The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 14, 1867, Image 3
... r • E' RT. AI S LEI INVISIBLE AMPRBSS TRAIL SKIRT, =l= Spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (On DOUBLE SPIIING;) \S 1ti . ;1.3.•,,,T. a ,), Ina bandselneal and mast Con:aortal,ln stala Tat ..ntrodebde El 6/. ALL ' rAsHunst )(An , Pi!INNS. Alto: the New WIAIIIIIIVANIS TWAILey UT TI L L raLLL sad TLE , Aw , BTYLZIL FOR SALE EVERIfIM:ME. • li Wlnitmezimg by all the londlnx Not ton and Do/ Wale Houses In titubbneth Alto. by bole thrbers of Ps teut bed N.Cl.l.llllabontao• tams, WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers Street, itiw roar. I=l:=3 WILL OPEN, On Monday, June 10th, 4 YKY LIPAS FIRE Of NEW GOODS! Good Dark Prints at 10c; Merrimack Prints at 12 1-2 c. G=t=l MIMI Percales; Lawns, 'l La e Table lapers, Tiekings; White Counterpanes; Bonnets, Ilais, Staidoints; Ribbons, Flowers, etc., etc. Wholesale and Retail, at WM. SEMPLE'S. 180 and 182 Federal St., 41.LEGII,EXr CITY. „ BUTTONS! BUTTONS AVM • EATON S. Fancy Buttons, for Barques and 'I \ Dresses ; Perl Buttons, all sizes; 'Cut .let Buttons, choice lines; Colored Bilk Buttons,ornamented; ! Bead OrnaMents, , ali sizes; Frog Buttons Plain, Braided and Crotchet; ,Cords and . Tassels, all colors; . Palm, Linen, , fillk 'Cedar Fans; Fancy. Pocket Fans; JUST OPENED, AT H. ETON'S, 17 Fifth Street. - ' )errl2 NEW GOODS r NEW.GOODS AT JosEpt HORlit'S & 00'S. gesiu Innen a second addition U, our already large stock of • SPII:ING . GCOODS, Co offer Inducements, bola to VMSWl r etinCiAilCWeft. • • ' Mores. klaslerr,Ahe earmWes sad Matas, - al I. Dees. Tellasalae. Colored and Vel +Lb.., 4j i1 ' 2::.1 WI sttLem, • al Toads all nu colors. Oareetc lieltlni.llaealea ' aad B. Tine Opera Pa. , Ladle. Woes' .0 llama` Part. Under We. ' Alex .0 are Eli Glove.. • • A r ligt h l ' i =ZIT:" - - . . •., • pu,..... • largo assortmpt dents . Neck Tln. !kerb sod Bow. baswowerrs. MIK /mats. liOrielne• Btu Slart. u"" 1 """ . • Trim:minx lUbboustriolinet Ribbons lad fairy. all wldt.n. owl wnotx9aat-n00118..p Deai ;k:2ll ritti u tn!inglrg7:l6e Pritnu Xamern - _ 77 and 79 Market Street. . .:111ECEIVIE,D , TIIIS DAT. 1111CR11II, CLYDE' & CO., .78 and 80 Market Street, A gum OSOMILY 4P IP.IIIIIO. Jet Bead and Bugle Fringe.. Crystal Itend,Glops and COT Jet and Crystal Ornament.. EIuKY 811 k and Jet Drop Butt011d: Eine Arsortment of, Parasolli and Mu: ' Umbrellas.; Engliih Bonnet and Trim:ling albbono, all widths and shades. I Colored Velvet Elbkonk • , I Elegant Asortntent Real PoLut and Ap . rdique Lacc. and Ustidatrctdcfr.. • FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES, • • jobbing Trade crlll Ind • complete alma o r the nt.cma goods in one Wholesale Depart. peat. Wainer flats front 'view of .• !nay Goods & Notions Generally, 4T EASTERN' rtfEs. mr=l-. 10 DENNISON Ivar.cazwr, No, 27 Fifth Street, Are eonetaell, r.elM4l Dvna Taliip!lngs imbraldertes:, Ueallory. 91•Yeq •Elbliost; Blower.' Iltielp Sktste tot' Corsets; parupels itadWas limb.ll.l llisarones •Ntee Startrl^. .. Yin** mid tepee Ceitaxs, Sea‘licid4Ts and leek TA.ali . MZU DRY GOODS. TRIMMING% WHITE .GOODS • AT !s.T.. M. BIIRMIEP A. CO.'S, No. 07 Slaetrlx.oi ESL. NM Dun 19 TEE BIDS OF TEE MG BET I?WIEN aIiSLAN.Y. rukNcHi amiLtNA,. • Striped and Plaid. ,PLAINNdiIUE El RI mu) , PW 3117SLINII. allidLlN, far Ladles . 8aa1... • WHITE P. X.'43. LINEN CAMBRIC. LINEN LAWNS. TUCSEU SIL'dLIII2, for e.l.Prta. ♦ largc xL:ln=cn: Goods for Ladie.t' Dreamt, "R.mewme the Pere. N 7 11ARE.CT STREET. Jenttiou JUST OPE3ED, & CARLISLE, ince per week,) was farmed by the Eire. that 1 - - - - ;he waa dissatisfied with East Liberty ' and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. desired to be In the city where Sim ould i ---------- ------------------ heee e " g e t rerttthe'' ere' spend moron ee l% i p J. d e 1 7 ~ Ir zr i 1 . .s: of ; rth..1.1.14. meet..A 1 y ee 1 : 11 . 1 . 4 4 t t , he bor != A 3 Mat Rough had been three years in t o ar- : my, Medan months of the time in der- Renville prison, and returned infidel With a 1 broken constitution, and in feeble h filth, having at times hemorrhage Of the 1 age, Nir. B. CLAPP & CO., winch Incapacitated him from foil wing his employment as a blacksmith; eh tre cently he received an Minty at Ent Liber ty. wince added to hts indrmillas. Ellen tIG and . 2S Fifth Street. allegation were davit upon, bat, !Aide from then irrelevancy to the complaint, I, abandonment, the proof was winning, Ad. flitting Ms wifete dissatisfaction, and the MIS Arm ha, So tonal tight. full force of All deductions malentherefrunt„ Si ' the . t" ---- w wn "r tanner, it by no moans Justified the defend. , ... no ' o. " .th '" ethr t 0.... ant In deserting his wife and child', whom ho I All finny pet together; was bound in manliness and honor to pre. W ell they Inf.,. I ton and save from want, to share witli And there the people go sod len them the last crust. Coneenalug his drbili- In crew*, they ranch the ...a balone he did not look the emaciated, I And plies of thee wets Inter on, ' weakly creature lie was depleted. The in. Caen,. mrlon, ff.," was that In had a "had cough," but m aneatt. Ma employer, his father, could not say t miler dealer. nand ashen, even that ho 'spit blood." Percent.. it appear- ' PIM slow no, • few, r, ed that be drank at night and was thus un- I Iln low price. inn the de. lintel for work the following day, In comer- Boots. Mint and Gaiter., quence of whi it his employer told him ho ( ' least work Men Moulin. else his i AT ptice would be supplied by another. t ~.,,.. The Injury, lined as adding to Ins Nos. 26 and ZS Filth St. milruntles, he_.."•reettlogl at a "Dutch , Wedding," werle inflicted about th e head, t 0 ~. anal; was nalil he was also Internally In ]'red but the presumption was not [abetted I that theta were caused by the not he I ]hme drank On the OccaslOn.• Judge Mellon -..- did not seem to be much impressed arta I LEA b. PERIILNS , the argument Mr the defense. In the air- : Mnco Of itof Matte shown to the ..r ummy , CIELT-e3MEEZE stL e rE3:ll rs. Bonet was PreaaMed 1.0 be • throes t and proper woman.and even What Lati been 1 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE urged against her did not apply la Umn, as the abandonment was Mit On her tide, I wfte and th ,,, n u,, h ,, 0 h 5,,,, h ro h s,,,,,h ) . ritobucbc. in EXTRACT would not relieve the hilahand of his re- I ors It-reta from a eponalbility. Young men who male 1111. MEDICAL GSA:- take, in selecting wives cannot remedy the ; COHNOISSEUFLS TIARAS at MAI, matter by deserUng thane. The law does to en Tilt ItAh to hit Brother not permit 11.. Taking everything Lute cons ; eitieratlon, Ills Honor saw nothing In the ~,,,,y cr . 0 ,,,, -....--- at WOULIF.TEIS way to Prevent the husband, or Ma friend* - D. . eet. • t i May, GIL making provision for tint wife to the ex- ...... "Toll Lea a tent of fourdObars per week, and It was BO entl applicable to 7, ' ....#. 0 .• WILILRI I, 0 that of ddred, thin n o be modified or order- ~_. theft SAME is wed hereafter the ease might require. i ....vr 1,1,:t0y esteemed In tounsel desired that the, formality 1 crane Connie ....W . " le o l t lj,: nd et ' 4,l l ' ,.l:l of giving bail for compliance with the order t too_ mnable as writ as be waived, inasmuch ea the defendant , or owas me inert whole. had Impressed his entire willingness to ; • "VI. , wow tiAlleg mat comply u 11.1 the order, but Judge Mellon I max/33m. Is made." declined the requeet. The matter was 1 The moos ern!, most delicious and unrivall preened, In the view that the defendant 1 vd reetilmret barb nand on/ enbinelpnd could not give pill and would therefore be I dealen to apply the name to ermine L lie obliged to go to jail. ills Honor said par. I 'w e. the rthILIC I s invearnicem and 1L...1, ties motel:tool generally twit t ered mare or ''... i & l'lVlt ' llAVe!lt to n t geWlLlTl P lr l 'f Aß L E ' L ' . ' , less inconvenience, under the penalty of sp e ,ppe . . Ls ,,a h „lie Ti;h; the law, and this-case comb' not be made Manntactund to LEA A. l'EftEllin. Worn, n exception. In default of PR hell hough ' tar hen committed to BUS , JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Asset:me Alm art-Winien. I t N EV, PRIM. AGENTS FOR TILE U. S. el. A. Canine mu Indicted loran Assault 1 °ctanes oinr i colecAxpLEss at. co., ' and b'n"'" ' '''''''''"( l' r:ll l C , Ol 'a w ' a n s .r e l l ' Z t MADSHAL'3 SALE. (Mite Wilma, Carr &Co 1 tereenaenit the lather o '' "Indicted for. assault on °ante( Cecil°. I WHOLErALE DEALERS IS The noes were tried before o u tle t 2rd .„... :eihr r i , ;.,.., ~ , p .., , , ,, . 7 .,0 1 . 2 .. 1 ,1 1 ; .. "), ~...,..,,,,,,,,,, 7 ..: ,:,,,,:t, , , ,.. , , : ~,,,,,,, ~,,,., .., :: ~, ,...,7 7,,, ,, :a. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 1 I ZIP.r. iVr..,"”g. g .'lli!.."`d net gellth N 0.114 WOOD STREET. : ritesault on Jobn tireenawelt Aloe Greene- i ,„ 1 -,v, b . f . 3 6 , , , ,r, , ,e ; „1vv,„ ,, , t r jr4 0 0 r t t . salt was found not guilty of theatestult on onto. Finn DAY ow JULY. be...t to , to. Third house abode Dlaraand alley, Canine, and me deferolnt and prosecutor a m . the renown., ueserleed en:Dent. to CO. piTehnuntin, it, I each required to pay one-half the eons. , Teeny Merrell of ifenned int. la lot.; Ten ' VinVili thetas and Jacob trum were Indict- ' e.sfretj of fence on; in se", tour i.,,,,,,.. ; t:siva stsrots of tinned n. Twelve itsr-eis of _ ' OIL WORKS 6: COhI.PANIES . ad for meant', and battery On oath of Pat rik- E. emus Mr. Chew. Is of the firm of t . ..,:`,1 ‘ , 1. ,1: f .!?ani.1 , a am... inlantat 1... i Chess. hunch A Co., rolling mill owners in ' c,.;,,, ; ',', h =', : t ; °;, ;; :•=:VLt r t d tt ; ' , ,, t lt , !•,L2.:t ‘ ' i mri , . EUREKA 011, WORKS cast Birmingitem, Cram Is the e btne Poi. doe aid ere oil Barrel.; fright name.. of tar: . , A uer," and keens, the PrOneCTltOr, wnaleo , Tveenn Cord. Wood.• /O.N.Let with the wife t I employed at the Mill. TIM difileolty op- , Tas, urine., Inner, neler Tool.. mitred on the tEth of April, cOneerning the lit:E nt teg.nta, end property appertain., mmu - • wag. due the prosecutor. On trial. I ire-alekaad taken as the proper,. et 'frisbee a; Co.. et the suit. of um Untle* name. The lielerieb Homicide— Vernier , Eureka Carbon 011, ~ i :Testimony -Before the Coroner's I f . THOS. A. ROWLEY. • - I The jou trepaneelleil'by Coroner Cline. 1 Mainittete dem, 14 IU. S. Marshal. THE CELL Motors* duce le bc t . jostle I:ULSTER ; 1 ; son to ineestlgate the cliniestanbell on- ; i tinted alto and eateudloar the deaihof I MARSHAL'S SALE. Sperm Lubricating Oils, . GOldoch, redtesembled atMaYeriitheeteththl . i h y virus of a wrti. of read. A, .urn, n: , office, Allegheny, at ID se at YeotermaT Issued on or t . e Mod. con. of to. 4,4 , ...,1 0 ., r . i ., . j. m; mrki ,,,,,, , h . 1; s ,„. ~,,,,m. Ma d . fombe Wester A Ut.triet of Wennoldanis CHEMICAL LINSEED 01L..., ioriioi.....i R. 8. mor . on b, , , ,, a ,i aa totes directed,' wiil es one to rul, le hale. .t the MACRE IIIoLDE, In the eity of Eft on u hr ,l m m,, ;; 2: Al VAT DAV OW (IL 1..., bereft a. to.. Wlegemie Renee, m ; lOf McFarland. Tile following Milowlng ryoperm, to wit ; wee adduced : ' 27 Barrels of Relined 011, Crede Relined and Lehrieltinif OHM I thorns Ireful, re-Called—Arrested pen , 1,4 Delved at the 'manor, of Irrtehed * Co., al the Lard, Sperm, II bale and one , : did not toe whether any, -- mit of the Rahn noes Flail „ Ono, bold of him at the time:was Mending at the TUGS. A. ILOWLET, ' opposite side of the street when 1 first saw • 1 ; hue; he wn standing at the ostiLtivad :V: t U. o. Marla... C. C. NOBLE, A,,, ,, t, orth. °'" he ' ri g ht eth ' i ed. t t Gftwth - 'ht. , ' v• 1 Lae ilan clone to his Owe; no person wa. p tm .e„,,, , ~,,,,, ;; ~„_.. near bun at the time. Primmer bed on a _ ab. 19 Filth Street, An elegant easortment of Sun Shitdes and Parasob3, NEW BUTTONS AND MIAMIANS, 06119 . 11 lONR7 i1:1111ING EIBBONS. = Tau BEetl i KID GLOVES. *” e)axszvi•ta. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS We ban!. Just (mened a full line of alllll. and colors of the °sienna:ad uBS" kid Glove, at $l.lO per Pair. • We are autbnelsed to migrantes erury pale of the gloves soil. Should they rip oe putelog on, they rah be exchstsed (o r another pale. AIACRUM 4 CARLISLE, Arc>. 3.91 3.'lre23.ltroot. TRE NEW TILIRRING STORE. W. H. MILLER'S NEW TRIMIIING STORE, No. 04 Market St., (01 , pgalte J. W. Harter`. Dry =1 Tri 1111111111 1 11 l Lacc ft,:oods, EID3ROIDEBDA • Gent's Furnisbing Goods, AND NOTIONS DENEILALLT, =I _ light linen coat; berm' not try Co get ewer, a. EFILIGEILDTOIth, ' after I beard rho moon I ran over the street snit saw be wan fighting with some it body, imsr no person but him when I went X°lll C1ME113.1.23• in, did net see young Kellar, old lir. hell. I came suit took hold of Mearlionl; be did C>3=L•l37. OIX-1119n j .1007-1-0811 ; not know that 1 wra an °Mar. Ilr. hailer , took blt.Fartandup to aPC....d. and told • SOHO OIL WORKS bun to look wind Imbed one, after I had , arrested prisoner I noticed t hat the glass ; was broken; it epPearee T.. h." Wee Bulrum. KID It &: co l.b? ken from We mean; had Yetocel view of ',aine said nothing to mahloe.scrulas Tu. • tun abaft she shooting atterhis arrest. f Francis Ar' ilor, a daughter of Den "RATED spE--- - nwi roomworn, times thaishe 1 as in thu at the McFarland artel W4l Übiti demised earn. in. liertestimony in regard , um Lubricating OM to the beginning of the tight was substan tially as has been Published. She saw Me. ;and Ohio , garland hoto could not tell at whom. A strander was In tbe store, told her that he felt the ball plow his ear. She for -1.1.9111EL GREEL w Inh.e hpo oms n t n t ow ime lof Lhe rest, here he was " ICING OIL ,' Tlieddirrito= him strike Mc ; Faris... $ ir..0.11, B.oth—tr. Wittig Wong Ohio tdreet on tho night ot themuraer with a party of trlends.' Hoard ilime one say there wage light; wes on the opposite side of the street; started In go over to Keller's, when I reached the oath stegle I saw the Dash of a pistol; the.flash our directly et, ..KUPlariond's bock, MeYarlana _yea in e stooplog positiou, ae though some one was drawing him in. A redeem. then came miming across nhe street and caught Poland, and end dragged him out Dap the street' didn't. see a pistol; hunted for one but not find it. Didn't see yOung Mr. Kellar; there ware others the room, but I did Pot UOLICO them . McFarland appeared to be partly out of the i doer; set licYariaod have hold of any person; sow him kick at old Mr. Kell. efterwards; beard the glass break before the shot was fhied one of the doors was opened; don't know widish s I didn't bike particular notice of any one to the room; I think 1 noticed a man dressed 111 bleak clothes, with black Kossuth hat, steridilig near the cour the deceued, when I first saw him, wanlying with eon ' head towards Ohio street' he w. lying on binface; deceased wail afterwards turned , over. and t recOgnised lilm. , After hearing the 'twee witmessea the J e n. zecomp.led by the Coroner, visited ewro room, In order to obtain some knowledge of tee WeitliY, end tote be ena bled toerrive at some ZO•nlie undeminod log ol the position of the DUO. at the Limo the shooting occurred. litowart Charles, Andrew Marshall, WM. 1.1.44 who wore With the but witness, were also examined, but no now facts were elicited. Peter Goldrich, brother of deced.d, had been with McFarland dor log the entire afternoon, and neither saw hint lave a pistol nor knew bite where ono. The jury felled to agree upon a verdict, and a further postponement or.. ordered until Tuesday morning next. In the mean ', lime some parties who were in the etc room at the salet, residents of Eric, 'wit' summon.' itnesses. 1.9 i Win Street, I= 11.111 i rm.:rums or Tt”C CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR. Petroleum Lubricititig ~Sperin, Lard 'And 014, I REUKUJIIIiirOMOMELOIEEL MAO. STANDARD 'WRITE BURNING OIL, _ No. ; St. Clair Street, lITTSBU.REIIi, PA. REND FOR A CIRCCLA TACK 13AOTHERS, COMMISSION MIaiCHANTS, = Petroleum and its Products, PlrratlYllBll OFYICE—DsIzell'. ltoilann corner of Inanome Way and'ln - nhz RHILeDELPHIA.OFIfICL,I47 Walnut*, no, rem, HEDRICK'S LUDRICITOR. MannfactureA . IF9IIITE. 8R0.3. & CO„ N. York . E..J.IIOBEIRS, Agont, No. I Ht. Char Street, Pittsburgh, Ps. oo.lnnur on sand • coteoS rnotory' 'Woolen DIU 1h . I Darla Engine 0 1.1,10Col•d En Ins 011. Dark Car.oll, No. 1. LAah: trolrd • ear-Cut- Dart Car 1.01. ErrE lans tttl a r no:Eroll • NG & KING, WAR COSIESEI IFICHANIB in BROOM, Ptroleutri and Its Products, 4 LO Ug U E SA" E 11V.11". =6:21112N11 I= WARING. KING 8t CO.. 327;W•Isotnt.. WOOLDEUDG*Cenr.rnEFLNEI6 003:1:r.Xm.a.Tir•E". OF PITTSBURGH., PENNA. AMIN WAT,. President HANILY Y. LUN El. neVy and Tmaa r. WORKS 1.3 TE3IPARA.KCEITI,LLE. Mee; NC. 2 Duquesne Vity, ktorukerrtargariwar: 4 BURNING Brand—"Luottpr." BEY TUE BEST.,• PETROLIA BLUE LEAD. tou OIL HEYINE.43, I.6.l6tared O=IT .6 for nit ty • • ti co., PIONEER FAINT .t7i I VOILKS.. N. W. Co 3d and Blkieiceit SU" r==o3 ~DlllllOPi U. 11,101111M51.- EAOLE OIL WWII:0y wicHTmareciAtii"...sslsoN. :Batmen and Deniers in PETROLEUM . arnos: seepau STORY • tioitNrat ILAN COCA AT. AND DLIOCIAMNS WAY. BREWER, BURKE & CO, COMMON MERCHANTS, , ALUENTO FOIL THZ, Pacific, Globe & Liberty, Oil Works Lennie Storage for Crude and liklinedoll.. Lb eral met. adraneee made. on consignments of erode.. Refined Petroleum. Yard. for storage ano Minute ne or Crude Oil at Lenrannerllle. • 01See ma Warebonar. cornerotinapeesne Way 1.4 Hancock street. ilttAbillet: CANDIDATES FOR ASSEMBLY wlLLudi B. ROSS, • Of Allegheny they, will be rea l dtdate for An imal:4y. 'newt to the deettion of the KrOnhn nen Coast? ConYrnOYA etrtS F'41)II SALE. . Cowenol.l.rar Cartes.. • City of I.lleadeue. Jana sta. .108 !t1.475-1111 * iioxle • C/ilLalilf MIKA pearly net.: just the thing torn Select &Pool. Can be seen on the second Cloornf City Hall. B. 11. • Co tt Co C nU I% olicr. = Supposed Startler. Says the Ebensburg Alla/he - n.on:it will be retnembred by the majority of oar readers that • nem maned Anthony Camp bell mysteriously disappsared frum his haute In Johnstown one 4 nlglit to the early court or QU &&& e r Sessions. Pan nt last fall. Though the strlactest • 1 , search a - na Instituted, no rite was ever This Court met at ten o'cloek,ThuradaYt tonna of Mtn till last Saturday. when his lion. Thom. Mellon on the bench, Col./. It j lifeless badyirna discovered Seating in the Duff, District tittorney. r en iver, near 8011 Var. ti n the night of Lis • titsaoptanee, Campbell had n tonsbless rue 1.0111,6111} I eolp sUnl of many on M., person, and it LI tnrettion wealth vs. Edward Sandlots, and' generally believed that to obtain posse...lon Doris gall Mary A.Darie, Indictments as- ot this, hewsae nier. - The entire eh..., murderisl and etterwind 00011 and battery and •torellsie . t4rown into t an on j of - tuoney on his peXeOn when the burly was h or Margaret Shaffer and Elizabeth discovered would seem tostlfy them., HUY rne, terminated in 'Verdicts of guilty. sicions. The remains note removed to ohnstown and Interred. scuteriee deferred till Saturday. tit Aittsburgir etityt . it ' 1 THE COURTS altaklayalreaT ease. City Mortality. Emanuel HAMph, blacksmith, recently Dr. A. (I. licCandlege, PhysicilUNf the employed at East Liberty, WILS called to` answer torahs/tanning his wife and child In • _Hoard orHealth, reports the following in. May last. Mn. Rough said they were mar., terments for the week andlna Janet: tied in September,k64. Her husband had . Enlargement of Llver, I; Clr . ho sic. 1, Ac nOtnfused to support her, but killing Ole Chlental Poisoning, I; Intenwerance, L in. P'nell Of em to . term Im proper . fiamation of brain. 1; ![lli Porn, 1; Dentl. conduct, very cooly .cit her to make. • lam. ehlftae best • she could for herself of t h e e h eee th ere were ~,,der one year. nod °Mid ' ' Mend toMel fa th er'. house M I; Wow one to two, 1; from live, two to I: legheny. The wife did - no:ahoy that animus 1 fro m thirty totem., I, from forty to fifty. to; which la usually • characteristic of shah,my from [0 rr doumentcasm, and her denicanor was in s.l6gire e , suspects In her favor. For herself sue had m e l e e / white, stated she did not care so much. assne could • c o w make living, and,would be content lf her husband would support their child. It was alleged. .1 argued that the husband's in- VW - Additional Local Matters temperance and oonsequeot improaidencU, OD First Page, (Itappearthgthathe maid earn eighteen • MEI Innenloos Attempt le In our porlgrinations, yesterday. we MO . ured the facts of an ingenious attempt,oo the part of one Hugh O' Neel, of tills city, to maim anritiso,” which we give without comment. home month. since an edver. Usement appeared in memo, of our city pa. nen, signed by Mrs. Pucci!, of Akron, Erie enmity, t. Y.„ maklog scree hititilly for James remelt, who left home over eleven years ore. Mrs: Pereell is an elderly IMIY, the mother uf seven children, and enjoys a fair portion of this worlda's goods, or In modern parlance, Las plenty of ''Atanips.. o Her efforts to obtain informatma of Wiriest son were fruitless. and uhe had given up nil hoped: overseeing him again, tante, • few weeks aline, her heart was 61•40 glad by the i...receipt eta letter Irmo her "darling boy,'' , as she Milinteed. postmarkedegotio,” All. phony comity, Pa. The letter wm written ,in I 4 Clover manner, giving an account of the young ,s e wanderlust for the eselane e of 3 fo?fu ra itful "d ' tined w" to order ma nucleus pareg"ii i r o a n to e r re h r ! replied to the letter inameolately,.re ' que:t i Ilog the prodigal LO return agate to th e rental roof, and addressing the letter - m d m ' r rVor ist: O Nre few she received a reply bo nd imin more attic! tionate than the first, a also a modest re, WlT:6 f o o t; a P trbL ' riVe ZfAr nil, r4.'Ulf, and had become involved in debt to l'attier ; HUICL to the amount el a trlenth's paid fo r lint, gather bud paid for hitn, adding that if the mother would send him money enough to liquidate Ma clinica -1 Lions to Father !ticket', and to pay his ex pellee. home, he would come immediately, and also giving the most minute directions how to enclose the money, when and how to direct the letter, and initiating that be sent by ma ll : The money was shout to ,be forwarded as direeted,when some of the hr. there aenticated that It would be wniloneegh for ell. of them to come after James, which E ,, , ,, mwrrn e c cf. ing r j d o. tog p lz . r ato n. pted u m , an w el e y b es lu te v r: ;limn. p the city and reps:Y.:l ' 0 the residence of gatherUlageespccting to obtain information Miley rg Froth. et cone lead him to Ilia "'Ong left brother. ;pit the Reverend gentleness( disclaimed all knowledge Of any snub man. Ile then went to Nolee(arid elm or James Per cell, and wan:Won:Mid t t m at i answer log to that name b the daily for • letter, but eould tir /earn his reabouts. He did not like tO lye the matter up With. out another trial, and 'dropped stetter in the Soho omen for James,. who called for It in a short time afterwards, and was detained omit Mr. Joimphlin graven who was ten tor, 'whO caMe,d_ pro. addend ! he t fellow an Impostor, and made Information before Atqareeeture. al n charging James remelt Wins sigh O'Neil with attempting to defraud. O'Neil was arrested and held fora hearing at 10 j. to-day. Mstake of lb., Clerk In the Court of Quarter Sessions, yonder ,ll4, the Clark, doubtnwo attlferring from mho affect. of the weather,. iii connection .wltto Du multifarloto ditties. &number of Dirties being In waning for attention, arose from hie dealt to announce a verdict trlntth he badustrecorded, wing: Kitentlenten of ins Jury, bearkhn to your Tonto as the : Courtbath reeorded It. In trots hanniolued' between the Commoawealtkend --, you. soy the date:titans Is not 'until WU so you I s .l"4 oool.o ""' lta r ssold 'u 6'"'4usodd'gstologruay."4 ME! PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : FBI W. B. CLATP & CO. Torry's Ice Cream Freezers, I= Grafton's House-Furnishing Store, Sodorol Neer the liallroad Depot, MMMM=I =V 10 oIL REFINERS. THOS. S. CALHOUN CULNUE . 21114.1.331.71., N 0.161 Lachek Street, Allegheny City or e"uuE • TANKS. • AGITATOR3IiaIIt on 'the mnst Imrrfee . ed ses 'an In 1 L?171.1f1C X .5 n t t i llmost ressonaule terms and at thr...:1271.45t 'MOM. MOVULLICI, DANILL L. KIITIILLL. MORELAND & MITCHELL, Livery and Sale' Stables, 425 LIBERTY !STREET, Opposite Eertasylvoula Ilea.. Depot. . PITTSBURGH. ET Parasol. lateral. psal to fornlaang Beane spa Carriages for loaerols. Hon. kept et tiler?. tin 3. T * j ( COLGATE 81 C 0 . 98 (.3 1 G r d i l l '‘ ERA G SIVE SOAP 1. :tlro,l,`.:3°T.M.lA,:t: isi i 0 n . .' .7 ..I,Wer:" r!r4:11; U. It. JEXIW.E.II., DILL. IN CIIIENT, YINF. !MICK AND TILE. • . *T" NV X 'II I IT E I ' LtI " I4, Eit 11.1tY. end Wa. r PIPES. 001.• and Wuebon.e, 107 1 , 113.3 T t3TIII:LT, onnoalla alonon.ahela Nona., THOSE WHO DESIRE 'HL + I.IANCY UT comm,Ezium toast P...(1 and enrich the blood. Thiel. Hata.Ocn'n Cop. CnierneTlin OT III•a -0111,171110.11. Ask Or aglAnitALLl'n. TakeN U *User. • N U e . G. FISCIIEWS FAIWY Dyeing and Scouring Establishment, No. 01 DIAMOND ALLZY. Ware. Wood and liirdtb deld stree PlTTellAtill,l's. All goods returned In two weeks. kept lot/lent to the owner twelve Mlnlos. tnetS:a.l3 NEW FIRST CLASS dEOCERT, I=2 Teaa, Coffee, sugars, Sc., Sc.,. Which We olici to the public .t lowest A. G. BGVANT. ITEM pIANOB AND OR G ANS. -- A very large .lock of NNAXE a CO.'S PIANOS. 4 • /LADIES MM. ri.Nw, and PIIINCKIP •UTOISATICIOItO ANA, At SLIME'S !lONIC STORE. m7lll No. 41 /Will STREET CHOICE BEDDEICI.PLANTS A VC ny Urge stock or hoses, Geraniums, Verbenas, ac., To bloom, at the Oakland Greeaboacts. .JOll.lll IA A A, NUUDOCII. Head me. <autocue. milauo CHAS. A. !lIIILLEn, • LITHOGRAPHER, Aa 80 FOURTU NT., Apollo l101101oft• THEIFICE:bg,R47I4.-1•7;111.31iVe..:"' LET. ap0116,1 (111EAPEST PLACE cv TELE CITY to boy the TRIUMPH COOKING UDE, I. at No. It* ti/f4liT CTIV4r. MMMI BABA & BOEIEB, .111..VIVONLICTZIOTHH, • FRUIT ASSOCIATION eumnoro,_ Nos. L. • HT. CLAIR freassr. PITTSBURGH. PA. Ste , lal attention styes to the dealgll2 ,, i and nol:dtnhot Goart Houses and olthlte buIlot”• FIRE iscILEENs 07 ♦ SSW stYLE. Uncap's', •otin oLI painting. and told and nel net Inman. Si 107 RARILETSTBEET. my. .10n. H. OUGHT. 1 PRO YOUNG LADIES, BEWARE 'of A the tanninaa apcta yaea Powders wad Agnate. 411 mica ales Mot aptharanca of the olds, and la a awl tlape antwy the CM- Tuu.vrtrald Para a treat,. peallay sad apanand appearance, ISO tIiLYBOLaIIS LITACT BartanrilLlLLa. , nrilinalrn TWJED PIWITECL-410 barrels w.47=Z7.l:f ° WU: P" clim, " Bonax* LA N% agl 171 sad 174 Wool stmt. SPECLAI. 'NOTICES WIEEL11:1BOLD'8 Concentrated Fluid Extract( Varsapartila Ertdlootes ETIUPTIirE and 111..c•i,ItA1 1V F. DISE.thES or [he THROAT. NOSE. EYZ , . EYELLDS. oc•Le Sad MIN. Po diellgura the Wm:smut, l'Ultli fain• till elle., r • elerears• ant remn• lot all t the rPintat t• I,otAlt:S. .d.fterwlae. ant Is [taro by 11.1)ULa, mod " VONAlll7l•nlwrzln -, TI - the Extract of tLltt ' t ‘, L l tgol to a galloa of tha Oyrorl of barsaparllla, or the dstawtions as ttou•lly made. • AN ItiTEKEJ LINGLETTERIs oubllthott th e y,,licwebintrycient itt , ltre, on toe tobJent ed en Tr and lag of those o 411aessem o.rrcnr and illawayes atiala/ from (P;gr::flo. of mercury, he or:r/so. utraordlnary. more no than any of drop / cro , cevainfed with. It ft. In 0.• strodtst sent , . toni . e. thit irloatnoble , attritrow. ft./ it fa op,l ,ufii toads etas, nna,dilo S tk tojerlosort lIELIIIIOLp . N CONCENTRATED r,rrEA Tr SARSAPARILLA Establl , llo4l Upward. 0t36 Ter. PY , P. , 4 by ' 11. T. IIELIIROLI), • N Bragglet an 4 Pawn W 4 Broadway. N. Y. Id by ali Mows.. aplrwwWl to Ell 111111:311: FOIL = I•haloni '• Night Blooming errflas.l = ebniovl' :Right Illobrulug ew,eva Phulea•s ••Alight 6ioemlaj erre.. A nwet prquielte. dellea'A, and Fraurent Perfume !led fmm the we aud beautiful dower fret tikes Its nem, Ilsaufahurrd nnly by ➢'HALON & NON, New'York. BEWARE OF . COUNTERFEITS. ANC FOlt LON'S-TAKE NO °TREF/ .GarDII. LUDLUM'S SPECIFIC, The Great American Diuretic! A Rome Immediate relive and dfrea's permulent curve of all Dilnr , z r d t, l'z•A b l . ll• . ea n s y s , s m lsl . 71 .I t ' eVii711 ' etTET:11. trite 31.0 U per 4oe. bold hP all Druggists. JULIA' D. PARK. lienernl Agent, M==l =l= WM. HARNIIILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS INU SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos, 20, 22, ZS aud 26 Penn At. Haring armored a luge yard and forndehod It with the molt approted muldner, we are pre pared to manurgeture est 0 desert Olen of Bon ere In the heat Marine, and warranted meal to soy made in th e country. Chimneys, Breech ing, Flee Bede, Strom litre,. Locomotive Boil ers. Condensers. gait Cana, Tants. Oil Agitator., 50.01100 Pane, Boller Iron, Bridges, Speer l'ans, and /Ota manaracthrem of BARN. 11l LL'S Ca.TRNT BUILEIM Bcpalring done oh the shone. notice. ICS cat E.01312111±10,i. ILEA fr. CO., erF to nOnUtZoN. Mtzn,(a.Mrnvzns,) WASHINGTON WORKS, Found...tad Mathlnglis, Pittsbnezla, Manufacturers of Boat and glallonary Steam Irdelnea. Illast EnjOnLel • 3111 i Ilaehlnerr. Uear. Into Shaltlng. Caslloga of all dtecrlptlOns: (11l Tants and lull., Boller and llbeal Iron Work. (Mee: No. itgaorocr Font and Nrolthlleld la-Aron:l fur IllYTAllira PATENT IN ECTOIf. fir feeding bolters. 1511:512 arLAKE sukEnion • COPPER MILE & SMELTING WORKS • PITTSIIIMG/I. -PARK, McCURDY.& CO.. • liraalars• Roc i to .prer,l'irsse4 Coprer Bottoms, Raised Still hoktier holder. Also importers and ra Metal., Tin Plate, 110,44-Iron, Wire, Se. Constantly on hand Tianer.• Machines and Tools. Warehouse. No. 140 PINT 111 Huai . and ILO0501 , 51) STIt -.poet.' 'micro of e.ppor cut to,any deolved pattern. otyll:ratularT • ;O — SOMETHING NEW.—CALL. Led exam.. the sew SILVER-TIPPED aim Es. ThL.T weir twice sa int, as those without tlvs. Rept °WI or W.ll. E. Ike!INERT-4_ ...3,11.7 1 .4_L , p. 31 rll3ll -1 ,1 1 11,buigh. ar'QUINCT A. S(OTT, - L)E7TIST, ..Iro. 2.S .I.E.r.r STREE-T, = MABUT OR NOT TO 111/I.IMV NOY? IS-rloue Ve ilactlan• ler Young Men. In Essay/ at the How ard /Lea.letlon , an the rayatoluelcal Knott, M•lurean.., •• Iv La w. a! ll la es Inca," ta Waned by t fan : erealce of N o neat la :=Vgl.=tivlgar&MN6,4li •seuelation, ralladeLpolk, Pa. entl.:eaela VIERS, HOPPER & CO., INvetes.ors to It. It. BULGE% ',tot.) =I FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCIIOOI, AID OFFICE FUEFITCRE. No. 45 Smithfield Street, I ==f2! . tallws .:. = : l : nt or Pi ltobariftl bran u fac ,CASH ruccics. • .t.. 037 on band at LOWk..Tf IPM. J. c. A. lITLIM 13/11=1,Gi Pittsburgh Imporfing Rouse. =I SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, IMPORTERS OP POREIUS WINES AND LIQUORS, No 409 Penn . Street, •PITTSBITRGH, • Would direct th e attention of the public to toe fan{ oomeming sucerior laclillms through teeter large wine antithinor !moors In Europa; sod noikina thole liniMe , ntinno direct, the ore ',l:tabled to ogee toe mho. grade* of conice WM. and Liquor. at prim.. less than Rst.rn , wo. Examination ot qualities and compat loon of prier, monectruity solicited. A choler am ortmont of puRE OM) EVE 11.1.-if Y conatantir on hand. annnann w NEW WALL PAPER snn . UPHOLSTERY STORE, AUNT OPENED, AT _ NO: -W SMITHFIELD ST., BELOW TAILED To nepommouate inn Inenensrd teed, w . naive E 11l 4Y.inr ;ICS ;V tillr .L i r e . '‘. nn 3 r o stnck ar WA LL WINDuIV 1•1., C MOT C HA,I N M sTTnOAOI, S yW alt I•EDTOIN LS fO aIL kinds. IliSAN•lit-3GNIILTIIITIELD 9 TILILKT; OLD bTANu-91:1 AND. US TUILLD bTi/Err. E. EDMIIEDSOE & CO. inia39.veV MOILLEDOL, IRON CITY SPICH FIFTE STREET EXTENSION, Jrear' Pennsylvania wiretsue, PLITSIIiTIIIO.II. Pty PURE SPIOES AND MUSTARD Warranted when oar mats IS 00 thC /FISH ON CORNIlltiaL Cid USE If WU o constantly on hand. CllrrlrE AND ti ROUND NUTS ItUAFTED Will vi coutlotte the 11pItufett,ttre a .11 the DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPICES, which awe oiler to tirldoletale and Ike tall Dealers at the lowan market prlee. • A brdaf to deal MO. Ire aoltelt the pitT.l4Pl or UTDUbLIP. Chopped Pee.. Constantly on Hand, Rr&ICEILEi<a KOBLZDOE. deZtuat • . - PITTSBURGH PAPER KANE TAMI4EIIIOI.7OIIPANY. Ilaanfacturers PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS siicritg.nal!TlZAWNWTA': OPPICZ LAD WAREJOIIIIIM, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. i orrican3-4 30.%71.1t17,1&T,=.; 'Ruin:UM 1t1131.141.156,..-r i. Untscross—Auo y .i artie. Job*.Atyvol 11. H. lut t oA .t uz:t m4russon. . Cikeltk Pe !Dr Paper Illteelg. • mrussooLirs Errisier s niirPARILLL claanna and aa" Waal. Instil. tn. rigor of Mulcts Into tbaay tam, and purges tll4 Da bums that mak* qtr DAY, JUNE 14, 1567 CONXISS'II AtEkiellAITIS SA .-. —. J. 'OIL 9ALE—The twit Farni In WISAINE &01.51.1 ER, A Pllrtl,kl Warmoceland vat, 1 . • . c.tuta.n , tta atmtat . .o acre. Itu•te•t eta C 118,4•11.101 of Pcataylvanla...hallp.a.t. at Commission Merchants, "` ""'" Dnaltr• Iv . krek,ana rHoDUCE N..w J • wbflie pc - m "m. 0 1.( cm:Manna, Street. I.,ltalotargltt - ren, ail NO. I . : 711.,,011 ;•• maLLE.I. IL a, [N. J. "be cairn. mal.ll.r I I.tts t prle- (Mr F. SELLERS & CO •, • valusb 1.0 Far, rot3l.llllt, • PORK PACKERs, acre...ltuat 11 in ett=l,..oll " ll=,:n " l.l2:p r lin ' road co 101 nub teeu n.lles from the city. f to , tiorracenient. are a t..ottory brick non. with .I .pal room.. hall runnlng through the house, wan o ng. cell A . e pea touches. Schools an Mille very convenient. Persons wishing to engage In gardening seonio do well to and purchase gawk'''. Also. • /arm of .1 scrs, altuated In West Wheattield township. Indiana county. Pa.. 'Aso., 83 miles from the line of the Pennsylvanla road._ The Improvements art--Firat, a two. story t-anrir house. .nib ars 70019., Isrge framehrb, herb, 4,70, corn evils. carriage house. • good stow. aural, bons and wood house. neecin 1 a two-story let house, • large frame barn. 40z70, a I story frame sorted bon.. aad ulcer out buildings he fencing Is all good. abundance dOr 110,111.011 e on the place, and coal but a short istance. Convenient to Churches, Pcboida. Mills. dc. lam authorised lo toll this property re y cheap and oO euy terms. dcres, which Si acre, are under cultivation. glace. in f ebrls. SILO coty, Illinois. ImprovententS—a new frame dw un elling containing 0 rooms: about 400 011 011, i r :lge: r oVtte g iVis oc r ifee n nliial a 2.1 wilt be toldon p reuonable terms. Cll. property Wien 111 art exchae If desired. Alao, a Farm or CU acres In Penn township.Westmoreland county, =acres Cleared and un der sultivatiOn, V/ acres of brat-rate white oat and other Gather. 2 dwelling bonne., lof them 2 mode*, the 01505 1 story. with a tenant hon., i d tl e ' r . i d "' n 's g or ' 8 o a ""' s o ' f . p .. rTßUl n trfs7. l g eloc tirrvlllllTeverT ' aars tt fable, with Ihneitone poll an sub witb never falling springs; within one too red rods of the Penna. Central nalitorteli 23 miles cult of Pituborgb, and tisret miles west of tireenahurg. This fans Is plea•- tg; s :l.7 ""g'b 1 1 . 0 : 1 .1.1, 1 :11 ZiTe cool. rho title gooo. Also, two-non Drift 'sou.. wills 10 rooms; 211 feet front and to foot blot, witn two good lota. situated ID the village of Bairdstown. tier "l Gantll o(ol olgfaagm.,,nth "P . uV :;17z.!:.11):11!..1o1.1-hVo°,"..c1.110.$1 0 0 4 :u p Kot Wheattbdil township. Indiana county, Penna. The improvement* are • poicl franse frame ban, and other outbuildings; about I house. se Ceased timber nuder good rence, tee reslolue in gcod timber. Tile soil la of •• good osslity. watered, convenient to allurebta, sebo .1.. mlll2, Lte. W be twia at the low price. of Ste per acre. PosseliSIJ01101:00011.tely. forfutiner Cotrtietuars, euipttre of LARD OIL ; "!Yew Bacon, Bed andjongies Will be reads for dtllyerl on Gonda), ,tan • Choice Huger-Cured Liam: Do do do Been Do do do • Beeftongues; Do do do Breakfast Bacon Plain Cured Ifacon Shonldang CZ= At radu.d pricet and or excellent quality. From this onto weshall betallalar/T with all articles In Provialon trade. Jaltnqa ' BREWER BURKE & CO., • gOILMISSION MgEICHATB, AliniTETtlit VAL Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works, Ample BlOlnfte for Crude and itennwl OIL 1.14.• oral <nen advances ruttate on ermstguments' of Crude or lienned Petroleum. ,Tards. for store., end shipment Of erode VII at Lettreneevilln. • • . . Ott" sad Warehouse, Comer o gamut. Way gad Hanbuck street. Pittsburgh. f Dug ospl6.•rd ROBERT KNOX, Jr., COMMINEHMN MERCHANT, • FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE; °Mrs, HS LIBERTY NT., Pittsburgh L . J. aLANCIIARD a co., =I C.O M ED, 396 Penn Street ap15:153 1. y{TCHAAT. gEIL h ' lUTZfi . ra COMEISSION NE;ROHARTS, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &e, E=ME OWENS & KENNEDY, PEODUCZ 111161510 N MILIICHANTH I tirls i sayAss i artr PORICItiN AND INISILH ivrxruss;Ae. ariti r tk u di=o..ll4:4?,:z 2.T . 1t i :11. ! ? ,c 4.1 11 IgUISHAL STREET, oppo. Agents for the sel: P o ' th .A .1( Ellotan's Ind J. Anus dolt.. rimai l u i a FETZER & ARMSTRONG, 1011/EDIS6 el, COHESIOI for nestle or Flans, Grill, Bann. Lard Bolts,, naeds, Dried Penna. and Pralcnenerally. i.e. LS 1l area t Bonet, corner of Pint, P ge ittsburgh, Pa. fortlull Cam . .. --asonan gam R:1 & 6014, Commission 71:C,ii Alin and Dealers In YL411114. tiILAJN. MILL PEZI) and PRODUCE nada-al ly, Be. 111)11nlaorid, ayprailts Cltybiall. :tile, gluon) CRY. V • hal 7:c67 DAV. CUAWF O RD. Commik- , tilOgr ItnItriIIANTIISII3IIILETS,4,)IIASUMB OUP, WM/PUMP SCRAP MON FMK. UICK sad CLAP, de. Warcbonse wee. - Nos. aes and 305 I . P.NN CTZ.ZT. etoragn COMl4l22l3.llleolleited. Oct LiTTLE. - LIMBO & PATTON, WboluaWitoeinn, Commission Iterehantn, and 'donnas In rrodnea. float. Baton. Cbansa. nen, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Inn% Calton Yuan na4 all ritunnunn manufactures nnaralle 11.04 114 15/seolul street, 111.[Anarnb. /. a/Dena —.l. 6. uzvman....war. D. EATYKIL PBYMER Is UUOS.,. (Successors A.. lln7 Dona & t cr /m . a s & a Ahnudse rsnon S p W ic h e u s. l nu Co l n n f D es e s a i l o . n " - Cleat. above Nl.l= 1 JOAN B. ClLlELD,Cousassis Eton and Tor* Merchant and Whole isle deakr In Wits rn Deserve Cheese. list :sr. Lard. Pork. w flour, nth, Pot nutt NAZI All.lll, and USD, Dried /run, and Pro d... annesallys Nod. /44 and DI Venal strew, Pitsaborin. 4 1 : 1 RiDDILE,No. Liberty' St. ? • Pltubtanta I a-Atom:al:Dion Ilhao Wholesale Dewer In (Maury Produce. 1 1/ west . and Installer/1h wannfactur“. Cash advanced nun n Chsnahpanents. and paid for Produce g nuns-. JOtor 1. 110.11.2DWASD'BOCILZ...1111. •1. - 1101.1 JOILIi HOESE BROS, Inc ., cmlBol.ll 101111 1. /10061 1 WWI. nle eirocers and Commission Merchants. .7- .1.07 O.IIIIIIeId and Water street., Pitultnircti ROGOMAILER at. LANG, Wh01e ....18 oladers InGrocartes. /lour. Uralo. Pro: duce. Provlslou4,_ fish. (Meese. deli, Carbon WI. Nos; 172 sod Ir. Wm:dr:Net. near.!..lberly,dtzeed. Pitlebarela. Pa. rd0:036 JOZIN 81111 - TON A. WALLA.; 5,` HIPTON & WALL ACE, SS hole ,' sale 0 ItUeEltS AND PIIPD Der. DALE BM. No. 81A. Mtn.. Mitt.burgb. JAII:rhA COAL, COKE, &cc BEST FAMILY COAL Always on baud and :tally. rail promptly tgordtr. AT LOWEST BARBET BATES, BY OSCAR F. LAMM & CO., for. Filldusli Find and & C. loilny, = thracite Coal I urnished at the lofreek tike XX X CI XXXI' WIDDINCI =MONO. 11C YTNYa.Y WAL M. CLAINgIi, & CO.. Gas Coal Works, /Rippers and dealers C O RIPERIOR it ACHY. AND FAN ILE N UT C AL and IS Post :Ake address. BOX 507. Pittsburgh. and LUCE 2 1:1 - ..PIA ' ll g t771!1 . seeond 51017 Pittsburgh Oaring Bank Building, corner Liberty street epd Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. BRANCH OFFICES: No. 3 Liberty street, under Prniea R. It., opt,. site llechanicoreet, Pittsburgh. and corner Ad ders. stye ouzo' P. F: W. C. It. it. All, gheny. All ord prom p tt liter of tile above places will raceireattention. pirrsnuaGn NATIONAL • COAL AND Veil COMPANY. Elers, abippera and dialers, wholesOu and retail, In tAe - . • BEST FAMILY COAL. lant Ooeal as.saci OFFICE. AND YARD, corner Fourth and try street, Pittsburg.. I Ail orders for delivery tattle City, or Shipment West, will, meet prompt and lortnedlate: atter, lion. B. A. :RAI N ABEL. Superintendent. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART t Hawlnt =loud their pawl to 547 LIBERTY STREET, I (Latair Car Flour Ytll tSECOND FLOUR. Are pow prepared to length g i rd Yougologheey nt Lu..?cur VOAL PILACft. Aithe loWhet market price... LO S tret promptly.: . raymto • VOST - PITT COAL COWPANT —Will:doers and dealers In tleperlor ?wally sad Steam Coal,-Nut Coal and Slack s general of doe second sto_ry littsbo rah elegloas liana Build ing. corner latnerty street - and Thee alley. Braneb ogle, corner Try and Third street.; receive left a tt ention f the above lace. will receive prompt rostofflce Adam... Box 587. Plltsb'gh. • . IIIIUCTOW: I , J. J. Ort.cutrrr, B. L. ?mum/moat, t , IteettltmAtr, WII. Ilasmetairr, Ozomax C. limn. JAS. 1 11 01 , 11902“11`1.. W•Ll'ila Birnom, Joult HAYS.. • Lt.. WWI°. .1..7.U11.LCA 8. id Plr,rtell . L. I , t. H. XTreuvrel.. ill. ticol. r. W. Di, CLCIEY a. CO., Miltrialft)”. ja1:.194 • CUARLES 11..ABWISTRONG, YOCIGRIOOKENI & CONNELLSVILLE COAL Exotraeterereor enial,illack, anti Ilidieulphorined Coke ' OFFICE Aril) Y • RD, Cotner of Butler and liorum; tint yard on Lib• erty and Clymer etreeta, Ninth ward, and on devoid street, near Lock No I, FittOmrliii• ra• Families and hianufactureis earplied wltlithe beet 'article of Coat or Cote at e e l loreateaall rata. • r7e:ttar of thete wlll receive ugjr,Lmto. BREWERS, MALSTERS, &o. pITTBBURGIII BIUEWERC CARSON, DARLINGTON 6G CO . , BEIM LIMBS no HO? MRS, 1:1==1:1 aOtillUA 1131101104 at co., Plttsbartt WM. R. ALlWZRBol3,..illattben The late-nth:mot tbG outman o the two. fltets Is par Llculaa ly 12ivited to one ALES AND PORTER. %Web, tbri)oglrthararef!=ti=lingig. rh:=.lra:ator 44:Ee to b. Pa t;:r S igaliken ' a tre " 4111. tiVIMPTEST:itomera will plea. ba paarrticular otlewra their order. at eta °Mee id. jolapug DIY opl lirewe or at our 40th. aioaal7o &Nome rb ull•Bafterl 114. ZrVOITAU gtralltriff TIIOY. ALLEGIIENYBREIVEIty. PurCbased the snd estibilebed known as the ALLiEtilighl /141[WlallY. tor. elerly owned byWhooppoell Report...Ml wield Warm tale sostold Wet wis Intausie•uhtlspilng the "'•' - • • SPRING. WATER ALES, • • Itmla from Pied Bprlsin Water, and from dar em males and Withxperiente tbe,bealeeme e feel sallatled IUD Will be enabled to Mae Wretire satlafamma so Made mlto may favor DJ 111112, ulf patoonn6 woo.. 466 . Rebecca _ Street, .ALLEGHENY CITY. /WAR orders left at BROWN A GRAHAM'S. 1103 MOGl',to. elevat e Plttolmegl. W.ll to DostoPt ocoOSI II attended • PBOBlyli min BREWERY. Mtn , 111 SfIND #IIBWERS -. . ~.v,-..._ • , :-.. - Ale, Porter ardßrown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PL MOI9IIAT WAR" MaaaiH. Itn;4a IMPROVED PROPERTY 3k•tziz.a. sic6r_4o. &plata In Lawrenceritip,,aod Mprlnineld, ab- lolntOg. Milani In D , lea• rnm, vox, to MMEI!MME Iraoloracethis opport..ltY for farther Informapau, apply lttbeitOCES- tats apllnotusoce Wilco of G. B. nevrza. Q==!Ell!!!=! Von SALE—House and Lot un Locust street, llianchtoter; lot 50 by 170 Let. rrit, tiso, r goo LOTSon SeJg it;.;:,”;,r,reeL:1,.... or r. r. W. C. Also, TIV; LOOP on Western g nue g Tremont el.seet, Allegheny Clty.' A r e fiCG ,nta. Beveral small house. and lots In rood ',KALILB.ea re n , q n ea r Ch eanot J i . t k Man Ao e r. jolOsel • FOB SALE. ONS VIOSTOET DIVILLI3G BODE, . ~,,ated 'within a few yards or etewlekley Ela tion, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Uhl caga ItaLway, containing four rooms, with cellar underneath. Poseesalon given immedlately. Nor lenine apply to E. KELLY, Atittlooll.P. tartt No. 4 rederal et., Allenneny. VOR SALE OR RENT, CLIEMP: A- A rano at Catptlater's titatlon, on the Cen -1,11 tiallrohtl. contalnlitg ...test Improve. menu, two houses and stables. gcohl orchard: all In pasture and fogl rot cultivation. Alto, eg eral other harms. In good localities god welt im proved, which I gal tell cheap and oo reasona ble terms. Alto, sr.omber of good balldlng lots In the city 11:14 rot further particulars in o WlLLlAquire tafWARD, 110 Grant strhet, opposite the eathedrel. =I VOIIB.ILLE...Inine years , lease on Lot altim. on lima, erected Ninth ward, 01 by 11M feet, on which la erected &frame diettlin w m ritinfr VA per month. Also. • brie. ofdrooms which will rent for at% malt end will Le Vg.,`4‘,1'%.1-.r..„o`g..!Nll. e pP;jl't:, ea ror apply at 10s /teal Estate •nd hum ranee Mee of m re= Boiler Mreet, 'Lawrence, Ille. lOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker. NMI JOLLY D. DAILEY, STOCK'AND REAL:ESTATE BROKER /LSD ALICIIIONEKB Haring taken engagement ssion as Auctioneer, and eni-tned au with Me Pittsburgh Board of Trade, seenrine the use of their rooms, pl/0,11 the Third National Bent- lam now pre ared to sell atrablic /ruction: bidet.. Bond, ilecurilles, Beal testate. Ac., Oiler at the Shove rooms or am tht premises. Particular attention pall, u bere[ofore'rs the says of Beal hstate.tnrtrate deist sales of Be iti-he tate In tho countr7 at traded. 111,, roortli ..... • PeN INSIJRAII 0 pEOPLVEI ENBIIELII26CE CO. . F. Z. COB. WOOD AND 117171 ISTO r=;M=! Wm. rump.. Jena L Knondl. Juba Watts. • Punnet V. Warts.. John I. Parks, Charles Arbuckle. Caps. Jas. Hiller, Jahn F. Kirkpatrick Wm. Van hick; Prank P. Bissell. James 1/. Werner. L O. Hanson Lot WIC rtitLadpiL President. JOHN WATT, Vice Prulden, W. F. 111 nONKSL. Perretarr. lull:!, Capt. JAN iIiJKOON. (Hull All. • ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. street F aint M rrrrs oot illntaki.-o:3l<e. Ho. IT Fifth llnu sollon nil Wats Of Fire sad Marino JOHN J.;PnislaCni. JOHN U. McCORD, Vlee Proldent tie e p. "" Nral igen 'C/0U • John Irwin. Jr.. LU . (Apt Wm. Ursa. John D. lact/ora. 1 8.1.. tabu...hen. 110.airelatitgin. IV . Lt. Seereo AM n. Hobert B. DS. - r. J moikUren. / raacl ...lien, Cherles Lte.W. Geo. U. lletirewi pre i NZI 4 V . t eiNLl LITEIII7/IAIIiCE . OF PIITSBURIIII, PA. USllee,lll Fifth sweet. Bank Snook, to TM. Is a liome'Compum. and Insures &gal./ Vlraltera s aßK. Presldeat.' • • 0. 0. BOYLE, Vice PreslleaL ROBERT PATRICK, Trakaaanca. BUOY hPZIAIENT. BearatarT. bIRACTOus: 4.l,onani Walter, Utopia Wllwa. C. C. Bella lino. W. ZW.I. • Robcrt Patrick. J. 0. Lapps. ( Jacob Palotez; J. C. plaibAr, Joslab King, ' JohAVotallay, Jas. 11. lioicklas; A. Anucoa. 'Henry Sproul. to/:R iNDEMLNITT • AGAINST LOSS ,BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY: - OF P HILADELPHIA. OWvns .13.1. mend .4.37• CHESTNUT' NT., Near Filth. • ' DineenOlt& Ct. - a - ries W. Beacker, Diorite.. li. Leah. Toone Wagner, David N. Brown, saniucl ti, ant., lcue Lee, .Jecdt, eanith, Nibrard C. Dale, George W. Etcher - de. linoneeFOee • CHAS. D. BANC/I EIS, Fenident, EDWD C DALE, Vice Creel:lent. • WM. O. STEEL IC. NecreiarY, Dec Ina. • J. GARDNER COFFIN. Agent, me." ncle• Norte Wenger. Third & Wood see. EVSITILLNCE CO., Or PITTIiBURUH, • ALF-SANDER N.lllOC ‘ President. WM. b. ItERHART, Secretary. (JAM. Uktiltol NIAELLA General Agent, (Mice, 141 Water Meet. Spans • Co.`. W.I Hoe. In stairs. rittnborgh. • XIII Le tare arab:Malt kir. of lire and liarina Etsts. • holm Instltuttonmanagedlry DirettOill who are tell Loon. to the community, and who are determined by promptnem and /lbennltT. tomaintain the character whi ch they hays I. mencO, at to the bast rote.. to that. silo Wigan to is Insured. . DIR10:4113.1. • . A.lox. NlntiviL Dees J.Tboza.. IL uni.r, Jr. • otus, J. Lurk... J•ru.a diedvivl. Joi( EL. IdoCud% .1.101.4 Cr bpocr. Jan:tool% Sanaa. avdrev Jere[. Jo•opitilirkpaidick David IL Loat ht. Chillip lloymer. dell .WM . U P. TI aitt r 4l`. ScatrWtiry. SEWING MACELINIS. D 0 'T BE DECIAVED BY Flourishlzabal! column advartisesacntiof lute. riot Machines. but gat a IiHOW6II. A 11,1.- IEICW It has baels Why tilted for sla te. yar mi inuA ht by all comhia. 1 1110, astroot, turmaa above ftnlttifleld. GROVER & nAkEive - ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are THE ItalT far Family and Kanufactrallll ponorea. Cal and see the= al .ro[ 105 Fifth Street. GET NONE BUT A GROPER & BASER far a Holiday dltt. IL Ii Kllahle. perfect and tatted:ore Oa beat. Don't Call total) and dna hat NO. Ina II eTFI ar., aann lantthdeld. IiAtINESSb. CAHILL GE ll.MaGild should see the new QOMt BiEl6. 1.8.1111 C Dant Befongra g.r.tere. Um best twstelS eee W. 10 . 3 rIrTLI, STREIT. abn. &Daigle-V. I= T" GROVER 'B4 BAKER SEWING MACHINE • Is Ms Ultima Thule of liestrantssa. Please stop Isnd sinalsas It at . NO pa NINTH OMINS, 1...19,0AS I=Ml BOOTS AND SHOE comm JOHN minima C. FIELDING k luto„ litaxmtAetaren and Dem Len fn ' Chastastak Made BOOTS, 8130 ES & GAITERS, N 0.140 Ohio St., - Allegbeny.; iefalrinit eroamttl'exemousel in,the .men woo.. .JEW BURLINGTON HERRING bozeo New Harlington tlarrb., Joss ro• *dyed .4 tor tato by ;antra a num. . No,. 1M o. 174 Wood urea BANK'S AND BANKEREI. HART, CAUGHEI & CO.; Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS pyrninv HUH,. (SUOCEBSOBS TO HANNA, HART e, 64), Exchange, Coin, Coupons And pantlealar attenaton paid Co the Imp abase and gala of GOVERNMENT BONDS ._ . 47l`S ON LONDON. .31.72 N. HOLMES & SONS, 321.49.1\TIMMIFLEI. No. 57 market. Street, niTsnuuciu. received In Frj"'dn7Trieg:°a7la he 141tedetes Stocki, Bonds and , Other Seaultle‘ BOUGHT en BOLD ONDOWILLESION. • Particular atteittlor pad' Co the purchase and sale o U. S, securikies, Including U. 8. 81EE8 cY 1881; ; do. do. 8.20.; U. K. YIVEO 10..4011: I U.K. CERTIFICATES UY LNUERTEURESS. colors sod Vodettersboolth or ..ecrd. 1.1031 PEOPLEEP AVINGS BANK, • OF. PITTSBURGH. ..IJYCORPORAIT.ED •1860. Capital, - - 8100,000. OFME, 210. 80 FOURTH STRUT. • President ' HENRY LLOYD. Wee President,: WILLIAM REA. TILUBTE.I3: Htnuos. Makll . 4, lionan L„,. AMIN 1:2 6... 7.fir.1.1r. Saretuy ma Tatum, ILINIT MON BONIEST Oil Der mut. lanareat allowed On time depodta.' ta Tvgnr . made in Uovenaoentwd 11.,al.FA ' Bank open aily, extent Sunda., from nine Ont.:mt. A. X., to four o'cock, r: a.. and on Wednesday and datorday acetl.ll loom eta tO olneoelock. .t o COAL 111. EN'S TRUST .COMPANY, No. 65 Sniithiteld St., STOOKIIOLDEBB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. - $200.000. WITII PRIVILEGE OF 1090.000. De taidts redelvediand ad• Spatial attention given to Collet- President-A. J. BiKER. • Cashler—E.„J. ROBERTS. '• DL1L16011.9. A. J. BAC.. Wo. J. Pt .- max.:di. A. 050100. , We. Motumeat. Taus. FAIMOW, JAN. 11. Hoard Net • A. J. ILiata. Z.I.TV4CI.Ir, J. 1/. Jquatua; D. 1.. /%101.1... WESTERN SAYINGS BASE, Xo. 59 Four' Street. CIMEELIVI•33Ixiam=b mese. In Pahl on Time Depocita. Anysnm recolwea from thaw Dollar upward. In Deno.Da ankiwat to Chock. without DLICVIINT DAILY,AT 12 CI'CLOCH.. President—TßONPSON HELL. Vice President- 7 4. m. DLIRSILILL. DIAECTOID. Ticncrt O DELL, J. J. GtcLlcsria, JOux B. . A. M. IlAatlialt. JOs. ALM.. btoekttolders to whnto we make REFERENCE. Porrh, Wm. Caldytwelle,"llworb. Rev. Darla Kerr, 5. 1 % . 1... 3 i11;Y:,., '417'11.1,74Z" . E. M.. Colton. • Wets. Awing. 1. tn. pITTSIBMGEI. BANK FOR SAVINCS, 't Formerly the DIME SAYLVOSINSTITUTIOI9 6'7 Fourth Street.. Nearly Opp°.lle Bank of Pittsburgh. CHARTERED IN 1862. OPEN DAME Irom 9 to 1 o'clock. and on WADS SNOBS Nov em berUAY EVEN Men from May Ist to ISL. 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November let to Stay Ist. 6 to 8 o'clock.. Books of tie-Laws. lc., furnished st toe alike TI,Is Institution especially offer Kt towtho hose earnutivi are Unshed, the opportaulty .55- troolata by small Oeposits, eadly eyed, a arm walee 111 be • resource when nvode... and bear ing Mitten Instead of remi.lumg unproductive. So/2'7d of TliEts.auzgeris:3 ' OiIaSIDATI, I.IEOBOR A. BERRY,' :. - Tick TIMIDZSTst B. U. HAIITII.IIq. JAMES PARK. .19. SI.CB.A. A-ND SIOLART:ILLIC. D. E. NeK/NLEE. A. BRADLEY. W 6B . R. 'NUIICR. A. N. littoL, ' P. HAHNE. J'N". E. DILWORTH JOIIIIUAJRHODES, 0. FOLLANSREE, JOHN cleat - T. ' • JAN. L. (Mali AM It. C. SCHMERTZ. en K IHEIS ZOO. antaciTatts—D. ' Al a A. A. BELL. mblicv3itr ALLEGHENY SAVINGS BANK,' ! I • • ALLEGHENY, PA.. Ciman.SLLHOci la 10443. BTOOKJIOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Degasltst received and sin per !cent. Interest Wowed on Wee deposit, Particular ettentidn Veen tOCOlActiou, and Iroeved.• promptly rev edited.' Discount Days— onday •AdTtintrdaY. DIRICSORS G. Wetted:, J. T. Stockdale, A. Ackloy, ',rank Tiernan, Alexendet Morse, D. Dehaven. U SAI AM. President. — JOHN W. MIDDLE. Cashier. m,14 PAINTERS. IiAMILTON & MeHIE, • House and Sign Painters, 1.11 THIRD STREET, Pittsburgb Graining, Glazing 3 Gilding =I! lILSED PAINTY, VA.NISHICN. PUTTY, (LANK. EttiV.HES, TI:fitrEN.TII4IC,-W HIT LLICs4. ZINv, ,711:119 I 'IIEMOVAL. . • JOHN F. CLULEY. Meuse and Sign Painter, 11.. removed to No. 134 PIiITiIPISLI) HT., Pittsburgh, Ps, 13179:TII! • Opposite she old stand. • ouini .ICCOU,St .10:1521S0114 McILIVINAN fi SNYDEL, nnifi. AND OW& Stria LENS . Die. 133,Narcb Ode of Diamond. Allegheny: • Coautaerclal and glass alms made to order. • Orders respect fully *allotted and promptly am. seined. 111xed Paints. Wlttdowtilaaa and Putty constantly Co hand. aplatir JOHN T. GRAY, no . upc 4t L' 151tII( 'PAINTER, GRAINER AND - No, 64 and St., Pittsburgh.. Polo and OrOsiabotol Olror ol over 7 desert, tlror done to order.. AU Work Soros promptly sr reasonable rotes. • lelorhl COULTFA • • HOUSE AND ZION PAINTER,. • Cor. 7011}1.SLL AND WILY? WM.. PITTS/PH All orders tett tt Bhop, or .01 by most will receive pr0mP,...t..ti0.., WIEJA Mi BIJOU,Ti, (La to of Om Om of BROWS & M0N.110W.7 LIQUlin AND max PAINTS/IP , NoMosot corner or Third and )f.orket WOO% WORICHOUSE PRISON. TEE BOARD OF DIANA GERA of A T OP woos HMIS/ •21W INEBUTATE ..,fte [O.ll WWI mporulbler Dvtle. far t urc MR{lO4,42SUIrel Or boa Throo MUlloto (J.uo0,000.) Of boot Erick. gr ta tb a:. ° lfViVo Vi,rtfh;tt,"<=l: :.°ll4 itattro •uvnuanec e rlde et., osJ otLer facilities 1.1111. furuldt m.. V.. tit r Information cart ba oi;ta 4 ll.l of, old 50 . S tben:m.10 stallt JUNE to GEO. ALBUEE, Not,ollao7, Mr. W 004004 Wouril PlUstossEb oly31:04 CLzul SZLIIGERLY & ELM. • otucceasors to ev) , Y. ISchuchana t C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, Tn. ONLrerrzAm trikumiliarino inks: LISILIKINT WLB?Or THL YOUNTA.IN6. Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bonds, Labels, Clrentare, 15hom Hants, Diplomas, Perna/M. Anew.. Haunt:ate* of Deposlis. lnelualon Hants. 64. Nu. TS and T• Third et.. Plus -9,1G1N OF.BLLIIII I L—JOHN A BROWN 00.. 116 garrnrlnLD Mart oppoalte the Poston:Me keep on hand,. or make 'promptly*. Order. evarlaty of elegant Venetl tra***...prie r e Ince and coward, New otyle of Windom 156ades, 1.1.50 cod ofmards. Colored on cloths, Had, tmllend, Kate, Hags, Otto. mans, Band md Plenne(korle and Teasels. at the same note, rm hand or made to order, a floe Meet of White Lod Halloo Martz Cellars. de., tor sentlamenb, you. .Inklmrl6: R . P. PETTY, • Wholesale and Retail Dealer In TIM, WI .ER sad Pure 0111.Yonee. melt ktle .d.Botg.bpa WlllB5llLs. Ae. 55; Ivi ,e llirt r e n :irt o n t irl .o,,strist sad jar 8 ANLUSEIIIIENI"S. D CAlAltirt, PICNIC ISSN !FIT Or TUE ro,,a( r V N'tfie!n, riffPfiVr WCIXTY Or ST • _Tue*day,4uue 18th, • • IT IROCCiTT PAU. !Ooo..lart.isic attengaacv muLtztra pls :form. f r, • Dam. r ,rverl at 1 n . c.lott p. m xte In• Led to attend, lickate 50 Cent• {lell:.ett. - r'SONGS OF SCOTLAND MASONIC HALL, LA4 mult.4e.mum AT S Van • me. KENNEDY, 2hJta aar tases 0' S0IIIII• wz—T Vg•io; L :eitr.. l n Sty Spouse Navel 'John • Cope lovVa me Mr Mu. CU•JiI., ••011 rlfhorforte--Mbis I;ZNINtIaiY. dl Wood .street. )614•0 a"LITERARY AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, Dr VIZ Hamihorne Literary Society, . POlt VIZ 111;12FIT lfr TILL WOW 105WITIL , AT, LAFAYETTE HALL. Tuegday Evening, June ltith. AlittlitlON. 30 CENTS. Tickets tor Lie al earn, Beate S. Ituettlere. Bellor!e,' B . tase , ..4 the prtaclpal Boat Stone., Jet Ca Itgr'SECOND ANNUAL TOUR r 07 THY NM LIMN SHOW! r —4.,....„ -i. ,_ ~a . : _ •A` ' %;',1); Alro."-2.1 0. ;r4 9;•.14,'' • 'Tv TION nalrenally fasculte oaxablnatlea 1.11142. hlblt In ALLEGHENY CITY, ,For Three Dam on I;IOIIDAY,TUE3DAY*WEDNEIDAY, • June 17dt, 18th and 19th. Centurynneler exhibition of the dimXtoirth has been entirely reorgantsed fartild Pre•eut retro, having retained all the old O. 'melte. and .having boded to In t he bet talent known to th e prolestion. this for ming • 1,11. f. fin of Artists unequaled by any eater/v.7 now. trav c ling. contallting among It* numbers THE YOB' , HAMM.) , EQ CESTRI 4141 TO tottig \COED HYWNASTS! TUX 11. nos LititnaTED C T HBATE: THE Long 1141r1V LLYD +B LATISH THE ilivErlTfit LID OF HORnEtt: THE lb OnbCRI ttAHLO THE FU P NNY hILEts. hoe l t I UI'ITE POPHIrtit he WHAM, PEt rtmainiu AMYL/Et THE WITTULST CLoWNB, sad Me apa.i TEHRIFIO LEAPERB AHD vorriormze If THE WORLD I j Look at.the Array of Artistm YAD.MI/EMT, YES. B. STONSa, .11 , 1. LE CssltDONll, THIS WUXI/ZS/01/ 151.,LAs Helm. BAClitte .11011/AN, • . WATtiOar l.:113/10NA., liTulf. • WINAL VILOIIIiSSTE. the Prince of Jeataral IC. Folsr ICUS, the noh orliontus With a host of Au:Marks, iquerrlea. All Under One Immense ) Print's. • illlllB9loF. 50 CENTS. S erred Beata.. ra 11- rpevd, cents. ot•s op-r 1 at J) .dt'S r. Y. ITo roamance as hour later. • This watematttCotneany Le BFRIIIINGIILIF,T110118DA*; 'June 20, West nowtow rrldir Vtt;,llrillle, ;Lat. ertley, lioetiefter, Ileeday,..tth; '4l44l ;iiii• u : Y ticatarTeViZtilinitt b ' q. nth; I..orry, 05414.7:nm. ARAIf Abillit OF T11.61111' SHOW! 1.12 I:2I — GLORIOUS • • • !4TH OF JULY! Great National Festival AND . UNION JUBILEE, MEI Pittsburgh said Alligteny:(ltie .13 UNION SKATING PIARK, _ ALA.ECHENIr:I Thursday,Friday &Saftyday, JQLY 4tb, 516 f aidBlb,llo7. Complisiss a Series sf Craq , , /Wine ui gosel EXHIBITIONS, • CHM AMONG ws ion WILL BR, Magnificent Balloon Ascenshina 8111001 MCIMIONS OX ROPSIIitgt • Great Ballooai Rabe °BAND TOPICAL AscvainoNst • B AlWa AA.* :A g Pialik IN A BALLOON TERBITIO CZNMINA • TIRE • aRZAT ILABIr HO!•LLOONS • G RAND AILEILicAN APO TiVIIII3Ii AORIANO/AII FLA. • c°'"iniiall'huir • LE dn. DONICE r y ;GREAT DISPLAY 01 RAT Tin.... 5, Lananable Wheelbarrow Hanel 'llllsahlnialle three rpm . . for Prenatal Mae Stow.. SRC Bahian Bath:. great Sao% nar.eal Lana. • able Tole Feat! lalrthrProroklan ' - Pia Haw. or the 31iloper7 twapt • Crest root awes! - • BRATLNG TOURWRitshrre • . GREAT TRIAL OF STEAK FIH6 ENRI3II3I Tertian Chariot Renee brand °mewl.. /1.. qvcrade, 0. 4 Burlesqniii b lot Cavalead. tIEROLART 4. H. CHII.I/Tll4 • 15 013 LICHT2IIIIO IMMIX DRILL! SIGNOR DUVALLI. • And biz 103 Learned CanwThllzdat • A moqmpjtowoT UNION .111TAIN, COmpo.d of Ceparkiloo Jou. of B.llosolai WASC. M"D ° Ma rfr'mrmahom , • AIM /I.LUAIBATIONII. allevaled b. elected to aeolostaotlaio. M r.. 1 4 " ,= artrelniataganekat to tn. Urania Nattidal Y.... 4 th 4 Pr. , of watch la _ only, Fif,ty . Cents ; Each, WILL ItECEIVZ ♦ Pltil . latz .1030,1111TT1L%8 g CO., • • sour. raoiqurrows. JOHN IL /KINNEY, A.ent and ildalneaa,'Manader. th /l e laZd . rtizrthar ”ircHcalaid eta i:rnonantrf P i ",gr,I.I I IZ.OH"I"F"- =.3!m.‘, g a .teT Tenet dela. Dula. and gen Caen.. lielletaar- Nrlaana = 1 /X1 C h alt e "'"'rV=VT,tl. 1 .111"1:1=11:1 41 :34Vg. Rik abel sad Table Cutler,. Trap &ad Walters, Caetarn, and Lion eeeee plug Goods inenanal. ROBED/113* SHILIULA2rB vir.nommux . ' • 113,. Copper ud ihed bit fin huliehm .10. 01.5.11112801LD 8?.. IT77IIIIWILOEL epooloi astoottall atm to the oisizolfotolag or omen'. Tin azAl tiptoe vuttow ro, M. la 4:1166 I -_ sszynani wicamsesmin Iron' Broker, • 124 Elrtit Street. t PrITIIVI9B. PA. sal te .. enuirk., " r n she tad tba*Or da Las ih r" .4 Mii "t" ?47A?" , egf "4 . MMI Y !4!!. d4 . ' t* "R" . .. 04. 0 wile WETTACH & =AXON, &sinautarei of gmIT deserizaaa et Miattizier , 3303413:4, Dealer, In B&W/ and LADE LEAT/1118. • sa ms sarninzus / 1117;',•;,'T • • russouit.rlii''' I=l II El B I