II II Il II h ~...• TBIDTZINGS DRS GOODS, TRIMMINGS. - • `.`TRITE GOOLIN! (.11r 4.fittsburgl,l eta;itte N U U INWSIBLE 1%Tc..?'7 TLCC.a-lx.ot NIXT INOL (TO TEE AO OF HE ROL MIRES'S TRILL SKIRT TAL NO' [HAM FOR Spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC, toi l ROUBLE sraueu.) ' SKIRTS The /Anew:mut sad most eamtorteble style yet Attrodope. Ott 'ALL FASHION MAYA t LA. Alp the Neer bites in PARES T PAID ur bit Wt.Y.LIL eAd ISTYLAB. FOR SALE EvEitywnlenr.. AT WAOLPIIALE by all the leading in. ud Di, Stood. HOZWI. in Pittsburgh. Alto. 0 1 Sole thrum of Patent and. Assiut. Maul.- Sours, WESTS, BRADLEY & CA4Y, 97 Chambers Street, I. I==l3 WILL OPEN, eft...Monday, Jene 101 h, 1 ITU Ufa STOC} Of -NEW GOODS! :1 Good Dark Prints at 10c. Merrimack Prints at . 12 1-2 c. Plain Black Silks 4liesgrain Silks. • Lawns, Percales; • Table Diapers, Tleklngs; White Counterpanes; Bonnets, Hats, Snndowns; Ribbons, Flowers, ele,,etc ' Wholesale and Retail, at WEL I SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., aLLEGELE.Irr cm: UTTONS BUTTONS 1 Ass...J. EATON'S. - • . MEI Fancy Buttons" for Seems and Dresses; • ,14 Pearl Mittens, all sizes; . Cut Jet'llultons, choice lines; Colored Bilk Bultons,ornamented; . . -., Bead oMumentg, all sizes;, 1. , Frog Buttons Plain, Braided and G - Crotchet; r • Cords and Tassels, all colors;' I Palm, Linen, Silk & Cedar Fans; l i . Fancy Pocket Fans; f . JUST OPENED, a.•F.H.EATON'q, 17 Fifth, Street, lISSEI N EW GOODS I NEW GOODS I , - JOSEPH HdIM'S & COT. • _ if ...-- ....lUng.l7eondsddltlon to our •Iresay . L-2-RING GOODS, we are prepared to oats . Inane...U. boin.lP Frtprice anti assortment. In Jr.olurolderlua. t Haudkarchirfa, • Colored mud Elver Gibbons, Guipure In Clime) . Lace, . Seal Tune andl Volute Laze, • B V.T.lll9llTl,7, a ivri l t ". - Mt' blirtag Onder•Wear, Alex GI Are Sid Glove. • • • Isivleible Itenpreaa Trail • Skirts, la Mule and Duplex. ••i tar ~ c assortment of 9tutt• Neck TI 'Scar* Int Row. Sot win,. Mast ltoult, at. NO171•09 . • M emru Its Bonnets. tilt Fltmers • _. Ttlammlitt Ribbons. Unmet tubboat • Plain and 'nary, all width. oUn WHOISSALE amnia, op Asir& will be iag.d.comouna 1.1. 11 thoLl etswill lad It to th eir adratssev a to give as esAl• illeas as low wtZsatern lobben. 77 and 79 Market Creel. ItEDEIVED TDIEI DAY. MUM, GiYOE & CO., 78 and SO Market Shaet. I iStILIKI 18101911 r or mum cr. • Jet Dead asd-Bogle Claps and Fringes. Crystal Dead Gialpf and Dm Tammloga. Jet and Crystal Ormunebts... • . Pend Allk and Jet Drop Dalton.. • Floe A.oortment of parasols And Sun Umbrellas., ' Englhb Gobbe t and Trlnambs; Ribbons, 1 • • W widtbasuut shade... -Colored Velvet Ribbons. Elegant „Asantosent Ilea Pant and Ap plique Laces and Illandbercblefri. I • FULL LINEALEXANURPS KID GLOVES - The Jobblon lindolrln Ind a <omeleteetoct • lithe above. good. in v Wboloo•le.pepart• neat. lopetbat with a anal variety of Fancy Gelds 8 Notions Generally, ' • aT EASTERJr PRICES. myziuse IyiNNUION No. 27. Fifth Street, ==ll *sad and Nagle Dm. iliia.ralugs iramilmodderlei. Ullalam 010.1.1 5111• Des awl Ploweisi poop Skirts ‘ind Corsetst p.nwe4 wad liqualinlitup Bien6• 3o . Vara aap Paper Collars, . .14111.1 era aaA Peek; Mee; Wettemer area T. M.. /31TRCHFIELD & CO.'S, The urged jury came Jute Court and pre. rated A paper, designated `Ss special pre ,en Iment,'• which rd as . - Tr. the Horror-4.,2c.-Thu Gram! Inquest new Inquiring in and for the county of All. ghee y, upon their oaths and solemn amrm atlure do present, That they have been investigatil the • 00 alled purchase and Sale of Mums and Whol.ome flesh as an article ot - Ood in I the public markets and elsewhere. They have examined alarge• number of witnesses ' under oath In regard thereto, and now coma into Court and makethle their presentment agaillSt parties named herein, and respect- I fully ask that the Coon direct the Assist. • .ant - District Attorney to prepare and submit j bilis of indictment agenda. them In proper form, for selling and exposing for sale the I flesh of diseased animals and other un- I w holesolite flemb, for the .tion of the Grand I Mthueet, that the, may be Bather dealt with according to leer. The following are theinames of, the par- Hest • • Henry Hershbauser,'Darld Tomer, 011 n. Dutch Henry. , William Bowel., sr., Jacob Meisel; • ,George Bowman, Thoutalt Helms, John Bowman, William Ilelma, ,J.ldebenspahr, .lobo Hoehn., ,Charles Llebenepabr, Jacob Hain, 'Omen MeClowen, I .Sherman, • Martin Grady, Adatri Hoffman, John Kathalder, I Andrew Katbalder, Homier, Charles Eathaider Paul Hefty. William Tomer. . -... inn IL Burlier, Foreman. W. N. Gonna. Clerk. The following was endereed on the paper: And now, June nth, 1007, the withm pre sentment having been made, in open Court by the Grand Jury, end on consideration , thereof the Coen o order and direct the I Awustant District Attorney for Allegheny • County tai prepare and submit bills of indiat ment eget:ls allegedon. named within for the offenles gainst them eeyerally - tor, the aellon of the Grand Jury. • ‘' I it mix Corer. a ca. knelt rusakterows. The ,Cohrt oession opened with a most pleanant On sensthsurety case, the dot/v.lll.fwhich,h from the months of half it venni of witnesses, sorely tried the proverbially evelitempered and mild. mannered Judge Mellon. His attempts to ' "abbreviate" the oft-told story- pro and • con, and to have it In alternate pieces. In or. I der that the interpreter might perform his : noire with any degree of correctnesa, were I In vain, and finally - the easiest and beat way I was Mend to he to alio w the willing witness. I es full swing. The parties reside in the • loge of Fran Into we. near the city, occupy. I Inn aelolning houses. and Germans, • steeling from Wittemburg. V alentine See JaattieCOMplateantagalnstalrs.Catharine, o-mph, August, George and 11e017 forth for surety of the peace. The quarrel origl- anted alsmit a dog, which ••anapped•• at one I of the liortha• ' an attempt to chactiaa the ; canine caused s storm; next the ducks wore ' growled ono p t; next the elethet line; Mrs. See testifying that Mrs. liorttahreir a buck. TILE NEIV TRIMMING STORES of of Robes Penh° yard, selling clothes hung out to dritiatte also gave mare Briny- I • one edense hy emptying a vessel from .nr oPENEIJ, AT front se up stairs chamber noon Mrs. Seea head ; there were In addition three. Made, W. H.. MILLER'S lon on ,salon Mrs. See ...struck I , :rand mell." I The quarrels it eppearal • were aboutvv e ry trilling matters, however NEW TRIMMING STORE, ' the anneyand an rather serious, but there •• w two sides to the stern and it wee herd inde ere ed to decide which of the very had No. G market St., . I neighbors were the worst. by Mellon , o . handed justice by requiring , d a e c% t orthe v o.t.les Loney their own wltnes • • "'OP." J. D " Go'" 1100 ". 1 :este, the Korth fanniiy to pay the docket • I costa, and to enter into recogrdrances In singe and well aeleeted neck of • the sum of SSOO to keep the peace. .The • m.lan . d t ile . r n ts b. l%l pronented i; eac r. S other Trimmings, Lace Goods,' the ti Jury • Oar ing returned the ignorant., the .EMBBOLDERIES, Iltigkets, qrrelsome, backbiting, cross - ' anitora Were required tO pay the costs. Gent's Furnishing Goods, i A RITZ DASCHTION OAZZ. :des. Evans ner. Thompson complained of • AIID ISOT(ONS GENEItALLY, ,her husband, Lewis Evarts,• for dettortme. pal . She r. 1.1 In East Birmingham • and testi- , C. that one wan married on the Gth - of May • CARO, ' cCANDLESs & CO., lan; that her MoMand remained with her • Uinta Wllsen. Carr C 0..) ' that night, left her next day, after giving • . • WHVLESALE her one dollar, oral had mot alnite had , DEALEILs , thing to do with or made any provision for FOREIGN l AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. he. At tho time of smi th ;age she was at the house of Mrs. where her hue . tie. lea WOOD I.TREET, band to her, and hoe since remelted • there. On erase-examination she nand Third house Abel, Diamond alley, her conduct since her marriage was in all • PITTtiItURGII. Pd. respects proper. For the defence ideas' claimed that the marriage who Is quite an old man, employed an • laborer at Chess's factory, was a practical Joko. peep.. noted while ho waslntpxlcated. Evidence . was offered that the hon. of Mrs. Smith, whet,' the wife was staying, was not a {min e g rr• itTr t tl i e n rry Tories " . ! f ll r d t been kee ega in df, ten Mrs. Smith by Henry Merman and Mrs. John Davill. Judge Mellon thought the appearance of Ilia Crane, and also that of Mrs. Smith, did not carry out the 'mere. sten endeavored to be conveyed as to their character; they showed no sl a in of the kind of people they were 'alleged to be. Al . AUCTION SALES. : though the Court wowed great latitude m , the hearing Of desertion case., the 'Act of at..opposlwyost Oftice. Assembly did not .ern to justify It. If a ( ~ y rrufng sales Thvn• , Man took • woman fur a wife, It was .his o r duty. suppOrt.her. and It appear leg that d 3 . and Saturday. u oc o, it c .dwara. Good, V.Vll.lltae•rnod ten dollars per week at het Vueensware. Grceries. tleote Fernianing labor, It wets reasonable t 47 he oho.' pay G.da, Bata 501100.1, c. Private lain an • eat ef that threedoll.s his wife, It ; Monday. Wednesday and Friday SOMILI sudn tion so Furriture ssies. I,al ' Estate held on I : margin and sold eh CIMIAIPSIOI3. J. W. BILEEN &CO_estrlge deg, strike manter," w. the &pilaff:mines AuCtlea... "mural" of the next case. Commonwealth • • es. 110019 Warrick; assault MO battery. _Margaret Shane. No. 131 Mulberry alley, ItliEltS HOPPER & CO.; i small • residing at n0. ° 511 Penn atreet. hada larger dog. The two doge quarreled, and Were t to out," when Mr. one, Egeropmors U. 11(LO EH. Agent. I =lie, Warrick a goo should -. take motel' his MIA," Interfered. Warrick wanted "lair play," and Mrs. sit.° raised large boar which situ 115 . 9 in. her hand and en- WHITE - MUSLIN. FRENCH NII:2I.INS. s`trlzitl JPLAIN NALSS , /r.ai.. 5 . 1 /Ural/ SWIM) lit:.*Lt.N. for Lidler Ilas.oes ,LINEN CAMBRIC. . LEER TUCKED MULTNS. 5111515. I=l3 goods for Ladies' Dreasts, 1910111 Remo int4r the plact,lll ILLRELY.T taItEET JrMimi JUST OPEN Fag. ILICRUM & CARLISLE, .Yo. 19 Fifth Street, fo clefsac ocoortmott or Sun Shades and Parasols, SEW BUTTON AND TRIMMINGS, iIiLIBII BONSIT BD RIBBOXL • SPRING bIIADES or t THE BEST KID GLOVES. "iErr'mv , isimitrarimlso. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS We hare Jut onened a full tine of all gees and colors of enecelenrated ; I ' "SS" Sid Glove, at $l.lO per Pair. We are authertretl to raarantee every palr or the aloe,. set ,heekt ther r.n o• tear putting On, Ipey can be exchanic,l for &natter Tar. ALICRIIII 'a CARLISLE, No. •10 M: 4 1.1%.131. Elitropt. CA ND LOATES FOlt ASSESIOLT. • WILLIAM R. ROES, Of Allegheny City, will he. a candidate for As ;:toM o r t liArg i t ,. %lll o e . declsion of the.tivittzli AIIOtION SALES =I deavored toetrike; Warrick warded on' the . FURNITURE . slew with a dog which he was carryng en. ; der lim arm.' Tnat derend•nt committed an assault and batter), tn etriking A shoe- : tog about Alm Shane, whilst she waa en- deevorlng to .keep the doge apart, there seemed to be no doubt, and It .if as ea. shoseu that lire. Shane returned, perhaps ' cominenced, the violence, to the extent of throwing stones. 'The Jury found a verdict SCUOOL 'AND OFFICE FIIIINTI'LIE. , 0( 000 guilty, defe n dant to p a y the route. .I.IOTIICI 64 . 14.1 . CAS:.-IADIC/L210113 Or T1M.110 . 111 . . • . SIMS Virginia Wood, of oncertaln th atab I . No. 45 Smithfield Street, not over twenty, we Jude, te.itled on the 13th of 21111.7. In. the evening between eight and nisei o'clock, Adam Miller, W. 11. • : Et . c .. rg: t r :, W barll I? . m c Am e . o . I a Heart' prrzeinualin: PA.Bier's house,.in Bloomfield, . • • Liberty township,fand called her poi; eon rpf useil ; they said She must mime; .she • veld she would nobcome out to soy ono she Kra full adortment of Pittsburxh Manurae- did 't know; one said, '`ii•,n you, Ba ke tared Furniture constantly on hand at LOWELIT don't come out, we'll linil • wayot, to ma ' Tom" just then a etone. was thrown by toll CASH FitICXS. . Mr watch struck muipliduant on the about- . . . Of Every Description Wx.r. Writhe...WK. C. Itorrie...C. a. NUR, der. glancing strnek her Molte n sleeve, • mh=rr6S ' : and then went full In the face of • IlttJe girl who w as holding a baby. lass wood said she was afraid the defendant, would do her 'mine harm. Against Miller she had preferred a charge of ...It and battery, and he wu net present. For Met delen.. F. Pittsburgh Importing ]louse. a Bay, a neighbor, testified that he w. pass ing In Mosotho:My and beard some land milk; ' ..ked Mrs. Wood what was wrong ; -she salu .! SCHMIDT& FRIDAY . "some Ethlopl. e—, huh thrown a stone 9 . and struck hecsughte" Msis Woal Bald '- : she did ant Snow who it was; that It woo , • . , some man who ran up the railroad. Mr. ' Wood came up with the defundude, Bvrger. LEPORTERN OF FOREIGN - Brown ufdlfo.l.l..se and acrolsed them of ' : helug Implicated, hot MI. Wood sold they : • , were not the persons. Imre AND mop °Ds _ r .,,, ,, , e r iz 0 ::: ,, ,,; .. ,. ... :11.:1 0 t i r n d it re nvo:ar i. : , :. tt s , to Mr. IT APau • .• - 5 Wood •) for whom be had arranged to build • a chimney; remained there for some time, ' • No. 409 Penn• Street, : when W. Wood came out and said: "some ! (/-- halloo!. s---. threw • stone into the hoods, and I_ nelleve It was one ' , - :of your party. Berger and McAfee. warp PITTSBURGH,'arkIing near at the time, hut not with Mil le,who : did not come with them, Would direct the'attehtl. et the panne to ter ' and Miss Wood too: them Into the hones fact that, possessing etwortor belittles through and told her father they had nothing to de several large wine nod liquor house. to Stomp, ; with the throwing Of the stone. Rim Wool and mating Mots tropormtlOot direct. the alt was recalled and repeed under oath that : ehahied to off. , the ‘'.' l " os , llTu 'R . ,.. r.: 'l she saw Muller throw the stone, anti that Wines and 'Aqui , . kt Or , e" .... ...... Farina . It•own 11 , Aleeso and Berger were with ' 0 7`,,'N,.4f::7,',",V.T.W21',V,',1.' `°°"''''''''''' him. kr. Wood, the father, testified that • ft clues ifuortment of FUSE OLI) ItvE . his daughter had not represented to him . WIII-NEY constantly on hand. ban : that/I:ergot, M'Al.se and Brown were not ' present, and that he distinctly said he de-( NEW WALL PAPE R signed to prosecute them; Berger had baron ' charged by him with throwing the atone, 1 but this was a tnlytake. As there was evl- den tly a mistake bomewhere, whlbh ml5-' take might amount to po4to7f. the Beort declined to dispose of the cue at present. authcious afroufge. - Mary A. Bracey was convicted on On in. I dlotmeht .charging her with malicious . . - . .. =I UPHOLSTERY ~TORE, ' ]ERE , OPENED, AT nasonlef—branklng of four pltnes of glass— , on onth of John Scholl, and was sentenced NO. •36 SMITHFIELD ST al coats Loony a Sine of sic /old • fourth cents and ronclnt.n 'tarns' Ant; Ass•trur AAA AAT TEAT. BELOW • . A jury was swims to try three came, viz : To szeommodite tee bwreaetd trade. w+ lase Commonwealth va • Edward Bendlow grnylatjc,!TrE;;T: t and battery, ' on oath of Marnarel stock to . WALL I , VER. WINDOW, if 11 aDhh, ' Shaffer; Commonwealth vs. Edward Bend. Wilt rid:4 Ull, rtknit and TABLE OIL low, forcibly entry, on Oath of Elizabeth tiLOTH, MATTI/AZ:IEn and it/LLIDIN aof all Burns, and Commonwealth ye. David kinds. Davis and Mary A. Davit, fore entry, on BDAl(I:B~3G eHIT 11 d ON TI lIID T ; °Ono( El n izabeth Burn.. The Cozies orbit. • noted nut of ar attempt tO dispossess Eliza: E. EDMONDSON & CO. t i t i°l. l .ll'.,`,°:at. t . h h7p b f,T,7..irt. P l3 l : l olrel'o7; zah30,17 . of the into William /tarsal. On trial et ad. • • P , .. .. EPTiBUROU PAPER MAII[U. ; ; . Doha rm .a, rasenunar. FACTUI4IIOI.I)IIIPANY. Manufactured°. The Grand Jury returned the following WI. y.toolas ; PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS ; Rntle dun Grubbs; murder pnlanUcide.) • . . I.r fl u s u r b id " lll'ElhOrron; larec_ny by bailee; CLINTON MILL, 11TWOBENVILLE. 0111 b. BEUUETON MILL, NEW BRIGHTON, re. , Mary booneuel, prowtorti7 . Trun bill. Michael bohnbil; lucony; l'ace idlice, : pr vi o n c i lta m ir, Tb T o r . lll .o, ll! hacony; iirrici. AHD I9f.EIItEHOENE. Llibu T. Ao. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Va. : flidacock. prosecutor. True bill. • Muria Tnornp.n; larceny; Wm 1' tinier , , .sacutor. Ti us bill. • • ' ' oyielCZE.3-10 . 1 17,91 4 ,Te i gijr . V4 r , :., P Maria Thouipso.B larceny; Goo. tOnbau 11AMII111. ill Dlli,E. Secretut; eon, prosobutor. Trim bill. premcrone—auguat Hartle. John Amon, e. ; Marla TbOrnynOn; Inrceoir ; David T. hi,,.. H. Mermen. John U. LeOngston, John M.I.T.' c o., py ,,,,,,, e; m r . Try e ai l. kin. C. H. Merrick . ; 'Nancy Critely; end count, belling liquor (won. Paid f.r P.P.r Fitee k • wltbout Occnno, second count, keeping nose • alnordorly.buldo; J. G. Endue .rosecu- • .. . . . . ___..........._ H IL MILLER. BUZllall's Livery : tor . , Merriam! township ) True 11. .....• and SALE STABGE 4 . Als i. a n , , ~""'"" Franey) "nulll 'Wm.' nrlthout undertaker Alt elects of o n an, at the i ...Se. (Teutpurnneeville)t James Iliontiln. lowest rates, kept constsntly on hand. UAUSOII . prosecutor. True UAL ISTUZ LT. tntspientirtasny ant Dente OS streets. ~ .1. Lang; selling liquorwithout license, in Immigham. izi Carriage. end new Pep 1 t o, James J. Irwin, pet:emu es foe hts. nearisa . (leeriness always ID to, Tres, mg, midi...for lenses's. ileum kept at Meer/ . James Roberts md AmelM A. Itelierti; by the day. mouth or year, red attended to In ' selitng liquOr on ßanda, Jame. nine.. to best manner. Velvets fatuities furnished . - ---• ---• • - ---- --c --- ~,,t C ar . prosecutor. Trim bill. with the .5(0.5 Horses and most Oil new. Stables kept open all Loaner the day ! JAM. lioliertsi selling liquor withhot D eo," night, - . lIIY3 yell i Cenßr• Tenliptitall.9lllo; Jarnee ItiOntlin --- , rosetilitOr. True hill. ...,,.,,,, n , ...„.....,..... ....,,,,,,..... Goorge gown, settee liquor, to.; Law. S9,,INGERLY it. ('LEIS .- react:Mlle; Jas. Ii Irwin, prosecutor. True . (s.“"`'"" n° One. " ... ` l.- " X°°.° a ' CO. ' ) bi lleorge now a co. ; eolll o g l i quor, to.; • PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, Li„;:tucoville; James .N.. Irmo, prosecte i tor. Trutt ,bill. TO. ONLY trTILLAI I.ITIIOOIta.PHIC Moran- ,John g;,,,, ssillog liquor , as.; 1 , •} .ItWeellee- LIMB! ENT ••WNUT OF TUN NoUNTAIau. stile; J't Ir will prolocutor r a 611 E - engines. Cards. Letter Heads, gond. Laws, - ---- •• • ' ' - • ' ° peetars, shoos mseis, pis., r 0,,, Y.rriest talent: selling liquor. dc.; Law- V lees. Cercates of Deg . ...sits . Invitation renceville; J. N. Irwin, proeecutor. True Cara,. ie. Nos. TM mad 11l Tiolra M.. Plum bill.. c,..s _-- . _ . Catharine Ureenawalt; &mutt bud bat- _ REMOVAL. •• ' - wry; Joseph A. Lurltue, proses:tutor. sTruo • MIL Hannah Non:du, William Kounts mad Su- JOHN F. CLULEY. sanuan Hour , assault end battery; Chnstlan Bishop; protoccutor. True bill. Houe and Sign Pallatr, Adam Lang; ousault and Watery; John 11. Wolf, oro•ecu tor. True toll. - • Nu remised to William alessonk; assault with Intent to No. la 4 ZNITIItIECD 13T.; Pittibergto, es., etcal; VI Wycoff, prosecutor. True had. osstse7 - 09 ,,,,,.;;. 0., 0 1,1.u.d. Joseph Sewell; Leeintilt.. et d btery; way , I Sewell. prosecutrix. True bill. Catharine Carter; perjury; Thomas Car. tor, proeountor. Ignoramus. James Jou:1101m ; perjury; Jobs eleta•rel. DrOileCUtor. Ignoremue. (Soo. Roberts, Jr.; rape; Sarah geed, prose. cutrix. True bill. Thomas hicPeter; larceny;Yred. At , nderl prosecutor. Ignoramus. Jobs bout larceny[ French Nitilste/o. prosecutor. Ignoramus. John Sun; larceny; rranplel4lhletoin, Pros• rooter. litnortmua• John 8on; Weeny inanely hllhlstein,pros. seater. Ignormsle. - John McCarthy; Weeny; J.-Q. Gaels, prose touter. True bill. John Cashenbouse and. George IgeNum. meryitaromyi.Msputt {Nommen ; prospect tor. True bill. , . p,,otami or BLINDEL—JOHN A 1 , BROWN a .10 e 111,0 1 .111.0 !Mazza . opporlas Ukat co. Paladin. kern on eand,ornrke , iranr4,Pcratb Window Saud.% If AO and at/amnia. ored • Oil Cloths. Bo!, on.nd. Ruda, Otto mama Salad sad Pierre Cord. and Taarels. I finetn. mum wrote: Oa pr tos4•• Go order.. I . .rock ofaud Canto Warta. Collars, in., tor geollernas.awyar. arirpw, • ~Wholesale and Retail Grocer. • Deslpifik TtAll,,ylbl2s se Para 014 YotOn• St=l.ll,l.Fl, '4l.llllVe aesia,.A.pegasay Vll7. 714 • 0111034 THE COURTS. ctiart of quarter kenrlonr. TI Coon met Weilneselay at ten o'clock, lion. Thom. Mellon on the bench, COL L. 8. Muff,latrict Attorney:,, e...at Or Tun GRAND brat --roc neer ,SIT/OP. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: THIMSDAY, ,TMSTE 13, . 1867: Assactia and Slattery, loshua Splints made Information baton_ Alderman IdsMestere, against Henry B. Morgan, Charging him with usault and battery. Spline had his leg broken. sev eral years ago, and is so bully crippled that lie has to use crutches. Ile is an old and s re.Dectable eltiLen, and keeps al furniture SHEET IRON' WORICEELS. waresroom, at the twrner of htultnileld street and Diamond alley. Vesterdar while stand.. pot, 20,22, 21 and 26 penr. st. lag in his door he saw a son of . the defend ant, Morgan, who lives in tittA Yleinit2, a ors,: yart arid torelmad abusing a boy touch smaller tha h unser!. when he Interfered and resumed the little -- 10110 w Wittinat 'abusing young Morgan in Pscsd "°"' the least. lira, Morgan same to th t ,o oo r and ers In me nest macaw , and warranted mull t, saw what was going on and said she would.oo , noels the countri- Chimaera. Breech. send het husband over in the event/1g to lag , Ire Beds, Steam Pipes. Locomotive Hub whin Spline, for interfering with tor gelid. , Salt raiz, Tank. MI In the eVaning Mnrgan mine, and entered r. " Oplan's store and abused him and Agitators. Healing Pana holler Mon. Bridget, by clutching him by the shoulders and, Sosar Pans, modems manufacturers of BSW:- dragging him around the room, and shaking HILL'S PATaIST BUS him A warrant was tinned Repairing done On the StoileStnatiee. leSlcsi the arrest of Moron. 'Borneo' meal Woctetj-. smos The Pittsburgh Ilorticultoral Society held , t °° ".. or. to 2001000° ' -KM° 2 2U2L22'.1 a meeting yesterslay at their rnoin In the WASHINGTON WORES, ,! car Building, opposite the Comdion Coon• cll chamber, George U. W Lite Lig.. in the Founders and Machlollte,Pltt•totrah, chair. and Dr. D. Bacon, bectotati". Tho Mann torturers of Boat and matioaary Steam object of the..""tllt w oo to consider the ' Edo., Cleat Emmet,. 1111 i )IschloOTT. tieare propriety et h aving • "strawberry 0211101- ' , ~,, Ch a i n s, castings of all description.: VII lion," and It was decided to hare soon. at , ' ft their room, on the 34th Inst. The exhlbi- ' TO." and 01°10. 20"00 °°°'°ltt " ' r°° w°r" I Don will oe for the pnrpoeo of 1 making a I Vince: No. IL csruer gust and StollbrieltlSto. thorough comparison between the various , air•gents for OlpraluDs PATENT IN- kind. of strawberry grown In Dim vicinity, . f EcToll for reeding botiers. tstios2 and it is to be hoped theta large attendance ! will be presenk FLARE SUPERIOR A. P. A.—Tlie , American Proteitant As- I COPPER MILL £ SMELTING WORKS. 1 satiation Brand Lodge of Penney - Amnia. in I PITTSBURGH. session in Philadelphia, elected 4 01. David , 1,. Smith, of Pittsburgh, Grand htaster for , . I PARE, MoCITIIDY & CO., • ti.lo el:01110g yOlir. . . • —um.— Nl•ottrazturera of Sheathing, Braaten' and Holt CIF - Additional Local Matters lc or, roro.ou cooper Bottoms, /Island BUB oh First Page. i sotto., Sprlter Solder. Moo Importer. and : peak.. , u Betals, Tin Mate, tineet Iron, Mtn, ' ' A 4 ~C , " ; ' a ' ; ‘ ..l4 " ?; 7 11 ! .. i_t d ,Irt/ t 1 . 4 . !.. !1 vu r Ti • Ev ? .4.1 1 ..O s BE.1;11!:1/%'TKN.r.T. l'lttatmr,th. 1 ~ .,..t r..clal or.ltrs or l. , ..nner , cot 10 ,7 1 .. !V,l" . m I ..1... T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTWITIINTANDIN4 nip in clemrnt xo.f them e•taer and ttl - horrlttli. condition of Me sre, W. B. CLAPP Sti co., /6 and 9S Flftti Streit This firm has an awl'ul sight. tit thisigenai made of leather.' limits and oss m slut, ruisaig, su drmly rmltogeiheri , Well hcy hare. MrMl=l In crowds they reach tbe 0n0...in— /Ltd pllea of shoe ono, ctrrY otr, Clienfocr than co tor loon, • You can bet. Other denten...And aglmo , Wlth •Iqns PO, • (v.v.., Oat 10% wire. win the as, 800., Usl.rs. Nos. 26 and 28 Fifth k W. B. CLAPP & CO I= RAMALEY HAS JUST RECEIVED 12310 NEW STYLES HATS AND CAPS, =9 20 Per Cent. Less Than Down Town Prices. We tell our HUT MILK and CAeSIMILRIT. HAT et ONE DOLLAR Lf, WICK (has any ther novae to the City. Call and Be Convinced 334 Liberty Street FIRST UOVE BILLOW UI CLOTHING EMPORIUM, mhZ:vB RAMALEY Ila,s Just Opened A LARGE STOCK OF FINE SPRING CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, I=l NEW STYLES IA TUE MARKET, Which will be °Me re , l at ORELTLY REDUCED PRICES Dm last • File Sprit; Orertaits, u tar I 10.00 - Cashmere Bisie.s3 Faits " " • Ceti Press Salta • • • $25,09 Paper Collars at Cost. 336 LIBERTY STREET Otg:t . lt i oaape, one door ittarae ht. TIN GUTTER AND SPOUTING. On hand an 4 put up to Tin, Sheet Iron and Copped Ware; Mutt to ordor. GRA FTOMS House Purnishing Store, Dt70.613 Sod oral' nitro ot, rbr•.ovoTtio,v4P,lte;P"4"Y cur. sign cr SUPERIOR OA IR TANNED ,PAT ILNTEITIMTCHILD 12113 ELIVICTILLP LEATHER BELTIAG.ARD ROSE, ltaattlaatared at Na kallTllllll4if.. b ELRILTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Alp. Asian. lot New York /tubber O. ti-nm Belting. kiwi. n band.. tapertov n.dliyoilJOZ eix 66 u fi vir a u ° : a HUEd. HHbT UUOKE,•,tr.. J. LANCE, Noa..-1185 and 187 Third Street, PYEIt AND SCOURER. Straw Goods i'leaned or Dyed. KID GLOVES and LADIES' FLUMES clean el Or dyed. L). Vii . OJ FlEi , AZALia IN • CEMENT. FMK BRICK AND TILE. CUIVEN ET TOII3. •33.1 WA rEll. 0515 End W•rebutwe_. FIEAT NTREET °prat., lijonottrahel• nouse. w. wwri•cit •. MM. 01( W ETTACII & INEA Manafactetrers or every denrlptlort of ivoriltixor Sollixzg t Uaalct.l BLLT and ',ACK LCATULIL Ito, Ro4 eIIITHFIELD Vltl.barzh. 1231:1 C . G. FISCHER'S lA NCY Dyeing and Scouring Establishment, No. el DIAMOND ALLEY, Between Wood and litilthetld streets All I A. All geol. returned In twb weeks. tlood. kept 6ublent to the owner twelve mouth.. myls:s4 W EST COMMON MACHINE STONE WORKS. Novthweet Corner Wes Commo, LLEM:MR. rseariL ALA A T •CU IiK 7,7I24 nt+II ` 4CIPM P IGi " r/MUI(111 tistwsity VAULTS. HEAD AND errONBN. e• Ornlnotly eneeuted. lol NEW FIRST CLAMS GROCERY, NO. FEDERAL BT.. ALLEGHEN Y. Fresh stock Of choke Teas. Cotree, Augurs, Sc., Sc., Which We o4er to the public et lovreat prices. A. G. BRYANT. • IhrlStsal BOAR & MOSER, FRUIT MSBOCIATION BUILDING. Noe, 2 and • sr. CLAIR STRICICT. PITTEIBUteUtt, PA: Mandel attendee elm ta tee dodged.' sae aultdene of Coed Herniae and budding. LOU SALE. CorntoLLlrWs Orr City of Allesheof. Jur. 6th. 1567.! • FOB BLLZ-211 single CHZIIIIY nearly nese: put the Inlet fore helect School. Can be seen on the second floor of City Hall. H. 13. #llO 5(16 len:so . 0111 Controller. F•IEE; SCREENS OF ♦ NSW 11211.8, On nunita, vr, lb oil paintings and gold and 'el vat frames. a ll= I=l===l EN BURLINGTON 'WEBBING N —to bozo o s Ne Borllri w grou /Urging. Artie; celled and tr rOh. Itiairrit if: n ave., ;es Nos. 124 aaa as Wood ocrs,t SPECIAL, NOTICES WM. BARNHILL h EU" ih `74 : 4 84. - W& BOILER MAKERS IL , ..tontsithaiota -Ilerchasita, ROOCCSON, ELEA & CO., W,5 . 0 .,, ,V1JF.T . r TiG N E 11W.- tAL L • iSILVER-TIPPED SHOES. 1.1”, 10.1 C u thu" wneom t I Kepi only by W. Z. PiCIIMERTZ. my 11,711 No. 21 Finn 14., 141[0,11,0. far - QUINCIC A. SCOTT, DENTIST, XU. '2lB PE..I STREET, I Z=l! lIW — TO MARRY OR NOT TO 111 A S. linos He If. , unkr 11. n. In Itn•nrn nt . ALurrt e Ntue;rr of s ' L.aws. •ge of Mali. ectit In . rVe ' s d . 11•....eNtlron..1•101..tiivinitIlt. IN. OIL WORKS& COIIIYAiNiIk,; : EUREKA OIL WORKS, Eureka Carbon Oil; Spertn Lubricating CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, Crude, Helium! and Lubricating Olbe L2llll, Sperm, 11,hale and Fish fins. ' , O. Q. NOBLE, Agt, 19 . irwin Street,' =I MCI 01.1.511: OILED: 02.ingill: SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFO, KOMI! & CO.. = CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR Petroleum Lubricating Oily Sperm, Lard And Whai.e 110.L16111, TASNIES' OIL I THEM, GREASL, STANDIRD SLIMING OIL, 1 St. Clair Street, P7FSBURGH, PA. lIEND Fl,ll A CIICULAII. denab TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petroleum and itt Products, Pt M. 111,1011 OrrtoB—DAtetl, turner of .sue Ws, atpl Irwtv 1 ., 111.ADt.L1 . 111A "IrrICIL-147 Walnut et. mkpl vreiV HENDRICK'S LUBRICITOR. =E=IIEI WIIITE, BROS. b. CO., N. York E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, Ne. I NI. Clair Illreet,lPlttablmrb. Pa. Keep ema..ntlf on bnild Cotton I actor‘. 011, -1., - Wool., still 6li. Drr: ict;N e " j4. On. pot C!l , l!l_r.v‘lan 011, Dart Car .111. No 1 I I, l= ~,;,. ..1 horc.-Cul, Dar! Car 011..M . Z.L 7 WARING & KING, C 411551115 InCHLUS LAD BROWS 0 Petroleum and Its . Products, 4 O UQIIESXE War, I= I=l WARINC. KING & CO.. M=l W OOLOILI [WE OWL RE4'EVESI6I OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. WlSP ' lt. T i r atlaf - t=9.114..5.T. WORILN IN TE3II 9 . DRALNI , EVILLE. MCI , No. 2 Duquesne IV ay, Vrtigi "gg bLti gratr ew urr BU R,NING Brand—"Luoifer." /111:11L5 BUY TEIE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, I=l =I T. L. ..11 # CO., PIC:MEXS FAINT WORKS, ~ . ..v.W.Cor.3d and Market Ms., wm. EAGLE OIL WORKS, Levocr-reanctoville. WiCHTNIAN &ANDERSON Refiners and Dealers in PETROLEUM. OFFICE. BECON I) folly CCIINKULLI.I4- 00Ch IT. All) DUOII/O , Nle WAY. BBEIVEII, BERKE & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ANENT,' YAM THE. Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works Ample Mors. fur Gradu and Mar, ,1,11, ret i d P.Tl ' nn o gtT.V:;:. ° Ymi. fur lona rno aval Ilancork utreclul'lttalmagh. atria ara 10 OIL REIFINEOS. THOS. S. CALHOUN 0.0.-1=1.1=.311.Nr1 , 3311=1., No. 167 Lecock Street, Allegheny City uiL, n w u~ ` '~nlNu end Wet ER ‘ , "U" rf`..A_N K S. • AGITATORS 01)111 on lb!, =not Improved ay.- tem 11105 TANK 110TroM1,1 T l rs. end all althlo of mark. 1111. donn tot Wither. enthe me reamouable terms arid at the short*. ."^^. ta•l7 pIANOS AND ORGAIIIS.-4 TEry A large sto , lt ut KNAKE & Co.•ti PIANOS, ' 01000111)10.II NoS, and NCF.s , AUTOMATIC tort ANd. Al 111.1.111 E'S MUNK PrrollE, No. 45 TIP elf trertitEl. CHOICE HEDDEIGVLANTS ► eery large .lock of Roses, Geraniums, Verbenas, &c., la bloom, at Mous/Mani/ Ilmauboosts. Joni IL 'a A. /MURDOCH. Bead for • i~olome. • m,it.o CHAS. A. MILLER, LITHOGRAPHER, 30. SO FOUST/0 ST., Apollo Building CHECK., liltnlTA BUTE. RlLL end LET TER HEADS, A.. done In ode style.. jipynnel CHEAPEST PLACE 1,1! THE CITY to buy TRIUMPH COOKING ITOVEi I= SODA ASH—.IOO cks. common; si 4. Betio.% 1 . 4 ... 1 c J CAMEL') a soli. COMMISS'N In 11.01111. 4RAIN ant •I•ut.ltuct I‘,•nerallr, N. 'II WATILit, ravbarAn. iLLf k» 0t!.... .1. L. F; SELLERS & CO., PORN PICNERS. 4-a AL FL 3Z) CP X ; New Bacon. Beef and Tongues Will be ready Wade!lemon Monday, Mtn last. choke sugar-Cared Name; Do do; do Beef; . Do -dt do Beet - Coupes. Do do do Breakfast Baron; Plato Cur6d Bficon Shoulders; Do d 6 do Sides, At reelace.V prices sod of excellent quality. From tbLv mlate shall I..e.resttlurly supplied milli all artfuler to the Prqvision trade. la oats BREWER • BURKE & CO., NERCUMITS, • AIJENTS 'Ott THE Pacific, Globe & Liberty 011 Works, aremm:Petrololim. Tards .Loreto stma i 'L VOlC ' etr=at ' ut ge L l * Ol r annP l ZWe avel Haneock •t:Neet. Plualmurb. • myiedas OBERT KNOX, Jr., COMMISSION mEacuAaa. ' FLOUR, GRAIN . AND PRODUCE, ORlee, 413 LIBERTY MT, Pltt4blirsh. L . J. BLANCHARD & CO., WHOLNAL.E. AND atTAD. EL C: 0 El 171. 396 Penn Street t.. ..... r. atrcaurt. KEIL kILITCLIART, , COMMISSION !MON:ANTS, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &xi 349 LIBEETY primer mrl4lnl7 rprklllllAtili. Ps. - • • ( IRENE' & 'KENNEDY, SINKOHANTN and I' FRUITS, volition AND DOME. FRUITS, BALT. VWUR. WITTER. VOTATIJIIIi le...and In Prprlalons and Product mr/All 6 l i .a•Zrc t r u El/ILEINL RTNENT,'oppo. Agents for the gale P :h• jk . vntl:7.l,o'.i.ii tllman's and J. Mom'. bah. .011:174 FETZER & ARMSTRONG, YORIAIDIIG LUckutissioa 1611111A:118, for ...ale or /lour, vain, Bacon, Lard, Bnit...r, tk.ede, Dried Fruits, and Pro,lece generallY. No. Id Mart. West, corner of First,Plttenor.h, Pa. GETun KNOX & SON, Commission • ItinCH ANTI:NA. lIILAJ N. MILL /ZED mad PRODOUR.g.siang- Nti. 79 Diamond, *Nook. CI. Hall. Ali.- itO.OTUly. - 1141. CRAWFORD, Commix- KEIDUHANT :ANN METAL.. BLOOM!' WUOLIONT 13011 AP IKON. YULE BUICK andCLAY Am Worohmert and Offs Nos. 3011 nod 300 PENN OTRnLT. Blooms Itarahlted. Conoorsononts solicited. 001 UI'rTLE. HALIRD & PAICON, h-s WholesalaCieticara, Commis.lon Remnants, and deMers In Produce. Plonr. flacon, Cheese, Ilsh. Carhop and Lard OIL Iron, Salts, Ulnas, Cotton Yarn. and all Pittsburgh manufactures generully II and 114 &mond street, Plitsbnegh. EIMER & BROS.. (Eiticcesson tO Rerener Anderro, I In'boineale,Dealore In Foreign ?rung, Nuts and npicos, Contention 081 8.. CANFIELD, COMS111111a.• , lion end Forwitrding Merchant and wholn side dealt, Irt Western Hearne Chorea, 11n ter. Lard, Pork. Bacon,. Floor, Pleb, Pot sad Pearl ruber,, and Ms, Doled Fruit, and j'lro duce generally. Non. 141 end HI Frost nth's,. Plttetnagn. RIDDLE,No. INS Liberty St" callt•burgh, ra.,Commt•alou Iderebant, and Whoe De•Divr In.Lountry Produce. Grwerle• .ml l'lttsluma mwrinfactores. Club ad Saud lontlinslecat, and paid for Produce sair. say jowl t. notnitaznaraan nottait..araa. • twitaz j 011.51 I. HOUSE RROO.. Sac oet?al ;VT ' : senor Radial:laid and Was...atm. Plttatntrah SCIRWIALIkER &.L&NG, Whole sale dcale. 1110 rocert•C Floor. Ural. Pm: duce. ProvUtonia_,_ tx Cheese, Balt, Car. 011, Nos. 172 and 174 Wood litre4. near LlnertYStmet. rittsbutgb. ,Pa. 004,13.56 MID( 111111,0:1A. WALLACII. UIPTON & BALI ACE, ‘ll h01e ..1 IittOCERS AND PRODUCE DIALEM. S,th Vitt eborett. COAL, COKE, &c BEST - FAMILY COAL Aiwa', on baud and deli, red promptly t,order. 1 AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. BY I OSCAR. F. LARK & CO., liff. Wei; Stnet and P. kW. I C. jiailnY. ALLEGIIENT CITY. Acthracite Coal ferul•b.d •tth< Iniortel . ''''''' WM. M. CLAINEY, & CO., Gas Coal Works, raIre.Vr4.I7TWAPkirLITL'AM. AVU Ott sear., BOX ?NT. Flttaburgh. and L.MB B. a.gl.l2fftTnia, ?. .eeeed, ewry vlitgeemh Baring Hank Building. corner Liberty etrret and Virgin eler. Vittgburgh. BRANCH orriets: 1 0. L . lberty etre...ender Pron . . It K.. °op.. 1.!;Z: LN " f r l ,l" s. ' tra A r e rt ' l7g e b r et Al! orderg . It t e net of the above Ware. •111 Mc...prompt attention. • pITTSBURCOI NATIONAL COAL AM) CekE COMPANY. Miners. onappero and dealer*. 1r bole•al• and retall..ll3 the BEST FAMILY COAL. /Wu.% Clcsaa autacit 'OPFICT. AND TAM), corner Pourth and Try 'T,TOrd'e l r"e"ir'Tl:Plig . i coolVS n he City. or Shipment V.TATZ:7,4=.°- COAL! COIL!! 'COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART t CO., Having reinovett their Wave to No. 561 LIBERTY STREET, !tui.iyCltv /lour Milli SINCON I) VLOOR, Ape ono prepared to urnish good YOugulogherq LUNY. NUT COAL OH, ISLAUtI, lathe limest inaiket price. &T.th orders len at their attire, or addressed to them through th e hush. *lll be attended to Proturdlr. mymaas L'ONIT PITT COAL, ,, CIITIPANT —Nhipt.rs — and dears to Itutratiot Family sad &taut Coal, Nut Coal Ltd Slott, goo oral or- Oct aaeotol atoji l'lttatotrob Salon!. Bank Bo] Brand. !! o t s gry "t a;: d Th ' lg ln e I N',°,l: I'ltuOar h.Onta.• e lan. at either of Ma abort place. w I revolve prompt •ttration. • Postolttles Addarema Bo: Mg. Illltsb•gb. DI.CT0118: cGagnt. H. FAHNWSOCX. WY. RIMMAILT. 671%, 1rT.V.:74.`"""". LUCIUN 81104 , 0. J. ()ILL.:M . : re; t i LA. 11;.g.A.O.Llatt, Seel' : . W. N. CLAllriri 00.. 1111smagers. CHARLES O. ARMSTRONG, Ildatasa YPIIOIIIOOIIE n NIA 001INELLSVILLE COAL • ,t act .nfaclatere C+". Jter ICE j Cornea of Hatter and Morton; lire:yard on Llb gell'altVelZefiert't.f..`,:i NTT, " I : I7J,Vin r S a o h d . F. ramlllea and Manufacture. a aadpiled with ball article of Coal or Cake Se the 1.3..10 e•S L b rata, Orders lett al any or that! offloca wall acacia., prompt IMII.IOII. . BREWEItt3, NL&LSTEIiS,4O PITTSBURGH BREWERY. , • CARSON, DARLINGTON & 00., sksm Lusms .01 HOP 11161LEBB, I • locoman to J I ONLDA 11110 DIDI t CO.. Pittsburg WU. W. ARDZENO.g, AliWtheut • • .) !The attentlou of the euetoroolo the two Allele ll!Purlltylat ly Invited to our • ACES AND PORTER. Whleh. throhg ma lt ing.reial eeleettou al Hope our extetolve feellltles and Hope from the pude gat And V/ qt, we cue gourautee to hr pare and maitre/lore to the made. Our IN I/1A ALL hue heel hlshlr recommended ' Vlvirent " l:l; o g e lal 7:itomera will Idea.. be o leave th ere eir ord. nat his etc. •of hie old Brewery., or at cot oglee. • Caw of Niece 114 and Bute' Alley. • tot:otti ALI,EGHENYBREWERY. , Hering purchased theob tn reeellehrd lirewerr know.. tbe A LI.E.41111.1.1( tINEWKI,V, for• merle owned hy Canlouell • Hoehn, we would laurel the publle that we lute hd contlehlog the Manufacture or SPRING WATER ALES.. 11.4011 nm l'ore aping Weter, 4 and basin:a technics and lone experience hi the ss, e feel sall•iled Max ere will De enabled a m nia entire eatlehectiOe to thowywho may raver Weir patellae.. 111111MCMEIE cite CO.. 465 Rebecca Street, • ALLEGIJENT i rfirg.ll orders left at DISOWN • ditAliglint. 110Thiberty street. Pittsburgh, mil be promPUI atteuded tn.' • ocean PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY. P El% airar. — ilcK A V, NALSTERS AND BRINERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, 'PITTSBURGH, PA. 9.0111C117 WATIIOI. 1/0...g.ra IMO; MM FOR t..lNE—'ll.l be.t Vann In tofu Nc,,, theair •0 arid 1. , wail ararr..l: . , rnalwiar .11 a . ..awhile. oat Ilia a . ti la ai l . girl, if err.. V•1•14t) rit .r.l. Far, ,intainlnd . I n IvOtth a.l.undance oft nest irons of all c . a., tit', Nehoula he an 31til• ' eery convenient . . Persons wishing to anger: In gardening would do A we.ll to gall and it quietly Atr.`.°.°L d 7O: t j j"`! . t7 = ,:. ° ;r!,`:',.?:,g`:;°°l•Y i. ; ':°: l. , l , ; . " ls story tease house, tr lb Ave rooms, a large barn a1.v.70. cora erin, rarelege hoese. , s fr ' Z and amod ouse. rmtoo 1 • Pi stud fram g ' el a tirP . g:, f ar. ''n'daraoi.nrroooNa , hullo no Ibe fencing Is all good, &betels:en eflltnest3ne . oo the plate. drool hot a short fit forme. t amen dent to Church.. scho•da Mills. de. I am ahtnerlard to 1,11 property rely, ad on .CIS7 mrsea. I Crew o art re r ittt cr welch' man county, 1111nota. Improve ' ments—a h ue s * frame dwelling Containing 5 rooms: about KO chice fruit trees, gotul fencing. Sle. It Ilea sralhallea , of o .l . b il.inola Central B. kt.• Deihlt itaizf...l-"c"li.:4: wtt ,, zl In Peon loarnahlp. der cultivation, PI hjf , eZ . Z>r so n r r e a s r. ' r rf. " d d and Other limner, I' dwelling houses. ° l ar or, l tl , oak / stories. the oth, lam,. wtth a tenant Ihr ' uTi e , l " with • drat-rate nicarn rawmlll In good rin ' elnie order; young orrnard or grafted fruit. The land I;llll , ll; . e u v, , v , flard;r l t , ! 11. , 1 able, with lime tone seal:A one handier' rod• olTherVeltfa.are= cralltuan; miles vast of PM:shoran, and three miles west of tires:manor, This farm II pleas antly and ellglirp ettuated,lo • good n.•!ginerr hill: every acre Is underlaid csith coal. The , t tl • Is good. 21'Zitwo-tion'Brict trim I ' llo„t and SI feet bact o , ' sr g lto lik lsc ) .77X,f ; sltealed Ie the village uf linircbdown, D e r. rownstdP. Westuforelaud county, th e n i t o r t‘ e onerniugrf river. Immediati op- - vueltv the Borough' of Blairsville. Ting pr b eefy I will tall fur the low p lee ur 111:ge. A - Also.. Tann df altuated In East AVlseattl..to township. Indiana econm, pen.. The .ntprovemento are M • good frame ouse . frame barn, and other outbuildings; about mil cleared and under good move, the - reside< to good I , fmner. The .11 la of • good duality, wen ItUl . .nlrtt . ,vagte acre, Poisegal Itommilately. . /or Puttied parracutam, clordlre of =M=tf:t:32 20,000 ACHES WEST VIRGINIA Nee- Hunters, l'oealiontes cauuty: 'Kest Vlrgluis. For ealo In numtitle. pelt h . ...- Tese, awl on the bum ressounOle term. 'the load Is coveted' with the most •Alualne ArrLY TO PITEEL dc Brokersland Beal estate Agents. Jea.ell 1 .It'o. GO !Smithfield srael . 4-4- • • IMPROVED IPROPERTi" t arcap* as.".x_olo. O.ttlate It Lawreneeillia, and aprtagtleill. al. ndlololl le orloes Rom Il1.0000:111,000. to, sold on resi l oozOlo terms If •oDlled for Soon, Embrace thleiovportoottY. . lot !lather Inforoostion. - SDDIT St the fLesllCto tale nod losurattee brace Of i 0.0. BATU, 1 . J. 14 Boiler Street. LserrecteeTttle._ • NALE—__fiouse and Lot on • Lorton mete, Manchester; tot SO Or 110 feet. Prier et,b o. Asee, rev mall HO ItSVM AND LUT . ltoo l eedx• of . r. C. . . . Ma, TWO LUIS on We.tern avenue, near Tremont meet. Allreteny CM . . Price iSt3OO Terms esy. eevaral Lou.. and loin In rood Itwattons. Inquire a J. KL:SII & CO.. Borer, near Cbesont Maneheater. 1,13:017 FOR SALE. OWN Tlo•Sio@i AUK Loan.. within a (V.'s yenta of elewirkl{,y-Nta lihl- AetlOneor. N0.:14 Federal at Allegheny. VOR SALE OR IIENT,.CIIEAP—. Farm at Carpenter's Mat on , on the Con. tral ltasiroad. couta , stog ISS arras; Improve-' meats. tan toners and stables. acnnt Tehavd: all in vostore Ltd good for suit. as lon. Also, v. v.. eratother I , arms, la!eood Iwalltte. apJlt olsrlonbOat 0f roo°a ITrT; InWecto Lduoe bIVZIo Tor father paritedlars Inquire of ; WILLIAIII WARD. 110 Want .treat. 1 on. Site the Cathedral. SALE.—k nine 'vane lenge •on • Lot 51..0 on Beller stree, Moth drdllV. t'i nt! . : ' ;‘ -' lThe ' r u l7P2T,. " !;il ` ,l, s` J,M e . a brick Of 5 noon,. which will rent for U.s, ma t - lug • total of 114, 0t1.1.050 per sear, and wtll hr I sold on liberal , erou If opplled to soon. For to I at 1 5. /teal Leta. and luso. r.T;%'utce of I G. n. RATIO], rem Butler 'Street. Lawrenceville. j JOHN P.,BAILF.Y, Stook and Real Estate Broker: JOUIV D. BAILEY. STOCK:AND REALESTATE BROKER AND A.77CTIONEMIL • • 'au H n e t'l' a .. : elye " .4s ' e "' iniar :he A l 7 ta l att e rVit Hoard iorf&le„ , ..euliF i Nl tuT . of tholr ... ntns, ;17:1 erse l liTtltllie A oc,:ti::. A ' . to:t. liou p g r : — . Secures. Heal lista, .1T e i th e r at the above rooms nrlos the prettlaes. Particular attentloh pal . t a: s i:re totem to the I'L‘ ll:lO ' ll a t n es i' ll=l . ll. ` tlti , 0.0 .1;7 • ttcml:: , l i. tour, loott Irourttront..l CE. pEOPLEjB I.IIBIJBANCE, CO. UTY11:11;11. 31 Ullit:OOD LIED itirrli dr, A iio3l COMPANY, TAILI3I3 71113 'D YAWNS 11111113. . . I • DIMM,Omet. WM. Malay:, j Capt. John Dhow], Jolla Watts. , 'Samuel P. !Mtlver, John Y. Parke,- I Charles Arbuckle. Capt. Jas. Miller. j John I. traps:Met a Wm. Van Kick. Frani, S. Mason. Jame.!). Portia:. C. Ranson Loath WM. PHILLIPIS. Pres ldlot. yr.,. 6. RIMIE JOH R.;BeerN' wArr, atary.•Vice Presider.; . 1 011 : 1 7 Cspt. J 14.3 001.1)00. o,o'l AO. A ILLEGIEIENIi INHURA.NiCE CO. or. B r rum str.t •nk Block nuew scansi alli tlata of 10. mad Warble gists. • I JOHN IRWIN. 45., Treaders,. JOHN i D.IsIOVORII. Vlee President. Job..lngacrols Jr.Jr, Clot. Wm.l, eals: Job. D. eletSord, H. L. Tallisenoel W leers., HRobert v Davls s T. a.m..; rm,sclaNAN,r, Cbsules Hay, tit.. IL Warm, P _ . ENNEVY ILVAILL INSURANCE CuMPANY. OF P I 11TIBM1011, PA , 1 , .. 03100,31 71 1 / a ?tree* Bank 11100 k. This Is a Henna Ocuipany. and instate airal4o In ' " I T At r tP.Zati LL lVnall, Preeldent. libliiatYPLAß 7 lia r* 71r . . • Woos apIL/LIN T. Beiretfpg. atascrona: Ltottanl watt.. 1 &Norge wii...., , • '11 . .g - ; . .. 0 i 17 1 1 4.., ,. ', Y.T.Lt.;:," • Jae.. Painter, I J. c, none, ..i . g.l.ll:filas. L r.=o g a Ll . ". Henry liproel. • • lalita INDEMNITY I ' . • AGAINST LOSS BY FINE. FRANKLIN I INSURANCE COMPANY. or IP FULA UELPHI 4. °tn..: 433' Ana 14= 1311EWINIIT AM, Near rota. F DULICROILII. - Qtrl'Av w ..ig" r "t`• 1 N:grttiko L ::," 6 ' Pardue Ninny.' i , Isaac 1.0., Jucob It 010111, ",. i Edw.& c. lisle, th'4' W. I 4 I 111 . 1: til L'Z'Otlitl,"*l.l.l4,o 4 itlikli 11, 051.0, Piet Preeldent. WM. C. 17106 IC. /Secretary, pro fan. r J. G. 4 It DYED COFFIN. • gent, - tntels.ls North Wiist cur. Mini & Wood 446. WESTERN INSURANCE CO, OW PITTIIERTXOII, _ . . ALEXANDER NIMICK. President. WY. P. tikatilitltT s eleeretszy Oklec. 23 . CAPT. tWate r ilklifttilANK LICD, general Ascot. street. M Kansa. ap welts,s, Pittabargb.pang C 0... We3e Will insure entail al. Wide of /Ire and Marine Risks. A home Incite tlatimaneged by Director* who are well known to the community. end who are determined by promptness and liberality: to maintain the entracte,. which they base as :lserrAhrgi , O . ff l lrgi:=l2e . et proteetton to those ' • DIPACTOng. Alex. Maga. Rees.% Thomas. U. 21111,, Jr, I Chas. J. Clarke. • James SicAnley, John R. Keenan. Alexander eipeer, Jm. P. 11•012. entire* Aokiey. Joeeph Kirkpatriek David IL Loss. 1 Phillip Itcymer. dee bal v . " l..Tl Sae ~, M;3T7MMMIMr4 D 0147 lIE DECkIYED BY Isseldilsig Y•CGlne whims adTtillusis i t;. ° eYl l l ll :r kiitt year., sect Ito l •;skat . s i fell " BEST IN N 1%,1" cr. 1043 3P10.h is tre cat, 1.77:46 1 5 •no.e GROIFEIrt & BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH g Machines Ara VIE BILNT for , and itaattracturtia p.p.... Call wadava Ulm at • A - 0. 1 103i Ptah &rest. Iv GET.&INE !LET & GR9VER & BAKER far s lioilasT Gift 1 t I. ratlabla..yarreat to emit). the beat. prong hii toa.lt sad tee me NU. le?), NT,. stove almithaeld. . P,1110E: HARNESS & CARRIAGE ILILICEIU3 shoeldue the new 61LOVII I O. 1 qiiING .11CAIn Before barna alsewaare. It la the bat; for thrit nse. For We at HQ. 105 n►ru !THIS?, sbn•• gmIOHIO. EIZI:3 THE GROVER & BARER t SEWING MACHINE s. I. the Ifittmo Tbale',of Ilealumlaat. Mal. Map "6 .'"4" 'lr ito tos inrra erucT, _mYf• a ' 1 • at. OTO il m ialildhgcl • i 1 : it -P;"*.N LitteNct 4r(shers, GONER ', , ..',0 i4*CrJii 41 . Rii:3 ' lIIESE=III IMMEREI -E0 NOS OF SCOTL.A.YD R~I:lcw HIM: : a iVll n a Scot, lola eels and etnah.7.. G(IVERNMENT BONDS. i• ea. orC. C. Mellerfi...7p.4;o. =ES hart.e, Cuiu• ILnd portlewAr: t= i lz 4 r.,J Oti lirSierrr onArrs of taNtiolg. =Vat N. HOLMES & SONS, Vb. 57 Market Street, L'ITTSIII7ROII. g:ngt . reenter:lln P a rr u lfunds ant , CuTri the UniteVtaT.:.l.:Tt4nZint ' . "' • P° Starks, Bonds and Other Becuritie BOUGHT AND BOLD ON OONNIBBION. Ps,rtlonLsr :tientlos paid to the punt/non ant .alc of U. 'tom. Securities, Ineludln. U. B. SIXES OF 1141: 1. 143 % . 11 "4 PJO i t; CILI .: L " II::OI,2I7treI NEM CIO .1 pEOPLES 7 SAVINGS BANK. OF PITTSBURGH. • veco aro': ATED 1566. Capital, - - - $lOO,OOO. • 01110 E. NO. 80 FOERTH STREET, • —. errolderot. HENRY LLOYD. Ylce PrerodOnnt WILLIAM REA.. THOST)Orts: flx.vt, LLOYD, WlLLgakr RU., lIANYurr, I .1..1.9 I.YrrluGol - r, • V.. Amo, lion Tung. tilki:Lorl, JouS D. 100'01.1.,. WILLIAII A. 11.2.0. Secretuy sod Truism"; SIDNIT F. VON 163111010 tato *,..curltls. Bank open dully, except enact./., from plat o'clock, A. U.. to four o'clock, it.. and on. Wednesday nod liaturday =!/41.. oluet.:!lock. COAL MEWS • TRUST COMPANY , No. 65 Smithfield St., BTOOLEIOIDEBB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Capital, - - - 6 2 00.000. WITH pIIITILEGE or ssoo,ooo. Deposits re'eelved nod allow ed. Ppeelal attention given to Conan. tions. Presidedt—a. J. BIKER. Cashier—E. J. ROBERTS, DIRECTUEIS. A. J. BAHIA. . We. 3. PATTXB6O:f, W. A. PI vuo4nr, WIC I.lolllilt AL. I. 17 1 H:fE )?7 401. H.. myeez WESTERN SAYINGS BANS, tro. 59 Fourth Street. CMEE..3I.ILTIOPL - 193=1 , 1800. In Paid op Time Deposita. up Any .eloos received from One Donne ward.. lot Oepoelf • ault)•el 10 Cheeli.' without I,IOCULINT DAILY, AT 11 O'CLOCK, „ President—THOMPSON s IIEL L. Vice President—A. N. MARSHALL. DI AECTOItc. TI10111,0" BOLL, J. J. GILLUM". JgW D•tire Jo a., A. U. s. ALB.. blockholclere to whom we mate Wm. C lro el o d y . tb, t P % "i r 't %Wm. ell. a. .Ager WAIT., Henry Ltint , rl.. 11. W. C. Bidwell. ; 7 A. S. li. Volum. I. y 9: DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, ' CHARTERED IN 1855. ARSETW 62.252.906 SI °Yee dati, from r to i wo., al. ull 1 , 1 , .04. 1:02V0 Ilt li /Ztri I f v ;V: g PcacT, t i .:X = Dr rember In to May Ist. frofn 6 to a o . .clOck. th c 1? real I:r! t ar e a d d7fl Vn . rol lq"peo•ille de lared ... a re., In June and December. In terest On been declared teml-annuallr In dune and December miner the Bank was orßantsed, at the rate of al a percent .se t Dan, if not drawn oula placed to: the areal tof the dei.L.I.L... I rinelpsl.and j t on oev;ltbs Iregn t ' , " gaupou . ndlng I.t:lc., Y :y o r f ar wlthe o rnt I rould n;the depositor to call. or even to present Ills pa W.A. Al LIR. rate money Will double In len 0 tt twel•e years. Il.t contalnine tbe Charter, n Br.l.ves,. Rules ahe !alba; ferulsbed ern'. on application at the oil., nunithalsi-41E0Rint ALBILEZ. • etch rnMelneasTSJ • John 0. % Ilackofen. A. M. Pollock, M.D., tee re=. '14 John Shoenbergar: James McAuley, James MIMI, James 0. IA bleeds, Alexander Apees, Isaac H, Pennock, j Christi. linage, • Wm. J. Anderson ''' . Hobert C. Loomis. Calrin Adam+. 'Henry J. Lynch, John C. Bindle), L'eler A. hilodeirn. litnizr r -may . ,`L .Walter John N.nhall, Women rt. aarrier. John x.. t iloradden. ;ItVzt;.?"'". John J. UWesple. Win. R. lichmerix, s E . , liven. Alexander ndle, William Vankirk. Rlch r ard . lia o y o s, er• !tsar Whittler. James D. Kelly, Ebr: , rvir , giCRILT• ler —JAM. H. IL NEEDS. vl:u.kx. • ALLEGHENY SAVINGS BANK, ALLEGHENY. PA. Oraa,ailaad 11:a. 113.418. BTOOKBOLDEaB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Depoalu li e Z iv a e . d • p.,74.. six prr,uiv . .lm7T.l ,i4%1=2114,";'-ciMr4V,Prtt.l::: ti. wettseb, A. Ackley, FilLuk Aleuseder 11'.7Aeel. LE A C. JOlle , ILIDI , LE, Ceebler. my7l hvAiv • : HAMILTON a McKES, Howe and Sign Painters, 133 THIRD - STARR - T. Pittsburgh Graining, Waxing Gilding Nextly executed. rAncrs. VA...NIA/IE4. rum - , nituut En, TUitrENTIIY E. WIRTZ my11:2 , 9 tiOnCire INI • COW/ar O. lISTDI4I. MCCOW AIN & SNYDER, ROUSE. AND AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT ERS, AND OWNERS AND GLAZIERS. • No. Oh. North side of Otagnond, Allegheny. • • Continental and elan sten& male to order. Orden reteectfull, &elicited and promptay,es milted. Mine,' Paint, Window Maas a^d - rntty constant', on hand. apniza• JOHN, T. •GRA.V, 1:1 . 0128Z Aril) BMA PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. plain and ornamental ISOrav cif every deiworlt. lion dons to order . All work done prmarb'r al reasonable rates.. iciucea W , COULTEII, HOUSE :ND :lON .PAINTER, Cor, TLIIRTU ' ANL tiltANi trrEl., PITTSIS'a will All ordrea left at the Manta or lent by recoloo prompt attOptlfm. IeMOMSO wiLiasm A. nllowN, I (Lolaat Lba,graa of BROWN a 1E01.80.N) • HOME AND BEIM PAILNTEIRS• Northeast center of Tbtrd sod Mortal We". Irwn•ra.r , non. Ir••• LEQAL. lAIIIE ircrirwn OF THE Ltf,'l l n,t7 l .. TlV2f, ' n Ur COMIC • £O4 now June IWT. lb wltblo et F.r.-,-.. , ,k•J9'"; ,0 .1f4r.. 1, ;.1.• Irtt bend nd 0 10 *bow roam on or before tbeZ•n g de. or J. no. Mr. whytoe tot.. , alley ttwieln men tlonol4 8 all not ria ' . closentl setwi ent this o. nitro:Lobe , t•lre a week I the Piet' - ' Dot,C fOr fOor le , to BY TUN M=EfUMI HOOTS AND SHOES. 0301Flart /111ZIAIN C . FIELDING , & BRO., Haan.7tlLL;ll7o Kikaoftetv.rars and Dimlers . C7‘..vitcmen •211adacILe. BOOTS, SHOES • & GAITERS, N 0.140 Ohio St., Allegheny. liapairlag primmtiv inmptstoi osk Ate tips!!!..e” NEW STORE. S. W. riecorliama.cmic, Confectioner, Emit store & Baker*, ICE ORZAaI OLLOoN, and • . LADIES' ORDINARY. smo shuter7.o.lmut.rr, between 661. anth sad LOwty. - • lIEM MIME i" -.4fir- MEE= ..aS;t.;iC . IDE , - . OF . UTERART A-ND MVIiIICAL ENTERTAINMENT, HS THI Hawthorne Literary StieTeTy, Fug Tin BE.SPIT OP THE 601.111116 1011115 Tit ANCIRTIO, AT LAFAYETTE HALL. Tuesday Evening; June 18th. rEN VS. Tlcket• for ials iTarr, snakeßuctlSFr's Mellor•ik—ars. ttle yrlnelsial EWA more, 14 - SECO , ND ANNUAL TOUR wall MIKE LIPMAN SHOW!, „Te• , 511 v: 49 N2 1 1 4 4 : , , T; fe s ' o 'fai” ,Og jh t t ;14 • This universally faro: lm combination will.. hiwuo ALLEGHENY CITY, For Three Daps, on MONIAY,TUES DAT AND WEDNESDAY, June 17th, 18th and'lthL Centuryonser exhlbltlen of .he Nlneteetnth has beln entirely reergenteed for th . present and having retalutut all the clinee enrlten and having added to Its core. the In at thlent known to the orefes•lon. thudfo•talog a nowes of Artists uneq among an) emspeny traveling, containinglto mentlmne THE MOST DAHIND EQUETTRI , NIEI , TrolE 14 1131•IVONDEEPUL HYMNAMTE: THE 31 , 43 T HELEMNATED ACIIHHATMI Ur. HOST 1/N NIVELL ATHI.P.TEtI! THE ',EMT 8113 D I.IY H 011,11: • THE INDItCHDIABLE. DIMINUTIVE PONIi/31 THE puNNT )IPI.E.s. mod Inc Ect , /11,11. PE) ron.VITILi ANIMM.LfSI THE nirrtrlST CLQWNE; and theenvitt TERRIFIC LEAPERH AHD VOLTiGITERS Iff THE WORLD! Look at the Array of Artztete; MAIL BRIDGET. ME,. 5 G. BTOK Be. hItb 'r . II L' E C ROWEETUL ILEA. • M"'". RACK .., GIN, • , - WEI tiOv CLIBININA. 'AR ell DE. 1 . . WURN C BOG EBTErthe P. I ace of Jesters! lE. ro w illB, the "on or Montt": W DR • boat of • uzlllarles, Equerries, &c. 4 All Under One Ininiense • , • ADN15311,57 - 80 CENTS._ Buena. Met.. ca.peted,2S cent.. 1. Lout op • n et l'i And ?d•T. Z. 4.......404 , later. Thlo bl.O moth Cconh ,, Y WM X., bIitMINGII&M,THUINDAY, Jutae2o, We" 1 , 41" , 111. Friday 21. t Cann.larille, &t -urd., =A: itoebrlter. Mood., 241.11: 1.1.• Tatb:liretrvilt, We•leleada,Mtti; Mvad•lll., 1 bortday. rib; k rib; Corr, amnia, AVM 111 AININI OF TOE GUI? BURR I IarGLORIOVP ;4TH OF JULY! Great National Festival MI UNION JUBILEE, EZI Pittsburgh and Allegheny:Cities UNION SKATING PARK, ALIECHINY. • Thursday,Friday&Saturday, JULY Itb, sth and 6th, 1867. Napri a Suits of Clad, Fatale sad Sorel . EXHIBITIONS, cum .A.KuNci WHICH WILL Magnificent Balloon Ascensions! 1111100:11 ASCRISHI33 D 1 lIDISIBICI Great Balloon •Race ! BRAND TOPICAL •MCEABIVII3I • BALLOoN ; . SEILKISICI . .105 o. CE NSIO 4RICI N. AIii. IN • NALtoom kl= •• OREAT HAM flOWt GRAND AMERICAN AP , MTN A-4 II 0/11101114 EMIEIVITIMA Cono , v , Z ~e f U LE OR DONKEY -SACS . . . . quicsx insri.sir or /LAT T Zhlllhfr. Laughable Wbeelbarroar Rabe: Clisablao Ue three roar* for Prewar!' The thoro. Both Marsha Barb: bra-ha-act oroast• Lhorb noir Yore trait hUrtb-Prorollog .. rig boor. or the tilhorem7 tirlpt • tiro,. toot ilresiO—.. ; litsiu pSALTING TOURbLYZiert = Drente Marti. Racer: Grand theotesqns, Ma. quezattc., at. d Burlcrqt. lndlan CavaMade. ISIERGRaIit'T J. H. UI4II.IILBS, ga . ale LIGIITNINU -DRILLS, SIGNOR DUVALL/. And Ws 101 Learned Canmy Midst . A WAGNITICINT UNIuN iOUN PAIN. Composed of sparkll as RM. Pr ERR it....21.g (RAND DISPLAT Of FIRZWORIM LIObT AND ILLUMINATION/b. Itlevnted &Cats bo meted to sooomboodsio tooco persn. 24:tWor=tt,Irgforontglr Only Fifty Cents • Each, WILL llZcr 4 v. A Piti•IL:NT. JO3ES, marreitO a co, BOLO novarrosz. JOHN E. KINNEY. Ajtept mad thislues• Yadaser.• ijrFor (tmber pentode. Progra.ise or the ay. • IMPORTANT TO HO VSEILEEP ZILI AND UTBIEN. ZTIIIVC" C314:11.07a1ig. . Consisting ß of foe g. jater C ome r., RS. and me,.ro ird Co. W efflearo cto•it, 100 Loos. Fr... 5, a.* Vr e :41.7 .P .t 11 :%. 4 Ht: 4t 4 . 4 7:lltig d p a lt. ".4VlVTl4l: l gftl:g.T4lata , r ...z0 tio.elooplog Oa% . ROBERTS & SILERBATT'S WHOLESALE I. Copper sad fie t Ire' Vire luefierni,, J. 6L 8111TH FIELD IST.. PITTSBURGH. ofTfg4'l:VlTigin.Wat h my.1:03 SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM Iron '33rolater, 124 First Street, PITTSHOSIBEI. PA. Aleut fat the .1. et ...al. D0et.4.14.5 Joeephlue. Itatteaaheo. huh Glendora, 4 other brand. erAnttlisel Y erte 3 0At i lv Coke .4 thipbanre C. B. Chseeo•l Con el . snosenta .4 erefeis reeDeetteill .110. en.111.11!.11: =I MORELAND & MITCHELL,. Livery and Sale Stabled* usturrr gym, Wyo..lte PesumlTsala Bsllroad Om", • PITTSBURGH /Er Partleialar attrotton paid to tar,kbqr Brom .4 Curiae*. for figural& Horses trot ulnarr. 1n7144i TIMED PEACIIIM4IO Dsgpb 14111WOBIS, mtse4 asid bat':. P/L-WHICtI, open. e.. 4 for sals low to Mt wade. 101 l "."WarlAVAlffl%k RI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers