The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 01, 1867, Image 1

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. •
rtralaran-mmzur itornuara. :
Omani Ixcitrrix.)
.. ... An nee.
IIuCeTOX e att.
Dueness Measeere,
Urrica.. GAZZTTIL 811tt41150. • •
Mon. Si AND SG
. 111711 STREET.
leptilical • IV . r of Teem itimbuiL
ornan Prnantriaa AHD
• • nix, Or TOL DAILT
3 fritt
.vm. Dopy
er. week 15
ISubscZeg, rel'u.• $9.00.;
4 Address, • - \ GAZETTE,
'' . .. , 1)1.4 . 1i45b . ur,01 Oaittti
WITHIN a few daps a good many pad
dlera haye arrived in thia city, from En
-Toge,rtnd found employment. They re
port i that many more are making ar
rangements to follow shortly: The high
prices paid hero furnish strong Induce
ta the immigration of workers in
Iron. •
By OilDBll of the County Executive
Contmittoe, through its Chairmen, Jour
itttinatz, Esq., the Bahia Republi-
Can 'voters 'of the county Of Allegheny
will meet _at their respective places or
.biatlizigollectiens, this afternoon, to elect
two Delegates' faint each election pie:
-cinet .41 a County-Conveition, to beheld
at the Court House, In the City of Tins
burgh, on Tuesday next, Juno 4th, at
It (o'clock s. sr., to nominate a ticket
for. County Offices, and the election of
Delegates to the State Convention.
The ...mietings ,will be held in the
- *tads and Eoroughs between the hours
of t and 7o'clo i e.l: P. M. and - the voting
be by , ballot.. X.b the TOwn sh !pa between
the bums of 4 - and 6 r and the del&
o' .- eltosen . by marking. I .
"'urs - tatit to resolution or .the Exec
utive (lommltteo, the Convention for the
..eeleetion of, Legislative candidates will
not be convened mitt] September 3d,
1867, of which due notice will be given'
in our columns.
• IN TM= DAYS of SdritteetSClll, the
injured husband can imply take into his
own hands the law and visit the penalty
of death, upon the unfortunate wightwho
hap Pens to seduce .a frail wife from I
virtue. Juries are ready to discover in
sanity in the" murderer of a guilty pate•
moor,. in theii overzealous desirt that
the prisoner should. escape pithishment.
.../The feeling - may be pas owed as it is
quite natural, but such verdicts have a
bad effect on arkr.eti and encourage the
perpeirlition of bloody deeds by thosei
who ehooid leek redress through lawthi
maim.; and maniere& ' The telegraph
Shia .monang.adds one more to the list
Of insane murderers who have avenged
their private wrongs by the taldng away
of. human life. A. little judicious hang.
Jog of tide-class of culprits might mend
matters and preient much crime in the
Tux 2dontLE Ra. ~,,execs bee been
suppressed by Military authority on the
Armand that an article directing the
Freedmen where, when and how to use
Smarms excited to breaches of the peace.
We know. that Liberty. of the . Prom, as
' speech, 'IC often misused. Blitstra
la: of this: fact, in considerable num
, pass under our eyes every day,
in Northern joitrnah); not a few of
Republican - 3h But ie
' , believe in giipphsg , a man's mouth
hemakes a bad use of his tongue,
or suppreuitur a .newsraipei-beceuse its
conductor is
.tteither_a Bolomon nor a
Nodes. 'We prefer Fri:ie.:loin, even with
seine admixture of violence,. to the best
ordered Despotism that ever existed.
Ir wn.n remembered that theltal
Lin Parliament-threw oat the govern
Lunt bill for disposing of church proper
ilea, because it Was too famish/is to' the
smelealiatics. , Bllmes then'the , King
been negotiating with the Pope on .the
question, and boa promised to assume
dictatorial' power in ease the Parliament
i3hall persist in rejecting the measure.
. .
. -
This Would bo aerfoui step for the
King to take, and the nr.anlmity of. the
.Parliament 'was sn great., and in such
inanife-tt accoennce 'with tho Tiopular
will; that, lte could hardly expet to
maintain a dictatorship without the aid
of the Catholic powers. . - .
CHARLES O'Connbn his gives awrlt- opinion to the effect that Slavery his
not been legally abolished, the emistitu.
tional Amendment not having been rats.
Bed as he thinks it out to be. Bla r ;ery
'was abolished' by Proclamsdien, under
Martkal Law, and all the laWyers in the
cnnti7 cannot quibble it back Into exist
mum. A serious atternOt tO restore it would
lead to "a war of races"lthat would ap.
Finn the whqle race
a t hairsplittera
Besides,the revolted ates will not.get
Amick into the Union until they shill so
ratify the Clonatltutiotud Amendment as
to 1 . 13% its validity biyond cavil.
able to manhood aulfrage throughout the
Union, lute been "called by the Re publi
. can State Committee -of iffarylanti t to
assemble in Baltimore on the 12th of
Se - Somber nett EManating from Nary
, lan di_the call will doubtless be reiponded
to by all the border Slates, and th& Con- :
ventioi prove an important public gath-
TITS fresh rumors .1 another Fenian
raid do' not frighten the citizens of the
Dominion.of Canada.. The feet Is, the
Fenians:liave prombied much, and
performed so little, that theyhave ceased
to excite alarm; except for the security
of the mere reckless among their own
Tnz Asenir 21 - atignai wittily observes
r that the present situation may pc
summed up In a single phrase: "Now
that we have made peace, let's. tight."
The tone of . the Prosaism and French
journals, particularly the former, Judi-
Cates that this is more than a aritticiaza.
Tun testimony of Gen. Pope and Col:
Shepherd, as to the Mobile riot, Is very
strong. 'Pne riot : was premeditated and
unprovoked.'. No ponder Mi. lialley
did not see 'nroPer to go back, to give
the rascals a chance to show. •at him
A Pntheortrtlll been held
to bail for firing a loaded gun at &gentle.
aunt who called at an unreasonable hour
of night to secure, for a - member of his
family, the professional service!' of the
if ritablo pill bor„disctple.
Tua PttESSOZAT hu intern:llona to TO
lostata the Mayor and Council of Mo
bile, renioved by General PopoTor'neg.
ligenco In
. prenerving order on the Or
-0161012 of Mr. Selley'ispece.b.
Ifounow B. LOWItY, In a re
ply w a letter signed by three hundred
dawns of Titusville, Crawford county,
has ehnounced himself a candidate for
re-election to the State Senate.
Pr rs thought by Mr. Seward . tbat
TEM will dolby . Maximillan as 'President
Lincoln wanted Cien. Sherman
to do by
the rebel leaders—let him escape. •
'rue Brltialiddmimlty La about to to
gage In a aerie's of experimmta atwo o l.
.01eb, to determine tbo comparative val
toot otle as foci:
Ithasta has an Wire army numbering.
nearly a million aoldiers. This force'
can. be Increased fitly per' cent. at the
CONNExTicuT la about, to: fall into the
popular error of makleg eight „boars
.eorkstltute a legal day's arork,
IT !S estlmsteillbat. one and. a half
btllloa of , dollars ore employod
as rell
roadcapital 'n1,11°1:411141 Buttes. ' :
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VOLUME LXXXII. - 10. 129
The English Reform BM.
Fenian Condon Acquitted.
The Steamshii, Tornado Case.
CUT Telegraph to the Plitabirgh bustle.)
LONDO.If, Mity St —Mob the Corn
meal', to-night, another division ttiok hliee
on the hero= :.An, ainettLituit Ise
proposed by the Liberate •itesaistenf that
beirouith Wall have a populatton of not less
hhistnevelity thousand, in order to Do en
titled to nileat to thteCommons, The dive,
einn risottos' in a victory for the Liberals,
who carried their aniondinent o try a major-
Hy of one hundred and twenty-emu.
Tam rcitAncoN,Dox Acionrieit
otevidoci behore
the Spectel Commistl63l#6 malted la: aft
Iserat csawas. CONettTylilON.
Drnater. : MNP • 111,eveninp.—In the Pine.
else ralliunent tatter the bill adopting
tat new: Cooatititlon of the North Gerrom
Confederation. passed to a wooed reading.
. , • inn rounauo rasa.' . .
M.Lorun,ldar 31.—Tlio 01.10 ill of the Ceara
eh Ip Tortuelo lure duareeded In Obtaining
a new mist ot.r.lie on.. in the Superior
Court or/noun. - i
Loam. May 31—EVraing.--Coaaol • 1.6!.5
Ylvt-Twentlea 7; 11Itho. Gentral 76,115rl •
ravrnareer.. May 31.—Evesfee.—Cotton
clasod !inlet; Uplands IINgill!id; Oricana
UM: • Ma.ncheater market buoyant...Hread
stuffs ender. Corn declined 3d. quoted at
Zia 3d. Peas la Invfm; Canadian 40,...415ts
firmer at 34. CO. Barley steady. Wheat and
.flour unchanged. Provisions and produce
unchanged. • . •
-LasnoS, May Me•Zonstno.—Markets. ha
' Pas-N[l3re, May Si.. Atteiny.—United
acmes beads, 17M.
.I..iflraar, May 31—Evenine.—Petroleum
Is °relining at 42 francs pet one hundred
Illy Aran.]
Prattle sod tree • lade—French Army
'Orsontweleo—Tbe War in Crete—
Detested" Omar rube PO Cos
Ormett—ltaly and the Luxemburg.
' rreaty—Alratrs Is Rasta—Leaden
Tamee ea the llextran Question. In
• Relation to Almerteaa laterferwtre;
are. ' ' ' "
Telefraphto the Pl:ubursb GueLYs.J
Kris Yoim, May; 3L—The swarmed!.
Dentohland has arrived from Southampton.
Napoleon'elnned the Lannon treetY on the
lath, and the King at Prussia likewise on
the Nth. •
Uartha:ll has accepted the honorary Pros- of the British Reform
The Pau* has reason to that
Prusainn agenta have been dispatched. to
New Tack to purchase iron clad. The
inmudago •Mong the number spoken of.
A strong dimension !estate between the
French tiovernment and the Legislative
body on the bill for the orkanikatton or the
army, which:it ie amen - led, the nom miasion
of the Chstoper has tinsolutetl — reJeoted.
FrenchDelnaa urges the completv in of the
system, or defenses. and the neees,
lily or being rrepared In any eteergenea.
France dailies peace, but Mao desires to be
PreimPstior any event.
Tril• Queen or Spain SUM Pars shoat
... . _. .
-Fire tuthelroeilligainta, wbo i...Pted
mority, Itallllll-1 - re.i m Spain.
The rathcrod dLsturbancca , 133. Disealonia
Constantinople telegram cantina, the
statement that Omar 'Leah. bad beeuthrlee
repulsed In the great attack male on the
Cretan insurgents at Spliskni.
The Tunnel" Government hex .p
for prornulgatton the tollowlug petered
Itcormmizatlem of the fluariclal systemiCro
tan new Conned of State; reform of finitary
School.; mltuting toloreigteere the right of,
lied tenure; reform Of pre/oedema Judi
cial Courts, do- Tile Russian Moister re
ceived marked Donors by the Sultan aid
the Porte. . • k
The Seinen - aild-Rotuardisn deputlea
Mud that the nationalty chatted be, set
tled taihref the Coronation or lfranali Jo
sephi as King of Ileingan,
The Ring of flair, In Wireneh,
the treaty of London. Nevertheless. he
sold; we must in no illustens.eother corn
plieetlons may acme.. We shall be !enemata
in thin period of peace, no niece.' In re
organizing our Amulets..
1..., tiny-V.—The Gotontine° on the
Reorganisation or the Army agreed to de
mand of the Government that the effective
' , ones et the army be 11104 at 103,000 men.
The Government COPOSVOte4 to the proposal
that the anneal . military contlngent shall
be voted by the Legislative body.
The Kintner Of War, by order of the Em
peror. ties tutted. an order reducing from
aMO - to 2.500 trance the amoant to be paid for
exemption from mildaryeervice.
heats,. Ilayat—lt
thatt LlO . proposaln for general disarmament
had reached Berlin tram England. The
North German Fienefla areas attention to
the rotary or• continued armament In
• The London Timer' article of the:Nit, on
alesicanatfairs,says teat Juarez can peither'i
cousin:set nor maintain a Government, and
•iT appears to be believed that the United
States mast attempt en Interventina. The I
Mexicans are incapable of self•government.
The Americans may be relied/Lotto under
take It, hut they brought it on themselVel,
for the Amerthan Government said the
French MOH quit Nerlco. Thevwlit expo .
clance some resistance' as the French did,
brit they have greater advantages Na over
coming It. Whatever cause - or principle of I
policy they raveled= theFiwill find a fen•
tree to oppose their interveritlon.and rise
to Insurrection. •nin opposition.they must
suppress, as the French would have done,
Jig twee °Farms, and with little respect to
The ilcetrlnes of natlonelity. or Independ.
once. The work will ho probably trouble- I
some;but • stall rote be no.
body to hinder it. e may presume It will
acoomplishrel at last.
The captain and craw of the English ship
aseam t alley, who landed on North. Ando.
ma. lotted. were attacked and overpower. ,
ed by the natives Who are menials, anal
Is feared all were meatacred. The Govern
ment, will dispatch a steamer to reecho the
survivors, should any remain. L
The o:isinglass Piles Drawing—leek.
eye elan
d. Coarse fleets —prlng mpg
(By Telegraph to the Pltteinuel, aestte.'3
Cmcnorsvt. May 31.—Number 6,598 drew
the 430,0ue prise In Murray, Eddy it
Covington. Kentucky, drawing to-day.
The Buckeye Course was well attended
Ms afternoon.' There were two sweet The
first nue, two mile beata,lor three year old
colts and 11111ns, was won by, Swan earns hey
alloy, DT' Lealnatem; time, 11404, and' 31:Oli.
The ;mooed maser.. a dealt °flare miles for
Tall ages. purse $lOl. TM. home started.
he rage was wort by Moonlight; time.
' SO peen fight between Jones' and Mo,
Cool was settled to-nay. They agree to
fight within .afty miles of Cinclunati far
111,000 a
Cmcorwart, May Zl.—The Presbyterlan
Gob. Al Assembly adjourned yesterday to
meet mart May.
c..maasett d on, Assessor of th e
Float ',Millet Of 01110. dledlesterday.
Gem O'Neill -Trivenee lo CaMde—
wo Not Feared by Sue
Caoadiare. • •
Mx T.lerrieb te Pittsburgh Gasette•Jr.:
New Yong. May 41.—A1 Ogderetbdrit car•
respent says: General-0%011. the Fenian
leader. has beep traveling Ineognito through
Gaitmla during the,past Mx sr peke, and on
11011 day arrived at I Primeott, and examined
the 'Forks at Fort' Wellington by lairMhi
stoner the commandant at that place. lie
then returned safely to the. American side.
A Moni real epeetal says: The remote of a
Fenian invasion creates no excitement here.
The people laugh at the reports • ^!, i n eb
upon them as • eery tr. n.
to hoax the CAMA,in. i
tinned atateitout et a P 01,4011 of Its oostOla
datme. .
Iteperte ow' lbw Mobil* Mere.
(13TTelesraph tf• thin rlttsburr33 lias.tue, 3 /
'2lr. yeas . May , 21.-213.3 report,. or Gee.
nd Pope end Colonel attepherd on the
Mobile riot. are published. General Pope
declares lion the 'Mayor took no steps to
prevent disturbances which everybody ex ,
peeled, sod Vint the Chief of Police wee
either 131 syurptthy. with the rlotersoennlit
fortis ellice. Re removed them for 001 0 .3.,
nal .miseomPret, rind etephstically.stOrms
that another riot will not occur while their
successors hort•oince. •
- Colonel wee preient at the
Meeting, says • that Tudife' Kelley's epeech
leas dopilled and Marlette Intl folly ao..
antes blot of proyoling the dletnegtoos.
!steimer 4;“ Hard
CDs Tcharash b ibeWitistwirsh Ossetia)
!wawroan. Stay 3t.-The etesnlerOld
Colony, to New York, broke her ma.
chinarr. The mob muted consternation
among the pascensere far a time, but :moue
was lo oral. ' Tho steamer was towed bank
hereby the Motkopollisia, which found her
to a helpless condition.:
• Arroitoge fee lorsee7,.
L KY Teutrapb ta the rittobareh • 41..“„ ) .
..Plititeesiehte, May 31.- I Lortmacr 11. , Shop.
Bwekjyn, hah been &metal hers
for several fOrgerfes,urogontioN is
' •
Third nail !losing Dar or Usioday
Reboot • Coneentiseli—ne els room
Irenuotio•—ilinek E Exercise—
'. LITeEr Diseussion Esoolution•
nous Ito tbelimitlee on Resolutions
eailoW too to nonslip/8—
PURIM:rib solicited al. lbw plisse of
noel Stow COnsontidsHlltalle Omni.
issetiss perfeined—Cleedirs Mattees—
Eiletsl Elitnesline7E.lened Mouse—
flocetal-porcepeadence rttlenerch G.lettel
\l`nrtalcataeul,ltsy,3o. NUL
• The =Coln, %colon eras prefaced with e
fall hoer of detrotlemel atomises, nedek the
IllteeDon of Uev.llr.Neonard,
Drealdebt Pollock talk the 'chair, and after
some routine tetttere were dtsposed d , re.
,(Flip, Mantles were Cesemal. -
meaning with Delaware ocrentp.
,Dep en.
tatlons were made Diem Dradhird, rte,
lhttlnanoe,lndlina,Lencester,taw ace
Lueerne, Vol Doreer cocottes.
Dr. Jacob DrlnkenheZtt; of New York wee
elicited •, Correspolulleg DeMber o , the
. Illaeshoalq Oat:italics weretabon eta tr. l
Meettlian gave a rapid *bathe( the meaner
'in which he Illustrsted his teachings to the
Sabbath achool. Picture teaceteg inks lop
rewarded ea the dearest It:teeter getting Ow
children's attendee.
Mr. E. 1. Cowell spoke of the different
methrals of meting. lie Mood' therarl.
one stem Of human life, and thentditerted
to theanstorns of theliutileatil ,
Alfred Tityloe:elsowedirltt alcourthy
black board rovcreise. • His representations
were ern Striking chareeterOand in his
ehatilkteristleNtyle. fo illitstrithtne.tteich•
thy be gave o,4race/titian of the nations that
worshipped Batl. die also illustrated ye-
Mons doctrine. loahow how cemilly chit.
dreg R3l mllta. o'cit9g.dorkE. At/O=Tut
the resolution*, nascent. en to them. at
yosterday,'s eireslißtn, Atrief, as follows:
Theo. Le ithpertsitendent of Common
Schools for his proffer of 00-opeddieved
offering twilit - lee to the StindaY.," .0/
system; fears for the youths d,frelr :Moe 6D•
tering manhood and froMillhood,, because
of their dispotitilid to absent themselves
froth %bib ballbhth Schools; regret entreated
that SO many unworthy books „are allowed
to be placed in Sunday School liirrartoS,
recommending care in their celettlemt both
winin that while melte 111
he In g
terests anti illlcieney or Sabbath
Schooinctbetnageof topics la too limited,
both in hymns and tunes, Snuday School
Instituthsonormnection with theological
seminaries, commended;greding of Schaal&
is separatedeparunents with • tett books
waggestell gnu:Cadent to alt dad above all,
and Nall, Is th e Satnitir ileglnfluence of the
Holy Spirit,. till, mouse. power, the one
thingaowlftil, the des vas easy withont
I which Mimeons will fall. In Mellott:sakes
Of these resolutions sonSldierable feeling,
tie^se to regard to the phraseology of some
of them. HoWever, they jsashed - With bat
little change from the original ter=
Afternoon ecesion was opened with the
usual devotional ehemist* under the di.
mums of Mr. A. Mattin.
The foliowibg reaointion was passed?
Reeelted, As the eetue of this ConvenVon.
the; the detles and respoosibliltlea of
teichers is Sunda Schools are In many re
enalignith 55 those of a, minister of
the gospel, had partake of that eoleinti and
belY is therete thenceberit on
teacners consider that Wrath-no-work
ers with the tatillire St the Lord .1 erns
Christ. hi tralbllig pe, Lambs of Christ , .
'ft eel. het that if they do not powerfully
and diligently use the talents with which
God has endowed them. and radon to all
proper meat. to fit themselves. both Intel
lectually and spiritually, for their work
the Vineyard, for without the
moot Impetatim moue withdrew from db.
terrine) they incur a fearful responsthUlty,
for whims they most account to lied. Alan.
that members of chinches who we mumble
of beenniew telohnes. and refuse, no not.
by their refusal , exempt., themselve s from e
like responalbilitY. .
Repretentative& were present From the
Come for Little Wandered* who sung some
delightful songs. This charity warn cow ,
The following preamble - and resolution
r. adopted r
Witintess, The first Pattern! Sabbath
School Convention ever held In this coun
try, Cu m the city of Phlladelphla In Feb
ruary, Lap, and as the Ant decade of years
then entreat
Re.3l mt. Tut the .oemmittee aelanhtna
et the last National ConentlUen In assem
bling the Convention, of Which Me. George
R. Stuart is chairman, be requested to ex
tend an InvltatlOn to the tarliftuaeOnvert; ,
mese( the Calm at their seeeloos in next
year. to meet ha thee city on the gat Tues
day of 1117, t3ll.
Mr. G•orli.Cooknan moved that toolbar
convention be held on the Lard Teasley in
Key, ISGS, which eras attuned. After some
. re:mks . on n tle ,, r i p t tattatlons of
Atmerson chlete with grrnt
We Should have stated that resolution.
were adopted In the early pert at the day ,
ereressing gratitude tor Uumm settee UM 'of
Male the
Legislature in Os
pl Am Of
tmonlionthe Mi Mus nn. Os - the - Sabbath, belle,
Ing.that a geld of maulers. b thereby .
opened for Inensased Sabbath School work.
and also urging ministers. superintendents
mut teachers to Inculcate more thorouehly
ope bett er inds of scholar. the Importance
of • observance of the Sabbatt, day.
The Commit em an- State organisation to.
ported a form of Constitutiort for the oon
shienttlon of the Convention. It was thee
considered article by article. The Conti.
-lotion, In brief, Is as follows: First mo
tion states the GOMM to be to unite all livan
gellml Christians throughout the State to
promote the Sabbath ethoollnatitution and
the formation of county organimtions.
Second--0111mrs, a Prestdent, two Vim
Presidents for eachtenorninationi Secreta
ry and Astietant Seereterles for each coun
ty; husinessemmulttees from =ere:apart.
of the Math ke.
Some pantom of the proposed Constitto
"Lion elicited a very A:deiced disemmon,
peClally the appointment Of sisalmied See.
rotary, which, howaver,srm emend,
the powers the Bealneas Committee
Vioeldposseseln regard Lathe appointment
of county Secretaries. There emoted to be
* doposition to. try theexperament this
year, • and whatever defects were ems
la the instrument, could be stricken out Sr
meddled to sort the Lesigotieles: hereafter.
Considerable stress was made upon the ene
mas resulting from t h e Uhlo and :ie. lark
State organize/tons.o a roman for per
fectmo one In this State. heretofore ems.
atonal Sate Conventions have Dean held,
Inthotat reference to any system or plan of
operation., the leek of which led to the le.
augenttlne Of all the machinery 10 Opera
tion In Other States.
At the elme of the disensolon on the
State Ortreattlatlon andnatter, thereon,
some resolute,.. and matins matters hUctl
the remainder of the mouton.
As already elated the Convention closed
kith asocial gathering under the sopervhs
ion of a COMMILI.OO Of lady teacher. of
Pliii.delpbta. The ladle. made . great
prepuations to make . the event mum on
with great eelat,i and they,lanPllY theelltdl
el in rendering the event a merry one, iddr
one that still long be remembered by those
Wllll were present. SzGoventor Pollock
peraided and made the welcome
were after which suitable relhdoo. services were
held. The PrOfttillen of good things of the
most 'tempting epicurean-kind,
tig Masai t
brohtand qulth a flow of 'peaches fro
tile delegabm. which served to while awn
Urns rapidly and blearaotly.
Tordmorrespondentgbeal&s those named.
wee greatly facilitated by kind atten
tions from Mr. George Contemn, brother Of
Rev. Alfred Cookman, a layman of mach
lamellas] worth in tbe praiseworthy mcrim ,
moots of the days from Rev. T. Tbetnas,
• prominent book seller; Rev. .111 r. Cam.
ming.. and others. Mr. H. W. Kens". Pro•
primer of the Girard noose, oar host, did
everything to make our stowpleasant in
his eneellent and well appointe d Role/. It
Is no marvel that his heath Is Crowded with
geese's, with signed eprinkle tomtits, West.
glarylattd Conatitakaloosl irloaaTara:-
esope—anaveas Qaeateea. •
Ili► Telegraph to the rlttehargb °agave.] •
'.Nye Toes, Slay 3L—an Annapolis. Mary
land, special says: The adoption of tho sub.
‘stlttite by the convention for the 21thartl.
de or the Ball or Mote, u onglnally re•
ported by the tarnmatoo op Bill of Rights,
by the lame majority or 7d to2l, Cd_riy sod
clearly defame the position of the body on
tho euestiori. The substitute reeds, that
slavery shall, not be reastablished in [tits,'
Sthte, bet having •
bean abolished under.
Talley and authority of the United Slat ,
compensation tn oonsuleration thereof Is
due from the United states. The original
°"lole wt. Amply. slavery shall not la per.
mittee In the State. ,
. . .
The Toner. special says , In the Maryland
Coustlinshmal COUVODUOI3, on Tuesday
morning, Mr. Peter., a delegate, is Id hotted
'received ►latter trout Charles (Moaner, of
New Tort, in which he expressed the °Pia
ton that slavery has never been 'lawfully
abolished, and that the amendment to that'
effect has no place to the Constitution. Mr.
Patera quoted this opinion to sustain his Or.
gionent In fever of allowing slaveholdert
to claim compensation for emancipated
slaves. •
In the State Convention, by a vote of
airtru, forty. It was deelned that the nue.
lion of removing the' disability heretofore
imposed on negroes, preventing teem
testifying in the Courts of the Mato, ought
to be settler by the Convention, and Om
Constitution now being formed ought to
contain • provision removing such Ulu,
Decoration ti r of Confederate
Dead—iiiewlew of Tesoro by,
f fir Tele/rape to the Plttabarsb Gazette.)
limn/mono, VA., Hay ID — . Coder wes ch.
..• • e.,1 by the heel. of this city In eltnni
iee the graves of ootifederate dead The
stores wench:4W an 4 about tati-etionsand
trg:g ry were in attendance at Tiolywood
General Schofield reviewed troop. of Mb
District Ohl Morning.
• •
Tboneblle llgoolelpiio Offleer*.
far 'relearn& to the Monett Gagnon.)
lisw Team, Mir 111.—A special frosnWut.
Luzon mays the President contemplates tbe
Teetoratlon of the Mayoras lO
C 0....
ell of doomed by oral rope, to
their old poeltaona. Ire Idoso on the
etrength or General. Beralrno'• report and
the opinion 01 too Attoenor Gooorol.
.Ametbe, ttontioldo Convicted
CO , ToaraPato tao Eat , .buroa Valetta,
Naw l,tuu•tnea, N. J. MAY :Vat
not Woo has Won eon vietetl of murder In
Now Or.t dranwltor 101111 Mrs.Cotioll, at Now
Market. The trial lasted atom Cayce
Maas, Willem.% eta sus !sears:rt.
Ttionsou to the rlttootirge tlootto•1
Balms alma, May 3L—Altoreer _
Brewster Alla SeeretarY or BMW' Gortlon
left this afternoom wltlt an erourslon party
Pole Phßadelphla, for the for West.
The !Imaterial Essatrateta. •
IVaterap_b to tua rittabarah Vasatta , ..)
:=2 . l 3 .— b n =orb 1 4.6. i a , d
QV; for' ttto Wan At P o.clook tomer.
row monanz• -
l a rttatt WASHINGTON
. ,
_,, •
PortftslKlNtster—lntiersuall Nevem.,
—lrreadtpeuss Dario Bepotte-Par•
alums of filczel Cleota—Exeltemeall
4arab E'er tlos,
(By Sclegroh to Mb Pittsburgh biusette.)
iiiiaatworom, May dl t 186 T
ithirrint halt roartnut.' '
Mr. Ilignel Martin Pantos. reeelyo d
to-day as liinleter of rause, delivered
brief :address. The President replied.
'termite/tr. 33V:tithe
lShe hielpta of internal Reverie° tarlity
eer° lnearly ono million. The Increased
recelote Una Month • ea compared- with
April are over two aria A halt 1111111Oes.
u f . a l i zszottalr semen, smart,.
froth agents of the Trainmen'.
Ile "-- ut a "ak Oeolgta, Virginia and South
Catalina,) s An improved tondltion of
the Tree as roguroc the tabor goes.
Sion, andSeprotent that but for the old
stentel . ed to sneering clustina by tbo es
ereinent.rtang deo= gontd have Melted
from Stalsatted.
tun oeinca
The Col:amanita= fitneeral of tee Lind
Otte?. e.e eeStl trio learnable instructions to
tleinarresstr Glemerallertgagnote; *Mt AL
11.4 . 1 W to put is immediate operettee the
public land MGM of serval's. The !as
sayer. GAeral , s Idiot iffil be At Helena, &I
-t eSICSAIYQS (toner
fltAce frkaeXE, ti rattdrabuth.
przornt or moue earrs..
The factettry Of the Treasury has 'an.
Wedeln the Director of the Mint, with •
view of obthining a aupnly of niched facer,.
veufent forM to 'purchase , nickel mats,
plying hairline' ?elite 10 ULM, Mill eye
cent pleatrilthiGt *lll be oummenoud 0/2
;trona of Juno.
TOO larolelTAi ILOOTION—ii-ZZarta •ertr
fot human. kW) Mnill toTOOZb.
The Interestattatibetl to tali Wining min.
electilin ls inereasing= The realatry
commenced fed d I... Whine hum
drod mimes were ge& The ...owe
tam been , to 'large that the reg..
lstrara were ' . inhabit to hit throligh the
.work -at eatitiown, but as an um
ecerimodatico wW alt until midnight.
Capt. Tanalli., who ackwed in the 4:aureole.
ate army, and ot
, i'rsirilited on the aide
elite rebeillph p ted thegiselvea,
=rea l Ts= te , 2h * c . i d l ec a lat l r beingthat who n
'he thereby furnished old and comfort to
the enemy. A nuniber Of black men were
rejected On soooont of Oct hiving reldOe9
m the City for the Uoloreontrod byline, vim
twelve month..
LB, TcleltraPti to the Plttabutsh UAWUI.I .
N. Y0u..114/ 31,137.
TOROX. 11.21153.11t11. .
John - R. Traifiry- akelth:434ti'lettct or
forging. peeeten and Waxily pavers. was
eentezeed to tire years In the Mate prime;
Jain. L Foster, fsr the same ofFenee, two
years Imprisonment.
• Ttena ;Laze: necteloa..,
Judge Daly, of the Court al Cosettioit nest,
has decided that the construction of a ter
tchine in the fora, of • letter constitutes a
rade :mart, and attuned an Inlenetlen
widest the tenactecturt.of • Certain elan
of sewing Inaehtnett. • •• .
neartnatai names oole're.
Wm. &bonnet. wbo murdered•hla lead
lord a few months agoom the latter inter
fering & quarrel better= liltd anft...bie
wife, plead rift). and eras sentewnwl to
prisonfor II a. It is said that richoahlit was
convicted of a murder In Germany: but
'pardqiied on the occasion of a Prince cons.
leg of ago, when tt Is the bust= lb pardon
the &realest ertnintal In the °denteT.
memos To a w
The return of Ur. Pritchard to the man
damus anilines him to show the transfer .
hooks or the Chttago and Vorthwestern
Railroad Company, was flied to•day. its
says he has exhibited the statement of com
mon and pm:sired stock tlntetl4olll4 fur
transfer, bet has not bad under his charge
any tranntor books. mock ledger or list. es
rept so far m appears on the clrtideste book
and armament of certilicates so surran-
ratv.v. =ramTO AAAAA arr.
