eta:itttt JUSIES, ISFT Ell:= anon of 'lndependence i tbinge cherges that Ring •.. of Englanil obstructed the .lion 'awe, thereby retarding lotion of them States. This o chant in that memorable bill of anent whlch)forced the conclusion he was characterized by every tea. e that could define a tyrant. From at day to thii the United States has tatty been regarded as an Mylum for , he Oppressed of All Limits; at least, for those of the fashionable complexion. This has been our boast and glory. Hein the oppressed setts and daughters .Of Europe have found refuge, and they and their , descendants have reared a fabric, of Political and Religions Free dom which la a marvel and an astonish ment to the nations. White- people are here exotics. In. dlansonly are aboriginal andlidigen ons. Withtmembers of white races, consequently, precedence resolves itself into: a question of „ years, less or more. Old, comers end new corners, are all the ::'.4llsttnetions adnusighle. a few year! se; some citizens who were native born became jealous of the fpolitical influence of - foreigners. Bo 'far u we remembir they did tot object to ,Asp number of respectable men and *men coming Lem from any quarter of the compass and making homes or for- tunes b 4 l honest industry; but they '*aintalued that f oreigners ought not to jeoleountil - the end of a probatiOn of ItweitArgtue years. Fcireiguers, and a gim4 Many - besides, thought this bigoted rsaiiito r ilipt,tve. The Gszerra was of this number. After a 'general and fall . 4llscussion`-the intolerant idea was re- llaquished. I • .lE4ce thenthnes bac° changed. The ItTorin,ltionen'e r Advocate affirms that 121016111C11 of foreign birth are opposed toE allowing more forelgders to come here, and demand a head-tax. on immi gMnts that shall effectually exclude them: We tell there foreigners plainly that If they succeed In giving this move ment such momentum as to iinpose the head-tax, It will not stop there, ,btitwill leo On and take from all foreigners who may be in the country the right of citi zenship. - Because we stand for Liberty and Equal flights our contemporary denoun ces us as tinctured with aristocracy, and advises us to get cured thereof by "bmihing against mechanics." We Lave heard that sneer, often enough to detect whit sort of men it comes from. Like the • Saiileeans, their speech be trsleth t h em. ,there is 'no other form of egutbineind superciliousness so mean and despicable as that. For the two hundred anti forty odd years that our timllles have been settled in America, they have bred mainly farmers and me chanita Onr fathers ware tanners, our grandltahers shipbuilders. Ai'hatour an peators were in Europe, ye do not know or care. At fourteen years of age we entered upon apprenticeship, and served /sayers years, learning our trade more thoroughly than most who follow it In I this city. 'fiiterwards, for more than a quarter of a' century, we wrought at It, steadily, doing in that time as many sol- id days` work as any man ever did in the same space, and much literary work be. Mdse. Oar brothers were all methanics. our parents rightly thinking that any boy, whatever other outfit he might get, should have a trade. By our Choice and procurement, oil oar sons, are ine .chanics, well'instructed in lb& tmdes, and are now making allying and some• thing over , by mechanical employments. We will wager a dozen pippins, to. ho paid next tall, that our critic navel: served a square apprenticeship at any trade, and can get !Mono Trades' Union unless at be one made aiR of -run-away apprentices; who have combined to brand their betters-as rats. Nay, we will bet the.plpplas be is not a mechan ic at all, but a lawyer, who never wiled his gagers with work; who did not sac ceed,weli enough In that line, and now seas to make a living by asidigliig to be a laborer, and stiding up strife among workingmen. . "Bmsh against mechanics!" ' In a dif erent aense,wo do every day In the streets of this city till our heart' sae rot them. What mean these yonmOnecbanics, Standing by hundreds clod, curb-stones, • or squatting on stoops, imnitodering va cant hours enough everylie years to give each of them, If welDhliabatided, an isdneatipn subinentialliMiltiod ss or.' distarily regalia from a coll4i course? We denotmean to speak iaiiiindly; we know experimentally what start in life 'with jittle schooling, "da d be compelled to work hard for a subsis tence; and we have demonstrated how tweer three hours a 'day, saved from sleep of recreation, or from loafing, and diligently put to stedy;will develop even Moderaternaturaf powers,, and fit a Irian forinereased usefulness in his day and generation.._ Young 'mechanics! cease I,dUng away your'lltrie. Give your spare hours earnestly tp the companion -ship of good becks. Listen no more to • demagogues who seek to play oriel yotir pusione and. prejudides for .their own advent:lige. .Two•thirda and more of the, men they would, teach you to envy And hate abetted Wine empty4Maded u . yon *hat itiose prosperous men have done, you can do, picrrided the root of ths . matter is in you. Trust • not the counsels of.older mechanics who talk to you continually' about people in other callings - looking down upon you with contempt All the tropble is in the • minds of those men. They- are Merely -' ashamed they are mechseiat , and anat.- ' nte to Other people, the sentiments they wt old cherish if they were in what they :foolishly esteem • genteeler pursuits. These gabblers would quit their trades any day fO! ac appointuient of the' police or as thiewaiters, or what not, and at half the 'wages they can mike by plying Ulcer vocation. We have seen hundreds upon - hundredi of them thus i snake shipark of themselves and their -.• families.. The groat majority of mechanics are not of this breed: They respect them- selves, and are respected. They sr. self-reliant, pushing, :energetic. They acquire competencies; many of them fortunes; and their eons and daughters are established in their sight. - We lcoott the present is a tight time. In ill 'departments ofdeminess find unusual difficulties to. overcome. Ne cklines are pinched with the rest, and perhaps more than others. Bat the way out dors not run through prescriptions or blurbs to any. This whole conti nent must be subdued; Its soil reduced to cultivation; Its mines everywhere opened and worked; its industries dlverlided; and all Its resources developed to's-de gree unprecedented elsewhere. From this land is yet to go out the Gospel of 'Universal Brotherhood, that shall con quer all tribes and nations that dwell on the face of the whole earth. The Fore .runner of this Gospel is not Intolerance. It Will not draw a'cotion of police around the continent to drive back those who have escaped from tyranny and oppression elsewhere. It is monstrous to think that Irishmen flying from the fangs of the British Ilon; Butigarlans and Poles trying to find a shelter from the wrath of the Czar; Oen mans, escaping from under the heel of despedsm, and hoping for. new life aid liberty here; should be driven back into the hands they dread. No I *be United Bute' vrift not Gm become baaer and m ore proscriptive than the monarchies the Old. World. Om lot and symps skies are !with the men who übor. :tare'far the Protection of Labor end Ls pettin fir `in& letiflaltgOn as CMS. pdg— menu approve u. just?and seasonable.. Butwrican't be humbugged ; and won't help humbug others RELIGIOUS ISTELLIGESCE. Gradually the secular press is becom ing what was once declared it should be; "more religious" in ilia character, and that the religions presi Ought to be more secular in its coMpOsition. This M true of the former at least. The more res pectable dailies in this country are now giving marked attention to the religions' --A child has been born to Dumas I Le l Lo n nina is thename of the reclaimed and moral movements of the day, and Pete, and he has called her Jeannine. „ide,,,, w o o f m ma n d w am h e o A is u tt r e ar heroine of his are aurrendering a large amount of space In order to give full details of religious . —Buckles History- of Civilization . has bodies, and movements for the advance. Intent of such Interests. ; This paper has , been published in SL Petersburg and ' always, at least for -,many years, gave bound in Russia, with the omission, prominence to religions news, I as far as , probably, of the historian's references to was possible, and never in its past hie- the Muscovites as "filthy •barbarians." zl e l ti /o o ty rese is e a uce cent A url t . dant. h ' Be-.' tory has there been more attention paid to such antlers, than daring tl e past year. ; ho — l P h. ; asked of Neal "When will yeh pay s m tlfl IWe propose in addition to the full ac. I Confederate bonds 1" To him straight:, Neal made answer, "When you counts of.the pnmeodings of religious . ; l w a y . pay the Fenian bonds," and then his bodies that may be reported hereafter, to 1 petals closed. -The people of Hayti are hailing Sal rupiah, weekly, a column of religious i current aews, embracing , items, in re- ! nere as the colored Garibaldi. The Sea , Bard to all denominatlens, inmartial, and I ate has aliened bins the Presidency, but : he refuses to take that place from any I without any disposition to provoke eon. i power less than the people, w ho w ill 1 probably eceiye elect wti him. Be .ts everywhere ; troversy or ill feelings. ! While the mat. liter will be general; and principally rela- acclamation, and shows I l 1 ting to events hi this country, yet, special i commendable moderation. ! I attention will also be given to newt of a 1 —Mr. Daniel J. Kirwan, of the Tel-1 1 focal character. i I bane, on Monday pulled a sixteervfoot . boat, with a pair of eight-foot sculls, from It was very clearly demonstrated a I , the battery to the first landing at Staten tie recent annual meeting of the Epiiteo- 1 island and back, in one hour and forty , al Diocese of Pittsburgh , at. Erie, Pa., i minutes. Mr. Kirwan challenges the I tat there was great Wisdom In the for.] local editor of the Poughkeepsie E.' zgle to Lion of tha match of five miles, a itli a sixteen. I !nae Western part of the-Bta-te c 7,). t $ bAt . t and twelve-foot spruce oars, nto a separate Diocese. Doubtless for y now think the step ought to have _&,,,, of the N. Y. Herald has been taken many yearit ago, as the sue-- long bad his laugh over the folly of (di. I cesses of the past year are so self-evident, tors who seek notoriety in public life. He was In favor of Greeley for United Mud owing to a great extent to theorise.- lied condition of all the forces of the ; Statesto r lastwL winter, s7lnt "l t „gotahenael;e,ule Church. Every depairydrenteeems to be : will make / a bigger d—d fool of himself ~riulckened with "the touch of its pdver. I there then auy where else." And ho i added with great pleasantry, "Look at , Mere lookers-on canitrate these results poor Raymond." ; in the outward workings in the Diocese. t in high h t E i tzeror „, of I, Abyssinia, Another fact has been!brought out in un. ! bas be h en o mistakable lines,- that the distinguish- iof England ever sire Tn t r t e i l t u g 2 tt ir ! e d g e eel minister at the head of IlitOre, Bishop j hand tn marriage, after the death of of Prince Albert, and has been trying to Kerfoot, is showing himself worthy 4 bring her to.terms b holding "lu prawn j the high duties:of the )Episcopate . The, the British i Conant - andsevraloil er . .. . . effect of his systematic. labors, and at- Englishmen who were reining in his tendon to all the various Interests of the dominions. The English • people end ; Diocese, le developing resources hereto- Government are Puzzled what to do , about it. Abyssinia is too far off and fore latent, and opening up fields of use- . hard to get at, to make war against, with - Mines& never. before attained. This any hope of coercing the enraged Bin. prelate shows by. his:movements that he peror. is eminently practiCal and not a mere I —Baron Prieto, mecca:4°r of Boyer, theorist. and Parisian prototype of Blot, has en. that The mutual meeting r of the English Bristle, who discusses gastroountered grief. It is charged nomy in 'Le I Congregational Union Society has just Liberia, black-matted 'vintners ,for cer. been held in. London. The doings of lista wines for his private suppers, elle. in his note of application that the that body were marked with a spirit of! dug ..`f t ri ar et:t. roust l n iv o e to b i y el t l h i e nt o o ff y i l e gLOn ds til o o f liberality. - Among the resolutions adopt ed was one to admit "Union" churches— Briese's • employers, the owners of La that is, churches made up , of Peptise :Libertawlio therenpon , dlsmissed il a rier a a r l e l i rethat the note-is a forgery; and Pedo.Bantists united—to equal meth - doubts the allegation. Mean. berahip to the Union, which was carried ; time Paris knows not how to dine. by a large majority. • —An Irish priest wishing to explain This 'week's independent rebukes in "the nature of a miracle to a skeptical -severe terms the attempt made last week parishoner, gave the wretch a tremen. to pervert the old and original Amerieln i dons kick. 'Did it hurt ye '!" asked Tract Society at Boston from it/ bread t h d e t l i c e v v e i re ll , f t e r n h g, rly " so il l u ae. ",: g ez t t ai :`: and catholic basis; to sectarian purposes, I grieved region wittihis hand. "Well I by merging it into an unauthorized as- then," said the clergyman complacent sedation called the Congregational , would have been a miracle if it Board of Publication. !The proposition I hadn't hurt - re'. This Is a geed della -. ties, but no better than me just 'given excited a sharp debate, and the matter I in Massachusetts of the difference be-- was placed to a position where it will not tween an 'accident" and a "misfortune." be likely to do any farther mischief. "If Wendell Phillips should fall into the The ease of Itev. W. C. McCune, , soya the Ifehtleai2ld ever set"i twould be an aatdent. before the General Assembly, of the Unl, , out again that, would be a misfortune. ted,Presbyterian Church, at Xenia, Ohio, is ettracting a good deal of attention outside' of that denomination. The ground of complaint 'ls that lie is , "charged with the sin mid scandal