The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 12, 1867, Image 1

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(!CROATS Excirixo.)
• .t x.rorpriotorlia,
T. P. rvornr-ec......,
••• ...... XING.
o,;rzcx, crizErrE'BUILDINIi
Noe. 'At AND ed nrric WIREET.
le tiLS gelniriela raper or ireitera Pe:21111:1i,
• . ALLEGHENY 0117. -
001 cum/ant:lst. ?Arra la Lee De..
. Mune Or THY DAILY:
71:4!4 =7 , ..... ,,, ,,,, - ;z. • ;4,..1 15
Malt entreenben, per y
alllatti the democrats, north and south,
very generidlirejoiCed at his taking off.
3lany paid so plaity. lir. Davis was
0f t that numbir., ere and .there wiser
and cooler, ones among them instaistly
perceived that theiassassination WaS both
a crime' and a. blittider,:and they, con
it, Among the multitude of
their Party, 4hese eonstittited an insig
nificant minority.
A few ' , d a ys ago ati expatriated Pole,
at Poris, made an attempt upon the fftl
of the Emperor of Russia: The Polish
resident' of the 'French capital hastened
to testify their horror at the act: At
llosoow the Inhabitants assembled and
Sept a deputation to Paris to express
their detestatlim of the crime.
. .
' Theta two cases arc estiecildly instrne - -
tire viten contemplated In conjunction
with each other. •
, It.stuwers are symbolical of modern
civilisation. -No othercontrivrinee is,
toanything like so high' a degree.. The
• Indians hive been aroiieed by'what they
regard as the intrusion of two railway
lines latolinal retreat. Rightly enough,
-• they infer that the completion of these
two lines will speedily make an encrof
the piimitiye ba&arism. •The present
gathering of the tAbes, in warlike snap,
has for its object: the .dispersion of the
railway builders laid the permanent fins•
tuition of The Maerprises. Of course,
such efforts come in consequence °in
adequately cotoprehendipg the resources
of the white race. But it seems proba
ble that the work au the lines may be
refarled. doting the summer by the
forays of the savages. .
' Thy. Anguttan iI'IOSE TRADE LEACCE
is busily engaged iu endeavors to educate
the people to belieftin its politics.. The
country Las been.tiooded with carefully
prepared argumentative essays and bul
letins against protection and in favor Of
free trade, and no doubt such publica
tions will . have some of the desired crept
uponthe Ovular. mind. It fallow an
-nounced that, the League will 'shortly
open. a central bureau 'on Broadway,
New York, fey the transaction oPeneral
business and reception oftnembens visit
ing that city. Protectionists had . better
throw more energy into their part of the
work of canvassing the important topic,
else they may wake up'to linclthe masses
deluded into.favorable opinions oa Free
. ,
The shanty dellahts'Of tke dinner-
That came In the Cartnn t e Cent phatet
Tan wonderful whirl shoo the wiener
files in with she fleetest of feet ;
For strong In hurstentee he ornatips 'am;
Cau pen or poor poet explain,
- The eager excitement of Epsom t
, .:- - - _ , . Hurrah !t th D
or e ecoy aasin. • -
.IT la reported that Attorney Ge:Uerm [London Fem.' .
. .
Btanberri- has given it as hie opinion —Trio young gentlemen of Munich,
that military commanders cannot re• says a German paler were
of swags of Brey's
were sitting by a
move civil officers and put other civil--
table,enjoying a coupl
inns In that- places.. The ophiion has' 'thet eat, and their cigars, when one said CO
been called forth by the Sheridan-Wells "1 would -like first sate to . see Pttis
difficultyin i Louisiana, and was -.Miscues= awhile this spring or summer."
ed . yesterday by ills Cabinet: . The - "There is nothing to prevent . it."
Pri,,sident .apOdnes. - anxious to remove "About how much does it cost per day . , 1
Sheridn, and if Justified byi the Astor- on the average?"
"Well, fora hundred fran day '
es a y yon
nay General, be win not be . slow to act can see Paris splendidly."
in thedeci'ded Will of the :- "And it I take my wife?
pi h, then fifty ,franes allay will be
'.joyadpeople North and South. A special
tension of Congress willtiothe improba- . .
•I. . .._ . . . •
bk. should 'the 'gallant soldier 'be - rc- ".tt_Trai e dy tn. trance._
< MoTod. ' • ' The Pas core.posident of,the London . !
, Meese:2y,,
t •'.l. few- days since a story went tho ,
round of tilt, papers about the testy of a ;
well-dressed lady having Isom found in :
the forest of Fontainbleen, with the free ;
eaten of T 'ilv a war. , As there ore no
1 wolves in Fontainetilau, and she start- '
Hog intentness..., givn at first with
meagre details, remained far noose thou '
tpwolltitilled, It created little sensation
its 'Paris, and paseed as a canard. tt is hoe - ever, tulle true that the &sly of the '
lady was found, arid that smother lade
hat been orrested on snapirion of •hering I
poisoned her. Ono day last week the'
driver of alliack-tar, while passing along
one of tI
the Vl,lolen Of the forest, near a
I place onnoll Imuchart, saw a Indy lying
I on the grass of a copse not far from the '
road, and whose Ewe was hidden by an I
open parasol. ' The weather Wing at that,'
moment extremely hot, the. meminuan I
supposes! she was east ng herself, sand I
: nassed on. ' nut it happened that he land
1 iiecaston to drive :M on t llM•samo road'
1 neit disc, and whob be saw the holy and ;
the parasol tit precisely the swine position ;
I int befote he neutrally Ottani to tlse wo e 1
elusiori ;lost nil was
.Tien riglit. Lie get,'
down •from has Lox and found n dead I
body, with a pentwW :13,1111 the ground
i sous to eoneval the head. _1 part of the :
I raw was eatsn - away,
.prolssoly by a
i weasel sir wild /sat. 'Alm ismeliman has
i tes t ed to Fontalnhleau, to Inform the po
i lie, of his sit-met:mg dieeovery.
' "It was (hind sou inquiry that the de
! ceased, together with another lady ; had
c.anto on a few days before to may at an
hotel. In the WWII. They Wei taken It
earring° for a skive In the fortst, got, out
together. and sent 'tie ...airing° hack,
saying they wished to walk in the Wohd:
In the coarse of that evimiog. one of the
ladies came blade twill° hotel' its a state
of greet apparent' distress, saving alio
'bad missed her mown:don In the loreat,
and could not think what had become of
. her. She raided that elm would go Insek
at Once to Paris, hoping to fad her there.
After "quisling also hotel and ikotbtlem.
plying, the bills, shn went ton jigw . `eller's
In Pontallibleem, and stating
„, Cahe
hod Tint 'money enian th to buy e m
mo faro to Paris, said told " stank,
t .
giving her.riglit narn° and mkt resica bleb
toe tredve:luau Insersbcd •n his brasks,
.T/11, name of the lady supposed to have
been murdered, Mad:tine do 151,-, was
discUverksi hy• n wedding; ring, en- her
.linger, - Jneldo which it wee engraykl.
Shearers twenty.olgtst years or Neu, and
thg,ring in timattion WWI that of lair fi rst
istarro-e. reported that alto had
lade;: n‘veived,ts iarN sum of potter in
Paris, which she taut brought With - bar
to Fentallibletin. 'l. ne:ret . 11110rIlla1011'
In 110 W ,tpllng ion, and It is probable that
'nothing morn Will he limns! of Use extra-
Ordmary ens. till t h e lolly now under ar
rest :onions brought up for trial before an
iiii,ixe rouit." ..,..•
!. ' - —...._._-...:.....
Fzikdally journals In the Common
wealth are 'conducted .wlth more ability
and enterprise than the Reading Diu
patch. Its editors diiplay rare gpod
taste and judgment in all things; and to
the dlse - ussion of the important political
. and social questions of the daYardfoAnd
on the iight side. Candid, outspoken„
and fearless they wield considerable in
finence In the politics of the State, and
are in every respect worthy the confi
dence. of Yellow citizens • The
Dispatch recently donned a new diiss
:and presents a very creditable and hand
some appcFadoe.
TEM Ray. MIL BALOLAY; who has h6ell
circulating a petition for the pardon of
Jeff. Davis, having applied to Governor
rierpoint for his signature, receivhd the
following answer:
Execozrez DEP'T. dune 4,1807: f
I ask fir the pardon of no man-who
1011 not ask for his own pardon. God
%swot Pardon .unless the transgreaasir
first asks for his own pardon. Reason—
Contrary to the established law of God.
F. H..PtEnrorsr:'
Thedlee. Paul Bagley. • ,
Yes; but God psrdons silvan - eta uk.
'ornmeicial thus pen pictures - Hon.
•"Thomas Vilified's, of Pennsylvania,
.tio Las represented the Pittsburgh dia.
let for four or- five years past, is a
genial, gool-htimored, vrell-read and
popular man ; who knows as much Jew
os anrmember of the present Congress,
and, although given to rattier long
speeches, can state a case with admira
ble precision. He is sixty years of age.
with a fine bead, kindly blue eyes, and
giay locks,. just beginning. to tarn
Tan Montgomery Adrortiattpubliibes
the following letter from Mr. Tnen t ,
TEXEI tot citizen of that Sista: zi
LANCASTE4, May 21, 186.7.
. Dear Sir: - We do not confiscate 'ley:
dal nien,:nor rebels unless they are rich;
few men suffer, not enouchd fear; some
Innocent men will fem.
Mt: STEVIENe is'old enough to know'
tba.t twpnty-seven months after. closing
oat rebellion is quite too late tiasigin
connsottions: , ' •
Tau Democratic State Coeval:floe at
Harrisburg, iesterday, nomlnaied Judge'
Sharswood, of Philadelphia, - as the,ew,
dictate fur Saprea:e Judge. No halt!
. .
selection from the wilts of that' parts
Could bare been mode.
B&l., of ;Foyette'county, late member of
the Gcafrat Assembly,'was'cicetCd. per.
maneet 'chairman, of the •Conimition.
THE New Constitalletutl Con
vex:ilk:at has appointed a committee to
inquire into the expediency and wisdom 1
of ingesting a clause in tho new gonstittp
tioit granting women the tight Of aufl
frap,e providing the women of voting
age decide at A general election to claim
the privilege.
WE referred, a few 'days ago, to the
fl,parture. , for Farope of a `life raft."
whose master promised that it should
'cross the ocean inside of nfmenidaya.
Thu raft has only got ea. far as itaLatari
. tine, Where It Probably will rescand the
entiorpriao of rafting the ocean foregone.
Berke county the Democrat( are
turin,q a spirited contest over the selec
tion of candidate for State Senator.
Mr. Davis the incumbent is opposed by
Messrs. Souttn, - Jonas, and Emma.
TROUT. It probable, however,
that Mr, Dens garitz+tit'
'GER. SWAYSE knowiltOis to deal
'with stubborn . Several 0 , 2"
tapitutid muntelpsi °Mein .or Mobile
lerused to be reinstated in thelrpOitinzts,
irhereupon Gen. §leeyne very proPeZIY.
".1111Cd Iite ' SACIUICI•I with negroes.
Tu g CaWact Makers disneliStioil of
Philadelpiila has tery generously devo•
sed out 01 Its funds, the sum °roue bun•
died dollars, to each' of the 6.lllllleig
. of
all those wlio' loot 'their flies by cho to.
cent boiler capitation In that city. •
• ,
•. . ,
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P/TTSIMIIGIT will be honored today,
for the first time, by the assembling
within her limits of the Pennsylvania
Medical Society-. There will be a large
number of tielegutes in attendance from
all quarters ef tie State. The proceed
ings prolvige• to he of an unhattally
te „ at i ee character. The objects of the
Convention are to Create-harmony and
friendship among all members of the
profession, and_ to adiance, by a friendly
Interchange or: opinion, the cause of
science and . fho 'interests of humanity.
nighty iniportant addresses will be de.
livered, and able essays read, by the
delekates in attendance. The Conven
tion has never before assembled west of
the Alleghenies, and will doubtless have
a beneficial' iniluence in strengthening
the bond of good fellor.thip which has.;
Of late chsracter4ed the medical Crater
nity in this coluity. One of the im
portant issues to be discussers whether
women should be admitted into the pear
tlce of Medicine. As the Homeopath
ists decided - the question in the nega
tive at their - remit National Assembly, ;
the decision. of the question here will t
be looked for with new interest.
—lt is shdcd, in -the accounts of :the
recent !loyal -Academy dinner, that the
•Chtincellor of the Exchequer observed,
"I tool: upon this room as the Mecca .of
Society.." What he really said was, "I
took updn this banquet as Medina."
i. —Notl,in,r like love and hunger to
tit'lTO rer.1.1.., mad or make him happy..
• Next to a feast upon a..seventeen year
old pair of sweet lips under grape vines
by moonlight; Isa•foray upon a platter
of cold beans after fishing for suckers all
The one.fills the poetic heart and
the other =empty stomach.
'--Itev.itohert Linn, in early life, loved '
a most beautiful and accomplished lady
by the memo el Steele, who, however,
jilted him and married amen of fortune.
Some scars after, a lady, passing into
tbe!valnor-years ' but who retained'her •
vanity after she had lost her charms, I
- said to Ilall: "I presunie if-I Were a
polished piece of steel,- I might receive
some of your attentions,Ar."' "Though ;
you may not-be pelibhcd steel," replied
Ball, "there cak be no doubt that you
are polished lires;."
—TII2 ncanr Dax, ( •
The 111 ery seller, and eallade, '
The Wantuotin one, butting in ' gloves,
The burden of barbecue., ballad.,
The lieplon of II ebest lore.
The merld the rood to the root.,
The tremor and led et the %nun, •
The a °eh en the f.theet of :noes
- Hurrah for the I), thy swain. '
A Man of gevrnty Year,/ to be Hung far
Shootleg Jib Will , .
.61 the recent term of the Criminal
.Conrt Of Bracken county., Ky., - held at
llrniakville.ii man seventy eenra
maned Thoums., was , tried on
Charge of wurderfog his Margaret
'Thotnas, entholsai of Idareb, lAnt.. The
Only pitmen' air • the ra•rptectition wad
; Lune Davie, who lei/tined that he
-engaged-by Thorium to alien' own; the
, most untie day on which the murder.
was ,untnitted, ito and others -aliened
corn in Thomas' barn; that towards
• evening heanil "00111:05 tank n lot of
corn and went to' the. Ititter'a bonne far
the parliaSe of She:ling until • bed time.
Main they Wert— time 'engaged Ifni.
Thomas atid t!aantnan eedJoking
the old roan In rezord -to his partiality
for other women ,wife. The
eonversation Coast kept upfer annul time,
Thonma, who dill 'nut .seen, to like
L ib
every now and then rat-narking, " I will
kill.' Davie, who wit/if/belling .corn on
thrbehlmea of a • harrel; with his hbad
partly in the barrel, Slated that he did I
not 1 . 0 ; any attetalente tho •remarks Or
Thomas about killing, but was goldenly
• startled by tint report of a gnu, and turn-,
Ilog round Pined the old man with his.
gun his Mauls, add Mrs. Thomas
. leaning back in her chile against the •
! Walt, with her partially blown off,
and Iwo pips, which she had been aulok
ing, still in her mnth, When the wit- I
nem, aaw What had, been gotta , be es. 4
claimed, "Hiram, you . Awn' ,
Margaret;" to which Iliram replied,
"neve 11 - thou I another," and
commenced reuehluJt. for another gun,
when Davis rennin. of lba bowie and tied
• from the premises. I The Jury brought
in a verdict of gaty equj the prisoner
was sentenced to be; hung on the first
Friday in Auguarnna.t. Strong efforts
are helog made to•'obtain a new trial for
film. The condemned man - has been a
eithem of - Bracken Nanny for thirty4lee
years, and always lake a good character.
Sew 'fork Comm. sitlonal roieventlos
,10 . 41 .1[Lornauttees—Wolainohnt-
jjir Tale/nth to the Pittsburah datella /
Actual . , J ono • 11.1-The ConeCoulon&
Convention today appointed Mending atm•
colLtoes and adopted geanimines calling
!DX Information relative'Le the nett. ca•
wee., receipts, da, of Canals. A relmlu
voc ea/minting a committee to - inquire
la opinion, R provision
should he inonepatedto lee Constitution
antbOrlaing 'some. In the Abate to eitreide
the eleCtlve tranctilse, ahem they shad out
toe that right, or 4: !majority Mal/ the yews
glean try Milken females Over tbeage of year', it en election called for
that porpOSll,.at, which, women tame have
419,risht (,9 T9to, WA! laid pa $49 tabo,
Fenian Transferred to Pris
ons in England,
Departure of the Czar Homewards
Financial and Commercia
thy Telegraph to the RIM burgh Ciaget - te.l - •
',hoses TRsaaraaisY Gaon InCIALPIX
• Lomanor. June 11.—All the Fenian prleOrt
era convicted of high treason have been
transferred to England . and placed-1u
The Chancery ease of the Unit.' Soto.
re. Inu been aeeblon In Wlor of the
/Mal by Tax PORTS.
A dispatch from Constantinople report,
thkt the Porte has issued a Firman, malting
Coln a separate sovereignty.
tuANEE. .
Pule, June 11— Erening.—Tbo Czar left
Paris to-ilap for.Germaoy.
• aaerste.
• L18LM.X1.11.1%0/ IMANCIa JOBIZPO.
Irmo IL—The Emperor Francis
Joroph hal added totem eclat or his core
natlon Oa King of linngary-, by distributing
vast mums of money among the poor, and
richly endowing . ratious benevolent testi.
Llamas of this city.
" • •
June 11.—The 510/10er Per.
elan, from Quebec, arrived at Londonderry.
the City of Baltimore, from Slew York, at
Queenstown, and the llama and Germanla,
Irma:4oer York, at Sonthampton.
rimwscist. AND COWBELLS:IAL.
LoNDOI. Inn° lll.E..ratny--Consoli 94%.
1.315, 73; Illinois Cantral,;er; Erie, 40.4.
Livearoot, Suite Evenseg —cotton
dial; ashes 80,000 bales middling upland, at
/C: Orimold. 'Advices from Man-
Chester untaeorabie. Ilmt..lsl.M—Corn, 5,
9.t. Callforula whent4l34 &I, arley, 443 d.
Oats. 34 ltd. Peas. 324, Bed Wheat, none In
'market and twice, ...Mal. Provisions
unchanged. Porks 64. Beef Ins M. Lard,
Oman, 40.. Choose, 555. PrOglLlCe—Peo
troleurn spirits, C I ; A relined, Is 641; Potashes.
31s; itmln, common, 7s; do flue, 134; behlte
0004, Turpentine, Ws; Tallow, 43s 6d; (Boner
1•05.505, Jane ll—Erenl.42.-10. 12 Dutch
staudard eugar, 234; Scotch Pig iron. AO La.
Calcutta Unwed, GIL Lhowed Cakes, 2913 x.
'Llnsee.l OIL 24.1,
IMO 11- 4:tining.-15.51115.1 Po.
troleurc, 40 francs.
.24tee0rotr,J one .11.-47, B. Bonds. 7734".
Aliatre Coletabla—OkoeHerctio
Wito Moequera, ape Dictator-Mime
of use Itepablle to lamtrrectaita
Ltreolotlon to
• ray Tutrupa to dm Pittsburgh idatetta.3
Saw Yong, June IL—Adele. from Puna
! ma to the first inst. have been received. A
lettet.from Begot,. `states that on the clog
! ingot Congress and the declaring of the
country inn state of Srw. the l•resedent of
Coedit...tea, with some depstim, General
Pouffe an d others, were made prisoners by
order Moierpsent;ipaddrity Ca m
! grivs were declared maim.. and at the
,euue =lathe grouted& Uf peace stud liberty
was aatemalleed by the Pgeillatt in au oat
! Mal speech. ld
/I Muhl the violcmt atom taken
! by tieneral Ilftmeare have given Ems ,
• disaatisfactlon in the Capital. • even
blobbleb followeo General ',Manx, Presid he ent ob
•Of flondinamarca to a, prison, were so
j 'eel:giro., In condemning his armed that It
Lad nuaiiy to be dispersed by musketry. .
!Outlander. Antigua, Tolima and Magda
lour have risen against liosquera.
The President of the latter State
cloned himself de facto President of the Ile.
pnbife of lutunia,
The Att Go otney tien eral of the nation and
two Judges of the Supre m e Conn have no'
igned. •
A circular note mut addreumi by General
Diane, President of the Sonata ot Panama,
on the =M, to. the. Consuls and Comumn.•
dem of foreign vessels of war In the portent
as pin we' and Panama, notifying them that
there use a probandlty of the elate being
invaded by the national force for • warlike
purpose, and in finch event he should deem,
his duly to oppose IiIVY a! " .. ."..'onthe :
isthmus with the forces at his command:
'lleallodecreasa loreett loan Of fat.= ler
the elate to be levied on edigenif. Tao
requisition led to a matting Of the Commis
'.apd Comm....tiers of vessels of war in the
harbor of Patisma•nil forego merchants In
that city, who have drawn op an energetic
remonstrance. •
Mali ot.the Cochineal crop has been Qer
tiny ed In tiestemala by rale.
: A revolution onll started to - Peru. and Ca.
11.111 d has taken the bent The namber of
! his foreee to unknown, bet It Is no lateret
tj!". l .r : ?ae ly t. f . rate_eU parte et the Itepublic
ore lan ,,,,t et i atelatal. The
1 troop, to meet nun. Itabe anthers re bdl
letthful, seri a hater ,4ottr rent, there le
nottang to tear.
neetletratton—nehnor Sreatber . Rea
tented and Pardosell - - - Political Con.
• Senate. ,
icy Tel. graph to the rlttotrergh gazette, )
Hine ozo, June flehoneld has
lashed's. circular to al/ tireelden to of boards
of regletrattort; tuition them to lupin Melt
work by the .d or July:
tlorrce W. Morey,: sehool terrelo4 of the
freedmen, constetedof whipping di child
not belonging to the 3021003, Op. bet:M.o6d
to pay ono hundred dollars floe and to un
dergo Imprlsonment tor one month. tr..
Schofield remitted the One and .the got ,
.root patt3oll[l.l blo t frOnt the Imprlson-
all number of prominent- Northern Dunn
, clone, including Senator W Mon, here to
bold & conference with Virginiahs on the
eamoof unitlnir the two wings' of Me
obnoblesse party-41mi represweted .of the
lees Itichmund Convention, ' and that
which proposes to hold another am
cwit•on Chariot/mei.. At the
Itepebilean Conference this afternoon,
'at the Uoverner's mansion • free confer
ence wliq lofty or fifty getWeasen wee held
upon Um prospects of the Slate
&o .electlon:,
Inc ,strengi of the Iteitabiltan party,
John 11: IWtt hlr.kblanteint..l mike Mid...
,wood, pod other., took part in the disco.
Mon, AbOut a dosen of colored persons
were presant-
Tbo Confaren. , -•
The Confatehee M stall In Ramon I.lth
lltAlo prospect of agreeing oncommon
platform. The renresentatlves o f
the Rich
-01000 convention contend that the action
of that Cody might to be Anal.
Cabinet Selina—lstestrapatbeine,ln Gen
erste • catamanablefr—Aegry
; DlGnaidon • • leg General
• o Orriden—llts Iteseral an be Jana
fled b e Attorney General latest}.
Teferrarm to the Plttsbargh oGotta.)
Now Yost, June 11.—The Dibene 11 In.
funned that the President and Cabinet are
ebony- to consider the condition of the
Southern States ender the-recent act of
Congresa, and proclaim certain rule. to
rot erence to the conduct of the Major lieu- 1.
orals commanding.
. It le ru
furthermore mored that thectlen
of General 81terldan In remeaing G overnor
Wenn led to an levy dlecteutlen at the re
cant Cabinet meeting, and ity etenberry le
preperlug an opinion to justify the Presi
dent in removing General 'Sheridan.
Xenia Wet Appoloiseemile by timseral
Pope 'll.efused—Orsler to rill V •
- Ides. •
(Br Telegrafb to the Plttaberak Duette.)
110111TOOMItar, Ate., June I},-41 nveolal lo
the ,Th•Otu eiyit. !invent ad members of
the City govurnalent of Mobile hayin re
futed to accept their reapgiolntment from
General Pope, General thorayrie has 10.004
an order dlreetleg the vacuoles to be filled
tram that large el.. of rut Imola
40fore hare :been 'dented the light of ant.
'rage and ftertlelpatlan In =lonely:oat grain.
fielersile Glee endlrecebede-erne gag.
NM Imam; a... Address to Ms Arm,.
DI I ,reirgranh to the Pitudeirse umette.l
Nee gong, June IL-1n letter to al Di Gener
al Elmobedodated Meg Generas
opt he has sent him Is. men. Anotcer
letter ears he will place Summit miderGen.
Dias's orders. Einathedo honed mraddrem
to hie army anknowiedgleg Moir cOurage,
determinatitm. endurance, heroic deeds,
great sufferings and eaerilleer to the opera
tions loading to the capi t ate of linerlaro...
- ,
thlgterrarh to the Pitt enure tlsrette.4
ISr: ' teas, Juno 11.—Navhgetloo to
-W..etiend Cenatwill be resumed to-morrow.
J 011211.1..., .101 . 10 11.--TIM' emigrant re.
trltne for the week show 1,078 orolgrinta or.
r!retliOhly thirty of Whom remaino4 In
Canute.' 'rho run:minder proceeded to the
yrestecn Buttes.
. ~
Memtveraille State Coeme,mioe. mire
- ' / I.korewOod aosdnalbd.
CB, el /grape to tt..a pltLablirgh Inmate.)
li.iltumno no, Jimit Demccratio
etate,Jokliclal Convention' tuot , tordity. 0.
E. Boyle, or rajotte cacao, oututruiatuitut
Coorge W. sturviood WSJ nom.
Tusieetor Jadise or tuOBuprome Court.
Telegraph to Eh.. Pat.l)3rrli t:v.rette.
—ln Montreal. Monday Dion and
flyetl n billiard match
championship of America and two thous.
Anil dollars. Dion won, scoring [Moen
'hundred pornts against eight hundred and
—at Mystic Park, near Basten, on Monday,
geldings Brawls George inert George Wash
ington, each with running mates, trotted
fora purse at .I.ool—telle heats, best three.
In gee, to wakens. Brown George won in
three e Ight heats, to =Si:, 2 :211: and
We.l,OlXl in treasure,
—The rlzona,
arrived t hew 'York ye..terday.
—Mr. ;ascot; C. S. Consul. at timayquil,
is deal., 1 •
—Mosquera ltad timpereed the Columbian
Congress end arrested a number of the
members. The country is declared Misstate
of war. The isthmus Is yet tranquil.
•—Thelos.s by the destruction 'of the car
pet mills at Tangent°, Mame., on Monday,
it lit stated, Will not exceed liatxtece, on
which there is an insurance of $113,000, Ten
mills, ten tenement and boenllng houses,
and two stores were bunted. The' whole
number was the property of the Hartford
Carpet CoMbanY.
—The bonded warehouse of Meyerl a
Smith, In Greenwich street, New York, *as
entered try . Surglars on Monday morning,
and robbed of $O,OOO worth of goods.
—The United Stated Treasury en halm
day last crintalned the largest amount of
' money over held at env one time since the
organization of the government, to-wit:
One hundred and eighty milllnns, of which
one hundred anti two millions were gold,
and seventy elghtmlilmni currency. The
xmciunt was rearmed to - ten milllon
on Monday by 'the maturing of ten Juno
contpoundsi end ,interest, and on the lolls
will he reduced nine millions by the inter
est orrtheJune Seecn-ThirOes.
—Ten venues, carrying ore, four thous.
and passengers, arrived at New York on
Monday. They wore round to be In good
sanitarycOnditioc, and allowed to na,,, at
enarantrne without detention.
—The ebelera Is reported to have dtsap.
neared froin nearly all parts et the world.
—lt Is stated that A. ii. Stephen• Is much
more feeble than usual. A letter tram him
uys: "tam very unwell, hardly able to be
—A prominent stock operator or Philadel
phia (MINI yesterday month:s.ft Is said for
a large amount.
—James Gore King. a banker, died in Now
rook yesterday.
That ittolutlen.
Eaton 111140 C /vri , 11% the absektre
observed-defence appearing tiVeltfalC ~ :ton
of a re... Fulton adopted by therkitt . itettb .
County convention khy Ttny north-l
omat thereof, 1 clevirstuati the column
/If your Labor ntgan,loVST , g word `Er to o
In defence ot the sentiMent that autritc."'‘,l
the restelltion welch her been •mtarmi 4,11
coheitletable zeal In UN coututunfty glom
-1..0 advent of its adoutintl.
The grunt labor burr/moot ernlcit In now
earning like • mighty Mean from one AO
of tide country to the ether, Is 110111 g watch
ed carefully with dirertmlnatlng nye, to
see the movement.. of the great dlnlltleal
factions, whether they.will Incorporate tote
their platform eentmoom cane with
the prinelpies or the morements, or w heti..
er theyrelli dbastrd with beedlevemmtcomi
tun importunities of the.. Name Thee It
Ilan was through snob discrtmlnation that
wag elected Garersor Cl contommut,
11). Itlll line 4 illll . oo4l plighte“ faith to the
womakkoten of that State, upon the Eight
ifocr question. Thus It ewe that.-Gtomernor
Fenton. of Neel - ark s dun notketoattlight 1
Hour 11111, Than it wee that the Leval.-
teetern of Illinois peered alsEight
tee rffective workings of whiCle eo crs.., kiet
1010.411111 from Centre to ciccomferramor
Of 1110% great State.
. With • clew to teat the / 11 /IJ l, llolll'llorty
or tllll eannty, In oOrsreutlon
span • 1 . 1101 question asfectlog rho Interest.:
of the producing elava of cannl3l, am.
alter the 00n,111011 ore series of revolt, toe,
among other. one Intended to -0111,1 er,
teetton to American loilnetry," high re
calved the noon n.ort,t vote or I t. ear-,
Poe. the follow mg - rregrution vra.s liar,,.
domed through the 111.1-I•ll.tinn of a
oalnner of delegates., who although 111atInvI,
geptibllearis, are Idrntifted closely with the I
Moor mosament• of this roomy, and who.-
beanie and eontatare . P . IlYttegsked thcretk-
Rerehleed. 'teat .10111*, we earnmetfy advo
cate the' doctrine' OtT prolectlOn to hem..
nmntactor. we at the Nal2le time depre- .
meth •ed OPP.. the eller. novi_trelny
to Import foreign
ealnegle with
hom•laborera; Mot .0 tirgalitly 1,j1,41% our
renreeentallres Congtrreit to provlde lry
leglnlatloo a MAUI opon imported In.
borers. '
Now, elr, 1 wonill Ilk. after a proper - pers.
sal of the foregoing Iw:solution. If aorthtng
coneained therein ii realty t bansoma to
any one regardless of poUrcs ltritt.;llt i•
usersoce that wo favor the deem Me ot
proiceMen to-home manufacturer, which
undoubtedly is . Just and Droner, and one.
which they, the man ufacturersolul aPPre
Mate. nemendly. It readnde 03.10hettmer,
that they will he required wallow - torchan•
'lre • (air proportion of the advantage ter
Uniting therefrOto.
it la folly to premium. as mirral nevem,
well opstnanyclo team anent, 'bet the no.
Aura of the resolution Intended that al I Cm it
greats Should te int ende d. PM , a hea-I
tail That was not Vie hers. to
the *old that here Is an asylum for all I
trampled by unholy monerchlem that hem 1
emu thems nboree wegladly men to alti
those who volumarily 'ems, off dm yoke.
tyranny and by their own stemma, pr that
To S
nr peraoaal fri bid endod s, seek a hem, among to.
Such we GSpeed. end heeruty Inc
Mtn them to march with h a y to 11. riovegin
destiny. Bet to m.ufsentrers +ba t while
they MVO tor itheet.loll.rwaltarth together
'm Import labor toa market alreedy over.
stocked, with the sole object of reduclug
the wages 0f labor, we 1.01 , 1 may Ulit le
order to neslise...approxitattte portion of
the betents arising from protection, t a u
shall pay lo tan Coeern !tient upon' every
head you Import such a tom att Is ill
w even.
ally dove them from each halal. sum
The natural ;minim ptionj I Infer, from the
Importation ot any good• or article.; Iv that
capital Is used In procuring. Importing ant"
selling the same after its Importation, won
*Mew of making 'money. There to 00111.
c n
lag obJectlomble to all tills, bet hp° cop
makes a munchdLy nf totormart that, [no,
to dist InOttee elaawee of labor. it .
feature that is detrimental to the vital In.
termite of a majority of them fa ow Cllr.
seam Debit may be asked, wily woe ouch •
resolution introduced lit lit mumention oft
atieghenY ormetT I Yoe the statute raavon.
that above all other connti. In i heroun t r'.
here the create:at clamoring is mole for tote
toutionorbtle the mold, stream. eft.ri•
sail have been, I presume to bong to d«
for securing the mune.. Vet there alba.
among them toalay, win , gh they are free tr,
ess. a comitinatlon 'the Sole ol•J‘kt of
orbital la to Import ettateln clamuni Of labor
here to a rearket that Is already othretoc 1.•
td with lab., po much no, that hundred. or
hese very clue.. of mechanicsaru .talk.
lag the Orem, of our cities and borough.
enable to procure em pin went. 1 i
Is it not a conceded fort tn•t all bora en. 1
001.14, or ththeit tribe enact., shottlti be ut
oOrtiltratted that all Omen derive • 'minds t
while hone, If-pos.lWe, monad, receive se i
injury therefrom? And if tro how ;tool.
1 tan tariff que•Gou In till. stile of adjum
moral The matolfseterrre of this .01001,
UM clamoring !Or protection, end
,yllll. 01111.
they defusing th
osroo welele .ffeol-
-lag the same, they are concecting 11 1..1111 r
whet:nee to reduce labor at W 0101,117 101,0, s t
log labor from abroad, thud ptopemilmng I
the intermit of the tolling sneelintilmi to I
Lila toiletry. By thin Mean, that. evident o
Intend to 0,14 largely to their attic:My , mar
me". prod's, and cub a dim imtlad antler , -
ores, disbonorabie to toe lair meutelemet.
.01 mage•nlatity. are Intending 1011101 urn 11.
In themselv.a aebente glint will ehertly 1
lead 111010 , by the aid of their Coolly accu
mulating dollars an,i mate, toa puma.,
where Way can. to their heart,. ctiotent,
uteri It ever GtePs heritage..
God forbid Gott we emend throw illy tm
imtliment In the way of the tOl/10. 01/11100.
of Europa, who, prompted by the instinct.
of manumit, throw MY
air " 1
t. of opprea.
elan there and seek au air freedom opal,
our abores. - llnt white WV would - welcome
athth Wrlth open artie r we will Opp.. Lt.,
"'ATM:dittos of eapltallete of thie countty.
iTas ting iota together, and Importhur •lieh
I b ur they can gray We In Europe, for the
p r oam Of arditsfytog a soillab personal ug•
g andlacmout that la tielrtuton lel to 111111 n.
es Of UlOtmands who now nab scarcely itt ert body and .001 together.
lie question naturally arinea..
Are rh0.. ,,
I porting mtpitallats prompted In lb la mos
te by a desire to enhance Gm prod tudive
In erest, of the country, and to is proper
p lectsou "render labor math Lenin and ro•
Le uerudest" iCertainly led, for by them
MI eine of importation they Intend to Cl I
elf tautly crowd One already , crowded
wo ketiopsohrit when the great protective
del In maid lulled the laboring Mamma will
be :ripened to necopt for their labor.
owing to the Magnitude of Abair numbera,
pod inich pittances as employers fyel dim,
posed to glee.
It wan to rebuke Buell a schema that the
foregolng - retolution was Introtinced In the
Convention, too tOthettlnt of which was
halfe 0 tontJoy by lie WOrkieglotii Who
prdporly understood It.
But it Is staid by Some that the re.lution
le °howdahs, anti meet ha reminded. Ifs
the lender* of this groat heimblieon party
*lll turn •duat tam . td the voice Of labor,
of whom tin great bulk of It 1. comp o .,l,
then workingmen will cut loose from Its no.
welatione nod form, for the fret Lillie in
Allegheny county, • worklngtnen'a narty.
We hale the vote., we have the talent. and
is e banana right. to shape dm hsgivlatl
ofth country In favor of the. weu
ho pro.
duce its wealth in peaceful purstaltn and i
who defend WI nag and Its honor in time of !
Workingmen et Allegheny moiety, nerd
well Tour interests, and If the petit/eat fan.
Lions, soma of whose Principles we highly
esteem. will turn sdeaf ear to our imports.
allies, "ny all pulling together,” we oan .e.
cure all the Weal:del/6e that honest !milli
latent and equal laws will give us. We ask
for nothing more—let we resolve to take
nothing less. If numbers oonstitete the
s pep dr ru l
4p e o opl ue te f M eg e to h
ror nine-tenth. of the bolsolstion . .seeat for
bread:. The one requisite—morel dome,—
'ls the neee”asy essential to metre all we
I hope for. Therefore tat us have en ma. I
',so. or eiregglersi hot 'see to It that eters
wrkingman comes up to the full IneliStirn
of o his duty. • .A. Deimos's.
0. wrltlog the' loregoing, we steal ;
an hour of the:sedan day or rest, and 4n , 1
our occupation Ix very relaeingle these
days Of OX.CeSSIVO • lie at , wu.sall be unable to 'lll
ILUISISP more than the sloe ropy, but would
rvegeetragy request the Grasnatampub•
mai Me same in their paper, /*Ovalle It is
the sent/anetpf irotataleseea, Itlededtnel
*antennae of Otte, up ter the present, a
Statinch iteenblleath -
By Telegraph to We Pittsburgh Garcite.l
-Wasetite - rot, June 11,1c7.
11, 2Ur TRIAL Or etrjt RAT,.
Tire Surratt trial was pasunied Today.
1 The entire session was copsumed In Orgil
meats Ott Die 'motion on the Prosecution
YestoraoT.nrid a demurrelgWas filed to-clov,
I by the def.... Thu Cu= promised to
give an Opinion to...rroe.
ITTC Oren err 2 201 t lite sumo..
The State Minoru.nt lesnia that under
instruction. Mr. Adams has interposed to
tho ease of the lents...convicted at Dub.
to, Cols. Burke, APCotrurry and 3Pelure,
and all of thoso whose' switences of death
have been •00tOrpated. in the Mee of
NreutfOrtY-0 writ of error, tu recto. , of the
conviction, was, at the suggestion of hi.
connsel, Sued out to behalf of tots prisoner,
ot the histanos sad espouse •ot the United
S tales.
A Mao Killed la Allegheny illy—The
Mayer Mlleer• Me Vlellril ay. MD.
Mlle Friend—Perpetrator Arecatea.
On Monday evening haat, between ten and
eleven otelock, James Goldrich, a blitz. of
Allekbeny City, wes• shot, at the corner of
East Lane and Ohio street. to that city, a.
la aliened, by Thomas McFarland, from the
effects of which bodied In about two bonze
afterward. The circumstances of the case
. developed before the lnquest, the pro
mellows! of which urn appended, and from
whet we could gather front the friends of
the parties concerned, an, as follow,;
On Monday evening, Shout four o'clock,.
Nerarland hod deceased, whdt were on Mal.
mate terms, attended • plothlo on Troy
,*lll, and when the pillettle had stollen up
they visited several' boor Iparifens 'in that
coerce 'Tzatga. locality, where th, y remained 'until after
.. .
Ninety three suite were commeacth to. eight Weimar, when they stereel for home.
'lay by th, ~,,, 04 ~,,,,,,,) f ~.1, cotton, On roe:Mang the corner Of Ohio Street and
ellen.' to .be captured he Geo. Shoran. East lame, tvoldrlch proposed to Murat.
and roll .1u the city of New York. The land that they shoal& go to Eolith* who
cloths amount in about four millio n , in keeps a wbolneale and retell ,liguor and
gold and the suite are authorized by recent grocery store, en th corner of East Lane
ugh, in COnkress. and Onto street, s od gth a drtna, elf_
' , Arland ethepted the - levitation, and the
rrattl. Leann ronlrOnto Or.
two' crossed the end entered the
Sixty-ono thothand eight Itomdrod notes store where eeiarth men were seated:
or lend were dlelnraed Of In the lirowneville, Pa ' Keller, the proprietor, was not in
Nebraska. ilstrict, dining the month of May.. toe attire when they came in, having gone
—fort ymin e thousaud thres were located ito the. collar to get some tonne for his
a Ith College acne. and Larteon I friends, and Norarland, addressing bitu
men, ender the a m wish lUld the re..• self tu, a nephein of Mr. rife asked for
trieflnkel. with earn add Warranta. There same liquor, which was veliam t ol him. At
also Ileweied of at Iltiniholdt,Kszters, this time • Mr. E. name up from the ostler,
enarlt Orin thOltaand,,acrea dare s the Mid seeing •Mcrarland and the decongest in
same perith—fLftymne gbouithdaeres tattle t
he toom Rahn./ them what they wanted
, thlette sorb,. the ueorly aill thousand ' '. there, is t hon . literarland molted that
acres under the Monona. Act. It was nose of his beakless; theta
...C . rbOXITT to9.4llll,l[Abra. ' ' Mr. Kellar atelthual up to • him nod
._ ,' took held of lila coat and retiathted him to
All apolthations by territorial authorities . rm „,, h ., ~,,,,,,,, ma,..,,,,,„,, ~,,,,,,,
n' mile " nu n. , nr fora h..° ttittnnu Y ' t un" , • 'fa ro
do and tdeglietteuth, McFarland sink
, ere referred by tile War Department to Gen. ' lug Kollar Onthe¢head,
the head, ~ 1 he wth Med
eherman, In whom nuttitirlty is vented to I rtr , ~,, „,,,,.. K „,,,, ; ,. , r ,„ „,„,„„,. ~,,,.
doterlittththe neoesslties Mr treat., their I „ r ~..„,- r . .7,r . m r „7,4,6, r „,, r ;, - r;;...4,- -,,-,
...,,,,..- ...I ...I.iwn..t.• •• ,, th authority the duo, About this cim.thea... had
to toki, comthied.and 41.1444 immediately. caught the elder Mr. K by the loth ami erfu
'huh ten hectuuttty tar them: coasts, j Petting . him down wane a onto woe erect, It
althea... tier Aye, ' ' !In suppothoPy McFarland at Kellar, which
The last hie of the foutteeudneh the 1 mwiteu him anti entered Ins , it. ,of the site :
at Forte". ilonrae, with nne hundred • . o ... West hack Of the lets-11a, passing .
„ 0 „„,.. „ t „,,,,,,or and , e ,,g atmt, "tide,. 1 titrouall to stllreCt line with the right ear,
tWO dearer, clevatlon..altalned . ar.gottf ' Ithiglng In the Insole of Nth 61.11. Moral , ,
eiat VE,Ii, : land mien started to run awl was' pas noted ;
A fourteenOnob gun. Of nava . pattern, matt' hY Mr. Keller. ems naught tool Meath,
..s . :Otter, of *path 11o.t.10,„farthnEneth,,e ; hack math house when ht,gdrtch wee ly , '
overmen, reeen Ily are toed In Emeland, ; beg. Hu ...then thkao in °mirk. el , ofhe ;
~ ~-J , ,„,,,,.„ ~, ~,,,,,,...,„, netlike ~,,,.. Glories Weasel!, of the math caw, lie rt. ,
~,,..,,,, 5h,,,,,,,,,.....f.,..,,,,. Closed, to go *llll Weas , -11, when he (Wennell)
• o Irtn! with the Cush. gun against Iron melted Mr aWtistatten, sea he ea" taken to '
plating. • ; th e leck.up, where he spit remains well.
aareler Enotaterra. I lag lite restllttd the uotoner'a tasted.; glaticv24
. A ellen tone after ton allot was firth, Dr.
Toe report et the lees of ktl.llal tn Ithelf . J. r...,,,,,,,,„ 1r...„„ ar
f ree. the TtethurY grew out of the fact that . m ~,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„! „,,,,.....„ 4 , p ,.... 0 ..,... r
nusety•nieJetteets. Vernal-fr . P r eParlat for ' It taw. Tao toy wed tu. was removed An I
~. ......en.i., t hli rthnnn Pat.... .r o .'” the tea Misers of his parents, seem no 41.1 '
tionaszod. Timm is authority for Sing ; r ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,y mr. 1
th e , oe completed betide have been latelY ; While ini the aay tO the lock ,, p North.
'oa , 'n u n' I" • Tuau t t arY , a. " that tn.. ' I Intel ailed to the oftleer who .OWI hat, In I
Intern,: eheois are not Neely to prove a lies . mm ,..„ . r ,,,,, b ath* , „,,,,,,,,,“, shoot , m ,
tothe government Of Vends. end when kW whet Ow hadadene
_..................—__ __ , Witit bth plitot.e.l th at his bloods had
mare tt 'motion, F. .
. FROM NE* YOR K. •Gotdr,.., the death*. Is betake, n mole
• . the and tatty years ofemp age, werne,dd e ,
:By Telegraph at to. r iti.boratt thseth t•y twoopatlon, was loye
Nthlthe Intuolry, In lam Ninth
N6w. Team, May 11, 1•671. n
.. e ,nl .
or thismt, etto needed with lon pa.
Tea Menai. itttrallob. rents, an betel:lees Nun Plank noel, Me
The Supreme Court has ticeldth In the the, Ve” , toehtellt. Mkrert.d. •boat Is en.. '
.mueg, , *kith.; . ,ed limo toe laud .nut, to about thoe azitto
of the Maylth end Common li d e,,,,,,,,,w„... .... glso rthph the o is
the Coninth4lo;:teS 0: roll[,. that the act of . K. ne)'o toototry, and redid,* with Ith ow,:
the loydalththe Olin s the p 'wet of grant. LI rents, nn Ilarta*l'• faith , agar Colon . are.
nt a Alleabeny.
tag liken. tone latter tan beanie:Lotion al c m ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,x norm ., ~,„.
and lath, 'This thelslou thects tint ottly4 ed the :elbowing Jury, and held
. o inquest
the liquor Devotee, but authority to then se i e1,M11 , 4 North...lOn. Allegheny, thee
Ay protheeltel , o take toollmony in the
u • ht, 'tr. The eau.* ...tit " chthh the c " ase : I, 'I. l; r, had, James Irwi E..
cosset has get4,lcl was put tnto the tea levy ' N. err..., et, II Etna, It. K. Tyler and J .
try th e logthbakne. , M. 11,1thild.
elate. *teen ~.. I • TRalbwee v. •
,Ti. , ' , 111,,,,,,a 01,44, -rla 11111 retn'f.,, /, ..... i;".th - ; r. a .r.rrn—l I,ro W . . •the ~ , ,,,,,.e.
/I,c 1T1. 1 .1 . 0e11.41 01,1ir/..1” 11.1-4.4 t o e I tt 0n1....5tref.3.1......,s .1-.. a. Keane ea.,
~,,„„,,,„,,, ~..,. ~,,, se ,. bre ed ., 1. 0 t ; Alleatne,y; I Lent. a whelenale tel retell
termer Anrectoia ith.nst Seth, YeleV,t,s, , thitter and grocery str,ret the dethasek WA.
.4 •Altat.. for the Issue of 11,681,000 now , an. , hl ffli to** rte..; Meader oventalf,
stock. . I aber slicing my Mare, Olt war end ...meal
'ins inerltable COltreen - uses.
; Irtende treat Ex le were stating le the store,'
, anal bet •nall ion 4 *let. o'clock I that
In the Mut/thane Courk_reeley the jury *re , to the .geilse t get thme with fur tee.
tif./.1 a ...troth, for tli• piaintift tor the! awl oh reran:des fauna Thomas Ida.,
full amount clat oath In the caw, of Joan N. ; 1.4, the theueett, and Eke a:m.4 4..
,F 4..
NoNorlealt exathet the Internattn.l Lite • etthe talking what my nephew. Victor Kelt.
I nsnrsue.. co. el 1,,,r, e ,,,,
. I Int I asked terra What they wanted, thot
f o lle[ll[N rtraul...s cert. Mc Farland replied lint-It urea bane Of my
~,,,,„ ,r, ~,,,,,,,.
~..,,,,,,,,,...... 1 imeitieth; I told 11101 I was the proprietor of
r ,,,,,,, „, , J ., r , „.„,,,,, ~,.,,;,,,, for ~,,,,n , .. ror th e beathattol wanted him to leave without
• • 1 mektna any illsturbance, which he ref.--
berg urn.
The President hew Riven the order inflame
hen .114 and patents for Insole to the ion
Peelde Rend for tee tenth seetiort..or (trip
tours, and else for she ettrlttif Itection of
t w - notystivo tellee.of the same road, Ptato=
to do. clh/tal took bolo hr tria boat and Sold
btu tor mole; snout, when Om mrbek me In
the I ace with Ms hat, but did out bunch toe
' down, and thocrthe deceased, • ho hot been
..tattling to the door, caught me by the hale
r•v read tour a m. 0.., I and polio; tn. head teen, •hee I saw
Stir la bride.. reurtrod (11,17 froth the Athtm. .."'""""" In Hny.ltnd'r O.Od.UUL
lit clad ,tran,allf P. , ..mtpAnt foe the It. of ; e' 4 .l t o get loos,
re omortch, I 01.0. mi 01m rwm.nat the
.1• 4t t o ts Ir
Oil eterterY 11oece warm. at
eta. door' mini broke a light out, and
pin w . •
lust at that thus .1 beard tee report
weal. statott..
iit metal wed the. dereamd let
The Umidnutat annoncov• the , hts hoot on my hair. anti fell, and Molar.
sttpeerauce • Lena Cloth In lite neigh-, laud started to nut. I sew Mat Gularlen.
orment of that illy. An ants!. igetst fanner f was shot, andmarted after
es ton l w th e damage to d a n. tuna; lierarlehi., a:4144M co l brough t mos
Moity.flre ma mem Ile ears the Insect hue ; neck to the boom. Ito made ea effort to
tbps-rar mottled Its. attack to the early' get away tents trrbuy. the officer cams .A
I took him P. charms. ;II cauldron soy that It .
PAILie FOR 110011 E. ••• pistol Mcrurland Mal So his band; /
The; Japanese Lomeli...poem : was tact meat the Brno and did no t nonce
the steamer Ittoh. Star fee oaliforni* and ; what It wt.. I have on pistol In my house,
unit e.bort - water had that 1 knew ofd lartverown
v totem [1.4•411.1.. Oil one in my
TIM ship IletAldof Mienlog for , (1. • Dr w .
. Ohl. •treel, Allegheny mtvt w. at MY
aL Fn. lm
eau • Fr....m.14; also lb. •.steanter ougton
onor no m un d„, f, f ,fi s
roe n°"‘Mn. rem mot killed; was spending toe evening
101m mann..
{lb • me triend. flow Brie; uncle went to
arr 04.1.1. ....... asoe ommow. ; il about *mean tecioce to wet some
A 5 f ,..,4 stir, inn p„,‘ sto . , Pews wine, and wild., he way tne rOom two
Mr. elltutat•y's op mien were th tam the mom McFarland End Guldrich. ca., Su and
I.:Mhtnnt 1.1111 mornmx. Intro mean. to tre askell for a Orlnk hlnks. I told them
no .I.M that tie dee .des the flattery Cons. ; ••hey 00111.4 not their, that we did ham
eatinot len/rive c 1 1111 [erne.. and Imo Man a quart; o'bilo ;thing Ito
,tut other mettle"( le thyme pi ice. thew uncle Cattle In aaken. what they:
• wanted, Whey 11.Yarlatl told that It
1 Illtelitteee COll 11•C•Ti0}.
The (ittv or
ernynt appralm ••• o.
rs haste. went to of ht.. butane.; uncle then
Ms and took a hold Cat
prod el card. Yesterday. thrnaten In. the bla COMA and told him toga out, and he (Mo.
moolmat ton et wesrlng api arYI of paasen• • Fariatolt nald ho would so word he gut
here from 1. 1 .00pe, Collector throat. say. ; ready—that he Wks Deputy Sheriff; when
he ear.] a.. la Mall Ltelll4ol4, Med that Weil, ortyl• hints led on hi. 'pang out, McFarland
tcg eittetwell hew or obi. notes. In ; struck at Mtn I ; than struck
ercescre duantltle., will be eiettll4. from ; two ur three time:, but did not knock Lim
! down. lie fell Over toward the dawn, and
•14e. Melhietiel• Jiyit then .1 saw euele and the other man
reels (ant lArr.rt a .e meaty, otJ j muffinsgt beard tbe rep ratite Pistol and
Item Monk. Point, etelth Itrolsklyn, was ! the of ...Beg of gigs., and;llemea
•testruytel by are this afternoon. The 1 fail. thee left the room. {co uld ; not .v
In maturated at .100nott WhO Were In the room at the timed there
I *era aeveral besides the parties I have
limos TTTTT
trlehtlelled beleg engaged In the debt,
Twa Mohnen.; four hundreell_.d Mate- but 111, not berm how many.
nine or nottt•nts emlmel to-day. the ustna. YttAcr, ammo-111re In the Fourth
N,..1 toe May being aells ward, Alitammy; was 011 the opposite Atm
c••. 'yea WelellOC. of. the street when tioldrlon Waa shot; heard.
the report of a pletol and criosed over the
The Tr wnreituuse of Oopenbcinfa. Co. 1
Strout 1,e9 what was wrong.' the hotly
X.. 11 Broad way, W. enter., 1,0
rd ffre•snal lying eh the fluor and °Meer
last nherir, arid rotated lit over 1115,010 worth home. eierertel.4l. hoard arr.
untiremed otter skies.
!({,.lsar 101 l him tliet'srlandr that he 100 l
hEeti XXXXXX relit Talt . . 11110 a toot mars, to Welch hiciferletili Made
Tile I iilhilerher4 teat,t if•MOrYOW hen. - ttorettlY•
far an ocean trial Yips.( t arty-eight hour* 1 CM, am , one of : Iho
bo bar now nn
, l.t .r i l s e t l w x ,, C l f ,, ltr u n l. - I ,, lt e lt n g u e o n l l...,.....htl o tti . T a at . P , l r t , th , J . l ,, eg b h: o n a y L., C , l . t..zt
,A m oo y be ffi w a t.4.
tool the Vt.n...1 10 IN, toil et mml end • 'meet. haunt the toot ...fired 1... two
doilmund 10 widen kratetry ehe ; mutt .011114 up Ohio street.. They stepped
{skean, Cept.couwomk, The!esff ; in (root of Betters Mete unit p00h... the
hart will eon toy. The timoPsr„ 111.1( flp(111 atid,Wl.44 lei 1 board a out.. an.;
berg RlllOlll/ nlyint July. • I saw the door open agate. and the prie•ltler,
McFarland, wan atandiew the door ...V
OHS niteux 1, ear rime.
with arm rolled. I thou raw the Mod.
The rod., Yard !owned In Brooklyn Was of a pistol .1 ;mini the report:sod Yell
that or Inaba;; 5. 1,011 11 1 . 1... 'IMMO; no , toter. • When 1 1101 three blerarlano awt
Mourners, Thu turpentine stork. ot 1 nettling With mate' one to the brute 50,11
11/00 Bayne were also •Itstroyett. Thu 11re . 1,,rt$1,11:11 tll6l. I searched Ulm, but did net
044 c••••atiittell he an t.spleedon of a holler - 1 - 11ml ally / think the prlsOtter was
in the_ falter es Inblillllll.lllL 0. . Mayo cht ima la 1 •
ltshostinell.vorf, stworn.l reside In the
ViCAIC. Third null:. itilegheny. waa Mr hellar's
Tito Ur; Illn branch of Fenian. held- a ple. : more alien Bottum.. Weil 11101; Wee sating'
1110 at ye o ne. wood trotter; to, to h e r mi t . ion a barrel talking when tho La o men cattle
tileytioyeo, or relining Moils for the rolled In; 1 aid ma Coo them come In; tory were
of Ireland. There er. a pretty Inset. wham / Bret maw thou; Victor Kellar
crowd, end easrytigog passed on pie.. I was talking WWI to Dtituls Kellar then
minty. • can 111 to mud e...tented them to 40 out. end
'l:Mettler> TO Tait. 711 . 11 011 . 714. I took 0•11 of then. hi the M e te, and a light
emoted:a torment afterward I heard the
JohnWeablekton, Ittnt'Or ffeWherh. f I th 10 1
, report,/ p s an of ret. wig u. godet.
; the mere had bete cloned op from nine
quire.; try Bea titck lei. •
. o'clock; there were several seem Mudd.
rlit.e.sricen• run 1401.0,1 11411111111. thy•ell 111 the room at the time. Yaw. at the
liehrtht Sherll4lll, With the concurrence ; beck oar,. of the Cure teem: alte . tel
seeromry Stanton, him egrets. to allow son told. • 1,1 5. d..
1, . ,. er11 1 1 1. tient, of COlOrealo. /0 equip Dart4ll Keiffir, recalled -1 paw per prole)
huudryti vtanntsere for !altar, eery le, that haVe hone In my house; never
. owned 0111113 oty But
.sta est..
Dr. Jo.. 1 _Amara, sworn. —l iota ealled.
It Is slated the reglstly of •oters In Ale- ! about tool a o'clock lust mg..., to Neu the
and untelroulred 01111 nighty ; deceased; mime. Mtn lying on the Illear. had
thounand, ere,. mpielly divided between ; remove mo d placed on a tattle at th e .
blacks and MUNI.
! hack part ti the rmen. ;t then treeteihiel
The ";.brash AT11144. ,Um wound b • PrPllll
pntntcrx Lava boursl stem here. . struck for the eight tt ' lt r aTt . I . ll .o . lltrlNt. Mud i IMdd Inn
fw boar..
the hal Intend through the la d soa part of
1 B. 10( rArtand entered the temporal bone,
1 mooting!
right Ute head don direct Ilne
with 1116 right eta, and lodging on the In
- irlde o
n, the skull. In the poet reorient exam. • I made th warning, {found '
part of Mellon gunn thb oultMle of the
okull, net lattieg eutatel it; the nther Pow •
Bon punted through •t he Imad I bait.. de
em-Med. TheOUntl was evldcaLly the
Cause otitis dea th.
iropper. •worti.-1 am polie.mnuil
14w the i l thlilitt . ece4Oyff ,
iitrellt,•hOhibult past' PBMP 'O44, M "...
ilaY The ptisaeor woe emu ently
under the intlectica of Motor. hoututhno 1
aneweartla I beard a rap, aut. on going up 1
to the carrier leave the primmer tool 011tael• I
eaunlluir. I took bold of hits one::
marled An the I.kup. On the way down
he told tile that the did nub intend to about
altY MOO. alto) that some of his (Monde had-
M. pistol; that they took It from him
50111 he left the hollso Whale the Illbeittg
eras done.
McFarland, the prim:Morn wall brought
one the room, mei wa. IdentlAed• by Mr.
Kell., as the man with .truck 'gam, and
W. returned to the lftkup.
Tnejory not-bng fUlly 1 41.0.1, the In.
nneat 11(ijOttreeff ' to meet on Tltureflaiet
ten A. 4. .
Taaratrteals to BtrnitorbOrt
fOrerlogtoroa 1 4 0 ml:death:Le Troupe, eon..
ailing of lOtes Member. of each of the
/ate Opera House, Aeadetby of Moe° and
Ititsbarghlheatre oorneantes, hes been or•
mired, and arrangements completed tor
I o W
en ar e : r t T al he e lOe ta p len w
M i i ll r mle. ham, e
to-Me .
:11 weq P
n ll a It.
4 .3 TMl,lboof that
may 00nacienitr expo:ma rare treat top .
r ittiV it t r'lXl. a l PO aru e
p l e
te7 le4k oo•: = °7 b al klll` 1 1 r 2 1:
pertutl . t . ereoftheoMableithu•T.
Town. Mall will doutoleat ea' filled to oltm- ::
'flowing etch eight of the aeries.
0 , 11.11.10V1 , 1[1,14
1.-ora, T. llama mcelr•al a santonra Of
oaain nn
n t p nu o as a an .. ti " •• o n
WHYa.nna to
A Town lannamed—aalne Maher
Than at Any Tim, Mance 11435—the
Nenaterinl Y.Annyftion.
run ram eh tome Plettletrob tiarotte.l
• Batted, Hennas, Jane lI.—A gentleman
froze Ellrworte report, that tone com
pletely inundated, the venter belej,le /yet
zloty. Saverat binidlogn were emit.] away .
and Miro, moved from pale foolationa.
A larannmoqn t of in mho r paired Mr..,alto
portion. of balldlnas. The water was four
fee* above the redraw] track. and It coed
portion of the road between heroism] film
, w o rth pnimuTlituit The dmokyhlti for
It. hank, hero, bet it la impasellde tor travel
either way. The water le hitcher than it
hoc been sine MS • . • • • •
Lew aeons, , Jane 11.—Wade', Hen.
atonal Vert" remained here today and par.
t or* of a ban deptiriven by lire city. • lima.
_band from Port Leavenworth joined the
Party. senator Pomeroy and Itciat flail Lon..
Fedora Clark eeeomoan vied the party, who
were Joined yeeterday by General Palmer,
Trerourer, and amoral otberreers of
I.lolon raellie Railway, K. nd their la{ r i
dies. Alf lert at' theem for 'doitotioou
The:lCalr river axe non Norton feet
t wanty-fnnr hum* owing . to heavy rain. on I
It. putnlean Fork.
nn. Cey, Jun 11.— tlentOr Wen'
party Airdrie] INTN to-nleht and were •
mired Attila , rallrond depot. by Lieutenant,
Uovernor Green. moo, In a .01frf epeeehi
.blehly compllmentery to Mr. Wade. ex
tended the hospitality. Of the oily tO the
excuraintdats, an
ben. %b
telltdesnualy i
to spend th e night . %bat they .Rdiht !
aea the fi ft y end toe teal of tete ‘ornterhalyl
fertilexonntrY bY daylight.
Thai watar In az Kaw marls lalliniaftr: I.
rapidly, •
. .
, .. ' . • .
FOITUTII PAGE.—Tbe 'Went and 'unit re
liable Money, Oil and Produce Yorke Re
port. open try, any paper In Oa dill. tow be
found op our /bora Rye.'"
•. To Allegheny ReAdorn.
Owing to the dismlssa , , on the ground of
Ineouinetency, of one of our Carriers In Al.
loglisng, nod the placing...l anew man on his
mob., shine of our reader. In that city were
not ...Pelted with the Gszarws yesterday.
Persons misting the paper are reqoedtea
to leave thoir names and address at our
Counting Room.
The a/enamel Cithelie Coovencion—
. Moccism Day.
Sionatito 6R811102,
Tuesday morning divine. service -in' St.
Phllornena Church, se on the day before.
At nine ts'elocß the second leaden WM
opened by prayer by Ilea. Father ',Bailer.
Committee reports wore read and &doe.
toil. These reports were mainly In relation
to the constitution. of the several Meal me
claims who wished to be admitted to the
AanoClatlon or Union of Benevolent Soete
tiea. Tweuty-threeuew loon/ societies were
admitted, so that this Union combines, In
ad, over one hundred benevoleist Catholic
Bneletliw, With aggregate number of
about 20,000 memb er.. a .
Convention re-assembled In pursuance of
adjournment. The first business in order
cas the election of officers of the . thidrid
Perrin ^. which resulted in the readectlint
or the old officers oy•acclarriatlon. ,
Thn °Mears elect made speeches, return
leg thanks for the honors conferred upon
Adjourned at live o'clock •to meet at 834
o'clock Wednesday mOrning. •
expected that Ibis Convention Witt'
finish up the business before It by noon to
day. In the afternoon the debilitated from
abroad cut visit Troy HIWILIid other inter
esting li.alltler about the city.
Good Template.
Tho Grand lodge nt the independent Or
der of Good Templora of Pennsylvania.
will hold its Thirteenth Annual Meeting
in Mozart Seventh street, Po-Wei.
erne osenelni at 10 a. m. From . tine to nix
hthallni delegates will be to AliandanCls,'
ropresenting attic parlous subordwato
lodges of the butte.
. . . .
Thenral- tr of Good Templar. waS orgnn as -
nal In Pill, a d le nosinee o secret eet ram
I [hero., act - e. and useful emper
anee ores asitious in the country. Not.
withstand' g the short time it has been In
existence, 6 now athabere in the United
Metes orer threehota[Lvd and to:may-Ave
Leeman.' / 11 M 131, 81 1 4.11:1110.1lIig Mt hundred
au bonito me and twen t y -seven Grand - Leda.
es. The Increase during the past year was
ono 111M01 %Mt terenty.cee thousand
members, , and its friende think it will di:OW
GI" tnat thi• year.
le I'O2III.IVtIIIIIL there are three headrest
EMI tarty-roar subonfamta lodge.. tidtte
prlainar over thirty thousand members.
mate and female, who aro admitted on
terms of equal sty. - The institb t too is declai
m-11y ralicat in Its Mews will he been b
the fol i o w any platt6lrm, ,
adopted in • BST by
the Might Worthy Grand Lodge of tLe
Patted ritate-Y.'
1. Total from all MtoMoatlog
liquor. ao obOvortufu, .
2 .lio 'lcon. In any form. or underny
1teL101.4120..., for Masada uf Minor!, tO be
aseat a• a bmmnato.
manor,sed urn, twourtatlon sod eele of intez
healegjeluonf.for •uch purposes—on:Milo
l ug the will of the p lt
ennon ...seed
due form of law watt thepenult... dear . wed lora sorb enormity.' •
4. The creation o(a bes.lthy Winn* °Pin
lon up n o the subject, by the aettyo dlasemt•
nation of truth In WI the modes known to
an en lightened Molsothropy.
0: The muntlon of good, honest men tO
0 / 1 /1.0,1110 laws.
- • •
0. rerstatenee la 'effort. to save Indirld.
emir and coottuutiltio• from ao direful a
i H l o l n ll o e re lt r ag u a ullullt r o i v al l
MfLoCrluAl.te o f l o
coun t c l lueti end
Th. iron tit, 'left : Geo. 0.
ttleark At Co.. rrrrr tete..
Thatru.bluery ahould be belted with
Well evade and subaloettal. easy work ler
belttag. lan I .lappareut . all she - hat. e
had ally expallekee In the mtt oe
ahop. No More Bumble or vexation arta.
Lone any callallßtan the' use pootlt
made b01t!,,, has snaps, and broak•
upon the Ilaht.t teacart, and can never be
gleteeadol upon. lu Cdtaburelt..the
fact/trine toy of Auterwele vcrtOov Balt
! lave la popular it. have been tried, and ,
, rude many have 1n a tunaoare promo
t aattefadory, sun the Pall. lelltlenol*BN
! and estedleuee ban been award to the ar-
Colo. zilazinifaCturcil at the iron y City Belt
: work+. No, 4.1 Liberty street, oppovlte the
Deco, Tne proprletore, lieetre Ciro.
T) Clara .t Cu.; .perteteedd .144 praCtical
buttatett gtlemen, have eve. endeavored
to-sore/ `re/
reguldemeate of the trade, and
have moored to vet blob, on•marlt alone,
we high cliaracttr w lab tnelr bolting one :
tedttivthone:e.t.a denary, WitettwiVer
o known. Tiler mano
tvetitte frt. the -eery beat material, tall
Cylin vapor lal care that every order en trod.
ad to tor ears. e.t.a* the 64;h type.
1.11011 y oar.. They 4.1. eaten.
steely In ad descriptions of : patent straeh.
ed. cement. and rimed oalt-tantled belt
inset and Oben. eery reasonable price,
W. , oooena sO , lO to Oar readers, know.
lag tot ape.. obon we guarani.
the viably .stl aeperlortty they
fardlites. bee Weis nerd In anuthur column
Mondayever4rig arainsvkaarlairtheehatie
of a mu, known as -fames Roy hi...Me,
Lion aplatterer and paper-banger, residing
I on 'Uinta. street, shamefully atinaeci hie
wife because the had ne supper ready for
him when no came . home. After Striking
lies in the mouth lentil bis.bst, knorkmik
three of her teeth ellstePing her in
the face with the heel of his boob the mark
of which was plainly visible, he cinght her
by the hair and dragged her into um street.
lnd Thee went In and locked the doors,
eaving her b. be taken care or by the
!Yuri. We. Enos, esneted by one of bet
nelahecre, nne to Aidin - inin Mcklastm
Oniao .1.1 made 11 4 10 111.11{1012,Ingni.t the
w tech, charging him with sh-Iffaltrund
insult iowl battery. A werrant as Issued
and li
the defendant an . ..Uhl. when he, no.
uerniy. hail for a hearing at. nine o'clock to-
Whose ate Ines to ex prima our ills*ust for
such a inteersh/Wereature bet helm:lie will
tweelee a "hic recoingen. and rnn.n"
fur his evil - goats at inn hand. nf thdlais.
• •
farces.) •
Pod Gallaher appeared and made iota.'
ITYLIOT before Ablertnan • Lynch. egainst
`Peter Woode, charging biro withlarcicy.
The facie of the calm es fir ea we were able
toebtaln, them are as follow.: Gallaher
keep. a tavern atAhe corner of Tionnel
and Webster streets, and oti Monday eve
ning the otocuand came - to bit how., and
ached for 'ging. stating that be bad TO
motley. Gallaher consented to keep him,
and ttowed note to • room about nine
o'citich Shortly afterward Mrs. O'titmnet,
neleunor, canoe in and ailed Gelleher
Wbo that man wee that peefeel out throlUff
the garden, Ilkllsher iruniedisocly tb.uent
of boa ledger, and repaired to ble room, IklOt
10110 , 1 that be ned departed, taking with
him his Wartlek,e) beet wet. Teetenley
tweeter be e our found to the Dianiond
arreate•l and committoel for a bearing tol
day. Wodde stranger tn ty, haw
Ina been her but it few daye. the ci MM.* be
is aosticon of klomeechusette,
Now loo.Conwas Saloon.
I The attention of Our readers to directed
to the est,' of Mr 4. IL Toungsms, mltiunit-
Ingethe °pante* of a ant class and well sup
; plied hasery rani confectionary, SO. We
'• wylle.,atrect. Toungson, taking too
vantage of the .fact that such a mace area
feuded lathe upper auction of the city to
supply Inc large Uvula In ,that direction,
haiestahlivhed, to drat chose 'style such a
tionulas will compare favorably with any
in the city. A tar, and airy saloon la at
tached to tun confectionery for the ItCCOUI•
mouation of ladles todWentlemen
creams, fruits, cakes, do.. de Speclat at
tention wilt colisid to the furatahlsr CI
private and public partle• with refreah
mono; and dinner., and plant., with Ice
ormolu, fruits. nuts and ge tend
tlonerles. Fresh tweed and Nikes will
found each 1111 l tor it Upon the counter, We
issipeak tor lir. Youngsne largo abate of
Wired or I fro
• •
• An trafOrlisnal.o wont., residing on Ilagor
stroot, In the 'Eight ward, known as Mgr,
Ilarry, not eating to ' , letter the slings anti
arrows of outrageous fortune,. took up
arms "uwatnst a sou of troubles, , and at.
tunrptod to end them by luting a quantity
of land &sons. •Sho ball boon Indnletng freo.
ly In the ono 01 Intoxicating N.." 'Pr o ne .
..oral days pert. I.lllollli is ruoposod bad
cam.] A trtanuary dOrangetnent. •of • her
mind. We worn 33333 dile to learn bow or
Aqitrf.llllo proottrod the 1A11114,10111. Several
phyrlclungsruro rallod bor. and were
doing all they mould. ostler tbe elronm.
Monroe, rtnnlYtug the osIMI.Z.C/11.1104. Wll4l
sou sly 110rell (.4Vitlo nor . • ••
J weepier Match am Valeta Park,
The Jumping Innten Tor the enntopton.nlP
of Ainerim and VA Letwoon Itebert Way
of tbilko(ty, and Norman P. Bartle!, Of Now
yorig.cotoo,otf yestorday, AS rrevlonely
tl)tneln4 thy alone: by thmo
nod half I null. Te arrangement was
to tot kr ken nu 11.
ea. ,boot .lumP
was Metro wet dee Intl .half Inches, while
that Of IlArtlei was. but twelve fort two.'
Wu hey., need boy., who tows° no vseten.
alone to Jumping, heeling twelve feat six.
Tbn Penney. irani• 'Rate "realm.' No.
Oval will Rigeutbletoslay tr its eighteenth
anntial (lonvention.atlafayette IDOL'. Ten
meeting will orguilze at four o'clOek r, x.,
Prentotp. to loh delegate. are rouge:led
tO register their name. i n t , Conlopttee
of Arrangetrients ,e' anY' time
during tile aftetiieon. 'pier exerelsos will
con , plat of prayer, °ocelots addreas by the
Chatrutan of the Committee of Arrange.
ments. mentv. and general 4leca.elon of
matter; pertaining to Inc profession." In
the evening a grand banquet and promo.
edge eppeert will he held, • whlgh mem..
here and friends of the medical profession
are Ourdially Invited to attend Tionte'w no .
have not rßeeißod mulls of admission cart
obtain them by waking epplioation st,'tte
offfce of Dr. ff. T. Coffey, 310,63st,mummec.
rleenarill,.. lB ll , lo Clieb.—A' number of
IX"&trill 1 7 . = 0 011 ie i r b gregL Y ,
which ymVm-'
farm to ben ter, popular brely. A capital Of
opp tbeenea dollars boa been gebeerlbeit
tU IC la the perpon of i be club topers/lase
larelli nU boats. mull borts and nug.otibl
lbw. the the or the meinberg. The drat craft,
In the wager s megnlacmet pleasure barge,
some thirty feet long end made for Liz
and capable of earn leg thirty Knociar is
now being built In Illtabeth.Lta. birrltla
beeworrleral reduillyike lb. Vrtielitireli or
the 00 4 1 0 4 egi...3.. lopm. lag , - •w•
tee U
kuoVenelaoetdat* on junt,U97l:lo- be irreeent es
. '
lie al. Lam
nob 'doh% Ire Iron), Evrorta
Mr_ a - call from - Dr. E 0.
Amt Ana's moat illottaitarbUt turnout Mal
plipatotaut Ha. was ;wiring through taa •
Oily raid . otoppod otP. to pay; Ws regards to
aorta of friends la tuts nooittborboods
Simon le Demonstration—M..ll,r of
tor tommusdery of Bnlllflta
Templar. . .
• • •
1 The annual cession of the Grand Cana
-1 tomidery• of Knights Tinil plat of Penney Iva
nla will-coneene In this city today, and
promises to bo largely ettonded. The mi.'
va•e nseetioga of the Grand Commandery.
will.lianold in Masonic 11411, Fifth street.
This afternoon there will parade In
which all Sit Knights in attendance will
participate, alter which the Installation et
the Grantleollieera will take place at the
Academy ct , Monk, at which time a Dahlia
mid reed 1.111 be de , lverea. • This evening a
bouquet will be given at, City Hall, to the
Grand Commandery.
The Si-Knight. assembled at the dep.
Into, Masonic Hall, last evening at seven
o'clock:for 'the purpose of reoldvliag ttie
• Grand Commandery ot Penosy/vania.
The route of preoevalon this afternoon
+lllbe as follows: Forming at Hu ssain Hall,
doom Fifth attest to Wood. flown Wood
to Warier, oil Wetter to Smithfield, along
Smnbileld to leinerte. Up Liberty to Wanyer
Amen Wayne to Penn, along Penn to
Irwin. ep Irwin in Liberty, and thence to
the Academy m Monte.
Ntraw Gooda.—At the extenalve bat .9
cap house of Wen. Plant tnw,• No. la 9 Wood
at Ives, of all th e/ at sot style.mostidg of
Gent• whip, (Mote° hrsaf Go O re
Ilacklnaw Hato, Gee J
a ernmx Park and
Bennylklll Navy Rats; also, a large and com•
Pa. monk, of ladies hats, trimmed and
untrimmed, or trimmed to onto . Gents
One , WIN and crwilltnere amts. 'Gents tine
French felt hate lua ll colon. Ti 1.0.0 who
wilds to purcnast*tagood article at low rig-
AL Pi.m.Me. first oboe bat and
cap hon., No. 139 Wood street. Stan of Wm
Large gilt hat .. • c•t • •
A • ten awwwalli.—Pat... ilmnehan
Allegan. tht be iwl *hamar unated
and beaten a a low w days 140 Co In '.Steaa ul rt.i.
town; at Bowman', tavern. Itappearm from
eta testae:mull. that a Dart, of rolling tarn
hands had congregated In the lwr-roofn of
•Etowman'e house, and were dlsetimalug the
latter question, when'a light ensued, the
natured reeult of so ck Meufolnes, In
which hn,llmtnettan, wee beaten with slang
anol otboir •erone weapons by
Itow man and others. Its made Informable
oaken Alderman Lyman. and a warrant was
IMand for the arrest ~f
Th. A..4..7 of Slagle ontsetr to et.
let lust night for want of public patronage
gas. 4 nopport. We are sorry. Messrs. ilall
Burke taboret bard and assiduously to
resieshin the drawer , d elevate It to a higher
Nissen ant than it boa ever reached In this
city. bet In doing so banirupted theta.
seises. Pes people are reeponsoblo lot the
(*.quay, not the liberal andenterprising
Xll be
anti doubtless nn other attempt
etill be mode for years to come to establish
bee n nye Lance plane of SMOMErgeSit as
"as the late Academy.
Amoowlaewl w,Eltsf•-elohn ollogly made
Intormation ovrore Alderman trate.
salon Jolitsfisie.eharalaa him with
his /m, a little boy nine or to..
ears of age. Gollogly • allrgen that •he
eat his won to Kalb , . Cant. m an errand,
a i l than While tame Kalb, w ithout presto
at ion 6,13 Ck the boy elth line lint. knock-
Rig him clown ' Mot otherwise shamefully
basing him. Kelt, was &treated mot totte
d ball for *heating.
Ti., Mob . . In Pirooland.—Tho cele-
Inkteff Scuttled , vocwllik who mums to
ILlnerlcet notion/ea W.the most. talented
endcv of the pre..., wlll'Nrhu tow 111.Axonlo Han on toornorrow
efki Prouty evnannye. The progratutun for
rhersday eyeelog N found In our Wl
•rtlelnft column. Resent . .. 4 strew nod
fluke. of atludirelon oozy be ohtan•eJ at C.
C Mu 11orIe coil known Jl4lllO Stoic, to, St
Ilfoal lir tees. ~
Weirdlet bribe Ittytte...—Tbn Coroner.,
.tottotet ittapanttelleo to Inquire Into the
..41/110 of the fIOOLII Of Timothy tare. Cotter.
toy no, 00 tile followine teethe,: .. Tnnt tie
wad Timothy . Barr °note to hle death nt Vier.
ey litteplosl ou Bib 9th tiny of Jusie, 1067,
trout 110 Ltrien Mb IVIld bitting nocitienftnny
tuft over on rho SW tiny of June, 808, by
engine, NO. 3t..5, near lbw Brewery switott,
Yononylvanits Bvilrostf, Ftlttt warn..
.0.4 a aptkrati., Nude Stat., at .1. T.
data plc'. Drug etas; 311 Federal etteet,
Tbs. llanitrapiey Lats..-Now that this
act Is golng Into openation. It is' bmt that
everyone Interest. aln bankruptcy' bare a anal copy 'or th e law. and we can
think or no Lotter cr yof ,olnalnlng One
:ban oy sandbag kJ tents to Prank koore,
Put/11/mar. litnle Rouse, New York e r. a
eopy of his ' , People's &talon a In Is sent
raca by mail tor that prlco—kl.CONTa.
- Mesas or it. W. ■eek.y, Esq.—Our
r,11em,1.1,1 follow-citizen. B. W. Ilbsokey.
tan , Cashier nr the Allagltmay Neuniost
nes k,'has ogen lwatousolv Id for several days
swoon; we are gla4
thetISILI O over and
hero dath:et dange, and
hte conealeawanee anti, a Short.
Itichoutero. Meads will be graLin•
wi at the announcement of his recovery.
Adele'. Pen Rasek.-111r.J.'n... Adair nos
Oft In oor conatlng room a simple wed to.
bank.. pen non, ODUISIZICLeti of a' coo/fn.
was epiriP *lr. which l• detained to en
'perreafonllothefer In stonfPnl nen /I to •
mo ver
Invention Owl tower *Moe should
ntain one. TWIT tmewcoeureel at She
lawllwr wino. fy depots.
A IffoolO•Ift Of POOOSyltoola RV onus
deatrra attention called loans teat driving
paxtlea rewrote,' from tbe, races. We
have no doubt that the molter will be rem.
fg , ' , v , ',..rAt'br,gtaVer.l):llv Ttl'ic"t : ELo t t r
even ills White they penult na ' solna raCtn;
anire.l7lea.—Jnbu Coleman; who
maid. at 702 Coon rtreat„ was severely
beaten' by Jerernl. bOsulon, •ho li em.
ployed by Mr. McKee, of teed Fifth ward;
Coleman [nada at. totormallOn before Al.'
darrdro Taylor. eharglnv.Acaulon nob en.
raid, and battery. A warrantor. tatted;
The Pearl, thatest—ltare rt bite tooth and
4 street breath, issuing like
of trom•
'the tore, through • pair el lips, are
'es Shaktypeern says...4l/1 excellent thing In
'mum wawa ) , S o." To keep th
Aie.., and e •peattly - game , of
th e m the to. eath
glean, yr,igrant s it. *cal, etc.:seer it Hie,
the dosticlont met.* '
Illaward Cam Wattle laid. Liver O
rho Purest and Sweeten Cod Lver Oil ln
the world. ilawateetored from.
[melt. y livers. Upon the seaabore. it. i a
oerfeetly pure sou IMMet. Lek for .fitment.
e Csewtol l e Cod Laver 011.'"Caerzteatered
CaJtwld.a. eleoil:l)o....New York:
Sold by alt tt rug gietj., awe
7 -
or Dry Geaf s
ore offer tamales in $00• lots -of Drags
tioona, Pentiags; Llneu Goode, anti full
loom of abeeminfoo, Slartlnge, Prints, r wlll
nf, ao., all of which -
•ell tna very lowest eastern ease price.
• J. W. B•exae 6 Uo.
In Markin belOw Third d Fourth Its..
Ztreott , :fg " gfe:Vss W it" . "
nal eV.;
toleiebon 7.
Unlike all cabers, the pill of Dr. WI!.
son l' o n'..rtn. nnOPY.cOrnbinatko Uni on.
nie Tonto and entnortin 'prntinrtknt•nicb
rendur thionfoneullnrly ynnwnits to loon-
Oen. Every drU,itti tlnt Dolled Pintos
rells them.
Abrabaka Llueohoh poprotle lfr—
Thik book, Mt splonthd likonms. Contain..
logs COPlrlietri ornron of Mr. Lancoher
Portia; and hit rent Ilfa, can On bldhy Mary
ElK , advartimmeak on licurld pave.. •
The Oflama Longo of ligiod, T.
Oars.. of Ponosylvou , R, oat ,
tvo o•c/ock, Moffat, 1411, bovontl.
sCronl.. •
the Io Tlem. 1 . , -bran Slope, NO, 84
Market street, fur tine neat I • .Haab and Soda
auto Ulu Illy—kt Juretavrtues.
lie to Slender* On..wlOM (Or
Woo. remody for tOo COolera.
Th. Very Lat..' styles of lists, Cam,
Mid Straw tinotl. at tiourley 6 Log.%
No. 6e st. Choc 11121,14. •
• lEsirtir..-Irt the. District , :ioirrt report, on
third p.p., for Mr. soil elra.oo' reiel
moll lire. halgri-t.
C 4
Too Van
ub tiny Liquans C 4 41
416.1% apt. .tneh't I,lotlllliri.
95 ..) 9, 1,1 un;.... 7 ...5enh0l •t b. r.......• •,` •
Tog W4ll antl a banal: F.toikolantmeal
dtll4. rand .traat. UM.CLSaIo hillanda. •
yo,„ jinr MIDI/ uG JCUDI. 8.
tom' Additional LOCRI News on
T. lid page. •
bieast arks Afeer,st Pefislonfox ra.rgb•
• nibbler flolfrage.
Tricarraph to Pittsburgh (imaged
Lot:golf-Lb, Juno 11:—,L pajick - C,lsmt rues
Omen up by soma negroce of this State, t.f
10ot:11101;okt... bre being sepdited, Pray
ing Cong.,.s to extend the rtgtft of starrsge
bud the right to testify in courts to the 41tr '
grata In
Tettsi - Jodgem Now S.. i j
At Telex:with t fl
Net , •' Yong, 7u.40 11.—Now o,lml* s, ell .
i•ClShe}''pens US" (hr. - AA StllortlM.
Rµ b.i.vstornd Jad. Thou.. it. te,,iba"
W. r ILleon to tell ••••., 'Thor he.... the
Union h'n who were ejected from 00ke by
the ettuenton of ;halt niorica. or me' Teta.
Leglehature. bf eensolltiatlOs With ether
N.isigles or Out. Caloll 4n0•41a.
(Py Trier rapb b. the .rlitstkorgb u ..tte.l
Illanrura. June 11.—The eAnterurlee^
up this morning with th- nmala•
iloverunr Caleb Jeelt.oa. ottlf Eery on
beard. They nava been Annan ,t mo
00201 7,/alemort. for Interment.
(By TO egrayb to Us PlltAltilittla (Matt.
. Bn•TON, Jeep IL—:A reoe NY.
tis• t.d.r.betweca eaette.
to banana, we 4eitu Sbiee Webs
a "' ed 'Rea, IFLI won by Belle
74.!VM • .
X4eibati ....... ;— Setue . *armee&
oryablerspe le tee Illtalfthh s glasonn)
• A1.11.1.11T. Jane : 11Tbe Coon of *Peals
nen aftirmad the weetreca, elfteueracif
J..bareaab Mow, aqueletee of the murder
°tale eabaleat \p-e 1F)121.s cd,Ul fame hiltrtim
fit! TH.grpb utt
Taurrox t ?It 11.-41 m li t tutt.l t
Honk; 'FiLut opetteil tottaryt Aboutte
ttn,ctrutl bones have beta. tulteral, 41.14A,.1
ttlirtuiwetaty-tutee. doubt. tartato,
. .
yreA , AI6IIII)AT AND ■\TOkD4T. .
a wire...el, e-mmonlar T R1 7 1 . 7....7 C. lb
tiONS of lateremlea raaeloa matter. 12e...ka
adltorlata. %sten rem Mr
a. 4 Mall, rateable Readme vatme
or le a
Tawny. cud foltmt sod loom Tellable rt. , : •
nlal aad Commercial
M. Market Report. ff.!. 7
me m e•kr. farmer. llechsuk
W.e.a.1...1d be with.. la.
VoITTRMF TIII 1.21,17.1 1 PAST,.
little .aleumbor
...not Tire
pub. r•l'rem.. 1-141.
—.And oa• e my of paper to tbe.pereoa
ttp the club. •d •t loos to alube 111 La te. made •
1.1.• Male, at a obra.m.
Nonce TO Mac mama—% esdittur Toy.
P`D.T. tet can mad ameistry mist 1 .4111.0. T.
aa era tone. WaltadaT Rdtttum fOr tab
aertbera but.. bat Oae well a meiL
fPNot.y Int.' or*r
al m ln et./.10.11.11, elia•a... at par Plat
/121TOI .crrs.•ToesO•l• tbe um (semi
or job sad sarab K. Loan.., ....
and I moo he:
The omen.) will mar placolittli(We4reolar ,)
♦ira>touN. ate o'lloot. Ira Ne rallotesca of
Car pyralita, Ro $ atoalarookary &Voir.% ear
orriatr..t. AlleaNO44 -C444. T 4.4 hlttta
Um r laliy are roma, trolly Invited tO cited.
C NltOw HTO fort Woo, W 111011 C,
ffir too.
:I .". trrvort ° a
c2. l ";:iaarg:
rot boort( 4:8. KIN), orrtlat, Intl COY,
•Fu. 1441 Foortit ot.nom. Eitto , offoO.
COVTINO of oil kind*: OHATICO. GWYN& ad'
overy dooortoLlon St funeral Pointallist kW&
fuiplohod. NaMMIIOINDOCI day aful alsta. Hoar.
.off Corrtagtot fortaoloot
D.rzuz..:JA—(ter. David Kerr, D. D.. Vn.
IL W. J.. 31.6., Thow.C.D.J. Ow.. J.
•.• • KOK LAW ammo,. to the
into gonad K. llodgora. No. IID llblo Stmt.,
throe doors Mon Mover. AlladDeni try. It.
callle, MAO: woad. Illabagun Walalat New
*dal lodualou Codloa. gm Nowt ohlaced,
Pride. '.No dna Doan at all rm.'s; do, ud 51111 N
Ilaarae sod ncrriogaa ratalaNabloa
tad on tr.u..l. !ratan .tolo 1.111!.
It T. WCCE 14 CO. 4 ODER
• EI
TAKICII4 AND a.311141...111C8, leallen•••
ter. Wood'. Kau sod .101.117. . omit Rowboat
Manchester I.ler t - table. tamer nhelh•ld sad
I:hortters &treats. , fteatoso ana earriestaa Am,
'-"K. KI'EWA 11 T. Underlia
leurnor 11(..W.T0N ond,PeN • ern.. .211.
Ninth W•n/. C , nloo of kinds. 11.aroo one
Vorritiestonnoned Ina obarteln tie 10
DE$l.ll7 & NILE. Heal. &stater
And It:bum:ea Agent.). Butler It., flew.
_retteevll.u. ea.
UU tIA —it/LN lIVA(jTttAING B 1 •IteTo.
RAW): We ofer t r .ale the "feet
ant mon !Let to eo.kuut eel and`
lett Perna., or foe., large mar nr4•l••rtef
eurto..i. to the'county. Tblu,b rti tab.--
led on t 10 rout a re• t and the Airgheny rittr,
sod within its te.•t of the A. V. P. It. The lot,.
HO by Sit eentonieuelrlhir inch a lot would do
well to exatqloe before oclrp . e
runes mean to telt nh•Ohaaere. Itephlie of
etrtV LIN • tl. L, Neal F..tate and lathhitoo Uglier I t .er;lle.•
lee and be web. rir el
nate, on be.
nee," etreet and t, rher. bile
;bony •by; 19., by I= • • bleb Is ere.led
aevy ou . ...t.ntiel Kuehl ns,, Ara &toilet,
tnittg, Id and well •dep•ett
f re• rrt eon alms. an, breech of leaner..
toting. It le ee glum • let of th. at elftewoelqbe,
ettLtn tn•,,n tt had, and w.. wee II benne.
tees old a •e1.41,n of thooelles.brm:ef treur.
tut a p'see for menu• wires, e
tones ai
tbe .111, 1.6 • Lib SILL, be.l e•tate beef
Insure." Agente but er beet.. awn-neer , I,
Fruit and Retry Indus,
eau COMMUAION 81171 j
. 7 .?wireaieries.
rarra arm, i.
Jun varor
Fla. Watches, locks, Jewelry
mis uitalr.rcersak....
IPlitsflarzarwja. Wilmsumay.
earramar amencioa io ~..,rm.
wateutia. Toole ai.C.fmesln. Lll Rork Wit
& CO.'S
55 57
FIFTH. Si', Pittsburgh.
Daily waslannarlat• 1 1 4 , ThInt tltoelts
We& rlsom aIA meta of Um Uotw.4 mate.. to 1.,
Wholesale an. Retail,
- •
1.41).10S, .11-)MS),),), 01 1IL1 1 ICE , 11. ANA)
1-QUT114..11 LisITHILS, S&L
HAL, ..oeS 8 11 . 1• Ell.--. ) •
HosX) 4, IC Loin' 1;1111D5.
C(.1 ) 11t., catisltlifigs,
91-OsSl Hostsity.
Alto. direct ream tbe
Ingrain, Rag a;ad Linen
Clikltr:o3lll4Piii. 4.
At Auction Prices t
oa. bb AND 67 FIFTH sTIBET.
N. B. --runttore uta HourettalA °cods (argil*
Oa Amnion cia: tVgett TIIO USD r.
aparzliratox. raultlia
/ I'l7E NI reales NEWT'S
artae wurndte. a WILPON dli•illa.
1141¢11N.. .ner all otnsta, 6 /.. , f.1a117 '
we 444 asaaral marpoi .4. a. 40 1r -lie. ,
tabllshot awl .4 senen./14 wham ad.. 1444
.4 onoweraslos Ilhair ralanly4
te 44: ea la all %mini r w4.14:44'd wows..
A , n0 . ...
. simple, 4444414. AM baa.
I Mal. .:
wasnuir: 4,keswev..
No. 'f/T IMF
NTOT 4 FEW./ the Worst Woo
:, i t,lb tti n . k i=";.',"."l :gag
s*rmata.a. Is mat . .dy or tee nt...•01 vs.!,
01(11111 CLOSB
Practical Voraltura 1/4astaitivers
..11.°P- 4 i B . l rOn ,#.7, Ar
, .
tloward 9 l'LiVery•
. • li mumnbe..eqds.6.
;,c 4 1,1,:tut0 , 14+ , -•
um, gzsi
'' . .. - tunsior - tvic•imuKittotb urgh ,
4 eltiltili N, %mom;