The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 10, 1867, Image 1

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: -1, , !EMU/311ED 'EVERY 11101iMING.
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. I 'ENNUO&I!,-REED & CO.,
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1/. F.. PL .3[11.7i
T. Fiji:lg./Z[l.f.
12oe1De ~ni.'n~ccre
u,nct, GLZETTE..P.W.LL;I2iI
. leeeer.4.l &SRI SG TITTLE STREET.
irG43 Cc*lien
l eper of ifegeri Peen!huh.
ita4 Cu/II•If OCTAL PseEß 141..4 Gt...
• MINI OF TUE Ditty:
Mfgg P IT",',•;.;;J;;;: . •:; 117`f• •
.44att sobv.a.tbent Tgar 4 0 .00.
Adaress, t GAZ&TTE.
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littsburgh 6:4srtti
_•• Ia
errial Cu: r spov,4 tsee ...he.) •
LNIVIII:tiC., (H... 4 .) lune 1861 '
In my letter from - Sr. Louis Pgave
some account of our pre:peal and ob-
I servation's up to that time. -On Monday
morning some, of us had a delightful
I drive to many' of the most interesting
'parts of that truly great city. We were
then taken to the top of the dome of the
Court House, from which elevated posi
tion we had a very fine 'panoramic view
of Sk. Lours and its grand and beautiful
surroundings—the Mississippi - (now in
flood), the American bottomi and its
blurt's, eight miles distant, en the Illinois
side; and the -beautiful, cultivated and
highly adorned tracts in the rear of the
city. Our party then dined at the mag
nificent Southern Hotel : (I dined with- a
friend), and at 5 if. St. we took the cars
on the old Missouri Pacific road,- on
which we travelled all night, and arrived
at Leatm,worth at about nine this morn
ing. Of the splendid country in 3lls
souri and Kansas over which we rode, I
shall not speak patticalarly at this time.
.Breakfasting nt Leavenworth, we spent
an hour or two in cordial greetings with
the citizens and' with one another—for
we received a large accession to our par
ty at St. Louis and other places in )Lis,
sour'. Then velnifl seemed to be the en
tire vehicular wealth of the city was
placed utcrtir service, and we were ear-
ried out to old Fort Leavenworth, which
is situated on a bold and high bltiff al.
Mosioverhanging the river, about two '
miles north of the city, where we were I
most cortiltlly met by Major Geniis]'
Hancock “; General W. Hoffman tad
their ladles, and where we remained
about an bout in the most free and easy
social enjoyment. We then re.-entered ,
our carriages and drove overtire eleva ed
ground which lies north and west of the '
city, and iron which, in. all di ea:lmm,
to had charming piespeets: Truly this
is a magnificent State, especially when
it is brought under cultivation and 1
adorned, as many places-are, with fruit
and ornamental trees. Trees.: of, every I,
kind flourish here in unsurpassedlealth,
vigor and beauty.
After dinner ire had an impromptu
meeting at tine hotel, at which short and
eluipient addresses were made by Majpr
A. IL Calhoun, of Philadelphilt, General
Prim, of Missouri, (not, as the elections
gentleman who introduced the speaker
put it, "General Sierling Price," but
tote sterling General Price,) and General
Simon Cameron, df our State. Alto
gether our visit to Leavenworth—a beau
tiful new city of thirteen years of age,
and in which they claim to have 27,000
inhabitants .a/very. pleasant one.
IA ride of thirty-Ve miles brought us
tolhis city, wherefwe were cordially re.
eeivml and , admirably entertained m a
large and well kept hotel. Here, this
evening, we had a very spirited meeting
In the large ball-room of the hotel, and
when that was over many of the young .
people of the party and of the city put
the room Mita appropriate use. I hear
the music while I write: pn our way
from Leavenworth to this place we passed
over what is known ns the Delaware res
ervation, a tract of extraordinary fertility
and beauty. Two hundredland twenty
,.three thousand 'aCies of thiS great posses;
siou of this almost extinct- tribe were
porekased by the Union Parade Itallwa
Company from the Indians at e
Government price, and the fur
-1 ther consideration. of extending -
a railroad entirely thraugh it. This
would give to Leavenweirtb a branch :
r road to Lawrence. and thus make- that
, city nterminus of the ILIiOII Pacific Rail.'
Way.' 'The road was promptly built,
and the, operation on all hands was a
good our' for all parties—tor the Indians,
who did not and mild dot use what they
heldsfor the State of Kansas and the
whole. country, 'because it was the means 1
of bringing into Market a. magnificent
trict:of hind lylag at the very entrance '
of the State; tuot 'yor the company, for
lids land is Of great and ever increasing _
j value. Ir is In the •market• at
from threc . to ten dollars per acre, the
Tans*. destrndtive fires are chported
• t price varying not because of quality, but
this:Morning. The Quincy, 111., City Hall i.ef location. I saw, some new begin.
was destxoyed on Saturday. Low $5O, - stings as we passed Over—one partieu
-000; Insured. Two hotels and a . livery Italy of some Ma. who "knew how to
stable In Warn*, Lid., were burned The I dc k t.lie had a neat and commadiaaa
and all the other buildings that
earns day, sithpaSedto have been there- tit good farmer needs for tun bestowment
snit of inceniliarism. Loss, *60,000;i:tog of his goods, both animmte and loan!-
insurance reported: The tobacco wire- 1 1
mato. • His grounds were well fenced,
hon . or Frank s bras , and near his dwelling I observed a good
olio ••• •••••" Cincinnati , sized young orchard of as pretty and as
destrOyed. • Loss $30,000; insurance ' th rifty fruit' trees "as ever grew. It
4,000. • . I looked like a litile.Paradise, hkeapretty
' island in albroari sea. 4.ll.this .was the
work of ode year.
To-morrow we shall go on up tine val
ley of the Kansas, on our way to Fort
..11arkerly rail. We are to dine at To
peka and sleep to-morrow night at Junc
tion city, a thnving place three miles be
yOnd „Fort Bitty. Thin wets the farthest
pointi - eachid by the exeurnonista last
November. Now we •go eighty miles
farther—pretty good progress for one
winter. ;
Our party, now numbers about one
hundred and twentyfive. Mr. Perry,
the President of • the company, 'is with
us, and a number - of the Board.of.Diree
tors, and Others who are financially and
otherwise interested. The press is well
represented, and - to crown all, we have
very many ladies who contribute greatly
to the sum 'of the profit
and, pleareire of the, trip In
part ' , I like this excursion _better
than the one we had last fall; for ilthire
is lisshllarity there is more quiet social
enjoyment and of carneol enthusiasm in
thegreatwork:we went out to see. The
Petple out here believe with all their
hearts in the Union .Pacific Railway of
the Kanias, and that they are how—not
that they- will be, but that they : are—
blessed with us fair a heritage as over
the:ill-Father gave to Ills children.
J. C.
Tuts mrrinr.coMmunity will ho pain
ed to learn that. Miss 'Umlaut. Mc
i EN
FADD is no more. She died at the
• residence of her father, JOHN B. Mc.
FADDEN, F. 54.. on Friday morning last.
Among the many ladies of this commul
7, tjt who evinced self-sacrificing devotion
t a i to tha relief sadaomfort of the national
soldiery; during the War, .116 one was
more wholly given up, or iabored more
Jutlicioutly and unceasingly than ehe
6r was more distinguished for soperh ,
energy and administrative ability.
Thousands of soldiers will carry to their
graves krateful Memories of benefits and
t• blessings received through her zealous
i t' effort's,* and will lament with heartfelt
!:•,• emotions her untimely death, as that of a
dear friend. • . • - "
In Society Miss MCFADDEN - Wag every.
where admired and loved by her lively
'Mid 'Rental dispoSition and temper.
X (pally a falprhe with old and young,
is rich and poor, her Memory will _linger
sweetly in the hearts of all who :knew
••, her.
SiNASOII.. $6.1411011T, (f CM.) or the
Somerset district, has been thrown over
board by hie party, because of kis rotes
list wmter. So far-- well.. But:that is
-only half the requisite wont. We trust
care has be= taken to nominate:a ruin
'Oa - will vote right. •
In .Tackion times, it Was held to
impolitic to remove L dishonest Treasury
agent. The reason given was that his
po r ekets were full, and hd might Mare
plundering, whereas his successor won'd
go in with empty - pockets, and have to
fa . fill them. This_ logic will not stand
scrutiny, either as to fidncial or lediala.
..tive,offices. -
' There es no use its turning out one
w; Senator, and putting another in who
, will . vote the 'same way. Reform - con-
Mks In getting , men who will , vote right.
Tuz Republican of letwrence 'county
have nominated•for Assembly, Jae . . Ed
wards:do..oolMo Judge, Thomas Porn: ,
Croy; Treasurer, R. Cochran LCslte;
Sheriff, David Rhodes.
In Indiana county the Republicans
nominated for - .A.ssembly, - -W. Gordon
1 ;, and.S. W. RlcumelL • - •
ti The Ber county Republicans have up
(pointed a deleirates to the Williamsport
`I Contend , Jacob Hoffman; Samuel
.1..: Shearer r. E E. Griesoncr, and J.
H. Jscohs. They, also, declared in favor
-,..: ors State Constitutional COnvention to
11. extend the elective franchise to' all cid
,lS zeris, regardless of race or poles, and to
secure . such .oUfer reforms • as they be
' ;I needed to secure good goveninient.
. _
IT • haa -7- 17ectr lashiouable of late to
stigmatize the blacks of the Sonth as
shiftless and Indolent. It now appears
that laziness and unthritt; in that section
is not monopolfzed by' the blacks.' The
;:ew • Orleatis Picayune declares that
"Indolen , id • ',rthli
- indolence and worthlessness hail taken
possession of thousands of-white men in
.1 the South, .sincel the close of the war
threw them out of employment. Men,
11 who previous to the war were industri
employe.j iu agile:Miural pursuits,
ti.; and content with the respectable lade-
Pendence of a farmer's life, have, in con
-51 sequence of the Itastes engendered by
four years of s soldier's life, become
k• stragglers and adventurers in oities, and
'II lost all love forlabor."
Gni. GRANT promptly denies the ra•
4, =or that be bad interfered, or was about
11 to interfere, With the course of General
it- Sheridan. The President will hardly
. dare to Litivo publiii opinion hi inteifer
coca with the gallant soldier at New Or
:leans, who hes the f entire confidence of
all loyal people, and if left free to act,
will advance the beet ktterests of the
country in Ins troublesome district. '
IN all ordinary cases the supersession
of : the deg pot?ers by military once, fs
not te. Our 'Akin; but, utile case stands,
there fa something decidedly refreshieg
MAU' way Gen. Sheridan deals with
the turbulent elements at New Orleans.
fi Nothing so wholesome has been estdbi
..; Sad there arise the adminlstra
'Sion of Gen. But/et. . .
.'..,. 4110TIIER horrible tradgedy has talteu niter St. I l oilo. While hi bed,'en
h. 'Friday night, Joint Ross "and his little
42.1e0n were crhelly-murdtred. A. German
*boy, in the employ
l Of, Boss, is thought
rto have been the perpetrator of the deed..
. , EC made his escape, taking tritit him the
-. team aid wagon of the . deceased.
