13 II Ii ma INVISIBLE 111 PRESS TRILL SKIRT, TUE szypir tittAri FOB Spring,lB67 • I BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (011 DOUBLE erntsua SKIRTS, The tmodsottlest and most comfortable ntyle yet ..trotteced. YES ALL. FAhtql,N MAuA ZIN Atm the Ne.llltestarAltLS THALL" .rator or *HE .WOULD. Tir-Tor • FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. el. WHOLESALE bg Alt the leading bleii,],os, ono Err (Jowls Hecate In Pittsburgh. Ai „o. py Pole Were, Shrum of reteut wad • 'NESTS, BRADLEY & CAlty 97 Chamtters Street, NEW TO= I== BUTTONS • BUTTONS I ma EATON'S. Fancy Buttons, for '"acques and Dresses; Pearl Buttons,Ull sizes • • Cut Jet Buttons, choice lines; Colored Bilk Buttons,ortiamented; Bead Ornaments,allsizes; Frr.g Buttons Plain, Braided and Crotchet; - • Cords and Tassels, all colors; Palm, Linen, Silk k, Cedar Fans; Fancy Pockel Fans; JUST OPENED, 3FAEL. EALTON'S, 17 Fifth Street, JUST OPENED, & CARLV3LEj Att. 19 l',lftWStriet, An clegant wortnAnz bf Sun Shades and Parasols, Nay?. BurroNs AND TTOMMEIG% Mang EOM AND rranni RBBOH. I=l THE BEST BID EILGVEs. js • BEST : PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS heee 71;U apnea a • Calor& of tba oeleoratEd u"' "88" hid GIOTO, at $l.lO per Pair. We are settle:Wed to eperantee crew patio! see gloves polo. Ott+ld they rip a. tear outtlho ors. they cost to exchanged for ...att.-tot, MUNE!' & CARLISLE, No. 19 ISt:root, EW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! ILI JOSEPH HOME'S ac CO'S. tar n • Having. ma 1' . • itetond .041tIon to out alrady stock • SPRING GOODS, .Wo arc wowed to offer Ind./moots. bolo to price bind assortment. In • imbrolderlas. Flandkaretdrla, • tiloves. Host Bogle Trltandnas atI:tt i Vel;r11: "" co, kinlpare and C.nner ßi a. 11.11Thresal and Points Land, BF.ltlas. all inyloa and notary vaa ..a• BalUnn Hackle, Pine. . Opera Van, 4adles'..llll“er and Galata" . Under Wear, Ale.andnl /I Id shores, llLvt dela Mayoress Trail ,• . liklrut a.plex.. In Maxie and. D ===l9 Vents' Neck ries, amnia MNow.. donpendrea. Imp Front.. ad. , ond NM% nut dblrts. tinning Mil. Banana ILkt Towers. and HI/liner, Lioafa. . TrnamtnitHlnbona Bonnet Rlbbona. /gala and rea - 7, •Ilvddlna. • WIN WIWI:I234LE 11.0X6. up stain, will be krone , eotoolete Inwol litintstaelato. Deal- Ain will Sod It to , Melt wea•t.ae to eye •a • o•d. rtztOSS &slow as iS•14111 Jobbers.-' ' ' 77 and 79 9larket Street. 'pm.. • • . REuEIVED THIS DAY. MICRO, GINDFi & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. I MOND . /1130111137 O 1 3SfIHI3G3 Jet Bead and Bogie Gimp!. and Fringe. Crystal Dead GM*. and DrOP Trimming. Jet and Cryan' Ornaments. Haney Mk and act Dranßuttons; Fine Assortstok of Parasols and Bon umbrals4:: Jagusa Bonet'and Trimming lithbons, .at width. amiduldex. • Colored Velvet Rlbbonn.. , ElegantAarnimeat lira Point and Ap photo Laical and illandierc4lefs. FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES, • ,The Jobbing Trade will - And a apsseete .took of-the above goods to oar Wholesale .DeVarl• meat. together 'rubs peat varlet., of Faney Goads & Notions Generally, EmISTERX PitiCES. =ruuli IjENNISOpf & HECREIIT, No: 27 Mh.Sfreet, ' Aveaonvtanily receiving Dead and nnglnDress Trimmings ganbraideriss. Uoinery. Gimes; IbLoos and Flower;; 'loop Skirts And Corsets' Paraeole and,lhaas ilmbiellael Morrison'. 4 Stat OhlrsVV, 11= Ompentler. fuld Iffeallt Ties Notion. as.. to N EIV.FIRST CLASS SIBOCEWS, NO. 134' FEDERAL BT.', AL,LzgBENT, , rresh staik of cbolea .. Teas, eotree, Sugars, tre.. Ire., lh'laleti we after to the1Mbi1... 1 ....1pn.4:, , • - • . A. 6. BUSAI\T'6I • =met, """131.1111108 AND 011161A318,—A very Urge itx,ok of r ' KALIL R CO.'S PIANOS, , • BAINES 13608. NCiSokad PRINCES , AUTOMATIC, DIVANS, • it tummy* ittriicsTOßlE: . .tu No, tirmi IthiiE APPLE CHEESE. .41mtgtr:::i.V3411;Vtggr7k*: JOHN A. RENSHAW. jas ftriker 11.10.ny Mood atrzot Rjr, A L F ITROLD>eI EXTRACT B AH tustla %b Aror b". 241 4 7;:.r. pargan ORS lfmors tli.st lake 61.. ' FREINCUI POIEILEVS! I sT J. N. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, No. 87 ISt. Dnff, DLetriel Attorney, and diapo.lol or , „,„„ urd. in the Quarter Semler., a ntool.tir , of cow,. In which Judo:1100C 111.1 tile,n 4leforrell In coneequenCe Of motions • • Grey Popllni, Irbib Poplins; f" "1'14 .: • eer ''''' French Poplins; Plain Black links; radcy Colored bilks; Steel Grey Silks; • 'B-1 Black Ge•nadlne; C9llired Greniadicies; ftuzambiquet4 Traveling press Goode. i LIM iSSOLIIPT 07 3111* GOODS! I t :7 :7pm, the place, MARKET STREET. THE SEW TalgallNE ETertE. OPENEU, AT W. H. NILLER'S NEW TRIII3I4fiG•6TUHE, No. (4 Maritet St., (0 r , 1'..t . ,1 i. W, Ilarke;'• Dry 600da Bowe,) A large awl yrettilelettedatock of `Lace EfEBROIDEBEES, Gent's Furniolng Goods, , AND 210110 Sid G VIELLIY, OARS. McCANDLESS & CO., (LateVllsoo. C." h C 0.,) WituLKSALS, i)E.ALERS 121 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. DI WOOD ISTILEIDT. 'Third Rowe above Insuaolli .UQy. Pirtsnunem PA. AUCTION SALES GRAND AUCTION PALE OF • s.-^ 71 VALUABLE ItUILUINii lA/Th, at Verner flatten, he-total Wood.' and Jackie the title oitbe Vert We've bur Ciiicarn . rib Yinli, lone pointless. at 105 ct.ttr,;',Vg` Zoloacl Ateeete. and broad biers reer. Abundance of rboles =AI with ornamental end Vett h ! , ,l. b .",;ll;'l':ll;',3•C=TN`M ~.,r.rvirort‘War n e Beltway. hero. ttately Verner Station, utal attlata twelve m.ates ride Of TVl . nrt n uiPt ‘ o ' n U a ' all lisieould be desired: The e ablest,' Work. ot Vb. Pittsbuoth Foray sod Iron Comma, tot nouteroe• eurroundine improvements, are al rel 47 there. Not ter ',Ate been el re Ole an oPtiorteuliTJ oe r mato 5.1 Iv3w ofcrcd. Pleasant, heallity and evusenient tocaitnn. and tern,. easy. Alt d.l - atkad tale .ale. leave the Atte- Oaten) pepot c at o'clooLla. nt.. returning atter TlMYS—On.thlrd leash, balance In Onciand two rears, 'with Interest. Tea dollars nettle cash payment to be made at tins-of sate leO , ! • A. MciLIWAJNE. A:Wormer. nRICK OIVELLIN.:4 IN NINTH 111 t 1 eld, Wood , loot o dale l'ateln‘CVal " i " .. .?... , 01150i1th11e1d street, see •einahle two-Ater( , orlea 1/welline, No in [beater et.. • a b.' ADO 1. ` re e f, n tile Oath M . ' s .. Tan s ho. Is to complete order: parlor, ',etre-roa and kitchen on Urn doer: nor liens room on second itoori v alinistled d eellent cellar, withbakco en. wi ne tbco , F non t the house. • Th, lot Is "U feet a helium front and its feet In depth,' Worts Cypenteris, alley, hetet EAhot, 7 ; 1' 4: I. .. ? T ' it- 7 4 1 . t !t"ti L terCash, balance In Oat and too Teen : , w ith inbr.t• Puente...lov elven Those W leh. hie art Invited to grantee tee prim:hies. -- led • A. IicILITAIN A. Auctioneer.: ...UDINE'S AND LOTS—AT AKIN n-a- . o . — AXECtiTult . 3 PtitILSI.PTORY ilt be itoNl, on the premises, on Wei , PAY- dote 10th, aLi Wreck. the liocke, mad Alleihe4 dO . Int bell:w e :7 fite ' t7gOnt l a il ' de., CI fO feet abet, Um house being brick.. imetedniug four coca fortstp rooms. • • Al,,s. lb. Lot b0..10 Rooter., street, 10 by Ile. en which are erected two Brick lio.Htnire, of a yep s n l o o d ig l efh r lfiTa . t. 17111;1,7; j117.°41,P . dvstrable usrt . the °Le, one slit De Perot:ebb , sod As stated, by order.' the ”einttors of too Late Fleury ins . A. I tl E eediAn , o ; iab . lee ' Soot . ALI:TABLE DANK GAS AND ACV,- 9—Vv TOICSDAY n-lil 1t b a`clocit. 1011 be gold, =... 6 iv d rg r, tVs t Commercial bales It ....me l 6 ehv~a n National B.k. First notional blank of Mienhcey. .....ases Leon City National Cobb. bares Citrens` National Rant. 1 she e tuo btogo National Beaks sear. Henke(' Pin sborgh. 4 eh sr. Penn tyteatila. rkutrai Ralirettl. fi shan, Instelek .11 bun Os. Co. is sh ore, Ve.Vl iloil nt. '" allegiten•busnatslo4 .11 ridge Co. 70 shares People, Insurance go. • 00 he IC al. luseraeca Co. 60 shares Merchants' Union Kept.* Co. 10 shares loot Pitt 1 , 11,C0. • 100' 1 01011. !NE. nettle...sr. • AUCTION SALES. 