A inlv , it* Othaet Adt•ina-i
FArnikiat, as. Tbursday. at klanbailAza Club.
-1 none wkiaewmgTroilgcmg:,,l
The IfriufsartiV7silleitanet Concitileslon,
in acknowledging • further contrit:dam of
s3l,n t' to gold from Callitrrnha Mate that
the Wm:seal& Purveyor will sail for Char.:
hate., Savannah and Montle, with =AO'
bushels of corm,on Tuesday next.
' smetbe es a am. s*ortmeroi. ,
Wesley U. 11111, formerly n well lotowo
hotel , proprietor,. committed ►mold° in
Brooklyn, ta,d►y,
Negrerirelleernem •ppNeted—loerre
*gem Ordered to reels Cebao—Yers
Cm_ Ready se do ildrreddered.
[Br Telegraph to the rittoomentiasetenl
gra.MaYlll:- , ..115J0r Reath' no-.
pointed two owned to policemen n0. 4 11Y.
Advicee from llamas to the state
thetththt. Gen. Mantua notified the Con
sular Agent of the Juarez: Government to
quit the island within eight days..'
The sugar and medusas warehouse of Mr.
Maekenza was destroyed by fire !on the
nistt of the %tit. •
The Trench steamer SODOM, arr4ed to
day from Vera , Cros.'oontirnes the drama
der of Mazimillen and his Uenends. The
onmteander of Vies Crdz wasonly coking
omelet notification to surrouder the city.
raom MOBILE.
The .11tepublleas" Newepeper 'Shaw
pressed by the Military COpllslimustl. ,
(.11vVel•grap4 mthe Pittabunth Uss.6.l
•he Mea Na d., Mar M.—Yebist n ray's edition or
ttional 'Fhpulems U ' . edition
lished in this city, was suppressed by order
of the Military emantandent, a guard we. '
placed over the onion, and the future publi
cation prohibited nntitihe proof sheet. are
mubmitted U. the Commandant. The Order
ewe the patsy le renderod amenable with,'
last paragraph of the Oeteral Order of Play
19th, prohibiting the publication of artielee..
inedtiow to riot and violence, Or the public.
nee of locondisay busgusge. The article,
referred to wee instractiag tee L frersiMee,
when, where, and bow tease firearms. 7
Me/Miry StelrulaUons—Datrlei , to be
aam• la ••Oatet Cllty— Tee Allobple
wl O leAtalleirl.
thy Tatters:A to the lettsbersh Ossetia.)
bv. tords. May 31.—The City Connell has
i=SD online:me prohlettute the keep,
tuore theater° myna by nay ions per
son within the eity. Waits. ' will com
pel the removal-or a number of dairies to
the oonutry. amt "really improve the seal
tary etindition of the city.
A Cairo dispatch eaye the extenalon or
the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to s. point to
Kentucky opposite Cairo. 1e finally deter
mined upon, sue that the work will he damp,
Rioted Ina ab ort tame. The endigleg of the
blue river et Calve fa also contemplated.
to Keel at Baltimore.
ray Toegreet. tette, Pluaberse Wittig)
81.111110141. MAY 111.—The Republican
.Late Comouttot ma Mined • call for •
.rder State Convention, to be held on the
Lb of September In tbt, oily. Delaware,
West Virginia, Bent:may. Teeming. and
Khmer! are Invited to ereoperste In
the movement and send — delegate,
without regard to ifee or color; es -each
deem expedient.' The object of the Con.
motion la to orgamee an apical niCongnes
for the puma. of the SumneoWtleen bID
or ireeh other legislation aa trlllicael to the
establishment °manhood suffrage through.
out teeth:don;
?rho Coostry. Wootton—Solontre to be
Preeldeat—biolootte will eettbro to
Mr Telegraph to the rlttsbareb tia4tte.l
male/con, May al.—Advice* from Hayti
to May nth Man that the oonritry I. tra.
gull. Solna.. °main ned Provlaloaal Prams
cleat. Iltll2 It IVY ballimod wemd aeoept the
Preoldenoy by • probably ungallant. vote
of tho people. He la e. ono of !proarnis,
04„,11.1T= " it u ravgwilt
remattier of ill days, bet with no thought of
taking part In tonna asron. He Is over
eightryears of age, awl oise Ode of hie body
la gene paralyzed. • '
ttttt 41•111 0,r1.11,:r•na11.....:11..1..1 " IW
EBY Telerroh tlia Plttabursti f. . 1 1.1.3
Sam Faaacisco ' may Re/Lehi , .
Tokottsms oontapoodent, writing Atoll
Mtt. swat News basinat errivee from eta.
ea that the Foretell ellitlaters were cordial
1y received by the Ilovernment, of hums
'rile letter agreed to open the porta or Oes,
rodeo and Newels, Oa
newst Pf Jensen'
nestr.ylie oornmarni. II la tineopoP
tent. The •
proposition to esteblisu gas works at
Y okohems Ls favorably received.
mom oil OIPY
(Mho. Tarawa from a north sad
Prowased Slang aeS 'Vaud. • ,
(tly Atlantis sad racier 'Telegraph Csaapasrfl
Ott Carr, Pa. MIT 31,—Aggrederlat Keno
ter wag riingI nto the river to water hie
hone, this afternOon, the horslifslldown In
the water. throwing Mr. Master o/r• He
dhlaPPeansd. and blood bole found oh the
water leads to the supposition that the
horse kicked him while under water. Uls
tads , has not boon recovered /naves
large family to mourn his 1n... •$. Iwe ep.l gi
WIO £m.,7. a...
to th PIII.b,g Uuctt,
seaman/he, Maim, 'ley 31.—An °Metal
del:lutetium from the Frew* government,
*bleb has hem Iwthls chi toe %heave two
days, exaloinfu e the, selwory, pen foe Aew
• Ver . Cooney Comxoteeforter.--Jossph
, ll ,,Vgteield. Red, of the Second Ward,
b ly, denounces himself% as a mandl- I
FOURTH PAGS.—The Jaherf_.da te Mr trio einem of County Corrithisaloner, 1
c ' a ,,... " !,' " ?. 1 bJect to the decision of the. nominating
/fonts mo r .v. Ca and 5T......"..r... - ..... : converition of the Union Republican Yarty. '
ports grime by any paper In the city, mill he i Mr. McDonald tuts long and faithfully rep. i
found on our !berth itite. • ; resented the interests of his ward In the ;
I 1 Allegheny Councils and him now an envie- i
--- elie—!. --- 7: - reputation es an energetic, enterpri- 1
The Nononeesial Intr. ! • . i • a b g s itt and honorable citizen, and an earnest I
The attendance at the lhdr cm:Monis tie- . and anylcldting advocate anti' adherent to ;
abated. The hall last night was fated whir L i r,T,l' o N,"T,lr ee t . t i t h . ,`,' E"..,j,'irtY . ;,,„ l f
a fashionable' andienee. Who aftpeared - well 1 capable officer. , . .
pleaded with the entertainments, and gave .
. . I
liberally admit mmille toward the °Wet - Dr. LivingatoniVe Tratrele.-Unßibnday•i
for whleh It Is Intended. The vote on the evonitig next will oemb et ntasemic nalt
roam •artctes ,
- the tringnilicent work or art Illustrative of I
the travail of the lanrentod' explorer of ,
Remains tit about the inene - proportirat as Arrto.., It has wonuntvereei p ra i se 1 0
reported la Vesterdek tittirenrs paper. On I every city where It has exhibited and doubt- I .
the Hose carriage the Woe still keeps ',17::: equa lly attractive here. 1
'ill prove
inetsallibitian will be de
, ahead. The largest vote." the s
e ver barn ! voted to the benefit of the Birmingham
' is ter the Good Intent. The vote for the; . Baptist Church. We earnestly advise our
other priie ortieleireihalrts with the same readen to be In ottedeere. fie each rare
_,_ , works o[ art seldom eta even in the city.
. mimes In advance as reported yester da y; •
Tel tawnexcevitsa noole I
Before Alderman Thormse.--Joha gel.
Under charge of Mr. Leonard IL Johns. I liven mad° InformeMon before Alderman
' not noticed fully in odreflumattioforo, has 11. J. Thole.. YergtANd against lertr,;
, now 51%111 eneply of all Manner of decline .
, grat b :2ll o ftt a lltsaboth Blast battery .
' articles on band to bedouposod of at mod- m was dismissed for, want f eyl
rate rates. Fancy and domestic articimi of :, fen ce. I
pi dosoriptiotes eau be Mend here,includ- , Ruth Morgan made information before :
'or lisidul ma'
brae r le i llm ° . 71 . 1 4 thd eseleeed In the i ths:wir anion
:111Ft l i ' llTir The parties 1
management of the by Mies. Bing- • at West Hiltaboth. A warrant has bean is. ,
I base, Robinson, Snow 0, Finer, Steel, . sued,
• i
Chamberialn and other yanite ladles of ten • • •
" M g h . who dia P hL Y ee n ala.dah! ... ar al i TU113410 Known Tonle--Cos•roll • xis Cir 1
In their work: At thie teeth can be found & Co, ~ c 0„,, , ,,,,,,,,, of to: . , t , 0 ,i,,, 0rt ,,, 1
phOtOirranhe of Rev. ll.,Lee, pastor of the; to , c ..„„ i ., know . as ithava „ ra.
rrosbytoritia Churth. and "Ilion we ender- I to , k „.,„,. of „„,.. ya. , Tn . ; ,„„ ~,,,,,,,...,
stanaroln scla remlncrailro article of ; cc ,„ to ~,,,,,,,,dt We p0t ",,, z ,, rt , neo ,, ,
the Malan.. Tao table is sittelted onthe . waste of the nervistissucOind the Malatya 1
.taftit. of the boil. 1,?-1fecto th e eatraacb• i gives a natural, bealthfultone to the diger, I
zest xtra:port/ice; -- civet:wean,.
'Abbot the,renterV or• flail, on the left, thus t sand the virtue of one o f 1
have mid 0 t Mats matte _stock of gams, ;of Cail saa and ono
a gtabi of
which speaks well for tbp lacilat In charge. • Ire. tmid Yhmellorim.-Maaifsciered by. •
bat will be supplied with a new stock tau' , Cars - Mr, SUM A to...liew Tot • '
j morning. .- -.. . .• 1 For cab by all druggists. , a*
rite mixeratez zoom -• .
. Have had a regalia; oreSented to them by ! ' C.ll. J. Heron,' . the aocomplietted
Mr. James Park, valued at thirty dollars, ; editor of the Dispulds, leaves Ifir the Holy
widen le to ho rsOled tine evening. , j Lend with the Brooklyn Excursionists, on
. .
ere ',Burry Monday &amt. Howill be absent several
Have a Inn ecaleCtitm of4othe end currency ; mmrAs , during ttel.e "me he tt i n e • Y •
to be dr..* n euriett the irreg..
, ; vialt to every nook of the Old Continent.
We believe the trip hes been Undertaken for
Fate. This M entirely • Cash trammdion,
nistianre and enjoyment, and the thdOnel
an a any person inVedUng will cartalnlY irm
himself In editormt harneu
money in Tb• "Variety. is Mt- r t, re t 0 ,_„._
uated on th e right of the 11x11, near the en.] "e" ^••••-"`•
TOO TnlehTnencif I Larceny of es Wagon.-1441. MinT, Dl.
Mare received a number or regattas. made t alnar,Mads Information yoMOrdaYi °More
by Miss Jennie Watt* These,_ althongh I AldirMati Butler, charging Phil. Oaks wi th
solda are atilt en eitilbition. We under- I the larceny of a spring wagon. The prose
stand the rah will nett a pretty fair profit mortises in Peiten aliely,ln the Sixth word,
from the artielci. .d alleges that Oaks came Up with. home
The other booth. ttroughont the ball l already harnessed, and hooked np to bar
...bean fully natio in our columns. I wastes and drove off, andtliat she has not
Lrerything prig" pienaently, and. the , seen 10 eine.. The accused as arrested
Fair pruudges tr, rip to tea .a. 1 and gave ball in the even of five hundred
ticipationa of ltd dollars 10 answer the *Jived.
felt alsitMeti.
The total I receipts , asp MI closing Mat eye. Taresteeed to Mho.' Hie
nine amount to eight talonsand five has- MaCeillrer mittio hirmation Yettord&Y
I heron, Altlerman Taylor, charging bet
husband Thomas McCaffrey Yilth a breach
After Mkalltieke. lof the MULL The pa :ties live id um
Mo Sarah w.d and the wife
The geed... thl! tifid 1-alleges that c her butband threatened. to
who were In stModancetrom the city stale ' 011000 ha, which threat .ha fears he may
mmltuts and hence washed
MAT'ultaa Otter Mesas of tbo MO' : I i73'Ole exten iglit Ile pima , . mules bomb, tope..
ongabela Talley Hallway Preket, held .rve the peace.
Elisabeth,. Thunder feel specially ob. t •
inMted to genteel Whilebt , E eq. ` lead rem. *meant& .od llattedry.—G, W. aanowny
141 of that tarot:lh. itia venerable and made Information yesterday before Alder
man II anbert against Datougl O. Stewart
r it r o A l
b ° 1 4,1,043 , 1 00 r
0 . 0 . 0 •1 1, 1 4 . 0 4 h 1 0 1, 1" keep e r ,ibm lf z um a ysti;r4l
0o nJ, It
durum.= stag, atallikbarlithlike inansiOn house to take a drink, and that a quarrel
Ou Chi Outskirts of that borough, arid did treU e g te kl ee t . t le te te. e.
. threatened
'everything blO P M. "' r•da" W•tr" ' grrn n t l' V he ls reside In tho Third
0 , 0 r,,,rty was ward. A Warrant was Maned.
imadrient danger of bettg kept in the bor.
oh all night tan oewsumence_hich could
member:regretted lryt the _enter
M y of the ptedawkirse yilrpCse wan
My the 440t441 of the 1101roUnit 60r0r0 their
rwadery, , next mortals, but Mr. Thinnaa
Waliter.. WOO enhat La the OCenalon,
and In.a two lion* Wizen dints ease
fourteen well 01.44. and substantial
gentlem. to Magma:lt over •
road *bleb frilly eymenstrated the
great I . for a rellw•y track 08 IL 0131.
aIiaLULZI. At bleaerapirlg, the euursionlairr
found a special train In , 011/Lirlir which had
been telegnaphol for silo Pittsburgh by W.
Y't . gal= TA ' CO itillM k an =.
* 1 7 121,
through the courtesy sod 'matron. kind
immix Mr. - Thomas Walbm . and Mr. Meehan,
the reporters arrirMilk Llama safe and In
&citron prenard andlabeforetbe readers
of their rimpectivejonnials, a flat nommat
of the hig
00. hly Interesting...ling of %bailey
..' A Favorthe Delve.
Everybody feela I*.ajoylng the pleas
ant weather after IA : ...Eat of dame ,
chill dare through we Wive passed.
"tripiEio . nit, draitlir. rim tett/ rlirer'
are eat preferable to the quiet evening ride
'by hereeback,carrlace or buggy to Dome
delsghtf al spot over • smooth and compact
road. Tenets bet one pleasant drive in
our neighborhood, which has a pLeassat be.
ginning,a element continuance and a de.
lightfal en d the road to Perrynllle. Yew
are unacquainted with Its charms, and
oequally us few entertain any but the highest
pinion tif the White House at the terminus
of the drive. Under the auspice* of the
new proprietor, Yr. Thome* Cortacriagus,
this romper resort has obtained a high rep.
ntetlon. and now stands unequaled as •
place of entertainment • to Western
Poonsylvanlat Ord 'meals good et-
Landsat., and a well vertebral bar,
nos among the attritetions, Indio the eel.
veratilly known clever- proprietor takes'
cue that all of !Ili gnosis aro abundantly
procided for and, treated lit the best man
ner Imaginable. Drive howbetnelse. Take
the Suspenalon bridge and lnquLre 'of the
toll keeper on the Allegheny side for the
tight road to Perrysrdle. drive to the White
House., Mere take refreshment, and form
the acqiitintauce of .lar. Csetdotaktia, and
our word for tt you wUI appreciate the ail
neehnie given.
Bernie:Pon. Wilson Beesadtess.
Joseph B. Donley wes sworn in as Bees
tar Ps Bankruptcy for tho Twenty-fourth
United Stater. es. twenty-11re harrel• of
distilled splrltsi:owned by Thomas Y. Bess
cad John Y. Dobbins. of Viserne county,
'seised by Thomas D. 31ens0eld. Inspector of
EleoenthCollection District. for evasion of
excise let , . On. motion of District Attar
ocy Carnelian. libel went
and the
court ortieroo the nionttion ' be made b
turnable on June BM. •
United Matesea bee barrels of tiblelry
and draftsmen distilled spirits. Owned by
r it. H. Tort a Co., Of Utdaycallibiels. The
liquor was consigned to D. ilawortb, of this
City, and waiaei zed by the Collector of this
-District for evasion of thee:oleo law.' Mo
nition returnable on the Inth day of June.
cio7 norgaisty
Dr. A. G. 111cCanileas, Physician to the
iloard of Health. reports tho following In
termenta pint. city from May 19th to May
D 367.
no fooowloo aro the afaeoica y Masse
of 8000,1, I/hwy. of Liver, 1;
Pysonlra, if Consumptloo, 2; timall. Pox, 11
Priournoolo, ]..monition, 1 { Enteritis, 1;
Of Um above there wore nodor,j3no year,
, ty from 1 to 2,1; from 20 to 31, 24 from 30 to 40,
larooi 40 to 80,1,and from 70to 00,2.
0 I mate loa Tow. Il
lomaltin.... I{ *
nelore s ilon. limes iramptori:
IfeClu4 & Noble ye. Plttaborgb, She.
ebony amkitanchenter Passenger Rainy.
Action to lieooror damage* for Injury to a
baronehe rind one bone, on Federal street,
Allegheny, by collision with - is passenger
car, dorlior the passing of the soldlon',pro•
cession 1n Soptombar last. Verdict for the
Jury . diecaarged tilt 'Monday at ten
o'clock:awl Court &aim:trued until to-day
at ten o'clock.
The liOneedale Rep übffc mays: he annu
al session of the Grand Lodge of Good Temp
lar, of Penimaylvanla, will be. held at Alle.
LOen) , City, on the lath of Jene next. Thin
e one Of WO 1110.1 aottvatemperance organ.
Mations In exletenne. , In this kitato the or.
der embrace, three' hundred ledge*, neat
tared thrOogbnpt, ovary oonnty in the Com
monwealth. Thoorder axial* In evarylitate
but nye, and In all the, 111,11,11 Province*,
and the inemberahlp In America upwards
of one redllon, all pledged to total ',LOW.
nonce. The coming eemilorf ,of the Grand
Lodge, owing to the great Increase of the
order in the Otate, and the general revival
of the temperance movemmt.' WIG be one
of greet interest and importnnce.
Boy Arrests,* for Tbro*lng Atone*.
()Meer Dressler of Um Mayor'. Pollee,
yeaterday arrested near lion City Park, in
Pitt township, a mow /ad artal abont *s
teel, yaws. named Thomas Barron, charg
ed with twault and . battery on oath of
John Ilandiy, a el , Ito! Irt taisrenceville.
Ur. Handley alleges thal:the accused Dad
attacked him in the borough and itrock
him several times with atones. The boy
was brought to the lock on and will hays a
hearing on the chum* today at ten o'clock.
, Common loin too2l.
'Before llon. Edwin-ff.
In the cue of the ...emcee. - Iron None.
Min Company V. James °Tomer the jury
forma it verdict for plairitufs for the sum of
S Ysrlite awe of WM. *limb re. 014% of Pitts
burgh. the plaintiffs took a nomeult, owing
to o d usig reement of eminsel as to Me men.
net of trytolf the rase.
Adjourned tal• Mooda9. •
lire In if ernoareesl• Her•leirlei , —Yes•
tante! evening 10.01 seven o'clock an
alarm of Breams Sounded frombox No.lo,
Duquesne Eaton Ileum. Thu alarm wan
caused by-a shed in the fear of alcihdlre
'gam work., In.lgontingatista borohen, fa.
king Ors. At one time •it was feared the
Ore mig ht ' aommunlemte with the main
buildin, but by the :prompt applicaion el
• small quantity of water It was L eiria. aulahed. "Medal:nage was veryelight.' The
MUMS of the city wore on the ground in
due Was, but their. earth*. Were not re.
Womb ems Mao Stolen as the *air.
—A lady mimeo name we were tumble to
lbbrb, end a valuable watch sod etude
etalen (rota nor overdue before AMR at the
Monumental Fair. 'The crowd - la attend
ees° daring the slentersous unusually
large. end fa the ]an the Welch and Wain
were yelled off by some adept In the heal.
nem .Poth articles tosettler were valued
at two hundred and twenty4lve dollent
The pollee have since Damon the lookout,
bat ao.tbeees of the robellas. dteb
A Word to not nor
Pocket rte....ed.—At the ktotinmental
hut night, Mn., Brawn, of the c1t.C.104 her
poen. hook ctntainlnk about fifteen dol
lars, hastne vont prwabik been taken nom.
ber pocket. In crowd like that gathered
dolly Cml ravhtly at the Fair. It is net
strange that thieves IntrodUce themselves
Cod ply their Iveation.
The well %Nowa Jeweler. Messrs.
fietnemen. Neyrnn A Seidle No. M. Fifth
ad have 'aril's,. added atheir stock of
tine , Jewelry, and aro now prepered to offer'
fine selections es can be fofl mT where
this lode of the eastern chine Their price.
are .Or realitrtlable sod fistrOna Rill and it
LO their advent.ce to taros them with a
To Wholesale. B or Dry Boole
Gwoo offer b n a t rbgnnn
Line n o hh oods oafn D d o ll
loom of eheetludo atoning... Print% Tick.
toe. Cheek., de, oil of which Co will
sell It the very lowest ensterh cash prima
di 01,11080nd d Co.
10 Maxkot strett. belOw Third d ffOiLettleh
7.ring Playlets Illisla....htea-ra. Graham
A me, 3285. Glair atreen; opposite Um tit.
Clair Hotel, hare one of the very finest set
sortseenta or hats, raps tterl atraw goods.
The publte are hereby notllled that this Is
the Owls to buy cheap hats, and he Mn.
tree and Pleasant Ezeursten to anO
from lifounsburif on Monday - afternoon.
3nno 1L Froo excefralon trains lento Nab
ratlyray depots at ona o'clock on taut day
for the sale. of those beantlful lota In the
cantor of abarpeburd• See auction adyer
11•11114.111 thasege.—str. .Ighuz•Duraild,
who acceptably tiled trio posißon Of '
ai Superintendent of the PittaborgL,Colum.,l
bus and Cincinnati Railroad. Ras been sp. i
poinird Lo • lite position on the Little
Miami and Columbus and Zonis. road.
Drowned in the Alteitlesty.-711chard
LAZIGIStAS, colored, employed to the capita
ity of porter, was dronueu off the steam
twat Leto +. le the Allegheny ricer, opposite
Irwlnta Vitriol works, on Thursday evert.
tog. IlLs hat). was not I,COVOC.I.
t i ke g ionni artuq, tonttnental
door Co
andsr the proprietorship of that
prince of hosts, Ott. ilulteneintsr, rah day
popar.- It is ono of the best
conducted and pleasantest restaarants In
the city. •
lfanea Picalen.—Un Wednesday nigh ,
a fine bay home end a brown mare were
stolen from the stable of Thom. Nicht...
GU the Greentharg tarndelke. A reward of
one hundred dollars Is offered for the mot ,
cry of the hors. and the errant of the Itilof,
Disorderly Coradeet.—Wm. Dardoek;
acting Ina disorderly manner last night
au the stroet, wee street.* and tat. tothe
/layer , * °Mee: 'lie erne Angel dieu dollars,
but not burlier the+. ateetlet. h o cclFd.
milted %elan tor (Moen days.
Rem. James B. Dlekereme.—Thls ten
nem., haring returned from the Baptist
annirerearlera et Chicago, le announrod to
preach on the penmen of the Ilmlom
during the put year. to rot forth doting
the recent anneal meetings.
T. T.lLereos, No. Irl Weal street, attends
to the edostrtotlon et bath hon... the eP..
itOLI of pumps ht . tlrsots, beams, awl WI
kinds of pillteiblog work. to the elty or
country. at the most reasonable term..
(live him a call
rant Flag.. SEla Planting and Da Lath,
Fool Flag atataa Banos, Balla; ahoo Spikes,
CaPa; Pocket and Field Score Book., Score(
bacons, ge.. so., at rittoolVa Duo Ball
Itautlquanora, 0.1% F. O.
A number or the employees of the Penn.
Railroad. at Altoona. hare been Ln-
Mated far nperlotmlog worldly empl oy.
mammon the flabbath.” The saw w be
thoroughly tinted before,J edge Taylor.
Ileaday Elorahir Ng:S.—New dress
geode w 3.11 Do opened at priceolees than Eve
yean ago, on the west corner , Market,an4
reurth etioot. •
• • Canaan 4 tirrorAwr.
The 011 Interehts of Witst Nligbala are
laosulahlog — sad hot little detolopment
bolos made. 'Property which commanded
few months ago ~fabulour priers, can
be purtbased at. greatly nab:iced rat..
T. T 10.5 Wood' street, , offers
very anperlor Look of Chandallors, Pen.
dant. Drackota, Oil Lamps and every ar•
Gale in their line for holm fundable& at
very inducing prices. .
!Items" Fisting attended to in the beat
mechanical manner by T. T. gamut, pract , ,
cal olamber, gas ma steam titter, lin. 165
Woottstreet. -All wont - warranted to give
- •
The Eagle, MannalC, Champion. Can
Earn flormasu, and tho arwood's artistica
sod Brown Balls for Junior Clubs, at boss
ball headquarter., PlLtook's, opposlto the .
Postollloa •
Coptlnt puntshutout at Moot:matt Is an
OsPouslvo luxury to the tat •veyers. Lt
coat over Ilse hundred dollars to shuttle
three murdoren Into eternity, at that elt9 a
few dap ago...
The Patent Self.aloonaning Copying
Book Dampener. Ono should. be In every
copYlelt Prose It used. Call
aL ratemes; opposite the P. U .; and see It.
. Order. from the country for .0
oc Minabing And Steam Otting can tm
loft at T. T. Ewons,"No. 103 Wood street,
-where they wall rcedeo prompt attention.
MeHammon is raindlYlmarovlngoimny,
now and elegant business houses and pm.
vats darellmice having ham erected within
the hut low months.
. The Flier Cook of Ike Walk, Bounding
Rook Rose, Tonne Amorina,and Junior Reg.
ultaloll Bulls, No.'s 1, 2 nod 3, at PlStock's,
.r. r. 0. • •
' II ew"Vegetatolea, the tenet' the- m arkets
afford, will bo found at Iloitzholmor's Cob
tloooLti ealpni t lit* , .litroetolimt door to
the Footollloo. • , , ' , '
Attention le dlrocOell to the, vivarium
moot of Kelloyle weekly, so Illustratad
Journalfor the poople. erhfoe ,ppegni In
other column, . .
All SholLairsaleeeror June at Pltteekl:
All tho late Dana Pal, Plttockla
lathe hew Books at PittoelVs. • •
• •
11• 8. la•shy. • tailior or • Galllpolls,
Ohio, has ladled to the 'amount of Lye hun
dred thousand dollars.
• 'Wad one notice.. All rellglous
ennOinleetneepl are regnhale cantle in the
GA : errs. . .
AL'Oreet bill to offered to-night at the Va.
1.014. es T4astra . off reap street, •: • • -
• isbelk Creole to-night tot the lut. time
.et teeliew Opera UMW!:
The Plre illeilhillatice.—The experl
went with the pateat Pre extingaisher
came elf yesterday according to announce
ment. at four O'clock at thq.Ploneagh
liras levee. The trial was wanes - bed by the
Mayor, some members of City Councils, and
acute a large anemblage of °Khan. The
Pro was a:mews:led In due limo, ucord
tell to programme, and the result appeared
highly satisfactory to all hands Latereated.
Phelograptla.—Tan Pelt 11 Webber, the
well 'known photographic artiste, corner of
Fifth and Smithfield - streets, Dave made
some very fine epecimens daring the Mat
lew bright dem noy anaeretind their
bmitiess and can be depended noon for
first leLsse and truttiled Motor°. 'The en•
trance to the gallery le from leo. IS Fifth
street. Strangers la the city will do well to
favor this gallery with a call.
hers. Letader lemon.. taillight et the-
Academy of Mole In the great role of Alit
ebetti. In ' , Mat Uletml appeared toot 4111.12
0,44,4,44.441,4 /4 Will be etc mega if every seat
be not oecepled.its Mtn Lander is the Mar
among stem of the American maga Title
aftorpoon a grand (dab notable matinee will
beheld at the Academy for Udine and chil
dren: •
Thaec Deanalfni Bolldang Leta to be
soldt Sharpsborg, on Monday' after
noon, June Ed; Offer rare Inducements to
Omen wishing s cheap and • pleasant borne.
Free' Fazurnon. Trans to and Vora the .sale,
Bee Auction advettlactoent.
Base Baillatela,—Thern will be a match
game of Boa° Ball this afternoon, at 3
o'clock, botwoon the Eureka and Atlantic
(nubs, on 'toe mounts ache former, In tho
the Ninth warn.
Everybody Is Going to the great sale of
New Dress Goads next week, on the west
center of Marker and Fourth streets. laity
goods at how than half price, at Gardner's
new auto only plum of business.
Never so abeap• as New—hew Dress
Goodnop west corner of Market arid Fourth
streets. The sale beg'. on Monday. Bar
gains. and no mistake, Gardner% LOW and
only Place of business. ,
• t.A1132( X/ a 1317.1VAILT.
Pref. Goods sate.—On Monday begins
the great sale of new Dress Goods, on tho
Gwent corner of 'Market and Fourth streets,
ardnees new place of business. •
. I.I.IDAZIt a diawaar.
west Corner Market and Fourth streets
Is the place where ,Mew Drew Goods, on
Woodsy nett, are to be sold so cheep.
Don't tall to see them. Gardner`, new and
only place of business.
• . • tiisonsa 2 IlerswAaw.
Eleflool Llerisurles and tom
plate outfits fOrduoday Bcl fools are farsdigla
grtt:EVlll=o,ll=ll.3*.tr-t• Pltto•
The Balm of 28191,311.11C0 of ideadyille
bare under *dynamism the agitation of the
temperance question by nubile meetings
and otherwise. •
The Teams Itea's union prayer mitt`
Ina will be held la the Lloert7 street 2.letb.
odlst Church, corner of Hay, this totting
at TA o'clock.
Tile Petrolainn CentreErn says that • the
bnsinese Om of tnat• place are sanguine
that the Oil region will 00 1 1 PlaT oat this
Spring and Sommer atyllaa So clotit
Mangoes tuna Ulee dollars terk to an high as
rya woad to go, at Spanco's, NO. 73 Maria
le.. Paoaawo of.lato nowspaprew
magastnea for Sunday :wan, go to 'Eagle
awl Chaakberm,lt Fifth .treot.
&MM., do not fail to on.ll at No. 73 Mar
ket street, and get a Ilne rep or gregain silk
analne • •
TMloofa Leto hay. • lodge of Good Tem
plar. os won as the noConolo7 offongonnof te
ctoi be perfected.
lisle liewseie, flowers de. beautlfol
assortscieut last opened, at. kill er's, 64 Mar
ket, street.
Mho shipment of 01l oral the Farmers
Itoadon Saturday last, arm:mated to 1243
Itto Mons Amoebaslee vitt bold a
.toted =net t:4 at the Coon house Um tam
noon. •
If Yea west •good hoop skirt of the
lettut style, go to Willer., is 64 Market
street.. .
Ter (loade sod flargeee of the latent
styles, go to Spence% No. 73 Market street.
Tom Cali May foreign Llssion of all
klmillat Jogai , . 15. noollS nIM.I , La7,No•
LIB, 191, 181 •nd
Pure Ihraigel Pure Drugs!! Pure
Prrucen , Pan" Drogsni eh More i Drell.%
' Tea litul• Dental ratabbstanent
t Ste Pogn street. Rs. tDll d Gillespie. s
Yea Onat Bay Raw Boys az J 08913. 8.
Flnatt.a. •
p Tpen h Cins pup Is per cent. Alcohol sr
P. 1.011 ,
The Temple of Honor in 'Erie number,
nearly two hundrod members.
Noir furnishing atone, W. Miller, 01
Martot lama.
Ciao k eaegaeh, /see poft t., at No.
73 Mulcot street. • .•
Ne.,71 arkei Inibrera II the place to get
a Untamable WI &toque.
Plitaelaba, O.P. P. 0., beadvtartere for
base ball geode.
Efradditional Lot—Air:ewe on
Third Page.
'The alokneg of the 11111efieer Sigel
[IV Telegrapb to the Pltueargh Beget , . )
Nssavitta, May 01.-The together 81001
had Mew hogainw.da of tobacco and tint.
teen hundred end tlity.olght sacks of corn
on rd when she sunk. The tobacco was
conitane4 as follows. New Orleane-Bell,.
'Janis .t Co., 4 blies.; Wilson" Young, 1;
John N. King. 17 Kirkpatrica d Nerina,
Clarkaville—llutchles Grin Van I hhda,
The cora was for rerun in Neshville. The
ateamer Baker. Just In from the wreek,
beluga all the tottaeco °adept one hogshead
thrown overboard, and all the corn except
that lathe bold and slot thrown averhownl,
all morn or leas damaged and undernre.
test. The boat can beraleed when thowater
alts Tele!Plasm
(By Atlantic and pnol6e T.lezziph Company.]
Crrr, May, 31.—, Inver 43 feet ea./
:to Arrivals:
neowersott.l.3, lbw 31,3 r. ■ —Hirer 7 feet
and falling slowly . . The weather le clear
and Tam. •
Lortsvima, 31.—The river is falling,
with nine and three.quAular isei I. the
nal by the ••
@indite Karlin - As nousTute, vs.
(By Telegraph to tlta_ . T:4lagrargb laszelta.l
Dszvssag, TA. Slay M.—Judge Halley de.,
livered the aiming vent, of hi, !leathern
at valete, Tit , yesterday. The
Usual eermd Was mbledvnth the addle•
Mon of several Lady teachers of colored
schools on the platform. A vote of thanks
was tendered the Judge at the 010.0.
• Another Exesintes Portz.
CO , Tolerronla to the Pllttbambpmette...l
irocrsa, Pa., May 31.—Th e exourson par •
ty for therUnion Paella road arrtred bare
to-nlabt. Asststant Esc:rotary Shandler,
Senator Cameron and miverst members 02
Cortgress are amongthem. They earoot to
- reach
Fort /larks; Razes*, next Tuesday.
llarr•Pair ae Duthie.
BerraLe, May 31.1-The second annual
bone fair will be held hereon thel3‘ll.l.4tb.
13th and 16th-of Anirces.. The preognms
amount to 419,000.
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Uarette:
WILIMOTON, D1R,M1Ly31...-ThetrlaJ.M.
Pran, tor the murder of J. Piney Smith, in
April, Is concluded. Verdict, not guilty, On
account of immialty.
Planted'. 1111 W Bumming. • :.`
CUT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Bs sem.
Boerne: May 31.—The 131uninir mill Of ,lIIt
ber d Watson, on Causesruy street;
burned this morning. Logs IMMO tO IN I , O OOI
'neural. • •
Award Of rOlg
The tau grand gold prise modal at the
World'. Pair, at. Paris,. has been awarded,
tout American house, aawill be sees by
the annexed ;correspondence of the New
York Westlir Ruins, =deeded° of Nay 7th
About the offload declaion fa regard to
the Ameriato pianos there.!. nothing
known yet, ',but without doubt the firm at
Steway . A I have been awarded the
Lint in gold modal. Their piano. have
crested a. eensation, not only among the,
artists end manufacrerers,--but also among
the most prominent unatean. They have
been played at private soirees at the resi
dence of the Duke of Osmond, one ot the
moat celebrated - cOrinonseurs, at the resi
dence of Gustave Dore and Pierre Tenn,
and Theodore Ritter has Wonted One of
these pianos for the grand consort et the
Opera Comione, which • has been arranged
by the literary and art sometime! Pula
• . - ••
It will be highly gratifying to our readers
to learn the itnal result of awards made by
the Snpreme.fury on pianoforte. at on le•
terhational Eshibitiou, Is Paris., We are
Dimond to state that the deebilmattecordio&
to ornate cable news of the 11th Inn., I. ex
tremely ilatterlogpand must bola the high.
•est degree gratifying to the American me-
Ocial panic,
Ya na Of the three
oilnternational ry, Medals .J have
bean awarded to Ama err
in. the elimanedtw o
leg to merit. The ander these gold main.
goes to our Issuing New York manufactu
rers, Maar& Steinway & &mei the second
Dolton, and this third to BroadwOod, of
London, England, A number of sooondari
sea ((silver madam go to ranee. makers on.
the Continent and in England, and Ottawa
baits every reason to be proud of the decd.
dad victory achieved by our. Amerman ex.
, "Lark I7ernlctslTO that the Raw
Tory Tribune has become "the Seelpient of
the Immense silvestlainic pairoilio of our
GoyDerhaniV city earporattee,' and that
nelets ,, ls worth "gifts or /1:11- tin:M
aud dollar. a year, at the lowest ealenla
?.los.”,-The 'Nereid alleges that them e
:emelt Ibis 1000 thinir in Canlegn r
t'.Liareelers trip toplehmend.
—lt eetf mated that the re,:fstrlh.
0414111ns when completed will i,how 43,000
gelato and GO,OOO colored Toterv.
—Concerning. Booth'e titery, Gen. Eotert.
formerly Aseistant aeeretary of War. watt.
fled before the Judiciary Committee that It
we, now in the cam:Mb. it was JIM NAM
by him.
- s
-The application of castor or sweet
ml to ne w toots, ft Is Bald, makes them as
soft as a bnekskto glove. It also 'stated
to be the best Implication that' can be made
to render a now boot water.proor.
—lohnitano, who is tudicted for arson of
the degree of murder. in burning a tene
ment house tn New York City, by which flee
Ivrea were lost. has been twice put on trial
for theoff . micc, and rick time the Jru7 fano;
to agree.
—ln the year MO there were but seven
Unwspapers imd periodicals publtehed Us the
ited States:ln 1610 there were MO, inchw
ding di published Catty in 19M there were
568; In leaf, MI, circulating annually9274osl
548 papers. • ' •
—it watch for the blind is among the on
relties at the Paris Eshlbitlon. It has on
the outside of toe face a movable rim of
metal. 'which, on being . turned, Mops to
such mummer then the Bohr may be known
by counting certain little knobs that pro
ject from the sides of Um watch.
—From Germany It Is announced that tbn
cattle plague has broken out In Thuringia
and Northern Bavaria. The infection Lam
been traced to the tennaport of Polish and
Hungarian oxen to North Sea harbors. The
passage of Austmen cattle through Prussian
territory was prohibited at once upon the
tscovet7 that the plague bad appeared In
, —When Bishop Asbury smut" the lgetho
.dist C.Rinrela, there was one circuit in Vir
ginia where the ladies ware so fascinating
that all the young prerm.h. ars sent there
warn soon taken captive. The Bishop
thought to stop tins by sending thither, two
coerced old men, but to his great surprise,
they wore both married the same year. Be
°rendered to disgust: "I 1.121 afraid the wino
men and the devil will get. all my preach,
AMILTOIII—CABZION.--On. The:redly even
ler..ab the reddence of the bede•e Tunnel.,
West.= Avenue, Allegbeuy City, by the Bev.
Col. J. B. K. IlettilLTUN, Jr., of
Flttabprate, anekbea V. A. CABEuN. of Alle
gheny City. ;
Our tilted and frllow-eltisen has wont prize
Ccoons / Ilegbsura fairest datuiders—plue”d a
ower from Its wreath of beautf., /gay we hope
their Journey upon the wide ocean of life mitt be
undisturbed by a Coyle ripple or terry ware,
nedtmay happiness and prosperity attend them
in ill their tray.. renAtrua Joy and Wescott be
theirs always, on their journey
,throusb Ufa
24E1(8024.-0a Miami's, evening, May Xnb. at
ID o'eloct, lays. ELlZslirlit .2e ar./MISTI. aged
al years. .
raneril Tuts MOIMING. at o'4:lna. trout her
tate residence In Soho, near the Copper Works.
Prlends tit the fOmilyoFe Ineltep to attend. '
NV &Y -6n 7burs , iy, May mtit,'at elghto'cloik
a..., Mr. NANCY imid 04 years. •
Veneto on enienedny le ten •'OIOeII a. m. The
friend. of the hardly are invii,a;
IleDl/NALl)—tha the lath leer., TOWARD
MeIIONALD, Mo., la the anent•-anh year of
hie age. •
The friends of the faintly are requested to a 4
tend the funeral, Iron, big late residence, at
It•lJonald atatton. Wzahlneton eoUnty, , en
thaefda7, June lat.'atioeerleck a. m.
80. lea fourth street. Pittsburgh( re.
COTTINI of all kinds; CRAPES, GLOVE end
every deserlptlon er ltmersel Yossitsblng thras
(Vanished. Hoonssovesod exeunt ateht. Beam
,rod Outfaces hatitshed.
Itarrrati.c.ts—atcy. David Keir, D. D., Ver,
M. W. Jmobus, /mini, Zap., Jr
n 3111 1 ., Manes. Sea... • ' ,
- ERR AND iItERYAIMIt, =mesons tti tha
Mae B. Itodmstmi No. RR .Ohl. &nut*
three Ers from Reaves, /LIMO./ CWT., KO
taint, t ertrood, Mahogany. Walnut sad Rose
wood tall. Collins, at Um lowest roduzed
prima. ROAM open at all bouts, day sad nista-
Hearse sad Carriages fungsbed dif short notice
and on most reasonable amts. •
• TAKERS Ale D 4111t1.1.11Z11d. Ibutebee.
ter, Wood's Ran sad etch:ate. Coma Mame at
atabeheeter Livers Stable. sonar bbseleld and
Chanters etreete. Beath sad Canton. Ihr.
E. s. irrEwAwr Vika • •
eons of MORTOS aria Praili BTUs
iSinth Ward. Oodles of at kinds. Ilea..
Carriages furnish.' on the...en notion.
89 89. 89 89 89 89 89
FL 0 561733 3 , IS,
89 Market Street,
=psi] eDx.x.-Jr
JAS, ROBE, 89 Market St.
89 89 89 89 89 89 . 89 89
• lot the WIIELLISB I WILSON SICWIIIB F. over an. Mara. for ramOy
,Inaa and elegant purpose., aft go will es
-I,liatelabod and to /morally wizened. Out
NIOUSSIZIOn or lbett relnitTe aew
r,ienettita oatmeal . conslaerg d aecoaaa.
siZY.pla darabla sad hood.
It 27 437ra irrazsr.
• •
Praeileal Fondue Elanufacturen
e x_t.stsawof,uHlliitllS nongtantlr
B, MILLER. Baiaair. Livery
SALY nTABLES. Alp 7nrolalllng
Undertakes. Ott Itiest• Gootia 1143-_, at th•
I . 72;ylite t t, kept constantly an hand. Cnltt3ON
e tweets Ormsby and Denman =beta.'
litrananbant. Hone., Candy'. mad pew Bur
readinessbns. ueasse•ana CatTlairtm always In
re for innerals. Horns kept at Livery
by the day. Muth or wear, •Itd attended tntst
the best laasdler. rrlyata Wanks bunlstuoll
with the Safe. Homes and notost Canasta Alas-
Mayne. Stablea taps open all Inn. or Übe day
tad 111{111- .
And WA an Plln.d,
Ofnee And Waehounn, Inn Flinn` STREET.
oppadl• Wononsanel. Mune.
HAIR. WOLULLB AND P 9.99011221. 92
Poortt, street. ooe door from Wo.L, Plttalmr
Slot 011 hued cClinla assortment Wi t h.
Mel , wt.. Banda, that,- Ocoll elt••
Tepee. Beep. tinard Chau. Brreelets,
• wood pet. IN 009, 2111 'to given for 200
Liales• Ikat gentle:lmPa het...cut:lm dope In
th• neatest manner. .1117.131/13
H. 13.
Sealer of Weights and Reasons.
Between Liberty .on /eery streets,
°mien promptly atunded se. ' .omen
Home end Sign Painter,
Illastereoved to
No: A. 14 ti . II.I . I7IFIILD ST.. Plttsbaigb, r s.,
mvel,27 • Onvoglts IS. 114
XFII9. BABBEIt. 811.011..- AND
Reeler the Academy onthele,
7 °P"6 FLEEIA6 4 nucmizz,.
sorAmi Prepetkort.
gr. AC. or good 11111,MrittalliMs
And sCoo or good VALAti TVAATOTA:
'At 11A izinaki. ISTEZZT. Ailleetany City.
111l10:0 mennfile.
p, P. GETTY,
Wholesale and Retnil Grocer.. , .
• .
Desler In TILIA, arrhlCS and
Old ranee.
rarillaaa ". ealgenreVoltT:= t . ti ' e_
n,,ead..a . abeny , arrsai4
"11 M
L 4lto. 144 01111.14 T errearr.
Roses Geraniums, -Terlinnae, iteni
In tams: at the tinltand urentilynnny.
A. A.
nind Int • essalohn, ' • - onnnnoo
. •
no. 80 j• OQ 1iTII- NT. AP.4 l l,BaPprig::
ifdl x =4" l .l. 7 l. p 1 =',1 1 1=7, 7:
, , :
EgmEzr., --
. • -
A 7 ..11. abeet, ottatalales cittmesSlS COL"
fltlkkhorlatereemeal•adine matter. keeled's!
adlof Zdltoriale, latest semi by Teleltmtrlt
'Mall. saleable 'Mediae Matter tor the
illy. sod tallest eitd-keSet reliable Flame.
aad,Oomaterelal Market Meson. Rises kr
ITpOpft Dl tke ally. No termer, blesbamte
trebaat eboaldlieerltbont
ISM,. row .11111 . 1iflIALY GOArirt:
tingle so•sertbek ••••-• .... ••••;-• 111.54. 4
- labs or. Flee -
flub. of Ten... 1.11.
Lod one eoPT or PoO 4 rie the porno teem'
tho cloth Addition. to tilibiloll.lba made at
AI mu., cinteratei. • • .
Nome: ko Nreacateme.-In ordeMMl Toor
leper, be sure lota toed:, what odll/0/1 tea
sant, ea we Woe • We.toesdaY Mdltloo rot tale
• emit.< re berths bat one ball a seek.
. NM - Money py Draft. 'express,. Money -
or to Hewistried Loiters, may 000 . 00
Addresm. GAZEITS,
.11TISUMIGH. aslqw._
Another Lot Just Reeetred,
Mittman, Ka. ot the but stiltur Of ever,
[modest to Oa. market.
.We would al. those 1.0.• are dectroa. a , D. , .
-,hasing anything In thin li no 14.11.. L
stock. , '
0 . 0.3774,3102
J. w. 401.5-run nwra
jonzisTorc or. Etc -Orr,
Fine Watehes, Cocks, Jewelry
.1111! iuma r ri maw.,
Noittia.6lll4.2 l Peziaxii..
IT rarttenlar attention Om to HennUS*
Wanton, Cloaks and Jewelry. *I. =atom
Ammo ,
Ii itovvpolliirely died to take plan at Um
. (0014.1t , IhtTITIPTE, New bit
On Saturday, July 13,1887.
The Proprietors of the North American Gift
Concert, which woe advertised to take pleat at
the. Wabash Avenue Rink. tibia 00. 1111.011,Ahd
postponed, have the pie .stire to announce that
aeries of Concert. will be ever Sh tie. will
take niece at the Cooper Institute. York
' 4 r ° f °°* th " " th-
Scab r.IS the Middle an
u leatergetates, where
Witl r ffi gilr . ..°A f4traccra:folrgor tke n :e",!
ries to ewe plated.
Thla isiweew undertaking repealed inter- it
Perfect weemmoted reWly he gm... 1
paw ever umugurated in t he woad. The delay
to it. completion bee teen pelerOlanble, Des the
Tickets 00.011.1 in the baud. of our numerous
agent* have Dow been subarea to. Under few
Mouses d remain to he dlspowd of. any
deco motet ces the Conceit will toilet:le e'en as
above stated 10 good faith.
The extraordinary patronage which has bean
bestowed open this enterpriee 01 the Vuhhes pat
prompted the proprietor. so announce this
alit will be cmcsente to creep tlen“rt VekeS
000,000 Valush's GIP. valued wiltV.
Hundred Thousand Dollar.
b• Presented to '
- der• Inaludlng 11111/0..1,0
!tabu d Niels Loa, 50000; Prize $1 huh;
1 1 tila to
Grec do .abaCkS. ' ...PDX,IO MO .
.1 do ' do
1 do °
... . . ....—.... 4.0.10
a 1 ... do do': . 100
20 do do: 11,0X1 rub 10.015 .
.10 do do 500 dO ........10,100 o
d. do do: .! 100 !do 5 . 0 X,
20 do ao ' 50 do 1.103
am do- do: 10 do lOW
.000 , do do 5 do 5, , XX
1 ' do Ilealdadeo In Chios. . .... -kW
to do City Loa. la Ctdcado, 11510 . eadd 5.00
40 do Pip.. PO glob POW
•:!! Ideroccone. StroO,eacb teCo .
:0 selona Jdolotnea. bra 3,500 ,
2t, r1gg1'ai b AtZ ) ,,,%11...... 5 ....,:g
200 do Ladle.' co, -- YAM .
Vo !do 0300000 dintedes, steep. 13,001
TOOo do
1,000 . d o
BllverplatOd Ted epenae: $ l l !Gt. tOlO-4
. 10X0 do ! no Melt bearas,ol • 0.1100
OO • • do - Gold Pane. In velvet b.. et" 1.000
ti!VnlggiVll.lf. "^ 5O- 1=
1.403 do Gold lined Goblets Copt. ;OW
1,010 do Elledozadeel Knives, $l.OO each. 4.11%. •
Leta do rine Lady's POl/01, 5,0N0
0,000 do Gold reeere En Gond. V each:, :MG
And the balance: eonintialag handun• Zook..
!Bleb nteel Envarbors, and other Ankles In ad.
4111101 a to the stare. alneantlas to • .
$252,000-IHakteg 500,000 Gift,,
Or Present riven with every Concert Miele
Committee to be chosen by hetet hn erg
pt the lint Concert. viii pronohly distribute the
rerent, one to every Oct et Polder so the Om
ar,. sod their report will be lent LO Olageate
and °stet holdej• en soon uy varnished.
:ha beerier of the tinned Teekein heretofore
count`? . Cate mimes,. Raisins. all over the
now been rands., avid the thou
sands of ornate who. disappointed ih Other en-
able—at our principal oniors—to Obtain than, rear
be supplied saloon as they address
tinned, at no. 631 nrosetsray: new York. • Tick
ets will be sent promptly. bylnall, on Melee , of
price, and stamp for return peeing.
. . .
Any Witty procuring • Clab or ST... haw.
Rome. for ticky2s, sad m Italiana. the money for
then:W m.
b senda the hollowing comma.-
. .le wal
' /Pre llckep to ore, address Ur-- $1 00
Twenty " 27 do
" • • " •• 2d 2S
In erten... send the name of each subscriber
sntl their P. O. address„.rl2o Toon end Mete lu
full. Money by Oran, P.O. Order. Snores , : or
ItegPiered bettors, may be sent st one rl.k.
corenttutleattond stunald ed.drotoell to
1ff1tr11.09' 3 :(q 1, 1.11.114 iyattpi.}
65 & 67
FIFTH ST., Pittsburgh.
Dally,eoislanzaaats IotMITNIrI •atookil o •
Goods arrook all pasts alba ValSoll'lldOak lob*
Wholesale and Retail;
'Youraw'Boom ottome, MAITZNIAMA/.1
McBALS ADE sum's. . • -
01.0 VU . NoeDDIT.
itrisesauils., • , -
Ingrain, Bag and Liarcit-1
At Auction Priced ;
tanturs OID
It. E. ana tousle .
at Auctlos on IVERY
paaranolt, PALfIX & CO.;;
r onlmsrola BALE , " $ -05
IvOn, Livery,
Filth? riisA o P , is 4 lCiAir-ot
AgAll td , gl&
Ite,C h..• 11 " ---
e?" ' • • •
Ta7•77 ,-70
..... • aso.saxxoq.'),