„ 4 . ,,, ' , Tern fourteenth Satiate district luts been
I.4presente - il for three years liy Mt. Walls,
re democrat, though it is republican. Ills
(; election was tha result of a Split- IsiOw,
Toyilr.: Retry Johnson, of Union meaty, is
:2strged for the Republican nomination.
ithe was fornierly hi • o Senate,
and sen
ed with eredif. • .. • '
S . MiATOIt ivADvi k :excursion party
leave Leavenworth, Karisas„to-day for
Fort Riley: rind' other western points
The Pilla.delPhia excursion paityoshich
l';"lias been lire!. the *Union I'acillc Rail- -
:.. I , way, arrived, on its iltuin, at St.fLouis,
• 'tiyesterdity. ' . i
.-- Jon:: Arrrnmr, a merchant' of• st.
Lam, lo reported . to have fallemluir to
, the snug sum of seventeen millions . of
dollars in gold; by the death of the Earl
of Antrim, Ireland. If true, John An
qtrlm should be a happy_tnan. - ;
Tue decision of Judge Bryan, of the
L. S. District Court at Charleston,
,ptltat private telegrams are not privileged.
~ , ,mitrilunications, and that telegraph cem
f'inany:. must produce them evidence,
juts an important beating, .
Now thought the New York Con
i..ksUlational Convention will not only.
L' strike the word "white," but also the_
,ii 7 Word "male" from thti , COnstitutiop.
"will put all adult citizens on cut
1: -equality.
- Tine twelfth annual celebration et the.
A.Turltera' Union of • Nortli
''commencea to.daY in Baltimore. 4ele
gatel are already present In that city
1:1 , 116m aliparts of the country.
Tam= 11 congratulatory dispatch to
pi - . Xielater Romero lets street the doubts
‘7raised neiripaper civilera as: to
Fi'7whethei 7dazfmillaa luta been really
Staken prisoner. . "
I n^ltra T l e ° d w b a l P (l e en arl to i llEz 3 tol m th l Teu N mPf
, f: , 45 4 48,0 Y 00. The. Call . en Emperor tehaved
distinguished gallentry, -
'CA. :Soo. Campbell, a well known
1.-;Aurfirialt of Mobik`, .6-te. of Baltimore,
..Volled In I :Louisville; on Battirday night.
IF Wayne 6"untr.. Pi:, bay bail re
flccaUy Bold for PAY 40/liin
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Mr!, .1•:c Justice Clu.e . a iter Entertain
urbm lAn VlllosinDtga (Del.) Commercial.]
Only one man (!) was publicly pillo
ried and whipped lately, in New gamic.
TiTose of our readers who have enjoyed
the reports of the previous similar occa.
stone, and those who have • bad their
sense of humanity outraged by the con
tinued existence of the law of the scourge
arc alike inforined that the barbaric.
ilmma has played its last scene. Till, a
whitish black man, who, in a tit of
drunken rage (who gave him the. liquor?)
killed his brother, attar the latter had
struck and kicked kiln, was convicted-of
his crime oullonday. Thig was Lis seri
tense pronnunced : "That) you pay
linnof live dollars ;stand in the pillory
one hour be whipped with sixty lashes
and be imprisoned for life." At ten
o'clock the. %hipping took -place. Ile
good a ptiblic spectacle, the murk tor•the
meanest mar's taunts, with bin 'bead
thinst forward, his arms fixed in the pil
lory, under thin broiling June sun, one
hoar. lie was then taken down, strip
' pest to the searst, and Ma wrists pinioned
Ile underwent the sixty blows of the cat.
Its nine throngs increased his punish.
meat to fire hundredland forty strokes. •
The humanity of the- Sherilf,• as it has
often Joni in previous CII.SCF, tempered
rho severity ot the punishment. se knew the 'Man on whose back tae
scourge was falling; Till had been in
his employ. "Ile -was not a bad boy,
when sober," said the iiheriffto us, when
We looked through the prison two weeks
The whipping fiaislied,yr.s led
back to hits itapriiso cat. It.
lithe testimony uf those w are con
nected with the administration of the
law's penalty at New Castle, that whip
ping does not prevglit si repetition of
crime. Old offenders corn - back again
and-again, more and more hardened, to
be pilloried and whipped.
—The Eastempapers give the follow.
lug particulars of the death of the yen
erable•Dr. Hawes, of .Ilartford,' Conn.
He had been suffering from a severe cold
for several days, but on Saturday went
to Gilead to supply" the pulpit in the
Congregational Church. lie preached
there all day Sunday without seeming to
feel any ill effects from . his cold. But on
Sunday evening he hail quite an attack
of hemorrshage, which terminated in
congestion of the longs. ins mind was
to but he hid much diffi
culty in speaking. • 6. few hours prev
ious to his death; ft reply to a remark
that he wan almost home, the' Doctor
said: "Oh, yea, I am•an - thankfill that
he great work of preparation has not
-eon put off until now,"
Greek Vessel Blockaded.
Financial and Commdrcial
Ily Telegraph lo the I . l:tfiburgh Gazette
COII031•TION Or 111,V01111,051.11.11.
Pxsr Joao 8,-Thcooronation of the Em
peror Francis Joseph as_Klng of Hungary
occurred M - dag, amid a great concourse of
Poople. •
°nue .mr BLOCKADID.
Loar.a, June. - 8 — Erening.—Telegritres
have been received which staid that the
Terktd, Navy had blockaded the Greek
4hip drawn.. at Carigo.
Particulars of the Attempt to mom.
Moots the roar or Itnesto In Porta—
l:nomination of the Ammosln
American Address to the year.
Na, Tear. June a.-:The .Fferolifis •
special says: TIM Mani/cur, in Its' °Metal
acimunt or the attempted assawilriation
says: The ball struck the head of the harm;
wlllen earned one of the Imperial grooms,
riding:at the door of the carnage. The
peop the the crowd arrested tno - assaseln,
and pollee Interfered to east.' .bis life,
- which was nifeatened by the enraged oolw
Want The man +aye his notate Is Beregmakt
and that hale a native of Volhyliia.
The Le Droll says the assassin is a Polish
mechanic, mid that he pnrchased a, double
barrelml pine! here Juno Dth.
The (,'meet des Thbuneux says the grOom
In walling: who eras riding by the door of
the Imperial carriage, observed the mean
ring movement of th I n b oundn the crowd,
and ruined his horse forward :man
io place nbis directly- between the asemoln
and the Sovereigns. Thu ball passed
through the space formed between Napo
lien and one et the Grand Dukes. son of the
Czar, wounding a lady standing - opposite to
see the cortege pima. The blood from the
beta of the gosorn , a horse epined on the
uniforms of the Imperial party. The man
attempted to lire u teased shot, but the dis
charge bent the second barrel. The atlas.
sin alibi he came from Belgium two days
eince,i•clt the te
inntion of killing the Cur.
The Part
s Meele Kays the man Hates that
hn had no accomplice.
The La Fremee . says the Address of con
gratulation to se v era l has been eaten
.lvelm signed la the towns, and It is
belieted will become general.
The Ainerlean• here will, toesionrow, Ipro
ecnuthrough General DLi an :Ware. Lathe
A service was held In We Huss.° chinch
In' Paris to-day. Tee Czar.' the Grand
Duchess and the Wee of the Czar attended
er o
ffered thanksgiving for their escape.
Aft s
father with much mo ti on . 110th Emperors
also embraced., Some of the Czar's eolt ail.
curd his return at once, hut he would not.
The assasele was examined to-day. lie Is
an Instrument maker. lb was asked.sllew
could yeti flee at a 'Seveeeign the guest of
France, who nourish.] your , Be replied,
wile • lifer. ..True. 1 committed a great
crime Dreamt France.^ Dnt you ran the
risk of killing' Napoleon(" To this the pris—
oner answered: ' sNo. A Polish bullet could
not go astray. it must go straight when
aimed at the Czar. 1 wished to relieve the
vnirld of the Czar, and the Czar of the re
worse ectitch most weigh upon html" •
The prisoner showed no sorrow for the
slime he had attempted tocommit. and only
expressed regret at its fellers.
Napol.on has conferred the cross' of the
heelou of Honor ma the groom.. The horse
of the letter dn.!.
win o--- FINANCIAL eumnimexAm.
Awrwerte. Juno A— -"The market
Petroleulai• dulL and pram, declined na
fr.i riot:Ward white quoted at 124 I ranee per
ass - cues,. June S.—geennics—tietted
Sudo. Flue-Twenties quoted issue of
Crown Prince of Prussia and Napo
leon— Persecution of tbo Jews--
Italian allites—Susnosty to German
Ineserters—The War to Sandia—Fur
ther Turkish loworsos—Anottrer
Heir to lb. Weasel of Itapsborg,
NEW lona, June 9.—The steamship Or.
nice, from Bram., May .13th, Southampton
May nstb. and City of Paris from Liverpool
MAT 29th. and May antilb mined
this evening. •
The France save the Crown Pekes of
Prussia hoe been greatly grouted by the
cordial receptiob accorded bon by the Em
peror Napoleon. r . .
Dispatches received from Jassy report the
violent permeation of the Jews In that
town. Alamos number have been emit away,
destination unknown. Tho Jews of Fads
addressed a representation to the Minister
of the Interior and Foreign Alfalre and Em
peror, praying for protection to their co-,
Ito num.. 'Maythe Chamber of
Deputies, Signor Etnislo mounted Inform.
non respecting the report of the now Con
vention relative to ccelecelasti.l proper
ty. Ratassl replied be could not AZ a day
for replysog.. Too matter. retinal. ab
ready mated by the fdltitster oflinanco. The
Chamber will he fully informed on the •on
Ject immdtely on the return of the
Minister ( rem Turin.
Tents. Lay 91.—Ptinoo Napoleon and
Prtuevsa Ch/otlida. arrived laat night and
mat with an enthludaatit welcome.
. .
Daman, May Royal decree, dated
the letb. wt. Issued to-day, granting a full
pardon to all penmen liable to military ter.
vice who have emigrated without permit-.
don. from the Intuit Incorporated provin.
Con, and remitting all sententes againtt
them, prOvided 'they surrender au
Viensa,lifity 15.—The official financial re.
twos for ' the Om quarter of the Current
year Show tile expenditu,' receipt., e empire
are 101408.573. florins; e6,01,401
florintutdellelency, flortnt—which
aid be made up by certain funds in the
Treasury, and by Borne extraordinary linen.
end resource. available for 'hat porno.,
Manic, tiny 25.—A royal decree has been
pnbiltheaktovity superceding several Gov.
croon of Provinces.
The Ciirrespoluf.cie this evening an.
noel.ns that neltner the King nor the
Queen of Spain, nor the Emperor of Mo
rocco, will visit the Paris Eshtbition.
Iratr.—The Quoen Of Parmesan. arrival
at • Turin .11 was connally received by the
Royal Prin.. .1 the municipality. Au
immense crowd assembled and groat entlru
siasm wan manifested.
Fistanor.—A telegrariffrom liTnemels mate
that this tksento mentioned theerr de.
mended by the Gov e rnment . for 100.0 X.
tnnes for the converelon orbroech mama,
am sell as the • loan .pf eo,Ore,IMI. The
Chan:therm have adjourned mute die. I
A lr.
