,glj. Gayttf a: Jima 12; IMS7 yester ay, I not ven that IM editorial letters from • ere . a.re-hash of "Harper's •- ok," or that it constantly •ap • • ea "leaders:' fromother journals. - lumps:therefore, are tautly con . d. lining accomplished the end bad in view, which woe to expose aumption without merit; arrogance without ability, and impertinence with- Out wit, we make our bow, and with- Wie ame aft= willingly to an article signed "A Dettavre.," vindhiating the ResolutiOn poised by the Republican CM:mention of Ibis County demand ing tee imposition of a bead-tax on all laborers corning from foreign parts to the United States.. We believe la Freiit Disessmonon substance as well as in theory, and are quite ready to have any positions taken by no controverted, in a plotter temper and-within fair limits, in our own columns. There Is only one point made. by "A Delegate" upon which we care to ant. =advert. •Ile. conveys, as we understand him, the impression Unit the head-tax 18 ' demanded for certain. classes of labor ere, engaged under peculiar circum stances, and expecting employment in particular '.iplaces. A law cannot be framed to meet a special Case, and if the law could be framed it could net be' . en forced. • Farmers, and all other classes of laborers, even if not whet are techni milly. 'called "skilled," have the same claims upon the government for this sort of Protection as paddlers. A head-Mx, to be effeetual, most apply to all comers. .A discrimination at ports of entry Is simply. impossible. If - farmers are ex . pimpled from the head -tax, all paddlers wlll come in as farmers,. and so all the way round. Farmers are taborets in 'as real and absolute a sense as mechanics and manu facturers.. A. just system of Protection must include ant, provide for them. fthe explanation "K. Delegate" gives of the Resolution shots' that be does not mean to do by there as he would be done by.: . He would let all farmers come in Without paying a bead lax. Why? lie muse that would In l crease the raising of provisions beyond' the demand, and so make them cheap, But that implies thstfarmers shall lie made to work for low wages, and hate the value of their acres sad improvements - reduced at least one-half, to suit "A Del egate" and his fellow craft• men. That la "robbing Peter to pay Paul." Such a sort of Protection is quite u bad as the workmen attribute to the • mill owners. When you come to take a vote on it, you will lied on which tide the great agricultural and planting bodies will be found. Then it will he seen that a governmental system of Pro- Uttion. to be accepted ty the people; moat provide Nattily for all Loborera, whether they belong to Trade 'Unions or not. Labor is Labor, and one honest and competent Laborer is as good .0 an. —We have been formally waited upon by a deputatilin of iron -masters, and chirp:4 with allowing our damns to be usoffor the benefit of the working. mea t and, by them. We responded that the dieErra could be "esea" neither by iron-masters nor by workmen., We have been. charaiterized by the workmen and their organ. in terms " which the laws of the State make libel ous, and have been condemned as lallthe interests of the msaufactnrets, from which whole body we do not receive l;usi nes* enough Ina year to pay theLculvent expenses of our establishment fors fort- Plea-' We think that by this time both the iron-masters and the workmen are -con vinced that we have studied the question 'of Laborand its Protection, both theo retically and practically; that we know somewhat abort it; and that we are like . ly to be guided by oar own conceptioni of. , xight in all controversies between lle/m respecting it. .r.:ZitMis of ,sTverty ourselves; Laborers _ from 'youth; and expecting to remain' such till we die;. our sympathies are with all other Laborers Believing in the pro. • Section of Labor, not as an artful expo. glom, but as a vital principle, we stand for It to the uttermost. No measure which wmptenda itself to our-judgments u fairly calculated to promote the wel fun of inhering men, will fail to obtain our suppdrt. Nor will it matter a pull• cle, in this regard, whether we are de _normced or' commended by the Trade Unions : The doctrine of Protection is our doctrintrouid where it leads share we shell. follow. But no amount of bullying or abuse will Induce us to budge Inep t : ; . ALL TUE CONFICDEUATF. MILITANT• =swans who really achieved greatrieri in the neld, bear uniform .testimony to the reodecation of Congress, and to the expediency of complying promptly and •cheerfully; With the Conditions ptescribed an precedent to reconstruction. A fort night' Or more ago General LORGSTEEES wrote an. emphatic letter La this spirit. On the 3d Umtata he wrote another to Mr. Jona M. .0. PARKED, of New Os ltani, in which he says: The 3Wltary Act, and amendments, are peace offerings. We should accept them as such, and place ourselves upon them as the starting point from which to meet future political issues is they floe. • Like other Southern men, I naturally' nought' alliance with the Democratic party, merely cranes it was opposed th the Bepnblicanl party. But, - as fir as II can Judge, there is nothing tangible about it, except the issues that were staked upon the war and there lost. Finding nothing to take hold of except projudiee, which can not be worked into vod for any one, it is proper and right Out I should seek some soind-point from which good may be deem If I appreciate the principles of the Des.nocmtic party, its prominent features oppose the enfranchisement of the_col ored Mon, and deny tke right to legislate upon the subject of suffrage except by the States individually. These two fee . tam have a tendency to exclude &nth em men rmiern . iarty: for the colored roan is e ree d,, anfranchieed here, and we cannot reek a ace with a party that would restriat his rights; The exclusive. right of the States to legislate upon suf. [rage will make the enfranchisement of the blacks,-whether Cot better or for worse, a fixture among ms.. It appears, therefore; IWO those who cry loudest against this 'new order or things as a public calamity are those whose pried,- plea would fin It upon us without a real . toy.. Hence it becomes us to insist that mirage should ha extended la all of the States_ and fUIIY Meted. The people of the Meath should adopt what - they have forced upon us; and if it be proved to be a mistake, the y should remove it by Use remedy, under republican principles, of uniform laws Upon suffrage. • If every man is dire country will meet the ends with a proper appreciation of ( our condition, and come Inirly up to his responsibilities, on to-morrow the sun will emile upon a happy people, our fields will again begin to yield their In crease, one railroads and rivers will teem with abundant commerce, our lownsand our cities will resound with the tumult . of trade, and we shall be invigorated by the blessings.of Almighty Owl • • Now different in Was and substance are them utterances flora those of the Northern • Democratie *ens i "The Nilliary Act, and amendments, areperee offerings-" dud so they are. They open the way, In a spirit of high mag nanimity, for the Southern people to re-' possess all their forfeited rights. Nor is t hii all. .I(fa Judgment of the Demo, cr4ic party; and the tendency of its in culcations, are correct, anti cannot fallout :producing a profound impression upon the Southern People- - Tmt itepublioin Staie Cohmotion fer Ohio irill met on the 18th blatant, to nominate & State ticket, Goicetoor ded. The *Mat which, will follow, bide fair to he one of great . enrol:sums otta thoagha Militia 'Rept. liceisciiitoph le not at fill tioubtfilL ; 'fug Cutesy.° Republican' makes the following observations, which are anti- v ISION , - --- tied to command the attention of all 1 arSTRAWDERHY FESTIVAL iS etal C0e . .., ad...a I•lttabor h Who intelligently desire the Protection 1 Pe Jr Ner ' loN Cir r , June G , IF°;. ' !! ' ili t os inr.b4 I'M V;''l iPito 4 ; ; ; `rd '14.:1::.r. of LabOr and Laborers in this country: This new city is located about two "n " °°o,lo es LOCUS? * Le'reee' "An Illinois manufacturer, recently miles above the junction Of the Smoky J _Afternoon and eventng. Ticket' for sal. at foe rlill and the Itepublu an rive rs, a Inch, B.. ‘`" .. ''' .. .t o o , ottrsacs• it''.-... returned from EMC.Per asserts that he was astonished at the amount of orders be found there being filled for this coon- umueg• firm (lee II m."' T„,.. 1,,,,tu„, farLITEIWIIi . AND MUSICAL try. America is the market place for of the lantheape on I very html combine Germany /s many lines of trade, and , almost every clement of beauty and ENTERTAINMENT, the combinations made to retain this ; grandeur. The prairie rites from the trade are both powerful and untiring iti I . ST TFIE I rivers wi th a gradual swell for teverd i their action. There is no hope for the elevation of labor in this country with. I miles, and the prospects on two sides 1= Hawthorne Literary SoeieiL out protection. Tie competition is di- bounded by the gracefTilly sw eliaig POE rue BENT./ a tip TILE rect with the cheap labor and accumula. heights beyond the rivers, while on the 1 red capital of Europe. The Atlantic ca. . west it slike rho bound,ry of the bent- ' SOL • MSS VOILIIiiiI fUID .I.4SOGITION. ble has to a degree revolutionized foreign arm on the ocean. The soil is exceed. trade. The importer can telegraph an 1 richingly and of great depth. AT LAFAYETTE HALL. .. order and duplicate it, and have hit This is not a great city yet, sun it Is .., goods in New York by steamer within a • , a wonderful glues to be only about a year . 1 Uesday EVer Ing, June ISth. fortnight or three eeka. The freight 1 d an a half old The business street costs little, and the comparatively light • pre- ' souls-v.'s% 50 CENTS. vutets roe ssie at cents more of the appearance o f a cow- tariff enables him to block the - wheels of ' Barr. ';date & thattlet a Illellont, Mt, mercial city of a way station village. n•,,,,.., .vd ma priaelpai H oo k 5,,,,,,, our mills, or compel Our labor down to 1 Storesof almost every kind are numer- I•t= :..s the level of Earopean openrives, so far - , one, andemulous of display. Bat isle' QT..... as hennaed compensation are concerned.un ENGINE IN THE WINEOW. the style of building width is going on , "s A. strike in any industry in this country I extensively, both for dwellings TRE UNGEIIESIGNED Recels - - - Is the signal for increased orders for the I p rett y , and business booms, that4lttracted my ~ , , .. I. se,. : he tow lasi ..the IarIMI eel hr. ; products of that industry abroad. Thus attention. I shall describe one which I L',.',7,',l:,;.twiir . t n n y ttfe ° l";•t r" ter th li.t U r ' e ' o n i Is our labor, and all efforts at its sieve. I . ~ , tool, the trouble to examine closely and so sso ,onsaso.o. Or the sioir4..t....pratlis " ml in don and compensation Paralyzed. l. ,r the cargo Purchaser. the r.peeolator. the Yea , i measure. It is for two store rooms be Full one•thlid of all the goods maw , Iby 22 feet each. The second story w-.0..r, , : . hr .,, Z6 !soft ealo T. Dealer, area the I, 11 , it •11 ,, , ~ t. , 1;. Taolr Te. art among the in Great Britain find a market In the I nearly completed. You well remember l'lTZo.ss ert. , iir 11:gslie l o soil -..., United Slides. . Probably a like propor.l that when I was here last fall I male is In Belg i um 1 scribed a singularly curious and -value- A I lekt Dravrtna Ina. Tea 01,0N1.. lion of all the goods ble building•stone, a magetenan lune. I Tao. ataLl7%Osti 11t $1 00. Ire sat at; Die. ? A. and Germany are brought hither and I stone, which abound here, and' 1;1 - 7,'„,'• - '-,, sia. . sold. The ttrowes - duties are so light, I which, when freshly quarried, could be ' Eatrk Pine, 't 1.00, `• I's° `• I holm.•• 171 •• I to .. and the excise duties so heavy that the , and were sawed like timber witn teethed a.. obollo, - . Is•os.: - i.s foreig n manufacturers are enabled to IT, . saws. That is the stone that Is used ex- "*" n ""s 11 r*".l. bra .. ''') .. elusively for binding purposes here, and-} flood our markets, beat downiprices, set , for the store house of which I speak. I. A tlart..llW:tV.Tr I l a ar r ittl I ' l:nine k TA.. the balance of trade against us, drain off ] The side walla are just two foot thick, PT,: """‘ , .." 1 " S''''. "*" i " ", ''''s th• ..1. .20 • the specie, andembarrassalidepartments I laid in range work, the ranges being i 5.... - s au. - I.‘ /•• &bent sixteen inches deep, and dressed , ‘"‘i ' - ' l4 " - of domestic trade. smooth on both sides, so that no plaster t JAPAN, will be required inside. Between the , 1 1 ,:,:,r;:,•"..7" , 11 1 1 , : , I T. ‘M , ,russauz 00, doors and windows in front are columns swans. ' favor.. " ' 4"'" ' . ' T ' at; composed of layers of sawed stone t wo vit...". , ..!.. ,, "81:z•-..1-11 , ,AT11- feet by three and sixteen incises thick, sus: risso. •• I se, - 1 . 10 .• laid In alternate layers of one and two•'.'l`,;.';,`,l; •,.. Las. .• 5. to •• blocks.• The sides next she doors and Mn. Wn. B. REED, of Philadelphia, has the misfortune to be a grandson of et man who makes some figure in history, but not in all respects such as t his dsscendante Would like. A. few 'ears ago, he expended considerable time, and a portion of that scholarshlpfor which he is Mealy conspicuous, in writing a biography of his grandfather, so as to present Lis con, duct and character in the light bo thought it ought to stand in. To Lie grief, his filial estimate was not accepted by Mr. BANCUOTT. Bo far otherwise - Mr. Rican felt constrained to addressihe historian a letter of remonstrance .and 'explanation. Mr. BANCROFT readl It, hilt remained incorrigible, as will be in furred from somb . of his comments Wire- "WiMeath. Reed describes bis grand= father as a prominent and steadfast pa trlot.of the Revolution; I regard him as shuffling, pusillanimous, and irresolute. The grandson elevates him to the post. lion of a disinterested and guiding states man; I see that he was governed by selfish 'considerations, and In momenta Of crisis was of no significance. The grandson esteems Lim for fidelity and candor; I find his character tainted with duplicity. The grandson exalts him as a hero whose fortitude increased with ad versity; I present Wrests a • vacillating trimmer, who' In 1774 and 1775 wits not heartily in the cacti's of his country, and who near the end of, 177 a medltatial de fection." PERSONAL —Gov. Fenton, it is einected, will sail for Europe on the lath. , —Bishop Talbott will represent the di ocese of Indiana in the convention call ed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, for the 24th of Beptember next, at London. —Norman P,' Aortic, of West Far mington, New York, acceptX Robert Way's challenge to any man in Uni ted States to a single jump for 41,000 a side. . Arthur Rose, the Mrs. Brown of Fun and the Arthur tiketchley of vari ous English periodicals, thinks of visit tog this country neat winter on a tour, after the manner of Amnon Ward.. —lt is reported that Jefferson Davis hes Accepted an invitation from the pro prietor of On White Sulphur Springs in North Carolina, ;44.