In • VII: it. i s ' l4ll - 1 -trr'' 6 9 JAMIS DALZELL & SON, IFinancil Matters In New Torii , Banker and Broker ; If 69 and 10 Wattle Street, LARD OIL MANUFACTUBERS' And dealers In CRUDR, LUBRICATING and CA RBoN Ws, warrant oar No.l Lard Oil al to the nest a s or other brands. gall ;nob. , to sell as low aa Cincinnati or Chicago rata.. Our N 0.2 Lard Oil aa a Lubricator cannot be excelled. Donk Creek Labricating and standard brands " R C = U saTtra T naPreV . w f or 'lnd It to their hixerest to' es as &gall before ordering LArd 011 Rom the WeG- • mitts LL SIZES . 7 3-1 Q BONDS I 8 Wood St., near corner'of Fifa drAfFPUOn• of kiaveranna* BOWIE 0.KM...a SOW on Liberal term♦. Landon and Contanenna Smotunne Sold =11:32E3 @Old, Bitter and Cost.ans Isnaght at 111 s hoat Takla, Ind Gold Drafts toned on Nov WM Converted Into 5-20'5,1885, BONDS DELIVERED EICICEDLLTELL JAS. T. BRADY fig CO., nankers, Car. Fourth h WOOli Streets TO HOLDERS OF 7-30'S. Having nulls apeelal srraPaementa wit Teas" GJcicids.e. 'Our aorreapoadenl, ma are. prepared to convert aatl'a Into a•Pi's of ME. Irlaboot charge. Good• as Hand for Delivery IRA B. MeVAI.&- CO., •-• 001V11.. FOUNTH AND SMITHFIELD SIP. SELL YOUR 7-30:s ♦ND BUY 5-20'S. !Saida , . tlf will find •ante of OVEE 1( or ONI. PEW CENT. by bontertlis on 031. plan. Iss O. BIeVAV.O. CO., EMI= 00 . 11. MI & IMITHYLELD BTSEETB. 7-30 13CO :N I LI 5•.20 80ND5,1865, I= liteeko Annan t and sold-on connmlaalonan Nate YOra. • hiladalybka sad ROBINSON BROS., , - mo. 7S 1 , ..011Til STILVET. Etrillittsbargij etajittr FINANCE AND TRADE (Mime • waoeseaae , J ust 19, I%R The New York sleek quotation@ t -day, as neriteed by Mr. P. It. Mertz, were a. fallow. ,107%; EigUt 4 Y•orre bonds. 1194; Five Terentlei, 1962. 114 Five Twenties, 75.:1, x loi . ; Five Twentiee, 15Si4 - losjf; - ma coo wol, PON S .veu IuarAMIM.X; Tea Partite. ton; Michigan : Southern road. on( Cleveland 6 Puteburen, 761 M Pitts burgh, Fort Welds • sad. Micas?, 0704; °Mono and•Roek 111ar0. 91; Chicken and. Northwestern, MX; do preferred, taXrNew Fork Cer.tral, 1 , 434; /tending: . 0 14: W..t.r. Cobb Telegraph, 419 C; Gregory, .5,i0; Cory. doer'. 9 9;Cturrets nu 41,40. Gold was strong all day at 12.7%€13,34. The unpins amount to-day to about one and a half million dollars. Tran.etlons to the gold ro 'vie very much cooled down, and scarcely one hiltshl lmina. is .done now compared with that Q.t.; Weeks ago; It paid much better to speculate id" Government lbw. and Railroad ohm.. GoVentiectibouds are .1111 higher fp. day, li 20., lagl, leld off with an advance of C° """4_Elithty one. T. Forties are dull at yestenlayta andaU;tbe heaviest de... t.- In anliminting to We per share. Th • stock Scold In /Paktum] , at ab tut 2,60, alvaneed to 7,eo,,de ellnal to 1,01, and on • coiner run up to 115 per abate. Alter the cornet. Sea. dissolved It sold - flown to Igo par shims up steers opt esti by the beset. This Mlick ussd in be extensively dealt In bete, but my hope Our friends availed them selves, of our repeated venrninis cautioned In these columts. Wxsi stocks are all from 3.4 to I per cent. lower to-03y, on so 050.01.1 mend for money. Otiming 5001051000 received by Jame. T. Brady t 7.8. Sixes, UM e. 106 6 • 1040. is • Aug.... ',Vs June7.3o. • Julyl4o. Dee.Cumyouud% 1.1.4 Go.d Sliver —•A St. Louts 1. efeerant, under date Cl Tun day...yaf Il.'l C. Freeman, prtsate banker; elolood loiclOota yes.enl ay. Can n, lu dlatillery. Amount of flab:Mies on. 118100,2 -4 New York paper. *peak of the Western tfoloa Tii'Mr‘foh etimPloY. as foliows: .The Skip:pans trove added 1•00,400 to. their property Out of the receipts of the premot year, and have also' reeently paid orr. about 3.130,.• out Oratorios baud.. Their half peony cash dial. demi le 31 pe-r cent. fitter these' diatourminente Ito Corneae the present mark, pace of the Meek), and as the eosapsey bare no Is , User • autos of friuded deal to mature fur trine year., they will be flee hereafter to lanes.e their trash dividend. o the mats! rote of their net earturve, and to' provide at the 'game time a liberal sinklus food 1 ,, r :heir Tuaded debt.. —rite New hurt Pon eaymil,nother dive!. omeut in resold to the Pleat:is/mammal hank p of New WI. aa• reroute,* yMterany kora telegrsiM: •niutnbert Bolin, late Culled States Marshal, has had. for two year. oiling the Mosey. 10 New fink; colt ...Mill ordered la back through A: l:. licahatu corres pondent of the.Flret rianocal Bunn to New York._ _Mr. Bannt retained too Ist. • the b.? • woe clewed • The C4•P at the °lay Jacket h been recently derided by ll... United hint. t• meow Court la favor of the Mover no. lit, And Mr. Saints has been ruled into Court fur not payin, the' amount. The Government will l neethe alumna. The mutants are wnetn- —ree,'ClaelnEtatr Gawk, of Tuesday, eaye. The money inereet =Wahines to wore close, mom, hu wetter. fa= decline In the currency bale/wee that from an tomes= In the demand poloans. the latter nelng de/We...feu oding with the ilmitea volumof built,.. In the general Markets Our m LLet Is now ex perseuclug the effect of the withdrawal of col ey for Ilse. mOielyeat of the wort =op. After •'whlle, of tour., this money mil come bath through the theutele of trade, but until the turn is mole carri %11l be rump... lively ...Se. Rates of interest range from. ea pet amt.-0410 thie. pmeatilog figures fur 40 0 4 Petal , rUWe extract The following from the Chicago, nib's., of Tonality, In refereoce to money matters In that. city • The tenure of William R. Stang, one of tit largest commis/ilea mere/mots. wile =mount/ torday,eilwitog lit Lie exert-ea:lea(' in Li: l .o Wed lannetaistrelea. Ale. tltioe has blotter al Yeemenlatita • large share of the tr and his lieuse hod the repot Moe of befog rise of the slemegeet In the city. but owing to lit. fortunate speculations In ermined other plop • eilitre of the country correepoe• t' Le benas obil• 5.1 Le tr i o-it... T,.74 :e an asi , Dane= of fir In some teiaeti. 700 a.te. A 1... DOM. SW -404 hatwireby or ow. • 1.1. t be eortlu 'fear. We Coat lbr• er assets will pop 40 or ale en lbe Writer. • ist• in the afternoon time were remote touching•• the etweltt of ...thee of our large beams: but On' itiveallgatioa Chop primed grouteUees. It understood that • .uple of ctirturtatie Operators were tined to =amend— hot being able Co "settle the thgterente" on stow et ern tranteetlonw The mon market Was quite ec.tud ove r the felturw Wonttone. so r e sto r etradece In Produce . The demand ft, discounts ma. more active; towing to the Ineie.ed reeelpte or Grain; .4 the slight Improvement in bunion. georre4rt but the market was elm.. and maug.applles tien• we'll pilsORS near for cocablereson. Tlits am Owls.; more tolhe want of madden. that to a scarcity of eninanry; th.ugh In some quer. OM the latter wee quite close In eoniequence of Incre.ed checking. It gnu notmeabie that more Meeks were peld ors. the Counter than usual. Odlslog. oodouht from One general want of cooddenee to grain melee; • The steady decline la playedee of cora dialog the put fur dart hu ad 'havoc among the •Itlts," and are hear of large losses—.ours . a• high ea LIO,COt. It Is understood that one promtnent operator, who Stateapetlg In the eouthern part of the a short Ure ego, and on hi. return went It "lone on the strength of the "Crooks" of the fenders, has pocketed a tart• 10., but a he la po • Mtge fejt by tut . l no material Ineonvetalenee has been m. • • .• • New Y ork ' Dr, Dotta• Market. • (RI Tirlititranaln lbw rtt; listaDe./ Bow rola, JOno 12.—The dry goods mar ket la tlnlet and eolitr at lAtor Atlantic 11, :Appleton A anti Indian 11-.1; 4-4 Drown tibeetinsnal for Pitelll4 - A and 11; .Itfi 17ttur Stark A t IS for Pepper I it; Wit for lotion; 14 for LnWrenete tl.. 66,3 - 144 101. do /1: • 1114662666 llo•lin; V)'( for Wanntaua; do for tontaatala - and Cambric dri; n for Yawns- Ville, Lonadale, Snwpar (dem and Arnim.- anatting 20 for •ofewlteaa A; .10 for Tip Top; 174032 1102.. and Hallett; 63 ior do 11-1; an d ' 7 0 for no. 10-11.1 ind 11A tor ;Antrwknew A. . Tick inai.,40,262 Tot k,r2looli 30 Qv UAW N - ton, mania', 17'4 tor swift rWerf lakor Aram -pone; 19 for Merrimack W. Saner Pt Mtn, 19 Styr pink. and 'tunnel.; 151: nr do.D. and • 13 /or •wericart Duntwile. tinbmon d and ,glottonater Ulnahants, thoua In 662 m nen yew:lest...ln tone 100 , 1 with morn cont. i ltinoni_Sates• 0 .100 knit la Winona at kJ; ild J. sad 6612616 at 21. atlemi• thy,the el tannish Duette.] Canrseel; Jane It —None ttnelianged at ft,b0011,30 for PPlfilg watt.. Wheat unset tled, Irresalar and 1107 st lower than rooter. t davt sat. a 1 N. 1 at court Wand lin. 2 at. S 7 I,ali eloalns ta.tna, at 111.01 01.671{, •' . 510.1 'Corn Closed nniet, at 808404awor0n .No 1n noes. Oats dull and &need (inlet. : 154104140.. or Bra dbil. •V111..1101,10 10, 00.. tiarleraartnimely , nosomai, Penvtalons 'doll. •Wm Pork. W.._ Lard, iteeelets .-.1240 barrels 11 , ,t 12,101) btrix: wheat. ITS; 0011basb, bora, laallia s bush. oats- lablpments ....IMO barrels etaw. 18,000 bash. wheato9,.. , WilthbOnts/Ph MOO data rrrrmnynaun nausurrs. Orrice or Mae Printed:Wt. GAZITTN, Werdenear, June IL g The Inclement condition of the weather had .tendency to retard boletus. to-day, which at beet hat been very dull for some time put. There le no improvement to note In the dee mend for any of the leading article. of trove, and this being the use, we have no round lot operationato 'mord; while so far as prices are concerned, there are no , changes worthy of rpecial notlcei though the tbudency .1111: downward. I „I„ ._ GRAlN—There.'!. no movement in Wheat, and the stock ha this market le very much re dueed. Rye 11.4111 and foyer, and we now quote at ti,„1:41,1. Oats dull but unchanged ou track and wharf, and 10e, in store. Corn contlques very dull and drooping—may ' be quoted at glabac for prime ShelFuLtdothing doing In Barley.' FLOUR—There le no improvement to note la the demend, end while the market' Is dull and unsettled, prices are nominally nubanced. IWe continue to quote at,ao for Spring Whasti eal. for Winter Wheal, and 51TC17,60 for Laney brand*. Rye Flour la dull and drooping. PROVIS/DlTS—Bacon ts quiet nod ou. °banged—regular J , bblot sales at 93i° for Shoulders; Wit, for liltdied, and Idlie for Clear Side., and 11,1f,t4100 for Ouvuud Suer Cured llama. l u red la quoted at Ile; Ilited Ike( at 2.1eQ24c for plain and caucused, Sod. hies Pork ati.,,aoa.3. PUTJ,TUL'S—Quiet• and unchanged—supply fully up Ina demand. Smell ...lea of prime Peach Ilium. . Pi store, 5ix,421,40 per bush. EOCI—In. good demand, scarce anti higher -fresh packed solo mealy st glc(pM , . , per doze. • Bl:TrEll—Tbero aa no lcuproverneut to note In the deteentl, and the market la oateedlngl, 1, dull. and prices are nominal at Ihlll,, for fresh I 'necked, and , 60lee for heal:lC.ll. CHEESE—Is quiet and end/angel!, regultr sales at Ito fur Weser. Reset-se, and lealta for hainburg mud Factory. lIAY-1. dull and neglected; wait a droop toe tendeuey. We quote at COWS per too, aceurdingro quality. DRIED FRUlT—There le no Itopro entant to note In the rt.:moot. and price. are endlng downward. We now quote at tra'le or Ala Om and I2igl2e for Peaches. SALT—It dull but nomlnallr pochnnged— tarty be quvred at $2,30. on teed[. and 62,40, de- Ilvered. OlL—Lard Oil IN quoted at 84685 c for No; 2, and No. 1-AL 11,00 Coo. I= OVVICV Ce THY PITVI3O6OII irknamanag, lone 12, 18,4. CUTIDE—There Is but little Inquiry for spot ail, and the °kering@ are very light; we con tinueLto quote at 01,"46,11. Sale of 3.0 barrels for September 'delivery, at 7t,i'e; 2500 bble far name month, at same pies; MIA for all MC, buyer" 'Miran, at 80; and 1.000 for all 1809, same option, at 12.0. Having finish.' up pretty vell'wlth r lan, dealers are now getting Into 1640, and isles have bean made during the week for eighteen mourhs ahead. buyers option. A telegram from 011 Ility to-day quotes at 82,25 per barrel. and very dkil and drooping. REFINED—There is .one little Inquiry fur boodgd oil, but the market continues dull and week. and, if anything, prices arelower. Sate 0 ( .500 Md., Prima l'ght sera* to:white. at =Sic, delivered In Philadelphia; 1.000 bbis standard white, for September, October, November and Degember, at 27c; 3010 standard ',Belot Otto bet, November hod December, at 270. There are Whig to buy standapi white for June, at ott. oetercb VAST . ST V. Paella 0111 Co, Dbl. relined to C W Mane, Phila./ Benny }LIS° do du to e' A Dll.. worth. Phil*: Wlebtman .1 Anderson, 250 do do P Wright • Sans, Phil.; Liberty 011 Co, ill do do to Brewer. Burke h Co. Phila; Beau mont, 151 do do, I. Wilcox. Phila; S McMahon Co. 100 do do to -WP Lop. Bee,rblia; hichlabon k Cork do do to Amltion . hie, Baltimore; Forzyth. Boat Co. gegiSo do to W Warden, Phila hlontsbeimer, Koehler cumprrbrutlctl, acid =!!111 ,rtarwlur . aaaterlai .1 a pr,werellaractcr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, na4134 PlTTSlttflAitt. PA. p•rtlcici' or worn out or r ntrAnrous nmttcr, j i n" ATTORNEY AT LAW, TIVE. *Well I. • great t0n10.'5...1 atrezgtbetto and:restgres %b tw. renewed. while elaaolvea and carne. out from tllo I,,dy tboa wi.leb o .o' tend to clog ur ', lvstroy It, by ;andel' lag the renevrt, twklarialbelbg deposited In I=l= H . C. MAICIL/tELL. PULMONARY tuNTAUMPI lON. RICAULTIAti - ) " 1 "La: 1.,. ATTORNEY& GOUNIELLOR AT LAW No. 69 Grant Street, Etgttinent of George Ford. carpenter, of No. IG !geopeon •trert, Allegheny Cite t • I took a klolcat attack (.1" kplerlsy. 41 May. PITTSBURGH, PA Veh left me with a coogh lactiog all sum- 8 . . F. BROWN, mer. weAr!vg away mT ...Iv. and Kradaally :Late Loce. Claire Agent. U. e. Ban. c00.,] ""n"." ml tu "t " 'h".""k of Nike, No. 67 Foul. tb St, second floor, / has octeral ,phyeitl ant 0: the` hlittLat reputation Iv the cos. Aftcr I ha .I colwed fr,,rn the racurigno wa; pivt;ei PINSIONF, BOUNTII9, IND MEW OP PAi Into the coeutry, which I aid, •yd whey were milt.] In • Juctor, who rod me mr Itti. I unli :No Charge made Until Claim are aettled, and affected. and that If aornathloa were nol done then hut, mode.. fee. anon 1 would re or CONSI.7IIPTIOS. I Hager- 81(X) . , BOUNTY. $lOO. ed on nom this time until, about the ntldille of , .lane. my ~ o n,,q h Ittog =ltl=ffE! - tete, of tl..spoti't , !,l6, seal Lttowlu t t the general belief ux the of Consumotlop. and ballad heard oi . ,coraa mad, by I•h. hEYSLII mad .mint hi, ilertimisrich - 1 tc time ucwiv~ ,era I .was Inthided to veto,' lost to call on the Doc tor et his weer.. Penn street. and 11.1 elm ex. Riot tt, uog.*lth ht. SJU\I).`• He told mo th topper ob., of my l'oft luug was very much diseased. ,lathe thought ..Ith gnat ca. and Mu porleverance in um we of his medicine I would lett. well. At the timo I called on 1.1; .. - Keyser my ne:se wee near one Ike nalrennod this Or beau Ina minul.•., and I wee generally pro', traced, •oa h•d Inv:ouch night and day. 1 eotn• [penned the Lcbctor treatment Int/debt, with • feeble, broken Vonalltution, and continued f•lthfull• until the [,resent lima, The Dreier•' enetllcinra helped me from the very alert. and eevid •r•a••lly fret my.elf let9rn .trove* mud my cough and expectoratlon Imarniug. harekalned great!, m neab. and gonadal. m self w l rll:•sll the rattling of ittY lung ha cease and tel general bealth is Weyer] way good. • env relatives and, friends allow of the advance Oa, of my dlavale and cror earaordln.rr nrctik ery. One cf the tnedietnre elver Inc by Or eyeer wee • medicine yelled I.Uhl CURE which I toot In connection with Inc other treat Men,. l/kutilli PrrrsuVuon, %Welt 30, Ido. ANOTHER CURE OF CoNdUMPEION I was Mach arge.: troth.' United i , lates army January, llvn. on ae,ouut of • wound In the esd, (none 'Sahel!, awl a disease widen the army IIT•Iclaos pronounce,' CoNnUillerlON. I had le rlbleol,oll, and fed item) to etronath and deal, and was unaldelo do any liana. Chord; try my return from tha arm, I ms 'eappllcallon . A ,Am, or nee 'emir standing cured by //14 it itagICIP/1 iii 141/P: 11 avuen.—)l7 *lfs h. been *filleted wilt • c,Ongli and difilcultypr lareathing for Oyu or Six Pears which, for several years bark, hatrgrad. tally Ineressed In violence. The complaint hat leell hereditary, soil she hml been treated fry several physicians *llllOlB any relief. In this stale of her cue I ptocuro some of your I'ICC• Ti qIA 1, (X/1.14/111 bI'ItIJP. I bought t h e first MICA. • fifty cent Imt which relit van tier rely natichk 4 l then called and got • dollar bottle. .stiictienred her entirely, and ally has tom eel tier. , lithe farmer disease. except weakness, 1 artnild elan slate tbal the medicine myself to • cold and cough. The medicine cured me by Ultima one dose. ;express my entins satisfac tion With the medicine, and Yen are al liberty to punlisti this If you dells., to do.. WM. WiLlisN, Alders., ►Ntb ww.. Oar ton. Jinx, raorran; some three year. of aerSoota afflicted with consoniption of dhe 'fur which be ma* dlatharged from the 'arm,. He wan ennobled by (oar army yhyelelatif, who all agreed that be molt die with the Meta.. We brought him to Ur. HICYdEth HD W 1331 street, Our 13) Penn tartlet, ) who, agar eoundUg, his Jong, commenced to treat hire, and eared him and and well. lie le now wall and has been to for the put threeyear.. Other* adiletal in lilt monmar can likewlee be cared. Jowled P 3131311. Your •olt P/1 1 / 1 312. Tembeihneeellie, Sept. stb. 1866. ult. KEYSER'S !lentil. 8114 W: KEYSER'S LUNG cußg. C. 44.1. Me 01144 T HE DIM STOD 140 WOOD tITUCCT• 1.a4.1.1.1.... • T•u 9 ge.911.0491. 190 PENN 9TIIEET,D.I 94. 9. 9 90141.. 91. 59119914 . .1 ,------- ROFESSIONAL: K . ILNUFACTITRERS.' MANUFAuTURERS. , . _ _ ._,..... _ _ R . DIDDLE noninnTW: NATIO:VAL BOILER WORKS. Attorney-at-Law. ' LEURICIN-. IRO i N WORKS i - Offlee. No. 7S GILANT NTREET. -• XS'SPee, h . / 11tiention R. to eases In Rank. JONES & LAUGHIESI Boilers, rtIPLc•• U. MCCULLOUGU, ALDERMAN. Ex-Officia,J4istice or the Peace, POLICE MAtiIbTIIATE. , Office, No, 72 Peansjhani3 Aveaar, rittstm7h, Pa. Deed., ‘ 1,1,,,q, IrdoFtrnges. I....oosltions 3641 all I,okl Busiae.• v with protdotaltse, mud djsuatch. a 1 . A . Amai9N, JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE CouTt \C yancer, Real Est a te Slid I oevrance Afoul, AILSON STREET. Fan Illrmlogbazo. Collection of Mots solicited sod promptly i alteollrd i4l. 111}3:5. I. W1LL1.4,1 H. BARICEIN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVZIANCEU. le. Otner, (7ARCON kITR KILT, nar:, °ppm!. lhe Itatiwar Depot, Mouth PM burol. Ifinanens en trus;eJ to ❑la care *tom ptly attended to. ray MI: DANIEL McMEAL, M. D., PILACTICENG PHYSICIAN ota“ ultl Residentto, No. 150 Grant st., near, High. GEO. It , COCHRAN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. UUA ote..—FULTo , 'el BUILDINti, corner of ?mull, Pattru . gli. A II legal .I.llelLeas colniSteuo, ^III cel rt. , prompt attention. aoll:x15 J. 8. FERGUSON, Attorney -at-Law, RO. $9 FIFTIL STREET, Bscoym YLuon, rIIONS Room IL U. McCOLIMICU, Ef.ttor^ 2 acr3r..4it.T-.'avoir, Grattt Street REFICL: ;Ip. 133 YOEMTLI STREET 1e11:144 liTTSßUitliti. PA. PITTNIIITS6III, PA, • Promptly Collected ADDITIbNAL BOFNTY, LOST DISCHARGO. . Soldiers who hare hsei their di.harge culla cato and Wt. ...otherwise entitled to the .1 . 1 Clonal HOU bounty, coo have their caeca at leaded to by calling on oraddreseloa • W. J. A: HILL PITItHSON; ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND CLAIM AGENTB, - . llt tl.fl'tg•.ssl4.4 JOHN A. STRAIN • A...ICaZIELFLTur.A.N. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace AND VOLICE 11ADINTRATE, - - Office, 112 Filth St, OppOdite Cathedral, PITINBIDtIi U. PA. - 14,Viilo v?211:1 Sortiisw. ilgT