of holding and , defendiog fundamental and serious., error on the subject of Church fellimship." That Is, he: opposes close ; communion in the Chureh, and main. tains that the Christian union of Protest autism can only be advanced as this bev . rier is removed. Thgse views were ad vsnced In a book oit "Close COl=ll.l - and also in his pulpit ministm. tions. His Christian character otherwise . fe aboVe reproach. The charges were sustained by a large vote, but the final action must be teken, so far as sentence is concerned, by the presbytery of which he is a member. It id not likely that he will be expelled from the ministry and membership of the Church, but simply , reproved, The agitation on ''Close Communion" will go, on, notwithstand • ing .the efforts of the Church authorities to squelch it.. The Presbyter uses these startling words In commenting upon the action of this body: "Revolutions never' go beck Ward: One year hence 'the mi nority may become the majority, espe cially if Mr. McCune and his sympathi zers are prudent and wise. Tae spirit of union *deb is abroad'in the land will work as leaven in the United Presbyter ian Church more and more, until the whole lump Is leavened, or until the leavened and- unleavened of the lump are separated." The United • Presbyterion' of this week Las an article on "Church FelloWehip," by Rev. Dr. John Prdssly, bearing on the "Close Communion," quesllon. • Presiding Elder Gee, of..the Naah dietrict of the Methodist Episco pal Church, In a letter, refers in graphic words to the course of white.washed rebels in that community who had sworn before the passage 'of the franchise law that they would not live anywhere where' the "nigyah",wasaccognized sea man and allowed to vote. As soon - as it passed, however, the .'niggela" rose :with them front old "Joe," "Jim,': and "Jack," to Mr. Jones, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Jack. SOU. The Richmond (Methodist) Chrni. ddeoectis has a very piotta corres. Pondent in , New York, who has a won. dull:al - talent fore manipulating the news in that city to suit the nerves of' the readers of that paper. In the last letter we learn he ascertained while that Im maculate person, Jeff: Davis, was In New. York, that hefore he went fumble hotel in Richmond, to the Court, be first committed his CUM to God In priyate prayer,aurd.left his family fall of Merle. den peace and resignation, whatever might be the result, . A writer in the American Uhrierion Retina argues that the Scriptures do not command'unconverted persons f;:a. either pray, or be prayed for, in order toobtain the pardon of their tins. Titres having . announced that the New:York independent had abandoned Ito religious character, or rather evangel- Bt type It used to represent-, in its way, quite an outburet of joy bas • - b,een maul— tested among mairwhose 'attitude Is quite doubtful towards true Christianity. Quite a company of Ifichigiuders ex press their gratitude that Tivron, the * editor, Is "eheckleg the tide of infidel orthodoxy." They hope to ale ere their "souls shrivel to the worship of a creed leas liberal than those foreshadowed in the 'Soliloquy.' " The Soliloquy : an nounces "death to creeds." • . ; The anniversaries of the various Bap tist societies were held in Chicago last Week. i n- Is estimated three - to. five thousand - delegate' and visitors were in , attendance, taxing the religious familles toth r utmost to accommodate them. We re from the report of th e H ome 111 ionary Society that the receipts for j . the year reached $176,890, being $30,- 000 larger than the previous year, and full '570,000 more than in 1804. 'The largest 1111111 came' friMt the DCW3ll'ctlt ter, of Brattleboro: Fifty ordained ininisters, or' about oneeixth of ) the whole number employed by the Beatty, hive been commissioned to labor exclu sively among the colored people. . Thirty of the number are colored 'preachers. litnety-,even adored Baptist churchis have been aided. Since the organization of the Society, thirty-hve years ago, 1,028 churches have been organized by its missionaries, and 44,000 persons have Ibeen baptised. —The rebel Gee. Shelby, of Misantizi, who has been enjoying selfezile In dente, P memo, L . 14 # 6 ' laying bask to 'his old roil- PIpiSON.AL --Edward , P. Nowell,' of Portsmo,,tb , i N. H., is going to New York to tak e ed. itolial charge of the Americo, Odd pd foie. —Edmund About has writtva 'The ➢fan with the Broken Ear," as a pedant: to "The Nose of a Notary," an ti the for. mer hook has been Englished. • —Sante Heave got much lh-rsian pop ularity by defending Henan and books In the French Senate, from the attacks of litar , hal Canroh , ,rt and nth- NOW II THE TIME To plot ,111 b IMF r _or whaler cloth ma tort, et 1:11TEZI =I It will garthy destroy .1.14,L5!: Also . ell gala 'Swegah Read what ftlrma Anders ot, the great curie , dealer, of No. ei Beedery,says : ••I cheerfully recommend the os:kst u a cer tain entldete to Moth. Hating wltneseed Ito excellent results, I do not balm., to pmmontee It, In my opinion, the beat article ferlhe pur pose eery manufactured.•' R!" Dole • ■ent for titisbsreh anS vicinity JOSEPH. FLILEINti, Dmg2l.l, I=l = What Swaynels Oisitment Rill Da I reEl===2=! ._...,,_._....,..v._......~ ter. a—lt care Cartage Erepale+ at ate lace. 4—lt will cure Salt %tea a. - Yeald Und. 5-111. w 6 cure itettl . u . a. Eruptions • . . o—lt rodtively cute all Skin In..esec.. 7—Ow ISWATXIW6 I.llar7Yiss sad serateh Xo •'ITCH" Dr. BRKIVIWI Oixtsest, • ^ITCH D. /Marla" Otatorrt, "TZTTNIV• • 11TOH ., . r rETTZR" ...ITCH" NEVER KNOWN ..Ti.T . r)Sir , “ITCH" .111)11. , !ni 7AII. ”T.I2EXPIO "ITCH" • . FM wad ally by D. ISWATNE BON..Pbb, adelpbta. • 001.14 II'CLARHAN ADANA -1`;!,..r.e1t1211.t:e4 TORNALNI.M. car. ub sad market ...ens. PM.- burgb: SADA A DEUITY, inI3I.I:IIVITS • REMEMBER That Matters at she Stomach, Pen between the Shoulders and In the B.lght al le, Yellow buffo. slow of the SUN Cos: IvOnces, I. rowslness and Languor, Maumee of tight, Colic, Palpitation of the Heart, Du Club, Low ?,ever, and other Symptoms which indicate the various phases of Acute and Chronic Myer Complaint, sm., and ail, promptly rellaved, and nanny re:nosed, e by the action of that famous pieparation, ==! Which is at' once the best of cotrectires, the dentine and most genial of aperients, an Infalli ble tegoletor. sad a powerful restorative. Per. eons of &billow habit, who use the Bitters as • protective medicine, will peter so 6.r tee pains and peoalttes of Liver Marne or Bi.lous Ps mit tent lever. words can do ustice to Its = It stand. pre. eminent among the health re. storing preparatioes of theoge, and every year adds to SU Wes. net only in tale country. bet throe shout the civilised world. ' PEWS CANXIDEII£III3% • tree which Is abundant In Canada, Nova Scotia, ad the more northern Tana Of thi Now Ealand Mates. and Is Mallard In the elevated ad enottataltiousTeelons of the Middle Mum, sad abounda It medicinal Means. Dr. twat, of Bolton. Ma prepared a andlelne front the meat inedibark of the pine tree. called PD. LANDIS Willi% PLNK CUMTODND; latch Is one of rare value In NI de ldlltamd mum of the' Plane,. It &Cie like a charm In all alma.. of lama ineratositeil. tabling them to reside their out anemia energy: . It alit be found well adapted to all Mose disease.. where Mare bas bean tried and failed. 11 Is Ilkewim well ailed to ehronle mesa. and an infallitde spewing for old and debilitated rases of anent. May Per ma who at ant only tat bottle Or tuts meal. eine. to try, afterwards came Pact and tot dean, or hall dozen, whir effected radical cats of dreesses of the bladder ad kidney of yeses stenala. . • Mattel', • abeam that has tieen looked upon as among tba Incurables. Immediately relieved by •It. Notice the certlilcate of Ala (Joanne, pa Ilsbed ante time sac. The potted Saw DirPalarearY. Waking of elec t, pine. sayer rrlt is premelbea in loucomas, el and other Mama. of the urinary plcsaaca; In piles and ea tonic loam rest.. Or ulceration of the bowels. to elaromo catarrhal allocate., stud in various forme of rhea citattent." • It le a medial/1y valuable In all asalry &ines. bloody mtne, and where there Is red neathite toancht It ma b. taken without ''narr a tion one's mar al...Mut sod Instead of slekent la prang. • bracing, healthy poorrof nate. canoe and visor. Pries, et per bottle:Mx for In. Ann tor VUL.•?ilDri W MT% PIN. GDR MUDD. Pm ale by the gross. dozen or Moen bottle. at Pg./Egg/5 Qt's Utast blealcina bare, IC Wood mat. • . sal 11* iii WM. BINGHAM,' Jr, Adams Zairese Ctl• flee6l:l4l "VI Wed, la as aulloartzad AgetU rousuradonliannente fzph• 6/4567774 and aU Waer papers throw Ow Maud Maras and the .• ROBINSON BROTHERS, Eleassit.o.raw, NO. TO POURTII STREET.Platliborib. 'atit:il22git.;ll,°4=lll4.7:l!,,ST:ll kLnds U. Si. BOND , And are prepared to buy .4 sell riallrntd ifnnds . or ntorks: dant. One &ea Mlle* r ; c f. r e 11.s1 Dante. Lsnd Warr n o le rf:A . N o TZU.— 8000. or the nee ntlo•m i of Hot. . Lairrenonilnrcee ald'a Ault anion. Interne...domed eAT tee WO. GLASS WORKS. FOR SALE, I GLASS 101.19 I! nth MT OF PHILAIIIIIPBII. olk* consliEt 4 401101-pot Window 1.112,10 anOo and 1 / I .uolnt thru; Don II•POt Han." ro TS ' PT. ' 4;4 ' l%l ' lf T i. ' l l :.! roolllAig, slimness. Lan leg.'.ii.rny oroistews rules. Too/ . and blachloen. The Works could son In Opera:um s Row. Address. WINLZR tIOSIBLIC . Rey B. Vote es„Paundelenla. ROM MALE—House and Lot an i.e.., attest. Manenester; at lobe 170 rest. Prima Hearn. Res. Seaman HOMES AND lel/TH on Nene erjek strait. near enter o elepoi. or r. 7. w .. c . &TS l ot 'Western .Pratt. ar Tremont .Hest. Al legneny Orr..Pr!. $1:co Terms eery. Mo, several small Douses and lots la 1004 locations, lneetra of Je MUSH HO:, Heaver, near Menne* DH., Manchester. ,LOST—Between jrlal_ e • t • ttertb nre•t..fita..l4ll4l 11th MITSI*. on Elsolthaald Most, • • I.OO3ICIIPIC WicioCICBC. Ilmtalalag • atchail alun nf money sad • Orni.• III•utpla. satist will plum isa•suum••• at 24 , 1* (11001. _ pealla lIIIME I=ll NEW - ADI7ERTIBEMENTS MrTIUNITV CEIORA,L SER. -- • VICE.—Tbe usual AT7EIiNOOIa NES. VTOL will be sub. In TIIIN'ITYCHCGICII. Blatt etre, TO•SIURIVJW. at Vi V7.%71.m".'4tt. Am Cat...e i ativene s.r at* Stem In . Wareing F and &deice 10 .liar ried and Single. P 9 U. n Envy Ornome, Or LOX. Of rberatter. 6T I S. Fo. , er. Wells 11,To's; ers mupbn't. Secret liblJef of Urea., Britain: iliritra‘sZll'l7rY ofßrce Plto.l'. Wh O 0 's itird.caf ancrtheoloelell UletlenarT. Vele, rtrtphrase on the Epistles and Revolt -2,:-Vrepturt.t. frn.n the VOL. , . Id , ' tlon of ISO. tj ' et ' s7r4 . t gi i t7aTlß l .Tati ' 11113% and 1.030 Ilins, rations. sewn 60'4 and Elrrett's F..Rllah and Spanish Dletanarv. 2volt . • Ito, ere French . DlClonary. usetnn't Collections. Sinter, Ftench Enclish Met:outer. Kitt°, nible Illostrattuna,L volt. The ..iterat; troll M.. , Parr , . Lone on 11. Mo. Illetionarr; 2 volt. nlliteral nark; S v.dt. quart', 144 1 teee T TIVe ' V ' O ' l ' a. 2"'. 1,00. liedical . and htlocellaneous Work, of Isom. We ' rlrg ;1 7 : Ud Italian or • sekpottibereOf all tie Magazin.. Otetille en. Of all kind, Eallte ,, rn prices. Ail the i.V Ire T itiVt . r. VO 7 l c :t NEw ANOSECONDHAND BOOKSTORE. - PIXTEI STREEI - ':.I3ELOW SMITHFIELD. • JOIIN D. LEA N. ICE PITCIIERW—We have on FRENCH POPLINS! b•nd etre ne assortment of ggse- ntLiGious. Preaching TIt.MORROW. attn . ., A N. aw 1 .. ., r.nt -. In the new Ctotstlan l'hayorl, corn., ' tt.-aver •treet .Igo , gven.e. Allegheny City. ttf.llrleoute to ell Pt.rmouTn Re, e*. P. I.OU lt.S gnbta'a the !reran,. .nitbn•th .le.boal al IP A. Me . UNIVERSALIST cnutecix, CONNER 4311 ANT —Pwot Kew. A. ItO.I.+EItMAN. Prcactaolt EVER.Y . StIND AY at 10 Y.. people P. aa. bunchy Sc 0.,1 at A xi. AU the are In vita,' to come and hear. rarriIEACRING EvEnv SAB- Ryr Nor, Ayslp U. le e eve., 11:I, itht nS %%ilk I .sl 7 llUc ' li atZ!: , 7IoTI; a. m. m. Cr FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. —Bert lees at the NE WCH PEL. Fourth atr .et. above Oran . e'er, Sab , ath ram - Ong...a ,clock. A. N.. ash In the evening at Of crinr ' l.. SABBATH SCHOOL at 2 o'clov k. e. a. rattily InaH4.4. 8t. M. K ;:::IT;;C: At the P.m, RIX. JAMES S. DICKER-SON. la No..l3Ctathato attect. I;irTEDE CHURCH GUILD AND CLASS ROOMS. 1= Are city, open to the publle daily from 9 n. Y. to tarn. /Ind.:dealer to POOlOO and lhnssii, InNU ta, No. 40, corner nEUEltni. 111011- In SUN oTEEETo. All Constantly on hand, ICE 01/EA If. of various flavor.. innoan ••WE; WALL KEEP ON HAND • and mike to order all kinds or Spring-and plain IV nNONS, CENTS. 'Lllt•l'n, ITH IS ELII 4111111141, TRUCK+ I.OOO+TAIA.TITONED `PUKES, /34Y ILAILin and . • . FORitz , , At DuQuits.. WAGON near the Pent teottart, Allerh.n. Otte.. . . Jo11•00 . 0_ etO,NHANT.. VOKRINTXR co. • IN TUE COITRT OF co Knox rt.l6” ALI/COHENY COUNTY, No. 1./ecqzubcr leen, thol. otUUET IL. L. U•dine.Y.or her nest ir 144 Nierooder lUd‘e- Ir. • JOHN 11..11.51a. Law! lo• diroroe, rnelrl.onll. • To .11.4 h P. DOIPLEY, the above named re spondent hots are maid. to be and appear at burgh,emrtterin °PLOW Conn, L.• he held St Pitts eh the OAST s Dal th 0.1.1 ts6', then and there to answer the complaint or the stove named Libellant. and show cause, 11 nor y.,0 beer. why her petition roe divorce, ,'to to odetriglonif, should not be greeted. . . SAMUEL H. CUOLEY. Sheriff, 20,000 ACRES - WEST VIRGINIA LAND, Near linutevavilier Pogglemitas county. West Virginia Fur axle In quantitte• to vett our chaser, and on the mart iv...enable terms. The land is coveted Vita the must valuable timber. ArrLY TO t7'.. =I =I ! , o. 66 BmlttiSeld .treet STRAW GOO S, FOR SOMMER SALES. ALL TilE NEW STYLE-MTN TOR SALE CHEAP, AT IIdeCORD & CO.'S, No. 181. NATcraci Ritmo° ot No. SUMMER PHAWLH, Cloth So cones, Black Silk tiacqueg, FOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES, BY- WHITE, ORR & C 0.,. 25 Fin Street. Cl= \I • • Z LOUGUREY & FREW, No. 31 Market St., CCORNES 01 SEcONU,I PlTTrllloillitt, llpi e[lo7 are prepered to rosoott?Ltire all Saddles, Harness, Trianks, •nd arttelee In their line testily kept to first-CIL* eatobll HOSIERY ! HOSIERY! HOSIERY ! L. 41... Mime, Cl2ll.lren:s and Infant's. Hsu, Merino tlnderodar, treat sack ck. Hamm' /suck Snit Nampa*. Boats, Hoods •.1 as. Infana' White HeActo 14 Hose. Infant. , Vane. Cissenners Hose. laissts• White Merino 1.1 e. beams' Panty Cubed , . r: Hose. / Also, Hlscea sad Chdldren's B auk Lacs Mills, ;1;4;53 AT PHELAN'S - Old Stand Stocking Store, 24 FIFTH MITRIZE it 4 .1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. COneaol.l.”6 OrTICE. City of Atlleekeny. June Stts. 1017. PRAT.TO PROPIIPALS Hi be meetred at this *Mee nail' MONDAY. trito lust.. at ,o'clock Ps more the necessary excavation for 10 vso leet, or 1e.., of IS inch eater pipe. itt, the i nch branches. flop tort pip e "re-plugs, 1.130 to be ellen aflo-r the hen been I.d: ant wherever paving Ime to be sag, up rue the.nntlsede of eneavaiteg. It must be r-sraved hy the contractor. Bidden Pat state pH, Der Il C. *lii also be received lithe name tile. ie. , lineal Wet.) for the tar I, of the soave amount cot Pine. brine- es. de. The pip , . branch,. .lop s eeh and In plow will be desire., along the tine or cue svation. All other material lone fur bishes/ by toe <entracte, • . re as • Ana leformatled quired to details will be ,erfeeney tiKtl. N. IN lulArß, erq., ouperlotetwis the eat or Water to Worts, node; whwei eupervisloo work is to, door, ma right IS reserynd . to reject •oy and sit bids R. It. FEANCIM. (11. Cnncrnll•r. KNOWLES , PATEST, STEAM PUMP. Gifford's Injector; Gas, Water & Stem Materials; Sheet Lead and Lead Fipe ; =I BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., =! =MI IMPORTANT NOTICE. I= DR. WEST bees to Inform hie Mande nod the Dahlia that he has removed' his tall , ,e acid st•hles from Melted Lion MTAYard to MT. Cl/MILTS ilLso, ooposfte rear end of the Mt . Charles Hotel. Thin , forest. ck and Lame Hone. taken In add Attired, treated, at a moderapt coarse Haws of art. Infectious diseases not aomated. bat every stmatlon paid to them at the emnerfs stable. 000100 lolteT'S eelehes.• ted 0041 ..LLLIN • bKIST, es need by all tie Delimit* VeMrfas.m.Collesee In Sump, Will care tbres. Put Wind or 13•41.11.1 Us le. Sore dbool•er, hprelneor Cats, and Ell not triers the bale. It may be had In bottle.. et hit elite. Remember the address. Rt. Charles etabms. THIRD taILISST, oppoSte ChnHee Detd. le7taid AT A MEETEVO OF TOE COM- MITTEE ON WATER, of Allegheny Cann• OR, held on Wednesday. Jane ab, 1617.11 was BaeoLVID. That Ineimuch as the city reserves the right to abut off the alto water from all con sumers °utak]. the city, all web persons are hereby coiled that Tim WATER WILL BE CYY ON AND AYTEIt TUX PIIIIITYJAY OP JULY NEXT, Lid. the Saperlateadent hereby Illintitalfd to carry the same tato effect. SIODEIIT DILWORTH. _Clerk to Committee. NEW ICE CREAM 8 'LOON. AND CONFECUONEHT: JULIUS RICHTER A • Will open his new Out clue ' Ice Cream Saloon k Confectionery, At No. IP trleittlMU, Allegheny. .14 11/EP.. DAY. f r i e nd,b, P. MIS and D O goblin gnwnrell: ~.- A exed to Woe tbe . lloM sit/L.IIIMM, .IZ,III, & S. FRANCIS, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, dos. 126 'Ed 1!S Minos St, /HOT city , k /teals( sad Jobbhai promptly attended to PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP. int7E.FkIOTT. of Alio.:11 IL 1116;LEP, R. D. WIDIam m tbi practme of mediate* N0.,1138,11.01108US SDLLET. 11010.!! SYRUP. TBIPLACETVGII? PURE LEMON SYRUP. W.. If Laajaa. la at k J. lUMUTrOntinifirtelit M=L= EMI E=o NEW EUHLIESTON HEELIKING b bouiTtrt. md bi zzyjnnt4.llolo. 10 Mir 3111100,1311f904 i tx-ili_Ll : :!5A U EPA Y , JUNE • B,' 1867 NEW ADVERT - LS - 15mi 130011.13 - ATivar PRICE [MEM J., M. BTIRCHITELD &CO.'S, AI EILS 11,. CO., rirtn Isqeo.. No. 137 13.Tair3aat, French Poplins; Grey Poplins,Arisb, Poplins; fectioner, Plain Black links; Fancy! Colored Silks; Steel Grey Silks; S-4 Mack Grenadine; Colored Grenadines; IfoZainblqUer; Traveling Dress Goods I URI MSOBTIIII 01 NEW-,GOODS! ill'clealbee the place. N 7 PI4.IIKIET STREET. .frefute SUMMER STOCK OF ROTS' . YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S C7.l—,Cl'l9El I. IST NOW RECISIVI.NO, 12 4 w6e .,3 TNI. , ,VpiLte AMlttnent of FOILEWN Cpssimere, Rana(l & Linen Suits, Prom the best Eastern boo•es. All the new an •1 TZPLIVILII!t,'(!eaTteva;II,Vi and " 14"0" I No. 47 St. Clair' St. GRAY & LOGAN. TEAS I TEAL TEAS I . UV ALL PRICEY AND QUALITY. AT 8. 33.111.13. 7 13. GREEN TEA. Prir ra good YOUC4 /4.00 r.u.d t •• IILACIE TEAS—Ooloolir. Best 0.310. Co.! .• • 111:4, .. BLACK TEAR—Pawn... SeactitonF . Sad Conroe*. Ir. /Ina HO.l. ilay'd Eng lirraUfast '41.11 r.lgh .• "Id country. do 1-3/ •• : Conine 1.40 JAPAN TZAR. Ilueoloreil Japan. very ntraaant flavor 1.1. , 0 Jay.. Tonna ity•on. Lear =El= No, I nixed Tou. ICatk,,,, do. . . 'man the !Owen in• one ran *elect Jan what ktp. u rn.. inn ...tit, and ha.. them s tn any quantlny. and (...rwuned hp any of the 5- •prv.a. Companis...4lo an w •eer , Y Food. at eeeT lOW rate. and by &him answer twen.y eta , s per pound Iv the pc., bmlaea cettlnn • pare sod utan article which ...Jay mat, mat. A. Artilalt. mynrrso in a 174 Federal lt.. nllenbenT. = DISSOLUTION. Talk PAIITSEIISO/P UERE- totoi , e eslettna between ULU. A. MILLI' and 1p.41T. N. bNODUltiat, In the Wholessde Deng' lensteeme. No. n Wood 7trect.l'lttsbareb, has this day Wei; datolved by lantual eonsant. MT. M. tItiODURAS3 retdring from the Arm. The lewdness will be Continued by GY.t)bli E A. MEM ROUT. Y. mNODuRASS. PltlSburgh. Bay lath, Id 1 1. )u)]G:al2 GEORGE A. BELLY, Wholesale Druggistr 87 Frond street, =MI 'Dee.. in MUMS. CHRVICALS.' PATENT rd.IIYUMEtIII7, PAINTS. U .""' Ot VT'S etl.bnted ""P"' of " • L:111. ..L., cuu. ram y Meditates, tl t 111.7 r. taitaacits 11.6 trivAl THERM TRIMMING STORE. I V,T OPEDLD ! AT W. H. HILLER'S YEW TRIMMING STORE, No. 04. :Market Bt., (Orporfte J. W. tortreo Dry Goods Goose.) A laryo•od wed ,elected otor. of . Trimmings, Lace Goods, EMBROIDERIES, • • gent's Furnishing Goods, AND NOTIUNd GENERALLY. 10 OIL REFLNEUL THOS. S. CALHOUN, c:)..s.xwmzsrrmrs, Pi 0.107 Lacock Street, A'legteny City. or "CUM' TANKS. a,G 1 1NVV.W117,11°,4°,3"4110 all klod. of wart al - Ohl. claw, done rot Itellooto e n g i lg , um reasonable,- Lerma and al alt:tto;l4al PIPORTANT TO HOME HEE P 8111:-et F,RANCES. TE.I.-Dl3llt. 800 DIAMOiD, Yen of bu y the hued qualltY ea TEAL •I the D utut told la the eltye Alto, suga , rs, Coates ti#d Grocirtes, Hi Ilk lath, of equkl ' y Age iliellq lei Me price,. TIMM CA/SH. *roods Ile erred free. I :' , • W. mimeo &mix, 11e7:1 IN I/I Alf011i). Pittsbur g h. ____..._ S CHANDELIER . t 1 '. Brackets, Pendants, de., was EtrLdl. 011 A large assortment on bald and receiving at WELDON & KELLY'S, PLUMBEIRS AND GAS FIeiTEIIS, 164 WoodlEttreet. tretrAtta t ZAIL'HISTII. BEST IF MILY COAL Always 013 hand s.n.l &Awed promptly cram AT LOWEST HABIT RUE% By OSCAR F. Lusim & CO.,' Vet. Fandisky strut eI.P. IL W. & C. lailny, eLt.t9uzair ♦ethraclto Coal sundshot, et the letiiet rate. Jet. 011:18LAER. . F • • • venougeva.s OD TIM ML =zlA+.x.zart =per. Dogaessie . liroagh. Ica delivered to ati7 porter MitWirth .04 Al -1 . T.:z 0.rd.411:. from eartomorr lei H~oY th0t0i0n:1t1g47 , 1171°3 4 .,: 0 .: " .: St War , . UMINI will repairs promittottenuoo. mytorosti • C . M. GEARING, Planing 81111, Sash 11 . Dooinciary, Cosner llcermut and ALTO HANY Wrltirrk lltth Word. 00 4 N o , 2 nits ril/aLL) IT • VlttaburAll. T 11,12114. /poclffseritt.:ll3l,sek Le tters end itrOPli==i gaVe ° slgg; tee century premptlrattelrissi to. t= •.e Goon-nramei CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR TIMIS. itotpini for WARMS 1111.17)..The larthig. and bait,. Us Isaiah WO , es 4rrgiry kat. Wald.... Mose else . : mblOtirri% zoo* strut. eacrtcs isbarAtt u4r. r.).b. by - ustuFr tun. Jr., 2.4 zausigs.. Y• 01 ennui. ENS% NF e W ADVERTISEMENTS. KAY & COMPANY, Bookseliers and Stationers, Iterp , ctfully W E , VA I. nc, anlapeclous sturk. No. 65 Wood Street, (Lafayette Ittiilding.) Welt has been fitted up in a tale , arresPatiit lag with the raga'. eatah , aar a FIRST CUSS BOOK STORE. I= Law, letlirat, Hirrellaaeua Ll a Fcb o l gots, \ BLANK WORK, Writing Papers end Stationery the NEW mlOlO will be received as soon a. eatable after beim, [mud. npeclal attention will nreiven to the depart ment of I LADIES , STATIONERY. I= 13i..a.=mr..latcoarztei To ordsr, In their usual excellent style, Intl rtsrs.ntels ratlsfsettutt In all casts. .11..1 I,EDG US, JOVILITALS; II:mole • , Cash and Dray Books; 5011A.P COPYING, LOON PT, , = .BOOKS, W. S. HAVEN, Cor.Wood & Third titts I=3 B. BRYAN, BONDS, STOOKS. AND REAL ESTATE, Apollo Building, Fourth Street. Purahase. and sell. on commlsalon COTIRSIIIIT ENICITIL 1011 S.; Bank, Railway, Insurance, Mining & other Stocks. Orden tinned at the Sew York, Phllodel phis and Boston Stock Bonds Or telegrspb, at the moan ratesof Comadeston eurreot In (Eon • BUILDING PROPOSALS. ROPOSALS WILL RE RE- Pcx„.... by tbe sz uhitmi OJ4V"* PAN Y (Jr excavating a Tank fur lia. W. War. tbe excavation to be about feet Ia n aunt tee by nt Vet In dent!, . • .. . . . . Also, for LATINO A. tifONE WALL around the able. of fah! Teak. three feet 1...1ath at the bottom Of two tea at the top and menty=four fee• in hi lib, Sala well to oe built or good, terse-shaft stone, antl•thoroughly ailed In WIT.II mortar. lumber oroposal. ara illes!red for fufalehlog arout ISO OW 0111 K. and laving • wall and floor within 500 abort naasro 11050 wal. 3 ••••.. • • • • . , ' The beet quality of tar ri ck wilt be reitdred , and they must be, lald In rSZOSSA. the latter to e rurnls.,ed be e kiaa Co=PariT• The I. e work ontJect at all times to the !tepee nn and appeuvrl i of the vas:omany._ Who nice ! 7 . 1 c r e s t s o re l ,lll ' 1=1:1 r h . e .t tentlo bi ll:e ' Vertf the Company, in lolrm.nettant. e•bere toe lot to he excavated rid be shown. and furl - e Informa tion given. hide will he received until the 11TH SPOUSE.'II. USISINSUN. led:a11 necretary. I GENTLEittEN% FURNISEEING GOODS, ;co. 12 Flub Street, =I The 'mint exte.tre exelety. the Istett ooael• Coe, the lameet Inducementa sett or ;am tore. Perfect Fitting French Yoke Shirts, MADE TO OIID2II. PUTNAM & HOUSE, =!tEM=!l C=! I& 1.;.E. ILNAKi.. f... 1 CICITLEY ! BARR. SNAKE & BLIEITLER, C=l St. Clair St.,. I= Pianos, Organs, 1:=2! JER-Solo Agekka for tee CoßOlßltted BRADRD RT. Skew York. and SCIioNACKED A CD. Phliadelphts: MAID*. , AlllO, ESTRY (70.`15 "COTTAOII,” and D. A D. W. 6MITII'd S iMERMAN" OR -11/L3IB..kfILTWOR PATENT GUITAR. lb. bast Italisaistt4 German Vtolla.sad Cha lk? airings ...rays ab.nn, antreil IRON CITY CUTLERY CO., No. 3 St. Clair Street. Ilartug purcnised Of ANDIILW 11110G3 the .ttre stock of Hardare, Cutlery d Variety 'titv•ds, at taw above stand, It la We lllntention to keep on band a tint cast atop. of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. • Onus, tildes Baronfera, POWs. nistdog Tattle aad awning goods of every •arleta. 'nay' ate also prepared to do alL.klndo or JOB Wools; thindlog nators,Betaano,•... ("Indult atanella and ittandts, and nudging Ineal and Laaetifing SLOICIpS, at abaft.) tttw= W. IL BORN, Ealtafer. 'SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty' Street, PITTSBURGH; Jaa..OOAMC:O, DEALER ER Flue Watches, Jewelry, Dlamottils, IX+4IIII.IFIL *17171LX122, French Clocks, Svc. Epeeist at written riven to Um REEAIttLYti OE EINE WATOIM. .NV/. 22 POI& Street. ntOltOorr - A . YOUNG & CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS ►1CI) Commission Merchants in FLOUR, FEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY., • No. 55 .Penn St.. prrisnamorr, , W. W. WATTLES, No. 41NlIth Street, Fine Watehes, Bich . Gold Jewelry, DIAIdhIN RH. CHAINS. SILVER AND PLATED cIamARK. and all mania• unally round let drat, atom. Helen themeghly roor.mant with my ballnere. and pot enfants from drat hands. I tan offer eneelalindueementa to all who may fee 'farme with tear nattonane. Remember the plane, No. 41 TlrriS by. mr.s.easrts FOIE - BALC• • oa l itn,NE h mar at tNuiss,=thrb Wrote. nev , beo ple. w tteroatt•bal tgOILLATING ENGINE, 9 fk. ENGINE, 14 litei Woke. hot licatal. on Iron bed plate. . 51rd".1.091 Inch EMILNE, 4 teat woke, aecoil4 The above will be aol.l cheap, for cult, at WORKHOUSE PRISO ANDEEIVO 'tr. AREISTRONWIII TIME DOA RD or MANAGkIII of On WOKE GOUGE KED IEI4IEI TE, •tlYI.Ito oc,lre to contract teltb nape Iwo Paola. for tae Efatiotactitre•Y about Thy.. t (a,0u0,004.) of bosh attack. .Openthe pr.. 1.42 of the Inatltulloa,• anent elent notes grunt. Alleabeny, on Gm rat...11,0a Oat td. , at:magnate., of .pperior clay Cul other ilea be farnlab . 14:Veri.F071VIA can be oblatee.lef, end propoaals may be made matt JUNE *lnn, to GEO. ALSEILE, Necreloary, On, sty 3 Wood sad Jlntisth ate., Ilttanaralt. 1:414 J. W: Et.A.N.NA.EI. as el suaneary • Dealer to all Idnd• Candies, Cakes, Nuts and Fruits. rtlnWru'ue' Won ONE DOLLAR I'OU CAN a; ni • LC. of go. Irrn•WHIRRI - Ai;. A Om of rood BLACKHZICCEs; And se.. rood rAintl IN.CLICPUIS; Atll2l MCDZSAL "Timm, Athugemay City. "umetio !G1C.1i015.111.171nnt., BALMI & moans, • . . . . . _ . a P d : i m N d -u r u '.e.M. u .l . n iM oUlm.u.l a 4l thPadUsirtgiAaotl.% I , P' m E d &In; koklwlia:yvt:mv.raldelge KERBST- oRDINARy i , mi-CARRY orsTrrvrE. DINING, LUNCH, COFFEE IND HE CHER ROOMS, . . • . FOB LADIES. ANDSIESTLEMEN, : ..1 - . IN' ' ..... o +4 4r,inzi will ouorsateesltnLos o ton 6. 04 - FOUrth St. i .. , •.. ,,, t7the I FROM $4O SO $lOO PER MONTH, r , 14- ,. ",,,. m.,!,, ow UR:NUS serceddr.PY. --'" .i,. 4 ^.,, ,,,• DINNER served !mean to ! To . a_l . l , po . olls •tho .tand • Oral-v.l.s e x too to otloo. ; L ftl ' o .' ;; . ' , 'WO for tvrjet, or El Coon upw.... , .... I. l .it:i ' . t .i. t i t 0 4 , t .;"" t 'r h t° th° t' i ht tt'a MERCHANT TAILORS. '° ,',"!:r t k."=,l"' " 4 eVt , , :Pg:OL. - ______ ....._ 1 sr' '..prrii,n Coo, to i. t 'V.1=4;', ; ,. .; 1, . !. r- r , " • 7 R t .V;l,t7 ' el ltheU. i HENRY G. HALE w,EDrInG, MIND AND EPOI73E DAUS 1 . .. . ttl" ' hP thh " . s ''''''' . '" l . ", d i ''lttittrilff COB. um Nil St cull SUL .1 w. ..r i,,, ,t" t .I=q..Y:lii:::', h.,.,„. .. „ L , ' , `lrif4 • . - 11"311;11r:';;"?m.41 ' 117 " 1":-.119 ' .::.11':"77:. i ' NEW SPRING GOODS ilainVLvernare, Cutlery. Ulisurrare sod Table Linea for htre. ltft:o . JUST OPENED, . ____ I= 3; C. TILTON'S ;12 41= CARBON SOAP, cl POSTED afinlys uniform In wilily, and nude[ut the purest mate lei.. not 1121[1.9fee tory. the puma. money. Mall eedief..will elleeefally he refunded. Try tr. and be con-• Mimed. The CAIIIIUN SOAP Is Made similar to that of most all other 33oist filitcariciax•cl 113copkro, 1 , Botln additlon there ht. been a new and Taloa. We chemical compound added In %he'd:ash, by which 111 [nal hardness so peculiar to other wrap isjrntirely removed. washedar aa well as the guest fabric c an be with It anti 11,13111111 soft and glossy as ne One pound I. !dual to three poundsot over, Soap. , And here flesh. erne( excellence all otbsr soap: II ls for no extensive or complicated direction for wimp. For ba.hing it it certainly • lugu,y, leaving the pain roll. and healthy. an n. IS ; Believing ItMeal to be PUP/MOIL and - that It Will be duly appreciated bye diectiminating Ilderlre it to n o upon Its merit. alone. • It mutat. no FAVVitriLLUM. or ny loyeign substance; notblnit of to Mod. DRAFT, ORDER, WET = EMMET 3 =I ' No. lON 9T. CLAIR BT., J • 0: NOILIIISON....D. Y. lIAIIZ..•IBJAC 1110W23H JACOB ißr. I= MORRISON, RIRE & CO., BOOK.AND PRINT PAPER. Orden promPtir-kZd• M=l firillothrit cub orlee bald for rags JOT". ROSS JOHN [SABLE...API= LI. 1.01 . 75. PITTSBURGH. LAMP , CONPARY. JOHN BOSS & CO., No. 23 Wood SG. Pittsburgh, Pa., LAMPS, LAMP BASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC L Alio, dealers In ererythlng pertaining to the mn Trade TIM BLEIBL TABLE WARE,. WINDOW_ BLAI., and everything In the Bless Line. DR. .1, A. HERRON His °lnca and Ileaidence to FIRST.CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, • No. 110 Wood St., Plttsbut•gb, 'ifigt 0 3? s h Maiiirjii.r7Ustt o wttr • 4 . 3 WALNUT, OVAL and eQUABE YlitltOrs. INIWTHAIT and an HZ ruAmas, Certain Cornice, Bands and Hutto., Consols. Tripod and Bracket Takla, of . exenlaite deafen and workmansh p. i • WINO AND azunanse eNecnted in the highest a Crill of the vt.. Ararrittilmil 1101/EILATIL niisiiwtiargre Wm. smarms:lir & co; Manufacturer. and Wltoteu'e Denim In ROOMS, 400111 Bin' and Broiim Findings. lista... and Wantons.. In thereat of Bab ladder &Ladd', Nos. 172 dud 174 Wood Rt., Pittsburgh. dpl2:xl2 MORELAND MITCHELL,: LiTery and' Sale Stabless Opposite Det.t. • PITTSBURGH. 61 - Partlenlar attrOttnit patd to tarolthlnit BH.r.c noe pCta at r-i o vary.othooratr. m 11.313 WALL PAPER! JOB. It. lIVCIIIES if BRO. ROCHESTER CHEMICAL WORKS. C. B. WOODWORM & SON, Itaburacturnrs of Ooldcu Petitunerr. Flavoring Xatraeta. Sc. 'Emolailnx only Ottenticta and terlhmera•dlrec: tram Paris, vrhn thorough ly ',stand thttr protesalon , we confidentlyc. on '' cpend all articles . manufactured by as a. sec d to none, either foreign or dothettle. Our I i rILILN 1./Lite i I. the moat delicate and &want extract evil eireptilideel.. icor sale be all New fart Valet and tialeacoony 299 road 7ir Re. mylituel THE PEOPLE'S . • TEA STORE • Wilson & Undeiwood. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, one trl: 4 whot and 1 No. 15 South West to tumoral. • ALLEdliNlt CITY. , Call and examine our stock and price.. apaisid-OP NOTICE TO CONTBACTORfI. • -- • . COIrraoLLIIVS orrice. AllegtanT, May MG, GC. 11. • ShaLZG TiIt• IPONALN VIII be received at MU Othee untd RillAY, June eth. 15r1, 1.i n'einah•P• •• for Grading, raring ant Cur bing the following streets. IV AntllNts.2o:l .xnEirr. In the Manelameter district.. ISTAZET, frot4 Bidwell to ins VIM Strtel. • Also; for the r.nta.ling and re o f ISTRGET, Intwena IPanaa and Craig Matte. Iron 13roker, 124 First Street, prrrsavaen PL; • • Stela tot the Raja of Cornwall, Donaghstiore, Jo.ephine, Laneastoon. etanhope, p o l:ndonoted other brande?tkethre . elte. YON{h .Aizil:oke and Ullpheat &U. Charcoal rai • a y"tulisstmeras and . older. reepeetbally . -1 Isleare EIZEM • . Corner Sspdtiski and IVateilitriets, . m730:113 ALLY.OHENT CITY. THE C HEAP . HAT AND SHOE MUM. n l l4 IDeaIr IIIDR LIT AI n d SHOOB, itAms cad cAPN, No. 51 chill) rTltrg.T. Al legheny City. No waere elm le the two allied Hobetter b•rgaine be obtained tee way of ata, Cara. Boom, Chats, and an girds or lA. dice' liattele AIM Beltaol,l4. a1r.10.12 , 10[5.e.•1, la a fair dealer , content with •reasonante protita. and determined to altar great bargalt • Wall who tenor him with their patronage. TarlibrAT JAMBES B. JONES, • • toxacta IY - Scrap Iron, Lighi' Iron, GAIT AND WROUGIIT MON. •• iit.C.T.23, • elkP. •Corser Anderson Minot. wad Myer Avelaue. Alio. It** COI JOBS ,rocilite ..14, 1 1.11*17.A.R.• Wth ut.un. ou. Out (tom Wood. /[slourget. ou baud illuro.tal attenuant of id. Asa' Batub. Curls. Gentle:Dun, WIR, 7"."' ""' nu "" n i tl e jllll4 2 =l " ,o'r £ l ` inu li t trd UM. e nfttedt Ladlis• au.l neullatusWsbale-cro fulumlngs th BELTING 1 DELTING I—Lea or sad Gam Dem. aro, oust rbekt.t. Holm Gantt, ta.,-of •bs pelialtr Sad at it ' irta 4 CaTtat i a b lnnegle: t De=str .satt alikouitt stmt. - - if •g• WILLIAM j.. C. TILTON, Ila.facturo i of all klads of SPANG•S 211.14.11, Blair County, Penns. I=9 HAS REMOVED • co. 14 SIIIIIIFIELD ST.. • Nearly elypoelta the Monongahela lloure arrmati I= AT REDUCED PRICES 2 TO Sunk THE =ES! 4tk\: . e. 107 Market Street. N.aeheiter. N. Y., H. B. kliA.Vels, filly ColimaHer. 12=0= NOTICES. PUPILS ENTIMINO NOW Can Complete an Outline Course I= IMMIE:=I All the Novelties of the Season, Unehu ls only ku.d In I Flrst-Class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. 1211t3m117 Great Reduction in Prices ; . SECOND ARIUVAL OF Spring -- Goods, FHA from thS Importers, Which wW be made ay with care and Map atertt and at • GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. OWEN BYRNE, Merchant Tailor, No: - 14 WYLIE ST, Irt DVS . AtILILAND 611 9 0.39:11 . 2 I URLING & BUCHLON, Merchant Tailors, N0..6.1 ST. CLAIR STREET, Ate daily ;sestets{ THE = LATEST STYLES, o • /RON 'EASTERN CM= 15T7:713 • W. HISPENIEIDE, Merchant, Tailor, No: 50 ST. CLAIR STRUT. Jut received, • second arrival at NEW 001,1. AU tale and rim stale pat tez %t i es, In the tatestiZastara styles. .Bol6' CLOTHT. Metropolitan, G rlbaldi, Grant, HARNEY AND CUTAWAY SUITS, Al, 11113 AM or TM BUS! YAIBICS: A. large woe complete eseortmeat now oil bead. .GRILY & LOGAN; I CAPPELLgESRY . Merchant TAAIOIt, sad dealer la ' ) Gengemen's Fandsbini, Goods, 11111 rqdrrarixm) irracri. Three door below Math. nr.strna., Pd.. An the la. st Sprlni and hemmer styles of Clothe, Casalmerrs Vesting* ou hand. and made op In toe most fuldonalde Aryl, at the West prices. atonal MYERS, HOPPER & CO., • [liocceson to ft. B. BULGES, Lattst.l ' • MLILIIVIACTLIBEB3 Cl • FURNITURE Of Every Description: • SCHOOL AND OFFICE F 130013111 • No. 45 Stiiithfield Street, •j PITTSIII3I6IH. PA. ai•A fall assoitneat of Plttataugh • Marttfao tared furniture constantly on nand at LoSicarr CAE!! PLUM% war. Z. arriatS.-war. C. A. arms. Pittoburgh Importing House. • TATABLIUMID 1636. • • SCIERIDT & FRIDAY, iitroarros or roomer WINES AND LIQUORS No. 409 Penn Street„ PITTSBURGH, Wetild dtrect the attention orthit trohlk to-the Dot that. possessing torte. Doll.* Omagh several hors trine and liquor houses In ha nod maths. their•tutponations direct, Der are euebled to Li q uo r .the various dee tie coe, Wines sod at priors i n.than [asters rota. Ennui oitlon al qualities and comparbton of prices respectrtilly sodetted. Achotee 40ton/tient of POSE OLD lITE WIlltItEY conatantiv on hand. asSistli NEW WALL PAPER ABD • lIPHOLOIRY STORE, • JVAT OPENED. AT NO. 86 SMITHFIELD E.T., BELOW THIBD. ;To .Nommodm e barnased trade. lir elan grinre trtinfa . e o k l start or WA H. WINDOW e 0 lijkuL iro T, UUk PAIN GOOD)g., FLUOR ratnEankl kinds. eaLleCilf—.3o Mil" /WIELD STREET; OLU OTA.biln.9o AND 00 THIRD ISTREST. E. EDBIIIIirDSON & CO. unable:7 . , CIIMA WAREHOUSE. teILIRIVBREED 33=3P.coopewszsxasi,, No. 100 'Wood : Street. BRITTANIk AND MIME PLATED TA. HLk WAHi , TiAT3AYtI and TABL/f. (Arr. • ' • • UHIN• UIW N Ali tIMI, • • CHINA =LAT OATS, UHINA • • TitrAci A m. 11314111.111. 61 , 1 As airry 4esclptlea L'9l+l"* ' .0 , 415• I g eTu A d E r•Ft Aif at all nri.Uw4 to •gba Inenrucl i mcat comolatil stock query 14fee4 ' AA ittaille IS SA Um ' eastern' dales: WETTACH ar.DIEABOIII, Mannheturern of .envy elennenoe lof Imesithenc ..lERcatlzyg o Dcalen to TILT and LAUL LELTHIP. ffMaiigag;a 0 . G.riscnEws, ElEra Dyeing and Scouring Establistuneni, WO. 61 DI&IIIOND ALLEY, Between Wood sad Bolthdald streett ou All goods returned In tWor r erril. o floodkepi anbleut to the owner twelve mantes. orlSoal ~~fTi ~, r.~~'d rims sb,„t, baseven 'Tunnel wind CAathessis sereete. Gumlth and Dealer la Nardi%re. zffi t tin ei tra: tiirtTatt.p!.r...„, FOR eu • COMOLLZI'S Om Mr Aluleth.O. Jut w " Ler. l ICE SAL.II-.1111 OW, CEZIUty many ...nn OA the thin kr Select , Cetioet. m. imu. ea GO woad of OUT itall.: • - " • gfiEtS2M jallail ' WANTS. 1/00218. WANT A Second•..ire Trout Rooln, with ehssober adjoin:Moe, Miller Ituditshed or : nmrni•e.d withour board. Moat be Al ten minutes` wait of Yd. C street :Omit , with feirdir other tward•r• preferred. • • darn.. 41•tnr terms. •e.. DVS It, din xis OrttCX• WANTED; A Second-Hand Engine, to Enron Inch ...rlinAer. with A double. huclmtl.r, suthclc, caps. - it}.nd In aDc. n.:ltion. B. chat s el).. • jet dameth t. • IV A 3 T F. 'BUTCHER'S etrel V. or., ' - "MELTERS" AND "FULLERS Estulri at Nu. 14 1101.441114114T11 STREET Phi1ad..11..1%. WANTED, BONDS MID 110IITUAUEA. ar. M. r.Ersr-ir, Broker snol Beal Bente Avol..NO. 61 1 , TH FIC I) eiTIMET. sarmay. WANTED Jelcalcmitm.oxy Who can engage at cum Apply pttbO or addrras, =3 'p'n.O.EtO'l',lEflflmTTU WAsITED SPENCEII 741110 T 11.11FLEXi RINDU. •VIA1;11.1" l'° 4- ",lk B inrgla g r, ir delivered woo. at E4 l.= .' ortere g r. ' tin; Works, corner Peon an Wayne .treats PIN• bemire. rm. mnt:rs.dsi a. It.,JOHIIII7ON. . ollipivis. on. • Irraiati. lIENV CARPET`-STORE, ,!~? ~: ~3r~. FRF;811 yt.z:i m'sr. , 2212 W PATTERN 2 IN Tapestry ttrussel4. Body Brussels, 8-Ply and 2-PEY. Tapestry Ingrains. A Full Line of Straw Mattinge, PLAIN. CIiEC:iND AND )ANDY. • Our stoct le fuller then at any pious time tDU reavoo: Those wishing good. in our rioo woll to give of stall. BOVARD. ROSE & CO., 21 Flirt( bTaItST. (.neon/ floor,) =MEM I=l HAVE REMOVED. M'CALLUM BROTHERS, Here no.o i nktlZTa-y . Cart* sat eon. • No.. 51 Fifth gtreet, ♦ new Ilse of all new , and desirable patterns MEDALLION VELVETB. Velvets, Brussels, .• T4PESTRY BRUSSELS, • tag. Kra choice gusortment of Piano and Table Covers, 110411M1 CO M, 109110 EGU in tin, 01.1 313o1asem,. THREE PLY AM TWO PLY Inwrains, MEI ILM= =3:i ! AcOALLIIRE BROTHERS, 81 Wirth Eats.° ot. CAIIIrETEI. OLIVER IM'CLINTOOI, & OOMPANT;-' HAVE JUST OPENED For the Spring Trade, Their Bylendi4 luortmeit of NEW CARPETS, OH. Cloths, Shades, &e. • AttootloO V called to out alto stook of MINIM HIP LIP PIINO Great Decline in Priem 88 B'ISTS SIT FruBBITAIIL 1867. WE OPEN-TO -DA'; Our now Ito ekaf Ci '.a. R 3Em 733 ► tiaM :rubs th. 8e51p.‘,,,,,;,,,4, In Ingrain. neree /Plu and Eng lish Tapestry Brussels, • .hlth Ifesirm offer as !HOLM/.32. 'AND BETAIL• Li the /I:meal:pie" eines tie war; Net/ISLAND & COLLINS, • Foe: 71 and 73 Finn Street.. Becondllocor:over. Henri X 1211 4 ,0 Book ntorq fellerrim: sklrr. HATS. CAPS. aro. HAMS I 13...621'S I W. I, 0WL91.. ' ORM! Mind. GRAHAM ~C BM; At N 0.82 St. Clafx Street, Ilene one of the very beat Rt•LL docks BATS, CAPS • AND STRAW GOODS la thea~, ''ltnrttlYtlrtoleWortitV - Lvertiatentlort even to rotolttott. t atottoittti. mat apt 7 GREAT SALE OF_ WATCHES —On the popular one price glad. giving very patron a 'handsome end Lm watch far e the low,licelof Teo Dollar., with. regard to value, are . d not to be paid for unless polee.tlY utistaatory. gin nand gold bunting welch. mi to IMO 500 Idyll° cued` out watches . to Me SOO watches, enamelled 103 to VA 1,W5 4.5010 hunting cryonconeter , watches 250 to 3111 1,030 Gold bontlsurtnilleb Wren"... 9u t 0 100 • 3,001 Vold bonnet deplen Irstebes... 1.50 to to N 5 ' M !si " Wrirl,7., ' =,;',l * !!'"“ ooo 1 1 1 1 11 l s. Myer hunting duplexes — ***** TS to r.o. 1,0:0 Gold ladles , watches le to lntr . 10.C.1 Gold 0000001 ' 'lO to IMOD iftecell.eoce sliver ratters so to .100 • =WO Huta.d ells.' truchm ...... 1300 tcr I SO CM Assorted watch., .11 tlnds IO h. •75 , : Eve. Maros °bud, at nat. by Itd• an . sage— mot. mallet bet MU. •abtla It to. he werSb, 67.. parGenty ebowtl. tooool Went ie. of feenbers ecrtleenlmnstelef; entelee.. • am Placed to eeslcd envelopes nye ee— titled to the .Moen noised on their e teWale. , • . ;nrchProTitt"47s, T oro FT.'''t TLOrr . c o d ' '‘. o Tat g ro e 'PT; e Ol l 1 7 . 0 1 0 r . 4 ' .. t c h rt ifs wort l o. and ea:Wart.. le ran. sl so ie. then Welt named oar.) certleeste; It , 00b, be seen • Met Ode Ls no lottety. bat e strnlgh ploy, word 1.031.1161 G. tra.actlol3. W.lOl la. be I•sf In Or .ran On too, faMdlovs. • a A single core... bo sent WI Melt poi. told. upon meelet of tamtnts. Ave for tt. eleven aglrty•three epd elem, prem..' for II; ltMly-sil. and More valonbi_premlow f. , r SA one StindreS and most mt.. Watt b for IllS. ro Agents or those Itoo. employment 111, lb s rare optwrtztalq. tle leslums.lymadoeted burl... de. authorized by the Government, .0 open to the tnoeteerelot TrY les •• WltltinT, PUGS. P. C.,. • ' lee.W• • let Broadway. New Twit CITY SPICH '.FIFTH STRUT EXTRHOii,!:,: Altar Pennitylcania dpi gu i ; PTITSBOGII,PA. I PURE alias AND •111113 1 1,4gDf, lYnanntod i vrheit cntr woo Is on tn. 111112111 €IBOIIND CORIIIZA V glrMranutth. o.... ..ntacturs or DIFFERENT. 1 9 1 :(118 07 MICE% wt„,,r, ...offer On W; ootornltt and Rot* 11.Detaern • itd:ariboTrrt te .=„l:4 l Mno deal , I clopped Feb.e Przlantlyiell Oand , S i4l ar RLINDS.--10 TIN A ••°" • CU 110 artronolni. ororum oppottral the "pearisc. -keep ban a, or maw 01 4 . orer. &rattr, oretrann t Wootton Kan aro vorrorrtn, N. rtr tto , o ed IMM. LlVlaA L ot.UVrortritoc4 ) taeo ="1" - DDnt frk of Wnlu .11/DIOON STARCH AGE? Jut torrolved• • ' • 4IX; p 00.040, 40 at.. Pearl starch; tt p. do. dO• ; 10 . 4 041000 614;44 - forlo lOW ID 40 g,gitx711 QLDT.I.Ma. eve ..... 00;4604 411' weaDowa spBythlHUr D et CO of. ,41orto aan !gyp vo eat :aa.atlhilosaah .11; o t u .11 peleas. them: • lahht . ; • O t aUs rauaan.. II E
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