PI RELIGIOUS lISTELLIGESUE. -. ED't pittsbuttli etkEtte; • The General Assam* of the Baited maTcruna,T its E is. is •• • . Presbyterian Church,_ lately held at im 1 Xenia, Ohm,• has awakened much interest among the various evangelic THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM; denommctions, because of the long dm That the resolutions adopted by the melon in the M'Cune case Nciselth - Denioeratic State Cons entioti, which standing the length of time °mootedi n yea held at Harrisburg on Tuesday last, .r. amassing its merits, and the number of accurately reflect Abe principles and s represented, speeches delivered, the best of feeling timents of the voters therein I existed among the members of the body. will be freely admitted by all whoa have ; The dual action i n regard to Mr. M'Cone reed them and have a just comprehen. • Is not believed to be severe, while at the lien "whet the Democratic party has' ' same time the Church and its Standards been for some years past, and still is. have been fully vindicated. Considers- So far the resolutions are deserving of hie b us i n ess was acted upon in the do& commendation, which we bestow. The i og session& which deserve a passing defleleocies of the resolutions are' those notice. Asadithly authorized the use of of the piny. In them there is no spore so mapy o f t h e new vers i on p sa l ms as 1 ' dation of the national situation as it 1 , were reported to last Assembly—havirg really exists, no generous glow at tlle , received a majority of two-thirds of the estensiOn of Ithcety, hut much grele hhe S aggregate vote -of Presbyteries. It was thereat; no• broad statement of lecoulee I ordered that hereafter the term of study Democratic doctrine, but mach pander-1 ;in the Theological Seminaries shall be to g to ignorant pushing and prejudices, three years, and the length of the sea that are rooted in cute and presumption; 1 1 B,oiii seven months., No student iBlO be no 6sultation that the rebellion was taken under trial for licensure until he• abashed and defeated, but disreputable i i has completed the entire course. Every mils at the means by which that end student must place himself under the w a s leopmplishert; and no enthusiasm care of some Presbytery. The discos ovr that fresh career of enlarged free non on the report of the Board of For dom and prosperity upon which the na eign Missions Indicates a determination Om Lae entered; but a dismal looking 1 to reinforce the mission work in Clime, back to? the old times when Slavery _ Inam and Egypt The amount or money roared its proud front, dominated in the i naked for the coming year is $lOl,OOO. national councils, and was worshipped Rather a sharp debate sprung up on the by a recreant democracy os the sublime' I , report of the Committee on Bills and Con of all political good Let us specify . Overtures, on the subject of Secret Soo 1.- All those principles aro reiterated sties, ~, i welch several •speakers for which the rebel leaders contended opposed such organizations, as be before they fairly struck out into Inc ousel iptural . The discussion was openrecceo The-Democratic party, b). cut cut short by the adoption of a many years of the b most industrious pr , motion to velar the- whole subject to paganism, became ee full y Imbued le.t- 1 a special committee of five, to report at those ideas as to suppose they were not bat i the, nest meeting of the Assembly. The only inherent in the C4wAttt°lll" ' -°., Narrative and State of Religion shows absolutely indispensable to the existence of a overnmcnt dui acknowled n the body to be in a vigorous condition and ; maintaining the rights of the pe op gy gi , le g 'During the Sear, there have been licen 2. All those principles which would I 1 surer 33; orihmftious, 19i„tesiznations , tendered and accepted, 31, pastoral set. completely deliver the rebel States and tlementa, 31, congregations organized, thetr Inhabitants from punishments or 11, Presbyteries organized. 2; Students I disabilities incurred by criminal partici the are of Theology, . I All the figures Pa t r ol m the gigantic assault upon lre of the same borefuP character. It i life of the ileum/. It is ono thing to in has been ascertained that great prosper celeste magnanimity towards a prostrate t ry has attended the labors of the minis See It is quite soother to insist tat try in couneetion with.the official mem Lott z 'public enemies, no matter ho ' teat '' " hers The next Assembly meets at Ar their offences, have done nothing to gyle, N.Y„ on the last Wednesday in diminish their rights, or to just ify the! _ as, :IL 1808 i adoption of ptecautionary measuresl 'Fhe Provincial Synod of the Moroni against a repetition of their praccedings an Church, at its late meeting in Bethle- This eagerness, by means of special hem, elected three members of the Pro I pleadings and legal technicalities, o t mull Elder's Conference, a very re 1 harry the insurrectionary common wealths back to their primitive rankand ' of ,e the 'ot ministers elected accepted the ap • ___power in the Union, and with none pomtments The third declined and in. 1 their mischievous dogmas disavowed, 1 affords perfect demonstration, if , formed the Synod he would leave the 1 * question of his acceptance of the post , other existed, of the ultimate Lion to the decision of the Lord in the 1 and bensurable relationship subsis lot After prayer, the lot was drawn Log bet t ween the northern dem 1 and the answer was "No." The Synod cra t e an d th e southern rebels As the accepted the decision, and proceeded to democrats originally encouraged their a new election. The minister elected' 'im niiiiera partizans to co into secession, also submitted his case to the decision of , promising them not only moral support the "Lard in the lot," and the answer but physical help, monow they sppear at gives was ~x . ~ Among the import the bar qt public opinion pr.:Mimi — a °- ant reports adopted by this body was that the aiteptratore have done nothing i ..... Ritual and Worship, which- re, , which renders them amenable to disci i ommends two collections of Liturgies , pline, but stand with all their rights un- • for-communion—one in the English and impaired, and justly clialleuginga rdcog -1 ' one id the Germaa language, tilt use of ninon of them . ( , the surplice on sacramental occasions, and - 1 3. The resilutions declare boldly , the custom was enjoined on the congre- 1 easiest the right of suffrage, acquired by 1 gations to give the right hand of fellow the blacks as a natural coro — ldry from ship at the commencement and close of - their emaucipation, and this is tante • meta to requiring that the boon shall tie the celebration of the Lord's Supper the 1 taken front them Instead 'of recogna- 1 The Sixty, first Annual Meeting of 1 General . Synod of the Reformed Protes log, in an enlarged spirit of patriotism, rant Dutch Church is now in session at facts accomplished and destined to re . Geneva N. li - After the usual prelim main, they seek to reanimate a dead dm pate, and perplex Mid distract the country , in t a ro rY ng a:rrangements, Rev. Thomas C., vrtih it for years to come. The men who' ' D D was eluted President. Considerable time thus ter, has been oc • led the rebel armies; who periled theirl liven on hundreds ofhotly contested bat- i cupied in considering the reports of the I diff i re:t Boards of the Church, and delegates from ther whosere 1 -Ile-fields to make the rebellion a success; 1 o genius , l'`P tetwl . e- l l' glory sa;tl eewen\ emong sue pgtu..1 1 ...1 ....... u --- .h. 'table in the traditions of the nation a - bashes 1 renown that will make it forever mem o-} I body is the change of name, by dropping in the annals of the human race, evince a ' the "Dutch" from it. Many of the old - much better temper and disclose a more ol I er ministers and members desire to re min the name, but it is probable the , e 11 the resource- of their , valor - truly loyal purpose. Having expended andex to changewill be made, or, at least, provoN triumphant, and been me fordoing so hereafter . The chilir 'make the rebellion , thoroughly beaten, th.- aec y y bow to fate, , man of the Committee on tho Name of '' l cept the judgment of the sword that they , I the`Church has reported a paper o f twen- 1 Invoked, give no countenance to factions 1 ty.eight closely printed pages It is and deceitlul efforts to renew the past ; illselY the name will be "the Reformed , - coon-pussy, l Church of North America ." Rev. Da and seek to bind the nation together on the new basis I PORTER, the very able and vigorous ed ' 1 --Soma Domuratfi in Pennsylvanial itor of the Christian Inteltigencer, a pa have had a reputation fur political saaa ir 1 per of sterling worth, favors the change. ,„"iisity, but they seem to hose lost it ; This denomination is.-more strictly con however, they are willing to hang 11:.i5.-more ; especially in t e as Coedto certain portions of, our country, peones about their necks and cast them noh E tern States At some , paints the churches are v g r i o ous and the selves into the midst of the sea, on party 1 1 : membership command great wealth. groaade, at least, we_are without cause Their benevolent operations, such as of complaint, though. on the higher"l Missions and Education, and sources of grohod of the national welfare, w . Might wish ahoy were lestunder the do 1 great power and of commanding interest .1 in the religions world. The Board of pnseminion of baffled prole, of distempered lons, and mischievous ideas. 11Foreign Ifissioosestlmate that full sixty On State questions the resolutions are 1 thousand dollars will Inc necessary to latent Not a word is said of a Coloiti I carry forward their Mission work in for tutional Convention; of Freedom in' ciao lands - Railroad Building; or of any other mat-The Eptscopa/Mn is, urging the clergy ter in which as Pamaylvantans, our not to consent to the closing of the people have special interest _ Hero i s , churches in the warm weather, as has 1 before us an election with not a federal} bee:, especially in large cities, while ma the case in many instances hereto -office to fill, and which ought to tut I, for permanently on 'MUM relativeoStale i ny of the congregation are et fashions policy, and the Platform is as silent t as 1 tile viatering places. By this means the the grave on all matters pertaining ex- 1 reproaches of the Roman Catholics, that elusively to the State. Episcopal Churches close their doors at We look forward confidently for t h e ! certain seasons, as regularly as the opera Republican Convention, theirs,could - ot be soon to assure and the theatre close n ble at Williamsport, to preaent a better Inude hereafter. The Catholics claim Model—one which, sound on all national 1. their temples of worship are open with topics, shall meet the home questions in i out intermission from the let of January a proper way, and compel the democrats totbe 31st of December, to throw off the mask they now wear, 1 i The twelfth annual Convention of the and avow on what principles they would I Young Menke Christian Associations of /administer the all cirs * of Pennsylvania 1 the United States and the British Prov if the people should again unwisely re-1 inces, meets at Montreal, the 10th of store them to confidence sod auttol L rity, June. It Is expected tole an interesting o o „ , MAN IS WMAT HE K•rOws ' time . Essays are to be read upon the .a. S I following topics 1. The relation be 'said Lord Bacon. A man is what moneytween the Associations and the Church ha has, In word or thought, sage rainy ot Christ 2. Literary classes, their 31a¢. a min far inferior to Lord Bacon Neither of these sayings may be exactly agement and Relation to' the Assoaa -1 dons 3. Association Bible classes, and tha tenth, though' the former is more 1 how to conduct them. We believe dele. nearly correct A man's knowledge-, go from this city cannot be separated from him, but .•••• . 1* geese Christian Convention, organized by Mr of himself, and, will be throughout the American Christina Commission, - this and another life.' It can no more be t held a meeting at. Leavensworth, Kan emibliated than the mindtteelf ' ,1 1 1 sas. Reports were made of religious des may be forgotten for a time, bet I c w. ” Mutton in large cities. Whether these be recovered. Once secured, it Ma sure 1 ; statistics are correct Or not, they give ' and eternal possession. But - a man's i some idea of the destitution abroad in the money Is not part of himself. It , is ex - 1 land, from which we learn the startling tenniandcannot be incorporated into fact, that in thirteen of the principal eft hie be ca being. It ia perishable, and may be , les of the United Stites, with a popula acquired by inheritance, or the mercer • Lion of 2,048,785, there were, in 1858, =ideal. -Knowledge can be gamed church accommodations for but 852,420; only by the efforts of the individual ; !caving 1,200,000, unprovided, for. Chi , himself; and its possession is a sure boil cage has 170,000 people who seldom 1 cation that a man has control of hie hear the Gospel. New York city, with , powers, that he can bravely meet and a population of 1,000,000 has church sit ' overcome difficulties, and can 'steadily tinge, of all kinds far but 300,900, leer apply himself to one object moll he brio I nig 700,000 unprovlded for. eeeemPththeCl ' th When man i y emithie 1 A correspondent of the Independent, earth ho pans biR money fweeer * wntlng from Irelandexpresses the belief But his knowledge, his tastes, his habits of feeling and acting will accompany ; that the Irish Established Church cannot him beyond the boundary of this life.' exist mach longer, as a National Insutu. Which then Is the wiser man, he who bon* lie says Gladstone's speech Is re. devotes all his time and energies to the garded by all parties as the death knell acqtion of atoney, or he who devotes of that Institution. Speaking of the May meetings, he represents the Wesley a'.part lef them t" the acquisition of an Missionary Anniversary as having the knowledge? * most crowded etched - ea and Interest. Strange to say the veterans of Wesleyan- ismwere unrepresented in the speakers. Poushon made the collection-speech, Who is studied, elablirate and critically mouth his style. He lays the patn arelual Thomas Jacksoo, the apothe -1 gnalk and eplgamatic John Scott, the philosophical •James Dixon, and the ' stentatorian, dogmatic and oageful John i dlaanah, took no part In the proceedings 1 At the late General Assembly of the ; Old School Presbyterian tthrirch, the ' -poser of that body, as being pre l MI- neat to any other in. the Church, has I been fully estalinshal, so that hereafter I the "State Rights" advocates, as they are familiarly called, that Presbyteries aro higher than the GenemiXimembly, will not likely agitate the question again, u they hays done, especially within a few years past. We learn frewithe Ban- LAW REPeCiIE, K 4API t.C..spendee of t s ' , urea 4.9,1{.. _ . LAWRENC6, Jdne 10, 1807. Messrs. Zditors Gaunt ' have been trout St. Paul to this place, aid I must say I never saw the crops iooklng Liner, particularly the wheat crop. The grasshopper scare has all passed away; in fact I. have not \ teen a single one of them from Kilning, City to Topeka. The con a looking bettor here than in Illi nois or lowa. • The question of Female Suffrage Is all the topic here. It ie thought by many Intelligent persona, with whoM I boos conversed, to be certtlin to carry in this State. If v., goodbye to whiskey,. and, 'consequently. the Democratic party, which lives only ppon that beverage. • It la claimed here that whisky can wily be put down by placing the ballot In the hands of women, as they would be to ALMA oppclseff to voting it- down the tbmets ,of thisb husband', eons ur • • " • • • `~.. ner of this ,city that the report of the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Committee on the Declaration and, T es ti. ! d op „ 1 hy ~. „ ! ..„,. i. W 1111INITY CHURCH, Sixth IRON SAFE WANTED. • nsony 1c8.5 ad t OP 11(.rn lI,Ir, . .0 GOSD SECOND-Han) lEON SAFE. mow vote. It sarS MOO- pre7uabry this THE CHORAL SERVICL.-Unrive Ow xammer ends the whole matter, NI r, ~, th e L e , th. '"near at:en-noon TREE SIIRVIcr. will PA ,, . , ~.me ~:• ~ ~ aiL. am A. 4 • , sembly Is concerned. • rnnmenc , . . tomer ny coltlet•••Inz 1 " 1 '.. 4 . rl.ls , oletr E WO. 147 The Cutle,/fr contains an editorial r;r RELIGIOUS.— Preaching' ( 7 ) " ro-innin,,w ,„‘,,, „..„,.. ~ , , lIALILES REIZENSTEIN commending Sunds.y Schools,. when 1 .1',,1X. nil., CA0•0... Oi.err ..,,•,‘;';' properly conducted, an Ltiag among the se>. itat't iiO c e . ",:tiZair - Ilr: ---"' 'Y --''. 1 greatest helps to religion and the, Church.,a -- ,`lt"' PLYMOUTH FTIURCIL-: Schools are gradrially increasing through- •,,,,. 11;;;;4;,, , . 1 .1na 5 .„7,!. , :, ,, , , ,;.T0„ - r .",'T.,: i out this llioetae, and it is urged that ';;:nt - „t i jr,.,; l ,;',‘,:".:;ii'l . '`. c .,l=::' i Ll'a7,:i'i 1 etßlver there is a Catholic church, there lll'llonl at 9 . e. w• . ' ' should else be found a Sunday School. Igr UNIVERSALIST cnuncu,l livery truthfully says no one can over- -raw ee,iti E .. h a u . r isTaieTag. rn i i =ii rate the importance of them, for In truth T e l., 4 } ,',;,.,, Zt II ,1, 1 1 1 " ' M people ' ''' a. All We are la they are the hand-maid of religion, the ' i ' d %'..-""'" n "' l '"' . , nursery in which the•youth of every con- 10c - PREACHING EVERY sAn- 1 gregation are-trained in the knostledge to soirriT li t:VeTil c r . 1 1 . t TIFIZTII i ji. P C ETrl ' of those duties which in more maturer rjt. N . el l '.Virsn i n l eTtn l o . 7.‘'A A _l4'.":', l voki. ~.ao. fee, ,abbath Rehool al,' o•cl,'Ar'r age they will be called on to fulfilL . a. t. anA I, p. ta Rev. James Lynch, who has edited r- - 1 - , — FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. the Chlistf-dfl Recorder, of Philadtlphia, : --- " t . .—oerr m.o. at the NEW CHAPEL, Fourth , the organ of the Africsin Metlibdist • iorr‘,, , -,', , :.17474...f...—..n7,...T.;v,!„ ,,, ;:,,,.t.%, Epistopal Church, with Signal ability 'l‘i:;;;:i , r,..?i, " r n j ' ;;V:irs ' i l i!.:Ve l l!' " " ' '' ' '''' l ' I '' '.• 1 for several years, has resigned, and ac- takgr..Vit..'.%::: " :::lt;?=:g:4 - . " ' " ' 1 copied the appointment of Presiding' THE CIIUUCH GUILD, Elder of a District in Missisiippi, We be- 1 1 AND CLASS ROOMS. lieve, proffered by Bishop Simppon, so 1 that he will labor hereafter in connection' So. 263 PENN STREET, i with the H. E. Church. sw ,. tio , . , :i open to the public daily from 0 k. M. to Lord Shaftesbury af - the laying of the ' , . nErSIT R A , W i 7E , ll ts , 111 ElS.—Our 1 corner stone of a 3lission Chattel, in London, of. the Wesleyans, said with" la,. en I ' ll 4 1tte1ud..... 0. ;17EV;;A rY . lISCII feelings iiv i - hea alarmed. a . h e ll l %o N0...P. FILLSIOKE. SOUP ULTIIIIIrT, ctiuld not help but 14f, at the ,prevaleace l e ) ,:;, l t r „ . ;‘ E ,%" .s r ','' . ",1. 1 .,",.. a 4 5 , Z E ,‘, % , - ,, l 'I'; I .% 1 ,:::„ 1 " of; religious' errors among:the higher vaa•ts Hrstaur.ntt and D.:altos furnished tut damn, he turned with sensible relief to '‘ , 7,'"",' '‘''''", n l '''""'' llh r"'"'' ' s `''' '" . 0. the poor, who 'were grasping religious L',!1:" ,x'';'.:;:v'N',.; ,Z,V,':;•.,.'.1;::,,,=':!,,T,i, truth, in the love of it, purity. They i.:-':T! ! 'linV g:, ' :::: ' ~:i!'i, .' t v't.t ' i r :111 . .:i 5 n " ...,: 1 will have the re,- y hilt religion Or they ""AVl . 3t.n ViVf'V'tZ 224=;,,,, or Nn. 157 LIBERTY , Ilitra. wRI racelt • prompt att. a -1 will have none at all." , ~, ... 4. Knox. The ChriAiigh , Inteiiil,,e, says the '''''''''' is ciTT Tlit, , ,rllll • l, tkrti:, I Boman Catholic Fair, which has been Virraur non. June Ittla. laa I in progress in -New lines-. City, during . NOTICE IS REIMERS GIVEN the lasi• fortnight, is about to close with th „Jr.',•'l'l.T;' , llt:;`,V,V h a L,lll, l '.3; t',;',1,!,.,7,F," or net profit of one bundreil thousand 11X,1'„ 1 . ' m „,',.;;.'Z.11,..?;„T',W1a 1 ir E r.1.„7 1 ,1? dollars. This is unprecSdented sticces • " ' ''''''''""' ' I P " lilt '" DA. ‘ vy A ' l6 u'i' 5 54:)..r, .1,... _ Lin this country. rev TAX: Itt,-INE.e. TAX; T• lrl 111711.111,0 TAX: —Recent deatlia• At Na,laville, June ATr , t „ 3111, AlIllt• ~.,, e llter, the Actress, wife 0, AL u1 '. .1%t1 ', < 1 {Na . 1.1 . Z. 1 7 . b l ef r .74:ju " L r i• " rst:% l" ,:;: Harry Langdon.--St Mansfield, ;hip,de rso env< co.t. Henry Nail, aged ;I, an old pioneer of ' ALL INOICIt. Trravi rr.r._. Richland county and a soldier ol the war T uE HALYARD M 4NEHION. 1512.—At Liverpool, England, May ~ ,,,:. .= . ‘t a— r . , Katt. , : , 4 l‘4!,, , nt:, . .h; 28th,' William Francis Georgia, aged 70, hour, ttule, frum PlttoUargltl ,As the veteran singer and manager. He SCIPFIL was an Irishman by birth, but had resi-t„„,„ ded for over 20 ye.,.rs in this country. He had gone to Great Britain to intro- Tii * fiery ACRE, or LAND, utak!, in-qtr....4. duce the Webb sisters. ills fatal tlitts;ase . was rheumatism. —ln England, Sir Rot.. rbar,e. App's to vet Nmirhe, aged 57, It ,elebratuti tirc 13TEEL & WILNON Iai • tech He was the imilach of the" late Covent Garden Theatre, the central . part of the Custom House, the lieuer.tl j,,,, YE. 0. 01.110 . 011., Postoffice, 31111 bank l'enitentiaily and . ' . - ' the Bntish MuSeur..—At Alhant, June 30,000 P°E‘os or LEAD t'ornet Whzo Aver, or. •rs•l 1. , t.r.1tt ^r&ele, ' ,tit'''.`, A I.LEOI, i' 111 VrA, i• k 7th, J. 31. Trimble, owner and Manager _ w i~lt.l. AN '' .2 -S-- • of the Albany :leadenly of 3lusic, aged Crorivor.Lutr•-• llert. e, _ . `_BOOKS AT 11.KLI , PIRICE Chi of Alteeken • June l•tt, le - at Ile Wile thillOUS liS 11 UltiAtritttli Veil. ,,,,, , ,r, „ ~, ~, ,'• , ,', : , "-,„,, ' ~,,.. „,..„' r, o ~..7., ..., iteM, haring built ii 4 such places or estti - r'et - tqc ' rt ^ :c.lttit ittrstTit .' :: - ....1... " 7;i: tisutt - u,.• amusement. —ln Beadtint comity, N..C., ;,',` t u ,. ° 1",:?4:;',V7 ;;;; • „-,'„" ',,..;•'„P•,.....",;,".. r ,.:, ,, ., . ',,1,:',V . ,' .. ;.1":, —. :"•:•' f.','",;., , .1 u r‘e 4th, Gen. V. A. Blount. Ile took itsass ss :h. W &ter I.....nirnlltee '• urly . rtee ' . l'e ' r iN!• ,, ` , t`...• 4 r. ''.',' ...:Wir 2 '''. '' '''' an active port in the 'War of 1 , 1'2, and ;?::.',!.,..7'0", In mots " I ' l7 a . " •"'-'- s.';',l:,-..: - .l" • "1 'OO. "-1 o.lol'l- ". ..- hat since fated many public trusts. st-s , '- t . o. *Awe Wrne to••le.10-Ateretli *III '''''''‘ - , wars lie rreetred fur what Y eltill • LAe - rime to re- W •"' .. e ....''''"'', ..,,,,..• —.AAA.— ~..Ittsrlee the year, Iti.trere At, wile Pr.,. ,",,, L. „',',7 . ,1,7,. - ,r , e ,„,,"„';',Ai,1 , ','4• 0 ,.,,, , ,, ~,..„,, —Contributions towards the rebuild- ,u, each arcs ing of -William and Nary College, at roe ' 1 . 1 ' . " 1 : •,..r .' : ! :7; ' ,. . e ' • I et •r of irrre. e. v.ot 0. D. 1 , 1111:101130. Wu.L....r NL olt.m Y. 0.1. 0 li .. et.l.. NV illiamiburg, Virginia—vs - Melt was ~, . burnt during the war—hare recently ' ".*" • - -•- ' , "'' .. " . .` 1. '- 1- 7.Xi ' is ' alt'stf , l , .. been made Or A. T. Stewart, NV. NV. puEL..7t•s . w,s ~ 111400+1 arr.,. rtoellerleur I'let , nuary. Vile, I tranttruse • •ru the LOW. , unJ Itere , r • Corcoran, the Earl of Derby, and the r an. 2 1.,1-1 . to NeA . ..Arne,. fr.al Me i wear cal . Archbishop of Canterbury. Gen. Grunt OLD STAND STOCKING STORE ".^ -,'',-, And Henry Ward Beecher indorse the cf. i vss•t7isst s Li, of r• . •,-• 1,1. Prt w etrr,urr Licier,ll., ..or Ito, . Icts airl true forts now being made to procure aid. No. 2-1 Filth Street. um. radon. Newt. an, end Hlrrettrs Eu, mast utrl 01 auluk Irletrornre. ',volt. Ito re', 1,000 lt , ,toriuri 'I he urrnrl er.•rutl w.. l t . , r i toI hilr Ne•r u n l, , err. 110,er. 11,1e...1.,... • ever, drorrlet'ou• • coer oat velum-a to o 1r et true,' Latin. tie,. Ilet.re., rren• ~ trerrt•ti azIJ Wa i te. o wiz , BALA u,nrherr or' IC, it e NI egurino••, er ' sien• er•. uf 10 IEI Or., Kart.thc le, IWirere aa.t Itagririne• e,,nrirort run Iran, telt •nrletauttne l, tt,, a., lto —lt is rumored that Rev. John P. Gul. liver will go to New -York to organize LI NKN SIIENW EAR at ebesses the anti•bittept /Went newspaper project, • and that the, scheme for establisiling a eters., I . NIIL Et Congregational organ in Chicago will be held in allt, , yance until the new metro- AT PHELAN'S tolitan pager . has fairly established it self. Old Stand Mucking More, j PURE LIQUORS, Pyre Liquors, tore 1.1..n0r$ Flrt. Liquors. fare Para Llir..r. I'url-I,ora For medicinal itae,ees =1 Fur me-liana! purpose•. Cain. Brandy,. Poet Cogn•c Brandi, Wine. blurry W.ne. Ine, Kw!, Wine. 5114,1e,‘ entavol.a Mint. Fare Csi..swba Wine. I'ure}lull.r.~l tilt' l'oF e Janaates Hum, Purr 3 ton•le• Pasr. Ma ikiaS. AT JU%EPII FLEEING•II, 1-:tif C,Tar.°.`r 1.;;;.;.'r1-1V, fO , CP 126 W A , MT'S'. What listayne'e Ointment Will Dn. core re Itch from rto hours. r-lt cure the moot m om caeca of 're, $500.00 iGt wit/ •''' CL"wwic Er/o/Vwiwi wr /ft." rue. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY 4-1 t will cure Walt 1.7•1 11 v/1.1 cure Mehl. "Ile, • I ',wt... 13-1 t .M 1,1401,17 cure aft Si.ln —UN 6WiTNrit giaruer 1.1 , 1 scratell no 1 ' 446,1•• Anapst's Dintment. ••TETTER" "ITCH' . Dr. Aiocrpura Ointeurr.f, "TETTE}, "TETTEIr' "ITCH•• NEVELI. 11.2 , 0%, "TETTE.), ••TETTEn•• DU TAIL "TETTEIV• •• ['ETTER" erermred ova? by Or. SWAY NE A SIN, I'M, .101.,131a bold by SI•CLAIIif.AIi A IV KEN NAN. 05 Harter t.uEt). A. KELLY. 37 wood at., al_.. IrI.EMING, llartrt .1.. A. cor..lth and lAartot burgh: }LANK 1 DEUITY. Aiketke,,, • A NATIONAL MEDICINE. true en hardly pick et • i1.W,11,1.7 cc Coro • street corner ono•a-a ars that he does not Glavin boon tee race. the annoonrespeoL th•t eror. So..anJosobaa jo.t allsc-aereo • ale 'tell,. •blett Is • panacea for all the Ills tha, flerh is. or mn herr to. Then l•ootterfro , • USse...,arr• ell., v. nallv have an ellstence of a few mouth., then dlaann at ratan public itotlce. The reason of their sudden sulLtament I. apparent. Ir.ley were humhtors. At life out.. all rne.tlcl.. nil preparation. have an equal chance for *ac cess. aa all are equally unknown; hat the chaff Is aeon Innovseo from the grain nv the praetical teat whlth an unhrelu , .lee. , pul ll eaPP , t , ..`" S!! °;:i:IrITV/c -tarot of he peon e for any le...etb of time. of the few watch we hive noo in laltol. atol which - ht, - 1, ero long me l•Mttlar hearlY Tjt'ri nnurellnlJ yo l~ lan t ado°, anlveraal sale and t.se, and their : amt...l. le eudorsetnent, m all p•stlona of the aoun ter, ear N. etter. bozo, et se" thelr setesci in dlseise• of tbe throat. os ` eland liver in that &iv! terrlble .omplalot dso . taln. ltu ,:11. areain, wL„re ft744l%.% cure • ' c ' t ' is l c ; home as, l• Immena , e• Lnts tact Z177/„":,.`27`,V:,7,;.. — F't""cZ7fr""'n'"” - PINEM CAIVADENtIS. AL live width le abUndant In Canada. Nora .TRACING LINEN & TRACING PAPER& Scot!, and the more northern carte of the New Elmland Mate.. and Is also found in the elevated and mountain°. rtalons of the .11bbile Stales; and allow/de In medicinal virtues. 1)r. owe". of Boston, has prepares a to. dielne from the tweet Inside bark of the plot tree, called PO 'Llt) WS WRITE PINK COMPOUND. welch I. oriel:dram •alne ' tn all — debllltated state. of the aldeitys• It acts Ake a cimmil In all dlseesen of mucoue membranes. enabling them to rain their net tone and eiMrey. It will be funrid Maple] le all those diseases, where Beam has. Web tried and ?ailed. It le likewise well suited to chronic cough.. and an Infallinle Noeclac foe old and debt theist) Lase. of asinuta. Many bee . - was who at brat only took • bottle of tam mefil. clue. to try. afterwards came hack an doff. or hall dosen , which afected r a dic a l cm...0rd... of the bladder and kidney of yea , . standing. Diabetes. • dimes. that ala been looked upon Ma It. the Incurable.. I. Itasedlayaly relleved by Splice the certificate dr /La& llaocnue • N.;,„ speaklng or ' ' M i n y a= r',;i:li7orti.:•Vge'r;"= s "...',. In plies mad chronic lonammation or ineeretio ' n of the bowels, in chronic eamrthel affections. and In various name of rheumatleau." . It la ex , eeedlngly saleable In all gravolky affection, I tsbloody.artne nd art., e there II red and whlte sediment e be taken without interruption )to one, navel avocation.: and Instead of .icken- Mr. pr.eloces roa! , r of 00.10- "L ral n ol. ' l. g u e t r ,A4l74l . tg;T:6 "'" l l 4iVa, '' r:r.t: POUND. Vol sale up the emu, dozen or single hottle, at D. KILI nif...Shlreat Medicine elore IP Vidal street. of tit,. City oi I . l , tpburiti. Courtly of Alleg , ctiy., NEW AD VERT.ISEMENTS. " Pe r . ^ . o, a?