/23 TEE_ DAILY. GAZETTE. IIIDLIEFIED EVpitr KORBINGI, eStIMATII XCETT.I.) PENYVRAN , , REED & C. 0.; Proi~riotors~ T. 1.• 11111••••1,q, • Editors. , littstrteak34.ucra. Or'ter., t;AZETTC, .1:1111,011;(1, Soft. Si , AND . 16.F/FTII STREET. iodic; Clioblitto Par of !totem Poulin/at. -o:ittAL PEPES OF• PITTEBVEGH AST • •• ALLEGHENY ITY. T. Mt° EMT. CHEAPEST an C d BERT ?AIRILY nn 4 AIWILIAEREI AL. PAVER In Or Mau. OP Tux DAILY; E , „:.. - 1 , 11 . nr .z 7 =—,,,,..k •114 M9ll year. .... 7 .19.00. ACLLetley.• uAZETTE, PUTPIIIII.H. Int.NN t ..... 1 t IlittintrtTlf. 6a3rtft Tux trial of Joint II Surratt' •an comm.:octal yesterday. ONE encouraging item of Intelligence is that the wheat crop in GeOrgia, Ala anllsouth Carolina is very heavy. Timilart.fora (Ct,) ,Tintem says 111 r. Davis gave "stray! hail." We suppose file names on his bond aro 'worth, on 'tfitanie,- many times the amount for Ivhieti they are holden. Why ant.hayv soma . regard for fay.ts? • TIIOBS amoa our citizens whO have , mg 'visited the outlying districts this spring would he surprised to go about .and see how many honies and buildings, .seeping hp. Notwithstanding the high prias several hundreds are erecting. Tim Syracuse Journal is authority for 'the statement that tho story of Cole, which he told to.jurtify his murder of Iliscock, is '•holly false, and cannot he stistaiUcd by evidence; and that the story of Mrs. Cole about the ivill'is'false also. • GUN. karx.tp.ue baying iuspected 111 inrson the streets of New Orleans and found many, of . them 44 tTry bad efredi, tion ord . eredtlMStieet Comealmioner to, hare tgelu cleansed, which be failed to ./llerenlii3P." the General removed .Awniue • AGO, MI the authority of Judge' Carter — General rant was • de• Glared willing to take a nomination for the Presidency. In cone it should be ten nerett him. • lie is now reported!, with singular rmtcnonimity, to prefer the ele ratiOn of Gen Sherman to his own. . Too Murder of Colonel Halle, in .rhilsilclithia,, by an Assessor of City Taxes, who was keeper of a drinking sa loon, sialkept Die office in It, is bringing on s'iliscussloei relative to the whole sys iem of assessing, which promises to end in rectifying some of the existing evils. Tan Democratic State Convention will he held to-day l Harrisburg. Tele grams afllrm that Judge SithISWOOD, of 'Philadelphia, 'trill be. nominated as the tuindidaie - for, the Suprente - Bench. He has the =natation of being agood law yer, in upright magistrate, and an esti-. niabla citizen. A. n -"V"; of St. Paul, last hill' insured his wife's life for the sum of:five thousand .dollars. thte,dieti suddenly,' a few days after the policy had been taken out, 'enclitic was accused of having murdered her to obtain the amount on her life. So,evideneo what ever was adduced to fasten the charge,. and the jury promptly acquitted him. COLe."NAGLE 1311 0 1 Warren, 'formerly of tine Ar my of Potomac, Lave been arrested es Fenian, at Dungannon, Ire- . dank by the British authorities.. .The former Las beau prominentlypicognized, with . the Fenian movements in' this country, and is a brave, 'daring soldier, Oman cont age often gets the better of . Lid catifien;.es eSemplided in this case. . Tan ,Frencli and Russians vie with each other. in expressiohs of joy and gladnese. over the escape Iforti omissina tion of thaCzar, or Napoleon, or both. In Paris severs: towns have been Minn!. rated, while the resident Poles have pre-' sented Napoleon with an address con demning and detesting the act of their t ' misguided - fellow countryman. In Rus- I sia divine services of thanksgiving were I held in the Churches, public meetings convened and deputations! dispatched to Paris to convey to the Czar their grad tiide to God for bis escape, and their de testation of the attempt on.his life. The assassin, in the meanwhile, expresses no 'sorrow for his deed, and dolibtless, duly regrets that he failed in ridding We earth of the presenee,of the Czar. Ton Emperordf Austria and Empress were on Saturday last crowned as King and Quern _of Hungary. The .pnusnal nod kiddy important ceremonywai per ; formed with much pornp'aud splendor at Pe.st, which city was crowded With thousands of strangers, atttacted from all parts of the world by thrextraordh nary - novelty and interest of the occa • shut, The Bishops of the' Catholic and Greek churches ofdajated„ but they cer tainly could not have acted la luirmony or conjunction with each' other. • Allot the nations having diplomatic relations with Austria had — representatiyns in • ,nnendatice, excepting the ljnited 4 Atates, 4 , which, since the removal of )Ir. has had no Minister In that cotattry. . General, anntmty to all, political frioart- II - • - A MI " 7 , 1 •. •• It era was granted,, and upon the whole • • . c 4_ j. ~,... . the coronation was oat of Lilo most •.:4 ' Interesting and important ever witnessed .t• el in Europe. _ •••'' • e . •' . - -', • . ~ .his speech on the,aseassination of i . . • '•. IT. cols, Mr. WEDDELL PitlLLtri , . .l t . Said : - . • • 1 4 .• at shall we say as to the_punlsh. • •:_ : l' meat of Rebels? The• air is thick with '• " •threats of vengeance. I admire the Me , A 4 . tirewitieh prourpts thiise. /flit let ns re- ,thember thatno cause, however infamous, _• • ♦ ie , was ever crushed by nth:abide* its advo. • , ill . cotes and abettors. All-history proven 1 'this. There Vino assent' men bake and • • : ' coward enough, no matter what their r' , , 7 • 7 ] ,views and purposem,•to 'Fake the policy z . -' of vengeance successful. In had causes, '• -, ; as well•as \ good, it la still true that 'the •" ~ ., i `C. t , 160(10t the martyrs is the seed of the :••••' •• t •..., church.' We cannot prevail against the • s' •-: principle of human nature. And again, -. 't )vltil regard to the Simon; chief Rebels, •, • f . It trill never be a practical Vuestion 'rhea ' er tee ohalaang Meta. Those not now In s '' :- • /. Europa will soon lie there. •Indeed, af. e ' 7 , to paroliurthe bloodiest sad guiltiest of ' ' all, Robert Lee—fiend applausel-othere - ' ' .i ~ would be little Atteess In hanging apyi h i les:wry:retch. , . s e •i?, ' Our rebellion Molested four years. Gor.ii •e ernment has exchanged prisoners and 't i, i ac k uo wi g aget Its belligerent rights. Al- i t i ne 0.41,1564 s are out of the question. A • thousand ruen rule the rebellion—are the • '"f - e • ' rebelfion.' - A. thousand. men. We can ' '! - , not Long, • them. all.. We• cannot I ' Lang men in regiment:l. What, cover' • „t \ - the continent with gibbets:. Wu cannot . •ei • sicken the nineteenth century with such ..... a sight. It would sink our civilization, to thedevel of Southern bartailste.- • It , ',I would forfeit our very right' lo supereede ;‘: the Souther'a system, which right Is based . •.,.. on oar's being better than their!. 'To ../'. i irothe its corner-atone the gibbet would de-1 _ ;., , ;trade us to the. teed of Dario; and Lee. v 7 , ! - The structure of guverntnent which bore . 'the earthquake ellock.of lilt with hardly ii \ a jar s and which now bears the assassin- I ; , ".z . -• Winn of its Chief Magistrate, in this t 1.. . crisis of civil 'war, with even less die ' :0.• . turlastce, needs for its rarely, no such \ . . e,., policy of Vengeance; its serene strength • 7 '.. ' neols and should use only so much se '‘ verity as 'will fully guarantee security . \ for the future." ' A , ' . ''' -,,• 'rhoq uestion now is not whether this f..f " • • ~ ,.e. philcisophy of punishmenkfor treason is —.6 fee sound or unsound. It is exactly the ..4 philosophy jo which Mr. GnEstegiabolds, , an 11 whichO. h - illustrated in going ball ~. . 7 2 for Mr. Damns. - The -feet 15'40i:ern. Pt ...i.; .that Mr. 1'1111.1..1ra hasisdlowed kin per .' tonal hatred of Mr. GREELEY to control ; • Di,, him to nth nn extent as to sadly damage ). his character for manliness and honesty. —The Issbtbat was seen of ex:Vice President Breckenridge, of the defunct Confederacy, he was ta e klingberriee eri, b- Wore 011 e of the tab: of the m e anreinsnrant In the Paris rth n Exhibition, 'with couple of agents of li - D ewing machine companies. , IMES , ~ ..,\.•,1i,,f1•Y11/77-----_,. , _.......:Z ... ~, ' ',. , ,'W% -- ;:•• - P I ! ' . . . . ..i . ~,,,. .11 (;;; ;---1'..-- i '-- ~ gi 41 9 W111%.47A.1.4f7.-- . . . . . . . . . 4 41 . . - • ,-.-.. - , -- 7 , .. „ ;.,,5•.,---, Illip : 1 - 7 1 1 4 - a . . .. :, , _...,,,:..:_.„,,,,..,.. •• ....,„„ , ~,., 4* „...,-„,„..,..„...,:m., ~,c,...„,, ::'. ( 1 I I I 1 , 01 .. . 1 . / i l ' 1 ' , 1 ' .) . ---- . . ---- --....- ..-.....--_,..... --''' ' l . ' i I .7---' -- - -r-- - ---- sl f t= .....----- .-.,::: .L-..t.,., , ~.„....., -.. __ ,_...._____,L 7 .., , . .. . . : .., ___... VOLTME LX.t.O. --- NO. 137 .- - s 4-4 „ •-...:._ Horrible Murder In Striltd.-Tne Hog. , PERSONAL. !El I derer stilt at Larg , 01'11- city wati etarded yetl"rd•Y I ' o -Jobe 11. Thompson, formerly editor I ffisT E DI T I ON. „,,„,,,,,, ti e , atiMmneeteent of mho mot- lof the Southern LittraPy llespenyer, is' f . dd j r of Dr. Johli P. Durkin, a hum{ ark I living in New York. ____. j . a .. Throat Doemal, having lila °lnce, in I - - Prof. Cbarl,s tfl Shepherd, or Am- I j - \II.DNI.Gri .- /T 1 John Zeidter'slat's "'hue& Th 3, Dor:- j bent College ; sails With four studenta for, - ' tor Mt" found About 10 o'clock AS * In I Liverpool on the nth. _ - ; I. , c ml.. G. 11. Walters, wiM hers" . I , t r i r.'"'"' '- 1 , - 11'141r ; ' -A Beaton gentleman of wealth pr'. ' 111PORIANT FROM EIiROPE. ~„0„, ,„ ,rune door., die. , , „r„,„,.,1 he wsol lytng on hi e ' b e d 4 , l , t o dk, j pramilo bear the expense of a trip of Sen. a II II door :did alai mild, with a little 1 I :op .1 ator e Wilson, to EurPPe• i „ 1 .,, d ne a r hi_ i instil. 110 Wan i. d his I ,One of the ablest papers in.tbe last I. 41 , 4 , glireiothes :dui seetned to lave fall tig h t . of t h e w eem i„,,, il w w w w The • • 411 1111, bed t 4 the floor, or Iteett tin The thingariali Cotonation. .'I written by a daughter of John Stu rt , there. t 5 ' ~demon Sdy, neting Coroner 'sum- i Mill. - t ironed the following persons to Coroner a . -James Kant Stone has been elect d Jury of liament, vie: Lorenz cillr, ; Peabody Prefeesor of Mathematics a d 1 1 :4 1., nr n i i t r it samfun. l'airiek yet .e 4 ll - ri. /Civil Engineering in Kenyon Colleg , Fritw,l -t- SweelleY. rl. ITT- ; in place or, Prof. Long, resigned. The ,„.„..„4„.,,. e . eeeer i ee oey, ~ . e , -Horace Greeley and Frank )too c ormilueted by Dm. squires, It'Ole '; ini , are, preparing an Important hiaterical m at e„,. e , The ~,,m that ie n sew, lymph; work upon the "Negro in America" and thorough and e onplom. Titiyii ~-wor'e ; bin Influence on the history of the corm found seirenit brilig , •B libolli 1110 1101011 , try. of the Mfix.seed, but none Mid. ie iyuld I -Lewis Gaylord Clarke, the old and produce death; except lhl , COntrly.oll On , the !: ckcpart mh o e. Inset wl.i.'i it ,was . ! popular author of Kukkerbocker, has a pil large anil Arun 'hid ....' kr. A ! Place to the 'New York Custotil Thum 1. 1 stone. W 010,010,5 about two pattte .i."..4 ; p5, , a,tr'lfnutrlitutes a ruelange to the -un sound ir.";,r.the teal with it few 0 l '' lar ; ry Mercury. l''''t• art t h e ". 11 'm "". 1 ' " ....' ''' , f7" - -' -Col. Robert Gamble, of Florida,-who nopertietuar erlttelloo of 11 stgl ..10 to di e d i t , Daiii,,,,,,.. on trio etoi ' tilt., aged be seen about ;tit° Km. The ii be- ; - , cieltlV •td blatherin-I of ing an Pro trash 01 the head; ik"' ',More ; - - j'se''''n: was re t i,,,,,, • in .,,i . ,,, o w „.,,,,,,, i ite ., .. t , t o y by : the illustrious Wm. Wirt and of the isle a person staniling behind tit):l,teteter, Judge Wm. U. Unbolt, ec ; the Virginia mai the blow 'sinite or ticaritaintiett , Court of Appeals. ' him. I .*,. a e - ! -Paul Jullien, the youthful violinist, The hall,dottr,•lyhliali Mr. YMllien.4l:po- " who some years ago delighted audiences .or 4."'n.i II":" night r tiaptw..., ~ at the Sontag concerts, died December , open , ell Is/It bolo!: atilt, er iyi`e eal.co 28th, 1846, at the small town of St. Denis, sprung from its fastening. I o brerodo . - lin the nun African Ishii - Tor Mauritius, this It Was olcessiirv•to spermethe top met bottom leqta,ninli.prin3llll door in. I He wits only 26 yearn old and leaventl wart), rt is 'supposed Pat rinylperson j wife sod children. 1 eolninitting the deed. had eithet.Seereted I -Thomas llughea, 31. P., and the hinnstif in tint building be-fordable doors j popular author of "Tom Brown's School' were loyi, i, had a key to one a t.,..b.,i, 1 Days at Rugby," is described as a heal. doors, or rin.ired through tt rtrtUblr•. in i thy open faced man of 44, with a happy, lower loer stdry; then pasting up to the sanguine expression . Re is unite ba I ld, D lanes roolii,nwitkeued hint, gained nil. 1 but not aim 111111 i ho looks. He la not a 1 mitraneo mart, hen killed him. The door parliatuentary orator, and not calculated I to, il,', oilice Was unlock:ea:when found i and the key inside. .. 'lt- Ito take any prominent 'lead in political I :The ntorir la auppoftsi to hi - vc.44. 1n ,,;1111e, but is a representative man in hisl . committed be ween Dire,' nnd fent O'clock 1; way. in tire mernit g, as the little girl siseplun I -There are now living only eight in an mijoining,noin who heard t htery of I graduates of Harvard who took their " murder,' soya it ail getting litlit In first degree betbre the beginning of the her root. raj -the w time: The nigh; hand 1 century in 1801, viz.: Samuel Thacher, ou the Regilter inforina us that be left the oilleo alit/tree "'Ova, rind he saw a , of Bangor, class cif 1793; Dolor James pro,an with n lantern stann in fron ',Jackson, of ,13ostcps, 1796; of Zeidler's building, andremdiain g ed there t ; ney. of Philadelphia, 1792; Willard ILO. when he parlaii Into hie boarding 'house. 'of Delaware, Rea:. Dr. U. Moore, Samli .The el steite:ed is Mimic forty-five to tiny !). , Parker, 1799; and Dr. Isaac Lincoln, year 9 of age= is spare, nestle and was not 1800, of a robtc.t t aine; quiet and inoffenaive - -Wm. A. Wheeler, President of the iu his hulas and obstemions in his diet. - y New York Constitutional Convention, - 11 is enigma.- belied considerable moue ahem- him, but when dlseovered bin lis a native of Franklin count* in that Watch (If he hdd rem,) and money were I State, and a lawyer of reputation. lie 1 ini..sinc,ene pt. four cents. I was elected to the Assembly in 1850 and Too 1)01 , to , until last Thursday, boil a 16.11, was subsequently elected one of Mr. John T mum, living in one of the 1 the thirteen of the second mortgage upper Wer'll; e" an iee'lethet in Ids office. bonds ;:of the Ogdensburg and • Lake lie lett Ilan and on the Monday follow.. ; r Chem lain Railroad, and was the first trig, Dr. Dori'in wishing to visit Wilkes. t President of the Botind. From 1857 to larro,..be requested Mr. Jones 0 4 1allia, I ....„ ...., -• . .. . hying In the. Third I,Viini:to attend 11114 ! thou noatt,Eved in the ,Yew York Jbnate. I Mice Burin trio absence, which he did. i during thi s That yeas an President ptto ten, iln Tn....hioy afternoon, the Doctor not re- During 1861 and 1360 he served in Con trimitig,.4Y:t :lie gave the keys to Mr. , grins. 'ER was Cashier of the Bank of I 1 Zeidier, mai nbout tlye o'clock Le started I Malone from its establishment until I for his.hom -.-. • I 1864. , The per rater of this cold-blooded I : '---•••••••••-- I 1 Murder in • nknown and at large. Sus- I , . Humpßous: picions are threeted to certain parties, 1 tell • . I but atryet n arrest's h4lve linen made.- _ vow : the gods love dye young. ,Yerrtabot Re isfer. I - -Comfort for the blaneltbaired ladles A trr6l: et the Bated Cod: ' -The' biggest nit in the , world, the 1 tenni:ha =saute, "canine .) . Russian autoc.rat, is meriliy,vrhisking I Dor reade ~ will remember thrit,a par- I hi e tail is p.b i ,„ j J.L.-„, - 1 ty of Scottishemigrants passed through I - T. .. In China'thire ate seven grounds of this city thtither day, ea route rbr home M in imics° . An incident of it son.- I divorce, of whichthe tomtit is, talkative-1 What realm tie nature took plaetiin coil- I fleas in WOMOrt- . t oOrtiOn wit one of the families' in the I -The Kansas ladles are ettie they will , 1 t I whit Iwe will relate, as it may get , the auffragc.' TheAingle does would I Interest 011 r reader& t prefer to get husbands.: -. a- I • The fund eonsisied or the lather ; and mother Indttln,e daughters, etc oldest a I -Speaking of Indians and ,_ aed scalping, , I young lady of about eighteen yearn of t an exchange says: Saints alive, what i I an,. Tim, 'mug tidy had a face oftex-would a thorough-bred say t to a clog. traordittnri- btalliV, :lied a rorotor-Antat• ; non?" le, spume ry. It was really a treat to 1 A Gloucester paper says there is a he l ''''' k u r,'," I 'V r * Thu "' W Y ''''.' rriyil. young lady in that town no modest that , re H am, put up at Newhall . Rouse. Thh Md. amatietnan sallied nut_ shwert ll2l • l Vow 0,604 J 11 " 4 " 1-, 014 • 0 " r I after dinneil to gait glimpse of litilwau• to remain in tier room over night. tee and hoe eltho•os before pursuing Ids -A contemporary avers as slut. t h at ;CUIII , e tiny iirther Westward. lie Imp. .; u lady the other day engaging i kitchen pened to ea minter a young fellow-cone- , mold, she stipulated for a dry kitchen for tryneut, who had preceded him to thin ',her piano, and an hour a day to' play. countvitt six years, and who is new ; -Wheria Dutch maid servant , wishes enrage +1 in Millie,. here. The two er on ~ beettint unpainted, end Were not long I to go to a dance, and beano swain of her lln betrominf friends- After a long coo- I own, she hires a cavalier for the occa- , y en:mien t e_old.gentlent h invite! hist; soon. A,,beau with an umbrella receives i new found riend up • to Unrooms which , double pay. . the family were oceepyin . -The.lnvitee , -Among the Bats of penalties for the bon was tietteil, anti the young 1111113 I formally in sloasl. j • regulation of Queen Elizabeth's house- , Baton:is t'orhint. Cupid huddled many i hold was the following: "That none toy a dart tit his heat, but the missile fell ; with the maidens, ,on pain of four harrairmily Rom him and he hnd remain- i pence," , . • ;oil umeattaid. -Dm a single glom.° front 1 - • 1 . How . the Fenian' are to get across the sprirkling4 bewitching v foam heathy, fairly stagger e etrhirn °r , a i n h il ! tie Atlantic ,_ in e matter that • P ezele's the from the riot, cif his Introduetion be I Mint. of many.. We presume they will wasin Pay4sfyieeply and dmporately inl accomPlish the auk wha they go to love, that ht wits forsook him, audit was I Bridge it. only by a llesperato effort that ho could regain iota falbeninpraeire. ourbaclielor 1 -Quin told a Woman that she looked , ; blooming as Spring, hut recollecting that i friend supra,' wath t hotarntly, and grad- , ~„, sea .. n syee not you , pecorielois, be ; natty he b .eatne more eonununleative. ! added:" . The hours of evenitM tled swiftly by. , "Would to heaven the Spring I , Al/ ; the bachelor seemed to see was the I looked like-you.. ‘,I e; beautydazzlin of the daughter-all he t -A little girl recently called as a wit- , 1 seeire , d to 'hone was hoe slivery voice or I netts in a police court, being asked "what clear, ringing laughter. ~ , I becomes of little girls who tell false- I At loot. Om tkno for a acimration came. 1 hoods,"„ luuoce i nh , replied that they The fang! i ens” to leave the city on the ; j were "sent to bled.'" morrow forllinue , rada and lie moat needs I bid thorn a teu. But how eould'he beat I I t -It is not on the whole remarkable -to setter:lh,, perhaps forever, from the . that Germans should find the English only woman ho heal ever loved, even for 1 language hard. A great Lelpslc critic so short of time?' He was at a lose, bid 1 thinks it curious that-B-o.r. should be quiekly m Wu up'itte mind s to his I, oueouneed " Dicke ..." 1,31.1rA0 of la lion. Calling the young • , dail y side) he frankly told her of the I I' .-"Do you keep matches?" asked a paraden with which she had inspired hint, I would-be wit of a retailer. "Oh, yes, and entre:Pea her, at least,-to girt, hiel all kinds," was the reply. "Well, then, suit due consideration. The young Indy i I'll takes trotting match." The retailer aromeasilly referring hint to her lattIOr• I immediately handed a boxof Itrandreth's 1 Thot. intliValted WILY verymuch talon- pills. ~ - ;shed at thee turn tali:ars hag taken. Ile _ had nottanticipated such n remit. Bow- I . ever, as his daughter appeared to be as ; ' much under the influence of the blind ; ; g' 1- ter thy voting man, he promised to ' think over the mutter and givehisatterrer lon the 1n04610, . 1 At the earliest dawd be wits np and I I around, alai watched tbsi proper time to anti and learn his, delalpy, with the tinniest in Atilitet be hurried tothe old 4.,.... . 1 was received cordially,and presented to the young Indy no het tustepted hush:aid, the father haying letd-insi than he brute the most ir repriachable character. At this his Joy knew no I ',pundit, and be embniced aril showered fobs, after kiwi upon his affi anced brill, while Phu elllng to him fondly. But slip mile had to leave in the af ternoon. ,is there sestina much time to spare, theAproocedednt once to the house of a elergyinan and were made one flesh not 010.0 tl an twenty-four leans after their find t meting. - - . In lite ev ming LIM parents parted from 1 their daughter and newly rimed sod-In law, and edirted for the West, while the bride and Bridegroom started fora brief tour to Nmpant Falls and the Iludion.; Thfiy will is turn in'a few weeks to thin eity,and the bride wilt grace one of the most Iltsbionable circles In. the city' by her 'mantel \ - - --:+-..-- ..-......---- (Arlene Divorce Case. We have beard the particularsOf some rather novel prOccedinga in' connection with a dlr..) ce ca:siirkhlck might be work: 'l , l up into r one a mutational Story:, As• ported tops, some time last summers Man who Willi of no particular use to hie familywheit at home, being a drinking, v•ii,rulnindish sort of a fellow, deserted Ilis wife, tolwhose maintenance be had ,`cootritexteth little, and joined a. circus ! company. Thereupon, Ins wife coat menced proceedings for a - divorce. in , the fall; the circus having completed its ' swing um nd the circle, the! husband came back 0 th ti p e city and,lay about town for a montl or two before venturing i back to Ids Id home, his wife protesting she would have nothing to 41-4 - • ni. In the mem of ti,,, 1.-. ....,, me old feeling of love wlimb hod once led her to consent to be his bride, caused his wife to relent, earl she received the, husband, Who mae lair promises, , to her bed and board again; and the pinkie continued to live peaceably together 'till a abort time ago. Meantime the proceeding for a divorce w,ent forward, and a bill was granted nt thepast term of court. This did not sepoliate the parties, however, who'contlntied to live together as bus. band and Wife tilt a fete days ago, when the husband having relapsed Into his old hail habits, (the divorced wife repulsed him from her bosom and her home and sent him adrift. It will be admitted she had tarn° pith him longer, than the law requires or liven allow s.---.l(ad ism; ( Wu) Journal, 4. RA. ' obn W. Ileckwith, rector of Trinity Church, (Prot. Ep - is.) New Or leans, had 'declined the Bee ef Georgia, _to mbichhti bad been elected. His action is in comp _ with the earnest wishes of his congregation, the largest in the c ity, and obedience to a conviction that, be. - Lae 411 great work yet to do t o Louisiana: —"Where are you going so fast, Mister Smith?" demanded Mr. Jones. "Rome, sir, home; don't detain me; I have just bought my wife a new bonnet,' and I must deliver It before the fashion changes; don't detain me." —Sister—"Look here,. Charlie. Sup posing you had twenty sugar plume, and you wanted to divide them In four part& Yon give five to baby and five to Carrie. Wow, whit would you do with the other ten ?” Sweet child—" Suck 'em.". ' —Fun has the following t An a corn ' pliment to the leading journal for the tskill it has shown in adapting ltspolitics to the popular feellig of the hour, it is I suggested that "Itt - Tuturei it ehould be known as "The Winding Sheet." . a law suit in Georgia, in regard to the delivery of a certain lot of corn, lc freedman testified as follows: "I know no morn die: De pertractyrs, do com manders and do allawandera sent me on for to answer to de corn. I delivered de corn at Williams' stable, and disalmmed, Ataccoy's corn.' Dey sent on de answer all right, and dat's all do prefixes ob de circumstances known by do dray— man. Carpet Plllll DentroyeOHeiry Imes. Lity Tel.ersph totes Pittsburgh omens.) . Ilawrroaa. June 10 :—The Hartford Carpet Company's Wilts. the most extensive In the United Stales, were totally destroyed by pre thin morning. The loss Is very been. The mills are situated at Tariffrille, two miles from here. 11sarioao. Jane 10.—The .loss by tbe de struction of the Hartford Carpet Company.. works *mount to from one toone million sod a halts insured tor eltOpXt. -About two thousand person( are thrown out of em ployment. The mills Jest mouth turned oat thirty.tlee Imedred yards- .01"ot. e at Tllltli ‘ ifte. " N h oZh itrisTal remains - lo h tb:f lace hot one or two storeboases and a low buildings. I:=l=2 (By Telegraph to the Pittsbeigh Gazette 2 Lovisettte, /mils M.—Rivet falling slow ly. with 7% feet by banal mark. t AI lantigrMapd se theT Pi e t g bu phC ompuest+. 2vie Om Clow, Jong.lo..,Weathet slut 'and pleasant: , giver two feet and falling slow ly. No arrivals. , Ilidirsnvitca. Joao 10.-11.lver four feet .1x ladles' and follime elgorly. Woct.tror eltar awl cool. , . On. Cm_ ,1 Juno .3o.—Elvcre - n illebes )i.ml• &Moil. Wool heroical . and plasma. Arrest 111/elkliet Veal. Ley Telegraph to the Yittatergh Ossetia 3 une 10.-4:eery° Kirman, w,ed etsumn years, completed the feat this after noon, at the race mune, of Imaging one • hundred and twenty miles In that many nonaennave hu, for a wager ef hundred dolla o r.. rs llamado the last mile la fourteen minute.. • Mesmer Deetroyed by rile.. (er:reiertato to De tottimenrek Weems.] • . deeeLeeeis, Juno 10.—The Kremer Pared my, tying itioagside the-Dalian ship 1.. Tilley, at VenneToint, was burned this moraine. The vowel lea wed leeecuelpt lna her machinery. The ship and schooner Bratnaneie saled considerable damage. u - nring r.uderoDingra sit ZallaingrJarega - Wit Illggsrd so Color. tn. Trial:Md. & tha rnarbandk gaarttaa Eamon. 21. 11. Aida . / 0, 4 4 the United sutra threnit , Cool tddri "Inarning • Maar Jnagas (Mane ordarna.tlin. o nch:lr grand to and • D ertit Junin; na - 127ltlanlod 11i be awls. - ME PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, JUNE 1L 1567. SIEMER POMP AND SPLENDOR. A 'Scene Not Witnessed for Centuries 06, AMNERTY TO POLITICAL OFFENDERS Tho ktseination Excitemept. CHURCH SERVICES IN RUSSIA ENpretodon'ol Joy In France at EISIMMI EX•ARMY °FIRE POTOMAC OFFICERS ARRESTER AS FENIARS. Italian Financial Mailers EXPEDITION FOR DR.LIVINGSTONE Financial and CommeroiaL AUSTRIA TR T 1 DIMON, laxx SOT WITIMStIea, Pon Pssmt, dime S.—The Emperor and Em- I press of Austria were to-day crowned King and Queen:, I of Hungary, with mediaeval pomp and splendor. The city was crowded With visitors from all parts of the world, and splendidly !decorated ambanaeon of all the nations having diplomatic relation* with Austria, exoept the United Siena, were present. The coronation took plant atiMen. ;across the river Danube, and the I concluding rites in trite city. bight thou, sand Hungarian and Austrian nobles, six hundred peers, one lannilrert diplomatists. and one thousand strangers witnessed the coronation. Tho nerds was magi/ince.% / The illahops of the Catholic- and Greek Church anointed at the ceremony, and the costumes. displayed were gorgeous. The Emperor-was annotated in ancient robes, the crown, mantle and oboes of St. Mo. phen,p.e Iltalt Christian Kong of Ilutagary. The hispren was amointed under the iem pit. The special Mass, au.. by the - Imperial Choir from Vienna, was . sum. by.Llstz. Aftor the rime/nation, the King knighted several Hungarians, and then rode in person to Pesth, where he took, the oath, in which he promised to re conquer the ancient limit. of Hungary. Nothing. like this hes been witnessed for centuries, and to al/ probability will never Ibe repeated. The oomiyallOn ceremonies eloped by the King riding up to a monad of earth , formed iof soil broug ht from the different depart ments of Hungary, and waving his sword at the four points of the compass, at the Imale time solemnly swearing he anent de fend the kingdom against the wOrld. There was lmmenn cheering/ Mirthg the rites. IThere will bea grand illumination and banquet tomight. At the banquet peen will act aa nrvants. • • The ilungarlan Diet Voted IteleVedurats Is a present to the Klee and Queen. The mate.: excitement and enthualeorn awe displayed. Ten Arch-Dukes were preheat. The Austrian Prime 111mhder, Van Beam., was conspicuous. Mons. DPII.kO was aheent. Y. Andrasay enohned the liLmt and Queen. Kenerirl — entneety for all political otToe cos leas been proclaimed. =3 lIICT Juno ITION• Sr. riTZ.IICRO, 9.—Tuere Were sot ewes In ell the cburcicee. PectesdeY. In Too ainitloo of Mine loterpocltlan In protect bac the tze.r.agallut, akeauttuitton. • DSMONISMLTSOIC AT.II•ILS•Pr. 1V.4.1.15/.14, Junes—la the lanolin . ; of yes terday the inhabitanta,anal all the notables: of the town, loft their names with dm Limb tenant Governoraand the nobility met icrid resolved to send a deputation 40 Tarp to the Czar and Nopoleon, ezbeeratng their horror at the attempt to kill the former. reuvewavv NT TUS TOLSS. Lesvos, Juno 10.—Dispatches from Paris anit — St: Peiereberg state that there was Breit rejoicing to Prance sad !tussle at the escape of , the Czar from assasslnstiom The Pole everywhere disavow all commo tion or sympathy with the crime. =II a nsaecut;mencrtn. • Ttonenrs, Sane In.--The Italian Partin• ment referent, totality the Convention cyan andel! by Signor Foram. Minister of Fi nance, pith Um Compte On Compte and Messrs. Yould, Openhelin and E dander, of Parts, for raising a loan. based upon the tiroceeds of an extmonlinary tax on the charch property ofilitly. • . IRELAND. •xtalcfl Itl LAM Drama, Junelo,,Two prominent Fenian* . Dave been arrested at liungarven. and upon examination today were identified as Cole. Nagle and Warren, formerly ()Meer]. le the amity of, the Potomac. Gov. SaLtankTOS vaa ronso, , CAT. Upon receiving General Sheridan.. order removing him. Governor Wel= cent a tele graphic mete:ore to the • President, protect... frig awaited - thin nnurintion of power. • of declare* bin removal won in connequen. of I a personal quarrel with the General, and I iirzciALl; risk CAISLIE; not became he wan Impeding the execution [the laws of Uougrotn. Ile el. wrote a The Ifzettenseet Over the Attbenspited lu Aseenateellen of- the Cesar--Exprea. ! dens f li es Gm charges made yowlers* him, and elan of ler et ate Laceire. denounced them an teatime= elandern.' 10 . — To" 110,4 d .1 rlS.,,k.riargin. General Shedd., with whi m , n cOrrespoodent of the Bth , LL c: .1_ }:an d h a' G. power, conferred upon hi, Several towns in Fran. s=t and having appointed rebels to office, ann Mall., at eapr o o ooo f Joy o °scene melnuaten that he skulked during the riots of tee Car r assaults exhibit, no signs g en c ie n inn, he eppn Gen. of repentancolor the deed. Tau eral Sheridan to nuUntantlate his excuse dent in rant. signed an whine= to ffispol.a ! tionwhy :proof, or I* prepared to face t he Ivo of *error and dotentation of the ! verdict which the public ninny. pronouns,. seta their fellow countryman- • - against =elisions slanderers. The Coat has returned a reply to the ad- , ensuipaghi ISIOInVAL. drat of tea gran. Cabinet hilnistera, „In n , The (=Whet le l ee tube about equellr di. *bkh " firldtbn ' tht. °°°°"°°°° ° ° ol4 - - sided on the subject of General Sneridati , n but Idrenlablin the bond. of friendship removal 1 . N .,. which unitengthem to ' , Vence .d the En, the. oarallon will be taken up et the next peter gapol.n,.(l that his =membranes, me tf of theta m.ll=Lations of public sympathy expressed by the French people would be Tlitt,thnee AV.blailfea epeeist were The Imperishable. • Sunnier, Court venterder refused tun set aside tile neut.of Seaford CODOVVT. noi hove. serve out Ws terra of ten yearn' linprinompent. -I- • EIMILAND. DR. I.:VIDOSTONS• XXXXX DM" /AILXD Leaven. Jona 10.—The expedition to Afri ca 10 search of Dr. Livtoaston• has ealled. rINAIICIAL.AI.b COMMERCIAL. Livnarow., June 10—L'oenini—Cotton de chnedliely salsa or 8.00:1 bales tniddllng up lands at IIKu; Orleans 1:119'14 nreadstuff..• delet and TinUlCtut ablitifo. Provisions dull and unchanged. Bylliter•Vide.M.looll , ../ to &I. Other article. unchanged. LONIN., June 10.—Asenlep.6,11readstuffs drooping. Other srlieleti unchanged. FROM NEW ORLEANS Official Wiper& ofßas Use litonelvor k—o:nloody tgyltorilib to no l'ltttOorch Omits Nips Yong, June 10.—Tue Itre New Milian% special says: The edictal report of the HecelVer of the First Natlona] Dank -this ray Shows the total assets to be gi,"4oel eon, Of this; four hundred thousand dollars are classined• as doubtful. and upwards °f eta' hundred thouesiut dollars bad. Thu ' liabilities to IndleArical depositors amount to wool Teo eitentiatlan is eatlibausl at 111.eUVOS, and the amount due the Unit.' States ts Wage. The Ilabllltlee Incurred hy the DtreartOrs, as Markerkj , J4fttatfma'A of bills. angel/ate pH/AO. • ; Tao Tllbrlle, New Orleans epeeist my*: bloody rtfray ooeurred at Isalchlteetme Parish. O, W, Stauffer fail ITOhu Jeues,. partners, bad a qourrel..Dre Jonee and Judge B. B. Jones threatenedtokW staFffes U110 , 11(1 not leave the pito& He wee the popular Radical candidate for the Craven- Hon, and they wished hint onto' the bony. Last Moods, Stauffer Os. about to hays the Jones brothers bound over tO keep the pence, when the.ludge and the DOetor at. 4alted John Jones tbettrOdilltAllind with dotible barreled gun dell=r killed Stauffer. De then rode to S house, called for ills wife, and told bet! hided her husband. Ho then rodanalk; 0$ wire. The Sher.ff attempted to aryl the Jones , and was Mot in the head and Ise.' werely Injured, and an Maintain. walehtit: In the KM Them Jones' are nephew. of Dove • Wells, and B. D. Joe./ was enPelount to the Supreme 'tench of the State during FROM . - Welland Caned Navlsollanilapaiiikoill —Torch Llibi Y 100 lot. Week -1E11..00. tßy Telegrspb to the rlttsbargh WU, Bi. COraosisoo, Coziao. Joao Ut.=-21,0 novigstioo of Om 17011a4tl 100n01.111U.170 Inteccepted this* Of four Mai p' Mole &mom Woolf 17. • "P, 0,-.lO—Tbs . .osso6ouW of . _____ glos - yaut..inne / 44—.4 "- •- Workingmen had a grand torchlight, t oeSsion to-night. The society uurabets•_Or& eight thousand and represents eyertliCedle. • - - • ' r ..11Wrinsmr. Oaten* Zeifttfii. , ,' IST Talsgraph to Om Pitisbarsln . Borrow Jane la—The annof tee liaryard College armee, tote p rase offered by the Culver;ley Club. reole__ - , place on Cradles River Ms Carnage'. ' ,=d &et rue, tarareek% arm betereele tbegrmelor, 13optiCILBOLS sad rreratem eremAver the ; Ogt three uldemorsioraf eon •rime 'MOOT MILK Thessamara% art Mftg oki rver the muse 1104170.."- tas laphamars mad - Treekum amyl, was woe - M FROM ,V7ASFUNGTON D 7 Tel egraph 6 tLc I'llgabarah Gvetle : VARalfl7oj. Juno 10, mo;. I raw. or wan trr-011FtlryrLTV AFOUT .Flia -1 , • . . non.,-nucs.a. t 16.0. V. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M Thu ' trial '4, .ryurrut.i. curumcuced lnulay., .L 1 , Tryu CrlutlAl. - Court room was crowtlud. . . . . , .. .... . . . . Tudgo,FlAber tookhls iota et le3n, nue the ; ADDITIONAL MEXICAN NEWS.. Court. Iran fortually opoesl. At len &clock. ' "So Juror" werlYeelind, ill out four answer.! Whni • Illnslmltinn :Mold When Ile log In null . mune.. ' The Prisecoc wuo Z. T4 " : "71. 7 10T1 d. 4. . "; :' Alr' ' str i Drought In' ist..7 hodf.pgia ton o'clock. Me —e.cue:akmn 6. .unkin.Laint_ul d e hantlesulTctukos °tr. toil elslulleit It seal Int. , no ..... ink... 3 . r'Otool. -411 . 11, I .i: elthiile counsel. buresti's lace Iran verS Word.' •---..- —, pale, and lie wears a Ottroworn. troubles! . lOr Teir graph t i the Intatiundi Garkut..l look, not faintly smiled occasionellT Os ho' Now item:sea, June 10.--Ilex leen allele.; reteneml the nod .fan ami eel:antic. After In the twenty-second have been receleml. %labial. the Wert r'tiiati for mono time lie Silremen in still oangeatualy ill from Id. eneiged In ti. lleuly congersatinn with bin • wound. . . S et...el Sir. Sierrick.lifel aa" tienlenflY„: When 3lnalmillati. gave tip ids sword to mush amused, as he ladglied heartily. Af. : Esceltedo, he said : ter all Ole prellnilnerlem Jud.. Einhia annat `trrender to you my a If eminent ' Wet, ready to protmed. A l elleisivord owingtu an Int ens tree:see, withl Ilredley replied: elle. prisoner nines:ly el! out which to-morrow:a atm would here! has Main so far weeks..., District. Attorney ' ,„„,,, your. to ~, c mini e • I earring!. wad the prokintion wine ready ' --•---- --•-- ' to prcml. • I Nembiem had onlered a mien martial til• 11 01.0 lireardellne to impanaT n Jury, aVaUlOl,lO Ull Ulu :MU; for the trial of the' bowneer, the prosecutter attorney .Deal real I Emperor. to submit is motion top:isi, the whoa pan. ! Eltaximillan has sent through lian. Dine a ! elof jur)dnen, its not drawn according to 1 Unman.. to the !'bunt Minister. In the I law, tool for the minion that the name's I City of Stertoo, to obtain the ours:lced 01 Mit, ! front 'w Mee 'the said Jurymen were drawn Ono lava l'ecolicti Ilan 14.0 Ileentlato Man.' Isere not 'elected tumor:ling to law. Mr, , ? A v.'', 114, Li Tart, loth:fen:l Mai. Carriegton read an affidavit of Samuel E. L. The' toilowlug le the 0111 , 101 list of the of.ll Uouttless, Register of lifneblegton, owle t , , :leers Hoyle psi inters lit Queretaro: liens. , Oita taimit the let day or Eetirmsry, tin do. I kitratuen, MOM. Conlin., Casson:lra E'en! Litln the Imr n :mired tti Le' kept in I refit. rens:limas Meet... RM., Morel. Moe- ; th.,.,a1,,,, of the Clerk - of the Supreme Gourt 1 Wrath Cal... Yells , ' E•obel and Rnmerevl , of the District Of Coinutnia, foor•11,1011- I . anal, 11: Also. Colonels,' 1:1; lieutenant; red name., each mane being "Oita. Colonels, IS:Codeine and lancet lieut.:n on it separate Mere of pnper,, nod I gat Colonels, liti fdaJors, In Captains, Illi :melt paper being roiled op , no part fa ! Lieutenants, ad; Second Idelltemints, liar the names from which Jurors were.•.to be ' t Jul, 437. selected n1111431' am provisions of the get of 1 • Tun (snowing proclamation lies Men is- Cougresa of .1 nue 10.111. 11102; that atthellame , sued by Max holism:l time the Clock of Wu Leer Court deponatel I Colocravesx: After the valor and patri.! Pirtymainee, and the Clerk of Oeergetown ! otimn of the Republican force. Imre dem! :leo:Ham/Cony nalneain the box; Moat the troyed my sceptre In toil place, oP, eitteea deposited, by the anima,. were tie.'' of which a tenacious demise a l, lemed partly from the poll list of Washing. : indispensable to save the honer of nty:. ton City en:Ili:sal). from names of. Mamma eau. acid of my race.ltltor the inotelytolege! who he thought w,sre will tot:tailed to servo / In which tim imperial and Republican eon, , "tsjurythenr‘hist the nestle( of the portions liters ban: contle 4 fed no ,abnfbnanni mid ' so itideeted,,, by 0 1 1 1 5 .11.,,t, Pa 11eKlalar. ! 1.010110 i., 1 Will explain tnysell. ConntrTn ,orere not cointnehlmited by him to the ; men, I mane to Mexico not only nolaiated Clerk of Georgutewit, air the Clerk of I with the best faith of - Maurine the felicity', Int! Cory court, nor tint they at env time . of all of us, bin celled end protected by the know of the resnms:aeldeted by anima, nor 10 10, Dror of Frani.. Enrol... the 101011 . 1 :111 this Meant know at anytime of the to the Malt:hie of }ranee, abandoned names of thern selected by said Clerk of i memo and Infamcrusly, by demand neoteelown, nor bythe Clerk of the Levy / el the United State., after having uselesslyl Court; that the ealliall• having botui demon spent, her foreeS and treasure, and attest the tml, the aforemitill box was returned (Al the bloat of her sons - and your own 1 ' of the Court of the District of When the nears of my full an Columbia, and by laid Clerk pealed, as death reaches Europe , ell the monism arrant Whore+, In the prtaence of the of Charlemegnais country will demand o afilant; that the , petit jurors for the 1 the Napoleonic dynasty an ' account of my • March term for, the Criminal Court nt :, blood, of the German, and the P.ench led, Wall, selected Or drawn from names : 1 1 1.0 d shed In ideal.. Theo , all/ deponl, ea in the same box, nu said First Napoleon 111.. he coeurell with satiate day of February, and drown by the Clerk of from head to fool. Toelas•ho has already Georgetown:as this anima tee:iambs and be. seen his majesty, the Emperor of Austria, ' neves ti mesn wertiderromitell In the may my minuet brother, praying for my life to tier hereto efore stated, and If It appears 1 the Linage Mates; and my.if a err:toner of , teat any of the names for traishington. de• war lo the hands of the republican gest:et"- ' posltee as afpnwablisrein the hand writ' g I Meet, .id with my r'1 . 0.1l sea lay hood •of any person other than thin natant, or hils I barn in 910000. ConntrYlnen, here ere Clerk, lima:mu wereplermatteni without the !ref lan word.. , I desire that austivlnige or conaent Of this afilant; and !my blood may regenerate Mouton, and • further tills afilant says the paperer papers t serve as a Warning In all arabllinlia and • .„,,, ;; ,,a,,,,,,,, ! ,,, „, ; ,.„...1 (00 ~,rgof ~,, W h.° 1 Incautious princes, and that you will act 1 namen are written on Yid founhendred with prudence and truthfulnmis, and ennej. pieces of paper, anal deposited as aforesaid, tole with your virtues the political moment' lot cunot dad. though he made diligent I ale flag yousesteln. May Yrneidence sans ems ch for the same . 1 you and make you worthy of myself. l Si Carrington rend the act of June tab : Iniiteed 1 Mame moat. l• bar, Mallen to initionnelllng juries loam ' Now OaLaANS, June 10.—The following ld. Dihnict Of Col...dna. Thelon' nelUtres the i anionca was received via. Havana: I inrr sbntrbe seleaaa by the Hester 'Of 1 Tampico, May 114.—Gtuferal Gooier atilt ivitabington and Clerks's"! Georgetown and! 1,,,id ous,• hog nmomicest againat 1 Iso"r Court; actinic cunjointlyt that thee Minter and ICI rar ti er of Ortega. , I linen in the presence of mod tancers. be .11:- ; tau the morning of the tali trial, a motion posited, ie. moms, and said boxes sealed by I et' the garrisou revolted in favor . of Jeerer, the Clerk of the Suprome,Court, se n a fight enamel 111 the streets; Instlek Sir. Carrington argued Lna aillittelt of 31r. o s , !b p ' h oorm , Thp g e smitiog pertywaa finally DOnglaad hhoweal tent the names hail not put to flight. nOgie of them took t. '"' he n t. .17 th " e " t r r i rel " p ' rec '" eVeled . ' - ti o n d ti c a C'n e t : fl oret ' I s r l,Vit n iti e er Tan . t i' la ' s e n d d t m he erch V a e n t t te w d ease St l a ile n w. rendered by tw o Jury , lll. Impainelml l 1.,,,,, ~,,,,,,I ~,,,,,,. ~,,,, not ;e ms. aceidoickt the procedeangs would ee llwl. There need; bowever. be no delay, for. by the fifth ' Place of safety. The forces of Jeerer are avetloll ail., ext of Jens., ligahlne court • ',drawing their lines amend this Mime, bad , there will probably boa battle tmeri, could proccedia. once to impunielinether 1 • ' I Jury. Tile Court bee plenary power to pro.' --- -w •- - - reed in the matter. and tee ble.laal ma; be ' ordered to summon tallslituan. PROM NEW .Y,ORK. .As m r , pp,,., request, Mr. Delights weeswore mid testified le the truth of lila affidavit. _, . • ',- Mr. Dratlles moved for a recces ito allow -time to exam inn Ito law $o are if obey cool n go to trial with' the jury Mow impannolled. No objection being made, Court 'granted ' thu application, for a retool until to-/nor row, pit Lila prisoner was ronianthitti to ... POI. - am °KANT otetrn TO uumenranl Gan. Grant beauncepted. an Invitation 01 tho Board of Ilan:taloa el the Se Na. tlonal Cametrry to Intet thatn at 4:o1.1y.- turg on tha ':0111 Inst., and s 101 l the o•ann ery nod Iruttle nob, Lao W ill lost., W 4,13- In g ton on the Shorn nute..l day, nr[l . 6'll4;nt llatty,but4 at noOn. • execx•rettyrY Bowe notnius—ettronr,ilou. fielder's et August oven•iltinlttd. a...t -hug-thew VO Utak Treetiry fet , epariartoh, etitteln annervtane Ike: , he Interest on them te paid In the I.lor July. holder. rtc,l,- 111$ In vselotnao thorenir flro•trtouty bona, beering interest Itom July le., The Secretary of atate bar tceleed ki notch from the Unlteti e ttrthaul Lirstrpool.• Informing% him that the cattle tiLetettatt hen broken outt'attaln in that nee- Loh with renewed violence, and. in accord .cu therewith thin Oeeretary of tun Trewte .ory has intarnetett the Collectors of Gut tome of the ellen port[ to enforce tttrite gently tint lOw orotnbiting the ihaportatton Cottle from Lumpy. TU1.14 LAND SALM Returns pa‘el sad at the General Lund Oh nee show that aaar acres were .11wposen of In May. nt Last Saalna w. 5.215 at 'Dakota any, and J,171.3 at Wlrmehano ear. anrau riesrance.sra. Captain ilooge, who woo arrested st Mem phis Miln nfini. the Confederate surrender, and uranfait to Weshington In chides, hurrah, spieion wh o o w)wa s i ng far J 6iam long time imprisoned, In the 'crim inal Cour toolay, I w. nler to ascertain for Winged whether he resembled the accu sed. !Hart it about Visit inn Canada, In tow half of rho etfutliern Lm.plhN Association. for the relief of maimed and deotltute Coro falerates. 010.111 . as n Tee r enamel'. W astir arroe,Jimelo,-Annuabor or Cal managers are In Weahlliaton trying to sound General Grant on the question 41 ee l:testing Ihe lamination for the next Pratt. dem . . lt to further' oath the General has Intimated that he flees not desire It blmself. but mould like the 11061intal011 extended to General Sherman. '-- - ;FROM • XICO, , 1 i hteiellidditan and . Is (*cora—Gen. 16 macs and Mt amitosis's Itedy oeinerif Continued., Pinot— the Pelmet. 01161eirre ni••1••-1.1•xlmillosn 'M— AO American lady. Wide or Prince Milm.nalm, Interceding . Willi I.ltais• tee. 1 ' OW Telearesat le the Pants:rah Gasettr. iI inns . loss, Juno 10.—A omelet to tho New pia iferold•frOm Queretaro, Slav %tit, Hiles Abet ,no <deposition has yot been Midi of kinilmtivid and too .Itolo of four hundred and fifty oillocri captured with -11101. Gof, Mendes vets .hot on tinnoloy..! Jblebbodo had Issued an order that nil hill. . eine hiding, w ho did not touritinolor In ewer.' • 14 - gT. o . l lTtf;:ow,liu2.l.7d=“""gll. 7 . 11%: , saline. gle ...coterie/on Buturolsy night and shot amity Sunday . adOrning In the puli- lin part. Ito mot his fate lit° a bravo man: , COI. Combas. cOmmandur of Staxlmillanis I body guard, who ettompted to oscapo with 4= nom yrnma the surrender took. Waco, o Inia aim shot.- No otlior excavation. are 'known; though litany aro suspected. Ally the Prese, ORIN." .0 mteelng. Tho prep. elpill prisoners aro emolord togrithor 111 a i.eLarea in very Intilfforent quarters with ioat peos Or any WWI convenience; rinpn, stub .11atimtlito silt' continuos ill 01 dye enier9.l 1 The wild or Prime Balm Balm, an Ameri 'catibely, chniely , rolatod tn President John. sootti had made nor way, alone , . to President ]mares aißau Lobito into:redo tor her lous. WOW, life, and that of tile Emperor. 'ibis , • lady has sped. tar In ber bravo minsion'l {bat yosterolay. on her arrival hero tint' . Ain Init. mho, - tlio Emperor. and Prince 544018.itut•• 1 a 1••• Intervlow with Esc. : heeci,and 10000 reason to believe Pains 1 . swat be arrange a d by wrier thp Ilves of most , dr the foreignrs will be blunted. Illninion it le in will die of the . , waend l ey d in trying to show light. • on be the city was betra.rod. ' , I JpOrtaalie Gorb•Lorwt. who lei the Lib.: .or troops Into Um oily. received three ' i.bo sand gold oneca lot Ids treed:lore. The .rpttee Was complete. Everything ' wow taken nod not ono , of tho prominent. . etilels esosped: - Ficarosly fifty honsoe were Broil. Mosped the trownos nice gone on to thol city of fleiloo, but ii•cobwio and a trong 111,011106 cull remain in the city. Tile roads are in a terrible .stata from rub le:TS me mord•rer..- r • FROM BALTIMORE rrneeaide of Turner feceletlea-Oels. ...gates (remit:all' Carte of Om Coon ir7, Including PlUatinawn and Alla . I. . Behropeux, Junirlo..-Ti6 city :gas. I flee es ctiliumpe. ShlionhlY enlivened to-dav •07 4-"'"1 " Mr Tel./Mph to the letionersh kluette.i louse procession - of the different 'some. bul i di h, ties. of Turners and angers, comps- were destroyed by nre oil West Oarrlsou, sing the North Airoonian nopM.Oson. twiner Of Jefferson IingIIIIDOU. reel. Turner& Union delegations from Lose alaiutala,ool..- eff. :portions of the 'country ire Pres. • • • - eat. The dinnocuurethina trill- last till o r Am i ss, , r Thursdiur. ,. Vari0u...a:4640 nave strived . Lon,rgb ussittal • • .froni _New Turk; Ildladelpida, Cincinnati; My Telesollih to th. rtt : MOStet.th. _Coy - , New Orleans, • .11r, rim.r7une•lo.-Pl. A. IlaVeleL Wilwan.ee, .St. thdinnapolls, Web. teethe murear of Ws wits, toga tusrance,, Wasaluitgo, ete._ . • was today sequined. . -• ::: ! +~TM~°IT.'aZ. lIEMMIEM DITIONI illy - Telegraph to ite Cittseurall bustle.] i 1 nitOrtawni AULLIVCD. • 1.. , SlOCY , ystc, June 10.—Your thousand Eye I : hundred and' twenty-Ms emigrants arrived ' oin . Sunday and today. TALEGIULTB W.EWINGek. . • 1 The earnings elt the • Wentern Union Tele graph Company for the last Mar month.. • ending April:l.th; were .1.140m41%; current e xpenses, 5i.E..1,(4737; net prollt-10e1i.5.13.M. 1 • r1t..1.0exT . 1%111fr0.1.... A •14rent tram Washineten to the, Pop Ow nau d y, I motors Prealdeat launch Imllspaosi to.day 1 as aro egclued. Ills physicidon pronounce hiscoulplalrit to bo Erlght's its. ease of the knine94... Y • jolt OW a- Lint 701.1Cr—nennOilf rAiD in 1 cossanauavi gain'. I A 4... now nutria' in the SilpfttOoCOUrS here. or the heirs of John It. Mcflurbigh, : againat the loternothotal Ufa loam - mime ; Compute, of Lmuel, to recover hoOliCr. or insure.° on Nellie Peden life, the Preiel- ; ems on which be paid pi Illehmotel daring 1 the Isar In Confederate currency. Tho de -;festec Minim that the lyceum, In Richmond 1,14141 revoked by the act of war In Pei, angl • I.deny natant - you the premiums since •pahl. 1 enTSsillnLs•Attn, *WO •WILIVED. i 1 I ' The ...aro, QuakerCitg nailed this after- ! noon from the lower bay fur Europe. The I elate.u Waturclemred Malay for kkil Fran ; c The sleategr Sae Eranctscri sailed for' lireytewn with ulnont three hundred pas. .I.nengers, bound far Collimate. The Able King Violets, from Sail Frencln• co, arrtmal at Llyerpool May Mtn. The - ship ; ramie, from eau 't•aneisco, arrived at along i Kong April 4Lb. I 1 ; . • : • ..11.116.1ne 11¢03( unworn. I . ThOIktOILIO, M It e, from Liverpool, km arrived. Slur no a Is nntielpated. 1 , The bleat's., ...intern Metropolis, from blaming:arrived to-nle ht. ' °MUT n1.01,1N0 Inrell• . , • A trotting rnaah, 'between the stallions Commodore Vanderbilt one General McClel- I laud, mile heats; three in live, to ahem), for 45,01), tong .pluge to-day over! t'ashfon Cour.. Fon= heats were trotted. McCibb lend winning the tint, second and fourth. The bunt wan a aloha holt. Titne-7.LIJX; 2:314, 1 1.i.11 1 4, and 2:103i. vaanuma anliraiit—nervosa AND ROICIi/W. An einful Miami,. look place last niallt. On Sunday evetoec Mr. end Mrs. Allred King, residing at No.:10 Cant bilnetceolth street, retired to their sleeping apartmelit, and as they tad not make their appearanCe in the Morning. the Servant proceeded! to rho • r am, and there beheld the Inunlanirand wife lying dead' on' Ille bed, wfileh was covered with bleed. A Pile tot weer/mind on the bell, three ehembern of Which had been dlneharged.. The noppo salon la that Klink Bret soot lilt wife, trav ,ttli lo , viemOY idyll her chloroform and 1 thaMklllad himself. ' FROM CALIFORNIA, ? ShlpplowN.M—Advirm From lawbo —lndian Traublro—The Now .lOthiod Io Wto Numb *mettle. :t a I I . tiograi4l to e littoloarch thttettol SAN FRANCISCO. Jnoto s.—Tho ,steamchip 1 American, for tie Jusn'oalled t o-day. The chip Ellen Ammo, from New Tack, and hhe Nevada, from Batton. Imre arrived. The 311ratoon. for New York. cleared. The bark . Stanley, from Taknuoma, May -tai, err: Jed. The Jasmine. dreamt troupe' parlor era were avatar the trt“ungera The Colorado celled ibr Montt hong,. Mas lat., ultimo. I The Stanley bring,. no hews; Idaho edvlcea to May 17th Mate the Itulb an. were attacking thesteget hod Stage Ott'- , trona and driving off MOOS. - They ase loounted on flue bootee, bald to have (be nged to the Id Cavalry. Wane city to being rapidly rebuilt, gee d hunred latildlays being erected within • week. , . • , 1 l' II(L b l; Z 9 CO M M:a l ' olitt e oral l irra i lt ea, In Imbult of the Culled States, sailed to--tdaY• ~- It fa reported the Pacific Mall Company will send a vessel In it few days for 1110 same purpose, to canna , Wood contracts Ifor a 'harbor sultahlo for a coaling statlott for China Steamers. FROM ST: LOUIS. i Suicide at a llsobrr by Haaglay—Tbe Phieselelphla JX: r e rrr Walesa— "Ma wander" of Pitliabarals Wiaa alffabeel Arrested. Elie Telegripb to the PH tscurgh Betette.l ST. Lou, June 10.—B. (• prentlneut banker) death last nightemn by sulahlit, having hung htmeelf In ble awn hottße, while, the huntly were at church. I The . .. . .. . The reported d eat h of 'tanned 11, Wirrenst anoCher or oar old citlxelni, and .iouridet or the Wiggins Fern:, Is untrue. Ito. Wiggles his been sick lieut. time, bet Is better 10- :debt, . • Tbo Philadolptits. exeurelonlets did irot en le the Iron illralliplitll t.O- , llly ay antiolpee tett, but started tplim ntternoot, for Chicago, there they will =twilit ono day and then 'recce.' bust. . 4 pacing owe between olitagoocier" nod Ace or Clubs," tor 111,000 a side, took place it It. 1:0111411 trotting .parkon EsttirdaY. Melt - Wee won byjilagooxier; tI , d‘ALP. , Lime. elit.l. sThe murderer of the fanner Lass and son ae been arrested. • . I - " - FROM KANSAS. tortalExearelon radtl-1 4 . star Wade Maar*o, Speechd Tore Female boairagle 7 lokka Coma • also Plpeaka. • , =1 Lawannos, Juno 10.-Benator Wade's party arrived here at noon. Alter siewfeg the elty.• lance creed gathered around the hotel white the poly lining yen:i and elato ortd for Wade until became out on the hal. colt Ile mole tweeds In which' e took gro ode ist favor of mintage without tegstrd c artier. Ile pad a glowlng trabel4 to the peopie..for their Oiled , . light for free dons, and cher energy In dutelopleg this the richest century In the • World. lie favored a continuum° of this Ito .the Paeleo, andwee loudly cheered. Hon. JOhn Coyest° followed Ina few elm- Tier remarks, and, the.party PrOeemled to Topeka. where they were to have remained all night, het s. portion of the badge titer the Haw rlee , being damaged by the flood, the paasengers could not crass to the ohs. and they returned here to. spend the night. ~;...:.'2,- .M :.:•- ,.: - ' ,'(l?*:!'il'.'',, . . ,--.'4r.,.:,.,i';--,-.'?•::4.,-,,,.. PRICE THREE CENTS I ontenelon of Beeman Casholte IR. CITY AND StBUBBAN.. • =treason floefette. • . The twelfth anneal C.:retention of the FOUR'I'II fatted end n.nst re. : Cranes Roman Catholic Control Preto Co' s 1.0001 mom'. ou ww• Mark. ',"menced its Roston yesterilky Morning, Pens preen by any poser in the oily, teal bet at. Fidlomens Han, fornkr of ' Fenn land found tin our Fburtli Fo gg ! rectory streets, In this eq. • I At eight o'crock the delegate!asigembled Baptist Aasoelonois. In St. l'hllomeeri Church, wherein nigh The Pittnfurgts Mantua' Snot:tan. belt: I Mass was celebrated by Met:Father Schoen. Its twentpelghth gunnel meeting .to the I pens, 0. S.F. 11., usalated by two Father, of Union Ramos Church, Grant Street, this , the same Order. A sermon was preached city, CM...Ming on Saturday last and I ny Rev. A. Millwenntoger,of Otnclintatt. concluding yesterday, The attendee. of ; delegates waif large, thirty chump°. being ' Kates 11111, when the drat nension of tin reorodented. Tito intrealtictoiy aerofoil wits Convention was opened by theTrealdent of delivered Jig Net .0. 5. Magnesite, of the , le e Central /nein, Mr. John Amend, of Ft. I,ouls. Fleat Baptist Church of city. The 'open!ng addresa was' deliver.' by An Mention for Moderalsn' and Clerk for • iter. Father J a na /linnet, Ins' Omen.' of the ensuing . year was beld."lter. la. Dick- LIMMII O osu.burgh , ho amnollowed wan " n " nleen. Too ayealsire elect°d , ''' lninrntdr " and n11.1 ° :1 . thu ' hearers to adhere firmly to the P. liargnave,tnerrr. benevolent i t and teaeblogs After hen:loathe reports df th e varlet. ; down their ConstMotkab and enoneated . lln former revelations ee Morning ton , committee., the moat atauding commhtees vice wa. meowed by interestlng epeeelies for the ensuing year were appointed. until twelve o'CIOCe , when the body ad- Asse.clatlon ^tliaornad to meet liotslay Ju1r,ne.i..th1rtmi,0...V.,....,;tre.,%. ,an. 0.r... morning Inn° " 'tu t" - the (11141:Son mblcd, and the Ininl- TitoCl.o.ll. OS MOankh. nuns ass tyugUn by. the exaddeation of ere ' ,At nine o'clock , a.. /atm' an hones do- , dentin. of Meagan., about, eighty ef whom, voLionel °ketones. the kfirierator called the ' reprintet lug whaled. from all vertigo( the nesslon to order. Ti hymn beglaulcg Ul.Oll lhe{r Rea.. CoUltlllEtneul srele than appointed npon "I lure la, kimonos Lore:" , the nev.soa bromine of badness. When the Irna •line, and the Mar. Mr. 11111, of Fitts. ! Convention udyiurned to meet on Timed.. burgh, 0ff,,c.1 prayer. morning st elynt etcluck. . rn " G " thrblt ''''' 00 tiiti filar" 0, h"l'ung Alter the use religious senates thin the next anal venter'', reported In favor of : nori end the body Will proceed toile tram, dirties...port; action of seek basin.. att may be Medea Toe Committer, on the state of the Conn- botofo r t . grossest harmony preValled try. reported patriotic resolutions and ono- iintring the tread= d e yesterday mended the Freedmonn Malan upon too ar- , chinch. arid a free (thapel for knowledge. Boeekle & Blithe Mao End Means 0 . 11- The time from half-paS PR until ad was taken nu in listetithc to tho - • claims of various benevoient organization. ; Wu direct the attention of oar readers tt. The Mgr. W, spoke for Foreign the govertisement. which dpinar• ao. in al the MeV. W. Beet to Yenosylra. other contain Of the well known and Sit.- nla hinalrla. the Rev. W. Unstick for the - Uthie Society, the Inv. Iv. KellP for the Ore plumbers, gaialtd steam fin. Mea n, Lehurgh enireraity, the in, W. Sprott ; itherkle A Miller, No, 250 Mtn Street, forth. Penanylvania If &welkin Society, I c Th a gentlemen are praCtiesd and and the Rev. James S. IMMtermn, of this 0 " -e s '• e ' • city, tor tee Amnriesu Bible Calen, for experienced mechanics, who barn won a translating and clrmletting Mare ventiona largo abate of pnbitctaaronage byearefully of the Millie, in our own• .11 inrede-rn tan- I 'performing al: work entf Maul to them in mimes. • Atter prayer by lies. Spratt , the sea-' aunt a manner as to MVO the Mahon anti/t -alon adjourned till 2, Y. fetion. Their stock of materials cannot rtoalge altamog., !be surpaased. ei th er In quaint or driantilY. sAt two ohloCk • the preilding oMcer took Iby th at found In any 'Smiler houne in Weal th° chair manna.' the hymn In nt Fennnyiranla POISCSSIOg unusual tit he urchin. of goods. they are • "O'er the gloomy hills of darkness," • rho compete with east after the snoring of which prayer Was or- ••, ur n deatersth prices, and MU \ offer rare good tenet Several itemaortionineas 'sere noose bargains to the ebstomers who ramie them acted and revered committees rendered,l Cite patronage. Yesterday we bad the their reports, the moat important of - .Odell. ; pleasure of being shown through their and that which attracted the mthit anon- I onen monnea sana.croms, and of examining'. non, wmond on the condition and prOmmeta , the no n assortment of articles peculiar to Of the "Western Feersynanta lialAnt 110 .9 k the beanies. found there. The selection of Act bn'tug ....ter, of the ]awes and meet fashion. 'll Fifth strentith thin ' re rt arm I ate° and varied etyles is very fine and will quite hopeful tia Wiliest results, hot lm part compare fay... Ably with any we have over tant and m usingle clergymen declared that maned. Penclants,shusle.brackets,dc.,all its work ustm.. unless Its capital was in modern pattern., antic! improved char- Increased. Strongiresolutions in its farm I actor, will be found on bond at reasonable were adopted and • collection and anbscrlo- price... The Stock (triton an pumps lion in in behalf' was Laken on the spot to aloe very laigesml of o r such lichen.. amounting to eve One-thoomind , dolls,. j ter, ales country dealer or patron Can be- Varloas gentlemeirswero also appointed to j loot from. All the latest patettn tro prenent Its claims to the variant ehurcem dined, and as the firm make this depart- Wtnttrlt Pe lnw s tranlo-0 Obi.. We moot a specialty we commend this house to judged that the tatty had this protect en; I the patronage of our leaders. A large &ri der their special charge. toe fmme.. and i aortuient of bath too. water closet, pinks, the money; Ming largely of their contribto , basins, wash stands, gum hose, marble "Int- Mean. FatmMthehi I wores, hydrants, &a., will also be mend. Reese, Iluskinaon, Evenon, and others of Thew, beer sod ale pumps adopted by ter' thls c it y COgether with gentlemen of tide t ee d. o r andt. ato en g very nominee and other places. with-whose laces or character will commend themselves to names We were not familiar wore evident- I timer., slalom. hotel and reetaurant keep. IT in earnest as to the snem ' s. 0, lt BaMitt too while the brats cock, are, worthy of book depository In Pittsburgh: I •infe!clal mennon. Manses at titled tip with After resolutlonit of thanks for the M.O. gm and color at the shortest notice. liar talitlm of our city, and • shofl cloaleg, log personal knowledge of tno gentle:non amnesia from Mr. Dickmon, the Moderator. ...moo tots Inman chmrfully commend the Ass °tinkle adjourned 'to meet in Mc. ; Ilium t oear reader. so careful. prudent and Kumpel . . f ..I. lair -dealing beanie. men, whose roes are r',Menet. guarantee for the proper Pe- .. , Pine,burgh, Alleitheoy ... 4 ,_ 11.......h.. " : formthce of ail to Jigas watecanit sattM ter leaemenoster maitwaY Le,Pncs.T• ' fitting entreated to tto ir &We. The pectin:a administration ,of this Cora- . party is certainly more vigorous and efil- ntlit Anotner One. N .,...,_____ olerit than &epithet have preceded it. . While at Mentor's on Saturday,We learned Withru k few months the Troy hill branch i that he has just dispOSed,Of .4110ther 000 Of with a double track him been completed 1 those charming Mown Allamlinlit Cabinet and well' surnished with Railway stock. An, Org.+, Winne, beautiea We int/ co often addltlortal track on heaver etreet,Alenclice- 11 spoken of in our columns. It goes to the ter, nes recently been laid Seim; elegant { residence of one of our esteemed citizen.. new doable end coaches have been placed i ~,,d gni n o dou b t d i c0 ....,,,,,a, maladies ! on Abe listles& etrcet mutat the entire 1 track on this route has been overhaul.] !to Many edintring citizens. It to of the and thecare Improved. The cars on both I largest si z e, poeseeelog two bank a Of keys, ! this and the upper route now extend to the .. eight drew elope. awl four complete mita of ' stables of the Comnany et toe lower end el ! r^ed.lir vibrstorn. thninon In tone from : Mancheiner. Over the main trunk Unto:ars the lowest sound of the bore to the a treat now ems at interrais of two m l sat and'', ost. essont of the dole. It iir oho Provide d win not exceed ten minutes on say of the . wlt b bluer. •L 'llmlin'a tremolo xtoP. bp. breece i which the reed• are mode to produce ao,Lnda It In alleged ant the nudity of access ; like the strains."( an ImPies . dolied homab arfnrded by this 1 . 0611 and branches to art I voice.' We congratulate the posse..o9,_on ! extiatteive , listeict to the eaetern and also In hotting so pertect en Instrument. This ;, the weetern end of Allegheny has lOLTCOA- into with two bootee( keys, is fut coining ed the value of real estate anil rents enor- into ticuorol 04..... 0. it , b..., 0 ,°,°°' _qr" misty; and, moreover, that while popuLee ea : cc...to he lw ^ dt ..d. Ml.. ... " .r b. l I. /1 , is drawn from the city to the suburbs, e..... , ti.....tulf ~, . .....".m.,........,.rn • K. , s urban population. la at in tatto. , W 4 t.f.h. ....Pi o r- ..'' • `'............w. ,!. .. ' trantlY leetranslng nnmbera .Ltug gay d e aL....lliteewellthen. J..l3.Jecknote-listt G., ere for tlaelr mppiles. • ... .f A. Lowmatt C. J. Altrtlsnc , .. LISI, e t ate- We belteve it is owing to the sCe'ere term. :.tdo and 0i1tv1 . ,.- . o f by th e city authorlues for right !!I . • of way that the klanch.roter Company hat ! ' '. Leg Broken. not extended & nee 01 track from on ! IL Y. ythiberly,'cook on the canal twat Lane on the west, .d .hast Lane on the lElla, on the Plttaborgh and gritleCanal,hati nted,..in o uc hedrl street and the ottapeustou bridge. oh a line would greatly theme- : his leg broken on Tuesday laat. This boat, Lno4l4•Le.tho large population residing north j was lying near Connotthenetalng, and some.; of the Common., and taco mums needed . 1 „,,,,„ h .,„,,,,.„,,,,,,,t„.,,,,„, m ,„,„„ „,,' „,,,L lionning...at , the expediency of such kee.. --- ---"" - --- ----. "- ---"--' - ---; by the City Cannella as would impale a ' the cook, In passing across the cock, was , moderate tax on each as in Ilea of toe oh. : caught by the rope end drawn against the: Attention of the company to keep all the ! capatau, : brcalzing his leg as stated. halo" ' meets In repair over which Its road Is laid. Ib y to the city, tenet nit with [Minister,' Whatever opinions were once entirtam- I by the boat Res/Ante, restelnni here ye.ter., eel ebout etreet. care, all agree now that i day ;morning at..au early boor., A opting , they subsets° many Us.. and cannot and agon sae engeged to carry the wounded will noTbe dispensed with. No city need• ; moo, from the pteen of landing, near the them more than Pittsburgh, Allegtie,ny nod ! Mechanics street bridge, to iths laiging td tha edlaseat eorougita, and yet we are for c the rear of the Scott Houle. The injured behind Philadelphia in this kind of publtc . men Is ender the care of Ire. Michele, and la convoy annes. if sued ,manage two bas 1 . told LO be In a fair way to recover.' • charm:domed the klanChaater the latlaana i and the Birmingham Companies, can be en- Flab& la Allegheny. cured, we say, let the companion 110 Multi. on „ Saturd i ht, shoat' hine o'cloc k plied, plied, or what. might be henna, let the cone I ay ng pante* named he' • authorised to build.l the peace and quistions of our Mater city' branches. Mail the peddle wants ace erns- I was dist Orbed by a regular row at the corner tied. of Federal and Lucent streets. The parties' Malabli,J ...ir.y anal land ! were two soldiers and two street loafers. who are generally lounging about that An Interesting entertainment took place I corner. Th o .0;;;;.;;.o were yesterday at Oakland Pink, in the way Or a down street When they were attacked by tournament, held by the colored enteens in I these runlais„ who meet hese mistaken .'t tin vicinity. The novelty of the affair at. I ':rota e " Uoe %VC 17sTo I . I . ?e r. o: d re=:l tranted many of our peopte to the Park to severe cut below the right eye, which bled With.'" It. There were M °Me° compel.' I hr iTt r l i f. ° The ".3 tbliir= f b o7 unease tore for the honor of cro w ning tbn"Quron Minutes. but before the police arrived the or Love and Ileauty," which was conferred parties *ere out of reach, co.equently no upon the nient of Steubenville. Address., arrests were made. wore delivered by Rev, Mr. Neal and Mr. ' Petereon. The . followinif are the names and - appellations or the Knights : Knight of M.eppa, John Bell; Unknown Knight. Jam. Smith:Nick Turpin, Andrew menthol . ; Knight of Cute Person George i tt r i . : l ;tiPll g n r gh o t f oBftr Of leetnlllititt.c.,..jrnb. Tboinaii; Knight of Mactieth.Charl. dam. ton:Knight ot Ged tysburg, Fielding Rankle; Knight of Roaring Hill. Jqrksf it King; Knight of AN inchoster. Anthony Baltimore; Knight of Star or the W.t, W. 11.1.Neetnian:Knight of the forest, Prettaly.DonetztOrm Knight of Pluaburgh, Wes, Doneniore; Knight of ntenbenville, Saran. Ball; Knight of the Morning else, Den. Leiria; Knight of the Lone Star, George Wilson; Knight Of Ivan- Soo, John Fraser: Knight of etar of Nall, mere, Ilea. EMIL ' Judges—Lticbant Wllllaula Orange Steel, William Garrison,Time. tiatowood. j Mar. George Jtmes; Jacob Weaver, Alex. Wellams, L. Galway. Ring Master— lames Stultri. I=! Alexander B. Kelly, a dear end dumb . printer, was killed on Thursday evening . last, a short distanee below Weld Wheeling, , on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh 'Railroad. I Ile was walking along the track when the down passenger train camealong, and the engineer wh i stled to warn him of lihrden. ger, hetet mune being doe, be could not hear him, and before the train could be ; stepped, be wee knocked down, and ln- I scantly killed, the whole with passing over j him. Both lo m a ng l edut off "and the body woe terribiy. The remains were taken to Bellaire, and an Inquest herd. The Jury returned a verdict of acoldautal death, I fully exonerating the railroad on pony from all blame. The remains were hurled I at Bellaire on /friday. The Jemmied came to tale city nearly two months ago from Washington City lie worked a short time in the Advocate ado°, then went to Wheel- Ind, and was engaged In the job °dice eon- I Emoted with the Whing th. j tuna of his death. The eel deoessed was at from Georgetown, Kentucky, where he has a father now 11Ving. • . . = • , Lel hardt gefiaffner, of the Moth ward, died enddonly _At his resident:a lionday morning, undeeedroninetsneea Which roe dared as Inquest neceesary. ' Ile was In fell 1%031th the previous evening, and nothing seamed wales with him at the 11,00 etre:, tiring to bed. At about four o'clock Mon day morning his wife wee awakened by her husband strugglieg beside bar. bhe Immo dietely arose sad rendered him every at tentlOn, but. he seemed to be choking, and In a very !short time orbital. Coroner Clawson hold an Inquest and a verdict of ,i., t te from ,poplezy was rendered, The Icoassed won forty-two year. , of age and leaves • wife and frailly. , lie tens formerly, a saloon keeper, but at the time of biathlon milled 'on l'enn street, near Clymer. Ile had inenred hie life for *vino. it was his purpose to leave for Germany on Taursday next to take posseselon of a large amount of money left him recently by ,ho decease of n relative, EIM= John Smith, &colored gentleman, who I whitewasher by profeselon, was ...A:a yesterday, on a warrant issued by Alder-. 'man Ileleasters, on oath of Wm. Borke,,lit, charging Smith with obtaining many an der talus pretence. Ile. Burke hint tho arm of Burks I Glam. Painters and "Molars, Wylie street, and he allege. that Arnica came to their astablishment and represent., ad that be was doing work lot Xr gorke's mother, and wanted tome paints, *Mott were golla tO WM. to the =want -of UM , teen dollars, he, Smith, promising ro pay for them as as the work wascompieted. Smith, not making hi. liotemmmw " the time appointed. Mr. Barks made inquiry* of his mother about the matter, who mid rim know nothing -about she man ilzoltll 2 and that, be had not been doing mi7 , wOrk for her. Ile wan held for a heanng tO•dity, - - Ter eke Irma . tentiars.—FWElVl Boyd, Sheriff . or Fayette connry„arrtved in .the , yreterday nionong. Wain/ in chute four convicts for the Watery Illatioatiary, into were convicted et the Willem o [ th e Iterate County Court. Th ne. tilributan and George Jnoobe were convistaci.ot. bone steeling sad seameed to tea yam each. acelpti who woe Mad - gutty of gtrVDlZorrtrt Al. wee LZ c x BAAS tOr One ;OM • • .. • . ' - 1 /, = Several .boys were discovered Sunday afternoon swimming in the upper basis, at the head of:Cliff street. The polio., were notified of the fact. and 'Lilted the place for the puma. of arresting the young reseals, bet succeeded in only catching one of them, named Morris Gallagher, who is at Present lathe lock-up awaiting a hearths. This Intelligence - veil( doubtleet be rerresh ins to oar citizens of the Seventh Ward and we presume patent filters. and ; an °airs supply of ice will be required should tilts entente, be continued. The young culprit should be dealt with. severely; and an ex ample mane that will deter _all youngsters from using our drinking weierfet bathing purposes. • State Medical ilecieti• • The State Italics! Society of rennsylee, Me will hold Its rughteenth annual meet ing In Lafayette Hall, Wood street, a 6 four •o'ctoek r. a., vir-morrow. The doors will he open to the amblfc during its ranntra, and all are Invited to attend. Dr. James King, of this city, president of the meeting, will deliver the annual address, In the af ternoon. The entertainment hi the eioning. the nromenade concert and soiree. will be a brilliant affair.. Guests will b admitted by the Fourth Street entrance; where ladles will and a retool= room. with waiters In attendance. ,; litanoway.—Yesterday &hen' iooti a hene attached to a oprum wagon. Manning near the Grain Elevator, on Litiertystreet,whieh hod been carelessly left by the driver, took fright and ran ap the street at a fearful rate mita ho arrived' opposite the St. James Moto(, where he came In contact with one horse vehicle, which pat stop to his Wild career. The Wagon to which he was attach. ed Was thrown completely alma; and he pulled tip on the pavement in front of the hi.dames, with , Ms heal to the wagon, en tirely true from the karnesa. No damsgo was done to anything mote the harnes• which appeared to oe in qutte.s number of outer Crosagluita—Ellgabolb Griller made in. formation before 'Alderman Melttasters against Ann Shirr, charging her with as. - vault and battery, and surely of the Pew*. and We defendant, made information be. fore the Paine omaat, charging Elizabeth Griller with a like facnoe. The parties are nine' :Mors and mitile on rosier alloy, the Tenth ward, and as neighbors some times do, got Into a tissues Width emptied in a gecm al fight, In which both were am old crania. scratched and bruised. Warrants 'wore issued both cases, and „the partly, 'arrested and bold to ball. Chortith Idhatele Leer. Gra." AMMO , hemTeitlateL—The anoint annual Terett- Itt aid of this moot excellent chanty relll be held on Thuraday aftenmou and evening, et /extol. Grove. The lumen. numbers Tho have patronised *Moe Moti vate on former °condone have evinced lady managers and sympathy for the lady managers and Weir 120411, 'Kok. If the outpounnte of the. people On Thnnntay shalt prove equal to 1 hat of last year. many blaming, and comforts Will be natured to tho church non. Rillaws npd orphans. Mellnlone Illachter.—Tbee. Goodman made =formation before Alderman Mor row goieleat Andrew 8 reesty j obergleg °alb malicious mbieblef. The parties are oarsmen, and tioodenan ailed. that While Ws cart WAS mamma on Pennaylvarda arc nue yesterday, the defendant reallmonsiy ..run tato Wm,. ,aper Meg bas cart .end emitting a shad. A .arrant was leaned for etweeny, who ere ,crated and held for Marled. • Medea the Illespitel.—Twaothi Cam, 'who was lopreol on the Pennsylvsels Hail road, oeLitierty street, last week both lege below-teatlervsbea, - died at th e Mercy Hospital on huodsy e5e.1.14 , 'Caro' ner Clawson itotisteisile4 • juryand will Writings the inquest to-4.y. 'D0C11415611 MILS twentv-elgbt years of oge sag Otiztz. Weed Leek stitch sewing Machine • le the gee& mao"lneln the United ewes.. 11 not euperlor to soy machine In nee, you eau 'return 11 end neve your money, sod It le the ,obtamingt by twentY per mot. IL 11 . Long, agent, No. Ili Grant street, (Ailluttn Wanted). .. . . .. • v o id i5.,...mt.g Soda *fatal. iii . .7."T.' sampie•brug Store, Na. Ita Yedural street, AlleslianY• • . TEE WEEKLY 1397X1TE =I • WEDNN.NDAT AND RiIiTVINDAN. A Wye sheet, eisnt•lntn• TIMITY-SIX COL. II INS of Int•rwatle• readinc matter. In<ledlrl leadtne Elliortals. latest se i s by Teleerstb and Wlih Yell:Labia %mil, Wetter Ise Ile Tamers aria felltst and runt rollaNi Tla•e• Mal and Cononerelal Market Belmar aurpseer ttotety. No farmer, litseltade Merchant Omuta be without It. 'cum Ton YNA Istexaelr OlzeTra: e.nes eabeerlber 01.50• Toots of Tine. • 1.115. r' et to the Teri,. getting up the Club. A.l , ilLlou to clubs can 00 made time, at <Mb tat.. Netkr. 81:VCnIrlte."1:—To arderinlr 7000' toyer. be sure add spectre That EH" . " Lime • We Ips.da, Edition for sob scriber. haw I e 4 but Una e in• 11 • week. M?ner by Draft. Ls ore", lib:lnaT Ora.. orin See'tiered Let... m.l , b...., it aura W CIAZETTE, • ;man voti. Ke take pleasure It olreetleg the atten tion of oar readers to descant of Mr. Cmo . Schlcicle, fancy cake baker and general confectioner:corner of Federal and Robin son etreete, Allegheny. •Tlits gentleman stands deserredly'hlgh in his busineati And thronghly 'understands its creep depart. ment. genii as fancy baker hue.. tended to this city, end large Share Of the public trade hero Is directed to him In nor sbeer city. Onlem for weddingeaketi, gob den cakev, or snythiag in ..the line will be promptly attended to in the Ameryl lee cream and flon foreign and ican eons fectionarles kept constantly on bend, and n unnatielly lenge assortment of nat. and e fruits elision In otrire. For any of the.. ware. of Ofe, we cord telly commend MeV Schlelein, who is as obitxlmt its skilled end enterprising, to the canto& or oar readala. t • . werlonalf Xmineed:' Cart Irish was serlonsly loinreif .yegtar n - day, at Oakland Park, by bog run ossr„bir a horn. 110 was watchlrn tbiS.'sporl.•• at the Negro Tournament;iand In ittemptDle ro urn* the, track ens struck by a horse ' ono of the .11Inak tint bta,“ echo wasriNng.. at full spinal The bone fell and turned nee r two or lure. thows,•l.brOwlng Me rider o. • distance of Morn feel. who, strange t ear, was, not ltonr•al. The Coptain'sjsw broken, nod no also retailed ...ere In- . tenni injuries. Ills Oro! her, Dr 'nab, and . Ors, Cowter and Dula went preseciond . • attended to his Injuries, rendering htm all tan sorrier, Lilt. coEdd undies Dm ninny] , Moons. Ito was for the tame carried lathe house of Mr. Vansoornts, proprietor Of the Park, andafterwards removed to filo hone. ' Ills Injuries, although serious, It Is hoped will not prove total. . L . , . . Cold Sparkling Nod. Water ai J. T. SwapUV , . Drug bture, So. 39 Fed•nal Went • t, ' Fatal Aoalaeatta a coal 31Illser.-0a Friday last a cicala/floor fthofoil Adam., em ployed In a mine near Gullays St ation, on the lionafilleville Railroad, was moaned to death by a fn.. of Oat. falling upon him, lid W. thin.tlvo ye.r. of ago, arid I slid and three Children, wbol.rare do. pendent .11:Ibis labor far • . Courratlited:—Agatha Itpn aPPearod, bo fore Justice M. Llpp. of liirsninaharn, and mule Inforalatlant against tier husband, Lea non, charginK . him nltb nrealilny the ••pea a of the Cretimentrealtb.” by nfoling threats against bar life. Lea was arrested,. and after a bearing, alai courrnltted to jolt In default or three bun:!red dollars ball. arlfanna The 'Cowie Piro Company. ah Lion' In which all Plusher/Oars lek. =nab pride, pal pose De time. on ntine a grand re'innlOnplo !tic at tilenwood the •41ith , .inss. From the hberal and enemies a. sang' meets and preparations for the Arai:7 - I%w nolnk on, we can safely prouder scare 5 . ... A time to all who attend. • • Violating the liquor &mt.—Sohn rr linger was errestodyeeterdaY on a warrant [eruct! bpAhlnrman Blehl•oaere, on oath of Seleuel Filliott, charging hier with eeWeg liquor to minors, sod on Sundag, and held for a hearing today at nine o'clock, a. x.. Hager le proprietor of the Franklin house, In the Fourth Intra.: • To leibo'emote letilier• of Dry Goads eee OifOr' 'AO job lots of Drees Goods, Pentings, • Mewl - IL Goode, SOO roll Imes of Shearing - Si elm - slogs. Prieto. Vitdo Ow, Cheeks, de.; all' .01 welch 're *al 361151th° very lancet eastern cesbtrrieee. J. W. DARIZO a CO a Merkel 5t.... ,- ge eet,'belo Tletrd Yourtle . mt , l. • Jumping Malet.. , -A .rrest. Jumping match for th e eltamplenahle of Antenna , and artOn, bet.weeit 1.100 Way,of Pineal:ash. .11 Rorrnan P. Bartlett, of Nett York, IU. Union tiktaing Park; Allegheny, 'lntraday, afternoon, June bite. ralttr shine. tta. 'For Eorope...alr. Andrew Nlncm, of thel firm of 8.. linos .t Bow Flour and Grain desk., Allegheny eltr, sat:. for' Europe. from New lock, on 13.tUrd...3 , nest. It Is proPo...abby many , to. awardhalt Monumental the sum realised y the la , Fair, to the re:let or the soldiers wldow and orphana of ZUe artntY. Gio to' Flomthe. 81 Markel street, for Ye)V. Wilson' great Item 1r for consumptio“--Solo Agora for Pltroborob. • All of the new Spring and Summer sLyle[ an Srtcques. Cloaks, and as.:les. at apunee's, O. 73 Market street. . • NpOtak aorl Sommer cloth Sltellot.l tm. the latest ilesbtos sad at prices to sett, at Spence% Nc.73 Market street. • NOldlers' I.e...saw—The Sold lees' Lesgeth of Allegheny City will meet at thole Unit thin evening. , Go . to WItoolog•• brag- Ntorp. O. eV llark6t gUtot, fort e tioeat noortmen H of bruit.* of all kinds, an* Toilet Combo Over three Hundred Bummer. Ciotti. Samres, from three dollar. up ,et ripenee% N0..3 .11faket. street. ' Al., City ewto)a useimal good health, notwit'ettandlog Its Maly coudltlon and the warm weather. • • Foe thw beet.Slllc r., west of the .ouotettos, go to SpeaCo's, No. 73 Market coat nue Lams Laeo Palma and, White Balsa biantillaa, at bpltuco's. No. 73 Markat astllol. • • • Drag More No. 84 Market. atreet, for Coos Dyspepasenfo and Cough Balsam. Sold ohesp. The Very Salsas styles of Hats, Calm, cod Straw Graele at Gourley 3,,LOklao's, N 0.6861. Glair street. • Ton_Cala nn7 tunot4o...JAtterS___ _LT cinch's, Jo.opu 0. 4.00400r7 08. L9l. 110 %TA HO. Matto Itareellten Samenea and Pupae t. Sneonee, at Spenco'N, No. 73 Market, Street.' You 27,57 95 ppi "mu Alerg '" 33 " Too WI And a DOW Establustiment C:Ae Penn icrei3t. Dre. ti2l & GaleaPi. You Can Bap Now, ckaa. 'Jalapa s. .1•0,,•• • • rar Additional Local NeIFS On, Third Page. =3:a . . .... . _ . , . MENtft.STON—WllMMlT.—thrtfolMay. the lith tbst..,be Moses PMlbps, Sof .. of East I Marty. Mr. off DR. W DENNIB2()N .1 Mre.".ILNE WRlMerf. both of (tenth" tOmostilp., Allegheny o °.• I. r. • • IMES .EMDL.l.—OnlMondav morning. Jon lOW, LiwaNDA. W... 114.1 Mon goin-11 Todd.. . Funeral from her Isle real mice, So. tot Uaa , and stet [, situ crimnimmi. at :o'clock. Th. irlends of the family:am respectluillik•Mca to , , NEW iIEVpiTISEN.ENTB, ALEX. AIKEV4TUADERTAS.ER, Ito. IPCI Youth: itregt, Pltiaburstv, COFFIWo of .111rinal4.01CAPX8,. OGLIVES, .ver7 6aralptlon Tatreral Tarnialux Ooodl farnlsbed.Eoesaioptenad day sad alibi. Hulse "inc. lairdraiY,Waluut and Wore, aodluilou,Car4ta. arOZa larreac reduced prices, .Ito,ms open at alltiour. day and nicht. Hearsn and r'szyladar turalshed on sport notice and on most nrasou.bla term.. • R T. WHITE CO.,&CIDER TAKIRe AND IIfEaLIIZRS. ILSaelkes tar. Wood'. Min and rlalnit7. 1:01:61i R 0 011 LI lat llsitchester Livery nage. earner elbeflold sad a. Clurtigra str. 111.4.• sad Catitails 111, [Waled. ' ----- - F . S. STEWART, Undertaker, .."''' carnerof XtiftTON wag PIM , . galgigienr. Ninth Ward. C.lhns of ell kinds. tisane and earrtageifernisho4 en Mee/amen motto, -_ . - -- - DEVLIN k SILL. Heal -Estate , and Insurance Agent., Butler !t., Law. re...111 1 e. It. run NAL„a-M AN UgACTIMING NITTA-To W.MOMACITIVIILS . We offer tire sale the Wet • and most ...habit 'vile for Poll.. Mill end glut lora/. or for any 'arca mannfactwing p.p.., t o ta. county. Thin {mop. rty le loot. te ir rigp •0 f 1 re.t sad liarlleg Aheny river. and within I 4 feet of IW A. V.' WIC.. Th e lot re 210 by SI, 1 _m..3 wiling each a lot would do well toethAnthe before tri , leg elthothere. rm Tee wade to Anil parch re. Nagai.. of. DENIM' • al.. Beal. It.:,,sad insurance Agents Butler strvet. Lawrenthvilie. IROII SALE—flat vilry value.. \ t, blq mod da enable prowftf at.oat• on Bo lf beet aunt and tba Allrabeof ft. , . tit Alla ;dory ally t i. , ta by fir , eet, o• • lab la created ••ery atibetantlal Brick flottdiblt. IT. aorta, blabotOxtb) feet. todettlated nod well adapted r... c.m.r 6e. amoat any briseh' of staaufate %vette, lit. aetdosa • het of thew Mow:Wean. edtal• lA , My. can ht. bad, end we woo d loofa, the am dad a taettoo of Moo deatroos of teen!. two able.. for manatetetatoag puma... We'll n 1 tb• Wife. of DENLIN it .BILL; Mal Instil •tt4 lammane• Anemia. Patler• ;met, lawiebbeattl, RULE. CLUB & EU., eizcitelp rmi 4 mr. Manufatianin COR.'`PEIIM AND_ WAYlik Latat Ur. €ll nniiirrill 4astanallitt . IP RI P - . . . .Slowiurdla Livery Statile, ..,- . ;.: inNitT ii*llle.. `sus da ! dli r *" !' ' :. t...,th 'llGlikit:;'r;4ir iiv;lnta'i,;' dkoliihwifire: at laamotiva. , Una toed driving In Lan,. last to tux. Una &cap Iran Yarn. la , aata ~ law.. Banal tarntat and aald on am.a.AP,.. _ .., BEM ME
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