110 Smithfield St.. eivoefte Pon Ofdte. • - D.7 andevent.. Wei on Tneach.. Than. d • and hato odor.or oboes, 11,7 ttood., lit:Worn liardwir, amigo Goods, 9c:tor...aro, orocorlos. Gen.' - 7tionlatdon . ows, Dote. Noun., 10. IrtTWsal. Ca Monday. wedoraday•and Folday. Xnerial ...In to.. to tart.. ate, : tozaA Xs tate held on margin and s ol d an corantl.loa. J. K. iniEmi co.. aptltzlarr:2l2.l Aunifoncera. AT AUCTION, on SATURDAY, trAtagi 4 not".4l;' L lo 10 ...1. on "rhino m erec.,l a . ..woe tory nallde Ins, f. et moot by deep' , with flee rooms and two hitch.,.. of fur threw t. 1.21•10.. Terms easy. which .111 be mode Immiso on day of- • V.. 14,11A1r1 ZZLLe jelmV Anettormer. C.ANDEDAT. FOB ASSEMBLY. - . WILLIAM 8.110111, •H.yheet City, will be a eandltlate lee As. aembly, enbieel to the decitiork of the Republi can County Convention, aolatill NE.PLIIS ULTRA 1 WASHING MACHINES, NOVELTY' BENCJI ADD 11:114 : _ wituvarits. ewlcae,. trAioN COITZ.E rano, full itsiortment of Dosseteeplaz Goo 411,;• GRAITON'3, 66 Federal St., FLAY& RAILROAD DEPOT. apl/1:076000 ALLEGRZNY CITY. BUSINESS MAN'S COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos, 6 alld 8 td.tlair Stre!t. Hu a reaDetia Cnaruz. Book-Seepina. Yeamouthtio and iintlimotli i .limn unlimited CIO 00 Arithmetic and Ptamouship pet quart. • of three months i 00 00 ronuturaldP. ➢cr mouth - it 00 I Tot Ortolan or Spent... address . ' • -.N.'15.11A7YE.8... anion.. • J. . Me:LAY MOND& 11 - B. MILLER. Bazaar. Livery KALE eTAULT Yernlahlng Undertaker. All bled. o C o in.. Le., at the loseut rates. kept constantly un band. CARBOY: eTIIItST, fetween 0 nnany and Denman street.. Btratlngttate. Roma, Carriages .d new 115 11 . n ales fur bite: 'nausea and - Carrlamea always readt tea. for Yeneta.s. .Ll,lnses kept at J.laerr by the dlay. month Private and attended loin tug best manner. famtllea :Welshed erttlt the 15(0.0 Hones and atm.( elegant Car riage.. Yhhlta kept oven all beers tbe day Son nicht. ' MY. 001 1MN.,1•12.1 AIROCALT /1111.12 C 2.11• scivenLy h CLEM (Surce.ess to Geo. Y. eclaadansa s C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONI.Y MCA)! LIikIOURAPHIC EMI& taT,T.sardzElV,?)f THY IIVUE2JIB& Be n d ineddene ; real.o s Vlewe. Nne.ll 14pthl Inenat Caeet. de. 4en Si..si.. REMOVAL; 401114. F. CLULEY.. Xitouss and Sign Painter, I=l Pls..trurgb, Ps. '1.111:+07 Opposite the old .t... 4 Stlvi, 9 lCo ni ;l7 i P::=T;f2PZ l .=4 oppoklus the Postale., keep on bend, or mote zvegroibelitAtztv, make. lilted zee Pletese con:Load Tassel. At., Poethe SU. SLUM on deep! or made to order.. Po• /duet of Whitedud 0.1/00 Wild Conon. de.. tor kentlemen 'a west. mh2mie • CHEAPEST PLACE IN ME -• MEE= TRIUMPH COOKING STOYE, = IZECEIZZ Lees. A. EtIELLEIE, , LITHOGII,APIIER, No. so romin BT., Amu° Doodomg. in F ire g :tor A n l. oVoTLI..l4ft,'"Lr , RAI= CTIATICE 4 "."*• • .1111 Aag tIY SMALL CAP , • L.- 1111.1i1514.1 Natl.da A3l Ith IS . LOON. la the hse Ltmao S athe city: walla .&d pa wawa avlrLopcerrr vrarrer. thit:G . site (`alai D.rot. IZETEI CHOJEE uneporto PILIATS:; Ten. It* stool of 7 Roses, Geranlanis, ',Verbenas, 84,;, In „, tit. itakiand lirMlllo.o%ll. I • " OEMS. ellt A. 11117ADCADEL Scud for a_a1t,...4_ , ..32,1!!!. ••• •-• Inv Ith,•ll_ NEW sTP4F szr.vtiidtariumei.batc, Confectioner. Flint $1404 - Ankerl ICE 014. &At 15AL I . T N.fr i l eowniourr. AMY rurratiiiLD WM.. 8 " out:. . • sfLntY- R, P. GETTY,b' •. Wholesale ant Retail Grocer, Dur I .:ttIYZNAVd Pure ow ro.- ro tul. ri l eirt or`obk, .1/5,41,U. w 41.1'713.1. momM AllashenT CIS . l's. u/TWPW SQDAAISU-100conazikem la• «is CANAtnIIIO3I, ES= tlji piftsl - urgij Gayttf, 'qHE COURTS lodgment bay to the taturter Se. I AA the trials of Mathew Keep and John Lutz• countable., progreised at . ..hg March term, the former indicted for "extortion." and the latter for "compounding felony," ea ch defendant appearing as prosecutor 1 agate. the other. we designated the Tiro cings as the "geep•Lutz Extravaganza." Theciodug scenes it Is now our duty ta re omd. ' Lot us recapitulate. Both these woe. Utica' did business tor alderman Humbert, In the First ward, and It appears did not get on welf together. In April, ISM, began the lit igation or emote which tdoslost terminated• About that time a Party was prosecnted for burglary or larceny before the Alder men:named, was arrested, and committed fora hearing on %certain day, but, taken froniprlson Mt a "release" fro m the magic. irate the day before 'let designated in the cOmmitment f"1 the hearing, Lull cre mating on Von °cession. • This 'ended the larceny matter. so tar as the prisoner was concerned, he being discharged, for the .reason, It was stated, that 110 prosecutor appeared, although the prosecutor,. It seemed, had nob received notice tO be pres. Lutz Keep alleged, and swore he believed, Lutz received from the prisoner arty dol. lara'for services in securing his discharge, Pet:flaking the arrangement whlth produc. ed that esult., Keep enithitted that be had rece r ived "two nye dollar bills" from Lutz, and although ho did not no say, ezPlicitly. left It to be Inferred that the ten green him were Intended, as his "share." This transaction Keep considered wasnothing more nor less than the troth. pounding or a felony, and the tividianes ad. doeotl On the trial nertinnstrated the "In regularity" of the Vasil:Mali done by some of our Mte aldermen, 'to which „we MOM taken mantalon to refer recently. The lon , , however, were In a elandary. The fact of the guilt or Innotehhe of Lutz wee not so mock a gllopilel with them, as whether the Prosecutor, Keep and others 1. ere notequal. iYitellty, and, Indeed, the ocarina/pi the Mese summing Up had La Witten that the lacy might as relittly believe from the elide.* , Keen received the money as that Lutz didi but the prosecution maintained that' although Keep might be equally golltY or the charge, Lutz iota noon the leaf so for that reason. and being alone on• trial should Ito convicted. The Jury thought It Justtcoto end a verdict of out guilty, and require the costa to an mad by the prose cutor and defendant In equal proportion and thus was this care turalrist Luts dispos ed of. Lutz. follownig his prOsecaltfet, in order to demonstrate that /seep tons at least no hotter mon, oroglocr, than himself, entered poberWon towns,. him fer rixtortlon, deeming that from information received he has reason to WPM'' lieeo had tautly Vs! money from Patrick and Bridget flintphy, keepers of s.l'doggery" at the Point, a.. consideration for neer-Piing his duty In not Including the parties named to 6 re• turns to Court of those engaged In selling Liquor within his • baillwlek.' With nu Atonally serious charge nending against biro, through the agency of Keep, It go not strange that Lutz was active end ocarp no endeavor to establish lids inntiteneo, and falling In that, to Make Reel , equedy guil ty with him•ol!. Tte trial of Keep to on heelo of that or Lute, and Onv Pritl.ploto surprise, as well of ethr:s who heard the evidence, res ult ed in Lis conviction on the two thdletments upon which hewas arraigned, each charging extortion. Although. Late was his prose cutor. he Wan not called asawltoene. As he had acted upon "Information received," his testimony Would oniy.have been hearsay. Patrick Murphy and his wife Bridget, were the I.:amuses for the. prosecotioo. anU .. .Toro" to sufficient to establish the charges. Their MIMI.' upon the 9.4.1101.1, and well.known character, (Patrick being brought from prison to testily,) Was against them, but ln addition to title quest . 4 01 eTe t s7o r arl f eNy ll itrd w ereOr. tee n the reputation of the llurphys for troth was bad. Coneerning this matter Judge Sun - tett mode some remarks in passing sentence, to which wo will refer presently. Keep was conmetett, and ao far In the "ex tmveganra," Lutz had the advantag,,. and although not yet "out of the woods.. did not coteeed his elation. • • - • .. • • Lutz had another Vial to pass through. Ile was Indicted for barratry, on oath of Coned I:bertha - di. There is a fitness In • all things, but this man Lids occupieda position for which he was unlined, h ante. ! indents consideredowid he is well wn In this community.' linbeenille a constable, nod' course, frost *net ha* transpires, leads to the tAnclusion that, under the guise Of energy in oompelling obeerve once' of law s , a me nd in the active pursuit of thew° who violated It. his, resolve wss to enrich himself, regardless of how he did so, I his efforts to this coil being seconded by parsons 'sheathed higher in the comment- ty, atoll from whom, from their • position, more upright Conduct it was reasonable to eipect. We have stated that he did bosh. nests with Alderman Humbert, tun seemhe w. connected with several mast.) Lutes. Ile became devoted to the M. of Informing against nunday liquor bellers, and wide torso doing he may have ecome odious with. a certain portion of the commuoity, still he had the undoubted, legal right to become thus engaged in the line of his duty and authority . an Mincer, and in the honest pursuance of the Dame would have been pt oteoted in the onJot• went of the legitimate pecuniary profit an- • crate gto him. intorfr.or, as the very oh- jest of the law ha Deering • reward .001 thtis be carried out. That Lots did not ' Pursue this Mishima honefitly, was made anliest In los trial and consletlon for bar. tatty, Willett Offense Is flullutO to be the bringing Or Unjust and Vexatious soils. He made Informations before Alder• man ponaldson against a- number of -parties for selling liquor on lindsy, and 'riffle It was not shown that the colts thernardlres were unjust. Or that the ponies accused were not guilty as tlmrsred, the Court h eld. under the erldence, hat they valuta be unjust. in the manner of Proceeding, Lots, with the maitre:me rendered biro, pursuing the ases wit so far as to get the defendants in to a position to egortmooey from them. That is, al. though erlminal informstiens weremade. they were disposed of by the Impotsition of culled •Ininalry, a party bang arrest iod. brought to the magistrate's ollice, and released elver paying the amount .ettpula tett, souls gettme "cheaper. by Olean!. lug "in the little 11.6'011100v In the eon. victims of Lets tor barratry, Keep assisted, impelled ifyi the /eats,. he had for him. SO. from working together for mutual d.dvan tag., as brother constables, they became 'emend. and In the nine for revenge they have found lodgment in the county 101 l (as will appear presen tlY,} as a punishment for the crimes tee rrendered assistance in eon friction each other. "When MI. fall out, • honest men come by ttchir own,' and In the case of Luta and Keep this' adage may he wad to have been ml pled. Keep was drat sentenced. In looking at the section under which he was Indicted, Judge Sterrett remulted that the offense was denoted to bee misdemeanor, but, in prrecri.tingttre punishment tee seenion dif. fered from most other. In the code, and We wording was the same In .Pordost. It was in the 41,11:owns. The Court could line or imprison, and the words 'helix or caner . were not in the section. The offense of ex tortion was n very serious one, "aid Judge Sterrett, sod one which Le had reason to. believe lop tar too prevalent in this oom mmilty. In the tee caws under conelderw Lion, while ho did not feel at liberty to die turb there edict, he cm/Mend the teetimo. a 4, to say the least, of • very doubtfal no tore, more partiewarly Se to Halm% Mors PhY, several persons henna sworn on We trial that they would not believe her upon oath. There was some exception made In favor of Patrick blurpliY, as to the matter of veracity," still hie, testimony was not free from suspicion, and bed he Wedge Sterrett) been on the Jury be would tune hesitated a Meg time before be Would have found a verdict of guilty. He had no right, of course - to intrude his hull vidual opinions. The ease bed been fully oommented neon before the Jury, they had neared upon it, and the Court, after hearing I the argument Mr anew trial, had counted.' not to Inter! ere with the verdict. What had been paid was by way of eXplanation of the light sentence which would be imposed. trpon a proper ,cass, a conviction under clear end undoubted testimony, the Court would not hesitate td pro:memo. these:ser est judgment of the law, which wax a tine not exceeding WA or Imprisonment not exceedirtn. one year. • In-one Indictment Keep was sentenoed to pay the edam nod fine of fifty dollars, and In the. Other to pay the coma and to undergo an Imprisonment In the county Jail for sixty day. morrexcit oz.xterz. ' John Lutz having been called. fleherttl Colder, his couneel, was asked II he had anything to urge in behalf of his client. General (Lad not know; that he lout. The Question of law bad been ergood, and although the Court decided against blur, he. was still of the same opinion vin t that a public prosecutor ettedd pot toe . conviatei of =TIT. ';.°l4, thought the defendant yeses much "sinned Wired as sinning.. No icing some of the persons present who were inetrumentel M seannog the conviction of Late, btenend C. said It wasp° &mot • were. of grandee. non to them tp see their victim brought up for sentence, In ttelr fierce snxiety to hive him penishetL Toe connect reformed to the circumstance' of the came, stating that Leta bed peon employed since his constant:ea In hunting up wither.. In some Of the ewes concerning which the charge of barratry bad been brought. Judge litelTett said that with the facts the Court bad now nothing specially to do. They. had examined the law very carefully, at the time of the trial, and also on the araumelW for serest of judgment, and were all astligleg that the ury had hpht properlY Instructed. The testimony developed the grOmest Weigh• laritits before the. me riatrale. Panto* were informed against, arrested, amities ewes terminated by the payment of a floe which tho..magletrate tertued a penalty.' The defendant was eenteneeg to pays tint of one hundreddollars ,w,l to Imprison , . meat In the county Jail for four months. = .• • During the sounner,or early in the fall of IMO, a disturbance occurred in the tavern of Felix Lafferty, on smithtield street, between David E. Hall and his brother George, and Peter Delaney end W. J. Ro., T son. his Dells and Rollinsoe are known from their oondeetioe with the Nep tune and Stewart flock and Ladder Fire Companies, and Delany, we believe, wan connected with one of those organisation.. The d Isturb anon reeultee variously, Delaney having a geed portion of his nose bitten off and Robineon receiving a dangerous stab .with a knife in the abdomen. The/lane. who I wore uninjured, and alleged to he the as. laileats, were arrested and lodged in the toed)* on the night of the occurrence, but wore released, no charge, Mr • come I..logi , .dged against.them [adore the Kayo.. be entry informations were made be. fors Alderman Strain, for ielon toes aseault and battery, and mayhem., the Halm arrest ed And held for a hearing Dom time to time. Although the Septembe r term was at hand, they were linally held to answer et the Oa. tabor term, %circumstance which occasion. 'ad remark, and which. we believe, wee brought to the attention of the Court, with ' out, however, any 'imolai design of nom piste,. The prosmutors. regarded It en en:tsetse that an exception should be me w. the case, by ”oldance of trial at the tint term in the meaner stated. The trial took place at the last March term, and the rather singular feature was presented of the • parties prOsecuting manitesting indiffereime cormestilog the conviction of the deferidanta, and from the nature of their testimony an anxiety; • for acquittat was abadowed, except perhaps on the pas t Cl Delaney.. The man who was instilled, Robinson, frankly admitted he CMw a kWh, with the intention of cut tJl2a Demo IDOL when David Had inter fered. Tim eVideecti as to David Eel' haV. lug done the cutting, es was charged, Waa em convineing. and as •to the charge ot , 1.72. m, George Hall being amused of biting off Delaney , ' twee, hbreelpability wasiliot terionely Pressed. The acquittal of David flail was anticipated, and his mimic- Den therehrre t Wasppilintment:' The DWI retttruo2 &Verdi/storm:quits( astothemay• .been, bat faded both the Mill frailty of :.awfully Getting, lethindleg end Stabbing, thus acquittleff Of the felony pontoo of the charge, 1131 1 Ltitrlntegit.tWigall.„A. PM A astute/it ha Um oafs of Do.i= failed' Intone' ZoOsolitiorrea, to passim 4 _'.-lax; =NI PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY, JUNE • 10, ISO' sentence, said that under the sr - Menne ,• there ream a Claw of the csaavrfilch might hese induced thejury to acquit. Hail was sentence d to par t time of thean ImprlsOnment of two y •In the Penitentiary.. David Hall was/ sen tenced to pay a ens at SIOO and to an let. m Priaonment in the county Hill fOr After sentence David Hall, who was well 'nigh overcome with emotion, addressed the Court: "May II please your Honors, yotil have juste emteneed two men'to jail on so= count of two Others who have extorted from theut all the money they heel. I gave tip them m . y T ac Court a r ll e p th ie e d t ha t l a ba for mat aer with which they had nothing to do. Thus, it would seem. an attempt w. maths. trial money, in. rattle the mass and avoid However much systapatoy may be felt for the Halls In this matter, In con sequence of their having (at least Oh the' part of David) made themselves poor men In endeavoring to compromise with their prosecutors, o cannt ad'ect the Mal na. tore Of the Case, nor Can the fact he dis guised that In, a drunken brawl one man nearly lost We tife by the use of a knife. and another•• inlered mulliatban in a brutish manner. In no.community is life and prop erty thancure, or better order math- Tabled, where the lam is rigidly en forced, and Allegheny county can well re joice In having upon Its bench Judges who, knowing their duty, dare perform It. Alteffttt a/strata alas term waa tried and convicted at term of 'educing, ender promise of marriage, la Itedman, in which case a motion inc co w w trial remain untllsposed of. He was also indicted, en oath of the same young woman, for bastardy. to which he entered a plea of guilty tindet the Jeremiah, said his counsel, that he would be acquitte itt d is the other case., Ile was sc.. tenced t pay the costa, to pay to theplrec. tors of the Poor or Allegheny Usty the sum of twenty-five dollars, to the prosecutria the sum of twenty-five dollars for lyinh-ln expenses, and the further • soot of fifty, dol lars for the maintenance of the Child up to the time of its death, which occurrml In a few weeks after its birth. Ast °MeBB sexcebeeD. Thomas W. lf oole, employed as pelican:inn tI thepsnenger depot or the Pittsburgh, Fort IV & Chicago Railroad, In Alle• wheny, was convicted of assaultaed battery. othu.oat tz th o o d f t, ,Tx d m .. . 4 l .'at p t ... erito. n 4t o tt i p h p i ea .d re o d . . t , ,sat fro cr . en t iil' ; e.letilte s a b r e Lfira ir rn ii tj e ilr i ftl fro ua , ty, bad ejected fleet the depot the proseeu. iebich it iates smme. for as e.t.a of those who wore In the habit of ti.aiiforourd only by ealislng annoyance, but on Lhe particalar occasion out of which the snit arose . the [POULOS dr .41:IN.itew rk. prosecutor' had a ticket and the going off on that rain, awl hens, the ollteer n , I W A nE C°"I"rEITB. potjustlfy bib action. The Court thought Ayg FOR en kLON'S—TAKE g 0 OTHEft the case called for nothing more than a - nominal senteoce, and required the defend. • nut Im o pay the costs and a line of five dot= o . - Trial Lot five Monday ittSriarr corm, AndanOo vs, Wm. MeOwes, ..o. 127. W. T. McClurg vs. Jas. Duncan. 80. Ms Noble., Angell & Co vs U. II rgneat e.cluOr B. 80. IM. W.A. McClurg U. Tltts..t. Coon. B. It. Co. • No. 113. ThothpXon N Britton re, James BPl.ldr. No. HI. W. M. Edgar`e exlex , r re. Wllluxot W Ilklee , executor. . • . No. 88. Peter S Weaver vs.Ownere steal:o boes .. .Nevada.. No. 107. Owners tow boat "Wild Dock , ' vit. Owners tow boat nlteindoer.o District Co¢rt. Before Mo. 11. W. Wilhams. Tho First National Bank of Philadelphia vs. : the Wooldridge Oil Boll:ling Co. Before reported. erdict In favor of plaintiffs for 83 John Ball vs S. B. W. Gill. Plaintiff moves for e new trial...rid reasons bled. or Additional Local Matters on First Page. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • MOTWITHSTANDLIftt the In condielemeney of toe weather and the horrible tion of the street., • • W. B. CLAPP & ca l • /6 and 25 !fifth Street.. • Thlz tub has an aseflal tight, GI ate that's made of isather • Boots and Shoes in nobly role, " "rn p it :INIVe. And there the people go and bur— in erowds they reach the station— And off. of ghee wore carry off, °beeper than et est•lott. You can e. Gther dealers gland asks., With ages not a few, atm Bat low triers win the day. ' Boats, who. and Gaiters. AT Nos. 26 and 28 Fifth 81, , W. B, CLAPP 4; CO. Josue GREAT SALE OF . IWATCIRES 114 the popular an, p plan, tiring. low ahandrame and tellable watch PT the pride: of Ten Dollars, rega•d Waite, and not to be paid sue unless patter-1J) sallelactory ZOO solid gold bursting vestehes......4=M tra cued gold watches na to Mu 100 Ladles' watches, enameiled llnto 1.1. Said bunting etranommer wet.. ..... • . . Motto .1M 1.1. Gold Wanting ....... to MO 'lona Sold beating duping watches... Me to MO 1,019 stela hunting American watches to 210 a..PM Myer Hunting l ettere .. to 5.05 ellver haittlardaPithen 7.4 so Mn 11. E Gold ladles' watches, CO to Ma 10.05. Hold bunting ley.. to to 75 r.ark Mire, winches to AO .15.41 Helaine silver watches. • .... Mto Mt CO MO Assorted watches. all lands la to fX -r egLTAVZ=lnet b r " brrorth . ; '. ...:nrt . •;ti . aa V d . ll " l:7l - dtapare.of the aboee maga Mean as tot Certle..e. earn., art.eler.' 'titled.l In sealed envelopes Holders lentem tothe articles named on their cart es. aeon payment of ltalian. whether it be Pr Itch rut . o r nee smith It.. The re .. 11 at soy cat al dea.•ntitles am, to the article named theron, Yeats pyment. irsompeetne of In worth. and e Lavalood at le. than eta Is n.aro an at, settle sate. it will at au. be t en that th is Is ea lourry, but a stralyhProt , ward legitimat se e rans...re, wet. mar Imp.. melpateo In Sc en the meet tutidloes. .5 single retain.. wi e a st sent f o e .11. pl.- , Ut=ge a 41 ' .:7,,t;;7R •=r;tmad more vainanlewealnen flres .4 papal superb Watch P. Ae.la or tame whaling employment tool Is a rare opportnalty. la Is algal...ly waged. anthonted by the Government, mad open to the moet asretal liertHinT . Try aal •ddre., WRIGHT, 4306. Gas.. • letta.ll' • ISt Hroad•sy, new Toig. Imp Ag E lzo noVIBEILEEP- CSWAMP CarCtiCI7ZINS• Cossisiing of Balm Toilet nets Basin* and rime.,.. Bird Cages. Water Coolers. Berrie.. atom Stepassis. ice cream Yrs-arms west Safes, Ladders. ,leorittor Wunlng and Wilitiriag tawniness lioo Toe Cone. Pu• Block Tin and BrltNnnia T.a and Cogs. Pate, Pigtet and Table Cot/an. Tray. and Waiters. Stators. and Boaneeeplai Cowls in ganeral. at ROBERTS & SREZRRATT'S wuormeA.t.r. CORef ud glieet Ire, rare lisafietery, 1 .1 61 6111111141111.11 SI.. 1.11111/11,111011. epeeist otentlos elven to the mautlfsetattns of %levee re` Ten .ad 80104 Cata44 rm. etc. At, mot PITTSBURGH PAPER MANU FACTUBINOCONIANY. Nestrecteroect PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS 127Nite, H A: OFFICE AND 'ILAREIIOIINE. No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pi. 017/C=32-46F1110T 114/IT/A. Proldem. • lANMC E LIVN I U , ST . O N N cr e Te /t m ry. % Draleknont Hanle. John 4%606, 6. H. Flentrun, 'John 13. Lie1t40.44. JohalL elm C. H. Merritt. MMia=al lIPERIOII OAK TANNED PAT MIT ISTELETCHID A.ND 11.117CTZU LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, Itanufactuftd b 7 EteamET.,PHOLPS & CO. Ai.O, aaanv tor No. Taft Butbar'l3. . Gum Belting.Atrlffl inViMag reu urvizs sad A ÜBSI n NUT MOM. et. 11 . J. LANCE, - • Nos. ISM and-18T Third direst, DYER AND SCOURER, BMX Goode Cleaned or 'Dyed, AID dy SLOWS and LADIES , PLEULT.3elasse ed or ed. ROCHESTER CHEMICIL WORKS. Q. B. WOODWORTH & SON, Nachepter, N. Y Mane"turn* Of to men'. Figeonng Itstracia. ie. Impto nolden ying Pet only Chemists and Yerfuneme dlbeed from ans. who thoroughly onoerstand titelr prufeeelon. une eonfidently rec ommed all attic es manuffnlured by m me mid to none, either forego.. domestic. Om new perfemlR //L/ uLao, is the most delicate and fragrant eitriCL ever compounded. • Yews," ln all 4•alen. New York WAN Mid ealestooM. 1101/11thad. w•• enylamal • youNG LADIES, BEWARE of wag in a n ::,..tfalloti tz • lt d iti de14.17 the Coati •DaVrta4:: use ' Ll2ll74ll46l.Ttairr tlannarAniLLA. • . • • spillmwr WENT COMMON . :BILACIIINE W. WtONE. ILZ ti WORortlrtrut Can. H. Amsatitme. • NI:HOU% Ala VAT/CH CM - 113217PAtfti AVVVCINTIVAnO/ t WITI V H A kitri Par WNW ' .11 Thz &0..- serail s ...UN exe.l. 4 i ; rsuu KV& Roo ESCat]Pa-lEra, • 1111LIXI tar ;• cutmxtrr, rims satoitanai TILZ, oTUNIC HEaKtlio, WHITX, LUIZ ORINNZY TOM, • Ansisq PIK Whoa and Warehouse, 1117 YPLIF 8:111EZT, opposite kholoaaahela House. • H. I 3;; LYON;. dialer of Weights and *lames. ao.aICIVITII OTIUILT, Eettretis Liberty end ?airy Ordera oral:WIT attended to: noldtre! FIRE SCREE2IIB". oF • NZW . On eunk. •1 Us WI Faintfnis Lid 'Old and Fel. Tat fraIDIM. • 107 itAnazirirrancEr: low • • am.n. turtines A Min" NEW muumuu), arianiNG• .z,attregyzartpurk.nimu g .. put r. .NOI4IIIWIIIt3WINMW .<..:w. .a,.._ SPE , lAL [ICES, Grim; sows Content: -:led "viva Exinict arsapartila Indkatea r and ULCERATIVE DLYEA.E9 'sae THRUST, , aki& LYE.. ETV IDS, SCALP and :KIN, Which so dlemre the appe•r•tter- P1311012:1; the tyll eCe. of m e taint*, the rent to of InhlLL"tts, or otherwlee. and I. telex Ur ADULTS end CHILI/HES with perfect Steely. TW • TABLE Sri Nth ?IMO of the Extract'of K.r...p•rt .4.led to • plat of water, le to the thotton Diet • ril" a• d au- trot, Is etilal to •• gall. tattle Swap of Itusaparllll.or he It pmetiit.d the Mealco-Chirve ntral iterloe. t. on the enbitet n or the lions, bExerna ,I Min tA T nn a ap ear‘ri ll• n Bc .. e &.. n hr a w tt •k r log of th0ir.1 , 3C2.4, ha," dlresees arising from tr, eters. Of rear} he ante. that 00 arising in equal to the Extract of Sarsaparilla: 11.• vote, le ex:mord/am,. mare ra than any other drag I 614 arvnaintrt trith. It 11, fa th ,geldr j ,g a tonic with (nrainabie wanted.. that LI Lo ayroit,,a,it tp n ettde pite system eo sunken. and `" uEcnnoin'e CONCENTRATO EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Es:Ali:lsl.' upward 4 of IS Team.' N , P. ,, 1 bY U. T.• nELlieoLn. ' breggi6t and cile.s.:, fat Bro.lwat. N. T. 13,14 by all Dra.gint.. Lpts.mwr NEW PEUFEHE rim TliE =9 lou'a Nig:la Mooting Cerev..l Phalan's "Mahn 11learning Cern..? Phalan'. Plight Blooming ceren..t rholmes ugllght Blooming Comas LUDLIIM9S SPECIFIC, The Great American Diuretic! Affords Immediate relief and effect. e ln cures of all Ulna', and Vow... Dlsealea male and female. In anortor dm< than any rem edy ever rllseorartrd. PliCe.ll.oo per boo. Sold by all Draggles: I=l ==l larWlll. BAIL'iralLL & CO., • BOILER MAKERS . IND SHEET IRON WORICKHS. • . N0k.20, 22, 24 and 26 Peip St. Daring secured a lose yard and tkirolihed It with the most approved ineabin et, we are err pared to manufacture creel description of Doll en In the best mann,. and warranied Venial to any mails In the counts,. Civimneyi. Breech leg, Firs Beds. bee= Pita, Locomotive Holt en, Condensers. halt Pans, Tanks, Oil Mills, Lei Caton, fettling Pans, Pollee iron; Donee, lin,. Caw, and sole niannfacterers of HAIM PATIINT DOLLED& Depairind done on the shortest notice. lefecO lar' - 'IIODEVSON. REA & CO., =I WASHINGTON WORKS, uuuuuu reglad Esehlutlb,Pltt.hsrlth, Manufacturre of Boat and Mammy Meant %delta., Blast Knelt., Mill 11aablue1. Rear. Inn, Ehetine. Comers of all deceptions:Ott Tanta led atlas., Bolter and Sheat Iron Work. (Meet No. 1% ortner ►lnt and tielthaeld Hu. AiirAgants for OlFlretell PATENT IN JECTOR for rotation bolter.. ' tall:r611 Iar'LANLE surEaunt COPPER MILL & EMELTINO WORK:. pirrrinunun. PATIE. McCUBDY & CO.; • Manche turer. of erlGAttlillg. Er&lers• and Bolt C pyres. Prtssed Copper Bottoms. itallod 041L11111., libeller bolder. Also imports., and Dealers In Yetabs, Tin Platt. Obret lint, Wlre s Sou Constantly on bawl 'lnners . Magill:lea and Tool.. Warrbou.s. No. 140 PINUP Stalilif Ana 190830uN LA iiTtlltZT. Pittsburgh. EMiNWIMM IarSOMETHINLI , NEIC-CALL sad teacart.. the nig, SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. Up They Will wooly l. t tot. tOor is those without s. /Colon Of WM, E. ReII3tERTZ. No. 7t rittotoasti. I= arIjULNCY A. SCOTT, DENTIST, dro. PEOT.T STREET,. •i'lTrxllllllli fl. lr'TO MARRY on . NOT TO mARItY? Not? Timm He. neetione for Tonna' Mn. In [mays of the Ile.- ~ d Association. un the rhyslulosle.l Abase. and Mae.. litftmd NY lAnora-.re of natures Lave. In the nint •ne of man. mot In " d ' rt e s d . 4 3 Wei;4 0. 11 `,`, 17tabf,V.164,Ai • nonillion. Ph , lmiriphla. anyl'unal • if PLUMBLNG. GAB FI'TTENG az*. c..r....za Jae, 1111.11.1... ,SPANGLE.II & BILIDFORD,. • PIALI'LOTIC3..IIN.XI Plumbers and Gas Filters, xo. s 7 Ohto st., 0= H... el twt "op grilb IV/LT[l4 tiAlllaad ISTIA.K by experienced workuleu. Particular attenthall qr.t,7 Poik. all and ALL rll/111 . *, laissi. style. JOIIN 11. COOPER s CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Pas Pittersi 11.sfactorers Rf rrxr. MID II RAMS WORK, Vtitael ' LlZtri l fiig : o,V:l7l,llll U . " FLY . Corner of Pike and Walnut streets, PITTSBURCH, OA. M116:00 COLL & MILLS, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, . Oil AND STEAM FITTERS, No. 13130 I , ...eFts ffitreet, PITTNIIITEGII, PA. Clstern and Well Pumbs of all Ilene Homes Ante:lop with Gee and 11rnlet. In [be most syw erased style. by lex perlenned workmen. norelnlettenUon veld to country work. myt:y6i ATW000..1231601 woixrsorr. ATWOOD &:11'CIFFREY• BRASS FOIJIBERS, STEAM AND GAS :FITTERS. Cor. of Srd and Liberty Streets. Ataie cirrell 'Snyder% Pittsburgh.' Poen.. Llght eta Leavy Vanua, Walsh. Prdtehtth to order.. Sprolal attention nand to the inlet oat and grif4 rl itt, 4.4 4. lllteheartee. htemboate, /Wang - Agents for A. S. Cameron & Co.ls" STEAM PUMPS ANd BLOWER ENGINES; • llitee repo. here merrier adirsersge aaaaaa 10)1 , 4441444MM1W1 w•ra.ds.cyrscua.x. Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, 1/1.1111 P.1T1LN1113311174.43-33. Alt Orden by mall aiboutS sallsibotortly P r tgIVIT: "is Pomp!, 11.1... Water Clotoets, Maki; Wm ellen, rendants, pile. Mud. tot W. at Itke most nuonsbla . • . nded iv d e r, tronato. bomtty manna by mall prompt bumt Hose of every descripttOb.. BAILIFF BROWN&CO, • Wee lers.ll,l6. eItILLEGUIEVrr ()Err. Pd„ PLUMBEIR 8 GASAND STEAM •••• PIPE PlTTlttie, , keep aliv-ya . A.ud a ler. wort:meet 6f rIYDRANITI, BRENT f/LAD. LEADPIPE, PATH TUDA, WASH BA. SING, IRON AND DNA. CLAMS. Bedell meth lUD ror Ottl. up poblle of Private bulldlees 'Mb NAP. WATERor KEAN. ietnirron • LE *AL! IN THE MATTER Or • THE Yeestlos or's. tortrete elley lo the &rood Ward, llterlhalr. batterettloteVe.drfh buena' Nliterrateeektote_.ravolni 'north front Taylor gett s it: D oc ke t. March " nu .91lUlilt.iyckruir. Antreowi. ottee, isle leeT, v a: ittl . thlo =kli d . r ig.A atritr4.• wan a too prowl upon ant rank. dortrlair to tm heard to rho.. cattearonorleforo Oahu Oar of L'a'4717g,,treg,13 1 : 1 ,1 1 1,7 bull to he publletort When la the d ratti. tattle Uatell Waal . = tor roar T orte. • /tom the Record /M h= COURT. Atteat z J. O. Ottawa - . theft. D nINISTILVTPIMIS L•ttprip ildattnUtrlDNOZ ~ t urrabie beer all pen°. Itldealed sad 5., tato 0111.•ke p.me pt.. tad NI irlui bare claim. tgl'Ale,?.!tt, .111.111 r. Na "' lit rent street, eistelent e e Jeusetel J. DuIIt.,USUN4/1411111u15wa.t0...: !mom WIIO NwAtnE:A9m. : - it ivat h orog i . w coa cril o zmuct i z ZMINTI"VvaIMSNIfttaTit ELSILCHAA B. LW- AX/1101 M'ELLNE & ANJER, Commission Jfferchatsta, Utile,. In VLOITIL (MAIN and PHODUCL neutrally. No. 114 WATLJI , abone egelltheeld Pittalntra, -I its F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PiCCKERS, And flaunt ..nrers or Jek. Gi b I New Bacon. Beef and Tongues Will be bendy far dalbreby on Randal. Ibth Choice Sugar-Cured liar= Do do do Beef; Do do do Beerkougaeg Do do do Breakfast Sevin; Plain Cured Bacon 81,10Ilide14 Do •do do Sides,_ At beat, 001 prices and of excellent quality. From ods date b shall be reonlantY nuPo ll od with 111.111101 es in the PIOTWOLI trade. latiorot BREWER BITRICE & CO., CONNISSION MaeTAFTS, ♦UEM'S ►UC' TH Pacific, Globe & Liberty 011 Works, nes pl e Storage lbr Crude and Itenned MI. Lite end orecas advanees made svn conslgnments 01 Crude 11cInedeetrolasent. lards for 54.4* and thipment of Uncle I.nl at Isoscenearlltes Otese and Warebouss. Corner 01 Menem., Way and Hancock stceet. rlstsburett. myle.ain ROBERT . KNOX, Jr., C 0.1113111111104( MERCHANT. And dealer In FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRONG., 01lice, 412 LIIIiRTY 141', L J. BLANCHARD & Co., . WI:101.51LE AND RETAIL r.'l7t. 396 Penn Street. 11010r551 8111:117•131.. KJCIL & COMBSION MIROILLISITS. AND DRALata IX Floor, Grain, fieeds,•Mill Feed, Ac, IV 9 LIBICSTYJYTRICILT P • narmtr. . 1 - 3,I7BBUISUH. A. roow.vb.— ramp: O W —& KENNED 2, rgoDuas COIIILISSION IiEBCIIANTS nod Wholerolo Dealer., to ruILMISN AND DOMEN. riturra, SALT, FLOUR. BUTTIM.,EtrOS. I'OTATOES, Se.; and In PrFrieloos Crsdoco sonorally, No.lB nculam. STILIZT. c , Plror Itn tsr traDroul AI ad Tl A. •ril to• . for l th J e K o o de r ,o ß . al IY. Hite% -AVM ss lid s FETZER k AILRSTRONG, FORWARDING AND CORRISSIOS VIECIANT3, Mt the nit tort. gg; VII•rTAT• A 11 , .arket btraet. come: tO 700. t. Itt.b=l“. —.... • mon. 9m12. EIC EL'iroletc — SON, COILIIMiIIIOIII • lLILICOH•Illand mac. la 71.0UE., 9/3.15t, RILL rem) and DUCE giuharal ' Rd. 19 DlWoad. 0000 10 City Bal. Allw; gbiny 01t9. . DAV..CLIAWIFOIIt). Cortunit. dIONKEJSCILANT InrIOMETI.I,, BLOOMS 00E Via 6C11.6.1" LIMN, f LUZ MUCH. And JBe. Wareboaeo and 00106_106. 360 via 366 PENN ISTFMKT Morn fural6bed. CSani umenu v01tc0461.. 1". oci - LITTLE, UA.XBD & PATTON, "Abele.letiroaera, Comattasiou Merchant.. and deem. In Produce. Fla.. Baton. chem.. camlo.arand Laril tr., Nal% Gls. ocoT .1 all Pittsburgh marialhatures. generally nand ll a homed may, pituburch. PEYBIELI & BROS.: (Successors to Rennet a Ar.damontllntolasala Dealers la foreign at, nall Nu atud ts Wu; eattruulluta. W ood dm 01..Dm. Pine rllvborgb.tryg:ilP JOILIi B. CANFIELD,CoismaIs ‘, lion and Torrrardlng lierchant and sale donlar In Western Ile”ron (Thorn.. Pohlrd. Pork. 13noon. Mow, Fish. Pot and Laos. srut (nts. "Dried Irmlc. and Pro duce genera/In Bon. 114 and Ild trunk. Anon , . Plrtstorrgo. ' ItIDDIJE,No. 183 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa., Commhams Karehant. and Wholeoale Dealer Country Voodoo., !brooch.. and Malmo.. owsufactoreo. Cu. 540200.1 on oJonsignmea., and paid A. Voodo o. torn JOHN L HOwszalovrAnn [IOOBII.,TrUJIL SM. A ,OILY 11 I. 008 E & BBOL. S.C. ••• CielOas TO JOHN L Horn A CO., WINN.• sale enxottNod Comnissloo Iterrehooto, am. Nos Of eniONNold And Wools Mugs, IHttnarob • SZCHOIILILILEU. & LANG, 'Whole ,' sale dealers luGrocerles. Mum Orel. Prot dem Proulsioss, Pleb, Cheeps, Balt, Cartudi 01/, Nos. 111 and lig Wood hire.. near L.lbultektrost, Pittsburgh. Pu. • seemed REIIIP'rON el. WALT ACE , IA hole ,•-• tale ti HOCXIOI AND I'ILOUCCIL D.CAL4II3. No. n Ws. Mr.., Mitt tburgli. .1•11:.ne . COAL, COKfs, &c. BEST FAMILY COAL I= ; LT LOW= MALLET RATES, BT OSCAR F. LAKE, & CO., car.ludeityliwt and P.ll. v. Y E Railni, ALLEGHENY CITY. ♦alhraclte Cost mm 16110441 the lowtst rates. Jell[a Ka. a. ...MY. w.ItVINO COYa(NG. R. N. IMUNTIOL. CLMEY, &CO.. . • Gas Coal Works, l:abdeLACH. Cur{ 347. Pit.ourgh. BOX 67 Allegheny 4:Hy. • Si Lb ERA L OVVICE. eaeonel @tory TM... , R.I. Bant Betlin.r. earner Liberty street .4 Virg. tittsbargh. MUNCH OPPIC IP: No. 3 Überty street, aoder Peen'a B. IL. op.. lieslunlestreet. rittsbargb..4 earner Asm dem. etre a.... P. Y. W. V. R. gheny. All mattes le ,alltber of the above places will tebtee restart la1:01 pITTSI3 OMB NATIONAL COAL AND COKE COMPANY. .Wholesals and .BEST FAMILY COAL. Witzt 01rICE AND.14.11:13, cornorlotalb andTi7 . " Zrot'll k e .l erg:Titi;lt7triebe CUT. lihlpednn Wen. Ida nett pronpt namntlate At:na tl.°. U. A. bC111.•11EL. BuDerintenden. COAL! COAL!! COACH: •••• • DICKSON STEWART& CO., itottwg iimared their °glee So No. 161 LIBERTY ' STREET, Clti ?lour I SICCOND FLOOR.. Are tow prepared to furn NM ish good googelogoolO RUMP. NUT COAL OR ElortgllA a 'lathe lowest uterket i prin . a °re t il t ga r th e ' w fi ll? . be or att a to= promptli. . torßdere FORT - PlT'r- COAL COISPAIIII' —tiblptinrs and 'donlidu In bancritir ru and the= Coal. Nut Goal and Wank, ;enfant of fice nicond story Plttsborgli baritone Bann Build ing, corner Liburty street and Virgin niley. Brunch onto, norm". Try nod Third strrets. Pittsburgh. Onto,. left at either or the abort pt.e. rl nice'. prompt eruption. Po... Mice Adams. ILex WO, rittsb gh. . • DULICSOIM 1 J. J. 011.1.asela., 0. L. 11/AIISISTOCI, . 5. McCa.M/Wrr. - WIC. Rin./.¢T. 01.00.05 i. HUM. Jac imurroommyr, W..l.ina 1311,./17, Jona itis,g, LUCIE,* 110010. • ' J. J. tina.rm Xxenaui, Beal. TNN. RlTltax, Trea/arer. . W. E. n CLA.NET a CO., itanigerlll. Jikl:p9t: • • CHARLES H. AIIMEITUONG, 132....11/ IE youconocutraria. And oar l r ur r • ax con Olal,tlaek,Ond Penalpkulned PAM Buts AN tr I ABU,' Comm or Butler and Norton; iltatyard on Lib arty and Clymer street!, Ninth ward, and on Atwood meet, near Look No 1, rittilbarat, Jrandlit,. and lianuraAlurel• !mantled with the belt artlala of Cant or Valta at Ina lowest east, rata. ' - . orders left at any of their Ekes Ell reoely• Prompt attention. BREWERS, TATRELBS, &O. pirrsnunuu BUEWLIRL .• • CARSON, DARLING ON & CO., RIMER, ILUSILLS •HO ROT DOUR& nouaau to . • salnua RHODEN a co.. Ptillsbil/y W. W. AIIIDERMOR, All e • , . +be attantlon ohne automata° tee Iwo noels itparidestilltly Invited wont ,ALES AN h Ma Mretethrouhthteyfoleleestlontloot :foomoae yards last end weal. vot coo ROventee t 0 bv , pure and eatlese , or7 to the trade. Vat . INDLAA (o LE lau beau blob!) remsornended " dgir. TO Lpemrtamll o ettoin rs ease be parsleolar oof their ord. rr at hie WU! ad pinion hi. old Dreams . ). or at oar odlos. - Cortez or Num ud MO • 009:070. J•alla elerm i B. A. TOtnte. SHONA. ROMS THOWea ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Poretiaued Ott old ettabllsbeil Brewery irnewa ALLlttall/LbY IittEWERY. for. merit , owned by Cieupoell & Hetet, we would . Inftiem the Dalele Mit we littendeeatillettle tee Pluestifactuni . BPItINGIVATER ALES, rode from Car. iprins W•Wr•no d fro m 0. , lumens &Ad lona e.t.d.." enabled we feel ullnecd that we will be to Rive entire t.l.factlon to a.lOllllO may r&VOT.With their iNitiarT.NZE 4A, CM.' 465 Rebecca- Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. Air A. 11 °elm len at BROWN A tillktIMINS. 003 Ltbect toi stroot, Will be tworer r y Weeded , PHOENIX - STEAK BREWERY. s 'liriailtc,fiatii, T. MILS S IND BRIIIVEIS Ale, Pirier andllnwn Stout, errreusa, liAnlinWFWATllollloll4imogeri • mai • ' ti • FOR SALE. PtII °AILE-7-Tbe best Farmln sir field [owsishto, Werzworeland o unty. P.., Otudalnlito about 3M threw, &Anted sta miles gootti of the liataartranitt BoUroad , as 'tanner Mating. lb. Imyraeemthta ere • Ithlth hoed log boom. with Plata memo. &good mist . : • !co.. Maur barn, 00170, with the - bra Of in' Clio Two apple wad one Rack archer& Tly Ibetzfry l. 11'4..,*tgelollef?=.1`10,; weil Watered; moo.. mu acre. rimmed. the int tunin amid white not of able P erty too low pr.- of fifty oottors per Pomartion immediateir Alms a valvab e Garden Farm. chip sum. altuard In Elisabeth township, hiked :lscrTt&fd.;tSiarort.otl4Fehtoiroe'llaVlre'll'ail'.l. roay. atm. nineteen a from he OILY. The Improrements um a twomtorr back Odom v . lin sly rooms. hall reusing !brew'. the hon., orlia cellar., so. b.ma and ocher untmildlora Athydattoe of Pm twat helm, of all variation. chorea., schools art I hi 1110 oery convenient. Persons wlsblttg to togas, in garde:dog wool do wrU to call sod; avenue dmettrz Whesme a l d r o mo tha clia l u sr th cou u n w ty a ,Pmn. met` Ve mato thaw ths Ilea or the Feeney I Tame Kan rod The • Moro , lethm st. • two- barn' 0517, P it TIVI ao b*u r . : .7 ri th iN ti elli7 ' sgrad::, i' a fr g n ot 4l I rtoo,prair itouse the wood moms. rocesol a rrsTri l f o ritrglDrta l g r " gen ' T ' ? ._:o b trOinVe e ditt bollePorx The va s[ ' Is al good, abundsthe or amen,. on the litre, mid coal but a short .M il s , Ceovestent Chtirekoa, rehoula. Kills, ca. 1 aos authorised to thls RM.., very cheap and On can wt.,. wa. ar e An excellent Farm 01 IM three, oz whz— P 6 urea are under eldUration, ghosts in Chris- I tlay coaey, Impzegn [ th , • - . trams aenteintog 5 rooms; about 17r= =le.troefetisl . l.g.°,llll6fk :k4 be and reiumnable tern.: tat , property taken In pert exchange if desired. • Atha, • Penn or 212 acres In Penn townehth, Weal:Moreland county. acres cleared and tint der Cultivation, vl arm or arst-rate white Old and o th er umber,] dwelling ?Mums. I of them 2 stories, the etre e.ory, wltp Mona hoops. pith • ilret-reta eteam rawnall in Neel rtholeg I. young orchard of grafted fruit. The loud Is rolllbg; ere, sore It ti table, whit lime tope sod and std,ol.„ with rev. [ailing aPrtnrat 101010'one hundred rodent the gen.. Central Nallroall; 1 . 2 Mlles that of Pi usburett,and thfua • miles weal of tleeembnrm This pleas- VT1;741. 4 4 (1' 4[ 7 0 1 1 . 1 %t . 111. 5 fr. 0 .2°-°.7; two-storfEl net House, with to rooms; 9feet float and el feet back, with two I[ootl lots. situated I el the village of Bardatowo. Der [smite the Elofoogh prop erty I will ell fat {below price of $O5OO. Al tt rum of the terra, altuated In East Wheatevid townehip, Indiana essitar, Penis*. Tile improvements ore , a rood frame Louse. trade tarn, mid other outhalidluzze; about no cleared sod tinder goOd t Ted enth. ate residue to fr '.4 at ITi'v er it miller ete, 'r v• ' t; eold et the love price ot eau per sere. Pollllo“l.lthltliediStatro ifor Birther pertthutars, mittens of • 0. TO11: - Reel Elute ggemt, Wll7 ourtustreet. 20 000 ACBEM • WEST VIRGINIA LAND Nat lamtercolllc. Poembout. county. Welt laud .1 " 610111 vatoabla Umber.: "174-Y TO arzieLdt wunoa, Broken arol Bea Estate Aln.n. 80. 6 limlttaeld Meet. IMPROVED PROPERTY _ zroaral RIALENNIL,. • Situate Lawrvacevllle, a - !oizias. aanalag la prlocatram 111,M0 win t„i wld oo :611.11111:61 WSW U *Dialed br soon. Z b . etty oPportunlit• Ivor cop. intonaltlon, .PPIT at th.Beelß. tale wad insursaos Ogee of 0.6 Li#Tl73. =N=t=Ml • I'OR BALE OR RENT, CREAP rat= •t C•cPenter'• Sutton, on the Cell; tral 13•11 toad. containing IZS sonic' lot-pro-re moats, two houses .0 stables, good orchard; all In put and good Rand oliratloa , Also, welt patef In lets/IU. and welt Lei roved, which I will chap and on ragmen.- bin tams. Also, • camber of good handing lots' In the city and month.. lot farther partletdart Inquire of: WILL Ii IAALWAJID, g/Grant Meet,. opytoelte the Cathedral.' VOIR SALE.--A nine years , lease ••• on a Lot M ore S on Butler etre., Ninth ward. 63 by LSO uon which Is erected &fru. d now renting for Weise. month. also. • brick of 6 rooms, which will rent for WA mak ing a totel of ISO, or $1.060 per year,' .0. will be sold on Liberal term, Irs_soplled to NM. roe • terms.enoly al• the Heal Estate end bun. ranee (Mee of • (i. 8AT133. ' has -I Buller Street, Letwrencealtbs. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Beal Estate Broker. JOHN D r BAILEY. • STOCKAND REAL EffATE BROKER AND Avertomizza. liavingSaken out a ooranibudon Y Auctloleer. abd wertled eogagetnent with the h Boer] otTrade. warts,/ the use of th eir Pittsbur rooms, above the Thlso National Bank. lam now pis , pared to-fell at Publle Auction. blocks. Ponds, Om:Mlles, Be tb al Its/sp a, ie.. eltber et the above rooms or on a ename. Follicular atte r ntlo. paid.. heretofore to the sale of Neal Notate at private We. aes ofllea/ Il.stale In the gauntry attended. ortlss Frtnr. • 214... niolo I&1 EITRIXA OIL WORKS, - aiLmaYamankra ad Eureka CarbOn Oil, ,THE cccane►rcn _Sporn Lubricating Oils, CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, Wbo'wt. Dealers la Crude; Relined and Lubricating 0114 Lard, upernk. Whale and Flab Oils. • • C. 0. NOBLE, Agt, 19 Irwin Street, rIITSJIDEGIL IZZM comm.'s: cimum: -crxxonil SOHO OICWORKS4 BIRO, 1411BW & CO., NANO FACTURE! OICCET. • CELEBRATED SPERM LUIRICITOI. Petroleum Lubricating oth Sperm,. /Lard land Wha-e 01Is, LICULTSUT ottantmann. STANDARD WRITE BrnING OIL, No. 1 St. Clair Street, ITPTSBUEGH, PA. 11 - 11.1...040Wir.trabr.ri • ocill TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . . Petroleum and Its Products, PITTSBURGH OFFlCK—Dalaall'a IhlUdiag toner of Diptesne Way sod Irwin Gram ii==;=l ~I:J1t[ Vti)~! WHITE, HBO& & CO., N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent; • _- No. ISt. Male Sties% Pittinmegly. Keep eonstanily on Mid Ve.V.VAZ.° I4 ' ! ENE ifiLartru• Idea Co 'd Kula* Eva 43. 1.0. 1. L itt berm-Onto Dark Oar 1112, WARING & KING, comma mum m um= Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DUQUESME war. . _ rEILUJII.u L .a-ann ADDHLI2CI4 . WARINC. KING CO.. 1911 r Walnat WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFEWEIG - OcnsammAnkrir. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. SOHN WATi",_. HiNHY WNW SKOT and Tram% WORKS /R rears RAmormilza. °Dee, fie. Y unguent, Way, NANWPOTTIITILMILM: I WHISS BU' ErNIN BrandLizoifer.n BU TUE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE, LEAD. 101 t OIL 3.1131W2059 Mananketnra4 on.ly alull for ul• T. Err., lit co., PIONEER PAINT womus. .N.7.corAldauillkarket 806, aou PTTISBUMEL rA. EAGLE OM IVOLURIII, Xaamirskiiiao•vl.l3ms. WICHTMAN&ANDERSON. Dielfileri wed Dealers fa P.ETE O.IAEU M. 011 . 1107 L. 11100 ND ISTURT, COB u. 000.11 •241, IMGOZPIN. NAI. . . ' BOLEWEI4 BUMF, & Cam - COMMISSION NERCHIN'II o ' • Globe 4 Liberty Oil Works - Ample MonaOrtddirodardsedOe. Lttot ear nab loftiness mad* olkjoSsinlossur or ends or aslant ntrolan. isrelslXAuronds : 011M=s.carter --- ay ,14rd *raw* . BANKS AND BANKERS HART, CAUGHBY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, priTsurson. ( Biroonsoits TO HASH A, HART t 00,) I= Exchange, Coin, Coupon.. ♦aE partletlar artae.fo• paid Us Oa D., thaw sad sat* of GOVERNMENT BONDS ilfirtllGHT neurrs o 5 LONDON. 111:02 N. HOLMES & -SONS, .13ALINT3ELMEI.M. No. 57 Market Street, • Deposita received In ran Tend, and Cuinnuel. Cothentiona mad. on rincipal Paint. rho Carted *urea and Canadair Stocks, Bonds and taker Securities BOUGHS AND BOLD OH 0011111881011. Panfeeder attentleB veld to the . peret,eaB BB eale of L L U. R. Securities, Includles U.; 8121 6 UT E1...e 1881: . do. lle; U. 8. FIVIUS io.Boec U. 8. CEBTIFIuATEB OF' tNUEIITEUNIEBB. Orders end Vonoheraboc glet be collected. jo-10:si pEOPLES 9 _ SAVI•NGS BANK. OF PITTSBURGH, IXCORPOR.ITED 1866. Capital, - 5100,000. . ' OPYIOE. NO. so POITETH STREIT, =122112 President... ..... . Vice rreoldeal, ffmT LLOTO, Wrcume .IJours I. no.nnire, • ?AYER Liearv. • It. P. Soong, Hot. T n...M noe. MALLON, GOSALLY, 300 K D. bcOLLY, • .onanOn. *Mau Treuira, SID3II F. OS BOSUN? ___ • Piz nee cent. 'Wares{ *Honed On Ono, depoalte. Investments nude Ln kiovernment end nod Er tate Securif Henn open daily. except Hendee., (not n dZ ine ?Ze i rc ‘ ;d:itd t garrf4TraisUar oboe o'clocc. - . 1ay31,18 n o COAL. MEli7B • • • , TRUST COMPLNY, No. 65 Smithfield St., .13TOCILHOLtIEW IfiDIVIDUALLT LIABLE. Cap ..8200.000. wrnirorsur.og or 63otkekoo. Do4iltsireee;ved n rllow ed•`Bpccial attention gives to CoUee. Uoeksi• President—L.l. &MEL Cashier—E."l.llobEflTS. . . imizaroal. J. SACS% Wir, J. PATTIMII. 80 W. A. Hz allow, • Wat..ll(crmcmm. • TllO4. PAIMOW, JAB. 11. 130,1r.P.E. A. J. FAST V 40.... D.J. Jcntiecret, D. L. Eenzizistrx. .7164.2,4 WESTERN SAVINGS BANE, ts 9 Fourth Sired. CPEC.A.Wr3DPILIBID .1000. In - Pnld on r 771". y received .% L r upward. Denoslli snidest to Check. without Interest. ' DISCOUNT DAILY, AT 12 O'CLOCK. President—THOMPsON. BELL. Vice President -=s. M. MARSHALL. • DIALCTOPYL. inolsrlosßiL2. 4-J. GlLluns. Jon:. A. 21. 111AAIWAJA. JOS. AABYZA Stockholders towkOst make Wm. C O td )h l . J t o Ar p P ai w E l M Win , . Dairen, . Henry 1..5m0.n. U. W. C. Bidwell.M. Broom, E. Y. /lawn. T hor. Ewing. SAVINGS BANK , ' No. 65 Fourth 'Street, CHARTERS IN. 1855; • • AIUSEII9 -92433,006 s t , orn dully from • to f Maack. ik Mtn.- da) and M0 ,,, 1ay ...op, from May I.t to Pim vembet 101 l from 7 to • o'clock. , and from rim ember let tt , klay id, from IP to o'clock /Jew.. rect.., of aU sums of nut nes than trov Dollar, and • dividend lad the pron. gm elated fork. • ye., in 'Jane Deeember. =- Coral Ma bomn declared Nosilo.no.ly to June and. Demuth. melt the Dank ve.orgmtimiv at the rats of • Lit ptl Cent IL ye.. interest,' If nert drawn out, Is slated to the :IT i rri t lVe ‘ re:111111V hears the "'comber. compounding twiee a ye. without troubling the demotic. to call.er even tome.. hit pase boot.. !Dlnla ratemoneyvvlU double lac tenth., twerveyeart. Books containing the Marl. DI-Lme, Hale. and gegtd.egMm,furnithed , onappDcation at the °M PIIIOIDOOT-41I000X ALBO/.0.: VtCa nselno3roo John 0. IlsokolOo. I#. K. Pollock. K. 0.. npnenody 1t...t."4.11110,0h • • ia. "— te 't;b7 oale, ar.berillA J 10. meander epeer , - —.oastChristian Tesid. W. J. Andesson. TET - Ca Vt Auants, Jobs C. Elnclisy. Fons T PL . sr ' Ir' Chaster A.. Coltuu. John /TIMM, John J. litlleouh 'WM.B. Llama. Per H. Hunker ' lateharti . sa. Ha James D IlsaasuirnzeikaHrsi ituruirrsirs-JAN. IL iceeri C. Loomis. Henry J. Lyn., , Pr t ej=tcal Ira. 7.,Vll. r lke d = 44 en, Onastry ttlf3, l :=l7l‘ Alemder Midis; Vanklst. ZS A. EE COL N. O. K ALI.X.GHENT SAVINGS BANK., • , , ALLEi}HEA Y. PA. • OrgAIA:LIAngsCi Iza. BTOOLHOitiBB /11DIVIDOLLLT LILBLE. Wap..lta rticateed and ex pre vent. Intarest on Ye. depostte...Partlont. attend= .teen to Calievtions. add loeretla proannly nillted. VISCOWIL Days—Goody dadTnanday. • • ilid.cTons: W U. W ad d e n, J. T. J. T. stoekdale. A.'Ackley, Front T iernas, Alanandar Mom itantiatir. Fraldid. • JOll3l W. IIIIJULY., (natal.. did I= j aVit I i:feip ~EXIM:111110:-+:51 DONIT BE DEUkITED DT lloralsbluebalt pita= advattlmemeutb of Int. 1 . 10 , Ilbchlbm'butnet (31WV1.11 &BA • ii 211.1% bib betaully toned tbr blb• la. rum and u by all . Sant Jadyabgeo sonnbed. mcra,. 1O 31 4 ixas mistreat. e==2 GROVES ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Ara THE 1111:egT Itior 'wally tad litaarbetartn. puntosca. Call and me iticia at Xti. 106 PIMA area. GET NONE BET A GRQV 8; BAKER • for • Etelltay 4 / 1 1%.. Is Is reliable:m*oßM taerstonothe Don sOnli we ...Kai NU. 101 II rTH IT.. ahrro OmltbOeld - SHOE, HARNESS is. CASUILIGE 11,11SZBD shooltl no she new (MOUE t BIM B. OREN 1161131 =;= NO. 105 yl/Tll 511151"/. 500. e 1:12:1 Tim GROVER RULER • SEWINC. MACI4INE Is the MU= Thall of .111sehatasht. rim* clap Kati lexamlite It at NO loa rum 11 [ARK?, ene.e.Pnlo..e•~n. =EI MABBH4LPB PAN E.:—Etp virtue of emelt or nendatonf 01W, don Sr Int blench Conn et The cnile manse for the Western Mettles or kentietivaals, wid to the DOM DAY or JUN 6 Oar. 4 ;..t . lral4Pa b n ir htg ," . l ite Pr grltgrni h r Slue he host coot.ining sleety. roar hallowing nIngIT ern entre Hogshead. one Beer Tun, Neeuher. two Irlote non.. one Heater. ono Trough. Ilamo lod-11,11. Cep.. p e r g e %p rise. one Bea. end tern Cyb, seined tel taken se I.l.olloDercy of ettarbil. MCV.IIII., St lhd anD. oy4be U b. akarsbal . 11mhd4 (Mee. June I. 1307 itT AB EI • LN' *iriue trgtro a 1 1147* V,!‘ u ,"r,:,... , 1....t r .1 t 1' e r Wade= Indet taliUt etete Ins satatto.sala, at he Che r. pa or E. °J ulaV.` 7 4ll,llbtf. r. Ike tol , olrlr , ‘ 01.c.11' proaarco, to wit, Ten earwig Of aa early TeeCOPirat etalle Tw* Worm Tolle, edam( sap lease ea V.., etetorny et ade° J., Bryan, at tat anti of Om Vatted Mak. . . TRU& A. ItOola i 4 ; .. U. 1. 'UMWs Ofla . tent. 1187,, Jea 11 4 Lic.-lifvt rine of ',WM*, of of Woad Oot Of Diftflat Conn 'of th- Uolool motes for ' "...Wu MOMS of Posits - wool. awd to. too ono& 4 , 4111 as lo gobtlo .01. 01 Ito OUS- Tal Hullos, a ;Mr City rlttablulth. GO Um law/2w , JUN‘.,O4I, 0 , 1 . 10 ov1 1 1: .. ol . Ng Barrels of at...y. fauelood WI ea ai - a VAINgLV'n"AMMV.I6IOt4". 7==3= PEACHEL-460 Darrell' qq.tors, mum! sad disbds.lllo.llllllo. os doasaauemS. Sos • . EW ACA 0 FDI I' °ruling labriarl STSEET. MOP WM.& E;;1 = Tim Den Wan. ofssols•essen 00,MT, ...ann. , . nmmer &emu.. Ttn , Snarl 14 eui.h.l gb• art. lr! 'InICDII , OXICDY: Sznaarimern of lhi Weal. Nigrat.EMlLY irnonSE. • rah* (T=.1:1" 1 , 1.1:1U:o1 ..• Eft LL ATM. . ...... . . Via Celan Ilion!. 'NEW OPERA DOESE. . "ft LAST NIGHT - OF + ?iflE SEASON! .r.a.a.raxin saartissarzo.; 1. Juk M. VW' .`ll5. HYMN YS SaLm— tee Feal. Itro htobv.wl. .TamtotYsi. 7" 6 " := -‘ nr- he Ihr ram or • 'UK 0 V. • ............. ..... ia7taLosioulL, 14TH 011- JIJL.Y Great lliatioutd *Festival AND UNION MIM, Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, UNION SKATING.PARIG ALLEGHENY. Thursday,Friday&Saturday, JIJLY 4tb. sth - and 6th, 1867. Compritiag a &lira of Grand, izablime sad Hotel E f 1:111BITI01 S, CHIST AMONG WHICH WILL EZ BlitgllinCEllt Balloon Ascensions! gluon Amass (13 BOMB a Great Balloon Race ! • GRAND TOPICAL ASCEVBIONSI BALL...N. WED IN.. TElial/10 2.14217111 ti" IQ A BALLOON. IN _ ONEAT It a By froViLLOONSI EiItAND AMERICAN is AND GILICULN 71123211,1111.23, Cone Ming nf the UktEAT MULE Olt DONKEY Mit s . . UUMLE UtheLnY OF EAT TERM Laughable Wheelbarrow R. Climblug the threarpara for rteseutal The Show., Ball: Bowan Bath] °rest Saga •adal Laugh able rose lest! tilLrth-ernvolloS rlt Haw, or the gllpperr Grlpl ' Urea% root Jitueal ingthp stiUYO TOIIIOtAXZNTI OBEAT TRIAL or "TEAK 718 E. EN GP Ea, T' fl ' aTZ L . ' t ° ,l MERU KANT J. H. CZULDEBS. tue 1.1(111TNING 141711.11 ET D•EILLI ' BIONOIt his 101 Learned Ceeseseird,sf, • 'A idSONIFICKST ONION FOIINT.S.X.N. Composed of St sparkling lets. or auk' 800 10E tiSAND DOIPLAY OF FIREWORK& TUUCLI LIOnT •EFF3101.50 AND. ,01I NA , IO/515. Sleeved Seats m 01 be steeled to ottooauncidate M.o.° p e er sate toTletet to un" Only Fifty. Cents Each, WILL ItECEIVE • JO)EN ATTIIIAS:t CO.. • SOCK raoksgrrops. JOHN 11. )03 7 NEY. As eta sad Krfor further parVeftlars nit Prortasume or le4 IN til7}L.Mi RESE PEOPLE'S INS 0771013. B. Z. OUP. . D ILIDLNE MZuwl. MER .. . . . . attrs..vazi.. - sr,rie t... •-- , Wm. Van Kirk, Irnortk B. ansmall. , Junes D. Varner, o.llansaa 1.0.5, • . WIC pkiILAAPH, Presidents. ' AMIN WATT. Vt. Presidents W. P. tiaKONgit. B•exatark, inilny Capt. J. DD. Doi , . Bang •.... A LLEGHENT INSURANCE CO. rx or PITTSBURGH: BMW bO. i 7 in" dm% Book Block toss ors %Mr. all AM. of lire and YOBBO Mak+ JOHN LIIWTS J.. erealdens. JOHN rusldeut.. Capt. WM. Dill, es= Ages . . cat Wal. Jraknanact. W. LI. Wombs, Robert D. x.ta. 111..1114411111M, Geo. D. Deerevr, Jahn r. O. d. Hra ci,. • Chute. Ilap. PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CUMPAYA OF PITTSBURG% PA. ORIoNIII Finis Strait. /Yak aims. l• • Hama rna Y. mga Wu.* NW,. LONAi., WALZ.% Prilleilt, ?lbfl .3 ENVAWlll, P"4 Treiniti.. HUGH -11.141AtiN Beerataa. ffEM RobertA ole Jacob Maur, JOG lA2IAIng ItT. a. Hopi:Wee utry thonoule AGAINST LOSS - BY YLRE. FRANKLIN INSURAIME_COMPANY. OF PAULA DELS -11 1 4 . omee: 434 aad aft viazglllVT Near FIDA.' Dzsacmottl. Chariot W. BsatLer, Mordeta Lindy , Tool. Wapner, David IL Dttryn, kr°,...'fpDLla e*" ' ' WV. ka r tlYt i , " it.o4o , • KDWD DALY, Klee [Me 0,11001. ' U. C. BTEEI.Y. it 01.07, J. GAIIDNEB COFFIN. Agent, EaKINtLS Nonb %rte. tor. Thltd ACWood sts. n:rtrrz WESTERN INS lIIIIANCE OY PITIIIIITIROH, • ALISMAIWILB Nun= ri=lassit. Cl 4. 1401Vii r it.Vraesod AV: Othos, a Water street. Orono 00...■ We re B att:=l= ' of7lllo,__Neiliar Illeks. A bathe Intitution...4W who trowel towers to the eatenousity,aad who sr* determnseo . I .. )togwe kh end th.i r toslntato the rim&Om beet proteetiolt to OM! to De lamed. aircr. Armlet. ' B. Jr, James Ma nley, Alaxandet Spoor, 11.110111 . 11.• •11.14117, asild Y. Loll,. Milne Chu. }. John B. iner'hoan; . . Jalapa B.lllrpa./.11411i rkUUP H.Tmar. IMP V ` P0ri...... PAINT RE. J. L amuLros, A. D. NUM.. ILLIIILTON & Nein, Howse and Sign ,Paintars;. 133 Tlllllll3 ISTNIZT, P 11131.1111111. Graintriz.Glasing Gildirst , „ 3ftt17.3..."4 • MIX= • PAllrns, Va.NISH33. rurrr. GI ASS. 1131:10., 33. I . OIIPENTI.3II, *BITS L 1.3. Zni , . to- . SOnkse 21•Corrd1 .170. SAlTOtrie . McCOO, kV . ! ; & SPkirDEI liW its.YRE taltiV e rf& F N. 63, 'torch olds of Dlassoutt. gkeetd,eretal &NI glue sins mule to Order @doted kt Aptinui e.."rtal i ri tg tl ban d JO GRA:Sr 214.11111VAA11) &WI FAINTED, GRAINED AHD GLArlga t No. 64 Hand St.; Pittakarth; LUSA And Ormnouial Vaint•OS na7 dearlD. sloe lo . m . to r :rd.r. All wart does tee. pro.ragir W . COOLTE% • •. HOUSE. AND SIGN PAINTER, oar. rorwru ♦an eater STA. rrrmn•a. All en:lc:Mia At the Shp... unc le lAngb) W ILLLt2I 11. BROW'S,- - cute ash. !Ina ar BEMS* 11 0120. r figinSE env mat renrzsiu4 Notttiout tcecat of Thyd um/ Mutat Meath TOBACCO. - CIGAR otqemat culAns , • . One ':M Citanc, Oa band awl toe les at R. 'et -JENKINSONIB. riumuzVt.,,actsyl • , JOHN MEGRAW, itsashotamiosime i ramie wadad.n. Tobacco,Ona and' Cigais; • ims air.4osm., aryzmerw; 1.114" Rl= Ea JumadaNV Mil