.. . 1 , , 1 •;' 1 :i„ "- ~.....,,, I • .' , - . ' . t7L7... - t ORY GOODS, TILLOIII.INGS I D RY GOODS, TRINTIVITTa GQ. . .....7 . ' -• ' . ` - . ' . ' ' BUTTONS: BIUTTONs :?,..f. `-• ' ',;,!, . 1 • 41. T , • INVISIBLE 1 EATON'S. . ~; S TEE SEW SHAPE FOB Spriin P 1,867 f - .• •••-. . „. •.• ' ''.'• i• IN .. i J.. W Cro:chei; Buttons Plain, Braids d and • - . ...., ...! . . I BRA DLEY ' S! Cords and Tassels , all colors; :,!.. . • DUPLEX ELLIPTIC i Palm. Linen, `ilk 3: Cedar Faos; . - PaDcy Poeßel Fans.; 40a DOUBLE SPRING.) - • . SKIRTS ~ TL'sTN PENED, f , . • :•• l h altlaflA.' ° lll: Vi°,473'.4"21 " °!! 17. • L I . 3 0,A. 9C.CON'S , • . ..! Volt, Also. the Ves. Sige• to PAULY T10111; ' , PHIDIC OP THE WOALD. and 117-Toi• . f ZITYLI9. - .. 17 Fifth Street 1 7t7,12 '. .FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. • - . . J CST OPENED, ~ 'A. WHOLESALE Or all tne leollng N o u n s AT . . ' t . .. itioN47 . Goods Housecis Pittsburgh. Also. 77 boleusers erg of Patent mid Seclusive Ensilage ' RACRUIII -A-, CARLISLE, wEsTs,Bß.spLirg. & CARY / i ro. 19 Filth Street, • .' . 97 Chambers Street, 1 • , i An elegant assortment or, . ' • 0 , .. 'llhtlitraol l . .. NEW TOSE. • . . Sun S hades and 'Parasols, - . • SEW BUTTONS CND THIMMENEI3, . .. DRY GOODS!. 1561.15 H BONNET I.'o lllll l. S. 1G RIBBOI l STRING SHADES 07 • • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A THE BEST KW GLOVES. • ' .1 T " '193.1".41-Vt.” IteIaCTELTES. • • : " . " • . WDI. SEMPLE S,- 9 BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS. - • . r ' 1 ---' - , . • , , 07u ,..,...„.,,,,,, t ,„,„ :2d . full Ilne of altalres and . No.lBo L 152 Federal St., . • 7 iiiiSi , Kid Clove, at $l.lO per Pair. • . We are authorized to guarantee evelTpalr of ALLEGHENY CITY. tise gleres tole. Should thee Opt, tear puttlug o, they eau bee:el:Leased fur another pair. - • ' • ' ' MACRUM t. CARLISLE, Prints, Ginghtuns;' . • - . • • ' ( ' No. MB IniTtb. EStzrese.t. toy 1 7 P: Checks. Tickings . 'CAltliOf N i . " , ' !,, A .. .V . TtLEn . ..., co., Heavy 'Brown Wheetingef _ weutEt.u.r. erm.r.us IN . ... .. . ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC OW/GOODS. ... Bleached Sheeting !dueling 1 No. 94 WOOD ATRFAT. .1 Third house above Ullatond DINT. 7ITTH BUM; H. TA. ~: - Bleached Shirting Dinlins; . 1 .„—.„, _.___. __ _____ . Rea. A. li. Bell, Dr, FL T. Coffey, CAD% 6ht, ittburgh 6 1 %1;Etti P.17,72.,1‘);rgi,r.Ftri..ii..,.....i-r..,.t0r - a:,:: ~ 11 . • June., W. o. 8ug ,.., , a , L .,,,,,,, , J .., rara CARD TO INVALIDS. - lt, lined, Barclay Preaton, sarnuel Clerk, . ~,,,..yr , ,,iy. ~,,,,,,,,,plus,,,,e, ,a,,,,, e : _ ''' ° ll . 4 _ . - , Joe. Albree. Bey , A. Clark, It. Doyle, Re y .' • --- Amer 'n • • LETTER LISTS. 1 Mr. Weekly, A. IL Lone, G. A_ K.patrick. ' A " m1 " 1".^-.'" 1"."""d n ''''' "' ' ni'P' : E. R. Mliregor, Key 3 .1. Wll3on. IL 1./...1 no. . ...ed. for the Cure of Nervous Wyatness. Earl. W. Berner, Mrs. K. K. Brunet and Mom Rob. ' INear..!//1..... of the 11. 1 . 0 1 .1 seoonol rubibilicit by Author H ity. erte, J. . Page. . __ - • • Organs. and the .bolt teal:tor disorders brought -, on by banerlal and eiclons .94. Great num . , Forcibly Ejected. . I . Ler: 4010 te.en alr. v. ecred hr this noble em i .i,.. : ,, ‘. .. : :'. , : ' ,:. : - ...:L n e ,, ,r ' . ' 17 , : ' n r :l ' A r ne he E ' E ' Ph ' S ß' PO6l . l2l7s g , !!1 man at , ,peare d d hero , re Alder. 'edy. Promo:n.l rit . a deslle to i.. , :;undt the 0111:3- EMPRESS_ Tllllll - SKIRT • iiress . ; on t caters, an ma ein ormodlon cc and unto:tuna,. I .111 see the rector .or • syl . Fancy Buttons, for Sacques and : '"'.' 'PI STODEMI6II. ~. , Ream. James a n cliorging him with .- . 90. as Ollfic 01 /.... 11 . 12 .• 1 . 1 a wo.I. • vault and battery. The prow:corn:As urea- ' ......""•• to 1 .. ".. w. 0.041 I.• FOLoor i t. a' 3 r1.F.11 liN•6 LI3T. . '' I Cu aroft. P.a. enclose a P0.. - P01d.....e10ne I". ~,,,,,,,,,,,, :0 ::,,. pi 1,,,,,, ~.0 _:,, ,...1 tarot of 31con tonennhip, and yesterday' ~,:,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, Pearl Buttons, all sizes; - morning came to th e Diaillo9lllnordet and ! A traft. 'an Pemba,. It Address . . .1051ERM T: INMAN. ,y. „ ..... 0 „,,,,,,, , took as eland, w hich, It app ears . had been ...,,.., etarinn U . n:hi., got. n: Y . y Cut Jet ButtonS, eboice lines: : ;',"..;7:::;: % ' : ' ,l F Green a Bro 11 Puled, w p neer:Pled b y BrUce ho day before. Bruce • - - 1 . .• • •- • 'I ! • - ' . ; , Lt : ~ :, , 1 , . :. :_•., :r . :: „., 7 ,, %_ VI . .. T. 1 1 . i . i r il . := , : , e_lif a a n , . , _. F . , . , i .: , 1 . o e ' r ! .‘ r dle r r e z ow Rehr I i , t r , , , , ~ ales rrem :: : t a n iu mio n t ! do n or ! d l . n , ~ U n w r' n e : i t , i 1 , 16:1 8 .i n , ... I: 113 , :h t e t Bad r, 1 6 . 9 4 ,. : e . p . l ,l l b i fr ., ' " Ii . .... - r. ' .ivm. nattNruLL ti. co" Calckged Silk. Battens ornamented , Bead Ornaments all sizes: A. 1 3 : „., 3 17Tga xf:fiii....• ;}0. „....4 ~,.. marl... Raw and threw It into the street, .d BOILER MAKERS Are.l Da. Hacosaall n Hewers P i ion ' then kicked her out tater lt. Mrs. Cams. ! ' ' , ~ ,, , 0 , ,,, , 0 n, , H . 0.,.. ..„,1 0,,,,,, , bell, being a peaceable .11 law-abiding • i;Li 13 'Harris tam. .Rend AH. ' woman, dhl not admire thin mod., of ro-. ' Nab ca n: , w i rd, Eit . 'need Ale= r , ceedlng, and sought reareea linforn Abler • SHEET I.IION WORKERS, - ,1, E -eawatng Jonlchardeoninn 1 man Mclloaters who •• 1 ' - Repot 5 R Darman P W Ilticbardwn Jg I the arr ,,,, 0 : 1 I'l. "warrant . 111 r worry Rohl Haas Wm , title Her T ' f. IruCe. NOS. 20, 22, 24- and 26 Penn St. Barnes Deo P 11.• Wm li t .Belnbardt 11 Ji.g.er B E .1.41105 Joe It. PM Coorld Satire A A Heller Joon ' Rice Jo.sph Bonen Jobn 'Ho m er - . Roberts l. A Bartletnen r.l Jno A Roberts: AI. /hypo net' ea B: Hoover T ar , “Wdgers A S Hendee Alb n tChlowerd Frank ',Rollins Chas A Beckett Tercel ;Hogan Jain. 'Ross Jos A (foreign) 'Howe it r Liaise A Wilts Nennt all .HutchltonW li,ituts a lieneh n E ,11 agues li It .Rueottom Jot ileelmtoo II ,litgbes acv 2 'lirtiere Yll Bi . rch Fred i . et Wart Th. 'J . cksoa re-ee 7.'lrcett James R. 111.amand . Jack on A itro•relp C r workman NE ,d.goal 5 R 'erier. Gen 0 Wan: If:arisen, J.- t00..r 01 ;Shannon Miet•l B. Wier John ) 'Jeff ri. d W Tanen. J. A Bowe n Peter I lodes SE iftetittare Jas C 110.1 or W 3 Jones Wm II ;Shoo.. Hanel Rougher J. Jonas Horny ulhorr ataithlas Boy. Jas F • 1 K. •131.10. Jun Tn . : 4l 7lPd It" v •li 1` 1 " 1 / 7 :1"'"2.: 1.11. w..‘ i.::ri.cuy gum . ; i. r 1 1 , 1 ,i14'1. .P, I ligl'lN ' 4 4r.1%"111; %T': to Brieter 1/1.14 .Klotherly Bl' *mita P F Byrn. Anth 3 r[E.lng J Ittnittil , llllloo lk Burton Geo : la ohs J F i Co' Hurt a Ilithintell IS mil C II . den WI) 'Math Chas A 1,01 MU F 10.1. E IKnrit I has W .Smlt Jamas in is Ire...leap John Caldwell R Lamb W 5 .sprether *awl Cameron Wll !Lang: hatters itipaeuthola - cannon Judge 'La. Jam. ,Mnley oet Camobelt . Laughiln Fll 'Manley C,for•n Campbell Jas 1. , Lana n 'Steen James Xamobell N :Leath S tephen !Idevsnstßarkr Campbell Alex•Lealle &Lo ere en J artiste IS II ILeaeen Henry ' 'Stua rt 3.1'1 Corey il a . Liken C 3 !Stuart Jacob Can ell l'et ILoute David _111.01..0n DA chambers J W Low.. Aler. 1115tewart Jacob Charles Jll Loyd adw.d StePh.o.off. 1 . 'lined 11W Lynch RR stump NN co.well T O , et Stater Chris L I';',::‘`..':o. 31V:rig: W '11:gla; :IT 1 , 1', , .:ii1 1 !.....: ) . ',11:;" 1 11` . r Teri... L t. ,. (7-•.. . rl=lll J IL L 0 T11:11"11"'"''' Cooneo her 5 Ilarsh E Teata•Jacob 0001.0 John ..marntmil Jos A Thompson WA Con. Freda ,matllm.lotin Thompson LII Con talauthur :mus t s W P Thonlostin DC Crum:. J meyer J 11 .T.ullon Mont Grossman. hot-. John • !Treat Kdor o ,, e nn ACo . Mercer Frank [rook. wco Cone. elmetClll4.lf audit Trac.Y Jolla Carlos Marna 1111/er CLI "Todd Awing 9 111111er Thee • itertli, WAI 112015 isleltard.,Molln. Hoary, Turk 1, Lo IlartdMill W . Ito bey M. • 'TercriddleJ A. ttzt: V.t....is.:Ww. l '''''Y li c'hn iyartagnW R 'Morns W W Cleeen Michael B7sintls/ieLbn L l Tre. il l til Co: TaughtVtlartin I).gan John Moore Vrm lilehmy a bleu. Melititsey A Merc y WIIt r ley Dean ACo J Murray Pat w pe,tdan Jona McCann Dr Jae Wattele a 3 c D err 11 11:Canute.. J Wald All Derr C .