`that be: will be there with his wife and. faniljy' in July or 4315 Wit. hatiaehOld effects of Mrs. Lin- Coln, widovor the President, were to be sold at public /motion on Monday last at sprlnglield. The firrtilture .was valued at #14,000e -.l.leteoln's income is said to be only $.1,000. H. Brigham, late Assistant 'Doorkeeper of the United /hates - Senate, wis taken from his home in Athena, ,Llmestane county, Tenn., on Monday night, by a band of ex-rebeli, and, after being severely handled, was daubed all over with printer's ink; .—Before leering the country, Mr. George Bancroft will fLuish . another vol ume of his "history." There is some reason to hope that he wilt not go on with his "great work." It baa a sound ing name—" Bancroft's History of the United litatas"—but It is the dreariest reading to lid found. —The Bridgeport Standard denies the ably that John Morrissey is the pur chaser of Mr. Barnum's place in Bridge port. The house was purchased by Win. Heed, No. 110 Broadway, New Tork, wealthy coal dealer. Mr. Barnum has bought a hothe In Filth avenue, New Yore, for 4100,000. • —R. Bishop Buckley, who died at Quincy on Friday, was forty-one years old, and the oldest of three brothers, who have. been the managers, and the stars as well, of "Bucklers Serenaders." Of the three the seamd . only arm - rives, theyounger, Frederick, having died nearly two_yeers since. Bishop . Buck ley was well known on the stage as one ord.:J=ost Irrealsciblv amnia "niggers," and off it as a plesaant companion and an estimable citizen. tie left a widow and one child. „ —The Mobile Tima has a letter writ ten from London, recently, containing the following :•• "I went the other even ing to hear Charles Dickens readlgs own works, and much was I gratified—tosee Charles Dickens, not to bear him..t* As Dickens, he is a great success; as a read er, be is nut. • People crowd to hear him because it is piciuma, but he bas a poor voice, forbid ing contour of visage, and we r e he depending on his reputation as a reader pray, without thrit of writer, he could net drew a larger : house than a sheet of ordinary ceurhplaster." Thomis It Trowbridge Itr,s pre tented to the Colony Historical Bodety at New Haven, Connecticut, a musket, with powder-horn and pooch, which bscl seen *ended in the old French war of 1755, and which wu used by his grand father, Rutherford Trowbridge in re sisting the British attack on Ne 4 Haven. Henry Ilotchkits also presented a mus ket, which, with twenty - four wounds of cartridge and the Hessian whb carded them, were captured DO that occasion by Ids grandfather, Jonah Hotchkiss, who was armed with only an empty musket. " —Mr. Mill's manner of speaking is thus described by the London correspondent of .the Boston AdterUser, "Mr. Mill writes out his great speeches beforehand, and the Daly .Yews, I believe, has the MS. Like air -W. Wordsworth, be never omits a syllable. The reporter follows it, and is amaied at the memory which is diseldsed. Would the great man could spare us the pauses. There was one and one only in , his female "suffrage sweat, but it seemed an ago. As his friend, you grew hot in the face. The ears tingled, and you felt ready to rush Into the open air, as you Saw the philosopher stuck fast, looking down and seeking to recover the thyand, To a spectator this exceedingly panful; but I believe Mr. Mill is not at all ncry 'owlish:Emelt Ile is perfectly certain of dEuling the clue. But why he , doesn't drry a slip In his hand I cannot Wag int. • think IC he knew the depth of our distress thst he would." poLITICAL —ASouthera edltOr has beanie . New York recently, and writes hOme:—"l have made the acquaintance of GrCeley, Ben Wood, of the News, Raymund, of the Tinui, and the editor of the World. They.all seem stations for our people to get relief from our piesent troubles, and I pretend to favor the best policy for our relief. I have not much faith, however, in any of their profewsions, and , would advise our people ht. hold themselves aloof from either party North, until the time comas to unite their fortunes to the 'cm which mottoes the. moat good to them.. --joaci,h E. Williams grin Cipt. Jas. 11,..Surnisor, two colored men, are to hold 'a joint discaislon on l•the great Issues of Conservatism and fiaticatiam," at the Capitol in Nashville, Tenn., sing peedrw• The challenge came from Wilww.. division - of time of one hour to each 'Talker and siftegn minutes to' reply has been syyeed upon. . . —it, Democratic jotEnai,.ceng - Valhlt ' oh the negro Tote at 10 01 2, on7r, "The more tijo i uthtful and i respectable portion of the b achs voted - the Demo cratic Wiest, *I a 1011 ragabond• blacks !pled the Republican." f : 1 : ' —Thu 'Augusta. 4oyal covion nye Dourly Nash bat repent and joined the Maori Republican Party." • ~ EXCURSION TO TUC • UNION P{ -NEW ApiTERTIBEELENTs. YOUNG llYloa windows are very smooth, but the fronts . The eueet flavor •nd best of . tireen Teas. of the blocks are dressed with the chisel cows, usually sand at al.oo. we sell at Ile. f lb. at the Joints and a roogbinglammer on ' rm.. 11 , , :: . 10 the faces so as to present a very pretty En. . tine. .... tn., t.• Ms o appearance. The door sills, of which , ;, , ,4 0 1;.,, .• there are two to each store, are ciim , I posed of single blocks six feet two in- sin,. ." 'U t tsAVl,, ; ',Tl l .l4l tilr',..' Is!`iwm.sl thee by two feet three inches, and shout .so , e ; a foot thick. These appear to have been . t e'L s ., s ' stss 'ls. ''" ht "I.' 2 Z' '"' sett st i t , ? 2, ; „" s . ?.'S• sawed out. From this the reader will ' t'',.. qr. :: 2.... •: cm : be able to fudge what may be done wills ~;'L. ". .. , • !..t, :. 1,7,... ] this stone. In front of this store house , r,...- ~.. - E. " 1. 0 0 " I ars Choice Old Hy50n.1,... ° Lai there were several . blocks in the rough , - which would dress seven feet _by two, I tifiIIELDS &BOUCHER, and 'sixteen inches thick. • At Topeka we visited the ground on ; slros IOS Smithfield Street. which the. Stale capitol has been cons. • . meneed. It is to be built t f this stone ,' Unseen, use row. Once. - a large quantity Of which—some ill I quite large blocks—had been laid on; .. zaessei'M sileillerfo s i;,-7, I the ground. Indeed all the betpr ' A XLEGIIENY TAXES. • houses in that city—and some of them ' t 1 ' are very pretlyare built of this stone ; ~,,5 , ,A , 1 , Z.V1 , T1,t i re1="r r ,..?",1,',71';,71,11,:y. as they Mid it down there. There. are a , esws °rows, root, City nusitiess.r.cmool, moot few brick buildilogs to that city', but the PL 4 4 1 , 1 .1::,.,t,'',4 5 rj, 5 ,1, 5 ,;!„:',Vd t t ; ,",:fr1,u 0 t ,; brick are of an Inferiorquality. A• gen- ,be received to pOotooice of its of A 8.... denten in Junction City told me that a' ' Itr„ - :„Er, b ,'47,7„!•ZtaZi., s ,i t ,lit t r,, s ,t,,";:a company was' organized to VW this " ;17:''''1Id. if sio on or before the em taw-1;1111 _shapes and sizes needed; d o , o r r :f i 4.` .. P and that It was theirintention to put up, d lo,ute o , i, f:tti if anal on as ~ R.. the ant gauge of saws to cut the smaller and -I— per e.est., Sr Data on or before tee rot irregular pieces into common building il ❑ l ;,,i n =l.'2;,, r . rruay or ~,,p , ,, ~,,,,, ood oo ' brick. • They would be very pretty and Or b..., the aro day 01 October, no de . ducituu very good. will tie made. . . ' If held after Me MIL day or October .1111 on The incidents of yester d ay a tr i p are— :or herons the Oro day of November. as mlanyon ourcarriage drive to the college heights • ',1%:171: . ."b.'. b.."°' to 505 herehhi Lawrenceoverlooking and its income's: - ..after the dot of• November .arrant. .Lt be Table surroundings—our visit to the at gt1gi,',,:::,1,Z7,!AW,,,.‘;' , Z,1ar . , 1i r , 0 1 0 4ii,141.7.; Mary's Mission (Catholic) en what was atToted thereou, wad the eo to. , Jetta O. wiACPLIIIION. City Treasurer. the Pattawattimie reservation—our drive up to Fort Rile); from the railway station MI ASOIVIC BOOKS! I —our experience at this ; singular, and ' it, , , orr , o , 11,. Koi. 7 . Tomoor or . 5 , ,00,,,, I yet, pleasant city which Las srung up .raola. steles, ' likelonah's gourd, but which promises i 1it,1i,r,, , , , ,ii7•41:i,1g ~ , , r i . s err 7 z... o p : throe.. (0 be more enduring, and the perpetual ' t.ransm.o and Tehiplars . Ter jam., and ever changing scenes of am:odour , , r;i4.,= , .1.,,J . i:,..1 , , iy' , ,,,.H . L!'w-sto. and beauty which met the eye at every ute.wart's n Erecesasoa's Mazes:. point as we whirled up the matchless 1. ..., , 17 , !0 ., ; , , , , p,,,,,„. , a , :; ,. . valley of the Kansas—might afford . am i n e.-mit. rr,.u. n0.r.1. enough fora dozen letters.; lout I shall de- . .11:,,. t :,7`, 1 1:',11, 0 4,,,,, .„,,..„ fer them until I can speak of them more . *so*, t...1:!1..!.....1. ' at leisure and more in order than is peas t.'7,X,Z,1,2,:::',..1„M.,,;1V1,,:7: r0i . or ~,,,,,,... Bible now. IPaeoolc Permits. •• Illpioma. We have this moment got into motion .. ~,, for Fort Masker, eighty miles Waller •• relltion. west. The party are all well and in the finest spirits—all glad that they came; for they,unanimously declare Chas it is tor fonesible to form any udeeuate conception of this country without seeing it. _h22_ Mr. GEORGE. MUIR. of Arm-. •trengta Coal Works, renu townstalpt Atte glieny county, meats as follow. of the KEY. E. A. WILMON'S v.:lr .1. itt VICK% LoW PRICLI. by Great Remedy for Consumptions • 4 17*. red•md ummamum • WHITE, ORR & CO., unable, Weave my bed, and my ployaletans Informed me that they could donothlng More for ma.♦ can being utterly hopeleas. that 'Hiatt sel . not certainly over a mouth to live. At this stage seas lmlacett to try ltaN. E. A. W 11,1),n REX- j_IEEMBOLIYLL VIVO /Ler rani. and to-day I am as well m any man.in the bAralaltd• Meamam am , mane... the 'tinfld. If they. tnottis the Cigar or bralOt lota the at. 4^l ht this state- t.m.and 'mats om be they can rail anti sic me, las per above •••• ' - anOt oar area.) .ad I . blll Are theta el! the puttee,. el - - ely extraorcitry recovery. • • AMERICAN WATCUES, hold by dnigrlng everywhere. bele .real for rlttsbares. JOIMPLI YLl.lllbai. Dreertst, ei Market etrea. )fthbwrw . Fine Gold and hilwee Watches, GRAY MIR, BALDNESS: DAND- F ENE COLD JEWELRY, EDIT. ANT "IMMIX or THE RIALE.-NI. . . . . .... . . . DISCHTIGST CAN .aiMPARE WITH 'WAWA HAM COLON weermr.Ea AND 1,1118.11 Na . BILVEIIii,A.MC, CLOCES. le.. I•London . Our Benlundon . Hair Color Hartore, , I`London n g ,,,,,4,,,gr.,..‘,,,,,, ! At the %meat triers. The psiblle 4, Invited to 0 1.4nsion Cinalelans Hair Color Satorar— : ral , nhd lialnalha oaf Hoch hifilra Ill , rlinilhlt "Loudon !inn Color Ileasnree• •Irawnwa• • •ll.ondon • Uwe nod Han ihdor nasiore, Hnlao repairing proniptlY attended 10. at Landon Han Color ktaatoreei • W. %FILSON'S, ..London Areominand It. , Han Color Sailor., : It ne vet falls to impart life, growth, and alto. i So. 54 fOUILTH rTAILLT. to the neatest hanyfaa iena wad stop. Ha fallng, ~,,,,,„,... .. r .,, ~,...., ~3 . .,„, and la wire to pronnea a new growth or flair , . . 4niaing it to grow tank and strong . Jell la AT A MEETING OF THE COM cent.. bottle; fi thatialf donn. Bold liT AnCLAILIIAII 4 MeffINNAN, *I3 Margot atre.y CIAO. A. KALI'S. 37 Woo lat., , MITTIE ON WATIIt. of Alleglieng Coon. nail IL/B. FLAMINI), II Marget Went, nu.- <lli, P.IO on Wednvidar, Jane Ha. 107. it was burgh. YANA a IHAUITT Aileen. nl. sairo7oitrarr UnawLvco. That Inuranelia. the ally nacre... . A BATIOAAL MEDICL\ - • the right to nut off the city water from WI con• E. mc h One c. hardly pick Up nearepaper o r' turn • hereby notlnel 'that lilt WATAN WILL HE etreet.rner now•a•days that La does not And, NUUT or? UR AND AYTER VIE Fill? DAY starter him In the face. the announcement that Ur JULY NEXT. and the dapertntandent Is Prof, n0..1-so haa pat dlteavereo a me•lclne hereby Instructed to carry tha sante Into effect. .hlrh It • P..ea for ell the llb that flesh i, UOIIEET DLL WulY , ll. me, h. Neir to. Ibtee `'woodhrro.” gliniVtl- ten:esh Clerk to Coolant., trig . ..mall, he— •altty • o•fr— Ate woes _Are an set.tenes .. • few mouths, . HOUSE AND LOT then dimity,. Vont public notice. Thn reason . of their sudden eatlcselsbreePt Is apparent. FOE SALE.' .TteE were humbugs. St the 0 ttttt all meelel. I . nal preparations hare an equal absiet fee see- - The house and kit‘ t r /11.1 cseet accepted h the au. as all are ego Cl, unknown: bat th e chaff Is *absent..., eltontedoo%,ll &In:el. ( Nat. Klan a lenowed from tte grate he the practical 4 . 4 aGr re 444 ..4 4, 4,11 .•70 4 7 G.. '6, ...hie tent 'which an mpeslaelced panne spell,. to ad ~,. .1 . 0„, . ..., t hr..i. ... r . ' , 40 .., things. 'there are bet few p. epva , less of mod. tent 1° .4 44.4°4 .' 4.1 44 ' 4 . 4 . 144 . 4 I 'L.Y. In• AC littnlll, lane which bare with stetnl the Impartial Jude- I i mi ,,,, meet og he potpie for any length of elan. One Illgerell meet. wilecher . ,_ of the few welelt we how now in mind. sea mi.."... ‘‘,....,, whtett ties been • Joey tme maniac to nearly 1,---- -.--.%. . . SO•Wery hoeseb4ld lo the land. Is the celebratsd ' .f 141 , ElaCll LETrESIS. Their , TLIE ['Egli& TV GET most antraml sale sod ues and theft mutest- k .„,,,,,,,,,,,,, m ,,,,, , ,i6„,,,..,„„ ‘ ", PURE 'LEMON SYRUP -' , Vacthe aglealsalun tbs.. they meet tse • .peclee , m m Vac the aliment.. to. whlcEthey are newir.U.l il • ( "' 4.41...4 p". 4 the 141n4 of 1.444... le " kd. Letten hem, us attest their etllcsey la t L. IL DLILIEIIS CUR ILLNLFLELOIL, 11.118..orths tbrnat,trowelifuld liver. se that 1 , ~ix erat, , ,: • moue{ d i ... w a wr i x;;;;;;; , , jelia& No. stet Luny wrt arrtzit. . , us er .L• 4 I .. , ~,r .-4 • thelr 4,4 rot -W E WILL KEEP ON HAND hume use • teamed. tWs Out aioa . wi.....1.• Volumes In their faint. —Eagensfs /rum Ili* )(As • . 4, 1/ meld VI h 4444 1 .11 lithGle of miles </mono (Merle, PM. 7, that. . , goring itia pla... .04090, CIAETE ~ DEETS. WI. StELß•lilLuVis, --- rISEO CAMADENSIS. A tree which 1. .00.4.01 II Canada, Nora Scotia, sod the more northern rani of tea New Tllgisnd States. and Is also found to the elevated and moentninoue rtgloos of the Middle States. and Abound.lo medicinal yirtnes. Dr. emelt, of Settee. bee prepared a medicine from the /meet' Inside barb of the pine tree. tailed PO LAND, WIMP ;INC COU,POUND. NeOoND one tame 'faille:. 61 debilitated elates of the kidneys. It sets like sebum In .11 Mete., of mucous membranes. enabling them to ftnala their oat toniand energy. It will befound well adopted to all thou dle•ues. where Ruche tu been triad and felled. It la likewise well Culled oldronic apse:A. in 4 an Infallible ...lee for ond debilitated caw. of atoms. Many per sons who 6 gretoely took a nettle of DIA mail. clue, to try. afterwar d which out and got • dozen. ...elf dozen. effected radical cares o(dt...i.eu of the bladder and kidney of yeses iguanas. Illabeths, a dices,. Dist has been locked upon 6 among the IneureLleA 1• Inircallabely rellevcd by Cull. the certificate of Asa Uuouou, pu liebed some time ash. The United glut. Dieriensolory. 'flanking of the pine aim "It la prescribed In leueorrace. elect. end oilteralenesesof the OfinerY Oa ..... pilea and chronic lokasnoatlon or accretion. sode bowels. forme aOlllO e elections. n vertu,. of rbetionnlem." It la Co. tra l l l flD7e 4 :irigye!it :11,11:M; to usual: eau h• liken without interruption to one's ecatlone& and ofalckee• 131,11..111 C reader. belittb, l)oiger of 0 0 4 0 . renesothd vle or. PNee, at per...NADI tor Air for COLAMID•II Da. ei• C. ill. POND. ' For sale by the Inns. dozen or sin bottle. at DR. KILT !SEWN lireat Medicine e th er gle , 16 Wood street. ' eon) ~ Bllloll4llf, Jr., dattroslExprots UI -5r4,54 AM Street, is an authorised Agent to round Adartlifts4sll for 514. (4AXETTISmd all other payer/ lasassagid N. United emu. owl the das. • ROBINSON BROTHERS, .130.33.3.cera5, Itoll7llill ISTREICT, Pitt *bunch. kt11t:4 7 .:: 4 9,4%,,:14:4174,r4?.1' L:7474 [lnds of la. la. SONDE, And ate prrozrerl Lonny soul klallroad Bonds titont*,• Kant. Oaf and Ilriago awoke: Mon o,. on N.,..1104.14, hand Wart.... f mon./ of fbneeontles of rot. ler, Be. er. Lsorenst, Time and Wn+1,1441100, Inttreat allowed on Time lornnsits. FOR Ode. DOLLAR. • • A Can of goal PEACIIIA: A Meuf do.4III.AUKIIEHRIPA; A Catiof gaxl WiIIPiaLAVAILLUICS: TRY .2.131C3051EE. AL 1111 rEDEUAL iTUALT, AllegAvuT Citl • MUIROR BitAVICIII• FOB SALE. I Beautiful Building fillet %Ulf 4 4 .7,1,.7:41?;4011.47,M1". lean cattle A pp , 7 SD seam sevuar. Jelliem iltottiallanst Rank. - - POUREVS ARCTIC FREEZER —Just re•rlyed, • lot a • rorreies drelic Freezers. Man ( C nsn. for sale at ttm,Yamfly Grocery _ 4011 N A. RICNISHAW. fey • p' COM , ppeny =4, Head Mauler' PITTSBURGH. DAILY GAZETTE roR SALE BY • J. R. WELDIN - & CO., M=M=M J. C. Swam Ell DIiESS GOODS, Grepadines, Or garmi ies, 45 Fifth Street. =I iitlss. 211“N811 ii.T 11.1Klf-3 and • - PUKKA. At I , ccilltspla IVAaox'Wonce, rot& the real tentlaty, µow . . . ickolo.. ry. 11.1 e .11:\ 4: Yak RFAT[I• • 1111. ICE PirenEltil.—We have on h•od . .ern cop mortment of DOUBLE WALED 11 .. . E PITLIIEBB, tr u v et:47 .Z. : % 2at t . lty. Alto. WAITZEit •nd J. U. REED 4 Co.. .1. 1 ;. • . _ VOll MALE—LIVERY STAIILE, loceted tioe. IV Ea Ira Third street. Dear tionoette Merrnants• Ruth!. 1304 This Mable wa• rtectitly Smell {l,l with ergie ern mar oz•xtAt tweirlia round to • aryl alas* esta te y ea to au, at • erre lure rest. Will h• saidUl 'r onrsof stoat, o r with out sloe!. imititre ietNo. 08 .0114,01.14 a, reel. t ltpuhilltia • 11140. GEO. EXIILELEIN, Fancy fake Baker Confeclionor. And dealur Porch. bud Demerit SMI% nd N Nn. 40 ror. e r rcUILB/u. RUH ' 114000 nTHECra../.ll,beny. ; • Cobotdolly un wn!, ICE CREAM, of vartotio Jrnr.dn 111WOME WHO DENIJD LIA.b•CY Cl/111},EXIIIM mnst tnipry and enrich bit . blood. uldeli 11.UX111111.P.1. COK. I .11111. T. 11 021•01. or 00,1 14. 1 11,011.1ds OA•.- rlnbly dues. Ant for I.l l bLidliuub..n.. Tann 1,1.1 LOST—Between Market'. and dmittalrld, Ob Flab Wert.. or 4%,wreb rift, bira en brnltbnolol BLltlet. . ..F b CPC/Irall'r t)pptaleluga mall *nut nt money nap Uint'n iltcattpie. The MOOT Will plautica~efhr Hama; Orllet. Je.6.13 • . AIMING LADIES, BEWARE or A the Warless off•els Face Pande,s and " " n r ::174 i t n i:n:Trit 44 the pare. plr "/ f e rmi nnulu nave Inreh, neat thy and youtand .I.Dearanen, ore Dann frOLlOtt ITILAST natniarAILILLA. ant6latwr TRANSPARENT ISLUiE OIE rt lAlntticletgt Lod obi, clan Wu, 2-12 .J. 11. 1111 , 1.2 . 11. , INDIA RUIZUEU r BEATING, 11 . 0. e. Steams rankle,. (Want,. af;ao , i , e Silo! flLLlrd, . e f:Tr • . .3.nd. rt. Cla.r inraot• LEATHER,- IT grirvii.—w e best k iarilry ' :n4. " L ' 4 ' m 4 an ' :11.41"1,4eVo:nr f.T.Viltt°""`"'"44:17.11411',f17s."`- j. 4.• 3. # .4 1.3 , •11. ttneL LACE LE.l.ThiEtt,. ;L i the best Meo e•Ill Bti lb• l{ blnte, (or • 3 "' r . - • - COTTON AND FEVEIERS.. " ViL I ZIPA u t%. ; Now landby 12.2432 yte.2•o Julio IYQ. 2. flr sale by VEATUERN AND COTTON. =tigtr:" On unmet' Agouti.. to antra, far sale by Jell 113411/111 DIUII.III . it Co llump COTTOV w4 9 TE- 1 0 11°.""°"'I'''`ItittliI,Isflrl ClorroN BATTING-40 halal' "`"* . "snwrtlllBlli soh NEW ADVER'IIShiiENTS ow. ranee o r. nAv IRON CITY BELT WORKS. CEO. 0. CLAPIK & C 0.., Manufacturer. of ever) SeMr l Pttha F. "'"i Stretched. cemented and 4itteted Uat-Tanne Xaosat.lacor Soltiag. No. any LIRCxTY sr., )sa floor.)rt=4' ABIR.ACIAM LEVCOLVS DOMESTIC LIFE. rdANS N1001:14% the edl•or orate "Rebedlev Iteeerd," eke Issued an excellent ...VeopWs Eallese” or tee "HEAL LIFE OF AIIItAILIA LIEOOLIL". Illustrated wtth • splendid Ilkeveas„ far Which Llecoln eat,. Mr. Moore'• •p•clal request. The 0 0 011 also contains tomplrte of Mr. bleroln's favorite o^. lo . •. .b! , rhl s hould the spirit of mutt.! oc prove ;•• 'wit an account of Ita.authorkelp. &Sateen OF 31r. Lierota. 1.7 De's. can o ,, t•in a coo, 0... er . ea.l l . he seedier t.,e prier, :SCLNrs to I. ttAN.h..II(.F I 4.Li.iiele Hues, New York.. 1e12.72, pITTSDURGEI CIT 4 L &lINDRY =1 All Itlodi or .WASHING done with neatneee and al , epate4. Bedclothes wash. aon Tory re niLle terms. eeelaL attennon.pald to . r rail fu and Jotter all he goOde oJrYI at La•nn.'ol7,g, Crn peke net • order, lin n • the fon winµ: places Le promptly atteeden e. Abel. s eor. Flr.b and r•rant M . tt . IIN rich , S I.lohlamlt noon SiSim!arket . Coot , C , aarr. cor. Federal Ohlo. A11.101 • T Office. No. i NT. CLAIII NT. MARSHAL'S SALE IST out of a welt of on, ...poops, Isfinell out of tp e VlAO:telyon, of tn. .11....1 Pia.. fo. Ihe Wen... JlMxtrict of ',0.n.0., and to me .ll(teted. I v/10 03 pose to "'t ate Pate. •1 the COURT 11010110, In the City of Ark, oit the r111. , T 1/...1( 00 JULY. 0110 o'clock.. . , the followtog property, to wit: 27 Barrels tot Refined-011, , :Oat,' at the Red nerT of 1115.00 . A CO.* " th ;: mutt of the United elates. , ' TIIOB. A. ROWLEY, U: tl. 51anhal A'itl'2„tr2l„7.%-;.1 MAIRSITALVs PALE. By virtue of n writ of rendltP.ni crpoutir, Issued all tn. District Court ot the Unit. Kates, tor tie Westrrn Distric• of Penusrivs lilt. 410 to sec directed, I will expose to Public rale. st the CI,IIItT !MINE, tbe City of Ed, on the V 1144 1. DAT toFJULINIter, 0, to oeiorir S. m , the followtue drscrlt:ed proms ty. to Twenty' ttarrels of Renard Cll, In Teaks; Ten Unreel. of Renato 011, In nllator; Twentr eight Herod. of Refitted, talt ' , eel , . navel. /iambs; horen Ran 11. of Naptha la 'realm; Two Ctztandred Hurd.. of Celt.. 011 In Tooke: Two a , don Kettle.: One Coal.. lila/a:One lion: T e wo d u atwv l C oe e d e I. Woo l d. ee t l oe : e dg r h .Bl[a2r rethlsof 01n ~ Tanks. Enelne• .Huller.. Inaehloet - r. Implement, and property appertalnlng.to - .all belied end taken at the Dron , Y of CO.. at the milt of the Ualtelatatce =9 • MAnsnAL•s Ormx. Plitsburtu,Jote 11. 07.1 .1e12.11 pITTEILIUDDII LEAD PIPE • AM) SHEET LEAD WORKS, h." an algal. Lead Pipe and tilieet Lead, AT LOWEST bulimia iterr.s. =I PL't MINS' MATERIAL. - BK.. AAP Ito,/ 00010'. !TEAM GAMIER. CTEIY PUE PLAIN AND GALVANIZED IRON PIPE, At.. 41, BAILEY, FARBELL & CO., 161 ISSLIERrICLI) UTILE CI. I.ll.burgl, Jet FURNISHING GOODS, No. 72 illth.Street, NEJOILY OrrotllTE THE roHT OFFICE. 'The lII.t extrusive verletY. the ., .tt , t ear. Cc, the leeFc.t toducr,rai-ete we.t of Zicw Yore Perfect Fitting French icite Shirts, I= PUTNAM & HOUSE, = MURDOCK & rurmrAm. BUILDING PROPOSALS. . • pROPOSALS- WILL RR, RB- I;tlYCltbythe7ll✓YlMitt % 11/1•1 COM. ['ANY f.r et cat Wog • Taht c e • Its*.ttold.r. the eleavatlon Lb be About W :vet to MS...etre by feet Iv dpotts. . . Atao, for 1.4a1N0 • IrnONIZ WALL stoontl the ahie•nreatil Inca. three feet In eeldth at the •tnittosa hy t.en ;net at the top on LLL c L y.four fete In What. ha , d wall to he lacht or PnaL harre-sl•VI taunt , amt thatonahlf Shied In eclat, mortar. • .• . Ismber proposal. aro Aestml AA. fonllsMOir aToot 1. Po SKI K. and las to r • wall aw..l floor wsttilo tb• ab0v.,1211,01 , 1 tior.” wan. Jaconets, . . . . .r Lana tract tellll. re,ose t .i. •tt the, t rrrl• 11, laltt ...et.. the' to • Shy toe ...at omeau, The ter e work. autlett at .11 Ono, to the . In•yeet iro mod opyrorot of the ost reserve Yottlatit to Ten.. 01 Ob.. reeetTed• reopens/. shOol.l be toot that °Moe of tbe i iLe. o .T',.::°7:4`."4- 11.0 gle.n. Ithls will re,lvea owl! the 1110 or .11.1N1r... 1‘0111N11.35.. lei . Ate rrrrr T. LOOK AT 'THIS! SE%DAY SCIIOOI. St:PERIN ., TChtIE.T.I, CuNIIISITTICES oa4 LUSK*. RIAno , .14 11114 a lot. e „lad woU .emceed aooon. twat of • LIBRARY BOOKS, Icabfa-Ina th• latest pabllaatlatia of Oa laatlla![ Soc.letlea awl anaa, at DAVIS, CLA.RIEE & CO.'S. 93 Wood Street. x. B.—sEW (ATALIIGUILY, contalutog nalDya.lls prier. of thovsaild• of goo<l 110011, .ent !Da airy Alolreasoo Dlseolints from telali, p•ferl .prselleable._ A full aupply of ail Unocla)twhool .leratiLLlV/K The Highest Market ; Price PAID 11 , 01 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER, ' (OCPONS 15D CAMEO iIW&S? NOW. .I. F. STARK & CO., Rankers, £XU Tallto erTB6XIII. 14IPOILTANT- NOTICE. To oWST:11.11 Or ZIOURES. DR. WEST Deg+ to inform, hia frienda itoo The n l'ubfrum the Ned 1.100 nIl to e r r. CflAlllL[l b el r otel. 6 mr;e l r; " nre/gl lb ilV; t " .. . o ' l •..* ' l l.l, treated • *1 a moderato enarga Horan. of a^r lnhationa alsettaes nut oaOmrtta . t. nut terry attention yald o,thenr at h• °woe ea stable, LOCI OR HnorSealubra • tett 01.,Itit AM ROT, arupd by all the min,, , ,i—vcgriaaty Colleges In •Entop, will eurlAw1:0011; Wino prestddla Gall, tote Seoul tllgto.ll t t :ta t a, and tit noLlare the lint nIL, 001,1041:',`,4,741: .+ 04,4 00. Rt....b.. the madras+. st ct:Lr,s ePtb'ea. TV= el=ppaalta M. Clothes Drat. F i• ir LOUORREY & FREW, Move remove! to No. 31 Market St., (CORNER 07 SECOND.) 77111)(10s0 Wh(rs MIT too TDsptind to msnatacDtrif all klals of Ssiddles, 11:ernctes Trunks," And all Attlee. In their flee usual!! kept to Arse-els/A aetahlleholre... A: . YOUI~i~I h CO., WHOLISA LE DEALERS ARP e()111/11i881011 71/01411a3t9,111 FLOUR ? EI,PEXIF PiOOUCiAIEPIEIIALLY. No. "555 Sts PITTSBURGH. PA. OM . IRON CITY - CUTLERY ,Coa - , No. 3 CITY, • . Clair Street. • . , Geeing pli &hi of ighlifltEW lini)ll3 the 4.71 yr Gain Gon g farderare. Uglier: and Varlet, ~ at th etiove nand, ale their /Attrition to keep pun ud g nret elm. g i roul Of . . HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Grin, 71111 re Rovuteers. iiiitills, Ylibing ihtekle anA sporting /roods of every rierlntl. Theyare Moo prepare/I to to sit kinde of JOB % 11 0.11: Grinding !favour. lleleeore. sc.. Cutting Wringing and Clamps, rind asking boll awl Gunnelling ntlinips, et ebhrivyt !lbw. Ne ar. frown, at talon/will ___ NEW ICE CREAM I (LOON AND CONFECTIONEUL JULIUS RICHTER will ogenlan new ft.T.ll. cluy Ice Cream Baleen it Confectionery, I , l4slfigri), Allegheny, oo TCISB - irV;4ll ll l b nil i ttig gennlntilY . 4 ,7 - =0 to unbent. netr eytahlhdonal . TA l ! THE CHEAP lIAT AND IMOD !TUBE.' WORM MMMMM . • tactical Retail Dealar BI iwid MOTS, Hwn flint i'Affil. No. Dl 1..110 writILEV: Al. lewfiee 011). Nawnn.nlu. In tilt two 11Utl nt ww alawalt tea talc dealer: toe.. witla realoaah ig profits, sad galena in ed to offer great hargitiaa Wail who taro? Oho with their haarooagih J &8. FRANCIS, CiltrENTE;tB AND BIJILDEIIB, IN. 26 led L•B Mims Et, alksttal rill. Pa. r, snaps Lod Jobbing promptly attended to. 101.144 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12,- 1867: JAMES B. YOUNGSON, No. - 200 Wylie Street, 11.spectIdlly . Inrarmr thata who are mm,ds or •n•tnlng In 011 Hue in. be hts open. • fas; cl•a. BIKEAY AND CONFECTIONERS, At the above •umber. Frs,`a lIRE a II A ('AE ZtA. tc fated up In otVe. Stwelsl a.teatlon pivot to travialllng l'rleste I , lvaar, Plcalca. with tIRISCaI. CARL', and FRUIT O''•E~. A LIMITED PARTNERS - 11P has linen—cute red Into, to commenco term the 10TH IJAA tig JUNE. lON. and to continue to JUNE 3011.15:0. between TULL SCRAMS, of the City of Slits. rgil. and CU LULUS LEN. NW, of the City of PhllaEelphla State of Senn ' aglosata. the businevito be that of dealing In and the reaming of I etrolcum. Coal or ehale OSA, and thn Otepotal, In embalm:lv e use. of the avid. Wed In the refining Proc. , either by lode or bunter mannfa•tore: to be comforted In the name of EMIL SCLII,LE, the Geueral-Part.. nor, la the Vile of Pittsburgh. I. IN NUI lathe Special rmtncr,..hd has eon• tribUted thereto toe Stlln of nrty Thousand Dollars In cub. ==! CHARLES LENNIL:. Bpeotal Planner Plttabu rgt, J ane 10th. 1547. • HOOre me, A..P. NICHOLSON, an Alderman of the (Itself Pittstairch County of Alleghenr. Piste of Penusyl”nia, personalty spihn , ed EVIL SCHALK, and made that CHARLES LENNIO hos. lie ellrelul contributed In esoh the sir= of 100.000 to the Partnership Capital of which be, the saIsIEHLL 13CHALK, Is the deters! Partner. n : - Pittsburgh, Tone lilt, IMF. lei2perl )TEDICAL SOCIETY OF PENN ., SYLVANIA. = STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY, WMett meets In C n city on Wednesday, June 12th, I= Are notified that arrangements hare hero made with the following retires:le for commutatton of rare Venneylvanta Central. rittsborgh t Con. nellsville and Aleghcal Talley. The Society will meet In LAFATEITZ HALL. corset of Wood Imo Fourth stree' s. at 4 to:cloek p. re. Delegates will report for registry. nay sible, before the boor of IneeUng, at the COO - or Arrangements (loom, In the Hall, en trance no Fourth street. The rtnnwoado Concert and Entertainment by the Allegheny Countythiedleahboclty. will be given at LAFAYETTE" HALL, 01 EDNISDIT ETECISG, Camtocitg S O'clock. Card. otAdmissl;n, fof those entitled to them, will he furnished bell,. 11. T. COVVEY. No. el Sixth Street. DM= The ANNUAL ADDBZblswlll be delivered by the President on Wednesday arternoon. By order of COMMITTEE OFkIIItAIeUEMENTS. THE LARGEST AND. MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, BEST STYLES AND QUALITY, BOOTS, SHOES, • AND. GAITERS, FOR LADIES, =! CUE MID AND AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES =EMS 31 'FIFTH STREET W. E. stlikEuTz & co, ezmanzi TEAS' TEAS! TEAS! Or ALL I•EEICY.B AND QUALITY. AT 33.ctri.MVIS. QUEEN TEL • Y.iin. l = ?T... ** * kr, P er R° . # • tiogd •• tiood ELACK TKAN—Oeloom Bin Oo sl..Ser pounid. riu, • IS xtra . •• BLACK TEAR—poweboolL SOneboOlr. and I...igrot.s. rs....rne w (. llreakfaAL. ..... ••- - - . ./APAN TEAS. • : Y:;:r. t au nt P lll , 4g " . LZ "'" SIT" MIMED TEAM. No. 1 buxed Teu, 5t..1. Wart. si do. Y.11.111..1 No., •• Yl4l Nest . Sdo. •• kinTZ•ra ngtf 4 4l 7 ‘, ° :;idWv:7ll:ol•9l ayy k lo any ...aatalLy. b.rwayntil by any of the x- Tory <en, per bouna .n tn. Idiery. Gystiltl lling a pure and clean article Yrblen exactly . 011 s their teat. A. KIRK. 71:•11 171 It 174 14.1.rat.14... A/LeyttAl, 89 149 S 9 89 89 89 Pm. MARKET.STREEL al, 71.) h4 9 ,1=1. C:0 3Et 323 SI, 189 89 Jffarkst Street, I=l :BOOTS, SHOES, U. I Mt CLIMATZST AND NEST j B9 ITS C2XT,:Ir (s 9 NO AUCTION OOODS JAB. ROBB 89 Market St. 89 89 SO 89 89 89:89 89 WALL PAPER! AT REDUCED PRICES TO Sun.' THE TIMES! At N 0.107 Market Street. .708. R. lIVGWS -BRO. BUSINESS MAWS COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos, &and 8 81. Clair Street. Charter. Book -K raping, reatesnattlp sad Ailthmeile, time 00111000 llO 00 /Liltimpetle 00t1 reamuship per quarter or Mr. month,, Perimonehtp; per month..., Yor Mulw or timeline., Mare. noerw.N. 1,111.1171 , 101. or I .l. 1. 14011./..1110NIIM.: = WM. RIAMDOUF & - : Ilanatsecqrars mid Whola.!. 'Maim it BROOMS, Broom Brush and Broom Findings. • I Tutor, !mil Wanhoute, In tbs rear of Eabo m•iter Lase's, Nals.l7lliibd 174,viogsa aL, armis.n • J. SOHOORMLNER & SON, Pfopanora of the 10 r..XZ421331:711.G1,73 White Lead and Color Works, Manufacturer* of WHITE ADD END LEAD, ZINU, PUTTY. MAIM LEAD And all colon dry o, aloCf in OV all VERDITILIt DEESE. Olfleo, No. 47 ILI . FONNT NTREET. 4:Vl n 't r kr:crgteg .1 4 4 t " . "4 it triroZt bunol..Alleoheof. ravietali .C . M. GEAIIING, • • • Planing Mill, Sash & Door Factory,. Corner BUTLER and A 1.1.40111 C NT STUNVIeI, Math w.ra, .4 No. la tllllrllYtjl.D rlttebureb. •• T' altl ' el . 4rJrilt r Atlt:r . d i e l ;. " MA 4"." Mime e en' All km le or were uniaLaulll Oa Land. Orates tram larewtleyy/e_naile astandetilo: • • OMBLAER, . • 1•1101.1iPALS AND varrAlt, • 331011 . -1.101.1. xicag, , DaVailleue neirongth 1" d0i,..14e mar pm. nt rittentrgh and At irrrll:Tinadt ire : 1 4 adtrtiti7wru."% aelamary Ice 11.1, hi Maine!. horulaii b. All lwa.l/a.titt al ti r artf Tathma will cocotte pr.; pk , httsAtlP. , a+ Main . • _,.,. . . . ' DITEI EIIIIVITS• Otte *Woe half Poodles; do ;porter* do; IS do • mixed do; 150 baehoLslood IHT Apple.; SO do rime do; Jon eroelwodo 000poludon and torso; low to Wei . rade. • . ISI3IIOXA.K.C; A LAliti. Me . . i 7 44,4: wewo .i.......1,_ . . A l l ADDION NTAliell. AGENCY.— . .A. Just retelve4. • 4.06 box/4. 4 . 01" Poorl 'web; soo ao . • ' • ~„ d c,OOO o. •• bu 0 00 ale. lit • For malt low 10 th i g i t.: L . 3l . l . rAt ~„,„; •- - - .1 I 2. vrono alt. B EL 2 rING I BELTING I—EcTata; am tr u :a . t t l . um mn flel4%; a4so. tium racking, n4ooed •The blo:4::1111 00 11L n : 4 :1: 71417111tigatist1,1.1. 5010 . au"4.'"'P4o 111111.1.0,41 CEIEESE. toscos floshogb !!! . 40 11?4! Che;.; Joel recolTed owl for sal. by jell • N.M ADVERTISEMENTS. t pAIic ECT 'ING BOOK DAMPENERS. =I Blank Books and stationery. - Writing Fluids ?r, Copiing Inks. Invoice and Letter Books, Copying Presses and Books. Reoipt, Dray, Note and Draft Books, • Time Books and Memorandums. Blank Books, Of every descrip tion, on hand and made to order, MYERS, SUMTER S CO.. Blank Book Makers and Stationers, 39 FIFTH STREET. HERBST. -ORDINARY. LENCE, COFFEE 'AND ICE CBEIII ROO3IS 1 TONLADTES AND GENTLEMEN. No. - 64 Fourth St. Wrier MORNING TO:INCITES served daily. front 0 to 11 a. 0. DINNER served from 11 to SS "ream, dally,-0.00.10r twelve. or ta) 021185 Sing Dinner.. - Particular attention green lo the wants of ladles and gentlemen desiring a comfortable meal. the enjoy meat of a 'rod dish or mean, or any of the lased..of the season: also, to the fernlshlnt families.. parties add others, at Dar resPeures or elsewhere, with the hest of WEDDING, POIIND AND BPONGE,OLEES With the richest assortment of IllasheCond Fancy Cake. Cream and water Ires, Meringue listerts. drilla.. Charlotte de Moose, 111500 Mang., M r Does, Ornamental Pyramide Name, Boned Tukey, Coffee. Chocolate. etc. Walters sod Music furnished private and pub tic earlier. • Chin, biliverarare, Cutlery. Glasswaread Table Linen for hire. • 1.0:84 0 SUIWJI STOCK OF DOTS' • YOUTHS' and • CHILDREN'S • 4 01-aC) 1 1 1 1a XIV xow nsouriya,' o e m n i plele aatOrtakent POREWE Cassimere, Flannel & Linew Suits, Prost the Lest Eastern house, AS the new ena TO styles greet ratite, and at PRICES TO SIM ALL. Call early. at No. 47 St. Clair St. • GRAY & LOGAN. latAar S . S. BRYAN, and _J • 1=131=1:1 BONDS, STOOKS, AND REAL. ESTATE, Apollo Building, Fourth Street. Misnames and salts on commission BAIL' , GOVIIINIBT LID ITNICIPAL BOBS; Banly Railway, Insurance, Mining 8, ether Mocks. Orders executed at,„the 'Nate Tort, Dina zed beaten Stock ' lloartle by telegraph, at the regular rites of Coteau!salon current tu thaig dale. DISSOLUTION. THE PARTNERS MP MERE- Mara exlstrhe between 010. A. KELLY and ROW% K. bNOUtiltittS. to the Wituslesala Urns Business. No. itt'Wood streot. Iltisburgh, lass nos day beet& dissolved by matte) tonseot, 1100 T. SI. SNOINittANS rettrtny Iron, the Arta TM, bostoe s se wilt be continued by tiEONGE. A. KELLY. • Iturit. M. 'aNODOWAS. I . 4t.bargh. May 10th, 16<:. .03:•11 GEORGE A. KLEIN, ' Wholesale I„Drtiiggistr 259 1 SEII 891 37 Wood Street, (Wpmlte Nee lE. Charlet Betel.) Dealer la IMRE& CHEMICALS, PATENT EDWIN ITS. rittIINIMEINICS, L'AINTE. OILS. •PY E sat rrs, As. • • • • Proprietor otl_Dr. EARNEST'S celebrated Parody_ liseltedles, LIVER. ESLL. POULIN STEP P CHOLERA OREL Es. revel LEDGERS, JOURNALS; . . Invoice, Cash and Dray *ohs; = KLEUTE, TIKE, DRAY, 'DEITZ, • MUTT, 0111)1B, EKET, And ILKIICIFIAADUK . . •321 , CO CO 32G. , TUE SALE BY ' W. S. HAVEN, . Third Sin. . . c max.. sata..nan. Tn. mix.s..w. Lau:wns. KNAKE QC Blllill'LEß, Bneci'sunb ViIIiT.LLNIL i BAUM. N 0.12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. Pianos, ClrgEms, ♦nd Mute.] goods saner:llT Wirde.le. Adria. fer the Calebrated lIRADDD UT. New Teak. ad SCHOMACKILD CO. raladalphh, VIAND& ' Mao. lILSTIEY ► C 0.13 • 42107T.1.G.C." D. *• U. W. &WITH% "A/LERMAN" °R OANS. adTlLTOhi'll PATIWU GUITAR. The bat Data ad German Plata ad Utile tar Sterna aware ea hum. Walla - 90 00 J. R. 111.114•11.,:f •—•0. r. 11,11.1...11W1C 110.11[1113. r. t,torat.sx ..0011 MIT. • /1/011111g0N, BARB & .CO. Monsfactarel s of ail Wads or BOOK AND PRIEM-PAPER, Orders promptly ' • • dads,,.. • . Blatt County, re nos. /WTI lobos% rub wise Doti rar rsss. • togm tOliX n. sorts. PLIIBII9IGII LA3IP ,C032E174. .rottri co., No. 23 Wood Et., Illtsbtuik • Manufacturer. ' ,• , LAMPS, LAMP GASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, En La.:,,lllent evAt7tAlia* lartalAbut tbs kt Tuuts"us. TABLE WARE; WINDOW NLAAA. and ere te, tbe Olass Lim ' 1. A; HERRON DR HAS REMOVED His Office and Residence to No. H SMITIIIFIELD ST, . iny prr oppo.lte the Itouongittela pawl , Lis Loinkisci Alt Ass AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J.LYONS, • Lr, • t • No. 110 ,Irood St Pittsburgh, tpit f hivir\ir ruier_ MIIOIIIII, c liA i r nod 11nUrt, THAMES, tortaln lxirdckaTTattea Mtlargetirrul ZiItiTAT.Z:U RILUILDINU executed in'ttle hillA,ll:lBtnianiATZ. JAMES B. JONES, Dtaun IN Scrap Iron, Light Iron, JOHN - PECK, ORNAMENTAL OAST END WADVOIM IRON. En WINKER AND PIRITINNII, 051 MALC , i ' it i s .04 " . I I°uVaTVeigrritAti W*VisrlsrrEt" - s• A gog Rh."' INgsliVSlssr_B."'‘kanagrliskareZ wlq ''''''''''''' best Mille b• /Own for Dm . Lime for itale by Ladlrs. NanDinatal balvaltlng dew fa yoyis / I • 4 7ANF.LPD a CO. We asaywr. • ssubMS VirREPUILILIt;..iN STATE CONVENTION Who I.Tirse . tlcally f•lnlltar.lth the manta/it . tyro or Tire.] Tit•e•Trare. •noI hm• halt eon, ••• 1 7 1r= """ U l2:• i d . / 1 A.1." 7. `` A P r '' WANTED—A SITUATION, The EtZMISLIII...•N riTATE CON Tel Kyr Rs D. I% A :STORK. meetwlll at the •• U. idle Hong," In WIL- By an Amerlian •;Irl •Iltern flirt of age, 0 LIAMb PORT, on•tiod Addre.n. land • Celt rate a , enuntant. .261 h day of Juaa Neal. • A.l4era• ••]f." TIII* or FICF. T0.r.1 At 10 o'doek a: a., to oomtnete • randit.., for TVANTED-1100:118. Judive of the Barkretr.o Conn. ,a 4 to Initiate TT ro r".the aa:r ran adAt;ll; ; ,. 4 e . tfte r i . rurnl:ol.itr At"ol.l7!:".sr posed of RepreiTentatt•e sad :Senatorial Rele gates. choice Ito 'the venal' way. and equal In number to the whole of the Mmatora and Repre sentatives In the General Assembly. . By order of the :nate Central Coscualttre. Gta. W. lialonwELY, A. W. BLNADICT. a. ROIILAT LAU00,35". • 5p2.1,191-.l.Wr 15 -_,_.I 3I acHANT - HENRY G. HALE SIMMS! COD. PEI LEI Si. allit ST& NEW SPRING GOODS, All the Novelties of the Season, . cARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. &o. -IFlrst-Clans Merchant TaAttiring ' Eetabllehinent. m116:07 • W. HESPENHEIDE, . • Merchant, No. 50 ST. CLAIR STREET. . Just received, a Second arrival of NEW HERM. HOODS. Alt-late and new stile pat tern. getupDl the latest Eastern styles. ntyG.ura BOIS , CLOTIUNG. Metropolitan, Garibaldi, Grant, *ASSET AND CUTAWAY SUITS , ALL SUBS LID OF TEI 88Y8,9f FABRICS, A large and CompLett asaortment now on hand. GRAY & COGAN, ego. 47 . Mt. icratriitreet. HENRY tAPPELL; Merchant AA- TAILOR, and dealer In • Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 142 SMITHFIELD STREET, ' •, Three door below Meth, PITTPEMIGII, PA. All the lal,st !Spring and Sommer stiles of Cloths, Casslmenrs and Vestlnns on band. and made up In tna most taahlonabla style.at the lowest prices. ' 111110=1. utE, wows:. 81411KLI L. F. MILLAR. I ' BILTERKLE &MILLEII, • PLUMBERS, EIS AND STEAM FITTERS • Beer Und Ale Puna% all Clads of liter and Ale Poets. Hydrants s _Putope, Kate. Wash ntands. /Jath tabs, Gent How, Marble Ware, Sc. No. SOO , 01:acs Eil - ree;t, (Between Kant Lane and CheatnaiSt...) ALLEOIIENY CITY. PA. (louse ratted up with Una and Water - at abort notice. C. 61,!EGLIM JA% SILADTOBD. EOM= SP4UIGLFIR & BRADFORD, 3P.111.49.0T1CLA-Ta Plumbers and Gas Fitters, House• fitted' wp with WATER, 4113 and STEAM by experienced workmen. trArgfit7l`Pty,:fia=r,vz ^"k.. M)17:145 JOUX Kira—alma Buz. JOHN H. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, Manufacturers of 19:31 AD BRASS WORK, t 17.1 37 tr ra t't; .d P. :ern N gr " Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTiBURCH. PA. rms.. COLL & MILLS, pßiterical, PLUMBERS, OAS AND STEAM FITTER, No.-OGGF.cosiaa. Egtinoot, I= PITTSIII7RGII, PA. Clam" end Weicrumps of all 'kinds. Houses Slued up with Sias and Water. In the most ap- Pro.ed style, by experienced workmen. Bimetal attention paid to country . ' work. • torbirm F. L. ATWOOD.nsIitSON Josuss..l. Isocnirrani. ATIVOOD':: &'.III,'CIFFRRY BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTIEES, • Cor. of 3rd and Liberty Streets, Aixm, Carroll Sunders, rittsbr h, renns e to n gger m '"" C." 1 ". M. ' . .u I S , SusiSSIT ~,N =r . 1 .0.. re u. Z i t:g u ns , s tle . V . lll4 cal= Agents for A. S.Caineson &Co.'s STE.A_M . P (IMPS SLR 0 * BLOWER ENGINES, ' Taus Pump. nars Superior ndensdadus sdn.” l / oilers, and every oat Is eregran tea to give eattre faction. Amps eunra/stnnon baud. team:, pea. unetaxern H~BLEHYIc JUHN9O ,'?: Wawa, Plumbers, Gas and steam Fitters, 4 YINTEL 1 11.araT arraiancy. IPZ"VP/0113'0'.1C1.C3.13C, czEza au onion by mall azkuted:asUrfaetOrlly aan Dram ptly at te Wed to. • • • A fall !me of Path Tube, Minya, Rada., Water Closets, Sluts, Chandelle's, erulartle, and (las Abaules for sale at the most reasonable Nice. Orders from countri purnne br Ot 4 / 1 Prompt lratten dado. t Porn licoo com detort colon. BAILIFF BROWN & CO., 9 Za o. tia N90C101V93:.1191t.ii ..ta,,Earmir'r CITY, Pat" purntBEREI, - , GAS AND STEAM PIPE FITTESB4 keop Car. y• oa hood • tam WOrtracH': ramusTe, SHEET LEAD, LEAIRIM.I3ATH TUBS, WASH BA• SINE MY AND COOKS.wI all mat. riala SElns Op:public or prtrata huLdmp with MIS. WATER or •TEASL 'Mesta Clink WAREHOUSE. RICIIIRD - BREED & CO., xnecpcsitre3El3:tB. No. 100'WoOd. 'Street: • BRTITANt ATM SILVER PLAT= TA. riNVA . I4 , I4 TE.A b I'HtTO and TABLZ RUT - bP l l4,l 7 llAtildll, • ' . N NEFLisrts • b o ll i tS/1 T I e I IP TT,bo IA T RUHIERIAN WARR ot.vors • deettlptloa LAVA CARD BASIIATiI, LAVA VASES, TT NS. ItEltatlYMNE WARM at ell vartettos, to eon wholesale and mantissas. The lasteistraimmtraleto•stockatevasE 141 ' 014 t aad.rrtis the a y ahas la ttla tasters titls. • SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street; ...PITTSBURGH, PA. INIPOIRTA:VT TO 1101USEELEEP,i' xasi—As • FRANCE'S' TEA MART. 70. 13 Dl4. OFD, PITSSIIIOE6III, priceats buy the aunt eaanty or TgAll. at the of any sold In the city- Alto, Sugars, Caftans and Groceriel, Valtiat,ff.-zardtma°4l:4= o4 . wn. rawaaa *Dos =l3 NOTICES - I : WANTED, -7- A SALESMAN. walk of ht. C air oteoet.. A . F. t all . V.elirre.e'or no other boarder. p"e(PrIINI. 51 . term., to.. BOX It. <loth,' tVre, ci• WANTED, A Second-Hand Engine, = Twelve to fifteen Inch chirier. Witha double One boiler, of arrillcient capacity. an d in good condition. • • B. gicLgtr .Itoarth i CO., le4 101 et. ANN Works, TE D—ALt elpbto. BUTCHER'S St Philul 'MELTERS" AND "PULLERS OUT." rzn WANTED, CA, M. 3P3Elgririn, Renter and Real Estate Agent, Na 6 611 , TH WIZ It niRART. nagnnua JUST OPENED. WANTED I=l SPENCER 7•SHOT RIFLES. HI it delivered men, at the ew NNY In e:Weeder Out Werke, corner .W. 70. .111 e., Plus. bergh..Pa. torsheat.diF =I Jr 0.47 Ohio St., = 15 DIAYONIi. Plttaburitt WANT& Enquire at No. 44 NORTH TITTEt FTHE ET bll.4elphla. else BONDS AND MORTGAGES = MN CARPET STORE. „ - FRESH ARRIVAL OF o.A.Puz , mwS, NEW rATTEILN . IN Tapestry Brussels. ' Body Brussels, . • 11-Ply. and 2-Ply, Tapestry . IngrainS, A Fulnine of Straw Mattingt, ' PLAYS; CHEC:LISI) AND FANCY. Our stock IS fuller w ishing goods revious limo this season. Those w l.ll our link will Cu well to eve us • toll. - BOVARD. ROSE & CO., E=l I=l EM!MMII!! HAVE REMOVED. M'CALLUM BROTHERS, ON.I.NIr , RILIZLTSIZeIev't`ad" No. 51 Fifth Street, A new Ilas of all neviand desirable patterns (MEDALLION VELVETS. Velvets, Brussels, T4PL'STRF BRUSSELS, A-large and choice aseoryzent of Piano and Table Covers, 1041311 COW., lOSAIC RUGS LID 011 lElaktiasems, THREE PLY AND TWO PLY Ingrains, And every varlet, or tow priced c.peung mOCALLUM BROTHERS, . 1:6 , 0 ' 81 Wirtw 1111 t -r foot: CARPETS. OLIVER M'CLINTOCR & COMPANY, GAVE JIIST OPESSD For the Spring Trade, I==l!s NEW CARPETS, Olt Cloths, Shades, tie. Attention It celled to oar nab stook of 911101101J1 TABLE LID PLOD COVES Great Declineln Prices. sta SIFTg mirrziamErr tab CARPETS. 186'7. NOW ARRIVING, The Latest Purchase of the Season 13193 LOWEST PRICES iessmaami ormtia ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Wilton and Ve zroDr. BR USSELS, TAPe.STRY BRUF:iSELS Best Two and Threr,-Ply Ingrain, • DILAWINO 800119 LIHRAHII[II. CIELA.BEtt% and 110014.4., Hall and " Stair Carpets to Match. We offer owr po(rav maw ' wa Mu/'a yaaerw., tonleti are not m a 5 Jy.aw6 leem4er., LACE AND NDTTINGYAM CURTAINS WINDOW SHADES, Cheap All-Wool• Two-Ply ()aide . O OLO to In= PER YARD. Carpet and Curtain UPHOLSTERY WORK 1131 PlOl/111 T-H &' COLLINS. 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Nest building to Mated Elates Coatormllcen* atotrostoOtte..econtt Door. It&Til;" C.A.PS. & C. STRAW FOR BIJII3IER SALES ALL THE NEW `STYLE HATS, TOIL SALE CHT.AP, AT McCORD & CO.'S, No. 181 vcrac.a. HATS !.HATE;i r. 0.11.0 at • ow., • 1,11r911. GRAHAM & Bra% • ' At N 0.52 -St. Clair tifaaet, Have one or the very beat retail. Mock. or HATS, CAPS AND • RUM GOODS • . • • I. the elt7. entl OonnanttY +eclat.' rsll teet. Is he+ Lonnie ii 20111119 Orr eltil be • 435111 . ..5en/ " ention Even te setetllne, exeetslyelrs nett:eta TOBACCO, CIGARS, &a, CIGARS I CIGARS !- One Million Cigars, Oa bad and fa gee at R. & JENKINSON't. No. 0 TEDZiIAL eT., ALLiourxr. JOHN , MEGRAW, rmcAddM . nW ll ho n d o and leta TobtAcco, thwif and. Cigars, 41.0 AMPV.IFramEm, trok.94.4.inirew4rolnar"uilattr Il
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers