M ,oii . i.4 - 4 1 .4 - i0. , ,:•,',44:16 •tTQW*T. JUIE J r i •”- , - ! ..ain...... - .i... • • At Chicago there bi a decided panic in .... eau NOW. _ ... the Flour and Gniti market., Prices Boon suer t he iZersision of Hz Alt. h are rece d e d mater i a ll y a n i „ : ,' am -L . Dates Tonsesear . to the Presidency he de-- r dossumers are nottikely to imurvaise 14trsetl att.*, which he has Maintain- 1 with the spectilatori fxt any 10Me, that e t i r e " inc es snd.:fut in execution eo ' befall them. They. hake had their ' l5 ) . filial(COngresi iduilffil bin at liberty tofits, and now and made etorbltant pro Patine his own in'ellitationa . ..s...lAilat is tio price ., tueu t u g down they ' can Ahe.APPnee of, -841 44)1 rOV.Ati4real ' surcely go too inst or far to suit the the rebellious Stales aathopil . ~.... 'ey had a w h o h ave to buy . In this the con nor rebelled, , ' and the - reffet 2 lbaders as timer. ma y ru n to excess. Old house. Iblittay the] liadiudiltllle4 a , enixba/?en semen atop to reflect, will quite 11 to to the gcrrernment.' -' " . unassimorply bear testimony that Plour, This Wits the . sentiment or principle is net a lways paid for cod* when it tkat iniptied the &maim' i.Crinvention Amanda the lowest price:— .There Is a and the Philadelphia qcorpterni: natural connection between'! the rates - To the former body Hartar_ WARD for leading articles in the Mtrious de li:mum addreesed a let*rfrat'lleame parte:rots, so that they . acC'antl react notorious. In it he committed himself upon each other. No. greater calamity to the unoonditlonal restoration or the could befall the trading and maunfac rebels and tile rhel States to their taring population . than to have produce 'forfeltedrightal This commitment sale- ru l e ae l ow ea to take f r om , t h e swim'. ed a storm of IndiguatiOn arannd the land classes they means of buying lib. head of the• reverend gentleman. The erany. loyal men of the Borth, who hid given up their' sons for 'the defence of 'the countrY or who bed' mot the shock of battle In their ownrions, , would not to consent entertain he proposition of Universal, Amnes ty They felt that vest crimes had bean perpetrated, : for r ich great expiationought to be en- The Pbst, CoMmercial - and Times of ed. Itew YOrlr, the Commercial of Cincin- Itusti,-the Journal of 'Chicago, the Com mercial of Pittsburgh, and many other newspapers of standing and influence, adopted the President's view, and stood by him in hie efforts to ca r ry it Into effect, until the wrath of the people 1 became so aroused against them that self-interest compelled them to desist. They did not cease becalm they wanted to„but because of . the , chastisement mit -raged loyalists Indicted on thetn in the -withdrawal of burliness. Some of these yentas were situp ones for the reason ' that we Oil not lee - jilt to coincide in 'their' conduct or to ,imitate it. We thought then, as we think now, that the leaders of the rebellion, in their own -persons-ought to make such atonement 'to the maJesty of the laws as would rarer - ais i wanting through coming ages- to all 'restless and aspiring men Who may be ' tempted to involve the nation in the hot. rors of cite war.... ' . .. In due time Congress, iri the exercise - it its constitutional authority, took up - this .matter, debated it thoroughly and with the . greatest ' caret:tines& . Several norunres were.agreed upon. By th4e ceriskt disabilities were Inflicted on tile • .amore ciimpicnoris rebels, and the rebel ' states wereyequired to conform to such cuuditions as atromaed seenrity for the fhture. All these provisions are exceed. 'lngly lenient. tie Mbar Ogden everof fered to close out a great .rehelllon on. . tenni so magnartimona .6.11 civilized lotions stand today _ filled with Wender and - sisronlshment'at the moderation of -.the tidies Imposed. • ' . Congress datiened something more - thane this. :It intended that - Jim ' =uses Diiia and ' a few of his principal Associates Should be brought to trial and _ raudahmeet, by the civil confts, and in c,ordbrraty to Om' laws, 'Bat Congress h a s not Do) . Ter In the: premises. The Executive. and Judicial Departments control such proceralines as were con templated. As we have mid, it wail part of-the President'S Polley not to - have Mr. Divisor any other rebel tried' and puniabed. That :tableau in the Phila delphia Coinentiog, wherein South Car ' .ollne and Hassachnsetts were depleted In loving embrace, meant much more than wank representation. It was - designed 'to symbolize the President's idea that a leadlngrebel State was to bewelcomed ea cOiatouy a a leading loyal Stater; and that thenceforward there should be no such diserinsbution as loyal - and rebel - between citizen'. This is why Mr. Da -em was not turned over to the civil au thorities; and brought to punishment. 'Violence was done his tights as a cid, eat, In order to esvo Ida life as a 'mat .He protested against his incarceration in defiance °Mae lawl, but he%knew . that , ttlireinlay Ads only hope of 'escaping a felon's doom.' lie was ki wrongfully ' told for tier:ricers; but the wrong Was not so flinch to him as to the laws, and ihe i to a loyal masses who were , interested byre Malawi vindicated. WLen he • old is held no longer, or, rather, hen' the time waited for bad arrived n it was tiought he could . securely ho.eularged, he was delivered tram mil itary Imprisonment, in which he bad been held without any, rlstaftilautholltY, and Surrendered into the custody of the • ' 'At this point:llx. .flonaci GaliiirLST Came forward and became oaf othis - sureties. ;Now, mark! while Kr; Guicic• int: has indulged some hamiless general!. tiee about ex:changing Universal Amnesty . for traversal Suffrage, he has heartily • sustained the Congressional Plan of Re- • conalmction, and done as much to tom ', m•nd it as any other man. He has not stood where Mr. Itzscann planted him self; nor Is Peri any inconsistency be- tween the — 'criticisms he publiabed on that gentleman's letter to the Cleveland Cenavention and.hle own condact to the miner Or the ballinent What Journals opened loaded on }fr.' Gunnar/ - ,The New York Pi.st, Time. and Catentercrof, the- Pittsburgh , Commercial, and the rfst of that set.: that Jo: med, io to . speak, the original body VIA of the President when he started betrey the Republican party into, the bands of Its enemies. Mr. GnEatur did pot go with them in the great betrayal , they meditated, Out Wits conspicuous in that rallying of the*ple Whic:t tone , yelled them . to desist Now :hey have - him, as shay think at a disadvantage, and they Mean to Marks the most of the opportunity, both In taking revenge on ldni,!mad zo, menstating paenenelree, fio fax as they Cali; idthe confidence of the peopls whose sense of Justice they so dead] insulted.. '.yt would, however, be to Judge super.. ' conclude thattite outburst of l a digitedop on the ballmentofhfr. Damn wu umeulactured by these I.:meals. 1 0 8 eufffulled tudlghatlon, it is toe presumable ...they haveteltlt On slightest degree. The bailment was strictly .in iicwOrdanen with . ...tAe President's prograpttuerwhich 0 /4 - spplinded the itart,- - and; doubtless, - /me . approved all . the way through, i P hOogit they hate not dired is Lars°. Not. the irullonatlott on the part of the priblicsras spontaneous and manna. It came, hot is the tier Or a raaaCle, from . the very depths of their helve. They - felt that Justice was defrauded; that the seenrkty of the, law, was, taken away; that the ensign of the nation had been 'lowered before the flag of. the bonfeder . acy; and that heuceforwardthere Was to be no distinction 'between those' who imperiled the nation andthose who res ealed it. _This indignation may, It is true, be carried to 'excess; but within , certain limits, It le most healthful; It demonstrates to faithless rulers thatilte 'loyil people know their righta; and will malnfala them.- ' • PHICIII OF LIVING. Same moithengoipectdatora In -attariabored earnottJy to cregte.a pope . lex Impeemica that great danger af stain *lon Am impending over this country. They, Inalated there was not enough wheat:and corn to satolit the population • until the new crop should come in. '•-la Ne•n;FoAt there! IS , now - gotta a e-'.uyeavax the Floor 'market, prices haye P44,14,1Wae10 two dollars a barrel. • fuer ender, gg T oro apparent In the the pat es , dei o them was mad to AUr et!eit that the • aa demo:l- ,-; Vein fallacioa, • lat • .• ' ' of smelly T he ' ne ' r CM , PrOMi Pee: reeri r e e k a •deosnely 'w- v e'r • •-,Mmew grain will be in market. By tall Flour will be down to reasonable price& In New 'York anthracite aid Lay gone down to SIM In correnci. 11 was never lower even in gold. co limos SCHOOLS At the late session of the Legislature a supplement to the Clontinon School Lew was enacted. The seCond section provides "That after the passage !gilds act,-no teacher in this Cornmanwesith shall re ceive from a County Superintendent (nor from the proposed City and Bor ough Superintendents in certain locali ties) a certLficate as a tescher - who ban .not a fair knowledge of , orthography, reading, writing, geography, English , grimmer, mental and written arithme tic, history of the United States, and the theory of ~ .vhing, nor shall such..certi ilcatr be given to any person who is in the habil of using as a beseregS any in toxicating cfrinkr, and all certificates giv en to teachers shall set forth the branch es in which those holding .them have been found 'proficient, and indicate by imitable marks'the degree of, that profi ciency." - It further provides that henceforward there shall be three grades of certificates for teachers—Provisional, Prafeasional and Permanent. : 'rho Provisiorial Certificate is good for one year, but cannot be renewed without examination. .The trofessional Certifi cate is good for three - Yeare• the Per manent Certificate can be granted only by the State. Superintendent, and to a person holding a Protessionat Certificate upon'recommendation of a board or boards of direetori in whose: employ mentlhe applicant shall have taught for the titre° preceding years, eluntersigned by the County Superintendent and ap. proved bye comnilttee of fiver teachers appointedfor the purpose who:may ex amine It they think proper. . .Heretofore, tie Provisional Certificate has been without authority of It was adopted on apcount of the Made gate supply of kitchen' pri3perly quali fied. It should Ilfrther be noticed that Professional Certificates, leaned before the passage of this . act, . expire. Jima 1, 1868. war Of yiriety the',l3roadway chants ask Councils of New YOH: to re mm the new bridge:over that thorough reis far UN gecomuusdation of :pedestri ans. The structure peat $20„000, but 'Mat Umonnt of satisfaction, pride and "tioyelty haS already been obtained and the merchants are getting ready for Something else to demonstrate their mis guided eniermise. - THE Congregationalism of. New York are about to establiah an organ with a capital Of $125,000, and a prominent ittooklyn Minister as editor. This is to take the place of the Independent which recently cut loose from distinctive re liglotta crmls of any sad every sort. OR SHE ROW York Central Ond Ma son Ricer Hallway lines" passenger fare is at tka rate Of two cents per mile. Bo 'pay. lug. dividends to abqreitold- T Natkmal Soldiers Homo of Ohlo, Is to be. located at .White SolPhor Springi• ' .- ' - JEFFERSON DAVIS Asfliopartaaitherte *II•pob - _ .lueW Prpgraosioe Illeees/dow. • • The Hartford Press prints the fbllOw• ing: letter from an original manasciipt now In that °Moe: , Wszinzar Co., Miss.,.Rov. 10 . 1860.• • The Hon. MAL Rnerr, 7r. Aar Sir:. had the honor to a,ea' , . re;last night, yours of the 27th ttl, and hasten to reply to the inquiries propounded. Re ports of the election have little doubt that the event • you anticipated hu oc curred, that electors have been chosen, securing the election of Lincoln, and I will answer on that supposition. My home is at belated that I have had as intercourse with those who might have aided toe in forming an opinion es its the effect produced on the mind of our 'People br the result of the recent elec-' tiee. and the lielleraions which I com municate are founded upon Antecedent expressions.' 1. g doubt not the Gov :r of 'Mist& tuts convoked-the Legislature to ;Utterable within the present mouth, to decide upon the course which the State, should. adopt in the present emergency. Whether the Legislatarer will direct the call of a con vention of the State, or appoint delegates to a convention of such Southern States as m a y be willing to together for adoption of a Sopthern pica of action, is doubtful. 2- If a emarention of the State were assembled, the proposition to secede _from the Union independently of support :rota neighboring State., would probe , bly till. I • . • 3. U South Carolina should, first se. cede, maths slew eheuld take such ac. tion, the position ot Val. would:not probably be changed by that tsit. A powerful, obstacle to the separate action of Mild. Li the want of a port, frem which followsthe consequence that, her - Veda being still conducted through the ports of the Union, her revenue would be diverted from her own support to that .ot a fcrreir,n govenateent, and, being geo graphically unconnected with Sobth Car otins, an alliance with her would not vary that rate of case. falc.l 4 The'propriety of separate secession i by So. Ca. depends as much upon collat.{ tend questions ttuit I find it difficult to • respond to' your Last inquiry, for the want of knowledge which would enable me to estimate the Wee of the elements Involved be the Issue, though exterior your Stath.. floor& le necessary to eon. nect you with Liabama, and thus to make effectual the co °perigee of Mini. •if Georgia would be lost by iminediate Son, bat 'could be gained -by delay, it I seems clear to me that you should Walt. If the aecesalen of So. M. should be fol.l lowed by an attempt to coerce her back into the Union, that 'ant of usurpation, folly and wicluidnese would enlist every trail Southern Man Or her defense. If it were attempted to Modred° her rata and destropher trade, alike result would be Dredeced, and the commercial world would Pothehly be' added to her allies. It is therefore proixtble -that neither of those measures would be adopted by any Administration, but that li'ethand thins would be seat to collect the duties on im- • ports offside of ,the bar, that the com mercial crdon' would feel Iltup interest In that, and the Southern BMWs would have little, power to counteract it. : .The planting States have a common - interest. of ouch magnitude,, that their union; sooner or later, for the proteetion of that interest is certain. United they will have ample power for their own pro. section, and their exports will make for them allies of all commercial and elauti factUring powers.. .The now States have a heterogeneous population and will be slower and less unanimothithan those in which there le less of the lidethern element in the body polltiAbtllbiteCritit 'controls the policy of States, and finally all the planting com munities must reach the lame conclusion. My ordeloe is, therefore, as It has been, , in favor of seeking coining those States Into cmoperation before asking for Pgar dral. on on a Mae policy and re et thor.naWns of, the earth. If So. Us- should resolve to secede before that to-operation nen ho obtained, to go °attesting Georgia and Alabama, Lou isiana In the Upton, arid , without any reason to oppose they_will follow her, there - aqui to be no advantage In and un til the . Govt. has paned Into hos hands and Men have become familiarized to that injurious and offen sive pervertion of the General Govern. meat from the ends for which it. was established: Thai° written with the freedom and arreleumesa of private cor respondente, and regretthat I could net 21 . !1_ more precise, Ve!y ys yours; etc., ,JUT. I N a S. PARIS LETTER . . . . Praxis, May 14, 18.67. . The New Albany ledger of the 28th The first exhibition, showing what thO ',epeeist Commend cat...forbore+ On - Pr : .' Prete& 1 contains the partici:dam of a fiendish art of France had done, lock place a d murder, which occurred near' the little ll Until of Derby; Perl 7 COollty, Indiana, Paris ln 1:08. In 1202, 'Napoleon beinl lon the '22d List: - , . then first consul, feeling the uecessiti to i I A man named French' J. Smith, who . occupy the coieths of the Parisians, pc, j formerlyresided In Floyd' county, and i- upanether exhibltien on a grand scalel fora short time the in New Albany, is e I murderer and suicide. His wife, Mary, and there being a temporary peace Lei and his little son, Roger, were the vie tweenFrance and Ragland. ,alter a long time of his fiendish malice and blood- war, a great number' of ' Zeglish 1/16i 4 thin tineft . The murdered wife first met Smith in tors were present. A third expositio4 this county in the latter part of the year planned by Napoleon 111., in 1855, I : 1664.. A short courtship followed, when and delayed until 1855, was he], in the they were harried in 1863, and Immo "Palais de l' ladvistrie." The fourth'. dhuely removed to Perry county, near one, which will - surpass _ all the preted. l . Dothy, where Smith owned a farm. For: , a snort etm hey mei pleasantiyenougni together; but alter' the birth of the boyl ing,thy lea size, beauty and importance,' has been opened this year. On the open.: Roger, which occurred la December,l th .. -lip 1865, Smith frequently beat and abused; tog day, the first of April, - hle wife In the meet shocking manner.' peered as lif - 0013' half dOur- person .NI He also treated the child with revolting' thereford; who had visited Paris In time cruelty, at one time holding it over si to see the opening of the Exhibition,l I blezing fire until it was nearly roasted. But scam ' The devilish 'spirit that actuated Smith were tip . disappointed. that time how much different everythin I to the perpetration of these barbarities g was Jealousy. He frequently denied the looks;what a change! Matador eterlea; , paternity of the child, and accused his of chips sad dirt, and old packlniboxes, wife or'improper intimacy with a man deeolate space; conftn.and disappotot. who resided 111 the neighborhood. ~ Finally, unable longer to bear the per runt, we found afthe opening, --we illtir sec-miens heaped upon her by the brutal see a splendid palace, surrounded by a husband, Mts. Smith left him and went garden, which Is the marvel of the world to New Stork. 'She - afterwards returned and will prObably be the last that will it her husband's request; and nee:this I promise fade better; but she was cruelly be gotten up any where for veers many -—. thrust from the house, and during the to come. i remainder of her-life was a w,arnrer Here I stand on the heigh of the Teo -i I through the neighborhood, withfut any (eider% The aspect pre hied to me,;• other home than what was given her howeigreeable and cheerttil Men have; through the charities of the people. been at work and what H en could CO , .On Wednesday last Smith met his f has been - given in lull meta ren o Pain.; wife at the house of a neighbor whither no inlet ' today. 'A - brig , blue sky,: she had gone to seek assistance. She sometimes interrupted by Little white: had concluded to seek aid from the town cloud.,_ Clear atmosphere, Lich admits . ; ship trustee, and Smith told her heivould of a distant *Jew., To the fight we may: accompany her to that othcer's residence I look as far as the height 'of Meuden; to which she assented. It was Just be end and Oismart, the favorite . promenade of fore noon when they started. Smith the "guarder Latin," the student andstook her by a circuitous out-of-the-way the artist. The blue sky he reflected tre route, through the woods, - and kept her the waters of the Seine, whose windui,Vined -the child, with him until near tat course may be traced though bridges?' o'clock at night, when ho reached a dark and islands for miles; The! Expositionl and secluded ravine. Here he bade the Park Is becoming every day, 'more Vivid", poor - wretched, heartbroken wife alt' and variegated. G entle green covers:l down at the POOL of a tree. - The woman the black soil; shrubs and trees' have ta- I obeyed, and the . fiendish husband then ken thelr spring color. Everywhere er-d told her that be intended to kill both her lenses are drawn up ip the air. Fraiiero and the child. has displayed lie tricolors lu all direc- The night was dark and it was, rain dohs, intermingled with the stars audl ; tog, and escape was vain. Whet - pen Stripes, the _Crescent, the Oldness Drag- can portray Inc horror and agony of the :I mother there_in that dark forest alone Spring has Untie Nelth all its . eidenderi' with ouch a desperado as menaced • her. we breathe a fresh balsamic air and our: There was horror in that scene beyond heat Is as cheering 'as the surtoundlng: ell powers of description. . nature. " The perk offers already a place !- Smith then proceeded deliberately to ! where we may rest, and the Writs are' his work of warder. He seized a heavy populating their new abodes wills their, stone and of the mother. Not yet sails. and with a single blew crushed in Resta, fillingthe air with !direly - and joyl UM W fel songs. Poor little things. I wonder: fled, be seized other Manes and lured what their. thoughts - may be I. Last them.. i I . 4 1.051 her head, until the vital year, when they went away, the Champlin spark bad fled. With the same lustre- death lie beat out the brains, of , de Man was but a large' barren tract of; meat of, land, and now everywhere trees - where:, the child. When both were dead he they may build their nests; everywherat wok thawing, from tee murdered wire's windows,, arelies;beildings where , the I' shoes, tied her feet together, thee crossed swallows may shelter their little ones. .1 her bands over her bosom and tied them He who eaw the Champs de Mars irein that eoshlon, He next took the child former days will admit that the age of: I tied placed it Alongside the dead body of machinery am work wonders. A sandy the mother, and with the mother's shawl plain without shade has been transform-i , I covered up t h e vi c ti m of h i s murderous dlnto a splendid park with large trees passion, mid departed to his brother's and limpid lakes. Everywhere rialaces:l,regidewcy, a few wil e , dliu mt. . - • are rising from the .ground and in 115 '' At the brother's bents Smith wrote a centre all - the Worts and inventional l e t ter, i n w h: e t t h e . pretended to detail which mankind have prodeced for cerhl the circumstances of his marled life arid turies are Collected ingather in a grand ' ; the murder, told what he had done iron neg. The gardeners are working: what was in the letter, and then taking assiduously, fixing uces, planting. 0 0 14-'1 -his brother's title he stepped gut into the ers and leveling and cleaning footpaths.;t his heart, set Off the trigger with a stick, yard, placed the mettle of the gun over The `-pattern- houses of all nations are!, finished, and • make the visitor belleve`i and teU to thograund dead, abet through that by is trending the still of. distant;', the he a rt, • countries'. ll asn n eanaaaa One of the moat Interesting' buildings ;1 LIQUORS, ~z. shows the Swedish manner •of building ;,. ... - in a true light. It . loan exact fan simile I', r '.." Liqsa's. "l Pi " Llqua". Pere Lagoon. of the house which Gustavus Warn 0c...1, . r„'""Lti s ",: s ",' , Para Liners. copied near the mines of Talhun wheal,' . r ,„, ..„, e ,,,,,, e5r ,,,,, m , , he woo permed -by Christian 11, and i Tor medicine! yarrow, width it kept to the Present' day. in its t r. , vital:3.l Pnrignac miginal elate by . the patriotic Swedish i career. smear. Pert Wine, Inktiett. - The whole - is executedin wood, I coyote arced.,: Port Port roles,roles, the roof being covered la istoes,:and the j !berry erg... thetre Wise,i. walls lined with shingles. ' A winding I she.? WO.. liadrita . WlJJ.