El L'l.'d,, droker, eornerlof PH% Gavartment ..amtuaen4l Xsatusalge soLl St and Coupons. bought at WO. ..Ix4 Gold Draft lamed on Now SIZES 7 .3-10 BONDS Converted into 5•20'5,1885, fOIDS DELIIMIED IYM/ITELT. JAS. ,T. BRADY & CO., Bankers, Cur Voiirtlfr &Wood fltr.eltot TO. HOLDERS OF' 7-3 0 'S. •Ifia•leirs;da arra...tuts with Tay CND Ock., . Our correoponduatc•• tyre Into 14 . of MR. .Ilbept rAarge. Bonds so Maud Srf Dellvem7 IRA B. •McVAI. & CO,. Barbers. 00T4WEll POURTII •ND '3IIIIiITIELD RV. wl4: SELL YOUR 7-30's BUY 5-20'S. 2: 43,yr or 'EVEN TO. !MI .11 C willrl . nd xd• yoo,oirt of 11Vjfi 4 14 0', P. rzer. ENT. by. coavortlng on lhl. plsn. ' IBA B. ItIcTA V & CO, RANKERS, 00H. 4TH '& SICITHFIELD STREETS. 7-30- Et() 1113 S ONV ERTEL) INTO 5-20 BOND'- ,1865; • WTIMOUT CALM/I. Weed,. wooeht and sole ee enm=lesioelln New ymr, hawielplan awd•Noeten. ROBINSON BROS., =3 zr Rittsburgir Gad ttt FINANCE AND TRADE Orate or Ton P 171.10609 GAirrrc,,l Tcrzionl. June 11,18 In me Weir 'York stock quotatlone t, , -day, as rimeleed by Ye. P; & karts, were As follow.: Gold, isPNi • Elgitty.aa Wads; 112;j; Five Tweatles, - 1.1,1 103 k; Five. Tientlm, 1564, 1004 i, Five Twenties, 1845, jOkig; 1861 Coo sols, login 8. van Thirties, IWUClftblf; Ten' Fortin, ft , {: lllettla. Southern Rail- Mad, , tabgt Cleveland d Pittsburgh, 74d: Mts. burgh,Fort yarn° and Chis6eo,9lsg; Erie, lOW Chicago -mid Rock' Island, 81% Chicago sad Woribwestern, 15%; do preferred, WI; New York Ocatral. lit; Beading, 1.780 Wmtern Unlan' Telegraph, stii;. oregary, 5,10; Cory don, !AS:Quirts 0111, 1,63; Smith And Puma: /et, 4,15. ' . Gout opened et ISPj, declined to 1 37 14, waraNd to 117%. And doe. at 3 o'cisck tale afternoon et 13 54 . Vint:emend for goldcomei entirely from peril. going .road Andlrom nierchauts far Mirka and .export; the mukeC la void of arly epee:Bance feeting, and if It WAS not that the Gusertune. Wished to keep the moner market la an easy eundltion In order to . .fasUlaste the grobsersion Serb Thirties. the premium souldi be much lower from ssirs the Treasury. (invent...is Are very firm, oak have all,htly advanced; there Is • de- sire to exchanae :Seven ,Ttartles now for elnoshe noupaas of the Utter are out , . The dock muter Ir fel:earth; there rate top teary alousto reelie: wear the reerket bee advare,PO4 la away Latri wed by a deellue. iiit , „rine shares are veryilull; outcries bare been so rave viettputerlittia they.are strati to buy era under p panic: Money la Part, at blob thosing qLatatlons teee:lred by Jaime. T Brady: ' .. • U.S. Sliei. Mt 1121. e.g., 15A1.,. " • 1.4 . 1,4 . Ittal ' 10.,, " 1 • 0-KiaW. " Cow.o a. s . • • , ' 0 ‘Ol. Allguat 7.ave JUn• T 412.... ..- 1,5? EMMI =2 —Stooks sr4.l rites..l ty etresing, June 11th, on the - see,..ed floor of the, t'otenterchd Saes Howlats. /Di Seatatteht street. hi A..llelleattie, Aholkihet kallunal Mooch " " ire.. Cu% VIIZcU." • " . tbflJTliIWUil IV=t==fl/ Alieg IsesyStampruslua Il+Od nseeL 'Lindy Allegheny 0 s. U st.T, Yeophs lo.,:evace t'u p 1 Mere is mon touttleoce In tinanetal circles to leg .te to the pn,sin eta of businessjor the I I.:act/lie:tee as to the cloys Is of a gratifying eharactetgeneral tor:Eitel:ye Is reviving, collec tions are easier, end the fears are aut.:dine et to thZe moremeeta of tb: Treasury causing fur. . thee distutb :nee of bnsioest by locking sap euß , veyand within:wog it from circulation —Tie receipt. a it:tercel 'revenue thus to thlenad. th loditate not the ankle/ estimate K 'MA , Otto for tin m nth will be reached. The develoituenta now being made regnuftng the duattufact ere. of whisky, end its - escape trout tie ynymezt of the i.st. will bring the whit e p.ominently betas: , Coo n at tte meat no.utiogdebege the 111,1e•lital of reining the revenue Ott, be g.eotiy nimplitisd If men. are devised whereby the t. Csa IM ea the , :eater pot,lon of the whisk: that is mannfactured. the general effect of the last pubdr: debt Catement seems to have been to, reaseure the public mind.' • —fin the arLudlng up of the State bank ear gentry syitara, the Palencia! Chronicle has the Yollowingobeervations : "ft le net generaily known that the notes of ITelv ftogiand State batiks are now at a dis count ot I per cent. The reason of this heavy depreciation ls that at Boston the Suffolk Ha ul[ nut the Bank of lung such have dig. ofredeeming such notes st oo d the gist of June. An the IthlOtall outstanding is smell. end there is nOW no method of getting payment without Sending the Doles to the several books by mailor by tape.. the uneurr.t money broker. make the ears charge to cover the de• 12. th e:11 , ense . at . a r d p t..ro.thylie,havolvedia'sehe.llll;es Western States are ailing at cutout rates of disconnt, while [hoes of the Santo( New Yolk probnbly imam nest month to be redeem. el by the Idetropolites /Jain of ihie city. and will the:mg...4lly daap,mar from cLausettion.. —The redemption of the tight millions of Compound notes in guilt lately to place the MM. is es mane then at preeent, for ; ea the femme) , will pay a portion ta bank e , reel, the Opettitl.•El It like y t.. retail in it emotion of their legal.teader 00001 e.. It a neon a tal, Indeed, whether th. beak. will me- I rennet their a miasma. before the making up of Melt July statements, foe by lamenting the ; poles foe ;admonition they may gad that they bare elielliteeed legal tertian for bank ear. nary. The miment of the June interest or , Steer nitetleete the only tale( wide/ can he certainly marinated for the month; whl e, no the other side et the account, there will he of intone 2 ‘1 ,..`1 i : 1 1. 1,1 bii ,`, 17. `, 11.r.t `, % ° ; weetwaN f o e She pentane of Ilia wool Cray,. Alter the Middle of thenth.etie deretaing yams. o[li:rtes.:am fo• t me he quarterly state. menu hea t . make it.ir felt in the withdrawal of • few Za1111• es iif deposit by the latertor batike—si mov.•Acht which lame toll produced an extreme etritleency In the , meant. it le elated, we know not OPon what author. ity,that Important requisition:W....Mowed to I Stead over to June. In or.ler to a:lakes keel.. Ode exhibit to the debt Statement of the la tit. otaati If Ma he the case. themarket to., ea , pe•lehae eantalo *moue. of relief( oat liberal oinl i etlitelettle epee dep.:it:tient requital. JYttlo Press. —The WO.] monthly tables of cert•ln o.es of domestic re dune melted at New h ork for e e Met fire menthe of the current year, tar mom published, oat show that the re mate of %heat ur ad mint to only 621,t44 barrels—lees aim one belt the amount re. calved In cormatto dl • time In 11.15. Coro- Mesl la the met Lae Ihm to leo if Smut trk- OM Steals{ wheel . . 2 AMO Mahe , . rye. 10.; On ', p o e t s so d I.,fr}sh ut - Ife,en 0 bustols The gms tsolfatilog mg. hoverer, line Imes la oat., which. for the last five Menthe. amount tee only 303.111 Mehra agatma 2:10,714 Mahe'. La the tat fire mootbsof The acolytes of men shoW et mail inmate. All kindePLoeYel Mores hare been tartly roar Imo thew no marked mange to the am ,u.. 1 re. cola S—helot • falling e ft In pock, beef. and bottle. and • smelt Increase of ,and, ahem, we inky, and manicure. fae expott• allow • fella, off In mutt Ituvittent .ten , ., need. roil le • ;kw others.. Ihe thipMeute 4014, butt* r, thee., hod.tkllnv a ei meteor.... d to. th. me, ail Mow en Itteii roma m 11,11 n( the Ancoer 0 l• the • 1 t• L ime nit ;ulnae allotted be Israeli ire rimed to. i mat& the More 01'11,4 0.1. if Uttl• eerie t ; the deenet 004. m The World AOsi hoot by the di•ol , .itilitie la the nor eney.the Co pine l'unineeo rood not ftil of terra/rig e teem omeet.. tem. the lane surplus educe rb ien be awallog ok/rhumb—Phil. = • tßy T:egrato. to. , tt:n-ram (lam tin.) Ctn.:inane, lump 11.-Flour nod Irlint unchnuarml and nt•indY. tkun cnry and prier, Udnet•lnd. U.O dully 14oldorun-ked 3113-for Ho. L 11.30, 0,311, at 61,43 f o r No 1. Cotton dull and nnluna noroulal. awl there In to demand; !swth:. I. Wad at 21(//204 WhtnDr Drin, 61.91. ID..Pork dull bet there is Ilttlo .I wood. 11.11{ 100.31.0223 Damn uuabantral. Lunt 1. in 4101.{ soles of WI Dem% at 1t,,. llrookrlen ktormly. Dut ton unanaramo unnhanand and/1131ot. Mask 15411160. 11f11,1 1101 hallos mut 137 .elltng. Esetisar..t....) , • • 30w York Dry , lieas • Markel. - (Br 'frlrrrrrfok lb. rll .nar 0 Org..) ' s.w YOU. Jane 11—Tee Ary sinnui mar. -ital. quint mud otrefly fur most klnfl• of. mown., goods. snowitnea, best j,\1.401:... 11.,•:::131466- :Me And good Catull In fair rettorrft, (or oat thud Otani old IT r 4 o ngr . tliajarir o Oow ir i z ienums of the but ID Au!totv, F e : WO: OW, in r . , , JAMS D 4LZELL & SON, 69 and TO Water Street, LARD O Th mAttriAannuats, mitv.ioviCEl3Dl.. LLIMICATIso ud . • • .•-• W< lemm as oor No. I Lord On equal to the Mst Vedanta. or o th er brand*. .d pretorar to Men o. law LI OiI:A.4IU et Chlesso rate.. ex oar Nora Lard WI asp. Lubricator carteot be cele Data Creek Llbeading sad standard brand. of Carbon ell constantly on 0.. a. Keret:mats and 131•Ziel dams,' their Interest to glre u n enl/ be r ?" " Lard OP front the West. fe,s,,ro PIIrTRBOBuix AUK/Lats.. brews op roe Ppresnoson Gairrra, Tinesnar, June'', tent. I ' - • Tfiegeneral markets present no new thatae_ tatattc..orthe of special notice. there Is no Improvement to note in the demand for any of the ;ending commodities, and while prices, generally, bate undergone no material change. the tendency stlli eoritlnues downward, and both dealer. and consumers continue to re , strict thelr.'purchaaef to the lowest possible limit, the trolley tieing to keep down .rooks as much impossible. ORA10:-.There ts no unlovement In tf heat, and there la little or nothing doing In Bye or Barley, By. L helo at SIM to $1.43. but there are but very fewdfany, buyers at present. Oats gull but unch.go.l; may be quoted at 06,3Wc, on track and wharf; and 70612 e for small lots in . more. Caro Is dull and neglected; prime 'netted may . be quoted at 113(500. FLOCK—there is no-Improvement to- nate in the demand, and while the market Is Mill and unsettled, prices are-nominally unchanged. We continue to quote at $14,212 50 for Spring %V hest; andllll,s 16)14 for Winter Wheat. ,Sale 01 ItO bbl. Clipper hilly. (Dayton)—on Monday —at Ill; and 100 'Obis, name brand to-day. at Rye Floor nominal at 19. PROVISIONS—Bacon IP quiet and no. changed—eales of Tan poundal Shoulders at 9%; 10,0 do Muted SIM a at It T, and 12,100 do Csavassed Sugar Cured Hams at 163.1(1111e. Lard is quoted at Dried Beef at Zketie tar plain add caavaimod. and Ideas rink at 1522,00ara. LARD OlL—F'.Sellerak Co. report sale. of N 0.2 nt &lank, and No. tat *Lana I,oa. 1).• mand fiat Lad Storks light. POTATOES—The demand la fair and mar ket reported steady at $1,3501,40 per bush for prime Pe.a. Blows. EGOS—In good demmol s 'mice and higher —greets peeked Isola reality to-day at Zscirule per dozen. CHEESE—Ls quiet ina unchanged; r egui.r sale. ut ilo for W.l.Cre Ilmenre s and 101 0 100 for hamburg. isqTrEli—TUre le no Improvement to note to tnotlemaud; and the market la °small:4lT dull. and prices are oomlnal at l 2 lse for fresh patted, and loal7c for fresh Roll. 11,1 Y—Is dull, with a drooplog tendency; may be quoted at:2o/125 for good to strictly prime Timothy. DRIED YRUlT—Cootlnues very dull, and material concessions would have tobemade la order to effect round lot bales. W. quote to a "tall way at le,:c for Apples, and 10141.70 for . .Yeachcs. ALLEGHENY tuiTLE HARNEY. Onion oi nu Prrrezazon flisarra, Togenag, June 11, INN. crerrLm The market thin week, notwithstanding the supply was not unusually large, was the hard. eat one of the season, at least so said all the drovers, and they' ought to know. Compared with but week, price. ruled from X to I cent per pound lower, and 'even at the reduction, 'the demand ergo light rind the market lifeless; tame and depressed, and several ear loads were left over uneold. The quality of the cattle on lair was much poorer than It has been for some time,• large number of poor thin rims and heifer* and rough and bony steers; hail a ten. den,, as always le the case Ina hatil market, to hurt the sale sod lower the pica of good cattle. The best retailing grades sold at from 9 99 9 ‘,4 9 1 9 94 very good cattle, which last week would have brought the plisse just olueited,sold this week at 8 tufbie. Common and inferior cattle sold all the way from 4 to tc. lIIIPOILSED SALIM Olt CATTLE.. L. Rottichtlda retailed NI heal At 71.5 to 81.5. Name & 11aas,t7 head at VA to 335. James . Martin wholesaled LI head of faltlah Ohio steer*. • veraglng 1150, to Carr & , PleAlllster, at 81i. Good & Co. wholeuled 213 head of good lowa steers to Hirlewood klllackstatlwat Marko k Traunnan retailed d 7 head at 715 to Pl 5. 710010 u -oaf & Blackstock, 32 head at 3to 1,2'. Carr & Monlitater. It : peon at. El to 014. L. Shot:Ahem 00 head Texas 'cattle At 131 to S— P left over. Teener er. Hartman, 55 head .t 71 , 5 tht7l,s. .15iotc :Bro., II head at to A. J. Shaw. berg, 15 howl at QSi E. 14. Greenwald & 07 howl at 7to PS. Latterly a tie(: I AO he ad— of heed left over. Slyer. & Needy wholesaled 72 head of pekoe heavy steers to Barney Grey At 115—stalled 70 bout. godson, 13; fla.oloo, p, tad Jackson, 11. 'The warm weather does not Appel. to ice prove the retail amend for Hogs, while w bele. &Metes, at these yard., a entirely out at the question at the. at eau of the year. Thl. Sa tes the eon, there is little or nottang dam( it .thin clas of stag, ad we continue to quote, e retell way, at WA to 7%., preen, for latr to toed beery aceretes. We were unable to and out much about the Sheep tmbles., f urtherthaa the supply was a little larger thin usual. and the market ruled dull. Peron at mottos. Sheep may 'he quoted at 6 to 6140. gross, Ls a retail way. I.Mnbs plenty and dull at 6 to Stl Per head...m. ll PP to Are and condition. Mtn =I Onto. Or TIIISPITts.IOIOO Clean - re; . TereonT, Jute 11, O RUDE—The market woe actin MeidetatelY active to-day, the reported Wes reaching ten thouiand barrels, but piaci hare un dergone no quotahliettange. Sale of MO bile, on spot, at 634; 0 0 do do, at OD WO (42 gravity) at 2;1660 bide to be delivered between . the Tith of Juoe, I&T, and the riot of December, IEB, buyeea option, at li; and fael hbl.,for slime de /leeryno-1 Olition, et 1214. The 4,s rir,j, hoist light and stocks .(spot oil yketty well reduced tends to atifen the price for immediete deliver lee, and patties who hare sold ahead are 'anx ious to secure enough 10 flil they ccityacti, co peclally .2 fumigation is, virtually alley/ended. We have no quotatjong Spore Olt City to-clay. REFINED—There grjubaha Isle ircittlry for hooded oil to-day, and whit. thii market Is del and unsettled, price. are rwteiretlif ure attained. We eau report • eale of .2000 beads standael hylitte,lo)Delteh for September, Octo ber and November, at ms; .I,l= able, too . eacb Jar. August, September. October, How ems ,ber and Decemoer, at 26e, and 600 for all year 01307, buyer's oplion i st 21. Spot oil „may Ld ; hooted at 21)64 fcr grime light strato white,. io 22340 for stYndatil whtt.. - .6.20/ITALS—No arrivals of oil repoS.l. OIL sa ITT MOSAJIT /MOO Dittonali• DeroT. Warier lb King, I DID ref, to Waring, King is Co. ?tits; J Dllller is (Jibs( do do, to Wallet/. )(Jag I Co. Phiht; Llutehloson Oil Ref Do, CO do ,do, to WG Vrarden, Phila. ' • 6.1 X, V 5 New Took Pesdnee , [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh dosetie.) New Toad. •• June 11.--Cottod le doll, heavy lustl lower, with noes of Lab :twice Uplands at haw Floor is leo. footles and firm but eloctomited. With renelple of 329 Ohl. and sales of 800 bale; closing dull. California flour, SW. *WM twie •7 4. Urn fl 'oor is unchanged at MP. Whitey s quiet. Wheat 12 drill and drooping with no reoetput and uleief 13,00 bushels white California, part at 01,9701,00, and the remainder at pri vate terma. aye is nominal at 31,4001,4 N on rail, and western at 411,400140. Barley alt M reg.. In bond, 110. Corn Is heave and Una lower. with reCelPt. of 130,933 Mantels; common to prime new mined at $101.07; cho/oe at 4; 01,09; Closter at MX 01,,n3f0r prune; old mixed western !at Mao 04,121 n Storeiand delivered unsound west ern at /10097 b; damaged do, 63c, whlta west ern at #lO/.02. 00n drill and 1020 lower, with recelpta of 49,7e4 bushel._ and sale. of 37,00. bushels western at 130.3 cl new Ohio at tic; prime Southern, 54%, end State at 840034. nice 1. quiet Code° le firm. Sugar is firm and fair speculative da mend, with sales of 2,000 hhils cabs at. loy,o 134 and 1.2 a. Molasses Is steady. with serrs of 380 - btl• Deomnira at 3340 0 . M. retro. 101 l 104E111. withsale. of Crude., lac, and IL ed, bond, 25c. Hop. are unchanged. .Por opened heavy and aimed firmer. with Dales of 7,T0 able x[01.310;2,13 for new Yep; a long, at 130.19 for regular, and 3200 Map for prime, and 101,73 for prime Mess. beef steady; sale. of 210 barren at 606.1005 prioe.. Iteef flame quiets sales of 11S bar rel., at pgusi. Damn .quint; sale.. of 20 boxes. at IPArt for; short ribbed, and I^4o 12%c for abort clear; the latter for TepaCktel. cou.Mesda dull; sale. of 140 packages, at 0 441100 forwhoulders, and '12014a Mr ham.. Lard ham sales d.bM els at 120130. Now.ltutter ; dull, at 130260 barr for . State, and 150110 for Ohio. Cheese heavy. I.7eighta in fAverooni firmer{ 1,000 bushel. cern by ateatoor at LoTturr, 5 x. st..—Tiour .slot, with bolder. more diem:wed torealise. Whom. closed 52. dull and nominal, at 13.. Barley nominal. Oat. dull, at 730 for western and 1310M0 for obin. Bye dull. et 41,44111,43. Corn doll and heavy, at lima LDS tor now mined west . ern...Yarn unsettled; oaten of LISA barreli of meas. at 1121,93 sub.. and paw rename; with fres 'sellers at the quotations. Itrof fi rm , with only. • email supply. Cut Year. invade. Bacon in moderaut demand. at 11%c for abort rib, an d 12%013e for ohne,. clear. Lard booty, with ovners at 12%0 11%0 for (file Dna... o d 12 350130 for kat , Be rendered. =I t UT Tergraph to the Plttabarge Ornate.] 111, Load; itUle Jl.—TObanne; there are ~, 1, oer iega, 0::t the mai ket le beery; ter -0 rum wradrab lower;l;tletatfnee range at 04.7:46: common 1raf..431 0 1 (00t 00 7 arl.cl. 1.. 01.751de: medium dart ilgr.y. "WIZ; Ifrigto do. 010613 i MOO , nr*PP. l . ll * 11 W 3. 1,, wood and nee brlght lear . Cotten le doll an tbere Is no de ' mand. limn, dell . et •e 1.50 for Choice undreamed and rr..75 for whole. d reeeed. Floor s e dell and Irregular; i U;;;;v7,°:.l.l'brl;l2gftt s . oo7s °, i'aVor, 1 einKilt awl medlum double extra spring. Mialcath double extra ta11.1110,3001244h0h0100 Imo fee ry, .13.11016,60. Wbeot—flnuer, elja 41.11 d fur fair end elowee wood rennin eldlna 0113 for no. l and choice; 41, 1 1.3 for Orme foil 1 ' se w shmehnu for mono. torn; low/y . l for relaral and yellow thot prior to fi114t4111.4 white nuotatlone ranee at mom. •o, t „, i n , 1. r .,7 1 T ger rtlir l anfrile " l74 . 4:l n!4 NA ~,,, a t 14014 e /ewer wllnuot buyer. Whiskey; nomlneL 6glejagre AmbeteL tßy Telegraph to the tidal:4r. 4...tw0 tlatearfoartue 11.—Yloar less actlen and twofer for good to fancy brands; earth, ex tra. $lOOll. Wheat quiet. uneettled and declined to oe Yrata01101d 417 .. 44 1. 1 " 1. Ole, and Co. Sat 01,93.1.141 nominal at cam Lat. Corn le. ma. and - 10 lower; aril. at 700111 e. 0.1.34010 lower; anion Yo. S at 140 We, tdoelog at WOW*. ltVe doll .4 gose lower, elostog at 11,100 Lll for Co. 110 store. Fawley to.tlve and nominal. Prorleion• doll. Mews Pork We lower, at WI. Lard erne; at ;11!011%o. Itswelpf•—rloar. erWle Ws{ wheat, W9 . 700b0y rola, /LOW be; ;WO b.. . atopmenta— Floor. 930 eels, wheat WO tali cora, 7,700 toll .osta, [ ~~~.. . t Financial Matters in New York. EMM row Tour, .Ttme 11, Money working easier and still Mk: per cent on call. rSterl Ind: firm and unchanged. Gold; uncharrged; opcnlng at .97N and sal rmnctng to 37%. closing at 314 ' . Stammers to-morrow take about one million one hun dred thousand. Governments arc a sitsde higher; open Ine etendv. TLectstererV,lok4Bl%, Coupons; do.11:14611274: 5,0 Coupons, ;GI. 1ni%;,4110, O. 10 ;,00 1 ;;Gh".: do. 'GS. lUt."Natot,,,i, do. new, Itieel2: 10-10 s, rine, 101:3;altnki, June and J ; I nun.w•T n&anr. • The river continues to recede slowly at Hits point with four feet all inches la the channel by the Monongahela marks lest evening. The weather yesterday was clear and pleasant, i while business wan only moderate, tboughll freights are shout es plenty as usual at this season ofthe year. The Argosy, from Cincinnati, Is the only ar- rival car have to recerd,aside from the packets. She returns . . usual to-day at noon-Captain Vandergtift In Commend, and Mr. W. If. Scott Is the. Woe. The Ilel.e was to have left Cho daunt, for Pittsburgh last evening,ghat being her regular time. The Kate Putnam left for St. Louis yetten day with ataiut al' the freight she could take on the ureter. She will doubtless pick up con siderable at Wheeling, and between here and fl , re. - The Glasgow left St. Lout. for Pittsburgh on Sunday, and the Mamie IlaYa was .over. teed to follow on Monday. The towboats :flag sod Simpson Horner, reroute for New 01 Iran., were at Calm on Sunday last. Capt. J, U. Saint leave. fur Cincinnati irony, to Mae up the Lecialre No. S. Ile Intends pla cing her In the Pittsburgh and Parkeiaburg trade, I place of the Bayard during low wa ter, nod she will suit admirably for that pur pose, Captain Saint Is the originator of the trade, and It teal he who first Introduced the /lapel d Into It. The tle,ieoeroon, Capt. Darragh, I. filling up rapid,; for St. Louie, and D. Is expected that she will be ready to leave to-morrow evening. The Columbia, Capt. Reed. Is fitting up atead• ily for ernetnnatl sod Louisville, and will be I the first host out for thosel , MUtg The Glendale and Lorena, from St. Louis, are en route for this port, and are among the not hosts due. The Wendish, In reported as • laving a very good trip. The Cineinnath 14roelle, of Monday, says: The Ida Rees, announCed on Saturday to leave for Pitt,burgh, has given up that. proposed trip soil goes 1..t0 temporary m quarters to awav events. Her popular comander, Capt. Joe. Drown. on Saturday evening departed taxa fly ing...lett lost. Louis. Arrangement. have been perfected betjeen the Northwestern Union and Northern line pacnet companies, whereby all opposition la quieted, and the•ame rates of taHtf will govern both hum The Phil. Slaerldan will continue making welskiy trips, because the t ai e ' mother use for her, and will "go it alone tor v Chu , The Davenport and Northern belle had a trial of speed lest Thursday between Saint Paul and Dubuque, which resulted in the former host milling nit victor, with an hour to apare. The Cairo DeITIOCrIIi has the following ar. loll= of a rare on the Ohio, Josh Throop, boat, the Mayflower. and Tom WIN., holt, the Her, towing two . contested for the horna between shaworetown and Cairo, lath ' leaving that point at the same rime, and ke. p ing in sight of each o th er all the ergy down. the ala)ll.,wer got into Cairo a little ahead, but then she noon amen advantage of the eMro In stopping at eve ry lauding to rest, hile the Ileror didn't stop at ail. The - man with an on team who tried to heat both boats, haatet got In yet. The Louisville and Louisiana, being unable to &mon a trip at Louliortile, proceeded to . Evansville where they Were ou Friday, se commodated with Mudd tanks of noon a piece, and torthwlth cleared for New t Weans. The Rlehmond and the tHeat Republic are announeed to Rave for New Orleans together on the Inth inst. The Louirville Courier make. the following cool annOuncemen., Owing - raglie dull times and rapid demi.. In - valuer toe Willem.. s south ate vet, teet/tre littld we expert tn hear that tno•t of the large boa le ate ahout to lay Tp. The trade of Loutsville is atm° t as dull way. It has been at Ciumonstl and Salta Louts forthe past month. An old lady from up the rouritry on tier way South, went aboard the l'lty , ill Alton the other day, and acting a coop s of me ' pump: au, up . . *ant to the Caplan] nt e. ear, poi /have • Cistern aboard,. to whidh our modest friend, Capt. McPtwerers, not egaztly nutlet. standing the matter replied... Yes mew." when the 0.,1 lady said, "Weil. 1 am pedlar that, flap... for I always did detest river water." Cap:. Dryden telegraphs to the Cincinnati Chntrargeral, nutter date of Sunday, as follows: The river is failing slowly, with fire feet In the pass over the all.. SteeMet• Horan.,Clifton and the rotated down. The Wild Duck and barges got free Irmo the rock at the head of the canal flog rtbdinang. The Pilots Lave come down to half prVie for piloting over the fails for a while. - Tito St. Louts ficpui4iewn, on gaturilay, says liesinras shows no nionget 'relent. are scarce and tannage plentiful, with rates very unsettled. The Huth arrived at so cony hour; the damage occasioned by the explosion of the "nigger" botler,on the St. Mary, In Wight, and Nth tw fully repaired. note heads and V 1 Die dues of the expioded boiler were thrown into the holles' cahln of the Ruth. Captain Ad. Slam, neat of the Memphis puke. at Neal pht, ...A • letimlfed last Tu.sd.y. %bile ainj . nap oe bo•ol the, whatltalal. some rag,. 501....1 to• oeus.../..l.lo.ttssaled los p w,et lva, •:cealbloo t •.c I.e tbe te.,..• ol ma) n, re straminotamen. j us. nnw, , hot one wasesit el greenbacks, but had ta it sumo vslanh e tome,. The New t tilean• 71rues, of the ch. It;, In , the foiloaring 0 .ntplaluc : 1 We have hewn oboe n a letter from to old toil weal as tteteeeti arm at itopktue.tlle, ken- Chicago Castle Market. . tocky. •In w1..e1. they complain . f ha‘ the My Ttlagrapa loth. Mt, ',at 11.3-ite ' , fielght loon New linen, out al it week. with. eNtelgto,J cane 11 -eef w eal s le doll., goy. , ..ut any tulle., of it. The same parties advise 07.f1i for meettlito to hasher', steers ' lee t teopuadeoae he re or Wry ....,„,ep, Hags doll.at ed WAN:Otos coalmen to eg- I f , I rneeignmehts of leaf tohscm for this mar. as grow W. Sheep Unehanked. , It t, but wry "the route la thewtotulneerin.",tiop ---- -ea.- ; amsvl le is In the *enter of one of h e:a eat agricultural seminal; In Kentucky or the IMPOII7II ant 1tA1i.11.1140. 1 a est, hp one shipping yon at anton, ea Pi e sge.Ott,FOnv sin,, of June 11. -1 car rye, Ramsey la Hro; f ,w, 1 p a ck e ts to t.siro, Evansville and Paduealtply• Manner re Anivr; 3 bbla c 0..., title, . evke, leg up n od down the Cu.beriand. with sap la trorri weil pumps, J Al !MI6; S seek. raga. t ne e ,! c ot of tonnage atikly audiclent o r the entry. roll rope, Pitts Paper Maul C..; or bon cheese, ' ing to market el all the immense guerilla. of VI th.per. • Go; ludo do. Marv.' a Me. tea, tn'' , .nc , :lors, Gout, pork. and bacon pfoduced ,0 do do. OW )1 G ormley; 1 'cask. 3 rates II los• 1 niou; the Cumberland lit and its 'dluent.. lend, Sellers in Vantooleri ft 1 , 0 cheete..l E i put we Understaud the trouble about thew Canted 'a. Son; st It, do, I h.l apples is do ! pr doe, is, that they .I,o* at [ fine. O pOtAlltell. VOW{ trt Co; It bk. cheese. 10 1.1,1• pre ...he tCrltral or wants of eerie., fine. h f he..,,. tat... TVI ',aka.; Cl boxes ch • re. I .acres This molter Is been:l3l.ln, frequent nr,ileaer• nee- here c . la vti , c ,. tt . 61 , 7 ,111 , ou t tes. , l , l:xlr b. . 011.1 morn owns a of Pr. duce and one merChante h e • 2 nat e _ here to be loneer euoure4l. car tnalst, In row. tinter :,.,,,,,..',1 ;,,4, ~,,,, .3.,,,,,, ,elders, ' .Vennluesiee fdr the to te r esf all. that fr ight. ~..h . e . ,,,,,.k . glue . 5 „,„,„ . A 5i e ,„.,,, Shah no: tc, tanned at Cairo for weeks. ad ~,,,; 2 6 , ° IL ~,,,,„,e t0,,,,,, l o a r pt., u.,,,,,, ,ationthis tom II certain boats may require them au• ital:3 0 , 1. ctidwate, Hardman. Reeriii oOlaite out their cargo. Cat the Met that Co; I ear metal, Med& a Corm ears ;ye, Ha tit i .p.i., I , oven rm. 1 ... , .1ik, ~ ...111. or .., a 11,,,. 2a o do , J,r Med/Cleo bbte elaaj.. , ciuctuloot , bd.* them along. If this ewe ", ~.. ,p, p 4,, ipp pi g , 1,,,, ik.,,,,,, & ii..kk ! ADC! tit ant twill...ed., we will ventilate thie mutt I Irby, i Ifs lotecon, I bbl apple. 1 - 1 He, , i , Mailef ttlither. . . , The Railway Market exhibited less activity and buoyancy this morning. with a general decline In Drlc, of ietlid Per cant from the MO,st point of yes terday'. market;' however It was firmer bgain. Just previous to the one o'clock oard. It was steady at that board end generality hig firmere second board. PM. nes were still tattle close of the day. 0 1 110CertIfIcalem Canton 44 044%; 110 , llon avatar Power 1 1%024%; Gum berianil wan; Quick*livar 2, •% 4425 ,4: Mar-l oom 7%07%; do preferred :11.44 - 01; N'ealai Union 43015 4 4: Parlila Mail 1434143'4; Ai lan tic Mall 10011714: No.. York Cool ral 101 l . Er;,..aaa,fti.4;;; ;la la . ..forret! 71073 4; tilidem; loy4 09. ltoad;na 107 X 010 7 ,4; lean Contra! 112 44 1 / 2 '4;"Mictilaimi Gs4 , 46Wii: !Mania 119 , j0ial; Pitt, muttiii%o4iO4; Toledo I 1i1i4117 3i , lt a( Island 144%Ray:;' Nom awasta n 3 ,4 41433574% Prefarrad &.34 4M%; Fart Wayn. 97%097 '4 =2l Border State beu IS are quiet and Sr.. 7.1 , 4 ; eel Ten ne scene, GU4; ex•euu pons new do.. GrUars. The hllecell.eous net b steady. Cool stocks firm. •. =MEM Mining shards loner. tiregors. 170; Corp. don der - jo 111, closing at Ito. Tuere was a r Or that. Mellen, Word tat., of lldston, ono gottig Into uIT• that 05,0110 Sharks how tied up shit , wef coming dothn market, Quartz Mill teal from 100 wn In 112, anti a armee. I.tieroeue hell from 100 to tr2,l9o4ln n+ g Weak. Daeldron Cop per sold at ltat Walklll at 20. rrots•ocar. The reeelpts at thi. So,rreanry were SWAMI, InellelonrdZadno tee n Cll.oltlN and aallnial Gold Note.: Payments, Ojai; 197. Balance. al34,4uSeh4. = =I Nun Onorses. Jona IL—Cotton; dull and unchanged; sales of OW bales low middlings at 24c. itecelptsof 1 ilays—l3su bales. Es poi ts-shl3 hales. Sugar; Louisiana, low wad fa , r a IJo2.ma ll n ull Irregular ;.s; 1i0.5410,5h; CIIOIC n family, {Dills: Corn; dull and drooping; yellow and nosed. al,to Wheat; Oats; quiet at 164 0130 tor ;Moles. Gay feel: bobt at 240 but no sales. Llamas; fate in Jobbing demand; Mumblers,. We; rib sides, 121,; clear dn. Min. Gold fd..loii. Sterling, tlfg Si. New York Sigut Eschltuu, !til e peo n:llnm. Buffalo Nleneket. ray Telegraph to the ntleborith liatet tr.) Brrralo, June 11 -tk lourstetuly.nud fulls changed; and little &doe. Wbeut dull: or ao bushels of chile Cmsoulaat 42,51 i. Cure doll arid drooping, sleet/ of ono bum ;oda of western at &lee; Toledo Sm. Osts /pilot unchanged and amer; saloA of fail bumbels at Slit for wustern No 1.. Mess Pork deelto ad to FLL S d Lard / 3 711// 11 loloslnes afel Barley nOrulually t 61,18. flocelkos-1.3,0/1/ bushels of Corn; pain) bushels of Bata; barren of Flour. ehlements of 41,u01 beau; of Oats. Frelighta about le).;e. Loilll6,llle 31arket. CRY Tele.reph to the rn . . t.13 rp a Gerette Locastutd.eJune 11.--o dea of 275 bug.. head, of tobnebo: market active at 112.7. 5 fl Suntrane Flour Oulli at 11 0 . 00 tFb 5 o; for old red. Corn glutted and dells °roil d 057:bulk. 75075 thlitq in bulk ustlus. .51. n Pork W. 41/. Demon Shoulder,. 9 - d125; FoOkudi clear Odes 17....412.2. Lard...city render...l. 114 to tierce*. how IV higky [run, 12,3). Cotton dull at 'XL 1=1:1=1:11 = Pamenrcracc. June 11.—Flour dull; nu reralr. pd 40.9003 'tar California. L'o^ ateally. at 41.30 Corn lull; yellow 41.1001.12. Oats n early at ifd4o2C.". illle.. brace; crude 11 , 2015 c, an.. refineond 21 15t1 22 1... 00 . gar—Cuba 111.;"012t.;c' Cambridge rattle market. ray Tele, apt N the Plttieursh Palette-1 Caimans., liana.. Juno 11.—hoot Cattle reeelpt,73S hesd. Priciest! per rat Myer: extra 014,00011.73, trot 'tautly $11.00013,5a second gustily 412,130612.5 it, Mit.' quality thyme. Sheep awl 1,1101.1 reetupts, I,S P; priers a trl to lower: sales at t ,7+. Spring Lambs S.SRS,Pi. nu IlarkeL . Dy Telegr DO to OD. ntl...ret Onset. Mtr.wa um, Jona 11.—Flour firm; city X% 11 11 X 1 ,11111.75; countryt or tl.3.lll2 Wheat unnettled at 82.19,11.11 No. 2 tool 81.92 for No. 1. Oat, unoettlrd at .91191t10r, No. 1. Corn lower at Tito for No. 1 WO, 11.4 No.l Dear. =E=3O EDT Telettra-k. to the Vitt... dt. Total., 0.. Juno 11.-I , lour dull. Wheat; sake. of arrito.r at $1.05. Corn inactive, and to .1e lower wl , h males at Ntc tor No I. and 26 to to,, for Not Qat.; al la' 444:1 tur No. L Lake freight., aolultag doing. MieMplias Iln..ket =I /ismer°, J pee IL—Cotton is dull spit Po our copies, ty soh receipts of PP bales. - Thscs no Pi ports The other mar lists ars rl all and upchauscil: 1.1.V.14.31, Lea PITTAIWIIIort It•rnigoah, June 11-1. lOW. auger, OS GUI. do, 2 fie buttc, Shriner. Spencer d Ca; leis .k. orn, J 212 ern; 6 obi ego, Graff a 'triter:2 ckg Mc- Kee • Loa; ip bOletta Iron. 110 We Co: 1122 do Jo Ramey, Xellg dr, Ca; g2l ghf potato... Vangonler & Shepard; In W. rapper ore as maga.. do,T hI Hoag • Co; 1 car lumbee,clagh ati=ol=UNl=Vll , era. iron um Bryan k. Courhey; r do do, Shoenberger 10 Blair; 3 do do. Dilworth. Porter II bbl xpi4o, lKirixi,xtr:6,, ,1 0 , bbl threw, Knox Om 00 do Cour, owne r; . 111 big chant, 5 33 bble 41, 1 box honer. u rolct Co; 1 ear hey., J J Bonder: ..e• ant., 10 do corn. W Illogtkm; 181N1. chAlr.; Bedford Chair Co; 31 do do, Limier, Clo. la Co; 45 do do, Hammer k thvoler; IS dl do. Lemma h Welve bbl k: zleton; eke pop4pc..l3,lcjg et4lo. Perteannok, Convince •SI, B. R.-1) cars wheat: Liggett fa Co; I do sta, s, W 11 walags; I do corn, CampbeltA !Pawn; 45' aka corn, at do oats, Al ell enry d Hood; 5 sacks. potatoes, Keys b; /tea; 40 ok. oats, Kennedy .t L,otteop; 5 sks rye, 4 do oats. do core, Stur geon k Urn GS ak• fiats, I car do, J Glenn; 2 bbl. Om ; W Rankled 4 do apples, I do aulp W U Lee; IS buggy sprlana.. Om; 1a..il scraps. A 11...aveler; tell sheep peas, J Hartm.; I do do, (1 Klan en Cot 15 bn• stuck, .18 Dhl onn &tient est oats, o 11Inghip, Jk I.bl ins s flour. littlp k Thep d; 291 do do, T C MM=CIM! • June lo.—teen metal, S H Wtekenhem;R do "tone, film & Ca; la Odle yarn. a I cella rope. Fulton. Holtman h Colt 101 , . paper, tackle, Dickson a !Jo,. aka oat, .steltme n Anjer; I tall sacks. yangorder .t Shepard. Atheaff mar Pratfon, June IL.— I oar . - Imy, 716,45 t 4 L4ngeonelm: pall. , 27 tubs. Ken.. 7117 h 1.411;gop; Ys mpty boke... 114412 . .7. 117 they; bt.lll/2420, J 1iuy;144n;11772.1200 ore: Spin/, Chalfatt d Co; 124 sack. 47412,J Ale- Money. ALLZOIrIrIIT VALLCT It e,Ltte.kn June 10- II Ws egge, J Shunisker; 2 pkg.. Watt d {VII. .00;49 Owen pelt, Li Kahn;l bbl eget, 2 one butler. If 111.101.,•I en Ary apples, li It4bleon CNC. btils ale, 11 Denny. STEAIUBOATS FOR ST. LOUIS. DT— DUQUE ANL, The One st.am, • Ilii.LLVliit..UN..C`ap , . J. J. *1011?..4 OH. J. rem, a, abate,. Y. 13lk lc it., atjoc r luk a o, Board. ,:;f ;.;,.., VOR CINCINNATI.aud z i . Mb LOUISVILLE:4Im splendid and meth steamer (o t,1141116 Carr. (I[o. T. Moro Wilt tract. at ...ea unauoced pa THIS DAY at 4 oclock p. t. • """Ig"Prifal:ivpphon i t? - Agent.. FOB CINCINNATI and; , .. 3.01.71•V1LLE. • . ILVIDLY SATURDAY. AT 12 Y. . Ta•• tine Cam as•renaer retakes BET.LF, I.AU(I/I[l. commarshr :J. W. nsaasses. Clara. Fur (Mats. p•nrwe aPtS 7tbeard. arts RADS as a I..oLL sa INSe meg agar.. REGULAR WEEKLYza a T a t ttINCIN NATI PAcKET, WEA.VIMI Kvinty WVIMISD 12 V. —The flett audeomm.ll.• BE;M1 lor frc.4bl or Tro./T , ..pgip i. .rt by:rd MI 12111r1 . . RAUNF.Y .1 FIAT 144L1: OF IIVATIIIErI —on too hood., nue pile.. ohm, arsiot Zt .' 11T.41.71 " van, IatI C POI to he polo for Mine.. p..afectly 5511.te•ory lin Paha sold hooting oa , cailt Sr. to $ , O Ladle.'.e gold •ratchrs 2. ‘" 3.0 swop., easioe.led Ito to LOW Uota booties v....metal' wetcliet 230 to Mr, 1.00 , 00 , 0 boatlas ugli•h YAP to he 00 00111 bufittod dm ILO to ye. 5,00 p bontir Anwrloso vro . .ro. 110 to 031 l 14.001 maser Haunt, yil‘o to 5.00 Oliver hunting duo. ,a,• 50.0 Unlit ladles" map 04. Uold Minting l•pioes 60 to 73 10.01Y1 Ilistelativoussii,y watches ... Oil to ILO Huottor Ell v. lexiches 21 to dl hl As•Orted • at... ail ht, ... . . 10 to 73 Eve, patron 01..141 • watch Or this o•rati cooing hot ablie It lacy by worth "r‘f,.e t io i3Vit:lll . :7l; * VI. of the • bo , e Cerlloc•Lca. n•Thlonsrtcir. ars e s isem Irbe•J•d eovelopes Holders era •o• titled to the entries tissues! on their e. rtl2-ates, noon payment of Ten Obits.. whether It he noel. .worth ftztt, or one Worth le.. The re of soy ..LlCl.Al4.tilltleli OP. blh. erllele a•sned thereon, op.. payment. Irr , storetive of it• wort •• ua Bo artla ale "Maw . , •t tare tb.. Slo 0.ne,1 en F u nth tat, 11.111 11 sloe be Serb. that this Is t. E. hitter y. but p.r. ti ' UP., ll ;e l . l ll.l ‘ :;l7: l 4. Yen '''s.raTt' "'- tor thirty•tbiee woo eielt ' aot oroooo l. tty..daz mod more tr•tuator_presoott s rjlot. tote hood,. and Moon suto.rb Wao h for $l3. Yo .101,14" or thaw I• l•DlOßatplosinent. tit, Is • rele 0pt...1..1 tr. It IS tenitttosartynoodutlyd basin... dole acthons...l 1., lkovernm.n.l 1001 opdo the so.nt c.,tul scrutiny- Try vs . Address. & ... Jots.* w Azott4•lty t 7.1101 X,01 . 1t • PITTSBURGH D PITTSBUR6 t H ROPE WORKS. FULTOII4, BOITMAN & C 0.,. =ME= CORDAGE OAK UM, A.ND T WINES, ill um witty. Warehouse, llf & 113 Wet., Pt. CaU ur scud for Circular RIVER NEWS. Myer. Telegram... (I , r 141.m.y/qt. the Pittsburgh osamte I LoCierthh; JOl/0 ll.—hlvar fa/llng .tow . with 7 feel by canal mark.' Richmond artiVcd from New Orleans. Mn.. r' Telearap ' to the nittabarch (lette via A WI.. an 1 d I'.ltic S. leaf aph Cempany.; Om; drrr, lane 11—Weather clear and want. Mc. twenty Indica and falling slowly. So mical• or departure, - ; W ADVERTISEMENTS. ggy - sEconi ANNUM. 'TOM MIKE LIPMAN SHOW ! 4 P p "or 1) . V 't at- "4 - "1/4 This a plverhally favor ILT comhlintloa 1.1.11e1 hIbIL In • ALLEGHENY CITY, For Three Days, on MDFIDAY,TUESDFIANDWEDNEHIAY, • June 11th, 18th and 19th, • Thla mons' er ea latillinn 13( Ilin Nineteenth Century has he , n e , olekl• raorgan !zed fur he rrrrr t sum•on. haring rrtaineol ail thp 'id fa vorites and basin., isetleol to its i'orra Ih. teat taleat known la the nroferdon. thus (Willing s cow.. is of Artists unequalrd •ny GOII3 p.ny now traveling, enntalning anions. Ita mews°. THY. 11.15 T 111111114 E0..E.trm.,,,,, • WORRIIVITi t uywv,,m TIM .114. Y. $1.1.1 , 11.111..11 •CliitllAlN: U vriY.l.l,Yll • Til YI •), sr VD OP 11910 icst. TILE IN UCCCIIIIIAItUr. Di dINUYIVE PUNI , [I: THY yr v% T U ' PIJU LI) VIP 6311N0 AN , 1.1 ALM: 'I 15 , 1 YrIKSTUL/WNS, and U.... at TERRIFIO LEAPERR 4AD VOLTi6RIERB IR THE WOU6D I . • Look at the Array of Artists MAD. VIII WIET , ma, a. O. STOIC B. E l' 6. F.. 911EWuriLialirt11. ELLA. B trol Mon, 0110 Cot. Eft) , BAN, WATEN. , LVEDONA.. NVINNIE, CILLIVESTE, the Prin. of Jesters: row' , MS. fall,Kl of Almos: WM lo el, k querr Le., All Under One. Immense Pavillon, AI WISCON. 50 CENTS. Keeerved INuME ca•vt. hour d:l5 cent, krsop•n at IS d r. mg. To commence mt lame. 5 ThlimazumethlnDlkay Will 110attelt to lIIIIIIIINGIikII9,TBURSDAY, Jane 20; Wadi N.lrtma Friday Val; Coanal.sville. urday, ; Watteau/T. Monday, VIA: Nov, ti. Tu-aday, IS:b•Nr7cenlle, Wedatadar. 77th laradrlll7., Tairtday, 2740: ' Franklin, 111da7, 77th; Cont. :4 1 0 ,47 7. 7710. ATM 7111 ARYL! Or !BE C 811? BUOW I 11. B e IACC O .IN• Sealer of Weights and Ileasures.. he. a FOURTH Betters. I.l4orty and terry Ammar. Urdu' promptly &Mr tided W. GAZETTE: MEDICAL CONSUMPTION! It would lifetime to rest the tree Uses that Cu r ie been written upon this import el l s eubJeet, and If a Met men were to atte mpt It e would =eke blateelf worse be the readier. .l i d die before he pot bar tllrourti. The eJ.P• takes Of the are. hacklUireooeb , e.sPeoto r. 1 . 0 matt e r or pos. oath Iv Doe or .ot eblllineas, burning In tLe pahas of the brads and soles of the feet, exhanettag day oliebt meats. beetle fey, 'meting of , e 0 or 1172= mammas, sometimes expeatoration of blood These are the Neal outward symptoms, atalat.rit not only to the observing physician, but to th pstlent's friends. There are, however. more Important NU:intern, than these, %bleb are only male manifest by treLllialiOn and phreNsion, terms which mean. is • medical sent, thum9- 1 7 end !Welting, and they are employed out wrdly In:order to g+an'n.whint Is gotrif on In sl~te of the cavity of chest. The sigh. I ' eTreptonas!elleitentil Mb war are annostooroly demonstrnte the trot! and exact condition of lb •virliory . oll.:”. A perfect lam:Rotor can n t.gall In ancertaining whether the Lungs are . Ling hatur4l7 oihot: Hence It Is the best to thud of eramintlig the lungs. Their actual e .ndltion once dlicovered. the opproprla treatment Is more rapidly andred at. and i every dc.easedpunstern completaly under the lone thee et , appropriate remedies. We hare long Ito of the opinion (h.t roonornoLlon or orcay = I=l Cla Its course. tuberculous matter. and de rite ❑ In the lungs. or elsewhere lo — the body. Cffit a. calculi or stop, i, de'pahlted la the Mad 1:11=1 etlelea. until It tecomee of mph Oren.e to the natural functions as to brtna on lnaammuori =I oat of the system, and whirls could bare been =223MMIM MEI=MMEM plate :ad perfect cure le the feriulhg ',Weer king It acts on the very principle we b,re ct.a..l above, by to.bllog m. secuOvx or carry., oil organ. N au a double .Care of wort Waste and repair .1 : n tuntr comnretwaded, and If: the worn out malarial be carried orr. and Tnewin, material of . proper character rue. be health and care. thy contrary of aid ttio-ease. In sonny cases of consumption whlci have berozun nettled. Dr. Kryeer'r. rs:lrup falls_ to cure, althougl4 will do good ul c ucirif all: lie pruP.rr• • m"elne celled t.pN‘t. CIIItE or PLTLUUNAHY LIESTOItA- TiVE. venial Irk great tonic, strengthen. li==l i • . 4 1 °lves an from carries out the b nty thou p ittc:ta of Worn out or ertrauemla matter. i Wle 11 . , ta I y toad to clog or In tror It. by hlndot ~~~~r~ rTzwr P...C. tiL3lO /4 AM' cos,: M }MAULTIN U livM t,EUL{I.I% qvue.D. ttsten,nt of George Pont carpenter, of No. It Casapson street. Allekneol . ,Cltyl took a violent attack of nlturNy, It May kit me with a tooth lusting 111 sum mir, away my atreogth and gralcally orwells:olog my hrvslth. During this sttati of [dredge I bad iereral ,pbTalclane 0: we tda.beet = I= I=l Called In n.dcmloa.#tio to'd mu my tat limn wad • alected, and qar If acme:Wad were not done oak. I nootd dlo of CON.IVIIPTION. I !Inner on from thla time until atmut the middle of Jiltte, couib%ycl Ivo, • V.M.I/1 L=l =I I=ll =1 baring betud ( of cure, MUD by D. KEYSIit =1 1 tau lodoce4to October last tocall as the Doe / carat Ma Deice. 111 Peon street. arol Cat him ex- saline toy ono with hl. ...5.1:12i1>.•• He told.coo N yore, ibe or my leryry was very I=l =i1=!El!!!! vroul4 C. Wei/. A. m. Elwin I catted on Dr. Keys, my puim arm 0,1 . on. hundred and MM . beaa. In. minute. and 1 war generally pro.- tested. and had to .oxt, nlght and daT. 1 eons manned the Doctors treatment m Oe . tobee, with e Ncble. ttroltaa ounanttuttnn. end continued It fslt..fulia until the mar. time. The D. elar's medicine. helped me from the very start. end eoeld.aradvally feel myself settle Mange and laymmati lad expectant... lemming. ba.oi-gatted artally In flesh, ml.l . conaldar m Winton; ut the rattily:it or tny,lung has cense and niThenesel hesith Is In every Ivey iniod. A WV solstices end Mends know of the advance snide or soy illsiese sod toe es tno ed In arr striov ere. One cf the comliclara Oren me by Ur , was a medial., called LUN, CURS Which 1 took hi connection with the other treat Rent. °amout roan. 'Plrminmunt, March 33. nem. I=l = 1 arm dlecharged from the United hotel army davonry, ladt,,nnaciotint of a wound In the ea 1, from a shell. mid a dime. which Um army hyslcians pronotinceduuNiUutiTiuN. t [ma • le, tilde cough and fed away In stmnsth and limn and walt nt ustie to do anything. bhortlyil tyr Ulf reuse fro tha trial. Ima 'e applicatlun to a phyalcian, of my nets hhi rlowei and, alter. Winds. tosnotpw In Pittsburgh of high inputa• doh. whose reynedies limed falthrally for floe Month, Wlttosin any benefit whatever, but rat. yr mew worreVand WaSted In flesh and strength every day. id Almost, min_ my mothertock me vocrum.*.YsEu, oebb Pent ...rect. Whom skill In shell ;rases Ilk. wino had Ilea highly Spoken of aid put myself under hie treatment, The theet r elomtntd my lungs very carefully with bin 1.0110 bUUNii, and told nit that my eft lung was 6.41 y diseased at the art per Dart. but if I ....annul he thought ho could cam m by following lilt Owe:loc. tinkly. which I dL from that day to Olt. t grad”lly intptuvtd ash. der Dr. Keyeer's myillcines ham leg Mat week! 'eommencvd to take them. and lay general health has Improved, and my, chest, where It was sunk cn away, and where IL palnid mo, has become fall and strong and free from pale, 1 can Ilertf do • Pail dty's work, and tale great pleasure in i giving my mailmen., to lALVOO of fir. Nurser'. 'treat...W.4 [heel:enc.. • Jon., 0. Wpiruv. Plrrnutawn, April it W, L67. T'r'4° C"'k A case of dye years' atanding cured by OR K.:Vti[h•d LW:Tot:AL BI 141.11 . 1 Tot. lievenly—My wife has been ainlyed with a cough and diglehlty of breathing 11. T floe or six years, which, .r several years bach,bad Send. ually.bacreased In violence. The coapinint he* been hereditary, tel she tied boen treated by several physicians without soy relief. in this state °rhea case I procured some a . your 7[o. ToRAL 000011 biTtUr. I bought the first time *eft? cent bottle, which rellyved her rety much: I then called 'and got s dollar bottle, which cured Ter entoviv, and she has noW trace of the firmer disease. except we aaaaaa . n I would also state the , tied the medicine myself W abold and cough. The medicine oared me by tatted °node.. I express my entire "ash, Mon with the medicine, and youwee at liberty to pnbarti this it y,n,tiesire to do so. • 0 ../If WM. WILSON, • Alderman. Fifth Word. Oar son. Jars. MINTER. some three years of sire we. afflicted with co niumption of the hinge, for which he was discharged from the arms. lie wasOaminell by four army , physicians. who all agreed this he mast die with the abeam. We brought Wm to Dr..ltlL7Blf.tt, 140 Wood Street, (how =ireful 'street, Who. niter eolanding his 'lungs. commenced to treat Wig, and cared him wound and well. Ale le acer well scut has [gum so for the put threh year. Other, antleted In lite manner cats Illiewlse be Cured. Janie Kant An rgurf elde • Temparancettlie, Sept. sib, Mt UR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP. KEYSER'S LUND CURE. C. be bed at hi. GREAT MEDICINE span ISO MIX. , D.STISELT• Coo. Meets.. rooms - Loom ex.rdoetlone. , ll4 0 rztorbTILLICT. from Se. Y. prdll4 P, L. ' SpllWthif • IVEDNESD JUNE 1 ;wow R . BIDDLE ROBERT 8. Attorney-at-Law Mlle., No. 73 GRAL37T ,RTREET airapeetal attention given to ettea In Pant roptes. oqttOalt L,IIIcCULLOEGIEi, • • :attorney-at•Law, No. 101 neva' STREET. PlRoborola mynas C . B. M. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AIM SOLICITOR IN BLIM:RIISTOT. WU." at 93 DIAMOND STREET. myl3:a7:3:in VUSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN. Ex-011icio,Jusfice of t he Peace, AIII) POLICE MAIIIoTHATE. Mt, NO, 72 PCII119:111114 Arecu, Pitis6orgh, P,. Deetl., How% lllortmet, Acknowleame..., D.P.Mot. awl all begat Butini.,• nzecuttd wltu promotness and dunattch. triT.79 A AMMO N, =I Contey.eer t Beal Estate anilnaveance Agent. • C)Litnt/Yi STREET, gut Birmingham. enilectlon of Rents iollclted and promptly attended to. meaty. WILLIAM( U. HARKER, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, CON V EYANCER. Ay. Odle, CARSON ETRE ar e nearly opposite the Rahway Depot. South Pl...burgh. liurtllle.ll en. tratteu tu hi. ease prop ptly attended ta. my net DAIVIEL 11102 EAL, M. D., PRAGITICING PHYSICIAN °ace tnd Heat !cue: , No. 150 Grant St.,.near.lligo fLiEO. R. COCHRAN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Office—lrULTl/V..1 LAW BUILDING, No. 110 OMAN' ISEttELT, cr.u.kr or Yount, Vlßsh . gh. All B‘al I, nelves•entrusteo.o hl, care Will rt.- Chloe prhaio J, S. IFEtIGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, =1 C==3!!! I . 11 7 McCOILIIICH, Attoraop.est~Zaa.w. 87 Grant Street LT= sttcatlon ' given to an kind:alcr TLIOS. DI. BAINE, 1 i ATTORNEY AT LAW, . 137 Irirt.b. =OE W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAWS', No. 93 Diamond, Street, mha:n3 P 147,1,11.111. l'A JORN w. IDDE LL, ATTIIHNET 4 AT LAW, OEFICIONo, 1E4. / FOURTH NTRFET, y1117:UR_111111 ACIELRELL. ATTORNEY& COUNSELLOR AT LAW Na 69 Grant Street, ' 2.1.b13 • PriTSITURGII, PA. B . r. MimiVAT, M=6l Mee, No. 67 Fourth St, second Door, PITTNIIITRUIA PA, PLNSIOI I , 60LITIU, AN ARBABS 01 Pll Promptly Collected No charge =ade undl claim. are eettl64. and then nu.. fc«. • nil - Z:LW 8/00e HOUNTY ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST LOSCHARGES. !bailers vin. have We. thee dlseharer aer mho are iitherrrise entitled ter the addle rtooal *lOO bounty. en bate their cab. at. to by ebblna on , or ad d rbrring W. J. ffi HALL P4TTERSON, ATTOII4EYS AT LAN LSD CLILI,4AGENTS, i jOHN A. STRAIN. ."..L3a373EIMEGRLIV. Ex.olficie, Justice of the Peace •' AND POLICL It6GLSTEATZ, .oince, 111 Fifth St, opposite cathedral, . . PITTSBURGH, • IZ " ItorVIZI arpt . tg:=?:::Zra ... 'nu , prompt" and m,l9:st. "WILLIAM JASCET. NOTARI , PUBLI_C JUdTIC ft 'Ur.: HE PEACE, AND HEAL ENTATE AGENT. OClee.tortier of Nader .0 fravorttrecta. LfiLwrepeeville. 1 11 701 E:ateattYl:e.cti ,' 3 ' , " ,TP,111 ` .flit: pre]~vatlan and sckno.lo4ozu nt of all [Dade "°"l'"'". WP.l.l,O JA.Nct:y, Janice of th e rel. sod Notary Pubut. • CHATHAM "I"..EWING, Attorney at Law, llo;a19 Grant Street. PPlaburgb, Pa. _ coatailalonar far Wiles hetitt ay. Poe t v_gly to.. hilas.art and mt., nutes. JOHN C. McCOI.IIIIIN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 ..Vifth Street airronstoos, Hai:Lotto.. =4 ♦rrean of ray 910111plIV C.:Meek°. HOTELS WRITE HOUSE, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA. hgew:y retitled and thrulstad. .qd ready to re. The aubseriberZWZ.s.in pu nso ac-oro mods, his customers. Send suppers will to served at lay hoar la the afternoon. -• •D2t1•44 MAIiN '.ron•r. ST, JAMES HOTEL, ON Tag sutturrA;4 MAY. Non. 405 & 407 Liberty flt., oOposite thF l Union Depot. .Th• Proprietor woo +d respeetthtly tutored the public that the Hahne and Wrung trams are I 41:1 F u r:A; .T;11 " .=; " . with sapper. at tea sborteet P ath. V:I7;jIVITI ' t!1: '" "'lntr Il tL't ki.u t n an 'he and a gat, t 101.1.4• Ciga e ' it ' t:i . Nlig.at 2r , JAS. IL. LANAIIAN. 4a1y2110.3 Proprietor. BUOADWAY Dining and Billiard Rooms, 409 et 411 LIIIEIITY ISTBEET, I=l Wale e.t all Louisa the day 1111. i day. loci Tbe best Chat tablet n, •So We Will alma,. be round oir, Lb, Unit. h a•tles tupp , led wttli supber at the abo no. tire. Cht.lei IMMO., WINE, .O,LE " "d al Ati..1.111 be found at the bar. - - • J. P. N DER, Proprietor .., BINGHAM; HOUSE, . . ELEVENTH AND DIAHHE STS.,' M . MICITaPatinELLOE•33.2.II96. TEO new and elenont House Ls now open for the reoentlon of avert,, SILO all the opledotwonts or • 11ILYST-CLASS HOTEL: • OURLIS DAVIS, I pitormr.ron. optai:,,w, C HEAT DEVOLUTION EC THE Witt [VIA I/ PTLIEI/NITED I:STATE& —PU Ina LIMA YORNIA In made and neettared as If done In Pratte.. Dom yam Ito, and taktui the place of !toper. ton a:haloes/In.. The endemism& would call the attention of It beaters awl be Iteapere to the follow- Itur fetter, which may be corfeet• Idea of the analltyof theft Wlnot Pitria ..U rlll. 2l"in ette, ue " t. H gint, etri. I "MIAOW. Boecungs Cu.—Gent Innen: kirr_. itl"4 . '" V " e "c' e P " e'l leu i recTlV4t7tret . :47l:7; 4 ll e ' ben Wine.we have veer %wed. We shall et °nee place tyn.p . sragl u oj t, 1 . 1 . 1, pr. t ;rely Oall MI ter ear California Ohniszt.. nrrtim W , X. • . LEIMODEPIL 'A AND Female Weakness. . A physician or twenlithre years exparleoce otters a vaistabi. and Asowertui nosed, for the above nyma4 contolainte. It la a compound dlscoverva by theef cheated BalizahiUil, and caw kV. ha. .t e chl elanny to be treater than that of an. ...nasty PTp•i] ustd Il . epreicription. with Nil ilitection.lbe will-bo sent by rill to any one enclosirdi DK. ACOB ota, 83 mato to Platlohl). !tibia lion., how 'tech.' voltU.vaa awr PRIVATE DISEAMES. owes-233bi PENN LITEI4II7, near Hand, ,For the care of WI dlthases of a priests nature, in Rom s •11 to four Jeff, by an entirely new and earls treatment. Also, ratolnal Weakness, and all other ehteuer, of the genital organs and thelr Werr aon cure warrented or money relbralad._ _ 1867: MAN ITFACTURERS IHRICAN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHLINS, 1 . , ,,ATLZ1L.11. 01 AIIMIICAN AND CLUE Ear, Dono, Sheet and Plate Iron ;ron; Angle and T Leon; Gutted Iron. Coal Screen Iron; Enils,l6 x 20 ins. to the yard Tram P.alls,punelied and coun ter sunk Coiler,Elridge and Tank UivetS Cut Nails and fipillen Ship and Boat Spflies; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Cara and Bolts; • Railroad Car wneela and Axles; Street Car wheels and Axles; 'Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Stilled shafting; patent Gold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WILEZIRIUSL ANU 0rP1C.6., 120. Water and 16d Front Sts, BILIIIOIIIIOLaIE, Nos, 22,24 -and 28 River St,, Jet CHICLEIV. ILL. eslfErriELß STEF,L;WORKS. SifigEß, - NIMICK 0%. CO ILLArrAcriarate 07 BEST REFINED VAST STEEL Billitl3, RAI OD OCIA6OI, 01 ALL 61113 MOLLY. eruct..., WAG ANDCAoes COT SAW .PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND oirall-liLLll'rio RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast spring Cog and German Plow Steel, • I•LUW WINO, AND NUWalt BADS . . • SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, "Mg' AND 5.1.,4., GT (TELL, CLOW-ItAL 4( G.. • Warehouse, 83 Water St., Ptltsr , gt, .461[4 ATLAS WattliS, .I.lol2Towr. STRVE 2 , Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. TI/OMASN.3IILLER,President These Works are among tee !arrest mplmost eo3ple. emablishment In the West, arid are no pre- aretl Egglues of Every Description, ILOIIers, Oil Tanta, Sheet Iron Work Rs Ilroad Canting, Balling 31111. Castings, Engine Casting.. Machine Casting., General Casting., ORDERS SOLItaThDi PITTSMACII FOUNDRY., A. GARRISON & CO.. tHaecossors to Bottmr.n. tiairlson &Co. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS 31apufa<tare.7 of CHILLED ROLLERS; OF ALL SIZES; Prow Mrs,. 11 nra, Zlnc, Copper, /tonne Work. Mrs,. 11..ardt.' Payer •not Indian /tonne Work. Alto. 11...itinn• Mal Casting.. Stall do terlinlons: ft.ol. Mills, Patent Itonnle Orlnder it. • varlet, of pattern, alway• on hand and fitted to °Wet, on short lualcia and la. .°oV;:x7ll7:tichoase, ..10.1.19 Smithfield Street, rITTIOURGII. PA. $lOO tea,. 61 FORT PITT FOMVDRY. CHARLES NEPHEWS • HEAVY 0 RDIVANCE I AND ALL AINDN UT HEAVY CANTINEDI. eNeefAt euerDlon estA eo NULLING MILL , MU:HI-NARY and MILTONTA. ANDAlite a:tended to promptly._ herewfp e. r the be s shatertMe will 'always G vs., et eh. Foundry - . Harlot Alerewed of oar 014 met, we ere yeeperea, vita xxer Awo DienOrmo patterns,' cone:rect.:A under Die supervision orldr, Esc wArr, to IhrIMMA NAIL .ILACAILNAS at short no.. Pr, 504:5 UTILITY WOUTIF. ' BfroLEAN .42 SLATOE, No. 83 Liberty Si., opposite Fourth, mororictrazna or CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. They make a specially or Iron Dedatead and Pieta G`antors: I °reclaim liadatead mod mem. ? rVito g a . =rl47l " :2% have ennonnilion hanos Thumb Latches:Boring Lambe, at'Lean'a Windom Sash thipporter. 4•Lean's 'Eccentric ease notion. Utlitly Shot • O 1 and. u• •l l w ners trndelon• Laolomeas. ROBERT LEA, Idl.itilyACTlll 3 / I sur , STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS •; Freight Eloisters. AND DOCTOR ENGINES. Alireutings of all descriptions niaddllti order Corner. or First oud Ferry Btrer ta t Winn PITTSBURGH'. PA. • • A. naionarr... Vramtni—....r. laws( „ETNA STOVE 1701113L5. . A. BRADLEY & CO.- ma:lmmure artn-r Tarim or • Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Among wbtdrk wattleoats braved ZIDIEILA Tliurtu d TALInMEN _(Coal ntorea;) CU. an WA E VVITEA.II and lIIONSIDEri (Wood Cook stares.) Al., roanaroeturo GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, an. eau Waronooen. corner of Second and Wend (trouts. rtnabargb. rostranao on %mond lamb tato:rail E. ,()HUL L (yruns itorilen WORKS. ; 119 BROW & nAnorAcnnanitA b.. • Stearn Boilers, 011 SOW, Agltatnn, . Tann.. Salt Pan., G ammeters, Wrtnent Iron BrldgeJ, • Sheet Iron Work, Am, dce,,, COR. LIBERTY AND SECOND STS.; • PITTSIBUIiaII. Pa. REPAIRING DONE PILOAIPTLY. ..051102 JAII.IIM. 811 mm .4U1!8 D. anus. JADED 31; DRUM & bON, DIA-kill>l,oll6ll or •!-- Steam Boilers, ' Stilts, Takki, inter Iron Works, &ea To 61 Penn Street, 77 TII PITTABIThitin, PL. 1-lAat IDWA.I I E. B. WOLF, JR., &CO., Elataware 48.7 Cutlery. Are now toetlvlng large a I Motto to one ttont' • Welch It o'tere4 L 'Dealer. St I • xruLawszeLtrarr Corner Liberty and St. Clair znArtiestalawak... 7 a.E. .117.102 BLACK mairloNo OBT.JAIMTA vweeiraarisi, TARE, BROTHER t Co rirrOttUittal. tA. . 11. 0 L0ttetutort at QUA.LIT ACEFLIaIaa OMIT 7317.X1a , Boaszo. Plat and Octagon of Wilda ea. Wai , tota 00 , ooal Wan) laparted'or taaantaatnaad to c ry. — l/Zoo 000 waroLonso. No.lo 0,110 non an d • 4.14 No. US Water Street, Nun , Ltclihtani Or raxcxr raranr GRoUND. TEN v.MAW r4.Iz.NT anNISPA arseinuia, MIILAT. MALL AND 0801/164ND TNT 13 . lale•Dm ALLIM V4LUE:I" STOVE ' I IVO - RISS ." ' " : " W. ALLEN. IMPKEIE & 0111. e Ind Warehoure, 301 LIBV.ItYY o. Inuuut.cauxe every vartuty of n i nth A 11 - LATINO E1T1..111111 moon. width are the Celebrated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking Staves; gip, Ma Autocrat and Sentinel fur noal or wood. and the norty.lled Otte of the 'moire, fo.ood; .1.0. Arccrhh draw., (cadet., he... Settle. bog /1'0..1a Hollow Warr tenerally. PITTSBUINII IRON 11 1 0110 -S. J. PAINTER & iron, finlinet,.Tub and Trtfnk iroors ,e_tro SSEDETE I , sacaa . riTTraanaill. N rc _.r` MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BOILER WORKS Boilers, Tanks, Stills, PAN'S, CHIIYENEYS, I=l sheet iron Work, Constricted in (be .best malner WO with Onimptiness. PRICES AN LOW AS SCFERIOE - WORE CAN BE AFFORDED BE ANY. WITDEROW. DOUGLASS fi.SON, Camp St., Monongahela Borough, ►t tr.« both II:od of the NATIONAL FOUNDRY AIM .. Ort,Mll. - S, Corner Carroll and granMilan StreotA, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA. WM. SMITH, m,ASUVACTURER OF g Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS 34y flpel ore WI cut orrtloolly In Plftf, ID , / t.cl soft a IfLaT LLl.Gillo. Alto, a full &MINI- Meat of 6IMAL cAmsGs POE, GAS ATD ifATE3 ROM feICILO F9RT PITT BOILER, STILL All -TANK WIDTPOEIs. CARROLL Ar. SNYDEIR, TUBULAR. Dourthr,rixED, runtadal . YINE-BOXICYLINDEESTEAX DOLLEN" OIL STILLS. AND OIL TANKS, CIIIIINEY9, DREECIDNG AND ASR PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSER., STEAM PIPES, GASOIDCTEILI, AND DION BILLDGES, P13.1503 . N D1X)8.5 AND COAL .911CPCS9 OM.* aadWo rka aoraer Second, Third .llhert pad Liberty Straslts. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. harltraers Feht to the above addle!. will be Orornotiv attended te. IRON ED I Nu IL WORKS. LEWIS, 11411,0, DILZELL a to. p.►o:naerS OP BAR, BOILER, SHEET anne• °VfapariEr.I.IELCDPIV NA1.113 AND ITAII;I3,ODS. I OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. Nos. 64,66 b. 6S Anderson St., Three coves North or Hard et. Bridge. , ALLEGHENY CITY. RES lENSINOTON IRON WORKS. , LLOYD, & BLACK; Best Common, Refined Chircoal HEE Juniata Bloom ITOEL. NEWMAN& HAIL. ROUND & &QUART IRON HOOP. SAND. T awl ANNUL LION. BOILER. PLATZjad t•HICST ISOWISIt'and BLAZES 111-113 CTLISiDER sod GUARD Olt /MOEN. LEON tJIALL 'P RAILS. 111 s cosl. Os lbs. to tot nvd irltO LOST CHAINS sod brlsifiS for same. CLOT BAILS. Postebott and Vousktarmott. IMO=ir,Ml ME=M2 Waiebel;.la: N.;.101 . Water and No. 6 Marta lal. Works. Set-and street, INNOth Ward. ad ntrur eitT Oa, Works. Plltsburich. solatit KRYSTONII IRON WORKS. HIITCHISON7EASS Cc CO., Yansfaenarers of toe different atm Bound, Square, Flat and -. Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop Band Iron, Boller-Plate,-Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &e,, &c. Wort.. PITT TOWNSHIP, on lionoturantede river. I.nnui and Warehouse: No, 146 Water St. Mb] till Ms= WORKS. MILLER, BARR 8 PARKIN, warvracromors or BEST-QUALITYI CAST. STEEL. Warranaed its any in 'Ma Ma, kit. •I'Llver or of Da ' mettle Dlanafaatora. CIPESAL TAN PAID TO VINE OAST 00.043, 38 Wood Street. IN ST. casituo HOTEL IBM:LI/LNG. PriTssalon. J... 1110. MY. %Man DUQUESNE lan AND STEEL WORKS. HALLMAN, RAHN & 00., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, noun. P. 2111110 ars I=l WeJo. •77 - 12ITables- ailireet PITTSBURGH. Anil as pITTSBUROII STEEL WORK S, .ANDIM . 6.BON. COOK & Po., 050003590115 TO JONI:6. 2101 D 007.) Uszapputrori pf Us *rot Ote 14=Mud Irg.= f/111TePt SlZ Out ..‘. for Reaping ano. Mowing Machin !mum maw wiarthi, drncsae, Az IXIIIOIIIII.IIILABS, as. Cad do Common Flookii B Spriaz Stad, Oftloa—Ooroar of ?Intand 'Boo streets; hi...above the Mononaabela House. etrAttiv BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & OPTICi AND %VA./100614 N 0.29 Wood Street arannfacture and keep con.tanllll onatand Thtto`bte;Skctri 8 ripe Boxes, WAtioN DoXICS. DOG Imlzs, !PAWL KILTTLYS, IAULLO NV WADI, .4DIII lno itenerillY• AOC,. 111.7.3 011 S. IiVOSTRIE WORKS, jit*:,3l. BOLE & CO., 'Engine ftwilders, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, tr,,4 Tigri,Z?;;.l,lll,l7.= Corner of Paint Alley and. Duquesne Way,. MarfeßUStell, PA: MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Bailer fitreet, Ninth Ward, or rc4rra ustux ugni Amu, Boiling Itfill and Bridge Castings. ILWRINLif LD Mille MULL ON*. PrOmptly •nd <morally cseh tad. AILABONAIi EBBEIIT da XIMPELLIND. , • EVERSOIq,PRESTOfiIik CO, E.y.rs r r.cr IRON . W COt:ArKs. .I.T..NtZriVAB4••°trlgt IRON CI TY MIL4B. ROGERS ;& BITIc,cIaiTELA of liellined.attaarcosta manila*. jollalied xxxemair. wpm: ixDwasammul, Ala or. 4;;p;;.N:.. ris~fs. „, RAILE9AiDr t 1 a&nl'°” . aigaPs On and after JCN X tilb. le4C.T . ral9a - irrias wad deput from the talon 1.441.0 h 001540 of Washington and When, bee., ag follows . AnniTx. .Sar. Tn ! Rll . •F r*".. ' AT , : SI ' W * l:ll .' ; ' .`4 ' ,. 1,. ' 41 .. ;n4:4 44af ' ti 5 . .:n are Ihrtnlon N 0... 7:44, In. 7.. lathe m Wall'. No. • m 1f.t..11:1t m elnctnnut 9.4,4 m . W. 1 44 No. 5...,1-xe John•worn At.. 10.40 am : ..44, reit.. Xtort.44 I: 4. p rr.. 'No. 4,.. t. 3 ly N 3.•. 1:4 , p tr. l'htla. ha 4 , m ! , 4. W all, No. 4... n all` .6n W No. 1... S.N4 m Wall, Si', 7—, S. 4n al' 16;rm. ;.£lalnrXs4r.nilit all': • The..... 11:1i p tn. The C'huren halve lure Mallon 414.7 eu.d.7 40144 , h , 1ig Plttsh!..r4:ll at 1n.3 , rn. Ilextunslng loareellitancrat a.14:50 p.m.. * 4 l arrive it N 4 4.11 . 044u:0n atn. , p. m. ; •Olucinnut 11.•Vc.• otner ; traluo LIMIT eleao4 t•nna sr. l'htlauclohls Eapra44•nd the 4 4 .1tNaus Arr..o^o.• mOdatlon and Emigrant Traln arnve 04.111. ClL clnnatl %press •rlves daltlr except .I(ontlay. ATI oth-r tralnsdatlr raceni eland.), Yer femur lute:ration seply . Agent. The revnetlvamil ItaOro.' romp., will note mu.. ray Vice i , r(tale.emt ebt fur wt....Ur anparbl. end II nl• remnale-Illy to one Ilundrrd Dollars In valne.. All HARI.P. Inn last amount In value will he tb.- risk at lac "nt" :I • Ni r .Zt7TVI r ‘" l ' ‘V. • G.,neral Suirrauteull.nt. Altoona. I's. L WESTERN PEN:MI:VA NIA I l AT a•jr k j L r ' er Ineeeer twos ca, the Wettera renr.st fracla itallroadWill tarried at and depart From the dedrral dtreat Depot, AlIe• gbeny f.iltz;r vjo ollowii- . • Dirartr. AbarpstdOid 1 6:25,1cl tlan • itIAL.Y prftport No.l 3:15 A.D. 'Freeport Do. 19:05 A.ll ttxprdat 10:13 A.P.•Fitarptiti a. la Aparpidg !to Z. P.N. 112pre......... 3A111..tt Freeport Do. I . = r• N. Dardi env'," At Mali fl r i m Faccpu . rt !it'd rot liannerav i e A ,;131,11. dim pa it o kat Above trains run daily Axed pi. Sowiar. The ChnlTtl Train leaves MD.:i:id . Jelled. ever, dyads,' at 7:10 A. U.. reachingAllefalOnV 211 Z MOll . ..al'ff:::lZiln."2,l::g. Lt 2:41r. Y.• _Conarnetat.on Tickets—FM..4le it packet/eta .;:wenty.. between Aliegbeny City, ebestnnt rem:Herrn. Bennett. CR. ereelt• Rt. and ;I.F r it, : b irhEa d 4 c train[ta ""'"ienalonllrlden, yet " ilecisenEVlty, et Information apply to N u • JAMES LEFFERTS. Agert Federal Street IterZt. The F vT nrt [or BaltrOnd r will tot Ingt _o pate!. and lintitttiTg;gtigrlltiy'LT/ tbd.band in value. All ba a gmta ol'sk ell! Iro " Ins s t m taken by specie ebn• FDAV4ItI, 11. 1t1f.1.14118 Altuoua•. Allentown linilroad Line. NEW, ALL UM, FAST FREIGHT IINE, I= Boston, 14Iv York and Pittsburg's, Yu IlarrLLarg, Jersty City, Without Cha'nge of Cara; , • NEW TORE 0000 , 1 VON PIT TIOURtIII most be °Overeat at VlEtt No, 14, Noltill ItIVElt, to the deco( of the ../L'• albutoon Trawler:alio° Cutriploy, matt Nor to the Agtlll.3 of the eautrel E. It., at same pier. • Bills of 1.0113 g• t5•.8103 st.LLe oelee of the Line. Ku. 251 111.[UADIVA1*. Beaton Waco, WANIIIiGTON FT JOUN I. 111.3111.T0N, Aged, Mike, Foot of LIBERTY ST.. =3 =EZI PITTSBURGH. MMUS 3L C NCINHAII R. R PAY LIANDLU ROUTE. On and after S❑NaAY: AprlF tS. itG. trania wW illl4Te and ar-•.« at Union Oat.. as 1003011 rzrrEastatou , Da. AnT. Fait ..... 9:44 A. 44. 10:0 " . r. Inprtila 3 Y. :0.1 P. C. 10:10 tlla.wo:lU 4. Ir. T.:15 r. elteutien• Illy Accamrzein 1.-5 T. 0.1 101111 A. x. .10 ann P. Ir., Y. Walker's ....II:00 M. T. 45 P. Y. The ii.4l A. X Train aril...? in cilncintinti a . rlt ' Vr:fk.b 7 . 't ""U"l iN AT:in o.nettge of or, bethreon PltUbureh' end Cleanest,. sod but ON e. ...ue to ht. Louts Cairo, end the prlndpal points 'tVe.t son rout& * tnrn i purchdhingdle et. be cureend end Lb' °Zee of the PITISBULGH, tOIMES 4 CINCISNATI D. B Union Depot, (south side.) 31. D. ffiIIYTIIIC.I,SI,t I:O•ll.Tiekt. Agent F. 5C111.1.. Goweral Mau, Agvag U. IS. AgOut. • sp2i 1867.-_._ aDA'A,Av .1867. THE 1.11 - rli , 111C0 H TNT. ER Is. IL., AND CLEVALAND A rimati; It. B. TrattkaarriTa Aug leave at tap. Clc lop I.lppol, followmt 1 I ' Erie & al.lfa 11:99 am ' , We..., 74.....1,45a In C C i t g n o g. at 1. 1 1 Y u g ; p Chicaio LL.,. 11 pm Clucago 2:p cm El - Wlealtnp p & Ex r. P ririr m At k affS ' irrt;.N.Vrt v,. l l f.j ' V . .NO ' n r n: 11T. Vlll Sm Eaelkeater 1:3) p at! , •& Ca.'&P" " ,•&& • ta W , lps N Care .. , OppalLeutmlala •• 110.9 ant keiiwllffs t? 7 OtIS p ' o l i&10 m:SPCit &&14 , .1. El. ac:trea 99:4 P. It, 2.1 YEN,. tiencral Tick. Will CON AIFLLB 1711.1.4 t 11.. B iiZ,Vw - 71 4 _345:A. 4 ‘. L. Spring Arrangement. u.szd &tier 111.17it291.1r, trs....rl( 11111, 12143, Tie U.Zas will 1., tn. 1.7,4 corn.. r, mpg ate Watt. ctn.., xx , %nal rier• ritit,ok I Ilan la oadlrett Villoatctra. 7:00 o:012.1[ ti F e P s r ee , •l67l " /,/,.... " 0„.y 2. p VIM M.N./B>On L. 6 . 90 It/ Bocoad •• 13rwld.It's 8 - 4311a7Chatto7ra!at0 ezd l y or elf 08 17; 1 — " 10W 1 r.284 1 C:t 0 L• • 0 , •-7,1 I 01081 . at. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAIL, RSJ.L.D.c•-• - • *'14.454:2L217e2, Ca I ANSE . . . . . • On and ann. MONDAY. May Min. L. wt !leave man Na,: rittannrab Deno:. corner Pile and Vaasa Meats. aa _ . /,acrets. .Aart.ta. 'lnt Klatlralactsa Aneonso..a.7lA.se. 17 :50 Matt ,to and tram Itala'ng..7as 0..1r. 0:30 r. Yllst bona Warts Ac0cm....2, A. Y. 6011 A. heeond ttlaktroinctlA Arc.. Iwo E.. V. th I, Y. It. Laress awl front alalm'a 105 v.'s. 13 Second Sod. Works dreamt-5,0 rU. 14 .r:5 Sunday ChurCh Train 00010 and to apta ... . .0. WOO A. 30 .Eihnest North mater cloto• itertino at Na. Analog ad , h 0rp.4:0.1 on 10,1 on en,. !Sall ...Nab usuarara trlttiyarkoto froth Olt Clay and Frant3l7,,. STEABISHIPS. BALTIMORE AND 13,52*.ANA 11.7.1.. B BRUMPTL F ;tiS O flit*ne • . y lr R A n u A . tat . , 2•44 14* I,lt , Tho titounalloo of this I Nal nofollowo: . , . . ii.L18Z122V—1.M2222.. for Nateleaai via. Key Weal Itl Thai, Caeivittler. IL , yk i nl "C t l iZtnsi 2 = lK I . o i3v l eania r nd . , as P.A.21117122.3.4.! Mar ttp. from iIItOW2 2 9 , WHART, PELI. , S . I OINT,, at 2 o'clock V- pracleely. ea tpe data so— 'Panr%ittytt ar Itasca:masa* ' 73[Tit ' l l" Pi ' lirllnAlitt C . O. Aeer.ta, n. Drii7 B Wl - 1 1 1 o 4 U si n g24 l I I ' . 1111 f rnIn7TLIIViIt% ZZl , l“Erilf,'.l,lllll.rit;.lr... k7lat th.. • QTFLAIO TO B.S Ii **NOM LlcEft ,..., roui. • AND LLITYMNISTOWN' Or:AI:AAA) TWICE A WEEK, "TherIITILAN LIN°, LAMA/. EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY VERNE 5E41.1 3 . ' °ATLI:MIMI from Tlcketi eol4 azA lrtlaud, - England 300 land. Germum and .1.14: i-laghnrwh. , AAAPiIA m.v.i.7:st=•.4l IP ; ,-144 PENNA. SALT. PAANUFACTUIVG CO., x9.ttisek.l.74.-G-. 317'46. EIEM 'i.'.'7.:' , ..-ci - 9: - .;.:•i . .•:...: :::, ~,,f.,-,29k*":."777;,:7 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers