The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 14, 1867, Image 1

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, • • (scanuat xicsrmo.)
..«...JO.I♦II XI NO.
7tu.lue aN_ 4~cn
3°. " A: 5O AG !..111 STREET.
4 1 .1 4 50 . flier or Tut= Pam . huh.
dad Cn , ILAERCIAL. PAnZit. In the Mate.
Me, enpy •
31.41'17,2"r 14 ? 'IT" ,
acr Oct., pct Sit
Addhosx, GAZETTii,
fir. Pit - Lim - Or lta;rtfr
lx Is a matter of congratulation that
Vitisburghla the healthiest city—in the
Union, and indeed, in proportion to pop
ulation, we might add, in the 'broad
world. The mortality list, wili-lizar as
out in the assertion. Por the seven days
ending June 9th, there were
deaths, three of which resulted !from
causes generally Ignored in fobetptt
judginent of the public health, vl/414111
born suicide by Intemperance arttlaesit.
dent. Thus out of a population forced
-l obreathe Stmosphsre heavily olden
Willi smoke and root; with our strmits Sn
'a tiltb - 3- condition, ou'r markets •supitlied
in n measure:kith disessedl.teef, nod Uri 7
dergolpg en insufferably warm term of
weather, enty four were arrested by dis
ease Unit called tb final accoant. Me in
vite comparison with other cities, be
lieving that no section enjoys greater
immunity from disease and death.
' . .llonActs," the Harrisburg corers.
poutlent of the Chamberrsburg Reposilory,
peaking of .the Republican nomination
for the:Supreme Bench, ears: •
"I ornetill of the - opinion thin it will
either be Pearson or Linn. Several of
the western counties that have Instructed
Bat William's, as a western man, have
.cspressed their preferen6e•fOr Pearson,
its their seeond choice. The Lawrence
County Convention declared for Pea:-
, This is only ono of a number of re
cent IndJentions Ilia the belief preialls
at the cast that the western delegates to
the IVllliamsport Convention have gen
erally not af heart' the romination'of
.11r. Williams. We trust the event will
show that this belief Is not well founded.
ennum EB9 , squtuhes and melons!
Who con inform us bow to "hest the
bugs ;^ so thavaerop. of these desirable
rodums pan be brought to perfection!
The strFped bug is Infesting gardens dos.'
and bids fjtir to tire up all the plants.—
Four pieces of twelve inch board, each
two feetlong, nailed together, with bits
.of lath laid on top, leaving. interstices
not cancelling two inches, constitute the
cheapest .and best remedy.' Set the crib
fairly in the Coll. Observe—the striped
bug flies in _airtight' lint* and. is not
skilled In making angles. Be will rate=
ly get inside the crib. . „.
Ex-S>• .svott• Mon, of Franklin, is
seeking tinomlitatlen io the Assembly.
'The Titusville Herald says:
"If every Republican in the enmity
had before him a - ospy of Hoge's sworn
ttladrit in Franklin, by which he pro
cured lion. C. V. Culver's arrest, and
the sworn offirlarit of the isane lingo
NV hen,be tried to get hold of Mr. Culver's
Prolvrty in Ohio, tholionornble (?) Es ,
Senator would have but one vole, that of
Ttur. RepoliHestia of Lenatster held a
'County_ Convention on Wednesday . ;
abolished - the Delegate System, and
adopted that of Crawford, under wlfich
nominations are mule by direct - vote of
the people ; ;ace:amended Mr. Thomas•
M. Franklin for the ' Supreme bench, and
appointed as delegates to the State Coo
vcntiori Messrs:Dickey . , Brutalter, 21—A.on-aot.a.— rrl
rore has
noted FP Peer declined is;
man, Myers, Pownall and Frey. prlee. :Jla ed. Talker advanced 3d; rpoikki
; At I2s Lreielietulle without attoratlon.
COL. MCCLUICEI, when last heumlfrom, ' Mr - ma
atens rmot. June 33 . — .Cm0ia0.--Cottmi;
Svgs still at DanVer, hoplog to get o3' for °„!,,t,,,Mtk,,1=C=„1,2"11511).
halt Lniits4Vyr imsedny:' _Evidently M.17..,8=AV4."74ZeCr4.1.!
is fully, Impressed with hie capacity to Penvi.lone, Pork 75t; Peer tats. Lard Oh
direct military movements against the ita,,it,T,l ` ; ' l l' ir,t, " :.r "' "
H 'no:--9 car un.
Indians, ,In a, mariner vastly superior to ' 1- ! ,l aAulree soorm ' un
Generals Sherman, 'Hancock and Augur. consols es , A, Erten 414; imams eels.
tral Stlatitto.d liltat Yule's Co.'s
Tlivhatred which the lush bear to- 50nt1e.5!,L LON ;PON Jeer 11—Monino.--Atiantla and
ward the 'informer is proverbial, rind ia"..?, I!"..w‘E'rr":`'''''''''d"°4 closed
illustrated in the mobbing of, Corydoni Fasscroar
twada . !ono 13—Eeenfissh—totted
at Dublin, by whose testimony the Dun-i
gasmen ' Val:llan prisoners weie identified.: ' l" ' " o n t md. " ' La° 4° rr ''` ..3.
We would nut take much risk on his L I
life so long as he remains on Inch sell.
TUE Sultan 'or Turkey ta k es hp, A.. i ladlatnteat Asalatt =ember* of the
..,-• Eanttlttalonal Contreatlon Met A Id
- .
riarturo'for Paris on - Tnesilas. next. It ' — The R...... 1 ". 1 . 1 " . .... 1..f.1 " .. •
• •
is said that ho will he accompanied by a , -lulutlan l attetart at taaesaltily to Ob. .
aullonumbenn fire hundred i '
p ersons . OK Televa , 11 to tbe Pltisba Kb Gazettc.3
. •
I:sprite:on will have some trotible in 11-1 21 "'"' N'w
•lonos spletal ea The Indictments pre
caring.and runviding for Ids distinguish- } Printed airalnst me Members of the Coast!.
cd guest and' his three hundred uds. tenoned convention, or Loeisteme s format, 1
• tresses, with atiendiust eunuchs. .- tag arid ass letter nn nolsteinl nssembly to
• holding their Convention, whirls was Intel..
ruined by the riot In New Orleans Inst.' uly
Tug 31eximirt new is not nnimpor- wi nce were farad by. strand fury, under - ti.
tag . t. G en. mt remen •i s reported at } epartre of Jag° Abell, Since touldned by !
. ,• General Sheridan, have been set aside, ad •
having died from the effects of fever sr noire pr.. hoe been adored, on motion of
• • Atts nay General Lynch In the First ie.
la . ..ight' on by ivoniubt , received at triet Court or
city. fie argued that the
.QUereterty while Castellci, 31ejlt and ate of the actin , ' patties, on whieh the to. ;
dietments were found,conalsted Nimbly In
Otirete.hlLVO been slot. :fir/think nets riming present at a. 'deliberative meeting,
• • lield for the avowed - purpose of entraining
has transpired as to by pearable mea, the Interest• end pre, ;
Win he made of 311ximiliari. • • f pony of the State, and that such meeting ;
I constituted . crime, offense, a tamale.
-; - • meanor against the laws of Louisiana; that ,
the right of the aforesaid parties, sad all
other citizens of the United States to ai. I
amble and deliberate bearably on ! any
antlect or matter whatsaver, is 3cenee by
the stittitiell and lawn of the United
States Cont,! of. the State of Lonleiana..
on coal authority that the
Trtaory Department has received infer-
Wanton from New. °fleas, Implicating a
hie, °mew er. the meant State govern
ment In Om' recent Soharensory defalca
tion. it la asserted that while lathe employ
of the ,Treasury Department be became
aware of the defalcaion, but railed re
port a was Ids duty, and It wa not die. •
covered until Secretary MeCullOall rent rye.
del Agent boa tie New Oricane, for the or•
press nurraeo of examining the condition
• of the Depository. The sesets turned over Mao, Whittaker aibblay. the /Infant
fag Louisiana sub-Treasuromaitistrugh pan.
porting to amount to sipesee as eeesory
against late by the Government, has been
a,certaineu to be elmostworthlesa Manor
other eccurluce presented by llr..Kay, was.
I a
draft of four hundred tholdusnd dollars ,
Ou Oake Atria, all Mosenehusenn, lo which
lin Signed the Mania of A,. 0. Alansilleld; nor
Thomas P.Olay, watch signature llensflaid
I tepodiales nn tinatithwiged by bled it It
I bnrd!y bailable that the Government will I
realLan 4-NAVA although tee defalcations
• amount altosetber to the rand sum of
$1,600,t0p._ (twine to the precariou s condi-
Don •of financial affairs in New Orleans.
Sub• Treasurer Wsiton,appointed to
Whittaker tile defaulter. gads great Mfg
rutty In netting acceptable bends. Oilmen
Agent Knox; now In New Orleans, ha bean
Inetrtieted to examine the Commercial
status of the parties offered macnrltle,
and to remain there until satilifactory
bonds aro been obtained.
' Now Onsmors,.l one 13.—An attempt was I
rasa to fire some buildings en St. Charles
street this morning, but was fruitrated.
If filed been enemata' It would have do
stroymi sacral honor beanies% hOneee..Tbo
°Went Was tO swindle
,the 'animas Cam.
pada • ;
A araTaltraT rocla Made several days
since that she cholera had disappeared
front all parts ot'lle .world. That was 1 1
not true. The dLiCase was prevailing 1
to a fearful extent in the armies of the
contending forces of Brazil nod Para-:;
oar, up to the date of the most recant
advice!. -
TXLEIIE appears to lw no end to the
number of Illleltdistilleales in Brooklyn,
IC. Y. ' Five more weVe seizotly,esterday
by the. United States revenue ordeers for I
alleged violation& of the law.
In spite of Itoyafilecreet to the con.;
tracy, the slave ina:portation' info Cuba
continues; A cargo 'from Africa to re- t
ported to hero recently been - fautled on
lien Cuban coast:
TRE PRESIDENT Rill attend the dedi.
cation of Masonic Temple of the
Knights Templar of Boston, On the 24th
inst blithe gnesi of the city I
during his stay:
Lonnlifoncx, recently appomted Vine.
roy of the Canada Dominion, sailed yes
terday fromLiveria4 c. for Quebe I
Gorman has been nominated I
by the Union State Oonvantien Of Cali- - ;
fonfla, .for Governor:
TIE AIMIVAL or King Ismaci"Jeting,
of Egypt, 4 uniionsly• looked tbr
CLIAB. KLAN, the distinguished actor ,
is dangerously ilt.ln England. t
—Golden .weddlngef 3lr. and 3lre.
Colonel Isaac King, of l'almer, ,Mane.,
obserted.thic.tiOth anniversary. of their ;
marriage, Juno 4th. Pour; persona were
Prewted who attended the wedging in.,
15r1.4..M.r. - and Mrs. Perry Gardner, of
_Somereet, 11.; 1., were visited by their
frlendratrrelatives, .3fay 25th, and pre.
tooted with a puree of. $lOO, In token .or I
the 50th anniversary of their wedding.
Mr. Gardner is ;2 years old and his I
—Alexander Rangsbe, the first minis
ter of Greece to the government of the
United States, reaehetl Neer York last
Saturday. 'lle is a dtstinguished scholar
and authorlu Greek literature, and pro
femor of Archivology , and . mo or lc th e
Unlitersitrat Athena Mr.. IhingaiM is
DatiTO of Constantinople, and . 'win d e d
10 an.Engliall lady.
—Mr. Adolph L. - Kreppen, a few , yean
ago of ;lin licalty.of Franklin and Mart.
shall College; Pennsylvania, and now
instructor and librarian kr his Majesty--
the King of,Grocce, is our
Cocatry on 'induces, and with a view of
inspecting the battde•lelds of Virginia
and gathering froni tbem--some mon:w
eals and records for the royal archives
of Athens.
California Males Cheapen,lora—globe,.
N.snelognagencoallarato nionainiroCl.
OW Telegraph to the Pi naberah !Wenn]
Sax Fingerer° June 13.—Tbe Vial= Braga
COaren nor, nom ' &Cora, C. Gorham
rfortiorarnor on the drat Wtnettithod:
CIO/ban:4 Dldlro2ll4l. •. ' . .
..1 .
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i I
• 1.
The Sultan Going to Paiis.
Finanaial. and Commercial
tly Ye le mph to the l'lttehurgh G ozette
. siataiat or tIIIS CANADIAN VICINOr.
lovr.nhooh,Janel3.—Loril Mooch, Viceroy
or the Dominion or Canada, Palled to-day
foNunbee on the itenaship rioctorina,
rent Arr unsronnan , ' ArrAriczo.
Drew., 13.—Evenino.—Coryclon, by
whose testimony the prisoner. who Wore
captured at Ithognroon have been Menu
dodoras today attacked by• a en..;l, of his
conntrym en 14 Waterford, and barely on.
cap ed vengeance with his life.
P.M. , ' June 13.—A - dispaten 4tal been re
seised by the government from Constanti
nople. announcing that the Sultan of tat
hey will Lahti his departed% from his Capitol
for this city on Tnestlge neat
The errival bore of 1510.a1l Jftlog, of 'Egypt,
dapy oxpected.
•: ABU/PE° *rt.
5in .. .t...i-roxr. Sera 1:1 --The steamship
Atlatitte, tient :tow York 'on the let lost.,
2.4:v6110...aka . awl aailcs ror Bremon. .
Boroughs to England Dleftanchlsed
by Corruptloo-giovernmens Cotton
Caney—tins ma Confederacy
nixed as o no Yokota, noteroment—
'SPeri Forger A —Charlea
glean ill with Stoner nosegay°.
- • • • ••
tawYeng, Juno I—The Enlish
el June let are received per Pergsia papers
The Ixtro of Lancast, Yarmouth
Tat.* and ughe
Reigate bare O pen totally dia ,
franchised on account of the bribery and
corruption at thoyast election. • •
Thurtuform Leanne have atlOpted a retie
lotion earnestly brewing for, the ballot:
The 'Board et Trade retetns for April
show a reduction In eaporty, combated with
last year, nt lAtlyou boends.
The cure of Prloleau Reelect the Vatted
States was before the Tice Chnhecller on
the anti. On a tectutlcel pot. the United
States government v iolet some cotton eon
!Glutted by the People of Texas to the so.
called Confederate Government. The plain.
tiff, Pelt:dean, pet this interrogatory in the
Amerman Government, whether there was
any law of the United etalcs by which" the
propetty contributed Itv any of the inhabl.
tan.orts ate to the liniOn could be claim
ed bY Ole NSt
ational Government t The m
elt—ea., that the United States claimed
"ander the la a - of nation. It Wea Contended
on twitalf of plaintitrathat title answer .0
out .11111C1013 L. and mull be amended. The
rice Chancellor held that the United States
government trete bound. to answer this
question, "Do you admit or dear that there
w. a de facto gorernment, which egetelsed
authdrity over the 'State of Tara." The
ttroccectings warn theretoro ndlournod.
A Pie:mien Ls in custody ln London,
charged with forging.liutch muttons, t clt o
Into ' f 7" i e ln: "ned &elceZ a ndsX 1.7.
else market..
Charley Kiln as seriously hl of &seam of
toe burst, ~nd It Is doubtful it he user will
re lluTalCittirfillips from hunt =deco
arrived fu England 110,1 15 1 00. BllE o ta.
Kluallsber, rotoal. tit. John. Zger, VIECOLS
Nyarma. Liverpool; Candace. at Fal
mouth. Jonebto Clarlstum, at Liverpdol.
lkotti or 111 roman—Mum*lag of Mello
and Otberr—.lllor.lsottlan'o Fate Um
tr,.lll.ll-111J• .Proelsinallon Pro
nounced n.torgoirx. . •
• •
thy 7..d.iegnpb tae Yittiburgb Ovum 7
Onr.e.typ, Jrine •13.:—The Pieoitune
hot the fo.lowine .• d 4 (Pewee, of Matamo.
555, of the eeven tit tent, Vv.a the following
exinfetafrota a letter dated Monterey, W:
Mirarnon b. 111161 of tho fever, stbleh at
tufted Alm after he was wounded at (Inert.
taro.: Ututlllo , /Jetta und others hewn been
Aceordom to a lottor loom • arodllablo
tomom to Moo Lula, the moat protoand al
lonco.l, pronervocl it to what, will be done
with tilnyboollau. The chief * lmictlonarles
milt both way s.
tt has boon tat that•the City s• N• staa
was taken by tha LtOor•o.
.E 1 ...lfradeano, an leAperwiss paper, pub.
Lobed at Brownsville. pronounce* lInziroll•
tan's prOnalilathlri I. forgery. and says IL
origlriateal borleogning papers. •
The Pre,.lihit Going to litteteei—rat.
I - Vetter Accepting the Invitation.
i tgy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh bassos.)
June 11.—The following Is the
President's reply to the lusltatton of the
city government to vhot Boston.
thgeutire ..ifonsfee, Washington, G.C., June
gl—Stat.-I. have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your letter of the 71.13, tenoer
leg me, to accordance with the vote of the
Council the hospitalotes Of the city of Ilea
ton during my contemplated volt. 1 intend
being present at the dedication of the new
Stefanie Temple to your city on the htth
Joel end during toy soon clad tout feel
honored to accept the heepttalltim of pour
city, receiving them with the reciprocation
of frlenestitnand courtesy which prompted
the tommil la their oder.
%Vito great respect, very troll youre
Jurnesw Joasreoe.
Chas. C. Dame, Grand /feeler of the Grand.
Lodge, also received a letter Irma the - Pre*.
Pleat accepting the invitation of net/mud
Lodge of Massenet. tta he present stile
dedication or We Atm% •
Nett Tech tkenettlettlonnt CooTeitUon
Elly,Talmtraplite the Pthabaign Ossatti3
• _Ar.aawr,..June 1/.--In the Comutntionat
CC...entice to-day, a motion to mate asap.
orate Costualutee oe Canis wed. loot by 4 he
vote, atter a RegUty anima
Mr 'referrer& eh the Inttsboreb 4settte.l
. — The Coroners Jury effected to mouths
Into the consa or the recent terrible baler
ozplotthra in nallestelpbbt, ttirtat Tbelthe
orploston of this boner woe the result of
,00r pressnre, *nod b-
J, Occastrund by the closing of
the atop rah , . placed - Imre ediately acorn
the boiler, them shut:log . "Bß all communi
cation with the safety vair, Snit preen.,
Ifofifio. The balance of erldenee, in the
opinion of the jury tended trranow that the
valve was closed to enable the repair* of
tire engine to he made. In the opinion Of
the jars. while 'the lenlittun of the
as regard. Onnettnetion and material, was
thoroughly good, Lire placing of a atop valve
between the boiler. and the tf..ltty nitre
and Indicator of pmwereoras a most unsafe
and unjustitlabie proceeding, neither war
rained by the example nor the opinion of
competent migineess.
...The President has . ..MO telegraph.' to
from lialveNtat, Texas, to Oetido atlantic,
any person ran be registered as ti qualloo
Voter who refuses to answer the preccrlbeil '
questions, bet Is . wfning te Lake the oath-
Onciston in the antrmatlve will, it In be-
Mired, throw down every obstacle that
Congress . has raised „against Improper 1
rotes. General Grittin has [mho forced to 1
remove the Mayor, iseratise offila opposition 1
to I he appointment of loyal 'ellltent on the 1
pollee. leant G. William. VI old resident, 1 1
tanlventally respected, .e appointed idayor.
—The rightht Aquit,CuekbetweeeVegYer
and Anil., for o the chem.
of light , welt;',lts, took place at MO
, et, YeaterlaY, Sixty-nine rounds were
fought. timei two hours and ten minutes. 1
toren wits therictor. Aardu draw thefirnt
blood. At the skid of the sizty-nintin round,
and offal blight of two hours sail tea
*ten, the sponge was thrown tip by Conger's '
second. Collycr woo %wry instal cilanifored
about the fare, bayntr, both eyes oioead. '
—tittle All tight, of the Japanese troupe 1
of Stimbitts, performing to New York, fell
from the trapeze rope, a diatilnoo Of fifty
font, to the Academy of Moab; Ikainc.las
night, and was normals , Injured, although
no hone - were factored.
Nsw ToeL . Juno 13.19t7,
Ttra vnvaaua m6O”.
A (Icel.= was delivered in the United
States.eireult Court today, dismissing tho
writ of habeas corp. 10 the• nave of Philip
IleUlrich. the ellexed Prrissiao rancor. The
prisoner was remanded to the Custody of
the Vetted States Idarshal. to be held to
await the action of Lho authorities at Wash.
ingtMt on the question of extradition.
n/AEI...AY mut.
A e.g., it on trial In the United States Dis
trict Court of the United State, vs. some
three thousand eases of champagne, which .
were imported INN !pm Rheims, the In
voice being alleged much below the marg.%
Caine. It wee stated by counsel roc the
ernment that the Government has lost over
one million dollars by. (rands of tale nature.
Wade an'average wed of about sixteen
tones and,n half per hour In her trial trip
yesterday. One toile wen run in folic min
utee ann two seconds. with the screw in/sh
ine fifty-four revolutions ender nrrenteen
pounds of steam. She 'caeca-for in
about three weeks.
t<ola niwrittaanot
Five illitsilerles were priced in Brooklyn
yesterday for violation of the Internal Bee•
moo law:
FUll 11.0,161161 ♦acilro
Jobe L. Iteaven and Wm. Webter.youths
of eighteen year.. have been arrested,
charged with the robbery of Openheimer.
two MCSIDGR 8 tr 11.001".01.
ThOILIMI Donaldso Brooklyn wife to death
in Plymouth street,, yesterday.
A. man named _Dimes Porter was murder.
04 inhonut Brooklyn yesterstay,.d thrown
Into the river.
The Groat Taal:altar:a which came off to
day, vms won_by the Phantom, Commodore
Stebblree reads!. The Palmate,. 24, Nag
le 8d ilanntleeelth, Evely 61h, Annie eth,
I:tonbler 7tb,Lvelo nth. Nantilus nth, MAW
Wine /Oat and Vert& Ilth. One bone. t wen
eninatem and nay e,.eonar eupavated thu
heat and last boats.
The little Jaoaneso k
who toU crom r r un." /night w
woooe.o.Tirot Oth 71.411 t cia
, whit.
Ike Academy auto,
noaacea aut. alnalgan:el;'rU°U.'
FROM ST.. Louis:
aleanaboat Overloaded and Plook-1,
Number of Pas agora llinslog—
Great Tobacco Pair—lhe Excursion-
I„. lata.
M' . .
r Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tirmatta .1
Sr LOl,lll. Tune Ld.—The steamer Govern
'oi Sharkey lett this Port about two o'clock
this morning,hound for the Arkansas river
with a large cargo of freight, andtwo hun
dred government bands for Fort Gibson.
The boat was overloaded, and as she swung
from the levee began to glut. bhe was
beaded for the shore, sodas her bow struck
some twenty or mere persons Jumped
ashore. bhe afterwards swung loose again
and floated into the stream and sent to the
harrienne roof. A Marl from another twat
I ;not off the captain and crew, and a largo
I number of the government bands. Many
also swam ashore, but it is roared that •
large number were drowned. The brat's
',Goan and passenger list were lost. and It
Is probable that the number of missing will
never be known.
The steamer Governor Sharkey, sunk this
morning. had two hundred and Arty tool Of
Governmeno freight. which jdoubtJeas will
be a total loss. The boat Abated down to
near the Amens], where she . now Iles with
only.her pllothouseabove water. tier Cap.
tam thinks not more than four or Ave lives
Tuwere lost. The nowt was owned by Captain
rton, valued at Arleen thousand dollars.
and insured for nine thousand roar hun
dred. which Is in a tancLinall orrice.
. The premium contest .11t the tobacco fair
of E. FL mute et( at C. Pepp w ers ,
warehouse ay.. The attendance as
lame, !needle representatives from New
York, V irginiaßentockv, Tennessee. Ohio,
Illinois and M issouri. Th. Grist premium,
afive hundred dollar watch, for bright man.
efacturing leaf, was awarded T..B.Jrmkson,
,Franklin county. Ohio; second premium,
bee hundred and My dollar Frentitt Monk.
(or dry simpper, R. awarded to Yancey L.
Walton, Randolph county, Muwouri; third
premium; a one hundred and forty dollar
lee pitcher, for best culler. was arsordod to
Thomas C. Jackson. Bracken county. Ken.
tocky; the fourth premium, a ninety dollar
silver wine stand, with goblets, for test
prize hogshead, awarded to William Mar
tin, Lincoln county, Missouri. The nest
prize tobacco ...subsequently sold to Win.
Vanhorn, of .I.3llcitgo, for One hundred and
seventy dollar. per hundred pounds; second
premium for fifteen dollars; third premium
fur Aft dollars; fourth premium, twen
ty 1101111.. The remaining competing to. was sold from seven to seventy dol
lars per hundred pounds. •
The City Council and Mere Pant s, Ex
eliunire hare appointed a Not committee,
who will meet Senator liule'• excuraton
party twenty miles west. of tiara to-marrow
morning, and escort them to the city, where
they will ho appropriately entertained.
The party will arrive at 10:30 JL. a. to-mor
The B►aa<ll-Parsiraaras War—The
• balers In tbeArtates—Water Myatt
Disaster, de.
thy To. legtssta to the Pittsburgh casette. /
haw Yong, June 13.—The Brannan mail .
steamer brings Rio Jan!aro dotes to May
nth. ;
Advicterfrom the seated war Mate that the
hombardame was kept up and new wore.
initing. • 1.
• Teo krealtlan lavers; under Brion De'
Ilerval, aniseed the Liregoey, and wore
I.smAIY. On Abell lith, to noutinue their
march to I:Pper Parana, with lour thousand
men and six cannon.
• Three thousand
and a &JUR, are be.
big equipped in Malta Crimea for an attack
! on Paraguayan posts In that province.
• The revolution an the Argentine Republic
Is ended. Montevideo' is closed against
vessels from the Argentine ports, Imo coin.
inuralcalion forbidden throughout Urn
, guay.
The Cholera was diminishing in the allied
anuy,. bnetag made notra ravegos,
ttlOugh an anonymous t elegram from
Borne. Ayres gays two thousand seven
hundred died in tour, days among the
smell force at Carnally, and the dative were
Inured In COneequance. This was regarded
s ti l l jobbing Canard. The cholera was
still prevalent at Rosario and Flan Nicholas.
but decimed at Corrientes. About ono nun
dred and seventy died In Buenos Ayres on
the 311 of April, but the deaths since have
mently diminished.
The Itratslll.. Assembly wail opened
Aim 13th.
The Brltieh Minister 1e negotiating a pos
tal treaty With
.t.orantniselooor' nu been soot to It o.le
study the mtg. CILDO W.A. can arrant
at some practicable reealt t o the - fast in
creasing esti.
Sixty of the last'Ainerfaan emigrants go
to Eepriln Santo. and others to dan PauL
lieports come that the crop le still good.
A water SPOUT. at Cara bursting. ceased
'the opening and fall of a:high ...OM.
burying two hones .0 every pontos:
. . .
—tine. brow■ on ateieonalionetlow.
/117 Te,egrapb to the Pittsburgh °ann.)
Loony. Jane IJ.—Col. J. P. Yoder, Colleo.
inr of Coatoma. wai arraigned' belere the
United etatealkoambelonertoday,nbarged
with malfeasance tn °Mem The defendant
was belled 10 .. 15A00 and hamlet eolith:L.3 •
till tee 88th. .
ALIO V•TA, Ua. , June Ist—GoVernor Brown
dullvetad e .peach at Milledgeville tO-day.
on th.. rowed. aonditlon and future pros.
peat. of the COUtarl. Me takes sUmg
grounds In favor ol reorganizing, under the
military eel, es tee only hope of rastoraflon,
sod .denooneen the n0n...0M0 Polley of
Governor Sperry and omen. who oppose
reoonstruotlon on thapropaeed tarots.
Robert Prlce.Lof Boa th Larollna, was veer.
dared by - some freedmen, near this olty,
ILIUNI,Hy &Sibs.'mg.
(By Telegraph 10 qa• Plitstnualt essetta.3 .
Berammarow • Jane - 111. Tbs 'aid
datuditarotaitoalleMULl&OCKoWaD, were
311111 A by 1104111.141.04.117. + •
PITTSBURG-4, FRIDAY, ,ITTN - F; 14, 1867.
Yv ',limoTow, Jruaa 12, 1%
TOL.. Or NUOMATT ¢O.l/1311[0-4, irtly aor
I'Zr tinrmwst..
The trial of Starrett wits resumed to-day.
Thai tales&en onlerod yesterday were call.
ed. Several ware examined and others
summoned in their places. Finally, after a
recess, the full namber_twenp•sii-was
la. grading, whim avowing his readiness
- to proceed with the trial, Pled a °balloon°
of the present panel as not laafti by sum
moned. and aching It to be quashed.
Tie connect On both sides consented
that the defense should etr!ko from the
talesman ten and the rotted ttalcs four,
tins leaving [delve as the I erg. Those so -
Metal were: Wm. ,it. Todd. John it. 011 e.
eons, Throb's I:hidden, It. 11..11 Tlin dias
J. Percy, ahtster, Z. it. Gilman,
llamado _ .Meaty, Thomas flurry, Robert samiiel Fowler, J. It. ilerr, nod Wet.
reality. The .^:dslientell mere requested to
stand 'lit sDa We r etire .
Several of tbe -dry asked to he excused
in eeribequence of having formed an oein•
ion and entertaining conscientious ecru.
pies concerning capital punishment. lip
order of the Court 00011 ribut swots put oh his
tufr dire. was examined tail
she worn al the tirstJuror. Wlii. Tenney stated hed formed and el - pressed an opinion,
but thought ho could give an honest nor
/Mt; bed op eqn-lcivstions., alveolus
sheet UM tle*ti pettaltg.. slie Court
ordered hiM LO 1112111 d elide for the
presfont, considering him esceptionable.
J. It. Eitivans made a similar statement and
was Ordered aside. Thomas Modger lied
formed and expressed an °pluton, end he
feared It might 100°01mo his Judgment.
.Ordered to starlit smiths klieg A. Shine
made s similar evii*er. Ordered to stand
aside. it. M. had formed and ex
pressed em trisleti loft him strong
ly prejudiced. Ordered to
Thee J. A. P e rr y hod formed and express° 11
an opinion, but did not think it would influ
ence his Judgment, lie had con tenuous
scruples, however, about the dept h penalty.
Ordered 50 stand aside. Ibmben 11. Clark
had formed and CZOMIIed an,opinion, and
thought It would Influence ins Judgment.
Ordered tostood aside. John t - an IZefe
wick was no t aware hebad formed or Co.
Predmul an Opinion: had an undecided oPin
on ss Moths gdllt or Innocence.
Mr. CMrlnifien salted to here Juror's °pin.
lon as to the guilt or Innorince of the other
Messrs. Bradley and Merrick objected.
Mr. Plerpord thought the Inquiry proper,
as the prisoner was Indicted as conspiring
with Other. to murder Abraham Lincoln.
Ur. Merrick said it was eseeedinglY dlr -
cult to get &Jury pass noun the guilt or
Immo.. of this prisoner. The prise, or
stood charged with the murder of President
Lintotn, bat If Jurors were asked whether
they had formed an opinion iu to the guilt
or Innocence olt otherpaztlea named In the
indictment air cominhetors, • jury onniu
not be obtained in this district or in the
United States, The Inquiry of the Lot.
ted States Attcriz was not pertineuL
Mr. !lemma saidlt a juror came here
and said these other.conspirators were gr u , i ' U NOT g4l to w t o . pltgrl, to lPol
o nitight thetap
coliatora were lunocent,and
if ho expressed that opinion,. It teas utterly
IMpossilde for hem to say this prisoner ariu
guilty. If the answer were correct.
After farther debate, the suldect went
over till tomorrow.
.. . ... . . ,
B. D. Gilmam, Josoh F. IltOwn, Zeo C.
lionbins..General Jose p ph Geyhablt, Hor n atio
N. Early, Thomas Parry, John IL firAllOand
William Al. libuider bad all formed and ex
pressed an opinion, and th e tiros name?. was
(1111nMed lb tile AleattLyenWLY. All ant .lile
Hobart B not formed an opinion.
Sworn, Wintaht, J. s'. Ellis, barn.
not Few/Or Drury and William A.
Morrison li 4 trued and expressed an
opinion. J. Barr was sworn as thn
nostjuror. Jeleslish Bitting - a had formed
and expressetlanopinlon•
This was the net of the talesman imdoulY
throe furors had been *elected.
The Marshal was directed to common one
hmilred LIUNIMOLI for to-morrow. The dis
qualified talesman Wore diScharged.
Adjourned. •
The prize light between Collyer end
Aaron oce rreil at Acquit Creek thin morn,
• Ink, It tented about Inn boors, and platy
night rounds were fought. Aaron won the
unt Wept and drat knockdown, and Beim
grandly he stoat on the defensive MI the
clot* of the fight, and played the deep
game. ftollyeils hm w beaten tea Jolly.
and one eye compl u etely as
clewed. Ito came
Op boldly. hoverer every time, until ft lme ,
1,1•0111 led 00 the sLus...aanta round.orgren
, hew. too Weak to respond. Av., , was
t then declared the victor. and immediately
afterward fainted, and was laid side by aide
with Collyer. It fe generally conoodedthst
garan. had three ribs broken boor rounds
before the right aimed. 11 tscedlenfted that
*event hundred thotteand dollar. changed
hands on the debt.
pltritlCT CODIYAIII.II3 AND CIVIL orrice..
The Ralienot haellipertosr says we have
authority for the statement that at to very
recent coraultation of the Cabinet it wee
decided that the military officers in cOra.
mend of the five districts into width the
ten unrepresented Southern Stain are di
vided, have no power to remove civil oftb
can deriving their authority from State
governments as now organlsed. The cues.
tion, we understand, had no immediate
reference to the removal of the Governor
and other civil onicers of the... State of
Louisiana, DV General Oberlin,], but of
course will apply to the action
of the four other commander,. NO
doubt trio forthcoming opinion of
the Attorney General, in eccordanee with
the reasoning of welch It Is understood the
decision referred to was arrived at, will
WAY Justify the legality and propriety of
this rieterminatlon. it scarcely nml be
suggested that the issuing of orders repine.
log the deposed ottlee re, which may become
riemosary as A 401148111.101.3 of this detileion
of Um government, 'would be . good
grennd for the applleattonon. the part of
lien. Sheridan to be relieved from the peel.
Gm he bolds, much less would it warrant
the inference that the administration con
templated or desires his removal for his
Judge 2, u.lur to -41 .T. to the Criminal
Court tiled mo'loo to bet mute and irel
eme the Judgment and for a new trial In
the ease of uandrord Conover. The argn•
meat Inn Leoear In about ten daya. An
order luta tanned to detain Conover In
xo math nrretteurrtoxe.
ThorCetofhco Department h. no Infer.
=lion whatever of the Interruption of
naafis. in the districtsl country ln or near
the Cedar of the .alleg 1 indite:, bostlllthe.
Lyme!. Law In Kaneaa—Colored Wen
Wang for a Starner of whkh they
Were Innocent—The Real Inn
Elnaleatiere in the wob—Senaler
Wawa Rotolo. In Speak In the Town.
Env Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaelic.
Wrahtrorre, harass, June I3.—Senator
Wade's paity pass.] through here this even
ing en route to It. Louie. The crowd tor
rounded the hotel and called upon Sir.
Wade for a speech, which ho refusod to
mate. fie said ha would not epeak inn city
where lynch law rein - aid and men were
butchered without trial. lie alluded
to the colored men • wipe were ar
rested lest night ' charged with mug.
daring a farmer named Blablenn, a few
day. ago. They were lodged In Jail, but
were taken out tide morning by a large mob
and hung up, but the rope broke, and they
were shot to pieces In the Court liourt
yard, where their bodies ley nearly all buy.
A Coroner's Jury refused take testimony,
and simply gave the verdict "hung by a
mob." The evidence developed today in
dleatoe clearly that the man wore Innocent,
and that the real murderers were the ring
leaders in the meth.
• •
Bark "deeds gloms" Ordered 4. be
veld—Mexican Prise Ordered OW
Vera Prue NMI Ueeleked—liern
Deere, Awaken Ike Slave Trade—
Eseape of tie Privateer ..eusler,"
40. .
Coy Teleraph to the Pittsburgh Ilatette.3
lisw Tong, intosl3.—linvens dates to the
eth hove beeillyeeelmt.
The Collector sit Havana has ordered the
solo of the bark sOnean Queen," on the are[
oI duly, to Day the llae, f t walvo tbousarml
The prize scheceigr °Amelia," otptured
OF • Slezlcan Imperial frigate o INCII,IIO.
wt. ordered to leave Havana by the Clttptain
C erra . and sailed on the Wooed for 'Vora
Cerra. It fo
rgo, ored that the.A.rnelle , hod
a British ca and that the English Con
sul reoucated AnserlOkrigtlahDat to con
vey bet to VbraCraz.
t I 05 Irani Vera h u
ed. o the 41.11 say Cis
Wn ciesely besg The &lag was
by the Liberate •elth
heavy artillery. There was nothing froa2 tho
••• • .
The Captain General issued • proclama
tion annoencing the ihtention of rigidly.
enforcing the royal decree against tee sieve
trade, and warns all people a! the lelcoa
.galtut the violition of such neerce.
The health of Cuba Is fair.
The Spanish Admiral returned to Elevens
from haute Martha, whine be accomplished
nothing. Rottman evading all questions
relative to the steamer Gluier. The Cuyler,
although denuded of imetiona of her net-
Ert.ry, had hoisted eall and elipped out of
without the knowledge of the Open.
lots reported that • cargo of 'laves was.
receiattiqanded on the Cuban coast.
The Mexican Liberal Consul left Havana
forth. United Watts the Coned General
taking no notlooof him.
The weasels prime RAdrawl Bold.'
IRV Telegraph to.rittsberacti tis4ue.l
'SAN FIMICISCO. Juno /I.—The Western
Pacific Railroad, the line from sacrament.
to San Jaw, has been Bold to , a number or
prominent capitalists of ' this State. The
negotiations, which have been pending for
Kam time, were closed yestenlay. •
.Merrtwae". Shell Expledon.
CBT reitirrsok ritutuff[h li!setta.]
Yozvaaaa Mamma, JtuselL—Aahentaltea
team she rehL rata MOrria". l 7 4 odat Paw
uadVaa the Navy Ma. *(14:1% atiasalarep
,_,-,7- idsil
FORTIi FAG and mn , t r<'•
14 . 6, e 310 '..Y. Ua and Produce bfarket Re.
pert. On.Va by any rimr in the city, will De
found an our finetta 11/21de.
Fecund Ilny , piehrwriAln ,h. pa e 4,, j o
Noel..l7—Tut. Proccedlitpd.
The State Medical Society reoseseimbled
yesterday forenoon at nine o'clock. and was
onnoil to order hy Prs.sident.liimes li,ug, M.
D. The roll of delegates eras nailed by the
Secretary, and a large number responded
to their minket.
The minutes or the OrOVIOO3 day's me 0— •
her were rend by the Secretary nail
A Committee on Sinnination was then p.
pointed. The following grotto:nen Setup, se
Oho ermaritttcei
Allegliitey: 6r. A. M. Pollock; Itorkm,
M. WI:Ill man; IN.-Ivor, Or. D.:stamen ; Itt
Dr. Uraoctord Irwin; 11l Milord, Dr E. 11.
. •
ingtrn; c l ar i on, Dr.Adllll3B Rods, Omni,
Or. John .I..nutio; curt, orland. Dr.
. .
Dianalln, Or. 3y. tY..
Rutherford; F de. Dr . .
.1. 1.. SLowart.innialli,. Or. Ituburt 11.1. tr;
Mtucahter, Dr. J. 11, Grove; Logonto, Dr..l.
11. Cnttvford; Lycorol lig. Dr..l S. Crawfard
Montgomery, Dr. J. li, • ltnigh Siorthaloptor
I l i r t . i . I ' t . g i e; pt11, " 1 1 :Y! ,t. T. t'hl ' h; tioll4l l i 4 iltllr
G. W. thrown, sueros-unons, Dr. G. U. hd..
•Wardat Win.hlngtmt, Dr. J. It. yi ileac; Wont
' roorolund. Dr. J. W. Anawalt. ,
. . .
The l;coutnitten ut °lieu withdrew to pre
part, a:air report.
A C0,11111111lie0;:011 trout the ...onerrter,no
end). rocs read, elating thatl4 , r , .. Frangiat
tlinekley, of that Society' tool eon exooll
ed for violarion of the roles 01 0 Assort.
tton inireiti , intre medicine, he whoa-
Ung the violet ion. On tootlo;t of flu. (Jolla.a
her, the corn minima°. WO , wroeldodrottd
[become of a - r. ilinckiey alrlckee train tlio
rolls of.the 51300 Society.
. .
. .
On metton, ell 'the munition: of the ail , .
Shen*: County Mod lasi Society were invited
to sects anion delegates, in acknow
ledgment of the nduilrable and cordial wel
come extenned by Ahem to the delegate*.
Several other ,inediral giattionen present
were insited to email, among the delegate*:
or. John Cura.ln; sieffenntentlent or the
State hneatte ..11 , Vern, at ilarrltles..rff,
drcesed the Convention en.t i length, setting
fort!, Lila alUtt, of the Ila tatlon maned,
Sea urging prompt and efileteut amine •fft •
Its behalf anu.stlggesting action on the part,
of the Legislature. Ito stated the grow),
skins made by different portions of te6
State, and presented figures showing the
numbersof the Inanity in the di ff erent
ralittes. In eenoltolon, he offered Line fel
towing re.hitantSl.
. . . . .. .
Resolved. Thu; a comn‘ittee of live mete
bora ot tills srichstY, IncinsildW the Fresh
dent, be uppotnteo to prepare a memorled
so be prestessted at the nest session of the
Legislatures, setting Perth this number and
condition of the. lusallst `if this common
wealth, and thourgent necessity for mum
rztondestmenns for their proper cum sad
treatment. and Its order more effectually to
carry uot this P.M.:sac. this Society wOubl
eery respectfully het most earnestly sure
that the means be furnished for the-early
on the Weetern Perimsrivatala
Ittmettal for the :Mane sor at the Westom
District. Imo also that her Hospital Me
the mesasof trot Matt Ica` ni north . Ora
line running east-west lb 'ugh the June-
Men of the north and west branches 01 the
Susquehanna river, end east of the Alle
gheny mountains, he commenced W 41.001111
ilelny. And they would auto urge the cede•
mencement of a hospital fur the insaamof
the district lying eueth of the West •tornishit
of tho Susquehanna, and between the West
rn stone of too Allegheny mountains usny mounins end
the Stlequedissana river and the Moe hind's,at the earliest nractlcabld period, and teat
these hospitals be bullt. 1t le lot conformity
ally the propositions for Silo construoUon
or Hospitals for the Insane adopted by the
Associellpn of Aledlcal SuperlntenslenUL O.
American institutions fur Um Insaassi : lts,
the years 101 mut We.
The resolution VMS :Wonted, and "the
President appointed the follsiwing gentles
men an the 00120111140017101111000d1 Dr.jao.-
K Ing, Dr. T. Green. Dr. (image. T.llorlon,
Dr. W. K. kindly, Dr. ..1 no. Caro - 01.
Reports 01 t oe d s curiouscurious docuAtee .Ipm
called for and
Thu rubor. were rerrrred to the Commit
tee on Publication. I.r. Alaywerry, Mgr.
man. Some volnutarycuintuustluitileua
arum read and rcferroid in
.tho StaWllug
COntllPitlte. 1
. .
1 paper rorent.l.l Dr. ItHand rosier,
on for t n wi.i.srefurrett to Ulu
damn Comm:IRE!,
Prof. Green, Chntrtrnin or iii. StaiWilinS
Committee. rt•ported,llitit. the prise star ed rcor for tii.• t•••,r o n S pp . mw c .,
or bt11,)•.1.1.11.:1,1.11 :111,4,e4.2,1v.che •
C.itnintLreo to lb° i.ntlior or ati.roaron
••lironAft.ton of Mu Ttrwmerwirwart
written by Ur. Jean Baptiste Imlebbarger,
of blunieb;narl wita
,written la the Franoliti
Ur. tiiox art, of firlo, Mien-al a prearuble,
end resolutions protesting against the mit
mUalou of llotmoitathus promoter:as t
Inas:nee n toy of rho Pub..). titetaLeel
On motlmpitat pnttor ordito PetilaeWss,
Sem mate nu tommetry mounter of Mateo I
sylvoula State biotite:Ll sjeluty. !
Tho way was Tortured to Oa° Commlttop
on I t ablication. with Itittruellou to Publish
It. Alt tuttmated illteuttiou no to whether
the essay should or should not tto trauma tett
proclously to pubtlention,rfolloweil.-• • !
On motlon of 'Dr. Nebbinsor, of rills
tiollthla. it was decided LO 00011.0 tho essay
It numb from tin hands of tho author such
tarn In im Coolish translation.
Or. W. , llsyttorrY Tressuror, presented a
report oho sr Mg onotittloh• of thu Socie
ty's dilemma , fnr tho clunent year. A bal.
once of $17043 Is thowa to remain In the
troasury. The report wino sattrulowl to an
auditing committee. e oasis:Jog of Ors.
Dancer, Pennon anti Crawford.
A Committee on Lei:Mauro 'Enactmentt
u'ututtlibointed to 00 4 / 1 141, the proper /ugh,-
tatty° netton to be fanight.
Dr. Atkinson offered u molt:Pion permit•
Ling county boob:Cr. to receive at members
non-graduates who have piListal the exam
ining hoards unwanted bY the Surgeon Go.-
oral to exandue Surgeon, and AttILILS.IIt
'a Cron.ou fobteh ev cu n s e on a ol my w
ed OCC6-
stoned by,tho 'fact that aeveral of the care.
didaterwo paved bad prat:U..l irregular
medic:no. Ott motion, the reafnullon
laid on the table.
Dr. 11. Carson offered n preamblo .41
nepolutiona, 'strongly urging practluonera
to Dee lmonleuting and ulcoholientlmulanm
In no ease where they can DO al.penned
with. ' -
A motion to lay the regolutlon on the ta
ble W. lent.
A cotUlidt ims made by Dr. Gallahur to
adopt the resolutions. Dr. Nei/Wager, of
Philadelphia, took strong exceptions. Liu
mislay from being prepared to maku
declaration that the medical funnily had
for yours Inlet a powerful cuisine promo.
Dee of intemperance. lie (the speaker) leas
-a tomparanee rum, and his opposition to
the resolutions - was maito mi it temporanco
man. The profession, en mut., It opimsed,
strongly apposmt,dp dronkennes. and Is
making every_ of to orgeolzu *method
of treatment which eb,ndimlnsh inebriety.
'Thu declaration of Profeseor buwell, that
no circumstances made the use of Mello
hello stimulants mcesintrY, is of no svolkitt.
Professor Todd Its, made loot aa sfronk a
statement of the cumnsno character. Thu
statement.that the judicious use of alcohol
In 1110 lack room, tens the opening of Pan
dom's box, is a mummynt not to lin belles ,
tut. .Thu passmse of Cho resolutions would
be Idle, for nom, of Um physicians present
bad over proscribed ardent sptrits la. In
stances whoro they wore not tomimiloti by
the necessities of oho ease.
On moLlon adjouilieal: • •
• 11 . .10100N 1.18.1011
The greater part 'of the afternoon was
taken up In the discussion of a nenaintion
acanOwlaiging in eruct!. regularly grad
uated foinala physicians. , Dr. Atleei dolly
amid a masterly adder,ss to favor of 'admit-
Dog Into th e 1 al I confidence o t the 'fmteris I.
ty flttish, anynaaana,nn.l call Inathorn Into
consultations and others/him recognizing
Diem . smnribem of the, me Deal prOtol•
Du motion of Dr. Haldeman. the Time
was disposed of Lyn resolution to yon
trustable, Witten Wan adopted by ay a, ;5;
miya, ZI. I • ' ' .
A puUktnn was rend by Dr. Atitie (rem kl , le
T,„ ste " o n.h,, ponnxylvani. Female t, I.
lege. isaklng that the course pursued to
ward. that Institution, by the Aniowlatlon,
In a refoilliturn adopted In IS.IO-60, be an
nulled and the resolution rescinded. TLIS
was lab! on t table by avian ot 43 to hi.'
The INI LO Law, which refers to the
proles.' , ill IirIIKKIFIS and 1LP0U11.141101.1,
Willeh w Metro the Isigiuliiture an Its last
i f
thewas reed, approved and eudersed.
Tho amiretaries were instructed to mall to
thelierernor, and nionthors of the nest
Sonata and House, thu proposed law, with
as endorsement.
. •
Dr. Stewart , . resointl un, which was intro•
'Diced at the morning mission, was next
taken up and adopttal. . •
A communication enclosing a check for
one hundred dollar. was read tram Dr:
Urns., of Pittsbergh. din donated- that
amount no a premium for the 1.1.1050/14 ,
a tutalionl subject. The gift woo sick•opted
nod it rate of
,no . rut Urn td the gener
al. donor. On znotiOn, the tmenyists yon_
noting for the prize were to
write ; tn either the Wrialtall or Latin lan•
geese no others to be received,
Thu COLIIMILLP q on NOludiallOn ronortal
the fallowing officer. toe the ensuing term
ref—Dr. Trail' (Arcane. Nortliumber•
land county.
{lce Preside-Me—Or. Andrew Mammon,
Philadelphia; Dr. .1. 1.. Stewart. Erlel W.
W. Untherfoett, Dauphin county;
"Nineteen, Cumberland county. '
6. fo
Cbrre r ionclinii •crry_Dc...Northop Bar
on', 1' nadelphln.
n m o . ng,cretary—Dr. 21. !MUM:,
Ida co ,q unty.
Pertuntent..Sicettary—Dr. W. D. Adkitinna.
btlenelphla. _
Trrearrart-Dr. *Ulla. Mayberry, l'hile,-
gelphia. • '
A large number of standing committee,
for.the various dlatricie in the Stat.:reel
alsoumounced. The reporter the commit
tee WSJ erianlatimely 'tempted.
, After the passage of a resolution of thanks
to the' members of the Alleghtroy Cranny
Association, for the noepitable manner the
members bad been entertained, the .A.asoel
atioe adjourned to meet ono year.hon cu. .
'cjr (4TI rrrnrl
. . . .
. : ; . Culveratty. • •
Friday, Juno llth, ...knulrersary of the
vini(andPhltomathaanLltern4y Societies,
at TX, o'clock r. h., to tho Baptist
Church, Fourth grout. .a.d.lress by lEev.E.
P. Cram,
Feld..l:Juno 21—Contest of the Literary
Soclaues. to Maconic halt, at 74 o'clock r. x.
...11ouday, Juno 2.4l—Esnlnbuttloo of olassea
commences and wall Colll.lllr till Friday
Tueay. Junolliccolanientenddreus
!ay (i.tgo Woods, L. L D., 10 Unlyondly
hall, at Il °clock .a. w.
.Oradea.lay. June W.—Enrols. of Miss
dey to University Hall, at 9 o'clock. r. a.
Class 'upper In Um evening at Merchants'
Motel. ,
Thuteday, Jane Al—Annlvereary of 'the
Alumni dasoelstlith 10 University Hall, at
714 o'clock, A. xi- Maritsa by Yew Herne*
Poem by 141, Geargel. Nhttne9.
rttday,Jtte IS—As TX o'clock r.
ere4ses of thp vadtuittug chlosw • ,
i. Altolgliens•Connelim. •
A rriralsa sill:a-monthly meeting or the
AlleAecy Coptelle TLC bold on Thuml27
ELECT Cari Cit.
MlSlllarg present: Messrs. Brown, Irwin
kattomon, Smith, C
C., Senn, Wm., Thonms, mad Proeldent)L
..• .
The certificates of the Oce::crn of' Messrs.
Denrifr.. lllRenal, and MeCormtck, e f 3t
here.of th. N.deet. Connell, of the Seventh
nerd, wrre 8E0,1.1, eel the gehtlemen
annexed and were sworn by the Mayor and
took diniceosts. •
v.v. Preen presented 13, Petition for water
pipes 'on Elfide streets• Referred to Water
Mr 'll7ler, n [nit:elating trio
Strect-Lortintlttee to report Au ordinance
for; priettug and paving of , liidge Street..
I rerP ltrrie ...venue - to %Volker street. '
AdOp td.
D: Smith presented the monthly
staiumerm of the City Controller. 'vitt; a
eenolntlon for rho paymunt of t h e monthly
Report accepted and resolution
. adopted.
X, ,lityler prit,entod lite report of the
Street Committee, with re4Olarlorla to pro.
Care the service, of an A totatent. Regu'attar.
nne. Own In regent 'to the chance of grade
onCliestnilt steet. The report wee accept.
edantr reeolutl r eun adopted. .
• Also, report of the viewers In the Opening
otlirter, alley, which was continued.
Also, au' ordinance for the grilling\ and
paring of Merolla alloy. napealley, and
Marls allry, and the reorr.dttisr of Cheetnnt
Rom Long alley to Itutcheris Run. Rend
aid adopted.
Also, on ordinance repave Manilla - and
Rope - alliirs, Cod Arbnale alley without
Me walks. Adopthil. • '
Also, ai resolution to open Xklyrall atroet
floor preetht tormluue to Juniata street,
and appointing Messrs. John Ramsay, Wan.
ylordoeir aid it. R. Ray ad cleWere.
. Mr. Irwin, trout ito gine:halite° on City
Property,presented a report taterme to the
ataloe ut tire Inistasaster. 10 the
tltd tip , the POst'Ofnce Accepted.
htr. A. it..Ptnith, of the finance Commits
tee, preseuted a rahMt stirerSo to Incr...
Mg the salaries of certain cl;dr °facers, for
the reason that taw °Mem wore WP!ewsod
'stilt the understanding that the co:nisi:lse:-
1100 wordp remain aa at present. Accepted.
Thelnie Presented the repart of the
'Water COrnmlttessf
.with ft resolution in
structing the anperintendent Of the Water
'Works to. lava •eli inch pipe eu ,Third
street, troth - Cedar to Middle:sedan Locust
street, Fifth ward, from nett gulch to Fulton
.stroet, and a leer inn pipe cm Marion eve.
nue; froni Start/ball Id Corry Streets. Ac
cepted nod resolution adopted.
• . ' • coxwon donned.. •
Members present—Messrs. Cutler. 1500-
ham, 11111 Drennan. raultialthets Dunne,
Ingham, latkpatriek, Ilegraw, hielmnald.
flat:011, .Voeptly, Windeor, and President
• •.
The minntel of the Mst epeeist meeting
Were read and approved. • •
Mr. Dill moved that a cocarrifttee be ap.
enteral to welt blithe memome of Cordmen
Connell aloft from the seventh ward,• to
have these sworn Into ofilee.. The motion
was wielded, attl the Chair appoint , ll na
Regrow., Committee' Ileptlin:PI11, Toegtly and
Ilegrew., • . .
Teo weletwr. elect. Masers. Conrad Better,
JOllll Letcgue, Simon Brehm, and leery
zoller, Jr., were then escorted Into the
chamber by the corn cont..
Tlieoler:tlcn; reini;nifroin that ward hay
ing beenzproval by Select Council, the
gootlento named then took the oath of
°Me pr 11Ant 11Is IlonorldeYnt . HOY-
preseeted a petition from the
Wilsons of the First word. - praying for the
'greeting end peeing of Shields street. The
MAO: em referred to the Uommittee on
ht.r.-31nDonhld, .froto COtemittee on
•his, then rend the reedit of that Commit*,
itocompanying which were the following
resolution, eubmitted for the notion of
itesciceel That the Mayor be, and Ile Is
hereby Instructed to <dim a reward or ten
dollars ror InformatlOn that will lead to the
-arrest and consictron or any person or per•
sons who may break In tights is the Dubuc
gas 'lamps,
Brsete UM the ILommlttee on Liss be
Instructsebto erect a g on the corner
St potion intent and Ohlo arenne, 'ln the
ilftb seer& • '
. .
The rep ort Brae aeoepted and the resolu
tion edgptee.
liirknetilk offered I lie following
BerotLed..Thar. the ILecerjllng nedvantor
Le and Is laerebr enthortsed and irutrueted
to de the grub, of defferwart Street, the
rater to he done under the dtreetion of the
:Arco& qtruilnittu, Witt. to report s? Co.-
l)OCtootIno, W O rosotution was retorted to
Inn Convott tee nn
The Wnw gontleroun ottlded tto, follow
ing. veldelf wen referred to the Loudnittee
oo htriods
•. _ .
/tegetted, That the Comratttee on Streets
Ua tnscroeted to have Iran gutters ana neg.
Ohio erotodngs pleated en Federal .1
11,aver •treet., at North avenue.
: presented the. report of the
'Oommingm ea Markets, accompanying
which wee the following 'statement of the
Wetshmasters and Clerk of Markets. lor
the montri of Ilay. • •
.M=44 Deasy, Wert ortbe marklat 41.6:14
ru e s Bunter, WeUgtancoler Sc. 7
. . .
John 13. Edgr, Weighteaster Mar
mond Scales 117 61
Total— 111,11.5
The Committee submitted a resolution
authorizing the payment of still! of Moses
Trimble for cleaning the. Diamond Weigh
- The report was accepted and the resolu
tion adopted.'
punt. .
kl.r.llllciietit, of I,he Water Committee,
submitted the following es a minority re
port in opposition to the action of theeom.
mitten In not letting the excavation for mad
toying water, pipe as instructed byttouncile.
The undersigned is satisfied that good and
nwponsible bids were made for veld work.
and. certainly at much lower rates than the
silty will be ts ., le to do by hiring men b)ttbe
day. I would therefore ask Conned. to so
lustruot the Committee that they be re.
quired to let the work by contract-
It. lac.Nstlx...
Ith. !Seeress moved that the report be ate
ceptedrand adapted.
Kr. Canna moved that the report be laid
on the table. The motion was lost by a tie
I:M.—Dine peas to rime Days.
The yeas and naps +crevice called ml the
adoption of the report, silth the following'
Yeas—linthm, Preemie. ranlliauber, Lets
iris, Moscow, McNeil, Runts.. Voegtly and
Zoller-41. . :Jaye—Cutler, Dunham, DUI,
Hamm, Itighsta, Kirkpatrick, hit:Donald,
WITILI,nr and President Kiddie-9. •
Tile vote being a Ole, the motion woe lost.
and the report yews accordingly laid art the
tattle,: .
hlr. Dig offered the foliotelng resoltd!on
/taro/eft:, That the Committee on Fire En
gineC Hone tie and they ore hereby
instructed to purchases suitable lot In the
Sixth' ward, for toe purpose of emoting
thereon an engine house. • -
Inegrav4orod that the resolution be
referred tot otomittee on Fire Engines
ant Bose, to eport to Councils the pro
amed. Adop of purc
ed hasing lot ter tho purposo
111:11.130tlert, C. C. receded and concurred
In U 16.01100 of S. C., In adopting the report
of the viewers no the opening. of Greco
leg. • • -
O.C. receded and concurred In the' action
of t. C. In rognrito the places of bolding'
elections In the FGfth and tllntla wards.
On motion C. C. on.eoncerred lu the no.
Lion Of IL C. In the fining otsalaries of the
Clerk to Comtalttoes emir Messenger to
On motion, Cooped:Adjourned.
There to no doubt In our mind that three.,
fourths of the cases of dintfuess'or bard
henrhlgness are the reault of carelessness
or neateet tote° first causes whiciß Induced
them. tYo have known eases of deafness
lost for eve, ten, Sneers and twentYYearo
under the treatment often advised, ' , get It
alone." - Disease of eyerx sort is not likely
toget well underthe lot alone treatment.
Its natural tendency wilt likely be to grow
worse, Under proper treatment it most
grew bolter. The hidden and Intricate con.
strocan of the human ear Is calculated to
mak O nne your. before undertaking Its ex
ploration and sounding Its mysteries. Yet
aural suurconw have been found of late
years who Imre done much, in investigating .
the disease. of the ear, and hero waned re
nown In rendering's once dtftleult science,
If not plain and easy, at least sufaelently
understood to make ear cases amenable to
treatment and render mein of them cu
There are hundred. of oases of fartial
deurness and bard hearing that could be
. greatly ameliorated and many or them cur.
alias may be Been by the two etrikingwases
published herewith by Dr. Reyaer, of this
Dula srrg,l take Women, in aedinfr ray
testimony to that of others In fever Of Dr.
Keyser , . treatmentof clearnetm, My son
dad been allijettal for tlyW-years with deaf.
nese, produced from scarlet fever. At
;Imes ho could not hear 'at all; and could
only understand as we would motion to
him. Din speecrehad also .beconle effected.
Laying tried other romance without re.
colylucany hellcat, 1 apldN' 10 Mr. KeY
not, and under his treatment. e has entire
ly recoveltd, and can now bear we well as
overlie did. • Jr:, 11. a A EttLICTS .
X 10.177 Heaver street, Allegho4.
To Dr. lieTser. 7ip..1110 Penn street.
AiloTiliap. Ong Oa esareese.
I lost my hearing during the lase year
Pert of the time I was totally deaf. in
April of this year I was Induced from - luta&
I.vurtieement to maim applination to Dr.
Keyser, On. lot roan street, Pittsburgh,
after having tried various medicines from
doctors without any lament. .1 have betto
under • fir. linyearts troatment now for
nearly two montnt, and am outiruly res
toredtrrmy bearing. au that t can .hear a
pin drop. Jan 00001.00, 0001 Mar,
Washtmatou Cowan Pa,
Pittalturgh, Juno eta. 1607.
Dr.Rryser's conautinflun rooms for nil akin
.und blood, barn ors trod for long mondial/lona,
131 Penn atikor; from s. anal tr. x.
This eveneet oar anode loving citizens
'will have suotnetoppOrtnally, of erdeVinir
s rare maaleal treat, from Mr. Kennedy, the
eminent and celebrated Scottish Vocalist,
iiffneovo.tlnit. Aim selections comprise
wimi of the .most,' celebrated ru s id' favorite
;itott4L airs,
\ and !it i r . y " triltlfel t n e t o tte .
"Mod o'oakes" andthat ,have become fa
mous In all lands, where pore melody and
fohearty peen. aro mipreciated. tfr. Keene
brhiga with hirafrom over the Ilea, and
pOrtions of our own land, where he
has song, the warrdeet anew:llama, and we
are sure our enlaces Will not fan to • avail
therdsolvesol the mreoppci:i•turdtlesollbred.
Those Monottfol Lots in Sharp burg,
bcraold, do Monday next, the ifth, atn
coreted—oritb fine aphis trees, yielding
McCaw:Clonal= aaaae, - They err in the
'very contra of the borough; falba immed
Mc . vicinity of manufactories, churches;
- schools. Lc., and are the beakaaaalisapaal
propraty la th e markets - • •
City Schott! liinierliateodatr.--treed.[
. • . . .
at the helmet Directors. -
Lest evening, In the Public School or the
Third and Tenth Wards, an adjourned
toasting of the City School Directors ass
Thdmas Ewing, Esq., chat rman of the , re-
vlons'neoting. Prosided,aud Messrs. John
/c. Sargent and Wm. di. ituaterr MU.. wOr ,
detlgoolee so Oecretaritut.
The mirmtee of the prestos. meeting
Tre7, taut and apptot,Se..
The Chdirmon briefly !dated the j oblect nu
the Meeting . was that ect'a - City Superintend.
'e t. fix hie salary and deatic his duties.
Mr. Zee. Hartman moved that the amity. r
of electing a City School Superintendent e
postponed until the third Tuesday In Jul , •
The motion being seeended" A lively de-,
tette followed.
Dir. Fluster thought it had been
that the officer should bechomn this ev•.e.
lug, and he woe
COL able to discover hum I
could be aoided, as the NM' had been e th er:
ed by hoards.e
Mr. J. M. Miller thought there was an un
certainty no the minds of many pima=
whether the oostponemeut omen' be for the
better or worse, and Wdehl like to hear from
the gentlemen In attendee. on the sun.
Mr. Bertram sand that only sine' of th••
citizens had green the matter much eaten •
eon. The, settriol tax ions already vut7
heavy and he thought le would be better t
lot the subo over for the prommt, a , •
!M ject g
ens had
!Mot until the cltli att opportunity
to ins treat the hoards.
Mr. James Dobb spoke In favor of the res
olution in postponement. . •
Mr..f. It. Hobbs said that when any new
measure was proposed. td Idareaye the olll•
Menus of oar Pub= Schools, the cry of
.more taro Is atones raised.
Dr. Metiook mid it bethinethe Meeting to
Wlel intelligent eltiteng. - It was anon.
ith present that the Central Board had
already XMleathrlatett all the looney, In
their control, than Was proposed to Give
the proposed Superintendent a salary of
1,1,am per annum, and elleited allot the bat- !
gimewohld have to be borrowed.
hollered that the matter covild
be ptptpaned mall January. next. The Pl
reclot, had thelpline eentrol of the so Wein.
The Chairman was Of opinion that In co-e•-j
.thh meutlng declined to elect a City Super-
Ini..rthint,the State Superintendent wool , ' i
all the Y.:tieing, and ,might exeunt cue i•
*no would net Mere exceptable.
Mr. Moorhead said Wet when he came to
the meeting he had undefiled to vote for
the ricetronement, but seeing that gentle.
men elm had been favorable ware now op._
posed worte thought mune under.current
WWI at and he Would tote for it.
•-, . .
The nu:Von was last by a tie rote, the
President deciding in the negatlee. •
Mr. Nobles nmeed to proceed with the
olectlop. Seconded.
Dr. 'Wreak desired to enter bloprotest
against the re-it-ellen of membeell who were
not, under the school lair, entitled toa
and who had Jest exercised the prieLleg
Mr. ilartman produced a letter from De P
tty State St.Terintendent Coburn, to which
he writer clearly defined the question In
dispute. A ward, eo far as the election of
&welters Is concerned, is a School District;
• uceaslng tope a resident of a district vs
elates the pineal Of Director without resign.-
Don." A pereorii therefore. who resides In
one want. cannot legally hold • eat to the
School Dowd of another, and cdtmeguently
canna Vote ler City Silperletehdetil-
Mr. Jame.' 2Sobb thought that the appeal
should be sustained, to re would be entirely
wrong and Illegal to proceed Se the election
of City Superintendent Goalie yokel where
two bad voted la the negative. who had no
authority for exercising the privilege.
Mr. lierdmati moved that nopersons pres•
ant, not citizen, of the ward they repre
-seated, be permitted to vote. Seconded-
The Chair ruled the motion oat of order.
The objection ehould have been made when
the roll was rolled.
Mr. Yotin•Quinn appealed teem the de.
°halm of the Chair, which was dnly ...-
ended, and the notation Of the legality of
the rotes contested was again taken up.
Mr. Sergeant stated that after the roll
had been called the Matter. of membership
In his opinion w. nettled. - Lie did not
think the Convention ebould interfere with
any tomb Board, Belong as the Board Sias
Mr, titian withdrew his appeal.
),ir. Gartman reeved that the Convention
adjourns° elect on the 31 Tuesday of
nary lON. Baled out of order... • er.oloo
- was not disposed of, which way
too motion toproceed 'With the election of
City Superiiiiendent._
It was then called on , The tiyes and nays
• were called with the followinvreeulti
leas—Menem. Getty, Hunter, Bag..lA P .
lips. Geo. Wilson, t.C. - winif,, Crawford. John
Taylor,ll Kay, Sutton, ihooreesti. Mays,
Moore, Gribben, Neely, Sergeant, Thomas,
Nooks, Snyder, Focer • Paybarn, need end
lia3:r—)lours. Moods, Jno. Minor, Ilur I
mun, Strain, Dignam, aninu,clulan, Huff •1-
Scott, Hartman., Trauma], Yloycl. %Wu,.
nab, liamiltan, Suasion, Daft, 'Wind . : Al ,
(Xark, nth:m.on, aDams and Enelnadder—tr
• .
On motion adjourned, no stated Unto for
re-assembling being lined.
Journalistic Complacency. .
The Titusville Harald remarks: It le
amusing so see the airs which some. Jour
nals putea In Judging of their, cot:tempo.
rule.. They seem eo nested With commit
Si their own powers, or gram:rano/ with
lesilousy Of others, that their pus is sissy.
running Into the antierciliom and nasal •
ous vein. Like Inv; they are ilnothing if
not critical." Tao Pittsburgh Garen,
lately chastised the Mali -finding elan%
which snois chronic with some of the press,
In everry decisive manner. The Pittsburgh
Dispatch hal been ridiculing Col. Penny's
letters; in the estimation of thu sapient Si.
for of that sheet, the foreign correspo u . ,
donee of tin Colonel is "stale, flat and
profitable.", Now, these very letters hare
been widely copied by the Press of me
country, which I. a pretty gmet ton ai
their merit. Theyare not Moo:arm execti•
led in the Jenkins styl4 of the
tolary art, redolent of re:eh:cal scaudal
or fashlounttle gossip. Dot theyere
replete with practical information,
and useful reflection on social and political
again, and evince dlacrimimt ion no well.
accuracy of obsermuon. The letter on
"lisilroad Travel In England." and the
"Peabody Tenement EJtablistenint In Lon.
don," isnot special Interest and value, and
the Coloneils deiermtion of the home ot
Commone—tds .portraitures of tbe leaden,
and analysis of the question under.detute,
are graphic. linen' and luminous:. Colonel
Forney's sketches of Men and atenul
will fume en Instinctive and attractive fm
'lire of both his papers—tbe Phlistielpbm
Press aunt the tissningtoa Chronicle, durinz
the summer, and we promise our resident,
make copious estrum nom them, In reply
tett: hypercritical Dispatch. which cannon
nothing to praise or even tolerate is For. ,
trey's letters, the harm - . 'charges (rece iv.
mg no contrudlotion) that the letters writ.
ten by onmsf the editors of the Dispatch,
while. In Europe. were compiled mainly
fromi'llarpors. handbook of Travel."
Johnstown I mprovementa.
corraspondent of the Cambria:Freemen.
time details the improyemeuts going on .in.
Johnstown, P. Our town can bonnet lour
of the hmulsomest church edifices in. the.
Beetles of the country. I allude to the largo'
and ornate structures recont/y. butlt by the
Littherans, Presbyterian., Catholics and
llethodtsts—the latter not yet completed.
These churches will meat in the aggremne
soon perbons, and the total coatp late reach
11130,M0. Add to this the contemd hew
It. B. church, for which plans and specifica
tions have been made, which It is maculated
will seat 1011) . persormand met aboutls,oo(l.
So much for houses of prthlio rehglous wor
ship. In thematter Cot schools we ha y the
new hilllville school house, which is just
about completed eta wet of $lO,OOO, andthe
ethool house for the then proper, at the In
tersection' of Pranitlin and .Waahlegton
etreets, which Is to be erected ate coot of
Moo, and far which the frame, door% et.,
have been made.. All tame structures are/
of brick. Next comes the neat and tasty
house put no as an engine room')p at an ex.
pandit.° 01 00001 g 2.000, and the complete
tire apparatus coating 01,0s:0; and In the way
of improvements already made or In pro
grosswe tali up the snug emu of nearly
g.V0,031,. in Irate improvements . Cably
a larger amo et has been expend wi th in
the oast veer—the mammoth store m of
WOOd, Morrell A Co. alone costing over
Dissastrons Pim at Corry—Less Esti
ossied•ag 11136.000. .
About 11 o'clock on Tuesday night last
Alert the Titusville Herald, • dre broke out
In the extenalve yell andlub factoryor tt - 11-
der d Ittereontrutted on the Philadelphia
h Erie Railroad. about a quarter of a mile
item the passengerdepol. at .l.kerg.
the tiro wee drat discovered by the watch
man it had mule' considerable headway.
and owing to the basement being full of
dry pine staves, all attempts to put it out
would have proved realms. Thudre [Tread
with great rapidity and in • few malacca.
thn building was enveloped in flames..
The stored..., la which were situated
the orrice and paint.hop, next caugh r.• mid
in savor( time it wall oompletely destroytm.
The combustible material with which the
mein factory building was .tilled horned
en rapidly. that. nothing Was eared.
Tho drying kiln wee but slightly damaged.
The total insurance on the building. in tale
The °dale of the are ia nnknown. There
was no fire In the bnilding a ft er Intik pew.
four o'clock In ice afternoon before tbe
'tiro. The factory was aeon to ne enlarged,
and lu destruction will prove - a severe
blow to the manufacturing Interests of Car.
thflail Mere been ,a enable In . town,
e, winch was edttetted m•mn
distance' from the tenni building could
have boon Naval.
• Dimmed Neat Mattee—A Dental.
Dlr. Joteoo kaiak, of Lewreaceville , there
engegot In the beminess of butchering, who
lo the list of perms mantle:mu
, by the Grand Jury as charged With being
engaged in the sale of flesh Of diseased ant-
Imale, called upon us yeaterdity,,and etated
!lathe in ftdlY prepared tO Leatablish the
, feet, to the eatlemetton of .any ressonsble
I pe r son, that he Mistoon =junky suspected.
land at he can peons beyond
tuition th at he bee „not . eke( a pound of
. unsound meari Since he has boon In the
butchering- business. among three from
I 'whoto he purchases, he mentioned Joiseol,
Myers Ift, Co., Gremmalt d Kahn, Peter
Clemani . Lindsey a IlleCollister„L Imo
bro., all troll-hues!, drovers."
We may add thet Mr. Ilelael is highly et 4
teemed In the community In Which he ro.
sides, 1 Where he has built . for him.
*Wan extensive business.
As Olds SLIM Shamefully Beaten.—
' Joseph rot, m Old him. residing CM Aittalt
tratit.4 Seventh ward. 'am severely beaten
and abused on. Wednesday. Mau lam by
Stewart liaise and WHIM= Porter. Tax
alleimithat these persona came tabu, house •
after he had retired, entered We noose end
finding him In bed, dragged him.ont on the
nem, !rhea they beat and-klaked. him In a
shameful manner. He made on informe
tless , Worn Alderman Mahlasters, who
exuded the arrest of the partied and held
. . . --, ......, ..—.-...... ,
+ . DE Zi p. or r. tc be z r ore be t n a c . c , •: t., orlia. ,,, T w ln t.t ord ,.ei birt . T , Or
' • . ' , GIL OS 'WV Woe • We.lnesdzy £41 11.0 for Ink
serve,. army bat one span • wieG .
! a a" *one,. by .6rart. Express. ![TOOT•
' THREE CENTS. • i - lb beerered Le der, SYMYLo • rol G our."
Att.ert••• • GAZETTE.
Sirs. hi. Cntensins made an Information
i.etted Aiderman against Jolla
marten fcre rarely of the peace... 4 Jennie
FersusoCappeatesi before the same °Meer
..nd charged Julia wits assault. Warrants
`, ere lemma in both eases and. the defendant
mretied anll held for a hearing. Jolla,
herself aggtleved, at this ramie of
dreeneding, made an information beldre
,Iderinan Lynch against Jennie Ferguson.
ord.:Scottie in one of the above mentioned
Id which Min alleges that .lennlc
res!turiosi ill poison her, and that she
(leers le) sad gone to • drug store and pro:
for that purpose, whereupon,.
the Alderman itlatled a warrens — for Jennie,
was arrested and, afters hearing.alm-
It ted In default of bail, bet OD the way to
iot "tombs" elm motfriend, who agreed
resphislble for her appearance. when
• 1,, was released,. The pordes all reside on
I. pier alley, in the, Seventh ward.
Ohio Areeme Dins Score.
• M.-. 7-1. Ir. Mercer. a °killed pharmaceutist,
in.l one In whom the public can mimeo the
:o,t pendant:tee, ban Just opened a first
retail dreg store on tne corner of Ohio
drodro and Lincoln street. In Allegheny.
Ile has recelt ' ed direct MOM the im
;enters a large satook of fresh drude, chenii
: de, perfumeries, mill everything uenallY
eimilar nretwlass drug stores.
eielans , prescriptions carefully and no-
I'll, tell? cc mponntled , at -all hours of the
night. Ladtee Will ged nowhere to il et the
tact titles a liner sweertment of arid
:de, fragrant perfumery., and 11tDLbon
t and ono articles . o f nee, benetr
gentleman.merst fnr.the toilet table. )Ir. AterCer
. ny accominedating gentleman. Ilberel
tr dealing . , and we trust wall' be re
watded with entree snare Ofttutpublis mt.
ran igo , of width hu br,piFe . a!lt l .9 der
I •Overfasarfsura COronteraillois Troupe.
Parry Orerlagtbars Combinable Tr anon a farirrell entertainment at the
hen Opera Iforse, on Atarday !Mere.=
end creurilir litij,prerfone to their den
pertere for !hi :Otesri froM which we ex.•
Teri Trice, treat m the way of outageruento
,CE wa matieee; in tter' afee7oon, the
• Oompr and InverestiOO play "Colleen
13 tvre." will be presort ted,iolth an excellent
eau of characters, and a rare • bin may be
ex_oected m the evening. •
This p,trater troupe lecreOpOsee nt e
neroberor the ettectle. of the New Opera
Ron. null Old 'theater. .41 carports.
some of the bent talent of both. and under
mmtagement of arrji Cannot fall to
render satisfaction to ilha , e who patronize
them. Remember the matinee on Bator
day afternoon. .
The (food Templar's Convention.
Yesterday the Good Templnrs of 'Pennsyl.
Vaal,* resumed their session at, Mozart RAU;
Seventh stre et, with closed doors. A NI/
number of delegates-were in attendance ,
and the exercises were of the moat inter
eating. Character. An eittion of olliceni
woe proceeded with, an resulted in the
selection of gentlemen reputed to beabuno.
minty acetified for the proper discharge of
the imuortard duties Of the respective' °f
ates. The Sirs of temperance will datitll
- readve a new impetus from thedullb.
oration' and concerted settee of this toe,.
As the 61.351011 WO! .bI3CTOt, we ate Unnble
to-give any ,further details. The Secretary
or some of the membela might bane been
oourteonr -tithed us with
a report e
o'clock, the money drawer of the • •Globe
Exchange,. Allegheny, was robbed of Its
contents, amounting to nine or ten dollars
The proprietor had gone to nipper and to ,
a girl io watch the house durlok Ids at,.
re: re. who. It apnea., was Called to the
log IC pan of the house era moment. whoa
he robbery. was, committed., The. parties
•*I) m ore e -evldently Ir a
thane wee left money In the til l than was
ialcife out. The • drawer contained over
logroty dollars In all, eleven dollars of It fractitmel ourrancyand nine In notes,
via: a Ave, a two,and two ones. The noire
were taken and t ies fractional anflenay left.
An Attempt to coottattlitietoo.
man and hit wife residing .tn Diming
': hate, had an altercation yettorday, in which:
I tz,.; amain proved the trotter mon, and gave
her troubiermie lord a world thrashing.
Ir"his, high sense o[
aTol. wcatlltricaTti: than
Nato" his dlaaraca but for ton timely
1 1M MI. Zor tomeotee Oyetwelete,' WOO very .UCe
resound ohm groin a Watery grave.
IL , ahl not likely ma;:.!. another attempt of
the kind, appeared ty be kskilily sick
0: ice Ikai ono. • . s
Zdttor Dead
E. G. lladdy,Wdltor of the Grniurof
rtly, published at Ullllolll.olVit, Fayette coun
ty, died of congestion of the bxate on Wed
,.eeday. Ms death. was quite unexpd,
Etiollgh ne bad bean le feeble health foe a
enoewderable thaw 110 waaaboot for. Ydllye
of awe/ member of the Methodist
tp,arch, an Odd Fellow and "a Ilieuenni had
bad been edit, ' ' awl mince
;et! the luny lursday,
and weer le . there of
the fti.tor .
A .Cleat ta, a eel
red. man, _ a before
Aidertn.n Ideiborters,Arattnotti rorgeproar,
.sotglng elm with larceny. Davis alleges
nw he wont Into drones barber chop, on
qrant street, on treduendav Jest, an I got
sussed, and otter leering 1b anti , dishoy
r, d that he had lett his pocaCt honk Adt-
I Arden tiro dollars, and that ne sAa coati.
dentothartng It when he entered thaAhht...
a ...-raft was issued and Gross drres:nd
and had for a hearing.
On a slipree.".-BCott Ward was arrested
hr idiot. Wilson. on Tuesday mighi last, on
a chose of disorderly conduct, and locked
tint, a hearing. Ward and two Cr three
011...r0 were out on a ..bender" on Tuesday
atsyrning, and went to the house of Y. Maim,
^at tanner of Wylie and Webster streets,
wr,re they raised a dlstartnatce, when the
pollee came in 11131111.1 , 41ted them.
The Chambembarg PLUM" , Mlo‘niono o
great revival of religion In tbat town. Rey.
.IMit Hunter, pastor 'of the Itnhel, bas
prrarlml every night 10r twenty-twowevks,
10 Immense audiences. and his.meetiog is
;till progressing unabated interest.
Ur:Bunter Is the Irish preacher who two
V - Lrs ego rac
attted such great crowds to
he Harrisburg Bethel. •
Sent Op got Thirty paym.—Biddy Rae.
soli, MI Jeanne Woman, went Into the Ant
e ben: ratebtlwase and built a doe under a
10 nee in the room, the oonenquencee of
"which, hat for theAlmoly discovery by
sLintain Bowden, 'night have been Ws.:
, rens. Biddy mu sent to Jail far thirty .
. A Tenni Offender Arrested.—Seffr
'Fence, of Manchester, a very bad -boy,
arrested yesterdsy by off cars Lieu and
Campbell. of the Allegheny pollee, chargni
With disorderly conduct, and atter u hear
ing was committed for ten days. There are
good many others who deserve the same
Teat ihm—About twA. hundred . gentle.
:nett, more or loss, eMetl yesterday to
make right, , , , the exchange of hots whereby
we hats beaverat the Medical Banquet the
evening ;merlons. The exchange was very
general: NO ghost Walked away undercover
f 010 some theta which ho entered.
CoIA tiparkllair Node Water at J. T.
SAM pla's Drug Otero, No. N Federal. street,
Women In• Cones.—By actual• count
there were In attendanoe at the Criminal
Court, On Wednesday.' fifty-two women, of
all mom. from aevanteen to Macy, the larg
est proportion. 'tee Judged, married. As
prosocutors and , defendant; they werein
about equal proportion..
Ranted—A ember Ind.tifone elan tone
vita 111 not afraid of wort,) to travel as
agent for a good reliable arm of thin oily,
Line irell saqn.te an conininn
trent., firoferrod.ind dbo
"flee ea. .
6uerret)rrtca, timid roforoncas and au—
eh. Wholesale Sayer* of Dry Goode
wo offer Lamson job lota of
Voool, Pantiogo, Llnew Goode, And full
Itotoi of etwatingli; Storting*. Yilate,: Tick.
hot." t:ltesks, to., sit of we(' will
101 l at too very Lone eastern neat price..
J. N. IlleaxAw & Co.
to Alsace street. bettor Third a Fourth eta.
The Pearly 'Gates—Pore white teeth ned
n Plittl•C Liman, isening like perfume from
the u,e, through Canis of lovely bps, coo
~Ti Slink etymon Says. "an eieelleoe thing I.
.11.130.10. To keep the 'pearly gates. of
thc ...Intl tawny. sputlefid, and the hi wan
nicdysrri.grant, It is only neacencry to nem
Scradont detly, • dva.* •
doMaeat=ayoang boy named Wthisnie
end a, log oat elf et the Jolomovro depot
Nitordny cyanide by, betas run Oyer bye
frel,et ••
. • .
A boy withettl_Mullint has bOen attested
atarcansburg for thlwlng stones nt one
-B.tx trains on th cuannylratti
.4ga Unit
. •
. to 44, 74.4.4444% Devi More, No. 84
MaBM. etreet, tor the beet stuorimeat
kara Witt. lot =64ll43lBBlpurpoeos.
u ln:g:t,t l4 . lE l . l4l4 7 . l.4l."' on ". .frth a rWrgll2l .."li gt,o °'''. o.ll P Nl .Y•
Go tr. Irleretaa•le thew Stare, No.
Al 0 hot street, for the Mead, zaeortmeot of
I .. .teethe; liatraitts 10 the at*, at loweet
. • ' • •
Vs. to rieeilihre &Pug store, No. 81
lewteut street, for ell Gerintue Patent Medi.
close, at the lowest retie.' •
rao to Ir or Atom No:*
:nal not street. for the troll Table Olt In ttio
Piparkllng Sotto Wasaw at J. T.
.vnrlo. Drng btOre, 10., A 3 rd.r.l.trOet,
The Yee, Lhieas *ix... or uats. Con*,
nd -Etta. , Gouda, at.. t,vorloy'L
No. DaSt... Clair atraet. '
•, '
too lam sow evressn of sal
11[111110 at OMYS/ iltteitios tUlery, Ko,
You Coo Hoz O. pot ma. Aloobol a t
Jamul% b. linen, •
Tea -
Will Awl a Dental '.Establshereat
at Sla rem street. Drs. elll i alllesple.:•
Tea I,lat Buy Mow Flom O. 3011 W/ \t
A large varlet. trillialatax THIRTY...IX COL,
W irr° o r ‘O I onotial anal lag matter, I neon in . r
leading Editotlair, halt Wit. by Telegrath
sad • Nall, valuable Nhmlina Matter Inv tat
rnd rolint A moat roltibia Tina,
alai utd Commercial Market Report. nt•
any riper to Inc enty. lto nrcner, i lfachanie
Merchant rboald he
TI IS tog THY affilat.T
&nee Syluertber • .5 11 .
clangor Fire
Club, n( r e .
—And on•evy of paw, be the PYTrit
up the club. Ad blabs II clubs can by ma.le
ay> time, at c,iab rat,.
r ) 22 3 :_m.
- -
Gcwind rttaillt Vir- S Si. Vin—
e de Vniti uuctirty. baricsolont olr
cation, a h a
,wing , good work
thooriuso or GuiVs suffering Poor. ci
tering To trot w not or too tiess?y, itcosPeff'
theof creed. M 651
AIO nr colnr, l ounces/a
grand charily plcoilia for TnosidaY
will Lohn placeat lion City Park, etfoldl
nye invited to attend. Good tonSIC, Witirde
dancing accommodations. and Orchids. of to-,
frssbmcista aro prortilwsl to those WOO
tend. See sdvyrvlSumout.
An 011 leer Tatanked.—The Grand Sur:"
yesterday {stewed a repletiontcodertrig
thanks to William Sher!. ennatshie n o
;with wan!, for hlslatt and complete re
feree of person& engaged " ,. ,.4 . the 881.1 of, bla district. We ret tn learn ..
that to elo:stnra Of the law In the Sloth
ward are In ve.'y conetglembly ; grew or pro•
poets°n mass other ward In the
ap Stroot.—TEtursday
mond:lg, between thr.og and four datock,,
the tear store of' tdh_Tho Boor, No. tat
ti; nod otroo. was nnto-nd by borghor and
robbed of Wore and ohm.. t 0 ',he "...Oar or
ahnut ono hundred and 11 rt Vdolloric tan
tour dollars hi shyer, token rri,:a the moor T
dr., oar. The door of the store, .lootood to
have horn Inorcurnly feAtehod and hlot oho
tly /prow upon by Lon
Gen. Grant tinsled . through Whet , lloff.
on his way to Waehingtnn i oa
day night. saublmil Moe° tionstreantea
aft the depot to thatOW to receive ei'al•
cover delcolnit to loo k them square to tAn
Lacs. Serval them right.
are dditionitl Ideal News an
Taird Page.
. ,
Thursday. dune
ISM, et the rel.' - dente or the bride•. rather. by
the Her. Alfred C,lsitenn. Mr!llttiltY. ll cVAL
ILYFar. of Pltt•he•en, Ca, and NW XIV TIE 6
tiMlTtf, of
AW - ABVEAT7.4n42II'II3,
so. 106 Knuth Wee.. DitlA,`bufgO• Pe.
00F7Dio of all Mods: CRAM/.
.61LOVES , aid
every 'deaf:MAN= of ronetal rorolahleff Wad.
tarnished. Dooms opened 400
soft Corrloo o f Wulf hed•
Barenzxcas—liev. Dovid Herr. D. D.. • 1 •••
• lb 11. Of o. _ .
• Kea AND ESIBAIJILIt, moneenor to the
into canoe.` K. Hodges., No. SID Otto eltroet,
three doossf;rom Ream Alleshear
tank, nesomo.!, Mahogany, Walnut sad Sore.
eood imisastop watts, the lowest reduced
prises. no.ons Watts/ dal sod night..
Helmand f'srenstes Ornlatted So short solid
and on most notaon.ble si'msa•
• T. WRITE & i 0.. ANDER
ter. Wood , . Run and' vlelntty. St
Itmebeites lAter7 /stable, wetter - ,tibellield and
Chamfers streets. Hestia and 'Cii.-isane for.
E m STEWART. Undertalcer,
coer of,,SPHITON land PBS: is Sine. sibs
Ninth Wald. Canino of all Stalls. Hearse ...nit
Carriage. famished an ilia shorten Doll.,
DEVLIN , ts. SILL. Heal Estate
and luturaueb Agents, Butler St., Lew.
MAiturAciruens : We tiller f r male the but
awl most J.4 , 1161)1 , - Pile for Roiling Mill end
Mast Foresee, or fur any large 2.11121114".1.1
aortae.. In pic county. This 'pier, rty le
tei on • 40 foot a met...Rd the Aliegberry river,
nod 'GORR 100 feet °retie A. Y. R.* ',Tbe tat Is
AO bent, fenomaeartng seila ir,Ot ...A7 do
well to eftrulue before Dating 'elstwbere.
rerms made to mill pticcheimr.Endulni of f
DEVLIN a Et. 1., Enid Emtete,arid...lnserance
Agents. Boiler Striet. '
FOl4 BALE--That 'cool. *Stipa.
hie and 4/hirable property •L nn
on Re
becca street and t..e Alle e hriy river. in Alla
givey ItY tMrby C] '.et. on is hiai erected
rely st,et.ptlal Brick Belida, der SWISS
high. Maga/ feet. calculaird cod well a.lapled
f.tcirn 'agog almost an. brarteh of man Ofac
taring. It Is seldom a lot of these
within the city. earl be had, and we wand Melts
the Icial a 'tattoo of those dealrocis of sieee."-
Ina a !ace rormean
'uterine portimus calla[
then o cia or LiEalalS G SILL, Keil !state and
inAtlMlte , Agent.. Healer treat. Laernmeetill..
Fruit and Betty Dillies,
EC ===
vf BOLV:7
Fine Watehel, flocks, , Jewelry
, grus LISiaTY 011174,.
3Pittasbniret l 4 4r renCLl:Lar.
Parthrularatention (Bartatrtne
Wm.. Monks and Arvalry, LIL Imrk war
NOT &FEW of like p-orvt
det that Millet mthkin.l arim frorDetlinly-
Mae orta. LiOis =SILL, Hat.
Sat . ..ILI, la•• reamly'of the utmost. TIMM
8c CO.'s
Roolonzot Stoats o
's Vaned. WOO., to be
Daily conalcommtal.
Hoods from all imria or .
raid at
d Retail,
rutrrur 800 is, sec:
DORMS ric Our boo.
°corm, cArionizu
conosstass, sins
swim. HOSIERY.
AND usawicas.
al PrtceS
At Aucti
II Vllll4ll
1 OD 17111,
Nos. 55 .A7ID 57
R. 11.—Ftraltore
it inctlen on 1.1/611,1'
ant re KTREET.
• ol'selsold goad. far MS
• ALlEZlrikl*,
Howard's 14
nary ISTIIIET, na.S
; I"t.e' .
Oae. HOBqt. vary a
at loatanortv, •
in rm. U. dm..
lot.. Homo It -yr.t ea.
iitfBnt6. tba vault. r•ta t tr attaaropta a
glamrg „ trescaul...agralm,
a.,,.•reata.t rals• . bp.IIIA.W7