C•IIIIIA lermstiorecallfews ft 02 Can•
din., derived thrdunll Greek mom . an
noubeem that .two fresh .mgmrmine. took
piece on the lath and 10th, both of welch
resultal In favor of the Candlans. Omar
races Imetated Lobo marching to Itoimehm.,
devastating/ the country Co him llMmteart
Tho eastern rfOVIIMOS are In complete 01.
Telda—A. • fresh Miurrintlonary move
ment has broken 'out at Balta. The hum ,
icentiehail assaseinated Kahn, of Begs, and
tseveral other persons. Maly It
roopswere to leas* on the 13th, to quell
the revolt. late , Ivitalllgon. Raga the
The etmovements
Stb la of nu
Important character.
t dlnapear ed.
Ileassv. ag U.—Ma p rket good; freights
7,65 per ton; exchange 2staid Minh" of cot "
ton during a fortnight were ono hundred
thensatel bales.
Eireassm—princess Marg. of Teak. was
rarely delivered him daughter Clay 37th.
The !Clitoral hill was snaking rapid and
satisfactory progress In the Committee Of
the noose Of Commons.
The Daily News says: In spite of nil their
(netts. the Wain object ofthu Reformers has
been • attained. A,113011. OVOtythlng that
government orlitlnafty propneeti i s irons. .
Almost all that the opposition insisted on
Ims been adopted.
A lI.T wridtntry memo re, tulep•
led towards the 'Jews In tbo Danutilan,prlns
dualities have boon withdrawn.
Thu Prussian go , ernment has opened
confidential negotiations with the cabinet
at Copnhagen, with a view of explain.
log 01 , conditions which will base to:
he fulfilled by • Donmarx - on the
'restoration of the District of -North
Schleswig. These conditions refer to thcr
assnmption by Denmark of the Proteetc
rats, of part of the public debtor the Duchy
and the guartmtee to be undertaken by the
listasti tiovernment for the natlonal. pro
tection of the Doman inhabitants Of the
district about to be restored.
.The rams Patric soy. thesubjeet of eoria
dentist. neirotittlons between the Prussian
end. Danish governments Is the Wore post
lion of used end' Poppet. which Prussia
desires to retiun. It grills that the retrooes.
Mon offered by the Prtissinn Government
would comprise the territory of OPenrade.
containing throe hundred and Ave lithabl-
ALS.—The COnvention relative to
churchproperty, was emistituted at Turin;
May @DM walt Coto ptalr Do and Compte of
Pte. and Menem. Field. Openhelm and Er.
tender. These capitalists twill Deus bonds
redeemable in twentplive years, and Palm.
Me by the proceeds or the extraordinary
lax anon church property. an 1.110,00)oso
francs, which they will advance to the Gov
Cam..—The Egyptian Corvette of Agar
arrived at Valett., on the' nth, bllngimg In.
; .telligence from Candle t hat Omar Pasha
returned there on the 75th, attar. burning
Orly-eve Tillages, without, however,oh.
tenting any successful remelt& againetathe
lusurgeuta. . ,
Panseia.—Prussia- has declared her wit_
lingo mu to come le an arrangement to evac
uate Luxemburg by a given date. Prance
glles that !she plaerd i sucti complete con.
1 11. P tIfIrZu r iM n g:LFP:,: e . ' ,1 5 ,1 1 ;
into no fresh guarantee on the eildeca
neon - papers dis•
=ld toolay:thir poetical which Spain ia
placed by the recent decree of tile Emperor
orlitasi, In reference to slavery,.
Pounce that Senor Pesti= Meg to
Ulli .propcoing the abolition .of idirre7
the Bp + nLn .
CBTleinpbb the nusbargb euetttir
LocusruZ•afroll 1. - 4. II 2 I VaIUM Sinn
,tett Setten WWI& bY •
'h . = um ) June . l.-4pYOl . litil4lonary,
:By Telegraph ty the rittieurgh Gruyetir.l SECOND IDIT
ngwtae at orA.
New Tonc,June B.—During tllo tomme of
Brtissien ehip Arnold Ben ningUr, Which
TM%hit Ulla port from Bottefdam yester- FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M.
day, thirty-four deaths occurred among the _
Beesengers; twenty-stx children and eight'
earn Year Or Wrimera.
Four hundred Imes; of rifles have been •
i ,hy Ttlegrarb i &the Pittsburgh Beretta.
Shipped cur board the Born la for Bremen,
each case marked ' , Twenty Austrian It. M. Waantiorron, Jmie &ISE'.
Rifle Mtlaketti, with bayonets." It IS 0011 1 „,,,,, o 0 ,„ ~... ~..5 . 6.,,,,, L PA 0 . r . r .1 , „„ 00.
these arm are a eOnsignment purelooml by • , venlaces On ilia bunt. l -
the clover out mutt five yours ago, widen is „ „ _ _
~ _ _ , .
are nOir h ing returnial tO Europe for the , nnurßY atter the rrealtlen lal
purpose o being ressold. One hundred ad. i Richmond , this afternoon, a salute tstM ; dreg-,
ditional c sea will' e sent by the following ,
; i lt . y r
v u
o d n e tie:oh
lotm e nnte;.orf
thetl: l i i i n n n tt o e f i I ,
b .S e t a i l: s u
r a .i r fLI :
Elatunlayl steam . '
1 .,„
and withluview Of the pueeengera. A com• I
ad roc—n earroturat, torn.
Rim Kat :Sort a native of Maine, and
until reee tiy a esnlent of Detroit, cum- • prop '
s! ....ITS were 'ln U.... thee.itt . i
milted self des.rn tion nt her residence, on • pramiam. ou reachin g &Maim' , "...rid i
West Eleventh Street, by taking morphine. , came to tbe car for the purpose of pairing
A .......° E ' twt° "ntrY scums to t "'''' I their respect. to the PreshUnt and Same.
seduced her four ream ago, under promise .
of Marriage, and bed been living with her , tary Seward. Postmaster General Randal
since be came here. !recently he warmed ' left the party and returned to Washingto4.
another woman, and the above it the •
. , last night. Cheers were given is the train
,11 1110 en. At Yredericketilirg tile UsSetn-
LAMM If fait la tiIIOOKIMA.
• bluge canedOn the President for a speech,
The stables of Peter Lyman, corne of ; but ho merely thanked his friends for toe
Clinton and Flualtlng even... hrooal r
yn, cordial reception. Clicerw were given no the •
distillery of John' Brennan & Patrick ]left-, irmn left the matron. The party returned
nlng, stable and sheds of Henry Hurtleau, ; to w.,m os , oe at tone o'clock ,hi. r m or .
and the lumber In the yard of Conklin. Son , noon. The crowds nt tau ration. atatious
& Beard, were burnt tins morolug.
; Loss, , were larger on the return than on the Jeer.
afai 3 OXt partly Insured. I noy to it:dwell, with a corresponding in
•lniVal. or T•Ca - , ItiNniVera. . et hriat te m m „ii i, „l l .o. l .it l it ai . l bita : d.
~A . it t l n t lleb oo lir r i t p y . e areee s
The yacht Henrietta, from Cow., Mir I
Oth, arrived today. She encountered strong , gelm man TO sObutrate or MA
, westerly winds during the entire passage, ; Cation I Pannybacker, of Kentucky, Slate
and 10111. hrr Jltibrami. , Agent, bee recently °sited the attention of
none Lawn arCleistriliMrs. . i the Commissioner el Pensions to all adver.
_ . Hamlett!. which represent', that the soldiers
The steam ahtp Quaker (MY aull'al to-do l o r tau war of ism or their widows, Mill now
with the excursionists to the Holy Unit i
In wa r
„ o.
ATT eirrran Immosnen agaraeran. , lam Intrutooth. Tho Commiaeloner states
Eau' Toter, Jane 9.—Calvin Id. Northrup. that anellt.repacweitatiOnn are Wholly UM
.... , wurranted. no law even having been Imam s
was genterday sentenced twelve Year . . "" I blt hieh peon inns are granted to .01-
the Mate priun for the attempted murder, di e t's.3l the War of ISM, or their widows, ex
of his wife by poisoning, in Westchester 1 cold as provided wore th , au o t w, :itty ye:re
~,,,.„.„. hce, to Myelitis end w
; I of • th sa
1 sI
ssmo 00009, cc ._ ..... ..... .. __ ....._ . _.
. (lyinf wounds or disease Incident to the
Of Wine ty-ni sery .
ne one thousand dollar hoods 1.2008200 or TIMIS MCC..
...eV" reported mit'lttg from tl° 'lre '''. Thin Governor of. Michigan, having ramie
ury apartment, no clue has Peen disco) , '
. nopllcation in behalf of the Portage Idlke
and Lake Superior Canal Company for a
001.0 IN Tnirair.A•c• st v.
I talker extension of tune, In order to cola-
The amount of gull in the Treasure at ' "ken [belt selections under act of July al,
Washington islI100,831,000;of which $18.337, 0 10 11, makirM n additional gt - ant , ot, t oo
Is rapswented by gold mirth:lo.4es. , thousand acres, the Commlwitiner of 1.130
0.1. Plint.ll.3 0 07 CONDINITZ.. i General Land ()Mee reollea by linking this
General Grant has tolt•grahlied to General ; Governor to specify tho time be desires oa
Sheridan that there Is no truth In the re. 1 ...).. al. g......-
pone tnat secretary Stanton and himself 1 gesicoo&rarcit W.F.( .F1,11Z7,.
had censured him (Sheridan) ( Or ......g I Minister Romero, today, reta•ived the MI,
Gor. Well..
", lowing letter from Preallent J uarez, which
• I, dispels ail doubt as to Um captun) of quo-
FROM NEW ORLEANS. 1 enure and mg... 11 m. ~ .
1. , ...0 1.1,11. PoTOPI. licay 15.
Governor Well. Mantled from 1-1. ' B°. Irltemt Romero—M P DAm'A.°° a! Qa.".
, , 1 mato was token by assault at .8 o'clock •.
0 ,— ..a... 07 . 1 °. to w*„.'".u.lY r... ~ at. Iced sy. Maximilian, MeJla and Castello
-.I. "". ....... •......•,...' Lund i . surre.lered at•ilscretion a at the Caroms.
Sureenderiow Only to the were. 1 fill, tho last place that resisted. 1 congrat.
MIT tr . !' ((reek to dm Pittsburgh .area.. • elate you upon this importent victory.
Mn OOLOSO,, June 8 —lt half oast nine , Please areal enclosed to soy family.
Yours, mOst truly, . 1
oclOck this morning Brevet &suers! r or- ;
; . 1.. the X c astsr.:' 1
syth. of General Shuridan's staff, called at ;
All t0.41,AN ...1.4110 rm.,
the Executive (Mice In blechtinics. Insti- I
An cllieial inbchiniediOrtsinade of a Con-'
tote, and Informed Governor Well. that emitter( between the United chats. and Tea.,
ho bore a written. communication to himuela, fora mixed rommisslon in order to
trom the General Commanding, widen ens i settle the Amerman claims,
lotand to be as follows : . F YR.., 4102..., cr lietaNi, orwroorao.
Keridgnorlers F. , ,..n. Mdedtg /Alb - W. Nr.' I The amount of fractional I t:errancy rO
- 7.--a, J. .3/...... owl., : deemed and timaroyed at the Treasury Mir•
tiovernar of Lotelaiona.--81r1 Governor klan- t mg itill Week amounted to 8.170,750.
dere Just Informed me that he made an I
• IXTiaItAL etleViN mi.
raciademand ou you %tor the records of-1 .
the ogice which you have heretofore net , The receipts of internal revenue for the
as (Seemlier of Louisiana, and that you j weet were $ 5 , 43 0.i. 04 -
have declined Its torn them over xo him,'
disputes the rislitteremnve from °Mee by
. „thie,aa„ yon a a ,... p o e now ,, : ; The reeeihts of custo m s for the went end.
And urged on me up to the time of your r.-- ' log May 81st were $:•01,At:
mond. I therefore used Brevet Brig. Gen. -----
Forayth. of my staff 1 to notify youth. lie
is vent to .Jest }'ova from tha Govern
or.s room forcibly, unias you considnr this . -- -- •
notllination as equivalent to ejection. , n o r o f. a Warmer oad ism goo_
• (Signed) 1. - IL ....(.•.• Wind•feli to os ellerehmal—Phllsdel:
Major General U.S. A. „mi. L.,..a rs g an pa r s,
After reading this communication, Gov. ~
,ar Sri.
e,,„ , :, ,„ the i , n ,.., , ,,,„ . :
Wells answered . follows: : •
(fen. Forsyth—Sex. 1 surreoder Me o nl., i • Se. I,nvis..lnneit.—lidward tins, and non e
I hold only to the sword." ,:" ! about four years old, Ming on a farm nine
The Governor then called on Judkn Itynn, • milei from tam, were found dead In bat
-of Me Parish of ILapides, to bear,wltness to • •
of what he hall nod. Without making any Yesterday Morning by Mrs. nose, who had
response whatever : Gen. Forsyth' withdrew. • beam on it Malt to'he city and .1 net returned
Thom , . eilMoloiro of G 00.. ., t-t h . rtthtn• home It Ls suppoaed a Gorman bey, •igh•
Mr. Fluiderv, will therefore mire immediate ,yeo years not, in to ",, employ ~, f 10y ., , . eom .
possession of the Executive ofllce.
Muted tile sie•)l. he havlng-Irlt Om place,
About (half least ten R.- , fay. Governor , my me ~..,„,..,, mom moi se ... et* y .„„ 1 , 1 , 0.
Flanders. acampanevi be nnarul Fortin, j„„„ a „,„„ a. „, the a era „. „ eaa a
appeared at the Executive oince end enter- ....el, as' rtema is or this coy. he. fallen
n 1 upon as 41.1.4 as Governor of louts, ~,,,, ,„,„ m y ,„,,, , , 10a0 i. Ireland, ~.. ~....
ana. There was no ceremony who.. or: 11. ' etty-ofthe late Earl of Antrim. The whoie ,
flexed ifs edbrts should be a the best of 1 ..„.„„ is eaatha .„ e „,..„, a a thaa ... p . oo . l
his abilittee to promote. the public good- ' (der( on, or which Mr. Antrim-gat about
Erdiovernor Wells has nousulted with • one-half.
tttt ' ..t.t ' tt. to tht! p t. p er ....... to; Ten Philadelpn la excursion party. which
- panne at law.
' has boon over the UM.. P.lllO Midway.
tiagtern division, arrived here LO,lst, en
• route non. They will go to l'bo• Knot,
and iron Ilountein to and stun
t r. last the latter part of She week. Tense of
' the panty who sent west from Fort liar.
ker with Geared 11. cock will probably by
about two or three weeks.
Maxlakilfaunt Army Nurresectered'
Through lb. Treachery or Lopes,
for 010,000.
tits. Telegraph to tae gfetshorgh inesette-; -
Now Yong, Jane S—A New Orleans
special fieea an amount of the faller Q...
tam, as pubLtsbed by the Ranchero, from I letrambons Rosiness Ou the Mlasouril
which It oppeare that teener. Lobel. who — The rseussorlal Excursion Panty.
is renr.onted aa a bosom friend of .Maxi cot Telegraph to tee Oasette.)
mail...sold out the - entire ImperiAl con- Sr. I t ems, May S.—Forty hteauitioats. bounti,
cern for firtty•eight thousand dollars In far Sort gelato, Slootana, buten with 120,-,
herd cash, and the work of treachery; was , aU tone of freight. nary passed 51001 CRS,
arranged so completely and carried not so Iowa; Ibis season. •
eoece.felly, that his en. j n. ii.I,,SAN May s.—Tito
tire boor, bag and barges°, were handed ' se:l3.ton. Exretrolon potty from omelet,
over to Escobelln whnout a hostile shot ot.
belng Mud. • Is evening, and will remain there'
Maximilian, however, acted hie Part ho- tor ...per anti leave at ingt, by spesbel train
roically. lie sent Malmo,' to Esc...lz MO arty. where
pro they will stay till
stipulating /battle should not be subjected rhe a th „ o o f rho
to Insult, but awarded the consideration tine Creek of the Union Paelilo Hallway, Lantern
to a prlsOner, and that II any ono mast be flivi-lon. A party of ten front et. Louts
shot, ho abould be the Or. led trrereeufloe- arrived there to-day to Join O: Eire:bleu•
tip to the last &deices no execution had l lair
takes place.' Leay tgovo.n, Eames; June lc—Senator
{Pa'le's excursion party hare arrived here,
liscobede says that tit Imperialists sur
rendered. Including thirteen getter. eels tees wit: cart Wait ti...1jr,011• 'earning.
oars and live hundred officers of different , Etter will eh. letw'rentoc Topeka, Junction
grades. City, I. eon •Ittley and. Barker, nod after
ape nd tor d day'nt the and of the track, will
:PERSONAL return Eaitonrd tla SC LOUte, which city
they win roach the last of too prollelo. week.
—Miss Braildon is about to publish a •
new novel entitled "lit.pert Goodwin.
— l Governor Oglesby, of Illinois, is ;
Again confined to his room by illness. ! raptly.. and Marilee arrrettete—Der
eruc' we ie.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson's income re' 1 ,
Telivrape to the rltts , ursh tlatettc.l
'turn is $303. That of Alvin Adams, the
ciseiaasrt,Jene 9.—A prize right amine
exproooman, is $32,672. •
' ow this aftern‘lo back of Newport, li l y.,
—COngreSligilan Morrissey has purcha- • for MOO. lietVreon'lNCZ.•MeCarty end Jehrtny
Galt. theta rOtinde were roman, when
sad Barnum's beautiful tesidence at
Bridgeport, Con., for $03,000. , the Shertlf with a posse of police intri•
rvptad arum and arrester* tunh parties and
—Mr. Anthony ,Trollope is named as confl , ra u t n Li n tT In Newpoliall. ,
no n
the editor of all 'I/anal:tied magazine, istehouse onti ti jo ' ro br ;.Coron Sixth .s:t7l
which Will shortly appear in London. , Hardie," streets, two o'clock this morn.
! Tea roof and upper 12.111 were de.
—Mr. Gold*ia Smith about to pub. ell. Frank a teheaeOnists. 4391
list his hut series of lectures, under the , "sumo worth of stock; insuranue, µ4WD.
title of "Three English Statesmen.: Pyre,
Cromwell and Pitt." ! altovedereal. of Troops—Commanaare
Alexandre Dumas p n
Changed.ere, will soo
• toe vciesetutt tons ritteovegh,Useette..l
publish "Les Blanca et lee Welts," which ; Ferro.* Mormon, Jona. 9.—The steam
was interrupted by the suspension of his chip Emily IL bonder, from New York, or.
Journal, Le Moequetaire. .1 riled toorlgitt. She will take nompanies
Tl. and 11. of the Fifth Artillery, which Sr
—lnformation has just reached Phila- ordered to Fort Moultrie, ceariestorr
delphia of the death of Paul Julien, the harbor
distinguished violinist, who, some years The }:may Stood'r
• • e to-morrow
ago, when quite young, created such a • Lientenent Colonel George Gibson, insp.-
for General on General behotield's non,
has been a.ltinet, to the COletuand of this
—Mr. Tom Taylor Is installed in the district.
chair of dramatic criticism In the Lou. !
tieletiration „ bj i t Mama of,
don. Times, in thoplate of Mr. John Ox
enford, who is too tit to perform his not (By Ttlograph to the Intteburgh needle.) .
vary severe duties. ; Bacltaretz June o.—The Turners' union
—The Bey of Tunis LSO just sented ! of N""b
brat , on or the twelfth annual festival, at
SO King Victor Emanuel a colossal , Reeto•Garden, near tuts oily, tomorrow
bronze cannon, which had formerly been evening. with a grand, dinner, and -lolling
- taken by Barbary pirates from ;ho gal-'1:73.1. i tr,; (
lays of th , ma. nags Warr mn
t Medici. ; played t -day_ fromrintnerous tiertnau
. Mr. Hookbain, of Old Bond street, , .
London, the proprietor of it well known , • -
library which was a famous place of ' Fire wt gathey, 'Magda and Warsaw,
sertin the last generation, died recently; ladisaa.
theage of eighty: , • . city Telerrseh to the leLteturgh (Jur t te•
—Victor Huge e dramas are, it hauls, ut. C ,g ' llitey, ' Illinois, WAS lestroyed bY
rsoo 9.—The city nail building,
about to be brought forward once more lune, day. - The loss Is militia *sumo, which
on the French stage, "Ilernani" being a.
' Vitet '' 'TN4 l igWi r f ' o ‘ u i s b „ Y , Itlr " l r ity " lfouse And
in rehearsal at the Theatre Francain, nod . Livers rtab with two sd.inining bullAnius,
"Rey Hiss" at the Odeon. i at Warsaw, inmates, worn ilestrevvd by are
utorning. I.osr—WPO mesa- ' , ! --The affianced bride - of the Ring f IP!
it Leeitsca hu the work of an
the Uelleues, daughter of the Grand wary
Duke Constantine, was born on Seine -
bet ; 3d, 1031, and is therefore in bar six
teenth year. The King is twenty-one.
—Tb 9 . Rev. Sebastian Streeter, one of
the oldest Universalist ministers in the
country, died rat Boston on Sunday, at
the ago of fit He bad marr ed more
couples than any other clergyman in hie
—Gen. Sam. Feenenden, of Milne, a
brother of the Senator from that Sulle,
declineh the position of Assistant Seere.
tary.of ' the Treasury, which has i been
tendered him. lie prefers his nbillitnil
_ .
In the Patent-Office.-
—The reason why the Czar and King
I of Prussia did not go to Paris weather,
is not on account of anyjealonsy between
themselves, but bee_anse • the Emperor
Napoleon gavelt to be understood that
he would rather not entertern two such
great majesties together. . • .
—Lewis Petered°, an old negro, and
one of the institutions of Providence,.
died in that chfon the 80th 'ult., at the
age of nearly ninety years. He has long
been prepared for death, having Ms grave
clothes all ready, his coffin selected, and
hie headstone cut, with the place for the
age and date of death left blank.
—Bishop Upfold (Episcopal)' of Indi
ana, and wife, who celobsted their
golden weeding at Indianapolis last
week, bad - no end of pimiento. Amimg
them mere a solid raver ice pitcher and
salvor, a pair of 'gold napkin tinge, a
gold-thimble, a box of cigars, a Bible
with gold clasps, several or Long
*nth's Golden Wedding Wine, a- gold
pem, a hendred do ll ar check and rarWas
other donations inenoney,smas or them
gold, aintotnithet tesi,no.
The Albnny Acomied
.1 . masted fuerrial.
uT Teteal - art. to the uituoargh tialedte.l
lanai,. done B—Gen. Cole we. to.lay
dominated for trial for the albuml crime of
entailer. C. Sl. Cole. United States Coma'
at Acapulco, urrieed-yeaterday; anti had •
protracted lutorrlcw with his brother
the Jail.'
The Galveston. (Tcree) Pollee.
Twevesno to tfie Intsbumb unen.7
Ns w Tone, Juno I.—A. epeeist to the Now
York Tribune nolo (investor), Juno lath
sell: Gen. Grlthe hes Weil forted to remove
tke city police . Moan. or their Inlkeleney
mutl toothily to the nogroono The new
tort, In composed Cl loyal and 010.11. men.
beenral of them are colored.
l Mtn T•lecraph to 11114burgla Ilszette.l
•dr antornn.o. Mmes. Juno o.—An Incand•
lane nro at enicapga, Ulla morning de
stroyed/11mo dwelling lumina and adjoin
ing buildingsn dottOol alreett loge B.
dollar, on wulc o h thorn U an Innunance of
LOW dollara In Inn Aetna Convany. Hart
ford. and NsUonal, of iltoutOn.
Tb!Mese DeeMee met to be
Cos slams. acne 8.-12 sumo before the
UMMC &atm District Court...Nage Bryson
has decided 'hut a telegraph oamPsu.9 i
bound to exhibit it private menace is mit
doom obeli requital.' telegrams not be.
Mr within Meatus o f privileged cermet.
roin ;Of • • Varebounk•—lten
. 101 pr ed
tBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh slums.) • •
Deems. Jags 1 1 ..Ttleter.11 • IPATO War.
heave, itiCharteetOve. MI to the emend,
with s terrible brash, yesterday aterttivse.
&three men were Severely warm.,
Noted Tdefauns Dead.
MlTelearrsph to thintutiurgs.o.ll44sl 4 l'
Loaumaa,-.lanaecantkol Jou. Quay.
ball,* Mated tualtoan: Ibrmarly of Bail
mord, Imt at' 'Mobile. Mut - Dere last
Wait ! -
• Sl
. It a
..ento emonstralloneethigl of
, Mem
...,-... c 0....., et Reign..
Templar. •
FOURTH PAGE.-77te ;fullest and most re. : Tneunnuxl mssion br the Grand , Corn.
liable Money, pa end Produce Jfarke Re. i mandery of Knights Templar of Pennsyl
ports Innen by any paper in the city, will be , vsnin Will be convened in this city to-moo
/mind on our 'burgh Page. : row, and . premise.. en largely attended.
I It Is collected that the sir Knights of Phil.
I ca.tet. and other eastern ell
liamo.elantiNktholle , Oo rtoell- Twelfth ; d en: '" a ,- - l ' u .
A• 4 4 .4 4.41 Beetiaa .r kn. ...rm.. Be. 1 ice will be present to conselernale Row-
Ntmoron( Ammocaat/ons of me. United beat, and a number are expected from
.",-IM " .1.1- ' ' ' ' ''' ''... l ". &C. Greensburg, alowrgrville. Washington,
The T elfth Annual Council of the Ger- I wh ee ihjg and other localities. The pri
man Ca holm Benevolent. Associations of.
, vale mee togs of the Grand Counnandery
the Urn States mammenced lie session In will be hcid et 31.soni • • Bali, Fifth street. I
tills tit yestOrdny by very interesting and On Wednesday afternoon there will be n
imponng exerntses. On Saturday - delegates I
s i i
Panda in which all Sir Knights In attend-
to the Council from all quarters arrived in j I nee will participate, alter which the In- '
s o talintion of the Grand Oflioers will take I
Pittsburgh' and crowded our hotels, while ; place at the Academy of Music, at which
e - , aareer „, ; nee , c.„ h aa , iv , time a public address will be delivered. On 1
mn* "
we .... 0n I '
-----1 . --- 4 --Plt.di ; IYednesilay evening a banque.t will be giv.
of our Garman fellow-citizens. Thu P ee r en at City flail to tne Grand Commandery.l
limin l ary exercises of the Councils or Con-', The follnwing is thp order of the exercows
issued by the Eminent Conimander of tau
.... .4.. ...1..." to a° 1.1.5..,8. Winces-.; th e Counnandery to Sir Kinghts in
non. In which the prlncmal Catholic limes. t h e Form o f g•,,,joi ° fl a w ..
- .lent Organisations of thin neighborhood I I. Sir Knigtan will assemble at the Ar -
Participated, and by the celebretien of . ! irtm, , Mtess . u n ic , ll4l , ;lZttsh . lar 7 l, e zus ,,, ay .
Grand High Buss In the commodious 'Jr. I - 7, , , r m1c•p„ rz ,„ . „., of receiving
the , pp ,
I'llllOM ennql Chlureb, In the Fifth ward. • command e r,- of pm;tacivania. .
rira ritratanlON• ,' .2. Sir liniglita will nameable at Ord
' Innyon l Wedonnice, June. Et, 1eg7.1
The procession was, well managed and 0,,,ea p. e,.. for mo,ootioo ~,,,a it,
utenacted, passing off in the most credit... to ho fohnsoo,4 tits a f
arad";f a p e w',
the .......e to an ...e....• It wee ...d o . , dress an,t the hitton of ee Grant.
two miles in length, and la the ranks were I err s at the a ennomy of si e „, e.
nearly 'tsar • thousand person. Annont,.
every delegation, anti there we tpanY . Worn on Parade. to t o black - Outline, navy
3. The Templar "Patients Crewe' will be
had beautiful silk banners and th t.ationnl le t With appropriate cross, sword, twit and
c " lara . "a were ..........t b y bet.. . 1
according' to regulations, anti
ID laic.
"%MO gloves (irlatell , of gauntlet.,
The prncesston was formed on Liberty •
at , 4. Nana will be admitted Into tau lines on
street, with the right resting ob Grak.. ' lees properiEequiptied.
u treleek a. a , and mo..ed In the following I , ~ Wednesday evening, Jane As. 1367,
order: Grand Maranal and Aids; the Broth- 1a t h oats will assemble at Otto Asylum,
erhotel-ot Pittsburgh, numbering about I at 7 oNa.ocir. to escort the Granli Command
thir.Y iltan. carrying two beautiful Amerl.
ean Mute and preceded by tun Groat Western tna ,, nt n n nagne r;
cry and other 50080 to City hall, to pae
lla:el. •
a Sir Knights who inten tO Join in the
1... r........sraeirtY.Of Pittsburgh. This .
society nututwreir over n hundred men, one Procession and other inne r ,
es, .qll hand
of whom carried a beautiful red silken l.- , 4 convenh.., l and it, is no eel that ail will
I their homes to the teener sslmo as scan
ner, ornamented with gold, on welch was I aid In making the Occlusion worthy of the
iriecrited : "St. Philornena society, Pat. I Commander} nod the Order.
burgh. Founded Jalluary, hos& ; The route of procemion on Wednesday
!'receded b y h hand, eh -h..-'can "-be- . I afternoon will be es .follows : lrorming at
and beautiful bannerom which wst.: nu ill.
• Masonic Ilall, down Flab street to wood,
MOW...inkier...a, cams Mu 01 j down
along to Water, op Water to Santa-
Ihmencial Society of Pittsburgh, nut:at:tr. , geld, along smitlafield to Liberty, up Liner
int over, a hundred red any members. I to to „ Lon , nea ,, W. ,,,,,,,, to p. o . e. along
14CJoseptihi Society, of Joanstowo, Pa., y enn t o Ira ,. ~,, Lyn , to Liberty. con i c ,.
carrying an American tistr and twautliel i ,„ „ eanieen , o . f . ilo o ,L ,
banner, with two hundred members la pro- I . " ."
-- . --...-----.- • •
TOO tit. Peter'. SocietPittsburgh;amm- /1 4 .44441 4.anam 11 4 442 . 4. II•L
beriug ono hundred .. nutty men, beaded . Letters retrrsunng••uncelled far at Ba
by a band, sad carrying an AtnerMari nag ;b. c Knurl Postollice; Juno 8,1867.
and banner. I
The BrotherhOod of St. Joanna. SL. Pe e ...? I Arrow Awn W I Kettle k g
.nerlman .K.ds
t:Atiledral, PlttsParghl boar...a • -be —..' II , Kunkle /... . !bald. r Mare St
ty .mand numbering o e hundred and Owen- i Prawn asegt 'Km . P . .ter Iseveer tier d
embers. • \ t '
ti•rnes li,Kelly John C lasi ter Charles •
Tan at . Valentine's, Allegheny city; Sixty- Bausentse . ll L , .54444 Philip
five members. lirewn 'Wm ;Lawyer antalL•St. inn, Peter
Bradley ft I I , Malay Dan ',Met int
Tne St. Joseph's, Allegheny city: seventy - Beebe L a API 'OlOl , 4 4 a...
• nester Mar, 31.11itelden JP Isnote Ansley.o
Tie Brotherhood of St.Jobn, of Allegheny . „ no Ann 1 e , en ,,,,,,,,, n „ coo
city, bearing a blue silken banner, with 1u- , c . theme SlJalt Seeder A. nall•
scriptionin German. I Clodlinernarld -Want.. F.llett I weld, James
Ibe Limn:team:ad of St. r incent, St. Paul'. 1 mievem C .31. p. Irernbardjewpitene Jet
church, 'Allegheny city; strly.flve members ; I Imre m3l A .11tarrl• 11 m p.:lnst, Pitons
in precession. '
!''''''. Thos
' ,.ll•lfeA c „l, Igersrflt u
10 . .G.wrgq's Society, Erie, P., elanty men j ~,,,0 1 0 . 3 0, n o , goooon ~ j
, r
In reek. : °eh.. . ...her and de g: .... mole Tbnotte ;Mesita.... W f1v..... J.. J.
headed by a Maid
• f anew e FPc • any. alls . biTuompsen Jae
. St. Joseph, -.[Erie, Pa.,. very large dele- j b all. Wm 'aerial: Ed • :Earner wen C
latio.3' , ri I layler Robe
St. Joseph, Of Sterpsbura, Ps., numbering I Torsrtbe W• iv. ;Nichols,..l , rnantmsat II E
G • 'N,ll•ri. an0..31;
,W ' •
110•0:Ity-two deiegiltati. . Forst). Peter S• loon null. '}rout-. gusts.
ist.Josepla, of Cleveland, Ohio, earning k : c ares , a.n. s,„ ; :; e0 warehse, tonne
bleu c aked banner and an Al:unclean flag; j cone
~,,„, ...,„„ yorant , I will , , no Jen It
Woo huutired and tee delegates in the pro- , c oon c „,..„ y . a,,,,,,, c o , ~,.,o „ ,, a
CelLit.. II {I , . al see .1111.
St. Itueller'S,Of Blrtninelain t a large dale- I Harris parle • O'Nea.l 31 .W .M.,,,,,,,,,..
paten. • Urre , s :au,. , Is I Wtbb Jahn
St. Michael's Boman Catholic Society, of I nether It ,ebseeh a a . a .„ ! ~,,,, „, ,y . •
I.llrlnmgharn, uninburing over one hundred ; Intl , : L o narlO , 4nion gh,, lone. ‘ ,., ,;. 1 ,, , ,.. ~ .r , ,, r 2.
sue fifty tuen.
,'S T J ' H. , as,ln James
i St. Joan's, Birmingham. 1 I j .-. ' May Kalil. E . Ir
St. Boni Facies, ihruenglam, I over three , Janes Va.,. ,tts , vrts Gel ;Younx gredrit
Integre:l'in the ranks. I : J..ter C.o a - • ...e. That ,
St. Putrirk"., of blekeesport, numbering', • ;aces. 4. cab . 1
over ono'hundred men, haring bsuner land , E. O. KitEHAN. P. 31,
60 4 4 ,7 proceasion manned Up Grant street
to Ptah, dome Fifth to Market, op Marken
to st. Clair, down fit Clair to the buspon
ten Bridge; thence across to Federal street,
Allernieny e up Petierel to Ortio, up Onto to
inserter, down Ctuattiut to, Becnittile's
street bridge, across the bridge anti tua Ile.
chenic's street to le
Peon, dean Penn to 'Far,
. .
tory, woe up Factory .to SL I alluniena
Church, Liberty street, whore .ilunin nigh
Mans was celebrAted, by Rev. Father Lelia
gowber, of Sew York.
.Thu Very key. Felber Ileimberger, Pro•
vincial of the congregation of the ]lint
itedeonier,.preac lied a sermon tin the
occasion. lie In Provincial Superior of the
United Societies. The choir tang Mozart,
liranil Twelfth Mass. itsnistcsi Fly the or
chestra of the I.:mat Western tined, tin.,
the 111r,tion of Professor Ptah, nfler wblen
proccenlou wanageln formed tm.taktlf
and (Irent streets and ..1h1111flehli:
The ...seta kiting ;helium of march were
deuendy crowded, and on Penn street the
crowd did not fall short of ten nonfatal.
Many of the hobo. In the neighl.rhood of
the church were nicely decorat.l and fes
tooned with evergreens and flags, and over
Factory street,at Ma Junction with POEM,
I. erected a beautiful•• Triumphal arab . '
tastefully decorated with evergreens and
hoWera. with It banner suspended fromit,
bearing an inscription of welcome.
The interior of St. Pliilotnena's Church,
which, neze to St. Penile Cathedral, is the
largest Catholic Church edifi. in this
Diocese, was handsomely Icatoormal with
es erg...sena, and the large altar was flooded
with light from „thoneasids.of burning was
tapers. It
y w beautiful lc
-tog- t o ar wthinitsuare i of l th a ehi o h s he
pnts and streets being effectually
blockaded veme by those unable tolidnaln admit
tance. within the church, and who Joined in
religious devotion from without: s
The Convention will continuo In canton
during Monday, Teenday, and Wednesday
for the purpose of bearing reports of Cum
mitt,. and transacting other business
connected with the Association.
Our thenku are due to Mr. Joeeteb A..llof
men, editor of the fkedrat Demecrah erre,
ruse, N Y., and G. If*neehel. Nwl., of the
N;publicayt, Plttabath, es-, for Infizons
tier. to reguid,to theconveutton. •
Oar reader. are aware, from hie numerous
auverileementa seen In the Gagagre for' a
boar er two past, that he'll one of our most.
liberal patrons. We similes; this to two
&uses. One, and the chief cause, Is Odd to
his judgment these advertisements greatly
conduce to' au eitenlive knowledge and
wide-spread vale of his popular guerlicine..
We has. not spoken editorially of tram
enedleincs, Oaaallie toile so, of any of the
proprietary, medleinezr often claiming tp
Oa specie for silldie s, was against our
rule: Unless we could from personal expee
donee ...commend, we refrained.
We have long known Dr. Keyser ns good.
=wed medical practitioner. We think
highly of him tan gentleman of exemplary
private and professional character, and,
ream - Ming from these premises, we con.
oludedthat medicines compounded by gee
thoroughly Sanford and qualified could
not he; considered quackdicines; for
an digested physician of me large prac
tion Can in so moose Ito called •
quack. i Lint we. resolved on establish.
Ing fon ourselves a better criterion by.
arracturil test of on, at least, of the Doc
trine pi bpandione, and found one of our
'firm who bad been troubled with Chrome
Dlarrboia,wi llin and Dyspe
try psia; for two or three
g to Mood archer:
11 •60o0ollog , Y took. Inthe Se
Anglin and boo.
tember last, four bottles, and was so thor
mighty cored that no has experienced no
recurrence of anygymproni of his dlnasse,
amt aterlbeil all the merit to the Illood.
Il Our book-ear c keeper took eight bottles of the
moot her and was wholly cored of tt
'disagreeable and obstinate derange
cent of his system, developed In blotches
his lece and other parts of the body. We
feet Imre, therefore. on all accounts, lo ad.
violug a trial of 'Keyser's Blood-Searcher, as
likely core disorders of the blood ur of
theatomach and bowels, or at a Valuable
tonic: 'SY, think a special morn consists In
toe fact:that it hi not alcoholic, but merely
a highly medicated water, likely In no ease
tpusted work h or delic arm toataeny patient, however on.
..31.11" no rind /Street.
'On Saturday last, between two and three
o'clock. a Malt occurred on 'Ylfth street, In
w'hlch John C— nod Jahn Bit— wore the
Principals, seconded bysuidry Individuals:
whose names we were nimble te learn. The
omit]." we aro Intokme4, etiginated at the
BLCharles Hotel., where CM Met round was
fought, In 'which C-- wax r knocked out or
time." lie recovered,however, and by
some s the partle• meg on Fifth street,
betwe me en Smithfield and Ursa!, near Alder.
man fltralablonlce, and renewed the comltt.
The first round C— made a peas at M—
end got Ina ',du..." on Ms nose; Al—
returned It handsomely by n •Onit.hender,"
ethocn took street under C—'s o tr, and
ended the round. Tno s.-cond tonna was•
opened by Bi—. she ''struCk out from tee
shoolder" with bin lett baud and planted . •
“demlencro on •C—'.Tour, which' was re
turned by C— lu a "beautiful manoso,"
planting a oriallt-handeru In 111—'s
obread.basket;' , regllegl to It by a
"left.bander," which Settled In one of
eyes "knocking him oat of limo" and ends
log %Ito 'Muir." NO attests wore outdo.
The Alleirbesir ConsosoaS.
ln ths Court of tlnsrepr doeslons, Bathe
day, the follow tng °Mei wns made:
• .
Wltattese, by an net of , Attiembly of the
Commonwealth of PenneylvanMOMProved
Iwl7, It le motto the duty of thu
Court of Quarter Semitone fur Allegheny
County, on the Bret Swturday In .1000 En&
ate.. or said Court negt suotetuding there
attar, to appoint three disinterested_ tree.
- holders of salt! county, viewers, toView
and atuo.a such damage, es InlothOldera
of the utty of Abeglieny.nuty..eern Idtely to
sustain by the &treating of their rights of
Commonage to the Commonwround of laid
city from the aoproorhaum and twdruadlye
one of said Common ground for public
Now, at the suggestldn urn. A& C. SehttYer,
Elms, Solleittors for tee Park Commission
• tee, the Court
Mc do
a u
ureter Gordon, James Auley and D. A
blewart, three discreet and disinterested
freeholder. of said County, w, aforesaid, Mt
der the prorlslouS of said act of Assembly
.I MintyVownd.
Oh the 21st ot February lint, durloir • rim
in the river; two coal miners, Mr. Alton
and bls eon, residlog at iitoneid npDor o•LI
works, four miles above McKeesport; at
incanted to cross the Meer in a skiff and
were both droitned. Ike body of toe son
was found about mom week! afterward.
'implant° McKeesport; and identified, nod
yesterday morning a body was found at
sioalfraide Landing, Mare's tavern. aiamt
two wales above licKereport, and identified
tbirot the elder it... Alton, by hie bon.
Midair. AU lequert will be bold today,
. Msralidlotd. lo -has a abseil ftetory
Whlott cost 15.000, and wLU use the mak et
Annstila 0011 paggery•tases.
Phillip Trchadmon wide ingot \ [nation bee
fore Mayor'elorrison. of Allegheny, against
Abraham Dill, charging him with manna.
and battery. Tsoudiman works ln,the Fifth
Ward. Allegheny. and ho alleges that on
Friday law while at hie work, Dill name and
bantered him out to tight, and he, Trued
Man, very sensible refused to go. Dill gind
log he 00131.1 not provoke bite into — ii fight
struck him in the face with his fist.
Robert C. Clark mado an inforniatlon
neatest S. D. Thou:mom. bolero Blayne Mor.
charging hint with assault and bat
The pro...rotor alleges that oil Set-
UT day morning last he went to the ogler of
Mr. Thompson to attend td some boilltdos.
wheTtrewnP•ons Wtttlant y, proem:M{4ns
saterer struck him In the an
moo - with some
heavy I. , Di:intent, which eat an ugly gash
antler his loft eye. ,Wsrrants wool leaned
in both of tile Mare omens.
Peter Met;tminte an ination before
I Motor elegartity ad .. enamet om leter Delay,
charging him irith assault and buttery and
surety of the peSco...A. bearing was bad on
Saturday.when ,Delay was eommated for
Court. In delitrilt, of halt.. lie afterwards
procu red the neeeasary ball and was re
Bachal Adams,. littki girl four years of
;Inge,.whe resided with Med. Brockuner, Dar.
rah street, First ward, Allegheny, died sad
% slenly on 'Saturday evening' leaf, about two
o'clock. IL is supposed from the effects of
1/01400. She retired, 'as usual, shoot' nine
a'lock In the evesting,land was shortly
fterward torten nick, vomitingerely.
which continued till one o'clock the next
isenrulng, when Dr. Tome was called to see
her, and onex•mination he discovered that
her teeth were covered with something like
pitch or coal tar. Drs. Marquis and liertOrt
were also ealled•in, and they pronounced It
'aerie of poisoning. The child died about
two o'clock on Saturday evening, and In
the absence of Corooer Clawson, Alderman
B. us. Irwin. summoned a Jury and held an
Inquest. and after hearing the statement of
Mrs. Itmckuner, who Anted that the child
had acid. when drat taken siek,that she had
I taken some 'from a little hoy r the
in qu t a st zt r .ll2 , u ‘ rAt;d a t . p . meet on Tlle111.1•3.
0 9E11., Allegheny
4 city.
Acaisaisr es hlcsic.—The enterprising
and gentlemanly managers of.tta Academy
of Maisie, Messre. 11411 and Berke, hove et
feched an engagement with Miss Emily
Thorne, who make her first appearance
tills evening In the or intent and entertam-
Ing Comedy of the ' , Unequal Match: , The
world•widn reputation of Mime Thorns In
enough of Itself to ell too house to over.
flowlog, mad, uld advise all to lantlro
taair Imola at o n ce .
Saw Ocean Hoene—LA, Stone Cr ran
SCAPOI.—TbIs evening the accomplished
denseete, Mame Therese,Will take a benefit
dt the N., Opera House, when the great
rama, of biTho Irish lielress,u will be pre
sented. Merle Therese will delight the
audience with a beautiful dance, , accom.
essaying herself on the violin. There are
several other entertaining feateree In the
bill for towlght, ao that play-goera cannot '
fall tube Normal. Title Iseing_the twit night
of the season, the house wiTbe croisded,
and those who desire to attend shobld en.
gage their testa in time.
A 81,000 or Ono.
That our rurafdletrlcts are rapidly Oiling
up with the appliances of rellenment mod
taste to a gratifying sign of the progress
In our country. of education and wealth.
Quo of the most beaufatul country spots in
the vicinity of our city, that of lir Mosby,
on inn Ohio river; helots Wellsville, has
Just been furnished with one of those superb
three string Chickering.. Square Grand
l'eanos, which ore considered by musical
imthorlties In this country nod In Europe
an the very vert.etion of musical 'mvehari
mm. Ito, a Campeau traveler would stare
to find such a splendid piano In remote re
gions of our country, rho like of which
can't be had for love nor money In their
own land or even thetyklngs and um perors,.
cut: tit u
they send to Cilicketung Sone,
Il or Sow Vora,' or to C. C. Collor,
In le city, for then,
Hotly Foond.
Thq body atilt, littio boy, John Pate:will',
whoth we noticed Ina former. Waite as haw.
havi4g fallen from a raft m the Allegheny
rive at the foot of Bellafootaine street,
Law encevllle, wits found on Saturday laid,
a1mit444444 two e, a. floating In the river
%TAIL: Tall," Street.
, Coroner. Clawson
Wl '° ll by n' Ate lY rgiTrw d lo rof ' l;o,7 ' l ' l
and. Allenhen3 , . The Jury found, in no.
eordince with the facts elicited m the cue,
that the deceased came, whin death by acct.
dentally falling from a raft into the Alle.
sinew river, and drowning.
After the Intiumt. the body was delivered
beenWfathe, who had heard of Its !lemon
found, and had a' wagon In waiting to
hoenoy It hymn. The ball , Was considera
bly ilecompolied and distil:areal, bill wan
readily reeognised by the father.
Some or our eotempornries have adopted
the idea of pubildhing the names of partite
engaged in the liquor trallic,those refused
and those greeted licensee. They might
advertise them stilt furtherby denignatlng
thestreets on which the drinking pieces
are located, giving the numbere..lllo.
The.hole number of ;monist spp Mations
received by the hoard of License, (County
Commigeinnere) at their -recent sitting. les
eon hundred and eighty-aeven, q( which
.tbirty-sever. refused, one hundred
and eighteen well. granted, and thirty
two held war for further cotteideratlo4.
Nom Boroisgisa,
in the Court of quarter Session., Miter.
Osirlit the Instance of C. B. M. tiguith,
the Judgment of the Grand Jory of March
Sea Mons in the matter of the' locorporatme
of the Borough of Braddock, at Braddock 's
Field, recommending the same, was con
firmed, and the election for borough °Lamm
directed Ittoo inntherßletrlcte, on
the third Friday m March. j
Jacob F. Meal% Esq., presented. for the
lotion of the , y. a potitiou for the
Incorporation of the Borough of Bloomfield,
at Jack's Itun, Wake n.° tornehlp, on the
hue of the Plttalforgh, Fort Wayne and
r oarrlday evoking lion • lady from AlM
loony had ber pookst plated, will/o at the
MoiMmiiiital :etc, ILt City Hall. She Waller
portemonuals. containing betworm •staty
sailsereoty dollars,. m her pocket, about ,
0 , 0100 - 14 mid a short umaafterwarda
having made some purehama oho Molted fdr
!lief uxotioy, but It solo not there. !Ma thus**
It was takes during the limo lba' lll 3' Pole
• Deuce^ was being performed. is she was at
that time a the midst of the crowd. We
hats the lady's mime. but' ro rionktUbsirty
ti 0114114 • • •
• • .
Paris Exposition—Prize Medal*.
The first grand gold prize medal at the
World's Fair s at Paris, !towhees awarded to
an American House, ao will be seen Air the
annexed correspondence of the New 1 ork
Weekly Review, under date of May 7ih
Abort the °Maid decision in regard to the
American pianos there is nothing known
yet, but, without donbt, the' firm of Stein.
ay4 boon hare been awarded the Mat
gold medal. Their pianos have created a
sentiation, not only among the artiste and
manufactorero, but slog among Meanest
It will be highly gratifying to Mir renders
to lenrothe final result of, awards ;mode by
the Supreme Jury ou pianofortes' at the
lolernatlorusl Exhibition, in Paris. we are
pleitsed to BUILe that the decision, accord
ing to private cale news of the oth inst.,
Is ItltreMlAy fl atteb l
ring, and must be in the
highest degree gratifying to the American
musical publia Of the three Intatuational
gold medal,. voted by the Jnry, two' have
been awarded to America, cloosified accord.
Sig to merit. The dental tee gold medals
gore to our leading Now York manwfactu
rem, Messrs. Steinway it tone; the_ second
o hoston, and the third to ilroadvomi, of
Lemma, England. A number of Second
prism (*Eger medidej S ee various makers
on the Continent and in England, and thus
urn have every reason to Ice proud of the
decided victory a. Ideved by our Americou
erhthitors.—Ed. W
0 My - -
et One
He Ad.
Id OM.
It Pow not bell/111OP here to expose the at
tempt made by Interested and disappoint:ll
parties to delude the ruh.lo'relativo to the
reliability of the ittiovsbtwerd of the Cont.
'rattas os Pianos,. granting thn first gold
Bedal to Steinway ft Sons, the second to a
oston home., and the third to Broad
of London. The new., of this decision which
was communicated by °Side, to tenons par ,
ties, though net yet oubitely announced, lr
utterly reliable arid trustworthy, and ell
att.ripis to deceive the public on , taiel sub.
Jest should Du severely reprobated. s
The man •with the long 'beard Is certain
ly to town In the person of one of the Ger
man delegates from Chicago woo Jolted in
the pronesmon yesterday. 11 a heard to a
monatrosity, a mune for grumbling. at na
ture by smooth faced meacullnes. It would
'preen worth a mint of money to is dealer In
sumulatloronguent " for the growth or
the whmkers The gentletnan middle
aged, &bunt, all feet tall and his beard front
face to entioateasares the s length. la
heavy end uzurlant. UN had ae
it -plaited
yesterday andestlll it reached far below hip
line., and he had to walk daintily for lane,
of trending on Its ends'.
Surety of the peace.—Me.. Tobin made!.
Information before .Alderman Lynch 4
agvinst Fanny Splane, alleging that Fanny;
threatened to tear her entrails oat. She says
that. he resides on Miltenberger's alley;
that the defendant liner neighbor, and on
Saturday morning she swept her pavement
and Fanny'swept the dirt back. again; and
that when she attempted C. sweep It • off a
second time the Mune threat. were made.
• A warrant was Issued. • •
Tempernneelectinw.—The annual
meeting Of .the Allegheny Temperance
League takes place this evening In the Sun.
dusty. street. Baptist. Church. Addreeme
trill be delivered' by the Rev: J. IL Clark,
A. 111.:31. 11. Murphy, Esq., lies. Ilerrlck
Johnsou and John Dailey, Esq. ,Teur•
perance songs will be song by a popular
choir. There' will doubtlem be a large
Opposed to a Doable Track.—On Sat-
Imlay last an election was held by the eft!,
sans of Birmingham. on the tinestlitn or
granting the privlleke to thu Pittsburgh add
Inrinutighaut Passenger Railway tnitnpant
to lay a double track on that portion of
Careen street where there Is now hot
tingle track. In t hat Borough, which result
ed In a - tonJortty of lel ageless the double
!Ire Boos.. Purehakers.-11r, Isaac
Craig mlveralsea for sale lite mantortable
and cosy residence on the line of the ban.
cheater Passenger ttallwaY,. Bidwell street,
Allegheny. .Tbe lot is admirably situated.
has nteontaf caNon Bidwell street, and
a deptb of nearly iv 7 feet, running back to
Aliegheny avenue. This ten rare chance In
rent estate and will he sold on easy terms.
1,150,701.1de for stale. --The wOll-krlown
and adadraWF adslitati livery Me f
McClurg a Bro., oPPoslte th e Aterc nl ba o
nt' o s
Ilntni.Th Int Offered for sale wltto
all or part or 'without stock. The stable
has s good patronage and was bet recently
thoroughly gated up m first clam style
Thu lease. at very low rout, bets yet five
years to rue. be theadvertlsement.
Free 1 :merman nod Nate of 1.0 m.—
At tun o'clock, this minic the Free Es
carstott Tralu ea' leav e oa Allegheny city de
pot, for sale of lots at Verner •64.1.10 n, on
Fort Warne Itaalsmed,'"'llrOr Particulars M
UM. very Important We of tom, to tbe
most promising Murata/a around Plum
burgh, ftee Mello nine's nuettort advertise
!Inward dk cod Liver 011.—
The Purest and Sweetest Cal Lvor 011 In
toe world. •Slanufactured from fresh
heslthy livers, upon the ses-abore. ks Is
Perfectly pure sad sweet. Ask for vlfaxard
Ft Caswell's Cod Laver 011,"Inanutsmared
by CARIVZI.I.,•Id•ca 4 Co., Sew Sorb.
Sold by all drugglms.
ITO Wholesale Buyers or Dry Goods
we o ff er bargains in Job lots of Dress
Goods, Pantlobrs, Linen Goods, and fell
hues or Shearings, liturrtogs. Prints, Tint°
Ing, Cheeks, ne.. all of which we will
sell at the very lowest easiest °ash prices.
J. estrum:AO).
69 Market street. below Third ro .rtt
Stamp Speaker Arreateo.—A man
who gives his uame as Cal.t. Chugs. McMur
ray. was ariested yesterday. by °Meer Lo.
Kan, at the corner of Eligh and Wylie streets.
while .4 tensto log a large crowd of respeo•
table it) citizens with a drunken stump
spears. The Captai a was cOrmigned to the
lockup, and will haven bearing this morn
'Sodded Destli.—.N. P. W. (Rats, well
known imthis city as Is book.k.her, Anti
'for some time connected With the hies,
dllvl meldesily at . 1 r. Y. yesterday, at Vibr
ate's IMO, where he tad bees elevate. tar
erivere , days. /its thaws. was maigestiea
of the brnlu.
. .
Jump, tar klatch.— .1 *tient Jumplok
mown for thu champinuebut of America
and Itt,leO, bemoan B.) Wwt ol Yttuoorgb,
and Norntan Boma,. of New York, at
Union ektonag &Nes haus, tuatta)
afternoon, Juno fits , rata or baton.
134,0141 A5. 1 4 . 1.11033.—Ttas Pittsburgh
Baptist Association, met at inn Union ha 7
Gat Church, Grant Intent, on Saturday
m ningor. , The attendance Was q.olte Largo.
and tho meeting interest:Me. They _will
comlntin their labors today. r
Tha'coal minors, in !deicer and Lawrence
counties aro ou another "striliC," and their
•tion is ilkeiy to intorft ni seriously_ with
the rolling mule and furnaces, as wall as
with the operations of 'coal doalots. „
At Reed , * Jewelry /Wore, ;cp. es plitk
areal. will be bound a:lei a•eortment .k 1
doable welled lee wqh
and goblets tO melee. Cell In end eektee
Week. Prlcee Very ream:4.ole. I •
Turaer...loss--A large delegation of
Tamers lait this city oti SatordaY /eat. for
the Purim*, of.attemliter the twelfth animal
festival of the Turner.. uolonotolv holding
In Baltimore. Md. • • •
eC4 l o s . =•ljna tlt!da Wavier at S. T.
ig torn, ho. SS Federal street,egttony. • •
• The Very Latest styles or lhto, Gaol,
sad Straw Gouda, at tioarley Lesaa'.,
No. 50 St. I.2late. street. ' • _
Illashese.—The cars of the CM
ceu,sPes.engetllway, were 'orerero red.
ea with pagennlors alt ear yesterdeY. The
other maea were equally well p9renix.t.l.
The Allegheny sad at. Miry!. Cemete,
riou worn thronged with flitter, 1.0,115 y.
Iluth pruseut &beautiful uDI/natauco ht
S atlsfaction.—Ttin 'Wilting community
ern purfmtly thinghted ultra the ithort
tratott of Nicolton pavan:tent on roan
All .the Marches 1.4 d m eadssally large
atteadanbe' yoatoreay. as It was tan drat
pretty eabhach We have had lot mum thaw
Pr S nickel cents are Forth 'eighteen d el.
lane suit Ofty.elant cents—no more. Those
or the year ISM are , sralued at one cent
See Chang. Of time for arrival and de.
parture of train, on the Penneylvanla cad
n cetera tenneylvans Nallreane.
' Tbs.tres boxea to tient of the Arsenal
grounds, at Lawreneenbe, bays recently
been yrbnewasned.
Ito to nemtoN's Pro; Moro, No. &I
l!dorket street, for the beet OteekberrY Wine
ever brought to Vouburglt. •
• • -
Go to ril.mlooa liena,latoro.
Marko , - street., for all Wad* Of CaliforolA
Wines and Mandy,
7 1' h_ nit im m tdt. Barnum. Iron Comp. s
srss started last
Col 4 Spark ena. Sod . —.ller a a. T.
, thegteny. u+ro, o. 311 Yetleriatitrieote
• •
•• • .
Neu Can nay . C 4-111
kiwis at Alosopt, N. smelt' Distillery, NO,
Irle, WI, WS end Ink
APtrlllsk Asper by temp SO grief ter
dealing to .eountertedt money in Akron,
71144 yield of wool thl seabon will Prows
both largo snit oro..xoellent qustltty.
item and comfortable can Bare Jost been
added to the Birmingham Hallway.
The .neebet. 0 . 01 .hef.". el Toerth
street, opens to•Aley. Bee h3Yerthement.
Jose Yea Cm Say fos pat ohm u Alcohol oh
Ton Will 1 1 / 1 4-4 Delital fiet►e(uament
at SIC Penn •treat, Dra, tlul d tilllnwple. •
Tali Can !JOY. as JOllOO. S
. •
Coaselldallea Is vary P.P.L. 13, /m
•Dries Nyl n We. tabOWD LOll4l/61114140
laiiiaraap ;ass a a. ten runt dal
EllrAdditionsil LOGs! NeWll 011
Third rap. '
ITwb znt - rions,
A. !vie theet., containing autos (411 COL*
tt.Nr , of mterratler remit., metier. trachottek
irttr.r 641toriolo, Wert News by Telenet-A
a . t.ll. notable, Iteadto• Matter for tot
g et -or I r.I Molt 'spa moat tellable Fine.
cteTtrerelat Market Hertel' sten . 7
«ta e'ty. SO rams,. Mretorate
kt.rem”O ; 0,1 t,
rut , trr, r
Cot, rt T ea 1.18;
—.. " 4 0 . 4 ropy of pane to the penes geisha
TO the club. •d^Plon to chtbn can be teutdr
air time, at out, rm..
NOTIcx To Smoscetonta—Ma ordeftn loth
Doper, to sun 500 snotty rent ealltle.
Wan. este Man • We 1n etdar Ednitlllth , nto
sellhere heeha a tom on malt a net.
ky-money by lO•aft. i Threes. Monti 'Order/
or 4 MeAlstere d Lour., may be .etto at elm net -
Addams.. I:AZ=IT,
?Mow,. um, prrek,
The Pearly tiate•—Yare ab Ile teeth and'
a 'meet breath, tenulair Ithe liertiatne Troia
tho rooe, through a pair Of lovely Ilya are
na Shako/ pram ass= "mexcellen, thin la
woman.. To keep the 'pearly wee' , or
tho month always apotlean, and the heathl
war , fragrant, It In Only tieeeellare 1p um,
ihe Sonalont daily.
11...13.+ELL-43LA,OILH —lnt Sonde,' etlieler.
lute NI, at th, re..ldento of Um bride. DI , OU.
!lie, 43101 , d street, Patatnifott, Or the Ifflro.-W.,
H. I,cke, Hr. A. CA:IYEt.L, of fhlllfrilittle.;
['a.. ad Nil. H. CLAN-18.11. ; ; " •
. .
• DIED. . .
• .
, I , .
tier ek DDE.K.-1)u Sa•ortlay, me tog, Jake 15. '
Raelt A aL, dot ter ofJobult.ltyandea.
, Fuunial aim HORN Ma, at la Wel It.
n HOSI oto IN , 'a bowls , mo lug, at
eVel ., ek Al.rniCl, ... luta. sort • f auben and
Elks Thomas..., axed oun Saar .n ten months.
The tutors: will take Mace Vila AnnaramOolf.
at ]ti o'ctoek,, tom No. 41S etetwadi stmt. All. i
gator. Tbi [ricotta of .De f•ml•t are reepta{.
fad) Inslued to Altana
AA'.—ln taldt ght, Jug, 7th. 1.117. at 12
0,-I.,ea. Mr.. L. F.A.AIn the Vitt raw of lor
age,. her t:e•tatat • on Batter time. 9 no Its
::;17t-'2:;,i'";:tl`.l;dl:4"'""m* 1G fa•
f.o. ICS Fourth meat, Mttinergn, PA.
oi all kinds; MIRES. BRAWLS. and
very duaurlytion of rollers' ynnilAtilnit
linornsonened day andritilu HOW,.
rurrissuu furnished.
ittriuntic.—liev..Darld Kure. D. D., Pnl
A. W. Junin., L.U., Thomuultnring. tun, Jae
G. RODGERS. itna.DElara,
••• • Ran Ant),64ll4l.7lCß,Metessor tone
!ate N•mubl K. Rtylgore. No. 99 Ohlo street.
three Moon . from nearer. Allegheny Sty. Ile.
tattle. It ...rood. Wanogeny t Walnut .14 Rou
•ood limitation CelnoS. at the bleat mtlatted
Ito ma oat. at all hours, day and night.
Ilea..te and , ' arrlme t rut Celled on Ant , nentell
tud un most rraton•ble torrat. '
I. T. OIOATE & CO., 1 !MEW.
ter. W44..1'11111113 and vletaltY. • 011132 Roi w. St
my.aupter Llscrj =table. corner bhottleld wad
cliFrtler• ctretY. ktema and Carriiwan far,
LI 8. STEWART, Undertaker,
confer of MORTON and PENN 148111.2 . 1.
Sloth Ciftut of all kinds. Homo hod
Uarrlareifurolshetl co the shorten nolleo.,
DEsLIN ac SILL. Beal Estate
and Insurance Agents, Butler ti., Law
renceville. Bs. •
MANU7ACTriIIS4.9 : We oder fog. tale the bed
and most ifealrable Cite, for Polling hlill reed
lllut Pomace, or for any large mantifsehdlng
utheoses. In the county. This prop. ny la Wes
led tin • 0 foot • reet and the Allegheny ride,
and within 10Ofeet of the A. V. H. B. The lot m
at: by blf raison. dething curl. • lot would do
,reel t thmthe before buying elle therm
red. made to ;sett putehaier.. Inquire of
SZVLIN A Sle L, Heal ketthe sod Indigene.
Agents. butler
LE—T at vP..y v"tuaw
bib end delisbleipronerty two on He.
does street and' tt e Allegheny th Alla
dr. op •My 0: by Cr • el, op width: [...died
• ady ale,tilltia brick Boild•itg, five Mlles
hien. disl2o.feet. esteulivtd and well adapted
trri tr gen slmnot any breath of seaweed
taring. li le •e. dam a Id pf these dimension.,
within the edy . , eon be bad, and we wood Inelta
thesi.selsil a tedlen of Ode destrod of deur.
Ins a Wage :or thenutsetering porposn• bCall ft
the unite of DIS•LIN .1 SILL, heal Edda yd
Latheinee Agent*, kloVer, Lawrenceville.
Fruit and Berry Dishes,
LID (.031M610:1 SET+
J OILN6tON & scot%
ur..u.san is
Fine Watches, clocks, Jewetry
sits 1.1)31C4TY 6112/1..„
3 tttallaurfaa., .IPolaxi.aa.
!4,3-, Par ilea lar attoniloualmt to Banalelas
M 0... pocks aka Jelrelz 7. An work nkr..l
111`11E till•PER1011 Me ws
llor the icuarcla a WILSON HE WINO
I. MACHIN, o'er ill men, for :lolly
I luso and general purposes, are so so II es.
blebeJ Sad so generally ad - slaved. U m
, Ott .umerstlon of their r , lallve <seal-
! isuoes Is sus !Juges 'consider:4l aeons.
~ They are sloplo . darable and beat,
il diet.
N. .
97 FIFTH RreRILIST., ' 1
1 7
th 111
am FIR We t ft he Worst also
deat t. manic,' art.
Moohlcrod. Hanna LO's•Arra•CS Oa
sarAst a ,n.••••
• & G,0. 5 g
55 it 57
FIFTH ST., Pittabtirgh.
Dally emol/000ata for RankraorMoolo 0
603.11 t
tram all Darts or au United ISMS 80 00
*old •
Wholesale ;Ina Retail,
Dia.& wosfEro.9, DIDLDRIDDIS AND
woo tts DAITZED. Bilar•
Dolursric Dity HOODS.
uro. eurea trop u..mitatsetsrun
Ingrain, Rag anil Lleen
C B X/J5 , E11 1 149,
.A.uciion Prices!
N. B. — Furniture aza Hotisabolet Good* forage
• •
lilowarini Livery Sia4.l4 .
/1101. BTiLLET,
-- Otte 11 ,, RNt. •••17 ,.
4 vousi_...S'
at 10ti01!..41v, ..dr.dhikr
I.I:HV Mks.
ht 811 1 11111116111
etIS. .inese vantantlms
nit,1111011.0.11 MiaiLLTlCOsax
f[aaZtO.Claf ..hah.whahas mho ....www