• Mellargo et Waiters 11 Divine James I Movallth J , Wallace 14 - E lide .1 It klethathey l' 'Waiter A Mot Donlon ff. Co B McColl:lean W !Walker cam . ' Donley Foos M c Cr eary P al Washingtoo II Dnn. 0 McCreary EJ (Wag.. c Peserarty le 0 Mclionnell Jim, Ward J F els . V . ' d' V.?r w r: " l.l l .l ' W a b b " ?i n tfr! a 1'..7.1,... JerS2re ' llllliii Jos Wedge * Mogeo . Whitt Prank IM T V WebuJ K 1 K. i .11c den. 0 Wm:melt.. R Edward CJ 1.110.0 , 0 mi It iMicider Jno A findrachrroton lelfetiefi d t: n iv r :ITI V . % i e . ' : Eummad W It 2 EcLaug •lin M Wane Rev B F......V:a r tin ' ta i giut g . C WT- I:Wel t'sl":. Afil, : 0 ' 5011 1: 0 ' ' 41= f . Pi Ewaus deo ' Kate Joseph Ith 11.0 01. • I , 'Kalb Jno A Cot at Mon W J R.v.TI:." •• :1:4• 0 .";t 11 " .V1.'0.: ltd . 1:14",.P,T,„'mp„1.,.;,1•1,... 1 .° 0 ';',..11 0 . 0 .1x w I •fflaulg. rat .33 aught. Pot I ,lffoods A Co d al/AND AUCTIcpN SALE OF t:,.....:4"!°' it!;`,,rl,%=',,,,..t:`"' ° '•g, ~. It VALUABLE Buttumu Lupe, • .t. ~,.,...,.,, w i ,• 0 ~,,,,,,,, Venter Ststl-n. between Wood.. and J..., - 11- C cc - 'Oay Bt II Wooster Wm 11 E. " . " 11 111 " 11^^ 11. t h ^ "..... 1r2 " . ' 11.-11 WA ' 11 " f e ,: e ..i: e r ti J Oak to Hanka 'woo4buruEnp rAa'.`;l`,74='!Z;rg'sir..PTV:lti`VP, Fr 1,1 1t.,1 , ,, E 1. 0 6%i • , sMa J T:be Lots are 9 by Ini feet. r. A bu note ' 11 " 1 5 -- ii - - 1, - Tiiii., Jobs I"onny i flro. et...ts, and broad all , y.. In rear. Abundance of 1 ~ , ,,„_b _ r .: ,I.Cfloonell 11 I InITIALS• choleenris.l (mita wstli_onemental and f;hlt 0 ;•ja:',;.. ,. . w ..„,:..„, ~. ~,. . th ..„.., tit , a:A 1 " 1 0 11 k A" .. 1 :: 1 1 ," ^1 . 1" : ,".. 1 ,i 1, 1 : 1 : "J 1 , 1 : 1 ,1r 1 :1,T; 1:01: Gaffeay Janits 10•0050 10 (rot! worts Jaw., 00n enriWitteoltsliwer. tatoellatsly at ', 1 . 1 . 400 . E. 1 0 , 11 -. 1 El. I ' l 5. 11 1. .1 011 Verner Sutton. an within twelve =testes ride I .H.." 4 " r " . A 0 D.." JC . ''W or.. 1 llagene. Jo. , P , Ltberty HIM ka of Ale; = T eti to l s ll if'all 11.1 could a-desired. ' 1 . 1 ..:" . ..". 1 . -1.110 1, 1 ,.. 1 ., .2. 0 : ' 11 ,..., 0 Her ,. The caw:Wee Works et the Pittsburgh Forge ' 0111100 w w -. -I.l ' . w Ho w, ..'-'ll and Don Common With aerarro..• eurroundtag i 1 1 10 . 0 W . 1 , ,A 711. 11 / 1 ,T 0 ° F 1.... m e ,,,, e0 ,,,,,,,:a ~„ m r , e 4 ) . th ere . , I ‘, f, 1 leleun Martin I I • arta. Jas . , 1,11.,. Co Itas bent eodealrable an opportunltY fo.loYeat- . '''''' d•r '' , ' A . P. .,". M I ' au' B f',Nl ^ "" r• en a new offere. Peasant. healthy and I 1 1 . 14 . 01 ., „ ,S,. .1 3 L. _ De. 111_ . .tdoe ' An:xile,. loradon. and terms easy. Alt deal- ! tri aN 31:1 , • ItLtz : z ..,,, ~.,, 1 1 ,„"... ru.',.%:::"7g‘1P.U.,:,,r9;!!.;;.,-.:111•1e.".1iltb'e.111::1•111,...1 Bob. I 11 .... r. , .. 7 ECAPIff.. Bells ,A;Illy Dep.. at ln o'cloott •. 3., rei r ta7.3.34 after ! LaDI LW LIST. - Tinn' h e t 4 l-4/1 Farufated to the Piffaldirph Gazette.) nia--One-t Ird rub, b sure n one an ownyears, wlth Interest. Ten dollars of the ' A .llraltam . elle AC K.. Ell. eaalpayme o hem. e at time of salo. . ',rot) s u bin mreen st J MD. .0•011 e. Ann .10 ° ' _ t _s. MeILIVAINE, Auctioneer. ;Adams Joanott . II I p ....------------ . . aura L 1110 'Hagerty ) ' Phillips Mrs a Atom! J ra. .eringle Bens - RAILROAD SIDING , ,• ; ~ Alien U Mrs Haw trona Belf prie L ad,. AT AUCTION . • 11:re.."....''',7.41.11W,!"`'1t•m•1ft K ilmter lieo gm Holt:mod C It Id ;1 Neill '11 " : . A m e n .d Will be .o!4, on BATHED:a, June F th . 0 2 , -.! ',. 1=1 : 1,..,. v, ' - 2 •- }g. . ..? „ I: v ati . l n o'clock p• un, on the preatilses. , • Widr Ida 11.2 el.e. Aare Ai Renton ...ate . herelshd I. Mrs KILL Aare , et Railroad Side Track, ' ur.a.,Arcip. A 'Mellor The,. . IHi Iwo, Minnie 'Llndi Y. Llt 'said Hole me, .Wlth Switelies. Ern., 8.. 1, P 1 A; r " r1.1. : :1;',4 1 r1 11.,;,:n.,r.' 3 ' '1:::71‘1` . ...,1 '' I'Df..ll:4 l l' in ". nu` " 1 ' 4 1 7 1"1.^111,11-.WW`nlea: nu- c . Lawton AP . 'ectrsrlY LDale r'anr"Olt.t:lll..nrin'tl7.la 11...1t R... Joel, R... CA , erldi 1...:: ilithrjtimm,.• •Dad zi;.,. 2."11 "" A"..gh"l'l'loo " ''' ' ':". . 'tr.;;1111111..r-r • Lo.osden 5 J 1333z.zum nem. .."'"N B . BAILEY ' 1 V.:,f,!2:::.,`"4::'44..14 1 ..... ~=,Z11:.11,"" ~,,,,,i , . . . Aoctlon.r. ,Co bb. it yr. Mite is Mrs iepidatTtlerme 1 • Cobb.. F A ;Morris '',sermon 1 . T , BRICK DWELLING IN SEILTH . p alorruou J Mrs Taylor Nellie , SPRINU CLOTRIK6 - 1 .- WAillt-No. 9 DECATUR 3TItF.ET.-lbs I Dare Meg Mles , Ma . heals. Mary.) I . 1 TUESDAY EYENIN 4 , June lith. sta te1.,1 1 1 1.19.11. 1 A 311.21!etilz• IL ToOptii i n Mat ' n 11l ''' n tel • pf n meT,?,rlt ' lZir ' el l ife 'n e ' ri:a . hte ItT.rilrnare n IleUartl7 ll .: TH.. Mrs A I • , 4w4.3-2"R'0r';,11.102 ilwellltteir. no!se Decatur et, Doff Clara a...stet:am Waggle V • A-ND Haitian made a getioltil addition to our already' _ward 1 0,,, - ,,,. " ,,, :,,,,. swan, la the Mato ' . • McCafferty At 'Yard, serah twee Ana ells - war. The house i sitcomoe..tt ord.:: parlo. ' Fowled tit MT 'McCurdy ff. meal . W , .... .Meunly AM.' ta eber Mary . ! -- dicing-T.ln and on drot r a..: r . ...._, 1..,.. ..„,..„,.. U. -..,,,,,,, ...,• , SPRING. GOODS Iran - --, *. , m -- ",., -- 4 ^.-'!'uh -, . =,, ,•,' ~,. A ..,... Ll,' T .:11,,-...,. 1 GentlemenN Furpishing 'Goods, 3 • •"'' „r",,' c*"„:" "h". " 'th b """ °•". "" , .ii i 4.1 sltatile Iteteliego Mary -.111.11am• K 1:2 , ...e We are pepsze4 1.6 Offer inducenientss bola ts . dn75i.1ti....,:t.,:„..-„,v.p..:"..,,,!:,.„„..,......t.d,5¢..1.40.11..k1:41 I ;Ihtth.d.ho.lr.s ...i.,(2,......,h1.74‘,. TUE.*. • . Imbraaing 01 thy" more or les-, ln sna, st aril. • . ! Vo. 'Mry . 1 v f ..dr.,.. . , • Vitztlx:ririghg.h.r.: ~.. , , Terms or gale-Two-tot rds .. , hal.. in one ' , I . :::,,,,,,,,,,, i e., with litimmet. ... rh ih. 1 G.yer l' j illie "tr'.9 " ::rerllUerl : el7fritrlin*gneal'r7flenlylee Drani • Pollsesslon al.en tionte•Oate.W. , ose w s J. H. MeCLELLAND, Postmaster. ! NEW STYLES 111 THE MARKET, 1 e'r oo ore* AIM Itel•oiltibtiottitt • M ir . l'''''' '..illncTlAiTlVina'r'....l4lwee. I, .--- ....---- - ' , Which will be offered ay GREATL Y REIYUCED Output. .d Cluney Lace s • ' .. ----- 1 ALLEGHENY LLITEII LINT. PRICES from 3A.3. season. Beal Thread .4 Pointe TrOVSES AND LOTS AT AEC. .. . Reuss, all 9 7 1 .. 12 . 01 ... ' A.A T 1104.-1. id EXUMA '.4 PEREMPTORY, la4a Purnts3.d 10 the Pittsburgh Gresette.l , . • • corsets Belting. Beetlea ALL' --Wilt be eo".1, on Me remises. on LON., ~,, .00.1.1112 Thos . x En Spa; lanais, 11110 II .i•ieSti 'TANI . % iIIVI-P:a.snt, DAY. June loth. ale o't'oek, the Haien . 0:31 I Any,. J r Mil TlLWE'lNieholson Jea 1 ., uji,,,,,, Bui . Eid , ... . ;: till boring Coder We.. I Lot No. et Manta mere elre t. Freund W ord. ! Aams.Bon/ co Dratisto Jule INlehodion S • , Ale. satire Kid :Doves. All Int beina PP 0.1 front and 110 fee , r..bion 11 W 'ray Lana ~ ' mamma E I, • 11 , Ceti Drat Sail' " " " $2.5.0 1 r I.lelble Emu.. Troll' • , :.„ .to r, a t ,at en the 1.9 e. Oil. onek, I i.... le John i=1.:1.. 10 , 0 ' 1 , , 0 j W . 6' D Ul'l.• I'""gi' '''d 5•11•;•''!?1'.'1::1'71'1.'"gt'11:::.111".1'llobr "'- f 2 :; 12 ` 71.14 ' 'a g. ," :ult.' p g ..: '''' . J.. .1.. fa:Vai. : y et tie. rs ' o B e r ge l" . . be 1 r;o;- 'AlelrlildiP; mho ;37. 1 / iUO 4 . 0•C1i Agnes§ 1 Paper Collars at Cost. • . -,,i,. ~.."%rbabitAll: vold i en. te le arm . auttrerrs et ' Here.... ht L 11 3 ... Alfred r . i 1 rot e name o o - re t I i t o r ; ',, ; b 77: Fl . T a r t d,a ll E , F . l . 76 . a . f.":, I "d"- , - - "!ntlf,:rol. A , P.V. ` ,l ' ll a in. I ,i f,11,..,;nae1.,u . ii .,,, ~..rnk !Prime tea. 336 LIBERTY ST REET. n ' el m°ll 7 l __ ` t: i F•JJ- 6 - 1 - ". -- - i ••°1° % """ • ' , 1 4.; 1 f.1111:5t , 7 ia d ar3L.se. 10,0..1. wg.Ts one door Store VALVAULE rialto. taas AND , Maxtor Ale% ;1430d i ./gatt c l ,h lercell tiro oh. ' mon. , e. 01n moult? E YEN INUtri,ll.'telit tt. " 2t C 6 U ele 7 : 4, win . TUESDAY el,l, ', I:llll%.l ' '. ;p 7 : l i in^7: ' .Hail,, jul.V A 1ie°'11::.'.7:"7.1 i pl --- PORTANT TO HOESEREEP on .I. •KG01:24 floor or the Commercial CD. 1 1 1 ,:12. 1 . 4 ~.i . . s, 'Robb:eon I 0 1 - LIDS AND uTHERS. Booms. 106 emltheeld street: •RI itotd.ou on ! ' ' ' s^"^ " .l ^r111S"'"" B."- • • i i 1 : '! f; ..` It :Lir.:r.L'Ll N ut. i .w.....g ...._• 1473EM 7 CII4:ZICIEDDI. • oilhares Fleet wattonal ti.li of ALendato-, ..t,,..,..,,„ : .„, 6 dm! et Iron City Nadal>. emit. 'Heynotds N wwonststlo of Fancy Toil , . Seta. Baslne sue 49 shame Cittaeue National Rang, ! Bps.' Jeuopi.Johnston Anna!mmad y am debt I Pltehers. g ßird Cages water Cpeders. Hefei... 1 sha e Eseheoge braacnazi Bank. . Butehtlet.l ill , Johns.. AMoullenfrew Cath 1 stn, Ice Chests. ic y '... , rr•et. , A ~.. ,tt. ~ 9 ..... H.. ^4 P111 "" ^ " A" ' ' ' lir"'n ' PI ill ' ' J ' l= ' ;s:l l( ardl tiproul Ins Tr f rlli • tr P m L id n l l .! '"• Urn ''' C •n. tr " l` nnd 11 211Ar^1 1.^1111^1.1"1"1.(1^1111 . -n' linn''''''• h'TZ Tle •• Jun..'" :Clew.. W. C Illock l TlP se:BrltTa • nnirTes ' ald 17p;:e ll ' it:. au shares Urnalogban , C.a. , . 1 1 r . jell - A- IdelLW A .NE A0..1.... /oat.. Mr. ;IJaeplo .. .fajta ffnaltll Prof N J rocket Mid Table Cotten. • 91. 11 .. Wel... A IICTION sALES. -' i eit•l-.g.t: ;IV:Z:••;nneal=g7:.T.Y . ,YWr . ' lllld H""^k^^^11111 0011" 1" 11"00 P 11. It • ' 1111 ' 111' Wlll -* 7"...° 1 11'n I r'nl" "n'"11 i , ROBEB.TS.& SHERRATT'S 110 Smitlagield Ft:. opposite Post Dace. i l!sr.?; ~,. ~.. ~ aunt ~.„,:::,::Ntii., ~, , , ,z. Day .d evening sales on Toe... Thor.; I gri k , AS . ,gr de Mary ;:inee. 5 t ..-., I 3 WILOLESALE d'y . imil batorday. of Root. abota, Dry, t Keller Len 0 girl :Shelia...' i tr d tt '• ""','''70.1.1'Vw"`;•;4:'7.41.`,14 i , -,.u.' n' F r : 1 8..... : • 1. ek l sh ISailth Albert , Tto, toner 111 Flied inn fate laugh - dory, tiu.Z.rnr... N am.L.''.i.? re..m.,_..ni , ... .. ,SV,","l:,°ltly !igtjai .71 A . .;,):„71:1, OM t. .1 ..f.' ell surrtinaLD'lT.. PITTSBURGH. mood. lg:leeway and rridy• El ...•• ....- I 93,iaet Wm .Knr Catherine'dioso Selma I of Ur .. ~. Yurnlturs 01es. lie Estate held on 1 ~.1 11. wT ni r. , . v met gln .4 sold on . 5 ,.. 1 4 .5.,,,.. 1 .,..,,, . CO.. c 0. ., j..:7 ,, , , ,...;:t , t . , ,,.... i, . ~.r,,,t.c I I: , ~.7. x ., ..puwir,m , 2 , L'l'2.----""" - - i 1:i,:r,g1t‘.7,.. 4. 1....J5.... II ilegr:p u e ni A T AllrrlON, on sATUIIDAW, I !,. A t A lg Linh itz• j ! , , . i rt: b i ..... Jose µ'lL t: . eliek p. m•.. th , r , ..- 1 i-;,,r,1,„„" IL..r John , yrosrar T !,..last.f.rilliKAlST liritesliik. eirgts i li o gt ,. ...s h re4 • c.,„1,, it.. Ai Lead. mondial_ , row. J Vaat jrusT.7.l:l°..All.i.A3 (I I.lOUND:l O ity , , 0 1 .0. 0 - -.%-,1:=1:71,:111.41,ri:1:1-r T au fee., nu which Is erected a Vann tory della- I Wart l i i , ~....p. .„...: , 1 v ree. i li Ailf.:rctlebulaie'gt•arVeee°;:Zili:: 1 1 ,1g,1 , 1: 4 / 1 • 11 . . 1 - .11112. 1 1Ar11011 '11•, - 41.;,I 1 g , e k L. 2A'm..'"7. '''''''''''''Z' ,r1r1g;a , ..... . i Dawson ,V , M.. Aga. Eiariet m . , *f I^^l^il • .• • • A " ^1"111'"• 1 "I'l7,VTAlltr::7o'.-2rn•Vrl.: ra 4. 1 I ljeTli II If. ' , 1101 .ger F W Doyle TW 0 'Millen 11. A , Wright ll Dolllll Jas p 4t1003. Ilsom. Wetcy B 1•04 i: 11 ,1 5 :, Jong 1 1111501 y 5 _A . Weight ie. W gt0.7,v,,.., I vg.T..1...1,Tan,2 ii° I 'Denny 0. rIOWMJ.n. 'Williams FWI I/Oh...Wm C Miller 4V. lwaid.oun II 2 se , Morro...Dun. ; Warne. N Cottoaades, Tsveeds; Caaßkineres; Bonnets, Hats, Sundowns; . Parasols and Sun Umbrellas; Gloves, Hosiery, etc., etc. Wholesale and Retail, at SEMPLE'S, 180 and AB2 Federal St., ALI;JEORE.Tr CITY. EW GOODS ! NEW GOODS I ,TOSETH HORNE'S '& 00'S. i 1 , tv ,- ticute Ilea M., Scarfs. • • " sae Bows. eturreutfers.tlizt , FroIII.C. SA. ?,, :.. Alorrisoo•.•Ntar_Sblrts, - . 4. . Ps'n'tlVl"ltger.lroOd";,H" 7 ° 7.". ~, Trlamlnsttinbon4 Rotnet Itlbboss,, rtsan =id Faary. all width.. -I " SCHOLTEIALT. goo :,ii. be: foln4 eamotete In itu nep . atitalits. Dtl. A. :,..117"ggsla',05,wi...dx,r5nblucr-", . .. 77 and 79 Market Street; 41,J:.!1°_ RECEIVED THIS. DAY. DIACIUM, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Illarket Street, k SPLISDID 01 ffIUIiGS. Jet Bead and Bugle Gimps ' and Perigee. Cootall3ead Gimps and Drop Trimming.. Jet and Crpdal Ornaments. Fancy BM and Jet Dropi Buttons. --_ , Vine Assortment of - Parasols and Bun i tatrfellas. i ib i... , 1 7 - E •188 'CIF tsTIIRE ON Olt lb , ..,.! .English Bonnet and Trimming Oro LET. ALLEMIENs, Ai• AUCTION. t '.1.1 all widths and shades. . -Wnt be :0i an the preemie., On 31.1 ID s r, , . i .14b.r10 . . 9 p . s o • 2 , r u e I 0 . e A t . r .. . , ba r ... tile , i n e , aa , c c O n f n; Colored Velvet Ribbons. . - .i'' 'Elegant Assortment Real Point. and Aps.l '..p,f,......17,1:; ,A , Pre-cut ussd so a Cloth -14 .. Ohl e Lard/ ind•liandlere Mels. • 1 la'en:lTotactld;da cls .. h, balance at end of tbe . A. i•b4OATY • Allt Ounce e• . FULL LINE ALEXANDRE ' S . KID GLOVES ' I ._7 - ___ —*------------ The fotodoi-lhetde mil rads complete stock • nf she alnico roods us our Mamie paws- I -,1,1 Ase,--mßs.y. =Cot. bagelbae alb a [rent Mailet, Of . . ~ L . - _ --, . Fancy GoAs & Notions : Generallyil , . r J W1L . 1 . 1 B. MS, . Or Atte herr city will be a adtaddate rue Aa at T EASTERor "'BICE& . 4.l3tar, g suw!,. to . le. &Tut. of the iiseetet slymml.._,lA____-:------------- .-------- - ma county I.olo:rattan. _ente i. -- -"far.,LivsTy NE I 1 - - - .1 B. MILLER. naZaarcitiV.. and VALE I.T.LELF.Y. Furntsbin-le I Ilndertate, AU kiss,. C011in..../tee i nt %%7 Ifrittlarat '.2.V?)=ll.A.rll'. . m . u. .14 "Tr gRe lfre'..:gi s f e -tTethe:V.;., ! ° ° ;. bo i :, l% ,,r j Card g.nti tiu g i• n.“,Trtmninge: 1 '"'" ttt11%11:74:7:V7:171`011Vi erdn T"4 il; In t a+73 VII DENNISOMA lIECILMIT, • N0.,27 ,Fifth Stri3etY'` • ►ro colutaatly recetrlnS liramir6l4.l/2*.:11,.1.ry. Gloves; ===ll •-;. ~:~. ISkiiis Mad Commis, p•eawle and Sins llsabirenous IMM==;111 Llisen &Via riper tinspcnaers patd.ll4,ol !Flea GUEEN OIL - mriiirxt . Ai argo lot, ror solo-VEILY LOW. CHS. IC MILLER, • - IL WELDIN & tX3 • IC w.no MO. FORI* . Atiollo. MI - ----,--- etiEchs, Ili,art , t, NOTFa. MM F. and I.T. A T COSTS `TER II F.•I/R. Lt.. ems.: IR all .alp.. ' • .E.1.±0.3 , ._. COTE WINDOW SHADES, 1 Rtrr,,AMN. ,!•,.._ ierg , . A MEAN ,‘ 'lien. virility, good, new pilterns. Toe tale i In aat MMING W H OA AHD S SLOWS. the best lonallod In the city. will IA sold, on ' - ..9../C. aCeirr . 1 1 ren.ounole.torna.- Inquire at .; r.. - w .. ~.„,.......r Ar. C O ., ' -• 390 LISSIITT bTREET, •,.:, .......,....,....z.. - . ~:, .J . wss - , 7 . ..----- C O ., ' , - u5..11: - , 7 i., ,.• aro• toi Whoa Minot, . I,OIIOIIOE ISEDDINGPLANTILy 1,7 . ',l' • Evlll 1111117! CLASS GROCERY, ~, . . „ ri we it, ,, ek of . ...1 r : . N ,„,,„, w - ~..:_,- • :N. so= ww i/SLL ST., ALLSOSSNY. ~ Roses, GeraniaMS, - VtillellllB, &C.i, -- . • Tendalset, of enoloa , "e,.." , In bloom, at the Ualtlattd tiretabOween. ' Teal* Coffee,' gogors, tut Jar ! son& W. & a.. Now.Doosii. Lt wh i ch „ chh aw w tee pulp , lowest v 5...! . Send for • catalog.. urea -• A.. alltiliNT. , . . . , W STORE: 311C..w.. score.23BoB, Colirectioner. Fruit Moil & Baiti/i, 1: / 1 3,M ( 7 5 Z" l !" th i l ,itt,g , okiniti:iii SOS SUlTurtti,o 15211115.7, bee,,,,,,,, e.,,,, exiih!nd adberty,_ • • Intl:7in» t s : l • 'eel • • VIANOe AND OBOANe.—A very JI largo sta. of MNAILL a coos rtoxus, AM. es ONO% PI s NOS, .4. • renicre• AUTOMATIC oaqAVA • As IlLlliirs mum Arose. • ' • 011, No, 4! MOTH STAMM. 'e=&s'c4!:= F - -- A INE--'AP PLr- Eo-e CHE ES_ E . oawMcese, DX si s A S •Ars a p.. 570 wn . .10EDS . i.ltririill*; - cOnar upar4.l44 Saner = REBIOVW.- • JOHN F..cLuLEy. • house avid Sign Painter, ! • • Ibis mnaica to No. 71.11 nirrti rix cut BT.. rittotrumb, ltproalta %bat old fillEikpEST PLA.CC IN THE """' AUCTION SALES.. irD D4TES 13=1 • TqItIMPH COOKIEM STOVE, I' L at No. 146 Willa WIIIZET. rElli 1•76 T - 119 Wheltsal' e and Beta Grocer. Dealer fia SELO, ead..Para Old roam. Vt. "d_a_ritr,%V:24:ll,t mila4 IWELde £66011 a/ Oar, 1., PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : SA Affectionate Ilasoantl. • unclog secand a imye yard sod furnished it Lewis wormer, residing at No. 70 Etna witb me =tut sPhrone • mse"s ett i t t w etee err street, was on a ' , bender" (ft Thursday , pared to msnahtetnre men dem:rip:lot of 8011. night laff, emtt coming herein the "wee en In the beat mane-, and warranted tonal to sma 'hours," slightly disturbed-4ln peace- : any made in the country. Chimneys, Breech fel slumbers of 'his Utter half,. Ards, Steam tpcamotive Bon' Wenner, who undertook to admonish Lewis 'el' C'tt"'"""a" ran ' °l. sun ' for his wickedness, in thus absetfliog him. self from "thu wife of his ontom," mad then ' " u S .r- appearlng beton. her In 'such & condition.. 1111.L'a PATENT BoiLZIM. Lewis not believing in "Woman's flight." itentelev-does on We aitt"'" l ' Ent ke . letttes l ordered her to keep quiet, which Pauline very naturally refused to do, when a fight ensued, In which the "better ball" Caine oat "second best." Pauline made Informa tion before Alderman Taylor against her hueband, charging Dim withault and ame battery. A warrant was issued for his 112- Ea' Additional Local Matters on Finn Pagi. NEW ADI7ERTI.SEIVIENTS - NOTWITHSTANDING the In clemency of the weather and the horrible condlaion at the meats, W. B. CLAPP & • CO.; 1 .1. Juan Warner A NU a 15,7,: Viz.VA:1' u Zg.•„catem. ~ r. 2,4% , :,. jmito-lm No Mo. Waters 15 0. ""In. ". 1" :; g :¢ 1 3TX! I.IIIYeTX. , '"'Y tarry '1.,f, „,,. ... , ,W0en.4,1 J 0 Fond tr n .. " 'l' n: I' A V.ali:s;.ont. g ingsc doua ooo lll<iarga d ,,A m l ,..l„. *rjrZtV:lles 1te:1061.7 •1•• T. ~ v:. ‘ " ';''''' ill'etlNT, i taq,n2.l; rio.-10000 mat0...0 ii IV it 1. o {r,:od K" A tZretTZVII":II2 ti 4,.. 1 417....ra11, ,ItterT.A.,. 1 ',um( mcage.vr. P. M. oilegbeny County Pals.. See*egg. This Society hu been pursuing Its hence°. lent and usefol career for come time put. The members of the Acting committee have made frequent visite to the county Intl. Coder their auspicei divine ' terries has i i,,,,,, hem regularly, tracts sad rellgiou• papers dimirlbuted among the prisoners,'• j library of suitable reading procured for I their ime,snd tri a number of Instanoes the I familias of prisoners haul:men vatted mid relieved, and their neglected children oath. cud into Sabbath Schools. By a recent not of the State Legislature the members of tne Acting: Committee of thin society have beam made edictal ushers i. to the several, prisms located in this i,°4l7.lf.2.'7l,7,rlZrtiZtr l i n e lt ' rgl. " ?./UI P '- 1 Appals now ni n aue to • benevolent public for funds to en eble them toprosecute more successfully the important work to which they are devoting their elprits. I The object of the Society Labs to interfere iu any way with the administration of pobilo Justice, nor In the leapt degree shield the guilty from ordering the penalties incurred hir their ertmeollellering, however, that to i the .punishaient of Oriole we should I seek us far as possible the reformation of the pi isoneri the &clay alma not only at the artio zl,lZaat,l3::tttli:ziutllble.flin,ritge‘p ?Ili: 1 toVe paths of virtue end Integrity. It en devours to show him by a Judicleus mut t festatiou of Interest In his temporal and lipiritual welfare, that he Wont man utter. ' ly bout. , oonditWn or entirely abandon ed 01E110 fellow meat that If be Is dieficeed to forest eg,lits evil ways, there ase -t4 c ,.. who. will Med to him a belplag hand{ to the prueoution of these end., not only have moral. and risligiouli Influences ... been employed, brit the prisoner on hisdie. ;ch arge - hse in : 'auployinent by w hi chcbe might secure anobturdrig hotiest living and thereby , become • Weal 190111• OS Of BOOlOty. It Ls believed that it ti only necessary that the =lateness and oper stlona of this waeletr be mule known Wear citizens hander to secure from them the IXCUntary Old ueoessary to orosecutetheir important work. /Any person oontnbuting to the fonds of the Society beemnes,thivir. toe of mild oontributleo, a member {hereof. Donatlene Of money, religious papers,tracis and booksfor theprisen library are (AlreTlitiltrli>frttart'Ar c:l3minis j ort the Society. Soaks, touts or papers may be slot to the Trumann . , Jai. D. Carlisle, So lii Fifth street. . '' .. :. The following pawns •Ilith• Meows sad members of tau Act Committee: 7 Mai, dant. Joseph nspin W att Vie Proildeats. Robert Orr KW*,m. Trawl Treasurer. ammo D. Orr, Hitler SecretoryT.Rwing.,' S. IL Damen [ Cotinver,Capt.e. Acting CoM. Waft 110 , Dr. Wray, Dm. Jam O. Blown, D.D., 26 and 2S Fifth Street This Ann Lu an awful Belt, Bootsin thats teade or leathr, and Shoes in us Ahty rows . All Artntwirgetber; U .y And there the Deopl:;no and buy — In crowds they re h the stallun— And piles of shoo iioit .arty off, tinenper teau can tn, You can net. Other dealers Stand aghast With slang hat a Bat low prlyea win hhe day. 800 a, Shays add palters. AT Nos. 26 and 28 Fifth St. W. B. CLAPP & CO. RAMALEY HAS . JUST RECEIVED DEEM ilkihTlNVilil 1 HATS MID CAPS, I 20 Per Cent, Lens Than Down Town Prices. We sell oar EMT SILIC tad CAS3I3IILRE• HATe. at OISE voLLA.n. LOWER then! any ether Ilene. In the City. Call and Be Convinced 334 Liberty Street 7/m81.130011 MOW HIS a CLOTHING EMPORIUM. =re.r.e RAMALEY 1111 jlll4t Opened Plumbers - and has Fitters, .Ecti,47 Inktc! St., A LARGE STOCK OF FINE . PlMPL'earl:ff.far m .e.rfo" ,- PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS sztort.Filihi..-watzLx;:?,un: OFFICE AND WAREHOCSE, No. 82 Third Stroet, Pittsburgh, Pa. orsirroo-eoor3T liAltiJr, President. R. Jr; o. LlVihriiirrißt SANUAI. Mr.-roar—Anon,Hoitie. John Atwell; V. 11. Itivtm.. John H. LIVIOSsOhn. John 1. la tlh.. C. H. hierelek. Cosh Pala for raper NtooiL. soOloa S u Zffr un tgit K A7iing i g i CP T LEATBER BELTING AND HOSE, Kaantaatarad .t NO. atl o , l6miri*Li) ST.. 1,7 ELIATLEY. PHELPS & CO. Aaeata v tar Nat Iforkitabtar Oa. Ea”. 111 lEt el tizi g. m- kT s pri bands _aapatior . q_c_alltr of 41.(!1. PlA T lLMTVallaniglint= 4"- taato. a . J. L4fiCEi tiros. las nod 137 Third Street, DIM AND 13COVILRB. Straw Goods. Cleaned or -pod. KID DIA - WE-A and LADIiK' rl,l4lElttle. REFRIGERATOnS, - x C333ll3ElMia, Tony's Ice Cream Freezers, MY CHEAP, AT Grafton's llouse-Fornishluk Store, 60 Woclorn.l 1911., =I =i! WEST C 02121011 MSCIHNE STONI WURiEd, Nortnirc.V Cotner o Won Woman ALLoottorr. - ALI VAT'S a CU. Damon bonder v.v.,. oo abort notlco EIZMITIi AND nix ISTONXS, 'LAUB ros sior,wAygs, BIitWERY VAULTS, ac... •EZAL AND TOED !MONIS, at., Ao. hpromOtly Oxecnto4l. BL malt:mho Mtn;MOP Dteo rs Di ;A DZALRE In • • OEYLINT FIRE ERICK AM/ TILE, nTOME HILARTHer WHITE LIY oninisr TOTE. And WA EH. rums. Ofiles .4 Warehouse, MST 711 MT ISTBEET. •upositoMonowahela House. F3;:LYON, .Sealer Sealer Of Welatts awl Measures. . Ms. 6 FOURTH 'rause. • ' Sewn. Llbtll7 Sad FmT •Uffet.• Orden Toreamtl Wooded to. FiumFl pusueras . pantimp / oi WW rat team 107 1 1 / 1 2111T OTIUMT. - im7 JOO. 1/. /1111111141 BM Nane S CO II ISSN . 4 t ROBINSON,vir REA & co., Cincees on to .1432.1.4.. 141145 4 Mrt,t4se.) WASHINGTON WORKS, roctodttreand EmblEdita. Pittsburgh, Manufacturers of Boat and mationary Steam Pdglne•. Blast Engines, MLR Mathinery. Gear. lug, S4alinr. Carbon of sit 40.SCri Tints mid Stills. Holler and iiimat Iron Work. ()Mee: No. EA corner Pint sad Smithfield Ms. ATllgents (Co OIPPARDI PATENT IN JECTOR (or feeding boners. grLAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL .1. SMELTING WORKS PI:TIMM:MGM PARK, MoCTIRDY dc CO.,' Idslitifse toren of tibeatelnir. Braziers , and Bon .pcer. rrrszod Copper Bottoms, liaised 01111 Ire l ll:% l l3 l e t t ' a r l s 8 . ? gr r ilatele:e n t te. Coedits ally on hand 1 . 1 opera' Machines ano Tool.. tvarebovae. No._ 140 VINIT ifIREILf sod 190 SECutill STRISZT, Plitsbergh. Nprelal orders of Copper en% 10 any desired pattern. myl4:e.l-I:dw2 110"...40111ETIIING NEW.—.CALL sod examine the vew SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. tiT,:.ey,74,Mt; Wt . - Loss - their without W. S NUIXEILTZ, No. 31 FtMtn, l'lttehergh. Ml= W.rESCT A. SCOTT, DENTIST, ..ro. 21S PEATY' STREET 12MITEM sob2s::vr. rgerTIEIE GRA'frF.S TBIALALDIES OP YOUTH AND EARLITST MAN /1001L—HOIYARD AM3OCIALION =SAYS, on the Physiology of the Paoli.. end th alerrors. Abuse. and I/Dowses peculiar to the grit age of mon. with Iteporisonnew methods of treatment employed In this Institution. Kent in sealed , ' O e it t rt r i . giniki t irT e ti o 2l. " ; , t t oVird A l o o r s e Vll ' l r lOt. , ehiladelohla. DI :rsl:ilwT. arTO MARRY OR NOT TO PARRS? NUT? e l o pe R e . gentian. for brunt Men. In Seenys of tbe ar.lAwn...Linn. en the rhrololoorle+l Knurl. Abate, sod itlec•nee Induced by Ignoralce of Natur ted e, Lanni.ln the grit •g tree g otof men. ne e. at t An- o ten letter envelo• es. charg n. - A..1.r. .1. -.KILLEN AS.ooiZtlion• Pa• BUMMING. GAB FITTING. GAS FIXTURES. =1 CHANDELIERS, St4re Pendants, Brackets, &c., JOHN li. T.tTUS, 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh ; and 59 Federal Street. Allegheny = SPANGLER & BRADFORD, ALLEGHENY CITY • ttoabe• tOvil •.up vrlib NV.LTIM. OAS And STE AM by ciphrticseetl worts:es. OL,MX-121 MMi• JOHN M._COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, , Steam and Gas Fitters, - I Manufactu 100 or PUMP. ANIMAM AY woRK, VulirTitictriiiu,4lll7,li.A/tin F". Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA. tnyis:"l COLL ea MILLS, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, SAS AND STEAM FITTER!, No. aCr 1 2 .033.72. Eftreet, Ca= Cistern and Wel Pumps of ?AI MM.. H 0.. ., -alsest op-tat Os. sml Water. In the most op proutd style. by experienced...mimeo. Ypertal attxntlon paid to ...MY Work. mycysl ATVJOOD..B.ISO , JONI, J. arc•rrnar. ATWOOD & M'CIFFREY, BLISS FOUNDERS, • ' STEAM AND, GAS FITTERS, Cor. of 3rd and Liberty Streets.. Above Cuvon A Snyder . , Pittsburgh, Pen.. ana Henn C. 11 ., pramptiv I° S;Vetri ettentlen rw!l r Attlint.: •r AV •••""'' • Agents for A. S. Cameron & Co.'s STEAM PUMPS • BLOWER ENGINES, advantages over thpri, and every aue le warrant. to give vat:. r.cdou. VIMINICOII4I.O7 011 hand. fe4:5:011) _ AM. ..... . ....... 5 .1011x11015 EIEHLEHY ag, JOHNSON,' - I.IFILBCI•rX 4 : 7I LIA Plumbers, Gas and Steam Titters, 7IFTII tiTCSET ,EXTENSION 72X3"1"193317.171.413XE. papa All order. 17 mall excepted sallstaistortly arm "rratitCie druid la. Team, mmo., Bub.: Water Vlnsets, Chandeliers.. Yendents, and ale Shade. Mr sale at We moot reasonable prices.. Orden from coontl7 Patrons by mall prompt ly .:tided to. • Gum l luso of cr..) demriptlem BAILIFF, BROWN & CO cy. CIO So cies-al Mt, ALLEGET.rr CIT Ir. P 4., PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM eirE , riristw, . Bd • lute assortment of HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD. LEALPICE.. BATH TUBS. WASH BA, SINS, !BUN AND BRASS COOKS. min all mate 'rills for !lathe up public or private With 11AS. WATERor laimvro PAINTERS. J. K. 11/1.1111,0%. • M. O..IK•ICEJL . HAMILTON & MeHES, Horse' and Sign Painters, 133 TlllnD NTILEET, Graining, pluming A; 6 Ild i n`g exceutei.. ii .11 ED i'AINTd. N. mirr, BRUdeIY.ti,HITC. 7.1N17,,ete. 01711:2p Oletrdr rrAd .1)10.011V.4.khe SNIVEIt,. • im PAINT- Hu . U LUID GitAINERS AND a ZIEIB. • No. 05,14130 th ado of Diattsond..l.tietbon7. Contenrelil dndllase Ards !nada to order. (Were reeoeerfare Solicited led prompt! , ex rentrd. Mt:n.11 , 400., Wlr.dow tildes mod Potty vdo bona. • • • dplAtiV 0 JOHN T. GRAY, nouns A.ND sION PAINTER GRAINER AND.4LAZIMI, No. 64 Hand St., Pittsburgh. • • rums and Omamostal Mono of cooly do.onOw tion dono to order. All motif dot* OffoOPOT romonsblo ono. • .101:087 W . COULTER, HOUSE AND SION PAINTER, Cor. TOCETUAXLI ÜBANT BTIB,PITTBD!.B 'All orders lon et the Mom, or HlM apje: milt "Woe prompt a/mutton. 15 WWI " , mite onto gavot Burg a mamma MUM LID am zumsia, NOrtlaistcontor TlOrd owl Motet Motets, NT/21111101110/. WA. EN AY, JU NE 8. 1867. M'ES.AINr. dr. A.51.11ED., Commission Merchants, Dealers 11 FlAgn3.s Rol\ sl.l rnotract .enit T. N,. itorc t et, PlttALarth. les E. SELLERS & C PORK 'PACKERS, I= A. FL 3,":$ Co ; New Bacon. Beet and Tongues Will be ready for delivery on Monday. 24th lest., choice ging...Cured Huns: Do do do Beer; Do do do Beet - Tongue.; Do do do Break/an Bacon; Plain Cured Bacon Shoulder.; 1)o do do Side., At re fond prices and of excellent ,Inallty. From Ulla date we shad be regularly an/PP/led with all vtlcles In the Yroelelon trade. Jatturin BP I .EWES BMIKE Or. CG., COMMISSION MENCIIANTS, .• AGENTS PUB Ttth fatlflc, Globe & Liberty Oil Works, Aapleetoraga Par Crinde.and Hearted MI. Utei oral cyti advances, made on conalansnents ot Vrade or Beetled Petrologic.. Yards for atoratre and shipment of Urada Oil at Lawrenceville. Milne and Warabons , Conte-rot Dvonesna Way and Hancock smolt. Pittsburgh._ 1.716.15, ROBERT KNOX, Jr., CO]!H[Blf ON EtERCHAST. CEI=EI FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, htlice, 413 LIBERTY NT., Pittsburgb L . J. BLANC HARD & CO., WHOLALLE ►MD /DETAIL ar CP 3W. EE3, 396 Penn Street. = KEJL & RITCHAUT,- COMMISSION lEBOHANTS, AVO 011.1115 131 Flonr, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, ite. ,be 7 e 3 " Lthzra.Yanfetrrykea. TiOvrvagl,. ounranT nwrss *LEANED i IMB.C11•3:18 snd Wholeaale Dealers In lIVRZION ANL UOMT.2.• BALT, YLOUR. BUTTEry t EUUK. IVTATUZtI, an., and In Prorlalona_ap_d te ndons srenerally;o. 70 _FEDERAL tto .o. shy Itallroad Agents for W. aala or.. Y. Ulla% Monad • Illm.`• sird J. Earn'_ aul..Td FETZEp. & ARMSTRONG, 1 1 01URDING COUISSIDI MCKIM for the sole or /lour, Grain„Bacoo. Lard, Butter, deeds, Dried Fruits. and lirodneo generally, No. le Market dtroid, corner of Fir st, PlitsOuron, Fa. relitolo SON, sour. sums . KNOX Sr,Commission aracqs A1t211.4 Dealers PLOW; USAIST. MILL ICED .d.l rßoDon gerwraa ly, No. To Insmou6. opposite CM Bill. 'bony CJiT jal 7:117 V. CELAWFORD, COMMIS, -SION KaItallIANT InPIUMITAta BLOOMS 1/.II , p o LNALI LIU% nCe• [HON, WU= BUICK nd FI NN NT HALT. rtol r O j i a ". f :Art Oonsian ants sudlolnad. ocs rrrue. BAIRD az - PATTON, Wholesslaerobers, Commission lierclunis, Ilse.deniers In Produce. flout. Bursa Cliesse, Ilse. Carbon and Lard CM. trop, Nal., Ginn, Cotton Yarns ant all Ilitsburek umnainctures seuernil• U acid 114 decond stress. Pittsburgh.- REV Slol£ll. & BROS., (Successors Irl7 ` .llZ ` git,MlTZtiartraglA t nlVlWlroZNlßb a liurtg;,,T Tgga JOHN B. .CANTIELD,.CoIiankIi iste'RlNV"v7.2:4 c il'gratl.e7r.i: cur. lArd, Pork. Bs. I,2; 4 ,ur kn lrs2:cg Pearl Ash., sad OIL, du. generally, BOA • Hi and 116 Brunt, sm.: Insuburso. • H• HIDDLE,No. 183 Liberty St" .n-no rittanorgh; ra. : Cominiraion Merchant. and U ad n' t= Conolininenna and raid for Produce getter. ocirll Bona 1. nools.lllllAan 110m11..1m. 110001 JORN 1. , HOUSE L BROS, Sec- Ca.. 110.1 1 .0 Jour 1. 1101111 & CO., W,1,41 , 1- ale Wooers sod COIMLLISBIO6 00000.0, cor ms of I=lll,lleld Ana Water greets, Plttabo tel.rd, CIIOM.MIEB & LANG,,VVhc;Ie sale dealegs 17877.71e5. flour. Grid. Pro s Fitts 1 7 / n7ll 10n a s . With, Chene. Balt, Cuban N.. 177 Wood btreet lataiLl7 ty . a6t, JOHN 61111,0,1 WALLA.. Q.IIII O I'ON A. WALT ACE, holey ,' sale OROCEIN AND PRODUCE DEALERS. N0..1 litxth eßmet. nu 'burg. lart:real coat, co,KE &o out, a tryrvas U. A. MAI rr AXIL. KAUFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL TARO Best Family Coal,?int Coal and Slack Aaw.r. O ..,g,,,dtrodrsgroptly OFFICE, COB. HABIID3O3 AHD PENH BTS., TAlLD—Afiegbeur Valley liallroad. near Car son stmet, Ntutll,W.4. =:l=2 WX. Y. CLANW.T.. NG CITALMINO; L. N. 1111:411 . 5311AN WMO M. CLAINEY,4 'CO.. Gas Coal. Works, -1•14/11:1M12 1 .u7r t A;V.L2,1!!.."cle. , 'M'e delve mlares, mi x §B7. Pittsburgh, aulS l ' ir.glitiVlNllPereeou tieburgh daring Ilona Building, cornerLi b e rt yterol and 00.0 allay. Pittsburgh. 1181.00/4 OVVICYS: ',Shorty otreet, ruder rano'. he ongo- Media Media.. Pittsburgh. and corner An derson sire I ono P. V. W. C. it H. Alit gbeny. All ordurs le wither of the abOea places aLH racalve prornot attention. Sologil BITIMOVII.OU NATIONAL COAL AND CME COMPANY. Miners, eblyners Ina dealer; whole.ale 'and retail. In Inn BEST FAMILY COAL, us Ocwirl aameell OFFICE AN it. alr ILLlSicorner Fourth and En meat, IntlaburFA Fa. lii unlit re for delivery . MON, C 1,,. Cr Shipment West, mill meet prompt end Imme.itate atten tion. nCIIN ABEL. iinpernmendent. COALS COALII'COAL!!! . DICKSON; STEWAIIT & CO., yOolog romored their 0111, to No. 567 'LIBERTY STREET, • (taut y Cltr Flour Yllll . E[Cttlrt) mum. Lrenos RP Rood Yap elo"S~kanr' LIJ 'A' 'l4'l= O 8 6LiVJI, it the lowest market price. • Wirtil ortlers left at their oat.. hdarerred to them thretteh the man 4 will bAttended to 'Drettletly. raylethttS FORT . PITT COAL COUPANY —Shipper* and dealer. It bopertor Family' and Meant Coat. Nut Coal and Slack,oreoaral °f ace wound story PI ttsbo ntb liasloas Bank Bu lid litan,rir !a m t.. I`Arty , alAtr. and VI to alley. Pittsburgh. Orgo• a left at s elitjr of the above Place. will male. prompt attention. Posiodlce Adams. nom 7587, PleintOgh. • ' nmscrons: I ) , , ~,,....., • . D• .ya rt•av, .8 .tleCtoutmar. . bu n. Itneart•av, .0 no.. r , rtaa.p,• ' gals. MOttario.lti, Wabiele Ltaltarry, lOrta [Lava, J. J. tili.Lasrts,Ltl'2.q. T reason... Baal. N. Karst go, Treason... . w. n. dk planters. Jal:q111 . CHARLES .11. ARDISTIIONG, • Dual.. Ix • t_ YOMIEUOGHENIA. CONNELLSIVILLE COAL •t,d •ufacturensof Ceshj,fillack. Bust Deemlpbeariseel Cake orTrelt ANL , If Corner of Butler and Morton: first yard on Lib erty and sbytner streets. Nin th ward. and o !Second street. ar Lock Sol, Pittsbuh Pa. Families and anumeture. a eunPlirfi Stn best artlele of 00.1 or Vale at tae lowcat rash Orders left at any of their onleee wtll reculya prompt nttantion. CEM BREWERS, ECALSTERS, &o. pITTSBUTIGII BREWERY. DAKINOTON & CO., BRIM lIAISTOBS LID HOP DIVA , CRIGte.SOII to NON6CA IMODEN ./k CO.. Ningbo.% WE. IN. AA DNONON, AlMemo • The attontlatt of Up etutemell Of the two Duets 1. wartlentat IT Wetted to our • ALES AND PORTER. Which, through thee:Mello selection of Mail from mantel:wive mallini inilitlen and Hops from the yards last and West. we en instants* to be pore and satlstaelorylo the made. Our N Men LK has neon tilithir bY Wi h ritr. l l3:lVllllAV Y ßWitomera tleuln o heart their onl• n ut his °Moe ad bls old Brewery, y,or at our °Mee. Cebu of Dwain Way end WWI Alley, • no9inTO JVQ. *NV,. A. A. flora./ALAN suit!., MINAS DOM" iIIOYAS DROWN, ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Hwang purchased the old established Brewery kIIORD the ALIJA' Y 611 . 11tWILIIY., rule ',llllgaVitargt...d.litZ:u;c"Th.. manufacture of • SPRING WATER ALES,naI ‘• trade from Pure aorta. Water, u , d frm oar .and long eilierlenee le the ta ut.nss, a reel sallided that we be enabled to plea entire ”llsractloa Whew...ha My I:nv 0..1th th•tr. 1111INCOMr. C CO.. 465 , Rebecca. Street, • ALLEGHENY CITY. wail orders ledt et BROWN a ONANAIIOR 800 Idoesti Meet. TlttsOareh, srdl p efeeaded rd. PHOENIX STEM BREWERY. ILL ICL7 brEl cEB & IIcKAY, MILST li. S . IND BRIMS Ale, Porter anAl3rown Stout, PITTSBOAGB, PA. woa►sw*sws:a...ia. , wrap ~.;.~. • Fog gA I .R. , Von..AILE-Tba best Farm In • Filed. Id township, Wes•momimod c , tint, Pt , c "AA nmg it,out 40 acrea."stmated six. ' it ' /% ' :i . a . rt t a b i IV " Tit: r t . :Et " gi l v7U . s ' ettrsee L"' n ' l l. " ne r ognous: * wills nine ' roolts. • Fonrt r... frame ha, b . arn, sail% with the hr.. el . el• ',... e m Route sup one - peac orchard., the whole Mem Is no er a Min so are or co li 001 1'estl , . the fen , l •et ts al, No. It the so 4 'IS Rood. 1 w e watered; at,nt :Oa terra eleare.l. the ere r m gond erhlt oak Unlace. I ei... ° P . e rtv Is offer d al 1... :ow pom.• II tif:y oloams ". .& r'00 .... 41'••••7e'o.r.rl:nue'VtV.coutainIng o‘s sem., ,11150 , a in Palsooneth low midi , . • , ied Ue " L'lTAl.:','LlT..:".;:",i,', h Z:!`,l°,7.;'llr:is.;?! roe:. al, ~t. nom 0,,, a mil.s from the ell, ,he !roue! , entents •rOO • two-stom brim.. hmse ••ith et- rooms. but ru . naing 1 0 t:T0ati: ., t1a.t. , 1 L t 0 0.....,1„7 .. . ...e.l'.,l.l,;;.''irf ' the -r t . :6: :rolls. of all varisttes. churches. Schools ant .31lils •erT conveuleu.t. .Persons wishing to engage in iMedeolOti .... ' do well to call and pneetts4e„,:lf.Nl; d • ~..,,,,, ..-VgaA.P,.11,311:,..1n..1<....ty. 1...... =.i.• mu... 00.. e line of the PeonsWani• Nall. ' )turf. The improvements are—Fiest.ia.two il tT:rf. 75 Ni,b::::' mothcr . o cler=s: . i.:.lf.. r...vg 1 .10.- sprang bonse and wood house. rec. , a two-story [ m om u. •large frarne barn, 00170. • I, story m storing home..." °. ' r ..' 1 building, The fencing Is all good; abundance .of 111:Pett3rle on the piste, and coal hot. short distance. Convenient to Churehmo, echo , ds. Miliv. rte. Ism authorised to ,000 this property very cheap and on east M r. ' . lAlso, An eamitent r a.rm .0 ISO acrese of which i at acres Sr. under cultivation. situate lo Chris -1 ilfiteoo,lo:t7LlnVc'ob'itinil"g_rrVOUTVOutoVil Inschoice fruit treea. ' gooo r Miteinf. d It Ilea It Mniles of tLe lidnots Central B. It.: will be smd on reamnable terms. Cite Property r . ten in parsencitange if desired. Also, a Farm or 151.: acres In Penn towliship, IWestmorelmot county, = 0 acres cleared and uo der oultleation, S 2 meet of nrst.rate white oat and other tinaror. 2 dwelling houses, I of them 2 stories, the otti.i I mory. with • mnant houae. with a tirst.r•te Steam relmnill In goal rillialone Is young °rube., of grafted hut, The land Is rolling; everT sere is tiLlatole, with Ilian.tene soil and sub-01 , , with never felling sPrmast within one hundred teas of Me Penna. Central liallioMi M miles east of eittalmoth, and three Mlles west of Greensburg. This farm is Plem antly and eligitt.y situated In • good neighbor fused. every acre ts Underlaid with cnal. The flue is good. Also. a two-ston Brick House. with to rooms: Mfeet 'float and 50 feet Met, with two good iota, situated Intim Village of Bairdstown. tier- ty township. Westmoreland county, ra.. on the bank of Me ,onetnaugh Myer, Immediately op. positethe Borough of Blairsville._ This prop. eny I will Sell forthe law poke of WV , Also. • farm of LSI acres, altuated In East Wheald toe/mold, Indiana cutlet,. Pen... 'the improvements aro • good tr.. bon.. frame berm under he Rhe a 'tenet gamut to meared and gm. tenet. resloMe good timber. The wills of. good oriMity.well watered. convenient to churches, settee's. mills, Mc. 141:1 he sold at the Inw price Of 111.0 per acre. Posse,siso taimediately. ' • l.rinct4er pititiOnilsra. end...or ‘,._ MMl!=lsttgbhttittal IREPROVEIEPROPIiIITI WIC:Mt 0541.1.00. situate. to La.rrencevllle. paui elprinsfleld, ad- rangt.g 11, 000 to oval. will Ss sold en ressonsbleSermS It applicator = Tar fatdfrlnfannation, .‘ply at th.Beelir. =I = FOR SALE OR RENT, CHEAP— .- A Yann at Carpenter's ntavon. on the Cen tral Railroad. conta.ning SOS aorta; Improve.. Rents, tan houses and sCables,Rood orthard: all in pasture and good for cultlvationt Also. sev eral other Parma. In good lecalltles and welt ba t fr",fk.7. b 1q. 1 ...11..:Vg.P,11°,,,V.Tagr.111T; In the city Sad Suburbs. 101 further particulars Inquire of WILLi WARD. 11l firsts street. opposite the Cathedral. ms 2 FOR SALE. ON! CLY TIOSTORY DWILLI36 HOUSI. Limaled within a few 7 of tievrieldry Ma llen;on the littsberah. Ye Wayne and Chi eagualaiNear. Containing fun rooms. eelte cell underneath. rossmelon ale Immediately. ot ‘"'" .7.VELLY, nettozieer. my 7. Ne..lk red.. at.. Alleaneny. FOR ISALE—In 113raddocksileld .d Large Lot of Ground, EntWed with • palina_fenee, on which is scent ad a new two•tory 111,11 P E, of tie. rooms, kitchen, hall. porch, ❑ar acid othe l'utup at the door. Empire of mpnitli .121i0. lIUGHEY.Ort Inc premise. 1?4/1iSALIF.—A nine years? lease on . a Lot situate'. whi c her street. Ninth ward, Baby r.ll feet; on Is erected a frame d yelling. now metier for rio6 pe month. also. a brick. of rooms. which will rent for log a total of OM, or *LW per year, and will be sold on liberal terms. If applied to soon. for terms. 6c., sooty at the 11,4 Estate and Insu rance Unice ot 0. n. BNTEM. Boiler Ntrect. Issrerenceville. JOHN D. BAILEY; Stook and. Real Estate Broker„ JOHN D. BAILEN, STOCK'AND REALESTATE BROKER wiro AI7CTIO9EMI. Having taken out a cominissionaa Auetlearer, and elected an enksittment wick the elttstatekh Board nitride, seaming the use of their rooms, above the Tiara National Bank, lam now pre. pared to sell at MIMIC ALLCLIOD. Stocks. Bonds., *rarities. Beal Este, le., either at the above rooms or on the premises. Particular attention paid, as heretofore to the tale of Real Blame at private sale. sales oiliest beatte in the emus.. attended. OIL WORKS & COMPANIES EUREKA OIL WORKS, . I anllanurac!n of Eureka Carbon Oil, =CM Sperm Lubricating Oils, CHEMICAL LINSEED. OIL, =I Crude, Relined and Lubricating. Ong ,Lard, .perm, Whale and , Fish Oils. C. C. NOBLE, Agt, 10 'ir win Street IMICEED cosi - iForsps .o.xx.a.; !commas , : SOHO OIL. WORKS. BUFFO. lill 1W & CO., MAN ti .'ACTOUSA OF Slit CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR. Petroleum LilbritatiOg Ofls Sperm, Lard ;and Wha..e Oils, 6110.110, ti ES" Olt t IRBIL GRUB, ALSO. STANDARD WHITE BURMNG OIL, No. 1 St. !Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ARAD FOR. A CIRCULAR. de7:o3 TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I=l Petroleum and Its Products PITTSI3OII6II orrica—Palsell'• Etnild.t.X comfy of Invite:ma Way and Irwin street.' ru It,kUELPIIIA 011710 E-1517 apl :was KENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR. I=l warrr., BROS. & co., lc. York; E. J. ROBERTS ? Agent, • se. 18t. Clair Direct, IPlttsballtb. = • Cotton lotto :I Oil, I Dal Martaterr (111. Woolen 11111011. I Dark Kirgthe 011, Light Cold Engtur Oil. /ark Car Mr, 1. Light Co 1•4 Screw-Cut. Irark Car Oil. Not. tint OIL • .% .17 WARING & KING, mom➢] num LID ERDERD Petroleum and Its Products, DUQUESNE WWI% ===l •Jlhtp,t, I , WARINC. KING di CO.. I TN6O - Thia - 1 -- )iiI(TICittFEVENIG C/CP2WW..4I-Wlr. OF PITTSBURCH. PENPIA. TE riealdenL IN I NV V IC LIMO, Tres.”. woligN IN . TEM' lIAINCEVILLE. . Mare, N4i, j:-linqueitte tt ay, • KINVYAUTIIAXL., 0 ?Lail IVIIITZ BIT RNIING , OIL Brand—"Lucsifer." 104 . THE BEST, I PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, E=INI ilanntnetared only and for tale ty T.. 11. 'dIEPII.N I CO.. PION g R ,PAIPIT WORKS, and Sta., ==3MI EAGLE OIL WORM.% .Easwov - reacriairilleo. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON Refiners and Dealers in PETROLEUM. CONON. mown errosy 0055 BAN COMONV D MAMMA WAY. BISErEIk 111131t1ile ac co • .CONSISSIONINEReIIiNTS, • .A 0724211 POET= Pacific, Globo a Liborty.oll Works anp4 sums. oral own annum moan on consignments of Cmdo or iteine4 P•t1 . 0106.11.' Yard. for .wry owl oment of orode Oil at Lavrealice•lno. Ofne..a WlLeebouae. cars W.l Pad lisaoost litrirokplaDazith BANKS AND B kNKEIRS. 77 A rti USErd ENT& I - HART, CAUGHEI Sc Treasurer OVEUINOTON Bankers and Brokers, LAST NIGHT of THE SEASON! FIT OY TIIE TuEisetutß. CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, OVERIAGTON. I= GUCCI:HOBO TO 1106 A, BAIT h COO. MEMO Exciinuge, Coin, Cotwons Ana pwrtlcalar on attcal paid 1,0 ll.° and of GOVERNMENT BONDS• air-ItlltT DIU YTS ON LONDO N . Mll,= N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street, •ITTsBliUtili Deposita received In Car Yunds and Cninencl. the ' ti ralier4.:lVLU NIT P. "`"pa l '"'`" Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular I.teatisie - paid 'to the purchase and sale or • U. eeur:ities, Luc:nat.:Ls ut.4OT, or 11.1%; 0 • s. cE.s. I 4IPigfariIZBATEDNES S Ot der. •till Vottobereboogta or c011ect...41. REoiovAL. The Peoples' lacings Bank, OF CITTSHUIRM $(00.000. - - Iteioooi.l to No. NJYOUPTH STUEB.T. Oto Apollo Bolid royl 1=313 PEOPLES' SAVINGS BANS. OF PITTSBURGH, lATORPOJATED 1966. Capital, - $lOO,OOO MVOS NO. 80 pNIRTH aTEEBT, HENRY LLOYD. RFA. M=3! = THUBTERS HiMMT LLOYD, WILLIAM R•A Pnl 0.0 lIEYRRTY, I lett.'lll.r.`ll', 5 11 . R. . w • U0111(41% 30110 D. bect.t.x, 2 . WILLIAM A. MAAIION. SeqttllT ud !many, SIDIIT 1. YON ROVIHOBSI PM per cent. Interest allowed on time deposits. ',treatments made In Uovernment and lt,,KEs. tate aecarltles. Bank open dolly, except Condors, Roes nine o'clock. A. K., to poor o'clock. r at.. an don .Wedneaday And lictarday samara Scorn Ali to otneo'cloct. . arty3l,fla COAL ME MM. TRUST COMPANY, No. 65 Smithfield St , STOOKHOLDELS MDIVPIIALLY LIABLE. Capital, - - 8200.000. PRIVILIEGE Or 6300.000. Depoilte received andln eeeeee allow ed• Special attention given to Collec non*. President-34 J. B4KER. Cashier—E. J. ROBERTS. DIRECTORS. A. 1/...8A1M1E, PATTARGON W. Ad NEURON, WS. O MilliMAL, Tu.. FARROW. Jag. H. HOPKINK. A.J..IIAOAN, A. FULYWAIL... 4. D. JU11,160,t, D. 1.. PAirandosi. .y 18.4 - WESTERN SAVINGS BAIL .vb. 59 Fourth Strict. XEIGG. Int Paid on Time RepoSILS. Anysum received from One Dotter upward. Devo*Di A11)4.4 to Cbtek, Without DISCOUNT DAILY, AT O'CLOCK. 'President—THOMPSON HELL. Vice President—A. M. MOSUL& 'T110:MON BELL. J. J. tilt.aeltris. JOON B. laakaack. A. Al CWt•h JOs. Stockholders to whom we make REFERENCE. Foorythe. wepn •Ilworth. Wm. Caldwell. Be 91.1 Kerr,. D. Dal.ll. Henn D. NY. C. •. At. grown, Z. AL. Talton, ' Thos. lOwlng. 079: ALLEGHENY SAVINGS . 13NK,. • ALI.E47IIENT, CirgoaaSserod. la 1.041.6/. STODIEHOLbERS INDIVIDITALLY• LIkBLE. Delimits received and sir r r ertt. lotercu allowe time drpocirt. Particular attention given to Cul:Kitt., and proc.ed• Pruulrirt .uitted. Discount Days—Monday audTburadur. inurCTOn.: Weltart, .1. T. Btackdide.' • A. Ackley, • leant tertian. , Akerauder Morse: irebrtep. Precideut• ' dint lq W. RIDDLE, Cartier. SEWINEI MACHINES. DON'T BE DECEIVED BY llonelablng bier column adeertireinente of loft . riorblaellines. but get • tilltiV g.LL d It ban been roily Ltda.! for are. rl • tfA years. win is by all ennitirr ten e t Judgeagri,- n i ugl d 1.150. No. 106 - 241t1i v0y7.166 • • Above eadtbdele., GAOTER es RAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines ' ire THE BEST for Faxelly awl lisnufzeterlait Demons. Call mud see than St ..ro. 105 /Pink Street. =I $25. SEWINC MACHINE . But cheep Llcerued 'Maclaine in the Batted mete.. wted ererrebere. Pa43o to 1100 per Agents month. an Erielnge .t.seee .BB a ddict. PAGE ISBAYTH CBS. General Agents, elm Ba tr.WTiget Toledo. Ohio. : G.ET• NONE BUT A . - • GROVEI3, & BAKER • ►or a Holiday 0112. It I. pertieet (40 therefore the best. Doa•t fall Wadi and see (tat 2(0. 105 111•111 VT,. above Stalthaeld. HOE, HARNESS & CASIRLiGE k. , 'IL&EZES snor.l4 see the new it.ollll t Skill 10.1 6111133 11101131. Before Doling 212mrhata It Li Web. for shell ma. Tor sae at 2:0. 105 firm STRIPS. aboie 520%5244. IRE GROVER & BARER SEWING MACHINE 1s the Ultthes Thule of Machu:Wm; Nesse Stop and eseeNne It at • NO 106 117TH vitxr.T, •••••7:n. s,nerTmithnolei TOBACCO. CIGARS, &co. CIGARS! CIGARS! - One Million *Cigars, ,e Ou Italia and for see at R. W..'JENKINSON'S, lie. 0 YEDEHAL IT., A,l2..our—vr tntmeas' JOHN MEGRAW, Ilanansetneer of and Wbolesale and Mandl Dealer all kinds . Tobacco i Snuff and Cigars,' 4aus ma-tzza aspriaairum. w fe 'erat u•ortmenremotlnß to..eco, YIL Tn ,a.m n n..~.l ~.fe to t.n~t:, 1 nni • AUSHAUS SALE.—By virtue of • writ of senclgfoaCeshoromj Weed oh, 111(:VIT bt the bails' note. roe b. W..tees VgArgbliTtg l . ItTe . C t ltj i r igriirg o ein the t2TIt DAY or JUNK. 1167,15 t go rreront .I. Wr ' llerft h' ol ' Un d ifl7, a lgenarr " AaV i g Whisky, Startling liens, eontaelng oluttl -100rnnot ni•Rhu ..wen Hogrbeads, mo, Beer Tub. ono Rectifier, two Photo ntolry one Heater, one m Wo r ms,m mot Pipe,i,ro per Mills and oue m teats MM. seized a nd tar en at ttio . o rohnrtg of Ch.ne. ifergyne, at the toilet4.lauu . z . plate . . U. •Larmel. go,r_th•l'.lo.llco. June I. lf,T. lkf MIS il • L 9 (4 SALE.—Ity virtue at of a serl or senditleel wpm., 'clued o uter the 1)111.1C. , onn. of the thilued elute for the weetern 41‘trlct or Cep usy leant. ao 4 to me di me. d; t wl'l smouse . putslc.esle, to the CUS TOM mut hk. in the City Of _Pittsburgh. on the 19in I/MY il• JUNE. WHIT. at Itlo'clock, /k. N. the following deettllsed property. to mit: Ten Barrels or Whisky, To Co pse r Two worm To bk .seleed and Laken w l.e propyrty of Weems J. Bryan, at the cult or toe Coded eitates.• • THOU. RON 1.6 Y. ME!MENII== MASSIFIAL-41 S SLE.—By virtu; Ve t'' Tstent l‘;"7 ilariirogliT; ( 7l7lFl e : " ." eiT r e7k * : ' eeteih I will close to pa ale the vUir -I",'HXTL 'n he Cite .or rttergh. on the HMI OA, ur►.l NS. igehl at in we,ocll. A 0.. the rolicortne desalt.. .property. tu...11; ha Hameln of leiblaay. eelsed Lae taken es the property of Chula wear, at the *Mt of the thalted btatee. TSusiks A o. VVrr , Miaezeat's I:ll;ralaime MT. ." h jii • a`ttMii'V•WItTIMM PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS Tee ONLY BTILX L 1111001347810 1811:14 LISHIIINT • WEST Or THI ■OONTAINTS. Bus &&&&& OWL Utter' Buda, Bona LOC.. Cletulus. Dhow Carl Daplootas, truniu, Yte.. Collets. Deposita. vltatlola Cud.. ite. SO . 11 V& •14 YUM n.. Phis. • • . A., T • la IL. lia I• S Tot , ALTO E. 110..5. vta.HBT Ile La •-; w t IV , e . r r u t i . ; r r a n t n.0.t.e...W.r.h0 great. 1:0•., Far. We I /tlatinee •t 2 o.c.r...t. — UN , CA IZOIMt=I2I Napoleon Old guard. 14.20ut0l Moro. ..... Lonla• !Mae., log Osoce dean now. Good an.. S.a.e.s Atonal and Dar, To be followed Second Act of' Um mad inenen Unitary U.uor or - The Ttencli Spy ,D.'thg the piece rne - .neanied 6teedn Ord ,%"" Atter which the allstteralthed ntrilete, V.4.5i,,,,,Kg5, loner worl,reseersted deuce. mac -nn t" ' b °" ="lli;=?Nrt sea 11.11. Hotta -Laughs le c""''d PAVVITED inrenmital. Ai - The Gran d Halloo* AM...MOIL Win _take Ma, atwut: oclock p a. full Ens. lukkt yr lo atu•ndaocas. Free to al, l'rof. Vial?. , 1 , 3 , •L.1f.n end Mont. CROSBY, tt Ito tha aukertcon Ilttoblem. will pertoutly Ft perloteuG this Woad A.. 11011. . . tgrIVEIVACADIFIIVIY OF MUSIC LIBERTY STRESS, wear Woad. lE7=2 lIALS. d 111:41KE Tltts AFTEIttCUOY. ORAND asig BROWN; or !HI 111LIIP . 01 LOCUM • .TO-i4IOIIT, lut appearonee of RIR& W. LANDER, On welch occasion Pb. will give her greet ogee production Of • • CHARLOTTE CORDAY. , Is which sto will Ong the Frepoh .1. H. Taylor Barbaroww. Mood, y -10e. rest comedy of MOTET. araissoyac HALL. • U HP RE° EDENTED Arnim= I Dr. Liviogsione's Travels and EP ptoratious in South Africa t • For one *set only, comeoencitur on MONDAY' ILVENINU. June '3d. Matinee WIDNZSDAT. and SATOILLUT A YTNUNIIt/N5. at 22 o'cloek. Proceeds to Le devoted to the thloldUloo of the dente of the E, Hlrsolnehans Baptist Church. See wstl 25 CENTS. No half octet:. Loot... Ten at 738; to coratneuce at 8 o'clock. my3o all arGLOBIOVS 1 4TH OF JULY Great National Festival EEO UNION JUBILEE, Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, UNION SKATING PARC ALLECHENY. Tharsday,Frlday Saturday, JULY 41b, siti and 6tb, 1867. ComprisiU a Series or Crud, Sublime ud !ToTel ' CHIMP AMONG WHICH WILL BL Magnificent Balloon Ascensions! HMOS MOLISIOSS OS HOPSIBICK I Great Balloon Race ! GRAND TOPICAL ASCEVBIONSI BALLOON WXDO on, 7114RK1A06 IN A BALLOON! TERRI/10 enCE-N BIOS .IN„ Lim , ORBATB A BY r HOW! . . U RAND I.IIERiCAN 0V1T U P011.225 AND 02201 AN r PUT/S. nnee T MULE OR yONKLY “Aelt. 13Li.L.e.Y Or RATITZIIitIiBa. =MI EMU Laughable Whet,amigo'' . Racal Climbing - tie three rparg for Preaerite. The Kilo., Belli Kuvalal. Beth! nreas.bact aseagaLjoUgh.. able (me Feat: irtth-Frn. tag l is Itat ;, e . i i bl t llper n y, Oda! 041 ND SKATING TOITEKAITANT: GRELE TRIAL OF ATTAR FIRE ENGIRT! Terrine Chariot Recto! Grand Grotesque. denrede, and Dorieshee Indian Cara ' • r SLUGS /NT J. H. • OHII.DINIA IN me - LIGHTNING NICNIKIT DHILLe SIGNOR DUVALL', And bls ID Learned Canery Birds! A bt AtINITICENT TIN lON FOUNTAIN, Gorepoised of Z' spas - 111ns Jets, of HealHannlng Water. DWG/ DISPLAY ON TIVEWIIII9 TORCH.LIOITesiI 0;0 1..iz 1n 41. a Elevated Beets wHI be erected to Aseatosodato M. persons. kb et to the Grand N ' er3l l 2l/7-slivU,Ul u rgret T ot whieb , Only Fifty Cents Eacti, WILL BECEITE A PRIVENT, JONEO, MATTHIAS & CO., • .• • SOLE PHOPALZTOBS.- • JOHN H. KINNEY. Ascot and Bolan.. Manager. Sirfor funber po•O.tOos leo PioMOM* of the ay. Sal INSURANCE. rGIRATID FIRE AND MAW= INnURANCE COMPANY. Oleg, M. N.' i corner dayentli and Clltionnt attests. - . • PIII•LADICLNUA•• way N.M. Tbe Dim:tors FIVEs Company t.seve decilon4 ot Dividend of DOLAAM Pin payable to the titoelinniders on and after the AlattEll IS. tiILIJtTT. The undergo, ed. "ieenl. cif this C0m4•64 Pletabureh.44lllewe ebenheelen neoldinAr hen, zee shove 0141.1..41, et.llloatals wee*. No. 46. 14. le. corner of Weal nod Third' etreeUh lIOBT. D. THOMPSOI, Agent._ !MEI PEOPLE'S INS VILINCE CO. , 017103. N. I. COL WOOD ADD rrrit sty A HOME COMPANY WAIL 825. - • wm. Mauve, . Capt. John L. in .nda. John Watt. ' !Mama P. Matra, John Z. Parke, Chart. Aztane Caps. Jan. /Mar, John T. PLizamata. Wm. Van Kirk. ?mak B. .Jame Yarn. O. klasse.a MT. WM. MILLI^ pThidmpu 'JOHN WAIT,. Vino Prealdlonw W. Y. OA nIINMSr. SaerrAmrp. 1011:17 Cava. J4h. •JtaiDON. deal Ant. • ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. PITTBWJROII.-401/er., A Tlftle street But 11.1.ents 7000077 vaginas ail tants at 11re sad Naftali Risks. JOHN MW111,,_.T11.. rryigdesn. O. U. JOON 1.0.14 D._4I.COUIL 4.L„ D. VII. Pres Won,. 1, porwtarv. , OM. WK. DNA.. Genera Airsa tZ610101!/ fin.t•Xltn't w. n. Zverson. Bober% a. Ekana. Italiels Om D. Year,. Jobs Irwin. Jr., Jolla U. aatara. T. J Rtzwei Onuas. uoskinsori. Cl:Aries'/UM prmiz t i vi vems . ANstrAANem • OF PITTSBURG!',, PA. name. at rank kiraks, nikakknek. nu I. a Home C....p.. 7 , yaw...wins 1". 7.Zirierariin:Presldal. • C , l 1 . /v.3110t. 17.() y. =z: • . tisaciozu Lsonara Walter, I O. U. Haile V . Emu. Ibtort • Palsi" • J. b• Juot• Possex, 5 1 . .. ; 11e.taa , 54 . s.l. l trass, I A. Azneura. Hurl • 1,44* IIYDFIIIiITY .. AGAINST LOSS BY PME. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CONIPANT. , OF PHILADELPHIA. °Meet 423 &ad 437 C111212711110V MM. 3.41.1,132. • • Dna%MORI. - Macias W. !hacker. Mottle= H.l.astic. Tobtaa Waattkar a David b. itacrwo: Samuel Otani. Hum /As, Jacob P.. brtttb, lltdataadc. Halo.. (Homo W. Mallards. (loam, Vale. , - -- CH.S. 1 WWI H. Pratddallta _ wu. 0. b • fal .. g vc,,,. 1.4 P. Letabtabl , J. GAUDVER vol i Erz Agent, 741 l$ North West aoc:Ptitad a Wood ald. VIVTENFZUVUHANCE 00, Honor. P. ll ii k ar ..1,...Wri11a4r. PicallEalti._ ;• P L A ll l lllt • •• Od..PT. !Minn WALD. ma Jliabb. Mao,' fa Water atraet. OPP/ St 0o.•• Ward Criu!Al,, " =74tot ini....iii.m. , Illsks. A oa° InalltatlostabbaiklblDicaotocit Who are Well boom loth. eassamalty, bad who . ' sc. detarsabled by Idoototaesa abd llbandity. to maintain Um Outlaw 'dada they Italat ita atkiltrg attain, Um bati WOWIttIOZ SO MOP IN to or lanced. • , . 11.&lMoxiller, 111.10.14 Jr, Jam xanaer esAulry, Ale &mirror .neluoy. /Maid X. Loschin... DRUGGISTS J. SCHOOPIMAKER & BON, • ploplnns of the wmgmemezrcrne..l3.zz • • • • • • White Lead and Color Works; . WHITS. SSD RED lAA% ' • "ii!j. kregrti 'k Ahd Winton dryer la oil. 00201;;No. 67 MILIErn , • Pbtt7,. Xse. SOS. 454._ 4be been/Attest, sad at sma Sane. *lnnen- P unltuar nRIED PEACELIM-S 0 barrels ; ;;;4=al.aw~yirtiza =Lit Timm. auks, JOGS. Wens% J =a P. Haim. pra: =crick . 'MAW,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers