,•Aap TRIIIIMING INVISIBLE EMPRESS TRILL SKIRT, Tin SSW eiukrz 1011 ,Spring, _1867; J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (O nocEL,N Brain].) SKIRTS, 7ietiazdsomest and molt eomfonable tyl Ct ttoCoead. SRC ALL FASHION I M Y.INC4 Alm. the Nev. nizeg in PARINI TRA ILE% Auti . pL or Slit WQMLLI. and TIP•TUP FOB SALE EVERYWHERE. 14 WtIDLCSALY. try an the leuller Yellen ■bd Dry Warle Houses In :Ditteberre. Ala. by Sole Owner. of Dinah& sad Zzelurive Xenerbee I WESTS, BRARLEY & GARY, 91' Cbstubers Street, ItrW lONE EItITTZEI WILL OPEN, fPn Monday, Jane 10th, A um LUGS STOCK Of NEW GOODS! Good Dark Prints at lac. Merrimpock rritati at 12 1-2 c. Plain Black Silks. iirosgrain Saks: Lawns, Percales; Table Diapers, Tlekings; White. Counterpanest, lifnuets, Hats, 6andowns; Ribbons, Flowers, etc., etc. ), Wholesale and Retail, at WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Fedaral St., aILLEGIZEXr cirr. BUTTONS pUTTONS I lEM E/ZTOIt'S. Farm Buttons, for Barques and Dresses; Pearl Buttons, all sties; !Cut Jet Buttons. choice lines Iv Colorid Silk Battons,ornamented; Bead Ornaments, all sizes; Frog Buttons Plato, Braided and Crotchet; • Cords and Tassels, all colors; , 'Palm. Linen, Silk & Cedar Fans; Taney FockelFam; JUST OPENED, EALTCON'S, 17 Fifth Street, GOODS t NEW GOOINII JOSEPH HOWE'S & .00'8. th•tus . awl., a wood addlt7ol to oar alivailt lute .toot of , • • SPRING GOADS, w.am - prepared so ofcctlnclooemeaty bota to i r ef:Aril d e;i:a. '" i=kghlera. Wore. .i.ipure a t nd Cann ' Ira" Beal Taread and Pointe Lae., • • Batton, all merles and color.. r.a.reels Bolan. Thaetle• mar UalUI. ° u s L ao , . Ladles`, Misses and Gents '7l'na Under Wear, • es to dre Kb' Illorea. • Inviable tanortaa Troll Ilklrta. In LUnlrla ana Dnades. *large arsellaallt of (lents' NeeliTlei, helm , at. Bawd. Boimooders. Slat trouts. Ildorrlsort . • Mar 'Shirts, UP a r NVlTiregtri . inurealwatlbbrd:l3ollll2et ristA and Irsa•T all widths. '.. Vint WHOLESALE: wogs, sp'startttn M Mast comalsts Isis° Departassats. era will end It 10 Ureic silystaPte to th eS call.; nista *a lOC as Eastern Jubtssrs. 77 and 79 Market Street. REAL:DIVED:run DAY. CLYDE, & CO. -IS a n d 80 Market Street. 510:113 ZSOM1111! Of MIIIISGS. Jet Head and'Angle Gimp, and Fringes. Cryotal Head Glean and Drop Trimming,• Jet and Crystal ; and Jet mop nattnni: • Flue A.sortiseld of Parasols and Sun • , English Bonnet and Miming Ribbons, W widths and shades. . Colored Velvet Ribbons. ' Elegant Agotortment Heal Point and Ap. plaque Lacto and it and%eccnittis FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID CLOVES one Jobbing Toddo 'end • constaeto stOck of the above goods to our Wholonlo Moan. =tot. tout:her vitt. 0 peat tatted of Fancy Golds a l Notions Generally, atT E4STERX mums. • .rAnallo - j)ENXISON & HECKERT, No. 27 Fifth Street = E.t.a .21.1111.0• press TrinuiAsia ZebraWeide. I:ieelmry. Itibbras sas.d Viavery - I/oop tklrte and Corset. ParaMiS and Ark Fsalrrellity' ig0;1 41, 4 0 . 100 •11 11 v /*4.411,C Wines sad P.pft Coll,isl Or,PIFdeTS wad Ni ck Tl•kt - • Metteirs. dia. _ , • •,•• DRY GOODS, TRI:IM=NIGS WHITE GOODS: J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, MC - c). 87 11Crima-Ix.ot MT ➢FOE TO THE 5165 OT . 166 MG LOOT. Ell EN , N AI ,s.u , K, ±trlped and PLAIN NsslNsodE. BREED) 311".ILIN. In Ladles' Basques WHITE P. LINEN CA.WBBIC LINEN LSWXI. TDCEED MUSLINt!. :sr ~C.lrs Goods for Ladies' prrs,lis, r , toontAr the place, 4, MARK ET STREET J UST OPENEV 11ACRILTI . CARLISLE, `;ro. 19 Fifth Street, wn degant tescirtmefit of Sun Shades • and Parasols, NEW . BUTTONBARD TRIMMINGS, INBLISS BONNET INS IRIBIING" RIBBONS. eirumu SEIAirES OF THE BEST KID GLOVES. ES=XX;'WEI. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS • colon We alo of tie e jus co t openedrao,l a fall line of all ataes and lob "SS" Kid Glare, at $l.lO per Pair. We are authorized to cuarantre every Pair or the th ey sold. hhoul4 they r *An th er r putting on. ean tre exchanged for pale. EICRIIIII S CARLISLE, 1.9 IStrowt. THE ARM TRIMMING STORE. 317aT OPEN'S'', AT W. H. NEILLER'S • NEW TRIMMING STORE, No. Market St., (Upponito J. W. Emrker•.'Dn Good. Bowe.) large Ana 'well etleme'd clock of Trimmings, Lace Goods, EMBROIDERIES, Gent's Famishing Goods, AND NOTIONi GENEILALLY, Jet.: ATI ceout, Inc C ANDLESS 8: CO., '(Luc Carr C 0..) WHOLEIALE DEAL SIL3 t. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRYOOOOS. O. DI WOOD hTIMET TOlrd b ouse.faxvre Ill.aorl alley, !ITT/3111317.GL pa- CA ND !DATES FOR ASSEMBLV. - WILLIAM B.IOSS, en rN Count, thontentlea. uni6ox.4s MYERS, HOPPER & CO.; • (Unmanly to 11. I/. ItOLOE.II, AMU) MAN UP ACTA:I/IEIIS OF • FURNITURE Of Every- Description. SCIDOOL AND. OFFICE FURNITURE. • .1i0.j5 Smithfield Street, PITTABURQII, PA. • 114-A Prat assortment o !nttruur r n lianolat tured Furniture constant!, o`t build at LIIIVXST Ca.tll rxicEs.. SUM. 3..1;TZE6...11r, C. Normn...c. S. Crone. iner.:rer Pittsburgh Importing Rouse. ENFARLINIIED 1146. SCHMIDT & . FRIDAY, • lIIIPOWEERN OF FOREIGN • • WINES 'AND LIQUORS, • • No. 409 Penn Street, • PITTSBURGH, • Let Would direet the Attention of the tattilla to toe that. poreetsteg turd...tor laelllttea throurit aeeeral Jerre wine and liquor hoagies In Europe. and Making their Intoonallons direct. they are enabled to oder the Tartans drades or cuolee %Ines and •Llquora at prices leas Mart Luton. tales. Exantleatfouot , Leattiod andeampnWa of price. reepeetendy solicited. A ebnlce theortment of PUKE ULU ItrZ. Erma...au:le nu hand. au:rtme NEW WALL PIPER AND UPHOLSTERY STORE, • /UST OPENED. SAT NO, 36 SMITHFIELD ST., r • BELOW TIMID. • a ,, mmodatz `f -ve i P , gTi IT 41 . 1, ~Ii 47 LUTA. 31.•175t.4E 3 sod BAWL/ aOC al! SSIIT II FIRM, STREET Ul.. oTANu—su A.slJ „WI COULD BTUKILT. , E. F.DMIINDSON & CO. ..1 31 ; 1 4 1 11,11r2)!IP IP X.Tit t mLot tart l e t : ol PRINTIISO AND WRAPPING PAPERS CIA NiON I,4IIU.I3TYCHENVII.I.II, OHIO. BlLltiaTO!st XthL. Nk W 15111UHTON, °MCI: A. 3111 WAII.E.fiOURE. No. S 2 Third Strout, Pittsburgh, Pa. OYFICZW3--/.1101:71 , T 11ARTJE t PrrlfevL B. LlVUititiToN, Trumer. simb Isl. aro:" se,retati. DittllCTOßls.—August pantie. John ...nit, H. &Mara, John LlTingOon. John For ilea. C. H. X.rmk. - Cash Pala lon raper Moon. .• , u. U MILLER. Ilazaar. Livery J-10 and BALE ISTABLEa. At.,, Pennant: Undertaker. ell knee of Coates. Ate, at tilt, Wont min. kat. constantly on hand. CA ILSON STILE LT, tetweed Ormaby and Leonia street+. ISlnslngnr.n. Homo, Catilageo sood me Beg at. for Lille. -nears. and Caron...away. in reallJesa for Panne , . Hone. kept at loner) St the , de,. south or year, a rillattended to to Um best manor . , • Private teopined with the 'afoot Hones sodenon elegant Car. lan.Stables kept Open all hone of the day ala. t. myi • 1/1#.7.111.1 r GLct/ 81 71= 1C . 11 . 011 A Y . (tr. F. tab adman a 00.0 PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONLYSTSAA/ LITWIMItArIfie SWTA.S. LISHMENT W esT OP 7MS MOUNTAINS. Nnunela Oar , ls. Lotter Mewls Botol LANS.: pl.Tsho's ebow Cerde, iMPl o =es. Ts.OAR.. V rews. ' CentScale. or Opposite. 'slits'los Coeds. ao. No. VI wad 71. st.. RemovAL. JOHN F.-GULLEY. Rouse and ;Biros Painter, I=l No. 134 1511111111111.. I) BT., rittst.r‘h, 611:11,7 UPDOSIte the old Maud. . RIG N OF BLEVDS.—JOEIN A BROWN 1 CO. 116 SNITIt/ILLI , OTnaer wipe.. the Voatoßtee tamp on need o,r make tor4Argrez.vg, , ,g.rz.r,2l,g4tol Window !Mimic!, ILO and arch. Colored Oil Cloths,' nod. Nolland. Molt Num Otto. ...no, Mind and Picture Cords.d Tuasela. AN, at we nu. store., on band or ma. to order.. 1. stock or Whim and Calico Shirts. Collar., se., tor rentlemenl. we. ntlamio• CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY to buy t/i; TRUMPS COCKIER! STOVE, 1../ Ii 1 0:1145 (WANT STREET., MMIZM CMAS. A. MILLE'', LITHOGRAPHER / No., 60 .FOVRTII . OT., Apollo nownp, Tglrtfi g A g a. " r: r tc;OMlLll: ""r guAurrrr vs. QUAL]. Bsomourit ItcrtuerraisArAulu4,- - me do.lo 4.11. Thabeltba !Wire s larrevulartt sp.* Aro delleCiAL , . aStiatws •._, .'.-:.:,:•:•---'-i.:.:;':......:-. _!--:: 6111 A Ulmer.. Della bun &a; at ••• _ • THE COURTS Dletriet Cour. nefort. non. 11. W. Winnow.. . . • • Peter 'Wear eaters of steamboat • ' ,"„r„ er report° , ‘ - ernict for fir coy. , c 4. I. o aLf fleigriA and Act !Ord for ahmtler. Defendant .1•or store in Manchester, and ~.ployed in his family as a d was used of stealing. a pair of e.t.ax. One suit was brought against Mr. coylo forienend damages, enstalned by loss r reypriition, and another against Mr. Coyle sod` it wife, for special damages. sustained in theioss of a prospective husband. sin. CoSielnaving pal:dished the slander in the hearikg .of Anthony Kennedy, a young frishrtlan, and the &Manned husband of the wko, on hearing the accusation, .twoke I off his, engagement and married another, In the first case the Jury found a verdict of too dollars damages, and to the Second for one hundred dollars, supposed to th First e value Nat of the prospective hitsband. hn.' Bank of Philarbilprala vs. Wwildrltige Oil Refining Company. Motion in arrest of Judgment and for a new trial. Raving disposed of all the ewes ready for trial, the Court Indefinitely continued the remaining cases on the list, and adjourned until Saturday. Coort of Quarter .11.essIone. This Court met Tuesiley at ten o'clock, Don. Thomas Mellon on the bench, Col. 1. 11. DUR, District Attorney. In the case of John Neown altos McCune and Jane, his wile, NichoLesfichwarm, pros muter, tried on Monday, Judge Mellon charged theitur. A verdict of not guilty was rendered on the drat and second counts in the Indictment, charging the keeping of ...bawdy house" and ! - Sisorderly house," but guilty as to the third count, for "for time telling." Sentence deferred, ~V../161, 0/ CARIB DI.POSZD Or. Cortarionweelth vs. Fred't Smith. Surety. Philip lioffetetter, complainant. Dismissed at defendant's Costa. Commonwealth vs. S. F. Lloyd. Leamt and batten.. Jennie Fort..., Prose.- telt. Settled on payment of cost& Commonwealth vs. John Gum. Selling liquor without Manse. Flea of tufty en tered. Not sentenced. Commonwealth v.l.saao bt If. Fake pre. tense. W. D. Boles, prosecutor. Settled on payment of costs. commonwealth •Te. Archibald Lawson. Larceny of ten dollars, by snatching that anlount from the hands of W.F. Logan, at the Diamond market. Plea of guilty. Sen tenced to the Penitentiary for one year. commonwealth Ve. Ernest Zimmerman. Burglary, in entering the Erni Lion Hotel bar room, and staling therefrom a pistol. Convicted el lemony. Not sentenced. ntatrlnOnatr spats. cask. Johnlireak iron, Charles Carson, Charier Decker and James Hershman were called tO answer au indictment charging them with feloniouely stabbing James Mun. In the borough of Birmingham, on the night of thn lath Of /lath last. on motion of the District Attorney, a nelisProwooi wax en ter...ll as to John lireakiron.4 The other nitrate] defendants, except iferelaman, ha, l og been arraigned, put in pleas of not guilty. Iteruhmao not having been arrest ed. was not on trial. J. M. Klikpatrick, Esq.. appeared for the proeecutlon. and W. C. Moreland and John It. Large, Earls. for the dente.. The stabbing took place on the night of the Spring election. A dif ficult. or. fight occurred on Carson street. In hirmiugham,_following which the etab biag occurred. aturin,thes prosecutor, while etandi was ng on the pavement , oppoeite a sa loon. )ostied and struck by Carson, who, in fair fighting, proved the weaker man. After the first enfmanter, having been sep arated, Drum pulhwl ins Isle Coat, and get.- Linn hold of Carson, they went flown to. farther. Munn uppermost. Carsoncried enough.o They were again eeparattni, and C.,11.11.1 went op strata Prafamtly Munn cried out that he was out, and at that instant. ealdseveral alums.- es, ' Carson was Moms, to alanal argil the nearest Verson to r him, about - three step. off. Decker, Hershman and Brea.- iron were preeent at the fight. and In the “crowd" with Canon, but It did not appear that either of them came to contact With Munn, excepting H while do ershman. who It was stand kicked him n in the street with Carson. Munn was out In • the left eldie, about two Inches above the heart, one for some day. hi. lifewss clo t ini ss , of. Brerkiron testified that he saw, about the time Mann cried out that he wis cm, Car son qUite near him, and strike at him. He believed It was Canon, from his position soS movement. thardill the cutting. He had understood carotin was endeavoring to fasten the stabbing aeon him, and he (Breakiron) had madea statement under oath, befon, an Alderman. to the Intl ohice, with a view of clearing himself op tailing who did the .stabbing. although he did not ken. at the time of making his statement that he would ho "cleared.. Poe • . • • . .. • • •• Yoe the defense Esau Joao+ teetifie. that Munn, soon alter the stabbing, bad pointed out Breakiron as the guilty party, and was noas positive .as to this belief that he .14 he w willing to be qualified Breath..n was the man who cut him, and insisted upon his arrest. The prOseCuter (Munn) admit ted In his examination that he had en charged Breath-on, bat gave as a reason for no doing that - he was desirous of ewer taininwthe name of Carson. whom he knew as having ridden on his wagon several times to and from the city: he also knew that Cur eon and lirensiron were associate.. '%V. C. filoreland, Esq., addressed the J nry, • and. argued tha y t to convict the defendants a• charged the must their inten tion was to kill. it the ch believe ew:cuteness, the previous quarrel, to., were taken into con• elderation. end It was believed that Carson did the cutting underexcitement, the ver dict, under the latter clause of the secure in the penal coda might be gouty of unlawfulatabbtvg and wunding. lint to convict Decker at ail the Ju o ry moat believe he knew or Carson's intention to use the knife- Latium was In the employ of • Bit clughstri glees fi rm, as teamster.) Mr. g lees that if 'Canon ball cut Mann In the midst of the scuffle, ti , there might have bean som e excuse for M. Itra, assassin -Ilke, after e tigi.t, his coward heart Induced ninf strike the blowlrom behind, and then sk ik off In the darkness. lin might thank God (ht he was not now on trial for his lif From the manner In will. thehlow w given, there colild be no doubt that thettantion was That of an awls., As to ker Ng. K. did not press a mmeletion, h id not think the evidence would J After the cutting Decker said he sr wh o did It, but would not tent but Ills indicated nothing more than that be not set the part et 'a goad citizen, and that he In a bed crowd. . . Judge Hellen said nate wail no Clifflenity the um) r tro the law, and If the lury be ttered Careen did the stabbing, shit met it was not done under the _circumstances churned Cy the Commonwealth, the serdtet ehould rdlity se Indicted. The _Jury found Carson entity and acquitted Decker. Carson was remanded for sentence. # Hung war 00001ay—i ..... setts:.. The next one. taken op wait that of John Sinclair and James Ponder, Indicted for highway robbery, committed on Dago.... Way, In the city,durlng Monday night. The Protecutor ...Jansen H. Brown. ( Jury ks. lin. Veromito county. The grand e turned a trim bill at oneot.lock. Mr. Brown came both. cityon Saturday manning. On Monday night, between twelve and one o'clock, haying some baths... he .want to the Scott House, on Duquonie Way; went late the hart the bar keeper was Inot COW IN', and he .was asked to open 00. The prisoners emote In and were o a thed by-Brown to drink with him. Startal,Brown sta uog visa he mast gO to hie boarding house, the Med 1.100 Hotel. Prison ers followed, one raying hewas ge. tug to hi. boat. Tuned *Tong lanunmue Way,and when Opposite narkethr alley , at the brewery near St. Clair greet, Brown was knocke d dawn and robbed of dflyeev en dollen; in national currency. Be iden tided the prisoners. The poll. name to lals asslotaitcwattracti.3 by has shouts or on der," and arrested ono of the accused on the and Brown booing armed hold of Mtn, and the pollee having arrived with ...nal promptitude. OW.. Buchanan of the "emergency," was the nest of the po: lice who Oame nP. brawn yoolnied out one .of the men, iilnchdr, who he said had rob bed him, and said the other hod camped. Five or six men were standing round, key. oral "night sailer.," and there was consid• arable excitement. The other 01 the ass ented, Ponder. was arrested on the steam. Twat Dick Fulton, In a bank, "between one and two delOck, and in bla 90Messlon was found a hat belonging to BMW., which he hod plireltaned on Monday evening. itt the time of the occurrence, officer Buchan., In company with °Meer McMullen, were on a raft under the ht. Clair street pride., where they beard ftrown'ardiet of "murder." The money Int. from Brown was .not. recoy. Mr. Cohen. (Or the defense, thought the welt.. and celery at society depended neon speedy Justice bang m o t t hink lei offender... In this nue he tfln 00 1 think tern amused would eOOOO unjuttly by their me 4 t V o ;e rr s t7 l a g re rr n :ri n at a l iroTt r i 000ld ant bob exist as to their gout from tho'tnistl molly ofrerwl, partlenlarly as to hineteir, who did not run away, but remained to be pointed not by Um prosecutor. The Jury were not to cantle& from . their Impemicion but upon imral et:Jenne, Mr. Taylor, elan lor the defense, endeavored to create a !"ressonalile doubt" of guilt in the minds of the 3nry, mansidering the evldnnce entirely elreumidantiaL The fact. Itself, ! that the steamed ware pot on toot within twelve hours after their introit,. shot" weigh strongly in their hirer. Wender had been arretted on • stearchonat, and Ids/Hill ed in the enthusiasm or excitement of the I moment. Be had not boon .horded OPPos• I cowhy to procure yetcpswns ,to show his whernahOuto, District Attorney Duff did not One hen ,the jury could doubt Din guilt of the.urisou6O. The ofoacettioruosic.cue. bore the lemons of truth, hod was alaus sufficient; but it was eorroboottod. There. wee tning•ln the Moue...tool that !Sinclair di d n not run away; the fact wo ha bad not BUM to es eape, and had been held t P e n mtnutes by Drown. In regard toubin, the hat !Wand with him put all doubt at rat, The !wooed basing bon In company with Brown previOunly. he had 1110101ent =owl ert go of their appearance to Identify them. ,The Court said the fact of the speedylrial was •ImpOrtant, but with At the Jury hail nothing to do. it might he oornidereel by the Court after trial. Although the Jury might mullet, Ithl not be oppened the Court would of the roam:aloe of the pawnrs r oa n lost- 11l the ye; diet 'wale fairly ed. The Jury Convicted without leasing the bog, and outman was deferred until natio. day, Turn ../..110 !CPT- Ilatoircted but ouu_andlutmeut yootarday. that ugulnuttbu hi g hway robbetta, whole trial It reported above. Tho sot 1/•Geanite—loJnoe „„„ Mewed. .ome time ago (In January) ee;!. Ware bronglit to the Vetted States Court by the tioodyear Dental yologhjte Company, of noeteb, against Drs. boat, blemeer eta ureeowait, dentists of ibis city, for. intrina, log the l/oodyear and Cummfors patents, by. the use of hard rubber or vulcanite. These gaits having been daelded In favor of 'the company. the dentists of Western Peon. ayl vents generally settled on the ten. W. fermi by the mummy. Two, bower*. tieorge J. Luce, of Titusville, and Among: Dobbin. of Meadville. refused, and nits have been instituted against them. A' motion for preltmlnary InJunotiOni wrumatie by m. Dahmer,ll, Zed., the Com pany,s, Atto cry in the U. S. Clomilt Court, which Judge eCandless heard yesterday, idr;giute appearing for the Denflets. AK ter argument, Injunctions were termedre straining the defendants from- further al leged Infringpment till the dual bearing. The Vetted neatest/owl Albers needle In the emend story or the Castetn'ljonee bro undergoing mutt needed repair and rightening [mend It Is Intended to render them deohtedly more sonderrtableand much cleaner than they have been for some time. Petition In DankeviSeloye4ri - the Uni ted, BMWS District Court, the petition of Owned. Feely, 'vow ot this city, CO be to ovitl himself •of the Bankrupt Li t hre beau ;mounted, aullisrdere4 to be • PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WF.DICESDAY, JUNE 12, 1867: ochuPTharc a position in the Cleveland and ! rg9 ". " II .ELRIBOLD I EI • I . tt.burgh PatUrnlnd °Mee In this city, w. Concentrated /Fluid Extract soddenly disabled by a stroke of pantlyals. Pdoscsaing nothing Beyond hi. earning's, I Sarsaparilla and having a wire and four •ctoldr..n de- Pendant. upon his exertions, th , has I ,, en sad rln °ugh u Rentlllinnn of keen benAlidlitl.,s. your. in., in tin pußoiN. Ramo 0111., John .1. 31.1egrove. Root. Mont- 1. • , li e • rr , t. of an ltnxnre rer7 and removing ail gomery Henry .ll'Leneken, cuntribuled e retn,...,1 1 of DINEASEI,I, hereditarr and colleted means Inf. reilef, and on nod It taken by hUULTh Jtiitii•lal• L„,„.., of ten , CHILDREN with perfect safetY. ; TW , ,Thui.r SI DON pl ot S of the Extract of ed to tlitir lel low e,erk.as a truiporaryto lo,t Pi 0r d w:t...f.,1 ,. .. equal loannee. Mr. being permanently dlan. „.. 0 0 int Ie bled. It Is f tier her .I,dune.l by ihnw log only I,ttultte and I'r:tamers dire!: sront rarla. lan° tentounnl, LT:X:111 =3 ' nn2=7;.-7::4 ° 4= 0.4 to two, alttner toralgo non:m.33c. Ilttr tictr iterfartna PERMIAN CIL &C. la the most 0411t4t.e fragp.m. extract. Cm campoundrd. rot sale Conte 2,2ers. Nay, Tort Uttl. and nt., 209 Brow!. Y'YY- ebytaate2 11.1 ELTIBOLD'S CONCJENTRA. ZITILLeT SAWS/WARM LA the Yost MAUSHAL'S MALE.—EIy virtue of a tem el oetwittleal exponee, d of tie !Aetna Coen ot the Louie , nu.. the the Western Otstelet et Pennsyteanta and to toe dlrycheo. 1 at to public aale, at the VUSTPXIIOISOI.. Ole Clip of littaborgh, on the 111TH DAY OF JUN. 5002, et. to otetnek a. 5.. the followtne descrlbtd property. Harrellk Two Harrell/ of IN bialty. woe balf oY 1 . 1 r:/t 1 = i ttfgin::. ' et=trolttal i a * tio . Beer Tot, op. tieetifier , two finkte r t atow ' . one Heater. one Trough. Panay and Pipe.. two 1.1.5. per Drilla and Norma out. Bucket Sad treat ;at) rt * o ' ; ‘ ,lt:Ve"' '''""'''"'''"''''"''' _ •• TAutl. w. ft.OWl.clr. ]lanbal•acMee. Jane 1. 11 ,1 7. "'"'"'l MetlinH & V 8 ipALE.:—By virtue t Weetern ~strn Dt ict of renatyleanta. md to me ti. ract...4, I nl , lllOOlll. pah.le tale, at the 11 ToM /Wiser., In the City of Flttet.ntels, ea Me 11,1711 DAY OF 400 C. 'MGT. at it, o'clock. the following deocrl.ed property, to wit. Te• Barrels of Wbseke, TaroCoPper Too k Worm Tob lofted and taken aa to p..rty of Weden 4. Bryan, at the milt o f t h e h finned Mateo. Mateo. TH R US. A. OWLEY. EffIM2NOM MAILSUALIA I , l4.LE.—ity virtue inTitt,g. " ?.!.7l ` ,:;:`ttr:t .1 1 47. 4 ,.7111. Western ~,,, stet of l i ettosylvitals.. Sal to toe attested. twill wig.. to public ial• at tliwtlllA- T , ill MAIM 'n Die Cll7 re elttstiorgh, on the 12111 DAY UP'JUY L. INST. at 11, owloct A. h he , following drstritred o:overte. ' A tw :4 . 41 gi " Sittf tt . united Kaes. YLltistwo •. StOWIAY. . . . _ .. .. .. . . lla•imAL'y (Inlet dune I, 11 1 ;i r . !' g"" a ' i COLGATE & CO.'S Q \ ' C4 k• Ii r GERMAN t. ; (&CO . IERASIVE SOAP P 'Xhaatdr.W.A Dom Pcni es - Atlrt'r•:7l z" h . r i : a.tth : ,„ "n" by a ll U.cen ca .71,.:::; A CLEAR. SMOOTtI NIKIN and HEAUTIr Ur, COUI•LEICIONthe 11.1 of 11.0,1011t . 11 CONECINTRATXO 1101.0. orIIAI I EATAiILW. It moor.. bl.ek •TN., .14 !pia reel YI rrootinps of tor .123. BOTTLED 4,!IES. KENNETT, WINTEI3TON. Lod dl beat bruld. of ALICII 61113.% WATYII4. twttbiol bT . • J. C. BUFFUM di CO., 512' Am, $llll IT /MUT tITURET, PEttaburgh. IL). it. .Ex.:Kult, Ingan IN CEMENT. YULE BRICK ANL} TILE, oTONE lIEAI2r II WHITE I.IIIE CIIIIINNY 2 . 01.11, W k 111. Office mu1,Wer44.44a,• it IeIItt .C.O ISTREET, Op palls Munoaganeia _ . WXITACIA & MEASON, reeaun I=l Lowther 330.1 - tiamai, Dealers la MILT and LACZ No, 204 11111.1TUYIELD aD27:lq Cittsharrh. C . G. FISCHER'S /AVM' Dyeing and gemming Establishment, • . ae. •I DILIIIOXL , ALLEY. Iktweto Wood sad Ntolthdold Wad.. rrET/Liu#,.u)i, WEST 17031111011 i aLicingiE STUMP. WWI Ka, 11 .412ntreit Canto: a Was Cotrtmon. Antuntitra. tUSW/L VATZB • CO, lima/pa hand ar prepant abort notice UZAIIT/1 4VD llTY.pr . allt. VA FOB 81" *.tli A iliti Mi. VAULTB, ite.. H o era rot II tar 4...!t ". l4 P. atiltp t altn P wEw rum CL4U GUOCERY. 11a.16-1 FEDZII:! . ALLEtiIIiNY. /testi stock of cholce Tcai, Caine, flugars, etc., Ire., weao w. to Um public at lowest pekes. m>Sesnlo A. G. BRYANT. BARB & MOSER, 411LVONLI'MUCIT'10, I R a rr ceeffillilai7l.l •" ' Ne ' Not. t" puntn, ! , LA. tf;7ll,..9 ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Maohines are THE BEOT for nanal, and HannenctunrY parr... Call and Is. blob a* ..V0..103 FIR' Street. GET NONE BUT A GROPER & BAKER ror • HOHd•I UM. tits teltWla pertat suNt t•enfamths Mat. Don•t fall to mil sod sus Itt.l Nu. ton ftrtH or,, soars Ncrathdeld, sigohaimivE eee ttesuituer OMB t BkEll ra I 861 Fin IACHIM. jic rep bv5..3123 cbewbero. '(lute, ben }or dlch re. for vale at 103 717TH eSUILLT, tav7:e6s above Bhollbtleo. THE GROVER b. BAILER . SEWING MACHINE Is the MU au Thule of Yeetkaatato. names MD and examine It at NO 103 nrni 8 rigmr.T, •111,7"1.1AS•14,1 MEM HA#ILTOS .t MeKBE, .• House and Sign Painters, 133 TIMM NTAMET. ' Graining, Glaring if Cfiliding Neatly executed . _ . „ NIXEU PAINTS, VARNISHES: PUTTY, 01. AMS. BRUISES, TUIII'ENTLNII, WRITE 11.11 A P.' XIN ,, , ..c. layll:ZI8 ItOIMIT 1000VIrAti J2lO. IiNTIMI. McCOW.filli & SNIDER,, •• - n° I%. 6 22,IOARNAIIiitiIAAYINMERr'; 314.83, North side of Diamond. Alleghegy. Columerclal zed /lass Alcoa cosAle'to order. Order. respeetruiiy solicited and promptl yex ecuted. Mite" Valuta, Window Glut asd Polly ouostoutir oh hood. 5p15:711 JOHN, T. GRAY, Houma LOU intim PAIITEIt, GRAINER AND.6LUM:I4 No.. 54 Hans St., pittaburgh.. naved.lWratoratri .tartn: evpo doscrlt, to order; wor Irene protompt At AraonALltaqur.____ • 164.07 COILULTEE!, \* • HOUREIII4O %lON PAINTER, Cot. 10U11111 AND tiItANT STS., rirTotoil +m mare vremoc ntanuoo.""" AttiL WILLLtIi p. BROWN, I bste of the Oft. or AnOW• • •• • ,,o0V4) B:lUI AND NIGTS. Of 2.11,4 aid lfartet Oro"! ••••••r,n•rno,nr ••• fpF. 'PEO PLE ' S ___ - TEA TEA STO I RE, Wilson & Underwood. CHOICE FAMILY 6140tERIJES. Oar , of Ike cbenpast and belt wbotessla and iw tall atone• In the Iwb allies. - N 0.15 Routh West Diamond. ALLstilikNY CITY. OW and es amine oar stock and 'pike.. • _ap.7:161.41 , • .NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 1 • 00:11nobbsabi Orme.. t • Alloeb , be. May int. lAP. f - ISVALED PIOwo.ALK *I be re:els el a 1 IhIC Gibes uotil 211,11AL/wr. Jana tub. IM7. at . 3 Paling and orbbke W le the itebeheetei 415111 et. • • • '" • ronerristm OrIICET, from Bidwell to Iles-. •. r street. . • . . A too, for th e rtterraelrot ro•pnottr or L - t" , eic STREIT, betwses Damon site Mali otroottr, • TrALlrClit, watts!. Lily Controller. SODA sen-100 Nos Nkle . B. C.L.N/LCINt WV. 2= AMUSEMENTS• NICOTS IN SCOT: MASONIC HALL, TAIRSDAI AID ROIL 13th 2z - a Mire Jane, = (The celebrated t 4 ttlth 'Vorall.l.) ..111 make hL Tr, anvearance Vittabeteglj, Ole polml. valt,talnm,,ct 0. the SONGS OF SCOTLAND. 1•1 1 , 01 , rte-,11s. KENNEDY. Pa .rta bra r 1e o.TStrunriar Llule 1 J 4,11.y.ran: Name e• In 411/ !,, 41 , 1man . en: ....an draw: •1.111 Roble •••Y: 1, :ba:1,- , aln•ary Alls.erllllltery lirrr Came v. by • • Mole: tee 0' Leal: 0.21. up an 1 Aar the DOM, SCOW Who ac. Med: Beadle. from WO 11 ° Atow . o.ln.e: ecoe I.h . t al e and attazapeya. ' tomato o•cl• et. El Wovat nr•et. HLLWI atrGl-011101IS 4TH OF JULY! Great National Festival AND UNION JUBILEE, Pittsburgh and Allegheny Oitie4 UNION SKATING PARK, ALLECHENY. Thursday,Friday & Saturday, JULY 41h, sth and 6th, ISO. Compriliq a Series of Grad, Fain= ud Iforl EX HI H1T1011154, CHIEF A.lloSai W.ICEI WILL BE NlognlOcent 'Balloon aseenslonail. OULOON iSiONSItNi ON 110BSEll Ci ! - Great Balloon Race ! GRAND , IPICAL A.C . ENNIDaw , /g.:1f . 1 N A BALLININI UAW, .N WED ,N TEIUDWIE TIS , CINgIV VIRE • ...EAT ll* .110WR•LILOUN11 I GRAND AMERICAN NE OcEs AnL o,ita,rr FES [WITH/N. Cowden, of NULL GRETVUY O B D"""A". U► RAT Laughable Wbeeiberroer Uses: .1711 m Whir a is three spars Mr Presents! The Shows. Beal I ssmalau Beth: sorest Sage al Is•ughs ewe P. Vtatl elarthsProvelleg Plg Haug. or the hllppery UAW Greet Pool. U.se•l GRAND SKATING TOUR 4 AMENTI. GREAT TRIAL Or .TE►M 71EL ENAiIIPIrai Terrific Cbarloi Rieesl Grand Grooapeta, icscrade. a.. 4 Burlesque Indian Cavaloa4l-. SWIG/CANT J.M OHILVERS,, • IN PI& ' _ LIGHTNING MUiIIIT DRILL! . SIGNOR DURA. , .1,1. , - And PIA 101 Learned Canary BOW A if eGNIFICIEWT ll‘luN FOUR CAIN. Composed of r sparklWaier. ing Jets. or Roll Una's, • GRAND DISPLAY Of PIREWttEIEE. • TUCCD LIGET tt.ttetttdlONB, AND /LLaItIAYIDES. Elevated Saald will be erected i id t/ aegamatadalt• ED OE persona • ck l et b the Drina Only Fifty Cents Eacla, I= MENINATTIIIis &Cft SUL/ PEOPILLYWHIL JOIIN KINNEY., Ap eta au/ Buslnes. MAllare. • air•FOr fa-titer part.culan .e< P1 . 0.11312. e :$.4. Wet; $ • 74: 1 EUREKA OIL WORKS, E:=l Eureka Carbon Oil, 4 Sperm Lubricating 01115, CHEMICAL Lnistri) wnm..w Dcalor. 10 Crude, Mel: Wed and Lubricating Ott, Lard, Spend, Wbale 'and Malt Oils. C. C. NOBLE, Agt, 19 Irwin Streel, rirrnstrilr,n; ISM] ICIPIINID: COSI-NMI SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFO, & IILLN tACTIMCS OF TUC CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR. Petroleum Lubtleatlut (1111 Sperm, La rd And Wbri-e.ollr, BALM?, ?mar il6 S 1111116u= ME STARDARD WHITE BDBRINB OIL' Sto. 1 St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ' S AWArtLPOR ae:esl TACK...EIROT COMMISSION DIESCHASiTS, I= Petroleum and Its ?minks, PITTSBURGH O►►lOE—Ualaef•e Boilatag arse, of Ilnq•• me Way ad Irwin PHILADELPHIA 0/7106—L57 Walnut... 4 ADI:WIY HENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR. llianothetate . sl WHITE, BROS. & CO., N. fork. . E. J. 1101311EgTt3, Agent, No. 1 et. Char 'tweet, JPlttabunb. P. =1 LUrbt Col , d Engine 011, CoVd lierew-Opt- DR 011, - Nathettaltit„ Dvt Dt Oar OU, o. Dark ar Car IMI. N U. Not. notbeit ARING & KINP, C aw MOMS al U 141119111 Petroleum and Its Produe% 4 DUQUES.VIE rrrranosen, ZioMILA.DIMPIILL /1.111:11MBIS: nWARINC. KINC & CO.. wr lili•Jmnt pail. • W,OOLOHIOGE On. an,ariume • ! OF PITTSBU WIN. PENNA. weschug us ',Expo stallonViLLS. Mee, fie. s thmenne.lia), itastiFirriiii,atairigairwarr s BU RNING OIL. JTMIIM Brand—"inaffer." THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD. you on. BIC/ 1 / I Z2II Itustuture4 only and for lials T. OiF•Litr d CO. . PIONNOI. PAINT W Can. • 7.. W. Cor. 3d and Market Ste., o,e. I WIZ M=MM EAGLVOIL WORKS, Lawreameival.l.3.o. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON: Mainers avid Dealeis 11, PETROLEUM. cREM,,t1M74.174 cirg EAR- BREWER, BURKE &CO. commißsioN nacworrs.' LIMPET'S Plitt THZ . pacific, Globe a Liberty 011 warts Ample Moran( lb. (Hyde itail Ream UM: ' emit cash advances man. on eenslammeim or ' centleor Unlined Petroleum. Tanis for - staeniM Ushipment or Crude till at Lawny:idolLie. rnee and Pr unhooks!. tonna of ihnineone wn, enA ligr../.11 • 000 et. W ttebryA . mormnein t BOOTS AND SHOES. • mama 40/111 ippiame IFIELMING & iisms.treatrantand tuaftni n Chtuortatzt OR - BOOTS, SHOES & Itit.l4to Ohio Mt., Allitotitier. sapsuinw o...monen RN boxer Nyvt norttaglostErrimx. iiro. tilted mot tor a!tlo 0 7 itimmta a , mum. its Aa . =mut 18 Wootitinstsi, E/