H tin gittsintly Gafttts- MI 2AUZSDAT J Tht 5,711147 Tunas, was a time when Democratic ; orators went about the country with Engel Weil conned to prove that slavery was not only a Retrial - Chia' but a Divine- I ly.appointed institution. Their theory wan that it was both punitive and be.' nedr,ent. It was designed in part u a 'punishment for some bad conduct of Ham or Canaan, and which it • was .thought best unnumbered generations of his descendants should suffer rather than have him treal'it in hieown parson. In put, also, it Wu Intended' as a grand evangelizing instrumentality, through whiett;'.ll deprivation of I rights here, shOultt come everlasting beatitude on the °there'd° of the grave. We never could perceive the consistency or Cogen cy of this theory, and have often mar. Yelled ai the Imperturbable gravity with Which sundry of our Democratic. ac quaintances, who cared more ' for gain ing votes than for saving souls, Upend ed their Ingenuity in expounding and enToicing IL. - . For two yenta pester° have rested in the comforting assurance that events had made an end of them graceless attempts to degrade the character of the Almighty. and 40 shake The faith of devout but weak weds le. the Revelation he bee made of hit:weir; hot it seems our hope was premstwe. Mr. J. NONTOOII.BIIY Pa 'ram is a Demooratic member of the Mr-gland Constitutional Convention. rientally and morally he belongs to the nra before the Flood. Probably he could have turned up now nowhere except in one of ';`the -border States," - which not having been "purified, so as by fire," have held on toan immense amount of rubbish, which is giving, their: own Pee,- pie; and the people of the whole union, a vast amountpf unnecessary trouble. This Mr.,PETEI/1 has made two speech es of iate iritirtid Convention, 111 the old time gibberish. He Went gravely thrhugh all the platitudes cencerning the Divine origin and the human necessity of Slavery, end wound up by solemnly expressing his opinion that'. Slavery would speedily be restored in all ate for- zi r r" fullness and strength. If he only ir.,anages to survive till his prediction he will be the modern counterpart to the longevity of the Wan dering Sew.. . A raw two &Go, when the demand was first seriously made in tlilscountry, . that women should be admitted to an vsual participation Tisth men-in political rTghts, the Ooslservatives thought a tamer was the only answer it was neces . easy or tlesirable to give. some of them Wad so far as to insist that there was s, peculiar significance In that ma , ritrasadleeation pf Mesas, whereby. a van's kouse, wife, ox, ass and other 'things 'am . huddled together. One of the most eager and (miscible among them, with whom it has fallen to our lot to be intimate, used to insist that therein was a Divine right for regarding wives as chattels 'Personal, and this. exposition be attempted, to fortify by citing the. manner in which the patriarchs, when they wanted trivets for themselves or their sons, were accustomed to buy them as they did slaves or cattle. " The mover.tent has now' made such headway quit all this stuff is conceded to be irrelbrant and j out of place. When the Constitutional Convention of a COlll. XdOnwealth proposes (het its organic law aihall be so altered as to make no dis tinction between men and women as to political rights; when men like Mr. J. • ,Srnsat , MeL learnedly and earnestly argue in _favor of this reform in the British Parliament; It must generally be i conceded that the demand can no leuger • be dismissed with'a sneer or be turned aside by ridicule. The British Constitution has always admitted women, upon due saccessiod, to the enjoyment of regal power. The present occupant of this throne is a wo man. Ewes oF the • greatest monarchs *that have worn the English or the Scotch crowns were females. Spain is ruled by a Queen today, though, it must be confessed, not a very good one. Austria and Russia record in their res pective meats no greater rulers than some of their empresses. Tidy admis• Dion of women to the highest political rank has not been regarded as fanaticsl or mischievous. But here, as elsewhere, the greater includest.huless, If women nay wield seepters, why they they not deposit bellotil. Sou Southern gentlemen give . evi dence that the failure of 'the rebellion and the emancipation of the blacks has imparted a sombre tinge Aci all their conceptions of current events. One such. 'writing from thesisaippi to a (timid in Cincinnati, commences by' declaring that "things are going from bad to worse every dn.!' Under o;dinary Ovum. stances the natural inference 'would be that there isms likely io be a iallure of the crops,, either through watural j canoes, or because the people; had be come lazy and improvident: he • takes care, In the nextsentence, to an ticipate this Inference and refute It. crop prospects are very fair, and the people are generally working welL"° , Thera ere indications of thrift and coin -lug enjoyment. Rut'the distressed gen . tleratut cannot see it. After . beating *bunt awhile he comes to the point, Which ho states in then; Words: "All wehare to dois to work and toil; try to de tight and trust to Providence. Should the blacks and mean whites get"posses , Sion of our State government, I don't eel boW honest white men are to remain in the country." That Is putting the natter singularly. Ile is willing to "trust to Providence," provided Pron . deuce will bo so obliging as to arrange neaten se he would like to have them. • 'lf Piovidence should not happen to agree with him in opinicin, and shall not ez things to suit his pro•conceived ideas, 11111 i other "honest men" mean to be provoked and nett the conntty. Doe , the Innocent soul expect, in this-way, to lolly Providence? Ws wane wnono to stating that Mr. Thomas Williams bad teadkup his mind there was no reasonable basis for pro ceeding with the impeachment of the President. When the Judiciary Coriunin• tee came to ivote, the division was, gir Impeachment, Messrs. Boutwell,ThOmss, Lawrence and Wl.illams; against, Mount. Wilson, Churchill and Woodbridge,ye radians, and Messrs. Marshall and Eld7 sldge Democrats. • • Uptin the' resolution censuring the 'Presideni all the Republicans voted in theallirmative, aid the two Democrats in the negative. It is given out that the Committee still expect to make important, If not conclu sive deVeloPments. But we think - heats . to WM" Mat if the protracted and vigi lant search already made has failed to discover evidence against the President of so Voiltivt a nature as to unite the Republican members of the Committee in adetermination to have him arraigned, the further pursuit of,the investigation might as Weil lie relinquished. • • Sitnast:of the South American gov. ernmentsluive been engaged. in fighting • each other for some time pan t ., The Ad . ministration at Washington offered its • , Men* aloes .as Mediator between Ahern. Each .of them has 'declined the ''• '• aid.; It is worth while to Or, why the United States stands so ill with all other nations on thli continent? Is it because Its superiority over these other nations has been asserted offensively? Is • It because our government has shown a .41sjposition to aggress upon the rights of • its neighbcirs whenever prompted by am . bitten or avarice? Whii,tever may bailie answers to these questions, the fact ye .. that the Vatted states does not 'with - the other governments oathllcoatfaeat. EXCURNIoN TO TIIE UNION PACI - RAIL AT—EANTERN DI (special CorrupondeneePalish ilifasettal Sr. Loon, 7une.2, 1867. M. 2 w. 11. on Saturday morning I joined the extursion patty which left Philadelphia on Friday noon. It con , slated then of some 1143 , ladies and gen tlemen, among whom were General Sl mon Cameron, and wife; Gen. A. F. Stevens, M. C., of New Hampshire, and wife; Margate de Chaahrnm, a grandson of Gen. La Fayette, a very interesting and intelligent gentleman, and many others, the names of whom I shall not eendyou to-day. Probably in my next letter I shall give you a foil list. The party, is an exceedingly pleasant and agreeable one, and our trip to this place was truly a pleasure excursion. The weather yesterday was warm but bright and pleasant. Last nieht we had a heavy shower, perbnat several of them, for I slept too houndly to know mu c h about the weather. This Morning.. we rose a little after the sun on the broad prairies of Illinois, and a more glorious eight, Rom both.earth and sky, seldom falls upon human vision. We were de tailed in the night about two hours, so that it was ten o'clock instead' of eight when we reached the Southern lintel, where we 'are to remain until WI-morrow afternoon, when we take our departii. - o for Kansas and the Smoky Hill, to see: the grandest enterprise now In progress in the world, the Union Pacific Railway. I have metlir. Perry, the Preaident of I the LnioePacific Railroad Company, and some ether. gentlemen connected with it, who greeted us cordially, but we have, not discussed the subject at all. They seem to be in the &mat spirits., General Wm. J. Palmer, . the Treasurer of the road, and one of most energetic men I know, inet us at Columbus, Ohlo. The wheat crop from Pennsylvania to the Mississippi looks very promising. We saw nota single field m which it could be said to be a failure. Comma a very backiard. In Ohio I saw some fields prepared for planting, bit the seed Is not yet in. In 'Mingle it leap and of good color. But enough of such matters I for this time. This afternoon Mr. David. 8., Small, of York, Pa, and I, visited the "Southern Mission Sabbath School," 'twisted about n dozen squires south of this hoteL This school, which Is strictly a Ml5lllOll school v was organised mainly through the well directed efforts of that earnest Christian , hero, General Fiske. It is held a dooms and substantial brick building erected expressly for the purpose, the size of which may be estimated when I say that it is amply sufficient, one sin gle floor,'. to accommodate upwards of twelve handrai children with some fifty or sixty teachera. That was about the number present to-day. L'never saw better order. in a school, or more appa rent earnestness in its appropriate work. The pupils, gathered from all ranks and creeds, were neatly clad, eleim arid well behaved. The Superintendent, an intel ligent and accomplished gentleman, seemed, without effort, to keep thin mul-. titude of qjueentles," spitting with life, perfectly in hand. • • For nearly an hour they wag—piece, after piece; and such - singing could only be acquired tinder accomplished • teach-. era Something, perhaps, is due to the large German element there is in tbe school. - - To hear from hundreds of young voices words of . holy song, su clearly and distinctly tittered that they fell open the ear like round shots of met; olly, was both inspiring and delightful. in several of the pieces the chores was repeated by the children of the infant school only (some four hundred in num. bet, and occupying a distinct department 'of the hall, the most remote from the platform where we sat) and the. words floated back to tie as distinctly as if .nt tered ,by *a single -voice. it was like a (sweet, soft echo, and had a singularly .pleasing and touching effect. 11 After the singing the school was brief- ly addressed by the delegates of the Irish' Presbyterian Church to the church es of the same denomination In this country, Rev. Dr. Denham, of London- deny, and Rev. Dr. Hell, of Dublin, end by Geo. H. Stewart, Beg., who ac companies them in their tour through this country. All those gentlemen are admirable speakers, and so, taken all to gether, this was one of the moat inter. acting .visits to a Sunday School that it was ever my privilege to make. In the evening a considerable number , of cur party went together. is the hail 1 of the Mercantile Library to bear these 'same gentlemen addreks the people - on the subject of "How the flidspel is to be brought. in 'contact with the masses." The hail—the largest in the city, end the grandest in size, symmetry and adornments Lever saw—was so fell that many extra seats had to be brought In, many stood; and many more went away unable to get in at all. The addresses, especially that of Dr. Hall, were . , quent and powerfelanpeale to Christians in behalf of thousands who are perish- Ing around them. Twice or thrice, at the close of an address, the entire midi.' once rose and sung a single stanza with impressive effect. ' At the Sunday School I had a brief in-1 Levan! with Mr. Stewart and his Irish friends. He told me. that on next Sab- , bath they will be in Pittsburgh to speak on thesame subject , I trust that they will meet as warm a reception as they did here, I can promise our people a rich treat for both head and [ heart; So much for oar progress thus far, and for this day's experience. It has great, ly_deepened my interest to this mighty and expanding Trans-Miuissippl metrop olis., from which • inconceivably. potent influences are now flowing and will con tinir to flow with ever-increasing volume and power. Good night. J. C. - THE COUNTY-CONVENTION MEASTis. EDITOBS:—IIIIII much pleas ed with your comments on the obnox ious resolution adopted by , the Republi can Convention that assembled at the Court El 0M yesterday. • If the members Of that Convention suppose that intelligent Republicans will endonie such a resolution, I venture the opinion they are • greatly . mistaken. Those of the party who have for thirty years or more advocated the equality of man and his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, , art not likely to fall in with such narrow and proscriptive views, and go back to the days when men were proscribed on account of their place of birth. I have not so teamed the principles of the Republican party, and there are not a few who will repudiate such political heresy as the resolution inculcates. lam one of those who be lieve it is always best to "Do to, others as you would have others to do to you;" and in this age of progreu and advanc ed civilization; I wonder men would put forth such Mash views. To my mind they are unworthy, the great Republican • party—a party that crushed rebellion end gave freedom to so many bondmen. I say those views are unworthy a party of such glorious achievements. I write this communication because 1 love Re publican principles and do not wish the party placed in a lalse position. • • Respectfully yours, ~ JAMES Roma. • Cott IL L. ritcintoun has withdrawn from the Senatorial contest In the Erie and Crawford district. The remaining contestants; are CoL 'McCoy', of. Craw ford, and Mr. Moithow B. Lownr, of tie. Of Mr. LAYET the Meadville publican rays: He sets himself tip as the special champion of the canal enlargement, but forgets to state that he was only brought to sustain that measure by a bargain looking to his roebsction. Me avows hiumelf in favor of a new county, al though any time - for eLs ;Ye!arit pastL ho might have secured the demrod legisla tion in its favor in the Senate. Ho claims the support of religions people because of his Sunday Car, speech, which was simply a piece of blatant blasphemy, that, marked him as a coarse, Ignorant, frothy, dentagogne, and a bigot. That a man of his notorious character morally, should appeal to chriatians for Support, thew* how far the last of office will im pel an impudent imposter In his impor -tultusa Ills effrontery In a, religions - sense could hardly be rivalled by a pirate of the first water. To those fanilliar with his history he can only be regarded am a ranting hypocrius. It Is a favorite habit among blackings to affect clerical costume and manners?, and it olteri hap panellist political gamblers /1/16IIMO like habits for the pruposo of deceiving good men." ' The Erie Dispatch, in reviewing the contest, soli: . 6 • "We say the decision Is already made —the game op--XeCny is thell nu n Senator—and that ail M . can Lowrydo with his county. his canal enlarge. ment,thls hauled money, his nfond speeches, lila. Investigating coritmittees, Ids tram planted by th e "hand of God," his , love for the negro, Ida blasphemotts oratory, biz church mem. bership, his cattle on a thousand hills, bi t s thousand and other things, will not prbreap. The time has come for the people topronourice.j ndgMent upon him, and St will be done so effectually that the Gabriel and resurrection which ha talks so much slant In his speeches,' will not know where or haw to And him. ' _Good' bye, thou saintly byrcata".: ERSONAL —Mr. 'William Swinton Is . taking notes of Southern battle-fields for the enrichment of the book In his brain. —Sumner's speech b•us been done Into Russian, m 3 wiJl be published in paw- plot in St. Petersburg by some one who speculates deeply on the fatuity of the St. PetersbargerL —Gov.. Morton, of Lid . iana, is recov ering from' the paraliaut:With which he was afflicted. His mintlis activeand vigorone- u ever. He will remain for some time at the Hot Spring's of !Arkan sas . —The "Rev." Miss Olynipla Brown is to address the Alumni or Antioch Col- lege in connection with the next com mencement exercises of the College, the lest week in June. She was a graduate of that institution in 1160. —The War Department• has revoked the sentence of George 11. PettersoM of the Third United Buttes Cavalry, who was conVlcled of misdemeanor in 1866 and sent to the. Ohio Pet:meatier:o'nd he has Iron oldered to Join his reglrrtent. —Prentice, the renowned wit of the Louisville ✓ouraei, is now about sixty 'years of age. 11e has a tine forehead but a coarse month; is rustle and uncouth .in ids manners and slovenly in his dress; bat he ten good talker, and his ;wit is spontaneous. • —Horace Greeley has a salary of $7,500 a year as editor of tho Triune. He Is so disinterested In money matters that he accepted a recent Increase of salary with reluctance; and he has been manip ulated by others out of most of his stock in the Tribune. —Jay Cooke & Co. have recently Made a heavy investment in Minnesota, being the purchase of 100,000 acres of pine lands, on the St. Louis river. They will immediately erect a number of mills forth° manufacture of lumber to be skip ped to Milwaukee, Chicago and the East ern market. —The administrators of the estate of Plavel Wittily, late of Chicago, have just paid over $50,000 in legacies, among which was one of $lO,OOO to tho Second Presbyterian Church in Chicago, for the benefit of its mission schools, and one of $lO,OOO to the American Home Mission ary. Society. —Though Clarkson Stanfield was an honored artist for more than a halt cen., tury, and though his works brought as much money and us much fame as those of any Eoglishyainter of his time, he never got from the crown a single cons ' mission, nor even so much as the barren honor of a decoration. —Rev. El. B. Brairreid and lady, of Lyme, Conn., celebrated =Friday, May 24, the twenty-filth anniversary of their marriage. The presents .arnounted to about $1,200, of which tikls was Its money, $l6O being ln oilier coin. Among the handsome presents was a check for $lOO from Er-Gov. Buckingham. . —Some of the rebel Generals have, no better luck in the business field than in the battlefield. Thu First National Bank of New Orleans holds Beauregard's note for $lO,OOO, and he has also overdmWn his account to the amount of rt 2.000. Gen. Dick Taylor leas . reconstructed by the funds of the bank to the extent of 1137,5(a). —Rev. Dr. Curry; editor of the .I.f2th odist Christian eideoeate, says the Arian fic..Vontldy, is the organ of free think ers. the New York Tribune has always been anti-Christian"; the Nation is edited by polite infidels; the Times is "reckless of truth, propriety and decency," and the Earwig Lrolt has "Unitarian • pro. .dirities. —Judge Jahn Pearson, of Danville, Illinois, has taken to the city of Atlanta, Georgia, at Ids own expense, over one thousand bushels of corn Inc distribution to destitute widows and orphans, every bushel of which is Contributed by him self. Accompanying the corn Is about one hundred dollars worth of clothing, sent by the benevolent ladies of Dan ville, to be disposed of in a similar man ner. Remy J.. Raymond lathe most indus trious editor in New York.. Ito looks into all the details of the .Times e.stalt- ! Raiment as no other chief editor-would do, and knows every one of his thousand 1 correapondents and contributors. Ilia rapid writing Is among the newspaper. wanders; it being stated that hie obittary of Daniel Webster, tilling sixteen col umns of the Times, was prepared in eleven hours.. —The Duke of gdinburgh (Queen Vic's second boy) has an allowance of $75,000 a year as one of the royal family. Ilie also bu his pay and allowances as captain in the Royal Navy, an'a wheri ever his unclothe reigning Grand Duke dies, he will become sovereign of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha, with a civil list (vulgarly called salary) of $500.710 ha gold, be sides succession to said uncle's large private property.. _ ' • NOW 19 TUE' 'AIME Tops& sway you 'claw cloth up, tun, car Ws. he. Vs" DOWDZN'S MOTH Dr!TTROYINO VA.CMI.T it wall sorely donee, Moths, Aloe on elegant :truism. Read what Hiram ♦nderlon. the gnat ethpet dealer. of 97 flowery. ma:, “1 eheerfally moommena ilia tea ant aa a mr , min 5,1;4141.4'M 310th. tiatina ea.:Miens results. 140 not imitate lotironoutea It. in my opinion, the nest article tot the per. pow ever manntactared.” ilarßole gen: for rlUsbarsh and vicinity. Arszen /LINING, Druggist, I=ll =3 . . What 8 tiaynes Ointment Will 1.-04 will 0000 MD to from It to 43 boors. 3-14 will ens Ots 4304100141a5te cans of Tel, tar. 3-14 will tors Cbronle Itrystpelss or the flee. 4-14 win curs 8011110000. 80014 Head. 1,415r0l care HAM. Plies. MI ArspUorts. 4-14 mul rodttrely core si I fain Diseases. 7-Oss eltAlralVi tOsTsizar sad watch no sore. ••ITC4r. Id oayi e litaio4is=oll, "TATER" "ITCH" Dr. Bolses rg, •0T611,0 ••TrTIT.R., "ITCH" NAT= KNOWN , 6 .1 - ATTAR" •.ITCH" anwrriffv, 1 .1TO11" TO TAIL I •TETTEIO , ' “IT4I/1•• “rerriut-. .. V .itir: 4 oll b b) D kEtgill *. P. 4 l. 4ll"- M 4 V.,!;Zfrlittolt:O.% T0K1041“..14.r0e. 4th awl atreets, 11143. borer: 14/LI4T. A DAIIITT. allesnoni. soNALovrra REMEMBER That Blew. at the !Stomach, Palo between the Shoulder. end In thelgat etre, Yellow Benn eron of the nth, Coatli cccc a, Drrralteis and Lanraor. Llamas of night. Vollei Pelpltation of the Herat, Dly Cough, Low Fever. and other erniptotes which InElleale the values ph.. of Acute and Cbroole Liver Chronplaint, are, one 004 al. ProulPtly relieved, and Coldly moored. by the actin. of *it famous preparatlen, IWISTITTZH•IISIII I IEACiI BITTEIteI, Which Ls at once the best of correctives, the gentlest and toast dental of aperients. an Laraine ble segntator, and s powerful restseattve. rees thus of a bilious hibit, Who nee the Hitters " yrotective medlelne, 1.111 refer !Bebe the pales and p.001115..6! laver Disease or glace if/4.mi. taut Paver. Ho words can do /mace to Its MARVIII.OII6 YIMIPERTIV.V. It stand. pt.•rmlocft among the health re• storing prepur..lons of the ego, and every year adds to Its fame, not only to this country. but throughout the drllleed world. PINUN CANADENBIB. • tree which le atmadmit la Caned!, Nora Beat* and theme. matinees parte of the New England Plates. and to also found in the elevated I ad mountainous neon* of the Middle dtatss, and abounds la mildicinal Title.. Dr. hwett, 00 Ben... has prepared a medicine Rom the sweet Inside bark of the pine tree, called fit. N 6 COMPOUND. welch is one of rare value in all debilitated mate. of the kidney.. It acts Mart charm In - all diseases of moron. membranes, tabling them to regain their ost &anaemic...icy. It will be band well adapted to all those diseases, where nacho has bean tried Ind failed. It le likewise well salted to chronic collets. and all * lnfaUlble specion for old and debititated cases of asthma. liens per mut WOO at brat only . took *bottle of Ms meet. Inn. to try, _enema/As cams barn and not a dozen, ot. hail doges, whlrt, effected radical cares of dinettes of th e bladder end Wiley of 7. l2:firslefielmee that hike twera looted upon 14.91,11;tigerV u Ll'1::: pat Mated mete Meese°. United Plates Dispensinorit. .17..Uhit he the pine set. ts premiribed in isecorrhota, steel. anti otber diettasen of the a ri start , toureareet la plln and throttle ineammation or nt.ration of the bowels, to chronic estarrbel adeotione, and In tearione :Onus of rheassattscs.r it ls Talmsbie to all advett/me. bloody urine, and whets than n et ted and White .dlteent. 11 Can bs taken wi t 'interruption so oasis anal elocationet end instead or sicken- I at. I:l44neqs • bracing, healthy litetwer of mob. " 1 . 1,4 4 0i1Ce"41111` Lvunil.b o /or me by the emu, Anten or mash; bottle. at 1111. SlYrinnlit Urea& Yedielne eta., Ise Wood serest. apt 1;p rAyirli •xp r. 4 Polo f:i:46 1461 wr. .1917001 WI; Jr... Adams Atepiet• /les, 54 /lAA arsitots an outharood Agent to trot"! daertlannetla (pram U444:213ka1yl a w '~~o,'.'"°"c~io~a a: wain ew,~, ROBINSON BROTH:FBA Ziazals.orso. Nan FOIIIITII STAELT,PittsbUITL .9rctiL -3 °4i.;l:4«glEti; =I"Z *lnds of , , tr. Ei. EICVIWehs gitrat , %=. 4tobny.sa4l seUl•Uresel Booth iresp_oolivai smiarNtratas. VZ. U.— th e n. escuds of the mantes or Hai- Duets. a.arargi; -- "'"`"E"' e Deposits. FOU SALE. .• • - Covrrnoturyn.Orrics. City of nitogotar. Jona sin, IEC. roil t0L1.5-516 single COLUR.Y DUI& Kull - now: JUL Cm thing Aar • om.t School: Can bonbon on ins /wind door at a. 007 007 CNOII. oatrollst. 1= PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : THURSDAY. JUNE C. 1867 NEW ADVER LORT—Between Market and Bealtttel.l. on Firth street, or between Tlrth olulTolrd. ott Smithfield street, W.CIPCME.Err 313C1.0 1 32E• Contatolog a mall sum of move, and a Gent'. Bre setplo. the lindarvlll please leavat j tz e mar at OFFICE.ILi OFFIC & 8. FRANCIS, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, 2111.2.1 Bailin St., illqieny City, !a. 411 1 4 . lad Jobbing promntly attended to. -AT A MEETING OF . THE CO3l biIITEE ON WATER, of Allegheny Comae elle, held cm Wednesday, •lane fith, 107, It was Resobren, That Inasmuch as the city et - 7 .. the right to shut oft the clef Enter from all ch." lamer. outelde the city, all such persons are hereby noticed that THE WATER WILL BE bHUT OFF ON AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF JULY NEXT, and the Cepeeletendentle hereby Instructed to Carry the lame Into sCeet. nopEnT Clerk to Committee. jLe:•53 NEW ICE CREAM 8 ILOON AND CONFECTIONERY. JULIUS RICHTER Will open his new tlrst clue Ice Cream Saloon 4 Confectionery, At No. 10 1:14110fil), Allegheny. on TUEn— llylAs..lVdilathr:dirte public generally are ye n:leered to o favor the now eatarnistunent with • tair. • . • jell:glS BEST FAMILY COAL Always on band and dello. red promptly to orde AT LOWEST BASKET BATES, BY OSCAR F. LAMM & CO., Piadoky Platt gad P. ft: W. k C. Ulu I= A.l3lbr4CitS Coal lusulsbed at the lowest rite. Jelha NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. COirrnord.lit•it Orrick. City of &Reuben?. Joao dth, LAO. fitALED PROPOSALS will be reveled at this office until IILONDAY.Ith inst.. at • o'elocit p. rn.. for the necessary excavation for 100.0 Sect, [homer Ices, Or It inch water DIP.. with the accessary branches. stop cock And ti plugs, tag trench to be Ailed he re the pipe ba a been laid: end wherever patina has to be lasen op for tita:orgitte ini. It matt be r••nered rgtODidderxwlll.ttate price per 'u trigs r :E l iAlse be received at the woe time lie , .lineal foot, for the Series of the &move amount or eire, bruits.. Ac. Ihe pipe, branches, el op cock and Ore pines will be delivered aloe, the line of exclystion. All other material lobo ihr nished by the coutesetor. Aor Information required as to detail.; will be elven by OPAL N. MILL/tit, pein cut of Water Works. under whose aupervision thy work is to be done. Thellght is reaerred to re lett any end All bids. R. B. FRANCO,. Cita Controller. r= TIE NEW TRIMMING STORE r=ini W.• H. MILLER'S • NEW TRIMMING STONE. No. (34 Market St., ( tlypt;slte J. W. Baxter's Dry Goods !Immo A lure sue well selected of irriniMingge Lace Goods, EMBROIDERIES, Gent's Furniddng Goods, Aso AUTIONS UENNEA.LLY. J ~E_~ - BUILDING PROPOSALS. YoWmiLs WILL BE RE. Cal Vat, by the HutMioloda iIOAS C0M..1 PAS Y. fil exeramina aTank ror a ilea Hlde the excaratioe to be shoat le feet la diameter by `.t fret In depth. - - • M.o. for LaYlleU • tiTONIL WALL around aides of said Trak, three feet to width at the bottom he two ter% at the tog. and teem:ay-four . . fee , it height. lilld wall WW be bails or toed. large-ailed atone. and thoroltil47 Mild In with morta Leylreir. nilatoralt are de lred for furnishing. withinllio BIM namedlto Ina a wall and fluor i the above ti• wall. I The best weallly of hard brick will be regetild. .4 they mutt he care till)) laid In cemesil. the latter to , e ferule ted by %holies Conmatly. The liUse work smiler. at all time. to the loaner • en and approval of tee Mae comma,. who alio reserve the right. ant tante ml bile erected. Monorail should be net to the onlce of the' Company'. la : a p t h. lettere we lot to he I eitarsgled wit be shown. sad fart. Cr Wilma , tile elven. 1114 a will be native., unlit the MU 1 UV J LINZ. D. lltillth•liti. lil:ral Itecretary. SUSUMU. STOCK OF BOYS, YoUTiwand CHILDREN'S C/T-aCYTII I.IV 4G. =I A ic.gt.Led comple. mortmett% at FUJLEIIIN and AMU.= Cassimere, Flannel & Linen Bulls, amplehe best Latent house, All th neer awl aMete In greet exact', uld St 1 . 11.1051 tlUtI £14.. Cala enely. a t No. 47 St. Clair St. GRAY & LOGAN. CZM CHANDELIERS, Brackets, i'endants, &e., C 1615143 aataa. 011. • large anortaleat an gang nag reerletrut - WELOON & KELLY'S, PLUMBERS. AND GAS FIiTEBS, 164 Wood Street. sta/An .11 EAU SIXTH IRON CITY CUTLERY CO., Nb. 3 St. Clair Street. Having porobised of AA/116W 11110113 the mUrs stock of klantoare. duller/ nod Variety at the abut., stand, 11 Is Wolf intontion to beets on s Us:as. stock Of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Rifles iiiivol:Yert, Pistols. I,l4blsAT:ekle . 421 . 14g " rt 'd' SVOIIII Waxers. Scissors. a.. 114 aribrits 1: 0 . s . IsLIT2,2I_ W. WATTLES., No. 41111th Street, lIII2IIEI • Fine Watches, Rich Gold': Jewelri, DIAMONDS. CHAINS, SILVAN AND PLAT[') Jut.r.. and all andel, comity Nand In a Mat e...as More, tieing tharoaeltly antenna. won my basinets, And 001101•11101 I from Ant hands, I can ages special inducement* to all who pay hie Ter me with MAN pntionaga r rr7InIUITEW , :nI4II[I Oil m 820,000 TO LOAN, ON BOND AND MORTGAGE, .07i ‘OOl, lIPBOTO DIAL LSTLTL APPLY To • STEEL t WILSON. =I lie; 86 66418.5881.8:466 GREEN OIL CLOTEI. zooms. 337LLIDES2MI. = J. R. WELDIN & CO., AT cosT : . . . I s CLOTH WIND° SHADES; A. hue varkty. Saki. ne . patterns, for sale , . BT OO ./. i ''' . ,i. U. mums a Co., . us - ,iiir.:iol w«. 4 egii..i. ornor or Too Errerno on ettrnoLlalMi . A•l‘oCtelloe, Tlttaltateh. Juno I, 1/At. T li oNh " .f W,lttilf.‘`,AfAV.ata. CLATION held Is their met 11k , 1tip.u130 . 141,7 , 11lop. 7:l:cr nu ° , o to r ake Into ;waders. von the sedsottop of neigh*. eh the repu tt ,i‘,.. n i t $.100.d, e ta ,. attenemeelseapleitly tmertted. Ity prderi.„ 111,i1,0110, 1.0001007. JAMES B. JONES, • if Duz.z. ix Scrap . Iron, tight Iron, OMIT /MD WILOVOUT IRON. 11.03Pigi Corny Andiron unit and Aber . Alleighosy PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP. MI. TH. H. ELLIOTT. of Alio° ND. H. sarstar, S. D., r:bogriAllasPfnitcP.'""'°).M7' LEBION 81111 UP. iga PLACIC IV OLT LEMON. SYRUP. lisantaelared from the Jolt. of Lemma, ts at D. 11:11011MCIXDT )e4:01 a N.. NOV LIBINTy , NOTICE.-41.111 per Sons c 0 to like late Irm oE M. M'ITEEIN II CO., Arsmataied tweak. paimmat tolL.MatiMat, le ima FOURTH OF JULY, 1801. L X. L. FIRE WORKS! I would ha We to cell the attention of of patrons aod the 0 0 0111ennemtly to my Mock of FIRE WORKS, • Shmufsetured a:m.lM for my trede• fully selected chemicl. and wader Um gus t, .1.1911 of lb, best 'pract a ical Pyrideciudai of l l country. Haying Asd my stock all destroyed by Ora Mot yes;;wrens cos re] on { .'"P t rttgh'iroum. a nd for btllLancy. swim spd us else cannot be surpassed• to addition to she Luse PATENTocket COOOOll. use, I offer Um driOET STIEE 1100KET. ?hey See but uPid wooden La xus: one doseu tub. c.d. be transported vc 114 Pe , fect BlifetT• moat less expense then toe uld style. 1.1 will ascend a% low. oaaigig 4~tner. ?hey are ilit'aradtAttezttums. put op tweraptice Ord.. HUMAN CANIILM, SCROLL WHFFLO, IItiAISULEs IN/nEEL oE.rxtiis, FLOWER r tIE C0L,011.V.0 FIE R IER ciceCK6L9. NINES OF FITAIta L. D. DVIIMETT, Candy Manufacturer, No. 207 LiBERTY - STREET. Jaqsal HERBST OUINARY. DINING, LIMO, COFFEE AND ICE CRUM ROOMS, FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. No. .64 Fourtl). St. iWr tfor WORMS: II MISCUES ssired from 6 to II 'a. It. DINNER ,ontd Mon II to i o'cle , dalty--dls.6o.for 'Zweiff, Olsen cant gunne r . Particula r ttention Siren gin to the ...In Of le, lad and tine en desiring a comfortable meal. the cialoent of a good dish °Totem. or my of Me Minato or th e memo; elm. io the fornlsblog Wattle, panic. nod otbere. UMW nalacoces or elsewhere. with the ballot .WEDDING, POUND AND SPONGE OAKES With Calechest amortment Se e n,asket and Fancy Cream end water' Moringoe gimlets. Janes, charlotte de Butte, Diane Wang, Menlo.., Ortimmotal Pyramid., Mem% Mined Turke Conde. Chocolate. etc. Wall en an d Music Music furnished Mien. atel Poo , lie patties. ii TlVe'r.lnerfr bite C'""1. d TEAS 2 TEAS! TEAK! OP PRICES AND RIIALITIr, AT •8. 32C.11=1.32WEi.. GREEN TEA. Prlme Tatirig lipbon sl. L oiper pound. Nam& good 1.4 u d •• uo"f. ..... _AZ BLACK TZAR—Ooloors. Ben Oolou $l.lO per vlttd. EXITS .• MACK. •TEAn—parrehaleg; Soneho.g and 4Ucosagoen. .E'rth`BArertr4trnr.ctzgl-.t. n:g Cont. 1.40 JAPAN TEAM. , MIXED TEALS. 7' ` ". 11:" . 241 .1. l i lt VP.$ ll from the shore say ante an meiebt Jut Whet blvd °Mee they meet. end hove these put u Yn p In any .teuttty. sad f.tembilte by shy ep sear tens tat pound le the W hed IC, exac tly getttuit • P. , ' +tad ciemt ankle whktt exactly SI.. 7E410111b1.. Alletriaos7. E=IMMI DISSOLUTION. THE PAIITSERSIIIP tenors entail. between UZU. A. BALLY and AUBT. M. NAUDUUAteI, no the Wholesale Unit U.leen. No. 37 Want stye.. Zlusborth. has this nay been db.lTed hy minuet consent. 14.13NU00aen retlelnt from an.“ The badness wIU be mulish et by 0 EURUZ A. GEO. A. WILLY. ROB?. H. IiIIODURAIW. • May 10th. GEORGE A. RILEY, Wholesale Dniggistr 87 Wood Idreet, (Oppodte the Z. Chatter Basta ireitelifirltTNlClValirt l fiNct r aig. r `°Pini ° 4ll ° Trj:.' tiVent l P,ZW ,4 g7tin aTitur, UIIULIItA CUR6..e. HARRIS, .110ENT BANKS. DINSMORE & CO. Mnnnfastorerg of Talent Bt..lard ISc-EL ..ILaM IE3 p rollabla for Walsh Lockr,./tHiroad Tracks knd Dual,: Vold. Hay and Lire Mock. Also, Inn. proved [`tient kraler for Mast rtfollots,.ltoll ioo otram totter ioandrtek. and an toe amino. dractiptlo • or:Dorn:monk and Portable rlntforsa neaka and PaTnat Brunk. N. M. r'dr, NINTH a WHAM bra— (00:ow V05u0 , ..) delpbt. *Ho, No. Dia LANILATIC nTaaalOr. PittotOirxii. 01y31.11 10 OIL REICEVEUS. THOS. S. CALHOUN, ICULIFIX . MNTELVI., Na. 161 Lacock Streit, Anegheoy.Clty Idanutoetorer of era-y geocOTlOoo of CM= VON 06/01Ilit) and WAT/11l TANKS: • AGIT...TORS built on the Valet lm ota. IRON TraNK uorroith aud 'WIN , . .4 all kW. or *eau,. Ms class. done for Itallooa ao the molt nooonable tenas and at the shon. worth. ovOrroel WORNIIOITSE PRISON. - - THE BOARD OF MANAGERS of the WORK HOU WM) ISZBUILTE ASTLOM de.tre to. contract with reaponsibla pestle, for tine illasmfaelssea *boot Three 13o0m).00t10 of Isealvartak. - 11pett the penalises of the Institution, seem We b rgiti:;?4 " i: iiii_Tr4 " 7ll9 . ll ll r u .r; ffepertor clay serl ' uttirrrscllluo• wet be f Ind wale the pretense*. • • Farther leforntmerao be ohlaeedbf. and propewsla may be made until JUtit SUM. tts GEO. ALIIIILE, secretary, ' Cor. Wood and fourth Pls., Plttiettrah. m7Stivt4 • • A . YOUNG &Am., -.1 WHOLICS4LX DELLEI4I AND Cintuniseion Mprchanta in rigOtrit • 1 1 E . ED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY No. 555 Penn St., prrrenouGu, PA. ran 110118E8 FOR SALE. - One Black Morgan Mare, Perfect!, sound andsentle In ill battles.; fru lies of locomotive oemmer of any kind: can (cu trot WO Also, mineral good, Saddle ,and Harness Romeo, Ei:=4:::; k t!ersagnibil a r n urcler .MeCLUSG&SROTUER. rEtil MARSHAL'S PA virtue of • wilt or waddiont exponice, en ons of We iiiii et Conn ot United S t a t e. for the Western I.llstries of Vennsrleania, and to t1,11,71-461,7,Litnr:CliyIrTitst:rtIrsaht3:, 1111TUD/LT OW JUNK. SNOT, at 10 o'ciwk • 4 .. .: " .llTercl . S U' olVh d is e rrt ib tli e V r bliVi r lageni whisky. six Mobilo, .160 ea, containing ninety low Fallow of Magi eiceen UoRsheaiU, one Bear Tub, one Reeglner. two flake Stows. we Heater s 010 Trouh, rump and Pipes, Iwo tbsp. per BMW and W orms, one 11 ttttt and . least rob, wised and lases to Ws properly of Mullen at the suit lifßej 3. lolr.tlze i si m ; U.N. allardist. Marshal's UM., Jaw 1. IM7. M=M! MARSHAL'S PALE.—By virtue etawrlkof wodiffootesPonos,,lrsord outof the District Court of the United ntatcr for the Wntero District of Ceoussiranla. cad to toe di rrecwl. I will earase to public oalo, at Nut CUM. TUX 1101:8E. Is the city of eittsburn4 , co the MITE DAY or JUNE, IMO?. at CO o'clock. A.M.. the following deserlced prone:l.7ooTM . 17 " "'"1. " rntred ir:anCaro T1:1:trwoor WVA T oJk. ,. I.II;:ti, Si r the 101 l erge UWled Malts. TIMM. A. ROWL M EY, . arshal. • Marshal's 0111ce, June I. ME. Jcf_ MiDBILIISII BALD.--Dy virtu; Lame CODIPANI. JOHN_ BOSS at 'co., . . No. 23 Wood St., Plitsbnigh, Pa., xiakuftetwen of • LIMPS, tAMPUSES, CIIININEYS, LANTERNS, ETC , dangling perlaintng to the 28111.1e1ia,, TABLE *AUX, WIADOW 'ADS, aailavarlthing th e, Ulu, Line. I= S. S. Y0U145071....D. *,..11f444111....1.1C IWWWAS. r. CL1TP11.4.2 ' JACOB kirt. . 401111INON, BARB & CO., BOOK AND PAM PAPER. Orders' pron?ptly Mkt] Entaws Naar" QM= ° atm, comnts. Pea.. /F/Flilithest cash wt.. Dad tarns. a; .I.OIIOIIZZT . ASZSZNOZZ ZW MONKEY & FIIEW,• • auxtnAcTtramasor Saddles, Harness,. Trunks, .21 all &Melee 1n theft line nenellt kept .11tet-ele. estabilebineate. N 0.102 Wood Street, (oetwent Dlatitorta 71:14 /17131311310/L- 11111)31D% &in MOUTGAGER 3:ka: 3r - zrznvir, Broker and Beal Estate Atent. Ho. 004g1a1... I!_SittlfET._ MAN TED, WinlemaxLeam. Who can ounce at once. Apply person or address, 1ME33313 mmrprovrmmmm WANTED.' SPENCER 7•SHOE ROLES. I will nay ale cash far second-hated NC RIFLT-S or ennnyy: Es .2 ro os t ine 111„. II delivered wan. at the n Great Viiie - rn Una - Worts. corner Lana sea Wayne street.. PlM 'l3ll:fni.d&P J. 7LJOYLfSTON. , • CARPETS. OIL I:MOTHS. &o NEW CARPET STORE. FRESU ARRIVAL OF C rt xicw ixrrai!li3 ur Tapestry Brussels, • Body Brussels, 8-Ply and 2•Ply, Tapestry Ingrains. A Full Line of Straw idattioga, fiAlN,cazoxao AND FANC'E. Onr:. took lo loner thou at our Fork. thil at. segnOn. ThoGo Gwlslahog goou our pail Grill do well GO eye US ti: . SOVARD , ROSE & CO., 41711 Th IfraYiti;(second noon) MM!l!=! M==l HAVE REMOVE D. ircAuumBROTHERS, Hare now open et their very eloont and CO mations bisvr weal:dolma. No. 51 Fifth Street, • LOW Me of 111111GIV and clearable pattaraa MEDALLION VELVETS: Velvets, Brussels, TaPESTR BRVSSE.I.B, ♦ law and ebolee assortment of Piano and Table Covers, 1041Trin COTU, num RUGS Ming. 0:71.11: 313es.lsneet, THREE PLY OD TWO PLY • Ingi•alitSp Ala own' variety of low olio.' Carpetlot{ .1110CALialli BROTIMEISI, 03. "Villatla. Milts e ot, tah3o CARPETS. OLIVER. • M'CLINTOCK & CONPAKY, SAVE JIIST OPENED For the Spring Trade, Tilsit . Splendid AAstin:S tet NEW CARPETS, oil Cloths, Shades, &C. •tt