The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 07, 1867, Image 1

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• (Scroa•rit Iticcrtr..) •
.1 •
NOCS'ION 4 • 4r.
r. 13431, 11.113ess Manuel+.
Orrici..oAZ6lTZ BUILDnIG
lathe;, rApliiran hp: of listen l'exu)hiniz.
OiTICTAL PAP OF rrnsoußoil AND
Deltverea by Omit.. '713.
EabicTibers, an Tear 'coo.
, •
tAje I7ittsburgl! etaqttt
VIIEDUIpaIth is pleaStaig.o refer to our
prediction that' 01. Forney would Indite
n - series of interesting lettere from -Eu
rope during his travels, sad to express:)
Its judgment that our favorable esil
mate of that gcntkman's not
been sustained.. One of the editors of
the Dispatch was rccentlY it Europe,
and another is on the way, thtther.
one that Mis re:l:treed wrote a number
of, letiers that, were duly printed talus
own columns; and henaturally presumes
to knoW - what a European • letter should
contain, and how the necessary facts and
ideas should be expressed. Col. Foiney
only - chronicles what he sew, and in an
maartlsitcal way. states the impressions
muds therapy on his own mind and feel-.
lugs. Our neighboi• gothic facts main
ly from "Harper's • Iland-Book for
Travelers In Enropt," is any man can
ace fog hfmself, if he will take the pains
wo : have, and garnished the facts with
comments drawn from the same source.
The Colonel' should - hove taken ItYlsons
from our neighbor before settio.g out.
gsv WEEKS AGO many prominent
Republicans in Ohio were rivalling each
other Is. the modesty and grace with
Which they severally disclaimed even a
willingness to wear the gubernatorial
honors. It seemed as if that high office
would have to go — a beggingsfor some
body to fill it: The - difficulty is past.
Several gentlemen who thought they did
not 'want the piaci.,. Lave cot:minded it
-would be pleasant; and several .more,
who- were passed by, have beefi found
willing to sacrifice private cnse for public
honors. • . .•
Tint Itcc-`"
T Republicans of Beaver county
Uwe VlM:ed the following ticket in non,
buttion : Assembly, Thomas Nicholson;'
Prothonotary,. John Cau 4.11 ey ; Treasurer,
Captain R. Barnes; Commissioner, Wm.
Ewing; AiwAxiste Judge, M. Law
renee. Resolutions ha favor of General
W. W: Irwin for State Treasurer and: in
favor of n free railroad law were passed.
.Thu ddegutes to the State Convention
were iffitrutted to vote far lion.-W. H.
Williams, of Pittsburgh, for Supreme
A:wornEn responsibility of Telegraph
- comininies has been decided bye jury in
Buffalo. Some tine - a swinaler
succeeded in obtaining a largo sum of
money from Prather, Chadsworth C 0.,&
et Pit Hole, by means of a telegram - re
ceived over the; IVestern Talon line
from . Buffaloi from confederate. The
firm•brought action against the company
4cr damages - and :are received a much
heavier•verdict.than they claimed. •
Tn Ohio State Episcopal Convention
m now being held e► Cleveland. A let.
ter from assistant Bishop Bedell of the
Diocese, or Ohlo; dited ,Rome, and
faking strong groun6 in opposition to
- ritualism, was read end well received.
The pomp. and ceremony of the . Cath
olic church at Biome, have had the effect
id* strengthening the Reverend. Writer's
:opposition to the departure from the
spirit of the prayer book.
Too nopublictola of Armstrong'coun
ty have amxiMMea for Assembly, boL
B. M. juicisti;.. for Sheriff. David G.
.?; Reed;. for Treiturer, 301 McClelland;",
for Conamissloner, Daniel Stagle; for
Diiitriet Attorney, J. O. Darrell; for Ju
ry Commissioner, George B. Sloan;- for'
Auditor, George P : G. Boreland; and for.
, 'Trustees of Academy, Ross 3lechling
and George
'Tax= happened In Philadelphia last
evening &terrible accident. ,The'boiler"
in the cabinet shop of Ward.di Gels,
Samson street, eaploded, demolishing
the entire building, which 'was a large
and substantial structure. Nearly thirty
persons are supposed to have been buried
in the rain!. Thirteen were recovered
hit night" of whom eight were dead and
live Ittldly injnied. ,
- tint movement in..oppotiart to Sher
:inrues Military Reconstruction Lill in
Georgia, has certainly been started"by
inconsiderable number of didcon
tented politicians. Heretofore - no State
. promised better in the way of reeon.
infliction, and the people 'twill set aside
these new disturisirs and faithfully Or
ganize according ito the ways of Con
grata ' ,
Tux Reoubllcana of Voyettte county
have appmnted William Elliott, Eso:,
Senatorial delegate to the State Conven
' tion v Westmoreland and Greene counties
concurring, They, also, appointed
Dushane, representative delegate.
They were instructed to support Mr.
Williams for Supreme Judge.
Tux National Typographical talon,
. in session at Xculphis, have conferred
ou proprietons of newppapers•tbe high
privilege of jcdidng, the combitiation,
providing they aro 'practical printers.
. - 'Proprietors 0411 feel dilly grateful for
the honor so long withheld.
IT Appears that a party ot'lioston Fe.
nianshave been Captured by the English
authorities, while endeavoring to effect a
lauding at Dungannon. They will hard
ly realve much mercy at the hands of
their captors,. nor do they deserve any.
Tmt Republican . Convention of Blair
miltnly unanimously instructed its Die-
Pict Conferees to . support Mr. Louis W.
Rail for So-election to the `State Senate.
lir.. , McCalmorit was renominated for
Assembly. - '
TIM Wellsville Union, an ably edited
and well conducted Journal mans io us
tbla week In akentire 'new dress and
greatly enlarged. It Igworthy of largo
Tun New York Constitutional Con
tention has adjourned till 'Monday next.
The member! tie - certainly in no hurry
to get thraughtrith their important Inuit-
Tux United States Circuit Court in
NorthCarolusa was finally re•opcaed nt
Raleigh, ,yesterday, by' Chief Justice
Chase, after a lapse of over four years.
-..Tea Homeopathists have decided to
ignore female physician's. 'They are In
favor of weak drugs, bat opposed to the
weaker cix itclMilliateiln them.
• Tnr. New York riami explains that
the list of incomes of the editorial fra
tetnity of that city; recently furnished,
was touched%) from imagination.
NAST of the cotton mills of the east
have largely . curtailed their production;
&sit ban been ascertained that they have
been running atvt lesn.
nniempt upon the life of Napoleon
while rld‘with the czarof-iittenia, in
imuotOned• cable. The al
aaadia uk unknown.
S.lona - son, of Sing Sing, has been
chomen-Grand Mader of 'the Free :111a.
sozuc;of !Tow York.
Ms: Dow.= =not be calmed into .
Vie ottcaptance ! of ttio, Goirefoordap of
- C l / I BLI SZE
i s w L1...0 1 111 k
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Two facia of weight ooght to be con 7
aidertd. Regular army olliters, with
lew eiceptions, are in favor of dealing .
leniently with the rebels and with the
rebellious States. General GRANT WAS
re .
reported to have gone r , ar , as to ex-
Press great satisfaction at' ! the bailing of
ffir. GAVIS,antl at Gansinv's shire in
that transaction, Notwithstanding this
decided leaning, 'each Military Com-1
manila* in the Southern States has re
cently felteompelled to . remove more or I
is of the municipal officers in his De- I
parte:tent. The President don't seem to I
comprehend why ibis is; and theydenao- ;
erotic , joarnals persist that It proceeds
from an innate tendency in military men
to resort . to arbitrary measures. The
fact is, that'sch,lie . considerable progress
has been made in genuine reconstruc
tion, a powerful stttion of the Southern
people are non as bitterly hostile to the
Union as at any former yelled. If the
President will only have sense and mod
eration enough to let the Generals alone,
Ric work of reonstructioa will steadily
, Itimarkable Career of an Eceentrie
That strange, eeventrin and somewhat
famous old settler, Tom Rally, died in
his hut on the swat gone of the heanti
duff which bears his name, at 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, aged nitty. e i s ht
years. Ito toss a strange character. and
his name at least so- generally known,.
though thousands in gur city never saw .
him, ilia..At sketch orbit= life will he read
with intereAt.
Tout- Kelly was one of the very first
of the settlers rat the tract of land In
.luded in the MOW of Dubuque. Ile I
was horn in Ring's collar. Ireland in
ISO). Ile emigrnted to Canada in DOi• !
he remaineLl Uteri , too years anti it halt,
and then went Douth, Jo urneying through
the Southern SUnes to New • Orleans. ;
Thrace he cameup the Miasi•sippl ricer
and landed in Chateau in In the I
spring of 1K32 he came to Dubuque, and
wort:L..l in the mince until he, with many
ethers, mu imlered otf by Lieutenant
deft Davis. Ile came back In DM, built .1
-a cabin just,opposite what Is now Gril
-1 ham's brick yard, (living there many
scars,) and
. again. commenced mining.
lie was one of the met industrious of
miners. In 1514 he struck a big lode on
the ;and held it until it. Wl4 open
for entry, when be mune ln•possession of
the laud-
,Ne woo incompany with Car
dill' And Langwortlay, and the mine was
one of t h e most produCtivo ever known
'on this side of the tiger. liow• touch
was taken out is hot known. Several
- years after he. titscovered another lead
on. the bluff, near Third 'street, which
also yielded largely. In- De; be Imilt a
furnace on his bluff, rind . rommencod
smelting his own mineral. Hell - Veil all
thla lione atone, only mixing with men
as his tiredness compelled him In do no,
working hard either prtisneettng, smelt,
idg,,or mining. • . , •
. ,
o ISSI be shipped an enormous qutm
tiiy of lend for :slew York pin New Or- !
leans. - tic had itinsmedror tr 20,000. On , '
:the way it was lest In the ocean, and - he,
went to St. LouisAt, collect the insurance
money, reeelving dmns on New York ,
for the amount. lie started for New.;
York with the drafts in his Pocket, to got
thorn cashed himself..At Aibmty his!
strange appearance, - long hair. rough
.clothes and singutor , demeanor, enlists!
inbred . Imys to Milow.and annoy him.
The result war that:one day he tired ti .
pistol eta vexing-crowd, and mortally
wounded n man, lie was tried and min%
ed to be insane, and sent - to the Utica I a
sewn, Asylum, the State authorities tak
ing poa , ession of his drifts, whirl, they
have retained evdr store, to the amount
-OQIO,OOO. What. become of .tse rest is
not known.• lie remained in Utica three
3 - ear., we think, when In cs,aped, and
made his way balk mflubuque.
Ito then built is cabin on the south side
of his hluff. it woo composed of stone,
was low arta aimostcovered with earth.
Ithurl no windows, end hot one ,strilill
.10,-w, Below it he had n plow of ground,
(coved with brush. whicb.he cultivated..
