ex.'t4t , ' Imaurz. 'JA ES DAL'LELL & SON, Banker and Broker, le Weed di 69 and 70 Water Street, ~ n tear Corner et FM` OIL mmzur Acmilins, LAED All desoilptions of Gorererneat Bonds amcata.VlCKL LlllialCanai et sad night and mid On liberal terms. We warruit oar no., Laol 011 equal to the Lamy. ,indi c.„ 4 „,.... 1 7...1.4r. bow best Clealatiatl, or *taw bsanda , and mono. to sell a. Law as Olnelanatl or Uhlman ratu. Ai 11 . 110 York rata,. - Cher N 0.2 Lied Ott aa a Lobricabar cannot be excelld. 'Gold. "1,22' and COUPON. 0.1142 et blithe ' pool. Crest Latdicatlna and standarl brands Oat rays, and Gold Drafts fantod on Ben N=eilisir rciseiVeis h A L oill aid ii. oi VI% geerese t n ez t !. • eau Were Wale 111 SIZES 7.3-10 BONIJi Conrerted Into 1805, BONDS turnazo nutneuTzra. JAS. T. BRADY . &. CO., Bankers; Car. Fourth &Wood Street. . - TO 'HOLDERS OF 1-30'8. liorlag seeds rpeelat arrangements with ' Zama , Co t:oleo eta Caca o . Our correspondents, ere are reared to c 7-40.. Into 6-20 . • or men. Witbo p ot o therm onvert Bond, IM nand Tor DeUV.-7. IRA B. MeVAT & CO., • Beta:Ll:Lora. • uonsi roulthr jonl4:tlM' SMITHFIELD HTB ELL YOUR 7-30's BUY 5-20'S.- Eiadoto of ifS/EN /RIR/1U /On nod .1 ad vantage of OVER N 4 0? ONE tER RP.NT. <oiloen/1w oo 000 litA & SKITRPIELD STREETS. 7 -30 Nns ~ ;ONVEJLT. S O INTO BONDS, 1865, iTITHOITT CHARGE itritZ.Zll.ll:4,:=Zr'"'-''' raw ROBINSON 8R.05., 110. .7114'017HT111.111,2XET the PittstittrOr Gaqt - tr 4 .1 FINANCE AND TRADE Urries or TOO Perreet'anu GA Y • Tir,o,bar. June m lee? Mr New TOrli dock quoiations ta-day, a. riewlredliT Var. le. R. blerts, were se follskes 41 14; Llghtrrone bonds, 111%; Five TWatotii 1010. 110; Fire • Twenties, 1001, 10 N1, , Tice Twenties; 1000. . 1071 110,4 C00..t.. .. t.. aWn 10614103;1; Ten ' 1001;‘ bilebleau Sowliersa Rail road. ca , '; Cleveland Pittaburch, 71%; Pi tta bereb,ort - Wtrie and Chicago, birii; CR I .OIIO and Ro 1 .4.4 , Re4i Chicago and eleirthwesteni, /VI; do preferred, 6133; New Viirk ,Cet.trii. n 2,54; ke.ding, Redern 17oion Telegrabb.i.3.lli; (lireeww 0,35; Coq. don, I,3o;Quartz 11011.1,10; *math k Parmerlee. Gold opened lower than lest utght's clime 'lniggoofiettena. but gemalned ver'y firm all day ' long. Yemeni shipment. did oat murk ,exceed one' ne • elllnei, and to this as well as to _th,e Might Bdranee of our bodds in Europe is 89 s the erection of toe nem Yet.' • li 9 sernmeut securities are unchanged, being nterea the views of muniments as an Invest 'meet 'whilst there are other chemcee more Profitable tp rain speed Interest one Railway shares hare slightly teamed, but seem only to draw new element, to enliven speculattoo in I Wall street. 3fialng shares hare partially em trireme!. Giotto[ quotation. reettred by James T. Beady e. J.S. Slit... 1891 •• &WA, lmt. •• ••' ISt& ••• MB. 1044:12 .......... Coml. Aiartut lune 7-304. Dee- 1 Comowl., tit 0014 In i t , • ThVAct to establish au uniform system of ,•brukrtir.cr. thoughout the [Jutted States", weut lutt, operation on the Ist lustank T-bis is the :hint titre to the history of the manual PIO National bankrupt law Ints 'been es. tr:oltsbel. The Ent, was enacted APrU 4, 1500; utidltnalted4or lit-a ream but It Was repeal ea In less tbah three rears; the second war pissed August 10. 1811, Arid war repealed 11arehr. 1849: tha present let was passed March 2, tet4l. It is to be hoped that thi'r act 6111 Y remain la font. until it coo be fully tested: All State. Putkrupt isws• are suipceilled under the 151.• tlonal taw, • —A. an Illustration or •tbe 'rapidity with 'which the conversion end purchases of the Sereo Thirty notes halo been pusbrd forward It hi oillcially reported that ite1,17a406 hare berm taken to by the Treasury Department during the fourmonthe ending ry. I. We learn that of these 114,00.0.r0 no leis than fie. .471,1 km of the • several eerie. were retired throughout. banking hunsen—that of day Cooke Ca., whose purchases of tinited.htates so. multi. daring the four Mob tholn question an flit tto Iltanllot to tho aggregate of 4.134,1f5,1.0, 'at their New:Yorli house alone. —Oa Setuhlity last the United 'States Treas ury held the 1 emitiat of money crer held at sot one time 'since the ormtni.tion of thiGhsernment, to wit:. 41 . 3 . 000 . 00 9, L 0f which 1103.0`4.07 were gold Uhl 111,000,04 currency. Thar amount was reduced 110400,000 on Now deg by the maturing of the June compounds and Interest, and no the 15th Instant will be re ducedl4.4oo,o,o more by the. Interest. on the June Seven Thlrtier. ..-4herry goode rade of Nter York . for the last few dare ha, s.l.vern rather mure mm. Ildmlec end e itim , .u. The eneoutaging crop prospects. here somewhat retired the doulp. , mit tone of biddies., and country dement have aperated.Mith rstheratunre spirit.• There hee been • rt•Pomition to buy out any cheap JOU, ased for whets goods higher prices have b ee n bid thee. obtalued loot •month. There has be., however. no Important Change In g teens In -favor of holder., nor could nay such . thmige be erected.. - -The Chicago reptsilitans. of Wednesday, eats: There were cu.. a n of other failures among tome ul ' the nutethiesion men.. but. with mot osseptiou, we could not learn of their correctn.s. An operator to oats, it wse reported this afternoon. Mad faded to make his psymenta, trot ills lessee an not - iarg Many operator. lu grain hare bastriesvily, but there are no rebores -If any ma gnitude. Tbe paper of a title on Lae. beret, dealers In fancy goods and Maio., it is understood he. been Ito. Mated. but the amount of their ihsbilltice Is not tiered. —The New York flibune, of Wednesday, *aye: The/ware mare “Yo Lets" t no ti ced for Sueinees street. titan have Peenfor amerat year,. and paces 4 real estate, except t v, for span& !mations, isle, the buy. . The de mand for wee, ty is mainly .coonned to 'mow diem, ..d fancy Onctiption. cannot be planed except m concession. Tne Mph • prices pad for nukti meaemals Mare wen way, nod quotakmas tend doeiowe rd. —The I aew'eross-cut" road which Is designed to canoe. Buffalo, New York. with Oil City bas Deco conipkted to kleyerlile, a dieter.ee of fourteen miles from Dromon, whore It connects with Mut Lake Shore road. • - • • A correspondent of the Iterate Express fur olshee Some lateremine relotine to the enterprtge. The wimpany way ormiaired July • 10.11161, the location commenced septeinber it,ff work Lktober ISO. This was ma penned Illtireti lb, WE, resumed July 1, 1166, arid will Re tompleted SI dietetic of 4134 miles Dy tke ME of June, HET. r. The eapit..l mock of the rout Is 820,o00; It bast., 02.000 per mile, Is NI miles to New 'York and 614 to Penns, lentils; this state, how ever, bee passed a law eaabito, the rose to be eOnseinlated lota. one • ..mpeny, which ill • Shortly be meompllehed. the gauge le w the compromise, 4 fem. Dis niches. Ws that ea. Cao be me of either the New York Contra.. or Lake More roads. The twit lagravel, the Iron weigh /Mr 66 prUlada to the yet. JO wrme places the 'Amide lan feet to the mile, but 'ls alieriya 10 .1.11 , 01 . hf tb• heavy tontiage. • 'The road has been built und6rilhe immediate Superylelois of Chief Eaelneer Flew. The dim tances from Buffalo to OE Clty'sye follow. : From Ballo talfroston 411 miles Trots Erocion to Alayellie Flom 111Wfillle to Curry Ppm Corry (per 0. U. IL IL) to Titus • Title 7 F r Iltuemlle to Patroletim Cestral 10 44 From Petroleum Cent. to 011 Car... b i - • From - Buffalo to 011 City ' 1384 Slone as Sy. Loom, June 10.—Areeriling to Secretary *WSW. etatemente, receipts of flour inereweil Wispiest week 1,403 barrels, as compared weit the st•tentrot of the previous on.. Them le o 0 eopadeneein the fastigiate... of tree present„ph., ghoho,o great On . e: enee of opinion yenta:la among holders. flume believe that it !el entirely useless to attempt to bolster the fearkat,•and'one of them acting upon this re.. Winton Gold MO barrels of 'spring double extra Saturday at II per beriel,:fully Ii per Marti /we than was paid lathe ern half of the week. Another dealer avid 1003 bstrem titmice [babble extrsiMed/yibutti ti be inmanfeeturelf front fall wheat at fie per horn, delivered any time he. Imam neerand' the Ores of January next, at th•OpUoit of the eeller. Thu., • syMetuatio beefing of Its market Is in pregresi, and • abOuld the weather continue One until the .Iperhent wheat erten to fall ly to tlis meek there Will tangy MOW an. unpwalieled break-down In prices, If the peace le maintained la this ormaitty Mad In Europe.—hew. Sive 'York Cattle Market. jay Telegraph to the Pittsburgh liazettot , New York Jane 13.-13oeyee—the market L tkus tar has peen pretty settee Mb week, and with an Improved tomtit% the market fog drama.) beef; Inc.. a shade firmer that all th e dims at Monday. - The yards thne rar 0OnterollObehol:of fair avers+. gradee, & b il e % lit (sans fnt anO n es= r, at parr[,. rt..eneehing Ito hignedt genre, while S:readyll 7 4lzprimej t. Sw v iiiamat.{7 ataat 0736w1ta. Awl =pia aunts. • ' mrszusaim Auuncrre. Gems or tee Pm - resonate ClAMerrs, TrwasnaT, June The geneini. markets continue dull nod nn. settled, with but little pro•Pect at present of any Immediate improvement. In value., there arc no te nder worthy of special .notice, though thendey still keeps downvenrd.and the impee.slon" prenalls that for Flour and Genie, the bottom has not yet been touched. GROC4RILS—Tbtiv I. a fair Maine.. doin g In the grocery trade, and while the market is reported steady, prior, have undergone oo es. lentlal Minor, &tenet—Cuba, 11.41613 c; Porto 11 ,41143,1 c; We, Orlesos , ]tom; erunbed, lt,tici "A" Coffee, 1540: ..n" Coffee, Inc; and "C" Extra. Miff 111olaiten—New Or. lOnoe !dc< Cahn, 1.490 c. Rlce—loalle for Hangmen. Coffee-21c fee routing; ehiic for coned. and um/gze for Feline to thotce. .GRAlN—There IS not enough doleg In Wheat or parley to establish guotattons.l2pria IM dull nod neglect:ed. with m ;Ircoplog ten dency, we quote sicreloally rot WlteeM for prime Shelled. oats dull but unchanhed—nlslo, on track and wharf, and tic, to .tOre—aale of Ito bag. at Gte. nye la dal' and nominal 0161,25 • FLOUR—There Is no improfewent to este to the deemed, and while the market ',ls dull and uellettled, prices are nomitielle unchanged. We eouttnee to quote at eigiyabgi fer Spring Wheat{ /13,6 W:l4 (or Weiler Wheat. Sale of IP) tibia ••White Star•• et $12.60. Rye Fluur Is quoth at Ilia r,43, PROILS/ONS—liacon la quiet and clrivNgtil—teguler jibbing — asks at iligc for Skinhien; MO for Ribbed, and tilie for Clear dirfea , and lblie(1160 for Canvassed Sugar Cured /lama. Lard is•quoted at lac; Urged Beef at:See/Me for plain and cane/mad, and Sim Pork ati/kideid. TATlJLContinue quiet and the trod. rimy is downward. We nov%nuo,e reach Blow. imitate at tri , ri to per bushel. LOGS—Continue scarce and in Alemsull, and rrealipackell aril without much dilliculty at LI u-4—mostly at :Me. nurett—ll quiet and unchanged. We con flour to quote at If tolle for fresh packed, acid ide i is for treat. Polk DRIED Pitt/LT.LII9II and unchanged; email salmi to store at . efjge for Anpica, and togdlte for Peaches. • SALT—Ie dap but nominally unchanged may be quoted at 1ta,30. on track, aid $2,40, de. livered. SEEDS—Mem Is 1:10t enough doing 111 Seeds to establist quotations. Flaxseed, would sell at 511,0422,60, but there Is little oi none Witt. tog.. ) 11.—Lard Oil Is quoted: at/Zit - 84c for No.l, and No. tat $1.0'e1,06. IlAY—la dull and neglected, with - • drocda lnx tendency. tYle• quote at igted'3 per ton, o prime Timothy. CENTRAL LIVE-NTOCIL RARRET. Orms Gs. rtrL17.711.1rija_ane73...47.,1 ARRIVALS Oirkr , OCt 0./.11 , . TRR W.A. The following statement shows the number of ours of stock received at the Central Yards during the week ending Wednesdny,lune 19th F. Ft. W. & C. l Cattle. 1/04*. Sfirep. id 100 Yr &P.ll.ft u t I I P.C.GC,ii. ft. /I 54 • Total Same time last meek There has been • remarkable change in the market compared with lest ,week. Owing to unfavorable reports from the east, • less num ber of buyers In attendacce, a pretty good sup. ply .and a material falling off in the demand, the. market was a very hard otte, being devoid of life or animation, and prices hare drelloed fully one pent per pound on the best grade+, and thedifference in common and Inferior tat tle Is still greater. The same kind of cattle trhlch hut week.•brought.loe., sold it ec thie week, and falrisitatoek whkh then brought Pig teen, sold thin week at rig tot. Stockers solo . r at from Eric. according to quailly,wllleb Mao is a decline. The Impression seems to prevail among dealers, generaily, that the bottom bits not yet been touched, and that cattle, like Flour and Many other articles, timid come down, as there has been no just cause for the exorbitant prices which have been prevailing for, some two or three months past. Beside*, during the summer months the demand Jaffa off materially In all of the /ceding marker, andibls, too. will hive a tendency to depress the market, The quality of the cattle on sale this week, was fully up to the usual standard, and some of .the cattle, if they had been here last week, would have brought one cent per pound more. 1,0 VW; 10 w 10 11r1+ =IN The or:lrate of Sheep were not eery large this week, but with bard markets east, the de. mend was only moderate. and compered with last week, Prices are ♦ shade lower. Az will be seen or reference to the sales, prices muted from 4% to 6c, C 0.., the outside figure Only being obtainable for prime far mutton Sheep. The bulk of the best grade. sold at from Olcio 6.1 g, and commonish at 4 , 4 to Cg. • Royer. Seller. No. Price T, to Ilettric9 7,21 79 II '93 Hellos & 10 Plalcoelt 101 70 a6O Hedge. &T. to Baroley--... 401 9.1 470 Panicle to Itasel-.- ''o9 44 oar head Sweeny to Rawl. ......t:.... 347 05 4Mt to Howl • 10... 80 4to &T. to /acme...-. 200 07 673 3lyere & fleetly to Pldcock.. aoa 01 aam Price [01.19000k ^66' 67 4to Elliott tri.Pideock....-.. 701 6 Oi -,- . 203 92 a 37 Cure. t 6 tleltrlo6 ..00 Of 670 31yety to Dettlich 201 Op sio Picie . . 11,4 66 6 uo - - betnmri WIHAWS.. to Dettrlch ..111 65. 675 - 112 63 50 V head The market for thin crass of stock has been. quiet but needy Outing the week, and c ; pared with last week, prim here undergone 1 but little ctune. Philadelphia itogal 01 'Olll I...can by reference to Input 44nel...brought .from 6,768:7.25—but very feet lialug shove 7. . 1 New York Hog. doll, and map be quoted nom- I 1 teal at 61170.4, an to quality. ' I ; Seller. Buyer. . No. aege. I•rlce. j '! Ltifetty to Olichrent.....__ 113 7701 705 Hrow to Glichielst 236 2.20 a 75 ,Merton to Gllchrelst....... SS 2,0 0(A Alletton to rillchreist Cu 200 •703 1 Allertoo to Glichrnst Iv mu 005 Frew tualichrent _-. 119 -Uri 650 Crow to Oitchrein =1 oat 431 i Hedge, b. T. to Imbutf...... •60 . 3io 072 ; Hymn to Imhoff 156 701 7 7 , 5 ; Ilyam to Imhoff PO 725 • 7e6 itsdeuhernel to Imhoff log to . 707 . Fey to Imhoff .... WO 0:0 05, Hyam to Imhoff _........... um 240 7 13. nabeth to Imhoff ......-......1 - 4 207 075 Hednes dT. to imbelf...... 02 920 701 Allenon to Imhoff di 700 et Scutt to Imhoff 71 'HO 70 uon.. to Imhoff 09 715 50 1 0..t0 Intheff ' 1771 010 so Mo.. to Imhoff ...... 179 2 2 6 50 Lalfirty a Oh .. to 'moult. Co RIO 66 Quinn to Imhoff—, • 11111 240 00 Woad to Pidcock... l l ...... . 65 100 20 . 111tr057105 Basta 4/71 105311.1. hedges & Taylor fo 31olser 12 tread fair ; stock steer., averaging 003, at 6!!;,, none to Ito. cud.= bend fairish cattle, averaging 875, at I. Smith d Talmage to Note le bead pretty Isle stews, aver iging 1100. at 8. Hedges P. Taylor to Voter 2.57beml common @toed Cattle, 'weighing 18,303, at 5,75. Neff to Wilson It head of rne7llo6l steers, weighing 20,210, at S. Shield. to Mann d Myers 18 head, weighlbg 10,100. at 'Hi. Fenn to Hathaway 30 heed of good eat tie, weighing 20,175, at En),l. Evans to kaynes b. CM. 13 head, weighing 13,40 e. at 53. Friend I to Yount 11 head, welching 10,575, at 8,30. I' Shlelds to Jotit2 Stolth'd Ho. 10 head, weighing 15,303, at 834; 1 3bleids to John McArille to head, . weighteg 2,703, at 0%. li'llson to Mayne. a 00.14 head at 7,077,171112 head at 6,60. Betts to .John Smith d 00. 75 hearof good cattle, weighing 96,035,00 ex*. John Mon to 'John orolth d Co. 7 6 bead, weighleg 90,673, at 0. Hedges h. Taylor to Alaynes & Co. 17 head at 0,5403730. ifeakets to Yohn 17 head, W ‘ elghing 11,6.1.5. at sg. . .. Oirreinuitun pErstousium lituutrr Onion Or Tilt Prrrentinum Gasirrii:/ ruensonT, June 1.1, CRUDE—The market was moderately ae• tine to-day, the reported sale. reaching About eleven thousand hugely, and white the general tone of the trade is weak - and depressed, pikes exhibit no material change. Sole of lob bbis. on spot. at ae—bble to be returned; 2000 bids In bulk,lnr.tiquat, at 7%; haw bbls for wit 1000, buyer. option. at 12'4, and MO buds on tret, to 014 a control, et 7—considered above the maw krt. / Telegrams from 011 Olt, are rather eon. flirting. One dispatch quotes et t 2,00, and dull and drooping, while another reports plenty of buyers at. 02,26. REFINED—There wee not a single operation In bonded bIl !cedar, and while the market Is dull arid depresst 11, prices :re nominally. u. changed: We board of Wirers to tell standard white for June, at - &Cy, deity:red In Foil. dviiittia; and for September to Debember, at Alija. Frio. light straw to white may bd quo. Led aoudna ly et NIX,a, delivered lo Phliadel• phis, which may be considered equivalent to about WO, free onboard ears here; or Som. Litiny like Wee tunas per praUon for the ell ea chat, eof packsaps• Time an the 10.111 na. urns we have ever been called on to report In hiatOry of the trade. OIL an WT.. [ASS!". A. Y LL • 00 Co, 034 hbla ref, to Tack, Bioa & Co, FOWL. o w IL antlers. 0.17, 1/20a DlNCriallf• norm • itm reseed to dub ,...10g w ° :,.‘ T ,„ h ".... Petty, nt do dodo, pale. Ref St Co,. 017Ret ( „ o. . ri r c t , ,, , , l ntlaollutchlo- Flltial A U Young, 100 do 4.,!,:‘,4 1 z""cl:n: Moore &Co, DO do do, to Fhilallenryt W hiackeown • do do, do do Zee . ' Albakey itMatle Market. Cllr Telegraph m the iliumargh nuns.] Jinni /I.—The Cottle. Market Amazed in • decline Of 4o live weight from lain week's prioef,. IMO tride h.. Aeon remonablr setire,some 3,000 bout log hand* at 70So for 00mm0n.814493.0 for orineart to good, and 100100 for prone roars. The demand for t leastern motkete bettor than for Noe York. New Yorkers Miming no ellepontion to OlkondeM Kr - Miele of 400 sheep, slow of palest Otialeale for oommon light to prime b.rtni shear d. itseelpte of 4,000 bogs at moderate regnant; .M(tar4o for *Ma= DOM fed. dupply,Zild. =I Financial Matters in New 'Fork. 1 PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. FULTON, BOECNIAN & CO., behentracture the ben field Cie...tit as [By Telerraph to the PHtebu.gh "axottr.: Neu' Tn...lucto 13, IN 17. GOLD AND IKOSCr. r ..e, 10 dtmoledly easier and the market fully supplied, 3 per cent. on governments and bon stock collaterals. dialling dull, 1-10 to!{. Gold dull all day and opened at 1.175 , ,; fell to It, and cloned at 1.17!..... =I • Government stocks were active and drm to the forenoon, and closed with less doing but steady . The following am the closing prices Sixes of 'di. registered. 11c.,•,,d0 coupons,ll2%; do 5.20'a register.). motions of '02.110; tin of 'al, 10Cx,:t of 163, km do, new. 113%. 10•10's, registered, 993;:t do collocate, 100 l 7-11 . 1), that series, do 2d and 31, 110%. MEM '• Tie Chtonserdif says foreign bankers are somewhat disappointed at the Cable for not kavlngreported the fllrther reduction to the bank of England of the Tato of 6- Count and regard the early decline of Id per tZlst as almost cattalo. The railway mar ket (teems' grmer and ruttier Waller, bet aubsequently declined, and clotted weak. Toe 88 press _Sig there is n general fear of millloy war beta, en New York and Penn sylvania romla t ontl close ontnnetion in un tlcipattel on through boobies]. with Mu West. Tills has !educedanew large hold er. to Mellott, which adds to thu weak neks of the market Iltacullaneous ehtres are all lower, but the steward movement in prices has checked Int• the preeeat the chary drone., In Pavia° AIME Coal stOcks 510 Walt amtarel. • er.onibit QUOTATIotie. The follow rug were the eleglng nriceß at 5.0 r. Y 1 American Gehl 187% Ohio thlextes 2554: Centoo 11. 4 1 e. o*. ter Power 0.11014%; Curneerlend Coal 7f`4o /tango... pref. red 1%)(021; Wiiiitern I:11 toe Telegraph 14MO: Pacific *tall 1.t.001.10; At lantic 111.11 10114410; ErloGOVN04;1(1,11.1.1 giver 1..;a1i0.h grading 1;7 0101; 2 dlehi• gunbn ..1 , 411N,4; Rano. ..entrni Illetlfillheoutner Pittsburgh beurri4.l: Toledo /Pel 1111 , 4, Hoek island 0N600., North...Ow ix 1104,31.111, 9T4TC no3'pn. Border Stain hand n quiet nail ikt.r.afly{ now Tennesseer,e7B , 47 7 ) , ii lineouris, len.; North Carolinas, l. Corydon, usgllu ; ..regarv, 573, Wit h sales at CV, C.% ... ett hs; letertsise. lid: Col mute, 69 ; "H^. ol . 2 J 1 . 0 ; realile, Ss; Quartz illlt, Ino; Walkill, 61. • WWI*. Ilt ex,ry. 4.1..t2ii,514, In eluding en4torto, 0711,0 , N, and gnlil notvs n3en., s3;Wri,lls. New York Pregame Slerket. lIS • Tr let reel, to the Moen.. Ores.. I Nme Yong, June /s.—ktottoß loss nonce. Ibut very firm; sales 1101 bales oplanni ut Itc. Fluur'lmar autlve and Illif,k/o lower; re. t . e.l,lpts, 2,117 bbd,; sales ,t.ss suDerilne State and Wemern, 1T1111•ve....30; extra Weak I ern; Iln,7 3 l.ll o .lklrlflpeltig ohm, tes,p, bralude, 112,olfg13.:k1; St. Louis, 1 , 11,k,M112,5M winter, 515,110416.5 r, It y e riour dun; Mules :MU bhln. at 11.1,ungko,0o. .11 Luke,, .11.3 It, bond. receipt, nd bur; maOtt owl and heave, ambit:ally 0.49 v lower, sales 12,50 u Our No, Chicago ate 12,15; Dom No. I Mil -1 wank., tr,lall whale Canada. tr,lS l tl2,e4; white elouthern, 4/45: Ikvo dull and heave; small eales Western, 11,3:411,40. Barley dull. jNuIL emnlnal. Curt; reeClDta 11,301 bus; opf•ned dull and lryle lower; ens,. Dotter; ' swport demand goner; rate, Mpitel bus now I 'lc.. mixed 14'estern m1a.1,04; chblee 41,1r/41,16; rid end new to., ti ° t ' ; U f i l I , I ll n lrf; I S I C; n r tm " I Oats receipts 14luo, market dull and lower; wester: 1.9%7.h now Ohm 014 stateS3. liter Ilrm. entree Wet. elftgar active,- sales nt latO hogsheads,. Cuba, lut,Millt;; Port. II tist,l2. Molusser .flutto; rules of Iro hogsheads of Cuba at XL, Petroleum crude 11, reflned .1.3 In bond. Mons dnlet and on ' changed. Pork lower, saint , of 14.50 barrels , at v1.6°421,7.5 fur now mem closing 521,35 ; caret V 1,50 fur 01 , 1 mess; IltrAltill•, 7s ru Whita and friI,FITY2V.OU Damn nos, Beef steady• rater of gal barrel. at 414 104V2, Us fur new p i nto HO. MS. and Stl,trapaon tor extra mere. Beef LISMIS 'lute{ 11t....t0tt Woo. • limos dull; vato^. 01 211 tulles at Comberlund cm; ill.; swot ribbed; 1,..3 , ,„at I short clear. Cut treats unchauge.ll sale• of Packages at for Ofnulden, rn.l 120113)4 tar hams. Lard Item; LEO barred as 194111 for to•se. Lien., Ilene, at 7410 I - relator, In I.l , rprefl strfely; MAIO burl,,,.uf corn per railed. puttee. LASH,. 5 wit —l.' ens cawed dull; 110,15 lower, with bull, limited in-al toule demand. For n 1 heat Mere.• a downward Mud. ney, Nn 1 Suing V 1, 1 5 4 -2.23, No. I. SPrtnit, 41,304 42.4 11 . , lull; $l,l , rue W,•x , ern. Marley Honstool. Oats dull ut keljSl,lnf/tr western; We fur hew Oulo Corn is denser and Itf moderato demand far export at 41,141 for lOW to :me nevi a - extern mlxod. Pork IC er; 1,2:1) bids. Iders SLi nd 730 !g,.,. let at Sil,SOgyil.ern Chec k n ext M Pr !squirt and ....ply. Earn, lino,. v. LW jC for Cumberland cut and ~•• for snort rat,. Lard Is firmat to prime steamed, and 12,,ke fur kettle yea. Mired. .44 IN 1 - 1 110 Clnethmtit Ilarkot. thy Tirdraph to the I'Ll3,r d t tieett, ClNel.r..urz, June 13.—Flour unchanged and quiet; Finn!ly, and honey V4a13,:10. Wheat to good — dein:old; the ' country and city tuillere are buying; Win ter and Spring Fare not wanted; ssles of 0.&0 huAtiels Winter id f2J.h for Rejected. 4:,75 for No. .4. soul s.:Jai fur No. I; the celpts are trifling. Corn opened dull, hut nicest with ku 001100 dons oloi at 70e for Nci, 1 Mixed, but hOldore acted 00/9.1, at the close which Ow cked bu.lness. Ifyc doll: No. I . aold at. $lB5 this afternoon. Otto Steady and la moderate demand, at nue for No. I and pc for No.'l Cotton uncnatp,J; holdcra ate a shade Brain, hut there ffo demand; Middling eh• awl apt/final. Pork dull; V 21.75 1 , olleted, but te Adel h and: 112 . 2. Bulk Monts unchanged and shpt.., 71 rar Shoulder , and 0 .1.141 , 0 tor Sete, and tic for Clear Sides. ;Goon In lair defnalet7at Be for nhOuldera, 11c for Sides, 11%0 for Clear lilt Sides, and 1N4f11.21. for Clear; the demand from the Smith 10 ntoany, Lard ho f 0,1,1 1 . 2 ! - “3 Out t.nyerm do offer over If. liut.c anel ' Cheese unchanged. Gold Lail-8 buying, 137!.; belting. • New Nbrk Dry Good.. Market. , lin Ire/seraph to me Mfussrsh buena.; !Um Tors, Jude 13.—The dry goods mar ket remains quiet, but the protinctlon Id sustained, and price. ue alsoutstatned. limited Inquiry prevalla for anuonable atyles of cotton gemax. • Unbleachml mas h. are telling at i3e (or best makes of and and. hbeetlngs—ules at atga!to tar arr, mut and light for common light and Itn.ls Iltin for and heavY. In bleached ulna ling there is no part... Mar crtoge, the Mad mak., are scum, and .high, while med tn and Inferior quaint.. are bionic and the market dopreared. Lbint'ground prints, In net ilk... nrellrm. ntrlpel tell slowly at low rate.. Gingham...ls, beat brands, um firm and In moderate request; Inferior makes am not in rent...Mount] ther du not arem ‘deptessed lhalalnes sell moo iv, at Me for regular makes.poultna Icels,,e, the latter ram for Amoiskehg and tor Haymaker and i Union. • PIE Lout. dlOrkick R 7 telerraPh to lb., Iltosurak ti•zette• ST. LORIS, 3 r eported l—Cot ton—enum ;witry hot no sales r. ,Iterno unchsourd. - Plour—no animation; studio rktra, styaugiu, tor sprlog; double extra, cog (or gOOO to ctuuoc. tall. SIU.:OCHU. 11 Le. stun, &t. (or good 'an; 4 . 45 . ‘or Polon , 4,2,710.“.;..... for [moire.' Corn—prlces ruugl . ng at elUttic. elute—the Inaiket favors buyers; ck.ing at 700.. Pork duiland lose Da wn dull; 0..; for shoullor, P.t;jc tor clear K. 1.5 , 6(111.5 tur or cured 01111T/11.11. ,0 burns; salsa of clear rules, or last bolt July. 115. Lsrd vvry Wiliaky numb:l.lly unanannuo. New Orleans Market. tor Telces - soh to the 1 . ..1,1A,, tlatet . di• ; . N Gamma, Juno 13—Cotton 6111Thr; P/1.1,1 I,IW Iwleu 'lll4l4lllRa at . 21! lc; r.ctittra of 5,1 ozoorta 2..‹; into.. :913.11 fair Lo' lhi.luk prim,, nal° Rico 11' 51olasseat no quotation, Flour 1•1;rt•,till and unsettled; tuourtloo °hob,. $1:.:11 Corn dull; volfow mad tubtad Cade' J. 15; whlto 61.17tya1.W. Oat. 911 c. Pori, very flacon; lair Jobbing ,;ualuo.at with tamable'', at ID, rib% 12'4c, nod olcur at 18%, • Gold 'VG terllnst 47.4451;4." Now York Bight Exotiango . llulf 31syket. ley Telegrabli m the it.t.iturgh llasstle.l Ilesisco, Janw 13.—Flour steady, sales 01/1 bulls spring at 'VI Wileat neglected. Cara opened quietpAnall rules '.:amen at 634/1 KS*, and after rimstot of Earoarau 'and Weetprn news at :Ort .10.1.1 higher at tile eiose, oats quiet; Salts tSI,OOO bush Ohio at 7 WirSr , 2 western tiiiiitetl nominal at ase. Rye dull anti unehangeit Barley quiet et sl,ln' for Canadian. Mess Pork, Lard and II tgwloes without Omega. Freights lb'. Itecelptsof is* 110111a/11(w,, 135.1 10 bu s h porn, 5,500 bets flour. Slaranetits—MMU bus cOrn, 61,107 bush out. • litteago Market. 7 41,1,... (Hy 7 . .. layman tuthe o n l'ltt , urao uette.l \ _Cntcsoo, June 13—}'roar quiet and 13 changed. Wheat yule t toulnale lower than' yesterday; Rains of art I at $1,03, No. 2 at 0 1 . 72 01, 3 2; Clrantir cult. nt sl,ro for No. 2.: Corn Opened heavy at HeSuqc, 11 4 1‘,1C0.C. and closed steady at bakete,..,O for No. 1. Oats opened advanced 3c. and cloned weak at 6503613 tor No. 2. Ilye JUL] and 30 lower at MOSMI,IO for No. lln atom. Harley nominal. Provisions quint. lataa.Hork g2l. Lard 11t44/11Mc. Loolacllle Marko.. t,lty Tel erroph to the I . lt...hurpt Gszt the.) .rl.oricyttat, Jane 13 — 4 ,./ce of 311 It ham. Af Tobacco; burr, tt,7se2,Pli leaf. 4tatst common to medium lirginia trran Waal aro i s \ .., of blight lent, $l.Ol. nottrt map.: arta, s9@ 9,75; fancy. 410. Wheat; C for ol Cora; .13..110, 7047Jc; balk, - IC, agT, d o ven.d. O bulk Gttiotc. Mot.. Turk, It.t taco; allocation', 10,itt packed; clear ablest, c. , nail imam, Lard; prima loath, rataleratl, l'ltt;c.. Cotton 'Vic. Itaw Whisky untatthltal :61,18,11,11.1. Milwaukee Market. 11l Tele/wee 43 tte rittOrintb Otaette.l 1311.werat ¢, ono —Flour le week; (31re X.X..4110/11.33: country do. $1 11 .37010,141 N. 13/.33410. Wheatmoseittled; 1,33 for No. 1; tteelf 12317 for N0.2;111,73 roe No. 31 .1,13 , re. Joct.Kl. Otte is unsettled with 37e. for No. Cora—nom:nal at 3310 for No. 1. Receipts of POO bile. 'lour. 11,00 ha wheat, 3,mal he, oat. root 2 too lm. corn. Shiro:name-40LO bile, polar, 31i,taw bu. wheat, 11M lor. oats, I=MIETTEII COYlracsph to Um rittsbur.o bluetW•l . 11a1,1110Ita, June I.—Colfee was quiet. Flour unehanged. Wheat In Improved mond; sales ot '2,1100 !men 111arylead red, Wi,aSf2. B 7. Corn dull null flechnlagOwhitc• lefeiffl,ol; mixed western, Mc. Sugar flrtn and If. hoproved denoted; bur to good rclln. Itroglsfons 91001 MO Whisky nonstnal, at #1,(01,33 bonded. I= he Teirrrahtt to the 11.tabergh tlasett.] PthtAnetreze, JINN. 13.-Flour; there With llttle Inquiry reel prim* wens week Ann. .9010. Wunut dull. 1100 A°. Coro enVor dull and low., allb. 0 3,torfl be O en: renew, $1,06; white, Tac. tea, declining; mare et 730. Whisky In bone, $1,.88. enfenniitottle narked. Talagrave to the rittaberan tfanette.7 Cott:Apo. Jane 19.—!leaf Cattle armor at 08.74.9.tre foegood to cnolce Deane.. Hoge saliva and WOO 'higher. st 40.9064,3750 ter common tenon grade& !Sheep very dal' • Toledo Telttr.nnto.tist jtl ia n bo rki Illy rgh t tlaz . ette.) Totwoo. O.; Juno I&—Flour dull, decant o an 4 dlw o o n So H a W lo t w r h ; i N te o I olaat Wab O a ts Lake grolgtitai nothing going. ' ===l • • • cos Telegraph to tt. Pittotru , a4 ti•matle.; • Jane U.—Cotton Inactlvo and obrolnal. at 23111 - c; racolpt4,3N, exports, Btl bale. Cam dui' and deollnlng. at 1.41 , 41 . ( Qatar =Luta uualumgoa. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY, JUNE 14. 1867 CORDAGE, 0 tk UM, T i 2 eTery nriety. W.N 5 h.....e. 114 & LE water St. Call or acrid for Circular. RIVER NEWS The river continues to recede at than Point, with three feet eight inches in thb chan nel by the Monongahela marks lag evening. The ereather,ws• oppresahrely hot In the nun, and at times there were Indications of rain. The Rnht. Moore, from . Portsmouth, and Grey •Enle and Rayard. from Parkersburg, conatitute the arrival.. The Eagle haa laid up ftr the prezent . The Bayard gat air again about four h'e:oeit in the afternoon. She will hardly be able to make mote than this trip. The Veltman, for Cincinnati end Louis vibe, and the Ilelleverhon, for St. Louie, peeled with all the freight they could take on the water. The Bellevernon had a barge to "tow, and the had a fair number of passengers. The Kate Pattern got off Want [louse sumo- time dutingWednesday awning or nlght,as she pasted by c Logstowell early yesterday fore noon. "Glass Beate was clear yesterday afternare, amt.it is probable that the Bayard and Itehevernon would get - through with but little alllculty, all neither' one of them was drawing much over three feet: . . The Silver Cloud No. 2, Capt. Conway, Is ow landing for St. Isou'a, Copt, McCallum, of the Armenia, who was In Lein, nut eating to venture out on the present low stage of water. • The Belle Is due here from Omani:tall today nod will return tomorrow as usual. mile Is a good low water bust. The Belle, Glendale and towtmat Wild Duck, left Utrwlnnsti foil Pittsburgh on Tuesday. rise Gleuslale is reported ns having a good trip. The Rohl. Moore. enroute front Ports. mouth to Pittsburgh, passed Pomeroy an Tues• We are It stated that the Great Ilenublic or. tired at St. Lout, on Tuesthiy; four days and twreivstwo hours out from New Orients.. She wee to have left St. Louie again last eveulne, and will 'rare Cairo tills evening for. New Or leans. The St. Marys passed Machination Tueaday night, ensure from New Odense to Wheeling, wSere she will be repaired and placed Is the Wheeling and Cincinnati trade, as • regular. w eekly packet. a Capt. Dryden telegraphs to the Cincinnati Catercrord ander date of Tuesday r ' hirer falling slowly, with mutt 6 feet in the paes over the falls. Cloudy, luilimiting rale, wind west. The &mato° leaned ChM], through the canal. The at. Mauro totalled on.. The Hercules, with empty barges, passed up. ST. LVVIS, Junti IL—The friend. of Ureatliepubllc here are well pleased with the dashing tine she Is making. She will Ire hire this afternoon. The de,/lue in the flyer ono- Urines( here", and •to Cairo. with twenty feet water la the channel. The ('peer lflaaleslppl la .111 defog. and lever has Lea n at a better stage at this seamorof the year.. Uravy cm au es strive every day I:ornate uppereta eta. One boat brought yeaterda 6.4 tone henry, to bacco.. grain, dc, tram the Missouri, and another 4.0 tone. The email stern-wlicelct Shelton ha. beets soldlor atom, and goes In a another,. bayou. Eight mountain home were reiently aground on Win. Lake (Sr. The New Orleans Tinier “y.: A card all. l amed In our paper a short time .ego, mating at the steamer PhD Shendan pasted the steamer Lady (ray under way. The officer. of /ay ( cry ackuowledge that thenisei-14, pase t le n, but soy that they had a crippled , wHeel six hundred time of freight On board, wbi,e Sheridan was sight. There are men will ..ache Gay running by the Sheridan if they , . loaded übuque Peruld soy.: manfrtnight to the Tones Informed it• o. 100 •lis ne assistant miperintendent hod rived frownar which everybedy suppoecd Unseal, Wm. , L. Wellington waste hate ast...nee hereafter ha the petfo , titmice of his duties as seperinten. dent of the Northwestern Union Packet ClOl- pang. Now, hi , wever, the 7 1i...declare. that there wen ojoke hidden in the Above sentence, ono that ittele:n.4llo the Let that lir. W. had only been eosisted In Inc:comae the labors of tae &sous taker: the story 01 the man who hod to write under hte picture, -rt. Is a horse.!. ismi A rtenius , ts ard a style of saying;'', .. this it • ike "we alw , a ys laughed et to mln I broadly fo p rced, but here comes anlilostration g ' In (tot.'' The Cincinnati G.:ate, of Wednesdsy, says: The Wild hulk can In `e . to day with her bares, and pn.seeded un to Pifront th ttsburgh. We , rein receipt of conimmilcatlon o boats t in witlchick4eptions are takers to the remarks, ; of the LOulsv the (Americo., relative to the pew- '. et el the Goat to handle her barges. It is a I. matter Of no Brent mrenent. tor , we feel tea . II the Wild !Mel Citnnot take care of her on ro e , tier °watts will proteibli procute-n tame ' on that cnn. On the that trip of the Tempest from Lout. ; ville trgSL Louts, elle ottempted to gn by the ' 'Glendale, when; It Is charged. the latter sneer- i mien her, and the consequence was a roillsitto, which damaged the former boat slightly. Violin arriving at St. Lunt. the Glendale paid all the : ect.ts of repairs. and so thiluatter drop. 1 Dad the Tempera been mink, and lives lOst,. ! i we that enderCho. (Andre. . wo would haye paid domes in The' - Louisville Gl:airier ”serts that Lhe r, c " t r t. '" &l Lau, eta...."=,11 - gll7AowntiP,:, _ ',leans. Per eO.lO, an 1.0 I. some the for • ' saying a propositino has been submitted for the It. E. Lee and Great ileoutdie 40 form a regular line between St. I. , ute and New Or- . lion, ;easing alternate soma), 'and Thur.- i day.. 1 Capt. Dr Raven le to St. Louisoplalolac . the prioripit .of his proposed new hoot, Anil soliciting stock toliseribers. The,".. Inderses the 4 •aptain's h quoit power.. but hos • little to soy concerning the boat. ' • The Louis% ille Devix-rrit. of Thursoy, has : the following, in reference to . ..nue i of .our ! towboats: jos. B. au o is r E s 3 .BA O. . . It tens reported by the .. .peened" sheet that _let 1 - • we tSV•lL " .rbtrs . h * le sc " t nl Vo . f ° lfi: ' ;7 'c s ' t 1 Wm. DIARDOEM A. CO, ' • tows of COM not ever went South. The Boaz, r ill anew mid nistromoth towboat, lies at J Wei- ; • t o foes rise, le siert with A tow ! llannractltrers and Wholesee Dealers In of shout Lmo,COn bushels for New Orleans. The i tow Is now remly, lyiog at West Louisville. ' The A. J. Bakes leaves for New Orleans to- , BROOMS " day with nine barges =Wiper boats containing .. cost. . . . •The some paper .150 says: The 2...7. Doter , Broom Brush and Broom Fludiugs. v n drunken chap Inn alit, right tan.. ; ~ below l:AirO, coming up last.trilli Ile got. hot. ' e . ` dry Inside and wet outside. The St. Laois Democrat,' of 'Wednesday. sty, Of e hove the renowned steamer Great Republic With to actin. Me think it will be Minns:Pio fled any one sow who will say that thisi steamer is straw. Sue has Leen gluing every trip evidence caveat speedotod we hat, reneon to believe that she eon do etill better even than last trip. et business ;trip of four da)a one hour and twenty minutes to I ',lre, and four days twenty-one hours to r.L Louis Is ,cr well. i !evil lers are either attest ouw, or .pear in terms of praise oilier Went timeline. I .apt.M t. Inaldson left theta. art.:alto to go to Pittsburgh on • temporary 1151 t. The boat had a one trip or people. I • Telesreph to the Pittsburgh Gazette 3 111 s xrx :a, June us.—ltlver felltutg steadily Thermometer Kt deg. In dhude. ••' • • • lwaritiv u.c..1 —lLtsor (chin g *low y, lth nut beet lieu mann. by canal mark, • lie Tel,rapit tothe l'lttal-urKh I.IVI ;WI A than,. and Paclhe T-legampli Company.] Jun M.—River tal 'lnd.% and fellow niOwly. WcatbeGelear and warm. I :criwaevit.t.c, Jumf Z.-41 Iver„ four fret wrol f•ilma Weather Clear and norm. Oa. Geri, June et —filrer 21 Inch. a stnuouary. Iretatther clear and p dleasant. nd • . , 11.21P05181 BY JIIIAILIROAD. PITifter6OII.FOAT Wir3rEtt June 13 --1,0 kg. guts, C Vamonem 11 11.• rags, I lid! rope, Godfrey Clark; 30 bdla imper, r blickle. & Co; du do, Nnilth a Ca; to do du, Se/lem & Vangorder; 101 1,11. flour, Jo. Gard, nem Mu do do, Watt Wllsou,• ID, do do, TI) Jr kin.; 100 do do, J II line; 100 do do, Kirk w Co; too do do, Culp & Shepard; 100 ples, H A Fahne•tock & Co; 10 Uhl. sloths, Leckie. Sellers es Co; 15 bag tobacco, Aleaus a kega tobacco, .1 3 Illliotirth; 10 do do, Staler, Spencer S (Jo; 1 car, putrdoe., I , h. 00,110;12 tom dices, W It Nieltostrlck S Co; as Mae pearl, G S ICrop; 10 bundle. 1110,6 do wheels. I do neck yoke., T Bare & Bimb OMI merau iron, Spank; (Matta/it &Co; 2 ha. cheer, Jam. Beck; 1 ha bats. 11 , Richardson; 1 cook lug .0010,51. Petemon & Co; 3• lo lsacrap loon, J II Jon., 2 Ws tall, 3 ito horn., A llouveler; 15 bblelbaitalo•C do rag.. Voles Attu; 16 dal Pada, il 111001 e; 00 .k. rag, 111c/lant w Anita; a bee bile, T Camby. PmlCltOrtim, CoLVllllba /WO Otitdmilia.2l 11 IL:Jona 13.-1 ear oat, Campbell Brown; I do do, 11 131 Hendemon; 3 Dela dry apple, 1 Back do, 5 do. rag., 1 Ira Meat, Watt a 0.11wn; 1 01,1 egg.. Adair, 311l1e0 & 010001 113 .0. oat, McHenry S 47 do do, Sturgeon • pro; 12 hbl. egg, Graff & Reiter; 2 do do, 31 W Itankln • 3 do do, Aldleory a Hood; 'M belle holy, S Fahneolock; l bbl scrap Iron .1 Painter S Son; 40 home rakes, S Hall; 2 crates, starch, New comer, GOO h. Co; 25 boa do, Konen Bro,• 2 plows, J G 111011e0l; 103 (Mla flour, owner; 1 ear mares J St:eery; 1 oar corn, Bricker & Co; mrye. W J bleek;l2 bbl, scrap steel, Ander. .on, Cook S Go; lo eatidlea tobacco, /t & W Jeuldolion; 1 ear oat, owner. I.seressge AND Perganimun Rxigkoane June [3.-41 care pig iron, Maack h Co; ?J Mole potato., GretT k Reiter; 21tossmee ../upper, T Howe; 244 bblc putetoee, P Gibbons; lOC bbl. Mlle flour, IT toteacme, 22 sky Mits. 3do rye. T C Jenkins; 12 car. iron ore, Shoennenter Illeic6 do 010, McKnight, Porter h. (10; 3 keg.. apple butter, W.l_Sterl &Broil:5 bus cheese, Shumaker 1...ar, 23 dooo. Vengarder Shepard; I lox bacon, Mr • II Kirkpatrick M Co; I Les meet, Vulgt II 13°,3 pup susoirles,l keg lord,: bbl. bseun, Cetupe, Mop, evCo. A Ll.le 311ENT 6 Tkrloll, June 13/L. too .bbl. 0 , 0 , . 0 logs oat., Stewart h. Langenbelm• 4 bids eggs, A Km., sdo do, Meek erl..t 00 1 Lk legate. R d. W Jecklneurt; 4 bp cornmeal, Sudden h Thompeon; 4 du do, Kokos Is Line 4 do do, Simi: II Dancer; 4 do do. 1 Obi eggs. ' W Julmetoot 43 kgs I.ed, W .121m/ell ear lum ber, J Nano. ALIAOUIINT,VALLIET 11A11.110AU Ain., 12- 1 car iron. Martin, firlekell a Co; 1 car metal, Nimicd O. Co; s on , . otooc, McGraw a Co; 21 pko produce, J lI G raham. M1,M.1101. AND 6,I I , IIILLOVILLI R. R.. June It-39 Mils Defer, Mettle tr. Hickson; I cur stooe,ltinedoek h Leugtoln;Bo bbl. wblogy S 11111Iger ; 48 rolls !settler. W F Armstrong. 13MUplOATEi. FOR BT. LCOMIN. DUQUE AND CT: PAUL.— . Tbo nur atonnier HP.LI.F.VinnUN..Onot. J. J. UANILAuti. J. 11.111VE onnvo ThULLSDAY, 13Ib Lust, Al p. to. • OULLCnVIZIVAAIC4's 1i Olt ibINCINNATI nada / Ar mle t LOULSYD.I.R.—The splendid and swift steamer UIILUr rr a Cm, 0.. W. Itmxq, Wlll Des shore& anoonond on THIS DAI. at 4 o'cock p, on boanihr to rot ("4"" intli ram su 00,) Alea, Je7 von CINCINNATI and LOUSVILLE. IVERY SATURDAY. AT 1*1.• eon.tem oo..oirar vookot BELL/. LAUGIIBLY. Coomooder J. W. j'rOOO. Cleric. /or frelthl gpni min 5.3 Jo, MA, • Agent.. • lop EGUL4II WEEKLIVgaSk CIN J:f ATI PACKET, LEAVING ILVABY WEDNESDAY AT U Y. —The fleet and earnmooloos • • AnouSY Coos:LAWni VANDIGuarr, w. U. Sem, Clout. /or frilght or oint i onMet i board or to 0/1-44. BAIIXE4b. as.'"•• MISCELLANEOUS. J. C. TILTON'S HIS ce. ' >l. Rj CARBON SOAP. 11:' WARRANTED tawny,nolrorm In titt• ll,, nd made from the porot ,. ..fr ".• (t not tore the p t ` . "mr :Arell r 43! ". f4. ° , t, aou he co . ".tge.deami. N tafiroala 51.11111. r to that of tuo?t. all other . 33 oast Etta..actaa- isOcara. IZIDM • , Bat In addition there hasheen a/new and saint. rein OT The coat . .44as well as the dant fabric can be washed with it and retrial,. soft and glossy ns new Moe pound I. equal to thteeponndsol ordinary Votp. And here Ile. Its chief excellence over all ether soap: 11 1. slm nice forno extensive or complicated direction tor rising. jar un.hlne unrpo.e. It Is 'certainly in...Y, leaving the ante sort and healthy. sod can he Ferri) used In washing Q. tenderest in • fent. Por ad ele.nlnx •ndetead.lng purposes It IS without a deal iii Heeler It to be MIN . :KOH, and that It will he duty uhprerintrd by • dlscrialluatin4 I ilef lee it to ..h , il . andn It. trerlts alne. Ilaqufacturcl and fox . sale w➢ulcaalr. J. C. TILTON, -vim. ID', ST. CLAID ST., PittibU,Ah my7.7a'5.1.1 . _ GREAT SALE OF IFTATCIIEB —u" the t"'?'" "" Vrt.jjr . fg`',3 igir4Vig .uir4a , d 0 W rata, and nut to be pont tut t pleas p,rfactly satisfactory. 101 eolla ardd hunting watches! Sinn to lid T , Haste paced :tool Irate, • pi/ to 30 50J Ladles• watrues, enamel e.l Ito to 1.103 tlold hooting enrol ale ,. watches ' 1:f pooling fig olio'. 3.tto Ptllold hunting Amerlpan ita,enes If° to .ITO (.(lPootVggsvfries 0010 0.0 viatege; EU to 130 10. 1 00 hunting 30 to 73 10.000 Miscellaoroussilver watches tO to Ito Z.lOl Hunt.tn• silver watches 23 to 10 OW Assorted w•tchs. all von% 1110'75 Patron 011lAIII• X watch by this arrange -7,111, coaling but VP. while It may La worth 470 n. So partlatity shown. e wi.t: to Inpnedlately dispose of the oboes man see d stock. i'ertilleves, naming articles. sre viseed In sealed er,elopet. ilulderspre en titled to the article , . usint.d nn their T:f'orVoTtl° l so%.r. l :; . o!iC ,l 47,!';;h'tcV.''Tleb‘r . e ! turn or Loy e.t.a.:Pate tutitlre you tu the artlefe 11•Mfli thereon, upOn naming', irrespective uf It porta. and as nuartio els vpmed et sere than am la name ~{4t op any certid LL p, It will at once be seen that ilits la no lottery, hot rralght.fur ward legil mate transaction. ernich mar be tun. tiel pßied in tp. even the Mutt InelloliUt ar rurs2.l tlitrty.three and t leg pre:plum for P.l slaiy.ala and ere rato•hip toemlum 4,0,. one handed. and 010.1. w.rt, {thatch rot VI. I, A 1 etas or those nlaplng employment tb, 1.. rare op portualty. it la Ait gill mat.-17 business. noir antitori,d•hy the tlovt.rnmet, and open to the upp , ..4relol senator. Try ! g. I 111 ng1144" . .Y pIT'TSILTUGLI LEAD PIPE A.l, • SHEET LEAD WORKS, Mal, to oidn. and te. p on hand , all elna lane Wa aan thlnlnease.. Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, = lwa. kvey on 4224 MATEVIM., ‘ll 1,...N 1.24.1 CR,, &TYAM OAITI:r.h. aTF1...111 . 11r1 . 3, I'LAIN'ANI/GALVANIZEp IKON PICZ. &c.. &c.. C. BAILEY, FARRELL/a CO 167 111417HFIELD ATUEET,yltutiurotl, COEM cuee•naunx v uen,u. ELNAXL. BARR. KNAKE dt BlTE'rrtql, SUccoLon to WA.MELI-SK A. HAMS,. I! N 0,12 tit. Clair 9t., Yillnbur aaar.aaa.re r , (Drgrtlis, laa Mtuacal Good; Inca iy redo Agent. fur the CCeb , cert.lll4/..Dn1.1 NY. ?ie.,: I & CO. CO.'4 "Ct./TT/VIE," snit, EL -H. W. Yuce.N•• WE IL/NS. anaTILTIM% riart..NT lA:TIT/R. • Tim Immt. Italian an.l darga. Vio:ln an .1 Ont. tar oan mann. •17:714 'NE PLUS ULTES. WASHING MACHINES, _NON:DANT BENCD AND TUB; =MEM ECZI=II7TZ! AtLd• MI assortment of llor stkerplog GIpLFTOWS, 66 Federal St., • DEPuT, •Ll—Ktillf:NT WALL PAPER: AT REDEI ( CED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIDIES! At No, 107 Market Street. neler7 and IV/att.:me, In the rest of 5e.13., mucr k Lanes. Soo. 172 and 171 Wood Ng., l'lllobargh el t 2: a 72 J. SCHOONNUITXR, & r(OPIlkIl4/ of the F2"1" . r8331:7.14Cire3S White Lead and Color Works, -Manufacturers of WHIT& AND RFD I.KAILf ZINC. PUT - I' Y. 111.1 M T.EAII. Uttere, No. 07 FOURTII STREET. rar.nry, Tian. 450. •02 404 45f.• and lo,lltcl....cra etr..er., and 40: ' 01. and 5a bac.. 11ZUPE11,1011.0 TANNED,PAT LNT CaIIETCEIZI) .81:13 ILI \'ETELI LEATHER BELTING AND liOgE, ofset V ed itlo. glg MITII7IEI-11 T., bj HARTLEY. EgELpfiec Atm. ly,sata foible* , York Rubber 00. • Gum 13elting. . LtrAiliTtnZl . ll' riot ILI V ElvaOand BURS, k V.L'r THE el uPEILIOIL :MERITS*, let the WIIICELER aWI QNCE WlNtij !MAIIIIN a over all others, for family': and 'general nurposei. are to In II et. labliabod and vo onerallr admltied. film:l' . 'an enumeration of their relative excel-i I ,tee." is do longer mumbler, d 7. They are simple. durable and beau,' tlfal. • it. WlLbrgitN AGENCY, i 7 No. 117 FIFTH MTQELY. p my 7 , . CO.,i: DRIER. CLOSE & Practical Fa flare Ilanufactureri CDR. PEN AND WAYNE-STS , 1 ; 14 , 1.e5t . tile. lIIINITIIIM ....UV IiOLNIES, ELL & CO., ----7 Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsbnrgh, m.46a";::4742EA"CiTitIMPLIt LWLT, 11111PFTINI.1111 AND BATTING/. WEST. COMM MACHINE• • STOMP WORKS, Nor - Omen Corner n Wes Common, ILLAnuorT, ALI VATKR A 00. !Omen. band or prevail. on anon nobles itrAIITO AND STK!. sTONKS, 'LAOS YOH SIU 6 -WALK.S, BREWERY VAULTS, ASo HEAL AND TORII STONES, As, agrOt., en prompt!, op ronAL PRICES KR) Md}2llolViTellflCll AGENCY .-- OD balm 40 lb.. Pearl Ita'rcht ItO Corn do.; trO , " Wirer Ulan Starch. For sale low to thMtl j a.h/ K nr i t t atc nt • TO r•Vtlnnal ate. FRUITS. bbls eleolott bolt re n . etee!; F' bq 3: ; l. 10th =" Tut rooolvell on oonennerLo to 1/10 rode. p-ond for ..le low r BOIIOIIAKEIL LAN de e• atm . meneo SODA4BII-100 CkSe4I O I:IVILIYD; For to by • Ite.A . NTIKI.II Y 01)10.' LEGAL - IN TOE t:OUIIT OF COMMON YLltott OF ALLEtiIIENY COUNTY. '4 Member forto. Libel In Alvaro. irANNAIf CoDUBIN. by bee nest Mood Jean. LamelL To. WILLIAM 11. CUOUSIN. To WILLIAM H. COMMON. sod all other panne lateruted s Ton ine annals/ 00150,4 that the Manna,. appointed to take testimony In Oa above cue awl report to Conn. Inn attend to lb. dollen of nits unnonson ut . nNce, No. 07 (leant .tint, Oily of Mtn burgh, on TUESDAY, tlialelts day Of . 1 Onn,106:, id.y o'clock p,00.' lAt EAuxegioly. _ALLYIe Exanalur. ADIMISTIMATOWPI NOTtCi .- La ttttt Tnottonnotad7 to the Mauro( 11,0 d - MoNAILNICN, lota or Tnnon•ransna.O.lLN hao bneta Tot; 0.14 mate 'M1047100 sane, and that gigolo, Telonoranoevlda. • =1131=2! _ _ PROFESSIONAL. DIDDLE ItOll3EitTS, Attorney -at-Law. Office, N 0.75 I:II.A.NT &MEET air'dPeClal MatecitlWl Oven. Cases In /tn n n, now, McCILILLOUGEI, Attomey-at-Law, Se. 104 1111rT11 MTR.SET. Plitpberee my.u.s I _ C . B. M. SMITH, _ _ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AND SOLICTTOR IN BANKETTPTOT, °Meet , at I/3 DIAMOND STREET. • mr221:57:2:117 EICSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace, AND Pt/LICE MAGIBTRATE. Mee, 50. n Pesosplsaaia Alell2e. riusbu g h, Pa. Deedo, Ron'., Hartman! Acknowledgments wit& o , 11,notItro Ions tantnals and dl. and Leaatcs? Utislatas ..aetoted 1.. A A 11310.14 JUSTICE OF THE FEACE. Conveyancee Beal Estate and Ineurance Agent, CAICION nTREET, 'fiat Birmingham . Collection of Moats eollcttad and giromptly attended to. nagnigto WILLIAM 11. BARKER, • JIISTIOE OP THE PEACE, CyNVEYANCER.4e. °Mee. CAIIPUN PTHICILT, nearly°mine the Itau way Depot, South Pitt...buret. llualnesa en trusted to me care promptly attended CO. my :tat ' DAIIII.II. DICIEAL, M. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN 0210 e and liaaltleate, No. 150 Grant St., near a1:15%x.! 6. , E0. It. COCHRAN Attorney and Connsejlor-at-Law. Oetrae—lrULTO,S LAW ISUILDLYki No. no IiILAN , " ritE.E.T, corner of Yourlit, CI legal Imblaeee ea .o his care will le• celve prompt attenttne. ' aetilsiS I • S. FERGiJSON, J • Attomey-at-Law,- - . NO: Re IICCONn Vt..)n. Inorr ROOK ASH w'.l H. Et. McCOILIIICK, 43 -tt.cor - miezr.s,t..l../war. S 7 Grant Street Prompt attention 'ven to all /kinds of w ts. 11108.111. BAINE, ATTORNEY AT .LAW, Nip. 87 Stich :88:reockt, -.WM:v77 =:M=I ( A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT' LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, =RE JOHN' W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE': Nu, 133 Founin ==frn H . c. M 4( ELL. ATTORNEY & ODONSELLOR AT LAW? No. 6EI Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. B.r.unows, Mate Lora ;Lost. U. V. Sai. Con..] Mice, No. 67 FoUrth SI., second floor, PITTSBURGH, PA, • MIRO% BOUNTIA A.) LULUS, Of PIT Promptly Collected. llrrlte . 7tcah-- g°ae.,..,ek BOUNTY. $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. Soldiers •ho. hare WO Viele dteettarna caritas eaten and who are otherwise entitled to the uldi, glottal 11011 h•ootr. can hare thee eases at tended to by ealling on or addressing &.lIILL PATTERSON, ATTOR3EyB AT LAW AND CLAIM AGENTS, yl GRANT OWA. STRAIN 9LODAELFI3I&43IV. El-001cl°, Justice of the Peace ASD POLICE MAGIgTHATE. • °Mee, 112 Filth St, oppodta Cathedral, Weds, Bon.U, Mants9talct;owledlr....., Deposition, a.e all r Legal B. gum.. WWI p20211101C141..1 dLipateh. =Mal tf(b ef dWe : A w i c: E u i " T s A . II.4 ARY I(tIJWC 3. 4L e F i . i fTAT AtIENT: TAT ec, r4AC C or r on n o '} ` tt , :::1 17.1 . c .. ; 1 of I:r~l a Ys4 ,the V'L° e Paget and CIEL9TLIAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, 69 Grant street, Plrtabargh. Pa. Air Coauntonlocet for Ohio Fiestn.T. Vo•et Int glut, Zlissourt mad other lates. mr111.33 JORN C. iIIeCOMEIS, ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. 4tlrresislon.. llowlite. tad army. of lbsy ptomptli noZ:cril HOTELS WI/LITE* lIOUNE , • PERRYSVILLE; ALLEOHENI co,* PA. Newly matted awl furnished, rasdy to re. The AnbserlberTrVuot sPr4 to seem. modwo ea.tomera. pa ns edpiwiw will iw " Lur to the e/iernnon. ST. JAMES HOTEL, ON rue EUILOYELN MAN, Nos. 405 & 407 itberty St., orvollte 4. Union Depot. The Projthlethr would. re•pectratty info= th e' reto pen, ld that me Bthoon and Wrath rooter are now o The eltepleg apartments wilt be re...lr for guests le few weeks, Halle see per. ties f rolthee with eupper• at the Orate a sot le,. Private dining month tor Ladle.. •II the delteselth or lit a.... will oe *erred at all .hears or A:le. - ray and h ebt, heathy* Included. I be rh,cest hrandalnes, Liquors, Cleat, etc.. rill be to end at Umber. JAR. K. LANAI AS. ' Proprietor. = Baoe"mix Dining and Booms, 4119 & 411 I.I . IIERTY ISTRICEI4, uPDoilte tee Union Depot. Yenta Yenta et ell hoarse( the Jay out sight. see. day l sincluded. foundet that the nutlet grunts elwaya be on the tahleo. balls sod a•tlre atspplled ..1,13 supper It the shortest up. rice. ( ;hole.-LIQUUtts, WINE. ALE and UI UAI:Ywlll be found at the bat. .t. P. XXI DElt, proprietor. tura: BINRAN HOUSE, ELEVENTH-AND MAI= STS., 3pixraFA.assiux.apixx.s.. This now and elegant House is now cyan for as reeeption argil .t.. with ell the Opp:diatomite Oi • • NIRST.CIAtqI HOTEL, OrrladS. DAVIS, PROPRIZTOR dT1:111:10It • • nitEAT REVOLUTION EN THE .WIW OIENOALT/Regag A LTA tiVart2x i terilara i Z le e : aMitlaall=hcntmte' for Omer. whloh mar be • correct Idea of . Um otuallyof their Orton. 11 :ii=mortirat. it rOrtl. 01. I .. )Iseens. Botron•• a co.—Orralnnew Hay , In gIV p your CallroyroaCbaluotras=rail !Molt rsgrilAM:reng.e of nwd. • g 74""" pleb. L 4r 11 9 . 07 1aVerill ' a CO." ( Ztl i, ° ll 7.B7gtrral c. LEUCOLLEREA.AND Fefgale .Weakness fft:bnivlbrEgrp 9 ";:aa'A'grgla 'bore named complolo.o. It Is •coomouud dlotovered by lb, tyttbrsted llonbra.tun, sod exporleheo too proved noel. on,. b. aaaaa or Way AIM or., tomboy • vroolonoly uso.l . the proocilptlon. with fall directions Mr boo. will Ito that by wall to any one otteloolto DO Dutton% ilithe noon.,ite;:i'Zik. totn.vm PRIVATE DISEAtIES. • Ofeco-2331i rarix IltErf. no. Hand. For the con of MI dun.. of • pavane Wants, lo from ano to Nur dol.. 07 orrandthilt to safe ttttt meat. Al., newts. Weako. . and all o th er at.. e of the neutral organ. ood tbotr warn:Mon. 22= Cure warrant4td or money r l aLorthel „ .„, „, faitarlo.V.*: meals= .a.z. MEM Flu! :[HY~).4:4:4 HIM IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHLINS, 1.1.1"Z•11133i7P.131-33. ALAAIIIVACTI:4.9O UP AMERICA AND CLAIR Bar, HOOP, Sheet and Plate from. Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; _Guard Iron;, Coal Screen Iron; PalrEA AV LOW AN NETVISIOR WOES • EA, BE . AFFUIWED ANY'. T Bafla, IG do 20 les. to the yard Train Rallskpunchedand cow,- WITDEROW DOUGLASS & SON, ter sun Boiler,Bridge and Tank Rivets csrusst., momongumu Borough,Cnt Nails and Spikes; At tn. Sonth End of :nu Mon^nAnhrls Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; - Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; .01 k:LIBPY , " 'Railroad Car wueels and Agles; • °- Street Car wheels and &ties; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Stiattingt Patenteoldßolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper liars. WiZZIIOII3II. arty OFYICI, 120 Water and 153 Front fits. MANCH 130171174 Rov, 22,24 and 26 River St., .1.11:a5 CIIIO.IIE/O. ILL. 13:1441sAltliss41113.* SIN MHz CO ivam~tcaa.e or MST REFEVED CAST STEEL 8111 1 / 1 3,112 LICB OtRABOL OB ILL BM& max, XMAS.(WIG LADCIO6S SAW PLATES. ZLLIPT/C AZILI-iLLIPTIO RAILWAY SPRINGS, cow - Spring Meal, Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW WLKO6 AND AIOWZII BAK& SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIKE, 410KLA,KIHOVEL 11011, BAKE, PORK, TOP. CALK AND SIADDIK SKY CANT erTIKL.' CROW-BARK /A., LA, as. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsrgh, ATLAS WORKS, MORTOX SITREE 2 . Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. T IIO27 A B N.E I ILLEII,PreaIdent. Tbue Wortmere emote the lemut and most complete eaubliebment In the - West, and Sr. asp pre- mad to fueled EnginesofEsery Description, Bolles, Oil Tants; :Sheet Iron Wert, • Ilsitroad Castings, Boning Mill Cartings, • Engine Castings. • llachble CaAttaie; General Cuttngla / ORDERS 1261.1011kaie 1101Coll8 . PITTSBURGIFFOUNDRY., =! IOI.IN 11.61C.580N • •A. 'GAR RIS ON & Outeelion !o:Bollman, Gsrrlson FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Ittnufzetwers of CHILLED ROLLERS, °PALL SIZES Trot Iron, nee!, Brass, Me. copf 011 re Gold, Straw Bawd., Paper and lad an * Pubbe Work.. also, Rollin. KIN Csstlogs , o f all de c1ed . 0. , . Kirk 31111%Palens - Douole sirlader band sad Iliad to o on 'emote terms. a* " . `al Otlee sun Visreboesse. • Xo. 1.19 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH, FA. I^_ll Juniata Bloom iron. 11311011A.NT BAIL 110•J171, , A SQUARE MN WAIF, RA/11). T and ANGLE - IKON. 11011.011 I'LAT7...9.nd .116E1' 11:11.1 111)11E11 and ILLAPEP. DABS 4nruNitx.9...nd 004111 i Olt 710 ora 1005. aIIALL T RAILS. 51 , 1 and 10 lbs. so Lie yard, Ala/uGHT CEAI 11S and :TIE:Pi for s HEAVY. O.IIDNANCE FLAT vat StrsZ n . 9 ; COAL 66/16116•160.6 - • , `SAILS nd tirMr.S. • Ot d II.I . AVY R cAgrnr en. ,• arch s ouso. o. faster sol Marks ULLINd MILL works. strist. Elanth ward. Isd W i IV. 4 I. II LA..Tr ... I3 e ATIFILNIIRY and RIETC6II6. Worls, Instsburels. As Sr..row! : tbed.l=nrs= rIZZEI gm TORT PITT FOUNDRY, CHARLES imp NVIERWB - If cr f 0 N iT 1139 N our Gm ex k • • k 0 A '""v 1.1. g 7. "Ij " WLrveWd der he•erap,r , clon of MrST, fitcntib 1.141L/MACIUNES Ito * • [lce. • .„ 7r .1.1. uICHISO7.I, GLASS a CO .1 slue UTILITY WORKS. I . lboutheterere of the different ° liff ° LEAN & HAW,* ,1 • Rotted, Square, Fiat and i . 1 Horse-Shoe Bar Iron ' No. fit Liberty St, opposite Fourth,' i . ILAMITAC =3 OP • .1 Hoop and Gland Iron , •• . 4MI , i . Boiler-Plate, Tank and CABINET RAKERS' HATUIWARE..I 717'1: r:ll‘fl"4f I szat.ia, tran,e;‘.Cl';*Val"llll. • - . 1 Sheet Iron, ,1.c,, &e., &e, • • Casten: itt &lead Paxton—gat litztpe tor M.l.toe mi., Tab:es. , to. The . r alto toonottotote e i rot W or k, rii-r Towx,! 4 1 L., 0 . mo n o,..l e u Llr TletVa ' n 'l l "' Wlaß:Vit c rpiliri:k. s , rh , tr. ca.... a w.. - a.... et•Ltt•s , haentrle hue Bottom; Uti li ty that, wr o 146. W ater St. 1.1 a.l.. u ll:h i tt=f;..?2,t a . - .P,?.'" "41!!!!,: 4 ..,,t,l::iii ROBERT LEA, DELbrurkgruann 07 STEAM ENGEOBS. AND BOILERS •Freigliyilloisters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. 4111 - Cssilogi of all descriptions salute 24rder Moser of Flrrt •nn Ystairir SU : sets. PITTSBURGH. PA. ~I S. aikaLWr.— .W. vaNitlaz—.....r. et. alms. 'TVA STOVE' WORKS. • • Ak4 Lateraxy co. • )4413turtarg ftithlr, •WW.Y of Cook, Parfor and Beating Stoves, • Alzetit wttleD :be Belo brtwed ZUREK & 111 1 7:14. Lti.2.llX are.. (W00d.0.03: Worms.) mattothwturet GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, elge. Intee.and Waretionm., Darner of llaeliud mad rit•Ubarib. alumna ea twevoid tore.. • • • ta13:11,9 • MORROW & BARNHILL, • D...Solacavalmi Or Rum Bailers, till Stills, • Agitaton, Tank.. !salt Pam; Gaeometers, Wrought Iron Bridge., ahead Iron Worn. &c., BOR. LIBERTY AND 8F.0017D E3TB.; PITTEBUIi • LP/481ND DONE 1 . 1/011.1 0 71.1". cunal ammo mt. aaven. .... JARED M.ltrausu a SON, IWOTACZOIL or Steam Boners, Oil Stilts, Tanks, Sheet Iron ivoris, dz.( No (31 Penn Street, PIPTABINUM, PA. 13 .A..la 13WA.1 I .. B. WOLF. JB., &CO., DRallUte 12 1 Hardware & Cutlery. _ —hue WV ~ Ulnas SDealers.O our stoat 1121e0 Is offered 3nAuswitmskr r..w_rpnrush Corner Liberty and St. Cl a ir 81s., .Mtn 13141.61fi DIALMORID . 11117E710RX+ 1217 1 0011.15 Cm. PITTIDIURiiH t rA. - rte, mantra a co.; Itaarafraelarars of ' • sin quArsry asruir.o ourr wrissu. roam, not ins (tetragon, or on met. Wu ratto d equal to &ay ponod or ntuarracturrad to its,. outman,. • OM.. Ana tramtbooro, 1t0.49 rot, 1 wad in /tr. , d troota. • , •••••• LIPPINCOTT & • - No.llB Water Street, 11 . 1 . 1 7.A11141104 PATINT.eitoIIND, • : PAT NWT 1T1ATAD4,007,,,,, CIINANNLAZ, EVLAT. zoss4nri DILL AND o RAND • ersa.lc. Julia ALLan....:LAE W. L L. K' VALLEVEITOY,E WORKS. &LLEN. & CO„ Othce arid Warehouse. 3E/ILIUM:SITS( IT., op- Posits, brultbdeld, sultousaeture every varleW of pawn & RXATIISEI ISTUVLS, areohi &blab are the etlebrate4 Allegheny Lad &orator gellln C erftiPter Zge ' otf ' l " ..ari t rth, A __en '''" ll Mar of the &MON, for wood; 2..o. ' fget ' e, Orates, eluselers, Samar ILettleiL Aro. azol Hens& Wars orettm&Y. ' lii I ES J. PAINTER do SONS. aII•NUFACSOILW Or - Hun, Uubket, Tab and - Trunk HOOPS AND MINN, = IMO .. ... 4 ~t... ~ .. ~ ..._ IJFACTUREB.S • NATIONAL BOILT,It ITORKS. pENNSTINAL.NIA CENTRAL ZIAILIZISAD. I aguaile IT 744 , : trt r: ' . Z '. ;: Te iro;ilTl;lrAT.''",a:.<ll n 501 LlborlsBL a. upinarle• St ills, : - . 7 a' irnivlt. " or.eAny. • • ~.,";'.u.1,...... 11' : :I Its3,!!! - ...4'n*.. ::,r.: I' , .. i L V ' . Ao. lc, .. ian• ID, run.,.. te7o a, Irl ~ • Nrlnton No 718 a In• Weill No. —'... 9:04 a ie. PANS. c ll imi NE y s, . gVa11,5.N0.5.... 11 : 11 e. -1 9, , ZInellall .tx..llrlS • es l ' ie;.n ' sl4V i a ' IC . . l ' e ' ! ', l : f'z', , .l`.V4'l.'::'• L:'? , ;:::: AND ALL KINDS (.4 1 ,. i NS ' 2l . '"s !,g‘1r.7..... 51;'iiijsan',P.811I'ZILNet.‘... M , ...7. 7. !I W all's -,1:;.1.,...1..,1r,r,,,;:u;14,.. Li...... , Walt, No. 6.. %Opal Ps.: Llse - C.. ria ' ' a ft. a ..;ht.te t it-Oti AV twit', Aw. , ....,..., i Wall's Ne;;F.....1e3i1f.: , ( and ILLEBrant . trait, InkU p XII i , 'Me Clguree Trains leave WalPstnallon eve, • „ Bdav et aslas.re... reaching PLLOnravratlg.C.S s Co' . '!‘ i7e r. .; . :. It th' bat '-'50.'0 ''' . 017) L ' rgrrisVlN'llail?arlonlal;. "4a P. a.. k`lnelregatl Express leaves slasly. a, .llll istnas l:radng dell, .an.,, .trtr.T. l'ltllnyeiph. Bat WI, and the Allneaa Agernes. modAtlon and 1.:111 fkui Train arrlve lltlls. i. elnnall seeress •r .ves ;Ist, vzotpt Siona.r. All orhsr Liana atlo., ex.'s:pi sondes, • • tar farther inreil ...ion .K.IT to • . w: H. PM:BAV ITIL Arent, The Peru:Lyles:lL Iradrigad Company Oil not :rAnell,,jaclaglgr 14 %a l . . e e'll ' Z ' ZIPI rWy a g r lin: lltirsdredlSNlars Invales. .A II Bargagees,e,...l... Ins :nag *mount In Tn'lle..lll. 1.. e at 1.1, rtir Of tke o niter, ultf:erst., , e, ry rperlsi renre,s. 0 .1 , W.11:1• fl. WILLI /LISS, • Gerrgal S.P.!nt•tvltnt. Allnena, Pa. Boilers, Tanks, ADD Pte' :. wol iii, Corner Carroll and Amallntan Streets, Ninth 'Ward, PITTgBURGEI VET :B'ail's, EtAI'itiFACTOILER OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOB GAS AND WATER WORKS. I.ll;: z l.l%";_lgf.t.VLll - 11 - 20°.:ttLI'W. GENHAL aSIISO HZ GAS LID WAtiT e EEO. I would alrlcall the ittent lon of .iopaelotend eat. of WA IV one "'lay =Ake of t:c•lu::rn. =I reivz BOILER, STILL AND TEE -vv,-.o9Enas. I CARROLL & .SI,II(DEP., ILLI:C.CTL . P.46 ar TIIBULAIL DOPIILE-YLIIEIL =BOWIE 111 E-BOX d CYLINDEE STEAM BOLLES% OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS CILLSOILYS: BEE ECG LNG AND ;SSG ?Axe SETTLING PANS, SALT ',END CON DENSERS, STEAM PIPES, GAZOILETELS' .LND LEON DELUGES, PRISON DOOMS AND COAL affuT2s. Ora. and Works carne: Second. Third . .11lret tud Ltbert7 Here!,tie, Pittsburgh, Fennsylt•ania, eiltr•Ordere to the abate iildress will be Promptly at:ended ed. . wavier - IRON' WORKS. LEWIS, BAILY, DALZELL & CO. I=l BAR, BOILER, SHEET .A=-2:3 NAILS AND NAIL tons. OFFICE AND ITAHEIWIONE. NoN. 64, 66 tr, 6S 'Anderson St, Three eqoarea North or Hand rt. Bridge, • ' ALLEGHENY CITY. Intlt:ltss KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & .1111fAvViri, ilanturACTCMB Or Best Common, ReGr.ed Charcoal „Lit. ORFESCINT. WILL WORKS. • MILLER, EMIR S PARiilli, uatTLTACITmans or BES'T QUALITY CAST STEEL. Warranted Equal to any' La the Eat— krt. e=ther Impo..ted or of Da. mettle Alattufseturt. drEcua. ATTI:NTION r_tll/ TO MINE : . • Ahl.l DIESiZEL. I : °Mee, 3B Wbod Street, 7rnilc Du er. hoo,fteelllb. HOTEL Ia:FILL/IEO. •1 OUQUESHE IRON ANU STEELWORKS. Tr A TTWAN:TA "I*7 CO., Iron, Nails , Springy/Lidos, PLOUGH. UM:IM AHD A. B. TriEL, =I Aire). 77 MATcat.ox• =tzrepert. PITTSBITriG privsla uGH STEEL WORAS, _ ANDERSOn, COUZ VIIIICOCKLIS T 1) JO!iS3...HOYD♦ 0011 • Msamnactwera ot tto boat retnmt canettl /4:47: Hoe. ;:r1 IIeg.MACT ejT . C " lr to tar Heaping al3O rdoulagils BTZSZ rum FIPSIVTUR, LIM CLUCULAILV., as Cart 8 01211011 Vloagb b t piing Rte.!, Otllee—keraer et Inrst ...a, Hera ttenete. tene..eterte the Itanoneahela tioeae. —.Mee BERLIN FOUNDRY: I - PRICE & SIMS, • • OI7TCLiI.M.WAIMIOL'S.. • No. 29 Wood Street mammon,. and a.,a co.:anti 7 on o.nd Th inz,6te, Skeen if Pipe Boxes, WAiloi: ROMS. IMF IR•Is,;, mlioAn • KETTLES, ROLLS W • Iclti,s ==s INDUSTRIIL IVORKS, (. 1 • BUGII. M. BOLE &:CO. 77 Engine Builders, 77 : 1 ( , FOUNDERS AND: ILEAOHINLSTS. CAFTINO., L.rht .3.1 tif sr', mean to or,er bi..td. t no ry tle tv.7 4g.eripliou na.uar. Lured on atm, Contend Point Atieyisud Duquesuo.-Way, virktinutiGn, p*. I I=l MONT BLANC FOUNDRY-, Ifititler Street, Ninth Ward, or Kosns'usi u 11W2i • .14 LW, ( x . x . rarpistrzaca•ma.' Rolling Mill and Bridge Casitrigs. LiCELNET LID.CASTINGS GLIBILIL ttidars promptly and tatetlar .iteßt‘d, rirm= & MACKLIN-1D EVEBSQN,PBESTUIC& GE avrarsrL n 1.474 • MCO 'Piro rtjas. W•mbnase, Nos. 163 gad teri Tint St...PNAt. Ya. IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & RURCHEEELD, Manuftetarors of liethaedoubsecoal,Jualstadk Polialted mascatunT XR.CIP.Dr. 071 , 70. AID WA 2 / 1 1/01763, FIEMPULIMBZ, 00:111 RA_n.ROADS W F.STESZI PE:YSIII'I.VA NU, oger Tra tA ms on Wetter., Penn', . 3 earna,l, lentre at and neutrt from tin, ntrett CU L . ren. ' , "'" !ehret.ptbr'ic . I"4.• : l ...l::lPreepart No.l 9. A. 3,1 VaelrPe" I V.,tgna,TZ,* 11 r o e Lesion run t.tl. Ah The Church Trot, iCATC3 g;;Z'LT'P.Lt...l4llltirl;o.re.VVntl 'Atfte:j 11.1,1nr. le, and arrive at Allegheny Jun.. at 1:45 T. Y. Corumotat'on Tlekett—Tor ask o paehaerto Twenty,' betwern Allegheny Ott y, Clmstaut street. !fern's, Erunutt Cecil,. Etna and onVl;',Abga,%":=4iiror igg"•b" to /tuner sod klann . atistmwn way be &trammed at Walker's Otlfg. km et. ulalt bunt, tint &monition Bridge, NUL. burgh, and at the Allegheril TUT. P further Information arm,' no JA.LILd Agnt. Federal !meet Velma. "'The Wester'!fit Ar rfi"fr! " l: " g,"t u nV entinllily eof tit/ of We nam lf e, main. talon o, w aneclat tract. i I Y.Dlr MID 11. 1ni..1.1A - .1.14 , • li•ntrall•An't. Altoona, $ Allentown' I,ailroad NEW, ALL RAIL,. FAST FREIGHT LINE, • • lltitiClT BETIVZ.Eht '• • Boston, New York and Pittsburgh, . Fu 14:Tiling, Minim ad 'Jersey City, Without Change of Cars., • NET h YORK .0000e4 tpli, 1 . 11 , 51111110,11 • VVEII, ' a l itelTee ' ts t t d o l rVi . e Ii;;AVIt . N. B . ll 2 l 7. ll=e jl e it. at the oCceNt . the Lee. Boston (Miro, WANIIINUTON JIHIN liinivroN, Agent, I Unice, Foot of LIBERTY NT., _1319:17= • {PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS EL C.NCiNFIATI i • PAN bANDLE ROUTE. wiltpelt (ter SPAY, A pr2Lt,t11,1957, I„ralrik . 11plon . Depo. lolluvwS4 ktrrEDUßyltj! ,. f i„ lnet 1) u. 3Lzrrr ea-7 : 71 : 11.1,1', F.M. B li. °A; ' '''''''''''''' n. virg 1: Y. elruth,evl:le AccanciAten 39.% P. Y. B ._ A Y. "'""" do b.‘" C. U. 075 Pt V. Welker'. rt2f T Z 1 1.:P4 4. 2 4. 1%., 7 "11,12 , ' 1 n ir: ‘ , 1 :7 , :i lIU U ICS IN AL *Ur' No change of ears between Pittsburgh anti Clochinati. and but ON, eivrtwit to at. Louis Cairo, and toe principal polnia Wen and Youth ogro n r lirlhasing Tie et. be tattled Mid th PITISBLLGII, oil - 11gs k maxim E. 1 • F. NOLJT E. . Gvneial TlcMet a gent. U~ iti li . MILr.EIL, 6. E. ~gaua. 11867.: ankizig§s 1867: THE PITTA A 1.114111 . ,,, T. WAYNE. &UNICA.. , Cl U. / E., AND CLE% ELAND a riTrasuHuk T t R. rains eerier cod lease St the 05105 Depot..4tr ctllowt: _xt...r... , AATITS. .. - •:1';:r.°,,f,1 . :... ia :,1;&-.T..„,;- - -, ii. ;it:: 1 . f%f.. 1 :4114 . 1r5A :1 3 1: '. 1 71 1 A 2 i 0 111/3 7 ;..frg, * S: CLICILSO Altil.. GA) AII rt. it. Wto. Ex 1:30 p&a COIC.go Ex.... 041 • to Cletesgo 1r.0.. . attu p at C 1. 4 Wl:g. Ex 7..,,.p It Pane 4 . yao E . 4.111-15 pto ' i ? b s c . :t?:. :: lei . ,:. itt ;', tt li P. 30 4 Woo.` 1 - . 1'1141 1 Depert . hanta ...Delman.. ..A.rztt-• to Allexhenty. ! 1; ; Lee :_date rd .T., A 4. jaT3 et ;t 1' 51 . . j irt ' : Ai 1:2 :: •• n ... Wellavllle " 100 an Rochester •• 1= it et :hew Cattlo " 10:03 azi. IV!No 5h Car.•• 1430 p cr.tltettadale ••11:13 ant I.etitiala ds:t. 4:50 1 la ! ~( •• - t• 1 ar. SP = ' Pr. 1g t: ... •• Vii,':l;...ES,l;',i: •••• 1 1 2131 kVI.4I'A.ci:"k,I,TIN ~-.,....,fPc.2 Pr :1 1.11'" 1' 1 .7 1 .1 1.7 ' 4. '0 Y . ENS. o tienfrtu . ; ' l;ll.4 4'' Ac ly. l. Tr.-- FITTSIIOIIIiII. AND ON IFL LA VILLA. E. 1:. a zami kcoa- T4 Spring Az:As-gement. Unmet artaz , • I , II.UMILLY, 2:1•11V:E! ( Tbetratzt latvu 1..0 J*t.ol. corner Of BM =to Wa.a. eraeu, urallawsi _ Li.,... .41,11.1 Sall So sad tro . s, llmicateiVna. 7.AX A. kill • • •• 1:33 ID= A.M. West Itaiwtox ActoaxioWn CIS x. Y X...• fixopi (••• d tiT tirx.dock.• Saud 47 entre.h Tntli to axl • • lii.roTicCet-t4Z.V."--1:;01.ht LAZY .; T. Maze. Aim. 'ocr.7-/ • A' 5 - Tt. Sapt. ALLEGIEF : mi IieLLILEV BAIL. OViD. CIZIAISGM OP T131:111. On and atter .I:u.siDLY. May 20th. iiO trahn I lervh and arrtla at rittalhir.tb Depot, await/ 111, and Caaal,Leota. A! follow,: • Tint Itlattmlacta.A.wono..o:sll,ll. Arrivs ; 11154 Mall, to and from b1ah0'ng..7:2443‘.. 7:3.1 T. Y. 71n! t' , o.la Works A.eatm......2 . 1. A. X.. 11:10 A. 0. becond hlek latineta• 4,11 r. Y. Ezirre:tto and from Malp.g vrti Etcand !Oda Work% Ancont..s2o a! .. .Y. SaSr. Ma 11 , ..day Church Train fr om and . • • 1:03 1305. kr ExyreJa North make. dote navel:1100 at Ma- IVY.," Val 1 1 2:.0 rit gtc=lllrae r itATg 0 . reatilr.lll,aL stakisff. B ALT - s i gg " ass cifp i c D o .9l.4 CZN l . A ZrritV* G ate . AVaViu• RYINI2I/12.1JN1TEW eSTATEE MAIL. • The rst-Pars Star hips Of this /We • I tali as folk . ..lrk • CsIUENTIO-1,25010n5. for..llele Orleans WS • Key West Owl Rayons, Thos.' A. Palo, Nsys 4 7 . t Cobs/wad, hOS.S.TUADAIt 146rnlitOWN•C WRAC,. EL At S o'Cock e•kr.. precisely. Y on L the W days 00. • Tor freight or new tuclu unt aasod wrommolotions. p Ir to' -• • "P icITNVT WitfrilLLD A CO.. Acenta. 10 itrusWe 11. U.—No hills of Lading botthoseof th4COll2. Van. . Irtti be signed. Vennits for the Itelabt most L. powercd own' this oCce.i. No freiebt resell - tonsil Pills el ladhra sion&l oh day of sail- STM2I.II TO AND FROM LIVER.. TWICE nVec.QlZ:ll7ll,7ll4l= EVERY SECURDAY, I / TI VERY WEDNESEA 7.1,.x. wa xUV; xrcx.d. Jilkl.ll U. DALY, 10 0. re., IMI Rroaa:sal i. Y.r Aism.P.• WM. t 1? ; I • I,.k;tkal 018I10alfk • .PENNA, SALT IMANUEICTURT .00., _ MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers