t l'l tjk L. kt..-CairdatTrZ, hanker and Brolasr, - - .18 Wood 81.. dear contrail/D. Moore Mao of Gorarosaant floutle. banana arid Bola= liberal tams. laculan "anQ Coatzumtal sold • at Nair fork rata. field. Bare sad Coupe. basset at alga. est rstes.tad Geld Drafts sassed as NOM York. ILL SUBS 7 3-10 BONDS } Converted Into 5-28'x,1885, BONN DELPFERED DIXEDIATELT. JAS.. T. BRADY is €O., Bankers, COr. POllith h Wood Streets: TO HOLDERS OF •, Zaftig nolo meetsl arrarrecasents trltn *Tarr pcmcar....6.- de Cho... Out frocreroonnenln vre are item:wed to convert s IMO relo's or Mt, vrttboot. Glee en . pima' Biusa: fur pelivei7r. , . . . . - 1 IRA. Bi •MeNAY /1. ay at fil4 for Shoulder.; i 11,4 to; Mord, and C 0... . 1 1211 for Clear Side.; and 15y, to 16 foi Can -7 1 vaned Sugar Cured Hama L.rd.l3 for prime • I kettle rendered. Dried tied.. plain. and ese EL3313-erSElls . • 1 for eadrasamL Wes. eork, 5t7,60(.23. . ODITEIt - P4FHTE LID BILITEITELp Lag. i PO T . ATUC4-7The mamarker is quiet sod un k. •senl4,ll3_ SELL . ,„ 1 bush.-Ptatti 1310 M . . -M YOUR 7-30 sy • . • 01,40. AND t DAY—Wagon Doty to teNtog at Dorn MOD . per too, accottlity to tomllty. haled may be . . 13 I Y 5-20'S." , qunte.l at IlDia'S. - • i r • . i EGGS—lalulet and unehanged—fr!ah packed I.l4Mai of iSZVEN TIIIPTIgn .411 led an 1 . 1411• I mar bc v0t. , 1 at ESSISe. . vantage of OVER',( Or. ONE PER CENT. by i BUTTER—Di excesalrelY dull, the r tes... coneartbag<na this Plart • arestherhaylug cut down the dentatid ionald.. IRA u . ZPICVAIr ii. CO - ! • j erably. ' Vu now quote at 12/310 for goollto , pr. •i • ' ' .. , . 11/111C.635. I DRIED PRVIT—Ia du'l and neglected, with . • . i a droopiug tendency. timati"Thale• at :! t &1 , c.a. 001. {TS & 8111APIELD STREET& . 1 for Apple.. and RJR: for reach... ~ anifSl.7. f l/11.--Lard (11l I. quoie.l by . ity mamas., . .. • 7-30 13 Or riti .1 - 3 s , lasers at Wail:: for No. 2; bug 61,22a1;02 for No. I. • , , • . CONNIATED INTO ' • , A: ' errrseusuat ra-risoi.....tawnizi 15420 BOND 1865,5, : ~,- - tog,•,. , ... .• rICII 07,TUZ PrIgnUICUMI °Ascii; / - ' WITHOUT CliAltilt. ' , k,'lt DA.I . June I', 1861. CHUOII—The matket was unusually active gliaelts bouebi awl 'OAS on comialscloulla New i thi.4o. th e repereityeeree retching to the tg. Taco. 11.41"°Pnin.'d 100.000. ' . 1 gregste 15m° bbl., Slid Spot oil, as will be seen i below, 1. a fraction lower, "skiff - Ml.3r folios ROBIN SON SON **. 8R05.,. . 1 , et i theth eir S a le 1 Hata', p cest22l4 UUU g . o ICOO bble on spot, at alf; IMO, to striae, at illi; lOW • 110.-714 VOURTNI !STREET: ~ , (or August, at .754,; tobo for August, eeller's op- - tlou. it . 7! 'lOOO Jot . September, seller , . opttots, 44. • at Oti;1000 for all MGT, buyers option, obit and e c A it Vitt uin gt 5000 for alt ISO. at Sji. The shove is the lam s, - tat flit of sites we base had to record for some TRADE. i ! time, but the movement Is altogether specula- FINANCE • . ! tire, sod the purchues were made in anticipa . !-Mon of a better nisaket in the future. COW. Or Tri PrrTSBCAOrt O; $• re. ..----...---- •-, REFINED—The operations In bonded oil ' - r i . F.,,,,, June 1, 1807 11 toklay were also unilsnally large, - meshing be- The Nees YeTt Stock quotations t...1ay,.1mil tvieen fourteen and fifteen thousand barrels. receiveSbY NE r. R. Nene ! : were u follow. e but prices, notwithstudiky, are no better, and 0.14. ijagi Vetere/4e bonds, li2; live the Wes were mainly:if eat altogether, all on i Twenties,. I803..101%; Fire, Twenties, ltiell, ePeonimion. Sale of p 77 barrels ~,,,,u,.., 1 107%; Five,,Twentlee 1841, 100%i plat COOO white for October, at Mc; 10:11 bbia, running mily 1044; Sven Thirtlu. psiGIOI3.“ Tee i from July to Iterember, 500 each month, at Fortin, so% t'• klklaglan - Southern Nail- I. e11!,..",c; J uly from July to Septeniber, UM -. road, 03X: (Morehead . & Pittsburgh, 70!2; Pitts. I ear& month, st 45Ne; I= rw.iuly st iil7c, 000 I bursp,feet ty,,,,,,,,..ee r,Zicago,97%; Erie. meml moth for Nuyentese aml pecember. st 2Sce 500 chlue...ed .hook101000, 8t ; lehivaro slid!! 0"h for a u ". 4, July . 0 204 9 '" f. prime ' Northwestern, MX; ad prefer-.''MN.; New 1 tirht strew to ! ! white. for ,June; st 2.114,t; 1903 York Cettral; 1781 :Reeding, tO9/.; Ohio and ! rtsudard white. July let to July 19th, at 1314 c; 1 - - Ximissiplit tleettlicates,kb%. • ! 0000 to be delivered within thlny dap, tellies • .leirge amount. of money are being disbursed I option, a 173341. by the Tecuury to payment of Seven Thltty 1 I.,::}3FICATING OIL—We have • sale Of 100 Bonds bought by the Goveinment and for the ' hble_Weilletil Virginia Imbricating - otl (M redemptiou of the June compatind Interest i gravity) to be delivered within twenty days, • 'note., the effects of which are very sensibly 1 . at 3,340. - . • ' -felt In Wall street.. Bos& and Mocks aro 7.7 i ARRIVALS — The fonvadak *Fri,'" 010(1 bouyani, sod nyely"bullah. feeling Pr 5 .011 - I were 00701074 t !' ! " -d. r' If eteap money Is • the. on!y requirement for a ! 415050 k. BM' 1 3 .... !. ,.... wilkina ----. 00 ,., . : rise In the market it M certainly to coins now, ; W. P. 14.T." '" --- ' 4s ' l" & ''''"" _ !,• es the titanium:mesal. by the Treuury will ! It ~...Q.: s,r,,,rly sPMillionsfor the neat four 1 emit. •• L. . Le- , t., . •Anchor 0.0 Ref Co. PM bble rained to I. A tki......`blito• Gs= ."0..1'. ;.. ' " Dilworth. Philo:Nat Ref ( 01 Co, ~0 do do to t i,...g ooo .oinpe s`.'.t p a , T ~,2,,...0- 1) I, Hiller, Pa.., Liberty 00 Co. 24 do do to drewer. Burke .2 C., Polls, It Koehler n tet, .eta' ..fd do do to Waring. Ka; b. Co. Phil, 1 C Gold a finner,b..... an,' an Irc,, "meant c' Kirkpatrick A Co. inf do do to W P Logan a - t 4 per cent. of Gaited States boodiin Louth.. . natcloa.r,Tattp I[3o 0 ..a,,a:nr...1.7,.1e.r..,tz der Th. rb"an for th is .iib Y b....4..1 to ii... " dot., Waring. Nat It. to. Phil..; E Sagema,94 willitignese to draw below shipping rate. by I do do to Waring. King k Co, Phhet..l Bean.. bb ' Ibtuthtl house.* they not h.0‘05 soy nee ' j it . trl d ' o d s o d no do r 10 l a VaIi:LI:NU V:lnt. for Iva at mane. In Ike open market. money . pot,. ' 1 remain. veil' ..carts,-.o'i we know. id. Y or Y h i g h tort.tort. SitlyritD ELSS eiton rata. Parra. rates of luterest being offered by 0000005 to i Unions Ref kSt V 0.20, bbls ream! to War. • good ...Dag who came% he accommodated at WC, King k ttlo. Phila,Toos Petty. ile do do to their Oats. W P I.ogan, Phin, Hutchinson Ref Co, In do c do to . 0 Warden. PhDs; Brake, lalfenthoe Clabolf Rb ri ‘ bilfii. "...IV" by Some . T. A. Co.. no do to W Cr Warden, Phila. 0 Beal i ''' - Youog. Idodoto W 0 Warden. Phlla; I hill- U.S. Sam ISM tin lee a Co, 66 do do to Waring king 0 Co, Phila. " fats, 1862 e i O O' 19 alio; ix King Sala, V do,dolo Waring, Rai " 4 Is. t, 1.0 Co, Phila. " lab , 104.• -...------ idni New lurk Prolleee Mariar. " Coca a • L ii bba .Ity Tanegraph to the Plum/nal. latette.l Macon 2.30. _ ow? 10 t ' sow Toast, Juno 7 -Cotton . unchanged. Aloe 7.20 s j 0117.7 i 0.,...• sum of lied bales uptanda al. It.c Floor Do Dec. Compoinde, 11. c' 1 16.; lowerortat more tone and better 1000101 , Good -.... u on. /or consumption; recetpts 6,102 bbl.; ales of Silver too . ALM bble a per State western at. 1.2 olit extra • 1 yeoman 0,001110.10, choice al/Q72.2i; slap -The raion prep:Olen to tre malt of tha ring Ohio 411(111,0G trade brood.. 4/1.1.2) Dank which have ban eaculated to some ex- 13.7.5, ageing tn. Lou $10017..,_ .*lnter 3012 bbrit ti° "' rib* " *Yetti It ‘" Ym"" wholly P:rl M. ll.! ' 11 . olfrt " 1 0 n o r r i enfrt ,'"" . M T ala l trf without warm& The Cabler, E.D. Jona. 1,010 bbla at 412814. •Ve bar Ix easier; Isla Dig., formerly of' this city, the integrity of of k. bbls a bendn. Whisky-small seas of at 112.25 The le hoot mar. . 0050.1.L....°00 00 °be be ' ' lli b .e.tibb ' I Nt4 n e ' ar:er sad more doloV. seta of V 501) telegraphs tbot the zudement refuted is is ".. he No 1 atilwatineo el rz Islitt3o. ebolneld base, andhans falsehood -act truth In any ' V. 4512-1,50; tilt s 4 gaaOlin 11). pat of IL" Several of the baks of this city , r i ..„ 0 1ui1 i ..... 4 i n o:_c h r ,,, , .1.2..02 . 0% . 1._ 1 . . iszo , yer_oal: keep amounts with the Second National fatik o o:la ost. t t,..°;l t i l i g. o r,7, 7:.r - ',....`";,11 of St Lona, hnwiog unabated confidence boy, quiet; sales of 1,502 bo W. 31.5:?1,2.2. Can to the toteray it! la oDate sad the Unpreg. =7&"...:ltaigtXtl.m.,,t.r.hor 474trz,.. able stability of the bank 1 I mixed orate. 56 a 1,0281,14 retail iota 41,10 ....A. ChicaguJournalaye that the lose. OD , Billai the market closing at 1..701p for grkirk aortae the pat leormonths have been' prime old mixed omelet.. 0,1401.1.f4 In mohouallpheam, end Go Ga willing became so store and delivered: bated rolunt t10.14}. auartous Mat Yankees are uto to Gas Bin. Loner, n 0 ...Gat - Ma 01 7 Lif o ° o ktleumn cyan 00 (.110 mmgina unless Ms bor. On weetenn &LIM; prime southern DP,o, rowers Are 11.00.1 to a reitpealble beyond state nominal kl.n. to ma.Ple of /tat doubt. Notice al; due are generally um muket Is gnat. •Lia'a firm. Snow ,f promptly eat, and the spplications for earn- ' Bruit ales of 400 node Calmat 101 . 00 110. sans are by no meat. numerous. ,all smel ladvt. Istateugalet. petroleum d o ll a . % 4 chant.- relating to felnar wheat an 11 the l ed, nut,* unbr.ti, 4?lj. .1..4);,.....10.74z, grain split. crops ate very encouraging, , wee O f s a t tdtattnit at 41150% for regular -It h. been reported that the Foutth Ns. I Ohs wri r-e- - - 1 tie... Flank of New Toll woe • loser to the WY° , old max. 1. 00 .. 3 0 10 for Prlce .. ", ano Anders of mon than • quanar of • million of 1 Irli.D•V- 1 2 for prate mere- ,o rae r l i ti ~.. uly, 4001.5 by the Whs. 40 the National Bak of , ales ot DO Ms at fite in 0 9 a Beer - New One... n o whole amount of the debt Rama goat, at 0 0 /12 40 . /2.10 ii-ales oa Net in clues/don does not exceed eld,Lod, fett Which - b°,.......b0 40 40'' for 0500[ (lioirir....°sl-111.,Xistil the Your rb fY."iiii" holds eOOIIY. fircilit U .for 150 IDello for ant: . -Wb "b db.ibrid t ..1° Lb... 5.. Yr ' rk Jbu ” 1 h/avy:aleollso bbleat,l2.ollo for new, Hoe. ' tea 4( Ctotorterer that orders have been re- ter dull and heavy. Chan. homey at Wald. 4. .." .... °Y , • " i l b°ri ii° suspend WI I°°l-°. . i Freights to at,:rpool 1. Intent tecided '-'• n•init rti 150 . iiiir i. ' 4.i.b.iii ......° .. bin ! bb. , r. el -Ftpur clostrtl iliiltt, with ' t ta ll n ie n r:olT 4 ; ""' h " l:l: b r e c n :ab ' ; 7 : lo . 7ol P r:P: C o h o n d ' e7Lded amnia and a less ptetelng do. .r I' . •at s Inas of the new fats to "Mich tne hold- I , oto to „,,,, w,„.„. steady mot ho„), ifan of Treasury notes.. eutand en the me. , ointor , 0 0. 1. t 0 . ,020N .00 to c o m m .., . trait of thew obligation& The market item e „ ~e , .„. .„,, ~,,,,. ~,,•,, . tor .. 0 ,,, , ,,,,... . /Laity many. langold, values of most dm I into Do n , at ford.g o. Coro doll. e popti a of produce ate unalled. and prima • bray; on d l ooo r retie row mittay wttlt. a a ' ii r d " iii.° " 4ii•ri " r.rd bri ' d "' Y ' ern. 41,04211,05; otti ebloptor flasecl western The off foods trade is isative. At recant to to 10 0 ..,,,,,,,,i . r‘o ., 0 ,..,. y . o d there la Hale effort an the pa d ei of t. he' d i ". " ht 1 /400 ' salmi in 2,000 barrels of mere, at VIA° raves sawn of sleP ,o MD°. " r - r vo. - , regular. Closing .1011 Geo 110110011 at tole ° ;ICJ f atr... '' .steglel e n=l l enm e rtatlha . Z . il e gib' doll ‘p r h = o 4 , ' ,ll. eht tr,;li AIL' . cturtag the tat few deye. There Is an Ind ti. o tii, o downward andency.f at 12 9'8 170 for demand fir maw/ , ad ooli ram. . rii r ‘' . l 'T , fair to prime. Lard:l2%ol.oas Rollin ran. placed upon the tat acuitis:LlMß per mot. o . roo The raoge of dlecoat for ntees Cozener. Mal paper at Cat date 10 7405 per cent. per o manna -The New York Post snyg tummy to Working ' dose in erneerplaties rattly of the . eking up Itcurrency In the Treason. Mr. McCulloch, it Is reported' hot, wan' • viogr to eAselbe anon , market, tatted one:. to mop the sales of gold and boas, sed to payout as muchcur sew a postale In the DUttlllab of seven:rad, I nes and compounds- The time paper Ida mar It is reported that 5010 110000110eb has been making Secret sr ; re...mats with mime of the National balm f more tin talus of tre National bank note.. It Is well known that the melt to Metalline of 4 Nationel bank notes coder the National ank- Na or re le the huoired inillions of dollar., .: pt ~1..,..t... Inuit vno long .00 0 0 reached. There are •tlll 110110051 banks without ear 'llll'tndtooT:heslah h lea 0 nonllo wish. how renrt Is o•t the OI department hse privately Info rmed some of the bppip, to an intormal way tint to the extent that they will redeem the bins of broken books og ,, o ar. ray be had by the basks desiring • elleuntlon. Ways be boa emoted quite a i ...tap tacos the bank. Interested, and I% 1-.-t premiumscipremiumsMG an 4or 0 per cent has been of. fated fur the broken bank notes 04 4: - - r/TTNEIVAOH /METAL /LCD BLOOM 44 3Mili4r-WEEILLI 410 VIEW. ' Orrice or Ter Pllrseenott Gaza-rem FZlltetr •June 7, 1567. • t• The market for metal has• been dull duties the Meek which has jut elomd, the reporied sale. in the igamdate bring comparkUVelT light, while prime ham , undersea° little or no hose, though the tendeucy, If anything, is downreard,and holden genenslly seem dleposed to Make allgist concesalons la order to .Butt mks • 3111 . 1 buyers'are buying' sparingly, and the same la trog of teandry buyere, both seem. Ing.dmpoted to do std. is commonly termed, si .11..14a-mouth. business. .otocke of desire ble hias.de of metal of all kind. are pretty well reduced, while common and inferior grades are very elmedept and hard to sell at any pr ;Blooms Ire dull pad drooplng.. No. t Juniata,' ICl...ported, Wore wild dulled the week at $.91 stild 990,6mbingd sin, fhtr.and dee months. •• • .4.ooltainvt. . Mtons Ittn.2Toundry , 9lg 00-4 mos 11w , do No. Fort co do . .35 'do ?rearm) Forge 60 No.lGreltrt.rge It VO-3 mos II 0/-0 moo 40 do Fou ndry • 'la 00-11 mot te. T skuntiMr An a-4 a mos taco tureen. story anti:rem tons 'Medium Grids F0rge....11 10 00-1 mu. MO do do •do .... 00 'do 200 do . do' di adt-i aloe 204 do do do .... ea OD' do . PM do Favorite brand ....... 43 mos lOC do _-do • . OD • 403-4 do 600 do Dow Of ad!. be arrive, p. • euppomel to be 5t.... 0760- each tons 3.140300ing Volley Torgm p. t. , . 01.0003. - xis"' 6 "".c — * CA toss Red Mut AO 04— Imo Teloran.% to the Pittaberdlt 40;e r ir v i d , skeZo,lo for soigne...um. Wreak opeketi .:11neettlrd - and 0.10 bonen oulnieq cent iy milled and cicerd nominally ut tor No. t udder No. I M kkidly kid. Corn settee Ind sego lowe; olortnil uoik Wee No 1 et mdm, and 1/506t0 for No.S. Osta in rood demand hlehOrtea l M ao' !arttsreetiVlZl jpest,to. ,parl3 'steady end quiet at ate .- ProttkNos d 11; Wee Pork. NM .6kOnVOtileili'lredi==r4M - Auttut um brew eldrosiente-I,BCO DCL IlOtity It#l9 NMI tYpitetINYNO NMI Tr& , i :... ~: Y: . JAMES DkLZELL & SON, . . ..: 69 and 70 Water Street, . . LOD OIL MAIREFAOTIO3BS, CARBON dealOMß.ers la CATION. LVERICATING .1:1. We marmot our No. I Ltd 09 mull to the Beet Bloctonna, or other Muhl, sad peshase Our/1.4 lOW Lard uelonutl or Clams., rates. N 0.2 Otl .ss • Lotorteator essam oe excelled..e.k Labtleattog sad stand ard sm." of Carbon OIL eons tautly or. h., ' Merchants sad mum Theorem soli elletAntox their Interest' to of as • tali before t r .; t9: , a , Lard 011 from the West. M: ea n--aitiLLll4 • °Trek os rev t retry's,. June 7, tate. The general markets cputinne exceedingly dull and unsetan, and there it but little prof pat at present of any Immediate Improvement A. the demand for nearly all of the leading mmodities is restricted mainly to !supplying Immediate wants, there Are but tew round lot operations to report, and prices generally are still tending dowderard. GRAIN-,There ',nothing doing In ,Wheat: Corn is to gcsid supply and very dull—we heard of a car load abetted having been sold at 91. Oat. dull and weak bait without quotable •fehmtge. Sale of 303 bush at 69—amall stale. at 140110. Sale of 1 car Spring 'fierier at 41,0, mid Ido dd. Wattle. at 91,10. Rye cannot be quoted correctly, mr there are 'no established prices. . kLOUR —Continues dull and weak with a !Pooping tendency. We quote nominally at simtz for Spring Wheat, aid $14611,50 for Winter Whert.. Rye Flouriaquoted at .0,250 050 fdr choice brands In - store. PrioVlSlONS—Bacon le aelllog in a jobbtnf 1!MM:1:1 =2 I By Te'egraph lb the 1411snarge Cart tte.l Ciscssaavt,Jane7.—Ylour dacha:meths:id tlutet, with not touch dotter. Wheat Sterner; sal. of No.l Winter Bed In the forannon at .1,25, but the alum sold Willa afternoon at en Sd. Piro dud and unsettled, bat closed with havers at 70071 e In elevators. Oslo Optlied dull and heavy, closing at GOC for lso. 1, being a [cella, of Se. Bye very dull, and could have been bought at 11,40 on the !mot, Wnssky doll as nos. I rue Isom. I tlOlll arm given for W huty In terse reports 'Col;always Y 4)1 to b ro d tn henc e na. duty P iru d ri nul City is offered as g,1,2 , 5 Bulk Meats firm at 7Xc for liboulders, and Ito for Bid.. acon slaw and In lair desnand, at 9atnx Q 5 .21,4„ I. Ishouldera. Sides, Clear Silo and Blear bldes. Lard doll W. 1015 tor City. drill at 15617. Cheese dull and nn. 'onanged. Gold 136, having. New yes* 107 Goods Markel. (Br Tobwrnob to ilia rittittla.b lissems.). • Nair Tons. June 7 , —Dry goods: there Is w mwderate demandforstaoluipaWlS at siOadY rat.. tont the market to not. active; Atlan tic A shactin it Orin at III; Law ranee b. rfi 1n... Man orchard ti, 1.5',4; PruffiOnt.l 3 : ncisusfist• 11, liii{; Bedford It, II i Slacoo,11%; Altawain r, !..1,• 151.115, &romper. Idern and Lionadain biaimbed Mullin, 21i4; James. steal. mills, IN PeoPer.ll, 42%; %Vietnam, 19 Inch 9-4 G. 5; Ansa; [takings, 10,• Methuen Esida, iii 3; AlrlatiCAU strions.l444ls,Amiwbes; Denims, 2.sinudolk,ali rracman prints, 11 , 4012,n4 for dark and Upbt :tales; IS for Naumlicagi 8a1i...n.4 11010 and IS for Nell; Market Cor i 1,1 .Ibanii..laq for Afnovicaug; Drills. Pi; P.3pPeraii. do. - !inflators Market. tgilcaraph to the rlttstroreb tiatette.t J doe 7.—Corree Mtn and prices f avor before: Flour-400mM limited, n owa rg ,4s ,:tx r. t. Wheat :1 11 2490. Coro dleclin a d . ..4p, r r o f'4' d i ra aw; re IIOW, $1, 01 01,10t mixed weite;rl a1,e0., 0at...1er...1es at :igleug. huger, IthidlOyie Joe [rho leg grades. Preview., eteady and quiet bonded. *thirliarmod. Whlegy dull. 111,3 0 0 2 0 ,5 . bond ?.. MilionaukCe Market. toy Tclerraph to ice Clltsborei 04 tett. MILWAOKICI, Juno 7.—flour Arm; city double ezi rc 2110:91 country do $10,29012,50; cstre 69,75E110.00. WhOst , actlve at $3,50 tor NO t,123.37 tor No" 61,9161,42 for No 3. nod 61,.} for trlnatad Oita - quiet at 534255142 • for No 2. Com dull y 41440423 for No told. Toledo "Kirke'. . • Mr leleen , ' to the "Idabel gh dawdle.) - Tot's., June 7.—Flour dull and deell'ing. Wheat. quiet and buoyant.. • Corn unellang ed and rather snore active at cxt lor No. 1 and . 90 tor N 0.2. data 709" lower; Wes' of No. 1 04100. Rye 'eehulnir. lake freight. nary doll anddomlnal. =I MT Telegraph to tee Plttabereh Uasette.] . ta.,,,,ggpsti•,JUne 5 —Flour P. per flan, 091 a. Wtaat boavy and Panda . rad. 02 4.5., and Vadfornta• Corn nn yallowol,4B. Oata, eao.. Peoria. o loan fiat. Petroteum. leaned, In bond, gg!,,, ' Clalearro Cat tlellsrltet. (BfTelearapa to the gotabarg h eauue. l .Caloado. June 7.—Beet Cattle 15030 e lower) g 7.041835 for fair to goodnteara Sheep satire at latltilhtrO Rog. moderato ly active and llOgrno her; 10411.74 7 K‘t0r good tO extra CIIOICe. Nirksh • T.ltospb to the Pltterergh BI eUL7" Y~ae.l rts:l MZW/OrtX *Plt 1641 , M Financial llatters in New !or 0,,;A C1e.:2 4 1 at 1363 By Tolegropo w t. , 0 ~.00•tb latettp,; Sztr Tont o Juno 7,147; . Money active at co: on call. No sts in-; genet' 10 GniereMeht, Bankers are not borrowing so largely as for some days past. Gold dull, but closed arm; opened at 131 N, declined to 133;4, and closed at 134%. There ‘ .. 0 0. bettor borrowing asmand , for cash gold only in the flay at 3@sper cent. for carrying, but later, from fist to 1.43 per cent. promo.. The steamers for Europe to-morrow thus fur hare about 41,500001 for England. Sterling brio. novenior.ys. .. . , Trio Closing qubtatlons are as follows: • United States Sixes ISII, registerwd,lo7,4;do., coupons, 112; Flv.Twenties, secular, tic;;; I do. coupons. ISSI, 1119 X; do. Val, 105% d ; o. ; 1E65,106'34; do. new, 1.1-i; Ten ;'Forties, twice. far. PTA; do. coupons, ‘13%; Spren-Thirtics, first series, 1094. 1 • • P.CIrAIIES., The general market was, more Retire throughout the morning wail an improve ment of ‘4614 per Cent. and prices, still higher at the one o'clock and ateadi St the two o'clock hoard The ro.firlzot wan a frac tion lowerat the last open ward, firmer after call andnearly up to 1 Oolitic.. point on everytning. Among .the U‘septhyneouy shares Water Power was higher ' while a ' cille Mail awl Mariposa wren firm. P ,The features of Railways was an advance:3f 3 per cent. on Toledo. Now York Centrist, Frio, IlUdioll and Illinois Central—verystrong closing prices. ctostso outcrarmss. - Atnericau Gold 13 , V1; Ohio Certificates :IQ 231 5 . Bosom Water Power Ii; Cumberland 54431; Mariposa 3.19; Preferrisl P/14E121 1 4 ire..tra Unloll Telegraph 4101114; invite 1344014; Atlantic 105•Nelded New York Ceritiall ll ol4o lo WErle.MP.; Ueda.. h. 0 1,, Z 6 3,i , /Leadleg 1141,„; 111,0sottri Southern 45;4; Gino. Central 113 , 411]. pitt, s haril, •EblWliirToletio 118.3113; flock Island 9S' MN; Northwestern 31443134; Pr.ferred foN, CroN; Fort Wayne 3s)V;i99; sit saouri 39. PICIAMEIIIIr 811.1..11.. The Belle got la from elnelanati with a veil ' - - good trip, including a considerable amount of Patient'sfriends. There are, however. more l icence. This etauath and Sleet packet returns t otoortent ei r to . toote theo three, ableh are only again to-day, loving at noOn-Carbkin T. W. Loughtey In command, oaf Mr. J. W. Chaco 1 ..11° manifest by ...Ration Itod Perooloa berg to the mute. bleb moan, In • medical sense, Coon- The Importer got o ff for St. Louis about i t :7; titt„it,,t. ~ th, ,trti tint„.„,, out three o'cleek 'n the afternoon with au excellent . trip, loving sit the freight she could take, and : wardly in:order to aseeriato r what is ftelng 00 M. &goodly number of passengers. A 1...... Whit- eh , or the rarity . Of • teoland Crane were her pilot,. cheat. The signs o sYmptoms elicited In tide way are almost orel7 Ii The Robt. Moore left for Portsmouth, and the Urillia for Olt City. . I demonstrate the true and exact condition of tin The Kate Putout. Capt. Lightner, is now in 1 eetteetto .... or nacultator can turn for St. Louis, as ie ono the olumbia, ' 5' ' 5 gan' ' E. P ESI"S 1' Capt. 11. W. Reed, for Cincinnati and toms- I not fall In ascertaining whether the Lungs are nine. There are both exceilent boats. acting naturally or not. he It Is the twat Capt. Hines ow ferry-boat olieokilk,•• In. : Their method of examining the lungs. otual tended for sole Mace on the Upper Mississippi - Ina arrived here from Booneville, and will, condltlon once discovered. the appropria we moose, leave fur her deniantlun at once. i treatment is more rarlditorlecti at. and to erY There were but MI rty•two Inches of water In the Allegheny ht Oil City , yestentay, and eo. i diseased part more cos:pleb:ly under the Rain less we have more rain very soon.oar:gallon I race. or ...thpetete comedies. we hare to., will soon be at end In this noon. - • The Glendale and ,Lorena left St. Louis for be... s th. opinion that coootnnoh or arose. Plttebush on Wednellay. The Democrat. of 1 or wasting of the bodily strength, was depend. Thureds,6s/ mays: The Glendale, which le o ent an a doomed state of the blood, which car te:moo earner. will leave the Iran tale at ten ' this morning, with 100 tons metal ant ISO tons i ra ck In Its course. tribe.dous matter , and de iron Ore for Pittsburgh;and 20: tuna iron ore ' I rants lt lo the logs, or elsewhere In Ohm body. for Steubenville, 130 green hides, 00 Mils flour, i • , to,„ asse alt e d p „.,„. „ forpm.b, s h, n d / lust mole:flier stone Is deported lathe bind Sd sacks peanuts inc ctheionett. She leaves ' der, a small particle of which attends other 1 Cairo (tomorrow evening. i ' f oh offence to the . Then treat Reptlhde left Memphis for New " 5 ' .......1 11 • 11.0.55 . " New Orleans Tlarket. 011, Telco - oh to toe Pittsburgh nieoUtt 1 1 tuleane Saturday. She received there a few I mural foctlens u _ to brdnie on inff......E 7 Nov Onto:, June 7.--Cotton dull and t lots of utleceloneous Irelight, and received MO I wit , „ v.. notion, it , it could, ,tr„id.c..n. ft In • ell voles of 7:.0 bales low „bir th .: io totts Iron the &tomer Norm., and some eau 1 ' .11!...41 , 25c; receipts for week, ~,,;:., halos, six ~. ,r. , oat of the system, Oil which mold hoe been pp , u . Su ioc k g;Tillt ' o I rt h g r ;=lr d , l .L T ' lte d ' ulii Tao., was advertleed to Taro Ow e.,..,,,.. ~,,,,, , ~,,, ~,,,,,,,, or ~,,, ~,,,...,.. sio.n: dOeble cobra 412,73; rhoice &loon. 1 Monett for Pittsburgh on Thursday. The tow- r" Cern active anal lower: mlffed and at lle w 1 I ra 110 r __ _et„,d at heeteritie , weit. Dr. KEISER'S PKUTOIDLL SYRUP O a aim -41,10a1.15; white scarce at 41,kt. Oats In 1 uosl ..1.r5 , ~.. tight entiplv at 95.04 , and null. tiny un- .caddy, and the Camelia passed there the same' plate nod perfect Mee In the forming Doge of Chaeged. l'ork• extra A prime mess tn. , . day cotonte for the Tennessee. The Maggie , , . I II• we Itgoon In stool obbinplemand; Shoulders i Bu's .._,rtitte„ were at Get ,. _ n daddie. It eels on the very re ne r.. e fvEC. ribbed RI. es P, cleat do V.PS. lard looe on w eljoe•-• • i Very gren, hellion asking LP V. fur nosed ' day, as wan also the towboat Robe. polop, / hoe erate ;Move, by enabling the securing or and 10,111141003-for heir. tiolil Ihtd,;. sterling ten rote for New Orleans, , on 2 ylu- oil organs to Jos double Marco: work. 470;11. Suer YOrk . Slght L xchouau SI pro. IVs extract the following items from the CM- i * • nallita. , Wean: and repair am sully comprelnaded, and ---....-- - elooll I ontmerciol, of Thursday. Maffei° Market.,, , Cartno John It. Dols yetterday purchased . 11. the - awn out mni..stsl he carried ate, sod [By Telegraph to the Malabo:ph tiarette.3 . the anlewheel ateawer Rowena from the Cmu. mot: and Nashville Packet' Loco :any de. renew., Material.' a PriPor entrnter: Banes o. Jane 7.-Flour Is dull; mules et te route . I • Nubble at 11620 Mr extra stale, and sll,;Sen 1 11 VW.: Carton Ilavo mil annum her rodeo, most bd hegltb and me. the costrary of alchneS ...° 55 . N . • 5 Stlnhff• ' 111.5 . 1 . nnnted : and relit Ler throw, lout for the Wll(te [leer and nominal; salon of 7,31X1 hue Suet:Meng. i and ht ero o, t , too t,. to I , t , to coo.„.„„. wi th , and da-ease. la many cues cd'aeniumptioe Corn Is doll and unoltlmii sal es of Moue i th e htoroote „ tei. r „ te ,„„ ite hoio,„ cane, . i _ . t -bus cnolo mixed old wool. n tlue, with i Hen° . et , other . eet the , reeht „. toiweti „; , wtleh have become madded. Ir. heyur • I • ono i tot , hit , ern Ille apart. quo ie , h .T . E. . 11. i. - . 1 LOU/perky. way deetded velneatty. The Jury, 1 sal syrup one moo, othough it will do good rioter with Hales of 4400 bus t ibleot•le, and ~,t „ en , t y r .,, 0e,,,,er,t00. brought o iot . W A. LEWIt.',, N. 1 ••• '. 5..1. n 00.- 553. ° L. 5.15 .."• ulvt in tout ed the moo. of tee Rosnolke. n nearly et. Ila proper. • medicine oiled 1 • • • Beeler is dull and UnChanged. aloes llork This roe., has „ te m, e .....w ere h te hite „ ei. I . Is ginot at about VD 77i, Lard. EP se. Re-.I rim hull of Capt. AluntgoluereS, new steamer I LUND CURE or PULMONARY ILESTOILt- 1 ATTCES NEI' A.T LAW, 1 ! 1 0..h . .t1‘ 2 •M bd. ; f1r. i i . ) • °.11 .... 1 . 1 , ltexterTwill he loomed at affeoonvilie on . , I,•X* Mil e floe, Shipulente-cortE33,oo hied i oeior , ter , t ,,,. j ot ., w . ,h oe .,, t, ~,r ' t h e , TIVE. winch lea great tonic, a.: strengthens ' '' and oat., 10 , 002 bps . 1 W thl bock, arr iv e d heat St. Lots sesterday, ' No. 93 Diamond Street, . ~„„. i r „. „„ H o d, er , her be wh i . and restores Me para. to be renewed. +ldle I i 131. Lends Markel. I ono, here on Satunlay, with WV taus for ,- ~ „ t , , from the h oar thus ' otheadi ti „ 1 . 11 --' Tallltitilli. Pa. CRT Teleiorh to the 11Mb:do Wattette.; Stenhenallre and Potourgh. SO Soave. I ' "5'1.'5... sautes 0n... ST. Loots, June ft.-Tobacco heavy end luo pro of lo.d nod a lot of tire May here . two . rtetee or .4i. nut or e„,.......„ flatter, JOILI W . nunti•ELL, metnum grad. Sower. Cotton very dull: Cart. ELEt atm : ut the Wt.stmontlod. emit oil I no oleo rev:Ogled. Fleur dull tool dectiutng I from PlitteallTall yeaterda). The nestmormod which only tend to ring or dotter It. by binder- _ ATTORNEY Al, LAW, with MIMI olive at 410.00711.0; single extra wlll tolloW the tal e tu New rions. The „„,, e tweet „„...,... tet be „ , „ pot ... moo t ...w e e.trt o ~,,,an,,, dinner, t oot .I Atte:Odle, thootaln D. A. SWaney, lell for the .• w ... tangy. Wheat droilping end • nnwel.ll.l ; Intolth at the Kanawha lot etentno for the proper place. OEFIILIE: No , 123 11'01111111. SITIIIFrY. sprang range& 1,1,63(0,70; prime oil Mato I purpose of taking on a load Went . • foil hilhX3 2 h.h . ..... .hhh'h 1 1 . 40 . Corn; I The No. Orleof Butte= attributo the ex- - rend. I'ITTSIIInI I III. PA. Chalet. obit° firm. but monton and low 1 Mono en the ro. Marys to Itic .o ne , ; • ----- Ihe grade& un; rower pr,c, range man:. ono i construction of the bmier-an upocht one, wine H . C. lIIACEURELL. ' ' ' ar.,,a, a7gg-kit. Rye dull and lower at 41,15 i shod dues-the gu n ge co., and wa ter n o . t,,,, 1 PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. IMSULTIND -.-. • , 01,2 e. PfinlpiotM and Lard unchanged. lug be oar t O furnace. olowing them tO get , PROM PLEUStIaY.- CURED. II33IIIIIIO FOENDRY•, I red hot, 11111 - e0 Watt.: was t cry high. ATTOP.NEY & COUNSELLOR AT . LAW 'L f e I.onlayille Market. i The Ter'.... an baa.rday, while, IrinK at Etne...."15.E5 For'' : minders[ . •'' No. . NO. 69.. Grant trzeot, IU. CIAT.P.I!OIf .10113111,61CKSTISON. i fry Telegopls to the Pituberg a Gasettx., , Iles:Ono, was Catlett by the wool a,...1 kora _ . ~...,, . trier. Allen Loot CRT: • • , •Loctevitta. J One -"ale! of MP hogs- I .t , r t °4 l . ° s r ......- n•ntlii both or heed Oa . E. ; t nine. she wart :DOI. up the stream till , head Of tObaetu. at t. 1.75 for light logo and eotrto „ lee r . etti y er . 1 her hod inn Inteloe bank. When, she toy till 1 5 .I ' n .."... att. ' n tn.sl n• '. May .11.-W. ravrontYnGn, PA. , A. GARRISON & Co.. - 1 toe ••tod outiattied. - MOcesdars to Balboa Garrison I Co. I re fo ilo O tt w r e t n lntr a o t a atinUa,l7, Wheat dud at 1.., arblett left me with • [Olga WM( tel ..." L B F. alto CIPI 4 I, 44.33 for pekoe red. Lora actlve et SAPS The New Harmony Registsr, of Saturday, ler &honed, Including necks and cieliverv; : art) , th e Wanon over. thin Piot Manna the I me, worm, awn my strength and gradeolly Gots Loco Claim Agent, U. e. Co. C00n.., IVY Nov 7011 . 7 S In bulk. Oats I'S In hulk. I past week ho two rico 4 . rated rate, at FOUNDERS AND MACIIINISTS Mess Pork 101,05. Bonn Moulders `Air-Dar the Present Wrltta; Long hokful and In One undermining my Loll's. During this attack of • std. 12 1 413/2.: pacool. L m.o.- new, Ora ;no tgeh.t • ewidulon for net mess hoot.. Por efAce, No. 67 Fourth econd door, ; 5i.,., o...fletsrers of fb. Cotton • DX. Raw Whleky free. 41,1 9 . I a time, sets, a ppr e s tot ee too e entated in the Mr mt. - 1 hail several phythooe . the Wheat CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALL SIZES, minds. out faro:ors to tee low Panda,. en • PITTTIEUCtiII. PA.. Albany t ' Albany Cattle Merkel, R•eintrla and destruction of the plot. a. etto t ettoo Iv th e cit e. art,' I had tortoise o• t ; „ tr ., : prom Iron, Siert. Enos, It Copor, Silva Lily Tittered.. td the rltt 'burgh I lasette.l , . ?BMA Boarro, A3l Apiags 07 741 oold. straw Murat, Paper sett sorters idstobe Work.. Alen. ttationg 1.111 Casting,. of all de kboxy, Juno 6 The Cat tie maregt was , h , .." , e e h s , h :h .......,1 4 ,." h ,! . ..it' . 1 ':. eae.edf "' ' he ''''''''' Iw. .:". "' 1 ' " rerlptlons: hot Mills, Vane. Douele Winder [I,7V:.;;T:-..",r',,T.-1 . 4 4 i.T. , `;'T.-7 , `;'..LP*.7 „ " ,. . ~':;.".*''.'le ' ;:":r.'"ii:i:.r7o : ' .'1.41:1:7°'; "' '''' ''""". which a " s'o .*A"' Lt"." Promptly Collected. ;, , V; :zl,=,;„t u t t . ,. , : r jMfgt,=, * , at , p r o w . tor hoores sre: prime. 611,50e12,00; ,the. .... :,,,f e l j., , , A o l i . e • ot il e 1 , t0tte . i . t , 1 ,..1 "a r t :A! called la a doctor. who to dan 1337 left lane wm 1 Lie termer , ..,,,, coman.,.; en gouty, Mph art.. I tit , 1 4.: . _m: not ed tart. • , . r.oe t h ese i ht • J No charge made snot Oak. are settled. and , Mare er..t.MMThone , i • Mod quality. PUN third quality, e7.6,„1,..; v it. . ,,ii . 47 , ..: , 7 0 ! ., ; „ n,. - Pr0,.. -,::: ..0 4 ..... .„ , „„ n,n, tram u ,, ro., rag were no, .lone ....,.,...,.,..„. ...-.-, I-. Inferior. 45,5.17,0 u. St leer dull. nt, decline • , rt.: „ • JWo.ll9'SmtUstleid Eared, of ~ ,w;,... Hoge nondrially nttoyr. we .e-- , ...' .". •'...e , e. he`e •. eto n a,.. I "......14 die of CoNSUR PTio N. flinger- 110UNTIt. , $lOO. dunirg Om ef the steamer' . 8.100. --- --...-I frZloSl rirrsnuccm. Pl. • Nan Feasacl•ew Maelaet. 1 TO New Orion. linte., of litlila toys. r d on from this [l ate until &tot Me mbblle of . 3lr itodueotte collo. Gera of the &tomer tDr Teleali•Ph [ o l= s int.nr.b t'. 2.1 . • I Ruth, has b e n modem] ih e hospitality of Jot., my '... 0 . sad lon g ' ..t.. " En5..11 T I • San Fessolica, lune 3.-Plone and Wheat ' the halal In be-Wolof Cot. Cot. and owners, I ° 1.1•eal Tenders time , 71. Ito the Ron.Jettersoo hots sal toulty at or growing wooer and l wetter "err OS, tad Si. I ' me they oohto ‘ nit .11welcau.pt, ea It for . :wool th.t 31, I,lw la in.wkoa d 0,, , so at ao noel dopalrlng or e. t r rt.., wall. In this 'MAORI, ray kgAs LAMAS). earl; o;,:oraund. 1 Perot :Mona - yr World nl4'lll. .0.00 R. 1i... , ~,,,. Us e 1 i ,,, ~,,,i „,,,, ,„ „,,,, n ,,„ ~,.,,,. Wale of W rpondetwr. sad Leon& nia gan.r. , I ' irrll - l t rti:: 4 l " ttl ' i r kr . il. " e " tit A ill ' lr n Za 6 • 9 ,t;t l : -" ... ' I 1 .- .1 . ' , 1 " '. "r 5 n"' ' 'u '' "1 ' '''''' duc. " ". " bad. ottle. IncuraMmy of coomptfon, and I Volat a Ca; 4 boxes co Wm Ilastnee. 13 do , , lle ellauto elell'mer Soc ., .do do, Reimer • Ition 2 do bacon, ()red. Rei. • Trade mutt tie dud at Soh. tile„Oste of the ~,,,, h,„, a ~.. Cade be pu, 1.; al ..Eu I ter: 15 too cheese, J lit Cauneol a boa; l 0 do al . paper. Mere soya a row was kiekedc,beedese B Ilobtsan a Coif; bales hide.. G N Hotfoot, s lino. moo running I. . Cairo mild ot 901 lore awl swine 111.,a,leortl?tmeol In Coe tkew?ttpere. I 1. gas hair. .6 Hon" elm, 1 1 / 4 Sexes Mario. X J .. ....xi of cur ti biedsto. Owe to Nash 111 , CO oae Drader.lS So do. IS fie•..eroo; c de. do. A.O J , of the up roe,- put..., the toter 0 lerung to i ... ~,,„, ~ ~c,, her Ittt „eit , i,ti t.,t. pot, tell, OR es RANT sTRY NT. Kerrin do de. I hid pork. Kirk poems h. I:, IS make the trot' heron: Os cheese, Little. BOW a Penult: to dodo,) T he m ete „ r „„„, , tier ,. on w e . toett . for at li.ovece I re' 5... a eta , and ha I oirno. e l OIIN A. STRAIN. E 0 Illiworth-a G.; le do do, !omit. Mot , h ‘', . al". t; U. atotortaltdx, I-sac ....IWO., I .t.t{tOO .' . - ' ''' Lx. aro te. to•i kg : - ' 4 litils dry aprleaKolorru . . t _ ~, t oo . ~,prer, for Detroit. la. Wool copper _, , 0, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,. ~,_„.„ ettti .,.., He ,A,.x. - mtmxims47- gpple butter, 1, um: dS o; 10 bar Moo, i k . sod at are,. soo. t,ou ote p a ,•,„„,,,, o r . oisu Patterson; 12 hx• oar. M 11 ' Inakto. 3 do do.: odee oi too nowea t akeous !resent , and to psi Ca-Officio, Justice of 1. , I Little, Baled h. Pot... i unser.. . 1 r 1.10 meth otor obe of uo 1.1 lung wo Tor LSD INILICZ 1111012 , tff-fi - Oas. area PlEn'or.". Unt s ffon ' The St. Louts Deanoceng. of TuraJay says . ee Offige. 1111 Plan Rt. epr ; Joe 7,-5 nap. boo, Weddca a Thom:onset do ..,,„,... ~,,,,., a Fe t,,,, „.,,!„,,,,, r „,,,,,, mach (Recast...la )31 he thou, hi with en st ea PITTSBUip tdo Jo Olianlems 1 54 pc. water papa, J M the tjlitoong letter Rom the Viola Pell,, doted - Tate; 0 ske ware. II sheron.S bhle vine gar, ' w. a r p „,, I w y e k, age, al t, ~,,, ..,,,,,, ere .„, and the y erso trance In the of PA..medic:lw. „t=,. d .8...„,,d , ,..a. , i i_. ,,- it..bi--" to 1 , -4-" , p1.5.5 ilo night oi F - rt Ron.. and ore Fenton aloha I would o t well. At me %Isla t called on Dr. ' Into propirtnese a t dry appreer T I. Jenklll.; 2 du do, oisiok , 0ttett ,,,,,,,, t 0 the rottowto , iteott„,,,eie_ _ ag....1,,ya by.. starch. otre..., One a Cott. : since Davin; Milahiti Ned T rdcr. Camelia. keen• air moire wax rot . ides hundred ora=l Mir- wit,Litnr I Std. lime, Wm Blastokr3; 5 b.,,an • notoneco, 1.: C • Luella, Sp mph Ns. 2. and Agnes. Toe riser ,ty neat. In a min ate , an li t. we. gemera.l7 • ' ' " Ml.' 1 Muer; to bbls apples, EAI .1001.105; .11.c.rew li.. ~,, .tent three Wet ewe, we Came up . '".". •1) Nn Hs,. wine. 67 Teens; i or Intetter, .1 It Noted In. sere and le now ran a need. lied It not been : Dated. and had to cough rdint and day. I rein- thutte; t are tres ' n.4"r A Co; 55 ''''''''''''''' 050. ' ln 1110 " •5 ..•.5.11 " 51.1... e nnh ben.' moced thwidoetor•a trotter. lath-lob, with -,,nr, m.,..y .... - ~ ...e.n"vnnor, ff. There a re s :rue d o et Ex boat. ahod of , i. ' ..r liinirsti no do, McKnight, Porter a Cu. 1 ear . There a day. w. are Ex catching op • Wale, Molten cortiostles. and tool:eed It, f. Gerd /I Myra; 1 :Id 4,, wn. Ilinghion; 1 roll ' with thew. All well ea boot. leather. Packard a ItOrds IS bo cheese, draft ' „, • , . fillnfaily soul the pose. amt. Tto D- cod , . It Reiter; 6 sacks potatos, Vogt a Cui it ker,. I 5........... t be "' E Y dull .1 L. " 5.111. It mettle:no Olpol to Roo W. gry Man. aid nulls, (Mess, salytts S CO.. Fe on credo the fo/lowing from the DenarreS. ; . <old Oniony feel wyetlf geitl..g . strange PlTTenChne, Conger, VOID CISCIRNATt , of tied City. . , 2, e.. ill e 7-1 or nave, r Kober, n solo I The rWer business in this locality seems to : .. d m y .1.0 .i ' l en 515.1 " . ' ". I".'''' ' ' '' nM. 34 So WE. 2451 - I e.IT 5 4 15 . 5.4 . nitrE.... l ' love liven whittled doe. le the small end of • base gatoed greedy to e....P. and ,carder ro ba e eat,o to ff a Reiter, a ego eotettwe, ill leo ,. , nothing durtog the pad, mouth Or two. The 1. 16 1c.i.x.1. 4 dot:utter, 1 nig. A Cott he 0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~, ~, ~.,,, ~,,,,,,,, a . rap, r , ~,,1 ' telt well; .1 tbe raining of too lung his cease eaoaT t; Jenkins:Zff O. totleY, fr'imenn. L the atesmbastmen ate looktO 'blue to trollgo t oot me general tioith le Irt sore war god. A & Miller; IS sks coo. sturgeon k Urn: 1 ear . and a.,1 as tonl-twaren. meloik`t knurl a hat tylleat. ft Wallace; 1c re , o rs , Coarbell a 1 Os th e matter. rtt he Looittene tome to , he me relsoseranti triorls too or clorice Mon; 12 pho pan. C•rnp, 611iya k. Co; 1 biot ' New t won. yes:Dia.!. To Caputo.carue .use o r ate gl ue , ... or e "ft... o r : Dna, rams boon, G0... 1 .d Petri a New:Jo:Tit. 0 . 1 .; . up town from p., nod, took a look around sod Aao oats, mcm.ry a, ii.... 1, 3 Ilk t o roue., it , polled his hat down over his eyes, went back erT. ono Cr th , wedICIU. Oren we by Or- St Cargo i I to the boat, nuked nut. .awnis •do 0015 1, 1 n Kaiser wo a to•lleine cello! LUN i GUILE . ~t.d.esnorr STATOWC. June 0 ~ -1 car pot . Evansville this morning taking Do a load of ' toes, Owens A Kennett); 13 Milo. Lappe A . corn lo the raw. We suppose there will be het- whielt I look to connection with the oho trot W else: CO ALI. sou, E a l' Moto:111 seeks 1 ter :Imo wheo the Orope are , athered.Outs i soot. (ammo lone. oats, SO do rye. Ido hay, Stewart a Laoceo. •to e d d the only oily tn.u.led with th e "wee. •' , Prt - reetton. Karat le, be 7. - D.,. We dry apples, Rouen at lion 1 hotel Clecionatl, Pittsburgh. toms, Vicksburg. egos, Shut; a. Danner; 1 Inc to. ley , II Molt; 0. I :Memphis, New Orleans and Madoun have Os tobacco, V 0101110; 1 bx boor, Owen. .t 1 oohed it" inn/. Kennedy; PI rkga mega. II K onisia. sot 0... 1 , :mu... bbl.wire. Owens A Kenuedy: lo do Mono, M Burns:4 hhits tebarco, It 11. W Jokitfou, s bbls whisby, 10 Stiller._________ ---."---7-7---:_.- I ANOTHER CURE OF CONSUMP MN. /CLI.X.OstitXT VALLEY RRlLanart, tool 3‘.”' S O. - . Foit '`./... I'M- li, K1" 0 "....; ' FrATlLattt CV Jolla, O. WIt.II.X. or LI.WITLI Oaks oat, Katt g Itochart; I 00l eggs. -r - h I'IL air nool:I. AND 2,l'.de I ' ' IS Tr. & Col II du do, II Res dr; 2 dud". J So- ' „ nt „ . ___ t r e e .„,„,,, CRUX, /, t .n.. orr. , heal I ICS lard. Fheilcc• h Co; s, V.' 1 hare. 1 . 1.1q0t Z 1 ; apt I. 11. loon, All. ;I w olt th exert from the Rolled elates arms rye, Jk W letrlev; 177 no oils, 66 filohnoi , Will leo, a. ......0 on sal ULDAI, two oh u " 'l' the .-dodo, Solt k Giant 000 kg. oil., Martin. I test, et 41: cora r. tn. . t , ri l l Jatust VA, oh wool of a we:OlM Irt Do Brackett &Coil ears etone, Metcalf /e. Coins. I rue fregegt or p...ae OM, on boo or sad. fora a ocit, awl • disease w hien the ow- Preloacenn Ann CONges..tertrat IL I. I 1s T . 1 - ' 55 - 55.01-. •• ! I r.. } agents. I hotels:us preneuncoloOSslMPTioN. Iha J. U. L0LL.G.41% MiD. Juon-1. roll loth, 11 Snyder. = do do. John l , -.-.•. s t..-.. nt h end fed away In nreneth it Thomas- 117.0 n oat.. (ley a Metall; 1 pkg non , , , , eitreort:er, (Joe d Co:Si bile Meet irm,, W p l Is Ott 11,1 . 1.1.,1NNAT1 and .. i i i vii r t , Armstrong; 91 do do, J Dunlap: tit coils 17 reels t .- LOU., ILLY..-The splendid rope, Co OM. oakum, a ellen, Millman a Co. i and .win steamer , 0 i c-d.uwills Coe. Gm. W. Roo, t • WOI basesit seee op eV VI 1.101.10 Y, toe tab I . 2211.012104 DV RIVED. • test.. at 4 eltiee a k pm 2 I Coo•mgert-sicit heirs,-Clark a Co, 101 1 rur frehmt mad= Is t ly t, o4t t i N ina& mt. . ben t 2 biles onto: I.lln n. Gregg, gloat bbl I , . Agen.. • , emere:l earn, 1 bettors; Kennedy, Child. 3. Co. t J , . n Wes colon; A li Chltda ik co dO du vi. .1 P . 1 y cou 'Nem.; (in an d nn ~,,,AsEait Haa, 48 hh.ls shoulder.: SO J J.. , 1. I ' .. / tOtlleVlLti. ' . ho., Lemon k Weise, 6 eases do; J C liar r wll, 16 Mow wings, Para, Painter k Cu... CV Kitt tsLTURDAY. AT IL a. i toles eOttvOt ?i.e.°, (Sok a Coa Ida aleel; I Th. Ito lees. younger ;wlet 111.1.1,R. i 0H R&D, 1 do do ; .1 11 Parker, 10 bale .1. i La UOILItaI . Cdnimand•r : J. W. ell 4.lllltelt, 1 -'.... I th"' " ".1"‘ " II ';.I:M td -0 a board. i - I " 417 age.. ; There IS an upward movement U steam ship shares. PacMc advanced to lie, but cloyed low. • Coal Stock s are quiet. OZE SbareS tol lower LA Cross generally e from to :tat, e dull nd t . ..r o unitS 11111 1114110. At the afternoon hourn there gat a reaction; Quartz i v.., to is3.anil ho Creole to 130; dregory, 151; Corydon closed at 135. Thereceipts ac the Suo-Treesury were 112.5c0,72.5; peyote°. $354.549. Balance, 4EO,- 10,713. The receipt- include (or Customs V 00,000; liohl Notes, 417900. NEI BOOTS AND SHOES ..= COOT= JOutt 71.0t10. C . FIEL D I N G • 16.6.2fselaireis and Dealer. "1:71.1.154012 1 ner.r..clo BOOTS, SB.OES & GAITERS, No. 1411 Ottio St.. Allegtieny. n,, thei mut,. - F• OAAT A. L. JOlll J F. AM. !UNION CHART COMPANY, Manufacturers and dealer. In GRAY'S UNION anus. ore. InduremeutkOrtted to-Agents. hurl nenalllibt. sad SUITABLE TO EITHER - MLLE OR FEMALE. Itignirerbut little cohlto. AJdre 11, qte..• 114 ...top, UNI , PN CUART Co., •Di*267 ' Otaizarrihe.o4 l , t 0 . It. P AGE STIIEET.—Tpms . 1 1.0 w.r o . Item a I,lnt 10141•1.1 he. tiros Chattier. sod Stathatton 1ie ..:. . to lie. vie street. • .litttnee ol COS foot, will Meet • o the Drewloto oo the ItITH IrAY OF lir: F. o'oiock A. Ali. tonll the Malec of their A HES CNA H•hf., CCM I: 4 *AN ALLEV.—The under.. igu ett Viewer, apoolilled to aateav amages and too:male for evening of Kean awant Alleabeny. from lotto avenue to Yeanttlin real, e oietance,of 11: ! wilLlora T Olthe ltlr 1 1 , 1 Potato/en, JANE• tit dtt, al- Joele.l . ll /MIR tett . it•i JANVe LCHUUNT PiTiI);A.T. -- 'rne linden aetted. appointed to lose damn.. and Lone , ts , tor ooeuto, of lexust stmt. Fifth ;41 ' 4 t . '‘74'r,:4::17,.1:711.2rATZ 01:1 the Oil toe N It day 00 June. I eat. at luue;eet a. N., i to fultdl Inv do .1.1 of Welt aPPOlattutut. -J J a m ft I, IOIIIKK1 t A7K11; It, Erel M7lateite +AN. littettaft. A D3ll:lllsTll4Ttlit , e. . 0 „,„ T.74.111t10,3•410, 44ve I.g. grant ed to tboinlb.r.bor.ll , lllmc•one Ivieb,na to said ,n.. .atme 1 Itgoes.d [oak, Immeilis. 'l l o plat Um utue 'lll / k . '4,ll lVectlerillelllTat: io -' IIAVID nuit•cerms, rrrrrrr. CROQUET I CROQUET.I I lave Jeer received • One nethrtnivoi of the moth, ...Wee In pries trot to OA pee sa; tho &test 114101.. e. In the eltyi %or ealo ty ii7:l•4B:ror =a Rood Mint. D U l reT2 l 34 ' Will .Y escheat 23 do waa•terli 41.1 LI do mixed 1114 trattels f o rl:rx . Appoa; recelve4lol conlEasAcet and fog sale low Wag ,11410. 1501f_glIAMULti LUAU. fiS ' 1 , 114 W 014111.14. ME===EMM PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE E' SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1567 PITTSBURGH ROPE WORRS. I . - MEDICAL. 'PROFESSIONAL. FULTON, BOITMAPI 8 - CO., 'CONSUMPTION! 1 1 R. DIDDLE ROBERT;. Muuttature the best Attorney-at-Law. -CORDAGE, • OAKUM) tMes that bare been written upon this ISPOfI . ' AND A an: solp/edt, and If a bcrlz man were to attempt • • T . 71 ti ES, l 2 ever! varlet!. !It he womd mike him ' , roree me ras , ll2.s. Warohonse. 114 & Water St. 44,1d1e before he got halr‘nrough• The eamn Cal: or rend for Cireular RIVER NEWS hands and soles of the feet. exhausting day The river continues to recede steadily point With Are feet eight inches [tithe channel 1 night sweats. hectic fryer. wasting of flesh or by the Monongahela marks last evening. The maramaus. sometimes expectoration of blood weather was cloudy, and opyressirely hot and galley, and at times it threatened rain very i These arc the usual outward symptoms, alpha.. ranch • BTEADIBOATS. REGULA WM.:ILLY :N N LEA Vit.° KV Intl' typD:tk.l) ST AT 'II Y. —I he fleet owl ctmonautoo. A Oth , NY • opt. Lute VanltiOtaFT: W. 11. nott, or tl7noad or o tr t wat ep ttlr. .. ehlt GATARRR CURED FOR ONE I::=l.'7lg."l.s.rN r.tt:TiL4r l LlrurtW;;;ttin;;s rt7; . ::t`t en Viurinnafl Unselln. osi pu:wilb ol II Cello toe for lisonred tithe, or. Y•or• •tor .rr.tt m. 0.; ed oo•r I .41. ve , 1 .4.j: 1 0a• , Irlt , s welt' to ystno thou rriVl ' g:l l: l . l.7..tar t i7lo ° l ' :l 4 •VtAll ' yr. ' s ' rld n . gr u k t ., 1 ,j ' ;:.1141117.• . f r 0a 1 f1er5u....... ,., T. rum*, e•O ot Ilbrrty puboals Otis tr you w 1•11, la end Isqrbt po•aiblr I • tit..: ems recommend toedlne oil bout • :loon. btlo. c lo the wur'.l. and I loave I , lo , lagroftma..y with thr Ort.i.uceers. •110.. Arritor, Vensilleq, qui.: co. uhlo. .51111 S" CITALP,H A L ND 11.11 CINE. • posltlve and [envie ewe tO few werks for Lhe woret caves of Catarrh In the Head and limn. chlel Tube.. and loctolent contatndron. Dee than nbo , ttese Molina , to the above (pee 1,010 IL fowl:F.l.lb. µy.,hrsny addrefe. Fit Lk. UV d Altale, nobs, receipt of nue dollar, per wall r otherwise. I==! I . lll‘, Fun. Street. New York, NOTIC F.—ln the Court of Coot +, cri , nos, Nu. W. June T.lll. Au *vv. ration has been 'molt to II:let-Iron or Loinmon I:trIfIVIPAJPIN iij0.117;T1MM•11.74,411-. TloN.'• mod If no tolllctent reseon bit art,en to 'toe °outran . ..et thenest term of Said Court.. acerte and order 11,111 Im lnate lueorpurettnir .1.1 A••••,.{1.,.. J. ALVIN KIINVICIL AtLit,ttr• MEM ApyrlcE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN A3l.ol. 3 ration have been granie , l JUstril PIK , .WC an the estate at 3.03 i I'IEIOE, let. of Jefferson township. Allegueny County. Pa deceased. .11 per.ona kl2Oll/10, thetn3elyes ledenten to said mate will eail and pay them at one.. and all havlngelaluis wood the a.m. will lest. the..000..3.10 Wa a*"'" lttirl ? l n iq .' l Itentrilni P. U. aptilasl7.7 Allentieny county. ra. VII.IIOIOI, OF IFOIITIII.A g,.1,,t-gLutgr,:,"=",..y e ar: LT %! ' ,7::1: gr,errw4"ea aka it` the receive dlyeet le ea far mat. Lee Simple lllMedy by Wit h b• . .•11 CUR , • • 1.0••••• 111, 02 prod% by tile advert...ea aaperienee can " adds PlZindras, 417:14/ no. ct Cedar it., New Yore. =LEEZI WHITE LEAD& • run...T.Pl. . h Oe." Snadcrelto.l : 1611 30 3 31 1113 " • rot sail ." drY r Vim • gay& _ al its w. corset Tlard awl so:milk ' • MANUFACTURERS. riIANUFAUTuItISEXLO . ! IRON ORKS ; - NATIONAL BOILER WORiii. I Allentown Railroad Line. ; NEW, AU. RAIL, a rra i Emtr, '"'"" & kautrWlNS Boilers, Tanks, Stills, ; FAST FREIGHT LINE, ; =III MEM radon of matter or put P .l " . One or !nags. c.llluess, tottria,ii I n the P .b.. of 'h.. not only to tint observing physlchn, but to tit du/it and VAS unable todo anything. Shortly af ter sus return iron the arms, I ma:a application to IL otystelno of my orlobto raised and, after- semi:, to mealier to [imam:rah of high repots clod, whose remcdtes I used faithfully for ere I monthi. Witemdstey benefit whatever. but tath• et grew WWI, and wastes la flesh and strength everyday. in Auguet..re, my mother tout me ' to 1101.7101 t IthYeg..l4, of 00 roan street. whose I still la smelt eases like mine bad been highly spoken of rod put myself under his treattnetiti • The pc, r evamlnvtl my 111110 very esrefuli, with his LION° SOUND. nut told tee that my,, eft lung was badly diseased at the utter barn. but if I way carclul he I nonyht he could owe m by (alumina Ma directions elesel). wale!, I di from that day to Ws. I gradually Improved un• der Or. Keyser's medicines from the east week I minimenewl to take thee. and my general health ha* Improved. and my. Chest. where It • as'suisk ' en away. and *hero It pained mu; has bacon., I (.11 and smog mid fear fruit pain. l at now do *Kill Oars work. andtala tryst pleasure In I giving my testimony In favor cf Ur. lames treatment and intd:e Mi. • JOiim U. WlClttair. Tattle Creek. rlitel, nun, April Kill,. Km A vein of Oro years' standing cured by. Mt K&ydy..R.d rruTtiltAl, ul RAU': Erredin:—lty vile had been sMicied With •cough and dinleulty of 'bre/Wile it (la des or sly yesrs.'ableh, lor several years track, had grid. I ashy Inereuedtn violence. The complaint tots been hereditary, end ebe hue loan treated he staoral phyoltdans without bay relief. In {hit te other cue l PreCured 11011:10 0: your PEO TOItAI.. COUtill • tittl/P. I bongtit the arse • time a arts cent bomb., Whirl, roll, red her rely I mild.: I then railed and - god a dollar bottle. which cured her entirely, hod she b. 'now no trace of the former ironer. eseept westness. I would elsostite that _ used the otedmine myself tb a cold and cough., The medicine mired molly taking One dote. I express my entire satislbc t tlon With the Olodieltle, and you ere at liberty to publish Mall you &gra to do I=2 Oar SOD. Jamul Morena. throe three sear. of age was ellileted with Oonentoption of the lanai. fur which he was dischathed from tho arm.. He weststained by four ann . plonk's... who all agreed that he most die with the.dl eeeee . We broaeht Mtn to Ur. Klan It It, leo Wood threes (now Im Penn sterol,) who, after mounding hie lanes. commenced to Heat him, and eared him and sad well. Ile is now well and has been so. for the pot three years, Others nelicted ln lW manner can ilkewlee be eared. JAHlte Patera. ' ,Yen. Saw run.= , TCmpersuuvllle. SePt,,lth, DM REHM'S PECTORAL SYRUP. KEYIERI LURK CURE. Cub hid at hi. 'GREAT MIDIOI3IIIIVI6 140 WOOD STRUT. Camultatlon room Lug asusatambosa, vac num. !WM% fro= Ls. oatli P.N. 11 I...MeCELLOUGI.I, ....__ .. x. " .....rl3l . 3arcr.vvermi,. • 4 i .„' 1 ' . . Nttoniey-at-Law, ~. r ( ~ ,, ,rAcroar.rso7 1.,. 7 ., . . No. 101 TESTI" 'STREET. Plttstrurnit. 1 ALTB:',2FS A 7 .. 1 i AND CLUB i 1 • mr,...s • . Without, Change of Cars. . ! - Sheet Ircon.Work, 1 L B.M. SMITH, ' ' ;. ' Dar:noel., Sheet and Platelroa . ; Nichy . YoRK GOODS POR PITTSRURRIt Riidge Iron- • , most Iv arloered at PIER No. 14. Nolrill Attorney and Counsellor at JAW, i -. . ..,., • • . RIVF.I4 to the Agent of the ;._ A 2 Allromara Angie and T Icon ; . ' ' 1 ; Constructed 'ln the be manner aud with ! T A D1R. 0 .7 . 1,1:0.,P:gi pi!, jr4r - I,,,rpgr.. ; gents o the AND SOLICITOR IN DA.NKRUPTOT, , , Guard Iron; ! promos.. ' PRICISAS LOW AS SUPERIOR WORK ; s litlls s o/ l i ztlag L Ariil . it. the oi. (Mesh at 03 DIAMOND OTREICr. . . Coal SCrCeID. lIVOLVI . I CAN BE APPORDEDRY ANY. 1 ' ''. 2 mySm7:,7ll' ' ~ T mit!. CR &20 Itu.io the lard 1 ; Baotou Orrlee, 77 wAsni EUSTACE S. MORROW, , i Tratro Ralls,punehedand court. ', wrrn E now. ALDERMAN. ter sunk r ; 1 . • . DOUGLASS L SON, '.10104 P. 11,13111LT0, , Uraler,ltridgeao.d Tools EiretS • ear.. st.,•Monougshela Borough, i orate , Foot or IsnrstrY,sy :Es-Otilcio, Just ice of the Pea de, I AND POLICE MAtiIoTRATE. - 1 -1 CueNalls andgpikes; I - I" Oki, No. 72- PeonsylmOia beat', Piiiiboqh,:b.l Bhi p and Boat t°2llt°E. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages. Acknowledgments. 1 Railroad Spikes; . P.'l,oo[loll. and all Legal Monts& aakuted I Railroad Fish IMF'S and Dolts; setto Oromntness and dooatch. me. 1 ; : . Railroad Car wucels and Axles; Street Car wheelsand Axles; , . , I Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; COnetyancer. Real Estate and lusuranCe Agent, 1 Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; CARSON STREET. ran BirlaloXb ' A.• . 1 Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; I‘ butleetlon of Rents solicited and promptly 1 ~0 1. ,5 . .e r rni Reaper Bars.' attenCed to. mell:yco '''.. WAILEPAND Or;ICL. W ILLW4 14 ' BARKER ', . f t .120Vater and 158 Front Sts, .7DSTIOE OF TEE PEACE, ' BRARCM ROUE. , . CONVEYANCER, No. - 1 1 rids, 22,24 and 26 Biter St., thllen, CARSON. STREII.T. pearly oppeOltoi the I jaColt CUICYARL ILL. ItatlssaY Depot, South Pltt•Ourgh. Itartness.km. I --- ' trusteo to hts care promptly attended 06.. -- my oat_ A. AmmoN, JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE. DANIEL McIIEA 1., M. D., . IaiNGER NifificK 86 CO 0 PRAOTICING- PHYSICIAN i i ~,„,5 ~,,,„„„0 , Once and Regldenee, lERST REFINED CAST STEEL No. 150 Grant St., near . 1 , spah:7l Viet ; WADI, AST IND OCTAGON, 01 AL Elln G Eo. IL caul - Hid...li, ----- ' >Las, uraax, ascogar., u,no AND cams cm Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. I SAW PLATES. OEI,e—FULTOW'd LAW BUILDINtI, No. AO OlaN r SLAEAT, corocr of rourtli, All legal buslne6s entrabiou till VITA e. colve prompt ....talon. A011 , r.1.5 J. S. FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, =I tlifOltD rt. 43011, FRONT ROOM II:U, ItIcCOILILICH, EL.ttcormuosy - eztisei.cc". I=l • Tromp; attention given to all kind. of to Dual... 1_ aVisnio ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 07 X.. 1.0113. :otroot • ADDITIONAL. BOUNTY. • IrEE LOST DISCHARGES. ; FORT Frrz _FOUN- Waters tatto'haatt lost writ Waal:large octal, Arn . A ArAA AA . L ., LA rata, and watt a, othrtartse entitled to (Le atitll.. tirtaaLl. , Ll altar WEEMS ueh ttto att . ..can Tare tht ir osae• tanat..l to by ca.illoa °aim add taaaia W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, Elnaa.VY ORDNANCE, . LI.D ALL Er-ND. or firure oa...rnyal i , ATTOIISET3 AT LAW AND OLADI,AGENTE. 1 v':':''''', ril . V.Priari l ilitc'i l e - ci t ritrowrY. Pell • , litt . AlltA atteadealtas procraD, n' 41,1t01` "Tr.} , T. A. ba,at,,,,, tile Uest triatt..l. "...11 elver. 1 , • be smi at this ',Tama'''. J 0 II A. STIEZAIN. Pa•lng at‘. or ,-... old tuck, we are "BA STONII IRON IWORKS.• • • D=-Dart , arl,r, ava "iffy tornorin patter., , - —... ELTii: , MX I - I M.T-4.;AT- ' ZET:=l . ., ' L . = ;Milt= 11 .11 MO: I IRITCHISON, GLASS & CO., Es-Officio, Justice of tire Peace , ure• . • onfnn I . . AND PULICZ 1111U1STiATIL, : I U TILITY WORKS . . • Xaaanoiraren of the Wl:Want alUi o Grace, 110 Fifth IQ. oppodltea:attedrat, i ~.., - I'n - 73111311011. P.n. , ' • : McLEAN & &ATOP, ; Bound, Square, Flat and , De:tali, .POnds, Marteagai, An..... 01....... : -1 Horse-Shoe - ear Iron, '""'"'"• and "" l'''' ""'" ,‘"?'" , . No. Sa Liberty St., opposite Fourth .1 In., ',Tongan,' andis d,atch. 10y1e..21 , ' Hoop and Baud Iron, - wit,Leam lA-NC.ET. NOTAIR.I , ' • taavracrrasne or : ...1 , rtniLlC, -JUSTIC it °rill a , reac E. " AB - ' Boller-Plate, Tank. sad , ),.:: DRE Al, P.TATR AUENT. 01:13,,eorner of 1 t T MAKERS' HARIRTARE. ~.u, 1a.,1 Savor streets, Lawn/1,61:e. 1 C NE Salt-Pan Iron, • . i of Iron Ranh"... .. , 7" 4 "' " '"' r"" ° ‘" .'" h. '''' ' ''"' I P . t r Trt Y CTst , !;" !' tia7Zar Itadstead and Pivot 1 ' s . . ,"pf ka.rEatale. the 7olicelloo ol Ilea'. an. th e , ~,.„.„,.., „,-,..,;,,,,,,,,,......, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,.,,,, 1 beet Iron, &e,, de, &e., vri,-„ , -;:p;:;?,,, , ; : 4,7g-,... , - , - ,, ---^l-1 , un." i 10. T.Maa• AI. Ib'7 " 5 ." . ".... . n d i WOOL.. rirx - Tow - maul?, an Meaaastaola , , , w mum, ~,,,,,,,,y1 , hat ~,'..i atantl'oo ItaziosTistants Loath,. ape., ~ rare:. 00 ... 4 wueboa ,,, i ' r Jastiocof th e r.c.....tNe,...er-14a, e. s , 1 - , .. :',',.',..'.* W 1.... 8 .. 8 8.PP...a . T. , . • ecTZI:PIa . ' ' ' M-""' ."'''''' '" (i ' ""*"' U lrar ". INo 146. Water St. .• ---, ', ":.;,•-.'..!'',"„ 1 .T1i,:t... r.t!d - r."' ",%::17. 1 ...a !tetairaem T. EITLNG, . ! ''" • - - " • ' - . Attorney at Lan, .. No. co Grant street, Moto:we...Pa. STEAM . ENGINES AND BOILERS QPoorntsconar for »... ni . lo_7l!.._,Sluro.FllnAl Mune ,4•1,.. JOUN MCCO.77IBS, : Freight Holsters irromet AND . COUNSEUM it LAW, • i AND DOCTOR ENGINES. No. 87 Fifth Street. ell deeertpt!one nude no order QPPrerlons. Hoene., end larears ,,,,,, of „. Per Corner or Flzat end Verry,treets, poud., collected. 3.s,en PITTS/WIMP: P/. A. .w. 1114.1.1 t WLITE lIOUSE, A. BRADLEY & CO, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA.! ttotatootwo awry vorictlnt Newly ranted and fornlthed, awl natty to to- I Cook, Parlor and 'Heating Stoves, therutneelber C wlll . ntrst t :r• pains to a_n e : m' nrn.. In eti•tannere. tlnel coe d at any hour In the afternonv i,. Hos. 1311 S ST. JAMES HOTEL ON TD6 ZVI/OCEAN PLAN. Nos. 405 Sr. 407 Liberty St.,. Or'Postto the 17 Dion ltepOt. • The Proprietor Iroold -restvetflillr iliforem the putode that the Saloon and 11 Inine nonm. are now 0 1..• The Sisi , Pioit oPortmento . 1 De lt.l• t,b.d wile topper. at else borte,t be- d f ellool.a of t , a ill be ;rested .t .Il Lan," nr ,ha ney and W 01. 1 ,0 0 015. luelened. 3 b.,ehoke.st breeds et Wlffes, Liquors, Clff•ce. ntr., will tw found at the oar. • ict.ssiesatisr.r. rey2l:x96 Tropris tor. BROADWAY -- • Dining and Billiard Rooms, 409 et 411 LIIIIERIT STREET, . Opposite the Paton Depot. Moots at .11 hours or the clay oil Digit. Son ' doss Included. 'll...hest I , toe the mfritri. • }lords alwass ha !nand On the tanles. 11,11. and jP:j nw Gelts wlti be found at the bor. . J. P. sal I DER, Proprietor. .BINGIIAM BUSE, ELEVENTH AND MAKE STH., "E•3EIZELIII-71:AM1X.M....121LX1 1 .. This ne• , .•llelegantlio•tel• now or.. ( . 0 U. tzeeptloo of imam with CU the dl.l•Antslacnts of • MST-CLASS lIUTKL. CITREIS PROPIIIIETOII. _deo:mt./v!! GIIEAT BEVOLIITION THE 'l 2141reN tiEtY"OrittiI"BrEgiFfIVNBZAZIA and pmpad tf done to Prance. POO Dory Cmlfornla Os Ina, .04 ;akin. the plate Of mate.. tvr Champagne. The annevvigned Would call the attgatlon Of Wlna Creme anal Holt! i s epeva ,, to i r e .; rallt ' lTl . tr!P ' {VT:P r e • " of the EOT/Me • I PIIILADIP.Phire, tret.•=th. t h to ag I •Mithelta, Arroctrall CO.ffentlemalt: Han. orpj'atinT:Farnr ou Ge Imat Amarman Wthema have over IMO. We ghat at once plate It on oa B. raLlfLizrk an fl ang onz ' da Ch.aapgue • nolp9igh k rtrt Way at.. N, T , WM:WILBON. A Id-nnay. Iltth LEUCORLIDIZA AND Female IreakiieBB. ♦ phvarten of twenty-nye yeses experience offers a veluetus tad powerful raped, fur the above tumid l ame. It is • compound dleeovered by the eetebreted ilertz.itat. And experience Ina proved 0.• elan d , to be greeter than that of arty omen, p eeeee Indy used • , The prescripUon. with Inn directions 110 use, gall be giant by mall to soy one enclosinx 60 cant. to • DR. J •0011 110 LT, Station a, Unite House, Slew York. sail:Leta tarr . . psivATta DIAEANEL . Oiroo-203Ji ri2IN UTBUT, wear Band. ►or tam MY or on disused or a private. nature, In from two to lour dava by an oatludl DOW aod safe treatumot. oaudoal Irukoom sod on other abeam o the genital bra.* and their prereentou. ; • rS. n.s tararraotad Or looney refoudad. • b‘ora-1 04 L. . i ora.ditoliu loStoco. Da. lfrr BMW run strein. • ESE SEEFFIELII STEEL WORKS =I RAILWAY SPRINGS, Caat gpring sha, Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW Wll4 l / 6 ANL LIOWEIL BAYS. spliims„turs AND STEEL TIRE, 6LcKL6 RAES s 1 ° r KTUK CALM f.ND a' • ", mow-Bels, 4 0. = WarThoase, S 3 Water St., Pittsrth, .o„m. ATLAS WORKS, ..T1 ORTON STREE ft hard, Pittsburrd: TRO3 AS N. MILLER,PreOdent These Works are =oh* the tartest to the ..d post- I " W V ; ' rt! :==l3 n""t • co =! Engines of Every Description, Boller", 011 Tanta', bet lion %York, Rs Ilroad CaetltiO, fiolllug MlllCistloga, Engine Crating. Machine Caittop, General Casting,. !ORDERS SOLIUITED, ROBERT LEA, HOTELS Among •ffhtstl ard Sul. brawl IttlttLX./. TFttets. and TALCSSLAN (Cost Itscvostt ULNA ,ZTILI , -1.1(t and IRAtN1(111);t1 (Wood Cloak stare.) 2.l.o , ,c.satlact2re GitATn.s, r.soirra p at. MI,: Lim Warshosts t cometof o=o4 and (strtlsle d o. t. 11:250orst..ltsiesnes osSessud •s_s. SOttst(r.— • . (yELikria BOILER WORKS. MORROW BARNIULL, monurocrucsus' or steam Colors, • 01 Stahl, 7 4Igttatort, Tonto. Solt Pans. Gasometers, -- Wrought Iron. Rridtek Shoot Iron Work. COB. LIBERTY MID SECOND BTEL, PI:TTSBURGII, EXCAIRINti DOVE PROMPTLY. mr34l: iitrSicinTii 'wawa. P. Rau. JARED BEWBII & bON; Steam Boilers.; Oil Still s, Tanks, No 61 Penn Street, ii.41_."1.13.vir.A2a F. B. .WOLF, &CO., 1 - iaravv - are 4k; Cutlery. Are tow melting taarcit Itleamto oar stoat ' , aka la /Alt Oral,' at • 321.4616 . Z . ZZ1FE.T6 Corner Liberty awl SL Clair Sts., aa=atrta • — BLACti DIAMOND ilT11181:11113}4 Ird.tllll., .11110TIIER ituoginms cal SLIT LiTy usaiNmo O. I2 STAITirro Moore, Flat and Octagon, of all rise.. WIO , t.ual to ally Impono..l ormwvfaturou ly t is rn3"."T• 1521=1 LIPPIN110176; BIKEWELII.. No. 11S Water Street, • . stAtarrACTOttllng Or P,LTEWSOLWIIND, • -.• rATBNiTirm EAiD PL TINT Min= ainoulan, =LAT. BULL. ABM MOINI114:110i ]eleditlSl 496 IAT tEi . • WM. WILK,. 211.4.10,...111,1. 21,11.1511. VALLEIC IBTO.VE . • • - ALLEM_ 111111 , 110EEC0,.. OM, and Wardl:low, 301 LIB/LIMY Hr., - op ineaoseetose eeeey MOO In thetas, a - A.1,W , , HIATIted ETUVES‘no ZOVEl='"loVgld.Sll:Bl'::'":4mutter' Bahasa! for a Co il or wood. and t hemalled Wer of the Emigre. for woods also. Arches. Orates, deriders, Sm.." irone and Hollow Ware reortalle. PITTSBURtiII IRON WORKS. I.IICIMACTIIII4aiII Of Iron, Minket, Tub and Trunk "LOOPS AND ODOM. • bum, PrrTitiOaaar Pd. PANS, CHIMNEYS, i At th, south End a the Mohohg.heh. B fid t . • • ~7. 1 . 7 . t . NATIONAL FOUNDRY •- - _ I . th' .'d '''" j " NE ad. rilVl/I" l t ' : ‘ ,.= : 0 1 , . ; n 41,13:ga ifit u il m Ltborty Mg.; as gloat. • . MOUT.. Ogranr. . MAI Train.... lea) • tai112n.ri.P , ..,4•• ~ .f:Ef. . _t a . flat L li ° l - IA: : I g44.ici.!::: 7 . ;ti : : '9, a11 , ....p..1 . , Ilrliatort No .." - ....i0 •in Wil l i No. E., GM. m Wall's No. 5... igail a In liincluiti EM. 11,13 a m Climb:milli En. 9:10 • m; Wallin No. g...lrae • m &Monona Amlo,lo • inlJairniZttlia. M t :: I Waili•NO. h.. 2:60 p m Wallis No. 1... 0 :09 0 I Walla No. lie.. Mona! Wall , li o. O.- COI t, ta 1 VVIN E NOTV ' ATOP 0,411Z0: . " .012 Wall's No. I- 7:CO p la Vast Llne.....in!ri p e• : Altoona .tecom wall'. N0.....10:j11 yak and Emigrant •• train - ....10.357,t. Clacton - all . Itaproas lea.. 11 . 26 . . AG othar tr t.Z i i i.L . l 4l:ll7,gTs= the Alt.'s. Aaron,. WmidE. gancrtrinEr,_; meelation and Emigrant Troia arrive dally. Cie , cloneal gaprees melees OMIT except' Monday. KA-coricrours or All other trains daily except r ...MT. - ! ! The Caurea Trait. leave, Wall. atallon oic7. • ototdaa Amiga a, in., reaching PRUMargb ataati • a tn. Lteturnlos leaves rittsburati• at 11:5 0 P.m.. Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, I aini mime at mfrs OMMOn EM0.... .i _ I r"r iiitT. ' /A.VililTli. AIWA. r Tbe renn,riemila ltaltroad Compaoy will tot , • FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS.' ”,..T.:,...z.,7= 8,gr.. , ',.!,- rj,flT ^,..:1111 ,11+. t e r rta,, pa T , • '-- 1 utindrr d liollare In vel,. Mi . /ion:age a ',Me. ' ! .I( lam amoont in value will be a, Mei Meg of stA TrY;IV ft.";;",1 1 ."'11;:, 172 'art!. i ti ''',. ""'r. " '" ;MTi r r?,'l l i!%i ° 2r3V: Merit of . ' . General SuperluMndent. Altoona. Pa+ • PaPio wc)n.mts, Corner Carroll and arnallatan Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA. • • , WEAL CASTINGS YOB GAS MD 111112. worse.; WESTERN"' PIEIIINSI(I,VANIAL I .71:r B ilikrctilN — X, ns ggatztM4 et!tl..Tllgldt4.,,Tll..ll4V;l:ll°,°,ri,VrAlPand- . ~ . ..g 0,1 n.... 0. the : Wester,. ,Fennaylvanta nail road will arrive a l• rt=ritlM 'm fttw W 4 4"" •"'•1 UcP " . An " I,Bbaria6WVltintrl..ll.l 1 1. ••• 7 . 11.itha-lt ti ' l.7):.V., '''' ' l ltP.l . 2.4:67l ' l •'• felt " l ' ll ' gt:: 1 Zrx,': , , 4. 2 .: 11l 1:: t,': ! h7:v•K•;:z• IVX:r. Unit E:o3P.ltlFreeport : 5 t0 . 1.....1 3 1P.3. • Ilarmer•vprie .:10r.tt ilhatp• a .... • • AOC 1 I'll ' i v ta:Ar •pg',..'n'tltx,:rpkrl'nr,,..,. . plat Alleicheny VT,"7.1.tVi.a1. 7 141„ 5 .1; in f;',taveq All h ' ea LW? , CAII ROLL & SYYDENI , ~ ' . l i llit' at lin) r. st• and wrrlve ut Micah..? du... i, I l i tfit r oUt ' :on Tlckatt—For aide In Wt.., In 10.YrataCTOILLUS'Ol ' Twenty, betwen in Cll., Che'atnitt • ..ter. 'War'. i noett, int C.A. sins and. TUDULAN, DOUBLE-FLUE% TOSDLAP. titian...lu, and good onl yon the toalva atop. nES . MIIt CYLIN DEE STEAK W thiga ` 1 P tlitirt ' ahliCtr . eilig h liali?.i•Vd ' llisnatatoren OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, i Ix ay tw pdrebued ...Walker:a . bsaii•!.hilhe.,.....l . e. CHIMNEYS. BREECIIINO .ILND ASH PAN'S ! al.,,';ltranzlLVl . r 4 6,= l . l i'T,7l . r.'l" SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- I Furl...her Informs.. suety In, DF.N BED.. I JAMES I.lit FARTS, Agent. realargAL,reet lleig,t. STEAM PLPES..GASOMETENS, AND LEON ' T .., , .. I lira'cla ltallroad will not iwasitna BEDNIES,. Z. any risk fur'llayeage. except 1.0 Wearing hp. I PRISON DOOMS AND COAL SHIITES. • . thirel. and Iltalt their retponstrilllty Le Owl 11005050 DOLLAng In Aging. All bawatAY ct -1 Oa* atadWorksaurxterne l aoisd, Third. re_edlaa Idle ....al la oat., allil he at 50e risk • • oi the owner. ,unless taken byliwclal ehntract. tßhor• wad I.lb•rty Iltzarkt. • . ~,,,,,,, m ,,,, General rutin, Altoona. is. FORT aI".IV.V.e BOILER, STILL AND TINI • Pittsburg) ienneyo . Aerora... -sent to the abory Mersa wilt be promptly attended le. , mb7:lB/ -,- • ~..,..„.... ~=... 1 ili - PI i... , .....--T.W.I. ILJ il-P- ;On and after SUNDA'S, April Mth. WA. Wattle i. srUi leave and 0r...F., at Untt,o l'epo. as tollowst IRON IND NAIL IVORKS.I.. 1-11781111/[oli TIM.. , • DIS.oIIT3. . APAISS. u:td A. at. iu:te. r. P. !I far r" ..,.. .. 2.4 r. n. 1040 a. Di ... -... 2:3 A. dt. PAS r. P. LEWIS, BAII;EY, DMIELL & CO. i mr,....:r , ''''' *- '''' rusu ... a. 11:63 P. AI ! Steubenville ACcommo, dr.dd P. st. 100)1 S. Vs YANIITACTUILS3B 07 ~ grellts g Od no .... roto ,W. SAO A. As ! Walker's ! do. , -.taw, a. acs r. 11. BAR, BOILER S HEET The th4. s A. at. Tln rain arrives Cineinnati a'. 1 10r. dt. int same .senior. Il i llOUltd IN AL !. 5 1 VANNE uVuTIMILINts. .6.1,0-37, 1 citt.T.:S.V.: Vb:V24'.`7.72, 1 ,2 4 2M1 :IT imug ial k i l m ip t. cyr i a 1 -abut and the principal points Ni'est. a nd South ' • I . When purchasing Tla SW be sure and and at NAILS A. 111) NUL RODS. . , "m" °""' , i fititlitßet moats i CINCINSI7I ILI - orkca AND WANEEKKISE. ! Onion Depot, (smith side.) • •Noe; ja, 6 & 6S Anderson St., al : ;, , ix,N.Em.P.A .4 I3, ito?3 . ZS? 1, Three ! s q uares North of Hand St. Bridge,. . 5 0., ,u,N IL lIIIAIIIL CI. E. 4eut. - , • ALLEGHENY CITY. • '''' • anIEPASS lB6 7. WEIREELRre ' .1867 . : KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. l lla'nntu c tua r yzo i ,•ll,7l. T tgati LLOYD . ac BLACK, 1 s zvx..-Ji . aved%.... at the 'avert Dec a t, as . E:427.11c.:: LT :1::E11::F:r..1;iT Ito. 2 ~,,,. a Spa. Ex 5:90 a tr ,t `hi duo LE.d.•._10:41 a to . B='is.,_LY... 21t : 2 r1:11%,"'. i.i1.11:2 1 ohlespo Az.— 0:31 a zn Chica g o Dz..- StO 0,1 .4)1. a wb r . At 1:01.50 D eis! a Too A: 03.1 pin , CQll*.tlr..,r, - ti! p o : l 6r: o 6l } ag Z,Z1,110 5 p: i De w drop. Alie v iony. Antra It . AlleoteMo j . ITA egroll AS'I.U. :2 i:1,74 'ki ,1-2 :2 !,`lioe.l'ister 1: 911:11. 5. g ?j12 9 1111413 1 .:2 '!",':.1.11:,.•:::111 :2 i L''•V''' • .: IC:2 IN. lirT.s I. thAlp to ;.N. Ev'ton •'• itou pat iV.ar ta l' SAS p tn!Lentsdal• •I 4AO pAt .. 'eges.. l . rt. f.31 .4 1=E;5! .40-10,16 0.".01.T.1F 7{L '"P IT/NTll:+'SittntrreteniMlL .4; mAmp7AmmmumSor Best Common, Rafted Charcoal Juniataßloomlron. MEBOHAITT BAH, ItOttnlD A KittAJAZ MOT MOP. BAHR. T and ATE LE IRON. BOILER PTEzpd B, BB MOWS/1 a nd LI RZAZER 114 SDN . . CY M RU/Rand GUARD 01111511/111/10 6 . ORM:4 T RAIL& tai and 16 Ito. to tea lard. ' WROUGHT CHAIRS and tIPIKILS for same. /LAT RAILS, roadbed and conotanount. COALS L and 1,611.1. HMI& 11X6.1110. • NAI • Warehouse. No. ON Water and No. 6 Kane ta. Worn, Psealtd meet, Eighth Ward. ad jointer City to Workt.-Plttanursb. andadt =I wnrmrs, = Met Iron if orlis, fix. rrrrsuvaan.• r• 4.. PAINTER & SONS. • _ DIRICT DVILWZEN Boston, riew, lyark and Pittsburgh, I' Via liarrisilt. Alltztem and =I END "WVIDVOEKS. IVanil" 1 PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS & CINCINNATI R. PAN RANDLE ROET. th, P' ORESOENT SPIEL WOEKS, MILLER, 8186-4; PURIM, • BEST QUALITY- CAST STEEL Warranted Equal to any to the Mar het, meeitthler M lu a to arradtre oi f Dd. 'BrzoLar Arns_NTWN PAID l'OrM7. CUT AND Din liTZEte . Mice, 38 Wood Street, IN IT. .CIIARL, turva. BUILDING. Prrnintliolt, Jwe Sill. Va. r Sell JO DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. HAELMAN,T4IIII & Co., wammungistus cr ' Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOU6H. BUM* LED At. B. STE.S.I 4 rmisttours, Slata. 77( VlTstem /Guest. 199:13 ; prrranuncrE. pITTBBueGn STEEL WORE S, AWDEBSON, COOK tnicacsumaro :WIWI. BOYS) a co Yr-nun:wen -at the bertreszud Cut Its fatz:lX loci ..°ATI,OL.II`. 7 I O OI. 4 cIr Mad -• • Heaping and . Mowing Machin IlEar PLOW 17L3GN, Arnuircim, AZ . .Ll L ancoutaasn, bay Cut &Common Plugll & Spring 3:est, 01560-4741102 Of First sod Rom:moth 0100% • Oaf Utt, llooonoobelo Boa,. Oeffltall BERLIN FOUNDRY. nl4 &sins, =I No. 29 Wood Slregt Manufacture and keep ...tautly on need Thimble, Skein. Pipe Boxef, SpAOON PDXES. DOG IR•IYP SOUAtt ituw.o . A nd csISIEE. generZO. sp2POP INDUSTRIE WORKS, HUGH. M. BOLE & CO., Enghic Buitdeeei ItiIINDEBS AND MACHINISTS. CASTINGS Vela' and Heavy. made to order. Ifachin es7tice. of eveiT deocrlptlon Manufactured on alto no Corner or Point Alley and Duquesne Way, PITTSIMIAULI, PA. • MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth W orroena. usiom INON KILL% NoITTIS33'O"III.C3-1112E. Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings. ILICELIIII LID CORGI GINUAILL Orden promptly imd comPAII 011.21.1i111CS BILABONAIILL .1.12,1111E8T ILACIKLIM EITERSON,PILESTOA& Psx,rarr. rwrid EELCOINT WCOIELEES. Warehouse. Not. UM and ra: Pleau, Ota hrouoo feu . Hausa. Plttsburah, Pa. IRON CITY MILLS. BOWERS & ERTRCHFIELD, Xanallataran of seite.4o76arosslauilata* PeUsliedl . 313:3DM1T =FLOW. 07/ICa 41191411110021• JO. es Susi= . ~ :.:.- EEO I=l 933332 agent. PIME:i PE!MIELVALNIA CENTRAL ILLILMIAI7. aggPM ITTBBURGII AND CONNFLLS M=l Spring Arrangement. ,0n and arc.. • ht•trZliYA B llth Tot:l7, Watei nrvel.a. - . ritte , ok • r`' ,t ua ' Wen bewtoll Arcamseern 11:15 7. !!!„A. ft. : It. 77.777 a • ' I Braddoelr. • • •1 W. a t." 2. 6444 ' uto w. A• Crum e N 1... Tor Vast% •P; Wt. Ewa, W MOUT. 13. W. 15=3 A LLEGIIEN2 VALLEY HAIL-1 ISUALL • MEC4IISgE OITMIGE OF Iti=l , . Oa ”d after MONDAY. Ely nath.l=. sn.l leave and arrive et Pith:her:7h Depot, onratest Pas and Canal etreet4 •S Lest*. Arrfe:6l lint Eiektratnetae A.CRAM0..6,10,1e. 11:50 A. I:1 Mall. to and from bisbO•tig.jel•sl..Y. 7:Mr, sr: First 110410 Works Aemen....s an a. Ir. 8:03 A. tr: Sewed Elskimlnetas Aer..12:50 1. E. Stae. 50 Express to and from MAI WE 3:151.01. 10-51 A. se; Second Soda Works Accors.A:M P M.. 1:13 P. Inuday Cbareh Traln nom and t3o4a .... Mel P. .1. MN - A.ml Express North makes 01 . 015 . 7.,... ,. .mc: , z t t , alto and L'Alf,'"ANZ.glff.L.4lttapackeee from OP EltE and Pranklln. . mins • u. any,. :pMeLitT ikt BALTVNORE A lIATILNA tiTEAMBH/P co CANT. ALEX. BROWN A bUar.,_General Arcata. YON HAVANA AND NNW UHLMANN. c&s.. EMU. THE UNITED OTATAS NAIL. I Toe Nest-Clue Staanablps of ;oh_ Ina I ssU Y follows: • wLIONITIT'-1.9 9 1t0n5, for New Orleans elf% - Net West sod 'Havana, The., A. dart. Commander, WILDNEnDAY. Atoll DO. ..CUBA , ' UM torte. for New Orloane and lamrsrm. —.Command. on NA.TURDLE. frot a ltll%.lol , F1C1.T..13 1 OINT., .11'clock T. 0 0, preettely. on um days ste. Pon:ma— tof=hl -Anne, hoeing unsurpassed " %EN nt? H. wutiii 15 LD • e”swo Witarti.l N. 8. - -oNo 11110 of Ending Out Note of the Go.on• pony eoltl Da stalled. kerma. for the frrtUrnt melt th procured Dam IND ode, NO Delp ha eseelrau no: bUll of ltdtns a/awedoa day of eau.. sone STEAM. TO .11-ND FOORI LITEEL -10001, AND QuEr.xsTowN (lIMLANZI TWIG* A W/11114. 24e IN XA...5 Lthi, EVERY SATURDAY. EVERY MURRAY' CIARUYINWU. ALLILS. Ttaketg voldjo and!from Intsad‘ X.ldindt 960.1/Md. Gitlrmaay and Yrlatoo. _ Apply at.thcOom,"awriso=m; - J 91115 G. DALE, A.ApaR Oi L WAI. 14X:117.'3.Z. "I oAtte. Axon•AsoElmi. lEDAVDAb. 111=ZE Pittsburgh. Po. " rza
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