLINTOCR & COMPANY, HAVE Jun cormar.p ., For the Sprang. Trade, TbeliSpleadld ♦46etmeot of NEW Arpwasi, 01! l7utLs , Shades, •ttcutloa ls called W oar Sue stoeVet SIBIODUII TAM AD PLUG cow Great Dieting in Prices, 88 5MN .. X.33 1141rXIM77W et., CAPS, &o STRAW GOODS,, FOR SURER SALES. ALL TUE NEW STILE ails, POE BALE CHEAT. AT MCCORD & CO. ' S, .tl i (iT.o. 181 . Wood. 20 00 0 Off 3E1.,4TS ! HATS! GRIMM & BTh At N 0.42 St. Oats steer ...4 one ct We "Th'zi pest r. 14 040 E4 of HATS, UPS AND Goias U na gh.'s, eft/. And oonstantll 1 ... - 1 - lot of 111 00.1 as soon so they e•• lozr,troolloo Oven ta SHEPKARD'S CRACKERS 317 . Liberty Street, : i ...PriII3BIIIIGH, PA. pr THE APHIEG AND SVAEDED „ ciaturally undenro. ..Tair .=lldliimaruCaN=l4. ga . g Mika TM% , Walla . . in =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers