a El INVISIBLE 35 . 7 ca. 0.7 15-Tisisbi.ot 1611 t. ERIN surf , i-t Eizeops:: I 4-4 14. , . 2 11E - 81CW lIHAPIC FOR Sprint/ grarif GlioolllLti MSS . OP I riser mix!. • • 'i BLACK. 1501111/k2 _ • J. 151.- MUM'S] h. Large. Asc..ottelent of New Goods JUST'II:CFIVEI7. ~. :.+. • DUPLEX. Euirrio Remember the place. Ro. ST.I ETIT 8008 TO TOE SUS OF NI BOOT.' • , , =thlrero MU Nous= 11PlUINGI,) 5 . JUST 0 P,E3 ED, 11ACRUM & C'tRUSLE, S h° ".l:..7."`tir irlatd• '37ltri! ..1 ?! . Also. the Sea Inset tAYAltisTamlA, Irrytie , Ma' ,WeaLD. sad TIP -Ttlr 70 . E • AT WIiDLESALIS to on the tesdinc Notans Sad Dry Dond e Domes In Eltssberelt. - Also. by Bole Dawns of Paten wld Ineleslee Yamaha- E _ VESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 'Chambers Street, • ablemitirT *1"01L LIGHT HD DIRK PRINTS, ♦2 Mi VEX ra. _GOOD DARK GINGHAM, ALT LT4 CWS ;Yard Wide. Bleached Muslin, AT !SIX OLIVIA. BEST DELAINES, AT 22 iCESTS PE* YAZD. DR SS GOODS, =I Black asd Colored Dress Silks, Percales, Lawns, Shawlsr Nottingham Lace, for.Cmtatost Striped Dimities, for Spreads; Parasols sad Soa Umbrellas; Bonnets, Hats, liandOwns; gibbons, Flowers; Gloves, Hosiery, etc., etc. Wholesale and Retail, at [II W.W. SEMPLE'S. 180 and 182 Fedend St., JILLEGNIE . Jrr Inil EATON'S. JUST OPENED, CHOICE LINES OF Bead Trimmings ; Silk and Bead Fringes ; . Blank Silk Fringes ' Marseilles Trimmings ; . _Fanny Buttons, Guipure •Laces; Embroideries; Alexandra's Kid Gloves; Bagwocd Jewelry ; White Pique, choice patterns; •Jialt? ItECIII'ILD, AT F. ME EATON'S, I. Fifth Street. mrnirris NEW GOODS NEW GOODS 403:12H HOMES & COT. issls is , ps44k • stoma sfletttlas Is our sl airway ftSsi" SPRING GOODS; firs ars jesessasd 1.4 .- Offer iiiiissimsits, bets is .4,rfos - sis4iirisunt. ' 11ssensivtlef*, Worcs. Hasten i iltsgsejrlisadir . CorsZ ". 17:1:21146 usu.,. sat assiiy Lain. • , ,1114si Tares 4 smi raises taw, Yl. Opus FLIN• .I.llse. rim. sad Geste • . I.**r7ar ts , l•l "tk Eiftstigiso ldr.u. n ... nil • Jain. is . Oasis sad /Alps • • law ilootimst or 0e5ii". = ,114.41r1.6 pm* vo s tsm=r. pu iliktre rosta,Ac. /yFAa/ 40. Mosuse% 0.4 4143. e. • .77Z/Irj/Vr;7411'.6 lUbb,g. WIC Ireunse.szr. wicati; Fin••td.. ire L.rc6 anr..-9.+1.1•101 t...• 914. Deal .n4 wS, taAri io stud, fopes4t•g. tea give so A. as im.•• 44.14 nets. 4124.79 *ark* Sired. M=2Z=l NICOLL GIADB.& CO., 78 and 80 Nirket Strent. rti,A93 . oamil Jet'Head nod Be 1n Claps abd Pelages. Cryatal Bend Games and Drop Trunesingn; Jet and Unreal Ornament; Pitney allk and Jet Drop Balton; . - . pine strowortznent_Of ?onsets and gun • Umbrellas. Engllab Bonnet and *rimming *Bales:La, all tontine and shades. • Colored Veliet Illt;bons. EIS/gent AN Heal Past sal kis. Ipl.qac facts snd liattdatschicfs. • FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID ;LOVES. os Jabbing Trade end • colapiets stSet of Ms ssiors goods us ens Weolcsals .I S essal• was. tooth. 01t0 • vest many of • Fancy Goods i Notions Generally, .ST ZJIBTEILT "mums. wimo• ENNUON ac 111!ECKERT, No. 27 .. Fifth Street, =3 t.►e mm 1111416 Dim Ttlsaatap• filerviss [gibbons and Plauresni Hoop "'arta iga4 e.eisgtot eariumns and SIM Vntirrepasl ilanismo• .111wr libi;tve Limo :11.,!ad • /wpm/Ws aa4 Ileck Meat itc vistas . NEW GOODS I NEW WIVE:, BURCHFIELD EiEM Fr POPLINS ILACH Tflfl .ro. 19 Fifth Sireit, An elegant gasertanut Sun Shades ; and .Parasols, NEW 131TITilII8 ARD, TICIMEGE3,. 131!,11111 BOSH! /.‘1) Tratrac BIBBOSS. . . • • SPIIINO SHADES Ur THE BEST KID GLOVES. “arAis=v , lexcirex:sa. BEST PAPER•COLLAVAD CUFFS. We bare )st owned a Colon or the tete n tated r6llllnc of all [lns au/ 4S" Hid Clove,at $l.lO per iair We are antharree4 to re nrante .erery parr of the glover *MI. Should tut) rihr tear putting On: they ann be enarethen for another pair. MAUIIIIII & CIRLISLE; No , . 19 3P11132. ABlrocolt. CARD, McCAINDLESS Ar. CO., - (Late Wilson, Curd C 0.,) Witttratridt,lC DICALiII.SI7`a FOREIGN ANO.DOMESTIC:ORYIIOOI3 W WOOD 6TEEET. Thlre boast) above Illaraonealley, ' • PITTNIMITAFt. P A. 1 0 /161)layip,1*11 FOR CORONER. r WILLIAM CLAWSON, . Late of Lfte Ittd 7a. Vole:. I. a candidate fox , the eta, of Commie( Allegheal eltonty. Ittrhtz./ltd&T • 1.7010111 Ty TREASUREtt. COL. JAMES A. CRAY, 141 . 1 IP 4 w.Zg_,11;z1lot:,':2:1 1 01:1.1tz Dnlonßepa , lsun 4.:o¢Tantlo. anffiglA Fon couivnt TnEA.sErzeraz. , ,WILL;AM M'CLEAN, flth totrthalp, (fortieth,. Nothltrayette. tara candidate for County Treathrer, sobthet to the Aeetsloa of the Outoit /Ithabllthe Coolith Conathtloa.. aelethe . I IFS COUNTY TREASURER, MAJ. J. F. DENNISTOP I - tFortrierit of frlend's lino Guards) wul .Candidate for CutTNTY Tbi A.Yvxeu, .Object to thodoebtou of too Union lteyoblic•a.Con•en tlo . totelorts PROTligNOT.gilt. JACOB H. WALTER, wul be a Candidate for the calm; of PILOTHON uTARY, .abject La the declaim] of the Onion Itevalblle. Cot:me:Won. mbz.e.ll4.ldArT FOR PROTHONOTARY. • . 0.•• C. HULTt WM - bea candidate for the oleeof FROTtION. MARY; stades% to the decision of the Mil. Repo blieso Coorentlon. . Koh FOR ABSE4II!.T. WILUAM B. ROSS, Of Allegheny City. win be a candidate for ar la/lett to Na decision of Lae Repnbtl ean County Convention. • ; ap16•145 pan itouNtr CO3I9ITBSIONE6. • JOSEPH B. , M'OONALD, 4 .• tint.tbo heitood, WWI, Allegheny cit nailed to elalon of lbw Union Schub con County Convention. , :sat • AUCTION S&LE3 (IEAT AUCTION SALE OF Ipn DUI CIDI DO LOTS., near nut LibeftY• —DATUM) eT AP , KIM, felN. dune Id. at inn welock, will be sold. on the prem . .... adj.:Anted Collin. Park, at 'cart Llberly, 103 largo slid handeosne frulleanor Lois. t I.olllno Port Istenalue Plan or hots. out, about um minutes walk frone'Daet Ltd ray adore.wed Ore min utes wadi Deno Smyrna Curlew. Ttiwr ars beau tifully erituate. an will Tie ;welfare's a , 14, at prices =ileum. affordlng.s =an a chance td prnetere • tiptoe. Teues—linedhlrd cub, balance In 'one and two sears. Interest. TeD dollars of the cask payment le beer:idle attic:v.of silo. Free etscursten Trials will leave the rut,. 01,70 Union Lepel. Liberty alter", at S o'clock P 74 . 1r! . A. MCILWAINE. AtuiSliddier. • FITE YEARS EREDIT..--Third • Wand •na•loolSola of 50 CLIC OCS BUILD ING LOTS la ...teal addltlon to sherpstoW. ,Germany Lonely. Ps., SIONDAY AFralt- NOUN. Jona ad. 2W. t two o'clock. ot, the armlets. Thew beamlf-I and ceutrel lots'oner louncemente to tbow wailing good in wewount. or 5..9 ancl plesmost m oms This M 4 ataea—tlne.ll4ol emb.a delliter of Led; ommel Permeate, with In wreet.• r.need meeting... to. PeeMlwa Ten dollars cash. at • panorama esyment, to be mango each lot when solo.: - • Two Free keenest. Train. ro 0. _ m will leave tbe De w . both the Western Permaseentswspsoaa, Tad . endWee.. A...sneer Lay, sod the -Al, Owl y Valley Railroad, carnet of Ms ...Can. strews. PIG/Moron. at thesalne boor, (I olelook) on the day or arc free. • • P/ote tekto beau the 00000 Boom!. NO. MS aloslaideld etrect. kittstmegh. m y.* A A. LaILVALLNE, Auctlonter, • ALLEGHENY CITY ' • . • Proprty at Auction.. , LARGE - STORE ROO3l, With eogrehlent dwelling on Olde,zireet. On MONDAY, Jana 33.11 3 o'clock r. st. oe the lingerie, will toi tbe very dishSabie lot of grout.. = fe-t freat..o)oollo, bulb Id feet to I to alley:be:heOblei etreeS. on which tree ed a orbstaeUslmoil-ra style three story brigs paddles. ritotalgiait hire. Slam i:lth e go OWi th g ' ot l l t frrell rru l' art? whole boVitlog.. • • I ' The lt(ClitIO of all, espreielly•bnidaest et, Is ',Nested i t this sale, a. the bong irfldl adapt.d tee soy kind of basinese. (at pre t . oreopled as a hardware core.) Tate ladtrpotab bale positive =id wit out reserve. Ter a te tsale. • e11UT113023. CALKER CO. rati3 AuelloneeL AUCTION' SALES. f - 1 • 110 limilhfield 0P11 0110 1. 1.0 . 1 0 / 51 " '1 * .0.7 d .1.10.1 Wes on Toesday. nem. nq sa nationay. •of .Hooto, Oboes. Pry boods, 'llOO cry, Hardwar-, doss Godda. •ljneotoorare. Olotertea. lientC • FtonSCOnl 'baud.. HBO. -Notions, ae. Prionte Wen on F 14:.74:°"' - il:td% o ; =sten and 1010 on cortnitolon . 01: uc 11 3. 5,11 m,thrrfo ol 1111 d tion CO e . t . , INCOII SALE.—A splendid pnir snug Vr`til&flii";%4=TrZiehrstliir.. Mr, 111 psot iltreke, wronght leen sbaft• mid 1 ontaks. Use • Doctor Zoe., Mee ors at kloinloo Xs enC. Vt.. 01.1).411. A comp to smtZt or machinery th e tot freight or w. boats. -Wa .111 [-same boiler; to ammo,b ad vol tbe astlra mactil•cro, 1•••• either • arm c ••• frtilfht or v.. boat. In complato worktog order, ens owls , : or a tea bull , tattoo , an Intormt In OM./ buts{ lf desirable. • • Luz+Os LICOII M. BOLE CO. • • • ' lzdoo.noi work, ==1333 mrr, 6.I I (SAKIXFcLiss sIXGERLIf CLEIS. Okucauwo to Urn. ekhaehman a C 0..) • PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, p„zwiran•LigliTiairelarailt. Soma Cava. Lollar law% Bonds, 1... 64 65.- so oas. r•bovr Ptplosess. rortralls. - YSows. Caoltostos of Dsposla. riallOn -67. • Nos. 76 sod 7 6 Third U... VIM. •••••• . 1776: vltg n o li nU N L.T, 1867. Loqk via tor the rant alnildesi Yet ' , val. - Dal. bon Ka Widtiona /numb/Wang. Torch Mint I , :nasainns. Indian 43.1.46, Sagnineval Union ansnlain, • . ;M K IX M. " SINN KY, ula/nig Manage!, adtattlazeiant,, Wilt Cad tiro I non,. C . G. filSellEit'S ECM • Dyeingand ScOuring Establishment, "Yo. 01 .11141110 ND ALLEY. W"l‘""'"hfi gtVgriltolf, .41 1 . ( b greirig ‘Vill/71 1 zany AND ne•vx BPUING ••J WAGONS. d h • Ltititt enese, - CIL, and Yana '''''''' . rat I=t: it en d rum Cent. Tenets. fail ktetArLbelda, liarenee,fm,”. Italtee. llorsollar Vora. • M i dertalse Huns ra te rsrne Pinot. on bend Mr sale en. DO WatiOtt Monte. ow e Peolleattaty. etlaeneeor CUT. alittanaT 001.1 MANI. VIOOI.P.STIrrt FOR SALE. CHEAP FOR CABH. —One enable-fined Belle r. 40 Inch, diamete r. 722 VeleiMitra=nrettrigg'll7.llll4V' :c."gal.7oTr'el. '''42l;:;:t loch 1re.70%191.ail 1":"Par, 4,' . int 'inane, at inc Indeatria,ellorki. M. 140Ln • CO., melt • • Neer the lentut. Pe. FIRE SCREAM. , OY .•:NAW on 111.1. V..• 111 alipantlefs inns fold and t el VOL. Ln,•••1 • ior NumEr snazzy. . lus. Arucuuos sik6 1 "Cije pittsburgli Ga3ftti i LE TTER LI Publie ed by Au no , For Lo u gh and Alleghe Ltelt of Ur:v.ll the Plttobto Jane Ist, 1541 • KITRELUEIG N'fLEll 7.4 .. . i LL -11 e. O C • Ele.havrirnalt.l I te wen W C W 'lllll N a it ' ll; HT L Hogap Thom Ffoo UW klus WE. m P! 13i7; T.. rr hush hushes J ea Wei RE thantsm. It IC Palter J B Pma , tl4. Chu PAM Jas A , Poserwo J fl ttttt en ./ A lir 1:f g !Patterson A IPArt.tlatel F rer t sgu W B A lam. I.eo • c•is tkitt 111 X:: ;.t: Arturyae6 C 0 atrovg H I , ejln i t HaZer John 2 HatnrL Haadea .10 Hauer" H khulattl t 10 Haney Jahn .0 Racal A Bata Jahn 04100 Jame. r4l ,=;,x graP r arl? Harm" Batton tl barter A A usalt J Hantettlohet H • . d Pester Donn 0 Pend etou 1, 8.181, 1/sok El El PnnerOse 0 Norm R Prince W H reser 6J Prow Hoot N I Prize Coot Jos Pi c ts Rams Wm Reopen T Reiter. John Rhodes Ben sKlehardeadirks PY Rue le Hooter Mak Jos I t°L,l Jared, Henry Jack.latlaleas J:P.: • Pat Jasnl as o A da m a ngh on J Person I) J .1 Jesoklnankins Ilso Je e nkins Jnkins J as lOg Jo loans e Jaa hn !one. Prank roxs Paul Jones /Bollard Johnson Snail Johnson T : t fra:l P r.'" rJounon B Johnson Prank Johnson B P Johnson US Dm, Bret Wnl Be.k I%a 11-oeti fieo 1) Henna!, J. 11 alco Aardoon BI Alen Bo oph yd & oJne Broooolhlos Brown John B Brown Bra nJalnelL Brown it I. Waal y a as :IVargil Nob d im ß Rod". A tgoetrYb KBAR:r4:7srtfil rxriv, nrait Wm Brio. 'toot orb( .nraall John rio T./ Ilotobbegdb Ilona Jag Bum. Yo•oels 14yrne los Myrna Tbot - . ,tle.tott rapt D lbchooley Jos P tlemnle heows &Wire, H Ker err & r D Hunter K alley" & elley J Beller J LI Klemm Karam. W Thoe C Klan, y Capt Kthrl & ra COn ha* &Iv& rat ILlttaon W m Klux Wm ... ' , moue Zkne rens, Wert neuter Bev TA ebsnuou Juo ir ltr4f i lir nD Sbutle Milton it tt i el n don 6 Jos'll Simplon • no r enlvley W Smith A 113 J LI emttla Joe aunlen emelt Lovell Smile J Q Calvert t Pat. Uarne.lia F O ar s, ar Wm IC ast[laugh a eau , tag. CarmenJ .a cn.ll Pat '.7•111t1 elltfar.l .. • . L [anyone.. Z Dearer Etch Lwpman 0 U. r,: ~.. kn'arid Lee John Lew la toen John is LP• II L 1..... I. one . L. W Llynendale B Loyd John Loutner 4 Bone Loot Loot er LiLie° ll Loralbon, L.obt John LonibertyW II Lyon •• 1 Lyn ton H It ch James M Salter tedmd Sommer tl It Spalding II aparka Jot T ilcrlinvew Mt tas W amma Wm a Collett Lieo Collter Oliver rooks. Wot Cooper eldtter Car mel y boo JO .03 Coo Coulter RD II Coy Noble &Oo Coo 11 ferawfori gosh Crawford Wto Crawrord 0 W root .1 as canoe no - urr kr= • tlweeae7J W SwePo a II •teev Julius 3moreanVolta 'T Tho eteric a .3 L . A Thotam.l 8 Thompson Ulf 'l O Tik .l" ompsou /YOu . ' Mffl araLl iVta It Cro*sert K IWahrah Pat a ilalocaTbos il:Nr.l" 11 ,1 =',4:*" !Mt ' ld Manila Jai Martin W LL ardenG Tartan Jos 4eallha (Cum) Wlll Mutat Wm 'lra A Meads! lima Weans Arch Meek W Moaltor D Macaw !no J (for) Mier Wee • Ihlller al Mill tea er chSohn T L I (a IL( ch P Mal IV It.olhead That. hialehsa W hone a s(1( The* IWoolia4 AP la/Mlle° Mnnn uarha IlmpJ Ble IfcAlliater P Illa&tear & rechte p l aflare P Welch. J J weCourtltli lacev(hot A ltenonalds I L MKarat ck II 4u Et ()ra Metinran L Illcharlek Ja li‘rilrena L Menvaht 11chalra I) ft McKelvey 16 McKee Wm itelllllan Walt rht A =KU Tu.sethJ chin J e:M= T :i::: , au , rrima i) o J;4 I=ll Dlsseas Was D. harry Chas Doyle J J Mr IJuteaWhos nabcrooe Jul, Zranz Bleb .. • WWaitalters er J•tai AI W.r. es A wank* jam Wastputhis Warden Jobs J W: Warn James Watt James ters 5 m Weaver() Wen w Dad's, Webe Joan Wslland Win West Wm Wessels, *alma. D it X • W eeeee Carts WI Heft W Nest Wm t•O Whi Wbl r lorf ttlelS Regis T anit lissoarstock Wool. IS 5 Williamson W Willoughby .1 I WAllhana d or Williams r W Wilma Wm oods V 1 , 014. Jo. Fl , her 7 • Floher COrt• Isher Andt Fl•beeJ E. nuns InPAW Ina I Wm f'ltelteralli P 11.tctier u L.l TJID d 7nnt: %T.l b itg! ) . FrdVerJAht Fe.e.land DarSd !Alton A 8' Ga106.,7 T Gordon John Gordn Thos Callama 11 Bjov ver J /bra 4.lover ((On I.ordnn J lb al Ursbam Jos Orant =CU N IWoo cods Jn sZK Wes: W♦ Lt=M Woodward J N wood. L. Co J Wyeabb tie • 'Waste, Job. Voltab Y ara.l Yount l hatin Younb L . tawlt's Realty tate =pall N C Oar 1.2111 Am W len 3.1 Hamer T /3 Hu cy J. 6sni• Ds,ld Mains .1 6 Hawk 6 lEl=l won easial ' , locket Geo MT! I=t=l O'Coveell Joh.. O.Doonod IV u•LaVoha Patton !oleo _ et t bomb i*ls *U taste Bratrers Hsi:wrier A nenhisma ~en.n , I , a II nr/ J Lit/IMP LLIT nr* Whet IN B A ADalkiah Annerson • AISIOId Etl a MEM anyin allattor ti Lgt Ata 12 nz 1,0e Gana eilirar 141orden 0 /11.4 s E Mey., Elchandi 111 .1 Roca." a. ! 