Ile did his OV6)11 cooking and •
Ills bluff. covdrtsl as it was with tins+,
sons the resort s or seems of people every
summer'sslirri and is, most inviting
• pienle snot. .It was free to all, if they
would not :those his trees nor approach
hit hut. Either of these trunsgnoisions
annoyed him - emeessively, aerial° trans,
itressor was goon:made to feel that the
hest place for him woo semi:when, else,
Ln lOU or 1ii413 the root of this hut raved
in; and he vacated it, after putting up a
worse one west of it, in a more retired
tipot. lie oantinued his prospecting all
-thisie years, and in ISQ struck another
lode, :which tars added Largely to lila
wealth. - •
- .
singelar mode of life, and his re,
puteil wealth, ns well us his rough np
pearenee, prude him notorious . Ilo*he
.could endure living in his hut, close and
dark even in daylight. Rave'. ti candle
lighted it, with the ground for Ida floor,
we ain't imagine.
- - But limo he lived here thirty Years.
lle wan taken 11l II month ago, of bilious
fever, we think. Then bolls and carbun
cles nearly nevemd his body, and weak
ened, him so that Ida physician could not
rally hilt,. Ills nephew, William Kelly,
and. wife, took min of him till he dial.
Ilis.wealth is estimated utn100,(s)0 by his
retativat, though where it is, Reveille
thirty acres en the bluff,,and the mineral'
in his yaird, neither they or any one else
know,, Ile 'leaves two brothers, a sis
ter two tiephewa and n niece. lie made
no (Inca.) Them
The llesaavalaf New Orleans Omelet.
.-Geaerol aberiaane eteaseas There
for —Neglagrasion Nearly completed.
illy Telegraph 'o the rittstergli Clarettel
New Inas, June G.—The Tribune's special
says: General Sheridan having been asked
for , his seasons' for his removals, this day
, forwarded the following:
Cot. MeCLUttz: managed to get to i llaspuessmaas Time Sirtivany inseam,.
—General C. N. limn. Gommanding Armies
Denver, bud_ he cannot contrive to get or the United States, Washington.—Oenenth
0 March I.i. I remoras from
beyond. *riling, May 20th, he liriys: . i 2. tan
; L ' inec., erg E r . Abell. of the Criminal Chum
• "The Singe Company has declined !or New odes..., Andrew J. Herron, Astor
pasSengerti I since the 121.11 - instant. Ou 1 L'1 n Gr . '",... ! :,..,,'" , h ,L 5 5 ' 0r t- V„ 1- :,'', 1 ,,L1 4 ,7:,,, 4
' mat day Mg..liooper, delegate to Con- i 0de.... v
k Tess hold Utah, and others, started Thew, romoyal . rre
. read . e . under r ee
Wrest bat tipy have enjoyed the luxury ETZTArllo,,l,.7.:l"4:.cguilliZ ar.
of math:gag• for a week- at Cooper's by the Congress of the United States. 11110
Creek; - wioot ammmmodatlons, and .(not deem at necessary to give any reason
I living onroVislons sent them daily I ffi r . tb f b :T u r e Vigu==l;:trlitil
l !rota this place by coach. From that ! ears, hoard on the massacre of July 90th
' point west - for fifty miles there is no : Poi, and the report:f e ttle ,CoLg r r . esgo t e nn al
stock,. and of course no. transit for pas. I c T o m t,,',.7::4' g: ',,'„J ` ,,,`,Zu, for til., ~...
gangers. The horse's not-waptered by I. of removal,. I would respectfully state as
the Indians; have been "bunched" at :1 follows:
either end of the hostile country, and I , T . P_ .' It v -
Judge Abell preal-
~ de,P ' .l;ne r to,An l o c it h al Court in the city
doubt whether there will be regu lar' of New Orleans, and for a period of at least.
coaches through for a month to come, if nine monthsinrevious to July 30.h , u . t 0 tl I
indeed they get into..operation at all this 1 :1,,'',V,1=1,: 1 =1;17 . 1Y,.1 '. ! t.;
senSOn. The universal impression of by almost promising no proseontion u in Ms
the people is that the Indians are now.; court against thorn:tenders. in ease such an
stealing stock to mount their warriors, ! in s V r i ! ii= u t r tia tt ;Titi 'n riA. t r i gta " :l: ,
with the intention of inaugurating gen. ! not eat or Use guilty ;mesh. been Drew
eral ho stilities 08 soon as the grass is l.eated,
sufficiently grown to Iced their horses on! ~Ir ., ,,,( ' 'r er l r,:f. t i ttd = l,:'lfi ern'T .trr i
the war loth, and'. ir th e be true, the I befor e tt his indict Llitanmen .
Indian troubles arc Just benning, and a before Llie Criminal Court. T6lB he Isditst
month hence there will be no coaches at us do , but went so - fat .. t .,- rxt . gre . tom-. 1
all west of this point; god veryfew revs. I =72;Z :al. of Q. mat Mooed)
I Ifis between acts I and the terminus :or the rioter•—in other words, mall= the
of t e - raliroad.
1 to
guilty and the gel/tY Moment
, He was. therefore anabettoe of and wad
"l have exhausted every means I could ; jot= with Judge 'Abell in bringing on th e
dells to get off, but Without In any de. ! roaassetre or Juitgoth.
gree facilitating my passage westward. ! 'till; Monroe _
_rore ' r 1 .
'gene element
lino lag as Ido that General Augur has ! ilfontey (kestrel we !' Zoom not prosecute
near cc quite 5 . 1 : ,00 troops in Wider:art- l
and a budge who advised the
me ;,that over 1,000 of them are at Fort ' u r e a .
let teat s " LT z g d 7 :,77.r._tlnr:y,:w.
Sedgwick, lens than 200 Miles cast of this ; g.,,- , -ing police force . in toe not and miss-
point, and that be hue but this ono great , Mere.
rou t
being to_ jiroteet—tbe, Smoky hill I ,11.,27:1 6 . 1 V:::, g u agr o lr f ol it a b ,lvg
matt being in JIM: Medea dePartment — l ! ri ot to these elements An immunity for I
at ones appealed to hint by telegraph, to , clot and bloodshed, the General in chief
hasten forward a sufficient number of ! "" Lit " t geVl:riofiti °l IP t trenlo t e h hil ' .: '
traps to protect the stations and the , whilutight Occur in regtstrution and rot ,
travel. I was amazed to find loss than 1 ,g r in tne reorgaultatioo. 1I am General,
100 troops on the e4ire line between i rorf,fl7 9 gtfrggr u r o. o c b l l eiyl ar . 4 Z",'".
this - and Salt Lake —a distance of 600 !. Gee era' Sheltie: also tal,:gntMed Gen- I
miles—and Withat number less than one• ! end Grant' that the registry return. from
third mounted or in any way fitted to : .I,l,t he l"rit'r4f,,,Tl s , i rtgrolti= I
protect a -.mote. I took It for granted wiskeee,,,,,,teed t e r m • andl e v en report to
that General bulgurl/M1
would at 0 open Yon the greatest seem., and that the best
the line, as It seemed to be entirely:in ~.11,15delexleaawlsremorklahavaaarant.hearPoll,,. ,1
his power to do so; but b it telegraphed oat says t _Gener. blieridan is behaved to
coo a speech in reply, at the cost of f begulity of disobedience or nobles in re.
$lO.OO, the material pnrone n' . ~ deb . mng Governor W 7 41,.. , ..r r :ar.,;;;;..
Was that the tome di ,- . • ~.. protee- ' t::7l 2 lgril e h i r it " Zo suspend Os forthe
ou n ,
lion, and that if i v did he couldn't pro- `action in the case of the Levee COOVrlbitt
-teal it. Ile also kyored me with the ' t r e ' d a:7 Groat r.rrTrrnd .. Int -
luxury of a disqubsition on the obitinacy ; fig.gee,, on ones question at which
of army, contractors; who were prevent. I General Grant favored tt r ilt i tztsvatit . o.a .
log him from moving his army into the I L l ,,,, ` ,n P artz d .". tt e r n p " rndenee in the frt.
Supper country.' I need not ay that I I tr;i7gr"faeteact ol Ordering aim to be re•
ceased telegraphic communication with ; moved. w
York - Tim& special Bail. All
'Military headquartera I may, if detain. th T ,,,WA'" r ., I wutungtrm, who tenors
ed utrat Big Laramie, Kit General Alignr ; the situation of lam in New Orleans, sp.
to telegraph me the 115th Psalm, if the . prove snot-Waive coarse.
time passes wearily; but I do not think l
is, likely that I shall Make any , huller : '
telegraphic efforts to—ggt the Indians out
of the way." ' • - !
Antaatiaatnemalalp Company-501cm
ea Annan abbe cwarter.
(or Trirrokeh tours Musnereb owns.).
Vona, - June S.—Attorney Oeneral
rtiotlaia Instneten enaction meow
inarnammiPolloek, living to a OT.V.
tenement house m Edinburgh, wan Vlt y .taalwanve the ra.E..7. , d...." 14
reading by bie fireside the other :evening charter for sn"itea effeen , A ne
Whet, We heartheume suddenly g-ive way „" . ",„„t r r e n irtte u =inpin . ' g la demanded by'
under him; and he fell Into a deep 0w... tg,'",i - tilyrnev general. aud an to
nme nmettee
ens full rif 'Water. Big wife reached :,hes been
Were by t 2 u r
down add held lum by the hair until as- ii_.." he =tyy dart.' the progress
sistaxice arrived. It turned cub that the t ems. • -
house had been halt freer the refine of an
ancient melt kilo; of which none of the 11 ". 1 " 7.1 "i rmaL • is
fey ?steersmen, the !Instant , Mutts.)
ggepeeted tho existence. .u L le. en o.—Steer finis [u4
• --- • .itn"ruint qt,erter feet. went . ni the
Tmr. wheat harvest of Georgia has ,,
comMenCeel. • , • Maxralz,Jvasil,—RlTOZ4ll2l4.
lie is Fired at While Hiding with
the (tar of Russia.
renians from: Mikssachnsetts
Ifesurrection, in Turkeys
Omar Pasha's Army Disabled.
Financial and Commercial
Z. Ur Telegraph to the lltlaborgh Gasette.l
Psats,3me6—Etentsp.—another attempt
upon the Itfe of the. Emperor Lbnis Napo--
loon wog mute to-dap, while he who return•
log from the Grand Bat/low, In Champ De
Mars till. niternoon, In honor of the Caar of
ilussia, who accompanied him. ♦ shot was
tired at the carriage by some person In the
crowd. Fortunately, neither of the Emper
ors were injured. The Weide= created
great excitement arid confusion for some
time, which. however. emoted when It. was
toned the inthndea aithasinattort hail WWI.
The aseasein hen not yet been arrested, but
cannot 1000 eecepe.
&moms June G.—lnformation from Crete
confirms tho DrirriOtis . reports that the
Turks were everywhere badly defeated.
and the Cretan Insurgents nedforrely auo•
caudal In every encounter with the 'forces
under the command of Omar Tenho.
va.maae r.. 031 horn., MASA. •
Drama, Jane 6.—Eentop.—The party of
Fools= arrested a lOW d• y• atto, when at
tempttna to land at Dangaonon..l }key
were from Hatton, Most -
pISPON, June 6.—Rrening.—Lord NSA,
Chid Secietary for Ireland. annocuriced IS
the 'llium - of coternons to•nlaht that the
eentences of •all convict.' Fusudas have
been oiiimmtitcd.
aan sauna..
LoanoN,Juno B—Ereninp.—Advicels from
the Continent report a rising against the
araboalty of the Porte In both tiolgaris and
Soma. . '
Sane G-fleeing.—The steam•
ship Gaiding Star, from Yaw York, arrived
Loarros, lone o—Erraten.—Consola, 944
Xlll.lB 4:entrea t :le; Sale, 31/34.
Idvenroor, June P;tortinp.—Cotton
gale!, gales or 0Z4 1... 74 . 1301 ['Nand., 11)01i
ZTl=. " l s tro, Z. at. P q oart=
changed, Petroleatu, lc Id. Pariah, 31.4.
434 ad,
Loewe, Juno o .— The markets are an
, banged.
earrornar. Jane. 0— Sorelep.--St.dard
Iwhite petroleum. at 41 franc,
rISAISILIorr. Jane 6 Encamp.— United
I States hoods. i
New Toms, June 13.—kfall advice. from
Athens stasothe Cretan tomes now hold all
the passu. The army of Omar Puha mu
sea crippled that he ooli:d not undertake
soy serious movement without, fresh rein
The typhoid fever wee Muting the Turk.
ish army. •
The Arnidlan had accomplished rum..
folly her eleventh trip, and ludo& besides
a lame quentity of ammultiu, six bemi
red and Arty Ideldotes. About sixteen
ttiouand studoraraisof the latestuttern,
end two snore batteries of fled artillery
•had reached Athens.
The Government wu very entirely pro.
panne to mutat) emergencies. Two naval
N avy
of the highest rank in the 'Greek
Navy have nmetted London, looking for
tree clads, mid additional troops are being
sent to the trontlers of Tnewadil and EPI•
elm. on =count of the concentration of
Turkish troops on the other aide. •
:"epeeist Correspoinh•nre l'ittsbursh Uss , tie.;
WA511,1[41,,, Va., Jure 1,1%7.
Our goodly town Is becoming somewhat'
famous In thews tatter days. The public
prints fled occasion to notleo es very fro-
to span.
quently: We'may
little of °drools...
rod:ones roam-sates. •
This h beau the therde Of COuversatlon
ever sloai it was published. A bold, reck
less and persistemattamp L Is being.a made br
certain portico to throw diseredlt oh the
000101310 h. it avails ilothluSi, sate to deep
en the nonrictioa, almost universal. that
the oenfesalpn Is true oersted the abildOta of a
doubt. it would have been wlso In the
parties to whom ire refer to have kept al
This celled Iron. The '.-efttla of the Jury
and the sentence of the Court gives gen
eral vaLirnecton. Eight years service in
the penitentiary is [lOllO 100 heavy a pen
alty for the crime that Owl been committed.
Of this Ire feell We think,prood.
It administerh justice Without four or laver,
and...moms determined to vindicate the ma
jesty tir tne lam. Crime of every kind mull
soon quail before it.
Mother day soma thirty applieations
were made .rem variede Rangel the county
fort scesmetoegat Muer. ! Ultima vestment
ed. livery teed ciUsen rejoices. hutch
' Coen honor. deaf, and is a credit to any
The Wl,' the lite:tank of whom the Other .
night Irss eiult seed affair-The bullet, It it
suoposed; lodged In hit lung or passed
through it. Uie symptoms ...leyore fa
vorable. The phyllciana eiltertabit hope's
at his rearms* ,
this ems +mi..
The workmen are at It. When completed
tt will be well adapted for the purnoemi for
which each a building to intended. Sod
purposes, however.
- ' pee coii. wrens .
it if netr [lovlll tome three' harmed feet,
but the coal le not yet reached. Tho Com
pany ire coafklent of FIUME., aml oar Iseo.
ple are glad of lt. The thollorf of coal nth
be ogres: bloselng to many.
Ae excursion throoth S. raid portion of
Chiaectlntynallshee us toot the prodalse of
abnettanee is 1310• L cheering. The wneat
fields are all that could be desired. The
meadown also, snit we may ear tee same or
the oats. , All kinds of troll pre evidence
of more than •11 oedlnary yield. Tee corn
Is iminsuediy backward. In many Instances
1 the so:do:old weather has necessitated fe
-1 planting;
We Cannot drop the pen without sending
Ton words of conarstulatlon and cheer.
'ffidtc• P.M, always good, Is Sow better
than ever.' and and Cheisprand, many of
ns prudwatly, wisely and ably con
ducted. It damn'es a very wane elrcula•
tion ! • Aso. cs.
Yfeo!tlef of Um Directors of Ins Oaf•
two Voles Toleiffspb . Cowpony—
Homolanes Aooofo.olf the 1...
Adopford by t'aetress. •
; ray Telegraph to but Plashersh tieeette.j
Seer Yotig, Jane 6.—The Directors of the
Weatern Union Telegraph COmpsny, at a
meeting held On the ith, unattlenoaalY re
solvedlo accept the prorielons of the Ns.
{tonal Telegraph Lao, paaeed by COtrtella,
and . directed that the necessary pollee be
died with the Patti:easter General Mimed*.
tune. By Lida action the Government will
acquire the right to purchase the Comm.
ny's lines and property at a valuation to
be determined by Commissioners to be
obese. two by the Company. two lip the
Virdtedlitates,uid one by the other four.
Whenever Congreft shell decide to make
the telegraph a part of the postal eyeteru.
thafted."lttilYnt°4ll'olfrg the
l ifat "" 1
and hlKhwaya In the Unit
red which
hava been or shall :13.8.titiceis to
rtrutt reads, and
t= "l ,l " c " o.l l m th eirt ' t?,:i
the .raw above referred to gave these lot
, portant privileges exclusivel y eaodmr
Company. This is a mistake. Its pro.
j viatons are general,d the West
ore Union T e le g raph Company owns
or cOatroll neatly all the linos in the
country. Whatever they possess tenet
he greater to that Company than en any
other. This settee cannot Intl to exert an
tothertant - and beueficial inilnonce on the
interest:of the Telegraph Company. Bike
Government shall, hereafter Snide to take
the entire or even partial control of the
1 telegraph {.
arr a n g e it will itivinubte.ll, -
j purchase or arrange Or the 050 of Lb. Iler.
raid property of title Company, which It I.
claimed could not now be duplicated for a
'meth larger fatal than Is represented by
.the present price, of the stock.
Memos Stotler Estprewards la Plilladel- i
Elm:llea t Direeters of the ' piste—ive Wbirry Itailatragglearallski- i
Chicago arra _7ll,SeCtogralersi Rail. ask-afak,llsirlZ Ragegrels,Repiligild i'
sir...deed. i my Telegraph to the Ilitsidarl, Clasen..
illy to ttteritiotettalk tlexant.; , r,„,,„ „L r.., :pane G.-0 r. vr..—A Wight. 1
La waaa ' 4 aaa a —Taa annual meeting °' i fill accident has fist occurred bare. A
the stockholders or the Chicago and hOrtEr ' steam holier In a Manufacturing estab- i
western Railroad Compithy, for the election i‘ llshmentin the rear of 934 Cheatant street
of DlreCtore for the'ensii leg Year. i i .kr .l . o ! explodhd, demolishing the whole building, I
at the
b ee° of the Company la thin city to-' five stories high anti paver on hail ,
COnfnehnt to ascertain the loss of
day. Aout Arty perefele were Lit attend . -i d th r:il p i , s , adO L lty feet deep., It 1. imptiwthle in i
anee, representing ten hundred tuul fifty , ,
.Ite. Seven Inert ware taken out and two
thousand shares of elect.
The President on taking the chair, made 1 braiding. Utaia tat... 01 .M tattt.t, cream
a Inlet apeeen, fflwing the tease. for the , thesevan tiro. rescued. The expio al d shook ,
coarse puree.] by the present manage. • buildings for admiral around. .
meet. Luang the year loco. I WMOTtnnt weeontrt.,
ni n ' iv ' n.- no ii tli 'in." n d nine aandnai I Pattiustraita.Jimea.—The boiler in the ,i,
freight earn , an d one hundred other an I establishment , of Ward .t Gels, sash and
were added to this equlpmentee the road, ist , th ,,,,,,,,,,,,, th , the p e . No, him samson street,ex•
an e.pons., of Pete and a hall million. of • ..,_,.,,,,, et eth,,,,thee, thin emeethe 4ethe ,,,
dollars. Two millions have been expanded I i''''' .
, • idling the building. The boiler had beeed
in building sine treCas. its was emortneett r complained of as PM In good four
that the road had mien honestly madan
•• ad i ' recto-3k this afternoon the mill wail slopped
and with as great, ability as arty other road I
i to peek the engine piston. The hands were
lin the ministry. i lying round idle and soma hail gone
The ticket supported by the old manage -' home ~..,,,e,„ th e ... rpiethth etherre , the .
maa'ra‘ada'ai two hundred an
',,t eaty- i Dilatable darnage wes canted tonelghbaring
I three thousand six hundred vot toe op- th. ,,,,,,,,, b y f l y i ng,b,,,0. At soon m
I po4ltion one hundred and twenty - four ' ~.,,,,„ the work or getting out the dead
thousand. Ono-mating the votes it was P ......ii
commenced. Thirteen persons were taken
found that one hundred thousand of the . out. th g of whom were dead, and two'
vows were on shares transferred within tho I who were alive when taken out expired
last thirty nay,d, soil o ut Zhe Carter. _,, 0rk ,.„.....„,. b., 1i5t, 0 ,„..,,,, e , r
not on allowed. About ninety thou- ,-......„_,==,,_,„:- „,;,:: „_•,,v,„ . ..7 . i.,-,„.; ..
aOil of theaa votes were for the otiposltion„ - nu,_ - =n - 2_,... - ...ff, r.i. ,,, ;„. , ..—...., L.,....:
nod ten thousand fur the regular ticket . 1111 , 1 Q 1 ,. ei A 6 ;,4 1- ;,Z e r e 7 e . , i ' - 4 , 17 „;-,;•= 01
Throwing u.... out the vote anted: regular '.
ticket, two hundred ici_a!,ia,,,,,ditit.i,..,,6.9v..dituoi.n.
1 IF ' int '' in bpu t r h i o al b i rld n i * rig ni sh 'l o 'v r " tly h tia it i P arre t' th ' e r ' ek e'' -
, v....,ivg a IVY' .4 our ' ma " '''''''' plosion. It in thoright fourteen others are
A relegation approving the coarse of the I burled lh the rote e.
present management
during theyast year
adopted. The meeting w orderly.-1
and corisiderable enthusiasm was mans.
testedwythe result. (. e ,
Rallread Couneellierse * with the Mew
EngiAllad Rillael.-A II RalllSOnte Prom
Portland to the West.
i Illy Telegraph ti the /Mishnah dwelt , / ,
i Owen, N. T., June 6.—A delegation of
leading New England men, Interested Inv
the "Meow] from Portland to Montpelier,
connecting with the Vermont Central and
Ogdensburg Railroad, arrived here Po-day
j t m a a,i ' li e .7 U° ' b . : Pe a t i
fi Witg " a ' r l eTltt :e a r n , ittratil
i the wer W er M eonneetlons to the Most. A meet- ,
lug was held at the hoard of Trade Rooms,
and the prolent fully discussed. It is pro
)osed to teak° snub minneetion• as will
. term an NS-tell mute Pram Portland to the
West 'rho delegation, after being enter
. mined by
the Common Comma and board
of Trude, left on their return, . -
• • Railroad Coareativon.
(Ty Tele/dinar* the Pittsburgh _tisseitle.)
' Parsnitheno, June 0.—.4. Convention of
, all the impartant Railroad Companies in
Virginia arid North Carolina, motto-day to
discuss a iiebetinlei for 'Moner time between
• New York soil Now Orleans. The mission
will 1,0 continued two days longer. •
paeehaata • Caton tsprim Company
momfaa—Ohlo Pima Episcopal Cos.
CL.VRLAND. ime 6.—A JOlnt meetinglef I
She Executive Committee and the-Trustees
of the Merchants' Union Express Company
is being held at the Weddell Hong!. There ,
I s a very WI! attendance. A thorough ex.
aroldifkiOn in being made of the cm:Milton Or
the Company, and the best of feeling pro!
vatic Impuriant action will dountless be
taken orison many matters connected with I
I the welfare of the Company, and efficient
btires adopted for tae prosecution of it,
usiness. The Executive Committee have
made full reports, which are being consul
ered by the Trustees this evening.
Theetate Episcopal Convention Is bold-
Ins etc second day's *melon, The chief
feature Of interest was a letter Min Rue.
Mr. flotlell,'ANaLatant Illshep of the Viocese
of Otito, now In Rome, teeing Strong low
I Church ground, enaraclerislun ritual ism Ir
and i . r r Y t°oriadVgnsofsals prayer
t k v . ,
the forms of worship prencribed therein.
I The letter wee a pour , onn, and win
well receivedby the Co tion.
I.,..—Arisogetneert have been dea
-1 nicely settled by the Executive Committee
and Truatfcs of,the Merchant's Union Ex
' press Company to start toe People's Dis
patch an the leth instt. Thla will c on
nect gotten and New an York with all the
Modem citima
Voneerrative Daan Party. anism
San Sherman li MllDesennem Org l—The
MoreMem P 111-Timed
and Inindlelon•—Wheat ii
tmemeseed—Someme Court Judge
Env Telegraph to tea Pareborgb Claaatte:l •
Aooterra, (la., Jane 4.—A meeting Of eltb
Zeal of Fulton and Dekalb counties use
held at Atlanta to form a Conaervatlve
Union Party. A preamble and resolotiona
were JulOptal, de.noun'eing the Sherman
Bill as Infamous and preferring military
,rule lo organising under lin pro Visions.
The press at Atlanta have no syrtipettllY
with the movement, and pronounce It ill
timed and injudicious.
The feeling throughout Georgia Is to sub
1t mod organise under lan military Mil.
The people are sick awl tired of uncertain
ty and will conform Co the reenirentenut of
COngrea lo m 10 good faith.“ There opporition.
UI oobalderable,A gat majority
of the people are in [seer of voting for a
Hon. J
_Lagiorikin, of the Supreme
Coon of CV rilrle, tem:lntl, died at Athena.
The wheat barvest of this State has nom.
I dimmed and the yield promises to be very
large. All the to
crops are looking fine
and proinhie to Veld well.
Reeoptina at Mope . 111111IInlve t o n N. Pracldeal Ana tate ton
siltation. ' •
(ay Tottrish to thy Pittsburgh Uersits.)
Crteret, MLitt, N. C., June 6.—The Presi
dent and party arrived this afternoon. and
were welnumed by Or. liwayne, President of
the University. President Johneon return,.
ed. thanks for this manifestation of
elite. Lie trustoo.that one of the leading -
studies of this Unikeretty--would be the.
prineinies of the Constitotion and free gov
ernment. lie loved his country
end regarded the Constitution as
the - • pante:Hunt of
it s in
our liberties, and by it, in the future ea
in the pest, he 'lntended to stand. Tile
principles of our government nere, if
properly understood, ontrielontly oNpnronvo
to oMIOOOO not only ell the Stews of the
Union, but the entire civilised world. In
conclusion, the President immunised the
; pupils of the institution. who were note
I lis.ening. to wcrrlrs of ufisfulness, remolding
theta tint the P etty el honor wow open in
all: , The President was frequentlyinter
rooted by applause. Meeers. &moot tool
itOndoli glib .Lierieral Sickles also •Mhe, end
o th o e m ocenroenmeeoinenoOZheerleitceesp tion idtAokeco dp. Toco
The Nenstorial hsearislea Party.
illy remersiNi la ter Pittsberan Usasttol
Jihorrienr mill., June 6.—The • ex
Marmon party left LaWrence at. eleven
o'clock yesterday morning, after riding
over town and seeing all notable Places,
dined at Topeka, spent an boar or two at
Fort Elley,,and actual here' but evening,
...born they took supper and 'pent the
b milt. A con•tderable number of. pron. , .
neat citizens et Kansas have Jolnal us, In..
onding.Gov. Crawford and some state ora.
tank Gen. Delmier, cob.. Nom. congressman
I Clark, and several Judges and others. The
' party leave bore this morning for the
end of the track, and thence to Port liar.
A pollen:meting In honor of the excur
sionists was held at Lawrence night befOre
last, at which several hundred citizens
were present. Speech. wore made by Hom
Mr. Nibbloelt, of lnillana; Hubbard, of
I West Virginia:Vandyke, of bow York; He r o
Idersomol Permaylvanial Newcomb Bron
cos:sh, of if imouri; Judge Smith, of Kansas,
and others, alter which a. hop was given.
Everything palmed off delightfully. _The
weather m charming. NO 11COWOOL
Nettoni.S.Typeawnpbleal Unien—Sloe;
• ismeell Se Artemis. Ward.
EBY Telesnioh Vs the rittmentelissette.l
limirem, June 6.—The National Typo Union mused a resolution re
questing mery printer to set one thousand
erne 011 the annivetsaryot Artemus Warn , .
death, Mr building • atonement, and an
other altowleg the proprietary of
pers who are nrantleal printers, to become
members. They to an excursion on the
Dan Able tamlght.
TimlMiligo MP Min "Willi Allese.
tee Telegraphs. the Putshirgh desalt...l
Near Yo Jan
u, e L—Tbe miaow
aaa Beath.
M e I:4= a
been 1 e = t. tenser Alles.
tie altyhi gotaelos • -
ECONI) , . DiffioN , i• ,
4 rAddr 1 FO , oll u Tt l i f I'AOK.--Tlth foikft .. ..a ira 7a k : , Z .
°patting of Court at Raelml, I poru ohms by ony proter J In the city, oath be
FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. CR l T tsr. T. er Juno - t the opening of the I found
n.. pb to the F A ittentrohilette.,l
I ,
l United State. Circuit Court this morning, 1 Monnmessital Pair.
FROM WAIIHINGTODT. ,In the late Senate Chamber, a large nate
'The crowd at the Monumental Fair in City
her of Ilstinguishea men:Mora were pre- i
sent. ' 1 Ilan. last 01501, exceeded In numbers that .
E.DWilf, on Pe Rd ism Mini.iles - ,,,,,. ,. . ~. lof any Previous evening since Its emettietice.
Eighth wroilon Melon Pertho W•ll - -- - 1 - ding C ~.. "*ll
' .. went. The May role dance, we thptose,
rond-Che I.eniplen Gower nnnn talp *ice Came Vialla the fOnnWieg remarks to had .. m . f ...... do wt .. th . re . a ... r ... d _
-4ellneltittie Mill .1 WetrOliefe - Pew I praelitioners :
denloan,, °Meet no Allegheny At , . - I th ee, as It epperiXed to be the attraction of
aestat-Itepahlleamitallifleation. Genftrashi of th e Bar : -Deforo proceedly
fey Telegraph to the Flitsbursh Gazette.] dress a few oteeryntlons to yon,
to rearidar Inisnieeti, I flunk It proper to Ti b t:w r. e p.. ll e . then d
th te p. d, as an e. d in w ir e
vo. -.Lass, ina s teal: then four year the Courts of the Colo.' Every body . 60010 attend the lair this a
' - ''''''''''' --•- --e -.- , werwthaledmi fro th North earl:lllns by the ternoon end evening, as it is the last and
err reruns in ur a islas A slettics-rx rtos / rebeinon. %Thee active hostilities Closed, only chance they will hare
For mon; ; ate In7o 6 mterd in. w it h
arrom oe Tile coma . AI. for sT "5. ,in IMS, the - National military nuthonty took , TIM CURIOSITY ener.
Tim revenue letter Llueoln,otatloned on ! the place tit ontlenry clidt fUrlfl/Icfloo. or I Thu; department is nertainlit the moat ar
the Facia° coast, Is
, tractive In the Fair, and presents to the 0n
pr0pa..,,,, for ~ruts. , controlled its exercise . All the (Mins, ;
1 State and Iretional, wore subordinatqd to no va a broad field for etudy and anther
at San Frandsth 10 Billie, and along the , mutt.,
shores of Whelan A enirlea, under the a two- I
110001 the TressuryDepartment. iSliettoet ° eel' 0 " the Cemethdle ""' thr '' " nd A r,
wiled, untlellPiratllluil'ell'l6linsidltantlotende'lls.ViliCit coon ' u m e r ,.... t. . a l: a n o r eq p ,.. b. T.T . T.ItT.V. O i th Co . p l t h W e i
been the amerce of Math meth to the mote
, tit, .I:rnataint of the President. thought t ....,., frrert.
for the purpose of looklag atter the inlet , I to preerribe Their orocees might be dile
eats of the service; !ti antaithaatten of the I reganied and their Jedgments and decrees
early transfer of the Minitel , to the tinned ey1.1.11). strs=
000 At abet:4h Gab:fining the CutieeltY SIMI ,
I set mule by a military order. ,Under thew
ciroemstances. the Jmltthe of the Supreme will tie Caned a beautiful and magnificent
''''''''''' 'll;* ''' ill ' iM ._ 6 Iti'l'44l, Laren' Copra allotted to the circuits which teeltuled ellk banner, having embroidered on ha
C hrec ter :r e el .. . t io s d . i ,, cilt ‘ e . d . Wi r tel . egr d ep n la u. fre , m the I : taw
fo inii e ur o g , e m,r et ic s t iaLo a s, g atai es t t:l u n o e f d ,un fro , m ci y r o c l o n or - I Lol g d u il L. t f h t li
p re oso ot a to o . f . o. 'l o n f e o d we trust" Th±4
kmanekav wes temi.
• t , t Courts. Their attendance wets miner.~Y, ' and presented to the Yea by Mrs. B. B.
thoritim at Snick. l "Mcrittot Itloial I for the District Judges were fully loath° , /tam., of Allegheny City. It will be &War&
telrld, he tended at the.litthr por t from , teed ey leo to hold Otreult Courts with- , t ai to the .sebtetth sallthl, Pebilo e O B OOI Or
American veseels, prereltad-DoW earn. with I °ln the Jaunt" Of the Supreme Court, ' thadthay referring the Bighead numiter of
nistillests by a C. S. ColLector of Customsand to exercise eciniplete terPSll..lOll..-In , votes, It is wen worthy extuslinittlOn, and
the trial of fill criminal and minima CU err- I should be more spiritedly competed for.
and countersigned by • Itamith ,:anent. II came. AVM their attmadthce wth tinneeeS. 1 150 wax. .
It IMS 4140 been protided that they imould k'o - ir nit'' theanna. MillterY trith ,
be Waded ender rhe persenniannersiflOn . cat...nets were copefent to the emu- I the marble bath one the Fountem enclosur e,
on American agent. The Secretary of the else of all ju'risthetlee, criminal rand anvil. I was won by Kr. William C. Brown. propel
. , ems at that time, Aria under existing ch. The eagle, Whieti has been_percholLe
Treseery,has Instrnetad the °Mpg& at Sae which belongs tinder Civil Gnu.. Being ter of the Eagle Marble Works, Lawrence
k renctscOler relatten to this butt, and It le 1 . h ,.,,,,,,,,, tr y, the Justices thought that ' Wile.
proinahle an ofneer Lie already proceeded the.. taitradanee could be Improper end 1 ROSS rallittloS.
to Stakes to repreeent the Trehaury for the , ~,,,,,,,,, 'they yer„raist It as 1 Tne vote tin the prale hose carriage, at
up. The laneole, about to be dispatched a . 1 a ro the -pO6llO Interest.,
Prom... hrotort , teuirori 3 O Litot spreell ' malt in 'itself and Mt orbital tre many tea o'clock last eight. after the pubite v o ting
tact bed e.t.a, was largely
thlthe', veht speed Um writhe beasen In t the blithest °Meer , of the Judicial i Fritlifiship, but It is feared by many of her
creasing la threw seas The Lineold we , take 1 Lfetiertrdeet of the Goveromtht el:mulct I friends that thsseeled pellets will Moine
dot memmire of Ina corps et the,
c ones exertith *thin' fdrictione under the t the anpect of guides. Following Is the re
wervey, prepared 1.0 make a general oon- in favor of the
1 thpervlsion and control of the lasee thief, I milt of the publid balloting: FriencishiP t
unisethe ot the coast; and ebitillmilw mir - ' Department At length.. however, the mill. lata; Hope, POLI Belelf. 2 .
vey. . toapteln Whits, of the Cutler, Is en I lacy control over the Civil trlimmds was , Test lr•Trir, _
expinenceil n•tarauit. and -- s lib Dr . BM- 1 wlthdrawn by the Preaddent. The writ of I
toga, surgeon of the read , will give special ' m u», /wives, which bud been suspended. 1 a pthderOna tribe piece, TelePt a wattle
attention during the "oath to a wide range , ae a re w hired, wed mammy no. 5 bet which probably wee tarried se a weal.
nr''''ll' 1& ". "7 ' t,......rd -,,, ...- I thority . civil mature , ff ps ,Ms/on of war by Ithrunseh or Dea. Jachthe, or
by the amithpotinin *Mu e. • CSC F r . - thud. this was Orestes 1 par.. some other fasttortcal character, la now the
nem.. are directed eta only to require .1 °'
tinily UT the p ocl 'nation of Aptil 5'..1. ereatest attesetien of the Falr. It coca-
I possible (Merman°. shout the country, I and achy nytbo r Aw l' lee:alien of Augmt I pled a !thee corner, all to Itself,tha ,J edging
cll*W'' 'buk r t *d e ,',.,',„.thrw."/".„4,..,,r,r,"1ne'rf,,°°„,..L count :
unliflrea These prociamallosa rehistamd , from ha Msti eurrormairpl, the vishor will
"011,, ... • --- -.1- - 1- • 'e . • - e r°- the toll authortty of we National I,orrte la , readily observe , that there is sno Oche In
I fully prese.ved and forwarded to it mhtne
, all Metter , within their pthisaltaion. and ' that quarter. The Dtweie was wontltid Or.
klq'f.f'"tb° n ' T.1....... the Juane sof• he lepreteuComt,exneeted I meetly is mntury ago, and Laos never varied
eery lee, who la peculiarly Mel tor the., I tonna the t instriet tuaree In beldMg threUlt In single ...taut mince that Li...M. Of Ita
ilea, by thqualutance with the um ,meta, c ue ., 11 , 10111 , t.. w'loloo, woke. , term s early history, ter know anythrog positive,
l'**' villl' ' ' ' ' 4 , 1 r Zr'' '' ' N ''' i Washlegthe ' on the Zia of Jel9,-al,e. bed the modern hiatornte of the relic. has
1 ork in the eteerner of the 1 L %Ardent, to l llo w ever, no set of Courted; rhitace.l the'. Men mote careful in the prethrration of
take charge of the tunnel for lea V o yage. e we.. of e,renits, and en a ns.ed material. I farts. 1. e give them as recOrded - Do-
I Tee ressel. after rleiting shim, w il l cruise I l y the alatrteta ot Orich the Southern Cir. I ring the late war a dela battery ethereeted
Meng the maim Cosa*, If pnaSible from the ee i ta wen, romposett, wlthert matting or 1 their shot, and the reld i e wertr o c , lanclrig
I ti7Wct,. "‘ ZUZlll ` l ' i th .:d:lr,l --tns t m. D'ri4thg firth, 'dla*l''''*l
l ' ''''be" Of
dß°ll=7l°lffß9l‘llll°43,:ittT,A; LlO. dfi
b4°P'''"! 'om":th"4sults:l`l.P.".l,7. yf th rt l. r l : o l , r*l l Ll lrt ' illeV&, o o o. ru L d l l r c e a * s i n tl' it a tll lls done. No time to lore;' But th em was
lotae from the lierriadirta 0 . ...... or t- 0 , soe b ri l u ' a . r u e c e l o ' ci a r , rain jurithietme. The of , hole, e content. The old watch was driirrn
cruise, the protection of revenue. fe•t et the sot, therefore, was to inao. I from,the depths 01 Cod. Alp 's fob, and ram
onincancE OrtiCalts Siontivite. I peed the auttilrity Of the 31110100adau med thaw • gun, and :Med upon the
r.•, advan foe The effec daylight ecnio
Brevet Major Theo. Edson, of the ord- laehl tarthit (-mute in Altered fed the measure ofthroe it ti
I mance Delmrtmeht, Is ...shined to duty at I eons. Tills thsmundon wee removed be 1 ~; ;;Z..4t of . h e ej o h ert i et , and m o ppet - l e
hock Islam! Arsenal; brevet Maim 11111, 0 " on " rel ' ' '' ' ''' ''''''' l' which n l'''''''' ' fl'n'l ' geed
ti condition at the feet of Stonewall
)rdnanert Department, ordered to remb. I mom,. nuteorized Arid under Ws net i
Infuse Arsenal ; %eve% Maitir A. Fries, ord. ' the To."F" of, the nuoyenan Court have
I Jthkson: The latter for Warded It to Premi
ss and dent Davie with an theodni Of the incident.
name Ilepertmeel,lo Allegheny mmmal, 1 loon ...Ml° °W.C ..d t o " r "'" .° • - I thd h carried li. thencefortrned. By It wits
Patsburgh; Brevet Caption C. tlonneny, , the Ciller .1 mince Its, bete allotted to hold I ,
od e
fon dying
Of th e c.f.i.,.
homers Department, to Rock Island A, • with the District ledge of the Netionel I nut
ae In Fortress Mouroe the prisoner Fres
scent, and Fleet Lieutenant J. U. Butler, to I Courts In the Circuit. of which the Metric., .
Leavenworth. ;of North enrollee Is made a port. lam bore I b eat faithfully reeoraed his hours Of suffer.
. i atstrict.ludge,hold. I leg nod performing
t 'now pa...a nattelime-xvinru sacriox 10 I °ll "'''. l'“4"r " el 'Ls i t.. i the dew with ootrectuesa, registering •no
. Ina Circuit l mut fo r LIM 1) tr e
Acting Secretary ast. Interior la in re- It le the nod Circuit'COort bold I limo at all . Overcome with gratitude on
mild of a report trete th e (~orernment In say Dlottirt to the in.rgent , securing his release, the retch was me
lte( affection to lar.Oreeley,
, omult`stourm upon the l'ition Pacific natl. , atoms at I tench a Justine of the I Dented Al amsr
road, eastern dirtelottotivlng the rmeit of supreme, Court could be prole., Withellt 1 the I . turn f o rwarded
,load beet aft ht as follows:
teetr examintitiou a the Media Benno. of dtsrerthd of enorrlur duties at toe gent of 1 vote for It .
..c,___ ~„,,,,
twenty-live tealsa of said read, of [eliding Goverament, or a enervation of plste. 'Or r1.72= 0 71 . 446,.1=7,33;Z:
from the I , lth tOthrflete mile post. i ,lon, Tee Aesoclate Judges allotted 'timer F. , .
•esirrterstat eselarrnasT actintso, to other Southern Courts will • join tare.,
in hottling court at the rural. terms i The voting on the gown for the most pop.
Bide the erection of the buildtmc for the , preeeribed by law. And thus, the Lim , ular soldier waa as folievret 11. P. Weymon,
Depart h
eel of Agriculture were the
ttortAch IC Juthenelm ton wall be nal- III: er •C. Bte ktOO i 001. .
to-al. They win be ex.:deed, but the i r tored throughont the Colo°. I The Excretive Committee have decide./
*wan will not b e ma d e tett ., the return of It 1 e military authority le MID eat:,l that no votes he received after nine o'clOCk
,the (,otemialloner 'of Agrieelturft. 'intro It cised within the southe rn (-Ircen,.., but • not I, to_tplight.
will be Meth to the tow©t rmpotiattile bid- I .... u i „.,,,,,,m.,,. I. ~,,,0 . ,,,,,u n e of tho I TUC total receipts up to last might el
der disappeasanCe of local authority, and in the corded sixteen titommid Bollard'.
-rex the:stank ash Genexattle. sup. - "lston or control of all tribunate, Mate I • 1117064
Mr. Dement 11as received a . dispatch from or National, It Se now mcd tinder It•lt,of ' The dame= of the phtillpsberg °inbuilt'
lameral Sheridan requesting a recombine- %angles', and 01 to pretext Mega, he ,
..... tere .,. r . ht ....h t t o the yet.. yeate,
anon of hls declination of the appotntinent ! th ee to person an property. land to facial = 1 d . , ~
y. %be kind and thoughtful persona
of Got ether or Lou hien*. Mr. Durant, how. tete the re...ration of every otate to o,l°° 'beetle ' them in charge. The little
over, Insists on cantatas. , rights and benefit% In the Linton. Teta mil. I .... ii re d uf ~....,,,,,,,d the ehieruttataeht,
Tcsnltnaltr Intl.". ottnsees. ' Mary authority does not extend 10 any res- it being ~,, edthg , .., ~,,,,e W th em.
A•irtreg of alleged Mirages br the Ten. P.I"IIII" tee ,eons ''' the U '" °4 Sint. ' 1- • ° ' I Ou the day predate , Stuperintenaent Averr.
es hope that henceforth neither rebellion .... ..
.over th e
nesse. Militia have teen receivid at the „ or „„, „,,,,,,..„.„,d ee for ~,,,,,,,„, ~,,,; . me Bailee of uarag..b,genaht_o
e-a - couttre Mansion to-day. her Brown. hr .& . et .,,,,.... 0 .„ tb. (:Dort. . r ., boy sln pis cherth to the k et. They ;.,
lOW on...lrene" that 4 . 4 . med ......1 ha l eness will liensfter suspend tie de. clad In neat enUorm and matched 1
-arrests tor llisse tarsal,. ' - tar^ prootsiOn, Donned by tea Recife br.-as
aun., of indielal atimintetration In the ....', l. . i ......,.. r .....,1,,,m0iee a nd g ood
arm nta 0, Jetta... ATI., national t. tunnel In ear thematic. i COPlitlCt of there settolars spoke volumes ln
The hepubl trans held a mess Triestine . in The remaiuder of the Lunn rem cournmed rarer dr ........"....,
City Dail to-night In ' hotter of the vacates , IIY the lour , . in ltearhan Important raw. ' I
of tnelr net.; at„the Mb electleti. ' sod mottoes.
Br TeleKraph to Vas Pittsburgh tisretts.l
■UIIWAAOa *IANO 11.1.111T1a C 1109111..
Nair Toon, Jane o.—atephen 11. Johnson,
of Sing sing, was today chosen tirana Mat.
for of the rreentssons of this State.
• I...amigo COUNT•ILIMT.,
An arrest was mode today for passing
oountorfolt five dollar hills On tho National
Dank of Altetanal.
ROA no ot'nlaran minas.
The ?Joan' llnelth have ordered the
phyelo anent Brooklyn to nehortoontageoue
alsonerui within twonty.fnur hours.
110+ lila NOM tUOK.
clarenee Mone t a! Camino, swindled In a'
Jewelry bazaar in Chatham street, bad We
money refunded by order of the Mayor.
In the trolted states Clroult Court to-day
the bonds of
o uro c ove r tl a o .
nwdenre fohrofoslet uod
Joo ho Dvolm F. Tlffon i and TtT. f
ad, charged with falsely branding IntilOr,
amonnting to 1110.1.0%).•
Tho,Amorbian lnetltuto of Iloolorathy
day, by a vat., Of Ofty..or. agsholt
thrnooloclinoll to admit fouantu phy.looon
to toombor.lllp.
The Butler estoto was before the Superior
Court, on au appeal by General But/
ler from lan order of the Surrogate allreet.
lest the filing ad an inventory. Elr. Butler
being. wean ho died, • real/lent of thie clay,
his will was proved by has brother, S.
Butlnr,borforo the burroaato. bubo/Ch.... 1 Y,
when required to file an inventory, he filed
pne contain In It a list of Ids property 0111/ in
ithis State,oamonutliag to*7ll.lui. This the
serrogute dad not regard mallioient.
dlreeted • further Inventory of meets be.
L annattpar to the estate !Busted In lleassehu,
aetts,.Loulslana and California. From than
orderl General Butler appeal.
was argued and the iletaislon reaerVed.
LEST Telegrspb to the Plttehereh Basette,7
New yoeg,lorie o.—The Pettersott amine
...Ling throilested too y. The hurdle
moo Wee the moat brittle:at, at time, ever
witneneed Is the omit. !twee won by Black
birdafter • apiendid race with Zig
Zee'. "Citadel," "GeneralWtiiiti "
A....tr00g" end "Bereogrf,"e .4 iith
Monday woe the Sewall. sitaties—Lwo
rale.; beating "Vlrgli."—time 336. "Delo.
were" won the three italermat raze, best
"thtesle,o la 64354, and 60. ' , Dot' , Won
the Consolation puree—bille and quarter—
beatlng "Reporter" sod "Katie " - 2:22g
Notts Airatnet Judge Iloateeta,
(117 Tolenrooh to tbe rittobuTtb flasotte,3
NSW Yong, Juno 6.—The Ilankr• Kea.
Eery, Alabama, peal. mph Throe
ham have bona brOuBll% In =of Minn
Court or annineMnr7 COtattit AbaNlatial .
&comet Judge flueleol, tar alleged conver
sion of moneys wrap: to defraud the
atalotitta, atal , earrupt. a =I tumrpo.
tace of tlao otgloor ot Judo. ,
The Xew, I/Meetly Expeeled—Alleged
Corsoßance Wish the Fen Woe.
thy Tele:tr.:A to the. Pittsbersh Oars:dal
:gear Toss, Juno 6—Thu Jirro/d's Men
tteal special says : ard klonek will salt
from Ihagluid far (jitobee, Juno 13th. The
British Government has overlooked his ac.•
•tion in the Lahlarinde ease, and promised
him the Governor Generalship 11, long as
he chooses to hold It.
tab newspapers charge George, Brown's.
the "Clear 0: Iv , party with cnnnlvanen
whit the Yeoman. The "Bongo! , party has
split, ontehalf seopert the confederation
and tho rest oppose it.
(I,:insc,Jene —A'reviesr of alttbo treeps
in the garrison took elite totter. The first .
Battalion of the Rule Brigade has heen em
ployed on the fortillcationn rotas tbbi.
losoomnlloi• of Go,: llorsinom-1112
liteakoago'so lmB Legg.lmam
try Teleerspb to tie ►ttirbarfb tlasette.l
Cosconn,.Z, - . U., June ii....lioyentor liarrl•
man was inolugurated to-day, and delivered
las message to the Legislature. It la a
somewhat lengthy, document, and devoted
mainly tp the disommion of State topics.
The various Institutions of the State are
represented la a prosperous condition.
The flnanolairondition of the Mato Is highly
gralifyingithe balance in the Treasury lain.
wards of ae,ooo, and the State dobtreduced
during the omit year *216,443. Of national
affairs ho eats the rightful authority has at
Lirelength presente Ju di ultimatum, The exam ,
cannot, the ciary will not, and the
South dare not, evade its requirements.
The - result Is full of promise for the early
' pacification of file country.
A Pit Ilela Firm obtain Verdict for
1,471.1ta Dansage• Again. ado
Western Platen Telegraph Ads.Pad.T. ,
Ipt Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tasetag.l
Herrero, Julio o.—Tho . jury In the case of
Prather, ChadnwOrth d Co., of rit• Hole,
Mptinal. the Western Union Telegraph Com
pany, to rue... 810,001 damages tot' money
°Mauled by at swindler. flu t ilepatah for
warded by LIM telegraphy , re
It verdict for plaintiffs, allowing Meet ell;
Clot. Tile Court, Judge Dads prestding,
oered that. the plaintiff* reasaver two•and
sohalf I,ler tent. nu the Verting as t extra ftl•
1..... MOT Of proceed h
ing* . peas
greeted, and exceptions will by flied.
Restatratiott to Cornosorteo on elm
171h—ikon to Recover Ceeklectated
Elly Telogropti to the littaborak Rosette.) '
fLICIDIOND, JIIOo rOgiStrati oll Of
totem in directed to commence In tat: city
on the 17111 lout., and conttnoo a week.
Edward A. reliant has entered snit
egainst Wm. James. Burnout Colmotor. for
property in Washington sold for manses-
Elm, and porthasod by .Tam ar . • •
' Loon it rue' Dares I - Mye, Look at the
ruins In what wore once Magnificent sets
Of 1, 0 10 .,, everywhere In sookety.
..hook at.them, and nen yourself It Is not
Marvellous that seen destruotion Is per-
Witted, when elmnlY manit bOzOdont.
CerrA, konvrer fruiriie May bo prasero
od from decay Or bloollth &Along as UM
The B.retary of W., Generals Grant
WO Sherman have rasolvell upon most of
Motive measures for •11 alum" Cod dectetve
campaign agamst the Indane having no
come convinced that .a largo . . foe of. Ow'
alry should be used. ' . .
—The official count ot the rote. faitine
error, cast at the not New Itatosent. gles
tlon, Shows sonajarlty of three thcosann
and sateen for tienersl Ilarricoan, whloh
'wilt settle al arge number throb
U 1011141.114 MajOriti•
-Arnin tOlO • lady. that .be looked:1)100m.
Ing an.l3pring. nut, 11,0011aatIng , than the.
Semen "Wo u ld then. nary otoznielng..he
sdden: tOneasenilleßpdasynnild.
litre.% tight
Yeatardn afternoon, shout five &anat.
street fight *smiled =the corner of. Nan
and Band streets, In which a man by the
name of: canner, who resides on. Wayne
'street. remised assns. Cut In thilOsOed
der. .Oeaaeraaeta the birtserslYna,Vdtha. I
corner of Hand street and Fjpeng sates,
When a little boy tame running In and In.
formed him that there eras a fight down Cu
the neat corner. lie ran dawn imme
diately mad discovered several minions
abasing a man woe was Intagirated in a
701* dug - recent manner, Sneaking him
doWIL and - kleking him several times. Ile
stepped into the Crowd and endeavored to
atop the afiray, when some one 'standing bo•
hind him cot at him three times with
Smite, the first two strokes merely cutting
his and, while the third ono Made 11. Ironer
wound In he lett shoulder. Conner did not
kno4Lhe . w b i t trillr e severar mi . nutru i ft7 . 3
called tils attention to the blood. we
Tr t e o sa Vll'enifge9l had
wound ar i tl s stl:
the cuttlng made good his escape norms
the liand.street bridge,
Beastlegs Maple.
Last evening this commendable and en.
tars:rasing Chapter of Temperance and Wis.
dom. held an open inetallation.of the em
cee. for the ensuing term. The meeting
way largely attended by both ladies and
gentlemen, all the deepest Interest was
manifested in thecoremonlee.
opened the exercises by an eloquent and
fervent appeal to the Throes of Grace to
behalf of the good came of temperance.
The installation or the following omoere
was. then appropnately proceeded with:
"10 , -11. Rupert; `.04 , -Blita Amanda Cher
i les; "M"—lfr- Kyrie; L. M"—Mies Kate
Richards; "W"—John Ambler; '.L of II"
kiss Jennie Torte; "U"—Mr, Grayburn;
11 11"—MIss Martin; "B"—Win. Cretin "L
"—lllse.,; Tys 1. T•
—Else Mol Alabeok lie Menden; P"—.ll. on; r.Beneett.
`The Boyden Bias Club renderedemeeexcel.
lent vocalisations. and Dome neat and hap
py eddressee ease delivered by the mem.
bars and clatter. in attendance. after which
the meeting closed, it being, announced
that the Chapter will hold a grand plc.
nto ati IdcFarland's throve, on Thursday
Harry CivorlotatorVa A1.014111i.
Once a year the play-goers of Pittsburgh •
show the appreciation they feel for the
1198Y0 and handsome treasurer of the Now
Opera Rouse, by giving him the largest,
mint brilliant,. and better than ell—robet
profitable house of the mama: 'Lary Over.
Ington bee Weems • Pittsburgh Institution,
his name a household wont among us. ;By
sheer force of pleasing personal character
istics, he , has acquired a popularity that
few connected here with theatricals bas
over equalled. 'it would be almost super-
Ilnons to say that the programme to bele
. sued for his Saturday night testimonial will
be of unexampled attraction.. A. host of
talented performers worth seeing, will vol
ent.rfor hint, and selection of pieces
will be made with taste anti discretion. A
mammouth baleen will beset oil on Savor•
day night, m front of the Opera Rouse, by a
alstiugnistial mrenaut, in honor of the oc
ession of Mr. Overington's benefit. .
NWStead Aim*dent
Timothy Carr, in the employ of thereon
aylvanla Railroad Company, about eight
o'clock Wednesday, while walking along
the railroad track, near liniOn Depot, for
the ma'am of changing a switch, was
overtaken by • locomotive paining on the
wrong track, through the Mistake and
switonman. Ctrr was knocked down
.run ,over, both Ala legs benig terribly
crochet'. was removed to NM ey llospl
tal, and Dr. K. Donnelly, with
other phyelelans.derilded that tno amputa
tion of both legs W. necessary, altnough
but little /lope is entertained that the pa
tient will long survive the operation. Carr
reside,' at the corner of Wobater and Tun
nel streela.
' Un Sethi:day last two brother., eons of
James Renshaw, of Feyotte county, warp
hunting, and booing treed a squirrel the
elder brother fired at and wounded It, and
while running after lithe gun In the hande
of the younger brother wag atoldentaUy
diechnrsod, the bail entering the right side
of ids brother and lodging near the region
Of Mc bear% TOO' unfortunate young
go o n,
home, a distance of over • half
mololen, d
c r a e l l l a ed, d b th u e
c i o re u u ld m d ahot.h in . for g lO. Ile died font the egeesofthe w g und .
inabout eighteen hours after: it was re- .
Wool Newton News Dope — a—Mr no.
morons renders in the neighborhood or
West Newton, Pa., will be pleased to learn
that they have in their town a news depot
kept In donates* style. Hr. Z. Pattersou,
the proprietor, keeps on hinul all the latest
book' end weeklies, snap untie New York
Ledger, Harper's and Frank Leolle.S Week.
Loa Chimney Corner, tte. US lase tisane
writing paper: pews and ink; in feet, Oren ,
Using in the etnintentey Una Piz 1.. Is also
agent for the Duty tesserrs, the largest,
cheapest and Dent family newspaper in
.Western- Pennsylvania. • Oar Mends will'
please leave their order. at his store and
they will be promptly attended to. St•
Laser...Y.—Two boys la Allegheny. Med
about tee goers sash, yesteroay entered the
grocery stem' of Inf. .1. W. Lyoah 80.
beees street, sad dellbersteal Preoe. 4 .,
the absence of the proprietor, to oLeh the
cements of the mance drawer. They were
caught In - the not tof Ate. Lyons, and the
Money taken hose them. Alter Cleirretlitc
women" lecture to: the 70000101 Were.,
they were let depart, sae we Met Will be
Whittled by the lemon and. ownpe troID
Ct liirpe4.gz
the worhulcaown vocalist, LI
I.ltiatanh Inthlo %few days. Thla Anita.
ad ballataho Waimea sweet anataatch
les* Scottish song with so math thallium
effectaaarecalvadthe warmest palest:coat
newt. of Burma, aaa au may =mask,
a ntrataaalcal feast flatlets Utz slits in UM
llimideretal Pei1•01110ff In the Singh
Ward—Vermeer,* Ingneet.
Sa.tur ' day afternoon last, at tad
Icw City
Rotel, no the N'inth svard,G. W. Fennlnston,
proprietor, Samuel Hannan:tether, the bar.
keeper, poisoned himself, hYmittithe ,i le nat
resulting Wedressilay evening. The air
cionstances, as developed, are: Thursday
of last week a strange man offered for We
,at the hotel abottle of liquid for polishing
brtiss. and copper, nod experimented with
buttons and pennies. A young man pres.
rot at the time accompanied the vendor
of the mixture to a drug store, and there
nal prepared a bottle of at. The ma-
Meted of an ounce of meroury diewlved in
two ounces of nitric acid. A quantity.of It
was pieced In a 'pop" bottle, which was
given -into the charge of itennemacner.
who placed Mtn the Steeliest at the hotel
for safe keeping. Saturday afternoon It un
nemacher, the circumstance, referred to
escaping Ms recollection for the memoir,
opened the ice chest and took from among
othen of the, same kind "Don"
bottle partially ailed, and MiTilioidog
the contents to be *pop," or mineral
water, drank a portion. Doonhe discovered
that the bottle no drank from was that eon
ii,lest the "polish mixture," and feeling
effects caned for assistance. Dr. B.
Brathear wee eumnimusti, bet medical aid
proved of no avail in the endeavor to
munteract the poison, and death twisted
10011 t seven o'clock Wednesday mentog-
Deceased was a native of Perry county,
tblo State,mid lately resided In Lancaster
county. In August he came to this city, and
obtained employment with Mr. Penning
, ten, us ber-keeper et the hotel where he
died. Hewes in trieanny, In the, N3d.
Vols. and participated in a number of the
closing battles in the vicinity of llichmtind.
On w ettnesday, aa he lay in the agent. of
death, a dispatch was received from Lancas
ter requesting him to come home et Once as
his mother was dead.
Coroner Clare= held an inquest en
Thursda toren.° at facts were
elicited no given alArre,which
the jury Juryu r y
VOnliCi to the effect that the deceased
came to his death by swallowing nitric acid
and mercury, by mistake, on Saturday, d and
let. Timbal/ will be taken to I.4MCOSter.• •
fkewtnie. Plwlai ILlsla.
The Great Republic steamboat has deser
vedly _men styled by our western and south•
era eac hnizers as the "(Omen of Western
iw aters •.,, !ler machinery is faultless,
it is-the pees., s ae,7tmitial and 'truly ele
gant and artistic cabin Verk which makes
the boat what elm ls. and we arepleseed to
say that one of our advertisers, mr. Charles
M. Gearing, was the builder. Trdn_lientle .
man hoe extensive facilltica for mo-Per.
fornmeee in the beet style of workmelmihlP
of all contract work for cabin' building; m
elds, work of church edifices, banks, public
halls, private resldenoes, and any other Lae
carpentering work. Designs will be fur ,
Malted reasonnble terms. The planing
mill and sash and door factory of Mr. Gnar
-1 Dig o :
e l:elated at the earner of Limier nod
the A Tntr. 1r Irer ward,
where orders will be received. We ooze ,
mend Uearrog to the patronage of the
public, knowing him to be a fair dealing,
honorable badness gentleman, and a very
superior and utiatio mechanic.
Real Rotate few Rate.—lly referring to
our Reel Estate column, in terdny's paper.
von Sae Hr. Geo. U. Tower, ho. 164
Fourth street. line on bends some of the
most valuable btrid in the Suite. Hie
too long to delorThe. but our reader. can to
i t ' oV. IST J ustr
Estate dealer. in the city, ill
recommend him to thosew ishing to buy
either farm lots or houses. Remember Ina
number, RA Fourth streeL ties has adver
tisement Ler !bus and deseritloas of prop.
Thad"' Penna.—Coroner Stephens, Of
Stouben , rllle, held an Inquest on Tuesday
on the holly of ea unknown man found In
the 0010 river. The deceased nee about
hit years oft . gve feet eeven Inches
high, hesvy set t, grey hair. 'Bad on &check.
!iced fiwinel shir dark Jean piano, toad bro.
gan shine.' There wore no papers found by
which tetrrove Ms Identity. and but eleven
cents In money in his pockets. 'He is sup.
yroSiid to have peen a deck hand..
Itental ..caul.—Wiiliara Dirthemade
• brutal assault npon Margaret Dolman
who revues at :to. li Prospect street, sem
ire her shamefully. lie entered her house
dud attar calling - her all the vile namee he
thlnle a 4 made an attack upon her
Perron, beating her enth a broomstick,
pulliog the rings tram bar ears, and
mehametully treating her. An informs,
tloo was made before Alderman Taylor and
a warrant named for the othanater.
• •
Pleases-ale—By reerring to our advertise.
Menta.aaritile, 09r r 0140121 Will 000 Tit
aeatrs.l,oo2,,brty 'Frew have ream nd
temporarily to No. Il Markel , . comm. or see .
and street. lLlilagg • large itoo k of 101 l
kinds of sere In buslnese. ,the y
prepared to stilt the most tasty and i.r . •erT
reasonable Priors. Those le sent of Leo•
dies, liarnms, Trunks. Whips, do, shout:
- ••••••••• livers and S o iart_ '1
-Yeast decadent—James By. +=and Siorel
Jones, colored men of Washington, Pa,
Marred Mir - greentrol -and • Wet proceeded
shoat srstale from' mina, when Mort shOt;
Jones through: the left breast, lade:roes a
mortalvenu]. The shootteg veal earl.
dental.' Jones was sun Mang Whoa oar in
formant loft Waehlueton, Malt eras thooght
the wound would prove fataL
10 Iboiesale
we offe li r bargaus9 In Job Ifts EnY ot Ek ' d Dres .
Goals; ,Lluera Goode, and toll
1 . 99 of 19Parttinge,159551+585, Bhutings. Pints, Tick.
CbooBs, &O, all of vrttlett we will
0011 et the 0011 loWeet embersi cuts p dee..
• J. A. 13exese & Co.
59 Tilarkett.street.,ls9lol9 'Third & booth stn.
Free Itseirrsfen Tralo RIII leave the
Allegheny depot at, ten o'clock a. Si, on
Monday next, for the we of lots at Verner
Station, and retarn after the sale. Not for
years has there been ao deal:able an °Peer
tunny for Investment SO now offered. •nee
atietton adretttlernent.
TArelrY.- 1 olsn ' Brown, No. Mk Pam
street.' draw the Weed sowltmimaohine, No.
90. The Finkle &Lyon mwinernachlne wlll
be drawn - on Ydday eventual at 59 cents a
dme°. It 10 worth IMMO.
The agent for them la Major 1~ U. Lona.,
No.lll9 , rant street. •
Call far Your llcsetsr.—Wilson Moore
and J.Davidsomir.,rbosersedtbstrconn•
try In the late rebellion annwhose
for bounty money have ' been recogntsed,
aro desired to bah on their attorney 2i. IS.
bhatter. Diamond street, and ;shelve
the same.
The Advocate pabllshes the =nes of
several respectable woralegmen, brawling
them as ..seaba" became they atom to sell
- their( labor RCCONLOg tOillglit own con
science. The law very clearly Iletztes such
publications as Mellon.. •
/foot► - Opened.—Books.. for receiving
subseriptione to the capital sLcclr - Or the
Monongahela Valley Itallokid,
at the - Monongahela /louse yesterday, and
• 0111 remain oven irom nine o'clock, S. ta.
.till throe 9. la. - notil e►turdsy.
Veld Sparkling Soda Water at S. T.
nampleetbrag etote, Federal atreet,
Allegheny. • '
Ton Can 8117 for 1g lag i rs - Of an
aim/sat J °woo S. Matt's Unary, No,
110, 191, 193 and 196. - -
The Very Latest UV.). of Lists, Caps,
and Strew Goods, at isoorley d 1A:4m0%
caw street.
Hest Inalgo for the lust. menu,
et. glesolsees Drag Store, Na dl . Market
sweet. •
.-611111COUIWIM Wine. A eplendld artt
al.—sold at low rates at Eteadaa'a Drag
Story, IfO. sl Market street. • • • •
Cold Spar*llwg dodo Water at J. T.
Samples prog 3Com, No. 3S Fodarol moot,
Tot. Oea sus Ws per oPP-Akr. l :4),
Jiasera •
Ton Will Ana a dental.; Establishment
nt 218 Penn street.' Drs.tlW d lialespip. •
Go to Fleming'. Drom More fot3pon
a; No 84 Market street. . •
you Bay tiew /lops' $; Jaiejib 8.
tar Additiiillll.l Local Neu* on
Tuird rage.
—The mama shows an excess of 730.000
make over !She remake of the United States
...suboortottorea tot feud to panteee a
house for Jeff. Davis la the 800th are hetalr
—ln China there are eerrengrounde of di
roma. of which the fourth l talkettvenose
In women.
—lu • Ihilchuere a rasa was lined s for
cranking sod tinting peanuts la • ch....
durioirillvluesarylce. .
—lt is stated In Rerneem papers shat the
principal NorUsersi clues - bassi aasit Oyer
PAWS ror %ha railed' o the 80oth.
herd, the
-IWre et co=ro.rte Veldts:lF e
relic 'Eri°: 'fbr the licoorliirk.
Canada Shear are trennaty!tbree gold
=wee employing fon tether. The yield of
gold for the lint three U 1.915 Is wafted at
—The dttlerenoe between florae, Greeley
and Thed. Stereos la. that one femora not- I
named amnesty. wino the other tntitD ord.
venal datetnesty.' • • - •
_aThm cat hes got aoold," saltra rrlend
t ,,,,j0a. 1 / 4 rginttog to a domeatle favorite.
Tan." Jones replied, wilt* poor Whig le
eublort to raharrn.
—tanneral wee reeentlitattrrled
toe. etCompl ed lady of Belmeq Alabama,'
and tarwrealo anew wales from Wore on
large plantation.
—The eubeorlpttone for the eitenalon of
the Harlem Itallwatd b Benalngunt now
amount •
1n %' rat which Vi/PX , b s n
been taken In Velhlont: •
—The Cansellans are pretty well :meowed
for any laraslon of their. . border. baring
11.P.0 - trOOlat dinelbeted at Tare= "poiate,
boucles thew eole.t.e force; • • • •
.Tohn Swift Lien:l3.ton. the last eurilvor
of hut breach of the LivlOgeton nm W. Men;
et Vivo'', N.Y., on the 'nth ultimo., et the
etheneed elm of elentptiro years.
? i t
as Esossastr stairs
k fseettit
rAsysysie th.dchu x ale, *be stlindided ' tor s
dry kitchen for bar plans awl an hour day
po*ILIIIL Xmoilosn irrit . ter says ths..ll;
dtes.stradr .tske to 'Wends pimple; pH:e
dit:dee, ytratastastrayrstaserand Tar*,
sadallusbuids gescrally s floctss.
.11MILINDLY "NV sarviauql•
• large Idlest, containing Tinirrr-err
UN!of Inteseellag leaskaleg utatUsT, Incller
bootleg Editorials. latest wawa by.TalegTert,
sad valeabLe Beadle* llattea. for the
Family. end fallen and mod Tellable Mn.
d aland Comeerelal Market Eletwe. glees
up paper la sius No /6eßler, 311.,1111C?:
Nerchaut shouldbe without It. -
Teams Yon TEE Wiliet.T Carrell.
meals Sateerlber...-.-... $:•50.
Chau ern. ....... ........ . ...... . . .•.
.... . ........ . . 1-110 ,
e espy of paper to the person rattler
up tan elub.• Ad:l'loss Pl. elate east be 'made • ••
any time, at club !etas.
Nonce To errescssuraL-Te Ordettalr pEr.
pap., Do mat tear Spftlfy Whit WU.; TW
want. a we borne a Wedueeday Edition ferias ,
=TM.. tartna but obe null • ' !
air Money by i/raft, Express, Mosey °Mi.,
or In Reeisteredla , ters. maybe sent et eavvln k
Addrees, , 4Lazierra,
Prmsuuort. PeaSA.
4,t.11R1E P.
ueuley evening'.
June stli,' at the residerce of the bride's moth
r,:eowsasviiis, ♦rm.truuf county, PA, by, th
Roe. Me. hasten, Xt. LIAA” PRINTER, •of
Pittsburgh, end MU. X. •. COWAN, of the
above pisee. '
NIL Ire 701.1111 street, Pittsburgh, P.
every deserfotnin of Funeral Fullillatist Boobs
furnished. Mourisboeued day and night. Haw.
.6 Carriages fusnishe4. 4 . • ,
Roringlicsn—(ter. David Warr, P. M.. •
M. W. Jacobus. Tbomas Marta& Mcg..,Jav
eab H. Miller. Ego.
• UP. AND EAB&LAGIt. 8.60.1.' 10 the
late Bajnnel K. Itaulgeie N. A 9 Uhler Street,
three deed, from Leaver. Alleitheup CAM NW'
tallle.HOleWoo4l. wa rtaA.
wood LnltettoltCeinne at the lowest reduced
prices. Kenna open at aL hears, daY atedhltbatl
um and Serrleses terntehed on abort balk.
nd 09 11:10at reasonable term.
1.1 , . T. WHITE & CO., GAMES.
TAICILBS .S.ND amuLLwars. Bcnciicc
ter, Wooly. Bun me vicinity. Calla ROOM a
Id.Ctlegttr Lhery mote. corm Bliellel6,lnd
Citurtiors streets. lionise one Oarrtene
13. STEWART, Vudertaker,
".". corner or MORTON intll RIND , STEIMTIS.
Ninth Ward. Cetans of all klecds. panne !Lad
Carriages fortastool on the shorten notino. • .
L A Es' .
Another LC/LAM* BICCAIiTIMiI • -
• •
Eottreselne some of th e beet elltha of eththe ever
beouttht to tett market. .
ZNUILITED TOP .12in Evrrov..
We would sok thou who we doolroas 01 Dar.
ehoolng anitttlag m thla Ilse Ul tall at onto mull
see ova .tom.
zie yin's INTRUST
JOMISTON iL 091V . .rt •
Fine Watche% Clocks, itirdr7
Ira live isEurzyr
Q Partlealaz attentlon given b SavatrlnlC
Wabenea. Olonta and Jarralsy• wort...rim,
1111.A.C13110. Z.T.r on ounn'N,co , fmnr
linos and genonfl 0220 soil, an so wall et
l'tabtlabed sod so g0f;0 7 . 2 7 Pdmimed.
ounmeratton of 510. 17 77 2 2 17 . .22 2.
lone. Le no longer cofo,derod siestas
77. Timp see dmDle. damslOs sad *imis.
10. 22 rirrn STIRKE2::
DEVAIN_. 46 . 4 1 19,M, Beal .Eitate
.1 Inv:mote . .akasta. Butler St., WISP-
atawyricrulana Ice offer for lAA the beet
mon dearable ate tot Walling alltand Shut.
Fornate, or for an Inge manufaetntlag par
pcwes. In am 000001. eels property la located
on eV toot save. and the Allegheny awl, and
within 11l feet of the A. V. 71, it. The lot la DO
Or Sla 1 aims desiring curb a lot would do •
well lo sr Mg. before 214,294 all.there• •
Ttrili. made to mat ywrahasem. lutgara
DEVLIN & SILL. Beal. [state sad 'humus
Ageuts. Sutler • tree'. Lawreserwlll, .
55 di 57
FIFTHSTy iiitiolburgb.
Wry ecn•tx•=nisja summit . mew •
Goods *canon part or Um 13oltod Warm, totoo
Wholesale and Detail;
OUTIVD 800115, BROSS. RAIIRRO. - 24 1,
MURALS ►n7 suers's&
occrrus, CAesDfZEls. ions.
tuueDrczacanans. SIIBPICIIDLUEL, •
HAIN, c.aarrr macaw.
Algo, direct trois . III.IaSAVUUMN
, -
Ingrain, Bag and Linea
At Atiotion. PricAlq:
et reau3n ou stew,
it. B.—lnialturtinanotsahold Ci. , 0066 lbt
siaTzsog, PAIALES
Anitlaseers. r
89 89 89 89 89 89
I CP 3EI .13 ' is,
Bomarbasar.. 4
XIV . i . 33201 cixwir
JAS. R 08,8,89 Market St.'
89 89 89 89 89-89 89
tON TAM, the Astern e stonily undergoes
• re.' and ItaLwrendVe UIOIILT CuerCeery ad,
KTroacx or liesadrltulda. IA au amines
e rreaten fete.. a0111:•••1
Passtital . Fundtnre Illanalletarm
Howsardk Liviiy••Stabk,-..
. • . . -
PIM WrIMET, war meananbida allite..
One flows. ...ry mita to doloon Wilt lei
scare at lootroootlyo. Ono rood driving KARL.
tOol to trot. Ms thug wort llt/ult o ,low ogle'
low. Horses Warn sod sold on .wklora.
R01.19,1Z, BELL Iv CO4 - -
ascher.cotten Rills, Pltlaburgb,
sumnimiars..rearryTotznivir &law;
ANC 11011. AND N.. 4.01101.11
ininctrugen Aim sivrnsa. -;„
KILIRDOLD•eXTraurr ILmiaram..x.A.
dos• is mill— Timm wrio disare • large wawa.,
.1.44 Imo dOoki . ."14"rwr
, ;.• ----, --• ... , ~.':- ..., ,