THE DAILY, GAZETTE. rowans= EVERY XOII3INO, ISCsDan Zzcsrna ) "PCIMMAN, SEED ' & CO., XYrc I . 3-, iv. XllO. T. Po noro g. TOX •P SLIPE IltistaappYsEaxer: l . - (rm.= GAZETTi 111:11LDLSO., le. NI AND Se IFIPTH sumer. • larrizi LTA= riper 4 Teitera husstraii. • OFFICIAL PAPER OF PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY OM. I,A6Otirketickrisr 8E..*1 . FAMILY naCOMZE.CI,III. ?Argil La in Bum. Tlanit OP TEX DAMP: S O 4 XAfr 01.7Tient, Per Inn Ir" . NMI ben, per rirr4RUII4H, PXN2IA. Zl)e:gittsbuigij 6a:littr , . Mn. WriDELL . Partura has been . . - M , again glen:Laing t powers ,of brilliant 'vituperation. It would be more to the purpose for himlo:expl In why, after reiterating, over and o re again, for two years,that it aid not tter wAsit " be came of Itr. Dana, end enly changed his mind, and found it . to:', be of the highest consequence to dispose of him In a particular way. Mr. Jas., GORDON , BIIa!RIGTT IMII Sfford to indulge in cc ceortr tektite such as this; which Mr. Plitt.urs cannot, g he aspires to Anther tisefulnese as a Reformer. , __.___„„...... 1 . . . 1 Sown days , ago the n p apers con , tamed a report of a co cr eation be ! tween , ..ktuke Carrie and IL GRANT, relative to the k'resideney. By . this re port the General was ma ,to denlare j that if.the loyal men who tottahmd the government through ibe r; and put , -,aawitthnretrillork, - .lranted- him to be ..; "theirs inoiliaate,- be would not "refuse: iThe Cleveland. Herald now says: 2 . "Judie Other, who is now in this ; city, has been overwhelmed with queries from. curious persons:, to know how much truth - there is in the gossip of the , 7 ; Washington letter to -which the above Mien, out the Judge, just =now, has Al -slight impediment in Ins speech, and does .. ;1 not talk Latta." • i ; • Lanny. 1iTA111121.5 of German, I,Zor i. 'Wegian and Swiss Immigrants, are re. poite4 to 'be arriving daily at NCV : York. They push on at once to the ; :West, and seta near friends and,ae. .quaintances . who have preceded ihem, applying themselies mainly to.agricul :-- •tnre. They become forthwith enitom r era of American mechani4 and menu. facto:era.: Kericurw, a New York banker, some months ago comtnitted.forgeries to a pro digious-amount mulwas sent to the State prison. Turn - Lbw Wan has not gone up to Albany to ball him out, but he'has petitioned the Governor to pardon. -We sikonldlWe to see Mr. Wiptu reconcile a own ConductVelth his condemnation if' Mr. GIIICILLIA tor 'going bail for Mr. Tvs lion.,J. M. 4anosvox,. the col ored lawyer from Oberlin, Ohio, is to Make a tour through Virsvhda, speaking on. Monday at Orange C. IL, 'Tuesday itt Gordonsville, Wednesday at Louisa G. 11.,'ort Thrwspay et Richmond, and km Saturday at Fredericksburg. Several .ther colored gentlemen from. the N . ortti are to follow. Tnidisunionists of Louisiana' ere 1;e -ported to be working diligently to have the feaGess soldier and' patriot, Gen. Sheridan, removed. The loyal nation will protest against his displacement, and Congress 'will sustain him in all the acts which have retaderedbim odious Ito the unreconstructed. To-nes - Francbi Joseph will be crown odking of Hungary. In hpnor of the avant 'the • Einperor of Austria has issued a proclamation claming universal UM- Deny to all political prisoners and to those amenable to the lowa for political offenses committel.prlofttrtlie -corona tion. • JCDCIF KEI;LET evidently fe'elsaiham ed over the Mobile riot, and places the responsibility on no less n.pereoauge than ; President Johnson. This is tracing effect to a very rernote cause, but the Judge teat invent a better explanation. A ITicenertcceti paper thinks that . Seward'a rtiling in his correspondence with England on the Alabama' claims ahoilld be made wort both ways, so as to enable its government to obtain a claim for the ravages of the fillibuster.Walker. .1 2 71.E.51DE1 T JOHNSON' Will probably reach Washington to-day. Ills trip South has neither damaged himself nor the feeble party which :clings to i him. Ha has learnedthe worth of tilence, and made practlcai use of his knoWledge. • Tint Freeniasons have very v-ieely countenanced the 4oWing of gift enter prises to pecuniarily 'aid In accomplish ing projc& of the order. The out side world will applaud the Grand Lodge for. the injunction. A connsaroansar. of a Ban Francisco newspaper, who has just:got back from China, urgea,that Oar Government ought to obtain In that Country the eort(esslon of a trading station, as Great Britain did soma time ago. IT IS NOT the Emperor of the French, but the Czar oellussia, whom the assas sin aimed at, day before yesterday, in Paris: This la ono pf the consequences sof the Czar's harsh policy in Poland.., Bisnor Bunn - ix; the; unequalcd,ne. 4 , gin minstrel, died at Quincy, litiss.,,yes terdriy. • He *had many 'warm admirers d friends in musical; circled" of this jr is snionneed that three hundred of Gen. CtraTATI ' S cavalry, instead of fight ing the' Indians; have . deserted, taking their horses and equipments with them. IT tritalbe regarded as .a matter of . news that Mr.. REWARD does not aspire to be . greater than Washington, as he announced at Mama' , d yesterday. 'Malraux...Lax LVatill held a prisoner in Mexico. :IC is notrwery improbable that be vi 1111 1 ,3 }lotto depth. • GOSSIP OF PARIS, .—Over 14,40 n aandwiehes are cot and eaten every week In the. PATIN Exhibi tion. It 19 proposed to- ihiport some Sandwich Island inhabit nag tal •do the bush:les , . —A telegimpli has been arranged lasi tureen the l'ailleries and St. Cloud, in Order thot ,the -Emperor and EMI - wens -may IT ROW et 11119. moment what in the _condition of the Prince Iniporiel- • , ." visit to nononneement ijaaded visit to Paris of n• vlowned heal is that or tin. Shah of Persia ' N1C110,91- 1 • 4111.1.30 of Itiolonnined Shah, to whose throw he sueeeoded in IS t.S. Ile Is ex -peeled —ln the centre of "the English exhibi tion Os a very splendid embroidered bed, -whit% Is exhlldnd by (Aviv Carrington. n soviet velvet, the embroidery of which. by. Lady. Carrington, is exquisite. 'Cho work: is lend to haye been the labor of five itatrs..;. • - .--Some remarkable,' franslaUons are Fermi in the P.reneti brill of fare in Pods-; uth result:trout& Thns 2.5 - vba le de rir o fnitrienrir rendored "a cu of rice at. Mitio,..S. p a wise !e 1 oidnehr and; Dira it, whit+ are simply a couple o(Chintme froiw pre in brandy. is translated ~t ac o C.ltinuse in spirits." Si. 114 cram n ! .14 fincm . ciere Is rendered into •.the of the cs:f to the female capitalist." —Oaf who seems to know Paris life gives this werning and sedount. of ex .. 'tenses to all thole, who would marry et Parisian girl of good fou lly: _ Toilette tor hill Into. ...... .3... 20.103 ' Apartments .................. . . Auto Iran.: • Curlew) .. .. .... ... ........ leXce francs.' Veers ane. Muer ameee.M.6ats. 25,0* Imam. earvanta ... , ................ .. WOW fru., i Exportaos of ........ .600 francs{ 'Total .... . .......... .... . 73033 1/121 . C4 —The ball of the white drawee Was to come oft on tee.4th of June. The • "La Afore?! '4 - . _ tStionis Wu; _ .fitin, (I Les demos sent prices d' arc en Glean aver des wane-elks. • Lea heroine en culotte wad c ci en mdiatau ,renitien." Thin will close the series 'of pretty bills iven by - the Duchess de ' Dondentiville g on Tuesdays. at the last of witiehotinong the nofobiliUesnt r wpm prince Oscar of Sweden. D ue' do Valteurthrose, Lord 'lloughton, the mp a dreg Mae. do Up.llll - jei and 3ime.Ve;fltiftigeth • r- ---7 '''' ----- 0 ta • . . . . , . .. , evs-l-c,...,,, -77: : : : = ..? j :'•-:-., -7... .- -- ,rev,,, , ,......? . • .......* . . . . . • ' ,oesigKi",' ''- ;4,.., , _ --__: ....;-,-- • 53. \ ~,,..--,,,,, ~4 , ' -- 7 '''''' J . . . . ''' .l : - . ':?,,.?;- ..-;•,.... ..'''..r--.,, er ., ' .-• -.' • 4 40 0' ' ' , . -- - ,— •j.; 4 ''k , ..:'' - ' - --- /" .-( 1:- . 7./ \ VEY - . - ' . ' jr 7 , - ‘ l/ -) t ` ----.-. .... • ..1 - 1, --,..., t., ~ .: ,;,-. il - ;,.,,.pc- , / ,- - ; ;•.0.-.i , • ! :., • -, ! 1 1-- ••= -------- Alf')7: i --- -- ,1,-.:At4 t.if.. - - t . -.-_,..7-_ -;**- 0 7. ',.. -.,'" C . - • .s. /\. '', •ti.--,..i Ili ~ ~,, , ~: _.:_.. „ ..i.,....„.„.„,....-_..„••„ __ ,_ „___ • - ltk ; ), ~.., . ". -, •. /, •,, ~. , aj., - _-_- - ------:-..- .----_-7,-,.__ ~„,,____,_:- •_.;„_,,__:_____.. _„..-_____ 7 •_-- tip..; , • •, - _ _ .„, • . , . . • 3 , ; - ; VOLUME 1 5. IBT ONE O'CLOCK. RROPONi.In4LICENek Coronation of Francis Joseph King of Httngary. TUE ATTERIPTI t I) ISSISSINATION The Czar Of Buzsia the Intended Victim. • THE ASSASSIN APPREHENDED. Financial ainiPonanaercial IBy Tergraph N tt ' e l'POnrch I=! OEOIferNO or TIIE also or n can a nv—orn cm 1 At. AY:freer To Di OrrI.AERD. Powen, June 7.—Revillog.i.ord Bloom,' lleld, !latish Ambnavudor, will: be Prem.% 4 estthe crowning el Francis Jogeph, King of 1 llungury, tesmsorr4w. All tilt power, ham lag dlidolle4laroluttrniBwitb Aultria wills ho represented oa the. occasion except , Mrtorica. Tic I.n.peror itl made known . bia intention of ri,.racialtutv ma Ica imal tfin. i away - po. all AmdriensuldrevY lin p rigioned or who Lave rendered thomi.olv. liable to penal:went bypolitical offtrusee committed. prior to li.....aronatiom• 4 --. e---1 AUI3IVED 00T. ' ~ * — lmntt. , 'June '7.-The steamer City o( Debut . reet New Y. has !arrived.' li aatioow, June 7. The steamship St. An. drew, fromsltontreal, has arrived. • Banes, Juno 7.—E4ining.—The. steamship Atlanta, fro m'irow, York, lbsp 23th, tirrieed ! to -tiny and proceeded tol.ornion. - [Special fktbie intefUtielme.) The Attenipt to ageresaltsate the Czar, Not Napoleon. , New Yong, Juno 7.—The Paris neechl WV. It, was. the. Roar of Rusala whore assaseinatlon was attempted pester. day. In. the' Imperial .rriage leere tho Czar, his , two Wlng, and Napoleon Third. When the Royal Carty was being driven „ through, the RNA do Bologna, a young man,' neParettir rtte.out twenty years of age: tired a pistol at the. Czar. or in rho darecUon in which heat lb the .ridazts. It appears that the pager)! had been' overloedeS, for it exclaim), wounding the 11..1 of the `near sin. It le alleged that a person standing In the Crowd threw.. :11., arm of URN "Taal by a promptly 4.trolre loot as ho charged the plaint. -En was instantly cut down, overtly wrong id, .11 made primp pr by the escort. Tito imperial carriage assed on without halting. ,The supposed m orderer is a Pole. The tondort enegial , reverts that at the raous at dscott. Vanben.' Jasper .41 Lece lacer three great Cr royal prizes. The Berle oneetal. rays. Thu resod mili tary review in tine Champ do-Nara yester day was the most brilliant' spectscie ever' witnessed fa France. veredghty thousand men were holier arum • Fl ANCULL kNIV(.IOX4IEIICIAL. - . . LONDO3. lune 7—Atrni ng.—The weekly , :By Telegraph To the Ping.. thoctte./ st ate input of the. Bad:. of . England showsl.l.l New t aa a, Jane -.—jt al 7.-Judge Kelley ma re ., ttheo.lll.oll ID thebank has loaves.' ae i re d by his pautil a t f r u ga l. in reflo a t. to iiKINO pounds sterling. • 1 phis la.. night. In 010 address. he referred LONDON. Jane 7—Breste-c.—COnsols closet t o the mobile affair, saying the nabs wary atul Ott.. Flce-T %gl., II; 111Inols Central. not chargable as much to the citizens or the igliii Erie. kW .' Cotton Les Men quiet imil disloyal authorities attest rho" as they closed noel:anged; Kindling Uplands, ii d; r were to Andrew Jamb., wliphiad sprain -IJrlonverllnilbsalas of JOAO bales. i ted to a post at Want there s recreant maamiam l, yaae 7.—Tim mar k et k m. Northerner. whoarovoked the Alisturbanee gotds and yarns hi dull !LDS heavy: Bead.' br Intlimutory atements In tne .public tm :y r t w ee d. „ bye , witt , a deam , eat ., ma . 1 rurnals days he his arrival. The hots, ile said, were premeditated , and were 'hot dency. .Coru. iis GI for mixed western. Who.. white Colifarriln.,.l.l4 rd. Oats ere brhisilllr on hY any worn. 01 b. owil• firmer at 3s. 75. Barley and re.o are on. chap sled. rrov igloos/ arc no changed. er.- 'chid Ladd. which stiltauced to WA, and ' Myer Tellorgramg. Cheese. which declined tots . foe fin Amer- (Si Pidagraph to the ri..b...ktlAut../ irgni. Prods.-I the gricithlilock chriw.". ' "" Strstrilis. 'Juie • . 'l'...ll.lrer stationary. - • Weide. , bat. change In prleee. r ; W3tZther hot. ' Lemma, Juno 7—Erenine.—Sucar Mosed • Lortsvit,t.i, June 7—River falling, with d omi N.. 1 2 , Duiv d i.slanalii. 2n . /rod 1. I seven roet ton inehee by canal mark. 4te ' dY " • I ' ' IBr Teleeraph to the ..Itt.bUrel GURU! Wls A4074:1r, June 7, fitening,•-•retroleum is i atisstie sod raellie T legrapheompsity.l 'nnehan st. , I 1 Om (like Juno 7.-Ulcer two Jett seven Pima. 04T, •11121c7.—Ilultes1 Stat. bends, 1 Inches. f l u .. sl6w .. 4y Weather cloudy iald. '' TOUR. i knownsvnam Jim. J.—imvse eve frst :THE PRESTENTIA_L , four incase and falling. Weather aver and ' Commeneteme I I:mth-elsek an .—lt Clzapel i OIL CriV, June 7iver Z Llighe.; prO. lilts linlorrxity—.l e l'reftldeo% en pecan or rain. Ilrp Ueroan City Seleartnn to the nusburch Gazette.) 1 The Trialof boultrathTlse Witness U.ALLICI3I. J tine 7.—The rreeldent and Inn , Whose Absence Chased A postpone ty attended .he ecturitenoement exercises I tniVerslty at Chapel 1111 r, ye.sterday. 'They were ewatrted from garelan hp It has been Asserted haw l'enß,Jnne that the party wanted maiden, Inclualtur the shholars and olllcurs l lias h h . ln .m at r ern . i. s s a . a . w o lt f u r. ess tro ln it. th ab et tu t ra rio tt of no Institudon, and GoYerno, Worth, of ill; heentip postponed ereingte the ithaltilt• North Carolina. .fiefore the war no ern, of t h e ,G orerm pet, to procure d.urs scebunthrir bf panne . was dye' hundred, I noel. Lie has been living In C. 111141. . but at present thorn are not mace than one ; , ' . , he ' udrell. 'A ball ~,,,,,, t r,,, „d ea th, ; The Cotton Crop-Finn Consignment a, pe n,,,,,,, of 100 1 of new Wriest Arose she Month. class was' attended by Preeldential party. _.- . . I (By Selsgranh to the rlttsburch Gazette.] • The Prelldent's party left Chapel 11111 thisi elfakr.lSTOV,JUne 7.-The planters report Morning on thnir return trip, and were' that the .. . cent heavy rains south have in. everywhere received with marked hospb Jared ton tenon crop. _ lathy and reJpect; but the public demon. i The first oonntgronent .of new wheat atratiOna barnue ^ u tot nil= and ....t'd • reached Charleston tad." for shiputent to as those of the North on swept ion mentions. I New Tolle. The excursion . fur has been ;demean to -- all conch... Maier General hieki. and , staff, hod GOvernor Worth accompanied the' party boor to Itnieleb.. The Pi esieent i mares fur Wu rtd. ta u. " Saturday arter r; -A New York pip er says that suicide Ls noes. , . ' I becoming al.mtnitrir m . prevalent in Gott city. Pa . :rasing°. Join 7.-The President and I Frontlet, Saws, oWe r there. few tittle party arrlVell •at oar. that eZerlinC, Ott 1 where it COUld prevail with greater adv.- their return le 'WasbUnon, hating been ; tege to the world at large.'' e.orted thither from . Jarrett's Depot by _ Slayer Collier end a Veraimittee of end Cloy Alexauder Dumas, the elder, returning Council. The Mayor reeewed the tender of from a day s sport at the oratory Seat of a the hOspitat Wee of the city. The President. fea t lyLrl n en. oo 4 ): r ad h ,h n it a P n e u r ,no r a il rr t. , h w t.Y .. . a m ar ti - e b y tt o g . , , oldie g.ratlfimi tor shy kindness, regretted " that his phone engagements compel'. him killerli o . Time;' wee the reply. to decline the desired !Warn, ali bustrielle) --Connectieut, though • land supposed to Melted hie return to Wastonoten. " I be of .trod hab is rivalling Indium le A large" concourse at Ille hotel recleived , , ttio number of her divorcee. During MIX the party with repented icheers, and the I the number of divorces granted was in the President baring been railed fur, lendea.l proportion of one to every ten marr l ages. few rettiarke, in which he said be tried to " -Uttar., are becoming very common in die his duty rahbfidly. h e woo very : klitsaachnalitts. The lawyers say nlt is the grateful for thin ...Ind. he her'. woke ; result of the war." Many women of doubt. hfarolgigttif c"f'r=eloocfr?•ol:4lt heartily I f em m e P at, t at I m et=re t P e ut t ati e lo sa llre * 1612r! in peace and prosperity. ' lie 0 in heartily i. w ..d. cheered. 1 . -Mayer Smith, of Poston,' Introduced' Seoretary Seward. In response to calls. re. . squirrels into. the Boston Gottimon. The I marked they had heard from tbe President i ~ „ formerly first drove away thyirde, which . what he would say - were he t'' ' 'eJtk- .7 • fOrmerly destroyed the wo I .4 then I speech . 1 ' ' ; girdled many of the trees, which hero had Mr. Minden was reOlred to stunk and i t "...,,, 0wn. briefly tulmentslied ali t.. forgot the strife , I of the pen and unite. for the More in our I -A young girl has bean She in per. country's prosperity. I tale, In .Idiers , clotheg, She saye her home The annpaby rerdhincil an hottrin Peter. I ; le In Ilyractute; that her parents are poor burg. •Te n y nee° haudsornely entertained , have seven girls and eight boslithat nee of lin MI, r and tc,lverl marked attintiOn. l.thegirlii hare cloaked male at re to dire They wi remain at illehmend tonight sod ! re... rer • lir i. T . len,: 1. - ..' Wernlngton haturday morel.. -The wilektrien hi Mend. atm factories 1 14000 lot, June 7.-Tne Presideit and? are employed day and night m convening party arrived al. ten o'clock Gas morning, ;,mexxle.losidem into b e ech -lushes. ' The and were metal the d..not hy the to yes ,, whole df the It army will, It to ml 4, and a Crienuittre er city Council. and Capt. , be retold. with the latter weapon by 'the sinews , of the Sue:taw...l Hotel, ' , yob= . end Of .1000 st the latest. '/ they WC e ...ono} to that hotel. A band of : ; - They have a 'phi of ten nears In ann . 4 music' rformed serest hal-rietie also at; paw gymnasium at Itoxbery, Hine., who al' the tattoos no the way Miner. t Slimy : lifts three honored and .ventv pounds, P e... .....whh.h.dh. rd ' reh 'i .... Otte of thirteen who lifts , four hundred nut to co the Presidennund saluted tom" p00,..1e„ and °heed fourteen, who lifts tone I withh era. A very iergenumber of pursue. - . hundred arid aLity paaada. ] , Crete to the purls./ where the I t rfalitent _ and seireiney Sunned were introdueed, • In Vilna theyhave started. Sundsy achnol on wh boo's. Toe cluldren along the There a. more entluislaein then when the . „ ---., -• tn, Railway are gatb• ; Pr...tile t arrived in the city lest lined., 1r...., p. .1. —T.., 1 oOli thogrecting wits ler Wont cordial. Tee . V - 2.T T ..._...._.i.dbv„_h_,.._. ....._.p.,., ~.r..ldet trwle a short address to the pen. .." first en' a th niera were tend' two molded In tne pathos. Ile Incline. eehe . ... 4 the neXt tiXtYner.- I il t h ' ir p Hey .1-that ot the nthelnistratiOn -- Great and rano. distress is IMpiallhg t was no Understood. front speeches ballad : In Connemara , a part co! Ireland where the alrand m ade, no 0n ,„.., h o ,, Cor e ma k. ~ people are Fiore than Ordinarily:Z.oor and „,„,, h , .d., his orliiclplo more r.l.r. no , mournble. It is said they too 'coding their return I thank', Mr the cordial recePtlett ... t. Wii o th.Pravereler widen they will dOOll regent for their own clue the •extend dby the citinms. . Breen any nonerd, wile was wkrmly re- '' . -Too elght-hour strike le the Illinois, Ived ul he erns pleased with t h emcep. Central n a nra,e, ~,,,,,,, no Amboy. has c rfbe it.c rag the trip, and at. this City, and . Karol a complaw failure • and the strikers „,•• -- ,,,,T 0 . ~- „ Borah, ns - well as the North. ; have ell. with the exception of the m.litn. ..ial'j r t. - a r e - Ten to understand the Mather:lntl. ; tots and a portion of tee blooksmiths, ee -1 Cal ails el, that the whole to greater "l it. a I stoned woes under the ten-hour system. part. De never favored • war, until ,forced . _s onn , „ n o n} , no,emono, non , na ........ itno it. He ..:in! ,- de. ITS.'': ^m.”" ! presentation of o Ttio Black CrooEa in New I roll sea oration Mlle:Union. If a.hi . ... ' York, `e a ttag manager explained zero 0..1 he called fro . li r ''lr rat'e.he th e " ... ; eating! . the Indies Cl the ballet w i noun non In tote, lie reletred to him,„no nr,,,,„,,,,0hn0,,0rnm a lively .. ,..I. would tar. :10 conflientlon, ne deity In the , the audience shouted ourthat • ithey never I restom.lon of the entire country. Ile did' are.” I '. 4 ...Ire t° be. gr"4' thee Weeh'ng'''' ' -a clergy.. who was recently dismissed' mid thanked tl, whiten. for their kindatt.. from a GongretiatiOnal church In Calle., I, t.oo'..huo the cree d " tired ' • Connecticut, states that the whole dull. 1 1. ; . , ' catty originated in hie spelling the word OM . PIIILADELREELA... ohiviouto without a 7 v,w so ter moot mo -1 . FT. --"--''" • ' . .want matters. i ThellOt ter Expioaion on Therrsder --- . , -The death - ° t man In Paris has given I' The l' cad and Pii•eing. ; ' 'rise te many indictous incidents. On a re. flty T. egrarh to wane lettsteirch ' l:matte] : cent rainy bunday fifteen thousand e igf . o2:; Pnitotnia . rd, June 1.-Thirteen ,load. . !ilad,.... on e r e oro t o r;ri o ; r =o l f: = Arty „,,„ bodies' have been token from Pei ruble -. of '; .".° was the lowest surn'thaz any...! who raw ticarydt Ward's enw mill, tom tree setreh Is , posted himenit would Mke. I active Y Prot:re...bur: The following dead ' . -lTlio suppression of the Mobile Repubf/- hers tier, ic:mititieo: ii.nry: sleety. Diets; son, fur the pubiteattne cif an ernele Melt. r.l i' ' ,... : oo'' '' '' ' d" u " b ' he"...• Jon 6 r ier, • m . g tie- freedmen to vi 01.., apposes tribe JaeOb Ileiltuaa, Henry Gotland , Th. . 1- ' It moat that the power of the military's I tooth re monocle themlasulgaret believed ; impartially used In thatelty. That is pre. 1 tope l/oried - 1 i.0.a the rethr ' ' ' "h.," what we warit-atoolute imUce in the Ant, /twl'eet ',eager, W. B. Ilellowity, hi ; good., without regard to color. <l.-- d '''' R late o. 'Ldar. r th ' ' ' 1 -In • /demon . addressed to the Paris miller particue '•gre. exam. ; Go a 11)30W that twenty persons! were ltho.' I as tilt,c.tudYl.6„uf viturydiniotuunior.4l.orut.e m atio o .au n i n e : UrdShlbt ' add r'''''''' w e e d"trl'add tha ; The baton has been referred to the Com p:mimed condition.- evern' of there will 1 __,Ol ,_ _,_ _ __ _„ ~,__..„...„ pr .. to die. The Cell. of the accld.t ...Li/ 1.........P1ek F.F._'‘f,_ . _!.....!. d l yr !,.:. a base neon the absence dr st suMcient pawn- , .7j..ernrr. tzrxoempeppreram.. tity of water h i the bUdUrt dl”"t , I baebelor geoogist wm hOlLating was /Irk, and Os anbititane le censured Or i -n o . , that ovary rock iinte il l . familiar tO Ann ae carelmsnoss. „- . . . 4 • Ithe elhoehet. A Maly Who was present de clared that she knew at a rock of whielthe i was wholly Ignorant. "Nu. It madam." l cried Cutet». It a rage. wit AS rock the cradle, al e ," replied Me iady. Wiens Van - • . -Information towhee° renewed that Gov. I Ratio sem refused permission to register in L0111111•13140.1aoosuaz *fell.. disloyalty, It W./alleged that Hahn made the preeen- . tattoo speech when Gaga were Rime to Geh. el trOope.and that he Blamed a 'Ameba let. ter actroratlntr realstanoe to the ffederal . 5..... A ., optimal , recently received an no. paid letter (for ohm thepOef.toanohler two-peopideonimeo=go.3.l.r,you 1 h.. ter Of 'yesterday' hears - upon lts floe tdie . swa port aleelleoL , ! Ma iric was brief mid Wt. pummel ottir,, -only irlall your /elder of • yeetardar llglin 'llliiFirt.. l In 4, 00 I! L . 'Sara liforbosen" Cemeteries. flute to lhational Cemeteries. Temaraph iota* iluatetrgh lissatle.3 Fouvassa Monson June 7. `•_ hundred and any o minion have been dischargrai tram inn Wonort-Nsey Yard, reducing am Soros tnaCOrupiratively small • number. -.7 130bOrteldiTtalte.ltbeliatIOnsl 05150 Win in this eldi4 lir to•day and y*0.1 , 11134 and returned tbitlehmond this canning. *mere Valli hiorn. to .111asonet• [Sr Telegraph toted rwatiumb tiamtte.) Loom,Jorm 7.—Acco•nis from several lotatior counties notice' tme.mally, violent ban swats et Sunday and Monday nlghui, whin/. did M greet dnmalle to to e Irate and crope.• 'steeple plwee ban mem as large se ben enits,OoTering the ironed complete. li am/ gerhs4"ir lart74l o a t . ; • AM CITY AND Sltißilull. . ' THE *ONIIMENTAL FAIR. 1 1 , 1 . . _ . 1 ucile* Individuals and Compsnies— . r Binkit.picto the Piutbsrab Oakette.l . FOURTH PAGA.—Thv A!;,7,/ece muf nine re ,i_ • I open Tday for Auction —General. Sheridan hati.levued an order 1 MB tilli r floll4 'itahic Arnnew, Oit and Prinivee Narks !it :. The: Bionamentel 7 Fair nos . yea . terday allpeintleglieniatein F. Flanders Governer __..____.__-_ 1 Poctv Ceirea fry unY fUorr Indic Celle! ti , a L'' , lustily attendee!, and lest !light the caroled , _ _ _ _ CONDENSED NEWS -. .. Of lantsisni. rice Thomas J. Horror de. ' . - - - 'alined. I- i i FOUR O'CLOCK. A.M.I i ' md .^ aur 8a. 11 . 11, 94 —Judge 'lnstead made a speech In Mont- i - -- 11onaerr, Mabsms, on Wedneiday night, to i . which he eindlilly endorsed.the recent rie- 1 ‘nbliesa Cr. - .titian which declined to in.' publican Convention which declined ~. rite him to participate butts proeeedings. —Dates from' S. Lille retold. Monica, to the 1110, orate' that Maximilian's fate still hangs in the balance. Jeerer and his 11.- biters held. a conferenceon the subject of a ulspontrOChim, but the conclusion was un kodwo. 'lt was thong lit J nares would carry .. 4 him to the Capital. - The cepture of ire mon, with the resumes oondrtned. II ' es, Imwever, - is nowhere to be fo.d. E ~ s ilo s had issued an order Mat every ImPerlal ofneef.rwho had not surrendered within twentr4mir hours should be shot. —The Senatorial eicursionnartyreturned i , on Thursday to Omaha, and were girl. a ! grind banquet. the Gracing. Whilothe ex j cur...ate were at the end of the railroad, I two coaches returned, through felar of the Indians. , ... . . . i Is-The Sattenal Typosmpldcal Union *d i journeato-day to meet Intirintifininkt next FROM CALIFORNIA 1111 pd Agricultural Natters ta erizetur-Ltabt Near Late la Tratteltea7-tireat Prete.les. eaN reetteleeo, Jane I.—ArLeona advice, to Alsy 18th represent the craning laleres to an tlnorovlag, and the agricultural pros- Looters encouraging. Meneral. Grugg wee ,puslaing,the i m mig ratio n *lgoialnst the In ' clans. Lergeare crpected iron, Kansas, Colorado and Mexico. The Indians continue their Cleprudations. I preparations were tasking far an enneCi. lion frocn * Cgmas Lincoln and lgeDow ell for the purpese of destroying the Crops Of the Apaches.. alining stocks weak; Savage SAO ; Yellow Jacket 1T8: Crown Point 16,00; tiould Curry S7l; ChellerPattoaes6s; Ophir Stu Kentucky 417 i Irriperiallgti Belcher Legal tandem 70. no.r dom. Wheat dull. Qnotattteui , unehensed. sax Exam:lsm Jane 3.— the eight hour labor system was quietly Inangurated byths different trades unions of the city. The procueign was - one ettlin largest ever witnessed In San rranalsco. The steamship Conetuntion, from Pana ma, united last night. The ships of war, hawk, Messenger and New York have r arrived. The Shninalee, for New York sailed, FROM NEW ORLEANS Tho,Near GoserstormleioalsLamma—Pay Well, Declines arAtallesith Tolab tartly, sod Pro to Winnow Mexican hews. [By Telegraph to the Plittburrb Simms. ] New Ontaarts, June 7.—Elon. B. F. Flan ders, the newly unpainted Governor, called on G matting at the Executive °Mee, and made known that be came to °beatence to the order of Gen. Sheridan, and was ready to enter upon km deal.. Gov. Wells declined to voluntarllY roma.. the office, and protested In wrltlnr against the action of the military. At one otblock• ofan order was revolved at the Governor's fice: addressed to Governor Flanders, but ho Wav absent. The asters of the comma- Mention Is not known. . . . blextcan nous recelved to.dayoandrmi toe previmi reports that Lopes sot d Queretaro to Escobedo for 3.0:0 ounces. No uear;de ,lupmenta have be. ukade. 111 K aal: Y RJ - rt i ! GENERAL NEWS !EMS PITTS.BURGII, SAIT:TRDAY. ...TUNE 5.:1867 FROM. NEW YORK ray Teligreph to Dee rtttseurgb Gortte 1 Ij, This - CO; rtm itTFrllray irt ten o'cleek. I rival candidates.; it le cotniated that Indy ' el...a- •••• i i. "" -.j m i e g been .''- '• .ranillailo7l , ll Oltean 1000 E. Ho Thomas Mellon on the. beech. COL L. ; live thousand persons were in ' attendance R. Duff, District Attonney..t. oli the Grand 'rues - no have the under Sew Toes, June r.-The Grand Lodge of •1 • 1 inn night. The announcement." of the stm. coneldenglen, with a view of returning Freemmone, In tendon In this city. toglaY 1 coon nothitioi. I mogul or lucky and ceitundatsis hilt' or hanatthaat• passage resolution laying an tnjunet/Ore en o i . .The cannot the Commotradelth va. Frank I °woolen. mach excitement an d semi-en- •: Yesterday forenoon the Dined Jury up • set. persons who.. now c " f " .. ." d le,. fill[ i ReY, taken up Thursday tifErrnoon, was te- Otte tote, weenne. a fist of the ee*ep 'Waren in Court. and desient to he In-. enterprise miler the Immo of the ifeeeeie , maned. Indictment. aggnorated assault end 'o . '-'' • s, °Ducted. • . . fratengy. • h enesy. m eg. x. e ., c eet , peeesennn. tso for as we could obtain them in the goner- . , , First, As to whether the publications I • I Swab WII desalt, Esq., for' a .proseontlon, :Si excitement Prevailing. ornekt be entsidenet In the tient of erten . AGIMIELMO rake. GOIMIDISION. IV. C. Moreland. Ego, tor Id defense. There ! i - . „ st , ' wineElg mmunicalt:ne,or whether there wee a • nomos,aurnedi ono: -- .av special rule n regard to publication. The Southern Famine Relief Coogan.= ; wee a connect In the ertd . reconcilable : . atilt vigorously et work. . nu no other ground than ere featly.. I The eetdost for thie maguttleent pieccof I ecineernhig Judie proceeding. bathe mat- In addition to tenting' the United State. On notalf of the Cumin .., calth It wee , workmanehip, which cost some eleyers. in. ter of libel. . I dred dollars, was very spirlogE7et t t i ow Feconil, As to tyatdeflaltion of libel. Toro shlp Purveyor, whlcu lift on Situ, Damn that hint C.a. :was puthed or day, the comnilsnon bye Dn. elaipped knocked down by I. Led' othereide l Pettaburgb companies particotegret . 110 Thejery retired • and upon rose ...ring eight thom.d bathe. a eo*o le (merle.- ebueed 1 , 3• himentuslng Premature berth. beginning, bat the Allegheny Menden ee at the usual hour:one o'clock, Judge:Mellon 1 toe apd Saylinnab,fOr Interior dlstnbution.. of a etslid severe' .laye . r, and confine. , Tool matters all their 'owe wate s - till the replied to their communicutone In nub. Yesterday the Memento. received tram I Meet of Mrs tel.latel to g tor two Week. I " fight" narrowed down between midtown *stance: Clarendon District, South Carolina, en op, or more. For the do wan evt-4 and Fr/Mid/In hone argil/MO.of the lat. There wan no ; kpecial rule lit regard tO peal for relief from the heads El=y-open I den. that 31... erosion offered vtolence s ter city. T d/In Hope halo hag of friends pnillleatiOno coneereing Baffle's! proceed, : famllles, rePreeetiterag , two hundred and Ile the defeneant, an net it was in resist- I . who worked nobly and aealonsly for the toga, hut it woo alfesetth be taken into ann• I ninety.ight Individuate, some,. when are I trig her that she was throne. dews, and es earning, but had to give way befop oho elderation likb any other pertaining to the.. now Differing for ereml. ' I. rebutting the prostimpllgLhatizecet Indiry favorite t'llendshirt. The latter company ease. It might la on the gum- ' !wax indicted, one' wit ' telttifted that put their whole male into the eentket, end Won of centime, if he defendant In the pure irlisorkeeraw MATITOTY. . . - . lon the dey following the.oceucrenee boa with ouch or ken as W. E.Stowart, Motion referred o a proceeding In Court Altbalt*Mieoftire American 'net:Mute Vero/land ove net MA lie. perferming her Es . el/emoted In r outrlvaling,thetr for- In defendiug himatella. However. It wee for Of Monne y'undty, parlous peen. were • regular household Dein . The feet was 1 milable committto , m the following vote the Grand Jury T determine whether the read, Bac ailing one by' 1/r. Comstock, of 1 Menthe. that there 0.1.04 the very Worst o will show : Friend hip, GM.; Hope. 5,055. publication come died any of the element. ClMlnnatl. on beemornattuc management of kind.[ feeling netwtem the portico, and it . atajorrty of Friends tp, lingo,. Mr. Stewart, of 111 mt. I . . the choler. at SI-Louis Wit Summer, and we; mosso Den they inn p.o.e. dimes, 1 who eenditeted the rnolght" On boball of the The text lemke . defined libel on an teed- one by Dr. Cooke, of Cinebtosal. en thee.- t i e* . ge m s es t h e 4.,. ormeoneg th e t . victorious company, infonm us Mud a Id- Medal as It amajeeloux defamation of hind.. Wattle. of the kidney. The ray on Oflthe aid of the lee, it e epez t red.that prtnr to , umptlttet prOneeelere with the trophy will mato public, bye either printing. written Bursae On surgery wen also read by Prod- , g o ng epee elm c re e c i nce of the derendens, ibe made tc.lay - through the principal slang or pictures," to order to Meseta him' dont Helmuth. TIM document..' lengthy I Mrs. croeend ...premed . herself ea enttn. ! etn....VOMpMIOI by . braes hand• and to wrath, or Ozone° elm to Publ. MAX.,. and In on The retort , of the Cow. , rating tree., he d ge, preeieedy bore ler- IDI otherdre comp. , . who may be pleased contempt or rid' ale ." The node Provides , mitten on Medical Ethics was 0rder...3.. bidden to cress Mr. Rayslot. The case fee torn in the prooessiou. • "if any person 0 II Write, print. pnelish or printed, and to he r ocs at the next I the defenee was cern...Healy wed' tried bi• ' Tee WATCH CONT.,. exhibit any tnel clone or defamatory libel. session. The rayon .af the l atiatta Of Oa . Me. Moreleod. anal the tiaturesit had ea- i The historical watch which Was never tending en.her to blmken the memory of metrics. witheet ...deg, wat referred le t D ined et. the °peeing. ranee moot decidedly Mayne to go before • nese n cy to Dr. ne n tyy. One who 1* dead or the reputation Or 000 Committee on Peteletalni- Tile Ea 1 changtel ere the jury. retired. Mr. White. W. IL 11. d wards, Ede., made eel impinsaive whole alive, an. thereby expellee 11:01 to reel. or DOPthleation.' Registration and e... 11 for the promo:ellen, ode an earnest speeCh in delivering it to the genial doctor. public hatred, csntempt or ridicule, such, re Statinticssuumitteda toport. A dolntleit , appeal to the Jury-10 aft. 1 the repanstion and DI present were pleased beyond ex-'D ars... " W o e . • . ' wan submitted In• Dr. Utvoil. private inersb • accorded by the law tort oistregeous con- ,pt aloe with the award. , Tide enamel rCreeced In COn the part of clan to beereterY Seward, mklng the OP- duct as ho termed it i• the defendant. ' a - • . the Grund Jury (excited considerable cum. 1 TIM ettyr.n OM. pointment.,of a enternittee to confer with.' Thu speech ono of the Pt a' peculiar to Mr. o the national Inaututes of other COML.. • W. 'Tile Jery retired abspat nom awl had mint The inntettatione asked for moan as ! A very worthy color. clergyman of our readily have beef given' by the Assistant The Anierleitli 'Mitten,' of Ifornmputhy ' not ."bend •at the beger f adjeurnmeet, I Doter city card.' Mr the elegant Oliver net District Attmet , certainly al to the Mat adjourneti licealght tOMMIL le at. LOMB MAL I three ...dom. • • . . , awarded to the most popular clergyinan. our of the delluit.on of 11nel, and as to the June. . The vole 010 OM Hi follows: Rev. J 11460 111. 01.11 Cr we Citnitotfoue 11e relevancy, Mesta- Tun RAT AIME Or It Wrone. re. etearateea ethane-TIM WALitte Yea., ' Vtne, (Ibis edenessfrd contesl3l.ool.l4 Otter 1 er e .a duly ooltftbe.Grned Jury. 11l the -- - eggi . g.e. , s i 5c ,,,,,,,... ~ s The Court were bond wither concern- 1 clergymen 159. Mr. Divine'. majorltyrnfer 1 premises. The eliestion' would only prop. leg the liayoCresland in illy quarrel, the a all opt:mottle. 107. Thu Was a deserve erly arise, acconsing to our notion. la the A Nlearainlarl pa.. Mart in that the cols - next tot, taken up being at Of the loin- use tO„ tile Werth, talent and ninety o f' (Heim the cam, 'inch. It would mem, the Don of Ex-President Martinez l 0 England ' monwealth Y., mery Creation, indictment Rev.:et. Divine, and we trust he will too Grand Jury wer undertaking. Elnispostng• is only for the Derrrnee of incetpointlng , menult wed battery. Anna Rey Onto. of rein." it as an honest exprension tat the high the pebllesttle ter be Mellon*. .the i Mosquito with NlCartlena. but Lon behoves , 0,000) prosecutor. Sirs. Ray wee .first reward In which bole held by laslntelligteat matter ter tin connideration of the the payment of the clelme against tare . cooled, end was followed by her husband, and right minded follow atristiane.ann Grand 'myna. •ghat haVO they to Unite(' State. for the ravages of Walker* i toll tar - PorfrthY bavleß thus been aWarded. with the quegtion of malice In peening . , , 111111/mtere may be Made to reoult from It. fern ventilation of their version of the ge yy enen nOO . O s , e. . raane . . I I upon the inclictipaild Open the' trial, In To substantlate them claim., it is sold it le ; row, atrial was, in beta.: Ora. Croslenti I - ity,... feat • enough to draw the elegant set of (lint Illess • Jury or age Ins suet tons i l a eMe of the Court, teat could he properly COnederea. It only necessary to take Mr. sevardis correo . came acrodelle, le and Wes aeemied by Mr. titan rattle 11•Kohey wee (ornate 1 Peandenee mita Emden,' an the Alatama I and Mtn. Its)'; eh s nod a stick . dmidellyitsnivel proceeding [ern Grano , question. 'neg . • ill hoe heed. new", ante y ees i sh „, I ware; Mr. William Crawford the 0001.latenti kind In queettoe . , A privged comment , GEN. lIICILLES' DISTRICT. . %Von. pmaed, ot what son may be Inferred h.tiett p • Loot Wn.f. the flba • fat ' are 1 1 cation. written tosgefenoant in. defame of Getteral Sickles has lesuel a goner e liceeelt In a rapt.. as yet tit:determined, Ter sett Mn.M M. /11'31000 the coolly s od . I front the atone of the reelietr bet e the homer.; Mn.. S: T. Paisley the valuable 'M onier to all DWI otheeri in Forth end ' parties. Moo. Crosland lbw fa the first at beautiful' Finkle L Lyon eewangtnachin,t, ..,,,,,,,' 1 e r ' o r' t di t , o ug ,,,74% -' ,.., " d m 'i t o M p d a " ,l oc ,,, t" ,e o :6 o ,3 ", s Smith Caroline. chattiest them with the ' . tack, de...epee her violet:. upon Mr. 'tan strike,. nun Isere Mer the bead s with the I a Whieh IL W • ion it. E m • ur... "' rear, . thee. to he In etch th libel is alleged In mainteumce of the public peeee of their : the gentlemanly agent tor Ohl City , The • -- - - ' etch the . - t respective district. Another order up- I Inewidable *tick "Ore Ana legg.'' Mi. Ray ~,„.,....,.,,,,,..,...,.,.,,,„, tg ,,,,, ~,,, ~.., i... s _., i COneet, What an opinion ae to the guilt or pole. the followssit Board to prepare the I Interfered In Pelson of her enstimil, rind 1 ...• .""....r Anemone° of the", party charged wlth libel. 1 I d f b region b Dc. ri• • cane, In for Iblo,l tit the lantriher of flee or ' .Pose of Y F .ewer. tote lin ano th er matter, and coecerning which it regalattons for reved : Mm Brevet Col. Royal, Fifth Cavalry; 11. H. Helper, of Re. I oix. In ancemshoe ocuempte to protect her I medical el. lan At the eir 1 was written, Melte ilO welt .tbo . finding or leigh: JetTerson Vhda. r, of llatehre: J. %V. I hardowt. Vernal . .. wonted 'hp lenewolieg 1 frillaa TRIERS, An. • . iOnOrlec of the kill of Indittment, we cah Carden. of Cherleston, and Lemuel Moan, Ito the It. vend.) In Met Crosland retain. 1 My.; B. Fmk Wayman reecho/41.977 votes j aot eea From he . I f/died : Done we °Pine ot Lexington. S. C. They are to Convene at loathe ileld, Marble, MOO hatereatie of eel'. I Charleston today. . I w hlc poll Ma wife and breeself le detail. For I sweeten. Both are worths and valiant I Melon will he thy -Dime 111;atho other.. le t - for the dreading sewn seaman .1,151 for 111, . .het if thel,lll las gnored el.pne ease, Mode. . the eelenee [tO w ittegaet wend ., mid, en• tent h enen e e . o o en o ped nye ,. a i r . ; other words • as ehat in *Ditch D. OtFell le seer TO RALCOret Dlotnalese. litOt prejudice] 1 The Fourth Ward Publte School Carried . 1 bea l falhst J. B. A ea.. le on tilatin the Dlstelet Court at i maintainleg Ahoy' !lentil' a/lied to the Create/n altheogh friends In the contest. ' .. I the defendant I.ollspeeed et. so will item." O'Neill and John W. Pitteolto 'Richmond to reooyer diigneede from the en her wey. Thee "own" Mrs. (realm. off the beautiful silk Mintier pr. - molted by o _1.4.,__,....,______ . Richmond and Petersburg Itallroad. no ' del hot strike Mrs. Roy a (Mgb bum, an 1. ~. • .... - -.- 1 ...1 . ...n...81.111 of Allegheny city, The Allen. I Th e No e , 1,,,,,1d.yAns ji.dic L A . r the. entree' $ e. entree' dun, a the war, and which w. tuna- ' neat the °lily nieletian - the adored wee ; Rimer Ilmm lioll ChM' were •istoriosat in the 1 • 0 Age. rid ow. to the oOntedentte government, ' the PieElsoe an of a ermiastad i'h.king it ill I contest for the euperb set of iteunelitriple. 1 • . together with the stock which was Totted- I her. (ors. Rte) fram. . dm.. weeod o the --- , menu, having &Meer elainter ill neve... I TIM extramillltary cures performed by , WI es being the property at en alien Canny. "clan her mouth" If she damn mind heo i Th e eled e n e we e ee e e errnmoied to vie- I JAL KEYSER'S.; BLOOD SEAEGHER en-'. en t ee.ase annege. Belt, Tee one. eta euMbittol, ae it well 'Mug the magnificent Diver horn lie a largo, I nth. it too mei° Man common notice. For , .I [Meet it., withnet emanate., used the Court atojerity. NO arm company Is more worthy t •' . or of d Two tlinemd six hundred and twenty...six eget , ~„,,,e , ,,,,,,,5 , usb i j et . 3., ou . bee 1 , , the '..Pelf year lt4. e-ected emcel. ..- emigrants arrived toelay. : . , . heard t d evedettam take ,the Mee and do I e of duenras. . • ' The miter dog ter drawn by COL Fliilllpe, .CA Which have Mal the skill and science POaTorririt MIRE AND.ReTin. n id e .name. ',c your dadrment. o z.:mood 1 who feels justly proud of ale prize. AO unt bf tee meat looted and . ' scientific medical. J. Marth. a cler Cln alert/S.lll. woo at. I you en- .I.e. Yon will sate who shall PM the la Being arranged for •t • determine the " men, and it h one Ise la an era rested rested tontiv On e Mara , Or erntoezzeitue cos., tern defetelarr. or the prosecutor; Or merits of the-canine, and from the rams... - .o, P mina , . e valuable letter. and mid held to bail for 1 the county. I( ems cone's,, th e ...De ot of the gentlemen bet down for the spurt, a' , wonderful DUn re which DR. KEYSF:It'S trial. s overlie will I.llew the doilies . The jury 1 remount." may beantielPeted. 1 BLOOD SEARCIIIEB. Awn; POSSESSES 1 • DISTILLS*, samara. foetid a veriest of not Ratty, OM/ aleeoled S. . • tha , the del . ..Wien' rid .the prosecatnx .1 ciosine. ,DO one of theste class of medicines known Another tilettnetry in Brooklyn woe mired 1 es . e ,„ pey epe ,,,,,, the eg jo n .. 1 . I To.ley will bet devoted to ,the selling off .as Alterative etc , Entroptele, and by a stow to-day. On the 000 t attempt Ohe °dicer was . . ~,,,, . 0 ~...yee _ 5...1...e . ...... . 'by annelids of all goods timold. The eaten- 1 but env promealt gradurally brings op the beaten severely and ejected. . ; .. 1 ta me." will be ten cents. The not preceedd o t Tex IMEASnee MEADE. I Aeotberiere war coiled* D i ...going Onli) 'or the Fair will amount to about ail e d." . o strangle et the, human system to tho health . ~ 1 at to lee', pp the retell.. meaner Ds I I e.t.a. : : and Ce a condltton strong orkough The steamet Santini.; De Cues., recently .sun seer. ebtateoliscanstrattng of ha. 1 . stranded on the New Jenne Mon• has at - b t I ut M . •nernnestinemploved toy- I Pitteborgh eleadociavtera for Rain Ile throweart animist, .and mitablieri health. , 1 us co r , .... rived and is now on drY dem. gave. the ••theteente•l ret," and one pos. I ' ' Ilan ...eds.. ' II will, alter theme of a foe bottles, rtlate PITCARESIS enure. '•lleettian.• All Occupied cis seals In the t The rage for Deld,sports in the United the ~,Anoen ir4 , e coalition to muter and. ' The steamers city of IV edignzton and I l•un. •• "` i e"'".' er're'' attention Gino I Sta.& marl , . the interred they almestimi , Mend the fmrliarel prepare It Into ChYle Minnesota, from Llmrpool, arrived to-4:w. ther contrmt ea Ith the ex other /... s. I' •r • they 1 ,,, d 0, lislttch Le at Once carried -logo the Cleat:flatten , I tenter faces In tan trout. Col. Din seed '; n di..., where .3' re. v e ant oat TO Tex r•mre. , • 1 orate bln, led that good • bloat of aAt , there ~,...„ s „,„ r ei linen raid! for wet, but . .! thipertant impulse, land Worn Intprovvol 1 quality to rebuild the constantly changing The Emilie Dail Company ' centlence . 1 , in lorelnez ennui be Illatordird there tea,'."leen from rale beglnninge. Our nattered f human body. Dr. Keyser in the Into/duo Delp cod to the Iraccidc. Thu shlp Ivanetn , , a steal. ,tterney tu mart} and he was , ~ . tlen of his 81.1.1 Searcher. memo La bare', ann bargee Louis sailed for antenna wlth , tnot concerned. Ile a t those Inter - ' gone . Ilasc Bad. Our yOung moo have , ...,,,,,,,, b ,..,,,,, ~,,, grogt . p ,,,,, or areas."'', each a cargo. ' ....tea In ea.,* Isere at dinner. The court.] exts Bete.' a degree of atilt In Ode marry 1 and ' repair In the carrying on of vol "one TO , e ,.. , *raid they ur wed c.d. welt far -the stomach . - ~L , y . ,,,,„ ! al ."remise Of pastime widen bee . the rue ctions of .health and life. . sake." noel ....Want thealnele meatier - tit o . . • ve. the telmildline of Leo titan. e - Aril• The steaMeep Celestle I . funclrc . gor i r_ on 1,,,,,,, ~,,,„ „,,,,,,,* p,,,,,.,,,,,,gre r 0,,,,, ; one hoes samile,l in any other collet,. • : ~,...„,. , 0 , rr ..,..,, i .,,,,,,,,. e ., e5eig. ,„ e5 ,,,,,, • Dialect,* to sea nekiwows. --- -• I esti., if onu.swi wooldnisteaerd the rate l ln tote Immediate section me Many bas. neatened Mein-whom thO prc,per o f EMOISTII.I,IIO,I Is lICEPISOa 0. .. "I taut, .'', 1 .. t," . 1 .‘ .. ...”' .... f . .....' ..n ....." d I hall oreanliatlene, roved to aniewergency Ity of iron or potasse or phosphorus sub. Reglitratten In :Richmond commences on , thou oa"g d " . • ""'"' l ...efan.", tans mes• bast I wheu their skilled ability le questlinied. I c her is r e 5,1.1111 the human organlam-Dlt. The 17th lost, - : tbo respottoblllty. 1 Th. y bare Mane aliened record: eut end.) KEYSER , * 10,0igi SELRCIIER. gives to • A EMMET Ct... I M.O. base bell playlug dont net along no the system the: power to aelest these ale e t n. ,„,6.,, d o d , ow „ , pond upon the, pleyer. There la, for le. , mentary principlee from the taxi that, le 'FROM WASHINGTON. i `.l , th i r -I ,..„`e s r„„, v f, u n?; o - `,.'„,,,,,„ , , r , m „„. ,„„,, 1 st.eo, the itoportance of having a good ; taken tetra the stomach. It placers the D0,,:55e.e..,„1 ,,: sse . e ..,„1 on 0,,,, l e d ne r e , e ,,, for I Rem, end the laver et the element. But. I math itself le the highest degree of health. • -.0- lou r without Henan.". Mary lintel,. the chief one le bass ball perapherualia. It etrengthenstbe liver and enables It to Car Teleareph to Mr rlttsheroh n meet. . 'T . l7j c i . l t l;ni, ...MM.. She Oat/O.IOD her ! New, on Ibis point we Mee a few wort. of I alter the bile or gall from' the bleat, mil r.115 . 10,11,,T10,01. I 1110ti.V0 toe arose...lMM Wag 0 , break up tbe I eiviim 10 offer, *ln pie cle.lng anything ; thereby places; the liver 10 a healthy and Wasetworrox,l lane 7.-The Te to n Mere Mace kepi ny lbe detention% eat Dees pro- 1 the U.° Polley is to ten a attpurlos angle a proper working condition. It healeall sores has decided to follow the 1.00 0n ,,„,,,,,,,,,, I ~,,,, ~,, b e h ee d free. ' , e w es thank y e d ; at 0 lair pone and: La. gave money and I to the bowels atel Mettle the body mreadlly role of rejecting all application , ' tor Pens abusin l ll a nestle came home. The ern. 1 llaelmo recrete, one if our base hall frlOadd tIN It does ulcer* on the lett mourner. or sine based on :injury received, norm., eon. , dente. moan lewd the fern that defendant • wtil follow our seam:rations they will reap a ,1 scrofula, ur totter nn the elthi. It hod. the treated, or death cocurrieg, while a mideer. . "key ta teeee” ood e.t.a letoolea , too drinks , gratifying reward. WO Irleneit an hour or 1 kidueys and stimulate. teem to • healthful" was on furlough. eatlevit 'leen., end tho Inc convieted. i t WO, a few days mg, at the eetabl.htuentot I felnlment of their proper f unctkone In the hennel I But In condiderattni of the age of then.- ' our neigh...Jobe W. Pitiock, who. toes- 1 human system, and threngh that c r•ttlaailET neon site !Mt, TM.. tendant, and her proud. to eosin Illj more... I Ord opposite tbe Postern., ler 0. I'.. P.O. a eliminates all pedsoneed and moreld matter Admiral Farr... left Una morning for , t h e c on , o.,,,ended mutence. . I es be atilt...tiro le an examlastion of hit : willettlf allowed to remain le the eesten. New York. Ile hes not been 11l beyond a a o Rem Llell *lock, which Is the largest In the 1 maid b., prodective of rheumatism. nee- shght attack of vertigo, which passed oft in 1 -0 " ........ " ......T • • 1 clay. Tile assortment lathe melt Immolate:11,10S .00. t bandrede of aches and pains a Eery few refellente. ' next nerected the attention of the Court. the eel. list the moot reasonable.. Every- o which &inlet vine than one-half of the hu • WNW MIL RATTEns , I C Iluelsiev, of nee Hebron Permed., do. I thleg 10 the luau DWI line is contatned In 1 men iont the glens, acts on ; g ;tonne!. Da a merchaut on Market I , the lrrmer , and by the latter h o placed will- I the dkin end restores Itipropersunien when Specials to Now York any : the rep I I n l t ' ree i " wee the ...nogg. D id nv,ll. Brads .in the reach of [be million. Every Salient I 0 oterilet ' Oflby colds and exposure. There is that General %snug hod rnrnmmended a 'e s . 1' r . r.klent. Of Cosmic:tams, •Greene lis warranted and h. an establlersol refr- . no:chronic dewase that will not conene reprimaud to General idierldan la untonnol• county, t oo preseeutor 're -a circurndtmer . tan.. There are foul Ilea. cape of every . nttbd hi the ttm Of hen a dozen hottlested ot in fact. transpired on tile 20th et April I.t. Mn.l , style. belts of merlon. pat.rus, smni nooks Dra KEYSER'S BLOOD SEA111;11Elt. Wit- . Since th e removal of Governor Wells, re- Bradley toellned be was trines city' ort bort- of all slobs at ten rents and upwards, I nein the very many °tires it Tom mine in the 1 ne wed efforts are =eking for the olilplll.l.- 0001, end In posing along Market *tr.'. spike., regulenne books, balls. bats, ate. 1 vicinity of Pittsburgh armor Soma of there wens of General Sheridan. If Gauen , ' am a...opted ity the defealmt, who nodded . 1 The bate end Odle dormthe best cell... Men after years of pain rid auffering, and Of a Sheridan Is removed, It to expeetell there I him ;0 buy n. het m hie Dore . Bradley vend ;in 1110 OM. Ttie prize iota of maple. room ; ohmmeter to vie with any Veer reCOrdett wtli,be. a.l Uly !wagon Ot ...greed. ho did 001 earn eirnet heYteg a het. bet was ' wood, cheery, ni walnut, etc., are splendid ! among the triumph." of medical valence. nt venrenixce oessvitew persuaded ox roarroven. peuaded 10 ge Into LIM Mlles. lie IMitm .. w l I seem. of organthip er . Meald.thme 1 All the cur.'s that we nave published time The Temperance den...trepan, winch 'at a tom.. of ltels. bet 000 of elsleh le an assortment of others lee." finely flidelt- end io ¢g an have been mule by it, and any , was to bath taken clan, to-day. was pest -; pleased hon • but. he repeated that he did .ed and made of the SEEM material. together 1 o theng .I. sold under the name ofllleetl p oe m es . gents ,/ of the yo u . by y o ty, Gen. . not want to, buy' a hat-that he had some ' wellatl I I wlether lot of more Ordinary lads I Fleareher. 11COn Ulu merits of Dime cures. it moan/. ChMMamba', mall ono wen: o bustles. in the city and mend 0n anti tit- • for coffee. nee. ' lie a (mud and a cheat. Demirel. of persons from Saturcleiy. ; tend tr. it, after slach. to .1010 he coecludeol a The belle comprise the .V. Horn," the . are deceived In this Ivey by spurious teeth. ' fht ' i f ..f. f11f " .....f.. " . 0000.1. I to , mike a pencils., he would return to 1.1,0 1 ell Itlrlek,. the "Champion," the "Cook of I that has no more tinleity for the blood of Dore. Hornier hedged that he Sneed bee 1 the Wa.k," the "'Buntline 11•11,"the °tater," 1 man than the acrid poisons which It pro .lt Is understeinl that Secretary !Staid- ; a hot, and naked, Bradley to fix a pelee on , the .Eagie," the "Iloremen,. the "Junior 1 pores to :mace. A lady whole child .we loch contemplates an early and permitting thertne I hat nulled oho. Bradley thought I Itegutetion," the entatick Brown," and I are oaring, told.. recently that she had reduction 01 the force employed to the 1 this et, geeer way te do busenes, Ob permed I teeny °triers. Tine hest among name are the o went to i. many mls beef a dozen places to Treasury Derartment,in cm/tem:ten. of the I who bull Metals to .11 usnally axed their 1 aonr first mentioned' belle, which are new I obtaln Dr. REYSY.It'S BLOOD SE ARCHER, tenuity .21mInlehIng bmittedra Due regard prices. Buckley said the hut rererrol to he o extenstvely adopter by the moat mperl- . and wt. met with the answer,.thle other 11l bee mbleited in regard to the ability et , uoanlly 001,1 at flea dolletrs. Bradlee said . Rimed playas. over those of all other Immo I was just as goal." Another loin who was the clerk,. , • I he would Mee two dollar* ter it. Beckley 1 (mincers. They are perfectly round, well . cured by fair tattles of Dr. Keymre, told •eIIIGNED As Alp Mt Cake. , RAM be trend have 10 at that price, and ! constructed • and more durable than any ~ as that see had spent oeventeca dollar. for ' ilmdleY ea , . him a two dollar MIL Al th. : others, and Rea especially.rmemmendol by 1 as Many bottles of spurious, .which had 1 Second Limst. C. J. Itaran, Fifth Inten• o thee Limber had the bat no his heed. end - I - the 'e.t.a Bane Ball Club. in the United I done no good. No one who will reflect fora try, is ordered to report lieueral Waseca', Buckley said be would Go Mee and scud it': Stet.. From what we know on the subject ; moment can help but detect the motives as andolornanip. . to egg so, setei deaden Ito would tit, i of lime Ball Playing, We feel that oar :cleats 1 which lea to such Imposition. One men • ~. It elin him, letting teen further men.-who an, interested In the popular game . lodel es belollytbat he didn't care west mer.• FROM O oI.IIFL -.-s A . . I gotten Bmo erkley seise. an pes . ..nit/ . sod I will appreciate our advice, awl give lettocka Ito were contained in It. be would sell that ao I' leek lion lug from. Bradley, 'routing th at he 1 a call whenever they require amending In ;on which lie mend make the mood money; , - e _• . should 1,0 Mowed to 'We It up and Send it t this line. They will meet with liberality In :as If human health and life were to be Grand Banquet to the Penologist ,to 'belt." Bradley wanted the bat or his 1 tisane:ea. prompt,_Did polite attention, and ; weighed In the scales with doilate mtimnta. Egeoraloo Carly -Eleqent and i.e.. 11 , ..t . e1ey, wi ng! . so .o hl o. bo o, nr i ti:ld .b n e e r t . . ho Dole to make a better libelee than , they I Render, I.Arn 'pots wont _Blood beereaer, eel 1 eett de et any other eeteblislament. • , : flasern, and arklor Dr. Aryter's. tend lAM 110 Tootle Apaeches. • • • . Bradley eutntitnted number hat Alf-; .. other! 000 Teicealeraor the retaliate!, nesse.] h.,. from the ono Brattier claimed to 1 A floss clan . L .,.. 1 ,„,„.,,,,,,.. .! it was Dr. Itenter's •1110.1 Searcher that Omit., Neb., Juno 7.-Sen4or Wale and a Nov purehlistel, my lug teat he have 1 I From time LI owe hav e dir eted than ' ff.r " n ' •••11•PA • '''W d. " . ''' l i ' lbhrt Y .ft... ?' , took 1 s 'g b 0 t tonight 1 ter the two dollar. Bradley de- t r . . • ' • aof ecrefule. party par o 0 gran que lined. Ile ,eonld have tta, other het or tin I attention of our emitter* to the plembing . It ww. Dr. Keyseras Blood Searcher that le the state Memo. gluon by the lotibibt - I ' , tam e, There wee further earley,ltaceley I g fr, i ' bam, yr . eared &lantern MeFarl.d of scrofula, of , gas an Manta tng Cate Meet 0 OM. • taro, City Council and cinema. About j *eying that he would not apendssto much . .. :gnu dea.' duration, after Mud wan covered Wood 'agree near Slate. : three h &eel •t. &ie. I time-about an h ou r -oltheut , otaking a 1 T. Ewen. NO. lin t.. i ~,,, ger ., , . • ot un ;wantons were p.m. - . . sale, end held Onto Om money; bet emitin.j.alr o Etrens hog le ng held a' front rank lu -. It was fir , Blood Searcher that • sumptuous dinner Meyer Brown gave as when Bradley perelettal in naming - to take • Ms beelines. and has tDen favored with a , cured Devitt litunelly, who was lilted. st•tomt "our distlngulehea guest." and the, hat torKreol, he returned eats dollmof the' - ~. __ , It wm Dr. Keynerie Moat Semen. that celled upon Dr. Wee., aa Vico President, to two gin tt, niel . . meanie ."."."l ime for " hr. IW-tha 1.1111. 11 f •• rf.. g .. . A 1 eared Ann Storyin of cancer, softer Meal eitippmM) es a cempensatlerr for ht. a Miele' and peewit ...I montane himself, and ; eaten etT bar 11020 and 11l dean ender chant reepond, and on behalf of tie petfohle of , g .,,,,, , 1. , ~.,,b , ,,, so Bede. Under ~, " ""'"' "."". •••_'• 1 demling des entire attention/ to the work I awl neck. - . . Nebraska thanked him for the noble men. e ut e o f f ac ts a t lajeaar was a. - I entreated to hie MTV, he Ilan ever protiMt•' Dr. Kepler'. Bloat Searcher Is now awing oar in which he had, for oyer ten seam, bat- urn. to have been cone:Pitted. Tim 'Odle ,- I worthy of the public trade. Ile ffite on "and 1 John T diet', of Ne. 4 Ulteste re strait, Alia• tied an bravely for the interests of Neel,. Meet charged the 'larceny of the hat and • .In els unman 5 Mu, assortment, of gm , ahem, after a handful of decajpd bones kes. After load Kaplan*. Mr. WMIO ten- the money. The Court Marini that If the . fixings . ',hint D ebra., everythum in that '' havit week."' mgt. hie leg. Vended. epatking in glow Litt tettne oithe or... Muter war lloWerd to.give the money lin e , The steek of peen.. suitable for the 1' It was Dr Eerier'. Bloat Seareller Illut oonstrootton of the P.lee Iletireat. lo eater the pretreat, that ho wane get. , snee r,. trade, wit' he forted unusually ; cured Ellie GarreO of .tter, Of twenty-Me which he ion been dinned tar Yennst of the hettet bat thee was reel. given IMO. It W/i. 1 i nry ., one welt eolected, numbering all the . - years' standiernewhee ,he 'Arches worn . an theireitalhita who have walinglYlo v a oted not clear deg .het would amount tO a lan 1 improved styles lutrodured• Tbeet , Mr. LW. as a cropper ant. • t Money la Dn.' ere... , fi.„,nte.r,P r , .. I se..ehd ceny. and there twee! another Offen.. Of I Ewen. ,1111 erect at the most reamnable 1 It met Dr. Rey.r , s Bloat •Searcher that bow be applied to mem.... n• ..nt - ' 4 4 1 `...• /Mich lhe debuidmt would be clearly cell- terms in any part of the country He like• o cured Harrigan 'keener of palsy. Into to betel their new :gate elm. the ay. •Aete the mt. If the Jury believed titat at, a e men d to all code. for work in the a 10 w. De Keyser' , Mo. Reuniter that cOrneratonee of liberty. Beni. Did egad - , the proterneor bought , a Pertlesaar bet, and! x anal eltstriete In the promptelit end meal I Wired Elliott Davis, of Wllincedierg,Of pile. HY. •(. 1 0Pieuse.) Th. he 'be:B. o they : anotten o , s...remised upod at, the. 'would 1 faithful Manner. Deem Stile is t. Mu a, of eighteen Yearn' +tending. would do. Ile pald a cempllmeut to the emoent to a larceny. The jury been 0 : 1 epeceallty, awl aw ant e d of thin cherneter s We could 1111 a newspaper' with reepeCtable P.P. ot the State for their energy, enter- ....let of guilty.' A.G. Cochran, Ent , . for.: performed is wae to prove setista. I It w ill of 1. eille.Y. if need be. Prise and Intent( enc. - . defense, moved tor a ring trial. ; tory. Fur any anti everything in bin way, I It will remove from the blood all poison- Mean. Trumbint was called on, and In o ente l rxen e. I either in materiels nr work. we lib ohm, ,ore and hurtful moiteristle. • Aan,loltlill Oa Tot:me - 1. T„ an elognent •epeech prophesied a planned k DR Ket,T Eft' ' RLOOD SEARCH. ns Le our route.; . 1 . As for . n . b Henry Stint:lo tens artithrnsid on three in• i f ailY mIMII/Mel Mr. Ewe Intern Mr 11 °Monk., mum her pranks . ' ' hit, and leek at his name on the wrapper, wouldsbecano blooming garde., while a Memento, ter ale ling liquor toari Internee, , . . end take no other, at 149 wOod street, el per great Idgbway to the Indies, sought tor by Do women after name. eellieot b Muor to , . The 1,1101 DC I Mat 100. . benne.; G betties for M• • - Ctinstopiner ceiumbue. hoe hoe. (mud to mites., eed dellhat linen. con tou .. -- Pro. l ". A telegram reoeimot frog] 0000a0 11. MIA- I (Vend/Mee room Joe ott Din and blood cross your fields and valley. . mute.. Mrs. Maedalenn Stork , whom tom ' • I t t fide ..rai9erato pm- ' art., klso., yesterday opining, Staten that the I Mouses, enhifer lung nomarioni, Mr Penn Senator, Ceesswell. Rowe, Chandler and band w• es &Woo 4, m Deem; /ram 9 A... 11. melt AP. Af.• n . son furnished with Nene The parties re- I Irish delegation to the Presby tartan church. 1 • . Catlett. end Steelier. Yet.. Covet., George FrancleTrain,T.s.Genomeer,Col.Weithing- side 11, Alieelteey c oy., uneno”per. tem. ed el thle country; will re tab this, cagy to.. ton, Senator Thayer, Judge Lake end Cod. . Demerit. On teal at aillo MIR t. I day. and all the .. p,....9. .1,.4,..0. Patrick followed In eloping and tattle , . 11 !MA IterneiltD. , I fibUtleed for them to-morrew. Dr. Denham almlnue to liner naive Stettetand i he cow. The Grand Jury returned but one:tally.. : . mnn fitellog with the greet west. being , , . , 1 . ' is a noble epechum of a patrlarebal clergy. r 3. 1.), '1 I:. °leaped 111 an MOD entbroCe by mutual tabu. Yellen Dattnatil larceny; Samuel Petting. I Irian. : His theological stall. and tele great and euterprioe. ton, prosecutor. Intureteura . a : power an a Onntenrendal writer plat. him ,• oaken g the very end men of hts nettle. land. . -. r. Hall Id a much younger man, but doe lhatelet Conga. U fame,. a prember is etich that he le often . Before 11,...11. W. William.. •• . • enured etho Bpi - lege. of Irelend." lir. Horn. tareerrew menial in lie, The Fent Sentinel Rank of rhiladelehla : hem will eremh g Jacelend , Lburelb *nightlong Drent e end O. the Wotielrldga 011 10410100 COntintny; I I . til . ~,...,.., l o on the ch4ruh ..„... u.., Acileet.reenerr eleldfil on Mete drawn by 1 Col. J. IL Clark, UD.. ."oilier of Stockton the oh:Tenth.. and de.ottnted&t. titt First avenue and Samiudky street, Allegheny. • Nat tonal Batik of Phtlattelnh la. 'rh01..1.11 will) reac h to-nlOr VOID Dr. llotratil's Church, on Penn elteet, keel wee glided. Deccuilmr 15, 104,002 inadepeY- :in the evening in 1100.• E. E. Swell'. ' able ten months After dete. 00 the yen, 1 cline, Ileaveretreet. 411egheny. 1 --a....---- • Dig day It we* delivered to Bee) Hallo Well., ... D .. . .... id b.f... with wi , Jr, agent ter Peter Wright se Som,ln Put- . a m 2 went of a cline of the latter unmet the:. On Thursday last Henry Bierman made Iti- Itentling Company. Tito tenebrous delivered . 1 formation before Janice AMMOnt affelmt lir tbe St.retary, niter being Signed hy Um .Dlrecters and enolermd by the Prestelent.., Mary Ann bailth, charging her with keeps wh,,n the note leen.. tine it 111 1 5 . 11 ... ,1 . lug a disorderly house, on which the Justice Logo 10 pretest, and the °anon le beenglit I . antini a accant end tile gefeetient Gan an by the hank to roomer tile ktuomts For the . t defenselt Is chinned that the 00L0, 1.11 elan. CPldOll. bldg a hearing, and ,an held to ed and delivered to H o dieweb....., Out a ; bell for her •PPrntrance at court, 'being. yeomen'." one, end thst floe word* ' , enter . ~, ,, ,,j , by jobb 11.0 . y eLe necesnare to on • kot It en, Were Illosend : it list Informal l • osterday writhing on weenie...molest SI nt. "Dim. the kettinteege or cangent et the s , b , akers. On thin Wooer they cellniiM that .. ' . le 1 .to 11.... Dope, wife on done mp, .. who lead entered Ca hell In tliu intent etae, the val. of the note hail Leon Veleted nun , eh „,,,,„. L„ r with u ~„„,„d l[ 'to go to prig., Tao defer .° , „......_ ____,_,.._.. ce . pt . ng a dieerderly further claim tiottt the fine of Peter Virteht . aiae.`e_West, r _ a el." . rm tt rb 0 d. war. A Dena Id now Indebted. to •the Dandridee I i5W e w,,7, , ,',,"7,5ia i 1l favor or .1 to., Iterating CoMPenY lit the eaM . er .11 ' . "' 1 der any clroutostanoes, bit, gn' ln On on e.t.d.:S.' A. end %V. s. Permian. lot LI. 7 : .„,, , et "Tar and teatneren - wodl7 tro t trio g "" ',wooly. and Mettera M. W. A' fkra " . ' for John If dal char le eybettintiated, X4 C. %V. Itobb for deletehtets...lory out at ad- I s . . Jeurument. . . ___ ' 4. FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Addres, et-Gov. Orr I , ste. constraellue—Prodosol CCCCC of Nes wiro Voters. [hr A . 1 . : ts.rrrj:,e Go.,h f t j h u e r r I . 1 7 ta .,..6 1, a r o g y h r li n l o r r l I. thOrr all. dressed the citizen. of Andersen District,' South Carolina, to-day After reviewing the various plans presented Once the ctn. , of the vier 'for the recOnstruction Of the .. Southern Statue, he earnostlY inalthnion i the acceptance of the plan of recenetrne - , tlop proposed, as the only math. or Pro-, venting thu ailtnlntstratten of the affair. or the coentry pitmene into the hands of 9 the ignorant and con.equ'ently the tom* I beeline and tyrant classes, aml the only 1 hope of naltkltow this country even tolerable, I ~ 11i/showed !TOM the eenpue Of IROLOO greet 1 il'.' 6 ,rthral, O .l.' , it';`.',ll';;;;CV.l!". `',:ltr.: ' 1 1...5 . 1 n h° Convention or proteet thgm..lvee I whenever en 1.000 1. snn.le with net nekton! people. There are Sixty thoehoel 'colored voters In the State and only forty I Housman white.. It in true torhaes, there ere not now as many coloMil men as le 1.n., but It ',lsere that the proportionate deem.° has heen greater wills the whites than the blacks Ghee the comtneneement of the war. Governor Ore 1111steall, upon the Mil tiv ation of the most cordial, relatlons between the moss, and the fot th ation of no alliances 00th the great polltiesl parties or too nee tine. . . THE TURF . _ LTelegraph to the L'oohorgh Gazette.) New Tema, June the second Match ter i12,C00 mile heal to wagon, between Dex ter and, Lady Timm, wets trotted ores the Fithian Vomit, to-day. Dexter won in three straight bean., the ton ISM being eplendid ly oontened sod the two (utast 6TOT made 10 Ragol3. Time—s 72, 34 and Ina The . fastest time to wagons prealeoely aras a 95. made by Flora Temple and George Walken Polito Moue. io Gement Fiesta,— I'. moors giostrel Buckle/ Deo/. Toieorsph to Pittioartti ammo SorroO,Joie e=-Geral John W. Toitor : .will be rima o yno Mum 117: 14/11.4", lag olUsans, men Wodoeaslyi ; V i e. M 1 0 0 4411 1 41 0 3 2 . 114 7 4 7'777 : - ,:;:~ 178` =- `'" ''' , , ,;; - - - - V: %E,' --' THE COURTS. Cobrt or qr... ter 'Absalom. MEC= Dr. A. G. 2GOCalldlom. PG7alcllo to tho hoard of Llealtb,4OlWU ins following in tormontolor the week ozoltoLlooond. Cooeotoottoo, I; Suicide; Oltenia of Liver, I; Lumen hyphllltla, I; BUIL Horn, 4; Small Pox; 1;1114mm of Lunge,l; /Neu. fitts,l; Disease of Stomach, I; CooJailor; of Drain, 2. ' Of the above there were ender I your, 4; from I to 2. 3; from 2 to 1, I; from 16 WO, 21 from HI 5000, 2; from 20 to 40, I; from 40 tote, 2; from 60 to 71, 1., . ' • • ~ M aleo ' tritlta.....l2lT o tia 15 Yeteales....7 Cotoreo... us . Ileettee wad 1111.. a. lintratrhumed and untrimmed, of the neatest and latent Pat, term., Hoye and ehtldrente bate and straw yrne goods at Graham B's, ba St: I t vireo; .dapadte the et et. Clair Hotel. It fa the aplrean of • great many that .these roods, are - mach cheaper Use nay .41.rst. laiarspiorpn—loo ag/cd—in the dor. . was too great for comfort: . 'All.of the booths drove a paying business, disposing of the greater porMon of goods left unsold, end obtahung hundredenf dollars to sealed ballots for the artielm cootedded for by : • Both tildes of the NI.G7. Patrick Gallaher; a crippled wAdier, en gaged in . selling photograpbr, entered the c drinking saloon Of Thomas Cathon,ln Went, • Pittsburgh.' and offered hie pictures for sale, whom he allege*, be war mann:mile Malted out by the proprietor, lloappeared before Alderman Lynch and matte In ferrite- I Goo, charging Limon with assault nod bat. tory. Garton was arrested yesterday, and had a partial bearing. Ile alleges that the pictures exhibited by Gallaher were of an obtheriachantater, and,that he (Carron) re quested-him several .times to leave, the boom, andlrethig , be' would not leave, he wok hold of blm, and pat lute out without any commeesszy throe. Carom was mud in three hundred dollars for a farther hearing Mew Geld and Meer Welebee, of Aire =lean and Yorelso utannOtoture, at •m 7 tessaluble prices, et Itemorasot Nteyreo No. 119 rutb street. A bentnitul loot= sold wateSININSt Teethe& ME== PRICE THREE CENTS: The O'Nelll-0 . 6.111 Libel Cases—The Grand jury Ask 1 nnn a coon. The Ganorrn readers are aware Of the prosecution of Daniel O'Neill. one of the editors of the Dispatch. for litlel, .OL James 1 , B. O'Neill, and of ~ lames It. O'Neill, also for by Daniel O'Neill, arising out of pub. bastions Concerning I the divorce case, wherein James (PNeilA patitioni for a .11- Torte from his Rife, onitl: ground of snub try, ary, committedwith gMel O'Neill. The ' , mations for ilpel , Mripr been return- Gen. V. Pl. inisioat,to Viola Waal:dogleg; 1 Va.. to Attends Wedding. ..‘ .. Gen. V.B Grunt will visit Waslaingtnn, re, neeireancalay of next week, for this purpose lit attending tht; wedding otitis cousin', W. U. Smith, and Was lacKannati, ?laughter of f William McKenna ;Emir., eSthat place. Ho vett' travel by ilia ay of howling' Baltimore ana Onto Valif natl. to W thence by the fletnegehl road t Washington. A. epeeist train gill leave Wheeling at nix o'clock. Weninestley morning. baring tits stay to. Washington, tho tienaral will ho the guest ea Williuni aunt la, farther of W. U. Strath. Uti trill probablY pass through this city on his return. Oanjoyonles{, • fast evening match was arranged 'for ' between two of the first 'Mese banjoist, of America, for the championship and• Pone or four hundred dollen. The contestants are Charles Nowaril, of New York, and Richer t tiniewan;of Pittsburgh. The trial of skill will take place to Cilia Cltr, three weeks hence, at tame One of our large publlo halls. Theforfults hove been put up in the hoods of'llantel 141 . ammo% Sisq., the well known . Fifth sires. Obaccon , fit. and a way be anticipated. •- Cane Prenentation,—lboiS Qrx.a, 3. B. Wllllnma, wan thu reolplent ofa beWuWul gold hendett ceaoo,, pr s iki.ittoa by the mem. ham of Alt. ilorbth 1: - .1‘b!, No. 0. 0. V., lays ...rig. The e w en presented' by teat Orem!, 3. U. Willson, In behalf of the member., to a nuat and appropriate atb Ore., reienna briefly to, the renalnl man. ner In which Ur. Williams had discharged his duties as no officer and member of Inc lodge, during the many ream ho had been connected with it, and helping that when the .v,ming of It - came It might pr.e sop Oort to his declining yearn. ",,alderweera Themes.—This mart , letrate Yedts rd ay entertained the arnenletnt of Meryl:sires egaluat ELBeh Aden... for emelt and latflory, eantruittedshout s week One% and also that Of Kate Luther Both the name party fore IMO:Whams Both eases were settled by the defendant paying the Cab. The Miele, and 11.ufseturlogJo unsay of Pittsburgh, ► stanOstd and renable bus. ronbllattlon, and one which te regale': e 4 throughout the .eouutry asiellumureps, as without .• euperlor, pilveallotioe that It will hereafter IMMO monthly lash enlarged elze. It will then be more .than. emfr.• swine of pride to rittoburstysoq au unnit. asble pubiluatlo,44 thelalrung, mariatatio' Wring and poolgoomal vroild. , lt ',edited by fir, J. Maio% gnikpabllthoct Wood" MSMEMESO es A Card.-61 my orn . behalf and in the nano of a large number of my ministerial brethren and elders, I desire to express ode unfeigned gratitude to the President and Managers of 1 he Pittsburgh, Columbus and intteintintl Railroad (P.m, Handle.) far the rtesy extended to us freeing us whit h far Gen ets, Assemblyhe late meeting of the' ntl of the United Presby t trian Chan)) Xenia, Ohio. In ad ditto& thls favor, which la duly appreci ated, the gentlemanly cone net of the conductor's on the contributed much to our coudart. road - loon T. r1ir.911.7. • --- Fine.rboograpilm .—Vaxt Pelt and Wel!. her, corner of Filth -and Market street!, take any style of floe colored or platspho tographs in ' all kinds of ',anther. Their pictures rank equally highwith those of any artist. Sr; the. city, wile thetr-prlceti are very recasonablo, - . All h the modern in,. on:Wen:lents' for the successful taking of Clear and truthful photographs have been introduced In their generic and particular wilt Pains are taken to turn outaPecinteoe'whieh amitain the high character of the artists. ' • : Childreta , r, Photo/gra{low.—Sir; W. H. Whileboaft, the well-known photographic artist, Chronlefe Boilding, fifth street, makes &specialty orchtldren's photograph nud no where elan In triunity C on better,ulenr . re or More sallefactory plum. of the little often be taken. 'Ail ileserlotl . nn, of photo.. Kraals, from the miniature up to full life elr.e, taken In any kind of weather and beat a Lyle of art.. Cali and examine the aptel- Men& D „ rownelf.—A httle be*, seven yeara son of . John .Pittandy. Bellfontaale Street. Lawrencevnle. fell into the Atle nheny merited w.drnerned, at tb e foot or Debits:nail:pi street. Toe body touinot vet been recovered. Ile had on a pair of cordte rOY _yantS, which hattoned =rasa the waist. had llght hair and was beemilvballt. If the body I 4 discovered information of the foot Win. be tbankfully received by the Rare:lots. Me antral Speetsget...—Yestorday after noon ft novel funeral processtou passed up Penn street. The father, motber wad .three nhilftten constituted the . procession, the mottser Carftong the marlin containing tau deintlicely of her child on her hand. and the others following. From the site of come t he Mille meet hare been between two and Mr. years old. • • Trse.Ltent ILLsowci tonic-Caswell. Mack tk Co.'s Combination of. Iron Phosphorus nut Calisaya, known WI Perro-Phosphora- Led Eillzlrot Callsayn The iron restores cola r to the blood: the Phosphorne renews waste of the nerve to and the Cali mys Ora 11 FL natural, healthful tone to tho,digei. :UV., organs. Ott °pint contains the virtue of one ounce of CI dissyn and one teaspoonful a grata of Iron and Phosphornet Mannfact.nred - lo 19 Manx & C0.,14 on YOrk. Fos sale all-druggists. e • • • To. whose, to Faye or DiT Goode we oiler. bargains In Job lots of Dross (Orals, Pantings, (Ansa Goods, and full hogs to Shootings, Sturtlngs. Prints, Tick. lag, ch eche, de., all or which wo ' 'will sill at 11 , 0 ((cry lowest eastern cash prices. J. W. BAHILLII d Co. SC Market Street. below Third d Panellists. • The Casithrenial Eating Na'oon, Fifth 'treat, next a oOr to the Poet (ghee, William. lloltzhotmer proprietor, if grate favorite ream, twd all peers amelug to relreeh the maii,” should glve him a call. Mr. U. lea gent,lema illy and agreeable fellow and i !ably deserve:, the 'lberia patrouage he le rxTrAxioni Calhand X. for yournelvei. Mama Bail for 024,' Cbamptooshlp. A match glace or Bitee Ball will .ter- played , Oakland. on Weduesdavi une 12th, De -1 t aeon the Vigilant end Dauntless, for the championship of Pittebergh. An Interest ing giou'e le expected. se both chide. urn well utetchiel—The vICtOrIOOII club will claim the abowe, and be lady for all challenges' fur the same. , . onThe Eree Eltisning, ban its for. analsum presents as v: provable en appearance as ninny or the oily Journals.; the publish.' weesily. Ls de. • voted to principles and interests ,or the Rept:LC.ll.o part'', and 1r conducted odltoraily and otherwise with much ability and enterprise. ' Our grader* should not forget that the Railroad Skiing. with ...le platform, ,tc , comlete for the chipping of coal from the 01110 p river to the Lake. and Western Milo, sttuate at ' , Jay.k's nun, Pittsburgh. Fott 4',Wayne & Obicago Railroad, *lll be offered at auc . tion ttils.r. ,at 214 o'clock. Train leaves Adegheny Denot at RAI r. a , • The Lois on the Fort Wayne Ibriod, St Verner.Statlon. to be 110iil on th..PreMi.ttlt Monday morning. an, .11010 twelve min iter,' ride °tidos Allegheny City Station. It s the lung, ileAlraliln property no. nacre , ' at auction. See Maipnallm , s auction admix. Muumuu, Damages to the amount of, 14.5 00 bur.. be en awarded ter the Board of Viewers up. pointed to assess the value of the property at the St. Patrick's Churchcongregation. In Allegheny, taken by the %Vest Pan nsyl etiniallaltroad.C.tuptuly. Merrimac relate wt /2!4 C.21111,4M11 C.1{1113 dark Spring styles, slinntly damaged by water. Callon Wen corner Market and berth streets.. Gardner's new and only plisse of basin.. - srrna• GAniysea Illolscry and Saapeonera, Pocket 1350k5, .bums, dote Paper and Euyelopes, Scis sor*, Kives and Forks, Paper C o linas etld many other articles, at private fah., clay and evening, ht M1M1.,,a thrleea, at the .tan. poratto of Maud/ion, Palmer d Co.; 55 and 57 Fifth atree4 ford Wide Gros Grained Silks, White Edge Extra Heavy, for 'Niamey, only {3.00 per yard, etwaper,than five seam ago, on the West corner .Of Valais and Harked farads, No.H., Gardeer's new place of,busi. - .''Geficoras S, • • lortsplrisc klatch.— A great Jumping !retch for , . the ottamplorship or America arid k244lo,betweert 800 Way, of Plusourgb; nod Norman Bowes, of New York, at Union Rkaslog Park, Allegheny, Tuesday afternoon, June Ills, rain or shore. • , 1 Vest Corner liszketiod Fourth treat to the pleas where Now , Dress Gooda. this „west, are robe sold socheap. Don't fall to leo thouu. Gardner's new and only place of business. , ' •' • , , 1,11.:6. . Gamma.. 6 Sessrour. rintardar.—PrlvattV sale* der and eve. Muir et Smithson, Palmer& Co.'s tmporlnm, 53 .11 51 Filth street. Boots and Shoes, Dt7. HOISOry. titre* Goods, etc., a complete essortment at auction prices, Dark Orenela Cheater's only 371; cent*. from unction prices ',before the war 50 cents. Go and see thertWort West corner D ark et and Fourth streets, No. C. • Tana* . . Gammen a hrtwairr. 111 • Cleells, • Cloeke, Church Clock% Alarm Clock... and elneka - of every concelveableetyle, pattern and Caleb, for sale at the jewelry beadquastera — or llnlnfr man. Aleyran a Sledle, 25 Fifth sheet. . Floe Detl!or U.:usu.-I;lcup •to at Ili , emporium of Sthltheon ralmur Co.. 5* and 57 Fifth otrest.antelleu *gelato , custom Ida, hotal sowed calf boot rot 1550 New roods, not old Stock. Twenty . Just recalvmt. Assault anti t ISarterr.—Cbrlntopber Len k hardt made In Wore Alder man Tae ebarglng3.2iasser With arebult and battery. Warribt , tetbett. Ladles. hit Is tee elty, .hoard not (all to call at 'do arse, Cloak Emporinm. and zolsot nue of tho, now etyloSlik banyan*, at Sunni:n.44 M 7S Market ;reset. Everythloa. NEW. and et the latest int. terns le Cloaks MO SHCIIIIOS, Lases Lase Points, aro to ho resod at Spenoe's, tics 73 illaskilt street. Ladles, gents and ottlidren`a atm , t goods on nand and to arrive, at. Smithson, Folmar d Co". Lintsmium, SS and 57 Fifth :street- EverStnlne destriblo in tide line at num viacturers' pri:coa. Call and sta. • carpals seatielloo Prlsns.-4 genes.} annortmoot Of 811110 f. ZOOM, Rag. Linen sal Stair Carpets, at private unto, day awl ova lag, at Smithson, Palmot 31:0:4.55am' 57 Falb street. Palmy Window istmiles, with fastening; complete, al sho tlon prices, at th e. Etsuori chl et . • :it:yr/mos, Pscese & ths„ . 63 and 37 Fifth street. . . The Cheapest Place le the elty:for,• lady . to get a Lama Ltea Yong, or one of the flew tape tiacoues, at Spenen't. No. 73 Matter skeet. • • • We Meow of but one. place In the city, where' a lady, can get one of the late style of ea 'ones, at . Spence's, \o.. 74 Market street; • Thin Wevii.—Near • Dreas . tat Opened at prices less than Gs aiptkon Inc Whit Corner Market sail FO oth WOMB: 1,011:1. li•athOtt OVSTIOIVART. hilltop Pimps., will preach In Christ's M. U. ...Porch, corner of Penn Sad Hancock streets, to-morrOw morning sr 10;4 o'cloolr_ Nhatlar.O Maimlaou wont ionter-511ti kat *wit Fonrth etreatt., NO. C¢• Priori very LO W . - 04,qaccAt BrxwAcr. _ I(iLen Pant*. on We. comor .11arket not o t V0:11111 streets} elsonmat neon for yearn. , C 3314 Sparttltair Soda Water et . '3.* SampLehi ttrugatore, 80. 33 Ved.lraletreet legLeny, T^.l , ea. WU .44 , 414 LlllQ ot•pfj iamb B. e1.1.1.11'.1 . .1. , 1ati110ry,N0, /al, In, 190 *mi. IN.. • , • Cluak., Szeg nes, Cloaks, Sacquft, CI oinks, Mattallko. Cloaks, Sam, aen Loam Laos's, Zio M Zarrk.t.t.'“Lreat. • A YAW. lea of sprint and summer sacuuo• et from three lellarti up.. at 5pa...141.1,473 Market•treeL • •.• soya' hob nailed rho., a very mire° ar. taw., supply at timittmou, Palmer & co.• Emporium, f and 57 Fifth street. • Tb. Vltry'Laleel styles or Usti., QV" and Straw Ode 'at Gourley Loyeu'e, - .No. NS elt: Clair etzeot: • Cold Spark Hag Pietla Water at J. T. SuruDl" Drug Ut9res 9T o. r.d.ral n • • tau Cam lesii 94, ".per oust. lilootvol WILIA Ana • Dental EstibllSlMOUt .14 140 Penn strew. Drs. ellla Ualwele. TwM nep'sre... neme.' ol Joseph's. 13rAdditIonla !Arai Nows- on TWIN '' , Pitg THE MIEI'! ' MY , GM; WEDIESDAVE.ALEID tr• A tarn mkt, oontataing TRIRTY4ISOOI, (IVES of taterretlie reading motto% lellibeire 4sailig Editorial% Uteri news be :Eflibeeib and Mai% raluatde • Illestllao • Matter '#•ittbe.;" . rowdy: red ' rmtien end most rrltebhi "Eliebe ri e l and roamer:Ur Yorke. Report, Atria. " ant osier la tee city.' Fo Farmer. ?Iceboat E. Etrenant eamiliar oltboutit. ' • . - • !novo eat...Tibor - flo,s or el Clubs of Ten • —And one rope of raper to the WFkOnl et d bt 59 the clue. Aderillous to dabs can be Wide — • one tnae, elab rote.. '• ' "' Non= at To Banscantres..4n onSirtalt SC4*;. Poor% be tore and mooellE. whit • m we time • Wein..doe Edltioir for 4C mitten bettor tint mot mail a week. • "••••• NniteT by arvt. aznim; loner Odors • or to Rematerea Lettere, me:7 1 00.1 ,1 ..0k. ; Addre., aszierrt;. • rcrystitmuH;Pellptk. ' MARRiRp li EINER—BERRIIAN.-Va 4h b 7 eteett, thy. June 6., at ebb mildewee of . the Uhl , . event, Bodroyd etztet, Tlttsbnya,by.itA - T. A. Y. Miller. P.. SCI26ER, et LatteAte,ltatt -. ittse A. L. BERGH eN. of Tlttebaret.. RISER ART—WILSH—Ost 'Thursday. ebb. at Bellevue 'Methodist Chuteht Roes tattle Yet. 'Halo, by the SwF. Wrgi., Been's, 1/r. RINEHART nob Mei MARY- WILLS. N. urns • ~;l~1~:8:1~~j.~e~yi~~ .~ : ; ALEX;LIKEICAINDERTAIMIti , ' Younh omen. Nelsen, r 44, COPYINS of the ta:CRAPE% GLOP= lad; every demerlptlon of funeral Feints Wig geode' ferolgbed. Boomiooepeddayorhfollat. one carriages firefattoeL' Dzrzlemrcsi—lter. Doorld Dar. D. D.., X. Jacob.. D.D.. nom. ?Max. 1.1.1,, 13N=::! G. RODGERS. lINDERT/O•!. - •-• • RIB AND EMBALM= nom." • . late gamed K. Rodgers, No. A 9 Onto . tetreescat,-.4' three doors from Bearer. Allegheny Itl. Sallie. Rosewood. ltattogarty, Walnut ud lltwagew„r wood tolitralioa Vogins. at the loweett.rredli t 7, pO2OO. lossms open at all 400r4 dp Beers. and carriaces to du short - and on most reasonable tents: o,;t t - - R T. WUITE & GO.. tarpicalbw:::: , 7 ,-- TAKERS .LND ZJIBLLICUUL, tcr. Um and vicinity, OARS lietomat.7. Mancheacr Llvcr y titable. conlie Sheffield IM Chlutltr3 atrects. limn ana Cantairm , alsbed. E. B. STEIVAIIT, Undertakeric,. , _-: corner et' MILTON and PENN BTBILTS. Ninth Ward. Canine of all tied.. Beane tel Bandages faintslied on the shorten FOR SALE—That very b:e and clearable. property el mate oa beer. street and the Allegheny deer, ' gheey c Ity : los by t 7 feet. on wleleh If a yery stOtstantlal Bela BnUdlng, Italtatoltlig; high. lOnal= fret. Gales:laud and well adapted fur esrryang on almost any branth Of . Banns. lt . la seldom a lot of these dlntesaloal s . within tbe city. can be had, and we wood Levitt tra. the ',eclat a Italian of those dealer°. of neu.j lox a place for mart afactur , or purpose. to eat/ the otnte of DEVLIN it PILL, Heal /stela astir ' Insurance Agent., Butler. erect, Lawrence•lllo. NEW ,STYLES ICE PITCII.ERfil t Fruit and Retry Dishes, TEA SETS, CASTORS, AND. COMMINION fiM3, 31713 T ItECKIVED DUNSEATH & CO„' .7olvirollerso; el==2 • J. Doom - k jOII.7SSTON & SCOTT, Fine Watches, • (locks, jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., . - N.. 1114 pEBNIZIT SlalLa. ' ". 1...12 - tan!:buzrity Plea:mum. zr Particular 01M.tioa does so Boosllll4 Oloou Joralty. All yak war • 11TUE . 1511 , PERIOU MERITS ilof the WHELLER t WILSON 2E2712 MACIILVis over :al others, for • h.* • tam and 'general purposes. are et mill ea- It...WV:tea ead ao gertenstly admitted, ' enurnerstlon of Lear relative excel.' !tree,' is no longer cumin...fir iietess. • 'Tear are simple, durable aug•beest •iltal. .Wl.2ritla2 .1622C0,-- II .Y7' No. 2 H 1 *MYT .111TREET. COM FOR TIM MILLION! PALMER AUCTION MART, 55 de 57 "FIFTH - ST T Pittsburgh. eLl'ittgif =CA'. ran= Suld PRIVATE SALE I 4 Wholesdie and Retail, REGARDLESS OF WIDE. .KrOXLSI , g, CWILDXXXI AHD YOUTHS , XOOlB, SHOIS, 41/.111121, UKLICANX • DOXISTIC Unit 14K/D!. • • • CLOTHS, JEANS. corrolunrs. BRUITS AKID DBLINXELIK OLOVra; HOKIEBT. 11.24 DICIRCFII &PK 8118PX2WIX8: OUTLIWY, POCKXT BOOKS. • FIATS, CARPET KLOCK ' " ' =I Ingrain,, Rag and I4telii, At Atiction. Prices = ramius out mil. Nos. 55 AND - 57 FIFTH STREET. c. 11.-iForuttnta aaa ticratebold Saadi for me at LecUou on MIZIllf TIII7IIBDAT. ,82111T11.60311, PALE= .11k CO.; =MaZELM=I 89 MARKET BTHERS. §9 CI 13 .13 7 IS, 89 89 Market Sired, LND OK? TOVIL 1 : BOOTS, SHOALS, U.' TEL OHLILPEST.I.I4D BUT -XXV TB3lll CxTY .210 ATOTION tiOODS J.S. ROBB, 89 Market Bt, S 9 89 89 89 89 89 89 RiP DIEM. ROO & CO., Practical Furniture PlassDictum CDR, PENN AND WAYIE' S TI loot LOOMS. .Mu of TURNIIIIHZ coustoOUlP HORSES FOR SALE,'AT Howard's Livery .41aible, nun 8111ZET. war Itosootabal!L Booth: .<?.l.r a titiVr trg'14.74414 Tair low. - Hotwle e:=l-4=e4=%..""' pELLA tnebor Cotten Mils, ftabaren tiZAVY, Itnatir yoga; .1;:L ( , - ;::`; A NellUk D fAllUlata. maurvirtirea 42 , ;41,1Arersa. I .1.1 .1 11 94 . v t .g. r4: adV=.l„.., • - - - - • • • --i :• CM ES c, ~ El E 41 , 4 ME i~~
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