The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 13, 1867, Image 2
M IMFgiltsburo etaytit TIIERAD&T, JOSE 12, UM CONATITUTIONAL CONVENTION. The holding of a Convention to revise the tmnstitution'of Pennsylvania is at tracting increased attention from the I press and from prominent citizens. deep feeling pervades the Common. wealth' on account of, the scandalous manner ip which public affairs are man- aired at Ilirrisburg, and a determination has been formed that a remedy stutll be devised and applied. The ahamelesaness withwllleh money was demanded at the' last session, - not by a few, bat by most of the members, as the condition upon which they would hinder or help legis ' laden, has become widely known, and bas created an indignation that will not be easily pacified. In the earlier stages of legislative cor ruptkon tt was the habit of even de beached and mercenary members to act lapilli a clam of bills,lcnown under the designation of "public," with at least a show - of-decency apd conscience, and to exact gratificetloas only on bills pope, I laxly kntiwn as' "private." That • die tinction, which . preserved a lingering tradition that "publid" business Was to I transacted upon high considerations of mint) and principle, has been swept away. Instances have become frequent of members bluntly demanding on mat ' ten purely public, '-•flow- much money there to behad?" Towards the cloite of the last session some gentlemen had determined to in ' Nahum c•unlnal proceedings against various members for taking bribes. Tiese gentfemen were appalled when nial - hy • a' threat 'to retaliate .upon the members from their own county; and a NON of Minds was made, disclosing lnconteetible,eyidenee that It could bad' done'and that effectua ly. Rather than bring theli own neighbors and acquain - Uncap into disrepute and trouble, the • :.dings were unwisely abandoned. On a Previvus occasion we referred to 1 an attempt made by the members in era- Ming the General Appropriation Bill, to .vote themselves larger salaries than they I were entitled to.. We explained how the I, bottom •of the Treasury was reached, ' sad bow, after trying to tyres the Sink ing Fund into the General Fund, that it also might be exhausted, the salafies were made considerably lees than was • intended, because could not be found to make them larger. But I another scheme was resorted to, last c winter, on a larger scale than ever be. fore, 'for increasing ,the emoluments. The greater portion of-the Senators and Representatives took on sons with them, Who wore appointed to places (Aone sort or • another about. the Legislature. So many of the membentwereconeereed , is thiatlodge that they were enabled to, make the pay of these youngsters ail they dared. This practice is greatly to "• be reprobated. It has come to amount to taking indirectly from the Treasury sums that the members dare not take di rectly, • In the present temper of the people— and it is not likely to cool—a Con stitutional Convention would provide stringent remedPs for exiting abuses. The prevailing nepotism would be Ignoeked unceremoniously on the timid. Private legislation, salt !stemmed, would be absolutely prohibited.' The require. that all epplie • tuo 8 to la, - .:::per it lug dargea who tile all aistinlatiOriz of, citizens desiring cor pommel franchises, and nil existing com panies desiring amendments', conformed to the rifle established. The Eession would be limited to not . exceeding sixty days,-the pay of Members rigidly axed, and tbe number oi the members very midi increased. 'Provision would doubt. leas be mode for compelling parties giv ing bribes, or sutpected of givioe them, to become • witnesses against members :taking bribes. • In the Republican ranks the reeline. to • decideettimvabc VrilliamspoxiStij.e Coo vention ought to talie strong ground in favor of o Constitutional Convention. A DIFFLEENCE DISCIRIM,NATED. . A year and a half ago n foimidable conspiracy was entered into for the pur pose of breaking up existing political 3 organizstions, and inaugurating what was cared in the days of President Monson., "in era -Of good feeling." Those who entered into this combinetion kuew fall well that political parties are hullspinimible under all forms of govern ment; and that the more directly the peo ' ple participate in- conducting pub - lie affairs, the greater the need of ,par ties, and the more invincible the impos. sibility of getting rid of them. So long as men - differ In judgment—mid that will be as long as men remain men—* they will group to, , ,ether in clans, each - clan endeavoring to give predominance - Lobs own Ideas. Nor is thli prejudicial, Far otherwise. In this way is accom plished In the realm of politics what thiS winds and tides do for the material Hangmen who started in this extra ' ordinary enterprise, with reared crests - and proud voices, soon found to their dismay, that It was doomed io swift dis- Cnmhture, and they turned square about, and entered upon the other tacklessum lag to be at least veterans, if not cow- . madders. _lf they exhibited a, lack of 'good sense in- . getting themselves into a Else POaition, they showed . agility and discretion In getting out. All .• were not so prudent. Not a few kept - on, notwithstanding the nu ' mamas .desertlons from their ranks, seemingly milident they distinguished Infallible signs of a' uullenium, in which eveti theiwild beasts of all the parties should lie down lovingly.' uoue kraal, extensive es the country, As if this in lattuttlon was not absurd enough, they ?Amapa fraternitt-with a truculenee and acerbity that would add repulsiveness o cOnimon bullies. These "era of good ; 'fading" advecates tlunk the true Manger cfreductog all man to their way of think ing Is by "apostolic thus and knocks," • of whiele Mr. °akimbo, for instance, . can bear feeling testimony.. Especially do' these pugnacious peace men detest the *publican party; and z‘r• • Lf•unetituee dens -- 1:1141,1t‘ wegli: to be gitacrod , Without oremoriy ;Li the ha:boo( uselessrubbish.- • They moo:taint that It le dominated by bad men, who direct its energies Ito rep-. rehensibleends,-and from whose mastery . they hareendeavered to take it, but with.: out success. Ay;•there's the rub. They essayed to Title, and failed. Because they were not trusted, they thick -noun should be. At-Other times they present tbemselies'before the party, 'bland and stiave, and whilethey give it • the Itisaof illialsTectlon, they stab it under the filth It is worthy of Co naijerattort that while these dhiCoiitented souls are de mending thie disbandment of the Retied,. I. lican party; are denouncing harsh vindictive, prescriptive, 'intolerant; the: military leaders of 3 the rebellion are,. with aim* unanimous consent, testify • ins to Su lenity, moderation, and msg. lianimitj. They understand what res• ponsibillties those Incur who embark in a renat against the constituted authori— ties and are put down. They know what esierithie the rules of war; in such cases, allow and juitify;•and they are astonish ' ed anstitvercome In:being Permitted to remain securely at Home, surrounded by their 4mlllw r amply protected in their pickily, and permitted to engage, as of old, - In any, .lawful pursuit. They go • evenferther than this in their acknow. ledginents. General LollOsTiterr, for example,' in - it letter published in these 4olumns yestplay, perceives thit the I= , . • - --- Democratic parly,clings tenaciouslyito , A Remarkable . ..tory-How on eta . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEGIUNTS I Lou] Dl•pomen of Her Fortune. the deacl24:taat; that it Insists on ias es , t. ...... . , . .......-.......,_. -----f- The London t dn . ' n - tiLical l", the lid - IarSTRA WHERRY FESTIVAL DSTICIe'L'A e Ik„.I3O., which events have decided and swept ' . - , fast ...\ - iu, . /....r. t. A ~,, th, .. ft .r the truth ol ri, p.c. at ',Weal for the benstrtuf the r II DU- Et WILE. for Widos and 0rr..., ' ----- away; that it presents no points of actual the r01i,,,,,,, ro.inarkllD:a. nurrati,, moil. b 4 held at Locus: S , HOVE. Lessee.... .W. . 3 Ygg.Elfutt contact with men who leave the dead to ..,‘, stein tante malt , an add ladY. living c u te. '''?„.,.., bury the dead, through a desire to act. in "".• of we " I " !!' ''''''''m lc:chair an , id '"---- " ' lan d "Mr.. Albarty stn..% P..,.. 0 , ~ p„,.h . ~1,,,, to 1 , 41t.i1.c0n •od r . .. .to og. Tiaras fur Ata• a: Ita rlA.tus mild Lit Int,c, to VI M.. 1., was, ora well their part with the living; while -„;,„, ',,,,.. ~,,,,• the cb,o,t.t: In. entered '" -`°"" ale +.t Ode minas. . i' ''' "' - 0,, :,,, ~,, r ,. ,„. 0. „ ~ as t Mr. -. . itttotterer in the ADMININTILATOR?si NOTICE.- ' * . - **' - th '''' . the Republican party meets with clue- the •flioP of N i, • giii.irins.i, a nd{ urcha,A a cha•lam. Letters T•stoornent•., to she come of RIM- 'TILT enters _s a partner tram that Jade. Tivt iency and Propriety the case as it rally, .The '' iptiticstlinn wt.` a t tiaalt, t'• her, as EAT !fst ARMEN. late of Tt toperan , erille , .. nate. or the Ora or al r costa a , tr.9•l, an o con stants, in a spirh of enlarged pstriotisM, , iar .I 1 people ought to ls, and the 1.13 it. , sti ' ll ' ut r : r s ' s n re '• = a lit a! ,,a; '' ,l,7:, a" „,lTif:r‘ ' ,; Aioco non fa. testi olti - ,t,ius, Nu. 4: SMITH an da fi ed determination to do the best , ezi l e , k i e w as ir ft i t s i i ii . ;:f . , r ..., , , , - , s vin o i ~ ,, L ic .,; :. g., , s il i c: ; i h . : :. i;,, , f r, ' ,.., ,,...,, , '19 ,, ,Z . fi 1 t , , , a , ,,e z •ii , ,t z te ct 5 ,, , , , , ,, 1 ,; •-f E r0 ,! ... , ? : : : '," :0 a , o r 1 ,.. a n, L ,, 0 1,,0, a r Tii . a ,: a u : % . „uu, .. ~,5.... that can be done ander the dreufruitances. peart to . ter, old, tut 0 Ina ft l . _ .._, 0,....1_ ----- -aa•-• - •as- - + ----- lier Mellni., 311A0M hcr. sane Haiiir'daS le-1.1:Z91' MRS. .11•AiliARET MeLallltra, ; • OUR DISABLED SOLDIERS , evening she eatue d hen' ll.e puilierer :. 7 , - 3; ---- , • • . be PP eee ' l h ' i" "'Y bully. 8"a surd '''''' " ."'"-''"' "T'''''' -'''' ' ''''' I DRUG STORE, Cerrespraftence of the rltterarahetesette. i wished to speak to him, and he asked IRON CITY BELT WORKS. , 1 I t t h e e r ~t o; : p . a . lb Into the little parlor behind ••• / t I .! . t" ,, ?:r4e &NED. where relay la. found • selec "What shall our disabled soldiers dor n and he would yome to her the CO. O. CLARK & CC•, ' ,- t is the caption of alt editorialin the New i moment he was disengaged. unease urns. or ten, setermiloo of Patent, Or she met the daughter of ntretehe Cemented and in eted oak T• ed In the parl daughter of , . . . •oo , FRESH WILDS AND MEDICINES, York Weekly Tranne of June sth, inst. I the poniterer, and , after some coat rsa- Toatiacer _Solitarily. Mr. Greeley thinks this is a mOmehtuus , ties, in the course of which shit rethark- no. gen Lin., y ~. std 5 0 „,.., ..,,,,,,,,ii ; tr,i.. , ... =no Sondra Milani... TOLLET n 1.F.. mos evervllana In tra. Ilnefera first ; question, and I ' agree with; him. Bat ,ed that the young girl looked ill and re_ Union ueput. ranshusah.' 1,13,77 , a n ,,,,, . 00 , 0. t .. 7,„.. p r ,..,,,, / ,,.. air she prord .. ~ ciapou toed null hours...lSY or o‘ght..thrailr. would not a more fitting way of stating ,' fluirt',l fled"g , r • , , . it OULARD SILKS, I cows, onsooi, par/Vi, up in m,. ano salt . Give a, 1 the question be "What shall we do l or this to your lather, as he is busy and can ' oar disabled soldiers?" :not. come, 'Sind I run not wait. I wish Mr. Greeley, wbilU admitting th e . 6,,,,: 111111 to take you away for a little ithallge, ' and here is - momething that will enable 1 that thousands of our brave soldiers I him to do so.• fthe,placed the pareel in ! • i . - , the girl's hued, told her to leek it Up . , have hut either an arm or a leg-some, For sale at VERY LOW PRICES. tiv I inn Cupboard to which She pointed. The ' indeed, even- both of these-in the see- I girl did FM. and thought 110 more ofthe i.vice of our country; that others have t mutter but when , some hours subse- , 0-RR & CO., lb. ellen; was closed, and her I W H ITE , I been rendered blind, or deaf , and still I q ua . " , tl ; ' ' t tutu, canto into the parlor to knit him ' i (Ha era Wks, have come back saddened , _.,_ mapper she h odprodu the parcel , and iS Fifth Street. , and hopeless, with health and strengto . p onied.' t 00,....mge e , „„..,,,,,,„_ ! Peas) , completely wrecked by the hardshipsen - ! The poulterer laughed col he IN THE count' OF COMMON dared In her defense, mils onindivida: I untied it; but, to his at.elnent,tbe par- A Plias* or ALLHUHENY COUNTY No. Ids to support' and employ these \brave I eel was knurl to consist of loath notes ode; nictitate, Terra. ts, mho do Divorce. I cripples at such wages as they (the sob . nod geld Of the value of kl.lloo. There : HANNAH OMM‘IN, e, her toot friend Jame. I. diets) can earn. , wan also in it itu antique geld watch and i Lsrueit. vs. WILLIAM H. COWIN. _is there not something foelisti nay, i " b! „, d " -• • , !To WILLIAM H. COURSIN, and all eller dishonorable, in asking individnals to ! sue nest tatty Mr hurried round Ilpa , tits Interested : Yon are herebr nounrdrbat lahia customer to th . linl, her -*via ii libe ittie sustr.lonA SA suer. p sfat it t t take maintain our disabled soldiers when we , inn,. him to . take his daughter '' olit of '' ltentutour tu the attoiuuata n tl. r rupor ' t to Court. havii or ought to have a Government not 1 .. , town for n few days, nod on their return m end to the duns • of hi. optima.... At only able, but wilting to take care Uf • to inform her of their arrival. Tins, of hit t flice, No. Is. Griot nrest.-City Krim them? A_ Government, too, for whose course, was done. A duty in . two alter burgh.. TUESDAY. Wont JOY of Juno,1»::, , majored _life' they have crippled their ' ` their return she copal to the eitoptif Mr. it 2 otelesk p. la. I own.. l --, and said she wished hint to mine to , R. R. PARKINSON, Mr. G. also Stales,that the paltry $lOO l her house to too, nor‘lnpartird by Mu . lunitsit7l3 bounty is of but momentary consequence i daughter. .as they were about to lenYe, MARSBA" SALE. to any of them; and, In the iggrepte ,1 afterP r taking of her hospitality. she ssa. _ Smooth., I ad dli an enormous burden ti the national' ' ''' d t t ftt " . — ll ", ' en .t . ' " ' ,l' er ,:, k , e ,„ e ,t r , l , 1.. 1 3 , • 17 ‘ ,„1 i ,, , , ,,70,,z , ,,74 , ,:f.",;•,!", , ,,:, , fxn 1 debt i And after calling on'iniividuals 1,1_,',.,„'.'T, ' ,,, ' ",:'' 0n , " „ " ; ' ,. ` ,,,, r" ,... " ,„,,,',';;;.",:.. tr,, , ,,,a.g.a,:r;,rif %Vic!. orr:tAtznltag. to support these soldlers-the maimed, ACM. upon wito . in you jilt rt ly. The •t. the conic; IfuLlsr7 m itr nty of arts. oil the blind, the broken down in constitn- : nest morning Mr. --- ottendtd, ttetentt. 1 . 1:: ytKfif OA% Or Jlll.l. A!lll o'clock A. at., 1011OWID8 o.operty. tO Wit.. tion--thero is given another panaeta for t 'meted Dy the o. oral. al tiro pariNii Mai 27 Barrels of Relined 011, those bravo boys who were so fortunate ! a neightsw. ,The old holy then oil ' . - as to lase but AB loss i , arm In It service, . lina. mile Wan Upward of ninety yetirs of ZiVf itAlorte'2=i!.. wishes a ".• "th' namely: to learn to write mint the left' age. anti had im rehtthe lit ... g ion au Tlltni. A. ROWLEY, hand, and eke out a sub.istence forthem- ' tutor...Y. who. ohs ttilrgrd. hot not • U. N. Stantn. . (realist her well. -Ist ln is holt, ..h. ~ 11.1 Selves and tlair families Ily . such copy. he i , ,i 1... , ~,,,..,,, ,_:,...,,,,,,,„,„ ~,,,., r utl , l ; l , l , A I. , , I , J , rlf - s i ;; 1 Mg' its can b° obtained . Licaa" lu ' lt. ! had 4:ff - botst in! kile.d.: snit ten, and that, ' '''' ' ` ' '''-' 1 down and help our brave &tenders if :as she felt she would not hie hum, at el \I AO SIIAL'S SALE. , 1 this in all that can be done fur them! If cotta lN,oll',l that the ,attorney should .•"" I it if, LIM adage is verified that "Repub . not get anything In•latiglirg to 11,. tike ~,,,V, ' ‘ ,l,n g7"1,1:4 1 ,.= 0 t ;",',47M , lies are ungrateful.': But is there no had asked Mr. —to otttind. with La a sat.., ~.., Ise W....rn Dlsine. of it e ss m o i .p. other way of aiding our maimed heroes witnesses, in order that she might trots, it; ltlleX , ,n6lAft i liihl4, i t Tut. to Itobtle I ID/111 . 1118 plan given ? I think there is. fer to lihn. for his own al sedum 'inte, the oti ti., silt, DAY or SUL ' eliATt ‘ reo r tnti. L . First, let the Government ascertain a'' ll, '", k) ,i . " a hieh a h'' ha ' l r.illr.l:d.' She ...r " ...41V;=1,Vf rein= ihr. " lriliet t f:R! !this can easily be done by the As- . midi!. Innt. she Aiwa vt.r . )..w..P.a Dal had ...reels of use net OIL t n • isaatoe: Tsreory• I was ataltit and that be -min; him the sign: liarrsh of Weaned 011. Twelve liar.els of setters and their Assistants in every die. , „. 0 „. „.„,,i. she „.,„,• alive, i „,,,..„,, ~, :,,,,,„..,.„„ ~,,,,,,...; ~.1 . ,r ., , , r .,,, trier find division in the United Stance) , 6nm:tithing it to him at her truth, he &n : O . 0 Itiii ' i l if. geit::: r Jo l ''T , n . ' T 7 9 . hew many of them are utterly bellitessi r Wullid I/0 "oval the pays...ill of legacy mo r nol. 4r DO lai iha Ws: atitht Harrell... Tar. how many partially diubled; how many I dote to the eatetit at A.L.2,11410. . Cords Wand. toeether wan the ".111, Tau., Eogioer. At..., Machine,. T.. 1, Of their - widows and orphans there are 1 "'ll,l, ritlllollllMlllolll apprai ro I to Ia• imparn.nts. lord property aprertainier to said I i needing help; let Government ascertain !-of so singular a nature that the etc ray- , l' y,t'a a n d ~,I„ a, the per ,,,,,.., of „ 1 .., „. I what amount of money is necessary to • than very Prinierl.Y , ilk" , cmitml That a sail - Co.. at the tali of the Llnaed rtaas provide justly for them all, but giving I eitor shouid is: Aral lor. Tla. Malt" id THUS. A. ROW LEY, to,all accordirg to their need. To those 1 tr. duly ~.7.-,„1,,Nea..,.111,11.,,-,,,....._, u.,„. Marshal. hopelessly disable , during life; to those , `2 , ,n;',, 0 , ' ,i ) . ' o r . • ' old la dy 's Prr.'"Ung d ' S "l . n .. " il{ I) ra J I I, ( Jell.a7r, ParnallY au, mita they ca n be educated ! irovitil to be correct, as ins ul a r t at few .' e ''" '' ' . and fitted fir book.keepers, teachers, f k --c-i ' weeks after making thk singa dint.. c at or ALL...3116NY. 1 -. TlCl.AFlLallat,OrriCz June 11 nal, and to the orphans, until they are able , citron of her properly. It seams that be- LEGLIENY TAXES. to take carp of themselves and their ! tore her death NOP had Intendtml to g11i.;.. AL .- motlena : the Intall'y to a chemist with whom &lie autlee s hereby ales/1310a, the Asseaors hare so, wore., In the Treasurer'. 0511 en the Pupa l. know not and I care not what amount ' used lo dad, but that he had Itifentlal of money may be required. It can be ; her by p o rn, i m at eh th io to her wishes.'" it"tillt r ol" . .ti rt a a' t llat ' Xi ` Li " li t' :? 4 l= raised !if the Administration and Con- I The lanent of this story, (of the eall, . for do year no.. Led Dm. gaol Tato. will non grew so will it. How? will he natumlly a n t .',1 1 ,,,' "- .. e ,','„ a n,: d ;, ` „, " , ' , i i ` ::, ' . t : ' ,!il; , - 7 ' ,, 0 " ,, t , " ! . gf,",:nit:::,r,"'lM=l ILV•grV;Z o r asked. I answer.; as first how ' nothing, and lair; soliaddistes yield a ' i tglt:= '''' We r'' , """e "e"e"'' ' ned much brneeded, and then levy the whole /lee e. r stub, If paid on or before the lasi amount pro rata according to his wealth, rich rowan]. ity of July. on every rebel la the land.. I ---........,---- teantlal A lialr.,• Toar per cent.. If raid on or before the era day of atieu“. Mr. Greeley and other sentimental , , Two per cent. If paid on or before the Ora I rir Saturday last, a prominent physi.. , clay ol eeptetub . r.- • - PhilltlthrOPlSta May Say. " Th i s is cnn - : elan of listlesfut e . g. Illinois, was rolled to 1L7 0 , 1; , , , , ,, ,,, ,,, ,,• am d., or "„ 5 y1at . tab. , ... , 1 on fiSeatiOn." Admit that it ill. ' Confisa I attract Use with of a mechanic here. Zllt'dt%.3.: -"' -" ` e 0"0 " e ' 00 ' huieee" lion is carried oil under the laws of 411 I Whileaeated in the parlor She entered it nald alter the drat dsy of October and on the States every day in the year. 'rot I and accused the doetor of having staltussi ',',; tor; Ise ant Ife s i ' gruritf . .rsVM ' NOrm instance, the • eMployes of a railroad 1 her during a former pnitriodonal walk, on taesarne.. company, either by accident or design I and pointing n P i ' t " / " t l'r" bend deemed ' ..:„rar,.::.1=11.:',71;Vr.,,0.,1".11",1::,!:' be ran a train off the track, killing and ' t : l 22 . „ ; t 7 o e r h i l e t e ;:: • ' O ' nd T itt h t " ve ' I n d M t" t r lit ' ti l f ITo ‘i r ' Wr ' m a eTtl ' el. ' et c u ' '. ITT ' r etlt h . tee per "'..` wounding many puserigera 4 J ury ; t,,,,, more. due , o thr , . ~,,,,,0,„,. Th,, Jell.* It. at ACFISAON. citiTtesew•er. " Wee the " ma g el ' each passenger has ' husband of time woman. a Spiritualist by I‘,IASONIC BOOKS: sustained; and, if the money to not paid, ! th,, ~,,,,,,, o f 'L an d o ll, o i,1„1 b or . 'no. . the sheriff confiscates and sells enough I pliyalCian fillirily earapesiirom the house Motor, or Da K,lghts Totoplor . of reputyli of the wiongdoer's property to satiety I and fled. •Dt• V hahron IrOgt. Was and his Compeers. S. !Woe. all demands; and every right thinking . The parties were arrested by the pityl, ms.esie f.s s e, . 5 .1, 04 , ~, yr ,„, anal nays amen. A city corporation reran u Imp ft chsrge of .. ; :s tort mg in ail ey. 1i,,,c , .. , ,,, 1 1 , %•=1, J u v ,, ...1 ,1 4 , ..' 1 z ,• , .... a t . .... • MEE= BEBE 191:=21 ds.eates, and all say amen A malicious farmer kills or maims his neighbor's stock; destroys hie fences and crops, or cripples the owner; then in other confiscation, If the damage is not made good sithoot that summary pro cess. Finch Is the case among all States, all nations, and to all civilized - society; and all honorable and just men say It is right. Now, will any man, anywhere, pretend to say that the Southern rebels, areless guilty than the railroad company, city corporation,l or malicious farmer? No man will. Then why not make them pay the damage they have done, no we compel all others? The principle is the same; nay, If anything, they who have wounded and maimed our soldiers are more to blame than any of the cases above, elated. J. O. P. Tte Cole Trigedy. There seams to be something singular about the Albany tragedy, and th,e toF .lowing items, which we clip from the New York Jo pusnals, throw anything but light upon the matter : [From the Syracuse Journal.] There is positive and conclusive evi dence that the statement of Mrs. Cole, Upon which her husband acted, are un true. The story about. the will, with which Ur statement of the priioner opens, will be shown by the surviving witness to that paper to be baseltsis. We learn from that Witlietla that dm will was drawn at Mrs. Cole's dictation by Mr. Insets* In his lass office, wlwre she was for nearly half a day engaged in deter mining what its provisions and language should be. Thew are other leading points of the pprisoner• statement that are equally baseltss. We make this publication bemuse the statement to which it relates is the subject of discus "non throughout the country, and thus much, it seems imperative, should be kaown by the public. 'trete the Utica Herald.] It hoe been elated that Mrs. Cole had; during her husband's; absentn. In the army, inherited considerable property, perhaps twenty thousand dollars. Mr. Iliscock bus been surrogate 01 his coun ty, and 'by consequents , had naturally beeome the legal' adviser of widows and other women who hold property In their own right, Suppose be bad deemed it wise, for any reason, to counsel - Mts. Cole to keep her money within her own control, or that her husband derived an impression to that effort? These Intl mations are made In current conversa tion at Syracuse. Such circumstances may have aggravated' the fires of Jam ousy,-and maddened a bruin inclined to rashness. =MEM! During the present term of the Ifoward County Court, a man charged with grand larceny gave satisfactory evidence that he was unable to employ counsel, and Judge firmso, appointed I. 11. Bennett, Esq., of Kokomo, to defend him. Ben nett, after spending some time In consul tation with his client and in the exami nation of the vase, found that the guilt of the accused would be clearly made out, and persuaded him to plead guilty to pettit larceny. The Court refused to aocept his plea, Bennett arooe and sold: "Well, I reckon we can plead guilty to grand larceny ." "Yes," replied the Judge. "Then we plead guilty to grand ler: ceny."aald B,nnetL "this being the case," said the Judge, "it remains only for the Court to tlx the penally; and we will fine you dye dol lars,,sentene, sou to the State Prison for tar. alsfnutchise you for— ""Ntir.k. It 'for • IV% roar Honor," said lot•kttt' at the Badge over the I , :p .0 hal se,ttieles, "the prisoner's a Thle brought down the whole her and shook the gntvlty of the Court to such en extent that theompletion of thosentonoe was muchdelayed. Purvey ~ f the Lakes • Th 6 Finney of the Northern lakes Is to pnasecuted thin your with eller*, under the direction of Brevet Brgad'ter General Wm. F. Iteynoldo. The Detroit lied soya: Ann of the most interesting subjects to be Investigated this year Ls p new one, namely, .. the source or supply and the nuillow of the great Northwestern lakes. There has been some diecussion but no investigation mitring the scientific men on this sub ject. tioine have claimed that the fall of rani and the inflowing streams aro not suNcient to feed the lakes with their_ constant evaporation and outflow, and that there must be a subterranean source of !moldier. Othersugaincontend that the 'single outlet of Niagara river not %ugh:lent to carryon' the water which Is constantlY, poured Into lakes front numerous sources, and that there must be a subterranean millet. As befell) stated there will be spectal insmtigation with reference tothe subject during the owning season. Th is work hue been placed In the charge or D. Ferranti !teary. . . , CRUZIAT zv CILLILLMIGN doe* not RIV pear to be conlinal to thin aideof the ' Atlantic. A aoountlrel lu England srip. ped his eleven-year old daughter naked and tied her to a beam In the garret, when he flogged her with a rope. She got loose and runaway, when lie tied her. up for 'an hour. ' Showman got loony and ewaspottliroogit a aky-light to .t ha roof, from ,whlch she fell Into the yard and was taken by a neighbor to the police glutton. A few days prevtoua'y her un natural father tied her, naked, to the name beam,, with her togs just Much- Ina tbeground, and whipped her with main/Ong nettles—O refinement of cruelty worthy the in.gentlun of a demon. • PURE LIQUORS, Cure Liquors. noe Liquors Pore Liquors. Pure Liquors Pun Liquor . 'Pure Ll,juors For medicinal porno... For medicinal I arr..... , For medt:lnal purpo.ra. • Cognac Brandy. Port Wine. , Cognac Brandy. Part Wine, !Merry W , ne. Madeira Wine, Sherry Wino. Madeira Wine. Catawba Wise. Parcllollas4 Ott era.... Po. Holland Uln Pore Jamaica Ham Pare Jamaica Ron Pure Ere .11'4; Parc Rye levee. Bye Whlaky AT JUAEPIH PLENIZI WM, tnin. Itldes Revolvers, rtstols, nablog Tackle :Jt j.P re " p " m " er 'th dnlMaTlV;lllll . 4g/IN4 wind., names. Velem, •c.. Collin, 'Stencils and stamps, and msklng beat szol Latmelllus n • at snorts. notice WhalSwayne 9 sOintmentWill "'" 2 ° • • Do. W. 11. DOWN, !taunter. i—lt will ears Itch In from. to . hoar. 2-1, wIR cars She moat oMtlnate we. *IT.- Cone? or the liatom:4 Awl II • creel earner of the Mateo. and Malt. street. jell:111re . tel.. • w w ..gLI...I I ar.MC.).' s—lt .111 cure Chronic Erysipelas of thrice, will cure Salt linen, maid Head. DEALEU Di . I.—lt vin care Itching. ILles. all Eruption. 6—lt will Toeltlyely cure nil Skin Diseases. I—Use !MAXUS'S Omrstruy aad scratch no Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, !?iireip , Dr. Hieurses Otatoseat, "TETTER" ' , • —rrcar , Dr. Smonwes 0i.n...t, ..ncrretv• ISX.T.:CTELVI. W.A5.X1.311, "ITCH" "I TCTCH" H" NETER KNOWN "TETTEE" AND "I • , "ITCH" TO IfA,ll. "TETTE!, w -,. . "TETTE', • tvrenola. Clocks, 4,!:;e. "ITEM" edrerl'aL._° ,- 7 v., Dr. ay.2.52 , N - A sU ;l 4 4 . Pis l : ' npecial !minus on given to the fiEI'AIMLNII 01 MAN, 55 Market street. I.IEO. A. KELLY. 37 TINE WATERY, wood at. , JOS. YLEMINIT, SA M aaaaa M... A. , - Tuititlf.NCE. nor. •Ith nod Murk. streets, Pills. 'tough: SANE • DETILTT, Allesbeuy. an91:1211:1TO . A NATIONAL MEDICINE. NEW ICE CREAM 8 &LOON 'One can. hardly pick op a newspaper or turn a street corner new-a-days that he dues net nod, AND CONFEcTONERY. attrlog hint In the face. the announcement Isnat. EMMEINI may be heir to. Thum••••ooderfa , “ Mar-over erten et•ballv have an ealatane• of a few mouths, then dieser, •al• from public notice. She res.. Ice Cream Saloon & Confectionery, of their sudden entloguteinuent fe •ppereut. 'Ste,. were humbug.. At the outset air medic!. At NO. lb, t• 1 a t=l./. Allegheny . . on _TUE, Ma Preinarititea. hare ao eq .., " an.. kir .iie- U tils . lrien.l.a ' n.l the public, generally are re ... aa ail amen.' le u n known : bat the chaff is quesied to favor the new estaldlahmea t gm, elical c telt. s t=t:hrit * :::;ll ° ;vlit. ' tJi a gJl: Irpit;:,...i . --_,...,...._, jegiall titian.. °. here aro but fe preperasurne of toed. A T . :re ..E. a C.lwg OF THE COM- W. which bate wlthstriod the Impartial judg ment or he peop•• retype length or time. One MITTEIL ON WATER, of Allegheny Conn or (P." few NIZIN• N/0 twee now in min& •ad ells , held on Wednesday. .lone HO. htl. It T. INhitil Las been a long t me familiar to nearly every hossehold In ti e land, la the celebrated 1f...LT.13, That Mare:lnce to the city cc aeries 110 TATTER, nTi Me Litt BIT glthg. Their the right to shut off the cite water from all cdn• c om p el unlversal sale and use. and their empha ....„. 0n ,.. e th . ~,,. Au auto r,r.0... „ . rsement ti , tn all portions of the e run try. the adialesion th.t. they at.l. rie a apeclild hereby wetted/ that THE W ATE. WILL HE 'or tee aliment. rog • hlch thee ate* d . PHUT Ogg ON AND AFTER THE YIEST DAY d. 4 , .ett,0 ne, . att., their efficacy In dr.... or tbe throat. boareh and yr. in that Ur JULT NEXT, and the beperluteltdent. la troll terrible ,eintplalnt. itya.nalt, tlyiy ire re• hereby Instructed to carry the same Into effect. gar ed NJ • aura C.O. /1:1 Vltldhall), where HOBERT DILWOHY 11, the. Littera are manufactured , their ante for , home pee l e hymen,. .r his fart Mo • e speak. i Itaistg . Clertlbj:rnotnitter. -- __—, -... volute. In thetrfavor -Extr•se. frtm, t . XeiA entitle (lowa.) Courkr. ran. 7, DX. HOUSE AND LOT 7 PENVIS CANADENNIN„ - ' FOR SALE. • tree which is &Lunde:llin Canada, Nora ' th brntla, and the more northern Deal. of the S r e ' to .r bt i ;lV, e : 11 • Lrarrr:g47! ' glen! F.nglandlitates. and it ale found In th e elevated,r pattenger itallway,i ei feet e , .., meters and mountainous ...glen. of the Middle Mates, , ulde. and running through the lame width M. rod abound. la medicinal •Irtues. Dr. hwett, , See' . a leeh 7 e.A.. E . e he se tr.Td ;Apt , . o•JeT.' • MO. of Boetort. has prepved •• medicine from the Jell:wit HlEwell street, Allegheny._ sweet Inside bark of the pine tree. ealled I'll- • LAND'S WHITE PIS IL COMPOUND etch{.w • LEMON 151111 P. one or rare value In all debilitated st.‘es of the ' THE i'LACK TO CET, kidneys. It =Wilke • charm In all dioceses of macons membranes, enabling them 43 •enain PURE LEMON SYRUP. their oat tone.d energy. It will be found well ~ , .. • • • Lemon. adapted to all Mose di Ilucho has . ..e . ..tet'lee'' ,e'r° t h e la.. or t• lent been tried and felled. It I. 'theism* well suited to ehronle conchs. and an Infallible specific for 1. D. DUIND'S CUDI 114M.V1 . , old and debilitated ~•ses of asthma. Many per- ,e 4, . „, No,' EO7 LIEF/ TT ST Er. . tons who at nest only took a bottle of tau oiled!. • •- clue. to try...ftereeerd• eat.. bract ••:' sot • ' WE WILL KEEP ON LAND ' i _Apse], or h el l 1i0.12, which affected radical - caret of e. of the bladder and kidney or ~2 ....' , .• ,, !tr n , fil 0 0.:1411,3 , 44,111ir T . 8. years standing. . I one , It and , i Diabetes, a dtrialte that has been looked upon ' DEMO!, WHICItEHtt I.llllWe, ir moot the ineentitles.l. Immediately relieved • • THIICKi. I.OOUnT 111780, Pr It. r•otice the certificate of 'Atm lleoonne, • And Tit KEEL, , jeolt•s, I pu• tithed *nate Woe ago. . . . ilaY Italian and • The United Enda, Dlsfwasniory, Hie alang of . Tualia. Inc ~,,,,...„.; ..,,,.. ~,d ~, ~,,,,,,r h t e, , A Duquasers Wanda SVOnns. near the Peal- Ova. and other diaeatesof the urinary parolees: ...le , . Mire .. . , ( le , '. In plimi awl etronle lunanimatlon in ulceration Jeavow (it ...Kw • ../. voIitIVATL , It • (lit,. rd th e bowel, In throttle ratarrhal affections, ...... ........ and to various forms of rheumatism,' It la es • 1.1%. Pal IL,IM EIIIII —We have on catalog!) valuable In all gravelly nr,..1.14., band a very fno assortment or bloody urine, aud where there Is red and white . • I dim lira. be taken . e ith e '•e ' ei ' ere ehtl°. DOUBLE WALLED II E PITtREES..I to one's ÜBllli avocations: and tasked of sicken. In. orAuces • broolo T. health) of cony- , Or the very neocooollty. Also, WAlTEllhand " Tinl Y iM'Atfl r gl . t,r l , V•tigt: int: • "U . BL'T'- ' t° m'''" J. 11. REED.dr CO., MUNI,. To sale by the gross, dozen or single bottle, at DIE KETtlEit'eltireat Medicine ktore. ' Wit. , . 6 , 711:l i a Ntreet. Ito Wood exert. ___________ ________ ' n'''' ' FOR NALELIVERY F. .ABLE, ----- ------ -.§- '— ' , located Not. ll' and 113 Third tireet n r NEW ADVEILTI EXENTS. tloaaairal. opposite Merchants. 11°41. AL • btable was recently Olud up with every nue' ere WM. BINWHAM, Jr., Adams texpresi 01. ti•'•...... , 4 ... i• I. ere , el.. Ma floe, 04 IVO &ram. [Tan authorised Apent to : uhir„•, ihv..:,,,-.,.,74,6.7,1,0,...,...1•4„,.,=,,,,17,,,,it reeetw Aclvertienrumte forth. tiErICTTE. and , ‘;',,j;;,,,;;.',7, - )E,,iiiiii it Nu, a ll o• - ia,o.,,, . u ., cal E . . 0 .! 0 _ • •:41./IrooThOul the (hared &rain , jci1..61 OLUItu • Mal.'" a. • 1:1E0. ISCULELEIN, ROBINSON BRODER.% Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner. And deal., In rwelga and Domea lc ItUTII NO. 711 '4) inn STREST, I:1 ttaburgb. . N in. No. 40, corner •O.OISHAL. null. 11.,HUN of various Taxt. r ji? o ,;44l: r tglxx ii Mni . ozfr: ii , 41 , n o n , " „ lantly on bind, ICE VILLA., lands of . . t und • '- I OTnetween Mar tt e .,n, ran. U. 19 ' 33C " Wr ' e is ! atfirh ' lV ti . ell=t ! t=t,• Lad are prsnared to boy sod soil Railroad Boa r ds x.c,c,g 7 a.z. x3c,i0aEr 5 ,,,.../ ."b:roll;i4lPLgt:.''il2M."=,%!" " roam.... •—. , o m of r 0,0.01 . may „?.;;;;: - w..t. TIM lb. !!ood• of the coo opt s eir Rot- ' it t res!: l olz4Mtildsr.lii P.... (0 „, :a ill it?. Boner. LAW•renoe, *errs r asdll!asholimu. a tutu 1.t.'""."""'"'"".. !TRANSPARENT IBLEE OIL `OS ONE DOLLAR. , : CLlYrtf, for Mors Window Shades Asap, A Cub Of Raid PEACII18: rWr aricle i d es ., t r e sci. , Ire tat lb e Oil Cloth Ware ' to ! " " ' °ln!' 1 1 . 0 1 4. 11.4 . 11L , L1111)! A Can ol'sroo4 iII.A.!K BERRI VS: i 1 ,- A C"." tA" Wilt""."""a"23. INDIA nuginvit lIELTLND. wPrir . I . 33C3RDCE. • .... Hose. Steam Nokia,. Caskets, 111,shoe At tut REDERAL ISTALLT, Ailleahusy G , al. i a' l uthi., Rom [mood and square!) Tohlis• is.' :OH suppty constantlyr.r. C la 4 a i t i It . i •st ! air.11)11611r. SICAVICIV. ! gi ll: i2 2t a v er za Vt rarst. 13=1 FOR SALE, A Beautiful Building Site, 0 134_24 mJci Rom too city, •Oootololm 3.4 ti =t 7 VoVeln d :Vl '". ! P "' "" JODI! D. lIICOLLY. non National Soak. / the rauot. 2.45 :VA . L.. of the bee r . 1 . .LC , E th.. 1.. ,, E 6 A . rli. r MEI. aux I E. nELEES tuLLles . , r,71L1T.L71: I •-0 .04..<;!•.11,041q.F” , gr Motu the essui, uroe..ri more of •• c.cest; • / JOHN A. HEN.II.O.W. tl ilea tad for Gioia 1,7 )40 Oflitt /.11,triy an 4 hand otzvt.. kjett J. B. OAAILILD 5 02. MEI PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : THUTZSDAY. JUNE . 13. 1867 IndiEiri Silks, Black Silks, Colored Silks, Nato, • 1111.flotlIC Mannay. repo. Prr.rtsuotro Monitor. Vicki... . 1. , 13.1.1P.11.0 of the Uranti Chapter of repo. Masonic Vertnit. IMMEED J. R. WELDIN & CO., EI!EMMT!= IRON CITY CUTLERY CO., Clair Street. l ure poreoeued of A NIIIIKW 'Mille the entire ttuct of Han!ware, Cutlery end Variety leo. the chore .wrd, lt their tutelsthlon to keep on hurl . are deal etoe• or HARDWARE;CUTLERY. Ab. 22 Fifth Street. oca:twarr will open kit new nest elm LEAT Il E A BELTING.—We Iraq. wonetantly on bane • fell sleek of ttie best leant,. of eastern oratnrraetult. mole eV,. lele =and =Mt. Warr otreet. =I M. B. MERCER, Cornet Üblo Avenue and Lincoln . .treelA, ALLEGIIENt CITY. Pt JAMES B. YOUNGSON, iiNO.2OO Wylie Slreel, R•sprotf.~lly Infer., nil tho.r. whose In wngt aI •orthlaq In hl, line tnnt he h.. oprnr4 . ra a,s - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, At the Above number.Frest. BEE A I) & dAli M.. oo ,on hand. Alto. vltilllo. 14 uYs. " .ert i lyn . nld ICE CREAM 110 1 131. r..- atud , n. tyle. tlneclll aantlon glyyn to turnleltinK erlvale Panty,. IlAnn.roto . v . .l. Incite.. 0111. sc V. CRY A3I, CA h,.... sn d itt Ar.-rittl,H lIIIZAD morn!, and eYefilnir. G - E t IiTLEMEN'S lIJIINISECENG GOODS, N 0.12 Fifth Street, :iZARLY OrIV4ITE THE I'OIT UYPICE. i Vince. the close of I.i much enterpris! hos The most extensive variety, the latest mei- .. . .. , ties, the largest inducemehle west of New Ton. t he e lgo I! '' a.. . ""e- 'es-sS° e re' rt. New and magnificent cotteg, a bleb been Pinta' Fittini French Yoke Shirts 1 erected; the Hotels have : been remodeled: a Una S park. with a gen made one mile drive. has been MADE TO IiIIDENr I Inaugurated: Kadin all the essentials of a pep- Oar bummer resort,, apish of IMproecnient Is PUTNAM & HOUSE, ; `T.f.:';;V::",:. 4 ; pea Rion of Care Island is In i Itself • nonuiar feature. when properly under . mood—Situated at the extreme southern portion SUCCESSOIIS TO of the elate. and occtip,th a hem. of land at . the ! rot fluence of the Delaware Hay with the - - t 001.1MDOCK a I . II:TNAM. tic ocean, It t , eemnes entirely surronnelod •by ' • • ,alt. water. hence favored by continnal breezes BUILDING PROPOSALS. ' fro. the.".• ,I The Mug furnishes a beautiful 'Vlew - of the pROPOLILS' WILL RE RE- I 'it=7. l =g r intl,C . l4VV=l:2":eti b r"l l , 1.3_9_ ,. \: , r.111, , the . iti .. /t . m . l , Nti e i , l , all_ti . A , Clckl- I %distance of sullen miles. The beach Is sic the'Cllclealfh.t:lL Lotft on . feet a lt '.;;1;:!4. 4 i 1L1Z, 1 14':"1?,'=giT,X174,,"1,7,1,1.` 4 ,.'1:°r, 0.5 feet In 41,iiiii. , which declines so gently t 3 the turf that even " a ,Also. fur' LATIN.' IL'S MINE %VALI. around , child ean Isathe with recant). Me shies of said rant., thfee feet In width at the i Added a. these &Dl . ..Donets:the fart that the re t ' o l ' n ' A y , I,7ll ' t. t Tail ,I ' l e l I?2 p hrt, ' lrt ' L ' l Y ;l3V. I V, r e ' w ' s, " a L r h s a l tkp oll rII::ry a lrtr n in t , '" ppint.. j :Tre . law-04ml atone, as,. Worm:gide tilled In with , overgaLen ' oe 4 v ' ersou. ' teatita l neal ' ut ' f ' ro ' M Mortar 4 : orean bathing • further orop,,aall ern desired for furnishing The .lltauce from Philadelphia taCaDe Island about lau 1,0 mu E. end IsOna a wall awl floor ; ts al m ore !., mil , and gamut the same distance I " IT.. ' ngt , 7ta h :l v ify h o . ft.Vr.l b U ' ll.:k w :lll ' be ;rt „. . I ' ll ' els . .:lTlgePf7ArVel ' i ' pg I nit t u t i ' l.:l,l7.fe r .ro l . s , Ntl, t PLft%V.l.U,Zir t :L l 4 l 2.::".‘,":;."."4l:: I a " riTill ' a= it ' Vo r trse ‘ e r r ; ;m"triamlialTo" has "boottil m ti.e wort anvil.. &jail times . . the inatver, 1 ten Unmeant, verso... e l - 4e Wolin°. far tie tten and approval alb° tins Company. who al. the Columbia Douse. with II V.0.011.l. " 1101 1 ,TON either :he right t., refuse , all hl,:s ,, reeel , ted. -- , IWI proprietor; Curia,. Hall, with 4. 1. CAKE CUl r treVn) S ,lp ll ' IVI l ::hr21: rhg tr l t,°;„ii„ . .: ritTet.T:=TApVlheiVs•Silli :in d enb e " hra S n l : a%mted . will ,d t;• . :Town....and fart. Cr Inform.- I amment of gentlemen who have well establish- II au r .cel vv., until the lorli , ed es hetet men. OF .1 . 17. t. '' . D. ItOftlN.,N. I Jr lOW It hitt e leasall Yeeretare. - - ----.-- 89 S 9 S 9 89 S 9 S 9 S 9 89 89,! MEM ! TEAS! TEAS! Or ALL PENES AND QUALITY. AT H i S PI — 89 lIARKET STREET. 1' 49 , . 111.-1.1 . 14632 r 275 f, 149 1 . Bo lu UREEN TEA. . --•.... N 9 381..' 4 1=1 0 M 3 El 9 ISI?;89 ' V,,, l ;','.;,, v : o ".i n g u r! °% •••• 1 , • (10.1. - .89 . 89 Market Street, • s 9 , .. 4.0.1 :: ..... ........ 1.- AND GET YOUR . ' I 00 . 4 La 'BOOTS . SHOES &C IS 9 . , ' n""° , B O,, LA . CH IMAR—l)olonco. $1.40 per pound. S 9. 9 9 . 89 • ' 'Til,. .:. " .... .--- - 1.30 1 THE CAM/WEST AND DEPT ; u . ju2 , . i. ... ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lioucbont ' B9 IN' . 1 . .73.311 C/ S r i' 1r 1 59 . ...3 corm... ", NO AUCTION 0110 DH KEPT. isi9 , , let, Fine Rose Flied En, itreakra. , !. ...... yr , IJAS. ROBB, 89 Market 'St.'. ' .: Vigb ".: Vl',.',l''''' '..:.....;;! S9i • • N9l JAPAN TOk. , .. . I 1%9 59 59 89 59 59 S 9 S 9 891 Y..7;:r.q.;..j.,1fi4..:;.'.V.:;:•t•:-;.''!:-.:••-• • ..E.,:1...E.1)] IVEA..A. • . -• Ate 7,17 C.:,' NT S 3" : =.,. ' !"'!'•%"-- 'V - R '' - : - 4 ','°,- ':".*'-'" ---...., :. n 0,,,,,, , =. ... ...,..,,,, ,0 „ . ~,,.. , , le , e tl.ey wAat, and here theca j ylut up "' sr) quontlty. sod forward,ll by ay or the r.. 1. L {l t ...i ' s.; J.i, •' ' .f. tt TiliEVi• , press Cutnpente% who now car , y goods at very lo , v rates, and by dolor so”ve twenty cen, per .mac ',L;wved to pound In the price, besides getting • pure Alta . Clean article t h e w exactly sults thrlr tuto. A. KIRI{ .-• e% d 1 Marke't St., ! m=v:T.o 2 := a .. 4 F"0D , 0.. Alle4r4ST. I COANEII. OF SECOND.] 1•111,111111lal. J•Xua u. uouLubou P"P'" " IRON CITY SPICE •111.11 S Saddles, Harness, Trunks, ! FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, And all Mlle!. In their atie usually kept In gn,..e..••l4l.llentn.nt•. mar Penn.sylrenia 4renue, IMPORTANT NOTICE.PTITSBUR . • 1 GII, re.l TO OWNERS OF ROUSES. i PURE SHOES AND MUSTARD • DR. WEST Ng.. to torirts kit frlrelts aul ! . 11 ,, m. , .= kN7,, , ,5,°:',1 . ,. ~.r. , ,T A T „.1. 4 ! VI at•rmottleil witch?. name la ou thy Article: 77:1 , :: . ..k.tgrt.i . t . V7: . 4::,:,:t.j,i7,t, 5r,,....., :: , 71 , 1f,H GROUND CORNMEAL and RYE taktn In out skr1111;11T rr ~ t ed. se • ros es not r WITZerN b L ir erigllVlS :furs 11.0AWOLD charae Morass of ser Intern,. &stases not 9 m „,,,.. . 4 ." ^d • t '. ..r • f r • PP .. P.2i..; them . r iiir also coral/me the manufacture of oil the 1 irl,,l!iN AY% !lll'''. rot, d b7/117:e I heh.c'nel Ves.sary Con... . Eur.vni i DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPICES, este al sorts, Cu t s,W sclti• Owls, Sore houl- der. buratto. , or ss4 .111 not Intore Mc : " 4" '' " " t ” by hats t''''"" ' " b""". . rtithlt7r; offer .It ' s V- t " r i l e e '"' S.T;:lll k l, 4 • l l l l,ratfag . ,' u linr , rallEE, opPuAte St. C , .rt.. ' lOl.. , It....t=r i ' e ' jal ' grr 9 :71111r. " 71.5t rt: ! ....Masa P.m.!. :hi. P u httes _ (bopped Fee: Constantly on Band, DS. A YOUNG & CO.. , STRICKLER &ROILLEDGE. • WIWLIMLLE DEALEtti AM Conamhision Merchants in FLOUR, FEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. - . No. 555 Penn St., • Prrnaasau, PA. mtl.• TUE PEOPLE'S TEA STORE, Wilson & Underwood FAMILY GRO One otthe cheshegt nod thAt ihholesale mid uut Mort. In the tyro . No. IS South West Diamond, A LLlSdlini Y CITY. Call and el mane our atocleandCea• ap.7:141.dr IMPORTANT TO lIOUSEKEEP FRANCE'S TEA MART, Pio. 13 DIAIIaND, T. can buy the finest of TEAS. Mlle price of au; 6o:d Iu t 4.• city. Also. Sugars, Coffees and Groceries, IIt• II kinds, n 1,11101, filiP qual Cr for e rclUin CAull. liool. atliveraf tree. W,l/1. 1 . 131.1310 E a NON. Itionnhaeture oEabout. Three Mllllon 13.1/0U,0004 of hoot Brick. Upon the prrmleue of the last'Pal., about eight mile. trent the City of Allegheny... the t Penney!vault, ttalltowl.. Abund.ttof au parlor clay and other I.lllU...twat be fungal ea upon the Pretntuee.'.- Furl her Information can be obtatgett of, and proposal, may be wade until JUNE gillth, to OEO. ALBIIEE, Necroutry, • Cat. Woodantl Fourth Ito., Fittelntrgh. y, it. I.l_, p I At N. 107 Market Street. FOR SALE. 1r7:.121 WALL PAPER! 15 111A.MoND. Pllcsburet AT REDUCED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! JOS. It. &VG LIEII & 800 MAIIDOOF & CO, •nTrnrnhiiTi - . - rppwmrTnnln . .nl BROOMS,. Broom Brush and Broom Findiugs nailer a. Lo a ry snand Warehouse. In the rear of Selo g,. • Nes. 172 and 174 Wood Mt.% #lll4barst. Apig:l7l. J. • SCHOOMIAKER & BON, oprle tors of the r . X . 1M833171.LC3.321C White Load and Color Works, llanafretuterm of WHITS AND ICED LILA!). ZINC. burl y IILI/5 I.7tAlt. bleCoVtri ZUVITKII And all colors dry or In oil. UOlee, 0.117 FOILIIITII PITIREM. Forrati, Nos. 450. 454. 4:54. IV and 450 Itebreto bttert sad .11.1, 01 and 04 tooorb bared. Allerbror. ' entrlbtrat DR. J. A. AEKRON HAS REMOVED - Hia_Oftico and Resit:lo . nel) to i . No. I 4 SMITHFIELD ST., N..rir OMAN tbe mononith4* Ilona . TUE CHEAP - HAT AND SHOE NTIALL. rVUVL U. GstlOmkDalW atIINo. U X t 10 FlgF4+o mum U iER R I M 7:fiiE Mtw ie.A r si l.l ea l6llnana o d !. c •ith U ona P .• OA 41We,, col .b ptot =11=t111TX:ng!"" °1 =.42 J &8, ritANCis, ' CARrENTERS AND BUILDERS. - Nu. V. 6 ad !2 Uinta 8L ANEW! Cilb Pa naming and Jobbing promptly atteid4to. J. W. Hd NNSH. No. SI I.IfENT Y lITNNET. Dealer la all Wads of • Candies, CakeS E aluts and Fruits. • l agtirentlon to tOtalattitig.rint=d NEW ADVERTISEMEN TS $500.00 A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY ,ENU FOR ONE 1:10‘ OF TOE TOBACCO TASTE DESTROYER . it will .f+stror the appetite for Smollag or rheslog Tobacco loatsntle. gn fiver tont.. It again. It , lin eradicates the bad FIRE WORKS! . ffrcta of tobacco, give • a prison a atrons acre- ' • tile. st,ngthen. the ste.sch, calm, the nerves. ch.ars the mind and improrra the tnernnrY• t'ne bag Is aufflcient an; on , it ...Sr , one Pe , Illte another pereon. The rtf.el la instants one . . The proprietor 'ha been offered for the receipt. nevem bur.Sred bases sold In one 'gees. Sent by Price Slyer bon Ad r• I=l / IeIS a• i_____ I= LIMITED PARTNERSHIP has been entered Into, to commtnce from the 10111 VA Y OF JUNE. lie. mad to contloue to JUNE 301 . 11. ICU, between ic MIL sCIIAI.E. of the City of Flttabheah. and CU Attf.E.ILEN• NIG, of the City of Phllade/PhIA Stn.. of,Venul . sylvan, the boldness to be that of dea). In and the rellalog of Fetrolento, Coal .or Isbalo Oils, and the deposal, In exhatislhe use, of the avid. used In the retsina process, either by or further nisdartneetnrc; to be conducted In the name of ESIIL DOH ILK, the General. Par tner. In the City of l'lttlibuegh. (MARI:Er, LENNIU Is the tlpectal raltiler, who has 0311- tribiited thereto the corn of Fifty Thousand Dollars In rash. ' • • EMIL tiCtIALIEt. tieneral,Partner. CHARLES LE NNW. Spaelat Partner. Pittsburg!, Jan. 100, Pot"... Before me. A. S. NICHOLSON. an.Aidertpan or the City of CB taboret, County of fillensell7. late of Pennsylvania, personally app, area :MIL SCHALK. zed made adlrmation t h at . 11A.111.66 LENSLU IMa ma Special Partner attributed In cath the mum of a 50.000 to the lartnerohlp Capital al which tie. the aald EMIL .CH ALA, la the General •Portner. Clitaboren, Jute Iltn. 1567. lel3Mll . I APE MAY, • • CAPE ISLAND. si *A per pout.] . •• p.„HEAT SALE Or WATCHES sr. —On the ptpular one pelt, plan, giving root? patrun a band... and reliable watch for Die low peke of Ten Dollars, without regard to value, and not to De paid tor unO/.. DufeeUS battslaerry. , WO Sl gOld hunttng watches 3+.3:.11 toe agle eared gold 'watches 2/.1 :MI Lal,ollear vr•tehts, enamelled DO to WO o. Uold hunting enronometer hooting VA to OA 1,1.1.1614.h0nt1ng Engllahintrer ...... to the LOD Gold bunting duplex. 1...e11e, Do to arl SOO/ rrold bunting American watches IN to 7.10 5,(01 Hontlng lever, to DO 1.00 rurT: , , , ° P !1°. 4 "" Mahe. 7., to ZO ''''''''' ate en to to o 10.00 Goid booting teethes. SO to 10.010 altacellaueon silver watebea 70 to Ito 2.1.001 Huntin • elirer watches 2.5 to to 110 itZl Snorted Watches, ail Kind. to to 7.5 Every patron obtains a watch by this red costing but Ile. while It may he worth Vt.. No partiality shown. • We 1.1.4 to immediately diipon of the ewers 'amain,. stock. Certificates. naming articles, me placed i arti cle. envelopes. Holders aro en titled to the..toed on the certificates, linos payment of Ten Dollar,' whether it be a %etch worth *lOO, or one worth less. The re torn of any certiticate•ntltln Tonto the article maned thereon. upon payment, irreApectlve of in worth , and as no artlt , e Is valued at lees than 0500,1 on any certificate, It will at once be eopl te.:4I2II.".r.IVItg:VA:h';ZPI!IZ: "c),".7,;11P'‘!7,;1= 1 '.7,11"t ,t- F.11.97:1'r:;-Zl`°Z'l:l`..=P;eltetAtrif, six t y.sis and more valuable premium r, ' gio. one huridre and most superb Watch for ro ,Avenla or those wishlng flutdprinent it rare opportos.lty. aloe iealtinistoly oinducted hunnes e s, duly authorized hy the Government. ?A Ws as, b tpe moot carelui lo). Try " Ird Retld,' oy. New Yoik. WORKHOUSE PRISON, THE BOARD OF MANAGERS of tto WWII( HOUSE &ND INYUKIATK ASYLIIn cle.lre to contract with' rroponalble putlel fur. tot .. ONE 9 INCH iENO IN X, Z 3 010th strolie, new. o On o econ p i i i e n d thiCILL&TING ENGINE, 0 !' .V91 0 / Tri l erse! r ot ' or..b on. a ENU IN Inch Wane, horizontal. on Iron tied plate. Oa, Inid inch LOUIS X, 1 lest awoke. second hand. The above will be told cheap, for rate. at ==l M.11,11N1 SHOP, Corker Sand Inky and Wain' Streets, inylOsLlS ALLKUHENY CITY, PA ROCIIEt3TEII CiIEMICIL 140EKS C. 11. WOODWORTII & SON, Both slanufeciurer. of Golden re !moire, Flavoring lvrromcra moire, understand theirprofession, we confidently rec• midend all article s inauuractured by um as ere to. none. either foreign or domestic. uur. men perfume. • 11.1L&V,' • -.. lithe mont delicate i n .! fraFrot extract ever compounded. or SM. ire M. it New ]art lithe and naletroote. Moo broad. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CCdrattoLian's OrriCm. •S 'Allegheny, May till. 1107. f • SEALED Pitt trUaAL.K Will be received at this odlcr ;dad Til eItiDAY, Jane OM. Mal, at 3 cdclock'p. In tar ltradinit, raving and Cerbing ' .VATIVILYttniTiaTs the /rand/eater district. I 811Y.141ELD EiralFr, hom indwell to Bea (I,TkIIY/ra'T...Fl;.AZ:ll"dlll:•:llll.d"Cljg strceta. U. B. MANTIS. OUT Contr.:Me JAMES B. 'JONES, Drove IN scrap Iron, Light Iron, CART AND WROURIIT IRON. Iit.CIRPIII, 41110. A Corner. t i ltim k n y le c tr4 : e t River C. M. GEARING, , • Planing• - Sash & Door Factory, cgnapr IWrIAR. and ALI t EIIIIENY aTRENTe. fr i T . t u rxd. end No. 14 BNITNN/NLL sacrAtua 00.0 Mo r Blk Loners d kla nark cumquat, o. ge7 oc 3. l°len pd Order,t4lrl Mr. - marry promptly Attendrd to. mint f. .15ItIED IFRUITN. • • • M bide cliolco half Poacher; do quarters do: ' • IS do tolled do: • Mc buena:A[o.d IM7 Apple.; • se do prime do; Jon commisalOn and forkale low to t h e rade. - BCIIOMAITZR LANO. I? and Who<l Goon NEWS. CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR TIMES. lawolre for WLED , II BREAM. The lemur. and beet. The telltale "U. W.' on erarT Ward's. none else NE ADVER.TISE'MENTS. NOTICES. WANTS. \ ' NIL Tl[ OF Jill 180 i =7- I -.. ,rl`llE INT Eft EsT IN •GoL Ili, Mr t.N . , : , I M-lE.Tiery one - .t — o n: . iItST 11. , 1.Tt• At, I, 1,,N1 , 5. in LI, 50r."‘","..0..;:,'-I.7;\lF"T'El:4l:"."744Z.l94'l7A7:t•Fi':::'i It• X L. UNIA Nitillf MILWAY (411P1NT,6terz liii , i.ioo.. „.". , ji;F,,, ' ‘ 1 . .'4 71 .:i",.,T: ' : v ,:• 1 \1'L a ., 1 1Z ", , , r7 . 1. 1 : , . u b iii Doe JI NE 1.--r. ' , tit tw v .:A 0% 1 ,,, fr. ,,,, or "V;:::".`" ''''?"""'".• '''''''''." the Co,pors :^, '.rr f r al , aflrr tlirJ Ja:r al i .. . . . WA,iTED, • , _ ___— .. . . W it., tg rant:el:ly famtuae n,,,t, ,t,. _ , , . • 53. P.1...11AN0E lI.AL E. Nee 1 ott.. , tore ..f Ore. u Otassware •nd t n ., ❑p',. t ..n laf . -- ur.. Arlilag. All Lt.: h I, "Kn . plwoultl r t , ., RN..., to e n , ~,, at aeon„. 15tigl. /1r WM. J. PALMER. Treasurer. I•litsharAtt I% D. 1 21,.., . ...troo a i the puh.l: generally to my stock of ..* I MEBORANT TAILORS. • . . WANTED — A SITUATION, FIRE WORKS - SD ATTER DIN A .Y.TORE, • Ity au American SIDI ellteert Yea. of age. 9 HENR Y od address, and • best rate amen.... Hanufature.l expressly for my nf car,. .13./g IN z i, G. HALE . Address •• N. — at 'nag OFFICE. fully 'sleeted hemias, and under.. slayer. • Jelll.ell rtston of DI. best practlcal Pyrot.contst rf tuts . . co ur,try. , Rae nad my sleek all de.royed by . . A neeet-nce orre .. gyn ' WASTED—ROOMS. Ore last ,rear, na• plutons can rely on getting . IVIIIIIIIIMI co4l/O. WY lax Of. t. 1.116 0.. FreStl WO, and tor tortlllaner. varlet,. a d - '? ' • A Form.l...tnrs Front ROC.. with chamber sign cannot. he .111,11.115C15. . ad.) , lnlng. either Inralshed or unfurnisbed, In addwlon to ton Lone Fticeml /locket In • voto• hoard. Rust he within ten, eommort. use,. I off, the FaTENT hell,RT NEW v spRuNG. GOODS watt of St. C ate atree. - A. family with few it STICK R.)01..1f.T. They are nut. nfl le wen len . l...ji no other preferre. •ddues Al. lag baXelt. Oho dozen each, can be transport.. sr Ith . terms. ac... BOX R. tiazzrr• &Wm. • ram% Petfect safety. et much less a xpensa"than the ' old style, and will ascend Si. least one-third higher. They 'are fast supereeding all others.. • I hare Silo the new IRON CLAD I OItrEDUE.I. . Put pp twenty-five In a hot. FORM: CM:DLES, SCROLL. WHEELS, - FILLANOLILS. VERTICAL WHEELS, SgYPESTi, FLUME.% POTS, cui.ustno FIRES. ' 7 FIRE CUM.:ERRS, 311\E 7 4 OF STALL, AND SIEErENrs, Ac L. D. DIINEMET'r, Candy Manufacturer, No.: 207 LIBERTY STR E ET Je6:•61:711 ON TIIITIISDAY, MAY 30TII, M. SIMON, • (SUCCE , .IOII TO 11. 011IENHAIAME.) No, 68 Market St, Between 3d and fib Mtn,ets. WILL OMER THE GREATEST BARGA7S, 1.1 SILK SUMS & KHIOS, Circulars And.all kinds or 1: • CLOTHSACQIJES .3 All of winch wa; Just received. Callan., secure bargalne the cholc. at goodsLiu gone. Particular allentton paid to order.; IVlVlnAll A 4N.l7o:o r enn tg. " 47.V .. 211,71.0.1 • HERBST ORDINARY, DINING, LUNCH,'COFFEE IND ICE CREIM ROOMS, EON LADIES AND GENTLES EH, NO. 64 Fourth St. LIVENING LUNCHES eereed front 6 toll S. 61. DINNER served from 11 to 0. ngl elnue nner. dah, -- 11 0 .0 0 for twelve, or 60 gel.. 4a Di Particular attention desiring he want. of ladle. and gentlemen A comfortable meal. the enjoyment of a good dish of mean, on rgn ' lll2l: famine., t u irth ' a " rro n titA!:. * it " L t e h l; residenith. or elsewhere, with the belief 'WEDDING. POUND ,'PONGE OASES With the, of .Basket and Panty Ices. Meringue n rice N.., .nmis'oed wheel. aril pub .o .furware. Cutfery, Glassware and _,:._ldnelf for hire. je,ate SUMMER STOCK OF, DOTS' YOVTIIS , and CHILDREN'S ar,,Opix = A tArAc avilcomplece. Aagortmenl 01 FOREIGN and (assimere, Flannel S Linen Suits, From the hest Eastern houses. All the yew and Vt,,ltrlPlLlt.'a!,`,,ZT;',Vi and "rl"cz• No. 47 St. Clair St GRAY ds LOGAN S . S. BRIEL'V, DaUKER BONDS, STOOKS, AND REAL ESTATE, Apollo Building, Fourth Street. ‘i • Porchases ind sons on commission BAILRAL 60TBBSIBSP liD ITMCIPAL IONIS; Railway, Insurance, Mining & other Stocki. Orders executed at the N York. Philadel phia and Boston Stock Hoards by the regular rates of Commission correht In those cities. nr*L. DISSOLUTION. THE PARTSERSIIIP HEEE totore entstion between UEO. A. KELLY and RUBY. R. I bji ItittAtin, In the Wholesale Drug Uuleem!So. r wool street,Pittabergh, has this day beta dissolved by mutual ettesent, KURT. H. SbaD/OE/DM ritielng ham the gnu. The business be Continued by UEOEUE S. KELLY. Km. A. KELLY, BORT. M. S 1 O/JURA:3S. i'lltsburgb, May 30tb1 . 1.7. my36rs.ll GEORGE A. KELLY, 'Wholesale Druggistr 37 irood Street, • i(lNthealte the St. Caterlea hotel,) • Dealer In I/ LTUN (MR itICALN. PATENT iIkINCINFeEktFIIMEMLICS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE SIVE •, •e. ProprlctOr Dr. SAUGENT's celebrated Family Medicines, LIVEN PILLS, eriUtill SYRUP. CHOLERA CARE. triyal LEDGER.% JOUILIALS; Invoice, Cash and Dray Books; scRAr, COPYIS6, UOCE ET, MINUTE, TIRE, DRAT, NOTE, ORDER, COPT, And MENUEAN DUkt Mi. C= o. c) 32r. El, 1 . FOR SALE DT W. S. HAVEN, Cor.WOod & Third Ste: Je.Sl • . . BAH. SNAKE & BUETTLEB, • Pueceaeors to WA.MMUINN A HAM, No. 3T St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. Pianos,. Organs, And Males' Good, Amway. sareote /Wants for the Celebrated REAMED RE, New York, and OCrIONALIKZE A Cti. Philadelphia, PLANIM. Also, _ESTEE A vol.' •• OOTTAtiE,•• aid D. A U. W. ARITA% •• AMERIOAII'• OE. 13ANS. andTILTUN'd PATENT UDITAR. The Not aid German Violin arid Mil lar Stein. nlwaVs nn harm. 417:11. 1. 1 1 A1it...1. ISOWIRS. 1. MORRISON, HIRE' & ' Mama footartio of all kind. of . BOOK AND PRINT PAPER. OSUri promptly flllott. - /Attn... SPAII64I 41.1. L.. • (Mr cicknty. Penns. fra'•lfilthett cub mine paid for moo._ .1011,1 Ref. .1011:( ILTAISIX..•.JOIIIt u. HOTTS. PITTSBURGH Eine commit. JOHN lioss & co., No. 23 Wood St. Pittsburgh, Pa;, Nanulleturprs of LAMPS, LAMP BASES;iHIMiIEYS, LANTERNS, ETC Limn, dlalera in everything pertaining to th e Trade TUIDILKInt. TAI RA WARM, WINDOW oL,And. and everything In tba tiler. Line. MALT! MALT! MALT! 1,000 Dthitt. AiIIOICL BARib Y MALT. /ch. bale b 7 .11221 Milt !LEA. Jr.. layllaid MO Liberty lit:, fool l ot Barcalli the Ileniteg Roue., of 11 3,11NLY, 3101M.1.71i d CO JUST OPENED, I= All the NoveWee of the Season, damn u h only found In • First-Class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. LaAnta G l ie,at Reduction in Prices, SECOND ARRIVAL Spring Goods, Fresh from the Importers, Which will balsamic up witteicitre and dispatch Wad at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES OWEN BYRNE, Merchant Tailor, NO. 14 WYLIE . ST., DLit ASIILAtiII HALL ap2O:x7J:TTS W. HESPENHEIDE, Merchant Tailor, No. 50 ST. CLAIR STREET. Just received, second arrival of NEW SPRINIS GOODS, /all late and new stale hat tenni rot no in the latest Sulam styles. layout. BOX 8 , CLOTHING. Metropolitan, • Garibaldi, Grant, 'MENET AND CUTAWAY SUITS, ALL SIZES LID 01 100 DEVISE YEBED:3, ♦ large and complete assortment now on band. GRAY & LOGAN, I. lIMIRY CAPPELL. Blerctant TAILOR, and dealer la • Gentlemen's ,Farnishing • Goods, 14. SW ITUFIELD STIALET. Three door below Sloth, PaTITIM6I7I7. PA. All the st Sprlne and Summer styles of Cloth.. easslmetet and V.stless on hand. and made up to the most faablostable 071 e. at the lowa.. price.. my 10214: PLUMBING. GAS FITTING L. f'• BEERKLE EVILLER, • PLUMBERS, • GIS IND STEAM FITTERS Beer and Ale Pumps, all kinds of Beer and Ale Cocks. Hydrantm„_ Pump, nlots. Wash Irtr.nda, Bath To , (Inui Hume, atarb!e Ware, le, 2130 Ohio 1131treet, Ike Mena Yam t Lane sr., ChMll,lt St.) • ALLEIJIZEMY CITY. PA. Houser fitted up With Has and Water •t abort n 2‘2±4.c_F2 Jelltani ago. c. arApticals JAIL avazzoico. SPANGLER. & BRADFORD, P.1.1180.1"208T-• • Plumbers and Gas Fitters, -- Jr0.47 Ohio St., • ALLEonsary QTY. Houses fitted op with W•TIII, sad ST l F LArers;:lre= c 24 4 l7gt " c:;13 try Ircork- II 61% and ALL r1.11..Pi. Paco. style. lo)17:sikl JOBS BUB. JOBS B. COOPER & CO., • BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, 31AntiAtetarers of KM'. AND BILASAWORK, fo r f u tZYSLc,liv i t i n A : u, dtllLev i g a. DAS I , LX. Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURCH, PA. 1ny15:230 coLL, maLizas,, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, OAS AND STEAM FITTERS, No. 1311313 M 2 03C1.12. 111311knooi, PITTISBURGII. PA. Clatern and WeW rumps plait kind.. louses fitted up with Uas and Water. In the most up pro•ed style, by experienced wortmeu. Bpecial 1tt0111.102 paid to country work. lryss . P. L. rerwOOI , ..IIXI.SON JOlres. _J. m.cArrxrr. .11 . 1VOOD & 111'CIFFREY, • BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND DAS FITTERS, Cor. of 3rd add Liberty Streets; A Llgi C ZTatu S a d =l:::4Cm b igl n pt to order. ntirltr,rrT i Ugg== r l I , do ~g tteerB . =A KUL . de. Agents for A. S. Cameron Ar. Co.'s STEAM PUMPS A,N. • BLOWER ENGINES, • Tbe. romps have nmertor adrootorresorer all Patton. sad every ono Is 'corral:44dt° ere sotto , Patton. Paemot 00.1•11li,M1 band. reltano • umut'r..- • JOANION lIERLERT & JOILNSON, I:OIrI L 4I . 4 OI • XCI.EL.X.• Plumbers, Gas and Gream:Pitters, Firm smart iaTzaislom. Pii rT llll3 Tr.Eit.C3-33. IPak. ill Orders by ...XII executed eallsfettortly and . P rgrltgr 'de' nral l . Tabs, Pam , Basin. Water etdrrtllnlta. Cbandellers."Pendanta, and Um dilates for stint the moat reasonable • tied.n from eountrypatrone by bath PcumPt ly attended to. Gam Boat of every descrlotton. GAS F.IXTITRES. PEST ANSURTMENT Vl • CHANDELIERS, Store Pendants, Brackets, &c., AT JOHN M. TATEM, ; 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh; and 149 Federal Street. Allegheny. Imr:A•lrnorru-nan BAILIFF, BROWN & CO SCI a. CD D•oclersillat.• cirr. P 4., punonetus, GAS AND STEAD PIPE ITTBRS, keep •DrAys on .bend .• Brno wort:ma 'of HYDRANTS, SMELT LEAD, LEAL/PIM. BLTII TUBB..WAIIII BA SINS, MOW AND BRA.TIS cucia. Add .11. m. roo or fl uo r by public or priests balding. nleb HAS. ,WATIBor bTEAN. lankree LYON, Sealer ok Weighti and Measures., Ns. a ?mama errkagT; Llpaiy, uld rem streets, attotitled to.' • JOHN PECK( .91MN4BIENTAL rouriej.:l9ll.lM r i g ea NMI R 11214.11. 1:7.7, 0:711=4 Canard Bracelets Be. 1. • "..". paella cue "11l be' AIM r 4 tbe .di. wswegt e valuer. gestic:seals kathcattßSZlMlS A SALESMAN W,4.STED, A Becond-Hand Engine, Tare), to Bitten Inch 0•11n.let. oath a double doe holler. of authclent apathy. and In good condltlon. ' B. 11cLAIN A CO.. Jet • IV. Eon rib WANTED, BONDS ARID MOiTIiAIIES. M. imazprw - ir. Broker and Rest Howe Age t. No. GI 5H , 711 rim .0 STRAKT. torNoto CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, &co. NEW CARPET STORE, 7 - 1 FRESH ARRIVAL OF CARPE'l'}9y I= Tapestry Brussels, Body Brussels, . .8-Ply and 2-Ply. Tapestry Ingrains. A Pr!! Lite ,rf Straw Mattinew, MEI= tb t:' - .v L '=,;:.,:'!.',',.:;.: 4 ,,,?:',,, •Zr',4' IBOVARD. ROSE & CO., 21 YLITEI EMILLET, (zetond Boor.)' Itl,74:lEwT oycr latcs • nauv. HAVE REM-dVED. HTALLIJH BROTHERS, =Mou Have 524 now open at their Teri shiont and eon. NO. 51 Fifth Street, ••, - ,:n",,, all nessand.deatrable patterns MEDALLION VELVETS. Velvets, Brussels, T4PESTEr ,lIRUSSELS, ♦ large and Choice assortment of Piano and Table Covere, . . 10011711 COPIES, lOSIIC If 9 AND tilt 01.1.13a1sme - THERE PLY AND WO PLY Irt,gra,ins, And every variety of low priced Carpeting SEcCAL.LIIM BROTHERS, 3691.1%.13. Mt"- a, ca. Inbao CsittPETs. • OLIVER 31'CLINTOCIL & COMPANY, siv:z JUST OPENED 1 - I FOl . the Spring Trade, Theta!lldeadld Aasottatect of NEW CARPETS, 011 Cloths; Shades, fie. , I Attention Is called to our tine atoaa of IILBIOIDIIIB SOLI LSD mu . cones .rent Decline in Prices. . I 28 ml.t* iirrxtaarx. • nth FESIBILTARY, 1E367. WE OPEN TO-DAY, our new Mot of dx. ir Comprising the . Beaeraete ins [nankin ingrates, Three Ply and Eng lish, Tapestry Brussels, • white, we now Offer at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the lowest Once. Once the war. McFAIiIJAND & .COLLINS, Noe. 71 and 7$ Fifth SeTeet. • &mull Floor, over Henryldlner`e Book Store • hI9,VITI: HATS, CAPS, &(4- STRAW GOODS, FOR Sti3I3IER'SALES ALL THE NEW STYLE 'OATS, YOU SALE CHEAP, AT McCORD & 1.8 1 ,4 7 c) . 181 12174.›,c•c1. MitiNciet. HATS I HATS I w.r.mussar °vents main.. GRAIIAM..Bs BYRNE O ' At No. b 2 St. Clair Street," Have one of the very best retail stocks. eE lIATA, CAPS AND .STDA7,I4 GOON Y very a . :ention elven to re•,anu n nt. exela ipr slvoin aP1,1.3 TOBACCO, CIGARS, &o. e1ti417,8 1 CIGARS 1 7- Onelffillion Cigars, on band and tot sac at R. & JENKINSON'S. No. M 1 PEDEUAL In maws JOHN' - Tobacco, Banff and Cigars, 4143 33-ELia3:37 113.7.1EVEM17.•:, CLULNet WAHElllogysig. EMI= RICUID BREED & 403FiLT]7P./3. No. 100 . Wood Sircet. IL W A rrittPni°,44l72l atilDdt- E"YaTiCHINA CHINA mirPCl44 gherL 0033 0033. f. pee.ription Ei t t i tirD W lttralr.'" f an varieties. to IN"Hill 7"dle efllT i teVea • 'peaier7 :TtiLtEltilliZMT " ter. pr l' lcea and lemma the who sato the •• due. SHF_PHAR&S, CRIICEEPas 317 Liberty: '.treat, ...prim/mg:GE, =Pr 1. F. PI: Q 8 • J ub strew. betwee n - 1 renewer ems camithew s afr o linwitith bid Bonier lab sdwarii. Inne rse i d . . or d.r.runt.