'I THE. DAILY GATErrE. PUBLISHED EVP.B.P 1101USINU, , • • (scanuat xicsrmo.) HEED A. GO y ="-A-4±sl=Przotcariss,.. • rassiv.s.x. ..«...JO.I♦II XI NO. 7tu.lue aN_ 4~cn GLZ GTT 3°. " A: 5O AG !..111 STREET. 4 1 .1 4 50 . flier or Tut= Pam . huh. until% PAPER Or PITTBEIIIIIDI AID ALLEOMENT CITY. - L ARO FAT. CtIEAFtdIT and nf-dT PAIdILT dad Cn , ILAERCIAL. PAnZit. In the Mate. = Me, enpy • 31.41'17,2"r 14 ? 'IT" , acr Oct., pct Sit Addhosx, GAZETTii, PiTT?Btlit*H. fir. Pit - Lim - Or lta;rtfr lx Is a matter of congratulation that Vitisburghla the healthiest city—in the Union, and indeed, in proportion to pop ulation, we might add, in the 'broad world. The mortality list, wili-lizar as out in the assertion. Por the seven days ending June 9th, there were deaths, three of which resulted !from causes generally Ignored in fobetptt judginent of the public health, vl/414111 born suicide by Intemperance arttlaesit. dent. Thus out of a population forced -l obreathe Stmosphsre heavily olden Willi smoke and root; with our strmits Sn 'a tiltb - 3- condition, ou'r markets •supitlied in n measure:kith disessedl.teef, nod Uri 7 dergolpg en insufferably warm term of weather, enty four were arrested by dis ease Unit called tb final accoant. Me in vite comparison with other cities, be lieving that no section enjoys greater immunity from disease and death. ' . .llonActs," the Harrisburg corers. poutlent of the Chamberrsburg Reposilory, peaking of .the Republican nomination for the:Supreme Bench, ears: • "I ornetill of the - opinion thin it will either be Pearson or Linn. Several of the western counties that have Instructed Bat William's, as a western man, have .cspressed their preferen6e•fOr Pearson, its their seeond choice. The Lawrence County Convention declared for Pea:- small , This is only ono of a number of re cent IndJentions Ilia the belief preialls at the cast that the western delegates to the IVllliamsport Convention have gen erally not af heart' the romination'of .11r. Williams. We trust the event will show that this belief Is not well founded. ennum EB9 , squtuhes and melons! Who con inform us bow to "hest the bugs ;^ so thavaerop. of these desirable rodums pan be brought to perfection! The strFped bug is Infesting gardens dos.' and bids fjtir to tire up all the plants.— Four pieces of twelve inch board, each two feetlong, nailed together, with bits .of lath laid on top, leaving. interstices not cancelling two inches, constitute the cheapest .and best remedy.' Set the crib fairly in the Coll. Observe—the striped bug flies in _airtight' lint* and. is not skilled In making angles. Be will rate= ly get inside the crib. . „. Ex-S>• .svott• Mon, of Franklin, is seeking tinomlitatlen io the Assembly. 'The Titusville Herald says: "If every Republican in the enmity had before him a - ospy of Hoge's sworn ttladrit in Franklin, by which he pro cured lion. C. V. Culver's arrest, and the sworn offirlarit of the isane lingo NV hen,be tried to get hold of Mr. Culver's Prolvrty in Ohio, tholionornble (?) Es , Senator would have but one vole, that of Ttur. RepoliHestia of Lenatster held a 'County_ Convention on Wednesday . ; abolished - the Delegate System, and adopted that of Crawford, under wlfich nominations are mule by direct - vote of the people ; ;ace:amended Mr. Thomas• M. Franklin for the ' Supreme bench, and appointed as delegates to the State Coo vcntiori Messrs:Dickey . , Brutalter, 21—A.on-aot.a.— rrl rore has noted FP Peer declined is; man, Myers, Pownall and Frey. prlee. :Jla ed. Talker advanced 3d; rpoikki ; At I2s Lreielietulle without attoratlon. COL. MCCLUICEI, when last heumlfrom, ' Mr - ma atens rmot. June 33 . — .Cm0ia0.--Cottmi; Svgs still at DanVer, hoplog to get o3' for °„!,,t,,,Mtk,,1=C=„1,2"11511). halt Lniits4Vyr imsedny:' _Evidently M.17..,8=AV4."74ZeCr4.1.! is fully, Impressed with hie capacity to Penvi.lone, Pork 75t; Peer tats. Lard Oh direct military movements against the ita,,it,T,l ` ; ' l l' ir,t, " :.r "' " H 'no:--9 car un. Indians, ,In a, mariner vastly superior to ' 1- ! ,l aAulree soorm ' un Generals Sherman, 'Hancock and Augur. consols es , A, Erten 414; imams eels. tral Stlatitto.d liltat Yule's Co.'s Tlivhatred which the lush bear to- 50nt1e.5!,L LON ;PON Jeer 11—Monino.--Atiantla and ward the 'informer is proverbial, rind ia"..?, I!"..w‘E'rr":`'''''''''d"°4 closed illustrated in the mobbing of, Corydoni Fasscroar twada . !ono 13—Eeenfissh—totted at Dublin, by whose testimony the Dun-i gasmen ' Val:llan prisoners weie identified.: ' l" ' " o n t md. " ' La° 4° rr ''` ..3. We would nut take much risk on his L I FROM NEW ORLEANS. life so long as he remains on Inch sell. TUE Sultan 'or Turkey ta k es hp, A.. i ladlatnteat Asalatt =ember* of the ..,-• Eanttlttalonal Contreatlon Met A Id - . riarturo'for Paris on - Tnesilas. next. It ' — The R...... 1 ". 1 . 1 " . .... 1..f.1 " .. • • • is said that ho will he accompanied by a , -lulutlan l attetart at taaesaltily to Ob. . • aullonumbenn fire hundred i ' p ersons . OK Televa , 11 to tbe Pltisba Kb Gazettc.3 . • I:sprite:on will have some trotible in 11-1 21 "'"' N'w •lonos spletal ea The Indictments pre caring.and runviding for Ids distinguish- } Printed airalnst me Members of the Coast!. cd guest and' his three hundred uds. tenoned convention, or Loeisteme s format, 1 • tresses, with atiendiust eunuchs. .- tag arid ass letter nn nolsteinl nssembly to • holding their Convention, whirls was Intel.. ruined by the riot In New Orleans Inst.' uly Tug 31eximirt new is not nnimpor- wi nce were farad by. strand fury, under - ti. tag . t. G en. mt remen •i s reported at } epartre of Jag° Abell, Since touldned by ! . ,• General Sheridan, have been set aside, ad • having died from the effects of fever sr noire pr.. hoe been adored, on motion of • • Atts nay General Lynch In the First ie. la . ..ight' on by ivoniubt , received at triet Court or to city. fie argued that the .QUereterty while Castellci, 31ejlt and ate of the actin , ' patties, on whieh the to. ; dietments were found,conalsted Nimbly In Otirete.hlLVO been slot. :fir/think nets riming present at a. 'deliberative meeting, • • lield for the avowed - purpose of entraining has transpired as to by pearable mea, the Interest• end pre, ; Win he made of 311ximiliari. • • f pony of the State, and that such meeting ; I constituted . crime, offense, a tamale. -; - • meanor against the laws of Louisiana; that , the right of the aforesaid parties, sad all other citizens of the United States to ai. I amble and deliberate bearably on ! any antlect or matter whatsaver, is 3cenee by the stittitiell and lawn of the United States Cont,! of. the State of Lonleiana.. It to on coal authority that the Trtaory Department has received infer- Wanton from New. °fleas, Implicating a hie, °mew er. the meant State govern ment In Om' recent Soharensory defalca tion. it la asserted that while lathe employ of the ,Treasury Department be became aware of the defalcaion, but railed re port a was Ids duty, and It wa not die. • covered until Secretary MeCullOall rent rye. del Agent boa tie New Oricane, for the or• press nurraeo of examining the condition • of the Depository. The sesets turned over I.by Mao, Whittaker aibblay. the /Infant fag Louisiana sub-Treasuromaitistrugh pan. porting to amount to sipesee as eeesory against late by the Government, has been a,certaineu to be elmostworthlesa Manor other eccurluce presented by llr..Kay, was. I a draft of four hundred tholdusnd dollars , , Ou Oake Atria, all Mosenehusenn, lo which lin Signed the Mania of A,. 0. Alansilleld; nor Thomas P.Olay, watch signature llensflaid I tepodiales nn tinatithwiged by bled it It I bnrd!y bailable that the Government will I realLan 4-NAVA although tee defalcations • amount altosetber to the rand sum of $1,600,t0p._ (twine to the precariou s condi- Don •of financial affairs in New Orleans. Sub• Treasurer Wsiton,appointed to Whittaker tile defaulter. gads great Mfg rutty In netting acceptable bends. Oilmen Agent Knox; now In New Orleans, ha bean Inetrtieted to examine the Commercial status of the parties offered macnrltle, and to remain there until satilifactory bonds aro been obtained. ' Now Onsmors,.l one 13.—An attempt was I rasa to fire some buildings en St. Charles street this morning, but was fruitrated. If filed been enemata' It would have do stroymi sacral honor beanies% hOneee..Tbo °Went Was tO swindle ,the 'animas Cam. pada • ; A araTaltraT rocla Made several days since that she cholera had disappeared front all parts ot'lle .world. That was 1 1 not true. The dLiCase was prevailing 1 to a fearful extent in the armies of the contending forces of Brazil nod Para-:; oar, up to the date of the most recant advice!. - TXLEIIE appears to lw no end to the number of Illleltdistilleales in Brooklyn, IC. Y. ' Five more weVe seizotly,esterday by the. United States revenue ordeers for I alleged violation& of the law. In spite of Itoyafilecreet to the con.; tracy, the slave ina:portation' info Cuba continues; A cargo 'from Africa to re- t ported to hero recently been - fautled on lien Cuban coast: TRE PRESIDENT Rill attend the dedi. cation of Masonic Temple of the Knights Templar of Boston, On the 24th inst blithe gnesi of the city I during his stay: Lonnlifoncx, recently appomted Vine. roy of the Canada Dominion, sailed yes terday fromLiveria4 c. for Quebe I Gorman has been nominated I by the Union State Oonvantien Of Cali- - ; fonfla, .for Governor: TIE AIMIVAL or King Ismaci"Jeting, of Egypt, 4 uniionsly• looked tbr CLIAB. KLAN, the distinguished actor , is dangerously ilt.ln England. t —Golden .weddlngef 3lr. and 3lre. Colonel Isaac King, of l'almer, ,Mane., obserted.thic.tiOth anniversary. of their ; marriage, Juno 4th. Pour; persona were Prewted who attended the wedging in., 15r1.4..M.r. - and Mrs. Perry Gardner, of _Somereet, 11.; 1., were visited by their frlendratrrelatives, .3fay 25th, and pre. tooted with a puree of. $lOO, In token .or I the 50th anniversary of their wedding. Mr. Gardner is ;2 years old and his I —Alexander Rangsbe, the first minis ter of Greece to the government of the United States, reaehetl Neer York last Saturday. 'lle is a dtstinguished scholar and authorlu Greek literature, and pro femor of Archivology , and . mo or lc th e Unlitersitrat Athena Mr.. IhingaiM is DatiTO of Constantinople, and . 'win d e d 10 an.Engliall lady. —Mr. Adolph L. - Kreppen, a few , yean ago of ;lin licalty.of Franklin and Mart. shall College; Pennsylvania, and now instructor and librarian kr his Majesty-- the King of,Grocce, is ..re.vlsiting our Cocatry on 'induces, and with a view of inspecting the battde•lelds of Virginia and gathering froni tbem--some mon:w eals and records for the royal archives of Athens. California Males Cheapen,lora—globe,. N.snelognagencoallarato nionainiroCl. OW Telegraph to the Pi naberah !Wenn] Sax Fingerer° June 13.—Tbe Vial= Braga COaren nor, nom ' &Cora, C. Gorham rfortiorarnor on the drat Wtnettithod: CIO/ban:4 Dldlro2ll4l. •. ' . . .. ..1 . I,ST, Ftb.............._ e,-' ,•,;,- , ; ./..7.",77 .. :7,44.117 . ~,...„ •.,„ ..,„ -;„ . • .. • '''-,-,-..:-:.:----* , '.l ' t I.! . 4 • • _ • ~... - ---..-----. -- ... --- „, ,„ - -;.;;.--,. J.,..„, -, .---1f.,-;••‘..-,, _ • v . - , - ,'""”. .... , 7 4 .,.. z.,.. ; . >::: '.. 7-7 ,, , ,,, .7 ..„ : 4 ' -:-,, 1= 1. . ' '1 N. r :. , 1 11.71 ) . t . t t .„......,,,............ s _, 0 ~,c,.,,,. ~ --;,---4.,--. _ ,-- -..:- s .- - -.:,-;; ,- .4. :rm4l-:- h .3.._. Z., , : '''' .7 '.. ''' , ,C?: , :'_ r', ill • ' --", -; i ' . H H .. 1 . I . ' ) .:_-_-7:—.:.=. -' - --- _ - ,,.....-'.t., ---_-_:: -,..),:.:;17::z.:17.—,,--: .-.-_-,.- .. -- ----- --- - 7: - . - _ . -- - --z , _---•.---,:-_—_---.---.- - ./' . ' i I • 'VOLUME _LXXX_II.---NO. 140 FIRST EDITION' MIDNIGHT. EIROPEIN INTELLIGENCE. • 1. COLNDIAN VICEROY EN Runs, The Sultan Going to Paiis. FiMAN 6 INFORMER" ATTACKED. Finanaial. and Commercial tly Ye le mph to the l'lttehurgh G ozette Ehitil.ll2lll. . siataiat or tIIIS CANADIAN VICINOr. lovr.nhooh,Janel3.—Loril Mooch, Viceroy or the Dominion or Canada, Palled to-day foNunbee on the itenaship rioctorina, • nELA rent Arr unsronnan , ' ArrAriczo. Drew., 13.—Evenino.—Coryclon, by whose testimony the prisoner. who Wore captured at Ithognroon have been Menu dodoras today attacked by• a en..;l, of his conntrym en 14 Waterford, and barely on. cap ed vengeance with his life. rumccE: PULTA, moaner TO VIOIT PAR., P.M. , ' June 13.—A - dispaten 4tal been re seised by the government from Constanti nople. announcing that the Sultan of tat hey will Lahti his departed% from his Capitol for this city on Tnestlge neat The errival bore of 1510.a1l Jftlog, of 'Egypt, dapy oxpected. •: ABU/PE° *rt. 5in .. .t...i-roxr. Sera 1:1 --The steamship Atlatitte, tient :tow York 'on the let lost., 2.4:v6110...aka . awl aailcs ror Bremon. . BY BAIL. Boroughs to England Dleftanchlsed by Corruptloo-giovernmens Cotton Caney—tins ma Confederacy nixed as o no Yokota, noteroment— 'SPeri Forger A —Charlea glean ill with Stoner nosegay°. - • • • •• tawYeng, Juno I—The Enlish el June let are received per Pergsia papers The Ixtro of Lancast, Yarmouth Tat.* and ughe Reigate bare O pen totally dia , franchised on account of the bribery and corruption at thoyast election. • • Thurtuform Leanne have atlOpted a retie lotion earnestly brewing for, the ballot: The 'Board et Trade retetns for April show a reduction In eaporty, combated with last year, nt lAtlyou boends. The cure of Prloleau Reelect the Vatted States was before the Tice Chnhecller on the anti. On a tectutlcel pot. the United States government v iolet some cotton eon !Glutted by the People of Texas to the so. called Confederate Government. The plain. tiff, Pelt:dean, pet this interrogatory in the Amerman Government, whether there was any law of the United etalcs by which" the propetty contributed Itv any of the inhabl. tan.orts ate to the liniOn could be claim ed bY Ole NSt ational Government t The m elt—ea., that the United States claimed "ander the la a - of nation. It Wea Contended on twitalf of plaintitrathat title answer .0 out .11111C1013 L. and mull be amended. The rice Chancellor held that the United States government trete bound. to answer this question, "Do you admit or dear that there w. a de facto gorernment, which egetelsed authdrity over the 'State of Tara." The ttroccectings warn theretoro ndlournod. A Pie:mien Ls in custody ln London, charged with forging.liutch muttons, t clt o Into ' f 7" i e ln: "ned &elceZ a ndsX 1.7. else market.. Charley Kiln as seriously hl of &seam of toe burst, ~nd It Is doubtful it he user will re lluTalCittirfillips from hunt =deco arrived fu England 110,1 15 1 00. BllE o ta. Kluallsber, rotoal. tit. John. Zger, VIECOLS Nyarma. Liverpool; Candace. at Fal mouth. Jonebto Clarlstum, at Liverpdol. FROM• MEXICO lkotti or 111 roman—Mum*lag of Mello and Otberr—.lllor.lsottlan'o Fate Um tr,.lll.ll-111J• .Proelsinallon Pro nounced n.torgoirx. . • • • • thy 7..d.iegnpb tae Yittiburgb Ovum 7 Onr.e.typ, Jrine •13.:—The Pieoitune hot the fo.lowine .• d 4 (Pewee, of Matamo. 555, of the eeven tit tent, Vv.a the following exinfetafrota a letter dated Monterey, W: Mirarnon b. 111161 of tho fever, stbleh at tufted Alm after he was wounded at (Inert. taro.: Ututlllo , /Jetta und others hewn been Abet., Aceordom to a lottor loom • arodllablo tomom to Moo Lula, the moat protoand al lonco.l, pronervocl it to what, will be done with tilnyboollau. The chief * lmictlonarles milt both way s. tt has boon tat that•the City s• N• staa was taken by tha LtOor•o. • .E 1 ...lfradeano, an leAperwiss paper, pub. Lobed at Brownsville. pronounce* lInziroll• tan's prOnalilathlri I. forgery. and says IL origlriateal borleogning papers. • The Pre,.lihit Going to litteteei—rat. I - Vetter Accepting the Invitation. i tgy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh bassos.) President's June 11.—The following Is the President's reply to the lusltatton of the city government to vhot Boston. thgeutire ..ifonsfee, Washington, G.C., June gl—Stat.-I. have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 71.13, tenoer leg me, to accordance with the vote of the Council the hospitalotes Of the city of Ilea ton during my contemplated volt. 1 intend being present at the dedication of the new Stefanie Temple to your city on the htth Joel end during toy soon clad tout feel honored to accept the heepttalltim of pour city, receiving them with the reciprocation of frlenestitnand courtesy which prompted the tommil la their oder. %Vito great respect, very troll youre Jurnesw Joasreoe. Chas. C. Dame, Grand /feeler of the Grand. Lodge, also received a letter Irma the - Pre*. Pleat accepting the invitation of net/mud Lodge of Massenet. tta he present stile dedication or We Atm% • Nett Tech tkenettlettlonnt CooTeitUon Elly,Talmtraplite the Pthabaign Ossatti3 • _Ar.aawr,..June 1/.--In the Comutntionat CC...entice to-day, a motion to mate asap. orate Costualutee oe Canis wed. loot by 4 he vote, atter a RegUty anima CONDENSED NEWS Mr 'referrer& eh the Inttsboreb 4settte.l . — The Coroners Jury effected to mouths Into the consa or the recent terrible baler ozplotthra in nallestelpbbt, ttirtat Tbelthe orploston of this boner woe the result of ,00r pressnre, *nod b- J, Occastrund by the closing of the atop rah , . placed - Imre ediately acorn the boiler, them shut:log . "Bß all communi cation with the safety vair, Snit preen., Ifofifio. The balance of erldenee, in the opinion of the jury tended trranow that the valve was closed to enable the repair* of tire engine to he made. In the opinion Of the jars. while 'the lenlittun of the as regard. Onnettnetion and material, was thoroughly good, Lire placing of a atop valve between the boiler. and the tf..ltty nitre and Indicator of pmwereoras a most unsafe and unjustitlabie proceeding, neither war rained by the example nor the opinion of competent migineess. ...The President has . ..MO telegraph.' to from lialveNtat, Texas, to Oetido atlantic, any person ran be registered as ti qualloo Voter who refuses to answer the preccrlbeil ' questions, bet Is . wfning te Lake the oath- Onciston in the antrmatlve will, it In be- Mired, throw down every obstacle that Congress . has raised „against Improper 1 rotes. General Grittin has [mho forced to 1 remove the Mayor, iseratise offila opposition 1 to I he appointment of loyal 'ellltent on the 1 pollee. leant G. William. VI old resident, 1 1 tanlventally respected, .e appointed idayor. —The rightht Aquit,CuekbetweeeVegYer and Anil., for o the chem. of light , welt;',lts, took place at MO , et, YeaterlaY, Sixty-nine rounds were fought. timei two hours and ten minutes. 1 toren wits therictor. Aardu draw thefirnt blood. At the skid of the sizty-nintin round, and offal blight of two hours sail tea *ten, the sponge was thrown tip by Conger's ' second. Collycr woo %wry instal cilanifored about the fare, bayntr, both eyes oioead. ' —tittle All tight, of the Japanese troupe 1 of Stimbitts, performing to New York, fell from the trapeze rope, a diatilnoo Of fifty font, to the Academy of Moab; Ikainc.las night, and was normals , Injured, although no hone - were factored. FROM NEW-YORK Nsw ToeL . Juno 13.19t7, Ttra vnvaaua m6O”. A (Icel.= was delivered in the United States.eireult Court today, dismissing tho writ of habeas corp. 10 the• nave of Philip IleUlrich. the ellexed Prrissiao rancor. The prisoner was remanded to the Custody of the Vetted States Idarshal. to be held to await the action of Lho authorities at Wash. ingtMt on the question of extradition. n/AEI...AY mut. A e.g., it on trial In the United States Dis trict Court of the United State, vs. some three thousand eases of champagne, which . were imported INN !pm Rheims, the In voice being alleged much below the marg.% Caine. It wee stated by counsel roc the Clov ernment that the Government has lost over one million dollars by. (rands of tale nature. TEM taY OUNDL6II.I3O Wade an'average wed of about sixteen tones and,n half per hour In her trial trip yesterday. One toile wen run in folic min utee ann two seconds. with the screw in/sh ine fifty-four revolutions ender nrrenteen pounds of steam. She 'caeca-for in about three weeks. t