/”. , " EMIL nod made adirtostion .• W.W. - B/NOH,Lai. Jr., Adams press U/• ettAlt.L6h 1;10 tilti has. se nher.tal Partner flee 54 AO arse. o‘ahorS..d 40. S to contributed ta emb the sum of 1311.000 to the renew ddesirtftentents /or the UAZETTE, and au 8......-Cartnesstno to of which Le, Int snln k.. 1111. bUtint.n. Is tho fleas:nl Partner. and the Clanadas. 7 . - iimatiorion dune lith. Ix;. Jel.al•l ROBINSON BROTWER , 4 I 1 : 10U1SE AND LOT . • .313esaa.1roxnee, No. ]8 YOUitTp NTREET, Plttisbursb: ' The novae soil lot at ore•ent orropled by the - - • --- -mob... Sher. •Itiotted on 1.1,11 street. (Man chester rasseoarr i•olipway.l V feet iiii, thew, ide. and running through the same we iiOri feet 10 Inches to dale*Leo> avehoe, r, ! ,,,„,,. isid.,:ll X.M.'ag.r. L'LTs Muds of €l. C:OIVE3I3, • And are prepared to bo) and sell Railroad Hoods or ntociw, Hank, tins and Itrlo, bioctc Mort ggggg on R..al o.tate, Land Warr eat, Sr. ANT6II.—I , aoorlp 01 the ew 1101- le, Beaver. Lawrence, Mercer and ' Wulatipton. Interest allowed on Tim.. • siumnEst NIIAULS, Bleck Silk Sacques, Cloth Facques, For sec at 11l DUCED PEILTS, LZ WHITE, ORR Sr. CO,, 25 Fifth Street. )e15.3 • ur '"l.lTN,4l ° .'lTX;qt;! - 12.'• I Fancy Cake Baker tti, Confectioner, THE APSESS,IENT for Grad-, Aod dealer In Foreign and Dooleide FRUITB log. raving And Curnlog cf 1n d. ,,14 1 , 1 .4 ,, ,1 1 , 1 r40, carver • IWEICAL 2 ROD , .111111x:Ex - Litae .A.3.l.crirg 1 -' (53 - ii - rtantly o v . ant " l . o b /Mir.241.11. of r;orlooli Prom Yodel to Tqlnr otree. 'II now reedy for i A nror,..______ - ---__ 'r t u t :?,!' ~', V.'.. m . o n d e 'Ai ...' "I'.; , !i: 1 :11N,' V": 1 ir L l ,' ' t i lged In the (.l4 Tif•nlier , Qdiel• for cold.e- C= =l:=C2 113= LE ATRCR BELTINE.—We best qua.ity ' 74 . giL on n h tta 4 Lb. =Volt " Jen a and Zi 01. Olalr . . PITTSBURGH DATLY GAZETTE : SATURDAY, .MNE 15. 1867 I:= = E 11:=1=13 ST►TE MEDICAL CO:111'EN- MEDICAL PUBLICArioNs, State Medical Coaveationl MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS, Wood Mt., Lafayette liolldlog EESL, FUEL USE FOE OF 'ELIE TOB%CCO TASTE DESTROYER it w I •Koltte for lizzott.lsot of Ilteet lug Tobsceo ko no one telt, over telento Ito. It Lgatn. It leo eraoltratre tbe effect, of t.enacco. • perton • ttrun, appe tite. otrengttoeu• Use gilt mad, Vnitli, Itte riervt.s. co ars tto. rut., e.rof latt.,•t.• tto memory. nen Is•LtEictei I .r way one. It toakee one Nal 111, uubLer wr•ort. Tht .1, et Is invtanta - v• r ocs. The •; roprletor4ithe recelpt. Verto Lun , r,l sold ILI ones vw.tes. ra tent by .111. --- Addolk, FOll SALE E:" ALPER'S. I= EktANII.I,I WRAITISti WHITMAN'S MIRING PAPERS BLANK BOOKS TIME. I.7HP.,h,'ILECI , ,CEADRO•T. DRAY. DIN" a1..1 I= W. S. HAVEN, PRIXTER # STATiOXER EMMZZIZZEI A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1 Las L.eu eultrcd Into. to comment, from the Writ DAN JUNK. lee:. and to continuo to JUNE algrig betWern EMIT, SCHALK. of the City of-Tillshorali. and CD alti.g.n LEN. DJ, or City w Inalladelohla. Mau. of Tenn• sylvania. the holineee to he litat of dealing in , anal the rt dnlog of tC n al or bhale and Dia igelhaiWien ose. of the rr 104,ei 111 141 ern,. Pr.., either by *air ...further tuhoof,ture: to conducted In, the name of EVIL Soil U.K., Ito liesieral Thin ner, In the City of I ittsbuegh. CHARLES LEN NM/ Is the enecial rho... who has tun trlbuted thereto Lila .urn of Fifty Thoutanti Dollars It each. EMIL Iir:YAWL , :encr al Partner. CtirOrLICS LE Nll., eineolal Panay, Plltsburata.l.l4ne Mrs. 1=1:=1 ll= FOR ONE DOLLAR A Can of good I . F.ACHItn: A ('an of rood BLACK REHILIKa: Scan of good WW.ltTLEnallnlirds TRY TB76Me At 112 TEDERA.I. STILLICT. Alleathet , T ci‘T. ==l=M FOR SALE, A Beautiful Building Site: 1411., Symile. from the elly. iimtalnlng..3lt trtee.:4. tratnied too Oneull vtow of the river. A opt y l .10111/ 11. INCEILLIr• rel Cato ?lett trallepattlant. GkO. BCIILELEkN, 141111 PALE—LAYS ItTAIBLE, stitrei:rd d . K o;:;011;r1gt. T .71T 4 I nt Stable Sao r•ctattl, Ottrd no with erect flaw overnens found In ant clue , Sta hl,. ra.t yea. to rud. St • vie" low rent. Yi td, told with ail or part or stock, or with . out stork. Inquire st No. .N rdolthrivld orb.. 3.11:101. - - - LACE LEA THER, of the d i? . et r "`"a " rotri";oorj. 'Brits, for isle gr . 1 .. ; rund4e.s. 12 FEDERAL NT.. ALLT.4IIIENT. 41to, 1 , 1...n./.1 Glass, China ware S Table Cutlery At FrMTt:x] 1,1:I0. rrthlr‘v r. and ri Frntrla4, ,torg .tamilut It BUIpGEIt SALE fn , 0.1 _ nEAL ' ; ' ,I °ince untli Tll IIR - DA P. . tbe atone, t h e and Iron contaln..4 In the br,dge crostlng the Can 11. on Leacoct ettert. R. B. Flt•PiCtki. .3e15:at . 3 Clap Controller,. 14 - 00 FEET OF 10.1\CQ HOSE . r • CITY or Jvnt.:l, KEALED 1.14 I I 1.1 ',ALS rreott . .1 It trill Ilire until SATI RDA Y. Zt.l !mg at . o•••toftt 11, Ito tot furolslll, 1 , . , 0 fret * or I,a-INI•11 4.00 f ‘ll, .00 0 to 4a 11ant.h..4 with 1011 11,t.p.01. Ina," went. awl all to to. the faii•fac , l.l.E., ' and In tba. IttrEtlvo• Of Or l'ettlinittA, ott rtionoec The rt . trlxt Is retertOot to rt..), goy .0.1 ,1 bids. 1,14..41 It. It. VRANCIa, la{ Controller, • & S. FRAY CIES, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. I' Funtrael• taien for Buildings. otore FMB., and Jobbing. Parvesrlar , attention gio..n Sieutl Frarultist for Foundries sod :Biol. , of oil descriptions. 100. 2fid Ed !fit Robiosdp Allrzbety' ny, P 3 lel to STRAP COWS. • ranir tn the pren,/ r•I r •11 , ..crp.,.r. II,111•011 t.".1,1a1p, mlir. [ran I, t , lk..rwti near El= thitm nts-A, ttr wt ti-,,tlttt Act,ttrt.l - 0.,.1d1 , tlNtt. Sc. SIC dal'. J 0.61.11110 a. . 1,/". ,1 - 1.1 . 1 • 11011,111. I.lwmAsjEiLoAzzam & BUTTERFIELD, Attorneys & Counselors-at-Law, ! I) ICITOR::: TN LANKItiTITY I:RANT NTRIEF7f, OHIO Al"11i: DRUG STORE, 11' , T net, be found a retect FRESII DUGS AND ;MEDICINES ArEwri,. a 1 1 ,,, t,d0 ['MRS. T011.K.1 n 11.311,1.1,,... and I u the • '4, 6•4. ,Lore. l'lty•lcrans . estrlptiou. or NEW AND SECONDHAND BOOK STORE \ ta'itEZT:IIELOIV 3011 D. El: N. CITI 11./.‘” 1.411 . • ~Yi• ./tLi4,l: T ALLI:IiIIENT AXES. • •11 the A yo. tat.. ••.1 .r. te,Llrlr, • Xi ~" or fl.e tr. r rent., If pat.l tsn or he rove the Men slm , of Suly. iour pus - rent., If pall on or hefotu the grit 'l l l:, t s If 14.11 on or before the dr, Air of es ,ptvus Is r. If poll ssf - r arid ,Isv of `rept. mho, and on ur hero, ths flr•t aa, o' ssutobrr :so tleautstion sac missau If t.ahl &Res . the tet .ICJ .• strhaser and on nr Isefore the nrstais N., cu.., ma.ltsion eent. mr1d,..1 assa IsmPhln um the alai., Aft.r , 4e Ilr‘t of Nce, - Dbor warratt• rel 19erorl. lo tutor,. r , rl , • ell, .1 ell taxes ro uial:.lnll.o{,al,l. le.goto r with lois' cents, ra. e thrtrorn. oir.l ,rrr .jel6.• Ir.Y FE.1(1O.I. . City I" res•ri MASONIC 11001 t S! Hlaorr • , f 11/e 11.ole Chcoatltessed. Hy • ro- rl' t na ett.rek a.tol I,l4l:ars let I It.orke. wiertr Fe - elar...'r Ma aux:. /....‘keun Vrromarpnry. Now Slrriolpl, st.le.ll.rartl. • 31,11 e !del.:, I the I.olgo, .51scor 'e >lnroolo II•okt$1. III•rultor. I: I.e. • • '""" r""" •• .•• 0101.104. 1:111:12=1 J. R. WELDIN & CO., JAMES B, YOUNGSON, N 0.200 Wylie Street, apnrtl II? I ntnrfn• 101 thns.. •r« In wnot or an vtnl3kr in his line Mel he n•• opentd , • first clasa BAKERY AND .CONFECTIONEAL Al IL. above num.r. Fre, lIBEAD a CAR Er,. 04 1 :,.. 17" flue 1 up 1,e1.151 I.l.lation elva:n.tn t=i t inY;ll7)l . , l lV47 , tent •fl 11111)41, mo - rnlox and eyr.lna. IRON CITY CLTLERY CL 3 St. Clair. Street 11. ring imrehue4 or A NI/I:FAV BROW; the entire !mock at titedw•re. Cutlery in m * V"ar ° l, "et° HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Gum Xl@v. Revolvers, 1,1,0, /18111 n, TACtle Tre ' oVroLlt r ron•l ' lng Hator:: @donors, !If Co;titte Stonollo .=.1,`:::, 1 .".1=%1":.!;."' and cancelling I=2 AIORRISON, BARB & CO., Manufacturer• of all laud. of 8008. AND PRINT PEIPE'R.- =I /ME orlri• paid pa rigg. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONERY. JULIUS RICHTER I=l Ice Cream Saloon & Confectionery, At N0...1G DIA II({1.SION /1 1. Al[agile., on TUES- Illa DAY..., 1.4 friVIIIi• 110 ma tti.lla Kan...rant aro re pla4lati to favor Dm new estanitslment wlth • lalt. LEMON SIRUP I= PURE LEMON SYRUP. Manufactured from the (nice of L. 11104, !alit L. D. DUD ISH'S CINDY MASUTACTODI, N. 207 LIB, TV 2714E2 r. usu. U. ,L. 410,.- J. u. IVA7I.ISti ..... r. yuti IRON CITY BELT STORKS. CEO. 0. CLARK &CO., Vsnii44ctutern of every 1.e. - lotion of relent, Httetclked. temeeted ap.l t.1.-Tavoal Xaen.thor• -130.1:11331.6. No. 41H1 tallkltTY St. t.J floor, 004.0111 e Union Daput. 1.31. a,• WE WILL KEEP ON lIA.ND ad man to ord., all Muds of nprlng and plain W Ottlenn, (IA ittn, WHAN.I.IIAnidwAN, TRUCAn, 1.0C1.7m1 . HUM And Ttltallti, ' , POKES, LIAIC 11A/in! and .A? Drtg•Wrz utv the Pew. " TerNJ . 41 1:rrZR ` NT: Itt 'HUH-STICH CO. ICE PITCIIER34.—We have on o• bond • eery Due oteortment of DOUBLE WALLED WE PITCHERS . , Of the eery b... plenty Al.o. WAITERS and tia)111. CM, totnaaten. . NEW STOWE. S.P. mcceiguEs..sa.cmnr., Confectioner. Emit More & Bakery. 2 10 E CREAM SALOON. and LADILY ORDINARY. ROB EMITTIIIII..D.IIYRIZT, between Re, entbiad Liberty. • • =7171m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICES. .. , - WANTS. - ________, G-.F1. 4 "..t 6 kgr 1 tarclulun I " TrITTE- 1/V ten TED—Every one Yro nt s Mcil.W AIN VS Great Ave iron sale r. )/ ( f ---.- - . :-..i , . ' - PUPILS ENTERiNti NOW of those beautiful lota la Sharpeurg, to MOM of - on ntONO•Y API k.H.NOON, rth lent. free KM•crsinn Ttelne for the sale will lea•e tette - ./.I -'.-1- •••V • . leepOls (Alleseeny. Valley. INMOmmen. end Western I,year:ran:, Allegheny CHO, Hall s at I o . closl tbat A.T.Tree for all. • . I Can Complete an Outline Course .rogt;, I. No: 37 - FIFTH . STREET, I .. ; CLOSING PITTSBURGH. PA. OUT . SA LE HY ;ME 257111 ; OF JUNE. ~. D, IVANTE • A SALESMAN. THE BENIN Ensi MAN, YA.VoItITECOI.I...k.HE .., , And ;1,,, ~,,,,,,,n i w 111“ I guarant , ittan Wls .th , s a tan prnett4l ly familiar with the rnannfar- FOH TIVENTY.SEVEN YEAII.*. "Wits varying I tare of Ores, SI lure err; and has had son, es ilt, FF . 'S nYt.TE.II of Mel:rant.. liant. Wail: OF I i FROM $4O TO TAN PER MONTE, i Vir,.24g ~.t.... ." 4 " .. LOCK it , , , , , , ,,, 4 ,, ,,1. , ~Ih. e ' l li t srt:tv>7.- . !, . .= tvg‘•.='',ll . . ..__ ._ - west. as the most werfect dYstedis or Accounts . . . ,•: To,. peidli , •l.o stand a 0 rst.eldaseamination. , . , t`rt" S : v .' - r i ! WANTED — A SITUATION, nr. i r:;,T=ligtitntgieri7 4' . . --- L• • TO ATTEND IN A STORE,. •. - ' :Z i rs: ‘ . l gia7; `n..11°.".”, v;?,r:pv...;r.'4.... -1. MERCHANT TAILORS. 'By an AinellOM Girl sit teen Yeata of age, n ' rroVit s eWil ' ;:f.Thl :k r eVielnit=r4rs " Of i gno m d e a rr7 d ,,, dr , ........... I . l „ r u st i r: u te r a i wtant. our tJdent. arc attested by our eity . banas and., . . i l ' slistkitt ' d:if - A — it . Mainess Men. 11 • FORTY DOLLARS ' , - ; WA-NTED--ROOMS. , . 1 , SOBTIVEr COB. ?ENS iID SI. CIA MIL ~ V A ~,,,,..i„, ~,,,„,,„„,.. „,, A. ,,,,., fr.;',',..V=Nl i zar:otlTfa C ierlcr,i i rl-i . COMMENCING .._ . ;• adjoining. either suratched or unfurnished, VlT . fn . ip b , ' lla ' n ' islr7ll:;n r c . c r o ' TAV. "" j'''' 1 NEW SPRING GOODS. -:,1°.;..T.t.:',;,,tw.,.".. rrltiMilTPl:%lr a i ;70 o th er boardara pre ' rerra4. A 4. &dor 4.1-Our Starlet.. have no one per cent. to pay , i tenne, Ac.. litlN 1,1. tiagyrra firma. ' se,VO In greenback• fur a few days use of litho, aphe.l. 1 toy Lank notes to leant theta to COUIII, and we I rx'a7 n°""*"*"'"' . ' Y ' "e"°"` "" Mondav June lith, , JUST OPENED," i WANTED, ..4 I. , ; A Second-Rand -Engine,. CUR NEW WART° CIRCULAR IS MAILED FREE. COMPILISINO ; , . ; .4.1 -The assistance of erperlenned accountants . ' Twelve to Efteen Inch ellfli . ier. With • donbie always be obtained at our onuses lu adjusting . RV . 1 . eta hollyr, of suinclent.c . aza,aVA . g , , and i aka siodtting [melee. accounts. . . l ' All the Novelties of the Season, IVt t ‘ ... Inn Fourth st. I...DUFF .t SON, Frio ,ll l. o /..; ) - Jel,,,Vilts•T PITT:HUM:S. Pd. J. W. BARKER , & C 0..; 1 -ANTED, • ssn, ai is only (quid lb • ' . j First-Clais Merchant Ta ilo r in g I , TIORDS AND MORTGAGES. NEW GOODS DAILY. . 1 Establishotent. ' <3l, T00r.. - I=onnwntrir, ......_ 59 Market,St : Great Reduction , in Prices. : ne . , , , paha:n.47 . . . . i Eroke i r , a , li&Eal r latate Agent, No.,0: 01_ 71 , 1_11.. ' . . i 1 . DRESS GOODS. ' - -. - CARPETS. OIL CLOT)3.S. &e. ... —6---- . SECOND ARRIVAL OE . ' - Prices Tteiluc.ed„ ' NEW CARPET .STORE, IN GREAT VARIETY.. • . __........ . , FRESH ARRIVAL OF . • To meet the great decline In S p ring Goode , • BLACK SILKS, • the East, which will make . .. this the . .a. PL. 3E 4 Mrr ISt , . . • . Fresh.from the Importers, . VERY CHEAP. ' . . -- • MOST REMARKABLE SALE!. • IRKIV PATTERN IN Which will Pe made up with care arpi diapate . • 'arid at b• tapestry Brussels, . Plain Chintzes, all colors . ; • Ever Gotten up in . this City. I . Body Brussels, , , . GREATIY•REDUCFO PRICES. . :. • - 8- PlY ' and 2-14 y, Tapestry Ingrains. Summer. Shawls ; • . . ' A Full Line of Straw Mattings, • • • . pp PRICES• . • •. Prints, Ginghams and Muslins ; OWEN DYRNEI. PLAIN, CHEC:i'ED AND FANCY. . .t (Jur stork Is full, tanMbar anykevlons time . i AT Ili ', CEN rt. , We season. Those I. Saila goo in our iinn Jeans and Caasimeres ; • Merchant Tailor, ..,,, Jo suit to give nide. call. . i • •-.L. 0 %Il the hest Print, and ,ex i st sl,lrs. I BOVARD. ROSE & CO:, Checks, Table Linen, new style ; • AT 12n CENTS. , _, _ No. ,14 WYLIE ST., . .21 RIFT!' tap. Fr. (aeeorai nooro i ' Slide Enelish (hint" ' • inytt4,71.1.1 sT nvcr Hates A seen.. ' , Hoop Skirts, Cors e ts, , . - - • .AT EU; CENTS. 11P , O11.13.ASIILAWD HALL. HAVE REMOVED. ~ : i , , stpSO:aMTIS - • -..--- Width Gi bl Diae Selnit. ; Sun Umbrellas' and Parasols; i, W AT 12.! CENTS, , . KESPENHEIDE T, ' shirt Fronts, Handkerchiefs ; F•tirs i innli y renchid Ehirlinn. ' . 1 M'CALLIUM BROTHERS,. .. . AT 12 , , CENTS, Merchant rrail,or, liave tosopen at their very Cwt..? coma Gloves, Hosiery, dm., ' anallousNEW WAHISLIOUtiIf.. . .O,IIF tliblearldl 14 gte•ine. - . No. 56 ST; CLAIRSTRBET. No. 51 Fifth Street, AT 12 . ; CENTS. . - Wholesale I& Iletaih 5imi. , Ab,, , ,,, 6htr,l horn II 2-.1-to,. t recelied. a sectntl arrival of NEW A . " U 14 001)4. An t"' ' 0," "` P" '"RIEDALLIeraa. i AT IF . ; CENTS, - ; so In the latest-Eastern styles. ...- ! .... . ' . AT PRICES AS L:OW_AS ANT, TjApzo, Eaticred fr:m 0 ati 11s. . AT 10 TESTS, BRWIS, McCONNELL 6: C0:5,1 No. 178 . Federal Street, ALLEGHENY lIII=II2I LIST OF APPLIC 4- L7 . 1 , 14,N, Volt I.l.'ll'itt.El to IMI. 01,1 it. 11, Clerk Y o 00•, t.,‘ C Itint . Sion, .14 titr:l.lltttl...,ll. •• •• tavvrt, 2.1 wan, 1•1t0t,V.,• •• •• • • •• • •• 2.l , rnrd. rilto r•a[un..tAl•r, tn.n l ltLwar, Vittr!ntrnl, JtoLn rn. " .L •• JINO. ,reelly. • • 11$t hew. 11..tti0,1. •• rZ:.l. l l=rl ','. " : " : " 1 . Sl,llrr ' .. ." . r". 1 lr Junto Mena,. It. /i*nlr J. Tr.. t• Lightrap, Hankin. And. lit,. . . . . •• ii•ntielli 1 eulo I-, satins •• ie., : Ans.:hens . , Lr•wl eon nsl ii •if Silegbiiin• • • Roth. • • •• Herman Annie.. •! Ibiltilpt, Run., other g•il., •`• •• ndr. Iv S.vin. ta.esn, I,l'o. of E. Illenilisgitain. I cwi, •uni e. !tense{ •• •• 1,1 Si •r, In, eating I. Itern nr•Rseensti n . I d l. Reed, entlng loue., Baldwin Fred Ell, easing 11,151, 1 , 111 I• 14/VVll,:p. .n h) tavern. Flnille, town.bir. • Metres. {tillr. lever, tn.on.blli. I.anghnei. eating hon.«. bits,. Iselrlne. save bootieldp. Sae,. Fr{ert. !Aver.. Nlci 'lure 11•nr. St il.elultlt. Iv. .In.eini lien" 111 -eins ry, f n. Robinson 14wt!.111p. •••ittlet, ("Awl, nib, pools. gewlelltv tp. Ills Rion, le vet, blia.ler Reter Kelly L ' ••• r t` Lrr. "' l r : LY ! ce tavern : littler, tavern. Unionliinnnlilio beenti Frelit. eating how, Veraslles Frie I.lentise Ilu•rd will e t {RI:W.F., • 1 V the :Gilt di., of Jnne. 1, at o•cluet M.. for bearing tbe •liore appilentlons. • JOHN U. BlitOW ilsvatia HERBST ORDINARY. eMM=I DINING, LUNCH, COFFEE AND ICETREIM ROOMS, FA LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. No. 6-1 Fourth • St. Sp Our Sto sersed ilelly from 6 toll 11. DINNER fierTed tram II to twelve. or wcept. liartlanlar attention gireu to the wants or Wit, the gentlemen gaud a rhmfottable meal. the awl...animal of • gaud dish or .w any ~f the luxiirlia of the_ season: also. to the furnt•lita (smith,. pant.; imit tther, at their reshiraces ir or elaewhere, with the i beat of WEDDING. POUND AND SPONGE OAKES With tr, richest assortrnent or Basket and riVa m ade ' lit 1 3 g.VIU: p Hang, SI , tines, Ornamental Viramtus, Game, Korred Tarko,y Coffee. ellocniate. etc. Walteritand . lkusle furnish. private and Ile patties. tillserware. VullerT, Glassware and .Table Linen Inc bite. TEAS TEAS : 'TEAS ! OF ALL Mlle= Aril) QUALITY, AT A. 13..1.1=t13..78. Prime Yonng F.a..ra goon .• o tined BLACK TEAR—Oolongs. Rest Oo $l.. per R. ottld. ‘ L?:Cs. .... ....... . • BLACK TEAn—Powchong, tionchond And Condon. Es. Floc Hose Flor`d Bream.. .... , list .• Old Country, Ito 1.20 •• Coot.. JAPA!V.TLAN. =EC Utah. County, rutin& Jar., 'err Pleaaaot flavor 00 Japan. I ouna Hymn, Leaf LP MIXED TEAS: . No. 1 fdlat.l Teas. ` 2 bowl . Mad, 3. do. T• 11 4 ,. Ytum theabove •ttY onc ea *elect Pod w•t In 4 of Tea they. wat , and ha n re ti'm any 4cantity. and forward.- .1 by any of the ...- 0717:1; ' Zit i ftl'.1=:trs•W ' t 7 ,g17=:g 7 1. pound the price. headra actung • pure and clcon Artie' o which exa ctly nits their mate. " A..li IRK. unva, , no 172 ia 374 Federal Pt. AllenhettY. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, So. 72 Firth Street, NEARLY ICrOdITE THE NM UFFICE. The molt ex bemire variety, the latest novel t., the large o t Inducements west or New yers.i Perfect Fitting French Yoke Shirts, MADE TO 011.1)Elt. PUTNAM & HOUSE, SUCCESSOISIS TO . MURDOCIi h WVTNAM. FLIIST.CLASS LOOMING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. ONS, No. 110 Wood SL, rlttiburgit, Y•11,,V87 s h M,P CriilN"figlirwV7P the WALNUT, OVAL and CQUARE MittEotk PoitTRAIT and PICTURE YitAIBES, Curtain Conies. Band. and Batton., Consols, Tripod and Bracket TAW, of acquialto dealt. sad okmanehlo. •11 ILDINU ND REOILDING eveitliei la the h 'LIAM I • tSo J. R. REED & cp., 6• rims sire. .BIAINETTII • Flavoring Exit4lc/s, Tele best end Dorval:We; a felt arsorrment for flavoring its Cream. AA, put rteriledl end for sale by JOHN A. BENS HAW, left Orou Lltrotty sad Saud rtruts. Binde.l Shiniutz, 'Wand f6i 12 1-.! tat Caliloi - lird f.flioliaa,. al I! I ETlt3 guilty 5.1 S.htetin BY these quotations may be No. 47 Nt. flair street . , _.. . Judged the rates at which we EMIT CAPPELL, Merchant will sell our entire stock. , ..... TAILOR, and 11 , ,1vr la 1 I - Gentlemen's Furnisbing Goods, . • ; 112 hMITIIVIELD:3TREET. SILKS, DRESS GOODS HorSEKEEPING GOODS SHAWLS., CLOAKS GFATS' AND DOTS' WEALD Dress; Goodie Tr- Contains some one hundred styles, at prices ranging from B 12 1-2 c. to $1 per yard. Our stock is contplete all, the impartments. .. .: , IRIS IND • STEI3I FITTERS,, • . i Ileer and Ale Pam,. all kinds of llttc.Aucl Ale i . - i - It leg oh , . adr...1' ,. . , ;.'ht ali , T . . ...' Cocks. If. . 1.u.a.. 'qv. Wash Stands. COMI . A. RY. rxicz.4. • • Rath Tub, Gan , Doer. a 1.... Ware. I, DD:a . . iNica. 2450 013.1.0 1131t1 - e.got, J. C. • TILTON'S ("'""'"A"arti'll"E'NCV:iV..A. ._ lio.e. h..' up with U.S mud Water at abort' holt,. Jellm. • 17,4 eel .i I K cau cs ....Nut... .. JAB. MI..R v I r .-. '; i 4' CARBONSOAL, :5-• -; SPANGLER & BRADFORD, el. . 3P2I.BCTXCA.X.• . WARRANTED ern" mil form ta .111,11 ti, —Y Plumbers awl Gas • Fitters, ma.le from thr pure. mate . ... .I . f h r ot n . atraf, ‘ e ' ree . rf ' 2ll7l::lN:ngT. '" i'4 n lt " ailrbl: c " on! ."... 4.7 Ohi o M ., , I rwrgl. 1 , Th.. CARRON W a l' D.lnada Blain. to that of • ...it all other ACLEUEIENT CITY. Bost Btnadwrei 6 cagaiza, House. fitted up with IT ATER, HAS and STEAM by experienced wothrnen. rut In alditthri there has been a new and : she af.., ....NH'''. ri'llitTl Hark. _rll . e. „ itLa ' no Jtjti. PLI.IIPS, latest style. which •Il Oust hanthers en perullar to other snap. I.s.erittrely retuoved. Tee coarsest as well as the •icart.. - .J OP. Bum. - finest fabric can be washed with Hand novel. JOHN H. tith , """Iv -,- ." JORIL M COOPER tt CO., three town. sot ort try chief excellence...err another soap: 111 s simple, • requitingtin e the n or ennipltrated nrtnp.pbr ".h"It " '""‘"7 ; BRASS FOUNDERS, leaving the thin soft and healthy. and ran be petrel, used lq west., the tenderest In 1s elth • t a H I ""Q".“ ; • Steam and Gas Fitters, eta eal • Itelleelng It to be SUPERIOR, and that It will he duly misted•ppreea by a dleertmlnatlng ! liannfecturers of 1 . 17110 , AND BRAriS WORK. I desire It lo upon Its nitrite alone. , d ,„,„ It contains no rrrtun.Kun. or any loreign TU ' RES AND 11.7111N . 11, of all kthas tq . thlotaure; nothing or the hind. Mann facturel Had for sale wholesale, by Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, J. 0. TILTON, PITTsBURCH, PA. rnTii:zo . 1.,..10'> ST. CLAIR ST., Pittsburg f : COLL 61 MILLS , SILILDEII STOCK or i i PRACTICAL PLUMBERS,. BOYS , - • GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, . 1•01.7TIIA , and . No. OHO Pnaa..73. Eftroot, CHILDREN'S PITTSBURG'''. PA. Cistern 'and Well Pampa of all land, Ilona,. CDX,CrIaX—X X lig 4G 4 ,... fitted up adtb Gas and Water. In the most ap pf,ed style. by expe_rlcnced workmen. NOW RECKIVIN(I. to lipeclal attention pale to country Work. y.l:ys) an mpl complete mum:nein of FOREiIiN ! GAS FIXTURES: d I.o.lllEStle Cassimere, Flannel & Limit' Suits, From theh..t Eastern holm.. All the now and , CHANDELIERS, and I.l"Ci° rly, at No. 47 s ofair sL Store Pendants, Brackets, 4Ste.., lii 44 per p.T11141 WM 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh ;' and THE esursEnsuip b 9 Federal Street. Allegheny, tofore existing between hiltlE — A. KELLY •I and 0011 T. M. hNOLIKASS. in the Wholesale Drug Nosiness. No. N Wood street, Pittsburgh. J 001 0 . 4. HOOT`:'y.been .d,ltAbso.,lreredtb,ryzu,tentala cuo,ll:itio ffIVOOD 51'CIMBY, co k ntinued by GEO RG ' E nu ft . . I BRASS FOUNDERS, ' KY.ELY. (I EO. A. KELLY, I STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, HOOT. axon GRAS S. yillebnrgh. tfay,Jeth. tern wraomr2 • Cori of 3rd and Liberty Streets, . GEORGE A.: - KELLY, A rk,li c rad:,WlV:gg,lll:ll;4:::plti to ordr. Special attention paid to the fitting out and Wholesale Druggist. , zr. o /L ..ruuu'h-ri—" — Steamboat.. Is c., Ae• 37 'rood • Street,. Agents for b. S.Casteron & Co.'s • (Opposite the St.; Cb•rle/ L 10101.) STEAM P U-31PS , Ilrgircl4,4"rxViuViTirrii,V.i,c4Toritg DE e /C. • • UIAtIVWER " E ° AMINES, v r g p rier , r dt of , L S t tlift4N TT'S colt; hralc ono. Pura hare ru l pej , lor Sig NOP. CIaILVA. Jl2. "L ' ?INV 4 12:1 r oil.f4rs i cn:t:ntIVIt hand. ‘fellatiO .Ae4.3LirXEIC) II 'n' grerifiijoliliiiiia, '"n". DEALER IN • Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Plumbeis, Gas end iSteam Fitters, 11511.1-07.113 EL N7GrJi-IFILIgs, 1 FIYTIFI BTIILBT EXTENSION. ASH • - • 1 r • 2 • 1 . 148321'1:T12C11E1C. 1 .. w:, Hocks, /SLo. I All orders by mati executed stglafletorllynno Ipromptly atte pleo P". • ' ' X ' "L'AIULNU °I I Rtte r regrOßra aateil": 9 e=t . I and Ras hbAdes for aaleat •111 A moat reasonable Pr eders from coontry, ! patrons by , man Prompt ly encoded b. OnD Hoe. of every destrlptlon. • Je9:d6l ~ ~. ' *IT " BAILIFF, BROWN& CO a , Mew. - -- _ & FREW, . MCI ca. BO 304.01..gra0.1 1 5t.., , ' 0 Dave removed t°'' I JLLEGI,E.rr . Curr. Pd., ma ..-• i NO. 31 Market: . 19‘4., !plArsinEna. GAS AND STEAM (comas or emoxv;) PLTIISBURDH. iJ. nric rirrztur, keep Ve.T. on Bend a Where they are prepered to meaelsclore all D ...... TP. .... of . " -HIB NTB, BIATZT lands of " LLD. Li/LUPINE. BATH TBRa. WASH us ., ADDA 100 V AND BRANS COCYN. and all mate. (Saddles, Ilarnees, Trunkici eats , • for hues op public or private bolldlngs i , with DAP. WAT6 B or ertAlf. 1•10:01II . 4TI all artteln in their Una molly kept In 1 _ 112:!t-elsai rata101..4.1..• J. T-T ANN A T-T, It: P. GIETTY, • . • NO. fa LIBENTN NTRNET. Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Dealer lu all kinds of • i Demiler 10 Tlt/L., W124E111,40 Puss OldYnnon, Candles, Cakes, Nuts and Fruits. car.la BY. 2° 71.V1 •=ll 4 lnd tb: . 11 1 4 k tid..i•tkplUolll lo.lkldibthing PICNICS ..a - J ., attoti, Scrim, of NEW Anew line of all new and dedreble pattern. "'BIN° An 4" and "w ". P"- MEDALLION : VELVETS, .p In the latest-Eastern strles. Velvets, Brussels, Metropolitan, Garibaldi; Grant, TAPESTB r BRUSSELS, A. large andreholce ..aortan , mt of ifIAWNEY A.ND CUTAWAY SITS • • • Piano_and Table Covers, I f legUE7ll tOTEFS, 1105i1C era AND 1118, l.V1) er 18E 511131 - FACICS, • ' exv. • large and complete assortment nor ron hand. TEGEE PLY AND TWO PLY 1013=11 = Three .1.1 . bolo. yleth, PrrTsr.rittar,l%.... All the taint tiprlng and nummer styles of ' (211,105. rasslrner. , and V•6llnors on hand. made up In tne most fashlonable style. at the lower,. priers. . nash,el6 W3l. J. 31c13114TTY, tiormarly of'New York.) with 3E3. 7. 33.31c3G-FLASVIrY. BILERCII A YST TAILOR, GRAY 3c. LOGAN. DISSOLUTION 337112 GRAI'.4I; PLUMBERS, =I JOHN 31. TATE Ingrains, And every variety of low ' Priced Carpeting kcCALLIINE BROTHERS, TAIIII3. 6tioot. CARPETS. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & COMPANY, I=l For the Spring Trade, =99 NEW CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Shades, &c, Alttntlon Lf callcil to oat five .toci of 11131101DREll !MI LNDNIANO COII ' Great DecUne in 21*.les. Lr JUNE, , 1567. WS OPEN TO-DAY, Ft. 17 0 'Ar Colapriaing ttte Best rr.te nu made:ln I Ingrain, Three Pig and Eng. Mph Tapestry Brussels, 1 E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the lowest prices since te.. sew, , 111cFARLA.N11 & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Firth Street Second Floorooker Hcnry Miner's Book Store E=IM RATS, CAPS, 4c STRAW GOODS, FOR SUMMER SALES ALE TBE NEW STELErIIATS, Ton 8114 E CHEAP; AT - McCORD & CO.'S, No. 7.81 ‘7l74;e:?ici. 23troe't, 1-. HATS I 11,A_TS I P. o.llell OWEN 13711... GRAHAM & BYRNE, At Na. 52 St. Clair street, flame one of the 7 try best rctall rata of HATS, CAPS AND.STHAW 'GOODS. In the city, and eOnztantlS Iu rsselpt of all that Is nets, assoon ita lb, era Ps •exoresse.l.` , Cron atten ti on given to retailing, exclusively! apl7:ssa • TOBACCO. CIGARS, &c, CIGAHS! - (Inc Million Cigars, On bind •id for Weat R. ' at. W. JENKIRSON'S, No. it rEllklaL ET., ALLAMILYS. M,2:6101 JOHN MEGRAW„, Manufacturer of and WM/lento sto.l 1k tat Dealer In all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and CigP , 15 , •110 iSNVEILIF CULL& WALREUOUSE, • RIMED BUD & €O.; ratm - -commxiiiuss, No. 1.00 Wood Sheet diFlß. l. 4l:l'. l 2liegt 1:1111 6 ctt: aMa .7 30: 41 11 ••• CHINA YAMSxx ~vi vtri. D W .AA M. fi tze ry dem ho,f 0 ;; _LAM hP4UN tS f evlatTra l arZun t rgatl i gug, nu HW 4 " .1 ". _The largest and moat complete sto•A oh th.l:nt thh live In the et ty. he n ' ' d gtzee and ,termt the math as V, lath ." SHEPHARCTS CE.A.C7MhtS 317 Liberty Street, ...pITTiBMIGH, PA. 'GOOD NEWS. .CHEAP BREAD IR DEAR THIEL rAnninl 199 WARD'S SALAD. 71s nun ben. bans/. 9n Wo, en 997 Weed' no NennVnt Inman reL 'r 14.4 MI