• . staircase leads 'to . a galleryi which runs; 5.1.. b. W 1. ., Paralleling Ole. canes Win, Fore nollthe Ont. all round the' house. The light Is re- : Pere Junks lies, ceived through 'windows, which accord- r. rare h„.. lies . big to the fashion of that time , are t; r k ,„ w w , w h i sky. `1.,,,.. iii ,,, w hisky. -framed out eV lead with' long- narrow .. .1..."„k,..w, h ,,, , , 1.. r..„ Whi ..,. strips. The louse makes a charming ' ,'' . .„_ _______ _,_ _L is, - Impression and !incensed great curiosity 1 ., . .•` .""..."........m. At some distance on the - turf limpid water Is 'running through little artificial rivers and lakmr, the beds of which are plastered with asphaltum, and fishes may already be observed playing about in the clear stream. — They were brought here from different places. .-The park of Fontalnbleen =dates ancient carps, which have been' living through . =- tunes; some, It's said, saw the days of Francis L Even those old veterans were obliged to travel this year and ,Change their haunts from Fontainblean's Lake to the pondit.in the Exposition Park. Were they not mute, what tale would they tell us; how they had been fed by the tender hands of Fraud" I.'a' mistresses: how °perking after the other promenaded "Orithe banks of their lake, and how Many amorous 'court ladles sighed' their . love iionfessions -to bold cavaliers. Then came !Oboes powdered and, wlg.ged, who talkedabout philoso phers, who prepared the Wicked revolu tion, during which • the poor old fellows were nearly' storied to death . - Then fol lowed the Empire, end they saw .111re:i -tem saying farewell to Ids ,Guard. Well might the aged carps be enraged` agalint thezraei um!' wbo caught them and brought them hither to be' stared at by all the common folks. , They will greet with joy the day on which the last stranger shall have left the lisraField and they are taken 'hack 'So their old home in the lake of.Fontatnblesn. As I am 'just speaking of animal., will menden hera_ that a whole caravan has arrived from Egypt, which brnught. alongareal,menagerre; an elephant, cam els, dromedufes, hOns, parithars, with a collection of sundry kinds of small asses. They have all been quar-• toed in the department belonging to the King of Egypt: In one of these rooms I sow two stuffed negresses, who, being entirely Undressed, made a horrible he- Inesuieu• - in another part or tote cara vansary, which shelters tho industry of en pre groat divisions of the earth we Anil VgrAitie. w hich will 1114 .he the WA :Along all those wonders which are promised to ea I mean the warlua which exposes the ruystenesof the ocean to our view. In order to produce this 14uariure, cave was dug, encircled by wads, and naincr ous columns were elected of solid ma- EOM, covered with stalactites and sta lagmites.- They look Just as If Nature had 'shaped' them , with her own hands. Behind these - pillars there lawn iron structure supporting a glass roof, which supplies the -gave with light from two sides. Thld tOrMS (40 grnite. The aqua rium now occupies a double octagonal court, seventy loaf iii length. The sides of this peculiar oditlce, twenty feet in eight, are formed by slender iron (minutia whfich are connected together by largo glass penes, i'ro the right and Lett of t.Se aquarium aretwo galleries which make it possible to observe the ishes in the reservoir from below se wel las trait the sides. Attached to . the reservoir to a atacade the water in motion, which tat qtaatuad frog) Oa Atlantic ocesni and led into the reservoir py g, special, pump work. This Bee work of I art belt ; only been.,cocupletd recetftly, I audit a pest upar,oke. The bottom of the sea appears like jt really ;,s, wjth ha sandy bed, its strange fishes; insects, mollutupms or every shape and descrip don. _ . aka aquarinnv of this same size will coa t= all fresh water althea • the 'entrance - of ;they Palace, that which strikes specially the attention is a display of monuments, temples and cu. ties or all agetandtill countries. liere is .the -Egyptian temple,` , the . " Mexican temple, the art:interpalace' of the Bey or Tnntsttin Turkish lodging honey; the Wench 4mperor's pavillion, the iron llght-hOuse, the Gothic church, and the' Tower of Chimes; there the old rustle caitle this. International Theatre,the i Prussian hospital tent, the Swiss Bail. road and the beantl'ul Winter Garden. Than comes the Military Department. I remarked two enormous cannon which arrived recently, and which warivast in facile. They weigh 116,000 kilos (720 tons) and had to be drawn by thirty. I seven horses to the railroad. P.ruesia, too, is represented by a huge cannon, every shot of Whlch,custa. two hundred and fifty dollars, and will mid live hen ' dred men into eternity. 'This amostnis to fifty cents per man—certainlya clump erevilthat than , to bare due's en ,tut ed by medicine and physi ans. ri closing Obi- letter I will not forget to'lnention ono institution, which will convey Op ham the exhibition palace to our respective homes in a yeti comfort able way. Beside/1 two telegraph aloes have bean established at the outlets of palacei' 'Which enable the visitors to telegraph to the Park gates, and let their coachman know at what time they are wanted. ' Oertainly . q :very; practical and —Concerning the pair of the' new Bork journalism, a correspondent Of the noeton Pew gem w The Tribune employe Jansen :immure at an &feriae salary of 100 per Week; the Rerald twenty-three, = se ere rase of 4171 the Mew w bitter opponent of the mite:lots of worth.. tnen)ieureportarl at $2l per week /hearses, the HUM 01, ram pant advocate of the labor movement) lire men at ea avers : : Tr twa od o t t illialei th e tale nt { l3l and etn, an :To gap of Woo aolismn y_ au • 7-• A tiorrll,l6 Murder— A. Kills Ills -N-E W ADVE'RTIEEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMEIN: TS, NEVI O ice and Ch Id and Blom Out His thus ---------- • • Corner of the Diamond sod Yorke; streak. Co note of the Dlzepo.d and aiket settee. layseeure • pro • WhatSvraynesOintinentWil ' 1 - 110111 ram net tArron. t to' 43 Dome. 211 VII ooze the marl oortleate \To of Ter . I.—lt winner& Chrento Znalpeles tare tone. 4-1,../1 ewe Salt imm.o. amid II .1. 0-111.1.1mre Itranne rum all nnentiono.. rosltteriy mre w Skin Dlrtrmer. 7—Uie Irwomm's Unrrainx, Yd semen no .••.ITVID• Dr. Beranrea'nerrhisast., • • 11111 1 111•• :Mil:: Dr. theannee GrOrtnumr. ' I .IICH" ITIVEICH.IIONI/1 TO PAIL • 11.1 . 7111•• t•111.1H 11 "RITTER.* Posparee onitbi Dr. [MAYNE 8p..1. iditplll/. boto IK•CLAIMAN N ..11.13 Darter etre.. C.OO. A. )4.11.1.LT. 31. lnooe._et.., 401. /I.I6MING, 111. Korner M.. A. /m/.,•:Ce ‘ nor. 410 sod revert elopers, Ditto: Mote: HAZY d 001:11117. Allognem. • ! aoDonlerrle RE ON YOUR GUARD Agalett the ladtallonst and coueterfeltiefillthe NiTr2ll.4 RTVtIACN aerriva, with w. teh rt turns whole .e vtenoreolthe LW titian, Ny willed upon the ilik and athletic,: ant hove endeavoring tetrad the markets , artists coutorj. Whenever these roISOX-Noltolthe are ditherer . test ire. Immediately prosecuted ty the pro frletOnl, who expend ibOauo is of ally to treelnitheloa cut and brie.nf them to thelice. Within • thott time thjunctlone bare tithe attuned In the Court. of the Vetted !tette ...it • hugther of redivides!. and firm, and suits are now In prtigreth .4.1 seethe] ether*. sit a whose narnetrwlll be given to the pnolin lint is spite of the emelt vigilance .4 nativity ertheir detective salute, the underthen. see Of eoryno ugede to "protect the plibtle ghttrely ay.,/ plralleil Ithitatloos 01 • Riau.. Dia tenth Tonle, everywhere it thou.. and as readlly convertible - Seto cash so Potted east.. &rade or Treasury Notes. They..therelbre. as • thethere of precentlee, dtertd attention to the fret that as,nely engraved label. error...Nur lid choirs at the Warne, mud • tre.Wel ore- Anther , statep. ocimut the olactLi tenor teitt.k ot: the elevens we et. aPrethoro•ierl ...et the trtinclue 111 rzth 711. Attlee le further tote thenttested DI • nitnithure note of bend , with the slgastureof • Neese t ter meta:. to those. Mrrettvettlett 11 allots, peer. error. The tree erpstiza to o•Tq l• kat. *ON aeTa to 1t *tai tettiga. ! ; rmus CAIVADiNdIIg. A tree which .o eboodstot le Canada, Foss testes:, hionid/ftllerll New Enithoid alert, le alto found It the alerted add Intrantaluoas regions of the Middle Masai, od Ohotords to totdielnal airtime. Dr. inectt, of &Woo. Ilse protean' a tiedlelaa from the moat bald. bark of the plat tree, 0.11.1 Vv. LJID . 3 W/111,11 rlfit Ct/141 . 01.:1(1), attach le [ oa r . onion value In all debllltated suttee of the [ lt 3 Ilk. • therm In all &erases of mires membranes. •aabllag them to teigaln thtr set tone and energy. /I irlix ban/bed well adsrobsd to all flossy Maras.. there tuella ha. oeen bled ant failed. It ts Illtatylas well Suited Wenn:de °owns. "Ad as linalllalo anisetat for onl and deal dusted cases of aeterne. MA, rot sods wane} drat eel, loot • Willa of ilins tordl• tito, U. oFtaft aL OVe ,:f " es .. lV cures or disease. Of w e b t aller acid aldney of yebsa saandlne. [ lieu It Abuse the O, li .Utt of aw flaeaane, opt Mt gin of • trni pine,..hyst •.it le.preeerloed leueorreont lutd unser dbasses u I the urinary name.: lel t -el ind el[ronlo emr Alton or mutation [ • llWids• In three , , rilsernsl afreolloalb MI le various forst/ Of :lieu oratlear... It is ex. oeollegly valuabl e la ail snoopy adsetloties bloody mine. and vrtona chortle red arid welts sadlotebt It cans. tacit wlthon ratorraptlon to one's tonal a...a110t.: lastead of mitten. Asitl Tatul er •111.11 Ot ' WM a la PLII/filb.—jrayaalr blithe gross, dozen or a t tar: t e , mx . l , 4l..italfilLall Waal NEW ADYEIdISEMtNTIii. BINGHAM, Jr., 4d lespron ;toe 611 /V27lBtrott, to on outhorturer4 pont to re .44prrttormeoai /crib" GAZZTTN.ond ail 0 11 urr=foloroitileitta WO UngoA &otos 'DIMON BROIMS, 79 /01:11111 . 11 ISTRKlST,A•lttoburffb C6l3iten nee of 4 . ltYre; upon Iii0T•nl• meat torsos. nay bilvt constantly on hand all klnita 0( .• • tr. EL ' I3C IO- NE) . El smalareprea totmlassa'maitaurostinondi 1 11 1 4,11104.; man 'Z':ar.u.t reo zid.":6strlgAt:: In ti k not ggitl."!'!""°*. .TJ DEDBDIQTBt DELIMEIth t Hosiery ! Half:Mose S - Glovelt tll4TeB: ! the abort goods. every derent,tlart, %dor, ty isa Price can he fond, at FICELA.nps Stand Stocking Store, 2k PIPTII 61 EARING, ~ . Platting 11111, Sash & Boit Vactory, corear l ROMER •nd ALLINHILNIy PTll6l[l3, MIMIC Wad, auk No. 13 11111111 1 3 1 31 . 11 or.* rl har Proml atria, wouldipjg dpop ko omor.. •12 r1 ) T1 " , r3 i43/8 11 . 1 .31. plod L.turmaed kW or wort too wawa. fro Num. umirrs Rook Um opsotry promptly atteodwl to, mill me OL--.18E961f SAUCE. fctiriel i ta, C ßlTZgrit' °l°Rl `", l ..1•0.7.,1 , 7070:0178tor•Or" . MAIN ZENtILIAW. .Ht. • eankerLtborty &ad Nand owe.. DRIED PEACHER,-43C1 barrel. .zgaltziratra . l t Pk1t0 .. 414 se 4011RAMANO, an w ;IA nv.2% _I, un.r., I 4 In/ M7TRUILITV, - . 0301:14a.- . SEn. THE NEW TRIMMING STOR. VICE.-Tna . usual ATTLIISOON. EER ; VIOL ',GI he gnu IIsTALNITT GHQ BCH, Math i ' Jllat GrENED, AT street.- - 10-MORIFLOW. at I.' i o'olwk sirr. IRr . R.EildnOlUS. Preaching 'VII . H. MILLER'S V.-MORROW. at 10'.. A It. avails a. at . 1 ; la the ao , e ChAStlaa . Ga;ll< 1 . aalTa'r l'a ll ar ! I .NEW TRIMMING STORE, street and Ito J tyomegy area de. All City.' ; ~ pea. Gas sad wslosane to all J . '• ' • . .._.__ ' • i. No 64 Market ; St., BtVRE'r. E. P. CRANE. Proles- I , • , In the Wastes. ltalserslty, .Gll4 fOrpOalta J. W. Gatierls•LGT Goods Elouge,) V.. h ln the Plynioath Gangtegatlonsi entaTtn ato Hum street. rlY•Saintitd si. toornlng.and ' ' evening. .mice/ tO somotenco at the asnal .or. B• UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, CORNER UT GRANT AND TRIED ISTd. —Taro, I :O3 4 ERNIAN. ETRUT , G.TN DAY At lON A. ..10d T). tionday School at OA. L. All lhb 1. 0 0. ile 11- 'Red to come and beat. tarPREACIIIING IgVERV SAB6 BATH, at 'lO4 o'clock a. m. and :la o. m. Jo NORTH ANILIa kle cor ner North Afenakand Beaker street. Allegheny City. lhev. E. realer. Al4-are In •atled. Sesta free. klabbach helmet ate o'clock and Vele arrl US . T BAPTIST CIFIUBCTI. JAM if. DIGREII.9II , I wlll preset at tba New i`espei of tea First Baptlit Charee, 1 6 114KNINO. at ive o•eleet.- Dattemlnattenal Pro ven.- bete[ a review of tee merit neither. re "" ritrig, re, ' ; ' •;11 1 1 . ;rase', ililT:Vairar.lll7tf far TUE CIIIDICH GUILD AND CLASS ROOMS. So. 26$ VENN STIZECT: Ave now open to the public dally from 9 A. K; to RARE CHANCE , A MAN OF Li STALL CAPIT. L.— iltst clam DINING IMO* AN N ALOONs In MP bear !mall. lo the el will no .old oo reasonable terms. EnC•nw • 399 LIFE ' bYEEET, Opp.' e 113 Won Depot. COAL! COAL! COAL I J..MESKINIEN, • Offlm; corner of. PENN and BAND •TRIETN Pittsburgh, will turalrb promploy'LLlNP, NUT cowl. or aI.AUK: lowelt tomet tole.. or ders to mall proutypyatterol to. . Jelmor TWO CARHART 0 GANG. FOR SALE CHEAP. • A Flee Octave upright Organ,omen stmt., walnut case, forrnerly In am la Dr. Jacomis , Church. Al., 01. Pr W. asmo kind. formerly In Um Seventh morel Lutheran C 1141.. be laid very Low. . . C. C. MELLOR. No. St wow? SINE= = MASON & nAmuN ORGAN. FOU SALE AT A ELuttliAll79. A`lva ochre Oneida heed Caidnot Organ, In wnut Den cried aIAnON If mate: baa been bud about. sir months. and I. In per fect order. Wit be aeldat.a. large redaction nom readdar once. MELLOR, No. .4 WOOD STREET. OEM WALL PAP p% A At REDUCED PRICES: TO SUIT I THE TIMES! At No. 107 Market Street JO& IL,. NV GIIEi b* BRO. HODSES AND .LOTS AT ADC TOON.— !Mein/I , ll'S PICHESIPTuRY 11l he sold on tne on 1105- DAY. Jone gun at 20 o'clock. sup Houle and Lot So. 44 Mom., amen, iii.oned Ward. A S Icrbe ay. lot b log SD fief-Doe and 110 feit deep to =feet and! ton. Solon tril , . not , taliirg tour e,mforAnie sum, ALIA°. the I.ot Ss.-40 blonuir.y gg by 110, on wit VA are erected two alien dwelling, or gale, and lour ;s7o7rablriii 7 alll 7 4 l l . ll:l ". 4leirratePtl ‘ 5 - 15:!j., rlcr Z= P ut M OI trelaZe . Henry Martin. alUe lel A. LEGOATA, Auetioneer. AIIIERIGAN IFIFATCIEIEK. • SPLZSDID STOOK OY Fine Gold atig.'BilverWat9bee; FINE COLD JEWELRY, ISILVERWAIM CLOOKIII. 2.. t the forest Wise. ../hottiolle atit Inv/tie - to eAI: awl examine out Moot berate purchasing ilrewiese. • Watch repaltitipromptti Attended to, it WILSON'S, ' 4T5, D 4 ►ui7BTH eTKEZT. Two doors above Market street. ]et.•k7l OUR & CO., 25 Fifth street, Offer:or We t➢e lITTLXS or BLACK 4TII SACQUES, • • AT VERTOW PRICER. THE CO-PARTNELISIIIP here- TOPORierletheetbetweea E. TICAULR.2.II4 *23; A r/PNLISAIII2 wee eloped 'retry . verbal. WlNeement oh tee Whitley ofMai NC. the en... tlee Inbereit o(2. hitelbaeos hay.Wg beret 412- awed hill. Traohiwun, who will confine* the 'wuut.e.s Aix LtQcon. nirnmass. of the mho 'tend, No. 234 Non street. All debts doe to laid dna are to be etre' red by ' the laid B. Iranerease. and 1411 dezbutds on the said doh aft to b: pt epted to Mau for payment. H. THAULSiIIAN B. • PYI MAMIE. CM THE , IRON .CITY MONTHLY. BBOONVBErnEIt, READY BOON. In NAl•loo t.. the great err:tett of rateable to tormallott to the eilltto,ll4 Monger, If wilt Ttrs Consolidation 11111, Complete . ITISTORT TOIC Min PA- PULP. PUILTHAIT or Gen. A. L. ARMIN. • new and ultb.ntle MAP U? CONSOLIDA. TED PITTNISMOILI I,ll . lpzllflte tiottlLL and 6110%tiN SCU , LL, Conotinte LIST Or HAIM t. BALL CLUBS. and Ite;iffill or Alatelo• re eyed lids mamma. Howard's.) and many cone/. low 132•14eYS . 44 tionabte tram any •Osele noon., PRICE 61 , ,d11CZ0 TO 60a. PBll corT. $l. O O A YEAH. la advaneei VI - I,ll . otdeYs man be addreined to GEO. TV. PITTOUK alt CO., rrota gnu.. Dopatak Itolldlng, 11 . 11 In Post OraSe [4OO. n 031,10 WM. H. HARRIS, AULNT WOR. && 141 1i8;DINSMORE & Co., MIJilinKt1111110: P atent 511.11d111d .EL . MIS • • naLtaal• Wein Lock.. Snicks l and MringeLeo.i. Nay Lire !nick. Alw,"10. proved Patent 'tales fur Main Furnace., tea Milli. wpm. (Warr Yo•ndrirs. and all the nun.. desurinini • unions.. awl Formate Plaifunancal•Arank Feint Ileasaa. N. W. i•or, NINTH A MOWN iarri.. (benne Cos Ln , j Phil. snlNphia, Mao, Ail. LUltltrl ZV, 01315117 'WORRHOIISE PRISON. .: Tme:nnAtto or MANAGERS of th* worm. NOVAE AND INEBRIATE ASTlrilw awls* to contract with revel:BlN° partial tante* . • • ENttawfssettsraof atlsoqt Throe 111111lon 1 3 . 0 • 0 .000.1 of Isaat untokt • Opott the prtratses of the Institution. shoot alabt mules trot. tna Cats IJ olleabeay, tbr fo o ollita , ta Itattrosd nbotolaocoof ...Parlor clay awl other racllltics be ronstab sd noon tba overtures. nub• r rounasttre ma be obtalrett or, nod proposals nosy be trade until JUNE *Orb, to ' • 40:0. fleorelary, • Cart Wood awl Yourlb att., Plttabarlb. mykts/I • • CHANDELIERS lifaokats, Pendants, &e., ays Gi Ets and 011. • 4„,„ knurl .4 receiving at WETIOON . & KELLY'S, PLIISULFAIS 4117 D GAS FITTERS, 184 Wood• Street, •ingnion , N ZAK SIXTH. • 10 OIL 1110010ERN. TES. S. CALHOUN, c.e.xaxammi.rxora., No.lol Lite:ck Ntroct, Atloglzeoy,Clty. , Ilanol attune of err] . deeetletlen or CUUDZ , t1INO aed WATIM TANKS: AUITLTOW3bIit on tee rile hemp] aye alt!iisteorl on the mo.t et .6onaule terms enel et We Wariest notles ttelThase 1111 ST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTUREIRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, No. 110 Wood Si., Pittsburgh, IceeDp, en IWNECT 5YVP... ° t1;1171,V,.. 1 74,6 t° WALNUT. t3V.I. Pri.i inutlnnK W aL lintnt, d e rola Itn.ll , and PIM 11 ILS rico! ris, Vn•taln arlttign . t a kb L lT: PT.= I alrg n r aqui W a i rliga . NO IMO ILDINU ennentnd In the M .egigntrabYtkATZ. enn:nll,M REFILIGERATOUS, xcria corsiisrris, Torry's Ice Cream Freezers, • VERY tacit., /!...r Grafters Douse-Fundsldn6 store, 66 31rocaersal ISt, Near the mama Depot, LLLIGILIENT CITY 1511 CI THE CHEAP HAT AND SHOE L. EL Pt Wettest Rattle Dealer la u nto p MOWS, Hata add . - Arrs ho. al Una) STREW?, Al reart.t;lty.l. ND was. , oleo it it. two=ales Aut. dart..oaltera moo FlamorYN Mr. 6[4O.AV/. RRWs 40 OLWpOOlp hp lulr de... eaten will reasons.. rodeo, sad dalaradoed to offer great bards!. to all ram Weer I= WWI sale puma's. =Mull? Alarge andwef teleued otocl ct Trimmings, Lace Ooods, _EMBROIDERIES, Gent's Furnishing Goods; /MD ZIOTIONd GENERALLY, NEWS FOR . THE MILLION! READ! READ! NEW TORRK, LEDGER, Scent, NEW TO/IC WEEK LY, ' Lents, KA.RPER'II hIA6AEINE, Seentw a • ELANTIO MONTHLY, Nemo. PRANK LESLIE'S LADY 'N slAil ALIKE, ate. OODIT'd LADY'N BOOK, Ma. ALL THE LATE MAGAZINES !.110telred regNul7, and BIIESCETPTIOID3 RECEIVED inz:Emmamm Stationery, or iiu mods, - . At Eastern Prices. AR the Late Blusi i rated Papers. Call and' Rit aan pi 4 r, attha NEW AND SECONDHAND BOOK STORE, SIXTH STEE/T.T. BELOW H1112F171181.D. ' JOHN H. EGIVV. LIST OF .RECENT VII + LICA- Sot salt by ! 'fy RAY & COMPANY, • 63 Wood St., Lafayette Bullaing. • Treneh'is Notes on the Ndettele. Price 61 Thesermanta P•0411a About Pittlf &rt . ce bL. [ h i de;. ° l . nirniq r 5 / 1 1 ‘ c l e:. ' .11T1 W... 11 eon. I,lo+ $l. The blameful Longfellow. ' , Complete- gLfO. numt einarrteas of Recent Thum 2. Twelthee; or, The Crtallorm Cyclepedist of Ithettanooga. by 0. H. Webb. 111. tee. , Hilert' on MIR Law of ugatroptcy and 1.1201. Tent) , Hew eotiou. ijs., • Wul th Er ,` &ll o ::; " A r D,l7:P n i.t 2 ;. `°• in Len gusge. $1 W. The JutopanK Frog: By bilext Twain. sLbe. 014 a ngland• tta ettenerg a Art. nod Feeble B e Y 47: 1 ,7 • te4 tudert " te the nn i glieh ' Leuguage. _By 31. Sphere Ue Very. le L. IL $1.60. Dectaltre 110.Ue• of the War. II? William to. Urea and hla Funny.. 07' L. Mulittsrte, 62. Antertou'a "dermal Hateettue Guide, 1667. 61.61. TTe m H o n s tenhnptr. YVs t °glee Director!. Re. • erten. 0u , .. • ' woodinm Grange. DT Wm. Trowilt. sl. Tarra alariae; or. Threads of Montano Co',.. ' Mal History. By Erlwarir ,r, n el a, ag. lerirlabora Wive; U.I. T Trorrbriage on the Border, By Edmund Bloke- Id - Idletornd Woroa. lilloatrated, 001. flan. Par ; Worka. illositaled. 01000 edition. Per vol-. Marne Works: Idnatfattd. Diamond edi tion.. Par wed., $l,lO. ; rhonanal Worn.. rill, Diamond edition. Par vol., ' I id " ... K.l tb s." lare YIT• A' ‘ Wd • • 3t caps Agp. Vapetita Ll!e• DT wtiltua D. 'Dowel,. A atretited Irtd eultreed • $l. Du Qatkilt Jaw., tO Atatcgo tdtad tad i rrta lilfetd n it i n ' titl S ee's Crimp:dim. , 111..3. Ctulatte't+ : tp, by stia Author at•:llattle 3,1191 NEW GOODS! NET GOODS! BLACK COLORED SILKS WOOL DELLLINS Black and - Colcired Alpaccaa. lELANGt 0140TH.- 8 311.171.. La xszorin cow Prinis, Gingluims,lffuslins. Tickings and thecae Kentucky Jeani. auisitneres, for Men S pays' wear Balmoral and Hoop Skirts Cor sits. Sun tinbrellas. Parasols, Shirt Fronts. Irish /Linens, Hid Gloves. Coition Hose, dcc., ese, A F'lJl.,l STOOE. CONSTANTL4 ON HAND. Wholesale lluisvis are Invited to call and 'etainine our stock. ERVIN, TCONNELL & CO,, 178 Federal Street, Allegheny. EllE2l DISSOLUTION., THE PARTfiEESHEP HERE- Wore nxlstlest betieen OM A. x9cULY and ROBT. K. bial/DBRASS, to the Wholesale Dreg Boathese; Idd. 37 Wood Wee,. Plttebnrgh, has Ulla Amy bee. dlssolenl by haelnal comet.. BOOT. N. BSULIGHASII retinue' from the drat: The beelness will be otaittneed by GEORUE A. GEO. A: kELLT. sods. It.'SIIODOBAS3. Pittsburgh, Ilsr SOtb, uGra:U.l2 GEORGE k. KELLY, , Wholesale Druggist. 87 IfrooB ' 7 (uppoota the L. Ghana mu t t) FlEqiiiBv. l .°a. 4 74 : t t I LNgTOI I7 arr Tr, Lb nStne, CLIULEFIA CURE. ie. tovil \ Tassilpess;..i;;;;: 07 ALL Petcee AM/VD/MITT, ATI 8. 33:1±1.33.7611 .GREILI! Ttek. • Prima Young tlyint,„„ ELROD.. poX.d. tbEs.tra good w• blood w 1.4 p • xpa . tiood w • • 1., •• w 1131AVIETZMI—Oolonim Rest O (Word olong' ELSO V. Wend. Extra ta 69. ISLAMIC TEMS—Poitetioot. Piortehoilw .111 tbogoes. jtttEr . a. Ehat'd Eng troakfal . 1!..g3 .Ig°4l (I t gcl . : "". JAPAN-TEAM. Uncolored Jap.e, eery rdrasant gay°, ... 4100, Japan, bottrut Hyman, ..... 4.40 MiXEIaVEAS. t 10,3 balled Teal. twat aback.,..( do. r.H.C,ati tio. •• Id *cat •. act' " • 'rem tho above., and wat Just wrist kind orTra they.wsat, and ban Ow. natant. any. nourtlty. and f0r...0n by ..7 or the EX• Pre" Wraps.... who nitar easy good. at arra' ow rate; aad by dol.. sonar twenty can = • per poorwr tha prie, twsble. getting • puxo and oreon anti. widen 'nutty tults shalt taw. t A. . 0770 , 000 ry, aE. rroleral Allagbanyl. STONE DRAIN "PIPE. 1 . • Vitrified Stone Drain ripe I. decidedly the hot add . elicapect medl , re tor =lfs. r1:4,7Fh=r01:::eil""""' Pipe lit. litr i e r tzte . , haring mireotstleg pbwer nests) :d. Sod Dein it Ids Sod elk elk entl otlr itnengt:r4VlVnitat h Vi ' ..tga t elere74 Caron/ lew tags oaahtlt Deice of Ws pipe. . : for house drains Si Weer. it 'hi eupettorie! eaythlde else. owing to the smooth' eurtseept' the interior. iroa e►LE Br • • BAILEY, FpitltELL & CO„ MiurancLp aTBILET, rlttsbarghl oIieLLEB, . 1 WZIOLIMALIATD 2;lslll..i.dini r t o =or xcao; Duquesne Zeros{ tea dentate* to any pin l'lntbatatt and it. 1 p . r3 1 117.1121. 1 ...va r . d tu t g.°,7 ." 1?;,:rgl ... c .0.,. In .q Mot0012 1 11Cord,•Ill lain 00106 will mate promptattanuott. j. lEUTA.H. No. LIBERTY NINEET. - , Duly. 10 .1 kw.of. - Candles, Cakes, Ruts and FrEdts 4 Atmt r vouou to braUtassasigijictia4 KELLEY'S WEEKLY,. AN ILLtiSTRATED Journal for the People ITE WILL COMMENCE ON Monday, July 1:11h, 1667, EM • The publleatio, of our hands atue WE PE LT. an kinattrdwl..fouroal for the People—a s.anee of , sixteen pa of the sands rite an.. form of , tett. a Italy Lallata Mears", Newspaper. It will he neatly printed. on Uric . calentred raver. and no riwnse will be spa,. I mat nit one of the be i.iterary Paper. pub- • Heim' In the world. our illuatratinna will he origtha Le nd tor ILI trwr theeklll and perfec• Eon of the best art la. M of the most dlstingul.ed to oi esteems pd torntm have been engaged to Con.. tribute to:its column.. and we shah mate the ! literaterews, pr dtfore th e world shine wise the ought. of leaningnd grace It trite the Porn) . of oa r natter eaot comets.' ten to.eve re home and a welcome visitor tleNfe'ga the lottee =Lel= L I T Le ' V.1.1 " . ' " Is =Attire ' 7,t r eggri. T X/ light and otfe i for ;IL tha columns will contain prose and poetry fro ot the 11.1atof pure and p..ltte Ittereture, stories. adventtltes. contri button. of travel. of history , . of.blography, of inn me the-dents. and other des.. of coconut:ll..lons pu oilseed by the best hterary esters In the land. t ,ur nes will eon tarn Ilinatratlons national. geographical. vie. grepttical.dil.torleal. natural and artiontal eery. and Vol, , he refined secure gad citrons. p o lities Ide around us. We anal! exclode;all polities sectional and offetullve matter Intita cost oulotnna. , .. ►c-4 elect TWO DELEOLTIS Com each Alec tion precluct to. a Coanty Convention, to be held at Ma COURT HOIME, to the City of Pitts burgh, on TMCSOAT. Joan. 40, 1.567, at II • • • 1 (metre. 4 ta.. I. tiomlnste a Ticaet for County On. Saturday, Aug 10 1867 ' , (Metre. and the election or Delegates to the ! 2 I I "L".11".17.u04..-... WE WELL DISTRIBUTE Dollars ot the Profits, IN sneaxs, iNoLuimiu ONE HUNDRED TROII3AND DOL LARS IN GREENBACKS! To our Potions, from o Subscriptlon Amoontlair to 04600.000. ONE tiler,s narRNID TO MIT SVESCIIBIL One Aare huh $ MAO One share easb se LW • One Ouse cash One share huh 4.003 ,oco Oae .hue cub 2 WO Ylre Allures cub, ehmulach 4803 Ten .hare. euh. 440 each 0 Twente aharca null, 1100 exch....h... ...... 0!00 Twenty et:sumo/tab, 600 each 461) Talents snares cast, =V each, • 4,000 One hundred .hares cash,o3 eaCh.— • 10,000 . $1 One tutored slur cash, 680 each 6,00 (Me handrail entree cub. *neut. 9000 Una One tnonund share. cash. $lO each 1 0 .. 0 thousand shares cob. 63 etch SACO One theusand sheers cash, 61 each. , 3,100 6060 8 Planes,a wl WO eacc a Macula., 1375 each ;73. hi littod.ns, 6160 each 70.710 2,780 203 laental 0414 Watches. $126 each 23.0.7 TO Lan ica• Gold tun Hutn •h 4 lyoeo 200 Hu n t i th g reaseellver WVcchee. 010 ea c h A COO beaus of I/Unloads. 61,500 each 7,501 10 Ulamord 111 nes.lBl.lo es ch....... . '..., 5. 000 LOCO weld Moo. ea each 3,040 I 000 rlottheraph Albums. 43 each &MO WO bilk Dress ratters.. 6 0 e.c4 ' 6061 1.160 Pocket Bitoes, w 314 cLasp. 43 etch... • ;MO 1,8004 et inllyes.pla , ro Teasnehms, roach 3,06/ Th. balance, coulsOna .8 opera his., . Warta uf a nanrnt anther., bteelos-• • ' traTlolol. Family Bible.. And ether az. Ohl.. Its alldlllol2 to the above, amount ing to 260,000 UMW/ A committee of well known lLisrua. to be ebosen bv toe .1113CTII<I, inn Public Halt salected hereafter. dlelelbotr on HATUHUby. Anne. zoth. toe above natal abate, and their renert wri be poWsped halt LIALIVB W elk. " TO:4l . [L:tr7eavir:=l '. bar will be retorted one nhare, and to 'nob yes.) aubecrlber two share, and to on In ' llke proportion. TplllB TO SUBSCRIBERS. Our subscription price Is hisser %ban Sty paper published seu.allsubs th e same amount °Atli `l:V"' " ' Pl. • X mouths, with somber of share. 41,i,;, coin': one ye. erltik tlio numbers of SPECIAL TEEMS. I CLUB RATES. • Any party' proepflota era, of foe or more trint :1124:.:Terf!rioWirerd7nifi°4:11!?;"'".. cois far Llama:SOL with nve nom• Mbar,b of .diar, • 7.00 Ten mole. for nix mouths, with ten not. ben of ' 14.00 Fire cantos. °neve., with tau numbers of Teh re. 4 00 oliciples, one year, with twenty number. TToestarve Al CO ivAtgrate4.....ue year. with forty num- Ad batheubecrng for our paper. and sending ninety lot toe same...rid receive by with* mail a receipt tor the time so bectibed forlumber of ebere. Igr r ts , pt tpe t y rt oittd Ma 't tes is p.tor, melds!" the post ' ottle'o onWNol iae P Wit6oitiolttee spooluted to distribute tae sifts Is It-IWe,, Grand bent orneriest, eat I ...7 k y k t izra t z _ .. bplk their report in 101 l lo lEtte bend die names or este ntermer. rest We. .A4ddre, To len and /!ealos In Cud. , 11 O rder: • Added. all cmameddeatlord A. A. KELLEY & CO., Xo. 691 Itroadsiwy, dieat ' Reduction tir Prices.l scamp ARRIVAL OF Spring - Goods, Fresh from the Importers, nig, will be made tip with care end dispatch. GREATLY REDUCFD PRICER. OWEN BYR.N.E, Merchant Tailor, No. . .14 WYLIE ST., I 11WDE8 ASHLAND BALL, 1p . 0.19t1T6 J. C. TILTON yourro & co., 10311=C711 MME J. C. TILTON'S CARBON SOAP. lir WAttltaliTEit always nallbent In quellty, .4 made from the puy.t mate fem. Ir not eausfec• tort. the pennant money. In me m. mill cheerfully be refenne4. Try :It .4 be catn. Mneed. 'The CAILIIIIN,124)Ill. Vmade Medlar to that of most all other 33 ogre illtfiamcits...rel. !Non**, "cut aiditton there G added one Bubb, eta chemical sompoe in the by which all unit brirdnsos to peculiar to otter neap LT:=Ti 7 = 7 : 1• . ,11 .17=41.:1141211 eon sad plany as nap. We poenin eet tbreepoundsol Indio try Coop. And here Loops chief cxecl lance ever all other soap; it le drool,. ropnirint no extensive or complicated direction lee For bothloir Durpoone It Is certainly a lonely. Ironic the lain roil sad berate). and can be safely Pied le washing the tenderest in fant. For all clear:du and elesuelng purposesll is leltboul a meal Pell nlllll[lll4 be 81JCIR1013., and 110111 will be duly appreciated by a dlicriminettun GnDilp '1 desire It to stand upon Ire merits alone. It captains no Pin UOLEI3II. or any lorelgn aubstanen nothleg or the kind. I • ' • Ilene Cantered and for Isle Irkaluale, by . T273 4t10.1i Si. CLAIM ra. Plttabargh. G TLEtIEF'e FURNISHING GOODS, ; N 0.12 Fifth Street, HELELY orrinirre THE Nisi. UNTICE. The men exten.lee earleiy. the of - time. the largeet ledneements w ar at New Yo r e. Perfect Fitting French Yoke Shirts, MADE TO ORDETA' PUTNAM & HOUSE, IIM=:1 .111111. DOCK a PAITMAXI. ruoLie ■OIuAND DANXSL L>tlSums. AIORELAND & MITCHELis Livery and Sale Stables, 425 LifiguTr STREET, °noma nu. tiglr wts tall.road D'pot, PITTSBURGH. ja-Partleolat atteuttott Vald to larttlatang Haar.. awl Carrlts. for (Opera/a, Yore. knot at Uaat7. 10a3,76 NOTICE TO lIACEL.DRIVEIII. erriCi Or Mediating, flonchovOn., fly direction oP i th b S rg e h tCamnt M o f the City of Pittsburgh. all Owe"ago% Macho and oltitr vehleles waning, or waltlag fat oleo la the vicinity of the litoniogabola lloisee. be lodised oh Willer Street. between e wlthfleld and Wood otere.a, and at a Wotan. of thine, ihhfeet 00ittri of theoor h curb.. wiwr street.. r Anyi ',trial lon of Pilo tinter bo dealt with Id ctordanct With an ordinance pawed March LoSt. ISO 7. • • • U. J. MOORE; Reel-ho Rognistor and Clerk of kgenwittet. trerlhot W. W. WATTLES, 411letith street, 1314LEn IK Fine Wattles, RIO Coldl;Jeiveliy, DI A iiON VS. elf AIN'S, 1511. V RR' AND MATED CINAILS:, and &Warded., usually found la • Aral. 'lore. airing thoroughly ttior•raans ith my Itone, and DM ettasturt from 111.11.171. eaa ome n peelallannermanla In all wlsomay fa. nor ma WILL, tbel,paqu iug.. lllmemner • A. D 1... At II7TIi AT. al7lX•Veir. • k C. C.41143k1M1C. D xmircran t . as Ix Fine Wakbos, ay/airy, Diamonds, no coraa.mun AND Frerich Clocks, Arc: ra m ... o M EXPAIRCRE OF T ua XD. 22 rink Street.' M 4 Fri. NEW MUT CL.ABB GIIOCEIIy. N 0.164 PEOZNAL ALLZWIENY. • ' Nrnix otoek of oilotto Tess, Coffer, Sugars, Se, ie., Wbkb 11 , 1 auk tho Dote. AS 10 , r4.16r10t5. mlumi A. G. BJEITANT. • • NOTICES .12rXOTICE T TIze FREE EX- CURB Ul] TRAIN to And from the y Site r r collies risk Lots, at Rile: Liberty. nets the Union Depot THIS. (•atordaf.t APTISR NOON. St 2 o'clock. otopolnit at tbe dltferent 9t•tlon4 ont and In. 3,1 arcunnY ILNSTITUTE 13=1 Can Complete an Outline Course ;1Y ITIE 24111 OF JUNE And the prnetl owul nuaranteeiltn.llo, tan salutes •arying FROM $4O TO $lOO PER MONTH, C Tositr,iol Who glad n Melt-Class eiamlnntOn. npLl:n:sF arTBE EITEREST IN GOI:1), O TtIS FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, of -PICIIIO iIRYAS GOIPLit Essteri Dirisiati Une ,11(fix -um 1,11114 paid on • presentation of the corspotia tberafor. on and, au r that date. - at the Itankink IfOutiof DIBNEY,IIiOSGABI * CO.. 1.. 2:0121 Meer ,l .) W3l. J. PALISZEL. Treasurer. r=.:4:l-74 r• arcousrry toNVENTION. The UNION kfINTBLICAN VOTERS of the Connty of Allegheny will meet al theLerospee. live Piece. of holding elections, on Suturday, June 1,1867,: The meetings will bertield lo the tt ord. awl ',growths t he vo t i ng be of a end o'clock and the voting be bl lutliot. in the Tow.- th los between the boors of 4 and a P. 14.. and the delegat.aehosee oy toarkino. Pursoutt to • resoletlon of the Executive Com , mittee, the Convention for the selection of Le gialative candidates willnot be conve y ed until nePiomber ad, 194n,..0f which further notice will bereaper be given. By Order of County ContailtLee. JOl l / 1 1 W. RIDDELL. Chairman. &WM? 'L. L. P.41110T &ere talles T. Y. IfLLTXT.: ;Y HENBY , CAPPELL, Merchant TAII.OII, and dealer In ' • 'Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 442 didITIIgIELD 87112 ET. .• Three door below Sloth, Pirrrntamm, PA. dab:" (1 101 ;gegita 1111d0 UP In tan most FaAhlonable style.at the 106e6t MUM 6,10.6 801 CLOTIILN. l!Pletropolitan, Garibaldi, Grant;. 11A11.11Er Aso CLTAWAY SUITS, ALL Slit, LID OF 111 UTE! RIMS, • large and t i complete assortment now-on hand. GRAY & LOGAIIf, 110. 47 XL. ChM, Street. HESPENHEIDE, Merchant No. 50 ST. CIAIR STREET. Just reulved. a • sealed 'arrival of KEW yIIESTSI GOOD& All tale and new stela slat terns frst. eY 111. the Welt laitora styles. laraasS • URLIAIG.&BUCHLON, ' Merchant Tailors, No, 54 ST. CLAIR STREET, Are daily receiving THE LATEST STYLES, Mx. : X X XITXXX CITISS. HENRY G. HALE EMIR COL PM 1311 St CLUB US. NEW: SMUG GOODS, ANIT OPENED, CUXIMIEINO All the Novelties of the" Season,. Bub uL ulyllunul laa Flrat-Clans Merchant Tailoring mcm Establishment. . WHOLESALE DEALERS AND .Cominissionlierchants in FLOUR, FEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY- N - o, 555 Penn St e PITTSB MOH, PA. noss lour isx..c.r.....aoun rt. Eons PITTSBURGH COPINT JOHN isms 1 5 t co., No. 23 Wpod St; Pittsburg', Pa. OE= LAMPS, LAMP EASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC L Also 4eVers everything pertaining to the Lama SIAM • TABLE WARE, WINDOW °LAOS. and everything in the J. e. X0.1R0X....D. X 8•81..4Y•A4 HOWZ. r. CAQIBAX . JACOB MORRISON, BEE & CO., listk%fteturers of al kinds clf BOOK AND PRINT PAPER, =l= =1 1=1312321 /Slate Counts . , Penn,, lirtillfhist tub nth. WM. lILIBIPORIF & CO., • =ll=2 MantlfaitiM6 mdlclut:a 13ROONS, Broom Brash aoo Broom Findings, • 'maot. g 7 i.l W../..4414 la the rear of Sabo ker 6 Lan% .- • , .. . 1 atni.l7lllaindi 174 WOOllB4, Pittsburgh. • aptin:77 . .. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CONTOOLLIEnrs (lilies. I .l.lryilatny, May Zha. 1.61.1 PUMAS) I . ILIPOOALA trill he received nt VeftTer p1.:4e.T.1MP4414 I°.l,lnirturtFt;rt,ll.4 tee foilowleg streets. VW' . MetIHINUIII2I leitilLSZT. le the, Maschester district. tram Indwell to Bea `7:"T • • d f Onk I,lll).K.VteUrtlatitllYeetell Oriel& B. B. FRANCIS. (MT Cobtroil mom FOO SALE. • ONE a INCH ENGIN; stnvb Woke. SdN. on Hen bed Webb ha?• ieiematz,:irLl.LATlNG ENGINE, mm I, noab.nd !4'.01,d4 p hich b ll . lsz IN Inch abuts it. 4 tact mote, deconde Ida above +lll be gold Cheap, tor cub; at 4111DRIEWS & &&11111110210 MacEuxa snor, Corner Banal 9aky L 4 lister Stni.U.— T lAI.T ! MALT ICKOCI %mows BASLIGY MALT. 114., 11EX84 FUCA* Jr.. LIAszST Bt., tobtotbstontli I 1213331 IVAN - TED—El:cry one to know ee net the kst . orelon;ftte , hs for tile t lt Mt A ho.i+e adstt It causal' 11 1111:tlii • WANTED, A HOUSEKEEPER. • • (R.. 11 talc elmge of •all hove. do Re mill boaer.vrork. A IntJEl onl e :aged sod x Prot want wonan prchrre.t. 0.4 trlenener. n. Anil gme.x. Aadrtss ••ft., IiAZZTIX OFF! X.•• fits tag ..I.l.ress And re ftrevee.. toyok. WANTED—Ten i good, sober. 4f,achinery Alouldtrs. Good Twos wad good,. Implapooot wlll De Siren. ADP.' St oatt. to v. & J. COOPE.R, Mount Verona, Obi I= WANTED, BONDS SAD MORTGAGES Q. M. Broker scot Real Ante Agent, So GI 811 , 1 4 11 nc 1, Star T. rgriete WANTED 20,000 AGENTM A 'ample sent Ire, Maine" entirely new and no tounbon. Addrenn. W. IL CHUYIESTEN, wrl7:z97:drY BOG Broadway. New York WANTED Mi:a.osszraosa, • Wbooan engage at once. •roply or address, Ea m = CM=IMM===MTI ANTED. SPENCER 7-SHOT I.lllpae $ . lO rash for seeatehhaa4 SPOICIM RIFLE. or t.,AIIeIN Ed la good working 4..10 If delivered 11000. at the Urea. Mei er 4..10 Uaa Works, cornet rein, and Wayne streets, rms. barge. r. earld:ses.ddr • 'JOHNoTON. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS; &o.) 1? STORE! STO FRESH ARRIVIL OF • • • 13. 3E 2 .1M WEI, NEW PATrANNIS 111 •• Tapestry Brussels.- :Body Brussels, • • i • 3-Ply and • i • Tapestry Ingrains. A Full Lim; of Straw Mattingo, CHECUED AND It ANCr. wilStgra=4lV,VW42l:: franPnisillinul l us Well tog!. us s tall. BOVARD. ROSE & CO., at Tarim errazirr,aeaas AVM uur2Lv7klAnsT over Batas A NM% HAVE REMOVED. !mum BROTHERS . I , ll7zr i rraw y =timal elegant mid ens. No. 51 Fifth Street, • new line or all new and desirable patterns, MEDALLION VELVETS, - Velvets, Brusspls,. • 7:1 PE ST R BRUSSELS, A lain and ebolei uurtntent of Piano and . Table Covers, xoqurini COYE9, 10111 C ItG3 Lis SITS. THREE PLY . AND TWO PLY Ingrains, And avau variety of%q.t.! CarPetin Kt:CALLUM OTHIDIS, GLEULaa. IS tr e wt. • oispwri. _ OLIVER .l M'CLINTOCK 4 COMPANY, HAVE JEST OPENED For,` the Spring Trade, Their spiendia Anon:neater NEW CARPE 'PS G , on Cloth% Shades, ac. Attention Is called to out bat nook of =Loom mu L) PIANO Wm Grua Decline to Prit,;eB. wrirk2CEEIT yenntamr, mon. WE OPEN2D-DAY, ons now Moot PLIP 3EI ' 00. 1 prutut theZestranerna mans In Ingr.in. Three Ply and Eng - hal Tapestry Brunch, which we now Wren at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the lowest prim alneoine war. IitcFARLAND & COLLINS, No 71 paid T 8 Fifth Street. • second Moor. 000ir Bon& Minces Book BIM ' telli.2.1711:11&• . T. • CIA WAIRE1101:18E, . . . . • . RIBBED BREED •'it C 0.,: N. 400 WP:od. street. sEiFv7.lll. l lidg.24:Ml 1111 E ot: LESlYbllms i nbbt:d. C HINAU N MEM. AMtr v at .A IRSTBE fIOtIINA ..41T152 , 44. _ iatstclakt :at aarary deleslation v • .v.sowAtitertVil WARE or all to antt ' , Son:late and re tall trade. d most complet• stock of ea./ " titT b o; itiZtrittne ta CUY. • - Paces .4 tarmsl tn• sum ZS In tha taste CZ el alas.' I ' • FOR "ILE'S:EMIG TRADE. At 26 and 28 St. Clalr Street. We bay. tat store and are 'dssly reeet•lnn; one own and other usettufseto to, a lame stock or rioun imormi.. " 31;i1NITilltr , • . Ten!K ..AND OARIIIMA . • sliVAWILAiibs. Also. i.z InentilEvrt4e4 itULUM'A BELTIN U.. • : * JEIR D ST.EA,..It PICKUP% turba.", le ar e ennbled Loom r:. 4 .71-LlNt s. w . rivr . makers Sod the xasit , elsemlwre lo She • "'"°."' a:4 H. rmiaapa.. 11# F'HAR D'S • OILERS QS iberty Street, SBIJRGA, PA, TRIUMPH:V.I. COMPANY., threacnan. May 11tb. Ibrr NOTrCEL — Pdtraillitllt to a nor A pr lotlon of atm. Irdneeholders. yawn 11 , Do! 1.'171.4 :.14.O.,lr'elliggstlbAgtiT111.47.1:.Wit vultrna f. oats toile•day ordered lb. I .W4l !Poet to be OtatriboSed p. , to .0 0. A, tr. stockholders On and after 4UNt Bin Ids, The Transfer Boots will be <lined Boat /List to the ate dare of Jute, laeloalre. By order the lloanl. WILLIAM .1111/F ALES; . Sterner r. w. wzrrAfrl _. A. L =ZS OM vy ETTA C HI & MEd!! 01T, . Itsonfootaren of ever, : deforlpuox of . Zia/minxes - . 13cactzat g r , Dealers In BELT and LA(X LEOTIIILI L. 1.4 204 2144T11:11421.12 ay.. I' , Must r=3 ~`' NEW lacau7Lah Conrecilosiz. Fruit Store taakery, ICI CIBeAJeiIiALOOI%. and I LAInCil•,O matt ..d 1. solo - narnrino nun% Lntsnan N.-•N.-• 10.17. i 1D•17.1290 .GooD CHEAP IREME IN . OF,AII sebui.trt irmurenwaux 'lll4 , Luithg Ise bus W... as avert ksit. nose, If . _ nut fisisq/kin
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers