The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 13, 1867, Image 1
THE DAILY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED •167.0.1 t moulasu. (Srflnrs . . PENNIMAN, REED & CO., 3-: ropriotora, tr.R. I , ,r2tiVA, r , T. TiZoT,I•.I:ON.; ..11,P1•17 NINO. • Orrice. GAZETTE BUILDINi Nam. SI .ILXD SO FEFEII STREET. i [elfin; geßoblitie rs2er of Tester: PIIIIIIIVAIII. I row, PAPER OP PITTEMIROH LTD • ALLEGHENY CITY. • t d AIIII %AT. CHEAPEST and lITST FAMILY I ' a COMMERCIAL rArEli In the Mete. rilloh Or rltr. DAILY: ri:II I :e "P 4 AI - I par wee i„g T ~ ~ Nall robse/aue:e " :;e7 4 year Aot/. ' Alfaress, . GAZETTF.,', . • PI IMIBURI4M, rnem A,- '"tv'ffsbingh FIRST EDITION. StOND MINN _______ - -- - _ THE KNIGHTS. TEMPLAR. 1 Snob att exigency' none were found to de- roman] and preventing the newly elcoted • fend the•rlght. Greed Commentler said : Right Eminent $ . • The first aim and only object of Knights I have the • honor to present you the Dry el Aead• ' Templar in their origin was to protect Knight who.. been elected to - FOURTH PAC/E.-TM ful4est mut new cr. ' Th. P.1....k.1-8..... .. VefTwe..... iii : 1 _ . ..7..1•7 . 0.....!...._.:Tnff ~ thenezne_pileerLit o thet t r o ju o u r ezei, „ ba4. ciMwere dune. the eneeing year. "obi. Mance, IV and Produce Merem ... . porto grog ", by oog „ rot , ro reg ogg, wa r b, 'it . 0 r ',,,..;47,Z . ,,r jr ,...7z....... - - - ... ..,.. arid 1 from tt a .t J Ini t.raml Commander Pitcairn then a.skrel Yeeterday wae held In thM city the annual The Knight. dre w their sweetie and bottling Jeeoff . eer 'berth Athr. I Lo h a lc ll h ey th lt o,p th lo e o d ,, e p n ti g ,, e r ns i. :n4 r t, ,, D , fri ,.. e r u o lLt , e , Y , : ..t re Yon rent! y to ann... to the eathl" to touted the hen, of the saintiy virgin. , them horizontally signified then. readtness meeting for theelection of ellicerWte serve - -s--_-. •_ -. .. •„- -= -;-_- 1.: - . -, -:.= - • - To Allegheny Deader.. --- 7 - the ...log Year. or to. Nrand Commando • remise, upon the , , ttlitLt ,,, nalt;oz. ,tn a j tco no p u r i o o tezt , m , m 1.,: , , , i , r4 ! ti 0 n .. .... , ... 0 t..%• o i a , nl o o , f e, o4l7, i 7lOch we.. MI- IiUIIOPHN INTELI/IGENCE ' :. , • , FROM w...,,,.,. T0N .,,, id0e1tt,:n?,...,,,,,:n0,,,,,,,,,,,...„:r,,,,,,„r•rnni:,1". r ip , , p rzeo r n r ry t iv hi:; : e Knights Templar of the ni , o;y . b , e , t , t, salt% Jo r rAe i t . l i t .. 4 ., h d =t u T n itg.: ,n rh p uo ., •l ! 15,4 , T0f , : n f , K. , n; , . , 11 , t , 5 ,,r T,....t i tt , t24 i t 1 . ,70: n g, ... _______ .. ~,It Unable from all : e r • ."'' e sections of the State were In etten. nee ' :;,7 4 in li fl i t ri lgi: li ta i rpl i'i t7ll i r ii nt ° th i e i t. iig un i t ° l 'i ll ° , i'lnw"a , felthfully Alschnege the; earl°. dimes , legheny, and the placing of anew men on fn. grot „ et . • incembont upon the several Offices . ____ I ILII Telegraph a thW Pittsburgh G.otte. 1 le whirls yell have been elected; that you . route, Some Of este readers In that city were • WAIININOTON. June 12, 1%7. , met the entire Pi . ..cling@ were highly le. leg the pilgrim. through the passes amide- , , wll . l,ssupiort I , ttia . tneln tale the bmlawe of Emperor aod Empress of Franca to j , gg, , gg og oggaggsg _ gagg . g . 0 , ~,,,...„ not supplied with flip Gairre. , esterday. teresting and edifying. The • entail. for files of the mounteltis to the holy city. thl. Le et t lean /eel, an I the constllntiOn and i 'Visit Prdssia stud Ilus,ia. QV allinfle. Perpons mitoing tho 1 paper tiro reodlestml 1 • Thew tinned devotion ...1 valor, ann exer . otlit•ers was precieded *lth at tea o'clock In • elaval thole for the anfoty of pligrinia on " 111. ' s ' th. "reed Kn.memeet ol the : In the Cnmlual Court, in the Sutra. ease, to leave their nausea and address at our. ... . ,• t ( 4 , 1r1 , 72 , 1 i n .r g , ,. l o n , ft: i r a 0 . 0 .. ...0 i f r t n h e e I LI a t Ls I , :m r. T :. t li T e h l r e Tx; o t r o , t ., h , g t:X p l y I e n %;:te .a h T i e i. .„, , , this fortumati, „lodge Fisher, M • * lengthy Countlng Room. m i aow , -AG rand Cent - mender Pitcairn then Installed, _____ ..4- ' ' opinion, grantedahe Motion Of the United in DISIOlillBl PPAPOSPION COSSiDEBBP: ; SMI. AttOrneil and quashed the yof MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. In Masonle Ilail huiellug. The following ; MM. and veer. Themmontmerettle eon, ; niander eleelt. who. In Lure, Installed the - and mein, M. they maintain. their dn.. ' :11..t1-7111:'1.1rt.t.::er. form of epecch. the Co. Wllll Mil. they we. tin... svas munl• , MM.' . °M•mr..l.-.6 • t • ' Stalin Mho; wereeeleetyd us °fibers for the . Late (hand Prelete Drttm then offered a , jurors lle then discharged the present i -- ulna terns of:one year i febtosi in many e well tonight battle. ____ ; the 4th of July, i lei, bottmen S.a.e. the . I r b• /et thou.. nett loOf Tleerins, fonght nn hireent , prayer. end recited In concert with st I InrY•end orderMl twentywix talesman to WM...MB Ametthl /teenier of the ! 'in" o , ..,.., o • tt ,,,,,,, ii I , arge v r d t r ey . ° (..,„, , Ln o ci al , t. e n n o tn o c h e ,z . n . as i l Financial and 'Cominereial. ibe lien:molted In order to selett a new-1112n : lel" li"el"i bare'' ' . el 1."ee. " ...• i . ° ' °-- ' ' - • la. leremi. L, ft mehiese-breed Comm.. 'T. millers. which iteellimi for a time the .°•' '' P r. • -r. •• . ! The Court then adjourned. ' • I. • tie n ; - • The State Medical Sr/Meryl or Peeterylva. ' ' Wr • "i . '' i"6 , , CliatartaNlTY IN rre•N. , . lira. w0u0n000.0...1.00t,y unLoo c 0... p r'LL , ki ioxf o J r c o r o u oo salh o dn , , o t r b:tr.herm ,.. ,m o, ; .. t o nit to in u t o v o t, , L1 , 1 : :: :: 12 . 11 .,, 1ti , t n t0 , u ii.o .ol , l l: ... arte .u r n r . lert . t h lr e. e „ Db . x c: . ; The Teutpiant that were Dike° prisoners tthe Ma held Ma eighteenth annual meeting, In I ...elm, Ilarrl.burg tiry Telco - nth to ye plitsburen ria.adts.l ~. Rev. peel Bagley, 111 . 1 .erY to J pr0...11 by the urand Pre.ate. ' it RAS CE. "' le ' WWI. IMIL WoMi street, this mry, h t, 1 X. 11. thipklns-Grand nenerelletemn I were celled uptes to deny them Lord end Th. netted the • leettniatloe, 4 Ceremony Claim, Intlig de, Mtely addressed • note tit herr o . o r ook kootordoy t ~,, r„ir I p ea jo v . li t u o r, m an , ll l,: to . c . ho zo or lecci u: t h f r e . e tl h, 4zi n e , t:m n. i • wltteltdeeP l l Impr.sed all who were prem ...°I. A. ... ....:s T . .... 'lr.. Semetary Seward, referring to the artelont 'e'en . A Ur g . ' .l.' l i i i . 11 ° . WK.:an-Grand Captain none.% , Mehemet . their peon het; to a man they ent anth Ira isOlenth and itnpOsitag chante. • Ann I. lles.-I.A. number of delegates wore itt attendance, ' T I . : unrepealed edict making Chrlstlanly a ea., .t. TIIK lialtelne . . . : ' P.I.KIK, 'hum Id-it M reported that Nap. Mtlittni erre .0 te leflae, tO wblch AM ne repreeenting almost every county in the Ibm it. 11. Pennon-Grate, Prelate, 31sIl • refuaed, end were put to demi/. They tight • • Secretary I' W.Seward On June ith re Ited mesenr,,,,dilsi and nee. , leen and Eugenia Ostend to visit the Liar • • ' ' ~ imelplint. I men and trea.and die 11. tate.- , 1 7, r 1 . .t. elm. o'clock last evening the Sir lotta j, ,, t l 4 ,, o , s to ub . j.e . cf..h o se th atrayl n y p.. bee t. n . 00 0 y u o g r lg. ' . Knights formed nu Fifth ate.% In fmnt of end hing ni Pius., at their respective, ler 7.11 ° 0 IMP 4 - tn - e - tii - eal - t-a-le-nt-o-f rh r e ' en n t i fnt.7,\li cu,itit. s l. • iiiiiriiim-Lili'd Si'iol "la"- Lai‘- ' ll litik il r 7flower of the rebillte Or ELMO. na- 1 litmon le flail. end. head., DI . tne Great eapituls, curly the coming autumn. :neut. though the Society h. been in ems.... A liroarkui it ilMr-li rand Junior Ward., pired to wear Macro. and profess the vOws • Western Band. mmehed to City Hall, Where for over eighteen year., this It its 11.1 of Ulla order. r rUm banquet was held. After all were Tits MI A nean [NT enoros•vms. rIiaIeISILIIVS tinaltral .Poirra. • E W. t r. -.., Kerr-G rend Treasurer. Anti.. Ito. the Melory of Battle ob Acre, and it mated at the leble, Rey. Mr:Fulton. of III• P.m, June 12 .-Mentrio.-The prone.- Major General llowatM, Commander Of motithig west M the Alleitheny et nertieles Alfred Creigia-Graoki Becord, iv.. I tell.. tlet beine undaunted vans, , ' PeterN Chnthh, Invelmel a hi.... After the i reetimen•s Bureau. bite received the (Inn tor a simultaneous reducti. ef the , report of Brevet. Major General Gillett, As- The del... . they arrived, prescuted ington. , William de neanjen, tile 'Patient , lerand ; a hearty, If not healtby. ...talon ot the military establlehments of MI the great : natant Commer Mr 111.1.1pp1, detailing their credentials LO the Secretary...the -.Ye ~, 1 . , , , 1 . 7 1J-e. t s .,V erts--tiranil Standard Dearer, , . 11 finta r z , in g e i, T t izt= 1t .,, ..etir . 5.4 o verfill...o r !. • t r;• o l ,i t o lt w ix , " petaia= I r m i tp , / , .4 Inird , :r4 Enter/Me eOirote W Mneh talktal or here, f the operates. durttry tap.. ht the Seb- elsiatbdit, it. their names registered met Z 1.. Illeret-orand S wbolbearer. Greens- risen, and his military emu tied per egem i Roberta Chalk - lean of the tfoustrottese i Ihstriet of Grenada a number et Freed-' were / o Wed with iflkta f a Irel-i . Inn t 0 and it la tiald the project does not meet wlth ! men etarelorteu men:tine to the older to the s l a e go. ti Mee :as ' given% 1 • 1 •-• 10 - ; ' ,Set- - • I r t il t • p K van -urand Warden YO k I . heroism Was consplcuo. threughoul. the ' I. The Untrel Eneatope.nt of the United unfavorable reception M oflicial quarters. ; States. but they ere tulle counter- ety by the Allegheny Comity Medical sem- l '' '. l • ' li"." Th e t h. rte ...,,,,f r ry wee k o _ . ' , . . I . States; worthy of uur hotrume and alio ! ginner, - r. _____ o _ : balanced by those brought to blississield. city. The tueetlag waa then called to order retweritios. • . Pliatiog ad Mato. tia. and Meld. $ Responded to by 11. E. Slr, J. L. Bilitehln• The number of Freedmen in tLis Sub- ny Dr. James King, tate burgeon General of - After the restet tff the election was' an- • w il n .S. , y h ,, ,L o tt o t o •t . ho , 4lol , hel o fal of the gerrisen , eon. _ , - , . , • Plalt:Nala. : district Is .timated at 83,500, all of Whom Penney: v Mita. President of thu Amor tat len. nouncet% the Sir knights and MIS.. formed . he enemy 'seem, '2, The Gm. Commandery of l'ennsy lea FILCON LI eE,,,,,,.. or r mat we car. ' are at - work, Lad thremfotirths have an In- antt was opened with Drape 1., Rem 51, ~ , ' eta the tiret established on this confluent; the Imitator th de we terest in tee crop to benne.. No ...of w. Jae... D.O . of the Prest yt eh. '''''''''''''' ewe ii" el eleeneee..i°4 "le- . 1 , 11 , r 0 ek , " 1 IT fresh * v?arrr l ore (jot% " L n e ." ‘l n uVe Y 46% - f . luny . Mu t ma r t:4l9g ye r t g ril I r nere.e Ms .uf rtl• au . iv June I -Fern ay.-The second • 6 - • • - - extreme more... emo. the old, mck, or cher.. The Vlee . Prerldente. Mx ;it " nem. mated Ity a Lull brass.. movie' frern the I . ..non or the North t•inne. Paellement Infirm, COme to the knowledge of the Sub. 5 nor, were called for by the i•resnient, a.„, nail raronan a fen of thu prieclpal streets ; Thtrand Grand Mestere ' of the• Temple : " Irlp. 'n Mt , ro t:E. Sit% rret t il ' Creimit. tvlll commence next August in ch. mty. , A.lstent Ceearnissioner. No new .thool. came forward and took their souls, after of the city. Their anpOftraned was 11111/0./ 111111[11/t hospital fought side to. aide at the . 3. ° Tite Grand Clime.. el Pa.; In Masonry ' . . ___,_ ! have been opened, but tho3o 111 Grenada which the report of Commit.. of A... 0., , ..„,„ ~,, , „„, ~.„„,„„,„ ~. ~... ~ .. ~, I ...them Kitlglito. and rot o thee soc. and In Natirleat MILLY. we hare the Bei .- . 1 mei iloily aprini's are reported nouretnlng. manta was called for and reed L f ter a few l • fl g• -- '-- --'' ..- -- --•-• ''• 'lr - 5 .‘ .t.e . rti SPAIN. ; , 'fee disputation Of the white people very Rpm optima rernarks bv the lle ,r soei, a more respectable or thier haetlea-(. ,Ss U y res.. all the efforts of the et. • stone er the Arch. _ imtly of men together. Ea. was clad In ' mY. They engagml Imnd tor hanit (In the . Inept:intl. to by Slr Thomas Daeldga. ,- .5.8 TI.L.T To rAnts. . toward the blacks is changing slowly Mr man, Dr. Mowry welcomed tie. membe i - the better. Coutplatnt Ism.. In regard OW the Mato Scelety to Pittsbergo. ."t plane c .117 en dres, teberlng a white eesh ! tightl with them...and pr... loge the •II be bre. Lalite of Pennsylvania anti , 11....4, Jude 12.-The propostal vls. et 1 the elmelde.. a red ton 'Mout the I humble. of the Relators Into the thickest of her youngest daugOter; may our lately bap ,,the Lnenner in winch the State lama are the Qiletel tO Pal IS will be made during rexecuted, . being product". of injustice naretaT or emilllTTea. -I% mkt and pare. kaonle at the We. ..1 j the Matte. But a... Knight - fell bstet•alli tired sister be Worthy or her dMllngulahed { towurd the freedmen. Some few illUtterS The Committee of Arnunionientr subunt• „..,,, ,„ to w oo w et, ste t i eho o w oo wo re t ry I the keen scintitare of toe : tied-babe!. . -o- . • I have divided their land nt that ea. family WI the Offlowlng: t h r . st, Ktoghts mid eentmeetei hem with j e ere rone In reserve to fultmly his place. ~ I.e.pon ted MIN, Brother Wilson McCann , , while the vest hordes of the Infidel pressed 1, 7.. FINANCIAL AN II s • oll3lititelAlb. :nr Unlid.iii. morh hY. themththe. ..4053 The Morning semitone of this SM.. shell P...... , ” ....Onted by the talicent. See . , having a 'cabin aud nesters. .a i littent L05e1....1.43 12.-Erenied.-Ctinsols cies- ,- e , i e - • be from OIS to 1 2 •, i• •. u.. and the em.,,, e . eon memo... ellk 'mum,. were cermed. ' ott a Ith ebtirlng emerge nod pernmennme .s. . Lbrand_Lemmandery en n ghts „„ , t Lei, w t the privilege of rant. poultry. emulous from I to 6 ...Irk .• It , for Thur.: bee.. mold.. and mettm. Peculiar te ' The Marshal of the Ihnottal full covered . • ? .. f....... y r i le t e e r7 i tz: , fl ,o um . e n r y icul eo l i v ps ttlijo ,, na rm pl o af t el . Matt , 5 . 3 .5. 7 • 1 1 thitte. Central. . 5 -Mat . .pork.fte. for theamelves, Pious., wade h od j dayenti Feld., and the delegates Will at- ....My. About. three hundred joined In !MO wetted.. . meels are deemed them and they ace to I teed the banquet, given lir the Allegheny '' .. P ll. "‘" Aew ''' r K "'"' . ' her .. N..'" The Grand blaster or the Term. was • and supported by a park fsf needle guns. Itmostr.t., June 12, -4 f teeing.- Cotton it•epondml to by IL E. ttlr Thomas I. I ,euctilve the crop rale...This consideration County him:heel Society thls $ imer t ie • d o ii , act. asl'hief Marshal moil W. .elstfid try $ also Fermium down by the darte and arrow. ' Couraln. elcmed with .bet simot imoromweent. anti • ,will doubt... be prallten. of thellt and eroningl at eight o'clock. * 'sir Ituights 11. XL Wett mai CapL.W. D. aid- I °l th e . ...I. ranter mere sell - qty;rtatltlllog uplands 111.4 1 tette " t . treek teem The Committee of A ream...els wile koOl• , Thren hundred Template, the ( mole . eurvi. w Tne Enighte.of Ohio; treriandtruety as 12 IINe; Orleans. lINeZ sal. lee. bales.. ln the eubmtnrlct . of COririth affairs are went altos committee on credentials. re. ere. IlLikr•LLATioa. ! vors ef theli tilustnous order In Acre were • Um. who followed GalfreY. C.d. Leo. Breseisteffs quiet. Lorn closml at a decline I reported in anything but a proMblink con- port. the following named gentlete. a.. Previone tt I • ' I P t o ~, „ r „,„, or rho prooo , o , ion ,no w left Monet° witlmtand Me shock of the am agine.s. trral; tulles MIX. weatern at Pm MI. Wheat, o he, - et, oirtng .oartly to the failure of the delegates to the Association • at the cemanmlinus Academy of 01.50 vlelorious army. in a Mose sad compact Responded to by Slr K. Jetzt. 'lettere, of hurley, oeta and pea. unchenged. Provision 'Cann. A. 11. Gra., Wel. F. II nos •I . c1e . 105 , 1 55 5 . m tierS .5 the iftvit;• 1 market Irregular. Pork declined tolds per last year's crop The seol, o 00 ,-,,, 0g 0 0 00 , 0 ,, Alle,beny-1.1. T. Coney, M. It. Trevor every teat lia,l been .km 3 ift the dress em: cm emu they fought their way, ....pealed Steu . ..llle. I seem to be dlecOu ed and nunseru. ae• 'I. , M bol. for ern. eastern mesa Beef steadm : pneattims are made tor .stst.ce • Tito L. blliter,W. IL 'telethon 1. M. Pole •• t I te• n i l ' i entl mes The ..... hr sereral hund Ltd Christian eigltteub t 0,.; 7. fhe order in Maryland. We continue .. ~r,.,; ; I , th., leMple, and elm tune tile...gut., tboy , to enjoy lot princely hospitality us u .- ..sprit. extra me. at 10. MI. Lard ad ,,, , : district le infested by . orgeolsed no - ries of A. Woods. 0. N. Rankin. ' - '4. . i! ' -e ' s I . ...t.e i rv il eti to; tit ' s. itmereeit i t,i i into i o i r th s e , mt;P" ''''' '''""c" " 10 " " , .. o . l it ft.. i ligh " ° '.r emor y , n vanced to .50s .Id. Bacon higher, " Wce. . .• I aelperathms, calling teennaelv. toe .Simid lierlM-D. L. Beaver, A. 11. Wein.. • I .:, t e n t h to • wh o o tott , ...tho rn , at t h e ir on 1 nen...llene red.tartee obtained from , z. TetePeMnee : - 00 Of the fOur Carel fla per met, for Cumberland cut muddles. • Owl Crowd." Thieving, herseethallog and Beever-1 1 . M. Linenhink, O. L. l. enema- . ihra in and' IrsoC them mentions. Tee re. ; the Sultan the Proud. of a free end.honor. : eat virtue.. tallititt. at the threshoel ol Me. Cheese lower; ...American Ma per cwt : murder seem to be their ocsupatlon. The ham, D Stanton. , - - ! hole retreet.,When the Red Cross Entente. , tnay the evenlniea ....sent, 111- tiri lig tin.. and these. newly Meet. and ! oe, lea tb tn 1 • a I • ~1 from tbelr lento. on the taint of thin ; ww. ~.• w e Oth o , v . 5 v -, ;,...-, , ,-...- , ....,•,-..,,b,,.., • ~.,,t ho d„,,„,,, m• , treatment et freedmen by the , Illair-Uraw toed Irwin. , about to le. Inducted Into office s ,' were es , quoted . . 3.1. Cd . ! generally }eel and fair. Repoit.ava the po- I linefferd-Geo. F. horton, K P. Allen, E. : rtkned to elottrr on I 1,0 •tains. arratonid in a ,"".1..p.-"" "e' k.l..l.wth ' ! " 1 4u4:lny r t,,'l„,n,s, .E -,„.;,7,-;-'7„;,,-, -,4‘..,'„,t1'; of ; 1 ' m ... , .15." th-AImMSO.-6.1 . 1.1.1 .. 4• • : called Colon men are neither numerous nor • i ll M... j ...,,,,, oirrojo ,. t 0,... tee toe , „ mot ~,t e. : Men., el the Mummies. hosts; they fr. : .• r , org , go r • , Linseed tol tolvanced to 43 pounds t P.r • I MI ! leffuentiul. They express theme... to.; 1.e.-Peter C. Shlve, J ‘.. Mentes, N. t, : menden% M. A. Pitcamn, Esq., me tt ut eg $ patiently rene wet] the contest. and inOst of , our 1 an• pe. .. _ other articled unchanged. 4 leeml • Linderman. : tee center. ; then number were Male .On the spat The $ Itimpontled to by IMv. L. b. K. Dot in. r . ,, , ,,,,,n,. j‘,4. , -A . , , , , , , , „ . s. 1 suit the s.lety in which they are p . j . , ! taw who.. nt forced a oasss' e tr - •.... ' le. The Neigh. Tem Mar a word; and the .. ; A disp.ition on the part of Civil Courts to 1 Butler-Am. Leal, W. it. Coml., A. 31. l A very ereedlent Übe Club ot alnoilauce ! ~, ,„ ~/. r- g -.... .... ! .1 ohiol • d d torela 7lsl. I treat the freedmen gaudy le mantleeted. j NeYmeo. ! chem. all Mile or prat. to the Altelgisty, 1 •••.".."°'°.e Ila., den into the Mtenor quid... atvr c it min owe . .. : po •leti to try E w IL Turner. AaTieetti., J one 11.-/ - int; rm.-v. t roleUM : , , , Tue repert from the officer an (Marge of , tMoster-Wlluser Worthington. : o togi , woo ... tou t poet , ~,. tt0: ,„„ 0 „,..„. i . Of the country, atm aeon 1 here resealed the t i l i' T ii 1 nisei th C mita. and the : tthlrand unchanged. ' the Subailstriet or C01n... mates thy, tt, CM:len-John P. Norte., Jas. Ito.. :et e Bradbury pla ..... wider the mardpula- $ 7:e.:i.,e,°,!„e„„lte"X„ed=othit'ihtlieriYeiolowero"eehreein Stitiaro- be inv i aluithie.l; l earu n ments - to those „ • i • freedmen are working well. and the mope Cambeta-Jehn Lowman. • t ten of a elev•r peomst, atter which au elk,- . ; 0e ,„;;,, --- • -- • • . • .. lino woohl mdel the templeet life irk Enemy - j are prOultsing. Cutriburlan.l-Itiew•rt Short „1. stewnrt s • - .1.0,..l at-toeal to the Throne of Gm. wt. ' ''' •-•!' .. "-'• FROM NEW YORK. • 1 i • • T. sone •plelt was man flouted try De ; . 5 • 1 sYmmeterY. VICE PEESIDENT WADE, at Lawrence, I j TlmStab-Commltutioner at. Natchez reporte E. IL Brant, thoree W. Balthus., IN nil., . dell...met ny Rev, J. IL Drum, imund l'ree ' - • . , • I bin.Y. one of Ute brand Mester., In. after ; Itmeonded .bY 11.. E. W 14. IL Oettlson • , ,MO number of freedmen In his 'Omelet at , nankin. : isie, 01 11101 /ttl./bO,/t/ l'l , KlittialS, Ulnae a speech containing some t , e, ' •---: --- - •• t ahem I•he ...eta for leff are van ..- 1n ! t :raw ford-I. W. Gr., tf. W. Barr, Win. ' brand tomutwolarrecairts, et the cenelty I •Telegraph to the 1 tottsreb Imiette , year., who, with three et' the eeter ellymi. 1 11. Fraternel interceente, untamed. suel , • . _ mr i. of the order end fit ty.tom tor. ! tintm.real. them chat ecter Some are to reeelVe wages ' Citneeh• 1111etalICCS Which It Will he useful to note. 1 Nen yeee, no t e W., ices, . , , ! .im• of the Prelate's ertmer, .M 1 .4 ...• kof Oki s 4 red t n• I "Is t k ! Responded to E. S PO. Jim. Ey . .. . . Mluere a Ohara or the Mops. 1 D•uphtn--11. O. iltrhotr. John Colra on. t I Ward. and te e f•rief rummer Introduced to ' '' ' ii " ' e " ". ° ii• I I 1.1. eu ! net. • lthout caste a - "Ile declared unminlvocally in .favor I , oilker CoNOMIT SCite aIIIteSTKII. ln laz. distr. coneldereble treat. ex. lef Finley. tv. N. umber., y . o ~,,,or . $ te ,, t 0,,„,,, yor h,„ w e t , h. , Irtetety r e et . A emelt that teeth. not to done... An ! d., mo It --.. sm. 1 e o pi h m, petrielMin ... Ithout party, e religlon,with• •of female suffrage, renew - Ink views ex- t A. A. Kelley, manager and 'proprietor of ists u o tu r, tg o planters . % I:ie bo twa o rtgAk o f:r : i It A. Martin, II 0 .14 omen, . Indiana-lemon Meilen Iteletrt Barr. • i .. ° • I rel Of ' . , a' 1111.111,, LC . It II 1 5 .1 0 lir [ld , ' nye wane. of the conduct of the Tem r ~,,, t • ,,,,,t, ..,1,•,,, - ,t. 0. - „Z; c •, . le tbe 1114., tells . they were low., fere. ' Imo. mot. pregaed te the seem, lest , spit: T. Be I Kenct 's Great North American Gin Con. J. e ta .t • L eTtd .no we ' rl:Tml'AL dotte r , tee plan. 1 Ertr-r• K• bun., 1 L ' Stewert. : ' t.t i :im i ,irer, i t , Gy, t0 . ,,;;:, - ,::;,„,ai,;;;;...irgi',;. ..t m tho a.m. and the Met onabe retreet ! !lestem l l . ...l. ri n e M. : lllekle. . declared that neither Johnson nor the cert. scheme, irtL. ttrre_g WI, morning, ter.. meoY intatmes ge. Ulu freedmen , Lancaster-4. IL liioV4l. (:. J . /1111 , 1`11., A. , style of ore., the mimeo. beautiful/. ' - thwt Mee Prmeeded tro battle with tho tl e. , T?lrik. rt . 7..trf1 , ,1t . F . 2. ,0_..i . 1 . 1 1te11 c r , 4117; devil could Mmtit - e - tagress to desert the i charged with swindling. - pr... to go and got work elsewhere .3 . Ilerr, J... Atha A. 11. Witmer, 11. lanai, I new, u hi. w V I.llltabOt I" lull In .quies. until the water subetded, and tunny volt Luserne-J. It Crew ford. . greaten. order. silievejand el , Tuntspectem. j 11,T005 t ,,,l, • ,.. o r n r m to T to ,V o r e t" . ..'“m • ' ,ICII tO the Untratail deetre ot. Mumma at-,, ': • .. I.1.11 / . J ..A. “ I th... . ...'• " I th"th . • people; Laid that the Southerners now) ....'"" ... m... '."-"" "''' ''''''''. not return. ' Montgemery-J Cr 11.1, D. Score., In. ' teudancy. Pm • ded t n •So Mr IL IL Melielin. . nester. O lien the signet te taiga. had • • P , li o Y I e I y ... h ie en hy too, c.h,r,.„4 tha tr,,,,,,,.. Tlos of the mom brilliant. affatre • had the mi:dest terms offered them they I ancke was ar.sted On A German named K During ram Larson the month complaints Isere made • , . , .4 Annltes ' of the order mounded to the charge, then. I. ttev s mmer wltue.M. end dld cmldlt to I the sleattethtp America. Dom Bremen, on b freedmen that then nnearms have been ! Northampton-P. It. Mein. Trent bre.. ' , ever wouhrget; and that if they n•Jeeted i weiee h e t ee, he, me x try wer e mishermer o , t . hoe g hr , e or , ggo go ga , gggoo , o : p og ,. g ., E . ,,,, ger. , m nlencr mit lessen Metz. Will4n elin. th, hajng th, prover of parbl, wNon thoso who project.. it. •There were Seated them the screw would!be driven another ratan:ea wlth neroetrutios swlnalos, whin' j.:feret " o7:,,; regtet. l tion, following welch ' lalliedeleltie-A5 G. B. Melt le. A. A.m. : :um. mehyurce of . Memory. I erlso L.. ! not., nen nob., DOmine, emi timer. tee 'at the tel. teem,. frier heel nye Oundred • Surn, and they would be con paled tO , of Collector under the holding the imsition . will be the selection of minable., for the , err, J. tummomer, . t. • .t 4 t ,m• v the order of 00, commauder. yet It la ,lo olorterit." nod pl.lng their lances In tor... •• I. .'ne• ••• •.• tom- , witimitM,lt net. I ewer upon the a ork cow- : rem they eith 0 It 0 y 5 li COnolt-To li 6 INKTITILTED. • , , Gerernment of the I rm. of Lippe, LO the c0ae0 h ,,,,,, Th., fj,,,,1m 0u t u. /. , remktek nibs. 11. LC.As 1, IL. J. It neli-on. I_, .. . , er rt. t e enem a nevor . yield. The ¬es' ado/ that the MOO- amOtmit of twenty thOusauti Prumlan tha - d or anxiously to MM. an gen ly ~ L..... , ~, ,gor: ~,.: ri: ~, ,,,...4. „L os tr 0,.., ~: t . , ant. to my hued*, surrounded as lam . dia . . .„. ...„, , The bleCtintiless is.. MA. T.. 11,• will be lor ve matoy Ong t and lemered Keighta. I A., et , --re oft.. Intermt in, and dee.. I Instituted ter Ito tirand Lodge, at Lew . ..1 . cmotAer street/le Wall cd . . CC tig; Mat le.. 'LW, 1.00 ..tse," ...halt the armed to ee governed by opinions by white men Lamb Cong.., trAleh has doye so Medi fur Mr he ex- _ ... D.:gots, woe by that.. zeal. energy, Inwill-. they to elle/I Other. let Insi give you hut one J reneeollfe, ...lay. wets mu'. wse yeeMeml Per cable.. T from two North. Ile concluded by retying !se h.y lolll-o ..e'. .• Lai r peoler. 5 . 5 " - I - m, nee, and aI4I do mare labors.. have alt. of the mat. rules by welch they were gov- ' ' • anon waedelay mi to ewe. proofs. the minium of too motes towards thy ' . , Brown. ~ eta, eannot quietly rtyard (he ferriltlel ". ...i . , , , , ..0 um. lemer upou our auno.Js. BIM 1 re- ern.: • . ' .. , t \ unc,, N:LeTil riallOGIT freedulte liar greatly improved. But telt . Suseetheene_..n. . Edel r d„ , ! i ember, kin.. Mrs. another•le ' aeon $ Atom MI MM. a nteet ...Mi... is ' CumbeMand Preebyterian Church, &Miami. trAleit C. 608 between the taborer ~, e • t y e i t t outrage. we. reoorted. and tea. promet. We....r.M. A --6 ` .. .11 Hl '' . .• .- W -.I " ' flitell ) oil here taught a lilt Wonted:l eartE- ,to Le. hems,. ' ' Waesseeennr. . respect 111, ontli rag.. was meet .1 upon sick brother.; an•l let , and qMptoyer. Property is not fairly di - ', Mita thornlpg Oy en leteentliePv. Loss. $15.00M ly corrected by, the civil autherittea ' welt, James bleConaughey l. ll...vermeil, ' t i , ' t i o rt. e John McNeil. ' 1 e5t..... ett• • tet 5 te. P.c ~ ,e mil.. , their mom. be attend.' to as though Chriet , This church has been mann tor sometime' tided, and a more einal di.strib talon most t•anctisitylfisorcd. . ilia et...Loran CASs. Wu...ton-T. 11. PlNNips, lobe 1: • la e, churl:) . ei .011ra luelay. 1 . . i .,.„, „ „.„ „,„„,./„, ~..j it„ ,.. . 0„....t, himself wes the sufferer, bearing tn, mind . one of Mason a Hamlin's Organn and hew •be wrought out. u your • dull hnots, he , . etre eCe ...via. Junco Lander, couneel In t. ...Of Con- • Wine, a ith the site on a Well tho Tnnspin iir sahs ~ , ,r ra . momx ma . the blew,. wenn of the gtatrel, 1 0 , , siek Those Are Indetid mob- aan swere the per.. 14 well expresaed in over cOrit MUM Of per) Ury In the Criminal as. Ovrtelo listre.•res-Willtant itl A, k ~.. , ~ . .. said, can't understand this, the MOM. I . The greeter portion of the fur. stolen , • /11011. 4// cree io. . is ...I to ham twee retry alio pmimmly to be fostered'. for by toe following letter Dem tee {moor. II•Y mt. 111,1C111.e1l LO Judge 011 ti an aMtlaelt • son, Phlimteletats Per:lumen: 'Sec-rote, 1 from Opp... haie beee rec... et ...o • own. Ili Cl.lUmon by two mothers, one of epee Is eed eine, e. heavenly remml. trill, and canvassers upon the eve of an r i t - ti n the reamer,. me of a motion W tlllam Ilityburr, ' Moindeifstew T, t MO Ida,. u here the burglars, sted them. P I • whom e e d e tam. h , the miler had none tairimi,,,, rt,,, , h , ro . , , , ~,, .A. lt. 11111er, to Mr. C. C. Itellor..llke agent .e/ectiott :lOU have to tell the Laborers • The letter tinnatn undiicovered. for a Yew trial. Tht• ale limit atea Winthrop . Sereent, la Bal. Motu. Crew , ~, tho o t , r r ~ Lit a , an 1 o mht tt ind ... mien e e h o w est. th• Stmt.. to their timi and tm each mum ann for thy organs• I - remis us tollow.; - what they will do for them." - Tee naiDoe fle•cl. es, etvan. Lortn that he recently . I .covend ems no....the , e . arY. I , .. '..... -3 .. .r. ...' ltd. .h - ersteg recce...lK the harvest, toe nom In we th .rolo ; of It. ' f Imsn Sin- After a long' end therengn ,altllllll w had, tenni te sbow teat smile L 0.n.0.-ie.- of Jot n -amyl.. wo „,„ ~,„,„ . ,„.,„ w0 rt,,,, w 0 ie ... tory ., k 0 ,',.. i ,,,„ 0 tr ,,,,_:‘,.„ 5 .' ,„;,...e„,,,, ~,, ~r ••,, M - a needle C Meet 0 en The new Su .p...10n P.M° neer East !of the won... mot entre...A I A/ 1 / 1 11iLattlt seer, mei ..lamee, 1. low 5,.....•t0 - .sw...tin, ttar .4*n .1,4111, 5.1.0 onto Ms wt. I to I Int beautiful and Ii ; Is l ii OPetn i. .. ' nf ' . i.' ' '4 iii° a'lai a / g °4 I wee, et fork..., ,on be. en i.e.% ,trel Sunte 01. antresmel the wish that _the P.0.e. , M . zees , - M m• A.t . r...".• -bry matey.; brother is unehie to bene My ' haiet t rh 1 ii•'- "6." l' "" ' i " "4" lel ie." in iiiilciiii"iii am- lil - ! the rim. cip.the win len Made In ten Leh, motto., Do made M tee.general term. m . Indian.: W• d• , kllokote. Allegheny , la l : „ r d.,. „...,. b a ,., C I . ,g a . d aa „, 1 w an ... tag. i -.-- 000,1 Weald not treml on forbid- . nail to Mew... to say that It renders perfect meet. day,. A oeur•Slsinee pbutenief Iten $ urine.... J.. Lanni aultattapseetly y,lllh.a. AlleKtiutly, W. IL Itndley. Main IL , t „, k „ 0 r... e .,,, 0 ,w owk r ~,,0 : „... _. • ... u . b . i*l. IlMemt, or Utter tn. Which ft M net • satisfaction Yor strength, s weettletel, pow were used In Its conetkeetton. limn the afflny ali• Gbristy Blair; T I Gallaher tileghony •I - - • ' . c . awful. Ipeak.• Yen tn. .. timt the. I Mts. aed variety of . tone, It Is mertaittly a i I.' , '°a'''' ‘ .4 - th'''' ''' " " d -m- • • •• . •• ' • ...hoer, ide Mow/edge. The younger are mily to usbo/4 et easeteum leymy reaose ....... atim• ble• len none. • The promo.- Attelarriell CONTILAIJICTr.h. . .1., end L.Over Mil pro. yee taken .in N. Benham, Allen.. ;A. Flemine, Alto. , „ e th er. beery gernetweJ by.tlie same bettow -Mat Is Ilene no •to the Albany Peeltontlary in r day or two abr.. N 1 All. Philadeloh. TW l power.. emblemed:.., ' 114,911 ' Wttll ' alCll -- rre - mTemeli L e -t0. . -contru; The ...Inn nett the Pret.idclit se tier. • - - - ' .h ow ' i l • - , k . 'ir o s t , rr r: h ho ,l et -e i ; I Meet tentlVe. "Itahl Mtn. hintselL •:.My Ila the. en America. heart, true tolii• • and the wonderful rapidity telt h willeh r eit f r om u r r k e t , o toeh ,„ of lb o k Moo, ,I, , e.. near NiCirem.r. N w.. ,.. t. 1;_g i gn i ,; ,,,,... - 3. ,-,..,,,,,, th ,...,; . 7.. eel, brother lima a family. And I have onne; 1 country and hts 0.0, that dee. not fim .the i ...hie. testy be mete from the Intel.t centmdlcied. . ' Tue exclYmeent toting'. in reference to h. y oe w oo Z . ', enter. ' ••„I a Mr comm.. to their „„ r „,-,. i w„, ~ , , , temente of patriot. love sus he Imitts upon ton. to tee .oftest, as well ax Grp crescendo .. ' the prize tight to morrow between Sum The President, Dr. James !Sing. then as.- ' I., ...... . 5 f .Y ...M. me pia. them ! the ttag of hi• country, the emblem of the • end diminuendo, adept It to thd exemitiou A I.LLTILLEr, CAS, Collier ...4 BerneY ammo I. Doe... Per . I livered the Annual Address, mien 1111/1• I tt‘ltlt Mt, .W.O. Ms knowimn..e Judge $ ..rry I Tem Omelets him that Ise Is a soy- of ale.. every Resoles of must. but It It ALI 11310011.1•111. el,O P111...1 dee . Idea In the „ on , „ r ,,,, r0 f ro . tee eort e„ re het , we , Intenf‘t LO with Mark,. attentMe hy all I '''' """ r ",'"•' ''.." .... . h... 0 ” M.' ye.. Why. mete tlyht and die for the especially . home In the eller., where It. United Stelae le.trict Court temery by , ern Mt. to see the ...11 " Several stern- Ppresent, an.] LIAO rpeaker sta. amenity no. ' k Nei. ing morningLbey Mittel their shoo . ermetiM.meertmentml by that nettle old voice-like tones eustale and swell the pot. -Judge Blateliferd. The dis.:Mry . or ..r- er, ot teeve he, tommet for A.... Cr. to , elrotogo ot, to , eto ,, e. ono h ree „ tett ,„„ wo ,. ' ne•tt.....1. Tem....of eventstrame- . thm, and count tt the highest toner, if . emn hymn of pr... Your. trete, mint Frietimee on Ilene, taceet war con • • , rOnvey Mo. intent.. to with.. the Mints arr oro d , o „a or ,„, { ~,,, ~,,,,,,,. or tho h.. ,, ,, ,,, 0 , „ j pm. ter se t end ewe., mom eoeh re.. me I.t then tory but be wrapped tn tb, _ 1txv.A.41.111..." ..... 4 th " ft... 11 ' th th. th "" .... T ." and the combatents wI n Melt . frier.. and ~,„tv- t o Dr. hi., ann reitUeettrie a roey et -es mt in hi. teem to mend gutted and soim ; twautlfel folds and Mei away la the silent Mr. C. C. Metier M the sole agent for the posimrty seized ls Valued la from nava to , became. .timated at from one thou•and ' al•h - ho ,i r o os ror go he . rt , , , ,e. s , toot , kooror _ . the my s t ey They ditl ea, a hen 01/ the fel- . move. It tella the whole world of . .the ' 51.0 n a Hamlin Cabinet Organe In this iJiste. Thu mauve. trled by a jury. !le ef teen hundred pee..., . 111 t.. rhmueememeaty. $ iow mg txigte, tney met each ether, hall mod of the fret and the home or the brave. ' eity, end churches or Sabbatis echools an- TIMM, •UttraT. night on steamers An Itn men, oarllllon , At the auggestion Of the Prmildent, a ter. ,s r or , , . we respective shocks. wRh . -aml the amyl us of the oppre... Is there tending to purch.e en instrument would I. tem Wont. betiowmi IM' ' 150 ower In that embletit to Ore th • e ette ' tio e II tome tont examine the new assort • Tan boys, named Andrew Scant. and , will b.ereettal at the denting gronel to em : elution wan Offered and tele-teet, M.o. i ~: 51 1 5 e.:1 .M o e.: l l:ti ' ont. a. these sr. the Temple I tt p art A . ' -0 . 0 •e nil annetrain the old men le ; ment lust received al, Ms ware teem., , John Levme, were arrested tor ateanng A ‘ e o tOtrd'd.l. 1 . 0 thoosnod •tMetstten , all mmileal men to etiend their meeting.. I: of 4litmon met:Mai-so seeetem, d i il iii. ' meg- • wise he met ye. g again, when Me pr.. 5 Wood street. . . i check tor ilnle Lel they .rare leltrlng On the • athatterrey oimillie AND NOILNN .On motion, each delegate war Instructed e otroet, too ~,, , ,,, , , , ,,o e on. , trong,, _ rl , , . 0 . , Mee it represents are endangered. Albany beat. Most Of the Money wee re- Th e order s , hem form,R for omit:fed U 1 go Le In naMe one of Im number . a committee wort ,. . c.ered. sule • i ear 6.kt - epics have been printed. aml a Ittni- Ic. ft 0, ri... ,. o a1c7" . 0 °V.i ... _a . ~... , ,i„, , 01 , 1 ,,,,,, dOOO thia athmio I g00n0 ,,,- ; - • The Cr., and Um Crownl-the square d Leinb . -the Inset an the - Trip , tett number author..., be stricken off tor l io t t g e'Lnr go. T at, ~,g r . i g 0„ `4"...,;..g,•;:0 a.' „''', .. ' tell the stet y kkt Ilas,knlo teaching Prlnci. ‘ n r , ' g o '', ',.. agio ggo , gho d g aron g - a a l ' o ' h. M. "' "."4 " *o 10e S'' ''' '' ' '' ' "n" ' ' next, was tLdered LO the AssOciatiOn and 1 M.. pure . the. Mat fell from the Ilpe ! ,T.,;',l"etnei Itt Christi. Knighthood •-tiew tO be dispatched'. thens by the Clerk of the „,. . , of the bre,. ihmterare the pillar. and bul- , „ none o • , f tenth. Whet mighty eremite. Leen, erne h. no copies for general tllstr I. oeeePOl • ' ... . . • . war. et this encient tatter; mei Melons ar --- - are symbolised In the. I' Who can tell. • Lotion. Lomeli.. be obtained from verl. 4 . -onni7 toe. roloorne, , lovely as those found Itt the oracles of if mit oils took sellers Tea SAILOCET. - . , divine are taught In ell the work el um ' bi W.l. ' ee P ee. 1° lee cee.--ilne ii".e• • ! tlful cre..-are teens En principles eyntl..l - room tlttltr.Clt. 14 the ...Mg a large number of invited ' mall.- ' med therst ' illeenn i What are Its rlne - ' lielngabee, Mints. from bream, arrived guest , leeledlng menY Of oer me.t rea- • . hat Is . . p , , u. .d.„.. I. Ir.. .i.,..... ...d r.., 1 acid esteetuml tellemettlies. WWI Ph , M het . leameml to•day. Ile will by at toe rum. tiepart, Occlm g w . o. . When tee soh. of Gal moved mon the "..* 1 *end daughter., tymembled at la• Its effesonces are tender and lovely, grand teem tmmoerow, and be pre.nted to the om ;Matte 411 for the Grand Con... Pron. lam of the aloe.; when the Great Jell.. President on, and sublltike , mule and Benet., The Itlualcul part of the " ehe "" l " " " " A"e " el th. ''' - " Ibi ! .1.. : It epee. of forgireness-"Father. fOrgire array.. TO ea ria-rasvaTin. - entertennue. we. really grand. Some Liao first sue rem tO greet with ha locams , • them; they koow not whet they de.° Mr. Withers, late Mayor of Mobile, made a twenty...a of onr talented prOfessional i the tlvlt 1.11,11.1.14t.11111/ the aug eat emelt/and I , tad then wnoln id nieffeLto-..Tedlar Omit oersonal appeal to the reendent.thia morn. moncians formed the ene Instrument., utter.. .1.0. the. to Debt," the ie., thou be 1.110 me, le ' Paeans." Wny It Leg for rein...tenet. In alike. tam% which occupied the Mugu, and undet set Deity breath. :11.0nry in. extsm • opens the portals of glory to a dying Mol t. Madmen', tit Prot. Tear.. dmeee..l , nice, and It Innt live fttrever, for truth , ~ , 0 0 scene et the west WPM. Una dinieult t e m ....a...6 ' L. ' ' .. .4 .1.-I P .. I ' l W. th .•••-• ' Arid age. It rye...Of/nal lore-W omen from the Opera...of the Mumma The eon. the tete.. Itet 111 aspen% What I. it, but • behold thy eel" thy teenier. .semblage. as brilliant 1. we beret/Ter wit the pore. of krell,,wini pructice ef virtue, ~,......d .. ...... 0 ..... gogghthgig ~. ogookg tr „ flossed gathered tege thm in Ude e•ty, prem. , ma the leeching of those sublimer doe- • 0 . ,; - ',, ~..0 . . ..,:. . ". 4 . . enadell and ettjoyed quiet, ILI, ..m teirs in t. 1 trot. winch bind the 'thole fatally cff matt , ~.7.----- ..I Ila finished l . What! the tessetiful led' tlll a. few mtnitte• past •zn Pate...lon. rensom rald-tbe anger of offended Deity ts terOIVO o'clock. when •.1 were. Invited to ' M. 1. not . pr.. tto the worid the vain ~,,,o hoo, „,t he work ;to g oto ,__ tehe , o rr ,_ partake ...Per. The Past waS • 4 .. " 1 ..... M..... " that ... 1. ..0 ' demotion I. ileenred.. No power in that at so expense apploximetlng two thee.. • .. 05 . 10 , it . eot for the lienewe oL Cnr .". ,, ' embletel •Why, It bridges the dark gulf of dellasa.mel ism one of the most Hoe... I high ...Deg Oigntrie•• for the Poe.. et „ teret o t h er m ho d we h ooh ow er t o th e re _ epicurean fere ever attempted in PM, covert. mormOvew *Eh htlittent Weigel.: 1 . g one of eternal t...... burgh. Its. fret., game. and ben tes Or toseereit, N utor sad Mitre at the Ill'lt.l, . neer°. surmount* ti by rapt of Sheol were imported explemily for the .In soit,rieg arr.; IL IS not for the verve, ~,,,,, „ 0 .,,,,,,.,,,,„ , „„ 0 ,, r „,„ poi „, , „. to tho OealstlOn :rum tho far West, • anti of eue secf. muMott or ."• 14 re. to ever.. mos, sted threne of glory, emitting the , Southern cume, while our ewn market- 1 the tile...lame tie., 'nor... eatable. ex. o , sthret kw , g e r. • queened a full share of the hoontlfttl title. next enittrs. Number IS It LO owlet, the , r y e ore „ 0 „,,,,, we „,,,,....,,, w 0,..„. o „__ . under which the graceful tate. gro•ned. ' enteadystbut to teach woolOin. forgiveness i ~, t er roe c k - e 7,',..i,73 t . ter W hy . , h e i..„74, -,;i l - 4 _ Pyre.. or ire Mit in flottastM Mem. ors. enentlee, harmony IMO truterelly in ne Le , i oureog oe _ ' water Ices, lee creel., towers of roses, 111, , ‘llO it LlOl.. family of man, and r-Oheatit le i trieneenutt and found cake., from abbe; $ Mstarsto to eml WWI oppression; to, enteo ' •. ,',1 t y,.:Ze r i e • e MA7 , „ 4 ,, ...rt_te ,. ...1 , 0Z . e. giants might glut thelese/ves, men/meth ' 1.) rankly und reslnt oppression, a - hetet'. , a .,, 0 ,, aaa , oe g0a1 .... , eMilneta, and mielatuno flowery tempi. et tau, be the form IL aidietnes, eTeryahere 10 .5 Me, la *tie bensto. of the bier"( • the hot.bouse'e rereat excel...ail mentened uroteet Ihe week and Innocent, and guard Jamul ~,,, to h.,. h m m o t . :te render thM feted the 111011 1111111rIttl11114 LllO portals ef eternal teeth. T. weary Sem." ever prepared In our Meld old clty. blr The rmationshlp teat.. eimistiatilty ,• w e ore wi g ,. wh ,,,, t e n wehe ,,,,,, . or 1 Ilubley was the caterer. All the gum. and mamory, parneulurly the mgt. er- our Warfare, what are they I Thu sword of $ were amply mondmi, pleaseti and do. dere therted, Is most Intl:eat, 1n..% It Is the aptilf, the shirk/ of faith, the dirdte of I lighted with the bentoret, and elittled 1 difllooll. IO tell hew n true Wel. COUtteMes , 0 . 0 ,0 . , 00 0„,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 0 , ~.,,,,,,,,,,,„„, ~,,, the dinineball gratified that they had liebnit • feett•ler cee le . lp tmiee a full ( ro o,r o r r of r , r4 , orw r„ r „ . th e e e r,,,„ o r rerto. , been partake 0 at. mum tie greed go. u 111, giving evidence in ail him • r e ,„__,,, ogotto t h ht toe o tt r o r r ,,,,, la. r e , ! teast..; No int. tenting tide k. were lune. , movements of tile po, emt pow er o r h 0,,,,,, of the Alntuthry Jobe. te prepared te slur • duces% not even win, At one o'clock the. 1 mallet, t IAIIII4, 1 Clldelan Ithlgin. Mediu the hetet . r „ tee „ tort wor k ottoe o f th o ~o r. : b.. q. °l mOmmenit emi we take occasion telimenily of truth eternal and divine. nal. It et ours te eel. them anti to use • congratulate our met.. w en d. et ,,,,, t 0,.. rt isnot toy purpose ell tbe presort MCII, 1.110111 with th force ef truo manlinees, I greed sue.. welch attended Una port of IVO° le dem. you with the multery his.. ' ntrengthened tly the coneclottene.. Met our : the...dial welcome extended to their fel.. WM. order ei the Knights Nee., a . ..nee Is Putt. With these battle ageinst et. ! low hrethrerrof the sealpid. history full Id noble dating Mid generous ' I il wn dw e run meek o an s e p away all the tit \rho, lett dial. the 'centers. In which barmen of troth; wllll the. triumph; and Tbe tiolklneh H 4l / 1 1 11eltle-Forther 11l s mder hes eMated te an er gmtise•l the triumph will be beautiful:coming up et. , . Development.. , • , fro fiat item ranks have been Metered by worm we... fn. the bent,' ibid. ed . I Many el eurth s s tmbte eCine, or rather ninny ! ene mime... world to be crowned Mtn 1 On Tuesday evening laut lief•arlaint. the lot t e e wor t,. h ell tem , e„,,,, h e , Leorto I 0017 ago ~ ,,„,,,,,0.r.. . y. ut Thou belleveet,mr, • alleged murderer of Golttrich. had a bear.' by ;to annelatten with title order 3 • in the liemerlallty of thebody, red in the • Mg before Mayor Morris., A. li. Cochran ! now le•aut UM the land In Mil. Minor- ' immo r t a li t y „r ro. ono, . ler of Waned. I. mountains end vallnes t ye t o t reitso o mg mee , t ho w th w _ and M- 8 . M0r. 1 ...• E 'cl..• .1.1 ' ..1. E.. Id ' i nte sacred In history y its lowne and eltimi I iiii eelf a .1,11 "' " I ±I/iter ind etler ' sye relitly to stela attorney.. The .commonsi ealth was not , aro fimmi In the tntseetkielits Of the past I for the defeese of the cross. • representeM T. wit... ere... be- 1 th,.,',1 .. 1 : 0 1 t : ' ,=;,;„ . 1,,7 , :::,:v . ,, ,, ,,, - , , , i , Rind yietr armor nbout yom• 1111 ii your fere the Coroner'' , Pthrmeth rem. 1 1 .51 .... l • i t i e i neVie ot Palestine. It was bet:. the pall , berm tO the Manderd; draw ye. ewerd • to the.right, and throw elraYthelleabliald, testified euhst.tially to the saute effect. , mime. walked with God; the Prop.. efel so forth to cenam net., • Ton cm. None of those eiltrilined stated amen, to e eouonened a ith Jehovah. It sr. here the ' will take the world. Thal., kingdom will . „ . boat Mane. entree.. their nuttlerity. Dm benverentum!the last Cantle stetnied ' P 0"....... of Lb° P . ". ' II th. "...W. ••''• ' W 51 1 5115 the %ell . 05 tee Mr)" or ette Gmi i' [el i te.. 1001.1 foe ea quenel, when the shoMing, beleg uneble to merk the ple. In ! .teed the er 1 temple, ...Jed Me .; ' a i m., marshalled by mar ii ttaptaln, Mit en. en... Pee. Of the exeltement which tom $ ...deur anti Illaattleeetiee. , ' . circle tole earth, rind the shout of Victory valled.! The theory advanc.l by defend • It WWI here the sumer of thc wend mut ~ H i „ ho tr ,,,, e go t. to po r e. , !MVO Chains°. iv. the. thu shooting war ' Men, and the t.mets of fila Itle ...Inst. ! w e w o w. aometi m „. ar n o , o l te e N o m' done by ente pers. in an Inner room, t lie ' Will the vide. Bethlehem be forgot- r ~,,,, uoye r th e hem tro mek e th o door leF leg tt. will. was half glass 511. mut Min 12.4.11 lel erateel from the Imo, • teenethe, p.,,,,,.. a1c,,,, 1110 ~h,,,,,,,v01., of the Unease. were.crossoptestiont . 1 550 or M... , Ina litth.M.O 151 th thon• ml.. !r he lovely valley., or from Itel crowded te thia point by Mr. Cochran,llllll te•lt3ll,l ean liall Ao Uswelete wont if. the teare of ' thoreughfares of trade and the qttlet vll - alinultaneo. Mtn the report of the $ Jested 5111.1 the city of Jere-Mein with he • t oga m e e o n , h „, eri k ri mh . woro en du r ed, plstel thei. emu. the bre. Mg.( glass. ; „ h er. e.t.a eml holy altar. Mil be re- or . pllgrlnt Warrior, with well earned The theUmmtY ef enlee. wis.lei nini noir I IDelsteattal hy the 1.1 horn eon of Adele, , leutole Dem Ileum. of ilte battle lields in per seemed to be the tore•tgest add.. ! . 1 11,1 perpetuated ell along the ages of life. And its 'we ...each other of home egainet the Iseemeed. Ofllcor Wm.! mat 151051 ' et e rno r, ~, we walk the fatlti tem. careen end the loved one. there, each is apt to th a t to t cow the defendeut raise til. ann. 'of the New .1.1 Usitteln.-1 %eel lu vane anti think his ts the deem. spot on earth. but and In . loamat •fterwarde bilis the II .11 I es - elven-II Illtli glory. will yeu uot allow a fellow-pilgrim with I mo/ 1t.." th.l . Porl of 0 15Ietel. and eew e , " L e o , w „ aror forget the Jordan, wlth Me , lits Mom pointed heavenward, to remind m h o mop. The flash Seemed to mono dl- j battle. fought at Its plumes, and Um many - yen mere IA the hatemst land. ' molly tram the hands of defendant, atel al. , mt... event. tn. t ram... upott Its . now apprnprlnte and ,expreenlve the 1.- thottith mtne. del not sm; the phitol, lie , shores, or the Sea. (MOM, telth Its tints,. • ... of nur ISM Wand Commentle,-. MD certain ti.t defendant hati nr. It. niel I me, alio ereantil the preaeltn. et righte., , tn.. Inn IftoglithoCel Mine., and my ...tell DIM. - Off. , M.. did not '. cousartml And entre homitein eide etto hurled; when faith, hope and ohailty shall reach the Mere until atter L11111.111111t111,:,111/1 I ',up / LW', 111. 110011 Millen ml by the Mob • be cemilete; when Jubilee, fOrtitiltie and. artist. in the arrest of Menu.. Ile ' et Mk of the Menter, beteg pry.. by the I mercy shall be obsolete.' When courtesy, thstilie. te.l. O. the wa y te t .. " " 1e "....7". "5 " : 0 . 2 '. ° I UM Rm.... In th... rld be"' ' megnanimity it nil valor ;hall nO longue be pd.,,,,,,, meted MILLI. had emn omen tete ! log In pniyer before Ille Father. Who thinks annealed Or 'desired among nmn; when a More and Ids pleol taken hem him. • , , I 'tot ..)f Tutor- end Calvary soul 051 .1 MI : there shall he po lenge. belPie. orliben After the evlden. hed Imeo eon... , met ehe bdi to remember the ...min ! to protect. nor a deelhute widow to comfort the Mayor stated chat from the temitnony Wllfirtt the Savior plead with .0 11111011 .rt , end ho h mi e , to ry et , h roomm t to h me o to de. seduced he could not do otherwise 'hats em t eexo toot oheeg. err other. tr it to, pogo. , ~.‘aain,d in.oir and ard.... nor ...... hold tbe prisoner lOr Wel. end e MoteMMI• ' ble let thl. Otte pass Ina. on\ hoc not nty . pre ' esed and downtrodden Cod of torment. Mein was accordingly made out- ' ...lie Thine Olt donne I Or will the new ~ ty to cheer and Atic.r. then, and not till •10011 an rate, snanien. $ noble tofffb of Joseph, Where the fin. at • then, wlit Christi. Knighthood Ns ob.. t IV 11. 1 J1......n .4e5...f 1.... ".. 11. riii'nfinii . late However he rites and cerement., Vtclor KtMlar. a eePhew °I 1' ...-. " ' tlon of the children of re. lil ity etre e • Preen...aro( the house In whlce Goldrich ____ oger ~, thot ion: , ~, 000rg, ,. • • hMh are tem external fon., may change . ...het. and whn it selli he rehtembered ! ..• Ir fa iL any wonder that piterlunt loved to ' with the ages. Its erincipt. aro ImMUMble, was &Witness of the Mewling. and Malin. : vide. tit. MUM to a tend wh ma Ih„ is Ise . n e ie o le" o t t il l i t i t ' o " ,,Te i r " l i r i t . e . e . r4 l = i e .' b.f. " th. (......e."I Y• ---n-sied e yr - -41,0 -, 1.... , ~n OOl ~, 11 ,, g., Om ^while • et , T I i1 1 ,',, n . RI: n i ti" Yo 14 wilt tbaiterrii terticy, nett w I:1 lin. ft hettring b re , he ... re the coo , ~,,,,, w onted. ~,r go oed ~,, . ,:. . • • . , .. . • Meeer Merin. toff., Im O. 1111 T .. . u P at the entree. of the sepulchre. • 'Fe le who. ne ...rim entieng.oll On made by Goblet... Mother. chime ng Ont I w ...him, it dem, seem tom I hi i for etr, °°.. h.".°°'.. 1 with Meta.. Kellar; In hisi teetteterty 55 . 1'" ' "".'. -- - 1 . day that ery hightst. auttni. wo tt hi h e : Lilo M resit LIM la ea..: fore the Coroner. stated Mat lin mruck 1 wrotto ., it r e „ e „, b ut te „ ko "e rre ... , a...grave le not its a ali Mel'Arland twice or three titnee, when lie ! c th „„..„,, „ i , c „,,,,,.., e l t. .,,,,, 0rig0 $ Dun theit•rt. le , tYt rmermst, heard e noise behind hon. and en looking , O Wa. not spoken uf the FOUL , holgitt, Vtllk With Litellt LbrOiltlll LW, VII. I round saw his unclean.' tioillrleb lea atoll. , mire M Bethlehem and see Me afar of the tioldrlch belle. hold M Ins unele.4 hair, • -_,,,,,„ w t t e , 1, 0 , 0 ~, v a ;,„.., i, 00 ,, ,„,.,.,. and Out at that moment he heard the ' r... ." •-• • •••• • ' --- - -. •••••, I PM a little period to Um carpenter stem or breaking of gift., and the reported it pistol, ,nmeph. and see the lad Mean twelveyeare when he immedlattily Jnintird orer none ' barrels stollen the haulm, by the back door, I Ol . I IO,i r e e . r e eo . l.lZ= at t e t . r .th rh OI the Elitsa Hear Law Is Connetlent,Tb• and went home, where he remeined mau .wi. hold .„„ ..,.. .....Mthr mei epee Shores h. , 11111 Passed. th..... ,L . 7 .4 .g. ''''" ' 4 " ' hi ' '""- .-ewe w • the scene of so mangiof the savior'. are anon was b.eti taking - - •f gy Telegraph. tn• Pittsburgh 41.4 .11.• I I li t iii i i t74;;;2l.l - derallort with the fact ' that . .1.131.,• match wlth then threw. the naser.als: Conn., June 11-The eight 1 i t t ete t 0 . po tte r. may h er h ed. we yew. streets of Jerasslent, ILLOpgdnic tasiaror o h, hour bill pssiami the nous° tway by nestle rom making any comments On the affair, 110 :the „11 . ..W0 111 the _ hole altser • ilnanknolla vow, yo o ere k t ete effect I foollzig anti.. that the guilty pmay wui *renal WAD hue. Itrl ...Weary 11111 from the day of Ita passage. : be brOught Wiest.. i and: hear the word., 'qt.. gen.,. to n from the ilps of Jeses.t'ere he given up the Blinn. Tal sy with them et the sepulchre, , end' heill . the angel...". Is not here, he • lartsent. and gmes with them from Mount Olivet after our ascended Loot, end - hear freat the Clouds Ile shall, In It. manner, I mama age. I, would be grand, It would , . 1 eigil in•Pirleg, if We could return front , •ucts scenes with Oew energy to battle I matrix, living vanities and deceits of this world, . yr ar, the...pilgrim. nro hindered, or re at e ,, V,`,„:l7 , Yrtra.lLlZ O nly.:`:r4 fold to stand In Um mountain pure. tor that protatitionand guard theta neroaathn Plat 5. We m.wht weil be ashamed of Ong, -.tura end blush for ear manuod, if li! • TII6 question of Consolidation fore the people of Cincinnati, West Wel. nutilills asking admission to the city. Tau_President of the State Agricultu ral Society will be in tills city to-mor row. The amount .meeassary to defray the preparatory eipcnses has not aI I been raises;, and It Is desirable that this mat ter be cloned without delay. . JUDGE liticioorrstio, in a formal man• ncr, declined bring renominated for the Supreme Jiidgeship. Yet his friend., 1 noildoubtleas ,by his procurement, were at the flans burg Convention in force, ?.. on Tuesday, Importuning delegateu to make him the nominee. TOE New York ll'Or/t/ makes this statement : "President Johnson is, it Seems, seri ously ill. Report says his comrlsint is - Bright% disease of t h e kidneys. If tlii's is true his days are in ii)l probability numbered, for that disease is as rarely tureable as coniljmed consumption. We csb • par; it is not truei" Wit. DAVIS has recovered- the faculty Of speech. In response to a serenade at Niagara, he said': • Gem/erne/L-10mM: you 'sincerely for the honor you have ibis evening shown to tne; it shows that true British man boodle which miSfoitune is always at tractive. Slay peace and prosperity bs forever the blessing of Canada; for she 'has been the asylum for many of my friends, as she is now an asylum to my- self. I hope that Canada may forever . remain a part of the British Empire, and may Gott bless you all, and the British - Bag never cease to Wave overyou. Ma. .I.l.antmsopz, who repmented Law 'mum county in the last Legislature, *led for Cameron for United States ' Senator, when it was alleged•he should have supported GOvernor Curtin. His friende and the frreuds of Senator Cam eron-insisted' up3n his re-nomination, while the friends of Governor Curtin oprosed him and supported - Henry Ed.., wards. The 'result of the vote makes Mr. Edwards the. nominee, and shows Governor Curtin's-friends to be fourhun dred and twenty-nine stronger tutu Gen. Cameron's. Tun Platform adopted by the DeLll 3- r2iatic Stoic Convention on Tuenlay de clares That-in the present conflict of legisla tive usurpation with Constitutional law, a *lse, fearless aid upright Judiciary is the great bulwark of public liberty; that; j the Union la perpetual and the Federal Government supreme within its Consti tuilonalthat representation in Congress and the Electoral College is a right indestructible, and its denial is the ! destruction of government itself; that the establishment of negro Suffrage in shy of the States by federal power is an Usurpation and outrage, and we will re-' skit to the last resort the threatened meas. tiro of„.the Republican party in the elec tive franchise in Perfasyliania. The resolutions oppose negro suffrage in Pennsylvania; denounce the Repub.. .llcan party for the failure of the tariff bill In the last Congress; denounce the last Legislature for its unwise and macaw. iUtutional enactments. FOREIGN ITEMS lIIte.LATID rev rat I. tiiSlit - caII tilz[ll..:. (From the "Mee Len.iand Iteer.'•) • —.A, - Franco-English . Corripany has been formed under the name of "Com pagnie Internationale Maritime," 'with ' a view_tO call into existence a direct. steamboat - - line, with lixcd days for de. parttPe and arrival, between New York ~i and Paris, which will become a tea port. _Work, cOmmenced in April last. Six steamboat; of three hundred and fifty horse power, and seven hundred tons! each, and ot mean celeiity, are to play , between the two !cities. It is expected tii make the trip' In twelve days.. ; By : . clearing the Seine river at Suresne, the ~ river will he three feet deeper at _Paris ' than before, and it is coxfidently hoped that vessels, may be enabled to reach - Paris at the lowest ; depth of water. —The Spaniards are - trying, to' bring s their national-. game—bull. fights—into I fashion at the Paris Fair. No perm's- 1 sinus's' yet: has been granted. Spain ! possesses now one hundred circuses of 1 solid stonednasonery—thirty-five In the ! capitals, and sixty-five in - the provincial i towns. Th.; largest circus in Valencia Las room for' 10,810 persons; those in Barwlona and Cadiz' fdr 11,500 each; those in Loyranna and Salamanca for I 10,000 each. In 1835 four • hundred. and twenty-eight serious bull tights took , place. In Madrid aldne 52, one in every i ' .week; in Yalenma 93; Bodagoz 22. The ' railroads have a great influence on bull ,! • fights; because the animals are easily ! transtered from outs place to the oilier. . It requires a degree of dexterity to allure tlietinituals Into the wooden boxes, in which they arc transported to the rat: way depots. - —43,000 exhibitors are represented at the Paris Exhibition, and 430 gold med. els will be awarded to !them. _Besides - every forty-third exhibitor receives a silver, and every foffrteelitli a bronze I medal, or every ninth ono la to be graced with a diploma of acknowledgement. Therefore, 23,1:00 exhibitors will receive i no pEizes.. , - ' , —At -the,. World's Fair' in Paris, I Prance exhibits 11;315 pieces; England, , 3,60; Austria, 3,072; Prussti, . 2,200 . ; Spain, 2,071; Belgium, 1,448; Reseda, •1,832; Switzerland,- 980; Unitei States, 77d; Sweden,. 002; Holland, 503; and chink-109. - Wurtemburg was the- first I country which fixed its special catalogue. —Lomardne's donation of 500,000 , - francs has been voted by the Legislative Assembly, by - a majonty of 87. By I this means the scandalous beggary. of ' this prodigal has cape to an end. • • - —Every Prussian ' rmy.Corps is to I send a music Land to o' Paris tExhibi- tion, which will be lieved at a fixed i 3 „ time by another baud . —There will be a g eat Sclavonic Eth nographic exhibition at Moscow during the summer., Great preparations are 1 being Made, .. . —ln July nextall ' 'urjipean 'Ar.nuil i Protective Societletr• 111 meet at Paris . , . for a general Comma . 1 ,1 . • a coffee—. anrrogabe from the oba—winch ten - dera sugar useless. - - ) _..0. Cholera Congress; composed of ! - slsedical men, is consened. for June, a y. Vienna. - " .. . . • 1 —A. atriespontient at Frsultfort writes 4 •31 r. B..Wmihborne is it Homburg lea Baths, near this city. He la much I improved in health, and la able io walk ilre or Mx miles every day, lie may have to remain here for 601310 weeks yet. _Before coming hero be could not w Ia quarter of a mile without being exhanit. Governor CUriin, now at Berlin, s expected at Hamburg this week. find will be accompanied sy J. C.-Wright, &cr.. tarp of the American Legation there. The latter, on.account of SIP health, has faked to here Ted front /di Post." ~~ tom ; ~ .. ~'-'ate.,-„5.,;:.r...z..~..:~:~ ;-c_:,_'f. • ---, . 4 4!,•-• , ',..- - b ..-.. ( I,,s)[ . ) . I , - • ' 't - ~,,•- " 1 , mss . -' ' 1 'I ----.'‘/j'.l' '.' Ir-:'--:"' - '' -'''' ' t. '. :- 7 ' '' ' ' - I ,‘• : :: S a:11 ; -;' '. ';'-:' . Rru-- . ..-4F- - _. _ - - '-4--7TrielN4-4...--; -_--_-----_-- ..,_.1:14.X. ----- ' -- • - - - - ----------:---- -- - - • --..-- - .---.- \ •• ' = '-'----'--5:',;-'...--.,--..---.-='- -=--, --', ----,----- _ ...'''' ---" -- . • . • ' *i tt kr: ) IV a j .• .; - I . ' . . , . . VOLUME LXXXII.---NO. 139 _AirDNIGHT. (14f1J114.1.J:.440)5p Gee. !looker staled for Europe to- day In tho eteasner ecotla. amen officers WIIO gamed under Ilan. de^trhag to fortify their regard by perennally bidding hte furon - ell, acme p. 1.1 him to the venael. • . . lion. /LC. %Vinci:lron. is ILL. Li passengers on the Scotia noxNen'n Tuft es•re.e. Mr. Marker's tend,. Bruno . and Brunette, trotted one mile on FaAnton C 011 1 .60 seater dny In beating the timo mud° by Bonnerls I.ddy ralmer.und Phanueli mare, In Ito; by tbree•tourtlnt of a second. AdvWs front New Orleans, announce the (allure of Edwand Dupae,ler Co ,of that cuts. and Havre. extenatvo commission and shipping merchant, • Arrangements 'are. being tootle by .the several posts of the Grand Army or the Go, public to thlu city to have a gran, celebra tion In a few weeks. Invitations are to be extentitel telemfinz Generals In the army. THE SENATORIAL EXCUR- SION At rianb•ltnn, Fort ItUri and Jane. lion l'lsy—Entboolo•do Procreating.. —The lletstrit to Nt. Lout, Tslegraph to the Pittsburgh G1r,5....) Foot Itmgy. Jane 12.—+ienator Wade's j patty spent last bight; at Manhattan City and to—any at Fort Riley and Junction City. • At the former place speeches wore made to j .the caleens, who turned one en on.hp Seamen - 4 trade, Valor, Cotten, Trumbull,' Chandler, 11,iwE , and Mr. Cooed., All J spoke In the aunt glowing terms of Kansas, , her mmntry 'anti her penple, and a most brilliant future was propirenled for both. They all look upon the constroction of the as. brooch of the Pacllle Road, through Arizona to the Paul Ot.. the readiest sOlu tom of the Indian d Miceli lea In that region. • Mr. Chandler announced Memel( In favor of rt•.ning Canaria' to pay the Alabama i claims agalost Edgland. were vociferously cheered. he party', :tog not able to .go to the end of the track, owing to ifie loss or 0 bridge by ter, which is now Maher than It was I n 1614 j. They spend t.night In camp atr Fort JUICY mil will /Raft tomon row for treLouls. FROX.THE WEST MO/tare Ilneenvent;:fi . onlinnea In- Jinn Depredation", Twenty Men Killed Within n Wean. Vey Tiogfejm to me Pi b rep Omf tte.l l'itsr - Y , mat Jane it —Tito Ilmaidta Omaha Special earn: General . Ildfoed is here, eh route to Waslilngtent, represent to the Government Unit there is no hope for peace from the Aeolian,' seem. .. • General .1. E. :Muth Incn r onto to Fort Mil Kearney wRh sever . I hundred recruits. General Smith has been eelected by Gen. Grant to command the mountain dildrict, which include. the whi le Powder river country. Large trainv ere being escorted to Fort Phil Kemper by Itle trumps and sie COW panlea of the Fourth Infantry. Gent , Augur la On tnti 'numb. • About twenty men have been willed by Indians during the punt week, anti 10011( WU head of stock lattice: borne aluya the Indiana atamk eimultancouely half Oder,. ranchos. Tel•glrgley, =I kl exams, June P_—Tho Myer la tolling Wooly. ERy Telearath to the Plltal ugh (layette ♦la Atlanto atol raclat lava ph Company.) . . Cu r. Julia 11-11 Iver 22 Inches and rluluk nlowly. Thu steal/ter la cloudy caul .1.1111. Bnown sv max, Sane ver 4 feet 3 In ch ea and falling. Tao weather Is cloudy and warm. tot tavmhz. - June 12.—It6ez hillhw, with 031 teem le the Canal. The Call O I o Culn=lan d Line Through Florid• Completed. (117 Teirgrapti $9 the Pittsburgh hatutte.l Gatasertchs; ILA., lure 12.—The Land Telegraph Line between this plume and Cants Itosooo connect the latter point by the Marino Cable with. the liavana, has been completed, The entire line is two hundred and seventy.tive tulles, lone, and wag oonstreirsted In thirty...eon and once h ail do),. itnner theicnergetle euperintend ence of lLaler The cable to Colas will be laid bidet: • Fire at Richmond, lad Mr Telegraph to the rittsburno Gazette 1 timortraui, Juno 12,-Tho North building of Robinson's mamma wnrko at Illel Ind., was damaged lay lire Ulla morning. The main building lima uninjured, and the nembllehment will resume Operation, at ono, Thelma is not stated, but M. waren. , torcrpl by hienruneo. New York Coisetitni loyal Convention. Ws Tiler ash to ins tissetis.l dtussr. June 1.1:—In Mil Constitutional to-day. a , motion to Clothe the Prerlous question from the rules Was car ried. • . Um. “itatto•_ l e the' .. .... , Telegraph Tolaph to the Itteberki. oleectta liaarri Hoof, Joni t_The raft “NOMM. Rll " for EitroOe, sailed from hrre .tth ♦ par wind,: sod cleared the par tote IriOr. ==!M FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M FROM RICHMOND 6.nrerencrief Republleasgs—DlMeolty ! AmleAbly AalJubted—Mtale lion In t—Tob.tetro Revenue— Complaint by treeamen t. 41, 0; Ttlearavh to Ma Pate burgh Cizette.: litcnrOno : Juno l2.—thla morning the two Committees appointed by the two wings or tne Republican party at the Can . !aroma last night, met with Senator Wilson and three other delegates from the Union League Clubs of Now d'ork, Philadelphia and Boston, at the annuli haute, whore all existing dlinerdlons or sentiment were ad• Justed. lion. J. m. liotts acceptftl, on ochalror the fr iends of the • Cliarlottcylile Convention. proponition for a Joint Con. vrntion of the two wings as followit: To the nseonditionta 1:nIon Meng( Virginia: Tito Republican Executive Mate Commit. tec, and the underzigned, citizens of the State of. Virginia, who here asow ourselves unconditional Union men, and members of Ithe Great it ;pantie miserly Of the United States, call on all others of like condition, an common neff-rem not to throw away thineolden opportunity to rescue ontheires, ' our hildren and oar State, from the hand• of those who have brought nothing but war, desolation, want and is reicnedneas upon our land, to meet in council at Richmond, as more convenient than Charioneville, on the - firstot August — next, at noon, at the African Church, for the purpose of attend. mg and perfecting the organization of the . Republican party, commenced by the Con, ventiop assembled et Richmond on the 17th oGaprillest. Thin Wits Mimed by the Republicafi State Committee, Gov. Pierpoint, J. Si: Botts, Lewis McKenzie, Of Alethaurla, and three hundred others. . The revenue receipts from tobacco of this oll•trict for the past month. wore 0.50.110, lien. Sohnaeld, hnvlpg received complaint that E. J. Cramp, one of tim mg late ra M the, city. Band aidin no, Invest!. gated found cause for the charge. The complaint was preferred by freedmen, and m the Or. made In the State. FROM NEW ORLEANS • Urpubliewo Stale Commotion—Re. orrooloration—rontrorn. for the Can. ram. 'lmpendfor. or Telegraph to the Pitt elm:lrib Oasette. j Nevi Julio l:—The Itepublican Stele Convention In In ee•alon 10 Neel) elee lustitote, Hon. Chas. 11..emitti, President. Go, Flanders hits been in•ited and hes ono wonted to toldresi the Convention. The Coirventlen moment.° the 'State Con trol Committee end adopt a platform (or the Rending .anvitse. Npeungle Leak at Ikea. :By Telegra 'b to th4Yl(tabu Rh U•sette. ttewrOx. June brig Levi Stevens, which left Boston Hay Zkl. for San Francis co. put Info Prom:eh:l.u, last night, leak. Ihg ill.bundred strokes per hour Ina rough sea.. The leak is In the rudder pOst.,Whleh kill repalredl and vessel loot pto e eed on her voyage. I= City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Guru./ tO. Loris.lone ll—Duval Bldgley. son IndiarY. Pr. Mont of the Union liwuranee Company, and Board of Under -1.,-ritere, cot mittedenicide yesterday I. Ing strychnine. T wo orthree other sal- MOS wero committed within the week. I 187 Telegraph to the ("Mitre rah Demeter.) .I.ecallaysS. Jane Ill.—White's lintel, dieg store, part of tharallon Reuse, Town a ors steam raw mill and lumberyard, and slivery stable, were destroyed by are tltls anorning. Sixteen horses perished. Fire's& Hortlogien, Tt. i Convention of wood Femplarc LEl•Ttleirrspb !.o the Plttabusgh Uelette.l . lloaLlNtrroa, Va . Juno 12.--The Iloward • Then”" ' h'd "I'gnt" tram all P.'l. " Hotel,:extreliwo itatory of Bostwick d Co. the State yesterday. to Elena the Coo re.- and several %tables were. beret last night: ; lion it Good Templar. bow being hold in Loss 11.30,000; partially moored. 1 the oily. The meeting*. hold at Mozart . _ - , , Hall, but our reporter could not obtain ad. • —The Liberals hit're gained another Im. j - minioo loi.mooh 0150 sow... was .o'oret..l portent victory In the House of Commons. ! TO - Onet. o oodoreitiod , no open or nubile an amendment depnving all inirongrn haw- i meeting will be held at sh e came place. leg less than, ten thousand inhandeets of 1 —..----....--- . the Oust of Sending a representative hay. ;.Changed mats.—The indto ideal wile gin tog been carried by the large, majority of : the wrong bat et the lt, Ws - banquet bat IV. The aboldion of the °rotten bon:WNW I evening, Is respectfully informed Abet we I Unitebe. fatal blow at the 'snfluence of till are satiated with the , batgaln, and cannot Unite upon the elettiolle. ULLA of remedying tdrinustake. • . • CITY. AND SUBURBAN. • - , "'"7- _ WS PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY,. iIITNE 13, 1367 BEMS ~~~' '. Y~'. Not tot:m[l.ot, sod Dot oorrton lo our drollr 411 4.0 dO4 vir.y IaEL no hoot tn•motnonr . /nod on fortuor Ito. to day. , In On w0r1414 brawl Delta of battle, I In tor limonite of Ufa,. fle wit Ilk. num', driven Cattle: . Ile • oort to tan stall, Tet nn Patna. hover , .Ift A, set ID the living walnut: laeart tatthlat. an 4 untl Warhead: Lives of great mem Eli ranged as We esti male out au And. deputing I. leli esm heLludWi tue •TaMotep• on Ens sand+ ol time; YEEIgE•PM that JDeehans newhor eslEne dee tlEe's solemn male. A Em wrec lore bed ,h brothel' :meter. stall asks beat at oln• then,. be Os and d•lng. ull B .041.41%Tirt.ggivi s . Lamm lo Isnot elm wnls, • Tilt lerr•Lf;ATiOn. • At the conclusion of tha addream. the In atailatin was -proceeded with. Igo Jew el., rich and oddly, were plated on the table. Captain Demirel ElpilUng stopped LEMEEM PRICE. THREE CENTS "Two eilebiarlo Mr. Kennedy, the retiowumi Scotch cocai n., whose entertainments were continued for two hundred - nights in London, and morn recently for Many nights in New ' York, is looked for two flank,, Thursday and Friday, of this week, at Maeonic In Pittehorgb, when there will be a gather tog of the clan to be r(unaled with dtalOguee, readtosts and songs, surpassing in rich met mly,buinor or pathos any merlons enter. talnment to this city. Thousands of our citizens who patronise Ulu Germ. and Italian Operas, and thousands who mar nothing for te ch, win he ennally charmed with the songs of Burma the ellollre read. Mau from Scott,•the "coick wi Jamie Hogg and Christopher North." . Tho bill of Mae Is exceedingly doh, only think of "Jack tellakeidean," ',told Robin Gray," "Young Lochinvor," "Ye Banks and Brae, o . ltoonle Boon," "Of A the Alrts the Wind can Blow," "A Mans a Ohm (or al That," with a dozen other popular pion.. Condoling with "Scotts wha Imo Wl' Wal lace bird, and "Auld Lang Syne." Who can racist ouch attractions I Who can fore go such oleasores! The bull is too small for thnnumbor that will respond "not 1." • The Mom entlle Agency Piney Case In (henna. rho trial at Coburg', C. W., between the rival mercantile agencies, Dan Winans a Co. the lame ae R.C. Dunn A Co., of the United States, and Bradstreet and Son, of Now York, In winch the latter are charged with appropriating the names and Inftirmation contained In the reference book of the form er, was concluded On the 10th, The ovl den. on, of the same conclusive character es shot given during the previous day. The Messrs. Kt adatrect did not attempt.y 'defense as,regards copying the book, hot relied entirely upon their legal right to do so, on t he ground that failure to copyright the book by the plaintiffs made tt public property.- TM plaintiffs, however, allege that their book was never Published In the strietreeme of the term, but Wan given to their subscribers under contract to keep It confidential, and tb rot-lama the expiration of the year's entweription. A nice question as to copy tight. /awned right of authors has thus arisen. The (fituncAlor reserved his wigclient ita to the polnUt of law involved until the WIN inet U Ras Billed. On Tuesday, In Cleveland, at the Ntilon , itailrmul 1..4, It man, whose nh9o Li un-, known, was killed, In each a mum. that It remains a myatdry whether death roonitoil from accidental contaebsvlth the cars, or whether Abu man dellborately committed aulelde.• The latter holler obtained: The ex press from Cincinnati had just arrived and w standing on the track neat to the north otthe imiltilir. On the dret trick mouth of. that train atood a locomotive which was being used In ohliting baggage and mail cars Decemied wiasbetween the two Iral. allure his 11:0V1.11.1.8 could not readily hs noticed. Bet two peroons remember...l honing seen aim at the depot. Ile was about forty Tea. of age, Ova trot high, blue or 1 , hi a 0 17.1 11 , end heard worn long on tile chin r r tip. 'Three knoll red and eeventy dollars I i honk hills were nisi on his per son, hut otng discovered to give a clue Lis nat.. Ile - had no 'baggage, but had et rallroml tfeket from Toledo, Onto, ti 11.- ton. , =1=1:11 On Monday morning last, a boarding home, at NO. 'N2 Smithfield street, was en. Ogade:Pl a trunk: belonging to a boarder named Henry lift, broken opin and a cult of elathes valued at forty floilam taken.• A coax, panto end vest belonging to Thommt Delany, another boarder, wore removed frog, the trunk bet not earrlea away. The villain was not aattelimi 14 , 101 olio mat of clothae, as .would appear, from Delany is clothes being left, but yesterday morning old n wholotale lutetium, by carrying Mt thilanyle trunk with nil 14 cordente, rained .t one hundred and fifty Millar% and maim,. ty•five dollars In money. Ile Obtained too trunk by calling at the bonho and repro.. No /eating that Delany bad sent hlmf for It. arreeta have yet been made, nut certain partite. aro strongly surpectod and, If guilty, will be brought to "grief , ' In a few clay. • Norm V With Waylabititt • • White Wonaaa—Arreatad and Coaa witted in • . Hoary Stafford,a negro, WO, arreeted yon. tenlaY, by °Moen! Wt root and Larry, 00 • warrant 111004 by Alderman Molleatem, Oh oath of Agnes Brown, charging him with rano. I lite allulfoA by thy onmecuirlic. who re. 1110.1 Devon !MTN at Vali or Sta tion, that t m0ntb1.....„ ...o r . who woe ironlonlng for lire IL. commit rod tine ornm., during the aboanco of their em. ploynr, and that oho Immediately made immalatot to an °Moor In this ally. who ro. rimed to Mena warrant. Stafford watt brought [tenni Alderman kiableAtera, and after a hitartog committal. In defattlt Of one thognand dOtlary ball. Ver7l.ogy should go to the' Festrral orthe Church Ileum Idtwrenixoftle this afternoon and evening. It is the •triost de • lightfal reunion of all the Year, to say noth ing of the eatiefaction ot providing for helpless orphans and infirm age, to which all the orellts are religinualy appropriated under the earefulsuperrision of a eery elll olwn board or lady managers: . S. : t'- . { Brutal Affair. John, book keeper at (Imola Allis, Clearfield county, Pa., war terribly beaten on Saturday last, by one of the hands employed at the mills, by the name of Caring. Carlsit came to the office to set ! tle and dratt . Mel - week's wages, s when an al : tereatlon took place between them about the books. Carlon saying tney were not correct, snit Itrlsber Insisting that they were. Itrtsber refused to change the books. stet Carlon attacked him beating him shameturly.. Brieber sumer:tied In getting away from hire and went ton stream of tester nose at hand to' wash the blood from Into face. when Carlon 'chewed him, heat him again -mud attempted to drown him by holding his head under the water until he was Insensible. Carlan was arrested, I hot succeeded In escaping from thonftleer who had him In charge, and It Is thought went rant, Wisner was still living when hislnformant wrote, trot It was thought 114.1. would Prove bit.. The following to a statement Of the ap. Proximate earnings of the Pittsburgh, Ft. 'is tune and Chicago Railway Company dining the month Of Ray ult.. coMpared with the same period of the year lern. expenses for :day show a decrease of Geor eM,OOO, making n decrease of net earnings Of only elc,ooli for May, teen fq:lT4 ' t • eerl•aA•P 12 6 !,3 ,. rciFtll, Tot,. $ 5 . , co, a • I $10.1.21a 41 firm Jan Ito .Ilay.ll $11.00.1 21 37$nt.,.ilea in...". or, 4,4-111.0 e Do. do. —Ex pre.. ..... JI E Advertlocavut. Baldwin he IllerrAful ' The article to tour °Amon.. headed "Adrei il.wuaenq •• •mmars to ho not altogether ' correct- For the first call the School inern an,raprlated ere thousand Cyr bemired and s stzty dollars. and that tow audited Sr the Township Auditors an , tbt re ales a balance In aft hands or the Recruit-. log Committer of one lientred andeality dol lars. and remains nepald : Slate limn art, there noseda dedeletcy of eide menta . ad the &pool Based aporoprlat.d two thou and seven huo• I , ed dollars. When that came iota the town ship /twitters thereiwas a balatice or nftden dol. town .hl not accounted tie. The. cal of .1u! y.tot the quota of Baldwin was forty.foUr men. The School Waged apprJerlated thirteen thoutand twit bnndred dollars. and It was paid Into toe Imodit of the Treasurer. an I ,it &Domes by hie onocliers teat the Recruiting Coramltte• rvevir sd the Omer amounts, and here was Irene six to ten tonitsand •utocebed by the of Baldwin. •tol cullec , e4 and fluid to the Re. reeking Committee. Thls Amount...mon, bag nevr been' audio.. by thtf Township Aanitt..cs. .powith the eeenitttniColinaalvee. •dente that r Lae Been:Moe Committee yloareo recrultlne. the School Boort untitled the Com- Tmittee to meet then to examine gm. moochers. wo or the rotomlttekt Int t the IL AN accord!, aopolnithetil an I al . ..Sheet toetrold rerun: rates; the School Roar.l .na Inc stair .trAmlucd these certiti 'llrpt t ; 1 p not OVi l or 1 ...ige:5, • lot echo.ut roard d the qeduren tee to meet them on • caltaln day. trbyy produce.l e certtfleat•• lacalna reee/Pte. ebo.len bh amount or moe - Y pall by Mom or sore... Raven or Aorta reeretta. On these cnalltd, tie School 11.a••O lhoneht tt Plotter to e lay It over to the on, regale, the. tine. stetter to the Co.- milt., that they need-nut •ltend except they Pe.deeeal inure reeetols. Au to Mr John Noble •eil w m. Moore het, 'leant thin spring a.. rhamoions to . test the dilLeulte bet.. en the nit, z or the township mall the R-true tout ed.-es e. It le out c rreei Me. W O m• Moore was elected last stolen am ear ago. r. Joao Ziobie denies that It.. Ina any sm. P'edge• It ^. t•hr ped that tne mtleman who steno elitteelf •t't asp., et - wt $ re. Ala ...rat:tenting,.l i wort and rode e vouchers [hallunacy , e.r•c,lts.. awl cli,e Is no ettubt (bat .tee tiltrotor. a Ita.d wt. wit an ..... r that nth circulated Fraudulent renorts whleh ti•-e been on the Recruiting Commit-. tee, Ott, mind. I=! Wolter Brow. ham lee, In a card published In the Clipper or this week says: -flayingseen the challenge teem Joint. natant; John Mete)! ma other, who wig, sashtm. to test my .merits as an oarsman. I. taktOyleasu re lq saying that as soon saloan make the necessary arrangements with my 'smeary they will hear from me." The 112,C01, contested tor with Llarcall, it I+ stated have been handed Over to Brown. Ilrooltennes..—Subn Boyle quad Luke Sweeny. were founa on the atrcet on Tue. day ntabt last, beastly drunk, and were taken by tbe ponce to the, 'whence they rano, yesterday morning to !layer Nlcuartny's °Dire, when they were sent to lb....tombs" for tw enty-fonr bears each. or default of a nue of one dollar and coots. neitaittiss Cbapier- Ple-tile.—At Me. 'rittleuPe Cirorta;to-iley, • pleaac will be given under the oteneeement of Llottatf age .. .....ett.eatel_ehould the weather prove re enrable. • aey of p an t ream - Aston .111-b• afforded ttatel who iht.lllll,,L brass betel w 111 be prezent. _ Temperance Lecture tat Sbmimberg. —aids. James A. linty, 01 Landon, aellvered his Temperance Ural Inn, last evening, In the kl. C Church, bliarpseurg, before 14 large and fashionable audience, under the nu !pleas of I. afavette Lodge, Ito. 11, bona of Temperance. f lairrancy.ll.ll“ Be/ay:end el Black, i•fallen angels," were arrestenits tillekhony . city on a charge of 'emir nu% and brought before His Honor, Mayor orriron, who corntultten thew to the twre a of Wanton W nice, for thirty day., Vold Nparallag Nada Water at .7. T. SatnpleA Drug . .Iture, No. IS Federal 'Arcot, aliegh.y. P o Whofemale Buyers of Dry Goal e w offer bargee., In Job lots of Drera Goals, Panting., Idoeu• Goods, and roll Ives of Shoetrees, tibirtlirge. Prints, Tick. log, llbecke, de., all of which we will tell at the very lowest eastern cash priers. J. re: BAIIKIIM a Co. 59 Market street, below Third a:Fourth eta. Weld Lock Mitch Sewing Machine In the bent tnac,lne In the Rotted Staten. it not en to any machine In use, you Can return It methane your .money, m antrit, the rhea peet by twenty ,per at.. R. IL Intng, tuout,No. 112 Grant intent. (Aaents wauttal). t th . . A True ner.dlan accordance with a law passed bytthe Legislature. at Its last nesalon, true meridian lines are to be estabilah.l In each county cc the blow, and pests are to be set up In the most eligible places. Colored School —Four ;iota situate on Hiller street. Seventh work/men been per. chased from Dr. George L..2deCook and Kr. William Hamm, on which it la Intended to erecta building for the Colored -School. Vacation' of the geboolic—The Central Board of Education, at then - meeting, Toes day evening, fixed the Slimmer vacation rm. the evening or Friday, June . 1.11, oa• tit aloaday, September 2d.. - City Superintended, Eleelion.—Thei Convention of Senool Director. will 10.01 t hie even in., itt 714 Weinok. at the Third and Tenth Ward School Iluildlng, to elect u City Soperluternici“. Cold Sparkling Nods Wager at 3. T. Sample's Drag Otore, To. 3S Fedrralatrert, Allertioar. Th. Very Lament fares of Hata. Cap. and Straw Gn0.19, liourlay Layan'a, No. 56 St. Clair street. Tnei Can Buy e'Brelit. LIBBOB, or al kind. 8,..1..e530 B. i n c h's Instillory, No, 1111. 193 ...11.1 195. • --- You Cato Buy La per cent. Mrollol wt Joteph S. • Ten Win find n, lWnlal ,Efitablifildriont at 246 Penn +trent. Drs. Sill ft linlonplif. • —You Can Bay' w nOtho at Josiorkif Finnh.• • WAdilitional Local Norms on Th ird Paßc. —A great dea of amusement has Wen created in Paris,l m by a little Item of sews' from holy. The king, it will be rumen'''. berm), a short time ago announced to the, Chamber of Deputies iu a very magnil oquebt letter that,•in view of the state of the country's finances, he bad resolved to sacrifice four millions of his civil list. A paragrapt. at the end of the letter ap. peered to be overlooked at the time. His Majesty really gave up four millions on the condition that the Parliament vo ted a bill.whlch he gave dlrectionti should be brought in, and by which the country was to be called upon to pay - off six: mil lions which his Majesty declared were over due, but which in reality were not due at all. The Unita hallo no hams very bitter and.sarcasfic oracle on the affair, headed, "Give Fuer and Take Ste." It makes very pointed allusion •to certain escapades for_ which Victor Emanuel lots gained nuirenotoriety than fame, and •tuiscrts that these, four millions of debts are only a Ord" Majesty'. obligations. It sweets that the King owes eighteen million here for debts which this journal 'Lays areOH too "inti mate" a nature to be placed fn any u pub lic, accounts. —A correspondent whit visited Rogers, the Michigan sculptor at Florence; eagle he Is full of business: "Nydia turns her blind face toward you from every Ode of the room as you enteb. Isaac,; as he kneels ready for the samitice ' !would meta also to be aifavorite with the pub lic. The kneeling statue of , Ruth Is full of-grace and beauty. In one band are a few heads of grain. and the other hand reaches toward the earth,i but the up turned lice speaks plainly of thoughts far away.' The model blithe United States soldier, which is to surmount the Cincinnati monument, lathe most oromi tient object io the room, as, with "Anna a.port," ho keeps . watch dver the figures' about him. Ile is indeed a model set diet. lie has a steady, determined look which is decidedly inspiring. I imagine that my backbone -has felt stiffer ever since I first raw him. The Rhode Island monument Is, I believe, occupying Idr. Rogers' attention at present." THE wfuTTY GAZLfIE • T - WO Entfioxs. . 'WEDS r.Pil).9lr AND NATVELDAT. A t".• ofmlutr I,se;Fr 1%111,, . . .1= F:.- 1 , ,rt1.1 !,. • ' salr , rit,r .... 'rt —And on. copy or paper to the person j•Rfrg apthcclab. Ad OPlonS..lo Chao talkie Made any time, at <inn Yates. • Norms. To SClSCalline.—in ordering TOM' paper. beams, and MeCify .iutteedition 7O .- ...L. as me Issue a Wednesday Edition tbt lON scrtners battnc bet one mat( a mrsh. • , Dr • Kaar7 of Draft. Zayre". ".T ° or In aa , flsterad.Letaars, [lief betentaton;ll7: PITIISRIDIGIT. Puma. C7NDENsED NEWS. - ( r By Ty earaph to the rittoarsh Oasette.l transpired that of tt o petit 'orate drawn, from whien twelve ware to be' DIY leetee to try Barrett, tiro.tbfie. was., ltto hlm.cathollos. —Gem. Pope`, In a re.oent letter to 04.. Grant on affairs In Mobile, emit. from whet be can learn; be doubts I:theme:wend of the Mayer and Chief of Pollee time boos most sallshactory to the Colon move or to there. tteetable rebels In elobtle. —Gen. Sheridan .wlll limo. In a few days, nn ord ei protecting all parties, In the pesos fnl preelentlon of the campaign through. Out Louisiana. —The entire press and people of New Ora leans. irrespective of party. 503 , 1/ a "Meals are rejoicing over the remnval of General Wells, and a day of tlumelaigtvlngStrul promos wan suesrosistl. 1=17.11 CAILVIN.—Mn IlVedotkday,'lbe Ilth i d..t IN o'clock, Inot,rs. MANY CALVIN, In the. year of her s • . • The Amoral wilt take place from berlate reel. donee.. No. en Rebecca ~rest, Allegheny Oltla a' a o'clock YU. Aryrigoorf. The fiends dt the'fozelly ere Invited to attend: ' • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALEX. AIBEN, ONDERTAIIEI4 No. 166 /mirth Rest. Tittabargis. Pas corrINT of alt kinds; CHAFILS. GLOVIO3. svery description of Tanen! Tranlahhal Wadi foinisitott. humus envied Mt/and Might. Heath ' And Carriages furnisher!. itarlitimcsa—ltev. David Kerr. D. Y. W. Jacob.. LLD., Thomas twin/ s lim., eOb H. Diller Ned. v • G. ' RODGERS. ITAIDERTA• KIX. • MD E l [BA7.l99.ll,,meneuor WU*, tau Usual E. 'R-rditers. No. 1g tlhlo IlUmets three doors Rom Bauer, A.Reatien9 It 7. hie• lathe. Rosewood. Mahogany; Walnut uhtl Rose. - - wood 1611144100 00alefet the loweic , edue4 Itous open at all boor., day and nights !trans and , arrlawas furnished on Anti halide • tad on most rruontble terms. R T. WHITE &' CO, I NIDER TAKZII.3 AND satuaLialms, YuaMh ter, Wood•e Hun and vicinity. Cain Boots at Manchetter Livery litabin, comer libellield and Ctiocliers anent). ,linals. An* Curt And This vision!. • S. STEWAFT. Undertaker. ""•.! corner. of SIOSISON and PENN 1128.1taTIN Moth Widd. cap. of all kinds. tisane and Contain., furnished on the shortest prole, • DEW LIN ea SILL. Real Estate amt Insurance Sieuts. Mitlet . tlt., Lam. rouceillie. ea. felt SALK—MAY UFACTURISIO 1311 . 2.—T0'. SlAtitirACTUrterte We offer for *We the 'hisHl' ea s e most desirable rite for Rollins NM eat Bloat Iftunace, or for any large sassulleetecisly purposes, in the county. This ptopirty Is loos. ted on sit foot i.rert and the Allegheny neer, and within 100 feet of tan •. V. U. IL The lot is 210 by 045 genet • Ocarina such a lot would do well to examine before buttes elseirheis. Ternit made to nit pivetiasers. Itoeutre of DICVLIN A nI.L , Neal agitate and lotnritso• •gelias. littler Oriel- t. ewrenverllle. FOR SALE--thaq T.ry walua. ble and de arable prop. fly al awcle on llbw bee's xtryet and, the Allegheny rte. , . In *Wel hghtny , up; lea , ./41nby by. .e on which Uwe:tat et . .. y: if; .. .Li :I el Badding, ..• .Coda. • ,,, r gb . ealealaw cl and well adapted fm earning on Ilan., any branch of mgnefao. taring. it la !widens • Lat of *brae dlmenalong. +lowa *hr city, can belled, and we igoo'cl Incite the a trete] • a.tlon of More clealron• of tette r• lag a pine. for telinUlaeltleeir WMr ... k.C 1,1 . 1 the elite. of U it vLI2I a SILL, Weal 'Peale and losurane• Ai..s. ',reef. Lawrenee•lll..-- NEW I§TILES ICE PITCHERS, Fruit and nary Dishes, TEA SET-S, CASTORS, AAD COMMUNION BEV, JUSSIIIICEIVID DUNSEATH dr: CO., a*cm7.l.l.ennie, J. W. JOILYBTON i..I3COTT, =EI Fine Watches, Clocks, (Jewell') SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. IIT4 LEOINTY prßljy r.i.tt1110b1.1.1104 N.• Pail.lanisr attention (Inn So ilionallins innannes,' Clocks and 'Tawdry. 1L malt Inn maned GOODS FOR TIID )IILLION! SffpSON, PALMER & CO.'S AUCTION MART, 55 a:57 FIFIrn ;Plttsbiirgh: . Daily ehosleosontts lot Elankreet Stocks o Oasis Prom all parts of the Malted States, to b• sate at PRIVATE 'SALE, Wholesale and Rot H, REGARDLERS OF VALUE.. xxxl3. WORIIVE...CUILDREYPE' TOUT HE' Do° R, warrsiA BEL. II BALA ANKE'tPPEa.., DOEICRTIC URN ORRIRL . ' CLOTH., CEIRSIII[IIZ. JEANS. con, k!i•DIES. BRIRTS ENV DAAWILEIL GLUTEI. RomERY. HE). DICERCRUMC ,UBP33UFAIL CUTLERY. POCKET ROULI.. EATS. CESPLT. amnia Also, direct from The rueitrettersre s Ingrain, Rag. and Lido p.s.izrnmrris, At .Auction Prices I It I'ULILLIIIM OLD MR 26% 55 OD 57 FIFTIi frilla. . N. 11. — Pura!then ono donsebold goods tor NY* at Auction on ILVLILY THOUnDIr. • 11 211111S01, PALMIZI & THE tit PERIOR MERITS et lb. irli . i t...., lllt .i a l W ot I t. LIKINT ddr, ast ilt4) Ilene and eeeee al par . posee e Onto nr.ll dee getalrge,l and se generally advale!erl. that an enumeration of (bolt neatly* eine!. ,letzelee le no !Nagar wadded, d geese.. (11i. ?lay are atingle, delialde .ad bp.. Will. I wirartax IeZPICIT e : Moe 17 FINTEt Illrialli. I .net •. HORSES FOR 111 .E,ALT . ' Howard% Livery Stable, rumr wrazirr, Oar ItOtotrataittfit • }lmam.. 00(0 (o.oio .0 0 , 1010 wNar o 4 0 a tt l r o ooto. n vmolter rrta m On o o trot.l trtolort .V to in low. Hornsbothtp .ool.MAoZtrotott ;" ELOLBLVS, BELL & 1 111E601' 0101 N allba, m " °! "litiliZitgatVlV l l a ' /448 ; • AEU B&117119,