The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 19, 1867, Image 1

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    1111: DAILY GAzErrE
i (FcSDATS,ficirvsjol
.3051A11 XING.
r. r•rocnruv.:
Lteng Cepnbrican Nes et Western Penrs)ltsaLs.
1.411021 T, C HIEAr INT •nd PAZILY
lsd CUJIMERCI L ?At. Eli la the dtate.
"". C Itr;, Per week * 1 3 " ! 1" e
rlVl=4U , ";:vit rest t"!0.
rtrTmlu!Lorv. rVINA
.ot.Pittsb.ur . gll Gillette
Cot mot's, Okdo, is to hare' ri Nicol
son paved street.
Fhourt continues to tumble. It would
be gratifying to announce that the sharp
era who controlled the markefs and cre
ated the, punk prices tumbled wi'b it
Baltimore are out on a tour of inspec
tion, visiting the principal New Eng
land cities, and taking,notes on Yankee
Institutions and systems of municipal
Tu subject of boiler explosions has
received attention, and we understand
that the coming Legislature will be me.
moralized toextend the special act re
garding boilers, now en force in Philadel
phia, so Pittsburgh. •
A nna, attended kith sad consequen•
ces„ occurred itt Chicago, yesterday
winning at an early hour. A boarding
bptise.wris destroyed, anikit is 'thought
that eleven perroni were Iturited to death
Threebodies have been .reeovered.
WU. LLOYD GAMMON IA btillg, made
feel the depth or ‘nd esteem
In which be is held by lovers of liberty
in England. Be has been tendered a
public breakfast in London, at which
liorpi John Bright is expected to preside.
Tur. feeling in Ireland for the Fenian
cause to evidenced in tho imposing fu
neral demonstration nt Waterford award
ed a victim to' the recent riot.. Fully
live thousand persons, wearlng the green,
followed the corpse to itsglast resting
• Tau 3oston•Paet facetiously remarks,
•`Thad. Stevens is - Whetting his teeth to
devour Attorney general Stanberry,
having failed to masticate President
.To'nisei' with loipeachment enlace." In
the. Milk of human kindness that berry
might prove palatable to lovers of small
TIM new 11dmitdon of Canada wants
a design fora nag. A large numtor of
oar Inch fellow citizens suggest a field
orgretn with a golihm harp in the centre
as the most appropriate banner for,that
cannery. They have the wilt to force,
such's, dig on our neighbors, but lach ,
the way to do it.
TILE wholesale merchants of Cleve•
land have set an example which might
be followed by mix own, In retaining to
close 7 . their -establishments during, the
summer months at an early hour, and on
Saturdays at three o'clock. This rule is
adopted that employees May have
time for needful recreation.
. Ctsctsxeri u progressing in wicked
laces:. On Sunday and Monday last Cher
were; enacted in Its vicinity two murders,
and iliree persons destroyed their own
lives. -This, with numerous small crimes,
together with ninety common cases'in
the tombs, is doing very well for a city
of the proportions of Cincinnati.
Tut cession of the 1211,5 1 / 1 11 possen.: ions
to the United States, Is to be tione up In
crolors by Inutte, the artist. The se'',
aria,' Senator Sumner, Minister Ito.
tlisils, and others, are- to be grouped in
Vie picture illustrating ..the importrint
purchase. The subject is cold and can
hardly be warmed into animation by the
Ism 'dikes are more favoriable to the
anmse of the heroic Cretan insurrection-
Sitering repeated defeat, with
.great loss, the Tasks, exasperated into
demons — , with lire destroyed villages left
napsoteeted and indiserirainately mane.
cred:defenseleas people. By • this atroci
tf the simile Turks have joshed inter
sentiOn from Christian Powers.
A liontn Cs.r.or..m.s. JOURNAL makes
the startling disciesqc that rreedmen
Lave been induced to4nter aboard ships,
ostensibly as emigrants to Liberia, to be
taken and sold into bondage in Cabe.
We do noicredit the statement, although
the recent announcement that the slave
trade had been reopened in Cuba, and
that sereralcargoes.of 'termer+ had been
landed on its shores, seems in a meniure
to confirm the truth of the report.
lies beat on an excursion to tho plates
out west, and taken eapeciatsare to. in
vestigate the Indian outrages, lie Bays
that the tronbica lune- not 'been half so
serious as reported, and attributes the ,
-shfliculties to the dealings of noprinch
pled traders. Mr. Elenderson Is
man of the Senate Committee on Indian
Affairs, aid his statement will have some
weightln putting poor . "Lo" righton the
"My ortnion" and ,"my policy" do
not go v'ery well togetner in the inter
pretation of the Military Reconstruction
Act, else the mind eff Andrew Johnson
has taken'a wonderful change since hie
veto message on the subject. In that
dace:meat be said:
The bill places all the people of the ten i
Stales therein named under the obsolete
domination of military...raters; and the .
preamble 'indefinites to give the reason ,•
' upon which ills 'notified, 'lt declare,' i.
that there evils in those Stake no kost.
governments and no adequate protection
for Wear prop . orty, and asserts the neces
sity of enfor c ing peaee - and ,good order
within their
The excuse given for the bill in the
preamble Is ridtnitted by the bill itself . ]
not real. The military rule which
it establishes la plainly to be used not for
any purpose of order Or for the preven
tion of films, but solely as a means of
coercing the people - in the adoption of
_ principles and measures to which it is
/mown that they are opposed, andupon
which they have an undeniable right to
exercise their own judgment.
The power thus given to the corn
• mending officer over All the people of
each district is that of an absolute man.
arch—his mere will is toluet the place of
ati law. The law of the States is now.'
the only rule applicable to the subject
placed under his control, and that is com
pletely displaced by the clauses:Weis de
clares all luterference of the State au
thority to be null and void. Ile alone is
permitted to determine what are the rights
of persons and property, aful he may pro
yet Ikon in sad, 'say as in his discretion
may SUM proper.
It reduces the whole population of the
ten States—all persons, of every color,
err, and condition, and every stranger .
-within their Ilmtur—•to the most ,abject
and de)gradlng slavery. ..No master ever
had a control so absolute over his slaves
as this bill gives to the military officers
over both white and colored f.rsous) It 1
wipes saucy" every vestige of Republican
government in ten Stales, and puts the
life liberty, and honorof all the people
in e ach of them under the domination of i
a single preen, clothed with unlit:lilted
I take it to be clear, under the bill, 1
• that the military commander may. 'CAD ,
damn to death without even the form of
a trill by a military commission; so that
the life of tbe condemned may depend on
tins will of two mealtime - ad of one. It is
i •;
I .. f,
` - .plathr that the authority lasso given to
tint Military officer athounts to absolute
despotism. But, to soaks it still more
unendurable, the MU provides that ,it
may be delegated to as many subordi•
ileum as be chooses to appoint; for It de
clares that he *shall "pun eh or cause to
be punished. ° Such a Posner las • .
beederlalded - by any raonardlvja , Eng.
land for morn than nTa tuna:Wynn,
. ,
Allid ls2
• • /
t;I ; •
• , ,1
1 , -
illiffioN Teless!dab to the ?Babette ff Gette.l
—TnemOst violent titinstOrm ever known
occurred trt the vicinity of I . nliguielphisi,
coast:naming about mid-night of glinuay
and continuing %Mho , at ththrmission until
-nth in
past Ova o`elock Monday morning.
f iIE SURRA li
TT TRIAL, About eight o , clocic the Cohockalnk culvert
s ;mime. ay at the Intersection en ter, streets
upon which there la a (groat deal of travel.
The Delaware and Schuylkill rivers rose
down were overflowed, week! as the tow
p', path of the canal. The water was four feet
Oa, V i h, t' r high the Mills at Sinnasink A freight
tot - train off the track at th t place owing
00 de Day of the
tartO go quautity of mirth which was
I meshed down upon tuth rant. All the trains
were stop at the boint. A bridge
lily Telegraph , to Pittstranth
watshat away onthelite alit.. Second 0.1
W tsethevos. Juno 18, 1%1. Tuiril street passenger road prevented the
The trial of Serrat, won resumed to mantasolay I mantas or cars. -.Oita thirty feet of high
before Judge Fisher. The prisoner's broth- L stone wall at the Insane Asylum was en.
er occupied the rent by him. i , intretyliettiolishol. A costly bridge on the
Sergeant dose. M. lisper was recalled . Coltocksink Creel - was entirely swept away.
and us:Bled —As we pasted out It street, ad the collars In entire et:tett in the lower
woman raised a window of a boam and ask- section of the city Vero Inundated, and the
tq what ten, wrong downtown. I told her steam Ore engines were busily engaged en
President Lincoln hat been shot. Site sea- I flettvOrltia to rid the premised or water.
0,1 who had done., eta I told her •Bootb. The rain Missed sad hasOy with the
she °eked how I know that. I told her a !crops. In man; Places corn, wheat and
man who know him new him on that night- ones geld. are record with water, In the
The moon waelight enough to see objects I northeastern section of the city the water
glldinctly. i believe the moon wan ne, lin a bar room was two font deep.
' but cannot say if It was at DAL —lt in genertliy conceded, car.
The trompiiT was anelderly Indy. but I email , Ingtoe hpeetal, that there will be a quorum
not say... Whether stoat or otherwise, but ro- of Congressmen pre.nt in July—the effestt
cowbird the body or Mr. Marna. who vhsof the Attorney General's oplidt e.
tried at the Atonal. Hove seen too non I
ce —lion. Isaac h ovary. COrdwiselonerof Ay
since, it Is No, 311 II street. The, house is I ricuitnro, it cengeroonty
on the right tie- i t tide Of the Cr.; going, —typhoid fever eases, to the number Of
towards Camp Barry. (Witness thee des- , from twenty to flay, it it reported, otters
reined the hours known as fhb serratt daily in Washington City.
housed' The woman iitake'l questions in an —A railroad convention Is in session fp
ordinary to 10. bet witedos dons not royal- Louisville, if;., in which some twenty roads
iect.. Toe wo,tith was much excited. When are reprtheeted, tho object In view being a
witness se in Booth. burratt and the other I reduction of rates and the establishment of
party et the Theatre, neither of them was ,
diththool. quick time and accurate connections.
urn crosoccamlnation by Mr. Merrick, I —Jaeob Galloway has been noneinated for
witness, in the main, repented hit direct congreth, hg the Democrats in the Third
I, a bunny. In answering the gineetton put
by the proseention Why did you drecrthe (gunlocks Distal.. to HU the vacancy
the third party ne a neatly dream I man caused by the death of Mon. E,
Olinnot mention his name, as you knew
nine In be stirratt lie said t Because I Mil
not thing It was necessary moil I w..lretl
line.t ton.
Q. did you am Health's name and I Lotteries.
not surratt's t A . Because I did not deem The emanate! the public laded.
nthos .am to mention burralt'a news tint perpetrated...tally at the expanaof
Q. Were you not told not to name him un.
tit esktat ,A. No, sir, I not. , toe intelligentpeopleaftbesstnited Chat.,
Whine., saw Mom= Ilk March last In the If correctly ascertained, meet roach an ap
et berg
Lto wa. .ditilited Gert thi s palling gam total. Eepeetally sineettm
rinon to moo tf be cold itionury htm ti& to
the man who was under u the gee light that of the war, hare confidence opera VI Co or
night, and reengmlzedhlm imtnethately. Ile I hbed all over tile land. Many thousands etc
nottett sumac for what parsyme he went our bravo 001dIerli 'hail no loaner repelled
Winn, bet when no saw bith, umosted bim I .
It jo`tn " the fan WILCO. haw their norms, IMeerably discharged after
In the.). was the face T
In his dream. 1 yearn of hard and perilous servlee, with the
d the, a
Q. t° '" ° I.°to front ofthe ItlOtk,r,ff poor pittance of pay allowed them In their
And Itato is the man I pelntlnts to o.. they warp helot by sharpersl
Ma. A Yes, sir, Lbst le the mco.
,Q. cold von have hetlet It that face if at every turn. echoes. were plen
you hall seen tt elneithat A. Tee, sir. ; tiful blaeltbarriett, each promising for
th a face ottoo t o Is not easily forgotten.
I t not reout.i. to co to thojall to see him, leers to those who would invest; and curl-
I went trmaidso I was requested to to so. ode of poor fellow.• who emerged the dati
°t°- asto r wit...ea what his `gars of the battle field and the horrors of
rellulon man, but withdrew the quaslion
captivity. were fleeced of their hard wed
upon an oblection made by 11r. Carrington.
I greenbacks by speedo. operators iinntleo
Tbo witness was interrogated at length.
„,_ thieved . oil territory—which is still, and
m "' lsis hi l ' r ' a ti tTit h it ik irnt ''s of Tl ' to
trial. and endorsed what Se' there said, and r vi r ,
,:b4,74,, eayopt on
stAted upon Beatrice:tits, In some slight
ofie /lean int confidence men who had it
particulars,. to beighth of men, am, there ° - -
wits a vernitlan, and •trong effort wat
And then there were egift enterprises,.
mold to make tbe statement contradictory.
Daniel C. Reed swore ho had known the w h h °°'d messing thou °°-
cm' mantel of clathi ty iabWly the , starting up in every
• ortaoner from gate a boy. and saw him , oo,aaast all rawa,
Pen.ylranta avenue at it, o'clock the dm v•
of the ass.sinatton. I have tad a Welding, drellhla, was that which
or bowing scquatniance with Mtn prisoner Cherries Of this klnd.acrsimg tb .
I es
he passed; there was a, recognition by f"`
both. ills drew. on that nasalise shelled tb° ?°. °t° ,; t o r T ara
my attention. ills dress looked of esuntrs venturers. Millions of
gothp In very wood owe, ve n turer fo.F. th e P.C.
had I:t ednring
owable feet a new pair Of bra.. spars lite hut year confidence men ...gage...
' tan. of yaw liable' , tin enterprises—the
with halm tithe roa - els. and evidently were , no forme tr ,
bran new. Ile wore en his bead a nett had edver .. l°°°° " t n t " °°.
a rgot very low ernonee. witke brimmed; hat I eye? .7.Pagge Lao o r4 s tgoots-ets..b.rettotidliobnyt the
,ZeoAti',l7nr,rron'dinlyl.7., psnaing op the I lan d, e ns
intio.n ' t gentlemen of reeSects•
hard a ne t nt , oa . t , Macy. wise were need as stool.pigeons 1.1
f : d en (Prt:r the sdrOlt .d utterly ennteleneeke.3l.oll.
some future time, atter the defence should i getht b..' the gam described snob or:
Lave con i mitcd with it scyt h e,. n o w ant 0 , newts terms is the advertmetnents,ware, as
the eliy. ounree, never seen by the a.m..
jar,Larrintricis objecte d so thi s as ° And it is a alogultr evidence at the strong
orneople to take even the most
being without precedent. end held there t • h h a
desiccate ensue. w ere t ere I s an now
WES too 1910 of Least that justified sent a ~,,,,, i s , soon ,. that _ o „ arnta
morrre. rent pee+ o go
Clr. Bradley artmoi It was smatter within eI to t wo reoe ntM °°°°°°r°° at ttl° °"°r
woethi • nmi of the. ...Tie, and dine
the diamsation or the Court.- The defaces so asloa „nwt of „ an , h ., the nnther .
raveled to wove that Deed had made • to to b oun d raar ly
statement out of Loam contradictory al
, r their money in them Only shwa..
what Emu been tectilled tot. court
o fo r of this kind, pretending to
The daci.ien of the qu.tion aan re...reel 4 i or too „ rat „, orphan ,. wn „
until to morrow to ornin up as the pole at taxon., Onto,
Mann Allen dm 6.ol2l, ° colored, topside , ' _ ha d s
sarratt was at bin Mother's Toaee In Basle r o t
lumen on the miming the President was w „ or . the
am... , how theny mind
Mated, end a1er4113.1 the• ”
k smother gang of scoundrels, prune-
She tisd never seen him mime that time or . o. •
leg the same game, was &mulched in New
“Inee. all lest wmk,ltherl be w. brontila
into Court.
James silnitaton: book keeper St. Law- Them la 51111 anofti •L ervarlety k o . f
wn eon i nz
ranee Betel. Montreal, toad lied that ► man rs
a but Oh o
dad among
flmed John me.-- hie name the tt s. thiglanocentsof the rural
there April oth. 1.3, find eft on the 13 th Mr _,_,„
Nee , York train. Tim Wile rani arrived !,r ,„ :` ,, , ,, , , , ',711, n rin;;;;ll,..7itia.---t6r
ran the kth. and
'lmes' snooks,calling himself the agent of some
Identity "‘°
wiesablncii lottery writes to eome rend
Mr. Bradley said the del... onid admit. hao h nen . an h,ttarip amket,whlch,
Berra. sru tiontrl on the dip and IStb orssrr, twD or three hooors,,, or
nameli, 1.3...1 that he registered lila s
n Joan ilarrigan.: They admitted ... s tir t a s tr oo fi s a s ai o tgL oo t i li . rem
i5eDU.......0f will
re.eptiLerlisnm.eratin..C,t,iirentbTspr..rehand..4unoruiti.n.:g nek t, l;,ol,„.s h,, ,,aer.lkr o b v ,w,ttoba
J0c , h ,, ,,
than saved muen eft...tee• of ;the
secure rural gentleman's Influence in sett
A co. wits [ben Oshiolted and identified uoko , s may possiois 501
us one similar to that worn' by ilarason. tog maser
draw pnres, end ' this induenos Is •peclally
The dist took axe. until IU o'clock tO.- aupuintel for In the letter. Rune gentle.
morrow. I tone mart. an Went WI he remises the
...eV. Lailall One friends that be drew
it on a ticket sold him by Mr Shooks,
111 the upright and gentlemanly agent,
C.c. If our rural friend swallows the
1 OAR and sand* the ten ,lollere—which be
frequ.lly docs—ba is scrprised, very na.
wetly, after Awhile to nett that •the enter
easing snooks target& to realm the ammad
oft he price; and art. fruitless inquiry fur
that Immo, tlt rough the emulate°, organ..
wise, the victim makes rap hit mind Bothell
lotterMspre standles. Thin conclusion i•
not woolly josh for regularly ettalillsbed
loccerica do not Ile !melees* to the manner
refour suppostion& Went. and
friend had .ppilen to a regYjltr
lottery orhee,he would have learned the Ir.
tore of the swindle, and been telly inform
ed of the need. °bane. which those con-
Malls ball to offer blin.
At we have seitl, the. propensity of many
people to take chances Inlet...lm In aim..
imeonquemble. Inv tottery attuneea itself
lea very old one. it la bellovad to bo like
come otimr specimens of lineage. of Dell.
orlon. TOO Iles: go% errimeat Maori. were
enthblistied by the imam., for the inn..
of ;Wiling to the reac:me of the Republic.
fhb non lettere tat England ...ears twelve
bean drawn In IX% awl the prelim wore de
voted to the repaint at h.'s.. and, penile
In One early part. this esetwry the State
lottery had lama. en tatehltstaid institur
tion in,England..d In many. oar Arne,
Men LOltignOnVeeltal. On the COntinent of
Europe moot of the governmental have p.ll
lottertes on to quite a recent period, asa
relfulat hntneb or the revenue aysteru. arid •
they ntil eurvlve, la full Vigor. In Rome
end some oho berman States, we belle..
In England they were abolished in teed; and
In this country they ere now prObiblitel by
all the titates eseept tab—isantbeiry
allesonri. In these a gitate. its business la
-eadelifileted ender the joint management
gg es, ggittion, atiMilAT..altdraay, Hatay
litent;:kg. earner o=ill lOU=
stream. when, ail drawings Saks
Thom Men, eeeneding to law, bave deptelt.'
ed In the State Treasury ample Ocourity
State bonds, forth e
all prig..
Uel e fOr the honest and hlir CrinduCt of the
benne.. •
Th. Gwent upon which lotteries State
inaltutions were first adapted, Wins that,
the spirit of gambling—the diapplillmt to I
qtW trt chances—Wes inilsrent In harem
am ern; ene that It was better that the with-
mott an ill regal.* that spirit,
end make it contribute to the revenue of
the Maui, guaranteeing fait Minding tome
myopia. than to 1..11 Mita, tone swindled
by Irrmpontehla orirethi adiftettaretre. It
the lagal prohibition of 10.1011 , 4 whlob
01.5 prevail In most of the State., cannot
be bet.. .forma than they have boss Of
tate against the gift enterprise and similar swindles, senstble people will 00
sotto o include that the old Mee was net,
Crier Mr wrong, that If lotteries
are an evil, it would end ore satisfactory tig
h.•B them regulated made amenable to
the law of lair dealing than to pet the nro.
pie at the •mercy of angle:dons operators,
Do sell Dakota, bus never draw prises...l
utterly defy the law ma dead tatter.
At ell event., as Leave aut., the only
imgaily antbOrical lotteries In the United
etaan are the Con.olidated h.tneky and
glimouri State Lotterim, above mentioned .
Toe drawlnga of these non.rna argi prob.
endarelr as anything of the kind can be,
nd under the anpervialon of meteor.
10511 Consmiasioners of the States.
We hoer quite frequently of handsome
I prize' drawn 41411.1 duals in these lot
tea.. In one case, Isbout two month%
ego, a gentleman of this city enlaced the
I gr h g ' : . titt%Ci l l t l ' a l ;ralL k t " ole i nt 4' ATe
ler pd... of Substantial amongst, are also
talked silent In private circles, and not
long educe a ontlern. In New °Name
drew the very handsome amount of SHZ:ati
in the Kentucky blots Lotteer. The to 7.4
*lgo Kentucky goon Wen range from si.ag4s4
gitth .11 are eistterod froze Maine
to Tex., and from the Atlantic tout to
San Frenoteco. These lotteries have been
conducted forth` cast thirty years ori the
acme ortapqand we fact that they are still
lamentation Ira pretty goad Chldellee that
too geottmt La fair .d hononsble.—
Oncfnoull Mene Ahottiree, June IC A. •
BALTintnin, done IS-In the Circuit Court
I T li al l as m s P as . b rin to 7 :.
the United Stetes,Judge fillet presiding,
In the case of Kennedy vs. (Mean, arising
ant of a recent failure of the Merobanta•
hational Bank of Washington, involving
the queation of indiVideld liability to the
olatt. In the general national thatkiruit
a. the Coartitaday rendered a lengthy
In p . nlen to the elfeet that no snit Ma be
' i t ge i nstaineid under said clause until the
CeMptroller of Currency has Audited the
acormists of the Weasel. instltntion, sad
escartain. after due notice tO the axed/.
tom the amount of HS
CST Tee:Tip/1 to the rlLLAntrel'.(l2let...l
Nor Yunc..(tulai;,l, ,, a.
The Germ., 6chetzer carpi t romu eneed
their nenctst ••fete" to-cts7.
A lottery dealer was arreSied to-dey. Ile
dealt as the Delaware and lioataaty lot
' • -
The weekly report 'of Di% LIATTi,
the city le In excellent terabit, but be cam
L t
Ice public to mkt, all precautionary
mentor. to prevent epidemic* obtaining It
l' Bo llsao, Betrotary of the Ittiselan Lech.
tion,erriveh on the rimier., with the hee
-1 sten Atnerlean'ireuty. eighth!. by the cant.
&goal - re-6 eTOIIII.
Firtnen yacht. of The Itrookjyn Yacht '
t C •e lu e b i Tt i ttl e y 4 a th ettr r tiTl L o t h ' it * ri b et l ' i r =
by lusting their Belie, howepriteot
other epare.
1.1.17&T COXVII3IIOI , E
The baptist Socictics of nil* city and
lirooklyn are bolding* courentlan. Prom
nlo Of lacratioeil interakt In that
denoininatiOn are made, and *Orb is.
Drogreaolug rapidly
atirAaa ra.•111, OILS OTRIDAII,L
An Interco] !taxonae offlaor was Wirers
1 the Court to-say charged with obtaining
13,risiny traud..About one bOnikait
ruts of coun4cated abbacy and a 04111
besip mncleannohl M W sold foray •
1 of tn.; ibirmtio hors.
'Three eistlars of the 'hip Ceraveal,.beve
!OM COlSatiated inr Wel by the thqted
states Commovioner, e a charm of ht.
'Luzepted xnurde: of the Bateau Wale.
A mob, beaded by ex-Aldermen Terence
prisoner from on officer
Into lest niglit,ttmk. tbo oftloarterrore Judge
•Cortimily,eforsworerho Assaulted the pro.
oner. Connolly ordered the Olinoor to lied
bell to answer for trial,. but foneemitoolifY
roles-sell blm On parole.
undrinbtolly nnw in Ilameo, for which
country ho left hem live Weeks ago. - A
translation Is published from a %ample°
paper of a prenuncloutenfo. disavowing On
the part of thu garrison of Tampion the
Junoergavionment, and recogutaing Senba
Anna as General-M.onel of the Mai l man
armies end Presldmit ad tortvint. of the
pobita of Xellao. One parnerapt, of tbe
ronendamente protnies - nwilnO , the Action
of !Willi° Juarez. by which ho bas mort
gaged the States . of 7anumPpos and San
[min rennet te eeVernMent of thu Enlted
States for ORy-SlVe millions of dollar.
Tito whoLo affair looks Very 11011“tiOnal.
tegebe STROGIC er 1.100.10 10 .
'During a thunder storm this evening the
Roman Cathollo Church On Po; ty-socond
sirest.newv.Nuth retina. , Men strong by
IbOOLIOn.a nod so minted that 117111 bare
to be taken down.
• or.Argaleran or Tar lareCrarll•
Between elevon and twelve o'clock this.
evening W
, the iles of LOU.' dead Infante
t.., Sound in an ash t barrel, barrel, toppOelte
Laurel. Street.
Order for the Trlal of'
itlntotou beta lleblesLit
bileetun Teutterett tat uswenill Steed.
man, do.
Mr Tetra rape to lee „,
Wnettistros.Vue ea/ been
resolved here troth QU131103010, .1/1 It
le mud the General-le-Chle, en the we.
ell., leaned the eeceshary orders for the
trial of lltaXimlllse, lllremoe and Maria, irt
aeondance with the law of January
Islll Maxleillum requested Per_mleemn to
send a telegiant tO the Prussian minister in
'lent. , the Perpert of which is toregualt
him emit also Deri Maria !flea r lacto,
the lather or General Pellsolo, &mkt:l.n- I
Gate n Meartn Teth eD telegram t w e e
. O r ..caabnd h
the hani..
The epee
gam secretory
I noward tendered the inlapien tO
I General iiteedman, to proceed there‘t once.
to the .
MMlte":4atidtirr&rinase a s uTi l it Vs s i
has•truneplreu between ttie Male
hilmt and 1111.11.411. 100111 . • Loomed Mat
tun people trill gunmen Idea 10 es
be has taken when the - records o re pub
;Courree - aloa al Swale*liews.
CST Toletesph to the Pittebureh glutei e. 3
UN , raatiCisco, tine 17 .— The Third Cons
aressional District Utalou Convontioet
haauthated GbatassUor Harts= ter , Cans
greet: more to groat alosatlersottou with
tho tiCket.hoznioated by the trams State
e'r&.lt U M i b a= g e l lal
a`l linjw grLcagi ,
the WWI wow roooCrawelcoagalle uL
csuint Mt" sto nian..
, - •
1 ,---____ _____ ~..._ _ _____________ _
r.P.C2:I Si: LOUIS.
S I 1 1 1 . ',
allice i ttol t r i the TnietorroExcrothr. '';
A tits lel,. of the: Voles Pacific Rath -
the Tthemony on Ureos Nero. -Vesterdae
CITY AND SUBIIBBAN. !";71.7..•747.7,-1,..E:i7=4:-....., .n.,rn,,,, , n, ~ 0,,,,, 0 7 eVi.:g ir w A4g. thr t ' e;
FOI4JP.mTHub:.,„I;y4,IE.-The Jultsst - trod en eef re- Tor-"n7oderno,"el:s.ntn.g?"teti,'lt.he Pltteber.h .I;l ;% " .., V , r'' ,,,Fth gt oi ` ogg i V ' Eati ? s d pilW ' st 'M
" tiny Ihreogh li • 01 and Produet Mar Ad Re- ,I' er,TlO (femme, will hike place th e annu n al ,I , r , l r t. t;r i
,IV,..on,L.t.%,:yjises,ylrent. Tne tthi L e
ports givelsby any paver ln Me oly, will be eins , lol eonteat between the wholari I r I: • • I L '
. 0 t_
L.L. 4 7 ,,, i LL
„ m e m L‘r a w „ e j,,Z, L ,',..
FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. On Te,ar a oh to the letteberth Ciasette.l /mad ono. Fourat .
we LOt is Jena 113.--At • reeetlng hold be' --- -- tee- I ; the Thom. Mckete and oMellor" price, " ... M et ' Lee se `
I o It tool bson taken to the %boo for
The former too bare Tea the pleaanro tif mmirs, Mem ohleh It was to log tekee
I veto
_ ___-.-__ - _ Senator Wedies eitheleY3l vertu, at the : DISASTROUS f'IREI.- , . Diver h iti lite Floteider t reMed eilgutly,
IMPORTINT FROII EUROPE !anthem Hotel, before they left the city, weroght massive et:eclat , of the pllrest g•to'• :old one of PIA !Made seas injured.
; the foll Owing cdMalitteeWat Mthednied to ~,,,,,,,,..- min p r. .. yt, o en efeg ,t- Le. cast freed ast elaborate dio at thn Phll Idol: ,
L examining. It in a rich a^.3 elegantly' terday when the remorse occurred. T.
• I theft reaolnuons embeitlyieg the: limb of rozestry Destroyed - Ma moms Ines phi. Stint. Aside from lm pecuniary miler. New Opera II onste.-Thfa pan In p t ace
- the Deny: Hon. Monts. Chandler, Michli . I. Lthies- - feeta " . .. a r r. w• 6 ""• •• ; which is by no motes Insignificant, it Is of ntramement will reopen on -atertom
Large Riot In Birnnagliant.'
„,.. no yrl., ,a i Tauten end Trum t
by In 1
000-I•artlaily tote:red a. " wad to be one et th e flee. 'promo. of eight, under the sin:sper of i the Se . fl i,, o_l zi r e .
. 4 ranee. 11 1-eak•., Anna Sheri: el, Ann
bull, IllinTils; cattell, New JereiTt Jeith t o w .cntag het.... el.t. and eaten I Collagen:cash ever prepared en Aimee:a Title le
t s strong floe, ami we tru, under
:C. IL Painter . The lk w : building occupied as a plattinv mall by t..
• ‘ 1?. ' 17. d 1. : a • mo c e n r g ere ' n ‘ e ' r h'i nt r etort lttZer, l trit• ' o'clock a fire originetca • in the largo frame
wrought Medallion at the lotion of I
, the drama. Mr. Joltri IMO., for merlY one
: en 0. Md.
and carefol t ly ;
nnth, buot.nAtienria.Llooll.itiiy,the,,Lv,e,:reamifrnr
DEHIONSTHATION ABAINST THE Me Mmltter . t • wet` , araalmadslY adopt M ' M. Deer.; e Co., at the corn:r of col. ' merle. :tn. , . Ment, the liontedell Thom'. of the popular metingers of the Academy' al
HATHOLICS. lArat. That tau highly eppreciate semi I
- the scriptlen eThotreff McKee Orlon for suite- on "emotes . night will be °Child Meeting"
~..pnlaeutiv:rhltty„i..d:ti fte e ee i l . g t h r t , , ,,, e i n e d g . :::, ,,,,, ,,
b „,„ 11 I n u n it ti . si ei l i te;i4 . ll . e n n d e Sties c tz . i n. ,, t u lt n e ic
, 14 1. 1 , n ,, 1. word , liso
f e , ff . ll . ce e ,: .. K oi sq c .l Iv n th est o tty m r,letd ,, Ler i a; e t ,
b t . ert i
~s r.
g ii..l , t , .. e i r c li er ..,. 4s,e n e L. e .L.L aeLe e „ tmi t. y l 7 O r 'XV.. r ,,,, • „‘ ei ,
; latensurated the grand ento?riee of the ) „extensive lumber yard Ou the ell", foul to riot oneelitit . tee In Wale." On the reefer. and elllck Turpilitt ,
City in Possetsion of the Eiotere 1 1 :1 ' ,Ill '" I '''' ,;7, n Ir',=, K , ~,, !" , ,...,!b d •z„, , Y several detellings oh the west. The flee Ott ore eta rat,MY te,rmieljal re L L o br t;';Zl ; ----."--7- '
' ; o ' n ' onstOl Y , tv ' e v ent ' leratulate - thetn .r itd ' it,S; ' broke out while the employers of the what / f po er „.. l o l. o . o , oo rr. • ,; e Zi, e , rcl 4 n;;,,Y, or ' ,eleet ' Obeeresetiow the Railway Tee:el...-
r o ee o T,e, ••• „ • :r the •••rth • S• WhMttba•ereamed I lishment were at supper, and is suppkiel I htup. In tbe "Mae l'Ortnee! Mel. the Inure I . :!•pign,..7,inosts 1:,;,.:t1,11,1Lu:.11;Lci5L=,...0r haw!
TROO Ei SUMMONED TO THE PL ICE, , -- sere;ul. - 11;.0 being Daly ~,,,,,ne d , th e Ito nave originated In the engine hoMse, • 7.7 ,..4:1n, b....-;,r,gzi 1g: rgli:7gr. d . :,rn way, anneheed herons Alderman Taylor ar!tl
meta - adventhar_s eLtehausg the loostion of ,oleo was coiner." with the Main hs.!l'.;f n 'ii: o w1.T.'„,,„.,,,,, r.,..,„C.1,,,t, “.,,,, i n inemnllon again. a man named
- 100 mad through genets% by reason of the l eg _
teethe:v.lMb fotillity of the soh, ealubrity ',Oren, covseueb. I pelate Dale motto tt Luerna dignlssinsof Lawreecerille to the Flith Weird.
t ;In bold Into-re, eh
beneath Is the •Iterrw I
The Was in Candia. ' °Ube climate, " d thd"trY wwd Ithwith I i II with MI the =whin • detet e -Let tho kora. be gaen to the , A n ti arrnot was Mooed.
' gene° 'MI'
'PM'S I"cr"'"R rePth"le t w i T"d
I II " ' d r m in ' T r nI a greater t OUT: I most Worthy.. The °Mellor' price will be I .licK . im m eler, for obstructing t.. 1, an [lre
---••• Iwe earnestly recommend It to the coolie ..,, U. t r
g " or% o ' r l 'o e i -.he ilem P l:a.lon nwarded to the best vocal.- It is a • Larceny On a Womb Seale -Kinlile
I 9"Wth..•;• of i:th• C:d.thrth•tht and CwPithth" 11.14 •I' ve r e.: ' •!ntirety L c " ;Mtmeti A thre., . rieitty booed mill 1, aluable volume ed ; Meyer quo charred before Attlermse r Ty-
THE RECENT CHRISTIAN REVERSES th th e ecethtrYl On street music :elected With much care. I ioe, pn oath ot Cherie : Kent, with will al y,
' Third, T., .... p Of,. ~ ..,,, of 11 1 " j, " n rr ee ' e l l e en oe h la h l ,",' ' ' ; '," l'''Y'''',Trtn'!'ll'el" er1: 1 1tlil . had esehr. • lng the e*elttelt current • maliciously end feloniously entering the
, part of the country through widen the
; E .., 0 „, ry,,,,,,, 0 of the e,,,, ..,,,,„ „ I owned by Mr. McGregor wee vitally de; v0ie11 . : , ...a7
Terrible Atrocities by Turks. ' laan.i, we undidently predict Lieu the , MoVed , tool twetamrY frame In frotn. am•
Z:l r s ' n ' eled Ity & largo Intellectual and Into , ast, idol taking therefrom loon to the,,,TZ L
sescessrui prpacention or :lint tend Wlll I . br t i f t ; Il L ' o • r ,,r • i t .:• r ?„ . w o w r e g o bY ,, ai . r .'tl,l I t he tummidage, Th • e follow lee mama.' mine. el tweedy-tied Cent. A warrant
IDEA the ...rand meet esonomtcal mole- I
1 rt. 'i ?l seritre I . ;fit ft L- tvo 'l4lek'dwenings tlreCarnmlttee oa A•sols Froth:aloe Tete- wax issued
M. of the hlaa Otte oleo, by leritthe a o "en:i by - ' • Loc - lie motif eo is deux, Mr. dna Mr H. Khmer. tool W. 11.
1 contlnnons lino of tetoeinenu Mtn. the • - Mr. Loc ke,
W.r...' - ' f Evor,n, V. P. yi.eaben sod Mee Llyiu .
eOll Lineal, ..I bY eitordleat even , station ' ' ten Kegs. Vie pupils of the College ore
n base of oporutious forret, =littera meth. 1.0..
I ail '!'•,r0,11011Y proficient In instrument. I
moos miney Itereefter become neetantary. The machinery in the vlaning nail was „ Li „ L ., „„,,,,_ ~.„„c h .. 0 . h i g hly
Pharse,•That the railway to the Pacific, by veleest at 0 11 , 1 M, and woo ...Ur ' ,egre t e 4: talented Oilier), Profeseur Hottlewdr, Men- I .
oho large reduction in the or. et transDor- The total lose In eat mated at fifty pi,,,, the ILL ., „„ 0 ,,,,,,,,,, ' 3,, b e ,„,e,, o f
fatten, will more than miter the Goretn - them." &Mare. urid t• PartiMM If °M t L stst' holiel ettlilleL Under his M.- I
or the Vatted States Inc bonds loaned entirely covered by losurance In city cola- -
truly tattlers teeny of the anest wed most i
to ahl its constreetion, and that the Inter. lootieS • ileulted e' `Mu parlor eimiele. hove ,
Ton elite rows..., I graduated , and hundred. of ectiolaret who
e' pen t* Ple " r t C . tle ek' le v e ' e r h n eTt e gr n r emd a b olti A trles 'l erat 'l The steamers, both of this oily and tile- , pave permed tousled stetliM at the Pala'
Meted 10 the Poeta. Cobl: in the soonest ebony, ter)' prom tale al:peered on the , isve, e p F e male College bear ample evidence
pr.licable time. ground • and l a bored bard and Muhl:MY to I of his skill and superWrity as. Instructor.
May the LIM aerine element , and finally sue- t The contest fortenßOW evening will be put-
muted In gutting complete control Mu, brit ' n o to a ll ones, w ho new toettend. Cat as I
not until after the mill w.compter.l2cten. ,of I; timission may 1... Obtained teens the •
Iholed. The Columbia Honk and Ladder : Ytheitiont abbe College, or 2, the Yr. : W . W .I I
Company of Igliegheny, were prompt in I
1 otalling In tinctraporitrence and tad good , music stores of tea city.
eervice. The legle and Neptune ench , •
Mote the coupllnge from two sections of , On a Tour of Leepeetion.
dm now Met the soctlerle were ve IT , Kim Grand Inquest,
! 'now inquiring In
promptly rep ced by others, en that [II; I and for the Wady: of Allegheny count} ;'-
m but P ar Mel t
roue. to ei ther :
: i devoted yeeterdeF Mr tialtlnle nehlte Mat
company by the breakittg.
TOO caoWD. ' I Oaten% find calling tathencrem of Refuge.
The firecommendeti anent six O'clock. end I Here they were haepitably reedited end
raged until alter *eget, eg., 0 like time the ; shows through the variona departments
"Me' for tteOp•lneree , on caner solo, was
or , d e ,,,,,, „ of „o,„, woman . no ,/ 1 1 0 _ a this credibble place of reform
rod, ot ail ....none uhassammee. Hay. for youthful offeuders. A band of musk',
Mg arrived pn the ground quite Serb. we ; composed of the lads of the Defege,
Gad no diflleulty In reaching th e imtnedinte ~,. _ ~,,,„,, ~,,, Moments:a some excellent
s leintly of the couriagratien, but foetid ' w- e- ' - ''''', -- -
It quite it t
he Mailer to gs; awey, and ' mode. 3he generality...oM of the lust Itn.
alinoneh the tire was completely ...keel , ben and lb maetagement were closely Mud
d not ac tually quenched, the crowd war
ul. '•
eroolha IT thousauds. Mo melons acci• Mat . " we PreseMo 1110 Mrta.entiag Pre
dents occurred, other than we nave men- i sentmtht Will embody the views Of the Jo-
I lea". 'me a.. Mere any one Witold it. I roan en this well ileindeeted place of Mar. I -
far an we Wahl learn. Deprisoummt. •
On erelong et the await. at, Digniont. 4 Too XVIII find a Dental Establishment
The Cottle:kb lloostelete-Cooelaelon Aw ls Dr. ;
ese the e a t. ismeati,.....,_wee. : and Ids tocsin. bachelor Ass , ,
theJ nee Were kindly welcomed by De. Coed I at Md Penn streeL Doc SID & thileavio. •
diet of ehe Jury. 1
,rocs, who, after the 01001 Coartenlee. son- i French LAWN:Ie.-Latest style at ei cents
I dented the gestate to the Melee RoOM, I per yard. No.leo Ohio etreet, - Alleghenys •
Thelury Inipliaaelle ' d by Meraner Cl"" 1 where dinner Wm served rip In it style teat t
son to Inquire Into the circumstances at. . would have done credit ton D-Imanieo. Teo c.„ bey , v ., 0 .., A.,..1,01 St
tending the dent 11 of James voids:l4h, be delle.lee of the e.. i ,•
' The Doefer.d histestielets , et - ee ,
re . , etobracieg all
le let I h reed ...toseph 0. mo..
asmcnbled at Inc Allealosny Mayor'sol7M. : lade Mole°. feel comforteble, and all did
Tue... and concluilml the luvestims- i amtlle,bastlcst to the feast afforded. , Voce Can Bay Yew Hops at .10.0P1". F.
it.. The following udditiousi tesilmony , thteZe,Ltleberedror th
oreGrawe.V.elth7bre„•„"L,,T •:
' r" ' "'
eau elwitult • , Torywere mtoulshed and delighted Witt , :;.7. - Additional Local Newt on
F. 4 Sefreetac sworn-Live la Kele, Whale , the edmirable matsm anti air et elearilluess triii:4ll Page.
Alb grotty on the night of the she:oils/et wits and contort that chareetertrol the lentil,
lii Keithrts !dere, wee standing near the tom It has been our privilege to Melt le - I .
Centre of the right hand sore:drat heard the , atituthine bf 4 !iced.r dissector in Marrone DIED.
breaking of glass; then timid the report. parts of the country, and we done:rein.. I
: t:LAGII,E,-1 , 1 0 Sabbath :nerving, lath theme.
probehlt a few seconds of tern anis, en the tier Of having ever eateadrioi e ai ...., ~...,„,
~...,, ... „.. 0.
left hand elle of the dour, old Mr. Kellar piddle Ineutution, which will eqmplire 1 L .
L.L..LL „.„
0111 .... place 0 . ,-. 0. ..._
am atandllax ill the ero.ll cow Victor 11. ; with thyroont in pole , Of genet'. rreel - I "" "•• . k 0 ms .
lei going beets towards the room,and alter- I lonNI and superiority of menegemene in Or ,atla o ,lor , p aths tem
earde retort. - Ice Irlfh street. Ter triends
el co.wlluse wheat the than aftvenerns "LW , gated with some delightful Mush, on the 1 0 . ~,,, ~,„;,. ~, ~,,,tttlity Molted to sow.d
him dual; did notate hen fiat; when I raw, pitho by an encompilehed lady attendant. 1 .
• HAI IL, - n Mender ..i... June II VI, 01.5
nimbi: was lying oil his hack, with 111, heat I and a new sweet sang Wee tune IT Oa. O. ~,,,„:„.
,'Mrs. ~,ng H e z . „l,„ . go d ti y c „srs.
tow:tots the snout., nn UM right hand side the Greed Jury.
at '''' t tt e le d Tto n terget i ag M et 'F l te n :O r' tt 4 v ' er ' s d atre w .. 4. 1 1: • heritri'LlTutoWrm.alhemireedYn'gri.e‘rewtithlceltorehVlertl ' I
,L Y• s ' n ' t " Wi C o u' a nn . tf th e e f n e t. ' 'tau's:2'7.4lchers
Is ' : rv -2117 2:
twn toting ettilit I aoppos -that between two Dom of thanks were passe.. eernowlee , Jaen myth, an In o'clock a m. Carriages will
thou minutes eupst. Crum tte• time I gratitude to Ito. Revd and hie hell, Me tenne the cry
of Miller at Bras.,
saw Kellar geese towents the back room , the k mil courtesies and attentlonspethieed I ... L ., ~,,,, ..., ..... ....„.„. m t 00,,,,,
and when I uothed him reternine: could at their hotels.
not toll tithe one rtelnillnk neare.t. tO the , I'IET, •I 't to., ciehe It n rn. Inn friend. of do
door ,Bot h Os stmt. ants tired. Ilid std mole srii ... L .,, n , -, ,, r5. .,,, ii .,,,,,,,., .. r . h , oir , is tont r wt. resn-steully la me
. ant ed.
any one In the Ihseen have a 01100." •••••
a , Kht• trsil mg ... two trio it ~,•. r , e rg_ Ties tea hone has twee too long before the
-I. et of ,nem; !Israeli... beet know notate., and are now too well known le the l___ __
w hether leaw ony persee in the roo:n tbat ' -----
evemng wearing a Italie cost. There teem • '•U•dl.• and th ew " 1.••"1"7 of 00.1 " thth' A I.rN. •IfiEN. IINDERTA HER.
User lts Incur vat:Xi-Mee emote
. or.tobe D v . renal. a Msiertittiee hero' ia l's. nod ?sore, es.. Muth... P.
two young ladlis. I Ott out know any of , TOO fact that ire hare always been able, CU: 090'0 of all kind.; Cat PLS. GLOVES, sac
Oto Immo., but the. tr.. t o re , mot'''. wilbOnt erobarntllelnent, tO warrant nor; eve r, deKriatlap of Feuer's! Pornishing hood,
Keitarte ull so me Saw rustle Aell
sh o o t s a rite :
t r eat
auto some thee after Ma t , machines to give bitter malefaction than ; t ore ithea, homes owned day andeebt. He.,
Atter deetated 0.1 twee carried lam the any other machine ill the market, Or mound i'nr..l Carriages nitretstied.
twele room I went up ststre. II bee a o th ,, , I threaded:la the,Othhest eviderm we:could I j „ . ......„ .. „, ~..,„-..„, ~. „.• g...
Kellar duet abated bash ho 4124 oth :Wieser re saltily give oy their absolute saperiority. I ,
I ob LS D rthonsie Melte Fan•• Jte
so Inc oxoned, but ...Dust 0 moo ...idly. They will do • Irtiegaelthd t'erlel'Y nr wort' I •t. '''' -•• •“' U. '' • •
Jtoot. .Sevest, .when-Lire at Lyn, On.; • never before attempted neon atingle ma- , e,a CI, MM. 0 50.
was to Ante:betty cm the tilgot of Um shoot. chine, stitching from tine goo. to Catch '
ie.. Mr. Kellett; tombs was stoma in t cloth and leather, and' over oat et full I - GI. DODGERS. UNDERTA
hack. room with athaty of li landr, honed :timed, without ear change to feed• needle t • Kelt A 741/ ENO I.l.litg, stoseessor to the
the trout dour oven null Few a man witeAt. , or Mee,Mn- eo.,,Prr o f__,ee tl ,Y....."'lr d , 0th..",1, kinds late. eaniati it. keel one., No. 22 tittle Street.
le Mate mat come in the door and meeped nn ' et were e n tee e•••••• 4 twe's•w e ' • Lew er • - ••
titre J o u, Rea B eater. Aue.tosey c MY. M.'
wales hanoest!. out gable the store elaaka. Mims flrting. itmlete Maalairs Soon I " 0 e
wenn, bet w h e e l hood the report of ca n-' making .11 faintly tee-leg, they will Sew ume. floscweaar kieliciF.Y. II 01 000 su 22 e .
rostl Stepped to Il e , done, ea ., Lb. n . the goods without washing., and whoa the wood Imitation Cohn, at th e lowest reduced
ea ewes abet crawling on the ethr, near tawnle are ...bed alter sewing, will not t p e k e s, Minos open.. elbows, day and ni.d.
tte end of U emote r. All of the party packer or drew. Now so ot. j e the capacitY I Keane and wartime. feraisted on thort notice
Went Into oh m ere bra my self and a little of ante Machine. S a
y. the fa lse u out, and
L , , _ ~.,, _
girls , mos Vico w Kell. previous to ono: no art. or the trade
disgu IL 0 wt 'ea mew: r eam e•" , m e... r • ___
suoulleg. bra did nua wet elm afierwardse It V. WRITE & CO., ( NITER
-1 went. tap emirs atom not minutes utter Asumalt and Battery.
the shooting. , ••"" TAKERS AND AMBALIIEWS, Ilianches.
Noland Belfereo, re nref at Erie, A hearing took place at the omen of „... „...,,,,, Son tad ~,,,.. ~,,, 1000005 St
~tro ot ee, , , i g i N . 1 , 0 ‘ 5t , r ,. 0 , t , t ,,,, , a , 4. 0 1 .,. ,..t , eLe5 ,„ e . a . f n. the ,J. O'Neil vs Wm. Aiken, for assault and Clisrtlers street. lie.. and Carriages raw
rewe"thwthw• woo s )I Me t " Ml ' . B e a ' . ' A/4*r." Lthd•e r ile•terdaY: ' th the.... , 44..1.4.. Ll.cry Stable, corner Sheikeld And
. isettery on the wife el O'Ned. The facts of, meted. ..
Ilquor some when a TOtltql men caw:elem.
een ter liquor. i h 'Mess here tit .1101 the Case eO t erm we could learn, are as I r
.. S. STEWART, Undertaker,
the con•emation between the partas pre- : follows: Aiken lemma a houses In the Firth „
vlotts li:
thoutleg,m elven by Luz.h. 1 ~,,,,, „0„,„0,.. pal{ , , ~,, ~ corner of stoRTOS sad Pella, eTiteaTS.
^e.t.a' /•• ttnrfu rmattmort When Ai r. .. ' - ' to w "'"' Ninth Weed. C.gtes of all Mods. Rearm ono
Keller and Mot oe wore toil. to tom the' who has a number of Minaret,. .17 Allen ~...,,,,„..faraithed on the...mat tole-.
s ounce:au e
ard the door, a reused ronlre4 !b. • cellar in , them he ;kept his butter. ~
le, I then heard oleo ease, aloe the limb seee...i..ete- i.... 1 • Peelle. ef T OTS FOR SALE IN TAREN
and haar.l the report of a thstol, it ileetitest bit storm. and acme one
: I_,
. 0 , 0 , „:„ Li. „ 0. .. „ L . 000 , „.„ 0 „..„ the eil thathe, Att.. charged tier childree ' Tllll, AND WEAR IT.-Taemtere Is "be
of the ihnd, i b i ort keaw tow many re.n a d 1 wall .thabeg the mane, whereupen eirs. ' toed on Om we. bank of the Allegheny Omer. 11l I
i n ,m, h o d,. 0 .,,t kohl of tho moo jo,t a O'NVII Welty
MMathate/Y t
end lleti to
bt umk miles atone the Otto of eittebalgh. The tots
eerend or so before the Bring; did not seg, lnquiry M o t th matter, Copel tn , ....,,,,,, efts L. ~.„.„ ft ....„ ~0 . ,,,,
t 11.1,42,1 hale hold Of Mr heilarts
manslnid Ito retrnet It he hod met so. 11100 0 orgies, 1: 1 , L ...'
tot stee 5 tro1: /teller strike th e et Ite a 11100 to tee th the homb which she relent. to Ie . • re. to •ily: and •., ots 10 ssc •
na.... env.; was ...ding eborscho, f „.„,. 0 . , do, Whereepen he I.dd Pohl idol her and ynt ever the boronsh an. the hale Wort., well I
the time:do. tank tto. heti...lure...lea : her out. Ales. O'N %Leg. that he Week. seemed for country residene., being rich eel..
in 4 lectlue the man with a eclat° mail; did and Al her ot ter ter she wt. Mit , et tbo we I entered, end CO6 03.111i114 a emotlfet een
0 o ,( 1:4 ., 1. ,, :ie .}
L a u. t ,L i r... y l.7 e rl ilt ol s
, I t, i ,l ie t i r st7iptrire,liilptl.E.o.l,l•7.enctkon:l4.ltbei b L oane .. . , Al , iten was hold In
~,..f ive bun . d .L red , ..„,,,,,, 01 ~,, ,l eer ~,,,g ..,,,,
r0,,,,,,i.R. ' ' l.l l. l , ` ' :... d• Cl .L. Vl:n r p " t ro. hl4:eu P . M . :o: h t ' u f .3 l:o a lh w- nn o d r red 'rn , I..elpt -,,,,,=,-F , tenon. d" 1 ‘ .....f emotin g ... " ..c "
I tarring establishmeets, snot, at rolling m il ls, -
John:warred; sworn A Kele. Could retiohn wool.; paper mill., Se., would end
not debit
5 0 01 ilal, a eitie bin testimony i Fatal Ate/diva.
I the location, new the elver or railroad, admit.. I
thrtmgh elo Lonue • atler; as Inter
p„,.„. , 0 ~,. ~,'„,. „ 0 „,,,, 00 oh .. OR Sunday morning tut about eleven bi t eared for each purposes. CaPtialha.M ll be
eight of the shot - atom was sitting on the : O'clock a most lament:aisle end distneeting 1 triceoested In Perth.: or moderate ;Tie. and
oeunter Ira the store roma...bent the natildtrelPtieldeint occurred In Soho, at the corner of • '''', Mrew4 •• It t• 1 " . " ••• "' A s ti ' "' wrier.
.Leortftit;t::etftlellertstiiii",thtLPteULttfri:li"t‘otgtr'll:lttiioj• I i
Mn d I.° an d 0000 " ' t r'' l '.." l ` h '''''''''' d 1 i7 s. t ' 7t "i cr,ll °' 2l b lV:s h l ' ore, dr., ' e b en:ltoe ' d " trd i d i
in the death Of • little child four years Of „„.„.„.„,„_„,„ „ liberal,, ...„,, for
tae Candies in the i t done; saw bltrt In t tore,
an Of • Connell famtly nemal „....,..„„....„ 0 .......,,,..
the room three oh lour minute:. eiterearrlau Veltman The mother wee preparing top ' - . ---, - 1
I maid in the so ot s room until deceased see nor at the cooking stove, which was set o Tralee on tat' Arbotra 1 ....Drama ...lima .
curried into tbei back roomy did not notice. •on bricks, and Open Which sr. a huge pot I.llllb and treat 'I "eaten, es. end woes set
Viet,/ Kellar about. ut that Line ; n ear 110 ecollened the child was tattled ,er d emu daily. For a mar. I' 00am7 ante am I
11=1,Shary. sworn-Lue at Victor lie!. n tie. etore. The, mother In :working , 11,.. iv. u, ~,,,,,,,e zi moos, at id.
bute hue.; was uo steles la the pair; about the etove In some way knocked It __.„ ___ ~,_ ..„,,.
bat know what time 10 west heard the to. • over. and it. fell upon the coed as did also ~" ''''' Se a r '''''' -- Works . 'r J. N. rUN'. I
pert of the pistol .1 looked out of the win. , the pot 01 falllng
dowse:4w the polio:have 1.1 , 1 ofd ental with mei maldinget In • dreadful manner. Ono '
white coat. Teo prisoner arm statellee ,m e wee eutiody burn,' out, , Nt b. SiL Real Egtate
1,,, 1 ,,,,,,, DEVILL L.
~ imp. burning, Iteutoin VlAttoß, Taemtem. ,
ittout four feet .100 one lame. hoard the , Molly Matelot, and .ntht....l an own. The , and 1.211.111CP Agents, Better eto La.-
even with e white coat say, "South toe bew I entortnete little creature lingered until , .......nt o , v..
foto you take tue down, They went a few i Monday atoning let 6 o'clock, When death I +Mt akce-MAN UfACTIMINI3 ar&-To s .
steps further and limed Ulu matt ay, 1 . thitimml it:lron:tits mlsery.
elide% want DS raped bans I w anted to nbuot I SI .s.l : We offer for salt the best
the damned Dutch be mid that a 1 .
X. L. All. I an 1 most desirable rite for 'While Intl end
nerneor of timt to ho didn't mention the I Blot Farm., or foe my huge mmeatterlese
nat. of. the In. WllO W. Shen; trifler Ka- I NO Me Dittos lee Chests 1a the matket ,
LL„ , L.O „, „ „ 0 000 . ,
t Teta property la Imo.
itir Dee. four ti.rst Dom the seine ; when 1., stend•thowreeelly eo hip M the X. L. All. ' ; 00 0 ., ~.„ .„..„, a,. ~,..0 . , 0 z„,..
Wool the.. e Ith a lige , oaft nmae the 1 It is smecely peesible to obtain OM:MI.Im 1 ,,,,,t eithia let feet ollte. A. %%It- IL The im u
remark he watt standing svith the Pod...
methately under the wlerlove where 1 wee I the manutecturer AP feat . wanted. They ', ity by 445 tenons desiring such • lot would do
Welting Walther° W. no one with bite hut , peehneee the Ire well and aro provided with I veal to examine before buyiee elsewhere. ,
the voile,: there W. a etelhil let Dennis I a pc:iterated stone Matter crock, water ; ` tort. made to oat hutches... Engulf* of ;
lieller'e door, :taw V loor Kollar shortly at. '
ter the eh
raid b e e ,,,,,,, i n i,, v„ 0 ,,,, I cooler, A t., and ore sold. Defer° they arrive. ; Dliel,lN 5 lit In . heal Estate and Insensate
Ileum); he raid 0 new had been OM, Mid 1 'rho Patent toe
ar e and Fly Book with : •••••"•• neee!;•,” ret .i t" w re ermlir • _
that the Man ix nO did It 'vented to Wee I Fan combined, are the latest of the neelei Ft SALE That. very Talus.
film (Keller, toot lum 1e...Wel beard the I devices. _ Water Coelere, Ice Create ; - _
nt. with a lallitu voat snake the remark,' I ) all varieties, kinds, Ores Me tete
.emlethie PmterlY elm.. ea R .-
111.1ret wood te ohnot 01.1 wanted to ehoot I and et} le., Font Jobs anti Cane. jest in he.crn "reet and, the Alletheni clone. In All.
the devoted itutclimitti,o never new Kellar j gentler. at Hubleyta lloese Furnishing o i o r r hi; ms by Cl toot, on which Itt totted
More a pletal he keeP. a hardware eta.; 1 ; Mere, ,
No. 68 Federal street, AlleginetY. o ve y sehasnua Brkg heath or, 2. Modes
never no
Jou , ph MA., WWI el...called, led nothing I j Matt, itesthe feet. calculated and well adapted
Important a m ellelteal, -' I lamellae. at. War. I lir orryteg oe'sdmost my breech of manetm.
to l e
nigh Jr.. a worn-W es at IKM...tit-I ~ tramp. It ts ...foie • idle( these dtmeuelons,
Mame on the night of tit. towline my wife Trednblee ...Hair Jtereb Ste in er , mew, ; veleilla the any: me be Md. see we woOd mute
Lehi tnetted there was a nuts S t t Kellat'S I Informshan before Alderman Donaldson. I she stsclel a math. of those duet:eager...ser
rodotw,weeorotTnrVth,ll t • , • . ° 0 17r •t , ii i,,, w , " 7,, ; I eitellitit Mrehael isimorw,,cherging him with I . 1,,,, puce for mseetamerlor poems. to cell.
noon saw a huge
h e and
i t ' assault Ima battery , whereupon Mich.l I the °Moe of DEMAN a 001.1.., heal Remit tad
Lew Victor Kellar efter the oh
poem- I preferred a enlarge of surety of the peace twosome - Abe.. BM.. tre , l- , sweeeeeelll . •
" a ' tar U. ' ""th"g en the Paremea• In ...lett Jacob, before the Same Macon I
front of Delinin Kollar'. wo went., son k
at the teen who vs. whet{ don't thoer I
.. Tte,
.p ro artt n es pi are o„d d i eee n
u n u t . pr eo e t f a lb g ngf t ; i
...het.har N ictor )(altar nano... al,dtdornali I
I gave 11101 a reeolver last Lbrint 000 00 lon Liberty stoots as suleamen. It alw , tof the WllOOl.lO a. WILSON SEWlllit.
.e n t.7 „.. V...e rd i t:, , lat
b h . o b t . o ,l l,Us t i d n u e , few weeke twat. that the) . Mud htarrO a ki a llr w ith eaett itilAtiMlNs over all outer,. for famll7l;
do ., thz t ve, I O th er for several days, soil yesterday morn- I 0 „ LL ,
_ o ___ L . .
. L ,
, mg cabled the Joke too far. tus it s
h ined in, ; er4 sot PerPmitt, are o 4. it ex
he kouPhllleln for sala.
Jennesefeiriholl, re-cened,-Wee on Eel- , a tight. Warrants were imued dthe ' Ida/de:heti nod 90 gepetally admlt.ed. that!,
itir'et aide of the street alien 1 hoeril the I
part...arrest., when themetter woe COM. I lan enamel:ado:l of thele rel.:tee exml••
report; elfin t the anr poems, *hoot with promised by owe paying his own that.. jitsectieu no longer considered e.t.a- II
Ilse excel:lion al Mr. F alters saw the Police - ;
are slople,,Ourable sad beau
unse turn McFarlane amend{ saw the val. I Desirable lota for aale.-Tlia sties. /,,.,.
leer take him o few rdepe towarde Victor Lain of capitalists .1 others destrinecto www wasricaN AGENCY, • I
l i e
hate. McFarland was hating Oa It I Inie.t. In oholoo real estate Mr bundles( Or •
~yo. 27 ernrir STREET. I •
firthßM - AIII POI; the officer had 11015 of blln other purpOseil, in the healthy, prorOorons I I
01t0 01113 heed and wee rapping lee asst. I enti yocieg borough of larentum,ledireeted 1 m77
teneo with the others heard facleriend nay t to the mivertisemeet welett epee... in en - !
to the cane.. "Von couldn't arrest nth if 1 I other colum n. The lota Me elegantly lo- i --. . __-_ _----------.
didn't sleet 50 go, you 11-.1 I.llltelltahtle . 1 °atoll and are peeellarly adapted for plans ' yOTING LADIES; IIIIWAISE of
an, Dan
D ing beside Mtn; Mil. heat "In 'I lig residetoos or for manufaliturlue sites. I the luittelous et tt. of Fee. Yowler. and I
menthes shootthe t or viatel, was in beeriest ; Terenteln is sway twenty-ants miles from Wash. all elleh rem. 41Iex e ha the pores
diallaCe blithe time:mold have hoard the • the enty, ta easily approaehed by the Alle- I ens dein. the la a then timedeetroype co.
remark If be bed mole It; maw the cancer I gheuy Overfeed by the two x
011001 -Weet- , Ple o tle,e; If you smell ittu: LL :=,..r..‘„M2r;
take McFarland beck to the door, and heard i ern Penuesibnla and Allegheny Valley. r thw '' • M eeme••• • ••• w ~,,,...w w e
not. one nay to him . "look bet t y a ontve I bee too ativertisoment el s ewhere. I -A.sbastatt.s.______-- -
done: , Mee:sr/and then kinked t the ; I •
:meeker. I then started for the duct.. sh e 1 ....,r e .....„,a ene d o f u . A _ c.,. 00 . 0 . ; OILIER CLOSE , &CO
The tmtimony tam concluded t thin '
, Mu., Alowney and Coamelloe at Law, No
metals cold the ktrY•Prneee t le d Mab er " . I to fifth street, appear, in nerdher oOlUnlns I
oboe a venliet. There Seemed to lime a con- ~.,..„.„. ~,.. ~,,0 „ . „ 7 ~ , Lb. bar ; p me ticsi Furniture Manufacturer!,
alderable difference Of opinion In regard to ..,,. the „,„„,„„,„, , 0 .
ro.. ,
the teat/teeny adduced. and after pottreet. „,„„ . 0 , p „ , .. t „, „ ,L„ 0.,...
AHD want sra
tot deliberation the folioed. ierdlet w a• the via...sweat of the war ho entered; C 3 8. PEHN . i
agreed uMni t the Caton arr. and did rood mblee In 'Dot
eyn,„ enodmomoLdatneellolarlotionone - it - - t tau s styles of YURNITOMI eametwel•
cause of his country. e lob nOw resumed ~,,„,
town sleuth on the morning Of the 11th
....., his pralemien end we cheerfully commend
'-- • , c_ .
heat., Qom the effect. s(a F MMI abet B ra. him to tee Attention of our reader., de- , T-TORIIIES FdR SALE, AT
from • Weapon In On: haunt. of Thom:am atoms of preamble the ...MOOS of a welt , .....a. se
Merarland ot Victor 43. Kellar, the Jury to, read. Industrlueu, entereablag, Led trittit- t II dt L
tug nibble tOdeolde which.. I owar s 'very Stable,
worthy atter...
. prj..,,„. psi , in lini „. on I nnsr STREET . war alanoonbela Hems
Tbramalm a UM' WLIMIaM.-lamt .” .. .. th r , I One lIIORTZ,Ivery mole to anent wlll not
mt. emigrant Wan on the PenesS-raa. a „ were at 1... Ire. One goal erten( Mtge,
e.v e md wo. inm aia s Ito n meeepd &Leta., I het to teed. One cheap woe. Mast. for sale
I where It kW Stopped for the PurPotte o t lovv,Morseelmagbt and sold on cemmitelen.
hiking on a Dianio party, a Prim.... tom
Johnstown, ra., in there,: of an °attest who il °LINES, DELL b. CO..
is vendetta:lntl Mai to 0100100 st! to
• charge Of horse stealing, atettmptod to I A nc h or C ott " hul ls , pi us b undis
make MS dos. ley itiMpteg thrOugh the
oar maidas while tee Mem WM le 110thon, ~,_„.... _,„.„,„ ....„,„ ...,..,,,
natwithataridadrhe wag heoetly IrOtied. 'ww•-•"l'Reingrifeirerivleir w.'rti'•
The trails wm checked and the Vela.. TO. ,„„ ? .. g .„. ~......,,,...m , „.
Be Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (Issettu.l
RIOT ts azratmoool TOL
TO, Itf ronemmow or TYR mors.—
Tamara nalemosto TO sunraree rag
Losemt,Juneli.-2 r. s.—lnformation has
reached this city, that a very formidable
anti-popery riot prevails in ittrmlnitham,
today. Two streets have been taken pos
session of and completely sacked by the
rioters, who are out in great Wren and prr
seota very formidable appearance. A Ito.
man Cathelle (limpet has bean at tacked and I
threatened with demolition. The most la- 1
tense ezetterafmt prevails, and farther se
rlons trouble is apprehended .
(111 , Telegropa ut too Moot rob tisseote.)
lizorauolons 18.—The Itivor low sztd
(67 Tolevaot a tee 112ttinorgb antaite rV
. /UMW, and 262626. T. Nogg Compsay.)
OM Corr. Jane liirliliwe 21 inches and
dims TAO weather L olosuly mad
Loma 222264 ago. is.—Riveis ptiwd.usi
6 foot 9 looka•Wltare6ll6l. - • .
0 . C 122. Jane .15. —sties 18 11101106104
261/100 Tory
Cr.this hoar the rioters are In folk
possession of the City of Birntinghatn. and
all efforts to preserve the peace and order
have proved futile. Large lashes of troops
have been sent to the scene of disturbance
with orders to put down the riot et all bas•
arils and stop the further destruction of
e roperty.
. •
C•anlar cOII2.I.IOCULII,
The Cabinet. was In session yesterday and
tastes; on We euldect of the official uonouct
' atr ' N ''''' ;. °" ;ll ‘" . l lol " ... ' lll ' .. " . `,, Z7: 4l2' r
dullberatlons; to-morrow. The purpose•
I to frame such Instructions sa clear.
ly dettno the powers or Wain lien
; orals under the reconstractton acts.
I and Insure obed tenets to (bora, at
;Mill same thne facilitating with/try under
the rules. It Is underitood the pa/Ott/in tato.
• by those
thenl authority her. In the
t duct Of military commander. is, that
It it a proper subject tor Execution review,
• President sion. use lawsigatory on the
[ to wew enforced In sc.
cordaace with hlsoolb of mile.
sossino bombs runs.
The• alnelymino• bonds of one thousand
ntrestna reseso. nasonwrasvine. I ;1011.. moll. wedeln were reported
at.js, June IL—One of the victims "‘ra',7TfrVc,rf;: r "r=:• ;; ; r4, r° 4 n y . "
We recent lint Was burled at Waterford to- ; mistake packed Up with a bundle of ittf.
day. The funeral was the ocouilon of a 1 rutent ... Olio , P.0.W./. en paper of
great demonstration. A procession con. .ame Os
eating of over SAX/ persw. all -wearing •
green emblems, followed the corpse to t
place of Interment. •
; Ladles. letrreedleg ler the Lee of
• I rtastsollotn And Otntre—Endrate
' ARRIVED our.
• nouns.. at tee eity et ltr siee—eter
Sor - rnotrrea, June 2s.—The ate/Onto Ila. I soars Adebard to More uuu v u --Aunts
trath4 from New Tort, has arrived here, , rat Beporied soo
- Hy Tehtreee to toe rttoeurgh s e its
PIPECIAL CATILL DINPATE'II Sae Moto., Jane 11..-This following
us e W ar to use dlepateh has been received from tiOvesiton,
Illartatlana—Atrsettle. of the jerks, 1 , giving advice... from (rod/dare in the
(Br telegraph In the fitssurah . oswtte.l 3dt too., and Et on terey to the !Mb:
Areas., Jona 15.—.tdotera from (. rPte A 'osier Own Son Lids Wood, of Oho
represent that Omar WWI& Met curb a dr- ti, *ay., a telliwrani
stria. tt4wt „ •
feat from the Cretans. and that tn., rope
• dlilon against sphakes and Ai/boort/me bad ; w e idwg non-1./...bad oct Just.:
6 ”W•is / 1 . 1. .. kWh yerY 1... Y. and crated that the here of the prowlers
Om. Para* wae unable to term a rondo. jat Quvreasro be oared. • The Prod/Seel '
with the forma Of iteliMad Oachil, who had odd he would do all Its could coMPOlble
been beaten in had ,
he rojustl and GO dote i that mollY
retreated to the eetreneusatcamp of Omar a le e g g re shot for atom they . had aet
' Peoria. After a fresh dideat at lietedlinn. to scrocded,
they burnt all the
t heeone which were not - Two sogagoments bad taken place at Ilie
; defended and hulled' Waal/IWO The Capital, a - Wen resulted In 13000 ef the 11c—
; Consus ore various wowerihave
pubitcom. The forslghers in the Mt/ had
their loversmenw of these atrimillon. The ; advised Wm quest; worender, isromislag
Italian gunboat Prince Wiwi had Raved 1 to protee; tda
several Chran bandies, and brought Ton Brownsville Rminana says the EI
them to Piraeus. r The
steamer Ateviotoo of We 11th repOrte Santa Anna cof
runne r chatted - the Greer blockade Vera (gni.
runner Areade, in Oise. at a .Candl. Port !
; ith a damaged state, witheeveral &harem&
• killed and arOunded.
LON nos; June IS—Awning—A Dn bl te break•
feat has been tee:Werrd to le ilium Lltipl
I.:artisan, by a Committee or which the
Duke of Argyle is chairman, AMIS 11/111 I Ake
place come time next Reek. Lion John
ltrlght.ll. P., is expected to prelude.
NIT= er•rre CAIC OltritiMD.
la the Vico Chancellor's Court to-day. cu
& demurrer In the cue of the rultedStutes
re. Wagner. a deetelo4 was ronderod to to.
nor of the plamtlfr.
Lenrima. Junilk—Ererting.—Consols close
ed at •Illitstots Central, 77;
Erie, AIL
'Lomax - mu, June /3.—grenfrig. Cotton
closed quiet; middling hPliktid , 11%; Or
leans, Wee gwo bales. klimentister
market fur goals and yarns buoyant and
strong. lireadstuffs Moved- driver but we
show no change: , Callionan
Wheat 130 6.1. Mixed, western Corn V.
Harley Is 01. Oats 3s 7d. Peas tie-Mined to
.1,7 e for Canadian. Innvisloos genceally on.
changed, nrcept. Banat., wraith advanced to
Os Ita for Cumberland cut middles. lurk
and flee steady at previous quotation*.
Lard fAs for American. Produce—Ashes 3os
for pota. Petroleum Is 3.1 for refined, and
i 7d per gallon fur splriLs. Tallow his pet
Lo nos, June 19.—gremng —Markets un.
changed. Tun gusto! Holland use reduced
it* rate of discount to 3'e, per rout.
Lop rem , June Atlantic
nut! Great Western Consolsdated
Slates •
nne "
1.-Asrvor.ur, use 13.—Potroleum • heavy;
standard white Se LS. per uhl.
Dona, of .1.11, Lyman—Progresoof
Regisiratiwas—The Peers edits lrnen•
Hy Trigg-re. t. tee Pittsburgh casette.(
Iflcusoso, June Pl.—lodge 0.11. Lions.
of 11. Lings Court, dind this cotWillog•
TOO registrktion to the city tcedkv above
the wh
am tire ahead. At the Count 7 Coorl,
Roue. twenty whites were registered ano
only one black.
FOO7OlOl Mosso., June M.—llegtetration
commenced yemerday at Norfolk and pro•
grew'. gradually, IhrtthOUL rho ellgeteet ;
dleturbance. A•Aarge number of colored
men gather. arbtand the iwlle. The recult
of. the drat day', labor liktwo wants is four
I hundred sae forty voters, throe bemired
I .4 seven being Oolorml.
Colonel Cooley, rraddent of the Regime
-1 Con lloard, had me; interview wlth the 0117 !
authorities and prominent citizen., who
expressed a desire to give him co•operatlon.
1 A reward of fifty debars le offered for V.
app....tots of ems' 000 illegal!) . register.
Ing his naves. -
. The press le. uennimons In calingOlelni ,
open , ettiken to regietrr hltenolf, en4Tn do
raring from ragtime:wing ollecera tame. one
I •
The eon Of Getnail tie fertY
enretkusottnebeteolen Norf.:die • end Pectin
month', charged with ejecting colored •
man from she whits Muds saloollhos need
Mantua] by tbe llayo: on the end that
( 1 1 4= =Wet ' f ' d; itittragore t o
genitors. .
.Chief Jostle° Chest V eibeetorli . ilt Not ,
folic tcentlint. •
Freedmen' Shipped an Liberia trot,
wrongs mud thew mold ens Pitavem—
Musts Court Oa Conflict Mitts toe 1111
Stars 141 00000 merit.
Olv Totem:are to ths Pittsburgh tirette.l
NaW (nazi .lone 10.—The Lincoln, N. (L. -
Lburlsr learns a from reliable Borneo that
freedinett are tildes shipped from various
[pints of the Bentham lonaat
tree eallerante to Litorly I
mt n mind/ to
be dtaposea of as stereo Cuban planters.
• centiernan from near South Coroilna. a
peon:Mica leader duriorthe war, punch..
ed, a few weeks set InCuba, whore, tie has
a plantation, one of ble farmer slave..
The Court of, Oyer and Terucloor, held
last week at Tarboro, adJourecd with- I
out trying two neensts Chortled-with mat
der,onwcoohetof the rolled of the "-
! to trot to th e tarot O fte n.
° en "' 17,= ' ; t°,p
the eO-
stand The Court to Imtruct the !Sheriff to
monmon all citizens .00 were taxpayers.
t This wits dtvlined, bor. the Sheriff war 411,
I rested to •nintrion from a jar/. Wet of 101*
r"g"ircirliTc'tbfrttht? Venn.
mod the Court. brans mu...gutty =able to
Demote' with the murder asset, it wln ,
deckled to adlount. .• •
fat PlCebei.
(By Tel.ginlph to the Pl!tsoorgh liasette,l
New Toac.June IS.—A desperate tight oc
curred siormay afternoon at thaVvy Gems
my, between a number of persons who
pad just buried a friend.' • gbe 'light raged- :
needy an bout. Women MO VAll*Teeo•
..gaged On ei th er .141. WO% and
stones were•troely used. Bay •
were severely Ll: ) ared .and one gib=
ported baled. Citizens Using near wart rec
!tightened. by these rionnts prOeseedings
that they bid themselves ttl MO woods.
Murdered by Freedmen.
[Hy TieUnruh to the Nuthatch bustle.)
Acouun,tia., June le, 180.—A white mu
named W. L. Tergumm, storekeeper on the
Abby Grief road , was murdered two
trmlmm, his head and face being chopped
trith atm and his hum - burned. The
murderers were arrested by colored men.
The indhrnaimm wan ao great that it wu
with great dithaulty that the , Whltai were
presented from iyactong Ahe culprit*.
lemma foal Two , Children Drowned.
Mr Telegraph to the gluatoighilarelloi
Nowand, N. J. June 16rTbL inconing
sail Post, containing eight , pendroh_
ged on the
Slyer, apid. No. TJIm.4 a
Trench . • lady, . end two =Wren were
• WidiV~l.llll. ;
MI lOW* ta* ?Mann' , GNMUS.]
..111227011[11. Cr, June homes ea
the Legtalataue puma regoluUsne Ot WOl.
come W *CO Frollaant.. . .
CflY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garotte.;
Wastnaterent, June Pt, Pei.
knave Muiteras raascavan.
Illr..ltangatren, Greek Iltalatee, was intro.
daced to the President tottley, delivered
hill credentials, and made a brief address.
The President repined...WT."l.o the wiSh
that Congress might early take melteurty
Ito nrovlde for it permanent legatilm at
, Athens, and assured 31r. ltakirattee that the
sympathies and affections of tine ent 12 . . D
ole:loan :moot& were with the land of
Demosthenes and Pericles.
PoOpoooti Littrirttoo or Fenton. Pols
tie o ral lOtoseeraillott—atto
lorry at the Costleolorottoo.
Llty I eiSsiares to the timette.)
Lomms, C. W., Jund'le.—The Fee. Press
contains an arttela In favor of freeing the
Yenise prisoners on 'Confederation daY,
contending that such as set amt.'s.) , would
I.e franght with meal mutts.
loneasos.. .11300 la—Christ Church Ca
thedral am Miesecratani With great pome
this . roornirtg. A large number 02 eletimil
dignitaries from. the States. siennawhom
weraithe bishops of Virginia and Illinois,
molten- in the CairMtiplea.
11414.1 MI anal authority that the fol.
7c7;7.2l7p u r l ,L e re m r; t tro. n ZZ
bef- hisDougal, Cutter, notion.
rOtli• - 11 - n - HMINIS
l ite Teiesraetc ic,tice Pumbergb oaten , i
Sow EU-A. 1.0. lone 11. , -The renlans
?ein a crawl plc lll:l , 4Sterciag. in the rem
Olen Par. arid ad o 1 resolution& of &em-
pathy fo the ' i ce 'at of their brethren
In Irelan .1' -Ilacornmencl the tuning
91 n func 0 wirehair. a fleet of iron Mails.
amothe opening of ...conscription for lim
until of the famine. of thole IMpitsOrird.
noncy win to Inunedistely remittwt to
Ireland for clistributton by the Archbishop
of Juan. ' r .
i The steamer limes Task., from naaJoim,
' arrived Wolin,- .
ltectetrettleet In the Month,
:Fly Teirgratit to the Eitteuurgh tistrite.)
en hegode tt e on d c
nett-segteg , e.y, Ceenot.o
totting SWltteteted, of whole twenty.
three Were white 11011 0110 handr.4 n e tt
twenti,even eed.
.11.00 LOT, le.—lleg.etrittion in
the ghteenth neittorial District cont.
kstotopel Watts , At o ne precinct on the out.
ing of thtn oily one hundred nod
eight 'Were wore registered, of whom one
hundred and 11fly-eight were cOlorod and
ten were White men
Fire st Mimes—tie.= Parses. Ter
sst e thane.
My Telegraph to the rttudotran asat to.]
CUICAMO. June —Member. it end ail
Sherman street,. occupied a saloon MUts
boardlnc berate, *ars destroyed by lire this
teeming at, throe °kinds. .1c is reported
teat eleven persona parlaited le tile dames
Three Wires, have _been taken groin the
ruins. Lees aralaal. inured. The are is
implement to have bepti the wort of an tn.,
eentbarY. '
President 'abattoir andTbeddetie NSn
Teo. Invited tiallieW Itempstilre,
[By e , tarsal, mine l , lllsibsrah Ustall4.]
COneonn, N. It., Juno I!.—Thu Ilrint•
day unanimously voted to InStrtint MOW,.
ornor exteutlj an Invitation to rteetdent
Johnson to vlsit,the an•knenent
the hoophattites ut Now tiampsidt By e
vote of one hundred and elghtpse on to
ninety-two a suallar Invitation Wan extend
ed to Thaddeus Sternan. •
[By Tale/rennin the bettabo teetiatune.t
Tobetn, 0 ,Jnoe 19!—Foor of the crinn-
Inene moaned In the county jolt horn rue
earned teektorMoir ounpo t h is atter.
noon by ovontowiettne tho two koy. Their
oneues aro Alonso . Detwirne, Frank Him
moos William Kelley, sun Borns. Tho
lance bite been retaken, but the Where urn
!till at large.
Now York ConsilltnUonal Co lon
—Me Wins's' , Ones Woo.
tn. Tesegmws W tiwyttwtmet nuetwo I
ALBANY. June 18.-1 i the' Conatitutinnal
Couvontion to-night resolution was Intro
ilurisl fur Inquiry Into the propriety cu.
porting an anuonihnent to the Constituttnii
prohibng the Legialaturo from passing
any law - for granting any: license to sell
spirilninia liquors. No action was take
upon te.
An Editor Aseantrod and Shot.
the Teleartph to the rittsbergh tiesetle.)
Le - Nommen. VA..etuno 18.-11. 11. (name
editor of the Repubficen, was chat In tn.
etreet touleY 11l tee sou. of 11.'E., Doctor
The canes erns en article reflecting ou their
father. The ehOt took the, eye, to.
ball lodging In the hem!. aim le comfort
the Wine to uncertain.
Maeda, of gut Worker.
Tomirspb to tbo Piti.borab Uurtto.7 ,
i[ iJookinoonn
.topLoyoo at Imottiol /ton Works,. woo
monlotorl - end thrown Into ttko costal by on
• known party,.
Clidnak at Iteston,• •
Talagnpo W ft,Plttsbenti Guene.l
liosvoir,Joheilr:The eteamer China, from
Liverpool, v., arrived Ilan after.
Fourth orJralF.—Tao oltlyene of rale=
Mint., Va., hive a grand calebnalon lo an
ticipation for ;Fourth.o 1 July , part, at
L o a d Fy tm ette on l n ay y in o g l dfe Om
toomntn of
take place. Rey. 3. B. Clark. of AlleabooFr
and other aronyent apeakora Will be present.
Erpurelon tickets will be boned by too P
burgh and Corial...alio Itallroad Comp ith. any
oo Cho morning of the Fourth.
The Wheeling hiterbsieris' es !shimmed to
say... The lasibilllgh en
larged sev P eral Wass derise Wa test Tow.
has evils &standee lit bontsts, sod is now
tho Wiest paper in the State. It is gut able;
oulapolien. lad ;latdcd: "Altai jvanALP
80711 Honor of he Oonuectknt Leg.
feature Inn iii*l'litiolitrons of vid
eo= to tharaidont.
g k l ? 7Y e l*C V ' J
. -
, l igiT 7 \1 - 1 ._ 1 :
1.•., le- VI.; i ' ,---
f I, i , ,i, , /,, , .[ .
\ ~
~_ .
. -
, 1
Deputy tollecr i r . r . f i gle Twensy4l.rsi
W. K. )tor, Esq, of tralontowit, ra.:
has reoeligsl: ' appeletnicall of PaPrltY
Collector for rayottavollaty, 10 100 Twen
ty-gratlllstrict, Pennsylvania; vice
(1. Upthly,fl.olsl4lo , l. W0 . 111131110[160 4 LO learn
of Kr. Minor's intoritaks, and have ar , hesi
tancy In saying that bo witl wake an excel.
lent and *Mellon officer, as be Is NUS coot.
potent In ovary reamgt to ntschane the
ties of the onleo. oa beau In co%
'mention with tbellepubllea b c party 110 00 11n0
orgamsallon, and has ever been a talthlut
Ann zealous anvocate of-- grinelptes.
speeding both his the:mann money to Ita In.
thmrt; with scarcely a bops of reward. .0
Ou CUatrict la strongly demooratio, and any
favors eanterred'on Olin by .the party acs
dire, • • - • •
' ;
T . Void liparilatoi Sala Wiser T.
BampliallDrag Dune, No, $5 Tederil
No Halter Aperleiit can be found than
IVILSON , A PILLS. fiy,ty,yeda
Liver in
:lth, Costiveneos and Torpid are tn.
relieved by slide, All sue druggists
in the United Stated troop teem.
The Warren sad 'Slnaohst O11Coth•
potty hold their meeting for /election of
onteers -on Monday trey:rig, done 24th, at
the loveoffico of 3. S. Ferguson, Esq.,
Filth street.
e tin to Fleming , 'Pearl Mom, Nn.
l iliatreeket reet, for Brown' Vern:Wo Cora
, 010 beet Worm Mei lici s
eu nee o -- '
Go to notolneo Prot store, For fur
nett's Standatil Proparation. or all Irlods
I Cbeaper than any °User place in Leo CitY
'• Ladles, tu rn W. IL Clnyp Co: o, % and
Filth KtrreL t o
your Lauttng - Gelturs.
Pries only •
I The V an us of liate Corps
• • ,
Straw Goods, at oporloy 6 gan . e
No. CA St. Cloirietreet.
'Yon Can any • drew a lagnors of all
nt Joemyt , S. finch , 9 Dutlitery, No.
Id!, 191, 199 and 195. •
Inman= Grant] Towelpaq at tl came
yar lle d gten y . at tin) new stare, NO. 11.0 0219 t :t,
sanwle , a
I Mlegbar
field ter • Ilaartme.—Willlam Muria
made information, before Alderman Llnd•
aar,riatalnat a adored man named coo,
abargiag ILm witklaraeny. A warrant was
Lamed awl 0011 Alm arraiall LA bald for A
• Lye. ]bar. Sorel. organs of the ..tbroat;
fillyeducate diaconal iaerrrally, sue.
treated by Dr. Aborn,lsl ElMittl•
TWI Enryttra•a,
A large sant, rlotalulte TMINTI"9II.COIv
one or Intareettne ruv!lne matter. Invlnvil.n
leidne Vittoria!, ist,..t ./.4 by a , leira ,
arid Mall. valuable Readier Yaw< for <
Tame,. and Mlles% sod mon rellable Yla,•••
elal and Comments' 'Market !noon. gnat -
any . paper lu env. NO Fan:ter, !Intk ,
Meesbant ebould be wino. M.
_ .
' • '
thares rtR flit irclncvs nor_arra:
Marl< nuonotiler . ............ . ........ sl.nn.
tinnier . .................. 1....
nobs 0f...................... 1•13.
—And'one co n rY ot • aver to the nets. nand , co
up the club. Ad : .d: 'o caa be madr at
ea% rotes.
Nonce. to nrnonetheoso In ordering
Pop,, sere ann anocltt what edition a
vn, as on, Woe a Wednesday Ihdllloa for uutro•
I oo.onnns havlar. bat croe man snook.
Sir Monet 41 Posit, Itspreee. Monet Ueda?. '
or lo hoalstered Letters. may
Address. tiAtin-cr,
• rrin55,,,011.1,,,,,,
• _______ _— - -,
z. w. Jomgerox—.—.-. ---4 ,, . + Dan ,
Fine Watches, Clocks,
piKsbtiighr 7Petazi-sten.
Sr Particular attention elven so lieuellanA
Watwass. Cleeks and Jewelry. All work war
Rot and Cold Water, &c.,
Ily experienced and prattlral .orkmen.
Piumber and Gas r Lifer,
227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh ; and
parittimg suds outer et J. T
Drug more, :to. 9A Yetleralstre:t,
Wholesale and Retail Cream
1.111r..101, WON= mud ram Obi Peso.
gb:111. 1 7= s 1"1:1171:grat a a
and. Allashes, (11. v. Pa s . in•luva
TIM smuurAmmar 445.
end Aloof n,w. asar 'or
Fruit and Betry Dishes,
Jove ollor~.
nousEs nrrzu up IC',llll.
Federal Street, Allegheny
~t 12•w~:i4•SIISP
& CO.'S
, 55.ek. 57
lof it %throat Roil,
(foods from ell parts of the llor,hed Maths, to be
sold at
• •
. .
Wholesale and Retail,
ILOTHS, clastatnm:JaA.Ne.
Also, direct from the otenorsetuserS.
Ingrain, _Rag and Liaen
At -.9.uction. Prices /
if ramoirs OLD
S.ll 11 7 Faratturt saa Horm•hold floods Image
stlaCtlon on KYKKY TH UNSDAT.
enrinsoN„ rewitzle f t co..
.9 '! u s iTro
•9R 33 3E3 lE. , '
19 - 89 Market Street,
lON MID ox. - Ir
J&S, ROBB, S 9 Market St.
ilim=== l
MN 13 Di/JllO3ll, errimausen,
T,A%`:l'l;3 wld iuiDe Vg v 7f.'0 1 : 1 " 3. " WI
Sugars, Coffees and Groceriat.
Of 'II Mauna actively inequality for the prices.
TS.BM likalt Ono. dative :nu free.
ramies & sos,
IS Dlsslosu. Pitioargh
4. 6 i'atT,7l'4 4- ° .
Ilwatetnri,s of all kind. ofl
Iwo& -
• , Blalr County, E'en..
Oen hate" cub trice paid for no. •
Nos._ 186 and 181' Third Street,
I Straw .Goodi Cleaned Dyed.
lUD GLOVED .4 LADIES , manors ttleim-
PAH 111 OF BLIND:L-100N k
DROWN I C 0.116 Ornass.D erxszr
O PPOsIte the rto r
lee keep on
00 make
tVp :1 0 g r r til V 2 . 71 . re'sirtig
Wlndow tied $1 ae orleltrde. d t
Ott Clothe, tad. Mats. hem Otto.
5, Oiled tad name alord. and Tmels.
1 1 117uTIr s 47Z • , , L h irgir 'l"arit
6e.. Fr eentlerpre, Tree, "'!
H. H.
Sealer of Weights Md.-Measures.
No. a rowing IMILEXT.
Satire., Mom ant rorr7 strut%
Orders • Toulon,' att.oded 10.. ato•tos,
'mints DreoL out door from Wood. Pitt Abu
Aloro_ir on hood 'a ouorment of 7
dire wbfr. Donde. ono; dootleakeo.o
Topers. Sudo% Iloor (Dadu. Bracelet. • •
A Rood price la coaD will DO
Ladles' 'sat itiatlompeolio . ' •
No swarms% . •
FOR. ABISEP" • • -
Of AUght.
M.O. Mb.
o pug