ri PM. ALIIMELTZ. Banker and Broker,. ,18 Wood B*., Deireornor of Fifth. All deuripilana of Government Bends reMitbr 0.1 . 14 sold an liberal terms. London and 4antanantal .11artinnirs lonia at 21•77f0rk ss Gold, ea .. r and Connons bbught at Zee est rates...d Bold Draft.. Issued an Rev Tort. ILL SIZES 7 3-10 BONDS COnverted Into 5-20'5,1805, • BOND& DELIVERED IXILEDIATELT. I-JAS.' T. BRADY & ,CO., Bankers, Cor. Fourth &Wood At TO SOLDERS OF 7-30'8 Having testis medal arrangements with Tana" Cicac:ar.c. Vnrcortwep,ndenta we arcprepared to convert aarn Into Irtb. , . of 1046, without dame. Bonds on 'Henel • Tor Deitvery • ,t. IRA B. McVAI & CO., Marklr-era. 00BWEB FODBTH - AHD SMITHITELD STd. zahmos SELL-YOUR 7.4.30's BUT 5-20'S. IL.ldentor SEVEN TI will nod an ad• wattage of OVER OF ONE PER CERT. by nonwaning on this plan. IRA O. BIeTA,Y & CO., a.NUUR,. 0013. 4TH d.'SMITHTIELD STRE4T9. ...IplCy? 7-3 o 13(1,N =I t 5-20 PONEt&- 1 ,1865, WITHOUT CHARM , ROBINSON BROS., onion OF THE PriT,Vnton 0 he-re, FULD., June 14, lea]. CRUDE—The market wa. ham, active to day, the reported hies reaching nearly lette, barrels, but the operations were :mainly for j Pain, and can be termed nothing Mere nor lea.than s businch species of gambling. The re. • FINANCE - AND TRADE. ported Bath were: Nat bbls, (40 to 43 ihsvlty: on itpw, at 7,2000 Ohl. fur lark, htlyer'• cytlon, OPTIC. OP Tan' PITTABreaIif}ALL To, at /Vie: 10,000 fur .s me delivery and option, at FRIDAY, June t 4, lan I same price. sod :003 iame delis eh. Witte and The Net. York - stock' quotation. t .day, as j Price. These oyerationr , am we have already received by Air. P. R. Nutt, :were as follows : i stated, are nothing nor lees than a species of 0012. lin-2; Eighty-one bonds. 112&; Five gambling, and the Idea of making large ,area. Twenlie.; IBC, 110; Fire Twenties, 1064, involving thousands of dollars, eighteen IOC; Five Twenties. 1165, /07; bra (on- I month. ahead, may be all right. but, Somehow tfe%; Shen Thirties, '1 0 6;X1037*; Ten or other, it mem. like-t*toing too far Ihto the Forties, too l ; • illchigan Southern Rau-' mihy future. We have no. advice. from Ott toad, flag; Cleveland & Plttaburgh, nel4; Pittk City toelay, but the probability Is, that the burgh, Fort Wayne end Chicago, 924; j price remain. unchanged at 112.70(32,2.5. Erie, 110 R; ChleagoTand 'Northwestern, .42: j REFINED—There was rather more done in Chicago and NOrthoreettern preferredh"-ii New bonded ml lowlay, but the market. neverthe. York Central.l*('; Reading, 10114: Western Ins, continue. weak, and pnch Rho still fur l:hien Telegraph. Gregory, 0,55; Cory- ; thee declined. Sala of ',XI bbl. (standard don, t,g7;Quartx 11111.-1.13; Smith k Parmeriee, : white) 34t each for July, August,' September 4,10. and October, at 24, delivered in Philadelphia; Quotation. In Governmett meurltle. were OW for August latandard white) thM;Soo Catn. barely sustained; the bulk of surpiti. No. is dard white; fur September, at 24; sad mut now imett for call loan., and time engagements! (atandard white) too each let October, Novem witcrailroad and hiscelistwou• Nee - nettle. a ; her mad December, at 20,2. • . collateral., huh more Prot:table than *overn- ARRIVALS—The following arrival. Of oil Meats at high pre:alum.. The share market were reported to day: bbl. Mr G or. Ett. reacted • very natural conhquence of the gerton; ko for Fatter k Jiro; in] to for Wm. sharp advance within the last two day.; pt ice. :UcCutchcon—lotr O i, 1121 tobls. Malt Yield • more to-morrow morning. buts 0 “. en,pp a . o *goy "'rote:Y . 6 Pero., the dlhuhement• of the Treasury tomorrow ; Keit% at. ore & Co, 0...2 bbls ref. to It I. Miller. briewout new heyers who .peculate on a ; Mlle; linlon Ref Ist : Co, lan tinder. to Tack ; qui& ten before the banks begin to draw in, ° •';' bn AT‘ . ..; preparatory their,ollarteily statement, when I -4,9 :11:g . K10g . 6 Co, Phil, Chh . Ocky7 41 Jo , to • pinch sha re. n hav e is looked for. crude, to Wit W Romer, Phila. blitting sha have all improt ed, except Gregory, which la deter, even at what I; sell. at now. Quartz 1011 and Cond.n are the only epeenlativ, stock on; the het. hid have been Deane pf ghat prolit to Ihhe who were well Informed. ' the gord market la firmer again. but never. theless betrays sigh of an early decline, when rumors of heavy ;shipments and lower prices ! for cotton to England can not effect-an advance . of 1, percent.. and with henry payments by ; the Trehurynt the end of the month, theta we j may hfely predict a gradual decline. If it van. not tot' lbe ismer foreign louses who holds • large natant.* ant wia.t. I before they.cnme In a. bears, the market wood now be much loner. Cior exports are only Ore mil hoe. in