121 313. Rolesßo .. II anosola tloptila J llonnama MM. n. c • 1111114.11 j It :WE kllra 11:reet racTi ;us:, St Clair Aguitta arbetdcla 4.1 bla , PaOtt Ada It ii.V4rlTir stittb Unto LP Mtn ' Ma disk, lama ;=lllanillt . . . I H Mari?it! . Habra. .Babb b Ha thubli Heaay axis Hn Bbalpta L L HI Ires. Jana Huh CH. km BOHIe B. Ulu HowArd Lau iHlll tattaCa • Hamar lias • Hate.Wswao B Bryce Km Mr. Butler SU Bin Caley Cath "Mq Crrt • Yllablls• Carter torah J Cam. 111.• iftM ' Jenks Anetta% Jordan 11J Jove. MUTILItt Mott.? tlls MrYlmiliey LL IdaMhz Cochran A Mn , Carty We lit- I Dtlr Xl.. Dick Mary btra V Valthum S I V.ffel .10!c. .alaeker L Weisel earol'a ili rig rate Z Z Zimmerman II I aarnALs. We MMI M 52! ?Won Rose /tether raptly Vol e , I , Art Folmar J J. H. 0 trDorinelolo ft :nl lan • Pogtritatter. = = /detente Mn Au e. eauteii. Mexand rii l i finwegi llugbos Snail How cal U Ths... Garin Hauck Conrad Hurls/tit Holub OS tilnelptavy•J Hemmer +acobl IHlgOes Mich I IspoJeo IrivlctJ 2 MeDonee AM XeChwley Jae M w cDowell elakeet• e A T elcuoae A mcCelehaop • Ilandre John nall.tbe u Newt= C 1,7v.0z , n4: 2 Xerox Mont. Was 100.0 Jac 0 0..90 1 , 01•0 HP 04410liftry , irrsiss X L. Mlle • B lamlagar A i n ION ' TP:II 4 O 21. mes 'matt Ho !man H nemori BoHnoo d Jam.Hi aelim James Hradfood inn: Black Irwin lents Israel Volt} Ill= A lasefuslos Je •111 W lioftemon fames Weld Jenklas U Jona aeon. renal $ J. Reas John oil. on John J.. drawn e ! Jatopohnso. U n *1 Pattmes A Part Clare.* kr..tra Wm Wm I •M Wm Wm Ent 11T r. Baxter CI omit 0 Lreorrote L Chateb.n ce ruteolm W Coyle 2 Itntes Cooper .V D C merest. It c.ll. litroder C at Itt Beale II MitTriK " I Covert J CAI atom Vow ur Colter w Lonlle 14 et Crtt P rtrt_t W nelto• Ctittrt• ‘ontellos M ant Matter Bells J lacer Calli.• Ruin Mutts ilebutl• tfennalion Wm Itar Nebr.. " .. 1 4 '. !Ulu rgo b sottr k Seel h Ilea W rut. Hush Vouturb. Jurors ...Int S ue J Slots J on CI SIII2IIMII J 1111142 Inure, Junes lonOthlreourvi 3•43 tr Loots rhstrary Mary Stockuo I V 1 Watt lt esultb Jiro. Gauge Jul Trout ; I if:A ° 1 Eglreueet Leas la Lass ° Landis PI Ihuaver Emma Ilael• John Day • 0 W ' Davidson nk Dove as Ju d i Diamond Wm Dugl J D o {l4.ll as it A I LW. He, E Done W B PuHelehe Fir 'Jr Elletlell Eemos aaaa clmin 1.11.1 , 12.1 31 rt":4‘4" e W }I /title S Wet X , ga7i4J•ll 1 4 7 141 1 M lb* t m / W i Parte. me etltmoo W D .000 Xtry L. oth 0 Mgr; tie 'Mom. It J W ow:rhos Wee let Joe Mlltebell /MS C 1:1 . l liti:g7 ' onion unit meth Ellett or tea s It IC meow D W 711 o m- - gro in ' ''' 1012 fa ~U~a Vendler Very Andrew • Wratam Mr John Wlntlawl Wear? Wm Welch Z tl Woodall. 14 Wotan Snot WWowhs t Cam Sue rig • White John T Until Fur W Jos (3 Wahl] rho. WormarJohn • Waahlostoo Warner 14, L... 4 War r 4 Zl'A'Ang W Marilee Wm Whtta W. al Webltar im MN rell4l.°V.lV' Primmer Him', Jimal• yrgr.mti: PaHun Vary 0 • ichor Hal. NlL °elr s" . ll.4-1 1 : 4 unmOto. blatt Cott. I nyd.lT • 1 r . 3t11.2 X stle W Nouto tianaul. X refake C L elet•ththiet U B • 112try . t=a tine the Poet "tlifulilia DAY, .111 oil and after J o'clock r. r. • Itemloteumeee of tariff Mr John Beynoids,of headvige, Pa, thn users the Repableinn with the following tn. wresting scups of early Itlatoryi• The ten year. whiehOlosed the 10th con. tury witnessed the advent of many utiles, 1 0 10 this region. The reline °Me 'AURA. ble.atreama were the gruel:toles, ea no roan. existed, sad by water wu the only means of trauspertatJon. AU north and ...est of the Allegheny and Ohio ruers,was • yen, wilderness our which the Indian bunter. roamed In plinpult of game. It was hatdral that they would look with Jealousy at the index of white Mon, and as • result they amid not at all times restrain their Mutant feelings. Whey coign 111 brook the sure prospect of the oonyernion of their hunting ground. into peasant farm of an. clout foes. . • • The charms of war and the chase are rare. ly thmolved when they mingle with the fltetflork. of south, even With Civilized wee, but they were allot life to theentUatel Wafflfn.. . . BatJaCket was asked by Mts. Elheet (the founder of Batavia)) what was ha estimation of Westent New York, se improved with road.. Mal nth, tithes, misses anti 'wail mild. rated farms, se compared with his roochini remembrance, when the ancient forest aad the wild game were the hunter.. paradise. He mid in reply—He fully estimated the liresterse of the change, he believed that the white man was hippie thereby. but for him and Ms people, the freedom of the forest. and the pursuit of (MO were more congenial, and therefore be preferred it as N T h h i e e a yo g u ed hh d ia ew s we r"tholtu and sal. len, they had been ohilmee engaged in mar. tat combat with the pale faces' and their defeat by Hum., way., in 1700, although followed by a treaty:ivies not preventive of many SCUD of treachery and murder. In the spring`f 1715, two men "}'inlay and McCormick,'ere making raids on the halallOß In occupancy of D. Woodweith; near the outlet at Conneaut =Mb; lodine surprised, abet andsosipea Meech about the elms time. Green, nay end Van Horne, were alumni/ and cuitivatloga field near the mouth of Cusurago creek, when the two former were surprised. Gregg killed and May captured. Van Horne was plow. ins. and had unhitched and come into tne village to feed his hilimee and procure din. nu. on his return with his helot anti din ner fertile comrades, two Indians sprang from their atonal,, and confronted him. Then be learned the fate Of Gregg Sad EV. ESE PIT SB U_RU DAILY" tirA7LETTE : A"lUlwal , JUNE 1, 1867 One of the Indians levelled his gun at Vaa Dome, tette adroitly betted thei other. and with appellee atlemallb,lntarposted him be tween hitt:teed:am:l Ike run at the acme tune capitulatieg for his life at the e2pertse of his liberty. The _prospect of gain go, erned the Indiana They ordered hlm harness the horsesomd go with them. They 1 took the horses and himself a few miles, rWhere other Indiana met them. and he was given in charge to one, who after pinioning MS , arms securely, pursued a weste r l y course until everdog,when they were near Conticant Lake. The captor Dien tied Von t nor. severely by him,s with his bsek to asocial tree, and left while he with his gun provided for Larie suppers. A small knife concealed in the cuff of hie- chanean, fitl 4 t`;' , "?.. li =tt h e e tl,°,7,l 6 tholtrt=rlT.bg whlce his tr.e — r:Tinnio - nerzhnitca e Ott% say he escaped purenitt, and the text day f t reached the bank of French Creek, whose now is Kerrtown. As phaoreak "Meth° fell I to be waded, and he could not sworn with t ; his arms bound , he most needs wait until relief came from the village. Tradition asps, <heti the MVO eetee ever he won sit. ting weeding Ms onion bed, an expenment I I preamne never before tried, to weed a garden with ptnionettarma, Cornelius Van Rome, the hero of the above adventure, was°an of the earliest settlers in this region. He settled the tract on which Kentown Is located, Sod afterward the tract math. where he 'lived to old age, much esteemed and re. spected. Thom*. Ray, the other captive, was by his captor* to the neighborhood ofDe troit, and was ransomed by the emcees of thepraise winery posts. Ile returned home and settled a tract of land on the East bank 01 French Creek, where he re sided until his death, many years ego. thorityi _re Remaining .3' Poet°Mewl. • larAdaitlocan Local Matter; on Fltst rage. NEW: ADITERTIBEREEN'/TEE • AND GREATER BARGAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES, ♦T THE rorulaii SHOE PALACE EMPORIUM, DIN it OTIFS NODSB IN TIE WORLD; Nos. 26 and *3 Fifth St . W. B. CLAP? 4 CO. RAMALEY HAS 4rsT RECEIVED, ASS THE NEW STITES OF I HATS AND' .CAPS, Tor BITI !W.W.II' MI at 20 Per Cent, Leas Than Down Town Prices. We set our HEST BILK and CASHIStnalt 114T11. at sINE DOLLAR LO WELL than any - Hansa in the City. Call and Be Convinced. 884 Liberty Street. FM= LOOS BELOW 1113 CI.OTHINO 'EMPORIUM. mdtryll RAMAL_EY 13 as Just opened 1 LIEGE / STOCK OF FINE SPRING CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, =Rie NEW STYLES El THE MARKET.. Watch will be offend at GILILLTLY CU [ICED PitluEn atom lad 'auto. rme SriOvercoat; U 141 u ElO,OO &Ism SCUM Fritz •" " $15.0f • Chti hem Ssits • " • f S,CO Paper Collars at Coat. 336 LIBERTY STREET mb l italler : a o ne &or above his "Hat S . th BRYAN, 118081111 IN BONDS, STOOKS, AND REAL ESTATE, Apollo BuiAlnb , Fourth §treet. Piattbs.so And sell.. coMtaisalon IHLTAT, commiy LID 1111CIPI6 10113; Bank, insurance, Mining SL. other Blocks. • Orden exechtahl nt.the Nov Yort,P6lloo - had Boebhs /tuck Boardt by ttle(nph. et the regular rites of Coanalhaton current In than DEA7IIIBO/6% . ,Patent Direction Labels. itnIFCED PRICZ LIST • we ..11":111. b 7.1217.11,17!f base a Bill sus. of lti• swim. slam add. we Thatpared to torah. Boston factory pricers - belt an In ii use throughout U. United Elates. and are ..Issd' By all Watt . Arpin. an Breams, fr.intwal. as oafs , re7able sad waaibisr.p toot %QM Ills ones ran from No. I s 17, and prices from gin totS.P3psr tboound labels. • 'be swans.. shsaynas• and nonacid Amer, hc the purpose will recommend stiese goods to Mier ehanta and tbippart. • S. R. WELDIN & CO. brzolAt. £FIENNT9,• Weed NOTICE TO COXTBACTOOS: = °region linconblero RR.warn,' • ' • Tinebarge, nue sup, net. Bes , e4 Proposals tot OolloUvotlor ID- follow 1m bb wlli be rebated et tele oiler, West 'Unreel !halting., until TllUltblinT, &me IQ, ! C7'777 7i 714 7 it to NI, ood et. fro tl tm ok 71t11(0 . slde or the o. rut§:t .7. Irom Van Krum to. "u. Par atredlne. PATIO( and enrblon— CRAWYORD from e. ender to Bed• ford street. settrain aTISJLICS, fro.. Pens to Swanton° et. TOWXlfilits STALILT, Iron Decatur to Wart street • • • PurfrAlt AWAY (tote' Berra bitten street. lit /Mira .' s from Greco to Decliners meat • entING ALLIM. from Morrill to Baldwin Bt. MULBZUSY ALLEY.: too Norm to Ito.b /I. J. anent" . //decorates Helmlit., TMPOBTAITE TO ITOUSEHE EP ANN AND NT/111/24 xcmw 43 , C00030a5. ettnelstlng:f Taney _Toth t gets. Duane &el Panora. H IM Cages , war gooier., gerrlgor "*fes."' c e: C rtt 4" Moo aPr.,'8,1"..4- on Ton Coffee ' go Coa le{, a n uutorv, and Hotteekeeplng Goods In general, al. ROBERTS,Bc SHEBRATT'S wiiimr.soc Tin; Copier and Sheet Ira fare Illutfulery, Jr.). 01 SMITHPILLI) ST., PITTSBUILUIL petite attenilos riven to the loanatectOrloo of lirocere , ref loot Noce .attle,oro. etc, isilate3 NEW STORE NEPV • FRANCE'S TEA MART. -I.l3auro3D, PITTSBITIMEI. Jut oltu•d• . lule 4.1 ebeloo nook et This and Family Grocerieil, Which are belie totalled it lemeot weebtsode prloo. OW eed Nee the goals ud prloe.. Tu Ulm. old' 7012 ball be able to ledge for you. Wu*. Term abeeletoly taal. . wi t /*ARCM & EON, IE=MMU = 3. Lamps, Nos. 188 and • lB7 Third street, DYZB. AND EICOWLEft. Straw Solids' Cleaned or. Dyad. LLD OLOVID aid L./ 1 / 1 1113 , runic' alas • el or . • EIMZ==EMME NrA CA6U Tb L'ITAUDS. A Clara Mums While residing lugenth yp,l en as a redattonary dlaedeend • aal• Andre:Made remedy for the Core erNtrrona Wealammh Early, Decay. DLseases of the Urinary and 5i.1.4 Organs, and the senate train of dlaorders brought an to banefal and vicunas habit. . Ursal nnm Ern Curb imn alreade eared by Oda noble mil ady. Prompted by a dalshMtgbeneflgtheadllct .4..nd enyomunate. .111 toad Me recipe for. Prennthor and pallid this In a 'semen elope. to se, one who needs IS, FBAS Or CRAW,. Pleas, elide.. post.pald krorcre:OM addressed to yogYself. Addrese JOILISPiI T. INMAN. IMMJPI2I, Etatlna 0, utble Bowe. N. Y. COT.. ariCll. BARNHILL 41c , BOILER MAKERS SKEET LEON WORKERS, Nok 20, 22, 24 and 26 Penn St. Flaring eecared &farce yard and ihrulsited it with the most approved machinery. de are pre pared to manufacture every description of Boil ers In the hest mritne-, and warranted 011551 to any made In the country. Chlitipere. Breed.- Fire Bede. threat Me.- LeicoMotire noti on. Condensers. heft Penh Tt . tat• rid ggi l l:l4.t ynaN . 4 l ;t:ggir.l ' Of B ge l fg: 1113.1 , 13•Pa!f1t se strittatth‘ Keratrter done on the shortest notice. Teti eel IarROBINSON, LLEA. & CO., Wanes.; ors to Itostison, gin a itnamas.) WASHINGTON'. WOR.KB, rairildersatatt - Machl2l4l.,lPlesebstrab, Manufsetnrers or Boat sad Blatlonal7 !Stearn [dillies, Slut Ennis.. MB BULlnerf. Odor- Ins. Bbaftlne. Camas. or all deurIldlons:011 Tanta sod 81111,, Boller and Blest Iron Work. Oldest N 0.12 toner Finland tneleld KnO its. PATE.ItTag. arLAILE SIUPEIIIOII COPPER MILL & SMELTING W RKS. Plrifill3oll6ll. PARE, McCURDY & Mtn ntatinners or Mbeattang, Braziers` nd Bolt MC i t. c , j ar, Prenand c s o lz dn ' r ' lNVa r , ‘ 4 . ln Plate. nneet p art, Re. Cool[llltly on band Thum, Yu% Z 4 =raM spnetal "Men of CePPn ,. .nt bang nalned pattern. anytaw :daaT igrNOMETIIIINGI lIIEWe--CALL Ana tearable the Dew SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. They wilderear twine w long no thole with.] lye. Kept:only by F— PICHMEI2I7 4 snefgreSll KO: 31 F 111 0 .61., riftenneig. ggrQ.lllNcie A. scoft, • DENTIST, - 21s PEOTX STREET, [TEEM PITTSBURGH liar-THE GRAVEST MALADIES 0000. 9 -telsT2ll.4.%ltiltk`WAVO; the PhyetaloeT of the Puttees, and the Error. Abase. and Wee.. peeallar to the Ara age of man. NM , igdPotta tal new methods of treatlietit eirlplOyell thislestlttaton. heat sealed etter aaselopc free ofcaafge.' "1'"D". are Amelatten, thdlulelehth. Pa. tl. nicaer. ormo MARRY OR NOT TO DIAREY Nor? ',EMviono Ito. 0 e etfons for Young Elea. in Essays or the How ard Assoelstion. on the Physlolosle Erte /Ammo. and Diseases mdand by lystorales 01,o l, r sture's Law., in the fret s gaol assn. dent I o sealed lettercoven, free of charge. An dress, Or. J. nitlLLErs &putt's Tose st o w n e, association. Phtladelphla. Pa. rnyi , :sllki stY ;iftgo.viaetterA34lN4ide ttr'vo okio 4.77-1 Ea= CHANDELIERS, Store Pendants, Brackets, &c., JOHN H, TATE'S, 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh ; and 89 Federal Street, Allegheny. MIMIC=I e. StAritn... l f.lt./ORD. SPANGLES & BRADFORD, P. Z 1 1.421.0.1"2011-T-• Plunibers and Gas Fitters, 41 Ohio St., = Hen... fittedop lolls WATER. UAS wA ETA AR brepperlence,l wor•psen. PArilcalar •ttrunoe O,A to 0010117 work. R.. la •11,1 ALA rums,:, latest cArx.....21x . n7 JOHN H. COOPER tt!CO., BRASS FOUNISERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, Slum racturers el Mt r. AND Blilgs VCVlSVigrlr.aVSA ' ciltt Igal! " Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PriTSBURCII, PA . • COLL & MILLS, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTEST, W.o. 006 Peaam.za fat:root, PA. • • Cleurnuni Weil Nanp o/ all kinds. Honore tithed up with flu and Wider. In the mold app prowed stile, '4 , experienced norktnen. hi:doled attention paid to country worn. =MTS. evcarrari. ITIVOOD & APCIFITEI • IRASS FOUNDERS, STEAD AND GAS FrrrEtts, for. of 3rd and Liberty etreets. above Carroll II 114ders, Pittsburgh. Ileyna Welt gad Heavy Casting. IhroMIMI promptly to order. • teelsi attention iota to the ettlt4 out sot m a Z l 2.t ,O fi t t l tOett o ettes. Steamboats. ;latex -Agents for AiB. Cameron 8t Cogs STEAM P LIMPS • &NU BLOWER IEN1:1I11ES, These' Pampa haw ant:velar adaustages over all others. vy oni, Itt warranted to err satis faction. Patara annetantlr on hand. felatao aolniswg HEEILEII! & J9IIXBOIII, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters Firma sTILLIT ZITZIVBIII3. 1.2 . 1 . 7V62317.21.0,113. All orders hr men eseptad ntleastortlr ens P rAt Water .11onts, Sinks, Chanellen, residents, end On Wiens for We et the most reasonable prin. Order. Prom pommy patron. by mall prompt ly attenged o. Qom klozo of eve:vie...lotion.. CZ= BAILIFF, BROWN & CO„ No. 8a B.coelersia MCI -firxarrE.rr txrr. I%A, piumnEna, GAS AND STEAM A Elri PITTEUE, keep . h.d • Ism mortment of EYDRANTIA WILET LZAIN LEAL/111F14 BAT/ITU/W. WASII BA. PONS: IRON AND 1111/WE COMA ono all matl. rIW I E/ WAthlf oD publle or pilvalo balldlAgs wt. 11AR, wATERnr•TR,./.. . HATS, CAtit3-, HATS I irl.A.Tki I W. P. munnt..-.. WM( GRAHAM & BYRNE, At N 0.82 id. mar Street. novo Ono of the very bent ret ch stooks of HATS, cal* AND STRAW GOODS 1:2:,`111' '''''' Overt tootton given to retailing, ogclualvoll. aos;:v.s HATS AND. CAPS. lEEE= GOURLEY & LOGAR, latest and most faselotmele styles of Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, Always on hand at IZMUttLE Llit/AN,S, 58 : 84 Clair At., Inftsburgh O.ILHH.X. the well known preetteal hatter. le asemelatedlrlth them. and would be glad to meet hie Meade there. pow{ relatake the plane. Ho. NEW GOODS JUST OPENING, AT McCORD & CO.'S; Scr.D.lB.l. I;Vocsa. itstroet. JEEA.TS 1:0t TEM MISSISS. mum 4 AT LOW PRICES. • LEGAL INTELLIGENCE.-11. R. tilt~Y47Aurt...Judus ugwogggg. 1133111 siunorAniurtbg Pun patty Tn. i t ump =lOrnit driflgrorrr<Vl=44ol from. putting up u . stittUkalt tu ' utetsille dwa ! r a h rir.lsera i nif the slot Georg. Thounpnnn. nittjall &XX. led lee --- F. SELLERS & 'Co., P,ORk PACKERS,, I dand 3 Lannf.orono of olao 11.3..2) c uMi hew Bacon. Beet and - Teugues rpedr lor dollsery on Monday. 2.4thlast, Vholc Sogar-Cared Mums, •Mao do do Beer; Do.l do do. Beerrongaea; Do do "4o Breakfast Bacon: Plain cared Hama Bbouldem 1/o jI do do BLles.. I.nr. hti a b O e f *gtinitirr* Arg7:l With altarueles In tbs Prandon taw,. * Ja.0.45 ' BREWER BURKE It CO., _ COMMISSION Mani 4FIII, .1 AttENTil 7.1./A xea PorlDe;filobe & 6therty - 011 Works, Ample Storage for made and ibenmed On. Lib eral min advance. made on aonalgamerale• al Crude or ilannad Patrolman. lards for stomas and eblimaeni of (bade WI as Lawreaearlita unica awl Corner allaniatene War ItlaaeOet sweet. %nal:m.l'g4. 7 1.9/6.1,i ROBEFtT KNOB, Jr., CO*1:41118110N . dealerlu FLOUR; GRAIN ISIVPRODUCE, 0n1eep, , 413 /LIBERTY ST., Pittsbarth L . J. OLAIWCHARD a C 0. .• IWHOLSALE AND RETAIL arpt.cacmrte, •D/8:259 396 Penn Street. KZIL & RITCHABT, OOKAELSSION BIZEWHAIITS, AIM DIALILIIS Float,- Grain, Beads, Mill Need. &c. 1w 349 LLlMUTYptatlaum, ninny OWENS tr. KENNEDY_, PRODUCIOODIUNDON DICUCILLNIN •ad Wbo!ewe Dealer. TURLDIN •ND DOMNN 11v /DIDTITN, LUIZ. /LOU it. LISTTZII. NUNN, illtATOZ; o ic. 6 and If Provistom and Prod.. %WI ZI AZDU• for Dm Weof r. kin.% Dannel a and J. - !NIL FETE@& 1011WIDOG COUL93IOI isicusrs, af the sal. of Co i ns, ?zip:Bacon, n l=l3atr, Mk pn is qtraes. of zr..47.•burli. felttnall ' U." • • .- IiNCIX ts SON,commutimi • 1117110/1 A2179'999 Dealers la /LOUR, GRAIN. MILL YM9.01, and PHA/DUOS gmber9l- U. 07. 79 Dbmond, 0999849 City Ilinty, 110 . 7 , Of ty. • •• 7:117 lAfr;.T;tw""). cewEnlB - , z .. 24:I I, I NNAviI , .70 0 N... • - Ai nANE & AMMER, COMMOs. and tn triittamPalitily„,TBstt,lnlati°a= wood atilleild. natainargla. ardliay T 'I BAII2III. &. PATTON, COnurdnion Menllama, and !Manta la Produna, /lon. Bawl.. Mean, /Lb. Ca ban aad .Laaid OIL andi.ZniiNtliana tiouon Yarn& and all PM /n=o man urea ' , manila 12 ariZ 11l Second man. Pinning". P. 22TX11.,...J. 112 11131E..•.11Y. D. =TYPO. E V.9lltqa & BROS, (Successon to Hem. Wbolanle Dealers la Toni". /nits. Nan and "pleas, Onnfecalon- Wa r l :W=Nll6 . 7Ciittrgisr . 171111 . _ _ TOLLN •B. CANFIELD,Coasunts u ao..nd sur.mmiskx 11 .< 2 ...t.nd .4 0 4- s4.dealet Wastua Reserve Me.., wint.r.a.ll An . -"r • "Z2"WOrb",4"744rftg Pltutgegy 26an: lernaareeo, • F-1 RIDDLE_,No. 183 Liberty tit" rtnamati, Pa., CamaroJulep Merchant, and Wholesale Dueler Country Produce, firocariea am/ Pluabargh laanntaetares. Caan advanced •on Conslgnintnt. and pald for Panda. gener ally. - • • J . A/PILES UALZELL ii4l.ll,3llanu v nbeinr.r.ariard uu,sna Commission liar cbusts for the manna. and saleof crone and Reamed retrolsnos, NOs. AS and 70 Water vtived. Ptstsbargh. Advances made on Censtrantanda • ' • JOHN I. 110.1.11011/ MAD 110113.11..,M. a. SOUR.. JOHN I. HOUSE & fAOS , Sac. cassomo JOint I. ElOmia II Co.. ulo Oroorrs and Cossonloolost Kortliants, <cr ow of OlooltbletO sad Wasozolooots. MOM:month & 1.&1116, Whole ,' sale dealers thriroerniss. Mom, Gni/. Pro: dub. Provlrleas, Mgt, Cheese. Salt, Carious Mr Nos. IITtoYUe Wood !Strout. rim LlbStlthirrut Pittsburgh., Ps. - 000:056 181140 DICKEY &CO., Wh01e .... Oronen. tkrosnalalnn Karthantn. and denim In Prodada 8.0. Water nowt and Pltohntsia Juan 6111, TOY UIPTON A. WALE ACE, it hole. S El MIXERS /IND PRODUCE D LAMM& No.a wnf Ntr Vltt.hergla. 1•11:rfA (VAL, COKE Fize LOUIS EAVIITX•XII.... - - lIGIONLES., KAUFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL TARO Best Family Coal,Not Coal and Black AlWays on tt . an d d i nttr t ;a . pify 6,117- O FFICE COB. DARRIZON AND PENH AM, r lr4it r tregreag leT Hallro•fl..eLear Can - - - • am*. s-anai Wanogao,-erriiiita: DI. 11W121,...1 J. [...Lt... WM*. M. CLAPai, & CO., Gas Coal Works, oak* addrma. max 3nr, littanargn. saLUCII. ~orr ritubo m e dmlnir bank Handlne. earner Llama etomtand :41. 4 11 ' 1.1tM a t' s ' "'" eeS Pa"lt."l2; site }olm lonme taborL. and earner dn.. am ram. P. C. It U. •11. *rimy: orders. a t.ltber of tat atm. *Mom *III meal. prompt attention. falmmi prrrassuss NATIONAL- COAL AND CPIS COMPANY. Anders , Wpers Lad dpolors. whoLessle sad retail. too BEST FAMILY COAL Ditu CPaila wad 111111•64:33a. OINFIC6 AND V•HD, corner /earth .4 Try moots, Vlttstrorge. P.. •tioro•rolor de111407 In lb. Ow, or Ml.e n, gg .; "Ii.arnATAITIC. COAL! COAL!! IWAL,II! DICKSON; STEWART t CO., Having rcolored their Moo to No. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately Cltv FlOm MIII? SECOND rcooa; A' l.llll 7 . 9 rarr t i Ver i ri is r Al'ar, ' ur Lathe lowest market price. • glarAll rd oers left at their Mace or uldresced to Mans through the mall. 1.111 tit attonded to PromP.ll. mylnlngs FoisT rtrr COAL VOIIPAtiIt .4 .17 =7.7aIn d iat=ta 87:ar,VatrtiV doe wend UtoWstalistrut hann i u Vo l k B . td. I tifittrlMlLl r ce. Gael- Try and Tha n itreeti, rlttottorgh. ord.., left at either of Marabou.. plume will revel. promo •ttratfon. ro•tollice Addeo... moz SW. elitudgb. . DILLOCITOILO: 1 J. J. tingagml, M. fes. ru1.....M.. • B IieeIIIIILANT. Wit. ILIILOILART. Ghoul. r. MILD. Jull. MOlrraoti”T. Nrclann BRYANT. JOlltm Bare. • • Lmcni. moot,. J. J.41!1.1.9x . tr.72.. th.. H..ftflagtf. 0.0 . 7. W. H. MAL Itt rt..), glaaavorg. .1.1m94 °LIABLE'S EL AIINISTIIIOII4.4 Dr.anan Iw TOUGHIOGnifre OONNELLSITLLLB COAL k• •oracrorereof Onal.llllllsek. besalrbarlsed Coke &ram of eallrerroff blarionilTerardi on Ltb gre:7l(gn! erri.Vi /11, ra and Rau or atop with am ban article 'or Coal or Vake at Ina !area cab . Ortle-o leftat any at their otlaces remelt, prompt I.tieotton. :): faivi Et kit ERS, &c pyrrsnunlinnifiescenr. ; ()ARSON, DARLINGTON & CO: muss, wills MI go? DILLI4I„ =2O .110 , 1111041 HRODRX & CO. Plitsbore WC 4 4 ll Dilthoh,Jusegnem, - • Tbe altentloit of the outosonrs of the two Antis lA,. ALES AND PORTER. Which, throngh the eareeeteethetthe et Math from oneeeten&lve mottle, holOtthe Sod Hope from the Tonle 0.1 the Wee, 00 cec guarentee to tit Pore end satistseeory to the [tufo Lor INDIAA LE On been eighth erethoinatodee, td"giqVAZlro7X 't Comet of Nuns Way st! o llartsis £lll7, ito9:o/0 A i,Li4,I4IIENI BRED Lill; ard the , old inabilahed lirowtr} kn H o s 7 v ii " a l' cgo Y for, "'" °I."" Tio " ..1% "" rro ll Ito U n e goll::14. " P Inform tOo 00 0 - monatoctore of • SPRING WATER ALES, Made Crete rare Bprlue Water. and from Oar Ml uted that 7174 intattle mtahetloat talon who may favor avaltb alr 'patellae. 411, 465 . Rebecca - Street b . • ALLEGHENY CITY. 11111•14.3 orders left at BROWN I OILLIDLItaa 113 1.1 Wily street. rlttsbarsb. enll be promptly &needed to. PBOEMI STEAM! BREWERY; riga" , 15 MTErrAC.711C KA V, ILILYIERS BIigIVERS Ale, Porter andßrown Stott ernrostatra t Pi. 11017 RTINATI101.Nassyser. 141 MIN! IF E.—Farm OR BALE.—Farm 0t147 acres, IOU: Media Penn Tp.. Weatmorrtand C 0..?,.. adlotaldir On Penn on e..... K. X., on whites there le e good Two btol7 stone boa otherßooms, a Barn, Cert.:we hlooolh Wo other buildings; an Orchard of dlgtrent Trait trees: 11 Is It with teal. There M • Baia Well on It In good order. Brod:wing II bbla. .Per :80. This property ls offered very cheolM o on Also A e tood SC ermsx. excellent Farm of 1 1 Xlateree. of which - Os acre. art tubler rtdtleatlon, sant. In Chris tian count', Illinois. impralremeats—e bew . Ohm. tiwellintr contalning 6 rooms: about ete. choice `r.;:a.`f,l`tte NV..?.°&.t.igte g.!l , : t til be :told on reuonable terms. COT Prot..) taken in Ten exchange it desireol. Also, a Farm or =rem' In Benz township. NOW [Moreland County, =acres eirsred sod uu der cutUratlon. ef. sareeof tirst-noe of oalt and other Umber, 0 dwelling houses, I of them 2 stories, the othe I I store, won ten hour. with a Ilm-rate .teen rawsulli In loot ranntng order; Toong orebard of g 'ailed TRH.. Thelon.: la rolling; ere, acre le ti:lable, with Wriest°. . I ght l M.:V. lB <n%. ° : , l ' iL l lT:l.TVAlli Hallman: Blrellre cut of ri ttabetrah, and three miles west of klreermburg. Tins farm 5 oleas-• utUy and elegthe a)tatted in a goalneighbor hlr,i. good' eons le underlud w.th amt. The .too, fro nt o-sßric House, with 10 rooms: 23fret and 61 fort back, ORD two to., Wm, eltuateella the villa,re Of r00t..,,010wp. Orr ry townstap, Westmoreland Pa.. an the bank of ere • up.maugh tleer. Immediately op tome the ilornueb of Blalrsellle. Thl• prop e,r I will evil tx• the low price of 0100. itVeTitl !I .r It7t! n ' ittr 1 rorla s tia 11% . 1f5 4 . ' 1;1%1 ' Th. .motrovements are a food trams house, frame barn, and other Ootballdlellt; ,boot Ile cleared and under good mum. the residue in good timber. The 10111,01 a good elslitT.well watered, , onveltioOt to ctilAretll3, /0/00 0 1s. mills, tr. ma be wet: at she low prtco of 11. Der acre. Posseasi.e Immedlately. s Bort:outer 0• 1 10a014.1O. 00, 1 00, 0 of 4 . . M:=B%Ml 1010 i C 1107%. JOUR CILCIFT St CO4 I=Eo=l Real Estate dc Insurance Agents, No. 139 Fourth Street, HAVE YUa HALE SA pa. az B. Acres Improved. in P vet. Would traie for say pr isgej . ...intl. Pa. IrmoAgre, unproved in * lndleia tomtit Pa. , A A c C r ' tr, ' lli r i r g o v v e e d a , iI n AI I II . A7tr 1% _Here;. L ' ong i ;e l tu " dt " s.. ve lli c il oun ;' P.. IL Acres two mlies oat 'we ~wren. in ". Just the thing for • market garden. "La. tO 'eras, unlinproved. stoles out the Per ryweille plank road. Just the thing for • gra, pery and • private resience, A •Stilatde leuehold on Waablington .st abort the tiraln hievator; 4. trot on Wuhing 4 o , ton street by ILI on alley. on which there I. VINO buildings. wall ttellt room to- etch.. 14. 21 year. to run. 'This would •rna stood further any kind of Onelnes k ! For Information apply % theaberve aghnte. apiritt DESIIiABLE , • COUNTRY RESIDENCE, .t Oakliod, neat Car Sistlon; belle eantaluleg al: items; liable; one acne., nigh stare of cWtlratlap. 'l,ll:ll% der a ellosap, by STEEL! WILSOH, Brokara and 114.1 , 1Kataae 1 4 1.3.. eat Ilatithdeld litre* layl3:el IMPROVED PROPEIITY. .384=1 , 1 2 11. 1/IL.S.X.XO. C:tn•te .d aprinnteld. Wining. ranging In mires front 111.000U.111400. wan W sold on reano.ble terms if Implied for soon. Embrace thlr onport.l,T. For . farther Information, apply at thallaslX. fate asalzustraltee (=to or U. x BLTZIS. Hatter street. LawreneeTill Volt SALE OR RENT, CHEAP— Farm at C l aepen•Ars Stamon, on the cep. tral eoramblnit LS acres; Improve menta, tato 5.0131.Gi1.d stables, good orchard; all In pasture and good rat cultlemlon, oral other farms. In pond lac:WU. and Is ell Ise ch will sell cheap and o-. reasona. ttr tgrU rhi .Also. • cumber of good balding has In the city and suburbs. Tor Mintier particulars Inquire of ' • WILLS/La WARD. Tb.st HO Grant street , oppoette_ the I, attedral. VOIR RALE IN MAINCIIESTER. —BOUM; tall LOT on Manhattan 'street. no ar .dilo avenue moose C 0 12{114• tmll; four roo ns Wad food cellar. Trice a=oo—plat9 In hand and balance ou Also, rw ,, LUTB on Western avenue, Tremont meet. Allegneur OUT. Trice $ 4lOO Terms easy. m, so . sal_ small houses st . ! . .2ts In locatlone~' In lra of ------ lnp In 0 "4 r.rzi tg,- ,-- coal 0001 1301.1:!, U 2 1 ki. FOR SALE. OXi MITORT OVIELLING Located wittily • few lards of tkowlekley Ifts. Moo, on thy Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne sod CM. moo hallway, eoutolulog four rooms, matt collar underneath. Poosossloo given immedlately. For terms stmly /L. ILELLY, Aseilloseer. No. 4 Federal c,, AllegtonlY, FOR BALE—knaluable Flour ' log /MI. situated:ln the town of foto,. flotsam., at the coal of am Kanawha and a`orl ue .le e . free boom, la of nrtea, three new Insprova mesas l e n . toachlosry sunnily found sn orst and Is no. In nom -ptrte roaming une•elehlts of an acre of green wpb olilee'etionee. the engine end. olits, are la good order. A Osrgalo Is uttered. ADO) to B. IIe,LAIN u. • 11 w¢. BALE—In Draddockstleld, .1 Large Log of Ground, Inctoted wilk a paling tent., on Thick ti erne ed Lew • ite.story WHAM. of 11 rooms. kitchen, out. .porch. oche., and oth initiators. ibnip at ice itnor. hohnlie of layette' JED. titit ,l lllilrcon tc.. Demises. nine years , lease a • Lot on antler erected Malt ward, SI by =lto.. 'on wrleb la erected o frame V"lfg:tel.woo'ne, ter of ue, mopes. •fg io/I .to pries,D sad wit/ be odd on 'therm term., If e,pplle . 4 I.c. sen. Yor terms. Sc.. •pply ai the Mewl ..date sadnlnsu rance llibee of u . BATCH, rem Pintlei t dtreet, Lawrenceville. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Beal Dthtte Broker. joim D. mil Lev, STOCILAND REAL ESTATEBROKER 'AND AIDCTIONEEIL. liantutr tune. out • tomb:Unto. as Auctioneer; with the b rlttatutrgh oard ofTrado., aocurtuu to of their room., nboeu the 'Miro National Han.. lamp DM gtarthttZlit:lntrtrh•=o:ar,r,,,,learg: rooms or au the premise*. Particular ettentluo pal.. as burototbro to the ..lee s ttte itstme orlyste satr. ..ale 015051 o ur In the counter MtO.d.tl. QM.. lost Yourth etre., gots lo_vA HAMILTON £ McKEE, House r and Sign 'Painters 133 THIRD DTREET, Inttabwrib Graining, Glazing if Gilding 1==!! ppm pg. pprry TUISPENTINE. SI OM, IeCOWAN 231011;[.1;:; McCOIWILIi & HotiaedfD oatalikitlitirmTENT. N 0.03, North ottleor Dlantnud.Alleobeny. Commercial and glit!. Moos mart, to order. xted. 7 = 1.1 . 7 . - .Mvorazvg i klf; entre bawls oto baod. WSW, JOHN • T. ti s RA.Y; • llucqut Ati/3 bang • PAINTER, GRAINED. AND GLAZIER, Na. 54 Haid St., Pittsburgh. Vana sail Ornamental Ohm of sem deserly. thou dote to order.. MU wort Oone promptly as reasoeabla rates. - later: Mr . COULTER, RORIE AND .ZION PAINTER, Cor. 7'OURTII SAD AVANT ADA. PITTSII,II orde r. will ,:: gg,Al,ll;: or "".7.;%1' W1L14.491 LI. BROWN, (Lat., of Me Arm of lirtowx 1 lifrottO W.) JUIDDP4D AND NIGH PAINTEHIA Northautemar of Third aliffrilLkyt attaaty I=3 LEGAL A LLEGUENY COUNTY,ns. In the roan or Common Pleas, No. ay. Jane Term, ise..la tne matter of the Petition of WILUBLIIIN I. VOLTZ, wife of JOSEPH VOLTA. to be denlared a Peelle dole Trader. And now, May 18th, lOU. petition presented In open Conn, aliel thereupon the Coon grant • rule on Ai elgrit VuLl Z. the busbaud ofdadd petitioner, and on all other e.o.m. It/termed, teappear lunette% 000 e before the PlEteT MUN- I/AT ten JUNE NEXT, sod show can.. If any they hove. why the brayer of petitioner should net be granted. and order and &net that nonce of mild rule be Alien to the partlea Inter. noted by publican. Io the Pittaborgh List. uogrrec, for Leo days prior to sold Ant Monday of dune. - • P111).11 THZ ktCOBD Jaren H. Wow/Zs, Prothonotary. topt2:010 IDNINISTRATORN NOTICE. N Fe, Nu Letter of Adtvlolttentlnn an the Wet.% e.lentmer, decommd, l hemp Igje'lrttitr ia n te " tig i t . o l l% . ZatT,l t nt 'f Yte ll • ° ,4747, at. poyment, aml all perotth• h•o•Olt 1 Melte, ett etnettho Orceammt to or:sent the Wee OM, erly authenticx.d I'4 r vigmeut. to spthart P•ank,l:34.iltt 2410 itaPS.V141;;;; * . A DMININTR ATOWS - 1101'110E.-- t.elters testmentary to the relate or *whet iteLarre, i•te of Torlyperalleyell.e, Allegheny en., tlee . d , haying been granted to the no tethirtl"4y."d't i 4,‘lll .4 " tre . : '' aVtl= bt ' irl4 ll = oinntt the mat, duty atthoott eared for settlement. In the Itortinet or Law- IVIICe•114, 4 111 . 9 . 111 /hRISARIT YoLAIIRISN. op.Mts9l lirecatrlx. F- iikereSi:94l J. 1301100NREAKER !dt SON, Proprietor. of Um i . t . r . rf.33l:ritC3l4EC White Lead and Color Works; llaulatuturets ot: , ""E gVal i t A littti cCOIO Viral/La OnlClerk. itif fie, or IP 0i1.... . AL 67 FOORTR 1111111ELT. 4fril =f 46l 4 "4.44 4lP . o .4 istrira *met. AUPRI•I7. * HART ; CAUGNEI & CO.. Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PIC ITMOURGII, PA.. tam:minas TO HANNA, HART a 000 E 1 Eic;hinke, Coin, Coupons had partloolhe It tenttoo Paid to the oh,. chase had wide of GOVERNMENT BONDS. kti Da&IFTS LO • in 11.51 N. HOLES' &' SONS, No. 57 Market Street, I V4lllT:Zll,!:L • nr,•4,t.w:orrrtgl the United State. and Canada. Stocks, Bonds and Other !Securities .BOUGHT MID BOLD OH 0011MUSIOIL Pirtientar attention paid to the pitrebane and onto at U. R. securities, lacludlad 11. 8. BIXBB UT MI: o. 9.rz 4;6', 0. 8. CICIITaIraOATES ;tBSEDIVEBB - Order* sad Voacherebouebl. or collected. Jedo:2l RILVIOVAL. The Peoples' Savhigs. Bank, 01. CAPIT.AL 9100.000. Iln.a.m.BA to Inn. MU 118U1ITLI WILMA?, In tla Apollo Ilelld ng. n. 31 pEOPLEtP SAVINGS BANK OF PITTSHIIIIGEI, IarCORPORAT.ED 1666.• $lOO,OOO, I • OPIUM NO. ISO FOURTH STREET. =93 =l=M OM= 7ii.IIIMERB I • • : - 1 liaMaY LLOYD. WILILY an. ~ . .tlne,. I. Brawzre, 4 Aatzej Llrenscorr. reiaillair, 1211Intitilt". WILLIAM 21•8110 t, • Secretary sit/ ?rower, SWOT 7. lON WHOM Flzp j . te en n . y...lnte %et admired on time depoilto. e tiovernmeol and li,o/ Zo pen dolly ea Cletarday eyemnis xrom anto . 01y31,18e18 COAL. - AMEN'S :TRUST COMPANY No. 65 SMithfleld St, STOCICHOLDEBI3 DIDIVIDUALLY LIAMLL Capital, - - - £3200.000. WITH PRIVILEGE Of, D;rposit• rooolved , and t &Hod tC Spacial attention given to Vottoo- President—A. J. BIKER. Ca.sbier—E. J. ROBERTS. • DIRECTORS. • Vim, J. 1 . A . 1 . 1T111107r ,WM. MOTIIIMAL, • JAS. 11. 110r1Lts.B„ • L. J. HAM. I In n nOlf tdr J. U. 401. AMC WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, X°. 59 Fourth Street CMEE.A.NiT. • t Paid ea Time Deposit. • opAqy nmelvad from U. Dollar eras". inte rest Depasha subliet to Cheek. without • DIIIeuUNT DAILT; AT 12 Ir6Ll/01. President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice Presidelit:-4. M. MAIISHALL. • • lILLECTORA. 71104r80 GILLUITS JOILY L ,i ULZI.Fii.;,, J. ~ Stockholders t whom Wm. Ver5„1...&6.'"d414 "Ilwertly fo-a1t4.,, Dael.l Kerr N. y e o . H a. " • 117. B r eo t' en. tt ".. ttr , : Thos. Kwleg. • ALLEGIIENT i• • SAVINGS BANK, •LLE6IIIIENY.I: ' 4 := 1 .2i1410311.910 STOCKHOLDERS INDITEDUALLT'EfiBLE. tlepoNts rreelyed ono Its per emit. lnler;st Ylooo. op time orpoolt, Particular ettentloo 6Meit W0W...1i0n% am! proceed. promptly re- Dlscount uays—Moydny aud.Tltoredy. . ‘G. Wettseb, J. T. titookdolt,' •rmnivrkrn.... Alois/Wet Nome. D. oyhy•en. - JOHN W. lilntlf!...Ctrttryf r"4doryli Pi AVIVIEV VEN:lia:4l DoNwr BE pECLIVED BY riv—tttrtt ltlr,fr orlz tR raa fa r .ial2l.•beenteLed MA- W. NW* ? ANNIe all amp, • • Sem judges pn.- • potuactd . LINST LEE IgirCl4 ro* INIL-1.4134, Lornalli ILboe. Nmlgheeld. —altrlrE!ty L G r uovEe esicetiv ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Ntaohinee _ A.r. srar for Valtaly ltsauracUulN, pasix..s. Call use sea Mao ail .710. 103 Flab Street. W:. BARTLETT , 82 6. SEWING MACHINE Bart cheep. Licensed leielilne, In the giled tastes. Liana wanted everywhere. Pay oto $3OO per mouth. raceme elemp end address MOE tientiel Pl 4 Chaannt street. eralsilelphie..and 1011 Become stmt. Toledo. Ohio. delaa . . • • • GET. NONE BUT A . GROVER & B l A I KER rot s . klollthy ULM 11 it tellable, porter% and tbereforttha twat. Don't tar [o'ol.lland see Hat 10$ turn; OT,. atovehbollb Geld. SHOE. 'HARNESS & CARRIAGE „ i MAKILSIS sboold see the IARM ikolll t BAUR NO, 1 81i1 li WEIR Before brag :renew*. It.ls • but for ttule '''. to "'e Ni). 103 rurA irrakir, --- ' ,Bmltbllel,. THE:SHOVER & _ t . SEWING MAC IKE Is ihs, Ultima Tbula of INselpsol ,Plesse stop tall exasolna Ras . • • • ' • NU_ 100 111 , 7 811111P2r, - rs•72osS. - . . Minis, amt skoso, ac)TEls.; • - : Y ,CO.. PA. 4 nay to ny• WHITE HORSE, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEOREI Newly refitted Cud tarnished. I core. s. The sr emelber will not mseem re ludas to 'assess. emulate hie customers. Mood sodpere will N. “gg,ll"Y ST. JAMES FOTEL, ON Tll6 EUROPEAN %'LLN • If 40* & 407 Li berty St., Oppo ' iber ttnton ilejmt reerh , Or , ihehl evepeottally tsiturte the pabge seas she Swoon saw melee e we , we l a e r l w e.,w pen. The ehtples epeestnem e made toe gentle • fee week., Balla ato par. tln nnitsbed wish sapper. at tile. eberteet uo ,Veriese%Vrti:VZ:l,lll` 0 , T3 re of 918 ght, 111311. tin• n!;' ,I :II7f , VLITI'IaIATZ!'" ` l l°°*" . '''!"' JAM. K . LAIIIAHAN. Propel.,e, MO BTIOADIVAt Dining and Billiard Booms, 409 & 411 LIBERTY 916,11E15T, OP 0.11! tee Valeq'Depot. • Vests at tat booraef th.4lX/ hbOtt. Rho deo. tociuttod.•. itho loos tit.o% tho tortotot t oils Artll Worm, ho Wr.„ 6 14.11. matt :1: " 1.;°42 41,3. ,, , Pr a 1 it t A.t.ZIWZT: tik,....•111.1.0...1attne bor. J. P. 6111) Dia. Proprlitor. CO R. J. D•• "Oli .............. r...w~.n104L11~(.[L MOORS a to Mattoacurinurgre siad MUM TRUNKS,. Valises, Carpet Bak at. fir?. lugs auortmeat et L• 411.40 buc,nela waye on hum • • lips. JO4 and 106 1 100d131.„ Firnunneda. PA. ri:27l f . -- riri--200 11 ------ "m te m}i r "" Jo a. caNalst.o a 4:xi. r-IvEsv - A.cAntmr ormrsic LIS6R7T STRESr, Iww Wm.l. = Epogameut of lbe sllmastatabelt mint. F. , W. LANDER. Who will make her Mai Ames:mm.l MS Oat. SrasT.). EV Aft INES , la bsr Ets,s2 sueoltaMsts Pr... dam,' mot blmorls role of • ELIEEBETH. QUEEN OP SCAY2LA.IIII., Supporta' byAllo. mast's.. Phlla.lel shit floortti. tsbo wW lablat Der daring T N 7 .t 7 oleios., W.t. Jae, or 'm rottINIL - ; or. SLEEP L., r. Tbr 10:52 trate mealts Mut ccomlutlou of Mn. IsaMtm's verb/rots.... • • • Ilar'NEW OPEIA.A• SIMUUDAT INEZ -IST, Last ntila rf THE BLACK CROOK! WWI an at tangles! ereets. • Q monde; Eren!AL June td. Dentin of if Alt:t1" a n d Poottlyet7 Lent Alg bb tt t hePeasome arIEIONIJDIENTAL FAIR. j THE DINNER TICKETS, Ma== coo ballad It II Mi.lo otl litook.corot. or trout seetsberof the Subsistence C,utaitte• DINNER EVERY MAY.from 111 scowrioek: Q Diulier TiokcLs, ON DOLLLL, vkla Includes ..1011,1210i to URN 11•11 rgrraasolvic IJSPREdEDENTED 6111110T1Int Dr. Livingsloaf's Travels and gi plOraDOES in South Mies I emoao reek oalf , isiiMsoeuenit oo RiO/ODAY 'EVENING, Joao 3d. liatinei WICONIODAY and SATIIIitiAT AITS 1111104.1 Nit. atlki o'clock: - Proceeds to be devoted to the lisioldatlon of the dvota of the Ilisminahani baptist Charon. ner rosters and nills. , Admission. 102 OrbaS. lie bait tulee. Moors ail von at tikt commeace at a o'clock. , nivao. arVARIETIES THEATRE. wsms tape.. 'wadi. GUAM/ A Merolla BM cull,. ape. I.lnal!na lo • spleedfd alto -of tvilga. Mares I'llpparrib •' lIMUUCTION 01" PVICES -4 / I the.olll Heats. lie• Paryvette. ••••: Gallery. Val Illeatt *I • PROFESSIONAL. R . RIDDLE 11081ERTS. Attomey-at-Law, Otttee, Na. 73 &TRE&T. M==Ml Attorney -at-41r, No.lol MTH 111TRIXT. Ilftelnirra m,4:Y 19.8UT11. Attorney and Counsellor at Laws 807S0Ir0B'IB DABIERDPTOT. case...tp3 DIAJCAND EIISTACE 8. MORROW, ALDERMAN. Ex-01911clo,Justice of theikeatie.., -AM" PuLIiJEAt/I,IIIITE. • ' OE4 NA 72 FM4141011 AMIN Pi lWusi 1L 1 eels, Mt gages: Aeknowled nem ltrLltlons sod . 11 sonnd nnsllteas r•netutedi rem; promptness au4 tbsoateb. • Ines A AMMON, -•-• • csoo.ooo. JIISHCE OP THE PEACE, Conveizacer,lteal Fatate ant In•anweat Avant. c&m,ON STICZET, ran 1 1 1.1aluhaak. stunCo nllectlonen. or 11.2 ts and ed WILLIAM H. BARKER, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, CON VETANCIIf. la. (Mee, CARYON OTRYLT, nevi) pyt.tm thelt=retyge'lrggltirXe!". et vended mY jt, 1 M . IN 183613. • DA2IIE PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Office and Pea Wean% No. 150 Grant Bt., near GEO. IL COCHILIN • '/ • Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. °UV; r.lls:?4,ltht.`,Yant"'"?4.l.l4° All legal tmiltelu cult - gat. o !Us ear..li eel.. prgoapt atteatgoa. - asural u• 6. FERGUSON, • - • • Attoiney7at-Law, 4 0 . as rasa sneer, exexmn hoop. ♦•oxr Romig H. ,71cCOBIRICR, .. n.ttt arraerse.not...T.atamir.' 87 Grant. Street. Ono rrolopt a/station iglVell to N LayLayof I. t a • awle HOS. RI. BRINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • No. 87 31.11.ftb. ':/treat, mrssurtint..ri. =Ea w. -. ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Wet*: C_CEI G=l=nl JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eisner, aiw tas rointra grazer, CUM r~x+nem~d. r.. IL G mAtIaLBELL, ATTORNEY A. MIUNSELLOR AT LAW No. 439 Grant Street. , mrli.b.lll rtimenunon, PA. -13*, F. DROWN, (1.11. Lau CI al Airea t. 11. lama. 0a5..1 Micelle°. 67 Fourth 81 % second Sher, Prrni Roza a. 1%. prislokk min, An ARUM . 0 0, IProinptly Collected. r agt : rfezire .j a . na claims an NMII.d. •24 8100. BOUNTY. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. Soldlenmbe havo tart &bolt dirobYY .. outfit, cites end Otto are rottertreto entWeLl Le tle adell4 wool 4100 1.0. M. Out Om Ilantx _Cow st,-: loaded to by calling ors or addrosslog • • W. J. a HALL Parr Enos, 1 170FLREY13 AT LAW AID MAIN /ODRA faL • t GRANT rtillyr. JOHN A. STRAIN ALX.4o2olrgro7. Ex.Ognelo, Justice otag g. f.' the Peace AND POLICIL" IIaf:JPTRATIL. Once, 112 PM 111 . oppoolto Contain', PITMIVIttin. Pk. Uepoitllnu It'd all W.ni flan= feilml rinmaxotaiss• mad ellsDatell. Yr!'LIAM, JARCEC NOTARY TICE. Ural ' A ND 1.74.4k,Tirk...T. Anflapk"Atill Holler sad Travor streets. la~lfDaffUlafatlff• OpttlAl at•ADAA r cd A t• UR Daum...o4odg of A•AI and D. Dretion-01 Anti 014 the pr.pv.U. and setnewnedramatpt or wo, onnvemanaen.. M==M caArELILIPI T."EWING, Attorney at Law, • es Grant terms, *moher", Pa. Jon'Jon'C. 51%4C03j---.". " ATTORNEY AND CAD NSELIBI AT LAW, NO.. 87' Fifth • Street. Ifirraaaloas. . tionouna, and Anna. a• tnnently eollorn Pq 2013*CCO. C/OrAREi, &a CIGARS! CIGARS! One Million Cigars; Um hand istd tor . . . R. & VV: JEP/KlNokill. mtLiWp TIDEINAL .T., ALLBOXIST, JOHN MEGRAW Kaantutonrf otswi WholesnUe netail — 3l Maly la all tlasla of . ru, Tobacco Snuff and ChM 440 NCES72TXI fenr, 4'.4"."1".tru...°,314"" u.•ier;ii. '. • cmar e affabelow • • e = SHOES & GArMail. 140 Oblo 44, 41114111000 ": • • vroolvtly i5i1" . 044■030 . swaisetimmou MEI E 3 Ets=l = 7c91 11100.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers